HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1937 llj~ 'REGULAR KEETIJ'G MONDAY, JANUARY- 4th. 193' CotnICIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLAGE; TEXAS. " Tb.e,Cemm1$s1on ecnvened en. t::i.fOrQgo1Dg date ~t'1:,OO P.~. with ,,-t Mayc>t" H1ett' p~siding'and',-Co,' ,ssiOrier,"AUen 'and"Cit~'Seeret~y , ,~J':,", Jurard1D.att.riaatfci.~Oomm1,saion.. Surber was 1mab1eto attend . on 'aeeouttt ot,,,.11lnesa.' , ,Tne Secretary was 1nstrUcte.~)by the Mayer to advise all' pl1;1JD.bers: thfiLt ~n' the t'uture 'the' lay,mg, "of ,aam:ta.ry sewer' I1neij '1n.~ eli'sementa and, 'on01t,. p.opel'ty, weuldbave to':meet the city spe.c1t;leat19ns. Depth and grade 1foul'd have 1;(),~be given 1>1 the C1ty;Bng1neer and ~nspeetioB made before lines are covered. ,,' ' 1>)1. tG'the ab'sence -0,1' Ceinmlss10ner Sut-ber, the Mayor advised that, ' wewdll,ba!e, ~s~ec"~~ ~~~1;~~, ~~da:~ at 2.:'O(),P:~M.~.. t.his week. ~1i,~~~( b~~6,,~if~:tli&r- bUfJj.n~SSqto',come- oeforetlieConnn1ssiGn~ upon ,motiOn bef.ng made and. :duly,seeonded:, the, me,et.m.g was de - c:lar,ed,adjQurne,ci. ' ' AP:PROVED :CltiJlr e~ . :. ~J[ar ' , ' .~~t?~ ' , ;.<,. ~' ", - ^--- 'COM 58 Olfl!l{ , , " , ~~ COMMISSIOm- , , I J ~ I I I II - I '1 (~ -I I ~ f I { j, i r . I" I I j '163' SPECIAL MEETING SATURDAY, JANUARY 9't~. 193'1 "~' OOIDICIL CHAM:aER,' OITY HALL WEST mIIvmSImy PlACE" T~S~ .. . ," '\. ". The Commisslon convened en the fGregoing date'atcc,7:DO,P.'M.;w1th Mayer Hyett presiding amdc;emm1ss1oners 'Al1..n :&rld~~w:-ber and 01ty Secretary Jarrard iD:"a.11tljmance." 'Th1's<meetb~-c-was:';hEJJ:d;,;eG~' the purpo Be .Qf going over the buiget feI' General and Water Fund Accounts for the year ending AUgU.st ~l, 1931 and mak1ngWha't,:changes nee _ essary and adopting s'am!>>. . '''' TheM(l.yor presente.d 'thr~e letters :.~ubm1tt1ng bids .for the plWchase ef The C1 ty Let, No. ,26, ,Block' 13, ,:1{l~e Court, Add! tion. ,'Bldsre- eeived as follews: , ", .....". ,~ ~ >.' ~. ..' '. .;;. -'.: , . .,il.~:szsnsv.em:..:Ja90'7':Ma1n.,.~t." " '.9,OQ:~'()O". OJ .A.. Kell)', alt.,. Real t,. e.o. ,_ . ."~5()4()e West Univ..Plac.e Bldg.~Realty 0....000.00 The cit,. 1s tof*~'sh, ...ifs,1;~ac'tior guaranted ti1:le, aS1>rererred by the' purchas'er.' 'Realt)' Service C.orpri,~prev1ous41i.a.de., a bid of $8'15.00 oilthi,s Pl"oper:ty';wi:th'a' sixty aatopt:t,Qn",Ili, aBcl1ueh as the-y, ~d 1101;, ~.Jtecute th1s, op,t10Jlj same was cance.lled. ,ID,!~.ll!:~!'g,' ~~. ~l,1!,!!!IYE),~:s,1 t,. ,Pl.ace ~~~:~y C0I1P@'17,:W:~~ ~~.,.I.:l~t&1.st bldder, 'it was dlfc1.ud by a metJ..en made b,. C()mm18sione~~;,Sui'ber and du:l7seeonde4 .b7"O~lssiOIier Allen". that they 'be glv.en a thirty' cla,. optieh1Bwhteh to .purchase said lot, for c...sh 'co~lderatien. ' , ' , Vot1ilg A"ft:fJ19Q.~~!ttpIi.ers, ,Surber and Allen !fos: None At a 'prevl(i:l3?~e~~g;j1t was decided to create a pension fund for thEl YGlunt.e~ fb'Et ',d-apartment and in as mum' as 'the: Am$r~can La _ Fr-.uce Oom.PU1y..a-.aed that theywtll11dcontr1bute..#SQ.OO to this fUnd, C4?l!'11ri1ss~O!.1~:r, A~len made a motion which :w:as ,duly see cilded ' by C~lUIl1ss1 oner~ber te designate the. Oit1-'$1 s State.. Bank ot ,H6usten as.. Depos~t(jr,. fer th1sfund,. andaf'ter ,g1Y~ng ,this fur- cens1dera1d:.oB, w11l...se:lect a 'frustee whiCh will be.. nam.ed at a ' later dat.. ' , Voting Aye: Comm1ss1oner.sAllen and Surber. !fos: None' A proposedbud~~t for theyearend1ng August 31st~. 193'7 ahd for appo1ntivepos1t1cm,s .for J:ears 1936 and 19,3'1 was discQs.ed by tbe Mayor'andOommiss10rt$l's. At this me.et1ng the Mayor }resented said bud.get w1-th adjus.tments mad. as he' deems adVisable and reeeommended that SElme b.e a~ptedend fl~ed incomp11ance with State Statutes. ' See cop,. of lSudget in ,1':I.les". " r.'.~~1 _r 1 164 f~" :', ..,,>- -' After due cOIus.1derat101'1.,Commissioner Allen made a motion that this budget be adopted, Which mo_tion was dulyse,comed b7 0_- missioner Surber. .01:-... . .voting Aye : Oomm1ssimel' Allen and Surber :'Nos: BOBe .' ;.. '. .......,~ ~ . " There being DO further bus1ne,ss to" come before the, Oommission, upon mp1;le1i<b:emg maq.o - an4"duJ.yseconde,d",'the .meeting was de- ' clued aajOln'ned.' I, .:. .~~ JP):: "l: .A'....C. .. ,A!TEST: > APPROVED I .>' ~f .~~ ' " . ...." ", . , , -----0-0 ,,'8 ,; ::ONJ~.iH" ' ,d~4~ "- ~Sfl)NER · ',","', ',' .fr.,,' ~).'::; ~ v,.:::: f' :-1 1_~ [ I I 'T" ~, """ ">'<" .:. "-,., ."~ .3:'" ,~: '( ,~- - '1 ,1 ---I ' ' ,i J; -' ' " 1 I r \--..../) } 1 j l , /' r ) , .. I i J r ~~-~ ~~O 165 ~ ~ , " ~.p.",.... .....j. <~. ~jZ.:f:. "~'~'~ ..r.;.. ~ - -., <. "'. The m.eetimg scned.Uled tor January 11th. was ,.pos'tp6n~d unt:t"l :q.ext-regqla,:r ~,maet1nrg date, due 1;o*,no ~Qu.siness to tr~saet. '" APPROVEl) , A~TEST: .~ .Cf{jJ4L '.." A~ ' , , . ., ,", "tCOO'ISSIONER ' ' ~~"'" . . ."- - . ~ . . . ...j.". ."...... . '. ..~,~~ ", ;qoMMIS IO ' ,', , ,.: ' " . r -~' - - -1 ,.1 "'lti,6 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, 'JAmTARY 18th. 193'7 COUNOIL OHAMBER, OITYHALL WEST UNIVERSITY PIACE, TEXAS !rhe Oouncil convened on the .~R.~egoing date at'! :00 P.M. with. Mayor Hyet1;_ presid1~$andGO;~$sioners Allen and Surber and City Secretary J.r~!:'F,inatf;en~~,.. .~ ~ '. "'~~->-j"";--:,,(,--'_',, n" ,"--, ,cemm1ss1011ei-c'ilihen;jil'~'~!'-~*~.Pfoitt~~,p.~~t'';.'iq;.::'b!f'i'd $1.15.00 ff1rover-time 1n 1;he"'repafring of tfis'ffretruekwhichwork was done during the month of Oct"ber'1936. Ifhis motion was 4uly seconded byCommissioIl~r Surber., Voting Aye: Oommissioners Allen and Surber. ('l ".).:,.1:... .J.... :q , " ~.l \ /..' Nos~ None Mr. Harvey.If. FlemiJ:lg,. candidate for :Mllyor.. jm.the . April elec- tion.,....a,p;pe.ar.ea. ,b'~f;>~.El:the..,CounQi~:t,o'@.~~';P~.J" '~~~n to use theOity's addres;~'egt*aph two or three: t1mes;""fng'b1s' eam- ~igD.<anli in fairn:$ss to all, 'it was decided by III 'motion made J)t:'C~_lisi.cm,~~~~+el1,,-;~o"charg~" each 'canCl1da.te $l.OO' each time forthe\us'e'of' the' addres,sograph and make arrangements nth Mr. Robb or !fIr. Jarrard to handle the opepatl<>Il of this Ii1&'Ql;I;1l;t.~:,j,ft.~~<of~,"e,Et'hour,$~~ with tine Understanding the. tall oanOidatesSha3l1b'6^'cnarged'like 8H.lount, and the firStt0 c,ome, will b,e the, first. served. This mQtion wasdulyseeonded by Cemmiss:ioner Surber. VatingAye:' ComnissioneraAllen and Surber N'o_~:I:M. 'fhe Secretary was instructed by Council to 1'lri te a letter to Mr,. W. W. Baines, the owner of the property on which the stores .relocated Ellld advise that there, is' a very unsanita17 condl- liion 'e.xJ.sting in thereat- of'th1s property and 'that his 1mme- Mate attention must be ~lTen to eli$inate this condition. Mr.J. H. Hanley, owner of Let 1, BleckS, College Court Addi- tion, asked for an adjustment in taxes ont}1isproperty, t~ere being six. years taxes au.einClud,irigyear < 1936~ and advised that if' this adjustment is made he w 111 g1 ve us a cheek 1mmedia te1;- in full payment. Commissioner Allen made a motion in$tructing Secretary to adjust the va lua tien for prior years o,~th1 s , lot, to that of 1935 an,d'1936. Ifhia motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen sndSurber N0S: None ?" , L 'I' " r-~---=-O=~"":,,".~""w. -"1 . _____l---..r , , i, ': -f 1 'i1 t '.~ J" , ' , " 'J ' L: ~ [ r ')'. " i l i I \. ./ i' L. ~' . " i 0.: L la1 Ifhe May,or suggested that there be a c 11; iz ens auditing committee appeinted to ~ook overtne 'QQOks ..:rot-the past year' and make a written report to the Councilsn4 sugge,s~ted,.that J. A. Kelly, Joe Catl:'Jr1ner and Preston Plumbbeappollited to. make this exam- ination. 'fhey are to be Qdvisedas soon as the' books are posted ,far the month-of December, Which will be within thenext-thr:ee . ~r four. day,s. . , '" - . ..' -'" -' ' . UPon motioz{'made by Cemndssioner Surber and duly seconded b7 Comridss1on-'erAllell, . the 'Council r'at1f1ed the'aetion.of the ,Mayor ' and Secretary1n,pa~eJlt of the following ''Veuchers.:.. .. " , . . General No. 52€)2 to .527V'Inc... ". ' Water" 45'14 to 4600 and: 4501, to 4511 Inc. Voting Aye: Oommissionersf3urber and Allen Nos: None S'ecretar'Y' presented, a statement fr:om Hogan-Allnoctrs .1. . the ~amount' of $11.19 fer .linens purchased for the Fire !>epaptlnea.t. by'Mrs. J. W. Clarke.~ GQmmlas~w~"Allen.' made' a 'motion instr.uebt.ng..t_t. tbis c bill be~~d,. Wh1ch irlot1C):rl' Yla's ,dulyseeomed by;:Camtldssi'onet' 'Su1"~er. ~. Voting Aye: OQmmissioners Allen and Surber Nos: None', - .>-.. . , , , . '." . ", .-. Commission~' ~A~<lenpres:en~.ed < a 'cle,tt.er hereee!ved.:l.:t"rom the Haden Company qU0;'t~ng, 'th~~ ',i';o;l.:J:&1fing,priee .en'pshe:l~i "F,~;&..'ll.. ,any, adCIress ' within the' ci.ty of .lSt~.~"(fh&vers1 t~'Pl.ae,e:i;"hj;eh '~sitl.'15 per cubic yard, lessl0t per cubic yard, cashd1scount for payment,with1n fifteen daY$. '" ~. :: , " ,Malor was gl ven a~1?hor.l~ by, a ~01;ion made ~y Co.~is,s~oner Allen and du y seconded 'b7G~~mlss~0li~r, ':Sl:i.rbepto pu~:ehase~'tWo' .carse.cor gravel and.o c~s'o.f shell." ':Vetimg' Aye:,CQmnils,s1onei's A3.1en and, SUrber . .' . ... - . - >-' .: '_,' .' ..--.~ .,,-,7) . -. '...:. ,.... ;.: ~ .... . ^ . _ ,> .' 4 " ~\ 'fhere'beAn~Fne: t'~ther'buames:s .,to:comeb~f'ore the,Commlss1on, upon 1Ii0'~d.on' ,being' made aild' 'ClU1)' ,s'em,nded) -t-11'e ~e1rmg wasdeclar-ed adjourned,. .APIRO'VED J1!t! 1/Y/d . ~~ (jOIw. ,S 0_ ~,-d~ CO!viMISSIONER ' , I' , -1 ..1...1 r 112'8 . u~ BEGUMR MEETING ,MOJDAY"JAlroAR~2P. 19.37 , j CooliC1' CHAl4BER tGXfi.~JJ, QST lJlt1:'VER$Ifi, PIA CE, TEXAS 'fhe Senne!l eonvenedonthe f...go1Ilg ,da1!eat'7:,OOP,.K. wiih Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioner,s Allen and Sur"Qerand C1~y Secretary Jarrard in attendance. " , .,' ~.,/!-' " , Due \totheramY.~$tber an'd,:f,Qr tbQ 'b.ettenumt..ofthe garbage servi'ce, Gemmissl;one,~ ~ll,n '._48 .:Il. motion WbijehYfas;;:du1Y~:~,ec- anded by CemmissionerSUrber to' purchase three slicker pants. coa:ts and "ba ts f'or the gaz:q~ge \D1en. " ,,"~'. ,/ n l' ,Votmg A.ye: . ," , +" . ~ . - Commis si QM %,,8 Allen and Surber Nos: None Mayor Hyett referred to the Ootnlcil a copy of ietter he wre'te toJ.N. _)Jage~,;}i:ng-1ti e.c.ofo,,:tb.Et'l1ty of Ho'uat0n_,~,1n r,espons,e .::to a .let"ter re,cei ved. ",from., the. :City otH.oust:OI1 dQ;t:~:ul,J.s,nuary <, 8th. ,re'gs.r,fiingsewer;" r,ent..l',J)h~ge ,for ,e,$.X';beg1)l1Jl:ngJanuary . ':b,-:'~937'. Intb.1:$, ,le'tter 'Mr.,)Jagel'adv1;aed.,'tba.t ,:the .fo_l10",~g motion was :p1.ssedbythe Houston City Council onJan~ary 5th. UM: - ftE.ff'ective January 1. 193'7, a sewer rental ,of one dollar IBrcannection per month ahal~b$, 'nt~de by,the01ty- of Homton a-, . g&'i.ns1; ,tll~_ tPj.'t'Wo~ J'i.est,Uni."1ler.sity Plaee for :s:~it.r,\ ,s"eYi~reOriD.ect;'1ons. n , See copy of letter in FilEh , > Mr~Hunterof MO,ntlcell.o q~plnyatJkedf'or,an,a~j:US,tment in ~!l:e :~~l~f:ltion ofJ,.~t,-s :Ll'~~:J.2,BlGe~ 5.WestUniversi tyPlaee 1st., as there aref,i.v,e years taxes due. Commissioner Allen made a mo~:1.~~ authGriz"ngS-ecr:eta~;yto, ;adju,st :these valua tions tor 1\'1,1, 'if~ps ;to tha~: :ot,l;935 ~n4~9~6~'1Vhj.,e'h, mot'1o.n was ,duly see- ~ dad by CQnmi sai oner Surber. ' , ' l[oting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber Nos: None ('", ; 1- LJ Upon motion made by Commissioner Alien and duly seeoq.ded by C<iiimi:ss!oner' Surber, tne'~tollow1ng resolution was pa.s:nid a_ appro"ed: ' - > , ~ -<'(-'- . r 'I ' r- '< .. "1 I I 169 ( '] ,oj ) Whereas, it is desirable to'transt,er certain moneys on deposit in the .~ink1ng Fimd of the City, 1n tb,e City National Bank ot HotBtan, into saving accounts, equal- ly dls~r~buted in the followmg banlts, ,~Qcated1n Houston, Texas: ,Cit;izen.s ,State Bank; Stat.e Nationa.l ;Bank,;: San .- JaefntoNatlonal Bank. " ',' . Therefore, be it resolved by the Board of Ootmnissioners ,of 1;1:1. Cit,y of, West, 'ijn1.versity Plat.t~ ont~s., the2.5i#h.. day of JanUart;, A. D. 19$'1', t~at the Gi>ty,'f~~a~$r~~" instructed' a'na \r~1,Orea t,o wl:tb.dr.awfX'()m thc.,T_S1#It~~ ~.1n the: Gtt)" N:atiQnalJ3..nk .otHo'q.,sf;.on,~y ana. .+l~ ,~~of ~cm~3s ' that will not 'be necessary to meet th~ p~1nQipaJ;,' andj,n,teres1; on, EiU.tstan~Il-g bo~ and ,warrimt , obllg~t:ioflS,O:r t~eOity :Db8.t wil~, .apu.e on April 10, 1937;, aIid. ~qutll1.ydistribute said, m~~ys into, s8.vings ~ecw.nts ~n the,'Oit,lzensState B~lr, State Bational ,Bank, and San JaCinto ,National Bank" and so maintain'said accounts until otberWi,s.e:,provided by the Bosrd of Commissioners. . , ' PrCi)pos ~d and, passed unanimGuslyby the' i"ollovdng' vote: ' Vo~1ng A.ye: COmmissioners Allen and Surber Nos: None Chief' Metcal.f submitted his report for the year 1936 show- ing that the fire truck made 52 calls du,r~g the ye~ which were as follows: Gr~~ S. " House Sa' 2 Garage Flue Hay Wagon Pol~ce Southside :Bellaire 2' 1 '1 ell , 1 There being no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion being made and duly seconded, theme eting was de- clare.d adjourned. ( l. ,I I I I I J \ / AT~ Ul. ' ',',' ''fARY' ','. APPROVED ~~ ~~ C 'M8 ION.l5k ,~'" , ~~~ GOMPtfISS lONER i' 'm, - r '" I I r 170 '. ~ REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, ,J.93'7. COUNCIL, CHAMBER, , CITY HALL WEST UNlvmBlTY PIACE, TEXAS. (] . , l / The .Couneil,c6nveri~<l on the foregding date at '7:00 P.M. with Mayor"Hyettj pr~siding and 'Cninniissloner Allen mid Secretary .Jarrard ~n attf3ndance. Commissioner Surber absent. ' ;< PAr." pawll1 ~la, cOn trictor, Ilnct:Mr. Fish er ~, hi s at torney, appeared befQre theC0l1ncil. and, advise~d tiln8.t, they had requested that Mr. Bari1h1-1l, <Pllnt1biI).~ In~ector,' ~;PPfeve, t11e ", gaSH connections in the garageapartmerit "10c.at'~d 'at3l:?2R()binhoo~,!is her~ef'l;uted to au- thorize' t1+s, ga.s eotnP~nyto"mSke th~s connectlo:n~' <lue to the plu.uib:l,JlS ~n the mairt' ,residence, no-t being completed. He also, ad- visija'tfuatthe' proper testrhad been made. to thesatisfact10n of the gtil~' cOtnpany~ .' 'Tbe 'Ma.yor -advised Mr. ~awl:f 1eld that he 'w Ollld ,make..n investiglltion a.nd get in communication ,with him to .. morrow morning.' ' , ' Mr. Bonfiel.d, Attorney,< presented a bill in the Slnount of $202.35 for the' cost of" p:rinting a trail script in the warren t suit of,' Ralph Pleasant VS City of West Vniversity Place. Commissioner Allen made a motion WJ;1ieh was duly seconded :by Mayor Hyett, 'au- thorizing Secretary to make a check for this amount. Votill.g)~ye: ,CoJi1U!lissioner Allen an~ Mayor Hyatt Nos: None '" ,0. W! l?ur,kh~t, Contractor" advised that he is contemplating bUiltling' a house on Lot ,8, Block l7'~ West University Place ~ ' 1st. Addition, and asked the Mayor if the city wcnld furnish sewer lines to serve this property. It. was decided by a motion made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by the Mayor that the City lay this line at their expense", prov.1.ding that Mr. Burkhart f'urn- .~~h an easement o~ this lot and Lot 9, Block 1'7. ' Voting Aye: Commis sion,erAllen and ~a yor Hyatt Nos: None [ l J CqJI1111~ssi~ne~ Allen m~~e a motion which was duly seconded by Mayor Hyett, authorizingSecretary to issue a check to the HOUJ3ton Title Guaranty Company in the amount of $25.00 in payment of Title Policy on Lot 26, B!ock 13, R.ice Court Addition, whi ch property was oV/ned by the City of' West University Place and purchased by Harry Ernstrom. ' Yeting Aye: '. .:... ".. Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hyett Nos: None I I I ( v -J --=.~ =--=-=-r=---- ~-~ ~r-.~ '~- ,171 !.. ; i- J The Mayor advised that CUe to the ~'condit1on o~ the streets, he reccommended that "we employ another colored man to work temporarily on the streets. Commissioner Allen made a motion to the e~~ect that we employ an add:l:.tional man ~or at least two weeks', which motion was duly seconded by MaJOr Hyett. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hyett Nos: None, i. i '" Oommissioner Allen again gave his a fproval o~ transferring '$5,000.00 from Sirlking Fund of th~City N~tional Bank- to the San 'Jaeinto'National Bank fer certi:ficate'deposit,tor s.'per- iod of one year at the rate of It % per annum interest. The Mayor stated Mr. Sadler of the City Natlonal:Bank a4- vised him that they wrote a letter during the first part of last year advising that the rate of interest at his bank would be 2% on $500.00 and 1% up to $10,000.00, effective to August, 3l,193'7. ' , ~ M,ayor Hyatt presented the following names (as suggested by the Ci vie Club): ' Frank Mainous J. G. Holland R. J. Depenbrock' Preston R. Plumb F. A. Hunter 'J. A. j)avlin 6419 Sewanee .2739 Gentenary' 3032 Amherst 2920 Amherst. 302l Nottingham , 3926'Riley' te comprise the zoning commission for the purpose of enacting s. z.oning ordinance. Connnissioner Allen made a motion accept- ing the above asigmnents 'and due to the absence of Commissioner Surber t s_iewas~ulyseeoIided 'by M,ayor Hye,tt;.- Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hyett Nos: None ), ; i I .1, j There being no further business to cane before the Oommission, upon motion being mde and duly seconded, the meeting was de- clared adjour~ed. APPROVED ~fd- . OR " f&ff/~ COMMIS S IOI'tER . ~~ C Iff' ! ECRETARY ';< COMMISSIONER t....__-------........_ -'-~. r ..:... [ , 1 '172 i i I I I I L REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8 II 193'7 COUNCIL C~MBER ,CITY HALL WEST UNIV:ERSITY paCE, TEXAS Th~ Counc-il convene€len the rorego;1ng date at '7:00 P.M. with Mayor Hyett presiding andComrnissioners Allen and. Surber and Secretary J~rard in attendance. J. A. Metcalr, Ohier of the Fire Department, presented a list of First Aid i temsto replenish the cabinets1n the rire sta- tio]il and on the, fife truck., Commissioner Allen made a motion authorizing an order to be given for the nece,ssary. s~pplies, which motion was duly seco,nded QyCommi.ssioner Surber.' Voting Aye: 'Commissioners Allen and Sur'Qer ...".,..r..,j" J . ~f ',; i ' ..., - I Nos: None The Secretary advised that the Haden Company h$d requested pay- mentfi>r '782 yards or shell delivered to the city during the week 0f February 6th. C.m'issioner Surber,.made a motion vihich was duly seconded by ,Commissioner Allen autb.-or.1zing.Secretary to issue a cheek 1.n favor or thiseompany for the amount due to February 6th. 1937, and make arrarj.ge~e,nts fer fifty additional loads and issue a cheek. for this amount in accordance with their terms. ' , .' "., . Voting Aye: Com~ssioners S1a,1'be.ran4 Allen. NQs: .None Upo~mo't,ion made by Commissioneraurbe~a'ndQ.uly seconded by Commissioner i\llen, the Council rati.fiedthe action .~f the Sec- retary and Mayor in payment o,f the folIowing warrants: General Fund Water Fund .' No. 5278 No. 4512 to 5330 Inclusive to 4550 Incl~sive ,Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen Nos: .None .( ( " , '1 i ! \ ' .",) Mr. R. L. Bonfield, City Attorney, was give]l instructions to file tax suits on property where taxes are several years in arrears and to make arrangements with Mr. Wilder to check the recards at the County Court House and secure the names of 'property owners in whose names the suits are to be filed and ~', ~;! ~f'~i~'I',,-.-. , 1 n) ,,'" r: --'- r n 1 (--l J J r I 11 'J ! I I ! I I ./ L___~.----,,,,--~__~~________. "..-"''''I'~~H<'''...''':,_-..'I 173 allow him 25rt for each piece of property li sted. Each mem- ber of the Council approved this action. The Mayor and Secretary were served 'Qy the Sheriff's Depart- ment with citation giving notice of a damage suit brought by W. F. Oawlfield, Contractor, against W. T. Barnhill, Plumb- inglflspector and City of West Universi ty Place, in the a.motmt of $5,000.00, claiming damage~ due to Plumbing Inspec- tor refusing to give final inspection on the gas lines in the garage apartment .at 3122 Robinhood, as the plumbing was not complete in the main building. Mr. Cawlfield claimed that he and he ahd his fami.ly were occupying this garage apartment several days without gas. . ' , There being no fUrther business to come before the Commission upon motion being made anddulyseeonded~ the meeting was declared adjo~ned. -.;.~ APPROVED. t ATTESW: I::: Ma~~ ~< --J! _ F , . Commissioner t74 I I , f~:l i i i , 'G. .~.. . The meeting schedule.<ifor FE)l:>rQary,15th~ was postponed tUltil n~xt regular meeting date, due to- BO business tetransaet. ATTEST: ~~ ,\ : >,"'.c'",,~r:,l-t:c ' -- .. '1 I===-=:='~~---'--:[-",-'==-"'=! _~__~r . APPROVED: · (/fftdi ~(t~, Oomrni s si oner . Commissioner --~ - --- ......'.'..../..'.l', I 1 J l () ) I ' ./ 'J i . '.:So.- '(_. 1 175 REGULAR MEETING , MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1937 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CI TY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The Commission convened on the foregoing data at 7:'00 -P.M. with .~ayor Hyett presidmg and Commissioners Allen and .Surber and City Secretary J"8:t'rard in attendance. Commissioner Surber made a motion authoriaing the purchase of. 85 yards of shell to be placed on Community Drive be _ tween Southwestern and Ruskin Streets, also one block' on Case Street in the" 4000 block. ,This motion was duly sec- onded by CommlssiQner Allen. /, ' j .Voting Aye:, Oommls sioners Surber and Allen , Nos: None The Contractor building a house on Lot 8, Block 20, Univer- sity Blvd.,fo;p,Mr. ,E. H. Ho~~e# asked for permission to , connect the sewer to the main line on the North side of Univ- ersity Blvd. in order to avoid thf) neoessitY' of running a line across thi~ Boulevard 'a:nddisturblng the main line, that the ei ty take over the laying o.f"this line and make p~per ad jus tments with the propert,y o.,mers 9n th~ East sid-edd connect same to their private line Which line connects with the City main on the East side of Wakerorest. The City Secretary was instructed to insert an ad in the Houston Chronicle, advertismg the two city horses for sale. Jbl. B. P. Panas, Contractor, and owner of the house at 3008 'Univel'sity Blvd., 'appeared before the CoUncil and advised that the plumber, S. J. Eubank had refused to complete the plumb- ing in this buildmg. as the final tests had not been" proper- ly prepared so that our inspector <Duld make the insp action and tha tit was necessary for him to employ another plumber to complete this work and asked tha t the CO'Wlcil instruct the inspector, Barnhill, to make this' inspection so that the gas company would install the meter. After a very lengthy dis- cussion, it was decided by Mr. Eubanks and the plumbing in- spector to get together with Mr. Panas and settle this dif'fi- culty,. ' The Mayor arid each Commissioner was given a copy of the re- ceipts and cU.sbursements for the months of Decanber and January', showing the amolmts re,ceivedand paid out of the Gene ral Fund. 1 " ' , -, -,------~ 17,{) I t r I I i l, t ~- p., I . Tl:uu~e b.t;p.nino further 'bu~ ines,s . toceI,l1e before 1?b.e ~ . Comniillf1.~on,u.pen II,l,~~iQ~ being made andd~t seconded, the mee'ting wasdeeIared acljcnli'lled. - 't-" - .; APPR OYED ATi']:ST: ~2Ii ~~~ COMMI '. , 0 NER "..fdkd~ ~CR El'IRY ' OOMMISSIO~ ... ~y 1"-. "I . 1 ----- , r I'J~ '..........,'..,.1...........,..,'. -"'1 '1 ,;C\ ,i ' :! , -,,~. ' -( I , } l/: 177 rl.. "1 j , , I , \ REGULAR ~mIG ~MONDAY; 2:JDmmlYlit, 1937 OOtJNGIL,'dHAMBER~,' CITY HALL WEST UNIVERS1TYPLAOEl" ' TEXAS. The Commission' convened '.011 the foregoing dB. ta a:t7 :00 P'.:M. with M,ayor Hyett presiting ,and Commissioner.s Allen'and,)'Surber and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. The Secretary was ,instructed by a mo tion made by Commissioner' Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber; to draw an ordinance or notice, calling attention to a City election to be held thef,irst Tuesday in April, which, lsApril '6,,1937, and theappointment 0.1' Mr.D. S. ~arkep 'to act as ,Judge of the election. Thisnotiee.is to. be 'drawn ,ahd posted i:n O'ompliance with the General laws of the S'tateof, Texas..' " Voting Aye : Commissioners . Allen and ,Surber Nos: None The 'notice wi II be as fo~lol'ls: lt~lCB, ~HERmY ,GrUEN ~ , .. ." ( 'THAT a Muni'eipal Election nXl beheld in the 'City of West University Place on the first. Tuesday, in Aprl1,193'Z, same being April 6th.,' 1937, ,for the purpose 9f electing the following Munieipal. Of.fi.cers, towit:' A MayOr, Two (2l~. Com - missionat's, and a Recorder of the Corporation Court, to serve said City for the next ensuing two (2) years, anduhtl1 their successors are elected and qualified. The, p,oJd~,tng pl.al);":'cShall. be locca'ted at -the City lia 11 in said.C! ty of ,W~s,t'Ui:1d.v.et"siiiy'P1aee. . ',^,', _ The pe>lls',sn;all::,b-e .e;ened at Bagen o'Clock A.M. andJshall remain bpen until s'fiJ"$n o'clock P.M. .' ' j ;~ f 1 .j ~ ! 'I ) '--,,/ Candidates desiring their ,names to be placed on the ballot should cont'orin to Article 3162 of the 1925 Revi'sedC1,d.-l S'batutes 'of Texas. The ,total vote cast at the las,t general e'l~cti'on forei ty Officialsbf the Cj.ty of West University Place was 454 ~ The following officers are appointed to conduct this eleotion: ELECTION JUDGE JUDGE CLERK DEPUTIES EXECUTED, this the third Day of Mare~, A.D., 1937 . - D. S. Parker C4r:1J{j, - . CITY OF WEST' UNIVERSITY PLACE -I' ___r I ' 178 " , . . Oommissioner Allen made a mot.ion authorizing an extension of concrete valley gut'ter for the purpose of drainage in Caronado Oourt in Kent Addi t10n, which 'Coat 'is not ,to ex- . . eeed$20.00. This motion wa$ duly sec.onded by GelJW;1;ssi.Qner ~'be:r. ,"_ (~j". ! ' ,1 ., . . Vot1ng Aye: Oommissioner Allen and Surber Nos:. ,None . 'y '0" _ 'CQlUl\1ss1oIle:rSurber ~p.:~' " motion. ~u,thor1zingtb.,eMayor, to ~ehllse'Q car of, shell to. ba p]Jleed at thec.:i.tybarn an,d u:secbtbr general d1.str.J.butlon. ~is mo tion was d)11yseeond- ed by Oommissj.oner Allen,.' Veti:n,g Aye: Commiss1oner Surber ,and Allen. Nos: None Chief' J. Metcalf ,asked the 'Coonc'll, fora con,tribution of $10.00 as the volunteer firemen are giving a barbectl8 on the second Tuesday 1n,Marehl937.Sinc.e that is to benefit, the fire department,',Co~:i.ss1oner Allen'made a motion autho- 'rt-z;lng this...dona t1on, whiehmotion was dulyc,s,eeonded by 'Comm:ts.sioner, Sunber. " , ' . ~ ; . ' , " Voting Aye: ,0anmiss1.oners lllen and Sux-ber Nos: None -v _', The Mayor advised that we had received a cheek for $225.00 f()r the ci~ty horses which 'were sold 'fromtha, ad placed in the Houston Cbronic~& last w.eek, $!ld .s.ugge'sted that the Oi t1' purchase a dump truck to be used in the street and bridge depa.rmmeat. ',Thi:,s was discussed but no final action taken. ,There being nof'u.rther b~~es's to ,come, before ,the ,mi'~~iC?nJ upon mot,ion b,e~g made .andduly ,seconded" meeting was declared adjourned. ~~/ CI ~cretary . Com the 1,( ), r I j >r./" . ATTE-S'P a:!1~jll- yor ' (~, ~~ Obmmiss1oner ' I r I r \ ~) Commissioner , -. , ~ 1" ~.--JA_"" _f -.. ~ --= ~:r1' '1 I I ,j } .rJ I i I~~~ '" 179 REGULAR MEETING MONDAl:, MARCH 8th.. 193'1 COUNCILCHAMBER~ CITY HALL WES~UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS +'f'~ The Commission eonvened .on the f'oregoing date at , :00 P.M. wi th Ma)7or Hyatt presiding and .Commissioners Allen and Surber and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Commissioner Surber made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, a.uthorizing Secretary to issue a check to the State Volunteer Firemen's Association, in the amount ot $S7.00 Inpa3Dlent of" State Ta:xin the interest of the Firemen t s ~e~irement, Fund, which is $1.,00 :for each Volunteer Fireman aM. $~ '$er ~ 1ilIae "~.. 1i1,l\17. , This is in compliance with a request made by ,Chief J. A. Metcalf. ,. Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen Nos: None The repairing of' side walks on University blvd. over the sewer line was di~c.ussedbl1t1JD fin'al. deeision reached, same was ,postponed to later date for final action. , Mr. ,E. L.'Leonard, liv~g in the 3400'Blockof Rice Blvd,. a.ppea,.J;',edheforethe Oouncil and sctated he was now in position to pay nis ,taxes for years 1934 and 1935 on Lot West part of 2, BlockSl, West University Place 2nd., and ask.ed, that the pena;l t1" and interest be 'waived. Commissioner ':Allen made a m0t,ion/instructing the,Seeretary, toaceept payment ,'of these taxes, waiYing penalty and'interest ~nQ issue a tax receipt in full paym.~t qf same, providing this payment is, received within the next ten days'.':fhi~ motion was duly seconded by CoIliIIiissioner , Surber. " Voting Aye: Commissioners Alleriand Surber No,s: None Due to the need 01' funds in the General Account, the Mayor asked that $3,600.00 be transferred from the Water Account to this fund. 'rhis, amount was set up in the Budget 1'01" this, year. Commissioner Allen made a motion authorizing Secretary and Mayor to make this transfer. This motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Vot ing Aye~ Commissioner Allen and Surber Nos: None 1 ,-.- ' '---'-T' I f ," " 1 ---n- , 1:~'V Mr. A. L. Kerbow, Candid~tefor Mayor in the April election~ asked that a date be set fo~"the drawi<ng of names selecting the position for each candida.t'e, on the ballot. It was de- cided that a,meeting be .called for Tuesday, March l6th. and no~ify all can~idates to be present. The. Ivtayorreecommended that a, truck be purchased to be used ,in the street and Bridge Dept. advising since the horses were sold, this department was greatly handicaped for transferring materials etc. After a lengthy discussion, e~ch commissioner expressed hi.mself as not being in fav,or of making this pur- chase as the financial cond! tion of the ci.ty would not per- mit this expenditur~. Ne1the,r commiss ioner want'ed to take the responsibility of making a moition deciding this <;p.1estion~.', and it was ,decided that the water truck could be used for hauling mateJ:"ials ,to make the. neces,sarystreet repairs. Mr. Harris was given ins tructio'ustoo arran:ge lIlis work in the, water department accordingly. Secretary presented a statement of cash 'receipts and disbur- sements for the month of' February 1937 for General and Water Funds. . 'r]c, ,~ ' .j ; , . A letter dated ,March 1st. 1937 from the city of Houston ad~ dressea'to the Mayor which was written in response to a check mailed them for .500.00 for sewerage disposal ,for the month of .TanuEFyl93'r. "This"eheck was re,turned with ,their lette:u advis- ing ,that the Houston City Council passed a mot'ion instructing th;e .cting Director of Public Works to,make a survey of' the n'll.qlber of ,sewer connections in West Universi tyPla.de and that a ch.-arge of $1.00 per cJ:Ilonthper. each; connection be made~ In as much as this surve'yshowedll26 connections it is necessary "that theci ty mail a check each month for $ll26.00 and also advised that there is now'due a total sum of $2,250.00 for 11lonth~ of January a1+d February 193'7 ~ and asked that a check for this amount be mailed immediately. Due to the City not having sufficient funds at this time' to meet thi s obligation, and also believing this amount to beveryeXhorbitant~ it was decided that a meeting be arranged with the Houston Officials and en4eavor to work out some adjustment in this connection, and that this matter stand in abeyance until some method be worked out. (' 'y- , I. . 'j ~ I I , There beir:g no 'fUrther business to come before the Council, upon motion bemg made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. , ' ATTEST: " \ I r I I I , I I I ! i _____ ~/ >1 ~ Mayrtovf Secretary r f/;\~, ~=/ Commissi ner ' T~~~'-~I---' i r '-,. CnmmJ. ss,ions:r> ,- .- ~~~ -----, ! ! l t [ i I I, l i i. i I ,J I I i , ! , \ ~I , ] l~~~_,~__, 181 REGULAR !\iEl!:rING MONDAY, MARCH ,151. 1937 , OPtrblCI L CHA.MB:ER.~ ,CITY ,HALL WEST UNIV:m SITY PLACE,~, TEXAS The, Commission convened Qn, the f'orego~g dB. ~e at7 :00 P.M. with M,ayorHyett presiding and Comm1"ssloners,,41len' and Surber, arid Ci'ty Secretary Jarrard'in attendance. " , HenI'7- H. Pilsner res1dmg at 4009 'TennysQn 8treet~ apte ared bef'orethe C~~~~ a~d ~sked tbathe~b~ allowed ~~i~sion ~O lay and'~9~~ct. Sewei', Line to serv~~:h;ls residen,ceat his own eXpense' ancfal'so, 8.l;Iked p,ermissiohto' make a reasonable . ~bal"geto tl1os~who eonneci.;s tosa~d 1~~: in thef'utut>e~ statiJ:ig thatNJ~s. F. J. Illig is assi$t~nlfin the financing of' th.is line. 'Af'ter receiving fUll details, Commissioner Surber made a motion which wa$ duly s~condea by Commissioner Allen, allowing him to perfOrm this work under the city'S supervision and grant him permission to mt:lke"Jbe collections from other property owners on a pro rata basis of cos't, whose ~roperty will be served by this, line. Vo~ing Aye: Commissioner Surber and Alj.en Nos: None , ' , The_ Secretary ,presented a Tax statement on Lot 10, Block 3, :prest()1l :})laee, pr9-perty oWiled~byMrs. W. O. Weis. This, state- Ill$n.t' $howed six ~ars taxes due. P;l~s. Weis ,advised t~t she 11.&.9. the money at,tbi ~ time to pay three orf'QJir cye&.rs~ of these t,axes P1?ovidlng ~he Councilwa,11d make a~ adjustment in the values ~d waivepenaity and interest~as bas been dpne on pre- ,vious occasioils~ Commissioner Surber made a:motion which was ~1l~7BB,"conded by Commissioner Allen, authorizing Secretary to accept paym~nt from ane tof'i ve years ~axes, bas'ed on the value of 1935, waiving all penalty and interest, providing PfY- ment is received on or bef'ore April lO, 1937. ' Voting Aye: Commissioner Surber and Allen Nos: :None Last week the office ref'used to issue a building<p~it to Mr. Thos. J. Davis, Contractor, to build a house at 3520 Carnegie Street, for Mr. Ohester E~ Hardy, as the plans showed this to be a dupaex. The Mayor advised that Mr. Hardy came to his office and advised that this was not a duplex but was being to be occupied by himself and fa~ily. Af'terdiscussion, the Seer etary was instructed to issue a ~ rmi t for this bUilding by a motion made by ComrnissionerAllen and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber, p!"oviding tbatlVlr. Hardy execute a written statement that this building will De occupied as a homestead and r esidenceand is not built for any use except himself and his family. 1 ~-'-"'-.-----=----r-'.. -- -LJ , l: ~ ,;;;; Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None .. "" i After a very lengthy di$Cussion Commiss~oner Surber ~de a motion authorizing the Mayor to purcba.se the necessary eauipment to be used in the street and bridge depart-' mente The Mayor asked for ,~a second to thi s motion and CommisSio~r Allen stated that since this had been dis- cussed 1~thepast and he ~tated his position in the niatter, he'w~'s not in favor of the, purchase of tnis e- " quipment as' theflh-an~ES ()J: the ,citYw(;U:\.P- notpermj.t , thi,s 'expenQi t:ure, anCl' in view ofhb, r~iJ.ure toseoon(l' this inotio'n, same was <iU.ly' seconq.e~ by Mayor lfyet't. ~(-"-~ ~. , ~, ,,~ '~'~ ") ~ , , l ~ v()ting Aye: Comm1ssionerSurberand Mayor Hyett .Nos: Eotnmlssioner Allen A t a previous Council meeting Mr. Harris was given in- st:ructions to ;Lay a twQ ineh water line for Mr. H. R. Houck in Oolonial Terrace, to serve Block 23 and 24. It was suggested that this line be placed in the easement instead of on city property, Wich will serve:"more' houses, thezaefore this water line is approved, as laid, by connect- Ing en present I1neon B.lock24, , thence, WE;)stward to West- Point. and North an.ClEast 'through easement' in BlQck23 for IpOfeei;, andi::( .lstrictly tmder$tood ; that n,o connectlqns shal:rbemade wi.thout the paym:ent of 35(t per ft_fro. each pr()p~tY owner connectiIlg tb th~:s l1rie.' Thlsmotion was Il1ad~by COnnnissi6ner~:Allen aI.id dw.ysecpnd.ed by CotnIilissioner S~b~. . . Voting,4!e: CommiSSioners Allen and. SUrber :Nos: None Albert Glover (colored) appeared before the Council and sub": mitted a proposa.l to construct an eighj! irichseVler line ' $0. serve bl&ck 23 and 24 in Colonial T rrace for a price of $l.25 per rt. ~he total depth ~or tflis line !s to be betv/een seven and eight feet. Commissioner Allen was in favor of lett~ng this contract ,~m.vidi:b.g this party could give necessa.~y protection to~ssure the City that he, ,would 'cOmplete the job and that the City not make .a:ij.y payments only for the work compJ.ete,d. The Mayor was tuit ,'~~ favor of awarding this COn tract ',f or the amOunt stated~ as he was sure that under the supervision of the Sewer Foreman, this 'sewer could be 'laid for appro- ximately 90t per rt. therefore there was no definite action taken. ' l ! f I ~!' <, " j'" I r 1 f 1 I J ,,) .,> - 18;-:5 - . ...f:-.. There being nQ further business to come before the Commis- sio:r:l"upop mo~i9n being made and duly seconded, thfEJ IIleeting was. declared atiLj,Qurned. ATTEST: .Ijf~ Mayor ~G~', p Oomrn1 s131.one r Cormnissioner c ""'~'f:"""~: ,.....,. ! r--=~~ -j r -..', I r J: 'ltj 't I' SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY, MARCH l6~ 1937 OOUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVm SITY PLACE, TEXAS '4 1J The Commission canvened,on the foregoing date at 8:30 P.M. with Mayor ~yett presiding and Commissioners Allen and Surber and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. This meeting was held for the purpose of, accepting, i,.< ":."; ",' ~' and approving applications of candida4;e's r>1lli.ng f,oroff'ices in the election to be he ld Tuesday, April 6, 1937, and also for the drawing of names, deciding the, position on the ballot. The follow~ng applications were received: ' FOR MAYOR R. G. Hyett Harvey T. Fleming A. L. Kerbow Douglas R. Hollis George B. Murray FOR COMMISSIONER: Henry G. Bastian Miss Mayme Blades R. B. Allen Frank, M .Mainous Frank A. Huwieler James A.Metcalf J.A~ (Doc) Herschel James M. Dunnington C. C. Surber FOR CORPORATION JUDGE: L. J .Martin Lester M. Ricks After the Commission examined each Petition, Commissioner, Allen made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Surber, acce~tingand approving the above applications and ordered same to be placed on the official ballot. Voting Aye: CommissionersAllen and Surber Nos: :None , 1 " - 1 r-=~r--'Oi r "o~ ~ Jl '~'" t {I ) , \; "'"-,, L..".. 185 Mr. Henry Brown w.asselected to draw the names o;f each candi- date, which names were selected as ;follows: FOR MAYOR: , R': G. Hyett Harvey T. F :l:eming A. L. Kerbow Douglas R . Hollis George B. ~Murray FOR COl\fMI:5SIONER Henry G. Bastian Miss Mayme Blades R. B. AllEn Frank M" Mainous . Frank A. Huw;:i.eler James A. Metcal;f J.' A. (Doe) Herschel ,James M. Dunnington C.C. Surber FOR CORPORATION JUDGE 'L. J .Martin ' Lester M. Ricks ...:....:.. There bein,g no :further business to comebe;fQ:rethe Commission, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was de- clared adjourned. ~~ ATTEST MAYOR COMMISSIONER COMMISS lONER " I T~---"I--' I r ".. '..~~-~~~- 1 I r---' 1'8'6 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1937 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL . \ ) '';l'he Commislfl.ion convened on the foregoing date at 7 :00 P.M., with :&1ayor' Heytt presiding and Cornmiss ioners Allen and Surber and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. The folJ,.owmg 16 ~ter was received from the Engineering Dep- artment-ofHarris County: City:, Gomm1s S ion, City of West University Place, Texas Gentlemen: In a few days now we will have finished iJhe cleaning out of Poor Farm Gully. Inspection Qf the work during progress o~ the pro- ject 'reveals ~e fact that considerable trash and other ob- structions have been placed in this waterway in ~~olation of the state law; and realizing that from a drainage and sanitation standpoint you gentlemen might wan~ to preBerve this bayou in its cleaned out cond! tion, I :am Buggesting the exercise of your policg powe~sby proper ordinance to prohibit dUmping into this canal. We appreciate your cooperation in hauling away the .. debris'. Yours very truly, (Signed) Jack Rafferty . Drainage Engineer, Harris County, D.D. The Secretary was instructed to answer this letter and ad- vise' that the:,'Ci ty will cooperate in every way possible and exercise every effort to elimina te the dumping of trash as referred to in this letter. The Mayor advised that he was in conversation with the City of Housm Officials and bad arran&ed, wi th the consent of Commissioner Surber, to pay them :w800.OO per month for sewer- age disposal from January, 1, 1937 to September 15, 1937 and at that time arrange to dispose. of our own sewerage. It was agreed to in a letter to theCity of Houston which is as follows: ~; , ~.--=r= ~-~ 187 :March 31, 1937 i'<~<1 " I t; I :; I .' ~ ) Hon. Mayor and City Commissioners City of HOllS ton, Houston, Texas. Gentfemen: This will confirm understanding reached with your Mz:.Holla:nd and Mr. Nagle, on March 25th<t, a.s to best disposl~ tion of the sewerage di sposal p?oblem for the City of West University w~mch was confirmed by the City Council of the City of West University in'regular meeting last Monday night, March 29th. and the fOllowing is part of the minutes of that . meeting, under heading, tlAgreement with the City of Houston, If exas . tI . , , tlThe City of \Vest University will forward its vouchers to the City of Houston for $1600.00 for sewerage disposal for the months of January and February 1937, and do agree' to the charge of $800.00 ,per month beginning March 1,1937, and terminate on September 15,1937, payable on the loth.~of each month following the month that service is performed. Delay in payment beyond this period will invalidate this'agreement. It is also agreed by this council that beginIl;ing September, l5, 1937, the City of W~st University shall s~rveribs sanitary sew~reonnection on, -and af'Ger Septe~ber15, 19~, prOviding, thai; should c.o pStruct ion aJ;ld comP:Letilbn.oof' a',sanit,ary sewerage disposal. plairt by thf;'} City of\'lT~s;t University be unavoidably delayed, ~hrough:r;1.O fault 61' its ovm, that the City of Houston will en1;ertainmove to adyance date for servering sewerage connection'for a time which it ~ay find is necessary to complete. plan t. '- ,'.' < ' , , , Also in the meantime we will complete the repairs to 165 foot of main sewerage line to keep sand out of your sewer lines. [["1 I.,: Please acknowledge and 01h1ige. Your s truly, Mayor RH/dm Authorized by City of West University City council to make this contract. ~~.............._-- r-- '1 fIB8 Commissioner Surber made a motion accept1ng this proposition and authorizing the City Secretary to issue checks in ~li€r""amount //"], of $1600.00, covering payments for months of: January fAIid February 1937, Which motion was duly seconded by qomm~ssione~ Allen. Voting Aye: ,~.Commissioner Surber and Allen Nos: None '\ h, The Mayor. advi sed tba t he had a contribut'ion of $50.00 from American La:France Fire Hose Company, which is, tp"be cr~dited ," to the volUnteer Firemen's Relief Fund., Motion 'was mEldeby Commissioner Surber authorizing Secre,tary to make a deposit of this amount in the Citizens St'ate Bank tp, the credit of this fund and tba t none of this fund is to be used fbr relief purposes for a period of one year from this date. This will allow an opportunity to build up this fund so that it will be sufficient to' ~e1y upon,. This EJ.otion was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen.' ' Voting Aye: Co~issioners Surber and Allen. Nos: None Request was made by Mr. S.am Semo, with the C. C. Rouse Lumber Company for ,adjustment of ta~es for several year,s on several lotsi'n Bellc;Court, 0!rne4by ~arris Realty Company. Motion was made by Commissioner BUrb.er autl10rizing ~~cretary to grant this re<pestand accept pa,ymen;t from the Harris Realty Company for thes,e taxes adjusted to the vB.hles of 1935, waivirtg all'penal- tyand interest and issuing a receipt as full. payment for ~ll prior years and including 1936.' The above motion was duly' sec- onded by Commissioner Allen. . , . Voting Aye: Commissi~ners Surber and Allen. Nos: None There being no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. /"1 1 . ~,: -"~ ,'-. f#~ I ',SECRETARY ATTEST Mayor' J 'Commissioner " '" Commissioner . ~.y _~-'ir.... 'L I F- 18~l SPECIAL MEETING SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1937, 1: 30 P.M. COUNCIL" CHAMBERj CITY HALL CITY OF WEST <UliIVERSITY PLACE; TEXAS. ( '1 ,1 I' I ' ,{, ) TheCommiss~Qn<~nvefied1'if1(~'tai{~:e.6<r~g6>ingx'dilteiia.~1 :30 ,p .lVI. wi th Mayor': 'Rye tt: "pr e~ iditig : ;a;nd " :Comrai sS:j;;e:fi€i'ps cAllen and Surber and Secretary::;Jarra:rd01ri;'auteri<lance.' ~'. . '. "': ,.~ This ,meeting was held for the purpose of maki-ng app'G:i:n,tments of judges, clerks ,and supervisors to serve' and conduct the City election to be held Tuesday, April 6th. 1937. The follow- ing were suggested by the .Mayor, which were approved by the Council: Thos. L., Winston, Judge, and Harvey Brown, Mrs. L. A. Morgan, Mrs. H~ E. Bade were appointed to serve in this election. The ,Mayor was given authority to select two others and notify them Monday ,~pr.il 5th. Mr. Gus Barkow,Contz.>actor, advised the COWlcil he was building his home in West University Place and his regular electrician had agreed to install the electrical wiring free of charge and in as much as this ele,ctri:cian did not bave a license, he asked. that a special prlhvilege be allowed him at this time by issuing a permit for this ,particular job. It was agreed that this was the first request of this kind, therefore it was unanimously agreed that U. R. Bronk, E,lectrical Inspector, work this out wi th Mr. Barkow, which will be accept;~ble to the Council. Commissioner Surber made.,a motion confirming an agreement made with the Layne-Texas Company, water well drillers; to make necessary repairs on the pumps at the College Avenue plant and to clean out the well.' Due to emergency, this work was started the previous wp;ek. This motion was duly seconded by Commissioner. Allen. Voting Aye: Commis_sioners Surber and Allen 1" Nos: l'Ione ( -I lj Mr. H. F. Dawson~ representing the Layne-Texas Company~ pre- sented a statemeJ;lt in the' amount of $9,59.47, covering various work performed by. this cmnpany in the past and also the balance due on the original'-yontract and Inter-est~ for drilling the well. After discu~~ing various items on this statement, Com- missioner Allen made a motion authorizing the Secretary to issue a cheek for this amount. This motion was duly secen ded by Commissioner Surber. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber .Nos: None ---------- ! i L-- I '''';;;r~"", '<l I ~----o..~ ..~ _ ~r-'- ~ 19B , There being no i'u.rt~;r.i;~b_j.n;4:u~::a;2:tP',;.come bef'ore the CommisSion, UPOn:,jfu;rti"Q~, p,~!i:.~Imade and duly seconded, the meeting was .dee1a.r'ed adjourn~d. ' a2/~' L C",SECRETARY , , J).~TEST: '~ J NlAYOR COMMISSlcN:BR COMMrSSIONBR (""" J 1- ., " -~ ~ ""--I' r ~ l;J.l i I \ I I I I ..>/!:... Me~ting Scheduled for April"'5, 193tt, was postponed on aceo~tofrio business to transact. Mayor Commi.ss ioner Comniissioner !- r J " 0".. i ~ r r' , --"'l I r r 'l~Z . SPECIAL MEETING SATURDAY, Am. IL lO, 1937 COUNCIL CHAMBER, OITY HAJ;tL WEST UNIVERSITY ELACE,' TEXAS 1 J .... 'l'he Ooui1ibil convened on the f'orego41g date at 1:30 ,P.M. with Mayor Hyett pre-siding and Commissi'Ot{ers Allen and Surber and ,City Sec~etary .Jarrard in atten~ce. This meeting was held for the purpo se of receiving, passing and approving plans and specifications' presented by Mr. .John O. Calhoun, who is serving as Engineer for the Monticello Company for the installation of various improvements in the second section, of Monticello Addition, owned by Mr... R. W. and T. P. Wier. Commissioner Surber made a motion wl1ich was dulyseeonded by Mt:tyor lieytt, acee-ptingand 'approving these plans, sub ject to the city' s inspection as the work preceeds. Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Mayor Hyett. Commissioner Allen not voting. Mr. H. F. Dawson, representing the.Layne-Texas Company, pr-e.sented a lb-il-ll in,:the amount of' $467.06 for repairing of the well as"referred to in ,the minutes preceeding. Oom- missioner Allen made a motion authorizing Secretary to issue a check for this amount which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. In as much as it was necessary to in- stall a new pump bowl and various raa terials, Mr. Dawson ad- vised that this was guaranteed for a period of one year as to workmanship. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber Nos: None Commissioner Surber made a motion authorizing Secretary to issue a check for $500.00 in favor of Fullbright, Crooker & Freeman, Attorney's in the case of Ralph Pleasant VB. West University Place, which is to apply as part payment of the fees accrued, and said $500.00 to be transferred from the Water fund to the General account. This motion was duly, seconded by Commissioner Allen. ( \ U Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen Nos: None I I ---- - I j- I I , 1< ! i~ 'in ,j 193 Commissioner Surber made a motion authorizing the Secretary to make the adjustment of Taxes on L9t, 5, Block 56, VVe,st University Flace No.1, in the name of Mrs. J. V. Cunningham, and the following lots ~n the name of J. C. Carlson, in " Colle"ge View 3rd..: Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, Block 17. All the a- bove adjill,'l tm~nt~ are to be based on th~ 1935 va1ues" ~iv~ng all penalty and interest with tne understanding that these taxes be paid during' the period of the present administration. The above motion authorizing these adjustments was duly'second- edby Commissione~ Allen. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners SUfber and Allen Nos: None There being no further business to come before the Commis- sion" upon motion being made and duly secohded~themeeting was declared adjourned. ATTEST: . Mayor COMMISSI G\ m c <l~IMISSIOlf.h:R > I ,----, _r' ~ 194 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 12, 1937, COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. Th.e->.J CoUncil convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P.M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen and Surber and Oi:ty Secretary Jarrard in attendance. ~,.... " ~l ( , , ' , ) Mr. E. G. Holm, 2'700 University Blvd. and Mr. D.li. Rolli,s, on University Blvd~,'wrote registered letters to the Mayor advis- " ing that the side walks in front of their property was badly ih need of !'epair which damage was caused by the repairing of the sanitary sewer line on University Blvd. After investiga- tion, we fow;j.d that these complaints were justified. It is the Council's instructions that WIr. Wilson, Foreman on the sewer job, be given instructions to do what is necessary to the re~ pairing of these side walks. ,Commissioner Allen made a motion 'authorizing this work to be done, which was duly seconded by Commissi one I' Surber. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber Nos: None Due to the change in the prese~t administration, it is neces- sary that an audit of the accounts be made.' The Mayor advised that he was in conversation with J. A. Phillips & Co., certi- fied PubJicAccountants, who. agreed ,to make an audit for the sum of $300.00. A motionau"tlJ:norizing the Mayor to make arrangements for this audit was made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber Nos: None Commissioner Surber made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, authorizing the completion of the in- stalla tion of man holes in the sewer line in' the West sectio~ of town or Colonial Terrace. Voting Aye: 'Commissioners Surber ~d Allen Nos: None Upon motion made by Commissioner Surber and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, the Council ratified the action of the Mayor and Secretary in payment, of certain accounts, repre- sented by the fo I lowing : 'l(1 '. f , ) I ;; I t ,_ ~" , > ~P"'",'ijH~ ~ I 'j , ~,,- --::1--' _ _ [ ~,-" , 'r--"----;-] t~'5 VOUCHERS General Fund Water Fund From No. 5331 From lio. 4551 to 5532 , to 47'73 Incl usi ve Inclusive. Vo>t~,g Aye: ^ Commissioners Surber and Allen Nos': None Commissioner Surber made a motion authorizing the Secretary to issue a Cheek in the amount of $300.00 in favor of John 0'. Calhoun, Jr. j JlmgJ.n.eel\. for the use o~b.ls truck during the rep;l.irl1'lg of' the sanitary sewer line onUn.tversityBlvd. under the set up of the Wi. P. A. (Mr. Calhoun pre sent ed a bill for considerable more than this amount some time ago) The above amount allowed is a compromise settlement. This motion was duly s econ.ded by Mayor Rye tt. Voting Aye: Commissioner Surber and Ma yor Hyett. Nos: Commissioner Allen. Mr. John C. Calhoun, Jr., Engineer, presented a bill 'Showing the amount of$66.00.for use of h~s truck, which agreement was ma-de wi th Mayor Hyett, after- the city had taken this job ,over from theW..F. A. Commissioner .:Surber made a motion authorizing that a cheek be issued fOI" this amount which motion was duly seconded by Mayor Hyett. Voting Aye: Commissioner Surber and Mayor Hyett Nos: :Commissioner Allen Commissioner Surber'made a motion authorizing cheeks to be issued for the following aceount$: ~.)".,.l". Dunlay-Armand Co. - - - - - - -' -$445":4'7 The Bell Press - - - - - - - - - - 5.50 Badger Meter Co. - - - - - 65.46 <Te~as Construction Material Co - 42.85 Gulf Concrete Fipe, Co. Invoices of March 1st., lOth., 14th., 18th., 26th., and 30th. Due to Commissi oner Allen not being pre sent, thi s motion was duly seeo nded by Mayor Hye tt. f!" Voting Aye: Commissioner Surber and M:ayoI' Hyett Commissioner Allen not voting. L....-__~_.~~__. , -'.~".,.~...' ! r"'''~~~~~'~1 r ' '''''_'1 r -.-'----' r f ..L-t.7U Mrs. Bast~an, accompanied by Mr. Haller, Mr. Harris ( on Swarthmore) Mrs. Nevetil, lVlrs. Ehrenhouse and Mr. Bastian, appeared before the Council to ask that something be do ne in the way of improving the par:k, in the West section of town, which pr'operty was donated. by Mr. J. D. Langham, dev- eloper of Colonial Terrace, wi th the pt'ovision that the City spend in improvements, a total sum of $600.00, $300.00 per year, mich agreement expired last year and was renewed by Mr. Langham. Commiss~oner Surber made a motion autho- rizing the allowance of $100.00 to be available immediately for expenp.itures on improvemen t of tlhis plrk and that all the above serve as a committee to work out the details as to im- provement,s, and Mrs~ Bastian and Mr.. U. R. Bronk were autho,- .rized to m~ethe purchases and present the bills to the City, wh ichwillbe pai.d i:mm.edi.ate.ly and also reaffirmed agreement made several months ago to s pend the total sum of $300;eOO by September 1, 1,937. The above motion was duly sec- onded by Commis si one.!' Allen. ,f}~ ,',I , ::j ; ~ ' Voting Aye:, Commissioners Surber and Allen Nos: None The el-ecti,on retUl:'ns were pres,(n ted ,to the Cit y Cpuncil a,t this open meeting py Thos,.. L. Wins ton (Judge of the Ele c- bi,on) and the required oath given him by Mayor Hyett. All records were turned in, in accordance }Vi th tp.e revised Civil Statutes of the State of Te:z:as..The City Council on this day canvassed thereturn,s of the City .t!,;lection held on the 6th. day of April, 1937, and declared the following results: FOR MAYOR v)O Harvey T. Fleming, ~ FOR COMMISSIONERS F.lY1.Mainous, 250 R. B. Allen, 213 CO RPN. JUDGE L. J. Martin 308 WeJ'Gthe:,C1:twe9b'fm!;i1b'ldee}l,r,edt:t:t.;tetf:ellow1ng elected to ~erve the City for the ensuing next two,years: MAYOR . Harvey. T \ ,Fleming COMMIS SIPNffi S F.M. Mainous f{,.B. Allen CORPORATION JUDGE L. J. Martin A motJon accepting and approving th,e, above yJas lW.deby Com- missi'0ner Surber. and duly s,econded by COilll~issioner Allen. Vot:ing Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen J J- ....: Ie ~~ . . 'I ' . L .; I ' Nos: None Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Com- missioner Mainous, instructmng that checks be made to the Judge and Clerks for service rendered in connection with the serving on the _ City Election held April 6, 1937. " ~ ' -;.l .{J!"t!-1:E ~ 1 r~~- r-'- 1:91 i I I b I i Judge is to receive $10.00 and Clerks $7.00 each. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous Nos: None "{ .\, ' , I" ;j: I ,:~,. ! ',," , v~.. I r,,,,. I I", ' r", {.. r:':; ,.j. !' F. r~ f< J. A . Medcalf, FireChie..:B,; pre sent.ed misecllaneous bills in the amount of $4.40 for expens es in connection wi th the Fire Department. This is the amount spent out of the $25.00 allowed at a previous meeting. Since the $25.00 was never given to Mr. Meacalf, the Secretary was authorized to reimburse him for 'the amount of $4.40. , Mayor Hyett adminmatered the oath of office for Mayor to Mr. Harvey T. I....lemihg. ' Due to the delay in getting the, Surety Bonds for' the Mayor andCommiss ioners, it.-was decided by amotion mad,e by C6m~ missioner Surber and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, that the new officers take office and their Bond:s w:>uld' be approved and accepted tomorrow by the out going Connnissi.on. Voting Aye: Commis si one IS Surber and Allen Nos: None Mayor,Hyett then vacated the chair which was. taken over by the new Mayor,. Harvey T .!i'leming, who administered the oath of office to tfle rrewly elected Commissioner s, Frank M. Mairious and R. B. Allen.. There being no furtner business to come before the Commission, upon motion being made and duly seconded, .the meeting was declared adjourned~'->' L.. ~ ATTEST: ~~i MAYO'R . ~.. . , . , CO MlvIISSI QN' ER i'~'Uf..':' I . ~ I , to, . I, .i. - i ~:' " j CO MMI SS lONER ~~~ .''It...<t 1 1- --- r ' r 198 SPECIAL MEETIl~G TUESDAY, APRIL1Z, 1937 COUNCIL CHAMBER.. CITY HALL . VlEST UNIV:ER SI TY PLACE, TEXAS, :) The Commission convened on the above date at lO:OO O'clock A.M. with Mayor Fieming ~esiding and Comm~ssioners Allen and Mainous and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Commissi oner Mainous ma de a motion which llas duly .seconded by Commissioner Allen appointing C. G. Jarrard to serve as City Secretary, TreasUrer, Tax Assessor and Collector and City Clerk, at the same monthly salary 'as heretofore received. Voting Aye: Commissioner.sMainous and Allen Nos: None -.;,;,;f- Motion was ma de by Commissioner Allen mich was duly seconded by CommissionEr MamOus approving Surety Bonds of the Mayor and each Commissioner in the amounts of $3,000.00. Bonds dated 'March 12, 1937 issued by the Maryland Casualty Com- pany and executed by the respective officers. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allan and Mainous, Hos: None As to the appointment of a Fire Marshal~, the Mayor suggested that this office be left open for the time being until defi- nite duties and instr-q,ctions can be worked out, but it was decided after discussion that in as mush as this position was set out in the statutes and that the fire rate depended on the duties of the Fire Marshall, that there be an appointment made at this time. A motion was made by Commissioner Mamous and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, that Ira A. Harris be appointed to fill this position in addition to other duties as the Gouncil may direct from time to time, at a salary the same as heretofore re~eived. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen Nos: None j j' d ,", 1 ' \.~ " City Marshall, Mayor Fleming reccommended that due to former City Marshall, Mr. A. Shaver, being too bu~y to fill this position, that the regular policeman, J. W. Clarke, be appoint- ed to serve in this capacity. Commissioner Allen made a motion approvi.'l1.g this reccornmendation, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. ' I I ! l \-. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous Nos: None ~'I~', _r-e~ '-', .I I I I r I [ i [' ~ i I'fl"" I '; I j.,.1 ), I'...;.'.. . ~ . '- ~ . I !' i" .' , '1 \ i, I I I , f ' '''. ) I "-------~.- ~--- --'~....... . '~~-:"' t- ~.. 199 Motion was made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous, autnorizing the same salary to be paid to J. W. Clarke as he is now receiv~ng. " Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainons ,". Nos: None As to Deputy City Marshalls, Commissioner Allen reccommended tl:1at these appointments be postpone until a later .da,te tIntil such time as duties and compensation can be worked o~t satis- :ractorj;ly. Motion was made by Commission er ,Mainous and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen that Mr. A.P. Robb be appointed as Assis- tant City Secretary, Treasurer, Tax Ass essor "and Collector and Cit~", Clerk" at the same salary as now receiving. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen Nos: None Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner !VIm nous ,passing a resolution designating the City National Bank of Houston, Texas, as the Depository f'or the General Funds of the C ty of' West Univer;sity Place, with the " exception of' the amounls now on deposit with the Citizens state Bank snd.San Jacinto National Bank of Houston, Texas~ These ~are to stand as they are until furtberactiop..by theCounc1.1. Be it resolved t'tl..at after this day all checks shall be signed by Mayor Harvey T.Flemingand City Secretary-Treasurer, C. G. Jarrard, and that- the Mayor is authorized to make arrangements with the Banks and file these signatures and present a oopy of resolution designating such Banks as depositories. The above resolution was passed by a motion made by Commissioner Allen and duly se.conded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Cormnissioners Allen and Mainous Nos: None A blanket motion was made by Commiss ioner Mainous and duly seconded by Commiss ioner Allen that all city employes be re- tamed in. the same positj.ons for the time being at the same , salaries unti 1 0 the I' action be taken by the Council. Vot:ing Aye: Cominissioners Mainous and Allen Nos: None '-=~[ - r 200 Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen that a colored man be employed at $12.00 per week to take care of the Park, city hall grounds, and cleaning the city hall. He is to be supervised by City Sec- retary Jarrard when working at the City Hall and ,on city hall gPeunds. His Fk duties are to be under the supervisian 6f Mr-. riarri s. .... :'~t' , , " \ J Vating Aye: Cemmission ers Mainaus and Allen NO's: None Caramis~ioner Allen made a motion which ~as duly s~cended by Commiss ioner Mainous and duly seconded by Cemnissioner Allen, that as sean as the unfjnished part af the ~ewer jab on Wniversity Blvd. East ef BuffalO' Speedway was cempleted, that this jeb be di seon tinued until further actian is taken by the CitYoCauneil and instructions are issued, that the parkways be repaired and cleaned. Voting Aye: Commissianers Allen and Mainaus. NO's: Nane The Council autborized Engineer Jahn C. Ca1hailll to' get bids fram twO' er three con tractors, secvring prices far the build- ing of twO' man 1:I,a1e s and back filling the sewer ditch in the West Point sewer jeb and the'se bids are t,o be submitted to the C01l!lci:t,. at a meeting which is to' be held at 7:00,.P.M. on this d,ate (April 13, 193'7 ) Matien autherizing the abave was !ria ae by Cammissianer Allen and duly secanded by Cammissioner Mainaus. Vet:tng Aye: Cemmis sian ers Allen and Mainaus .: NO's,: None Matien 'was made by Cammiss ianG[' Allen and duly secanded by Commissioner Mainaus that in the future all materials needed on the sewer. repair job en University Blvd. shall be purchased by Commissioner Allen thraugh authority af the Council and that Mr. Wilsen is to' makeup a list af the materials needed and present each week. Vating Aye: ConnnissianErs Allen and Mamous NO's: Nane 1 ,', " " '?,~~,-' J ~"'~"'-=-===l.- 201 (I : I , ! Commissioner Mainous made, a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner A~lenthat a:I;l premiums on Surety Bonds f'o1' all CityOf'f'icials and lii.ppoirite~s sball be paid by the city. Voting Aye: Commis sXoneI' s Mainous and Allen Nos: )Tone I Mr.. Ira A. Harris reported that the clutch and transmission on the garbage truck was badly in need of' repairs and that the DowMotor Company,,' a short time ago replaced thes~ 'gears, which job apparently was not satisf'actory. He was given instructions by the Council to discuss the mat;'ter with the Dow Motor.:.company and endeavor to have the work done without cost, to the city. A motion giving the above instructions was 'rW,de by 09mmissioner Mainous and duly seconded by COl1lInissioner Allen. . ' Voting Aye: Commiss ionet's ,Mainous and Allen Nos: None Mr. Harris reported that the water truck was in need of' an over- hauling job and in his opinion should ~ve new pistons and rings and other ,necessary work. COmmissioner Mainous reccormnended that this ~ruck betaken to Brace & Prouse Garage andma~earrange- mentsto do What i,8 necessary'to put the trlJ.ck in first 'cla'ss condition.' CornmissioIler Mainous then made a motion authorizing this work to be done which was seconded by Commissioner> Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen Nos: None This meet~ng is to.be continued tonight at '7:00 O'clock. (\ 1 I 1 I 1 r ) . I~~;- L-.- ,... I""" r- .. , , 202 COI{TINUED MEETDfG TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1937 CO,m\TCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL WEST UNI VER SITY PLACE, TEXAS (l )' TUe Council convened on the roregoing date at 7:00 P.M. with Mayor Flemin"g presiding and Commissioners Allen and Mamous and City Secretary Jarrard in atte:np.ance. The lVlayor administered Oath or orrice to L. 3. Martin ror the Orrrce of" Recorder or Corporation Court and proper rorm was executed as required by Ulw. . Mr. John C. Calhoun, Engineer, reported that he had received bids as authorized at the previous meeting ror two man holes and the back rilling~of the ditch in West Point sewer job. Bids as :follow s : -$450.00 ror back :fill 75.00 each man hole -- 40.00 :for back :fill 70.00 each man hole Commissio~r 'Allen made a motion which was duly ,seconded by Com- missioner Mainous that this contract" be awarded to Contractor :":P,e F . 'Ellis who was low bidder and author iZ eO. EngiJ;leer to have ,this contract,or ,submit a letter setting out indetai:}.the work t,Q be per:formed and said job. is to be supervised 'QyMr. John '0. Ca Jhoun. Massingale & Sauer '- - P. F. Elli s , Con trac~or Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous Nos: l.~one Mr. Harris advised he had taken the garbage truck to Dow Motor Company wbocaav1sed him that the 01 utch and transmiss ion was . satisfactory but the drive shaft and differential was in (very bad condition and was in need of repairs. Commissioner Mainous advis ad he had made arrangement s with the Brace-Prouse Garage (who specialize on Chevrolet trucks) to allow 20%, discount from the price list of chevrolet agents, on all material~nd labDr. Commissicner Allen Imide fa. motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Ma mous authorizing the necessary repairs be made to this truck (Which repairs:will probably have to be done at night. .> ( r r J Voting Aye: Commiss ioners Allen and Mainous Nos: None i i .~ 2Q3 Commissioner Mainous made a motien which was duly seconded by Commissicne~ Allen authcrizing Cit.Y Secretary to secure prices from Lloyd Metal Warks, On water meter bo~es in lots of 50, 100, 150 and 200, and report to the 'Councll at their next meeting. " to+.... Voting Aye: Commissianers Mainous and Allen No s: 'Nane Commissioner Mainaus made a motian Which was duly seconded by Commissierer Allen, stating that emergency .or regular ~~chases up to $25.00, for supplies or materials, shall be made or aut,horized by the respective department head. Voting Aye: Commissi'oners :DlIainaus .and' Allen Nes : None "Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen passing the following reselution,that any purchases of $25.00 or more should be purchased on a corn- petative bid in order to secure the best prices possible. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen Nos: None Motion was made by 'Commissioner Maip.ous .and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, giving instructions te CitY Secretary te get in teuch with all filling statien .operators wi thin driving range of' West University PIa ce, asking the amount .of' discount off'ered on standa:bd grades .of' gas and oil and the greasing for all moter vehicles, except the tracto~, en a 90 day contract. Stations sugg~sted are .the fellowi,ng: Krenzler Bros., Shell Statien in South Side, Oonselidated Oil Cempany, Sunset Fillirig Station, F. M. Blanke. Veting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen . j i r i J / Nos: None A metion was made by Commissioner AlIen and duly seconded b0 Commissioner Mainous passing a resolution to the ef'f'eet that the water, f ire and s ewer departments be supervised by Com- missioner Allen and that the street, bridge, park and garbage departments be supervised by Commissioner Mainous and that the finaneial, tax and general office matters (or adminis- trati va), polic a a..."1d health departments be sUlR'vised by the Mayor: L__ _,.,___ '''~'r ' I r ''''r: ,204 ! Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous . Nos: None .~ ' A motion made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous, authorizing Commissioner 1Vlainous to i:nvestigate the details and see what 'immedia.te possibilities ar.e as 'to improving of University Blvd. in 'fro;nt of the" school and r~port back to the Council at their ,next regular meetJ-ng. . voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and, Mainous Nos: None' : 1 Motion was made by Commissioner Mainous' and duly sec onded by Commission-e 1'" Allen to call on each pl'ain'ti.ff in the injune- tion su"it of restriction violation in Rice COUI"t, which suit was ,handled by the City Attorney, R. L. Sonfield, and find out their attitude in the matter and their understanding as to the Citytsliability and report the finding back to the City Council at their next meeting., Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen -' -- Nos: None Motion was made by Commiss ioner 'Mamous and duly seconded by Commissioner Alle:n, authorizing the City Secretar-y to call a lock smith and have the turjblers' changed on 'the IQcks on doors entering into the off ice and have t1ztkeys made. Voting Aye: Commission ers lVlainous and Allen Nos: None Commissioner Allen made a motion vtlich was duly secmded. by Com:rnissi'oner Mainousto the effect that the Baptist ChUJ;'ch be granted permission of' using the center officeih the city hall for the purpose 'of 'bioa.al.:~g sunday school. ' ~ .. :,' -"" -~ ; Voting Aye: Commissionet's Allen and Iv1ainous Nos: None Mayor Fleming administered the Oath of Office to Ira A. Harris" as Fire 1I1arsball and J. W. Clarke as City Marshall and the re- quired'forms were, signed by each. , i I" , ' I I / .. I \; I I ' I " ~'" "",.... . > j :- =-..=...~_-_. --=-"1-" r i 205 ' There being no further business to' ~ome before the Council, upon m,otion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was a.dj.9urne d. " '" ('- ' , ' , ..~~. .. ' C S ET ~"', (' , i 1, ! . ! J ~~_~J=-=-~ I ~[.. 'ATTEST '"\ / C CMMISSIONER COMMISS IeNER ~ , .I '2cr6 REGULAR MEETING SATURDAY, APRIL 1'7, 193'7 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. ~ \ r r, r i "\ ) .The Commission ccnvene,d,on the for~go:ing ,date at 2:00 P.M. with Mayor~Fleming presiding and Commissioners.Allen and Mainous and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Mirro.tes of the meetings of April 13th. were read by the Sec- r,etary and approved by the Council.. Surety Bonds f'rqn the Maryland Casual1:;y Company covering 'bonds of Mr. A. P. Robb and J. W. Clarke, dated'April 13, 193'7 were presented to the Council f'or approval and accep- tance. Bond for Mr. A. p~ Robb covering position as Assis- tant Secretary-Treasurer, Tax Assessor and Collector, and CityClerkirithe,amount of, $3,000.00. Bond for J. W. Clarke in the amount of $1,000.00 covering position as City Marshall. These bonds were approved by motion made by Commissioner Mainous and duly secmded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commis s ioner f? Mainous and Allen Nos: None Commissioner Mamous advised that Charley Cunningham (an em- ploye) as]red J;:ermis sion to -use the water truck to hau,l old lumber to hij3 home. Commissioner Allen stated that he thought it a bad practice to allow the trucks to be used for pri- vate use. It was therefore decided that this req;estbe re- fused. Commissioner- Mainous made a motion which was:;duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, giving authority to Department Heads to sell any and all scrap iron, brass or materials that were not needed and could not be used by the city. Voting Aye: Commiss ioners Ma inous and Allen Nos: None Commissioner Mainous reported that he was in conversation with Mr. Harry Hedges, Contractor, who agreed to furnish the oil and perform the work in oiling the street in front of the school for a price of $210.00. This was the best price ob- tained. This street is to be scraped and wet and rolled and is necessary to keep the traffic off of same until it is oiled~ Commissioner Allen made a motion wuch was duly sec- onded by Commii3sioner Mainous authorizing Commissioner Mainous to enter into the contract with Mr. Hedges to perform this work. '1" i' I lJ 9 iJ. .) , Mtll;W9;~W"b. ! ..,"I" "1 r' .... 20'7 Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous Nos: Norie In respmnse to instructions given City Secretary in previous meetinf to obtain bids on gas, oil and greasing of the city equipment, these bids were presented, and the Conf$olidated Oil Company being the lowest bidder, giving the following Pric.es: 2~ per gallon off on regular price of gas aot per gallon for the Kool Motor Oil (with service) 50Si each for greasing of 13,11 cars and trucks c This agreement is binding for a period of 90 days. Commissioner Allen"made a motion accepting, this companY's bid and instruct- ing that all equipment, with the exception of the tractors and fire truck, be supplied at this~ station. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous Nos: None ~heSecretary reported that he was advised by the Lloyd Metal Works that we were receiving the best, price obtainable 1"e- gardles,sof ,quantity purchased, on meter boxes, which is $1.25 each. Council deeming ,this as a good price, approved an order for the purchase of 50 meter boxes. This was by a motion made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commis sioners Allen and Mainous Nos: None ,j':' Ir~j;, , Commissioner Allen reported that he had gotten in cOli~unication with several of the parties mvolved in the injunction suit in Rice Court and from the information he had gathered, advised that in his opinion the City had no authority to bec ome involved in this case. The Mayor stated tha t in view of the information he had received, that the City take no further action in this matter. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duiliy' seconded by Com- missioner Mainous, to the effect that in view of the ian.formation received regarding this suit, that the City take no further ac- . tion in the matter. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Minoua No s: l~one 'T" ,'" , '1 I f 2U~> Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Com- missioner Mainous, giving authority to the Secretary to pur- chase the following supplies: , 12 Books Delinquent tax Receipts' 500 Water cards 200Q Letter heads 1. Cash Book 100 Carbon Paper l/4 lb. Rubb er bands 20 Books Tax Certificates 1 Box File Pen points Pencils And that in the future it not be nece~sary to 'pr~sent an iti- mized list to the Council, but left to the judgement of the Mayor in ordering such ~upplies. Voting Aye: Comraissioners Allen and Mainous Nos: None Commiss ioner Allen made a motion 11bich was duly seconded l!y Coni- missioner Malnous, to purchase two drums of gas from thie Humble Oil &-RefiEdng Company and 15 Gallons Motor Oil, SEA-40 (Kool- Mot~r) at 69~ per gallon, from the Consolidated Oil Company. This fuel is to be used in the tractor. .Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen Nos: None Commissioner Allen made a ,motion which was duly seconded by Com- missioner Mainous, gj.ving authority for the purchase of enough materials as to lumber, nails etc. to build ten bridges. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous Nos: None Motion made by Commissioner Mainous and duly seconded by' Com- missioner Allen, authorizing the Secretary to i;.:; sue the follow- ing checks for servica:l rendered in the election held April 6, 1937. Judge --------$10.00 Clenks-------- 7.00 each Voting Aye: Commissioners IV1amoas and Allen Nos: None .- >~ () I t, : r; '-, j ( \ ! " j 'j 'I k '\ /. r~~ -~I- 'I r' C' 209 Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Com~ missioner Mainous, giving authority to the Mayor and Secretary to make payments for interest due April 10, -1937, onall General Bonds and Warrants and also Water Revenue Bonds, as they are pre- sEmted from time to time from various 'bond and warrant holders. .~ I V oting....Aye: Commis s ioners Allen and lViainous Nos: None >Cormnissioner <Mai:nous made a motion which was duly seconded by Cow.missioner Allen, giving authority to Mayor Fleming to employ a man' at $3.'00 per day, for a period not exceeding one week, for the reading of water meters. (Mr. Fails was suggested by the lVIa y6r ) Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen Nos: None Commissioner .Mainous stated that in as much as Mr. R. L. Bonfield was whoroughly familiar with all ordinances and condi tio'ns of the City affairs and that he is now.workingon the zoning ordinance, that he reccommended that he be appointed to the position as City Attorney. 'After a discussion, Commissioner Mainous ,m9.de a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner allen, appointing Mr. Sonfield as City Attorney and that his compensation can be worked out as soon as the audit is completed. V oting Aye: Commis s ioner s Ivlainous and Allen , Nos: None 'Commissioner Allen.made a motion which was duly seconded by Com- missioner Mainous, giving authority to the ~ayor to purchase a set of four new tires for the police ear and to have the nec- essary mechanical work done to put said car in first class con- dition. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous .( '1 !l I . t :1 I' '1 j Nos: None Cornmissfr;oner Mainons made a motion which was duly Ij econded by ~Gmmissioner Allen, giving authority to Commissioner Allen to contact the Council in the City of ~outhside, with reference to connecting two city water systems to be used by either city during an emergency, and as soon as he has taken the matter up T-~ .. I , '1 ,,~~u with Southside, he is to report to the Council, stating ~leir desire in the matter, and reccommend as to ,the best way to make the connection. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen ~1 l I.:' I I I' ): Nos: None .". Motion made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Com- missioner Mainous accepting the reccmnmendation made by Com- missioner Allen to engage the services of Mr. J. G. Campbell, Chemical Engiruaer for Southwest Laborato:r~es, to take water' samples from/various parts of the city and analyze same and render a.report each month, .who ll-as agreed to make this analy- sis for the amount of $2.50 IE r mon.th. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous Nos: None Motion made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Com - missioner IViainous, giving authority to the Mayor to enter into contract with the Brinks,Inc., for bankmessf3ng:er S'ervi.-ce. They agreed to make three deposits per week for the sum of $240.00 per year, payable $20.00 per month, and also instrugt1ngSecre- .tary to purchase a money bag and lock which is required boy" the above company. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous Nos: None There " being no further business to come before the GomInis s ion, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was de- clared adjourned. ATTEST sf/tf~ COMMiSSIONER --I I I '. j COEleJ:ISSIONER l i ~~~--r"" r ' , ,. ~1----- --------r 211 r'" 'I I SPECIAL MEETING F,RIDAY, APRIL 23,1937 COtT:NCI)j CHAMBER , CITY HALL WEST UNIVER SITY PIA CE, TEXAS ; . r " The Commission ccnvened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P.M. wS,:th Mayor Fleming p~siding a~d Cpnnnissioner s Allan a.nd , Mainons and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Minutes of April l'7th. were read and approved. , . ' ,- Mr".J. J. Johns, 35~ Not~ingh~, appeared before the, Council and registered a., cbriiplai~nt regard:i;ng aldt in Becon dAddition b~!ng low and water e;Llowed to sta;qq, causing u,nsaatary condi- tions. 'This pr 01' arty ,is, owned by the Oi ty Rea Ity Company,. The hlayora,dvised. th at the City had no 8:uthori ty to ba ve this lot filled in but that the matter be referred to Mr. Mainous of the Street and Bridge Department, who could arrange tbidrainthis water to the street., Commissioner AIIED advised that he had discuss.edwith the Mayor and A Commissioner, of South Side, Regarding the serving of water a.s referred to in previous mltnut:ss, who ,advised that they would _be very glad. to furnish' water to the City of West University during an_~mergehcy' fo,rl5rt per thousand gallons. The Ma.yor ,Mr. , LiIidsey advised that this is not an action of the Council but that he had talked wi.th other counc~lm6n whoadV1sed that this woUld be taken up and fpssed at their next regUlar, Council Meeting, and that it was their des:ire to work with the; present officials of Wes,t, U:p..~yersity Pla,ce at all times. Commission ar Allen made a motion '.hi ch was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous, authorizmg Water Department to make the necessary connec-tio;u. V9tin~ Aye: Comt!1issione_rs Allen andNIai,nous Nos: None , :-1 J Commissiorer Allen advised that he nad talked to r.Irs. Illig, owner of aunumber of lots in BissonettPlace, regarding ex- tensio:q of the water lines to serve, various property in this Addi tion. Commissioner Allen made' a mot'ion to the effect that the ~ty make extensions to the Water line down Weslyan street to se'rve Block 5, in Bissonett Place on the basis of the City paying and furnishil;lg the water lines down tba t street and that Mrs~ Illig is to pay for the lines through easement on the basis of 359!per'ft.for two inch latteraland that the ,water line, on Marlow and Coolridge Street be laid by the City where it is to serve individual prOperty, they are to pay the 35$l per ft. ,and the sewer lines in the easements b, construct... E:}d 1J.!lder the supervision of the City 9.tthe expense of property own e1' . "" f . i L_, .l....f~~.^' I ,,. I I~~~- "<'212 I I I I ! ! f I. This motion, was seconded by Commission er J.\.1ainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and :Mainous Nos: None 'I J COlnn1issioner Ma:inous reported tmt he and Mr. Allen had made arrangements with the Methodist Hospital for accommo- dations for Mr. 'F. E. Hatcher, who was injured by the City tractor on Tuesday, April 20th. and due to the mn:ergency, em- ployed Dr. Hughes and three special nu't'ses. Also advised that one of the special nurses, P/liss Hilda Hutchinson was due the SUIl'! of $ll~50 to AIit'il23rd. 1937. :Comrrfiss'ioner > Mainous m~de a motion which was' duly second~dby Commissioner AlleIl;, approving the ab'otta action and authorizing the See- re<tary to' issue a check to !ilis s Hutchinson for the abOVe a- mount and also to pay the otber nurses and expenses as they ,become due. . ' , Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Maihous .Nos: None Commissioner Mainous reported that the playgroundequipmant in the Monticello. Park was badly in need of' repair. Comtnis- , sioner' Allen made a motion which was, duly seconded by Cdm- missioner Mainous authorizing the purchase of' trJlterial and labor' to make the necessary repairs as deeme,d advisable by Mr. MainouB. Voting Ay,e: . Commissioners Allen and Mainous Nos: None ,Commissioner Mainous,~,4Yis ed t9at'the Street and J;3ridge Depart- ment was in need Of ~t!ie follawingtools: ' Hoe, hoe handle; , Rake; Hedge Shears; Spading Fork; Bush Snaths; Scythe;Weed Cutter; Blades; and Pad Lock. Commissioner Allen made a motion whi,ch was duly seconded byCommissloner Mainous authori- zing th"e purchase of' the above tools. :r VOtiJlg Aye: Corrmissioners Allen and MaJnous Nos: None (---\ , \ I I The cutting of weeds and grass in the park ways and side walks was di scussed at a previous meeting. Commissismer Mainous was asked to investigate and reccornmend 'at the next meeting, the most economical and advantageous method of performing the work. He advised that he had investilgated a power mowing machine which in his opinion, could take care of' this in a very' satisfactory manner, and reccomrl1endedthat this machine' be purchased. Com- missi cmr Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Com- I }, r~~-. 213 J i missioner Mainous, to give h;Lm authority to purchase ,the fol~owingpower mowing machine: "Beqkers~' , at a price of $290.00 and $'75.00 for additional cycle." Voting Aye: Commissioner s Allen and Ma:inous ,~. Nos: None The matter of bringing our City Ordinanc as up to date and m::;1king them legal, wasdiscuss,ed. Ccmmissioner Mtilinous made a motion which was dulysecona,~d )?Y CornmissionerAllen, authorizing the City Attorney totakewha t ,action. i,s nec~ssary and that Mr. Bonfield, Attori}.~:i'y'"Q,e alsp ati:~;nor,izecltopre- pare a bill for the purpose of relieving the necessity6:f' the City in the pub:lishing 'Of City Ordin~ces !tere11hey contain penalties, and if necessary, that he and the MayaI' make a trip to Austin in the interest 'Of baving this bill passed. Vating Aye: Commissianers Mainaus and Allen Nos: None ? . Commiss ioner Allen made a motion wbi ch was duly seconded by 9ommissioner Mainous, giving instructians to the City Attarney tainvestigate and make m$e legal proceedings far the finan- cing,of' a, seweragedispasal plant. Voting Aye :Cammi's'sioners Allen and Mamous Nos: None Commissioner Ma1naus made a matian whiCh was duly seconded by Cammiss iater ~llen, autharizing the ~to contacpaan Eng:tneer whom he may select, and make investigatian as to the location, plans and specifications, and wor k out other necessary d6tai lsr19gard:ing the b1i1ilding of' a sewerage dis- posal plant. Votmg Aye: CommissianErs Mainous and Allen , ') ! i i j No s: None Cammissioner Mainaus made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissianer A~len, giving instructions and authority to City Attorney Bonfield to amend the sewerage Ordinance, ,chap..ging the monthly charge f'rom $1.00 to 50~ per connec~ion, ef'f'ective May 1st. 1937. ' Vot:i:ng Aye: Commissioner s Mainous and Allen Nos: None .. " ~ . '-'!i~"'$~~'al' I I' ~, ......::.... [: ,",,~.. ---', , 1 214 Commissioner Allen ma de a motion which was duly seconded by Cornmissioner Mainous, giving authority to' Commiss ioner Mainous to purchase one car of shell to be used ..for general repair purpo se s. Voting Aye:,,,. Cormnissioners Allen and Mainous Nos: None ,-"., j [ i f i ~ , ~; ~J Commissioner Allen made a <motion which was duly seconded by Cqmmissioner Mainous, authdPiz ing the purchase of a pair of leggings, pants, sJ:1ui..rt and cap for the policeman. This 'purchase not to exceed $27.69. " . Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and liainous Nos: -None There being no further business to ceme before the Council, upon motion being made and properly seconied, the meeting was declared adjourned. ~ S 'TARY , ~; l I .,.",......."<' I I~~-~r'-' \ ==.-=~--.=-- ---, COI\IJMISSIrn~ ' " C"'CjlMISSIONElR'~ .r- \ \ l r f. l i, } .., 215 ,( t ~REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 2'7, 193'7 COUNCIL em:AMBER; <::I TY HALL WEST' UNIVER Srl1Y , PLAeE; ''fEXAS . The Commission convened on the foregoing date at '7,:00 P.M. with Mayor ]f.J.eming presiding and' Comrniss ioners Allen and Mainous and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. , Minutes of the meeting of April 23~d. were read and approved. Mr. R. L. Sortfield, City Attorney, submitted a written report in the matter of the issuing of R~venue Bonds for the purpose of financing the construction of a s'ewerage disposal plant. This report may be found in the file under the heading of tI Sewerage Disposal Pla.."YJ. t, April 1937.n Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded 'by Com- missioner Mainons, giving the Secretary inst'ructions to issue electrical permit to Mr. Gus Barkow, t6 wire his house on 6402 Rutgers Street. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous i I i. Nos: None Mayor Fleming reported that he had contacted s~veral property owners on the South side of B~llaire Blvd. and West of Kirby Drive, regarding the location for a sewerage disposal plant and advised that he was very much impressed with the attitude each pro'Pertyholder took regarding the lack of objection to a sewer- a:ge disposal plant on or near their property. . It" was also de- cided that the land transaction be worked out before construc- tion plans be started. Oommissioner Allen reported that he had not completed 'getting bids on the Water Reservo'ir. He' had only gotten one, wbi ch was from the Chicago Bridge andIron Company, in the amount of $4,400.00 for a 200,000 gallon tank, and would get the other bids 'within the next few days. i /} j I t ) . ","/ Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, authorizing Secretary to issue check in favor of Harry Hedges; Contractor, in ,the amount of $265.85, for the oiling of University Blvd. in front of'the school. Voting Aye: Commission~rs Mainous and Allen Nos: None ~ L~___ T' ,~,~~-- -I ' r"--~'<'-' 21:6 Commissioner Allen reported that he had received the following bids for four twelve ply tires and tubes for the fire truck: General Tire ....... ......$241.40(less $60.00, sale (of old tires) Firestone .....~.........~ 252.64 Goodyear ................215.56 Seiberling ............... 252.50 Goodrich ................. 206.56 Kelly Springfield ........ 197.96 ..... l J Since the bid from the Batterson Tire Cor!'JPany on General Tires ,was the lowest amount, being $181.40, Mr. Allen was given authori~y to make this purchase by a motion made by qorr~issioner Allen and duly seconded by Copnnissioner Mainous. " Votiimg Aye: Commissioner?s Allen and Mainous ,J Nos: None COMmissioner Allen reported that he had received bids on pipe and fittings from F. W. Heitman and Dunlay Armand and that all prices were ide!ltical, but was advised that if it Were ... possible to order the pipe in car loaa. lots and the fittings in lots of, 300 Ibs., that there would be a substantial dis - count. He was given authority, by a motion made by'Commissioner Mainous and seconded by Commissioner Allen, to purchase 500 ft. of 2 inch galvanized pipe with t~e necessary fittings. Voting Aye': Cornmiss ioner Allen an d Mainous No s: None i' The matter of repairing the side walks on University Blvd. in frOll t of Mr. E. G. Holmes and R. D. Hollis' homes I was dia - cussed and decided by a motion made by CammissionerMainous and duly seconded by Commis si oner Allen, that sinc e repairing of this sid e walk was voted on by the :former Council at the meeting of April 12th., who authorized this work to be done, these instructions be carried out. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous &nd Allen :f\los : None Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, authorizing the issuing of checks to three nurses attending Mr. F. E. Hatcher at the Methodist Hospital as follows: Miss DollJ~ Hawkins, $35.00; Miss Vivian Rogers, $35.00; Miss Mary Louise Pitts, ~30.00. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous 8.nd Allen No s: None f I I J I t I I i__________~~_~_~__~__ , " ... ~I~ .-- _ __r 1 I J . _r~}' , I .. v 217 Commissioner IVIamnous made a 'motion which was duly seconded by Cow~issioner Allen, autnorizing the purchase of postage stanps in the amount of $11.00 for mai ling of water cards for month of 'April, 1937. .~. Voting Aye: COli~aissioners Mainous a~n Allen 'Nos:' None 'There being no further business to come 'before the Contrnis sian, upon motion being duly made and seconded, the meeting was de- ,clared adjourned. . ~~ , SEC~ETARY ." ' , ATTEST --cor/I'M! S S IO N1!R '" -- - ----- COMMIS SIONER , I ,. l~~[' 218 REGUL[LRMEmDG FRIDAY, 4PRIL 30, ,193'1 , GOWelL CR..MIJ3EROITY HALL , ," ",.." , , ,,' WEST lmIVER8ITY PIACE,' TEXAS ,) ... ..... ..,.. The Oommission convened on the foregoing date at 7 :00 P.M. with :Mayor ,~.lem1n.g presiding and Oemmissioners Allen an4 Ma1nou8 ,and Secretary Jarrard, in attendance. , ' Minu'tes of the me$~Dg of April. 27th. were read and a:w~ved. Commissioner Allen made amotion Wh.i ch was duly seeono.ed b'l ' CeIl1Ql1ss1onerMamous, ,iq1thoriz1ng ,ap ,additional amount of 13.60 '.,.~ the cost J;)t the ..~o1.1:c_8n · S\U11tQ:rm~ .. .. " " '", Voting .Arye: Canm1ssioners, Allen am Ida :inous No,,: ~on. Oc)mm:{ssioner Al~en "";dv1S~d th~t he did not have SPy1;bing te 'reper~ .:t''this -t:i-me;l"':~garding the reserVG~,b:tlt;:boped to have final figures by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by OO'iriird~ss1:otler M~incms,': aUthorizing the purchase ot water pipe, f'1t't1ngs~d miscellaneous supplies in the amount of approx- 1matel,.~.280.,QO~:, ,This was estiJ!lated to be a thirty day supply. Voting 'Aye: ' 'Gemmissioners Allen and Mamous No s: lfo1ll8 .. Com.mlssionar All&n ma.de a motion which was duly seconded by Go_ssioneP Mainous authori~ing the redu~1:ion in the water ' r,,a.'te. to the Houston Public Schools to lOst per thOllSand ga llons, torw.ter furnishedtQ West Universi tyP~aee schools, the ra.te $tfective from Elate the ccnmection was ".niade. ... '. . Veting Aye: Commissioners AlIEm~d Mamous None ....,- "~ Qommissi01ler Mamous stated he was adused by the Heldenf'els Bres.thfA:t they would make a price for shell qJ;, ~l5st per yard, .. in earload lots delivered a t the, swit,ch on KivbyDrive or $1..36 per yard deli vered 'to the city barn or en the street. CGmmissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Ma:1nous, authorizing Commissioner Mainous to allow three ef the city negroes to work an hour over time each day :1 t~ ) ~j 'I" "-""<-0" ' ~" r - ," ,--- - '" I I ' ! --) j i. - I, l_ _ 1 ) 219. or f1 ve hours per week extra, and pay them 50st each per day fer this addi t19nal time. 'This' woUld 'permit them to use the garbage truck fo'r' hauling material. ~orthe ,street department. . ' ' Voting Aye: Commis~ioners Allen and'Ma1nous- Nos: ..,..None Cemmissioner Ma1nous DJide a motion which was duly"seconcied by Commissioner Allen, authorizing the plrcbase of 16 yards e:C ~ell emuls10n and one car' ofsheJ.l. "'Voting Aye; :CemmisslctlerslfIainous and Allet! ' Wos: None Cemmiss.1oner Allen,made a motion which was duly' secomed by Commission er Mainous, author1zm.gthe employ.D1E1l,t .01.', ,two ,labor- ers and a :fer~" to May 8th. for the cleaning aD.drep;iring '. .ofni1seellane0us'sewe~;,liries. . Voting Aye: Commissiomrs Allen and"Mainous Nos: ' ,None CUl'lmi-ssioner Mainous made a motion which was duly secor.ded by Oommis si oner Allen, ~uth oriz,mgCi1;y Att:orneySon.t1.eld, topre- '.' -. "J&~.han ordinance, .~~~ng over to th~ S~P.C.A. the authority to pick up stray' eat's'-:.;a:1id ,dog,s and the issuing of dog tags and se:tting of pound f.ee in the City of We.st University Place. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and All.en :Nos: Bone Mr. John C. Claheun, Engineer, advised the ,CGUIlcl1 that it wmld oe an advantage to the eity to water tamp ,the san1tu7 sewer line d1 tobes, which are Ul'Jder eo:nstrue~1.on, in the second sectiQn. of Monticello and. ask ..that the City furn1ahthe water 'tor this work. Cemm1ssiomrMainous made a 1ll0t3.on which was ' , duly seconded by OotDndssioner A1.len., allowing them to use the city water wi thout ~~ge~ f"or the tamping of the.fl~ ,q.1tches, a~d due to th~ shortage Qf wa'te;r dur1.ng eerta1ntimes of,tlle day, he is to w6):r~with the waterdeplrtment and arrange a con- venient timo' :for the usingo:f tb1s water. Veting Aye: Gommlssioners Ma1nous and Allen :Nos; None '~,T - _ 'I'.' l- ! 220 l________ Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was dulyseeonded . by a.qissiom.r Allen,. allowing Mr: Joe Clarke,. Policeman, to purcl:a se two badges in the amou.nt of $5.00 from Mr. Geo. B. Murra.y, !',orme:r: Oi ty Mar shall. " " , . Voting Aye:.". liomm1ssionersMainous and Allen Nos: ~t)n. There being no further business to com,e before the Comm1ssio~, upen motion being made and. duly second~d, the, meeting.was de- clared adjourned. ATTEST: Qd~ ~TARY OO.USS ICNER , , CODI as I~]R " , I '~~, ~1-" u f l~ ",11 I ! 'l i }- J :1 \ , .:( 1 : '! I i ';j . i: I ; 'i ) ,\ , L . t.;...-,;""-<<-;) 221 , J;l,~G"QLAR MEETI:NG ',JrnIJ>A.Y, Ul''Y1;h..19$'1 wE~~N~~;=~rf~~cE~ =8 . -.' The Commission 'conv~nedon theforeg0ing,~::~~j:a.t' ,:q~. ,p4.M.~, w~tlJ. Ilayor Fleming presiding and Commis sioner Allen and Secretary Jarrard in attendance.. C,ommissi0.nex- M~~ous wa~ .abs,ent,dueto his absence from the city.' "...' ,', < ' . ", , ',' Minutes of the meeting of' April 30th. were read and approved. CoIl'llili's sio.n$r" .llen, ~~de. a motion ,,,h~eh' wascQ.~ly secQ~c;l,.e4 'hi' M~yor Fl,uang,>ls~umg~,'~c~,+cns: 'to have -eh~' jie:e~ssary .~f;ipairs made en tn. garbage 'truok~' "Tb,.1s' Worktodbe don~ by Brae:.';'fx'ouS$i (Jarage. " < <... '. ' ,. ".., .. , . . ., . Voting Aye: .. ei.mmissione.jAilen And'Mayor Fl~m1ng Nos: None . , Cemm1ssioner Allen maCJe a motion giving au.thority to 'the Mayor "t~_ 90Jl;tae~aIl,<;i.~.t.nt:~*,;~,~t,o a., ~ontract .with,}1'r., ,J~ P., M~Ve:v,., ~$ineer, sUbje~,~ .,t~c:;~~t;J;ic,~J;iol}Q~tl1e ~~~c11" f9r~"eng~eer1ng. s,~~~ces on "~"sewerag$ dfsl),o~al.:plant, ~flc.e;lI,sary; sew~r:' :L:ln.es and -w..a~e!" , reservo~r,., ''!he above mQtiell was duly seqondetiby M8:yo;r F:t.e~~~g. '. . ,. c. ~ , >' . Voting Aye: Commiss 1OnSl:i"Ailen' Slid'Mayor Fiein1ng' Nos: None Council authorized Attorney R. L. Bonfield to prepare a traffic ",rduancft, ~~&+~ t~:ng ,tJ;'~,:ri., ,~s~eis.lly ip. front, Ci)'l i;h,e p~,t'ql'.e ,.pQlt .~"<'l.)#~~rie'ss 'e.t,l\~r;~a tQ~elUd.e atru~lAp-g,z,()n. 16 ft" .1ciI.,.~ . ''fh1' "Wi 11"b' "%'f"" 't1, ," tIl '1.00 P 14 "~,, t 'in' 1 " di ' ~~i.~Y$r ~. :<~. ~'. ~ J~e ~(t ~",. , ' '." :'., ., Il~ , ,c ~ 11g, ~f.t .~a.xAssessb~ ..~c:i... Q9J,teetor '_$giv~nal;1:thQr~t1to ~ettle taxes onq 'aereage 1i1~'the'>}Iortlf"'EaS't sect'lon of' the cIty ~ whieb "pr0perty 1s ewned b7 Maltz Bros~ 'fuisis.to be settle4o~ the ,",alua-t1on ' of $1$00.06 per 'acl-e~' .wai ving penillty and 'eest{ri6t 'interest). Mr.Jobn c. Calhou.n, Engineer,. is to work with their F.lngineer, Mr. M. I. Rosenberg, to determine the eorrect amount of' acreage. 'n~ above ~ut;h9r;ty was igivenby a mot:1oQn ma~e 'Qy Go~ss,"oner Al:len ai!'l 'dUlys,e'eon4~€J;\l>:t.JI,yoriFle,n#g. .' . , , ' , " O.~ss~oner Allen and IItay.or Fleming ~ j ~ -[- -. 1 , .r 222 CommissiQner .Allen made a motion which was' dil.Y seconded by Mayor Fleming allCJWing the emplo~errt of two 'ColQ~ecl men to work in the water tiepartmentlaying ~ew ldnes and an1 E>t~r necessary work that may arise for a period a.s determined' by further action of the Oouncil. Their salaries are to be' the same as the other ool.ored men i1il'thls:departm~ilt., . . V0:t1ng -Aye: .,,_Cotnmissioner Allen ~d Mayer- Fl~.g 'J ~ Nos: :None Motion mao.e by Cemmissiopar .Allen Which was duly seconded py 'Mayor' Fleniing, appr"oving the action of Commissioner Allen'!n th,epurchase' of a' $ta~ei'$wl tcl{ ahd nece8S'~ry l.ap'or' -f'or in- stallatlon'on the' eleetric metor 'in the: Ce:Llege' Ave. plant. This work was or~e:r~d "!?y Mr. Allen as an emergency. 'i . - , ", Voting Aye: Oemmissioner Allen and Mayer Flem1ng Nos: .None Geijimissi01'1er' Alienmadea motion which was d~lYliJeeonded by :Mayor , FJ.Eming,approv~g the ao't1011' o:fthe Mayor in t~e Purcha'shig ef'lfUr.tr pest:.:carp.s' ariC! the'-'llr1n'tlng e~ notiees:mailed,to' the ~ir~es~t'ent's' 'notifying them or, the'reduction in tb,e' sewer chSrge and. the C0,ntemp1ated wa~er ~y~tem iID.p~ovement,s. Vo-:t.1ng Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming !lQs : !fone "'Ji~~i,0~ wa:@ ,~de ,bygetilln~s,,~,io~~r~llen a~d d~yj ,.~eQn(J.~dby J4ayor Jille.;t,n~:;", ~~~~o~iz1ng, 'Qi~t.'''''t'~I!~y1;Q ,~~~~ti~a:p:;(n.~7 ord~anees n0w'ln - effect and' to 'make - rece ElnfaeIidli t10n for amendment ail ,~'i$' - stitutes and suggestions ,as he deems proper, bringing tlie'ordi- ,~anc.@up' 1.11 regular' ,+€)r<~. B~~E?r~ lUly, (')r4ull,~c~~" ~e chllngeg., he "s.~ t'flf'J>reseIlt sSpie to the Oeu~~~J..;fcr ae~Qptari,ce'anClthe., p'~ssing Vetin'g':,A,1e: O.tmn1ssionerAll~n'anQ. ,M~yor Fle.ming" . ;...'-- I I I I l ! , '. None At the requ.estof Mr'. J~b.p. C~Ca:1houn, Engineer tor R. W. & '1'.. p. Wier, on the SecGnd ~Ad(tt't'ion "or' 11 on'tic'ello , Commis sioner Allen made a mot~()n ,wl1i,e.l;1. wasp,:Uly seconded by Mayor .Fleming, approving the laying at"the city's expense, d1fr~reneebetween 6 inch and 8 inch pipe and. two manholes, sewer lines 1n the ease- ment between NottiD18ham and Sunset Sts. and alse line s in the easement between Robinhood and Tangley St. These lines are to be at a depth so as to serve the territory between Wakeforest St. and Kirby Drive, to be 8 inches in size and to include a man hole on tbeEast sid.e of' Wakeforest, which is to cost not in excess of $600.00 payable January l, 1938, at no interest. 1 , I ~~ t j' I ,j i (" i I i :. I ! ! J j f ) r I ! \ ) L 223 Voting Aye: Cemm1ss1onerAflen,aM,MaYQrFlaning 118M,' None CeIl1ll11~s1QJler 4~len Ulade .~, ,~ot1on whi~hwasdu,1.y secon,4ed,by Mayo1"~1,.~miJ1g; au.~b.9,~~g,the Sec:r>eta:ry:to,P"y allb~'1ls ,due fer the m~tb"qlt ~:r;wil.r93'7, 8.ndim1scell.~eous\b11l's 'bearing the O.K. of each department head.' ' Voting Aye:' Colmn1ss1one'r Ailen and Mayor Fleming (', Nos; None CotPmlssi,oner A11e1;1 made a motioll wh1eh was duly seconded by Mayor Flew:l.ng; ,au:th,9ri2i~ng the ~ax Gollee.tQr toL adjust tbe' tax value on Lot 1, Block 3'0, West Un1 vers~ t1' Place lat. for the years 1932, 1933 and 1934 to values of' 1935, wa1ving all penalty for these year;s. ' Voting Aye: Commissioner Al1en and :Mayor Fleming Nos : None C~~1ssioner Allen made' a mo'tioli which was duly s,~.condedb,.' Mayor Fleming, appo1nt1ng,Mr. Sam W.Levy to;f1l1 the vaDancy on the Zoning Gemmission made by 141". F. M. Maj.noua, ifho, re.s1.gned due to hls position w1.t1l. tlfe' City~ " ' ,. . Voting Aye: Oommissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming NQS :,N6ne CotDijlis's1oner Allen made a mqtiori' which was, duly seconded by Mayor Fleming, authGr~z1ng the ,is'sUing of a purchase order for a box of' e:artr+<ig~s~" t!le:polie.t) department. >!o .". "'F . ' .,. . Veting :,Ay:e:, ' 'C0mni:1s~ione1" ~ll~nand ~~)1o~' Fleming - $ . . . . Nos: :None Oath of ,01'1'1 ee was' aq.min1st,ered 'tQ Attorney R. L. Sont'ield as , eit,r At~~rnf)y~bt:'~ay~r '" Fl$mi~.. The,re lteingno :furtber b~s1ness to COme- be; ~pe the Commission U~;!I...n being made. and dl11y se00nded.. 'the ....eting. W"llll.d'j~urned. ~~ A~EST COMMISSIONER 0/ COD!MISSIONER T~'~ ~['-~. .., "'1 , 1 224 I ' I ! I I , , i \ , SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY, MAY 10, ,193'7' COUNCIL CIIAMEER, CITY HALL WESIf UNIVl1RSITY' PLACE; 'rEUS. '/', , r iJ The ,Commiss,ion ,convened em the forege1ngdate a.t 7:00 P .lie., wit\[ MaY0r Flem1>>g presiding and C0nun1ssiE)~er':Alien and Secre'tary Jarrard in atte~dance. Comm2ssioner Ma1nous'absent. Minutes o:f the meeting a:f May 7th. w~re read and approved. , Oommissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Mayer Fleming authorizing an adjU,stmeI1t, en, tax.es ..on Lots, Block 2, West University Place 1st,. addition, and Lot 9, Block 1'1 'Oollege:Gourt .Addition, all pr1!oryears to be adjUsted'1;o the values.ef 1~35,waivillga1l'.penalty and costs on taxes due prior' to the:',yaar 1935. . . . Veting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming Nos: NGn8 Bids tor the water reserveir were received on this day and give~t~ Mr.. J .C~ MCVea, "Engineer. He s~l:>mitted the fo~low- jJag','letftertio, tl1eCounc:tl: ",',," ':"KOll;:.'Ma.yor' 'arid CttyC0llJU11'ss~()n:ers, West University Place, Texa.:. . GeatlelJle:n: I am giving 'be1ew tabulation of bids received today for the eonstruc~ion or ~ 200~OOO g~llon ~~e~lG~ound, St~rage Reserveirtor the C1ty Wa:ter wQt>klir:', " , . -. '. . . .. - Bidder Chicago B. & I. Go. Wyatt Metal & B. Wks M:esher Steel Co. Amount 'Adjusted Amt,. $4050.()O'40~0.00 '3740. Q() 42l40.00 4123.00 424a~OO ~1m.e ~5 45 30 'fhe lowest co~t submitted '~st~t by 'W~tt Metal & Boile-z>'Werks,.witbthe work to be eomp'leteCi ii'l' 45 es..lendar days. When the 20' days above the 25 sl!tbmi t-ted~icag'o Brid.ge' & Iron Works is 'Val ue.d a.t $2:5.,00 per da,y, i;:tle cpmpara:ti:ve amaunt is UZ<iJ:0.01. '. Similarly thecOQ1p.arat1 veb1do:f. MQsh~r Steel-Co. 1$$424$.00. . , , Since t~ G1~y is now :faced with a serious wat~J" sh0r~a'ge, and 'wi'th .theh~t summer months yet to come, it i:$ reccanmended that 00ntractbe awarded to bidder who proposes to complete the tank in the shortest time, viz to the Chicago Br~d@e & Iron Company . ' ( , J I I i '- ). Your s very truly, (signed) J.C. McVea, OWners' Eng. I ~---=---'- -'1----- r -:- , '-----y I ('1 :) I i ' , , i I , j ( ! i , I ! , L-._ ~~ 225 Cean1ssioner Allen made a motion Which was duly seconded by May.orFlemmg '.tb.:a ttib:!:l'is:"cma \-1ita,c't' b~;~wlil,r,d'.e(ls..'s~e,c~comJI.!ep.ded by the En~1neer, totheChic.go~ Bridge & Iron Company, their bid being '4050.00, which contract was approved by C~tyAttor;meY, R. ,L. Bonfield., The contract will be subj ee1;, to l1qu1da~ed d&lmages of $25.00 par day :ter each day they fail to complete ,the',tbkbeyond 'the'spec1t'led 'timeGr.,25,~ays:.: r .., '.... -' .. Vot1ng Aye: O_is~':ion:e; and Mayor FleIrling , Bos: None Commissi Oil~ .1len malle a motion: 'Whlch was dilly seconded 'by May,or 'F'101ing~;..u;t1iJ.o~1Zing SecreUl')', to pay T. J. Wof:ford "'1:.!5 :r0r~'re'p8.i:rl1ig~aeor inter 'the' of"fic..' '.": Voting Aye: CemmissionerAllen and Mayor Fleming "'Nos: :None' R. L. Sonfield presented a bill 1n the amount of $16.25 from Mr. J. W. Wilder, for, services rendered 1nconnection with ab- stracting and making a report on J. A. Walling and H. C. Wise properties. Bonfield advised that this statement was correct and reccanmended that same be paid. Comms siomr Allen made a motion authorizing that this amount be paid, which motion was duly seeomed by Mayor Fleming. ~ ,-, f c-'-~ T" ""2:26 I t ! ! t '. 1: .'. , ' , commisslot.Let- ~1.1e-1!i and 1&981' FLeming :"1 l \ J " ,/ ,-TT ""~''O>. ,Av,c... U'V"Q'~.--ad' 'tl"W .., Nos: :None There being' no further 'business to,eomebefere theCounc11', upon motion. being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. ~. ";~ " 'TY SECRETARY ATTEST: COW,lISSIONm ' GO llIfh.'IIS 51 O:N.ER . {to" .. " J " -\, -; ~ ..,;~tr~ .' -r r "~~:-"---""r' ~r" , 1 (' I 1 i . :\ \' , . I' I ' \ I J I J ) l~~___ 'V)(>)J'Oijl 1:iJ'~ "' REGULAR MEETING MQN))A't", ;JYt~y'ct~' '1937" , OOuNCX-L :;dHAMBER ,00TYHALt,: , ", ' .. ~, ,',; ","" ' "" ',:' , " , ' 'WEST"mI!VERS'ITY' 'PIAn; ," TEXAS, The Commission, eCI3:v$netf on thefopegoing d$i'te at '7 :00 P.M. with ''lay or Fleming presiding andGommissioneza~ A.llen and Mainous tm:4 Secretazay ,Jarrard in attendance. , ...." Jvu.~,utes ofthe)ne,et:1.nS of' May 10th. were X'eadam: approved. -.;: Mr. MeVas.; 'Engiiieeza, repoI'tedtha t~h~ 'eo'ncrete :rounda ~'1on for the 200,000 gallon water, tank :bl'cOmpleted and reecam";' mended. that the bil:]., for the labor be paid as so!>n as pre- sented.Commiss'iG'nerMatilous'made 'a mot ~on which .w:as auy' seconded by CammisslonerAllen, authorizing this bill to be paid. , , ' Vet1ng,,Aye:Oomm+~aiGners, Ma:m()tl.s 'and Allen , ~ 'V Nos: 'None " . . . L Ma1orFlem1ngaqyl$ed that l:\e h,ad ~p.;:Loyed Mr. Fails and' four ladies at #$.OOp$r day to ta1ke' 'a 'hfgnsehooleensus ,in order to determine the number o:t.stud.ents 1.n West Unj,versity Place who wilJ.attend the, Rlv~r oaks High SChaDl, ""and use ~,:q!. J._"~J:l:,, ef'f9~t, ~~, .s,~<r~e ,~:Q.e~F<?'V~men:~.".f K1:rby D~~ ve,to ..3~~it~~i~i1:!lm~~Shr~:~~~!~~i:~lii:e per'mlle"'f.. lfs'ifol" his car" ' : ',; , ',.:. ' . ;:,.': -'..." .. , ': ",. , , ' ", Voting Aye: ,Co~~ssion$:r,$ J\J,.len ~d M$.,mQus Ne-s: None fJ~Jll;~slo~e,~ 'W"~9~s:-,~la(lea ~~~lon ,Vf~eh ,!~1!, d~y seco~ed "bl,~o~is~~9~rAll~. 8,!J.~1;iQrl~,tng ~:a.dj.lis .. '''en Lot '9, ;Block'16' College V'lel(Third A4dlt:Lon, tG..th;~f: .. I:J of 193Q, waiving penal."ty eD. taxes due' :rOIl' the year iI- . ana. pr1;or'~' Vo:ting Aye: Commis,sioners Mainous and Allen ''''If.. ' ;None .., "" I r " '1 :228 Oommissioner Mainous made.a moti.o.n.wAiehwasduly seconded by Commissioner Allen au~horizing''';b,e'placing0r an order for sufficient number ofwa..tere~ds',;roI<~he month of May I 193'1. . . .."'''' /1 . ;~J Vt1!t:tngAye:, Commissioner,s M:aipous &.rf?- Allen Nos: . None Qf?tpm+ssioner All.en made am0tio~ which was <1:W.Y seconded by Commissioner> Mainous. au-ehorizirigCommissionerAllento pur- Q~~~ C(~QOwater, r,aeters . f';r.o.mNe,p;tune Meter COllJ,pany,' and lOOO t't.~f2 'UtCh water pip". ' Vcrtil;lg,..Jl,ye: .Conim1ss1onersAllen and Ma1nous Nos: None Conunissioner Ma1nou~ made ,a motion wh.j.ch was dulyseeond~d by Commissioner Allen, authoi>iz ~,the '.'repair,ingof ,50 f~." of' sewer line in Block 54 West ,UDiversity Pla.ceSecond Addition.. ,which , line has to be repaired in order to servetheenti:rebloek~ , J[oting "A.1e : ~onnn!~slone~s. lJIldrio'q.sa.n,d ~lleB' . ,." 'II". No~: None ;" qQm.m~S;fJ1:onerAllen: made'.amot~on,wn:i.eh wasg.u].y seCondeCi by "','Comm1s,s~€ip:q.~rMajJi()us, ;a.u~h?r~Z1Ill!; COi:mgiasic:ril,er A;I.lel,1 1;0 ,em.ploy a,;;.~a;,]>enierfor ,a1:;H~:utt'preeday.s to. do neees'sary'~:epa1~1ligat the wat'er plant and. other mise,el~a~eou$ r,pa~r Wdx-k. ,Also' the necessary materials to be us ad tor' this "ork~" Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Ma1nous Nos: None . '. ~ . { Tb.er~.beip.gcnofurther bustne$S to come 'before the C0mmission, ~i>,~~;m<i>.~i~~,~,Ed.ngmade $.nd'i;1U;L1 seeond.~a.~, ."the. meeting'wasde- elar~El .adJ~~ec1. ' , ~ '. _ v . _ ~ ATTl!;~T ,r -'~ / ) UOMMISSIONER-- COMMISSION:HR I , ! , , L ,. " ~~"'r1 --I ~ r. .,--- .~-- = --=- ~---='I 229 i ( I. . ~ I i I "1 "'1 ,RE~UI4R I(E]1jJ:pIG MONDAY MAY' 17', ' 1937 , ""," , "" ',",' , COUNCi:L~ GlIU4B,ER OIT~',~L", ns~ UN'I~StTY fLAqE} ~ExAS - . . .. '!he Commission convened.i)..;tl1~'.rOz.e8orI1.S~,~t:o at ''1:90".f~M. wi th M!lyor Fleming pr,esiding' and 'C4)nlniissioners Allen and Mainoas and Secretary Jarra;-d in attendance. ' Minutes of the meeting of May 14th. were read and ~p~rove~. eO!lU!11,~~io~r Allen,lI1ad~, ~ ~~t+~!\lWl1i~h .:v!~t~ q,uly sfJcqn9.e~:9Y, ..Q~~+ssione~!lal,nGuS .<jut~triz~n.g' tb~~&.1~,~eP.'t ~~r t~e$,'ll ' L6t'9; , Bloc.lf"'26~C,Gl.Ie,geV1ew'F1rst' 4dtitienj . to the ,':v~lu~. on, prdiel!' years to that ,or 1935. waiving all. penal t:rbd ~ost en 1934 and ,prior years. Voting Aye: CQmmissi,one,rs Allen and Mainous , 'Nos":' None' ....,.... "".';' "..:...... . , ' I C.mmis~ioner MainQusmade a motion which was duly seconde4 by Commissioner Allen, giv.mgauthority to Mayor Fleming to 3Im.p:L.'Y "Mr.. J:iC.Fa1:u,'\o-,read water ,meters fGr month of May, el937. . If Mr.'~ails is netavalIable, he may employaD7one else that he may select. Ve-t-ing ,Aye.:.. Qo!l1Ddssi.n. ep:s 14.a,inous and Allen Nos: None 1 I ) At a previous meet-ingthe~ehase ofagarbage'bruok was dis- cussed, Mr. Ma1nou.swas reqaEJs.:ted to makeinves,tigation as te!) the price and dur,abill'ty, ofvllriousmakes and types of trucks. He reportedl that he had obtaiDed these prices and after due cona1aeration, receommenas that a Dodge truck be~ purchased. . Commissioner Allen made a motien whiehwas duly aeconded by C0mmissioner Maino.us authorizing, thepur,ebase of a one and one half ton truck, with :two ton heavy du.'iy equipment ,and a special garbage dump body. This purchase is subje.ctto the eityis ability to make proper financial arrangements with the City National B8.l).k to handle, the financing of thetransaetion. Voting Aye: ,Commi.ssionersAllen and Ma inous Nos: None -t ~."'Il-.. ) ' ~": __[',' -- ,~, '-'1 2{)U I I I ! I l__ . Cemmissi0ner Main.ous made a motien which was duly second~d by Comm1ssi<m,er Allen"alle:W1ng,Mr. J.' C. 146Veaexpenaea to Austin, who is making the tr$p, for the purpose of securing 1:n.f'ormation regarding eqd.pment, neceasary water l1nesa,nd fire hydrants and any;otber1nformatienreg~r~1ng~a1ntaining the present fire r9. te . ersecuring a fUrther 'red'9-'eUon. ' ~.,.'" voting Aye: ConnhissionersMain.ous and Allen" Nos: Wone 'l'l1erebe1D.g 'no ftU'tlier business "to cQmebef'ore the Oommission, upon motion being'mad.e and dlilyseconded" the,mee,ting was aa.- j Qurned." ' ~ ATTEST COOl SSI OlfER . , Ca4MISSIOJRm '~ ~j J I j r 'i ! 1 ~ \ ./" ;"1" tt, I ) '~~-~~I"-' ; r ' ~ ,-- 231 , , " I v' (r~" , , ' I I , ! y ! _ J ~ ! I. : f I' I I.' / ,. I 'R~~ J4PTI:N~.. . JJBI1);A.~, '1lA'Y; .,21, ~93'1 nt\T~8T,']i nunlTt;lER., CITY HALT. ~~u~ v~~, ~ ' y . DS!!t tnIiVijRS~Y:fIAC:Q:,. T:gXAS , '. '!he e.~1ssi0n con~elled _0Iithe'fore~1ng",da1;~ at'T.:60, ~~~.:!,l'th Mayer li}-lem1ng pres.idmg.ancl Commi~siC!>ner,s Allen and M~1n.ou$,an4 SeeretaryJarrard'-in. attendance. " . " .', 'fhe minutelJ af the meet1ngo:r May inn.. were read arid approved. Mayor Fleming Was "gl1Te:Q.~llth9~~.iyc tomak~,~~~ne;eme~~s, ~~~p~ ~he City Nat1:()nal'Ban3t..w :borr.o1J $t.'~'.:.~Q~dexeeut~,}~, ?9 '~1"L ~:e for the pttrebase<i:ofa gv1;>:a,ge trtlc1t.{Heis.,tl\).s~.p..a,c~, 'c ",. mort.g.age see~1ngtb.epaYD1ent, o~ this not~and hill. va, &l(l unq.~r - stand3.:ngwiththeBankthat ,~ pazo:t of .~hi, >ameunt.w1flbe e:x.- tenaed beYGnd 'the 90 dayperi9d., ,CoIQll1i,~~:ton~r Ma~o~EJ'''' d~ a motion ginng the ,above autb.ori1'iY,-- whieh;~()tJ.~n was dulyseco~- ed ~y Cemmission~ Allen. ~ y I f I .~ 'j i V~t1ng , A:y~ ; OemInis s ioneJ.: S Ma1nous, and Allen Nos: None Attorney R. L.Sonfield, in response to instructions g1yen, at a prev:teusCeu.ne1l meetb.g, presented ~he traffic Qrdin&E.ce, which cii.pti&n .is,as :eol:~.ws,; ~~_/ /0 AlfORUm:ANCJJ; 'iBS<iB.IBING "REGULA.TIOIV8FORS~PPDIG AND P-AiRImi f}':VlifI IGLES ~J'lI!f;H-I::NTHE:'OORPORATE 'LIMJ:TS ,OF TE::ECITY QF:DS~,UlfIy.m,$I~'Y;,ELAeE; , OREATIN~:':TRUGICZONES AND REGlJ- , ,~T'I1f. ,THE "pAfiKm'a JtR'~:f{JIiES:THEREmJ .';P1{,ESGRIBING''fHE LEN 8~R ,'GF:IDIME ,':A.Imc 'fIm ,MANNllft""OF S!f0P~IN:,G OR' :&RKING " .STJGFI VEH:IaLE:S;; ?,fWlfIB'ITDfG ,THE S1!0"PcPIN,G 'OR:PARIQ:NGOF VEHiECIESI1i FR~~ OF, ;IUlY'.THEATEELW:LTHn:N &:ID,.CITY, ftTIi- I;N aER~AiIN,,1i'OlfRS "JtlIDON .CERTAIN DA'Ys'.;PRESemmDlG AH' " ,." PEWALT! FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINAJICE; PRO~}jG TEA!}! . . . .-w~.....- j. '...;-." ALL ORDINANOES <INCONFLIOIf HEREWI TH 'ARE:RBEALED"':;pRQ'VI_ DmeTHAT IF PAR'fB OF THIS SAID ORDINAliCE ARE DECLARED UNCONSTI'fUTIONAL m VOID, NO OTHER PART HEREOF SHALL BE, EFFECTED THEREBY; AND, DECLARING WHEN THIS ORDINANOE f,IffAIwBE(}(fMEEEFECTiYE. ,( After cl:tseu'ssing eaehparagraph in this ordinanea, Commissioner -.A1.1en _dea'motienivh1eh was d'U~yseeended b~ 'Cemmissioner :M~noi:ts ,approving, accepting and adopting the Or.dinatlee, which w,UJ. b~e NQ. " Voting A.ye-: Commissioners Allen and Mainous Nos: None , ., L-___~___ " " I i' --, "'I' , i "'~~1 '232 J. R. Ellis, Contractor, presented plans, for a store building. to be erected on Lot No.4-A; Bleck -44, West University Place 2nd. and asked tba t a bu1Idingt ,perm1t be 1ssliedfor the erec- tion of this buildin.gr; Since 1Ilthe opinlon~f' the Council this will eomfliet Wi:'tlJ. the bulldmg restrl~tions in this Addi- tion, the matter w~s referred to City Attorney Sonf'ie 14, ,who W!ll.investlgate '~d ascertain a's to the restr1c.t1ons on this particular pfece of' property. "Mr. Ellis ,stated his attorney advised him that this lot did m.ot carry the. regular r~strlctipns as ,other lot,S in this addition. ~-o "," .. ,''- Mr. H. J .~Depenbrock and Mr. R. L. Sonf1,eld were presmrt in the j.ntere,t' of:th~zming';e0mtnis~~on,:Mr. DelJeI.lbDOek,aetmg as, 'S~(j~!tar1; pr aSs ted the inhU'6'8S of the, vari dus me, enirigs >her l4 bf~.tlH::s"Committee and. a re}>opto1' the-Zoning' C~ssion{wh~ch iiiinutes s.;nq.creport may be' found in :thefiles ~er'the'~eadUg __ e1'-Zoning"May 19~'). 'fhe 'Ma:rer read 'this, re~l1t and aft'$p, ' adfscu'$$i'em aom~issi~oner;MainGusma_dea motion which Wit,S ;duly seconded' by 6emmissionet" Arlen,..,.- aec$ptingthese rep.orts and of'fering the CGtmcil t s appr eciat ion aD.d' tlaanks to, each member of this cemmittee 1'01'" their time and efforts given in working out the details of' these restrictions., ' i Voting Aye: CommissionerSlJ[aineus and Allen :Jos: '->.None /1 f " :Mayor Fleming read a r.esoJ.ut;Lon prepared by Mr. Bonfield and approved by the Zoning (;ommissi.on, setting out the r'equire- mentsof thalawi,ineOlm6ctiGIlwith Ci,tyZoning,. Connitiss10ner AI,len made a motio:naeuaept11'i.g,and'atk>pt,iD,g 'thls ~esGlution ' 'set..t11-mg tnepub11e hearing. date~onMondaYi June,'7th~, 1937, to 1D e he'l.:d in the John: Pershing "J;l.igh ~cho:e.a. .f()~ 'thebenei:i t of .ll?opertyo;wners and giv1.ngtheman OP;PQrtU:mi ty~ _teenterprotest. l.S.,E) giving CltyAttetttl&yinstJ'uet,lonstQ,~e.p1iire~w.e; necessary not..ic;;es apd ,;publish Same in the, new,s pape~_s; in cQlnpliance ,with the Iaw.mhis.metiol:l ~as, d'\llly. se.coIuiLed, by '(;;omlnissioner Mainous. Vo'tangAye: "',.,: . vOI!JlDi.1ssioners Allen and Ma,1nous l f~ I I I I r ~ , Nos: None. ~ ' 'Commlssiomr Allen made a motion 1l'1hi.ch, was duly secon.ded by Com- missioner Mainous, authorizing the issuing of a check in the ~0li1nt 0>1' $72,.00 to the ,C1 t'1 Qf' H9US 'bon ,for a d~po's!t an a2 ineh,w~ter meter" which.isto"be' used 'h"1;the ,Oon-tract0r ~ in mix- ing:co~erete ,:for the I$- -v.i:nS of v~riousstreet.s in M0nti~el1e_" Second Addition. This deposit is to be for a period.. until the completion of this job. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous Nos: None / '1 I I ! , ~) t . ~~<}-<<l9-""-~ ,. i ....i " i "{' ; ':, I " I , ., C _ ,~ r - ! ''- .i ~ ( I J I : ,j I. ,~t ) '23~ ..... Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Cemmis~ioner Maiaous, authoriz~g the paym&nt of $l6.00 to T.J. Wofford, which is ~,'b.:1m.~or,lab~rfor the bui1ding of the hose rack s~veral mon thfJ agf)~.' t ' , . '. . . - Voting Aye: Comm1ssioh.er' Ailen aBd :Mainons -!O . 't Nos: N{)ne II:!-. - ".- .~ 'of<- ,\ CommissIoner Allen a'dvi,s,ed that the Fire Department was in need of a. ,!twye~t hese eonn.eett..n &.rld.O;J.~1/2 ~eb Jl,oz_~,~es. :Co~s- "sioner Mainous made amotion authorizing this purchase, which ,,, mot~~n ws,s; duly se.('X)ndeq. by Commissioner '.flll~l1. ': V~tiilg.A,7e: ".:d~mmis si'o~e~s' Ma:tn"o~sand Allen. ... . ' Nos: None Commissioner Ma1nou~ was given autho;ity to purchase'a roll of wire, 5 ft. high and 2 inch mesh, in the amount of $9;.&~:. Thil;l wire to be used in the parks and play grounds. Commi'ssioner Allem,:w&.;9-cr,$, ~9~t;:lP:n,~p~r(),ving, this " puI'clUl,se ,and du1-y:, s,eeo~de~ b~, C,0~,;~,S iGn'er: M",i.n,.o~.. ' .' '," " . ',. ':V.~t~: ~i~~ '. 'C~\J)~~'s.,si,pI.l:e~r~:J).llen an:<i ..ous' : ~.' ;:,. ~ .:; . o' f,~ .'~" . .- 'l- :' .; ,lio'8:: ',JoJ,l.e', t' c9~is~1,()~,r Ma.i.it~u~' vi..~"s~, ,gii~n au tbor,i,~,y to pt;lrcha~e one '~~r at gravel, which motion w~s macle by Commis'sioner Allen ,and!diliy second.ed by Co.mmissioneJ;' lain.ous. ' . .', .: . ." - . ~ . Veting Aye'$ Commissianer_sAllen and Ma1nous 'Nos: None M~:3:0~:"Fl~~p"gwa~ :gt~f3n:,authori ty ,PY,~';~oJi,;1.0!lc m~d~ by.Qo~is~' sioner 4-llen and duly s.e9~nde4 b$"CQ~i,s-sj.<?~J:' M~,in9uS, to, arrange far the installation ofa residence telephone (two party line) in the D3siq.~ce of- .Mr. F. E,. Hatcher,. This is for the c,onvenience of the City. ... ,,' , Voting ~ye: CommissioneI's Allen and Mainous ~Qs:'" None' ~' " Thereb~ing,^no tvJ:.ther ,bua,iness' tC1> come b efore ~he comm:i.s~ioIr~ upon motion be,ing made and duly s'econded,' the meeting was adjourned. ':' / ~/?~- CI SECF.ETARY ,~ x h. ATTEST Ol{mmissicner , I~--"- -- " ,-- ;~~----- I t' :234 REGULAR MEETING MONDA'Y; .' MAY ':24,':193'1, OOUNCIL mwmm Gl'TY HALL " WEST UNIVERSITY, PLACE, TEXAS ~e Oon:m4ssion ccny-ened on the foregoing date at '1:00 P.M. with Mayor ,Fleming presid1.ng and Commissioners Al.len and Main0us, and Secret~ry Jarrard 'in attendance. ,",c. " . ,,"". ' Min,.utE)S of"-'i)he meet1ngof 'Mlly21st. W&r'e ,read ..and approved. . . ~. ~ . " , ' . The Mayor 'Was au'thor1'zetl to.' j)ui'-el1as.e-:tl1S"nee'.ssa~y parint and, ma- terials to paint pe.rk,1ng sip,I-.;;1nfront of the bU,siness section en University Blvcl.!.' GehnniBsione'j'AJ;len:m~de anH1t,~()~ approving .e above" which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mai~us. I ' , . ~. - -" V:otin$ Aye: Oommis sioners Allen a.nd Ma1notiS" N'o's:' No'$ <, ff, . Mr~' A'lten reported that he had investiga:ted water I?um'ps' &8"to varioils makes and prices and'reccommende'd that lj()(10gaJ.lon-' pump be purchased from the Sollthern Engine &: Pump Compan,Y. After d~s- cus'sion, it was deciSfe'd. tam~ t the' ele'ctrieli.l' 'sw1'tfill' bO's.rClmthe College Ave. plant may l1&t besufficien.t to &cc;anmodate a pump of this size. Commissioner Mainous made a motion whi.'ch was,qly .seconded by CQnmissioner Allen, authpr1z1:ng Mr. Allen to purchase .a' P.P 8IlQ. he'1:sto dete~in~ the-capacity after. secUring further inf'erma ti'o n. '. , , . Voting Aye: , Oommissione.~!lIMainous and Allen :Nos: N0Re Cemmj.ssi(Oner Ivlainous made ,9. motion which was duly se~nded by Comttds~i'Oner Allen" authoriz:mog the' purchas~ ot 50 water meter 9~?Ces ~d~,~ther f:ftt1rl~s and materla~s~ . Vat'mg Aye: Oommissioners Mainous-and Allen Nos: None Mr. Allen made a motion which was duly se-conde-dby Oommissioner Mainous, authorizing payment of $8.00 overtime tor lat)(jr in: the laying of' waterline fer tl;l.e paving, c0ntractor 1n Monticello Sec~nd Atla1t iGn~ ~his work' was ,~~$f'm~d' >'ori':May g2~.1937. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous Nos: -None t t " J 1 ~, . ,~---/' J~~~~I'~' 'I I"~--~~' ~ ", 235,' n <iJ' , " . Gommissi0Jler Allen made ,.' ,mo1;i.on which was duly seconded by Commissioner Ma1nous~" $.PPF~v~ng tpe p\ll"',ehase o:f :f1ve venetian blinds f'or the F'ir.e j)epartplent.; , ',' " ' Voting Aye: Com~issione'rs ,Allen and M~in()U:s i!< '. ~ '-, ,", -'t <Nos :', Nene . . ~ ',I j : ,*" , ;. .. _. ... Y.' . ......i,...' "" Mr. lVIainous was given in'Structionsat a prevloUsDieet:t.n.g ~t'o; ",maKe 'hvest:1.gactlQp;,f,er.. ,t:tl;e, ~~ch~~d:~g. of' ag~~dE!~ :":A~ ,~~~1~~a~n- . 61" f'0r the Stre.et and Br:1dge Uep.srtment.. In m~ing his repor'b he",aa.vis6l\;,;1aJa.:lli tb,.e. Mc01.urf>~R.&~r1$" .~~P~~J:,,: .^geIl:~~6 :e~~;,~h~: ,:~:111 s- .-eiLalJ,ite~s~ ,''!rae t~:t' .&R~uiar Ma,eb;iJl~~~ J~otnp.,iUL" ",~:t4;er~:~';:4il ;:~~~, :"~:trae- tlv~'p]!!Gp$skti;,9D',<fe<r;, &.\ gr:ader,,~.;tnaint~-!"~~J'i; ~4".~~~~~t:4.1.'~1)',f,~~; a ' ~t;1i['1 "sum (xi::: ;t2:i2!15..00~ 'Jfhi cic,JD:ay p:;~: P~(ll}a:~~~Q}\;;.:t.~s ,~..:J1:25. 00 July.lst. 193'1 and ;twe>>'ti: 'ei;8h-q"mQ~~~},; ~~wm.~Jtts: ~;t;i,~j!7.'~;tJQ~~eaeh ' and :final ply~u_t o:f $50.00 at 6,& 1nterest per annum en the d-efer,rc:edpa:J.aneEi,.,., '" ' , ~.>-,'-' .". !~ "I"#k:-\ I:, _''''' . '-.-j~' .~'. .",. ~:';:' .~""'. ",--, {!'-' 11! ,.'....., Co.w;-s-ione::fti ,~~;n~_J:~e1tcoulmen_jE\Cf ,~e~.~~:, ;tG~~, ~~~~e. Mr. .11e.: ,ma:d. Q'; -m.,t,~~,wbJ:cC~ i1Va;;\t)4)l~';~~~~~~~ cPl,' CpD}~~~.:t:pner " :Ma~~Qu'8.;1 ;'Il\l1m.opj;~~~" ~b;e 'p~~;)>>!S~~;.:ot: ~hJos~>ma:chl~~"~ilg;,, ~struct- eel ..the, ~~e~~., t.. :@~w "1p".~tl1:$_~J>>:n.tI':.aC; t,: '~SI!,ee1.ll~ ~.?(~(J,l::!. et>n tra ct ' will ~e ~~jeet to the app;r>j),:V~3. ,of,:(;):~C"t')::I\.i?t,~,~y~~ ~:' ", 1;,.:!", ff t.... ' l:' '. -.. . ,- ~ . '", . { . ~ . . , " . ( , ~. ..' . Vetting.; A7$:,:~ . qunm:Ls s1 enersAll:en. 'li\.~ndlviii~~oua ,'. " " ' ft _ - . . ;. .1__ :.",' Nos: None ~ ~ - ''; ':. > ~';-,.' <'t' .: ~y....", 'd-,." ';' ,~~ t.~'J ~~. ;'_~::,~ .'-.' _ >. ,,: ", -:" " . A letter was presented b1,::G,,1l~ 's~~~~~y:,.t;I;DIIl ;W:t!i,f...,:Me~f'ie~ -.sld.1\g>,;f;j!).1!f t1the>~r..eane$~e&..on '.192,9. ,:taxe~ :,.~ ~~\s: ",~ ,~ .9., Block ll~, GJltu.~'geV:LewA.ddi;tj.Qn,.. ,.QQmm1sEti()ne~, A.klt,~-!l ;~~e, ~:;~pt:lon wh1 en 'w:&s' dul~~J!C0.;q,:p'e~4<,"~" A1~J;l}.~~~~Q-lle ,~1A~..~o'u~,J';autb,pJiiz ing redu~,t10)l,_ v!i':J.u~.~'Q-~~Jles:~ =lqts~,t,~ ~P:~R"G:f,,:'Gh~y~a~,}.935~ waiv:Lng pe1ll.altyand cost. ' ,,"";:Y't'~">' ,-,' ,,' :v,~;t_g;~~~,~:, :,qQ'Jf1Il!:iL'~~~Q~~l?~,~l~~Il ~d .M~~,noU8 ,',' It> ~'. , (J :. ~ . ~ : j : ' - :": ; i , ::.. ',. :-'\.uo\.. . i Nos: None Each department head was reql ested to mfike arrangements :tor the vaea tions of" each one in their depa rtment. The~ebfa.i,ng ~~<,f'urthe3LPusin~ss to corne befere the Qommis s19n, upon, motion being<~de ,~:p.d~,ly second~d,the. meeting wa,sad- journe4. ' " " ATTE~T 1t_1ssioner ~ 'j; ~i {. Commis sioner " 236 ,R~R;, MEE':C:iINe , "'mD'T.'T\:A,V'.'. 1l1l'1\~'""f!)-D',' l4l\OZ'" ' ~ , &J;'-!.UA;l;" -!l'{A-,,' o,a'i" ' 'i:1V;I'c" ." COlJNCIL CHAMBER,,' (]IllY HALL WEST' 'UNIV]R'SITY"'PLA"CE"''fEXAS , , , iJ- ,-, ~. Commission cenvened'on the roregeing date at 7:00 P.M. w.ith Mayor llemingpresiding and Gommissioners Allen a.n4 , , Mainous. and SecretaJ:7 Jarrard in attendance. ' ' ," ," '.. . ,:.:..".~ :f~ :.~.,,': '~~",",.L' ,;"'. . _" '-' .:t .. The m1n:ate~ of the me'etinge:r'Mily 24t11.w6re, read and appro.ved. . .'" .' ~ : . < . ' . ;,~.: '-:. ,,- '.~<t:, :... , ~ . ....,.. ;.. "'_..._ ," .... The: Mayd:ta: and'SecI'e,iia'J?;Y :'wer~ g!tven, authori1ty t~e e.x&.eut'etb.e~ , , eentrifC-t ~and;"I1()'tes t"~_; t'he':'A1t!:_e-,Ohalmers . Road. Machinery, Gem- palily ~'t~e~lit~tihe1r. AgCfil~"~-m<i(}.1cl1r..e-lIarri'sa_pQ17,of,~yle",j. '.'. ~exa'$,~~,tii 'thei'antO\ri\t 'of .2-.2~5;.OO for ,;th&Jll:r.ehase e;e:'"a:trae- 'tQr;;rgr~de~r'Wh':1ehagreerneht ~ia':a.s' :feJ.lows':' , . ' ':~ ~...,., ,', ,', One Model #301 .Adams Motor-Graderw1 th f~ou.l'" (4) New, ' Rear, U. S. Tires. We agree to steam .clean this ma-' ~'c:hfnj:f andpllt,'(jn' twc).(2lcoats0fpa~n:b,-within au ' ': ,,1' '(:6l'monthll,":af'firpur~eha8e of'same. ,,'Tl;ij.:$ 'machine: is, , ,"gua~an yeed,' ttilf beih ':firs-i;. c!'as8"e.nditt~i'l:;, Slllie ;Pe mg..; ,,' ;'guar_teedf~(jr'1if'per1;e.d df:>.o:ne: yevfrom '~'a:5ec'o.fc': Pu+-- ehar(e~:aga~st,~;aet~Cf'tl"~' pa-rt.~, "',.,; One Scarifier, installed - - - - - -$275.00 !!otal priee - - ... - - -,' ...,. 2~:a'1S~00 Motor #.AJllf)fb' SeriaJ./!325 The f~st nete Clue J'l1ly 1, 193' ----------$ 125.00 , "TW~i(t~ ei.ght; (:S8l,m0h~~i n:9tes \' 'fir .'15'.:'(1)' _eh\:";-~~-~-'-"'-----;.....;.------2,~JJ}6.g0 . O!le ~lna'l i1ot'e $f;.;;..;----.........;..--..;..~---..;-...-..i:iQ..:00 ~If.lie ,f~1rs.t $*75~'09 l10t'e' 'pa,.ab~e Jiu.g,.L~lt,'~91'r ":'ana-'iin 'adai~J.oim.l, nGtfi: uu'. 'Gn's~id' Q&7 'of. each month thereafter. ..'., -.' .,,' , , " This authority was' gi'Vt;n by a motj.en made by OOl1m1fssione~MalntlUs and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. v oti.ng Aye: ~ . '. ."'" > ':! Cemmissioner sMainous and .Allen " .Nos: None ( 1 I f i f I i J } , Commissioner Mainous macile a motion which was' duly s~eended, -'by' a~mj;$s1()ner Allen, autnoriz1ng the ~MaY0r _and Sec~'etary to execute a contract for one 500 gallen water pwn.pf-<>1:'. ' $684.00' to be purchased from the Sou thernEn.g1ne &. Pump 09m- :P&tuy.' 'fhis ~ntra:ei; was award-edto the lQwest bidder.. '.Uhe "EdYia.ri.s <Pmnp, "CGmpany, bid $'750.00 .,' ,," , Voting Aye: Oommissioner s Mainous anti Allen No s: :None , ': ."-~-,,,' ~ ".. ,'--' _r" - ~--1 2a1'." "r'~ ' J I : ~" ~ . ! The folloWing resolution was passed upon a motion made by R.B. Allen and seC&tlciedby"F:. 'M.1Viamo1is:'BE'~:tT,RESG'L~>that, Harvey' 'lfi "Flem~ng, 4Ef 'Mayo:rOf'>the,Oitye'f'!West ,l;Jn1Vers1:tt'. l?lae'e,exeeute,~eD ''J!)enalf of theCltY0f,'West~'ij1i1ite~s1t,.,:Plaee~ aceIitai!fi eOJ?traetbetw~. the.OitY;:0~ west Un.;, ,,~i'~ia~e afl.d,'J. dJ.MeV' ea,) ,Eng1n$er ~ with referenee'i'te.;,cepta '!JiJ.pr01/e- mEbit.~andextei1si0ns t€)' tb.e.wa.ter works p1antand,systema:nd the sew~r p1antand system of the City. A,copyof the con- tract autho~ued.'t~ beexec~1;ed being;'h'ereteattaehedand . marked. eXhibit "A" li passed: and approved by tlie',Bc>'ard' of Com- ~fui-llslorlers of:the:'Gi,t~of Wes:t University Place" enth1s't'b.e 28th. day of May. 1937. ' Voting Aye: Commiss iGners Allen and Mainous Nos: .None Oommissionev Allen reeeommended, that . while: the men ,were ereet- , fig the 200:;000 gallon water tank~ theJ"placea'sump,hole at 'One' eiids~ tha:ta Ptnnp"..snbe:'Us"Enl to remov~. the, sand. > eem- missioner Mamous made a motion, which wasdulysecoiil.ded,cby CemmissionerAl1en. giving authorlty to "have the prope:r alte~- a tions made so as ,to' eenfCl>rm:Wi th'thes mggestion" nUJ.de by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Cemmis sioner s Mainous and Allen Nos: ,:None , f i j 1 > j I I J ~ ' CGInin1ssi9n~. Ma1nou8 made a motion whieAc 'was duly seconded by' ,Ceimnls,s,i0lilerAlJ.1m, ,'authorizing an, ad,justmen-t : in~ i;lle ' salary of the employes as ...etrlIows: " ",' ' Incraase in salaries , effective May 15. 193'1 C. G. Jarrard A. P. R.ob'b e;~Eli'c GammilJ..' , T. W~trr~a ':,',J ' Geo.' 'Recbinsen " J. \V. Clarke F. E. Hatcher Charlie Cunningham $16.50 Weekly Wm. Cunningham 14.50" ,Leon.> Ooeper14.,50 " James;: Francis 14..50' " R.C." O'1aek . 16.,50 " Henry Ha'l~' li.50 It J~es TGwnes 14.5Q f1 AlrQn Wood's 14.50 " will be subject to further adjustment when the for the year beginning September l, ,193'7. $1'75.00 135.ee "'90~0@ .1;30.00 ' '1 ,.. , 3&~ EJe 135. CO 25.00 weekly These salaries budget is made ,Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None >'. - I' - , , ~r , 1 238 . ,.' /~:: , , Authority,was given at a ,pr~1T~ou~ m~eting,to+" t;h~ ~ehase of f~ve' ven~tlaILQJ.;i1f,l.q.s ,.,lJ.hieh::co::m.t~llet w~s ~o be awa~deq.,.. to, o the ;:~:lewest bj.d<ier. "''1:11e Nati$nal Blind' Company b~~, $l~.OO, each, . R lneJ.udug:-bP41ss channels. ,Moblils Shade and, BliIl~' C0I!lpany,b~d ,.' $l2,.lS e~cl,1.' ;IR,as, much as their, bid was t~e lewE;lfjlt, .in.:, strueti~ns~ere giventoplaee, the order w1i;h th1.s com~ny.' (] . 'J l ; . ~' ~'" '.:", : ': ' -..' ," i) _' ,'.: '. :: ~', . '. C,0mmlss1oner,~llen was, ;g1.ven~~i!li9~~ty to,.pur~h&se.'lOOOtt. of ~ t.'w.o 1ne~.,p!.pe ,wi t~.,neeij~sarY :e1:tt+~~,. +h~s author~tY:i'wa~, "given .by.& Ipoti~n n"ade ~bY; Gemm~ssioner Main.ous Ii1nddul,.y,sec- cndeci by Commissioner Allen. ", , Voting Aye: Comm1s$ioners lvJaino~ and' Al:l.en, No s: .None , 2he 'Seeretary was, in.stru..eted ,by a mot!~n maQ,e b~ COnu:n~ssion~ . AlJ.$n" and, secon(iejL by Go~i$Sioner lVIainous i to ~ssue,. a cheek ~,.$il,f8:vor of.Seuths1de ;Place ,Water, Department tor w~tt3r Pur- ehas,edl, fer the month of ,M61.Y ~ 19~'7. ' . <1 -,.: .' -J;;" -," f ", . Vot~g',Ay,e: ,gommis:sioner~t Allen,~:,andMa1.D.ous Nos: None , " Secretary was instructed to make a check, in favo~" of U. R ~ Bronk Electric Company in the amount of $46.22 fo~ tour: ~lood ,lights which were installed in. the College View .Parks. This' i'ippartofthe $100.~00all(1)'JJan~e;a.$ ,made. 1;)Y, :the.,p;peviQu~ ,;;,Goune,i1..', C.o~s$iQf1erMaiJ'l€)l1,s'/~4e a. m.9:t;,~on"d~y, ~c;ondeE1 by Commissioner Allen," authorizing this payment,., ' Voting Aye: Commiss1pn~rs Maino us , an4 ~llen ibJOB: NOIMJ '~ . ~ ," -. .. l!> "':S . -f: ~ C9lJlInissioner Allen made ,a mo'bion W~9:n was dulYf!l,.ec~lld~,~ 9Y C,mmissioner~;J-ad.n~us, author:lz.Wg th,payment of$~~.G() ~ tfi'J)r. F. M. Hu.gh,es ~. fo;r profession,,+- ,services rendered, to M;r(. ,~. E. Hatcher;.' ' V~ting Aye; Oommissioners Allen and Mainoua Nos; ,Non, { I t ,,' . ~ ~~7.~~ .... I' r" '1 I :.~!(~ ! ,; :- I , I ,,\,j. i, , J I> I' I L,_,_~____~ 239 CommdssionerAllen, mad~ ~ mQti~~ whiqh was aeeonded by Com- missioner Mainous; au:t:9-Clriz~g,the ~ym~ni; of $128.52 to E.L. Mendenhal,Inc., Kans'l-sCity ;lIQ.:tor the" pr1n.ting ,of a brief in the case ot C~t~:o:r W:e~t Un1V'ersltyF:J;a'ce" .VS Ralp4 Pleasant. f~' ,~otiAg Ay~: Commissioners Allen and Mainous No's: ,....Norie . ' Chief Pope aqv1sed th~t the runni~g board mat on the :r~e truck needs .r'~pS:ir:i;ng an'ds:l'soadd1tlonal'b oxesfor'<'n6zz'les, .~~.'PI~It~~}~,~~~~h~;;,~.q~en~.~r. !lof,r~:p€!<~s~.~.~ed, ~:hat thl,sJoo. w.~uldamOUI;l't; to appr~~:Jj.\imatelY:J~~.O(,l~n~"a&ree<J. to do the'laber t0r tlie sum ot $J:2'~00'.' CommissionerAllei'lmade '):Jn~t1<>niwnt'9h ..~S:~ ~4\ii1'''s~eo,ncr.>ed '1)7 ,GQlnmf~~sf:one:r14tinou8; , , "$:u,thoriz.ing ';Mr. '~Gi'f0~dto,proeeed wi.th the wo~k'fin4Cto pur- ~ns.s" and'n~eessaJ:>Y ~;a-te~'1a~~~' , " , Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen "and Mainous }los: None S.~,e~>~~~y p.:r;'es~n~eda <?f)PY of, caap. ~~~~ipts ~d di$burfJ6D1ents, , of".':tilie wat.er' ,and' Geri~r;\:J.: Fwlds.for tfie;ri10nth,'of .l\.pr!'l ,1~3'1 te tffe .M.,a.,;Qij ,'and' . $1.Ch 'C.oinfuis:i1oner.,' ....~;~li!~mf::#~:~: ..~1~:i}:~",~e4Y~~"m;~;~om; s;~~, " j.O~luKi.. : ~ *~ CIT 'SECRETARY , '. ',,' A'11TEST C Cl\fMISS ION. $, -- C(JVIMI,SSIONER ~ ___-,.-n.~ -~ I=- r- r..------.--_, - =~ '24() '" I I I I I , L R~GU:LAR MEETI;NG , FRIDAY,. .JUNE 4 : 193'1 . " "~ .. CQUNG:tL CHA>>IBER, CITY. l1ALL , "." . , vmST UNIvmSITYPLACE, TEXA'S. , ' . The Commissien convened en thef'oregoing date :at '77:00P.lll. . with Mayor Fleming presiding and Commissioners Allan arid Mainous aiid Secretary Jarrard in attendance,. ' , , Minutes of" the' last, meeti~:read and ~pprQved. , ' ' " , , COmn:l~s$j.oner' Ma~qlls w;a:iJ.given ,author! 1;y to ~chase seven ",,(7 Lg~llon~of'''lube 'f'rorii,'the. 'Co~so.lidat~d O,1;l',~ompanyand f'gUi-"'(4l,~s():t;qas trom:tb.-e Hwnble '0i). &: I.Le~i:Eli~ComI'any, to J)e ':J~,ed' ixi th:e 'Streei; I~d Bridge: Pep~'tm~ri't, and also 'one (1) , 8x12 tarpel1:ii:," f'o'r the garbage '!;ru.,c.le,. ''f,hi~ 'author'i ty was given 'by' a motion made by Cdriimissi:.onerAllenand duly second- ed by Commis si one 1'" . Maincm. Voting Aye: Commissioner$, Allen and Mainous Nos: None M1;'~~ a.'p. Popea,d';i~ed t1).at he, ,thought 'it wo:uldb~ea4visable to sendons- of the V'olunteexa Firementc>'the Annual State' Convention atP-ort Arthur .and stiggest'ed t1i$.tMr.'J. 'B.' Huddleston attend this convention. Mr. Huddleston adV,isad "'g~~~':~ttereaf~l:~P:~:~a~~~i::o~rc~Ow:;P~ir:::;td!~O b~O. Commissioner Mainous,authorizing that ~ check f'or'tnisamount be issued defraying these ~xpenses and also $5.00 to t~e at~te Eire-men's As'soeiation,'as annual dues. , Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and, M-ainous " Nos: None Oommissio~~r Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Oommissioner Mainous~authorizing th~ purchase of $298.00 f'rQm the Vi~ing Supply 00mpany f'or pipe and f'ittings to connect the wells to the tank and labor at $6.00 :per day per'man, and $l9.00' for sterilization chemical; Sjpl26.90 to the Southern Engine & Pipe Company for 'an air compressor. The Mf'Yor was given authority to execute ,this contract. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous Nos: None ,', y iJ r ) . I L) I >-",....,q~'l . ,I ,'''~ '~'T" r ~ - ~. -, ,-.- 'I I' I f I' I 241 {l . ~ '1 J Mr. AIled stated that the Southern Engine and Pipe Compl-ny ad- vised that they would allow 'the' sUm ,of $~5f).OO to our credit for the Air Compressor which we 'nowha.vein 'the,Oollege Avenue plant. Commissioner Allen 'made a mdtion which .wa's duly seconded by , Comm~ssioner Mainous, accep:ting this credit and which amount shall b.~' dea.uctedfrQm the total amount due tl:1is compaIiy in, making the final settlement. ' , Vo.iiing Aye: Commission\9rs Allen and Mainous, Nos :N.one C0~1~s'iorier 'A-llenmade'a motion Whi~h was duly ~seco;nded,by C6mridssiq:p.er, Ma :lzfous" giving the MaYQr a'!ltAority to 'empl0~r' ' addi tionalhelp 'in 'the office ~'orde:t:- to'. 'In:1:lke,an-',.ana:Ly-sis:of the water accounts and classi"fy them into groUps according 'to . the monthly, consumpt~on of each. This for a period of one year. This check is being made for the pUrpose of :secur1:ng information to determine if a reduction in the water rates will be per - missable. I [ I I ! VO,ting Aye: ,Co~f!sioners 'All,en ~nd Mainous .. f... . i. ... '" t ~ ". 'N;os: None .. ~ . . There; being no further'~ business toeome before. 'the (;ommiss1on, upon motion bemg made' ind': dutj seconded:, the meeting was ad- journed. ATTEST --.. I i; ~ ' . '~,SECR~~ '~ ,. C OOIII3'S IONIm ' ( " 1 1 J j . '>-.-/ COWvIfS'SI'ONER . L _~__~_ i -:-"~'~<i '1'1 r-- _ ," I ' [ 2:42 " f f l i l ~ REGULAR MEETING FR:q;AY~ JU;NE' 11, '~93't , COUNCIL GHA~, 'OITY HALL WES~ UNIVERSI,TY PLACE, ~EXAS. The Commission convened ~nthe ~oregoing d~te Wi~h Mayor Fleming presiding and Commissioners Al~en and Malnous and Secretary Jarrard tn attendance. Minutes o:f the meeting of Jiliie- 4th. were re~d and approved. l]' - ., ~ i 'I : I ' I \,- ' . . Cemmissioner Mainous was given authority to purcl:\.ase one:four p~und hamme~, ~ne h~ ~aw, 20 Ibs. lO~d 16 D. nails, 1 crS:~ f~r the tenn:ts ,D.E(t in ilontic~llQ paJ;'k. ~his authority , w~s,:''i8iven,bX,a~~tion maq,e by Oqm+nission:'er MAinous Which was duly: "seeoncl$Q 'by ,9OmmissionerAJ.len. ' Voting:Aye :,' "Oo~s s loners Mainousand Allen .,- Nos: None ~ Commissioner Malnqu.llJ, ;w,as giv~n authori. ty to' p~chase the :follow- ing: 1 set (4) a~-s,aws;l 12 ft~slide, 2 swing sets; 1 swing$et .f''6, 1 .sea-saw '51 :ft., (1 sea-saW ~ .ft.gr,atis) 1 4:0' ft. :flag pole. These pur.h.ases not to e:x:eeed $255..00~. The above authority was given by a motion made by' Oommis sion ar Al:Len and duly seconded by . OOlIW'!i.ssioner JvIainou~. "Tl1.~se can t l>~ purchased .nterm,s o:f de:ferx-en ~ounts,. ' ,,'~ Voting Aye: Oommissioners Allen and Mainous Nos.: None CQnnniss'ioner Allen made 'a motion Which was duly seconded by 'Gommi'ssioner Maino11S;giving authority toN.tZ'. MaiJ:Ious to"em- ploy an additional colored man to work temporarily cutting weeds and grass. in the parks. '-Y,'Q"ting Aye:" "Commissioners Allen and Mainous Nos: None rl~' ! ; '[ Mr. Mainous advised that the garbage truek driven by Charlie Cunningham was in collision with a car belonging to Mrs.O. 'W. Ha-enel, damaging the left rear :fender. Mr. Mainous suggested and reecommended that due to the circumstances" that the City pay the ,cost of the repairs totlus car. Mr~ Allen made a motion authoriz ing this repair, which motion was duly second- ed by Commissioner Mainous. - I' "'~"iI " i' .." I r l'i,t-<)' r ': ' \, j' l',t:.' Lt ) f:' .~ f' :~~" . [' ' f I ! i: t. '.......-' ): t r",A. I I I I I i I I' - j " ~~-t~ '" . '. -:--,.,. -:'--~~~".. -:.~';m'~::~~7:::l~~.j:Y!<""'~ "~ . " 'g43 ~ " Voting Aye :Co.ssieners Allert and Mainf,Jus Nes: "None Commi~.sioner Allen 'made a motio~whieh,was duly' seconded by Comm1ssi'onerMainous, autho'ri.z!rig tlle ptlrehase of, 60 yds,., of she!l1'rom the. Heltlri1'e1d Bros.,'whiohshelCL u:]:.;l be ,delivered at their hopper on Kirby Drive in ourtruclts at .$1.15 :'peryard. Voting A.ye: CbmmissionersAllen and Mainous N cis : ';Ndn~', ... ~ Commissioner Mainousmade a mo:tion: WhiCh W,f!tttdUJ.yseoonded 'bt Commfs'sioner Allen;' giving authority.for~:'thepurc:ha8e at'SQt) f~.:o~ 'tw 0 "i.n:ch g'al Vliiiized :pipe' wi fih ne cess'ary fitti8gs. This to be 'U.sediri the water department. . . ' ' ~ ' ~ .. , . .. . . Vot-in:g';4ye t' "cGommissioners I\il:a1.nousand Allen ..' . '- ", .' . : " < . . ., ,- '. '. .. ,," . , ~Q~ :"~or.tS ", ,~.. . ",." ....,.~. :- , , Mr;.Al:teh;, presented a list of meter'parts,wPich:tPrts are . . . '"~""y 7 "', ' : '.' , " ., ....,.c ' ..'\ ,. _ ~.. . .' , . ..' . ,,~$<!e,~s~:rf'0:~ ,t1.'r'e:r~~i~~~'}!f'24Emp~e mete~s. He 'was': g~\1'en '.~::ut~o,r,j;tt to ,mQ;1te~'tli:t'S"purcl';a~~ by, amotion maa.i3' ,by .Commi.sa4oner ~',~~,#<?*'~; "and ~du~t see~n~edby Oommi<ssione~r 'AJ.l~if~: , ,,<,' ~ '. \~>';.;'.'...'.", ';~.;... ~"'}..;..::""..,. ~.' ;..'~ :'~'" .., "- ': ..'.:....' '.' ,~- Vo~~~>~t~~:, ,:q~~fssi:GnE?,~~,?ll~m~~,~(~and ,A?len," . ~J,i~ :,' '"" , ~6,ne,~ '.,.: ..'::; -,,, ~" " ",' , ~ . ~ , '-. .:'.ff:!l:. ':&.:1118;- '~Abis ,A;tto'rney; ~.M:qDu~J.ough, Were " :,~:t;, j.n"ti~g~rd"':~~, t:p.e' 'is'sUing' 'q1' 'apermi t' '1'01' "aibusine8's " :tl~~ii'g~:GnLQt 4.-r.'}'Blk. 44, West Uri:t~a~~:fty'P-J.acEf Se()ond ,A~d?;,t~~~~ ~1p.~p~~it;w$ls di,scussed~~ ~:l?r~evip.u;s~~'eting an<r~.~$" ~f)'Je,eted't.?1" the'Commiss,ion. The'May'or advis,ea. 'i:;bJl;'b ,~~ ;:a".~'~~e~'S'~ti~,z;:jr; th .our Oity Att(!)rn~1, heirif6~'edi'.h:tm." ", v 'th8:'1; ,'~p:, "~'e.Oriver~a~iel1 with our City At-'6~rnel;' he i-hfoi1r!-e'd ' " :niriI~J::~,~t.'ll'f'an ::tij.'res'ti'gat1on he to'i;nd 'bli,1'sentire district to .'-~:e'~r>e-s,'t?:r~ct'ed a~~~~st' 'business bui~dimgs. ;(n view Q't th:Ls ' 'informat:ten; the"o-ommission finds'itn~~essary to' decline, tlteiss~~g of th:i.~ :,p~'1Ilit., Mr.\ Mce:ul1ou$b advi$~dthat he , , :.:~1tl,~ scusa the' matt~r. :further with oijr 'Oi ty Attorney'; Mr. "~brlfieId;' and d~itertti:tne-w1iat actionwi11 be ta.lren. Conimisl:t~oner AJ,len made a motion which was duly 'seconded by Goinmis sioner,' Mainolis, that this permit be rejected. VG,ting Aye: Oommissioners Allen an,d Mainous Nos: None '. .........~..:t. i.' ~ J '. I ' [-''''~ - ,-~.,~~. ' '~, :'''''':''g''-'c;4,'::r4,' .;',-,' . '>.. ,. . .-, , , . '." . ~ ," - ~. . '. '~' ".: _I,. The Zoning Commission met with the City Ceuncil at the School audi torium in their meeting of June. '1th. , which meeting was held for the purpoae of he~ring ~bjE}etions,ancijeXPl\e~s1~J:ls from property owners, before passing the Zoning Ord:rriance,.' Complete details of this me~t:ing were recorded by ~e.p()rt~:n, Mr.. A. C. Fridge, which report may be found in the files at the City Ma],;l.,, ,&.t ,this me,etin,g ~f (fune .llth. ,the member~ f'1~ the ~en.i~~ g~~1 qS.-io~.,:met: ~~ t:11 Mr. ~. ,J. '~epenbroek, "Se,cr~t_U'y, W~f.f:1~~gJ,;,a.ndp;:ref}~~i~,~d t~_"tlle,,'.Co~c11, a r~-' ",v1:se.Q:<r$~,r:$,:;lIh1~h'amen.~en~s ll~re mad,~" ~~,t€tr, re.ceiv~'g eomplain'b~ at the meeting held at ,the school, and also various . lettersfrcm pro~;rj;,y',o~~s~~.,p~~~t~<?ns .:pr,()~es~1ng vaIrious part,s of this Ordinance. The Mayer again' explained 'the " Ordinance in. c<nnection with the ma.p and advised t~atit :is, the" Council's :in tention to protect the va]ne of, all property :wi 1?llld~ We,s,t Vlil:1vel?si ty ,F4aQ~)j a~ds f}t }1P r,e,st~,5.c tions which 'Wd.U '''b.e~t',a,ir.~d .jv,st to, ~~, ,c~ncerneq.:, alsos~at,e,d.,that :.afte:r; i,t,~S ,;~~d+n~n~~is 11L;f'ope~, ~d:w~ f:'!,nd, ;1;hat ee.'x.tain. paz-tsare not just, they n:~Y:geql;l~ged,apdis~s~itp.t;e,d'w:.tth othar;o clauses whieh will be beneficial to the City as So whOle~ The MaJOr also a<iy;i~edt!la ~'i~f,1!a,jo:t!i tYQfthe ",:eeoJt+~who he had talked with expressed themselves as not want1I?-s ~duplexes. Mr. Joe Catheriner advised that in his opinien 12O€t,ft., fl,oor space in s-ee't:t,en #6, would be a great detriment to "thfs part 0f 1ib.~,~*t~,,'!iJ,tt~,ll1,.J.+,:;C1U't~;+~he,bu~lQ.ing ~,t J.,tl~s,t 50.$. He ,.~~~g~S,'~Q,' thStt,,~jQoe ,ft,.; r,e<Ju..:ir~~~~1?:~::w:o~ad. b;e ' s,W'f~_~~~nt; ,,~~,.,'.'t:.,~. G1.~1~g;:state4 that;,~th0Ugh't 1.2,OQ, tt;,~ w~s, toe l~w and' suggeste4;~-1l()rea~ing :~~~%il .to<?ta~e:.. '(~'.Vl.'~~'B~~~~l ad- vised that being a: plumber he has'workea on I'1Umerous residences in certain secti0l?,:~,9:f Ho~,st.on as w6;11 a,s 'W;est :Univ'~,-sity,Place, ~d that he did not think tbat figur:rng tbB restr:tctionS' on a sq.uare footage basis would be fair, as many paces 1:1e had in mind covered less than 1,000 ft. and ,co..st in excessef $6;000.00. M-r. :" Mc~arlan~, ,~re1t1~~~tJ oR,j~cted to JlSing ,:l;J:.le ,,~q~re , 1'~~~~~e 1:l a~j.s~.c1.a Iso to the v~r1.f>u~. ~ec;t,io.iis' be11:l? re~tJ?ic ted , ,;~%t;k .2lf,ds~eco; i!lfat the gen~;r~l tren4: to,4;a.y J.S towards , :i;al'typ~ .tr'ame., '.' . . , ~ {.,lijl'i",~1WPgy inci~~.ed .r:ega:r;~~g ~,1?1:le building 0.1' '~p,~~n~,s ' aIldtr;e l~eta,;tt:~,..~n.fo,r ',S~~,t .Hew,a~advJ.:s,edby the ,~aYQr ,tP:;~,t, "thesebuJ.ld- ing~"c~enly bepl~rc>ed in ,the business ~eict:ioris, ,~A:t.ter:listen- ",' , . ,.$lg 't-e ~:p;e.se, .c9mp,l~)n ts "th:e PJIayor advis,ed,,that nQ ,f\;wther ,changes ean be mao.e, at, this' time andreccorimiended ,that. 'th;Ls' OrdinaJice ,'~.~, p}~!l:i?!d. (Pet~'~~tlli~~le~te~sot objectfo~ m'ayb~:t,Qund~n 'the f!~e~.,~del:' heaClJ.~S !jfAonJ.ng ) ~~~'J1~~?r:als0 a<ivis,d the Coun:it wantecltotflankthe Zo~~ng < . ,,,:qQmm:pl$~~:m f()r the tJ.me ,anq. theJ.r splendid work done in working ""otfttne<;1et'ails .of . this OrdinanQe. " , ' 1_ ,'~ y ,\' .- J 1;< 0, ,i-{. " --;; , ~ '~"'"~"'" l'-~=--~,__l ".._, '~]> f' 1 i ;i i , \, ' -'~ , . ~ ,'\ '1 ., i '~f~ l . r I I , I I \ \ \ l'[" ' i. ,- . t:. :~: l ~ I<~ ~' ", k - ~?*"- ! i, i ! I, ! t'~ - ) 1/ ',' I i,' i ! i I ~ I f ~~ ) 1, . ..,<>__-" ( ~..<'. I I I " " " ,,"'r. l ~"I IJ . :.-:;,t 2~ur' "';"- , I 'I >': " ~.i,s.IJ~~~fjr',~ain,?u,s riJad~; aino,~~.,n' w~~ebw~~::~~ly s'~~5>:nde~ b:y;;)",o~~s!oner; A,;Ll~I,1,J. a~t1:\brizing t.!Le;,pass~f.1s.~:' ~r' the ordl- nance as set out iIi the preamble' and in i~s"'m:t't~~'by" and. be adopted as written. Ordinance No. 1//"',~'eaptio:h~a's':fo1lews: .'" Ali OllI)J]TAlfCE E$f'ABLtsmG ZOlIDfG' REGULA.TI.ONS'~. : " , DISMCTSIN ACCORDANCE WITH Aj CXJMPRDENer VE ' PLAN? AND REGULATING AND REtnSTRICTIl\fG. THE HEI'G1iiT:l~bBER OF STORIES, TYPE AND CHARACTER OF CONSTRUC~IONOF :a'(JI~:j:NJ!lS,~\,~D {grR~It S~(J.f~$t,,~ P~Ql.i~~GE,: O~." " 'l1O'.r' ~.TMAY ~:e:~, O;Q,gJJPIED; "':flIE ,m'Z;I!: QF~R1)f1,., CQURTS AND' oT:BER 'OP~lr S'PA~S..' 'THEDJmSITY 'OF 'P'O:PU]jATI'ON.' h' , '.." THE LOCATION AlID USE OF BUILDI:NGSj STRUCTURES. AND' LA:ND FOR TRADE INDUST~, RESImNCES AND OTHJ!R PUR- ~OBES; DIVIDING TIm" c:rtt OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE INTO DISTRICTS AND .REGULATING . AlII> RESTRICTING THE EREC!in:<~:N1-; ::6()NST!.'tJJC'rIONc,;'REC CNS1fRUOPIGN,j ~TJ~~'~~:r.ON " "REPAIR 'OR -'W~~'~ ~lJ+LD.GS ."S'JffiUQ~Si!c~l\i: ~"" ; , WITHIN &~OH DISTRICTS, AND PR0VJ:m NG UNiFORM REGU- LATIONS FOR THE SEVERAL CLASSES OR ~S()F BUILD- INGS' OR STRU CTURES, TYPE AND CHARAOTER OF G0NSTRU(l- 'TI'ON;:AND'-Uf3E~:'-WIT:HIN WE RESTRICTIVE D,m!lmCTS; ADd PTIN'GA' ~ON:tNG MAP DISCIOSDlG THE SEVERAL DIS- TRIOT-S AND USE AREAS AND THE RESTRICTIONS ,AND LIMI'l:A1fIONS AND PROVISIONS APPLICABIE TO SUCH DIS- 'Jlli:tCIDS:-'Bfi'-:' " is-PROVIDING FCR ABOARD OF AD- , ' ',' ',' .', ',' ,,' , ,JU~1iNT '!lT1) ,XliING THE POHlS OF SAME; PRESORIBIliG A PENALTY FOR nOTATION OF 'mI8CtmDINAblCE; and, DECLARING AN EM1SRGEN GY. . ' " .. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen Nos: None Comm1ssi(:mer Allen made a motion which was duly seecnded by Commis simer Mainous, appointing as a permanent Zoning Board of Adjustment, the following: Mr.;f6c:, Holland.; R. J. !?epenbroek; , Sam Levy; Preston Plumb; J. A. Davlin and F. A. Hunter. These to serve until other appointments are made. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous Nos: None Commissioner Allen made a motion whieh was duly seeonded by Commissione:r Mainous" authorizing the purchase of two gallons of traffie paint to be used in marking off the rarking zone in front of the business eenter. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous Nos: None -' \ ~ "- ; --~~ 1--' -'; ~i' ,.1 246 Tne Secretary was given ,instructions to issue warrants for ~ll montJ;:1.ly bill,s bearing the, O~K. of eac~ depa:rtment head, by a motion maae,by OOmmissioner Mainous and dUly seconded by Comm~ssioner Allen. . V.oting Aye :.". Commissioners Mainous and Allen Nos: None There being no further: busin.ess to' eome before the Commission, ,upon. mo.t:ton 'being made and du:l:-Y seecm~ed, the meeting was adj oUrrie d. t&~~ ~CRErARY , .{-. ". v . ATTEST: CQ]llMI.SSI ONER C 0 riJfH~ S IOH1lR [ , IT . II I ~ 1 "1 , 1 f, l f f' t r 247- !'>\~'" '] [I,;.." :;)i , "I :~'j l.J J ' '''i !,-,~ . I SPECIAL MEETING MOJ!ID.AY'j" JUB~l4:t 1937' GOU:NG IIi CBA.1<<BER, CI TYHAL!l. WEST uN-lvERSITY PLACE:, TEU2. . ~ ~ The Oommission conve:ned"onthef'0regoing dat-eat 'J :00. P.lvI. with rtayor Fleming presiding and Commissioners Allen and Mainous and Secretary Jarrard, in attendance. , .".' f, ,.. . Minutes of'! the meet'ingc of' June 11th. were read and ~ppr9Y'ed. . t , '" ' , " Asper l,e,tter from Engineer, J. c. Mc;Yea,advisingthQ<t~,_:the 20.0.,0.0.0. gallon water tank had be~Completely ,installed by the Chicago Bridge'.an:d IrQIl Company" and reccominend~d. ~hat . payment be ,IDa de. The Mayor /was g1 ven authority to execitte the acceptance and make payment to this company in ,the amount ofr~t4.19'75.00. This authority wa's given by a motion made by (J9~-[\'~~ii>ner: Ma'ineus;'andwas'" du-l-yseco1;l.ded".by' ,Gofumtfjsa.oner , A...i'H.f'" ,',', , ,'..' ,: .. ' ~':.I.:;L~rn~' ~',. .'.' -..'.: . Vo'ting A,ye.: Coimd.ss1oner Ma-inous~,and ~llen Nos: None' <: ' q .' . " \ ~. eemmissioner Allen made' a motion w~ch was., duly seconded by Commissiorer Mainous, authorizing' checks to be issued to E. L. Mendenhal ih the ;amount of' t~th,8E3and $23.35':'W.h~~h,is f'or the printing of' brief in the case of' Ralph Fleasant va City of' West University Place; also cheek to' Clerk of' Circuit CeuE~ ~f Appea~s fer $5.00 f'or a copy of' the opinion rendered in;' t~~,: ab(>it{ees/se.;' " ,,:.. ". Vot~g Aie..= 'Commi:ssion.erAl1en and Mainous . ' Nos: None i . i., ! J )' 'I'" JJ' (:,: . '-'--:1 I '! " r ,'i;i . f~ fi~~i r~' ': 1-, I I i ! A statement ip. the 8inountef $180.0.0f'rom p. F. Eller for the building of'Bl~~~les in the sanitary sewer line on West Point Drive, was I?f~;tEmted by Mr.. Jno. C. Calhoun, who re,()commended th~t this bi+-+~oe paid. Commissioner Mainousmade a motion whierf"w8:s"ai11i'sec'onded by Cemmissioner Allen, authorizing paYIIlen t." of' this; ~ill ~ Vetlug Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen Nos: None , , i i, i f I' J ~~~_. ~; I" _~'--"'~_.c ... " 248' The Secret,ary pr esent$d a pe'j:1.tion 'be~r,ing. the signatures of six persons objecting t~ pr~pent traff1cordinance regu- lations in' front~ o,f the bu~itles$ district,' aSking that this be revised. After discussion, it was decided that no action cllanging this, ordinance weuld be taken at tbistime. ,J.. ~, , ~.. ..... . C€m1U1issi oner Mainous made a, motion'IJYhicl1 was, duly s-ec ~d~d by Oommissioner Allen" authorizing tl1at Mr. Jobn' C. Calhoun, E:ngineeJ1t, 'woJ!"kwi th eur City, 4ttoamey , Mr. San,fi~ld, in the preparation and blocking the zoning map, so tha t it can be reduced .in size and. one copy filed,,~t the Gi,t;.y Hall! .. , Voting A7e:Oommissi<mer~Maan(j~s and Allen. No,s: 'Nmle .- . . . ", Mpoe' ~:'&;HUdd4est()n, J[~~U'lilj;~er, :F.~~~~ P.e~'~'~~~~'; tfi) Ai1u.~,~, Fi~ern~- Oonvention, pJ:>&s-ented ,a report of the'.6i:Lsti' k,~'!1,al CoriV~ntion of Texas State Firemen and Fire Marsna2ls, held in Port Arth'U31.. June 8th." 9th., and. :t.Otb..; 1957. CO!11lllissiQner Ma.inoua made a. motion which was duly seconded by Corinnissioner Allen" acceptingfu.is report and thanking Mr. HuddJ,.e;~ton for the interest taken in the behalf of the city. This report was .Grdered'filed.", V0tingAwe: . e,~tmniS.siQne1"S IV.la.ino:us' ap,d Allen ."'- . , Ne s:: l~Q>ne "::..-- ';..,: ~. \> . ,.. ~ , .' . . ..' . Co1I!tll1ssioner Allen made a motion which wa~" d,uly ,se.eG~ded by, Goinmlss1ener Mainous giving authority for the purchase or the follewing: 2 gravel rakes; 1/2 D0~. ,lOi~~0h files; 1 cl$.w hammer; tWGl oil cans; . lOO ft. 3/4 inch hase in two sections; two axes;' 1 whet stone. . Votfung Aye: Commissioners !\llen and Mainous Nos: ,None Comm1s sioner l\,llen .made a motion which'Wj~s duly seconded by Commissioner MainoUJ, authorizing the repairs and adjustment t'€>r'brakes on the police ear, which work1s to be dmeby , Brace & Prouse Garage. v I r i I , r I ~ 'I , \. f -:-----" . Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous Nos: None " " L-, r~_~1 r, ' 1.1 t: r [ t f r I i , i I I J 249 .. '" , fl' , I " I : ) Commissioner Mainous made amotion whicb was d'Q1y by Commissioner Allen, authorizing: t~he ':pirchase of of 4t5 calib er eartri4ge~, to ~be us.eel liy the.:Polic~ men. ' , ' seconded one bex depart- Voting Aye: Commissioner Mainous and Allen" ,'" No,s: None .. - ~ .' "There beirig no' further "business to come before' theCommiss ion, upon moti~n being made and'duly secon~ed, :the,meeting was adj ourned. " ' ,,' ~-~. '! ATTEST; .. ,;. I ~' , '(3&(~~ 'ECREr'ARY, ' " " " , COMMIS~ ONER , ",~, COW1MIs~n6N:Bil ' 'l . .. " t '1 J ~' L I'~~~~I--- , r-~ - ~l ,-,j 250 REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, 'J1INJ!1 1S '1937 " ,'" ", COUNGn~~' : CITY, HALL " , " , " , ~S~ UNlVERS JTY PLACE, TEXAS n J ~' . , ~.. i J The Cemmission convened on the ,f'oregoing,date at ,7:00 P.M. wi thMayor ,Fleming presiding and Commis sio~rs Allen and Malnousand Secretary Jarrard, in attendance. 'Minutes, of the meetiIl6G' of,J~e 14th., we~e read ar:dapprqved. The Mayo~ read a letter whi~h he had wz.'!tten "1;0 .Mr. C. 14;' .Malone, pre~ident of' the Guardian Trust Compan,y, reJ,.a;u1ve +to the 'Property on South ,side of Bella1re Boulevard for ihe p~p"OS$ of' placing the seVferage disposal plan.-t. Cotmnis'Sioner Ma~u~ ma.de a. m.- tionwhieh was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, approving the action by the Mayor in the writing of' this le~tter. Voting 'Aye:6ommi-ss;ion'6rs Mainous: ,and Allen Nos: ,None eOIl,UIli'ssi-one<ai'-' A];len ,maile'a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner'Mainous authoriz ing the repealing of. Ordinance ,No. :48, which pertains to the Board of Eq1 a.lizat1 on and authorized the passing ,of' Ordinance No. ,/ I V _ repealing -this ord:i;nanc~,' ,which :c'a'p1rion is as f' ollow s: " AN ,ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 48, ENACTED BY THE BOARD OF CODISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNlVERS ITY PLACE CREATING A BOARD OF EQUAL- IZATION,'DEFINING ITS DUTIES, PROVIDING FOR THE . APPOINTMENT OF, SAME, FIXING THE COMPENSATION F CH " THE MEMBERS OF ,SAID EO ARD, REPEALING ALL PRIOR ORDINANCES AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Mr. R. J.- Depenbrock, Mr. J. C. Fails and Mr. R. ,p. .St.John were receommended to constitute the Board of' Equalization for the year 193'7. The Mayor advised that he was in commu- 'nication with each, who stated that they would be willing to serve on the Board. Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissiomr Allen, approving the above appointments. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen No s: None (-'1 " I I j i ,{ I I I l L 1 ~ -'-'--~I~~- i r ..,- , - ... 1 r 251, ""r~ 'I , I ,~ J Upon moticm made by Commil3sioner Mainous and duly seconded by ~ommissi?~er Allen~ the fOllowingresolu'ti?nwas. j;)resented: , , , BE ITREaOL1nID BY' THE BOARD OF- C(MMISSIONERS OF THE CITY~,OF WE8TUNIVERSI~TY' PLAOE: 'J!hat each member " of' the Board of Eciuali~at1on :for the ~. year 1937'shall re~eive as compensation, the sum of $'7 .,pO for each day, or .fractional p~t thereo:f, that the Board of Equalizat'ion meets for the transaction of its business. Voting Aye : Commissiollers 1YIainous and Allen Nos : NoIi.~ Upop.motion m~deby Commissioner ,Allen and duly I$,eco:rid~dby Commis s ion.er Ma,iIio us:, the fo 11ow1p.g' O,rdinance, No.o ~j,l.J ", , was p'assed" and approved; wh1~h capti:on is ~si'o:];,:f.Q~~i: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING 'FORDTHE TIME FoR THE MEETING OF THE ~OARD OF EQ.UALlZATION O~ T;~, CITY OF WESTUNI"VERSITY PLACE F CR THE ~ 1937 AND PROVID lNG THAT THE SAME TAKEEFF.EOT , mEDIA TELY l;JPON PASSAGE AND AP !ROVAL. Votj.~'Ay.e: COIm'l\issioners~~ii1ous and Alle.n" , .> - . lo . Nos:. None " , , COnlmissionerAlleh II1.~<l~ a 'moti,onwhi,ch W8:-$ cluly se<iol1Q.ed by Commisl:lioner Mainou~;:'aut~oriziri.$ the purchase" of twelve' yards of L~es,toz:e Rock at "fje pr7ce ,0.1' '~.,25per Yarcl;,~~s,s ,~5%. This ma.terJ.al to be, u~~d, ,J.n the 'St;reetand J3riq:ge pe.pazttment. Voting Aye:Comm1ssionar$ ,Alleh and Maip:OU8 "_.-: ,J,:' Nos: None' . (-, I i I ) Commissioner Mainous was given authority to proceed,and c~ntac~ property owners on Lafayette and Plumb Streets, from Wakef'orest Street to, ]3uffalQ Speedway, for the purpO$$ o:f hard surfacing . these s'tr~~tsan:d also' to have our City Attorney t,o work out 1;he ~eee~sary f'6I'ms and c~rry out any other legal action that maa.y be required,; , Commissioner Allen made a motion which w~s du:Lysecanded by. Commis sioner Mabn.ous, authorizk.g the above action. ".' ' " Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous Nos: None <--___ ~_......o.........~~ -! ~~r-__._. _1_....--__ ,252 I I I I L I I l I I i I I I ! . :" :.; : .j.. Mr. Clarke, Po Ii oeman, repOrted., the. tthe ' police' cat' was' in 'need of' repairs, as to rebusliing the f'ron t Wheels,' adjust- ing the s teer;J.ng gear ,and to check the motor. Commissioner Ma.inous made a motion which'was duly seconi~d by Commissioner Allen, a1ithoriz;J.ng: this work to be done by Bller & Gripp and Beard and Sto ne.' Voting ~ye: Commissioners 'Allen and Mainol1s NOf!: Non.e 'l Secretary reported that the City had s~veral unsold and un- issued bonds of' the old ,issue, with the City National :Bank, which they are holding f'or saf'e keeping and to prevent these bones f'alling :Lnto the haq.ds of' innocent purcbasers,and suggested that these be'cane~lledby the Bank "and returned, to this ,of'f1ce.' 'Commiss ioner Allen made a 'pi'oti'on wltich was duly seconded :by GoIi1tnissione~ MainOus, authorizing that these Bonds be cancelled as suggested. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Main?uS '-., ' Nos: None. A set of plans for building to he erected in ,Go19nia1 ~~rra.ee by R.R. Houck, Contractor, wasref'erred to the Counci1'jasit q.1d. not meet, the requirement's of' our Zoningordinanqe. AIs,o' several Ie tters ref'erring to various pa~ts ,of this ordinance. :rt was decided that tl:1.ese plans and letters:b~tuZ'l1ed over to the Board"of'AdjuS~ers for f'inaldecision. " . . " . Authority wasg1ven by moti'On made by Commissioner Allen and duly seeon4edhy Commissioner Mainous, f'orthe purc:Qase of 2500 bank cheeks to be printed. These to be purchased a.t the lowest price poss:thle. . " Voting Ai/e: Commissioners Allen and Mainous . Nos: None . The Mayor recccmmended that Professor J. S., Waters 'be ~mployed to assist the Tax Collector inariving at 193'1 val ues pp. all Public utility holdings which values w,!ll be used em ,our tax rolls for 193'1. Mr~ Waters advised that he will be willing to do this work for $1.00 per hour. COmrrUs3sioner Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by -Commissioner Allen, "autho- rizingthe Mayor to employ Mr. Waters to perform this work. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous ( Nos: None ~I. 1 253 I ' '\ .~. I , i I Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous~ authorizing 'the printing of l500 water cards for the mon,th 0,1' June tJ.93"l. e " Voting ~ye: Commissioners Allen and Maino~ lios : None ~~.... . . ' The Mayor was given authority by a moti'on~ade by Co~ifJs ion er Mainous and duly seeondedby Commissioner Allen to employ 'Mr. J. 0., Fails a:nci$4.00 per day to read the water meters ,for the , monthofJime 193'7. ",' . ... Voting Aye: Oommissioners Allen 'and Mainous ~ Nos: None ReBe~pts and Disbursements Statements of Water and G,ener~l Funds for Month of May 1937, were given to the Mayor and' each Commissioner. There being no fUrther business to come before the Commission, upon motion being made and du.ly seconded, the meeting was adjoupned. ' ATTEST tiw~. CI ,~ECRErARY' ' C01..!iM:l SSIONEIr COMM.lSSIONER ( ,~. I'''' ( ~ 'I' 1 ~[ , I , 1 :254 I I I, I I I I f I i 1 I [ L REGULAR,MEp:TING FaJ:DAY ,JUNl.: '23:, 1937 COUNC II:, CHAMBER, 'CITYlIALL WEST UNIVERSlfJ:'Y' PLACE, TEXAS i'- ). l r l / The Commission convened on the .foregoing date at 7:00 P.'.M. with Mayor Fleming presiding and Commissioners Allen and Mainous and"-Secretary Jarrard, in attendance. Minutes, of the'meeting of June lath. were read and, approved. ~ . , . Mr. Mainous was gi V'en author! ty to purchase lO s:acks of' cement to be used in the Monticello. Park,' 'this authority was given by a motion made by Cemmissioner'Allen and d~y Seconded by Commissioner.Ma.inous.' .' Voting Aye: Commies ioners Allen and Mainous No s: None An Ordinance prohibiting keeping hogs wi thin the City limits was presented by the City attorney, which captipn is as follows: AN ORDINANCEPROHIBI'TING THE KEEPING OF HOGS, SWINE, OR PIGS \fITHI:N THE CORPORATE LIMIl'S' of THE CITY OF WEST UNIV~SITY PLACE; PROVIDJlIG , THAT ALLOHDINAN<$S ORPA'RTS THEREOF ,INGmI- FLICT W:frH THIS ORDINANCE IS R EPEALED;PRO- VIDING A PENALTY F CR ITS VI OLATION; AND THAT THISORDINANOE'TAKE EFFECT, :AND-BEIN 'FORCEON THE 45th. DAY AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly Gommi&sioner MainOUS}/~prOVing and passing the nance, wli1ich is No. . . Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous seconded by above Ordi- Nos: None Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by ComniiS sioner Mainous, approving and passing a pegion Ordi- nance, No. ~, which caption is as follows: AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT UNLAWFUL Elm ANY 1:mRSQ:N TO MAINTA1N AN~ PIGEON HOUSE OR A PLACE TO f ' r~~-- --=-'::'~I~ "-'I~- 1.1 ~'J r= I"-,. 'k.i ~ otJ ,. ; ~ \:- ; "':-..-":" -,,'. { 'I u. r: l' f,~P' BEEP PIGEONS. OR TO BEEP AND:MAINTAIJll PIGEONS FOR Brom:oING OR OTHER PURP.dQ~~ WITHIIL-THE .cORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE;' PROVIDING THAT, ALL ORn :mANGES, OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CCNFLrc~ ARE ,REP~LED; . PROVIDnm A PENALTY AND, PROVIDING THAT THISdnJNANCESHALL TAKE. EFFECT ON, THE 45th. DAY AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL . - , Voting Aye: Nos: None . i -: .... \ Oommissioners, ~11en and Mainous , " The ;following Ordinance No. ill, , pr9hibi:t~g the keeping' of guineas withi.n the corporate limit's wM.~, passea'1jy a maticm made by Commissioner Allen' and dU1YfJeconded by 'G0mmissioner Mainous which capti:on is as f'QJ.IOws: AN ORDINANCE ,MAKING IT1JNLAWFUL' FOR ANY PERSON TO MAINTAIN ANY HOUSE OR PLACE ,TO KEEP GUINEA- 'FOWl;SOti:TOKEEl? A1ID DINTAIN'GtmosA~FOwLS FOR BREED- ,'-OR O~ :trl1RPO;~S~ WITRIN'THE"09R~ORJ\TE LIMITS ,'OF'THE-:OIn' pjr'WEST UNIVERSIn'-PUOBl~ROVIDING ',' "'$AT ALIi PI{:P3:N.4trOE$'OR"PAR~~~.OFi ORDINMGES IN CON- , ,,]itJ; CT,' ~E::'~11:~.t~; ,PR9V1:l)J:i\tG~~A., ~A:GTY ; AND" , ,'PR(}~l>~~"~,:T~:r~,.ORDI'U~OE',SHAlfL: r:D.(l~ EFFECT eN ';CHE~5~~'T>A~~AFTER .ITS'F.4S~~~ANl) ~PPROVAL. t! .'-. ~,.....~ I. .... . ~ VO,Rin$"Y~,: ,eomnrl.sa,1tin,era Allen arid' M:i:ii).o'lis, , , . , .' '~ :i 'c. I- '". . Nos: ,,'None " 'n ,Mr. Sonfield, City Attorney, adv~sed that he was ,in cOJ:lver- sation with the creditors of' the Water Welldorporation, re- garding an injunction suit pending in the amo'W1t; of' $l,535.00 and that due to the number of' creditors and theamo'W1t in-' volved in thisesuit, the creditors agreed to withdraw same, {>rov! di rig the ity woulc!.pay )~l1e accumulated Court <:ostof' ,220.00. In order to clear up this matter, and rel:Leve ' the' Oi ty of furtherliabili"tj",CommissionerMainous made a motion Which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, Au- thorizin~ the payment of'this amount. ' -},foting Aye: Commissioners Mainous ~nd Allen , 'N,os: None There being no f'urther upon motion being made adjourned. business to come before the Commission and duly seconded, the meeting was '-" L__, I;' 'II 1-- ~~ r- - ", -, '2'B6 SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 28, 193? COVNC:(;L CIWrU3Ea.". CITY HALL WEST UNIV$RSITY PLACE, TEXAS. ],. " ' . The Commisf!'-on convened on :tP,e -'foregoing date at ? :00 P.M. wi th Mayor 'Fleming presiding and COl1ll'l1iasioner.s Allen and Mainou,s and Secretary Jar~a:d, inai.litendance. Minutes .of the meeting of June 2~th. were read andapp~oved. In response to' instructions given at a previous Council meeting, Mr. Bonfield, City Atto~ney, 'drew up t:b.e,following Ordinances. Ordinance No. ll7 regulating the nUmber of cows and horses that can b.e kept within the CorporatE3 Limits of the City_ ~nd 'O;rdinanee: No. l18, limiting the number of . chickens that can be kept on the premises~ Commissioner Allenma~~a motipn :which, was duly secouledb:y Commissioner Mainous,' "pproving and passing Ordinance No. ll?, which cap- tion is as i'ollows: AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE N1JlliU3ER OF COWS Ok:HORSES THAT CAri BE :KEPT AND MAINTAI},$lD ON ANY PREMiSES WIW:INTH~ CORPORATE LIMITS OF 'THE CITY OF . ",.(. ,";. " '. L . ", ," . '., .' WEST 'tJlfIVBR..~j::TY :F14 CE;' PJWV !DING F'p R PR OPMt $AWITJ$Y C~J:TIONS O]f~AID PR():PER~'; "PROVI- !!j:NGFOR THE'STAKING our OF ANY SUCH ANIMAL; PROHIBITING"' 'SUCH ANlMALSBEINGAI.,r.,av:$D TO STRAY FROM SUCH PREMISES:; PROVID]I\fG WlEN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAEE ~J;i'ECT;PRQYIDING A PEN- ALTY;AND, PROVID1NG THAT ,At,L PRIOR ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF" IIi CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDI~ NANCE, ARE REPEA LED.' , VotiIig Aye : Commi s'si Qners Allen an,d Mainous . NoS': N'one · The follow:hg Ord1.nanc~ NQ. 118, W}:licp. capt10nis as follows, was pass~d:t>y a,h1o~ion made ,bi'ComniissionerJylaino~s apd duly seconded by COn1II1issione1" Allen1- ' '" ' ( , ...//' AN ORDINANCE REGULATI'NG THE NUMBER OF FOrlI. THAT CAN BE KEPT 'OR MAINTAINED ON ANYPRElVIISES WITHIN THE OORPORATE LIMITS OF THE OITY OJi' WEST, UNIVER- SITY PLACE;PROVIDTIJG FOR PROPER SANITARY CONDI- TIONS OF SAID PROP:ERTY; PROVIDING THA.T IT SHALL BE UNLAWF UL TO_\MI~ au OR FOWL OFF THE PREMISES ACTUALLY OCCUPIED BY THE O\~R OR ONE iN POSSES- SION; PROVIDING A PENALTY; -PROVIDING THAT ANY i ~ \..-;" t~ 1""~ r' -"~l ~ 257 ' .~ ,:"" . ORD m~ CE OR PART TEEREOF:I ,IN C ONFLI OT if.[ TH THIS ORDINAN eE, IS REPEALED; AND, PROVIDI NG WHEN THIS ORD U.AN CE, ,SHALL TAKE EFFECT. I:f"'-') -j . ! ~, J ~ Voting Aye: Commissioners Allan and Mainous Nos: ,...~one The Council authorized the Tax Coll'Bc~or to make an~djustment .on taxes on Lot, l~, ,Block 2~, West n~versi ty PJJa.ce, 1st. Addi- . tion. All y.earBtobe ,adjusted to thatofl~35,waivip.gpenal- ty on 1934 and prior years. This authorization was made by motion made by Commissioner Mainous and duly sec,onded by Com- missioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen Nos: None Mr. ,Allen reported that Mr. Smith with the Neptune, Meter Com- pany advi,sed tha tthe price of meters will advance lO%' on ' July 1st. and he suggested that in order to maintain the pre- sent price,w;e s:tgna,contract for 100 meters. After dis- cussion, it was decided that the City could use 'at least 300 meters wi thin the next l2 months and that contract be executed by the Mayor' for this number of meters.CoIim1issioner Ma:inous made amotion,. authorizing the above action, which motion was duly se,ounded by by C,ommissiorer Allen. Voting Aye ,: Commissioners Mainous and Allen Nos: None n J I i, I I I I I ) The Council was advised of a $38.00 wat~r bill against the property at 4228 Swarthmore Street. This amount has been owing over a pEriod of several years. When the house was vacated, the water department removed the water meter and refUsed to reinstall same until bill is paid. Due to the circumstances ihvolved, Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by Oommissioner Allen, authorizing Secretary to accept the amount of $22.50 for a new meter as full settlement and to authorize the water department to reset this meter. Voting AyelCommissiorers Mainous and Allen Nos: None secon~ Upon motion made by Commissioner Allen and duly .. k.._ ~.~h'''''''' I 1+- - --j r' "1 t ' , "~58" I,' t I I f l I l, Commissioner Mainous, the Secretary wassuthorized to make transfer, as a lean, of $400.00, from the Water Fund to the General Fup.d. .Voting Aye: Comml~sioners Allen and Mainous of ~ .J- Nos: None' There b.e:mg no, f'~ther bus:Lnes,stoc ane J:>efore theComm1s- ,sion" upon plotioltbeing made, rand duly seconded, the me,eting was. adj 0 urned. '" ;" ' ..~~ ;J " ATTEST: 'Oo~sSIok~t'", " '\ '!- ' " nohl1nS:no,." ,\. \ '( \ , " \ \ . '-- \ (1" , ' , {~l 'I j , ! 1 / '''~~-.-~'~1 r ,~, m - ,~- ~,~ '-.--- l;:~" 1 ,~ I ','~~ I :', I , ) ~. .u. l~~'ti , ~w,~:' >pit;3- - :' '- REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1937. COUNCILCP~BER, CITY HALL 1JVEST UNIVERSITY PLACEi TEXAS The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P.M~ with Mayor Fleming presiding and eommissioners Allen and 'Mainous and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. ,~. Minutes of the meeting of June 28th were read and a~pr?ved. ~ '" ~ The Secretary was authorized to red}lce ,the values on Lot 3, Blk. 8, Belle Court Addition to that of 1935, waiving Penalty on 1934 and prior years. This authorization wasis~uedupon motion made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Gommissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Corm:hissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. After considerable discussion and study, it was decided that the water rate be reduced, effective on July 20 reading, to 30t per thousand gallons, up to and including 5,000; 20~ per thousand allover 5,000 gallons. This adjustment was authorized by a motion made by Commissioner Allen and seconded 'by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Upon motion made by ,Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Cormni~si~er Mainous, authority was given for~the purchase of a water jug for 95~. Voting Aye: Comm~ssioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous made a motion \~lich was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, authorizing the Secretary to pay all monthly bills bearing the o.k. of each department head. Voting Aye: Comrnissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. ~I Mr. Mainous reported that Mr. C. W. Burkhart, Contractor, had, destroyed the sidewalks between property line and curb on Brompton between Bellaire and Cason, and that he had taken a very indifferent stand in the matter. 'In as much as this was Ci ty propErty Mr. Allen made a motion which '\lTaS duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous authorLzing the City Attorney to take what action is necessary to have Mr. Burkhart replace this sidewalk. t--.:...-________________~-----....._ .. 1 .. "-~ -- r f ~~ ~ ~,_____'-~ ~......., ^ , , . '~ '. Allen and lVIainous. Mainqus asked that we make mention in these ~~:,to the effect tl:l'8.t the official opening of Colonial ~~~ 4~~~on July 1, 193?, and that cerUctn equipment I) '~ 15~!",'in'stalled. It was very gratifying to note the inter- >~.: .t'akenlb) the number attending this opening. The Council ' ,', >want..,S to thaJik and express their appreciation to the (~' <~<~gmniittee, who is greatly responsible for making this a e"6-e'ss. Also for the co-operation given 'by the Merchants r:"t~eir contribution, and to tha,nk :Mr. H. R. Houck for ii1~tfug the'8helter House. 'This affair was given for the pose of acquainting the peop'le with the park and for the ,fJj'ing of f1IDds for making further lmprovemen.ts. "There being no flJ.J?ther business to come before the Commission, "upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was de- clared adj ourned. ATTEST: / "'" , 'Iia ~ / < ru.!K( - , , , 1: : t \,-): ;J 1~=1""' I r '" _.~,~ ',~ k , r' " f ~ r' i I I I i I I !}"1 I",q I 'I" t" JI c )~I ! .~, f' /. ']. i ., I :", I ! . REGULAR 1mET FRIDAY, JULY 9, COUNOIL CHAMBER, WEST UNIVERSITY Pk1\.CE , ~ The Commission convened on the foregoing date at with Mayor Fleming presiding, and Oommissioners Mainous and Oity Secretary Jarrard, in attendance. .The minutes of the meeting of July 2nd were read, adjusted" .and approv;.ed. Mayor Flem:ing advised that he had a proposi~ion with the . Wes,tmoreland Farms Company t,o purchase, LO,ti' Block 1, ,We moreland Farm, 3rd Addit.ion, which consist of six' or seven acres of land at a price of $300.00 per ac e, $350.00 cash , and $500.00 payabl.e January 1, 1938; ,$500.00, January 1, 1~'39 " the balance being due January 1, 1940; the deferred 'balance "'. bearing interest ,at the rate of 6% per anm;p:n. This .proper'ty_ to be used for the d'U'qj.ping of garbage. CommiSSioner Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by COnIDlissioner Allen ~, authorizing the May~r to execute a contract and put up $lOO.OO deposit, as earnest money to secure this property. This auth- orization was given in an Ordinance No,./17 , which caption ' is as follows: AN ORDINANCE FINDING THE NECESSITY FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1, lFiESTMORELAND FAm1S, THIRD SUB- DIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT TFf..EREOF RECORDED IN VOLUlVIE 6, PAGE 12, OF. THE MAP RECORDS OF HARRIS ,COUNTY, TEXAS, CONTAINING 6.48 ACRE'S OF, LAND, MORE OR LESS, TO BE USED AS A PIACE .FO R THE DUMPING OF GARBAGE, OF THE ,CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,FOR A ~OTAL CONSIDERATION OF $1944.00, PAYABLE $3pO.00 IN ~ AND BY THE EXECUTION OF T~ NOTES REPRESENTING THE BALANCE, SECURED BY A';:',,; VENDOR'S LIEN AND DEE:.; OF TRUSr:r LIEl'if ON SAID PROPERTY: AUTHORIZING THE I\lAYOR OF SAID CITY ON ITS BE:EfALF, TO EXEGUTE SAID NOTES AND DEJ::D OF TRUST: LEVYING A TAX 'TO PROVIDE FOR THE i'PAYMENT OF SAID NOIrES: AND, PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE TAKE EFl.'ECT AND BE IN F CRCE DiIMEDIATELY FROM: Al\fD AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. Voting Aye: COilllnissioners Mainous and kllen. Nos: None. The Secretary was instructed to place appiication for Surety Bonds for the following: C. G. Jarrard, $10,000.00; C. E. Gammill, $1,000.00; Ira A. Harris, $1,000.00; the original bonds expiring July 12, 1937. Commissioner,Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, author- izing thse bonds to be issued through the Hunter-Holms Insur- '-r- !~-~ , r ~~~'~ - ~-,-- I. h~~," ':~-lJ:J~~ <~ :, . . "-. ". '.....',; ance Agency from RepubllcUnderwritersf Waco, Texas, and ,after the bonds are properly executed, the City accept same and pay the premium. ~~~' Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. (-.~ ; , 1 Nos: None. ,ComL1issio~~r Mainous made a motion which was duly ,seconded by Commissioner Allen, authorizing the payment of the balance due for Attorney Fees from the serviees rendered through the Water Department uo R. L. Bonfield, which amount is $162.00. This to. be drawn out of the water fund. Vot:f:ng Aye: Nos: None. :R,e;~eip,1:;~rH~.nd Disbu.rsement Statements ror June 1937, were given to~ the~'lvcayor and each Commissioner. , . Mr. Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by Commiss- ioner Allen 4uthorizing the transfer of $1,000.00 from the water fund to, ,the General FUL"'ld as a loan, Which amount ,is to be used for General purpDses. , . CommissLoners Mainous and Allen. ~ ,..., YotingAye : Commissioners Ivlainous and Allen. Nos: None. Mr. Harris submitted a report from the Committee of colonial Park, headed by lVIrs. &stiqn, sn-owing receipts -lind disburse- ments of the Park opening 'tp.e night of July 1st. This report maybe found in the files under heading of Miscellaneous. Commissioner Mainous made a motion which-was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, accepting this report arid again thanking the Committee for the splendid work in getting this park ready for the' official opening. Voting Aye : Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. n ~here being no further ,business to come before the Commission upon motion bein~ made and duly seconded, the meeting was de- clared adjourned. ATTEST: f I [ -"'~ 1 'i I I I ! ~,---,--~ '-- " ~) ,fl I I I ! : ! I i ) ~ : .-:5" . I. I, ; i ~ i~ 1....:.1 I i.,.,t< ~"-, 263 ~...t ''',~ -,, ... REGULAR MEETTNG FRIDAY, JULY I6" 1937 COUNCIL CHAlffiER, CITY HALL liVEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS.. The regular meeting of the COU:i.1.cil of ,the City of West Univ- ersity Place was held in the Council CUamber of the City Hall 3800'University Boulevard, at 7:00 P.M., July 16, ,1937. Mayor H~rvey ~. Fleming presiding. Commissioners present: R. B. A11en andF. M. Main01ts. Assistant SecretaryA. P. Robb present. ~ ----....~ < The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. < " It was moved by Commissioner Mainous, seconded by Commissioner Allen, that the Mayor be authorized to employ a man to read the water meters at this time. , Voting Aye: Commissioners_Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. It was moved by Commissioner Allen, seconded by Commissioner Mainous, that three bids be obtained to print '20,000 water cards and 2240 plain cards, and th~t the lowest bidder be awarded the contract. COr:!!":'.:::';,;::' ,ere; AIle Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. A request from Mrs. MaLau~hlin, owner of house at 2623 Univ- ersity Bou~evard, that an adjustment of water bill for June 'be made--as practica;:Lly 7,000 gallons of water passed through meter to clear the line. Moved that adjustment be made and that $2.10 be allowed. . Voting Aye: Cormnissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. ) i I I ) Moved by Comraissioner Allen, seconded by ~or.Qillissioner Mainous, that back taxes for years 1932, 1933 and 1934 on Lots 1,2,4, 5,6,7,8,9 and 10, Block 2, Pemberton Subdivision, be ren- ,dered li..Ylder assessed valuation as of the year 1935, and that , penalty be waived, but interest be,paid. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. It was moved by Comraissioner Mainous, seconded by Commiss- ioner Allen, that the following supplies be purchased !for 1~~ L,r , '264 ~~~ K the Police Department: ,10 Books of police tickets, 5 1 gallon caThS of tnaffic paint, 1 box flash light batt- eries, ~ dozen flash light globes. Voting Aye: Commissioners Al1enc;and Mainous. '1 " J ,/ Nos: None. The bil~ of Mr. J. C. McVea for serviees: asoengineer dur- i~g the erection and installation of 'the.200,000 gallon, steel water tank and the 500 gallon pump, amount to $336.94--being the 5 per cent cost of improvements to the owater. equipment in the 3800 block o~ Milton Ave., and the trip to Austin, Texas, costing $8.60. Moved by Com- missioner Allen, seconded by Commissioner Mainous, that the bill be paid. ' < Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. After consideration it was moved by Sommissioner Allen, seconded by Commissioner Mainous ~tha't Commissimner Main- ous get bids and let contrf\ct to loweist and best b~dder for , a new foot bridge over the drainage d1 tch in the 3600 block on North side of University Doulevard replacing the present one. Voting Aye: Co~missioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None: It was moved by ~omraissioner Allen, seconded by Commissioner Mainous, that Commissioner Mainous be: authorized to get es- timates of cost and to proceed with dirt work on the road to garbage dump on the Alief Road ana aCDOSS the railroad at 14th street. '" Voting Aye: Comilli s sioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Moved by Commissioner Allen, seconded by Commissioner Mainous that the equipment of electric wiring and sockets th?-t was used recently to light the lawn back of the City Hall be purchased from Mr.-U. R. Bronk for $4.50. (-'I' l ' . "..~ f' I r Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. l\fos: None. Moved by Cornmissioner Mainous, seconded by 00mmissioner I j ~< r=~l- ['"' "'~~-'~~''''---- I 1 265,' Allen, that Fifty (50) Water Meter Boxes be purchased for the vVater Department. fl, .! ' : I " ) "jI':'.. \ . Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainou~ and Allen. " Nos: None. There be~ng no further business to come hefore the Comm- ission, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meet- ing was declared adjourned. ATTEST: ~ TY SECRETARY !.::....->.T ':11 I !-- 1 j L--- ) r ~.-- I r 266 v FRIDAY JULY 23, 1937. "COUNCIL CHAMBER, CIT~ HALL vv"EST UN IVERS ITY PLAcE; TEXAS. The regular meeting of the City eo,:uncil of the City of West University Place was held in the City Hall on July 23, 1937. May~r Harvey T. Fleming presiding, Commission- ers R. B. Allen and F. M. Mainous in attendance. Assist- ant Secretary A. P. RObb, Clerk. l , \ I ' \,/ Minutes~pf the meeting of July 16 were read and after a slight addition were approved. After a report of the progress being made on the approaches to the R.R. crossing on the way to City Dump, it was moved by CommissiGner Allen, seconded by Commissioner Mainous that Mr. Mainoua be authorized to proceed with the work upon approval of the R. R. Company by awarding contract to'Gris- wold Bros. for approximately 211 cubic yards of dirt for approaches and they pay for labor on laying pipe for drain- age for the sum of $112.00. Two sets 0+ pipe 48' and 24'; two drains; 40' of 24" concrete pipe @ llh.85 per foot in place and 20' of IO" Concrete pipe at lowest price obtain- able; I car of gravel and one car of shell be used on approach- es to the city dump. Cost of delivering of gravel ~.50 per load. Voting Aye: COL~issioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Moved by Commissioner Mainous, and seconded by Commissioner Allen that' 50 round way'cu~b stops be purchased for the water department and 5 gal. of paint for the reservoir and pump hous e . voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Moved by Commissioner Allen and seconded by COlmnissioner Mainous that the Police Car be provided with a new muffler and pipe and that the door catch on car be repaired. Voting Aye: Commifisioners Allen and Mainous. . (~ Nos: None.' Moved by Commissioner Mainous, seconded by Commissioner Allen that the tax on Lot 2, block 8, Belle Court Addition, , be adjusted and that taxes on E% Lot I, and all of Lot 2 and W % Lot 3, Block 63, West University Place 2nd Add. be adjusted for purpose of payment as basis of 1935 assessed :~..(, " fl ! I I j . ".. l I ~. J , L 267 values. Waiving penalties, but collecting interest and Court costs. Voting Aye: Co~nissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Request for sewer services for Mr. J. A. Williams, 6500 Block o~ Brompton and for N. F. Newberry of Annapolis St. was referred to Mr. Allen for recommendation and solution. ~ Building Code was announced as a~need in our City. There being no further business to come before the Comm... ission, upon motion being made and. duly seconded, the,meet- ing was declared adjourned. ATTEST: J- - r , -I" 2()8 i . \. :f" {.}~ l "-":' FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1937 COUNCIL CRAWIBER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P.M. with Mayor Fleming presiding and Commissioners Allen and Mainous and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. 1-1 Minutes of the meeting of July 23, were read eD.r~ected and approveq... The Council ratified.the action of the Mayor and Secretary in theoissuing of a i60.00 check to the T. & N. O. Railroad Company to cover the expense of building gates and raising Western Union telegraph wires leading to the 6ity gargage dump. This was required by the Railroad ,Company before they would give the City the right of way. It is the under- standing of the Mayor that in the event that this work did not cost the entire amount of this check that the difference be refunded to the City. Cornrrdssioner Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen approving the above action. , ) Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Mai~ous made a motion Which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen authorizing the employment of Mr. E. O. Rulon as Deputy City Marshall at a salary.of $125.00 per month beginning AugUst 1, 1937. He is to work in the' Fire Department and relieve the firemen during the:reievaca- tions. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous approving an order for police uniform consisting of: One shirt, one pair pants, one buster brown Belt and one Cap. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and lvlainous. (1 Nos: None. Authority was given by a motion made by Commissioner Allen ,{, pond duly se.. conded by Commissioner lvIainous for the purchase, f/.~l~4~Cart.ridges for the Police Department to cost in the amount of iJP3.57 per hundred. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. .- C==i __ c:~~ .:. _ :1 _ _ J-I------ (1 ) I .") I I: I .' , '-- 'l[ 269 ~ -'~"'" . . ' . , '.' ~ ...- ~ ~>>. i'.~K ':';.. j~~' '; ~', , ..... Mr. Mainous was given authority by a moti~nmade by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous to purchase 4 drums of Gasoline from the Humble Oil and Refining Co., which is to be used in the tr,actor. And one case of Lubricating. Oil from the City Service Co. Cycle for the power mowing machine, and grade blades and rivets for the regular mowing machine. Voting Aye: Commissioners IVIainous and Allen. ,~~ Nos: None. AuthQrity was given Mr. Allen to receive bids and enter into.a contract with lowest bidder for the water proofing of the reservoir at the College st. plant, and for the painting pump house ceiling. Due to Mr. Allen'leaving for his vacation he instructed Mr. Harris to receive bids and let these ~ontracts. This authority was given by a motion made by Commissioner Mainous and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Comm.issioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by hommissioner Mainous giving autho~ity for the purchase of: 6000 Envelopes, 550 1937 Tax Notices, 1000 Final Cut-off Notices for the ,wat&r and Sewer Department., Type- wr.j.ter ribbons, rubber ~ands and peri points. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: ' None. Mr. J. H. Martin, Building Contractor, appeared before the Council arid again asked permission to build a f:r'ame house on the West 5 feet of Lot 5, and 'East 50 feet of Block 4, (Tangley St.) in West University 2nd Addition., He was advised by the Mayor that since these plans and specifications was referred to our Board of Adjusters they refused to authorize a pefinit to be issued in that the building did not complWJ with the zoning restrictions~ The Uouncil find it necessary to reject the issuing of this permit. Mr. Reed of the Reed Electric Co. appeared before the Council asking that he be allowed to do the electric wiring in the house that he is building at 3009 Tangley St. Due to Mr. Reed not having an Electrical License in West Univ- ersity Place he was advised that this matter be held in abeyance of the time being, and the Mayor was given auth- ority to make an investigation and use his judgment in the issuing of the permit. There being no further business to come before the COIDlll- ~: ," r. ~.. ! i ' : r~-~-~- 'i r -- -1 I r' "270 "l 1~~" ';,y , 'Ii , I' '( " ~ssion, upon motion being made and du~ seconded, the ~eeting was declared adjourned. ATTEST: (I ! 1 1 1 ~ t The regu~ar meeting of' August 6, 1937 was postponed until the next regular. meeting date due to the Cornmi_s,s ioneIS being ahsentfrom the City on vacation. 'I ~~ ( \. t ! If \ i J " >I L 1'1. r~~- i f 1 I. I _I : I , ~ I 'l) .. ! ' I i ! i i J ill 1,1 J i',,- \, [~ j ,e_, '" -' , 1 ~ : f . t" o , ,. 1'<<" ~.', . FRIDAY" AUGUST la, 1937. COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL' WEST, UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The Commission co~ven~d on the foregoing date at 7:00 P.M. with Mayor Fleming presiding, and Commissioner Allen and ~ecretary Jarrard in attendance. Authority was given by amotion made by ComL1issioner Allen . and approved ,py Mayor Fleming for adjusting valuation on Lot ,I, Block ~3, ~ University 2nd Addition to $~500.00 waiv- ing penalty ~yearsl934 and prior charging interest and eost on all years due. Voting .Aye: (;ommissioner alIen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. Mr. Bailey, Architect, discussed with the Council the draft- ing of a building code for the City of West University Place and submitted a price which was not satisfactory wlith the Council., He was advised by the Mayor that this matter would be held in abeyance until further details can be worked out and some definite action taken at a later date. Mr. J. C. Calhoun, Engineer, discussed (at length) with the Council regarding water lines and fire plugs in the North East section of the City. It was decided that this would be given future study and some plan worked out that would be most advantageous to the city as a whole. Mr. Calhoun was also given authority to work up his figures and details on the paving of Edloe St. back of the store, and estimate cost and plans for a bridge at Rice Blvd. and Edloe St. Commissioner Allen recommended that the City lay 500 feet of sewer trunk line in the We~t section of the City running two blocks North of Block 23,volonial Terrace" down Westpoint st. He was given authority to get bids and to award the con- tract to the lowest bidder for the performance of this work. Also a sewer line two blocks on Wakeforest st. extending an easement between Nottingham and Sunset St. and North an easement between Albans and Wroxton Road. Also two manholes on Wakeforest St. and two manholes on Westpoint St. This authority was g~ven by a motion made by Commissioner Allen and approved by Mayor Fleming. Voting Aye: Coroolissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was approved by Mayor Fleming authorizing the repairing of the brakes on the water truck and the purchase of 50 ft of 3/4" rubber hose to be used in the l"ire Dept., " " -----: _ _L- _r- , 1 ,~ 271 "272 I I i i I L__ Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. There being no further business to 'come before the Commiss- .ion, and upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meet- ~n was de~lared adjourned. l \. J ~~~ ~j ATTEST,: I i LJ , 1 '~" -~, 'I r '1 I j. i I f ..~ J [. f ~," , c_ 273' REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1937 COUNCIL CIWIIBER, CITY HALL, ~~STUNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P.M. with Mayor Fleming presiding and Commissioner Allen and' Secretary Jarrard in antendance. Commissioner Mainous absent. Nos: None. The Mawor advised that a ,note in thealUount of $1400.00 for a garbage truck, given to the, City NationalBank was que. The Mayor wasgi ven authority to make a" payment o( $100.00 to apply on this note and extend the balance for a period of 90 days from August 19, 19,37. This authority was given by a motion made by Commissioner Allen ann approved by Mayor rleming. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. . Comraissioner Allen made a motion which was approv~d by M~yor '~I I',' ' ~I--l r'-'~' :.274 Fleming g1v1ng the authority for the purchase of 240 ft. of 2 inch &alvanized pipe with all necessary connections; 60 ft of 3/4" copper pipe. , ' Voting Aye: Co~issionerAllen and Mayor Fleming. (l , I, Nos: None. . Commissioner Allen made a motion Which was duly approved 'by Mayor Fleming authoriz ing the payment of One Year Pre- miuw. on S~ety Bon4s for C. G. Jarrard, Ira X. Harris, and G. E.Gamm111. t I \ ,) Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. >, '* A Motion Was ,made hy Commiss ioner Allen and approved by Mayor Fleming.ror the purchase of 5 cars of Mud Shell which' is to be placed on the streets under the direction of Mr. F. E. Hatcher. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: N0ne. " , :.. , ',.." A ~esblution was passed by a motion by Commissioner Allen and approved by Mayor Fleming. The following is a part of; tl1.e resolution (~heoriginal.ma.y be found in files under heading of ':Dll'iriutE%s of Meeting, 193'7 '.) . THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMlVIISSIONERS OF '1'RE' CITY OF 'WEST UNIVER# 3I TY PLACE That the Mayor of said City be author~zed to do the following for and in behalf of said City: (I) , Negotiate with the owner or owners of the Sewage Disposal Plant Site for the pur- chase of same for,a total consideration of < .;!,' not more than ~4,pOO.00; (,2) With the owner or owners of Easement No. I for a tot~~~onsideration of not more than ~~4 SJD.f of!,' ~ _. (3) With the owner or owners of ~asement No. 2 for a total considerat-ion of no't more' than $300.00; , (4) With the owner or owners of Easement No. 3 fo~ a total consideration of not more than $28.00; (5) With the ovmer or owners of Easement No. 4 for a total consideration of not more than $300.00~ or in lieu of a c&sh consideration, ( \ , .' ~ 'j ie' \ /; ;~. ( v I, ., .l'll!:.,~_~:61lkll ---,__J."~ JI 'I I ,~-j . " I I, i if; 1 k s- r !:l!i j' l~_' l -"_ - r " , ! ' L-_..___.._ j "~ ,,'j'jh<H' . il 'r~~. """"..,....,."...--_=,...<_"'~':"_..:-.~.>'<."":_.~~~~ 275" t:;> the right to connect to the sewer lin€ in said easement to serve the property of such owner or owners lo- cated West of Kirby Drive. Voting Aye: Comm,:issioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. .Nos. None. ~~ There being no fu~ther business to come before t4e Comm- ission and upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned~ ATTEST: .~ C, SECRETARY, r==~~-=~l-' . _ _ [ ~-j'~%'.~-.f,~~.~"f-<"'<"~ ~-4""'W..~'--"",,--v'.~,,,~~ ,"'-,- ,~ '-. , . ' '276 REGULAR MEETDTG FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1937 COUNCIL G&\MBER, CITY HALL ViEST UNIVERSITY Ph~CE, TE]j~S. Meeting of Friday, August 27, 1937 was held in the Council Chamber at '7:00 P. M. wfth all present. Minutes of tne meeting of August were read and approved. .~ resolution was presented and unanimously passed ordering an electio'n on Sept. 18, 1937, with reference of issuing $100,000.00 of Sewer Revenue Bonds, and for the purpose of building, improving, enlarging, extending and repairing the sew~r system of the City of West University Place, including the' purchase of equipment for the sanitary sewer disposal. The original resolution maj be found in the files under the heading of lI~llinutes of r~eetingsll which is made, a part of these minutes. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous adopting and passing the above resolution. Voting Aye: ComL1issioners Allen and Mainous. , J \.........r Nos: None. i' . ;, Voting:Aye;eeo~~issioners Allen and Mainous. J ~' Nos: None. A resolution was presented by the City Attorney and unani- mously passed to the effect that the audit of the Books and Reconds of the City, for the period April, 1935 to April 12, 1937 made sncompleted by J. A. Phillips Co. be '~ ;J [ _n ___ L '," r ..., ~~ - ". 1 ~r rl " , , . , i ) I;"", " ; ~f I , - I , I . f ".\ I <,j 'f"~ 277" accepted as true and correct; that C. G. Jarrard, Treas- urer of the City o~ West University Place within the per- iod covered by said audit, and: other city officials con- cerned are herehy clear,ed of any 'and all liabilitlbes with- in the period covered by said audit, and their respective bondsmen are released from all claims, causes of actio~ and liability by reason o.fthe surety on any bond or bonds .for the period of time cONered by said audit.Commi,ssioner Allen made.....a motion Which was duly seconded by Uommissioner Mainous accepting and passing ~he above resolution, (~hich original resolution may be found in file.) Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. r While in Austin the Se,cretay investigated va~ious.forms(i)f bond register with 'fhe Steck Co. and selected' a" set of loose leaf forms, and recommended that these be used in setting up a record of the April 10, 1936 Refunding Issues of General, Water Works, Bonds and, Warrants. ,Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, authorizing .the purchg,se of these forms. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Ma.inous. Nos: ,None. Ammendment to the above motion to the effect that we in- vestigate tl:l..rou.ghOlarke &: Courts of;thi'scitybef:ore mak- ing the above purchase of Bond'Reguster Forms. . A meeting was called for Tuesday, Aug. 31, 1937, 7:00 P.M.' for th,e. purpos:eof goingo.v,er the.,1937 Budget and working out detail,S:...,:,Acopy,.'of Receipts and Disbursemen:ts for June and July was given the Mayor andeach'Commissioner~ There being no further busines,s and upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared a journed. - AillTEST: 1P~. ~ '~ SECREftRY I ., , r' 2:78 . SP;ECIALMEEIfIING TUESDAY~,AUGUST 3l~19~'1. C,OUNCIL CRAMB~, C,ITY lIALL WEST UNlVERUTY PLACE~ TEXASjt, " rj I J J / 1.... ~ A special meeting was called. Tuesday, August 31, 19~7 'at'1:00P.lf!>. in .the Council Cbamber~ with Mayor Flem- i;ng pres'~sling and ComissionersAllen and Mainous and ~ecretaryJarrard~n attendance. This meeting was held for'the'purpose of passing a Tax Levy f:aryear 193.'1 ~sothfit the Tax Collector e~ receive payment ~or 1937 taxes, which notices will be 1l;lailed on , Sept. 1. Commissioner .&.llen made a ,motion whichwa.s duly secondeCi by Commissioner Mainous'authorizing and approving Ordinance No. 11/0 ' setting the T~ Ra'teand levj'1ng taxes foJ:' the paymen'b of bond interest, principle and operating exp~nsesfor the year 193'~ which caption is as follows: .11\; t ORDINAlWE NO 120 . .AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR~E YEAR 1937~ FOR AND WITl[IN TJIE CITY OF WEST 'UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS,' AGAINST ALLTUABLJ!: PROPERTY IN,SAID CITY FOR ALL MUNICIPAL PURPOSES AND PROVID ING T~T SAID ORDINANCE TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY. Voting Aye:' Uo~issioner,s Allen and Mainous. . Nos: None. . " ~ .. " ~ ~ere being no further business to come before the Comm- ission and upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was.deel~red adjourned. ~~ .~ SEG ETARY ATTEST: \ I f } -i_ "~ ", I I I [ L__._~_u " " , ,,,,,,,,...., II l.~-~ --. " .1]. ;. ,~"l:; t. J [ . [ I I I I ! l I i i I " j. ! , ! . ~ L 279 . .', lPfG,l1T.t?"lJlU~:XNG. ., ~nA" .'0 .... .. .0' ",;0 "'~~~jJi~_..". . The reguiar meeting of the' Couneil was ,heldFr1datl~'\;;~epti.'" 3:1 193'1:1 at rr: 00 P. M. ~n the Council ~amber, wi th Ma70r Fleming presiding, and C;ommlssi€>ners.. Allen. a'nd . Mainous, and Seeretary J~1:'rard 'in attendanee.. '. ~ The minu:J;es of the meeting of August 2'7, ~937 read and approved. ' . The Tax Collect0rwas authorized to allow 3% discount per" annum -on the .1937 taxes, providing payment is received on o-Gr,Ji!~to:re;WQ~mberle, lh93'1, and to ord~;r:' aR~pb~~~~~~p, o. to this &:ffece~ and to stamp each notice. Th!'s'!nstruc't1.bn was given by a motion made by Commissioner Mamous and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. eommiseioner Mamoue made a motion which was dulysecGn,ded by (;ommissianer Allen giving authar1ty for t:p.e pl,lrchase ot 142.teet of 2" galvanized pipe, 50 Water Meter boxes, and.. 2 cut-et'f keys. Vot1n.g Aye.: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainoue was given 'authority, by a motion made by Commissioner. Allen and duly.secGnded by.Commissioner Mainous to Plwchase: 6 drums of gasoline from the Humble Oil and Refining Co., and 2 cases of lubricating oil from the Gitj.es BervieeCo., which is to be used in the tractor- grader. Also fQr the repairing of the power mowing mach- he and to purchase one guard blade, 2 connecting rods, and one lift spring. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mamous. . Nos: None. Mr. E. O. Rulon actvised that he had paid $3.50 for having his gun re-bored and '1.35 for a Holster, (this authority was given. at a previous meeting.) . lIommissioner Mainous made a motion which Was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, instruet- ing.the Seeretary to reimburse him for the amount paid and gave an order for the purchase of two (,2) Deputy Marshall Badges. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous yand Allen. Nos: None. I'!- ---:r 0 j~--~l-~ ----0; -, ~~y-,-- 280 Commiss ioner Mainous made- a motion_which was -seconded by Com. Allen appr.oving 19.3'7 Tax Roll,showing.valuationof $_4,612,316.00. . . . Voting "-ye # e~1atd.t1ll~:1i!iJ: Uln.~tma1l1d 'Alii~th NofS.j iNort.-. , Jl. ~ There" being no. fur'ther business to.. ceme bet9're. the. Comm- .' 1ss1on and upon motion being:made an.d'dulyseconded, the . meeting was declared adjourned. n I ) .':- -. .'" ATTEST: ~~ . ..... . . . ecretary . r j \.. ". ~J 1 _~~n~~ I ! O~ -j ~ J-j' , , I ' ; , "- > " ~ -l ,J I' I , r t ' l, "--- '281 REGULAR, MIm1!ING, RE{~'{;$~,~~~~flQ;) ",+~37 aGueil" miamo'er~' 'City' l[all~ , WJ!:S~",lJN,I~SIfl ,PLl1{;P;, ~ex. -~.J The regular meeting of the Council was held Friday,. Sept. 10, 19.3"1, at "1:00 P.H.in the Council ,Chamber,lIIayor " Fle~n& prcesi(ling,qo~s~ioners A,llen t\nd Ma'-nous, and Secretary J,ar:rard in atten<i~nce. > " , ': :" . ~h.. > . . . M,inutes'Oftl.ie meetings of Augast3l,and' S~pt. 3 were re~d~ ad.j;nst.ed ,and approved~ " ' ,', ' A sta"tement 1nthe amount of $1262.00 was received some- time ago from R... -1J,. wqIlf'ie,l4,City 4tto~ney, .shoYi~g an amount due him 'for ,services rendered in' c'oIhiectioIi'wfi;h several suits. The Mayor advised that he was in ~Qnver- sation with Mr. Bonfield and due to the financial. condi';.;. t+()n !i>f th,e 9i~y h~~J:}.~d 1ll~Q.e, acomprom;se ,s~t,tlement for, , t"1.nal :am~unt of$J.'OOO~OO,-which isto~b~:, paf'-d 'o$50g..G() at this tim~ and, $500.@O at alat'er date' cQnvemen.t. to the City. _' CoftJrId:s~*()ile.~M~in<i>tts made"a ':ri1b~i~n;a9~~~t:tiig:the a:poye proposi~iohan4>>-uth6rizi:tig" 8:" chEfek f(j~~IH;Oa.,Qt:r be 'nt~~;;m. '~"J:h1.~ 'll'l6ti~~wa~ ,q.YJ.li secoiid~d'by, Conml~~~~her, -'Voting'Aye: liiollmiif3S ioners Piia.:tnous ahdAllen. Nos: None. The Secretary was authorized through a motion made by Commissioner Allen to order Ballots and necessary'Elec- t~,9n. a~pplies ,for :~:.n~$lgO,..OOO.00 Bond,~l~~tion, to beh~ld , ,<~~t'~d$.y; .~p~eiiQ,~r l.~.\'Thisniotio.~w~s d.ulY:$,_ecoli,d~aQi Commissioner M8.ineus~-' ,,', - " , ' VQ~:in€? fA.Y~: 'G,()II\11liss ion~rs Allen and M'ainous.,' Nos:None~ Mr. Mainous was given authority by a mo1; i,oI;l. IIl&de by liom_ missioner Allen and duly seconded by GommisiJ~oner Mamous to purchase one,(~) e~r of White Crushed Rocl<; and also .Qne (1) Oil Burning Tar Kettle, ill' the amoUnt of $400.00, from the Browning-Ferris Co. This purchase to be made On 90 day terms. ~ Voting Aye: CoIl1lli:t:ss'ioners AIlen and Mainous. Nos: ,None.' Oommissioner Allen niaq.e amotion giv:1,nKauthority to K3!. Mainous to enter into an agreementiwithRarry :fl. Hedges,Coe" I .., 1 r'" ", '282 to purchase tar and asphalt at 12~per gallon delivered. ~is motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. , , Voting Aye: . Commissioners Ailen and Mainous. lios: lione. (l I l J ,,/ . , , Mr. Allen \vas given autn.ority bys. motion ma4e by dO:gl~ mission~ Mainous to purche.se materials ai1d:~ Supplies 'as per list (which l~st may be found under heading 'Minu:tes of Meeting';, also forthe'repairing of aI!-, electric motor; this work to be performed by the :louston ArmatUre Works. ~,e ab(!)v~ motion was se,conded by Commissioner Allen. V ot1.ng , Aye: Commis sioners M~nGus, an'a. Ail~n. ~.~ No's: None., ' , " ',' , . --" . , ";, "/1-1' , Mr.R.~--' ,~~:t>~il1?':tile; Jr'.: operat1rlg'aS:Ma~tenance and Ere,e- tio~ Se:t'v'i~'e :pi'e~ented a S\lpplemental contract "fo:r thef'lir- nishi~g of :ma~e~i~l, ~qUtpiite~t and latio~'to ~a:f'atiledrain cOl;l1pl~te1.y ar~it#d, ~he bllila:tng"t'~r ,the ~:u.tn, otf~31~QO; 1'l1is is-",~l1PP:teme~t~:( tt>,PfQP~)fsal~',No..' +, ,~9. ,11~~. :tetter (j:r.Au~st 27,'193'1. -After dUefcOllsidel'ation the Coimcil authorized Mr. 'J!urrentine to proceed w;i.th this work ,and authorization was made by a motionmacil.e by_ 96)~j,ssioner Ma:J.nous ancl duly sec- onded by (;ommissioner Allan. ' , ' " ' ," '. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: :tione. Tb:eSe~retary was authoriz,ed through a tnotiQn made by CQIrl- m~ssioner'Mainous' and seconded by Commisaioner'Allanto pur- chase the fallowing: One Royal Typewriter Ribbon, one quart Ink, three (3) dozen pe:ricils,' one'tHill oftwifte, one jar of paste, ink eraser, 250 sheets legal pape~, 2 col- umnal pads, and for the printing of 3000 blank' checks, ('this authori,ty was also given at a prev- i~usmeeting. )" , /' , Voting A1'e: CommiSSioners Mainous B:nd Allen. ('t , I ! I Nos: None. Mayor Fleming advis.ed that Mr. Robb (ass~. Secy) asked for permission to 'take three (3) weeks vacation, two weeks of regular vacation and one week without compensation. CQIQ.- missioner Allen made a motion giving authority t'o the Mayor to US,8 his judgment in tJJ.is connection, which motion wa,S duly seconded by Commissioner Ma1nous. J ' '''-.. /> ? J 1- ~ 1 283 V ot in Ay.e: Comrni.sBi-oners.,A.llen, and,_MainauB . Nos: None. ' IJ Mayor Fleming asked permdssion to employ a carpenter and to buy the necessary, lumber to repair, and enlarge the cashiers window in,'uhe. front ,office. CC>n1l1issioner Mainous made a motiQn,whioh was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen giving' their approval for this .work to be done. ". VotmgAye: Commissioners Allen and Ma:1no1l.s. :Nos : None. t- /I." Atter aue.cons3..dera:tio.nand considerable study, the Council linaRim0uslypassedthe City Budget ..showing, proposed Reeeipts, end 'D,isbursementsfor the year .from Sept.~ 1, 1937, to tAusust 311' UJ:38,with,the:rel'lowing salary adjust-mentsl, q~ {!.,:JaJ:'- raxhi., from $175. GO to ,,$200.00;4. F. ft.obb", frOIl};$135~OO to ~$14(h~eCl;; (I.,E. Gammill, ~rom $90.eO.te $125.00; J.W.. Clarke, fpGm"~5;';O(i),to $145.00; E. O. Rulon, from$l25~J)Ot6 $135.00j &,.~W it Robinson", froti1.$lSe.OQ"to$140.aO;']. J '* Wof:f:ord, from :,$1'3:0.,Oe't(h$l4@.00;F., E.Hatcher, f'rem $25.00 per, week to $140.00 per manth, with the understanding that he vacate the ci ty bu.ilding they are now occu.pying. (A copy of this bud- get maybe found: iIi th.e .files'Wlder, the heading !Mi,nuteso.f Meeting, 19371) Cpmmissioner Mamous made a motion Which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen approving.a.nd pass- iD:.g _the above Budget. V'o,t:t.ng Aye:Conimissioners ~Allen and Mainous. " 'Nos: .None.. There being no further business and upon motion being made ~nd seconded, the mee~1ngwas declared adjourned. Attest: ,] , , ~avuufi/ " 1: secretar~, , i: L~_ . II I - -'i f' I 284 REGULAR, MEETING FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER.17, 1937 COUNCIL ClWvIBER, CITY}[ALL" WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEX. The regular meeting of the City Council was held in the Council Chamber, Friday Sept. 17, at '7:00 P.M. with Mayor Fleming presiding, and Commissioners Allen and Mainous, and ~ecretary Jarrard in attendance. ". Minutes of the.meeting of Fr1dayCSeptember 10, 1937 were read and approved. Dr. F.. M. Hu~~es registered a complaint regardi~g the value placed on the improvements on his property (;Lotcs,Block 44) for the year 1937. ,In asm~ch as t~e rendition Sheet filed 'by,:him, could not be 10ca ted, and he did not have ,an oppor- ,tunity to appear befor.e the boa~d to regi~ter a p~Qtest ~s to the value' set out,on. the .193'7 ,Tax ROllS, liommissionei'1Y!ainous made ~motion Which was du1yse,eondedby Commissioner 411en, author1zing.TaxCol1ectorta adjlJst.the value on improvements "to tl;1atrendereca.by 'him ,which is- '1400..00, and that the Board of 'Equalization. for 1938 use their. judgment .as, to the ,colil!rect value.,: r~1: I I : I L r .,J . Voting Aye: C.ommissioners 'Mainous and Allen. ~ ,. : Nes: None.. Commissioner Allen made a motion approving the action of the Mayor in the mailing of notieesto all proJ;?erty owners and, residents, calling their attention to the iPIOO,OOO.OO Sewer Bellanue Bond Issue, which is 'to be held Saturday.Se,pt. 18,1937. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainour. Voting Aye: Commissioners ,A,llen ,ano.lVIainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen was given authority by a motion made by Commissioner Mainous to install a man hole in the sewer line on' 'Marlow 8t.and Wesleyan. This motion was duly seconded Dr 'Cammissioner Allen. . Voting aye: ~ommissioners Mainous and Allen. r ! ;J;j;f .j --- IIfl ~ Mr. Mamous was given authority to purchase a flood light (h..,IJ]... - ' . from Mr. U. R. Bronk, which light is to be used for the I,;~y Iall ground. This motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Nos: None. ~'. ~) r ~~'-~""T' r.'~ . '~,~-, ~~""I ----r , OG'E' ~(;){) fl, 1 I , J ',.- . , Maino1li.s . _ ,VotingAye: ,Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: ~one. , R~~l?- r~~,~~J2ts and disbU?sement statementsf'or month of August 1937 was presented the Mayor and each Commissioner. OommissionerMainous- asked that he be 'allowed to purchase 15 ears of she>ll at this time so that the streets couiid be repai~ed before the rainy weath&r sets in, which in his opinion would save considerable amo~t of material. Com- missioner Allen made' a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous giving authority for the purchase of the-above material. " Voting Aye: "ommissioners Allen and'lV1ainous. ~ Nos: None. The .ayqr asked for a motion that Commissioner Mainous be authorized to enter into an agreement with the sub~divi- sion property owners to purchase shell through the city (who care to wark out proper arrangments)wliich shell is 'to be 'paid f'or by iiheeity and the eity 'bereimburaed for - s9:me 'b-y the develepers. Oommiss1:ener"Allen nlade a motion to the -above effect which motion was duly seconded by Commi~sioner Mainous. , Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. ", Nos.: 1if~ime. ''J;h~e'being no further business to comebef'ore the Counc1J. and. up'on motion b:eingmade and d.uly secondeEi, the meeting . was dee1ared adjourned. .~~~ Oi " ecretary A'rTEST: Il j L____ ']- "~-- ---- -I~~; r'- - -----r "-:"286 All REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL, SEPT. 24, 193; COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, ,WEST UHIVERSI TYPLACE,TEXAS., members of the Council were J:>resent. . ORDER DECLARING RESULT OF ELECTION , - il \) , There Came on to be con~;ider~d in open council meeting the . returns o~ an election held, on September 18, _193'7, upon the~ollq.ydng p~oposition: ' , , "PROPOSITION" _ Shall the Board o~ Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas,'be authorized to iss.:ue Revenue Bonds of said City in t,he amount of $100,000.00, maturing serially over a period of 20 Y,ears, the ~irst ma turi ty, being .. January 1, 1939, bearing interest at the rate of' net more than 5% per, fil,nnum,payable semi-annually, ,fo~, the purpose of puilding" improving, enlarging, extending and repfil,ir~ng the sew.er system of the City of West University -Place, -including ~he, pur- chase of equipmentandappl,iances for, the s~i tary dis-posalQ~excreta a;nq.,,,.:r~a).tl:1er~o~,, an_d 'taepro- "v;L4efor tb,e'payment of, pri1llcipaland i,nt~rLest €.If said bonds by pledging the net. revenues, from the operation of such system, in accordance with law, and, IT APPEARING TO TRE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY ~ ". - OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE that said election was duly, legally ~n4regu,larly or,dered a;nti; th~ t notice thereof was dulY , leg- al,:l;y,and~e,gu,larlygiven ~or the time and in _the, manner p:;,o... vided by law and that said el.ection, was duly, legaLiy and reg- ularly held and returns thereof duly, legally and regularly made to this Board of, Commissioners in ~ll respects, as pro- vided by law, , _ and, It FuRTHER APPEAR! NG TO THE BOARD OF COl\1MISSIOKERS OF Tl\IE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE tha tthere' were cast upon the foregoing proposition a total of '78 vot.,~of which there were cast: ttFOR TIlE ISSUANCE OF SEViER REVENUE BONDS" 64 votes "AGAINST TIE ISSUANCE OF SEYllER REVENUE BONDSlf'14 votes there being a majority: ttFOR THE ISSUANCE OF SEINER REVENUE BONnStt 50 votes. r~1 i I ~ ~ I I 1 i - l IT IS, TImREFORE, RESOLVED, FOUND AND ORDERED that the ~d I-'-~ ,- I~ l I I I I I I I I t, ['1 I, J I I I i I I I I 1 I 'l- i b L C287 foregoing proposi tion was sustained and carried by a maj- or-i ty of the qu~lified electors of, said, Oi ty ~ who own tax- able ,property ~l\.ene1n and whoha ve duly rendered thf3 same for taxati0n; and~ that therefore, the Board of E6mmn1ssioners is authorized to issue the bonds described in the foregoing proposition, and the Mayor is authorized to certify the res'itlt of the election in accordance with this 'Resolution. It was mp.ved by Commissioner Allen, and seconded by Commiss- ioner Mainous, that the foregoing Resolution 'be adopted, which motion' was c~rried by the following vote: Ayes:. Commissioners Allen and Mainous, Mayor Fleming also .~ voting. ' tI J f. ' Noes: None. .. Passed and approved this the 1st day of October A..D.1937. COlDIllissioner Mainousm,ade a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Alle:n authorizing the Mayor to mail 9ut n9tices asking ,1'01' pids ,for the purchase of these bonds~ . to the pros- pective ~ond holde~s ~ which notieces and list mElY 'Qefound in the files under the heading of "){inutes of Meeting" and also to reimburse the Mayor for expenses incurred in the mail- ing of these no.tices, ~ndto pay Mrs. W, Robinson '2.50 for copying of said notices. Voting Aye: Commissioner Ma:inous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen was given authority to purchase: Six (6) gallons of,paint, Two (2) Paint brushes~ 'Four l4} steel cabinets at $3.00 each~ from tneGulfOil Corporation, by a motion made by Commiss- ioner Mainous and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commi s s ioner lvlai nous wa s given au thori ty to pur cha s e two (2 ) mowing machine cycles and blades, by a motion made by Commiss- ioner Allen and seconded by Vommissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: l;onnnissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. The M,ayor was given authority to employ a carpenter~ and to buy the necessary materials to place a door between the main and north east office; and to secure bids for the painting ~. 1 'l'-~' -:r - =-1 l~~r-- , 1 '.288 of the inside and outs~de of the city FlaIl. Also to employ a plasterer to make the necessary repairs in the general office. This a.uthority.was given by a motion made by Com- missioner Al;}..en and duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. .n. i !' ! I' I. J < Nos: Non.e. COlIJmissigp.er Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded , by Commissioner Allen, authorizing the Mayor too puI'chase a Police Radio set for the Police car, one (1) second hand pump gu,1i, one hundred (100) cartridges; one (1) box of shot gun shells, and to purchase for IVlr.Rulon, one (1) pair rubber boots, one (1) slicker, and one (I) Rainhat. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: Nop.e. Commissioner Mainous made a motion Which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen authorizing the adjustment in the taxes on Lot. 1 and Block 2, Belle Court Addition, waiving all penalty on 1934 and prior years and adjusting the value to that of the year 1935. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos : None. There being no further business to come before the Counc1..1, and upon motion being made and duly seconded the eeting was declared adjourned. ~~. C s~cretary. ATTEST: p- i I ).- ! I t ~~ ~~ j'"!,,,,~~,,, " -, r ,~"~~ -~l 289' REGULAR MEETING FR-IDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1937 COUNCIL CHAMBER, IDliTY 1U.LL" , ... WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. IU I .'- . I I I ! ' ! The, meeting was called ,to order at 7 0' clock P. M." by Mayor IarveyT. Fleming" with all the commissioners also present,and~R. L. Sonf'ield, acting secretary. . Upon motion of R. B. Allen" seconded ,by F. M. Mainous" an ordin~nce was pa ssed numbered /2/ and, captioned as follows: tfORDINANCE.NO.12J It AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FORmE CONSTRUCTION OF RET,URN~ OR DRIVIDVAYS TO PRE~NT ,OBSTRUCTION ,OF DRAINAGE; PROVIDING FORT!lE CONSTRUCTION OF CUL- VERTS; PROVIDING TliAT THE DRAINAGE AREA SHALL NOT BE REDUCED ;PROVmING A PENALTY FOR VI-OUT'ION OF'Tfflt> ORDINANCE; PROVIDmG THAT ALL ORDIr~ANCES IN CONFLICT lIEREWITHAREREPEALED;AND" PROVIDING TUT THISORDINA-NCE t>HALLTAKE EFFECT AND BE .IN FORCE .IMMEDIj\;'l'ELY FROM AND AFTER lTS PASSAGRj AP- pro..val _and publica,ti on. " .,.. , , Upon moti-on of R. B. Allen, seconded by F .M. Mainous, an ordinance was passed numbered /~ '7 and captioned as' ;foI10ws: "ORDINANCE NO. / 22r n '~.. .' AN qORDINANCE MAKING J:TUNLAWEUL TO BU1LD " REBUILD, ,EREGT:"MOVE"JfQ-j';PLA,CE-" ENLARGE, OR .REPAIR ANYR:~SI- DE~lCE OR BUILDING 'TO B,EUSED FOR .BUSINESSPURPOSES " "OR cAB, AN ACCESSORY~THERETOj , CONSTRUCTED OF .WOOD IN THE CITY OF WEt>T UNIYmSITY PLACE" T.EXAS,WITHIN CERTAIN PRESCRIBED LIMITS; PROVIDING FOR THE PRO- - GEEDURE .IF .ANY, PER. SON ATTEMPTS TOVI.OLATE ,SAID OR- DINANCE; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATING, SAID OR- DINANCE;, PROVIDIN,G,'mATIFANY SECTION, PARAGRAPII" SUBDIVISION, CLAUSE", PImASEOR PROVISION OF TIIIS ORDINANCE, 1'8 ADJUD~ED" INVALID ORUNCONS~ITUTIONAL, IT SHALL 'NOT AFFECT OTHER PARTS OF SAID ORDINANCE; PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT IiEREWITM' - .ARE REPEALED ; AND" PROVIDING TfiAT SAIDOBDINANCE TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FOR CE IIVIMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER IT.S PASSAGE" APPROVAL AND P.1JBLICATION.fI , Upon motion of R. B. Allen, seconded by F. M. Mainous" an ordinance Was passed numbered IF<3 and captioned as follows: t l____ ,''''~-'- II r---- -~-- --I~I r --------r 290 t "ORDINANCE NO. J YJ fl AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOl;{ REflORT BF VETERINARIAN OF ANNUKALS WITRINTliE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TREATED BYTJlEM HAVING GLANDERS OR FARCY~ 'RABIES~ TUBERCULOSIS~ OR aI'HER OOPlIINICABLE DISEASE; PROVIDING A !mALTY FOR VIOIAT,ION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDI NG T!IAT ALL OijDINANCES IN COJ'WLICT NEREWITH ARlj: REPEALED; Al.ID, PROVID- ING THAT SAME ffiIALL TAKE EFFECT 'AND BE IN FORCE FROM AijD JWTER DATE OF ITS) PASS4GE~ APPROVAL AND ,fUBLICATOlON. fl ' There was brought up the question of the building at the rear of the home owned by,Mr. A. Bertelsen~ at 2803 Uni- versity Boulevard. A great amount of' lumber and other building materials were stored in tbis building,. Mayor Fleming raised the ,question that this was very probably in violation of the Zoning Ordinance and created a fire hazard and Should be investigated with requast that the material be removed therefrom. It was stated by Mr. Narris tba t no permit had been taken out for the construction of this building., It was further reported that Mr. Bertelsen sta ted at the time af constructing the building it was to be used as _a servants t room. Upon mot ion by F. M. Mainous ~ sec- onded by R. B. Allen~ end unanimously carried, Mr. liarris was instructed to investigate the matter thoroughly and take the necessary action to have the condition ,abated. ' It was further reported that the same condi tion existed in the rear of the Chambers home, located at University boule- vard and Academy that existed at the Bertelsen home and that there were other similar' situations within the city. Upon motion by F., M. Mainous, seconded by R. B. Allen and unani- mou.sly carried; Mr. Allen was r.equest~d to inv~st.igate these various infractions, particularly with reference to the Cham- bers home, take the necessary action and report to the Board of ~ommissioners. Upon motion by R. B. Allen, seconded by F. M. Mainous~ and un- animously passed, the Mayor was requested and was given auth- ority to write to the various hoWe owners in the city whose home are not connected with sewers and which are within 300 feet thereof, to immediately comply with the law and make the necessary connections, and in the event of refusal or failure so to do~ necessary action would be taken to compel such conn- ections. Upon motion by ti. B. Allen, seconded by F. M. Mainous, and unanimously passed, Mr. Mainous was given authority to buy the following ~tems for his employees: Six (6) rain suits~ One (1) rain coat, Seven (7) rain hats~ Seven (7) pairs of boots. . II l-~=--=-' r -----="--=- ~~'{-~~~______:' !l l.J i IIJ' - -I . , , -I '\ 1-' .' , ! . I L- 1 I t J-' r: - f. \ I, i i f I I t ~ L~_ 29t Upon motion by R. B. Allen~ seconded by F. M. Mainous~ and unanimously. pass~d, Mr..' MainQus Was authorized to accept bids f.or the constructi,on,of,:a ve.hie~e"brldge, at the cost of the city, with w,alks f'0r'pette~s:trians on .each side, in accordance with the prepared plans' and specificatiens over the d.I>ainage ditch at Rice Boulevard.; and, for the paving oIl Edloe Street, in accordanc.e with the prepared plansand-specifieation~ from the north line ofUniver'sity Bouleva:rdto the.north line of Rice Bo~levard and from the west.~line': of . :J5dloe Street to . the pavement .eastof tl1e ditch, the plans a1;l:d specifications having, b~$i1l::L prepared by, John G. Ga1houn~ engineer; the City to pay'only the . cost of intersections. . .' '. . On motion by F. M. Mainous, secQnd~d by R. B. Allen~ and unanimo1+~ly ,passed, Mr. AlJ.en.was authorized to buy two . LawsonHo. 1624 gas heaters for the-CityHall~ at a cost of . $l~.. 90 ee..ch., On,-Motionaf, F. .M.' MaiJ;;lous, seconded by R.B. Allen,' the Mayor Was authorized to purchase an International truek~ D-2 eWissis cab and pickup body ~ With safety glas,s and spare wheel~loek, for,a cash consideration of $655.~6, to be paid for out of tlle current water funds of the Ci ty. . Upon motion by R. B. Allen, seconded by F. M. Mamous, and ~~nimouslypassed,. the MayoI' was authorized to. purcnase 1?E.,e-U-Vc/'"/u;- from.Fenner & Beene, three ~axJbondso,f the -Q1 ty. of -West .JF""~...s /"J..J( Universi-ty:Plaee:"dueF'l.PIf'ILI.{;_ 1.9~'(, -andnum'bered .... ~. ~ b~Y pai~~t;':~i-~::Sinkr~ f~d Ofthi~e=~:~~~;~)-i:::::d when purchased, ~ the bonds.- to became .part of'the sink;ingfund, of said issue. ' ~ There being no. further business before the meeting, and upon motion 'being made 'and " seconded, the same st'oooddjo~n,ed. . "? ATTEST: 1!fJe~ it . eeretary.' . 11> I l!'-~" U ~ I- - :"'-==---1. ~f -- 1 ';&1:1 ~ SPECIAL~MEE':PING " FRIDAY$ OCTOBER 5, 1937 'COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE $ TEXAS . The purpose 'of this meeting was torecei ve and canvass bids for theouilding of a br,idge at the West end of Rice Blvd. and for the paving of Edloe street from University Blvd. to . Biee Blvd. Since there was only two (2) bids received the cQuneil ~lid not feeL at liberty to 'award the contract, therefore postponed the letting of these contracts until the next regular meeting date. Commissioner Allen made a motion authorizing the City Attorney to take the necessary legal proceedure to. gain possession of easements and right of way to the sewer dis- posal plant and sewer disposal plant site, as per plans and, specifications drmvn by Engineer J. G. McVey. . This motion was dUly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: ,Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. CommissiQner Allen made a motion which was duly ,seconded by Commissioner Mainous authorizing the dMayor to 'pu'rchase a l'i] plate battery install~~ in the pol~ce carand,Jhat the old battery no~ in this car,can be used for g~nera.~ p~poses~ ,Voting Ape: Commissio:p;ers Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous was given authority to purchase two (2) new casings and four (4) tubes for the 'Street repair truck, by amotion made by Oommissioner Allen and duly sec- onded by Commissioner, Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Due to the service station at Edloe and University Boulevard closing November 1st, at which place we now have a contract for the purchase of gas, oil and greasing the truck, the Secretary was requested to ask for 'bids frcm other conven- iently located service stations, and report to the council before the above date. This action was taken by a motion made by Commissioner Mainous and duly seconded by Commiss- ioner Allen. . " ;' , J-J' ....,.1,; .0J ,"l, ,r I U '1 'I" ," II r ~I 293 Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. There being no fUrther business to come before the council and upon motion being d'1ly made and s,econded, the meeting was declared adjourned. .:(~J I "I .,,1 -,. .' ; I >'J \. , , . ,.,.. , r f. 1 [ F i , fJ 'j ~'li I I i I t L r .!.~- . r _~__~i ATTEST: ~ . - 1 ,1 2:94 REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1937 COUNqIL ~IBER, CITY HALL, WEST UNIVER SITY PIA CE, TEXAS. . I The regUlar meeting of the Council met in the City Hall Friday, October '8, 1937, at 7:00 P.M. with Maybr Fleming presiding, and Cormnissioners Allen and Mainousland Secretary . Jarrard in attendance. " n t J .'" ~he minutes of the meetings of October 1 and 5, were read, adjusted and approved. . Upon motion being made by vommissioner Mainous, and seconded by Commissioner Allen, an Ordinance was pa.ssed No. Izd ,'" which caption is as follows: ' * AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF DOGS WITHIN TNE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PLATES UPON THE PAY- MEl~T OF TflE REQUISITE LICEJ:JSE FEE; MAKING IT UN- LAWFUL FOR ANY DOG TO BE AT URGE WITHIN THE CITY; MAIaNG IT THE DUTY OF THE CITY MARSHAL, POLICE OFFICER OR OTHER PERSONS DULY AUTHORIZED TO TAKE 1ll'P AIID IMBOUND ALL DOGS FOUND AT LARGE WITHIN THE CITY; MAKING IT THE DUTY OF ~Uc:B: POLICE OFFICER OR OTHER PER SO N AUTHORIZED TO TAKE C.F1ARGE OF DO GS THAT HAVE BITTE.N OR SCRATCHED ANY PERSON FOR OBSERVATION AND TO KILL SAME IF FOUND TO BE AFFLICTED WIT'1I RABIES, AT THE EXtENSE OF TIlE OWNER OR THE PERSON IN POSS- ESSION OR CONTROL 'OF SUCH DOG; PROVIDING FOR THE, IMPOUNDING AND TEtE IDETENTION OF DOGS RUNNING AT LARGE WITHIN THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR NOTICE AND SALE OF SUCH DOGS SO IMPOUNDED; PROVIDING FOR RETURN OF DOGS TO THE OWNER OR THEIR AGENTS UPOl'f P An,[ENT OF A STIPULATED FEE; PROVIDING THAT DOGS NOT SOLD BE KILLED; PROVIDING FOR TIm IBILLING OF DOGS AT LARGE WHEN THEY ARE, OR APPEAR TO BE, AFFECTED WITH HYDRO- PHOBIA, MANGE OR OTHER INFECTIOUS, CONTAGIOUS OR DAN- GEROUS DISEASE; PROVIDING FOR WE CONFINEMENT AND OBSERVATION OF DOGS SUSPECTED OF HAVING HYDROPHOBIK OR WHICH SHOW SYMPTOMS THEREOF ; PROVIDING THAT IF ANY SECTION, PARAGRAPH, SUBDIVISION, CLAUSE, PHRASE, OR PROVISION OF' THIS ORDINANCE IS ADJUDGED INVALID OR UNCONSTITUTIONAL, IT SF~LL NOT AFFECT OTHER PARTS OF SAID ORDINANCE; PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDINANCES IN CON- FLICT :.HEREW'ITH ARE REPEALED; AND, PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE I1J FORCE AFTER THE DATE OF ITS PASSAGE, APPROVAL AND PUBLICATION. (l l ) This motion unanimously passed by, Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous ~nd Allen. ~J Nos: None. -, ~ I~.- r -~,",,-=~~= ~ f.? I "zl'l ... "~5 t;.." Mr. Mainous was gj,.".en,~uthority to purchase 25 pieces of 3XIO-20" bridge ,timber to be used 'in various places, by a motion made qy Comm~ssioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. /-l i , I , I '] J '\ Voting Aye: CqunUissioners ,Allen and ~ainoU:s. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a ~ot~on which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous giving Mayor Fleming auth;ority to employ whatever help he deemed necessary to gather in- formation at each house as to the own,ers of: dogs and to h~v;<e proper notices printed advisingeacb, dog owner 'of an Ordinanc~that 'was passed and wh:j.ch wi,ll become effect'!" ive November l5th. " Voting Aye: C~mmissioneIS Allen andl\tlainous. Nos: Wone.., Cash: receipts and Disbursement statement o,f the Water and G~neral Funds for the month of' September 193'7 was. given to the lfIayor and each Commissioner... There being no fliTther'business to come before the, Council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. r ( !: r I I ! r t [_r~j r' 1 [ . f' i", f, f ! ~~ 'i Secretary , 'ATTES~: f I, I . i , [ t L j~'=~=1 [~-~ ~''- .:::I 7296 SPECIAL NlEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13" ,193'7 COUNCIL'CHAlVIB:ER, CITY HALL, VtEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. A special meeting of the City Uouncil was ReId at '7:00 P. M. at the "City Hall Tuesday, Octoberl2, 1937, with Mayor Fleming presiding, and Commissioners Allen and Mainous andSecretary Jarrard in attendance. .,.. The minutes of the meeting of October 8th were read and approved. 'I}' 1 ' t ~. .. The.purpese of this meeting was to receive and canvass bids for a bridge across ~he drainage ditch at Rice Blvd. and Edloe Street, and the paving of Edloe Street f'rom University BDulevard north to Rice boule~ard. (Copy of these bids may be found in the minutes file.) A motion was made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Mainous to the effect that a contract f'or the construction of a bridge across the drainage ditch at Rice :Boulevard with concrete deck, 'with a total span of 3'7'; "with stringers 20' longtl as per plans and specif'ications. With 6" concrete slab, be awarded to Maintenance and Erec- tion Service; total bid of $2803.00. That the paving of' Edloe from north line of University Blvd. to north lineeof Rice Blvd and,the paving of Rice Blvd from east line of Edloe St. to aDPoint 3'7' eatt of drainage ditch right of' way, with 6" rein:force~. cpncre~e. Edlow t<?R-,~.361 in width and Rice Blvd. 30' in wJ.dth. 'Xhat the pavii"fi,necessary fop dra~nage diten, earth excavation and sidewalks be contract- eO. _to John G. ,Calhoun, Jr, on his loW bid of ,$9,_134~~2, 'llVith the understanding that the paving on west side of Edlow Street adjacent to school campus may be eliminated from the contract at the option of the city or school district]and with the understanding that such pavement adjoining the school campus shall be layed at the option of th~ city or school dis- trict at any time before January I, 1938, at same price per square yard; the city to pay for the construction of bridge and for 'the intersection and Amherst and Edloe and Rice. All, such contracts to be subject to the approval of City Attorney and work to commence when ordered by Commissioner Mainous,. Nos: None. '(-l I i J Voting Aye: Commis sioners Allen and Mainous. Comnlissioner Allen made a motion giving the Mayor author- v - I~I I r 297 f t [':H] , .;: I v , I, , 'C~! ' ,. "- '.' ity to enter into an agreement with ~he Neuhaus Invest- ment Co., for.the sale of our $100,000.00 Sewer Revenue Bonds. This agreement, before final acceptance, shall be approved by the City Attorney. 'The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. , Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and NTamous. Nos: ~.one. Bids for the painting of the Water Tank were received and was as follows: I [ r I I I T. L. Roseboom $675.00 Maintenance & Erec. ,Serve 641.09 Commissioner Allep recommended that this contract be award- ed to the Maintenance Erection Service, since they were the low bidder. Commissioner Mainous made a motio~which was seconded by Commissioner Allen, awarding the contract as above. ' Voting Aye: Comraissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. f f " L t- f, r r i CommiSSioner Allen made a motion which was seconded by Com- missioner Mainous giving authority for the papairing of the street and bridge < truck, and for the purchase of : Two (2) Tires, Two (2) Tubes" One (I) Trialor Hitch (iron) Three (3) drums of Gasoline One (I) drum of keroseme. o Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen.and Mainous. t f t r r-j t j , f, - j I " , I, I ~J I i, f " I I f I ~ i Nos: None. ~here being no further business to come before the Council, and upon motion being made and duly seconded t~etmeeting was decl~red adjoUrned. ~~ ATTEST: t t, f "'I ., 1 r- r'298 s: REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, ,1937 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE~TEXAS. The regular meeting of tb,e council was hel,d Friday Oct~ 15, 1937, at 7:00 P. M. in the Council Chamber, with Mayor Flem~ ' ing presiding, and Commissioners Allen ana Mainous and See. Jarrard in attendance. The minutes ~f the meeting of October 12, were read and approved. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was seconded by Gom- missioner.Mainous authorizing the purchase'of five (5) gallons of Traffic paint :tor the Police Dept. from ,the, Cook P~int and Varnish Co~ Vot1ng :&ye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous;' Nos: None. The Secretary was given authority to secure bids and purchase the following: ,Receipts for the Corporation Oourt, One (I) Minute Book. TP:is, authorization was given by a motion made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commi,ssioner Mainous. Voting Aye: CommiSSioners A.llen and Maifunous. Nos: None. ..'-, " ~. - ~ ' ' :), " ",' Commissioner Mainous made a motion giving the Secretary auth-' ' orityto place Fire & Tornado Insurance on the Municipal Build- ing which expires Oct@ber 20th; the Fire for $5,000.OO,and the Tornado for $2500.00, for the period of 3 years. ,This ~ill be .', a saving of approximately $25.00, the premiums to be 'paid annually over a period of 3 years, and to be placed with the Hood Ruth Co. Agency. This motion was duly seconded by Com- missioner Allen. .~, Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous asked for authority to employ Mr. M Walker ,at $25.00 per week, to pperate the gra.der during tl).e absence of '. Mr. Hatcher, or until such time as Commissioner Mainous feels .- it nece,ssary. Commissioner Allen ,made a motion approving the above, and this motion was duly seconded by Cor~~issioner Mainous. VCont'd to Page 1, New Minutes Book. ,- " \~o,". .,~~~ j , '. i.t, , I __ I _r- ,.! ::'''-'< ., ,~ ~ 'f' ' -', ll~ ~~ I "l ... ". ~ , .~ II 'j .---1 Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commis s,ioner Mainous, giving Commissioner Mainous 'authority to enter into a con~rac~ with the City of Bellaire, for the ~se of the grader, on the basis of ~15.00 per day with a 'driver, with the understanding that the work done in Bellaire , will not cohflict with the grading of the City of West Uni- versi~y Place Streets. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Comraissioner Mainous was given authority to place anQorder for five (5) cars of Shell and one (I) car Gravel. This ~uthority was given by a motion made by Cormnissioner Allen and seconded by ,Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: 'None. Commissioner Mainous advised that the officials of the City of Bellaire asked if arrangments coula be made for them to dispose of their garbage on the City of West University Place garbage dump site west of Bellaire. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous granting them permission for'the s~ of $5.00 per month with the understanding that this be a temporary arrangment and to be discontinued at the option of the City of West University Place at any time. Voting Aye: Uommissioners Allen and Mainous. ~ Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous reported that Mr. F. E. Hatcher be grant- ed a leave of absence from his duties, beginning October 14 to November I, with full pay! due to dllness. He is to pay his own expenses, all doctor and medical bills, with the exception of Dr. Hughes bill Which is to be paid by the City up to and in- cluding October 14th. Commissioner Allen made a motion grant- ing this request, and was duly seconded by Commissioner Main- ous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. <- r ==--- I " ~ .: { ~~~~C ' .t.~Cc.~~~.'~' ~~"~~ ~' .- ' ~~:,' k,:, , ., ,. ~.,,' ",' ~ ", ... ~... There being no further bumness to come before the Council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. -,']', " ~ ATTEST: ;~J-"'" j ,~ .'<:< ",',' I '. '/ l' iI>' 1 - ~~~~~"~"r r ~-, , --',-------r [] tJ lJ ,SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1937 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. A special meeting was held Monday, October 18, 1937, at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chamber, with Mayor Fleming pre- siding, and CommissiQners Allen and Mainous and Secretary Jarrard inattend~nce. This ,meeting was held for the purpose of checking with the Engineer" .Mr. ,,' J. C. McV,eW, the details of the Sewer Dispos- al Project, and accepting and approving same. Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by Commission- er Allen approving the plans and specifications for the pro- posed s,ewer disposal plant and the sewage lift stations at the South plant and at Kirby and University Blvd., together with diversion South from University Boulevard to the Plant, this subject 'to the sale of Sewer Revenue Bonds. Signed copy of the specifications, blue prints, and details may be , found in the files at the City Hall. Nos: None. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. , . There being no further business to come before the Council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. Attest: ~~ S~~retary, ~, ""8<\: . , '. """~' < 3",,~~,;;,;,~; \l ..' .'~: :::- \ ; -',", <~=I~' REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1937 COUNCIL CHAMBER'H CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY ELAC;E, TEXAS., ] The regular meeting of the Council was held in the Council ~amber at the City Hall, Friday, Oct. 22, at 7:00 P. M. with Mayor f.leming presiding, ~nd Commissioners Allen and Mainous, and, Secretary Jarrard in attendance. ' , , The minutes of the meetings of Oct. 15, and.'Oct. 18 were read, a~justed and approved. Commissioner Mainousmade a motion authorizing the purchase of: One (1) Slicker, 'One (1) pair Rubber Boots, One (1) Case of Flash Light Batteries, Six (6) Flash Light Bulbs, to be used in the Police Dept. This motion was duly second- ed by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos,: None. I ) :J ., Commissioner Mainous made a motion authori'zing the purchase of: > 1000 ft of 2tfGalvanized Pipe, Fifty (50) Meter Boxes, Six (6) Shovel~, Six (6) sacks Cement, Six (6) 2ft Valves, 'c,.. ~- \ this to be used in the Water Dept. onded the above motion. Commissioner Allen sec- Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos : None .' Co~missioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous authorizing the purchase for the Street & Bridge Dept. the following: Two (2) Padlocks, One-half (1/2) doz. Files. Voting Aye: Coramissioners Allen and Mainous. ~ ~ Nos: None., \) j t .,:~"" 1---___] _f 1 fl t 'ji } , :1 ~ ' , ,~, r.~- .~ Ii ",. II The Secretary presented the Mayor and each Commissioner with a copy of the Cash Receipts and Disbursements covering the period from September I, 1936 to August 31, 1937, showing the financial transactions in the General and Water Depts~ Eosted October 23, 1937. There beirig,-_no further business to come before the Council and upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. Attest: ~ ' y Secretary '1 ' ~ :==J _l-' ,~ "1ft'" ; ,~~ -" ,.. - ~ > "- . :~.-:',:' .i <:-- , 6)" ". ..~ '>" 1>>"'- . - - ~ -;' :., ~- ~~ ". :". . ~~ " , . .". ~ :. ",p'" 1iEGt1LAR MEETING, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1937 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. ~) i , -" The regul~meeting of the Council Was held Friday, October 29, 1937,' at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chamber, with Mayor Fl.emingpresiding, and Co~ission.er,s Mainous and Allen and Secretary Ja~rard in a~tendance. The minutes of the meeting of October.22, read and approved. Commissioner Allen made a motion authorizing the purchase of: Eight(S) drums Gasoli~e, FoUr (4) cases LUbrlcatfug Oil, Two(2)fiive foot Grader Blades This motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: l\lone. Commissioner Mainous advised that certain alterations in the plan on the Bridge at Rice Bou~evard and Edloe st. were nec- essary, and that the additional cost to the City would be $594.54, which is itemized: . Center Pier--Cen,ter Pier--------$42.51 Timber Sub-Str----- 25.26 Wing Walls---Wing Walls---------285.40 , Abuttments Wider---lOO.OO $453.17 , ~l1 "~ K~ ,1 II _fl' Widening Bridge-- Cost of Widening less $IOO.OO ' 141.38 1594.35 and recommended that this change be made. Commissioner Allen made a motion authorizing the additional work to be done and to pay the Contractor the additional amount when the extra work is, completed by Contractor. This motion Was duly seconded by Comm- issioner Main~us. Voting Aye,: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. The Secretary was given authority to purchase a supply of en- velopes and to have typewriter and check writer overhauled, ~; ~.. ~' I ! ", -r 1-~~~1 ~ , -'-T~- ~ '-~::", .... - , .-" .., n ;'("" l .~;:, t '. '. -~ :i ) "~'" ' <.. .A';,.,z . ,'L . ;,-... "-;' . . :~ < . "." through a motion made by Commissioner Mainous and seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. . 'Nos: None. ...-I':~ There being no further bus iness to come before the Council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared. adjourned. ~~ Attest: -..-' .... j ;.' -------r r' 'C~'>b ,': . "'" > . ,', c ., ," 2:- . , , : ~ >, REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1937, WEST UNIVERSITY?P.LA3E, TEXAS. I) The regular meeting of the Council was held Friday, Nov. 5, 1937, at '7:00 P.M. in the ,Council Chamher,'with Mayor Flem- ~g presiding, and Commissioners Allen and Mainous and Sec- retary Jarrard in attendance. ~-b,o. The minutes of the meeting of October 29, 1937 were read and approved. ' Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was seconded by Com- missioner Allen approving and passing Ordinance No./~S- which eapt~on is as follows: ' , AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE CITY PLAN COMMISS ION OF THE C ITYOF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT AND QUALIFICATION OF THE MEMBERS THEREOF; PRESCRIBING THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES; PRESCRIBING THE COMPENSATION TO BE RECEIVED BY THE MIDdBERS THEREOF; PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDrNANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CON- FLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE ARE REPEALED AND PRO- VIDING WHEN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE. j~'l 1 ,: --.' Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous' and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous, that the City hold in abeyance the sell- ing of the $IOO,OOO.OO Sewer Revenue Bonds, and that no bids be received pending re-~onsideration of rate structure. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. ,The Secretary presented bids from the Bissonnet SeEvice ~ta- tion, Kranzler .6ros. Service, Sta'tion and ~Ghe C. J. Bettis Service Station, for the city business of gas, oil, automobile , and truck service. After due consideration Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly'seconded by Commissioner Mainous, that the contract be awarded to the Bissonnet Service Station. 'Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. r Commissioner Allen was given authority to purchase the follow- 0/ r--- -~~C~~ ~ ~ 1 fl . J~ I .:t ;~~>,~ . I ~j ;1)- $e. ~, .... ~ '><-~ - .if__ . If".-. . "'5.~~:"._~0.'-~ >: ing: 600 feet of 2" Galvanized Pipe, 500 feet of 1.1/4f1 Galvanized Pipe., and all nece~sary fitting~, QY a motion made. by Commissioner Mainous and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. . ,!>~ Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: NOI;le. Commissioner Allen made a motion giving authority to Gom- missioner Mainous to purchase 5 cars of shell for general re- pair work, which motion was. duly seconded by Commissioner Main- ous. foting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous ~ppointing_the following: R. J. Depen- brock, P. R. Plumb, ,Jim Davlin, Sam Levy and F. A. Hunter, to serve on the City Planning Commission as per city Ordinance which was adopted at this meeting. Voting Aye: vommissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. "'~'. Commissioner Mainous made amotion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen authorizing the submitting to the City Planning Board Commission, the possible change in District 8, from 1000 sq. ft to 900 sq. ft, and change in Section I, on Bellair Blvd. west of South Side Place from 1600 sq. ft to 1300 sq. ft; also changing from a brick to include frame and consider possible change in Section 7 to include fram build- ings; and change business section on Bissonnet st. and Kirby' Drive to designate depth in more than 1/2 block, and change side of l'o,ts from 5' to 3ft. . Voting Aye: Gommissioners Mainous and Allen. >':. .~ " Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous made a motion which Was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen giving authority to the Mayor to write a letter to Mr. C. A. ~vyer, Secretary of the Rice Institute Properties making the proposition that the City grant Sewer i' . I n r _..~ 1 I r Service to Riee Institute property west of Kirby Drive, and if the Rice Institute Property east of Kirby Drive is not taken into the City of Houston, sewer to that part in con- sideration for the conveyance of the 20' easement and the nec- essary IO' easement, for power ,lines approaching the City Sewer Disposal Plant. ] Voting Aye:~_ Co~issioners Mainous and Allen., Nos: None. There be~g no further business to come before the Council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting Was declared adjourned. Attest: -' ~~ ity Secretary I <, ).i: :~'-; . " , ",*' " ~j ~ I r r--- -- - .~ I r ".-' -l t I >fl" f) ; ':hi,ic 'A:-.Jf ~' '.J .,)". . SPEC rAt M:re:ETnfG TUESDAY,l~OVEMBER 9, 1937, ,C6fiN6IL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WE~T UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. A special, meeting of the Council was held Tuesday, ~ov. 9, 1937 in the Council Chamber of the" Ci ty Hall, with Mayor Fleming presiding, and Commissioners Allen'and Mainous and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. .. ~."... . . The minutes of the meeting of, ~0vember 5, 1937 were read and approved. ./ Commissipner Allen made a motion which,. was seconded by Com- missioner Mainous approving_ and, passing_ o.:f Ordinance 1;0./Z6 adjlls.ting the s_ewer rate :tr.om 5usi tD 75~ per connec~ion per month wh,~ch caption is as follows: ' Voting Aye: Nos: None. AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING, AND LEVYING A CHARGE FOR EACH CONNECTION OF PRIVATE PROP~RTY WITHIN OR WITHOUT THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLA.CE,TEXAS, WITH THE SANITARY SEWERS OF SAID CITY; PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF SUCH CHARGE; ,PROVIDING TF..AT ALL MONEY 00 COLLECTED FROM SUCH CHARGE SHALL CONSTITUTE A PART OF THE REV- ENUES'OF THE SANITARY SEWER 'SYSTEM OF- THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR DISCONNECTIONS_ UPON .FAILURE OR kE~ FUSAL TO PAY SUCH CHARGE; PROVIDING FOR RECONNEC- TIONS; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR ANY RECONNECTION TO SUCH SEVvERS, EXCEPT BY PROPER AGENT OF THE CITY; PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH ARE REPEALED; PRO- VIDING IF ANY SECTION OR ,PART OF THIS ORDINANCE BE ,DECLARED UNCONSTITUTIONAL OR INVALID; IT SHALL NOT AFFECT OTHER PARTS THEREOF; PROVIDING THAT THIS OR- DINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE ON AND AFTER DECEM~ER I, 1937. Commissioners Allen and Mainous. y....y)<'>'yx-ry~ Commissioner Mainous made a motion which Was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, that the same arrangments with Mr. ,Barrett' of the Neuhaus....Inve-stment Company for:" the sale of the $IOO,OOO,OO Sewer Revenue Bonds be extended until Friday, November, 19, 1937. , .,.., Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous Was given authority to purchase five (5) cars of shell to be used in surfacing Mercer st., by a motion -made by Commissioner Allen. and seconded, by Commissioner Mainous. I ' ! ---- "'"~ - -1 ~ >f;(~'Q ,~ ~~.4I I ' , Voting Aye: C<>mmissloners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Mr. Pope, Fire Chief, presented a list of 'first aid supplies .in the amount of $11.34Jand asked permission to purchase same to repleni,sh the first aid kits in_the Fire Dept. Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, giving authority for the purchasing of these supplies. Voting Aye: Commis,sioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. ~ere being no further business to come before the Council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. Attest: ~~ ", ty Secretary. \ , ~) l~~-' r::---.......,. ~~._--==---=y-<O'I.- ~--- - - ~ - "~1 ~-'); .' l J.' t f f.. I j I I j L , , -1" '1 ' ~'~" REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1937 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY 'PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the council was held Fridaw~ Nov. . 12, 1937 at 7:00 P .M__ in the Council Chamber, City' Hall. 'Mayor Fleming presided, w~th Commissioner Allen and Sec- retary Jarrard,in attendance.. Commissioner Mainous ab- sent from the Ci-ty. The minutes of the meeting of November 9th, 1937 were read and approved. The Commission approved and pass.ed, an Ordinance No./1v 7 , bya motion made ,by Commissioner Allen and approved by Mayor Fleming, caption of Ordinance as follows: AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING THAT ALL GAS METERS BE EQUIPPED WITH A PROPER REGULATOR IN GOOD WORKING ORDER AND THAT SAME BE SO SET THAT THE GAS PRESSURE GOING INTO ANY BUILDING LOCATED WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SHALL BE 4 OUNCES; PROVIDING THE GAS PRESSURE GOING INTO ANY BUILDING WITHIN THE CITY SHALL BE 4 OUNCES; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDI. NANCES AND PARTS OF.ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE ARE HEREBY REPEALED; AND, PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. . Voting Aye: Commissioner. Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. .;,-.J:'" :Commissioner ar!y repairs motion made Fleming. Allen was given authority to make the necess- to the sliding door in the Fire Station, by a by Commissioner Allen. and approved by Mayor Voting Aye: COID~issioner_Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was approved by Mayor ~leming giving authority to the Mayor to employ a carpenter and purchase the necessary materials to repair the front door screen, build shelves in the record room; make the necessary ,~ r - 1 1 "I,n; 41' . .' "," -::. , ."~ :~,'~ ".".. repairs to the louvers~n the roo~ o~ the City Hall, and to place a door in the main office leading into the north- east o~fice of ~he City Hall. Voti~g Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor<Fleming.' 1 .Nos: Non~. There being no further business-to come before the Council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was dec~aredadjourned. Attest: ~ 6 Secretary t } ,. ~} 5" I ' - ['1 "~~~In _n rn , :L'a'" " , . '; ,-'& .'~ , . ( I REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1937 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the council was held Friday, November-19, 1937, at 7:00' P.M.. in the Council Chamber, City Hall, with Mayor Fleming presiding, and,Commissioners Allen and Mainous and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. 1 The minutes of the meeting of November 12, were read and approved. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous, giving Mayor Fleming authority to enter into a contract for the painting of the City Hall. Bids wer"erec.eived from G. P . Tulley, Golden & Campbell, F. L. Clarke and W. H. Boyett. This job is to be award- ed to the lowest and best bids. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen ~d Mainous. ;-j'" ;J J, Nos: None. The Secretary was given authority to adjust the .valuation on 4.9 acres of land in the northeast section of the city, belc;mging to Mr. Halla; this to be adjusted on the basis of $1500.00 p~r acre, waiving penalty on 1934 and prior years.Commissio~er Mainous made a motion approving the above action which motion was duly seconded by Commiss- ioner Allen. Voting Aye:' Corrimissioners Mainolis and Allen. Nos: None. ' -Gash rece~pts and disbursement statements for the month of Oct6ber193'7 Was presented to the Mayor and each commissioner. Commissioner Mainous was given authority to purchase a tarpaulin for the garbage truck, by a motion 'made by Commissioner Allen and Ruly seconded by Commissioner Mainous . Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. ~ :l ) There being no further business to come before the Council, and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjou~ned. ~~ '- ) (' "'tl~''B' ' . .~\.1L:D':~::' SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1937 COUNCIL CH.AMB~R, CITY HALL" VlI'EST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. , -) A special meeting of the council was held Tuesday, November 23 1937, at '7:00 P.M. in the City Hall, with Mayor Fleming presidihg, and Commissioners Allen ',i1.p.d Mainous and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Mr. qeorge, Supt. of the Houston Natural Gas Company, was present in response to a letter he received from the city, informing them of a Gas Ordinance that' was pas~ed at a previous meeting. Mr.' George advised that he did notfeel,it wbUld be advisable to change thesys- tem ordistribut~ng the gas. He als9 advised that he would have a complete survey made of the gas pressure in various sections of 'the city, and 'install regulators ' where necessary. However, ~s soon as 'this survey is' com- pleted he will mail the clty a complete report, and get their approval before installing these regulators. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous, apprOVing and passing Ordi- n,ance No. /.z.J...., regulating ,traffic, which caption is as follows: ", " ;--) ~ " , f AN OR[)INANCEREGU~ATING TRAFFIC WITHIN THE CORPOEATELIMIT~ OF THE 'CITY OF WEST UNIVER$ITY PI:,ACE', ,T:&XAS, DEFINING TEC:BNI- CAu TERMS USED 'IN SAID ORDINANCE; PROVID- ING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE USE OF STREETS, ALLEYS, PUBLIC PARKWAYS, PUBLIC LANDS AND HIGHWAYS WITHIN SAID CITY; PRO- VIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIO~ OF THIS O~- DINANCE; PROV+DING THAT ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINNNCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH ARE REPEALED; PROVIDING IF ANY SECTION, 'PARAGRAPH, SUBDIVISION, CLAUSE, PHRASE OR PROVISION OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE AD~ JUDGED INVALID OR HELD UNCONSTITUTIONAL, < THE SMilE SHALL NOT AFFECT THE VALIDITY OF THIS ORDINANCE AS A WHOLE OR ANY PART OR PROVISION THEREOF, OTHER THAN THE PART SO DECIDED TO BE INVALID OR UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND PROVIDING THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY AFTER ITS PASSAGE, APPROVAL AND PUBLICATION. L Voting Aye: COUilllissioners Allen and Mainous. J Nos: None. ~ Commissioner Allen was given authority to purchase the items lis ted: j I J~O'~~ --~_~, 'I~-- , _r" ~~-=~- t 1. ---------,' ,~ '1'-::']-- . ~. ,,~. " .: ':. '-~ . t j ~.. < Fifty (50) Meters, Sixty (60) Curb stops, Twenty-Four (24) Service Clamps, Twenty_Four (24) Lead Gaskets, Twenty-Four (24) Corporation cocks. This authority Was given by a motion made by Commissioner Mainous and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. . ~~" Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: . None. The secretary Was authorized to issue an order for the purchase of the necessary lumber for the floor on the firemen's room. The Mayor was given authority to call a public meeting on Dec. 13, 1937, for the purpose of gathering various opinions as to certain changes and revisions in the Zoning Ordinance., Also authorized to incurr the necess - ary expense as to advertising, etc. This motion was made by Commissioner Allen, and seconded by Commissioner Ma inous . tJ Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. ~. C Secretary., >.J 1 -,~- 'I~' 1 f ''', ~~, '[ 1 ,J '.c~~,-:: .....~3 ~j ...... " II...! c. , / " ! ' ..~...../ ,.... .~ J The meeting scheduled for Nevember 26, 1937 was postponed due to it being a holiday. ff1~ C' Y Secretary j f'/~""'-' ,. r . .----~--fl r~-"~~-" ~ iJ t '> ) r- ~ .,~ , ~ ',. >J~ "\ ~ ~~ ;\:. '\ Jt~I. - . ~ ~ ~ t~. : i,~~~ ( 1 REGULAR MEET":EN G FRIDAY, DEOEMBER 3, 1937 COUNCIL Ol-IAIVlBER, CITY HALL, WEST'UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the council was held Friday, Dec. .39 1937 in the co~cil chamber of the Oity Hall at 7~00 .p. M. wi th,.)Vlayor ]:illeming presiding, and Commissioners Allen and Mainous and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. The Mayor was given authority by a motion made by Commiss- ioner Allen to purchase a new For~ for the police Dept. He advised that the total price was $792.00, less trade-in allow- ance on the old car of $355.00, leaving a balance of $43'7.00. , This motion Was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. i1 Mr. R. L. Sonfield, City 'Attorney, presented a statement in the amount of $401.50 .for Attorney Fees in connection with the building restriction injunction suit, filed by Mr. Martin, Contractor, asking that a permit be issued on a frame resi- dence to be erected in West University Place Second Addition. Commissioner MaLnous made a motion authorizing payment of '$200.00 to Mr. Sonfield, to apply on thms account, and asked that he render an itemized statement showing how he arrived at the amount o.fthis statement. This motion was duly sec- onded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous was given authority to purchase the following: I J Two-(2) barrels of Gasoline, One-(l) barrel of Kerosene, One-(l) barrel of Sweeping compound, Two-(2) Bracey Block Books, One-(l) can of spray and spray gun, Broom, Mpps and rags, One-(l) 4X6 American Flag, Three':, (3) cars shell. This authority was given by a motion made by Commissioner Allen ,and seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Cormnissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. I' 11.-' IL~ -. ~.I ,. . '> ','Q\tii' <~i~, I ' " >ir:,::';l i' ,.., ../"j' ~; ,::1 '," Mr. R. L. Sonfield advised that several months ago, the old administration promised to pay h~m a certain sum of money for allowing the privilege of two ,other sewer connections to be serv~-by a line that he had personally paid for at the time he builtt his home. But in v~ew of the delay he would now accept $75.00 as full settlement of same. Gommissioner Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner .Allen authorizing that a check for this amount be given him. ) .... Voting Aye: Cormnissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen was given authDDity by a motion'made Commissioner Mainous to purchase four hundred (400 feet one and ,one-half (1 1/2) inch firehose, at 70~ per ft. motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. by of This Nos: None. 'Commissioner Allen made a motion which was ..duly seconded by .Commissioner Mainous authorizing the following to be purchased for the police department: One (1) Radiot;.~ Two (2) boxes Cartridges, One (I) red light and bracket, Labor transfe~ring, radio and generator from old car to the new Ford, Labor to install the siren. 1 Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos:' None. Cash receipts and disbursement statements for the month of November 1937 was presented to the Mayor and eac~ COITmlission- er by the Secretary. There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. +w/ ty Secretary J " v ...'E: - r-"""J. L.I ~1 t I : '- I , , 1 I I 1 '., :1\\ .... . " <. \ ,. i REGULAR M~TING FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1937 COUNCIL 9HAMBER~ CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the cnuncil Was held Friday, Dec. 10, 1937 at 7:00 p. M. in the City Hall, with Mayor Flem- ing presiding, and CommissiDn~rs Allen apd Mainousand S,ec- retary Jarrard in attendance. r.~" The minutes of the meeting of December 3, 1937 were read and approved. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was seconded by Com- missioner Mainous, that the platt of sub-division of prop- erty located in the north ea,st ,part 0:1:' the city, will,~be known as Evanston Place Aq.dition, ovvned by Mr. J. E. l!.vans, as submitted by Mr. John v. Calhoun, Eng., ap.d approved with wfieu understanding that the improvements of the streets, side- 'walks, water lines and sewer lines, shall be constructed in accordance with specifications on file in the City Hall, same us used by the Monticello Co., in the Monticello Second Addi- tion, and that fire hydrants shall be located as indicated on the map Alternate No. lj three (3) fire hydrants, Alternat~ No 2, or Kirby Drive as also indicated on the map. Voting Aye: Comnissioners Allen and ~ainous. Nos: None. Commission~r Allen was given authority by a motion made by Commissioner Mainous to purchase five (5) fire plugs, five (5J cut-in taps and all necessary fittings. Commissioner Allen seconded this motion. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and illainous. Nos: None.. There being no furthe~ business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly s~conded, the meeting was deelared adjourned. . Attest: l~rJ ~ !~~l r --- h -'1'1 I 1 0~~' ~~ '.i:J.~6o:!'J' ':.'.~li~ 11 SPECIAL,<MEE[1IN~ u" . CITY COUNCIL; CITY HALL DECEMBER, 13, 1937 WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. ) A special meeting of the council was held in the John Persn- ing school at 7:30 p. M. with Mayor Fleming'presiding, and CGmmissioners Allen and Mainous and Secretary Jarrard in attend- ance. .". This meeting was held for the purpose of ~Lpublic hearing on proposed changes to a Zoning Ordinance, which changes were presented-by the Mayor in the order as follows: (1) Changing the square footage from a thousand (IOOO) feet to nine hundredd- (900) sq uare feet, in west section of the City in Section 8. No discussion. (2) Changing the distance from fave (5) feet to three (3) feet from the side lines for residence, in all sections. Mr. Day, Contractor, stated that this wou~d be a very good change as it- is impossible to erect certain type~ of houses on a fifty (50) foot lot allowing five (5) feet from pro- perty line on each side. )~ ': No further discussion. (3) Changing the square foot age from sixteen hundred (1600) to thirteen hundred (1300) feet andallowing frame buildings along Bellaire Boulevard west of South Side place. No comments on this change. (4) That all business, buildings in the north east business section shall front on Kirby Drive and Bissonnet St~ and shall not extend more than 110' or to easement. No comments on this change. (5) Ch~nge in Section 7.which includes West University Place 2nd Addition to permit frame buildings. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Ollre advised that they were very well satisfied with thepre- sent restrictions in this district. Mr. Day, Contractor, ad- vised that he had several property owners in the Second Addi- tion, and is quite sure will build as soon as this ordinance i:s changed to permit frame buildings if they do not want to build brick homes. No further comments. ~ f ~, (6) Change the ordinance so as to require only one adver- ,. ,/ I i I -~-=I~~~ r ,"----- --~-- 'I I r 1 - ~:" - 'f ~.' '. I , . .~f T . '!2,; c,~;fJ>." .. _.,~:t.",-- , . r;:: ) --"" ,,:.~ .' tising, glvlng notice of a special. hearing on proposed chan- ges. Mr. & Mrs. Ollre and. several others expressed them- selves in favor of this as -,i t woulq. reduce expenses to the city. "., There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting w~s declared adjourned. .~~ At4;; / IV ayor ~~. .1", ~,I !4t I ' REGULAR MEETING FRIIDAY,DECEMBER 17, 1937 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. ) The regular meeting of the council was held Friday, Decem- ber 17, 1937 at 7:00 P. M. in the Council Chamber, City Hall, w~ th Mayor Fleming presiding and Commissioners Allen and Main- ous and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. ~~ . The minutes of the meetings of December 10 and December 13, were read, adjusted and approved. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous authorizing the purchase of fifteen (15) pieces of 12f1 corrugated s~eel pipe, 24 foot lengths at 84~ per foot. Voting Aye: COmID,issioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. COilllUissionerAllen was given authority to purchase the follow- ing: ' Twelve, (12) measuring chamgers, Twenty-four ,(24) Empire Registers, Fourteen (14) brass fittings, One-hyndred (100) miscellaneous fittings, Fifty (50) meter boxes. J This authority was given by a motion made by Commissioner Main- ous and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Corr~issioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. There being no further business to come before the council, and upon motion being made and seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. .J ~rY ", ? ,_ ~::::J t ' . t 1 ,---, 1 i I , j I ,- '~C'J!loi"" _o/',~ . ..'."~~.~;~ . SPECIAL MEETING' MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1937 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. A special meeting of the council was held M~nday, December 20, 1937 at 7:00 p. M. in the council chamber of the city hall, w~th Mayor Fleming presiding, and Commissioners Allen and Main- ous and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. This meeting was called fO,r the purpose of deciding as ,to making adjustments in the Values on the tax roll/of improve- ments that were not completed on January I, 1937. After con- siderable discussion, it was decided that values would be placed on the property on the basis of the percentage of com- pletion on the beginning of each taxable year, and that no adjustments will be made on previous years. The secretary was instructed to write letters to those who have filed protests as to the taxes charged on improvements where the houses were not lOa per cent completed on the first of each year, and advise them that it woul~ be necessary to pay'taxes on improvements where houses were practically com- plete. There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was de- clared adjourned. ft~ C.t, Secretary 1 -- - " I-~ I r , " r 1 ,j I .J};'~ " &J~@;. .. I , ,~. The regular meeting scheduled for December 24, 1937, was postponed due to beingS. holiday. ft~ v ] C~~~ I ' r~' ~~-~- -r~l } i.J r i' I ~, L 11 (j - ~ ,-. ~:-< ~,' :;.. " 21t"< ", ' '. ~":.} .. SPECIAL IVtEETING TUESDAY, DECm~BER 28, 1937 COUNC,IL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST m~IVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. A special meeting of the council was held Tuesday, December 28, 1937 at 7:00 P. M. in the council chamber of the city .hall, with Mayor Fleming presiding, and Commissioners Allen .and Mainou~ and Secretf!.ry Jarrard in attendance. , " Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous authorizing an amendment to the approv- al of' t:tlelocation of fire plugs on the property located in j the north east section of' town, and is being developed by Mr. J.W. Evans, and substitute alternate NO.2, as to plac- ing the fire plugs. The plans were originally approved to run this line down Kirby Drive, which is Alternate No.1. Alternate No. 2pn plans show the line and plugs to be plac- ed down center of property. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: ,_Hone. The' Secretary presented a letter received from Mr. Sam Levy objecting to the value placed on improvements on his property as of January 1, 1937, and advised that he had re- 'checked the value on this property, and found that Mr. Levy W~s justified in making this complaint, and recommended that ~his Value bereduee~ from' $2200.00 to $1800.00. Com- missioner Allen made a motion which 'was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous authorizing the adjustment as recommend- ed. ' Voting Aye: !- , Commis sioners Allen andl lilainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous was given authority to purchase two (2) drums of gasoline md two (\2) cases of lubricating oil by a motion made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Com- missioner Mainous. Yoting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous was given authority to empilloy Mr. L. A. Morgan and,P'..J;). Marshman and other carpenters as selected by Mr. Mainouf3, on the basis of ($9,.00) Nine DOllars per day for Eight (8) honrs, and purchase the necessary materials from the lowest bidders, for the building of the city garage building, ,QQ,' ~.GJ' on the city property at College and Milton streets. This authority was given by a motion made by Commissioner Allen and seconded bYoCommissioner Mainous. -} Voting Aye: Co~issioners Allen and IvIainous. Nos: None. 'Mr. C. E. ~Gammill, 6646 Westchester, advised that he had paid'in the sum of $31.00 for sewerage disposal up to Jan. 31, 1937, and that since he was not connected to the sewer he felt that,he waw entitled to a refund of this amount. Since tpe previous council had made several refunds to those having septic tank, Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, authorizing ,the Sec- retary to make this refund, or to any on~ else having a like claim. . Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous "and Allen. Nos: None. There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and seconded the meeting was de- clared adjourned. '\ " t I ~~ ~: Ii 1 I- . =--- t 1 ,1 jj ( I ~ I J I ' , . '~(O;l~ .L.~~~<. /':~ The regular meeting scheduled for December 31, 1937, was postponed due to it being a holiday. y Secretary "~"'- I 1 IJ