Meeting called to order at 2:00 PM
Attendees: Stan McCandless, John Neighbors, Joe Graf, Carolyn Sacchi, Elizabeth Young, Joan Johnson, Mary
Ryerson, Cathy Wright, Rollo Long and George Harbeson. Staff present were Tim O'Connor and Janiss Stump.
Council member present was Steven Segal. Absent were Betty Aillet, Lyndon McKnight, Jo Lukens, Kenneth
Moore and Maureen Beck.
Previous meeting's Minutes were not read or approved.
Previews and Sneak Previews were reviewed.
APAC: University Place fee schedule passed out at meeting was discussed. A presentation from Neighborhood
Centers, Inc. was made. A report of a fire at a Meals on Wheels facility was made, as was mention that
Thanksgiving meals were delivered as scheduled, despite the fire. More Senior Day discussion took place. The
number one item on the top ten list of objectives is to increase the nursing home allowance. A list of all
objectives was requested. Gulf Coast Community Services has a Senior Services program that is available in our
area. Janiss will look in to how we may be able to utilize their services. They have received new funding for
home management programs, based on income qualifications.
COUNCIL MEETING REPORT: Quiet hours changes were read. If approved, they will apply to holidays and
exceptions for certain events (sports) will be made with permits. Water and sewer rates will increase 7% in 2005.
Tree inventory is completed and a management program is to be discussed at the next meeting. Interlocal
agreement with Southside Place is pending. They may get another service to sweep their streets, so the West
University council passed two agreements, one with and one without street sweeping. SSP is expected to make a
decision at their December 14u, Council meeting.
GOOD NEIGHBOR TEAM: The Poinsettia flowers will be distributed December 161h. Volunteers
appreciated. Rotary/Flying Squad has work orders beyond the scope of volunteers. Stan will address City
Council to ask for assistance and advice. It was suggested we determine qualified professionals that are WU
residents that might be willing to offer pro bono services.
HI NEIGHBOR NEWSLETTER: The paper was completed and mailed to residents.
ACTIVITY REPORT: The Johnny Dyson band has a large fan following and this occasion will be a good
opportunity for our Seniors to socialize with Seniors from other areas. Christmas party ham donations are needed
before noon on December 15u, at St. Georges.
PREVIOUS BUSINESS: Transportation services has new participants. The Board wishes to thank Staff for
their hard work on the Volunteer Luncheon, and for the first class entertainment provided. The computer project
is moving forward and will probably commence in the summer months.
NEW BUSINESS: Need ideas and volunteers for kitchen remodeling. There are funds in the Parks Fund that
may be available to assist with Senior Services building needs.