HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1987 '-,2{i', . ' ... 1~" " REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 12, 1987 7:30 P.M. City Council convened in regular session in the City Hall Council Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Pl ace, on Monday, January 12, 1987 ,with the fo 11 owi ng members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, and Schwartzel. Councilmember Cummings was absent (resigned). Also present were the City Manager, City Secretary, Michael A. Cole representing the City Attorney, the Director of Administration and Director of Operations. Council member Schwartzel delivered the invocation and led the Allegiance to the Flag. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mayor Parks invited residents to speak who had matters they wished to bring to the attention of the City Council which had not previously been submitted to the City Manager. Joe Cunningham, 6521 Mercer addressed City Council requesting consideration be given to installing a stop sign on Mercer Street at Pittsburg. Mr. Cunningham stated there was a lot of traffic late in the afternoons racing through that intersection. Mayor Parks advised Mr. Cunningham that there had been an earlier request which was referred to the Traffic Committee. After studying that intersection, t~e Traffic Committee recommended the stop sign not be installed. However, the situation may need to be reviewed, or, it may be an enforcement problem. - Mr. Cunningham suggested the Traffic Committee visit the area during 4:00 - 5:00 in the afternoon. Mr. Joe Foster, 6505 Mercer, suggested the problem was with the vehicles going south on Mercer. The stop signs that are at that intersection face east and west. Mayor Parks recommended police patrol be increased in the area while the Traffic Committee reviews the situation. CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to address a specific agenda item to speak at this time. There were none present who wished to speak concerning an agenda item. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember Higley requested Agenda Item No.9, INSTITUTIONAL SIGN, be removed from the consent agenda. I -" ---Jr'-""-"--rTT-~-~""i"T ~~~~------- - -1 ,L.ilLiiiililillllilmlllllllll Regular City Caunci1 Meeting, January 12, 1987 l~?{ u CONSENT AGENDA: Matian was made byCaunci1member Bryan, secanded by Cauncilmember Schwartzel~_ that with the exceptian .of Agenda Item Na. 9, the cansent agenda be appraved in accardance with staff recammendatian. - " ,Vati ng Aye: ' Vating Na: Absent: Mayar Parks, Caunci1members Higley, Bryan, Schwartze1 Nalte' , COlir'lcilmember Cummings (resigned) APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVE TO AREA AGENCY ONAGING:,Cansi derati an was given ta appainting M. D.Wicke-rl:iamas City '.of West University Place representative ta the Area Planning and Advisary Caunci1 (APAC) .of the Area Agency.an Aging.' iSenio.r Services Baard '- accepted the'resignati'anaf'Oscar,Kotteman and recommended Mr. Wickerhambeappainted ta fill rthis,pasitian. Motian was made by Caunci1member Bryan" seconded by' Caunci1member Higley,' that M. D. Wickerham beappai.rited as West University Place representativeta ,'APAC :af.the'Area,Agencyon Aging." o Voting Aye: Vating Na: Absent: Mayar Parks, Cauncilmembers Higley, Bryan, . ,Schwa rtie 1 ; Nane Caunci1member Cummings '(resigned) GOVERNMENT FINANCE Q.FFICERS ASSOCIATIONCERTI FICATE OF CONFORMANCE: Mayar Pa-rkspresented the Government, Finance'iOffi cersAssaciati an Certificatelaf Canfarmanceta Directar .of Administratian and ;Finance ta Donna t. Sims. Ms. 'Sims was cangratulated ,for achieving:'thi's: recognitian ,far excellence, in' financial reparting far the City. UTILITY APPLICATIONS; DEPOSITS: Mayar.ParkspresentedOrdinance Number 1275 and read ~he captian as fa11aws~ : r j- f !;'\;' , AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO'APPtICAHONS FOR WATER, SEWER AND GARBAGE SERVICES:iCONTAHHNG; PROVISIONS RELATING TO DEPOSITS TO SECURE PAYMENTS FOR'SUeH' SERVICES,;AMENDlNG THE CODE OR ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE AND REPEALING ~SEC:rrON 2'3;;.22 OF' SAID: CODE;'ANDCONTAININGF1NDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE'SUBJECT. [ ( .. Capies .of Ordinanc~Number 1275, in the farm required for adaptian, were available ta all members .of City Caunci1 and a reasonabrle: number. .of: additiona.l copies ava,f.1 ab 1 e, tai nterested ci toi zens:: pre,sentL ' ~ :'" ' , , ' Motian was made by Caunci1member Schwartze1, secanded by Caunci 1member Bryan, that'0:rdd'nanc,e Number 1275 be adapted as presented an second reading. Vating Aye: Mayar Parks, Cauncilmembers Higley, Bryan, ... ..... . . .. - . ~- - :~"."":::''''-, ,-.--- - ....,...,,,1, 1', '11 ,. .~ r...........-r 1'1 I - 11 .1 1~81 Regular City Council Meeting, January 12" 1987 -' Voting No: Absent: Schwartzel ,None- _ ,Councilmember ,Cummings (resigned)_ REGULAR ELECTION: Mayor Parks presented o.rdinanceNumber 1276 and read the caption as follows: , AN ORDINANCE CALLING AN~ELECTION WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR'THI! FOURTH (4th) DAY OF APRIL, 1987; FOR THE PURROSE-OP,ELECTING A MAYOR AND FOUR COUNCIL MEMBERS; DESIGNATING THE POLLING PLACES; APPOINTING ELECTION ,OFFICIALS; CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED TO SAID ELECTION; AND DECLARING:AN'EMERGENCY. CopiesofOrdi nanceNumbe,r 1276 , in the form required for adopti on;, were avail ab 1 e to all members of City Counci 1 and a reasonable numb~r of-additional copi~s available to interested citizens present. Motion was made by Councilmeinber Higley, seconded by Councilmember Schwartzel, that Ordinance Number 1276 be adopted as presented on first reading. Voting Aye: Mayor Parks"Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel Voti ng No: I None Absent: Councilmember Cummings (resigned) INSTITUTIONAL SIGN: ,Conslderati-on was given to the request from West Unversity Place Little League to ,place-an institutional sign in pub 1 i,c ri ght of way near" the northeast corner of Universi ty Blvd. land Auden. -Ms; 'Cary Brown, representing the Little League, presented an architectural sketch of the sign. After review, City Council determined that the proposed sign was in conformance with City's sign; regulations. " I '-----.J - ~. , ' Motion was made by Councilmember Higley, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that City Council 'approve the sign and grant permission to ,the Little League to place the,'si-gn in the public, right of way at the northeast corner at University Blvd. and Auden Street. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel None Councilmember Cummings (resigned), 1980 FORD, REAR LOADING, GARBAGE TRUCK: Consideration was given to the request for authorization to take Unit #617 to the~ouston Auto Auction. , Motion was .made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember I Schwartzel, that authorization be granted to auction the 1980 ~ Ford, rear loading Garbage truck, Unit #617, as requested. Regular City Counci 1 Meeti ng, January 12, '1987 lQ,~'t l1'~fL n , I U Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: MayorParks,Counci lmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel None Ce~ncilmember Cummings (resigned) PURCHASE OF COFFEE SUPPLIES:, Gonsiderationwas given to the request for authorization to advertise, for bids for the'purchaseof coffee supplies for City Hall,Colenial Park, Community Building, Public Works and the Police Building. Moti()nwas made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Schwartzel, that City Council authorize advertising ,for bids for the purchase of coffee supplies as requested. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: MayOr Parks ,Counci 1 members Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel None Councilmember Cummings (resigned) PURCHASE OF OFFICE SUPPLIES: Consideration was given to the request for authorization 'to purchase all office supplies from Houston Galveston Area Council: for all City divisions. Motion was made by Counci lmembeli'Bryan, seconded by Counci lmember Schwartze 1, that City Council'authori ze the purchase oLall office supplies from Houston Ga'lvestonArea Council. Voting Aye: "Mayor Parks, Councilmembers liIigley, Bryan, Schwartzel Voting No~ None Absent: Counc ;1,memberCummi ngs ( resigned) 1983 BOND PAYMENT: Consideration was-given to the,invoice in the,', amount: of $2ln ,085~ 50-submitted:'by First, City,Nationa1. Bank of Houston for principal and interest~due on'the:1983~BondIssue. Ii LJ Motion was made byCouncilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Schwartzel, thatthetinvoice in:theamountof $281,085;50 submitted by First City National Bank:of Houston: be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel None Councilmember Cummings (resigned) PURCHASE OF FIRE HOSE:' Consideration was given to the, i.nvotce in the amount of,$5,720~00 submitted' byCas,co:, Industries for deJivery of 1,000 feet of four (4") inch fire hose to the Fire Department. I, i I I I L: Moti on was made by Council member B:ryan ,seconded by Councilmember Schwartzel, that City Council ,appraved' for, p,ayment: the invoi ce in the amount of $5,720.00 submitted by Casco Industries. J1~ 1 I I I'.:. n -----, !".>; -i,:;_Ei.J!,'~~' -- ~:V ~-r Regular City Council Meeting,. J:anuariY ~2',1.1987 . \ J ',. Voting 'Aye:, Voting No: Absent: May6:r ,Pa,r.k-s', 'Councilmembers Higley, Schwartiel None Councilmember Cummings (resigned) Bryan, ; \ J ~ SOLID-MASTESTUDY: Consideration,was gi:ven to the.'invoice i:nthe. amOl:lnt, of .$2;,-002.33 ,submitted by HDR Techserve, I[lc~, for services related to the'investig.ation and evaluation.of .future solid waste disposal alternatives. ...., Motio'n was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded byCo'uncilmember Schwartzel, that the invoice in the amount.of $2,002.33 :s:ubmitted by HDR Techserve, Inc~, be approved for payment. Voting Aye.: Voting No: Absent: . Mayor ,Parks1, Counci 1 members . Hi gl ey, Bryan, Schwartzel." None. Councilmember Cummings (resigned) LEGAL SERVICES: . Consideration was given ,to the invoice in the amount of'$6,640.17 submitted for' legal services provided on the City's behalf for the month of December 1986. Motion was.. made by Gounci lmember ;'Bryan, ,seconded by CQunci lmember .Schwartz'el', that the ;-;.nvoice.' i n "the amount of $6,640.17 submitted for 1 ega 1 servi ces for December'..1986 be approved for payment. 'Voting .Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Par.ks, -Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel None , Councilmember Cummings (resigned) ~ LEGISLATIVE MATTERS: Consideration was .given to the invoice in the amount of $~9.84 submitted fmr legislative consulting services for the month of January 1987., Motion ,was made by CouncilmemberBryan, seconded by Councilmember Schwartzel, that the invoice in the amount of $3,289.84 submitted for legislative consulting services be approved for. payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, None . Councilmember Cummings (resigned) PURCHASE OF GARBAGE BAGS: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $18,048.01 subm.itted, by Hous ton Ga 1 ves ton Area Council for the ~ecember shipment of, plastic garbage bags. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Schwartzel the the invoice in the amount of $18,048.01. submitted by HQuston, Galveston. Area Council be approved for payment. ----.J Regular City Counci 1 Meeti ng, January 12, ,1987 (i:~ rl u Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartze.l None Councilmember Cummings (resigned) PRIORITY.AREA NO.1, WATER; PEMBERTON AND BELLE COURT SUBDIVISIONS: Consideration was given to Pay Estimate Number 2 in the amount of $74,384.91 and the Request for.Extension of Time submitted by Ella Contracting Inc. on the contract for the water line replacement project in Priority Area No.L Motion was made by Counc;lmemberBryan, seconded by Councilmember Schwartzel, that City Council approve for payment Pay Estimate Number 2 in the amount of $74,384.91 'and the Request for Extension of Time submitted by Ella Contract Inc., for the waterline replacement project in Priority Area 'No. 1. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel None Councilmember Cummings (resigned) CLEANING OF THE 3611 SANITARY SEWER OUTFALL LINE ON BROMPTON ROAD: Consideration was' give.n to Pay Estimate Number 1 in the amount of $26,658.00 submitted by Naylor Industries Inc., and to their Request for Extension of Time on the construction contract for Cleaning of the 3611 Sanitary Sewer Outfall Line on Brompton Road. . c Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Schwartzel, that City Council approve Pay Estimate Number rin the amount of $26,658.00 and the Request for Extension of Time submitted by Naylor Industries Inc. Voting Aye: VotiRg No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel None Councilmember Cummings (resigned) COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilmember Higley requested Oscar Kotteman b€ mailed a letter expressing City Council's appreciation for his years of service representing West University Place to APAC of the Area Agency on Aging. Councilmember Higley congratulated the city trash pickup after Christmas. Counc;lmember Bryan acknowledged the receipt of a letter of commenda t i on to the Po 1 ice Department for Offi cer J. W. ,Johnson's performance of his professional duties. [ STAFF REPORT: The City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, advised City Council of the special meeting scheduled for 7:00, January 19, 1987~ to canvass the results of the special election to be held on Saturday, January 17, 1987. II III ~_ II _, II 1''-'~ii_;liJFh;,~,~l I.. 1. 4;~ J f. r....., ...__ 1II:II,.,,,,y~,I.'^'1 I~-- rT.....,......-.....r--------. - ----....-r~ -~ 1~ Regular City Council Meeting; Ja'nuary 12,1987 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the regular city counci 1 meeting on December 22, 1986, were presented for consideration. "~ ! \ I I I , i ~ Motion was made by Councilmember Higley, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, thal the minutes of'thetegularcitycouncil meeting on December 22, 1986, be approved as submitted. " ':Vot;-ngAye: ,Mayor -Pa;rks, Counci 1 members Hiigley , Bryan, Schwarttel" Voting No: None 'Absent: Councilmember Cummings (resigned) ADJOURNMENT: With no furtherbusi.ness to come before Council at this time, motion was:made'oy."Cound'lmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that the meeting adjourn. Such motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:47 P.M. :, ,\ 1 ) i '-------' " , '" J 1 ~.~. '1- .';;:\ ~ ! J--- n \ I,~ REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 1987 7:00 P.M. City Council convened in regular session in the City Hall Council Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Monday, January 26, 1987, with the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel and Thompson. A 1 so present were the Ci ty Manager, Ci ty Secretary, Ci ty Attorney. Councilmember Bryan delivered thei,nvocation and led the Allegiance to the Flag. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mayor Parks invited residents to speak who had matters they wished to bring to the attention of the City Council which had not previously been submitted to the City Manager. !, Don L<t.mour~ux, 3pll Corondo Court, requested the date and time of the meeting' to ttiscuss paving Corondo Court. The first meeting was ca-,kel,ed. ....... n I ' L_' City Manager ,Mr. 'Rock~nbaugh, advised Mr." Lamoureux that the meeting would be scheduled afte,r City Council discussed the paving project in the workshop session scheduled immediately after the regular session. Mr. Lamoureux was encouraged to attend the workshop session. CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to address a specific agenda item to speak at this time. There were none present who wished to speak concerning an agenda ' item. f, ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: No member of City Counci 1 suggested removi ng an item from the consent: ,agenda. CONSENT AGENDA : Mot i on was madepy COllnci lmember Schwa rtze 1 i' seconded' by 'Councilmember Bryan, that'- the ,: consent, agenda be 'approved in accordance with staff recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel None Councilmember Cummings, resigned L \) ADMINISTER THE OATH OF OFFICE TO J. B., THOMPSON: Mayor Parks administered the Oath of Office to the newly elected member of City Council, J. B. Thompson.Councilmember Thompson joined City Council at the Cbunciltabije. ~)~ ' ADMINISTER OATH OF OFFICE TQ,NEWLY'APPOINTEDMEMBER TO, THE ,ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: MayorParksadmihistered'the IDath10f Ufflce to __ llIIIf-lJ'~! !'1 ,., lI" ,-' 1.----------- Irl . L~~.; -t1:.;:j; Regular City Council Meeting, January 26, 1987 Mary Jane Bundschuh for her appointment as Alternate Member to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration was given to calling a Joint Public Hearing before City Council and the Zoning and Planning Commission to hear comments related to the City's Comprehensive Plan, establishing the manner for posting of the notice of such meeting and other matters related to the subject. Motion was made by Councilmember Higley, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that a Joint Public Hearing be called for February 9, 1987, for the purpose of heari ng comments related to the update of the City's Comprehensive Plan, notice of such Public Hearing be given by posting it in the usual manner for open meetings, that additional posting be made at public places around the City, and that Press Releases of same be sent to The Village Life and The Texan newspapers~ Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None . PURCHASE OF PATROL CARS FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT: Consideration was given to authorizing payment to Houston Galveston Area Council in the .amount of $49,239.52 upon delivery of four 1987 patrol cars for the Police Department. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that payment to Houston Galveston Area Council be authorized in the amount of $49,239.52 upon delivery of the patrol cars. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR VARIOUS UTILITY RELATED PROJECTS: Consideration was given to invoices submitted by Langford Engineering Inc., for engineering services on various utility related projects for a total amount due of $31,886.58 as follows: a) Invoice in the amount of $169.59 for Priority Area No.1 Water, Pemberton and Belle Court Subdivision b) I nvoi ce in the amount of $398.39 for Pri ori ty Area 2, Monticello and Rice Court Subdivision c) Invoice. in the amount of $99.20 for Cleaning of 3611 Sanitary Sewer Outfall on Brompton Road d) Invoice in the amount of $757.53 for Priority Area No.1 Sanitary Sewer Phase 1, West University 1st Subdivision l i . . -~ . ----., i \ j ---" I 1 I , I U Regular City Council Meeting, January; 26, 1987 }l;j,~; -. '. 13~ o e) Invoice in the amount of $17,584.80 for Priority Area No. 1 Sanitary Sewer Phase 2, West University 1st Subdivision f) Invoice in the amount of $12,230.07 for, Priority Area No.2 Sanitary Sewer, College Court Subdivision g) Invoice in' the ,amount of Rep lacement. ,.. Pri ori ty Area Subdivision, $647.00 ,for Waterl ine No.7, CoU ege Court Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councflmember Bryan, that the invoices submitted by Langford Engineering Inc., be approved for payment ,as listed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None SURVEY SERVICES FOR UTILITY RELATED PROJECTS: Consideration was given to the invoices :submitted by Topo Co., Inc., ,for survey services for a total amount due of $4,741.00 as follows:. . - - . a) Invoice fn the amount of $2~2.00 for Priority Area No. 1 Sanitary Sewer Phase 1, West University 1st Subd,ivi sion b) Invoice in the amount of $1,129.00 for Priority Area No. 7 Water, College Cour~ Subdivision c) Invoice in the amount of $3,360.00 for Priority Area No. 1 Sanitary Sewer, Phase: 2,~ WestUni vers ity1st Subdivision Mot i on was made by Counc i 1 member Schwa rtze 1 , seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that the' invoices submi\tted' by Topo Co., Inc., be approved for 'payment: as.li sted,. o Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor -Parks" Counci 1 members' Hi gl ey, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None '.. LEGISLATIVE MATTERS: Consideration was given to thednvo;ce in the amount of $3,289.84 submitted for legislative consulting services for the month, of February 1987. Motion was made by Councilmember Counci lmember Bryan, that the invoice submitted for legislative consulting payment. " .' Schwartzel, seconded by in the amount of $3,289.84 services be approved for c Voting Aye: Voting No: L . l.'j:HI 'i:) 1:1 II I I. I I 'I Mayor Parks, Counci1membersHig1ey, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None ~ ;__ I 'i!n,j,t:o,i!ilUlll --- .'j'" ;1, ., 1~81 Regular City Council Meeting, January 2.6, 1987 Absent: _ -11,,'Ff" ,I II - TIT ---TlIII o EMERGENCY SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT: Consideration was given to the i nvoi ce in the amount of $5,867.50 submi tted by A-I Uti 1 ity a.nd Construction Services Inc., for completion of the emergency replacement of the sanitary sewer main on Cason at Fairhaven. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that the invoice in the amount of $5,867.50 submitted by A-I Utility and Construction Services Inc., be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Coun,cilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None 1986 BOND PAYMENT: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $182,125.00 submitted by First City National Bank of Houston for interest due on the 1986 Bond Issue. Moti on was made by Councilmember, Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, 'that the invoice in the amount of $182,125.00 submitted by First City National Bank of Houston be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: ' Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None o COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilmember Schwartzel was contacted by Mrs. Ferd Reiger. The Sundial donated by her has been vandalized for the second time., She would like to contribute a stationary sundial if the City would return the original one to her. Mayor Parks agreed that City Council and staff work with Mrs. Reiger toward replacing, the sundial. STAFF REPORT: City Manager, Mr. Rocken~augh, had nothing further for Council's consideration at thi~ time. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the regular City Council meeting on January 12, 1987, and the special City Council meeting on January 19, 1987, were presented for consideration. Moti on was made by Counci lmember Bryan, seconded by Counci lmember Higley, that the minutes of the regular City Council meeting on January 12, 1987, and the special City Council meeting on January 19, 1987, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None o Special City Council Meeting, February 5,1987 n THE TYPE OF NOTICE TO BE GIVEN; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that Ordinance Number 1278 be adopted on first reading as presented. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None- Councilmembers Voting No: - Councilmembers Absent: None ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before Council at this time and upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 P.M. ;-< I I U a~ (1J...E. udrey ~hOl . City Secretary . " f~ \ I I I I , '------' ~. j ~----..L.-L'~ . L .._ _I . 1-; '~CU-_I--._ 'j.). '(- '.f' --t-, ~ 139 -----'--I~-----.------ I,.~~~~_. _ RHn! n IT 1-r r. If 1!~1 JOINT PUBLIC HEARING ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1987 7:00 P.M. J City Council convened jointly with the Zoning and Planning Commission in the City Hall Council Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Monday, February 9, 1987, with the following members present: Mayor Pro Tern Higley, presiding; Councilmembers Bryan, Schwartzel, and Thompson. Mayor Parks came in late. Zoning and Planning Commission members present were: Reid Wilson. Chairman; Robert Lindsey, Charles M. Lusk, III, Stephen Munisteri, Susan K. Rachlin and George Ruhlen. Buddy Bell came in late. Also present were the City Manager, City Attorney, City Secretary, and the Director of Operations. Mayor Pro Tern Higley delivered the invocation and led the Allegiance to the Flag. Mayor Pro Tern Higley called to order the joint public hearing for the purpose of hearing parties-in-interest and citizen comments in relation to a proposed update to the City's Comprehensive Plan. Mayor Pro Tern Higley asked Zoning and Planning Commission Chairman, Reid Wilson, to make introductory remarks relating to the proposed Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Wilson explained to the audience that the Comprehensive Plan was a document representing the basic theoretical framework around which the Zoning Ordinance language is drafted. The City's existing Comprehensive Plan is a statement of what exists in the City rather than a conceptual statement to serve as a guide for the City's future development. The Zoning and Planning Commission viewed the changing nature of developmental trends in surrounding areas and felt the need to deal with changes to provide protection to West University Place's single family residential character. From this base, Zoning and Planning Commission worked from the theory that the only appropriate location for non-residential land use remains in the peripheral areas and the central downtown of West University Place. The proposed Comprehensive Plan does not in any way expand the non-residential land use-into the single family districts. West University Place is essentially and historically a city of residences, a city of homes, and as such, needs to maintain this predominant character. o Procedural issues were addressed. Mayor Pro Tem Higley requested those who wished to speak to walk to the microphone, state his or her name and address, and then state the comment or question. Copies of the proposed Comprehensive Plan were available to all members of City Council and the Zoning and Planning Commission and 10 a reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens present. Mayor Pro Tem Higley opened the floor for questions. Regular City Council Meeting, January 26, 1987 n U -:itBl'J- ,- (',1 -$ ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before Council at this time, motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that the meeting adjourn. Such moti on carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:51 P.M. II U {n -,,------- L...._.. _ lBil-ID L . 1',-;---- rr- ~ " 1 . f------rl j.~~ HBl SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 5, 1987 .' 7: 00 P. M. ,~ , 1 I I ---' City Council convened in special session in the City Hall Council Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Thursday, February 5, 1987, with the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel and Thompson. Also present were the City Manager, City _S~cretary, and Director of Operations. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mayor Parks invited residents to speak who had matters they wished to bring to the attention of the City Council which had not previously been submitted to the City Manager. There were none present who wished to speak. SPECIAL SESSION RECESSED: Mayor Parks recommended the special session be recessed to go into a workshop session. Motion was made by Councilmember Higley, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that the special session recess at this time and go into the workshop session. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson o c Councilmembers Voting No: None Councilmembers Absent: None SPECIAL SESSION RECONVENED: Immediately following the scheduled workshop session, City Council reconvened in special session with the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel and Thompson. Also present were the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney and the Director of Operations. PUBLIC HEARING CALLED: City Attorney, Jim Dougherty, reviewed portions of the proposed revision of the zoning ordinance. The type of notice and method of publication for the public hearing was discussed. Mayor Parks presented Ordinance Number 1278 and read the caption as follows: AN ORDINANCE CALLING A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND THE CITY COUNCIL IN RELATION TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY; PRESCRIBING Il '-----J Joint Public Hearing and Regular City Council Meeting February 9, 1987 1~1 lit o The following residents commented on the comprehensive plan. Alice Beaver, 6421 Sewanee, asked that consideration be given to changing Section 1-02 (a) to read "The City is historically known as the "City of Homes." Also, that Section 1-02 (b) be changed to read "The City's greatest strength and its most well known characteristic is its aggressive protection of the single family . residential districts by zon'ing, building and related ordinances and other land use polic~es. Kate Thomas, 2720 Werlien, asked for clp.rifications of Section 3-02. PERIPHERAL DEVELOPMENT. She specifically questioned 3-02 (c) "The type of development appropriate to particular portions of the Periphery Corridors related to the nature of development on the opposite side of the Peripheral Street," and (b) "to mitigate these detrimental effects on the City and the Periphery Corridors". Mrs. Thomas felt that Subsection (d) of 3-02 encouraged rezoning by the reference to Planned Development Districts. .1 ,,-----,. 1 i , I \-.-.J Mr. Wilson responded that a Planned Development District is essentially nothing more than a type of zoning which allows some flexibility. To develop a PDD requires notices, hearings, but a PDD is not a tool to change's i ng1 e family res'identi al di stri cts but to allow good development in the commercial districts. Bob Thomas, 2720 Werlien, asked if after the Comprehensive Plan, we would then go into the zoning o.rdinance?Wjll that be an actual graphics plan? George Ruhlen,responded that the Comprehensive Plan was the first step to be accomplished. After that, the Zoning Ordinance revision would be considered. The third item to complete the zoning procedure would bea 'Zoning district map. The zoning map had not been changed. Scott Badger, 6723 Annapolis, expressed his concern that the proposed comprehensive plan would be an encouragement to commercial development rather than a restriction. . (. f ~ r---l I I ) I '--' Stephen Muni'steri' respondedthattheComprehens i ve Pl an was not a change to what is currently zoned in the city. This document will not make any area commercial that is not already commercial and this document will not have any effect on the zoning ordinance. But', what the Comprehensive,Pl1an wilLa llow ,is for the City to have more restrictions in commercial zones than it has now. What we are trying to do with the Comprehensive Plan is, to preserve the security of those people living around commencial districts and protect them from those commercial developments. ,Bert McDaniel, 2733Werlien,expressed.his.question concerning Section 2-01 (a)'and.the reference to'~by public and private investments and improvements". Mr. McDaniel requested clarification of the definition of a Peripheral Street. Also, in III I I I 1'1:1 :., .11 J,.I'.'i'HI.'.'- _ 1--- _.IlrJ i:: U ! I1J I LLJI (;~142 Joint Public Hearing and Regular City Council Meeting February 9, 1987 Section 6-02 and Section 6-03 the Plan stated any "person" could initiate a change in the Comprehensive Plan or City Council may act on its own motion or on the request of any "person". Mr. McDaniel felt person needed a specific definition. Alan Rize, 2727 Werlien, felt the language of the Comprehensive Plan was too loose. It needed tighter definitions which he assumed would be a part of the propbsedzoning ordinance when it was released. ] Mayor Parks came in at this time:. 7:30 P.M. Gene Hines, 3748 Rice Boulevard, asked if this Comprehensive Plan will be adopted at the same time as the zoning. ordinance revision. Mr. Hines was advised that the zoning ordinance revision will be presented subsequently and considered for adoption separately. Dixie Weldon, 2823 University, questioned the word intensity as compared with density. Dr. Arrighi, 3036 Albans, addressed her comments to Section 1-02 (c) and Section 2-01 (b) and the reference to adverse effects of non-residential uses. Dr. Arrighi felt that drainage and light should be considered in those areas adversely effected by non-residential uses. Also, Section 4-01 should list all the buildings operated by the City. o Benjamin Domingo, 2603 Rice Boulevard, expressed concern of what he considered inconsistencies and vague language throughout the Comprehensive Plan. . Bill Finley, 6345 Belmont, urged consideration be given to the "large home-small lot" developments. He felt the proposed Comprehensive Plan would encourage development in the Periphery Corri dors. Diane Dahlem, 6120 Lake, thought periphery Corridor should have the same restrictive language as used in Section 3-01 (b) "the Central Business Distri~t need not, and should not, be expended into adjacent single family residential neighborhoods". Mrs. Dahlem requested more attention be given to precise definitions. Mr. Wilson addressed the audience. He felt the residents were unduly concerned that the zoning had been changed. lhe zoning district map had not been changed. All the Comprehensive Plan proposes-to do is to protect residential areas from what is now zoned something other ~han residential. The question of changing the zoning districts is not before the City Council and Zoning and Planning Commission tonight and will not be at the public hearing J'I scheduled for February 23, 1987. The City needs a Comprehensive Plan, an updated Zoning Ordinance and.a Zoning District Map. Hopefully, when we are through, the City will have some good Joint Public Hearing and Regular City Council Meeting February 9, 1987 S~t43 o zoning rules. We already have a zoning map. The Comprehensive Plan needs to provide flexibility ,for future development but does not deal with specifi~s. There were no further comments or questions offered from the audience. .f! I I LJ Mayor Parks invited comments from the City Council. Councilmember Schwartzel suggested in Article 2-01 (b), that the following sentence be added: Single family uses should be protected from high intensity residential uses and that construction in single family residential districts should be regulated to ensure the health, safety and general welfare of adjoining property owners. Councilmember Schwartzel thought that such a statement would give the Zoning and Planning Commission the ability to create set backs. In Section 3-02 (a), the first line might read: the greatest percentage of commercial-~-add:~--and higher intensity residential zones---toemphasize planning fo~.townhouse development. Subsection (~) of the same Section might be rephrased to read: Known factors that may be relevant in' determining the type of development appropriate at the particular portions of Periphery Corridors are historic uses of property, uses of adjacent residential properties, the size of the property, the ingress and egress to the'prop.erty and other such factors related to the nature of development on th'eopposite side of the street, the traffic flow on the Peripheral Street and any other negative characteristics of the Peripheral Street. Then add a sentence such as: The' expansion 'of commercial development., as opposed to residential developments, all,thoughnotprohibited, should be discouraged. Councilmember Schwartzel thought these changes might help residents feel more comfortable that the City did not plan to commercialize their property, but it would also provide flexibility for the future. Councilmember 'Sryansug'gested' a statement be added that residents are protected from otherre'sidents. Section 6-02: primarily addresses the people who want changes. It eludes the right of the people to protest. Theri'ght,toprotest .doe's exist: and perhaps that fact shoul d be s'tated in 'an appropriate secUon. fl I i I I '--' Mayor Parks suggested that light, air and water drainage be incorporated into la,n appropri:ate ,'se'cti on, of theComprehens i ve Pl an so that, in the finaldocument,.these items are addressed. Mayor Parks also suggested that Periphery Corridors be defined without relating to percentages but state: the quality of the City lying adjacent tothoselstreets as they.n6wexist and: hereafter referred to as Peri phery, Corri dors. De'fi ne' ,Periphery ,Corri dorsas it is now. Mayor Parks suggested that Section 4-01 list other buildings . the City operates. . In Section 3~02(c)delete..thewords lion the opposite side" and use lithe contiguous property". Councilmember Higleysuggested:in Section 1..,02(a) to change "was" to Ilis" andtn'{b) of that same section, change: ~has been" to "is". In Section 2-0l(a), delete the words "by public and private 1L--..J uL. L ..ill ... ____J.._LL . ,_ I 1:':,:';1:'1 Sir.. __ ......~.~.......-l __II"i:::' I II -- IT 11-0 ltill Joint Public Hearing and Regular. City ,Council Meeting February 9, 1987 investments and improvementsll and stop the sentence after the word \.D~ lIenhancedll. Councilmember Higley agreed the Periphery Corridor should be defined as it now exists and in Section 3-02(c), that ' other words should be used other than 1I0pposite sidell and IIrelates toll. Councilmember Thompsqn advised Zoning and Planning Commission and City Council to not get too'restrictive with the Comprehensive Plan. The 1 anguage shou.l d stay. loose and very comprehensive. Mayor Parks thanked the membe'rs of the Zoning and Planning Commission for the fine work they did drafting the Comprehensive Pl an. . Mr. Wilson advised City Council that Zoning and Planning Commission scheduled a meeting subsequent to the Public Hearing. At this ,time, Mr-. ,Wils.on, suggested that ,the, commjssion, convene their meeting in the conference room to review the input from the Public Hearing. At the conclu,sion of .their review, Zoning and Planning Commission would come,.'back to, City Council,during the Regular City Council Session".also scheduled to follow the Public Hearing, with a report and a recommendation. Upon motion duly made, .seconded and carried, Mayor Parks adjourned -the Public Hearing and immediately convened the Regular Session of - City Counci 1 with, the following members present: Mayor Parks, jrU presiding; Councilmember-s. Higley, Br.yan, Schwartzel, Thompson. A 1 so present were the City Manager, City Secretary" Ci ty Attorney and the Director of Operations. . . HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mayor Parks invited residents ,to speak who had matters they wished to bring to the attention of the City Council which had not previously been submitted to the City Manager. Dr. Arrighi, 3036 Albans; addressed City Council concerntng the sundial contributed.to the City in memory of Ferd Rieger. The sundial has been vandalized on several occasions ad this past weekend; it was on the ground aga.i n. Dr. Arri ghi as ked ,i f there needed to be more police patrol at that location. ' Mayor Parks responded that chi ldren move the sundia,l not intending to break it. Mayor ,Parks assured Dr. Arrighi that the City Manager would check to see the police patrol was adequate at that location.. CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to address a -specific agenda item to speak at. this time. There were none present who wished to speak concerning an agenda item. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: No member of City Council suggested removing an item from the consent agenda. o Joint Publ ic Hearing and Regular City Council Meeting February 9, 1987 lHl' [l CONSENT AGENDA: Motion was made by Council member Schwartzel, seconded by CouncilmemberHigley,.that the consent agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Ab~ent: Mayor Parks, Coundlmembers Higley, Bryan, Scl:1wartzel, Thompson None None FEE SCHEDULE: City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, advised City Council that Ordinance Number 1Z79 adopting the Fee Schedule was removed from the agenda. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Mayor Parks postponed presentation of Ordinance Number 1280 until, such time as theZontng and Planning' Commission gave their report to 'City Council later ~during the meeti'ng. FORM OF NonCE: Consi deration was given toOrdi nance Number 1281. Mayor Parks presented the ordinance and read the caption as follows: AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBINGAND~PPROVING THE FORM FOR THE NOTICE OF THE JOINT PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 23,< 1987,'BEFOREiTHE ZONING ANDPLANNTNG ; COMMISSION AND CITY,.COUNCIL;' CONTAINING FINDINGS AND . PROVISIONS RELATED, TO THE SUBJECT AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. I Copies of Ordinance Number 1281', in the form requir:ed for adopti on, were. available to .a:ll: members. of City Counci 1 and a reasonable number of. additional copies available to interested citizens present. n u Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded .by Councilmember Higley,' that Ordinance Number 1281 be adopted 'on first reading as presented. Voting Aye': Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, 'Coun'Ci Imembers Hi gl ey, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None .'.. '. ,.-, ,. '" CLEANING OF 36" SANITARY SEWER OUTFALL LINE ON BROMPTON ROAD: Consideration was given to Change Order No. 1 to the contract for Cleaning of the 36" .Sanitary S:ewerOutfall Line on Brompton Road. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that Change Qrder No.1 in the amount of $23,540.74'to the 'Naylo\'1 Industri es'~':Inc~,: ,contract .be.approved. \1 t n. '------' Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: IL.L:.L L.i_ hil ::::1 l,[ 'i ! ; i:, ( . ; Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwart~el,ThompSon'l ' None None LL_, ~_:(J::r-i' 'aHlII __ ''''''M' f.w I -"':', u IJ' IIU Joint Publ ic Hearing and Regular c:ity Council Meeting February 9, 1987 LEGAL SERVICES: Consideration was given t.o the invoice in the amount .of $6,492.78 submitted far legal services pravided an the City's behalf far the manth .of January 1987. ~ Matian was made by CauncilmemberSchwartzel, secanded by Cauncilmember Bryan, that' the invoice in the amaunt .of $6,492.78 far legal services far the manth .of January 1987 be appraved far payment. Vating Aye: Vating No: Absent: Mayar Parks, Cauncilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thampsan Nane Nane COUNCIL COMMENTS:Cauncilmember Sch~artzel. suggested City Council pursue the issue .of advertising an the water tawer lacated at the Caca Cala Campany. City Cauncil discussed variaus cancerns relatedta the sign an the water tawer. . , Cauncilmember Bryan stated she had heard camments from residents wha did nat have cable TV, but wha had difficulty recelvlng Channe 1 2. . Counci lmember Bryan thaught that perhaps Channel 2 shauld be infarmed .of the 'problem. She suggested the name and address .of QUBE Cable TV Representative, Jim Leach, be printed in the next, issue .of the City ,Currents. Cauncilmember, Bryan asked if there was .a, repart cancerning the .stap sign an Mercer. City Manager, Mr. Rackenbaugh, stated the repart shauld be in City Hall next week. Cauncilmember Bryan suggested staff call Metro and ask far the rautes thraugh West Uni,versity Place be drawn .an the map Metra left far the City's use. Cauncilmember Higley agreed it was a gaad idea and suggested the map be placed in the Cammunity Building. o STAFF REPORTS: City Manager, Mr. Rackenbaugh, had nathing further far Cauncil's cansideratian at this time. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes .of the regular city cauncil meeting an January 26, 1987, were presented far cansideratian. Matian was made by Cauncilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Cauncilmember Thampsan, that the minutes .of the regular city cauncil meeting an January 26, 1987, be appraved as submitted. Vating Aye: Mayar Parks, .Cauncilmembers Higley,' Bryan, Schwartzel, Thampsan Nane Nane Vating Na: Absent: . ., Mayar Parks recessed the regularsessian .of City Cauncil at,,8:50 P.M. and then recanvened the regular sessian at 9:40 P.M. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Members .of. the Zaning and Planning Cammissian o Joint Public Hearing and Regular Cjty Council Meeting February 9, 1987 ttlJ o returned to Council Chamber to report and make-recommendations concerning amendments to the Comprehensive Plan as determined from the comments during the Publk, Hear;f:lg. .i Mr. Wilson presented thefo 11 owing: Section 1-02. GOALS AND",POLICIES. (a) The City is a 1 most completely, dev.e loped, and most of its 1 and area is devoted to single-family residential uses. The City [was] 11 historically known as the IICity of Homes.1I I. '.t (b) The City's greatest strength and, its most well known characteristic [~as ~eeR] is its aggressive protection of the single family residential districts by zoning, building and related ordinances and other land use policies. (c) The City's foremost goal is to protect the integrity of its single family residential ne.ighborhoods and to minimize any adverse [affeets] ,effects of non-res; dent; a 1.; Section 2-01. GENERAL ,POLlCIES. o " (a) Exi sti ng res i,dentialneighborhoods,and;resj dences shou1 d be maintained and protected and, where possible, enhanced. [delete: ~y ~l:I~He aFl8 ~f:tYate :tFlyestIMeRts aFl84IM~feYeIMeFlts] , ., j (b}) I Residential distri'cts:' shou'~'d,-be protected, from, adverse, effects ofnon~resi de'ntiaJ uses:,. Examp~ esof Isuchadverse effects are noise, vibrati on,odor::s ,fumes.,. v~suaJ :intr:'usi ons ,[add : flood; n1, congestion, J vehicular traffic and "spilloverll-park,ingof vehic es. .' I " 'I Secti on 3-01. CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT. (c) Land uses in the; Central Bus,iness-Districtshou1d be, restri ctedto1:ompati b:1 ecommerd al.uses su,ch .as, retai h" banking, grocery stores, restaurants and .serwi ceestab 1 i shments [add:, i.n:tended to orimari1vserve the residents of_the>Citvl. ,Noheavy commercial or industr-,ialdeve1opment of any type. shou1d"be allowed. All u,ses ,s.hould be conisistent with close- proximiity:,:tosingle-'fami,ly residenti.a1 nei ghbor-hoodsand should be, app,ropr.iate1y buffered, screened and regulated as to parking, hetghtand density so as to minimize any detrimental impact on other land uses. See Article II of this Plan. Section 3-02. PERIPHERALDEVELOPMENT~ o ;(a) The greatest percentage of ,commercial [add: and higher density residential] development in the City exi.sts on three major artedalstreets,whkh form the north, east and south boundaries of the City, being Bissonnet Street, Ki,rby Drive and BeHaire (also known as Holcombe )BQulevard I (such.Jstneets '!CO 11 ecti.ve 1y':referred to, as ,the "PeripheralStreetsll). Historically, much of theCity's frontage on these streets has been [delete: ~:tstef:teany] zoned and'used for retail, professional office and light commercial development as well as II i I.; I " h.. _ :1 II H.jjl;.,'j";W'"infIlIj ___ '1 . mr,:m':l " I u ;L!J IIU r ei~ Joint Public Hearing and Regular C.ity Council Meeting February 9, 1987 l ~ (b) The City should consider possible actions which it may take to mitigate these detrimental effects on the City.[delete: Pel":f.~Ae\'lY ~e\'l\'l:i-EJe\'ls] of ( d ) The City shall 1 d ~a ke tap!' ta 1. : i mp ravements wh i c h wi II suppa rt,!l and upgrade development [add: of property adjacent to Peripheral . Streets].,: [delete: :f.R tAe Pe\'l:f.~AeI"Y be\'l\'l:f.Sel" The City should enact '---....i land use policies including Planned Development Districts, which are flexible and realistic to..encourage compatible development. [delete: :f.R tRe Pel":f.~Re\'lY ~el"\'l:f.EJe\'ls] , ' Section 6-02. OTHER REQUESTS. Any [delete: ~eFseR] [add:, resident or property ownerl desiring to i niti ate a change in thi s Pl an may submit a written request to the Zoning & Planning Commission. The .request should specify, the exact language requested to be changed and the exact language, if any, requested ~o be added. The request should include a statement of reasons for the changes and reference materials that might support the changes. The request should also state whether the initiator desires to appear before the Zoning & Planning Commission to discuss the request. Section 6-03. PROCEDURE. If the Zoning & Planning Commission recommends an amendment, it should submit a written report to the City Council. Upon receipt of such report, the City Council should review and carefully consider such report and implement those changes deemed to be in the best interest of the City. The City Council may also act on its own motion or on the I,n request of any [delete: ~eI"SeR] [add: resident or property owner.] I ) '---' Joint Public Hearing and Regular City Council Meeting February 9, 1987 fi'5'1 o After discussion, Mayor Parks presented Ordinance Number 1280 and read the caption as fOllows: . AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT. Moti on was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Counci lmember Higley, that Ordinance Number 1280, adopting the Compreherisive Plan as amended, be accepted on first reading. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None Mayor Parks requested the minutes of tonight's Zoning and Planning Commission meeting be submitted to City Council for inclusion in the record of the Pub lie Head ng. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to c~me before Council at this time; motion was made byCouncilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Thompson, that the meeting adjourn. Su motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M o ad'~,ki., u rey N hols City Secretary o .~- ,--- \ I liel 1- _'n'~--l' 0-1- UJ 111JI SPECIAL CHYCOUNCIL MEETING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1987 4:00 P.M. J ,; '. J', . City Council convened in emergency'special session in the City Hall Conference Room, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Saturday, February 14, 1987, with the following members present: Mayor Parks;: presiding; Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel and Thompson. Dieter Ufer, City's Consulting Engineer, was also present. City Council discussed procedures for the February 23, 1987, public hearing. The proof copy of the zoning district map was reviewed with Mr. Ufer~ . The exhibit handouts were made available to the members of City Council for their review and approval. With no further business to come before City Council, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Mayor Parks declared the meeting adjourned. o Michael L. Parks Mayor o l{Ji!.l o JOINT PUBLIC HEARING ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1987 7:30 P.M. COMMUNITY BUILDING AT THE INTERSECTION OF AUDEN STREET AND RICE BLVD. o Mayor Parks called to order the Joi nt Pub 1 i c Heari ng before the City Council and the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place at 7:30 P.M., February 23, 1987, "in the Community Building located at Auden and Rice Boulevard. The following members of the City Council were present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Counci1members Laura C. Higley, Beth Ann Bryan, C. Boone Schwartze1 and J. B. Thompson. The following members of the Zoning and Planning . Commission were present: Chairman Reid Wilson, Commissioners Charles M. Lusk, III, Buddy Bell, Robert Lindsey, Susan Rachlin, George Ruh1en and Stephen Munisteri who arrived at 7:45 P.M. Mayor Parks announced that the hearing had been called by City Ordinance Number 1278. The purpose of the hearing was to provide an opportunity for parties-in-interest and citizens to be heard in relation to a proposed comprehensive revision of the City's zoning or~nance and an updated zoning district map. Mayor Parks introduced the members of City Counci 1. . Mayor Parks further announced that copies of the proposed zoning ordinance and the zoning district map were available to everyone present. Larger maps were at various places around the room. There was a table in the rear of the room for those wishing,to hring any typographical or grammatical errors to our attention. Red pens were available for that purpose. Also avaii1ablewere comment and question sheets for the use of anyonewho.might wish to submit a written comment or question. Copies of the amended Comprehensive Plan were available. City Council and Zoning and Planning Commission have incorporated many of the comments made during the Public Hearing held for that purpose on Februry 9, 1987. "A television monitor was located in the Loggia area and the Senior Services' Center to accommodate , ithe over:f1ow cr,owd. Those wishing to speak were required to fill out 'a card which was picked up in 'the, aisle and brought-to the CUy Manager. Each ,speaker was initially limited to ,3 minutes,;until everyone!wishing to speak had an opportunity to do so. ,If anyone'had.additiona1.comments, there was offered an opportunity to 'continue after a1Lhad been:heard for the initia13-minute 'period. Mayor Parks invited Chairman Wilson to -make introductory remarks. Chairman Wilson introduced the members of the, ,Zoning, and Planning Commission. o Chairman Wilson stated that Ordinance Number 1278 required that notice of this hearing be given both by 'publishing it in a local paper and by mai 1 i ng to property owners as ] isted on the City's tax rolL Chairman Wilson asked if the publisher's affidavit: and repo'rts from City staff 1.L..-,-,__l_.J.~L_.~_ _ _ _ __;_L.L________~_~[ ;";,! ";-,IBhllll___ T'----'~~---. m.__ J _ ~ l.u"'. j ,-~ . .r~-- - rI - 1. T -r----,r I I,t ~. Joint Public Hearing, February 23, 1987 members, showing that the required notices were given, were available for inspection. lJ The City Secretary responded that on the table were both a publisher's affidavit and reports from City staff members showing that the required notices were given. There was also an extra copy of Ordinance Number 1278 on the table. Chairman Wilson acknowledged the affidavit and reports and stated the documents were to become a part of the record of the Public Hearing. Mayor Parks introduced the proposed zoning ordinance and update of the zoning district map by relating that the present zoning ordinance was 50 years old. Early in the current administration of this City Council, the Zoning and Planning Commission was asked to review the zoning ordinance. Later the City was asked to consider a rezoning to build a multi-story retirement home at the JMH #3 store location. Members of the Long Range Planning Committee, chaired by Louis Sklar, reviewed the zoning ordinance. One of their members, Mark Spradling, actually submitted the first draft of the zoning revisions to the Zoning and Planning Commission. Mayor Parks described the existing and proposed maps and mentioned that if any errors were made in a particular area, the land use will revert to single family residential. That fact was defined as a protective provision stated in the proposed zoning ordinance. Mayor Parks turned ',iIJ the microphone over to Chairman Wilson. Chairman Wilson addressed the audience. City Council and Zoning and Planning Commission requested the residents and parties-in-interest take a comprehensive view of the existing zoning ordinance. The last major revisions were in the townhouse districts. The need for the update of the map became apparent with the JMH rezoning request. Fortunately the City was protected from the proposed multi-level development. That particular rezoning request was withdrawn because of public protests. After that time, Zoning and Planning Commission studied the commercial areas. The Commission drafted proposed amendments to the commercial zoning districts; held public hearings; incorporated citizen input from that public hearing in the proposed commercial draft; and recommended the proposed ordinance to the City Council. City Council, by ordinance, adopted the commercial zoning revision which was brought forward, in its entirety, into the draft before us tonight. We have tried not to change anything. However, light, air and space requirements have been increased and the only way to accomplish that was to increase the setbacks. The Commission's goal was to generally update the zoning ordinance so that it would be defensible in the courts. Zoning ordinances from other cities were studied. At this time, Chairman Wilson reviewed the zoning map, as follows: The City is zoned into two single family residential districts. The white area on the map is designated as SF1 district in which o Joint Public Hearing, February 23,1987 ..~.".........t ~ , I i I o any kind of exterior construction material may be used. The blue area is designated as SF2 district in which 51% of> the exterior is required to be brick, brick veneer or stone. Both of these districts are identical under the old and new ordinance. The following Townhouse Districts as shown on the map were enacted by ordinances in 1973: Bellaire Townhouse District 1 Kirby Drive Townhouse District 2 Browning Townhouse District 3 Weslayan Townhouse District 4 Bissonnet Townhouse District 5 Ruskin Townhouse District 6 Mercer Townhouse District 7 The General Townhouse District on Bissonnet was enacted in 1966. n LJ All of these districts were brought forward. The Comme,rcial: Di stri ct'i sthe same office dj strict on Bell ai re whi ch was 'enacted in 1968. The JMH#3commerc i a 1 area, the Downtown, the commercial on Kirby and Bissonnet have been designated as such since 1937. Ii I ! I i LJ Any areai n the City not zoned 'commercial, townhouse~, O.r another particular zoning, 'revert to slngle family. Single family residential shoulc;l always be the City's dominant character. This joint pubHc hearing held before Zoning 'and Planning Commission and City Gountil was} caJled by. Ordinance Number 1278 for the purpose to provide an opportunity for parties in interest and citizens to be he'ard in.relation to, the proposed comprehensive revision of the City's zoning ordinance and an updated zoning district map. Noticeof:the'public hearing was mailed to each property owner listed on the City's tax roll and'published in the paper, all in accordance with Ordinance Number 1278. The documents certifying compliance with the notice requirements of Ordinance Number 1278 wi:lll become part of the official record of th is Pu.b li c Hea ri ng. After this Public Hearing, the Zoning and Planning Commission will have meetings, open to the pub 1 ie, weekly. :on Thursday nights. We anticipate making changes.to the ordinance as heeded. After the revision is completed, the Commission will submit a report and make a recommendation to the City Council. It wi 11 be on the City ac==....l ..l. ..L ____ ~....J..;,.,Jk__ ~l .,...,_..-..".."..- -- .-,------,,---~---,--------.,.-c-,-~._---~ r _. lIImI~! 1- . II I -.-- 1 I I I I. I 11 l~..trr t;. ~~'J ~~.. Joint Public Hearing, February 23, 1987 Council agenda for two meetings and two readings. At this time, Chairman Wilson opened the' floor for questions and comments. R. E. Thornton, 3929 Milton, wanted to know if the residential areas were really protected from commercial development. Also, he noticed commercial restrictions against mirrored walls. Mr. Thornton wanted to know if the restriction applied to mirrored windows. --I u Dixie Weldon, 3834 U~iversity Blvd., referred to the Comprehensive Plan, Article'2.01 General Polices, subparagraph (a) and the reference to the existing residential neighborhoods and residences should be "enhanced". Mrs. Weldon wanted to know if the word enhanced meant increased in value to raise taxes. Senior citizens can not keep up with constant improvements to their homes. Will the senior citizen houses be condemned. Mayor Parks responded that it was not the intention of the Comprehensive Plan or the City Council. Mrs. Weldon requested a light at the intersection of University Blvd. and Edloe. Also, Section 3.02 of the Comprehensive Plan addressed Peripheral Development. Mrs. Weldon suggested that area be patrolled in an effort to keep any unlawful element out of the City. . J Richard Popham, 5321 Sewanee, addressed Special Screens, page 38, and suggested the same- language be included in residential zoning distri-cts since schools and municipal buildings may be allowed in single family districts. ' Those structures are likely to use loading docks or waste storage areas. Dorothy Rieger, 6516 Brompton, stated she approved of the setback requirements with the exception for big lots. She felt it was not-fair to have to sacrifice open area to a neighbor because a person owns a large lot. Also, Mrs. Rieger asked for consideration be given to the small lots to not allow two~story garag~s. The Side Lot Setback Schedule Exception, page 1: the side street (corner lot) - she did not understand the distance from the street. It seemed hazardous.; Joan McCay, 3029 Carnegie, commended the Zoning and Planning Commi ss i on for thei r work on the ordi nance. - However, she thought the ordinance lacked a citation and strong fine clauses for enforcement purposes. Page 8(4) Signs: signs should be placed back inside the property line. Page 19, Article 10: add noise limitation Page 20, Parking Page 26, PNC: when does it apply? at sale of the property? Page 31 and Page 33, Home occupation: you mean residents - needs clarification Page 3, Schedule PDD-THl:questioned drainage facility J Joint Public Hearing, February 23, 1987 l~i.r i jl o Counci1member Schwartze1 responded that drainage was addressed separately and not included in the zoning ordinance. Courtyard: should address'pervious material requirement Definition of pervious material: something that contains water Art Hi rd1 er, 6416 Communi ty, brought a 1 i s t of proposed' amendments which included grammatical corrections. He requested permission to pass the list to, the City. Council and Zoning and Planning Commission and to the audience at random. Permission was granted. Mr. Hird1er requested to r,eturn later to discuss the amendments. ,---., I i ! I Li Richard Carlson, 3926 Marquette, asked w~at changes had been made to the old ordinance and requested a copy of the old ordinance. Chairman Wilson responded that th~re were no significant changes but because the current zoningordi nance had not be,enupdated for so long, the format is different in the proposed ordinance. All the concepts ~re the same with the exception of side setbacks. The other regulations, now considered standard, were not in our old ordinance. Mr. Carlson was advised the old ordinance was available at City Hall. Sterling Minor, 4112 Coleridge, a member of Zoning Board of Adjustment, requested consideration be given to'setbacks on corner lots. He thought the reference tor.ear10t;side,ilot. line was confusing. Mr. Ni nor' suggested IIcorner1 ot" 'be' addressed on page 6 of the ordinance and that a better definition of "estab1ished bui1d'ing 1 i nell be provided.. Nancy Bell, 3730 Nottingham, a$ked for clarification of side setbacks. If someone .has purchased a wide lot, they should not be penalized because they have a larger house. Mrs. Bell thought setbacks shou1d.be'equ:a1 ~,"ATso, on page 6,: bu'i1ding site and :adjacent i10ts:ihow will they be treated if individually .platted? Commissioner Lindsey responded that if the lots are on the zoning map platted separately, they are individual lots. Jim McPhail, 3221 Amherst, minister of West ,University, Methodist Church, thought that on Page 4, Article 7, Residential Districts (iii) churches should be listed. Churches provide civic services. ,The Methodist Church is landlocked. There. may be 'sometime in ithe'future that the church may want to expand their grounds. Joy DeLaveaga, 3317 Robi,nhood, wanted to thank the Zoni ng and Planning Commission for theiinew ordinance. Itis somethi,ng the City needed and I 'want to thank them for doing such a good job. Diane Dahlem, 6120 Lake, thought the Zoning and Planning Commission had done a superb job. She had a question concerning Ii I ! ! I 1,----, III ' i I I ; 1'1 II jli1~_ '--' u._ ..1 __ BRI' II', . I .-.. r.-:---' Fj-- - Tl-r--II I I f ~f' l'nw J, Joint Public Hearing, February,23, 1987 . . the purpose of having two, single, family districts. She felt that requiring 51% brick in one area would split theCi.ty into two groups. Mrs. Dahlem also had a question concerning prior non- conformities. She and her hus'band have a structure 'not completed and will not be completed within. the 180 ,days allowed under Section 12-102 (b). Also, the 5 foot setback requirement presented a problem for them. :-1 I I : I ------.J : I ". -. f-,..! Mrs.J. H. Barry; 3035 Nottingham,sa,id she had lived in West University Place since., 1940... She thought the new ordinance would change a City of Homes to aCHy of "f,ownhouses. She wanted no more townhouses. Mrs. Barry also requested a noise ordinance. Whitt Johnson, 3216 Nottingham, felt change was inevitable. Each time there was a'change; it seemed to him to reflect the i:nterpretation of ,the one who::wrote;the change. Who is going to interpret the zoning ordinance on a day-to-day basis? Mr. Johnson . felt that, an ordinance. was no stronger than the abil ity to enforce it. Also, he thought Article 12,- Prior Non-Conformities"was difficult to understand and, ambiguous. Gene Hines, 3748 Rice Blvd., thought Zoning and Planning ,had done a fine job. His question was generally on the map concerning the parking area north of the Cellar Door. He thought consideration should be given to creating a category of "Parking Only'" areas.. On Page 6, ,Building:.Sites, the. deviation to. a T, mi nimum depth of 110 feet was unwi see On Page 7, Trees: Mr. I I Hines thought this section went beyond the issue of zoning. It ~ would be an imposition'on the~citizen to appear before the Zoning Board of Adjustment concerning trees. Emergency si,tuati ons needed to be addressed. A request for "exper,t testimony" requi res me to spend money for the expert's testimony. Page 8, Driveway placement,(ii and iii):Mr. Hines thought to be unnecessary. Does Page 8, Signs, preclude the'use of seasonal greetings, and if so, who will enforce, it.' If,it is to be allowed, itshou,ld be speci fi cally addressed.' Fi fty-onepercent bri ck requi rement should be done away with. P.age 17, .Building Materials, who decides what is equal grade and quality? R.. D. .Walker, 6008 Kirby Drive, lives 'in the Kirby Drive Townhouse. What can develop on a 50 foot lot? Mr. Walker did not understand the setback requirement on his lot., Chairman Wilson stated that the restrictions in the Townhouse :Districton Kirby Driv.e have existed since 1973. The restrictions were carried forward and were considered to be reasonable. Frank Billings, 3123 Sunset, expressed his concern about prior : non-conformities whether there. was enough protection on side setbacks for those who have lived here 40 years. Mr. Billings did :i~ I not understand the special exception provision. A special ~ exception is established by ordinance. If a person meet$ those Joint Public Hearing, February 23, 1987 1~~1-.. :Fe;, . I '1 o requirements, those peop1e'can tome before Zoning Board of Adjustment? Chairman Wilson stated the special' exception clause provided some flexibility in the ordinance itself, rather than arbitrary, there was provided a hearing before the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Mayor Parks recommended Zoning Board of Adjustment and Zoning and Planning Commission meet together to discuss enforcement of the ordinance. Mr. Billings expressed concerns about the side setback lines and . fe'lt they pen a 1 i zed the owners of larger lots. A1 so, Mr. Bill i ngs thought IIqua1ified treell needed to be modified. He thought the requirement that 60% of the front yard must be unoccupied was confusing. John L. Maneval, 2723 Centenary, found problems with the SF2 district. There would be loss of va1~e not being able to build 44 foot wide. He suggested a comparison 7-1~0 (e) (i), (iii) to 5 foot gap in the Townhouse ,District. Lots on Community have a 30 foot pipeline easement in the rear yards. Mr. Maneval suggested to define Building'Site to exclude pipeline easement. o Chairman Wilson agreed.Zoning and Planning Commission would review that section. Suzanne Street,' 3106" Robfnhood ,. thoughtgarage!,apartments should be zoned out before the 20 years provided in the proposed ordinance. Paul Daig:1e,: 4203 S. Judson, 'stated, he, was aigatnst aCHy of brick monoliths. People are concerned be.cause ofs.ide setbacks which helps create a town of mega townhouses. The personality in the design of 'exis,ting:\homes' are proportionate with the lot size. Article 7 (e) (3) requires at least 40 percent of.each building site must be open area. Is the requirement the same for a single story house as a two story? Might .consider 1es,s setbacks for single story houses;' ,.On Page 25, Section 11-10;2, Variances: those residents within the 200 foot notice requirements would benefit if they received a copy of the site plan along with the notice. " . Helen Gorman, 6545 Westchester, thought front garages took too much 'space .'She ;thought 'dri veways shou1 d goa 11 the way ,to the back. Ms. Gorman thought a\two-story"house ,should ;havemore open space. ,i i: j I! I i L Lawrence Dickerson, 4116 Co1eridge~ bought a larger lot. He was against the 25 foot height for other structure and suggested 20 height requirement. See Section 24 (6) and Section 26. , . H. M. Jones, 3502 Cason, against monoliths and liked the differences in the housing construction. Mr. Jones was against I': ; ~ i ~_I~L_L-,-__________---,-~ _ ____.._____....:.....:.:..1.___.1..L ._ I ,'i::ftJllII'_I_,_." ---rl~--' __ ..It'ill ) II I, -III I 1-"" ef~8 Joint Public Hearing, February 23, 1987 the 51% brick requirement because of the availability of,new building materials such as ceramic coated steel. Why not mirrored glass in commercial district construction? Commissioner Lusk responded that,mirrored glass generates heat onto, adj acent property' owners. " ~ i I ------! Drane Dahlem, '6120 Lake, ,askedr,why gravel was not considered pervious material and thought the definitio~ on Page 35 needed to be rewritten. Peter' Elsiks, 2909 Bissnnnet, does- not consider a: townhouse a necessary evil. He lives in -a townhouse and considers it his home. The Townhouse Sections-transition feature requi're an 8 foot fence or wa11~ His townhouse-complex :Has such a fence~ - .Now the fence needs repairing and the townhouse residents are required to repair it for the benefit of the residents behind the townhouse. He' feers'like a second,'c1ass:'citizen. 'Who is responsible for putting up the fence? . C1araAl ice' Beaver, 642t Sewanee,-stated' that West University Place is not River Oaks. ':Our' City' i.s-.not exc1u:sive, but: inclusive. Should go'ver-rimentperpetuate 51% exterior brick requirement? Fire considerations can be addressed other ways. The zoning ordinance shb~ld inc1ud~'other matetia1s. Tom Nichols, 2725 Centenary, was in favor of the 5 foot setback. H~ liked the qualified, tfee requirement. Can there be a, provision to trade off an increase in setback for-an increase of height to allow for creative architectural development? ] Gerald, Pfeffer, 5819:Annapo1is, was against the -5 foot setback. He thought theincreas'ed side setback destroyed architectural creativity. Driveway,'requirement 'Aeeded to be modified for corner lots. Off-street parking requirement makes owner pave most of Ms~~~ ' , Art Whi~mer, 6709 Westchester, thought that wider setbacks , tJ wi 11 hutt property va1\ues. Tree restri cti on wi 11 hurt property V. a l"~s " - -. -'.,j '~,- ~. 'v" ". . '$'~ , Chairman Wilson advised that the restriction on taking down trees refers to only trees in the front yard. .1; , C1etus 'J. Wark, 6714 Rutgers, :asked -if,iexisting garage apartments were being zoned out. Janet Marc1ay, 3902 Amherst, wanted to know under what conditions she could construct' a garage apartment. Joan McCay, 3029 Carnegie, asked if the projection prohibition applied to the second story and if the second story could extend out over'a setback 1ine~ ] Joint Public Hearing, February 21, 1987 a~~9 D Art Hirdler, requested his written comments previously submitted during the Public Hearing be considered. . Chairman Reid Wilson stated that the written comments submitted by Mr. Hirdler would become part of the official record of the Pub 1 i c Heari ng. Chairman Wilson stated that the Tom Northrup Report was submitted to become part of the official record of the Public Hearing. With no persons wishing to make further comments or questions, motion. was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that the Public Hearing be adjourned, that all of the staff reports, tapes, maps, written comments and questions received, the report submitted by Northup and Associates and all material considered at the hearing be made a part of the record of this hearing. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Br.yan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None n I I i '----.f Motion was then made by Commissioner Li ndsey, seconded by Commissioner Lusk, that the Public Hearing be adjourned, that all of the staff reports, tapes, maps, written comments and questions received, the rep.ort . submitted by Northup. and. Associates and all material conside.red at the hearing be made a part of the record of this hearing. Commi ssioners Voting ,No: Commissioners Absent: . Chairman Wil son, Cornmi ss i oners Lusk, Bell, Lindsey, Munisteri, Rachlin, Ruhlen None .:None Commissioners Voting Aye: c;lJv~U Auarey N ho 1 City Sec etary :} n , ! i I i I L __ -.st-- . l'l ., 11 - - ---rT-~ - n-T~ ~>"> .:;, -;-'" . , , j REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEET! NG ,FEBRUARY 23;.19.87 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE JOINT PUBLIC HEARING '---' City Council convened in regular session in the Community Building at the intersection of A~den Street and Rice Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Monday-, February 23, 1987, with the following member.s pr-esent:Mayor Parks,. presjding;'Councilmembers Higley., Bryan, Schwartzel and Thompson. Also present were the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney and Director of Operations. CITIZEN RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS,:. There were none present who wished to speak. ' . . ITEMS TO BE ,REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT,AGENDA:No member of City Council suggested removing an item from the consent agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion was made by Councilmember Higley, seconded by CounC'i lmember Bryan, that the consent ,agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendation. Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Coundlmembers Higley" Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson Voting No: None; ,- Absent: , None, ] FEE SCHEDULE: Consideration was given: to Ordinance Number 1279. Mayor:' P.arks presented' the ,ordinance .and read the capti on as fo 11 ows: AN ORDINANCE ESTABLI'SHING AND REESTABLISHING FEES AND CHARGES FOR ACTIVIJIES,GOOD~ AND SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE CITY; CONTAINING A PROVISION TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO ESTABLISH FEES AND CHARGES IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. Copies of Ordinance Number 1279, in the form required for adoption, were available to all members of City Council and a reasonable number ot additional copies available to interested citizens present. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan that Ordinance Number 1279 be adopted as presented on first and final reading. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: -!: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley., Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None o Regular City Council Meeting, February 23, 1987 o\1f1 o COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Consideration was given to the second, but not final reading of Ordinance Number 1280 adopting the Comprehensive Plan as the plan was amended on first reading after the public hearing held February 9, 1987. Copies of the amended Comprehensive Plan and Ordinance Number 1280, in the form required for adoption, were available to all members of City Council and a reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens present. Councilmember Bryan offered the following amendment to the Comprehensive Plan: Section 3-02. PERIPHERAL DEVELOPMENT: combine paragraphs (a) and (b) and reletter the following paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that the amendment be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan as proposed.' Voting Aye: o Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel,' Thompson None None' Councilmember Bryan offered the following amendment to the " . Corriprehens iVe Plan: Section 4-01. GENERAL POLICY: delete the word cit~ in the next to last sentence of that paragraph so that t e sentence will read liThe, City shoul dconti nue to support thei r existence as facilities primarily serving the citizens of the City but also regulate any adve'rs'e effects on single-family residential neighborhoods." Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that Section 4-01. GENERAL POLICY, be amended as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None Motion.wasmade by Counc:ilmember.Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that City Council readopt the Comprehensive Plan as amended on second~ but not final, reading. o Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: ILl I. L-1_ .n'.L II Ld Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None ; L_.:..:____:L :'ihii -~%Wl--~ .......~~ _'111",1 u IW I LLJI 1~.t Regular City Council Meeting, February 23,'1987 ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR VARIOUS UTILITY RELATING PROJECTS: Consfderationwas given to the invoices submitted by Langford Engineering Inc., for engineering servfces on various utility related projects for a total amount due of $24,179.56 as follows: (a) Invoice in the amount of $88.66 for Water Line Replacement Priority Area No.1, Pemberton and Belle Couri Subdivisions' ' I ~ (b) Invoice in the amount. of $298.96 for Cleaning of the 36" Sanitary Sewer Outfall Line on Brompton Road (c) Invoice in the amount of $5,418.17 for Priority Area No. 1 Phase 1 Sanitary Sewer, West University 1st Subdivision (d) Invoice in the amount of $134.75 for Water Line Replacement Priority Area No.2, Rice Court & Monticello Subdivisions (e) Invoice in the amount of $2,072.50 for Sanitary Sewer Renovation Master Plan (f) Invoice in the amount of $4,666.50 for Priority Area No. 1 Phase 2 Sanitar~ Sewer, West University 1st Subdivision (g) Invoice in the amount of $4,894.40 for Priority Area NO'l] I 2 Sanitary Sewer, College Court Subdivision (h) Invoice in the amount of $5,915.88 for Priority Area No. 7, College Court Subdivision (i) Invoice in the amount of $689.74 for Priority Area No.1 Water, Pemberton and Belle Court Subdivisions Motion was made by Councilmember Higley, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, .that the invoices submitted by Langford Engineering Inc., be approved for payment as listed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None SURVEY SERVICES FOR A UTILITY RELATED PROJECT: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $400.00 submitted by Topo Co., Inc., for their services in conjunction with Priority Area No. 1 Phase 1 Sanitary Sewer, West University 1st Subdivision. Motion was made by Councilmember Higley, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that the invoice in the amount of $400.00 submitted by III-l Topo Co., Inc., be approved for payment. ~ Regular City Council Meeting, February 23, 1987 o Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor :Parks, Counci lmembers Higley_, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None PRIORITY AREA NO. 1 PHASE 1 SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION: Consideration was given to the Monthly Esti!1late No. 1 in the amount of $164,969.39 for work performed through January 31, 1987, and Change Order No. 3inthe'amoun-t o"f $27 ,300.00 submitted by Whitelak, Inc., for construction of Phase 1, Priority Area No.1 Sanitary Sewer Renovation Project, West University 1st Subdivision. Motion was made by Councilmember Higley, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that the invoice in the amount of $164',969.39 submitted by Whitelak; Inc., be -approved for payment and that Change Order No.3 in the amount of $27,300.00 be approved as an addition to the Whitelak Inc., contract. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None 1 L CONSTRUCTION OF CLEANING 36" SANITARY SEWER OUTFALL LINE ON BROMPTON ROAD: Consideration was given to Monthly Estimate No. 2 in the - amount of $80,885.52 submitted by Naylor Industries, Inc-., for work performed on the Cleaning of the 36" Sanitary Sewer Outfall Line and to change Order No. 1 in the amount of $800.00~ Motion was made by Councilmember Higley, seconded by CounciJmember Bryan, that the invoice in the amount of $80,885.52 submitted by Naylor Industries, Inc., be approved for payment and Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $800.00 be approved as an addition to the total contract amount. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None WATER LINE REPLACEMENT PRIORITY AREA NO.1: Consideration was given to the Monthly Estimate No.3 in the amount of $63,382.16 submitted by Ella Contracting, Inc., for work performed through January 31, 1987, on the Water Line Replacement Project Priority Area No.1, Pemberton and Belle Court Subdivisions. Motion was made by Councilmember Higley, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that Monthly Estimate No.3 in the amount of $63,382.16 submitted by Ella Contracting, Inc., be approved for payment. o Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None Voting No: Absent: tL.l...:..L.i_LL.__~_---....--.l.J_.i;_L____._ 1 11__n_ -I 'q:j~liml!ll-_' .. .'n _ .010'_". 1....ri..b3f.' '~~JL --; --~ d1H4 . .....e. :;! I II ---1J IIU Regular City Council Meeting, February 23,1987 COUNC-r L COMMENTS: . No further comments were offered by members of City Council. STAFF REPORT: City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, had nothing further for Council's consideration at this time. ADJOURNMENT:. Motion was made by Councilnieniber Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that, the meeting adjourn. Such motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 10:25 P.M. {)n . ('\\ .0 CJ ~ IM~ Mayor ~~~~ Audrey c 01 City Se etary I ~ I] U o 1f\W:5 o REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 9, 1987 7:30 P.M. City Council convened in regular session in the City Hall Council Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Monday, March 9, 1987, with the following members present: Mayor Parks, presidiJ\g; Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel and Thompson. . Al,snresent were the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorn~y .and~he Dir~ctor of Operations. Mayor Parks delivered the invo~tior.l.. "led ttt~t Allegiance to the Flag. Mayor Parks introduced Ashley Viney and recognized her as a representative from the Baylor University Internship Program which provides an undergraduate student the opportunity to visit an office to gain operational information. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mayor Parks invited residents to speak who had matters they wished to bring to the attention of the City Council which had not previously been submitted to the City Manager. o There were none present who wished to speak. CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to address a specific agenda item to speak at this time. There were none present who wished to speak concerning an agenda item . ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: No member of City Council suggested removing an item from the consent agenda. " CONSENT AGENDA: Motion was made byCouncilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that the consent agenda be approved in accordance wi th ' staff ,recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor:)Pa!rks, .Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None SWIMMING POOL REQUIREMENTS: Consideration was given to a motion expressing the sense of City Council with respect to a proposed amendment to the Swimming Pool Ordinance. o Motion was made by Councilmember Higl~y, seconded byCouncilmember Schwartzel, to declare the sense of the Council as follows: (1) The City Council has carefully considered the amendment to the Code of Ordinances proposed by Mr. Scott Dayan - l.L.......l....---Ll , -Lil. I[ _I l",>~'~"n'l~;\~._t-- ~..~ ''''''''---'--'-1-'.','. ! I _._lt1jl JiJlJIl !,. I u u :IU I~ --~.~.~n \~ Regular City Council Meeting, March 9, 1987 to allow a cover in lieu of a fence for swimming pools or spas. i-I '----1 (2) The City Council is of the oplnlon that such an amendment is not in the best interest of the City and its res i dents. (3) The Council respectfully declines to pursue such an amendment further. (4) The City Council is further of the opinion that no such proposal will become effective unless the City Council votes to amend the Code of Ordinances, so further consideration of the proposal by the Zoning and Planning Commission or the Zoning Board of Adjustment will be futil e. (5) The City Council thanks Mr. Dayan for taking the time to bring this matter to the attention of the Council; and further, that Mr. Dayan be notified of the contents of this motion. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None o FENCE RESTRICTIONS: Consideration was given to expressing the sense of Council with respect to a proposed amendment to the Fence Ordinance. Mr. Bob Spagna, construction contractor for the residence at 3402 Tangley, requested Council's consideration to the brick fence built erroneously ten inches over the maximum height allowance provided by the City's fence ordinance. Councilmember Bryan asked if it were a fence or a wall? Mr. Spagna replied it was a fence. Councilmember Bryan stated because of the design on the brick, she did not recommend requiring the fence height to be dropped as much as ten inches. Councilmember Higley stated that the fence did not strike her as a fence. It looked like an extension of the wall. In this case it did not seem to have a detrimental effect. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that City Council allow the contractor to leave the fence as it is, over the eight foot maximum height allowed by the fence ordinance. J1 Regular City Council Meeting, March 9, 1987 ....J... '~.~7 .~ o The City Attorney asked if Council wished to amend the ordinance to allow the exception. There was no variance provision in the fence ordinance. Council could establish a procedure to handle future exceptions, but at the present time, such a procedure did not exist. Councilmember Thompson recommended City Council look at the case very carefully and recommended the ordinance not be amended. Councilmember Bryan asked if the fence were actually a wall, would there be any recourse for Council's consideration. The City Attorney advised that he thought the treatment under the ordinance would be the same whether it was a wall or a fence. Staff has been working on establishing a General Appeals Board to handle administrative appeals for regulatory ordinances outside the zoning ordinance. Councilmember Bryan withdrew her motion rather than amend the fence ordinance. Councilmember Higley withdrew her second. The City Manager advised Council that staff would continue working on establ is.hing a 'Genera,l App'eals .Board. o Councilmember Thompson moved to declare the sense of City Council to be that the proposal of Mr. Robert Spagna to allow a fence taller than the current limit of eight feet had been carefully considered; the, Ci;ty Counc;,' was of the optnton that such action was not in the best interest of the City and its residents; that Council could not grant any sort of relief under the existing ordinance and respectfully declined to pursue such action further; that the fence at 3402 Tangley be reduced to eight feet. Councilmember Schwartzel seconded the motion. Voting-Aye: , Voting No :, Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Schwartze 1, Thomps'on - Counci lmemberBryan '; : None" '" CORONDO COURT: Mayor Parks recognized Alan Gerger representing the Corondo Court restdents~~request~o paveCorond6 Court. Ii i I I I U Mr. Alan Gerger, 3615:Corolldo Cour.t~ stated that other members tif the Corondo Court Commi tteewere present to offer a proposal on paving Corondo Court. Approximately a week ago, Councilmember Schwartzel, City Manager"Mr. Rockenbaugh, and Director of Operations, Mr. Cooper, held an informal meeting. As a result the property owners in the 3600 block of Corondo Court offer a proposal that will hopefully be satisfactory to the City. >"1 liThe City has (a) requested property owners on the north side of Corondo Court to, grant the city a permanent five-foot utility easement, where none exists now, to facilitate water line replacement, and (b) the street has never been properly paved .I.L....L..: I 'L I ,LL...~1 u..: I i-_'l,f ;Jitli:i!ill-'-_ "1"'-.. I I. .--.. 1l!Ifi-il" . , 1'--- II I I 1'1 I I I I( .,,~t l~~(Y Regular City Council Meeting, March 9, 1987 which has resulted in the worst combination of drainage and street conditions in the City. As a result of these unique circumstances the undersigned owners (representing 100% of the 3600 block of Corondo Court) make the following proposal for the Corondo Court Street Paving Project: 1. The property owners woul d pay, in proporti on to thei r linear frontage on the Corondo Court street, two-thirds (2/3) of the total cost of the street construction, up to a maximum $25,135.00 total street cost. '-I I i L-.J 2. Of the amount owed by the property owners, at least fifty percent (50%) of the cost specified in Paragraph #1 (adjusted proportionately to any changes in the estimated $25,135.00 street cost), would be paid in cash at the commencement of construction by the property owners as a group. 3. Of the amount remaining unpaid by each owner, that owner will give the city a voluntary lien on his property to . secure payment of .th~ Ullpa i d balance. The unpa i d balance would be repaid over five years with interest accruing at 7% simple interest. :1 lJ 4. The property owners on the north side of Corondo Court would voluntarily give the City a permanent five foot utility easement along the front of his property without charge. 5. The property owners would pay, as required, up to $150.00 for repair of single lane driveway and $300.00 for double driveway to tie into the new street. 6. All the property owners would give a five foot temporary construction easement on each side of the street for construction of the street. 7. The City would agree to start construction of a concrete street with curbs, a level. intersection with Mercer Street and two storm sewer catch basins at the west end of Corondo Court immediately upon completion of the sewer work on Corondo Court (estimated to be June 1987) If this proposal is agreeable to. the City, please so notify the property owners and prepare the necessary papers for our review and execution. II The residents on the north side of Corondo Court will grant a permanent easement for the water line. All the property owners have signed with the exception of one, but she has agreed to sign. ,n U Regular City CDuncil Meeting, March 9, 1987 ~~~#. n . I u The 'prDperty Dwners requested SDme sDrt of mechanism to' select the design Df the street. They are cDncerned that the existing drainage patterns be maintained frDm CorDndD CDurt DntD Mercer to' the catch basins Qn CasQn. Our concern is to' nQt drain Mercer to CDrDndQ CDurt. Mr. Gerger presented the prQPDsal signed by the prQperty Qwners fQr CQuncil's cQnsideratiDn. CQuncilmember Schwartzel stated that their prQPQsal is atypical frQm the standard paving agreement in that nDrmally 100% of the paving CDStS CQme' frQm the' prQperty Qwners. But CQrQndD CQurt is different in several respects in that the street was fully cQnstructed. HQwever, what differentiates it mQst frQm Qther paving prDjects is that the city wi 11 'get a permanent easement fDr the water line. There WQuld be SQme cQnsideratiQn ~Q the City whichfs nDt standard in'Qther paving agreements. The City's CQnsulting Engineer advised that if the City dQes nQt have the water easement, the City CDuld CDnstruct the water line in the right Dfway with the sewer line. MaYQr Parks agreed there WQuld be a benefit to' the City as well as to' the hQmeDWners. n I i \---1 . . CQuncilmember ThDmpSQn thDUght that when the City cDmpleted paving prQjects in the 1970's, the CQstwas divided Qne-third, Dne-third, and Dne~third. CQuncilmember Schwartzel said he understDDd that the City nDrmally picks up the engineering cQstsand 'costsQf .the :intersectiQns. That fDrmula grew Qut Dfthe'cDst Df the City's pDrtiQn Qf the nQrma 1 cQnstructi Qn in that:c-ase ,'but i n. mQst~ i-nstances, the fDrmula is nQt Dne-third, Dne-third, and Dne-third. One thing the prQ'posal may need: to' clarify ,is whether the, hQmeQwners I tWQ-thirds is tWD...thirds Qf thetDtaJ. CDstS including curbs, gutters, engineering and the intersectiDn. Mr. Gerger resPQnded that the number estimated at the meeting was $25,130.00 cQnstr.uctiDn co:sts'~,The ,idea prDpDsedby the City at the meeting was that the City WQuld pay an estimated $2 ,570 .OO~ CDrondD CDurt's propDsa'lincludes.that -$2.,570.00, Dr the tQtal CDStS Qfstr~et cQnstructiQn. CQuncilmember Bryan que:s'tiQ'ned :hQwthe liens ,we're attached. DQes it becDme a lien Dn theprQperty,when the hDuse is sDld and the City wDuld fund that one-third until the time the prQperty is sold? ' . , Mr. Gerger stated that the unpaid balance (referring the the lien) wDuld:berepaid Qver five years with interest accruing at 7% simple interest. ,..., I I : L; ,~ Jim DDugherty stated:that at the end Df fiNe years. the City wDul d have the QptiQn Qf fQreclQsure. WQuld payments have to' be made Qn a certain schedule to' keep fDreclQsure frQm Qccurring? . -:. - ---.,-,."""=..---,..-,.,.... --~~~---~-----_._-- I. :..'- ~ t""" II ~ I I r--lf .."ll(' '0 .~ .~ ~,'. i. Regular City Council Meeting, March 9, 1987 Alan Gerger agreed that was another detail that needed to be 'l worked out. The question was whether default of the payments of a paving lien will allow.for a foreclosure on a homestead. l-.J Councilmember Thompson stated that the last time this issue was addressed, the lien would run and; the interest would accumulate until the property sold. Councilmember.Schwartzel:thought this paving lien might be different if it is a consensual lien. Jim Dougherty suggested,iassuming the lien agreement was voluntary and unanimous, a contractural arrangement would be adequate. 'J, : . , . , ", \, . j Mayor' Parks :statedJ.itwas:not"Counc'il"s i'ntention to foreclose, but it was a tool to use to keep people moving forward. The a;lternative to that ,was, if the1'peoplecan not pay, then the City had reason to agree to wait until the property is sold. Alan Gerger interjected,oneadditional item. If the cost to tie-in to driveways is over and above the stated amount, the homeowner would pay for the total cost of the tie-in. It was agreed that there was no interest in sidewalks as there was not any right of way for sidewalks. The residents .would have a public sidewalk on private property and they did not want that. o Motion was made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that City Council review the Corondo Court Proposal to determine.the appropriate action. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Consideration was given to the third reading of Ordinance Number 1280. The Comprehensive Plan, Exhibit A to Ordi riance 1280, was 'presented as h'amended on second readi ng, February 23, 1987. Mayor Parks'~ read the capt'i on' of Ordi nance Number 1280 as follows: AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A C0MPREHENSIVE :PLAN FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT. Copies of Ordinance Number 1280, (and the amended Comprehensive Plan as Exhibit A to Ordinance Number 1280), in the form required for adoption, were available to all members of City Council and a reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens present. o Regular City Council Meeting, March 9, 1987 0ill71 o Motion was made by. Counci lmemberSchwartzel, seconded by Counci 1 member Thompson, that Ordi nance Number 1280 be adopted as presented on third reading. Votin-g Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None LEASE AGREEMENT: 4002 BROWNING: City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh advised City Council that this item was removed from consideration at thi s'time. ' - AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS: Consideration was given to authorize advertising for bids for the following items: (a) Landscaping Project at the Eastern Star lease property located at 4002 Browning, West University Place. (b) Resurfacing the tennis courts at Weir Park. (c) Purchase one (1) ton pickup truck for the Water Division. (d) Replacement of expansion joints at Colonial Park. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that City Council authorize advertising for bids for the items as listed. Ii I i I ' ji Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: - Mayor Parks, CouncilmembersHigley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None. None, PURCHASE OF GARBAGE BAGS: Consideration was given to authorize the purchase of 22,500 rolls of ga,rbage'bags through Houston Galveston AreaCou'ncil at a total cost of $45,438.75.Jor three separate de liveri es duri ng 1987 ~ . , ; Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that City Council authorize.the purchase of garbage bags through the Houston Galveston Area Council at the cost of $45,438.75. Voting 'Aye: Voting No:... Absent: Mayor"Parks,Councilmember.s. Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson Npne None r-: ! I LJ TAX REFUNDS: Consideration was given to the approval of tax refunds in excess of $500 which represent duplicate payments: I II 1'1':1 t;:\ II ., L',,!~'Ii___.' I ,~ -"""!'I 'I !i U : IJ IIU \\ 1~"~!- .t~ '. Z Regular City Council Meeting, March.9, 1987 1. Texas Western Mortgage Co. P~O. Box'441778 Houston, Tx 77244 $648.00 221 00043 027 3418 Bellaire Blvd. :.J 2. Commonwealth Mortgage Corp. P.O. Box 4329 Houston, Tx 77210-4329 $443.00 221 00004 011 6728 Vanderbilt .$384.00 060 00022 180 4115 Rice Blvd. 3. The Commonwealth Bank ' $1,15T~00 c/o Dual H Enterpri se"s 2150 W. 18th Street #310 $527.00 Houston, Tx 77008 4. Camco $767.00 c/o Dual H Enterprises " 2150 W 18th ~treet#310 $252.00 Houston, Tx n008 5. Principal Mutual Life Ins. Co.$554.00 711 High Street \ Des Moines, :Iowa 50309 . 210 00011110 2724 University Blvd. 130 00017 170 2932 Plumb 221 00018 096 6315 Buffalo 060 00020 100 4118 Tennyson 210 00007 020 6107 Charlotte Motion was made by ColinciTmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that City Council authorize the tax refunds as listed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None iJ . , HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $~181.00 submitted by Harris County Appraisal District representing the second quarter payment. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded byCouncilmember Higley, that the invoice in the amount of $7,181.00 submitted by Harris County Appraisal District be approved for payment. Voti-ng Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, 'Schwartzel, Thompson None None SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL STUDY: Consideration was given to Invoice Number 2 in the amount of $3,630.80 and Invoice Number 3 in the amount of $17,910.34 submitted by HDR Techserv, Inc., for services rendered through January 31; 1987, related to the solid waste disposal alternatives study for a total amount due of $21,541.14. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that Invoice Number 2 and Invoice Number 3 totaling o Regular City Council Meeting, March 9, 1987 J, 'J s.):'t ! . ;r o $21,541.14 submitted by HDR Techserv, Inc., be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor' Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None LEGISLATIVE MATTERS: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $37289.84 submitted for Legislative Consulting Services' for the month of March 1987. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that the invoice submitted for Legislative Consulting Servkes for the month of March 1987 be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None LEGAL SERVICES: Cons;der~tion was given to the invoice in the amount of $8,339.61 submitted for legal services provided on the City's behalf for the' ,month gf February 1987. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that the invoice in the amount of $8,339.61 for legal services for the month of February 1987 be approved for payment. I I ----' Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilmember Higley complimented ~he Public Works employees for thei:r'help in 0leaning the Community 'Buildi:ng and Senior Services' Wing for the: publicheari'ng on February 23rd and the setup and cleaning for the Health Fair~ Councilmember ThompsQn inquired i:f staff had ,taken any steps to notify Channel 2 of,;thepoor TV reception in the City and what steps had been taken toward getting information from other caQle companies for competitive bids. City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh~ stated that letters had been mailed to cable companies and the City had received responses from two of them. ' rl '--.J Councilmember Schwarhel inquired as to what progress had been ~ade concerningia possible audit~ on a percentage basis, of the cable company. ' . Mr. Rockenbaugh responded that Donna Sims was taking a second look at audit possibilities. L:..-:..._. ~ l.....l.....oLL. ~ ~,.....,,-,_..._.-. ....'m.__,____.:____-~-----~------~ __m __ mom I, . ._ _F-'J"!.: "I II - TT-- ~-,~ ., 1I.H ;1 01l? !', '. " ~ ..; Regular City Council Meeting, March 9, 1987 . Councilmember Bryan asked if the City had reached a solution to the request for a stop sign on Mercer. J Councilmember Bryan was advised that the City was scheduled for a city-wide traffic study in 1988 and it seemed appropriate to address the stop sign request at that. time. Mayor Parks advised City Council that David Frishman had resigned from the Metro Board of Directors which left a vacancy on the Board for representatives of cities other than Houston. The Mayor suggested that the City of ,West University Place support Georgia Wilson and nominate her as a candidate to be elected to 't.heMetro Board. Letters from the,Cjty would be prepared and ~~~o the fourteen'.Citi~~: proposing their support for Ms. '. STAFF-.REPORT:: City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, had nothing; further for Council's consideration at this time. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Upon recommendation from.,the City Attorney, motion was made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Counci.lmember Hi g;1 ey:, that. Ci ty Council table unti 1 the next regularly scheduled council meeting the minutes of the Joint Public Hearing (Revision of Zoning. Ordinance) before Zoning and Planning Commission and City Council on February 23, 1987, and the regul ar 'meet,ing, of C.ity Councn on ~ebruary 23, 1987. Vottng Aye: Mayor. Parks, Counci lmembers Hi gl ey, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None o Vot i ng.No: Absent: Minutes of the special City Council meeting on February 5, 1987; the Joint Public Hearing (Comprehensive Plan) before Zoning and Planning: Commission and City Council on February 9, 1987 and the regular meeting of City Council on February 9, 1987; and the spec ia l~ meet i ng of Ci ty Counc i 1 on February 14, 1987, were presented for consideration. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Coul1cilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None Motion was made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that the minutes of the special City Council meeting on February 5, 1987; the Joint Public Hearing (Comprehensive Plan) before Zoning and Planning Commission and City Council on February 9, 1987 and the regular meeting of City Council on February 9" 1987; and the special meeting of City Council on February 14, 1987, be approved as submitted. 0 1 Regular City Council Meeting, March 9, 1987 n _;,i.~ Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None ~ I'rt~. ~.' . ...5 . - ". ,'<" '0- ',-. ~. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before Council at this time, motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Thompson, that the meeting adjourn. Such motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:37 P.M. n ~ ,--, I ' , I I ! I l ~ I I.. __ ~;:.j,v'.uJ' I, .." II P Iiill I I 1,1 II '-~i~~ ~-(.. ,,~!J!J.. ,) REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 23, 19.87 7:30 P.M. u City Council convened in regular session in the City Hall Council Chamber, .3800 University. Boulevard, in,~ .the City of West University Place, on Monday, March 23,..-11987, w,;th the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel and Thompson. A 1 so present were. the Ci ty Manager, Ci ty Secretary, Ci ty Attorney, Director of Operations, and Chief Building Inspector. Counci lmember Schwartzel del ivered the invocation and led the Allegiance to th~ Flag. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mayor Parks invited residents to speak who had matters;,they wished to bring to the attention of the City Council which had not prev~ously been submitted to the City Manager. There were none present who wished to speak. CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to address a specific agenda item to speak at this time. There were none present who wished to speak concerning an agenda item . ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: No member of City Council suggested removing an item from the consent agenda. CONSENT AEfNDA: Motion was made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that the consent agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendation. o Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None HONORARY MASTER ELECTRICIAN LICENSE: Mayor Parks recognized Wayne Perry, Chief Building Inspector, and A. B. Fisk, representative from the City's Electrical Board. Mr. Fisk presented an Honorary Master Electrician License to Mr. Perry for his years of administration as Chief Building Inspector. Mr. Fisk praised the excellent manner in which Mr. Perry performed his duties. On behalf of members of City Council, Mayor Parks expressed his appreciation for Mr. Perry's continued fine service to the corrnnunity. RELEASE FORM TO FIDELITY & DEPOSIT COMPANY: Consideration was given . to authorize acceptance of the Release Form to Fidel ity & Deposit Company relating to the claim against Y & H Associates, initial contractor for the Water Line Replacement Project in Pemberton and Belle Court Subdivision. o Regular City Council Meeting, March 23, 1987 .;7\.';r- ,",. y': '.'-t-i:i ";. .:: \~ '~-' "',' [J The City Attorney advised that the Company had submitted standard releases with the conditions for which we had bargained carried forward. However, there were some modifications. Instead of a two-year warranty, there is a one-year warranty, and instead of a broad based indemnity, there is a specific indemnity that covers the points that the City was trying to cover. .Mr. Dougherty found the release to be acceptable and recommended it for approval. Staff reviewed the release and recommends it for acceptance. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that City Council authorize the acceptance of the form of release submitted by Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland and the settlement of claims against Y & H Associates for their abandonment of the Water Line Replacement Project in Pemberton and Belle Court Subdivision. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None [ GENERAL ELECTION: Consideration,was given to an Ordinance providing for a substitute judge for the Central Counting Station for the election of April 4, 1987. Mayor Parks presented the ordinance and read the caption as follows: ORDINANCE NUMBER 1282 AMENDING ORDINANCE. NUMBER 1276,PASSED AND APPROVED JANUARY 12, 1987, CALLING AN. ELECTION, WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE FOURTH (4th) DAY OF APRIL, 1987, FOR THE-PURPOSE '.OF ELECTING A. MAYOR, AND FOUR COUNCIL MEMBERS; DESIGNATING THE POLLING PLACES; APPOINTING ELECTION OFFICIALS; CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED TO SAID ELECTION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Copies of Ordinance Number; 1282, in ,the .form required for adoption, were available to all members of City, Council and a reasonable number of additional copies available, .to interested citizens present. Motion was made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Bryan,' that Ordinance Number 1282 be adopted on first and final reading. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None n Li PROPOSED FRANCHISE OF STREET RIGHT OF WAY: Consideration was given to the first. readi ngof . Ordi nance . Number 1283. Mayor Parks read the caption as follows: I I I ':...LiL ___:.... ] n.n_ ,__i' I ';I\,:k:::::.il1H!lll __ ..r""'~...,=.,. . I: , I !____llim'lr.t:." II -~-- II'{-.I - I' r I I I , I ,1 ~l~~l Regular City Council Meeting,-March 23, 1987 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO WESLAYAN BANK ITS SUCCESSORS AND 0:,1 ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND FRANCHISE FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED TWENTY YEARS TO MAINTAIN, OCCUPY, AND REPAIR PORTIONS OF' AN EXISTING BUILDING WITHIN PORTIONS OF TWO STREETS IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS: PROVIDING TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTROLLING THE USE OF SUCH STREETS; PROVIDING FOR A RENTAL CHARGE; AND CONTAINING FINIDINGS AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Higley that City Council approve Ordinance Number 1283 on first reading. Copies of Ordinance Number 1283, in the form required for adoption, were available to all members of City Council and a reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens present. The City Attorney, Mr. Dougherty, advised Council that the survey of the building, located at the corner of University Boulevard and Edloe Street, showed the building extends 2 inches and a fraction at the corner and shrinks down to a fraction of an inch from that point. ' Mayor Parks inquired if the rental rate was fixed or on a sliding scale. II ~ Mr. Dougherty stated that Section 3 of the ordinance sets the rental at $272.88 per year, payable annually, but adjusted by the "Consumer Price Index" over the twenty years. Councilmember Schwartzel understood that Council had considered a five-year lease. The City Attorney responded that the recommendation from staff was for an annual payment over twenty years. Mr. Barnes, representi ng Wes 1 ayan Bank, stated that there was a five-year lease with an option for a five year renewable contract. The bank's concern was to try to resolve the franchise over a long term, preferably for 20 years. Mayor Parks advised that City Council had a problem with a flat twenty-year lease. Was the twenty-year term subject to the life of the lease? Mr. Dougherty stated the franchise was for a flat twenty years and was transferable to the bank I s recommended successors and assigns. Weslayan Bank is permitted to transfer the franchise by merger or acquisition by another bank. Any other transfer would necessitate Council's approval. Councilmember Schartzel moved that' the term' of the franchise be reduced to five years after which Weslayan Bank can request a o Regular City Council Meeting, March 23, 1987 ~."'t.'id.." r,'~ l o renewal. Mayor Parks agreed, but there was not a formal second to the motion. Mayor Parks explained it was not Council's .intent to limit the Bank. This Council does not wish to bind future City Councils for a period of twenty years! Councilmember Thompson suggested the franchise be co-terminuous with the bank's lease.' Councilmember Schwartzel not only recommended the franchise be limited to five years but suggestion deleting "and assigns" from Section 9. The City Attorney recommended deleting from Section 9 the words lIaccept as provided by the City Charter II , and, in the, last sentence of that same ~ection, delete the words "and assigns". Mr. Barnes asked consideration fbr:a longer term than 5 years. The City Attorney suggested leaving the recommended changes for assignability in theordi nance ,shorten the general. terms to ten years, which is the maximum term of the bank's lease. Then if the bank's lease terminates sooner, then the franchise would terminate at the same time. n LJ Upon concurrence of City Counci 1, Counci lmember Schwartzel moved that Council consider the remaining agenda items to allow time for the City Attorney to incorporate the necessary amendments into the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Bryan. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson NonE:! ' None WATER RATE STUDY: Consideration was given to staff's re'commendation to award the Water Rate Study Project to Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. Motion was made 'by CouncilmemberThompson, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that City Council accept staff' s recommendation and award the project to Peat,. Marwick, Mitchell & Co., at a cost not to exceed $12,500 for the study plus $1,500 for the software; the cost of the software to be charged to the data processing account in the Finance Department. . Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor. e:Clr~s'uCo~ncilmembers Hi 91 ey, . Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None I: i i LJ BRIDGE LOAD POSTING PROGRAM: Consideration was given to authorize the Mayor to enter into a Bridge Load Posting Agreement with the State Highway a.nd Public Transportation Commission for posting weight limits on the Sunset Boulevard and Rice Boulevard bridges at the drainage ditch. The Load Posting Agreement is a ............... .. -"-----'------ ........i...-IL.~ . -~~--- "'i1(A.' t~" ~ ....__I__~t II \ ro' , r I II " Regular City Council Meeting, March'23, 1987 requi rement of the 1987-1988 Federal-Ai d . Off System Bri dge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program which the City entered into in 1985. 1----; . I , I ~ Motion . was made by 'Couflcilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Schwartzel, that Mayor Parks be authorized to enter into the Bridge Load Posting Agreement with the State Highway and Public Transportation Commission. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, COl:incilmembers Higley', Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None WATER LINE REPLACEMENT IN PRIORIT-Y AREA NO.1. PEMBERTON AND BELLE COURT SUBDIVISIONS: Consideration. was given to the Monthly Estimate No. 4 in the amount of $47,763.26 submitted by Ella Contracting, Inc., for work performed through February 28, 1987, on the Water Line Replacement in Priority Area No.1. Motion was made by Councilmember Thompson,' seconded by Councilmember Higley, that Monthly Estimate No. 4 in the amount of $47,763.25 submitted by Ella Contracting Inc., be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None II U SURVEY SERVICES RELATED TO A UTILITY PROJECT: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $378.00 submitted by Topo Co., Inc., for services in conjunction with Priority Area No.1, Phase 1, Sanitary Sewer, West University First Subdivision. Motion was made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that the invoice in the amount of $378.00 submitted by Topo Co., Inc., be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks~ Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR, VARIOUS UTILITY RELATED PROJECTS AND PUBLIC HEARING EXHIBITS: Consideration was given to invoices submitted by Langford Engineering, Inc., as follows: (a) Invoice in the amount of $387.00 for Cleaning of 36" Sanitary Sewer Outfall on ~r,ompton. (b) Invoice in the amount of $7,172.38 for Priority Area No. 1, Phase 1, Sanitary Sewer, West University First Subdivision o Regular City Council Meetings March 23s 1987 '~.A<I, ffD:! o (c) Invoice in the amount of $4s442.43 for Sanitary .,Sewer Renovation Master Plan. (d) Invoice in the amount of $3s936.21 for exhibits prepared in connection with the February 23s 1987 public hearing. (e) Invoice in ,the amount of $3s585.30 for Phase 2s Priority Area No. Is Sanitary Sewers West University First Subdivision (f) Invoice in the amount of $2s215.95 for Priority Area No. 2-, Sanitary Sewer,. College Court Subdivision. (g) Invoice in Replacements Subdivision. the amount of $3,298.05 for Water Line Priority Area No.7, College Court Motion was made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that the invoices submitted by Langford Engineering Inc., be approved for payment as listed. r-'c lJ Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: . . Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Hi gley, Bryan, Schwartzels Thompson None None PRIORITY AREA NO. Is PHASE Is SANITARY SEWER, WEST UNIVERSITY FIRST SUBDIVISION: Consideration was given to the Request for Extension of Time and Monthly Estimate No. 2 in the amount of $77s715.53 submitted byWhitelak, Inc~; for work performed through February 28s 1987, on Priority Area ,No. Is Phase 1 s Sanitary Sewer "roject. Motion was made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that Monthly Estimate No.2 in the amount of $77 ,715.53 and the Request for Extension of Time submitted by Whitelak, Inc., be approved. Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, . Schwartzel s Thompson Voting No: None Absent: None [l -=----5 LAND PLANNING REVIEW SERVICES: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount c' of $3,073.63 submitted by Northrup Associates for services rendered An., the rev,iew, of various drafts of the proposed revised zoning ordiJlance and other,r.elated charges. Mot i on was made . by. Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Higleys" that the invoice in theamou.nt of $3s073.63 submitted by Northrup Associ'ates ,be approved for payme.nt. !- ~ IL..L...:....cJ--1~_L.L:l._ ___~___~.....1....iL__JJ___ . ;;:Uj-';;:_tif!'IIlIIl--~'. '~"'"'"'~T-"" -----.---.[""-, ~-- I. ~~; ff2 .I...._I_I!lt!!-~l I. II !' I rT'-- I I I"'IJ I Regular City Council Meeting, March'23, 1987 Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None J AUDIT INVOICE: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount ~O.OO submitted by Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company for progress payment due in connection with the annual audit of the 1986 financial statements. Moti on . was Councilmember submitted by payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Higley, that the invoice in the amount of $6,000.00 I Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company be approved for Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None 1976 BOND PAYMENT: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $117,502.00 for principal, interest and paying agent fees due for the 1976 Bond Issue. Motion was made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that the invoice in the amount of U $117 ,~92.00 submitted by First Ci~y National Bank of Houston be approved for payment. . Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None WATER STUDY: Consideration was given to 'approve payment of $1,873.00 to R. W. Harden & Associates for water study services. Motion was made. by' Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that City Council approve payment of $1,873.00 to R. W. Harden & Associate~. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, ,Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson . None None COUNCIL COMMENTS: CouncilmemberBryan suggested the shimmy bars at Wier Park needed to be checked. She received a message that the concrete was coming out at the bottom. Councilmember Higley requested the Director of Operations to relay Counci 11 s appreci ati on to ,Roscoe and Eugene in the Water Department for their prompt and courteous response to a u Regular City Council Meeting, March 23, 1987 S'~3 o res i dent's ca 11 . A 1 so, to relay Counci l' s app,recia t i on to Wayne Perry for his conscientious performance of his duties. , Councilmember Thompson commented that Wayne Perry's recognition from the Electrical Board was well deserved. STAFF REPORT: City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, advised Council that he was receiving responses from cable television companies. Three or four of them expressed an ,i nterest, but wanted. time for review. Mr. Rockenbaugh suggested Council consider the proposals for franchi se audits, and the funding for the audi ts, during the next workshop session. PROPOSED FRANCHISE OF STREET RIGHT OF WAY: City Attorney, Mr. Dougherty, presented the proposed amendments to the franch i se as follows: [J ORDINANCE NUMBER 1283 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO WESLAYAN BANK AND ITS SUCCESSORS, THE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND FRANCHISE FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEf:D TEN YEARS TO MAINTAIN, OCCUPY, AND REPAIR PORTIONS OF AN EXISTING . BUILDING WITHIN PORTIONS OF TWO STREETS IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS: PROVIIDING TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTROLLING THE USE OF SUCH ,STREETS; PROVIDING FOR A RENTAL CHARGE; AND ,CONTAINING FINDINGS AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT . .. j In Section 9, the first sentence to read IIThis franchise is for the sole use and benefit of Weslayan Bank, but it is not transferable. II [deleting: ep a55j~Ra~~e e*ee~~ a~ ~peyjded iR ~~e bj~Y!5 Heme R~~eb~ap~ep~J The last sentence in the first paragraph to read liThe word IIGranteell when 'used. herein refers to Weslayan Bank and its permitted, successors. II ; [deleting: aFld a55j~F15J. In Section 10. amend to read IITh:is franchise shall take effect and continue and remain in; effect for a period ending at noon on the ~weFtUe~~ tenth anniversary of the date thi sordinance is adopted finally (unless sooner terminated), provided that this ordinance shall not take effect unless Grantee files a written acceptance of this ordinance with the City Secretary of the City on or before the tenth day following the day that this ordinance is finally adopted (or within such longer period of time as the City Council of the City may prescribe) and makes the, initial payment when due. n Motion was made by Gouncilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that City ,Council approve the amendments to Ordinance Number 1283 as presented; .,..r ~ ~ ~- I.L......i..... ' ~ I ,>.~ ,.. I I _ '~."'t<lUl_I_.i._.:-. ,------ tar}, "'!i" -t p f~ ,- ~,'" . 1IIlII'l!- 'I 1IfI;J$,.. :;, = II I ,Iii U LJL --- . Regular City Council Meeting, March 23, 1987 Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks; Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None -None' [ Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Counci 1 member Bryan,' that Ordi nance Number 1283 be 'approved on first reading as amended. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the following'meetings were presented for consideration: (a) joint public hearing (Revision of Zoning Ordinance) before Zoning and Planning Commission and City Council on February 23, '1987, and the regular meeting of City Council on FebruarY.23, 1987 (b) regular meeting of 'City Council on March 9, 1987 Moti on was made by Counci 1 member Bryan, seconded by Council member 1= Higley, that the minutes of 'the Joint Publ ic hearing before Zoning I. and Pl ann; ng Commi ss i on and City Counci 1 on February 23, 1987; the _ regular meeting of City Council on February 23, 1987 and the Regular Meeting of City Council on March 9, 1987, be approved as submitted. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before Council at this time, motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Thompson, that the meeting adjourn. Such motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:53 P.M. a~~ Au rey N' h 1 City Secretary o .~t......i -~<17.'- : ~._,~ . '};'tf~ D SPECIAL CIT~ COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 6, 1987 7:30 P.M. City Council convened in special session in the City Hall Council Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Monday, April ,6, 1987, with the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Councilmembers Bryan, Schwartzel and Thompson. Councilmember Higley was absent. Also present were the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney., and the Director of Operations. Mayor Parks called on Reverend McPhail, West University United Methodist Church, to del iver the invocation. Mayor Parks led the Allegiance to the Flag. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mayor Parks invited residents to speak who had matters they wished to bring to the attention of the City Council which had not previously been submitted to the City Manager. There were none present who wished to speak. c CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to address a specific agenda item to speak at this time. Reverend McPhail spoke concerning the emergency agenda item: Consideration of a request to place a sign or banner in, on or over. any county, state, city or other~ublic place or right-of-way. . Reverend McPhail introduced Patti Jamison who was representing The Heart Exchange, a heart transplant club. West University Methodist Church was hosting, but not sponsoring, a car wash for The Heart Exchange, allowing them the use of church property. Ms. Jamison requested Council's consideration to approve a method of signage to advertise the car wash scheduled for Saturday, April 11th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The car wash will be held at the West University United Methodist Church at 3611 University Blvd., for the purpose of raising money to help provide an apartment for out-of-town patients" waiting to receive a new heart and to fund educational material to promote organ donation. The car wash needed a sign or signs to advertise the car wash and Ms. Jamison wanted to work within the regulations of the City's sign ,ordinance. j(" r;\; -'l, ..- l~: Af~]di,sMS'~{ol\, . it was agreed that a person carrying a sign would not be regulated and a sign placed on a car would be all 1 owed, so long. as the sign was moved every 3 hours. r~1 CANVASS OF 1987 CITY GENERAL ELECTION: City Council, in their capacity as the Canvassing Authority for the City, reviewed the ballot distribution as follows: ILJiiA.l.L i _JJ.uJjl -- _L.L_:UU~U Lj~.:....:_L,::::'U--]-' '-~iMU!llI_.-.i_:' .. ~-~_.- ~_.- --- _~_I I I _"If"; II !' I~ ILLJl t_-ti Special City Council Meeting, April 6, 1987 April 6, 1987 J To: Mayor and City Council From: Audrey Nichols,CitySecretary Subject: Ballots furnished for the General Election held on April 4, 1987 In accordance with Section 51.007 of the Texas Election Code, the attached is the Record of Ballot Distribution to the precincts for the General Election held on April 4, 1987. The following is an accounting of these ballots as submitted to the Central Counting Station by the respective Precinct Presiding Judges. ABSENTEE BALLOT BOARD: 200 Ballots printed -and del ivered 36 votes cast 1 ballot spoiled and returned by voter 163 ballots unused PRECINCT 15: 499 ballots printed and delivered 182 votes cast - 4 ballots spoiled and returned by voter 1 ballot designated "specimen" 313 ballots unused ,J PRECINCT 87 500 ballots printed and delivered 217 votes cast 2 ballots spoiled and returned by voter 281 ballots unused PRECINCT 133 500 ballots printed and delivered 149 votes cast 2 ballots spoiled and returned by voter 1 ballot thrown out** 348 ballots unused PRECINCT 183 500 ballots printed and delivered 177 votes cast 1 ballot spoiled and returned by voter 322 ballots unused ~ Special City Council Meeting, April 6, 1987 tet o **The Presiding Judge had one more voted ballot than had been given toto be voted. Occasionally, the punch card ballots will stick together. The Presiding Judge believes two ballots were voted as one. Tally sheets and the Unofficial Tabulation of Returns submitted by the Presiding Judge of the Central Counting Station were reviewed. Mayor Parks presented Ordinance Number 1284 and read the caption as follows: AN ORDINANCE CANVASSING THE RETURNS AND DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE GENERAL ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ON APRIL 4, 1987, AND CONTAINING RELATED FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Copies of Ordinance Number 1284, in the form required' for adoption, were available to all members of City Council and a reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens present. Motion was made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, .that Ordinance Number 1284 be adopted on first reading. o Councilmembers Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, ,$chwartzel, Thompson None Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: CouncilmemberHigley ;-) EXEMPTION OF CITIES OF 20;OflO POPULATION OR LESS FROM CONVERTING THEIR WATER SUPPLY FROM GROUNDWATER TO SURFACE WATER: Mayor Parks presented and read.the following .resolution: RESOLUTION NUMBER 87-01 ; .. . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNtIL OF Iff HE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLA€E', TEXAS', CALLING UPON MEMBERS OF THE ,LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS TO INTRODUCE , SUPPORT AND FINALLY PASS BILLS TO MODI FY AND AMEND SECTION 284, ACTS OF THE 64TH LEGISLATURE TO,' PROVIDE FOR' ANi. EXEMPTION FOR CITIES OF 20,000 POPULATION ,:QRiLESS FROM CONVERTING THEIR WATER SUPPLY FROM GROUNDWATER TO SURFACE WATER AS PROPOSED BY THE HARRIS-GALVESTON COASTAL SUBSIDENCE DISTRICT. n WHEREAS, the cities,. towns and villages of 20,000 population or less across Harris and Gal veston County, Texas have 1 i ttl e if any effect on subs i dence through the sma 11 amount of groundwater withdrawn for public consumption; and 1_ ~_~_LL_i_____~_:....l:.:il_"____~. '1 II j.-. :'"' HI'IfUIII--'_ . r--.-....--. I ~_.)1.;Q (~~'11,O -_..;j" _~Ij,:. u UJ Special City Counci) Meeting, April 6, 1987 WHEREAS, these same cities, towns and villages have made significant capital investment in water wells, distribution system and water storage facilities; and WHEREAS, this significant capital investment would ,be lost and no longer of any v.a.1ue if forced to utilize surface water; and WHEREAS, the cost to purchase surface water from a. surface water suppl ier would significantly increase the cost that the consumer must pay for water, raising the issue of economic viabil ity of such. 'action and placing. an undue economtc burden, on res i dents . who 1 i ve in these communities; and WHEREAS, for the majority of small cities in the area there is, only . one. surface water supplier, the City of Houston, which will create a monopolistic environment;.and WHEREAS, the action of the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence. District to force small cities, towns and villages to convert their water supply from groundwater is capricious in its application, hydrologically unjustified, economically unsound, and threatens the right of self-government; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the Mayor and City Secretary (or City Clerk) of the City of West Uni vers i ty Pl ace, Texas, are hereby authori zed and directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution, with appropriate letter, to local members of the Texas Legislature who are in influential positions urging them to join in proposing and supporting an amendment to Sect ion 284, Acts of the 64 th Legislature providing for an exemption in the current 1 aw for ci ti es, towns ,and vill ages of 20,000 population or less in Harris and Galveston County, Texas, that would allow for continued ground water withdrawal up to, . 100% and because of the insignificance of this withdrawal on subsidence, would not be required to convert ,to surface water as is proposed ,under a pla.n produced by the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subs~dence District. The right to determine the .source 'of public water supply would remain with the governing body of the city, town or village., PASSED AND APPROVED THIS day of , 1987. - ILU. il u ti LJ Motion was~made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that Resolution Number 87-01 be adopted as read. o Special City Council Meeting~ April 6, 1987 M~....'.d .~, 8"9 ."".L~. ~.,' -. ~ o Councilmembers Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson Councilmembers V.oting No: None . . Councilmembers Absent: Councilmember Higley CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO FENCES: Mayor Parks presented Ordinance Number 1285 and read the caption as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO FENCES; AMENDING THE CODE O'F ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; CONTAINING RELATED FINDINGS AND. PROVISIONS: AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Copies of Ordinance Number 1285, in the form required for adoption, were available to all members of City Council and a r~asonable numberof additional copies available to interested citizens present. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Thompson, that Ordinance Number 1285 be adopted on first reading as presented. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers 0 Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson Councilmembers Voting No: None. Councilmembers Absent: Councilmember Higley CONSIDER AUTHORIZATION TO ENGAGE EMINENT DOMAIN COUNSEL: Consideration was given to authorize the engagement of Eminent Domain Counsel. Motion was made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that City Council authorize inquiries into the engagement of an Eminent Domain Counsel. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson Councilmembers Voting No: None Councilmembers Absent: Councilmember Higley Ii COUNCIL COMMENTS: Mayor Parks asked for the sense of Council concerning a request to waive the entrance fee to Colonial Park Pool for visiting Soccer players from West Germany. West University residents are housing the Soccer Players for the upcoming weekend, and, as their hosts, would like to take them to the pool. By general consent, City Council waived the fee to the pool for the Soccer Players from Germany. L-i-_ ."_..._I_'lIiH~.j. I~ I -~~ r'---r-r-~- 1 I 1M t", ~:1 .4- Special City Council Meeting, April 6, ~987 STAFF REPORT: City Manager, Mr.. Rockenbaugh, had nothing further for Council's consideration at this time. CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Parks recessed the special meeting of City Council to go into a closed executive session as authorized by the Open Meetings Act, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN., as amended, Article 6252-17, Section 2(g): Discussion of Personnel Matters. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION: Mayor Parks reconvened the special session of City Counc.il in open session. ' ADJOURNMENT: Upon motion duly made and seconded, City Council voted to adjourn. "I :l ~ ~J u o n '--.,..---' [] l. i-if1JJ- REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 13, 1987 7:3Q P.M. " tJ -', City Council convened in regular session in the City Hall Council Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of ,West University Place, on Monday, April 13, 1987, .wit~~he following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel and , Thompson. A 1 so present were the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Director of, Operations, Acting Pol ice Chief and the Communi cati ons Supervi sor. Counci 1 member Thompson deli vered the invocation and led the Allegiance to the ,Flag. HEARING oF' RESIDENTS:. Mayor Parks invited residents to speak who had ",' matters, they wished to ,bring to the attentionof the City Council " w~iGl1 had not previously been submitted to the City ,Manager. ~< '.' r,"'''/'i\. ;\ . ihere were none present who wished to speak. CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to address a specific agenda .item to speak at this time. There were none present who wished to spea~'concerning an agenda item . ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: No member of City Council suggested removing an item from the consent agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion was made by, Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that the consent agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendation~ Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Counctlmembers Hi.gley., Bryan, Schwartzel ;i Thompson, ' None None \ 1..1' PROPOSED FRANCHISE OF STREBTRIGHTOF"WAY:: Mayor 'Parks presented Ordinance Number 1283 for ,second:::reading and read the caption as follows: , .J ,J. \: AN ORDINANCE GRANTING! TO'j<JESLAYAN 'BANK ANDcITS: .. SUCCESSORS;i THE,RIGHT;,PRI:VItEGE AND: FR.ANCHISEFOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED TEN YEARS TO MAINTAIN, OCCUPY, AND REPAIR PORTIONS OF AN EXISTING BUILDING WITHIN PORTIONS OF TWO STREETS IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS:PRo.VIUI:NG TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTROLLING THE USE OF SUCH STREETS; PROVIDING FOR A RENTAL CHARGE; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. " ,l;j ~..L..~_~~--.i....LL"_____.___ .. ~: I '-!')::!j-:HIiIIi__R._lIn 11n__. ...lIr I"~ II I n II I ~ f;;:! Regular City Council Meeting, April 13, 1987 Copies of Ordinance Number 1283, in the form required for adoption, were available to all members of City Council and a reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens present. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that Ordinance Number 1283 be accepted on second, but not final~ reading as presented. ;l L,; Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None' AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CONDITIONS OF PRIVATE PROPERTY AND OUTDOOR STORAGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY: Consideration was given to the first reading of Ordinance Number 1286. Mayor Parks presented the Ordinance and read the caption as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CONDITIONS OF PRIVATE PROPERTY AND OUTDOOR STORAGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND RELATED PROVISIONS. Motion was made by Councilmember Higley, seconded by Councilmember [J', Bryan, that Ordinance Number 1286 be accepted on first reading. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None' PROCLAMATION: Mayor Parks presented and ,read a proclamation designating the week of April 12 through April 18, 1987, Emergency Telecommunicators Week. REPLACEMENT OF EXPANSION JOINTS AT COLONIAL PARK: In accordance with previous action ,of City Council, consideration was given to bids received for Replacement 'of. Expansion Joints at Colonial Park Pool. Bids were received on Monday, April 6, 1987, 10:00 A.M., opened at 10:30 A.M. and the following results announced. Those in attendance at the,open'ing were Alice Elsby, Colonial Park Manager, and Audrey Nichols, City Secretary. Bidder Bid Amount Holbrook Waterproofing Co. of Texas $ 5,373.00 , Coatings Application and Waterproofing Co. $12,420.00 o ,'- Motion was made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that City Council accept staff's recommendation and award the contract for Replacement of Expansion Regular City Council Meeting, April 13, 1987 1~ o Joints at Colonial Park Pool to Holbrook Waterproofing Co. of Texas at their bid price of $5,373.00. . , Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks,Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None LEGAL SERVICES: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $5,364.45 submitted for legal services provided on the City's behalf for the month of , March 1987. Motion was made byCouncilmember' Thompson, seconded by Counci 1 member Higley, that the invoice in the amount of $5,364.45 submitted for 1 ega 1 serv,i ces for thetnonthof March, 1987, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel,' Thompson None None SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL STUDY',:' Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $6,456.53 submitted"by HDR Techserv~ Inc., for the fourth and final paYfl.1ent in conjunction with the Solid Waste Disposal Alternatives Study. Motion was made .byCoundilmemberThompsom,se~condedby , Councilmember Higley:" that. theirivo.ice in the amount of .$6,456.53 submitted by HDR Techserv, Inc., be approved for payment. [J Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: . , I Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None LEGISLATIVE MATTERS: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of S3:289.84 submitted for Legislative Consulting Services on the City's behalf for the month'of April, 1987. Motion was made by Counci lmember Thompson, :seconded, by Councilmember Higley, that the invo:ice in the 'amount of $3,289.84 submitted for Legislative Consulting Service for the month of Apri 1, 1987, be approved for payment.' ...;.. , Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: /", U Mayo,f' Pa.rks, .Counci:lmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwaftzel, Thompson None None (,l' :,]. PAYING AGENT FEE 1986 BON~lSSUE} 'C6nsideration wa~:given.to.the invoice in the amount of $1,500.00'submitted by Fi.t\'st City National Bank of Houston in relation to the 1986 Bond Issue. L__ 1.L.......i....~_L_L-L_._____.___._~j~.Cl . ______~l _; I '.'.'-.I",tcC!i>lII1___"-- ,-- :;1 Jl'tj CIl4 ,'tlll .II_.'II"'IIII1H~, It- lit, II - rT~ - ~ 111-"'" j Regular City Council Meeting, Aprill3, 1987 Motion was made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that the invoice in the amount of $1,500.00 for paying agent fee submitted by First City National Bank of Houston be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: .----.., I f1 , i ! I >--J Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None WATER PRIORITY AREA NO.1, PEMBERTON AND BELLE COURT SUBDIVISIONS: Consideration was given to Monthly Estimate No. 5 in the amount of $51,196.12 submitted by Ella Contracting Inc., for work performed through March 31, 1987, on the Water Line Replacement Project in Pemberton and Belle Court Subdivisions. Motion was made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that Monthly Estimate No.5 in the amount of $51,196.12 submitted by Ella Contracting Inc., be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None ., None III PRIORITY AREA NO.1, PHASE 1, SANITARY SEWER, WEST UNIVERSITY FIRST SUBDIVISION: Consideration was given to Monthly Estimate No. 3 in L-J the amount of $155,201.40 submitted by Whitelak, Inc., for work performed through March 31, 1987, and'the contractor's Request for Extension of Time No.2. Motion was made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that Monthly Estimate No.3 in the amount of $155,201.40 submitted by Whitelak, Inc., be approved for payment and the Request for Extension of Time No. 2 be approved as presented. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None CLEANING OF 3611 OUTFALL LINE ON BROMPTON ROAD: Consideration was given to Monthly Estimate No. 3 in the amount of $22,266.67 submitted by Naylor Industries Inc., for work performed through March 31, 1987~ on Cleaning of the 3611 Outfall Line on Brompton Road. Motion was made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that Monthly' Estimate No.3 in the amount of :i $22,266.67 submitted by Naylor Industries Inc., be approved for I I payment. LJ Regular City Council Meeting, April 13, 1987 },\1!)5 o Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson" None None SURVEY SERVICES FOR UTILITY RELATED SERVICES: Consideration was. given to the invoices submitted by Topo Co., Inc., totaling $1,708.00, for survey services on utility related projects, as follows: (a) Invoice in the amount of $504.00 for Priority Area No. 1, Phase 2, Sanitary Sewer, West University First Subdivision. (b) Invoice in the amount of $700.00 for Priority Area No. 1, Phase I,Sanitary Sewer, West University First Subdivision. (c) Invoice in the amount of $504.00 for Priority Area No. 1, Phase 1, Sanitary Sewer, West University First Subdivision Motion was made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that the invoices submitted by Topo Co., Inc., be approved for payment as listed. il Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None WATER AUDIT: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $16,800.00 submitted by The Pitometer Associates for their services in completing the 1986 Water Audit. Motion was made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that the invoice in the amount of $16,800.00 submitted by The Pitometer Associates be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: MayorParks,Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR UTILITY RELATED SERVICES: Consideration was given to the invoices submitted by Langford Engineering Inc., totaling $14,558.33, for engineering services on utility related projects, as follows: (a) Invoice in the amount of $91.75 for Water Line Replacement Project, Priority Area No.1, Pemberton and Belle Court Subdivision. Ii Li . __._1lIIlH~9' .! " I ." '~--n' ~ T-r-'~ ltlt Regular City Council Meeting"April 13,.1.987: 'I' '(b) Invoice inithe:ameunt ofi$I,680.44 fo~,Cleaning of 36" Sanitary,Seweli'::Outfall ,an Brompton. , .' I I i .' \ ~ (c) Invoice in the amount of $3,810.91 for Sanitary Sewer Project, Priority Area No.1, Phase 1, West University First Subdivision;1 " '.:: \ \ (d) Invoice in the amount of $294.60 for Water Line Replacement Project, Priority Area No.2, Rice Court and Monticello Subdivisions. , ,. (e)' Invoice in the amount' .of' $3,192.40 for Sanitary Sewer Project, Priority Area No., h' Phase 2, West University First Subdivision. (f) i. , . .. Invoice in the amount of $3,482.40 for Sanitary Sewer Project, Priority Area No.2, Phase 2, College Court Subdivision. (g) , . Invoice in the :amount of, $2,,005.83 for Water Line Replacement Project, Priority Area No.7, College Court Subdivision. 1'1.- Motion was made byCound 1 member. Thompson,J seconded by" Councilmember Higley" that the invoices, submitted by Langford Engineering Inc., be approved for payment as listed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayar Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None D FRANCHISE AUDIT AND AGREEMENT: . Consideration was given to authorizing Municipal Administrative Services to conduct a franchise audit of Warner Cable at a cost of $1,680.00 and to authorize Municipal Administrativ~ Services to prepare and negotiate a franchise agreement with Southwestern Bell at a cost of $5,040.00'~ Motion was made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that City Council authorize and approve a Letter Agreement between the City,andi Municipal' Administration Services to conduct a franchise audit of Warner Cable Company at a total cost of $1,680.00 and to provide the City with consultant assistance in the development! of a franchise agreement with Southwestern Bell at' a "cost of $5;,040.00. Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson Voting No: ' None . Absent: None u Regular City Council Meeting, April 13, 1987 ~l~r D BANK DEPOSITORY SERVICES: Consideration was given to the request for authorization to. advertise and receive proposals for Bank Depository Services. Motion was made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Higley, that City Council authorize adv~rtising for proposals for Bank Depository Services. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley, Bryan, Schwartzel, Thompson None None CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Consideration was given to the minutes of the regular City Council meeting on March 23, 1987, and the special City Council meeting on April 6, 1987. Motion was made by Councilmember Thompson, seconded by Councilmember Schwartzel, that the minutes of the regul ar City Council meeting on March 23,1987, and the'special City Council meeting on April 6, 1987, be approved as submitted. o Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell. Britton, Schwartzel None None COMMENTS BY OUTGOING COUNCIL MEMBERS: . Mayor Parks invited comments from---Counci,lmember Thompson- and:Councilmember Higley.: . Councilmember Thompson stated it had been a pleasure to work with the City Council. ' Councilmember Higley thanked staff for their support during her term of office. She expressed her appreciation to the members of Council for their ability to work togeth-er:andfeltthat serving on City Council had been a privilege and a pleasure. n INSTALLATION OF NEW CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Parks recognized The Honorable Eric Andell, Presiding JUGge of the 315 District Court of Harri s County, Texas, who: was invited to administer the Oath of Office to the Mayor and members of City Council. Judge Andell administered the Oath of Office to Michael L. Parks as Mayor of the City of West University Place. Judge Andell administered the Oath of Office to Beth Ann Bryan, Buddy Bell, H. L. Britton;andG. Boone Schwartzelas members of the City Council of the City of ,West University Place. Councilmembers HigTeyand,Thompsonretired from the Council Table at thi s time. L_ . '1 i:ii:I. 1'1 il"!il '!:!!,{':! I.; ._~_~~~____. i I 'OJ :i:;:'_)~:ttJU.i_II"'." r-- 1I...II_I...m-I'! I' JT-' JI' ~ I I ~ !::=:JI , t"8. ~~ t>, 9 .F~ ' Regular City Council Meeting, April 13, 1987 MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Mayor Parks called the meeting to order and welcomed the new members of the City Council. r~ , I I I I ~ ELECTION OF MAYOR PRO TEM: Mayor Parks announced that the first order of business for the new Council was the election of a Mayor Pro Tern. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that Councilmember Beth Ann Bryan be elected Mayor Pro Tern. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None Mayor Parks presented and read Resolution Number 87-02 as follows: RESOLUTION NUMBER 87-02 WHEREAS, a city election was held on the fourth day of April, 1987, in the City of West University Place, Texas, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four members of the City Council; and WHEREAS, the votes cast at the election on April 4, 1987, were canvassed by members of the City Council on the date of April 6, 1987, and it was determined that Michael L. Parks had been duly elected Mayor and that Beth Ann Bryan, Buddy Bell, H. L. Britton and C. Boone Schwartzel had been duly elected Councilmembers of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, in special ceremonies of the City Council held at the West University Place Council Chambers on April 13, 1987, each of the above named persons were administered the Oath of Office and duly installed to their respective elected positions; and WHEREAS, upon proper motion and second, Councilmember Bryan was elected Mayor Pro Tern of the City of West University Place, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Mayor Michael L. Parks and Mayor Pro Tern Beth Ann Bryan be, and they are hereby, designated and authorized to sign or countersign checks drawn on all banks or financial institutions serving as depository for funds of the City of West University Place, Texas, and any banks or financial institutions which may be hereafter designated as depository of city funds during the term of their office. Section 2. Be it further resolved that the City Treasurer be, and she is hereby directed, to furnish each depository bank or financial institution with which the city has funds on deposit, or with which the city may transact any banking business, a true and correct copy of this Resolution. -----, I ( I I ~ II ~ Regular City Council Meeting, April 13, 1987 o Section 4. All resolutions and parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 5. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the "remainder of this resolution and the application of such word,phrase,clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this resolution to any other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. Section 6. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this resolution was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this 13th day of April, 1987. o ATTEST: Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: Audrey Nichols City Secretary (SEAL) Michael L. Parks, Mayor: . Approved as to Form: James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that Resolution Number 87-02 be adopted as read. /"i \ 1 , I LJ L.__ . Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: -=L~~___L___________._..____.."""""""'_j._____~.___ Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None . .__.&......-....c. ""--.-..-----.. $ef~9 ,,'}-,. ''1.. . _.u_._mRU' ;' .....,- ~~ a~ Fl'J.~ Regular City Council Meeting, April 13, 1987 STAFF REPORT: City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, discussed scheduling the next workshop session. It was agreed that a workshop session would be scheduled for April 23, 1987, at'7:00P.M~" in the Conference Room~' The next regularly sch.eduled City Council meeting would be held on Monday, April 27, 1987, at 7:30 P.M. ADJOURNMENT:, With no further business to come before Council at this time, motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by ,Councilmember Britton, that the meeting adjourn. Such motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:55 P.M. Il ~ a;~~u Audrey We 0 s City Secretary '~ I I I I ~ [ l.~{~ ~t:J.v~~ o -J REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 27, 1987 7:30 P.M~ City Council convened in regular sess,ion in the City Hall Council Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Monday, April 27, 1987, with the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton and Schwartzel. Also present were the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, and the Director of Operations. Councilmember Bryan delivered the invocation and led the Allegiance to the Flag. c HEARING,OF REShiENTS:h Mayor Parks invited residents to speak who had ma\ters t y wis ed to bring to the attention of the City Council which had not previously been submitted to the City Manager. Dorothy Reiger, 6516 Brompton, addressed City Council concerning the proposed revision to the zoning ordinance. Her concern was that the proposed 5 foot setback restrictions would be lowered to the existing 3 feet. Mrs. Reiger felt that the current residents should have the first consideration, not the new comers. At the public hearing on zoning, almost everyone present agreed with what the zoning commission was trying to do. After the public hearing, people were complaining about the proposed 5 foot setbacks. Mrs. Reiger urged that 5 foot setbacks would help protect adequate light and air on the lots surrounding new construction. Mayor Parks advised Mrs. Reiger that the issue was still to be decided and her remarks were made at an appropriate time for consideration. CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to. address a specific agenda item to speak at this time. There: were none present who. wished to .speak concerning an agenda item. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: No member of. City Council suggested removing an item from the consent agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion was mad~ by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that the consent agenda be approved in accordance with staff recomm~ndation. (~ , I i I L Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None L~ II I i ..1 I I I I ! 1'"!,.ffiJ!Blj___ , - ~~~ .I"'_":m:{!l~ i', I -- ~ . I i'. -~ ~"TT"'I"IJ I ~W Regular City Council Meeting, April 27, 1987 PROPOSED FRANCHISE OF STREET RIGHT OF WAY: Consideration was given to the third' and final reading of Ordinance Number 1283. Mayor Parks presented the ordinance and read the caption as follows: J AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO WESLAYAN BANK AND ITS SUCCESSORS, THE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND FRANCHISE FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED TEN YEARS TO MAINTAIN, OCCUPY, AND REPAIR PORTIONS OF AN EXISTING BUILDING WITHIN PORTIONS OF TWO STREETS IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS: PROVIDING TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTROLLING THE USE OF SUCH STREETS; PROVIDING FOR A RENTAL CHARGE; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. Copies of Ordinance Number 1283, in the form required for adoption, were available to all members of City Council and a reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens present. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that Ordinance'Number 1283 be adopted as presented on third reading. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton,Schwartzel None None o VEGETATION WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY: Mayor Parks presented Ordinance Number 1287 for first reading and read the caption as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO VEGETATION WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT. Copies of Ordinance Numper 1287, in the form required for adoption, were available to all members of City Council and a reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens present. ' City Attorney Jim Dougherty stated that the existing ordinanc~ provides very little authority for the City to remove trees and/or limbs for house moving situations. Trucks are striking trees because of their load. All the existing ordinance deals with is the intersection. It does not address any other area of public right-of-way. o After discussion, motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that Ordinance Number 1287 be tabled to the next workshop session. Regular City Council Meeting, April 27, 1987 (1'16W.... ' 1wP~_'~3 o Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel( None None REMOVAL OF EQUIPMENT AND DEBRIS FROM VACATED PREMISES AND RESTORATION: Mayor Parks presented Ordinance Number 1288 for first reading and read the caption as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE CONDITION OF PROPERTY AFFECTED BY HOUSE MOVING OPERATIONS; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY ,PLACE,TEXAS, AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND RELATED PROVISIONS. City Manager Mr. Rockenbaugh explained that when a house is moved the house movers often do not clean up the lots. This proposed ordinance gives the City the authority to give the house movers a deadline to clean up a lot, specifically, 10 days after the house is moved. n i i u Copies of Ordinance Number 1287, in the form required for adoption, were available to all members of City Council and a reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens present. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Schwartzel ,that Ordi:nanceNumber 1288- be accepted on first read'"ng' ~ '.. I .. . . - . . . ~ '_ - . , .'.: " "1 Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None MASS TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT WITH METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY: Mayor Parks presented the Mas,S Transportati on Improvements Joint Project Agreement between the City and the Metropolitan Transit Authorityre'lating to.improvementsto University Boulevard,. .' , ,_ i n Councilmember Bryan questioned Article IV of the Agreement requiring the contra'ctor to erect infarrrtational signs as early as possible during the construction phase at each terminus of the Project. That requirement ,would -,place signs at:, Kirby and University Boulevard and Community Drive and University Boulevard. Councilmember Bryan felt the residents on Community might not be comfortable looking at the sign for a period of perhaps six months. City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, stated that the sign requirement might be a point of discussion with Metro before construction began. l_ II t I 1.1 , I"" ;.I::'l I -, I ,,'~V" '~'IUIlJIl__n_.-:" ___ __--.J IlIlnlll!1!F ; ',' I III 1111 Il nP-,4 ,~f .. f. J l-; 1:--.. Regular City Council Meeting, April 27, 1987 Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that Mayor Parks be authQrized to enter into the Mass Transportation Improvements Joint Project Agreement with Metro and to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City. I~ f i ; tl I ' '---.-J Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bell, Britton, Schwartzel Councilmember'Bryan None PROCLAMATION: Mayor Parks presented and read a proclamation designating the week of April 27 through May 3,1987, as Clean Air Week to join efforts with the American Lung Association to. LEGISLATIVE MATTERS: Mayor Parks advised Council that there was a need for two additional lobbyists relative to the legislative matters under consideration in Austin. City Council was advised from the beginning that we might have to bring in additional lobbyists. The City has been notified that the City now needs to go ahead and authorize the additional lobbyists. The City of Bellaire has agreed to pay one half. The charge is $10,000.00 each. The City of Bellaire joined with the City of West University and mailed letters to all small cities participating in the legislative matter ,to contribute to this expense. At this time, it is too early to have a response to the request. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan that City Council accept . the contracts for both of these two individuals to perform legislative services for the City at the price specified, such cost to be shared 50% between Bellaire and West University Place. Mayor Parks recommended West University Place pay the two lobbyist directly subject to receipt and approval of the Letters of Agreement. Councilmember Bryan amended her motion to include that City Council authorize the two individuals to perform legislative services for the City at the price specified, such cost to be shared 50% between the cities of Bellaire and West University Place, and delegate to the Mayor the authority to approve the Letters of Agreement. Councilmember Britton seconded the motion as amended. ,^,\ I ~ . I I I r ' L....-J Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None .~ ! c..-..l Regular City Council Meeting, April 27, 1987 !\~".>". "'5' "" - . ,,~ " .- j o RESURFACING OF TENNIS COURTS AT WIER PARK: Consideration was given to the recommendation to award the contract for resurfacing of the tennis courts at Wier Park. Bids were opened at 10:30 A.M., April 20, 1987, with the following present: Curtis Cooper, Director of Operations, Jerry Burns, Public Works Superintendent, Dinah Burg, Personnel/Purchasing Manager and Audrey Nichols, City Secretary. Bid results were as follows: Bidder Net Bid Teni-Trak, Inc. P.O. Box 388 Mercedes, Texas 78570 $13,220.00 Tennis Tech Inc. 401 Arlington Houston, Texas 77007 $13,640.00 Tennis Facility Builders, Inc. 1525A North Post Oak Houston, Texas 77065 $17,127.00 Robert W. Kurtz & Co., Inc. 1515 Haddon Houston, Texas 77006 $22,950.00 n U Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember ' Bell, that City Council accept staff's recommendation and award the contract to the low bidder, Teni-Trak, Inc., at their bid price of $13,220.00. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilmember Bryan acknowledged receipt of a letter commending Officer Self for the professionalism he exhibited while dealing with an unpleasant situation and requested City Council's appreciation be relayed to Officer Self. Members of Council congratulated Councilmember Schwartzel and Mrs. Schwartzel on the birth of their son. STAFF REPORT: City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, had nothing further for Council's consideration at this time. ADJOURNMENT: Upon motion duly made and seconded, City Council voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 P.M. C\ r ' ,,-I In II i"'11 I I 11,;,1 'I' i I +'nu:;,!.!!1U!IIl-....-- ._IU!:i Regular City Council Meeting, April 27,,1987 II , [J I ,II ILJ , ,I ~ Mic ae L..Par s Mayor j\ , \ : I L..-J [J o ~ ... { : \ ,t--- r J :,,'/~"" City Council convened in regular session in the City Hall Council Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Monday, May 11, 1987, with the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton and Schwartzel. Also present were the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney and the Director of Operations. Councilmember Bell delivered the invocation and led the Allegiance to the Flag. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 11, 1987 7:30 P.M. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mayor Parks invited residents to speak who had matters they wished to bring to the attention of the City Council which had not previously been submjtted to the City Manager. There were none present who wished to speak. CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to address a specific agenda item to speak at this time. There were none present who wished to speak concerning an agenda item . ~ ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA~ No member Of City Council suggested removing an .item from the consent agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion was made by, Council member Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that the consent agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None ~, I I CONDITIONS OF PRIVATE PROPERTY AND OUTDOOR STORAGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY: Mayor Parks presented Ordinance Number 1286 for the second, but not final, reading. The caption was read as follows: ORDINANCE NUMBER! ,1286 i. .: .< ! I AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CONDITIONS OF REAL PROPERTY AND THE ACCUMULATION OR STORAGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEiX'AS:; AND CONTAININGFINDINGS'ANl:kRELATEDl PHOV;J5IONS. L " ! -::i'_:: . --j .: \:. r ::; --\ i; , ,: : (:':'.,: i .:i.;' I: Copies of Ordinance Number 1286, in the form required for adoption, were available to all members of';C,i,tYiCo:un.cil and a reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens present. ' II II I I ; 1:11 ',:1 I "'1" _--"f~j,jfi!lli_I_H_~ 'I"~ ", '- ~.. 'Irlll',.,1i vV'~ 208 ..._I_I_iiitr.l-.'"; ,':,.1 1.1 I !H',j"1 11'1111 I I 11.11 .11 Regular City Council Meeting, May 11, 1987 Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember .,I:J Bell, that Ordinance Number 1286 be accepted on second but not final, reading as presented.' Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None ) REMOVAL OF EQUIPMENT AND DEBRIS FROM VACATED PREMISES AND RESTORATIQN: Mayor Parks presented Ordinance Number 1288 and read the caption as follows: ORDINANCE NUMBER 1288 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE CONDITION OF PROPERTY AFFECTED BY HOUSE MOVING OPERATIONS; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND RELATED PROVISIONS. Copies of Ordinance Number 1288, in the form required for adoption, were available to all members of City Council and a . reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens' present. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that, Ordinance: Number 1288 be adopted on second reading as presented. I) ~ Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None i None RCPCAL OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS EXEMPTION. Mayor Parks presented Ordinance Number 1289 and read the caption as follows: ORDINANCE NUMBER 1289 AN- ORDINANCE AMENDING THE "TAXATION" CHAPTER OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THECITY.OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS BY THE ADDITION OF A SECTION RELATING TO TAXATION OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES; MAKING THIS ORDINANCE CUMULATIVE; STATING THE PURPOSE AND INTENT OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND CONTAINING OTHER RELATED PROVISIONS. Copies of Ordinance Number 1289, in, the form required for adoption, were available to all members of City Council and a reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens present. il ~ Regular City Council Meeting, May 11, 1987 208 80~ o Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded byCouncilmember Britton, that Ordinance Number 1289 ,be adopted on second reading as presented. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None PROMISSORY NOTE RENEWAL AND EXTENSION'OF LOAN FOR CITY HALL REMODELING:. Consideration was given to Ordinance Number,1291 authorizing the Mayor to execute the necessary documents to renew and extend a promissory note previously authorized by Ordinance Number 1260 dated May 29, 1986. Mayor Parks read the caption as follows: . o ORDINANCE NUMBER 1290 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE .MAYQRTO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO RENEW AND EXTEND THE PROMISSORY NOTE PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED BY ORDINANCE NUMBER 1260 DATED MAY 29, 1986; PROVIDING FOR THE REPAYMENT OF SUCH AMOUNT SQ BORROWED; AND PROVIDING THAT NO TAXES WILL BE LEVIED SINCE FUNDS HAVE BEEN PROPERLY APPROPRIATED AND DESIGNATED FOR THE REPAYMENT OF SUCH DEBT AUTHORIZED HEREIN. Copies of Ordinance Number 1290, in the form required for adoption, were available to all members of City Council and a reasonable number of addition aT copies avai.lable to interested citizenspresent.-" . - - . . Motion was made by Coundlmember:-Schwartzel, seconded by Counci 1 member Bryan, thatOrdi nance Number 1290 be adopted on first and final reading as presented with the understanding that full payment of the promissory note be discussed during the 1988 budgetary process. :, i , I Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers:Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel Voting No: None Absent: ,None PROMISSORY NOTE RENEWAL AND EXTENSION OF LOAN EORWATERWELLH9: Consideration was given to Ordinance, Number 1291 authorizing the Mayor to execute the necessary documents to renew and extend a promissory note .pre'viously 'authortzed: by Ordfnance Number 1261 dated June 9, 1986. D ~----- ~LL I':il 'HI. iflllillli_'....r .-..----1 , -- -------' -, . ......_llllftiihi.h ! ': I 1.1 I I'it.till IIII , I' 11"1 II 21~ '""~W Regular City Council Meeting, May 11, 1987 ORDINANCE.NUMBER,1291 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO RENEW AND'EXTEND THE PROMISSORY NOTE PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED BY ORDINANCE,NUMBER 1225 DATED JUNE 1,1984, ORDINANCE NUMBER 1239 DATED MAY ,,23, 1985 AND ORDINANCE NUMBER 1261 DATED JUNE 9, 1986; PROVIDING FOR THE REPAYMENT OF SUCH AMOUNT SO BORROWED; AND PROVIDING THAT NO TAXES WILL BE LEVIED SINCE FUNDS HAVE BEEN PROPERLY APPROPRIATED AND DESIGNATED FOR THE REPAYMENT OF SUCH DEBT AUTHORIZED, HEREIN. \i I ' ~ , . . Copies of Ordinance Number 1291, in the form required~ for adoption, were available to all members of City, Council and a reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens present. I '" Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan"that Ordinance, Number 1291 be adopted on first and 'final reading a~ ptesentedwith the same understanding that full payment of..thepromtssory note also, be. addressed during the budgetary process. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton"Schwartzel None None ----, i I :J J .; , HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT BOARD .OF. DIRECTORS: Mayor Parks advised City Council that the City did not have. a nominee to the Harris County Appraisal District Board of Directors at this time. However, he recommended scheduling intervie.wswith the individuals nomi na ted by other oj ties before the da te to cast the ba 11 ot. Resolution Number 87~03 was removed from the agenda. I, ; PRIORITY AREA NO.1. PHASE 3. SANITARY SEWER. WEST UNIVERSITY FIRST SUBDIVISION: Consideration was given to authorizing the preparation of plans and specifications for the Priority Area No.1, Phase 3, Sanitary Sewer Project. . Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that City Council authorize Langford Engineering Inc. to prepare planSand,specifications for the Priorfty Area No.1, Pha'se 3, Sanitary Sewer"Ptoject:. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, ,B.ell, Britton, Schwartzel None None ,~ I { U Regular City Council Meeting, May 11, 1987 ~.".IS;' ~:I: "1 o RESCHEDULE CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Consideration was given to reschedule the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting from the Memorial Day holiday on Monday, May 25, 1987, to Thursday, May 28, 1987.' Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that the next'regularly, scheduled City Council meeting beheld on Thursday, May 28, 1987, at .7.:30 P.M. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Bri tton, Schwartzel. None None LANDSCAPE PROJECT FOR EASTERN STAR PROPERTY: Consideration was given to the following: (a) Authorizing the Mayor to execute a Lease Agreement between the City and The Fraternal Home Association of the Order of the Eastern Star and (b) to awarding the contract for the landscape project of the Eastern Star Property. n Bids for landscaping services wera ~eceived until 10:00 A.M., on Thursday, April 30, 1987, and publicly opened at 10:30 A.M., that same day. Those present were Curtis R. Cooper, Director of Operations and Audrey Nichols" City Secretary plus numerous company representatives. Bid results were as follows.: Bidder Amount Bid Russell Landscaping P.O. Box 770907 Houston, Tx 77215 $14,455.73 :':':; I Four Seasons Development Co. 9095 Emmott Road Houston, Tx 77040 $14,620.40. Westside Service Inc. 6902 Satsuma Houston, Tx 77041 $14,637.95 Gulf Coast Landscape Services, Inc. P.O. Box 800151 Houston, Tx 77280-0151 $15,563.00 lJ Richmond Landscape Co., Inc. P.O. Box 1248 Richmond, Tx 77469 $15,865.50 .:.i'} ."\ i 'i:"; j ':! \ "--- IL.........o..-1L-,---- _~ ~ ,.....-.-...-.... . I . ... . 2Jfs " .-..1 . :.___mapj .1.; I ,\ I II . li I 1'1 I I II ii. Regular City Council Meeting~ May 11, 1987 Bidder. Amount.' Bi d . [l Stalhut & Associates 18202 Mountfield Houston, Tx 77040 $16,420.30 A-I Constructiors, Inc.: P.O. Box 91080 Houston, Tx 77291-1080 Morris Irrigation Comp~ny P.O. Box 1214 Wimberley, Tx 78676 J & B Landscape Service P.O. Box 721133 '. Houston, Tx 77272 $21,129.95 $24,412.75 . ! -' . $24,731.81 Teas Nursery 4400 Bellaire Bellaire, Tx 77401 $25,653.00 .\ Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that',Gity,C'ouncil authorize the Mayor to execute the Lease Agreement between'the City and the Fraternal C'i, Home Association of the Order of the Eastern, Star, and to award the contract for the landscape project'to the low, bidder, Russell Landscaping, at their bid price of $1~,455.73. Voting Aye: . Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS~ Consideration was given to authorize advertising for bids for the following items and services: (a) Uniform rental contract for the Department of Operations. (b) Cleaning and root removal in designated storm drain lines. (c) Purchase of a handicap equipment van for the Senior Services Division. (d) Reroofing City Hall Qr a portion thereof. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that City Council authorize advertising for bids for purchases and services as listed. D Regular City Council Meeting, May 11, 1987 ii-ffl [J Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Counci 1 members Bryan,. Bell , Britton, Schwartzel None None AUCTION OF CITY VEHICLES: Consideration. was given to authoriting auction of the following city vehi~les at the Houston Auto Auction: Unit #107 - 1982 Dodge 4Dr. Unit #113 - 198( Chevrolet 4Dr. Unit #118 - 198& Plymouth 4Dr. Unit #305 - 1'78 Dodgec4Dr. Motion was made by Councilmember'Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that City Council authorize the auction of the 1 isted city vehicles at the HO,uston' Auto Auction., Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Brjtton, Schwartzel None None WATER STUDY: Consideration was given to authorizing payment of $3,177.18 to R. W. Hardin'&:Assocjates, Inc., for consulting services rendered in connection with legislative:effort$.' Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that City Council authorize payment in the amount of $3,177.18 tOI.R:.W. Ha:rdi,n,,& Associates, Inc. [J Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: May~r Parks', Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None TAX REFUND: Cons i derati on wa.s 'given, to approval of a tax refund in the amount of $2,916.00 due the property owner for a value change on correction roll #4 submitted by, the Harris County Appraisal Di stri ct. Motion was made by CounciliT1emberSchwartzel, seconded by Counci lmemberBryan, that-payment of'the, ta,x refund in ,the amount of $2,916.00-be authorized as presented. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, '. Sc:hwartzel None None " n ~ 1986 AUDIT INVOICE: Consideration was -given to the in~oice in the amount of ~OOO submitte:dby ,Peat ,MarwickMain & Co., for services rendered in connection with 'examination of the financial statements of the City for the year ended December 31, 1986. L..... J.l....L:.JJ__.__LL_~____ ___-..::.-1.Jl.______ I d __._______________.; I i' ,Oii:'i>,:'tHm:mlIl_IRlllt: I ~-_~,=~,I ]__i11 J :11' 1 !;ilil if" I lliJ IIU_ ~~,~~ Regular City Council Meeting, May 11, 1987' . Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that the invoice in the amount of $10,000 submitted by Peat Marwick Main & Co.,'be approved for payment. o Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None LEGAL SERVICES: Considerat~on'was'given to the: invoice in the amount of $6,187.76 submitted for legal services provided on the City's behalf for the month of April 1987. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that the invoice in the amount of $6,187.76 submitted for legal services'for the month of'April~1987,' be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: ,Mayor' Parks, -Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None EXPANSION JOINTS AT COLONIAL PARK POOL: Consideration was given to approve Change Order No. lin the amount of $1,342.63 to the contract for replacement of the expansion joints at Colonial Park Pool. o Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $1,342.63 be approved for addition to the contract with Holbrook Waterproofing Co. of Texas for replacement of the expansion joints at the Colonial Park Pool. Voting Aye: , Vot~ng No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, " Britton,Schwartzel , None' None EMINENT DOMAIN COUNSEL: Consideration was given to approving and authorizing an Engagement Letter for Eminent Domain Counsel Services with Fulbright & Jaworski, the form to be approved by the Mayor. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan; that City Council authorize the Mayor to, upon approval of the form of said Engagement Letter, execute the same for Eminent Domain Counsel Services with Fulbright & Jaworski. Vat i ng Aye:, Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None LJ Regular City Council Meeting, May 11, 1987 ~~t: "'-'''''.. ,- -5 . -"' .. D PURCHASE OF 1987 ONE TON PICKUP ,TRUCK: , .Consideratioflwasgiven to the recommendation to award the contract to purchase a 1987 one ton pickup truck for the Water Department. Bids were received on Wednesday, April 29, 1987, until 10:00 A.M., and opened at 10:30 A.M. that same day. Those present were Jerry Burns, Public Works Superintendent, Dinah Burg, Personnel/Purchasing Manager and Audrey Nichols, City Secretary. Bid results were as follows: Jack Roach Ford ,$10,170.48 2727 Southwest Frwy Houston, Tx 77265-5088 Spring Creek Ford $10,233.27 P.O. Box 2809 Spring, Tx 77383 Charlie Thomas Ford $10,500.00 P.O. Box 266407 Houston Tx 77027 F-350 Delivery 60 days Bidder Amount Bid Model F-3S0 90 days ARO F-3S0 60'days [ Mort Ha 11 Ford 10730 Eastex Frwy Houston, Tx 77093 Lone Star Ford 8477, North Frwy, ,. Houston, Tx 77037 $1'0,560.00, F-350 45-75 days ARO $10,733.94 F-350 6-8wks ARO , ;- , ; Knapp Chevrolet $11,195.00 815 Houston Avenue Houston, Tx 77210" . CR30903 75-90 days ARO A. C. Collins $11,200.00 P.O. Box 1759 Pasadena, Tx 77501 Curtesy Chevrolet Inc. $11,852.17 7777 Katyfrwy Houston, Tx 77024-2092 Motion was made by Couhcilmember Schw~rtzel, seconded by Counci lmember Bryan, that City Council accept staff's recommendation and award the contract to the low bidder, Jack Roach For~, at their bid price of ,$10.170.48. F-350 6-8 wks ARO CR30903 60 days ARO o Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks ,: ,Counci 1 members Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None L_ IL . [I. II ,I LI . _ _u_Ll~l. . L..,-_~i'Hi ''.IiI'm_.,IIIIIIiF I "r' 1- .... J _In: '1:ITl T:r-- ur IUD 'S \ 1216 Regular City Council Meeting, May 11, 1987 LEGISLATIVE MATTERS: Consideration w~s given to the invoice in the amount of $~9.84 submitted for legislative consulting servtces for the month of May 1987. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that the invoice jn the amount of $3,289.84 submitted for legislative consulting services for the month of May, 1987, be approved for payment. ' = Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None COUNCIL COMMENTS: Mayor Parks recommended the Corner Cut at Weslayan and Bissonnet streets be an agenda item for the next workshop session on May 21, 1987. STAFF REPORT: City Manager, Mr. Rock~nbaugh, advised that staff would contact Fulbright & Jaworski for the City's input to the Eminent Domain Counsel. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Consideration was given to, the minutes of the regular City Council meeting on April 13, 1987, and the minutes of the regular City Council meeting on ApriJ 27, 1987. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Counc)lmember Schwartzel, that the minutes of the regular meetings of City Council on April 13, 1987, and April 27, 1987, be appr9ved as submitted. J Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None RECESS CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Mayor Parks recessed the regular session of City Council to go into a closed executive session under Open Meetings Act, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN., as amended, Article 6252-17, Section 2(g): Discussion of Personnel Matters: Pol ice Chief. RECONVENE IN REGULAR SESSION:' At the conclusion of the closed executive session, Mayor Parks reconvened the regular session of City Council in open meeting. ADJOURNMENT: Upon motion duly made and seconded, City Council voted to adjourn the. meeting. J Regular City Council Meeting, May 11, 1987 o ~. (b . //rt~ {"./uk u rey'Nl9ho s . City Secretary o 1\ U ~.iL.... _~ .' . ,-..........----.-- .- 217 ;-1 f ~ ..' .,.,.~. ,,,.l.t L ._--"-'-":::\OOL....... __lit I?' 1,_1 -- L - I Jlf~ illOl i; ~1i 8 " . REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 28, 1987 7:30 P.M. J City Council convened in regular session in the City Hall Council Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Thursday, May 28, 1987, with the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, and Britton. Councilmember Schwartzel was absent. Also present were the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney and the Director of Operations. Mayor Parks invited Rev. Fr. Joseph Shahda, Pastor of St. George , Or~hodox Church to deliver the invocation. Mayor Parks led the Allegiance to the Flag. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mayor Parks invited residents to speak who had matters they wished to bring to the attention of the City Council which had not previously been submitted to the City Manager. Sharon D'Orsie; a homeowner in the City for eight years, expressed her concern that the City of West University Place had not begun to formulate a plan to convert to surface water as required by the Houston Galveston Coastal Subsidence District. Mayor Parks thanked Ms. D'Orsie for her comments. . CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to address a specific agenda item to speak at this time. There were none present who wished to speak concerning an agenda i tern. 'I J ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: No member of City Council suggested removing an item from the consent agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that the consent agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, None Councilmember Schwartzel CONDITIONS OF PRIVATE PROPERTY AND OUTDOOR STORAGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY: Mayor Parks presented Ordinance Number 1286 for the third reading and read the caption as follows: ORDINANCE NUMBER 1286 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CONDITIONS OF REAL PROPERTY AND THE D ACCUMULATION OR STORAGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND RELATED PROVISIONS. Regular City Council Meeting, May 28, 1987 o Copies of Ordinance Number 1286, in the form required for , adoption, were available to all members of City Council and a reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens present. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that Ordinance Number 1286 be adopted on third and final reading as presented. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks,Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, None Councilmember Schwartzel APPOINTMENT OF POLICE CHIEF: Consideration was given to the appointment of Steven Griffith to the position of Police Chief for the City of West University Place. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that City Council approve the appointment of Steven Griffith to the position of Police Chief for the City. o Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks,~ouncilmembers Bryan , Bell, Britton, None C9unGil~ember Sc~wartzel SAINT GCORCe ORTIIODOX CIIURCH: Mayor Parks presented and read Resolution Number 87-04as foU,ows:, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS . R E'S 0 L;UT I b:~ 87-04 .. ,--. ".,,, WHEREAS, Saint' George Orthodox Church is located within the city limits of West University Place; and WHEREAS, on its own accord the Saint George parishoners have initiate<;l a program of. working with the city's senior citizens; and WHEREAS, in the true spirit of~ Christian out-reach, the parishoners have consistently expressed an interest in helping our $enior ci1izens;and WHEREAS, the.parishoners provide fre~ luncheons and entertainment for our seniors on a monthly schedule; and n WHEREAS, the entire Community of Saint George has given time, love and effort to the senior citizens of West University Place. II II I I 'lm:IIIIlliiiI.'II_1 1,1 .. ~") 119 ~ , I J.IIl.~ i!. ,. I I ,I: I 11'1 II II<' II ~~ Regular City Council Meeting, May 28, 1987, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: iJ Section 1. That the sincere appreciation of the members of City Council be expressed and indelibly inscribed to the parishoners of Saint George Orthodox Church. Section 2. That all members of the Saint George Orthodox Church be, and they are hereby, proclaimed honorary citizens of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 3. That this Resolution be spread in full upon the minutes of the City Council and that the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to deliver to the Saint George Orthodox a true. copy hereof, signed by each member of the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED this, zatb. day of May , 1987. ,; I , Michael L. Parks, Mayor Beth Ann Brya~~ M~yor Pro Tern II I I U Buddy Bell, Councilmember H. L. Britton, Councilmember C. Boone Schw~rtzel, Councilmember ATTEST: Audrey Nichols, City Secretary Approved as to Form: James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that Resolution Number 87-04 be adopted as presented and read. II U Regular City Council Meeting, May 28, 1987 2,n1{ ,~'*' ~ o Votlng Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, None Councilmember Schwartzel On behalf of the members of City Council, Mayor Parks presented the signed and framed Resolution to Rev. Fr. Joseph Shahda, Pastor, Chris Mogannam, president of the Church Council, and other members of St. George Orthodox Church. HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT: Consideration was given to the invoi cei n the amount, of $'7,171. 00 submitted by Ha rri s County Appraisal District for the City's third quarter payment. . Motion was made by CouncilmemberBryan, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that the invoice in:the amount of $7,171.00 submitted by Harris County Appraisal District be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, None Councilmember Schwartzel o PLASTIC REFUSE BAGS: Consideration was given to authorizing payment in the amount of $15,600.00 to Houston Galveston Area Council for the April shipment of plastic refuse bags. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that City. Council authorize payment of $15,600.00 to the Houston Galveston Area Council for delivery of plastic refuse bags. Voting Aye: Voting ,No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Bri tton, No.ne~, ' .;, CouncHmember SchwartzeJ LEGISLATIVE MATTERS: Consideration was given to the invoi.ce in the amount of $5,784.70 submitted by R. ,W.' Harden & Associates for legislativeconsulting'se:rNices for: ,the months of March and April, 1987. ,Motion was made .by C'ounc:i 1 member B)ryan, seconded byCouncilmember Britton, that the i nvoi ce in tb:e:amou:nt of $5,784.70 submi tted by R. W. Harden & Associates be approved for payment. D Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: l___ Ir:=::.Li------'---'----_____~_..L_L__ . Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Britten, None .' Ceuncilmember Schwa-rtzel Bryan, Bell, ,~.l.l.d..._I_U._" "~_IIIIH!IImO'lUi I l' 'I ~ - 1"lll IIII I I II I II ~ , g~~ Regular City Council Meeting; May 28, 1987 ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR VARIOUS UTILITY RELATED PROJECTS: Consideration was given to, the, following invoices: a) Invoice in the amount of $165,792.95 for Priority Area No.1, Phase 1, Sanitary Sewer, West University Place First Subdivision :1 i L-J b)" Invoice in the amQunt of $2,039.19 for Water Line " Rep 1 acement, Pr;,ori ty Area No.1, Pemberton and Bell e Court Subdivision c) Invoice in the amount of,$6,559.S2 for Priority Area No. 1, Phase 1, Sanitary Sewer, West University First Subdivision,.. d) Invoice in the amount of $163.48 for Cleaning .of 36" Sanitary Sewer Outfall .Line on Brompton e) Invoice in the amount of $223.47 for Water Line Replacement'" Priority: Area No.2, Rice Court and Monticello Subdivision, f) Invoice in the amount of $759.90 for Phase 2, Priority Area No.1, Sanitary Sewer, West University First Subdivision' g) Invoice in the amount of. $3,,818.00 for Priority Area No. il 2, Sanitary Sewer, College Court Subdivision L-J , h) Invoice in the amount of $194.04 for Water Line Replacement, Priority Area. No.7, College Court Subdivision , . Motion was made by Councilmember ;Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that City Cpuncil approve for payment (a) the invoice in the amount of $165,792.,95 submitted by Whitelak, Inc., for work performed through April 30, 1987~ on construction of Priority Area No.1, Phase 1, Sanitary Sewer Renovation, West University Place First Subdivision and, (b) through (h), the invoices submitted by Langford Engineering Inc., for services in conjunction with the various utility related projects as listed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, None Councilmember Schwartzel SURVEY SERVICES FOR A UTILITY RELATED PROJECT: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $700.00 submitted by Topo Co., Inc., for their services in conjunction with Priority Area No.1, Phase 1, Sanitary Sewer, West University First Subdivision. ~ U Regular City Council Meeting, May 28, 1987' ~~3 o Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that the invoice in the amount of $700.00 submitted by T opo Co., Inc., be approved for payment. . Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, None Councilmember Schwartzel COFFEE SERVICE BID RECOMMENDATION: Consideration was given to the recommendation of staff to award the contract for coffee service and supplies to the City. Bids received until 10:00 A.M., March 25, 1987, were opened at 10:30 A.M., that same day with the following results: Bidder Amount Bid o Ag-Horn Coffee Food Service Inc. 5601 Bintliff Houston, Tx 77274 Chok Full of Nuts Maryland Club Imperial Tx. Finest Maryland Club 100% Columbian ,MarylandCl~b Flavor Mart Maryland Club Decaffeinated Poilger" s ,:: Ghok full of Nuts Brim Hill Bros. CCP Coffee Plan 5400 Mitchelldale #B4 Houston, Tx 77092 $15.25/42 pkg/l.l oz $16.95/42 pkg/l.l oz $18.95/42 pkg/l.l oz $19.95/42 pkg/l.25 oz $17.95/42 pkg/1.1 oz $21.00j42pkg/l.75 oz $10.9514.2'pkg/l.l oz $18.9Sj42'pkg/l.2S oz $19.95/4lpkg/l.5 oz $21.95/42 pkg/l~3 oz B,id not to Specifications " Gulf States Coffee Service. Inc. P.O. Box 79187 Houston:, Tx '77279 Folgers Maryland Club Decaffeinated , I $23.00/46 pkg/l.l oz $e3.75{46 pkg/1.25 oz $24.50/42 pkg/l.25 oz $26.50/42 pkg/l.l oz Brim Folger's n Service America CorD. 15951 Park Row Houston, Tx 77279 Mary laindC 1 ub Ma){well,House 'Fo 1gers ' ' !, $27.2'5/46 p,kg/l. 75 oz $24 ~5()/4:6 p'kg/l.75 oz $19.(i)O/46,p;kg/l.l oz JIIIII!III"IRmW,,! . 2.~~~~ 1':r ~.:'.1 :~:.. - n"- ~~I rr~ . Regular City Council Meeting, May 28, 1987 Folgers Folger$ Decaffeinated Folgers Eldorado Brim Brim Brand Coffee Service 1110 Washington Houston, Tx 77002 Maryland Filter Pac Folger's Decaffeinated Hills Bros. Continental : \" FO)ger.' s i' t South Texa Vendors t':"-,, 4529 H~r 'sburg"C ~oustoD, Tx 77011 Maryland Club Maxwell House MarylaDd Club Decaffeinated Maryla!1oClub Folgers Brim United Coffee Comoany 1115 Hub Street Houston, Tx 77023 United United Filter Pouch Decaffeinated United Master $20.7S{46 pkg{I.2 oz $19.00{46 pkg{1.3 oz $22.2S{46 pkg{I.1 oz $22.25{46 pkg{I.3 oz $23.S0{46 pkg{1.5 oz $27.25{46 pkg{I.7S oz :/ J LJ " $17.50{42 pkg{I.2S oz $18.S0{42 pkg/l.25 oz $20.50{46 pkg/l.l oz $21.50/42 pkg/l.l oz $23.50/42 pkg{I.2S oz $23.50/46 pkg/l.l oz $29.00/46 pkg/l.75 oz $29.00/46 pkg/l.75 $27.00{46 pkg/l.5 oz $25.00/46 pkg{I.2S oz $24.00/46 pkg/l.l oz $27.00/46 pkg/l.2S oz n i i I I ~ $16.90/40 pkg{1.75 oz $16.90/40pkg{1 oz $18.90{40 pkg/l.S oz Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Britto~, that City Council accept staff's recommendation and award the contract for coffee service to Ag-Horn Coffee Food Service of Houston for the estimated annual cost of $5,800.00. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: ' Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, None Councilmember Schwartzel COUNCIL COMMENTS: Mayor Parks asked for a progress report concerning dilapidated houses. The City Attorney advised that progress was being made. However, we have experienced difficulty in finding i \ LJ Regular City Council Meeting, May 28, 1987 22%~' o one of the owners. There 'most likely will be a need for search warrants to be issued on one or two of the houses. After a thorough search, staff will make a list of all the violations that may be observed and file on the owners. Council member Bryan recognized the letters of commendation and praise for professional police, service provided to citizens by Sergeant Donna Stanich, Officer Calv.in Harvey, and Officer Mike Peterson. STAFF REPORT: City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, advised that Orientation Day had been reschedu;led to Saturday, June 13, if it met with Council's approval. City Council concurred with the date. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business, to consider at this time, Mayor Parks declared the regular session of City CouncH adjourned at 7:50 P.M. ~. Mi chae 1 L. Mayor o ~~.(~hA~ u rey l! 0 s . City Secretary n II' 'ii'll 1.1 , rei ;.-,1 ia>; I' ;-ljWHi!MII_IIIHIIII. .. .. .-.,.... r~.,...,,-,..-,..,...,_._--....,----,.--- , --------'--,-- .II____m>>-n,. r.1 ,'j, I .'iti I . 1r.11 I I Ii:' , "II ~~(: 22tt' ;':.; ,REGULAR CITY COUNCIL, MEETING '. June 8,' 1987 7:30P.M. ~ I I ( ~ City Council convened in regular sess'ion tn the City Hall Council Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Monday, June 8,1987, with, the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton',and Schwartzel. Also present were the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, and the Director of Operations. Councilmember Britton delivered the invocation and led the'Allegiance to the'Flag. ! , HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mayor Parks invited residents to speak who had matters' they wished to bring to the attention of the City Council which'had not previously been submitted to the City Manager. , ; There were none present who wished to speak. CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to address a specific agenda item to speak at this time. There were none present who wished to speak concerning an agenda item. ITEMS TO B~ REMQVED FR9~ THE CONSENT AGENDA: No member of City Counci1 suggested removing an item from the consent agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion was made by Counci lmember Schwartzel ',' seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that the consent agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendation. [j Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None MUNICIPAL COURT APPOINTMENTS: Consideration was given to appointing an Associate Judge, Chief Prosecutor and two Prosecutors for the Municipal Court. Mayor Parks presented and read the following Resolution. RESOLUTION NUMBER 87-05 WHEREAS, A. Ross Rommell resigned his position as Associate Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place effective May 31, 1987; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: o Section 1. That J. Gordon Dees is hereby appointed Associate Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place to serve a term ending Regular City Council Meeting, JuneS, 1987 2~.~S o Section 2. That Candelario Elizondo is hereby approved and confirmed, as Chief Prosecutor of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place. Section 3. That Joe Weldon Bailey, II, and Douglas M. Durham are hereby approved and confirmed as Assistant Prosecutors of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place. Section 4. That J. Gordon Dees, Candelario Elizondo, Joe Weldon Bailey, II, and Douglas M. Durham are hereby vested with all powers and duties as set forth in the Charter of the City of West University Place and the Statutes of the State of Texas pertaining to their respective offici&l appointments. 'Section 5~ That each of the above named Municip,al Court Personnel shall receive as compensation for their duties the amount heretofore provided for each such position. Section 6. All resolutions and parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. o Section 7. If any word,phrase,clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid:oriunconstitutionalbyany court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this resolution and the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this resolution to any other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. Section 8. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a suffi~ient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this resolution was discussed, considered or acted upon was given'~n the~,manner ,require,d by the Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, as amended',:'and ,that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and cohfirms suc::h noticesiand the 'contents' and posting, thereof. ,! (., PASSED AND APPROVED this 8th day of June, 1987. o i.l ,; 1.0,' 'J I, :1 'd " '.1 , ;f 'i ~ r-- --- ~~". . .II_...._!llWJIH I. l. III II .1, I llt'l I I II' l II ~~~ Regular City Council Meeting, June 8, 1987. Councilmemhers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: CouncilmembersAbsent: :~ I I I ' LJ Michael L. Parks, Mayor ATTEST:. Audrey Nichols City Secretary Approved as to Form: (SEAL) James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney Upon the advice of the City Attorney, Section 1 was amended to read that J. Gordon Dees is hereby appointed Associate Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place to serve a' term beginning June 8, 1987-. , . Motion was made by Councilmember Britton, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that Resolution Number 87-05 be adopted as amended. o Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks,Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None Mayor Parks administered the Oath of Office to Associate Judge J. Gordon Dees, Chief Prosecutor Candelario Elizondo and Assistant Prosecutors Joe Weldon Bailey, II, and Douglas M. Durham. HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT:, Consideration was given to the election of a person to the Board of Directors of the Harris County Appraisal District. Mayor Parks presented and read the following resolution: RESOLUTION:'NUMBER 87-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, CASTING ITS BALLOT FOR THE ELECTION OF A PERSON TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the County Clerk of Harris County, Texas, has delivered to the Mayor of this City a ballot containing the names of those persons duly nominated as candidates to serve on the Board of Directors of the Harris County . Appraisal District to be filled by those cities and towns, J Regular City Council Meeting~ June 8, 1987 ~ ),:.~.'~ ~'. . Z;etl o other than the City of Houston, participating in said District; and WHEREAS, this City deems it appropriate and in the public interest to cast its vote for the candidate of its choice to fill~ such position; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. The facts and recitations set forth in the preamble of this Resolution be, and they are hereby, adopted, ratified, and confirmed. ,~ . . . , . .. . o Section 2. That the City of West University Place, Texas, has cast its vote, and it does hereby cast its vote, for Tom Bartlett to fill the remainder of the current term of that position on the Board of Directors of the Harris County Appraisal District representing those incorporated cities and towns, other than the City of Houston, participating in said District. ., . Section 3. That the Mayor, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to deliver or'cause to be delivered an, executed, or certif,ied copy o'f this Resolution and the.., voted Ballot for Director to the County Clerk of Harris County prior to November 15, 1987. Section 4. An resolutions and parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to:the'exteht of the conflict only. . : Secti on S. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence" paragraph, section o~ other part of this resolution or the application thereof to any' person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this resolution and the application of'such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part' of this resolution ,to any other persons or circumstances shall hot be affected thereby. i-I Section 6. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this resolution was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. L....... II' ;",II.j , , I,a__ '-1"1;':1' ____. , . jiF' rd;!llII1_I_.....t:'. ... .h. --1'- . j ..II_illlmflt~:".!';!j.l.il '. 'Jl, J . 'I~,t I I I 1"1.1 II '- f'~ 1. r, ... 23'0 /' Regular City Council Meeting, June 8, 1987 PASSED AND APPROVED this 8th day of June, 1987. Councilmembers Voting Aye: 1-----' I I U Ceuncilmembers Voting, Ne: Ii' Councilmembers Absent: Michael L. Parks,~Mayor ATTEST: Audrey Nichols, City Secretary (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM:, : : I. James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney Motion was made by Councilmember Britton, seconded by , Councilmember Schwartzel, that Resolution Number 87-06 be adopted as read. o - :: Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: ,. . Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Britton, Schwartzel None 1 , , None Bell, LEGAL SERVICES: Consideration was given to the invoice.,in the amount of $4,787.80 submitted for ,legal serv.;ces provided on the City's behalf for the month of May 1987. Motion'was made by CouncilmemberSchwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that the invoice in the amount of $4,787.80 submitted for legal services be approved for payment., Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers aryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel ' None None' : ; o 231 Regular City Council Meeting, June 8, 1987 :~. )., u DILAPIDATED 'BUILDINGS: Consideration was, given to authorize action to be taken against Lot 19, Block 1, College Court Addition, 5616 Community. Motion'was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded'by Counci 1 member Bryan, that the City"Attorney be authorized to proceed with appropriate action against the property listed as Lot 19, Block 1, College Court Addition, located at 5616 Community. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Bri ttcm, ' Schwartzel None None ' EMINENT DOMAIN COUNSEL: Consideration was given to approving and authorizing the Engagement Letter for Eminent Domain Counsel Services with Fulbright & Jaworski. Mayor Parks presented and read the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NUMBER 87-07 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: o Section 1. That the City Council hereby approves and a~,thorizes the Mayor to enter into a Fee Agre~ment w.;th, Fulbright & Jaworski for Fulbright & Jaworski to represent the City in a threatened and anticipated condemnation suit by Metropolitan Transit Authority against the City to acquire the City's 6.2058-acre tract located in the ,William Ford Survey, Abstract #1026, Harris County, Texas, and having froptage on Westpark Drive in Houston, Texas. Secti em ,2,. 'That the ,.form of, said Agreement. is} shown as Exhibit A which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this Reference. Section 3. All resolutions and p~rts of resolutions in~c(jnflictherewith are herebyrep~aled to the extent of the tonflie~ Only. ., [-l Section 4. If any word,! phrase:, 'clause,:isentence, paragraph, section or other part of this resolution or the appl icati on' thereof to any' person or,ci rcumstance, shall . ever be held to be invalid' or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this resolution and the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentenc~, paragraph, section or other part of this resolution to any other person's or' circumstances 'shall not be affected thereby. . Section S. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, ;bour, "place and subject of each meeting at which .. . . - '/'-[ .-~"'I___._." . ~-_._.- --.. _..~ r--- - "__l_m:m~ ~'i!. '. I I .. I l'!h! I II I I II ~ II '2~~ Regular City Council Meeting, June 8, 1987 this resolution was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law;;at all times' during,sucn d:i.s,cussion,:considera:tio.n and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and, confirms,sl,lch notices and the. contents and posting thereof. .~ I I , I ~ . ;' !, ,.'\ J I :,'L"' ,. I; \ PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of June, 1987. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: ' , Counci 1 members Abs,ent: Michael L. Parks, Mayor ATTEST :' ,', Audrey Nichols City Secretary Approved as, to form: ( SEAL) , o "James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney . Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded ,by Councilmember Bryan, ,that ResQlution Number, 87-07 be adopted as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, ,Councilmembers , . Bryan" Bell" Braton, Schwartze 1 Voting No: None Absent: None EXPANSION JOINTS AT COLONIAL PARK'POOL: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $6,715.63 submitted ,by Holbrook Waterproofing of Texas for completion of the contract to replace the expansion joints at Colonial Park. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that the invoice in the amount of $6,,715.63 submitted by Holbrook, Waterproofing of Texas be approved,for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor ,Parks "Counc,i lmembers, Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None . None i-I u ., COUNCIL COMMENTS: After discussion, C,ity Council agreed to begin Regular City Council Meeting, June 8, 1987 ~g~1i.3 o Orientation Day at 10:00 on Saturday, June 13. Councilmember Bryan acknowledged receipt of a letter complimenting a response from the Police Department. Councilmember Bell remarked that the Eastern Star landscaping looks great. Mayor Parks requested staff research an appropriate way for Council to show their appreciation to Dave Ignash for his contribution to the Easter Star Beautification Project. Councilmember Schwartzel asked if the City could beautify the water well site on Bissonnet at Weslayan. Director of Operations, Curtis Cooper, replied that consideration would be given to beautifying several locations during the budget process. Mayor Parks asked for a report from the City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, concerning a request for men and equipment to help clean up a park project at the school. The City Manager reported that in a telephone conversation with Mr. Stanger, he was asked if the City could provide employees and equipment this next Saturday. Mr. Rockenbaugh advised Council that it was not feasible to get the equipment and men to the\ park site on such a short notice. .. D After discussion, City Council agreed that a spokesman from the Parks Board should present the plans for both parks sites, West University Elementary and Pershing, at a workshop session. STAFF REPORT: Mr. Rockenbaugh presented information concerning . expenditures made to date on legislative consulting services. Mayor Parks recommended staff review Jim Short's contract and make a recommendation to City Council. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the regular City Council meeting on May 11, 1987 and the minutes of the regular City Council meeting on May 28, 1987, were presented for consideration. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that the minutes of the regular city council meeting on May 11, 1987, and May 28, 1987, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None t-l ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before Council at this time, motion was made by Councilmember Bell, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that the meeting adjourn. Such motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:12 P.M. ,--- 234 ~ J. __ ,. L.=p,". .J.IIlBi; ':T!" I "'.1 ~Jr ~egular City Council Meeting, June 8, 1987 \ r,r.?t,,,,,l. I iill' 1 ' ,>jill. IllIl II il ' II c--, ) i L.......J ..~. Mayor" - ! !.: o u 235 o REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 22, 1987 7:30 P.M. , ~ " \ (\ "t: o "." ';,l "''''co., ". City Council convened in regular session in the City Hall Council Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Monday, June 22, 1987, with the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton and Schwartzel. Also present were the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Director of Operations, and Superintendent of Utilities. Councilmember Schwartzel delivered the invocation and led the Allegiance to the Flag. ' HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mayor Parks invited residents to speak who had matters they wished to bring to the attention of the City Council which had not previously been submitted to the City Manager. Robert Sutter, 3904 Southwestern,had questions concerning the landfill and recycling. He thought the residents needed to be reminded of what items are recycled and the pick up schedule. Mayor Parks thanked Mr. Sutter for his comments and recommended staff work with the Chairman of the Recycling Committee to draft an article on recycling for distribution. to the residents. , ) CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to address a specific agenda item to speak at this time. There were none present who wished to speak concerning an agenda item. DEPOSITORY FOR CITY FUNDS: Consideration was given to bids received from banks to serve as the depository' for city funds. Mayor Parks announced that at the close of the bidding today, the City had received only one bid which remains unopened. Since the City usually receives multiple1hids:", itds the pleasure of City Council to not open the bid and extend the bid deadline to the next regularly scheduled Council Meeting on July 13, 1987,at 7:30 P.M. The representative from MBank present tonight is welcome t'o take hi's E>idbac'k' a!nd:riebidon uu:ly'13.di So; that the bidding process 'iis compettti've ,'ci:ty staff will: call the 'other banks on the bidder-5' list'to "be certain 'they received, the bid notice. The City Attorney advised that Citiy:Council ,.ieven with the extended bid date, would reserve the right, if needed, to reject all bi'ds.i,J:: ;. f ';:....' , '1'" fi lJ ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE OONSENT"AGENDA:. Councilmember' $chwartzel sugge~ted Item No. 14: WATER LINE REPLACEMENT \be removed from the consent agenda. L-__,__ II; j; iJl , II LLiil ;"i:iJ1U::IH .-1 '_> '!,L1;:-::--}f.:Ii.t;lIl__nl_1 I,. L . ....1I!1!' :1' . I I I: I If II II ] II ).;~; f~ S 236 Regular City Council Meeting, June 22, 1987 CONSENT AGENDA: Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that with the exception of Item No. 14, the consent agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendation. ~, I I ' I I I '-----" Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None REAPPOINTMENT OF MEDICAL DIRECTOR: Mayor Parks presented Ordinance Number 1292 and read the caption as follows: ORDINANCE NUMBER 1292 AN ORDINANCE REAPPOINTING DR. ARLO WELTGE AS MEDICAL DIRECTOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 44470 V.T.C.S.; AND PURSUANT TO TEXAS STATE BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS RULES AND REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR A TERM OF OFFICE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Copies of Ordinance Number 1292, in the form required for adoption, were available to all members of City Council and a reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens present. i-l \ 'L--1 Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that Ordinance Number 1292 be adopted finally on first reading as presented. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None FORM OF NOTICE: Mayor Parks presented Ordinance Number 1293 and read the caption as follows: ORDINANCE NUMBER 1293 AN ORDINANCE CALLING A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE CITY COUNCIL IN RELATION TO A PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE REVISION AND AMENDMENT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; PRESCRIBING THE TYPE OF NOTICE TO BE GIVEN; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. The City Attorney outlined proposed changes to the draft of the reyision and amendment of the zoning ordinance, dated June 16, 1987, which City Council reviewed at workshop session on June 18, 1987. The changes, based on the discussion on June 18, had been prepared in draft form so that the City Attorney could point out 1------' ! I i I L-l Regular City Council 'Meetin{g, J'une 22, 1987 237 f.f t~S 11 -...-J the areas that were changed to make sure that they were accurately recorded from the discussion on Thursday, June 18, 1987. City Attorney, Mr. Dougherty, pointed out that the change on the 'first page that ybu have in front of you, whi~h is ~age 18, is in response to the question irithe setbacks, when it jumps from five feet to seven feet, it will not be a sudden jump. As presented tonight, the ordinance would make the setbacks increase gradually. The setback would get to seven feet eventually in the one bracket and ten feet in the other bracket. On page 35 there is a deletion mark indicating the change in the hard surface pavement requirement. The indication was that we preferred this section in the Code of Ordinances rather than the Zoning Ordinance. On page 36, there is a deletion mark to indicate that the heavy vehicle parking section would be moved into the Code of Ordinances. On page 66, are the technical provisions to the side lot setback schedule: how the 3foot-7 foot adjustment provisions work on the narrow lots. It was decided a third exception was necessary as a matter of right where there are close buildings on both sides. That is Exception 3 on the page 66. When you have close buildings on both sides, if you are goi ng to go 3 foot-7 foot, one si de or the, other, therei s no side indicated as,the'rewould; be'jf one 'side were open. It gi ves' the 1 andowner a choi ce. ' The property owner des i gnates the side when he is hemmed in~'It gives the property owner the right to slide the building to one side of the lot or the other. The 7 foot rule relates'to the' minimum width 'of a: drhreway.' , Mayor Parks asked if these drafted chahges would be included in 'the draft"of the ordi nancepresented at thepubli c ,hearing? Mr. Dougherty suggested he would need to prepare an engrossed ve'rsi'O'n of the'io'rdin'ance fordistri'buti:o:n 'prior to the'lhe,aring. He planned to.date irt June 18 a'nd to include, :all the comments from last week. If Council wished to include these, i,t could be done, more or less, in the form shown. ~ ( \ I I i '----' Mayor Parks recommended the :changes 'be i'ncluded,prior to. the hearing. Members'ofOHy'Council concurned.f i' Councilmember :Britton !asked:'for clarification on ,the last item. One of Council's concerns was the.'inoursion of one property owner on another. He was not sure the change corrected:.the situation. Mr. Dougherty suggested that unde~ the redraft of' thafone provision, there is the possibility of two buildings being close together. Because on both"sides. if the prior builders had built out up to 3 feet, the new change would allow the property owner in the middle to go one way or~an6ther up: to' 3 feet tothe..side lot. There is a possibility of a 6 foot separation on one slde or the 'other. Of course'it would:be'muchJarge~on the other side which would not 'be possib'le' in the ex.isting zoning ,ordinance. JLnL.nli __ I.J LI _J~HS:lc: ~:"""":L_I rlWlFjmll_IIIIIIIII:.. ..............--,...- I_----,-..-,...,.-,"..,----,..--.--c--~ ....'l ," 1 ~'~J'" ~ .! I." ; . I. rc:r" FIT [.,. il :11 :38S8 Regular City Council Meeting, June 22, 1987 Councilmember Bryan suggested it,only applies if there are not driveways on the other"s,ide~ The City Attorney pointed out that there were two blanks for parki:ng spaces per 1,000 square feet. Five parking ,spaces per 1,000 square feet, was suggested'.: That figure is within the norms and the City'Attorney ,suggested that number be filled in for the purpose of the hearing. The provision would apply to retail and grocery stores. n u Mr. Dougherty recommended that City Council go to the hearing with the old zoning map, the one that was prepared for the prior public hearing. There would be two, differences that this ordinance no longer recognizes. The Single Family 1 and 2 districts would become one district and also:the Genenal Residential,District, , which' is ,shown as one small district .in the existing map', would be shown ,as two. The are no changes in boundaries, only just within those two categories, there would be a change internally. City Council concurred that the old zoning map should be used for presentation ~t the public hearing. Mr. Dougherty advised that Ordinance Number 1293, does not have the date filled in. If July 20, 1987,7:30 P.M. is acceptable to City Council, that date will be inserted in the original copy of the ordinance. The City Attorney recommended that the words "ameri'dment of the zoning ordinanceI' be 'included in the Notice of Hearing attached to the back of. the Ordinance Number 1293. Wi th concurrence of City Counci 1 to the City Attorney's recommendations, Mayor Parks called for a vote relative to Ordinance Number 1293. [1 Copies of Ordinance Number 1293, in th,e form required for adoption, were available to all member.s of City Council and a reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens present. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Britton, Ordinance Number 1293 be adopted finally on first reading. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, ,Councilmembers Bryan,Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None EMERGENCY STREET REPAIR: Consideration was given to invoices submitted by E. E. Henry, Inc. for emergency street repairs totaling $12,250.00" as follows: a. Invoice in the. amount of $8,400.00 for street repairs at the intersection of Weslayan and Riley; o Regular City Council Meeting, June '22, 1987' .,."tOD9 ;J~a o b. Invoiceinthe'amount'of$3,850.00 for repair to sanitary and storm sewer systems, and street repair at the intersection of Oberlin and CoHege. Motion was made 'by Councilmember Sohwartzel,seconded by Councilmember Bryan,. that the invoices ,submitted by E. E. Henry, Inc., be approved for payment as listed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks ,:Counci lmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None WATER RATE STUDY: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $7,500.00 from Peat Marwick Main & Co., for professional services rendered '>1naonnection' with the utility rate study. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that ,the! jinvoiae in the amount of $7,500.00 submitted by Peat MarwickMain' &, Co., be approved for payment. o 'Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks,i Counci lmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None TENNIS COURTS: Considerati'on ,was: given to the invoice in the amount of $13,200.00 from Teni-Trak, Inc. ,'isubmitterl for resurfacing the tennis courts at Wier Park. ,,! Moti'onwa:s made by'C'ou,ncilmemme,r Schwa,rtzel, seconded by 'CounciTmeiTiber Belil~ that' inJ the 'invoice' 'in!theamount of $13,200.00 submittedby'Teni-Trak', Inc., be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: 'Ahs:ent: Mayor Parkjs,~Councilmembe:rs Bryan; B,ell, Britton, Schwartzel None " , , No'ne ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR VARIOUS UTILITY RELATED PROJECTS: Considerationwasigiven to the invoices totaling $11,362.00 submitted by Langford 'Eng'fneeri1ng ,lnc., for engineering services provided for various utility related projects, as follows: a. Invoice in the amount of $130.81 for Sanitary Sewer :RenovationMaster"Pla,n ] :'! ", b. '; I '/', " :" 'j ":' Invoice in the amount of $257.74 for'Water Line Replacementd"riorHyArea\iNo~l, '!Pemberton and Belle Court Subdivisions '.i:,," n ~.~~-- II'w:1l !:j iihill ,;. :tiil~j.::1 'i I' I; - ; ~:):J>,il/;jilifij_""_f . ~'-'--"""'~~'---,------,_.'-'c- , .l.. .II_._I_I!'.t!l'l' -~.- - -I ~-~ iill 2_tJ Regular City Council Meeting~, June ,22, 1987 c. Invoice ,in the amount of.;$74.49 for Water .Replacement Priority Area No.,2, Rice Court and Monticello Subdivision 1 : I ~ d. Invoice in ,the, amount of $552.00 for Priority Area No. 2, Sanitary Sewer, College Court Subdivis:ion ' , " e. Invoice in the amount of $69287.08 for Phase 1, Priority Area No.1, Sanitary'Sewer, West University First Subdivision.; . f. Invoice in the amount of.,$19627.50 for Phase 3, Priority Area No.1, Sanitary Sewer, West University First Subdivision ',g. Invoice in the amount of $188.70 for Phase 2, Priority Area No.1, Sanitary Sewer, West University First Subdivision h. Invoice in the amount of $33.10 for 36" Sanitary Sewer Outfall Cleaning on Brompton Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Counci lmember Bell, that,.the, invoi ces, submitted by Langford Engineering Inc., be approved for payment as listed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: .. Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None, None !-l LJ PHASE 1. PRIORITY' AREA NO.1., SANITARY SEWER. WEST UNIVERSITY FIRST SUBDIVISION: Consideration was given to ,Monthly Estimate No.5 in the amount of $101.064.00 ,submitted by Whitelak, Inc., for work performed through May 31, 1987, on the Phase 1, Priority Area No. 1, Sanitary Sewer Renovation. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that Monthly Estimate No.5 in the amount of $101.064.00 submitted by Whitelak be approved for payment. .Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor ,Parks, ,Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton" Schwar.tzel None None GROUND STORAGE TANKS: Consideration was given to the request for authorization of engineering services in the amount of $4,700.00 submitted by Don S. Reichle for the inspection and preparation of plans and specifications to rehabilitate the ground storage tanks on 3827 Milton. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that City Council authorize Don S. Reichle & u Regular City Council Meeting, JuneiJ22" 1987~' - 1: a~i o Associates to perform the inspection and preparation of plans and specification:to rehabilitate the ground storage tanks located at 3827 Milton for the lump sum price of $4,700.00. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None 'I SURVEY SERVICES FOR UTILITY 'RELA'f.ED'SERVICES: Consideration was given to the invoiceslsubmHted bydop'oCo. ,Inc~,totaling $4,480.00 for survey services on utility related projects, as follows: a. Invoice in the amount of $4,100.00 for Phase 2, Priority Area No.2, SanitaryrSewer, West University First Subdivision; b. Invoice in the amount of $380.00 for Phase 2 , Priority Area No ~ 1,. :Sanitary' 'Sewet7'" West Universilty First Subdivision. n Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bell, tha:t;"the~ invoices submitted by Topo Co., Inc., be approved for payment as listed. Voting' Aye::' Mayor Parksr,'C:ound 1 members 'Bryan, Be1l, "Britton', . S'Chwartze" ", Voting No:' None', ';~" Absent: None . ;. WATER LINE REPLACEMENT:Considerati'onwa:s given to the invoices totaHn'g $45,004.16, submitted ,by Ella Contracting, Inc., as follows: ( l' a. Invoice in 'the amount of$Z,210.58 for Monthly Estimate No. 6, WaterLine Replacement Prior,ityArea No.1, Pemberton & Belle Court Subdivision b. Invoice in the amount of $42,793.58 for Monthly Estimate No.1 and Change Order No. 1, Priority Area No.2, Rice Court and Monti1cel,lo,:'S'ubdivtsion '1' ;', II Councilmember Schwartiel expressed concern that if Council approved Monthly Estimate:No.6fmf,the /water' repJcacement in Pri ori ty Area No.1, in the Pemberton and Bell e Court SubdiVision, thelCity'would beholding'Jess, than the 10% retainage of the totalcohtract amount. . Superintendent of UtiliUes';'iMr. Simpson, explained that:ithe contract work performed to'datetotal:ed $304,181.84. The 10% retainage was based on that amount and the City was holding $30,418.18. ~_n ;;','11 !:I lill I'UI;" "I' i-'(_".c"i~.m!f!lj__Dl_.--- " '.' 'Ii" f ':2~~ Regular City Council Meeting, ~une 22:, 1987 . ______iIlQ.It<Ct .'~;:. I Lit. 'I 111.11 I I 11111 II Metion,was.made by CouncilmemberBryan, seconded by, Councilmember Britton, that the invoices submitted by Ella Contracting, Inc. be approved for payment as listed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: ,l ~ Ma.yo.r P,arks,Counci lmembe.rs Brittorr,:Schwartzel None None Bryan, Bell, 1'1; I '{' AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS: Consideraton was given to authorize advertising for bids for the following items and services: , a. Phase 2, Priority Area No.1, Sanitary Sewer, West University First Subdivision b. Water Line Replacement, Priority Area No.7, College Court Subdivision. " Motion, was made by Councilmember Schwartzel., seconded by Councilmember Bell,. that City Council authorize advertising for bids for the items and services listed. ,," Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks ,Counc1l members Bryan', Bell, Britton~ Schwartzel None None J LEGISLATIVE, MATTERS:, Cons,iderationwas.,given to the invoice in the amount of $"'3"':"289.84 submitted by, Jim Short Inc., for legislative consulting services for the period of June 1 through June 30, 1987. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Coun~\lmember ~ell, ~h~t the invoice in the amount of $3,289.84 subml t~d by J.]JJ1' Short J nc." be approved for payment. .' "',Y Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None COUNCIL :COMMENTS:Councilmember Bryan acknowledged receipt of a letter of commendation to Donna Stanich for her professional manner in handling apoli.ce matter;" Mayor, Parks announced ,that Tom ,Bartlett had been elected to the Harris County Appraisal District Board. STAFF COMMENTS: Ci ty Manager" 'Mr..! Rockenbaughhad nothi ng. ;fur:ther for Council's consideration at this time. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the regular city council meeting on June 8, 1987, were presented for consideration. LJ Regular City Council Meeting, June 22, 1987 ,2~~3 '.'< ~, ~.. o Councilmember Bryan sU9gestedthat Page 8 of the minutes of June 8 stated that the City received'arequest for men and equipment to help clean up a park project at the school, but the City Manager advised Council that is was not feasible to get the equipment and men to the park site on such a short notice. However, Councilmember Bryan thought that the minutes of June 22 should reflect that in spite of' a short notic'e, an employee and city equipment wer~ dispatch~d.toith~~arkprojett. . , Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Bell ,that the minutes of'the regular' city council meeting on June 8, 1987, be approved as submitted'. : ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor' Pa rks, 'Counc i 1 members B rya n, Bell. Britton~ Schwa~tzel No'ne .,., None ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before Council at this time, Mayor Parks declared~he:meeting adjourned at.8:05 P.M. Motion was made by Co'unCilmemberSchwartzel, seconded by 'Councilmember Bell, that Monthly Estimate No.5 in the amount of $101,064.00 submitted by Whitelak, Inc., be approved for payment. . . - I D Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: n '- ~. Mayor Parks,. Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, SchwartzeJ None None:'" .. )t' . '.., > .,-" 'f'-" !.'! ~ f .. ~ ".' . , '" , . I " \ ~. .., t ~! ".j I . I. \ ~ .... ...........liIIIIH~ L! .1 fll .-r,.....------ ----:--T-r-ir-..~ :,. >, f1 G P .::. 244 REGULAR ,CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 13, 1987 7,: 30 P .,M .' ' J City Council convened in ,regula.rsession"in-,the City Hall, Council Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard, in:the City of West University Place, on Monday, July 13~ 1987 "with the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Councilmember~Bryan, and, Britton. , Councilmembers Bell and Schwartzel were absent. Also present were the City Manager" City Secretary:,. City "Attorney, Director of Administration, and the Director of Operations. Councilmember Britton delivered the invocation and led the"Allegiance to the Flag. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mayor, Parks,.invit~d, residents to speak who had matters they wished to bring to the attention of City Council which had not previously been submitted to the City Manager. 'i There were none present who wished to speak. CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Parks invited .residents who wished to address a specific agenda item to 'speak at this time. There 'were none present,who.wished to ,speak concerning an agenda 'item. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: No member of City , Counci,l suggested remo,v,ing an"item.f.rom the consent agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that the consent agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendation. ') I \ l.J Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Britton None C0uncilmembers Bell, Schwartzel DEPOSITORY FOR CITY FUNDS: City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, recommended that the bids received for the city depository be opened and the results reported briefly by the Director of Administration, Donna Sims. Mr. Rockenbaugh furtherr~commended that, due to the complexity of each bid, City Council refer the bids to staff for review and tabulation. Bids received at 7:30 P.M., July 13, 1987, were opened and the following results, among others, were announced: !l u Regular City Council Meeting,July 13, 1987 24'5 ?~ f' o MBank Houston P.O. Box 22758 Houston~ Tx77227 Interest on funds placed on interest bearing deposit as follows: Single Maturity Time Deposits of $100,000 or more: RATE (INDICATE BASIS POINTS ABOVE, BELOW EQUAL TO THE 26-WEEK T BILL YIELD RATE MATURITY (1 ) 30 - 59 days. (2) 60 - 89 days (3) 90 - 179 days; (4) 180 days or,'more .55 BASIS POINTS BELOW '. 55 BASIS POINTS BEL:OW ' 50 .BASIS POINTS ,BELOW 3d BAsIS POINTS BELOW r ~ Bidder 'shall make short~term J,oansto.:the City as follows,: The Interest rate shall be * percent per annum. *M("orp',>R~C:j:)R~tj:) 1=1n~ting') (I=ffj:)rtivj:) n~tp nf r.h~ngp) MCorp's Base Rate as of 6/20/87 is 8.25% The City presently has three short term loans outstanding. They are: Annual - Annua 1 Balance Principal Payment Rate Due Date $ 82,000 $ 82,000 5% 9-1-87 . ';. \ $195,000 $ 65,000 ' 5% 6-1-87 $180,000 $ 40,000 41/2% 6-1-87 ! ' ($20,000 biannual) .. Bidder agrees to assume the existing principal balances on the notes yes and the annual interest rate MCorp's Ba,se R.ate Floating, (Effective Date of Change). MCorp's Ba:seiRa:te,as of 6/20/87 is 8.25%. First Republic Bank Fannin 1020 Holcombe Houston, Tx 77025 Interest on funds pl~cedon interest bearing deposit as follows: n I I L. 11,;;:1;. )i 1;1:1 ""1 I .' L'!; :Wh<IimiIi_'-;" "',,,,,,=,..,,,=,~---'''''~-----'----'-''''''''----'-'-'--'---~''--~'~''--'-- , ' Ii - I , , ,----- --- -------'---, -- --'-=~ .. ...IIIa1.IImlIWIifii.L,J II ~ - I ~ I I II I II 1 2\ ~ ~ ~. t 246 Regular City Council Meeti,ng,July 13, 1987 Single Maturity Time Deposits of $100,000 or more: , MA TUR ITY (1) 30 - 59 days (2) 60 - 89 days' (3) 90 - 179 days (4) 180 days or more RATE (INDICATE BASIS POINTS ABOVE, BELOW EQUAL TO THE 26-WEEK T BILL , YI ELD :RATE 50 BASIS POINTS BELOW 37.5 BASIS POINTS BELOW 25 BASIS POINTS BELOW ;l LJ 25 BASIS POINTS BELOW Bidder shall make sho~t-term loans to theCitv as follows: I I' * it , ' , " The City presently has three short term loans outstanding. They are: 'I I ' Annua 1 , Annual ' I .. ; , I,' I ' Balance Principal Payment Rate Due Date i J L......-' $d82,000 $ 82,000 5% 9-1-87 " , "::'; $195,000 $ 65,000 5% 6-1-87 $180,000 $ 40,000 41/2% 6-1-87 ($20,000 biannual) " Bidder agrees to assume the existing principal balances on the notes subject to above and the annual interest rate subject to above. Texas'Commerce Bank-Chemical 3201 Kirby , , ,. Houston, Texas 77266 Interest on funds placed on interest lbearing deposit as ,follows: Single Maturity Time Deposits of $100,000 or more: MATURITY (1) 30 - 59 days RATE (INDICATE BASIS ,POINTS ABOVE, BELOW EQUAL TO THE 26-WEEK T BILL YIELD RATE See Addendum A II ! I U 217 Regular City Council Meeting~ July 13, 1987 :} D (2) 60 89 days See Addendum A (3) 90 179 days 'See Addendum A (4) 180 days or more -c,See: Addendum A , I ~ t Bidder shall make short-term loan:s to the City as follows: The Interest rate shall be * percent per annum. *Prime lending rate of Texas Commerce BankN.A. The City presently has three short term loans outstanding. They are: ' , " Annual , . ~ . Annua 1 Balance Principal Payment Rate Due Date $82,000' $ 82',000 " __'a 5% 9-1-87 $195,000 $ 65,000 5% 6-1-87 $180,000 $ 40,000 41/2% .: 6-1-87 ($20,OOO,biarinllal) o Bidder agrees to assume the existing principal balances on the notes yes and the annual interest rate see Addendum D. Motion was made :byCoundlmember Bri:tton, 's'econdedby Councilmember Bryan, that the bids be referred to staff for tabulation and recommendation for award. Votiny Aye:' Voting No: Absent:- Mayor' Parks,'CoundlmembersBryan , Britton None " , ' Councilmembers Bell, Schwartzel " CHIEF :O'F POt!l'CE:" Mayor Parks' administered the (lath oLOffice to Stephen M. Griffith, Chief of Polke~ and congratulated him on his new position. ", '/;' CLEANING THE 3611 SANITAR'{;'SEWER OUTFALL'LINEON BROMPTON ROAD: Consideration wasgiven:toiauthori'z:e',the issuance of,~the Certi fi cate of Acceptance 'and fii'na lpayment in the amount of $14,423.35 to Naylor Industries, Inc., for completion of the contract for cleaning the 3611 Sanitary Sewer Outfall Line on 'Brompton' Road. .." '1"': " "H ,:i, .,:.' D Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Britton'; that City Council- authorize the issuance of the Certificate of Acceptance and final payment 'in the amount of $14,423.35 to 'Naylor: ]ndus:tdes~ Inc., for completion of cleaning the 3611 Sanitary Sewer Outfall Line on Brompton,Road. "0 " ! ~ : L :... AL-.-:...........IJ. ......l-ca_~ '~''''"'''''_''''''''._,,-- . __n_IImii'llI! '"' I -_.~_. --~. II t,tfll' , 11 I I 11'1 II ~ - . . (. \. 248 Regular City Council Meeting, July 13, 1987 Voting Aye:, Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Britton None Courlcilmembers Bell, Schwartzel. I) I I U HAND HELD METER READING DEVICES: Consideration was given, to the invoice in the amount of $10,960.00 submitted by Municipal Software in connection with the hand held'meter read,ing devices. Motion was'made by Counci.1.l1!em~er Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that the invoi'cein' th'e' amount of $10,960.00 submitted by Municipal Software be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: I Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan,,~Britton None Councilmembers Bell. Schwartzel WATER PRIORITY AREA NO.2. MONTICELLO ADDITION AND RICE COURT SUBDIVISIONS: Consideration was given;tb'the items submitted by Ella Contracting, as follows: a. Monthly Estimate No.2 in the amount of $36,131.66 for work, performed through June ,30, 1987 in ,Water Priority Area No.2, Wat.er'Line Replacement Project. b. Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $980.00 additional cost. n I I c. Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $870.00 additional U cost. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Britton;, that Monthly'Estima'te.'No.2,~ Change Order No.2 and Change Order No.3 submitted by Ella Contracting be approved as listed. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor,Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Britton None" , Councilmembers Bell, Schwartzel LEGISLATIVE MATTERS: C9r1s5geratibri was 'given to the, invoice,'i'n the amount of W89.84 suhmitt:ed by Jim Short Inc., for legislative consulting services through July 31,'1:987. Motion was, made by CouncilmemberBryan, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that the invoice in the amount of $3,289.84 submitted by Jim Short Inc., be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: 'Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Britton None i Councilmembers Bell, Schwartzel : J LEGAL SERVICES: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $6,951.70 submitted for legal services provided on the City's behalf for the month of June 1987. Regular City Council Meeting:, July 13, 1987 249 [J Motion was made by Councilmembe'r Bryan, seconded by Counci lmember Britton,thatthe invoice in the amount of $6,951.70 submitted for legal services provided to the City for the month of June 1987 be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks:, Councilmembers Bryan, Britton None Councilmembers Be~l, Schwartzel 1983 BOND ISSUE: Consideration'was given to the invoice in the amount Of $123,876.50 submitted by First City National Bank of Houston for interest due and paying agent fee for the 1983 Bond Issue.; , Motion was made by Councilmember' Bryan, seconded byCouncilmember Britton, that the invoice' in the amount of $123,876.50 submitted by First City National Bank of Houston in connection with the 1983 Bond Issue be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Britton None Council members Bell, Schwartzel 1986 BOND ISSUE: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $182,125.00 ,submittecl:by First City National Bank of Houston for the semi-annual interest payment on the 1986 Bond Issue. ! , '_i :" )'1: , : ) ; ~ I -. L .: Motion' was made by Counci 1 member Bry,an, seconded by' Counci lmember Britton, that the 'invo'ice in the amoun)t of$'18'2,iI2S-;OO"'submitted bY' First City National Bank of Houston be approved for payment. Voting Aye: . Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Britton None OQ:uncilmembers ,Bell, Schwartzel LANDSC~PjE'PRO'JECT JFOR EASTERN 'STAR : PROPERTY: Cons i derati on was' given to the invoice'in1theamount'Q'f $IS,431.56-submitted by Russell Landscaping Company for completion of the landscaping proje,ctfor the Eastern Star Property. " , Motion was made by 'CouncHmemberBryan, seconded byCouncilmember Britton, that the inxoice in the amount of $15,431.56 submitted by Russell landscaping Company be iapprov.ed for payment~ Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, C9uncilmembers Bryan, Britton None Councilmembers Bell, Schwartzel lJ WATER WELL PERMIT: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $5,525.00 submitted by Houston Ga1veston Coastal Subsidence District for the annual water well permit fee. IL_--,-:~_;IL__L_L__ -', I:j[ _ _C .~-,lJ,Ll'::l __ J----"~~~_J I .;H;1I'!!i'fSftll_.....". , '-.'in"'" "'j"' .II_U_I_mtm ~. 11! I I I I. ~I I I I I I q ( . ( 250 Regular City Council Meeting, July 13, 1987 Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember . J Britton, that the invoice in the amount of $5,525.00 submitted by Houston Galveston Coastal Subsidence District be approved for payment. V6:t~i ng Aye: .. \Aoting No:; 1 .J,(b~~nt: .....~~".w Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Britton None '. crouncilmembers ,Bell, Schwartzel . COUNCIL COMMENTS: Mayor Parks, advised Gity Council that the Mayors from Jacinto City, Southside Place, Bellaire and West ,Un.iversity Place held. a me.et.ing .in response to Section A, (a) Senate Bill 909 enacted by the legislature which required the four cities to make an appointment to the Board of Directors of the Harris.:.Galveston Coasta.l Subsidence, D;;strict. ay unanimous vote, the mayors elected J. B. Thompson of. West University Place to represent the four c,ities on the.Sub'sidence District Board. .; Mayor Parks asked for a status report on the houses on Community. .. ,. , The City Attorney advised that one house has had repairs made. The house on Ruskin has been. totn, down. Staff has the petition made on the other house which would probably be filed this week. Mayor Park~ asked if it,would be the pleasure of Council to entertain a resolution to be passed by City Council welcoming Panhandle Eastern's decision to move their office to the Houston area. The resolution would serve as a courtesy and offer congratulations on behalf of our small city to welcome them to the City of Houston. Counc.ila,greed and Mayor Parks requested the resolution be on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled council meeting. = STAFF REPORT: City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, reminded Council of the workshop session scheduled for Thursday, July 16, 1987. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: . .Minutes of the regular City Council meeti ng on June 22, 1987, ,were presented for cons i derati on. ' Motion was made by Councilmember..Bryan, seconded by,Coul1cilmember Britton, that the minutes of the regular City Council meeting on June 22,1987, be approved as. submitted. Voting Aye: "Mayor Parks, .Councilmembers Bryan, Britton , Voting No: None : . "., Absent: Councilmembers Bell, Schwartzel o 2~5;1 Regular City Council Meeting, July 13, 1987 D ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, Mayor Parks declared the meeting adjourned at 8:10 P.M. ilQrNt a j,~i. Audre 1ho 1 s City Secretary ~ Mayor c n L-.- ._-~-_.- .- . - "'"'tc,IJIiiIU_...lIII_'-:'. -'-1"'''. ~-.. , ., 'I. I! ..__ -JIIR1I'IIIr:-'f!.lt:li~';1 "1' " Hi , ; !II :' il. :l;i'! ',' 1I1I I I 111'11 -,,~~~"', ~ '~>. J ! , /j /"" D [) o 1 [ REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 27, 1987- :!! 7 :30 P.M~ .....{! City Council convened in regular session in the City Hall Council Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West:University Pl ace, on Monday, July 27, 1987, wfth the fo 11 owi ng members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Counci'lmembersBryah, Bell and Britton. Councilmember Schwartzel arrived at 7:42 p.m. Also present were the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Director of Administration, Director of Operations, ,and the Chief of Police. , Councilmember Bell delivered the invocation and led the All egiance to the Flag. ,-.: I HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mayor Parks' 'invited residents tospeak'who had matters they wished to bring to the attention of the City Council which had not previously been submitted to the City Manager. Melanie Mouzoon, M.D:, 2729Werleini,\presented to City Counciil the Peace Statement from The' Universal House of Justice of the Baha1i Faith. ' /i /" o Mayor Parks thankedMs~ Mduzoon for her' comments. 'i' CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA' ,ITEMS: ' :Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to address a specific agenda item <to speak at' :this time. There were none present'whowished,:to.speak concerning an agenda item. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: No member of City Council suggested removing an item from the consent agenda. ~ ': .'-'': . 'I i .~ 1,'" .' >, r' }, j ;'" ',. . '. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion was made by'Co'li'nci'lmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that the cons-ent agenda 'bea'pproved in accordance wi thstaff rec;ommenda ti on. W' " Vot'ingl Aye:: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers' Bryan, Bell, Britton None Council member Schwa rtze 1 o GREEK FESTIVAL: Representati ves'from 'St. ; George Orthodox Church discu'ssed their plans; 130r 'theupodmtng annual Greek ;Festival which will include a fun run'for the benefit of Crime Stoppers. City Council recommended the church members work with staff on the specific details. , ~ - - . " . : . - l' , . ,'. . ~ i '., '! DEPOSITORY FOR CITY FUNDS:' Cdnsiderationwasgiven to the recommendation for award of the Depository Agreement. i..,o f-U,"';" .. ., ;.,,--, ,~,""'''''....-_-.,' 2 Regular City Council Meeting, July 27, 1987 ,!...' '1'" -; . .1 = City Manager, Mr. Rock:enbaugh~'stated that a recommendation had been submitted to Council from'Director of Administration, Donna Sims and suggested that in making the award City Council consider doing so conditioned upon 'the resolution of certain pending items. The pending items involved an on-site visit to the bank and the opportunity to meet the' account executives 1,isted on the bid. Also~ staff needed clarification of several items concerning what was bid and what the city expects. City staff recommended City Council award the'bid,to Republic Bank pending finalization of the pending items~' ' , Mayor Parks asked if the item'S 'were non-monetary ones and was advised ,they were. Councilmember Britton stated he thought the big difference in the bids was the cost to the city on 'interest on short term borrowing. "I " ,Ms. Sims explained that included on the bid form was the possibility of borrowing up to $1,000,,000 and this was used as a criteria for evaluation. The G'ity has"two outstanding, loans of almost $400,000 which would leave a balance of $600,000 ,to reach the $1,000,000 remaining for credit should City Council ,decide to have the banks assume' the bal ance' of.'the loans. Mr. Rodenbaugh advised 'CoiJncil :th'at there would be som~' costs involved in changingHbanks'~ :,..,. " Motion 'was made by CouncilmemberBritton, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that City Council award the Depository Agreement Contract to Republic Bank subject to the resolution of the pending items as,outlined~" J Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, B-ritton None Councilmember Schwartzel PANIIANDLe eASTeRN PIPe LINe EOMPAN'.'. ,Mayor Parks presented and read the following resolution: RESOLUTION NUMBER, 87-08 j ,,' WHEREAS', Panhan'dl e Eastern P.ipe Line Company has announced their plans tocons:ol idate the Kansas City offi ce' force wi th Trunkl ine 'Gas Company 's offi ce force; a'nd WHEREAS, this decision encompasses moving a majority of their employees from Kansas City to the Houston Metropolitan Area; and .,' , D 3 Regular City Council Meeting, July 27, ,1987 D WHEREAS, this move will provide economjc opportunity in our area and prove to be mutually beneficial to Panhandle Eastern, the ,City, of,West ;University Place and all municipalities in the metropolitan area. - I ~ . . -; , , NOW, THEREFORE, ,. , BE IT RESOLVED BYTHE"CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITLOF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' ':;, Section 1. That the City Council of the City of West University Place, hereby expresses citsappreciation.to 'i, Panhandle EasternPipe.,L.;ne :Company.for making the decis'ion to move tothe'Greater Houston Metropolitan Ar.ea. t r' -' ""0:' Section 2. That the City Council of West University Pliaceextends a warm welcome to Panh-andle Eastern Pipe ,Line Company to our. area and):wishes:theCompany, its executives andempl oyees,'success,in"thei r everyendeavor~ , " , , Section 3. ThatiLthe ,City of West University,Place can be of service to Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company that said Company will fe,el 'free to call upon the City. , '. ',:: -;;. [ PASSED AND APPROVED this 27th, day of July " 1987. . "'.' !.\ Mayor Parks, , Counc:i ]members Rryan" Be1:1!, Br.it;ton None Councilmember Schwartzel ' Councilmembers VoUngAye;:" I " ,','- I .. i", ': .1 CoundlmembeY.'s Voting No: > Councilmembers Absent: . Michael L. Parks, .MCiyor ATTEST: ~ q ;:~'!: .': I;' ,,-'I 'l.oApprov'e,d , as to Form: .. ': ,: ')::IJ, , I ( l r" - :' ! . , ; , j ':~: , J ' James L. Dougherty, Jr. :'ii:I:, ,',iCity Attormey 'i' ,(SEAL) ',' . ;'1" [1 ',' . . I,! ~ ~ . I '-"".~-'_..._--- .'...._..~. ------~._-, . . I ~"l , . , 4 Regular City Council Meeting, July 27, 1987, Motion was made by Co~ncilmember Bryan"seconded by Councilmember Bell, that Resolution Number 87-08 be adopted as read. II I l U Voting Aye: Mayor Parks.,Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton Voting No: None , Absent: ' Councilmeniber Schwartzel Councilmember Schwartzel came in at this point. EMERGENCY,WATER,AND SANITARY SEWER, REPLACEMENT: Consider.ation was gi ven to the recommendati on to, ,award; ,the constructj on contract for the emergency replacement of ;water, ,and sewer 1 ineslocated behind the West Point Professional Building. '., J ..... , _ ,. "', Motion: was made by,Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Bell,'t:hat City Council ,accept,'staff's ,recommendation and award the emergency construction contract~:to ,A-l ,Util ity and Construction, Inc., in accordance with their proposal dated July 20, 1987, at the cost of $16,732.00. ' I 1 ' .. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: ; , , , " , Bryan,,,Bell , " May.or Parks ,; Counc,i lmembers Britton .. None, '" '..,.... Councilmember Schwartzel !l LJ ENGINEERING SERVICES RELATED TO VARIOUS UTILITY PROJECTS: Consideration was given to the invoices totaling $I6,387.36 submitted by Langford Engineering Inc., for engineering services performed on various related ut:ilityprojects, as follows: . .' . . . ~ (a)' Invoice in the amount of $128.87 for Water Priority Area No.1, Pemberton and Belle Court Subdivisions; (b)' Invoice in'ihe amount of $5,986.29 for Phase 2, Priority Area No. 1"Sanitary Sewer, West University First Subdivision; (c) Invoice in the amoun~,of,$SO.77 for Cleaning of 36" Sanitary Sewer Outfall Line on Bromption Road; (d) Invoice in the amount of $77.83 for Water Priority Area No.2, Rice Court and Monticello Subdivision; (e) Invoice in the amount of $249.90 for Phase,2,Priority Area No.1, Sanitary Sewer, West University First Subdivision; (f) Invoice in the amount of $9,893.70 for Phase 3, Priority Iii]. Area No.1, Sanitary Sewer, West University First . Subdivision. 5 Regular City Council Meeting, July 27, 1987 o Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that the invoices submitted by Langford Engineering, Inc., be approved for payment as listed. , '-,'". Voting Aye: 'Voti.ng No: Absent: Ma,y0rParks, ,Ceunci lmembers Britton,', .' None. , Councilmember Schwartzel Bryan,Bell, i" '- .;' I" WATERPRlORITY AREA NO. It PEMBERTON AND, BELLE COURT SUBDIVISIONS: Consi'derationwas given to the. i.tems :submitted by Ella Contracti ng Inc., for: work"performed on the water Hne; repl acement project in Water Priority Area No.1, as follows: ;- }," " t" . ,I: " I ::. ~" . ',I '.J (a) Approve for payment Monthly Estimate No.7, and Final, in the amount; of $33,819.52. and Change Order No.1 and Final; I , , :J",; o (b) Authorize issuance of. the Certifi-cateof ,Cqrnpl,etion. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember 'Bell),' that City Council' approve"Change"Order No., 1an~ fi~nal, approve for payment Month.ly; EstimateLNo. 7 and Final i:n .:the amount of $33,819.52 and authorize i s:suance' of the Certi ficate of Acceptance to Ell a. Contracting InC'.';"for work cOl11pleted con the water line replacement project in Water Priority. Al'i'ea No.1. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, BY"itton jJ' ,'I' . None, '; , ' ;; Councilmember, Schwartzel .~ .; I ' .; -', , ~. '"il'.:,':' : "1''''"" \.... JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR THE ROLICEBUlLDlNGAND THE LIBRARY BUILDING: '\ G'orrsideration was given to ,the request to authorize advertising for bids-for:j.anitorialservices for the police and library buildings. .... 'i' ..',; " ! .: I '; . r"i . { f '~. . '. ,:' " r I .. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember " Be,l hthat City CouJildl ''au'tihorize,advertisi ngfor . bi d,s,.fo;r janitor-ial services a:s';'requested~; ,',' ',; ,', r.;. ~. ! {. Voti ng Aye:' Mayor Pa,rks" Gouncilmembers Bryan, ~-B:ell , Britton Voti ng fia: None . , " Absent:" Counci'lmember Schwartzel c COUNCIL . COMMENTS : CouncilmemberqiBnyan .cQl11l11endedR., Eo. Simps'0n, Superintendent of' UtH,;'ties:, :for ..tns artl-clie:pub I,lsheo",l;n the June issue of the 'Southwest.&"1ie~as;Waterworks J,ournal""I" ""] Councilmember Bryan also expressed her appreciation for the letters r.eceived commending Of,iiicer'.B'ush of ,the ,Pol,i,ce Department and Wayne Perry, Ch i;ef 'Bu ild i ngllospector. !; -' . '-,'.' ~ ~ ~ ...,..---.-................ 6 Regular City Council Meeting, July 27, 1987 .! . ".,,; J Mayor Parks requested a'progress report on the houses with code viOlations. ' , ' ". Curtis Cooper, Director of Operations, reported that a law suit had beeri"filed, on the house, at '5616' Community and the house had been boarded up. The lot needs mowing which will soon be schedul ed and the Ci ty wi 11 ,fi 1 ~ a lfen agai nst the 'property. The 5620 Community property that is owned by Buckeye Federation S~vjngs '& Loan, tia,s: had' s'blTie 'irtlHor 'repairs'made to the inside. Buckeye: was to schedule an 'auction on July 14, 'but there 'i s no current report. " The lot 'a 1 so needs mowi ng. .. 1,_' The house on Ruskin has been demolished and the lot cleared.' 4130 Byron and 3616 Carnegie' 'hiiVe both been entered with a search warrant. The violations were listed' and submitted to the owners. . If the owners do not take the necessary action to bring the houses up to par, the Ci'ty will' file suits. ' Mayor Parks asked how much time the owners were allowed and was advised that in these' cases about 30 'to 45 days. Maydr'Parks then asked about the junk-yard houses. Mr. Cooper advised that letters were mailed to the two houses in question, but the owners had not had time to respond. "In response to further questioning, Mr. Cooper stated'that by the' second Monday in September, the yards should be cleared. Councilmember Schwartzel inquired as' to the status of the "Shady Island" basketball goal. Mr. Cooper 'advised that a 'memo had been issued for staff to remove the basketball goal this week if it had not already been removed. Mr. Rockenbaugh advised that the resi'dEmts along Wr'ox't()n?A'lbanS" 'had' dilled ana requested' another meeting with City Council in regards to the basketball goal. They did not feel that the letter from staff was a sufficient answer. The residents were advised that,th~ letter was written with Council's endorsement. II 1 ~ StAFF REPORT: Ci ty Manager, Mr . Rockenbaugh , 'informed Council that there was a workshop se'ssion scheduled for Thursday, July 30 primarily for interviews of candidates for boards and committees but also to give a staff report for about the first thirty minutes. , , CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minute's of the' regular City Council meeting on July 13, 1987, were presented for consideration. Moti o'n 'was made by Counci 1 member "Schwartzel, secon'ded 'by Councilmember Bryan, that the ,minutes of the regular City Council meeting on July 13, 1987, be app'roved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell. Britton~ Schwartzel None None II J 7 Regular City Council Meeting, July 27, 1987 ADJOURNMENT: With no further business 0 come before Council at this time, motion was made by, Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that the meeting adjourn. Such motion carried and the meeting adjourned a'f 7:53 .N. LJ o ,. . , 8 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1987 7:30 P.M. o City Cou'ncil convened in regular session in the City Hall Council Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Monday, August 10, 1987, with the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Councilmembers Bryan, Bell and Britton. Councilmember'Schwartzel was absent. Also present were the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Director of Administration and the Director of Operations. Councilmember Bryan delivered the invocation and led the Allegiance to the Flag. -HEARINa OF RESIDENTS: Mayor Parks invited residents to speak,who had m~tters they wished to bring to the attention of the City Council which had not previously been submitted to the City Manager. There were none present who wished to speak. CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to address a specific agenda item to speak at this time. There were none present who wished to speak concerning an agenda item. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember Bryan requested agenda item No. 7 (HANDICAP VAN FOR SENIOR SERVICES) be removed from the consent agenda. o CONSENT AGENDA: Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that with the exception of item No.7 the consent agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton None Councilmember Schwartzel PROCLAMATION CONSTITUTION WEEK: Mayor Parks presented and read a proclamation declaring the week of September 17 through 23 as Constitution Week in the City of West University Place. Mrs. Dorothy Hughes, Chairman of the local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution was present to received the proclamation. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that City Council adopt the Proclamation as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton None Councilmember Schwartzel n u 9 Regular City Council Meeting, August 10, 1987 w 1987 WEST UNIVERSITY LITTU.E U.EAGl:JE TOURNAMENT TEAM: Mayor Parks presented and read the fo 11 owing Reso 1 uti on,: RES01l.UTION;NUMBER 87-09 WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the City Council that the 1987 West University Little League Tournament Team have won the Bi-District Championship; and I WHEREAS, The 1987"West University Little League Tournament Team were champions over sixty-four different teams" to win this Bi-District Championship; and WHEREAS, itis,the desire of the City Council to acknowledge such outstanding achievement by these young athletes; and WHEREAS, it is the further desire of the City Council to express our"appreciation to the team members, friends and parents of team members, and the residents of the City who gave their time and effort in support of this great team; and o WHEREAS, it is the pleasure of the City Council to express its congratulations to the coaches: Randy Brlansky, David Perrigan, Bill Watts, David Stanger, John Spi kerman and Norman', Hanks, and, to' the managers: Don Youdan and Paul Wallin. NOW, THEREFORE',' BE'IT",RESOlVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: '" . Section 1. That'othe1987 West University Little League Tournament Team of: (.f Eric Houston ' Daniel Morrisett Brandon Behrens Greg Alvarez'" Ryan Taaffe Davy Perrigan, ' Michae'l 'Strang' .,1. '. B rent Hodges':": ~:' Justin Lord Frank Hogan be, and they are hereby congratulated and applauded for 'their'accompl i shme'nt~" :');:~I Henry Watts I Josh Spikerman Ryan Schlief Chris Kutac G. R. Nelson Scott Hanks' "" Jack Nelson " John N'an/Win~e 1 Jason Kramberg . . . ~ - I' . .; [l "---' Section 2. That the City extends it1s best wishes as the team proceeds in the State Championship play. Section 3. That thts resolution be spread in full upon the minutes of the City, Council and that the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to deliver a true copy ~ ---- .... .. _.~ . --- .. , 'I to Regular City Council Meeting, August 10, 1987 lhereof'to the President o'f'the west University Little League, Peter Taaffe. ' , ri i I U PASSED AND APPROVED this' '10th; day of Auqust. 1987. Beth Ann Bryan, Councilmember Michael L. Parks, Mayor . I Buddy Bell, Councilmember , H. L. Britton, Councilmember " c: Boone Schwartzel, Councilmember Attest: (SEAL) Audrey Nichols, City Secretary Approved as to Form: o ~ J J~nie~ L... Doilg~erty, Jr, City Attorney . ' ., . , Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that Resolution Number 87-09 be adopted as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton None Councilmember Schwartzel HANDICAP VAN FOR SENIOR SERVICES: Consideration was given to the recommendation for award of the contract to purchase a handicap van for Senior Services. Bids received on July 22, 1987, were as f 011 oWs : ' Bidder Model Bid Price Texas Mini-Bus Corp P.O. Box 10213 Houston, Texas 77206 Dallas Bus Sales P.o.' Box 41229 Dallas, Texas 75241 EMC Express Ford Chassis $27,750.00 1988 Ford Brawn. $27,197.00 c II Regular City Council Meeting, August 10, 1987 o Co'unc'ilmember Bryan inquired'if owni'ng' this type of v'an would necessitate hiring a driver. City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, advised there was a proposal in the 1988 budget to hire someone who would be assigned to'the van, however others would be able to drive;the van. Councilmember Bryan asked' if Counci:1 did not authorize hiring a driver, would the Senior Services staff still want this van? Mr. Rockenbaugh suggE!stedthey would~, Senior Services staff are util izing cars now. Th'e'acti'vities,fo:r the seniors has increased tremendously since the addition of th~Seniors Wing to the Community Building. Mr. Rockenbaugh suggested staff outline the activities for Council's revieW~ Mayor Parks expressed his concern about the number of people this type of van could serve.; 'When City"Cotmcil first considered purchasing a v'ari, it ,was for muHiplepurposes: school chi 1 dren and seniors. Mayor Parks 'recommended~ andi CouncHmembersconcurred, that decision to award this contract be tabled until the next Council meeting. , \ o REROOF OF CITY HALL: Consideration was given to staff's recomrnendation concerning the reroofing of City Hall. '. Bid 'opening'was 'sche'di:Jled,for:~2;:00i P...M'~., 'on August.3,,'1987~. "One bid WaS received ami it, wa's,-the"recomrnendation of staff to' reject the bid (unopened) and r~adv~rtise'the project. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that City Council accept staff's recommendation and authorize readvertising for bids for the reroofing of City Ha 11 . '~ ': Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton None ,',' Councilmember Schwartzel COUNCIL COMMENTS: Mayor Parks expressed congratulations to Judge Tom Taylor and Municipal Clerk Iola Pickul for the letter of commendation received from the Texas Municipal Courts Training Center praising their service on the faculty for training municipal judges and court clerks during 1987. Counci lmembers reviewed the proposed draft of the "Si ster City:: Letter". o LEGAL MATTERS: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $6,250.82 submitted for legal services provided on the City's behalf for the month of July 1987. 12 7"" ,/' /' Regular City Council Meeting, Au,gust 10" 1987 Motion was made byCouncilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that the invoice for legalser.vices for the month of July 1987 be approved for payment as presented. Voting Aye: ,Mayor. Par,ks",Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton Voting No: None Absent:totincilmember Schwartzel ,--.,. U STAFF REPORT: City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, distributed calendars for August through October, for Xounctl's consideration. The calendars were submitted as guidelines for completing the adoption of the zoni~g or.dinanc.e and, the 1988 city budget., . , CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Mi.nutes of the regular City Council meeting on July 27, 1987, were presented for consideration. , , Motion ,was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Brittonf that the minutes of the regular City Council, meeting on July 27, 1987, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks" Gounci lmembers Bryan" Bell, Britton, None Councilmember Schwartzel o . , . . ADJOURNMENT: . Wi thno further business to come before Counci 1 at this time, motion was ,made, by. Councilmember Bell, seconded by Councilmember Britton", that the, meeting adjourn. Such motion carried and the meetingadjourned~~ Michael L. Pa ks Mayor A~Ck~ City Secretary . ~ o 13 o REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY AUGUST 24, 1987 7:30 P.M. City Council convened in regular session in the City Hall Council Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard,'in the,City of West University Place, on Monday, August 24, 1987" with the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton and Schwartzel. Also present were the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Director of Administration, Director of Operations, and the Chief of Police. Mayor Parks delivered the invocation and led the Allegiance to the Flag. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mayor Parks invited residents to speak who had matters they wished to bring to the attention of the City Council which had not previously been submitted to the City Manager. There were none present who wished to speak. CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to address a specific agenda ,item to speak at this time. , n . . There were none present who wished to speak concerning an agenda item. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT. AGENDA: No member of City Counci 1 suggested removing 'an Hem' Jfrom the consent agenda. 'ENOA: Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded ou c:lmember Britton, that the consent agenda be approved in c da' e with staff recommendation. ~...~~..'-'.<.~. ~...~. v\.A"..l'i ,:r, . " . " " f Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, ,I Britton" Schwartzel None None Voting No: Absent: ;, '. \ l' : \ . ' l;: HANDICAP VAN FOR SENIOR SERVICES: Mayor Pa:rksf!presented staff's recommendation for award of the 'contra~t to purchase a handicap van for Senior Services. During the council meeting of August 10, 1987, City Council, by general consent, tabled this item until tonight's meeting. ~, ~ " " . ;. I' Motion was made by Councilmember Br.itton, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that City Council accept staff's recommendation and award the purchase of the handicap van to Texas Mini Bus at their bid price of $27,750.00. c : .:;1 '\"':" Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: , ' , , ' Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Britton, Schwartzel None None Bryafl, Bell, L-...-... ~ ., . ,.>0,,,""_'___"-" ...,... ,~ .. 14 Regular City Council Meeting, August 24, 1987 PERSONNEL MATTERS:Consideratio'n was"give'n"to staff position on personnel matters involving ~fficer E. T. Harrold. Mayor Parks presented and read a statement concerning Council's decision, as follows: The City Council affirms the staff position with respect to the pending personnel matter involving Officer E. T. Harrold. Further, the City Council, having considered the procedural points raised'by the officer'and by hfS attorney, declines to order any additional cross examination'or hearing procedures. The Council is of'the opinion that'the"requested cross examination would be repe'titive of other statements in the'record and also that the cross examination requested relates to matters that are not disputed. Also, the Council is of the opinion that the officer had repeated notices of the charges against him, both at the department level and at the city manager level. In particular, the Council is informed that the city manager conducted a phrase-by-phrase review' of two specific witnesses' statements in the presence of both the officer and his attorney, and that this review clearly informed the officer of the specific allegations aga,inst him. Motion was made by CouncilmemberBryan, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that the decision of City Council relative to staff's position involving Officer E. T. Harrold be approved and adopted as read. Ii U Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks',"CouriCilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None N'one c TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEMS: Mayor Parks presented and read Ordinance Number 1294 for Council's consideration, as follows: , " ORDINANCE NUMBER 1294 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEMS; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES AND THE BUILDING CODE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND 'PROVISIONS PERTAINING TO THE SUBJECT; AND'DECLARING"AN EMERGENCY. Section 1. That the Code of Ordinances, City of West University Place, Texas, is hereby amended to add a lJ 15 Regular City Council Meeting, August 24, 1987 LJ section, to be numbered 6-54, which said section'reads as f 011 ows : Sec. 6-54. Trench-Safety Systems. '(a) On every construction project in which trench excavation will exceed: a: depth of five feet, the bid documents and the contract for the project must include the'following: " , '! ,'(1) Detailed plans,and':specffications for trench safety systems that,meet Occupational Safety and Health Administration- standards.: I (2) Within the plans and'specifications, a pay item for 'the trench 'safety systems. , 1 .. ~ I '.' LJ (b) The building official shall require, 'on every project which includes any significant trench or excavation, that; any required: permit application include a certificate signed, and sealed by a' registered professional engineer which states that plans and :specificationsfor the project have been prepared by the"e'nginee.r:or unde'r the engineer's direction and control ,and 'e'ither:, ' ;' ~ 'j :.1 < ).; (1) that the project does not involve any trench excavation that will ~xceed a depth of five feet; or (2) that the project does involve trench. excavation that will exceed five feet in depth and that the bid documents and the contract ,fbr'th'e' pl'mject comp~Yl with subsection (a) of this section. . ... ': ,I (c) In cases of projects for which only a plumbing permit is required a licensed master plumber or a registered professional engineer may make the certificate required by this section'. Section 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. This ordinance shall be deemed to be i nc 1 uded in the iB'l:lil'd'ing Code and other app 1 i cab 1 e ordinances of the city. . I .. ~ ' o Secti on 3. I f any word, phrase, cl ause ,i :se'ntetlce, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance or the appl ication')ther'eof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held'to be 'inv:alid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this ordinance and the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance to any ~ 16 Regul ar City Counci 1 Meeting" August. 24", 1987 other'personsor'circumstances shall,not be affected thereby. Section 4. The City Counci,l: 'officially finds" determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date~'hour~ place and'subject of each meeting at which thiS ordinance- was discussed,-considered or-acted upon was given in the manner required by the Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. u252~17, as:,amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during'such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices' and the contents and posting thereof. Section 5. The public ,importance of.this measure and the requirements of. the law create an emergency and an urgent public necessity requiring that this Ordinance be passed and take effect as an .emergency measure, and a state of emergency .is hereby declared, and this Ordinance is accordingly passed as !In,emergencymeasure and shall take effect and be in force as soon as legally possible. . " Section 6,. This,'ordinance lakes effect on the tenth day following its publication, as required by Section 2.12 of the City Charter, except that the non-penal' provisions of this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage and signature of' the Mayor PASSED AND APPROVED this ~. day of Auaust 1987. o If : I ~ ; " Council members Voting Aye': Councilmembers Voting' No: Councilmembers Absent: - j'. : Michael L. Parks, Mayor ATTEST: Approved as to Form: Audrey Nichols City Secretary (SEAL) . James L. Dougherty ,J.r. ,City Attorney . I . ~ o 17 Regular City Council Meeting, Augu'st'24, 1987 G Motion was made by Council member Britton, seconded by Gouncilmember. Bell, that Ordinance Number 1294 be adopted finally on first reading. " Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton~ Schwartzel None None PHASE 1. PRIORITY AREA I SANITARY. SEWER. WEST UNIVERSITY FIRST SUBDIVISION: Consideration was given to the following items submitted by Whitelak, Inc., for work' performed on the Sanitary Sewer Renovation Project in West University First Subdivision, as fo 11 ows : ' , " .. '" (a) MonthlyEstimate'No~ 6 and Final in the amount of $60,977.59; o (b) Change Order No. 5 and Final for a deduction in the contract amount of $592.54; (c) Issuance of the Certificate of Acceptance. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that City Council approve Change Order No.5 and Final, approve for payment Monthly Estimate No. 6 and Final in the amount of: $60,977 .59, and' au'thorite the issuance of the Certificate of A'Ccel>tance to:Wti+telak,': Imr>' ,,'j " l I: . .-'; - Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Counci lmembers Bryan; Be'll, Britton, Schwartzel None None WATER' PRIORITY AREA NO. 2,:IN MONTICELLO ADDITION AND RICLCOURT SUBDIVISIONS: Consideration was givento,'the'items submitted by Ella Contracting Inc., for work performed through July 31, 1987, on th'e Water Line'Replacement Proje'ct in the.Montice,llo Addition a:nd Ri ce Court Subdivi sioris. as fo'lJ1 ows: (a) Monthly Estimate No.3 in the amount of $93,805.90; tb)Ghange' Order'No. 4' for 'an addition to the contract in the amount of $5,050.00. Motion' was made by OdU'ncilmember Bryan, s\econded by,Councilmember Britton, that Ci ty :Counci1 "approve Change Order No. 4 and approve for payment Monthly Estimate No. 3 in the amount of $93,805.90 submitted by Ella Contracting, Inc. , . . , o Voting Aye: ''MayorParks,'Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel Voting No: None Absent: None ., , "..;. -,..-""'''''', .-...--'. ...-..~~._---~,.-----,--,--~~ 18 Regular City Council Meeting, August'24, 1987 WATER WELL #8 LOAN: Cons'ideration'was given to the final invoice in 0 the 'a.mount of $86, 122 ~76; 'submitted 'by Texas" C'omrherceB'ank.:..Chemi ca 1 ,I .' on the Water Well #8 Loan. Motion Was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded byCouncilmember Britton, that the invo'i'ce in: the amount of $86,122.76 submitted by Texas Commerce Bank-Chemical be approved for payment. Voting Ay~: ! -: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, :'Britton;J Sthwartzel J .. .. None' ',' .. . None! -,' VbtingNo: '!;: Absent: HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT PAYMENT: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $7,060.00 submitted by the Harris county Appraisal District for the fourth quarter payment. ' Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that theinvo:ice in the amount of $7,060.00 submitted by Harri s County Appra i s.a:l' Orstri ctbe'approved' for payment. Voting Aye: '. Mayor Parks~ Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel Voting No: None' ' 'Absent: ' , None' o ENGINEERING SERVICES RELATID' TOVARIOUS"UTILITY RELATED PROJECT AND MAPS PROVIDED FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING:' Consideration was given to the following invoices totaling $21:847.97 submitted by Langford .. Engineering Inc., 'for:en'gineer'ing services performed' on various related utility projects and the maps provided for the public hearing, as follows: (a) Invoice in the amount of $430.27 for Water Line Replaceme"n:fPr:;brTt:t:;n.re~: No'. 1, Pemberton,and Belle tourtSubdivfsibns~ .. .. (b) Invoice in the amount of $71.98 for Water Line Replacement Pr'iority Area' No.2, Monticello Addition and Rice Court Subdi,visions; (c), I nvo ice in the amount of $1,282.35 for Phase 2, Pri ority Area No.1, Sanitary Sewer, West University First Subdivision; (d) Invoice i nthe amount of $987 . 71 for Water Line Rep 1 acement ~ Pri ority Area 'No.7,. Co llegeCourt Subdivision; J ' ., (e) Invoice in the amount of $17,814.06 for Phase 3, Priority Area No. 1, Sanitary Sewer, West University First Subdivision~ D 19 Regular City Council Meeting,August24,.1987 n (f) Invoice in the ~mountof$1,261.80 for maps for the July 20,1987, public hearing on the zoning ordinance revision. . Motion was made by CouncHmemberBryan, seconded by.Councilmember 'Britton, that the invoices submitted ,by Langford. Engineering Inc., be approved for payment as listed.' 'Voting Aye:' Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel Voting No: None Absent: . None"., EMERGENCY WATER AND SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT: Consideration was 'g:iven to the invoice:~,nthe.amountof'$16,932.00 submitted by A-I Utility 'and Construct; Q,n Servi.ce,s, In,c., for work performed on the emergency replacement of the water and sewer lines behind the West Point Professional Bui1ding~ Motion was made byCounctlmember Bryan;, seconded by Counc il member Britton,that the invoice in the amount of $16,932.00 submitted by A-l Utility and Construction.Services, Inc., be approved for payment. ' '. : " 1 o Voting Aye: ~roting"No:' ' Absent: . " Mayor Parks" Co.uncilmembers Britton, Schwartzel ,None. ., None Bryan, Bell, j'o' UNIFORMRENJAL SERVICE: C,ons:iderat'ionwasgiven to the recommendation to award the contract:for uniform rental s,ervices. Bids received on August 17, 1987, 10:00 a.m., were opened with the . foll owi ng :resu l,ts:' . . : " :; ! - ,', .': Bidder Amount ,. "~ ' I j . ;I", 1'";" Best :Uniform Supply': 6410 Cavalcade Houston, Texas 77026 '$4 ~40 I,per employee per week u.s. Uniform Supply 4225 Bellaire Blvd. Houston, Texas 77025 $4.80 :per employee per week '.",. n AT's Bri!de'&Formall 7807 South Main Houston, Texas 77030 Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that City Council accept staff1s recommendation and award the contract for uniform rental services to the low bidder, Best Uniform Supply, at the bid price of $4.40 per employee per week. ,\ . .$4.85"per employee per week 'I' .............. - ,,~~~-_.._---- . ~ -. ~ - 20 Regular City Council Meeti,ng, August'24,"1987 , \ Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Counci1member$ Bryan, Bell, B'r'itton~ Sthwartzel None None o Voting No: Absent: COUNCIl COMMENTS:' CouncilniE!niber Bryan acknowledged letters received 'commending Officers Stanic'h,Peterson, Brye, and Sergeant Sparks of the Pol ice Department. ,. ~ Councilniember Bell 'stated he"enjoyed :the letters of commendation for the Pol ice Depa-rtment. ,; . , Councilmember Schwartzel expressed his appreciation for the letters praising the members of the Police Department. . " . . . ''0 - " - , " , ( . ~ t ; STAFF REPORT: City Manager, Mr,.' Rockenbaugh, distributed to Council a letter from R. E. Simpson~ Superintendent of Utilities, regard'lng the status'ofwaterwelll#8. . Mr. Simpson and Di eter Ufer, Consulting Engineer, were present. . Mr. Simpson reviewed, the: report fr.om'Layne Texas Company concerning the results' of the inspection of water well #8. The report i ndi cated heavycorros i on cause'd bY an iron bacteri a. Layne Texas Company's recommendation was that the well be cleaned with an acid followed by agitation with a heavy chlorine solution. Total cost.,to: return the well to service was estimated at $44,100.00. The estimated tim'e' of completion was 30 calendar days. Mr. Simpson recommended City Council authorize Layne Texas Co., to begin work on the project. Mayor Parksinstructed.sta:ff to fnc,lude the authorization on the next City Council ag~~~a.' " CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the regular City Council meeting on August 10, 1987, ,were presented for consideration. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember B'ritton, that the minutes 'of the regular City Council meeting on August 10, 1987, be approved as submitted. D Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell. Britton, Schwartzel None None ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before Council at this time, Mayor Parks declared the meetingadjo ed at 8:17 P.M. o 21 Regular City Council Meeting, August 24, 1987 ~ D D I / I ~/ 1"" '...-/-:J/ ,iC' '\ . ,..I. ,..i,.,'.' ;",'I,',i,'j',. ""..1,','".''''''''''llli__._nr- , -,- . r- . 22 , " ~ ~:. EMERGENCY,SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST ~S, 1987 7:30 P.M. o City Council convened in emergency special session in the City Hall Council Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Tuesday, August 25, 1987, with the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton and Schwartzel. Also present were the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, and the Director of Operations. Mayor Parks announced the purpose of the meeting was to consider an emergency ordinance relating to mandatory water conservation. The city was in critical circumstances because two water wells were out of service and needing repairs. The source of water to the city at this time was only one well, water well #7. Mayor Parks introduced the following ordinance for Council's consideration: ORDINANCE NUMBER 1295 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO DISCHARGES OF WATER; PROHIBITING CERTAIN DISCHARGES; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. o WHEREAS, the City has recently experienced some unforseen failures of its source of water supply; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to restrict certain non-essential discharges of water in order to preserve minimal water pressures for human needs and fire fighting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. (a) In this section, "discharge" means to allow water to escape from a pipe, hose or other pressurized source. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge water outdoors in any of the following circumstances: (1) when the discharge is used,to water grass, trees, shrubs or other plants; or ,- o (2) when the discharge is used to wash a car, truck or other motor vehicle; or Emergency Special City Council Meeting, August 25, 1987 2. '2 u U (3) when the discharge is used for recreational purposes; or (4) when the discharge is not'used for any apparent purpose. ~: (c) It shall be unlawful for any person in control of any premises to cause or to allow discharge of water outdoors at the premises in any of the circumstances described in subsection (b), above. In any proceeding to enforce this provision, proof that a person has either arranged for or paid for City water service for any given premises shall be prima facie evidence that, during those times that the service is so arranged for or paid for, the person controls the premises and allows any discharge of water at those premises. Such proof may consist of excerpts from customer billing records of the City. (d) In any proceeding to\.enforce this section, it shall be an affirmative defense that: (i) the discharge occurred into a bucket, can or other hand-held container, or (ii) the water discharged was obtained from a source other than the City's waterworks system. (e) The City Manager is authorized to suspend temporarily water service to any premises where two or more violations of this ordinance have occurred. Such a suspension must be preceded by notice and an opportunity for, 'a meettng"with (the City Manager. No suspension may extend for more than seven days, unless there is another notice and opportunity for a meeting for each seven-day suspension period. (f) ,V'iolation'(i)'f thi:s S'ection shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000.00. Eachday~that a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. Section 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith 1are hereby repea led to,.the extentiof the conflict-only. l' '1 ( . . . , , , Section 3. If any word, phrase, clause, ,sent~nee, par.agraph, section or other part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance', shall ever be held to be .invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this ordinance and the,app)ication of such word, phrase,clause, sentence, paragraph, secti'on:'or';'othet1Jpa:Y:'tof this ordinance to any other persons or circumstancesishall not be affected thereby. Section 4. The City Council officiallyfinds,determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subjectofea.ch meeting at which this ordi'nance was discuss~d, considered or acted 'upon was given in the manner required by the Open Meeti ngsLaw~, TEX . REV'. ;' CIV .STAT-ANNe_ art.. 6252-,17, ' as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times duringisuch discussi'on, consideration .and acti on. The City' Council ratifies ,"'approvesandconfi rms such notices and the contents and post i ngthereof..~ 7.' "'! Section s. The;publ i cimportance of thi s measure. and ,the requirements of'the law create an emergency and an urgent public [ ._~Ir I I u 'I tJl 24Emergency Special City Council Meeting, August 25, 1987 necessity requiring that this Ordinance be passed and take effect as an l emergency measure, and a state of emergency is hereby declared, and this Ordinance is accordingly passed as an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force as soon as legally possible. _ Section 6. This ordinance takes effect on the tenth day following its' publication, as required by Section 2.12 of the City Charter, except that the non-penal provisions of this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage' and signature of the Mayor. PASSED AND APPROVED this 25th day of August, 1987. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: Michael L. Parks, Mayor ATTEST: Audrey Nichols City Secretary Approved as to Form: James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney J (SEAL) Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded byCouncilmember Bell, that Ordinance Number 1295 be adopted finally on first reading as presented. Mayor Parks called for discussion'of the ordinance. , , Councilinember Bri tton stated he~ thought : there shoul d be a provision in the ordinance that~,itwould,not require a vote of City Council after the;problem_has',been corrected to eliminate the ordinance. Councilmember Britton felt the staff should have the authority to expire the ordinance. Councilmember Schwartzel stated that a special meeting of Council coul d be ca 11 ed to repea 1:, the ordi nance ",i1f there was not a regul ar meeting within' that time after the wells are. r~epaired. Councilmember Br.ittoncontended that when the solution was put in place, Council does not need to bind the citizens with this' ordinance and the fine involved to wait for a council meeting to repeal the ordinance. He recommended City Council give the authority to the City Manager. 'Councilmember Britton made a moti on to amend theordi nance as foll ows: "Thi s ord i nance shall J " '",.- 25 Emergency SpeCial City Council Meeting, August 25, 1987 "". ;. fl LJ remain in effec:t until the City Manager certifes that both the city's wells,whichare now out of service have been returned to service at their rated capacities. The city manager shall make such a certificate within 24 hours following the time that these events have occurred and shall file this certificate with the city secretary. II Councilmember Bryan seconded the motion. Councilmember Schwartzel and Councilmember Bell stated they thought the ordinance should remain in effect until such time that Council has the assurances the wells are operating sufficiently. Mayor Parks repeated the amendment and put the question to City Council . Voting Aye: Voting No: Councilmember Britton Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Schwartzel Absent: None c Residents attending the meeting were invited to speak. Ms. Joan McCay, 3029 Carnegie, stated her concern that her house foundation might crack if it were not watered and also stated concern for the yards and flowers. Ms. Dorothy Reiger, 6516 Brompton, stated her concern for the flowers and landscaping in her yard. Dr. Arrighi stated her concern for her yard. Mayor Parks thanked the residents for their comments and assured them that city staff was exploring plans and investigating avenues to make the watering restrictions as short a term as possible. Councilmember Britton made a motion that Section l(f) read as follows: Violation of this section shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $250.00. Motion failed for lack of a second. Mayor Parks called for a vote on the original motion to adopt Ordinance Number 1295 as presented and read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None r--'. There being no further business to come before City Council at this time, motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that the meeting adjourn. Such motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. I '---' I ~--- ~llli II I I _._______ " ,.'i;glill,liIlIlllIWlllr _tin 26 I I -U Emergency SpeCi'a'T City Council 'Meet;ng.,~ Mlchael L. P s - -Mayor ~'a . 'J '" ffr1Jl. Udr~f9h61S City Secretary . I : ..\ "1', IIIUI il '--........- J J' :l U ':;, <t ' . .., -..,. .~-~ 27 L \\. "",.;, -'. \. ,'~' ,,{ ; .~ ". /" ,,)"/;SP~~lAl/W'ORKsHoP CITY COUNCIL MEETING , THURSDAY, AUGUST.27, 1987 7:00 P.M. City Council convened in workshop session. in the City Hall Conference Room, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Thursday, August 27, 1987 ; with' the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Councilmembers Bryan, Britton and Schwartzel. Councilmember Bell was absent. Also present were the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, and the Director of Operations. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: There were none present who wished to speak concerning an agenda item. ' DISCUSSION WITH COMMITTEE/BOARD CHAIRPERSONS CONCERNING THEIR RESPECTIVE COMMITTEE OR,BOARD: City Council held informal discussions with the Chairpersons from the Communic.ations Committee, the Long Range Planning Committee and the Senior Services Board. [ In addition to the items posted in accordance with regular meeting requirements City Council considered emergency agenda items listed below: ' WATER WELL #8: Consideration was given to approve and authorize the repairs to Water Well #8 at a cost not to exceed $45,000.00. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that City Council authorize Layne-Texas Co., to begin work to replace the pump bowls, clean the well and return the well to service. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Britton, Schwartzel None Councilmember Bell WATER WELL #9: Consideration was given to approve and authorize the expenditure for repairs to Water Well #9. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that City Council authorize Layne Texas Company to repair Water Well #9 at a cost not to exceed $21,000.00. ("'. I I ~ Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Britton, Schwartzel None Councilmember Bell EMERGENCY WATER CONTRACT: Consideration was given to approve and II I I TI I I " ~llIllllilllllllilllllr " ,.. ! _~1;1, u I I ,I 11 28 Special Workshop Meeting of City Council, August 27,1987 authorize ,the emergency water contract to ,interconnect with the City of Houston water systemdat a cost;i:\ot to exceed $22,000.00. ,I J , Motion was made byCouncilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that City Council authorize Ella Contracting, Inc., to proceed with the construction of an emergency water interconnect with the City of Houston at a cost not to exceed $22,000.00. Voting Aye: Mayor, Parks:, COlmcilmembers Bryan, Britton, Schwartzel Voting No: None Absent: . Councilmember Bell City Council continued with the workshop discussing the draft of the amendatory zoning ordinance. There being no further, business to come before City Council at this time, Mayor Parks declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 10:30 p.m. '- ~ j"l Audrey Ni '1 s City Secretary . ~ 1 1 I ~ 29. .>\ ~~~ ~ n SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1987 7:00 P.M. City Council convened in regular session in the City Hall Council Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of.West University Place, on Thursday, September 3,1987, with the following members present: Mayor Pro Tern Bryan, presiding; Councilmembers Sthwartzel, and Britton. Mayor 'Pa'rks and Ceuncilmember Bell were absent. Also present were the City Manager and Director of Operations. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mayor Pro Tern Bryan invited residents to speak who had matters they wished to bring to the attention of the City Council which had not previously been submitted to the City Manager. There were none present who wished to speak. REPEALING ORDINANCE NUMBER 1295: Mayor Pro Tern Bryan presented Ordinance Number 1296 and read the caption as follows: I [ ~ ORDINANCE NUMBER 1296 ../ J" -, ""., J , AN ORDIN~NCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NUMBER 1295, WHICH ORDINANCE NUMBER 1295, RELATED TO CERTAIN DISCHARGES OF WATER, ADOPTED AUGUST 25, 1987; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Copies of Ordinance Number 1296, in the form required for adoption, were available to all members of City Council and a reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens present. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that Ordinance Number 1296 be adopted as presented. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro Tern Bryan, Councilmembers Schwartzel, Britton Voting No: None Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmember Bell ,--- COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilmember Schwartzel asked that his appreciation be expressed to Curtis Cooper and Bob Simpson for the good work that was done during this water crisis. Councilmember Britton also added his appreciation to the staff. Mayor Pro Tern Bryan stated that the staff had done an exemplary job of moving very quickly and the water crisis was handled very well. I I '-..-. II IJ -n L I j ,~llIIII_'II_r .IBDIIfIWi~--' .. 1 rT- 0'.' III.] .. -30 Special City Council Meeting, September 3~ 1987 STAFF REPORT: City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh had nothing further for Council's consideration at this time. ] ADJOURNMENT: With no further business tocoJ11e' before Council at . this time, motion was made' by, Cpuncilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that the meeting adjourn. Such motion carried and the meeti'ng adjourned at 7:07 'P.M. ~~(hu.~ ~ Beth Ann Bryan . ~ Mayor Pro Tern s~e~ Acting City Secretary '-...-J '" ~ , I I i I ~ " 31 [l CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1987 CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM 7:00 P.M. City Co unci ,. convened in workshop sess i on in the City, Ha 11 Conference Room, 3800 University Boulevard, :in the City of West University Place, on Thursday, September 10, 1987, with the following members pres~nt: Mayor Parks, presiding; Counci:lmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton and Schwartzel. Also present werethe:City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney and Director of'Operatinns. ' Mayor Parks invited resii:lents to speak on an agenda item at this ti!JIe. ..".~. ~ '.. ~ /10' ." ......,.. , There were none present who wished to speak. Discussion was held with Committee and Board Chairpersons concerning their respective committee or board. No action was required of City Council. City Council discussed the proposed amendatory zoning ordinance with the City Attorn~y. No action :wastaken by City Council. There befng no furthe'r business to com'e before the City Council, the meeting was declared adjourned at 10:15 p.m. n LI ~ . . ,. 'J":;; Au rey 1 c 0 S . J ' , Ci ty Secre ary , ~ i .) "l " II i , L' . . - I. ..j , ,. .....-,-~..__.. .I"IUPIIIK!llll~IIM' ~ I ~-~-I n~lf 32 REGULAR 'CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 14, 1987 7:30 P.M. :. City Council convened in regular sess,ion in the City Hall Council Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Monday, September 14, 1987,:with the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Councilmembers Bryan, Britton and Schwartzel. Councilmember Bel' was', absent.' Also present, were the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Director of Administration, Director of Operations, and Chief of Police. Councilmember Schwartzel del ivered the invocation and led the Allegiance to the Flag. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mayor Parks invited residents to speak who had matters they wished to bring to the attention of the City Council which had not previously been submitted to the City Manager. Dr. Arrighi, 3036 Albans, asked ,City Council to consider ,five items. She requested black picture frames be place around the signal lights to make them more easily seen and that the signal lights need to be straightened.Dr~ Arrighi expressed her concern that perhaps mosquito spraying.was ,not done as ,Qften as it should be. The storm sewer on her street floods. Dr. Arrighi understood 'the Solid Waste employees were ,making :a slirveyof residents who put garbage bags curbside too ea,rlQ' before their scheduled pickup day. She thought solid waste employees did not need to spend their time doing that. There are three mowers on her street and whatever day they come they usually leave the bags out then. Dr. Arrighi noticed that the police officers do not turn on their signal Ught~ when they turn corners and she thought they should set a better example~ Mayor Parks advised Dr. Arrighi that award of a storm drain cleaning contract was on the agenda for tonight's meeting to solve her problem with the storm drain along the 3000 and 3100 blocks of Albans. The Mayor referred the other items to the City Manager. Linda Bossey invited members of City Coun~il to Mediterrean Festival at St. George Orthodox Church. ' Richard Mithoff, 3423 Sunset, addressed City Council to speak in favor of the proposed zoning ordinance. He had reviewed that document. The Zoning anp Planning Commission h~s-worked for approximately 1 1/2 years, the Commission has~heard from a cross section of this community, they have met with experts and studied model zoning codes and put together a long over due revision to the city's zoning code. It is a well written document and Mr. Mithoff strongly urged it be enacted as it is written. He had heard about those who oppose the five foot setback. Mr. Mithoff thought what the city needed was a strong ordinance with the setbacks as written in the ordinance. Some people want to delay I I I ~ '---..J I , I , I '----./ Regular City Council Meeting, September,14, 1987 n the effective date by as much as six months and he urged the effective date to be immediately or:at some'shOrttime. Steve Toomey, 6344 Rutgers, spoke in favor of the zoning ordinance and the five foot"setbacks.'He :ur,ged, the ordinance be implemented as soon as possible to maintain the quality of the community. Kathryn Coates, 2640 Talbot, felt that anyone building a new home 'was adversely affected by the proposed zoning ordinance and especially those who are trying to build in this transition phase. Linda Smith, 6646 Community Drive, spoke in favor of the five foot setbacks and would like the ordinance to be enacted~s written. She stated reasons of safety, the problem of builders,'scaffolding between houses only'three feet apart and being a good neighbor. Mayor Parks thanked the residents for their comments. CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Parks invited"residents who wished to address a specific agenda item to speak at this time. There were none present who~' wished ,tOJ speak concerning an agenda item . , .;, ; .... I' ,~, '. ~ _ , --", r ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM'THE CONSENT-AGENDA: No,member of City Council suggested removing,anitemfrom the consent agendii. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion ''Was 'made-~by>Councilmember Britton, seconded by Count; lmemb'er Bryan, cthat: cthe' :consent; agenda' be -approved in accordance with staff recommendation. Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Councilmem~ersl Bryan, Britton, Schwartzel Voting No: None Absent: ' ' C'ounC'i lmemtler Bell AMENDING PARKS BOARD ORDINANCE: Consideration was given to Ordi nance Number 1297. Mayor -Park-s 'presented and read the capti on as fa 11 ows : ' " , ' 1 - :O~DINANCLNUMBER' 11297 - '. \ ~r .~ J .J: i-- AN ORDINANCE RELATING:TO THE PARKS AND REeREATION BOARD OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES;" CONTAINTNGFINDI'NGS AND' PROVISIONS. RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN')EMERGENCY.' C,.; "':~ r---. I \ L Copies of Ordinance Number 1297, in the'form required for adoption, were ava'ilable';to!alhmembers,':of City'Coull~il'and a reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens present.' .~. 1 ' ..: \ .~ I! ,', ~? \ 1 . :- ~ ; r , I j , ' .) i ' : ~ . i : 1 . 1 '1 .. . IJ I I I : ,'By,1_.111IIIII1 II ~'. ~ €'~ 33 .l1111ij;111"'''llI~]1 I I - rr-- ~ ! I 11----11 34 Regular City Council Meeting, Se'ptember, 14, 1987 Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by :~I Councilmember Bryan, that Ordinance Number 1297 be-adopted finally ..'.J' on first reading as presented. . Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks" Councilmembers Bryan, Britton, S~hwartzel None Councilmember Bell RESOLUTION NUMBER 87-10: Mayor Parks presented and read Resolution Number 87-10 as follows: WHEREAS, citizens in the Greater Harris County Area can use one easily-remembered number, 9-1-1, for all ':emergencies--police, fire, and medical; and WHEREAS, the 9-1~1 system in the Greater Harris County Area is one of the finest, most technologically-advanced in the nation; and WHEREAS, this 9-1-1 system provides a safeguard for children in our community, in times of emergency; and WHEREAS, the enhancements of this 9-1-1 system display the caller's address and telephone number so that help can be sent even when the citizen c&nnot, speak; and i I I u WHEREAS, the computer-based system automatically directs a 9-1-1 call to the proper jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, it has been demonstrated that 9-1-1 saves 1 ives and property; and " WHEREAS, it is desirable that all citizens in the Greater Harris County 9-1-1 Network know when and how to use 9-1-1 in times of emergency; and WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has designated September 11, 1987, as National 9-1-1 Day; and WHEREAS, the Greater Harris County 9-1-1 Emergency Network wishes to join with the Congress in recognizing the value of the 9-1-1 emergency system; , - I: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas; Section 1. That September 11, 1987, be declared 9-1-1 Day in the territory served by the 9-1-1 Network. Section 2. It is hereby ordered that this Resolution be approved and spread upon the minutes of the meeting this 14th day of September, 1987. ] Regular City Council Meeting, September 14, 1987 35 day of Councilmembers Voting Aye: CouncilmemberS VotingNo~ CouncilmembersAbsent: . L. Parks, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Audrey Nichols City Secretary James L. Dougherty, Jr. CityiAttorney (SEAL) Motion'was made by.Councilniemb~r.Bryan, seconded byCounc.ilmember Schwartzel, that Resolution Number 87-10 be adopted,asread. , . Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Britton, Schwartzel None Cou nc i 1 member Be 11 RESOLUTION NUMBER ,87-11:Consi deration .wasgi ve.n to Resolution Number 87-11. Mayor Parks presented, andread"thefollowing: I. . ,I ri" I:.": . ..1 '-:' "... :" : 'RESOLUTION NUMBER 87-11 .. ' WHEREAS, Houston's future depends on mass transit choices thatposi t'iiVe'ly'ha'V.e'. "an'impact on our quality. of 1 i fe, encourage"economic.'iand:-employment growth and enhance the city's progressive image worldwide. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THECJT:Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ~TEXoAS: 'r 'Sectiion I.' That a modern, first class;,hjgh .<;:apaclty transit system be developed and implemented that meets ,or exceeds'thefollowingcdteria: , ',;* Continues :to'DuHdupon;thecity'salrea.dy- , successful bus and transitway system to carry people to and fromtransportatiomstations strategically located around Houston's central core. ,..----, I ' i I I : 0.....-/ ,!:,- * Interfaces at the' tr.ansportationstations with a cost effective ra'il:.system.bui 1 tin .a.ppropriate grade separated and at-grade corridors. This I. . -~.L~_~__~-,.....lJJ.L "Tn::!11 ._. I i::II:l-J::ill~It!!1l11 ":T ....... J111111;JURlr~ 'I I L-, .---1 I, TTT 36 Regular City Council Meeting, September, 14, 1987 system must expediently transport passengers to and from Houston's major activity centers~ Downtown' Texas :Medical Center Southeast;, Texas Southern University, and the University of Houston Astrodome area Greenway Plaza/Summit 'U~town/Galleria area * For routing, phasing, design, grade separation, . 'and similar' decisions rely upon further environmental, technical and economical analyses. Section 2. Be it further resolved that the City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas, wholeheartedly endorse and. pledge: to aggressively support the designing and construcUon of a,:regional transit system that adheres to these basic and vital criteria. "I . .' ' Section 3. All resolut;ions: and, parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 4. If any word;: phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or:othe'rpart of this reso:l uti on or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or :unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this resolution and the app li cati on of such word" phrase" cl ause" sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this resolution to any other' persons or circumstainees 'shall, not be. affected thereby. . 'I' "',' 'jl Section 5. The City Council officiallY finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subjectof,'each meeting at which this resolution was discussed, considered'or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, as amended, and that each such meeting has been ,open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices :and :the"contentsand posting thereof. '.' PASSED AND APPROVED this 14th day of September , 1987. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers, Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: -. u o u Regular City Council Meeting, ,September 14, 1987 ~ '----' CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ATTEST: Michael L. Parks, Mayor Approved as to Form: Audrey Nichols City Secretary (SEAL) James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Schwartzel, that Resolution Number 87-11 be adopted as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Abstaining: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Schwartzel None Councilmember.Bell Councilmember Britton Councilmember Britton explained the reason he was abstaining was because he thought the future development of the transit system was too complex a problem and he did not have enough information on the subject. n I I L WATER PRIORITY AREA NO. 2 MONTICELLO ADDITION AND RICE COURT SUBDIVISIONS: Consideration was given to the following:' (a) Monthly Estimate 'No. ~-in the amountrof$112,372.82 submitted by Ella Contracting Inc., for work performed through August 31, 1987, in Water Priority' Area No.2 water line :replacement:-p.mject; , (b) R~quest for Extens:ion of -Time . for six- calendar days. '"~I Motion was made by Councilmember Britton, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that Monthly Estimate No.4 in the amount of $112,372.82 submitted by Ella Contracting Inc." be approved for payment and the Request for Extension of Time for six calendar days be approvedas.presented.' : Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Britton, Schwar.tzel None Councilmember Bell CITY AUCTION: Consideration was given to authorizing city staff to hold a public auction on October 24, 1987, to auction bicycles and various other city owned items'~ ' !. r~ I I I I l '----' "J i . Motion was made by Councilmember,Britton, seconded by , Councilmember Bryan, that the City Auction be authorized as requested. - --L......L _~c:- '~.'MMU ,..... 'i ,-' . :- ~..; 37 _10_11IIII<1:"[' '-'---'---- - IT T I TI'II r c ,.' 38 Regular City Counci 1 Me'eting , ':Se:ptembe'r 14,~' 1987 . . Vciting Aye: . Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Britton, Schwartze1 VotinRNo: None Absent: Counci1member Bell l f '---" FEE FOR ISSUANCE OF vAX 'CERTIFICATE: Consideration was given to increase the fee for issuance ofatax certificate from $4.00 to $10.00 effective September 1, 1987. Motion was made by Counci1member Britton, seconded by Counci1member Bryan, that the fee for issuance of tax certificates be increased to'$10.00'effecttve' Sep1tember 1, 1987. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: . , Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Britton, Schwartze1 ' None Counci1ri1ember Bell INSPECTION DIVISION: Consideration was given to'authorizing an ;intrease 'tn:the 1987 'Inspecti'on. Di-vision Budget to provide for one addi trona 1 part-time 'tnspecitor'. r. Motion was made by Counci1member Britton, seconded by Counci1member Bryan, that the 1987 Inspection Division Budget be increased $7:,956.00,to providefor"Cfn additional part-time inspector. '" . . , , Voting Aye: Mayor 'Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Britton, Schwartze1 Voting No: None',' ,( '. ".' Absent: . Counc i:lmemb.er Be,11 i '----' AUTHORIZATION TO 'ADVERTISE-FOR B'lDS:"cConsideration was given to authorize advertising for bids for the following: , ,". . " (a) Garbage bag de1iver.y for, December 1987, April and August 1988;' .' : ..:... I "... (b) Construction of par.~tng:f.aci1ities at the Library, 6108 Auden; (c) Remodeling the lobby'and 'lavatory at the Community Building, 6104 Auden; (d) Installation of cantilever gate and fence at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, 2809 N. Brae~wood. Motion was made by Counci1member Britton, seconded by Counci1member Bryan that City Council authorize advertising for bids forthe'projects and items as listed. , . ",'1 . r;"" I I '-.-..-/ /' (.- ./" Regular City Council Meeting, 5e,ptember,14~ 1987 n Voting Aye: Voting No: . Absent: i > 39 Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Britton, Schwartze1 None:' Councilmember Bell 1976 BOND ISSUE: Consideration was .given to the invoice in the amount of $15,025.00 submitted by First City National Bank of Houston for payment of the biannual interest. 'Motion was made, ,by Counci1memberBr,itton, se~onded ,by Counci1member Bryan, that the invoice in the ~mount of $15,025.00 submitted by First City National Bank of Houston be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent.: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan,; Britton, Schwartze1 None Counci1memberBe11 1986 AUDIT: Consideration was given to the final invoice in the amount of $1,500.00 submitted by Peat Marwick Main ~nd Company for comp1e~ion of the 1986 ~udit. Motion was made '.by CouncHmemMr Bl'i'1-tton; seconded ;by CounCi1member Bryan"that the invoice',in the amount of $1,500.00 submitted by Peat Marwick' Main and ,Company be approved for payment. r-'i L Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: 1:1 . Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Britton, Schwartzel' None Counci1member Bell PURCHASE OF ONE TON PICKUP TRUCK: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $10,170.48 submitted :by J;ack::,Roach Ford for deli-very of a one ton pickup.to the Water Division. \ Motion. was made. by Councilmember:- :Britton ,secondeq:by CounCi1member Bryan, that the invoice in the ,amount ,of $10,170.48 submitted by Jack Roath: Ford,'be approved for paym~nt.. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: . . , Mayor Parks,Counci1members Bryan, Britton, Schwartze1 - None Counci1member Bell REROOF CITY HALL: Consideration was given to the staff recommendation for award of contract to reroof. City Hall. Bids received until 2:00 p.m., September 1, 1987', were; opened at 2:30 p.m. that same day with the following present: Curtis R. Cooper, Director of Operations, Jerry Burns', Superintendent of Pub1 ic Works, Audrey Nichols, City Secretary, and, Br:igam Bowles, A. M. Bowl es Company. Results were announced ~s -foll ows: ' r-' ! ! L' Il II ] I L 1"ilJljlllllllllllllllr ...... I" JI...III_lIiDiH J ! , T~ .0::- ~''==II 'L 40 Regular City Council Meeting, September ,14'~ ',1987 Bidder C&H Construction 2449 South Blvd. Houston, Tx 77098 A. M. l3owe1s Co. . P.O. Box 7508 ' Houston,Tx 77270 Be11aire Builders 6314 Alder Houston, Tx 77081 Brinkman Roofing & Sheetmeta1 Co. P .O~ Box'57578 Webster, Tx 71598 . ! :1 I .., Option Option Orie:' , Two' '" Option Three Option Four '.........J $ 9712.00 $1102.00$-7229.00 $ 6987.00.. $13400.00 $2000~00. $:8960~OO $ 8700.00 . , . , $13844.00 $2903.00 $16316.00 $11192.00 $13400~00: $1800.nO $12948'.00 $11880.00 . . li "; !1'1" .' , Motion was made by Counci1member Britton, seconded by Counci1member Bryan, that City Council, accept staff1s ' 'recommendation and award the cuntract to the-low bidder,C&H Construction Company, at the'ir total bid price of $18,043.00 for all roofs except the area over the Fire Department apparatus room. . I'- I. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Britton, Schwartze1 None " Counci1member Bell ~ STORM DRAIN CLEANING:Consideratioriwas give to staff recommendation for award of contract for the removal of roots and T.V. inspection of designated storm drain lines. Bids received until 10:00 a.m., September 4, 1987, were opened'at 10:30 a.m. that same day with the following present: Curtis:R. Cooper, Director of Operations; Jerry Burns, Superintendent-of Utilities; Sherman Irish, Gutierrez, Smouse, Wi1mut & Assoc., Inc.; William 0'Fie1, Sure-f1o; and Pat Noll, Insituform,Gu1f South, Inc. The results were announced as follows: ' Bidder ECO Resources P.O. Box 487 A1ief,'Texas 77411 Total Bid Amount $19,380.00 t," - ", ' $22,060.00 Guti errez, Smouse, Wi,l mut & Associates 11111 Wi1crest Green Dr. Suite 128 Houston, Texas 77042 i '--../ Regular City Council Meeting, 'September 14, 1987 n Insituform Gulf South~ Inc. P.O. Box 6507 Pasadena, Texas 77506 $2'4,780.00 $25,440.00 Shur-f10 '3001 Canal Street Houston, Texas 77003 Motion was made by COlmCi1member: Britton, seconded ,by Co~nci1member Bryan, that City Council accept staff's retommendationand'award the'contract to clean-designated storm drain lines to the low bidder, ECO-Resources at their bid amount ",of $13,170~@0 plus $15n.On:fo~ any additional set up charges. Vo~ing>Aye: Voti ng No:' Absent: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Britton, Schwartzel None. Counci1member Bell ENGINEERING SERVICES: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $9,825.52 submitted by Langford Engineering Inc., for engineering services on Priority Area No. 1 Phase 1 Sanitary Sewer, West University First Subdivision. ,. ,; n '---' ,Mption was made by Councilmember Britton, seconded by 'Counc.i1inemberBryan; tha't,'th'e" invoice ,in the amount ,of $9,825.52 submitted by Langford Engineering Inc., be approved for payment. ~,.. " . . - ' ; Votfng Aye: Mayor . Parks', Counci1members Bryan, Britton, Schwartze1 None Counc;.lmember .Bell, Voting No: Absent: EMERGENCY WATER INTERCONNECl:Consideration was given to th~ final invoice in the amount of $21,700.00 submitted by ~lla Contracting I~c., for installation of the emergency water interconnect with the City of Houston. ' , ~ < . , Motion was made by Councilmember Britton, seconded by Counci1member Bryan~ that the ;invoice in the amount of $21,700.00 submitted by Ella Contracting Inc., be approved for payment. Voting Aye: ' Voting No: Absent: 'Mayor,JPar-ks;'Councilmembers Bryan, Britton, 'Schwartze1 ' None' Counci1member Bell r----, LEGAL SERVICES: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $6,649.14 submitted for legal services provided on the City's behalf for the month of August 1987. "-----' , I 1'1,..._1_..._" J i ~\. ,41 ...,. I... .lIIIKIlIIIIEII~" T .~ IT""- - I~T~ 42 Regular City Council Meeting, September ,14,,'1987 : Motion was made by Counci1member.'.Britton,. seconded by Counc i 1 member Bryan, that the i nvoi ce in the amount, ,of $6,649.14 submitted for legal services for the month of August; 1987, be ap'proved fQ,r,payment. ~ ., ',;1,"',' ': ", Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Britton, Schwartze1 Voting No: None Abs~nt~, Counci1member Bell -----. , I I I I '---J .oJ ~' ~ " : . COUNCIL COMMENTS: City Counci.l had ,no further.,comments at this time. -'I, ; STAFF REPORT: : City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, had nathing f.urther for Council's consideration. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minut.es. of. the City Council meetings were presented for consideration, as follows: (a) (b) . - ~ ~ ' ,;'., - : ~ ~ ," Regular City Council meeting on August 24, 1987; . ' Emergency Special City Council meettng on August 25, 1987; , ,; :'! , (c) Special Workshop City Council meeting on August 27, 1987; (d) : Special CityCouricil' meet'ing on September 3, ,1987. - : : r ' " Counci1member Bryan corrected the minutes of the September 3, 1987,s'pecial:meeting to: convene.alt7:00 P.M. rather than 7:30 P.M. " , I' , ' L...; ,,;J . " .' Motion was made by Counci1membet BrIYan, seconded byCounci1member Britton, that the minutes of the meetings listed be approved as submitted with the correction noted on the September 3, 1987 meeting. Voting Aye: Voting No: , Absent: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Schwartze1 None , .. Counci1member Bell Bryan, Britton, 1 J:, ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before Council at this time, motion was,,imade.',by:\Councilmember Schwartze1, seconded by Counci1member Bryan, that: the meeting adjourn. Such motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:03 P.M. '--' Regular City Council Meeting, September 14, 1987 u ..{)1HL,,~<j,~l Audrey Ni ols ., ". City Secretary '. :,' .,":" : ," n '--- I L....---'._. I I, m _,,1._____, U'li'llIIiIIlllDl_r , ,.. 1LL..lLL1..........-.........Jd" , "[ , ^ :~ ;~ 43 - ,I Jlr~lnlll" : I I Iii 'I II. 44 ""j.:- .. CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1987 CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 8:00 P.M. :l I [ City Council convened in workshop session in the City Hall Conference Room, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Monday, September 14, 1987, with the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Counci1members Bryan, Britton and S€hwartze1. Counci~member Bell was absent. Also present were the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney and the Director of Operations. Hearing of residents: Mayor Parks invited residents to speak who had matters they wished to bring to the attention of the City Council. Several residents spoke concerning the proposed amendatory zoning ordinance. Members of City Council discussed the position of Medical Director with the Fire Chief, Terry Stevenson. No council action was taken at this time. ..=-, Discussion was held concerning the Metro/Westpark Property acquisition. No action was taken by City Council. City Council reviewed and discussed different portions of the zoning ordinance. ~i Workshop se~sion was adjourned at approximately 10.30 p.m. ~. :';t..,/:.....S..:.:...}...JJ\ '.... .~'. . 'Jt{'" ". ~ A~~ City ecretary , I ~ 45 1 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER; 17, 1987 CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM 7:00P.M. City Council convened in workshop sess'ion'inthe City H~l1 Conference Room, 3800 University Boulevard, in the, City! of West Univen;ity Place, on Thursday,Septembe'r 10, 198J,with the following members present: MaY9r Parks; p.residing;H~ounci lmembers'Sryan, Bell, Britton ,and 'Schwartze1. 'Also present were the City' Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney,and the Director of Operations. . . Mayor Parks invited residents to speak on an agenda item at this time. n I I ~' Several residents spoke concerning the proposed amendatory zoning ordinan~e~ City Council d.iscussedthe:proposedzoning ordinance with the City Attorney. No a'tti on was take~nbyCi.tyCounci 1 . CityCounciil discussedthe'proposed1988 Budget with the City Manager and Finance Director. Councilmember.Bryanleftat the beginning of the discussion. There being no further business.tocomebefor.e City Council, the meeting was declared adjourned at 10:30 p.m. .,.{ ". J ,;-,,;,. · / J """ .~.~: ;--~ ~ I l~ IL;.,..IJ _ 1 1 Ljl UC,( -------.__~ 1-" ," :;fW~iwll_III'" '''I ,"'" "Il~ IU tl I 11 46 CITY COUNCIL "WORKSHOP SESSION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24; 1987 CITY HALL ',CONFERENCE' ROOM ,7:00~P.M. I-I I I _.....-I City Council convened in workshop session in the City Hall Conference Room, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West, University Place, on Thursday,. September 10" 1987, wi th ,the: fo 11 owi ng memb~rs ,present: Councilmembers Bell, Britton andSchwartze1. Mayor Parks and Counci 1member Bryan were absent.' :'A,l SO" pres:ent ,were" the City Manager, City Attorney, Director of Admin~istrationand,;Director of OperatiQns. . ' Mayer Parl~s invited residents to speak on an agenda item at this , time. Several residents spoke concerning the proposed amendatory zoning ordinance. ' City Council discussed the proposed zoning Ordinance. City COlJ'ncil agreed to 'place the ordinance on, the September 28, 1987, regu1 ar city 'counci 1 ,a'genda for first reading. The' proposed 1988 Budget was discussed. Counci:1member Bryan left at this point. There being no further business to come before City Council, the meeti,ngwas adjourned at, 10:20 -p.m. ---. I J ~ Counci1member df4.-i_~ H. L. Bri tton Counci1member C. Boone Schwartze1 Counci1member a~~~ Audrey Ni 1s City Secre ary J ~~. 47 [1 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 'MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1987 7:30 P.M. City Council convened in regular session in the City Hall Council Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University , Place, on Monday,' September 28, 1987, with the following'members present: Mayor Parks"presiding; Counci1members Bryan; Bell, Britton and Schwartze1. Also present were the C'ity Manager:, City Secretary, City Attorney, Director of Administration,- Director of Operations, and the Chief of Police. CounciJmember Bell delivered the invocation and led the Allegiance to the F1ag~ HEARING OF RESIDENT~~ Mayor Parks invited residents to speak who had matters they wished to bring to the attention of the City Council which had not previously been submitted to the City Manager. There were none present who wished to speak. r-' i I ~ CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to address a specltlc agenda item to speak at this time. Jim Tyler, 3310 Plumb, spoke concerning the final draft of the amendatory zoning ordinance and pointed out that pages 67 and 68 were missing.' ',. Sufficient copies of pages 67 and 68 were made to supply those in attendance. 't 1 Mr. Ty1 er offered a correcti on on Page 39 (5) (i i) , fi rst 1 i ne, should read "If a principal building in the SF District acquired 'PNC'"' rather ,than "a SF. ':Di stri ct": ' On ,Page 65, the Side Lot Setback Schedule,' ,the ordinance reads that you can build under the 3/7 principal, item (c)(l) under ,Exception 1, provided there is no structure on the adjoining building site within 7 feet except for those projections in the side setback areas specifica1ly~anowed by-the proJection schedule. .He ,imagined the -i'ntent was ,to say it ;-s all ';right H ,it is a ,garage ,that )is closer than 7 feet to the next door neighbor's property. But looking at the new definition under the projection schedule, Page 64, the only thing:that constitutes an acceptab1e:projectionin the way of a garage'is a garage ,that has -no ;windows of!,doors -that f:ace the side property Hne.:' Reading this' together, :if you have ,a next door neighbor who has a garage :that is three feet off his side property line, you can not build under the 3/7 rule on your property line if the garage happens to have a window on that side. When the side lot setback was done Mr. Tyler thought the ,intent was, if you are building a new garage",windows or doors on that side are not allowed. But the unintended consequence is you can't fall within'the three; foot/seven feot rule if your. neighbor happens to have an existing garage that has a window that is looking onto your property. Mr. Tyler's next suggestion was on i L L JL~!..:_ L_ II _---------1-L ,__ I "..I,"IilIIiI~1I11 ",I q _~J~; , , ! u 11:1 11 48 Regular City Council Meeting, September 28, 1987 Page 20 under Garage andiDriveway Locations. There was discussed a concept of an estab1ished:driveway pattern. He thought that when it first came intop1ay'it was in connection with the 3/7 concept. The way it is now written, even if someone is on a wide lot and fully complying wfth the side"s'etbacks, they do not have an option to do anything except to locate their garage on one side of the property or the other'H Mr. Tyler further suggested on Page 20 (ii) to insert at the"be'ginning 'of that sentence: I.n ; ,these circumstances where an, owner 'of abuiJdinq site intends to 'comply with:-the side 10t"setbackschedule" in: lieu of section 7.:..100 'of this ordinance and then cOntinue nOn each such building site"-';'-. This particular 'proviston requiri'ng a garage to be on , one side or another wou1 d only app!ly where peop1 e are trying to deviate from the side setbacks that hav~ been established. It would continue to allow flexibility in design. Mr. Ty1erls final comment concerned Page 15 Sectiorr2(i} ,dealing with subdividing lots and when it ispermiss,ib1e for two owners to adjust the size of their lot without creating a'newbui1ding site. He requested City Council consider changing the 60 feet to 50 feet so that it is clear that you can never go less than the minimum lot standard, but as long as you have not created a new buflding'site, you are, free to do what you want on, trading a few feet with your neighbor.' " There were no other comments offered from the audience. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: No member of City Council suggested removing an item from the consent agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion was made by Counci1member Bryan, seconded by Counci1member Bell, that the consent agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendation. Voting Aye:' Voting No: Absent: " , Mayor.Parks,Counci1members Bryan, Bell, Britton, 'Schwartzel None' None Mayor farkspostponedCourici1 IS conSideration of the zoning ordinance until the City Attorney could provide the language for the proposed amendments,' F~I~C.A. REFUND: Consideration was given to Resolution Number 87-12 authorizing the Indemnity Agreement to secure reimbursement of overpaid contributions on previously excludable sick leave wages. Mayor Parks read the'following: RESOLUTION NUMBER 87-12 WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council to authorize the execution of any and all necessary agreements in order to secure reimbursement of overpaid contributions to the Old Age, Survivors, Disability and Health Insurance System. ] ] ~ Regular City Council Meeting, September 28,1987 u c -II.; .I! Ii Section 4~If any word, phrase,,; clause, sentence, paragraph,'secffonor other':p'art of"thisreso1utio.n or the app1 ita'tidri thereof to any ,')person or. circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or uncoostitutionalbyany.court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this resolution and the appl ication ,of<such);word, ..phrase, cl ause, sentence, paragraph;.;secfion'oriother'part,'ofthis resolution to any other persons or circumstances shaH;not be affected thereby. SeetiOn 52 . The' City; Counc il offi ci ally fi n,ds, determi lies and' deal ares' tba fa s uffi ci en-t 'written,notice:'; of the date,' hOur, place 'and subject"of,each.meeting atwhith this resolution was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the'manner' requ;-red~;by the\Q,pen~Meetin,gs\fLaw; ,'~ TEX. ' REV.CIVl ' STAT.' :ANN~- art; ;6252"'17, as amended, , and that each such ll1eet.i.ngi.has been open to :the public as required by law'a't' a1lfimes.during such. discussion, cons iderati onand:act;ron .~The:City,Council'irati fi,es, . approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. ' ',I",! TI '!",Wllllllllllllillllll ! ,j I "';","',""'" ~ ,~ 49 u ,Ip 50 _fI1~ u i I II, Regular City Council Meeting',Se!ptember 2-8~ -1987 ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 28th day of September, 1987. Counci1members Voting Aye: Counci1members Voting No: 'Counci1members Absent: ATTEST: ,I I I -----' Michael L. Parks, Mayor 'Approved as' to Form: .', . Audrey Nichols City Secretary" James:L~ Dough~rty, Jr. City Attorney (SEAL)' Motion was made by CouncHmember"Schwartze1, secondea by Counci1member Bell, that'ResolutionNumber 87-12 be adopted as read. Voting Aye: , Vot'i ngNo: Absent: Mayor Parks';' Counci:lmembers Bryan', 'Bell " Britton, Schwartze1 None' , ' None ~ I i METRO/WESTPARK PROPERTY':: Considerat:fon was giv~n toauthori ze special counsel in connection with the' proposed sale of the Westpark Property. , i ~ Moti on was made by CounciTmember ,Bryan, ;se<;onded by Counci 1member Bell, that City Council authorize contracting with Woodard, Hall & Primm as special counsel in connection with the proposed sale of the Westpark Property~ ' 'Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks,Counci1members . 'Bryan; Bell, Bri tton, 'Schwartze 1 , None' None STREET DEPARTMENT GARAGE' AND OFFICE 'BUILDING': Consideration was given to authorizing engineerind services for structural repairs to the Street Department Garage and Office Building. Motion was made by Counci1member Bryan, seconded by Counci1member Bell, that City' Counci 11 authori ze"'contrcrcting wi th' Rutherford Engineering Company'for'structura1 engineering services to reinforce and repair the Street Department Garage and Office Building at an estimated inaximum cost of $5,(570.00. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartze1 None i~ Regular City Council Meeting, September 28, 1987' 51 n Absent: , None, ", PURCHASE OF GARBAGE BAGS: Consideration was given to the invoice in the 'amount of$'i'77452.'26 'submitted by Houston Galveston Area Council for del ivery 'ofi ;garbageibags ~ Motion was made by CouncilmemberBryan, seconded byCounci1member Bell, that theinvoice,;in the amount of $17,452~26 be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Counci.lmembers Bryan, Bell, Bri tton, Schwartzel None None' [ WATER WELL #9: Consideration was given to authorizing emergency replacement of the electric well starter for Water Well #9. Motionwa's made byCounci1memberBryan, seconded, byCounci 1 member Bell, that City Council authorize contracting with Sones' Electric Co., Inc., at the total cost of $10,397.00 for the emergency replacement of the electric starter at Water Well #9. Voting Aye: .MayorParks:., Councilmerrtbers Bryan, Bell, BrUton, Schwartze1 Voting No: None Ab'sent: ' None WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT:'Considerati'on was given :toauthorizing preparation of p1ans~nd specifitations formodtfications of the waste water treatment digester and sludge thickener at a cost not toi exceed $8,006.:00. ",,::: !: , , Motion was made by Counci1member Bryan, seconded by Counci1member Be11,thatCityCouncin i)authal"iz-e "prepar;atton.ofplansand specificati'on~!formodi-fiC:a~idns to ,the waste water treatment digester and 51 udgethi ckener asp'resented. Voting Aye:' Votlng No: Absent: 'MayorPaf1ks,Councilmembers , 'Bryan, Bell~ ;Br.itton, Schwartzel' 'None None ;'" . ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR VARIOUS UTILITY RELATED PROJECTS: , , " ConsHlerati on was given tothe"rj nvoices' tota 1 i ng$13, 73~ .65 submitted by Lar'lgford"Engineering Inc. "foruti1 ity;re1Clted 'projects~ as follows: hi ',', ", . , (a) Consulting services,for the repair of Water Well #9 and alternate water supply in the amount of $604.50; .' ,,'j;l} ,I '.;i ,;";,. (b) 'Priority Area:lNo: 1, Phcl:~e: t':SanitanySe,wer, West University First Subdivision in, the amount af $574.28; I L-':'__ ..q;".~- .IL-;..;-,-,U~L.....L~~~__.~_ .c -L:l __... ~._...:.....~_ _ _____.........l............ ,-, ,;,"',jiMll~l<dI.lI4ifIWI.I" I &111'1:1 L u I,-ll 52 Regular City Council Meeting, September 28, 1987 (c) Priority Area No.1, Phase 3 Sanitary Sewer, West ~I University First Subdivision in the amount of $11,986.45; (d)' Priority Area No.2 Water 'Line Replacement, RiGe Court and Monticello Subdivision ,in the amount of $247.74; , (e')' Priority Area No;' 7 Waterline Replacement, Co1:1ege Court S~bdivision' in the' amount of $326.68 Motion was made by Counci1member Bryan, seconded by Counci1member Bell, that the invoices totalin'g $13,,739.65 submitted by Langford Engineering Inc~, be'approved for payment as listed. Voting Aye: 'Voting No: , Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None, None' " COUNCIL, COMMENTS: Counci1member Bryan requested staff find out who is West University's representative on the Citizen Advisory Board at Metro~ ',,' , ' , .~. I . . I Also, Counci1member Bryan acknowledged receipt of a very nice letter about Officer Peterson and requested Council's appreclation be'extended' to Officer Peterson. " Counci1member Bell acknowledged rece~pt of a resident's letter presenting a proposed requirement for sidewalk repair and wheelchair cuts at new construct:ion 'sites and' requested the sidewalk is~ue, be investigatedfurth~~. Mayor Parks recommended the letter be forwarded to the appropriate committee for study. CouncfTmember Schwartze1 requested that on Agenda Item No.8, STREET DEPARTMENT GARAGE AND OFFICE BUILDING, staff get another estlmate to lnsure the 'Clty lS gettlng a ,taw price. I ,~) Mayor Parks requested staff 'make a 'recommendation whether Council action was requiredc6ncerning the Houston Lighting & Power Company application to amend its Certificate of Convenience and Necessity for the South Texas Project and Limestone Electric Generating Station with the Public Utility Commission of Texas. " . .' r' - ..,.! . I ~ . :. : I STAFF REPORT: City_,Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, reported that 'on the sa1e'of the Westpark,Property contract, it, was not in Fulbright & Jaworksi's current scope of work to handle the sale documents. The City would not be paying double to use Woodward, Ha11'&Primmforthese services. ZONING ORDINANCE WITH MAP: Mayor Parks encouraged those in the audi'ence,to'pick up'copies of pages 67 andi68 if they had not 'a1 readY: done so.;:' ',,- I ----J Regular City Council Me'eting, Septembe'r .28, 1987 ' 53 n The City Attorney offered amendi,ngPage 65. In the provision for side lot setback 'schedule, Page 65, the original intent of the exception was to allow the three foot/seven foot to occur even though your neighbor might have built within three feet as allowed .by the projection schedule. If Council wanted to consider a change it would be permissible to do so between first and second readings. It is a very technical sort of .thing and would be a minor. change.' Mr. Ty1er stated that on' Page 64 there.was a definition of a projection: says you can not haye a 'window facing a side property line if your neighbor 'happens to have a garage' with'a window. That garage is no longer, a., permiSsible projection onPage 65. If there were a ga'rage'structl.i,re~ the existence of that'window or door should not defeat the ability of the '" Mayor' Parks stated that the' provision was definitely related to two story structures, but not ,nece'ssari 1y one story structures. I' I '---' The City Attorney offered the following proposed amendment to Page 65 to'add at the end of Exception 1 (c) (1) Except for accessory building on the rear half of the building site. Mayor Parks recommended the exception be referred to a workshop session. Motion was made by Counci1memberSchwartze1 that ,on Page 39, section 12-103, (a)(5)(ii) the first line, that the word nan be changed to "then; on Page 20, (3) Garage and Driveway (ii) that the language be after the,'words Setb'ack' Schedule~ in the third line, insert: (x), there must be a driveway 10cated,As nearly as practicable to one side of the site, insert: (xx) the side shall be ,determined in accordance 'with the estaD I.' ~,nea. -dri.veway pattern for the block face in questi,on, if .there is such a pattern, insert: ami', :~xxx) ,if' threre"Ts' ,not such a pattern, and if there is an a jacent driveway on one adjoining building site but 'not the other~; ',then 'the :;dri:v,eway ,must be on the side farthest from the adjoining driveway':and; 'onP,age'15 (2)( i) the number 60 be changed to 50. ,," R~id Wilson, Zoning and Planning Commission Chairman, commented that the reaSon for the 60 ,foot width 'was to ,prevent' the, reduction in width' of a 1a~ge 10t,:toa lOt smaller than 60 feet. Council may want to consider adding an exception for two lots that are going to have the boundary changed between them and are both less than 60 feet. The theory was that sixty feet is the minimum width to resubdivide lots. '---" Counci1member Schwartze1 withdrew his amendment to Page 15. Counci1member Bell seconded the amendments to Page 20 and Page 39. 11""';- - TI ;"~lli!IIIIllliI!lIIf t '\.. _1lt:1'! u II 'i II 54 Regular City Council Meeting, Septem,ber,28,1987 Voting Aye:, Voting No: Absent: ' Mayor Par,ks, Counci 1members Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartze1 None None' I .~ , Mayor Parks ,presented 'and ,read the caption of Ordinance Number , 1298 as follows : !,'"., : ' , , , ' . , AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZONING AND LAND USE; AMENDING, IN ITS ENTIRETY, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE~ TEXAS, SAID ZONING ORDINANCE BEING ALSO KNOWN AS ORDINANCE NO."111', PASSED ON JUNE 12, 1937, AS ,AMENDED; PROVIDING A COMPREHENSIVE REVISION ANDUPDATING,OF.THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVER$ITY,P.~ACE, TE~AS AND CONTAINING FINDINGS,ANDPROVISIONS RELATING. TO THE SUBJECT. Copies of Ordinance Number 1298, in the form required for adoption,'were available to all members of City Council and a reasonable number of addi,tional copie.s available to interested citizens present. Motion was made by Counci1member, Bryan, seconded by Counci1member Bell, that Ordinance'Number 1298 be accepted'on first reading as read and amended. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent': . Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Bell, Schwartze1 Britton 'None """"I I ~j CITY COUNCI~ MEETING MINUTES: Minutes bf the regular city council meeting on ,September 14, 1987, were presented for consideration. " , . I " I; ,.j . Moti on 'was made byC:oun'ci 1member Bryan, ,seconded by Counci 1member Schwartzel'~ 'that the miTn-itesof the: regular city council meeting on September 14~19'87, be approved as submitted. VoUng '~ye: , , 11';: , Voting No: Absent: , Mayor P,arks,'Councilmembers: Bryan, ,Bell. ~ritton, Schwartze1 " None None ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before Council at this time, Mayor Parks declared the meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m. ~ I I I i , i 10 Regular City Council Meeting, September 28, 1987 [ ~ Michael L. Parks ' Mayor iZ~ IJ j,,lJi~, Audrey i!1:01 s ~ '... '.' City Secre ary o i =--..., ';;;~!dJIii!IiIIIIIJlill"'- L I -rl_ 1 I .("'. r' 55 I .11~1 u I 11 56 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1987 CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM 8:00 P.M. ;~l ,-) , , City Council convened in workshop session in the City Hall Conference Room, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Thursday, September 10, 1987, with the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Counci1members Bell, Britton and Schwartze1. Counci1member Bryan was absent. Also present were the City Manager, City Attorney, Director of Administration and Director of Operations. Mayor Parks invited residents to speak on an agenda item at this time. There were none present who wished to speak. City Council discussed the proposed 1988 Budget with the City Manager and Finance Director. No action was taken by City Council. There being no further business to come before City Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.. ~ Mayor , '-) I L.J . -~ .;<- 5f7 [ SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING "OCTOBER ,1, 1987 SENIOR SERVICES BUILDING 6104 AUDEN STREET 7:30 P.M. City COuncil convened in special, ses:sion in the Senior Services Building, 6104 Auden Street~ .in'the,Cityof West University. Place, on Monday, October 1, 1987, with the foll owing members present:. Mayor Parks, presiding; Counci1members Bryan, Bell, Britton and Schwartze1. 'A 1 so present were . the Ci ty.,Manager.",City. Secretary, Di rector of AdministratiOn, Chief of Palice,' F.ire Chief. and Chief Building Inspector.Counci1memberBritton:deliveredthe invocation. Counci1memberBryanled the Allegiance to; the Flag. Mayor Parks announced'the purpose: 'of the meeting was, to appoint the various BoardsandCommitteesiandadminister the Oaths of Office to the ;new1y..appoiinted 'members j;n attendance." .COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE:' [J Counc i1 member SchwartzeT;read the names of the Communications Co..,.1tt~e:nd ~~kedtr,:"to~ome.to th~ front of the room. ~:~y~~.r:~}~r'~~e,nte,~:;~lId,read,Re.so1U~lon Number 87-15 as follows: .. . -{..,-I{' \ i '..J.."~"''''.' "',.,. ,'d :,' i', 'd. ," . ' RESOLUHON 87--15 WHEREAS, it is the ob 1 i gati on of the City Council ,pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to Ivariouscommittees;and WHEREAS, the Maydr and members of the City Council have contacted qualified citizens to serve on the Communications Committee'oftheCHy:ofWest'University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS,'certainpersons.:have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Communications Committee. NOW,' THEREFORE, BE; It:RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST U~IVERSITY ~LACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as,memb~rs of t~e Communications Committee: I( I I I I i ! '---' Judi th Ottoson Callie Law Janice Lang Georgette Therau1t >Cheryl Smith' ",'!. Vickey Hamley Deborah Brand-Fainstein Carolyn Rapazzo Kathryn Harper Nancy Sisk ;:, ",;Karin Shipman ~~ ---..---'---"-.--.- _U......M...~Y'..... .. .'1'" .. wi... L .11I11m:IUIGFi+lIj;1i" I I rr- -~'I ' ~'-lf 513 Special City Council Meeting, October 1, 1987 Section 2. That 'the persons hereby appointed to the Communications Committee shaH serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Communications Committee, shalL serve until the next regular City Election of the City Council and thereafter until the appointment and qual i fi cati on of thei r succ'essors.u '-....../' Section 4~ All resolutions and!parts of resolutions ,in conflittherewith are hereby .repealed to the extent~of the conf1i~t only. ' , Section 5. If any wbrd, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, sectiohi~r other part of this: resolution or the application thereof to any person or'c1rcumstance,:.sha11 ever be held to ,be inva1 id or unconstitutional',by:'~ahY court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this resolution and the application of such word, phrase, clause" 'sentence,- paragraph, section or other part of this reso1utiun to'any other persons or circumstances shall not be affected ,thereby. Section 6. The City Council offida11y finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each me'eting at which ,this resolution was' discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. day of , 1987. PASSED AND APPROVED this :".Councilmembers Voting Aye: 'Counci1members Voting No: ,Councilmembers'Absent: 'Mitt:'l'ae1 L Parks, Mayor ATTEST: , , APPROVED AS TO FORM: I' \ James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney Audrey Nichols City Secretary (SEAL) Motion was made by Counci1member Schwartzel, seconded by Counci1member Bryan, that Resolution Number 87-15 be adopted as read. i '----" Special City Council Meetirig,October 1, '1987 ' ~ 59 I' Voti.rig Aye:' ,Mayor Parks;,' Counci-1members Bryan;, Bell, , Britton,:ISchwartze1, Voting No: None Absent: None Mayor Parks administered the Oath of Office to the newly appointed members of the Communications Committee. ' ELECTRICAL BOARD: Counci1member Bell, read the names of the Electrical Board and , asked them to come to the front of the room. -.;: . Mayor Parks presented and read'Res'olution Number 87-16 as follows: RESOLUIION NUMBER'87-16 I-~ I I ~ WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Council, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint niembe!s to various 'boards; and'" WHEREAS, the Mayor a'ndi members 'ofthe Ci ty Counci 1 have contacted qualified citizens to serve on the Electrical Board of the City of West University P:lace,' Texas'; 'and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Electrical Board. NOW, THEREFORE, ,BEI'IT: RESOLVED :RY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~EST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: I ) .~ \' , . f,' Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Electrical Board: l' !' ~ . Bi:11 C10we A. B. Fisk Rob Peterson Lloyd LaComb Randolph-El Pettit '., 'JamesiToddi : ! Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Electrical Board shall seYi've Without ,compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed.,to the Electrical Board shall serve until the next regular City Election of: the City Council and thereafte'r: [(Inti 1, th'e ,apID0,intment ,and qualification of their suc.cessors." ' Section 4. All resolutions and parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the , conflict only.' I \...- '!.l Section 5. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, --.-.Ll , ,"'lOllIJIlIllliIllllr' " " 'hi 1 ., \ '~ en .!.. L IlIIllIIlllIIlIlliIIlll', .. II i~ Special City Council Meeting,~October.1, 1987, :: sectionvor other'pirt~of~tbis'r~solutton or,the.app]ication thereof to any person ,or-circumstance, shall ever be held to be inva1 id or unconstitutional by any",court of 'competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this. r.eso1ution jnd~the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this resolution to: any"other' persons or ci rcumstances shall not, be" af.fected"ther-eby .,: ' Section 6. The City Council officially finds",deterroinesand declares that a sufficient written notice of the' date,hour~ place and subject of each meeting at which.this. reso1l,ltion'was di scussed , considered, or ac.ted"; upon was given in tbe manner required by the Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art.' 62'52-17~ 'as amended,' and'.~hat. ea;<::h such, meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such di scussion, consi,deratfon :and'"a.t~ti on,'- ,The City Counci 1 rati fies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereoL '; i'l PASSED AND' APPROVE'D. thi,s , 1987. : day of Counci1member.s, V.oting,Aye: , . " . , .~. - r ." - . . '. .- '~..' ' Councilmember.s; Vp;tingNo:' , Counci Imembers ,Absent:' M:i ctiae 1 :C, Pa'rks" Mayor' ' , '. '." "". ,',.1 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: , , .... ,,, ;, - ," I J Audrey Nichols City Secretary James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney .." :! 1 .1', (SEAL) \; ,. _ ,1 Motion was made by CouncilmemberBell, seconded by Counci1member Britton, that Resolution Number, 87-16 be adopted as read. Voting Aye: Mayor, Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Bell, Britt6n~ Schwartzel None None, Voting No: Absent: , ' Mayor Parks administered the Oath of Office to the newly appointed members of the E1ectrica1'Board~ HEALTH BOARD: ~ - ;" , Councilmember Bryan read the names of the Health Board and asked them to come to the front of the room. I I 1 I '~ -, I I ~ -----, J Special City Council Meeting, October:.l, 1987 61 [ Mayor Parks 'presented and read"Res61ution Number 87-17, as follows: . ....,. . ,~ ' . RESOLUTION NUMBER 87-17 ~ "'.... '. ~ '1 :!I' WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Council, pursuant to provisions of the City' Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted~'to appoint members tovarious'boards;and " J '",1.: .- ",' [. . . l ,(: . 'WHEREAS, the Mayor and members'Qf.the CityCounci) have contacted qualified citizens, to serve on the Health Board of the City 'of West University' Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and- willingness to serve as members of the Health Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE', TEXAS: I Section 1. That the'fol-lowing' p'ersons be appointed to serve as members of the Health Board: ~I - . f '. . r Larry K. Pickering, M.D. Rhonda Boone '.GeorgeiS'i-i llman Betty Anne Halpern Paul 'R~~ Young, Jr., D.V.M. William J. Bryan, M.D. Secti on 2. That the' persons hereby appoi nted to the Hea 1 th Board sha 11' serve "without compensati on. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Health Boar9 s~a11 serve until the next regular City Election of the City Coun'ci T and thereafter "untH'the ,'appoi1ntment ~and.,qua 1 i.fi cati on of th'eif S'uccess'ors. '1 ,'''-'' - "d " Section ~4:' 'That:Ilarry K. Pickering, -M.D., Ibehereby appointed to serve as'Chairinan;of'the Health Board. Section 5. That Larry K. Picker.ing, M.D., shall serve as Chairman of the Health Board until the next regular City Election of the City Council and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of his successor.! Section 6. All resolutions and parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the confl i ct only. :,.c. "y i "Section 7. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, , secti on' or other part'ofthj s:-re'sol uti on' or the'app1 i cation thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitlitiona1 by' any.' court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this resolution and the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or JlL <._ L ~ _ .-Cl -----1-L... . .,-----, ,I IWlftMlIIlIIM." I' _.. I I. JI_....IRlWltl TT- - T 1 ,,~ [, 62 Special City Council Meettng, "Octdben J, ,1987 other patt of this ,resolution~to any othe~ .persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. . Section 8. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a.sufficient;w~itten notice of the date, hour, place and subject of e~chmeeting:at:,which:this resolution was discussed, considered or.aeted upon~was given in the manner required by the Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art~; 6252'.:.17, as 'amended, and~ that each such me,eting, has been open fa'the pUb1 ic as requi red" by. law"at: all times during such discussion, consideration, and.:actioTl. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof'~' , ,: :' '\": i ~ I j _ . ~ J . '.' ~ \.! PASSED ~ND APPROVEDthi~_,~ day of . .! , . .' . : ,'.; ; 't' j'; !" ~ J Councilmembers,:Yoting Aye,:' , 1987. >>...., . i Councilmenibers Voting No,: ., , Counci1members Absent: . i." f ~ '. . i~" . 'j ..'. Micha:e 1 L Parks, Mayor . . ~ 1 . ( : . '" 1 ..; I ;- j ATTEST: .: :APPROVED'AS TO FORM: I, ' -, " ; ,;') ~ ' . ;' ~ Audrey Nichols City Secretary :' James L 'Dougherty, Jr. ',: :C tty Attorney ,~ (SEAL) .'. ;! '. ;) Motion was made by Counci1membe~ Bryan, seconded by:Counci1member Britton, that Resolution Number 87-17 be adopted ~s read. Voting,Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor ,Parks, ,Counci.1members . Bnitton, Schwartze1 None None Bryan, Bell, \ " MaYOrParksadminist~red, th~,~~th o~'Offic~ 'to the ~ew1Y appointed members of the Health Board." ,,' ' ,: LONG RANGE', PLANNING: ., ."'. ,,' : ",,' " Counci1member Britton read the names of the, Long Range Planning Committee and asked them to come to the front of the room. , , I : . : ; '. ~J . . . 1 f Mayor Parks presented and read,Resoluti,on Number 87~18, as follows: , , ,< ' ,RESOLUTION NUMBER 87-18 i I~ ,'T' u [ Special City Council Meeting, October ,1, 1987 t .. , .r '...... "'-. 6~,,'; u' WHEREAS, it is the obHgation' of the City Council, pursuant to provisiOns of the City eharterand:ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various boards; and, WHEREAS, the Mayor:: and! membe,rs,of the Ci ty Counci 1 have contacted qual ifi ed cit;; zens to serve on the Long Range.,P1 anni ng Committee of the City,of'WestUniversity Place, Texas; and , - WHEREAS, , tertai n pe:rsons hav,e' itndi cated a des ire and willingness to serve as members !of.the Long Range Planning Committee., '" ~ : ~ . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE , , CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, :TEXAS: Secti on 1. That the ,fall owing>personsbe appo:i nted to serve as members of the Long Range; P.lann,ingCommittee: Hi 11 Hughes " Nichol as Aschli:man :Jeanne;Hows'e Br'yan,Muecke ,'., Robert H. Graham Paula Rees Osca,r Johnson Tim Blair :MarkSp.r.adl ing Marcellus Bett1er Larry;~Whyte Wally Knapp Richard ,Popham Richard Spencer JOI1 VO,g 1 e r Jef,f, ::Montag Charles Randall ~i 'Pat~ick Powles Leonard Wilson Section 2. 'That., the ,persons hereby appointed to the Long Range Planning Committee shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Long Range Planning Committee shall serve until the next regular City Election of the City, Coumzil,and thereafter.untilthe appointment and qualification Of their,successors. Section 4. That Bill Hughes be hereby appointed to serve as Chairman of the Long Range, Planning Committee. , :J SectioQ 5. That Bill Hughes:shall serve.as: Chairman of the Long Range Planning Committee until the next regular City Election of the City Council and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of his successor~, ' 'Il' LA ( ',' J J~__l i'JWIMlIll.'WIIII I.. .I. JlIIIRflllllllllll!J;litf. , I f 0: I~._.--- ; 64 Special City Council Meetiing,~Octobetj'c;1.,r;1981 '! , Sect'ion 6. All res,a,lu:tion:~and'parts of r.eso1ution in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the e~tent of the c;onf1 i ct on 1y. ' ,--' ,- n' '1 . Secti on 7. ,I f any.' word, phrase, 'c1 ause, sentence, paragraph, - "section or other partof,this resolution o~ the application thereof'to any person or circumstance,' shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdi'ction, the rema:inder'l of'rlth;.s~ resolution and the application of such word'" phrase, c1 aus'e',<:'sentence, paragraph, secti on or other part of this resolution to any other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. ~ . J -' ~ ~' I J..' (~~-i" . ~ Section 8. The .Ci,ty,~Co.uncH ofJftcia11y finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and su'bject of each 'meeting','a't ~wh'ich this resolution was discussed, considered)'orac:tedJ'upon was, given in, the manner required by the Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, as amended',! and that each such meeting has been open to the public as requ,i.red)~:by law at all times during such discussion, consideraU'on:'and,-a,ction. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms,su~h notices and the contents and posting thereof. 1"; . ", ~ ',' , " - ;:, '-, "! PASSED AND APPROVEfi)i thi s ' ' day of , 1987. ~1, i Counci 1 members Voti ng Aye: ,. ~ . ; , . " .. Counci1members Voting No: '---.-/ , . 1 - - ,-' Gouncilmembers Absent: 1 'Michael L. Parks, Mayor ATTEST: ...l: .: , .1 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Audrey Nichols City Secretary ,,-,.James L. Dougher;ty ; Jr. ,,,,, ': Ci ty Attorney , , '; (SEAL) t ..; 1. ~ ~ '-/' 1 . . ! Motion was made<byCounci1member'Britton~ seconded by Counci1member Bryan,;,that',Reso1ution Number 87-18 be adopted as presented and read. Voting Aye: Britton, Voting No: :' Abs'ent: ;Mayor;.Parks.' Counc~lmembers Bryan, Bell, Schwartze1 None' '''i 'None" ';" -- ~ " , , I :~ - . . I . it ' . II ' 1 , Mayor Parks administered the~Bath,~f Office to the~ new1y~appointed members of the Long Range Planning Committee. Special City Council Meeti'ng"October 1, 1987 'C 65 n PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD: ", . I ,~ 1 ': Counci1member Schwartze1 read the names of the Parks and Recreation Board and asked theli1lto, cornel to the front 'of the room. .. , I ;; .;",," '", Mayor Parks presented and read Resolution Number 87,-19, as follows: :. ; , 'RESO\:.UTIQN 87 ~19 ! r '," J.i ; : r .!}.., . WHEREAS, 1t, is the:!obli:~atiion' oftthe City C(i)unci1, pursuant to provlslons of th'e :,Ci ty Charter, and,! ordi nances: heretofore adopted, 'to appoint members to variOus '.Boatds.; and WHEREAS, the Mayor; and members<of the City Council have contacted qua U fi edcitizens:to,serve on thePar~sandRecreati on Board of:~he City, of West Universit~,P1ace, Texas; and WHEREAS, certainpersonshave..indicatedadesireand wi,ll ingiless to serve as' members'of :the Parks,and~Recreat40n Board. ! .'il; ) _:. \';/ ' ; ! \ NOW , THEREFORE-, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY, OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE~ TEXAS:, ~, I' I o Section 1. ,That the ';fi':olJlowing .'persons be ,appointed to serve as members of the; Parks and Recreation Board: Russ Schulze '\ 'I' DavidAgerton!" Charlotte Banham Gregory' 'Gerber. Terri Dickinson !Will;i'aI1iS' ,. Haye.s Bob Kelly Deborah'Niebrue.gge Lynn Simoneaux Debbie Greenleaf ,.-Mi'6Hae 1:" Connolley Phillip Stevenson ."'PatLaWson Charles Sawyer Ann Schmalz ;";' ~ ~'S-arid~a~jV;ola ,i II Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Parks and Recreation Board shall serve without compensation. I, 'Section 3. Thabthe';pe,rsoils:hereby;appointed to the Parks and, Recreati on 1 BO'ardshall ,se:r.ve' unti 1 the, nextregula,r, City Election of the City Council and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. ! :.;;"; IJ',) ~~ 2-."~"!s~.i '-C), . ~ . \ !j .,. Secti on 4. That 'Russ:: .schulzes:ha 11 serve as Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board until:the next regular City I ~ ~~------.:....i..j- ! I __.__~_ . '11i1l':'lllillimlll!1!I1""- :'j":' ---'J '..:.1....... , ",I ,J.IIl~;rl " I ! I'll' II; II Special City Council MeeUng",Octdber:r,:1,!;1987-' ,'. 66 Election of the City Council and thereafter 'until 'the appointment and qualification of his successor. 1-' I ;~ , ~,: , , . Secti0n';5~ .A11' reso1uMons"and,partsof r.eso1utions"in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict,',on1y.,' . " ' , ' ~ Section 6. If'any'word~,:,ph'r.ase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this resolution or the application thereo'f' to' any person"or c'irCl;lmstance,~ shall ever be held to be inva 1 i d or' unconsti tutiona 1, by':ilny' c'ourt of, competent jurisdiction~ the remainde.rof -th,iis :res-01ution and the app1 ication of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this resolution to<any'other persons or c i rcums tances sha 11 ~ot. be affected: ;thereby". ' .! ' - ~. : '.- Section 7. The City Council officiai1y finds, determines and declares: that a sufUC'ient,wr.,:itten not;,ce of the date, hour, place and subject of each me'eting: at,'which' this reso1utionwa~ discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner reqlJ'ired' by the Open Meeti.ti~s;.Law, TEX.,REV-.CIV., STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, as amended'~! tan,d,:thate:ac:h, such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such di scus"siOh, con'si deration' arida:cti on .'!;;Tlhe "City :C'ounci 1 ratifies, approves and -Confirms 'such':notices:and, the 'contents: and ,posting thereof. PASSED AND APPROVBD. th.i s ':" : day of , 1987. '---' 1 .1 '> '! \-~ Council members Voting Aye: . .- ; ". . ~ ~ I i 'CouncUmembers Voting No: i' .[ -- Cmmc i1 member,$:Absent: , : "",;; , ;)., i I , Michael L~rParks, Mayor , .' ;.: I q ATTEST: , I APPROVED AS TO FORM: . .t '.,' .< ~ ~ I I d ',1 . '1 ~' . ~ .,~. Audrey Nichols City Secretary " James,X. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney !"l .1 (SEAL) i ~ :.... I _ ,'..' .:I'~ {;. Motion was"made byeounci1member Schwartzel; seconded by Council member Bryan,: that...:Reso1ution Nl,lmber'87-19 be ,adopted as read.;:. I .-. ,1 , " Bryan, Bell, 'Voting No':' Absent: Mayor Parks, Counci1members , Bri tton ~:' $chwartze l' 'None '. I" ',',,' ~' None ! i --.....J Voting Aye: ,l .,:" , Special City Council Meeti:ng ,Octdberl, ,,1,987 67 n,:"..,I, LJ Mayor Parks administered the Oath:lofOffice to the newly appointed members of the Parks'and'Recreation:Board. PLUMBING BOARD: : Couneilmember Bell: read"the names afthe'P1umbing Board and asked them 'tel, come to' the' front. of the room. , ,"": ~ " . .. . \",'~' 'I' Mayor Parks present~(h and read ~esolution Number 87-20, 'as follows: . '\) : j ; RESOLUTION NUMBER 87-20 ; ~. i WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Counc;.l,pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint memb~rs to; various boards; and WHEREAS,theiMayoraildmembers'df the City Council have contacted qualified citizens to serve on the Plumbing Board of the City of West Unlversity:Plaae{ Texas:; and WHEREAS, certainl persohshave1iridicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Plumbing Board. o NOW, THEREFORE, BE'H! RESOLvED: ;BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ;>'fl;11/':, Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the P1umbing~oard: \ I.j ";, 1'1 :-.1: :. : Roy jHa;rper John Hughes 1.0. Sword Robert K. Wark :J erry,'Kerbowi :. . ~:! i ():'~ ~- . Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Plumbing Bdard'sna11iserve ~i)thoiit, compensation. - ' , " r Section 3. That the persons,heneby appointed"to the Plumbing Board shall serve until the next regUlar City DecUon of the City Council and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of 'thei r successors ~ ; '\\. " ,', ',. ,; , :i,', ' , . >~\ j :' "'1 Section 4. All resolutions and parts of resolutions in conf1 i ct herewith are hereby repealed to the:iextent: of i the conflict only. .. r~ ~I, Secti on 5. I f rallY wo,rd~'; phr,aser clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this resolution or the application thereof to'any persol1oricirctJms'tance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional byany court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder 'of:" this"resolution and the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or ~ I L~_._ IL.....LL,..'., ,.. ,_..Li. .___-----1......L ...,... J i;"i>'lillIllllllllilllllr II . . t,~,' , 68 ,[I B.ftIIF":', 'I--~- -I 0::- ~~ r~~ ' Special City Council Meeting,.October,l, 1987 oth~rpart of this resOlution to~any~otherpersons or ci rcumstances shall, not I be,., affected, theljeby., ;, I ' Section 6. The City Council officially finds,_getermines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each~eeting at which this resolution was discussed, considered or, :ac;ted',upon~'w~s' given in the ma~ner required by the Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17', as amended, and.~ that,ea'chl such ,meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, considerationand"Clction..! The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof~" ' , ': - '~ . ;.: . j J .~ ~,' ~) .. J ~ . ,; :' ,', i . . PASSED AND' APPROVED this ,; .' day,of , 1987. Councilmemb,ers Voting Aye: .. ',' I, , c Cnunci1m~mp~rs Voting No: ;' Counci lmemb.ers:Absent: , " . ,;.. ,'. (; 1 j,'- . . l Michael ;L~' P,arks ,Mayor ., ,," .. ~"."" . I' ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: I I ~ I ~ Audrey Nichols City Secretary James L. Dougherty, Jr. ',lq,C,i ty Attorney (SEAL) .'.~ t d:::). 1 . ,; :' ,__ . ~ '.' ~ ; . J 7 ~~ ~ , " .1\ .. . i, Motion was made by CounC:;lmember,Be11, seconded by Counci1member Schwartze1, that Resolution Number 87-20 be adopted as read. . ' , .: . Voting Aye: Voting No: ' Absent: ' , :Mayor ',Parks , 'Council members Britton, Schwartze1 None, , 'None ';: Bryan, Bell, ~ .- f J : . \ Mayor Parks administered the Oath of Offjce to the-,new1y appointed members of the Plumbing Board. RECYCLI NG COMMITTEE.: :;. " Counci1member Bryan read the names of the Recycling Committee and asked,them to come to,thefront'of. the, room. . , ,I.'. ~}' .~ ~. ~ . i . Mayor-Parks' presented andnead' ~Resolution Number 87-21" as follows: 'RESOLUTInN NUMBER, 87 -21 ~ n ,---,' I' I ~ r ' , l r , '--' II ' Special City Council Meetiilg'-October' 1""1987 :~! 69 WHEREAS, i ti sithe obligation of the, City Council, ,pursuant to provisions of the City,Cha.rter, and ordinances, heretofore adopted, to appoint members to Y~adolis committees; and : WHEREAS, the Mayor and'members of the City Council have contacted qua1if'ied' citizens' to. serve,:on the Recycling Committee of the City of West Univer$ity, P1a,c:e, Texas; and ' WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desJreand willingness to serve as members of the Recycling Committee. . " , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE" TEXAS.': Section 1. That the followjngpersons be appointed to serve as members of the Recyc1in~ Committee: Jack Browder Donald Dobson 'charles' :therau1 t Henry Buck ,D,tck~ Ayres Section 2. Tha.t.th~"persons hereby appointed to the Recyc 1 i ng Commi ttee 'shall.'serve ,wi thout compensati on. ' " Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Recycling Committee shall serve until the next regular City Election of the City Council and thereafter until the appointment and qual i fi cati'on of :';,~hei r."s'uccessors', '~I '1', ': 'j '.J \ Section 4. That Jack Browder hereby be appointed to serve as Chairman of the Recycling Committee. y" i~' Ii').'. :;..[~I:~ i ;lJ<,-,. ,., Section 5. That Jack,Browder:'sha11 serve as Chairman of the Recycling Committee until the 'next regular City 'Election of the City Council and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of his successor. Section 6. All reso]utton~ ~nd'parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 7. If any.: word; 'phrase" c1ause',senten~e" paragraph, section or otherpa'rt of,.this,;,reso1utionorthe application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or uMonstitutdonaF,by'any,' court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this resolution and the application of such word, phrase, clau:se:,", sE!lil.tehte, paragraph, secti on or other part of this resolution to any other persons or ci rcums tances sha 11 not be: :affected! thereby. ~ r , .., . ,.' . , . ;. -, f: . , , Section 8. ' The, Gity, ColmcHofficia11y finds, determines and II i,' !liilllllllllJilllIIl I , ~ nJ I Jlmllll~m . , I I I, IT I i l 70 Special City Council Meeting,'Octoberl1~-1987;' declares' that a sufficient: written notice ,of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at:which, this resolution was discussed, considered or;acte~d upon was; given in t,he, man[l~r required by the Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252:'17" as amended', a'nd that each 'such meettng has been open tb~the public as required by law at:' all times during such discussiori,consideration"'an<:f' action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. ' , ,', ; ,. ' i ,,----,,' l~ I ' , ;:. ., day of , 1987. PASSED AND APPROVED this . . ~ .. . . Counc;-lrriembers:Votjn~ :Aye: Counci.1m~nibeTs: Voting ,No: Counci1members Absent: .,"j: . , . Mi chae'l L.- 'Park,s, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Audrey Nichols City Secretary (SEAL)': ,James cL.. :Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney '. 'I, '. L.J Motion was made by Counci1memberBryan, seconded 'by Gounc:i1member Bell, that Resolution Number 87-21 be adopted as presented and r~ad. ' ~oting Aye: Voti ngNo:, Absent: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Bell, Brittbn;~Sc~wa~tzel: None~",' : ~." None " ',. " Mayor Parks administered the Oath of Office to the newly appointed members of the Recycling Commjttee~ ' ! ~ '.! {"-... , SENIOR SERVICES BOARD: Counci1member Britton read:the"names of the Senior Services Board and' asked them to come~' to:,thei' front of the room.' , , Mayor Parks presented and read: resOlution Number 87i-22, as follows: . ~ '",' RESOLUTION ,NUMBER 87-22 , WHEREAS" it is the ob1fgation' of the City Council, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted', to appoi nt members'. .to: var:tous boards; and I I '-.-/ Special City Council Meeting, October 1, 1987 ":,~ 71 n WHEREAS, the ,Mayor and:member.scof,the City Council have contacted qualified citizens to serve on the Senior Services Board of the City of West University Place, Texas; and , , WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Senior Services Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Sectian 1. That the fa11awing persons be appointed ta serve as members of the Senior Services Board: " ,,',1 Jane Breazea1 , Jj,m :Counci 1 . Gene Hines Elizabeth G. McRaberts Kenneth 'Pearce Doris Ramey' ' Dottie Shaw Haro1 d Smith Dalia Stokes M. 'D.Wk'kerham, F10r'enc'8'Worste'll r-' ~ " Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Senior 'Service's' Baard shall serVe :wi:th'out eompensation. '.'. -, . 1;: :,.j:1 <~ . 'r~ .~ .. :.. " . Sectian 3. That the persans~hereby appointed to the Senior Services Board shall serve until theinext regular City Election of the City Council and thereafter until the appointment and qU'al'i'fication of;their'su'cc,ess'ors.:"'" " "i~\'";'~ ~..j :~- ."~~: i ;1 ", ,~. Section 4. All resolutions and parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. ' \ - . ~ ,.. Section 5. If 'any,wor,d;:iphrase,:;c1ause, :sentence, paragraph, sectian or other part 'Of this resolution or the applicatian 'thereof'to any person 'or ,circumstance, shall ,ever ,be held to be invalid 'Or unconstitutional by any court of campetent jurisdiction, the remal'rider of~th.ts .l1eso1ution and the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, sectian 'Or 'other'part of this reso1utiof,l,to,lany'other persons 'or ci rcumstances shall nat be,: -affected:,; thereby . ;:} :,', ): "/ .... ~ . I' Sectian 6. The City Council officially finds, determines and dec1a:res' that a sufficient;,written notice 'of the'date, hour, place and'subject of each meeting~ at'whiich:,this reso1utian~was discussed, considered'o,r'act"edup:on,was given in the.manner required by the Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17,' as amended-,:,andthat. each 'such meeting has been open to'thepub1ic as requiredby)'law at all times dur,ing: s,uch discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, ~ -............... I I , ,hiiillll_II.IIIIIII.- I j..' J -;':" II I I II ~,r ""H) ,I{:.,J Special City Council Meeting, October' 1,~1987 approves 'and confi rms 'such:':noti cesand ; the contents ,and posting thereof~ ' , ~I ! , "';i PASSED AND APPROVED this .~ 'I . ',J I day of , 1987. ~ ~ : . 1 :',~i ~~'l;':; 1 ~ Counci1membersVoting;Aye: , CounciTmenibets" V:6tin,g No: ' l , ~,~ Counci1members Absent: ,J '" ri. l' r. .. '. I,,'; .: ',,:' :/ \":; ATTEST: Michael L. Parks, Mayor APPROVED 'AS TO FORM: _ .' ~ .~!.: I : ) Audrey Nichols City Secretary .... J ., - . ':~ '1 James', (L .' i 'Dougherty, Jr. City, Atto.rney .<' '.", (SEAL) Motion was made by Counci~member ,Britton, seconded by Counci1member Bell, that Resolution' Number 87-22 be adopted as read. . -; ~. . ~ Voting Aye: MayorJJ?arks ,Counci'lmembe!rsBry,an ""Be,ll , Britton, Schwartze1 Voting No: ' None ',', ,;.: ,; l. , Absent: ' None :. , , ".:' ' '---.J ; . '., ~ 1 Mayor Parks administeredtheo,ath 'of:Office to ,the:new1y, appointed members af the Senior Services Board. ! ! I , , :- , : i'! I' ; ~.~ f ., TRAFFIC COMMITTEE: Counci1member Schwartze1 read the, names of the Traffic Committee ,and asked them to. come"to,:the')front 'of i,the, room~ ",'. :J. :..,:- Mayor Parks presented'.and.:-readi'Reso1utionNumber 87-23; as fallows: ~ : -)" 'RESOLUTION NUMBE~87-23 '. . . " ~ ,': 'j . .} " . :.~ ; .: ~ -, '1;' :WHEREAS, it,istheob:1;,gation,ofthe'City Cauncil, pursuant to. provisions.of theC'ityA~harter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various boards; and .' ..'" " ,"" j" WHEREAS, the Mayor and:members af, the City Council have contacted qualified citizens,to ser:v,e on the,Traffk Committee of the City or West Univers,;ty...l?laee~flT.exas; and : " ': WHEREAS, certain per~ons'haVe ,indicated a desire and wi11ingn~ss to serve as,members of the Traffi'c Committee I ---J : '. ! ," Special City Council Meeting, October 1, 1987' 73 II NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT'RESOt. VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That'thefio1'10wing persons be appointed to serve as members of the Traffic'C6mmittee: , '::Connie C1 ark Joe 'Foster ' Royce Hassell Richard Steele Section 2. That the persons'hereby appointed to the Traffic Committee shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Traffic Committee shall serve until the next regular City Election of the City Counci 1 and thereafter until. :the appointment and qualification of their success'Ors. Section 4. All resolutions and parts of resolutions in conflict, herewith are hereby ,repealed to the extent of the conf1 i cton 1y . " , [ Secti on 5. If a,ny. word,',:phrase,:c 1 ause, sentence, paragraph, section 'Or other part of this resolution or the application thereof to any person o~circ~mstante~ shall ever be held to be invalid 'Or unconstitutional by any court of competent , jurisdiction,: the remainder,':of 'this',reso1ution and the app1 icati'On of such word, phrase,: c'laus'e;'sentence, paragraph, .secti'On or other part of this resolution to any, ather persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. Section 6. The :C'i-ty Council ,'Officiallyfi,nds,.determines and declares that a suffi'ci'E!nti wri~tten. notice of the date, hqur, place and subject of each meeting at which this resolution was discussed, considered or,'actedupon was given in the manner required by the Open. 'Meeti ngs' Law, TEX. 'REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, as amended, and that each such meeting-has .been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration :and'action., The City Council ratifies, approves and confi rms suet; nbti.ces and the contents and p'Osti ng thereof. ,: ' ',- i PASSED AND APPROVED this" ',: ~day' of, -" 1987. Cou nc i 1 members' Voti hg:! Aye: - , Counci 1 members ,'V.otingiNo: , , , , r~ L Counci1members Absent: II .~!j,:: ~ ~J,,~r!._ ~ Michael L. Parks, Mayor , ,,[, _~1~1 u I: II '~74 Special City Council Meetirig,Octeber.'l, ,1987 ATTEST: , ,: AP,PROVED AS TO. FORM: ~\ I " ,J ,JamesL.Dougherty, Jr. ,City Attorney i' AUdrey Nichols City Secretary (SEAL) Motion was made by CouncilmemberSchwartze1, seconded by Counci1member Bryan, that Resolution Number 87-23 be adopted as presented and read. " ' , '----../ Voting Aye: , Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Bell, Britton ,Schwartze1, ' None:'" J ,,' , . None Voting No:, , Absent: , , Mayor'Parks administered the, Oath of .office to the newly appointed members, of the Traffi t' Commi ttee. ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION: " , . .' . Counci1member Bellread~ th~ names: of the Zoning and Planning Commission and asked them to come to the front of the room. Mayor Parks presented a,ndread,'Reso1ution Number 87-13, as follows: '. \ . ( '.:., :.' RESOLUTION,'NUMBER 87-13 i' J ' , ~. ~ ! r, '. ~ f ~ I : . WHEREAS, it is theob1igat.ion"of the,Gity Council, pursuant to 'provisio'ns' of the .City Charter ,and or.dinances heretofore adopted, to'appoin't members to ;various committees; and , ,-_J .) : ,', . WHEREAS. the Mayor and members of the City Council have contacted qualHied citiiens,to' serve on the Zoning 'and Planning Commiss i'on of the City of West Unive,rsi ty P1 ace, Te~as; a,nd . ,I .\ . , "WHEREAS, c'ertafn pers'onshave ;;ndiicated a desire and wi11ingness'to 'serve as members. ,of the Zoning and Planning Commission. . "i' ,'I , 1, " . i . -' \ NOW~ THEREFORE,.BEiIT'RESOLVED~BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY,PLACE', TEXAS: .. Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Zoning and Planning Commission: , Rei d Wil son ,Frank Bill ings 'Bonnie Holmes Robert Lindsey Susan .Rach 1 i.n ' George Ruh1en Ralph Stivison . ' I" I I , I L..; Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Zoning Special City Council Meeting,October,1,1987 , ,I'">-) IE' :~? \ { Q n and Planning Commission shall serv~without compensation. Section 3. That the:persons hereby appointec;i to;'t:he Zoning and Planning Commission$hilll serve uDtil the next regular City Election of the City Council and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. Section~. All ordinances and parts of ordinan~es in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 5. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this ordinance and the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance to any other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. n I 1 L-' Section 6. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1987. Counci1members Voting Aye: Counci1members Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: Michael L. Parks, Mayor ~' ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Audrey Nichols City Secretary (SEAL) James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney Motion was made by Counci1member Bell, seconded by Counci1member Schwartze1, that Resolution Number 87-13 be adopted as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None I L-___________ 11-, I I 1.;,1 'I I l<i~I_II~ll\IllIlr 'I'..' "I" "I~I; L u UI \ Special City Council Meeting,'Octdber:'l,":J!987 76 'Absent: None"" r-,,) Mayor"Parks administered the 'Oath 'of Office to the newly appointed members of the Zoning;and' Planning Commission. , . j" . I . - . f" . T ,,~ r?- . ~ . . '-.-..-/ '. Ii ,1 'I, :' \ ':1 -. ",I: ( , ,I . ":; . J ' ~ M .., .' :- "'\ '---" .. I' ~ (. " '4" '., " I ! '--../ Special City Council Meeting,:October,'1,1987 77 n LJ ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: iV, Councilmember Schwartze1 read the names of the Zoning Board of Adjustment' and asked'tliem:'to conie'tb ':thefr.ont .of the room. '.' . , ..,.... ".. .., v:. Mayor Parks presented and~,read Resoluti.on Number 87..;14, as follows: 'l RESOLUTION,NUMBER 87-14 . -; I;" f. ',,' WHEREAS, , i t'i s the- ob1 igation! off; the Ci ty- Counc,i 1, pursuant ,to provisions 6fthe City Charter ahderdinance$ heretofore adopted, to app.oint membersrte"various boards; and, WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Council have c.ontacted qualified citizens to'ser\re'on the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Citj'of West University Place, Texas; and '- -. .\' -, WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness t.o serveas'inerribers, of,the Zoning B.oard of Adjustment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 'H,' 'RESOLVED' BY, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: c Section 1. That, the ~fo~+owingpe'rsons be appointed to serve as members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment: I. .' / ( ; ~ :-. '.' -, \ Charles Lusk Robert Crain ,; Robert, Heaton "~Ster1i;rig; Minor J.ohn Picku1 Mary Jane Bundschuh, Alternate R.oger Farr.ow, Alternate Vi c 'Hansen, A 1 terna'te DO:ri s ;'Marsha1il s ;~A lteY'na te Secti.on 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Zoning Board ,.of iAdjustmerlttshal'1 serve wtthout compensation. .,~-.-..s. \ ~ ..:....[ 1:" l Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Z.oning Board of Adjustment shall serve unti~' the next regular City Election of the City Council and thereafter until the appointment atidqua1ification.of their;suc(!essors~ ;' ):' "'" . Secti.on 4. All res.o1utions and parts .of resolutions in conf1 i ct herewi th a'rell hereby:~'rep,ea1 ed: t,0rl.the, extent of the conflict .only. . , , " " ,-I ,!t .'" J Section 5. If'any'word,'phrase, clause, sentence"paragraph, section or other part of. this:' reso1 tJtion or the application thereof to any p'ers'on;:'Cilr'tifY1cums1tance,"sha11 ever, be. held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any~court of competent jurisdicti.on, the remainder of this res.o1uti.on and the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or I >-=::.:.:... ~~ __:::::CJ. _ . hot_IUII'U.... ~..tDl'II_lliiJ!U. I . ~- rr--~ '78 Special Ci ty Council Meeti'rig, 'Octdber'.'l ,'1987 other part of this resolution to any:other persons or' ci rcumstances shall not be affected thereby. ' . - . ~ , . , , Section 6~ The City Council Officially finds,'determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and s~bject ofeachme~ting at'which this:reso1ution was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the OpenMe~tfngs:Law!l.!rrEX~ REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required,by,law,'at ,all times during such discussi'on, considera'tion,and"clction. 'The"'City Council ratifies, approves'and confirms such noticesiand the contents' and,posting thereof. ~ PASSED AND APPROVED thi s, " . ; :day of , 1987. " ' Counci1members Voting Aye: "!' ' ~ ; ,~ . . J (.'_ Counci'lmembers) ,Voting: No: Counci 1niembers'Ab's"entt ' ,I, Michael L: Parks', ,Mayor: .:.... "':', .. ." ~ . ' ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Audrey Nichols City Secretary " ' James, L..' Dougherty, Jr. G,i ty Attorney , . ~ (SEAL) Motion was made by Counci1memberSchwartze1, seconded by Counci1member Bell, that Resolution.Number 87-14 be adopted as presented and read. -Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks"Counci1members Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartze1 ,None ' None, '/ Mayor Parks administered the,;Oath of Office to the newly appointed members of the Zoning Board of Adjust~ent. if' ..: '.. Mayor Parks announced the,-.conclusion,of the special meeting. He thanked those present for attending and invited them to gather in their respective groups to plan their first meetings. Mayor Parks urged'the committee and b6ard'chairpersons to contact the City Council whenever they, needed to.' Mayor Parks requested minutes of the'various boards~and'committees,be submitted on a regular basis to the City Council ~ ;' ~ Special City Council Meeting, October 1, 1987 (79 u With no further business to torftEfbefore the City Council at this time, Mayor Parks declared:,tfte Specia'l' Council meeting adjourned. ~ f~ ~ . ""';'-1; 1~ .~~Jr ,Michael 1~ Parks ' ~,! Mayor . (j/~~@lk;;. Audr~y Ni ols City Secretary, ' ~, .. '~-:':f: , : ~. ~ ! .: " < t . ';... . 1 ,- ".... ~ f r _ , ',I: ,,-..' ",' ," ,I '" \' I , "j., L ;. l_. i .: J :" ;.,!! '- ~.? '\ ~ c~ :'! .~ ~. ~I . "~ ~ -:.} ( , ! ~ J" : ,'I I' ~ ': I: :... ~';!. ft.,. "/ .. ,'I . ""': t 1 . '.' .~ , , r ,---,' I L.. I I II !' I ,k;"._u..r ..L... .1111111~'IRIII1~1i ." -.- 1,1 I I I I 80 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP AND CLOSED SESSION 'OCTOBER 5, 1987 CITY, HALt:: CONFERENCE, . ROOM . 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:00 P.M. I ',-,---, ~./y~ City Counci,l "convened in workshop session in the City Hall Conference Room, 3800 University' Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Monday, October 5, 1987, with the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Counci1members Bryan and Schwartze1. Counci1members Bell and Britton were absent. Also present were the City Manager and the City Attorney. Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to address a speci~i~ agenda item to speak at this time. Mr. Charles Baldwin, 2903 Robinhood, requested Council consider the house watch program and the policies and procedures followed by the Police Department. There was no one else who wished to speak at this time. Mayor Parks recessed the workshop session to go into a closed executive session as authorized by the Open Meetings Act, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN., as amended, Article 6252-17, Section 2(g) Discussion of Disciplinary Appeal, Police Department. ; '-.-d At the conclusion of the closed executive session, Mayor Parks reconvened the workshop in open session. Mayor Parks invited residents to speak at this time. Debbie Shepler, 3730 Arnold, requested information concerning the Police Incident Reports. Mrs. Peg Measom, 3129 Robinhood, and Mrs. Pat Malone, 2931 Quenby, spoke concerning the disciplinary action of a police officer. There were no further comments from the audience. Mayor Parks directed Council's attention to a discussion of the proposed 1988 Budget. Counci1member Bryan left at this point resulting in a lack of a quorum. A general discussion was held concerning specific budget items. No action was taken by City Council. With no further business to come before the workshop session, Mayor Parks declared the meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. i I . '---.J City Council Workshop Session, October 5, 1987 ~ ,\.r 81 u " .' I ~ : 'i it "k~~ ': ~ Mayor . i " ~ 'j ,;;:' .} > i.' [ " ,_j 1,; ::1 - ~ 1 -:-. ( fl ; .,. l,i ( 1.-,;1 I I "-'P;1lfiilIlIIdFI~ll1l"- ..."..'['.-.- ..JI1.lllltJIIIlI')~If-<;~. . ~-~r~...........---- 82 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1987 CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:30 P.M. '.........J City Council 'convened in,re"gu1ar session in the City Hall Council Chamber, 3800 University ~ou1evard, in the City of West University Place, on Monday, October 12, 1987, with the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Counci1members Bryan, Bell, Britton and Schwartze1. Also present were the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Director of Administration, Director of Oper~tions, and the Chief of 'Police. Counci1member Britton delivered the invocation and led the Allegiance to the Flag. Mayor Parks recognized Cub Scouts from Den 8, Pack 125, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church and Pack 660 from Conley Elementary School who were attending the Council meeting. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mayor Parks invited residents to speak who had matters they wlshed to bring to the attention of the City Council which had not previously been submitted to the City Manager. There were none present who wished to speak. CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to address a speciflc agenda item to speak at this time. Jimmy Gardner spoke concerning a lot he had purchased on Virginia Court Street and asked for clarification as to the effective date of the zoning ordinance. Virginia Wilson asked for clarification as to the effective date of the zoning ordinance. The City Attorney advised that the revised Section 12-102(b) of the zoning ordinance, on the table tonight for Council's consideration, addressed this issue. '.-i ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: Counci1member Schwartzel requested Agenda Item NO. IZ JANITORIAL SERVICES be removed from the consent agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion was made by Counci1member Schwartzel, seconded by Counci1member Bryan, that, with the exception of Agenda Item No. 12, the consent agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartze1 None None i I I '--' Regular City Council Meeting, October 12,,1987 83 n ZONING ORDINANCE WITH MAP: Consideration was given to the second reading of Ordinance Number 1298. Mayor Parks presented and read the caption as follows: ,ORDINANCE ,NUMBER ,!298 ; : ~ ; '....J . (. ( AN .oRDINANCE RELATING TO ,ZONTNGAND;TAND,USE; AMENDING, IN ITS ENTIRETY, THE ZONING ORIHNANCEOFTHE CITY OF WEST , UNIVERSITY PLACE,. TEXAS, SAID; ZONING O,RI)HNANCE BEING ALSO KNOWN AS ORDINANCE NO. llr,::'PASSEDON JUNE 12, 1937, AS AMENDED; PROVIDING A GOMPRE:I;IENSIVE ,REVISION AND UPDATING OF THE ;ZONI NG ORDINANCE, ANDi ,MAP':OfJIiE,..C,ITY' OF WEST UNI VERS ITY PLACE, TEXAS ANDCONTAHHNG ,FlNDIN~S;.J\ND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THESUBJECT~;~, ';, Copies o'f Ordinance Numti.er:i 'lZ98,':ltithefbrm requi red for adopti on, were availableto'allmeillbers (if Ci ty Counci 1 and a r.easonab1 enuniber of additio,nalcopiesavai 1 able to interested citizens present. " ,,'.; o Mot,ion was, made; by CquncHpte!TIbe.r BrY(in., seconded by Counci1member Schwartze.1 " thatOrdinanc,e ;Number, 1298b~'adopted on second and fiha1reading. ; The City Attoymey;.presente;d.^;a. 're,visi'6htbSettion 12-102. (b), as follows: ( b.J ;'Work,Und~r ';q~,~~,~;~~~::tlon,; i , , ... i. _.. Porpurposes:;crf',a'oqllfYifr;ig;;P;NQs:tatus ~any structure fdr,which',:alfll~iessary :l,ufTa fng iipermi t$have been applied for (by fiJing"comp]?ete^'andoeffecfj.veplilhS, specifi ca- tions, appl ications an'a-'arrrittfe\:,rre.quiteQ items, including fees) prior to a given effective-dale 's h-al 1 be treated the same:as"a buHdingdn ex.isteo6e:'!o!:\-!the eff:ective,date, but on 1 Y" if a 11 such permUsharrehaG'tl,laHy:: i $ suec:i, (before or. 'after'the'3effettive date) .',and the;,structur:el s completed substantiall ln accom:lance'~wj~~!~th~\same., l~ns and s ecifications fi ed initia to 0 taln t e necessar Cit ;,perillits,with'in the;t'lmeiil: ,owe.yrJ: o,~eperml S'i ; including any;extens:ionsdawf,~Hy(:granted... [. ,..: .]'The ZBA may grant a special exception to allow a partial1'y-complet:edubui1 ding'~ f. >.'], to' be tre9ted, '" the same asa buiJ ding; tn, ex.i;s:tence1 on ,the effec1;-i ve date, but only if all of the part's significant strl;Jct,ur91 elements, including the roof and all load-bearing , ,members ~ were completed ,asof~ the.,; ~ffecti ve date, a,nd1:~~ partisfully,completedwtthin,five years,the;reafter. -;:.i . ~ -; C.l I [ The City Attorney presented further "chang.es!.1;o. the,Sid~. ~ot Setback Schedu 1 e discussedat',~the:last,counci1 meetj ng, .as follows: " ,.' ' Exception 1: Interior Lots. "..! , .!.. .l1I__Dlmln' .' ----,----r-~ 11-'- ~~ 84 Regular City Council Meeting',fOatober]2;'1987 , (c) 'Thereis"either:" ""'i' (1) an existing principal 'building on the adjoining building site immediately across the given >side:'pr6p'erty line, and all buildings on the front half of the-- :adjoini'ng'bui1ding'site'a're set back from the 'property 'l~ne:, by, at>;~~:~'~t ,~even' fe~t (~xce~t that 'those, parts o:P,bu:J1dl,ngs proJectlng lnto the ,seven-foot area. 'are disregarded to the same 'extent' tha't'they woul d be allowed' to pro~ect' ,into a; side" setback area by ,the ' Pro.iettions.l'Schetlu,'e',: and, for this, purpose, neither the use ofith'e: i.nterior spac'e nor the direction that doors windows or 0 enin s , face':is, taken 'intol'account . or :-1 ! ~ . . I :: 1"" :- ~. , ' Excepti on 2: 'Corner Lo'ts '. ,. This exceptions applicable if all of the following are present: ' There"isan eXisting'pri"nc;i'pal,'bui1ding on the , a'djoining butldingslte:.,immediate,ly across the given side property line, and all buildings on ,the front half of the adjoining building site are set bac'k frO'm :'the: prep-e'rty line by 'at '1 east seven feet (except that those parts of buildings projecting into the seven-foot area are di sregarded to' :the'ijs1a'me:'"'ext'ent' :that' they; iwou1 d be allowed to pro~ect into a side setback area by the Projections Sc 'edule~':and, ,:for thi's"purpose, neitherthe'~se'ofith'e~tnterior ~pace no~ the direction which ;doors m"'wi:ndows' fate i staken into a€coLintl.. ' , ',> ' ' The City J\ttorney,poif)ted 'out7that there was a complete Prior Non- Corifo,rmity SchedLil e 'attached ',:a.nd;~recommended tt'iat it be formally adopted int6 the;ordinance on s~cend reading because'there were some missing pages on: fij:st'readii1g~, " ' . . .. - '. ' ~ . ~'. <-': ~. '~:.... ", .~ : . ( ;' - :. . . Mot ion was'lilade by' Co'unc i1 memb~r; Bryan, seconded by Couric i 1 member Be 11, that- the, amendmEm'ts; be": aaop'ted~ as' read. r " (c) I~r , I '----' Councflmember SchwartiZel~~ked'if tne Side Lot Setback Schedule was Ji~ited to the froht halfof~the'lbt and if it addressed the garage '~,ssue. " , ): The City Attorney advised: that the revised Side Lot Setback Scheidul e di d address the ga,rage i ssiJe' 'but the; 'reason for the front half Jimitation was because there might be a green house, or some other'minor building', Tn -the' back' which is close to the line. N01 !'J windows or doors are' e'ffected" but there was ,the possibi 1 ity of eliminating a three foot/seven foot exception just because there was a green house close to the line. . j ~ I Regular City Council Meeting, October. 12, 1987 ~ '-- Q~ uu Counci1member Schwartze1 asked if the same problem could be addressed by limiting green houses and minor buildings to the rear yard, or, are those type of structures ,only allowed in the rear yard. ' , , The City Attorney responded'they were not generally, but they cou 1 d be 1 i mi ted, tEl the rea,r ya rd~ ' ' Counci1member $chwartze1 expressed his preference to limiting minor structures to the ,rear yard.: ',' Motion:was made: by Councilmemb,eri Schw~rtze1 that City Council amend Exception 1 (c) (.1) and; Exception' 2 (c) to read all, buildings other than in the re'arY'ard'and deleting: on"tfle front ha lf . ' , , , . Mayor Parks called for a second to, the motion. The motion died for a lack ,of a se'cond. .-' I " Counci1member Schwartze1 then made~ 'a, motion to, amend Exception 1 (c) (1) and Exception 2 (c) to read all buildings in the front three-fourths. 'Counci lmember Be,ll, seconded the motlon., Voting Aye: ,> r-' I Voting No: I Absent: ........... ;' , Mayor Pal'i'ks, ,Counctlmembers Bryan, Bell, Schwartze1 Counci1member Britton None : ) " Mayor Parks called for,'a'vote ion ,the 'amendment lto, the Ordinance made by Counci1member Bryan and seconded by Counci1member Bell. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: 1 ./ . _ 1 .,' Mayor' Parks, Coun,ci1members Bryan, Bell, Schwartzel' ; Counc i 1 member .Britton None . ~, .', ~ ; Mayor Parks then call ed fo:r, a v,ote to the moti.on made by Counci1member Bryan, seconded by Counci1member,Schwartzel to adopt Ordinance Number 1298 on second and final reading. ' \ l' . '. . ~; '" I, I !:; : Counci1member SchwartzeT amended the motion by moving that Ordinance Number 1298 ,be ,adopted on /s'econd and final reading as amended, complete withthe:PNC Schedu1e.Councilmember Bryan seconded the ,motion. :;,,', 'I <:, ii" ';,..:, r-' Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent:: Mayor 'Parks, Counci1members ,Br.yan, BelJ'r;,'Schwartze1 ' ' 'Counci1memberBritton , None, :':",: , ", ," " " , . "' " Mayor Parks:administered Oaths'o~IOffice'to appointed Committee and Board members as follows: , '--- JRoyce HasseH, , >'j", Traffic Committee Il I I - ~I . ....1... JlIIIWIIIIRllIllGf 11, I ' I ! ,---~ 86 Regu1 ar Ci ty Counci 1 Meeti ng; 'October' :12,; 1981" : 'Charles Randall ',;'-r ::;'tong: Range, Planning Committee - Dona 1 d ' O. 'Dobson'" ',;;:;,,; Recycl i ngr Eomini ttee 'GeorgeiStillman" ',)-!;", "Health 'Board " John Picku1 Zoning Board of Adjustment CITY HALtILOAN: 'Consideration wa's~giv:en'to,the first and;'fina1 reading of Ordinance Number: 1299: , Mayor Parks read the caption, as fo 11 ows : ----, I ~ ;-:.- .~ f'. ~': ....: ~ '. ORDINANCE NUMBER!1299 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING' THE: MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE NEW PROMISSORY NOTE PAYABLE, TO~ FIRST REPUBLIC BANK FANNIN TO REFUND THE PROMISSORY NO:rE:c PREVH)USLY AUTHORIZED BY' ORDINANCE NUMBER 1260 DATED MAY 29, i986, AND BY ORDINANCE NUMBER 1290 DATED JUNE 1, 1987; AUTHORIZING THE RELATED LETTER AGREEMENT; PROVIDING' 'THAT NO TAXES, WILL BE ~E\fIED SINCE FUNDS HAVE BEEN PROPERLY APPROPRIATED AND DESIIGNATED FOR THE REPAYMENT OF SUCH DEBT AUTHORIZED HEREIN; AND CONTAINING OTHER 'PROVISIONS'. ':,; j' J" , , , ~. .~ "'. "1 ~ ~~ , . , , '.' . Copies' 'of' Ord'iria'riceNumberr1299!~'tn ithe"'fbrm required for adoption, were available to all members of City Council and a reasonable numbercif'add~tiohar copi'es ava'ilab1e ,to interested citizens present. ' , , ' 'i'( .~ "....~ '- "" [:.. ~"~'I,..~".. l ,~ Motion was made by Counci1member Schwartze1, seconded by Counci1member Bryan, that Ordinance Number 1299 be adopted as pre,sen't~ed on first and 'fina'l 'r-eading. ",-', . . " , Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Bell, , ,B'r-i tton t Schwartze 1 Voting No: ':. Nane. :.' j Absent: 'No'ne ' .,,' WATER WELL #9 LOAN: Consideration was given to the first and final reading of 'Ordinan!ce'Numoer' 1'300.. 'Mayor Parks read the c'aption, as' follows: ' " I ' ORDINANCE NUMBER 1300 '" ': . q AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE NEW PROMISSORY NOTE PAYABLE TO FIRST 'REPUBLIC BANK FANNIN TO REFUND THE PROMISSORY NOTE PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED BY ! ORDINANCE NUMBER 1225 DATED JUNE 1, 1984, ORDINANCE NUMBER 1239 DATED MAY 23, 1985~ ORD'lNANCE'NUMBER 1261 DATED JUNE 9, 1986 AND ORDINANCE NUMBER 1291, DATED MAY 11, 1987; AUTHORIZING A RELATED LETTER AGREEMENT; PROVIDING THAT NO TAXES WILL BE LEVIED SINCE FUNDS HAVE BEEN PROPERLY APPROPRIATED AND DESIGNATED FOR THE REPAYMENT OF SUCH DEBT AUTHORIZED HEREIN; AND-CONTAINING OTHER 'PROVISIONS.. . " ~ ,', ~ I J HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Mayor Parks presented and read 'Resolution Number 87-24, as follows: Regular City Council Meeting, October' 12~ 1987 ,,'! 87 n : RESOLUlION~NUMBER~87-24 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST ,UNIVERSITY PLACE,ITEXAS, NOMINATING A CANDIDATE:FOR'A POSITION ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, those cities and towns,'Jother than the CitY'of Houston, within the Harris County Appraisal District have the right and responsibility to elect one person to the,,Board'of Direc:;;t,ors of the Harris County Appraisal District for a term of office commencing on January 1, 1986, aoq ex~en~ing through December 31, 1989, and . ,\. I WHEREAS, this governing body desires to exercise its right to nominate a candidate for such position on said Board of Directors. < l <': ; ."; ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the facts and recitations set forth in the preamble of this Resolution be, and they are hereby, adopted, ratified"and confirmed. " , r:", ',I :1 [ Section 2. That Tom Bartlett be, and he or she is hereby, nominated as a candidate for that position on the Board of Directors of the Harri,s County' A'ppraisa'li D~striut; to"be' filled by those cities and towns, other than the Cfty', of, 'Houston" wtthi n the Harri s County Appraisal District for a two-year term 'o:f,;office commencing on January 1, 1988. , Secli:6n ,3'. " Th'ait the' "pres ;:d,i ng'o-ffi,ce-'r ;~of' the, governi ng' b'ody of thi s taxingu'n'i,t be'" ,an'd' h'ei ';or "she ;is 'herebY, autho'ri zed ,'and: di rected to deliver or cause to be delivered a certified copy of this Resolution to the Chi'ef Apprai,serof:the! Har:ri s :County, Apprai sa 1 Di stri ct on or before O'cfob'er 1;4i~' 19,87;. .., ~ ,~". i - -j- " " "'!,' '" , " ) r <'1:"" n;'"l.q..: ,; [ Section 4. All resolutions and parts of resolutions, ,in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. , , "J : ~ 11 -< ,: ,- I! ' : ,:"",:, Section 5. If any word, phrase;'c1au'se, sentence, paragraph, section or other pa~t,o~~hfs ir~sol~tion~r the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever.be, held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this resolution and the app1icatiori df'such word, phrase, clause, sentence,paragraph,i section or'other part of this reso1utio'n ,to any other persons or circumstances shall not:be affected thereby. Section 6.; 'The City Council, offic,iiillY finds, 'determines and declares"thata sufficient'written notfce of'the:dates hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this resolution was discussed, considered or ~cted upon was given in the manner required by the Open Meetings Law~ TEX~ REV~CIV.,'S'TAT,~rANN~"art.',6252-17,as amended, 'and that'~aCh,'such"inee,tirrg~ha.s be'en'open:"to the publi'C"asrequired by :law at: all times during such:id:iscuss'iQn',"consideration and action. The l L. IL....................J_~~_ ~...........L.l I I 1"I\$II~~mlll:BH1I1 I _~"1' . h hl I' '1 r r--. f' > i:... 88 Regular City Council Meeting~:October,12',. 1981: City Council ratifies,approves:and' confi'rtns such notices and the contents an~ pos~ing thereof. , , 1 PASSED AND' APPROVED 'this" , , day, of October, 1987. I I ~ , I Counci1members Voting Aye: " Counci1members Voting No: !' ", . " . '" :' COuncil members Absent: . . , ':,; I" " Michael L. Parks, Mayor ATTEST: '.':; '.. l ',' :1 '. i ~; :' I Audrey Nichols City Secretary (SEAL) Approved as to Form: I I ~ James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney . ; ~ i i . ~ , . ( .! 'f .,: : ! '.-' ", "f .,,', ~'.' Motion was made by Counci1member Bryan, seconded by Counci1member Britton, that Resolution Number 87-24 be adopted as presented and read. ' ",' " , : .' " ; , ,., I., . . , ; ", . ,I: ,',- Vot-ing"Aye':' 1', " Mayor Parks ,., ;eounc i-l members Bryan" Bell, Britton,; ,S,chwartzel ,Voting No:, None,' ' Absent: None PERSONNEL MA'TTERS: ., Conside,ratior:l waS given ,.to propo~e:d procedure for per'sonn'eT appeal presented 'bY' the Ci ty .Attorney. ' I .~. -. ': r~ ~" (. f I -.": ';'. . ;' ' \ . .t' ,!. ! , I I I , ! '----.J , Moti on was made by CouncH member Britton, :seconded by Counci1member Bryan, that the proposed ,procedure be tabled for review in a workshop session. Counci1member Bryan seconded the motion. '" 1'; .( ~ . Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: ' Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Bell, -Britton',' " ',' ' ;Counc j lrriember ',Schwa rtze 1 'None' ,r: I " ).. -j" . , j .!. .. ': ~ ',~f..': SUBMISSION OF 1987-APPRAISAt ROtt:, Ci:ty Counoi1 acknowledged 'receipt"of the"1987 Certified'iAppraisal Ro)lfrom the Harris CQuntyAppraisa1 'District.' ';:::. " , "" SUBMISSION 'OF THE'1987 EFFECTIVE')TAX~RATE:, 'City !Council, ' ackno*ledged'receipt of'the 1987~EffeitiveTax Rat&from the Fi nance" Di rector ~ ' :'! ' ! I I '----' , JANITORIAL SERVICES: :Consideration ,was_given:to staff1s' , r'ecommendation fer award: of "the contract for, Janitori a 1 Servi ces for the Police and Library Bui1d,ings'~ Bids, received until 2:00 Regular City Council Meeting, 'October '12, 1987 [ ~ ..., ,-. 89 p.m., September: 23, '1987, were opened' at 2:30 p.m. that same day with thefo11owing'resu1ts: Ogden Allied Bldg. Services 352 Garden Oaks Blvd. Houston, Texas 77018 Superior Cleaning tnc. ' 1250 West Belt South Sui te600 ' Houston, Texas 77042 A.B.C. Services Inc. 4300 S. Wayside Suite 108,: ' Houston~' T~xas 77087 " There were six additional 'oidderswho exceeded the",fina'l -amount. Bidder Houston Sanitary and Maintenance P.O. Box 740675 ' Houston, Texas 77274 F & P Janitorial Service 10303 Northwest Fwy. Suite 435' Houston, Texas' 77092 ~ '--- Option,I:' 5 Days 7 Days $ 622.70 680.70 Option 2 5 Days $, 523.00 7 Days 579.00 5 Days $ 7 Days 700.00 877.11 5 Days 7 Days $ 810.40 855.40 5 Days $ 700.00 7 Days $ 877.11 5 Days $ 820.00 7 Days $ 955.00 5 Days $ 942.00 7 Days $1,011.00 'I'. Councilmember Schwartze1 inquired if additional personnel would be needed for the yard maintenance. City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, advis1ed'that an additioria1employee would be needed strictly for outdoor work. ' , ',,' \j , , I ;' 5 Days 7'Days $ 838.50 . $,940.36' Motion was made by C6unCi,lmember Schwartze1 ,seconded by CounciTmember Bell ,that",OHy Council accept staff,' s recommen- dation and award the contract to the low bidder, Houston Sanitary and Maintenance Company~ for"the-Police Faci1ity:(7,day service for $378.20 per month) and'thelibrary Building (5 day service for $302.50 per month) in the annual amount of'$8,168.40 beginning November 1, 1987 through November' 1; ',1988. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: ,5 Days 7 Days , $3,520.00 $4,095.00 Mayor' Parks, Couhci1members Bryan, Bell, Britton, S'chwartze1 None:" , None L ,",I' 1~IIlI~JI.lr "I., , ,~ '-' ! ~ i '"--' AUTOMATION OF THE WAKEFORE,STWATri5Rc'FACILITY:,Consideration was given to'authorlzlng an englneerlng' study to automate the WakeforestWaterFaci-1 i ty:'af, a. cost not to exceed, ,$5,500 .00. II 1 L 5 Days $1,017.00 7 Days $1,069.00 " : I ~ ! ,; i' -'HO Regular City Council Meeting, October'12, 1987 ~ , I I Motion was made:byCouncil'member Schwartzel, second~d I;ly Counci1member Bryan, that City Council authorize Langford Engineering Inc, to perform an engineering study to fully automate the Wakeforest Water Faci1ity"inaccordance with Langford's proposal dated September 29, 1987, at a cost not to exceed $5,500.00. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent-: '-.....J Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartze1 None None - I ~ DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE DISMISSAL FEE: Consideration was given to staff's recommendation to implement the DDC Dismissal 'Fee of $10.00. Motion was made by CoimCi1member Schwa.rtze1, seconded by Counci1member Bryan, that City Council authorize the Defensive Driving Course Dismissal Fee of $10.00 for defendants requesting the Driving Safety Course and, at the same time, eliminate the ,Cou'rt Administrative .Fee ,or $5.00 for printfng driving records. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartze1 None None ----, I I '~ WATER PRIORITY AREA NO.2. MONTICELLO ADDITION AND RICE COURT SUBDIVISIONS: Consideration was given to Monthly Estimat~ No. 5 in the amount of $113,129.79 and the Request for Extension of Time submitted by Ell a Contracti ng':Comp,anyfor work performed 'on the water line replacement project in water priority area No.2 throu'gh::September30,1987.; ,",,; " Motion was made by CouncHmember Schwartze1, seconded by Counci1- member Bryan, that City Council approve for payment Monthly Estimate No.5 in the amount of $113,129.79, and approve the Reques~ for Extension lof Tinie,'submitted by Ella Contracting Company for workperformed:--through September 30,1987. Voting' Aye:' Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks~ Counci1members Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartze1 None' c, ", None HANDICAp VAN~FORSENIOR SERVICES~'Consid~rationwas given to the invoice in the amount of $27,750~OO submitted by Texas Mini Bus Corp., for delivery of the handicap van to the Senior Services Division. Motion Was made byColHlciTrtlember Schwartze1, seconded by Counci1member Bryan; thatitheiinvoice in the amount of, $27,750.00 submitted by Texas Mini Bus,Corp., be, approved for payment. I I i o Regular City Council Meeting, October 12,1987 "'.;:91 . '.'~f n Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartze1 None None LEGAL SERVICES: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount'of $4,884.72 submitted fer 1egal,services provided on the Ci ty' s beha,l f for 'the' month' of September 1987. Motion was made byCouncilmember,Schwartze1, seconded by Counci1member Bryan, that the invoice in the amount of $4,884.72 submitted for legal services be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartze1 None None COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilmember Bryan stated she was very pleased the Zoning Ordinance was enacted. Mayor Parks stated that in 1937 the City of West Un,iversity Place passed a Zoning Ordinance which has remained in effect until today. After two years and six months of study by the Zoning and Planning Commission, the City has finally passed a revised Zoning Ordinance. It will probably need to be revised or amended, but it is the best for our City. The Zoning and Planning Commission have brought forward an ordinance that the Mayor perceived as a workable and functional document. Mayor Parks expressed his appreciation to the members of the Z&PC for their time and perseverance to bring this ordinance to the point of adoption. Counci1member Schwartzel thanked the Zoning and Planning Commission for their courage in dealing with the people. He thanked City Attorney, Jim Dougherty, for his work and tireless hours. Councilmember Schwartze1 also thanked the members of the former City Council and this City Council for their cooperation with each other and their understanding of each other in dealing with difficult issues and making the compromises that were necessary. Counci1member Bell expressed his appreciation to city staff for the extra hours they spent on the ordinance. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the regular city council meeting on September 28, 1987, were presented for consideration. Motion was made by Counci1member Bryan, seconded by Counci1member Schwartze1, that the minutes of the regular City Council meeting on September 28, 1987, be approved as submitted. L--_n___ - ~_~__~__.:-..=I______ r-_ _ 'i_,,!..~I~IlUI.I$U~l"" Ii'.... II Bill" j , '" ~i 1 . f"r.i, ) LUI ~~ "'92 Regular City Council Meeting,:October'12, 1987 ~ I . I ' ", , Mayor Parks, ,Counci1members Bryan, Bell. Britton, Schwartze1 None None ~ : \ ! \ 1 I ~ Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: t> _ ,. " I: j ~ . ~ . ;'~' . ; ,.., ~ ',1" .J, ADJOURNMENT: With no further business: to:come.before Council at this time, motion was made': by C.ounci1member Schwartze1, seconded by Counci1member Bryan, that the meeting adjourn. Such motion carr; ed and the meeti'ng, ,adjourned,at, 8: 10 p..m. ~l .'! ! ~ i. j " " .' , . , .,.: . ~, r _, I. ~ I ' , ' , , I I LJ , I . "., ~, . . . . ,~l . . i, \: " '1" 'i :" .' , ' ", ',"! .--.., I I I 1 I I I ~ <"B3 n CITY COUNCIl. WORKSHOP' SESSION 'tHURSDAY,:OCTOBER:15, 1987 CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:00 P.M. '--1. " I , , City Council convened in wi:mkshop-sess,;-oll in' the City Hall Conference Room, 380Q, University Boulevard,' i.n the'City of West University Place, on Thursd~y, O~~'b~er 15, 1987, with the 'following memoers present: Mayor Par'.~;':lfr~s~ding; Cqunci1members Bell, Britton and Schwartze1. C?unci1me~be,r): Bry~1J ~~,s~"a,~s~rt. A1~o pre~ent we~e,the Cit~Manager, Clty S~,eta1&,.;...,rl~ncet\)lr~tor, FHe Chlef, Chlef of Po11ce and the City Attorney. ' ",., ;", HEARING OF RESIpE~TS (AGENDA ITEMS ONLY): , , Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to address a specific agenda "item to 'speak at thi~'"tin1e~ .,,' .. ' ~, There ,were none present who wished to speak. [ DISCUSS AND CONSIDER REQUEST FOR A SIDEWALK VARIANCE: Mr. ,Bi 11 Phi 11 ips; 301.2 Cason, presented hi s request for a sidewalk! vairiance.' He' is constructing a new house at this address. Mr.Phil1Jips stated that on this particular block, there were 4 houses. Each end house faces the side street and only the 2 interior houses face onto Cason. There are no sidewalks in front of the two houses facing Cason. The Code of Ordinances, Sectlon 19-51, requires sidewalks upon consfruction ;of'anyhouse or dwelling and Mr. Phillips was appealing this requirement., In this case, there would be a sidewalk only across his 10t~ Mr. Phillips was willing to sign an agreement that he would construct the sidewalk when the other property owners on the block do. Recommendation from staff was to abide with the strict enforcement of the code. With the concurrence of City Council, Mayor Parks suggeste9,the City Attorney be instructed to see if an agreement would be binding on Mr. Phillips' property. City Council agreed to bring the variance question to the next workshop session on October 22, 1987. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER PROPOSED 1988 BUDGET: ,.--. City Council considered specific items and questions concerning the budget. The Fire Chief and Chief of Police visited with Council concerning a software package which would benefit both departments. No action was taken by City Council. Discussion was held with the City Manager and Finance Director. I ~ ..II Jlmlll!,i!' ----1 City Council Workshop Session, October 15, 1987 94 COUNCIL COMMENTS AND STAFF REPORT: Council comments were discussed. No action':was:required;'of\ CHy Council. The City Manager had nothing further: for,Cbuhci1~s consideration at this time. l I CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION :, At 9:00 p.m., Mayor Parks announced that the open workshop session would recess to go into a Closed Executive Session as authorized 'by.'the Open Meetings' Act, TEX., REV:. CIV. STAT. ANN., as amended', ,Artic1e'62'5Z;.,17'",Sectton 2(-g-}.Discuss Disciplinary, Appeal', , 'Pol ice' Department.. RECONVENE IN: OPEN SESSION: , , , ' Mayor Parks announced the conclusion of the C10s~dExecutive ' Session at 9:35 p.m., and reconvened the workshop in open session. ADJOURNMENT: , '" ,,j, :;, ' , ' With no further business,tct'come before City Council at this time, Mayor Parks declared the workshop session adjourned at 9:40 p.m. ...~\ Mayor '" t ~ . '--, t1uL L . ,(teLL,' ' AUdreY:)~~,. ' ,"J .',!, City Secretary , " , , ; . -....~l.'" -" , :... '.~ ~ ;' F ~ : ; ~ . i - 1\ '-'l.[' , r " /~~ '." A I ~ 95 n -CfTYCOUNCIL1WORKSHOpTSESSION MONDAY, "OOTOBER 19, 1987 CITYHA\Jl:CONFERENcE ROOM 3800UNIVERSlTY'BLVD. 'liOO P.M. City Courlcil'convenedin workshop session in the ,City Hall Conference Room, 3800 UniversityBou1evard~ii1 the City of Wes'tUnive,rsityP1ace, on Monda~~ OCtober 19,1987~with:the foHbwjhg members present: Mayor Parks, presiding;Cbuncnfuembers;'Bellf,' Br,itton:and Schwartzeh Counc i lmember, Bryan' Was 'absen:t;~;~ .. Also' present.were . the City ,Manager, and the Fi nance Director. ~"I>'"'' , . HEARING OF 'RESIDENTS' (AGENDA lTEMSONLY) :^' , Mayor Parks invited resident~!~h9.wished to address a specific agenda i tern to spea kat th is' :time. ,. . . There were l10nepresent who'wirshed,'tospeak. '"j'; -, [ Members of Clly Council; discussed thebudge:t;with : the City Manager and F.ihai;tce Di rector~ No actfon was taken' :by,C;ty 'Counci 1 . .l ", ./-' ","" ~^.. . f:C .-. " COUNCIL COMM[NTS: :; :>>, '" ". ,,: -. ," Cpunci1 comments were discussed. No action was required of City Council. ':! 'STAFF' 'REPORT: City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, hadndthing further ,for Council's consideration at this time. : ) j .1 ADJOURNMENT: . . ~;' 11 '----' ..AU~~~~ City Secretary 'r 'j ~--------- ILL.....L.L.-'-_, _~::....Jl i ! I"' I; __n ____~___.__L <'I",,"lgIIIIIOlIIIIIII , " 'I.... , .I .IllllllallBIlHI,r I I Ii ,--- 1 ........" Qh ,~;;...~ 'l..~' CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION ,THURSDAY ~OCTOBER22, 1987 CLTY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM 3800 'UNIVERSITY BLVD. , 7 : 00 P. M . ~1 ! City Council convened in workshops~ssion in the City Hall Conference RoOm, 3800 University Boulevard, in the,City of West University Place, on Thursday, October 22', 1987, with,the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Councilrnembers Bell~' Britton and: Schwartze1. Counci1member Bryan came in late, 7:35'~ Also present were the City Manager, City Attorney, City Secretary, and, the Director of Operations. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: There'were :none present who wished to speak. DISCUSS AND, NSIDER AWARD OF CONTRACT, OF '1 WATER LINE REPLACEMENT AND 2 SANI; RY SEWER RENOVATIONS:,' , , , V ,i, titY-Con~ulting Engineer,;.Dfeter Ufer, and Doug Lunceford, Field Services Manager from Langford Engineering, Inc., discussed the recommendation for award of the wa,ter 1 ine replacement contract and sanitary sewer renovations contract. City Council agreed to place the water line replacement project on the agenda for October 26, 1987 regular meeting. City Coun~i1 took no action on the sanitary sewer renovations project. '-.......J DISCUSS AND CONSIDER REQUEST FOR SIDEWALK VARIANCE: .; " Mr. William Phillips discussed his request for a sidewa;lk. variance at the construction site of his new home, 3012 Cason. At the conclusion of the discussion, Mr. Phillips withdrew his' reques,t and agreed to build the sidewalk concurrently with the construction of his house. DISCUSSION OF COMPANION ORDINANCES TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE: The City Attorney presented proposed parking ordinance and qualified tree ordinance. Procedures'for issuing tree cut-down permits were also discussed. No action was taken by City Council. It was agreed to discuss these items again in the next workshop session. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER'PUBLIC RELATIONS POLICIES: Several public relations firms were interviewed by City Council for possible ideas for publication. No action was taken by City Council. City Council, by general consent, remo_ved discussion of the 1988 budget from the agenda. i J DISCUSS AND CONSIDER PROPOSED 1988 BUDGET: City Council Workshop Session, October 22, 1987 , , H7 u COUNCIL COMMENTS: Mayor Parks asked staff to 'prepare a,report on the type of insurance coverage and" cesCfor' .the'Seni ors Servi ces Handi cap Van volunteer drivers. STAFF REPORT: A draft: copy of the agenda for Monday, October 26, 1981" was ',' ; distributed and briefly discussed. No action was required of City .Couricil~ ' . .,.~ <'1;' ;;- f j) ADJOURNMENT: With no further business .tocolTle'before City Council, Mayor Parks declared the workshop session adjourned. D a~ ~ AUdre~hols .' , " City S'ecretary , ",'j !, ) lb__. ~--'__l=---==-_-=:.___~_::::I__._~----""""":_~ , '1;_ldl~U 1:1111111" 1'"-'-" ...." ' JI....'IIIIAIIDift ~ I .~. ,'~ - ['-"-If_ , 9~8 :Jc. i "',j: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 26, 1987 CITY HALL COUNCIL ,CHAMBER 3800UNiVERSIIY.BLVD~ 7:30 P.M. '---.J , City Cou!lc'i1 convened in reg.u.1ait 'sess,i.on:in the City Hall Council '. Chamber~i 3800 University Bi6u1evar.d;;~: int~e' €Hy of West University Place, on Monday, October 26, 1987, with the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Counci1members Bryan, Britton and Schwartze1. Counci1member Bell was absent. Also present were the Director of Administration, City Secretary, City Attorney, Director of Operations, ~nd Fire Chi~f. Mayor Parks,de1iver~d the invocation and led the Allegiance to the Flag. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE 1988 BUDGET AND REVENUE SHARING PROPOSED USE HEARING: Mayor Parks invited comments and questions from residents concerning the proposed 1988 Budget and proposed uses for. the' Revenue Shari I1g Fund. A copy of the proposed budget inc1udin~ the proposed use of the Revenue Sharing Fund was available for inspection and review. There were none present who wished to comment. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mayor Parks invited residents to speak who had matters they wished to bring to the attention of the City Council which had not previously been submitted to the City Manager. Ralph Pok1uda, 5320 Sewanee, discussed the location of the dumpster for St. George Orthodox Church. The Church has poured a dumpster pad which extends outside their property line. Richard Popham, 5321 Sewanee, stated he had been told by the Church that the concrete pad was to be used as a dumpster pad and that it was properly located. Mayor Parks thanked Mr. Pok1uda and Mr. Popham for bringing the matter to Council's attention and instructed staff to further investigate the Church's plans. I '---......J CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to address a specific agenda item to speak at this time. There were none present who wished to speak concerning an agenda item . ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: No member of City Council suggested removing an item from the consent agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion was made by Counci1membet Bryan, seconded by Counci1member Britton, that the consent agenda be approved in ~ accordance with staff recommendation. Regular City Council Meeting, October 26,~1987 .,,~,9 I ", ",: u V~t,ing Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks,Counci1members ,Bryan, Britton, Schw.rtze1 ' None ' Countilmeiliber Bell , The Ci ty Attorney advi sed that 'Agenda. Item No. ,10, WATER PRIORITY 'AREA NO:~ 7,'COLLEGE COURT SUBDIVISI0N";rnight require more', 'consideration.' ,. ")" Motion was made by Counci1member Schwartze1, seconded by Counci1member Bryan, that Item 'No.'10, be deleted from the consent agend~~ ' , Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Britton, , Schwartzel, . Voting No: None Absent: Counci1ri1embeir Bell Counci 1 member Bryan left '-Counci 1 Chamber at thi s time. 1988 BUDGET FOR THE CITY: :Mayor Parks presented Ordinance Number 1301 and read the caption as'fo llows: [1 '. i,'ORDINANCE<NUMB:ER ;1301 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CrTYOFWEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, PROVIDING FUNDS FOR THE 'FlS'CAL ,YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY! 1, 1988, AND! END1NG DECEMBER,31'~, 1988~' BY APPROVING THE: " BUDGET FtfRSAID PERIOD, AND' APPROPRIATING THE, NECESSARY FUNDS OUT! OF, THE GENE,RPiLFUNEl ,AND ,OTHER REVENUES OF THE CHYOF' WEST UNIVERSITJ\'I~PLACE, EOR ~S'ALDYEAR FOR THE', ' MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS AND PUR VARIeUS "ACifIVINtES ,"AND ~.I.MPR()V;EME,NTS'J)F:nTHE ,'crr.Y ~' c. r ,'; If.. ! :.-:-":} ~~. ." t. - 'i~.,~':: .:L OJ J ~ ~'~. '~"(.\' -. - ";f,'} .. f: ~~.:-_ ~l . "Copiies 'of 'OrdfnanceNumber 1301, in .the form required fqr adoption, were available to all members of City Counci1.and a reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens present. ,'-; f;~-'rlf f,'; " ,';;: ;. '! "',; :-.", . , : . Motion was made by Counci1member Schwartze1,seconded by Counci1member Britton, that Ordinance Number 1301 be accepted on first reading as presented,;,~' .: ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, counci1members Britton, Schwartze1 None' , Counci1members Bryan, Bell I: r L: LEVYING AND ASSESSING CITY TAXES:'FOR~.THE' YEAR: 1<987': ,Mayer Parks presented Ordinance Nu~ber 1302 and, read the caption as follows: ORDINANCE/ ,MUMBER; 1302 '.- ,", . ' AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AN AD VALOREM TAX ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE , I . I I . ;lrellll~lIIlu:tlHllr I, .I...n_I_~]~ 2 i ~ , l~-~ I II I I I I' , " "1'&0 Regular City Council Meeting;'October. ,26, 1987 'clTY iOF'iWESTAINIVERSI11Y,,,PLACE; :TEXAS, FOR: THE YEAR 1987 PROVIDING THE BASIS OF ASSESSMENT ;OF~APPRAISED VALUE AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF, AT THE ,RATE GF,$0.412 ON THE ONE HUNDRED ($100. OO}jBIDLlAR ,ASSESSED VA~UATION. ~1 I I I I '---' Copjes'\df(;0rdinanceiNuinber"1302.~ in::the"form required, for' adopt'iorq, were avai1ab'le:'to alPmembers:ofCity Council. and a reasonable number of 'a'Cidi'ti'onal-copies available to interested citizens pre~en~. , "" Motion; was made by. CouncH member Schwartze 1, seconded by Counci1member Britton, that Ordinance Number 1302 be accepted on first reading as presented. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: i " , . ' : ~ :;' t- .. : ."f ,. Mayor Parks',; Counci1members Britton, Schwartze1 None Counc'ilmembers"Bryan, Bell Counci1member Bryan return'ed,to':Councj1, Chamber. HARRIS COUNTY- tOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTAG6NCY CONTRACT: ' Mayor Parks ':' presented Ordinance Number'1303and read the caption as follows: ORDINANCE 'NUMBER 1303 AN' ORDINANCE" AUTHORH'lNG' THE:' MAYOR':TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN f1ARRlS COUNiY; ANDI"THL,.G'lTY ,Of;' WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,' fEXASTOALLOW, THE: ,COUNTY' TO:IN,CLUDL THE CITY I S: : ~ POPULATION' AS APORTLONOF THE IIURBAN, {COUNTY";:APPLICATIO.N, TO THEU.S ;':DEPARTMENT ,OF:: HOUSING. AND, URBANDEVElOPME,NT, " CONTAINTNG,;OTHER ,~PRO.vlSIONS .AND DEC.~~R!lNGAN EMERGE:NCY. ' . " . ". I '.: Copies ':of''Qrdinance Nlimber~;1303!,: In'theform required for adoption, were available to all members of City Council and a reasonable number of additional cop,i.es, av.ai1ab1e to interested citizens 'present. ' ' Motion 'was made by Counci1member Bryan, seconded by Gounci1member Britton, that Ordinance Number 1303 be adopted as presented on first and final read'~rig. . ~ I , I i I '----.) Voting Aye: Vol" ng No:' Absent: ,.;' .,' , Mayor Parksj Counci1members Bryan, Britton, Schwartze1 None ." . i . Counci1member Bell " _ '1 " : HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL: Mayor Parks presented and read Reso 1 ut'i on Number 87 -25 as~j fo llbws': '(' . .. ; RESOLUTION NUMBER 87-25 HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL DESIGNATION OF REPRESENTATIVES 'GENERAL ASSEMBLY, , 198.8 i j i j , ~ . I U Regular City Council Meeting, October 26, 1987 101 , , ..t n NOW; THEREFORE,' , , BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Beth Ann Bryan be, and she is hereby, designated as its representative to the General Assembly of the Houston-Galveston Area Council for the year 1988.: Section'2.FURTHER, that the Official Alternate authorized to serve as the voting delegate should the hereinabove named delegate become ineligible, or should she resign, is Buddy Bell. Section 3. All resolutions and parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 4. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, sectibn or other part of thts'resblutionor the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent' jurisdiction', the remainder of this resolution and th~applitatibn,of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this resolution to any other persons or ci rcums tanc'eS II sha 1 F not] be, affected thereby. \- . - ,-,- -, ~..... I Section 5. The City;Counci.1 offidaT1y finds" determines and declares that a sufficientwritteri' notice of the 'date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this resolution was discussed, considered':'or 'aCted upon was ,given in the manner required by the Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CI,V'~ SlAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, as amended; :and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such di'scus:sion, ,con'sfderation and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this the 26th day of October, 1987. Counci1members Voting Aye: Counci1members Voting No: Counci1members Absent: Signed: Michael L. Parks, Mayor ATTEST: " I . Approved as to Form: Auprey Nichols City Secretary 'i ';) , , James L. Dougherty, Jr. ,City Attorney (SEAL) 'I L....... -= - ...... '. 1 'li:Il~UI.IIIIII .....1 .llIIlIIllllnl$lj;~, I I ,.-' - ~ , ,-~......,.. <ib2 Regular City Council Meeting, October 26, 1987 Motion was made by Counci1member Schwartze1, seconded by Counci1- member Britton, that Resolution Number 87-25 be adopted as presented arid read. ~I I ~ Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Britton, Schwartze1- None Counci1member'Be11 PERSONNEL MATTERS: Consideration was given to the proposed procedures for persC:)nne1app'eiH~ " ' Motion was made by Counci1member Bryan, seconded by Counci1member Schwartze1~ that City'Counci1 accept the personnel appeal, appoint Michael Schneider as heaTing 'examiner'and adopt the procedures as presented. . '! , " , V'ottn'gAye: Mayor' Parks; Co:unci 1 members Bryan , Britton, Schwa rtze 1: Voting'No: 'None" : Absent: Counc ilmember Bell WATER ~RIORITY AREA NO.7, COLLEGE COURT SUBDIVISION: Consideration was given to award of the contract for the water line replacement proj'ect-i n Pri orfty Area' No.' 7 . ' Bids opened ,on September 23, 1987,' at 10:30 a.m. were as follows: Bidder " , Amount Base 'Bid, Amount ,Total Amount. Ca1. .Bid Add~Alt. Bid days ~I :J, MEB, Eng.lnc. $ 195,'348.00 $ 1,i7{)0.00 6101 Southwest Freeway, , Suite 120 Houston, Texas 77057 , ., . . . $ 197,048.00 140 " Bearden Contr. $ 185,460~'00 $14,500.00 P.O. Box 218506 " !,f' ~ Houston, Texas 77218 $ 199,960.00 150 Reddico Const P.O. Box 3549 Conroe, Texas 77305 $ 183,543.00 , , , $18,690.00 $ 202,233.00 120 Ell a Contr. $ 194,0~9~26 $18,984.25 $ 213,013.51 120 8120 Steadman . ~ - . Houston, Texas 77029 Kinsel Ind. $ 204,482.00 $13,780.00 $ 218,262.00 120 5720 Allison ----, Houston, Texas 7}048 J Pas-Key $ 199,Vl4.00 $22,000.00 $ 221,144.00 180 1417 Harris Pasadena, Texas 77506 Regular City Council Meeting, October '26";1987 ",4-03 > ; ,? ,~ n Crawford-Gray $ 236,125.00 $10,840.00 5402 Simsbrook Houston, Texas 77045 $ 246,965~00 120 RWLConstr. $ 235,770.00$18~500.;OO P.O. Box' 1279' ;'; I' Holiston, Texas 77251 $ 254,210~00 125 , "\'~:_,~ Wheaton Constr. $ 245,110.00 $18,500.00 P.O. Box 641 Katy~ Texas,'77492-0641 $ 263,610.00 .i:f. (:: Jaho, Inc. $ 286,070.61 $19,840.00 10538 Beaumont Hwy. " ': Houston, Te~~s 77078 $~05,910.61 75 I ~-;- . '-'. f ,_I [1 Motion was made by Councilniember Schwartze1,! seconded by Council member Bryan, that city staff :no:t ify ' the low bidder, MEB Engineering, Inc., that City Council proposes to accept staff's redommendation and 'awartl ,the, ,contract to the second: "lowest bi dder, Bearden Contracting, Inc., at their bid price of $199,960.00, and, further, that ci,ty staff) irio;t'ify ME,B,En:gineering that the contractor has the ri ght to appear ~b'ef()re'Counci1 to present evidence of responsibility of their firm during a special City Counci 1riieeti!rigschedu1!ed ',fOli"November:2, 19.81, 7 :30 p.m. , in the Council Chamb~r prior to Council action. " -, j Voting Aye: Voting No : Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmember,s Bryan, Bri tton, Schwartze1 None Counci1member Bell LOBBY'AND;LAVATORYJREMODELING , GOMMUNITY"BUILDING : Consideration was given to the :recommendaltltJtt,>n:for,award otcontract. for, the remodeling of the 10bby,and;lavatoryinthe Community Building. ,Bids received and opened on October 2, 1987 at 11:30 a.m. were as . :~; :"follows:':{ :f!,'i'l,i ;': ,.,..; !; i"!",,; Bidder ~:~ I'; ,', , 'iAmount,,' Bid Hummel Construction Company 610'3 West 34th Street' '; Houston~ Texas 77092' Wayne Cook Construction P .0 .' I Box' '1 f " , Bell a~ re, Texas' 77401 : : "',,(1 $ 25,273.56 $ 26,347.00 '-J , .,.. ",\1 -':"1 . .-' .,'- [ :)' Ii; Erwin Construction P~O. BOx 143 Pasadena, Texas 77501 '$ 29,500.00 . r::_ ~ uc; ,- :-,1 . "'~:;T; :..< ; ,._1 "1.1Iit.mlMijitlr';~. II . IIII.I! -II ~ , 10 I~ ;.- "x Regular City Council Meeting,,' "Oatober,; 26,l 1987; : tt AlGood Co~struction 5252 Hollister, Suite 610 Houston, Texas 77040 ,. \' " . .,.1. . $ 32,524.00 ,-1 , 'i , ~ Motion 'was made by Couhailmember Bryan, seconded by Counci1member Britton, that City Council accept staff's recommendation and award the contract for remodel ing the Community Bui1d:ing to the low Bidder, Hummel Construction Company, at the bid amount of $25,,273 .56 ~ ' ; , , ',. , ," Voting Aye: 'Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Counci1members' Bryan, Britton, Schwartze1 None, " It, Counci1member Bell I, ',' ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR VARIOUS UTILITY RELATED PROJECTS: Consideration was given to the invoices totaling $]1;,435.87 submitted by Langford Engineering'Inc., for:uti1ity related p.rOjects, as follows': '. i - ,-^'. . . ,. J ,:. 'I I. ' '. 1 , , :( a) Water Line Rep1iacement, Pr:i'ori ty Area No,. 2 for $245.22 . , , . (b) Sanitary Sewer-Renovation, Phase '2, Priority Area No.1 for $3, 7'48 ~1'3 "..:, " ': ': ,; " " , ' . ! . .' , (c) Water Lfne:;Rep1acement'-1':)R~iority Al!'ea,No. 7 for $36.69 i . . " ~ ;., i;), . (d) Sanitary Sewer Renovation, Phase 3, Priority Area No. 1 , for ,$10~610..39 : ',; ',' '. :" ' i '---" I;. ,: ," .jl'i...::... (e) Consulting Services for/Repair of Water Well #9 for $795.44 ";; Motion 'was made by eouri~illJiember ^ Bryan" seconded by Counci 1 member . ';"', t;3dttc)f1;' that the 'invoiaes,'sabmltte'd":byLangford Engineering Inc., . .,'r"~~ ';-~ a pproved for payment as" 1 is ted. <' i " '. ': ' , Voting Aye: Voting No: ,Absent: .. Mayor Parks, Counci1members Brya~ Britton, Schwartze1 None Counci1member Bell . ! ~ :.. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Counci1member Bryan expressed her appreciation to Mr. David Stirton who gave the clock for the Co10ni~1 Park Poo1~ STAFF REPORT: Director of Administration, Donna Sims, informed," , Council that the City Manager was out of the City but would be back in the office on Thursday. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of City Council meetings were presented for consideration, as follows: I I I '-.-l (a) Workshop Session on September 10, 1987 Regular City Council Meeting, October 26, 1987 Ji . 105 '~, ;t, , n (b) (c) (d) (e) ( f) ( g)', (h) (i) (j) Workshop Session on September ,14, 1987 Workshop Session on September 17, 1987 ',' i Workshop Session on September 24, 1987 Workshop Session on September 28, 1987 Special Sessioh on~October1, 1987 } ,I Workshop Session',on October- 5, 1987 Regular Session'olil'October'12, 1987 Workshop Session ondktober' 15, 1987 Workshop Session 'on .october .-l9, 19137 Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan ,se,conded by COLlnci 1niember Britton, that the minute,s' of the:city:,counci 1, meettngs be approved as submitted. "'--, , [ Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Schwartze'l' None Counci1member Bell Bryan, Britton, ',I"." . ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to ,come before Council at this time, motion was _madecby, Couricilmember Schwartzel,-seconded by Counci1member: Britton, tha.,tthe;meeting adjourn. S,uch motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. ;;;-' -! i . . A~Ol~' City Secretary l ~' :i'1llllillllllil~lIIr ...1 JlIIIIMHSIUi.1 ! -,.--.--- c:: (,;106 ,',j, ,,',' CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP,SESSION MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1987 CITY iHALL CONFERENCE ROOM 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. :,':: ''':'(8:00 II'! ;M,~ ,\ ~ ! '~, '; .\': : ' City Council convened in workshop' session in the City Hall Conference Room, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Monday, October 26, J.987:;', wi th the fo,ll owi ng members, present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Counci1members Bryan, Britton and Schwartze1. Counci1member Bell was absent. ) A:] so p'resent were the Director of Administration, City Attorney, City Secretary, Director of Operations, Chief of Pol ice and the Fire 'Chief~" " HEARING OF RESIDENTS: There-were none present who wished to speak. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER PUBLIC RELATIONS POLICIES: A pub1 ic relations professional discus'sed several approaches for better communications within the city. No action was taken by City Council. , , COUNCIL COMMENTS: No member of Clty Council wished to discuss additional items. , ..' I : . ~ '.' ' ':"1 "I ",": :: I', ',,' STAFF REPORT: Fire Chief, Terry Stevenson, gave a status report on :insur'ance requirements1for :the', Medliea1 Director. Director of , . A~mini'stration, Donna Siims,J reported :on automobile -insurance for volunteer drivers in the Senior Services Division. ----, I ~ ," : 'I ~ " j 'j ~ . ; ~, ): i " , ; . - . ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council, Mayor Parks declared the workshop session adjourned at 8:50 p.m. ~~ Mayor . '"j ~~ Au rey 1 0 s City Secretary I J Jul07 [ SPECIAL:CITY COUNCIL MEETING : NOVEMBER 2, 1987 CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 3800, UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:30 P.M. City Council convened in speciahsession in the City:Ha11 Cpunci1 Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard, in" the City of West University Place, on Mbnday, No.vember.: '2, , 1987 ,. 'with- the, fo11 owi ng members present: Mayor Parks,'presiding; Counci1members Bryan, Bell and Schwartze1. Co.uncilmember Britton was absent.. Also present were the City Manager, City Secretary, City Atto.rney, Director 'of; Admi,ni.stration, Director of Operations, the Chief of Police and Fire Chief., HEARING OF RESIDENTS: ' :Mayo.r Parks, invited resident,S to $peak who had ,matters ,they wi'shed to ,bring 'to ,the attention of ;the City Council which'had not previ otisly ,b,een,s:ubmitted to the City Ma,nager. . ' , " , , There were :none present who,w:i'shed to. speak. [' PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER'THE 1988:BUDGETAND REVENUE SHARING PROp.OSEn USE HEARING: 'Mayor Parks invited comments andquestlons from resi dentsconcerni-ng ,the proposed -1988, Budget and propo.s:ed uses for the Revenue Sharing Fund. A copy of the proposed budget :' including the proposed 'use of the Revenue Sharing Fund was available for inspecttonland review. ' CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to. address a speci'fiaagenda, Hem ,to speak at thi,s time. i, ' Russ Schulze, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board, on behalf-of the Tri-sports Association:requested City Council co.nsider budgeting $7~000,~OO ,for the .Association. The money would be'used, formaintenante:iof the.~West:University: E~ementar,y School , > gr\o.l!nds which ij) fused 'by,\the: West University Little League for . 1~~9~eb.a.1~, ,~qf~ba 11?n~ soccer. . ;, r " , "., 'f,f?' i":: ", A!t . '~'" .'~.tl- ., ". . '.. . ':j.'" '... . .....:..."'\.... J .. \: , ,.: Mayor lParks advi sed' M'r'; Schul ze' tha-t:~t.he budget for \1.988, was very 'tight:and many items"had beer'Lcut,.,",: ' " " ',;r! ,,': . >'.' , ' , .' -:. f .!.. ). ~ . ", '~'l t::.., . ,Counci 1 member Bryan suggested Tri -Sp(;mts werk on a conti ngency basis for the 1988 season. Mr. Schulze agreed to, proceed with the Tr,i -Sports program on a conti ngency basi s. . < '; t', "" ~l" -:" , li"- Tthere 'were no. further comments or questions. ~. . -', r-- Mayor Parks administered the Oath,{)f Office to. the follo.wing: Mark Spradling Long Range Planning Committee Nicholas Aschlima.o'l:orrg':Range IP1anning: Committee ", Jeff M. Montag' ; l.Jo.ng .-Range Planning Co.mmittee, Richard P. Steele Traffic Committee 11 I I <'..~l~"III!IIU.flHIIII" ...I L .11IIIll101'" . 1~~~"f1 , I,' 1., Iii I 1.lJj 108 Special City Council Meeting, November 2, 1987 Jack Browder Reid C. Wilson Robert Lindsey George Ruhlen:' , : Recy'd lng Commi ttee Zon-ing.'a'nd Planning Commission , Zon'i ng; and~ Pl anni ng Commi ss i on . , .zO'r'I'; rig i ai'l,cl:>P1 anni ng Commi ss i on I I I ~ _ I.. : \ PROPOSED CONTRACT FOR WATER LINE REPLACEMENT: Mayor Parks recognized Max Bhatti, President, MEB Engineering, Inc. ,who was: 'the low' bidder' on the water 1 inerep1acement ,pr,qject in Pri ority Area No.7:, College. CQurt Additlon-. Mayor Parks, : , explained, to:;Mr. Bhatti that City .Cound,1. propos'ed to award the contract for .the proj ectto ,the >secondi lowest bi dger:on the' grounds ,that MEB :Engineering Lnc'.'J:failed to', bi,d in accordance, w'ith -the speci;fications.,. Mayor P,arks.i.nv,it,edMr. Bhatti to offer evidence concerning the respons,ib'il tty of his firm. Mr. Bhatti responded he 'was confident his .fj:rm; MEB '. Engineering, Inc., could' dOith:eij,ob in :spite of the. ,error on his bid.~': Tile error conc'ernedthe 's'pecj;fi.cations for inserter, valves. He stated that his firm was financially stable and would be able to accept the e'rror and :do the 'wo.rk'sati sfactori 1y.,} Mayor ':P:arks' ~asked Mr rBl1a:tti:"~i'f helattendeo the pre-bi d conference held for at1- :prospe'c-trve hi dders':on ,the project'. Mr. Bh.attistatedhe di dnot)a~ttend,!the 'pr.e-bid conference. , . Mayor 'Parks advised Mr. Bhatti. thatiMEB :Engineering Inc.:'s bid was not to specifications~, .Mr~Bhattiresponded that~ yes, there was an error. I I '---.J " ' ,t, '/ - , Mayor, Parks again stated:'tto:Mr;-Bhattilbalhis bid',was'not to specifications. Mr. Bhatti responded it was true. .. . {:' . City,'Manager, 'Mr~Rockenbaugh"reviewed comments from staff who 'had done background -'wofl'k with' theCi ty of Houston. ,Mr. ' , Rockenbaugh ,informedMr~'Bhatti that Citybf West University staff visited HoustOll,and~gatherediinformation:'which he ,wished to verify with Mr. Bhatti. ' ',):~ ;, According to' the record;s:' in:: the:'City .0fHouston, MEB-Engineering Inc., had four projects,., J'fwO',:pro'jects, were compJeted,~ One, Project #9493, was near completion and Project #9904 was awarded on October 26 of thi:s:year~ ~Mr~.Bhatti agreed, the recprds were correct. \ .' :. -' .. 11 ;' Mr. Rockenbaugh further reported Houston's records indicated MEB Engineering Inc., received ,a 'rating on project #9662, which stated everything was fine except a time problem. According to the , r'e'cords, MEB Engineering: did not complete the project in the given time frame. , "I . .) I . ;. "" " t.~ . l I '--.J Mr. Rockenbaugh askedMr~ :B~atti if he had ever paid any 1 iqui'diteddamages.'i Mr'o"B,ha:tti responded affirmatively (5 days). Special City Council Meeting, November 2"1987 .~,...- 109 I' I~ Mr. Rockenbaugh stated 'tHe records indicated that on Project #9493 there were some problems on the pressure test. Mr. Bhatti agreed that was a trueistatemenL Dieter'Ufer from'LangfordEngin~~ring' I lie. ,Ci ty'~s consulting engineering, addressed Council on'the issue,of.the.bids. It was his opinion that the issue<'wiithe ins~rter valves as specified for the project. Mr. Ufer thought the specifications were written with no chance 'for Iilisf.uiderstanding concerning the inserter valves. As the City's Engineer, Langford Engineering Inc . rea Tized Mr. Bhatt;:.~ b,Un,a..::,cut:4-,in:'va.lve and for ; that reason, asked Mr. Bhatti to withdraw his bi d. On September 30, 1987, Langford: Engineer'ing lnc~~' recommended the bid be awarded to the second 'low'bidderJ'ana,Ta:gaTn~ LangfOrd,' Engineering recommended the contract be'awardeditoBeardenIContracti'ngattheir bid pri'ce of '$199, ~60 .00' fo~r i toIilpteUOil'.;n 150 ca1 endar'days~. Mayor'Parks inVitedfurthe,r\dtscussionfrom City Council. Motion was made' by Counti lmember B'e'l1 " 'seconded by Counci 1member Bryan, : that'the cdntriactfor the water" line' rep 1 acementproject ,in College Court Addition, Water Priority Area No.'7, be awarded to Be~rdery Contracting Company at the bid price of $199,960.00 , ,'J',' " . I I '-- VOting Aye: ' Mayor,:Parks:, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell Schwartze1 . Voting No: None Absent': Count i.1 m'ember ". Bri tton 1~ . Counci 1 member Bryan lleft'Co'uncfl€H'Illaniber at thi 51 :time. 1988 BUDGET FOR THE-CITY: Consideration .was:gi ven'bo'the' !5'econd~reading of' Or.d inance Number 1301. 'Mayor Parks read tile eapti'on'as "follows: ' . , . ) ; ORDINANCE NUMBER 1301 AN ORDINANCE OF'THE CIliY,Or:WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, PROVIDING FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1988, AND ENDING'[)ECEMBEW31 ~ 1988'~lBY:I:\PPROVING.THE," BUDGET,:FORiSAio.IPERIOO' AND ,APPROPRIATING 'THE. NECESSARY < ' FUNDS OUT I OF'THE 'GENERAIl'.!FOND AND OHlER. REVENUES, OF fTHE~ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSIT:Y" I?LACPi FOR JtSAID'YEAR:FOR :IHE,; MAINTENANCE AND' OPERATION" Or'THE: VARIOUS, DEPARTMENTS AND FOR VARIOUS ACTIVITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS OF' THE CITY. ,'~ ;} ,i ,f :j'(! I,' '-I -qJ ~___' <.,~.\ l Copies'i of Ordi na'nce: -Number! 1301,i n; the; form i,required,for adoption, were a:Vailab1etoJa:1:1 members 'of(Qicty Counci;l,and a reasonable number of additional copies available :tointerested citizens present. , ";' ;'\ ",; ....'~:!(1'f::1--'; :' ~ '.I;!' I Moti onwasmadeby'Counc i1niember;5chwa rtzel, seconded by Counci1member Bell, that Ordinance Number 1301 be adopted on second and final reading as presented. Jc=J_L___~_____.___~.~.c..el__________~--..:~L___ __ _; ______ I I I, MIDlItlillr .. ,[, 1111II1:.: ' II' I i ~ 11'0, '- Special City Council Meeting" Novembe,r 2""1987 Voting Aye: .. .. :Voting No: ' Absent: :Mayor P a r,ks ,Counc i 1 members Be 11, 'Schwa rtze 1 None':, . Ii' ',; " ;, Counci1member,s Bryan, Britton I i i i LEVYING AND 'ASSESSING allYl TAXES, FOR -!THEe ,YEAR '1987': ",Censiderati on was given"to'the"second readinglof-Ordinlmce ,Number .1302. Mayor Parks read the 'eaption' as: follows:: "~"~, -, ',' ~... , : !.:-:~ . , " ,:" ':", '.. I . -' ~ ,-'.-. I ORDINANCEiNUMBER1302 . n. r. "J" 1; ';,j . ),' .. , AN',ORDINANCEiLE'VVING:A,ND'ASSESSING'AN,1AD, VALOREM TAX ON, ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITIHW,THE~ CORPORATE UMITS OF THE CITY 0FiWEST UNIVERSI:TY:PJ-A.cE,~ TEXAS, FOR,THE YEAR 1987 'PROVIOING' THE: BASIS i,@F: ASSESSMENT\ OF, APPRAISED 'VALUE AND 'PROVIDING" FOR THE; COLLECTIONIHEREQF" AT THE, RATE OF,,,$0.412 ON' THE 'ONE HUNDRED C$HlO:-.OO!) ~DOLlAR" ASSESSED, VALUATION; , , . , Motion was made by Counci1member Schwartze1, seconded by Council-member Ben, that10rd,ina.nce. Number -1302 be accepted on first reading as presented. :'.. , ,,' ':' . Vo.ting Aye: ,;-1 ~,oting ,No: -~sent: " Mayor';Parks,- , eounci 1 members Bell, Schwartze1 None , Cou:n'c i1 membersB ryan, ,Britton ->1 I Counci 1member Bryan returned to Counci l'Chamber; MEDICAL DIRECTOR: Consideration Was 'given to tne, first and final reading of ,Ordinance ,Number 1304 appointing the Medical Director for the City. Mayor Parks presented the Ordinance and read the caption as follows: Y .. : :' ,; .", "IORDINANCF!NUMBER 1304: ' ' ,"" AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING DR~ LELAND WINSTON AS MEDICAL DIRECtOR 'O'F'THE"CITY:OF'~'WESP!lJNIVERSITYPLACE PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 44470 'V. T.C .S~:; AND PURSUAWLTO ,TEXAS STATE BOARD OF MEDjcAL"EXAMINERS,RrlLESiAND'RIlGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR A TERM OF OFFICE; AND 'DECtARING',AN EMERGENCY. :", ..-:.-;......!'.[(1;1; :" :">'.;: : -; f"; 'J', ~.~..: , Copies of Ordinance Number 1304, in the form required for 'ad6p'ti()n~ 'were"avai1ab1e tbTM1 !memli>er.,s', of,pity Council and a ,reasonable ni:.llhber ,ofJiadditiibnal copies ,available to interested citizehs p~~s~nt~" , Motion was made by Counci1member Bryan, seconded by Counci1member Bel h ,that Ordinance'iNLiinberc1304 be..a'dopted on fi rst and final 'reading as presented'J' ,I ,,' ' .. ~ [ D Special City Council Meeting, November 2, 1987 , Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: 11 Mayor Parks'~,CounCi1members Bryan, Bell, SchwartzEH None Counci1member Britton Mayor Parks administered the ba'th o'fOffice to Dr. Leland Winston as Medical Director for the City of West University Place. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilmember Bryan asked the minutes 'reflect her reason for' 'being absent for the vote on the budget ord~ha'nceand tax levy'; ordinance~" 'Councilmember Bryan stated she was i'iwo1 ved with a large: project: outs:; de the Ci ty and was not able to attend the budget workshops. For that reason, she did not feel it would be appropriate to vote. , , i . .,", ! .". STAFF REPORT: City Manager, Mr. Rodenbaugh, had nothing further for Council's consideration.' . ''''.t'.. ADJOURNMENT: With no further 'business to come before City Council ' at this' time, motion <was'made~by' Councilmember Schwartz~l, 'seconded, by CouncilmemberBryan, that .theSpecia1 Council Meeting adj DUrn:. " Such ,mati on 'carri ed: and ,the meeti ng .was declared adjourried at 8:02'p.m. ' " , "{ A~~~a{k~ City Secr ary I I, ,,_I 1'-' I l' <" . . i1'"Ulllr _III'" I pI. UI I~ 112 ) --i .<i'-' :. ,f', JCITYiGOUNCIE~WORKS~OR SESSION, MONDAY, NOVEMBER,{2; 1987 CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM r,; , ',~3800':UNliVERSH~;BLVD. 8 : 00 P. M. ; \, .J ' ../ y < . , ;,?- " .... , ~, 7 'j' 1 ~ . . l. J ',J ''':.. .:;. ",1' ..: <, I J ; .;,; City Council convened in workshop session in the City Hall Conference Room, 3800 University Bou1evard,Ant-he~C;itYiiof,:West Univ,ersityP1ace, on MOflday,i Nevember 2, 1987 "i wi th t~e: fQ 11 oWi ng:. members present: Mayor Parks ,: pres,i di ng; ',Couhciilmerhbers:"B,r.yan, ' Be\ll, and.' Schwartz~ 1 i. i Counc Hmember, Bri ttonwas" :absent~i., "/1:) so, present were the,; C i tj'; Manager, City Attorney,' City:Secreta.r.y, qand' the;'f)ire,ctor of,.Operations .', .~ I i ~ ,,:' .:rl,'",;,' ", HEARING OF RESIDENTS: There were none present who wished to speak. , f: ':': "; "..)i, DISCUSS AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION, ,FOR AWARD OF: CONTRACT FOR THE SANITARY SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT IN PHASE 2, PRIORITY AREA 1: :;:i'~:', ~j~.l '1- Y,: ". j "I", . ' Di scussHm was he1 dw,ith' Dieteri;',Uf.er,:, C:itty,' s Consulting Erigineer,' conce'rning ,the sanl;,tary, sewer. ;renovatipn"bidding contractors . City CouncH" by;general 'consent;' ag,reed ,to discuss the contract award during the next workshop session. DISCUSSION OF COMPANION ORDINANCES TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE: City Attorney, Jim Dougherty, discussed with Council suggested CQIJIP&rJi,Qn ordinances, ~o the zoning ordinance: parking and tree-cutting permi,ts~' No action was taken by City Council. f' COUNCIL COMMENTS: Various concerns were discussed. No action was required of City Council. STAFF REPORT: City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, distributed a draft agenda for the November 9, 1987, regularly scheduled council meeting. ADJOURMENT: With no further business to come before City Council, Mayor Parks declared the workshop session adjourned 10:20 p.m. {k~ a~Al. Audrey N@ols City Secretary lJ o u ~ . I ... '1"13 ~' :5J ~,. s" ~' REGULAR~CIT~'COYNCIL:MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1987 'CITY'HALL,COUNCIL ,CHAMBER 3800:UNIVE&SITY BLVD. 7::,30 P.M." ',' ;"'. I . .' ~ i ~ City Council convenediri re.gu].a'r ,sessjon in .the City, ~a11 Council Chamber, 3800 University, Boul'e:V.ard'; in :.theCity of West,' University Pl ace, on Monday, November, 9., 1987., wi.th: the, fo11 owing members present: Mayor ,'Parks, ,presiding; :Councilmeinber.s ,Bryan, Bell, and Britton. Councilmember Schwartze1' came 'ion ';at: 7:,38, p.m;"Also'pr~sent were the City 'Manager, ,City' :.Secretary,;,.! ,City. Attorney, Director of Administration, Director of., 'Oper:ations, <and, Chi.ef of 'PQlice. Mayor Parks delivered the invocation and led the Allegiance to the Flag. , " .. ,', HEARING OF RESIDENTS: . Mayor Parks'i-nvlted' residents to speak who had matters they wi shed to bri ng; to. the, ;a,tte.nti (m of the City Counci 1 which had not previously been submitted to the City Manager. There were none,present who wished to speak. - \ .- o , , CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor 'P.arks'i nvited ,residents who wi~hed to address a specific agenda item to speak at this time. , . .. . There were none present'who'wished"to ,speak concerning, an agenda item. . ,~ , " " c:. , ITEMS' TO BE REMOVED FROM: THE" CONSENT AGENDA : Counc i 1 member Britton requested Agenda Item No. :'9~P'ARKING: FACILITIES; LIBRARY, BUILDING, be removed from the: consent agenda. . J . I ~ :: : : CONSENT AGENDA: "Motfon 'was madeby:counci1member Bryan, seconded by CounciTmemb'er Ben ~ that with'the exception' of Agenda, Item No.9, the consent agenda be approved in accQrj'dange,: ,with staff recommendation. J:' Voting Aye:' l ' '. ,~ ' , , , MayorrP'arks', Counc:ilmembersBr;yan,.' Bell, Britton:',: "~" None.~, ::' Counci1member'Schwartzel ' Voting No:" Absent: HARRIS/COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT: . 'ConsideratiQn was given to (.j~,~o l):1ti.p;n' .,,Number. 87'~i26.~:" ,Mayor Parks ,presented, and read the . ~e$o:l '(Jiif(!ffi~:a~,',Jq110ws : " .\.~ . . ;...-f ' \ r ~ , , . ..: " . _,0 , , i i. ~ .. ....or "1"'1 hi, I I I!! ; [ 11'tf' Regular City Council Meeting, November 9, 1987 'RESQUUTIONY NUMBER. ;87 -26 ; ~ . " j. . . :-1 ~f": , ": ': 1:; '. A RESOLUTION OF:'THE J.crry.::;COUNCItrOF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE~, TEXAS ,,;CASTING- ITS BALLOT FOR THE ELECTION OF A PERSON..,.TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE HARRIS COUNl:Y APPRAISAL DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the Chief Appraiser of the Harris County Appraisal' District, :cHarris County; Texas, has delivered to the Mayor of'this', City a: ballot .,containing the names,' of those pers'ons' 'duly nomi nated', 'as' candi dates to serve in, that" J position!' on. the>Board, 'of:Difleotors ',of the Harris County Apprafs:a l':'Distriict: r-e'presentingand to be filled by those. 'tifies and,' towns,':;'other....than:,,:the City of Houston, participating in said Di:s,tti,ot;:and " WHEREAS, this City deems it appropriate and in the public' hiterest/ to cast ,its ~vote for -the candidate. of its c:hoice~o fill 'such~~S.i-,~;-o'n;t) ~ :' '_ .' ',.:' I :-,' NOW, THEREFORE, " BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNI VERS ITV< 'PLACE, TEXAS: : '<';,~; i', " \ .:' . .;- ;'.' I: '--:"-", "j - ., -, . "4 Section 1. The facts and recitations set forth in the preamble of this' Re'soi1ution ';ibe', ',and. they are hereby, adopted, ratified, and confirmed. Section 2. Tha't j'theC'ity,'of West Universi,ty Place,; , Texas ,:- 'oast i ts vote~:\ 'and', tC,does hereby cast i ts,vote, fOr Tom Bartlett to fi1i' the' .position :on the '~oard ,of Directors of the Harris County Appraisal District 'representing and to' :'be'filled,by' those i'ncorpQrate,d cittes' and 'tbwns, other than' the,' C'i ty of Houston, parti cipati ng in sa i dD'i'strict .'-,\:. Section 3. That the Mayor, and he is hereby, authorizedand'direc::ted'todel,iveror cause.to be delivered an executed or certified copy'of"this Resolution to the Chi ef Apprai ser of the Harri s County Apprai sa 1 Distri ct on or before November 16~,'1987'~'" : · Section 4. AU ireso1utfons, and parts ,of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby'; repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 5. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this resolution and the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this resolution to any ---.., I I j ~::~; ,:}fi'" -:}.-, L Regular City Council Meeting', November 9; 1987 l~,t) n other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. Section 6. The, City Counci~ officially finds, determines and dec1ar.es that a sufficient written 'notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this resolution was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the' manner required by c the. Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN~'''art. 6252-17, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the pub1 ic as required by law at' a11"times' 'during such discussion, consideration and action." The: City Council' ratifies, approVes and confirms' such noti ces and the contents and posting thereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this ,'9th November' 1987.; :"., '.'-' ' " ': 1 J ' day of Counci 1members: Votin.g Aye:' . ,'. 'j.' ! t' Counci1members Voting No: Counc i 1 members, Abse'nt:i '; c, "~:I :.' '. r r 1 o M~ chaebLPatks, Mayor ATTEST: i' . . ,I Audrey Nichols, City, Secretary , " ", [ .. :1, (SEAL)" , , ; " I", . P -:- I ..J , '. APPROVED AS !TO FORM:" ';" J..... J . I . James L. Dougherty"Jr~" "'., City Attorney' ' ",::"---'''', I ' Motion was made by,Councilmember'Bell, seconded by Counci1member Bryan, 'that Reso1ution"Number'87-26 be adopted as read. ,', n : -.. ":' ,,1 Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, 'Britton ' None'" Counci1member Schwartze1 Voting Aye: ~ . ~ : ; Voting No: Absent: " . : ~'. , l' .' u HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA'COUNCIL,RESOLUTION:' 'Corisideration'was given to Resolution Number 87-27 opposlng the proposed amendments to the G-HAC By-Laws.' 'Mayor,JParks presented "and read Reso1 ution 87 -27 ~ as fo 11 OW5: ',' '. ' . " " ' 'J " in .. [ ,['M1iHl'llf l~nli~~I; II' Ul , \ \'1-16 Regular City Council Meeting; November 9;:'1987 RESOLUTION NUMBER 87-27 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNiVERSITY:'PlACE OPPOSING' THE' CHANGE: OF THE H-GAC BY -LAWS AS PERTAINS TO SECnONIX AMENDMENTS. 'WHEREAS"Article' II [of ,the', By",:, Laws 'of the Houston-Galveston Area.Counci1 ,stateS that the objectives of,the:Houston-Ga1veston' Area Council shall be to enCOtlrage and, permit local 'units of government to join and cooperate with each dther'to improve,the health, safety and general welfare oftheir,citizens and to plan for the, future development of the 13 county regions; and WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has fulfilled all membership requirements, including the, payment of dues and the adoption of the Houston-Galveston Area County By-Laws by passage of an ordinance, minute order, resolutions or other appropriate legal action; and WHEREAS, the current Board of Directors are directing that a proposal to amend Article IX concerning the method of amendment of By-Laws be placed on the October H-GAC agenda; and WHEREAS, Article I~o~ .the H~GAC By-Laws mandates the unanimous vote of the members of the Board of Directors for the By-Laws to be amended; and WHEREAS, a proposed seventy-five percent(7~%) vote "by the current composition of the Board of Directors t,o change the current By-laws as proposed, or any other vote other than a unanimous vote could limit, or exclude membership on the Board, raise dues, or alter any other provision of the H-GAC By-Laws to suit a non-representati,ve minority or majority of current members; and WHEREAS, the authors of the origina1'By-~aws,in their wisdom sought to preserve the rights of small 'or disadvantaged entities to maintain a balance and provide a mechanism to encouragethe'act'hfeparticipation of all governmental entities to obtain the objectives of the Houston-Galveston Area Council; and . ,"; I \ . .. ' I ~ . WHEREAS, these proposed amendments, no matter how well intended, jeopardize these rights; '. IIi NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: . ~ I " Secti on 1. ,That the Ci ty Counc-il opposes any attempt to amend the voting requirements of Section IX of the By-Laws of the Houston-Galveston Area Council; and :11 I I i I '-........J ~ I I I ~ I I ~ Regular City Council Meeting, November 9,1987 .;117 ". .; . instruct our representatives on the H-GAC Board of Directors, their alternates or successors, to vote against any change to Section IX of Houston-Galveston Area Council By-Laws. Section 2. That the City Council strongly urges the other member cities of the H-GAC Board of Directors to do, likewise, with the full realization that this amendment is fundamentally and equally onerol,lS to all members, be they a Home Rule City, General Law city, school district, conservation di$trict, County, or any member out of favor for any reason at any,"tlmei":' ' Section 3. All resolutions and parts of resolutions in conf1 i ct herewi th are hereby: ,repeaTed to, the extent of the conf1 ict only.' " , o Section 4. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section orothe,r part of this reso1ution',or the application thereofto<anypersonor,circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid'or'uriconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this resolution and ~he" app'l icati on of such; word , phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or otheir'rp-a<rt':ofthJsre$ol u,'{:.;'onto any other persons or circumstances shall 'not be affected, thereby. Section 5. The City Council officially finds, , determines and dec1aresthat"a>sLifftcfent written notice of the date, hour, place 'and su'bject"of each meeting ,atwhi.ch this resolution was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the ntannerreqliir,ed'by the.open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT.<ANN.art. 6252...17, as amended, , and that each such meeting has been~open to the ,public as required by law at all times during ,such disc~ssion;, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves arid c,Qrlfi r-mss,lich' hot ices' and the contents and posting thereof(- ,'" , , " ;e 'j"':'; , .. PASSED AND APPROVED this 9th day of November , 1987. .;'.;i. ; :,;\ : Councilmembers Voting Aye: ; I Counci 1 members' Yet i ng No:;, . : i ,"'1 ,.,"}t.!.., , ' "! Coun'cilmembers:Abse'nt:;' I; , u Signed: .1. (:, . f '.', . . MichaeTL. Parks, Mayor '- ,~ . . . . .--__--:->1 ,_.",'_..".'_uun.. JII.,I!J:mlli~ {II I ~-- rrr , ~-----w ~ . '- 118 Regular City Council Meeting~ November 9,;(:1987, ATTEST: ' , I \ ,,~ c;'} : '~r"j ! -1" 1" ".""\ '_ 'r~};:,.!:,.~ Au~rey Nichols, City Secre~ary , , . . , ~. J / ' , , - . : .' { " " (SEAL) ',{, .1 ~ ::., J ,'. 1\ ~': :...; .,'" . ) ,i '; ., 1 .,~ ,. -: ::,:, r : ~: ;; , }' A~l!lroved as to" Form: " '-; ; ,) .: '. -, ' !' .; ;', ''\. ,,~;. :' I ',i .:' ,'f, ,"'iI ,:1 ," James L', Dougherty, J.r., City Attorney " . l ; Motion ,was made,by'Counct1member BrHton, seconded: by Counci1member Bell, that Resolution Number 87-27-be adopted as read. 'Voti'ng: Aye:' VbtingN'o: , Absent: : Mayor Panksf, "Counc-i lmembers Bell i, Bri tton :CounctlmembeF' ,Bryan' ;" , ,', ,CouncJNmember -S:chwartzel .),,'j i,)"', :~ 1(, 'f :"f1J ~. . :"J~'~" . i :,"'" , NATIONAL Bi'BLEWEEt<:; ,Mayo:riParks: presente'd "andre-ad, a proclamation desigmiting' the 'we'ek ,of No'vembe,r,22 to Novemb,er29, 1987,: as IINationa1 Bi,b1e Weeku.' ',' ", ' , , . Counci1~ember Schwartze1 ~ame ~n at this point. " . 1:' r f : j f : . ~ I M Motion' was ,made by CounCillmember ,Bell, ,'setondedby Council member Bryan ~>that,the: Proc~ ~mattorpbe accepted as read. , .. , , . , '.' " ;: . : ..' ~, {' I. .' '\ 'Vdting 'Aye: Bryan" Bell, :'Voti:ng1No :' Absent: ,Mayor P,ar~s',. iGouncilmembers : Bri.'tton , ,-~Schwartze 1 ." ' !NoneJ' OJ' :', ' :" ," , ' ',iNone :""'!,\ ,~n': ~ , . ~' ~ I ~ . "~ f ,," t ,": TEXAS MUN JiC I PAl.:;'RETI REMENT Sf STEM UPDAliED' SERV I GE CREDITS: Consideration was given to the first reading ,of Ordinance Number 1305. Mayor Parks presented the ordinance and read the caption, as foll ows:' , " ' ORDINANCE NUMBER 1305 .. ",' AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND ALLLOWING, UNDER THE ACT GOVERNING THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL-RETIREMENT SYSTEM, IIUPDATED SERVICE CREDITSII IN SAID SYSTEM FOR SERVICE PERFORMED BY QUALI FYING MEMBERS OF SUCH, SYSTEM: WHO,.,PRESENTL Y ARE IN THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR SUCH ACTIONS. Copies of Ordinance Number 1305, in the form required for adoption, were available, to all members of City Council and a reasonable numberi of1 addi.ti:ona1 copies available to interested citizens present. I i J I I ---.J -1 I : i ,-.-J i I I '--J 119 Regular City Council Meeting~' November 9:;:1987 ~ '-....- Motion was made by Counci1member'Bryan, seconded by Counci1member Bell, that Ordinance Number 1305 be accepted on first reading as presented. Counci1member Britton requested an ,explanation of the proposed change and whether it involved additional costs. City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, explained there was no additional cost. In fact, the city's contribution was lowered this year by the Texas Municipal Retirement System of Texas. The:updated service credits affect the people who retire in the future and the updated service credits is an attempt to keep the salaries current. ' Counci1member Britton asked if when the Gityhires someone who has worked under the retirement system is the City accepting res pons i hi li ty for the i r oth~r' ser.V ice., I s the" fundi ng transferred and is the City assuming a responsibility for it? , , Mr. Rockenbaugh advised that was not the case. The previous entity has contributedOits contracted 'amount. The Gitydoes not assume that 1 iability" :Thef{employ~e 19oesund,er West Un,iversity' s rate at the point of employment. " [ Council member $chwartzel< responded, :tha ti n the 1 as tthree years, the City has voted for updated' service:credits with an increase in cost. ~ ~};l{LI --;11'.' f 1 Finance Director"Donn:a: 'Sims';:ad,visedther,e was a.n i,ncrease 1 ast yea'r. ." This year, there is .no'increase, because the Cimortizati on period is increased from 24 to 25 years. It is to the City's benefit to adopt the service credits. The rate is lower than if the updatedservicecredits:;wer,enot adopted. Th~City is not eligible for the 25 year 'amortization if the service credits are not adopted. With no further discussion offered, Mayor Parks called for the vote. " " ,Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: " , Mayor Parks,Counci1members Bryan~ ,Bell, Britton, Schwartze1 None None , ' , ." , PARKING FACILITIES, LIBRARY BUILDING: Consideration was given to the recommendation for, awal'i'd of,'the contract to construct additional parking spaces for:theLibrary'~ Bids opened on October 2, 1987 t at 2:30 p.m. were as follows: > ..~ :-:} ; I'~ ,............" I Bidder Amount ----' :: ~ I G.' is. HarHs'Pavi,ng :&~1JtilHY-;,;;:! P.O. Boxi57 '.! :' Y"" I , Missouri City, Texas 77459 ",l',6,890.0Q, ' " l. 1: !iH ~---1___________::Il--_______~ -, i,'I::lJlIYHtllllll ....r. ~IN:lm,p",I".': L I r rr-- -~------a - , \ 1 "0" -if:- . ; Regular City Council Meeting, Nov.ember 9, 1987 Hummel Constructi on Company " 6103 West 34th Street ' Houston, Texas 77092 $12,909~60 '" 'Pearland Enterprises,..Inc; ."',< I'~\-'- P .0. Box 1 ' , . , , '" Pearl and, Texas 77581 $14,400~00 ., '" . .'-' A. L Good Constructirrg) ',' " 5252:Hol1ister, Suite 610 ' Houston,:Texas,n040,: "," $15,833.00 ,. ,,' , !.. 1. J.~ ...!...., . ~.' Ca1co Equipment Company P.O. Box 10156 Houston, Texas 77206. $17,120.00 Excali,biJr Constructi(m: Company' , 9803 Th;'st1e ' ,,', '>, :~: Houston, Texas 77070 .-' , ,'. $19,500.00 , , - ~'" I , ' In their Tetter, dated :Oc"tober 9,: :1987, G., S. Harris Paving and Utility, Inc. formally withdrew:thei.r bi'd'due to an error in addition. ,";' ' COlinci1irtember Britton' 'sLi:g:gest~:d Ci.ty :Counc,i1 consider '~, procedure to require a low bidder to be 'responsible for their'bid. Motion was made by Counci1member Britton, seconded by Counci1- membe'r Bell, that City ,Council' acceptstaff's recommend&tion and a:ward the bid to Hummel: Constr.uctionCompany at their bid price ,o'f $1'2,909.60. -,., "": " Voting Aye.: Voting No: Absent: Mayor'Par;ks, 'Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, B ri'tton, $'chwartze 1 None None WATER RATE STUDY: Consideration was given to the invoice ,in the amount of $4,000.00 submitted by Peat Marwick Main & Co., for services rendered in connection with' the water rate study. Motion was made by Counci1member Bryan, seconded by Counci1member Bell, that the invoice in the amount. of $4,00e~Oo submitted by Peat Marwick,Main & Co~, b~ ~pproved for payment. I " - ~, ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: 'Mayor Parks'~ Counci1members Bryan, ,Bell, Britton"Schwartze1' " " None None WATER PRIORITY AREA NO.2. MONTICELLO ADDITION AND RICE COURT SUBDIVISIONS: Consideration was giv~n'~o Monthly Estimat~No. 6 in the amount of $69,595.79 submitted by Ella Contracting Inc., for I I I '-..-J J u Regular City Council Meeting, November 9;' .1987 121 n work performed through October 30, 1987, on the water line replacement project in Water ,Priority Area ,No. 2.- Motion was made by CouncilmemberBryan, seconded by.Counci1member Bell, that Monthly Estimate No.6 in the amount of $69,595.79 be approved for payment to El1a'Contracting Inc.' Voting Aye: ,Mayor Parks, Counci 1members Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartze1 Voting No: None' " , " Absent: None LEGAL SERVICES: Consideration was given to the invoice in the , amount ot $4,228.00 sUbmitte:d':forleg,a1 services provided on the City's behalf for the month' of October'1987. n lJ Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that theinvoic~;';.nth~!'anlount<of $4,228.00 for legal services provided tothe:~City for the month of October 1987 be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Bell, Bri tton,' :Schwartzel Voting No : " None',' :",: ,,', .', ' " Absent: None \ . AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS: Consideration was given to the requests for authorization to advertise for bids for the following: (a) Rehabilitation of Ground Storage Tanks at Milton Street Water Plant (b) Janitorial Supplies (c) Automotive Fuel (d) Improvements to the WasteWater Treatment ,Plant Sludge Thickener and Digester Motion was made by Counci1member Bryan, seconded by Counci1member Bell, that City Council authorize advertising for bids for the items as listed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryarr, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None n I~! COUNCIL COMMENTS: Counci1member Bryan recommended that the Pol1ce uepartment issue written explanatory information to those residents requesting the house watch program. STAFF REPORT: City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, had nothing further for Council IS consideration at this time. JL __ _ _.::II .__.___:....:...:.......J......;..Li......L !.. --- i~,;'iiilJ 1'+11111 1" (-,' .-l~.~ ) . JlllUaillllGI"h!J,.1 : T!'T"""- m' -- ~ .~, -II Regular City Council Meeting;' Nov.emben 9,; 1987 ' CITY CoONClLrMEETlNG .MINUTES: ,Minutes';of :the ,Cjty C:ouncn~, meetings were presented"fontons,ideration, as fo1,lows: ,', ,. (a),. '," (b) (c)! (d) (~) Workshop Sessibn"on Ictober22, 1987 . ;, l" ~.~ ~., ; , Regular Session-on~OctOber 26~ 1987 :Workshop'Session 0~:~tttQber'26, 1987 Special Session on November'2, 1987 , , Workshop Session on November 2, 1987 ,. . - ., ',':') ::'" ":." ,". ; ~ '1" Moti on was made by CQunc i'1 meniber BrYtan ,seconded by Cbunc i 1 member Be 11, that the. mfnutes of the Ci ty Council meeti ngs be approved as submitted. ,'.'~, '- "I - \-~ .;jt;' h Voting, Aye: 'Mayor Parks,Cbune:i1members Bryan, Bell. , BrUton, 'Schwartzel Voting No: None Absent: None - , , ADJOURNMENT: With no further, busjnes.s: to come before Council at this time, motion was made by Counci1member Bryan, seconded by Counci1member Bell, that the meeting adjourn. Such motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:42 P.M. .'j , \. '[ " i , . ..'~ , , " ,Mayor . ,'.J ,1:; f},t.~ udrey 'N "hol's ,,'., City Secretary .... .:..~~ . ; ~ . , ) ; \~.',. ",~ . ;'~. f ','. . , . . ,,: -. ':' . ) ". n ~ u ~-123 n:' i: , r ~ \~ CITY COUNCIL 'WORKSHOP SESSION MONDA Y,'NOVEMBER 9, 1987 CITY HALL'CONFERENCE ROOM 3800 UNIVERSITY' BLVD. ;" : 8 : 00 P. M. City Council convened in workshop session .in the City Hall Conference Room, 3800 University Boulevard, ,in the City of West University Place, on Monday" November 9; 1987, wi tbo' the faH owing members present: Mayor Parks~ presiding; Counci1members,.Bryan,"Bel:1,' Br,itton and,Schwartze1. Also present were the City'Manager,',Directer of Administration, City Attorney, City Secretary, and the' Director of Operations. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Therelwere none present who wished to speak. . ,.' , , ' DISCUSSION OF COMPANION ORDTNANCES TO; THE ZONING ORDINANCE,:' City Council reviewed drafts' :of: the- ,parking ordinance and, tree:'remova1 ordinance with the City Attorney. No action was taken by City 'Co-unc f1 . Counci1member Schwartze1 left at 8:43 p.m. o DISCUSS AND CONSIDER REPORT ON DUMPSTER LOCATION: Director of Operations', Curtis Coope:r,"l reques'ted the report be ,deferred to another, 'date. i::' ',I', ',I, - , ':. , ~- - '1 ,.. ' I I:~ COUNCIL ,COMMENTS: Various :progr-essJ-:reports were discussed. ' , " .. STAFF REPORT: ' City Manager;'Mr>Roc:k'etlbaugh, had nothing further for COLincil's consideraflon'at-fhl'S;~fime'~ . ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council, Mayor parks~eCla~d .~h;,:o,r~ShOP,S:':Si.o:~ou\n~m. ;,' :,,' 'V ' " ' ", '; Mayor,: , " ~-t fJ:.M~ Audrey Nf8h01S' ,::' ,:, '" City Secretary '1. l)"':,,: .: ',' ',1' ,I {", i ~ - .... .li11l1~lnB"f 1'1 ---. TT' ~----, ~ ,,124 CITY COUNCIL:WORKSHOP'SESSION THURSDAY~!NOVEMBER 19, 1987 CITY HALL-CONFERENCE ROOM 3800: UNIVERSITY BLVD. , ,7-: 00 P. M . :J City Council convened in workshop' s~ssien in the City Hall Conference Room, 3800 University Bou1e\ia'rd, 'in the €ityof West University Place, on Thursday~ November 19, 1987, with' the following members present: , Mayor Parks, preslding; Counc.;lmembers Bryan:, Bell, Britton and Schwartze 1-. 'Also present were" the, 0i<ty Manager, Di rector 'of Administration, City Secretary, and the Director of Operations. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: There'were'nonepresent who wished to speak. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION FOR AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE SANITARY S-pWER RENOVATION, RROJEOr d:N: PHASE, 2, PRIORITY AREA NO.1: City Consulting Engineer,. Dieter Ufer, and Superintendent of Uti1it'les, R~:E. 'SimpSon, 'discussed 'the two low bidders for the project. City Council requested the City Attorney investigate the adequacy of trre bonding company of the low bidder. No action was taken by City Council: DISCUSSION OF COMPANION ORDINA~GES':.:rO 'THE 'ZONING ORDINANCE: City , 0 'Council reviewed drafts of:the: parklng ordlnance and tree removal I ordinance. City Council agreed to place the parking ,ordinance on the agenda for the November 23, 1987, regular meeting. It was decided the tree removal 'ordinance required further study. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER AUTHORIZING THE:MAYOR',S SIGNATURE FOR THE HARRIS COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY GRAN~;APPLICAIIUN:' :Clty counC11 reviewed the grant application and agreed to authorize the Mayor's signature. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Concerns were discussed relating to various code violations. A question arose as to the amount of the over 65 tax exemption. No action was required of City Council. STAFF REPORT: City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, reported on a request for a curb painting permit and the Cable TV franchise fee status. The draft agenda was distributed for City Council's review. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before City Council at this time, Mayor Parks declared the workshop session adjourned at 9:55 p.m. u City Council Workshop Session, November 19, 1987 : , ..' ;.: 125 n .f~ Mayor Wl,l~ (1rU Au reyN; -0 s.. . City Secretary [ " ; ~ '~ ") " >; - , ,-..j- I' L -II :il L1" ~ill~iJ,J,Jillll J1ll1l1~t~.lhQ I ' L- -, I.L' J?G REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 23, 1987 CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:30 P.M. J 'I City Council convened in regular session in the City Hall Council Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Monday, November 23, 1987, with the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Counci1members Bryan" Bell, Britton and Schwartze1. Also present were the City Manager,: City Secretary, City Attorney, Director of Administration, Director of Operations, and the Chief of Police. Counci1member Schwartze1 delivered the invocation and led the Allegiance to the Flag. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mayor Parks invited residents to speak who had matters they wished to bring to the attention of the City Council which had not previously been submitted to the City Manager. There were none present who wished to speak. CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to address a specific agenda item to speak at this time. There were none present who wished to speak concerning an agenda item . J ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: Counci1member Bryan requested Agenda Item No. 14. AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS be removed from the consent agenda. City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, requested that Agenda Item No. 10, FRANCHISE FEES, be removed from the agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion was made by Counci1member Bryan, seconded by Counci1member Bell, that with the exception of Consent Agenda Items No. 10 and No. 14, the consent agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartze1 None None TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM UPDATED SERVICE CREDITS: Consideration was given to the second readlng Of Urdinance Number 1305. Mayor Parks read the caption as follows: ORDINANCE NUMBER 1305 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND ALLLOWING, UNDER THE ACT GOVERNING THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM, "UPDATED SERVICE CREDITS" IN SAID SYSTEM FOR SERVICE PERFORMED BY u Regular City Council Meeting, November 23,,1987 , 4 j~ 7- [I, .-j I I i i QUALIFYING MEMBERS OF SUCH SYSTEM' WHO PRESENTLY ARE IN THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ,AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR SUCH ACTIONS. : "\ .' '.. . t - :".' \" '.' ~ : Copies of"Ordinance Nuniberc130S,' in the form required far adoption; 'were available to"a'1:1';l'!1embers of City Council and a reasonable number of: adclitional'copies available to interested citizens' present. ' " . Ji ,< Motion wa's'made by Councilmembet Bell, seconded by Coum:i1member Schwartzel, that Ordinance Number 1305 be adopted an secand and final reading as presented. , ~.. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Counci.1members Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartze1 None None " " GENERAL PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THE CODE: Consideration was given to the first reading of Ordinance Number 1306. Mayor Parks read the capti on as fallows,: ORDINANCE 'NUMB-ER-1306' , i", r) ..:~ : ", ,. ') : ') C', [ AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO GENERAL PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS AND CONTINUING'VIOLATIONS OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERS'ITY, PlACE,; ,TEXAS;; AMENDING SUCH CODE AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND RELATE[},'PROVISIONS. : ~ Copies of Ordinance Number 1306, in the form required for adoption', were' avai1ab1'e to.' 'a1lt"memb'e:r:s '()fCity Council-and a r'e-a~s'Ona'b1 e ,number 'of a-ddHi'o:na 1- copi',es a;v,ai lab1 e Ito, interested citizens present. . ' ,"" ,.' Mation was 'made :by. CounciTmember 'Bryan, seconded by Counci1member Schwartze1, that Ordinance Number 1306 be accepted on first 'readi'rig >asjjresented. ' : " ; . ;,' i ,.,:" , - \"' '" . Voting.Aye: Vating No.: Absent: 'Mayor:,Par.ks, Counci,lmembers Bryan, ,Brttto~,'Schwartze1 . None None Bell, ,:-;1 '!; , r" 1 . , , ,)' ," MOTOR VEHICLE PARKING: Consideration was, given to the first reading of Ordinance Number' 1307~~,Mayor Parks read,the caption as follows: . ~ ' . r AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO. PARKING OF VEHICLES IN CERTAIN AREAS UP.ON;PRIVATE. AND PUBlIC PROPERTY; AMENDIN(] THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OFr'THE c'ITY"OF'-,WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE., TEX~S; AND CONTAINING 'FINDINGS ANB'PROVISIONS:RELATING,TO,THE SUBJECT. Copies' of Ord-i nance, Nurriber,'"l-307, ,irhthe form requi red for adoption', were ava:i'lable to,.:all members of City Caunci1 and a ~ . ,,,....,,..... 1IIII~;~lr:! I II III II ~12-8 Regular City Council Meeting; November 23,'1987 i' reasonable' number of'add,ff;ona l~coi)ies avail ab1 e to' interested citizenspresent~'~/';';^--i'; " l The City Attorney, Mr. Dougherty, reviewed the changes made to the draft ordinance previ ous1y ~;:t'udi'ed,; by :CouncH .' .The changes 'i nc1 uded' Secti on 3 whi'ch','proy,i ded for: the property owner's liability for the vehic'le-'parked on' his prope,rty; Section 4 which specified a "Recreationa1 or Utility Vehicle" meansla motor home, a, motor vehicle with a gross vehicle weight greater than 12,000 pounds; and Section 8r~hic~,prov'dedfor an effective date of the ordinance. I '--......! Motion was made by Counci1member Bryan, seconded by Counci1member B~ll, that OrdfnanceNumber 1307 be accepted on first reading as presented. !, '.'; It: . ill; , Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent:' ",,' Counci1members Bryan, Bell, Britton Mayor Parks, Counci1member Schwartze1 NQJie':,;~", " 1.'-' ; r?; " Motion was made by Counci1member Bell, seconded by Counci1member Schwartze1, that the City Manager be requested to develop a plan to enforce the provisionsof:Ordinance No. 1307 that relies prima~i1.y upon specifi~ complaints rather than routine patrols. .': I " .,. . ,~ : r " , . 1'.' .:" . , , Vot'ing Aye': :M'a.y'br' P.arks~: CouncHinembers Bryan, Bell, 1 " :Br';tton ~':-Schwartzel. I Voting' No:, ',: None:,;]''; ';, i ' ~ Absent: None ,~ . PROPERTY /CASUAL TY I NSURANCE':'i""Consideratt'on 'was given to the reCommendati on ,for award'- of <contract for the Ci ty I s, property and casualty insurance. Bids were -recei-ved,fr.om:,the :followijngcompa,nies:' "," : I..." .I, r 1""/ ' Alexander and Alexander of Texas, Inc. (San Antonio/Houston); Anco Insurance Agency (Houston/Bryan); Employers InsLirance of:Texas (Houston/Dallas); and Texas Municipal LeagLie~Jo~nt Self-Insurance Fund (Austin/Houston). ,', The prpposa1s were analyzed by the Joseph Ivy Company with respect to breadth' and appropriateness",of 'coverage, limits ofl iabi1 ity, fixed 'and variable costs,'overall 'cash' flow considerations and overall program costs. The Joseph Ivy Company's recommendation, with: the concurrence of city'staff, was te award the contract to the Texas Municipal Le~gue JointSe1f-InsLirance Fund at the proposed' cost of $'25'7';2~6,lOO~>:i nc1 uding-increased limits on police and'public officia1snah'ility to: $3,000,000 and $1,000,000 respectively. MOtion was made by :(;;ounci1member Schwartze1, seconded by :€ountiil member, i Bri tton~ 'tha tt City Cbunci 1 accept the recommenda ti on J Regular City Council Meeting, November 23, 1987 ,..-<'! no \',\1..' , " ,':.....v and award the contract.f6r, property and casualty insurance to the Texas Municipal LeagueJo.intSe1f..Insurance Fund. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent,: ' , Mayor Parks, Counci1members Britton, Schwartze1 None', " ' None? " Bryan, Bell, CITY HALL LOAN: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $21,618:88 sl.Jbrilitted by First Republic Bank for payment due on'the city hall 1ban~ ' Motion was made by Counci1member Bryan, seconded by Counci1member Bell, thatthe'invoice: fh ,the ,amount of $21,618.88 submitted by First Republic BanK be approved for payment. Voting Aye: 'Voti ng Nd: Absent: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartze1 None' None FRANCHISE FEES: This item was removed from the agenda. PURCHASE OF REFUSE BAGS: ,Cons'; deratton ;was ',g,iv.en to the recommendation for award of contract for the purchase of Refuse , Bags . Bids received on'Ndvember 10, 1987 at 10: 00 a.m. were opened wi th thefo 11 owing' .resu Us: o Bidder Amount Bid , (,'I'; $ 72,347:.15, Adams Industries, Inc~ 3000 Superior Ln. Monroe, La. 71203 Arrow Industries, Inc. < P;O. Box 810489 Dallas, Texas 75381-0489 $ 73,905.00 Motion was made by Gouncilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that City CounciLaccept staff!', s recommendation and award the contract to the low bidder, Adams Industries~ Inc., at their bid price of $72,347.15. Voting Aye: Voting'No: Absent: MayorP,arks., GCi>.uJ;lcilmembers! Bryan; Bell, Britton, Schwal"tze1 NO'ne: , None REPAIR OF BULL DOZER: Consideration was give to ,authorizing the expenditure of $13,600.00 for repair of the land fill bull dozer. r ~7 r;:. ~r~, r Motion was made by Counci1member Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that City Council authorize the expenditure to repair the bull dozer. ~. I JII 'l L_ I ::~"'IMIIUllllf .. .. .]'.- 111'11ll!I'II'~ j' , i III 'II l~O Regular City Council Meeting~ November 23, 1987 i Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor;Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton ;;Schwartze1 None None,. " .:",,~ ,~ ~ HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT PAYMEN~: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $6:902.00 submitted for the first quarter payment due to th~Harris County Appraisal District. , ' Motion was made by Counci1member.Bryan,'seconded by Counci1member Bell, that the invoice in the amount~of $6,902.00 submitted by the ~arris County Appraisal District be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: , Absent: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Britton, 'Schwartze1 None None Bryan, Bell, AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS: Consideration was given to the request for authorization to advertise for bids for the following: (a) Purchase of one executive staff car, two patrol cars, one half ton extended cab truck (ACO), small 5 passenger van 'for the, 'Pol ice Department; ~ _ ..~, . J, (b) Purchase of one executive staff car for the Department of Opera t ions and 2': one ton pi ckup trucks, .wi th Tommy Lift, for the Water Division. ~I I ~ Councilmember Bryan inquired as to whether these vehicles were replacement or additional vehicles and was advised that they were all replacement items. The five passenger van will be used for Police Department surveillance work. Motion was made by Counci1member Bryan, seconded by Counci1member Bell, that City Council authorize advertising for bids for the items as listed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor' Parks, Counci1members Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartze1,' None None REPAIRS TO WATER'WELL#8 AND #9: Consideration was.given to the invoice submitted by Layne Texas Company for work performed during the repairs to water wells No. 8 and No.9, as follows: (a) Invoice in the amount of $49,030.85 for repairs to Water Well #8; (b) Invoice in the amount of $20,472.19 for repairs to Water ~ Well #9. Regular City Council Meeting." NOJvember 231,; 198;] !" 131 n Moti on was made by Counc;-lmember Bryan,' 'seconded by Counci 1member Bell, that the invoices 'submitted by:Layne Te,xas Company be approved for payment as 1 i sterle " Voting Aye:,. Mayor Parks, ,Counci1membersBryan, Bell, , , Brttton, Sch~artze1 Voting No: None Absent: None ~ t . REROOF OF CITY HALL:' Consideration was given to Change Order No.1 and final invoice in the amount of $19,845.00 submitted by C & H Construction Company for completion of the reroofing of City 'Hall. :;,' I . . :':' ~. . I Motion was made by Counci1member Bryan, seconded by Counci1member Bell, that City Council accept Change Order No.1 and approve the invoice submitted by C & H Construction Company for payment. Voting, Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks,: Counci1members Britton, SChwartze1 None' : .:' None Bryan, Bell, l~ CLEANING AND ROOT REMOVAL OF, DESLGNATED:.STORM:-DRAIN LINES:. Consideration was given to Change Order No. 1 and final invoice in the amou'nt 'of $14,269.00 .submitted by" Eco Resources' for c 1 eani ng of designated storm. drafJil1ines~ Moti on was made: by, --Counc;lmerhber Bryan" seconded by Counci 1member Bell, that City Council accept Change Order No.1 and approve the invoice submitted by'Eco Resources for payment. Voti ng Aye: Mayor' 'Parks, ,C-ounoi 1 members Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartze1 "Voting No: Nio'nel'" :" " ,.' , Absent':' , ' None . ' . ENGINEERING ,SERVICES FOR ..VARIOUS::U:r-ILHY,:RELATED:, PROJECTS: Consideration was give'n' 'to 'the invoices totaling $28,913.78 submitted by Langford Engineering Tnc., for engineering services on the following projects: ' (a) Invoice in the amount or:$2;416.27 for Water Line Replacement 'in :Pt'ior'ity. Area No.2, Rice Court and I " Monticello ,Subdi,vision:; . " j'Y ,j.....,: L (b) Invoice in the amount of $11,198.16 for Sanitary Sewer Renovations in Phase 2, Priority Area No.1, West University First Subdivision; (c) Invoice in the amount of $583.29 for the Water Line Replacement in Priority Area No.7, College Court Subdivision; II ill I l 1 ~I I .. I JII;~iUlrn 'II I: II III 132 Regular City Council Meeting~' November 231; il987 . ; (d)- Invoiceincth'e iamount<of :$.9J,,580.,60 ,for toe Sanitary Sewer RenoV:ationsdti, Phase ,3sPriority Area No.1, West University First Subdivision; ,.' (e ) Invofce in the ,'amount ':of $5,135.46 for. improvements to the Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Thickener and Digester. " Motion was made by Counci1member Bryan, seconded by Counci1member Bell, that,the invoices submitted',by:"Langford Engin~ering .Inc., be approved for paynient :as 1 isted~ .. ' " I'" Voting Aye: Voting No:" Absent: ' Mayor Parks, Counci1members Britton, Schwartze1 . None, ';, ,( , ,,:: " None,',,; Bryan , Bell, .. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Mayor Parks asked if the Tenneco Houston Marathon Hoop1a'Committee had coordinated the marathon notice with the water billing procedure.; :The Mayor'was advised that the marathon notice would be mailed with the water bi11s~ STAFF REPORT: City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, had nothing further for Counci1Is-~onside~ation at thistime~ . CITY COUNCILMEETINC MINUTES: Minutes of. the following City Council meetings were presented for consideration: ' ,(a) Regular Ses'sion on November 9, 1987 (b) Workshop Sesston on November 9, 1987 '(.c) Workshop Session. on November 19, 1987 . . " . Motion was made by Counci1member Bell, seconded by Counci1member Bryan, that the minutes of the meetings be approv~das submitted. Voti ngAye:' ; "VOting No: " Absent: Mayor Parks, Counci1members Bryan" BE!ll, Britton" Schwartzel , None, " None ADJOURNMENT: : With no further bus.;ness to come before Cou.ncil at thi,s time, motion wasrriade by,C.o:unCi1member Schwartze1, seconded by Counci1member Bryan, that the meeting adjourn. Such motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:57 P.M. ~; ., ! ~I I I , J ] :-' u Regular City Council Meeting, November 23, 1987 133 u .~ Michael L. Parks 'Mayor iJ6 ~ .. " (j,~ u ~o s ~ " , City SeCretarY ..:. , ~. . . - [J ., 1, " [ 'II I "UH,IUIII" 111:llflllil'il: II 1:1 IJI_ ":'134 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1987 CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 7:00 P.M. City Council convened in workshop session in the City Hall Conference Room~ 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Thursday, December 10, 1987, with the following members present: Mayor Parks, presiding; Council members Bryan, Bell, Britton and Schwartze1. Also present were the City Managef;-Director of Administration, City Attorney, and the Director of Operations. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: There were none present who wished to speak. Mayor Parks announced he had to leave early and asked if he could take ;,Counci 1 CO,mments out of order. He presented a 1 etter urgi ng residents to vote in the upcoming Metro referendum. Council members and the city attorney mentioned prior policies against a-dvocqtin'g\' pel iticaJ positions. The Mayor stated it wou1 d not advocate a specific yes or no vote. The letter is meant to be informational and could be changed to keep it from being interpreted as a "for" position. This was agreed upon and placed on the regular council agenda for approval. The Mayor left the meeting at 7:20 p.m. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION FOR AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE SANITARY SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT IN PHASE 2, PRIORITY AReA 1: The award of a contract for the sanitary sewer renovation project, Phase 2, Priority Area No.1, was discussed. It was agreed to place this item on the regular council agenda Monday, December 14, for award. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER PUBLIC RELATIONS POLICIES: The public relations policies were discussed and it was decided that this would be handled by the Communications Committee. DISCUSSION OF FINANCIAL ADVISOR FOR FUTURE BOND ISSUES: City Council agreed to interview four financial advisory firms for a possible upcoming bond election. The interviews will be in a workshop meeting after the first of the year. Firms to be interviewed are: Greer, Moreland Fosdick & Shepherd Moroney & Beissner First Southwest Company Masterson & Company ~ , I I ! < ! I '~ 'l :J J City Council Workshop Session, December 10, 1987 ,1>"'~5 ' 1.-'t.J . n COUNCIL COMMENTS: Counci1member Bryan asked that the City Manager call Bill Hughes, Long Range Planning Committee:Chairman, and find out the status of the committee. STAFF REPORT: The City Manager distributed the draft agenda for Council's review. City Council asked,about the. b~dget'amendment which was explained by Donna Sims~ ADJOURNMENT: " There being no~further busine~s to come before City Council at this time, the meeting was declared adjourned at 9:45 p.m. [' a~fj,~l.-' Audrey Ni, 0 S ' ' City Secretary ? 'j-:1 - ~t < . , , n ill I' , I qU,l qfiUI I'" ,J IllnllffFr 'I 1,1 III ill 136" REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 14, 1987 CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 3800 UNIVERSITY ,BLVD. .] : 30' P ~ M . City Council, convened in regular session in the City Hall Council Chamber~'3800 University Boulevard,;in'theCity of West University P1 ace, on Monday, December 14;' 1987 ,wi th the fo 11 owing members present: Mayor Pro Tern Bryan, presiding; Counci1membersBe11, Britton and Schwartze1. Mayor Parks was absent. Also present were 'the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Director of Administration" Director ~f Operations, and the Chief of Police. Counci1member Bell de 1 i vered t,he 'i nvo~ati on' and 1 ed" :th'er All egi ance to the F1 ag. . , p., ~ 'j ~ HEARING Of RESIDENTS: Mayor Pro Tern Bryan invited residents to speak who had matters they wished to bring to the attention of the City Council which had not previously been submitted to the City Manager. Bryan Eustis, 3903 Marlowe, addressed Council concerning house movers damaging trees and leaving debris in neighboring yards. He felt the situation needed to be more closely monitored and that neighbors should be notified before a house is moved. Mr. Eustis suggested the movers be required to make a depQsit worth the same as the value of the house and refundable on1j whe~ debris is ' cleaned up. City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, advised that a $200 permit fee was charged for house moving. There is a city policy for follow up inspection for house movers. Mr. Rockenbaugh suggested staff check into this particular situation. Mayor Pro Tern Bryan thanked Mr. Eustis for his comments and recommended this be discussed at the next workshop. CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Pro Tern Bryan invited residents who wished to address a specific agenda item to speak at this time. There were none present who wished to speak concerning an agenda item . ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Pro Tern Bryan requested Item No. 16, LETTER TO CITIL~NS, be removed from the consent agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion was made by Counci1member Britton, seconded by Counci1member Bell, that, with the exception of item No. 16, the consent agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendation. I i I ~ I-~ \...........! '~ U Regular City Council Meeting, December 14; 1987 137 fl L\ Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Pro Tem'Bryan, Counci1members Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None Mayor Parks GENERAL PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE CODE: Consideration was given to the second reading of Ordinance Number 1306. Mayor Pro Tern Bryan read the caption as follows: ORDINANCE NUMBER 1306 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO GENERAL PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS AND CONTINUING VIOLATIONS OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AMENDING SUCH CODE AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND RELATED PROVISIONS. Copies of O'rdinance Number 1306, in the form required for adoption, Wereavai1abTe to'al1 members of CityCounctl and a reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens present. Motion was made by Counci1member Schwartze1, seconded by Councilmember Britton, tha.t-Ordinance Number 1306 be adopted as presented On second and ftna T readi ng. . I' [] Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Pro T em Bryan , Councilmembers Bell, Britton, Schwartze1' None -Mayor Pci'tks '. -, -!', MOTOR VEHICLE PARKING: Consideration was given to the second reading of Ordinance Number 1307. Mayor Pro Tern Bryan read the caption as follows: ) 'AN 'ORDINANCE RELATING TO PARKING OF VEHICLES IN CERTAIN AREAS UPON PRIVATE AND PUBLIC PROPERTY; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. I ' Copies of Ordinance Number 1307 ,"in.:the form required for adoption, were available to all members of City Council and a reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens present. 'I' 'l' Motion was made by Counci1member Bell, seconded by Counci1member Britton, that Ordinance Number 1307 be approved as presented on second and final reading. The C,ty Attorney advised thatitheSettion 158~ top paragraph on Page 2, was changed .to, read,: !'In, any 'prosecution charging a violation of Section 13-141, proof that the vehicJeinquestion was parked upon private property for two hours or, more, together with proof that the person charged was the owner of said property - -~_. __' _______.____.~.w::I ~ - --, 'IP.I-jl'MI. mm:T" L I ! II! .... '40 _ luu Regular City Council Meeting~ December 14,1987 ~ ~ at that time, shall constitute"I9Feef*rima facie evidence that the person charged parked the ve lcle ln question at such time". ---., I '----" In the discussion that followed, Mayor Pro Tern Bryan suggested she was expecting additional ,information relative to the ordinance. Motion was then made by Counci1member SChwartze1, seconded by Counci1member Britton, that Ordinance Number 1307 be tabled until such time as the additional information was available for study. Vcrt,i ng ~ye: ''''Voting No: Absent: Mayor I Pro .lerri"Bryan, Councilmembers Bell, Brittbn,~ 'Schwartze1 None' Mayor', Parks " BUDGET AMENDMENT: Consideration Was given to the first reading of Ordinance Number 1308." Mayo'r Pro Tern Bryan read the caption as fo 11 ows : " , ORDINANCE NUMBER 1308 , , AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ,BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING.JANUARY!, 1987 APPROVED BY ORDINANCE 1268 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ADOPTED ON SEPTEMBER 29, 1986, AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND RELATED PROVISIONS. ] Copies of Ordinance Number'1308,inthe form required for adoption, were available to all members of City Council and a reasonable number of additf6naltopies available to interested citizens present. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartze1, seconded by Councilmerriber Bell, 'that 'Ordinance Number 1308 be accepted on first reading as presented. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: . i Mayor Pro Tem'Bryan, Councilmembers Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None Mayor Parks ELECTRICAL CODE: Consideration'was given to the first reading of Ordinance Number 1309. Mayor Pro Tern Bryan read the caption as follows: 'ORDINANCE NUMBER 1309 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITV PLACE, TEXAS; ADOPTING THE 1987 EDITION OF THE NATIONAL - ELECTRICAL CODE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND RELATED PROVISIONS. u Regular City Council Meeting~ December 14~ 1987 139 Copi es of Ordi nance Number, 1309 ~ .' in, the form requi red, for" adoption, were available to all members of City Council and a reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens present. Motion was made by Counci1member Britton, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that Ordinance Number 1309 be accepted on first reading as presented. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Bryan, Councilmembers Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None Mayor Parks FOOD HANDLERS TRAINING COURSE; CERTIFICATE: Consideration was given to the first reading of Ordinance Number 1310. Mayor Pro Tem Bryan read the caption as follows: , .. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO FOOD HANDLERS I, TRAINING COURSES; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE ,CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS AND CONTAINING RELATED PROVISIONS. ' o Copi'esof Ordfnam:i'eNurribe~ cla-l0:~ '1:rrthe ,,form required for adoption, were available to all members of City Counci'l "and a reasonable number of additional copies available to interested citizens present. ' ; i;.;;" ; :.,..1 :~:2 .. '; d Motion was made by Counci1member Bell, seconded by.councilmember Schwartzel, that Ordinance Number. 13.10 be accepted on first reading as .presented. Voting, Aye:' .- I MayorPrd'Tem-Bryan, CouncilrriembersBe1l, Britton~' Schw.a rtze 1 None' t ,. , Mayor Parks 'Voting No: Absent: SANITARY SEWER ~ENOVATIONS'~ PHASE 2, PRIORITY AREA 1, WEST UNIVERSITY FIRST SUBDIVISION: Consideration was given to awarding of the contract for the construction of the sanitary sewer renovations project. Bids. received on October'~l~ 1987 at 10:00 a.m. were publicly opened with results as follows:." , ',I ,~.: " T U~") I'; l Bidder Total Amount of B'i d' )' '-,' .., Number of Cal end'ar Days u Jamcon Construction $1,077 ,252.55f';'~ 15622 Magee Houston, Texas. 77032 Bearden Contracting Co. $1,131,475.001;) P.O. Box 218506 Houston, Texas 77218 [ .2.50 ',""' ,,270 , JlIIUW>Hlllli1d ',' III I ~ r- , ,\ 140 Regular City Council Meeting~ December 14;']:987 Kinsel'Iridustries, Inc. ' $1,198,717.50 5720 All i son HoustOn~Tex~s 77048: Wheaton Construction Co. $1,239,945.00 P.O. Box"641" . '" Katy, Texas 77492-06411 350 310 u , 'I,. I W. T. Stephens 1400 Post Oak'Blvd., , I Suite 750 Houston, Texas 77056 Whitelak, Inc. '2530 Knoblock Hc)ust6h', 'Texas 77023 ':1) - ," j , , $1,349,160.00 180 ~, " " $1,393,354.00 300 , ',' )' '1,', .... ',' I' . , ~ , Crawford-Gray 5402 Simsbrook: Hbustbn~ Texas ,77045' $1,663,034.25 300 " Motion w~s made by Counci1member Britton, seconded ,by , Councilmember Bell, that City Council award the contract to the low ,bfdder, Jamcon Construc'tion, at thei r' 'b,i d pri ce of $>1,071',252.55.1' l' ' , ' :, 'i '~,1 I ' . \ " " j Councilmembers ,Bell, 1 U Voting Aye: Voting No:' Abs'ent: Mayor Pro Tern Bryan, Britton, Schwartzel None Major p'arks .':' ' . ' ' \" ' WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT SLUDGE THICKENER AND DIGESTER: Consideration was gi,ven to 'the awa,rd' of the construction contract for the Wastewater "fireatment Plant:sludge thickener and digester. Bids received on Wednesday, December 9, 1987, were opened with the following resul1ts:: ' , . Total 'Amount ',of~Bid, Bi CIder -. ," ~, J' " ',' :Tida1 Constr(Jction~ Inc~ 8900 Edgebrook Houston, Texas 77075 " ~.$12,536.00' " ", , Peltier Brothers Construction:~ $12,985.00 8222 Fawndale f1ouston, Texas 7704'0-', I: Nunn & Shumway Construction 13209 Ann Louise Road ;Houston, Texas 77086', ,,',' $16',100.00 . -... '. i "--.oJ Regular City Council Meeting, December 14, :1987 D T&C Construction, Inc~ 5411 Ki 11 ough Houston, Texas 77086 ... .~.. " +t1:1 $16,800.00 Motion was made by Councilmember Britton, seconded by 'Counci lmember Bell, that: City Counci 1 award the contract for construction of the sludge thickener and digester to the low bidder, Tidal Construction, Inc~, at their bid price.of $12,536.00. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Pro Tern Bryan, Councilmembers Bell, Britton,Schwartz~l None' . !,: Mayor Parks , , FEE SCHEDULE: Consideration,was given to authorizing fees adopted with the budget for fiscal year 1988. ' Motion was made by Councilmember Britton, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that City Council approve and authorize fees for city services effective January 1,1988, as follows: Garbage Collection Fee ' ,$10.,75 per month; Street Li ghti ng Cha:rge ' ; ""I - . '$ 1.00 per month. [ Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Pro Tern Bry.an, Councilmembers Bell, Britton,Schwartzel None' ',' Mayor Parks WATER PRIORITY AREA NO. 2, MONTICELLO ADDITION AND RICE COURT SUBDIVISIONS: Consideration was give to Monthly Estimate No. 7 in the aniount' 'of '$'33 r453 .:80 subini ttedby El la C.ontra.cti ng , I nc., for wor'k performed ;th~rough .::November'30, 1987. . 'j -. . r; , Motion was made by Counci1member Britton, seconded by Councilmember Ben ,:'that Monthly Estimate 'No. 7 ;nthe amount of $33,453.80 submitted~by,EHa Contracting Inc., for work performed on construction of Water,P,riority Area No. 2 be approved for payment. I', Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Pro Tern Bryan, Council members Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None Mayor."Parks ' ' LEGAL SERVICES: Consideration was'given to/the invoice in the amount of $3,872.40 submitted ,for legal services provided on the 'City IS behalf',' for the month,\o.f::November ,1987... I~ L' Motion was made by Counci1member Britton, seconded by Counci1memberBell, that the invbicefor legal services for the month of :November' 1987:, be 1 approved . for payment. IIll1llr-flllm~ I : ~~ fT'"- ~ T -.----------, 142 Regular City Council Meeting; December 14,:1987 Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Pro Tern Bryan~ Councilmembers Bell, Britton, Schwartzel, None Mayor Parks ENGINEERING SERVICES FORVARIOUS',PROJECTS,:' Consideration was given 'to the invoice $15,379-.15' submitted:;by Langford Engineering Inc., for the fall owi ng; projects: ' " (a) Invoice No. 5281 in,the amount of,$836~95 for Water Line Replacement' in'Priority'Area No.2, Rice Court and Monticello Subdivision; (b) Invoice No. 5283 in the amount of $416.93 for Sanitary Sewer Renovationin"Phase'2, Priority Area 1, West University First Subdivision; '(c) Invoice No.' 5'284 in the amount of $565..72 for Waterline . I, Replacement'Project "i;n: Water Priority Area, No.7, Coll ege 'Court/Addi t'i on;' Cd) Invo;ceNo. 5285 in the amount of $11,611.77 for Sanitary Sewer Renovation, Phase 3, Priority Area 1, " 'West University First Subdivision; (~) Invoic~No.5286 in the, amount 0~$765.35 for Improvements to the Sludge Thickener and Digester, Wastewater Treatment Plant; .. ,! --I I I 1 '--" (f) Invoice No. 5287 in the amount of $1,182.43 for study to fully automate th~,Wakeforest .Water ,P,l ant. Motion was made by Counci1member Britton; seconded by Councilmember Ben,. that the, ,invoice's, submitted by Langford Engine,ering Inc," be ,approved for payment, as 1 isted. r. t. .. }! Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor pr.o Tem,Bryan, Britton, Schwartzel , · NO'ne Mayor Parks Councilmembers Bell, . ' LETTER TO CITIZENS: Mayor Pro Tern Bryan advised Council that the Metro election informational letter was mailed without the change incorporated as Council discussed at workshop on December 10, 1987. Only the first of a seri~s of mailings had been"~ent; , Thechahge'which. deleted "for Metro~' has since been made.. Consideration should be given to approving and authorizing the letter as'amended"to be included in the water bills to residents. Moti on" was made: by'CouncNmembe,r B-ri ttOf'Ii, . seconded' by Councilmember Bell, 'that City'Council' approve the Metro election \ I ~ o u i L It:13 Regular City Council Meeting, December 14, 1987 informational letter for mailing to residents as amended, that is, deleting the one reference "for Metro". . Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Ma,yor Pro Tem Bryan, Councilmembers Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None Mayor Parks STAFF REPORT: City Manager, Mr. Rockenbaugh, had nothing further for Council's consideration at this time. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the regular city council meeting on November 23, 1987, were presented for consideration. Motion was made by Counci1member Schwartze1, seconded by Counci1member Britton, that the minutes of the regular city council meeting on November 23, 1987, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Pro Tern Bryan, Councilmembers Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None Mayor Parks ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before Council at this time, motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Counci1member Bell, that the meeting adjourn. Such motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m. ___ ___~-___~- 1L..--........._-'---i______..__~C.___'...Ll__m_ "I,;,'V;fIljMI-~'l1hllll"'-': '144 JlllIHl t-l'~l'~ I i L--" I t I IT' r-~ Regular City Council Meeting; December 14,,1987 ?k~~l, u rey Ni 0 S .' . Ci ty ~ecr ary . , ~~Il~~ Beth n ryan "Mayor Pro' Tern ' '; ./" 'C , ," I ,;:",' : J ;.~ . > . J' <' i ". . I '(', . , i' -'.,' , \ :, - f ,.'1 I;,: "n--' . (.. I , \ , ! .j i.;,.. r! . I II I ~ i I I i '--./ n c n 145 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION ,l ' MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1987 ~5-" "\ " CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM ~<.t,!~l:,l A.J j..".~ ,;,.~.t)?' 3800 UNIVERSITY'BLVD. , " "7:0Q,P.M. City Council convened in workshop session in the City Hall Conference Room, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Monday, December 21" 1987:; w;-ththe: fo 11 owi ng members present: Mayor Pro Tem Bryan, presiding; Councilmembers.Belland Schwartze1. Mayor Parks and Counci1member Britton were absent. Also present were the City Manager, City Secretary and the Director of Operations. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: "There were none 'present who' wished to speak. DISCUSSION OF LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Members of City Council discussed committee charges with the Long Range Planning Committee Chairman, Bill Hughes. Mr. Hughes agreed to report back to Council the third week in January. DISCUSS PARKING ORDINANCE: : Councilmember Bryan distributed copies of parking ordinances from Bunker Hill and Hunters Creek. She is waiting to receive copies from Highland Park and University Park. City Councll'agreed to postpone placing this item on the regular agenda until the ordinances are received. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPOINTMENT TO THE HARRIS-GALVESTON COASTAL SUBSIDENCE DISTRICT: Since the appointment to the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District is to be made by the Mayors from West University, Be11aire, Southside Place and Jacinto City, Council deferred discussion. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR THE SUNSET BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT: City Council discussed the request from the State Department of Highways & Public Transportation for additional funds in the amount of $7,870.95 for the construction contract to replace the Sunset Bridge. City Council agreed to place this item on the regular meeting agenda for December 28, 1987. COUNCIL COMMENTS: City Council discussed the update of various reports. Counci1member Bryan suggested the house moving procedures be included in the next edition of City Currents. Jlll!lljd I ~~'f~ I I I l I rrr .~ --'--,r ~&t8, City Council Workshop Session, December 10, 1987 ~i: ~I"J ~ ":' STAFF REPORT: ,,~'; ,j J _I, " City Manager, Mr. Rockeribaugh,distributed the draft agenda for December 28, 1987, regular",meeting. It was explained that a res i dent, Mr. Healey, has "reqiie-s ted to address City Counc i 1 during the meeting. CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION: In'the Mayor I s absence, Gi ty Coimc i'1 did not convene in closed executive session. .". "'f ADJOURNMENT: With no further'busin~ssto come before City Council at this time, ~he .meetingwas adjourned at 8:42 p.m. ~ ',~ 'I~' I ,;" ", r ~: ", aA~~t,.J L Audrey Nl 1 s City Secre 'ry , . ,,' ~ I I I I I ~ , 1 \ I ! I U n n '--' n 147 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 28, 1987 CITY HALL COUNCIL (CHAMBER 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. " 7:30P~M'. City Council convened in regular session' in,the City Hall Council Chamber, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Monday, December 28:, 198T,with the followingm~mbers present: Mayor Pro Tern Bryan; pres'iding;!,Councilmembers Bell, and Britton. Mayor Parks and Councilmember Schwartzel came in late. Also present were the C'ity Secretary, Ci'ty' Attorney ,Director of Administration, Director of Operations, and Chief, of Police~ Counci1member Britton delivered the invocation and led the Allegiance to the Flag. Mayor Pro Tern Bryan announced that Agenda Item No. 9 would be taken ~,!Jt of sequence and be considered first. .2 ..".-,' REPAIRANQ/PAINTING'GRQUND: $:rORAGE'.WATER RESERVOIRS: Consideration _,; '".-:, ."e,wasg'iJk*l-'.to' thA/recommendation.!foraward!of,~ the contract to l repair and paint the two ground 'storage water reservoirs. Don Reichle, representing Reichle & As~ociates, Inc., distributed copies of the bid tabulationfrom,bids>received December 22, 1987. One bid was late and was not opened. The bids were as follows: (J ;,' Bidder Net Bid Diversified Coatings ,Limi,ted 200 C East Main Mascoutah, III 62258 ~$, r6J ,285.00 Lupton Paint Co. . 1100 East Wayne Shawli:ee;' ,'Ok 74801:: , ,: l 71A12.0Q, '-~ c) <'-l/} " , .$ 7,5,,'785..00 -';, ,I ndustr,i a1 Contractors "'1 c, P.O. Box 42336 Houston, Tx 77240 'Travi'sI ndustrial 3400 Nacogdoches Road San Antonio, Tx 78217 $ 87,211.00 Solar Forms, Inc. ,,' P ~O. Box 2111.:'> ' ; ., Texas City; Tx 77590,." $ 89,826.00 J ,{ , l, ,''': hi q .~, i ,~ - . ,-\ 1 ..~ , '. I '"0' ; ~ ' .! .~ !'~ .' Odland Coatings 3801 128h Avenue N.E. Blaine~ Minn 554'34 $145,080.00 ~-'-L~~_",-.lil._ 1 -" 'I . ____.._._~___._____ l.:i:fll~IHI'RII . , 'II L._ _. _. _ .-.J~..fj.itf~~, IU I II "'"'{ ~ ~',_'1"' ~~~~ 148 Regular City Council Meeting, December 28, 1987 A-Way Tank Service Baton Rouge, La Mr. Reichle recommended the coritractbe awarded to the low bidder, Diversified Coatings; at their bid price of $67,285.00. Bid-received late - not opened ~~l , , '---' During the discussion, Counci1member Schwartzel came in at 7:40 p~m. 'and Mayor. Parks ,arriVed at'7:42 p.m. Motion was made by Councilmember Bell, seconded by Councilmember Britton, that City Council accept staff's recommendation and award , the contract for repair and, painting' of the two ground water storage' tanks to Diversified: Coatings,: Limited, at their bid price of $67,285.00. " . .... , Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None HEARING OF RESIDENTS: MCiyor~'Parks' invited residents to speak who had matters they wished to bring to the attention of the City,Council ,:"hichhad not previouslYbeen1submitted to the City Manager. There were none present who wished to speak. CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Parks invited residents who wished to address a specific agenda item to speak at this time. I , I ~ Mr. David Healey, 2903 Nottingham, addressed Council stating he had a water bill problem that was about five months old. He claimed to have already paid the bill, but the city picked up a previous balance incorrectly. Also, while on vacation Mr. Hea1ey's residence experienced a water leak. Mr. Healey ta 1 kec,t to the ,Superi,ntendent of Uti 1 it i es who recommended' that Mr. Healey receive a credit for the water that did no'4 go through the sewer lines. The City of Houston has a policy whereby a resident gets a credit for water that was not used to the benefit of the owner and the amount is credited to the sewer bill. The water bills are not adjusted. Counci1member Schwartze1 agreed that Houston does have that policy and they will give a resident partial credit. However, it would have to go into West University Place's budget as an increase in water rates. . .. Mr. Healey then suggested that during the Christmas holidays, the residents assumed trash would be picked up. The City was closed for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Mr. Healey did not feel the residents were given proper notice that trash would not . be picked up. ' I I Mayor Parks recommended that, in the future, the notice of ~ holidays be put in the "City Currents II a month in advance. Regular City Council Meeting~ December 28,,1987 :'149 D'" r., ~ .=~ ~' ~~ - Mr. Healey suggested heavytrash;pick up follow procedures to include a confirmation number, assigned as the pick ups are requested. Mr. Healey'furthersuggested that the ,$1.00 street light charge be rolled into the tax base so that residents may . wri te it off the'i r;' income taxes. Mayor Parks responded that the matter of use charge versus increased taxes was reviewed every year at budget time and would be again. Mr. Healey stated there is 'a policy that a resident is limited to purchase one roll of garbage bags at a time. Recently he was tol d he coul d buy only" one roll. The other day he had 23 bags of limbs. Mayor Parks responded the policy came about because of available storage space. In order to have an adequate supply for residents to buy as many garbage bags as they wished" city ha,llwould have to purchase many more bags at one time which would be a storage problem. Mayor Parks thanked Mr. Healey for his comments and assured Mr. Healey his suggestions wou1u be taken und~r advisement for further study. City staff would respond .to the water bill probl em. ' ~c:, ~~ 'J~': ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: No member of City Council suggested removing an item from the consent agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion was made tiy. 'Counc:i 1 member Schwa,rtze 1 ;' seconded by Counci1member Bryan, that the consent agenda be approved in accordance 'w,i th,~sta;ff~ecommendati on ~ ' . Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers'Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartze1 ' None Non~ ' i I 'j: BUDGET AMENDMENT: Consideration was given to the second reading of Ordinance Number 1308. Mayor Parks read the caption, as follows: ORDiNANCE NUMBER 1308 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE, FISCA~ YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1987 APPROVED BY ORDINANCE '1268: 9F THE CITY OF WEST UNINERSITY"P,\!.ACEI, TEXAS" J 'ABOPT~DONSEPTEMBER 29, 1986,'ANB CONTAINING FIMDINGS AND RELATED' PROVlSIONSi., ' ~(!':~ ~' ~~; ,--"' Copies of Ordinance Number 1308, in the form required for adopti'on, were aVai'lable to" all' memb'ersof City Counc-i,' and a reasonabl'e number of additi'ona~ copies available to .interested citizens present. ..,J",..,.,., 'II "!'I::f1nr irl!~,r" I II "' :, U,Althi.t'(~llil!L,i!L' ., J_E" ",.,J.._ Regular City Council Meeting, December 28,;1987 1 ,~<:, .p .' Motion was made by Counti lmember" Br,itton, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, ,that Ordinance Number'13Q8 be aQopted as pre~~nted,on se~ond and final reading. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Cou.ncilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None Nene'" " ;':" 1";. ~"~ 4 """ ELECTRIC^l CODE: Consideration was given to the second reading of Or~inance Number 1309. Mayor Parks read the caption, as follows: ORDINANCI NUMBER 1309 i AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE 'CITY OP'~EST UNIVERSITY PLACE~ TEXAS; ADOPTING,THE 1987 EDITIO~ OF THE ,NATIONAL; ELECTRICAl. CODE; PROVIDING AN . EFFECTIVE DATE AND, CONTAINING,. FINDINGS AND RELATED PROVISIONS. Copies of Ordi nance Numb.er,1309",: J n ,the form requi red for a.doption, were av:ailable ;to all members of City Council and a reasonable number of additional copies ,available to interested citizens present. Motion was madeoyCouncilmember Schwartzel; seconded by , Councilmember Bryan, that Ordinance Number 1309 be adopted as presented on second and final reading. Voting :Aye: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Be.ll, Britton, Schwartzel Voting No: Non~ Absent: ' None" ' ~ i FOOD HANDLERS TRAINING COURSE; CERTIFICATE: Consideration was given to the second reading of Ordinance Number 1310. Mayor Parks read the caption, as follows: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO FOOD HANDLERS' TRAINING COURSES; AMENDING THEGODE~OF,ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS AND CONTAINING RELATED PROVISlONS. \. Cop; es of Ordinance Number, 1310, i n th~; for," requi red for adoption, were available to all in~mb~rs of City Council and a reasonable number of additional copies ava;-lable to interested citizens present. - . . '.' . , ' Mot'ioriiwas"made by Coundlfnember Bryan;, seconded, by, Counci1member Bell, that Ordinance-Numberc131G.beadopted-as presented on second and final reading. Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel f.il I m LJ m LJ U''- c , ~~ : ''iifi< i.'H., Regular Ci ty Council Mee'ti ng, Dec'ember 28, 1987 .~ ....... '". ": . . IJ7; 1 U ~i. Voting No: Absent: None :None: CABLE TV FRANCHISE: Consideration was given to authorize ,the City Attorney to file suit to collect monies owed the City from audited franchise fees. An audit of',the City's cable TV franchise indicat~d money was owed to the City in the amount of $9,284.86. Mayor Parks suggested, with Council's concurrence, that the City Attorney contact the cable TV franchisee to secure collection of the money owed the City and to review the franchise contract for possible future action. ' The City Attorney, James L. Dougherty, Jr., suggested it would be best if he consulted with staff and then. advise council-as to an estimated cost for the litigation. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, 'second~d py Councilmember Bryan, that the City Attorney be authorized to pursue collection of the money owed the City and to report back to Council. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel . , None None SUNSET BRIDGE REPLACEMENT: Consideration was given to authorize additional expenditure of $7,870.95 for the Sunset Bridge Replacement project as requested by the 'State Department of Highways and Publ ic Transportation. """.! ':' Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that City Council authorize the additional $7,870.95 for the Sunset Bridge project. '. . Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton,'Schwartzel None' ",' . None ~ Voting No: Absent: 1986 BOND PAYMENT: 'Consideration was given to the, invoice in the amount of $282,125.00 submitted by, First,City National Bank of Houston for principal and interest due for the 1986 Bond Issue. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartze1,seconded by Counci1member Bryan, that the invoice,'iri the,:amount of,$282,125.00 submitted by First City National Bank of Houston be approved for payment. .j: ' _ I .: \ Ii Voting Aye: Mayor Parks, Counc~lmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None Voting No: Absent: , T',I':J r' ") I ""'1'''''111.t1J: , "I" ",.J:,",~.""" 1111'''II''I'!'I,,!<IIl'i~1 I . I. ,I. ".1 I" ~j;W,L.U..~.c' " -I: 1'1-1:1',,",,';1' !"';' ~'.~ I, ,_ . _ "H.'~_~{~ > "I 152 Regular City Council Meeting; De e'embe r' 281,,1987 PURCHASE OF POLICE AND STAFF VEHICLES: Consideration was given to the recommendation for award of the .contracts for purchase of the vehicles for the Police Department and Department of Operations. Bids were received December 21,,1987, with the following results: , . . : Two 'Patrol ;'Cars . ) t Bidder Amount Bid per Unit Joe. Meyers'. Ford , "i 16634 'NortHwest Freeway>' ; ; I, Houston, Texas 77040 ,'$ ,12:,352.38, WestwayFord $ 12,361.94 16634 NOrthwest Freeway. , Houston, Texas 77040 Jack Roach Fordf' ;"iX "$112,385.75 2727 Southwest Freeway',,:.. '" ,,' Houston, Texas' 77098 Galleria Area Ford $ 12,699.00 P .0.' Box 27285 Houston, Texas 77227~7285 Knapp Chevrolet 815 Houston Housten, Texas 77210 --$12,799.00 ' Mort Hall Ford, lnc.. 10730 Eastex Freeway Houston, Texas 77093 , , $ ,13 ,132.00 "/ " \' ..... "I' , , . $ 13,493.70 Courtesy Chevrolet 7777 Katy Freeway- Houston, Texas 77024 ;..,.l i': " ,':' 'Police, Staff',Car Bidder ,Amount Bid per Unit Joe,Meyers Ford , 16634 Northwest Freeway HOu s ton, T ex'a's 77040 ,- $12,306.99 Westway Ford ,: . 16634 Northwest Freeway' Houston, Texas 77040' , '$12,312.93 Jack Roach Ford 2727 Southwest Freeway , Houston, Texas 77098, " $ 12,381. 45 ~:1li;<I:'!li'lr ~-'.,~;ff W"" ,1.-->'1" .~;. ~:! C:-l W ~., ~.~~ . ,'"~ '~.{-- ;c..f' , - i - Regular City Council Meeting, December 28, 1987 ._<1 I r' . ~'1l-,,-..~~~\~1 , I ~ 'I 1 153 , ' Regular City Council Meeting, December 28,1987 1SI) , ~ ,it 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck for Animal Control Officer' Bidder Amount Bid per Unit, ~'a" ,-- "- ~;:.,:-< ~?~~ .~, Knapp Chevrolet 815 Houston Houston, Texas 77210 $ 9,640.00 Westway Ford ", 16634 Northwest Freeway Houston, Texas 77040 $ 9,787.10 " Jack Roach Ford 2727 Southwest Freeway Houston, Texas 77098 Courtesy Chevrolet 7777 Katy Freeway Houston, 'Texas 77024, Galleria Area ,Ford' P.O. Box 27285 Houston, Texas 77227-7285 Joe Meyers Ford ' 16634 Northwest Freeway 'Houston, Texas 77040 $ 9',871.35 <,' ", $ '"'9,883.63 $ 10,091.00 Mort Hall Ford; Inc. 10730 Eastex Freeway Houston, Texas 77093 Small Five Passenger Van for Police"Department $ 10,133.20 0 ~ .: , , $ 10,819.00 Bidder Amount Bid -per Unit, Joe Meyers Ford 16634 Northwest Freeway Houston, Texas 77040 $ 11,543.80 Westway Ford 16634 Northwest Freeway Houston, Texas 77040 Knapp Chevrolet 815 Houston Houston, Texas 77210 $ 11,798;65" $ 11,960.00 Jack Roach Ford 2727 Southwest Freeway Houston, Texas 77098 $ 12,111.95 Q:'" i<" ". Regular City Council Meeting, December 28, 1987 '" --5 it) Galleria Area Ford P.O. Box 27285 Houston, Texas 77227-7285 $ 12,121.00' Courtesy Chevrolet 7777 Katy Freeway Houston, Texas 77024 $ 12,123.18 \--:- . Mort Hall Ford~ 'Inc. ' 10730 Eastex Freeway Houston, Texas 77093 $ 12,,518.00 Staff's recommendation was to award the' contracts' to' the low bidders: ~"-'" .::i4: .J;" ~5:: two new 1988 4-door police cars to Joe Meyers Ford at the bid price of $12,352.38 per unit; . " ,,', , one new 1988 4-door police staff car ,to Joe Meyers Ford at the bid price of $12,306.99; one new 1988 4-door staff car for Operations Department to Knapp Chevrolet at the bid price of $11~189.00;, one new 1988 one~ha1f ton truck to Knapp Chevrolet at the, bid price of $9,640.00; one new 1988 small passenger van to Joe Meyers Ford at the bid pr'ice' of'$11,54J..80. . 1'" "I. " , I Motion was made by Counci1membe:r. Schwartze1, seconded,by Councilmember.Bfy.an;that City Council accept staff's ", recommendation and award the contracts to the low bidders as 1 fsted. ' '-;" . , , ',. ",.'. 'I Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Gouncilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None :..1 ~ -, - I ',~ ',' Purchase' of, two 3/4 TON PICKUP, TRUCKS: ' Consi derati on was. g'iven to staff's recommendation to 'award the'.'contract for purchase of two 3/4 ton pickups for the Water Division. Bids were received on December 23, 1987, with the following results: , 'B i dde'r :'Net Bid '~ 1'; '.. Tommie Vaughn Motors :1145 N. Shepherd Houston, Texas 77248': $ 21,813.36 - .", Westway Ford P.O. Box 36344 Houston, Texas 77036 $122,138.98 I ~r. -:UT ! i n I. J l:JlU:', l::!1, U l' '11 1 ::;, :'l!f T~ .. Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartze1~ seconded ,by Councilmember Bryan, that City Council accept staff1s recorrimendati on and award the' "contra.ct 'to the 1 ow bi dder, Tommi e Vaugh'ri ~Motdrs, at the bid: :price of $21,813.36. , ' ! J . Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: .... . . Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None APPLICATION SOFT WARE: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $13,243.34'submitted'by Municipal Software for fina~ paymen'!:'due'on the application' software for various city divisions. ' ., " " Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartze1, seconded by Counci1member Bryan, ''that the invoice submitted by Municipal Software be ~pproved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel None None i;,.; ;;1; rl LJ Il l2J r l j D G o ;,..- ~~ ,,~ Regular City Council Meeting, December 28,1987 , 1 r.; ") ~u~ IBM UPGRADE: Consideration was given to the invoice in the amount of $14,500.00 submitted by IBM fo~ the'disc storage upgrade on the System 36 central processing'unit., Motion was made by Councilmember Schwartzel, seconded by Councilmember Bryan, that the invoice in the amount of $14,500.00 submitted by IBM be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartzel No'ne None COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilmember Bryan suggested Jim Goode and Judith Ottoson be sent thank you letters for their contributions to the city. Councilmember Bell thanked staff for the West University Place 1988 calendars. Counci1member Schwartze1 wished everyone a Happy New Year. Mayor Parks had information on composting of leaves he requested _ be sent to the Recycling Committee. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Consideration was given to the minutes of City Council, as follows: (a) City Council workshop session on December 10, 1987; (b) City Council regular meeting on December 14, 1987; (c) City Council workshop session on December 21, 1987. Motion was made by Councilmember Bryan, seconded by Councilmember Bell, that the minutes be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Bryan, Bell, Britton, Schwartze1 None None CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Parks recessed the regular City Council meeting and convened City Council would in closed executive session as authorized by the Open Meetings Acts, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN., as amended, Article 6252-17, Section 2(g) City Manager review. RECONVENE REGULAR SESSION: At the conclusion of the closed executive session, Mayor Parks reconvened the regular meeting of City Council. At this time, the meeting was open to the public. ." T--=:Ii , I" 1[" '1 III 158 ~ . III:" ; L JkJii!I{,,';I,:,01;.I'1 'I _ ~~i"'~'~ I~H ~ ._.:. I.' ::':~::' · .~:- Regular City Council Meeting, December 28, 1987 . [f:<li~"'1l ''''oritf"''-....r > ADJOURNMENT:' , With no further bus i ness to come before Ci ty. Council at U thlS tlme, and upon motion~duly made' and seconded, the meeting was "," declared adjourned at 10:33 p.m. (6, ~ 11~J. ,>", Au rey Nl ' 0 S' " ," City Secretary . , i . .. ~ : .; ", .' (1 . ' " . f: 'i.' ,:! '.~ .-';. . ! I ~"", . .~ , , U- . . ~: .