Meeting called to order at 2:00 PM.
Attendees: Stan McCandless, Betty Aillet, Joe Graf, Lyndon McKnight, Carolyn Sacchi,
Elizabeth Young, Joan Johnson, Mary Ryerson, Cathy Wright, Rolla Long, and Jo
Lukens. Staff present was Janiss Stump. Council member present was Steven Segal.
Absent were Kenneth Moore, John Neighbors, George Harbeson, and Maureen Beck.
Previous meeting's Minutes were approved without corrections.
Previews and Sneak Previews were reviewed. More people are needed for Bastrop trip.
APAC: A presentation from the Baylor College of Medicine by Dr. Barbara Riley with
the Texas Elder Abuse and Mistreatment Institute was held. Physical, financial and
neglect problems were addressed. They have received a research grant. There were
7,000 cases last year of which 80% were self-neglect. Their goal is to establish an
ongoing connection and follow-up in-home with continued monitoring. Harris County
has been awarded Rebuilding Houston Together monies to be used for small repairs.
Senior Day at the Capital will have wheel chairs, nurses, seating etc. available for the
Council Meeting Report: A task force has been appointed to coordinate the final plans
for the Rice Pocket Park. Stan McCandless is the Chair of the task force and Steven
Segal is the Council liaison. WU Council approved a "master" inter-local cooperation
agreement with SSP covering services provided to SSP by WU. This contract includes
Building Review Services, Emergency Services and street sweeping. Sidewalk projects
are moving forward. Council approved contracts to begin on the north-south streets
between University and Bissonnet east of Buffalo Speedway and west of the ditch.
Water rates have been increased 7% for bills issued beginning January 1, 2005. Council
discussed adding a property tax exemption for disabled homeowners. This matter will be
taken up early next year and if adopted, would be effective 1/1/06. Records indicate
there are 26 residents who would qualify. Leaf blowers were discussed. Council
requested that a draft ordinance be prepared for the next meeting applying the Sunday
"quiet hours" (prior to noon-after 8PM) on holidays, and changing Saturday quiet hours
from prior to 8AM-after8PM to prior to 9AM-after 9PM. This will be discussed at the
next meeting and may be adopted as proposed, modified or rejected. Council has
reviewed an outline in connection with review and implementation of a master plan for
the WU parks system. Membership on a task force will be discussed at the next meeting
and members may be appointed over the next couple of meetings.
Good Neighbor Team/Flying Squad Report: A suggestion that Senior Services and the
Good Neighbor Team move closer together, and that a liaison other that just Stan be
established were discussed. The Scouts are being contacted. Many work orders are
Hi Neighbor Newsletter: Papers expected back from printer shortly.
Activity Report: There were several programs this month, including: an excellent
presentation by Judge Yoeman, a great performance done at the Main Street Theater, A
Comic Potential, and a Slide show on Remington. There was also mention of the
volunteer appreciation luncheon, Bastrop trip and the Thanksgiving Lunch.
Previous Business: Staff is making the best possible use of drivers. It was suggested we
use the water bill to advertise the availability of grocery shopping transportation. A "We
Are All Here to Help" card with a magnet for the refrigerator is being distributed. It was
suggested the fire department utilize block parties for this distribution. The pros and cons
of a Non-Profit designation for SS or the Good Neighbor team were discussed. SS is
most likely not qualified to receive this designation, although Good Neighbor Team
could be. More donations and possibly grant monies could be solicited should they
receive this designation.
New Business: The Seniors budget has been approved and we will be getting a new
oven and tables that can be wheeled out. A computer project is scheduled to commence
and classes for Seniors will be offered at five computer stations.
Announcements: The community center at Bayland Park will be giving flu shots on the
Meeting adjourned at 2:59 PM.