Meeting called to order at 2:02 PM
Attendees: John Neighbors, Joe Graf, Carolyn Sacchi, Cathy Wright, Elizabeth Young, Joan Johnson,
Lyndon McKnight, and Mary Ryerson. Staff present was Toby Dykema and Tim O'Connor Council
member present was Steven Segal. Absent were Kenneth Moore, Stan McCandless, Rolla Long, Betty
Aillet, Jo Lukens and Maureen Beck. The Board was notified that George Harbeson resigned by phone.
A replacement is needed.
Previous meetings minutes were sent to Board members with agenda and were approved.
Previews and Sneak Previews were reviewed.
APAC: A member of Robert Echols' staff spoke to the members on the topic of Homeland Security and
the formation of a Harris County Citizens Corp, in which members will be trained as first responders on
a variety of subjects. The White House Conference on Aging to be held in October will be informed of
local concerns by a committee being formed for Harris County to identify those concerns via the State of
Texas. Board members were encouraged to visit the web site for individual input.
COUNCIL MEETING REPORT: The exemption of $110,000 from WU property tax for disabled
homeowners was finalized by Council. Council authorized HISD to install portable buildings on the
WU Elementary site during constructions. These buildings will be removed upon completion of
construction. Arbor Day was approved for Saturday, April 14th from 11 AM to 2PM at Colonial Park.
There will be Meet the City booths, free hot dogs, drinks and games for kids. Whole Foods is donating
meat for the event. The JMH opening will also be held that weekend. Public hearings were held on
various zoning ordinances. ZPC is to meet and subsequently to submit recommendations to Council.
Lateral water lines were moved from back to front for two seniors at City expense, with loan and lien on
the property. Council approved changes to the foundation ordinance on the first reading.
GOOD NEIGHBOR TEAM: Easter/Spring bags were constructed from the truck donations and were
well received by the recipients. Beginning in May, the Team will meet in the hour prior to the Senior
Services Board meeting. A proposal to combine the Team and Board and re-name it Adult Activities
was not well received by some members of the Team and of the Board.
HI NEIGHBOR NEWSLETTER: The most recent issue was mailed out and a copy was passed to
Board members.
ACTIVITY REPORT: No report but participation in the Luau was encouraged.
MASTER PARKS PLANNING TASK FORCE REPORT: The Task Force toured all parks and
facilities and are in the process if finalizing their objectives and establishing focus groups. Professor
Perkins from Rice University is assisting in this endeavor. The Board discussed composing a message
for Joan to give to the Task Force regarding the needs of our seniors.
PREVIOUS BUSINESS: Discussion of possibly having the Good Neighbor Team will meet prior to
the board meeting and hopefully some will attend.
NEW BUSINESS: Senior Services will provide early voting transportation to Seniors. The Board was
informed about a newly formed company that provides "the big picture" long term care alternatives
available to Seniors and their families. Their services encompass all aspects of longterm care for those
that need it and those that provide it. Details can be obtained athttp://www.texasseniorsolutions.com/.
Toby is evaluating this service, as they also donate their services to some needy families and/or Seniors.
There was also discussion of how to get baby boomers involved in the program.
Meeting Adjourned at 3:07 PM
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