HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1952 238 ***************** o The CityOounc1~ convened in recessed'sEissionat. the City Hall, Monday.' ,7:3.0 P.M. January 7, 195.2)'wi.th,the~olJ.p.-ing members 'present., Mayor Terry, presiding; CommissioriersHangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Also preseQt were the City Secretary and, City At1;orney. '~ ' Mayor Terry'aImounced'thatthe;Commi.tteeappointed,byhim in accordance with authorization on November:26:,1951, 'had,;suQmit~dthe1r' report and recommended that '1Ir. Karl E. Kraft, 2726 Albans, be appointed Corporation. Court Judge to fill the, vacancy creat~d by, the resignation of Mr. Bernard Kay. Motion by CoumiissionerNisbet, seconded by Commissioner Holman that, Mr. KarlE. Kraft be appointed Corporation Court'Judge to fill' the vacancy creatf)d,by'resi.gna-tic:m, of, .Mr., Bernar.d 'Kay:.. " .. " .. ~ :' .~) j'" t t: Voting' Aye: : Mayor Terry; ""Commissioners.Hangs,.:. Holman" Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No: None,} . TJ:3e Oath of Office was adiniriistered to ,Jb".', Karl'fE.' Kraft as Judge, of the Cgrporation Cour't, by "Mayor' Terry. . , ' Pursuant t.o,and in accordane,enth &-prevlpus,anno:uncementof- the City Council, proposals from investment security dealers received for the'1>urposeot,award- inga contract to handle the proce'edings'for refunding at a lower rate of interest: the' unmatUred balance:' of,',$2.75:,GelO West Univerl\li 1>y Place SaPitary, S~er Bond.s, Series"1942 bearing 33/4% interest' dated March. '1,. 1942"Land ' callable March 1, 1952, at paraJid.iacc.r.ue.tLinteri'tst!n the' 8l11E>un,t "of. $-2)6,000 and also $164,000 City of West University Place Storm Sewer Bonds, Series 1942, bearing interest. at therate:ot:'33/4%"dated: March 1, '1942', ,and. callabl~: March 1";1952,,at'par' andaccrued',.intett!!st.IlOw' Out'standing in the amount of $156,000; the presently outstanding amount .of the<tllOis:sues, agg:re~ating: a total of $394,000. Proposals received were read and results announced. as follows: ~ .- '-~, . '.[~.~.' .' . U:'- '- Eddleman-Poll,6Qk Co. - $4.24 per $1,000 par value of bonds refunded . . ,and' 'dEili ve~ed-. . . , , Underwo:Od,' Neuhaus Co., - th.40, per' $1;.,,000 par. value. of' bonds ;refunCied and deli~ered~:, " . Russ & Co. - $4.67 per 31,000 par value of' bonds refunded' . . and delivered. R-otan, Mosle' & Moreland- $3.401'~r:'j$1 ,OGO par ,value of, bonds refunded . .. ", -:, '';: > ,:: .~delivered., Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Holman th~t the bid of Rotan, MosIe, & Moreland Company in the amount of $3.40 per $1,000 par value of bonds refUnded and delivered be accepted. Voting Ay~ ~ Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, HolDlan, Mooney and Nisbet~ Voting No :.. None IJ'-' I' 1 II l'l~li-"" ,I Ir~=r~~=," I r~-fI" ~"'1 fir- " 1~"ri1'Tl"l 239 -I U Motion by Commissioner Mooner, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that bids be received on January 21, 1952, 7:30 P.M. for refunding at a lower rate of interest the Sanitary Sewer Bonds, Series 1942 and West University Place Storm Sewer Bonds, Series 1942. ,Voting Aye = Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, c Mooney and Nisbet. . Voting No: None- -, ~, 'I""""'! C",} (C. ~~ '~ < Mr. C. R. Bird, Vice President and Western Manager of the Pitometer Company discussed with the Council the advantages of having an undel!ground 'sudit'or survey of the City's water mains and system and proposed to do thew-ark out- lined to the Council for the sum of $2600. There was no action taken at this time brthe Council as a further study of the proposal was desired. Mr. R. L. Terry, 270.3 University Blvd., appeared before the ,Council and discussed the possibility of entering into a contract for'salv-age rights at the garbage disposal grounds. No ac tioR was taken on the proposal submitted by Mr. Terry. The Council considered the advisability of advertising for trucks, automobiles, and radio equipment as' approved in the 1952 budget. ' Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by C6:mmission~r Holman, that the City Secretary be authori~ed to a~vertise for b:idsto be received on February ll, 7:30 P.M. for: one panel truck to be used aea first aid truck by the Fir-a "1 Department, one 2 ton truck sndbody for the~arbage Depa:l!'tment; two passenger' i ears for the Police Department, and radio equipment for both the Fire Depart- ' ,.-J ment and Police DepartJnent as authorized in the 1952 budget Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holmal1, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No :, None " Wi th no further business to come before the Council at this time, - upon motion duly made, seconded and. carried; the meetingwasadjou.rned. ATTEST: ~ ~~~. o 240 MINUTES OF REGULAR CO~CIL MEETING. , JANUARY lu. i~l)2 1 I I -...-1 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall, Monday, 7:)0 P.M. January 14, ,195?, w:tt,hthe ;fol+owiI1g members,prese,nt: Mayor Terry, presiding; Commissioners Hangs, Holman; Mooney and Nisbet. Also present were ~he City Secretary and City Attorney. . " " M~nutes ofa m~eting.of the Zoning ~ ~@nning Board held on Thursday, January 10, 1952, :were submi'tted to thE;! Council for consideration and the following action taken:. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Mooney, that the request of "Mr.V. E. Smith for permis$ion to erect aservant!s quarter~ a~d laundry room on his premise.s at 6634 Vanderbilt, be referre.d to the City , Secretary for study and r~commendation. Voting Aye: Voting No t Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. A bond schedule prepared by Mr. John Brandenberger of Rotan, MosIe and Moreland regarding a refunding ~ssue on City .of, West University~lace Sa~itary Sewer System Bonds, . Series ,1942, in the amount of $236,000 and Storm Sewer Bonds, Series 194?, in the amount of $158,000 on Which bids for the.s~le 0f said bonc;is w:j..ll;be.r:r.eceived January 21, 1952, was sUQm~tted ,to the ,Counqil for approval. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the bond sC4edu*e as prepaFed 9Y.'Mr,. JqhnI3raIldenberger of Rotan, MosIe and Moreland for refunding two outstanding issues of City of West University Place Sanitary Sewer System Bonds, Series 1942, in the amount of $236,000 and Storm Sewer Bonds, $eriEts 1942, in.the.amount of $1.58,000, on which bids for the sale of said bonds will b~ reCeived January 21, 1952, be acc,ep;t.e,d., 1 I ;~ Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. A letter from the League of Texas Municipalities requesting the reaction of all cities concerning the advisability of 'a cooperative arrangement for retaining professional services to aid cities when they are petitioned for incre'asea telephont;t :rates 'was- submitted to the Council for consideration. , After discussion of this request, instructions were issued for the City Secretary to write a letter to Mr. McAdams, Executive Director of the League of Texas Municipalities, advising that the City of West University Place is not materially effected on increased telephone rates as the system of this City is a part of the greater Houston system, and petitions for increased rates are made to the City of Houston. . However, the ,City of West University Place is in favor of the plan as suggested even though they cannot contribute financially. i n I ',,--" =-_.~ .. .~ rI --~-:r:: "<; cn-nr.~n'l ['l I I L-.C rl '':'1 ~':: ~~ ~! -< r~l t I I I l ...: J I' .-., ---'-'~T",_-,~ 241 Minutes of the meeitings of December 10, 17, and January 1, were read by the City Secretary. Motion by.Connnissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Holman that minutes of the meetings of' December 10, 17, and January 7, be approved as read. ~-t Voting AyefMayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No: None c- With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. ***************** The City Council cpnvened in recessed' session at the City Hall, on Monday, January 21, 1952, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Terry, presiding; Commis~ioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary and City Engineer were also present. The City Attorney was absent. In c,ompliance with! Council ac'tion on' January 7, 1952, bids for the refunding of $394,000. City 'of West University Place Sanitary Sewer Bonds, Se:ries 1942, and Storin Sewer Bonds,' Series 1942, were opened and results announced as follows: Company Average Rffective Int. R~t,p Russ & Co. ShalVe11 & Co. Rau~cher, Pierce & Co. 2.4988% Fri~ley & Hess .Morpney", Beissner &: Co. Row:jLes.,' Winston & 1:)0., 2.5228 ColumbianSecuri ties Corp. , 2.58344 2.633 J. R. Phillips Inv. Co. . Di ttmar & Co'. Fir~t of Te~as Corp. Rotpn, MosIe & Moreland Underwood Neuhaus 8? Co. 2.578152 McC:jLung& Knickerbocker Gentral Inv . Co. of Texas Dewflr, Robertson & Pancoast 2.68898 II ,w'-' . -. _ -~___i_,l , .. ., [, II~~'C~'_~'__I_" . '] f"t -- -----,------~,-c'co--,,~m1-'mrrmJ!ilO 242 Motionpy Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the low biti submitted by Russ & Co., Shawell & Co., Rauscher, Pierce & Co., with an average effective interest rate of 2.4988% for the sale of $394,000 City of West University Place Refunding Bonds be accepted. ( '-'j ! ! ! I LJ Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. The following Resolution was introduced to the Council for consideration and read in full: RESOlJUTION , RESOLUTION EXERCISING RESERVED OPTION TO REDEEM CERTAIN OUTSTANDING BONDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Ci,ty Commission of the City of West University' Place: That the City of W,est University Place hereby elects to exercise its reserved optipn to redeem at par and accrued interest on March 1, 1952, the hereinafter described bonds and the City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to give notice in the manner prescriped in the ordinances authorizing said bonds that same have been called for redemption, such notice to be substantially in the following form: NOTICE OF BONDS CALLED FOR REDEMPTION , i 1 I , ,I LJ Notice is hereby given that the City of West University Place, Texas, has elected to exercise its reserved option to redeem: $236,000 City of West University Place, Texas, Sanitary Sewer System Bonds, Series, 1942,. dated March 1-, 1942, in the denomination of $1,000.00 each, numbered from 40 to 275, both inclusive', aggregating $?'.36,ooo.00; and $158,000 City of West University Place, Texas,:::.Storm, Sewer Bonds, Series 19h2, ~ated March 1, 1942, in the denomination of $1,000.00 each, numbered from 2J to 184, both inclusive, aggregating $158,000.00. All of said bonds have bee~ called for redemption on March 1, 1952, at the City National Bank of Houston, Bouston, Texas, or 1'1.t the option of the holder, at the Manufac ture:rs Trust Company, New York, New York, which are the paying agents for said bonds., where said bonds shall be presented for payment at par and accrued int.erest to March 1, 1952 . Said bonds shall cease to bear interest from and after March 1, 1952. By order of the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas. .Ci ty Secretary, Ci'ty of West University Place, Texas ] III ',., '''-1'''' I II rr=='=~= --. ,,\ r ,1 J- 1'~'n-r------------rT' '"0 rrJIr[J'] 243 'r~\ Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Holman that " r Resolution 1-52 exercising reserved option to redeem certain outstanding ~L-I bonds be passed and approved as read. M C'>? to <:: U <t [] ~ [J ,;.....-- Voting Aye: Voting No Commis.sioners Hangs, Holman, < Mooney and Nisbet. Mayor Terry; None Ordinance No. 595, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council arid read in full: ' , AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $394,000 REFUNDING BONDS; , -PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF; AND LEVYING TAXES FOR PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTERES'r THEREON. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that Ordinance No. 595, authorizing the issuance of $394,000 Refunding Bonds; prescribing the terms and conditions thereof; and levying taxes for payment of principal and interest thereon, be adopted as read. V otingAye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbe~. A letter from City Engineer 1. L. Peabody recommending a contract be entered into with the low bidder, Mischer-Harris Co. for the paving of the intersec- tion o~ College Avenue a~d Villanova Street was. submitted for Council con- sideration. Motion byCotnmissioner Nisbet,' seconded. by Commissioner Hangs that the recommendation of the City Engineer be accepted and the City enter into a contract wi thMischer~HarI'is Co. for the paving of the intersec tion of College Avenue and Villanova Street. Voting Aye: Voting, No : Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Mayor Terry; None A contract from the Columbia-Southern Chemical porporation was submitted to the Council for cohsiderat~on. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Holman that a contract with Columbia-Southern Chemical .corporation be entered into fOr the delivery of approximately 30,000 l~s.Of li~uid chlorine for use by the'll'later and Sewer Departments. at a pr1ce ofl12~ per pound. Voting Aye~ Voting No ; Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Chief of PoliceH. E. Shipp requested approval of erection of "Stop Signs-I' on Mercer, Sewanee, Westchester, and Rutgers Streets at the intersection of Sunset Blvd. in order to prevent the recurrence of numerous accidents that 244 4> have occurred at these intersections/. I J -~~ Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the' recommendation of the Chief of Police be approved and that "Stop Signs" be., erec ted on Mercer, Sewanee., Westches ter, and Rutgers Streets a,t the intersection of Sunset Blvd. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet;.. The C1 ty Secretary and City Engineer gave a report concerning a conference with Mr. J. M. Nagle, Director of Public Works.' of the City of Houston reference the paving of Academy street and adviaed that the City of Houston was considering the advisability of paving Academy street from Richmond Road to Law Street with a portion of the cost to be assessed against properties in the City of West University Place abutting ,on the west side of Academy Street. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that 'WHEREAS, the East boundary line of the City of West University Place, Texas, North of Richmond Road, li.es along, and coincides with, the West property line ofA~ademy Street extending North to the South line of Law Street; and thus the entirety of Academy Street from the North line of Richmond Road to the South line of Law Street lies wi thin the Cil ty of Houston, Texas; and! WHEREAS, the City of-Houston, Texas, has considered, and is considering the .,,'.LJ:.',',"'."',. advisability of paving said Academy Street from the North line of Richmond Road to the South line of Law Street, wi th a portion of the costS thereof to be paid by the Oi ty of West Universi ty'Place ap.da portion of the costs " thereof to be .assessedagainst properties' in tp,e City of West University': Place abutting on the West sideo:f saidport.ion of Academy Street, as per- mitted and provided in Section I of Article 1105bas amended by the Legisla- ture in 1951; and WHEREAS, J. M. Nagle, Director of Public Works of the City of Houston, by his letter of December 31, 1951, addressed to the City Secretary of the City of West University Place, Texas, requested advice as to what part of the cost of the work the City of West University Place, Te~as', would be willing to assume; and WHEREAS, an estimated assessment rate' of $8.00 per front foot has been suggested against the properties on the West side of Academy Street and in ' said City of West University Place, 'but of which ainount,Mr. Russell Nix has indicated a willingness to pay the sum of $3.00 which would operate as a credit on assessments against said West side properties; and WHEREAS, the lots on the West side of said portion of Academy Street are so platttedthat the longer side thereof abuts on said Academy street, making' applicable the earlier policy of the City of West University Place to pay 25% of the amounts otherwise payable by the property owners; !'l , I l---l ,- - -I,' 1- 1-' ,J.t~~~,;.<~"_,,,~, ,1'--' I~E==--:':::-:~:':-::',~_'~:-~.':::::::L J . " - J:::,~=YF-==-='""='-='-I"':'~r!'L_________ -----.-----:-Jcr--- - -- -'~~-:r'rn nem - r1 l_l ~ ,:'\1 ,"" ':.~....' < t..,.) < r l U r '1 L-J ': ~! fi"t 245, NOW, THEREFORE, I move that the City Commiasionof the City of West University Place, Texas, advise the City of Houston, Texas, that the City of West University Place will cooperate w;ith the City of Houston and consent to the 'construction of the improvements, to wit, a six (6) inch reinforced concre,te pavement, 36 feet wide between faces of curbs on that portion of Academy street from the North line of Richmond Road to the South line of Law Street, on-the basis that a. The assessment shall be at the rate of $8.00 per front foot against said properties in the City of West University Place, Texas; b. That a credit of $3.00 per front foot will be made on the assessments, certific~tes and on mechanic's lien contracts, if any, executed in connection therewith by virtue of pay- ments by Mr. Russell Nix, or otherwise; c. The total cost to the City of West University Place will be $1.25 per front foot, being 25% of the property owner assess- ment after crediting the $3.00 per front foot as above mentioned; and which $1.2$ will be in turn credited against the assessments, certificates and mechanic's lien contracts so executGd by property owners. I further move that the City Engineer and the paving attorney for the City of West University PIac'e, Texas, be instructed to work with, and cooperate with, similar departments of the City of Houston, and that upon completion of plans and specifications, for said improvement (which will include standard residential .specifications of .the City of Houston.) the more detail proposal will be further submitted to the City Commission of the City of' West University Place for 'its formal consent and for such further proceed- ings as might be determined necessary or advisable under, and in accordance with Artic.le 110Sb of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas as amended in 1951. ' Voting Aye: Voting No : Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Mayor Terry; None The City Secretary advised that the City had $50,000 in its General Fund derived from current tax collections which would not be needed for opera- tional expenses during'thenext 96 to 120 days and was available for investment purposes. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the City Secretary be authorized to confer with Mr. Hugh Whiteside, Vice President of the University State Bank, concerning the investment of the $50,000 in the General Fund in U. S. Treasury bills in the manner most advantageous to the City. V oting Aye: . Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None 11 -- ..' ,- ,'-c,,-~ :I r " J 1- - r--, --r,--- ,.. "TIm"1I'1 :.G"tO A written complaint from Mr. Ed Morris, 3117 Georgetown, concerning inad~quate drainage on the street in front of his home caus,ed by damage to his gutter and sidewalk by J. L.. Williams Construction Company during the time the street was paved and the fact that equipment of J. L. Williams Construction C'o. had broken his sidewalk was discussed by ,the Council. 'It was their. conclusion that Georgetown Street at 3117 should be repaired SO as to provide proper drainage and the driveway and sidewalk replac'ed since the condition was caused by construction work. A letter of resignation was submitted to the Council by City Engineer n L. Peabody. Mr. Peabody explained to the Council that it was his' intention to enter private enterprise and desired to be relieved of his duties as of February 1, 1952. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the resignation of Mr. I. L. Peabody as City Engineer be accepted with regrets. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary advised that he had instituted a system whereby all building permit records of the City could be indexed and filed for reference and requested auth,?rity to employ someone for this purpose. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded byCommiss~ioner Nisbet that the City Secretary be authorized to employ. someone for purpose of indexing and fil'ingbuilding permit records of the City. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; None, COmmissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. With no further bustness to come before the Council at this time, upon motion du1y>made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjcourned. "...; ~ ATTEST: '~ -+ ,. li';~' i~X~!!m~f*~1rt~- rl--','T-. ''['rUIIi;'!I,1 1,1 f ':TI~-''''-'r ' I Ii [J u u (-~ ! j I , \----.J ~ C<l: ("r,_ --......i","' <t, "J'" ..., " I -' < ru-' , I i i I ' I ~ r-i I i i ' I l___ . -, , ._,_."~'h.-.c"....,"~,..1 247 ~MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 28, 1952 The City Council convened, in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, January 28, 1952, with the following members present: Mayor Terry, presiding; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary, City Engineer, and City Attorney were also present. The City Secretary submitted a letter received from the City of Houston advising that a suggestion had been received from them to change the name of Richmop,d Road to Bis sl'1>nnet Stre et ,and Mr. J. M . Nagle, Director of ~ubl ic Works for- the City of Ho~ston, stated. that he did not see any need oi\changing the name of the, street unless the C,ity of West University Place and Bellaire agreed to do likewi_sfi!. 'rhe City Council was agreeable to the change of the name withi,n the corporat~ limits of the City of West University Place and instructed the City Secretary to so advise. the City of Houston. Authori~ation was requested for'Mr.E. J. Hood, Superintendent of, the Water Department, B.nd Mr. L. E. ~yles, to attend the Water and Sewer Short School to be held at Texas A. &M. College from March 10, to March 14, inclusive. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet th~t Mr. Hood and Mr.' Lyles be I:luthori~ed to attend the Water & Sewer Short School to be held at TexasA. & M. College on March 10 to 14, inclusive. Vo ting Aye: Voting No : Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Mayor Terry; None The City Council was advised that the Trunkline Gas Company had requested 4" water line~ervice to their new building located at the corner of Robinhood and Kirby Drive; howevelj',it was the recommendation of the Water Superinten- dent and Oi ty Engineer tljlat an 8t! line be installed in order to meet Sta.te Fire Insurance requiremeri.ts and that fire hydrants could, be set where .advan- tageous,8nd further recorrnnended that the Trunkline Gas Company pay propor- tionate cost based on a 4lt line and that the City assume the balance of the actual cost of an BU, lin~., Xhe tG>tal estimated cost for installation ofi an 8t! water main at thisloqation is approximately $3954.88 of which the Trunkline Gas Company has agreed to pay $535.65. Motion by GG>mmissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the 1952 budget be amended so as to appropriate sufficient funds and that the installa- tion of an 8n cast, iron water line be authorized to service the Trunkline Gas Company B.S reCOmmended by the City Engineer and City Water Superintenden.t. Voting Aye; Mayor T,erry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No: None Commissioner Nisbet, Chairman of the Audit Committee reported that the Committee had interviewed auditing firms and wer.e recolIl!1lending that the l:1'~:__, . -~. !._"'"~_..--~---'._"..--.'r~-."":!T1~:IE[J!I~.~ -----,---- - 248 firm of Summerford & Wicker be employed as auditors for the year 1952 based on their letter proposal of January 24, 1952 ~ [j Motion py Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the Audi t Oommi ttee'ls recommendation be accepted and the firm of Summerford & Wicker be employed as auditors for the yeat1952 on the following proposal: a. The over-all annual audit program will be in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards for Municipalities. b. It is, our understanding that you desire that some of the work' be done on a quarterly basis and we will visit the office of the City as soon after the end of each qU8.rter as is con..;' venient toe the City personnel and'perform. such varied auditing proc'edures as are timely and will conform to the over~all annual audit program. . c. We propose that all profess ional servic es rendered will be done by, or under the direct supervision of one of the Firm partners. ' d~ A member of the Firm will make himself available for such consultation time as may be desired by the Council. e. We will study your present system and accounting procedures with the, purpose 'of suggesting improvements as may be of practicable application. r-l Uil J' f~ We agree to make the audit report available to the City officials not later than February 15th of the following year. Our fee for the services outlined above will not exceed $1,200.00, payable $200.00 each for'three quarters and the remainder upon delivery of the annual report. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; ,Comrnissiemers Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None In compliance with Council action on January 14, 1952, the City Secretary reported that he had investigated the application of Mr. V. E. Smith, 6634 Vanderbilt, to erect a utility room on the rear of his garage and had also made personal inspection of the property and found'the house had been adCiedonto'on two occasions and that the rear yard was congested and un.... sightly; however, it was his recommendation that a permit be issued for erection of this utility room as he could find no violation of the Zoning Ordinance. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commi55ione~Mooney that the request of Mr. V. E. Smith, 6634 Vanderbilt, to erect a utility room on O~,,':- :1 il ',.C_.",,,.',,,,,,,,_,,_. r:---"-'~l :--::_.: ~:":_ _L_--~"'" ,. 1:.:.. n"- l~-:~ _-1 {', '':~~T''l~irnr:fl:Y- - --- r~'l lJ --l ':'~ t r" --.' < '-' <t ("':" f ], I: , LJ i'T!-":1kt',tRt',::~1',-'- 249 the rear of his garage be approved and a permit issued, subject to execution ofa-n affidavit by Mr. Smith that 'the utility roolD. will not be, used for commercial purposes as recommemded by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No: None ',I'reasurer's Certificate No. 60, certifying the availability of $1500.00 for purpose of improving the intersection of College and Villanova Street; however, the certificate had not been signed by the City Treasurer as he was ill in thehospi tal at this time. Ordinance No. 596, 9ap:tiol.1ed as follows, was submitted for consideration and read in full~ AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1,500.00 OUT OF THE FUND TO 'IHE CREDI T OF STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS SERIES 1948 IN THE CITY TREA~URY TO ,PAY THE. COST FOR PAVING AND IMPROVING THE INTERSECTION OF COLLEGE AVENUE AND VILLANOVA STREET ON WHICH BIDS WERE RECEIVED DECEMBER 17, 1951, AND DECLARING. AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that Ordinance No. 596, appropriating the sum of $15po.oo to pay the cost of paving and improving the intersection of College Avenue and Villanova'Street be passed and approved as read, subject to execution of, Treasurer's Certificate. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No: None Ordinance No. 597, captioned as follows, was submitted for consideration and p~ad in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT ALL PROCEEDINGS HAVE,','H~TOFORE BEEN' HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE EXECUTIOn OF THE CON'IRACTFOR THE PAVING AND IIPROVING OF: INTERSECTION OF COLLEGE AVENUE. AND VILLANOVA S'IREET. , '. -.. . ,-. . , . ~ . APPROVING AND' ADOPTING THE REf>ORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE. ENGINEER ON BImRECElVE19 FOR THE PAVING AN]) IMPROVING OF SAID INTERSECTION OF SAID STREETS; ACCEPTING THE BID OF MISCHER..,..HARRIS qOMPANY, INC~,.AS THE LOWEST SECURE BID OF THE LowEsT RESPONSIBLE BIDDER, AND AWARDING TO IT THB ' CON'lRACT FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF SAID INTERSECTION OF SAID STREETS;AFPROVING AND,AGCEPTING AND AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL AND ACCEPq'ANCm:OF.,1HE, PERFORMANCE BOND AND MAINTE-r NANCE BOND IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DiPROVEMENT; FINDING THAT SAID CONTRACToR HAS PROPERLY EXECUTED A CONTRACT FOR THE IM- PROVEMENTS ORDERED, APPROVING SAID CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING AND DIREcTINGTHE1ttECUTION THEREOF BY THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. G1 .r~.'lTUrIiiTl1~~- ,- : ,',II '....'.1 n ~ou Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that Ordinance No. 597 a.uthorizing execution of a contrac to with Mischer-Harris Company, Inc. on its low bid of$I,2J8.40,be passed and approved as read. (..7' 1 '1 ! J Lt Voting ~.ye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. A proposed contract between the City of West University Place and Mr. R. L. Terry for salvage rights at the garbage disp0sal grounds was submi ttedtiD the COU11cil for consideration. Motion by Commissioper Holman, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that Mayor Terry be authorized to execute a contract with Mr. R. t.,Terry" for salvage rights at the garbage disposal grounds provided he submit a letter showing his financial responsibility and also submit a certificate of insurance for the amount of coverage as provided for in the contract. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. The Council discussed the advisability of showing appreciation to Mr. Bernard Kay, former Corporation Court Judge, by compensating for his services in conducting the court'afterl1is resignation and familiarizing, Judge Kraft wi th municipal court procedure and'Q:uties involved. Motion by Commissioner Moon'ey, seconded' by Oommissioner Nisbet that Mr. Bermlrd Kay be compensated for one month I s salary in appreciation of services performed in the past and his services in conducting the court c, after his resignation in familiarizing Judge Karl Kraft with municipal . court procedure. , 1 LJ. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, HOlman, Mooney and Nisbet. The Council also expressed their appreciation of past services rendered by City Engineer I. L. Peabody and felt it appropriate that a Resolution be passed on his behalf. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the Ci tyAttorney be iris tructed toprepa.re a resolution honoring Messrs. Bernard Kay and I. L. Peabody for services rendered this City. Voting Aye; Voting No ; Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Wi th no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~ 1 i J. ------ ly'\"!W:!t:}fifl~-'P-.-'- . III f ',TI '.~C""C"~~""-l ----,,---~"~_., r~;rUI1li:Tlil r-:'T U , ~ C",l co < U <t r~l I" , U n i i i \ ''--J ~51 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 11; 1952 The City Council convened in reguL~l.r s.ession at the City Hall, Monday,: 7:30 P.M. February 11, 1952, with the -following members present: 'Mayor Terry, presiding; COImnissioners Hangs, Hol.man, Mooney and Nisbet. Also present were the City Secretary and. City: Attorney. Rev. Karl Bayer, Pas.tor of the West Univ~rsi ty Methodis t Church, pronoune.ed the invocation. Incompliance wi th Council action On J;anq,ary 7, 1952, and N~tice to Bidders p~biIshedin th,e offi~~al newspaper of the City 0:fJanu~ry24" 195.2, b~,qs were ~e~r;:~~ .for truck and automotive,eqq,ipment 'fnoll1 tpe,~~;;t;d1iQ~fung!2eaihIbanies:.: Ivy-Russell Raymond Pearson Jack Roach Hargis Motor Company Earl McMillian Richardson Chevrolet Co. Downtown Chevrolet Sam MoIitgomery Company Burkett,Motors International Earvester ,Go. Portable Bridge. & Equipment Co. , Oilfiel<t Truc~ EqUipment:; Co. , South Texas Truck Equipment Co. Motion by Commis-sioner Mooney:, s,eco:q.ded by Commissioner Holman that b'{cls received for truck- and autornq;t{.ive, equipment Q~ referred to the City ~ecF~.:tary and department heads f;or tabUlation, ap.d recoIlUl,lendation. Voting Aye; Voting No : . -.' _ :JI--, Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Mayor Terry; None In compliance with Council action on January 7, 1952, and Notice to Bidde~s published in the official newspaper of. t~e City on January 24, 1952" bids were regefved for base radio stati,on equipment aIld two mobile receive_rs and transmitters from the following companies: . , General, Electric Company Motorola Inc. , Link Radio . Corporation Motion by Commissioner Holman, sec,on.ded by Conunissicmer Ni~'bet that, bids,.for base station radio equipment and two mobile receiyers andtran~mitters be referred to the committee composed of Messrs. C. V. Reynolds, Frank Feagin, and L.A.M. Barnette, for ~~bulation and reco~endation. Voting Aye: Voting No t Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mopney and Nisbet. The following Resolution was submitted to the Council and read in full: ,- --liT.'- li'=~'P~~~ II , "~I " ICC'"iii'l1fmiJiT r'':''n' 1 ~ a:(i RESOLtJ'l' TON o \~HEREAS, Bernard Kay has served the City of West University Place, Texas, as the Judge of the Corporation Court from May 1, 1948, until, January 1, 1952, and has resigned his position as Corporation Court Judge upon moving from the City; and, , I ',,' .. WHEREAS, during hI? tenure of office Bernard Kay has conducted lt1.m- self and the affairs of his office so as to endear himself to the citizens of the City of West University Place and to, all who have been associatecf with him; and, WHEREAS" the af~airsof the Corporation Court of the Cityof'e's"t,J University Place have be,en conducted by Judge Kay with utmost fairness to all who have appeared in said'Court and with dignity of proceedings commensurate with courts of higher jurisdiction; and, WHEREAS, Bernard Kay has exhibited, during the four years he has served as Judge, a keen insight into human relations and has tempered justice with a,deep feeling and understanding of those factors in human relations which fall beyond the field of law; and, , , WHEREAS, the City Connnission of the City of West University Place, Texas, desires to express its gratitude to this outstanding citizen for the public service that'he has performed in administering justice to those who have come before his Court and who have always received impar'tial, 'fair"Emd "ji,<"'. equitable treatment .and to commend Bernard Kay for his public spirited . endeav~rs: ) NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas: '1. 'That the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, acting f'or and on behalf' of the ci tizensof said City, expresses its deep appreciation to Bernard Kay for the manner in which he bas conducted the affairs of his office during the past four years and for the standards of judicial attainment whiehhave been set, by virtue of his judgesl1ip. 2. Be it further resolved by the City Commission that this Resolution be spread upon t,he Minutes of the Commission as a token of the City"s appreM..aticin to Bernard Kay, and further, that copies hereof be furnished to'the press'. II Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet th'at" the resolution in regard to the resignation of Judge Bernard Kay be passed pnd approved as read. Voting Aye~ Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet~ Voting No ~' None (~1 . I I , I '---' u , 1 '''Tnm:'1HI' ',['~~,I . i , I ...-: ,:'.J ltC~ ~:::-: ~~-,,"J ...-::r. rn '[',.,.".,'1,.... : I ) k "I'" _4<, '" ".lJ a i:). The following Resolution was submitted to the Council and read in full: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, Texas, has been fortunate to number among its employees from April 1, 1949, to February l~ 19541, an engineer of outstanding professional ability and a person whose character and publ.ic spirit is Elf, t,hehighest caliber and ",hose work has resul ted ,In the construction of pUblic facilities, in which the City Commission takes. justified pride; and~ ' ' WHEREAS, Irving L. Pe'abody, as the City's Engineer for the past three years, has given of his time and energy far beyond the call of his prescribed employm,.ent aIld has,prought a,bout the construction of streets, water and sanitary fa.q;iliti.es~nd otherci tyerlgineeringpro,Jects with cons;ider~~l~ savings ofm()neytc)' the Cj,ty" and' has accomplished, with limited funds" ,eJ~gi- neering pr'6jects comparable in quantity and quality with the 'accomplishments ,of other, ,~i tif?s whof!e expenditures have been ;nU;9h larger; and 1 WaER~S'1 the City Commisslo~. or the' CityqJ West University 'PJ,?ce~ Texas~ has accepted the resignation of Irving L. Peabody as the City's Engineer with great reluctance in Order that he, may again enter a more , remunerative field oJ: private engineering practice~ and the City Commission desires, at this time, to express its gratitude for the work which IrvingL.peabcodY has done and to giVe public recognition to him for hia many 'a,~c~l>c~isiunents: ,. ' . NOW, THEREFORE, be it 'resolved by the City Commission of theci~! of West University Place, Texas: 1. That. the City COmTn:i.ssioIl of the C1't1 of West University Place', Texas, acting for and on behalf of the citizens of said CitY'Jc.o~e~dS , '., Irving L. Peabody for the outstanding engineering achievements and public work$ pr0_gr~m~accompJ.,ished duripg 1:r:he tenwe of his. o.ffi,ce and !3xpre~se.s fts sincerewi,shes for his c'ontinued success in his chosen field,. ' ,2,. Be it further resolvf3d by the City Commission that this Resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the Commission as a token of the City'S appreciation to Irving L. PeabOdy, an,d further, that' copies hereof be furnished to the press." Motio~ b~ Commi,ssio~~rHolman, seqonded by Commissioner Hangs that the resol ution in regard' to the resignation of City Engineer I.' L. Peabody, 1?~". passed and approved as read.' , Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry~ None Commissioners Hangs, Holman~ Mooney and Nisbet. ,Ordinance No;.. $98, c41ptioned as follows, was submitted to the Ccnmpil foit'~ consideration and read in full: II . 'u 1'-.''''iiT1i1TIIliTlir ,- I ,~l If ,,'1"1 - " 1 Uti _u., ~~."j: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING .AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $394,000 REFUNDING BONDS; PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF; AND LEVYING TAXES FOR PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST THEREON. ( ~. , 'tt ; t! LJi Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Comm~ssioner Holman that Ordi~ mince Np. 598, amending O~dinance NG. 59,$, ~uthorizing the issuance of . $394,000 Refun<iing Bond$;and levying taxes for paymeIl;t of principal and interest thereon, be passed and approved as read. :.,- Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; None C,ommissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. A letter from J. ,4.' Metca~f, Fire Chief, repommended :t~at a Fire Prevention Board be appointed and reqommended that Messrs. Chas. L. Cartwright, John Daniel, ~nd W. F. Ghiselih be appointed as members of such Board. . . - - . Motion by Commissioner H01man, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that Messrs. Chas. L. Cartwright,. John ,Daniel, and W.F,. Ghiselin be appointed as members of the, Fire Prevention Board as recommended'by Fire Chief Me'tcalf. Voting Aye: Voting No; Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman? Mooney and Nisbet. Estimate No.1, in the amount of $2,92.5 from Bradley Electric C,o. Tor . electrical work performed at the Sewage Disposal Plant~ which had been certified by Mr. Rayburn M. Hamilton, Electrical Engineer, was submitted to Council for approval. ' , " ,'.:"..""1,'",',.,. I , . I , I ; ~ Motion by Commis~ioner Mooney, seconqed by Commissioner Hangs that the. Estimate No. 1 'in the amo~nt of $2,925 from BradleyElectric Co. be approved for J)ayment. Voting Aye: Voting No ': M;ayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and~:i.sbet. Author:i.ty was requested by the City Secretary to permit Acting Building Inspector J. D., cUlstott '110 go to Austin for, the purpose of taking the Plumbing Inspectors examinatioh. . Motion by C€mnnissioner Moqn!3y, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Mr. J. D. Allstott be autlioriz$d togo, to Aus'tin for the purpose of taking the PJ,umbing :Inspectors examination. Voting, Aye: ,Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holma,n, Mooney and Ni.sbe:t. VOting No: None Authority was requested tq make arrangements for rehabilitation of water wells No. '4 and Sin advance of anticipated summer water 'demantl~ I-'r u' ;.!',-+>t"'~_~i"'t';- T~~~"--'--"~', ,\ r":'TI''''..''"~','~''''~'l '"n,n,. I ""T rnmi'llir (~'I I ' U ~ \;--,l rt.~ \....\~ <::'::: ~ <1:: 0.,...".,', ) '. I " t - : r~l LA, nii n.._,>_""""""""".,,,,,,,,.,,,,._.., ., Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that asurv.ey be made to determine work necessary to rehabilitate water wells No. 4 and 5 . Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor ',R:erry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Theadvis.abili ty of purchasing an" additional two-door sedan to, be used by, the Police Chief was discussed by the Council. " ',!" Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs 'that the City Secretary be instructed to advertise for bids to be received on March .10,,' 1952, for delivery of one two-door sedan for the' Police Department., Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet.. (Commissioner Holman was absent from the Council room when the vote was taken). Minutes of the meeting of 'January 28" 1952, were read and approved. With no further business to come bel'ore the Council at this time, ,upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,. the meeting was recessed. ***************** The City Council convened in recessed session at'the City Hall on Monday, February 18, 1952, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor'Terry, presiding; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. ' The CitySec1:'etary and City Attorney were also present. 'or In compl;i"ance with Council action on February 11, 1952, a tabulation of' automotive and truck equipment bids received was submitted by the City Secretary. Motian by Connnissianer Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the recommendation of the City Secretary and TIepartmentHeads .:to "pUrchase two t 1952 Model Two-Door Ford passenger cars in the amount of $482.95 per unit net difference for the Police Department in accordance with the low bid submitted by'Raymond'Pearson Co; one 1952'Model i Ton Sed-an or Custom . delivery .f@ruse as a First Aidtinit by the: Fire Department' from DoWntown Chev:rolet Co. ,in the amount of $1619.81, 'after allowance of $100.0010:rd the present unit ; One 19.52 International Ir-170 to be used by theGa~bage< Department 1'romlnternationa1Hsrvester Cd. , in the amount of $2658.78f'and one Qarb?ge and Brush Truck Body from Portable Bridge and Equipment Co. on their low bid of $1487.50, be accepted and purchase orders issued. ' Voting Aye: Voting no Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Mayor Terry; None The Radio Committee composeq. of Messrs.:,;C. V. Reynolds, Frank Feagin, and II~_____,--~~__:~_~..l::_~'r=-=--'-~-="'~~_:J. --~'-r"'" ~"~~n'n:rrtm~I'I:I'- -I::"f,-------- 255 25{; L.A.M. Barnette, submitted a written detail report of their findings after . a study ,and investigation of the overall need for installation of radio equipment for the city. The Committee recommended in the report that the present police radio mobile units be sold to the Harris County Emergency Corps on their offer of $600.00 and that the bid of General Electric Company in the amount of $1671.00 for supplying base station receiver and transmitter and two mobile units be accepted andinaddi tion. that the city pur~hase Jme Workshop Associates High Gain Antennae and necessary pole to be erected as a mast for the antannae and sufficient coaxial cable and fittings. The Committee's report showed a tabulation of va:r,ious bids received on FebI"uary 11, 1952, and stated they 'unanimously favored the purchase of General Electric equipment andi t would require approximately $3500",00 to install the essential equipment to provide the city with an adequate radio transmitting and receiving station. ' 11 I I ! I 1-1 Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the report and recommendation or the Radio Committee be accepted and that the' bids of the General Electric Company in the amount of $1671.00 for delivery of base .station remote cantrell andsi~ mobil:e units be 'accepted and also 'that the high gain antanhae, coaxial cable, necessary fittings and pole be ' purchased ,and ere'cued ,to provide a complete radio transmitting and receiving station at a total' estimated cost of $3500...00. Voting Aye:'Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No : None Zoning Minutes of the meeting of Februa:ryl4, 195~, weresubmit:ted to. th,e Council for cons~deration, and the following action, taken: ' (\ U Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the recommend~ti,oJ!l oftne Zopipg Board to approve the :request of Mr. J.O. Terry, 5712 Simmons Street, for permission ,to erect a, child '8 .playhouse b,e "acc:~p~ed subject to signature of usual affidavit and no in~tallation of plpmpin~' facilities. Voting 4ye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; ~one Commissioners Hangs, HQlman, Moqney and Nisbet. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, sacpnd,ed by Commissioner Holman, that Mrs. Reid Hodgson, 6720 Eutgers, be permitted to erect. a 12xl8 Ft. one-story playrqom.for' family use,in,~onnec.t,iop wi.th an e:x:isting l8x20 ft. double garage, subject to ria plumbing facil! ties being installed and subject to E?xecuti.onof: U5ual affidavit as. recommended, by the Zoning Board. '. Voting Ay:e: Voting No : Mayor Terry; None Commissioners,Hangs, Holmpn, Mooney and Nisbet~ Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the' request of Mr. C. R. Middleton, 4208 Riley, be granted permission to .place 'C 1 1 I , 1 U I 11'.P'l~"4S !~~"E:"': _--"-------" ... '. 1'-, C:-I [~' . . __"1 il I ''': rnm:1I'l [-I n LI LI I! ,"" an Bx12Ft. prefab-r,ic a ted building 'on the .back 'of his lot to be used for storage purposes, subject to no plumbing .faeilitie,s being j.nstalled and subject to execution of usual affidavit as recommended by' the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet,. Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the request of Mr. L. B. Bricker, 3224 Sunset, for permission to erect a screened and roofed enclosure 14xl6 Ft. which is presently a bricked terraced area adjacent to his existing garage be approved as recommended by the Zoning Board and subject to execution of usual affidavit and no plumbing installation. Voting Aye: Voting No : Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Mayor Terry; None Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that a Hearing be called for 1:00 P.M. March 10, to consider the request of Mrs. Florence M. Rapp for permission to subdivide Lot 5, Block 39, West University Place 1st Addition, into two 50x1.50 Ft. lots as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, - Holm.an,~ M;ooney an.d Nisbet. Voting No : 'None The matter of the proposed contract with Mr. R. L. Terry concerning salvage opera~ions on the city's garbage disposal grounds was brought before the Council by the Mayor. The Mayor stated to the Council that he had not yet executed any contract with Mr. R. L. TelTy due to the fact th.at certain additional matters had come to his attention. The City Secretary stated that due to the newspaper story concerning the proposed letting of such contract that he had received several inquiries from interested citizens who desired to bid on such contract. The City Secretary also stated to the Council' that his investigation of the financial position of "Mr. R. L. Terry h~d revealed that Mr. Terry's financial responsibilities were questionable and he further stated that members of Mr. Terry's family had called him to request that the contract not be let to Mr. Terry because of Mr. Terry's delicate health. The matter of such contract was fully discussed by the Council and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the Council's action in fJu:thorizing, the Mayor to execute a contract for and on. behalf of the City with Mr.R. L. Terry be rescinded alid that no further action be takenby' the Mayor until the matters under discussion concerning letting of such, contract bad been more thoroughly investigated. Voting .Aye: Voting No : - Mayor Terry; None Coinmissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. It was brought to the Council's attention that a number of minor accidents had occurred at the intersection of University Blvd. and Buffalo Speedway during the past few months and after discussing the matter, instructions 7:1.1 ~~..J' ~ TI~'~~ .--..---. ,\ rl~-' ''''1 I 'TmnrlTl r r ' 253 rrr I I '< . were issued for Chief of Police H. E.; Shipp 'to 'make an investigation '()f the traffic problem at this location. and,su:bmit his recommendation to the Council. With no further business to come before the meeting at this time, the meeting was adjourned. ~' .~~ ayo . ' . ~ ' I]' j ! I , 1 i ~ i o J 25/ r ~ 1 1 ' 1 ' LJ JUNUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUJ,RY:25" 1952 , ',' " ' The City Council convened in regular sess ion at the City Hall on Monday, February 25, 1952, 7:30 P.M.. with the following members present: Mayor Terry, presiding; Counnissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and' Nisbet,. The City, Secretary and City Attorney were also present. In compliance with Council action on February-18, 1952, Chief of Police H. E. Ship:p'recommended in a letter that traffic lanes be marked off on Buffalo Speedway and University Blvd. at the intersection of the two streets, the lanes to consist of one lane fo~ left turn and through traffic, and the other lane for a right turn.' Mr. Sh~pp was of the opinion that the marking of these lanes might eliminate some of the congestion that exists at this intersection. : It was the Council's decision that lanes should be marked off on Buffalo Speedway and University ID.vd.at the intersection of these two streets. ' It was s.uggested that a representative of the City contact the.State}ij.ghway Department and if possible make arrangements; to 'use 'their striping machine' for this work. ' n I I '--------' City Council was advised that a let.ter had been received from the State Fire Insurance Commission stating that the fire record credit for the City of West UniverfJity Place had been reduced from 25% to 20%: for, reason :that . the ra,tio to ,losses' to."premiums,had exceeded'24% based on past;'5 year average.' ' A le,tter from the Health Beard: of the City recommendii1g:thatthe salary o,f 'Mr.' Joe C,., Hild, 'who was ,employed by the City as Sanitarian September 1; 1951, be irereased from $300.00 to $350.00 per month, effective 'MarchI, 1952,.in. accordance with an understanding at the time of his employment that the com- pensationwould be increased after six months. service-. if his work was satis- factory,was considered by, the Council. . Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded ~ Commissioner Nisbet that,the salary o,f'Joe C,. "Mild, Sanitarian, be inoreasedto $:350.00 per month effective Maroh 1,1952, as recommended by the Health Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor 'Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. A letter of recommendation from the Water Superintendent and City Secretary wi th reference to a pl'op()sal',from the Pi~ometer Company- dated May 10,19,1., for a wat.er waste survey':ofthewater system was submitted to the Council for consideration. RecommEmdation was made that the services of the Pitometer Company not be contracted for at this time, for reason that the retail value of 2% of the total annual pumpage for 1952 would amount to the approximate cost of the survey and it was highly improbable that water losses totaling that amount would be located. The following action was taken by the City r I' Council: ' Iii , 'I I I l~ 911 I- "T",-". IL......=_-=---:- .- -.=.;:::J. .r: I:] I ~ .~.1 r: ..- -,~ -, ~!T'l:lnll:II'l g11 Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the proposal of the Pitomete:r" C~p~1'dat~~.M,ay l~, 1951, for a water waste survey of the water system be declined as it would not be of any economical va.l.ue or improve the efficiency of the water system. ,'J' I ! , I ! I , I , I (" ! Voti'ng Aye: Voting No. : Mayor Terry; None Comm:.ssioners Hangs,. Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. The matter of the letting of a contract for salvage rights on the city's garbage. disposa1 grounds;w~s again brought before the council by: the Mayor. The City Secretary stated that he had'received add,1tional inquiries from. interested partieswhowi'shed to 'make bids for salvage rights., Mayor: Terry stated that in view of ' the number of inquiries made it was deemed to the best interest of the~city:.to receive such bids before the letting of any'contract. , - Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Holman. that all interested parties who had contacted the City Secretary relative to the letting of sueb: con-wact be'informed by the City Secretary that informal bids, 'irould be received, with regard to saLvage operations, on or before Monday, March 10, 19.52~ 7:30.P.M. and that such bids Would be opened at the regular meeUtlg7., of the City Council on March ,10; 1952. ' " - ' Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting, N,o: None Minutes,:ofa special' meeting'of,the : Zoning,}Board': held on Febvuary 21,.1were J submitted" to theeouncil~ - 'The Zoning: Baard 'recommended"approva{lJ o.f'i a,,:: request from Mr. P. o. Eiler, 3325 Amherst Street, for permission to erect a carJlort ( . jln'front:of the'enating garageatd~his address to setback approximately:' 6 r~et"rfr()m'the street property,line 'instead:.of:the 1ef'eet~~oW required.by the. Zoning; Drciinance ~ ,: '". ' 'I l }' ..Motion.bySommisSioner:MoQnei1, seconded,'by>Commissioner Holman that : the,:" recommendation of the Zoning Board that <Mr. P. O. Eiler, 3325'Amherst<:-8treet, be permdtted to erect a carport in front of the existing garage at,this address to setb~ckF1PproximatelY'6 fee,tfrom theproperty'li.ne instead of thelO feet now r:equirec:Lby- the Zoning.O:J;"dinanc& subjElctt() :Mr. ~iler's securing l~tters from the' adjacent propertyowners.'s'tating they had no objections' 'to. the proposed structure. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; None " Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Duties, and compensation of the Corporation Court Clerk and Deputy Court Clerk were discussed but "noact1on: taken: other than deferanee of the ,matter until af:urth~r s'tudy<couldbe -made. ,', U1' , , i . "\ I 'i '" I "--< ~ 1 'Tnlrfli'llf w-.,- -. - ,.1 , rifl- , .. 1 f~"-' -- r-) i i i ( '--' '\"'"""! .~>~ 'f"-\ .-.\.... "'..... --'."-.t :r -~ '-' < r~\ \ \ Lj r~\ i U ,.iii Q 1,. Ordinance No. 599, captioned as fOllows, was submitted to the Council and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE FIRE CHIEF AND DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL HAVE, RECOMMENDED mE CREATION OF 'tWO NAW POSITIONS IN THE FIRE DEPARn4ENT OF THE CITY OF WEST uNIvERSITY PLACE, TEXAS;' FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT IT WILL BETOTFIE BEST INTEREST OF THE FIRE DEPART- MENT'l'O CREATE SUCH POSITIONS; OFFICIALLy CREATING TWO POSITIONS OF THE'PAID FIRE DEPARTMENT, EACH POSITION TO BE KN~ AS "CAPTAIN"; DEFINING THE Al1.rHORITY OF '!HE HOLDERS OF SUCH POSITION; P~OVIDING FOR ''!REIR REMUNERATION; AND ' DECLARING AN EMmGENey. Motion by Cormnissioner ~olman) seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that' Ordinance No. 599, officially creating two positions of the paid Fire Department, each position to be' knOWn as "Captainll'be' passed and approve~ as read." , , Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No: None City Attorney Charles S~ Taylor advised the Council that the Corporation Court on Wednesday nights was overcrowded in the small space available in the City Hall and re'luested that arrangements be made to hold Court in the Community BUilding on.Wednesday ni~ts. 1'he City Attorney and City secretary were instructed bytheCouilcil ~t6 work on'details necessary for holding Court in the Community Building and submit their report to the Council for further action. Minutes of the,meeting of February.ll and 18, were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion dUly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. A'l'TEST: rc-----r . , ;r'-'-""'.,,'_.' rl . - --- "-T........'n'liliTliiTlir II~ -.111 r-TTI..'.'~'"O~..._~~...,---- ~~~L MINUTES OF" REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIWG MARCH 10, 1952 ' The City Comm,ission convenecl ~~n regular session at the City Hall on Monclay, March 10, 1952, 7:00 P.M. with the,:f'()llowin,g members present: Mayor Terry, presiding; Connnisaloners Hangs? Halma?, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary and City Attorney weJ'6 also. present. In compliance with Council. action on February 18, 1952, legal notice published in the official newspaper of the City'and notices mailed to all property o-wnerswithin a 200 Ft. radius of Lo.t 5, Block .39, West University Place 1st Addition, Mayor Terry announced that a hearing Was in order. In answer to. questionli3 by the CitY' Atit.o~ney, C;l.ty SecretaryJVhitt Johnson testified ,thatoI-Q,inance No. III had bee~9Qmpliedwith and, n~ti:f'icat.ion pad beenpublisp.ed in the official newflP~~r.,9f. the City and ail property owners within a radius of 200. Ft. of Lot 5, Block 39, West University Place 1st Adpition, bad been no:tifi~d bympA ~Qre t~an 15 days pI."ior to th~s date that a hearing would be held at 7:00 P.M'. March 10, 1952., : Mrs. Florence M. Rapp, owne]:" of L().t So, ~lQck 39, Wes:t Uni:versi ty Place 1st Addition, explained in aDSYfer to qu~stions byt,l:1e CitY,Attorn,ey that it ",af;! her desire t,o sell the south 50F;t,. Qf~elot. She;a).so state4: thatse't-:- back lines on poth lots. would.be.Jn c9~plia,pcewi~<Zoning ~din.~ce regula- ti.ons. Walter S. and William ~. Rapp aJ.so appeal"Elcl. attp.ehearing b~t were not requested to testify. .- ., With no objections being voiced at the hearing for the proposed resubdivision of Lot 5, Block.39, ,West University PlacelstAddition, the following action was t.akEm: ,- " ,', ' , '..,' , Mot.ion by gOll1ID1ssioner Nisbet, second~<i by, C9~is5io~er ,Hengsthat the. ~~t:l,r,ing called to cOnSicler amending Zoning Ordinance No. Ill, to permit Eesubdivision of Lot $', Block .39, West University Place 1st Addition, be closed. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet~ Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by CommiSSioner Nisbet that Ordinance No. Ill, Section 24, be amended to permit the resubdivision of Lot 5, Block.39, WestUniversi.ty Place 1st Addition, as recommended by tbeZoning and 'Planning Board. ' Voting Aye: Voting No : Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Ni~bet. Mayor Terry; None Ordinance No. 600, captioned as follows, was 'submitted to the, Council for consideration and read in full: '-"',.- "IL-, ;kl'~''''''fHG'.__'''-~' 1l=====:::::::I ,--" .r::~I=r"I~= .. ~---:~~~~':r :::r-r'--"~----------"--- I ~-"'-'':nr~lm'mr.rr.l. r1l ":.Jjl., ~ f : ! r..,.,'.,~ --'1"..,,', U OJ fl , : U '\""""! ':-"~ , ,..., '-.>.... <~ :"" -, '-' <:: r'~-l i ' I' , , I L-I ~ i I j L, I ' 2e3.. AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE, BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PRE- ImtUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVER- SITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF LOT 5, BLOCK 39:, WEST UNIVERSITY,PLACE, FIRST ADDITION; FINDING THAT A. PUBLIC HEl\RING, FOR THE PllRPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO..,11l HAS'BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING. AND' ADOPTING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. ill BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUB- ,DIVISION, OF LOT 5'- BLOCK 39, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FIRST ADDITION; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS SHOULD, BE AMENDEn SO AS TO P.ERMIT. SUCH SUB--DIVISION; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 111 SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUB...DIVISION OF LOT 5, BLOCK 39, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, FIRST ADDITION; AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDI- NANCE SHAIJ'., TAKE EFFECT AND. BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE A)ID APPROVAL. ' Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that ordinance No. 600., amending Section 24 of Ordinance No. ill, to permit the resubdivision of :Lot 5, Block 39, West University Place 1st Addition be passed and approved as read~ Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, HOlman, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No: None Before proceeding to the regular order of business for the evening, Dr. James Bullock, Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, pronounced the invocation. In cQI[lpliapc,~with Cou.ncil action on February 11, 1952, and notice to bidders published in the off1cia1,newspap-er:ofthe City on February 14,1952, bids received for one two-door sedan for the Police Department were opened and resul ts announced as follows: Earl McMillian, Inc. acyl. 1952 Ford Mainline $1605.00 6 cy1. $1535.00 Downtown Chev. Co. .1952 Chevrolet $1690.29 Jack Roach 8 cy1. 1952 Ford $1741.86 6 cyl. $1671.86 Sam Montgomery 1952 Plymouth $1880.30 Hargis Motor., Co. : '. , 8. cyl. , 1952 Ford $1699.98 Ivy-Russell Motor Co. 8 cyl. 1952 Ford $1834.75 6 cyL $1759.75 Motion by Oommissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Holman that bids received for delivery,of onetwo""door'sedan for the Police Department be referred to the City Secretary and Chief of 1'lolice for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No None 11.~~~~-~~'~~.:::J. _ ~r 'I 11 '::1 ---r ~ T ""I' Illlllhll'l 204 Informal bids received for salvage rights at the garbage diSposal grounds were opened and results announced as follows: Auto Parts & Salvage Company - 7l~2Navigation Blvd. $150 per month Mills and Exports Company - 2616 Leeland Ave. $200 II It for a period of 2 mo., contract to be renegotiated after two months. Mr. R. L. Terry -25%'of net profits derived from operations c'\ , ! U Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that bids be referred to the City Secretary for tabulation 'and. recommendation. Voting Aye~ Voting No: Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. A letter from Mr. R. L. Terry,' protesting the city asking for bids for salvage rights at the cityfsgarbagedisposal grounds, Was submitted to the Council. Mayor Terry stated that since notice of the intention of the Council to conduct'salvage operations at the garbage disposal grounds had reached the pUblic through the.newspapers that various inquiries had been received, and. it was deemed to the best interest of theCitY"by the Council to cancel the' author! ty given to sign a contract in behalf of the City as voted in regular session of January 28, 1952, and informal bids received with regard to salvage operations at the two garbage disposal sites. A contract for sanitary sewer service to be furnished by the City of West University Place to the Emer,ald Forest Subdivision 'of Houston was 'sub- mitted,to the Council for consideration and read in full., :-'1 i~ Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that Mayor Terry be authorized to exeQute contractw1thM. ,F. Satterwhite,:;J}eveloper' of. the.: EmeraJ.,.d Forest S\lbdivision, for the1purpose of the City of Wes,t University -Place transporting residentiaL sewage through the lines con- structed by the developer and through its own lines to the sanitary sewage disposal plant and to treat such sewage at the plant and dispose of it as the City's own sewage forwhichth~developeragrees to pay to the City of West University Place the sum of $J:'80~OO per lot and/Qr tract located in Emer,ald Forest Subdivision. Voting Aye:. Mayor Terry; Commissioners. Hangs, Holman, .Mooney and 'lIliSbet. Voting'No :. None The City Secretary advised.the Council that ali). error had been made by,the state Fire Insurance Commission in-computing the insurMcepremiums which had caused a reduction in the fire,reeord,credit for theJ(;ity of West University Place to be reduced from 25% to 20% but the error.hadbeen rectified and the full credit of 25% has been granted. Mr. Clarence Martin Wagner, applicant for the position of Building Inspector, appeared before the Council at the request of the Mayor for an interyiew. r-\ tJ I[,,:mc,:-,=,..,=,.=:,C"~iJ. . .,_ rrrr'~~"~~~~"""'__'l H- -. J'~Tnmmr-u k'UiJ, (-'I I i U Duties of the position and qualifications required were discussed at length wfth Mr. Wagner. The application was referred to the Mayor and City Secretary for further consideration. Minutes of the meeting of February 25, 1952, were read and approved. With no ~ther business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. *. * * * *' * * * * *' * *' *. * *' *' *' "-,,,,-1 (..~:::. <~ The City Council convened in recessed session at the Oi ty Hall on MOnday, 7:30 P.M. Marc.h17, 1952, with the following members present: Mayor Terry, presiding; Commissioners Hangs and Holman. The.Ci,ty Secretary and City City Attorney were also present. Commissioners Mooney and Nisbet were absent. ':-'O~ 0'-_) < In com~liance with the suggestion of ' Mayor Terry, Mr. F. R. Howell, owner of the S '2 of Lot 9" Block 33, West University Place J,.st Addition, appeared before the Council regarding the subdivision of Lot 9, and submitted signatures of a majority of residents owning property within a 200 Ft. radius stating they had no objections to the subdivision of the lot. Oity Attorney Chas. S. Taylor recommended that Mr. Howell be given a temporary l;>uilding permit and in the meantime the Counci1Bclll a public he~ring.to con~ideramending the Zoning Ordinance to subdivide Lot 9; Block 33, West University Place'lst Addition and that the permit become final only after the public hearing fi is held. I . \~i Motionby' CommiSSioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that an interim permit be issued. Mr. HOW-ell for construction of a residence on the S l of ' Lot 9, Block 33, West University Place 1st Addition, and; that a public hearing be called. for 7:00 P~M:.. April 4, 1952, to consider amendment to Ordinance No. III to permit subdivision of Lot 9, Block 33, West University Place 1st Addition into two 50 x 150 Ft. lots as requested by Mr. Howell and recommended by the Zoning and ,Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs and Holman. The City Secretary advised that Mr. M.F. Satterwhite desired an extension of time to pay $2200 for sanitary sewer service connecti9n to Emerald Forest Subdivision and asked that the contract approved by'the City Council on February 25, be amended to permit him to pay $500 simultaneously with the execution of the contract; $500 on or before April 25, 1952, and $1200 on or before July 25, 1952. {-Oi f I I , \ ! L.J Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commi.ssioner Hangs that the cont.ract approved by the City Council on February 25, 1952, for fumishing sanitary service for the Emerald Forest Subdivision,' be amended to permit Mr. M. F. Satterwhite to payt500 to the City of West University-Place at the time of execution of the contract; $5dO on or before .April" 25, 1952, 1'1 !" ,....,..,-'~ Inl r I"~Tl~"~~ ~~,~".. '~~1 n~"~"'-"-- .. n.... 'T'-"TI"'finmrIliF 266 arnd tlje sum of $1200 on or before July 25, 1952. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs and Holman. Voting No: None In compliance with Council action on March 10, 1952, a tabulation and recommendation was submitted by the' City Secretary on bids ~eceived for delivery of one passenger car to ~' used by the ,Police Department. It was recommended by the City Secretary and Chief of Police that the low bid of Earl McMillian, Inc. in the amount of $1605.00 for delivery of one 1952 8 cylinder Ford Mainline, Tudor Sedan be accepted. Motion by Commisslioner Hangs, seconded, by Commissioner Holman that. the low bid of Earl McMillian, Inc. in tbeamount of: $1605.00 for ,delivery of one 1952,8 cylinder Ford Mainline, Tudor Sedan. be accepted and a pUTchase order issued. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Conmissioners Hangs and Holman.. Voting No: None Commissioner Nisbet arrived at thi~ time~ The Council further discussed applicant.s foro-the position of Building Inspector and took the follow;tng action~' Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Holman that. Mr. Clarence Martin Wagner be employed as Building Inspector for the City of - West University Place on a trial basis ,at a salary of $300 per month with employment to become effectiireM<i>nday, March 24, 1'952. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs,' Holman. and Nisbet. Voting No: None With no further business' to come before the Council at tl;lis time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was' adjourned. ATTEST: ~ ~~... ,-. I' lL '. ~::::J. .____.___-----'-----"--r:_:I=y=r~.-.------.~-----:_~.1. _L-. T-'~ .,~~!~ lr'Irn-nr:~mc r\ ! 1 \ i.....J rl U' i-\ . I :~ rl I i LJ --I ~>l f~O. ......... -~~ U -< Cl r~l \ J LJ I'! I f' :':--"",:",,-:-?,~~,:C;" 261 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEB:l'ING MARCH 24, 1952 The City Commission convened in regular Session at the City Hall on Monday, . March 24, 1952, 7:30~P.M.wi:th the following members present: Mayor Terry, presiding;Commissioners.Hangs, Holman"Moohey and Nisbet. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. . , The Zoning minutes of a special mee~ing held on March 21, 1952, with res~~t to the request of Mr. i. O. Eiler, 3325 Amherst, for permission to construct a carport 17'2" wide ,and 20', long to the front of the existing garage which would extend beyond the prop,erty lil\einOO the str.eet right-of-way, in lieu of con- structing a carport to set back approximately 6 feet from the property line as approved by the City Council on February 25, 1952, was co;nsidered. The Zoning Board recommended that the GityCouncil approve and permit Mr. Eiler to construct a carport 1,7'2t1wide an,!, 17 'lC!mg i.fhe so requested, b;ut in no event"did they recommend that the structure extend beyond the property line. No act:io-n was taken on this request as Mr. Eiler was not present at the meetj,ng' and: his wishes 'on the matter were not known. Mr. George Jamison, Eleotrical Engineer of the Crouse-Hinds Products appeared before the Council and presented technical information, drawing, and' estimated cost of plac'ing signal lights to control traffic on Buffalo Speedway.a.t th~ intersections of Rice Blvd. and Sunset mvd.TheCounciFrequested specifiea- tionbe prepared for necessary equipment to install signals at these locations and, stat,ed.that,action would be taken to advertise for bi~s after approval of the specifications. A letter' from Mr. Ralph B. Lee't requesting the city to participate in 1;he Southwest npA Recreation program was submitted to :the. Council. No action was taken at this time. as the. group wished to discuss the program more fully: with menib~rs ~:rthe Municipal Services Committee of the Southwes:t YMOA. In compliancew:ibhGo;uncil action on March 10, 1952, the City Secretary sub:'" mitted a tabulation of informal bids submitted on March 19, for salvage rights at the city's two 8&1"bage and trash disposal' si tes, with a reconnnenda tion that' the bid of Mills & Exports Company, 2616 Lee1and,Avenue; was, the'most advan... tageouaJ>id submitted; that. this COmpany was experienced'in salvage operations and OWlled,and" operated the necessary typeo! equipment used to conduct this",., nature of business and that the. condition of the grounds would be left in a ' mor'e satisfactory lll8nner and the sum of $200.00 per month' for a period of two months withprov:is:ions~fbr, renf!lgotiating the contractwou+d be of a greater financial return to the city and further recommending that the Council award' a contrae't to this firm. Motion ~ Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Connnissioner M90ney,that the recommend-ati,on of the City Secr.etary be accepted and a contract be"entered into with Mills&Exppr.ts Company, 2616 Leeland, Ay'~nue,on their bid of $200'.00 per month for a period of two months, beginning April 1, 1952, and the contract to be renegotiated after two months. . Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No: None I,--'--' . 'r':::iTlTImILTlrnnnn, L1'':':'''::'''~-:-~::~:,~,=5:m ".~"" "-----'-cl~-.'[~"".""'~~'::l -':JUV The Council was advised that a request had been received from the Triangle Refineries for the City of WestlUJ.'dversity Place to furnish garbage and trash pickup service. The request was tabled pending an agreement by the Council on an overall service for business and commercial institutions. f ! I iU' I Consideration was given to. investment of t50,OOO.OO Ge.neralFund available cash in ninety day,Treasurer's'Bills, and,the, follOWing ac,tion taken: Motion by Commissioner Holman, Seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the $50,000.00 available cashin the General Fund be invested in ninety day" Treasurer's Bills through the University sta,te,Bank. . Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet.:' ..\.... The purch~se of. the following 'equipment was>discussed: a mowing machine tor the St'r-ea.t Department, transporta-ti0tl for, the1:lt>'rt'ogging machin'e, a 'sinall grader for aspha;tt work on streets,"and'8s1udgegrinder for use attl1esewage disposal plant. " Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the City Secretary be instructed to advertise forbids to be received. for delivery -aT one small grader for asphalt work on streets;, said bids to be received until 7:~O P.M., April 14, 1952, with purchase: of other et}uipment to be discussed after ,further information is received. - Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; None Commis'sioners - Hangs, Holman, Mooney and, Nisbet. '" ('.--, : I U In compliance with Council action on March 17,,19.52., with re,ference to amend~ ing a contract, with 'Mr. M. F.Satterwhiteto permit an extension of time :tn';. wMchto pay $2200.00 to the City of'lestUntv:ersityP1ace for furnishing sanitary-sewer service totl1e E;merald'Fores-t: Subdivision, the City Attorney' submitted an amended contract which would permit Mr. Satterwhite to pay $500.00 simultaneously with the execution of the contract, $500.00 onor"hefore April 25" '1952, and $1200.00 on or before July 25, 1952. . Motion by, Commissioner Hangs, ,seconded by Commissioner Holman that the contl-..act with Mr. M. F. Satterwhite for the,C':i;tyof'West University Place to furnish sanitary sewer servieeto,th&<Emei-ald Forest Subdivision be' approv-ed as aur'ended and :Mayor Terry be authorized to execute,' same . '. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hahgs} Holman, Mooney and NJ:sbet. Minutes of the meetings of March 10 and 17, were read and approved. With no' further business to come be:fore the-Council at this time, upon motion duly made,seeond-ed and. carried" the meeting was recessed. (~) , I \~ 11 ' 1,1 rT~'! om "",'- ~~-' - 'iTi"Ii1TTllTl'r D' ~ ':>~ ~. r"\ ~ "'----r: u <'C 269 ***************** The Cit.y Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Friday , April h, 1952, with the following members present; Mayor Terry, presiding;, Commissioners Hangs, Holman,' Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary ani city Attorney were also present. In compliance with Go~ncil actiq~ on March,17, 'l?52, Legal ,Notice pui)1~'she4 in the official newspaperof,the G~ty and notices mailed to all 'property oWner\5 within a 200 Ft. radius of Lot 9, Block 33, West University Place 1st Addition, Mayor Ter~announced :hat a h~aringwasin order. In answer to questions by the City Attorney, City Secretary Whitt Johnson testified that Ordinance No. 111 had beeQ complied with and notifica,tion had beimpublished in the official newspaper of the city and all property owners within a radius of 200 Ft. of Lot 9, Block 33, West University Place 1st Addition, had been notified by mail that 'a hearing would be held at 7;00 P.M. April h, 1952. Mr. John G. Weber, 6503 Sewanee, was present at the hearing but stated that he had no objections to the proposed subdivision of Lot 9, Block 33, West Universit,y Place 1st Addition. With no objections being voiced at the hearing for the proposed subdivision of Lot 9, Block 33, West Universi ty, Place 1st Addition, the following action was rnl taken: I I I I '--' Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that the hearing 'called to consider amending Zoning Ordinance No. 111, to perIni t subdivision of Lot 9, Block 33, West University Place 1st Addition be closed. rl I I I i U Voting Aye: Voting No : Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Mayor Terry; None ' Motion by Commissio~r Holman, secondeq by Commissioner Hangs that the reque~t of Mr.F.R. Howell for permission to subdivide Lot 9, Block 33, West University Place 1st Ad~ition, be approved and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the nece)ssary ordinance to amend Ordinance No. III to permit said subdivision. Voting A.ye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No : None Mr. P. O. Eiler, 3325 Amherst, appeared before the Council asking that considera- tion be given to his request to erect a carport in the front of his existing garage at the above address. The Zoning Board in special session on Friday, March 21, 1952, recommended that the City Council approve and permit Mr. Eiler to construct a carport 11'211 x 11' as shown on a plat submitted but in no event to extend beyond the property line. Mr. Eiler stated that he would like to erect the carport large enough to cover the existing slab in front of his garage which extends 20 Ft. from the front of the garage but was advised by the 270 Council that they had no allthori ty to permit any construction on public property, but they would consider his request to build to the property line as this' location was on a si~e street,where ,no houses fronted and also ~or , , ., ' v. reason that lettf;!rs had been obtained from surrounding property owners ..' stating they nad' no objections, to the erection 6~ a carport on his 'pr:oper't1.. Motion by Commis~ioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that a hearing be called for 7:~0 P.M. A?ri1 28,1952, ~or t~ p~rpo~e of.co~siq~riPF"the. . request of Mr. EJ.1er to erect ac~rpor~ J.n frDnt of hJ.s eXJ,stJ.ng g~rage.. wh;tch would extend 't9,' the property line on Westchester street. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; None .- , . . . ~ t") . , Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet~ With no further business to come before the Council at this time, th~ mee~:i;ng was adjourned. .~. ,'.' "" ,\', .. t i - =" ~ 1.J.=:::::~1;-;'1 ...,--- I '''I~l''nn[J:"'lI'l ...~~..- __-:1 n , \ r I LJ r- 1 I ' j I I I LJ i\ , I U o rl ':>.~ ~.:., ~~ .(......i < ["'11 I ' , I ! Ii i:-I, ., <';'_-~""Il',~:~',-"- 271 MINUTES OF RE,GULAR COUNCIL MEETING .. APRIL 14, 1952 The City Councii convened in regular s~ss~on at the City Hall on Monday, Apr~l 14, 1952, 7:30 P.M. with the :following members present: MaY9rTerry, presiding; Commissioners Hangs., Holm~ln and Mooney. The City Secretary was also presen1i.. COl!lJlli{3sioner Nisbeta.~d the C1 ty Attorney were absent. In compliance with Council action on March 24, 1952, and Notic~ to Bidders published i)1 the official newspaper of the City on March 27, 1952, bids :received for furnishing and delivering one pull t,ype grader were opened and results announced as follows: . Hi-Way Equipment Company, Inc. Browping-FerrisMachinery Co. The Gledhill Road Machinery Co. $590.00 625.00 685.56 Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that the low bid of Hi-Way Equipment Company, Inc. in the amount of $590.00 for delivery of one Stockland Model #1 TerraceI' with 600 JC 16 pneumatic' tires, adjustable hitch, enclosed, cut steel gears and 7' moldboard, be accepted and a purchase order issued. " Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman and Mooney. Voting No: None Mr. George Jamison, Electrical Engineer representing Crouse Hinds.Oompany, appeared hefore the Council with specifications for proposed signal lights to be installed. on Buffalo Speedway at the intersections, of Rice Blvd. and Sunset Blvd. in compliance with, a request from the Council on March 24, 1952. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the City Secretary be instructed to adverti~e for pids~to be received until May 12, 1952, 7:30P.M. for traffic signal material for installation at the intersec- tions of SlIDSE:l t and Rie e Blvd. on Buffalo Speedway. Voting Aye: Voting' No. : Mayor Terry; None . Commissioners Hangs, Holman and Mooney. Representatives. from the St. Marks Episcopal Church including Mr. John D. Kelley and.Mr.Preston R. Pl'Wllb appeared before the Council asking that plans for a proposed Educational Building to be erectedcin connection with the present church building at 3818 Bellaire Blvd. be considered. The plans were for a building Which did not fully m~et the requirements for a building in the fire zone area. No action was taken on the plans at this time as a further study and interpretation of the building code was desired. In c:ompliance with Council action on February 11, 1952, E. J. Hood, Water Supt., andJ. I. Cornelison, Acting City Engineer, submitted a report of work necessary to rehabilitate water wells No. 4 and 5. It was their recommendation that (a) the pump in each well be lowered by the extension of the pump column 40 feet to a depth of 300 fee t; (b) stages be added to pump bowls; (c) that one new 200 H.P. vertical hollow shaft electric motor be purchased to operate on pump n:-: _rl !'""::n:llllliIr:n:r,n- ~-,'" r .J=-'-I:-~'~ _ :-:--_-_-:-'-.-.---------:u-~ 272 in well No.5; (d) each of such wells and their pumping units be generally fl~l reworked and the necessary underground cable and s tartnmg equipment be purcha,sed and installed. LJ Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the City Secretary be instructed to advertisefoi' bids'to be received until," 7130 .P.M. May 5, 1952 ,for necessary-labor, partisjand materials needed to rework and rehabilitate water wells No. 4. and 5 as 'recommended by E. J. Hood, Water Supt. and J. I. Cornelison, Acting City Engineer. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Comnissioners Hangs, Holman and Mooney. Voting No : ,None Treasurer's Certificate No. 61, certifying that $11,500 is available for appropriation to pay the necessary cost of rehabilitating and reworking water wells No..h and 5 was submitted to the Council. Ordinance No. 601, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council for consideration ap.d read inf:ull:" AN . ORDINANCE FINDING ANDDF:rERMINING THAT'lHECITY'S WATm'WELLS , NOS. 4 ANll 5 ADB IN rm-ED OF REPAIR AND RE.WORKING; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE WRITTEN RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER, "rHE CITY WATER SUPERINTENDENT AND THE CI TY SECRETARY CONCERNING WORK TO BE: DONE TOWARD> THE, RlSHABILITATION OF. SUCH: WELLS; , FINDING THAT!' SUCH WORK CAN BEST BE ACCOMPLISHED ON AN EMERGENCY BASIS EXCEPT 1,'-'1) FOR THE PURCHA,SE AND INSTALLATION OF ONE NEW 200 H.P. VERTICAL iU HOLLOw...SHAFT E:L1ro'lRIC MOTOR; DIRECTiNG THE MAYOR, CITY SEC.R:E.TARY ANn THE CITY ENGINEER TO PROCEED AT ONCE WITH THE ACCOMPLISHMSNT OF THE WORK RKCOMMENDJIDBY THE CITY ENGINEER, THE CITY WATER 'SUPERINTENDENT AND'lHECITYSEORETARY; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE SALE TO 'IRE CITY OF SAID ELOOTRIC MOTOR; A!1?ROPRIATING FROM THE'WATEROPE~T:rNG FUND IN THE CITY 'IREASURY THE SUM OF $11,500.00 TO PAY. THE' CITY'S ESTIMATE3l'COST OF SUCH WORK; AUTHORIZING THE,MAYOR AND THE CITY TREASURER. TO 'DRAW, WARRANT OR WARRANTS AGAINSTSA.ID FUND ro DISCHARGE'IHE CITY'S OBLIGATIONS CHARGRItBLE THEREl'O; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissjoner Hangs., seconded by Commissioner Mooney that Ordinance No. 601 adopting recommendations of the City Engineer and City Water Superin- tendent for reworlting and rehabilitating wells Nos. 4. and 5, appropriating the sum of: $1.1,500.00 to pay the city's estimated cost of rew0rking and,rehabili- tating the city's water wells Nos. 4. and ,5, be passed a,nd approved,~s read. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman and Mooney'. Voting No: None A letter from Dr. Lyman C. Blair, Chairman of the Health Board, advising that , the Health Board. at. a regular monthly meeting on April 10, 1952, recommended~ "I I 1 L-.J 1_'" '; 'k 'I J ' -~ !X;;fflrn':?o~f!i'. TI'.~' ll11 , r T~T''''~'''~~'''~~ . 1 i"1 " "I"".~nITli1rTilrn,r [1 I -! "=",1 ..........., \..Q....... """",, -. Z--J <t u o 273 that Mr. Edward Schranck be employed as Humane Officer to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. E. R. Cox, on the usual six months trial basis at a ~alary of,$200per month without promise of any raise in pay, was submitted to the Council. ' Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that Mr. Edward Schranck be employed immediately as Humane Officer to fill the vacancy created qy the resignation of Mr. E. R. Cox as r~commended by the Health Board. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Connnissioners Hangs, Holman and Mooney. Voting No; None Minutes of the Zoning and Planning Board meeting held on April 10, 1952, were submitted to the Council for consideration. Motion by CommissiOn~r Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the request of Mr. E. J. Brann, 6520 Brompton Road, for permission to erect a 16xl7 Ft. storage room on the rear of the present attached garage be approved subject to the execution of the usual aff idavi t. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman and Mooney. Voting No: None Ordinance No. 602, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council and read in full: AN ORDINA,NCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PRO- CEEDINGS HAVE HERE'1'OFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PRERWodUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINAI<<;E NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF LOT NO.9, BLOCK 33, W'FST UNIVER~ SITY PLACE, FIRST ADDITION, FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 111 HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. III BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUB-DIVISION OF LOT NO.9, BWCK 33, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FIRST ADDITION; FINDING mAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS SHOULD BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT' SUCH SUB-DIVISION; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. III SO AS TO PERMIT THE Sfm- DIVISION OF LOT NO.9, BLOCK 33, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, FIRST ADDITION; AND PROVIDING 'IRA T THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT ANTI BE IN FULL FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER I'IS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL~ Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that Ordinance No. 602, amending Ordinance No. III to permit subdivision of Lot No.9, Block 33, West University Place 1st Addition be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman and Mooney. Voting No: None 2/'14 .1....-.' 'Minutes of the meetings of March 24, and April 4, were read and approved. , ( II I I U With no : further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjounned. ~, ATl'EST: lr-.. -:-: ~L~_~,:::._:",:::::,,::::::::;:a_~~I:_-:I=----'l==-""'""-===-c-='-c="~~'r-:- _.ri- '~l ! I , I I I LJ ( ~'1 , I I CJ - I-'--~ ~:~~I:r:n'lrr!~ln "1 L -~ c<t ~:..c. < '!" "'I "- < f' 1 i I l . ~ ~"5 MINUTES OF RIroULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 28, 1952 . Tl1e City Council" convened in' r~gular session at the City Hall on Monday, April 28, '1952, 7:)0 P,.M . with the following members preeent: Mayor Terry, presiding; Commission~:r Hangs, Ho1man,Mo~:mey and' Nisbet:. '!he City Secretary and City Attorney, were also pre.sent. In compliance with Council action on April 4, 1952, and notice duly published in the official newspaper of th~ City on April 10, 1952, and notices mailed to all property owners within 200Ft. of 1fl of Lot 1, Block 47, West University Place 2nd Addition, Mayor Terry announced that a Hearing was in order. In answer toquestigns by the City Attorney, City Secretary Whitt Johnson testified that Ordinance No. III had been complied with and notification had been published in the official newsraper of the City and all property owners wi thin a radius. of 200 Ft. of. the ~' of Lot 1, moek 47, West University Place 2nd Addition, had been notified by.mail that a hearing would be held at 7:30 P.l(. April 28, 1952. Mr. P. O. Eilar, 3325' Amherst, oW9'er of the wi of Lot 1, Block 47, West Univer- sity Place 2nd Addition, stated that he desired to construct a carport in front of his existing garage to extend into the setback distance now required by Ordinance. No" Ul. With no objections being voiced at the hearing for the proposed construction of a carport on the West i of Lot 1, Block 41, West University Place 2nd Addi- tion wi th a setback distance, less than prescribed in Section 24 of Ordinance No. Ill, as recommended by t~eZoning Board, the following action was taken: Motion bY Commissioner'Mooney, seconded by Commissioner'Nisbet, that the, Hearing called to consider amending Section 24, of Ordinance No. Ill, to permit erection of a structure on the West i of Lot 1, Block 47,WestUniversity'Place 2nd Addition with a setback. distance less than prescribed, be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet, that Mr. P. O. Eilar, 3325 Amherst Street, be permitted ,to erect a structure on the West' i of Lot 1, Block 47; West University Place 2nd Addition with a se~ back distance less than prescribed in Section 24, of Ordinance No.. III QS requested and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board and the City Att~ney instructed to prepare the necessary amending ordinance. Voting Aye: Voting No ~ Mayor 'rerry; Commissionei's' Hangs, Holman, }looney and NiSbet. None A letter dated April 171); 1952, frpm Mr.. Rayburn M. Hamil ton , Consulting r' \ Electrical Engineer, advising of final inspection and acceptance of rehabi1.i,.. I \ tation of electric work at the sewage disposal plant together with final U ~I ~~"~----~----n'~--'--'P . . '---'r':-iT:irnrm:mf 11" ,-=., Till ,rT' "'~U estimate of Bradley Electric Company in the amount of $1204.00 and also final payment of fee to Mr. Hamil{ton in the amount of $154.62 was submi tted for Council's consideration. Motionby-Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Coimnissioner Holman, that the final estd..m.a:te of Bradley Electric Company in' the amount'of. $3..2oli.00 be paid as. recommended by Consulting'Electr'icalEngineer Rayburn M. Hamil ton,' and the. balance of the account to Mr. Hamil ton in the amount of $154.62 be appro~eci' for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs t Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. A statement from'th.e'Harris County Mayor's and Councilmen's Association in the amount of $100.00 for the city,'s dues for the year 1952 was submitted for approval. ' Motion by Commissioner" Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Mooney, that the state- ment in the amount of $100.00 for the city's dues . for the year 19$2 to the Harris County Mayor's and Councilmen's Association be approved'for payment. Voting Aye: ,Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman:, Mooneyeand Nisbe.t. Voting No: None A letter from the City Secretary recommending employment of Mr. H.. W. Elrod for the position of Manager, and Mr. Maurice R. Teague for position of Assistant Manager was Submitted to the City Council for consideration.. " Motion by Commissioner Holman, se'condedby Commissioner Nisbet that the City Secretary;be authorized to employ Mr. H.W'." Elrod '8s' Manager of the ,West University Place Swimming Pool for the 1952 season at a salary of $350.00 per rironth,and Mr. Maur.ice R. Teague as Assistant>Mana:ger 'at' a sabary of $250.00 per month., Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, >Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. The lease ,of the concession at the Swimm~ng Pool was discussed and the follow- in~,~Ct~?n taken: Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded'by'Commissioner Holman, that the CitiV Secretary- be authorizedtoeuf.er, ihto an agreement' on behalf of the City with Mr. Harry E.. Calvert on the same basis and' provisions as' contained in the 1951 Swimming Pool concession lease. Voting Aye: Voting No : Commissioners Hangs, Holman; Mooney and Nisbet. Mayor Terry; None After considering a request from the Southwest YMCA for the city to assume the entire financial obligation of $!i,OOO.00.fort'he clii'ren;j;"years expenditures of a city recreation program, i twas the' Council' sopinion that the city ; 'I, n' - 1.i II ell' -- '1 II "_n_-~~---T~"ITII1nll:rlir" rJ~',;,;," I ' '-.. . 1'-] U m [i ~ ,:<~ ~.;.") ~~~: r...;; < :-1 lJ [] I' 1'1 .W"'..l" \ I :G" 'r should continue with a contr~bution of $2000.00 t9wa~d expenditures of the recreation program am;! wi th a like amount to be Spellt on improvements and pihaygro:und equipment. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the city contri~ute $2000.00 toward expenditures- of the recreation program with a like amount to be spep.t on improvements to parks and playground equipment. Voting Aye; Voting No : Mayor Terry; Cornmiss~oners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None A schedule of surplus funds of the city was subrp.i tted to the Council for con- sideration. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, secpnded by Commissioner Holman that investment of surplus funds be made in ninety-onE! day Treasury Bills and Certifica,tes of 'Deposit in accordance w;i.th schedule approved by Council and on file, in tl1e office of the City Treasurer. Voting Aye: Voting No ; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and; Nisbet. Mayor Terry; None A proposal by Rauscher-Pierce Company to refund $93,000 City of West Univer- sityPlace Refl1I1ding Bonds, Series 1952, by accellerating,maturities and reducing,present rate of interest was considered by the Council. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the propo,sal o,f Rauscher-Pierce Company to refund $93,000 City of West Univer- sity Place Refund~ng Bonds, Series 1952~ by accellerating maturities ~nd, reducing present rate of interest be rejected. Voting Aye; Voting Np, : Cornniissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Mayor Terry; None The,Co~cil was advise~ that Mr. H. L. Gibson had been employed as Humane Officer, as Mr. Edward Schranck, whose employment was authorized April 14, 1952, was not interested in taking the position. Motion by Commissio~er Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the employ- ment of Mr. H. L. Gibson as Humane Officer be ratified by the Council subject to approval by the Health Board. Voting Aye: Voting No ; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Mayor Terry; None Mr. Wm.C. Buschardt requested use of the City Hall Building at 7:00 P.M. May 3, ~952, for a meeting of Precinct No. 133. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the City Hall be made available for Precinct No. 133 meeting at 7:00 P.M. May 3,1952. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. n~ 1',\ r I ,~'-'- '1 r' TTrUr mil 2V18 A letter received from J. M.. Nagle, !l}irector of Public Works, City of liU,' '" Houston, requesting expression of the City Council as. to whether or not I the City of West University Place would be willing to accept dedication of 4 Ft. public easement for side:walk purposes along the West boundary line of Kirby Drive at Rebinhood InV'olving prope~ty owned by Trunkline Gas Company.' The' City Attorney was requested to discuss this matter wi th the attorney for Houston and'Trlinkline Gas Company and"report -back to Council. Statements amounting to approximately $250.00 from physicians, hospitals, etc. for services rendered four city employees involved in an accident on Alief Road and Post Oak Road on the date of March 26, 1952, were submitted to the Council for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by'Commissioner Nisbet that the various statements amounting to approxirilately $25'0.00 for hospital and medicai services rendered to 4 city employees' involved in an accident on the date of March 26, 1952, while on duty -in the Garbage Department 'be paid. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. It was recommended by the City Attorney and Building Inspector J. D. Allstott that the Building Code of, the City be amended to permit inSpection of installa- tion of heating units within the Cityz6fWest UniversityPlace~ Commissioner Hangs arid the City Attorney were requested tOI"eview the ordinaI'lCes and' build- ing code and submit recommendations for amendment to the City Council. f1 LJ The Council discussea advisability of removing the No Parking signs from the Methodist Church area on University. Blvd. andMerce\'- Street. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Holman that No Parking signs beremoireddfrom the Methodist Church aI'ea on University Blvd. and Mercer Street in event such recommendation is made by the Fire Chief and. Police' Chief. Voting Aye:-Mayor Terry;' Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No s None It was also deemed advisable to remove the stop sign at the corner of Marquette and Weslayan Street as recommended by the Chief, of Police. The Council expressed appreciation for the work done by members of the staff of the Southwestern Times in publishing the West University Place Anniversary Edition and took 'the following, action': Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that official recognition be made in appreciationo~ the.West University Place Anniversary Edi tion of the Southwestern Times, and lett'er of commendation written'. Voting Aye: VotirigNo : Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs ,Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. IJ : I ' 11':.,':= ':~'~-~':~-=--JIil ,~_n~~ - '__1 ....Ii '-'---~~'~J~rr:nrrrlliml fl- LJ ,......j ::-~,t ':J;) < r , --- -< r'l I f, '-...-.-----.--1 [J-. .. l I [ , I I ~'i ~ Minutes of the meeting of April 14, 1952, were read and approved. With~ no further business to come before the Council at this time, by motion duly made, ~econded~ and carried, the meeting was recessed until May 5 , '1952. *~*.**~*.******** The City' 'Council convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, May 5, 1952, with the following members present: Mayor Terry, presiding; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. In compliance with Council action on April 14, 1952, bids received for necessary labor, parts, and materials needed to rework and rehabilitate water wells No.4 and 5 were opened and results announced as follows: Nunil Electric Supply Corp. 8001 3/0 RR Stranded Cable (Del. date fourth quarter), $451.00 M Wes.ti.nghouse mectric Supply: Co. One 200 H.P. vertical hollow shaft 440 volt, 1200 RPMelectric motor, to fit a 2 3/161' drive shaft, .' (Item A - Lump sum bid) (Del. date 150 days) $4380.00. Layne-Texas Co. Ltd. One 200 H.P.vertical hollow shaft 440 volt, 1200 RPMelectric motor, to fit a 2 3/1611 drive shaft (Item A - Lump sum bid.) (!leL date 15,days) $4420.00 Item B. :Al-ternate:Less alloWance for trade-in of one, 125" H~P~ 'electric motor ' {Del. date'lS'days) 3330.00 Layne- Texas Co. Ltd. Parts for Wells No. 4 & 5 $2599.00 plus hourly rates for labor & equipment Motion by Comm1ssioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that a contrac't be en'tered into, wi th Layne....Texas. Co. 'Ltd. for parts, on their bid of $259,9.00 plus hourlytates for labor a~d equipment in accordance.with,their bid:~,sub...' mlttted'and also that the 'bid of Layne-'Iexas Co. Ltd. in the amount 01'$3330.00' for delivery of One 200 FhP. vertical hollow shaft 440 volt, 1200 RPM electric motor, to fit a 2 3/1611 drive shaft less trade-in of one 125 H.P. electric motor be accepted,,,as the 15 day delivery date is more advantageous to the city. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. ~ " : I. ,I . " ", -,~rrmrflli'l"l II"" '" - hi [,'- ., rr-- ~ou Motion by COIDIllissioner Mooney, seconded by, Commissioner Holman that the bid ~I-' or Nunn Electric Supply Gorp. be rejected due to length of delnery date : I and that the. City Secretary' be authorized and instructed to purchase 800' j-..-J 3IORR,strand~dcable from available stock of local suppliers for immediate delivery as this item amounted to less than $500.00 and can be legally purchased by issuance of purchase order. Voting Jye: Votipg No : Mayor Terry; None Commissioners'Hangs, Holman, Mooney' and Nisbet. Quotations were received from Warre~ Electric Company, Gulf Electric Company, and Wilson Electrical Equipment Company for furnishing one motor control cubicle as an addition to, the' present main control panel in the wateripumping plant,,' to be used in connection' with , the rehabilitation of Water Weils ;Nos.h4 andS. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the' bid from, Warren Electric Company in the amount of $2,015.00 for furnishing one motor control cubicle as an addition to tpepresent; main control panel in the water pumping plant be accepted and a purchase order issaed as this item can be delivered in approximately 6 weeks if'order is placed at this time, and is the lowest bid received ror the eguipnent. Voting 'Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Moone,y and Nisbet. - Zoning Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board held on May 1, 1952, were submi ttedto the Council .ror consideration and the following action taken: 1 J . Motion by Commissioner Nisbe,t, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Board be accepted and Mr. R. R. Williams be permitted to erect a 12x18Ft. storage room adjacent to an existing garage at 3522 Rice Blvd. supJect to execution of usual affidavit stating that the property will not be used for commerciBlpurp.pses. Voting Aye:. Voting ,No : Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. A letter from City Attorney Chas. a.Taylor, Jr. was submitted to the Council reference interpretation of Section 3 of dthe J:3u,;ilding Code pertaining to tp,e construction bfmasoni'y w,allli in~bllilding as proposed by the St. Marit's Epispapal Church. Mr~ 'l'ayl-or $,tatedtbat' in his opinion the c9nstru~tion. a~ proposed by.St. Mark tsEp;i.scopal Church is not in keepi:ng with the a,pplicable sections of the,. Buil-ding Code and th.~t, therefore" :the ,application s}1ould be denied. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that in view of the City Attorney's opinion. the pro-posed plans for an addition to. the st. Mark's Episcopal Church, 3816 Bellaire Blvd., be rejected and the church 1 : j , I LJ I I ,,"' "" ' r I-'-'--~'---- -T~~IT:ifIl:rii:I1T--- - -,' - JI"=--"-".'''' hi rT~'~~~~~= '1 r 1 , I I I ~' iTI Ii' ii, LL r~i i i L-, "'. . _, '. ".-, ~C' ~ ___~ 281 required to submit plans for construction of a proposed educational building in accordance wittr the Building Code. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; None Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. In a le tter suhni tted to the Council from the Board of' Health, it was recommended that an ordinance be passed requiring all food handlers within the City of West University P~ace to have chest x-ray examinations ljlnm,lal:).y. An ordinance prepared by the City Attorney was submitted to the Council for consideration but no action taken as they desired additional information on the cost and procedure necessary for employees of food handling establishments to ,receive such annual examinations. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, by motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~ MaY~ ATTEST: d-kf4~~J C~ty See ' 282 1";'.I'",,,,~,,,-,,l'J>___,,'.,,",;,,., MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MAY 12, "1952 .. Ii : I~ ..,..-J. The'City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday" ' May 12; 1952, 7:30 P.V. with the following members present: Mayor "Terry, presiding; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. The City A.ttorney--and the City Secretary were also present. ' Rev.' M. A. Falkenberg pronounced the invocation. In compliance with Council action on April 14, 1952, and Notice to Bidders duly published in the official ,newspaper of the City, bids received for furnishing materials necessary to install-traffic signal lights on Buffalo Speedway at the intersections of Rice Blvd. and Sunset Blvd. were opened and results announced as follows: General Electric Supply Corporation - Base Bid $3,825.13 Alt. Bid 3,352.69 Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. - Base Bid 3,896.72 Alt. Bid 3,669.86 Nurtn Electric Supply Corporation - Base Bid 3,887.55 Alt. Bid 3,828.70 Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Holman that bids be referred to the City Secretary and City Engineer for tabulation andre- commendation. 1 '~ Voting A.ye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, MooneYr!and Nisbet.. Voting No: None Minutes of the Zoning Board Meeting of May 8, 1952, were submitted to the Council for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the request of Trunkline Gas Company for permission to construct a tool shed on the Southwest corner of Tract A, Quenby Court be denied as reco~~ended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No : None As reconnnended by the Zoning Board, the City Attorney was requested by the Council to ~~it a written opinion to the Zoning Board refeFence the validity of an Ordinance requiring that a brick, masonry or reinforced concrete wall 6 feet high a.nd,S inches thick be built on property lines where business property is adjacent to or contiguous with a residential area, as a buffer between all business districts. It was recommended by Chief of Police H. E. Shipp that no parking be per- mitted on the West sfuqe of Mercer Street for 25' South from University Blvd. i" '1 , \ i --' tl- . - :- =='=r, ,\ ~:E:~: r--'I=="-;--"=-'~Y'.""'~~'"~ . .-:__:.....~ --:n' -- T~C:TI':]]]nmr:[[:1' IJ n u n~, W.11 I I 11'1 I" ,-,w-,:,-:,_,:",,_.,---. and '25' North from University Blvd., and no parking be permitted on University Blvd. along the Bus Zone on the Southwest corner of the inter- section of Mercer Street with University Blvd. Action on this recommen- dation was deferred pending recommendation from the Fire Chief. The City Secretary advised the Council that the fIouston Natural Gas Co. was willing to install a gas li~e to the city's sewage disposal plant for the purpose of furnishing gas for the operation of the asphalt plant; cost of installation to be ammortized over a period of4 years and 9 months on the basis' of' a rate structure set up by the company with a minimum bill of $4.39 per month. Motion oy Commissioner MQoney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that authorization be granted for installation of a gas line to the city's sewage disposal plant. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No: None Ordinance No. 603, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT ,EACH AND ALL THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY.PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO pI,;mUT THE CONSTRUC... TION OF A CARPORT ON W 12 10Tl, BLOCK 47 OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SECOND ADDITION, EXTENDING TO THE CITY'S RIGHT OF WAY LINE AS PER THE APPLIcATION OF MR. P. O.EILAR; FUmING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE 'OF CONSIDERING SUCH AMENDIvlEl~ HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. III BE $0 A,l\JIENm~D AS TO PtmMIT SUCH CONSTHUCTION; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 SHOULD BE SO AM~NDED; AMEND- INGORDINANCE NO~ III AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFI!."CT AND BE IN FORCE AND EFl<13:CT IMMEDI.I\TELY UPON ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. 'N~""~.i- Motion by COmm~$$~oner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Ordinance No. 603, amending Ordinance No. 111 so as to permit the construction of a carport onW! of Lotl, Blk. 47, West University Place 2nd Addition extending to the City I S right of way line as per application of Mr. P. O. Eiler, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. V oting No f None Minutes of the meetings of April 28, 1952 and May 5, 1952, were read and approved as corrected. wit~ ~ofurther business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carr.ied, ,the meeting was recessed. 86Z W':" "':,-"""'""~ITI , r"I~~~"""""""~"''''''''l ---'--n" .._..__....._~'mr'.'"TT1llI'riIL'Ilil .,~ -H. .,f- * * 7~ .,f- ~. 1~ i*" * * .,} .;*- ~t- -i} ~} .,} ~- ~f- "0' , ! i 1 The City CommiSsion convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, May 19, 1952, 7:30 P.M. with the follow.ing members present: Mayor Terry,:presiding; Comm~ssioners Hqggs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. In accordance with Council action on May 12, 1952, a letter from the City Secretary was submitted to the Council recommending that the bid of Nunn Electric Company in the amount of $3,098.18 for materials necessar.y to install traffic signals on Buffalo Speedw~y at the intersections of Rice Blvd. and SunsetlUvd. for an amount of $3,098 .18 ~e accepted. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner "Nisbet that a contract be awarded to Nunn Electric Company for materials necessary to install traffic signals on Buffalo Speedway at the intersections of Rice Blvd. and Sunset Blvd. for an amount of $3,098.18 as recommended by the City Secretary. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, MQoneyand Nisbet. Voting No: NO\1.e The Council discussed advisability of increasing the salary of Corporation Court Judge from $50.00 per month to $100.00 per month, and the following action was taken: '.. '. ,..... - "'~.. o ... Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that when it becomes,fie13~6sary to obtain a substitute, Judge for the Corporation Court t~at ~,he i~dividnal serving as Judge be_compensnted on the basis of $25.00 per night., Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Cornmiss'ioners Hangs, Holm~, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No None Motion by Commissioner Holman, Seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that former Judge Bernard Kay or Judge Naughton, of Bellaire,be requested to act as Corporation Court Judge for the City of West University during the absence .of Judge. Karl Kraft on the nights of May 28 end June' 4. ;> (j ~~ OJ Voting Aye: Mayar Terry; 60mmissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. ('~, t-- Voting No: None A letter from tile Houston Natural Gas Qompany advising that gas rates had been increased in the City of West University Place in accordance with the increased rates in the City of Houston was submitted to the Council. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Holman, that the le~ter r-1 jl'j from the Houston Natural Gas Corporation ~ated May 16, 1952, be referred to ,:;n;" ,'1Y, ~ I' I' I' ,,~,,"b, Ii' ~F"-:~<'~'C' -- , 101 r T~C ,_,'C___"'_'_~~" '1 n'-- I "ITliTIlicllil ill m W..."....i.:..,....,.'.., Ii Ii !: H 1_.'._1 City Attorney Charles S. Taylor. ,"",. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, 'Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No: None City Secretary Whitt'~ohnson advised that Fireman Grover W. Langford h~d oqtained employment elsewhere and submitted his written resignation' whieh ; was pI'esented to the. Cowcil'for consideration. ~ \: <; ,_ II! Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by COlIL'Ilissioner Nisbet that the resignation of Fireman Grover W. Langford to become effective May 12, 1952, in accordance with his desire and letter of resignation, be accepted. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No: None With no further business to ,come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly ~ade seconded andcarri~d, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: ~~~,~,~~" ".I 'Ci ty See a ': ;. " oo~ l_!'"=:~~"'-::~~~~-=~~...:= MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING VJlY 26, 19.52 The. City Council convened. in regular s~~ion at the City Hall on ,Mp!lda;y:,'i-*,! May 26, 19.52, 7:30' P.M. wlth the follaw~ng members present: Mayor Terry, ' ' presiding; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Also present, 'were the City Secreta~ and Gity Attorney. Mr. Klimist, 3132 Jarrard and Mr. Hocher, 3131 Rice Blvd. appeared before ,~the Council protesting the proposed location of a traffic light at the " in~r~~ction of Rice Blvd. and Buffal~ Speedway stati-ng'that in their ppini<;n 'the'light would cause excessive noise when automobiles and trucks stppped . and started and it would inconvenience them in getting their automobiles in and out of their garage. The City Council advised Mr. Klimist that the signal light would not be installed at the easement between llice and Jarrard Street but would be North of Mr. Hocher's driveway. It was also explained that the purpose of installing signal lights on Rice and ~unset Blvd. intersecti ns ht Buffalo Speedway was to permit a smoother fIDow of traffic from the west part of the City and on other streets crossing Buffalo Speed- way and that tr~ffic lights at University Blvd. and Rice Blvd. on ouffalo Speedway would be synchronized to parmi t ,an even flow of traffic and should prevent' congestion and permit ingress~and egress to ~~. Klimist's and Mr. Roeher's driveway under more favorable conditions than now exi$t~ It was the decision of the council that the signal light should be installed in view of the protests submitted. A group of citizens who live adjacent to Poor Farm Ditch appeared before theCouncil and requested immediate action to have the ditch' cleaned and to rid the vicinity of rodents and snakes and also investigate the possibility of the Harris County Flood Control District to start immediate action toward some type of permanent improvement for covering Poor Farm DUhh. The City Council expresseel their willingness and desire to co- operate toward permanent improvement of Poor Farm Ditch and instructed' the City Sanitary Engineer to rid the vicinity of rodents and snakes and to spray the ditch with a weed killer and investigate the possibility of removing the debris and rubbish. fhe following persons appeared in interest of improving the Poor Farm Ditch: ,Mr. Robert'E. King, 3608 Plumb; ~~. Chas. A. Gillan, 3620 Georgetown; Mrs. Robert Maley, 3612 Plumb; Mrs. John M. Jamison, 3614 Plumb' Mrs. A. G. Nance, 3620 Plumb; Mrs. Thomas J. Donovan, 3516 Sunset Blvd.; Mrs. Harry A. Turner, 361& Plumb; Mr. L. L Jaco, 3609 Plumb; Mrs. Edwin Ross, 3510 Sunset, and ~ws. J. E. Winfree, 3605 Plumb Street. City Treasurer C.B. Gammill, requested by letter permission to destroy $394,000 Sanitary Sewer Bonds, Series 1942 and Storm Sewer Bunds, Series 1942, Which had been called and new bonds in a like amount issued knO\Vll as City ofWest University Place Refunding Bonds, Series 1952, at a lower rate of interest. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Oommissioner Holman, that Sanitary Sewer System Bonds Series 1942 and Storm Sewer Bonds, Series 1942, totaling $394,000 which were called and new bonds issued in lieu at a lower rate of interest be destroyed after same have been checked by the Auditors for the City, Summerford and Wicker, and provided they are des- troyed before three witnesses including a member of the auditing firm 66(; I: I I.. -t".1p,,,;'t~1c IW -V"II n~ ,-' ..I TI r ~rr:nn[l(r!l:l o o ::> C1 >, C'G 11'\ ., ~"'"' r- o [11 I I i. I ~ C\l r..t.) < '( .., -- <!" ...... fi'-l \' I 'Ul I, " I-'! '.'_h "-l-'<;!~~~"'''-~--' 287 employed by the city. Votipg Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No: None Mayor Terry recommended the following names from which to select a Board of Equalization for the year 1952: Tony Carso Will E.Arnold Ralph Herrick O. C. King It was agreed that the selection of any three of the names submitted by Mayor Terry would be approved and acceptable as a tax Board of Equalization~ It was recommended to the Council that two Deputy Clerks be appointed to serve the Corporation Court in absence of regular Court Clerks. , , Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Gommissioner Mooney that the following Resolutions appointing Mr. C. E. Duffin and y~. G. J. Forcher to serve as Court Clerks in absence of regular Court Clerks be approved: :m-;50LtfTION WHERE.4.S, Fireman Charles E. Duffin, of the City of West University Place, Te~as, is available for duty as the Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, and in the absence of the Clerk and the Deputy Clerk of said court, is qualified to act as Deputy Corporation Court Clerk; and, ''WHEREJ\S, it is the desire of the Judge of said Corporation Court and the City Attorney that an additional Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, be appointed. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RgSOLVED BY TIlE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, THAT CHAHLES E. DUFFIN-'BE AND HE IS HEREBY APPOINTED AS A DEPUTY CLERK OF THE CORPORATION COURT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND HE SHALL HENCEFORTH BE EMPOWERED TO ACT IN THE CAP.^CITY OF DEPUTY CLERK OF $AID CORPORATION COURT. Done this the, 26th day of May, A.D., 1952 by a vote of 5 ayes and no noes. illS~UL.U 1'1 UN WHB~AS, Fireman G. J. Forcher, of the City of West University Place, Texas, is available for duty as the Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, and in the absence of theClerk and the Deputy Clerk of said court, is qualified to act as Deputy Corporation Court Clerk; and, WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Judge of said Corporation Court and the City Attorney that an additional Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West Univeraity ,Place, Texas, be appointed. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ~$PLVED BY THE CITY COMMIS$ION, OF THE CITY OF Wl-:'ST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, THAT G. J. FORCHER BE AND ill; IS HEREBY APPOINTED AS A DEPUTY CLERK OF THE CORPORATION COURT ',. OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVF.:RSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND HE SHALL HBNCEFORTH BE ~MPOWERED TO .ACT IN THE CAPACITY OF DEPUTY CLERK OF SAID CORPOR1\TICN COURT. , Done this the 26th day of May, A.D., 1952 by a vote of 5 ayes and no noes. 1t ;----- tiJ , , 'I n II ~OHn'li1IifiIUliI' '288 Voting Aye; Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet.. Voting No: None Minutes of the meetings of May 12 and May 19, were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: ~:~.c~ / ." City cr' ary lill LI "] .~ ~~ . ~...... -. . '- [! I' 'mrn]'TiIiTrrr-c.~n i'l lJ .[] r (-.J 289 o MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 9, 1952 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, June 1, 1952, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Terry, presiding; Commissioners Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Hangs was absent. Mr. Troy Campbell, Director of Music for the First Baptist Church pronounced the invocation. ~ :-'-( "1"\ -.'"' ,.,..,.. ..-..... The Council was advised that J. A. Metcalf, Fire Chief, had requested authority to purchase 200 Ft. of l~" and 150 Ft. of 2~" fire hose at an estimated cost of $h76.50. ~ -, ''"-' < Motion .by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the 1952 budget be amended to appropriate $476.50 for additional fire hose as requested by Chief Metcalf. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None o E. E. Townes, Jr., Paving Attorney for the City of West University Place' appeared before the Council and presented current information received from Mr . Frank Beadle 01' the Legal Department 01' the City of Houston reference the paving of Academy Street between Law and Richmond Road. Ylr. Townes advised that the City of Houston Legal Department had prepared an ordinance determining the necessity for and ordering the improvement of Academy Street between Law street and Richmond Road to be submitted to the City of Houston Councii for consideration at its next scheduled meeting of June 11th. Authority was requested from the City Council by the City Secretary to convert one of the 1947 garbage packer trucks to a utility truck. The garbage packer truck had been declared inadequate for use in the garbage department and upon instructions of ~he City Council had peen advertised and. offered for sale on three separate occasions without having obtained a buyer OF reasonable offer. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the 19h7 Ford g@.rbage packer truck, Motor Number 799T 1886737, be conv:erted to a utility truck as requested by the City Secretary. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Terry; Commissioners Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None Ordinance Number 604, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council for consideration and read in full: o AN ORDINA~CE REGULATING THE SPEW OF VEHICLES ON STREETS IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; DEFINING "BUSINESS DISTRICTtt, ItRESIDENCE DISTRICTlt AND IlSCHOOL AND PARK DISTRICTu; SETTING PRIMA FACIE LIMITS IN SUCH DISTRICTS; PHOVIDING FOR MINIMUM SPEED REGULATION, THE CHARGING OF I' i I:r=::::::::: --T'~-~!lfY'IT!I!:r~-- .-,---~-_._--_._-----,--",,-~-,---- 290 VIOLATIONS HEREUNDER AND PROVIDING FOR PUNISHMENT lOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Mooney. that Ordinance Number 604, defining residential, ~us~ness and 15 Mile Per Hour traffic areas be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None In compliance with Council action on May 19, 1952, a letter of recommendation Was. submitted to the Coupci~by the City Attorney reference to a rate increp.se requested by th~ Houston Natural Gas Corporation. It was the Attorney's recommendatipn that? Public Hearing be held with representatives of the Houston' Natural Gas Corporation before the increased rate is accepted by the Council. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seco~ded by.Commissioner Mooney that the City Attorney be instructed to make arrangements with the Houston Natural G?S Company for a public hearing to consider a rate increase for the City of West University Place. . Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Terry; Commissioners Holman, Mooney apd N~~bet. None Mills and Exports Company, whose contract for salvage rights at the garbage dump grounds expired June"l, 1952, requested a thirty day extension of the contract. Motion by Commissioner Holman, s~conded by Commissioner Nisbet that the . contract with Mills a.ndExports Oompany for salvage rights at tb,e garbage dump grounds be extend for a period of thirty days, at the rate of $200.00 per month and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a letter agreement setting forth the terms of extension and submit s'ame to the proper officials of Mills and Exports Company for signature. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Holman, ,Mooney and Nisbet. None Minutes of the meeting of May 26, 1952, were read and approved. With no further business "to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~ ~~"'l ~ -,=-~.=.Wl . __------'--r:.:L . .-- -.-- _ .:'.:,-:l ...LT'-~_'~M--___~-~ ---,-----,---1~~::1fr ~rr]lTmr.rnl'-----,----------~""c;- 1\ I I [j J '-i i (~ 291 rn MINUTES OF REGu"LAR COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 2.3, ,1952 ....-.! ~. '.., \,t: 'Ihe.Gity Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday June 23, 1952,7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor,.Terry, presiding; Commissioners Holman, Nisbet and Mooney. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Hangs was absent. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board held on June 12, 1952, were submitted to the Council and the following ac tion taken: -.. ,-.. ......,.... 4':'.~r.: t" "" '-- < Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the request of Mr. Alfred Beerman, 4002 Milton Street for permission to extend his present kitchen 5 F't. toward the rear property line and to add ,a bedroom and bath between the existing garage and house with an upstairs rumpus and storage room over the proposed bedroom and bath and existing garage be approved as recommended by the Zoning. Board subject to exec~tion of the usual affidavit. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hoiman, Mooney and Nisbet. None u Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that a Hearing be called for 7:15 P.M. July 14, 1952, to consider granting an exception to the Zoning Ordinance to permit erection of a carport on the front of an existing garage to extend 15 Ft. to the side property line on Cason Street and an ex~n~ion 7 x 23 Ft. to the rear of the garage as requested by Mr. Bruce K. Owen, 6647 Rutgers Street. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Oommissioners Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None Motion by Commissioner Nisbet,' seconded by Commissioner Holman that a Hearing be called for July 14, 1952, 7:00P.M. to consider a request by Mr. C. L. Berglund~ 2903 Cason for permission to subdivide Lot 8, Block 2, West University Place First Addition into two 100 x 100 Ft. lots as recommended by~ the Zoning and Planning Board in special session on June 19, 1952. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None A petition signed by the six property owners in the 3600 block of Albans Road was submitted to the Council requesting that the evergreens in .the esplanade be removed as they grown so large they were constituting a traffic hazard. f~ l . , .1 LJ Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by vommissionerMooney that the evergreens in the 3600 block of Albans be removed as requested by the property owners of that block. ---- LJi 1 11 "--l:c11 ["I~"--'----"" ','] [ r~ .. 1 ":Tr:l11TliIrrlil' ~..~ Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None i-l ! [ U A petition from property gwners of the 2600 and 2700 blocks of Nottingham requesting Stop signs on Nottingham at the intersection of Wakeforest and No Parking signs onthe South side of Nottingham Street in the 26-2700 block was submitted for consideration. ' Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the erection of Stop signa on Nottingham at the intersection of Wakeforest Street be approved as requested by the property owners in the 26-2700 bloek Nottingham and as recommended by the Chief of Police, but that the request for No Parking signs on the South side of Nottingham in the 26:..;2700 block be deferred pending further contact with residents to advise them of the inconvenience which would be caused by erection of such signs. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None The City Secretary advised that att.he present time members of the Fire and - Police Department are handling radio dispatching dutmesbut some difficulty' had been encountered on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings between the hours of 6:00 and 10:30 P.M. ;l)or reason that Tuesday is fire department drill night and Wednesday is Court night which requires extra duty for the firemen. The City Secretary further stated that Chief of Police H. E~ Shipp had conferred with him regarding. this matter and recommended that G~orge Ashburn be employed as relief dispatcher on Tuesday and Wednesday between the hours of 6:00 and 10:30 P.M. ') U Motion by Commissioner Mooney seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the City Secretary be authori%ed to employ George Ashburn as Relief Radio Dispatcher for Tuesday and Wednesday evenings between the hours 6:00 and 10:30 P:M. on an hourly pay schedule of $1~ob. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Gommissioners Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None Ordinance Number 605, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT ALL YWRK HAS HERETOFORE BEEN DONE AND ACCOMPLISHED AS ORDERED BY THE CITY'S ORDINANCES NOS. 573, 574 and 592; FINDING Tm T SUCH WORK PERTAINING TO THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE CITY'S SANITARY S&'WER DISPOSAL PLANT AND THE CITY'S SANITARY DISPOSAL SYSTEM HAS BEEN DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PRESENTED BY TH13 CITY'S ENGINEER AND DATED MAY 14, 1951; ACCEPTING SAID WORK FOR AND ON'BEHALF OF THE CITY; FINDING AND DETER1\lfINING THAT THERE REMAINS AN UNEXPENDED !I I I, ~~~~~~~.C..~~C".~~C"~":.1 ----'-----------.---.rr~----------- ~ "T O~IT11T!Tinrrrc. ~ M C'J tt~ ;;; ---..: U <:::C r~l U"! " o 29.3 BALANCE OF $6, 706.41 OF THE APPROPRIATION OF $25,000.00 FOR SUCH WORK; 9RDllliING THE 'TRANSFER OF SUCH SUM TO THE ACCOUNT OF lliE SANITARY SmER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND IN THE CITY N! TIONAL BANK, HOUSTON, TEXAS, ANn PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Ordinance Number 605, accepting work at the sewage disposal plant and ordering the transfer of the uri'ex.p'ended bal'ance to the account of the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None . Ordinance Number 606, captioned as follows, was submitted' to the Council for consideration and read in full: AI\)' ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE DUMPING, THROWING, PLACING OR DISCHARGING OF INSANITARY Y~TERIALS AND SUBSTANCES INTO POOR FARM GUI.LY FROM AIIT PLACE WITHIN THE JURISDICTIONAL LDvUTS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; DEFINING TERMS AND DEF'INING SUCH DUMPING, THROWING, PLACING OR DISCHARGING OF SUCH SUBSTAlIlCES AND MATERIAL TO BE A PUBLIC NUISAl~CE; AUTHORIZING INSPECTIONS BY THE CITY HEALTH OFFICER; PROVIDING FOR THE ABATEMENT OF NUIS!NCES; PROVIDING.PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PRESCRIBED PROHIBITIONS AND DECLARING AN EMERGEIlfCY. Motio~ by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that Ordinance Number 606, prohibiting the dumping, throwing, placing or discharging of insanitary materials into Poor Farm Gully be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None The City Attorney advised that arrangements had been made for a Public Hearing with the Houston Natural Gas Corporation for 7:30 P.M. on July 7, 1952, for purpose of considering an application for increase in the gas rates. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that a public heating be called for 7:30 P.M. on July 7, 1952, for purpose of considering an application for an'increase in the gas rates within the City of West University Place. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Holman, Mooney ~nd Nisbet. Voting No : None ',. 29.4 A request from Mr. and Mrs. E., L. Pounds for renewal of a contract previously granted to Mrs. J. a,. LeMay for the lease of th'e S 10 Ft. of Lot 6, Block 18, Collegeviaw Third Addition was submitted to the Council for consideration. ~l ! i i ' U Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the Mayor be authorized to execute a contract for the lease of the S 10 Ft. of Lot 6, Block 18, Collegeview 'Ihird Addition for the sum of $10.00 for a one year term as requested by Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Pounds. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No : None The Council discussed the matter of payment of the monthly charge for thirty...;one street lights on Bissonnet and Kirby Drive which jointly serve the City of West University Place and City of Houston. The majority of .the light standards being located in the City of Houston but paid for by the City of West University. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the Ma.yor be authorized to write. a letter to the City of Houston proposing an equal division of cost for s~reet lights on Bissonnet and Kirby which jointly serve the City of West University Place and the City of Houston. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None () 1 i , , i U With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried" the meeting was recessed. ***************if* The City Council convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, July 7, 1952, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Terry, presiding; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Attorney and City Secretary were also present. Mayor Terry announced that the purpose of the recessed session was to con- sider the application of the Houston Natural Gas Corporation for rate in- crease as applied for to the City in a letter from the Houston Natural Gas Corporation dated May 8, 1952. The City Secretary was sworn and presented evidence that due'publication had been made of the Notice of Hearing to consider the application for rate increase as made by Houston Natural Gas Corporation, publication made in the June 26, 1952, issue of the official publication as provided by the Charter. ~Ar. Hugh Buck of the law firm of Fulbright, Crooker, Freeman and Bates appeared for and on behalf of the Houston Natural Gas Company. Other employees ~epresenting the Gas Company were Mr.'John Cookenboo, Mr. Hal Blanchard, Mr. Ben.Fellows and Mr. Mike Gainer. The City was represented by the City Attorney. In the course of the hearing, testimony was presented for and on behalf of the applicant by Mr. Buck and from the testimony of !_U1 , , ! I U i"I-'I._I.," .-C_>.',~~;,,>__:,:,,- u =rm '" r.L .- ".---< -~ __......::1 ~n - _.'-'U_-~--'"'-'----='""=::~I:r:rrn:TmrI'l[1r----- a ~ot1 '":>.t t't'P'",\ ."'--~,.,... < r ~ -- <:C rl1 LlJ fl.',' : I W ;"liY-'. 295 the Houston Natural Gas Corporation the following facts were developed: (a) The rate increase as applied for by the Houston Natural Corporation insofar as residental rates are concerned will be on a minimum bill basis of $1.00 per month per meter customer; , (b) The rate based on volumetric consideration as. proposed by Houston Natural Gas Corporation is: RESIDENTIAL RATES Net Monthly Rate: 400 Cu. Ft. and under Next 5,600 Cu. F't. Next 10,000 Cu. Ft. All Additional $1.00 6.0~ per CCF 5.5~ per CCF 4.5{ per CCF (c) The existing rate is: RESIDENTIAL RATE Net Monthly Rate: 400 Cu. Ft. and'Under Next',,600 Cu. Ft. Next 10,000 Cu. Ft. All additional $ .58 6.0<ft per CCF 5.51# per CCF 4.5<ft per CCF The proponents of the rate increase pointed out that 'the overall rate increase to the gas customers in the City of Vlest University Place will be 10% whereas the rate increase heretofore granted the applicants in other areas of the Houston District is approximately 11%. Mr. John Cookenboo, Controller, testified in substance that the rate base upon which application is made for increased ra~e is the result of an increase to the applicant since 1950 of a payroll increase of 17%, material cost of 12% and other cost factors varying in percentage increase from 3 t08 and 9%. The figures presented by l~.Cookenboo showed that the rate inc~ease is based upon the necessity for a 6% return of the book value of capital assets and investments in the gas system pf the applicant. In answer to questions posed by members of the City Commission, testimony was presented by Mr. Cookenboo and Y..r. Buck that there are 5271 meters in the City of West University Place, less than 100 of which are classified as small commercial consumers, the rest being residential consumers. It was further developed that the applicant was purchasing gas from but one seller and under a fixed rate'contraat with no increase in cost to the applicant through the year 1955. It was presented to the Commission that the Company from which the applicant purchases all of its gas for consumption in the Houston Area is a company wholly mndependEn t from the applicant and that the contract between the '-" rr- .....Ir--~ . - ~'~ :::!:T,[[ I'VIif :=.t3. ~ _~LT~~ ~~- -- ~::..1 ~Z96 ,. applicant and the company furnishing gas was the result of arms length transaction. Follswing the questioning of witnesses by the City Commission, the Mayor asked that any interested citizen present present any questions that they might have to be answered by the representatives of the applicant. Mr. W. D. Herb, a resident 01' the City 01' Wiest University posed questions to Mr. Cookenboo relative to the increase in commercial rates in the City of West University and it was developed that the proposed increase for COIDmercial uSers will amount to approximately 62~ per month per meter customer. !l LJ There being no further questions and evidence desired of the applicants the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the Hearing to consider the request by the Houston Natural Gas Corporation to increase rates on natural gas sold to consumers in the City of West University Place be closed. Voting Aye ~ Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None :n,frs. Harry Turner, representing a citizens group who are ~nterested in permanent improvement for the Poor Farm Ditch reported to the Council that petitions have been circulated and approximately 800 signatures obtained from citizens of West University Place. Mr~. Turner requested that the Mayor or some official representative of the City Council meet with the City of Souths ide Council on Tuesday night, July 8, and advise them that the City of West University Place was definitely interested in improving the Poor Farm Ditch and would take necessary measures to provide funds after a plan is agreed upon. ' [J Representatives from the 4100 block !Ibans Street appeared before the Council advising that their block had been paved with a two course inverted penetration about a year ago and holes had developed in same and was not satisfactory and that the city was now in proce$~ of rebuilding the street but had not replaced the asphalt topping and that the property owners were desirous of paving the street with Gqnerete. Representatives requested the Council to grant an allowance of $ .75 per front foot toward the cost of concrete paving in liewof replacing th~ asphalt topping thereby resulting in a saving to both the city and property owners; $ .75 being the amount paid for the tow course inverted penetration. ' M~tion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Holman, that $.75 per front foot be allowed each property owner toward the cost of concret.e paving'in $'~emtbprC!perty owners a.re able to negotiate cont:ract for paving of the 4100 block Albans Street with permanent type pa~ing. Voting Aye# Voting No : -. Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None fl u "11 I , -.'i""-\~!-;;."::--lJ- rr~"''''-' '=1,',\ r 'T-~"'7=~"~'--"" -'1 "'~T~~:!'I':lfII'mr:lIlr 01 "! ~ o 11 I A request from John G. Taylor, Director Bellaire Civil Defense for permission of the Bellaire Auxiliary Police to use the West University Place gun range at the. city garbage disposal grou~ds for target practice. The Council was in favor of this request being granted subject to Chief Shipp peing CQnt~cted to determine that conflict in dates would not exist. A statement from the League of Texas Municipalities for the year ending June 30, 1953, in the amount of $143.75 was submitted to the Council for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that dues in the amount of $143.75 for the year ending June 30, 1953, to the League of Texas MUnicipalities be paid. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None A petition datea July3rd, 1952; bearing twenty-two signatures and requesting the installation of a street l~gfut at South Judson and Community Drive was submitted to the Council for consideration. The petitioners also requested erection of a speed limit sign of 20 miles per hour on Community Dri~e. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that a street light be installed at Community and South Judson as requested, but that no action be taken at the present time on the request to erect speed limit signs of twenty miles per hour. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; GOlIJIllissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None A letter from Auditors Henslee, and Hopson advising tha'"i- they had made a review of procedure followed to include new construction on the 1951 tax roll as requested by the Council an~ found that proper attention had been given the matter was submitted to the' Oouncil. Henslee and Hopson also submitted their final statement in the amount of $800 for approval. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the Audit report for the year 1951 as submitted by Auditors Henslee and Hopson be accepted and their final statement in the amount of $800 be approved for payment. Voting Aye: V oting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None A letter from Dr. Lyman C. BlaD, Chairman of the Board of Health was submi tted to the Council. Dr. Blairad;yised that the Board of Health in a special' meeting on June 26, recommerid'ed that an ordinance be passed limiting the number of fowl per residential building to twelve and chicken houses, runs and fenced yards devoted exclusively toMthe use of the fowls shall be 0ID such size that no more than one fowl is kept per 250 square feet of such pens, houses, runs, or yards. Dr. Blair also stated in his letter that the Board favored a concrete lining for the Poor Farm Ditch if the details for financing same can be arranged, and also recommended that l~. Joseph Hild's salary be increased by fifty dollars per month as of July 1st, 1952. Action on these recommenaations was deferred until the next meeting. 11 .::-'""~~ -- - ~4~ L Wi th no further business to come before the Council at this time, up~:m motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~ ATTEST: $~~~ City S an. , . '\ I II 1J ....< L :'!:1:rr:J1r:n;:1Iil -=-:.J.::l Lor U__1 ~ 5. 0" , ~ i - lJ-" I . I, u L~ cr:; 1"'\. ,. '-l; ,<2t <-~) ~.~ ,. 'm'():' " ;! 1:; fl . l~ :. : "~ O,A, . , : I: " : ': . ' , I: II 1 , MINUTE~ OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING : JULY 14, 1952 " r . i ! ,,'" The City Council convened in regtilar session at the City Hall on Monday, July 14, 1952, .7:00 1:'. M. with the folp-owing members present: Mayor Terry, presiding; Commissioners, Ho::Lman, Hangs apd }J!oo~ey. The City A.ttorney and City Secretary were also present. Commission~r Nisbet was absent. i i In compliance with Council ac~ion on June 23, 1952, Notice duly published in the official newspaper of thel City on June 26, 1952, ,and notice~ mailed to all property owners within 200 ;fert of Lot 8, Block 2,Wes~ -University Place First Addition. Mayor Terry announcr,d that a Hearing was in order to consider sub- division of said lot. ' Z~ t ~ I ,. I In answer to questions by t~eiCi ty Attorney, the City Secretary testified that ' ?rdinance ~~ber 111 had be~ni comp~ied with and'notification ha~ b~en publ~shed , :Ln the off:Lc:Lal newspaper .of ]the Cl. ty and all' property llWners Wl. thl.n a radl.us '. * of 20Q feet of Lot 8, Block '~, Yvest' Univ.ersity Place First Addition had been ~ n6t~fied by mail that a hearil gwould be held at 7:00 P. M. July l4, 1952. " .Mr. C. L. Berglund, owner of tot 8, Block 2, West University Place First Addition stat~d that he desir d to subdivide this lot in order that he might t erect a residence on the Bout ~ in addition to the existing on the North ~ . of. th~.Lot. M:. ~~rglund ~tafed that. he would comply with all zeming and, . v 'bulldlng restrlctlons requlTe~ for thls property and would grant any necessary t utility easement. I . , I ; , j ~ With no objections being vOic$d at the hearing for the proposed subdivision i . of Lot 8, Block 2,.West U~ivetsityPlace First Adiitionthe follqwing action was taken: " [. . . . I , , i Motion by'Commissioner Hartgs,jsecorided by Commissioner 'Holman, that'the Hearing called to consider the reques~ of Mr. C. L. Berglund to subdivide Lot 8, . Block 2, West University Placr' First Add)..tion be closed. , . I ' ~, Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; COI11$issioners Hangs, Holman and Mooney~ , Voting No: None I o , I ~ - ~ f it 3 ,. ~ t f '" In complianc.e with' COWlcil action on June 23, Notices duly published in the official n~wspape~ of theCitton June 26 1952, anti Notices mailed to' all property owner;s wi th:i,n 20pfe~t of S,outh ! of Lot 12, Block 40, West Uni versi ty . , Plac~ Fir$t A~dition, MaYQr T1~ry announced, that ~ H~a~ingwa~ in order to .4 : cons~der a request from :Mr. BIlllce K.Owert for permlsslon to erect a carport in i front of his existing garage vfhiCh would extend to the .t>roperty .line on Cason' ,Street. .' , . J ' . I'" ;;' In an::;wer to questions by the !City Attorney, the City Secretary testified that' ~:Ordinance Number had been com~lied with and notification had been and' ,,!. notific.ation had ?ee~ publis~ d in the official newspap~r, of the City and all, \ _, property owners Wl thln a. radl S of 200 feet that a hearlng wcmld be held .at ,. 7:15 P. M. July 14, 1952. ! . , :." ~ ". 3. ~ r .f ,'~ ; ,II .111111 ITI li-- .... "I I rl rT' ~ '2 v~. Owen stated that he had three cars 'and only a double garage and needed additional space for the third car. He also stated that the proposed car- port would front on-Cason street which is a side street and the structure would not be objectionable to any of the adjacent property owners. {J With no objections being voiced at the hearing for the proposed.construction of a carport on the South ~ of.Lot 12, Block-40, West University Place First Addition, the following _action,was taken: Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Gommissioner Hangs that the Hearing called to'consider the request of Mr. Bruce K. Owen for permission to erect a carport to e~tendthrough the side setback line to the South right-of-way line on Cason street be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman:'and h40oney. None Zoning Minutes of the Regula~ meeting held on July 10, 1952, were- submitted to the Council and the following action taken: " Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the request of Mr. ChesterL. Bower for permission to bu~ld a carport and to convert the present garage at 3310 Sunset Boulevard into a bedroom and/or recreation room be approved as recol{1Illended by the Zoning Board and subject to execution of the usual affidavit. Voting Aye; Voting No: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hahgs, Holman and Mooney. None rl ~ I .."..,,; The Council :r:eferred,the matter of a zoning violation by Mr. T., Welker, 4222 Southwestern to the City Attorney for handling. V~s. H. W. Templeton; 3302 Amherst, appeared before the Council advi~ing that property owners' on Rutgers Street Qet~eenRice Boulevard and Amherst street were desirous of having this block treated with asp~alt stabilization but one of the owners had stated that she was not financially able to have the work done~ Mr~. Templeton requested the Council to proceed with the improvement to the street even though this one pro perty did not participate. Mrs. Templeton, was advised by the Council that a practice had not been made of irUproving the ,street where all property owners did not participate for 'reason that the city was a~ueady paying at least half the cost for improving the streets and in several instances other property owners in a street had shared the cost of improvements for individu9ls who could not participate. Dr. I,.ymf'ln C'. Blair and Mr. J. W. Hammond, members of the Board of Health recommended to the Council that an ordinance be passed to prohibit the keeping of fowl within the corporate limits .of West University Place or limiting the number of fowl that a resident may have or keep on the premises to a maximum of twelve or not. more than one fowl per 250 square feet of fence~ yards and runs. It was their opinion that this would be another step toward decreasing the number of flies in West University. Members of the, Board of Health also discussed the advisability of passing an ordinance 1] r1 [" . :rr:mrr1!:II:r- "0'" :,0 . tf':J C0 C\..~ < _... -.) <:t [ill [I , Ii 3, requ~rlng all persons employed in foodhandling.estaplishments to obtain a certificate showing fneedom from any indication of active pulmonary taberculosis. Ordinance Number 607 ,captioned as :follows, was submitted to the Council for consideration and read in full: ' AN ORDINANCE 1UIITING THE NUMBER OF FOWLS ~THAT ANY RESIDENT OF! THE OITY OFBST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, MAY HAVE OR KEEP ON SUCH RESIrma~T'S PROPERTY: DEFINING THE TERM FOYfL; PRESCRIBING A PENALTY .FOR VIOLA TroNS OF THISORDINAi\fCEj IRtOVIDING FOR '!HE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF: PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. BE REPEALED. Mdtion: by Comrilissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that Ordinance .Number607,limitingthe nUmber of fowl that any resident of the City of West University Place may have or keep on such resident's property b~ passeu and approved as read and corrected. Voting Aye: Voting No: ~ayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman and Mooney. None Ordinance Number 608,,' captioned as follow-s, was submitted to the Council for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE A-MENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 222 OF THE,CITYOF W'EST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, 1JlfHICH IS AN ORDINANCE KNOWN GENERALLY AS THE ItHJ!:ALTH, AND SANITARY CODE FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, -TEXAsn, BY PROVIDING THAT .ALL P}l~SONS EMPLOYED IN ANY ESTABLISHMENT OR BUSINESS ROUSE BY WHOM FOOD STUFFS. OR DRINKS FOR HUMAN BEINGS ~4RE PRODUCED, HANDtED,PREPARED, CARED FO~, BrSP:ENSED OR SOLD SHALL OBTAIN Ai CERTIFICATE 'SHOW~ I;r-m FREEDOM FROM iUIT INDICATION OF ACTIVE PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS; \PROVJJ.HNGTHA'T THE NEED FOR SUCH ORDINANCE CREATES AN EMERGENCY A}\jD FURTHER PROVIDING FOR THE' EFFJroTlVE DATE HEREOF. Motion by Co~issioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Ho~man that Ordinance Number 608, requiring all persons employed in any establishment or busines~< house oywhom foo~ stuffs or drinks for human beings are produced, handled, prepared, cared for, dispensed or solei shall obtain a certificate sho~ing , freedom from any indication of active pulmonary tuberculosis, be passed and approved as' read and correcteq. . Voting Aye:, Voting NOls Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman ond Mooney., None ' Ordinance Number 609, captioned as follows,' was submitted to the Council and read in full: ~ ' . 'AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL THE ,PROGEEDINGSHAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A ~UBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NUMBER III SO AS TO PERMIT THE . , . ~~,Tr;mrrimr." "':11 !; ~I Ii I~~~O~~<'_ - ... 1"1 rl 4 SUBDIVIDING OF LOT 8" BLOCK 2, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FIRST ADDITION, INTO TWO LOTS 100 BY 100 FEET EACH, THE NORTH ONE-HALF OF SUCH LOT TO FRONT ON ::U'l.. CASON STREET AND THE SOUTH ONE-HALF TO FRONT ON BROMPTON STREET; FINDING \ THA T A. PUBLIC HEARING, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING SUCH AMENDMENT HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALL~ HEtTI; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT MID RECOMMEN- DATION OF THE CITY'S ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT SUCH AMENDMENT TO ' SAID ORDINANCE BE PERMITTED; cFINDING THAT ORill.NANCE NQ. 111 SHOULD BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF SAID LOT; AMEND1N9 SECTION 24 OF ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BY ADDING A SUB':: PARAGRAPH TO SUCH SECTION TO BE KNOWN AS SUBPARAGRAPH 14 AND PROVIDING THAT TH,IS ORDINANGE SHALL 1l'AKE EFFECTJl.ND BE IN FORCE AND EFFECT IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. " Motion by Commiss,ioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that Ordinance Number 609, providing for subdivision of Lot.8, Block 2, West University Place First Addition into two lots 100 X 100 feet each be passed and approved as . read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs', Holman and Mooney. None Ordinance Number 610, captioned a.s follows, was submitted to the Council and r,ead in full: AN, ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DOrm PREREQUISITE TO TEE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDlilR AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 SO AS TO PERMIT THE CON- STRUCTION OF A CARPORT EXTENDING FROM THE FRONT OF THE EXISTING GARAGE STRUCTURE A DISTANCE OF 15 FEET'TO THE SIDE PROPERTY LINE OF. THE RESIDENCE KNOWN AS 6647 . RUTGERS ST~T TO THE BIDE PROPERTY LIm: ON CASON STREET AS APPLIED FOR BY BRUCE K. OWEN; FINDING'THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING SUCH AMEND- MENT HAS BE,EN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPl'ING THE REPORT AND RECOM- MENDATION OF TEE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 SHOULD BE SO :AMENDED; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 111 SO 'AS TO PERMIT SUCH CONSTRUCTION OF SAID CARPORT AND PROVIDING THAT' THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TARE EFFECT, AND BE IN FORCE AND EFFECT IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. n , I , , i I '---" Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Mooney,that Ordinance Number 610 amending Ordinance'Number 111, permitting erection of a carport in front of the existing garage on the S~ of Lot 12, Block,40, West University Place First Addition to extend to the property line on Cason street, be . . approved as read~' , Voting Aye: Mayor Ter~y; Commissioner~ Hangs, Holman and Mooney Voting No: None The following resolution was submitted to the Council for consideration and read in full: Il j . , t \ I' 't-~~""""- . II. --1'" .r-'~-~-- "1 -----r~ ':TJ;lfmrm [).' ,. : ::-. j. to Cr;) C-,l ""'-! ~ <:t ~ o "":c:-- ., J ,~.~;. > RESOLUTION >>~EREAS, by letter dated May 16, 1952, Houston Natural Gas Corporation made ~ts application tot}:1e Mayor and the Oi ty Commission of the City of West Uni versi ty. Plade for an increase' in gas;"rates for gas sold by said Corpor.ation in the City of West U~iversity Place, ~~xas; and, l~EREAS, pursuant to Gharter provisions, the City Commission of the Gi ty of Wes,t University Place has caused to be called and held a public he~ring for the purpose of considering the application of Houston Natural Ga$ Corporation ~or such rate increase as proposed by said Corporation an& a public hearing has been duly a~d legally held by the City Commission on Monday, July 7,1952, at the City Hall, City 6f West UnivErsity'Place, Texas, at which hearing all facts were heard and testimony considered concerning the advisability and propriety of granting the .increase in gas rates as proposed by Houston Natural Gal;! Corporation; and; WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University flace, Texas, after hearing the pe~tinent facts concerning the proposed , rate increase is of the op}nion that such rate increase should be allowed. NOW, THEREFORF1,BE IT, RESOLVED BY THE. CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS:. , That effective with meter reading dates subsequent to :May 7, 1952, the residential and commercial gas, rates for gas sold in the City of West Uniyersity Place, Texas, by Houston Natural Gas Corporation shall be: RESIDENTIAL RATES Net Monthly Rate: 400 Cu~ Ft. 'and under '. Next 5 ,600 Cu. Ft. Next 10,000 Cu. Ft. . All additional \ $ 1. 00 6.01; per CCF 5.5~ per CCF 4.5~ perCCF , I Minimum monthly bill $1.00 The above net monthly residential rates shall be inqreasedby l.Oot .per CCF to arrive at the gross:'r,ate. The difference between , gross and net rates, representing a discount, shall be allowed for payment of bills wi thin ten days after the 'date of \he hill. If a gas bill is not paid within ten days after its date,' the gross"rate shall apply. I OOM1A:ERCIAL. RATES . '.Net Monthly Rate: 400'Cu. Ft. and under Next 8,600 Cu. Ft. Next 11,000 Cu. Ft.. Next 10,000 Cu. Ft. All additional ' r $ 1.20 6.0rf; per CCF 5.51 per CC11: 4.5rt per CCF 4.01 per CCF j. ! ....~." ' - ~-----'I il r-I~~~~~ ~.... , ';TnmnllTllr . Ii 6 The foregoing rates as.hereby established shall 1:)e effective from the date last hereinabove mentioned to such other date as the City Commission of the City of V{est University Place shall take further affirmative action. PASSED this the' 14th day of JulY, 1952, with all CommisBioners voting aye. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Haggs that the resolution granting a rate increase .by the Houston Natural Gas Corporation be adopted. Voting Aye: Voting' No : Mayor Terry; Commissio~ers Hangs, Holman and Mooney. None The following resolution was submitted to the Council for consideration and read in full: RESOLUTION ,'-' ,I ! ! 1- ~ WHEREA..S, Lynwood E. Lyil,es,Jr. served as an employee of the City of West University Place from October 16, 1947, until the date of his untimely death on July 3, 1952; and, WHEREAS, Mr. Lyles has always distinguished himself in his chosen profession of Sanitary Engineer, having served as the President of Sam Houston Water Works and Sewage Association and having tor many years ser~ed as the leader of panel discussion at, the Texas Waterworks and Sewage Association meetings annually held at Texas A & M College, and having attained ,the highest rating and award granted by the State of Texas for.his proficiency as a Sanitary Engineer; and, WHEREAW,the City Commission of the City of West University Place desires to give public recognition tb the esteem in which Lynwood E.Lyles, Jr. was held by those associated_with him in the govermental affairs of the City of West University Place. . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place that: Lynwbod E. Lyles, Jr. be commended for his unhesitating devotion to his 'duty as an employee of the City of West Uni~ersity Place, Texas, and for his sterling qualities of leadership in the community where he resided; and be . " I I" -I 1..~.)- I' ': ':'~: I i :~',',':'1'-.<;<. {",t. "., -n'~ -'~_..__._~-_..==",--,==-- , 11 -11 n ....;"',- ---n~-~- - .--. "_r '~r r :mr ,,",nlr rn LJJ LI"J CV':J C\l ~ ""':> <t ill o he~ further commended for the exemplary manner in wnich he unselfishly servedth~ Qity of West University Place for five years as the Superintendent of the City's sanitary disposal facilities, giving unhesitatingly of his time and efforts for the well-being and health of all of the citizens ofothe City which he served. , BE IT FURTHE.R. RESOLVED, that the City Commission of the City of West University Place expres~es its deepest sympathy to Mrs. :Daisy Lyles, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Lyles, Dr. ,D. E. Hughes and John Hughes at the passing of Lynwood E. Lyles, J~., and that a ,copy of this resolution be sent to each of them. DONE this ~he 14th day of July, 1952. Motion by Gommissioner Holman,- seconded by Commissioner, Hangs that the resolution Gommending Ly-nwoodE. Lyles; Jr. for his seri:ices as an employee of the City of West University Place from October 16,1947 until the date of his death on July 3, 1952 be adopted. Voting Aye~ Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissione~s Hangs, Holman, and Moo~ey. None Mr.' C. E. Gammill, City Treasurer, requested authority to destroy the following list ofbnnds and warrants which have been held for a period of one to three years; D'egcription Series Number Denomination Refunding Bonds 1936 tt " 1936 " " " 1936 << >> 1~6 Refunding Warrants 1936 II tl 1936 II" 1936 Sanitary Sewer Bonds 1942 t\ \l It 1942 Storm Sewer Bonds 1942 1\ II It 1942 Civic Center Bonds 1941 storm Sewer Bonds 1941 " Ii " 1941 Street Paving Bridge +946 11 It It 1946 Garbage Disposal Bonds 1948' II >> ./11 1948 Street Imp. Bonds 1948 " " II 1948 Refunding Bonds 1945 It 1.1 1945 Storm' Sewer 1948 <<II 1948 157-169 171 172-187 188-204 43-46 47-50 '51':':'54 25-'29 30-34' , 16-18 19.,.22, 5 43-49 50":'57 13"";20 21"':28 1 2 1-4 5-8 13-16 17-20 1-2 3 $1,000.00 1:,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1:,000~00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1;000~00 1,000:00 1,000.00 1,000.00 l;OOO~OO 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 . ". L.' ________~~~~.--~-~~::::I J:.: p=-~' -=- ~-~ .. -'-~"'I ---- -~--.c~ Due No. Bonds -- 4ho/49 13 4/10/49 1 . 4/10/50 10 4/10/51 17 4/10/49 4 4/10/50 4 4/10/51 4 3/1/50 5 3/1/51 5 j/l/50 3, 3/1/51 4 1/15/50 1 1/15/50 7 1/15/51 8 11/1/49 8 11/1/50 8 1/15/50 1 1/15/51 1 1/15/50 4 1/15/51 4 1/10/50 4 1/10/51 4 1/15/50 2 1/15/51 1 "I~l ~1r.Il nnlrr 7 \ \ 8, ' Water Revenue Bonds 1938 52-58 1,000.00 12/15/49 7 '~\ it 1938 59-65 , 1,000~OO 12/15/50 7 " It , ( , It It Red:lunqing 1942 31.-35 1;000.00 12/15/49 ,5 i I I I " It II 1942 36-40 1,000'.00 12/15/50 5 --.-J U II U 1942 41-45 1,000.00 12/15/51 5 Sewer Revenue 19"49 1-5 1,000.00 3/1/50 5 It. ,Il 1949 6...11 1,000~00 3/1/51 6 Swimming Pool 1949 1 1,000.00 3/1/51 1 170 Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Holman that cancelled bonds and warrants as enumerate,d by the City Treasyrer under date of July 7, 1952, be destroyed in the presence of' three witness'es, one witness to be a representative from the auditing firm. employed by the City. Voting Aye; Voting No : Maybr Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman and Mooney. None Minutes of the meetings of June 23 and July 7, 1952, were read and approved as corrected. With no furth~r o~siness to come bef9re the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and. carried, the. mee'ting was adjourned. ,L\ I , I ' : i '--- ATTEST: ---, ~:i#~ . :Ji2't t \ I I i ,,~ .JE:-"""~"':_n_::: .:.:. _.::J:m ._~_cec-,~,--,-~,'--~~~] . .-It ~.._-- ~ -----:~'r:lIl!liIr:r1i1 o !(:; M .C\l <!?."( .~ <:( . C]:,. : I, i. , :,1 (~0 UJ 9 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28, 1952 The City Council convened in ~egular session at the City Hall ,on Monday, July 28, 1952, 7:30 P., M. with the following members present: Mayor Terry, presiding; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney. The City Attorney W8S 8.1so present. Commissioner Nisbet and the City Secretary were absent. . Minutes of a special' meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board held on July 25, 1952, were submitted to the Council for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the request of Mr. W. A.Rachuig, 6602 Annapolis, ,for permission to construct a storage andrecreationcroompadjacent. to his existing garage be approved as recommended by 'the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No ': Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, and Mooney. None Commissioner Nisbet arrived at this time. Dr. E. C. Malewitz, 6532 Belmont appeared before the Council and advised that property owners ~n the 6500 block'of Belmont had agreed to pay their share for improving tpe?Lneet-with a double asphalt surface treatment with the exception o1'one property owner, and asked if this non-homestead, property might be assessed. E. E. TOWnes, Jr., Pairing Attorney for the City answered Dr. Malewitz's question by,stating there was always a question as to whether asphalt surfacing would 'Come within the statuatory limits of permanent improvements, and advised that in any event the cost of.assessment wffilld cost .5 to 10 ti~es the cost of the paving. Dr. Malewitz was advised to check with other property owners and deter~ mine if some arrangements could be made for paying the cost of paving the street at this particular location. Tre8s~er's Certificate Number 62~ certifying the availability of $1500 for paying the City's portion of paving AcademY,Street from ~aw Street to Richmond Road was submitted to the Council., Ordinance NUmber 611, captioned as follows was submitted to the Council for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1500.00 OUT OF THE FUND TO THE CREDI'I' OF STREET DIPROVEWliNT BONDS SERIES 19h8 IN THE CITY 'TREASURY TO PAY THE CITY'S PORTION OF THE COST OF PAVING ANTI IkWROVING: , ACADFJvIY STREET from the North property line of LAW STREET to the north property ,line of RICH- MOND ROAD,except however the presently paved East One-Half (~) 'of said ACADE~IT STREET from bhe South property ~iNe of LAW STREET southerly a distance of 99.85 leet; . '. _ A.ND TIECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ~""~Ti'~' 1 >I - ~~r:mrrmlil r'l r, 10 Motion by Commissioner Holman, aeconded by Commissioner Hangs that Ordinance Number 611 appropriating the sum of 11500.00 to pay the City's portion of paYlng Academy street from Law Street to Richmond Road be passed and approved as read. -~I ',----, Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Comm~s~ioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None Ordinance Number 612, captioned as follows, was submitted io the Council and read in full:' AN' ORDINANCE TAKING NOTICE OF THE INITIATION BY THE CITY - COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOUSTON OF THE PERMANENT IMPROVEIVlENT AS A JOINT PROJECT OF THE TWO CITIES OF A PORTIOl~ OF ACAm;iVlY STREET WHICH IS ALONG A PART OF THE COMMON 'BOUNliA}{y,.,OF SUCH TI'fO CITIES; TAKING NOTICE OF THE'FACT THAT THE CITY OF HOUSTON, HAS TAJ\EN BIDS FOR SUCH WORK AND PROPOSES TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT THEREFORE; APPROVING AN AGREE:MElIJT BETlfllEEN THE TIYO CITIES FOR THE PAH,TICIPATION OF THE CITY OF WEST mnVERSITY PLACE ;r:N SUCH P1WJECT ANIr THE PAYING BY IT OF' A PART OF THE AMOUNTS TO . , BE ASSESSED AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTY LYING vUTHIN ITS LIMITS; APPROVING THE FORM AND SUBSTANCE OF A F'ORiliIAL AGHEElvlliNT RELATED' THERETO AlIl'D AUTHORIZING'ITS EXECUTION ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF- WEST UNIVGRSITY PUCE; DIR:&;TING AND ORDERING PAYMENTXO THE CITY CONTROLLER OF THE CITY OF HOUSTON OF 'THE AMOUNT OF $1500.00, .HERETOFORE; APPROPRIATED, CONTEMPLATED BY SUCH AGR3i;EMENT TO BE PAID BY THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY,PLACE; AND DIRECTING' THE CITY SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF THIS ORDINANCE WITH Tl-f$' COUNTY CLERK OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXA~, P1JRSUAIIJT TO THE PROVISION OF ARTICLE'1220-A OF' THE REVISh'D CIVIL STATUTES OF TEXAS, AND DECLARING AN E1ffiRGENCY. ,------, i \ , i -.,.J Motion by,Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that, Ordinance Number'612, approving an agreement for participation and ordering payment of $1500.00 to the City of Houston for paying a portion of the cost of paving Academy Street from Law street to Richmond Road be passed and approved as read.'. Voting Aye: Mayor Teli'ry; Commissioners Hangs, HOlm"m, Mooney end ~Nisbet. Voting No: None . An agreement with the City of Houston for participation by the City of West l/hiversity Place in the paving of Academy Street was read to the' Council: Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the agreement with the City of Houston for participation by the City of West University Place be accepted. . Voting Aye: , Voting No : M9yor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, ~iooney and Nisbet. NQne rl t .~ ~" 'I II . ------, '1 n '. 1 ft . . ,'1 dlllnmr m ~ ilO ~ C\.1 ~ ~ <t rl I. I: l~ no, I \ . ----..,- 11 Minutes of th~ meeting of July 14, 1952, were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the mee~ing was recessed. ~ &-- - --( ATTEST: ~f4.~. J ~ .~. . ~ $.:.4 ~ Ci . etary . , ), . '~"1 L -r-r-~rlITI:r 1:2 -1f- * * ~{- i~ -i~ ,} ~r ~~- * 1f- * ~~ ~f- ),f- *' * * * The City Cbuncil convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, August }-I-, 1952, 7:30 P. M. with the following members present: Mayor Terry; presiding; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Also present were the City Secretary and City Attorney. Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning and P~anning Board held on July 30, 1952, were submitted to the Counci~ for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by' Commissioner Holman,' seconded by Commissioner Hangs that a Hearing be called on Friday, August 22, 1952, 7:30 P. M. to consider subdivision of the W ~ of Lot 2 and Lot 3, Block 41, West University Place First Addition as requested by Mrs. W. M. Lawrence-and recoMnended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Ivloon~y and Nisbet. None ' Motion by 90mmissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet, that a Hearing be called on Friday, August 22,1952, 7:00 P.,M. to cons~der a request from Mr. H. H. Hartman, to erect' a carport on Lot 8, Block 20, College Court Addition, in front of his existing garage and to extend into the_ side set-back distance on 'Academy Street, as rec~mmended by the Zoning and Planning Board. . Voting Aye~ Vot~g No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. 'N~ne ' With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was'adjo~ned. .~ .~~ ATTEST: , I lr~--"-----o ~"11 ,~:-- - _'1 ------r r ~ ~'~I:ITIFrmr ; ] i J --- -', I ' I { f -----.J .----~ 'it \ .~ ! ~ I ~ ~: r i' I tj U llQ C':; C~l <'( 1"=,;) <:{ [J '1 ~ I . I . I 13 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING , AUGUST 11, 1952 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, August 11, 1952, 7:30 P.M. with the following ,members present: Mayor Terry, presiding; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. The City At~or- ney and'City Secretary were also present. A :t'equest f'rom'Mills & Exports Company f'or a 30 day extension of' a contract for salvage rights at the city's garbage dumps on Alief Road was submitted' to the Council. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the contract betwe~n the City of West University Place and Mills & Exports Compa,ny for salvage rights at th~ City's garbage dumps on Alief Road be ex- tended for a period of 30 days from August 1, 1952, ~or the sum of $200. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Hol,man, Mooney and Nisbet. None Mr. O. L. Friery, 4123 Sunse't Boulevard requested permission to continue school bus service in College Court Addition of ,the City of West University Place. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner nangs that permission to continue school bus service in West University Place be-granted for a period of one year and the City' Attorney instructed to prepare ,the necessary agreement. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None Astatemant from the,League of Texas MUnicipalities in the amount of $28.75 based on a 20% increa.se voted by the Executive COmndttee on Ju~y 11, 1.9,52, was submitted to the Council for'considera.tion. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the statement' from the League of Texa.s'Munic:lpalities in the amount of $28.75 be approved for payment. ' Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commis:sioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Non~ Mr. Ross Biggers, 3621 Sunset J?oulevard requested remission of penalty and interest on 1951 taxes in the amount of $87.84 exclusive of penalty and in- terest, against his residence at the Sunset address. The Council asked an opinion from the City Attorney reference remission of penalty and interest on taxes. The Attorney stated, that according to the City Charter th.e City Commission may be ordinance remit any or all of the penalties and interests due on advalorem taxes but such remission shall,. apply alike to all taxpayers. In view of this opinion the Council agreed that a precedent should not be set by granting the request of Mr. Ross Biggers. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None 11-- ].1\1 ., ---I"~ ""I':mlll1Iil rl 14 A statement from ,the ~outhwest Y.M.C.A. in the amount of $755.50 for services rendered in carrying out the summer recreation program in the City of West. Universi-ty Place was submitted to the rCouncil for consideration. The Council instructed the City Secretary to obtain a more detailed statement showing a division of the cost of the program ~orne by the city and Y.M.C.A. .- "- \ I i ------.J The Council was advised that the City of Southside had re<!li.uested permission to use the West University Place garbage disposal faciliti~s fdr disposing of garbage from their city. Motion by Commissioner: Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the City of Southside be permitted to use the West University Place garbage disposal facilities for disposing of garbage from xheir city for a'fee of $75 per month until January I, 1953, at which time a review of cost of' disposition of Southside's garbage will be made and further consideration given to a definite charge for,this service based on cost and amortization of land and equipment. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney a.nd Nisbet~ None The City Attorney submitted the 'following Resolution for consideration: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, 'Texas, that: -'l' 'The Notice of Budget HearJng as prepared by the City's Attorney be published in the City's official publication one time on Thursday, August 14, 1952. . i ..____F: Adopted this the 11th day of Augus:t, 1952. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the Resolution declaring that the Notice of ~udget Hearing prepared by the City's Attorney be, published in the city's official publication one time on Thursday, August 14, 1952, be. adopted. '. voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry, Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None Ordinance No. 613, captioned as follows, was subm~tted to the Council for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE REGUlATING THE HANDLING AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE' A1ID WASTE ,IN'- m CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE A1ID PROVIDING A PENALTY. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that Ordinan~e No. 613, regulating the harudling and disposal of garbage and waste in the City o~ West. University Place be passed and approved as read and corrected. y- Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None . I ~---./-< -~ (-i1 LJ tLO CV"d C\l -",' --'.. .i-~ <t r-n u o ~ ~~" . 1, "'- n Minutes of-the meetings of' July 28 and August 4, were read and approved. With no further business to CO~ before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. ATTEST: A:'~~.~.~, / - \CJ.ty - I ~ 11-=:-======:::J~ r:~ =~~. .~~ 1 --rr ~ ':"I':IllI[irrl1li t6. ***************** The City Council convened in recessed session on Friday, Aug~st 22, 1952, 7:00'P.M. at the City Hall, with the following members present: ,Mayor Pro tem Holman, presi'ding; Commissioners Hangs ~nd Nisbet. . The City Attorney and City Secretary were also present. Mayor Terry and Commissioner Mooney were absent. ~) ~. Mayor Pre: tem Holman presided in, the absence of Mayor Terry. In accordance with Council action on August 4, 1952, Notice duly published in the official newspaper of the City on August 7,1952, and notices mailed to all property, owners within 200 Feet of Lot 8, Block 20~ College Court Addition. Mayor Pro tem Holman announced that a Hea.ring was in order to consider the request of Mr. J. H. Hartman for permission to erect.a carport in front of his existing garage which would extend to the property line on Academy Stre,et. In answer to questions by the City Attorney, the City Secretary testified that Ordinance No. 111 ~d been complied with and notification had been published in the official newspape~ of the CitJ and all property owners within a radius of 200 Feet of Lot 8, Bl~ck 20, College Court Addition, that a'hearing would be held at 7:00 P.M. August 22, 19'52. Mr. Hartman stated that he desired to ere.ct the proposed carport in order to have a place to park his automobile out of the sun and rain without having to place it inside the garage. He also stated that the proposed carport would front on Academy Street which is a.side street and the structure would not be objectionable to any o~ the adjacent property owners . With no ob- jections being voiced at the hearing for th~ proposed construqtion of a car- po~t on Lot 8, Block 20, College Addition, known as 4103 Susnet, the follow- ing action was taken: " Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the hearing called to consider the request of Mr. J.. H. l:la.rtman, 4103 Sunset, for permission to erect a carport to extend through the side setback line to the West right-of-way line of Academy Street be close~~ Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Pro tem Holman, Commissioners Hangs and Nisbet. None At 7:30 P.M. Mayor Pro tem Holman announced that in accordance witp Council action on August 4, 1952, Notice duly published in the official newspaper of the City on August 7, 1952, and notices mailed to all property owners within' 200 Feet of Lot 2 and .3, Block 41, West University Place 1st Addition . , a hearing was in order to consider subdivision of said lot, as requested by the owner Mrs. W. M. Lawrence. In answer to questions by the City Attorney, the CitY,Secretary testified that Ordinance No. 111 had been complied with and notification had been published in the official newspaper of the City and all property owners within a radius of 200 Feet of Lots 2 and 3, Block 41, West University Place 1st Addition that 'a hearing would be held on August 22, 1952, 7:30 P.M. to consider subdivision of, Lot 3 and W i of Lot 2, Block 41, West University Pl~ce 1st Addition into three lots. 11 ~~~ ~.~....... [ ,\ I'1 .. I ---r ~ ';'Tmmrrlir u L") cr~ N ~ ~"':;) <r: o o .\ !'~~"'" 17' Mrs. Lawrence, owner of Lots 2 and 3, West University Place 1st Addition stated that she desired to s'Ubdivi}le-these lots' in order that she might deed the North 75 x 100 Ft. portion fronting on Rutgers Street and the North 50 x 75 Ft. of w't of Lot 2, t9 her son for a 75 x 150 Ft. building site to front on Rutgers Street. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Fisher, Owner' of' Lot 1,' Block .In,. West University Place 1st Addition and Mr. J. L. Graham, owner of' Lots 4 and 5, Block 41, West University Place 1st Addition were present at the hearing and htated they had no objections to the proposed subdivision. With no objections being voiced at the hearing for the proposed subdivision of' Lot 3 and the W t of Lot 2, West University Place 1st Addition making a 75 x 150 Ft. b'Uilding sit'e on the north portion of the lots, the following action was taken: ~otion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Bangs t~t the Hearing called to consider the request of Mrs. W. M. Lawrence to subdivide Lot 3 and the W ~ of Lot 2, Block 41, West University- Place 1st Addition , . be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Pro tem Holman; Commissioners Hangs and Nisbet. None Mayor Pro tem Holman then announced the Council would convene in recessed session. for ,the purpose of co~sidering the adoption of the 1953 budget ,in accordance with'Council action August 11, 1952" and a legal notice published .in the cityr~ official newspaper. Detail bu~et estimates, proposed ex~ penditures and income and anticipated tax valuations and all other perti- nent, budget details were submitted.. Mayor Pro tem Holman explained the proposeq insurance program and capital outlay. There being' no, opposition to the pro-posed budget, the following action was' taken: - , Ordinance No. 614, captioned as follows, was submitted to the .Council for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AIID ASSESSING AN AD VALOREM TAX ON ALL TAXABLE PROPEaTY WrrHIN 'l'EE CORPORATE LIMITS OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, ~, FOR THE YEAR OF 19:;12, ANn PROVIDING FOR TEE COLmCTION THEREOF. . Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that Ordinance No. 614 levying and,assessing ad valorem tax on all taxable property within the corporate limits of the City of West University Pl/3.ce for the year of 1952 and providing for the coLlect~on thereof, be passed an4 appr6vedasread. Voting Aye: . Voting No Mayor Pro tem Holman; Commissioners Bapgs and Nisbet. None Ordinance No. 615, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A BUDGET FOR TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY \. '. UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR A TWELVE MONTH PERIOD BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1953 Am> ENDING DEC~ 31, 1953; PROVIDING 'FOR '1'HE APPROPRIATION OF PUBLIC FUNDS OF THE CITY FOR USE AN.D EXPENDITURES. ~ n-- - ~1ii1 ., Lr T. ~ ":"1 rl ''':r:li1tlilrllil 18 Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that Ordinance No. 615 approving and adopting a budget for the City of, West University Place for: the .year 1953, be passed and approved as read. . Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tem. Holman; Commissioners Hangs and Nisbet. Voting No : 'None , i ! Minutes of the regular. meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board on August 14, 1952, were submitted to the Council for consid~ration and the following action taken: Motion.by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that the re- quest of Mrs. Jim P. Martin, 6544 Belmont, for permission to erect a 2} x 27 Ft. structure to be used as guest quarters be denied as recommended by the Zen,ing Board. ' . Voting Aye: , Voting No : Mayor Pro tem Holman; Commissioners Hangs and Nisbet. None Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that a hearing be called for September 22, 1952, 7:30 P.M. to consider the request of Mrs. Margaret D. Beach to subdivide Lot 3, Block 38, West University Place 1st Addition into two lots of 50 x 150 Ft. each. . Voting Aye: Voting No': Mayor Pro tem Holman; Commissioners Rangs and Nisbet. None Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that Mr. G. P. I Tully, 6404 Sewanee be granted permission to move,. a 10 x 14'~Ft. building , onto,his premises adjacent to the South side of an existing garage apartment which was constructed prior to 1936, as recommended by the Zoning Board, and subjeetto exe'cution of the usual affidavit. . Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Pro tem Holman; Commissioners Rang~ and Nisbet. :J.'Ione Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Ha.ngs that the request of Mr.. W. H. Krenzlerfor permission to move a 12 x 18 Ft. frame office building from Kirby Drive at Wroxton Road ~o a 30 Ft.st;rip of vacant property on Bissonn~tStreet west of and adjacent to the existing store building at 2625 Bissonnet be denied for reason that this property is in the fire zone where a fire proof bui~ding is requirrd in accordance with the Building Code of West'University Place. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tem Holman; Commissioners Hangs and Nisbet. Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that Dr. E. Allen Sherrill, Jr., 3103 University Boulevard be permitted to erect a 6 x 16 Ft. utility room on the rear of his garage for storage purposes as recomm~nded by the Zoning Board, and subject to execution of the usual af- fida.vi t . Voting Aye: Voting No ,Mayor Pro tem Holman; Commissioners Hangs and Nisbet. None p. ,._"-"",~.....,~",",,,'-," .-- ~..::r~--=:_______==_:=1. m lL.":> C~ ,,-1 <'t ~ "::::t ~r! 1'1 .! : ; I r~l u , I . ~:'!<.~~-~ 19 Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissiqner Nisbet that the re- quest of Mr. J. H. Hartman, 4103 Sunset, for permission to erect a carport to extend through the side setback line to the West right-of-way line of Academy Street be approved and the City Atto+ney instructed to prepare the necessary Ordinance. . Voting Aye: Voting No' : Mayor Pro tem Holman; Commissioners Hangs and Nisbet. None MOtion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that Ordinance No. 111 be amen~ed to permit subdivision of Lot 3 and the W ~ of Lot 2, Block 41, West. University Place First Addition as requested by Mrs. W. M. Lawrence; subject to necessary utility easements b~ing granted. Votin~ Aye: Voting No : Mayor Pro tem Holman; Commissioners Hangs and Nisb~t. None Authority was requested from the Council to send 4 firemen to the annual firemen's'training school at A & M College for the week of August.25-29, 1952. . \ Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that four firemen be sent to. the firemen's training school at A& M,College, with expenses to be paid by the City. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Pro tem Holman; Commissioners Hangs and Nisbet. None ( , The Council was advised that, Treasury ~ills No. 6~9293 - 669295 in the amount of $3,000 Garl;Jage Disposa.l (Bonds, 1948,. and Treasury Bills No. 16732~8 1673250 in the amount of $30,000 Street Improvement Bon~s, 1948, ,had matured August 21, 1952.' ' '.' . . Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner' Hangs that the treasury bills which matured August 2l, 1952, be reinvested in,-.91 day treasury bills. ' . Voting Aye: 'Mayor Pro tem Holman; Commissioners Hangs and Nisbet. Voting No: None City Treasurer C. E. Ga.mmill requested a.uthority to destroy 24 Water Works . Time Warrants, Series 1949, in the denomination of $1,000 wb,ich were paid off in 1940, and have been~held in the bond 'file in the city vault until- the present' date. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that City Treasurer C. E. Gammill be a'uthoriz'ed to destroy by burning 24 Water Works Improvement Time Warrants, Series 1949, in the denomination of $l,OqO which were paid off, in 1950. Voting Aye: Voting No : ~yor Pro tem Holman; Commissioners Hangs and Nisbet. None The City Secretary advised that Mr. A. B. Taylor, Texarkana., Texas, had 11 I Iii .c-I --" ~':Jmmrnll _:1 2:0 made application for bUilding permit and permit to operate a package liquor store on Lot 26, Cambridge Place Addition and the question had arisen to the advisability of 'issuing a; permit for operating a liquor -store as this property was only 300 F't. of St. Marks' Church and that hec had consulted with the City Attorney with legality of same. The City Attorney advised the' Council that prdinance No. 450 would prohibit the operation of a liquor store on Lot 26, Cambridge Place and cited the State 'Statutes and a recent parallel case tried by the Supreme Court of Texas wherein similar application was denied. 'Based upon the interpretation of Ordinance No. 450 and the City Attorney's opinion, the Council denied application of Mr. A.Ben Taylor for permission to operate a package liquor store within 300 Ft. of St. Ma.r~s Episcopal church. ' Minutes of the meeting of August 14, 195f' were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the ,~meet~ ing was adjourned. ~ .~. ATTEST: ~. . --- 1 etary -,-' .<, II . ... '] I ri' r' ~, ''''r1nn1lrnrr- o L-:;J OJ "-1- <'( P""'" ,,; ~ O:-~i , i i [:1 , t I I , 21 MINUTES OF REGtrr..AR COUNCIL MEETmG SEPTEMBER 8, 1952 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, September 8, 1952, 7: 30 P.M. 'With the following members present.,: Mayor Terry, presiding; CoIJ1:111issioners Hangs, Holman and Mopney. The City Secretary was also present. Commissioner Nisbet and the City Attorney were'absent. ' Residents in the 3500 Block of Albans submitted a written request for the City to remove t~e s~rubbery in the esplanade of this block in the inter~st of ,safety and protection. , Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the shrub- bery in the 3500 Block of Albans be removed as requested by residents of the block. Voting Aye: Voting ,No I Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman and Mooney. None Mr. O. L. Friery requested by letter a 10 year franchise for operation of a 40 passenger bus in College Court area in addition to the one year franchise for operation ofa 1,0 passenger station wagon in College Court area. ' . " ') \ , ' Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that Mr. O. L. Frierybe granted a 10 year franchise subject to execution of'agreement ap- proved by the C,ity Attorney. . Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; ComIilissioners Hangs, Holman and Mooney. Voting No : . None Commissioner Nisbet arrived at this time. Messrs. Leonard Oliver and Sa.m Keeper with the Houston Chronicle Neighborhood News appeared before the Council and advised, that the Southwestern Times would no longer be published and qubmitted an official request for the City to se- lect their publication ~s the official newspaper of the City for purpose of legal advertisements, etc. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that Mayor Ter~y be authorized to select an official newspaper for 'the City after legal opinion is obtained from the City Attorney. . Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; CommiSSioners Hangs, Holman, Moo~ey and Nisbet. None. Mr. George W. Grice appeared before the CoUncil requesting permission to move a 20 x 40 Ft. building onto a vacant lot immediately west of his residence at 4123 Case Street. Mr. Grice explained, that the frame building had bee.n used as a work shop on Danville Street but was of good material and he would re- model the structure and make an attractive 5 room residence to comply with the city's building' code. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs' that Mr.'\ George W. Grice be permi~ted to move the 20 x 40 Ft. B~ilding to 4127 Case Street IL~.':":"'''':''' -,. :".1:J. LI' ~ "_1 ...J:i '. L.r,lOmcrrrr- 22 subject to executio,,!,of a.n agreement that the building' would be remodeled and made into living qi;la.rt~rs in accordance with requirements of the buildIng 'code and' Zon~ng'(};rdinance within 90 days. - ~ I [ \~ Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry, Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None Mrs. J... D. CoopeT, Jr.., 3223 Rice Boulevard requested permission from the Zoning Board to reconstruct an eXisting double garage into a3 car garage and laundry room and that an exception be made to permit the structure to set back 5 feet from the side street property line instead of the required 19 feet, and a.pproval by the Council was recommended., Motion by Commissioner Bangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet. that a hearing be called to co.nsider amending the city's zoning ordina..nce to permit Mrs. J. D. Cooper, Jr!, 3223 Rice BoUlevard to reconstruct an exis:ting double garage into a 3 car garage and laundry room which will set back 5 feet from the side street property line instead of 10 feet as now requir~d by the zoning ordinance. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissidner:s Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No: None Mrs. W. M. Lawrence of 3220 Bellaire Blvd. requested that the building re-, quiremerits of the North 75 Feet of. Lot 3 and the North 75 Ft. of the W~ of . Lot 2, :Block 4l, West University Place First Addition be reduced from 1600 Sq. Ft. to a minim.tim of 1200.Sq.Ft: which was recommended for approva.l by the Zoning Board'. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Holma:n,that a public hearing be called to consider lowering.the Sq. Ft. requirements on the North 75 Ft. o~ Lot '3 and the North 75 Ft. of the wt of Lot 2, :Block41,W~st Uni- versity ~lace First Addition from 1600 Sq. Ft. to a minimum of 1200 Sq.. Ft. as requested by Mrs. W. M. Lawrence and reconlmended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : i' A report of swimming pool activities and receipts for the ,1952 sea~on was'pre- sented to the Counci.l by the City Secretary . The Council discussed advisa- bilityof closing the swimming pool :t:or the season and i:ookthe following action: Mayor Terry, Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None " Motion by CQmmissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the Swimming Pool, be closed not later than Sunday night September 14, 1952, and ~oo.ner if deemed advisable according to' weather conditions and availability \ of personnel. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners' Hangs, Holman, Mooney ?,nd Nisbet. Voting No : . None . ~ A letter from the City of Houston was submitted to the Council advisi.ng that a traffic signal installation was proposed for Buffalo Speedway at West Hol- combe Boulevard.. The City of West University Place was requested to enter [~t . ! iL":) ~ .C\.l <::: ~ <( ,,["1 . ,'. I D .;.j,'l~.~'y 23' into an agreement with the City of Houston which would permit installation and maintenance of the signals by the City of Houston on that portion of Buffalo Speedway ~ithin the City Limits of West University Place. Motion by Commissioner Holman, s~conded by Commissioner Nisbet that the City of West University Place cOIlIply with the request of Houston and the City At- . torney instructed to prepare the necessary agreement for signature. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor'Terry; Commissioners Hangs, HOlman, Mooneya.nd Nisbet. None A statement from Milton McGinty, Architect, in the amount' of $300 for pro,.. fessional services in connection with preliminary studies for a,new city hall was submitted to the Council for consideration. I '- Motion byCammissi9ner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the state~ ment froIl\. Milton McGinty, Architect, in the amount of' $300 for professional services in con~ection with preliminary studies for a new city hall for West University Place be approved for payment. . Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooneyand'Nisbet. None A letter from Harris County Librarian, Mrs. Mary P. Butler, was submitted to the Council. Mrs. Butler advised that ,the hours of the librarian for" this community had been increased four hours each day Monday through Friday instead of four hours Monday, Wednesday and Friday; and that her salary would bem- creased approximately $30.00 per month. . Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the City of West University Place increase its portion of the salary paid Mrs. Allison Sanders, Librarian, in accordance with prior agreement with the Harris County Library. Vot ing 'Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; . Commissioners Hangs ,Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None Resolution 52...10 was submitted to the Council for consideration and read in full: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas has heretofore pas~ed and approved a Resolution bearing date of November l~, 1950 authorizing-certain officials" of the City of' West University Place to draw and ~ign all checks on'all'bank accounts of the said City, and pursuant to such Resolution copies thereof, certified by the City Secretary, have been fu!n:Lshed to each bank with wh~ch the City has funds on deposit; and, , WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission of the City of Wes~ Uni- versity Place', Texas to amend its Resolution of November 13, 1950 so as to 'pro- vide that no official or eIlIployee of the City of West University\Place, elective or appointive, shall draw or sign any check on any batik account of the said City payable to himself, except in the' instances of checks drawn by and payable to n~'~'=rt..~ .c-.r=-~-=-'=--=-"- ,--1 ----------rr- , ~--r:rrmntl!rllll 24 <""'lr1l:{:~,~_'t,(;::.,,!>- the City Treasurer: fe- NOW,- THEREFORE, BE IT R;ESOLVED BY THE CI~COMMISSION OF TEE CITY oF' WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: THAT, 1. Checks 'drawn on Payroll ,Accounts of the City of West University Place" Texas and payable to the City Treasurer, C. E. Gammill ,shall be drawn by the said City Treasure~'and cou~tersigned by either the Mayor,H.E. Terry" or the Mayor ~ro-tem, DuPree H9lman; and any other check drawn on any of the c~ty's bank accounts and payable to the said City Treasurer shall be drawn by the City Treasurer and countersigned by the said City Secretary and either the said Mayor or ,the said Mayor Pro-tem. 2. Checks drawn on Payroll ,Accounts and payable to the City Secretary, Whitt Johnson" shall be drawn by the said City Treasurer and countersigned. by the said Mayor or the said Mayor'Pro-tem; and any othe~ checks dr~wn o~ any of the City's bank accounts and payable to the said City Secretary shall be drawn by the said City Treasurer and countersigne?- by both the said Mayor and the said . Mayor Pro-tern. 3. Any checks other than payroll checks drawn op. any of the City's bank, accounts and payable to the said Mayor shall be drawn by the said City Treasurer and .. countersigned by both the said City Secretary and the said Mayor Pro-tem. 4. Any checks other than payroll checks dr,l:\.wn on any of the City's bankac- counts and payable to the said Mayor Pro-tern shall be drawn by the said City Treasurer and 'countersigned by both the said City Secretary and the said Mayor. BE :!:T Fl,JRTEER RESOLVED that the provisions o~ this Resolution shall be amenda- tory to the provisions of the Resolution dated November 13, 1950, hereinbefore referred to, and such Resolution shall remain in full force and effect except as hereinarnended. AND~E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City, Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to furnish each bank'with which the City has funds on deposit or transacts any business a true copy of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this the 8th day of September" 1952. Motion by Commissi9ner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the Resolution authorizing certain employees and officials to sign checks be passed and approved, as read. Voting Aye : Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, HOlman, Mooney and Nisb.et. None Resolution 52-9 was submitted to the Council for consideratio~ and read in full: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Irving L. Peabody, the City Engineer of the City of West University Place, Texas tendered his resignation to the City Commission of said City after having served as the City' s Engin~er from April 1, 1949 to February"1, 1952, n-,-T=,==:-=r~~"'I-:r --:IT "'~'lirll:rmhTlir """'f:"e"~~"""''''''-'~D . .[,:} , 1 11":) 0':) C\! <:1' . -l.. .~ c:::t JI fl . , t.::~1>."'m!:I~-. 25 and the'City Commissiop in Regular Session on January 28, 1952 appointed and select~d a commi~tee consisting of the Mayor, the City Secretary and Commissioner Frank Hangs to consider the applications of persons applying for the position ,of City Engineer and to make a report 'to the City Commission recommending the aPzpointment of one os said applica.nts to said position; and, WHEREAS, said committee, after studying the qualifications of the several applicants and their respective exp~riences and suitabilities for the duties' and responsibilities of the position of' City Engineer, made its recommendation to the City Commission at its regula~ session on March 24, 1952, that J. 1. CORlmLISON, a registered prof'essionaJ.; engineer of the State of 'Texas, was emi- nently qualifieQby education, experience and background to serve the City of' West University Place as its City Engineer, and such committee did f'urther recommend that the City Secretary. be authorized to employ J. I. Corneli~on en'ective April 1, 1952 as the City Engineer; and " WREREAS, t.he City Commission deems it appropriate to resolve its action in accepting the recommendation of the af'oresaid committee and authorizing the employment of J. I. CORNELISON as the City Engineer of the City of West Uni- versity Place: NOW, TBEREFORE, BE :rr RESOLVED BY THE QTIY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERS:rry PLACE, TEXAS: That, , '. L J. 1. CORNELISON has been duly and regularly employed by the City of' West University Place as the City's Engineer through ~he'action taken by the City Secretary pursuant to instructions given him by the City Commission at its regular s~ssion on March 24, 1952, and that 'all actions taken by J. I. CORNELISON since April 1, 1952, in his capacity of employm~nt by the City have been regularly and duly taken. 2. All cer~1f'ica~iop.s by J. I. CORNELISON since April 1, 1952 in his professional capacity for the City of West University Place, Texas are hereby apProved and adopted to ~he same extent as if' this RESOLUTION had been passed, approved and adopted on April 1, 1952. PASSED, this the 8th day of September, 1952, unanimously. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconqed by Commissioner Hangs that Resolution 52-9 authorizing employment of J. I. 'Cornelison as City Engineer of the City of' West University Place,be passed and app~oved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Moo.ney and Nisbet. None Engineer's certification that improv~ments const:r:ucted by Mischer-Harris ' ,Company inc. on the 3900 Block Villan9va Street and the 3900 Block Case Street and the'~ntersec~ion of'College and Villanova Street together with Final Paving E;stimate on the intersection of' College and Villa:p.ova Street was submitted to. the. CounciL , L Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissio.ner Hangs that the Erigineer,ls certif'ications and f'inal estimate for paving College Avenue and Villanova Stree~ 1I~"~='='='~1, ,\ cr . ~.'l ----rr , "~nTlIlll1IrrrrF 26 intersection be accepted and the City Attorney directed to prepar~. the neces- sary ordinances. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry, Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet None '" I. I Ordinance No. 616, amending Ordinance No. 111, captioned as follows, was sub- mitted to the Council for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FIIIDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO' TEE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AMEIIDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 SO AS TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CARPORT EX'l'EEDING FROM THE FRONT O~ THE EXISTING GARAGE STRUCTURE A DISTANCE OF 18 FEET TO TEE SIDE PROPERTY LINE OF LOT 8, BLOCK 20, COLLEGE COURT ADDITION ON ACADEMY STREET AS APPLIED FOR BY J. 'H. HARTMAN; F:J:NDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING SUCH AMENDMENT HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APFROVING AND ADOPl'ING THER~ORT' Al'ID RECO~NDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 SHOULD 'BE SO AMENDED; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 111 SO AS TO PERMIT SUCH CONSTRUCTION OF SAID CARPORT AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE AND EFFECTIMMEDI- . . . ATELY FROM AND AFl'ER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL.- Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Ordinance No. 616 ~ending Ordinance No. 111 permitting the construction of a carport on Lot 8, Block 20, Go~lege Court Addition on Academy Street from'the exist- ing garage a distance of 18 feet, to the side property line as requested by Mr. J. 'n. Hartman, be passed and approved as read. -~ , [- ~<-.- Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry, Commissioners Hangs, Holman,' Mooney and Nisbet None The Council discussed advisability a~d neces~ity'of purchasing a graphotype machine to be used in connection with the tax department and water department addressograph plates .It was the Council's opinion-that the graph.otype machine was definitely necessary and would pay for itself in a period of five years. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by C~mmissioner Nisbet tbata graphotype machine be purchased for use in~Qnnection with the tax department and water department a~dressograph plates, and the City Attorney instructed to prepare the necessary resqlution'ordering purchase of the equipment. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No : ' None A preliminary estimate for resurfacing all streets in Pemberton Addition and Belle ,Court with bituminous concrete was submitted to, the Council by the City Engineer with a recommendation 'that work be accomplished over a three to five year period~ It w~s reported by the Engineer th~t the streets were in bad condition and some repair would be needed immediately. The cost of resurfacing all streets in the two subdivisions was estimated at $29,8;1.0. The report was accepted by the City Council but action was withheld pending availability of funds. "I' 'r';'"TilnI'mrrrr OJ to C"J ' C\l ~ .~ ~ [] r~1'. ' I .,' I I '--' 2:7 Minutes of the meeting of August 22, 1952, were read and approved a.s correct,ed. With .no further business to, come before the Council a.t thi,s time, upon motion duly made, SecondEld a.nd ca.rried, the meeting wa.s a.djourned. .~. ATrEST: City: ry I " II"-"'~~~'II " r~~"~'~~~"'~'T:1 n ""ii"nmnimrrrr- 2,8. ""V MINUTES OF REGULAR' COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 22, 1952 The City Council convened in regular sef?sion at the City Hall on Monday, September 22, 1952, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Terry, presiding; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary, City Engineer and City Attorney were also present. Mayor Terry announced that in accordance with Council action on August 22, 1952, notice duly published in the official newspaper of the City on August 25, 1952, and notices mailed to all property owners within 200 Ft. of Lot 3, Block 38, West University Place 1st Additio-q a hearing was in order to consider the re- quest of Mrs. Ma;r:garet D. Beach four permission to subdivide said lot into two 50 x 150 Ft. lots as, recommended by the Zoning Board. In answer to questions by the City Attorney, the City Secretary testified that Ordinance No. 111 had been complied with and notification had been published in the official newspaper of the City and all property owners within a radius of 200 Ft. of Lot 3, Block 38, West University Place 1st Addition had been, notified by mail that a hearing would be held at 7:30 P.M. September 22, 1952, for the purpose of considering the s~pdivision of said lot. ~.~:: r ~. 'f'~-:,\ ,....,.. '~ J::,. The following property owners were present at the hearing and objected to the location of the surveyor's stakes set during a recent survey of the property involved: Mr. C. Friedrich, 6619 Sewanee , Mr. J. C. Schmidt, 663h Westchester Mr. E.J . McNerney, 6620 Westchester Mr. W. L.Mach, 6616 Westchester Mr. L. D. Traupe, 6612 Westchester 1 I ! ! --' There being no one present to represent Mrs. Beach, consideration was given to recessing the'hearing until 7:00 P.M. September 29, 1952, and the following 'action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the hearing called to consider the request of Mrs. Margaret D. Beach for permission to sub- divide Lot 3, Block 38, West University Place 1st Addition be recessed until 7:00 P.M. September 29, 1952. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners ,Hangs, Holman, Mooney, and Nisbet Voting No None Mr. C. L. Richman, 2715 Tangley, requested permission to construct a room 12 x 18 Ft. adjacent to an existing garage attached to his home for storage purposes 'and a den. This request was recommended for approval by the Zoning Board in their regular meeting on September 11, 1952. Motio~ by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the request of Mr. C. L. Richman for permission to,construct a 12 x 18 Ft. room for storage purposes and den be approved subject to executioD; of aff,idavit ,that the structure will not be rented or used for commercial purposes as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, HolIhan, Mooney and Nisbet None I II ,-- "~'-'I'lT [r--- . --r; '::"r:mmmr o ll.O CV':) (:\-4 .~ 1=..) <r. IJ [] 29 A report from a committee appointed by Mayor Terry to study ,and make a recom- mendation of three plans prepared by Harris County Flood Control Engineer for improvements to Poor Farm Ditch was presented by Commissioner Hangs. Commissioner Hangs explained from a blackboard drawing the three plans considered and the cost of each plan on a proportionate basis to the City of West University PLace and stated that the Committee was recommending adoption of Plan No. 1 J submitted by the Harris County Flood Control District or a similarity thereof which consis~s of lining of both bottom and sides with reinforced concrete. ~~. Harry Turner, Mr. Jne Ed Winfree and Mr. Gillam representing the West University Place C1tizens Committee were present and discussed the program with the Council. The City Council accepted the report of the Co~ittee and discussed methods of financing the improvements and took the following action: Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that two or more bond companies be contacted and asked to submit a plan for financing a bond issue for improvements to the Poor Farm Ditch on a'basisof all three Plans submitted and that the bond'companies report be brought to the City Coun.cilfor consideration. V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, HOlman, Mooney, and Nisbet None Mr. George W. Foster, Builder advised that he had purchased 5 lots in the 4100 Block Cason Street from Mr. David Fela.man and wished to'dedicate a rectangular tract of land 50 x 82.6 Feet at the West end of the 4100 Block Cason Street so --' this'street may be opened into West Point Street. It was the decision of ,the Council that a plat of the property be submitted showing the size of the lots, the' connection of the street between the 4100 Block Cason and West Point Street \ and,necessary ea~ements and instr~cted the City Attorney to pr.epare an ordinance accepting thededicati9n of a ~lat. Mr. Melvin HObbs, 3819 r:cennyson Street, submitted a.pplication foJ;' lease of a 30 x 60 Foot tract of land in the 4200 Block of BellaireBouleva.rd between Coa.sta.l Lumber Company and Howard Johnson Ice Cream Company which is owned by the City. Mr. Hobbs explained he ~anted to negotiate a ten year lease on this property to be used'for a. tool yard and'Engineering office. Motion by Commissioner Ni~bet, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that appraisals be made of the property and a report made to the Council in order that an amount for annual rental on the property may be considered. , , , Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet None Other action on recommendations from the Zoning and Planning Bbard contained in Minutes of a meeting held SePt.~mber 11, 1952, was taken as follows: ..:;,;;'-: Motion be Commissioner Hplman, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that a public hearing called for October 13, 1952, 7:00 P.M. to cons'ider the request of Mr. J. Levy for permission to construct a comme~cial buildi:t;lg on Lot 3, Block 21, Colleg~v1ew. 1st Addition with Ii 20 Foot setback from Weslayan Street instead of a 30 Foot setback as now required by the Zoning Ordinance. Voting Aye: Voting No' : Mayor T~Try; ,.Conmfissioners 'Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet None I , . >"l <hI , ';'"I'immrm "n~ll ,_~C" '1" I rT -- --.- ~~-1 fl 30 Action was deferred on the request o~ Mr. G. K. Cude, 6630 Wakeforestfor,per~ mission to improve an existing IS x 20 Foot garage converting the upstairs room into servant quarters, pending, further information from Mr. Cude a.s to the intended use o~ the structure. . r I A letter was supmitted from Chief of Police H. E. Shipp recommending install- ation o~fla~her type stop signalsat the intersection o~ University Boulevard and WeslayanStreet,where several serious automobile accidents have happened in 'recent :months. ~otion by Commissioner Ha.ngs,~econdedby Commissioner Mooney that flasher type stop signals be installed at the intersection o~ University Boulevard and . Weslayan Street in accordance with the written recommendation o~Chief of Police H. E. Shipp. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet None Ordinance No. 617, captioned.as follows, was submitted to the Council,and rea.d in full: AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO O. L. FRIERY,' HIS SUCCESSORS Am> ASSIGNS,' 'RE:FERRED TO AS "COMPANY" THE RIGHT TO USE TEE CITY'S PRESENT AND FUTURE PUBLIC THOROUGHFARES FOR A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS, PROVIDING FOR COMPENSATION TO BE . PAID TO TEE CITY, THAT SAID FRANCHISESE:ALL NOT BE EXCLUSIVE, FOR REGulATION OF THE COMPANY'S OPERATIONS, RATES AlW,SERVICE, AlWFQR PENALTIES, FOR EXAMINATION OF ~ COMPANY'S BOOKS, RECORDS AND ACCOUNTS, FOR S~ILITY IN CASE ANY PART BE EELl) VOID, PROVIDING THE METHOD OF' ACCEPTANCE, PROVIDING FOR ACQUI- SITION OF TEE COMPANY'S ~OPERTIES UPON TERMINATION OF FRANCHISE, A~ PROVmING FOR.;THE DATE UPON mn:CH SAID ORDINANCE WILL TAKE _EFFECT. ,1 ------->' Motion be Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that Ordinance No. 617 granting a ten year franchise to Mr. O. L. Frier~ ~or operation of a ~chool Bus in the City of West University Place be passed and approved as read and amended. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No: None Ordinance No. 6is, captioned as follows, was submit;tedto the Council and read in full: . AN ORDINANCEFIlIJDING Am> 'DETERMINING THAT TEE IMPROVEMENT OF (1) 'CASE STREET FROM TEE EAST LINE OF WESLAYAN AVENUE TO TEE WEST LIm: OF COLLEGE AVENUE (2) VILLANOVA STREET FROM THE EAST LINE OF WESLAYAN AVENUE TO THE WEST LINE OF COLIEGE AVENUE, AND (3) THETIlTERSECTION OF COLLEGE AVENUE AND VILLANOVA STREET HAS BEEN COMPLETED BY MISCHER- HARRIS COMPANY, INC., IN AQCORDANCEWITH ITS.CONTRACT WITH VARIOUS PROPERTY OWNERS ON CASE AND VILLANOVA STREET, AlIJD IN ACCORDA.NCE WITH ITS CONTRACT DATED JANUARY 2S, 1952, WITH TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ACCEPTING TEE WORK AND IMPROVEMENTS ; APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S FINAL ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZING rom DIRECTING SETTLEMENT THEREW:ITH WITH MISCHER-HARRIS CO:MP~, INC., AND,J)ECLARING AN EMERGENCY . -1; t f ----.-,.r-': ,. ., ., "-'.'~.'Ji'.'Y._"',~~,.,.-. 11;-.' - ,FiJ !I 1 rr r--~ilTIrmlirnr (j lC Cr:l C\i "":L ~) <t o [ ,"'~-",'nlj-n~('- 31 Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that Ordinance No. 618 accepting the improvements on Case, Villanova and intersection of College and Villanova be a~proved. Voting'Aye: Voting No : Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet Mayor Terry; None ; Resolution No. 52-11, as follows, was submitted to the Council for consider- ation: RESOLUTION BE. IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; the, t , The Houston CJ;1ronicle is hereby designated as the official publication by the City of West Univers;i.ty Place, Texas, for the printing and publication of all legal notices required to be made, whether by statute, charter pro- vision of the City, or by the City ordipances. , This Resolution shall be and the same is hereby :riJa.de effective as of the 9th day of September, 1952, and all legalptiblications requi~ed by the law, charter, or ordinances to be made after such date shall be made in the Official Publication as her~in designated. PASSED, this the 22nd day of 'September, 1952, all Commissioners voting "Aye II . Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that Resolution No. 52-11 designating the Houston Chronicle as the official publication for the City of West University P4ce be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None Mayor Terry stated that it was necessary for the City Commission to call an election fqr the purpose of. electing a Mayor and four Commissioners and that he had requested the City -Attorney to prepare an ord.inance to comply with State statutes and City Cbarter for this purpose. . , City Attorney Chas. S. Taylor submitted Ordinance No. 619 and explained the new election law procedure as defined bW; .recently enacted law, which is. captioned as follows and read in full: .;f* See page 33 Mot.ion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that Ordi- nance No. 619, prescribing the procedure for candidates to file for offices for the City of West University Place; providing for election officers, place and manner ofholdin,g city elections and providing for Notice, be passed and approved as read. . Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet None Reading of the Minutes of the meeting of September 8, 1952, was postponed. 11 '. ~.... ". :=J,'3l . .cX"__: _~..l rl ~-r~-~r_=_~-T.~rannm:l'ITr~-- of) i)'/.J, With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed until Monday, September 297 1952. .' . ~ ~ . ***************** The City Council convened in recessed session at the City Ball on MondaY7 September 297 19527 7:00 P.M.' with the fQllowing members present: MaV"or Terry, presiding; Commissioners Iiangs7 Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. Mayor Terry announced that Mrs. J. D. Cooper, Jr., 3223 Rice' Boulevard had asked that her request ,for permission to erect. a structure closer to the side set back line than required by the Zoning Ordinance be withdrawn as' plans had b~en revised to comply with ordinance regulations; therefore the hearing called. for 7:00 P.M. by Council action on September 8, 1952, and Legal Notice duly .published in the official newspaper of the city would not be held. . Mayor Terry announced that the Hearing to consider the request of Mrs. Margaret Beach to subdivide Lot 3, Block 387 West University Place 1st Addi- tion ~hieh was recessed on SeI;'tember 22, 1952, would be' resumed at this t_ime, and requested the City Attorney to continue with the hearing and testimony. The following persons again appeared before the Counqil and stated that they were'dissatisfied with the location 'of the various stakes on the lot but had no objection to the subdivision of the lot provided there would be a 50 foot frontage'in, each of the lots' to be sub~ivided and all othe'r lots in the 6600 Block on Westchester: Messrs. McNerneY; L. D., Traupe, J. C. Schmidt, and Goth. Mrs. Margaret Beach was present and represented by' her Attorney Mr. DeWald. The City Attorney advised the Council that the. hearing was to con- sider the subdivision of the lot and not alleged errors in the property cor- ners as staked by Mrs. Beach's surveyor and as'the property owners had no ,objection to the subdivision it was his recommendation that prope~.actionbe taken to close the hearing and subdivide Lot 3, Block 38, West university Place 1st Addition. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the Hear- ;Lng to consider.the subdivision of'Lot 3, Block 38, West University Place tst Addition'into two lots be c~osed. Voting Aye:, Voting' No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hang, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet None , . Motion ,by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Mqoneythat Lot 3, Block 38, West University Place 1st Addition~be subdivided into tWQ 'lots 50 x 150 Feet each provided there is 50 Ft. frontage in each of the subdivided lots in the 6600 Block Westchester.' . voting Aye: Voting.No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Hqlman, Mooney and Nisbet None Mayor Terry then announced in accordance with Council 'on September 8, 19527 Notice duly published in the official newspaper of the City and Notices mailed to ail property ovrners within a 200 Ft. radius of N 75 Ft. of Lot 3 and the North 75 Ft'. of theW ~ of Lot 2, Block 41, . West, University Place First \ I ! ---,......,..-' l:l'_F:l'~-"- t;-H~=,~~~!j;tst-~-::-;'--~ II: 11111 rr 1 fl ~I~~lirrnnmirnr'- ..._n~n____'~""n' -. ')3 ~) . [].'~. .. , Addition a hearing was in order to consider the request of ,Mrs. W. M. Lawrence to reduce the square foot building requirements. Messrs. J. L. Graham and G. Reid Hodgson were present. Mr. Graham stated that he had no objection to construction of a home with less than 5l% brick requirements but did ob- ject to reducing the square foot requirements. Mrs. Lawrence stated that the plans call for 1400 Square Feet and it was her intent~on to build a home approximately 1400 Square Feet and that no request . was made for waiver of the 51% masonry requirements. lU~ CV':l ~ <t: ~ ad: Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the hearing, called to consider the request of Mrs. W. M. Lawrence to reduce the building requirements from 1600 Sq. Ft. to a minimum of 1200 'Sq ~ Ft. , for a dwelling to be constructed on the N 75Ft. of Lot 3 and the North 75 Ft. _of the wi of Lot 2, Block 41, Westj University Place Fist ~ddition be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry;, Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbe,-t None ' Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the re- qu~st of Mrs. LaWrence to construct a. residence on, the North 75Ft\ of Lot 3 and the North 75 Ft. of the W i of Lot 2, Block '-41, West University Place First Addition with a minimum of 1200 Sq. Ft. be approved. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet None LJ With no further business to come before .the Council at t{ds time, upon motion duly made, sec(lJnded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ./ , ~- ~' ATTEST: . ORDINANCE NO. 619 ** AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THE PROCEDURE FOR CANDIDATES TO FILE FOR TEE OFFICES OF r --:1 MAYOR, COMMISSIONER, AND OTHER OFFICES FOR THE CITY OF ,lEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, I .' TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR ELECTION OFFICER's, PLACE AND MANNER OJr HOLDING CITY ELECTIONS U AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE. ' , IT 1 ,.-:!>:~~-=:> :, -''1: ,I ,~r~~ 1 rl : f "~,'l' imrnrmf 34 MIWUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 7) 1952, The City Council convened in special session at the City Hall on Tuesday October 7) 1952, with the following members present: Mayor Terry, presiding; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, and Nisbet. 'The City Secretary and City,Attorney were a~so present. Commissioner Mooney was absent. Mayor Terry announced that the special meeting was called for the purpoSe of hearing Mr. Ray J. Kelley, 6329 Sewanee, wi~h respect to the. action of the 'City Secretary for a decision of the City Council to determi~e the legal qualifications of a petition filed by Mr. Kelley, Saturday, October 4, 1952, which was not in accordance with Ordinance No. 619 and the Stat~ Statutes concerning the holding of city elections.. " After hearing Mr. Kelley 'and 'all persons present) the following action was taken by the City Commission: Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the action of the City Secretary in refusin~to accept, the application of Mr. Ray J. Kelley, 6329 Sewanee Street to have liis name placed upon t4e ballot as a candidate for the office of Commissioner of the City of West University Place for the General Election to be held on November 4, 1952, be upheld since Mr. Kelley had not pre- sented a legally qualified application. Voting Aye: Voting No : \ Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman and Nisbet None Motion by Commissioner Nisbet) seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the special meeting called for the purpose as outlined by Mayor Terry be adjourned. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman and_Nisbet. None ATTEST: . I z~.._". ll~~ .=~....." .~ ~~~ 35' MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETIl'JG OCTOBER 13, 1952 ~l The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall o,n Monday, LI October 13, 1952, 7: 00 P.M. with the following m~mbers present: Mayor Terry, "presiding; Commissioners Hangs, Holman and Mooney. The City Secretary was also present. Commissioner Nisbet and the City Attorney were absent. ' ILQ C'':l C\l ~ ~ c:t o " Mayor Terry announced that in accordance with Council action on September 22, 1952, notice duly published in the official newspaper of the City and notices mailed to all property owners within 200 Ft. of ' Lot 3, Block 21, Collegev1ew 1st Addition a hearing was in order to consider the request of Mr. B. J. Levy for permission to construct a commercial building with a 20 Ft. setback from Weslayan Street instead of 30 Ft. as recommended by the Zoning Board. In answer to, ~uestions by the Mayor, the City_Secretary testified that Ordi- nance No. 111 had been complied with and notification had been published in the official newspaper of the City and ~ll property owners within a radius of 200 Ft. of Lot' 3, Block 21, Col1egeview 1st Addition had been notified by , mail that a hearing wauld,be held at 7:00 P.M., October 13, 1952, to consider amending the city's Zoning Ordinance to permit coristruc~ion of a commercial building with a 20 Ft. setback from Weslayan Street instead of 30 Ft. Mr. Levy stated that he proposed to construct a 50 x 125 Ft. fireproof building to be used as a retail drug store, and proposed to setback'35 Ft. from the front property line but desired to set ,back only 20 Ft. from Weslayan Street. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the hearing called to consider the request 'of Mr. B. J. Levy to amend Ordinance No. 111 to - permit construction of a commercial building with a setback from Wes1ayan Street of 20 Ft. instead of 30 Ft. be closed. Voting Aye: Vot,ing No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman and Mooney. None Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Holman that City At- torney be instructed to prepare necessary Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 111 to permit 20 Ft. set,?ackon Weslayan as requ~sted by Mr. B. J. Levy~ Voting Aye:, Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman and Mooney Voting No: None / Commissioner Nisbet arrived at this time. A petition signed by residents of the 3300 Block on Albans Road for removal of the evergreen shrubs in the espl~nade was submitted to the Council by Mr. R. G. Hyett. Motion by Co~issioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Holman' that the ever- green shrubs in the esplanade on the 3300 Block of Albans Road be removed as req~ested by the property owners. rl Voting Aye: ~ Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet L-J Voting No NOh~ Ill. ~~~I':mrIEI~r 1l~~.:J:3. _.I:t :-r-- - -'---r r-- 'I 36 In accordance with Council action on September 22, 1952, Mr. John Brandenberger representing the Bond Firm of Rotan, Mosie and Moreland appeared before the Council in response to an invitation to submit his views on a plan forfinanc- ing a bond issue for improvements to the Poor FarmDitch~ Mr. Brandenberger stated that he had reviewed the engineering report prepared by Mr. Howard Jen- sen, Engineer for the Harris County Flood Control District and, read a recom- mendation from the City Council and that it appeared that Plan No.1 could be financed for approximately $150,000 and that the financing of such plan would be the most feasible from ~n economical standpoint for the City of West Univer- sity Place as this could be accomplished by a modest increase in the tax rate .and no increase in assessed valuation, but that the financing of the citr's share of Plan No. 2 0r 3 was not practicable and if attempted and bonds sold it would impede progress and improvements to this city fo!, several.year,s hence. For the record Mr. Brandenberger submitted a letter outlining reviews of his firm. Mayor Terry expressed appreciation for the information submitted and ad- vised the citizens present interested in improvements to the Poor' Farm Ditch that efforts' would be made to coordinate this project with the City of South- . ~ . side and the City of Houston and confer with County Commissioner 'Kyle Chapman .', regarding the desires' of the three cities. l Minutes of the Zoning Board Meeting held on October 9, 1952, were submitted to the Council for consideration and the following action taken: . - Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, 'seconded by Commissioner Hangs that action of the Zoning Board recommending that the request of Mrs. P. C. Cronin, 2623 Amherst be denied permission'to erect a carport to extend 18 Ft. toward the' front property line be upheld. J .' Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and ,Nisbet None Motion by Commissioner Hangs,. seconded by pommissioner Nisbet that a public hearing be called on November 3, 1952, 7:30 P;M. to considerthe'request of Mr! H. F. Peiper for permission to construct a dwelling on Lot '13, Block 1, Belle Court Addition with 'a minimum of 1150 Squar~ Feet instead of 1250 Square Feet as now required by the Zoning Drdinance and to permit construc~ion of said dwelling with less than the 51% masonry requirement. , Voting Aye: Voting No : MaYor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet None Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the'request of Mr..G. K. Cude for permission to convert a 18 x 20' Foot room above the garage into servant quarters be approved as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board at their meeting on September 11, 1952, subject to execution of usual affidavit that the structure will not be used for.commer~ial or rental purposes. Voting Aye~ Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet None Mr. George W. Foster, otmer of the property on the North and South side of the I-H!':'f l':::3"-P~~f,:i~f;,~<-" II; -- '"'"1i'.1\ r I..----.'~.,~"'~~.. rr u._ -~~ '~T""';nilnrrmrrrr~'u-'~_u \ i I -..-! II i \ LI lU~ ~ C\} <t ~ <::( n L il L I' 37 4100 Block Cason Street a~ West Point Street again appeared before the Council advising that the necessary easement ,had not been prepared althought he was, willing to dedicate an easement at the rear or the property and requested per- mission to proceed w~th erection of a dwelling on Lot 2, Block 34, Coloniaf Terrace Addition. The Council was agreeable to Mr. Foster proceeding with the erection of a dwelling on said_lot with the understanding that an easement would be granted.' . Mr. Byrone Marlatt, 2603 Fe~wood requested by letter that Truck Prohibited signs be erected at the corner of Fenwood at Kirby and Annapolis and that the speed limit be reduced to 15 MPH on the 2600 Block Fenwood. " The Chief of Police recommended that Truck Prohibited ,signs be placed at each end of the '2600 Block but not reduced speed limit Signs, which was approved by the Cou~cil.. A letter was submitted from~. F. N. Baldw'in, Director Utilities Department, City of Houston requesting permission to construct a 24 inch water main and granting of necessary right-of-way along Buffalo Speedway to connect onto their water sy~tem South to Main Street. It was the decision of the Council to grant right-of-way on Buffalo Speedway as requested by the City of Houston provided a written agreement would be' executed embodying certain ~onstruction features and a maintenance agreement for a~period of five years. , ' Chief Of Police H.. E.Shipp requested permission to attend the Texas Municipi3-1 Police Association to be held in Austin October 15th and 16th. Motion by Commissioner HQlman, seconded by Commissio~er Nisbet that Chief of Police H. E. Shipp be permitted to attend the Texas Municipal Police Associ- ation to be held in Austin Ocxober 15th and 16th, with reasonable expenses to be paid by the City. / Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman; Mooney and Nisbet None City, Secretary Whitt' Johnson was instructed to consult with the Harris County Librarian to determine the prior agreement between the City of West University Place and Harris County Library as to the city's participation in paying a portion of the librarian's salary. A letterfrqm the Board of Healt~ advising they had met in regulaT sessio~ on Thursd~y October 9, 1952,was submitted to the Council with the recommendation that Joe Hild be recl/3,ssffied from Sanitarian to Sanitary Engineer in order that he might assume. responsibility of supervision 'of the Sewage Disposal plant in addition to' supervision of the sanitation dep~rtment. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that Mr. Joe Hild be classified as Sanitary Engineer to assume responsibility of superv~sion of the sewage disposal plant in addition to supervision of the sanitation de- partment at $375 per month effective October 15, 1952, with another $25 per month increase' after a, six months trial period and if duties in both departments are satisfactorily performed. Voting Aye: Voting No,: \ Ma;y-or Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet None. 1'~J'ilnr[iJmr '~''1 [I '-1 --'I' ~I 38 The City Secretary. advisea_ that he had received several appraisals of a 30 x 60 Foot strip of land in the 4200 block of Bellaire Boulevard in connection with lease proposal submitted by Mr. Melvin X Hobbs and it was recommended that the property. be leased on the basis of $50.00 per month for a 5 year period. A list of insurance agents to share in the distribution 'of insurance premiums paid bY-the City of West Uq.iversi'ty :place was submitted to the Council for approvaL A list of twenty-one agents meeting requirements necessary to receiye a share of the commissions paid on insurance premiums was approved by the Council. The approved list is as follows: ,1. Ross F. Comiskey 3424 Georgetowt! 12. Gene E. Young 3114 Carnegie 2. John E. Boyd, Sr. 2615 Quenby 13. Charles Hughes 6502 Sewanee 3 . Brent Warren 2928 Jarrard' 14. Loran L. A~~ins 2824 Tangley 4. Hollis F. Danvers 2629 Pel)lberton 15. Herman Earlywine 3724 Rice 5. Joe:C. Eason 3773 Nottingham \ 16. Robert Gartner 3305 Tangley r-\ . i c i I ~ 6. Wynne L. Creekmore 3759 Tangley 17. W. E. Fitz;gel'ald 4208 Case 7 . Paul J. Healey 4228 qase 8. J. Paxton Huff 3406 Albans 18. . J. F. Niccolls 3001 Georgetown 19. Fred A Rhodes, Jr. 6633 Vanderbilt 9 . W. B. Ruth 3615 Nottingham 20. J. N. Mullan, Jr. 3417 Georgetown 10. J. Walter Kilpatrick 3025 Nottingham 21. John L. Wortham & Son Rusk Building 11. J. E. Satns 3215 Carnegie ~nutes 'of the meetings of September 8, 22, 29, a.,nd October'I, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon mqtion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. U. I I.._"_,~_.-,-><,,, ._. U" .t......,..,.,.-'.I , . i '. ! . ,-, ""'" 0',). C<l <( >-;:; <:t n ! I ,.1....-..-' f-j i ! t I .!,.--"'-} 39 - . ***************** The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, October 20, 1952, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Terry, presiding; Commissioners Holman and Mooney. The City Secretary was also present. Commissioners Hangs, Nisbet and the City Attorney were absent. Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning and-Planning Board held on October 20-, 1952, were submitted to the Council for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Mooney_that a hearing be called at 7:00 P.M., Friday November 7, 1952, t9 con~ider.subdivision of Lot 6, Block 30, West University Place 1st Addition into two 50 x 156 Ft. lots to front on Buffalo Speedway a:;l requested by Mr. Wm. E. Arnold and recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : M9.yor Terry; Commissioners Holman and Mooney. N.one With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,. the meeti~g was adjourned~ ATTEST: ~.. ~"-l ~-. lI':."~~::.~::_' "-"__~:L::I __~rJ~ ----'__-1 Ii :--j-----." -:." ~:lrflrn:'Im:I'!rF--- 40 I I I I j I , I I I I, .." 'IX'.,,~_. MINuTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 27, 1952 ) ~ " The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, Octooer27, 1952, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Terry, presiding; Commissioners Holman; Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Hangs was absent. !'-r I r L.J The City Secretary advised that paving assessment certificate No. 5 had been . paid in full including interest and the owner M;rs. Chas. Durst desired a re- lease. 'Motion by, Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet authorizing the Mayor to ~xecute release of paviug assessment No.5.' Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. VotinglNo: None Dr. E', J. Tuck-er and Mr. W. C. Matthews, represen:ting.m~rchants on Edloe Street submitted a petition to the Council requesting the repeal of a traffic ruling now in effect which makes Edloe Street on~-way in the 6~oo and 6200 Block be- tween 8 and 8:40 A.~. and 1:50 to 2:15 P.M. Dr. Tucker stated that the ruling. is detrimental to the business interest of the merchants and property owners ' involved and it: maintained would tend to devaluate property and-reduce business income. The Council advised Dr . Tucker and Mr. Matthews that the request would be given due consideration and a recommendation obtained from the Chief, of Police and P.T.A. officiais. Dr. Tucker also requested the Council to copsider erection of street lights on Edloe, Street in,the 6100 and 6200 blocks. ,The City Secretary was instructed to obtai~ a survey and estimate of costs for erection of street lights in these blocks for further consideration. ,-t> i i 1~ The City Secretary advised the Council that Mr. J. B. Belin had requested per- mission to enter into a contract with the City for removal of sludge from the ,sludge beds,at the city's sanitary sewerage disposal plant. In connection with this request the following action was taken.' , \ Ordinance No. 620, captioned as follows, was 'submitted, to the Council for con- sideration and read in full: :AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING TEE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH J. B.BELIN FOR ,THE REMOVAL OF SLUDGE FROM THE SLUDGE BEDS AT CITY'S 9ANI- 'l;'ARY SEWERAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES. ' /' Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that Ordinance No. 62.0, authorizing the Mayor and City Secretary to enter into a contract with J. B. Belin for the removal of sludge from the city's sanitary sewerage dis- posal plant be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Votitlg No : None Resolution No. 5a-12 was submitted to the Council for consideration and read in full: \, r I 1 i: '-1= 11--;'___~'-'---'-___'7lim rr' fl ... '-['OT'';'Timnnmllll ~"~'I 41 t,":} C", C\( ~ ~ ~ WHEREAS, the City's Tax Department is in need of a graphotype to be used in conjunction with equipment owned by the City and manufactured by Addre~,sog:r.:aph-Multigraph Company, which gr~photype is manufactured only by the said Addressograph-Multigraph Company, such machine so needed by the Tax De- partment calling for'a capit~lexpe~diture in excess of the sum of $500.60; and WHEREAS, pursuant toeh~rter provisions of the City, advertisements for bids on equipment to be used by the City where such equipment costs in. excess of the suni of $500.00, is contemplated; and due to the fact that the needed graphotype can be purchased but from one ma~ufacturing outlet, thereby making the advertisement for bids on such equipment unfeasible:'. The City Commission hereby authorizes the purchase o~ a graphotype ~or the, Tax Department Of the, City 'of.' West University Place, Texas,from,Addresso- graph-Multigraph Company ~or the sum of $1174.25, and hereby directs the Secre- tary to make such purchase as 'is hereby authorized.: PASSED, this the 27th day of October, 1952. All ,Conimissioners Voting Aye. APPROVED, this t?e 27th day of October, 1952. n Motion by Commissioner Holman" seconded by C~mmissioner Nisbet that the Resolution 1:11' authorizing purchase of a graphotype for the Tax Department of the City for the G' sum of $1174.25 be approved as read. Voting Aye:' Mayor Terry; Commissioners HOlman, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No: None Ordinance No. 621, cap~ioned as follows, was submitted to the Council for con- siderationand read in full: AN ORD~CE AMENDJ;NG AND CHANGING THE. 1952 BUDGET OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS ADOPrED BY ORDI- NANCE NO. 582; ALLOCATING AND TRANSFERRING CERTAIN FUNDS DESIGNATED IN SAID BUDGET; CANCELLATION OF CERTAIN FIXED ASSET EXPENDITURES; PROVIDING FOR THEIR TRANSFER, AND DE- ' CLARING AN EMERGENCY., Motion, by C~mmissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Ordinance No. 621, amend~ng, the 1952 budget be p~ssed and approved as read. VotingCAye: Voti,rig No : Mayor Terry; COI~issioners Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None Res01ution No. 52-13, as follows, was submitted to the Council and read in full: " ~IJ ' Ii I " , ) ", l ll~ ";,liJI n ", 1 L , 'j:'TlmmmrliL 42, RF.Sot.urPTON BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE' CITY' OF WEST UN.IVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: r-\ .{ i 1 I ~ The City of Southside Pla.ce, Texa.s, having negotiated with the City. of West University Place, Texas, for the use by the City of Souths ide ptace, of the garbage disposal. facilities/of the City of West University Place, Texas, and it having been agreed by the City Commissions of the respective cities, that a fair and reasonable rental for the use of the City of West. University Place's garbage disposal site by the City of SQuthside Place, is the sum of' $75.00 per month, and the City of Southside Place, Texas, havtng, on or about the 1st day of September, 1952, commenced its use of the City of West University Place's disposal site: . The Mayor and the City Secretary of the City of West UniversityPlace~ Texas, are hereby authorized to enter into a written contract for and on behalf of the City of West University Place, with the duly authorized officials of the City of Southside Place, Texas, covering the use by the latter city of tne City of West University Place's garbage disposal site at the rate of $75.00 per month, during the continuance of said use to and until December 31, 1952. The City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to prepare a Con- tract by and between the City of West University Place" Texas, and the City of Southside Place, Texas, ~nd such Contra~t shall provide for the aforesaid rental and shall also provide that the c~ty of Souths ide P+ace's use of West University Place's disposal site after December 31, 1952 must be upon a re- negotiated basis.' "Aye. II PASSED, this the 27th day of October, 1952, all Commissioners voting r~\ 1 ' I i ,-' Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that Resolution 5~-13 authorizing the Mayor and City Secretary to execute a cpntract with Southside for the use of the garbage disposal facilities of West University Place at the rate of $75.00 I1er month, be passed and approved as read. . . Voting Aye: Voting No =, Mayor Terryj Commissioners Holman" Mooney and Nisbet. None Ordinance No. 622, captioned' as folloW's,- was submitted for the Council's con- ' sideration and read in full: , AN ORDINANCE FINDmG AND DETERMINING THA.T EACH AND ALL OF THE PRO- CEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE. PREREQuIsITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC <HEARING TO CONSIDER' THE AMENDING OF ZONmG ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT TEE SUBDIVISION OF LOT NO.3, BLOCK NO. 38, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,' FIRST ADDITIONj_ FIlIDING THAT A PUBLIC BEARING ']fOR THE PURPOSE OF OONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANC~ NO. 111 HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY BELD; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERM;I:T THE SUBDIVISION OF LOT NO.3, BLOCK NO. 38, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FIRST ADDITION; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SHOULD B:E; AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SUCH 11. r.'" LJ] \. L~ O? C\J < ~ <t . n u n L l, 43 SUBDIVISION; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 111 SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUB- DIVISION 'OF LOT NO: 3, BLOCK NO.. 38, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, FIRST ADDrrION; AND PROVIDING TEAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND l BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. , Mation by Commissianer Maaney, secanded'by Commissioner Halman tbatOrdinance No.. 622, amending Ordin<;l.nce No,) III to. permit the subdivisian af' Lat 3, Black 38, West Un~versity Place 1st Additian into two. 50 x 150 Ft. lats, be passed and appraved as read. Vating Aye: Mayar Te:r;:r:y, Commissioners Halman, Maaney and Nisbet. Vating No.: None . Ordinance No. 623,' captianed as fallaws, wassubmi tted to. the Council and read in f'ull:. AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PRO- CEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD' AND ALL THINGS DOm PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AMENDING. THE ZONING OImrNANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO ' AS TO PERMIT AN EXCEPTION TO THE SIDE LOT SET:'BACK LINE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 24 OF ORDINANCE NO. III BY MR. J. B. LEVY IN HIS CONSTRUC- TION OF PERMA:NENT IMPROVEMENrS ON LOT 3, BLOCK 21, COLLEGE VIEW FIRST ADDITION; FINDING THAT A:PUBLIC BEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING SUCll .AMENDMENT HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPrING 'OF THE REPORT AND RECOMMWDATION' OF THE ZONING AND. PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE :NO. ,Ill BE' AMENDED SO AS TO PERM;rT THE EXCEPTION TO THE SIDE LOT' SET-BACK LINE PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 111 INSOFAR AS THEY. APPERTAIN AND AP~LY TO LOT 3, BLOCK 21, COLLEGE VIEW FIRST ADDITION; FINDING T1IAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 SHOULD BE AMEm>ED SO AS TO PERMIT TEE, CONSTRUCTION OF PERM'ANENr IMPROVEMElilTS BY B. J. LEVY WITH SIDE LOT SET-BACK LINE OF 20 FEET FROM WESLAYAN STREET AND ALLO~ING \ AN 'EXCEETION TO THE SIDE SET-BACK LINE, PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 111;. AMElifI)ING S:ECTION 24 OF ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BY ADDING A suB PARAGRAPH 'TO SEGTION 24 TO BE KNOWN AS' SUB PARA- GRAPH (10); AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE I!'lFORCE IMMEDIArrELY FROM AND AFrER ITS PASSAGE AlIDAPPROVAL. .. , Matian by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissianer Halman that Ordinance No.. 623, amending Ordinance No.. 111 to. permit canstructian of' impravements on'Lot 3, Block 21, Collegeview Firs-t Addition with a side set-back,.of' 20 :feet f'rom Wesla~n Street be pass~d and approved as read. Vating Aye: ,Mayor_Terry; Commissioners Holman, Moaney and Nfsbet. , Voting No: None ' Ordinance ,No. 624, captioned as fallaws; was submitted to the 'Cauncil and read in full: AN ORDINNNCE ACCEPTING Pr STRIP OF LAND 82. ~ FEET IN WIDTH FROM GEORGE W. FOSTER, THE OWNER THEREOF, AND .DIDICATING SUCH STRIP OF LAND ,AS STREET RIGHT OF WAY FOR THE PUBLIC'S USE. Matian by Cammissianer Holman, seconded by Ca~issioner Moaney that Ordinance IL....:=----.::. ~-=--lD. _ _~~~ -'::'1 -r.~ - ~ :;::: r anmmm' 44 ii' No. 624, accepting.a strip of land 82.6 Feet in width from George W.Foster and dedicating such strip of 'land as 'street right-of-way for the publiC's use, be passed and approved as read. 1-, , I ,! J '--, Voting Aye: Voting No : ~1ayor Terry; Commissioners Holman, Mooney and Nisbet None Resolution 52-14, as follows., was submitted to the Council for consideration and read in full: rrnOOLU:E'ION 'BE IT RESOLVED BY'THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE Crry OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, THAT, WHEREAS, certain employees of the City of West University Place, Texas employed in the water, tax, street, sewer, inspection, health, police, fire, engineering and administrative departments of the city gover.nment have organ- ized and maintained an Employees Office Fund for the purchase of gifts, floral offerings, cards, etc., for the bene'fit of the participants in said fund; and WHEREAS, the participants desire that ,the City Treasurer be authorized to deduct the sum of Fifty Cents (50~) per month per participant from each participant's salary chec~ as a convenient.method of collecting ~aid fund for the participants; and sa~d particiPants have requested that, the City Commission authorize the City Treasurer ,to so deduct said sum from each of the participa~ts' salary check: " -j I ! ! , ! '----' IT IS, THEREFORE, RESOLVED THAT: I - City Treasurer of the City of West University Place, Texas, upon written authorization from any participant in the City of West University Place, Texas" Office Employees Fund, d~duct' from such employee's salary each month, the sum of Fifty Cents (50~) and that the said City Treasurer pay over such deducted sums from such employee's salary to the Treasurer of said Employee's Office Fund, Joe Hild. II The City Treasurer shall keep full records of account of said sum so deducted from employee's salary, and in delivering the sums so deducted each month to the Treasurer, doe Hild, the City Treasurer, C. E. Gammill, shallse- cure a receipt evidencing the payment over to Mr. Hild. PASSED, this the 27th day of October, 1952, All Commissioners voting "Aye II . ,Motion by Commissioner ~o1mRn, seconded by Commissioner, Nisbet that the Reso- 'lution authorizing deduction of Fifty Cents (50~) from employee's salary upon written authorization from participants in the Office Employees Fund be pass~d , and approved as read. -1 ;~ I IIT-' ,liill ____[r.."'~~._"".=] [I n~~-J;::[i1mrni[Jj[ (--1 .- I , I ...:....-' to CI":J C\1 ~-t: ~ ~J ~ n I :1 Li rl l :, ! I l! . 45 Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None City Attorney Chas. S. Taylor, Jr. submitted the following letter tendering his resignation': October 27, 1952 Gentlemen: During the past several months, I have discussed with each of you my desire that the City of West Un~yersity P~ace replace me as your City Attorney. My employment with Tennessee Gas Transmission Company is of such a natu,re that I must be out 'of town from time to time, arid on two occasions during the past eight months, I have been out of town on regular council meeting nights, ~nd I have been out of town on five corporation court nights. You have been most indulgent in permitting these absences. However, the City ha9'the rigbt to expect and receive the attendance of its City Attorney on all occasions when legal problems may arise. lYly time, is primarily at the disposal of my Company, and there being the probability that in the future there may be other ccasions when I cannot devote the time that I desire to, the City's business, it is best tha.,t you find some one to replace me. Accordingly, I tender to you my resignation as City Attorney of' the City of West Univer ity Place" and ask that you accept it at such time as may suit the best inter Ist-S of the City and when you have decided who the ,new City Attorney will be.' : It is with itmost reluctance that I am askin~ to be replaced. I have completely enjoyed y work with the City and my association with each o,f you. I have a keen and a iding wish to continue on as City --Attorney, am.d in my heart there is an i epressable desire to continue, even though my availab~e time for the job is not su:t'ficient f'or the attention it deserves. I will'be h ppy to ,represent the City on Wednesday nights at Corpo- ration Court, and t prepare alL necessary papers for the first :l:"ew meetings of the new Council hile the appointment of my successor is being considered; and after his appoi tment, I wili be glad to as~ist him in any way possible. ~owever, I 40 think that it is best for all concerned that you appoint a new City Attorney soon fter the new Council takes office. My interest in the affairs of' the City wi~l continue and I sincere~y hope that each of y u will have no hesitancy in calling on me to do for the City any chore that needs attention. With warmes personal'regards to each of you, ::r am . , Sincerely, (s) Char~es~. Tay~or, Jr. Council members exp essed regret of the necepsity of Mr. Tay~or's resignation II - '~'i:TlmmJmr "1, I n~ ~~~:-- -- ~r- n 46 and deferred action on Mr. Tayior's reques,t unti~ such time as a report cou~d be received from a Committee appointed for the purpose of investigating and 'I making recommendation of a qualifieqperson to fill the position or City ; )' Attorney. . A statement in the amount of $587.0~ for services in connection with the summer recreation program ~as submitted from the Y.M.C.A. Motio~by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the state- 'ment from the Y.M.C.A. in the amount of' $587.02 for services in connection with the summer recreation program be paid. '\ Voting Aye: Mayor Terry; Commissioners Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No: None The City Secretary advi~.ed that a complaint' was received from Mrs. J. Pizer, 3730 Sunset, that ~ coat which she had left in the City Hall on the night of October 22, 1952, had been misplaced and she desireq. some. settleme;nt icn~pay- ment of the ,coat. . MOtion by Commi~sioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the City Secretary be authorized to negotiate with Mrs. J. Pizer, on a settlement for partial payment of the coat which was mis:placed by-City Employees. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None --~) Minutes 'of the meetings.of October 13 and 20 were read and approved as corrected. i '-----/ With no furth~r business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting was recessed. ****************** The City Comraission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, November 3, 1952, with the following members present:' Mayor Terry, presiding; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary was also present. The City Attorney was absent. Commissioner Mooney asked'to be excused from the Meeting. - Mayor Terry announced that, in accordance with Council actio~ on October 13, 1952, and notice duly published in the official newspaper of the City and notices mailed to all property owners wit in 200 Ft. of Lot 13, Block 1, Belle Court, a. hearing was in order to consider the request of Mr. H. F. Pieper for per- mission to construct a dwelling on Lot '13, Block 1, Belle Court with a minimum of 1150 Sq. Ft. instead of 1250 Sq. Ft. as now required by the Zoning Ordinance and to permit construction of the proposed dwelling with less than 51% masonry. In answer to questions by the Mayor, the City Secretary testified that Ordinance No. 111 had been complied with and notification,had been published in the ' official newspaper of the City and all property owners within a radius of 200 Ft. , ""'~""'".S'~' u:::-::= "::=~=~~'~:_-~~~:..Jl~[. _~~r "T':"=--=~=~"'~O===--"--=~~----~~ r-y-----.------ ~~~~~.I'.f1rIfnml'r.r ~ cY:i C'J < ~ <:C 47' of Lot 13, BloGk I, Belle Court Addition had been'notified by mail that a hearing wauld be held at 7:30 P.M., to, cansider amending the city's zaning ardinance to perIllit construction of a dwelling an said lot with a minimum of 1150 Sq. :Ft. instead of 1250 Sq. Ft. and less than 51% masonry. /' Messrs. Dudl:eyO'Fiel, C. P. Lanmon and Ray Maley, awners af praperty within 200 Ft. af Lat 13, Block 1, Belle Court were present at the hearing but had no objection to, Mr. Pieper's request. Matian by Commissioner Nisbet, seeandedby Commissioner Holman that the heari.ng call.ed to consider the request of Mr.R. F. Pieper to, amend Ordinance No,. III to, permit construction af a dwelling on Lot 13, Block 1, Belle Court Additiort with less than 1250 Sq. Ft. and less than 51% masonry be clased. VatingAye: Voting No : Mayor Terryj Commissioners Hangs, Holman and Nisbet. None Mot,ion hy Commissioner. Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the request of Mr. H. F. Pieper to construct a dwelling on Lo:t 13, Block 1, Belle Court Addition with a minimum of 1150 Sq. Ft. and less than 51% masonry be approved and the City Attorney be inli?tructed to prepare the necessary ordinance amending Ordinance No. III topermit construction as requested. Vating Aye: Vating,No : Mayor Terryj Commissioners ,Hangs, Holman and Nisbet. None ni With no' further business ,to come before the Council at this time, upon motian II duly made, seconded andca~ried, the meeting was recessed. '--------' r-n Ii L-) ,.:In ";.iH:!:f&1i1~~F:c- .. ... ****************** The City Commission eonven~d in recessed sessian at the City Hall on Friday, November 7, 1952, 7:00 P.M. with the following members present: Mayar Terry, . presidingjCammissioners Hangs, Holman, MooneyanQNisbet. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also' present. ~ . ,~ MayarTerry annaunced that in accordance with Council action an October 20, 1952, and notice duly published in the official newspape~ of the City and natices mailed to ,all property owners within 200 Ft. of Lat 6, Block 30, West University Place 1st Addition a hearing was in order to consider the request of Mr. Wm.E. Arnaldto subdivide Lot 6, Black 30, West University Place 1st Additian into, two' 50 x 150 Ft'. lots to, frant an Buffalo Speedway as recannnended by the Zaning & Planning Board. In answer to questians by.the C;ity Attorney, the City Secretary testified that Ordin~nce No,. 111 had been camplied with' and notification: had been published in 'the afficial ne-w:spaper of the City and all property owners within a. radius of 200 Ft. of Lot 6, .Block 30, West University Place 1st Addition had been notified by mai9.. that a hearing '\foul,d be held at 7:00. P.M. November 7, 1952, to consider amending the city's Zaning,prdinance to permit subdivision of said lot into two 50 x 150 Ft. lats. . Mr. Arnold and Mr. J. B. Drak~, Builder stated that it was proposed to erect lr'~ ~= '~"'~'l;m LL' .m...'~~~ .-.-Tr -CCT: I' :mmmmr' 48 two dwellings on Lot 6, Block 30, West University Place Ipt Addition to comply in all ways with provisions of Ordinance No. 111 and the. Building Code, with 1 the exception of a 5 Ft. set back for garage from side property line on Duke \ ~. Street. '---' There being no one present objecting to the request of Mr.. Arnold, the follow- 'ing action was taken: I Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the hear- ing called to consider the re~tiest of Mr. Wm. E. Arnold for permission to sub- divide Lot 6, Block 30, West University Place 1st Addition into two 50 x 150 Ft. lots be closed. Voting Aye:. Voting No Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Ho~n, Mooney and Nisbet. None Motion by ~ommis~ioner Mooney~ seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the reQuest of M;r'. Wm. E~ Arnold, to subdivide Lot 6, Block 30, West University Place 1st Addition into two 50 x 150 Ft. lots be approved and the City Attorney instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance amending Ordinance No. III to permit such subdivision. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None~ In compliance with Charter provisions of the City of West University Place, returns of an election held in the City on November 4, 1952, for purpose of electing a Mayor and Four Commissioners, were canvassed and the following Resolution submitted and read in 'full: :-..-! i 1 ~ RESOLurION A RESOLUTION CANVASSING TEE RETURNS OF AN ELECTION IN TEE Crry OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ,BELD ON NOVENBER 4, 1952, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A MAYOR AND FOURCO~SSIONERS Of SAID CITY'; DECLARING THE ' RESULTS OF SUCH ELECTION AND CERTIFYING SUCH RESULTS. WHEREAS, in accordance with the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas, the General Election Laws and Ordinance No.617 of the City of West UniversIty Place, Texas, a general City Election was held in the City of West University Place, lJ;'exas, on November 4, 1952, for the,.purpose of electing a Mayor and four' Commissioners; and . WHEREAS, ." in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 8.29 of the Electionpode (Acts 1951, 52nd Leg. P. 1097, ch. 492, art. 111) the managers of the election have made out, signed and delivered in a sealed envelope, the returns .01:' said election together with the poll lil?ts and tally lists, to the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commissioners of .the City of West, University Place, Texas, in Special Sessionasse~bled on November 7, 1952, have opened and examined the election returns and have canvassed the results thereof in ac- cordaneewith Article 8.34, Act. 1951, 52nd Leg.~ p. 1097, ch. 492, art. 116, I i '--.J 1'1 11'-:- ... --~" . . . .... ,!i !\ f I"' ,1 rr -- - ------------- ....rrilnrrllffillir- t,':') CV'.:) C\l ~ ~ c:::t '11 \~ reT I .... t I ,i \ III \ ' ! Ii 49, and as a result of such examination and canvass, said Mayor and City Commissioners find that at .such election the following votes were cast. /f ~ I '3? f 7- Edwin W. Morris Mayor 2564 .2261 1934 6759 ~ Kelly: Mayor 6 8 5 19 John' Coffman MaYQr 0 0 1, 1 . DuPree Holman Mayor 0 1 0 1 Charles Cartwright Mayor 0 2 0 2 F. E. Bonniwell Mayor 0 1 0 1 Mrs. Harry Turner Mayor 1 0 0 1 Clayton Meadows Mayor 1 0 0 1 E. Allan Nisbet Commissioner 2215 1798 1611 5624 John K. Mooney Commissioner 2170 1787 1679 5636 FrankE. Hangs Commissioner 2159 .1779 1690 5628 Robert W. Goff Commissioner 2220 1810 1703 5733 Ray Kell Commissioner ,430 550 262 1242 Patterson Commissi9ner 0 '0 1 1 . Simonton Commissioner 0 0 1 1 rrank Beard Commissioner 0 0 1 1 ban Ha.mner Commissioner 0 0 1 1 , p. M. Spiller . Commissioner 0 0 1 1 William H. Sanford Commissioner 0 1 0 1 J~ R. Crump Commissioner 0 1 0 1 Robert Lloyd Commissioner, .0 1 0 1 T. Corso Commissioner 0 1 0 1 James Kelly Commissioner. 2 0 0 2 Murff Commissioner, 1 0 0 Ii Tucker commissioner 1 0 0 1 r and, , , WHEREAS, as a result of such election, it appears that Edwin W. Morris with a. to.tal number of 6759 votes cast for him was elected'Mayor;-of the City of West University Place, Texas;" and John K. Mooney with a total number of. 5636 votes cast for him, and E. Allan Nisbet with a total number of 5624 votes cast for him, and Frank E. Hangs, with a. total number of, 5628 votes cast for him~ and Robert W. Goff, with a total number of 5733 votes cast for him have been elected Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas: NOW, THEREFORE, B~ IT RESOLVED BY ,THE Crry COMMISSION OF THE Crry OF WEST r UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: THAT J 1. The official results of such electio~ shall be, and they are hereby declared,pursu~nt to canvass of the returns of such electionpythe Mayor - and City Commission to be that: Ed1vin W~ Morris was elected Mayor John K. Mooney was elected Commissioner E. Allan Nisbet was elected Commissioner Frank E. Hangs was elected Commissioner Robert W. Goff was elected Commissioner ".~:,.=:'t'~~,',,~ - - U~_...:....._::JJIJl______n'" . _J I r--.-- ---" n_~m'---TITlmlrnmml 5Q. of the City of West University Place at the said election.r 2. An executed copy of this Resolution shall be delivered to each Edwin W. Morris, John K. Mooney, E. A:l;lan Nisbet, Frank E. Hangs, and Robert W. Goff as his Certfficate of Blection, and duplicate copies hereof shall be de~ livered to the City Secretary of the City of West University Place, Texas,and the County Judge of Harris County, Texas, and the Secretary of State of the State of Texas, as provided by Law. . I I ---...,..-J PASSED AND APPROVED, this the 7th day of Novemper, 1252, with all Com- missioners voting Aye. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner H~ngs that the Resolution No. 52-15 canvassing returns of the election held on November 4, 1952, be passed and,approved,as read. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Terry; Commissioners Hangs, Holman, Mooney and Nisbet. None Ordinance No. 625, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council for con- sideration and read in full: . AN ORDINANCE TAKING 'NOTE OF THE PASSAGE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE . . CITY OF HOUSTON OF AN ORDINANCE LEVYING ASSESSMENTS AGAINST THE , ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE OWNERS THEREOF ABUTTING UPON ACADEMY STREET (A' STREET IN THE CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS) BETwEEN CERTAIN LIMITS AND' IN PARTICULAE. LEVYING ASSESSMENTS AGAINST CERTAIN ABU'ITING PROPERTY LYING WITHIN THE LIMITS OF TEE CITY OF vmST UNIVERSITY PLACE; STATING CERTAIN OF THE .SUBSTANCE OF SUCH ORDINANCE; DECLARING THE INTENTION" OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY 'OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TO CONSIDER ~ .)', . ' -, -. THE PROPRmTY OF RATIFYING AND APPROVING' SAID ASSESSMENTS; ORDERING THAT A HEARING BE HELD UPON MATl'ERS RELATED TH'ERETO; FI){ING TEE TIME .AND PLACE OF SUCH BEARING; DIRECTING THAT NOI'ICE BE GIVEN OF SUCH EE.ARING; c AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. .--', \ : , : ~ Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Mooney, that Ordinance No. 625, ratifying and approving assessments levied Qy the City of Houston against property abutting a portion of Academy Street and ordering that a hearing be held upon matters related thereto be passed and approved as .read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Terry; Commissioners Har~s, Holman, Mooney an& Nisbet. None With no further business to come before the Council at this time, dpon mo~ion duly made, seconded and carried, ,the meeting was adjourned. ~- ~r ATTEST: ~7~;: I 1", U~===--=._ :.__=":~_----1j.:::ll _~____~r::-:I:_"~ .1_:1. _rl -~~:m]nmIl'!:r----'---~ Sf MINUrES OF REyULAR COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 10, 1952 ' r~ U Members of tp.e. City rrouncil and Council el'ect convened in regular session at the City Hall Monday, November 10,1952,7:30 P.M. to 0':) C\l ~ ~J ~ ("\ i :1 l-3 r-, !, I I i ,--------. . After invocation by Rev. Wm. E. Denham, Pastor of the River Oaks Baptist Church, Mayor Terry introduced the Council Elect and administered the Oath of Office to Edwin W . MorriEl as Mayor and to Eobert W . Goff, John K. Mooney, FrankE. Hangs and E. Allah Nisb~t as Commissioners. Mayor Terry and Commissioner Holman, spoke concerning the affairs of -the City and expressed t~~~rapprec~a~ion to individual city employees and pledged their support to the City beforeratiringfrom their resp~ctive offices. Mayor ~orris took the chair an~ after pledging to 'do his best for the good of the Community, stat~d it!lecessaryin compliance with provisions of the City Charter to el~ct a Mayol'Protem. Motion bY,Co~i~~ioner ~is~et, s~c9nded by Commissioner Hangs that Commissioner Mooney be e1.~~ted' 'MayorPro-'tem during his term of office. "-"i! Voting Aye :.Mayor M?rris:; C9I!ID4ssioners Goff, Hangs and Nisbet. V oting No: Noue May.or Morri,s .,:recommer.nded that the first order of business be that of appointing personne~ to rill the various apP0intive positions and boards. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that Whitt'F. Johnson be appoint,ed City'Sect-etary at his present~ salary. . :, V oting Aye: ,Mayor Morris; Cammi'ssioners Goff, Hartgs, Mooney and Nisbet. ' Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commis~ioner Nisbet that Whitt F. Johnson pe appointed D~rector of Personnel without compensation.. Voting Aye: Voting No .' ~yor Mo*,ris; Cortnnissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None Motion byCommissionet- Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that J. I. Corneli- son be appoint~d City Engineer at his present salary. V oting Ay~: . Mayor Morrts; Commissione,rs Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No: Ii{oue - . Motion by COImV-issioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that C.E. Gammill be appointed City T~,~~~u~er}'J.t his present salary. Voting Aye: Voting No .: 'Mayor Morris;. Cbmmissiop.ers Goff j Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that C.. E. Gammill be appointed City Tax Collector-Assessor without compensation~ :,. "":;:> . .~ ":'}" I I r I r' i"iimrmrJ1'i . 1 -or a:t. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Morris; ,Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that Chas. S~ Taylor, Jr. be appointed City Attorney. Voting Aye: Voting No '--.1 Mayor Morris; Commissioners' Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None' , Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that Karl E. Kraft be appointed Corporation Court Judge. Voting Aye: Voting No,: Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Com1nissioner Goff that G. E.. King be appointed Corporation Court Clerk and J. D. Al.Lstott, G. J. Forcher and Charles E. Duffin" be appointed Deputy,Court Clerks. .," . Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None '. ' Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney, and Nisbet. None Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that Harold E. Shipp be appointed Chiefo.of Po.Lice at his present salary.' Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Qoff'that J. A. Metcalf, be appointed Fire Chief without compensation for the term for which 'he has" been currently electeq by the Volunteer Fire Department. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None Motion by Commissioner;Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that J. A. Metcalf be appointed Fire Marshal at a salary of $50.00 per mqnth and that the term of of'fice of Fire Marshal run concurrent with the office of Fire Cp,ie1'. Voting Aye: Voting No ': Mayor Morris; Commi-ssioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None Motion by Commissioner Goff', seconded by Commissioner Hangs that E. J~ Rood be appointed Water and Sewer Superintendent at his presentsa.Lary. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None Motion by. Commissioner Mooney, seconded. by Commissioner Nisbet that J. D. Allstott be appointed Acting Building Inspector. . . Voting Aye: Voting 'No : IlL i ,- :<."f::;i'''''-''' III Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nishet. None ill II 1"'1" ,1 T~n~m_-'~m-_m-l~-nnmn1i1TIr-.~_~m~~. (~') I I '----' to C-~ C\l < ""-;;} ..et 53 Mayor Morris administered the Oath of Office to Department Heads appointed, atil suggested that members be appqinted to the Zoning and PLanning Board, HeaLth Board and Finance Committee at this time. , - Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the fOLlowing persons be appointed on the Zoning and PJ.a.nningBoard: Roy Maley,. E. R. Davis, M. C. Halbert, and David Hannah. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by persons be appointed on the HeaLth Board: Dr. Lyman C. Blair. Commissioner Hangs that the following J. W. Hammond, Dr. Ben Wa.lpo~e and . Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None Motion by. Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the folLow- ingpersons be appointed on the Finance'Committee: W. D. Herb, L. B. Bricker, Warren Butte.lmann, W. F. GhiseLin and H. L. Whiteside. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. Nbne Mayor Morris administered the Oath or Office to aL.l personnel of the Zoning & r-, P.lanni-qg Board, Health Board and Finance Committee which were, present, and I I then stated that members of other Boards and Committees wouLd be appointed at I i a .later date. '----' .r~\ I ! I L.... At this time the CounciL recessed for a period during which, cake and coffee were .served honoring the retiring and incoming officiaLs. Miss Jeane Davis of the Southwest.Citiz~n presented a cake with appropriate inscription eXpressing appreciation to Messrs. H. E. Terry and Dupree Holman for the splendid co-operation they had shown toward the Southwest Citizen Newspaper and its employees. , , , , The Counci+ reconvened and the following business transacted. Reso,Lution ,52-.l6, as 1'O.LLOWS was submitted to the fCo.unciL for consideration and, rea(i in :ruL.l: RESOLUTION . ~EAS, the City Commission of the City 01' West University P.lace, Texas, has heretofure passed arid approved a Reso.lution bearing date of November .l3, .l950, and another ReSOLution dated September 8, .l952, authorizing certain officiais of the City of West University P.lace, Texas, to draw and sign all checks on all bank accounts of th~ said City; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission of the City of West Uni- versity Place, Texas, to again amend the Reso+ution dated November 13, 1950: '\ '" ",." .",,"~. . -' TTiIIlmnn .~~ I' I r 1'-'-~- . 1 ....p '5Ll , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED.BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That, 1. Checks drawn on Payroll Accounts of the City of West University Place, Texas and payable to the C~ty Treasurer, C. E. Gammill, shall be drawn by the said City Treasurer and countersigned by either the Mayor, Edwin W. Morris, or the . Mayor Pro-tem,John K. Mooney; and any other check drawn on arl.y of the City's bank accounts and payable to the said City Treasurer shall be drawn by the City Treasurer and countersigned by the said City Secretary and either the said Mayor 'or the said Mayor Pro-tem. 2. Checks drawn on Payroll Accounts and payab3te to the City Secretary, Whitt Johnson, shall be drawn by the said City Treasurer and countersigned by the said Mayor or the said Mayor Pro-tern; and any other checks drawn on any of the City's bank account~ and payable to the said City'Secr~tary shall'be drawn by the said City Treasurer and countersigned by both the said Mayor and the said Mayor Pro-tem. 3~ Any checks other than p&yroll checks drawn on any of the City's bank ac- counts and payable to. the said Mayor. shall be drawn by the saidCi ty Treasurer and countersigned by both the saia City S~cretary and the said Mayor Pro-tem~ 4. Any checks other than payroll checks drawn on any'ofthe City's bank accounts and payable to the saifr Mayor Pro-tern shall be drawn by the said City Treasurer and countersigned by both the said City Secretary and the saia Mayor. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the provisions of this Resolution shall be amendato~ to the provisions of the Resolution dated November 13, 1950, as amended by Amendment dated September 8, 1952, and all provisions of such prior Resolution as may conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed; and ~-.-i BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Treasurer be and he is hereby di- recte~ to furnish each depository bank with which the City has funds on deposit or with which the City transacts any banking business, a true copy of this 'Resolution. . PASSED AND ADOPTED, this the lOth day of November, 1952. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that Resolution 52-16 authorizing the City Treasurer to draw checks on various bank accounts and signing and countersigning by the Mayor, Mayor pro-tem and City Secretary be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet.' None The City Attorney advised that the State Statutes provided for a Notice to be published before bank depositories are named. -Motion by Commissioner ~angs, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the City Secre- tary be instructed to publish the necessary notice in order that bank deposi- tories may be named at a later date. Voting Aye: Votil1g No Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None ~'r~O'i:"rnnmlilmr U1 II II to C"d '\1 <( ""7> <<t n I I '----- r I '----- ' 55 ,. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the City Treasurer be instructed to continue depositing funds in tpe same manner presently being done until further action by the Council pending the publication of legal notice and app'rovaJ: and passage of the necessary resolution. Voting Aye: Voting ;No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None Resolution 52-17, as follows was submitted for consideration and read in full: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION, OF _ TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, That: The Houston Chronicle sha~l be and it i~ hereby designated as the official publication o~ the City of West University Place, Texas, for the printing ,and publication of alr legal notices required to be made, whether by statute,' charter provisions of the'City, or by the city ordinances. i This Resolution shall be' and the same is hereby made effective as of the lOth day of November, 1952, and, all legal publications required by the law, charter or ordinan~es tO,be made for a period of two (2} years thereafter, shall be made in the official publication as herein designated. PASSED, this the lOth day of November, 195?,all Commissioners voting "Aye". , I Motion by Commissioner Hangs, .seconded by Commissioner Mooney that Resolution No. 52~17 designating the Houston Chronicle as the official newspaper of the. City be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Vot.ing No : Mayor Morris; Cormnissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. Nqne Ordinance No. 626, captioned as follows was submitted to the Council and read in 'full: . I - , AN ORDINANCE FaNnING AND DEl'ERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PRO- CEEDINGS HAVE HEREl'OFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINgs DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC )IEARING TO CONSIDER AMENbING THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. III OF Tm CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI'J'Y PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT AN EXCEPl'ION '1'0 TEE- MINIMUM DIMENSIONS PROVISIONS OF SECTION 8 AND TEE BUILDING MATERIALS PROVISIONS 0]' SECTION 17,. OF ORDINANCE NO. III BY MR. H. F. PIEPER IN HIS CONSTRUCTION OF PERMA- NENT IMPROVEMENTS ON LOT NO. 13, BLOCK NO.1, BELLE COURT ADDITION; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERfNG SUCH AMENDMENT HAS BEEij" DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPl'ING OF THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. III BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT THE EXCEPl'IONS APPLIED FOR; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. .Lll SHOULD BE AMENDED SO AS TO PER- MIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF PERMA.NENT IMPROVEMENTS BY H. F. PIEPER WITH . MINJ:MaM DIMENSIONS OF 1150 SQUARE FEET .IN THE MAIN DWELLING BUILDING AN]) SUCH B'QILDING TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF MATERIALS arBER THAN THOSE . PRESCRIBED IN SECTION 17 OF ORDINANCE NO. Ill; AMENDING SECTIONS 8 AND 17 ,OF ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSrry PLACE BY ADDING A SUB PARAGRAPH TO SAID SECTIONS TO BE KNOWN AS SUB PARAGRAPH 2-B of SECTION 8 AND SUB PARAGRAPH 2-B OF SECTION 17 AND PROVIDING TEAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. . f I; '.~ ~~jIH{-~\",,"'r. I " r"rrInrlilill'l 1I~~"'~~~~-~'IJT fT . ~~ ,- . -'~'-' -rr 56 Motion by CommissionerHang~ seconded by Commissioner Mooney that Ordinance No. 626, amending Ordinance No. III to permit construction of a dwelling on Lot 13, Block 1, Belle Court with dimensions of' the main building not less than 1150 Square Feet and with construction of' less than 51% br~ck, be' passed and aln>roved as read.' -' Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff', Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No: None Ordinance No. 627, captioned as f'ollows was submitted to the Council an~ read in full: AN ORDINANCE FDIDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF TEE PRO- CEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS, DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOL:pING OF A PUBLIC :BEARING TO CONSIDER TEE AMElIDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT THE' SUBDIVISION OF LOT No.6, BLOCK NO. 30, ~ST UNI- VERsITY PLACE, FJ;RST ADDITION; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPQSEOF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. III HAS BEEN DULY AND' LEGALLY BELD; APPROVING AND ADOPI'ING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF TIm ZONING AND PLANNING. BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. III BE AMENDED SO ' AS TO PERMIT THESUBDIV,ISION OF LOT No.6) BLOCK NO. 30, WEST UNivERSITY PLACE FIRST ADDITION; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. III OF. THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY . PLACE ,TEXAS, SHOULD BE AMENDED SO AS- TO PERMIT SUCH SUBDIVISION; AMENDING ORDINANCE. NO. III SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF, LOT No.6, BLOCK NQ. 30 ; WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, FIRST ADDITION; AND PROVIDING'THAT THIS ORDINANCE WHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDI- ATELYFROMAND AFl'ER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. 1 I' --c-J Motion by'Commissioner Goff', seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that Ordinance No. 627, amending Ordinance No. III to permit subdivision of Lot 6, Block 30, West University Place First Addition pe,passedand approved as read. -With no further. business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly IJlE!.de, seconded and carried) the meeting was adjourned. ~cJf~ Mayor ATTEST: l ' 'I ~ ~.. Ilii[ r r-' C"'~'__'_~_~I ---.-----~Tr !"''ji''l'nnmrmrnr 57 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 24, 1952 r~-l The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, Nov- L ember 24, 1952, -7: 30 P.M. with the ,following members present: Mayor Morris; presiding; Commissioners Goff, Mooney, and Hangs. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present .'Commissione,r NiSbet was absent. Commissioner Mooney pronounced the invocation. -Minutes of the Zoning Board meeting held on November 13, 1952, were submitted to 'bhe';,Counc:iil>, fQrcon&id~t:i'.On "and thefollqwing action taken: t!~ Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that a Public CV':l Hearing be called for 7:30 P.M. Monday, December ,15, 1952, to consider amend... C\f ing the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision of Lot,S 3 and 4, Block 59, ~ 'West University Place 2nd Addition as req-gested by Mr. VIm. R. Matthew~, Sr., ~ and recommended by the Zoning Board. ~ Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Moon,ey and Hangs. None " Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, sec9nded by Commissioner Goff that the request of Mr. Norman Meredith, 4201 Lehigh for ,permission to convert a 14 x 24 garage into abedr09mwith bath facilities as sleeping quarters be denied as recom- mended by the Zoning Board. . (~ lJ . Voting Aye: V oting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff , 'Mooney and Hangs. ,None A petition wasreceive<\ from property owners in the 3200 Block of' Albansre- questipgremoval 01' ~vergreens in the esplanade as they constitute a traffic hazard. Thepeti tion:was signed by all property owners with ~ exception 01' Mr. C., N. Caridas who appeared before Council opposing :removalof the shrUb- bery but stating it was his desire to abide by the wishes of his friends and neighbors. After the matter was d1;scussedMr. Caridas Signed the petition. Mo.tton by COJJ1lDissio~er Hangs, seconded by CoJDID1,ssioneJ;" Mooney tha.t the shrubs causing a traf'fic hazard in the 3200 Block,of"Albans be removed from the es- planade as requested by Petition from the property owners. ' ) V otijig Aye: Voting-No: Mayor Morris; Commis~ioners Goff, ,Mooney and Hangs. None Emp19yment of an AudititlS firm for the year 1953 was considered by the Council. The City: Secretary was' instructed to request a proposa+ from the present a.udit- ing firm 6)1' Summerf'o:rdand Wicker. . '...,.~ . The Council ~s advised that there was $88,000 in surplus funds not "reqUired for imlnediate use.which could be invested in 91 day u.s. Treasury bill!5bearing interJ!st a.ta rate in excess of 1.5~. " UJ , Motion by Commissioner. Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the amount of , $88,000 be invested in 91 day U.S. Treasury,Bills. ]l~ ":!'9.!:=1 _ ~C"...,--=--==-~--<._--_.- - ~.~----- - ------:::r-~ 58 ,OJ' Voting Aye: Vot;lng No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Hangs. None The City Secretary advised the Council that the Houston Lighting & Power Co. Beatty Station located in Bellaire in the 4400 Block of Richmond Road is con- nected into the West University Place sanitary sewer system and through an } oversight has not been charged for this service. ( , Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the City continue to furnish the Houston Lighting'& Power Company sanitary sewer service if they so desire and the City Secretary be'ins-&!'.u:et9'lto. .negotiate,_wi'th,the . company for an agreeabel charge for such service.' Vo'ting Aye: Votin,g No : Mayor Morris; Commiss~oners 'Goff,Mooney and Bangs. None A 1et'ter from Mr. 0; T. Barnes, 2704 Robinhood, requesting the City 'to pay a portion of the cost 'to ins'tall a curb along the s'tree't a't 'this address since original ins'tallation was omi't'ted due 'to 'the possibili'ty of a stree't inter- section a't 'this lo't when Quenby Court was developed. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner }fisbet that one half of the cost of ins'talling 'the curb a't 2704 Robinhood be paid by the Ci'ty of West University Place as requested by Mr. o. T. Barnes. Voting Aye: Vo'ting No ': Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Bangs. None , ; i I :J Ac'tion was pos'tponed on approval of 'the 1953 de'tail salary,budgetun'til a later meeting. The Council considered 'the advisability of en'tering into a con'tra~'t for sup- plying chlorine needs for t,he 'city for 1953. Motion by Commissioner Bangs, seconded by Commissioner ~ff that the City Secre- tary'be instructed~o advertise for bids to be received on December 15, 1952, for chlorine needs for the year 1953. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Hangs.' None Mayor Morris announced that appointm.ents were in order foI,' the following" Boards and Committees: Board of Adjustment and Appeals, Electrical Board, PlUmbing, Board, Personnel Board,.' InsuI'atlce Committee , Community House Committee, Swim- ming Pool & Recreation Committee and Public Relations Committee; also one addit:i-onal member of the Finance Committee and Health Board. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet. that Mr. Ca.rlyle Womeldorf be aiPointedas a member of the Finance Committee in addition to other members appointed on November 10. Voting Aye: Voting Wo : Mayor MQrris; Commissioners' Goff, Mooney and Hangs. None If:'~---=--::...:. ,.. '~~::a _L~r ~- ~~1. ..r. T''''--~~~:lI[J[rmlml 59, Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner~isbet that the follow- r-:l . ing persons be 'appointed on the Board of Adjustment and Appeals; Paul Childers, 21 Phil P~den, L. B. Ryan, A. G. Da:ris, J. E. Weat~erl:y and J. I., Branan. Voting Aye: ,*yor Morris; Commissioners GOff, Mooney and Hangs. Voting No : 'None lL'? cr:J C\1 ~ ~ ~ rJ'. . I . . l . I-~l Motion by Co_ssioner Mooney, seeonded by Commissioner Goff that the follow- i~g persons be appointed on the InsuraIl,ce Committee: Gus Comiskey,ll. L. Creek- more, Hollis ~nvers, Joe C. Eason', W. B. Ruth and J.C. Niccols. '.. . " ';.. " - V oting Aye:' Mayor Morris; 'Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Hangs. Voting No: None Motion by Comniissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Goff ,that the following persons 'be appointed on the Electric~l Board: Ted Peebles, Al ~lla, Malcombe Trimble, James S. Waters and J. J)., Allstott . . Vo~ing Aye'; JfS.yor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Hangs. Voting' No :. None. '. r, Motion by,CGimDiss10ner,Hangs,secorided by Commissioner Goff that the following persons be a~oillted on the Plumbing Board: A.:B. McGinty, J. D. :Allstott, J .I. Corne11so~, and E. WIi Jeanes. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Bangs. Voting No : . 'Npne Motion by qo~ssioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner-Rangs that the follow- ing person~ be., aDoJ.Jlted on the.' Personnel Board: W~yne Haines, . J. Claude Morton, Thad B. ~nd~rs and Mrs. Jackie Greer. Voting Aye: Voting No.: !1ayor Morris; Commissioners. Goff, Mooney and Hangs. None Motion by C~ss;'O~~i-Nisbet, s~conded:by COmmiSSioner 1Ia.ngs tbB.t Dr. N~ C. Windrow:, Jr.b~ appqinted a~, a member of the Board of Health to serve with other members.a.ppointed'on No"teIilber'lOth. , VotingA:ye: -,ye;r MQrris; Commissioners Gof.f, Mooney aad Hangs. V otitlg <No ':lif~ne " .... . /'~: ,_ _'. . , :i1:'-:' Motion by Commassioner Goff, seconded by CommissiollerNisbet that-the follow- ing personS be appointed on the Community House CoiDJn1tte'e: W. Earl Eberling, . Mrs. Rose 1tees~'; Wm. A. Gee, Mrs.. J. ~. Wingf'ield, Iifr-b'.' :'W. R. Oli varri" aM 'Wesley , . Kuneman. . , " Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; COmDdssionersGoff, Mooney and Hangs. ViotingNo . ~ . , None' Motion by CommfssionerGoff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the following persons be a'PP01nted. on the Swimliling Pool and Recre~tion Committee: J. Spence Taylor, Jr., ',Chas. M.,Bowden, Mrs. Warren. Butte1.m8.nn, Mrs. John G. Weber, ,Robert A. Made-ley, and Ray M. Ma'Son. ll~~ ~~~~"''''';'Iill ~r:T '~-,~l ----.1: I :-:;:'1' aill IlIlilTIf 60 Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Hangs '. None Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissi~ner Nisbet that the follow- ing persons be appointed on the Public Relations CoDmdttee: 'C. C. Sylvester, ~r., A. B. Penny, Jesse Darling and Robert.V. Turner. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris) Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Hangs. None The Council discussed advisability'of advertisLDg for a new garbage truck re- placement for which funds have been' appropriated in the 1953 budget. It was explained that the 1948 Chevrolet Truck now in use by the Garpage Department is in need of extensive repair if it is to be kept in usable condition. After receiving an opinion from the City Attorn~y that .a contract could not be entered into untii after January 1, 1953, but. such notice to bidders could be published and bids received before January 1, 1953., the following action was taken: Motion by Commissi9ner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner.Hangs that the City . Secretary be instructed to publish in the official newspaper of the city a notice to bidders that bids will be received until December 15, 1952, for delivery of a cab and chassis and a garbage and trash truck body. . Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners. Goff, M9on~y and Hangs. Voting No : None Min'Q,tes of the meetings of November 3, 7 and 10 were read by the City Secretary. Motion by Commissioner mings,'seconded"by Commissi~ner Nisbet that the minutes of the meetings of November. 3, 7 and 10 be approved as read. Voting Aye,: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Hangs. Voting No:. None' .' ' . , I With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upot) motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. . - . - ~ . . - - - -, - - - - * * * * * *.* * * "* * * * * * The City Council convened in recessed session at the City Hall on. Friday, Decem- , ber 5, 1952, 7:30 P.M. wit:p. the follOWing members present: 'Mayor Morris, pre- Siding; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet.' The City Secre,tary, City Attorney, CitY'Eng~neer and City Paving Attorney were also present. ;J:n cOnIP+iance. with Council action on, November 7, 195?, and legal no~.ice duly publ~shed in theoffici~l newspaper for the city on November 12, 19.anc; 27, 1952, Mayor Morris. .announced tha.t a public hearing was in orde~ to consider ratification and approval of assessments levied ag~inst prop~rty lying within the limits of the City of ' West University Place and abutting Academy Street from Law Street to Richmond Road. . Edgar E. Townes, Jr., Paving Attorney for the City, at the request of'Mayor M9rris reviewed prior actions by the City Commission 'and the proceedings to date, and stated tha.t this hearing had been,ca;Lled not as a matter Qfthe 11 _.... .....,~. , I f', "1 [' T ,'Timmmi I~ LI ll.~ cY:) C\l < ~ ct n ,-----,' r~l LI 61 nece$sity under the law but in accordance wit~ the policy of the City Commission to keep the citizens ~dvised and to secure the benefit of any suggestions or objections; als,o stating that' he had worked with Mr. F. F. Beadle, First Assist- - ant City Attorney of Houston, in connection with the various steps in the legal proceedings and suggested that Mr. 13eadle further outline and summarize the proceedings to the City C@mm1SS10n relative to the assessment ordinan~e passed by the City of Houston, a certified copy of which has been furnished the City Commission of West University Place. ' Mr. F. F. Beadle outlined the nature and scope of the proposed work as set forth in the)l:lpecifications and the contract between the City of Houston and Gulf Bitulithic Company; a.rid summarized also the proceedings which had been held, and in general,s'Umll1llrized the contents of the ordinance of the City of Houston levy-iUg the asses'smenta' inconnecti~>n with the pr6ject. He pointed.out to the City Commission that the property on tpeWest side 'of the stpeet.is in the City of West University Place and of the existence of an agreement between the two c:j.ties and of deposits which had been made withtbe Controller of the City of' HoustoJ]. l;ty the City of' West University Place in the .amount of' $1500 repre- sentinS a credit of $1.25 per linear foot and $3600 deposited by Russell Nix~ Developer, representing a credit' of $3.00 per linear foot on property siding on the-West Boundary of A~ademy Street, if assessments levied by the City of' Houstonagain$t the property on the west side of Academy being in West. University Place' are approve.~ and ratified by the City Council of the City of West University Place, paving lien assessments will be credited with such amounts that when finally issued and delivered by the City of Houston to Gulf' Bitulithic,they will be in the net amounts, remaining to be.pa.idby the property owners of West University Place 'at the rate of $3.75 per linear foot. .' J. 1. Cornelison, City Eugineer of the City of West University Place testified that he was familiar with and had conferred with Houston1s Paving Engineer concerning the plans and specifications for the propol3ed improvement, that the project when completed would be of great advantage to the City of West University Place and -particula.:r:J,.y to the Citizens thereof whose property abutted on; the west side of Academy Street; and tblit the specified and p;La.nned improvement was in aceordance with accepted engineering practice. No other.persons present desiring to give testimony or be otherwise heard, and af'ter discussion by City Council the following action was taken:. . r Motion by, Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff, tha,t the hearing be closed and that the City Commission determine,that it is to the public'in- terest and advantage of the City of West University Place and of its inhabitants and particularl:y the owners of the property abutting on the west side of Academy Street against which the City of Houston has levied the assessments referred' to, that. such assessments be in all <things ratified: and approved by the City Commission of the City of West University Place; and that said ass~ssments at the rate of $8.00 perfron:t foot against the said property lying in West University Place be formally ratified and approved by Ordinance. Voting' Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners GOff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet \ None Ordinance No. '628, captioned as follOWS, was subnP-tted to the Council and read in full: lJ" 62 AN ORDINANCE FINDING THAT CERTAIN PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN 'HAD AND CERTAIN THINGS HAVE BEEN DONE IN THE MATTER OF THE PERM.ANENT IN... PROVEMENT OF A PORTION OF ACADEMY STREET, A STREET .IN THE CITY OF aOUSTON,' TEXAS, BUT UPON THE WEST SIDE OF WHICH TB.1:SaE ABUT CERTAIN :PARCELS OF PROPERTY LnNG WHOLLY WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; CLOSING THE HEARING HAD 'OPON NoTICE THEREOF BY AND BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PJACE FOR THE CONSIDERATION. BY IT OF TEE' PRO- PRIE'fi OF TEE RATIFiCATION Am) APPROVAL BY IT OF CERTAIN' ASSESS- MJml'S LEvIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOUSTON IN CON- , NECTIONWITH SUCR PROJECT; RATIFYING AND APPROVnlG SAID ASSESS- MENTS; DIRECTING 'mAT A CERTIFIED COPY OF THIS ORDINl\NCE BE DE- LIVERED TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON; Am) DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Mot~on by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Bangs, that Ordinance No. 628,- ~atifying and approving assessments levied by the' City of Houston ~ in conne.ction with the Academy Street Paving be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Vtliting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Bangs, Mooney'andNisbet' None' ~ With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~~\ ! i ,~~-~~ ~~. -~ Mayor ATTEST: I: 'j '-'.'~~~cl' Ii Q - -_ ~-_. _.....:h:::1 I .I __1 r, I""''' 'r.::r1lrIrf~ml'I:r o to cY:j C'-.1 ~t ,.,............ .,) ~ [1 [1 " ,~ ";. -.%<~. 63 , MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 8, 1952 "' The City Council ~onvened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, December 8, 195~, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, . presiding; Commissioners, Goff ,'Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet.. The City Secretary and City AttorT,ley were also present. . The invocation was ,pronounced b! Commissioner Hangs. The Oath, of Office was administered by Mayor Morris to members of the J30ard I of Adjustment and Appeals, Electrical Board., Piumbing Board, Pers~nnel Board, and also to Mr. JamesW. Hammond and Dr. N. .C. Windrow, Jr. as Member of the Health Board and,Mr. H. L. 'Whiteside,'Carlyle Womeldorf, and L. B. Bricker a.s Members of the Finance Committee..' Mayor Morris announced that a Judicial Committee appointed to make recommend- . . I '. . ations for the position of City Attorney vacated by. resignation of Chas. S. Taylor, Jr. recommended that Mr. Karl E. Kraft, now serving as Corporation Judge be appointed City A,t,torney and that Mr. Wm. E. Junell, 2716 Albans, be appointed Corporation Judge. City Attorney Chas. S. Taylor, Jr., stated he would b,e agreeable to continuing in of:E'ice until January 1, 1953, to assiist Mr. Kraft or Mr. Junell if needed. ' Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that'Mr. Karl E. Kraft be a;pp<;>inted Aflsistant City AttoJ:'ney until January 1, 1953, and on a.nd after January 1, 1953, to assUme the title and duties of City Attorney re- lieving Mr. ~ylor a.s requested and that the appointment of Mr. Kraft be ef- fective December 8, 1952. ' . Voting Aye: . Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None Motion by Connnissioner Nisbet,. seconded by Commissioner Hangs tPa,t'Mr. W. E. Junell be appointed Coi'porat~9n Judge to repJ.8.ce JUdge Kar,l E. Kraft at a salary of $100 Per month; suchappoiritment to be effective Dece~ber8, 1952. Voting Aye: Voting NQ : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None, The . Oath of Office was adJDinistered to Mr. W. E. Junell as Corporation Judge .by Mayor Mo~ris. .1 The City Secretary pursuant to instruction, advised .CityCouncil he had con- tacted officials of the Hous~6n Lighting and Power Gompany reference the city's ,furnishing sanitary sewer service to the Beatty Station on Richmond Road and . upon investigation determined that a contract had been executed by tl1e City and Houston Lighting and ,Power Company' on Dec;ember 21., 1939,. covering this service anq. th8.t. theI'e 'was a charge of' $5'.00 per month set f'ort};l in the agree- ment but that the charge for the service had never been billed by the city nor paid by the Houston Lighting and Power Cpmpany. \ Motion by Commissioner Ni~bet, seconded,by Commissioner Goff that the City Secre- tary'be instructed to invoice the Houston Lighting and Power Company for sani- . l~ -~-----;ICl _Lf' .:iI ~T' --r-r:r unmmum 64. - tary service furnished to, the Beatty Stat~e~ at 4400 Richmond Road frem January 1, 1940, to, December 31, 1952, in the ameunt cf $5.00 per month in accerdance with a contract. between the Houstan LigQ.ting & Power Company and the City ef West University Place dated December 21, 1939. i] " Voting Aye: V?ting No : Mayor Merris; Commissione::r;s Goff, Hangs, Mocney and Nisbet None Treasurer's Certificate No,. 63, certifying to, the availability of $516.61 as an additional apprcpriation for rehabilitaticn of water wells No,. 4 and 5 was submitted to, tlle Counci~ for consideraticn. ' Moticn by Commissicner Mccney, secended by Ccmmissicner Hangs that Treasurer's Certificate No. 63, in the amount of $516.61 as an additienal apprcpriation for reh8.bil1tation of Water Wells No,. 4 and 5 be appreved and the City Attcrney , instructed to, prepare the necessary crdinance. ' . . Voting AYf3: Voting. No, : Mayor Morr.is; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney a.nd Nisbet None. The City Secretary advised that the Water Superintendent had reported to him that water well No,. 3, had steppe,d eperating and that the pump was in need cf repairs. The City Secretary was instructed 'to have the pump pulled because cf failure and to secure propcsals and estimates for necessary repairs and submit a full 'report at next meeting. ' The City Council was advised that the Ho,uston Transit Company had declined to, pay an increase from $3,000 to, $4,~oo fo,r 1952 franchise or 2% grcss receipts' tax, and had requested theC~tyC6uncil to, reconsider previeus action in order that this acceunt ceuid be settled immediately. J Motion by COmmi:ss,iener Meeney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that in vieW' e,t: the fact that 'the City -otHousto,n voluntarily reduced.their 2% gres's receipts' tax levied aga.inst Houston Tr'ansJ,t COmpany fer the year 1952, that the esti- mated 2!fogress receipts tax for the City ef West University Place be reduced from $4500 td$3000f~rthe year 1952. Voting Aye: Voting No, : Mayer Merris; Commissieners Geff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet Nene In cempliance with Co,uncil action o,f November 10, and legal netice duly publi!3hed in the efficial,newspaPer for the City applications received frem banks to, serve a.s depes:i:.teries were epened.and. read aloud. Motion by Cemmissioner Mo,eney, seconded by Commissiener Nisbet that the City Natienal;Ba.nk, University State Bank and E'atienall3a.nk of Commerce bedesig- nated as b~~'depQsito,ries fof the City ef West University Place and that Reselution No,. 52;;'19 be 'passed and appreved as read. . . ' Voting Aye: Voting No, : Mayer Merris; Commissieners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet Nene J ~,-.,~L'" ll-"-~ . JII I II ~~~--r- ---n I c r-t;"TiInrllWIrI o !to M C'--l <<--t ~ <t o rj U 65 Ordinance No. 6~9, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council for consideration and read in ful~: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT ALL THINGS HAVE BEEN DOm; PREREQUISITE TO, THE HOLDING OF TWO PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF (a) SUBDIVIDiNG LOT 3, AND THE WEST 1/2 OF LOT 2, BLOCK 41, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FIRST ADDITION, AND (b) MODD'YING EXISTING ZONING .RESTRIC'fIOlVS :PERTAINING TO IMPROVEMENrS TO BE CONSTRUCTED. ON THE NORTH 75 FEET. OF LOT 3, AND THE NORTH 75 FEET i OF TEE WEST 1/2 OF LOT 2, BLOCK 41; FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT SUCR PUBLIC HEARINGS HAVE BEEN DULY' AND LEGALLY HELD' AND THAT rr :Is TO T1JE BEST IETEREST OF THE PUBLIC THAT SUCH. LOTS BE SO SUBDIVIDED AND TRAT THE APPLICATION OF MaS.W. M. ,LAWRENCE FOR PE;RMISSION TO CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTS' ON THE NORTH 75 FEET. OF SAID AFFECTED LOTS SHOlJl4). BE GRANTED; AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. LLL, BY RESUBDIVIDING LOT 3, AND THE WEST 1/2 OF LOT 2" . BLOCK.. q.l, INTO THREE SEPARATE AND SEGREGATED TRACTS; GRANTING AND EXCEPTION TO SECTION 8 OF ORDINANcE NO. 111, SO AS TO PERMIT . TO, OONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING ROUSE WITH A SQUARE FOOT AREA OF. LESS THAN 1600 SQUARE FEET; INSTRUdrING' THE BUILDING PERMIT CLERK TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT AND PROYIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE . HEREOF. . " Motion by Commissioner Gof:f, seconded 9Y Comm~ssioner Hangs, that Or.dinance No. 629, amending Ordinance No. 111 to pe'rmit subdivision of Lot 3 and the West 1/2 of Lot 2, Block 41" West University Place 1st Addition and modi~ fyingthe square foot restrictions b~ passed and approved as read. . Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff" Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None The City Attorney advised the Council that delinquent taxes on Lot 32, Bloc~ 3, Rice Court Addition had been paid to the City ,Tax Collector and Mrs. Margaret B. Fleming had requested a release of judgment 'which had been filed by the City in County. Qourt as Cause No. 383-545.' I Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the City Attorney be authorized to execute a release on behalf of the City of West University piace releasing-Margaret Bell Fleming from liabi~ities by reason of JUdgment. filed. and existing in the County Court a.s :full a.nd :final pay- ment aud settlement of all matters arising out of assessment of taxes against Lot 32, Block.3, Rice' Court Addition for the year 1951 and prior ,years had ' been made. Voting Aye: Mayqr Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No: None With no further business,to come be:fore the Council at th~s time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was ~ecessed. ****************** The City Commission of the City of West University Place convened in recessed 11- . ~ ~~l~ 66 session at the City Hall on Monaa.y, December 15, 1952, "(iththe following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding;.Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. . J The -City Secretary and City A~torney were also present. Commissioner Nisbet was absent. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Hangs; Mayor ,Morris announced that in compliance with Council action on November 24, 1952, legal notice dUly published in the official news~per of the City and notices mailed to all 1>3;'Op- erty owners within 200 Ft. of Lots 3 and 4, Block 59, West University Place 2nd Addition a. hearing was in order to consider the request of Mr. Wm. R. Matthews, Sr. for permission subdivide said lots. In answer to questions by the City Attorney, the City Secretary testified that Ordinance No., 111 had been complied with and notification had been published in the official newspaper of the City and all property owners within a radius of 200 Ft. of Lots 3 and 4, Block 59, ,West University Place 2nd Addition had beennQtified by mail that a hearing, would be held at 1:30 P.M., December 15, 1952, to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision of said lots. ' . The City SecretarY also testified that in his opinion subdivision of the lots "'-- '. and construction of residences on these lots would not detrac~ from the appear- ance qf sl,lrrounding property and that the owner of the'lQt had stated he would comply in all respects to the building code and zoning ordinance requirements. -1 There being no one present objecting to the request of Mr. Matthews, the follow- ing action was taken: ----' Motion by Commissioner Goff, .seconded by Commissioner MOoney that the hearing called to consider the request of Mr. Wm. R. Matthews, Sr. for permission to , subdivide Lots 3 amd 4, B];9Ck,59; into three lotS: with an area 55x150, 10x150 and 15x150 be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris;. Qominissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. None Motion by Commissioner Mooney, se,conded by Commissioner Hangs, tllat Ordinance No. 111, be amended ,to permit 'Subdivision of tots 3 and 4, Block 59, WestUni- versity2nd Addition into ~hree lots 55x150, 70xi50 and 15xl50 as requested by Mr. Wm. R. Matthews, Sr. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor'Morris; Commission~rs Goff, Hangs and MooJley. None In compliance with Council action on November 24, 1952, and Notice to bidders duly published in the, official, newspa~r of the city, bids received for de- livery of chlorine, delivery of garbage truck and body were opened and results announced as follows: r ~\ i I ----.-: I I ", 9~'~-j('~ 11-" ~ ~. ~..::::11~ r.~ -.....-:1 .I, --.- "~~--T~l' rmrnmnr o tel CI':) C\l ~ ""':) <:iC n I I L-' 67 1.953 TRUCK CAB AND' CHASSIS Smith Chevrolet Co. Ivy-Russell Motor Co. Raymond Pearson, Inc. Earl McMillian, Inc. Jack Roach Bnrkett Motors International Harvestor $ 1999.03 3052.43 3590.00 2452.46 2740.42 2504.95 2385.78_ SPECIAL GARBAGE AND BRUSH TRUCK BODY So. Texas Truck Equip. Co. Portable Bridge & Equip. Co. $ 1680.00 1985.00 FURlUSHING & DELIVERING, LIQUID CHLORINE Diamond Alkali Co. , f1 ' >> n (Alternate) Columbia-Southern Co. . ..". $ 0.11 0.095 0.11 Motion by Commissi,oner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner' Hangs that bids re- ceived for delivery of chlorine, be referred to the City Secretary and Water Superintender.~;t for tabulation and recommendation. Votipg Aye: Voting' No : Mayor ~orris;.'Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. I1one'" . Motion by Commissioner Mooney, " seconded by Commissioner Hangs that bids re- ceived for delivery of garbage truck ,cab and chassis be referred to the City Secreta~y for tabul~tion and recommendation. ' Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; CommiSsioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. None . Motion by ColDDlissioner l:Ia~gs, ?seconded by Commissioner Mooney that bids received for furnishing a~d installing s~c~al garbage and brush truck body be referred to the City Secretary for tabulation and recommendation. / Voting Aye: fooByor, Morris; Commissione~s Goff, Hangs e,nd Mooney. Voting No None- Fl I I t I '-- " A request from'the City of' Souths ide to purchase water from the City of West University Place for a period of approximately one week while repairs are being made, to their water :well was submitted for consiqeration. . Motion by C~issioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the request from the City of S0uthside to pUl'-ehasewater from West University Place be ap- proved'and the City Secretary be authorized to enter into a temporary agreement 'for this purpose on the basis. of a 20~ miniinum and 25~ maximum charge per 1000 gallons. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Morris; Commissioners GOff" Hangs and Mooney. None 11-;--' ..---..,~ , ~rnmmmm _Ll. .' -~-~' :=I-----.--..--"T:- 68 " Minutes of Zoning Board action taken at their regular meeting on December 18, ) 1952, were submitted: to the Council i'or consideration and the f'ollowingaction ., was ta.ken; - MOtion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Go~f' that the r~quest of Mr. Geo.' R. Woolf for permission to erect an 18 x 12 Ft. room to his exist- ing garage at 2626 Cason Street to 'be us~d as a workshop for personal use be approved, subject to execution of usual aff'idavit, as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. . Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. None Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Gof'f' that Mr. Albert . Schnyder; 3311 Tangley be permitted to. construct an addition 10 x 18 Ft. to his :presellt garage to be used as 'a playroom.as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board; subject, to:, no installation of shower facilities; and subject to execution of usual affidavit. Voting Aye: Votin~ No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. None Motion by Commissioners Goff', seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the request of Mr. F .A. Rhodes, 6633 Va.nderbilt for permission to erect a guest house on the back portion. of'his lot be denied as recommended by the Zoning and Plan- ning Board... Voting Aye: Voting lITo : Mayor Morris; . Commissioners GOff, Hangs and Mooney. None u Motion by Commissioner Moo~ey, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that ~ction . denying the. request of' Mr. Harwood Taylor for permission to construc;t a building for commercial use on'Lot 9,' Bloqk 22, College Court Addition be upheld. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners. Goff, Hangs and Mooney. None " . Mr. Karl Kraft, appointed as Assistant City Attorney at the meeting of December 8, 1952, was administered the Oath of Office by Mayor Morris. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconde,d and carried, the mee.ting ws adjoUrned. ~'~4~ . . MAYOR ATTE~T : 1 ! I ----- ARY ,..1 11, . .... "~'~'~"ICj( n . "'~""~"".jl' rT~'~' ----~~- ." "~'rTilnmml1:r 6.9,- MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 22 , 1952 1\ The Ci~y Connnission c€mvened in regular session at the Oi ty Hall on Monday, IL, .,i December 22, 1952, 7:30P.M. with the following members present: ~yor Morris, presiding; Commd.ssioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. The City Secretary and'City Attorney were also present. Commis's;i.oner Nisbet was absent. Commissioner ~ Goff . .pronounced the invocation. L"::l Cl",j C\l ~ ~. e::t (l i i I , '----' n ( I '--- A letter from Summerford and;Wic~er,Certified Public Accountants, contai~ing the following proposal to audit books and records of the City of West University . Place for the year 1953 was submitted to the Counc'il f.'or consideration., a. The over-all annual audit program will be in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards for Municipalities. b. It is our understanding that you desire that some of the work be done on a quarterly basis and we will visit the office of the City as soon after the end of each quarter as is convenient to the City personnel and perform such varied aUditing procedures as are timely and will c'onform to the over-all annual' audit program. c. We propose that all professional services rendered will be done . " bY., or under the direct supervision of one of the Firm pa~ners,. d. A member of the Firm Will make himself' available for such con- sulta.tion time as may lle desired by the Council. e., We, will study your present system and a,ccounting procedures with the purpose of suggesting'improvements as inay be of practicable application.' f; We agree to make the audit report available to the City officials not later than February 15th of the 'following year. Our fee for the services outlined above w).ll not ex<;:eed $1,400.00, payable. $200.00 each for three quarters and the ~emainder upon delivery of the annual report. It is our intention toha'Ve the annual report for 1952 in,the hands of the Council by January 31, 1953, if possible. .Motion by Commissioner' Mooney, 'seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the proposal of Summerford,and Wicker, Certified Public Accountants, for auditing books and 'records of the' Cd.ty of: We~t. University Place for the year 1953~ be accepted. . Voting Aye: Voting_No: Mayor Morris; CC>DJnQ.ssioners voff, -Hangs and Mooney. None ' With reference to the appointing ofa Health Officer for the City, the following action was taken:" . Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Goff that Dr. L. D. Farragut be appointed He~lth Officer for the City. - , YO.";~ 1J.~'--- ~ - . --_ 10 Voting Aye: Voting No. : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney'. None u The oatk of office was administered to Dr. L~ D. Farragut as Health Off'icer ,for the City of West University Place by Mayor Morris. Commissioner Nisbet arrived at this time. A letter f'rom Summerford & Wicker, Auditors for the City, relating f'acts con- < cerning an $80.00 check given t,o the City by Mrs. Lorena Walcott, 3501 Corondo, was read. The said check was given to the City on April 20, 1950, by Mrs. Walcott'f'or her portion of' paving' the 6700 Block of Sewanee Street and was returned. unpaid by the. bank after deposit in September of'1950aftercompletion of paving work in accordance with prior agreement. The Auditor stated that efforts had'been'made by the City Treasurer to collect the $80.00 without re- s~lts and it was their recommendatio~ that City Council approve charging off the said check. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the City Treasurer be authorized to charge of'f the $80 check given by Mrs. Lorena Walcott and the City Attorney and City Sec,retary'be instructed to continue action deemed advisable to collect the $80.00 check. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No :. None . A d,eta11 salary schedule for the year 1953', was submitted to the Council for consideration. '-'--\ I I . .-----, Motion by. COmmissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner.Hangs, that the detail salary schedule- for 1953 be approved ~nd adop$,ed as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, HangS, Mooney and Nisbet. None The Council was advised tJ:1Q.t Mrs. E. R. Brown, 4002 Byron had reported that she incurred damages to a wheel, tire and tube of her ear when she hit a manhole lid lying in the str~et near' the intersection of Weslayan and Tennyson and was requesting the city to reimburse her for such damages. Motion D;r Commissimler Nisbet, ,seconded by Commissioner Goff that Mr~. E. R. Brown, 4002 Byron be reim1;>ursed by the City for damages incurred to her car when she ran into a manhole lid on Weslayan Street; such. reimbursement to be made after three bids are received and provided a release is executed by Mrs. Brown . Voting A:ye: . Voting No Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet , None Ordinance No. 630, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council for con- s ide rat ion ' and ireadin full: ) ! \ I ~! Ir---:-~. -::-. =. ......Jj:Jl rJ -,-,I .rc -. "'.L~IrIrTIIrn~--'------- 0...... . . t,(',;'} Cf:) C-J <C "'-";) <t o [I LJ ! ' 71 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AM> DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE mo- " CEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN lJAID AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUIS1TE , TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMEl'IDING OF. ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE om OF .WEST UNI.V:ERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO :PERMIT' THE SUBDIVISION OF LOfS NOS. 3 AND 4, BLOCK NO. 59, 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, SECOND ADDITION; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR . THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMEM1MENT TO ORDINANCE NO. .111 HAS BEEN . ~ . DULY AND ~ALLY HELD i APPROVING AND ADOFTING THE REPORT AND RECOM.., MENI>ATION OF THE ZONDIG AND PLAmmlG BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE ~. S9:,AS TO PJ!:RMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF LOTS NOS. 3 AM> 4, BLOCK NO. 59, WEST UN;IVERSITY PLACE, SECOND ADDITION; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE om OF WEST UNIVERSITY P~qE, TExAs, SHOULD BE AMENl)ED SO AS. TO PERMIT SUCH SUBDIVISION; A:MENDINGORDINANCE NO.. 111 SO AS rro PERNIT THE SUImIVISION OF LOTS NOS. 3 AND 4, 'BLOCK 59, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, SECOlllD ADDITION; AND PROVIDING TlIA,T'l'RIS ORDINANCE Smu:.!" TAKE EFFECT A1'm BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM ANDAFrER ITS PASSAGE Am> APPROVAL. ." . Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that Ordinance ~ No.. 630, amending Ordinance No. Illto permit subdivision of Lo~s 3 and 4, Block 59; West Uniyersity Place 2nd Addition be passed. and approved as read. .. Voting Ay~: . Mayor Mortls; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. V ot~ng No: None ( A tabulatio~of bids received December 15, 1952, waS submitted to the Council with a recommendation that ,the bid of Diamond Alkali Company to furnish liquid chlorine for' the yea.r 1953 be accepted. The bid of ColUmbia Southern Chemical Co. 'being identical with that of Diamond Alkali Company, the City l?ecretary stated.it.waB hiE! opinion that a contract for supplying chlorine should be alternated on a yearly oasis between the two companies. Motion by Commi.ssioner .Mooney, seconded byComm1ssioner Nisbet that the bid of Diamo~Alkali Company for furnishing liquid chlorine for the year 1953, be. accepted and , authority granted for exe~ution of a contract. . In view of an opinion from the City Attorney, that a' contract should not be executed before January 1, 1953~ committing expenditures from the 195'3 budget, the follOWing amendment to the a.bove motion was made': . Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, tllat 1:(he :!!lotion ,\ -. a~cepting the bid of Diamond A1ka.lLCompany for furnishing liquid chlorine for the year'1953, and gra.nting authority for executio~ of' a contract, be amended t~ read, "tl:1a.t the .bid of DiamondAlka.li Company for furnishing. liquid chlorine for the year'1953, be accel'ted and. authority grante~ for execution of a. con- . tract after Januarj 1, 1953." Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Co~ssioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting' No: None ' Minutes of meetings of Nov~mber 24, December 5, 8 and 15 were read and' ,approved as correcte.ci. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion 11-- - --'-]'1 I r I ...-1 r. ~~flI1illIITl 1"".2 . ~. duly made, seconded! a.nd ca.rried, the meeting was adjourned. f.' /..... ! '. 1- '----'- ~:IV?I ~~, M9.yor ATTEST: I' . -------,r . 1~~~===.-7!i';r f"'ro.~.~n_~~,,~~=~ '.'ill.........".,...,. ! , n 'm~T'TlmmmlITr ~T- -