Meeting called to order at 3:00 PM.
Attendees: Stan McCandless, Joe Graf, Carolyn Sacchi, Cathy Wright, Elizabeth Young, Joan Johnson,
Betty Aillet, Jo Lukens, Mary Lee Gray, Maureen Beck, and Mary Ryerson. Absent were John
Neighbors, Lyndon McKnight, and Byron Prater. Staff member present was Toby Dykema. Council
member present was Steven Segal.
Previous meetings minutes were sent to Board members with agenda and approved with no changes.
Previews and Sneak Previews were reviewed.
APAC: An Emergency Preparedness Checklist and a Disaster Preparedness pamphlet from the City of
Houston were passed out to those present. Discussion ensued with the Board on how best to compile a
list of Seniors in need of evacuation, volunteers to assist with evacuation, and means and destinations
for evacuation. (See New Business below.)
COUNCIL MEETING REPORT: Council appointed Byron Prater to the Senior Services Board. The
format of the West University Code of Ordinances has been revised and is available on the West
University web site. An ordinance restricting certain sex offenders' residency was adopted on first
reading. The offender may not live within 1,000 feet of places in which children congregate (schools,
churches, parks, etc.). Councilman Segal passed out a map of those areas affected by this ordinance.
Council authorized the purchase of a new fire engine and approved an extra $23,000 for a foam
dispenser, which will be more effective in putting out fires and limiting water damage to homes.
Council changed an ordinance to authorize a part-time urban forester to include a contract forester,
rather than an employee. Councilman Segal reported on testimony he provided on behalf of West
University before the State Senate Committee on Business and Commerce concerning Time Warner's
lawsuit against our City.
GOOD NEIGHBOR TEAM: No report. Team was occupied with delivery of Easter/Spring baskets.
Next meeting is 5/18 at 2:00 PM.
HI NEIGHBOR NEWSLETTER: The Newsletter was completed and mailed. Board opinion was
that it was very well done.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Activities doing extremely well. Participation is good and on the rise.
MASTER PARKS PLANNING TASK FORCE REPORT: Task force has disbanded. A copy of the
West University Place Parks and Recreation Master Plan was handed out to Board members at the April
meeting. Some concerns were brought to the Board's attention. Written comments should be submitted
to Toby to be included in next month's meeting announcement with the minutes. Some of the concerns
addressed included naming facilities/properties after commercial vendors, proposed trolley, climbing
wall, bike path and linear park. Liberty Hill, splash pads and bathrooms (surveillance cameras) were
also mentioned, as were the issues of accepting funding from such entities as Harris County or the State
of Texas, and the fact that not only Seniors benefit from the City budget allocated to Senior Services.
NEW BUSINESS: The compilation of a list of Seniors in need of evacuation during
emergency/disaster situations was of considerable concern to all Board members. The Good Neighbor
Team appears to have the most up-to-date list at this time, and this information has been passed on to the
Chief of Police. Methods for identifying those in need and those that can assist those in need ranged
from postcard inclusion in the Newsletter and/or the water bill, Good Neighbor Team contact, a City
Currents article, block captains or some combination of these resources. Churches, schools and other
local facilities for evacuees need to be identified. Above and beyond identifying Seniors in need of
assistance during a disaster, were the issues of vehicles qualified to transport during flooding, generators
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for those in need of treatment requiring electricity, and specific logistics as to when and where evacuees
are to be transported and what type of care will be provided during the process. It was suggested that
the Chief Police be invited to our June meeting to address these issues and answer questions.
PREVIOUS BUSINESS: See Master Parks Planning Task Force Report above.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: There will be a workshop on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Seniors
need to be alerted that under no circumstance should they reveal their social security numbers to
telephone callers, regardless of the circumstances described by the callers.
Meeting Adjourned at 3:03 PM
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