November 8, 2007
Meeting called to order at 2:00 PM.
Attendees: John Neighbors, Betty Aillet, Elizabeth Young, Jo Lukens, Lyndon McKnight, Joe Graf, Selby Clark, Mary
Ryerson, and Joan Johnson. Absent were Stan McCandless, Maureen Beck, Mary Lee Gray, and Cathy Wright. Craft
Hughes has resigned from the Board. Staff members present were Tim O'Connor and Toby Dykema. Guests present were
Village News Reporter, Kate Bolen, Dorothy Zink and Charmaigne Sherrel. City Council present was Councilman Chuck
Previous meetings minutes were not approved or disapproved.
Previews and Sneak Previews were reviewed.
APAC: There was a presentation by the Area Agency on Aging for the Houston-Galveston region (exclusive of Harris
County) and Staff now has a detailed packet of information to share with Seniors needing assistance in those (mostly rural)
COUNCIL MEETING REPORT: The 3936 Marlowe street house construction lawsuit has been settled after four years
and $250,000 of legal expense (each) for both the city and for the Pedens, (the owners). The Pedens have graciously agreed
to sell the property to the City for $400,000 (fair market value) to be utilized at the City's discretion. The 2008 budget will
be adopted next Monday, with no increase in overall tax revenues, and a 10% tax rate decrease to reflect the higher property
evaluations and the new construction. Ad valornm taxes will be based on.366%, reduced from .402% of valuation. The
College street flood prevention program has jumped in cost by $2,000,000 in recent bidding. Funding for this increase is
under study.
GOOD NEIGHBOR TEAM: Thanksgiving cards will be addressed at the next meeting. The details of the December 19"
poinsettia delivery will be discussed.
HI NEIGHBOR NEWSLETTER: Mailing is expected before Christmas.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Activities are very well attended. Of particular note was a visit from the Metro Canine Police with
their dogs. Also enjoyed was the play "Daddy is Dieing. Who has the Will?" A discussion of recent Medicare changes was
very informative. Ten participants are needed for the afternoon aerobics class, and eight are needed for water aerobics.
PARKS & RECREATION REPORT: See attachments. Presentation given by Tim O'Connor.
PREVIOUS BUSINESS: Our pool bubble is officially gone. Outdoor warming alternatives such as commercial size
heaters, windshields, solar panels, etc. are being considered. An agreement to use the Bali Fitness pool has also been
suggested. Board Co-Chairman, John Neighbors, presented the Board with the draft of a letter to City Council
recommending they re-consider the over age sixty-five exemption for our Seniors, based on increasing property values.
Southside and Bellaire have already taken these steps. The Board unanimously approved the letter (with one minor change)
and all Board members present signed the signature page.
NEW BUSINESS: The Park's survey has been mailed out. It now addresses Seniors' issues as well as those of other
citizens. Some concern about its innocuous appearance was raised. It might have been erringly disposed of by some as
'Junk" mail. Both the Chairman of the Parks Board and the Friends Executive Director expressed interest in giving
presentations to our Board. January and February were recommended for those presentations.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: The organization, Neighborhood Centers, is looking to partner with us for additional class room
space. The Fire Chief will be a guest speaker in December. The December Board meeting will be a luncheon meeting to be
held at a location to be announced later.
Meeting Adjourned at 3:08 PM