HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1956 l:~ 1 REGULAR. NEETING OF CIIT CONHISSION JA:r.WARY 9, 1956 The City Cormnission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Nondc:;ty, January 9, 1956, with the following members present: Nayor :Morris, presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. Tue City Manager and City Atto~ey were also present. Commissioner Goff pronounced the Invocation. In compliance lV"i th Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of ~he city, bids received for furnishing liquid chlorine for the year 1956, were opened and the following results announced: Dixie Chemical Company Ton containers 150# cylinders $ .0565/1b. .1275/1b. 3.62/1001bs. 12. 75/1001bs. Diamqnd Alkali Company Ton containers 150# cylinders Motion by Commissioner Hamrnond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that a contract be awarded to Diamond Alkali Company 9n their lqw bid for furnishing liquid chlorine required for the year 1956. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff" Hammond and Reeve None Resolution No. 56-1 lias submitted to the Commission and lJead in full: ^ - IVIotion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that Resolution No. 56-1 directing the City T.reasurer to invest funds amounting to $6,900 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund for a period 'of six months, be passed and approved as read. - Voting Aye: Voting No: Jvlayor ~Iorris, C omrnissioners Galbraith, Goff, Harrnnond and Reeve None Resolution No. 56-2, was submitted to the Commission and read in full. Notion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Cornmissioner Galbraith, that Resolu- tion No. 56-2 directing the City Trea9u:rer to invest funds amounting to $30,000 from the Water-8ewer Fund, for a period of six months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hanlmond and Reeve None Resolution No. 56-3,lr1as submitted to the Commission and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Galbratth, seconded by COmIQissioner Reeve, that Resolu- tion No. 56-3 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to T~=~4"~-1~"T r-O~-~~"~-~~'~O' 11 132 $1,800.00 from the Health Fund, for a period of six months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Nayor Horris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Resolution No. 56-4 was submitted to the COIrilllission and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that Resolu- tion No. 56-4 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to ~nO,OOO from the General Fund, for a period of six months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: V"oting No: Hayor }1orris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Resolution No. 56-5 was submitted to the Commission and read in full. Motion by COTIlmissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that Resolution No. 56-5, directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $10,716.53 from the Charter Amendment Reserve-Sev1er Fund for a period of 12 months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Vot:ing No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff"Hammond and Reeve None The City Commission reviewed the action taken by the Zoning Board as set forth in their minutes of December 8, 1955, perta:ining to the request of Hr. Joseph Marquer, 2616 Amherst and Mr. Charles A. Le\'lis of 3019 Sunset. The Commission took note of the action taken by the Zoning Board and took no exception to the matters that were handled. The City Manager submitted a detail schedule show:ing automobile and truck equipment needed during the year 1955 and also explained that a 4 cu.yd. dump body should be replaced on one of the dump trucks. After discussing the advisability of purchasing vehicles at this date as compared to cost operating present equipment, it was determined it would be more economical to replace the present equipment and the follow:ing action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that bids be received until February 27, 7:30P.M. for purchase of automobiles to replace the following equipment: Police Department Fire Department Inspection Dept. Garbage Department 3 passenger automobiles 1 passenger automobile 1 ~assenger automobile 1 '2 Ton Pickup 1 2 Ton long wheelbase truck 1 2 Ton short wheel base truck 1 4 Cu.Yd. Dump body Street Department Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor 140rris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None I-o~;;=~=",,"''-=l=--'''r:--:-:-:___-::I.._---~---:~''-~'C~,,"'''''~''''-''=C=~''''.'''~~'''''-'-'-''';:...~']. --~---~-_.~ 1 ')9 J ,J ~~~- The City Manager submitted a request from Department Heads for replacement of radio equipment involving ~hree 60 W mobile units for the Police Department, one 60 W base station and one 600 mobile unit to be assigned to the Fire . Harshal. It was explained that this equipment will be used in conjunction with Civil Defense Training and rescue work as well as regular performance of duties and through a matching fund program set up by the Federal Government. through the State Ci,~ Defense Office, the city could receive a 50% reimburse- ment. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that four new 60 \Ill mobile units and one 60 1'1 base station be purchased and old equipment traded in and application be submitted to Civil Defense matching fund program for reLmbursement of 50% of the total cost and that bids be received at the earliest date. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve N o'ne }fayor MO:r;'ris advised that a letter had been received from Mr. vfarren Buttel- mann advising of his desire to resign as a member of the Finance Committee. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that the resig- nation of Mr. Warren Buttelmann as a member of the Finance Committee be accepted with regret. \ Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Ham.mond and Reeve None A letter was submitted by the Finance Committee signed by Mr. W. F. Ghiselin, recommending that Hr. O. o. Mitchell be appointed as a member of the Finance Commi ttee to fill Nr. ButtelmCl.nn' s unexpired term. [JIotion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that Hr. O. O. Mitchell be appointed as a member at the Finance Committee in accordance vlith the written recom.mendation of the Finance Committee. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Harris, Cormnissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Mayor Morris advised that an agreement wi t,.~ the present auditing finn, Phillips, Sheffield, Hopson and Lewis expired December 31, 1955, and arrangements should be made to employ a firm of Certified Public Accountants to perform the city's audit for the coming year. Services of the present firm was discussed and it being determined that it was customary to renew an agreement for a second year if services were satisfactory, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that that the auditing firm of Phillips, Sheffield, Hopson and Le\vis, Certified Public Accountantsbe engaged to perform an audit of the city's financiCl.l records -~-'-'~"~--"-'7:-=""","~--1.:'--'':',"-,'o=-'''r==:'~c~~~-'-----F''''-;='''';':''''c;.;,~",.:.;: .-,-c,_ """""'i"',- ----. 1')'- .,-) Ll: during the year 1956, based upon provisions of their letter agreement dated January" 14, 1955, for a fee of $1400 annually. Voting Aye: V"oting No: Mayor ~Iorris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The question of selecting an official newspaper to publish ordinances and legal notices as required by Section 15, Article XXVI, of the City Charter was discussed. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the Houston Chronicle and/or the Southwest Section of the Houston Chronicle, be selected a,s the official newspaper during the coming year. V oting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None vJith no further business to come before tqe Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. . ~/f.JJ;~ Mayor, City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: k'~ / AJ. .". LA'~-.~ ~ ~ity Secretar 1<~5 REGULAR HEETllW OF CITY COtvI?HSSION JANUARY 23~ 1956 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Nonday, January 23, 1956, 7:30 P.~I. with the following members present: :t-1ayor J:..10rris, presiding; Commissioner Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The City 11a.nager and City Attorney were also present. Resolution No. 56-6 was su.bmitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full. Notion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that Resolution No. 56-6 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $50,000 from the Tax Collector Fund for a period of 6 months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: }layor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Gof'f', Hammond and Reeve None A request was submitted from L. A. Patton, City Treasurer for authority to officially destroy, by burning, the follovling Warrants and Coupons: . 1945 -\iarrant No. 4,~.~',7,8 and 9 Coupons No. 7,8,9,~1,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 and 20 (No. 1,2,3 and 50f this issue are missing and No. 10 may be kept for pennanent record.) 1946 - Warrant No. 3,5,6,7,8 and 9 Coupons No. 6,7,8,10, 11, 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 and 21 (No. 1,2,and 4 are missing and No. 10 may be kept for permanent record.) .Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that City Treasurer L. A. Patton, be authorized to destroy, by burning, all cancelled warrants and coupons from the 1945 and 1946 series Sanitary SevIer System Time Warrants, as requested, and that witnesses be present at destruction. Voting Aye: V"oting No: Mayor Morris, COTIill1issioners Galbraith, Goff, Ha@uond and Reeve None As a result of previous discussion and action concerning a proposed increase i~1 the vrater rate, r-1ayor Norris presented a study and report of operations of the iiater sy-stem prepared by the Ci t-y Hanager, City Engineer and City Treasurer as requested by the City Co~~ission. The report contained a five year study of the city's income and expenditures, a record of customer consumption, cost of producing water per 1000 gallons and recomraendation for a five year capital improvement, program. It lIras stated that the CitiY could make improvements to its ivater system to meet requirements of the State Fire Insurance Commission and Engineers study provided an additional ~~50,ooo armually was made _ available. It w'as proposed to make the needed improvements t'o the water system on a pay-as-you-go qasis instead of issuing interest bearing revenue bonds. After studyi.ng "the report, the following action was takerl. J:-..~~:~~- _ _ _ . . .)) <.) C" _~.,)O Ordinance No. 699, captioned as fOllo"rs, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 699 . ., AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 636 AND A.NE:t-.1DING ORDINANCE NO. li44 SE'1TING THE SCHEDULE OF RATES TO BE CHARGED ,FOR "\PlATER DELIVERED 'IO USEBB BY THE CITY OF liEST UNIVERSITY PU..CE; DESIG... lUTING A RESIDENTIAL RATE AND A COl'TMERCIAI. RATE AND SETI'ING UP PROVISION FOR THE COLLECTION OF ALL DELINQUENT 1rJATER ACCOUN'IS A1IID THE FURNISHING OF SERVICE IN CONNEC TION T'dERl!':Ii>IITH BY PHOV"ID.- ING FOR THE ARRANGEI'1ENT OF DISCOUNT ON SUCH CHARGES AND ESTAB- LISHING AN ADDITIONAL CHA..ii.GE EQUAL 'ill 10% OF THE NET AMOUN:r OF EACH AND EVERY BILLHHERE SUCH BILL IS NOT PAID liVITHI~J TEN (10) DAYS FROH THE DA TE OF BILLING A1\ID FURTHER PROVIDING FOR A NIND1UM CHARGE TO BE EFFECTIVE Vffi.ERE FINAL DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE IS REQUESTED AND SERVICE IS TERMINATED. JVIotion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that Or- dinance 699, establishing a residential and comm~rcial water rate be passed and approved as corrected and read. Voting Aye: Voting No: ; Mayor Morris, Cormnissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None . The City Manager explaineciit was desireable to receive.bids at the earliest ~ossible date on radio equipment~hich had heretofore been approved by the City Commission and save the reinstallation charge by having the equipment on hand when new automotive equipment is delivered. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that bids be received until 7:30 P .M.February 13, 1956, for three 60 watt mobile units, one 30 watt mobile unit and one 60 watt remote control base station. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, COInnlissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None A request was received from the Harris County Flood Control District for a permanent easement of 36. Ft. from the present South fence line of the sewage disposal plant which borders on Brays Bayou. In vie'f of the fact that sufficient information had not been submitted by the Flood Control District, the City Commissiqntook no action. The City Manager advised that no desirable offer had been received for the 18x18 Ft. frame. building 10cateQ, on the Community Building grounds ~nd formerly used for Admirlistrative offices and that considerable amount of criticism had been received be,cause of the unsightly appearance of the building, and further stated that $100 to $15.0 could be obtained on salvage materials if the building is dismantled by city labor. 1_'__ 11.11 Mot.ion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Harr.rrnond that the City fiIanager be authorized to dismantle, with city labor, the 18x18 Ft. frwne building now located on the Community Building grounds and formerly used for housing administrative offices of the city and that a record be made of the destruction of the building and_placed on file. Voting Aye:. :Hayor 1'10rris, Commissioner Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. Voting No: None Mayor Morris presented a copy of a Resolution forwarded to him by Mayor Philpot of the Ci i:y of Galena Park which suggested that cities in Harris County pass a similar Resolution prohibiting the sale and shooting of fire- w"Orks in the corporate lLrnits and requesting the Judge and Commissioners Court to prohibit the sale and shooting of fireworks on any public road in Harris County. filotion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that the City A ttorney be instructed to prepare a Resolution prohibiting the sale of, and shooting of fireworks wit.hin the limits of the City of '{[est University Place and requesting the Commissioners Court of Harris County to pass a si~milar o~der. - Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor fiIorris, Commissioner Galbraith, Goff', Hammond a.TJ.d Reeve ~J one Hinutes of the meeting of January 9, 1956, were read and approved as corrected. 1tlith no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting waS adjourned. ~}/~~ Mayor, City of :;[est University Place, Texas A TrEST: I ./~ ~ '. ' ~. j I' 1 :)8 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMNISSION FEBRUARY 13, 1956 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall, Monday, 7:30 P.M. February 13, 1956, with the following members present: . Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Com- missioner Galbraith was absent :for reason of being out of the city on compa~ business. The Invocation was propounced by Commissioner Goff. In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for furnishing transmitting and receiving radio equipment were opened and results announced as follows: Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc. 3-6€Matt mobile units,$527.82 ea. 1-3Owatt mobile unit, $395.70 1-6owattRemote statioh $821.93 ' General Electric, Co. )-6Owatt mobile units, $499.87 ea. l-)0watt mobile unit,$384.75 l-6Owatt Remote station $666.6) R.O .A. Service 00. 3-6Ow~tt mobile units, $545.00 ea. l-3Owatt mobile unit,$45o.00 1-60wa:t:.t Remote station $825.00 Robert E. Franklin 3-6Owat.t mobile units" $516.00 ea. l-30watt mobile unit,$42Q:;OO l-6Owatt Remote station $560.00 Motion.by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that bids received for furnishing transmitting and receiving radio equipment be referred to City Manager and Chief of Police for tabulation and recom- mendation. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners - Goff, Hammond and Reeve. V otingNo: None Resolution No. 56-7 was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in .full. Motion by Comm. Reeve, seconded by Comm. Hammond that Resolution No. 56-7 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $20,000.00 from the Water-6ewer Fund for a period of six months in the University sta.te Bank be passed and approved as read. Votirig Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff" Hammond and Reeve. Voting No: None City Engineer A. R. Jackson submitted a detail of items to be relocated at the sewage disposal plant in order to grant an easement to the Harris County Flood. Control District for widening Brays Bayou which would en crouch upon the south line of the disposal plant property. Detail plans -~:~_~-.,'~--1:-o.a!,=~~~~ 139 and specifications for the constraction of a 4Ox80 Ft. sludge drying bed and relocation of gas burner and drip trap were also submitted. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the plans and specifications for construction of a 4ex8o Ft. sludge drying bed. and relocation of gas burner and. drip t.rap be approved. and the date for advertising be deferred until further information is received from the Harris County" Flood Control District concerning the minimum amount of land necessary for an easement in ~onnection vittI B,rays Bayou Flood Control improvement. Voting Aye:, Mayor MorriS, Conmissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve. Voting No: None Motion by Conmissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that the 1956 dues for membership in the Harris County Mayorls & Councilmen's Associa"tion in the amount. of $200 be approved and ordered paid., Vo"ting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve. Voting No: None ... Mayor Morris reported on action t*en by the Board of Trastees of the Leaglle of Texas Municipalities, of which -he is a member, while in session at Austin on Saturday, February 11, stating that requests had been re- ceivedfor expansion of the League services and it was the Board's decision that all of the member cities should vote on expansion of the services and method of financing, them. ' City Manager Whitt Johnson reported to the Commission concerning his con- ference ~in Austin on Febru.a.ry,8th, with Mr. George Hawley, Chief Engineer of the state Fire Insurance Commission concerning improvements to the City's water system and fire defenses which the State Fire Insurance had requested the city to make. '!he City Manager stat~d that Mr. Hawley had verbally agreed not to impose a higher key rate upon the c~ty if the five year water improvement program adopted by the City Commission is carried out. The City Manager advised the Commission that it was necessary to receive applications from -various banks to serve as the city's depository and he had requested the City Attom~y to prepare a Resolution concerning this matter. Resolution No. 56-8, as follows, was submitted to the City Commission by the City Atto_caY and. read in full: - , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CI'lY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, THAT: of.oJ.,......> ! SECTION 1. The Oity Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to give notice through publication in the Official Publication of the City of West Universi'ty Place, Texas, on February 22, 1956, and ' through letters directed to three banking institutions in Harris -, 140 County, Texas, that the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, will receive written applications for the custody of the City's funds from any banking corporation" assoc;ation or individual banker doing business in Harris County, Texas ,that may be desired to be selected as a depository of the City of West University Place, Texas. Such notice shall be published one (1) time and shall direct any baDkilig corporation, associe.tion or individual banker interested in being desig- nated as depository of the City to make its application with the City Manager on or before 4:00 o'clock P.M., Monday, March 12, 1956" at the City Hall, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston 5, Texas. Such applications shall state the terms B.nd conditions upon which such banking corporation, associe.t'ion or individual banker will handle the City's funds. SECTION 2. The City Commission reserves the right to reject any and all applications received. SECTION 3. The appl;i.cations received pursuant to the notice hereinabove prescribed shall be opened at the regular Council Meeting to be held at 7:30P.M. March 12, 19.56" and 'at such time the City Commission shall designate the official depository or depositories for the funds of the City of West University Place, Texas, in accordance with the terMS and provisions of applicable laws of the State of Texas, and provisions of the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas. .'I.otion by Commissioner H8lIIllond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Reso- lution No. .56-8 authorizing publication of Notice that applications will be received from banking institutions until 4:00 P.M. Monday, March 12, 19.56" for custody of the City's funds, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff" ~ond and. Reeve. Voting No: None . Resolution N@.56-9 as follows, was submitted to the Commission for con- siderationand read in full: RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, 'lEX!S, ON SELLING AND SHOOTING FIREWORKS WITHIN THE CI'lY Lm:tTS OF SAID CITY JJIDURGING ALL CITIES WI'lHIN HARRIS COUNTY' AND THE COMMISSIONERS COURT TO ASSIST IN ABATING THE SELLJNG AND SHOOTING OF FIREWORKS WITHIN THE CITIES ANDlJPON COUNtt RIGHT- OP-liJ'AYS IN HARRIS. COUNTY, TEXAS. Whereas, on the 13th day of February, 19.56, the CitYcCommission of the City of West University Place, Texas, after having heard. complaints of numerous violati0IlS of City Ordinances and State laws of citizens buyirig and Sh00ting fireworks and having received complaints of citizens being seriously injured as a result of fireworks going off near them; and Whereas" the City ~f West University Place feels that it would be to the mutual advantage of all citizens within the surrounding areas to abate such acti.vities; - T";~~,'"~~~- r~'"~'''~'''T~-''~'~''~r" \ JJ:. 1 !~d . .-'"'.-. .~,,- Nffiol, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMNISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI'l'I PLACE, TEXAS, AS FOLLOWS: That the Ordinances of the City of West Universi tyP1ace against the selling and shooting of fireworks within the city limits of the City be strictlyen:forced;and That the other cities in Harris County be urged to strictly en- force their fireworks ordinances if they have such, and if they do not, that they be urged to pass ordinances prohibiting the sale and shooting of fireworks within the city limits; and ' , That the COlmty Judge and the County Commissioners are urged to prohibit the sale and sh09ting of fireworks on any public readway or right-of-way within the county; and That a copy of this resolution be sent to all of the May:ors, the City Secretary-a, the Coun'by Judge and the, C~ty Commission~rs in Harris County, Texas. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, secondep by Commissioner Haimnond, that the Resolution on selling and shooting of fireworks within the city limits of the City be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None The City Manager presented a letter from Mr. M. X. Hobbs, 3812 Rice Blvd. dated January 29, 1956, submitting a bid of $300 for the 2Ox52 Ft. metal clad building which is temporarily located on the Community Building grounds and formerly used to house fire truck equipment while the City Hal-l was temporarily located at the Connnunity Building. Motion by Commissioner Hammoncj., seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Mr. M. X. Hobb's bid of $300 for the 2Ox52 Ft. building presently located on the Community Building grounds be rejected for reason that the structure is worth c,onsiderable in excess of the offer and that there is a possibility the city might have neefll for the building in the future. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None A .petition signed by 19 residents .of the 4100 block Jiarlowe Street request- ing that the street remain as a dead-end street and not opened to through traffic when the county completes its proposed widening of Richmond Road was submitted to the Commission. After reviewing the petition, the City Commission instructed the City Manager to advise the residents of 4100 Block Marlowe that the City had no desire or intention of qpening the 4100 Block Marlowe onto Richmond Road and would request the County Engineer to eliminate the opening of this street at the time Richmond Road is widened. '-~--r'-"---'---r---'---I--~-~;r --.-------,-,---------- ----. - -----,", ir--- -----Iy- ;; /1 ,) l~:r~ Minutes .of the meeting of January 23, 1956, were read and approved as cor- rected. With no further business to came before the Commission at tnis time, upon motian duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. The City COI!'lJllission convened in recessed session at the City Hall, Monday, February 20, 1956, 7:30 P.M. with the fallowing members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hannnond and Reeve. The City A,ttorney and City Manager were also present. The following members of the Zoning Board: Messrs. Roy Maley, Chas. Wilsan, A. G. Davis, David Hannah, M. C. Halbert, were present to discuss an appli- catian submitted by the Triangle Refineries to expand their building onto the 20 Ft. restricted area at the west property line and the applicati.on .of Messrs. R. R. Vest, E. J. Christi8n and George Starkey far permission to construct an .office building on Lots 1-8, Block 2, Monticello Addition, being vacant property fronting B:i:ssonnet Street between Wake;Cores1i and Belmont S1ireet. The requests .of the applicants were discussed at length but no action taken by either body. The City Commissi.on discussed the desirability of improving its p.ositi.on with respedt to the acquisition of a larger and more desirably located tract .of land for use as a permanent l.ocatianfor a garbage refuse dis- posal site and took the following action to initiate such program. , Ordinance No. 700, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commissian for consideration and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 700 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CI'lY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, 'ID EXECUTE THE NECESSARY INSTRUMENTS IN '!HE NAME OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS, 'IO CONSUMMATE THE SALE OF! CERTAIN 'IRA.CT OF LAND SITUATED IN HARRIS COUN'lY, TEXAS, NOW BEING UTILIZED BY SAID CITY AS A GARBAGE DISPOSAL SITE; DESCRIBING SAIP PROBERTY SPECIFICALLY AND SETTING FORTH CERTAIN PROVISIONS UPON wllICH SAID SALE SHALL BE HADE. M.otion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that Ordinance No. 700, authorizing the sale of the present garbage disposal site, containing 19.119 acres of land, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Gaff, Hammbnd & Reeve Voting No: None Ordinance Na. 701, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission for consideratian and read in full: .. --~-'1"" '.."~'~"'T~'-.'''l[~~'__n'_--r'r- --='rol - i 14-3; ORD1NANCli: NO_ 701 AN ORDINANCE FINDING THE NECESSITY FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE PURCIU\SE OF A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND SI'lUATED IN HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, TO BE USED AS A GARBAGE DISPOSAL SITE FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF SAID PROPERTY FOR A CONSIDERATION WHICH SHALL BE PARTU IN CASH AND THE BALANCE OF SUCH CONSIDERATION BEING EVIDENCED BY THE EXE... CUTION OF mREE. NOTES; AUmORIZING THE MAYOR OF SAID CITY ON I'IS BEHALF, 'ID EXECUTE SAID NOTES AND A DEED OF TRUST SECURING THE PAYMENT OF SAID NOTES; AND PROVIDING THIS ORDINANCE TAKE EFF'EC T AND BE IN FORCE D1MEDIA TELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL., Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Conunissioner Goff, that Ordinance No. 701, authorizing the purchase of Lot No.4, Ruby's subdivision of Sect.ion 5, Block 10, to be used as a garbage disposal site for the city, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None' With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. A'l'l'EST: ) :}2 . / .~. > ~.,,'~ C:l.ty ecretary - "'C"-'!'~"'''''1'---r''' .,.-.,.". ,... '1"1 ,r n.. 1- ~~ ?/'$~ Mayor,- City of West University Place Texas 144 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 27, 1956 The City Commission convened in Regular Session at the City Hall on Monday, February 27, 1956, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Reeve. In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official news- paper of the City, bids received from the following firms for automotiv:e and truck units, were opened and results announced, Ivy Russell Motor Company Jack Roach Earl McMillian, Inc. Bill Bugas, Inc. Jimmie Green Chevrolet Co. RiChardson Chevrolet Co. Downtown Chevrolet Company International Harvester General Truck Sales South Texas Truck Equipment Co. Irvin Nelis & Associates Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that all bids received be referred to the City Manager for study and recommendation. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond & Reeve Voting No: None City Manager Whitt Johnson advised the Commission that information received from Mr. Conrad S. Hinshaw,. Engineer for the Harris County Flood Control District was in error, and Nr.Howard Jensen, Chief Engineer of the Harris County Flood Control District, had agreed to an easement starting 10 feet from the south line of the present sludge digesters, and that the Ct ty would be permitted to plant trees and shrubs wi thin the easement dedicated to the Flood Control District. City Attorney Charles Cockrell submitted an agree- ment between the Harris County Flood Control District and the City of West University Place for relocation and reconstruction of certain improvements on the sewage disposal grounds and a deed conve,ying a perpetual easement and Right-of-way and a Re$olution authorizing and directing the Mayor to execute the easement agreement on behalf of the city. Motion by Commissioner Hawmond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the following instruments be approved and passed to complete conveyance to the Harris County Flood Control District 'a tract of land along the south boundary of the city's disposal ground site involving 1.691 acres of land: 1. An agreement between the Harris County flood Control District and City of West University Place for relocation and cons.truction . of improvements along Brays Bayou. 2. Resolution No. 56-10 authorizing and directing the Mayor of the City of West University Place to enter into and execute an Easement T~"-~'-r'" '~'TC"-"'"1f"""---r . ,.,.---------:J- 14.5 and agreement on behalf of the City and Harris County Flood Control District. for purpose of' deepening, widening and straightening Brays Bayou. 3. A deed conveying in perpetuity, 1.691 acres of land to be used by the Harris County Flood Control as an easement and R.O.inT. for drainage and flood control of Brays Bayou. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None Resolution No. 56-10 follows: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THENAYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI TY PLACE, TEXAS TO ENTER IN'ID AND: EXECUTE AN EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT ON BEHJ..LF OF SAID CITY TO THE HARRIS COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DIS1RICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEEPENING, WIDENING AND SJRAIGHTENING BRAYS BAYOU. WHEREAS, Harris County Flood Control District has heretofore requested that the City of West University Place grant the district a perpetual easement and right-of-way over and across a portion of the property on which the city's sewerage disposal plant is located; and - WHEREAS, it has been determined that certain improvements now situate upon the property must be relocated and the district has agreed to pay fOT the actual cost of such relocation to the maximum sum ofND"""'E THOUSAND ($9,000.00) DOLLARS, NOW, THEREFORE ~ BE IT F.ESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF . WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. Tha:t the Mayor of the City of West University Place be and he is hereby authorized to enter into and exepute an easement for and on behalf of the City of West University Place in favor of the Hartis County Flood Control District in accordance with the tel;ms and pro- visions of the instrument attached hereto marked Exhibit A and made a. part of this Reso+ution. 2. That the Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas be and he is hereby authorized to enter into and execute an agreement between the Harris County Flood Control District and the City of West University Place, Texas, for relocation and reconstruction of improvements along Brays Bayou in accordance with the 1;erms and provisions of the instrument attached hereto marked Exhibi t B and made a part of this Resolution. It was tben determined adviSable to complete the city's portion of a plan to ;remove and relocate a 40 x 80 Foot sludge drying bed and a gas burIl..er and drip trap which would be within the R.O.W. deeded to the Flood Control District. r- - T~=~~~-'- r"""._'--=~'~~'~=~~'" 1,/i6 ,;--- .!. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that bids be received until March 19, 1956, for relocation of a 4Ox80 ft. sludge drying bed, gas burner and drip trap in accordance with plans< and speci- fications prepared by City Engineer A. R. Jackson and approved by the City Commission on February 13, 1956. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris" Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None In accordance with action taken by the City Commission on February 13, 1956, the City Manager and Chief of Police submitted a tabulation of bids re- ceived for delivery of radio equipment and recommended that the bid of Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc., be accepted. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the Motorola Comunications and E1ectronics, Inc., be awarded a contract for delivery of three 60 watt Mobile Units at $527.82, one 30 watt Mobile units at $395.70, and one 60 watt Base Station at $631 (without cabinet), on their total bid price of $2,610.16. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Minutes of the meetings of February 13 and 20 were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. - - - - - - - - - - - 'Ihe City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall, Monday, March 5, 1956, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Mor:d:is presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The, City Manager also was present. City Attorney Charles Cockrell was absent. Mayor Morris advised the Commission that City Attorney Charles Cockrell had requested a temporary leave of absence to accept an assignment ~ihich would require his being out of the City for a 4 to 6 weeks period, and that Mr. Cockrell had recommended Mr. Charles Robinson, 5314 Mercer, be appointed to handle the duties of the City Attorney during his absence. r10tion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that City Attorney Charles Cockrell be granted a temporary leave of absence without compensation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor }Jlorris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Mr. Charles Robinson appeared before the City Commission for an interview. It was the decision of the Commission that Mr. Robinson be invited to attend the Corporation Court and a meeting of the City Commission, and further consideration then be given his appointment as Assistant City Attorney. In the meanwhile !1ayor Morris was requested to contact Mr. Charles S. Taylor, Jr., fonner City Attorney, and invite him to assume 1.1,'7'," .Jt[. ;'. Court duties and duties of City Attorney until such time as a decision has been reached concerning Mr. Robinson's appointment. The City Manager submitted a tabulation of bids received on February 27, for delivery of truck and automotive equipment with the following recommen- dation: ., . Unit No. 1. Jimmy Green Chev. Co. 8 cyl. Auto. Trans. $1,669.45 It 2 Earl McMillian, Inc. It n II 597.09 It 3 Earl McMillian, Inc. ft It n 632.09 It 4, Jimmy Green Chev. Co. n n II 1,057.85 It 5 Ivy Russell Motor Co. It n II 1,423.76 It 6 Ivy Russell Motor Co. II Std. Shift 1,305.20 " 7 . Ivy Russell Motor Co. It " II 2,003.66 " 8 Ivy Russell Motor Co. n It It 1,688.18 Dump Body South Texas Truck Equip Co... 638.60 Motion by Connnissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that .the recommendation of the City Manager for delivery of automobiles and trucks and one dump body be accepted, with exception of Units 1 and 4, and decision be deferred on these units until next meeting of the City Commission. Voting Aye: Voting No: l'Iayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The City Corllmission discussed the details of transfer of title of the present 19.119 Acre Garbage Disposal Tract and the purchase of an additional 75 Acre tract and instructed the City Mane.ger to' request the American Title Company to furnish a Guarantee Tit.le Policy to the prospective purchaser of the 19.119 Acre Tract and instructed the City Attorney to proceed with preparation of all legal instruments necessary to complete the two t.ransactions. Wi th no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~~~ Mayor, City of ~Iest University Place, Texas ATTEST: 'fk ~k' ''e' ~,~ -~ Ci ty SecretaI'Y.; , / / ./ .,r r'~~~~~"~=F""-~~:il[--' _ r....~'.,.=..~=..... "T. ___~............J.l--- l'4Q _': OJ REGULAR }1EETING OF CITY CONHISSION MARQH 12, 1956 The City Commission convened in regularsession'at the City Hall on Monday, March 12, 1956, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: l-layor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The City Manager~ Assistant City Attorney Charles S. Taylor" Jr., and Attorney Charles B.Robinson were also present. Commissioner Galbraith pronounced the invocation. In<accordance with Resolution 56..$,^dated February 13, 1956, applications received from banks to serve as depositories for fUnds of the City were opened and the following results announced: An' application from the City National Bank, dated February 28, stated their desire to handle the City's bank accounts on the same basis as'heretofore handled and a letter from the University State Bank dated February 28, , presented their application as depository to handle the city's bank accounts and the conditions on which they will pay interest on time deposits. Hotion'byCommissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the application of the City National Bank as a depository to handle the City's bank accounts be accepted and that the City National Bank be designated as a depOSitory to handle Tax Revenue Sinking Fund and the Sewer Sinking Fund accounts and the application of the University State Bank to serve as a depository be accepted. and that they be designated to handle all working accounts, special accounts and all others not designated to be handled by the City National Bank. 'Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond & Reeve None A letter was submitted to the Commission signed by E. C. 'lflegner for the Executive Committee of the Harris County Democratic Party requesting use of the City'Hall as a polling Place for Precinct No. 133 and the Community Building as a polling place for Precinct No. 183 for the two democratic primaries to be held July 28 and Aug. 25, 1956. There appearing to be no conflict in the dates requested by the Executive Committee of the Harris County Democratic Party, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that the Harris County Democratic Party be permitted to use the City Hall as a polling place for Precinct No. 133 and t..l1e Community Building as a polling place for Precinct No. 183, for the Democratic election of July 28 and August 25. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond & Reeve None City 1-1anager ~Jhitt Johnson stated that Representatives of the University of Houston Frontier Fiesta had requested permission to hang a banner across one of the principle streets for the purpose of advertising their cQllege ShOlV April 6 to 21 inclusive. -~T-'9'~~~iir'- r--'-' _._-.~<~:'~O'-~.."'-O.="-...---'i"l .------r'. 149 Resolution 56-11 was introduced and read in full: BE IT RESOLVED by. the City Commission 01' the City 01' "\rlest University Place, Texas, that the Houston Frontier Fiesta Association shall be and it is hereby authorized to hang a six by forty five food adver- tising banner within the City of \'Jest University Place during the period from April 6 to and including April 21, 1956, subject nonethe- less to the follmiing conditions: 1. Such banner shall be hung at such location within tile city as may be previously authorized by the City l>1anager. 2. The banner will be hung no earlier than April 6, 1956, and will be removed no later than April 23, 1956. 3. The authorization hereby granted shall be effective only from and after the date the Houston Frontier Fiesta Association shall ac- cept the full responsibility with reference to any damage that may be caused to the city's property and the property of any person firm or corporation by the execution and delivery to the City by the Associa-- tion of a copy of this Resolution. 4. The Houston Frontier Fiesta Association, by execution of a copy of this Resolution, agrees to protect and to forever hold harmless the City of 'West University Place from any and all claims of whatso- ever nature for any damages that may hereafter be presented to it of the city because of occurrences arising, directly or indirectly, from the hanging, presence of, damage, destruction, repair, main- tenance or removal of said banner. Hotion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that Reso- lution ,6-11 authorizing the Houston Frontier Fiesta Association of the Uni- versity of Houston to erect a banner across one of the principle streets be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Norris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None A recommendation from Chief of Police Harold E. Shipp that ltSTOpU signs be erected on Sewanee, Westchester and Rutgers Street atPittsburg and on Stella Link at WeslayanRoad was submitted for the Commission's consideration. Hotion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the recom- mendation of Chief of Police Harold E. Shipp be accepted and ItS lOP" signs be erected on Sewanee, Westchester and Rutgers Street at Pittshurg, and on Stella Link Road at Wes1ayan. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, GOff, Hammond and Reeve None Hinutes of the Zoning Board meeting of Harch 8 l1Tere submitted to the Commission for consideration. Recognition .was taken of a request submitted by f.'Ir. N. E. Zachariah, 3619 Robinhood, for permission to .build a 25 x 20 ~lest cottage behind the garage . :-~~_~:~.'F-'~L___~__~=>=F=<<=~~'~ 150 on his 100 x 150 Ft. lot, but the City Commission took no action inasmuch as no formal action was taken by the Zoning B08xd. Motion Qy Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the request of Mr. J. A. l'1arquer, 2616 Amherst to add a 16 x 32 Ft. extension to the east side of the present house now situated on Lots 1 and 3 and to become an integral part of the dwelling, be approved as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting :No: Hayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Chief of Police Harold E . Shipp appeared before the Commis s ion and submitted a personal recol11Jnendation concerning the purchase of automobile Unit No.1 for the Police Department to be assigned to his use. It was the recommen- dation of the Chief of Police that the bid of Jimmie Green Chevrolet Company on an 8 cylinder Chevrolet with automatic transmission and radio for a net difference of $1,669.45 be accepted instead of the bid submitted by Ivy Russell Motor Company .on a similar equipped 1956 Ford amounting to a net difference of $1,555.93. Chief Shipp stated that in his opinion the Chevro- let could be operated more economically than the:B'ord and it would be to the city's advantage to purchase the 1956 Chevrolet. Hotion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that the proposal submitted by the Jimmie Green Chevrolet Company for delivery of a 1956 8 cylinder Chevrolet with automatic transmission and radio for use by the Chief of Police as Unii No. 1 amounting to a net difference of $1,669.45 be approved and that the propos~l of Jimmie Green Chevrolet Company for delivery of Unit No.4 to the Fire Department for use by the Fire Harsha1 for the net difference of $1,057.85 be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Norris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reev'e None In authorizing this action, the Connnission made it clear that it was ex- ceedingly reluctant to purchase this equipment from other than the low bidder and tl1at action in this case l-TaS not in any wat to be construed as a precedent for further purchases of this type equipment. vJhi1e the Commission has from time to time recognized the advisability of purchasing equipment from other than the low bidder, for good and valid reasons, it will expect to receive substantiating cost figures to justify any future recommendation. Personal preference will not normally be considered a good and valid reason. Mayor Morris -read an annual finance statement submitted by the Houston Lighting & Power Company in accordance with state statutes. ~1ayor Horris announced that all of the conditions concerning the sale of the present garbage disposal grounds consisting of 19.1~9 acres of the Isaac Wade survey to Robert Vernon King and the purchase from Walter G. Kingelin of 75 acres, being Lot 4 of Ruby's subdivision to be used as a future garbage disposal site had been agreed upon and that the City I L~_ -~ -r .~ " r..=~'""'='''..='=.~-='~'"'' -. ---1. """}. ______._--.....A _m_ -r- -<l r'll J ~)t A ttomey had prepared all of the legal instruments and that Charles S. 'l'aylor, Jr., Assistant City Attorney, and Attorney Harold Thurow, Partner of City Attorney Charles S. Cockrell, had approved and passed on the legal instruments including the General Warranty deeds, the tvlO deeds of trust and the Abstract and Title of Lot 4, Ruby's subdivision and it was his opinion that the two transactions could now be consummated. Assistant City Attorney Charles Taylor, Jr., was requested to submit the necessary ordinances to complete the transactions; wherewith Mr. Taylor presented and e~lained the following Ordinances for consideration: Ordinance No. 702, captioned as fo1lmls, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING THE NECESSITY FOR MID CREATING A NEW FUND TO BE KNO\,jN AS THE GARBAGE AND REFUSE DISPOSAL SITES SPECIAL FUND Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Ordinance No. 702, finding the necessity for and creating a new fund to be known as the Garbage and Refuse Disposal Sites Special Fund be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: J.vlayor Norris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, HamlTlond and Reeve None Ordinance No. 703, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING THE NECF.5SITY FOR .AND AUTHORIZnm THE BORR01nTING OF $36,000.00 FR(]'1 THE UNIVERSITY STATE BAliK OF HOUS TON, SUCH SUN TO BE USED TN THE PURCH-ASEOF A GARBAGE DISPOSAL SITE FOR THE CITY OF vJEST UNIVERSI'IY PLACE, AUTHOR- IZllfG THE r-U,-YOR OF SAID CITY ON ITS BEHALF 'ill EXECUTE SAID NOTES A}ID DESCRIBING THE PROVISIONS RELATING TOTHEMA~lJER AND Tll4E OF REPAnlENT OF THE BORRO\VED SUM. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that Ordinance No. 703, finding the necessity for and authorizing the borrowing of $36,000.00 from the University State Bank of Houston, such sum to be used in the purchase of a garbage disposal site for the city be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: J.1ayor Iv1orris, Commissioners Galbrait..~, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Ordinance No. 704, captio~ed as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING THE NECESSITY FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FRON THE SANITARY SEHER CAPITAL DiPROVENENT FfJI\ilJ) 'IO THE GARBAGE AND REFUSE DISPOSAL SITES SPECIAL FUND, SUCH FUNDS SO TRANSFERRED TO BE USED IN PURCHASING A NEVf GARBAGE DISPOSAL SITE FOR THE CITY OF "lEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. ~-~- r"'=~"T-~"O"~r~~'~~ ~~~-~"co "."""---.'["'--- .__ ~~_-:::::ll -. - .~ K ') lL G.._J1.M Notion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Cormnissioner Ha,,"l1Ill.ond, that Ordinance No. 704, authorizing the transfer of funds from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund to the Garbage and Refuse Disposal Sites Special Fund be passed and approved as read. V oting .Aye: Voting No: J:.1ayor Norris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Nr. Taylor explained that it was necessary to amend Ordinance No. 700 in order to set forth a revised and amended description of the 19.119 Acres as the purchase~, Robert Vernon King, desired to omit three small tracts of land from the V"endor's lien in order that he could construct a sewage disposal plant and water well on the property and thereby release the three tracts from the $50,000 Vendor's lien to be executed by Robert Vernon King in fa.vor of the city. Ordinance No. 705, captioned as fol101iis, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE MIENDING OF.DINAJ:TCE NO. 700 AUTHORIZING THE IViAYOR OF THE CITY OF 1rJEST UNIVEFBITY PU\.CE, 'IEXAS, TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY INSTRUlYIENTS IN THE NAr:!E OF THE CITY OF v.1EST UNIVER- SITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO CONSUl'iITv1A.TE THE SALE OF A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN F..ARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, NotN BEING UTILIZED BY SAID CITY AS A GARBAGE DISPOSAL SITE; DESCRIBING THE EXACT CONDITIONS OF SALE AND THE RE'IENTION OF A VENDOR'S LIEN ON TRACT AS PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN EXCEPT FOR THE THREE TRAC'IS ALSO PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Or- dinance No. 705, describing the land to be sold and authorizing the Nayor to execute the necessary instruments to consummate the sale of the city's present garbage disposal site be passed and approved as read. Voting .Aye: 1'1ayor J:.lorris, Commissioners, Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Mayor Morris be authorized to complete the transaction for purchase of 75 Acres of land from v'I. G. and Barbara Kinge1in described as follows: Lot No.4 of Ruby's subdivision of Sec-tion No.5, Block No. 10, located by Certifi- cate No. 5/253 H.T. & B. Ry. Company Survey Patent No. 29, Vol. 12, patented to A. T. Morse, Assignee; the purchase to be made by payment of $75,000.00 in cash and the execution of a note in the amount of $50,000.00 payable in three annual instal~~ents of $16,666.66 without interest; the first payment to be on or before I~iarch 20, 1957, and like payment on or before.March 20, 1958, and 1959, and the acceptance of a General Warranty , Deed in addition to the base and supplementary abstract heretofore approved by written title opinion from City Attorney Charles Cockrell. Voting Aye: Voting No: l'1ayor l'1orris, Commissioners, Galbraith, Goff, Hannnond and Reeve None )",""".~.. ,.,-" ~~! -''''''--j[' - ,..-----T',T .~.....T ,....-.--- T,---- ----rn. 1 'I 1.5,j' With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried~ the meeting was recessed. The City COF~ission convened in recessed session at the City Hall, Monday, Narch 19,1956,7:30 P.l'!. with the following members present: Jvlayor Pro tem Goff, presiding; Comlllissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve. The City Manager and Attorney Charles Robinson were also present. Mayor Morris and the City Attorney were absent for business reasons. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Hammond. In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for construction of a sludge drying bed, removal and relocation of waste gas burner and foundation at the city's sewage dispo- sal plant were opened and results annormced as follows: Brown & Root, Inc. Ramey Contracting Company, Inc. L. C. Sauer Russ Mitchell, Inc. Clester Frederick Contracting Co. $6,799.15 4,880.85 6,977.80 6,487.85 7,064.00 Notion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that bids be referred to the City lIfanager and City Engineer for tabulation and recommenda- tion. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor ProteIJl Goff',. Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None Resolution No. 56-12 was submitted to the Comrriissio:p. and read in full. JYIotion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Cormnissioner Galbraith, that Resolution No. 56-12 authorizing and directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $20,000 from the VJater-Sewer Fund, for a period of six months be passed and approved as read. Voting kye: Voting No: Ylayor Pro tem Goff, Commissioners Galbraith, Ha..'llIl1ond and Reeve None Ninutes of a special meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board held on 1'1arch 17, 19.56, V1ere submitted for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by COIDnlissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith tl1at the request of !llrs. R. N. Pratt, 6010 Lake, for permission to construct an addition to her present house located on Lot 6, Block 4, Virginia Court, ex- tending the kitchen 10 feet to the rear of the lot which will line up with the existing side-wall of the house which is 19 inches from the property line, be approved as recorrrmended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tem Goff, Cornrnissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None 1- ----.-.. rT---~'-T~=-~-l~~--J!'-~---r-' "'--'-''11 ----;r . II 154. Motion by COTmnissioner Galbraith, seconded by Conunissioner Hammond, that the requast of Mrs. O. P. Gill, 3524 Amherst, for permission to remove his garage northward approximately 9 Ft. along the existing side-line of the present building to permit addition of anew section to the house between the present house and the proposed location of the garage which will result in a 6 Ft. setback from the side property line for both house and garage, be approved as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Protem Goff, Commissioners Galbraith, HaJl1.Inond and Reeve None It was the opinion qf Attorney Charles Robinson that the request submitted by Nrs. R. H. Pratt and Ml". O. P. Gill did not necessitate a public hearing inasmuch as their requests pepresent no extension into the setback lines beyond the present location of existing buildings. The City Conullission considered an addendum to the Zoning Board's minutes of March 8, 1956, with respect to a request submitted by Triangle Refineries. l'1otion by Commiqsioner Hanunond, Eieconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the recommendation qf the Zoning Board that the application suqmi~ted by Triangle Refineries to e4tend their building West 20 Ft. into the restricted area be denied in accorqance with the ~our reasons and explanation as set forth by the Zoning Board on the date of l"larch 8. Voting Aye: Voting No: Nayor Pro tern Goff, Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None v-JIth no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motIon duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~ ~2t.~ Hayor, City of ~iest University Place, Texas ATTEST: ~_.~-) ~ 1-'-'''''''''=-'-'7'-~'L_--'''-'' -CO~~~:~"'--'.---~"-:'_'-'_7.._,.,__.=,",,'-'.~=~_=-__.___-__._'-;-::'r--~----- -~-- 155 REGULAR 1<1EETING OF CITY CQf'll'HSSION HAE.C~ 26, 1956 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Honday, Harch 26, 1956, 7:30 P .1'1. with the following members present: IVJ:ayor ~10rris, presiding, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The City Hanager, City Attorney and Attorney Charles Robinson were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by rmyor Morris. A letter signed by the City Nanager and City Engineer presenting a recom- mendation and tabulation of bids received March 19, for construction of a 40 x 80 Ft. sludge drying bed, removal and relocation of waste gas burner and foundation was submitt~d to the City Commission for consideration. Notion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that the Ramey Contracting Company, Inc., be awarded a contract for construction of a 4Ox80 Ft. sludge drying bed, and appurtenances, on their low bid of $4,880.85 in aGcordance with the recoIl'Jnendation of City Manager and City Engineer, and that Mayor Edwin W. Morris be authorized to enter into a contractural agree- ment with the Rainey' Contracting Co., Inc., for construction of the said project. Voting Aye: V oting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond .and Reeve None Resolution No. 56-13, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full. Notion by Cormnissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that Resolution No. 56-13 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $4,850.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, for a period of 6 months be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: 1vIayor 1'1orris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None City Engineer A. R. Jackson, submitted detail plans and specifications for construction of a 1.5 million gallon ground storage water reservoir and a 400,000 gallon ground storage water reservoir to replace an existing 220,000 gallon reservoir. In reviewing the plans and specifications, I>'Iayor lVIorris stated that these two projectsW9re in accordance with previous discussions of the City Cormnission for irn-provements to t4eWater system and conformed to the 5 year improvement program heretofore adopted.'" An estimated cost pre- sented by the City Nanager rev~aled that the cost of the new 1.5 million gallon ground storage water reservoir '-Tould be approximately $70,000 and the cost of constructing a 400,000 reservoir to.replacea.220,000 one would be approximately $18,000 and that 100,000 in cash "rets nm.;r available for this construction. i b~ 'T.....:.:- _L~______J~___--....L..:Jft. _ ___[I.. ~ -1I - ~--'--r-- rr 156 The question of the location or the 1.5 million gallon reservoir arose and after considering two alternate locations it was the decision of the Com- mission that' it would be more advantageous to the city and adjacent property owners if new liater facilities are located on the south side of Hilton Street along with other facilities now existing. Motion by Comm. Reeve, seconded by Comm. Goff, that the plans and specifica- tions for construction of a 1.5 million gallon reservoir as prepared by City Engineer A. R. Jackson be approved and accepted and that the reservoir be located on Lots 6 and 7 in Block 18, Collegeview 3rd Addition, being on the south side of Milton Street in the 3800 block. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, COmniissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that plans and specifications prepared by Ci~ Engineer A.<R. Jackson for con- struction of the 400,000 gallon-ground storage water reservoir to replace an existing 220,000 gallon reservoir which is presently on Lots 1 & 2, Block 18, Collegeview 3rd Addition, be approved and accepted and that plans and specifications include an alternate item for utilizing the steel in the present reservoir. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor fiIorris, Commissioners Galbraith, GOff, Hammond. and Reeve None Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the City l1anager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received' fdr construction of these two reservoirs on the date of April 30, 1956. Voting Aye: Voting No: }1ayor r-10rris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None A discussion l'ras held concerning preliminary arrangements for opening of the swimming pool and the following action l-vas taken: Hotion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that the following admission rates. be charged for the coming season and that the City Manager be authorized to employ the necessary personnel and make arrangements for opening the swimming pool: General Admission 25tt for children 15 years of age and under, 50~ for allover 15 years of age; Season tickets for one adult or child $10.00; for family oftvl0 partici- pating members $14.00, for family of three participating members $16.00, and for family of four or more participating members $18.00. Voting Aye: Voting No: Iv1ayor 1-1orris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None r I IfiT A letter dated Narch 14, 1956, from :!vIr. Gus H. Comiskey, Chairman of the Insurance Committee was 9ub~itted to the Corillllission, recorr~ending that the City's fire and lightning insurance coverage be written on a blanket coverage form instead of a schedule form, which would provide full insurance to value on all buildings, a debris removal clause and an automatic clause on any new building or contents. The additional premium would amount to $177.46 for a 3 year policy. Notion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Harmnond, that the recommendation of the Insurance Committee with respect to the issuance of a blanket coverage policy on $264,220 of Fire and Lightning Insurance on city property be written on a blanket policy instead of a schedule policy for an additional premium of approximately $177.46 for a three year period. V"oting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commis!;lioners Galbraith, Goff; Hammond and Reeve None The Commission discussed the advisability o~ conducting a recreational program and decided that the need for the sa.metype of program as conducted last year did not exist ~or reason that the new Southwest Y.M.C.A. facili- ties would adequately care for recreation needs of the children of the city,. however, it was determined advisable to contact the Y.W.C.A. to determine if arrangements could be made to conduct an indoor program at the Community Building and other activities on the school grounds as would be justified. Minutes of the meetings of March 12 and March 19, were read and approved as corrected. -VJith no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. - - - - - - - - - - The Ci~ Conwission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, April 2, 1956, 7:)0 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The City l''lanager and City Attorney ~Iere also present. Conwissioner Galbraith was absent on business. Among other things, the City Commission met for the purpose of discussing with the Chief of Police, H. E. Shipp, a salary and l-wrking schedule for the Police Department. After thorQughly discussing this matter it was decided that a study should be made to deterrnine if the present wage scale and working schedule was cornmensurate with those of the other city's in Harris County. The City Manager stated that in accordance with his instructions, efforts had been made to rent the house on the 75 Acres rece!ltly purchased from vi. G. Kinge1in and one of the city's employees, Richard :N. Farris was interested in renting the house. City Attorney Charles Cockrell presented a lease agreement which was read in full. r:-Q 100 Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the hou se on the 75 Acre trac t purchased from itI. G. King elin be rented to Richard M. Farris for $65.00 per month in accordance with a rental agreement prepared by the City 11 t tOImey . Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Norris, Commissio1lr3rS Goff, Hammond and Reeve None TIle City Attorney advised the Commission that all legal instruments were in order for the purchase of Lot 14, Block 15, Collegevielf 3r'd Addition, from Niss Florence Ganter of Galveston, Texas, and that the America.n Title Company had agreed to issue a title policy in the amount of $2,350 in favor of the city. Mr. Cockrell stated also that Miss Ganter had agreed to sell the lot for' $2,350 net to her \^Jith the city paying all of the closing cost and title policy fee amounting to $54.65. Notion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Mayor Morris be authorized to purchase on behalf' of the 'city from Miss Florence Ganter, Lot 14, Block 15, Co11egeview 3rd Addition for a consideration of $2,350 and additional expense of $54.65 for closing cost. Voting Aye: , :iYIayor Norris, Conrrnissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None Resolution No. 56-14, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by CmMlissioner Hammond, that Reso- lution No. 56-14 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $20~000 from the \ilJater Sewer Fund for a period of six months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Icfa.yor Horris, Commission,ers Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Resolution No. 66-15, was submitted to the Cornmission and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Hanmond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Reso- lution 56-15, directing the City Treasurer to invest funds8~ounting to $5,000.00 from the Street Improvement Bond Fund, 1948, for a period of 6 months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Horris, Conrrnissioners Goff, &mmond and Reeve None With no further business to come before the Connnission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting vms adjoLJ.rned. A TTE' ST: . ""'_') / .. / ./ I } . I . WI ' ~t4 ~.fA~) ~./,v .. Ci ty "";ecreta _' -"0-__. k P ~ 11: 7(~ Mayor, City of t.Jest University Place, 'fexas "." -------. ",--- - I '~~::~,.~- ~'~==''''::-'F..,'~~:_'::a. _F-- . -- -I ,-- '----.-.L~ -'- r I 1 1:'. n .J ,7 REGULAR IvIEETING OF CITY COHtvIISSION APRIL 9 ~ 1956 The City Commission cpnvened irl regular session on April 9, 1956, 7:30 P.l-f. at the City Hall iiith the follm-Ting members present: Nay-or Norris, presiding; Comm. Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. Also present were the City Nanager and City Attorney. Mr. Will Pendleton, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the ~iest University Methodist Church submitted a letter stating that the church had completed a new parsonage located on Lot 6, Block 30, West University 1st Addition, and requested that a regulation requiring installation of sidew9-lk be waived on Duke street as there were no connecting walks in either direction. HQtion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that the \1Test University Nethodist Church not be required to construct a side~Talk on Duke Street at this time provided the Church will agree to assume the re- sponsibility for construction of the sidewalk if deemed advisable by the City Commission in the future. Voting Aye: Voting No: Nayor I10rris, Commissioners Galbra,ith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Tentative plans for a 400,000 gallon reservoir-were discussed and it was the opinion of the City Commission that bids should be received on the 1.5 million gallon reservoir and ~he 400,000 gallon reservoir on the same date and that the general plans as presented by the Engineer for the construction of the 400,000 gallon reservoir were in order and authorized plans and specifica- tions in final form. Hotion by Corr,missioner Harmnon~:l, sec9nded by Commissioner Reeve that the action taken by the City Commission to receive bids on April 23, 1956, for constructiQn of 1.5 million gallon reservoir be rescinded and that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids on the construction of 1.5 mil1~on gallon reservoir an~ 400,000 gallon reservoir on date of May 21, 1956. Voting Aye: Voting No: :Nayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The question of leasing the swimming pool concession for the coming season was further discussed. The City Hanager advised that Mr. J. R. HOivard was intere$ted in operating the concession on the same basis as last year. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that the Hayor be authorized to enter into a contract with ~~. J. R. Howard for operation of the Swimming Pool concession for the 1956 season. Voting Aye: Voting No: :Hayor Morris, COmmissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None r=~"1 ---TOO-~"'1 r>'~~~>CIT~>--'-n 11 IT Il''' l' nn <3V 'tJith the completion of all the transactions necessary for the sale of the city's garbage disposal site of 19.119 Acres of the Isaac Wade survey located on Alief Road and the purchase of 75 Acres identified as Lot 4, of Ruby'S subdivision located on Ruffino Road, from Mr. and Mrs. \->J. G. Kinglin, the City Corrmission reviewed all of the action taken for the purpose of summar- izLng in one place in the .city's records the events which transpired and the reasons therefor in order that a clear summary would be available for future feference. The significant events of the sale and purchase of the above described tracts of land were summarized as follows: During the month of Harch, 195.5, the City lVIanager was contacted by Attorney I. J. Saccomanno who stated that he represented a realty development company known as the Deb-tom Corporation, which had purchased a large tract of land just north of the city's garbage disposal site on Alief Road. The Developers of the area were Messrs. C. E.and Robert Vernon King. Mr. Saccomanno stated that the burn- ing of trash on the city's garbage disposal site was a detrnuent to the development of the property which the group he represented had purchased for homesites. Nr. Saccomanno stated that he was making s:i1nilar requests for the discontjnuance of burning to the River Oaks Property Owners Corporation and the Blume System, Tree Experts, who were also burning on adjoining property. The City Hanager explained to Mr. Saccomanno that it was necessary for the City to do some burning in order to dispose of the trash and refuse since burying of all garbage would result in using up the land for disposal purposes in a very short period of time. The City Manager brought this matter to the attention of the City Commission and several discussions were held with the City Attorney to determine the city's position and rights. It was brought out that the city had purchased the 19.119 Acres in October, 1949, and had continuously operated a g~rbage disposal ground in as effi~ient manner as possible without completely burying all materials. It was determined that the city had no other alternative than to continue its operation on the present tract of land. The city, on May ll, 1955, received notice of court action to be.taken against it together with }Irs.. Bessie Blume, owner of the Blume property and the River Oaks Property Owners Corporation and that an injunction was being sought to require the discontinuance of all burning. The Court hearing,in this case was completed August 16, 1955, with the Judge agreeing to read all evidence and render a decision later. It was not until November, 1955, that a decision was rendered in favor of the city refusing to enter a sU1TID1ary judgment but indicating that the case would proeeed through no~nal court channels on its merits. During the early part of December, 1955, the City lI'Ianager reported to the City Commission that Attorney I. J. Saccomanno had called him ID1d indicated that Messrs. C. E. and Robert Vernon King, desired a conference with the City Commission to discuss the mutual problem. rru It; 1 A meeting was then held in the City Hall with all members of the Ci ty Commission present, the City Attorney, Gi ty Hana.ger, Nessrs. C. E. and Robert Vernon King and AttorIley 1. J. Saccomanno. At this. meeting problems of both parties were discussed. The City Commission pointed out that every effort had been made to keep it in a completely acceptable sanitary condition. City officials took the position, however, that they would be willing to accept any reasonable proposition which would not be detrimental to the city's interest. No definite conclusions were reached at this meeting. Representatives of the same groups met at a later date at the re- quest of Hr. C. E. King and again the Nayor thoroughly and definitely explained the city's position. Hr. Saccomanno explained that his group had been unable to secure approval of loans from the Veteran's Administration because of burning by the Oity of 1rJest Univer~ity, Bellaire and Southside on the garbage disposal site. City Officials continued to take the position that it did not wish in any way; to be offensive to any \'fho live in the area, but further pointed out that it had the problem of providing garbage disposal facilities for its citizens, and further that the city was still willing to consider any reasonable proposition that would take care of its interest. It was then determined and agreed that the city would request the City of Bellaire andSouthside to discontinue the hauling of their garbage, trash and refuse onto theoproperty which would eliminate some 50% of the smoke enanating from the site. City officials likmvise agreed to assist in transactions with the V.A.' regarding the approval for securing loans for the Deb~tom Corporation property. Subsequently a joint letter was prepared to the Veterans' .Administra- tion, 2320 LaBranch, Houston, Texas, signed by I. J. Saccomanno, President, Deb-tom Corporation and !i'Jhitt Johnson, City IYIanager, setting forth various facts relating to the mutual problems of the two parties and advising.of certain agreements which had been reached to reduce the burning of garbage and refuse on the city's garbage disposal site by canceling contracts with the City of Bellaire and City of Southside to abandon use- of the city's garbage disposal grounds, such letter being dated DeCffiQber 13, 1955, and placed on record in the city files. Meanwhile, numerous informal conferences and telephone discussions were held by representatives of both parties. The results of these conferences being that the city steadfastly maintained that if it were to make a mQve it would have to be on such a basis that it could acquire enough property to permit burying of garbage and trash over an extended period of time and that the relationship between the purchase price of the land acquired and the sale price of the old disposal site would be such as to be financially favor- able to the city. Messrs. Saccamanno, C. E. and Robert Vernon King began a search for suitable sites for the city. As a result of the efforts to determine another Ibc a.t ion for garbage disposal, one _ location was brought to the city's attention which seemed to pro- vide possibilities for the mutual solution of the problem. The site - l"'-'''~!",''O=-C::=!'F-...o-''''_'-_'-''''''!''=",;''':'<:!~'M~_'_'~_~~r''C>.-: ." C? _~ ~J j~ invplved was immediatiely adjacent to and ea.st of the garbage disposal site occupied by the City of Ballaire and was o~r.ned by l'lr. and Hrs. W. G. Kingelin. The price indicated for the land was ~~150,000. As a result of negotiations extending over a. considerable period of time agreement was fir~lly reached for the city to purchase the Kingelin tract of land for $125,000 with a down payment of $40,000 and the balance to be paid in three equal annual installments without interest. At the same time, Robert Vernon King agreed to purchase the old garbage disposal site of 19.119 Acres for a total purchase price of $90,000 with a dovm payment of $40,000 and the ba.lance to be due in three equal annual installments bearing interest at the rate of 4%. Since the original cost of the old.garbage site to the city was $7,650 in October, 1949, and since the acquiring of the new property appeared to furnish a permanent garbage disposal problem solution,-the City Commission i'e1t that the transaction in its net financial effect was an exceedingly favorable one. WIth a location only 2 miles further than the old one, and located on a better road, with the further possibility of more economical operations through cooperation with the City of Bellaire, it was evident to the City Commission that an appreciation of $82,400 on the old property of 19.119 acres &.lld the acquirement of 75 acres at $125,000 resulted in an entirely desirable transaction from the city's point of view with a net cost to the city of the additional acreage of only $42,650. ~fit;h these facts in mind the Connnission took the action indicated in the minutes of ~Iarch 5, 1956, and Harch 12, 1956, authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to complete the transactions. The ordinances involved in the transactions are as follows: ORDINANCE 700 - Authorizing the Mayor to execute the necessary instruments to conslll'lh"llate the sale of the 19.119 acre tract being used by the city as a garbage dispQsal site. ORDINANCE 701 - Authorizing the purchase of Lot 4 of Ruby's sub- diviSion, containing 75 Acres and to be used as a garbage disposal site. ORDINANCE 702 - Creating a new fund to be known as the Garbage and Refuse Disposal Sites Special Fund. ORDINANCE 703 - Authorizing the borrowing of $36,000.00 to be used in the purchase of the 75 Acre tract of land for a garbage disposal site. c ORDINANCE 704 - Authorizing the transfer of funds from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund to the Garbage and Refuse Disposal Sites Special Fund to be used in purchasing new garbage disposal site. -- -! .."..----,,~'~-.-.r.~----~':iIl---.-______=_r.,-~ "-. ,. .:..--.-.-~----~.~---------::__c= i'l II I: Ii " il I ~- 163: ORDINANCE 705 - .Amending Ordinance 700 to describe conditions of sale and retention of vendor's lien on portion of 19.119 Acre tract. In the closing transactions, the city retained the right to use the old garbage disposal site for a period of one year from the date of purchase by Robert V"ernon King. It was further understood that the city could continue burning on tnat site until such time as substantial development close to the burning would create a nuisance to those in_ the area, in which event the City could still use the land for the ~ one year period involved by burying all trash and garbage. .An additional factor requiring records for future reference was the understanding reached between Nr. Kinge1in and the city regarding a mechanics lien against the Kinge1in prOperty by the Glosson Lumber Company, Houston, Texas, in the amount of $1176. In this connection it was agreed that $1750 of the purchase price would be withheld by the city to cover this item including any possible attorney's fees and court costs necessary to clear the matter. Upon clearing the title in this respect it was agreed that 1YIr. Kingelin would receive the balance of the down payment of $40,000 as agreed upon. In the meantime this reserved amount of $1,750 was left in custody of Harold F. Thurow, Attorney, represent- ingthe city in this transaction until such time as a proper: legal release is obtained and recorded by !vIr. Kingelin. With these matters settled, the necessary transactions for the sale and purchase of the property referred to above were completed March 13, 1956. Informal discussions by the M~yor of Bel1aire and West University have indicated the mutual desirability of working out between the two cit~essome basis which would provide for the most 'economical disposal of garbage from both cities. Hinutes of the meeting of :March 26 and April 2, 1956, were read' and aPP!r'oved as corrected. v1ith no .further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~ 7f.#r~ . Nayor, ity of .West University Place, Texas ATTEST: /-'~ / .~ 7, .. #- .~ ~ 4i~r~ '-- -~~---'IO"1"'~~~T,-'~~I'~~---:Jl:-~~"~-"O~"-:---~':"l ___.:=Jf 1'1 ,~ L' J l.U1r " REGULAR }'lEETING OF CITY COl'.;Il'1ISSION APRIL 23, 1956 The City Commission corrvened in regular session at the City Hall on IJIonday, , April 23,1956,7:30 P.IvI.withthe following members present: Hayor Norris, presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Hammond was absent for business reasons. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Reeve. Resolution 56-16, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full. Notion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that Resolution 56-16 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $3,069.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund for a period of 12 months be passed and approved as read. V oting Aye: Voting No: Mayor :Horris, Corrnnissioner Galbraith, Goff and Reeve. None Resolution 56~17, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that Resolution 56-17 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $15,759.38 from the Charter Amendrrlent' Reserve-Water Fund for a period of 12 months be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: V"oting No: JVIayor Horris, Commissioner Galbraith, Goff and Reeve. None Resolution 56-18, was submitted to the COnIDlission for consideration and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded,by Commissioner Reeve that Resolution 56-l8 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $18,000.00 from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund for a period of six months, be passed and approved as read. V"oting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioner Galbraith, Goff and Reeve. None Resolution 56-19, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that Resolution 56-19 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $8hO.50 from the Fire Truck Fund, for a period of 12 months be passed and approved as read. Voti.ng Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Comraissioner Galbraith, Goff and Reeve. None ri~~"~~~~ r~"~'~~'~Tc~'~-rl ~ fl .1"~ ,......, -..:' ,J Resolution 56-20, was submitted to the Conrraission for consideration and read , in :f'ull. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Comnlissioner Reeve, that Resolution 56-20 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $15,000.00 from the Hater-Sewer Fund for a period of six months, be passed and approved as read. . Voting Aye: Voting No: r1ay6r Norris, Commissioner Galbraith, Goff, and Reeve. None Resolution 56-21, vms submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full.. Motion by Corrunissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Resolution 56-21 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $25,000.00 from the General Fund, for a period of six months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: . l'Iayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, and Reeve. Voting No: None . In accordance with instructions, City Engineer A. R. Jackson submitted com- p1etedplans and specifications for construction of a 400,000 gallon ground water storage reservoir which is to be constructed at the present loqation of a 220,000 gallon ground storage reservoir. After reviewing plans and specifications, it was the decision of the City Commission that the present reservoir should be dismantled and sold for salvage and the proposed 400,000 gallon ground storage reservoir erected in its place and it would be ad- vanta~eous to the city to advertise the 1.5 million gallon reservoir and the additional one of 400,000 gallons at the same time. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the plans and specifications prepared by City EngineerA. R. Jackson for construction of a 400,000 gallon ground storage reservoir be approved and accepted and that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received until May 21, 1956, the same date bids are to be received Qn the 1.5 million gallon water storage reservoir and that prior to the time of construction of' the 400,000 gallon water reservoir, bids be obtained for dismantling and salvage of the 220,000 gallon reservoir. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve. None The City},Ianager advised that certain materials and equipment was needed in connection with improvements proposed during the year 1956, as author- ized in the five year water hnprovement program and submitted the following letter from the City Engineer: !"":"~'-~-~"~~"T _" _,,,-___.-,.~=""_T>O~, , i t ---- JI[ 1'1 _'\ ~.a ,~ luO Gent.lemen: Your consideration is requested on the items listed below. are all parts of the vJater-Improvernent Program submitted by ment and 8.pproved by ordinance dated January 23, 1956. These items this ~epart- 1. 'Additions and changes to the electrical control panel at the Nain Pumping Plant. Estimated cost for equipment and fabrication...... .$9,000;00 E t. t d t f. t 11 t. . r'()() ()() S ~ma e cos 0 ~ns a a ~on..................... 7---- Total 9,500.00 2. 1000 ft. reel of 500,000 G.M. 0-0 cable..................2,500.00. Est~~ated cost of installation ..........................1J~n(),n() Total 3, 00.00 3. lit Master Heter and Combinator for Main Plant........... .1,850.00 'Estimated cost of installation .......................... lnn nn Total 1,950.00 Very truly yours, (s) A. R. Jackson City Engineer After reviewing the list of materials and equipment needed for projects approved under the 5 year improvement program, the following action was taken: Motion by Gonmissioner Reeve, seconded by Cormnissioner Goff, authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids to be received until May 21, for additions to the Electrical Control Plant, (b) 1,000 Ft. of 500,000 C.M. 9-0 electrical cable, and (c) l2lt'Master Meter and One Combinator-'l'otal- izer-Recorder unit. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Norris, Commissioners Ga1brait;h, Goff and Reeve None Specifications for a front-end Loader to replace a present piece of equipment was presented for co.nsideration. It was st8.ted that the present front-end loader had been overhauled on two occasions and was no longer economical to operate. r10tion by Conmissioner Goff, seconded by Conrrn. Galbraith that specifica- tions for a front-end loader be approved and the City }Ianager be 'author- ized to recei~e bids on this equipment until May 21, 1956, 7:30 P.M. and the present 3/8 Cu. Yd. M & M Loader be traded in on the purchase of the . new tractor. Voting Aye: Voting No: !'layor Morris,. COlTh~issioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve None . .----.~--..-..-.----.r.-;.fl'~~~.4~;__1r.----r~~~....--i-.~~!'l ---;r 161 Mr. Rush Record, Attorney, representing Mr. lhomas Elliott, again appeared before the Commission requesting that a building permit be issued to Mr. Elliott for construction of a single family residence on Lot 11, Block 35, West University Place, 1st Addition which fronts Poor. Farm Ditch. It was the opinion qf the City Commission that it ..wuld be inadvisable to grant a building permit for construction of a residence at this location for reason of existence of the Poor Farm Ditch and there was only 20 Ft. remaining on Virginia Street for an opening off of Carnegie Street into Mr. Elliott's lot. }VIr. Record stated that efforts had been made to sell the lot to an adjoining property owner without results and it was his opinion that the city could not legally reject a permit for building a house on this property. Mayor Morris stated that efforts would be made to interest the, two adjoining property owners in purchasing the lot from Mr. Elliott and if negotiations failed the Commission would reach a decision at its meeting of May 14, as to whether or not the building permit would be issued. The Zoning Board l'Iinutes of April 12, were presented to the Commission for consideration and the fol101.ving action taken: Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the request of Mr. G. K. Durling, 3126 Nottingham, for permission to install a cormnode in a one-room garage apartment be denied as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: V"oting No: .';\fayor t-1orris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve None In connection with the request submitted by Mr. L. M. Carter, 3620 Rice Blvd., a decision was deferred until City Attorney Charles Cockrell presented an opinion concerning the question of the property and setback line as re- quested by the Zoning & Planning Board. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded. by Commissioner Galbraith that the request of Mrs. Bernadine Dever, 6417 Mercer, for permission to install 220 Volt vTiring in an existing garage apartment be denied as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: lIayor Horris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve l\Ione Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the request of IlJlr;, Seth Ramey, 3902 University Blvd. to install 220 Volt electric wiring in an existing garage apartment be denied as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve None In connection with the application submitted by Nr. H. C. Grahmn, 2815 Duke Street in connection with extending his existing garage building four feet into the rear lot setback requirement, action \..ras .vi thheld pending further information to be obtained concerning the utility easement. ....~-~I.-i~~Ti~.~..~......_:._m_J1._.--r~-~"-,.o.._..."'..'r', ------rn il 1 t) g Notion by Commissioner Goff, secpnded by Corrrrnissioner Reeve, that the request of Col. Sam Reeves, 4204 Riley, to replace laundry tubs in existing garage building i-Tith commode and wash basin, be denied as recommended by 'the. Zoning & Planning_Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Horris, Conunissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve None Motion by Corrmissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the re- quest of Bailey & Blunl for rezoning property on Bissonnet between Wake- forest & Belmont for commercial purposes, be denied as recommended by the Zoning Board. .J Voting Aye: Voting No:. lVIayor Norris, Cormnissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve None A discussion liaS held concerning act:ion taken by the City Cornmission in A?ril, 1953, granting the li'Jest University Place Nethodist Church permission to use a frame cottage located on the rear of the church grounds for use as Sunday School class rooms until the 15th of November, 1954~ The l,iest Ul1i.- versity Methodist Church submitted a request on April 3, 1953, through the Chairman of its official Board, ~\[. C. Timmerman, requesting permission be granted for use of the cottage on a temporary basis. Notion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the City l1anager advise the West University Methodist Church that their request for temporary use of t~e ~ottage on the rear Of the church grounds as sunda;)r school class rooms had expired and that consideration should be, given the discontinuance or further use of the bUilding. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor MorriS, Comrnissiol1ers Galbraith, Goff and Reeve None Mayor Morris presented a letter from County Judge Bob Casey announcing his desire ;to reactivate the Harris County Civil Defense CO\lncil and requesting participation of the Hayorand Civil Defense Director. It Loias the decision of the City Commission that the Hayor and Civil Defense Director lifuitt Johnson meet with the County Judge on the date of Nay 4, 1956, to represent the City of West University on Judge Casey's plan for reactivation of the Harris County Civil Defense Council. Minutes of the meeting of April 9, 1956, were read and approved as corrected. \r!ith no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed.. The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, Hay 7, 1956, 7:30 P .H. Hith the following members present: Hayor NorriS, . presiding; Commissioner Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. 'lhe City Attcmrney r"T~~~,~~~~~T---'----r"-----._._-,'" "-"-T.l 169 liaS also present. L. A. Patton, City Treasurer, served in the absence of City ['Tanager riJhitt Johnson liho TNas attending a Texas City Nanagers I meeting at Tyler, Texas. The Invocation was pronounced by Con~issioner Galbraith. Resolution No. 56-22 was submitted to the Co~nission for consideration and read in .full: A RESOLUTION F.ECON1\ijENDING A iUNllvIUH FIFE HI it"l J\.NOUNT THOUGHT TO BE JUST lUll RF..ASONABLE FOR TRAFFIC VIOLATION IN Tl-IE CITY OF "ftffiST UlJI- VEFBITY PIJI-OE, 113:)(1\8, ni ORDER 'PHt'.'T' PF:R.SONS DF.STRHH1 'TO PT,Ti:AD rmn,rrv ro THE VIOLATION CHARGED l'fA Y KHm"r 'IHE AHOUNT OF FINE THAT 1;[111 BE- ASSESSED 'dITHOUT APPEl\.RING BEFORE THE CORPORA. 'l'ION COURT OF SAID CITY. \[.rHEREAS, an investigation has been made as to the fines noVl being assessed by the city of 'West University Place and various other munici- palities located in Harris COU!lty, Texas, for violation of the traffic laws; and ~'.I.HEREAS, it is deemed advisable by the City Commission to bring the schedule of fines in the City o.f West University Place more closely in accord with the fines being assessed by neighboring municipalities; and V-lHEREAS, the City Conmtission wishes to recommend and establish a minimum fine .for various traf.fic violations in an amount thought to be just and reasonable for the convenience of those persons desiring to plead guilty to the violation charged without personally appearing before the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place: NOH,. THEREFORE, BE IT RE:SOLVED BY THE CrTY CmUVfISSION OF THE CITY OF 1J.JES T Ul'JlVERS I'lY PLACE, TEXAS: . Section 1. That .from and after the effective date hereof the Clerk of the Corporation Court of "VJest. University Place, Texas, is allthor- ized to accept as full payment the amounts shmm below for each of listed offenses where the person desires to plead guilty as charged and the offense charged is the first offense. SCHEDULF. OF' HJNTlVfTJIVT "fi'THRR - li'THS'P ()Ti'1i'Jt:N,Ql1: Speeding - 1st 10 miles over limit - - - - - - - $3.00 per mile in excess of 10 miles over legal limit Running Red 1ight ~ ~ - - - - - - - - Illegal Turns - - - - - - - - Boulevard Stop - - - - Driving on Wrong Side of Street - - - - 1f.Jrong itJay on One-~1ay Street - - - -' - Failure to Yield Right-of-Way - - - - - Cutting Funeral Procession Rurming Over Fire Hose - - - - - - - Illegal Parking - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 15.00 15.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 - - 5.00 25.00 10.00 25.00 5.00 ~ --~~ ~~r= -~~~- 170 Blocking Pedestrian Lane - - - - Defective Brakes - - - - - - - - - Defective Lights - - - - - Defective or Illegal Muffl~r - - No Operator's License - - - - No Vehicle License or Illegal License Blocking Fire Zone or Fire Plug - - - - Pedestrian Crossing Between Intersections or Walking against red light - - - - - - - Operating Truck where prohibited - - - - - - Inspection Sticker (None) - - - - - - - - - A minLmum o.f $15.00 will be charged for the issuance of a warrant after failure to appear for trial. - -" 5.00 25.00 "5.00 5.00 15 .00 - 10.00 - 15.00 5.00 5.00 - 10.00 Section 2. That when a person charged with a traffic violation appears before the Corporation Court of lrJest University Place either to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty, if the Court finds such person to be guilty, a fine shall be assessed as the Court shall determine and in accordance with the applicable stature or ordinance. Notion>byCommissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that Resolution 56-22 establishing a n~l schedule of minimum fines be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: l'Iayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Resolution 56-23 was submitted to the COTImlissionfor consideration and read~j.n full. I"lotion by COTmnissioner Reeve, seconded by Conunissioner Goff that Resolution 56-23 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $25,600 from the Street Improvement Bond Fund, 1948, for a period of six months be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Nayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Go.ff, Hammond and Reeve None Resolution 56-24 was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in .full: '~f.HEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has heretofore passed two resolutions, one dated the 26th day of November, 1951, and the other dated the 12th of January, 1953, "establishing starting and probationary salary schedules for the Fire and Police Departments of the qity as follows: POLICE DEPAR'IME:t\TT l. Starting Salary, Patrolman, six months probationary perios 1951 J$3 243:00 250.00 per month ""'-~~-r2"'::~'~'~:'~~~~~~:-~--- _: I _"'==c-""_~=~o,,,.=.,- C:1 _~---.........dI: TI JI71 2. Salary, Patrobnan, after six months probationary period and until end o.f one year continuous service 3. Salary, Patrolman, after one'year of continuous service 255.00 265.00 per month 270.00 290.00 per month FIRE DRPA B TI-TF.NT 1. Starting Salar-y, Fireman, six months probationary period 2. Salary, Fireman, after six months probationary period 3. Salary, Fireman, after one year continuous service' 235.00 2h5.00 255.00 240.00 255.00 275.00 WHEREAS, it has been increasingly di.fficult for the City 1-1anager and Department Heads to employ competent personnel for reason of a low starting salary as established by Resolution heretofore adopted and objections from'desirable applicants to the provision requiring a one year probationary period, and WrmREAS, it is the opinion of the City Con~ission and all others con- cerned that applicants of better qualifications, character, reputation and stability could be employed if the starting salary was increased and a more liberal probationary period provided, WHEREAS, the City Commission has considered this matter in detail and does herein find that it would be more advantageous for the city to increase its starting salary in the Police and Fire Departments, and ,provide a shorter probationary period, Nmv THEREFORE, be it resolved by the'City Co~ission of the City of West University Place, Texas: That the foll~Iing salary schedule and probationary period for start- ing personnel of the Fire and Police Departments be established as follows: 1. 2. 3. h. POLICE DEPARTNENT Starting Salary, Patrobnan After t1oTO months service After four months service After six months service 300.00 310.00 320.00 330.00 II II II II per month II n A salary of $330.00 per month shall be paid each patrolman employed for the Police Department after 6 months.continuous and uninter- rupted service, "t-Thich shall cmsti tute a 6 months probationary period. The above schedule is not applicable to the position of Captain. . 1. " c:. FIRE DEPARTlvIEij"T Starting Salary, Fireman After two months service A.fter four months service After six months service 280.00 290.00 300.00 305.00 per month II II It II II II 3. 4. .. -....r-i.-.~."T1~L...~~-----f~~~-~~~~_.._.--il-.-- ilIf II ff'f ~J, w'&... j .,!i..j.: A salary of $305.00 per month shall be paid each fireman employed for the Fire Department after 6 months continuous and uninterrupted service, l;ihich shall constitute a. 6 months probationary period. The above schedule is not applicable to the position of Captain or Driver. Further, the salary schedule for beginning firemen and patrolmen hereby established shall be retroactive to April 15, 1956. The Commission directed action on the proposed Resolution adopting minimum salary and probationary period schedules for firemen and policemen be deferred pending clarification of several points and provisions contained therein. Resolution 56-25, as follows, was submitted to the Commission .for consider- ation and read in full: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE 'l'RANSFER OF $1,000.00 DOLLARS FROM THE GEli!ERAL FUND OF THE CITY OF v.lEST UNIVERSITY PUCE, TEXAS, TO THE ffi'lTI"1HING POOL OPERATING FUND OF THE CITY OF 1tJEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, .AND PROVIDrNG FOR RE-PAYMENT TO SAID GENERAL FUND OF SAID M-IOUNT DURING 1956. v.IHEREAS, the City Commission of the City o.f West University Place, Texas, has been informed through official channels that the Swimming Pool Operating Fund does not contain a sufficient amount of cash to properly proceed with the recreation program for the 1956 season; and 1rJH&L{EAS, the City Commission desires that the Sw~ing Pool program be continued as in past years as such program provides recreation for a large number of residents of West University Place; and, WHEREAS, it has been made known to the City Commission that a temporary loan of $1,000.00 to the Swiwming Pool Operating Fund will be sufficient to conduct the Swimming Pool program and that such loan will be repaid from Sw~ing Pool receipts during the current swinrrning season of 1956. NmJ, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COJ'IllISSION OF THE CI'IY OF 11/EST UNHlERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Treasurer be, and he is hereby, authorized to transfer the sum of $1,000.00 from the General Fund of the City o.f ltlest University Place, Texas, to the Sliimming Pool Operating fund on a te~porary loan basis. Section 2. That the sum so advanced shall be repaid by the Sw~ing Pool Operating Fund to the General Fund from revenue received by the swimming pool and the total amount of the loan shall be repaid by the> end of the 1956 swimming season. I I---~ T ," ~.,r -,- '~----,-- -," -----, ---:r I I 113 Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Resolution 56-25 directing the City Treasurer to transfer funds amounting to $1,000.00 from the General Fund to the Swinrrning Pool Fund on a temporary basis be passed and approved as read. 'v oting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Connnissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The request of Hr. L. M. Carter, 3620 Rice Blvd., for approval to construct an extension to the side of his garage was again discussed, and in view of the opinion expressed by the City,Attorney that the property and setback line regulations 1I<TOuld not be violated. Notion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that the recommendation of the Zoning Board be approved and B. permit. for constuction of an addition tol1t. L. M. Carter's garage be issued. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Norris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None In connection with the application submitted by Mr. H. C. Graham., 2815 Duke Street, to extend his existing garage building four feet into the rear lot setback requirement, no action was taken until such time as Hr. Graham works out a pUb'chase arrangement or agreement with his neighbor and pre- sents the proposal to the Commission for further consideration. In connection with the violation of Hr. A. E.Wende, 6634 v\lakeforest, of building a garage which extends three feet into the rear easement without first obtaining a permit or authority, the Commission viewed the construct- ion as a violation and the structure will have to comply with the Zoning Ordinance', but further decided Hr. Wende might appear at a subsequent com- mission meeting to further discuss this matter if he so desires. The City Commission discussed the advisability of no longer charging the ~vest University Garden Club for use o.f the Community Bui,lding for their annual flower show and other activities, inasmuch as their activities are of a civic nature and cOl;ltribute materially to the benefit of the entire citizenry and have devoted much time to t.r18 landscaping and beautiification of the City Hall and Community Grounds and buildings. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that rent .for the use of the Community House for the 8J1..Ilual flower Sh01rT and other activi- ties by the West University Garden Club be waived. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor l'forris, Commissioners Galbraith,. Gof.f, Hammond and Reeve None Motion by Comrnissioner Hammond, seconded by Cormnissioner Galbraith that the proposal o.f the Y.M.C.A. to use the city's pool for swjF~ing instruction be approved with a subsidy by the City for this program not to exceed $150.00 and should the program as outlined in their letter require more money than is hereby allocated, the Y.M.C.A. should present a later request to be acted 114: upon at that time, further the Pool JYIana~er and Y .N.C .A. are to work out arrangements for opening the pool in, the mornings. ! o Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, COllIDlissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The Conunission ioJ'as advised that the Street Department will require for its street rehabilitation program for the balance of 1956, the follovr.i..ng materials: 16,300 gallons Asphalt Emulsion (Colas); 240 Tons Precoated limestone Rock Asphalt, Grade 4-p; 539 Tons Limestone Rock Asphalt, Grade 3; 1,040 Tons Oement Stabilized She;Ll. Motion by Gonunissioner Reeve, secorlded by Commissioner Galbraith that advertisement for bids on the above material be published in the official ne~Ispaper of the city, bids to be received until 7:30 P.N., Hay 28, 1956. Voting Aye: Voting No: " Mayor Morris, Cownissioners Galbraith, Goff~ Hammond and Reeve None Hotion by Commissioner Hanunond, seconded by Comm.issioner Galbraith that decals or signs. be pJ,.aced on two of the three police patrol cars which would plainly mark them as police cars since the Commission deems it ad- v:m.ble for the citizens to be aware of the presence of patrol cars as it stimulates safe driving, and gives a feeling of security. . Voting Aye: Voting No: r-fayor Norris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Notion by Conilllissioner Goff, seconded by Oommissioner Reeve that the City Cornmission as a group vote to donate the amount paid by them as 'lrlheel tax to Harris County for its use in freewg.y promotion and construction. Voting .Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, COnLmissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hanunond and Reeve None The City Attorney advised that the city cannot legally deny the issuance of a permit to build a house on the lot oiined by Mr. Thomas Elliott, which is Lot 11, Block 35, v[est University Place 1st Addition, and Hr. Ii'l. D. Fort and Mr. Ted Peeble~ should be so advised in order that they might appear at the next meeting of the Conunission if they are further interested in purchasing the lot. fiIinutes of the meeting of April 23, 1956, were read and approved as corrected. l[lith no further business to come before the COIilJllission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. A TTES1': c~__~ r1ayor, City of \~est University Place Texas (---). ~ ..'_.__/:;; ~j/i City ecreta:r$I,/'-- l/ {,/ -~- T'T~"~~Li~-. ...... _-__ ,___A---.-----::r'~-~---~-~'-~----.-- ,. 1 -.- -------:Jl' . CI . 175 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MAY 14, 1956 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall, Monday, May 14, 1956, with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Galbraith was absent f.or business reasons. The Invooation was pronounced by Commissioner Hammond. Attorney Rush Record again appeared before the City Commission in the inter- est of obtaining for Mr. Thomas Elliott, owner of Lot 11, Block 35, West University 1st Addition a permit for construction of a single-family resi- dence on Lot 11, whioh fronts the Poor Fann Ditch. Mr. Record pointed out the legal reasons why the City Commission should not deny Mr. Elliott's request for a permit to build a residence on the lot in question. Mr. Tucker and Mrs. Williams, relatives of Mr. Elliott also presented testimony as to why a permit should be granted. Mr. and }Irs. Ted Peebles, 3620 Carnegie and }Ir. Gus Barkow, appeared in opposition to the request submitted by}Ir. Elliott and stated that in their opinion the construction of a home on Lot 11, would be a detriment to, and would lessen the value of their property. After hearing all interested parites, it was the opinion of the City Commission that Mr. Elliott's application for a building permit to erect a house on Lot 11 was an undesirable development and it would be most diffi- cult to provide normal services due to the'unusual location of the lot. In view of the City Attorney's opinion the permit application could not be legally denied. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that in event Mr. Thomas Elliott presented a proper application to the Building Inspector which was in compliance with all building and zoning regulations, that such building permit be granted with' the understanding that Mr. Elliott would extend any and all water and sewer lines at his own expense, install the required side~alk and pay all cost for improving a driveway from Carnegie along the R.O.W. to connect with Lot 11 where the house is proposed to be located; further that all normal service including garbage and refuse pickup would be made from Carnegie Street and that Mr. Elliott be granted the building permit with the understanding of their being a likelihood of the city's inability to operate a fire truck within a reasonable distance of his home. Voting Aye: Voting. No: Mayor Morris, Commissioner Goff, Hammond and Reeve. None Mr. A. L. Bodden, Jr., 4223 Villanova, appeared before the Commission stating that a number of baseball teams from various churches in the immediate vicin- ity were using the Southwest Y.M.C.A. ballpark, but that the Y.M.C.li. did not have sufficient funds to place the baseball park in a usable condition and requested assistance from the city. It was the decision of the City Commis- sion that financial assistance could not. be granted to improve the condition of the park but a limited amount of city labor could be used to improve the back-stop. --~-T'''i''''''''''r;='~~''~'':~~J1' .... r.... .... ,'j .II ..---- 1'1 176 }Jlayor Morris presented a letter from Mr. Ed Davis, submitting his resigna- tion as a member of the Zoning and Planning' Board. Mr. Davis stated he was resigning due to pressing business matters and personal activities. Motion by Commissioner Goff, second.ed by Commissioner Hammond, that the resignation of Mr. Ed Davis as a member of the Zoning and Planning Board be accepted with regret. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Comrnissi oners Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The resignation of Mr. Davis thereby creating a vacancy on the Zoning & Planning Board., the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Mr. Charlie Wilson, who has been se):'Ving as an alternate member, be appointed as an official member oof the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners GOff, Hammond and Reeve None Resolution 56-26, was submitted to the Commission, and read in full. MQtion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Reso- lution 56-26, directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $1,250.00 from the Street Improvement 1948 Fund, for a period of 12 months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Oommissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Resolution 56-27, was submitted to the Oommission and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Ha,mmon,d, that Resolution 56-27 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $7,000.00 from the Trust Agency Fund, for a period of six months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve, None Resolution 56-28, was submitted to the Commission and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, ,that Resolution 56-28 direoting the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $37,.,000.00 from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund, for a period of six months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: V oting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve None 1'1 177 Resolution 56-29, was submitted to the Commission and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner'Hammond, that Resolution 56-29 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $12,000.00 from the General Fund, for a period of three months, be pas~ed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Reso:)..ution 56-30, was submitted to the Commission and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that Resolution 56~30 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $.3,846.44 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, for a period of six: months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting :t>>o : M~or Morris, Commissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Chief of Police H. E. Shipp, recommended the installation o.f UNO PARKING ANY TDIJEIt signs on both sides of the 4200 block of C~son Street due to the congestion of Y.M.C.!. traffic and also that signs on the north side of Robinhood in the 2600.block be removed and the curb be painted and lettered. Motion by Commissioner Hammon~,seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the recommendation of the Chief of Police be approved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Resolution 56-24 estaplishing starting salary schedules and probationary periods for the Fire and Police Departments was again submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full. (See minutes of May 70) Motion ~y Commissioner Goff, seconded by Co~ssioner Hammond, that Resolu- tion 56~24establishingstarting salary schedules and probationary periods for the Fire and Police Departments be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Ordinance No. 706, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING FIREltWRKS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; DEFINING THE TE:rn-f FIRE- WORKS; PROVIDING CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS; DECLARING FIREWORKS TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND AUTHORI~ING THEIR SEIZURE AND DESTRUCTION WHERE FOUND IN VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; AUTHORIZING THEdPROSE.. ClITION OF suns FOR INJUNCTIVE RELIEF IN AID OF THIS ORDINANCE; PRoVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE APPLICABLE AND IN FORCE ., .-~r~;'~~~"~"~<~;',,-:J[-" .,r' '..[1 11 --------------- 1'1 178 WITHIN THE CITY; PROVIDING THAT IT SHALL NOT BE NECESSARY TO NEGATIVE EXCEPTIONS AND PROSECUTIONS UNDER THIS ORDINANCE AND PROVIDING A SEVERABILI'lY CLAUSE. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that Or- dinance No. 706 prohibiting fireworks, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Gof'f', Hammond and Reeve None Minutes of' the meeting of May 7, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come bef'ore the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall, Monday, May 21, 1956, 7:30 P.M.. with the following members present: Mayor Pro tem Gof'f, presiding; Commissioners Hammond, Reeve and Galbraith. The City Manager was also present. Mayor Morris and the City 'Attorney were absent for business reasons. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Reeve. In compliance with. Notices to Bidders duly published in the official news- paper of' the city, bids'received for the following construction, materials and equipment were opened and results announced as follows: (1) 1.5 Million Gallon Water Storage Reservoir: Chicago Bridge & Iron CompaQY - - - - - Banks Moreland Company - ... - - - - - Pittsburgh...Des Moines Steel Company - - -$53,770.00 - 49,354.00 - - 58,200.00 400,000 Gallon Water Storage Reservoir: Chicago Bridge & Iron Company - - - - - - Banks Moreland Company - - - -- - Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Oompany - - 19,950.00 19,364.00 21,400.00 Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that bids be referred to the City Manager and City Engineer for study and recommen- dation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tern Goff; Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None (2) Fabricating and furnishing electrical equipment for Switchboard Improv- ments: Wilson Electric Equipment Co. - - - - Westinghouse Electric Equipment Co. Powell Electric Manufacturing Co. - - $8,900.00 8,423.00 9,802.00 n- 179 Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that bids be re:ferred to .the City Manager and City Engineer for study and recommendation. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tern Go:f:f; Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None ()) 1000' Reel 500 MCM 600 Volt Cable: Southern Electric Company.. - Warren Electric Company -- Nann Electric Company - - - - - - - - - $2,149.00 - - - - - ~ 1,700.00 2,149.00 Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that bids be re:ferred to the City Manager and City Engineer :for study and recommendation. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tern Goff'; Commissioner13 Galbra.ith, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None (4) l21t Sparling lv.Ieter, Combinator-Totalizer Recorder Unit: Maintenance Engineering Co. Meter - - Recorder - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ 865.00 - 1,000.00 .' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tern Goff; Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None (5) 14 Cu.Ft. Tractor-Shovel: Pearce Equipment Co., - $4,774.88 less $710.88 trade-in Net Difference - - - ~ - - $4,064.00 Browning Ferris Machinery Co. Hou~ Loader $6,482.00 less $500.00 Net Differenoe - - - - - - 5,982.00 Browning Ferris Machinery ,It Alt. IHC 1<10del )00 $3,179.00 less $500.00 Net Difference - - - - - - 2,679.00 McCall Gardner, M-M Model RTl, $5,160.00 less $1,150.00 Net Diff'erence - - - - - - 4,010.00 McCall Gardner, M-M Model UTlL, $7,538.00 less $1,600.00 Net Difference - - - - - - 5,938.00 Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that bids be referred to the City Manager for study and recommendation. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tern Gof.f; Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None Minutes of a meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board held on May 19, 1956, were submitted to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded blf Commissioner Galbraith that a hearing be called for 7:30 P.M. June 11, 1956, for the purpose of consider- ing amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision o.f Lot 3, Block 58, West University Place 2nd Addition, into two lots; one to be 75xlOO Feet fronting on Georgetown and the other 75xlOO Feet to :front on Buffalo Speedwa.y. __~~~-,--~m_ ~.~~~~-~~- --~-- 1'-1 180 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tern Goff; Commissioners Galb:r.:aith, Hammond and Reeve None Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the Engineer's acceptance and recommendation for submission to the Harris County Flood Control District for payment for the construction of one sludge drying bed and gas burner at the sewage disposal plant be approved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tern Goff; Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None Resolution No. 56-31 was submitted to the Commission and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that Resolution No. 56-31 directing the Cit,r Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $25,000.00 ~rom ~he Water-Sewer Fund, for a period o~ six months be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tem Goff; Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None The, City Manager advised the Commission o.f a notice ~rom Comiskey Insurance Agency to the effect that the City's Automobile and Truck Fleet Policy premium was reduced from $4,310.51 to $3,299.65 or a 21% credit. The appointment of members o~,the Zoning and Planning Board was' discussed but no action taken. Motion by Commissio~erHammond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that Messrs. O. C. King, William E. Arnold and Anthony Carso be appointed to the Tax Board o~ Equalization for the year 1956, and Mr. Charles Wall be appointed as an alternate member; further, that these ~our men be noti~ied o~ their appointment by a letter from the ,Mayor. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tern Goff; Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Connnission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. CJf~~ }1ayor, City of West Universit,r Place, Texas A TrEST: '., -- "-4 / ----ll' ---" 1Bl REGULAR :MEETING OF CITY COMM:ISSION NAY 28, 1956 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall~ }1onday, May 28, 1956, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioner Goff,' Hammond and Reeve. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Galbraith was absent as he was out of the city on vacation. The Invocation was pronounced by Conunissioner Goff. In compliance wi th Notice. to Bidde:rs~uly published in the of'ficial newspaper of the city, bids received for delivery of street material were opeI:led~d the f'ollowing results announced: Item No.1 - Asphalt Emulsion (Colas) :eeJ:.f'ast Supply Company . . 16,300 Gals. .14 per Gal. Item No.2 - Precoated Limestone Rock Asphalt, Grade 4-P Uvalde Rock Asphalt Company . . White's Uvalde Mines . . . . . . 248 tons 2.19 Per Ton 2.17:. . Il If ItAm No.1 - Limestone Rock Asphalt, Grade 3 Uvalde Rock Asphalt Company White's Uvalde Mines . . . 539 tons 1.34 1.33 II tt II If ItAm No. It - Cement Stabilized Shell 1,040 Tons Parker Bros. & Company 3.70 tI- 1\ . John Young Company, Inc. 3.70 II It Houston Shell & Concrete Co. 3.70 II It . Horton & Horton 3.70 II If . . . . Motion by Commissioner Gof'f, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that bids received for delivery of' street material be referred to the City Manager f'or study and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Gof'f', Hammond and 'Reeve None A written recommendation was submitted by the City Manager and City Engineer in regard to bids received May 21, for constrUction of one 1.5 million and one 400,000 gallon ground storage water reservoir and 1,000 Ft. of' 500 NCM 600 volt 0-0 underground cable and a 12lt Master Neter and a Combinator- Totalizer-Recorder Unit. It was 'recommended that a contract be awarded to the follm-ring firms on their low bids: 400,000 Gal. Reservoir. $19,364.00 Banks Moreland Company - 1.5 Million Gal. Ground Storage Reservoir. . . $49,354.00 Southern Electric Co. - 1000' 500 MCM 600 Volt Cable . . . . . . . . . $ 2,149.00-5% Maintenance Eng. Co. - Master Meter, Combina- tor-Totalizer-Recording Unit . . .. ..... $ 1,865.00 ~~ r'l 1- ~~ () ". " lW Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that a contract be awarded to Banks Moreland Company for fabrication and erection of one 1.5 million gallon ground storage water reservoir on their low bid of $49,354.00 and one 400,000 gallon ground storage water reservoir on their low bid of $19,364.00 as rebommended by the City Manager and City Engineer. Voting Aye: V oting No: ~layor Morris, Commissioners GOff', Hammond and Reeve None Motion' by Co:m:missionerReeve, secondedby'Commiss:ioner Goi'f, that a contract be aiiarded'to Sou'i:.hel:'1l'ElectricConrpariyfOr'furnishing a.hd' delivering '1000'500 MCM.600,Volt Cable on their low bid of $2,149.00 less 5% and Maintenance Engineering Company be awarded a contract for delivery of one 12" Master Meter, Combinator-Totalizer-Recording Unit on their bid of $1,8b5.00 as recommended by the City Manager and City Engineer. ' , Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve N'one Other items on which bids were received on May 21, were not acted on by the City Co~ission as the City Manager and Department Heads requested additional time to investigate the items bid on in order to make their reco~endatiori. It was explained that certain materials, valves and fittings were necessary for installation of the l2u Master Meter, Combinator-Totalizer- Recording Unit and it was recommended by the City Manager that a Notice to Bidders be published for these items. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M., June 25, for delivery of material, valves and fittingsneces- sary to install the 1211 Master Meter, and the Combinator-Totalizer- Recorder Unit. Voting Aye: Noting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Mayor Morris' brought to the attention of the Commission the problem of traffic accidents which are being caused by trees and shrubs that are obstruction the intersection approaches. After discussing this problem it was the decision of the Commission that the Ch'ief of Police be in- structedto make a survey of all hazardous intersections and a personal letter then be written to the offenders asking them to correct the con- dition and in event cooperation is not obtained a more drastic action then be pursued to eliminate growth of trees, shrubs and erection of fences at known locations determined by the Police Department survey. r~:"""=:"'=~~~=:"'L~ ~"~-~~"--~['r-- _ _____---'.l 1"1 1.8.) Minutes of the meetings of May 14 and 21, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come bei'ore the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. c)/~ Mayor, City of West University Place, T sxas A TTES T: / (" ') , Q~r--~// ~/'// City Secretary J~ . / I II__~___._~_.,.- r'''~:':''''~~~~JIl r ------r-l ]fU 1"1 '1 ~ 4- ..1 (J .!- ImGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JUNE 11, 1956 The City Cormnission convened in regular session at the City Hall 7:30 P.M. Monday, June 11, 1956, with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Goff was absent as he was out of the City on Vacation. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Galbraith. In compliance with Notice duly published in the official newspaper o.f the City and notices mailed to all property owners within a radius of 200 feet of Lot 3, Block 58, West University Place Second Addition, Mayor Morris announced that a public hearing was in order to consider amending Ordinance No. 111 to permit subdivision of the 100 x 150 foot lot into two 75 x 100 f'oot lots as requested by the owners, Mr. R. C. Bennettand Mrs. Truman Bennett. In answer to questions by the City Attorney, Whitt Johnson, City Manager, having been duly sworn by Mayor Morris, testified that legal notice had been published in the official newspaper of the City and all property owners within a radius of 200 feet of Lot 3, Block 58, 1rlest University Place 2nd Addition had been notified of the hearing to be held at 7:30 P.M.., June 11, 1956, to consider amending the City's Zoning Ordinance as requested by Mr. and Mrs. Bennett. Mr. R. C. Bennett, having been duly sworn by Mayor Morris, testified that he and his mother, Mrs. Truman Bennett, were presently owners of Lot 3, Block 58, West University Place 2nd Addition, and one residence now exists on the West! of the lot and .fronts on Georgetown. Mr. Bennett stated it was his desire to erect an additional residence on the East ! of the lot in order that he could live adjacent to his mother. Hr. Bennett submitted an instrument executed by himself and Mrs. Truman' Bennett conveying a 5 foot utility easement to the City of West University Place. :Mr. R. D. Moncrief, 6012 Buffalo Speedway, duly sworn by Mayor Morris, testified that he owned Lot 4, Block 58, West University Place 2nd Addition which is immediately to the south of Lot 3, Block 58, vJest Uni- versity Place 2nd Addition, and that he had no objection to the desired subdivision requested by Hr. and Mrs. Bennett. Their being no other property ~r.ners present who desired to be heard with reference to the request .for permission to subdivide the lot, the follow- ing action was taken: Motion by Co$nissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the hearing called to consider amending Ordinance No. 111, to permit subdivision of Lot 3, Block 58, viest University Place, 2nd Addition, be closed. V oting Aye: Voting No: Hay.or !JIorris, Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None I l=--~ I-~" -.....-- ~: r__.~~___. ~-~I!' 1'1 1 0, 'E - :Ij ;J Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Ordinance No. III be amended to permit subdivision of Lot 3, Block 58, West University Place 2nd Addition into two--75,x 100 Ft. lots as requested by the owner and reco~ended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting .Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None The, City Manager submitted the follo~dng recommendation for purchase of certain ma terials to be used b:'l the Street Department on which bids were received on May 28, 1956: Honorable MaY9r and J.VIembers o.f the City Commission: ,.At the regula.r meet:i.ngof-J.VI9Y 28th, bids were received and opened for delivery of certain materials for use by the Street Department. All bids received were referred Ear study and rec- commendation. After considering all factors and advising With the Street I>epartment, it is .my recommendation that a contract be awarded to the following firms on their respective bids: Item No. Quantity Finn Material Unit Price' 248 Tons Belfast Supply Co. Asphalt Emulsion (Colas) .14 White's Uvalde J.VIines Grade 4-p Limestone ROCk 2.17 White's Uvalde Mines Grade 3 Limestone Rock 1.33 Houston Shell & Concrete Co. Cement Stabilized Shell 3.70 1 , i6~300 Gals. 2 3 4 539 Tons 1,040 Tons You wil~pleas~ not~ that all bids shell are identical. Selection of verts to service and availability. furnished our 1955 requirements, it account around to the various firms submi tted on cement stabilized a bidder in this instance re- Inasmuch as the Parker Bros. seems desirable to pass this each year. Attached is a copy of the tabulation of all bids received for delivery of street materials. Respectfully submitted (s) Whitt Johnson After reviewing the tabulation and recommendation of the City Manager the following action to award a contract for the purchase of street materials was taken by the City Conimission: I 1- _ ,~~-- n_n~--r~:~'=~::"~~_~~~ _ 1:.':,""-"---'" ''C'=''''''=-"""'''=-~-~-~-~~L~l ---~ --'TT .. ,A "~ ~tjO ..... Motion by Conrrnissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that a contract be awarded Belfast Supply Company for 16,300 gal10ns of Asphalt Emulsion Colas @ $.14; White's Uvalde Mines for 248 Tons of Grade 4-P Pre Coated Limestone Rock Asphalt @' $2.17 par Ton; and 539 Tons of Grade 3 Limestone Rock Asphalt @ $1.33; and Houston Shell & Concrete Company for 1,040 Tons Cement Stabilized Shell @ $3.70 per Ton, as rec- conrrnended by the City Manager. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve. None Mr. Herbert Graham, 2815 Duke, appeared before the Commission with reference to his application to extend the garage 4 Ft. into the rear lot setback line and submitted a letter from his neighbor Mr. T. P. Kelly, wherein Mr. Kelly had agreed to sell a strip of land 5 x 57! Ft. to Mr. Graham for the purpose of extending his garage. Mr. Graham was instructed to again appear before the Zoning Board and ask that the ease be recon- sidered in view of Mr. T. p. Kelley's desire to convey him the necessary land to extend his garage. Mr. Morris Galloway, representing the Village Merchants Association, appeared in the interest of paving Kirby Drive between Bissonnet and Bellaire Boulevard and particularly the section between Bissonnet and Rice.' Mr. Galloway stated that he had appeared before the City Council of the City of Houston and had received an indication that the Ci:ty of Houston ~.,,1 .'." uLed a~f-t.m.--t-.fm:lT=i7A-f+-(".'ri-h;y-(Jf'-~'" was willing to pave Kirby Drive, provided additional right-of-way could be obtained and if the City of West University Place w0uld ratify their paving assessments both on commerc~al and residential property. The City Commission expressed an interest in seeing all of Kirby Drive paved ~rom Bisso~Jlet to Bellaire, and stated they would ratify the City of Houston's paving assessments on conrrnercial proper~ located in West University Place which faces Kirby Drive between Bissonnet and Rice Boulevard, but no definite conclusion was reached concerning assessments on residential property in this area. Mr. Galloway stated he would present this information to the City of ' Houston and advise with the City Commission at a later date. The City Manager submitted an Intra Harris County Civil De.fense Mutual Aid Agreement which the Harris County Civil Defense Council was request- ing all municipalities in Harris County who desired to become a co-operating and participating unit o.f the Harris County Civil Defense program to execute. The purpose of the agreement and its provisions were reviewed. After reviewing Article 5, which in part states: lIEach ci tyshall make available and render mutual aid but may withhold resources to the extent necessary to protect its own political subdivision", it was determined advantageous that the City of West University Place participat.e in the Harris County Civil Defense program, and the follmdng action was taken: Motion by Conunissioner Reeve, seconded by Oom~issioner Hammond, authorizing the IvIayor and Civil Defense Director 1tJhitt Joh....lson to sign the Intra Harris I r:=----~ - I =, - -~C;--~-"~-~=::il' [ ~" - ----n ====:JI r I 187 County Civil Defense Mutual Aid Agreement. Voting Aye: Voting' No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None City Treasurer L. A. Patton submitted the following statement with respect to Resolution No. 56-25, dated May 7, 1956, authorizing the transfer of $1,000 from the General Fund to the Swimming Pool Fund as a temporary loan for operating expenses: Subj: Resolution No. 56-25 In accordance with the subject resolution, $1,000.00 was transferr~d from the General Fund to the Swimming Pool Fund on May 8, 1956, by chepk 1582.. Complying with Section 2 of subject resolution, this sum was repaid by the Swimming Pool Fund to the General Fund on June 7, 1956, by check No. 1754. These two. transactions complete the directives of this resolution. (s) Arvil Patton The City Commission took recognition of this statement and ordered the same entered into the minutes as an official record. o The following letter was submitted from the City Treasurer explaining the inconvenience of the present method of paying to the First Ci~ National Bank, principal and iri:t.erest on Swimming Pool Bonds, and requested author- ity to change the present method of payment from 1 year in advance to making payment on an annual basis ~ediately in advance of the bond and coupon maturity dates: Subj: Change in procedure of handling Swimming Pool Bond and Coupon payments. In a discussion last week with Mr. Fred Hammil, of the First City National Bank, the following alterations in the handling of Swirrrrning Pool First Mortgage Bond, Coupon and Reserve payments were deemed as more efficient and 'less involved: RESERVE FUND: The Ordinance authorizing the issuance of these bonds require that a payment be made to the fiscal agent in an amount equaling 20% of the principal and bond payment at the time such payments are made until such reserve totals equals the amount due for bond and interest for the two succeeding years. The two years comprising the maximum payments are 1962 and 1963, during which a total of $7,755.00 will be required. We now have in the Reserve Account at the bank $5,197.00, leaving a balance of $2,558.00 to bring this account to the maxjmum required throughout the life of the issue. BOND PAYJVlENTS: "\tJe have, heretofore, paid bonds one year in advance 01' their actual maturity. Example: Bond Nos. 10 & 11 mature 3-1-57. I I~-~--- - ----- - -r'O,"-~O"'~'-T"''';--~~j[----~r--~--~o~n --~- IT 188 The City forwarded its check for payment of these two bonds in March of 1956. INTEREST PAYMEN'IS: Interest payments are due March 1 and September 1 of each year. We have been making our remittance for these coupon maturities six and twelve months respectively, in advance of the maturity dates. Example: Coupons maturing September 1, 1956, and March 1, 1957 were included in the check we mailed in March of this year. The First City National Bank maintains three separa~e accounts in the name of the City to pay Swirrrrning Pool Obligations: 1. Reserve Fund, 2. September Interest Maturities", a...nd, 3. March interest and bond matur- ities. Because of the additional record-keeping imposed on the paying agent, the inevitable confusion encountered by our auditors in the present method of payment, and the difficulty in budgeting and handling one bond issue which has an altogether different arrangement than all other bond issues, Mr. Hammil and I agreed it would be preferable to pay these bonds and their coupons as they mature; i.e. March 1 bonds and interest to be paid the latter part of February of the year in which they mature, and September 1 interest to be paid in August of the year in which it matures. All other issues of the City are handled on that relative schedule. The 1957 budget could include the $2,558.00 necessary to bring the reserve account to its maximum requirement, plus the interest payment which will be due September 1, of $652.50. The protection and insurance provided by the 20% reserve arrangement could still be adhered to, but this amount might be placed in interest-bearing Certi.ficates of Deposit. All the outstanding bonds in this issue are owned by the Sewer Sinking Fund and the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund of this Gity. Heretofore, the BarM has credited these accounts with the revenue obtained from bond and interest maturities. To facilitate the accuracy of our records, it appears the surer method is to advise the Bank to forward its Cashier's check to the city for these amounts. Thus a receipt would be written here and the income handled as is other types. The three accounts maLntained by the First City National Bank for the City of ~vest Uni versi ty Place First Mortgage Swii1Jl1ling Pool Bonds currently have the following balances: Swimming Pool Reserve Fund 9-1-56 Interest Account 3-1-57 Principal & Interest Account (5) Arvil,Patton Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that the City Treasurer be authorized to change the previous plan of paying principal and interest on Swimming Pool Bonds and Coupons from one year in advance of maturity date to an annual payment in the respective year for which the bonds and coupons are due 0 -'l-'-':<~'~-'O=~':'=T.=:"T,""--Ol~-~-- le-cr-. 189 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None Mr. Herbert M. Joachim, 4151 Marlowe, requested by letter that his address be changed to 4151 Richmond Road, as his residence actually does front Richmond Road due to the peculiarity of the intersection which causes considerable conCusion to people who are not familiar with the location trying to find the address. Motion by ComJmissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that the City Manager be authorized to change the present street address from 4151 Marlowe to 4151 Richmond Road as requested by Hr. Herbert 1'1. Joachim in his letter of June 9. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None The City Manager advised that Mr. 0._ L. Powers, Houston, Texas, had re- quested authority to operate a bus over the main thoroughfares of the City for the pUr'Pose of picking up children and transporting them to Houston Boys Club. A certificate of insuTance from the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company agencyshowLng coverages of $250,000 - $500,000 and $5,000 was submitted. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Mr. O. L. Powers, Houston, Texas, be given a temporary permit to operate a bus over the main thoroughfares in the City for the purpose of picking up children and transporting them to Houston Boys Club. Voting kye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None City Attorney Charles Cockrell briefed the Commission on the status of the title o.f Lot 15, Block 15, Collegeview 3rd Addition which the City desired to purchase from Mrs. Adelaide Knapp. In view of the opinion of Mr. Cockrell that Mrs. Knapp could not execute a marketable- title to the property, it was determined advisable and the City Attorney was authorized to offer Mrs. Knapp $1,500 as purchase. price .for the property with the understanding that the city would assume the burden of clearing title if it so desired. The City Attorney was further authorized to offer Mrs. Knapp the sum of $2,500.00 as full purchase price in the event Mrs. Knapp would assume the burden of clearing the title and within a resonable time be in,a position to pass marketable title to the city. The City Commission determined that legal proceedings should be instituted against Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Steger, 3116 Jarrard for violation o.f Ordinance No. 111 by reason of the fact that they had willfully allowed a garage apartment on the rear of their property to be occupied by an individual not a member of their family as a second and separate dwellL~g upon their lot~located in a single family dwelling district. The Commission felt that this decision was necessary inasmuch as Mr. & Mrs. Steger had been given notice in writing on many occasions that they were violating the Zoning Ordinance. "'-~-~r;o~~-~~-T----'-,~~~._~~-'~~'-c"~'n --:r TI iHO Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the City Attorney be instructed and authorized to file a suit for in- junction in the District Court asking that Mr. & Mrs. Steger, their agents, representatives and employees be restrained and enjoined from, allowing the garage apartment located on the rear of their property to used and occupied as a separate and second dwelling by an individual not a member of their family, said occupancy being in violation of Ordinance No. 111. Voiiing Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None ~ '-' Minutes of the meeting of Hay 28, 1956, were read, and approved as corre!ited. lrJith no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. - - - - - - - - - - ... " c The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, June 18, 1956, 7:30 P.M. with the following mempers present: Mayor Morris, presiding, Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve. '!he City Attorney and City Manager were also pre,13ent. Commissioner Goff was absent as he was out of the city on vacation. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Hammond. Minutes of the Zonj.ng Board meeting on June 14, 1956, were submitted for consideration and the following action taken: Mr. H. C. Graham, 2815 Duke and Mr. T. p. Kelly, 6415 Brompton appeared before the Commission in the interest of Mr. Graham's application to purchase from Hr. Kelly a strip of land:; x 57~ Ft. from the NE corner of the wi- of Lot 5, Block 19, West University Place 1st Addition, in order to extend his existing, garage building, 4 Ft. toward the south property line. Mr. Kelly requested permission to s].lbdivide his lot in order that he might conv.ey to Mr. Graham a 5 x 57i- Ft. strip of land from the NE corner of his property. Mot~on by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner ~eeve, that a publ~c hearing be called for July 9,1956, 7:30,P.M. for the purpose of considering re-subdiVision of the W~ of Lot 5, Block 19, West Univer- sity Place 1st Addi:tion, in order that a 5 x 57~ Ft. strip may be con- veyed .from the NE portion of this lot to Mr. H. C. Graham and added to the East 6OxlOO Ft. portion of the Wi-of Lot 6, Block 19, West Uni ver- sity Place 1st Addition as requested by Mr. T. P., Ke;Uy, and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: ~Iayor Morris, COJTImissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None --r-' li\-- --------r'"~---~""---'-',-'---~'I 1 JI - rr 1 f,l .1 .4 ~; , Motion by Commissioner H~ond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that recommendations as contained in the Zoning Board minutes of June 14, 1956, be accepted as follows: Mr. F. p. McSkimming and Mr. John Cardone's request to improve a garage apartment as separate living quarters, 3006 Tangley - denied,; Mr. E. H. Carlisle, 2932 Lafayette, request to extend an addition to his residence 1 foot into the setback line on Belmont - derlied; Mr. O. K. Eden, 3703 Robinhood, request to build storage and utility room on garage - approved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, H~ond and Reeve None Mayor Morris submitted a letter from Mr.' Roy Maley announcing his desire to resign as a member or the Zoning Board for reason of pressing business matters due to a recent promotion. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that the resignation 'of Mr. Roy Maley as a member of the Zoning Board be accepted with regrets. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Co~~issioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None The question of replacing ]VIr. Maley as a member of the Zoning Board was dlscussed and Mayor Morris proposed the name of Mr. Robert Madeley, 2913 Pi t t.sburg. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Mr. Robert Madeley, 2913 Pittsburg be appointed as a member of the Zoning Bo ard to fill the unexpired term o.f Mr. Roy Maley. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, H~ond and Reeve None In connection with bids received May 21, 1956, for switchboard improve- ments at the Water Plant and a 14 cu. rt. tractor, the rollowing written recommendation was submitted by the City Manager, Water Superintendent E. J. Hood, and Street Superintendent A. L. Bearden: Electrical equipment for switchboard improvements - Wilson Equipment Company 14 Cu. Ft. tractor - rront end loader McCall Gardner Machinery Company $8,900.00 4,010.00 After consideration of the recommendation of the City Manager based upon investigation of Water Superintendent E. J. Hood and Street Superintendent A. L. Bearden, the following action was taken: ------r.'~~--~'~~~--'---lil----n-'--- r-' ,- - ---["1--- i"ifi'j'.".,,!,:Jli'.------- II IH2 Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that the Wilson Equipment Company be awarded a contract for furnishing and fabricating electrical equipment for installation at the Water Plant in the amount of $8,900.00. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the McCall Gardner Machinery Company be awarded a contract for the delivery of one Minneapolis Moline Industrial type tractor on their low net bid of $4,010.00. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None The City ~Ianager advised that Mr. Ray Kerr, 631.4 Rutgers and three other property owners in the immediate vicinity were requesting the city to take over the 6n sanitary sewer line that serves their property and is now owned by them individually. The pr'operty owners sta ted they would be agreeable to placing the line in a state of usable condition accept- able to the City and deeding a necessary 51 utility easement. The City Manager was instructed to hp.ve the City Engineer and Water Superintendent investigate the condition of the line and the feasibility 01 the property owners' request and make a report to the Commission at the next regular meeting date. With no further business to come ltlefore the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made" seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. C:/I #t~ Mayor, City of West University .l:'lace, Texas ATTEST: ...r-~~,~~~r~~lil------r'-..--.- -"'T.--- :If- II 19J REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JUNE 2Si, 1956 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, June 25,1956,7:30 P.}i. with the f'ollmving members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff', Hammond and Reeve. The Oity Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Lnvocation was pronounced by Attorney Charles Cockrell. In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for delivery of material, valves and fittings necessary to install the 1211 Master Meter, and the Combina- tor- Totalizer-Recorder Unit were opened. The following f'irms submi tted bids: James B. Clow & Sons U. S. Pipe & Foundry Company Utility Supply Company American Cast Iron Pipe Company Bray Plumbing Supply Company Municipal Supply Company Iowa Valve Company Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that bidsreceived'b-e referred to the City Manager and Water Superintendent for study and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None ' Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning and Planning Soard on June 23, 1956, were submitted for consideration: Motion by Commissioner H&'11ffiond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the request of Mrs. Ullrich, 4019 Browning for permission to make additional improvements to an existing garage apartment on her premises be denied as recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. Voting Aye; Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The City Manager submitted a request from Mrs. C. S.Robertson, President of the Sunset Terrace Garden Club and other interested citizens, requesting water service on Edloe Street for the purpose of watering shrubs and other plaritirigs which the Sunset Garden Club and others propose to plant along the Poor Farm Ditch for beautification. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that four water connections be made along Edloe Street for the purpose of beauti- fyingthearea along Poor Farm Ditch and that water in a reasonable amount be provided'without charge; one connection to service the area between Sunset and Wroxton; the other three connections to service the area be- tween Sunset and Plumb, the four connections to be made provided the iL---..--- ~i'-=~~ r--"'~~C~~.~"'r.----' ---:Ircn 'II 19.:1 concrete pavement on Edloe does not have to be cut. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissi oners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The question of appointing an alternate member to the Electric B08xd was discussed an'd the name of Mr. A. L. Bodden, 4223 Villanova was submitted for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that Mr. A. L. Bodden, 4223 Villanova, be appointed as an alternate member of the Electric Board. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, CommiS'sioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None Ordinance No. 707, captioned as f"ollows, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FrNDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS PREREQUISITE 'ill THE HOLDING OF A PUBLrC HEARING ID CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS 'ill PERMIT THE RESUBDIVIS ION OF LO T 3, BLOCK 58, WES T UNIVERSITY PLACE SECOND ADDITION INID 'IWO LO'IS, EACH LOT BEING . 75 x 100 FT; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING 'FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT 'ill ORDINANCE NO. 111 HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDrNANCE NO. 111 BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT THE R"ESUBDIVISION OF THE SAID 10 T; FIND- ING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PUCE SHOULD BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SUCH RESUBDIVISION; ANENDING ORDINANCE NO. 111 SUBDIVIDING THE SAID LOT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Ordinance No. 707, amending Ordinance No. 111, to permitresubdivision of Lot 3, Block 58, West University Place Second Addition into two lots be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and. Reeve Voting No: None" The City Manager submitted a memorandum from Building Inspector B. F. Kingman advising of" a zoning violation at 2815 Robinhood which involves a carport constructed with the supporting post only 2 feet from the side property line instead of" three feet as required by the Zoning Ordinance. After reviewing the sta.tement o.f the Building Inspector, it was determined that this matter was not a question for consideration of" the Zoning Boar~, but a direct violation of the Zoning Ordinance. ~--- I rW;L~I'~-~-~~~~T ~-r- -- ----~n ---:lII' II 1; Q ~ 1:. \J" .;) Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve~ that the violation of setback line concerning the construction of the carport at 2815 Robinhood be referred to the City Attorney for handling. Vot:ing Aye: 'Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None The City }I.1anager advised that a number o.f residents in the 3800 block of Southwestern desired to construct or have constructed a circular turn- around at the dead-end of this block for the purpose of eliminating automobiles driving into their driveways for the purpose of turning around. A print prepared by the City Engineer showing detail construction and an estimated cost of $600 was submitted. It was the decision of the Commission that the interested parties should submit a firm proposal as to their desire and a plan for participation in the cost of construction of a circular turn- around at the deqd-end of the 3800 block of Southwestern Street. Minutes of the meeting of June 11 and l8~ were read and approved as corrected. 1'Iith no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried~ the meeting was adjourned. c)/ -Jf~ Mayor, City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: ") ("-") / .~ / ~~~-~ City Secretary /0 ?/ ~_.,../' ~- ~~.."'-.---:-;-:-r~"""'-'_=-~o=~_ ~ 1 fH3 REGULAR MEETING OF CI TY CONr1ISSION JULY 9, 1956 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday" July 9, 1956, 7:30 P.M. -' at the City Hall, with the following members present: IYIayor Morris, presiding; Con~issioners Galbraith, Goff and Hammond. The Ci~f Manager and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Reeve l"laS absent as he was out of the city on vacation. The Invocation was pronounced by Reverend Jim Andrew, Assistant Pastor of the St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. In compliance with Notice duly published in the official newspaper of the city and notices mailed to all property mmers within a radius of 200 feet of Lot 5, Block 19, West University Place 1st Addition, Mayor Norris announced that a public hearing was in order to consider amending Ordinance No. Ill, to permit_subdivision of said lot in order that a strip of land 5 x 57! feet may be conveyed from the Northeast portion to Mr. H. C. Graham, as requested by the owner, Mr. T. P. Kelly. In answer to questions by the City Attorney, City Manager Whitt -Johnson, having been duly sworn by Mayor Norris, testified that Legal Notice had been puqlished in the o.fficial newspaper of the city and all property owners within a radius of 200 Ft. of Lot 5, Block 19, West University Place 1st Addition, had been notified of the hearing to be held at 7:30 P.I"!., July 9, 1956, to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance a.s requested by Mr. T. p. Kelly. Mr. H. C~ Graham, 2815 Duke, having been duly sworn by Mayor Morris, testi- fied that he desired to purchase from Mr. Kelly a strip of land 5 x 57! Ft. from the Northeast corner of the West t of Lot 5, Block 19, West University Place 1st Addition in order to extend his existing garage four feet toward the south property line. Mr. T. p. Kelly, 6415 Brompton, owner of the West t of Lot S, Block 19, West University Place 1st Addition, after being duli S1-TOrn by Mayor Morris, stated he l"laS willing to sell ~1r. Graham. the 5 x 572 Ft. strip of land in order for him to enlarge his garage. There being no other property miners present who desired to be heard with reference to the request for permission to resubdivide the lot, the followiD~ action was taken: ~otion by COmDlissioner Hawaond, seconded by Corrmissioner Galbraith, that the hearing called to consider amending Ordinance No. Ill, to permit resubdi- vision of the West t of Lot 5, Block 19, West University Place 1st Addition, be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Comm,issioners Galbraith, Goff and H~lond None L_____ I ~- ~ r .~-===T___:_::i[ r ~" ~ , 1 ----= I I l~j l Motion by Comraissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Ha~ond, that Ordinance No. III be amended to permit subdivision of the West! of Lot 5, Block 19, lATest University Place 1st Addition in order to permit conveyance of a 5 x 57! Ft. strip of land from the Northeast corner to become a part of the East 60 x 100 Ft. portion of the West t of Lot 6, Block 19, West University Place 1st Addition as requested by Mr. T. P. Kelly and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Com~issioners Galbraith, Goff and Hammond None Mrs. C. J. Rebert, 6625 Mercer, representing the West University Garden Olub, appeared before the Commission and outlined two projects for improving the Community Building; (1) painting of murals on the v-ralls -' and (2) landscape and beautify the area on the south side of the building. The Cornmission approved the request of the West University Garden Club and requested Mrs. Hebert to submit a proposed plan of the landscaping and beautification prior to commencing work and an ~stimate o.f the materials required cfor painting of the murals. The City Manager was instructed to obtain an opinion from the Comiskey Insurance Agency to determine whether or not all the ladies would be covered in event any were injured during the time of painting the the murals. The following recommendation was submitted from the City Manager concerning bids received June 25 for delivery o.f valves and fittings necessary to install the master meter: "Gentlemen: Pursuant to your request, bids received on June 25, 1956, for valves and certain fittings necessary to install a. Master Meter aDd Recorder at the Water Plant have been tabulated. It is the recomraendation of Water Superintendent E. J. Hood and myself that a contract be awarded to the Utility Supply Company for delivery of these materia.ls on their 10~T bid of $585.73. A detailed tabulation of all bids received is attached.1t (s) ~fuitt Johnson, City 1lfanager Motion by Com~issioner Goff, seconded by Com~issioner Hanrrnond, that a contract be mra.rded to the Utility Su.pply Company on their 10"\oT bid of $585.73 for deliveyy of valves and fittings necessary to install the Master Meter at the 'Hater Plant. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Norris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and H8~ond None Resolution No. 56-32 was submitted for consideration and read in full. Motion by COnilllissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that ResolUion No. 56-32 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $40,000.00 k-~--"-~~~---"---r"J'~~T:~~":C~:' '__,,::;L _~o>",~"--~-~-, Ll _:=Jr---- , 'T'I" lli.'"fJ , ,~u from the Water-Sewer Fund for a period of six months be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Go.ff and Hammond None Resolution No. 56-33 was submitted for consideration and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Ham~ond, that Reso- lution No. 56-33 directing the City 'fi'easurer to invest funds amounting to $14,000 from the General Fund for a period of three months, be passed and approved as read. Voting .Aye: Vot;ing No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Hammond None Resolution No. 56-34 was submitted for consideration and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Hrenmond, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that Reso- lution No. 56-34 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $11,950.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, for a period of six months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Hammond None An invoice from the League o.f Texas Municipalities in the amount of $172.50 for dues during the period of June 30, 1956, to July 1, 1957, for League services was submitted. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that the , invoice from the League of Texas Municipalities in the amount of $172.50 covering the period from June 30, 1956 to July- 1, 1957, be approved for payment. )[0 ting .Kye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Hammond None Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning & Pla!l.ning Board on July 5, 1956, were submitted for consideration, and the following action taken: Motion by Com~ssioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the request of Mr. C. L. Gillespie, 2815 Robinhood to construct a carport with a supporting post 2 feet from the side property line and the request of Mr. L. F. Durgin, 5424 Fairmount to install separate electric service to a garage apartment at 4201 Dartmouth, be denied as recom.mended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Norris; Com.missioners Galbraith, Goff and Hammond None rr~'-lr--~~-T~:iT "--r~~CC~""~_."'~-'''rr----'- If C .c munc'TTc-- 199 The City Manager submitted a schedule showing charges made for setting of new water meters and recommended that the charges be increased co~mensurate with the city's present day cost. The City Manager 1.vas instructed to submit further details on this matter and a proposed ordinance establishing new charges to compensate the city f@r a reasonable cost of installing new water meters. A detail plan and an estimate for cost of installi?g a new sanitary sewer line at the rear o.f property owned by Mr. R. A. Kerr, 6308 Rutgers and three other effected property owners in the immediate vicjnity was submitted by the City Engineer in accordance w~th previous instructions. The City Manager was instructed to contact Mr. Kerr and the other property owners and advise them that the Gi ty Commission would be agreeable to a,ssll!l1e :the responsibility of acquiring ownership of the line and its maintep.ari~e ~hereafter provided property owners were willing to defray the cost .for construction of the new line and granting of the necessary eas~ments_. Minutes of June 25, 1956, were read and approved. 1f.Jith no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ?,/~. . <--~ /':'. ~ City of West IlJ.versitv Place; Texas Mayor, ATTEST: -.-- . (', ~J,,~ City Secret / ~ // , /' ~~. r-u "'1' ,.., .. "'j -----r .,.. "", .. -~-71-U ,J rl () (\-0. .eJ ..' REGUlJI.R MEETING OF CITY COj\iIMISSION JULY 23, 1956 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, July 23, 1956, 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall, with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The City Trea?urer and Acting City Attorney Charles S. Taylor, Jr., were also present. The City Manager and City Attorney were absent as they were out o~ the City on vacation. The Invocation was pronounced by Rev. Lonnie Standley, Assistant Pastor of the West University Baptist Church. Mrs. C. S. Robertson, President of the Sunset Terrace Garden Club, and Mrs. C. G. Albert of that club appeared before the Commission to outline the progress which has been accomplished toward planting shrubs and flowers along Poor Farm Ditch~ Mrs. Robertson advised it was the decision of the Club to plant oleanders and grass in this area as well as some day lillies. She thanked the City Commission for the assistance already given by the city on the project and indicated the group would possibly require the aid o~ the City in keeping down the weeds on the project at least for the first year. Action by the Commission was withheld pending an investigation as to the cost involved for maintaining the area along Poor Farm Ditch. JYIinutes of the Zoning Board meeting on July 12, 1956, were submitted for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Comm. Goff, seconded by COITlJn. Reeve that the request of Mrs. Frank J. Hemmi, 6728 v-Jest Point requesting permission to erect a carport between present garage and ~ence which would front on Cason Street and extend to within three feet of the property line be denied as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Go~f, Hammond and Reeve None A proposed form to be used as a supplement to the Building Application Form was submitted to the Commission for study. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that the proposed supplement to the Building Application Form be approved along the lines as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None A report indicating the progress made toward clearing intersection approaches of trees and shrubbery was given the Commission. The report showed twenty- nine of the original eighty-four violations still existing, with a compliance to the Mayor's letter requesting correction amounting to 65.5%. It was explained three of the letters had been returned lLndelivered, and ~urther, t.hat the water bills to be mailed July 31, 1956, carry a slogan on this subject. The Cmnmission accepted this report. 201 Resolution No. 56-35 as follows, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: RESOLUTION 56-35 WHEREAS, the Building Code of the City of West University provides that all new sidewaJks constructed in the City shall be four feet in width, and there has been a request made of the City Commission by 1r.T. H. Farrington that he be allowed to reconstruct his existing sidewalk which is now in bad repairo NOvJ THEREFORE BE rT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COHHISSION OF THE CITY OF vJES T UN IVERS ITY PIJI CE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the request of W. H. Farrington, 6624 Vanderbilt, that he be allowed to replace his existing (but damaged) three foot wide sidewalk in f'ront of' 6624 Vanderbilt with a sidewalk of' equal width be and the same is hereby granted and approved. Section 2. That the action as taken by the City Commission in regard to the request of W. H. Farrington shall not be construed as an exception to the existing ordinances of the City requiring the construction of four-foot sidewalks in residential areas, but to the contrary, that the action so taken is and shall be a mere permit for the replacement and repairs of existing three- foot sidevmlk. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that Resolution No. 56-35 permitting Mr. W. H. Farrington, 6624 Vanderbilt to replace a broken and damaged sidewalk with a new one of a three foot width be passed and approved as read subject to instqllatioh of a four foot walk at this address if other residents in the 6600 block of Vanderbilt install walks of a four foot width; this action being taken upon advice and counsel of Acting City Attorney Charles S~ Taylor, Jr. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith,'Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The Commission requested the minutes to reflect the assurance of Mr. Gus Comiskey, of Comiskey Insurance Agency, that ladies representing the West Uni versi ty Garden Club lifhile painting murals and landscaping the Community Building would be covered under the city's General Comprehensive Liability Policy. The minutes o.f the regular meeting of July 9, 1956, were read and approved as corrected. tHth no further business to come before the Com.mission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. [=-~:-- -". -_~r~___ I- -==-c__:rC".: r:r-~--;L--::-:'-='~'c~~:~~~--~---'-~----rT--.-----,o- -- '~L7r---'----------~' ,-- - - -T-T lic-~n0 .<, i.} ;~~;! The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City"Hall at 7: 30 P.M. Monday, August 6, 1956 , with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Harmnond and Reeve. The City Hanager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Paul Reeve. Mrs. Frank Karnaky and Mrs. R. E. Boyker, President and Representative of the West University Garden Club, again appeared before the Commission and submitted a proposed plan for landscaping and beautifying the area on the south side of the Community Building and for painting murals on the north, south and east walls in the interior of the building. Motion by Com~issioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the West University Garden Club be permitted to proceed with beautification of the Community Building Grounds and painting of murals on the walls of the building in accordance with the proposal submitted, with the city to furnish paint,'ladders and scaffolds for the painting and a maximum of $50.00 for landscaping the grounds. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Morris; Commissioners'Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Resolution 56-36, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that Resolu- tion 56-36, directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $35,000 from the Water-Sewer Fund; for a period of six months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Ham~ond and Reeve Voting No:, None i , , i i -----' A request was submitted from Building Inspector B. F. Kingman for authority to attend a Short School and Convention of the Texas State Association of , Plumbing Inspectors at Brmmsville, Texas, August 30, 31, September 1 and 2. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Building Inspector B. F. Kingman be authorized to attend the Short School and Convention of the Texas State Association of Plumbing Inspectors at Bronsville, Texas, August 30, 31, September 1 and 2, with reasonable expenses paid by the Oity. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Norris; Cow~issioners Galbraith, Go.ff, Hammond and Reeve None A list of delinquent accounts receivable as of July 31, 1956, was presented with a request for permission to charge off the following: ~__m_~~.. '-~-~r''':~,,~''~~~:mI--~~--r'-'-~''~"'''''-'''-'~'.~, 1 1"- 1'1 2 C,'} <;) f-' :'\ ___1.,. tr'.. (1) (2) (3) Jules Hudson,h260 Sunset - Balance due for inverted penetration placed on Corrmunity Drj.ve in 1951 . . . $30.00 George W. Foster, 8623 McGallion -Dtle for street work , in the 4100 block of Cason Ln 1953 . . . .. ... 100.00 Mrs. F. E. Foster, h411 Roseneath - mowing of vacant lot at Bellaire & Buffalo Spdw., April 1955 (Erroneous invoice, not the correct owner.) . 15.00 Mr. C. B. Seay, 6433 Rutgers - Balance due .for inverted penetration on 6400 Block Rutgers, 1952 . . . . . . 17.50 Jerry Hutchens, 4208 Oberlin - balance due for inverted penetration on the h200 block Oberlin, 1952 . . . . ~ (4) (5) . Total. $180.00 Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the City Treasurer be authorized to charge off the five accounts in the amount of $180.00 in accordance with the list submitted. V oting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None A recommendation was submitted by the Chief of Police for installation of "STOP" signs on Rutgers Street at the intersections of Plumb, Tangley, Rob- inhood and Nottingham streets; on Carnegie Street at the intersection of Rutgers; and ofrWakeforest at the intersection of Plumb. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that nS'IDpn signs be installed on Rutgers Street at the intersections of Plumb, Tangley, Robinhood and Nottingham Streets; on Carnegie Street at the intersection of Rutgers; and Wakeforest at the intersection of Plu~b, as recow~ended by the Chief of Police. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Norris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, H~ond and Reeve None Mayor Morris presented a letter dated July 18, 1956,.from the McCall-Gardner Machinery Company stating they did not desire to deliver a front end loader on the contract awarded to them as there had been implications by city employees that the company had delivered a used tractor instead of a new one. The Mayor also submitted a letter he had written to :f!IIcCall Gardner Machinery Company in reply to their letter of July 18, setting forth the exceptions taken by City employees to the tractor that was delivered by this firm which they represented as being a new tractor. In view of the implications and allegations by the McCall-Gardner Tractor Company, the Ci ty Commission took the follovnng action: , Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that the action taken by the City Commission on th~ date of June 18, 1956, awarding a contract to McCall-Gardner Machiner-y Company be rescinded, and that all bids received on May 21, 1956, for delivery of a front end loader be rejected --,-- r--l~Tj-"-"~-~-~ _ _----11:' rl'- I.T,'_--,,-- ---""'---''1:'. 204 and the City Manager be authorized to readvertise fcir bids to be received until 7:30 P.H., September 10, 1956, for delivery of a front end loader to meet the city's specifications. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Horris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hq,mmond,and Reeve None The City Hanager presented a proposed 1957 budget which had heretofore been considered by theCit~ Commission and which will be presented to the Finance Committee at a meeting to be held later in the evening. The Nayor announced that the budget ,must be adopted by August 31, in compliance with Charter provis~ons and a public hearing on adoption of the budget must be held after proper ,legal notice. Hotion by Com.missioner Goff, seconded by Oommissioner Hammond, that a Public Hearing for consideration of adoption of the 1957 budget be set for 7:30 PJ1., Monday, August 27, 1956, and ,the City Manager instructed to give proper notice in the official newspaper of the city. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Resolution No. 56-37, as follows, was submitted to the Commis~ion for con- sideration and read in full: 1'JHEREAS, THE CrTY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE as part of its summer recreation program has fostered and encouraged the vJest University Place Baseball Association in recognition of the importance of supervised recreation for the boys of the City of West University Place during the summer; and WHEREAS, such association furnished an opportunity to approximately two hundred and fifty boys of West University Place to participate on a competitive basis in the game of baseball, said association being comprised of six minor league teams, four major league teams and four pee wee teams; and ~fHEREA8, due to circumstances beyond the control of the proper offi- cialsof the City of West University Place it was impossible to obtain a playing field for the use of the baseball association as originally planned; and irJHEREAS, when the problem of obtaining a field was made k:no.m to T. C. (Bud) Evans, General Manager of the Coca Cola Company of Houston, Texas, said T. C. (Bud) Evans generously offered to malce available and did make available to the West University Baseball Association a use of the Coca Cola little league field; and itJHEREAS, it was necessary for said T. C. (Bud) Evans to spend a considerable amount of time and to incur a substantial expense in preparing and maintaining such field fur the use of the 1tJest University Place Assocj_ation: c====:=~.------~- --~---r'~O"""~~t'l=~-'-:,,='_-- ._':_~:,:_:___~.~-~~C~''"' -"-----=-=='"""'"~~ "r~-- Qf'l. ,..; ~ .1.), NOW THEF.EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CONMISSION OF THE CITY OF \'i~ST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the appreciation of the citizens of the City of West University Place, acting by and through the mayor and city commission of said city, as well as that. of the Nayar and City Commission be, and the same is hereby extended to T. C. (Bud) Evans for his generosity and wholehearted cooperation in making available a playing field for the use of the West University Place Baseball Association during the past summer, said action of T. C. (Bud) Evans being in full accordance Vlith the highest principles of civic duty. 2. . That a copy of this Resolution be presented to the said T. C. (Bud) Evans in token of the appreciation of the citizens of the City of "Vlest University Place and of the Mayor and City Commission of said city as expressed herein. 3. That copies of this Resolution be furnished to each of the local newspapers serving this area. PASSED AND APPROVED this 6th day of August, 19.56. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Resolution No. 56-37, extending appreciation of the citizens and the Mayor and City Commission to Mr. T. C. (Bud) Evans, General Manager of the Coca Cola Company for making available to the West University Baseball Association the use of the Coca-Cola Little League Field, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, GOff, H~mlond and Reeve None Con@issioner Hammond suggested that all bicycles recovered by the Police DeDartment and stored at the City Hall which had not been claimed and whose mmers cannot be located be given to some charitable organization. Oity Attorney Charles Cockrell advised that Public Notice should be gilren announcLTlg the city's intention in order that no liability be incurred in event an OVlner of one of the bicycles should present a claim. Notion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Con~issioner Galbraith that a , legal notice be inserted in the official nmvspaper of the city announcing the city's intention to dispose of the bicycles accumulated by the Police Department and if no claims were presented after 30 days notice is given that they be presented to some ~JOrthv-Thile charitable organization. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Norris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Attorney Charles Cockrell presented a letter dated. August 1, from Mrs. Adelaide Knapp, rejecting the city's offer of $1.500 for l,ot 14, Block 15, Collegeview 3rd Addition which the City Conmission had authorized the City Attorney to offer as reflected in the minutes of Ju...'1.e 11, 19.56. r-irs. Knapp agreed to accept $1700 as a purchase price for the property provided the city would ass~~e the responsibility of clearing the title. m._~'-F~~"~~~-~-" C""l -----~- 1'1 201!5 ~~-~._-~ Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Com~lissioner Reeve, that the City purchase from Hrs. Adelaide Knapp, Lot 14, Block 15, Collegeview 3rd Addition for the sum of $1700 in accordance with her proposal qated,August 1, in her letter to Hr. Charles Cockrell, and the city assume the responsi- bility of clearing the title. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Co~~issioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Minutes of the meeting of July 23, were read and approved as corrected. "V'Jith no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. , C:)/ ~~ Mayor, City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: ....... /-~--''''''-''''' ) I / -At ~~\, / "'~.~ ~eCr~tary ... -... '---"-r"~=iT~~"'~"~~~::rrr.. - --1lI-' -r'~T--~.--- ClT r'" ......--Tr--- 2fJ7 REGULAR MEETING OF C ITY CO~ITHSSION AUGUST 132-_1956 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall Monday, August 13, 1956, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor pro tem Goff, presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Nayor Morris was out of the City on vacation. The Invocation was pronounced by Co~~issioner Galbraith. A proposed ordinance regulating the laying, construction and repair of side- walks, curbs and gutters and adopting specifications therefor was discussed. It was the opinion of the Commission that some latitude should be given con- cerning the reconstruction of sidevralks which vJ8re originally 3 feet wide and not in compliance with the 4 foot standard, as proposed in the ordinance, and also discussed a provision requiring a maximum of 30 Foot curb opening for co~ercial or business concerns and directed the City Attorney to include these two provisions in the proposed ordinance. ' An ordinance requiring the sale of gasoline and other flammable liquids in metal containers only, and requiring them to be painted and lettered with certain specified words was submitted for consideration. It was the opinion of the City Commission that the Ordinance should be revised to eliminate a provision requiring citizens to letter metal containers which are used for the storage of fla~~able liquids on their premises and inst~~cted the City Attorney to revise the proposed ordinance accordingly. The City Engineer submitted a plan for installation of two 1500 gpm booster PQmps; one to be operated by a natural gas engine and the other by an electric motor, instead of one 2500 gpm combination'booster pump as originally proposed in the five year water improvement program. The City Eng:L"YJ.eer explained the desir2bility and economy of installing the two pumps instead of the one larger one. After thoroughly considering the matter, the Commission took the follo~..J"- ing action: Motion by Cornraissioner Hammond, seconded by Oommissioner Heave, that the inQtallation of two 1500 gpm booster pumps - one, to serve as a standby ~ in lieu of one 2500 gpm combination booster pump, be approved as recommended by the City Manager and City Engineer, and that Mr. George HaWley, Chief Engi- neer of the State Fire Insurance Com~lission, be requested to approve this change from the original plan. Voting Aye: Voting No: Nayor Pro tem Goff; Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None A report was given setting forth the action of the Board of Equalization concerning final valuations approved by the Board, and a total of all tax val~ations for the year 1956, which amounted to $20,305,000.00. The City Manager lias instructed to obtain extirnates of cost for the moving of the 20 x 40 foot metal building notv located on the COIl'.munity Building grounds to the new disposal grounds located on Ruffino Road. i I--~~----- - - ---t"'t~I--~~"-T=::Jr ..-. L--~---------~-'--'~C'-'-T I iW" 'fl. 9qR fut "...... '.' Mayor Pro tem Goff asked for a report on efforts that had been made by the Police Department to eliminate hazards at various intersections and after discussing the matter, the City Manager was instructed to send out second notices to those who had not corrected these irregularities. The 1957 budget proposed for adoption at a public hearing August 27, 1956, was discussed, and information given to news reporters present. Mayor Pro tem Goff stated that needed improvements in the Water Department would increase the budget by approximately $100,000 over the total budget opera- tion for the previous year. He also stated that neither the tax rate nor ,valuations had been increased this yea.r, but there u-Tas a strong possibility that a tax increase would be made during the next tax year, as it now has become necessa~J for city officials to provide new or additional income for every additional dollar expended. It was explained that some saving had been made in the budget through reduction of insurance premiums, and that the city's share of the cost of the retirement plan had been reduced from 5% to 2.6% as the city's contributio~towardprior service credits was being rap- idly reduced. City Attorney Charles Oockrell stated that he had forwarded a deed to Mrs. Adelaide Knapp for her signature in connection with the purchase of Lot 14, Block 15, Collegeview 3rd Addition, in accordance with his instructions from the City Commission. Minutes of the meeting of .August 6, 1956, were read and approved as corrected. :rJith no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. C~~~.... .' Mayor, City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: -------~--_. --r"~.:",_ . ~..~-I_L."~'~--'---'="~~~-~Z_'~C'-,"""O :.----~-""'o.-'=..-r~-~';-=f'.l ___~_.::=::Ir"'------- "I I" 20~t REGU1A.R ]-'IEETING OF CITY COJl.'1NISSION AUGUST 27, 1956 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, August 27, 1956, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. City Attorney Charles Cockrell pronounced the invocation. Mayor Morris announced that a public hearing for adoption of the 1957 budget in accordance with previously published legal notice would be held at this time. The Mayor stated that the City Commission had met on three occasions to consider the proposed budget and had also met with the Finance Committee. It was the recommendation of the Finance Cmmmittee that the proposed budget be adopted. The proposed expenditures and revenues were reviewed as well as the major points of the budget. Mayor Morris stated adequat~ funds had been appropria ted to pay the principal and interest on bonded indebtedness and for maintenance service for all, of the city's facilities and pointed out that revenue had been provided in the Water Fund for construction of additional storage capacity totaling 1,900,000 gallons. Hessrs. W. F. Ghiselin, L. B. Bricker and J. \liT . Child, members of the Finance Committee were present and expressed their appreciation and compliments on the preparation and contents of the 1957 budget. Mrs. C. S. Robertson, 3779 Georgetown, asked if funds had been provided in the Park Dept. for the maintenance of the area along Poor Farm Ditch and the vacant areas on Bissonnet. . Itwa~ stated that funds had not been provided and city officials felt that it was not the city's responsibility to main- tain the areas in question and particularly the vacant area and the parkway on Bissonnet and Richmond Road which would not re~ire maintenance after the City of Houston and Harris County completes the repaving of the street which is now underway. After hearing all of those present and determining that the budget was in final form and ready for adoption, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that ~he public hearing to consider the adoption o.f the 1957 budget be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reev~. None Mayor Morris announced that it was in order to pass two ordinances in connection with approval of the budget. Ordinance No. 708, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in .full: r---~-~---'-~~--- -- - ~----~ r~T~Ct~'G'''~~~==:JI~C~-" ~ L~'~ ~"O'''~~--'~--r.-~ iur.- 'TI-- i) '1 "\ ....i -'- \.9 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AN AD VAIDR>>l T.A.X ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LJlIIITS OF THE CITY OF vilEST UNI>VERSI1Y PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1956, AND PROVID- ING FOR THE COLLEC TION THEREOF. , Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Ordinance No. 708, levying and assessing an ad valorem tax on all t&~able property within the city for the year 1956 and providing .for the collection thereof, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioner Galbraith, Gof'f', Hammond and Reeve None Ordinance No. 709, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Cownission and read in full: AN ORDJ1\JANCE APPROVING A BUDGET FOR 'IRE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR A TWEINE MONTH PERIOD BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 19.57 AND ENDING DECENBER 31, 1957; PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIA TION OF PUBLIC FUNDS O'F CITY FOR USE AND EXPENDI'IDRES Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that Ordinance No. 709, approving a budget for the City of West University Place .for a 12 month period beginning January 1, 1957, and ending December 31, 19.51, pro- viding for the appropriation of public funds of' the city for use and expen- ditures, be passed and approved as read. . Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor 11orris; Commissioner C!albraith, Goff', Hammond and Reeve None Mr. George p. Murrin, representing Hrs. Mae Ullrich, 4019 Brovming, appeared before the Commission and stated that Nrs. Ullrich desired to repair the damage to the garage and upstairs apartment caused by fire and that she was no..1 willing to comply with the original permit provided the City Commission would not permit the construction of a carport and sun-deck which had been partially completed. Motion by Commissioner Go.ff, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that Mrs. Mae Ullrich, 4019 Browning, not be permitted to construct a carport with sun-deck on the existing garage apartment at ~his address, but that work be limited to the Building Permit as issued by the Building Inspector as recommended by the Zoning Board on August 16. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Co~issioner Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The Mayor suggested to Mr. Murrin that he have his client, Mrs. Ullrich, meet with the City fiIanager concerning details of the original permit and the manner under which the work could proceed. ,--" ., rOT~'~~'~-':n" r -~~-'-" ~-,--,- , '1 ----- I. ---- """--'-"'-"1--- - Tf 211 Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the request of Mr. Dan Sterling for permission to erect two 10 x 25 Foot sign- boards on top of the Ahrens Building at Sunset and Kirby be rejected as recomnlended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Mr. A. G. Davis, representing the Zoning Board was present. J\1inutes of the Zoning Board meeting of August 25, were reviewed by the City COmnlission and action taken as follows: The::.commission reviewed plans .for construction of a residence at the North- east corner of Belmont and Jarrard. After discussing the provisions which require 60% of the rear yard area to remain vacant and the distance which the garage may be constructed to the rear line, it was the opinion or the City Commission that plans presented by Mr. Ponnish, did note violate either of theBe provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith; that the plan submitted by Nr. Ponnish for construction of a residence on the North- east corner of Belmont and Jarrard be approved and the City Commission con- cur in action taken by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioner Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve Commissioner Goff Mrs. C. S. Robertson, President of the Sunset Terrace Garden Club, stated that it was very difficult to water the shrubs along the Poor Farm Ditch on Edloe Street between Sunset and Georgetown because of the distance be- tween water meters installed to service this area, and asked the Commission to approve the installation of three additional meters for this purpose. The City Manager was instructed to determine if the additional meters could be installed without cutting the pavement and to present an estimate of the cost at the next meeting. Ordinance No. 710, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE LAYING, CONSTRUCTING, BUILDING, REPAIRING OR' REBUILDING OF SIDETflTALKS, DRIVEWAYS, CURBS OR GUTTERS ON ANY STREET, .ALLEY, EASEt"lENT, OR 'IHOROUGHFARE irJITHINTHE CITY OF "t1JEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; ADOPTING STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS; PROVIDING PENALTIES: CONTAINING SEVERABILI,TY CLAUSE; REPEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT: AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by COmnlissioner Goff, that Ordin- ance No. 710, regulating the laying, constructing, building, repairing or rebuilding of sidewalks, driveways, curbs or gutters on any street and adopt- ing specifications, be passed and approved as read. .~-~-.-- r'J<c":~[L:-:~-C~~\__:~---"---------r-'-"- - '~'--'TT--~----::-- ----w----- ... II C'l~J :G .,. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None Ordinance No. 711, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE SELLING OR DISPENSING OR OFFERING 'ill SELL OR DISPENSE AT SERVICE STA TIONS GASOLINE OR OTHER FWI... ~1ABLE LIQUIDS HAVING A FLASH POINT BELOW 200 DEGREES FAHRENHErT, IN ANY CONTAINER OTHER THAN A METAL CONTAINER EQurpPED WITH A CAP OR OTHER SJJVnLAR DEVICE SUFFICIENT 10 PREVENT '!HE ESCAPE OF VAPORS; REQUIRING THE PROPER LETTERING OF PORTABLE METAL CONTAIN- ERS !ivHICH ARE USED FOR THE S10RING OF GASOLINE AND OTHER FLAMMA- BLE L rQu IDS ; MAKrNG VIOLA TIONS A MISDEMEANOR AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF NOT LESS THAN $1.00 NOR MORE THAN $200.00. Motion by Commissione~ Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Ordinance No. 711, prohibitingo the selling or dispensing of gasoline or other flammable liquids in any other than a metal conta:iner be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Ooff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None Ordinance No. 712, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in Full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS PREREQUISITE 10 THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING 10 CpNSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF "WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT '!HE RESUBDIVISION OF '!HE 1-JEST ONE-HALF OF JilT 5, BLOCK 19, "WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FIRST ADDITION; FINDING Tff.AT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR '!HE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN M-1END- MENT 'ill ORDINANCE NO. 111 HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD: AP- PROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT AND RECONMENDA TION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNrNG BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE At\1ENDED SO AS 'ill PERl'lIT '!HE RESUBDIVISION OF THE SAID LOT; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF 1-lEST UNrVERSITY PLACE SHOULD BE Al'IENDED SO AS ro PERHIT SUCH RESUBDIVISION; .AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 111 RESUBDIVIDING THE SAID IDT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC TIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, sec.onded by Commissioner Hammond, that Ordin- ande No. 712, amending Ordinance No. 111, and permitting resubdivision of Lot 5, Block 19, West University Place 1st Addition be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None 'l"'~~!~~~ T"I 213 Minutes of the meeting of August 13, 1956, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the meetip~ at this time, upon motion duly mqde, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned~ c ~ 2t:~~ Mayor, City of West University Place, Texas .AT TES T: ~~ C,ty Secretary .. , " / // r'T~~rlc"~~~i:=Ljr"'~-r"'~"O~"~--t:'1 __ lI[' 'ITU 01"4, .Ld' - REGULAR JYIEETING OF CITY Cm'JlVIISSION SEPTEHBER 10, 1956 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, September 10, 1956, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: 11ayor l'-iorris, presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Han~ond and Reeve. Also present were the City Attorney and City Manager.. Commissioner Galbraith pronounced the Invocation. In compliance with action taken by the City Commission and Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids re- ceived for delivery of a tractor with front-end loader were opened and results announced as follows: Benson Tractor Co. - - - $3..,765.00 less Pearce Equip. Co. - 4,907.50 less Hi-~iay Equip. Co. - 5,898.86 less Brovming-Ferris M&ch. Co. - 6,946.00 less $465.00 trade-in 922.50 trade-in 1200.00 trade-in 500.00 trade-in $3,300.00 3,985.00 4,698.86 6,446.00 Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that bids re- ceived for delivery of a tractor with .front-end loader be referred to the City Manager and City Engineer for tabulation and recommendation. Voting .Aye: Voting No : Mayor Norris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Resolution No. 56-38, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full. Motion by Cow~issioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that Resolu- tion No. 56-38 directing the City Treasurer to LTlVest funds amounting to $20,000.00 from the Water-Sewer Fund for a period of six months be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Norris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None In accordance with instructions to the CiVf Manager on August 27, an esti- mated cost for installation of three additional water meters on Edloe Street along the Poor Farm Ditch in order that the area which has been beautified with shrubbery might be properly watered was submitted. The Commission was advised that three additional meters could be installed as requested by Mrs. C. S. Robertson, President of the Sunset Terrace Garden Club, for approxi- mately $300.00. Motion b;y- Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that three additional water meters be installed along the Poor Farm on Edloe Street if same can be accomplished for $300.00 or less and provided the pavement on Edloe Street does not have to be cut; however, for reason that the city has heretofore spent approximately $800.00 for the purpose of beautifying the area, along ~he Poor Farm Ditch on Edloe Street between Rice Blvd. and - -------~----,- -- T~~-lT--"----"-~T'-~:u!----r"-"-~---'-"---'-r-T If- '"'"""r I I 215, Sunset, the Commission does not feel that the city should contribute any further for this purpose. Voting Aye: Voting No: r1ayor Norris; COIl1.missioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Mr. J. L. Graham, 6707 Rutgers, appeared before the Comrnission requesting permission to install 220-volt electrical service in a garage apartment located in connection with a residence, on Lot 5, Block 41, West University Place 1st Addition which was constructed in 1939. Mr. Graham was advised that inasmuch as the garage apartment is in violation of the city's zoning ordinance, a permit to make a change in the electrical service could not be issued. A request from the Y.W.C.A. for use of the Comrrtlmity Building for a Fall program which starts October 1, and continues for 8 weeks was submitted ~or consideration. c The dates requested were Mondays and Thursdays 7=30 to 9:30 P.M. and Wednesdays and Thursdays, 9:30 to 12:30 A.M. :r-10tion by Gomm<issioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that the Y .1\f .O.A. be permitted to use the Oomrn.1.inity Building during the eight weeks as requested at the minimum rate of $5.00 per session subject to cancellation in event there is a conflict with other groups who may have a prior right for use of the facilities. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Norris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The City Nanager advised the Co~mission that a request had been received from Girl Scout Troop No. 411 for permission to use the Community Building for the purpose of having a rummage sale and fair to raise funds to help defray expenses for the girls to make a trip to Europe four years hence. It was explained that the building would be in use about a day and a half. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the request of the Girl Scout Troop for use of the Community Building for a day and a half for the purpose of ha\Qng a fair and runIDlage sale be re- jected for reason that use of the building has been requested by other groups and it does not seem advisable for one group to monopolize use of the building for such along period of time. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor l>10rris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Harmnond and Reeve None A letter from Mr. ,Charles Cockrell, City Attorney, advised the Commission that a temporary injunction prohibiting the renting of the garage apartment at 3116 Jarrard was granted the city on August 7, in the case against J. L. Steger, et l~, Case No. 470,558 and that the mandatory injunction would go into efcfect on and after November 6. The City Attorney also submitted a statement of charges in cOI1.nection with the case in the total amount of $150.00 for which the Commission approved payment. f-- c,~^, I"", - -II""~~- I Ci\ r' r \ ----.____ n 'IT 216 A letter was submitted from Mr. J. M. Nagle, Director, Department of Public ~'Torks, City of Houston, requesting peI'lJlission to cross the \^Test Universi~ drainage ditch which extends from ~ellaire Blvd. south to Brays Bayou \iith a 42-inch sanitary sewer main which is proposed for in~ediate construction to service the, Braes Heights and Ayrshire area. Hotion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that- the request from the City of Houston for permission to construct a 42-lnch sewer line of monolithic construction across the city's drainage ditch 1J>Thich is south of BelJ-aire, Blvd. and extends to Brays Bayou, be approved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, GOff, Hammond and Reeve None :fVIayor Morris announced that Fire Narshal G. E. Ktng had requested to be relieved of his duties as fire Marshal due to condition of his personal health and permission to reassume the duties of Captain. .It was the recom- mendation of tp.e, City JIIlanager that the request of G. E. King be approved and that Captain Charles E. Duf.fin be appointed Fire Marshal, effective September 1, at a salary of $400.00 with an increase to $425.00, if merited, effective January 1, 1957. Notion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Cormnissioner Galbraith, that the recommendation o.f the City Mp.nager pe accepted and Charles E. Duffin be appointed Fire Marshal at a salary of $400.00,effective September 1, with an increase to $425.00 to become effective January 1, 1957, if merited. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The Oath of Office was administered to C. E. Duf.fin as Fire Marshal by Hay'or Norris. Ordinance No. 713, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Cow~lission for consideration and read in full: AN OF..DIN.A.NCE ESTABLISHING CHARGES TO BE PAID FOR v-IATER HETERS IN THE CITY OF WEST UNlVERSTT'I PLACE; AND REPEALING ALL ORDIN- ANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREt'ITITH, AND PJi...RTICULARLY SO ORDINANCE NO. 365. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Har@lOnd that Ordin- ance No. 713, establishing charges to be paid for water meters in the,Ci~y of West University Place be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Corr~issioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The City }'T-anager advised the Commission" that the city requires a $5.00 water deposit from ne\"1' customers and in his opinion it should be increased as it appears that the city's losses from uncollected water bills will increase ~~~- r~,~~~rT'~=~" r' ,...~--".'-r-l -:r---- --"'i IT 211 several hundred dollars since rates have been raised. The Commission instructed the City Hanager to make a study of other utility deposit require.'1lents and make a report for consideration. Ordinance No. 714, capti;ned a; follows was submitted to the CO~'1lis- sian for consideration and reqdiq full: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COlvlMISSION OF T"tIE CI~[ OF "t-lEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TEXAS, TAKING NOTE OF THE PASSAGE BY THE CITY GOUNCJT.tOF THE CITY OF HOUSTON OF AN ORDINANCE :rnVYDIG ASSESS}1EN'IS AGAINST THE A,BUTTING PROPERTY AND THE OWNERS THEREOF ABUTTING UPON BISSONNET AVENUE AND RICHMOND ROAD (STREE1S IN THE CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS) BE'J1iEEN CERTAIN LIJIIIITS AND IN PARTICULAR LEVYING ASSESS- MENTS AGAINST CERTAIN ABU'I'ITNG PROPERTY LYING IiITITHIN THE LL"UTS OF THE CITY OF lrffiST UNIVERSITY PLAC:E; STATING CERTAIN OF THE SUBSTANCE OF SUCH ORDINANCE; DECLARING THE INTENTIOllf OF THE CITY COTvIMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PI;.CE 'ill CONSIDER THE PROPRIETY, OF RA TIFYING AND APPROVING SAID ASSESSMEN'IS; ORDERING THAT A HEARING BE HELD UPON 1Iill TTERS RELATED THERE '10 ; FIXING THE TJ.}'IE .AND PLACE OF SUCH HEARING; l\ND DIR.ECTING THAT NOTICE BE GIVEN OF SUCH HEARL~G. Motion by COnLmissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that Ordinance No. 714, taking note of the passage by the City of Houston of an ordinance levying assessments against the abutting property and owners abutting upon Bissonnet and Richmond Road; and declaring the intention to consider the propriety of ratifying and approving said assessments; ordering a hearing and directing that notice be given of such hearing, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: , 1'1ayor Norris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. None Ordinance No. 715, captioned as follows, was submitted to the C,ommissioh and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING 'Y.l{E EXECUTION BY THE HAYOR IN ,BEHALF OF THE CITY OF 1rJEST UNIVERSI'l'Y PLACE, TEXAS, OF A CONTRACT BE T;J\JEEN SAID CITY AND THE CITY OF HOUSTON RELA TIVE ro THE ,INSTALLATION OF A 42 rNCH SANITARY SE1NER TRUNK LINE NORTH OF BRAES BAYOU; A COPY OF THE CONTRACT SO AUTHORIZED BEING NARKED EXHIBIT A AND ATTACHED 10 THISORDThTANCE. Motion by Corr@issioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that Ordinance No. 715, authorizing the executioq by the Mayor of a contract between the City of West University and the City of Houston relative to the installation of a42 inch sanitary sewer trillL~ line North of Braes Bayou to service the Braes Heights-Ayrshire area now serviced by the Ci ty of vJest Universi vJ sewage treatment plant, be passed and approved as read. ~-_. ~~;=r, I iil r"~"~'~'"~-~"', "1 iJ""~ ------------ "T"i~'-'- IT 218 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor-Morris; Co~missioners Galbraith, Goff, Hamraond & Reeve None A statement from the Southwest Branch Y .I'1.C .A. in the amount of $103.90 for the city1s share in the SQmmer swimming instruction program conducted at the ~vest University Pool by the Y .M.C .A. was submitted for considera- tion. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Co~issioner Haw~ond, that the statement from the Southlfrest Branch of the Y .:H.C ..A. in the amount of $103.90 be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Cow~issioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond & Reeve None The City Manager announced that bids received earlier in the evening for delivery of a tractor with front-end loader had been tabulated and it was his recommendation, and that of the Oity Engineer, that the bid of Hi-~'Jay Equipment Company, Inc. in the net &~ount of $4,698.86 be accepted. Motion by Co~issioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Ha~ond, that the bid of Hi-1rJay Equipment Company, Inc. in the net amount of $4,698.86 for delivery of a J.I.Case :Hodel 425, Industrial Tractor, equipped with an Ottawa Model 88-425 front-end loader be accepted as recommended by the City Manager and City Engineer. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Ha~Dnd & Reeve None The Commission was advised that Lot 14, Block 15, Collegeview 3rd Addition had been purchased from Mrs. Adelaide Knapp for a consideration of $1700.00 in accordance with their instructions. The City Manager also advised that no response had been received in con- nection with moving the metal building located on the Community Building Gr01.mds. Minutes of the meeting of August 27, 1956, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. The City Co~ission convened in recessed session at the City Hall, Monday, September 17, 1956, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Ham~ond and Reeve. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. II 219 The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Hammond. Minutes of the Zoning Board meeting of September 13, 1956, were reviewed by the City Commission and the following action taken: Notion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that the request of Mr. C. C. Arrington, 4218 Amherst, for permission to erect a carport in front of his existing attached garage to extend within 18 feet of the front property line be denied as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbra~th, Goff, Hammond & Reeve None Nayor Morris announced that it was necessary for the Commission to pass an ordinance calling &~ election to be ~el~ N~vember 6, 1956, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and foUr Commissioners 'and stated that the precinct election judges had been co~tacted and a list of names submi~ted from which the COTILmission could select the Assistant judge and clerks. Ordinance No. 716, captioned as follows, was submitted and read in full: AN ORDINANCE CALLING AN ELECTION HITHIN THE CITY OF \'JEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ON THE 6TH DAY OF NOVEJ.V1BER, 1956, FOR THE ELECTION OF A YrAYOR AND FOUR COlvIIv1ISSIONERS FOR A TERH OF TIiTO YEARS AND APPOINTING ELECTION OFFICERS FOR EACH POLLING PLACE. Notion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that Ordinance No. 716, calling an election within the City of West University on the 6th day of November, 1956, for the purpose of electing a Ma;y-or and four Com- missioners for a term of two years and appointing election officers for each polling place be rassed aDd approved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond & Reeve None Resolution 56-39, was submitted for consideration and read in full. 1v10tion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $3,000.00 from t.he Swimming Pool Fund for a period of 6 months be pa~sedand approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Norris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond & Reeve None The City Manager reported to the CODrraission on the increased traffic on Sunset be~~een Auden and Buffalo Speedway as a result of the repaving of Bissonnet and Richmond Road and construction of a new bridge across Poor Farm Ditch at Edloe and submitted a proposed Resolution to handle the increased traffic on Sunset during the duration of the construction as recommended by the Chief of Police. ~?,O d l~n ,.. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordjnance regulating traffic on Sunset Blvd. between Auden and Wake.forest and immediate vicinity for the duration of the repaving and reconstruction project on Bissonnet and Richmond. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, ,Goff, Hammond & Reeve None The Mayor reported that the City had accumulated in the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund $52,000.00 over a period of the last 10 years which could be used for redeeming certain outstanding bonds which are callable November 1, 1956. It was the opinion of the City Commission, after discussing the matter on two previous occasions and reviewing a recom- mendation sul:mitted by Mr. 1IT. F. Ghiselin, Chairman of the Finance Com- mittee who was present at the meeting, that action be taken to redeem $52,000.00 outstancing bonds of the City. Resolution 56-40 was submitted to the Connnission and read in full: A RESOLUTION EXERCISING RESERVED OPTION TO REDEE}1 $52,000.00 OUTS T,fI,NDING BONDS OF THE CITY OF 1r.JEST UN IVERS I TY PUCE, TEXAS, AND AUTHORIZING THE GIVING OF NOTICE OF REDEMPTION "\VHEREAS, the hereinafter described outstanding bonds of the City of West University Place, Texas, are redeemable at the pleasure of the City at par and accrued interest, on the option date of November 1, 1956, or on any interest paynlent date thereafter; and 1rrnEREAS, the City o.f West University Place, Texas, has available in its Tax Revenue Sinking Fund an amount in the sum of $52,000 which is considered as surplus and is not obligated or allocated for the payment of principal and interest on any of its bonded indebtedness and is available for redemption of the hereinafter described bonds; and 1rJHEREAS, the City Commission and the Finance Committee of the City have determined it advisable to call said bonds and the calling'of these said bonds will effect an interest saving of approximately $26,950.00; NOIrJ", THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COl1lft1ISSION OF THE CITY OF 1rJEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, 'IEXAS: That the City of West University Place, Texas, hereby elects to exercise its option to redeem at par and accrued interest on November 1, 1956, the hereinafter described bonds and the City Treasurer of the City of West University Place, Texas, is hereby authorized and directed to give proper notice, that the bonds have been called for redemption, such notice to be substantially in the following form: L_ --~~-r-: _:~~~-t~l-:-~.- _-~~~~-- _.1:-'-:-.--' '~----'r:'l -' 'I 1--- 2' ') 11, 'A.i 1. NOTICE OF BONDS CALLED FOR RRDF.MPTTON Notice is hereby given that the City of "vITest University Place, Texas, has elected to exercise its option to redeem the follow- ing described Bonds in the denomination of $1,000.00 each, bear- ing interest at the rate of 2-3/4% and redeemable on November 1, 1956, or on any interest payment date thereafter at par and accrued interest: "CITY OF lr.JEST UNIVERSrTY PLACE, SroRH SE\II}ER BONDS, SERIES 1946" DATED NOVEJV1BER 1, 1946 Aggregating $28,000.00 Bonds Numbered 33 to 36, both inclusive, due November 1, 1973 Bonds Numbered 37 to 44, both inclusive, due November 1, 1974 Bonds Numbered 45 to 52, both inclusive, due November 1, 1975 Bonds Nwabered 53 to 60, both inclusive, due November 1, 1976 Bonds Numbered 30 to 36, Bonds Numbered 37 to 43, Bonds Numbered 44 to 50, "CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, PUBLIC PARK BONDS, SERIES 1946" DATED NOVEJV1BER 1, 1946 Aggregating $21,000.00 both inclusive, due November both inclusive, due November both inclusive, due November 1, 1974 1, 1975 1, 1976 lIcr'lY OF 1"JEST illnVEHSI'lY PLACE", FIRE FIGHTING EQUIH:IENT BONDS, SERIES 1946" DA'l'ED NOVE!:{BER 1, 1946 Aggregating $3,000.00 Bond Number 8,' due November 1, 1974 Bond Number 9, due November 1, 1975 Bond Number.1O, due November 1, 1976 All of said bonds, totaling $52,000.00 have been called for re- demption on November 1, 1956, at the City National Bank of Houston, H~uston, Texas, (now known as the First City National Bank of Houston) where said bonds are to be presented for payment at par and accrued interest to the date o.f call. Said Bonds shall cease to bear interest from November 1, 1956. By order of the City Commission of the City o.f '-'lest University Place, Texas. City Treasurer, City of West University Place, Texas r10tion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that Resolution 56-40, exercising reserved option to redeem $52,000.00 outstanding bonds of t..he Civ.f of 1lIest University Place and authorizing the givL.Tlg of Notice of Red~lption be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor }10rris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None - --r':~e~:~'~~~-=ti~':--=~~~~~I -----.-::I~O.---~ __ __~ r.:: ---='.==-,==cco_,<=. '~-.~---~'~er:--:.:-----'---.-A_-=-_-~====:r 'I T ,) <, '), ;~,.J .".;,; ,; ,.. The City Manager advised that the dead-line for retaining bicycles which have been recovered by the Police Department would expire Thursday, September 20, in accordance Hith Legal Notice inserted in the newspaper which announced the city's intention to dispose of these bicycles. Commissioner Hammond stated that the Brotherhood of the 1ivest University Baptist Church sponsored projects for the South Texas Baptist Children' s Home, Beeville, Texas, and they desired to give the bicycles to children of this home. Motion by Com~issioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the bicycles be given to children of the South Texas Baptist Children's' Home, Beeville, Texas, through the Brotherhood of the West University Baptist Church. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None It vTaS reported to the Commission that the School Transit Company was in arrears in payment of their gross receipts tax since May 31, 1953,. and that a provision of their franchise was being violated in this respect. Notion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the City 1JIanager be instructed .to notify the School Transit Company that payment of all delinquent gross receipts taxes must be paid by October 1, 1956, or their franchise be cancelled. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Mo~ris; Co~nissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Minutes of the meeting of September 10, 1956, were read arrl approved as corrected. vJith no further business to come before the Conmlission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. C:X4-~ Mayor, City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: ~., ,I) ~ ./ I .~/~ j/ r r-o;o~r"'='=l:;:"-.'-"'~"'" '7-,"~'Jr~----"- r~"~~" ""~~~-T"l 1Ii 'IT 223 REGULAR l1EETING OF CITY COMHISSION __ SEP~BE~1~_~~__ The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, September 24, 1956, 7:30 P .H. at the City Hall, 1rJith the follo"lrling members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Com~issioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The City Nanager and City Attorney 1rJere also present. Tne City Nanager Ir,ade a report on the necessity and. advisability of lower- ing the pumps in Hater ~\Tells Nos. 4 & 5 and submitted specifieations pre- pared by the City Engineer for furnishing materials and reworking of the two 1;,rells. The estimated cost for the addition of two DumD bowls and sh,aft, 360 feet of neT/J 10 inch pump coluInn, and labor f~r ~Iell No.4 alllounted to $9,236.00 and the est~1ated cost for the addition of one new pump bowl and shaft and 60 feet of 12 inch pump col~~ and necessary labor for reworking Well No.5, amounted to $3,310.00. Motion by Cormnissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received on the date of October 22, for" reworking Wells Nos. 4 & .5 by adding pump bowls, shafts and new pump column as recommended by the City Engineer and City }ianager. Voting Aye: V oting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None In connection with a recommendation of the City Manager and Chief of Police for handling the increased traffic on Sunset Blvd. caused by therecon- struction of Bissonnet and Richmond Road, the City Attorney submitted Ordinance No. 717, captioned as follows, for consideration. AN OF..DINil.NCE REGULA TING VEHICUUm TRAFFIC DURING TJ}IE CON- sTRucTIoN 11TORK IS'BEING DONE ON BISSOtTNET - RICHt10ND ROAD BY PROVIDING FOR THE INSTALLATION OF CERTAIN S'IOP SIGNS; DESIGNATING SUnSET BVm. FRON BUF1')\LO SPEED1tJAY 'ill BEINONT STREET AS A ONE-v/AY S'f.'REET FOR 1>JESTBOmm TRAFFIC; GRANTrNG AUTHORITY TO THE CITY rJfcANAGER AND CHIEF OF POLICE TO RfI~GU- LA TE THE OPERATION AND PARKING OF HOTOR VEHICLES BY THE EP.ECrrrON OR PLACING OF SIGNS, SIGNALS, VlAR.'CERS AND OTHER AUTHORIZED TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES; CON T1UNrNG SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR. THE E.i:"J:".c;C TIllE DiI. 'IE HER.EOF. Motion by Cormnissioner Reeve, seconded by Comm.issioner Goff, that Ordinance No. 717 regulating traffic on Sunset Blvd. during the time construction vmrk is being done on Bissonnet-Richmond Road, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Conmissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The City Attorney submitted information he had obtair~d from the Municipal Code Corporation of Tallahassee, Florida, with reference to a proposal to codify ordinances and regulation3of the city. fill'. Cockrell stated that the r- '-=-c-~-- o?,A LJ old ~-_:: City of Houston had recently entered into a contract with this firm and it was his opinion that a more reasonable rate for the service could be ob- tained while they were in process of preparing a municipal code for the City of Houston. The City l'1anager \'j8.S instructed to submit the desired information to the Municipal Code Corporation of Tallahassee, Florida, from which they could make a cost analysis to prepare a municipal code for the city. Mayor Morris submitted an inquiry from the League of Texas Municipalities desi:ring to know the Commission's attitude toward expansion of League service and if the city was agreeable to a 50% or more increase in dues if such expansion Was adopted by the majority of the member cities. The Hayor presented a letter he had prepared outlining what he believed to be the city's position in this respect for consideration. After review- ing contents of Mayor Morris' letter to the L~a~le it was the opinion of the Commission that the City1s position had been accurately stated and if an expansion of the League's service was deemed advisable that the increase of dues be limited to 50% of the present schedule. Minutes of the meeting of September 17, 1956, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Comraission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. The City Commission convened in recessed session on Monday, October 1, 1956, 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall, -v>rith the follm,ring mem"bers present: :tvIayor Norris, presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Reeve. In compliance with action by the City Commission on September 10, 1956, and Legal Notice published in the official newspaper for the ci ty on Sep- tember 12, 19 and 26, Mayor Morris announced that a public hearing was in order to consider ratification and approval of assessments levied against property lying within the limits of the City of \rJest University Place and abutting Bissonnet Street and Richmond Road from Wakeforest Street to Academy Street. Mayor Morris asked that each petson present who wished to give testinlony or to be heard, to stand and be sworn. Those being sworn by Mayor Morris were City Paving Attorney, E.E. TmVIles, Jr., City Ma.nager ('\fhitt Johnson, F. F. Beadle, First Assistant City Attorney of the City of Houston, Hr. Walter Ortolani, Paving Engineer for the City of Houston, Mr. P. R. Harris, 3759 Albans; Mr. v. G.Sheffield, 3742 Wroxton; Mr. H. L. Murtichison, 3740 Wroxton; Mrs. E. L. Strelau, 3787 Richnlond Road; Mrs. Imogene Ward, 3787 Richmond Road; and Nr. J. I. Cornelison, City Engineer. -----T-.l.'.-~TI~~=~-=::r_..-' _ 1:_ __=="'=---====-'~'E~ - ---====:])["., --- 'I -I 225, Mr. Edgar E. Townes, Jr., Paving A ttorney for the City, at the request of MayorMQrris explained the legality of paving assessments where two cit~es are effected with a common boundary and stated that the City of Houston had instituted the same proceedings and had made assessments against all property owners on the north side of Richmond and Bissonnet and had requested the City of Jr.Test University to confirm ,and ratify the paving assessments made against residents of West University where property abutted the street on the South side. JYlr. Townes further explained that Notice had been published announcing the public hearing and the City COH!mission1s intention to confirm and ratify the paving assessments approved by the City of Houston. Mr. Townes requested Nr. F. F. Beadle, First Assistant City Attorney of Houston to outline and summarize the proceedings of the City Council of Houston relative to the assessment Ordinance passed by them on August 22, 1956. Mr. Beadle outlined the action taken by the City of Houston stating assessments of $7.l0per front foot had been levied against property on the North side of Bissonnet and Ricbmond Road which is un- restricted as to its uses and $1.00 per front foot against property which is restricted to residential use and $1.00 per front foot against property on the South side of Bissonnet and Richnlond Road, all of which is restricted to residential use. Hr. vJalter Ortolani, Paving Engineer for the City of Houston, testified to the type of construction o.f the pavement and gave a general outline of how the drainage problems would be corrected. ]VIr. P. R. Harris, 3759 Albans, stated that in his oplnJ..on there vJ'Ould be a definite decrease to the valuation of his property because of additional traffic; that there would be four lanes in the future compared to the present two lanes of traffic. Mr. Harris also objected to the type of constriction, stating that the present open ditches afforded a barrier which prevented automobiles from running into their rear yard in event of an accident. Mr. V. G. Sheffield stated that it was his understanding that a bond election had been approved in January, 1953, for the building of the streets in question and enlargement of the bridge across Poor Farm Ditch and the property owners would not be required to pay directly for the improvements. Hr. Sheffield also stated that it was his understanding that the City of West University had raised taxes in 1947 for the purpose of street paving costs and in this manner the cost was shared equitably. Mrs. E. L. Strelau, 3787 Richmond Road, requested all explanation as to how she could use her driveway which opens onto Richmond Road with one-way traffic going east at her driveway opening. Mrs. Imogene Word, 3787 Richnlond Road, made inquiry as to the amount of the assessment and the method by which the assessments could be paid. Mayor Morris and Mr. Tovmes answered questions presented by those present and all who appeared in opposition stated they did not wish to stand in the 1;ray of progress but there vTere certain aspects to the project which they did oppose. r-----'~~W"""~ "'r1~~'-n""""--- ~t=J[ , ~.~~".,- --, '~.L I _ ____---iJ[ , TT " _ "-"JJ :l~b With no other persons present desiring to give testimony or be othe~jise heard~ and after discussion by the City Comrrrission, the following action "ras taken: Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Cmmnissioner Reeve, that the hearing be closed and that final consideration be given at the next meet- ing of the City Commission to ratifying and adopting assessments made by the City of Houston. Voting Aye: Voting Not Mrs. W. J. Muth, 4216 RicQmond Road and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. }trer, 3223 Sunset~ representing a group of parents who desire to reactivate the Teen Canteen appeared before the Con~ission and requested use of the Community Building every other Friday night during the months of October, 'November and December wi thou t charge. Mayor Morris; Corr~issioners Galbraith, Goff, HaF~ond and Reeve None Motion byConmissioner Goff~ seconded by COmlllissioner Hammond~ that the Teen Canteen be permitted use of the Community Building every other Friday night during the months of October~ November and December without charge as this activity is considered a"part of the city's recreation program. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Co~~issioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None ' Resolution 56-41, 1vas submitted for consideration and read. in full: Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Cormnissioner Hammond, that Resolution 56-41 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $4,600 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, for a period of six months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Harris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Resolution 56-42, ~vas submitted for consideration and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Cormnissioner Hammond, that Resolution 56-L.2 directiIl.g the City Treasurer to invest .funds amounting to $10,000 from the Tax Collector Fund, for a period of six'months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Norris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Ham.mond and Reeve None Resolution 56-43, was submitted for consider~tion and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner HanMond, that Resolution 56-43 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds 8~ounting to $10,000 from the Tax Collector Fund, for a period of six months, be r-~~~--- - ----~t "T"'-"riC""-~-~-'T-iir-----'--r-'---- '--'Tr-.------..-- -------------------- --- ,j/ -r- II passed and approved as read. 221 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Mayor Morris presented a letter from Fire Chief George Juniel, stating that it was r~cessary that he resign as'Chief of the Fire Department since he had moved outside of the city in order to attend to his business affairs. Ivlotion by Commissioner'Reeve" seconded by Com.missioner Hammond, that the resignation of George Juniel as Chief of the Fire Department be accepted with regrets. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; ConMissioners Galbraith, Goff, Harmnond and Reeve None The Commission was advised that Mr. Frank Bloxsom, serving as Assistant Chief of the Fire Depa~tment had been elected Chief during a meeting of the Volunteer Fire Department on the date of September 25, after Chief Juniel's resignation was announced. Motion by COlmnissioner Reeve" seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that Assistant Fire Chief Frank Bloxsom be appointed Chief of the Fire Depart- ment in accordance with an election conducted by members of the Volunteer Fire Department. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None ij'lith"no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. A T'IES T: ' )- ./--) . // ~,~4~/ City Secreta:r;y,-;;; . ~, tvF ~ ....~n- ,TI ,:J[ .'.~~~~~rl MOYO~S: ~I~~t~ Texas Pl ):Jr.1=!, n _ un..Jl Tl 228 REGULAR JYIEE'I'ING OF CITY COHI'HSSION OC lOBER 8, 19.56 The City CowNission convened in re~llar session on October 8, 1956, 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall with the follovJing members present: rvIayor Pro tern Goff, presiding; CODrraissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve. The City Manager and the City Attorney were also present. Mayor Morris 1..J"as absent in con- nection with Compa.ny business. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Pro tem Goff. Resolution No. 56-44 was submitted for consideration and read in full. Motion by Conunissioner Reeve, seconded by Corr~issioner Galbraith, that Resolution No. 56-44, directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amount- ing to $5,300.00 from the Street Improvement Bond Fund - 1948 for a period of six months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tern Goff; Con~issioners Galbraith, Hanunond and Reeve None }~yor Pro tem Goff announced that the hearing held on October 1, for consid- eration of ratifying and conSirming paving assessments levied on the South side of Bissotnet Street-Richmond Road within tIle corporate limits of West University Place had been closed and that consideration of passing and approving an ordinance was in order. Ordinance No. 718, captioned as fo11mvs, was submitted for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMHISSION OF THE CI'I'Y OF ,\nlEST mnVERSITY PLACE, TEXltS, FUllING AND DE TERHIN ING TtIA T ll\)" THE HA TT.ER OF THE PERMANENT IMPROVENENT OF BISSONNET A "iIENUE FROM. THE 'VIES T CURB LII\TE OF ~{AKEFOREST STREET 'IO TIi'E CENTER LINE OF T'dE POOR FARH DITCH .AND OF RICHHOND ROAD FR.oN THE CENTER LINE OF POOR PARt'\![ DITOH 'roTHE iJJEST PROPER'JY LINE OF ACADDIY STREET (BY Th"E CITY OF HOUSTON, AIDED BY HAR."R.IS COlJNTY) CERT.AllJ THINGS F~ 'irE BEEN DONE AND. CERTAIN E\i'ENTS ff-AVE TRANSPIRED, llJCLUDING THE LEVYING BY THE CITY OF HOiJSmN OF ASSESSMENTS OF PART OF THE COST OF SUCH ~10RK 11.1\]]) TI4PRO\.7El'JIENT AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTY AI\J'J) THE m,TNERS T'rt'EREOF, INCLUDING mE ABUT'rING PROPERTY LYING ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF SAID PORTIONS OF SAID BISSON11ET AVEN1JE AND RICill10ND ROAD \..JHICH ABUTTING PROPERTY IS 1,-.JITHIH 'TI-1E LTIU'IS OF THE CITY OF 'iJEST UNIVEHSI1Y PLACE; RATIYfJNG AND APPROVING STICH ASSESSI'1ENTS; AND DIRECTING THAT CEETIFIED COP'[ OF THIS ORDINANCE BE DELIVERED TO THE CITY OF HOUS'IDN .AS ITS EVIDENCE OF SUCH RATIFICA..;. TION AND APPROVAL. Motion by Comrnissioner H~nond, seconded by COTIrraissioner Galbraith, that Ordii1aD.CeNo. 718, ratifying and approving assessments levied by the City of Houston for i..mprovements on Bissonnet Avenue-Ricl:..rDond Hoed by the City of Houston and Harris Count;r be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Nayor Pro tern Goff.; Commissioners Galbraith, Ha..rn.mond and Reeve None i__ -~c..~.r~-crF==:~-~-_..c _r...--...-----.-..- ..---~~.-'-"""F'I ----'..I. 'rr 229 Ha.yor Pro tem Goff administered the Oath of Office to Hr. Frank Bloxsom as Chief of the Fire Department. The City Manager stated that the Municipal Supply Company of Houston, desire to close out their stock of meter Darts and had submitted a proposal to Water Superintendent E. J. Hood to. sell the city $2,200.00 w;rth of meter parts for the approxirrlate s~ of $700.00. It was the decision of the Com- mission that a list of the most commonly used meter parts be selected from the stock in an ~mount less than $500.00 and the City Manager be authorized to expend this amount if an agreement could be vwrked out lfJith JvIunicipal Supply Company. City Attorney Charles Cockrell stated that he had advised with Mr. Dewitt Reagan, an Assistant Attorney lfJith the City of Houston, in relation to their gas rate case involving the Houston Natural Gas Corporation a.nd the Houston Pipe Line Company. Mr. Cockrell stated that it was the opinion o.f V~. Reagan that it 1rw,uld be mor~ effectfve if all of the cities vwuld jointly employ a rate analysis to file a se2arate Case than if they joined the City of Houston in filing a frien41y brief of intervention. It was the opinion of the City COITJaission that further consideration and study should be given to the problem pending future deve19pments inasmuch as the gas rate case has been postponeft for hearing until February,' 1957. Minutes of the meetings of September 24 and October 1, 1956, were read and approved as corrected. 1rJith no further business to corne before the Copnuission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconde,d and carried, the meeting Has adjourned. .fA TirES T: Ci ty Secretary LT=:=lT"'='='=~~l"=::r---'-r"'" ',- -n ______..JI. -r T 230 REGULAR IvJEETJJlJG OF C I1Y C01'INISSION OC'IDBER 22, 1956 The City Corrmission convened L~ regular session on Monday, October 22, 1956, 7 :30 P .Iv1. "lvi th the follm'Jing members present: Nayor Norris.., presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Harmnond and Reeve. Com,i11issioner Goff was absent as he was out of the city on company business. The City Attorney and City MaD2ger were present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Galbraith. In compliance '!Ii th Notice dul",j published in the official newspaper of the city and action taken by the City Cow~ission, bids received for revJOrking and replacing the pumps and discharge columns in t'Jater vfells Nos. 4 & 5, were opened and results arillounced as follows: Layne-Texas Co. Hell No. 4 $08..,562.24 n II II (11.1 t. ) 7,816.94 viell No. 5 2,560.36 Trade-in allolrJ. 760.00 Texas "'later 1iJells, Inc. I/vell No. 4 8,579.90 v>Iell No. 5 2,574.40 Trade-in allm'IT. 450.00 JVIotion by Commissioner Halllmond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that bids received for reworking and replacing the pumps and discharge coluIruns in Water Wells Nos. 4 & 5 be referred to the City Manager and City EngLneer for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Cowmissioners Galbraith, Ha~mond and Reeve None .A recommendation was received from H. E. Shipp, Chief of Police, that NO PAR..l(l]\TG signs be installed on the 1rJest side of Stella Link Road from the North line of the Cellar Door property North to v'Teslci.yan Road, since traffic in this area is becoming very congested. Notion by Cmmnissioner Hammond., seconded b-y Commissioner Galbraith that the recommendation of the Chief of Police be approved. and NO PAFJUNG signs be installed on the IrJest side of Stella LiILK Road from the North line of the Cellar Door property North to IrJeslayan Road. Voting Aye: Voting No: Nayor Morris; Commj-3sioners Galbraith, Hmnmond and Reeve None Resolutions Nos. 56-45, 56-46 and 56-47 were submitted to the Conlmission and read in full. Hotion by Commissioner Hmnn1ond, seconded by Commi.ssioner Reeve, that Resolution No. 56~h5 directing investment of ~$10 ,000. from the vJater Se1"rer Fund, Resolution No. 56-46 directing investment of ~~20,OCO.OO -'-~-'TI"""'''IT"''~~~ii1----~r''"----'''' , -Tl .r '1 '11 231 from the toJater-Sewer Fund; and Resolution No. 56-h7 authorizing investment of $40.,000 from the Tax Collector Fund be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Hwmnond and Reeve None MLnutes of a meeting'of the ,Zoning & Planning Board held on October 11, \~-ere reviel-red and the follO'iving action taken: Motion by Con~issioner Hanrraond, seconded by Comraissioner Galbraith, that the re~lest of Messrs. Tom ~lheat, Sam Jett, Zack Graham and Dr. Chas. H. McClendon, for permission to use Block 2, CUlli~ingham Terrace for a parking area in connection with a proposed office building on adjoining property be denied as recommended by the Zoning (-c Planning Board.. Voting Aye: Voting No: l'-1ayor Harris; Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None Notion by Cormnissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that action by the City Comraission on the request of Mr. E. R. Davis, be deferred until a plan and specific detail is submitted and an affio2vit executed that the ne~1 construction "ivould not be rented or 'used for com- mercial purposes. Voting Aye: Voting No: :('Iayor }1orris; Cormnissioners Galbraith, HcmmlOnd and Reeve None City Treasurer L. A. Patton submitted the following letter of resignation which was read by the Mayor: October 22, 1956 Honorable IVIayor, City Conmlission and City Manager Gentlemen: Submitted herewith is my resigna'Glol1 as City Treasurer, Assessor- ,Collector, for the City of irJest University Place, effective as of October 24, 1956. This is necessitated by the faet that I have accepted a position with the City of Kilgore, Texas, as City Secretary. Nay I take this opportunity to express to ea,ch of you my very "i-farrn feelings, and thank you for the fine assistance and co-operation 1jJhich has made my job Hi th this city the mos t pleasant in my experience. Ny real hope is that the City to '\-Ihich I aIft moving is or can be operated with a semblance of the saMe high type of efficiency as is West Univer- sity Place. To me it is as nearly an J_de3_1 city government operation as any I have contacted. The reason for this of course is strietly attributable to the ac1rainistrcttive officials, both elective and appoin- tive. ---~-~-----'l_c"'r--"'"""'':'=l;;f'~:~'''''='''~''''.'!~.:=r- ~) ') ,} k-J"-) ~.",. Again thank you most kindly for your very fine assistance and encourage- ment to me. YOLlrs very truly, (s) Arvil Patton Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by COTIlmissioner Hammond, that the resignation of 1. A. Patton, as City Treasurer, Tax Assessor-Collector, be accepted with regrets and best "iV'ishes for a sU.ccessful future in his new position with the City of Kilgore, Texas. ' Vot:ing Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; ComBlissioners Galbraith, Hmnmond and Reeve None The City Hanager advised that Fire ]\Iarshal C. E. Duffin had requested the purchase of the follm~LY}g items for the Fire Department vJhj_ch are authorized in the current budget: 200 Feet l~ Inch Fire Hose 200"Q t 21 T 1 F . U ~ee 2 incn lre nose 1 - 12 Ft. Soft Suction 1 - 36 Ft. Extension Ladder 1 - Scott Air Pack Motion by Conunissioner Reeve, seconded by Conmlissioner Galbraith, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 P.N. November 12, 1956, for equipment for the Fire Department as requested by Fire Marshal C. E. Duffin. Voting Aye: Voting No: lJIayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, HaTiITllOnd and Reeve None A proposal dated October 12, 1956, ~TaS submitted by the Olshan Demolish- ing Company for moving a 20 x 40 Ft. corrugated iron building from the Conrrnilllity House grounds to the new garbage disposal grounds located on Ruffino Road for the sum of $475.00. It Has the opinion of the Com.mission that contents of the proposal vwre acceptable and that the city \>IJOu1d be prot-;ected in all respects if such agreement was executed. filotion by ComJnissioner Galbratth, seconded by Cornmissiol1er Reeve, that the Citv IVIcmager be authorized to accent the Dro-oosal of the Olshan De- molishi~g Oompa.n;)T for moving the 20 x Lo Ft. ~or~~gatecl iron building frOll! tl;ie Comrrn.mity House groUllds to the garbage disposal grounds on Ruffino Road for the sum of $h75.o0 provided other more f'avorable bids cannot be received from otherfir.ms and after the City Engineer and Garbage Superintendent have selected a site for the location of the building. VotLll.g Aye: Voting No: Mayor Horris; Commissioners Galbraith, Hanrrnond and Reeve None r:3"~:",,-=~=:Le~~==~'~-.>- r'~.:-'--"--"-'-'---.c.".~ "'c~.=._._~_~.~': L: 1 :::::rO"-------- erel Q "; ") L:J ,;j oj} City Attorney Charles Cockrell submitted a letter concerning a. title oDinion and final examination of the record.s with reference to the p;rchase of 75 Acres of land being Lot 4, Ruby's Subdivision Section 5, Block 10, of H. T. & B. Ro R. CompalTj" Survey ~Jhich is to be used as a future garbage disposal site. IV1r. Cockrell submitted a statement for his legal services a.rno1..ll1ting to ~$50.00 and one from Attorney H. F. Thur01v in the amount of $100.00 for his legal services, in connection with the sale of 19 acres on Alief Road and for the purchase of the aforementioned 75.Aeres of land. Hotion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that the statement for legal services from City Attorney Charles Cockrell, in the amount of $50.00 and Attorney H. F'. Thurm.r, in the amount of $100.00 in connection lr.Ti th the sale of 19 Acres c of lClJ:ld on Alief Road and purchase of 75 Acres of land on the Ruffino Road, to be used as a garbage disposal site be approved for pa;yment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Nayor Horris; COlT',missioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None Mayor Morris submitted a brief outline of the financing of the new City Hall construction costs and stated there still remains authority fer issuance of $18,000.00 in City Hall Tax Bonds which should be cancelled in keeping with the City Commission's financial policy. Motion by COlT'~issionerReeve, seconded byCorr~issioner Galbraith, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance authorizing cancellation of $18,000.00 City Hall Bonds which have not been issued or sold. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Con~issioners Galbraith, HalT'mond and Reeve None With no further business to come before the Corrm1ission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting 1-TaS recessed. The City Commission convened Ln recessed session on October 29, 1956, 7:30 P.JYI. at the Cit-y Hall, "lrJith the fol101.ring members presei1t: rvIayor Morris, presiding; Corr~issioners Galbraith, Goff and Hmmnond. The City Manager and City Attorney \i~ere also present. COTn.missioner Reeve was absent as he was out of the City on company business. The Invocation was pronounced by Co~missioner Harrunond. The f.QllQ}lj..(l.g._.1i.r.itt.e..u....r~.9gI!1T[!~D~3.,:t1-QrL1m1i....l3-2-1-hmit_t~9.....'QY_ thSL C :i.:tY_E..ngjJ.:\.~er. in accordance Ivith instructions from the City Cormnission in connection 1;-,lith bids received on October 22, 1956, for revwrking and replacing pumps and dis charge colurn.ns in 1-rater liJells Nos. h & 5: I, _ -------~~["';:~-:OlT"'~Oc~--~L___ill---r.,~-" "---~~T,_----:----:=-=r. ._~-- --- '1'1 !~ ~~ 1.1 October 29, 1956 Honorable Mayor and Members of the Ci -QJ Commission Gentlemen: Pursu9-nt to your instructions, ~'T?- ter Superintendent E. J. Hood, City Engineer J. I. Cornelison and r have reviewed bids received October 22, 1956, for the furnishing of certain materials and re-working of Water Wells Nos. 4 and 5, and submit herewith our reconnnendation. After revieTf1ing the ti-JO bids received, one from La~me Texas Compan;y-, and the other from Texas 'Hater 11ells Incorporated, it has been determined that the bid submitted by the Layne Texas Oompany is the best and most advantageous to the City. He recommend. that a contract be awarded to this firm on their 10'\<1 bid of $10,377.30, which includes their alternate bid for the installation of a neTr-T pump in vvell No.4, instead of re-vwrking the existing pillap. It is also recowaended that their trade-in allowance of $760.00 for 330 feet of water-lubricated colUFn and shafting from Well No.4 and One (1) 200 H.P. Cutler-Hammer Reduced Voltage Starter be approved. Respectfully submitted, (s) (s), '{mitt JO~'1son, City Ili[anager J. I. Cornelison City Engineer Aft,er reviewing the recommendation and tabulation of bids received, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Comraissioner H&~lond that a cOI).tract be awarded to LaY-De Texas Company, Inc., on their low bid submitted for reworking and replacL~g the pumps and discharge colQmns in water Tr.rells Nos. 4 & 5 and that the City Attorney prepare an ordinance awarding such contract. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and HBNmond None A request "iiTas submitted from Hr. vJ. H. Sandford, 4203 TeI1...nyson for re- duction of tax valuation on iraprovementson Lot 13, Block 15, Colonial Terrace. The follQTrJing written report liTaS submitted from Tax Assessor L. A. Patton: Honorable Navar and Cit-y- Commission October 23, 1956 Subj: Tax Value of Im- provements, Lot 13, BI. 15, Colonial Terr., 4203 Tenn. l_ ._~~""~"-~T-o:-'-:-rr--'-------i-~=:Jr----'----:-::T~-'---~~~"-'------'Tr-- ----=r T'I 09'" 4;,d5 This property was constructed in 1946, llMuediately subsequent to the War, apparently vJithout proper inspection on the part of the City, Federal Housing Authority, and other units controlling the quality of home con- struction. It has come to our knowledge during the past few months that the original owners of this property have had to abandon it, because it had bec orne untenable. An inspection was made personally bhis date, and the following observa- tions made: The slab foundation obviously was not placed on a floating base, and had no reinforcing; thus the floor in three of the five rooms has cracked across the entire width of the rooms in a semi-circular pattern with one section settling in one direction and the other section in the opposite, thus leav- ing a crack through this slab all the way through the concrete for a width in some locations as wide as an inch. This condition has also caused the sheet rock on the walls to give way and crack, and the bottof of the walls of the house have pulled away from the foundation, ariq the ground may be observed beuveen the foundation and the walls. The mvners feel that their assessment on the basis of 1.95 per square foot for asbestos siding house is a little difficult to justify with homes of sllnilar type of exteriorco~struction,sllnply because the value is not there. This house is now vacant and is obviously worth some five or six hundred dollars for the materials which may be sa1va.ged. However, these people understa.nd they have had assess to all city service while living therein. It is recommended that the assessed value of these imDrovements be decreased for the tax year 1956 by one third, or from $1501.00 to $1000.00. It is asslIDled that this DroDertv will be razed and another house buil~ on the lot during 1957, at iihich~ ti!'ll~ its new value 1"ill be set in the usual marmer. Yours very truly, (8) L. A. Patton After reviewing the facts, consideration was given the matter and action taken as follows by the City Co~mission: Motion by Con~issioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that the ta.x valuation of improvements on Lot 13, Block 15, Colonial Terrace for the tax year 1956, be reduced from $1501.00 to $1000.00 as recorr~ended by the Tax Assessor, L. A. Patton. Voting Aye: Voti.ng No: Nayor Morris, Com~lissioners Galbraith, Goff and Ha~Eond. None Ordinance No., 719, captioned as follows was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read III full: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND REQUIRING THE CANCELLATION OF $18,000.00 OF CITY HALL BOJlJ""DS BEING THE UNTJSED PORTION AND Al'.J:OUNT NOT SOLD o Ii' TI-lE ~~295 ,000.00 CITY HALL BOND ISSTJE AUY.dORIZED ,AT AN ELECTION DULY B.""ELD ON DECEiIiIBER, 12, 1953; DE'I'ER1"ITIUNG TH1\.T ALL OBLIGATIONS RELATIVE TO T'rIE CONSTRUC- TION ANTI FURNISHING OF SAID CITY HA.LL HAVE BEEN PAID AND b___ ' .l:___~__.__~L_____~~----=:lI. -------'-'''1'-' ---- 'T"I' ~z ~) t> SA. TISFIED AND THEEE 11Eiv1h_INS UNSOW BONDS IN THE AIWUNT OF $18,000.00; DIRECTING THE CIlY EANAGER TO NO'l'IFY 'TI-i::E BOI\fD DEPAR.TJVIENT OF THE OFFICE OF niB ATTOE11~Y GENERAL OF 'I'Et~ S TA TE OF TEXAS 'Ii--IAT SAID BONDS HAilE m;EN C1UrCELLED. Hotion by Commissioner HaIT'Jflond, seconded by Comm.issioner Galbraith, that Ordinance No. 719, authorizing and requiring the cancellation of ~~18,000.00 of City Hall Bonds being the unused portion and 8II10unt not sold of the $295,000 City Hall Bond Issue authorized at an election duly held on December 12, 1953, be passed and approved as read. V oting Aye: Voting No: Havor Harris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Hammond .No~e In relation to a request by the City JVIanager for approval of an additional expenditure of ~~297 .00 to itlilson Electric Company for installation of a circuit breaker to a switchboard panel constructed for the Water Depart- ment, R.esolution No. 56-48, as follows, was introduced and read in full: RESOLUTION NO. 56-48 A RESOLUTION AUTI-IORIZING A $297.00 INCHEASEA,S AN ADDENDA TO Th'E CONTRACT 'i'!ITH THE 1rJIISON ELECTInCAL EQUIPHENT COHPANY, HOUSTON, TEXAS, FOR FURNISHING AND FABRICATING A SvJI'IDHBOARD CONSISTING OF A 30b H.P. STAR'l'ER AND NETEHING EQUIPJ'.'IENT FOR TIlE ~{ATER DEPAR'J.']\1ENT; SAID OHIGINAL CON'I'HACT roT.l\.LING $8,900.00. J ipiHER.Eil\.S, bids 1ft7ere received Hay 21, 1956, i.n accordance 1rJith . Notice duly published to bidders for furnishing additiops to sHit.chboard equ.ipment including a 300 H.P. starter and metering equipment and subse- quently a contract awarded to the ~Vilson Electrical Equipment Company by the City Commission on June 18, 1956, on the basis of the best and most reasonable bid submitted; and ' ~VHEREAS, the ~;J a ter Superintendent and City Engineer deterrnined it advisable and so recornmended the addition of an electrically operated circuit breaker to be included in the S1rJitchboard equipment 2,8 a safety measure; and ~ v>J1-IEHEAS, the City Commission accepted' the recommendation of the Water Superintendent and City Engineer and auuroved an additional expendi- ture of $297.00 for the electrically operated circuit breaker as a safety meHsure; NOH THEfu"SFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY n.m CITY CO]v}}lISSION OF THE CITY OF1rTEST UNlVERSIT~~ PLlCE, TEX"i\.S, that The original contract with Wilson. Electrical E~lipment Company, Houston, Texas, be and the same is hereby ordered increased by' the amount of $297.00 making a total of $9,197.00 for furnishing and fabricating a s"I.7itchboard consisting of a 300 H.P. starter and metering equipm.ent and ,3-D electrically operated circuit breaker for the Hater Department. ~---~~-r":T:~~t-r=:~~~",r:=:.:cJl _" r::,,~.--"-=c_~c:"=-~-=~c=----n ____.---11.--.,--------- TT- 2' <).. '7 . $;) . Noti6n by Commissioner Hammond, sec<;mded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Resolution No. 56-48 authorizing a ~p297 .00 increase as an addenda to the contract with the Wilson Electrical Equipment Company, for furnishing and fabricating a switchboard consisting of a 300 H.P. starter and metering equipment for the Water Department; said original contract totaling $8,900.00 be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Hammond None The City Hc1T1clger presented detail informa.tion submitted by the 'JIater Superintendent and City Engineer in relation to the 8l'TIployment of a qualified fiTIQ for this purpose. In this connection Resolution No. 56-49 as follows, "VJas introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 56-49 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING Th'1j; CITY IvLliNAGER TO ~1PLOY THE BRITAIN ELECTRIC CONP1\NY, HOUSTON, TR\AS, 10 PERFORH CERTAIN PERSONAL SERVICES AND l<lJR.l\fISH IVIATERIALS TO INSTALL A CURRENT TRANSFORJVIER BOX Al\1D T\JJO NE~TSiI.JITCRBOARD PANELS A T THE Mf\.m 1dA TER PTJHPING PL.A.NT OF Th'\rJ ~{ATER DEPARTIvIENT FOR AN ES TTIvIA 'TED Sill1 OF $1,600.00. vJh'EREAS, the 1rJater Superintendent and City Engineer have submitted a 1-Jritten recommendation for necessa.ry electrical improvements to the "frJater plant in connection with the city's heretofore adopted five-year water im- provement program, said reconmendation involves two major items, (1) the fabrication and installation of a lrJ8terproof 2000 Amp. bussed current transformer box for outside service to connect onto the Houston Lighting &: PmrJer Companyl s main line and the furnishing "md installation of conduit and necessary wiring to relocate the electrical pOlftTer meter, and (2) installation of two new switchboard panels in place of existing panels and install current transformers to be furnished by the city on each of seven starter cubicles, the necessalJT Ivire to be furnished by the contractor and to disconnect a 200 H.P. Cutler-Hamrrier reduced voltage starter from the present switchboard and replace the end panels. The estj~ated labor being approximately $1,100 and estD'TIated cost of materials $500.00; and Tll1-1EREAS, j.nformal bids have been r8cei ved ,from Harper 1:Jood Electric Company, Britain Electric C ompan:y and Bill Henry lUectric C omparry; and vlliERF~S, it appears on a turn-key basis the labor and material estimate submitted by the Britain Inectric Company would be most advantageous to the City; and irJI-lliREAS; the City Cornmission hereby adopts the recommendation and findings of the \crater Superintendent and City Engineer and hereby determines that the informal bid submitted by the Britain Electric Company, Houston, Texas, for the furnishing of materials, tools, and all personal service on a turn-key basis is the most advantageous of the three informal bids submitted; ---- .r:,~='=rr='~I~~--F="='=~----='--~.'.--~I'---- ~' 'fT- C>.'~ ~ ~ ~)-.J N01!J THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COHIvIISSlON, OF T8:E CITY OF v,JEST UNI\~RSITY PL~CE, lEXJcS, that The Cit;y JVIanager he and he is hereby authorized to engage the Bri.ta.in Electric Company to furni.sh personal service, tools, ma.terials and equipment for the ir~tallation of a current tr&~sformer box and the re- l-Jiring of two panels of the 'Hater Department S1i,ritchboard controls in accordance ,.Jith recommendation of the t:\h.l.ter Superintendent and. City Engineer; BE IT FJRTIiER RESOLVED, that the expenditures incurred in these improvements and rehabilitation of the s1;,ritchboard control panel at the vJater Department be paid from. current revenue funds of the tflater System. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Corr~issioner Galbraith, that Resolution No. .56-49 authorizing the City "Manager to employ the Britain Electric Company to perform certain personal services and. furnish materials to install a current transformer box and. t"lrlO nm'l1 s",7i tchboard Danels at the main 1rlater pumping plant of the ~Jater Department for an e~tima ted. sum of $1,600.00 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Co~nissioners Galbraith, Goff and Hammond. None The Oity Manager explained that it W8.S necessary to temporarily transfer from thevJater Fund to the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund the amount of $30,000 until Treasurer's Certificate No. 183 in the Tax Revenue Sir~ing Fund matures on November 18. The said. sum of $30,000 to be used tOiftrard the redemption of $.52,000.00 T~{ Bonds authorized to be called Noveniller 1, 1956, by the City Commisslon. Resolution No. 56-50, as follows, was submitted to the City COTInuission for consideration and read in full: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY SECRETARY TO rrRi\.NSFER $30,000 FR0l1 THE ';'JATER-Sill'TER FUND TO THE TAX PtEVE1'JT.JE Sn:JKING FUND AS A TEIVIPORARYJV1EASURE 'ill BE USED n:J REDEENING $52,000 IN TAX OBLIGATION BONDS AUTHORIZED TO BE CALLBD NOVEJ:VIBl..~R 1, 19.56; PROVIDING FOR THE TR.A.NSFER AND REPAYJ"iENT TO THE ~vATER-SEl[JER FITI'm AFTER r!IATURITY OF CERTIFICAm OF Tn>1E DEPOSIT NO. 183 n:J 'IRE .A.NOUNT OF $37 ,000 ~-JITH]V[ATURITY DATE OF NOIlE1YfBER 18, 1956. \vHEREAS, the City Commission on the 17th da.y of September, 1956, ~assed Resolution 56-ho exercising reserved o~tion to redeem $52,000 outst&'1ding bonds of the Oity of i{Iest University Place, Texas and autho:hzhlg the givLng of Notice of Redemption; said resolution having been passed as a means to save approxlIilately ~~26,950.00 in interest iftThichlrJould 2.ccure to the maturity date of the bonds; and rl~~~~=~-~' "._--~- -_.__..'-~~..-rr TI 2' ?O ,', '-' ,J! 1jJ;:'-i-:ERR~S, the. City C ommiss ion has heretofore authorized the i n- vestment of all available cash not required for immediate pa~mlent of. principal and interest on outstanding bonds j_n the University State Bank as evidenced by Certificate of Time Deposit No. 183, ma.turing November 18, 1956, and there being insufficient available cash in the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund lmt:i,l November J8, 1956, the date of maturity of said Certii'i- cate of Time Deposit No. 183, makes it ll1perative to transfer funds from another source; NOV,!, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COn:rnSE:IOI'if OF I/JEST UNIVERSrTY PJ;,.ACE, TEXAS, that The City Secretary is authorized to transfer $30,000 from the Hater-Sewer Fund to the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund to be used in redeeming the said outstanding $52,000 in tax obligation bonds. The City Secretary is further required and requested to submit a Certificate certifyi..ng that the ;$30,600 has been returned to the vJat,er-S8li\Ter Fund from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund irnrnediately after Certificate of Time Deposit No. 183 matures and the proceeds thereof deposited to the Tax Revenue Si..nking Fund. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Corruaissioner Goff, that Resolution No. 56-50 authorizing the City Secretary to transfer ~$30,000 from the Water Sewer Fund to the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund as a temporary measure to be used in redeeming $52,000 in Tax Obligation Bonds authorized to be called November 1,1956, and providing for the transfer'and repayment after maturi~y of Certificate of Time Deposit No. 183 in the amount of $37,000 with maturity date of November 18, 1956. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mavor Morris; Cormnissioners Galbraith, Goff and H8~mond N~~e' v"fith no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting TN"as recessed. The City Corrmission convened at the City Hall on Honday, November 5, 1956, 7:30 P .N. with the follo\ving members present: Klayor Horris, presiding; COIT@issioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Corrilllissioner Goff. Resolution No. 56-51, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read i.n full. Notion by Cormnissioner Goff, seconded by Commissi.oner Hammond tha.t Resolution Noo 56-51 directing the City Treasu.rer to invest ~p5o,ooo from the Tax Col- lector Fund, be passed and approved a.s read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Horris.; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Ha.rmn.ond c'end Reeve None r-- .. ...ET--n 111 r>-- ..Tj .----.-- TT q 1.1.. n k ~~t tJ Minutes of special lneetings of the Zoning and Planning Board held on :November 3 and November 5, 1956, were submitted to the Conunission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Comnissioner Galbraith that the request of Nr. and Ers. R. C. IVleyer, 3223 Sunset Blvd. for permis- sion to erect a carport on the south side of their existing garage to extend to the rear property line of the lot, and the request of Hr. H. IvI. Hopkins, 5812 Lake, to enclose the open front porch iihich extends 4 feet into the front setback requirement, be denied as reco11l.tllended by the Zoning & Planning Board in their minutes dated Noven~er 3. Voting Ay;.e: V oting No: Mayor Morris, Conwissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hanmlond and Reeve None Motion:. by,Cormnissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that a public hearing be called for 7:30 P.M. November 26, 1956, to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance .for the purpose of permitting Lot loA, Block 25, 1rJest Uni versi ty Place '1st I\.ddition,to be used for church purposes as requested by the West University Methodist Church and recormTIended by' the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Con~issioners Galbraith, Goff, Hamrrlond and Reeve None Ordinance No. 720, captioned as follows, was presented in compliance with previous discussion concerning the advisability of establishLng authority on a current basis for appointing an Assistant Ci~J.Secretary. AN ORDI~~~CE CREATING THE OFFICE OF ASSISTANT CITY SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF ii-JEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, 'lEXAS, PROVIDING FOR HIS OR f1:ER APPOIN 'TI1ENT , DEFINING THE DUTIES, PROVIDING FOR EXECUTION OF A SURETY BOND, REPE..A.LIHG ALL PRIOR ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS OR MOTIONS HERE'IDFOREAPPROVED m CONFLICT I[HTH THIS ORDINANCE, AND PROVIDING THAT THIS OPJHNANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT J}i]\'[ED- IA'rELY UPON ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by OowRissioner Galbraith that Ordinal1ce No. 720, creating the office of Assistant City Secretary, pro- viding for appointment, defining the duties, and providing for execution of a Surety Bond, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Cow~issioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Members of' the Zoning and PlaILYling Board \vere present at the meeting of the Oity Commission and the advisability of a current study of the fringe area along Bissonnet betvreen ~iakeforest Strset a.no. the Poor Farm Ditqh \'JaS ,discussed. No definite conclusions \i>Jere reached at this time on the matter. ~~~, rC!'~~~Ti~~~--"~i--m ..1 ] ,If -~~ TI' JVIinutes of the meet:in.gs of October 22nd and 29th, 1956, l'11ere read and approved as corrected. VJith no further business to come be.fore the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded a.nd carried, the meeting ,{as adjourned. ATTEST: City Secretar-,f r-------- . I ~r---~-'-r,~~-~i'~..r;r~--'.-.'---r-- ,- - ,---~-----'-------- -'-~rT'- cr:)f: ~~ Mayor. City of vJest niversity Place. Texas ill .- ---------~---------- ~r"""'---'- 241 TT I) Ii ') LJ I.X U SPECLl\L HEETING OF CITY COnvlISSION NOVEHBER 8, 1956 The Cit.y Commission convened at. t.he City Hall in special session on Thursday, Noverrber 8, 1956, 7~30 P.M. with the following members present: Hayor f'Iorris,presiding; Com:m.issioners Galbrait.h, Goff, HanmlOnd and Reeve. 111e City Nanager was also present.. The City Attorney "t,j"as absent.. lne Invocation was pronounced by Comrnissioner Galbraith. Mayor Morris announced that the meeting was called for the purpose of canvassing returns of the General Cit.y Election held November 6, 1956, for the purpose of electing a Hayor and four Commissioners. The three precinct judges' official returns Ivere submitt.ed to the Commission. l1hereupon, after inspect.ion of the poll and tally lists by the City Commission, it appeared that the returns submitted by the Precinct Judges 1;>Tere in order. Resolution No. 56-52 was submitted to the Conmlission for consideration and read in full: RESOLUTION NO. ~6-S2 A f1ESOLUTION CANVASSING THE RE'YURNS OF AN ELEC TION IN TI-:1E CITY OF 1rJEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, 'IEXAS, HELD ON NOVEMBER 6, 19.56, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELEC TJJ\TG A rrlfJ.YOR AND FOUR COJVHJIIS- SIGNERS OF SAID CITY; DECLARING Th'E RESUL'IS OF SUCH ELEC- TION Arm CERTIFYING SUCH RESULTS. 1ifHEREAS, in accordance with the Charter of the City of 1iJest University Place, Texas, the General Election Laws and Ordinance No. 716 of the City of West University Place, Texas, a general City Election il>TaS held in the City of vJest. University Place, Texas, on November 6, 1956, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Co~missioners; and t~EREAS, in accordance with the tenus and provisions of Article 8.29 of the Election Oode (Acts 1951, 52nd Leg. Po 1097, ch 492, art. Ill) the managers of the election have made out, signed and delivered. in a sealed envelope, the returns of said election together with the poll lists and tally lists, to the :f\1ayor and City Commissioners of' the City of lrJest University Place, Texas; and \rTFJERF..AS, the Nayor and City Commissioners of the City of "\r,Jest University Place, Texa.s, in Special Session assembled on Nove.mber 8, 1956, have onened and examined the election returns and have caITvassed the result~ the,reof in a,ccordance \"\Tith Article 8 .3L~, Act. 1951, .52nd Leg., p. 1097, ch. 492, art. 116, and as a result of such examination and can- vass, said Mayor and City Comnlissioners find that at such election the following votes were cast: ,----------~~-~- T '",------~tT"'"'~-""r--ii1---...-r-'--- ~"'~"'--..,,_...._..~..rr--' if n Name J Blnes 1'1. Hammond A. K. Karn Gail Reaves Joe Smith Hax Farrar N. B. Boysen Herman Tschurny Harry A. 'I\..1rner Dr. Ray J. Kelly Leland Hancock Cecil Galbrai "1:..1). Paul G. Reeve E. R. Davis \/vesley R. Brown Jim Roberts Ralph Lee Chilton Bryan DuPree Holman vIes Kuenemm and, 2-:.1i2 .". .A 9..} VoteE) Cast in Precincts: --------_..._---_..__.~- Candidate For No. 183 l~o . rn :f\Jo. 87 Total -_._--- --. Iv'l8.yor 1834 1353 1423 4610 tt 2 2 n J- 1 -"- n , 1- ..L " 1 1 11 1 1 lt 1 1 n 1 1 " 1 1 " 1 1 ConID1issioner ls05 1332 1398 4535 " 1807 1337 1383 4527 " 1805 132L> 1.394 1+523 " 1800 1316 1382 4498 " 1 1 II 1 1 lt 1 l " 1 1 II 1 l tf,1EREAS, as a result of such election, it annears that James W. Hmll.illond l.^litl1 a total number of 4610 votes cast fo/ hj.m 1,-JaS elected Mayor of the City of lfJest University Place, Texas; and Cecil Galbraith with a total number of 4535 votes cast for him, and E. R. Davis with a total number of 4523 votes cast for hill1, and Wesley R. Brown with a total number of 4498 votes cast for him, and Paul G. Reeve with a total number of 4527 votes cast forhi1n, have been e1ectedCommissioners of the-City of Hest University Place, Texas: NOH THEREF'ORB, BE IT RF:SOL\iED ,BY THE CITY Cm{tHS~nON OF THE CI'lY OF ~.JEST UNIVERSI TY PlACE, TEXAS, that 1. The official results of such election shall be, and they are here~r declared, pursuant to canvass of the retlITnS of such election by the r{ayor and City Commission to be that: J ames ill. Hamm.ond \'JaS elected Hayor E. R. Davis was elected I:;onmissioner Ceci1 Ga1bra.:i.th was elected Commissioner ',Jesley R. Brown vJ8.S elected Commissioner Paul G. Reeve 1m3 elected CO!Tllnissioner of the City of West University Place, at the said election. ~- ~-- '"T"I qA,;f l',J!...:t '-:t 2. An execu.ted copy of this Resolution shall be delivered to each James ir.f. Hanri1ond, E. R. Davis., Cecil Galbrai.th, idesley R. Brovm and Paul G. Reeve as hiS Gertific,;J.te of Election, and duplicate copies hereof shall be delivered to the City Secreta.ry of the Cit-y of \~'est University Place, Texas, and the County Ju.dge of Harris County, 'J.'exas, and the Secretary of State of the State of Texas, as provided by law. Motion by Cownissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Resolution No. 56-52 canvassing returns of the election held in the City of v-Jest University Place for the purpose of electing a Hayor and four Cornmissioners be passed and approved as read. Voting Voting Aye: No: Mayor Morris; Cowmissbners Galbraith, Goff, Hanrrlond and Reeve None Resolution No. S6-53 was submitted to the Commission and read in full. Notion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Corrmlissioner Reeve that Resolution No. 56-53, directing investment of funds ffinounting to $10,000 from the liJater Sevier Fund for a period of six months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Corrmissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None With no further business to come before the Cownission at this tL~e, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. MayOr~?tf ~=itYP1aCe, Texas ATTEST: City Secretary I I r-~'~"'~'-" ~-'-~'r:~-r":..:::tL~~~~~ill . _E'""~'""~~'."""~~'L 1 _--I 'LI 2A5' -r.. , REGUIJl.R MEETING OF CI'lY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 12, 1956 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, November 12, 1956, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve. The City Attorney and City Manager and Commissioner Elect Wesley R. Brown were also present. Commissioner Hammond was absent as he was attending the A.P.I. meeting in Chic-ago, Illinois. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Reeve. In ccmpliance with action taken by the City Commission and Notice to Bidders duly published' in the official newspaper of the city, bids re- ceived for delivery af 209 feet of lin fire hase, 200 feet of 2i" fire hose, one 12 foot soft suction., one 36 foot extensien ladder and one Scott Air Pack were opened and results announced as follows: Allied Safety Eoui"DIIlent.Co. American LaFranoe Eureka Fire Hose Co. Norvell-Wilder SU"Dp1v Com"Danv 200' 1i" Fire Hese $ 196~OO $ 224.00 $ 220.00 $ 170.00 200' 2ill Fire Hose 268.00 326.00 330.00 240.00 1-12' Soft Suction 158.00 127.56 90.00 o 1-36' Ext. Ladder 0 257.00 220.00 ' o l-Soott Air Pack 223.50 207.00 Motion b,yCemmissioner Reevez seoonded by Commissioner Goff that bids received be referred to the UityManager for tabulation and rec0Inmenda- tion. Voting Aye: Voting Ne: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve' None Resolution 56-54 was submitted to the Commission far c0nsideration and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that Reso- lution No. 56-54 directing the City Treasurer to invest $25,000 from the Tax Collector's Fund, for a period of 6 months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor MorriS, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve None r!"-n~" ......... u ,..,- :f'" ---- "....-....-~-"-I" -IT .. i) it f3 J.,~. -~ ... Preliminary plans and specifications for construction of a 12" C.I. water main to connect into the elevated reservoir in the 3700 block of Bellaire Blvd. and running along t.he north property line of Bellaire Blvd. to Academy with an 8 Ft. extension running North on Stella Link Road and installa tion of seven fire hydrants was presented to the Com- mission for consideration. After reviewing the plans it was determined that an easement from the City of Souths ide granting permission for the water ma:in to be constructed and installed along the parkway on the north side of Bellaire Blvd. must firs"t be obtained. Furthermore that. it would not be advisable "to commence construction until after the first of the year for reason tha~ closing the streets, intersections and driveways would prohibit customers from having ingress and egress to merchants stores along the effected area. The plans in general were approved and the City Engineer was instructed to prepare detail plans and specifications in final form for submission at a later date for bids to be received and a contract awarded immediately after the first of January, 1957. Upon invitation from the City Commission, IvIr. George R. Langford, President of the Municipal Code Corporation of Tallahassee, Florida, presented an outline of the servic,e his company rendered in connection with the prepara- tion of a new ordinance code for municipalities. Hr. Langford estimated the cost of this service to the City of West University Place to beapproxi- mately $4700.00 and stated a formal proposal would be submitted for consider- ation.' , . - As a matter of record the City Manager stated tha~ the Blue Cross Hospitali- zation 'Insurance Company had mcre.ased the cost of employee I s hospitalization plan 40% and there was some consternation on the part of the employees concerning the advisab~lity of canc~lling the groll.:P palicy with this firm and requesting it to be written by another one. The premimn for the employees group hospitalization plan is borne by the individual without city participation. Minutes of, the meetings of November 5th and 8th were read and approved as corrected. With no f'u.rther business to CODle before the Commission at this t::iJne, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~'lf: ?q~~ City of West University Place, Texas Mayor, ATTEST: City Secretary r'=I='=Fl='===r'==~ f .=~=, ~'--.-="-'='""~~~~"~"'il r , -I' ' --,- TT 2 . '. /#, ' I ':.~ii SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 15, 1956 The City Commission convened in Special session at the City Hall on Thursday, November 15, 1956, 7:30 P.M., for' the purpose of installing the newly elected City Commission, with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Mayor Elect James W. Hammond, Connnissioners Paul G. Reeve, Robert W. Goff, Cecil Galbraith and Commissioners elect E. R. Davis and Wesley R. Brown. The City Manager and the City Attor- ney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Reverend Byron Lovelady, Minister of the West University Methodist Church. , Mayor Morris introduced Mayor. Pro t.ern Robert. W. Goff, who expressed appreciat.ion for the cooperation and efforts 'Of the Citizen's Committees, City Employees, and City Commission during his tenure of office and pledged his cooperation with the newly elected administration. State'Senator Searcy Bracewell administered the Oath of Office to Cecil Galbraith, Paul G. Reeve, E. R. DaviS and Wesley R. Brown as Commission- ers. Mayor Morris then introduced the newly elected City Commission and each made appropriate remarks concerning the retiring commission and expected progress for the future. Mayor Morris then addressed the public' gathering and reviewed accomplish- ments dUTing the past .four years and outlined some of the policies and traditions that had been carried forward. He made special mention of the city's financial position with respect to the future stating that it would be necessary for city officials to seek new income for every additional dollar expended in the future. Mayor Morris stated it was one of his most gratifying experiences to have served with the caliber of men serving on the City Connnission and expressed complete con.fidence in those elected. to serve during the next term. State Senator Searcy Bracewell then administered the Oath of Office to Mayor Elect James W. Hammond. Mayor Hammond expressed in the following address his attitude and belief in the principles and ideals of the city: "We 'are now beginning a new commission tenll of office, but we are not turning from the course which has been chartered by the past connnis s ions . I am proud to have se.rved with our departing commission. I shall look forward to two more harmonious years wit.h this co:mm.ission. In accept.ance of the office of Mayor, I feel a deep sence of humility to preside for, what is indeed, a truly st.rong, capable, and dedicated t.eam. It shall be our wishes, supported with const.ant.prayer, to continue the peaceful and tranquil atmosphere for our city that has made it ,the choice place for homes and for families. We solicit your support to maintain the strict residential characteristics of West University Place and, L__ 'r--~4:'=~,,~-:-~~r'"":'~~~--~~r'"=~=="- .,,====-. L..1. - ---------- - -"' TT - .) .1: ~, 1.";- .!t- t...J thereby, let us preserve this community for those who love a chance to live in a friendly neighborhood. We, on this commission, pledge you our every talent and effort to main- tain these precious assets. We shall try to improve o:!1r physical plant through needed and projected construction in the fields of water supply, streets, parks, and, wildings. Your city has an efficient employee force. t believe everyone of'them to be sincerely serving our citizens with their best. You may rightly share with us a genuine pride in all of them and join us tonight to say thank you to Mayor Morris,Commis~ioner Goff and their predecessors for building towards a superior employee organization. We assure you that we shall support the ci:ty manager in his every- expression of cheerful service to our citizens~ Our pe0p).e, who unselfishly devote so much of their time to committee and board activities, have earned our unwavering devotion and thanks. They make our city government stand above others of similar size. Our welfare is promoted, in many ways through n,o monetary cost to us because of the numerous talents of our citizens' who join in serving our community. With reference to money, we are faced with the ever present problem of finding enough new .fuBds to meet t.he increased cost of necessities; materials, supplies and payroll. Costs have risen for the operation of our city as they have for us individually in the recent years. Today, we should frankly state to you that new sources will have to be found to meet the 1958 needs. This' question has already received serious exploration and study by many of us who are here tonight. You and your neighbors are invited to, help us in finding the best and proper solution to this problem. ' i..:-___) When you are handed a p~blic trust and office for safekeeping and management, as you have given this one to us, one can only rightly feel a humble but hardy pride, honored and greatly privileged. We didn't contest in a political arena for this office, therefore, we can have no sensation that we earned any priVileges. We can oBly be faith- ful to your trust and give you that integrity, efficient and harmonious team cooperation which you have every right to expect and command. I shall give my best. Thank you. ,t Mayor Hammo~d stated' the first order of business in compliance with ch~~er provisions was the selection of a Mayor Pro tam to serve for the ensuin,g 2 year tem. ' Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Davis that Paul G. Reeve be elected ~yor Pro tem for the ensuing 2 year term. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis Galbraith and Reeve None -~-TOT~~-TI-- -- T~!ir' If ----- ---- -- ,. --. -..- "-["- T"T r"-'~"-'''''~-''-''--''-'r'''---- 24:i Mayor Hammend ann.ounced that this action concluded the business for the evening and that the Commission would adjourn .for a reception to be held at the Cemmunity Building for the newly elected City Commission. 'lhe City Commission cenvened in a scheduled meeting at the City Hall, on Monday, November 19, 19.56, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Hammond, presiding; Commissieners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. '!he Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Hammond. Resolutian 56-55 was submitted to the'Commission for consideratien and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by CQmmissioner Davis that Resolution 56-55 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $3,894.52 from the SaJlitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, for a period of six months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve Voting No: None Resolution 56-.56 was submitted to the Cemmission for consideration and read in full. Motion by Comm;!-ssioner Galbrait.h,'seconded by Commissioner Davis, that Resolution .56-.56, directing the City Treasurer to invest $25,920.00 from the Street Improvement Bond Fund, Series 1948, for a period o.f six months, be passed and approved as read. " Voting Aye: Mayor Ha.nunond, Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve Vot;ing No: None Ordinance No. 721, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING TflA T 'IRE PUMPS AND DISCHARGE COLUMNS IN vIA TEll WELLS NOS. 4 AND 5 ARE IN NEED OF REPAIRING AND REPLACING; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE RECONMENDATION OF THE CITY ENGINEER, WATER SUPERrN'IENDENT, AND THE CITY MANAGER CONCERNING WORK TO BE DONE IN REHABILITATION OF SUCH PUMPS AND DISCHARGE COLUMNS; ACCEPTANCE OF COMPETITIVE BIDS FROM RELIABLE FIRMS EQUIPPED 'ID PERFORJor SUCH OTHER WORK NOT E~mODIED IN THE SPIDIFICATIONS; APPROPRIATING FROM THE WATER REVENUE FUND THE SUM OF $12,,00.00 TO PAY THE ESTIMATED COST OF ALL WORK, MA.TERIAL8, SUPPLIES, E'lC.; APPROVING AN ALLOWANCE OF $8,0.00 DOLLARS FOR THE TRADE-IN OF A DISCHARGE COLUMN IN WELL NO. 4 AND ONE 200 H.P. CUTLER HAM[';1ER r~i<'=" - I...~ 'T'-- i: TT ') ~.f) ..t.J Q;.,j L1 REDUCED VOLTAGE STAR'IER; AWARDING A CONTRACT 'It) THE LAINE TEXAS COMPANY LIMITED IN THE SPECIFIC AHOUNT OF $10,377.30 'PLUS AN ADDITIONAL ESTIMATED SUM OF $2,000.00 ON A PERSONAL SERVICE BASIS: AUlliORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO PRO- CEED AT ONCE Wlm '!HE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THE WORK AS RECOM- MENDED; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR .AND THE CITY TREASURER 'ID DRAW A WARRANT OR WARRAN'IS AGAINST SAID REVENUE FUND TO DISCHARGE THE CITY'S OBLIGATION THERE'ID, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Ordinance No. 721 approving and adopting the recommendation of tl:1e City Engineer, water Superintendent and the City Manager concerning work to be done on Water Wells Nos. h and 5, appropriating $12,500.00 to pay for cost of all work, materials, supplies, etc., and awarding a contract to the Layne T~as Company, Ltd. in the amount of $10,377.30 plus an additional estimated sum. of $2,000.00 on a personal service basis, be passed and approved as read. - Voting Aye: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve. Voting No: None In compliance with action taken by the Commission on November 12, 1956, a 'ita.bulation and recommendation on bids received for delivery' of equip- ment for the Fire Department was submitted for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the bid received from American Lafrance Company for delivery of 200 Ft. of Ii" D.T. Dacron Filler Hose at $1.12 per foot and 200 Ft. of 2in D.T. Filler Hose @ $1.63, and one Scott Air Pack be accepted; and the bid from Eureka Fire Hose Company- for delivery of one 12 Ft. Soft Suction HOSe at $90.00 and one 36 Ft. 3-section Aluminum Ladder at $220.00 be accepted as recommended by C. E. Duffin, Fire Marshal, and City Manager Whitt Johnson, and purchase orders issued accordingly. Voting Aye: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve. Voting No: None Mayor Hammond stated that it was necessary in compliance with the City Charter to officially appoint certain administrative personnel and intro-' duced the following Resolutions in this respect. Resolution 56-57, as follows, was presented and read in full: WHEREIlS, a regular election was held in the City of West Univer- sity Place on November 6, 1956, and as a result of such election a new Mayor and City Commission for the City of West University Place was duly elected; and WHEREAS, the Charter of said City provides that the City Com- mission shall appoint a City Attorney and Corporation Court Judge' upon said Mayor and City Commission being elected. r i ----rr ''iil~----r~ccc'.'.'' 'T'. il [r- 251 NOW, 'IHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF '!HE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: 1. That Charles F. Cockrell, Jr., be and he is hereby appointed City Aiitorney af the Ciiiy af West University Place wha shall serve in such capacity until the next regular City election unless sooner discharged by the Commission. 2. That Karl E. Kraft be and he is hereby appointed Judge of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place and. he shall serve in such capacity for a period of two years unless sooner discharged by the Commission. 3. That the appaintments hereby made shall be effective from and after the date of the passage and approval of this Resolution. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 19th day of November, 1956. i l_ Mation by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Reso..;. lution 56-57, appointing Charles F. Cockrell, Jr., to serve as City Attor- ney, ',and Karl ,E. Kraft to serve as Judge of the Corporation C'ourt for a period of two years be passed and approved as 'read.. Voting Aye: Mayor Hammand, Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve Voting No: None Resolutian 56-58, as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, a City election was held on the 6th day o.f November, 1956, in the City of West University Place, Texas, and. at such electie:n a new Mayor and City Commission was elected; and WHEREAS, it is provided by the Charter of said City that certain officers and boards be appointed by the newly elected City Commis- sion within a reasonable time after such election. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY Cm1MISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, 'lEXAS: 1. That Whitt F. Johnson be and he is hereby re-appointed City Manager of said City. 2. That all individuals now serving as department heads in the City of West University Place and the City Secretary are hereby reappointed to serve in their respective capaciiiies and all present heads of departments and the City Secretary shall con- tinue to hold office during the pleasure of the Oity Commission. 3. That the appointments hereby made shall be e.ffective from and after the date of passage and approval of this Resolution. ~~--Y"=r="-"~r-"'-_O>==-;"~~!-,~----------'-f:'=-'""--' --- --'-'--'--'~~"r Tr q 5 {{r, ,l;;" .oa;eo Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that Resolution 56-58 appointing certain. officers and administrative personnel of the City be passed and approved as read. I Voting Aye: Votin.g No: Mayor Hammond, C0mmissioners Brown, Galbraith, Davis and Reeve None Resolution 56-59 as follOW's, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, a City election was held on the 6th day of November, 1956. :in the City of V{est University Place, Texas, and at such election a new Mayor and City Commission was elected; and WHEREAS, it is provided by the Charter of said City that certa:in officers and boards be appointed by the newly elected City Commis- sio~ within a reasonable time after such election; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY" OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That Dr. Lyman C. Blair; Dr. Ben Walpole, M,r. James R. Simms and Mr. George Dickinson. be and they are hereby appo:inted members of the Board of Health of the City of West University Place and they shall serve in such a capacity for a period of two years. 2. That the appo:intments hereby made shall be effecti va from and after the date of passage and approval of this Resolution. i~ Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that Resolution. 56-59 reappointing the present members of the Board of Health to serve in the same capacity for a period of two years, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: ,Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown, DaviS, Galbraith and Reeve 'None M:inutes of the meeting of November 12, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the CO!fl1llission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried;, the Meet:ing was adjourned. ~ " .~ v;;:; ,/, / / ~dZz.:l/~ ' ?11ayor, City of West University Place ATTEST: ~\ ' (' " \ J / iJ~,---,\i, ~ City Secreta"",_~ ' Ii f r-~~IT"~'-~l",",,:"ur' -----r'~'--~-..~.,.......,' c' "',1 lE ;rT . I L,,) <~v:; O=:, 'F""i < <t i:C 1 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 26, 1956 The City OOJl1Illission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, November 26,1956, 7:30 P.M. with the follolrlng members present: Mayor Hammond, presiding; COJl1Illissioners Reeve, Brown, Davis, and Galbraith. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Rev. Byron Lovelady, Minister of the West Universi ty Methodist Church. In compliance with action by the City Oommission and Notice duly published in tble official newspaper of the city, and notices mailed to all property owners within a 200 Ft. radius of Lot 10 A, Block 25, West University Place 1st Addition, Mayor Hammond announced that a' public hearing was in order to consider amending Ordinance No. ill to permit use of said lot by the West University Methodist Church for church purposes. The following persons appeared on behalf' of the West University Methodist Church in the interest of the request to be considered at the Hearing: Rev. Byron Lovelady, Minister; W. W. Bowman, Chairman of the Building Committee; Walter Davis, Chairman of the Planning Committee; Walter Timmerman, Air Oonditioning Engineer and Uoyd Gehring, Architect. Mr. George House:a of 6324 Mercer Street was also present. The Mayer administered. the Oath to Messrs. W. W. Bowman, George Housen and City Manager Whitt Johnson. Mr. Bowman served as spokesman and presented architect's drawing shlowing the proposed enlargement to thle West University Methodist Church facilities and the proposed use of the residential lot IDA, Block 25, West University Place. 1st Addition. Mr. George Housen stated he owned the vacant property adjacent to Lot lOA which is' Lot lOB and. also the improved. property immediately east of Lot lOB fronting on Mercer Street. Mr. Housen desired to ,know whether the church proposed to construct a Boy Scout hut and other use to be made of the proposed. bUilding. Mr. Heusen expressed objection to excess noise that would occur and the fact that people would be cressinghis vacant lot to obtain access to vacant Lot. lU, which is owned by ~e West. University Meth0cilist Church. Mr. Housen stated that he would withdraw his objections if those representing. the church would agree to build a chain link fence of appropriate. height a distance of 150 feet, being the depth, separating his vacant lot from Lot lOA. The church officials agreed to construct the fence as requ.ested by Mr. Housen and after such agreement Mr. Housen with- drew his objectien and recommended that the City Commission approve the request of the West University Methodist Church for rezoning Lot lOA, Bloek 25, West University Place 1st Addition for church purposes. Wi th no other persons desiring to be heard, the following action was taken: 'rm 'II" "---- ''I:'' Ii I i II I "i'iI'------r~~~~~~-~-~-' I I 2 Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded .by Commissioner Reeve, that the Public Hearing called for the purpose o.f considering an amendment to Ordinance No. 111 to permit use of Lot lOA, Block 25, West University Place , 1st Addition for construction of a building as requested by the West Uni- versity Nethodist Church, and as set forth in the Architect's drawing, be closed and the City Attorney instructed to prepare an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 111 for consideration. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners BroWf.l, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None Scout 1Jlasters George Dickerson and Joe Wells introduced nine boy scouts who are students ina Firs.t Aid Course being given by :r-Ir. G. T. HutCherson, Captain of the First Aid Unit. Mr. P. E. Minton, 6632 Br0Ill.pton, appeared before the Commission and a.skeel that an exception be made to Ordinance No. 710 which required construction of a four foot walk for replacement of existing walks. Mr. Minton explained that his sidewalk was three feet in width, the same as on adjacent property and it would detract from the appearance of his property if he were required to construct a four foot walk. . . Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that an excepti(!)Il be granted Mr. P. E. Minton,' 6632 Brompton for reconstruction of his sidewalk as a permissive exception of Or~nce 710, and Section 3 of the specifications which are a part thereof. Voting Aye: Voting No: .Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, DaviS, Galbraith and Reeve None Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board, held on Novem- ber, were submitted for consideration and the following' action taken: Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the request of Mrs. George O'Leary requesting permission to install bathroom facilities in an existing servant quarters on the property she owns at 3121 Amherst be denied as recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None Resolution No. 56-60, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Resolu- tion 56-60 directing investment of $25,000.00 from the Water-Sewer Fund, for a period of six months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None , . I \~ tV"" ..of .;1 r".": y:# ~.,. ~~:f '11":1 :t:: 3 Completed plans and specifications for a 12 inch CI Water main along Bellaire Blvd., an8 inch 01 water main on Stella Link Road and a 6 inch 01 water main on Ruskin Street and installatian of seven fire hydrants, were submitted to the Commission for approval. Motion by C(')mmissiQner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that' plans and specifications for water line improvements on Bellaire Blvd., Stella Link Road and Ruskin Street be approved as prepared by City Engineer, J. I. Cornelison, and that bids be received until 7:30 P.M., December 17, 19.$6. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, DaviS, Galbraith and Reeve None An amendment to the original Harris County Civil Defense Mutual Aid Agreement was submitted to the Commission. The proposed amendment and the original agreement was explained by the City Manager stating the city agrees to make available its resourCes and to render mutual aid to other political subdivi- sions of Harris County but may withhold resources to the extent necessary to provide protection to its own city. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that the amendment to the original Intra Harris County Mutual Aid agreement be accepted and that the Mayor and City Manager be authorized to execute the agreement. Voting Aye: Voti.!lg No: Mayor Hammond; Connn.issioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None In compliance with action taken by the City Commission on October 8, a list of meter parts most commonly used by the city which amounted to $2,208.18 and -which the Municipal Supply Company had o.ffered to sell at a discounted price o.f $717.48, was presented for consideration., It was the opinion of the Commission that the city should take advantage of this saving provided the purchases could be made at intervals as the parts were needed and to re- plenish the usual storage of meter parts. '1"" Motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that the City }f1anager be authorized to purchase from Municipal Supply Company, meter parts amounting to a discounted price ~f $438.78 and at a later date purchase an additioria.l amount in the sum of $278.70 for storage and future use. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Oommissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None The City Manager submitted a request from a Committee representing the Ci ty Employees requesting that the city participate in the cost of a group hospitalization plan to the extent of $1.00 per employee per month. A written report revealed that 85 employees were eligible and that insurance companies would not consider a group classification unless 75% of the total agree to participate. The max:imum cost to the city could not exceed $64.00 per month or $768 annually. After reviewing the request of the employees and the report, the Commission took the following action: Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that ex- penditure of $64.00 per month or $768'annually be authorized as a contribu- tion and participation in a group hospitalization program proposed for all eligible city employees. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None Wi th no further business to come before the Conunission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: ~.u,J . ity Secret' ". l____=:-----,------.-,.,. l-=:-~E!~.'.------:--...~~-.--~---".-T-"- <~O---._--.-~.I----------.-----~ 'I'" 5.' .---: REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION DECm-1BER 10, 1956 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall, 7: 30 P.M. Monday, December 10, 1956, wit.h the following members present.: Mayor Hammond, presiding; Commissioners Brown, Galbraith, Davis and Reeve. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Reeve. -Cf"J ~lr. Edward Mitchell, Owner of the Washmobile Company of' Texas, Inc~., and Lessee of a tract of land owned by the city en the south side of Bellaire Blvd., in the 4200 block, appeared before the Commission and stated his desire te lease an additional 100 feet of the above mentioned tract of land for installation of gasoline pumps and storage tanks. There was some dif- ference of opinion in the interpretation of Section 2 of the lease agree- ment executed November 4, 1955, as to the use and limitation incidental to the operation of the Washmobile service. Mr. Mitchell was represented by his att.orney Mr. Jerry Veltman. The City Mafl..ager and City Attorney were instructed t.oconfer wit.h Mr. Mitchell and his attorney in relation to the interpret.ation of Section 2 of the agreement. and. submit a recommendation to the City Commission at its next meeting on December 17. Resolution 56-61 was submitted ,to the Commission and read in full. ~"' y.... ~~ ~~~~ ~1 ~ ~1 Motien by Commissiener Galbraith, seconded by Commissipner Brown, that Reso- lution 56-61 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $7,000.00 from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund, for a period of six months" be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None Resolut.ion 56-62 was submitted,to the Commission and read in full. l"Iotion by Commissioner-Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Reso- lution 56~62 directing the Cit,r Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $50,000.00 from the Water...$ewer Fund, for a period of 6 months; be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hannnond; Commissioners Brown, D$l.vis, Galbraith and Reeve None ...:,- - Resolution 56-63 was submitted to the Cemmission and" 'read in full. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Reso-' lution 56-63 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $50,000.00 from the Tax Collector's Fund .for a period of 6 months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hanllllond; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None t=: -"~.~--~~~ I -'--IT---~-'~~r'--",::r' n~'~-e-~~'c- c - --:1"- ...-.i: ''1'''' - 6 The City Manager explained that there was $7,000.00 in the Water Meter Trust Agency Fund which could b,e invested for a longer period of time than an investment in Certificates of Time Deposit issued by the Uni- _Varsity State Bank, at a higher rate of interest. It was recommended that the $7,000.00 be invested in short tenfi U. S. Government Bonds and that the purchase be made thr01lgh the First City National Bank. . Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the City Manager be au~horized to invest $7,000.00 from the Water Meter Trust Agency Fund in U. S. Government Bonds to bear interest yeilding in excess of 3% to the city. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and .Reeve None ' The following list of 19 Insurance Agents eligible to share in the distri- butionof insurance premiums paid by the city during the year 1956, was submitted to the Commission: 1. John E. Boyd, Jr. & Sr. 2723 Robinhood -261, Quenby 2. Wynne L. Creekmore 3759 Tangley 3. WilJ,.iam T. Lutz, Jr. 3923 Riley Street 4. Joe C. Eason 3773 Nottingham 5. J. Paxton Huff 3406 .l\.lbans 6. J. Walter Kilpatrick 302, Nottingham 7. W.B. Ruth 3,16 Nottingham 8. Gene E. Young 3114 Carnegie 9 . Charles Hughes 6502 Sewanee 10. Fred A. Rhedes, Jr. 6633 Vanderbilt 11. Robert B. Overstreet 3113 Pittsburg 12. D. R. Anderson 2812 Quenby 13. Seth W. Ramey - C. Van Berson 3409 Rice - 2729 Centenary 14. W. J. Gebhard. 6448 Buffalo Speedway 15. W. F. Akin 3762 Plumb 16. James H. Marrs 4020 Marlowe 17. C. L. Wall 4210 Oberlin 18. Pride Black 2912 Nottingham 19. Ed. J. Curry 2709 Albans Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the 19 agents listed be declared eligible to receive a prorata share of insurance premiums paid by the city during the year 1956, and amounting te$1,807.35. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None Mayor Hammond presented a letter received from !llr. J. E. Wimberly, President of the Houston Natural Gas Corporation, dated December 5, 1956, requesting a rate increase ef.fective with the meter reading date of December 5, 1956. L..............~~. ' -~~".~~~~'F="'f~-;---==F-""""'-=~I 7 cr"J """,,, ,y~ The -letter stated that the rate was the same granted by the City Council of the City of Houston which amounted to a 14.1% increase for residential and small consumers. The provisions of an ordinance gran:ting the Houst.on Natural Gas Corporation a franchise and setting forth a provision in relation to the changing of rates were reviewed by the Mayor. It was the conclusion of the City Commission that if the same rate increase as granted by the City of Houston was to become effective to residents of West Uni- versity Place that the Houston Natural Gas Corporation was in compliance with their franchise agreement; however, before accepting the rate increase, tne City Manager was instructed to coni'er with the proper city officials of Houston to determine that the same rate increase proposed for the citizens of West University Place would be identical to the new scheduled rates as adopted by the City Council of the City, of Houston. The City Manager was itlstructed to determine these facts and report his findings to the City Commission on December 17. 'r""1 ."ti~~ ~'f :r: Ordinance No. 722, captiol'led as 1'ollews, was submitted to the, Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DE'IERMINllm TfT..A T EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ~~ING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. ill OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIACE, TEXAS, 'ID PERMIT THE USE OF LOT lOA, BLOCK 25, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FIRST ADDITION, FOR CHURCH PURPOSES; FINDING THA T A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDIN- ANCE NO. 111 HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPT- ING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THA T ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE AMENDED REZONING THE SAID roT FOR CHURCH PURPOSES; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNlVERSI'lY PlACE SHOULD BE AMENDED SO AS 'ill PERMIT SUCH USE OF THE SAID LOT; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 111 REZONING LOT lOA, BLOCK 25, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FIRST ADDI'l'ION; AND PRO- VIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded b,y Commissioner Galbraith, that Ordinance No. 722, amending Section 4 of Ordinance No. 111, to permit the use of Lot IDA, Block 25, West University Place 1st Addition for church purposes, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye:' Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None The City Manager submitted a schedule of benefits as adopted by city em- ployeesin relation to the acceptance of a groap hospitalization plan as offered by the Massachusetts Ivlutual Life Insurance Company. It was the opinion of the Commission that the schedule of benefits was acceptable and the monthly cost per employee was reasonable. Minutes of the meetings of November 15, 19 and 26, were read and approved as corrected. l~_ - --y:c-~_ l~r- ~' '-1'--'-.--''''0- ~T:"' 8 With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~aCe ATTEST: A'~fl~ City Secreta r------- -~ - ~ rt=:"'1l "l":~m --r~~~-~-~- ~1I --1l , ~l' ~ ' r' 9 RECESSED MEETING OF CITY CO~JMrSSION DECEr'1BER 17, 1956 The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City,Rallon JVlonday, December 17, 1956, 7:30 P .!vI. with the :following members present: Mayor HaJl1.ffiond, presiding; CommissionersDavis, Galbraith and Reeve. The City At:torney and Ci1;.y; [Manager w~:re also pres~p:t.,.- Commissioner Brown was absent due to business reasons. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Galbraith. CVd In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the of.ficial news- paper of the qity;, bids received for construction of water lines on Bellaire Blvd. Stella Link and Rusk;in, were opened and results announced as follows: .....,,;w'" t...) :./ "\'~-, ~r Hardin Construction Company TeJtala Construction Company - L. C. Sauer - - - - - - - - Century Construction Company Russ Mitchell, Inc. Brown & Root, Inc. $ 39,591.10 39,993.00 42,406.65 43,132.05 43,,870.45 50,171.05 '):-Ll--4 ~-w-~ . Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that bids received. be referred to the City Engineer and City Manager for tabulation and recommendation. ,Vot,ing Aye: Voting No: r1ayor Hammond, Commis s ioners Davis, Galbr~i th and Reeve None Minl).tes of a regular meetj"ng of the Zoning & Planning Board, held on December 13, 1956, were submitted to the Co~ission for consideration and action taken as follows: Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the request of l"lr. Charles A. Ginsburg, to waive the restrictions on Lots 11, and 12, Block 11, Virginia Court, in order that the property might be used for commercial purposes, bel denied as recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. V oting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that Mr. George O'Leary be permitted to improve the present utility room limited to the same square foot area and laundry facilities, and without installation of tub or shmier; and subject to the execution of an affidavit that the facilities and premises will not be used for commercia~ or rental purposes, as recomma"lded by the Zoning' & Planning Board.. Voting Aye: VotLTlg No: :l'-1ayor Hammond, CommiE)sioners Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None :,'J r9===r~ -I ~'~----r==~'''-''~ - -- .. ,--"1 ;11'.--,---- ----r~"l'.-"-;"-' -- 'T'" 10 Motion by Commissioner Bavis, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the request of' Dr. Davis Jaff'ee, to rezone the northwest corner of Kirby Drive and Rice Blvd. to permit construction of a two story brick office building, be denied as recommended ,by the Zoning & Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Hammond, Commissioners Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that a public hearing be called for 7:30 P.M., Janua~J 14, 1957, to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision o.f Lot 17, Block 16, Monticello Addition as requested by Mr. W. B. Langford and recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. Voting Aye~ Voting Not Mayor Hammond, C01TIDlissioners" Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None ' Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that the request from r-Ir. L. Goldston, President o.fthe University state Bank to place a^large electric sign on the commercial property on Kirby Drive between Plumb and Tangley, be denied. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hanll'llond, Commissioners Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None The City Commission reviewed the request of :!vIr. R. R. Vest and Mr. E. J. Christiansen in relation to rezoning property in the 2800-2900 blocks of Bissonnet to permit erection of'an o.ffice building, but took no action pending a conference with the Zoning Board. The request of Mr. Morris Brooks, Houston 1'<1anager for the L. F. Corrigan Interests, for permission to construct a one-story addition over the present space in the Corrigan Center now occupied by the Bellaire Music Company, using a structural steel frame with inside walls o.f sheetrock, and the outside of asbestos Siding, was referred to the City Attorney for interpre- ta tion of that section of the Building Code which requires construction in a fire zone to be of fire resistant material and of 8 inchm8.sonry. The City Commission approved the Mayors' issuance of a proclaw~tion declar- ing the week of January 20-26, 1957, as Veterans of Foreign VIars Week in West University Place. Mayor Hammond submitted a letter from the League o.f Texas Municipalities announcing a 30% increase :In dues which had been approved by the LeHgue' s Executive Committee in a meeting held in Lubbock October 25, 1956. The letter explained that the recommended increase was based on a survey of League member cities and also on the fact that operating expenses of the League have been greatly increased since the present schedule of dues vlent into effect several years ago. After reviewing the request for an increase in the League dues and the reasons therefor, the City Commission took the following action: L '-1"-'''--- 11' }'lotion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Conmlissioner Reeve, that the increased dues for membership in the League of Texas Municipalities, from $172.50 to $224.00 per year be approved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Commissioner Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None (;,') OJ Mayor Hammond stated in relation to a request submitted from the Houston Natural Gas Corporation on December 5, 1956, for a 14.1% increase for residential and small consumers, that it had been determined that the rates were identical to the ones recently granted by the City of Houston, and that it was the City Attorney's opinion that a public hearing for this pur- pose was not necessary and that no franchise or charter provision was being violated. ~r.; ~::y Resolution No. 56-64, as follo"V1S, was submitted to the Conmlission and read in full: ~~r :c RESOLUTION 56-64 W.H:EREAS, the City Commission of the City of vlest University Place, Texas, has received a letter dated Decenlber 5, 1956, from the Houston Natural Gas Corporation setting forth new rates to be charged for the sale of gas to residents of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, said Houston Natural Gas Corporation has a franchise from said City by virtue of an Ordinance adopted July 6, 1926 and it has been determined by an examination of the rates set forth in the aforesaid letter and from examip~tion of the per- tinent Ordinance that such rates are in keeping with the pro- visions of s8.id franchise and Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That a copy of the rate schedule submitted by Houston Nat- ural Gas Corporation be attached to and made a part of this Resolution. 2. That no .further action is required on the part of the City Commission in connection with such rates and such rates shall be in force and effect from and after the time .stipulated and stated by said Houston Natural Gas Corporation. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Resolution 56-64 accepting a new gas rate increase amounting to 14.1% effective December 5, 1956, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: ~1ayor Hammond, Commissioners Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None I I...... ----~-.-.-.,-~-~--ri=""Ir==_-=="'~"I~o.--~--r=="=oC-~==-'="'==.!i ir:- - .. ~T"~"''''' li2 The City Manager stated that, various insurance companies had requested the city to make payroll deductions on insurance policies sold to employees. It was the opinion of the City Commission that the city waS already making nillllerous payroll deductions and that the approval of additional ones would' create an inconvenience in the accounting department and in all probability encourage future requests. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that a policy be established whereby no more payroll deductions are to be taken from employees salary checks other than those now in effect. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None The following letter signed by Mayor L. ~'J. Robertson o.f the City of South- side in relation to the granting of permission to the City o.f West University Place to construct a 12" C. I. water main along the north side of Bellaire Blvd. whioh is in the oorporate limits of the City of Souths ide was read and ordered into the minute book as an of.ficia.l record. City of West University Place Houston 5, Texas Gentlemen: At a regular monthly council meeting held Tuesday evening December 11, 1956, the City of Southside Place granted a permit to your City for certain water line construction within the right-of-way of Bellaire Blvd. as outlined in plans and specifications presented by your Ci tyEngineer. This permit was granted under the following conditions: 1. Backfill specifications to be amended in order to provide for all sections of trenches to be thoroughly compacted from bottom to top, by water tamping, mechanical tamping or hand tamping. 2. All driveways and streets to be bored. Sidewalks may be tunneled under but backfill must be compacted in such a manner that no settlement will occur. 3. Contractor must be held responsible for damage to trees and shrubbery. 4. Approval of the work by the City Engineer of Southside Place shall be obtained before final payment to the Contractor. Sincerely yours, CITY OF SOUTHSIDE PLACE (s) L. W. Robertson, Mayor ~~~~~~ r' 1-1 JIf' , -T""-~'"rq-,- 'TT-- C",j 0':; ''l'''''"'l ~.' ,~ ~ 13 Minutes of the meetings of December 10, 1956, were read and approved as corrected. 1'lith no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the. meeting was adjourned. A 'IT EST: ~~~--~ C1ty secreta, . '~~~~~-rl~~rr=~:7r ilf".---------- .,. """'"'T: ..., TC" . _c' ~~'-",,","1~