HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1984 r: ' l<t tJ ,j REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Janua ry 9, 1984 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, January 9, 1983,7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Forristall, presiding; Councilmen Polichino and Weatherly. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Councilmen Lenhart and Jackson were absent. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: There were no residents in attendance at the meeting who desir~ed to bring any matter to the attention of the Council. CITIZEN RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Forrista11 directed attention to a sign-in sheet at the rear of the Council Chamber for use by any resident wishing to discuss a specific item on the agenda. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Forristal1 noted that the consent agenda included a request to advertise for bids for the purchase of twenty (20) new fire hydrants and a request for approval of the payment of $290,408.00 in- terest on the 1983 bond issue. No member of the Council desired to remove either item from the consent agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Councilman Weatherly, seconded by Councilman Polichino, that the consent agenda be approved as recommended by staff. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None PURCHASE OF FIRE HYDRANTS: Following an explanation by the City Manager that the 'twenty (20) fire hydrants to be purchased were a part of thecity's on-going fire hydrant replacement program, motion by Councilman \.Jeatherly, seconded by Councilman Polichino, that the staff be authorized to advertise for bids for the purchase of twenty (20) fire hydrants. Vot i ng Aye : All Voting No: None INTEREST PAYMENT ON 1983 BOND ISSUE: A request was presented for approval of the payment of $t9d,~08.00 1nterest on the 1983 bond issue. Motion by Councilman Weatherly, seconded by Councilman Polichino, that the City Council approve payment of $290,408.00 to the First City National Bank of Houston for interest on the 1983 bond issue. Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums advised that he had no legal matters for consideration by the City Council at this time. COMMENTS OF CITY COUNCIL: Councilman Polichino stated that his only comment was to wish everyone a very Happy New Year. Mayor Forrista11 also wished a Happy New Year to staff and Council members. Mayor Forristal1 advised that staff consideration had been given to offering a commercial annual pass to the Recreation Center to either the owner or manager I of a commercial establishment in the city. I"O'O""~"":~'O"'"l"F~ r;:C7-"~"='~"'r=.:'-""''''''-''~1:Tfi- "1 lIT "'1- -'c'~-'millf1TI;1'1!lHmlmi u :mn D c n 81 Motion by Councilman Polichino, sec~nded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Council accept the recommendation of the staff and offer a commercial pass to the facilities at Colonial Park. Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None STAFF REPORT: City Manager Richard Rockenbaugh expressed appreciation on behalf of he and his family for "flowers that had been sent to his' father by the staff and City Council, noting that a Veteran's Hospital could be atbone'ly'ptace?arid his father's room was the only one with flowers. Mr. Rockenbaugh also expressed his thanks to staff members that carried on activities of the city while he was out of the city. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council on December 12,1983 and a special meeting on December 19, 1983, were preserlted for consideration. "Motion by Counci lman Pol ichino, seconded by Counci lman Weatherly, that minutes of the regular meeting on December 12, 1983 and a special meeting on December 19, 1983, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Forristall advised that a notice was be,ing included in the City eurrents that implementation of new utility rates would be delayed until February in response to numerous calls received from residents for a pro-rated charge of water bills for those residents experiencing broken water pipes during the recent freeze. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to 'come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Mayor ATTEST: Le~~~ .....--.-..........-- "" ,~, "'" " , :r _,. _, ,""',.", - ~ -~~. 82 REGULAR CJTY,CQUNCI1 MEETING Januaty23r1984 ' u HEARING OF RESIDENTS: There were no resid~nts in attendance at 'the meeting desiring to bring any matters to the attention of the City Council. CITIZEN RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEHS:Ther'e were no 'citizens 'in attendance who desired to respondfo any specifici'tem on the Council agenda. . - ITEMS TO 'BE REMOVED FROM 'CONSENT AGENDA: : Following an explanation by Mayor Forristall that the consent agenda included the payment of an invoice form NCR for the city's maintenance agreement on its computer equipment and a request to advertise for bids for the ~bnstrucfion'Qf new poli~e'facilitie~, no 'm~mberofthe Council de- s,i red to remove either item: CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Lenhart, that the consent agenda' be approved i,n accordanc~ wi th staff recommeridat ions. Vot ing Aye: All Voting No: None AUTOMOTIVE REQUIREMENTS: In accordance with previous action of 'the City Council, bids received for delivery of one four-door passenger sedan and one cab and chassis were opened arid results announced as 'follows: Jimmie Green Mort Hall Knapp Chev. 01 ymp i c I n t I 1 . Olympic Int'l. Port City Ford Bob 'Robertson South Loop Tommie Vaughn Dan Boone Chev. Jack Roach Ford #1 Jack Roach Ford #2 17,139.58 18,287.00 17,449.00 16,927.50 19,977.80 17,995.00 20,330.70 17,~'94.00 18,610.16 No Bid Trade-J n D Bidder Cab &Cliassis Passenqer Sedan 11 , 195.00 450.00 10,158.26 500.00 10,164.00 800.00 10,646.09 10,147.84 600.00 10,348.76 600.00 Motion by Councilman Jacks0n, seconded by Councilman Polichino, that bids re- ceived for delivery of one four-door passenger sedan and one cab and chassis for review and tabulation with a recommendation for purchase to be presented to the Council at its next regular meeting. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None DESIGNATION OF OFFICIAl NFWSPAPFR: the designation of an official notices: Motion: by Councilman Lenhart, Post and Houston Chronicle be cluring the fiscal year 1984. The Council was advised that it was necessary for newspaper for the publication of required legal seconded by Councilman Jackson, that the Houston r1 designated as official newspapers for the city ~ Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None 83 1984 PAVING PROJECT: Ordinance Number 1220, with certification! of the , I ' availabil ity of funds from the Director of Finance, was presented to the Countilartdthe caption read as follows: ' i Dr ;.1 I AN ORDINANCE AWARDING THE CONTRACT FOR THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT OF THE 3800iBLOCK OF CASE,THE 4200 BLOCK! OF ALBANS STREET AND THE 4200 BLOCK OF EMORY STREET; MAK:ING CERTAIN FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO SUCH STREEjf IMPROVEMENTS; APPROPRIATING MONEY TO PAY FOR SUCH IMPROVEMENTS AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Polichino, that Ordinance Number 1220 beapprovedcfinallyon first reading. Voting Aye: All, Voting No: Nope 1984 PAVING PROJECT: Ordinance Number 1221, together with cop~es of estimated costs prepared by the city I s consul ting engineeri,was presented for consideration and the caption read as follow?: i AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ESTH1ATE OF THE COST OF TH,E IMPROVEMENT OF THE 3800 BLOCK OF CASE STREET, 4200 BLOCK OF ALBANS STREET AND THE 4200 BLOCK OF EMORY STREET, ORDFRING A HEARING IN CONNECTION.WITH ASSESSMENTS PROPOSED TO ~E LEVIED.AGAINSTABUTTINGPROPERTY AND THE OWNERS THEREpF; MAKING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING THERETO; AND I DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ! n ~ ' Motion by Councilman Jackson; seconded by Councilman Lenha~t, that Ordinance Number 1221 be finally approved on firstre~ding. I , Voting Aye: All WATER RATES: Ordinance Number 1222 was the caRtion read as follows: Voting No: Nore I presented to the Counci~ and I i , I AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ,THE CODE OF ORDINANC~S OF THE C~TY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE" TEXAS, BY AMENDING SECTION i 24-66(a) AND SECTION 24-67(a);AND PROVIDING AN EFFECrIVE DATE. : Motion by Councilman Pol ichino, seconded by Councilman Jackson, , that Ordinance Number. 1222 be passed finally on first,read~ng. " Voting Aye: All INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CITY: The the purchase of the city's insurance for consideration: Voting No: None , I , ., , following recommendatlion for requirements was pres~nted I o , I As recommended by the City Council on Monday, Janu'ary: 16, ,1984, (Workshop Meeting), the following ins~rance cov~rages will be purchased through the Texas Municipal League,: effective February 1, 1984; "; 1"1 :rl"r.:I'II!I:IIIlIIIIIIIDII:En ltll:"~ ~ ... - . ., "" [Lilli jIIIIJIIIIIIll~II!JIL ' ,I III>HI U!IIII!I Illi:' i Ii' 'I' I II 84 1984 ,Insur.ance Coveraqes, Annual Premiums Worker's Compensation Automobile/Equipment General Liability/Property Pa ramed i c / EMT Police Professional , Publ ic Official Excess ($10 million) $71,480 60,126 31,566 Included in Gen. Liab. 2,811 2,824 8,818 $ 177 ,625 Please note that there shall be no deductible for automobile and General Liability Policies Motion by Councilman Lenhart, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that the City Council approve the recommendation of the City Manager and staff for the purchase of insurance needs for the city. Voting Aye : All Voting No: None NCR MAINTENANCE INVOICE: An invoice in. the amount of $5,284.00 received from NCRfor maintenance ,of the city's computer equipment was presented for consideration. Motion by ,Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Lenhart, that the City Council approve payment to NCR in the amount of $5,284.00. Voting Aye: All , Voting No:, None CONSTRUCTION OF NEW POLICE FACILITIES: A request was presented to advertise for bids for the construction of new police facilities. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Lenhart, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for the construction of new police facilities. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney,David Allums had no legal matters for c:o.lrs~fd'w't:ton by the City Council at this time. COMMENTS OF CITY COUNCIL: No member of the Council had additional comments at this time. STAFF REPORT: City Manager Richard Rockenbaugh stated that he had no further comments for the Council's consideration at, this time. CITY COUNCIL MEETINGMINUTES:,~1inutes of the regular meeting of the City Council on January, 9, '1984, were presented for consideration. ~;~~r::w;!~"':! ' U ~ W o o , ".... 8t> [: " Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council on January 9, 1984, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voti ng No: None ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. 'JJfadaJ 1~dI Marla Forristall, Mayor ATTEST: ~~oL Lee Lockard, City Secretary o o 1'1 I' I II I I I I! I I1III1 .LllilJ~ I 'JIIII' "', "ilIlllilllllllIHllIlf Ill: Ii ' . .1 ",1111 JI_IUUI. ". MI' il I ~1I111 86 1I1111~1 , , x: III I , . . --- .y;:~ll "'....... o o ] m:~[ ._/frt 7""" ~, ~F~ 0, . - '~ , , n 87 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Febr~~r~]3; ]984' The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, February 13, 1984, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Forrista]], presiding; Councilmen Jackson, Lenhart and Weatherly. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Mayor Forrista]] requested that ~he Cub Scouts in attendance lead the Pledge of A]]egiance to the Flag. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: There were no residnets in attendance. at the meeting desiring to bring any matters to the attention of the City Council. CITIZEN RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: There were no residents in attendance who desired to speak to any specific item on the Council agenda. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Forristal] directed attention to the Consent Agenda with no members of the Council desiring. to remove an item. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the Consent Agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendations. Voting Aye: A]] Voting No: None 1I0FfICEF{ OF THE YEARII: Resolution, Number 84-0] was presented to the Council and read in full: WHEREAS, Michael Grabowski was appointed a member of the West University Po] ice Department on June 7, 1982; and WHEREAS, Patrolman Grabowski, throughout ]983, hasconsistent]y performed at a ]eve],that is unsurpassed in law enforcement activities as a uniformedpartol officer; and WHEREAS, subsequent to,a request by the 100C]ub of Houston, the Chief of Police submitted recommendations for a candidate to be honored by the designation of Officer of the Year by such Club; and ,WHEREAS, THE lbb Cliib of Houston has selected Pa,trolman Michae] Grabowski as ,II0fficer of the Yearll for the City of West University Place and the award for such honor was presented on January 19, 1984; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to, express its congratulations to Patrolman Grqbowski for ,his dedicated service to the, City of West Univer- sity Police Department and its grateful ap~recJation to the 100 Club of Houston for this honor. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Council hereby expresses its sincere appreciation to Patrolman Michael, Grabowski of the, City of West University Place Police Departme"t for, his exemplary service to the cHy and the citizens thereof. Section 2. That the City Council offers its congratulations to Patrolman Michae] Grabows,ki for his selection by the 100 Club of Houston as 1I0fficer of the Year" for the City of West University Place. III"- , , '" 1.,III'Uq,! -II ,; ,., ., "I , .. , ",.,...;t. k~.I" ~.~ ~~~, ~~"....-"~.,"~~ 88 Section '3:, That this, Re,sol_uti6n'~sha1 r be"spread'infu11 upon',the mi nutesof theC i:ty Counc i l' :and '>tbe ~MaYGr ,be;"and sbe:~ i s:-,bereby:;::'ai:Jtbor i zed to deliver to Michael Grabowski a true copy hereof, signed by each member of the City Counc i 1 ;:lnd attes ted by the" City Secreta ry. -, ~ , " PASSED AND APPROVED this 13th day of February, 1984. Resolution Number 84-02 was presented and read in full: ,WHEREAS, Steven Eisenberg was ,appointed a member of the West Uni- versity Pol ice Department on December 15, 1982; and WHEREAS, Patrolman Eisenberg, throughout 1983, has consistently performed at a level that is unsurpassed In law enforcement activities as a uniformed patrol officer; and , ~JHEREAS, Subsequent to a req,uest by the 100 Club of Houston, the Chief of Police submitted recommendations for a candidate to be honored by the designation of Officer of the Year_by such Club:,and WHEREAS, the 100 Club of Houston has selected Patrolman Steven Eisenberg as II0fficer of the Year'l for the City of West UnJversity Place and the award for such honor was presented on January 19, 1984; and : WHEREAS', the City Counci 1 wishes to express its congratulations to Patrolman Eisenberg for his dedicated service to the City of West University Police Department and its grateful appreciation to the 100 Club of Houston for th i s honor. D NOW, THEREFORE, , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF "WEST UN IVERS ITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Council hereby expresses its sincere appreciation to Patrolman Steven Eisenberg of the City of West University Place Police Department for his execp1ary, service to the ~ity and the citizens thereof. Section 2. That the City Council offers its congratulations to Patrolman Steven Eisenberg for his selection by the 100 Club of Houston as "Officer of the Year" for the Cityof West University Place. Section 3. That this Resolution shall be spread in full upon the minutes of the City Council and the ~ayor be, and she, is hereby, authorized to deliver to Steven Eisenberg a true copy hereof, signed by each member of the Gity Council and attested by the City Secretary. PASSED AND APPROVED this 13th day of February, 1984. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that Resolution Number 84-01 and Re101ution Numbe~ 84~02 be approved, as read. Director of Pub1 ic Safety Walt Snjtken bri,efly reviewed actions of Patrolmen Grabowski and Eisenberg which resulted in their being selected as Officer of the Year, not[i.ng that many cities have no nominees for the award and that the City of Wes t Uni vers ity P,l ace was .fortunate to have two representat i ves lOW the Police Department. lJ n U u 89 Mayor Forristall presented Patrolmen Grabowski and Eisenberg wit,h beautifully framed originals of the Relolutions ahd expressed the Council's pleasure with their selection. Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None CUB SCOUT DAY: Resolution Number 84-03 was presented and read in full; WHEREAS, The City is aware of the contribution of our younger citizens to the quality of life in our community; and WHEREAS, The City wishes to acknowledge the significant achieve- ments made by our youngef citizens and their ofganizations; and \-/HEREAS, the "Cub Scout Pack Number 266/1, 'sponsored by West Un i- versity United Methodist Church, is the oldest consecutively sponsored Cub Pack in the Golden Arrow District, holding its Charter since 1940; and WHEREAS, the Pack will be celebrating its 44th Anniversary on February 24, 1984, Cub Scout Day. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCILnF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. Section 1. That Cub Scout ~ack Number 266, its eighty-nine (89) members, the Cubmaster, Jim Hal'l, and the parents who give so generously of their time and money to support scouting, are hereby congratulated on this historic anniversary. Section 2. That the City expresses its appreciation for the effort expended; the dedicationexnibited; and the good citizenship exempli- fied by these young men and their leaders. Section 3. That the City extends its best wishes as this outstand- ing Cub Pack continues the tradition of excellence in scouting. Section 4. That the City Council hereby declares that February 24, 1984, is declared in the City of West University Place, Texas, as CUB SCOUT DAY Section 5. That a copy of this Resolution be delivered to each pack member and th~tr Cubmaster. PASSED AND APPROVED this 13th day of February.' Motion by Councilman Weatherly, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that Resolution Number 84-03 be approved as read. Mayor Forristall presented the original and copies of the Resolution to those Cub Scouts in attendance. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None , - '-~' "~~. 90 PURCHASE OF FIRE HYDRANTS: In accordance with previous 'action of bids received for del ivery of twenty (20) fire hydrants ,^Jere announced as follows: Bidder 4' bury 4!' burX 5 I bury Mun i ci pa 1 Pipe $480.00 $491 .00 $502.00 Rohan Company 455.00 465.00 475.00 Uti 1 i ty Supply Co. 538.74 551. 08 563.43 Western Pipe 473.00 484.00 495.00 the City Council opened and resultf:-: Type Hydrant ~ Mueller American B62B MuellerA-423 Kennedy K81 A Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by'CouncilmanWeatherly, that bids re- ceived for del ivery of twenty (20) fire hydrants be referred to staff for evalu- ation and staff be authorized to purchase hydrants from the low bidder meeting all specifications. Voting Aye: All ' Voting No: None PURCHASE OF STREET DIVISION CAB & CHASSIS~ In accordance with previous instructions of the Ci ty Counci I, a recommendat ion was presented for the purchase of one cab and chassis for the Street Division from the low bidder, Jimmie Green Chevrolet in the amount'of $17,139.58. It was noted that such purchase would be $7,860.42 under previously budgeted fundS. Mot i on by Counc i 1 man \;Jeather 1 y, Seconded by Counc i 1 man Jackson, that the re- commendation of staff be approved and the Council authorize purchase of one cab and chassis from Jimmie Green Chevrolet on their low bid of $ 17,139.58. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None 1983 BUDGET AMENDMENT: The following 'amendment to the 1983 budget was presented for consideration: GENERAL FUND Original Amended Increase/ Account # Account Description Budqet Budqet Decrease RE 7000-0904-0000 Fund balance to '$189, 150 $397,576.68 $208,426.68 Cap ita 1 Projects EX 0050-5100-0000 TranSfer to 189,150 397,576.68 208,426.68 Capital Projects Justification- Increase budgeted transfer to fund 03 to allow for additional invest- ments in general fixed assets: property acquisition and additional solid waste truck RE 7000-0905 Fund balance to debt service 38,200 42,611 .61 4,411.61 EX 0050-5099-0000 Transfer to debt service 38,200 42,611.61 4,411.61 ~' ,-[- '1-~,; ,.f' , ,.J;~. ~ ~ ~ " rn 91 Justification- Increase budgeted transfer of fund 02 to allow for error in original budget; insufficient transfer to land purchase expenditure CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Original Amended Increase/ Account # Account Description Budqet Budqet Decrease EX 0001-5301~0000 Land purchase/Univ. -0- 115,000.00 115,000.00 Blvd. EX 0013-5301-0000 Packer trucks 85,000 180,000.00 95,000.00 Justification- Increase expense account to allow for unanticipated increase in utility costs to operate new waste water treatment facility Motion by Councilman Lenhart, seconged by Councilman Jackson, that the amendment to the 1983 be approved by Council as submitted by staff. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES: An,Agreement for Engineering Services to be per- formed by Langford Engineering, lric. for the city's Public Works Improvement Pro- gram was presented for con~ideration. Motion by Councilman Weatherly, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that the Council accept an agreement for engineering services with Langford Engineering, Inc. sub7 ject to previously discussed revisions. Voting Aye: All , Vot i ng No: None WAKEFOREST WATER WELL #6: A negotiated invoice with Layne-Western in the amount of $19,919.66 for reparis made to water well #6 was presented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Jackson, s~conded by Councilman Weatherly, that the Counctl approve payment to Layne-Western in the amount of $19,919.66. Vot i ng Aye : All Voting No: None DELIVERY OF PLASTIC REFUSE BAGS: Consideration was given to an invoice submitted by Crown Poly, Inc. in the amount of $15,756 for delivery Qf 6,500 rolls of plastic refuse bags. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the Council approve pay~ent to Crown Poly, Inc. In the amount of $15,756. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None SALE AND REMOVAL OF HOUSES LOCATED AT 3814 UNIVERSITY AND 3815 AMHERST: A request was presented to advertise for proposals for the sale and removal of houses owned by the city located at 3814 University and 3815 Amherst in preparation for construc- tion of new police facilities. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for proposals for the sale and removal of houses located at 3814 University and 3815 Amherst. Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None n ....~_.__ ."., --..--'rT"TT'''' ""..... 92 AMBULANCE EQUIPMENT: A request was presented to advertise for bids for purchase of one (1) portable UGF Duplex/Multiplex Telemetry Unit and one (1) EKG Monitor (1111l and Difibulator. U Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for.proposals for the purchase of ambulance equipment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None WAKEFOREST ELEVATED WATER STORAGE RESERVOIR: A request was presented to advertise for bids for the rehabilitation of the Wakeforest elevated water storage re- servoir. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for pids for the rehabilitation of the Wake- forest elevated water storage reservolr. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums advised that he had no legal matters for Council consideration at this time. COUNCIL COMMENTS: No member of the Council had additional comments to present at this time. STAFF REPORT: City Mana~er Di~k Rocke~baugh advised the Council that August White I~ and Henry Green would soon be retiring from their Street Division positions ani J that a luncheon was planned in their honor on March 2nd. ,MrRockenbaugh noted'---1 that August White had been employed by the city for forty years, ther~py~beebm- ing the employee with the longest tenure eVer in the city's history. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council on January 24, 1984, were presented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. ~ +l9'Vtio~ Marla Forristall, Mayor ATTEST: ~o~~ u u o c 93 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING February '27, "1984. The City Cauncil canvened in regular sessian at the CIty Hall an Manday, February 27, 1984, 7:30 p.m., with the fallawingmembers' present: MayO'r Farristall, presiding Cauncilmen Jacksan, Palichina and Weatherly. The City Attarney and City Manager were alsO' in attendance. Cauncilman Lenhart was aut af the city. HEARING OF'RESIDENTS: There were'ri6 residentS in attendan~e aesiring to' bring a matt~r'to the attentian af the Cit~ Cauncll. CITIZEN RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayar Farrista11 directed attentian to' a sign-in sheet ~t the rear af the Caunci1Chamber fa~ use of any resident wishing to' ad- dress an item an the Cauncil Agenda. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: Mayar Farrista11 neted that included en the Cans~nt Agenda were payment t6 the Harris Ceunty Appraisal District in the amount ef $5,128.00; payment to' Den S. Reichle & Asseciates in the ameunt ef $6,195 fer engineering services ih cannectianwith the renavatian af the city's water starage facilities; and payment to Cat Contracting, Inc. ih the amaunt af $42,689.90 far replacement af a 1211 water line en Edlae. No member'6f the City Cauncil wished'ta remevean itme farm the Censent Agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Matianby Caunci1man Palichina, secanded by Cauncilman Weatherly, that the Cansent Agenda be appraved in accardance with staff recammendatians. Vat i ng Aye: All Voting, NO': Nane TWENTY~FIVEYEAR SERVICE AWARD: Rese1utian Number 84-04 was presented and read in full: WHEREAS, Henry Green was empleyed by the City ef West Univer- sity Place, Texas, an January 3,'1959, to' repaH:-:andmaintain equipment us~d~by the "Street Departm~ni; 'and WHEREAS, 'Henry Green has an excellent perfermance recerd fer keeping a11"~q~ipment af ar near 100% availabiliiy;'and" WHEREAS, Henry Green has praven many times that h~:l~ccapable, will ing, respansible, and dedicat~d to' his pesitian; and WHEREAS, Henry Green has accemp1ished all tasks 'assigned to' him to' the very best af his ability; and WHEREAS, the mettaef the Street Department describes Henry Greenls devatien to' the City ef West University Place and the citizens thereaf: IIWE HAVE DONE SO MUCH WITH SO LITTLE FOR SO LONG WE WILL TRY TO DO ANYTHING WITH NOTHING AT ALL.I' W~EREAS, it is the desire af the C~ty Ceuncil to' give recagnitian to' Henry Green far his unselfish service to' the city. 94 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXA~: Section 1. That the City of West University Place, acting by and through its duly authorized City Council, hereby commends Henry Gr~en for his distinguished service to the cit1tens and tb the city. Section 2. That the C1ty COUncil, on behalf of all of the citizens of West University Place, Texas, expresses its grateful ap- preciation to him for his'unselfishdevotion to his duties and for the manner in which he faithfully performs his responsibilities. Section 3. That this Resolution be spread in full upon the minutes o~ the City Council and the Mayor be, and she is hereby, author- ized to deliver to Henry Green a ttue copy hereof, signed by each member of the City Council and attested by the City Secretary. PASSED AND APPROVED this 27th day of February, 1984. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded'by Councilman Polichino, that Resolution Number 84-04 be approved as read. Members of the City Council congratulated Henry Green on completion of twenty- five years service with the city and ~xpressed appreciation for the job he,had done. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Forristall presented Mr. Green with the original Resolution which had been framed for the occasion and a gold watch. RETIREMENT OF CITY'S FMPIOYFF WITH IOW::l=C::T TI=NIIRI= 01= c;E~\IICE:- A Proclamation was presented and read in full: WHEREAS, public works services provided in our community are an integral part of our citizens' everyday liv~s; and WHEREAS, the support of anunclerstanding and informed citizenry is vital to the efficient operation of public works systems and programs performed by personnel of the City's Street Department; and WHEREAS, the efficiency of the qualified and dedicated per- sonnel who staff the Street Department is materially influenced by the attitude and understanding of the citizens; and WHEREAS, August White was employed as a member of the Street Department on April 6, 1944; and WHEREAS, August White has served in such capacity for forty (40) years and has the longest tenure of service to the City of West University Place ever attained by an employee; and WHEREAS, during such service A4gust White has performed his duties ,in such manner as to reflect credit upon himself, his family and the City; and -:-0: '..: f_:~1 ~, '.. - - , 1--'1 U o lJ n o [J 95 WHEREAS, August White is thoroughly familiar with all of the City.s heavy equipment and6perates the backhoe, front end loader, motor grader, bul~doxer, etc. as may be r~quired for the many varied operations bf the Street Department; and WHEREAS, August White has been instrumental in the installation of many hundreds of feet of the City's water, storm sewer and sanitary sewer lines; and WHEREAS; August White has elected to retire from active service with the City'of West University Place on'April 6, 1984; and WHEREAS, the City of West University Place values its employees and desires to express' its appreciation to August White for many years of devoted service to the city~ NOW, THEREFORE, I, Marla Forristall, as Mayor of the City of West University Place, do hereby designate Friday, March 2, 1984 as , AUGUST WHITE DAY in the City of West University Place, Texas, and urge all members of the City Council, the City staff and citizens to join in honoring this de- dicated emplbyee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here unto set my 'hand and have caused the official seal of the City of West University Place to be affixed this 27th day of February, 1984~ ~ayor Forristall presented August White the origina1 Procla~ation which had been framed fro the occasionto~ether 0ith a Gift Certificate. Members of the City-Council ex~ressed their congratulations to"Mr. White, noting that forty (LID) years servi ce had to be a record and somethi ng the younger city employees ShbUld look at. CLOSING PUBLIC HEARING FOR OWNERS OF PROPERTY PROPOSED FOR PAVING: Ordinance Number 1223 was presented ahd th'eCaptibn read as follows: AN ORDINANCE CLOS1NG THE HEARING GIVEN TO THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS' OF CERTAIN PROPERTY ABUTTING ON: ALBANS STREET IN THE 4200 BLOCK CASE STREET IN THE 3800 BLOCK EMORY STREET IN THE 4200 BLOCK '.,,- ........".....".,..,----,-,-.,..,.,. ...'....,,- 96 AND TO ALL OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES, AS TO SPECIAL BENEFITS TO ACCRUE TO SAID PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF BY VIRTUE OF THE IMPROVEMENTS, AND AS TO THE PROPOSED ASSESS- MENTS THEREFOR, AND AS TO THE ACCURACY, SUFFICIENCY, RE- GULARITY AND VALIDITY OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND CONTRACT IN , CONNECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS; AND ANY MATTER OR THING CONNECTED THERE\.JITH: FINDING AND DETERMIN- ING THE REGULARITY OF ALL PROCEEDINGS AND THE PERFORMING OF ALL PREREQUISITES TO FIXING AND LEVYING THE ASSESSMENT LIENS AND" THE PERSONAL LIABILITY OF PROPERTY OWNERS: OVER- RULI NG AND" DENY I NG ALL PROTESTS' AND OBJECT I ONS OFFERED~ EX- CEPT AS TO PARTICULAR CASES MENTIONED: FINDING AND DETERMIN- ING SPECIAL BENEF1TS TO EACH PARCEL OF PROPERTY AND THE O~/NERS THEREOF BY REASON OF SA-! D" I MPROVEMENTS I N" EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT OF THE RESPECTI VE< ASSESS~1ENTS'AGA I NST SA~1E: LEVY- ING ASSESSMENTS; FIXING A CHARGE AND liEN AGAINST THE RE- SPECTIVE PROPERT1ES ABUTTING'ON THOSE PROTIONS OF SAID STREETS TO' BE IMPROVED AND AGAINST THE~TRUE' OWNERS THEREOF FOR THE PAYMENT OF PART OF THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE LIMITS DESCRIBED; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES AND THE MANNER OF THEIR COLLECTION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ' Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that Ordinance Number 1223 be approved as read. Mayor Forristall recog'nized'Mr. John Lyle,' 4233 Alb~ms, who had indicated a desire to speak to this item on the Council Agenda~ Mr.' Lyle expre~sed ~ppreciatibn to members of the City Councii for their pursuit of' the proposed paving projects;" encouraged an affirmative vote on the ordinance; and noted that many residents had begun painting homes and making oth~r improvement~ as a result of the plans to pave the street. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ESTABLISHING A FEF Sf.HFnIII F FOR 'C:FRTAIN r.ITV SFR\/Ir1=". Resolution Number 84-05 was presented to the Council and read in full: WHEREAS, the City Council included in the budget for 1984 certain fees as listed'below; 'for services provided by the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to establish said fees to be charged. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following fee schedule for servites de- scribed is hereby adopted and implemented: ~C<-'>"~"'"..~~ n o n n LJ Rl ~ n u Auto Decal s Housing Inspection Fee Plan Checking Fee Ala~m SystemCh~~6~' $ 1 .00' 35.00 50.00 25.00' 97 Section 2. The city staff. is hereby authorized to charge said fees for the services d~scribed above~ PASSED AND APPROVED th.i s day of , 1984 Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that Resolution Number 84-05 be ap~roved a~ read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None CONSTRUCTION OF NEW POLICE FACILITIES: In accordance with previous action of the City Co~ncil~ bids r~c~ived fOr the construttion ofne~police facilities were opened and results announced as follows:' Bidder Proposa 1 #1 lCohtrattot'~Sth~d~le) I, Kandu Contractors EastexGeneral;Contractors R. Joseph & Company D.K.Struttures, Inc. Mancorp, Inc. Jesse Lovelace Constr. Schultz & Lembo, Inc. Mandecon, I nc. Bratten Building Systems' Dreyfus Construction MoPack Construction J.L. Ramirez Constr. SOlid Corporation Gary Shepherd Company Dannersen Corporation CIT Construction Teal Construction Co. May Construction Co. Barringer Construction Sub-Contract Bid $ 509,800'.00 499,000.00 705,832.00 468,000.00 464,500.00 447,000.00 450,000.00 , 536,562. 00 ' 510,000.00 483,125'.00 462,000.00 470,000.00 478,450;00 468,200~00 507,000.00 492,258.00 478,500.00 465,535.00 Proposal #2 " (Atthit~tt'~Sth~d~le) $514,800.00 519,000.00 705,832.00 468,000.00 526,782.00 450,000.00 450,000.00 , (None) 520',000.00 485,000.00 455,000.00 470,000.00 495,000.00 46'8,200.00 507,000.00 492,258.00 478,500.00 (None) Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that bids re- ceived for the construction of new police facilities be referred to staff and the architect for tabulation and evaluation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None . -. ... ..."............_,U '~"'--'.''''''',''''"I..",' 98 MEDICAL DIRECTOR: follows: Ordinance Number 1224 was presented and the Caption read as APPOINTMENT OF DR. ARLOHELTGE AS MEDICAL DIRECTOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE PURSUANT TO ART I CLE Il470 V. T. C'~ S; AND PURSUANT TO< SECT ION 197. 1 THROUGH 197.4 CHAPTER-1970F'THETEXASSTATE BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS RULES AND REGULATIONS; PROVID- ING FOR A TERM OF~SIX (6) MONTHS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. I~ I'! L1 Motion by Councilman Jackson, secOnded by Councilman Weatherly, that Ordinance Number 1224 be approved as read. Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Forristal1 administered th'eOath of Office to Dr~ Arlo Weltage as Medical Director for the City. HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT PAYMENT: An invoice in the amount of $5,128.00 received from the Harri sCounty Appraisal District was presented for cons i- deration. Motion by Counci lman Pol ichino, seconded by Counci lman \~eatherly, that the City Council approve payment to the Harris County Appraisal District in the amount of $5,128.00. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None REHABILITATION OF WAKEFOREST WATER STORAGE FACILITIES: An invoice in the amount of $6,195.00 rec~ived from Don S. Reichle & Associates for ehgiheering services in commection with the renovation of the cityls water storage reservoirs was presented for consideration~ Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Council Authorize payment to Don S. Reichle & Associates in the amount of $6.195.00 for engineering services. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None REPLACEMENT OF 12" WATER LINE ON EDLOE: An invoice submitted by Cat Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $42,689.90 for replacement of a 1211 water 1 ine on Edloe was presented for consideration.' It was noted that a total of $6,000 was being withheld from the final estimate as a reserve by the city for contingency of Brister Inc. IS claim agaihst said funds. Motion by Counci lman Pol ichino, seconded by Counci lman \4eatherly, that the City Council approve payment to Cat Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $42,689.90. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums reported that he had no matters for consideration by the Council at this time. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that the City Council approve a Lease Agreement for a 1984 Oldsmobile Delta "88" for use of the City Manager. n ~ n 99 Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Forristall announced that there were two very proud Papas in the city at this time. Councilman Polichino and his wif~, Jean, became the parents of a daughteq" Sara Gayle,bn'February 22nd and Director'of Personnel/Purchasing Mark Pendleton and his wife, Freba, became the parents of a son, Jason Frank, orr February 23td. STAFF REPORT: City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh presented the following recommendation for the purchase of a cab and chassis for the Street Division: Jimmie Green Chevrolet has informed me that due to the recent price increases they will not be able to honor their bid of $]7,]39.58. The change about came after Jimmie Green placed the order with the district office on Tuesday, March ]4th. At that time the district office informed Jimmie Green of the price increase who, in turn, notified this office that the order could not be placed at the bidded price. The revised, '>1 :"bid price would be $17,5]9.58 and would then represent the third lowest bid after South Loop Fordls bid of $17,494.00. As a result of these changes, I would like to recommend the City award the cab & chassis bid to the next lowest which is Knapp Chevrolet, in the amount of $]7,494.00. purchase would sti]l be under budget by $7,55].00. that bidder This Knapp Chevrolet has guaranteed this price until March 1, ]984. De]ivery date is estimated to be 90 days. Motion by Councilman Po]ichino, seconded by Cduncilman Jackson, that the re- commendation of Mark Pendleton be~accepted and the City Council authorize purchase of one ]984 cab and chassis from Knapp Chevrolet for $]7,449.00. Voting Aye: A]l Voting No: None CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: MinOtes of the regular meeting of the City Council- Mona~y, February ]3, ]984, were presented for consideration~ Motion by Counci lman Pol ichino, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council on Feb~uary ]3, ]984, be approved as submitted. Vot i ng Aye: AI] Voting No: None ADJOURNMENT: With rio further business to come before the City Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p;m. ' Lyj1 aJo.J 1wvUolalJ Mar]a Forristall, Mayor ATTEST: ~<'-' ~ ee ockard, City Secretary ~ .-".tn.".,...._.I~.. .,,- ---.----.- .r-r"""'-~ '- ~:T' 100 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Ma re~ 12, 1984 II LJ The City Counci 1 convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, March 12, 1984,7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Forristall, presiding Councilmen Jackson, Lenhart, Pol ichino and Weatherly. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: there were no residents in attendance desiring to bring a matte~ to the attention of the City Council. CITIZEN RE~PONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: ~ayorForristall directed attention to a sign-in sheet at the rear of the Council Chamber for use of any resident wishing to ad- dress fln Hem 'on the Counci 1 Agenda.' ITEMS TO BE REMOVED' FROM CONSENT AGFNDA:' Mayor Forristall noted that included on the Consent Agenda'were request to advertise for the purchase of plastic refuse bags, payment of an invoice submitted by Alexander Grant Company for services rendered in'the preparation of the 1981 audit, payment due on the 1976 general obligation bonds; and payment tb the Houston-Galveston Area Council for purchase of two pi'ck-up trucks'andone 3/4 ton pick-up truck. , , No'member of the City Council wished to remove an item'from the Consent Agenda. APPROVAL. OF: CONSENT AGENDA:, Motion by Counci lman Ja~kson, seconded. by Counc i lman 0 Pollchlno, that the Consent Agenda be approved In accordance With staff recom- mendations. ' Vbting Aye:' All Voting No: None MUNICIPAL COURT PRESIDING JUDGE: ' Resolution Number 84-06 was presented to the City Council and read in full: WHEREAS, Mr. Charles Orsburn has heretofore been appointed Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, Judge Orsburn has become ill and is unable to function in such cap~city at teh present time; and WHEREAS, Mr. Michael Schneider has heretofore been appointed Asso- ciate Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place; and WHEREAS, Mr. Schneider is'duly licensed and a practicing attorney, and ca~able of serving as Judge of the Municipal Court of the city; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to appoint Mr. Michael Schneider as Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~JEST UN IVERS ITY PLACE, TEXAS: u n o u in'" v1. Section -I. That Mr. Michael Schneider is hereby appointed Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of ~Jest University Place. Section 2. That Mr. Schneider is hereby vested with all the powers and duties as set fo,r'flT in the Charter of -the 'City of \.Jest Universtiy Place and the Statutes of the State of Texas pertaining to his official appointment. Section 3. That Michael Schneider shall receive as compensation for his duties the amount heretofore provided for such position. Section 4. That Michael Schneider shall serve in such capacity during the illness of Judge Charles Orsburn, unless removed from said posi- tion during such period'by the City 'Council. PASSED AND APPROVED this , 1984 day of Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Polichino, that Resolution Number 84-06 be approved as read. Vot i ng Aye : All Voting No: None MOVING OF HOUSES LOCATED ,AT 3814 UNIVERSITY AND 3815 AMHERST: In accordance with previous action of the City Council, bids received for the sale and removal of houses located at 3814 University and 3815 Amherst were opened and results announced as follows: Bidder 1814 University i81l; Amhp.rc;t A 11 Texas House Mov i ng, 'I ne. 30 days Samuel Lynch Services No Bid, Williams House Moving 30 days 60 days $ 1,500.00 $ 5Ob.00 2,350.00 (demolish)2,450.00 (dem) 1 ,750.00 2,500.00 2, 100.00 2,600.00 Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Coune!:l award bid to Wi-lliams House Moving on their bid for removal within 60 days contingent upon approval by the city staff of 'such firm's ability as a house moving company. , Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None PORTABLEUGFDUPLEX/MULTIPLEX TELEMENTRY UNIT AND EKGMONITOR AND,DIFIBULATOR: In accordance with previous action,of the City Council, bids 'received for purchase of ambulance equipment were epened and results announced as follows: -LLJ..L-'-l.=:::::JL........ . '.t,':ttnllWlll!llI!ll.I~~ ~~~ 102 Bidder Telemetry Unit _ Defibrillator "Motoro 1 a C&E Pioneer Medi~al Systems Medical Com~unications Hewlett Packard Proposal #1 P roposa 1 .#2 Proposal #3 Phusio-Control $ 6,400.00 6,750.00 6,325.00 No Bid ,~ I U $ 7,050.00 6,450.00 + 416.00 6,800.00 6,310.50 Mot i on by Counc i 1 man Pol i ch (no, seconded by Counc i 1 man Jackson, that bids re- ceived for ambulance equipment be referred to staff for evaluation and recom- mendation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None " REPAIRS & PAINTING OF ONE 250.000 GALLONELEVATEDV/ATERSTORAGE RESERVOIR: Bids re- ceiv~d for reparrs and painting of one 250,000 gallon el~vated water storage reservoir located on Wakeforest Street were opened at 2:00 p.m., reviewed by Mr. Don S. Reichle, consulting engineer and Robert Simpson, Water/Wastewater Superintendent, and the followin,9 recommendation presented to the Counci 1. , , , Bids, opened at 2:00 p.m. thisd~te, have been tabulated and all thirteen (13) bids are shown on the attached sheet in the ,order in ~hich they were opened. LJ On the second sheet we have shown the five (5) low bidders, with their bids arranged in order with the lowest bidder first. Also shown is our estimate of the cost of each item :on the Bid Proposal Form. We contacted the low bidder, Industrial Painters, Inc., Little Rock, Arkansas by telephone this date to verify a slight discrepancy on their proposal. Based on our findings, we recommend that award be made to Industrial Painters, Inc. for the full amount of $62,7i5 with completion in ninety (90) calendar days. : Motiqn by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Council accept the recommendation of Consulting Engineer Don Reichle and award the bid to Inductrial Painters, Inc.m Little Rock, Arkansas on th~ir low bid of $62,725~ contingent ,upon receipt ofa letter setting forth t~p'epaint to be used on reservoir. Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None PURCHASE OF 1.014.000 REEFUSEBAGS: A request was presented to advertise for bids for the purchase of 1,014,000 plastic refuse bags for use of the Sanitation Division. u 0' , , i' , o u 103 Mot i on' by Counc i 1 man Jackson, seconded' by Counc i 1 man Po 1 i ch i no, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise fOr purchase of plastic refuse bags. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None 1983 ANNUAL FINANCIAL AUDIT: An invoice in the amount of $8,500.00 submitted by Alexander Grant Company for s'ervices rendered in conjunction withtheexami- nation of financial statements' for 1983, was presented for-consideration. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Council authorize payment to Alexander Grant Company in the amount of $8,500. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None 1976 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PAYMENT: An invoice in the amount of $124,252 sub- mitted by First Clty National Bank of Houston fo~ ~ayment of the 1976 general obligation bonds was presented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Counc"il authorize payment to Hrst City National Bank of Houston in the amount of $124,252. Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None 1984 CITY VEHICLE PURCHASES: The Council was advised that delivery of three trucks purchased under the terms of the city's agreement with H-GAC would soon be ready for delivery and H-GAC required payment prior to delivery. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Council approve payment to H-GAe in the amount of $23,522.11. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums advised that arrangements had been made for the lease of city's woned property at 2715 Milford Street for the sum of $500.00 per month with Bay town Construction Company of Beaumont, Texas. Mr. Allums noted that the company had also agreed to make some improvements on the property which would revert to the city upon completion of the lease agreement. Motion by Councilman Lenhart, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that the city enter into a lease agreement for property located at 2715 Milford Street. Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None COUNCIL COMMENTS: Mayor Forristall advised that sometime ago a recommendation had been~"received from Senior Services Director Lil Sims that Mr. Oscar Kotterman be appointed as the city's representative to the area Planning and Advisory Counei 1 (APAC). '.' f "', _n~nJ.nIID:I"""I~_ ....nl...._...~I...,U'. , lOll Motion by Councilman Lenhart, seconded by Counci1iTIc'rn Pol:ich'ino; that Mr.:oscar,u1 Lottermanbe officiallyappoirited as the city1s 'representative to the Area P1a\1 nning and Advisory Council. , LJ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None STAFF REPORT:' Mr. Richa'rd Rockenbaugli, City Manager, reported that he had no further comments for consideration by the':Ci'ty Council. C I TV' COUNCI L' MEET I NG MTNUTES: ' Minutes of the regu 1 a r meet i ng of the City Counc i 1 on Monday, Febr'uary 2]', 1984, were pre'sented for consi'deration: Councnman Po1ichino requested that the minutes be corrected to show his new daughter1s name to be Sara Gale. Mot ion by Counc i 1man Jackson, seconded by Counc i 1man Lenhart, that mi nutes of the regular meetingo'f the 'City Council on February 27, 1984, be approved as corrected. Vot i ng Aye: All Voti ng No: None ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. -1tlcJDJ 1~~ Marla Forrista11, Mayor o ATTEST: ~/ .~.ch/ L e Locka rd , i ty Sec reta ry -- 11 ! I "--.) D ~ 11:' [J 105 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 26, ,1984 The City Council Convened in regular session on Monday, March 26, 1984, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Forristall, presidLng; Councilmen Polichino and Weatherly. The City Attorney and.City Manager were also present. Councilmen Jackson and Lenhart were absent. Mayor Forristall advised those in attendance thQtshe would deviate from the regular Council meeting agenda in order to recognize the accomplishment of one of the city's Departments. Mayor Forristall-:noted that for the first itme the city's Parks and re- creation Department entered the competition sponsored by the Texas Municipal League in recognition of the city's support of the arts in the.city and was one of two cities selected in its population category. Mayor Forristall presented Director of Administration/Finance with the TML CertiWitate which had been framed for the occasion. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mr. David Ignash, 2705 Sunset, stated that the reason he and his neighbors were in attendance was to present a petition signed by residents of the 2600, 2700 and 2800 blocks of SUn~et protesting the parking situation created by the opening of the Sunset Tea Room at 2602 Sunset. Mr. 'gnash reviewed the following sequence of events which had preceded appearance before the Council of residents of the area: October, 1983 to Present- overflow parking of customers of the Sunset Tea Room has increased and now extends from Kirby to~Wake Forest. October 1983 to January, 1984- Spoke to West University City Manager and Chief of Police on several occasions concerning the parking. January 26,1984- placed a sign on the tailgate of my Blazar stating, 'IThe Sunset Tea Room is an inconsiderate Neighbor". As I watched, two restaurant employees removed the.sign and put it insIde my truck. 'then called the police and Officer Robert ,Norris came and spoke to the employees. After the officer left, the employees blocked my sign by parking their car directly behind mine and raising its hood. January 27, 1984- Talked to David, the grown son of one of the owners. , agreed to remove my sign and left my phone number when he assured me that the owners would contact me that weekend. 'was available at that phone number the entire weekend but there was no response from the owners. January 31, 1984- , sent the owners a return-receipt-requested letter stating the parking situation, my concern with their lack of communication with me and the majority of the neighbors. ' February 1, 1984- The receipt signed by G. Shaver returned to me by the Post Office. '..._tn'''..'........I~..,. .., .,.....,......-"~~.,- ""..'...... ",I_.."""c lOG March 13, 1984 - Peggy Cannon and I filed a complaint with the county-run Neighborhood Justice. A hearing was set for 6:00 p.m., March 20, 1984. The Neighborhood Justice arbitrator notified the owners (by mail once and by phone twice) of the hearing date, time and place. I 1 . ! lJ March 20, 1984 - The owners of the.SunsetTea Room failed to appear at the hearing; nor did they notify the arbItrator. March 26, 1984 - Still no responsefrqm the owners of the Sunset Tea Room nor anyspo~esman for them. ,Mr. Ignash then presented to Council the following petition: We, the undersigned citizens of the 2600, 2700 ,and 2800 blocks of Sunset Boulevard, ask our City Council grant us relief from: , . l)"a dangerous and intolerable traffic and parking situation that has recently developed, and 2) prevent further depreciation and damage to our ,property values and the tranquIlity of our nei~hborhood. fl Our neighborhood has always been residential, and we would'like to have it remain that way. The Sunset Tea Room has turned our neighborhood into its own commercial parking lot, with apparently 1 rttle or no regard for the residents. We respectively request that, our City Council take the appropriate steps to return our neighborhood to the peaceful ,safe residnetial status it once enjoyed and to improve the parking and traffic flow as quickly as possible before tragedy results from this dangerous congestion. touncilman Lenhart arrived at the meeting at this time. Mr. Steve Cohen, 2711 Sunset, advised the Council taht the excessive parking denied residents of the three (3) blocks personal enjoyment of their property; that pro- perty va lues had ,decreased; and concern of the res i dents for the phys i ca 1 safety of thei-r children. Mr Cohen suggestecl _three possible solutions that could re- duce the p~oblem. '1) Restricted parking on one side of the street; 2) A change should bemCide, for a required number of parking plades based on the type of business establ ishnient; and 3) Make Sunset a one-way street going east. rl play LJ Christy\.Jalker, 2715 Sunset, stated th~t she would not let her children on the sidewalk and that her primary concern was for their safety. u"" " 'I, , o ~ 107 Mrs. Margaret Smith, 2631 Sunset, stated that she was a realtor and that pro- perty for sale could not be shown because of ' the parking situation thus result- ing in the lack of sale. Mr. Kent Davis, 2717 Sunset';'advisedthat recently shile on vacatH)n he had observed the congestion especially during the"morntfig hours. Mrs. Mary Jean Wilkinson, 2710 Sunset, recited an experience she had recently encountered which resulted in her calling the police to have a car towed away and was responsible for her missing a business appointment. Mr. EugeneVJilkinson, 2710 Sunset, stated that he held an occasion to talk with a representative of "Triangle Refineries located across the street from the Tea Room and wasstold they consistently have to have cars towed from their parking lot. Councilman Lenhart reviewed steps taken to eliminate a similar problem in VJashing- ton, D. C. by the issuance of resident parkin~ permits afid if a resident re- ceived a certain number of parking tickets the permit was taken away. Council- man Lenhart suggested that someone on staff, representatives of the residents and Sunset Tea Roo~ meet to discuss the problem a~d try to find ~ solution that would be favorable to all concerned. Mayor Forristall agreed to arrange such meeting arid to advise those in attendance of the'date, time and place. CITIZEN RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: No resident in attendafice desired to discuss any item included on the agenda. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: No member of the City Council desired to remove an item from the Consent Agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Lenhart, that the Consent Agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendations. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None RECOMMENDATION FOR PURCHASE OF AMBULANCE EQUIPMENT: In accordance with previous in- structions of the Council, a recommendation was presented for the purchase of a telemetry ufiit from Motorola for the sum of $6,325.00 and a'monitor/difibulator from Physio-Control for the sum of $8~310.50. Motiofi by Councilman Polichino, seconded'by Councilman Lenhart, that the City Council approve purchase of ambulance equipment- in accordance with staff recom- mendations. 'Voting Aye: All 'Voting No: None 110l0NJ:AL"PA-RK.ATRSTRUCTURE:-'A request was presented to advertise for E>1ds for the sale of the Colonial Park air'structure~ Motion by Councilman Polichino" seconded by Councilman Lehhart, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for the sale of the Colonial Park air structure. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None 10'~ o PURCHASE OF LIBRARY CARPET: A request was presented to advertise for bids for de- ~ livery and installation of carpet for the Library. I ' I Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Lenhart, that the Cityl Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for the delivery and installation ~ of carpet for the Library. Vot i ng Aye: All Voting' No: None PURCHASE 'OF INFLATABLE COVER'FOR COLONIM 'PARKSWIMMINr,'pnnl .' A request was presented to advertise for bids for purchase of an inflatable cover for the swimming pool at'colonial Park. Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Lenhart, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids:for the delivery and installation of an inflatable cover for the 'swimming pool at Colonial Park. Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None A request was presented for payment to HGAC delivery of a pickup truck. Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Lenhart~ that the City Council approve payment of $7,120.39 to HGAC for delivery of a pickup truck for the Street Division. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None 1 i had no legal matters fo' LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums advised that he council consideration at this time. COMMENTS OF'CITY COUNCIL: 'Councilmarr Lenhart introduced his mother, Mrs. Peggy Lenhart who was visiting from Wisconsin. STAFF REPOaT: City Manager Richard Rockenbaugh advised that he had no further items for Council consideration. CITY'COUNCIL'MEETINGMINUTES: Minutes'of the regular ~eeting of the City Council on March 12, 1984, were presented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that minutes of the regular m~eting of the City Council on March 12, 1984, be approved as sub- mitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to:come before the COuncil at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and, carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. '~~k ~~t& [ ATTEST: , ~j~~ Lee Lockard, Ctiy Secretary Marla Forristall, Mayor 0'... , , ',\ o n 109 REGULAR CiTY COUNCI,L MEETiNG April 9., 1984 The City Council convened in reg~lar session at 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: men Jackson, Lenhart, Polichiho and We~therly. City manager was out of the city. the City Hall on Monday, April 9, 1984, Mayor Forristall, presiding; Council- The City Attorney was also present. The Mayor Forristall requested a moment of reflection in honor of the father of City Manager Richard Rockenbaugh who passed away on Wednesday, April 4, 1984. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: There were no residents in attendance desiring to bring a matter to the attention of the City Council. CITIZEN RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS:, Mayor Forristall dlrected attention to a sign-in sheet at the rear of the Council Chamber for" Use of anyone desiring to speak to a specific item appearing on the agenda. LEGAL MATTERS: Mayor Forristall announced that consideration of any legal matters would be moved from its usual place on the Council agenda in order that City Attorney David Allums might be excused on the agenda. Mr. Allums stated that the only legal matter he had at this time was to advise the Counc i 1 that Cat Contracti ng Company had resol ved its earl i er probl em wi th a sub-contractor on the replacement of a water line on Edloe and the Council could now authorize release of the $6,000 retainage on the final estimate submitted by Cat Contracting Company. Mr. Allums was excused at this time. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: No member of the Council desired to remove an item from the Consent Agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that The Consent Agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendations. Vot i ng Aye: All 'Voting No~ None APPOTNTMENT OF ASSOCIATE MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE: Resolution Number 84-07 was presented to the Council and read in full: WHEREAS, Mr. Michael Schneider has heretofore been appointed Judge of the Municipal Court of the City Of West University Place, Texas; and \-/HEREAS, to provide compl iance with Senate Bi 11 1043, and to pro- vide for orderly operation of the Municipal Court requires the appointment of an additional Associate Judge of the'Municipal Court: and WHEREAS, Mr. Ross Rommel has been determined to be capable of serving as an Associate Judge of the Municipal court; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Mr. Ross Rommel is hereby appointed Associate Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of West University place. '...- ~,......,----,,- 11' ..." '4,,,~,.,_ _".... 110 Section 2~ That'Mr. tommel is hereby vested with all the powers and dut i es as set forth in th'e Charter of the City of '.Jest Un i vers i ty U Place and the Statures of 'the State of Texas pertaining to his official :I~ appointment. , Sect i on 3. That Ross Tomme 1 sha 11 rece i ve as' compensat i on for his duties the amount hereto fore provided for such position. Section 4. That Ross Tommel shall serve in such capacity until the next regular City Gene~al'Election and thereafter ~ntil the appointment and qualification of his successor, unless removed from said position during such period by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED' this day of , 1984. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman lenhart, that Resolution Number 84-07 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Forristall administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Rommel as Associate Judge of the Municipal Court o~ the City of West University Place. PLASTIC REFUSE BAGS: In accotdance with previous action of the City Council, bids re- ceived for' delivery of plastic refuse,'bags were opened' and results announced as fo 11 ows : 'Bidder , mi 1 h;::lg<; ? () mi 1 h"'g'" o Crown Poly Arrow Bemis $ 54,561.00 61,213.15 58,862.70 $ 72,793.50 81,435.35 76,982.88 Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Polichino, that bids received for delivery of plastic refuse bags be referred to staff for review and recommen- dation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None PURCHASE OF POI I r.F PATROl r.ARC:;. Arequestwas presented for payment ot the Houston- Galveston Area Council in the amount of $40,494.00 for delivery of four (4) police patrol units. Motion by'Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Council approve payment ot Houston-Galveston Area Council in the amount of $40,494.00. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None n o D IT 11,1 ~' L_"~,,,I! 111 SALE OF 245 LINEAL FEET OF FENCIN~. A request was presented to advertise for the saleof 245 lineal ,feet of fencing located behind the dwell ing lotated at 3815 Amherst which will be removed for con- struction of new police facilities. Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for the sale of 245 lineal feet of fencing. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None WATER WELL #9 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS.' The Council was advised that plans and specifications for drilling water well #9 had been completed arid the project was now ready to advertise for bids. Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for the drilling Gf water well #9. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None AMBULANCE EOUIPMENT: A request was presented for the payment to Physio-Controlin the amount of $8,310.50 and to Motorola in the amount of $6,400.00 for delivery of ambulance equipment. Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Council approve payment to Physio~Control in the amount of $8,310.50 and to Motorola in the amount of $6,400.00. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None COUNCIL COMMENTS: Mayor Forristalladvised that consideration should be given to the recommendation of the City Attorney for release of funds which had been withhel d from the final estimate submitted by Cat Contracting Company for the replacement of a water line on Edl oe . Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that the City Council approve release of the sum of $6,000 which had been withheld from the final estimate submitted by Cat Contracting Company. VotingnAye: All Voting No: None STAFF REPORT: In the absence of the City Manager, Director of Adminis- tration Donna Sims advised she had no staff report for consideration by the Counc i 1 . CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council on March 26, 1984 were presented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Lenhart, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council on Monday, March 26,1984, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None I, II, I ~ II Ii I ~1*1 :iI, II L-- -LlillJ1l i'lli'lIIl1IlIIIIIlDlIll 11I;] III ",jlll! 112 lUIUIUl~lllIIllIllL!LJ, , .11111' I'~ I ill 11I1 IJII':!.I I. i '11 I II ADJOURNMENT: With no further business. to come before the Co~ncil at' thistim~, upon motion ,duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjournedat 8:01 p.m~ ' .'1f1~ 1~JJ Ma la Forrlstall, Mayor ATTEST: ~ of-~ Lee Lockard, City Secretary I >-' ;,'-'\",,"1'4' '" I _,^ _ ,./.<'n..1< .1 m [] ':'11 U REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 23, 1984 7:30 p.m. 113 n ",--,"".,J The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, April 23, 1984,7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Forristall, presiding; Councilmen Jackson, Pol ichinoand Weatherly. The City Manager was al so present. Councilman Lenhart and the City Attorney were absent. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Ms. Joan McCay, 3029 Carnegie, stated that she had been advised that a joint meeting was to be held by the Long Range Planning Committee and the Zoning and Planning Commission and it would be her request that no recom- mendations should be accepted by the City Council until the entire problems of the Zoning and Planning Commission had been resolved. Mr. Chuck Gillan, 3620 Geoegetown, asked if there would be public hearings held on the proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance prior to their being enacted. Mr. David Ross, 3304 Albans, stated that he had read in the Texan that there were over two-hundred garage apartments in ,the city and that current new con- struction were filling up the lot destroying much of the green area. Mr. David Neeley, 2903 Nottingham, and Mrs. Elizabeth Cooksey, 2826 Sunset, each asked if the city planned to do anything about garage apartments. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: No member of the City Council desired to remove an item from the consent agenda. , ~-: :' i ~: I CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly that the consent agenda be approved in accordance with staff 'recommendations. Voting Aye: ' All Voting No: None Mayor Forristall announced that she would revise the agenda for the meeting to permit recognition of some Proclamations. PROFESSIONAL PLUMBING-HEATING-COOLINGMONTH: Mayor, Forristall presented the following Proclamation: WHEREAS, the Plumbing-Heating-Cooling industry of the City of West University Place holds a major responsibility for the protection of public health and the advancement of living standards; and WHEREAS, plumbing, heating and cooling are ancient professions that have provided sanitation, fresh water~ comfort and convenience since man began to gather in communities; and WHEREAS, professional contractors in these fields are the origi- nal ecol~gist~ and have taken the lead in the development and application of environmental measures to insure the public health arid water and energy savings; and rn ................~:L...... "IW. ',I,l1ij~1I1!111:lImD.III..l' tIn." l' 1111 114 .111I..1111. l I" I I 111111 II r i.: I ~ I . I'll I I .::;.:&..~ - I . o o J U" , ., " ,: [] ;-, n t- ," 115 WHEREAS, contractors and skilled journeymen and apprentices are actively engaged in the plumbing, heating and cooing professions in this area; and WHEREAS, this area's leadership in building construction, indus- trial development and agriculture is greatly enhanced by these industries; and WHEREAS, the national association of Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors of Texas and the Plumbing & Mechanital Contractors Council of Harris County, Inc. will lead their total industry of 1.5 million men and women in special activities to focus attention on the vital contribu- tion they make to the qualtty of life in our city, state and nation. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that I, Marla Forristall, Mayor of the City of West University Place have set aside June, 1984 for the ce 1 ebrat i on of PROFESSIONAL PLUMBING~HEATING-COOLING MONTH in the City of West University Place; and Be it further resolved that all ci~izens JOin with me in giving recognitio~ to this vital profession and to the special events arranged for this period. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have caused the official seal of the City of West University Place to be affixed this 23rd day of April, 1984. RETIREMENT OF FIRE CHIEF BEN VJILCHER: Mayor FOrristall presented the following Proclamation. WHEREAS, fire prevention and suppression services provided in our community are an integral part of our citizens' everyday lives; and WHEREAS, the support of an understanding andinfromed citizenry is vital to the efficient operationof the Fire Department; and WHEREAS, the efficiency of the qualified and didicated personnel who staff the Fire Department is materially inftuenced by the attitude and understnading of the citizens; arid WHEREAS, Benjamin F. Wilcher was employed as a member of the Fire Department on October 1, 1956; and WHEREAS, Ben Wilcher has .servedtwerity-eight years as a member of the r ,- "oCfty'-:6vco,\i/estUh i vers i tyPl ace'-F i re:Depar'tment ~- aoa' as ltssGhlef :::s.iece: :, '. :'-",: November 11, 1974; and WHEREAS, the City of West University Place values its employees and the City Council desires to express'rts appreciation to Ben Wilcher for many years of devoted service to the city. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Marla Forristall, as Mayor of the City of West University Place, do hereby designate Tuesday, April 24, 1984, as . J ,'I if ',~' 1"11" . I ~_L..liLi....ilL......L..... ,,11..*111, "I'!IIIIII11l1llIElIiU.l lnl '" ---..- 'r-,..,.-1""""" ,n <-"".,1 ....,. .~_ ,.,.,,~ 116 BEN WILCHER DAY and urge a 11 members of then join in honoring this ded- ~ lri the City of West University Place, Texas, City Counci,l, the City staff and citizens to icated'employee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have caused the official seal of the City of West University Place to be affixed this 23rd day of April, 1984. CLOSING OF SUNSET BOULEVARD AT KIRBY DRINE: Mayor Forristall noted that discussion of this item on the agenda had been deferred because of the number of residents desiring to speak on this agenda item. Mr. Chuck Fuhs, 6005 Annapolis, advised the Council that he was opposed to any proposal to close Sunset at Kirby because it serves as a major collector street for east-west traffic in the city; because such diversion would increase traffic on other neighborhood streets; because the function of Sunset had not changed ~n thirty years; and b~cause the City of Houston was unaware of any plans to close Sunset. Mr. Steven Cohen, 2711 Sunset, stated that he would be presenting a petition as a culmination of looking at the parking and traffic problem created by the customers of the Sunset Tea Room. Mr. W. R. Howard, 2905 Nottingham, stated that he felt it wrong to consider C closing the street. Mrs. Barbara Runge, 2905 SunsetJ requested that if closing of Sunset/Kirby was considered that consideration also be given to closing Nottingham at Kirby. Mr. David Healey, 2903 Nottingham, stated that he did not have any sympathy for ~he people on Sunset.because they' knew when they bought their houses that Sunset was a major east/west thoroughfare. Mrs. Peggy Cannon, 2703 Sunset, stated that property values in the area had been damaged since the Sunset Tea Room opened. Mr. C. W. Smith, 2631 Sunset, was advi,sed that the Traffic Committee report had been given to staff members for review. Mrs. Margaret Smith, 2631 Sunset, stated that residents of the area were faced with the problem of having a commercial establishment change the entire neighbor- hood. Mrs. Sharon Graffr 2617 Sunset, stated that residents on Sunset did not want to infringe ,on other residents, but that they did not want car~ parking in front of their homes. Mrs. Sharon Cohen, 2711 Sunset, stated that savings i,nto their .homeand it was ,her hope implemented. her fami ly had put all of their Il that the cul-de-sac idea would be~ 117 B" r ',,- ,{'~~'1, "{'"-, Mrs. Margo Scholin,2625 Sunset~ stated that the increase in traffic made the area dangerous for children and-that it would be difficult for the Fire Depart- ment, ambulance or anyone else-to get to her house. Mr. Hal Scholin;'2625 Sunset, stated that he concurred with everything his wife said. Mr. 'Gene \Vilkinson, 2710 Sunset; stated that he had lived in his home for 16 years and did not want a cul-de-sac unless that was the olily way to solve the problem. Mrs. Mary Jean ~ilkinson, 2710 Sunset, stated that no commercial establishment should be allowed to intringe on "other citizens. Mr. J.O. Beauchamp, 2616 Albans, stated that he had gotten 21 signatures from 24 house~~that'oppoSid the cloSing of Sunset. Mrs. Eleanor Walker, 3515 Sunset, stated that consideration should be given to eliminating parking between 11:00 and 2:30 p.~. Mrs. Sandra Perkins, 2825 Quenby, stated that Sunset was a major east/west street t~rough We~t'UniverSity and served as a major acces~ road form her neighborhood. ill Mr. Jeffrey OSchsner; 2825 Quenby, stated that'thei'questiori should be presented to the entire city in ~ referendum. Mr. 'Jerry Doll inger; 2915 Albans, stated that he was opposed to closing of Sunset at'Kirby. Mr. Bart Antle, 2931 Nottingham, stated that the problem should be of concern .to all residents and he sympathized with residents living on Sunset. Mr. Ron Thoinas; 2818 Nottingham, 'stated he appreciated 'the problem on Sunset . but did'not feel that a cul-de-sac was 'theanswer'and that'before closing any street in West University the question should be voted on by all residents of the city. Pauline Saludis, 2901 Sunset, stated that she agreed with Mr. Thomas. Mr. Jerry Segal, 2901 Sunset, stated that the traffic study was due in a month and the Council would conscider the problem that was presented to them several years ago. Mr. Forrest'Daniel', 3611' Suriset, stated that he had forwarded a letter to the City Countil stating his thoug~ts on a proposal to close Sunset. Mr. Brian \I!alker, 2715 Sunset, stated that he understood the situation. m ,--tlJ Mrs. Sally Lehniberg, 2908 \oJroxton, stated that she could appreciate the problem of residents on Sunset but did not think barricading the street a good idea. Mr. Gary Lehmberg, 2908 Wroxton, stated that they purchased their home on Wroxton because it was a quiet street. Mr. John Pitts, 2716 Albans, stated that traffic around noon on Sunset now ex- ceeded that on Albans. I I' ,! .,'101 . I ",."" . I ! I ...,llJl!id(.IIIIIII'- ';.1,'1rlill1ninTll~n1' '11.1" 118 Mr. Arnold She 1 by, 2707 Al bans, stated that i t ~Jas his thought that the sunseo.. Tea Room should take all their free publiCity and find another-location or that the problem should be a referendum for the entire city. Mr. Larry Burn, 2904 Robinhood, stated that barricading the street would not have any affect on the parking problem. Mfs. Elizabeth Cooksey, 2826 Sunset~ stated that the residents on Sunset have a traffic problem and nothing had been done about it: Ms. Joan McCay, 3029 Carnegie, stated that she had no comment. Mr. Jed Kenna, 2706 Albans, stated that the prob 1 em had been created by the open- ing of the Sunset Tea Room. Mrs. Pat Kramberg, 2910 Sunset, stated that the problem had been going on for four years and was still the same problem. Mr. Gene Hines, 3748 Rice Boulevard; stated that ~ther areaS of the city had a similar problem and that he could not support closing Sunset. Mr. Jim Gibbons, 2907 Nottingham, stated this was the first he had heard of a meeting of' a committee and representatives of the Sunset Tea Room. Councilman Polichino stated that he sympathized with both sides of the issue and that no plan had been developed' to solve 'the 'problem. 0" PURCHASE OF PLASTIC REFUSE BAGS! In accofdan~e with pfeViousaction of the City.. ,;' Council, the following recommendation was presented for purchase of plastic r se bag s . After reviewing the bid results with Jerry Burns we would 1 ike to recommend that the city purchase 1,014,000 refuse bags from Poly Bag Supply Company in the total amount of $54,561. This figure represents the low bid by $4,301.70 and does meet all bid specifications. , .. Poly Bag Supply Company is the same firm that supplied the city with refuse bags this past year. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Council authorize purchase of plastic refuse bags from Poly Bag Supply Company. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None 1984 CAP ITAL ' IMPROVEMENTS PROJ ECTS: Cons i derat i on was given to an invo i ce in the amoun1 of $9,092.25 for engineering services rendered by'Lari~ford\lEngineers on 1984 Capi- tal improvements projects. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Heatherly, that the City Council approve payment to Langford Engineers in the amount $9,092.25. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None IT 119 WESLAYAN ROAD WASTEWATER REHABILITATION: The City Council was advised that plans and rn;~l specifications for rehabilitation of the Weslayan Road wastewater treatment faci- :'i{; 1 i tes had been comp 1 eted and the proj ect cou] d now be advert i sed for bids. '~<f~ Motion by Councilman Jackson; seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Manager be authorized to adverti~e for bids for rehabilitation of the Weslayan Road wastewater treatment facilities. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums was 'out of the city on vacation and no member of ' the Counci'] had any legal matters for dIscussion.' COUNCILCOMMENTS: No member of the City Council had additional comments at this time. STAFF REPORT: ,City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh advised that he had noadditiona] items for presentation at this time. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the regular, meeting 'of "the City Council on Ap~il' 9, 1984, were presented for consideration~ Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded byl'Councilman Po]ichino, that minutes of the regular meeting of the'City Council ,on April 9, ]984, -be ,approved as sub- mitted. 0; , ' (- ~ \: Vot i ng Aye: A 1] , Vot i'ng No: ,None ADJOURNMENT: With no.further business to come before the Council at this'time, upon mot~on duly made, seconded ~nd carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. LJ11aJO/'1~ Ma r 1 a For r i s tall, Ma yo r ATTEST: ~-~aJ'- eeLocka rd, i tySecreta ry " - , u >1 It 1!1'~!1~1I1Ir::11l1:1""t1r::U~' 120 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 14, 1984 ' n nllG The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, May 14, 1984,7:30 p:~.,'with the fol~owing members ~resent: Mayor Forris- tall; presiding; Councilmen Jackson, Le~hart, Polichino and Weatherly. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Mayor Forristall stated that she had two special announcements to make prior to consideration of the agenda. Mayor Fqrristall noted ~hat some problems had been encountered in review of the cont~act documents for the award of a contract for the construction of new police facilities and that this item would be deleted from the agenda and _a spcial meeting of the City Council held on Monday, May 18, 1984, 8:00 ~.m. for ~uch consideration. , , Mayor Forristall advised that the \1ater Superintendent had requested via radio that all residents of West University conserve water as much as possible and had a 1 so reques ted that a 11 house numbers.on the even side of the street .on 1 y water thei r laws on evendays of the month and house numbers on the odd side of the street water lawns on the odd days of the month and that luxury use of water be l,imited as ml!ch as possible. Mayor Forristall 'introduced Mr. Frank Biflings, Chairman of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, who was in attendance with a group of boy scouts. Mr. Billings introduced Eric Engelhart who advised the Council that they were observers of the meeting and to fulfill requirements for a Citizenship in Government Merit Badge. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mr. Ferd Reiger, 6516 Brompton, stated that the Mayor's request that residents conserve water was not sufficient and that steps should be taken to let all the people in the city know the problem. o Mr. Reiger further stated that he had received about ten telephone calls from residents who were upset by the article which had appeared in the Bellaire Texan regarding the city's financial situation. Mr. Reiger stated that such information should come from the Council through a spokesment for the Council and it was his hope that this sort of thing will not happen again. Ms. Lynn Smith, 6018 Charlotte, was advised that the newsp~per article was in error and that the city's financial situation was one-of the very best in the state with l! million dollars in undesignated reserve. Councilman Lenhart advised that the article had been written from a report in the city's CCity Currents which stated that if steps were not taken at this time to seek out options for the future someday the city might be in trouble with its finances. Ms. Joan McCay, 3029 Carnegie, stated that the author of newspaper articles did.nlotblwrite thhe hed~dlinMes aMndcaskedl if the coudncihl was making !hehmselvles n aval a e to t e me la. s. c ay a so requeste t at someone WIt rea estate knowledge be appointed to vill the vacancy on the Zoning and Planning Commission and that such person be made aware of the desire of residents N';' " ' , - l o n 121 that the city not be overbuilt: With regard to tile possibility of a water shortage, Ms. McCay requested that owners of,swimming pools be requested to use the municipal pool rather than fill theit pools. Ms. McCay requested that proposed amendments t~the zontn~ ordinance tonsider 61 side setbacks to ptovide more green space-tnthe city. -- " Mr. C: H. Hotalen, 3809 Sunset, 'was 'advised that the city does not have a Beautification Committee as such; LEGAL MATTERS~ 'City Attorney David Allums advised that he did not have any legal matters f6r Couricll consider~t1on "at thi~ time. ITEMS TO BE'REMOVED 'FROM GONSENT ~A: 'Coun'ci Iman Pol ichino reqested that Item 12, Tri-Sports Association be remov~dfrom t~e consent ~genda. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Councilman Jackson, secorided by Councilman Lenhart, that the ,consent agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendations with the exception of Item #12. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None CITlZENSHrp IN GOVERNMENT BOY SCOUT BADGE: ' Councilman Lenhart" request'ed that consideration be given to obtaining certificates or appropriate souvenirs in the 1985 ~udget preparatiorifO~pr~sentation to groups such as the boy scouts attending-Council meetings. APPO'INTMENTOF FIRE CHIEF: The Council~was advised that inasmuch as Fire Chief Ben Wilcher had retired consideration should be given to the appointment of Deputy Fire Chief Terry Stevenson as Fire Chief. Motidn by Councilm~n Polic~ino, 5ecorid~d by Councilman Jackson, that Deputy Fire Chief Terr'yStevenson be appointed Fire Chief of the City of West Uni- ver's i t'y Place. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None CONSTRUCTION 'OF WATER \-JELL#9:C'onsulti,ng Engineer Dieter Ufer presented the following "fabulation of "bids received" and recommendation for the award of a contr~ct for drilling water well'#9. On Thurs"day,May "10, -atlO~OO a.m.', 'bids were recieved and opened on\1ater \-Jell No.9. The results of the bid opening were as follows: , Layre Texas Company , Layne 'We"s tern I lie. ", A1say Texas Cbr'p~ " " $288 ;97 LI. 00 297;811.00 , 35'1,000.00 ~ 220 calendar days 200 calendar days 180 calendar days Pl~a~e find attached copies of thetabulatiori of bids received for wh i ch the re shou 1 d be amp 1 e cop'i e's fo'r MayOr, each City Counc i1 mem- ber, City Manager, City Secretary and Water and Sewer Superinten- dent: " , After careful'ly ana'lyzing the tabulation of: bids, we recommend that , the construct ion 'of \vaYer WeTl No.- 9 be awarded to Layne-T~xas Com- pany in the amount of $288;974.00. . to't 1:!1'~'I:lIllIr:3I!II"tIf!U:!. 122 Mr;Ufer explained the follOwing letter'received from Layne Texas Company: Because of an oversight, we'havemade an error on the proposal In form for theabmiereference project. By receipt of this letter, we are requesting to amend supplementary item #8 of this proposal to read $1,200.00 per eight-hour tour or $150.00 per hour. This change does not effect the lump sum price of the original proposal and your consideration of this request will be much appreciated. We hope thi~d6es not create art" inconvenience for you and are look- ing forward to working 'with you on 'this project; Motion by 'Councilman Po1ichlno, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that the consulting engineer1s recommendation' be accepted and a contract be award- ed to Layne Texas Company on their low bid of $288,974.00 and that the Council concurs with the letter from "Layne Texas Company dated May 14, 1984, in'reference to item 5.8. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None SUPPORT OF INCREASED STATE HIGHWAY FUNDING AND PASSAGE OF "POTHOLE" BILL: Reso lut i on 'Number 84-08 was "presented to' Counci 1 and read in fu 11: WHEREAS, authoritative surveys reveal that: (1) Texas leads the nation in the number of deficient bridges (172,000) and deteriorated state roadways (7,740 mi res). o (2) The state's 5c per-gallon motor fuel tax is the lowest in :the nation', and has not been increased in 27 years. Moreover, in 1965, 27% of the state budget went for transportation, while in 1982 only about 10% of the state budget was spent for trans- portation-related purpose~. (3) , Each Texas' motori st pays a 11bad roadsll tax averag- ing $291 pe'r year for wasted gasoline, tire wear, car repairs, insurance and ~edical bills. (4) Additional transpOrtation spending of $51 bi 11 ion ,"" will be needed over the nex't 20 years to overcome the current backlog of needs--inc1uding 6.2 billion fo~ road and bridge rehabi1itation~ $30.3 billion for reconstruction, ~6;7 billion for new roads and $7.7 billion for maintenance= and' WHEREAS, the 'statels' transportation funding problems are reflected at the local 'level,: as follows: (1) The current backlog of city street repair needs exceeds n $1 billion. Texas cities are spending an estimated $193 , mrl 1 ion' per year on sfreet repaTrs--more tlian ever before. But they are sti11fal1ing further behind each year, be- cause the street repair backlog is growing at rates that 123 D'" I ' J e~ceed .10CCll spend;ng increases. ,The. cities must have statefinancia] assistance in order tobrin9 their,streets and br~dges up-to,standard. , - , (2) Upwards of ,10 per-cent of all mun i c i pa 1 streets--more than 13,000 mi1es-~are currently in need of major repa i r. (3) The deterioration of city streets and bridges will .accelerate lnth~ fu~ure.The 10,~il1ionmotor vehicles already in the, state are wearing,out.10ca1 roads and bridges faster than they can be repaired; twenty years . from nOIr{, tbe~jties will:have 16 milli.on vehicles to' ,contend with~~morethanhalf againtoday's volume; and WHEREAS"the T~xas Municipal League sl,Jppo.rts.the state funding and tax increases necessary to bring our state-local road and bridges up to par., NOW, THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of West University Place, that the Texas Legislature is urged to enact a state-local road and bridge financing package composed of .the following: o (1) An increase of $1 billion per year in funding for for the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation. (2) $100 million per year for the City Street Improve- ment Fund (the.IIPothole"Bi 11) proposed, but not approved, during the 1983 Legislative session. (3} Doubling the rate of the state motor fuel tax to 10c/gal1~nand increasing motor vehicle license . fees as necessary to generate adequate funding. PAS$ED AND APPRQVED this day of , 1984. Motion by Councilman Heat,hedy, seconded by Councilman Forristal1, that Resolution Number 84-08 be approved as read. . Councilman Lenhart stated that he was in full agreement with the need for more money for highway funding but was unsure that the money was needed for a "pothol~l!dbi 11 and t.hat. the ,mney should be allocated by cities and counties for road repair. Councilman ,Lenhart urged re-consideration of the necessity of issuing a resolution. Voting Aye: Forristall \~eather 1 y Voting No: Jackson Lenhart u Motion fai led. CONSTRUCTION .OF NEW POLICE FACILITIES: Mayo~,forristal1 again noted that a special meeting would be held at 8:00 a.m."Friday for further considera- tion of this item. "'''H'' 1I.. 124 Clty Manager Dick Rockenbaugh',stated,that the contract had been received on Friday afternoon and forwarded to the City,Attorney for review as well as Inc'luded'in Countl 1 packets. The City Attorney's review of the contract indicated some problemswhich might have been resolved prior to the'meeting but it was theirdetision to delay such resolution. The City Manager expressed his appreciation to tbe City Attorney for his thorough review of the contact documents. ' FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING - HANDICA~PED DISCRIMINATION RF~IIIATION~' The Council was'advisedthat recent general regu1~tiQns issued by the office of Reven~e Sharing included theneed:fordesigriati6n of an employee or office " '" ." ,. to be responsible,for the coordination of ~11 efforts to comply with the handicappeddiscriminatioli regulations~, A request was presented that the office of the City Manager" be designated as Coordinator. 'Motion'byCo~nci1Man Jackson~ sec6nd~d by Councilman Lenhart, that the Office of the City Manager be designat/?d Coordinator for compliance with the Handicapped Discrimination Regulations issued by the office of Revenue Sharing. Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None TRI SPORTS ASSOCIATION: An invoice in the amount of $3,750 from Site Develop- ment to the Tri-Sp6rts Association for tbe installation of an automatic lawn sprink1er,at the West University Baseball/Soccer fields and an invoice in t~e amount of $3,500 from th~ Tri-Sports Association were pre- sented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Weatherly, seconded by Mayor Forrista11, that the CityCounc;il authorize ,payment ,to the Tri-Sports Association in the amOunt of $3,500. A lengthy di~cussion in~luded adva~tagesto all residents of the city; a city park or sports complex; request included in 1984 budget as a conti- gency item rather than as a line item; the fact that this is the third year Tri-Sports has requested funds from the city; the lack of guide- lines for approved'payment of city funds to individual groups; the reason for the request being placed on the ,Council agenda; and whether or not use of the Various field~ by the Tri~Sports Association constituted a viola- tion of the city's lease agreement with the Houston Independent School D i s t r ic t . Motion amended by Councilman Po1ichino, accepted by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Council authorize,paymeflt t6'the Tri-Sports Association of half the cost of the sprinker syst'em, or -$1,750.00. Voting Aye: Po1ichino Jackson Weatherly Voting No: Forrista11 Lenha rt -Vot:ing" on the-motion as amended: 'Vot i ng Aye:' - Po 1i ch i'hO JacksOri \~eatherly Voting No; Forrista11 Lenhart -~._- . - .~. " c o [-1 U 0: . . , . o L 125 FIRE HYDRANT CONSTRUCTION AND RELATED WAT~R LINE: A request was presented to advertise for bids for the conStruction of fire hydrants and related water lines at Sewanee/Be11aire and Marquette/West Point. .- -~.,.~ Motion by Councilman Jackson~ second~d by Councilman L~hhart, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids fo"r the construction of fire hydrants and r~latedwater 1ihes". Voting Aye: All Voting No: None An i nvo'i ce in the amount of various capital improvement programs Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Lenha~t, that the City Council approve payment to Topco Company, Inc. in the amount of $9,457.50. Voting Aye: All Vot i fig No:' None LANGFORD ENGINEERING, INC.," CONSULTING ENGINEERS: An invoice in the amount of $16~58.34 submitted by. Langford Engineering, Inc; for engineering services rendered on various projects', was presented for consideration. . , ' Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Lenhart, that the City Council approve payment 'to Langford Engineering, Inc.' in the amount of $16,458.3LI. Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilman ~Jeatherly was advised that in the event the city does not have easements in front of a 1-1 res i dences where the water 1 i nes are to be moved from the rear to the front easements will be obtained. STAFF REPORT: City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh advised that he had no further matters for COunc i1 cons i derat ion at th is time. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council on April 23, 1984, were presented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Jackson, ~econded by Councilman Polichino, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council on April 23, 1984, be approved as submitted. Vat i fig Aye:' All Voting No: None ADJOURNMENT:: With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon'motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:37 p.m. ATTEST: . 111 ~ tv 1wu/J lJI Marla Forrista11, Mayor ~~40~ Lee Lockard, City Secretary ." ,.."....~...............,..... - ---.:;_.,.--,..,-.....,.. ~..-' ...--- _ _'r 12G REGULAR CIT~ COUNCIL MEETING May 28; ,1984 The City Council convened in regu]ar, session at the 1984,7:30 p.m., with the follow'ing members present: Councilmen Jackson, Lenhart, Polichinoand Weatherly. Manager were also present. City Hall on Monday, May 28, Mayor'Forrista1~, presiding; The City Attorney and City !~ 1 ~ Mayor Forrista11 requested that all in attendance observe a moment of silence in honor of Counci1man'Pollchinols mother who passed away on Sunday, May 20,"1984. Mayor Forristall announced that the Council would again depart from the regular agenda to recognize Mr. & Mrs. Ferd Reiger who would be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday, June 2nd. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mrs. Linda Co1thart, 4224 Lehigh, stated, that. she had a statement on behalf of Mrs. Clara Alice Beaver, President, West University Civic Club and the College Court Citizens Association. The Civic Club of the City of West University Place and the College Court Citizens AS,sociation respectfully request a copy of the.Long Range Planning Committee's report analyzing the financial picture of the City through 1990. Citizens of these, civic bo,dies,want to be knowledgeable concern- ing the statistics and bases for the summation of the work of the Long Range Planning Committee as printed in "City Currents'. Volume 11, Number 4, April, 1984. o "Mayor Forristall advised Mrs. Colthart that the Council was awaiting the corrected copy of' the report and when received she would be happy to re 1 ease" it. Mr. Ferd Reiger, 6516'Srompton, Road" stated that, he, would ,1 ike to thank the City Manager and his staff for" removing a traffic hazard at Brompton and Cason. Mr. Reiger also stated that he thought the Council most gen- erous in ~ ~ec~nt ptess release. CITIZENS RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Forrista11 announced that one resi- dent had" signep to. speak, toa specific agenda item and 'would be recognized when the Council considered such item. LEGAL MATTERS: City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh and City Attorney David Allums advised thqt they had no legal matters for COuncil, consideration at this time. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED fROM CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Forrista11 noted th~t the Con- sent Agenda included payment to John J. Holland in the amount of $26,084.25 for estimate numbercone on the street paving project; payment to Harris County Appr-aisa1 District in the amount of $6,843.00 for the third quar- J ter; payment to Kanpp Chevrolet in the amount of $17,449.00 for delivery of a 4~ ton cab and chassis; and payment to Paul H. Addington & Assoc- iates in the amount of $15,988.70 for architectural fees for the new po 1 ice facl 1 i ty. n U ~ 127 CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the Consent Agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendations. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None STEVE GIBSON - CANCER COUNSELING DAY PROCLAMATION: Mayor Forrista11 an- nounced that she would delay presenting the Proclamation' pending the arrival of a representative of Cancer Counseling, Inc. TRI-SPORTS ASSOCIATION: Mrs. Donnie Kornegay, 3823 Riley, was advised that a workshop meeting had been held prior to the Council meeeting to work out an agreement and that the presentation had been made to Council and would be acted upon during the meeting. Motion by Counci 1man Jackson,' seconded by CoulicJ1man Weatherly, that the Council increase the funding to Tri-Sports Association to $3,500.00. Motion amended by Councilman Polichino~ se~onded by Councilman Weatherly, accepted by Councilmen Jack~on and Weatherly, that the City Council ap- prove payment to Tri-Sports Association in the amount of $1,750.00. Counc i Iman Lenhart stated that he was go ing on record as vot i ng aga i nst payment to Tri-Sports AssoCiation and would like to say specifically why so everyone fu11y'understands ana that he: would make it perfectly clear. "I mentioned it to Stan earlier and I also mentioned it to several people who called me this week who were concerried that I was not in favorcif kids by voting not to support this~ Let me say that my opposition to this has nothing to do specifically with Tri-Sports Association, but it has to do with policy and fairness on the part of the city 1:0 all community organizations requesting funds from the city. I fully support'the idea-that the city should be the last resort for funding for community organizations, however, I feel all such organizations should compete equally for that money under a policy established by the city. Currently there is no such policy and I dori't believe in furiding any organization in the absence of such policy. My belief ls that before going~head and expending this dollar or any other dollars', and 'I voted the same way last time for the same belief, is that we should establish certain criteria by which any organization can come before the city in regular budget process, make their ~equest and be funded if they meet those criteria that the city has adopted.: Asl have sa1d~ there are nU~erous states, this state, and others that' set ~side General Revenu~Sharing Fu~ds, General Fund monies or'wha1:ever it'might"be, fortne purpose of"suppo'rting community . organizations if it' is a~worthwhile cause.' , The other thing I was going to say 'is that I think the parks program should be funded in relation toan'overa11 plan rather than each one individually. For that reason I will not support this tonight and it is' in no way a refl ect i on on Tr i-Sports o'r any other c6mmun i ty organ i- zation." ~~ 123 Voting on amendment: Voting Aye: Forristal1 Jackson Po1ichino Weatherly Voting No: Lenhart 1-1 ~ Voting on motion:as a~ended: Voting Aye: Forrista11 Jackson Pol ichino Weather 1 y Voting No: Lenhart CONSTRUCTION OF WATER WELL #9: Ordinance Number 1225 was presented to the Count i 1 and the capti on read as fo'11 ows: AN ORDINANCE FI NDING THAT THE CITY TREASURER HAS CERTIFIED THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS' IN THE WATER/ SEWER FUND, RETAINED EARNINGS 'ACCOUNT, TO PROCEED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF WATER-WELL #9 AND RELATED FEES; APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $325,000 FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF PAYING FOR WATER WELL #9 AND RELATED FEES;' AUTHOR I ZING THE' MAYOR TO EXECUTE" I N BEHALF OF THE CITY A PROM:I SORY NOTE WITH THE CITY I S DEPOS I TORY, BANK FOR THE SUM OF $325,000; PROVING FOR THE REPAYMENT OF SUCH AMOUNT SO BORROWED;-AND' PROVIDING THAT NO TAX BE LEVIED SINCE FUNDS HAVE BEENPROPfRLY APPROPRIATED AND DESIGNATED FOR THE REPAYMENT OF'SUCHDEBT AUTHOR~_ IZEDHEREIN'TO BE CREATED. . [J Motion by'Counci1man Jackson, seconded by COuncilman Polichino, that Ordinance Number 1225 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None REHABILITATION OF SEWAGE'COLLECTION SYSTE~ ON WESLAYANSTREET: Consulting Engineer Dieter Ufer pres~nted the- f0110wingtabulation and recommendation for award of a contract for the rehabilitation of the sewage collection system on"Weslayan'Street. On Thursday, May 24, 1984, at 10:00 A.M. bids were received and opened on Rehabilitation of Sewage Co11~ctionSystem on Weslayan Street. Please find attached copies for the Mayor, each City , Counc i 1 Member'; City Manager, C'i ty Secretary and Water and Sewer 'Superintendent. FrOm the attached bid tabulation it can be seen that four bids were received of which only'onebidder', Nayor Muni- cipal Services, bid on'thel.lBase COntract" in'the'amount of $186,928.50. Also, from the attached bid tabulation it can be seen that four contractors bid'on the "Alternate Contract" with . the fo.11 owi ng' resul ts: Channel Construction Shur-F10, Inc. Rel iance Construction, Inc. Naylor Municipal Services $127,736,; 50 156,609.73 161,871.12 173,032.25 60 calendar days 60 calendar days 60 calendar days 60 calendar days u m o o 129 The difference between the ,Base bid and the Alternate bid,was that the Base bid was to: ut i 1 ize the ins i tuform method of 1 in i ng the existing sanitary sewer lines, while the Alternate bid was to utilize a polyethylene slip1iner to rehabilitate the sewer line. The use of either of the two construction methods is quite acceptable, however, the use of the insituform type con- st~uction makes for a shorter construction time and therefore is least disruptive to the traffic. It' was hoped that the in- situform method would be within the budget of $130,000~00 but obviously this did not occur. Therefore, after carefully analyzing the tabulation of bids, we recommend that the construct ion of rehab i"li tati on of' sewage collection system on Weslayan Street be awarded to Channel Con- strutt"ion Company in the amount of $127",736.50. Motion by Councilman Lenhart, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that the recommendation of the consul t i Iig eng i nee'r and City Manager be accepted and that a contract be awarded to Channel. Construction Company in the amount of $127,736.50. Voting Aye: All" Voting No: None LANGFORD ENGINEERING, INC., CONSULTING ENGINEER: An invoice in the amount of $26,084.25subinitted by John G. Holland and approved by the city's consulting eng'ineer for work completed to date on the' Emory, A1bans and Case paving project was presented .for consideration.' Motion by CounciJmali Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Council approve payment to John G. Holland Construction, Inc. in the amount of $26,084.25 for work completed on the paving project. Voting Aye: All Vot i ng No.: ,None HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT PAYMENT: An invoice in the amount of $6,843.00 for the third quarter payment to the Harris County Appra:isil1 District was presented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Council approve payment to HCAD in the amount of $6,843.00. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None STREET DIVISION PURCHASE OF CAB & CHASSIS: An invoice in the amount of $17,449.00 submitted by Knapp Chevrolet for delivery of one 4-ton cab & chassis for use by the Street Division was presented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Council approve payment to Knapp Chevrolet in the amount of $17,449. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None INV01~E FROM PAUL H. ADDINGTON FOR ARCHITECTURAL FEES AND REIMBURSABLE ITEMS: An invoice in the amount of $l~ga:.70 sub~tted by Pau~H. Addington for architectural fees rendered on the new police facilities was pre- sented for consideration. -'------.l-L ~ ,U" IL" 111f. "-<..llillll.: 1. L-"'..: li LJ .., I. 1'Iltmnll1lr1111lI1nT .I;nlE1llllJlllltlllIlIZ;~ 11.1.. .;."r ~ '.,11111'01.1 .,,,,,..~...-->-.....-t',,"'~'" 130 Motion by Coun~ilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Council approve paymeht to PaulH. Addington in the amount of $15',988.70. . Voting Aye: All Vot i n9 No:. None COUNCIL COMMENTS: The crty Manager was requested by Counc"ilman Pol ichino to give the Council a time-frame for restripping the:,bicyc.1e.1andes at the next workshop meeting. Also, looking at some type of turning procedures on University to stay out of the btke 1anes~ Councilman :.Jackson was advised that representatives of ManDeCon would be starting construction of the new police facilities in the near future. Councilman Lenhart directed attention to a recent article in the Texas Town and City Magazine regarding productivity. STAFF REPORT: City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh requested tha't no more meetings be he 1 d oli Memor i a1 Day.' CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council on Monday, May 14, 1984, and a special meeting on Friday, May 18, 1984, were presented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Jackson; seconded by Councilman Lenhart, that minutes of'the regular meeting on May 14, 1984, and aspeclal meeting on May 18, 1984, be approved as submitted. , Voti ng Aye: A 11 Voting No: None' ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to 'come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:0 p.m. :.' ~~(l~\nj] M9r,fa Forrista11, Mayor ATTEST: ~'Ldf,.d~/ Lee Lockard, City Secretary, -- ~ i ~ . : . ; ~ ""'~"., *""l'>',\ u c IT1 LU D o 1] 131 REGULAR C ITV COUNC I L MEETI NG, Julie' 11; . 1984 ' The City Council convened in regular session June 11, 1984, 7:30 p.m.~ with the following presiding; Councilmen Jackson and Weatherly. ger were also in attendance. at the City Hall on Monday, members present: Mayor Forrista11, The City Attorney and City Mana- Mayor Forrista11 advised those in "attendance that 'inasmuch as the regular agenda of the City Council could be dispensed with in a short time that the Counci 1 would consider those'matters pri'or to opening the pub1 ic meeting to discuss the relocation of the water distribution system in the Pemberton and Belle Court Additions. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: There were nO residents in attendance at the meeting desiring to bring any matter to the attention of the Council. CITIZEN RESPONSE TO AGENDA'ITEMS: Inasmuch as those residents in attendance were interested in discussing the city's water distdbution system there were none wi th other agenda i,.tems to be d i scus~ed. .. , LEGAL MATTERS: Neither the City M~nager nor the City Attorney had "any legal matters for consideration by tbe Council at this time. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: There were no items included on the consent agenda which a member of Council desired removed. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, tnat the Consent Agend~ be approved in accordance'with staff recommenda- t ions. . . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE: Mayor Forristall stated 'th~t Mr. James Wallis, 2924 Amnerst had been 'considered by the Council as a member of the Communications Committee and had consented to serve in such capacity. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that Mr. James Wallis be appointed'toserve'as a member 'of the Communications Committee. Voting Aye:' All Voting No: 'None Mayor Forristall administered the Oath to Mr. Wallis as a member of the Communications Committee. CONSTRUCTION OF WATER MAINS ON WEST POINT, MARQUETTE AND BELLAIRE: Mr. Dieter Ufer,consultihgengineer,presented the following tabulation and recommen- dation for the construction ofwater"mains on'West Point, Marquette and Bellaire. On Thursday, June 7, 1984 at' 10:00 A.M., bids were received and opened on construction of water mains on West Point, Marquette and Be11aire Streets. Please find attached copies of the tabulation t v ................"&'"&1.10'_....,." ~------.-- , ."" 13;~ of the b ids received for whlc.n tljeresnou Id be ample cop i es for the Mayor, each City Co~ncrf Me~ber,City Manager, City Secre- tary, and Water and Sewer Superintendent. From the attached bid tabulation it can be seen that Seven (7) bids were received and that 'all contractors wereinstr~cted to complete die job in~ seventy'-five calendar days. " theresuTts of the bid operiin9 were asfo 11 ows: . 1. D. George Company 2. Skyhawk Construction 3. "Moon Construction 4. S& t Construction 5. R~W .L:Coristruct ion 6. Ella Construction 7. Ben Felts Constructor $ 49,031.00 54;270.00 57,775;00 61,753.00 69,080;00 69,686;34 87,906.60 After careful1yari~ly:iing the tabulation of bids, and investigating the ability and past experience of the three low bidders, we recom- mend that the constrUction of Water Mains on West Point, Marquette and Be1fciire Streets be awarded to D. George Company, in the' amount of $49,031.00. Motion by Councilman Jackson, Seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the Council accept 'the "recommendation of the conSUlting engineer and a con- tract b~ awarded to D. George Company, Inc. in the amount of $49,031.00. Vot i ng 'Aye:' A 11 Voting No: None PNEUMATIC POOL STRUCTURE'FOR SWIMMING'POOLi' In accordalice withprevrous action oftheC"ityCouncil,bidTs"'received for the purchase and instal- lation of a pneumatic pool structure for covering Colonial Park swimming pool were opened and results announced as follows: Alpha Structures, I nc. Ai r--Techlndustries, $ 59,600.00 60;950 (401 hi~h) 57,947.., (361'h i gh) 59,990.00 Thermo-Flex, ~Inc~ Mot iort by Counci 1nlan Jackson, seconded by Counc i lnianWeather 1 y, that bids received for the purchase and installation of a pneumatic pool structure be referred to staff for review and recommendation for purchase. Vot i ng Aye: ' All Voting ;No: "None REVIEW AND CHECKING'OF CONSTRUCTION'PtANS: 'Res61utionNumber'84-08 was pre- sented to the Council and read in full: WHEREAS, on February 27, 1984, by Resolution Number 84-05 t~e City Council "took official action t6 modify fees established for pr6vidingcertain city services; and WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the City Council that fees estab1 ished for'reviewing and checking plans for new con- struct! on are not adequate to defray costs incurred for provi ding such services. " , n r-r LJ r...----........... t '.."-'.' '.l'.' Li U' ~: -- " '. o n I 133 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Council approve the following fee schedule for reviewing and checking plans for new construction: Construction cost under $25,000 ' Construction cost between $25,nOO - $50,000 Costruction cost over $50,000 Regu1at Permit Fee Pl~n Fee - $50.00. Plan Fee - $150.00 Settion2. That the city staff be; and they are hereby, ~utho~izedto ~ollect'fees ~o established. PASSED AND APPROVED this , 1984. day of Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that Resolution Number 84-08 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting: No: None' SUPPLEMENTAL AND CORRECTED APPRAISAL ROLLS: Director of Administration Donna Sims'presented. the following supp1ementalahd corrected appraisal rolls as approved by the App~a i sa 1 Rev i ew Boa rd .'and cert if i ed by the Ch i ef Ap- praiser of the Harris County Appraisal District. Net Taxable Value TrlX 1983 Original Tax Roll 1983 Supplemental & Corrected Tax Roll $651,855,867 ' 24,112.290 $'675,968,157 $'2,183,717 80,776 $ 2,264,493 Total Motion by Councilman Weatherly, seconded b~ Councilm~n Jackson, that the Council accept the'finalsupp1ementa1 and corrected tax roll as presented by the Director of Administration. Voting Aye: All Voting' No: None, STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON 4200 BLOCK OF EMORY 4200 BLOCK OF ALBANS AND 800 BLOCK OF CASE: Estimate Number 2, in the amount of 93; 1 .79, submitted by John G. Ho n and Construct i on Company for work comp 1 eted to date on the 1984 pav i ng projeCt was presented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Jackson, se60nded' by Councilman Weatherly, that the Council approve payment to John G. Holland Construction Company in the amount of $93,414.79. Voting Aye: All' Voting No: None ENGINEERING SERVICES'FORSTREET PAVING'PROJECT: An invo'ice in the amount of $615.10 submitted by Langford Engineering, Inc. for engineering services rendered on the 1984, paving project was presented for consideration. .. . . . ,I ,U II' ,,, . 111r . . .4>51 .$_fll1ll.tl. I I!',' ., "1' -', 1.1illnll1m...."TE1D, -............. -,...,........-...... -.-."" ~, , c '. 13'1 . Motion by Councilman Jatkson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, the the City Council approve payment to Langford Engineering, Int. in the amount of $615. 10. Voting Aye: All Votirig No: None i i ~ 1984 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS: An inVOIce in the amount of $9,509.23 subm i tted by Langford Eng i neer i rig;' I nc. for eng i neer i ng serv ices on various planned capital improvement programs was presented for considera- tion. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Council approve payment to Langford Eri~ineering,- Inc~ tn the amount of $9,509,23. Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None CONSTRUCTION OF NEW POLICE FACILiTIES: App1itation No. One submitted by Man- DeCon, Inc. for move-in and site preparation for the construction of new police facilities in the amount of $7,290.00 was presented for considera- tion. Motion by CouncHman Jackson"seconded by Councilman Weatherly, 'that the 'City Council 'approve payment to ManDeCon~ 'Inc., in the amount of $7,290.00. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilman Weatherly stated that he was delighted that the 01 C9ulicil had taken action that would provide assistance to Inspector Wayne Perry. STAFF REPORT: City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh advised that he had no further matters for Council consideration at this time. COUNCJL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the fegular ~eetirig of the City Council on May 28, 1984, were presented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council on May 28, 1984, be approved as submitted. Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Forrista11 advised that consideration would now be given to comments by those in attendance regarding the relocation of the water distribution system from the rear easement'to the front of residences in the Pemberton'and Belle Court Additions. ' City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh presented a slide presentation showing the reason for the proposed re-10cation of the line from the rear easement to the front of the property which included various encroachments, in- cluding construction, trees, shrubbery, etc. , . u Mr. Dieter Ufer, Langford Engineering, who is the consulting engineer for the proposed project, reviewed plans for the re-location of the water distribution system as well as answered many questions from those residents in attendance. [ n 1 n ~~ . d0 Members of the City Council answered questions following Mr. Ufer's presentation. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meetin9adjourned at 9:45 p.m. 7fl0JiWJi MarTa-F"or-.=Ts taTr;}1-a-yc)r ATTEST: X:2- .~ Lee Lockard, Ci tySecretary , .. ", ~l' , '-< . _ 1..L1.u......:.d~'---....I.- _, --i ,l"I .,,1.. ,'>1'1-1. ",:J,-llllnmmIlIlElmO...l' _ ;['HI 138 .:t:tllEllllDllltllllllr.llI:.. . I. .1''''' 1 ~~-----'---------I.I!"h'hl,I' '".i~... _ II .-.._......."....~,,' . REGULAR CITY COUNCI L MEEn NG June-J2,.J.984 The City Counc i 1 convened in regu'l a r sesS ion a't the City Ha 11 on Monday, June 25, 1984, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor For- ristall ,presiding; Councilmen Jackson, Lenhart, Pol ichino and Weatherly. The City Attorney, City Manager, Director of Administration and City Secre- tary were a.1 so' pr~sent.. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mr. H. C. Kriegel, 4152 Coleridge, was advised that recommendations from the cityls consulting engineers regarding the clos- ing of the west end of Coleridge Street had been forwarded to the Traffic Committee with their recommendation to be considered by the Council in approximately a month. Ms. Joan McCay, 3029 Carnegie, stated that West University in the past could have won an award for being a "Tidyl"town butwa's bei'ng allowed to deteriorate to the point where it is now a "Tacky" town. Ms. McCay listed a number of locations where she saw cracks in the street pavement with grass growing including the 4100 block of Tennyson, 6600 and 6700 blocks of Vanderbilt and 6700 block of Belmolit. Ms. McCay requested that the grass be killed and the streets maintained better. Ms. McCay stated that she had spent an hour on Sunday afternoon driving around and during such time she found 83 signs that were illegally placed. Ms. McCay requested that the police carefully monitor all house movers and construction to keep the streets from being ruined. Mr. Ferd Reiger, 6516 Brompton Road, requested that consideration be given to having Port-A-Cans located in less conspicuous locations and that there was one even in the street on Mercer. Mr. Reiger" stated that a fence had been located across the street from his home by a member of the City Council without a permit. CITIZEN RESPONSE TO AGENDAIT~S: Mayor Forristal1 directed attention to a sign-in sheet at the rear of the Council Chamber for use of any resident desiring to address any item on the regular agenda. LEGAL MATTERS: Neither City Attorney David Allums nor City Manager Dick Rocken- baugh had any legal matters for consideration by the Council at this time. ITEMS TO BEREMOVEDFROMCONSENTAGENDA: Councilman Polichino requested that Subsidence District Fees be removed from Consent Agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Councilman Ja~kson, seconded by Councilman Lenhart, that a tax refund be granted Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church for the pro- perty at 2914 Sunset Boulevard inasmuch as it is used as a residence for one of the ministers and had been granted tax exempt status by the Harris County Appraisal District and final payment for services rendered by Alex- ander Grant Company for examination of the city.s financial statements for 1983, be approved in accordance with staff recommendations. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None [j o u 13'7 n PURCHASE OF INFLATABLE COVER FOR COLONIAL PARK SWIMMING POOL: The following recommendation for the purchase of an' inflatable cover for Colonial Park Swimming Pool was presented for consideration~ Alite and I have been reviewing and discussing the'three bids that were submitted for the purchase of a pool bubble. We would like to recommend that the City award the bid to Air-Tech in the amount of $57,947.00. $65,000 was budgeted for this expenditure. , . The bid from Air-Tech does represent the low bid and meets all of the b'i d spec i fi cat ions; TWbrefererices were contacted regardi ng Air-Tech in which both references stated that they were extremely satisfied with the Air-Tech service crews as well as with the bubbl e i tse 1f. In summary, the City would be purchasing the following items: >~ Pool Bubble 1131411 X 1381411 X 361 >'~ Five year warranty * Clamp system' for the per'imeter of the bubble that would make the structure air-tight >~ Both emergency exit doors would be re-galvanized and painted n * The control panel would be remounted on its own pad with new anchor'bolts " * Because of the new structure's reduction' in size and because of 'its air-tight capabilities, Air-Tech will re-adjust the inflation package because less air wi11 be needed to inflate the bubble. , * The present ineta 1 supply ducts wou1 d be' extended 3 feet wh i ch would reduce the amount of heat loss that, . in the past, has been escapting from the heater/blower unit * The two return ducts will be re-designed into one opening, re- sulting in a single attachment process instead of a double attach- ment process >~ A repa i r ki t >~ A' 113 '411 X 138 '411 po 1 ye'the 1 ene sheet to cover the poo 1 when the bubble is inflated as well as when it is deflated An:analysis of the bids for a 40',hlgh b~bb1e i~'as follo~s: lJ 1) Air-Tech 2)" Alpha-Structures 3) Thermo-Flex $ 58,450 59,600 59,990 It is our recommendation that Air-Tech with a center height vious list of accessories, as of $57,947. the city purchase the pool bubble from of 36', not 40' ,"and to include the pre- stated above, for the purchase price .. , "'"T' ""~"'............... . ."'........'-;OO"'~IU"'''''.I' " . _, 13J Motion by Councilman Lenhart; seconded by Councilman Jackson, that the City Counc.n accept staff- recommendation and purchase a pool bubble from Air-Tech for theirlow'bid of $57,947. Voting Aye~ All" Voting No: None STREET PAVING PROJECT ON CASE STREET: Change Order #2, in the amount of $2,781'.50, for'the street paving project on Case Street was presented for consideration. Mr. Rockenbaugh exp1ained,that the change was necessary for driveway 'construct i oli because of the exces's ive depth of the street~ Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Coun~i1man Lenhart, that the City Council approve Change Order No.2 received from John G. Holland Construttioli Company in theamount'of $2,787.50. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None SUBSIDENCE DISTRICT FEES: An invoice in the 'amount of $5,850.00 recelved from the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District for groundwater withdrawal fees was presented for consideration; Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Lenhart, that the City Counci1'app~ove pay~entto the Har~is-Ga1vestoli Coast~l Subsidence District in the amount of $5,850.00. " , , Consulting engineer Dieter Ufer explained to Counti'lman Po1ichino that the Subsidence District was created by the State Legislature to try to curb subs idence- in the Harr i s-Ga lveston County area and that some suc- tess had been obta ined by compe'll i ng , all busi ness in the' sh i p channe 1 area to go'to" surface water rather" than ground water. Councilman Po1ichino requested that a copy of the District's budget be obtained for his review. Forrista11 Lenhart . Weatherly TAX REFUND: A request was presented for payment of $864.00 as a tax refund for the Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church inasmuch as the church had been given a tax exempt status by the Harris County Appraisal District on residence which was used by one of the church1s ministers. Voting Aye: Voting No: Jackson Po 1 i ch i no Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Lenhart, that the City Council approve $864.00 for payment to Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church as a tax refund. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None FINAL AUDIT PAYMENT: An invoice in the amount of $7,000.00 received from Alexander Grant Company'as the final payment due for examination of the cityls fin~ncial statements for 1983. -----, u o u 0, ,c, or;; [ n 133 Motion by Councilman Jacksori, seconded by, Councilman Lenhart, that the City Council approve payment to Alexander Grant Company in the amount of $7,000. Voti~g Aye~, Ali c, " V~ting No: None COUNCIL,COMMENTS: Councilman Lenhart- stated that he would l'ike to see residents p~e61uded from cutting"gtass and trimming lawns at 7:30 a.m. on Sunday morning and after review of ordinances now available he would recommend that something be drafted to prohibit the practice prior to 9:00 a.m.' Councilman Po1ichirio'was advised that changes he had'requested on re- commendations would be avai lable: prior to a joint meeting with the Zoning and Planning Commission oli Thursday evening. Mayor Forristall noted that this was the final Council meeting prior to the 4th of July and extended an invitation to all residents in attendance and members of the City Council to attend the city's annual Fourth of July celebration. STAFF REPORT: 'City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh'advisedthat he had nothing further for consideration by the Council at this time. CtTY COUNC.ILMEETINGMINUTES: Mi6utes'of the regula~ meetilig of the City Council on June 11, 1984, wete presented for consideration~' Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Lenhart, that mlnutesof the regular meetin~of the Cit~ Council ofi June 11, 1984, be approved as submitted. Vot'ingAye: All' , Voting No~ None ADJOURNMENT: :With no'furtherbusiness to comebeforethe'Council at this time,'upon motion duly made~ setohded and carried; 'the meeiing ~djourned at 8:17 p.m. , ,J1Ij aJaJ~ lcd9 ,Marla Forrista11, Mayor, ATTEST: .rJ#~ ~ Lee Lockard, City Secretary , ~," ,,~~ d ,,!, 'U'. , , . ,""01.:' 111,1:. . I" J..LJ....IlL...' ,,'lrUlIIIIUlllIJ::ml:IlElUr' .. I'IU .I:[I!3P.ID[IIII[IlIlIlUI.IU'. ..1. .11"""'''1""'' ,.11,. ~...- .~ ~ ...'""-.......,-~- 140 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 9,1 984 [ The City Council convened in regular session at the City Ha1101i Monday, July 9, 1984, ]=30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Marla Forrista11, presiding; Councilmen Jackson, Polichino and Weatherly. :The City Attorney, CityManag~r, City Secretary,"Directo~ of Adm~nistratio~ and Director Of Publ ic Safety were also present. ' HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Ms. Joan McCay, 3029 Carnegie, stated that she had worked very hard with a previous administration to get rid of the city's membership in the Briar Club butl inasmuch as the Counci 1 had held a work- shop meeting ther~ she did not think'the membership had ever been relin- quished. Ms. McCay further stated that"she thoOght the meeting at the Briar Club was totally illegal and any action taken at such meeting should be declared"void. Mayor'Forrista11 stated'that the"meeting had been properly posted, as re- quired by law; that no official action had been taken by the council; and was not a violation of the City Charter. Mayor Forrista11 further stated that no future meetings would be held away from the City Hall. In response to Ms. McCayls questions regarding illegally placed signs throughout'the city, Mayor Forristal1 stated that l~tters had beert written to firms' in th~ area requesting that such signs'be removed'or relocated. o Mr. Ferd Reiger, '6516 Brompton Road, stated that"he had been appalled to read an article regarding the meeting at the Briar Club and was glad that he had been assured that such a meeting would not be held again. Mr. Reiger further stated that if the reported plans for the employment of two Assistant City Managers was pursued further he would oppose it, noting that the city was still the same two-mile area it had"always been and that it was his be1ief"that the administration of the tity should be the func- tion of the City Manager. Mr. Reiger teferred to an article he had read about bicycle lanes; his oppos.ition to the placement of traffic buttons to make such lanes; and th~need 10r'bicyc1e eduction. CITIZEN RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Forrista11 directed attention to a sign-in sheet at the rear of the Council Chamber for use by any resident desiring to speak toa specific agenda item included on the Council agenda. LEGAL MATTERS: Neither City Manager Richard Rockenbaugh, nor City Attorney David Allums, had any legal matters for Council consideration at this time. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Forrista11 stated that the only item included on the consent agenda was payment to ManDeCon, Inc. in the amount of $27,715.00 for work completed to date on the construction of new U police facilities. No member of the Coun6il desired to remove this item from the consent agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Polichino, that the consent agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendations. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None 141 ~'~ " r:'~ q ,~~- rt t'" !f-.- I NTENT OF HOUSTON LI GHTI NG & POWER COMPANY TO I NCREASE RATES: Reso 1 ut ion Number 84-09 was presented to -theCounciT a.nd read in full: WHEREAS, on June 15, 1984, the Houston Lighting &-Power Company (HL&P)' fi led a Statement of Intent to change its rates for electric service within the City of West University P1'ace and has requested that said change become effective on July 20, 1984; and WHEREAS, HL&P has filed revise'd Tariff Schedules to- gether with statements specifying in detail each proposed change, a rate fi 1 in'g package; and supporting testimony; and' WHEREAS, Section '17ta) 6f'the Public Utility Regulatory Act, Article 1446c, Texas Revised Civil Statutes, gives the govern- ing body of each municipality exclusive jurisdiction over electric rates within its municipal boundaries; and o WHEREAS, Section 43(d) of thePub1icUttlity Regulatory Act authorizes the go~erning body of any municipality acting as a Regulatory Authority to'suspend'the operation of any proposed change in rates for a period' not to exceed ninety (90) days beyond the date on which the scheduled rates would otherwise go into effect, which perior may be furth~r extended for an additional thirty (30) days; and WHEREAS, HL&P's proposed rate changes and'detai1ed material supporting those changes require comprehensive evaluation and study. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE , CITY OF WEST UN I VERSI TY PLACE,' TEXAS: That the changes in rates for electric service within the City of West University Place proposed by Houston Lighting & Power Company to become effective on July 30, 1984, should be, and are hereby~ suspended for a period of ninety (90) days beyond said pro- -'posedeffectiverate, until October 18,1984, subject to an addi- tional suspension of up to thi rty (30) days beyond the date upon further resolution of this Council. PASSED AND APPROVED this _ day of" , 1984. Mot i on by Counc i 1 man' Jackson, seconded by 'Counc i 1 man Po 1 i ch i no, that Reso- lution Number 84-09 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None n DELINQUENT TAXES: The Counci 1 was advised that del inquent tax suits had been biled by the County Attorney on behalf of Harris County and the city had been invited to intervene in such stiits for the collection of delinquent taxes due the city. A request was presented that the City Attorney, act- ing as Delinquent Tax Attorney for the city b~ authorized to Intervene in suits for the collection of delinquent taxes. Mot i on by Counc i 1 man Jackson, seconded by Counc i 1 man Po 1 i ch i no, that the City Coancit'~uthorize the City Attorney as Delinquent Tax Attorney, to intervene in suits filed by Harris County for the collection of delinquent taxes. Voting Aye: All No: None .:o:IUI:r::lIII:IIll[lllll'll..'I.;' ..1. ........",,"" -----'----'-f'TlTT1'T' . '.11'1' '., 142 CONS'TRUCTlON OF:NEW POLICE FACILITIES: An invo'icein the amount of $27,715.00 submitted by ManDeCon, Inc.'fbrwork'comp1eted to date on the construction of new police facilities was presented for consideration. Motion' by Council man Jackson , seconded byCounc i 1 man Pol i ch i no, that the CityCclun"cil approve payment to Ma"nDeConj "Inc. in- the amount of $2i,715.00'~ ' Voting Aye: 'All Voting No: None COUNCIL COMMENTS: Mayor Forri'stal1 requested that al1"residents in the area of the Coleridge Street barricade be notified of the meeting to be held with me~bers of the Traffic C~mmittee on Monda"y,Ju1y 16th. Mayor Forristall'furtherrequested ttie'Counci1 be furnished a question and answer sheet on 'the,water 1 ine repl'acement project and-a corrected draft of the house moving ordinance for study prior to being placed on the Couri~f1 ~g~nda for "the meet i ng on Ju1 y 23rd. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meetirigof the City Council on ~une 25, 1984, were presented for cons iderat ion. '.. Motioilby, Councf1man Pol ichino, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council on June 25, 1984, be approved as"submitted. Vot i ng Aye : All Voting No: None ADJOURNMENT~ With no further business to tome before the Council at thls time, upon motion ~u1y made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.' -Ma ATTEST: ~~ L e Lockara, Ity' ecretary' , , I I L-J I ' ; I U u 143 n LJ REGULAR C I TYCOUNC I L MEETING ' July 23, 1984 The City Council convened in regular -session at the City Hall on Monday, July 23, 1984, 7~30 p~m., with the fol1owing.members present: Mayor Marla Forrista11, presiding; Councilmen Pol ichino and Weathe,r1y., The City Attorney, City Manager, City Secretary, Director of Administration and Di~ector of Public Safety were also present. ' HEARING OF RESIDENTS: ' Mr. Ferd Reiger, 6516 Brompton, stated ,that 'he had a new experience the previous week when two young ladies knocked on,his front door and requested permission to come in and discuss world affairs. Mr. Reiger suggested that an article be included in City Currents to urge re~identsto not permit entry into their homes by stran~ers. CITIZEN"RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS~ Mayor ForristalLdirected.attelit:ion to a sign-in sheet for use.by any residenf that wish~d tospeak:to an item included on the regu1arCfty Council agenda and noted that a number of residents desired to speak to Ite~ 7. LEGAL MATTERS: Neither City Attorney David Allums no City Attorney Dick Rock- enbaugh, had any legal matters for Council consideration at' this time. ITEMS,TO, BE REMOVED.FROM-CONSENT AGENDA: No member of the City Council desired , to remove any item from the Consent Agenda. c COtJS[NT ACENB.\:Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the consent agenda be approved, in accordance with staff recommendations. Voting Aye: All Voting No: .None ZONING:BOARDOF ADJUSTMENT: Mayor Forrista11 stated that an alternate member of the Zonl-l1g Board of Adjustment had moved from the city and a second alternate had been appointed to the Zoning and Planning Commission and it was, .therefore; necessary that additional alternates, by appointed to serve on the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Motion byeouncilman Po1ichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that Ms. JoAnn Padgett, Mr. Robert,Crain and Mr. Charles Lusk be appointed as alternate members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Voting f.ye: All Voting No: None Mayor Forristal1 administered the Oath of Office to Ms. Padgett, Mr. Crain and Mr. Charles Lusk as alternate members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. n BUILDING DEVELOPMENT: Mr. Charles Baldwin, 2903 Robinhood, appeared before ,the'Council to express his concern with the. re,..development of the city and the impact of new construction on" citizens who currently live in the city. Mr. Baldwin directed attention to the construction of a speculative house being constructed at 2915 Robinhood the required three (,3 I) feet, from the property 1 i ne, wi th a th i rty,..f i ve foot wall on 1 y six (61) feet from the adjoining residence of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Rich. Mr. . ,. Ill'.".' ,.11. ,... . l ,,,,m'~J1lIIll. 1- "',111T1l1T11111111111rT.n,.' 11"-,. I" ----.--~ 'T 14'1 Baldwin stated that all of t,he driveways in the block are constructed on the east side of the residences but the contractor had decided to ~t!,l locate the driveway on the west side of the new residence. , - ' I Mr. B~l dwinrequested that the' I nsp~cttqn Department re-check the LJ .bui Iderlsapp1 Lcation tol1lake sure th;:lt .it ,was in comp1 iance liIIit.h the cLty's,requirements; that a~e~fQrt be made to ,assure that a tree located in the parkway would not be damaged and that someone'try to persuade the contractor to re-locate the proposed driveway. Councilman Po1ichino advised Hi';' Ba1dwtn th~t he very muc~ appreciated .his pre~entation ,and that the Zoning ,an~'Pla~riing Commission had been studying changes to be made in the.Z<?riing'Ordinarice to provide more green space. Mr. Ferd Reige~, 6516 Brompton, stated tDat the Council was aware of his feel i ngs about crowing of lois, noting that ,at one point int ime the city requiredfive (5') foot setbacks." Mr.. Reiger requested tha~ action be taken to have port-a-cans relocated at least fifteen (15') feet inside the property line in as obscure a location as possible. Mr. Marshall R.ich~ 2911 Robinhood, statedthathe'was the home owner of the property referred to by Mr. Baldwin and had been a resident of West University mqre than 42 years. Mr. Rich stated that he had been proud to let people know that he lived iRWest Un.!vers!ty, but with the loca- tion of a pOrt-a-canalmost on his front l~wn he no longer felt that way. , , . Mr. Rich stated the,relocation.of the driveway of the new resident being constructed next door to his home would cause monetary damage to his home and the loss of many hours time as well aS,money on th~ rose garden in his back yard. Mrs. Peggy Kerkenda11, 2912 Robinhood, stated that she would like to call attention to a house located b~hindher,home on Quen6y. ! I '-..J . -',. Mrs. Kerkend~ll was advised by Mayor Forristal r to write a letter to her and to the Zoning and Planning Commission. Mr. Larry Burns, 2904 Ropino09, stated"that his'faini1yhad lived in West University only a year, but had,already seen many changes and requested that something be done as soon as possible. LIBRARY CARPET: In accordance with previous action of the City Council, bids received for the purchase and installation of approximately 530 square yards of' carpet were opened .andresu1ts announced as follows: Bidder Net Bid Price Per Square Yard Bagdad, Ca rpet "Carpet Servi ces,.1 nC. e G i l's'on/Stan 1 ey', ' Southwes't Carpet, "$ 1(),388~00 8,342.40 9, 1 00: 00. 11 , 1 70,. 30 $ 19.60 15.80 -0- 14.50 u " - .. . , Motion byCounci 1 ma,nPo 1 i ch i no" secon9"ed by Counc i Iman Weatherly, that bids received for purchase and instal fat ion of Library carpet be referred to staff for review and recommendation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None n [l n 145 ELEVATED WATER~ STORAGE RESERVOIR: The 'Council was advised that Consulting Engineer Don Reichle had completed the contract documents, plans and specifications f()r pa,inting of the Be1li:lire elevi3ted storage, reservoir and a request presented to advertise for bids to be received on August 27, 1984. " Motion by Counci 1man Pol ichino, seconded by Counci 1man Weatherly, that the City Manager be authorized t6 advertise for bids for painting and repairs to the elevated water storage reservoireon Be]laire Boulevard. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None WATER LI NE REPLACEM,ENT PROJ ECT: A request Wi3s presented to the Counc i 1 'for authority to advertise for bids for the relocation of water-lines in the 2600/2700 blocks of University, Fenwood, Pemberton, Barbara Lane and Caro- lina Way. Motion by Counci 1man Pol ichino, seconded by 'Counci lman Weatherly, that the City Manager be autbori~ed to advertise for bids for relocation of water lines fn 'the 2600/2700 blocks of University, Fenwood, Pemberton, Barbara Lane, and Carolina Way. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None 1984 CAPJTALJMPROVEMENTS: 'An invoice in the amount of $3,937.53 submitted b~ Langford Engineering, Inc. for englneeriMg services on various 1984, capital improvement projects was presented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Cbun~iJman Weatherly, that the Ci.ty Council approve payment to, Langford Engineerhig, Inc. in the amount of $3,937~53 for ~ngineering services on various 1984 capit~l improvement projects. , Voting Aye: , All Voting No: None STREET PAVING PROJECTS: An invoice in the amount oJ $372.56 sU,bmitted by Lang- ford Engin~ering, Inc. for engineerihg services on the paving project was presented for consideration. Motion by Coun,ci lman Po1ichino, seconded by Counci 1man 'Weatherly, that the City Council approve payment to ~angford Engineeri~g, Inc. in the amount of $372.56 for engineering services on the street paving project. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None NEW POLICE FACILITIES: An invoice submitted by the Texas Department of Cor- rections in the amount of $9,874.50 for detention equipment to be placed in the new police faci1ties was presented for, consideration. Motion by Councilman Po1ichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Council approve payment ,to the. Texas Departme.nt ofCorre.ctions in the amount of $9,874.50. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ~.- ',It 11Illll'1IIJI:a:Il.::JICIJ:r j I 1~11 .rnlElDlJ[llmllllllli.ll.r.. ,I ..11<1' I .... ."" ",!hllllll ll. ,I, I.. .. I" . ......~'~..___, I 14.G 1983,BONDS INTEREST"PAYMENT:,-Arequest w~~. presented for,payment of interest and, agent's fees ,in the am~unt of $145,269.50: for the 1983 bond issue. , , ' Motion by C.ound1man PoUchino-" :seconded by Coun,cilman Weatherly, that the City Council approve payment of $145,269.50 for interest and agent's fees for the 1983 bond issue. ,Voting Aye: All Voting No: None PURCHASE OF 3814 UNIVERSITY: A request~~as presented for payment to Texas Commerce Bank/Chemical in the amount of $120,813.88 for, payment on the property located at 3814 UnversityBoulevard. Mot i on by Counc i ,1 man Po 1 i chi no, 'seconded byCQunc i1 mariWeather 1 y, that the Ci.ty.Council,approvepayment to Texas-Commerce Bank/Chemical in the amount of $120,813.88. Vot i ng Aye: All '. Vot i ng No: None COUNCIL COMMENT: ' Mayor Ford,sta1-1 5 "tC'!ted , that she; City Attorney David Allums and City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh had met with a young man who had a Masterl~ Degree in Planning to discuss the possibility of preparing a comprehens:ive city plan. Counci 1man Weatherly stated that !TIembers of the Zoning and P.1anningCommis- sipIl,shou1d be advised by -letter ,thqtunde.r-the .law as i,t exists the charac- ter of-the c"ity has been i nvol untarUy" changed and the -law: should be changed and requested to address setbacks quickly. Councilman'Pol,ichino requested that a solution ,be found for the bike lanes and get them done and consideration be, given tO,signs requesting "slow parks". STAFF REPORT: City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh advised that he. had no additional information for consideration by the Council at this time. CITY ,COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Mi,n,utes, of the regular meeting of the City Council on Monday, July 9, 1984, were presented fo,r consideration. Motion by Counci1manPolichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that minutes of-the -regular meeting of :the City Council on July 9, 1984, be approved as submitted. Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to ~ome before the City Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting 'was adjourned. , . - ~'.- CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION NUMBER 84"';10: Mayor Forristal1 advised that notice of an emergency meeting had qeen posted ,in order for the City Council to -give.consideration to Resolution Number 84-10 guthori,zing pal"ticipation tri the Coalition of Cities ~rth Ori~ina1 Jurisdiction to jointly evaluate the $336 mi 11 ion revenue inc:rease requested by Houston Ughting& Power Company. - I I j I '--.../ -~~l , I I i '--..) I~ I '----..J nl W CJ u 147 Resolution Number 84~10 was presented to the Council and read as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS RATIFYING AND AUTHORIZING ITS PARTICIPATION IN THE COALITION OF CITIES WITH ORIGINAL JURISDICTION TO INCLUDE DATA SHARING AND INTERVENTION WITH SAID'COALITlON IN THEHL&P RATE REQUEST, DOCKET NO: 5779, BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITY COMM1SSION OF TEXAS. WHEREAS, on:'Jur.leJ5~"1984..Houston Lighting & Power Company (HL&P) filed a Statement of Intent to change its fates for electric service within-t~e'City'of West University Place, Texas, and throughout its setvic~ area~ ~nd has req~e~ted that sAid changes ~ithi~ th~ unincorporated areas-of"the se~vice'~rea~'and' WHEREAS~ theCity'of \/Jest University Place, Texas, had original jurisdlCt'ion over sa'id'rate request witliinits' corporate 1 im its ; and "'. WHEREAS~ "the GOlnp1exities of the issue ana the'magnitude of: the ~equestedrateincrease' requires e~tensivest~dy,data and '~na1~Sis for the city to respbnsibl~ eXercist lts original juris- diction and protect the general welfare of all ratepayers within its bound~ries; and ' WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, Texas, desires to coo~er~te ln a joiht'effort with other citles with original juris~ diction to provide for anadeq~~te analysis of the iss~es raised by the rate change requ~st and to:retain realauthorlty and"establish a genuine impact on the rate setting process by municipalities with "original jurisdiction~' ,'" NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE "CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAtE,-TEXAS: THAT the City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas hereby ratifies and authorizes the full participation of the City of WestUniversity:Pl~ce, Texas, 'in the Coali-tion of Cities 'with Original Jurisdiction, inclUde data and'analysis sharing and intervention as a member"city of tl1eCoalitioli 'in the HL&P Rate ChangeApplication~ Dock~t-No:5779,now pending before the Public Utility Commission of Texas~' , PASSED AN APPROVED this , 1984. day of \ Motlon by CouncflmanPo1 iChino,seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that Re- , :solutionNumber' 84-10 be apprOVed as read.' ' Voting Aye: All Voting No:, None ADJOURNMENT:' With nofLirther business to come before the CouncHat this time, upon motion duly made', seconded and'carrled, the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. " ""' ,Wl(){Ia,.1~i(;/pJ/ Marla Forristal1, Mayor ATTEST: '~ ,~ ~.rd' C;tys~~ret.ry .-..' .;!;n~llI:U:ll'IIl.lll ." -.:..::J.!.r-->'TT"""T .TT~ ~ ~ -----,- ~:r 148 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL,MEETJNG August 13, 1984 , 7:30p.m. I I i I i I '---.J The City Council convened in'regular sesSi,ort at the City Hall on Monday, August 13, 1984;7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Forrista11, presiding; Councilmen Polichino and,Weather1y. The City Attorney, City Manager, City Secretary, Director of Administration, Director of Public Safety and Water/Wastewater Superintendent were alSo present. ,HEARING OF RESIDENTS: ' Mr. Mer1e~atfi~ld~ '640 P~mhprtnn~ stated that it 'washis belief that ,the letter from the City Manager dated July 27th with its attached questions 'and answers was more or 1ess"the same thing that was discussed at the June 11th public hearing and was not responsive to the concerns ofth~ cit'iz~ns,.: 'Mr.. Hatfield stated that he would be in- terested'in"knowing the several poi'nts referred to'in'the letter with regard to violations of the Rules and Regulations of the Texas ,Department of Health. Mr. Hatfield stated that he" concurred with the letter presented to the Counci1by,Mr. RJchard'Ayres and,that further'cons1deration should be given'theproposed replacement program'before any actiOn is taken. Mayor Forristal1 requested that Mr. Ayres' letter be included in the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council as fo110w~: "The basic purpose ofthis'letter is to confirm my'discussion of the above j subject at the t::ounci1 Mef3ting, June'll, 1984.~ Secondly; the letter con- I firms, further discussions with the City Manager and interested citizens. LJ The information presented herewith is valid and of 'mutual interest to many citizens of our City. I did not have my June 11, '1984, "comments in note form; therefore, the order of such in this letter is not necessarily the order in which com- ments were presented to the'Counci1. 'My comments were: 1: "I do not take issue with the' placement of the water mains. 2: Maintenance experience wi 11 show that once leaks start in a con- crete'orcast iroh pipeline, they can be expected to increase in frequency, at a rapid rate, unless conditions are changed. 3. The major cost of this new 'wOrk is the cost to'individuals to reroute the pipeline from the City's meter to the individual's house. 4. It is the writer's firm belief, that if each citizen has to negotiate with plumbers fot the installation of new piping to his house, the I'cost ofworklJ wi 11 'be far worse than citizens experienced during the recent freeze damage. I donlt think the City Council can allow this to happen. 5. I discussed the entire problem with Robert Simpson, Water/ Wastf3waterSuperintendent; as was suggested "in the City Manager's ,letter, dated May 24, 1984. 6. He mentioned the idea of obtaining bids, on a block by block basis, from a se1ect;listof:'p1urhbers thatClo"busi'ness:,i:n--West Uhiversity. I think,this is an excellent idea and mentioned it -~) I , I i I I LJ 149 m at the June 11" 1984;'meeti,ng.. ' I was told that the City was not allowed to use City funds to perform work on private pro- , perty, or words to that effect,. 7. My an,swercw~s for, the City to obtain ,bids, ena block by block basis" fr.om a selected bidders, 1 ist. The' City could determine the successfu,l b,idder,_ on a block by block basis,. Each citizen, in every blOck concerned, could then arrange for a contract be- tween himself'and the successful bidder.' I,would expect the . City to provide' inspection of the.,work; as usual. ,8. The City owes the citi~ens this service" as described above, because:' (a) ,such expert i sei s not. a 1ways available on an individual basis"and' (b)' the,citizens'did not request this work to be done. 9. The-meter location could be se~ected along the easement to suit the locat'ion of the' individua11s relocated water-line. There weremany,comments from otherindiv,idua1s-atthe meeting and are, no doubt, ~covered in the minutes kep on the CouncilMeeting~ Some of these comments, plus ideas gathered since the Council 'Meeting are: o '.1. Would the City pay for the p,ipe1ine from the new meter location to the new pipeline the individual installed-'l 1'5 not sure this was answered, but I suggest the answer to this'question be, "yes but the City would meet the owner's 1 ine at his property line and that the City would pay for the connection;" 2. The, City shou,ldwaive the permit fee for this new work, because the citizens did not request the work. (May not have been stated at the, meeting, but should be part of this package.) ,3.,' The'consu1tantmentioned that the State published JIRu1es and Re- gulations for Public Water Systems'l and this was used as a design guide. ,I,have'a copy revised February'23, 1980 and effective date- March 17, 1-980. Pages 24, 25 and 26 (.005 Water Distribu- tion) are attached. Pages 24 and 25 describe location of main. 4. Page 26, Item 2, discusses I~here water lines are installed in areas which have existing sanitary 's,ewers..."; " Please note, at the beginning, that if the nine foot (9') spacing between new line and existing'sewermentioned,at the Council-Meeting cannot be achieved, then some other spacings are, suggested and allowed under certain conditions - Items A, B, C arid D. " 5~ These regulations do describe other ways to do the job without the nine foot (9') clearance, under set conditions. 6. If the sewer line is bad, and probably is in many instances, it should be repaired.' Working in ,the easement would be a good time to do the work on both sanitary water line and sanitary sewer. n I understand thatthe'consu1ting engineers have "submitted plans of this work to the Texas Department-of' Health, Rosenber.g, Texas, for approval. I suggest that the City Manager,- consulting engineer and Water Superinten- dent arrange to personally discuss this work with State Health personnel to see if any of the 'exceptions discussed-inState Regulations (attached) can be allowed as a solution- to:this problem. If so, every homeowner would save a lot of'moliey. It must be'r;ecognlzedthat many of our citizens do not have ready cash to pay -for the i r port ion 'of the project as presented at the Council Meeting. , ".I.!!II..". I.... .,. .1' ,..bll"- '1111111l11rnllrnDl;TIIT 11fT" ~ .,,,,,., , 150 , The totaltost of owner work wi 11 be far more t~~n the cost of City work, with this .CityprdposaLThe CHy Cehncil should strive to find a way to reduce this owner cost. One. idea wourd be to .is'sess each owner for his prorated 'share "(lot width:}' of cost :increa's,efor10cating the 1 ine in the existing back easemen't" versu's the easement-at the street. May 'save s~rne money., provi'di iig the State appro.ves t,he des} gn. All aVenues' she'uld be eip1oredbefo:re this work be allowed to start. The City Manager's letter, dated Ju:ly 27,: 19.84'~ 'stated a'starting time in October', '1984.I's'uggestthat this" date bere\;:tsed to further study this project. The citizens' cannoth;:l\ie their portion: of this proposed work designed: and priced by'October, 1984. ,;. ',,'".' , Tha':lk you in advan<:efoi-,all~wJrlg,me to: read,-this, letter to the Council. The' City Manager wi 11 have cop i es for: each of you. I:' hope that the Counc i 1 wi 1 ~ accept some ~f t~e~e ideas and s,uggestions and request that this water project b~,stud!edfurther before coiist.!,ucti()n' is allowed to start. Mayor Forrlsta11 'advised that 'replacement of water 1 ines throughout the city had been considered by the Council, for the, past three years and many areas, 'including the Pemberton area, haa been walked by the Counci 1. Mayor For- ristall stated she:would:have'to consult members of the City Council prior to knowi~g wheth~r ornot a second publ ic he~ring would be held. LEGAL MATTERS: .Neither CitY,Manager Dic~'Roc~enbaugh.; norCity Attorney David A11ums',had ahy':leg~l matters for,consid~ra~i0n.by theCounci1 at this time. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA:: Fo110wirlg review of items included on the Cons~nt Agenda no member of ~he Ceunci1 d~sired to remove an item. CONSENT AGENDA: "Motion by Counci liriari Pol ic~ino~ seconded by Councilman Weath- erly, that ,the Consent Agenda be approved in accordance with staff recom- mendat ions. . Vo~ i ng Aye:, All ' Voting No: None STREEt PAVING PROJECT: :'Ordinance Nufribe'r"1226 was pr~sented and the caption read as follows: AN ORD I NANCE :ACCEPTI NG THEW6~K OF I MPROV I NG: ALBANS STREET IN THE 4200 BLOCK; CASE'STREET IN THE 3866 eLOCR: EMORY STREET'I N THE 4200 eLOCK (N'THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS UNDER THAT CERTAIN CONTRACT HERETOFORE ENTERED , , INTO; FIND I NG AND OE-rERM I N I NGTHAT' SUCH WORK HAS BEE~ COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH' CONTRACT AND THAT" THE C ITV I S CONSULT I NG ENGINEER, ON BEHALF 'OF THE CITY, HAS SO ' , CERTIFI ED' T01:HE CITY ~OUNC I L; AUTHORI ~ i,NG .AND,DIRECTING THEPAVMENTOF THE FINAL ESTIMATE , OF CER~AIN SPECIAL ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES; AND DECLARING AN'EMERGENCV. . . -- -~- ,.. . I~l I I ,~ l~ W w 151 Motion by Councilman Pol ichino"seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that Ordinance Number 1226 be approved as read on first reading. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Estimate Number 3, in the, amount of $85,986.98 and Estimate Number 4, in the amount of $27,973, submitted by John G. Holland Construction Company for work completed on the paving projects were presented for consideration. Moti on by Counc i:1man Po Ii chi no, seconded by Counc i 1man Weatherl y, that the City Council approve payment to John G. Holland Constructlon Company in the amount of $113,959'.98.' Vot'ing Aye : 'All Voting No: None An invoice submitted by Langford Engineering, Inc.' in the amount of $1,458.70 for engineering services on the paving project was presented for consideration. Motion by' Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Counci 1 approve payment to Langford Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $1,458.70.' Voting Aye: ,All Voting No: None m' " , REGULATIONS FOR'MOVclNG HOUSES ON'PUBLlC STREETS: Ordinance Number 1227 was , presented and the caption read as follows: , AN ORDINANCE REGULATI NGTHEMOV I NG OF HOUSES o ON P-UBLI C S'TREETS; AND PROV I DING FOR A PENALTY. Motion by. Cound ImanPol ichino,- seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that Ordinance Number 1227 be approved as read on first reading. Voting Aye:, "All Voting No: None LIBRARY CARPET: In ~ccordance with previous instructions of the City Council, the following recommendation was presented for,the purchase and installa- tion of carpet at the Library: Jerry Burns and myself would like to recommend that the captioned bid be awar:ded to Carpet Services in the amount of $8,342.40. This 'amount represents the low bi'd by $757.,60 and ,is $1,657.60 under budget. n Vic Sullivan, of Carpet Services, has assured me that the library can be carpeted, as was stated in the bid specifications using 530 sq. yds '. of' carpet. A recap of- theb i'ds submitted is as "fallows: Ca rpet Se rv ices ' Gilson/Stanley Bagdad Southwest Carpet $8,342.40 9 , 1 00 . 00 10,388.00 11 , 170. 30 .,,", . nO... "'lrIIU1I1I111Im:mIll::lmI:r 111,% . .:!I'1.11 .l:nlDlJll[J[lllt:[mlm~ 11.1.. " _. .1'",-, ------.--vJ"TT'"l!TT"T'l-~rr ,. IlIlll.! I '- 152 The inst~llation of the carpet rn" ~helib~~ry can begi~ the last week Of September . Motion 6V Councilman Po1ichino, seconded by' CounCilman' Weatherly, that the recommendation of the staff be accepted, and 536 yards of carpet be purchased from and installed ~y Carpet Services for thei r1~w bid "of'$8,34:i.40. ' Voting Aye: All Voting' No: None CONSTITUTION WEEK: Mayor Forristal1 pre"sented the f~,llowing Proclamation: WHEREAS, the Constitution of'the Uriited States of America giyes us the foundation for a free, prosperous, and independent life for every citizen, but each gene'ration, in t:i"me, mustwork for and claim it; otherwise through carelessness or indifference, the ri ghts a!1d li bert'i es we, have enjoyed: may van ish;' and WHEREAS, it is of the greatest corise~uencethat the citizens fully understand the provisions and principles contained in the Constitution of the United States o'f America in 'order to - be ahle to support it properly as, 'lIThe greatest document for human 1 iberty in two thousand years of recorded historyll; and WHEREAS, the people of the United States should be deeply grateful ~o the Founding Fathers for the wisdon and for~sight they disp1~yed i~ Writing~nd adopting the Constltution; and ' WHEREAS, the independence granted to the American people to enjoy such freedom and liberty, unknown to any other country, should be celebrated by appropriate'ceremonies and activities during Constitution Week, September 17 through September 23, as designated by_ procl ama,t ion' of the Pres i dent of the Uj,'i ted States "in accordance with Public Law 915: ' NOW, THEREFORE, I, Marla Forrista1l, by virtue of the authority, vested )n me, as Mayo! of the City of West University Place in the St~te 'of Texas,dd- hereby, proclaim the w~ek of September 17 'th rough 23, '1984, as CONSTITUTION WEEK arid Urge all cifizenst6-'study the COnstitution, to express grati- tude for the pr'ivi lege ot" Amer'ican cltizen'shTj:> ,in our Republ ic fun- ctioning under the superb body of laws - the Constitution of the United States of America. ,I~ ~ITN~SS ~HEREOF, I have hereurito set my hand and caused the seal ~f the -City of West University Plate, Texas, to be affixed at West University Place this thirteenth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eighty-four and the Inde- pe....dence of the United States of Amedca ~he two hundred and eighth. . - .~"y ----- I I u r--. LJi, ' I : I~ ~,:\ i i , ' i ' w rn u , """""'''''''''....,.."..n.. 'I' 153 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTSENGINEERIN'GSERVICES:'o Consideration was given to an invoice, in the amount of $4;94"8.65, submitted by Langford Engineering, Inc. for engineerl.ng services on 'various' capital' improvement projects. Motion by Councilman Po1ichino, seconded byCounci1mari Weatherly, that the City Council approve payment to Langford Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $4,948;65. ' Voting Aye:, All Voting No: None WAKEFOREST ELEVATED WATER RESERVOIR: An invoice in the amount of $1,320.00, submitted by lndustrial Paintings, Inc. for work completed to date on repairs and painting :of ,the Wakeforest elevated water 'reservoir was pre- sented for consideration. Motion 'byCounci1manPo1ichino, seconded by Counc"i1man Weatherly, that the City Council approve payment to Industrial Paintings, Inc. in the amount of $3'1,320. Voting Aye: All 'Voting No: None CONSTRUCTlON"OF WATER MAINS ON WEST POINT,MARQUETTE&'BELL:AIRE: Considera- tion was given to an invoice in the amount of $41,085.90 submitted by D. 'George Coinpanyfor work completed on' the' Construction of water mains on 'West Point, Marquette and Be 11 a ire. Motion by Councilman Po1ichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Council approve payment toO. George Company in the amount of $41,085.90. Vot ing. Aye: "All' Voting No: None REHABILITATION 'OF'SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM ON WESLAYAN: Consideration was given to an invoice in the amount of $6,787.80, submitted by Channel Construction Company for work completed to date on the ,rehabi 1 itation of the sewage collection system on Wes1ayan. Motion by Councilman Po1ichino, secOnded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Council approve payment to Channel Constr.uctLon Company in the amount of $6,787.80. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None WATER WELL NO.9: An invoice in the amount of $63,451.58, submitted by Layne~ Texas for work completed to date to drill water well #9 was presented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, thqt the City Council approve payment to Layne-Texas in the amount of $63,451.58. Voting Aye: All 'Voting No: None CONSTRUCTION OF NEW POLICE FACILITIES: Consideration was given to Estimate No.3, in the amount of $20,527.00, submitted by ManDeCon for work com- pleted to date on the construction of new police facilities. . , , ,t' I II"I.! 1ll,.',III ']'lr11l1l1l1lilmrni1linT 111,1 "1-- loll. I...... ,!,ll'" .J::nlJlI;;liD:IIlm::llIlllm.lll. .,,"", ----.-.,,~ - ,. ~I' .~" I ""'-'-:1 154 MotTon 'by Cou'ncl:lma'n Po1ichino,seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that 'the City Counci 1 approve 'payment to ManDe'Con for work completed to date on ,the constr'uc'tion of new pol ice 'faCi1 ities.' Voting Aye: All Voting 'No: None COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilman Weatherly requested that recOmmendations of the Zoning and Planning Commission be acted on as quickly as possible. Councilman Polichino was interested in plans for shade for the baby pool. STAFF REPORT: City Manager Dick Rockenba'ughadvised that he had no further Ttemsfor 'Counci 1 cons'iderati6n at this 'time. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the City 'Council on July 23,1984, were pres'ent"ed for consideration. Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Counci'lmali Weatherly, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Counci 1 on July 23, 1984, be approved as submitted. ' Votihg Aye: All: Voting No: None ADJOURNMENT: 'With:no further business to come'before the Council .at this time, upon motion duly made; s'e"'conded and carried; t"he meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. -111 oJu., 1~~ ~ , Marla Forristall, Mayor ATTEST: c1t;1~ ~~ --/ Lee Lockard, City Secretary 1-----' . I I i I I I I U II 8 I : ! : ill I 11 uJ W' , I I , rn m I 155 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 27, 1984 7:30 p.m. The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, August 27, 1984, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Forristall, presiding; Councilmen, Jackson, Lenhart, Polichino and Weatherly. The City Attorney, City r~anager, City Secretary, Director of Administration, Director of Public Safety and Water/Waste-Treatment Superintendent were also present. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: There were no residents in attendance at the meeting "-desiring to bring any matter, to the attention of the City Council. CITIZEN RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: There were no residents in attendance desiring to address any matter appearing on the regular City Council agenda. LEGAL MATTERS: Neither City Manager Di ck Rockenbaugh nor Ci ty Attorney Davi d Allums had any legal matters for presentation to the Council at this time. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Forristall directed attention to the installment payment on water well #8 which was the only item on Consent Agenda. No member of Council desired to remove the item. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Polichino~ that the Consent Agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendations. Voti ng Aye: All Voting No: None TWENTY-FIVE YEAR SERVICE AWARD: ,Resolution Number 84-11 was presented to Council and read in full: WHEREAS, Leroy Hunter was employed by the City of West University Place Street Department on May 20, 1959; and WHEREAS, Leroy Hunter has served'the City as an equipment operator during the twenty-five years of his employment; and WHEREAS, during all of such service to the City, Leroy Hunter has performed his duties in such manner as to reflect credit upon himself, his fami ly and the City; and ' WHEREAS, by great .courage, c.lear wisdom, remarkable patience and unusual thoroughness and consci entiousness, Leroy has .establ i shed a recor,d ,of achievement; and , I 1.'1.. ., .,,, ,.. loll.... ""1"111111T111n,hl"DTln'T" 111.1 ,I:nl:ll::llEmlU:rmIlIll.I(,(. ,; .;, , .,.~, , ~-..---.-.-~~~. ro,"'" , ' ... r.: '~, l.t)O WHEREAS, Leroy Hunter has elected to retire from active service with the City on August 31, 1984; and WHEREAS, tne City Council desires to recognize Leroy. Hunter's long and faithful service to the citizens and the City. u NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City of West University ,Place, Texas, acting by, and through its duly authorized City, Council , hereby commends Leroy Hunter for his many years of service to the citizens and to the City. Section 2. . That the City Councjl, on behalf of the citizens served by Leroy Hunter, expresses its grateful appreciation to him for his unselfish devotion to his duties and for the manner in which he faithfully performed his responsibilities. Section 3. That this Resolution be spread' in full .upon the minutes of the City Council and that the Mayor be, and she is hereby, authorized to deliver to Leroy Hunter a true copy hereof, signed by each member of the City Council. u PASSED AND APPROVED this 27th day of August, 1984. Motion by Councilman Pollichino, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that Resolution Number 84-11 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Forristall presented Mr. Hunter'with the original of Resolution Number 84.,.11 which had been framed for, the occasion, and Mayor Pro-Tern Jackson presented nim with a gold watch honoring his twenty-five years service. APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY MUNICIPAL COURT CLERKS: Resolution Number 84-12 was presented to the Council and read in full: WHEREAS, Mary Giottaemployed as Records Cl erk and a.ppoi nted Deputy Clerk of the, Munic,ipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas has resigned her position with the city; and WHEREAS, t.1ark, Kirk employed a.s Pol ice Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas has resigned his position with the city; and l] 157 ~'" .~.} j'. ~r WHEREAS, Lisa Comeau has been employed as Pol ice Di spatcher and '~ts,~qlfalifted ,.,t@',:a~'sume: the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court; and WHEREAS, Deborah Martin has been employed as Records'Clerk and:is qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerk'of the Municipal Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Lisa Comeau and Deborah Martin be, and they are hereby, appointed Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City 6fvJest ' University Place; Texas. Section 2. That the appointment of Lisa' Comeau and Deborah Martin as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of 'the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective 'with the passage of this Resolution and that they shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerk after having been administered the proper Oath of Office. , PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 1984. ~"~ ~~f l~ Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that Resolution Number 84-12 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None REPAIRS & PATNTTN~ OF RFII ATRF 'RnllIl='\IARn City Manager advised that bids had and painting of the elevated water with the following results: 1='1 I='\IATED STOR8~E RESERVOIR: The been received and opened for repairs storage reservoir on Bellaire Boulevard R. E. Dow & Son W.J.M. Enterprises Industrial Painters ABC Painting, Inc. Lupton Painting $ 49,650 56,573 57,224 78,068 82,215 rD"i I, I , The City Manager further advised that the recommendation at this time was to give the consulting engineer and Water Superintendent'Bob Simpson an opportunity to check the 'references submitted by R. E. Dbw& Son, and that a recommendation for the award of a contract would be presented to the City Council at its next regular meeting on September 10, 1984. ' REGULATIONS FOR MOVING HOUSES: 'Ordi:nance Number 1227 was presented for second reading and the caption read in full: AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE MOVING OF HOUSES ON PUBLIC STREETS; AND PROVTDr"NG FOR A PENALTY "'1~."'""rl"""""""''''''' !. _. . l.'Ul .l:IIUIl:DJl!lU!:IJnlllll-.U.l.. ..:"11"". I I .~ I. .!liol-W\ ~ j. .1. II. .' . , . . Il-<-,,~"'~' _ . "", , 41'" 158 Motion by Councilman Jackson,s.econd~d by Councilman Polichino, that Ordinance Number 1227 beap~~oved, on seGond readipg. Voting Aye : All Voting No: None I , , U , , , ENTEX NOTICE TO INCREASE RATES: The Council was advised that Entex had , ' filed an Intent to increase rates within the city and that Mr. Fridel and Mr. Tyson with Entex were in attendance at the meeting to answer any questions members of the Council might have. Mr. Fridel responded to questions noting that the increase was to become effective on August 29, 1984; that the minimum bill would increase from $7.51 per month'io $8.74 ~er ~onth; that there were 5,174 residential customers, 79 small commercial customers and 6 large volume customers within the city; that the iYlcrea:~e would increase the Companyls revenues by approximately $77,770 per year; had been approved by the Railroad Commission; and was already in effect in Houston. It was the concensu5 of the City Council to let the requested rate become effective on August 29, 1984. HARRIS COUNTY Cor4MUNITY DEVELOPMENT 'AGENCY: ' The Council was advi sed that each year the city was provided an opportunity to participate for Community Development Block Grant funds or not. If the city chooses to "Opt in" the county program itls population would be counted'in the countyls base thereby increasing the total amount ,of the grant. It was further:' pointed out that the city, was to receive a Grant tow liT! provide additional services for the cityls senior citizens by enlarging the Community Building. Motion by CoundlmanJackson, seconded by Councilman POlichino, that the Mayor be authorized to sign an Agreement with the Harris County Community Development Agency for participation.in Community Develop- ment Block Grant Funds. Voti ng Aye: All Voting No: None WATER LINE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM: Mayor.Forristall recognized a number of residents affected by the water line replacement program. Mr. A. O. Fisk, 2727 Barbara Lane, asked if it was legal to put both lines in the easement; that the city is going to put a burden on the home owners; and if the city planned to take bids for putting the water in ,the front. In response toa question by t4r . Bernie Bernard, 2639 Pemberton, Councilman Polichino advised that first consideration was given by the Council to relocate the 'new waterline in the existing rear easement, but after reviewing the damage that would be done to private property by.the equipment that would be required it was decided that relocation of the line would be less destructive to private back yards. . . .. . Mr. David Hall, 2631 Barbara Lane, requested that consideration be ~iven to those h6me owners who would be required to relocate water lines in the form of an incentive by granting them a lower monthly water rate. Ui~ I ' I , mL .c.: :- .f.-i\ :1 rn w 159 Councilman Weatherly stated thai he 1 ived in the area and that he understood the logic for the city's proposal 'even though all of the residents of his neighborhood were opposed to the project. Councilman Weatherly suggested hiring another engineer to determine if both lines can be put in the rear easement. ' Councilman Jackson ~tated,that he was of the opinion that if everyone in the area was opposed to the project that the city should consider going to another area. Motion by Councilman Lenhart" seconded by C6uncilmanWeatherly, that the city cease and desist on any efforts to replace water lines in this area and all efforts be abandoned. Upon questioning Councilman Lenh~rt claiifi~d hi~ motion to refer to Phase I of the water line repl aceme~t program. After recognition by Mayor Forristall, Mrs. Joan Worley, 2735 Talbot, stated that most people agreed that the water line was needed and that a health hazard already 'exists. Voting Aye:, Lenhart Jackson Weatherly HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT: An invoice in the amount of $6,970.00 for payment of fourth quarter dues to the Harris County Appraisal District was presented for consideration; Voting No: Forristall Polichino Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Mayor Forristall, that the City Council authorize payment to the Harris County Appraisal District in the amount of $6,970.00 for fourth quarter du~s. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None' COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilman Lenhart stated that he had a point of informa- tion. Mr. Lenhart quoted from Section 2.10 of the City Charter regarding Rules of Procedure as follows: liThe Council shall by ordinance ' determine its own rules and order of business.II.....Mr. Lenhart inquired into the procedure u~ed in getting something on the Council agenda. Mr. Lenhart was advised that in the absence of a report from a Sub- Committee appointed to review various Council Agendas used by other localities and make a recommendation to the Council on Rules of Procedure had b~en adopted. Mayor Forristall advised that the usual procedure was for a preliminary meeting between the Mayor and City Manager on Wednesday prior to a Council meeting when various pending matters, correspondence, etc. was reviewed and a decision made with regard to placing such items on the agenda. Councilman Lenhart further stated that it was his opinion that an agreement had been reached by members of the Council that a report would be placed in the City Currents to share with the citizens the activities of the city and that only one article had appeared. Mr. Lenhart was advised that a second article would be appearing shortly. I. , I I :I.,Ilal ,u" ,...--. 111.1- ....,. ; I ...!-\1.., .iolllll.' 11111111111IlUm-.KJ.,III" ,U:~lII::llIl1lIn.IlI..' ...1" -----~rr-n-T"!"T '.", f I-'~ ~~1- '-------'----7 l ,. 160 Councilman Polichino was advised that a.decision should be made as to the location of the bicycle lanes when left~turn lanes put in at University and Buffalo. It was the decision of the Council that staff members were more familiar 'with the problems and should make such decision. Councilman Weatherly stated that he Would like very much to compliment the City Attorney for resolving the matter with the Sunset Tea Room. Councilman Polichino was advised that under the revised budget calendar the staff would be ready to present the.proposed 1985 budget to the Council the first week of October. Mayor Forristall stated that she was in receipt of a letter from Nichole Baker of the Communications Committee requesting additional members and also had received such request from the Zoning Board of Adjustment~ Mayor Forristall advised that she had received a. letter from Mary Cash as one of the sponsors of a local resident, Jan~ Snyder, who had been chosen as an entrant in the Tricathalon meet to be held in Hawaii, requesting permission to place advertisingin'various parts of the city requesting support. Councilman Polichi~o suggested that Mrs. Cash , be requested to contact the Communications Committee and that such things a~ posters be placed'in busines~ locatiorts. STAFF REPORT: City Manager Dick'Rockenbaugh advised that he had no additional matters for Council consideration at this time. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of'the City Council on August 13, 1984, were presented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council meeting on August 13, 1984, be approved as presented. Vati ng Aye: All' Voting No: None ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made" seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. . 11\ ()'~a) 1-Qhl\ tn\-t&Q '. "'"' Marla Forristall, Mayor ATTEST: ~L/ ,.y:J~..,< .-/ L e Lo kard, c;~retary '"'~.. <.~". 1 1 I I ~ c ,-, i I I I Ii L.:..J 1m LU rn m 161 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 10, 1984 7:30 p.m., The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, September 10~ 1984, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Forristall, presiding, Councilmen,Jackson, Lenhart, Polichino and Weatherly; Also present were the City Attorney, City Manager, City Secretary, Director of Administration, Director of Public Safety and the Water/Wast~~ater Superintendent. ' HEARING OF RESIDENTS:, Mrs. Rosema~y Mullin, 4019 Byron, advised the Council that she had been in attendance at the Council meeting to discuss proposed changes to Weslayan;off-street parking; and bicycle paths. Mrs. Mullin stated that any plans to close Auden Street at Bissonnet would put a burden on residents living on Weslayan, Academy and College; that the streets were too narrow for bicycle, paths; and that on street parking should be prohibited. Mayor Forristall advised Mrs. Mullin that the Council would hold a workshop within the next few weeks for further discussion of the report of the Traffic Committee. Dr. Arrighi, 3036 Albans, requested that a storm sewer in her area be repaired inasmuch asit had been repaired once since Hurricane Alicia, but not very well. Dr. Arrighi also requested that the water fountain in the lobby outside the Council Chamber be repaired. Ms. Joan McCay, 3029 Carnegie, stated that she would like to commend the Police Department for its partial successful effort to have realtors re-locate their signs behind_property lines and the re- location of porta-cans., Mayor Forrjstall,invit~d Ms. McCay and others to attend a meeting within 'the, next two or three weeks_between members of the Zoning and Planning Commission and the City Council to'discuss the Commissionls recommended changes in the Zoning Ordinance including the possible change fro~ three (31) foot side set-backs. Ms. McCay invited members of the City Council to visit the site of the townhouse development located at Belmont and Bellaire to see two beautif~l, old oak trees and check the foliage which had been damaged because of the roots 'being incased in concrete and improper use of pervious material. LEGAL ~1ATTERS: Neither Ci ty Manager Di ck R9ckenbaugh nor City Attorney David Allums had any legal matters for consideratjon by the CHy Council at this time. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: ',Foll owing a revi ew by Mayor Forristall of items included on the Consent Agenda, no member of the Council desired to remove an item. CONSENT AGENDA: Mati on by, Counc i 1 man Pol i chi no, seconded byCounc i 1 man Jackson,' that the Consent Agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendations. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None -.: ~....hlIll~ -..,. -j"l,"1II11n1IlIl1IraI11:llrr' 111,]. "j .uu ", -" 1.~IJRIIIR.H.I..::' ....,,"'. . , .." '.'!i",l>I j- .1 III.. . ..>~ ''''''~'=-''''''';'' -> , ".-~. .....",,'" 162 PAINTING & REPAIRS TO BELLAIRE BOULEVARD..ELEVATED ~IATER RESERVOIR: The Council was advised that Consulting Engineer Don Reichle and Water/ Wastewater Superintendent Bob Simpson were in the audience to answer -, any questions regarding their recommendation that a contract be awarded to R. E. Dow & Sons of Mineral Wells, Texas, for making repairs and painting the elevated water reservoir located on Bellaire. ~ Mr. Reichle reviewed bids that, had been received for the project, making a comparison of bid~ received for the Wakeforest reservoir and the Bellaire Reservoir. . Motion by Councilman Jackson,'seconded, by-Councilman Polichino, that the Council accept the recommendation of staff and a contract be awarded to R. E. Dow & Sons of Mineral Wells for making repairs and painting the elevated water reservoir on Bellaire for their low bid of $49,650. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None HOUSTON LIGHTING & POWER COMPANY RATE INCREASE REOUEST: Ordinance Number 1228 was presented to the Council - and read in full : AN ORDINANCE DENYING THE. APPLICATION OF HOUSTON LIGHTING AND POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO CHANGE RATES TO BE CHARGED THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. WHERAS, on June 15, 1984, Houston Lighting and Power Company q (lithe, Company II ) fil ed with the City of West University Place, Texas an application for authority to change rates to be charged within the Ci ty; and OJ WHEREAS, the City Council, having reviewed the Company'srate'filing package and supporting testimony, is of the opinion that the rate, application should be denied in all particulars. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of West University Place denies the application of the Company for authority to'change rates to be charged within the City of West University Place. Section 2. That this ordinance constitutes the final action of the City of West University Place in determining the rates for sale of electric power and energy by the Company within the City in accordance with thePubl ic' Util ity Regulatory Act, Texas Civil Statutes Annotated, Article 1446c,Section 43 (f)~ Section 3. That the City Council orders the Company to continue- in. effect the rates set forth in ratesch'edules previously made effective for sale of electric power and energy within the City until, such time as said rate schedules may be changed, modified, amended or withdrawn as provided by law. w 163 w Section 4. There exists a public emergency requlrlng that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction, and the Mayor having in writing declared the existence of such emergency and requested such passage, this ordinance shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction, this 10th day of September, 1984. PASSED AND APPROVED this , 1984. day of Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Polichino, that Ordinance Number 1228 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT PROPOSALS: Mayor Forristall advised that pro- posals had been presented to the City Council by management consultants to study the organizational structure of the city and to recommend changes in thecityls classification/compensation pl an. ' Motion by Councilman Lenhart, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that 1) The city retain the firm of Touche Ross to: CJ o Analyze and recommend most effective organization structure o Recommend staffing needs by position and responsibilities o Conduct classification/compensation study based upon recommended organization and staffing patterns 2) Authorize the City Manager to contact Touche Ross and negotiate with them to accomplish the proposed scope for pro- fessional fees not'to exceed $25,000. 3) Require preliminary report on organization and staffing within two (2) months of this meeting. Votihg Aye: All' Voting No: None 1976 BONDS INTEREST PAYMENT: A request was presented for payment of $22,000 for interest due on the 1976 bond issue. Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that the City Council approve payment of $22,000 for interest due on the 1976 bond issue. Voting Aye: All' Voti ngNo : , ' None c WATER WELL #9: Estimate Number 2 in the amount of $108,398.47 submitted by Layne-Texas Company for,work completed to date on water well #9 was presented for consideration. -' Motion by CouncilmanPolichino, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that the City Council approve payment to Layne-Texas Company in the amount of $108,398.47. Voting Aye: ' All Voting No: None ........................ ---- "".. . ... -"WlllIlnlIlDm:.:::mIO" 111,1 J .:O;II~lln:lmllIll.][.L.. I ...." ~ r---w-~c..---.-.-.,..,.,. "..,., , 16.1 CONSTRUCTION OF WATER'MAINS ON WESTPOINTb MARQUETTE & BELLAIRE BOULEVARD: Estimate No.2 and final invoice su mittedby D. George & Company, in the amount of $8,037110 was presented for consideration, together [j with the engineer's Certificate of Completion submitted'by Langford Engineering, Inc. . , Motion by Councilman Polochino, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that the City Council approve payment to D. George Company in the amount of $8,037.10 and accept tne engineer's Certificate of Completion. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None REHABILITATION OF SANITARY SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM ON WESLAYAN: Estimate Number 2, in the amount of $82,910.45, submitted by Channel Construc- tion for work completed on the rehabilitat10n of the sanitary sewage collection system on Weslayan was presented for consideration ' together with-Change Order N~mber 1 in the amount of $1,279.72. Motion by Councilman Po11chino, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that the City Council -approve payment to Channel Construction Company in the amount of $82,910.45 and accept Change Order #1 in the amriunt of $1,279.72. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR SURVEY OF LANDFILL SITE: A request Was presented to authorize the employment of Resource Engineering for a~complete engineering survey at the sanitary landfill site. City Manager [, ' Dick Rockenbaugh advised that the survey would provide information regarding the landfill capacity and existing space available as well as the amount of time before the landfill will have to be closed. Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that the City Council authorize, Resource Engineering to prepare a complete engineering survey of the landfill for the total sum of $5,800. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilman Polichino asked if area residents had been advised of work to be done at University/Buffalo for relocation of the bicycle lane. He also suggested that consideration be given to removing the bicycle lanes from the streets and the Parks and Recrea- tion Board be requested to consider possible options. ~1ayor Forr;stall requested that the draft prepared by City Attorney of Rules of Procedure for the Council be considered at a workshop meeting and requested that the City Attorney review material sub- mitted by the Braes Bayou Association prior to any Council action. STAFF REPORT: In response to a questi on by the City Manager, it was the decision of the Council to~hold a workshop meeting on Monday, September 17th at 6:30 p.m. . CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: ' Minutes of the regular meeting of the Ci..:t:Y--C.ou~c.:i.l....ou....MQ.n.da.y...,....August 27,' 1984, were presented for consideration. w 165 n Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Polichino, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council on Monday, August 27, 1984, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting ad- journed at 8:30 p.m. Modal ~o1I Ma.cl..a......F..o..r...r- i s.tall,.....Ma~ r ATTEST: ~-~~~ Lee Lockard, City,Secretary ~ D n . . I' I' I ,~. 'RIi I"!' & I . ,Il" i,. . ,j l~ll. . ...... ""ll'llill1l111nnr..rTIIII'T" I 111. I' ~ "1 .l:I11IImIEIIllltrlUlllIl.lI.L. . ...' .'_"-<lm, ~_ ,. L...:.L' "TIT-- --~ '.l.~ J!, -. 166 REGULAR CITY COUNCIl MEETING September 24, 1984 7~30 p'.m. " The City Council convened in regular session at the Ci:ty Hall on Monday, September 24,1984,7:30 p.m., with the following members present: ' Mayor Pro-Tem Jackson, presiding in the absence of Mayor Forristall, Councilmen Lenhart, Polichino and Weatherly. Also in attendance were the City Attorney, City Manager, City Secretary and Director of Admin- istration. L-J HEARING OF RESIDENTS-: · M~ Joa'n'r1cCay, 3029 Carnegie, stated that the provisions of Ordiriarice Number 1212 did not take into consideration trees and, that the pervious material requirement of the ordinance must be changed. Ms. McCay presented the Council photographs she had made of large oak treeS located in the townhouse development at Belmont/Bellaire noting that those with dirt surrounding the roots were in full foliage while those located surrounded by bricks and/or concrete had very little foliage. Ms. McCay was advised that members of the Council had been ,working on the pervious material provision of the Ordinance and that a public hearing had been scheduled with members of the Zoning and Planning Commission to discuss proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. CrHZEN.RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITms: Those persons in attendance were 0 advised that a check.,..in form had been provided for use by anyone desiring to speak to a specific item included on the Council agenda. LEGAL MATTERS: Neither City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh nor City Atrorney David Allums had any legal matters for consideration by the Council. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: No member of the Council desired to remove an item from Consent Agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the Consent Agenda be approved in accordance witk staff recommendation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ACCEPTING GIFT OF SCOUT HOUSE BY LION'S CLUB OF WEST UNIVERSITY: Resolution Number 84-13 was presented and read in full: A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE GENEROUS GIFT TO THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY FROM THE LION'S CLUB OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS WHEREAS, the Lion's Club of West University Place, Texas has, for many years, contributed to the general welfare of the City by itls active involvement in the scouting function of our citizens; and u WHEREAS, the Lionls Club of West University Place, Texas desires to transfer, give, assign and convey to the City the building known as the Scout Building located on the northeast corner of the West [ o n University Elementary School grounds; and WHEREAS, the City appreciates the Lion's Club generosity and desires to accept the gift. , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE-CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS Section 1. That the gift by the Lionls Club of West University Place, Texas of the Scout 'Building is hereby accepted. ' Section 2. That the City Attorney is hereby directed to prepare the necessary documents of transfer and to process them for the benefit of the City.' Section 3. That the City Council expresses it's sincere and deep appreciation to the Lionls Club of West University Place, Texas for it's generous and thoughtful gift. PASSED AND APPROVED this September, 1984. day of Motion by Mr. Pol iChino, seconded' by Council man Weatherly , that Resolution Number 84-13 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None DISAPPROVAL OF THE HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT'S 1985 BUDGET: 1 uti on Number 84-14 was presented to Council and read in full: TO THE HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the tax burden on the ownership of property in Harris County continues to increase from year to year; and WHEREAS, the'increase in the tax burden has been brought about by many factors over which the Harris County Appraisal District,haslittle or no control; and WHEREAS, the Harris County Appraisal District has in the distharge of its responsibilities under the law taken over the appraisal of property within the County of Harris, State of Texas; and WHEREAS, the most recent proposed evaluation and/or revaluationbf property'for theqyear has caused ~ramatic arid substantial increase in values within its district; and WHEREAS, the proposed budget for the Harris County Appraisal District for the year 1985 is $23,9:36,826.00; and' ".. . [1n!]llnrcm~' 167 Reso- 111n 'I I."Lll ,l:IlIIIIUID:IIIlrel-lilllrlllU.. ' .1119'~ , . ---,--.--,rJ""'"""lf'l"TT' "~~-r'~l '~fT 163 WHEREAS, the proposed budget expenditures for 1985 are for the purpose of supporting a substantial increase in person rial and fadl iti es that are not essential for the discharge of-the legal responsibilities of the Harris County Appraisal District. , ' , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS , , - THAT the City Council of the City of West University Place being a taxJng unit entitled to vote on the appoint- ment of board members in accordance with the requirement of Section 6.06 of the Tax Code of the State of Texas RESOLVES and DISAPPROVES the Ha'rr'is County Appraisal District's budget of'$23,936,826.00for the year 1985, and urges the District to amend and to make a substantial ~eduction in the bud~et for the year 1985. PASSED AND APPROVED this - 'day of 1984. Motion by Councilman,Polichino, seconded by Councilman L~eatherly that Resolution Number 84-14 be approved as read. Councilman Lenhart directed attention to the fact that the Resolution only addressed the 1985 budget of the Harris County Appraisal District; did not address specific problems the city had faced such as undue delays-in the cityls budgetary process because of delays by HCAD in producing the cityls tax rolls in a timely manner; and that he was unaware of excessive compl aints by West University residents~ as well as'the desirability of meeting with HCAD representatives. Councilman Polichino withdrew his motion and Councilman Weatherly withdrew his second following a decision to further consider a Resolution to the HCAD at a'workshopmeeting on Monday, October 1st. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WITH ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION: Ordinance No. 1229 was presented and the caption read as follows: AN ORDINANCE CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:30 P.M., OCTOBER 15, 1984, TO CONSIDER A REPORT OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMIS- SION RECOMMENDING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS AND ' ADDItIONS TO ORDINANCE NUMBER III TO CLARIFY AND UPDATE DEFINITIONS OF SUCH ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR A JOINT HEARING ON SAID DATE BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION; DIRECTING THAT NOTICE OF SAID HEARING BE ~IVEN AS PROVIDED BYLAW; RE- QUIRING THAT A COPY-OF THE REPORT OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION BE FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY; AND , DECLARING AN EMERGENCY Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded bY Councilman Lenhart, that Ordinance No. 1229 be approved as read. , r -1 '~ I~ lJ II 169 Voting Aye: All , Voting No: None u CITY COUNCIL RULES OF PROCEDURE AND ORDER OF BUSINESS: Ordinance No. 1230 was presented and the caption read as,follows: . , AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RULES OF PROCEDURE AND AN ORDER OF BUSINESS Motion by Councilman Polichino,seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that Ordinance No. 1230 be approved as read. Ms. McCay requested that consideration be given to including a provision directing that Council members be on time for meetings. Councilman Lenhart stated that'the ter~ "excessiVe" included in the first section was vague and could vary; recommended that a Council- member have to miss six (6) meetings within a four (4) month period before a position be declared vacated, with such vacation requiring a 4/5 vote of the Council; that a Council member be permitted to tag an agenda item one time for the acquisition of additionalinforma- tion; and that modification and/or suspension of rules require a 4/5 vote of Council. 1] Following a decision by Council to give further consideration to the Ordinance in workshop session motion withdrawn by Councilman Polichino and second withdrawn by Councilman Weatherly. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS: An invoice in the amount of $6,497.67 submitted by Langford Engineering, Inc. for engineeri ng servi ces rendered on various capital improvement projects was presented for consideration., Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, tha t the City Council au thori ze paymen t to Langford Engi neeri ng, Inc. in the amount of $6,497.67. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None REHABILITATION OF SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM ON WESLAYAN: An invoice in the amount of $26,456.47 submitted by Channel Construction Company for work completed on the rehabilitation of the sewage collection system onWeslayan was p~esented for consideration together with the Certificate of Completion of the project submitted by the con- sulting engineers, Langford Engineering, Inc. ' Motion by Councilman Polichino,seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Council accept the Certificate of Completion and approve payment to Channel Construction Company in the amount of $26,456.47. [ CONSTRUCTION OF NEW POLICE FACILITIES: Estimate Number 4, in the amount of $41,845.00, submitted by Mandecon, Inc. for work completed to date on the construction of new police facilities was presented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Council approve payment to Mandecon, Inc. in the ."". J" ,I.'UI 170 .I:IIIIIIlIIIIJlIll.mmfLlJ..l ......1...., ,. ." .." ,. .lh<U." I H. I, I' <.~"'b'-" ,~ amount of $41,845.00. Voting Aye: All Voting No: Non~ COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilman Polichino was advised that "No Parking" signs would be erected at University/Buffalo where work had been performed to change the bicycle lane. STAFF::REPORT :':_~:.::.workshop'ineeting': will, be :'hel d on Monday, October 1st. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the,City Counc i 1 on r'1onday, September 10, 1984, were presented for cons i dera ti on. Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that minutes of the regular meeting of th eCity Council on September 10, 1984, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the' Council at this time, upon motion duly mad~, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Jerry Jackson, Mayor Pro Tern ATTEST: Lee Lockard, City Secretary -=-~. .~.........,'" u III I i J '-l..J u 171 n u REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING, October 8, 1984 7:30 p.m., The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on r~onday, October 8, 1984, 7:30 p.m., with the ,following members present: Mayor Forristall, presiding; Councilmen Jackson, Lenhart and 'Weatherly. Council- man Polichino was out of the city on vacation. Also present were the City Attorney" City Manager, City Secretary, Dir.ector of Administration and Director Of Public Safety. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: There were no residents in attendance desiring to bring an item to the attention of the City Council. CITIZEN RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Those persons in attendance were advised that a check-in form had been provided for use by anyone desiring to speak to a specific item included on.the City,Council agenda. LEGAL MATTERS: Neither City Attorney David Allums nor City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh had any legal, matters for consideration by the Council at this time. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: No member of the City Council desired to remove an item from the Consent Agenda.' o CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Councilman, Jackson, seconded by Councilman Lenhart, that the Consent Agenda be approved in accordance with staff ,recommendations. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None DISAPPROVAL OF THE HARRISHCOUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICTISBUDGET: Resolution Number 84-14 was presented and read in full : TO THE HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the tax burden on the ownership of property in Harris County continues to increase from year to year; and WHEREAS~ the increase in the tax burden has been brought about by many factors over which the Harris County Appraisal District has little or no control; and WHEREAS, the Harris County Appraisal District has in the discharge of its responsibilities under, the law taken over the appraisal of property within the County of Harris, State of Texas; and n WHEREAS, the ,most r~cent proposed evaluation and/or reval uation of property for the year has' caused dramatic and substantial increase in values within its di~trict; and I.!' ., ., ,'" II. I. ~n, .j!ltill..- ... ."W1mIl1,l"nillll1Dl~m' 111,' . "I I.. l.'UI 172 l:lII:JIDDIIfIDDIUlIlIl.11.l. '...1 .Ii'-" ."'""1TJ"""'""'IT1'I ~~~ "Il!IlIIll,I~III1II'~,.1 !J" .......~~....." "_'..~.._.... "'--.' . '-1': WHEREAS, the,~proposed.,budget for the Harris County Appraisal District for the year 1985 is $23,936,826.00; and WHEREAS, the proposed budget expenditures for 1985 are for the purpose of supporting a substantial increase in personnel ,and faci.l iti.es ,that ~re not essential for the discharge of the legal responsibilities of the Ha rri s County. Appra i sa 1 Di stri ct; and" , WHEREAS, repeated de;ays by Harris County Appraisal District in providing the City with a . certified roll has caused unwarranted delays in the budget and tax levy process, a 11 to the fi nanc ia 1 ' detriment .of the City; and I I i I ~ WHEREAS, when a certified roll is received, th~reare so many mistakes and corrections required, that the checking and correction pr.ocess required by the City is excessive and disproportionaly costly to the Ci ty; and WHEREAS, the annual fee charged by ,the Harris County Appraisal District to the City has escalated each year and said fe~ exceeds a reasonable cost that the City should pay for the, appraisal process. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: II , I L-.-J Section 1. That the City Council of the City of West University Place being a taxing unit entitled to vote on the appointment of board members in accordance with the requirement of Section 6.06 of the Tax Code. of the State of Texas, RESOLVED and DISAPPROVES the Harris County Appraisal Districtls budget of $23,936,826.00 for the year 1985, and urges the District to amend and to make a substantial reduction in the budget for the year.1985. Section 2. That the City objects to the untimely delays in providing an accurate certified roll to the City and to the excessive cost incurred by the . City for the Harris County Appraisal District services. PASSED AND APPROVED this the , 1984. day of Motion by Councilman Jackson"seconded by Councilman Weatherly~ that Resolution No. 84-14 be, approved as read. , Mr. Rockenbaugh stated that. in accordance, with a request of I~ the City Council he had inVi,ted representatives of the Harri s County I I Appraisal District to attend the Council meeting in order to answer I any questions Council members might have and introduced Mr. Bel Basky. U 173 n u Mr, Bel Basky introduced Mr. Frank Badillo and 'Mr. Bill Gorkin and stated they were from the Southwest Region I office of HCAD. Mr. Bel Basky stated that he would like to bring the Council up to date on action taken by the HCAD Board of Directors earlier in the day, stating that staff members had been instructed to revise the 1985 budget to re-evaluate all property every other year rather than on an annual basi s. In response to a concern expressed by Councilman Lenhart regarding increased personnel for HeAD, Mr. Bel Basky stated that last year the HCAD served 250 jurisdictions which h~d been increased to 370 this year. Councilman Lenhart was advised that approximately si~ hundred (600) copies of the annual budget was prepared and mailed to all jurisdictions served by HeAD; that two (2) public hearings were heldon'the proposed budget and virtually no input had been received from anyone until the outcry over the appraised property values had been received by the pu b 1 i c . o Councilman Jackson stated that he was not surprised' they had gotten no participation in the budget process. MY.. Bel Basky stated that with the impl ementati on of reappraisal s on a two-year basis HCAD would have an additional period of time in which to amend the budget. ' In response to a question by Mayor Forristall, Mr. Bel Basky stated that the HCAD had received resolutions from 20 taxing jurisdictions rejecting the 1985 budget and if the required 24 were received the Property Tax Code would mandate that the budget be amended. Mr. John Burns, 3114 Quenby, was advised that the Board of Directors has instructed that the budget be amended toreflectrappraisal of all property on a two-year basis. Mr. Burns said that he would like to see HCAD cut back to about five (5) appraisal districts and reappraise property each four years; Tax Assessor/Collector Donna Sims stat~d that the HCAD had been discussed many times and the main concern of city staff was its failure to present a tax roll ina timely manner. City Attorney Davi d All urns asked if there was any assi stance that could be pravi ded by the city to HCAD in order to assi st in assuring the receipt of a certified tax roll earlier in the year.- u Voting Aye: Forristall Jackson Weatherly MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM,STUDY: The Council was advised that proposals had been received for the pr.eparation of a Management- Information System Study; representatives of each firm had been interviewed; and that consideration should be given to the award of a contract for such study. Voting No: Lenhart I, ~ l'UI 174 ,mlJl1JlEll!lllUllnUI,l. ..- , .II~ . - -~L::nm -~n -- 11,/1,\',,/ Ifl~-' T I.. '-.--' .' ^ . - . Motion by, Counc;:i1man Lenhart, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that the City Council ,authorize the employment Qf the firm of Alexander Grant to perform. a Management Informati on System Study and the City ------- Manager be authorized to negotiate such contract. Voting Aye: All i )~ Voting No: . None PAINTING & REPAIRS TO WAKE FOREST ELEVATED STORAGE RESERVOIR: Estimate No.2 in the amount of $6,399.00 submitted by Industrial Painters, Inc. for work completed to date on the painting and'repairs of the Wake~ forest E1 evated Storage Reservoir wa~ presented for consideration. r.1otion by Councilman Jackson, ,s,econded by Councilman Lenhart, that the City Council approve payment to Industrial Pail)ters, Inc. in the amo~nt of $6,399.00. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None CONSTRUCTION OF NEW POLICE FACILITIES: Estimate NQ. 5, in the amount of $49,219.00 submitted by Mandecon, Inc. for work completed to date on the construction of new police facilities was presented for considera- tion ~' . Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Lenhart, that the City Council approve payment to Mandecon, Inc. in the amount of $49,2l9.00. " V0tt.r\g Aye: All 1-) u Voting No: None DELIVERY OF PLASTIC REFUSE BAGS: An invoice in the amount of $18,131.04 s~bmitted by Poly Bag Supply Company, Inc. for delivery of 6,480 rolls ,of plastic refuse bags was pre$ented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Lenhart, that the City Council approve payment to Poly Bag Supply Company, Inc. in the amount of $18,131.04. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None COUNCIL COMMENTS: Mayor Forristall reminded that a public hearing would be held on Monday, ,October 15th at the Community Building to consider recommendations from the Zoning and Planning Commissionfo~amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. , " Mayor Forrista1l stated that it was her desire to publicly recognize the City Secretary who had been employed at the city since September 28, 1964, for a period of twenty years. Mayor Forristall advised that an invoice in the amount of $500.00 had been received from the Harris County Mayor & Councilmenls Association for membership dues. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Council not join the association. ~ U Voting Aye: All Voting No: None 175 n Mayar ForristaU adv.ised that a response had: beenrecei'led from the staff ,regardin'g establishing Pocket Parks and wauld like ta schedule discussion an the respanse at a warkshopmeeting within the next manth and to include discussian an cul....de-sacs. 'Mayar Farristall stated that she WQuld refer staff response ta the Parks and Recreation Baard with a request' that theyr'eview and make any recammendatians they may have., ,,', Mayor Forristall stated that a request had been received fram the HQuston~Gal'leston Area Council far the appaitltmentof a delegate and alternate from the city to serve as the cityls representative. [1otion by Councilman Lenhart, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that Councilman Joe Polichino be' appainted' as the ci ty I S representative an HGAC. Vating Aye ~ All Voting No ~ None Mation by Cauncilman Lenhart, seconded by Mayor Forristall, that Councilman' Jerry Jacksan be appainted 'as the city IS alternate representative an HGAC. Voting Aye~ All Vating Na ~ Nane o Mayar Farristall reminded Caunci1members that a warkshap meeting had been set fOr Wednesday, October 10th far an .overview of the propased 1985 budget. ' CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes .of the regular meeting .of the City Cauncil an September 24, 1984, were presented far cansideratian. Motian by Councilman Weatherly, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that minutes .of the meeting .of the City Council an September 24, 1984, be carrected ta show that amatian an the adoption .of City Cauncil Rul es .of Pracedure made and withdrawn by Counc i1 man Pal i china, with Councilman Weatherly nat withdrawing his secand, had been defeated and the minutes approved as corrected. Vating Aye ~ 'All Voting Na: Nane ADJOURNMENT~ With na further business to came befare the Cauncil at this time, upon 'motianduly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m~ ' . "rY/ ala. ~foD Marla Farristal1, Mayor, ATTEST: n ~~ 8cN'a~ 1 Lee Lackard, City Secretary ~ .. I l ", .w'., ,'... ". ,....l.\l.ll.; .. "11 rllJ:HnI nnlmmllll:JllT 111:-1 . I" _ _I -'I't[[ 176 I '!:IIl!II1IID[!lIlT.mnm..llL 00';'-'1 .'-';.IM5. , I . " '"~ I '.,tII11UI,I II II.. , F , ',r ,.I 'h' . ......,... ~3~"""", ~...._ REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 22 ~ 1984 . 7:30 p. m. II The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, October 22, 1984, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Forristall, presiding; Councilmen Lenhart, Polichino.and Weatherly. Aslo present were the City Attorney, City Manager, City Secretary and Director of Administration. ".. , r~ayor Forristall directed attention to members of Den 6, Pack 55, Boy Scouts of America who were in attendance at the meefing and requested that the troupleadthe Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: There were no residents in attendance at the meeting who desired to bring any matters to the attention of the Council. CITIZEN RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: ,Mayor Forristali directed attention to a sign-in sheet for use by any resident wishing to speak to a specific agenda item. LEGAL MATTERS: Neither City Attorney David Allums nor City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh had any legal matters for consideration by the Council at this time. ' CONSENT AGENDA: No member of the Council desired to remove an item from the Consent Agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the Consent Agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendations. o Voting Aye: All Voting No: None WEBELOS GROUP, DEN 6, PACK 55. BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA: Mayor Forristall ~]ntroduced Mr. Dallas Parker and members of Den 6, Pack 55 a Webelos Troup. Each me~ber of the troup introduced himself and some had questions for the Mayor. In response to individual questions, Mayor Forristall reviewed the function of the Consent Agenda included on the Agenda and Council plans for no new laws regarding riding bicycles, followed by the presentation of Attendance Certificates to Mr. Parker and each member of the ~rdup. ' . REGULATIONS FOR FENCES. SWIMMING POOLS AND OFFSTREET PARKING: Ordinance Number 1231 was presented to the Council for first reading and the caption read as follows: u 17'( AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 111, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY INCORPORATING ORDINANCES RELATING TO SWIMMING POOLS, FENCES AND PARKING INTO AND AS A PART OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Councilman Pol ichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that Ordinance Number 1231 be approved on first reading. 'Voting Aye: All Voting, No: None CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS: An invoice in the amount of $1,043.21, submitted by Langford Engineering, Inc. 'Jor engineering services on vari ous capital proJects was presented for considerati on., Motion by Councilmcln PoUchino, seconded by Councilman . Weatherly, that the City Council approve payment to Langford Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $1,043.21. Voting Aye; ,All Voting No: None o COUNCIL COMMENTS: Mayor Forristall reminded those in attendance that the city IS annual Spo.oktacular would ,be held on Friday, October 26, 1984, with the costume contest beinghel d at the Community Buil ding followed by the Spook House at the Scout House. STAFF REPORT: City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh had no, addHi ona 1 i terns for Council consideration at this time. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council on Monday, Qctober 8, 1984, were presented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Lenhart, seconded by Councilman Polichino, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council on Monday, October 8, 1984, be approved as submitted. Voting ,Aye: All Voting N6: None ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carriE!d, the meeting adjourned at 8:00P.M. 111 ~OJ~oJP Marla Forristall, Mayor ATTEST: n ~,,~~~ Lee Lockard, City Secretary ~. .._.....................,,~, ".": J,".','-'--::-I:](<,llmllllllIlllllDlmn:! l'1l"I::~ ",",- .J. I~UI ,I:IIlJIUIB!I[IDlrl.lilml~.ll.l. " '"II''' , ---\j;::wrr-rrrn --- " I.. t , -----,--------r--T -~ 178 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING "November 12, 1984 7:30 P. M. <( ff The City Council convened in regular session'at the City Hall on Monday, November 12, 1984, 7:30 p.m., wit~ the following members present: Mayor Forristall, presiding; Councilmen Jackson, Lenhart and Weatherly. Also present were the City Attorney, City Manager, City Secretary, Director of Administration, Director of Publ ic Safety and Water/Wastewater Superin- tendent. Councilman Polichino was ill. I:!.EABllliL.!l.Ll\ESlDFNTS' Mr. Ed Hill, 5814 Buffalo Speedway, ,appeared before the City Council to discuss the conditon of the house next door to him at 5810 Buffalo noting that the,house had been boarded up for ,six to eight months; a rodent problem that he is encountering; the occupancy of a garage apartment located behind the house occupied by the daughter and son-in-law of the owner; decision of the Inspection Department that,the house could not be repaired and would have to be torn down; and the lack of any visible activity to remove the house. ~1ayor Forristall advised Mr. Hill that she would ascertain the current status of the house and adv;-se him by letter. CITIZEIi...HE~S,eD.NS.E ID...AGHlA-1TEMS' Mayor Forri sta 11 di rected attenti on to a sign-in sheet for use by any citizen to speak to -the Council on an item appearing on the Council agenda. LEGAL M~IIER.S :. Neither City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh nor City 'Attorney David Allums had any legal matters for consideration by the Council , at th i s time. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED .ER.QM....c..a.JiS.EMLJ\~F:NDA..:.. No member of the Council desired to remove an item from the Consent Agenda after being advised by Mayor Forristall that staff members were not prepared to discuss a request by the contractor for a change order extending the contract time for construction of new police facilities. C..Q!:!~.EJH-A!iEIiQ.8.;.. Moti on by Council man Jackson, seconded by Counci 1 man Weatherly, that the Consent Agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendations. Councilman Lenhart requested that an invitation be extended to Mr. Jack Steele, Executive Director of the Houston-Galveston Area Council,- to meet with the City Council to review additional services that might be provided to the city and increased participation by the city in the H-GAC. , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None REGULATIO~Q~_EENCES, SWIMMING-POOl S ANn O~~STR~~T PAR~TNG' Ordinance Number 1230 removing regulations for fences, swimming pools and off- street parking from the Code of Ordinances to the Zoning Ordinance was presented for second reading as follows: ,I U LJ L~ 178 n AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 111, THE XONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY INCORPORATING ORDINANCES RELATING TO^SWIMMING POOLS, FENCES AND PARKING^INTO AND AS A PART OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Councilman ,Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that Ordinance Number 1230 be approved on second reading. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE: ,No objection was made to Mayor Forristall administering the Oath of Office to Ms. Fredell Pollak, and Ms: Susan Brewer as members of the Communicatinns Committee. WATER LINE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM: Motion by Councilman Lenhart, seconded by Mayor Forristall, that the City Council reconsider the water line replacement program included in the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program. o In response to Councilman Lenhart's questions regarding alternatives to the relocation of water,lines and the best way to pursue the pro- ject, City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh stated that other alternatives had been pursued and this was the best way to accoffiplmsh the project. Consulting Engineer Dieter Ufer advised the Council that there were three alternatives for the project: 1) Do nothing and repair what now exists where possible 2) Replace water line in front 3) Replace water line in back Mr. Ufer stated that he had been advised that in order to replace the 1 ine in the rear easement with only a ten (101) foot easement that the existing sewer line would have to be pressure tested and that inasmuch as such line could not be pressure tested the existing sewe~ lin~ would also have to be replaced. City Attorney David Allums advised that approval of ,the motton to reconsi der the project woul d provide the means for further Council consideration. Voting Aye: Forristall Lenha rt Jackson Voting No: Weatherly n NEW POLICE FACILITY: ^ Estimate Number 6, in the amount of $38,968, submitted by Mandecon, Inc. for work completed to dat~on the construction of new police facilities was presented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the ,City Council>approve payment to Mandecon, Inc. for work completed to date, in the!amount of $38,968. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None I I' '111 .., " Jrr-l 1.111', ["II' 1I11111Innllr"I~II1' 111,"'" "I . :.,. ~ ,,,,.., , , .' . 'oj-" ,~ ~ ~...."'. ~ ~-~ .. ",",-~ . 1 ~?iO Re~~ests were presented to advertise for bids for the purchase of office-furniture, a g~nerator and ~etenti6n equipment. , , " t4otion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, II l that the Ci ty Manager be authori ied to adverti se for bi ds for the purchase of office furniture, a generator and detention equipment for L-J the new pol icefacil ity. Voting Aye: All Voting No:" None NEW LIBRARY CARPET: "An invoice in the amount of $8,342.40 received from Carpet Services, Inc. for the installation of new carpet in the Li brary was 'presented for consi de~~tion. Motion by Councilman jackson, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that the City Council approve payment to Carpet Services, Inc. in the amount of "$8,342.40. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL: An invoice in:the amount of $480.00 received from the Houston-Galveston Area Council for 1985 membership dues was pre~entedfor consideration. Motion by.Councilman Jackson, seconded byCouncilman Weatherly, that the City Council approve payment to H-GAC in the amount of $480.00 for 1985 membership dues. " " Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o COUNCIL COM~1ENTS: No member of the City Council' had further comments at this time. STAFF REPORT: City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh reminded Council members that a workshop'meeting on Thursday, November 15th had been scheduled fo~ further consideration of tne prop~sed 19~5 budget. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the regular 'meeting of the City Cou~cil on Monday, October 22, 1~84, were presented for consi?eration. Motion by Councilman Jackson,'seconded by Councilman Lenhart, that minutes of the regular City Council meeting on October 22, 1984, be approved as submitted. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. 'VW\~~)'~J Ma rl a \ Forri stall, Mayor Ii I I lJ ATTEST: ~~ Le Lockard, ity Secretary tJ n 181 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 26, 1984 7:30 p.m. The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, November 26i 1984. 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Forristall"presiding; Councilmen Jackson, Lenhart, Polichino and Weatherly. Al so present were the Ci ty Attorney, City Manager, City Secretary , Di rector of Administration and Director of Public Safety. Mayor 'Forristall advised thoSe in attendance that consideration of a report submitted by the Traffic Study Committee was not on the Council Agenda and that a workshop meeting would be scheduled later to discuss the report. Mayor Forri stall requested that those wishing to be advised of the date, time and place of such workshop sould sign a sheet that had been provided at the rear of the Council Chamber for such notification. Mayor Forristall further advised those in attendance 'that Mr. Ferd Reigen'., 6516 Brompton Road had pass~d away on Friday and requested a moment of silence in his memory. Councilman Poli'chino reviewed the ,many times Mr. Reiger had 'appeared before the Council with his suggestions, comments and criticism,'notl.r'lg also that Mr. Reiger's participation and interest inaction of the City Council had made members of the Council aware of their actions. Mayor Forristall advised Ms. Ann Harrison, 4131 Cason, that it would be very expensive to notify each resident of the proposed workshop meeting on the report of the Traffic Study Committee and that every effort would be made to p~blicize such meeting. Mrs. Kathryn Maloney, 4127 Dartmouth, advised that a fund would be establ ished to receive donations in memory of Mr. Reiger, with such funds being used for the purchase of a tree for one.of the city parks or other deter- mined appropriate use. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: There were no citizens in attendance at the meeting desiring to bring any matters to the attention of the City Council at this time. CITIZEN RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Forristall directed attention to a sign-in sheet at the rear of the Council' Chamber for use by anyone wi shing to speak to a specifieitem incl uded on the agenda. LEGAL MATTERS: Neither Ci'ty Attorney David Allums nor City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh had any legal matters for CounCil consideration at this time. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: NQmemberof the City Council desired to remove an item from the consent agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Mati on by Counei 1 m~n Jackson, seconded by Councilman Polichino, that the consent agenda be approved in accordance with staff recommendations. ...clII-' l:"~'_,"-T,'ll'_lmlllll'nll1!1:1111l1IUIJ' m,'I" I ~1KI.Jlnl:l~_ll.'.J...'11 . .,,-,-, .... . ~Jl""""'"TrrrT , ... ~'" ",., f' . I , 182 Voting Aye: All Voting No ~ None 1984 APPRAISAL ROLL AND EFFECTIVE TAX RATE: In accordance with the requirements ot the Property Tax Code the following was presented to the Council for their information: 1984 Taxable Value of ' New Imp~ovemenis Added since January 1, 1983 $19,018,930 1984 Appraised Value of ail_ Property 880,984,215 Less Exemptions Claimed (62,381,860) Over-65 Veterans 1984 Taxable Value of all PrQperty$818,602,355 1984 Effective Tax Rate $0.309/$100 Value CONSIDERATION OF THE 1985 PROPOSED BUDGET: Following a determination that copies of the proposed ordinance had notbeen.made available to residents in attenda~ce at the meeting, M~yor FQrri~tall req4ested that consid~ration of the two .ordinances on the propqsed 1985 budget be delayed until copies had beeri ,provided. PROCLAMATION: "Mayor Forristall presented the following Proclamation: WHEREAS, the City Council r~cognizes the achieVem~nt~ of our citizens who have distinguished. themselves; and " W~EREAS, our "younger .citizens ofter obtain awards that not only reflect honor to them and their family, but also on the community; and WHEREAS, RICHARD A. LINDSEY of 3718 Georgetown, has served his Scout Troop. 'Troop 266, with honor and diligence rec~iving numerous aWard~ such as Order of the Arrow and nominee for the International Scouter Award; and ' WHEREAS, 'on November 27. 1984, Richard Lindsey will rec~ive the highest hono~ iri scouting, The Eagle Scout Badge, which is high1y.sought, "but seldom attained. . NOW, THEREFORE, be it proclalmed that the City Council of the nCity of West University Place, acting by and through it's Mayor, the Honorable Marla S. Forristall, does hereby congratulate Riahard A. Lindsey, his family and associates on this singular honor, 'the Eagle Scout Award THAT, RichardA. Lindsey is further applauded for his contributions to this community"'through his 'school awards, his music and hfs'general citizenship. u ~ u 183 Rt 'I l THAT, the City Cauncil wishes Richard A, Lindsey the very best as he pursues new- v.entures and reaches for ather high gaals in life. ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RULES OF PROCEDURE AND AN ORDER OF BUSINESS: Ordinance No. 1231 was presented to. the Caunciland the captian read as follows: ' AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RULES OF PROCEDURE PURSUANT TO SECTION 2.10 OF THE CITY CHARTER, AND AN ORDER OF, BUSINESS FOR THE CITY OF WEST'UNIVERSITY PLACE Motion by Cauncilman Palichina, secanded by Cauncilman Jacksan, that Ordinance No.. 1231 be appraved,asread. Matian amended.by Cauncilman Lenhart, accepted.by.Cauncilman Palichina, that Sectians 6 and 7 af Ordinance Number 1231 be amended to. require' a 3/4 vate af the Cauncil membership to. suspendar madify the rules afpracedure. Vating an amendment~ Vating Aye:" All, , Vating No.: Nane o Matian amended by Cauncilman Lenhart, accepted by Cauncilman Palichina, that Sectian 9 af Ordinance Number 1231 be amended to indicate that any Cauncil member may request that an item be included an the Cauncil agenda. Vating an amendment: Vating Aye: All Vating Na:, Nane Vating an Ordinance Number 1231 as amended. . Vating Aye: ' All Vating No.: Nane , , , ELECTION OF A PERSON TO THE BOARD Of, DIRECTORS OF THE HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT: ResalutianNumber 84.,.15 was presented to. the Cauncil and read in full: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, CASTING ITS BALLOT FOR THE ELECTION OF A PERSON TO,THE'BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE HARRtS COUNTY APPRAISAL ,DISTRICT [ .. , . '.' . WHEREAS, the Caunty.,Clerk af HarrisC.aunty, Texas ,has delivered to. the Mayar ,af this City a ballat cantaining the names af thase persan.sdulynominated as candidates to. serve the remainder afthe current term af that pasitian an the Baard af Directors af the Harris County Appraisal District to. be filled by thase cities and towns; ather than the City af Haustan, participating in said District; and T'O' l1t11:J1lIrUIllZJllDmu:t' 1llt'l:: 1 . !.lllll .r.rnnIIDIllDJIIlJ:!1l ll' . ;:1 '.."e --- ---,:""m - ~".~'" iii .10, I . I '1 , " .....>u~, ,-..,_,,..,...."..........<~r.. 184 WHEREAS,thisCitydeems'it appropriate and in the public interest to cast its vote for the candidate of its choice to fill such position; now, u BE,IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. The facts and recitations set forth in the preamble of this Resolution'be, and they are hereby, adopted, ratified, and confirmed. - Section 2. That the,City of West University Place, Texas, has cast its vote, and it does hereby cast,its vote, for Marta Greytok to fill the remainder of the current term of that position on the Board of Directors of the Harris County Appraisal District representing and to be filled by those incorporated cities and towns, other than the City of Houston, participating in said District. Section 3. That the Mayor be, and he or she is hereby, authorized and directed to deliver or cause to be delivered an executed or certified copy of this Resolution to the County Clerk of Harris County on or before November 30, 1984. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of November, 1984. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Polichino, that Resolution Number 84-15 casting the cityls vote for Marta Greytok 0 for a position on the Harris County Appraisal District be approved as read. ' Voting Aye: Forristall Jackson Polichino Weatherly Voting No: Lenhart Mayor Forristall determined that copies of budget ordinances to be considered had been provided and requested that consideration now be given to those items on the agenda; CONSIDERATION OF THE 1985 PROPOSED BUDGET: Ordinance Number 1232 was presented and the caption read as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS PROVIDING FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANAURY 1, 1985 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1985 BY APPROVING THE BUDGET FOR SAID PERIOD AND APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDS OUT OF THE GENERAL AND OTHER REVENUES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNI- VERSITY-PLACE FOR SAID YEAR FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND OPERA- TION OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS AND FOR VARIOUS ACTIVITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS DF THE CITY U Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded- by Councilman Polichino, that Ordinance Number 1232, be approved as read. w o u 185 Voting Aye: Forri stall Jackson Polichino Weatherly CONSIDERATION OF THE 1984 TAX RATE: Ordinance Number 1233 was presented to the Council and the caption read as follows: Voting No: Lenhart AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AN AD VALOREM TAX ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE"TEXASs FOR THE YEAR 1984; PROV I DJ NG THE. BAS ISO F ASSESSMENT, OF APPRAISED . VALUE; AND PROVIDING fOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF AT THE RATE OF $0.309 ON. THE ONE HUNDRED ($100.00) DOLLAR ASSESSED VALUATION. Motion by CouncilmanPo.lichinos seconded by Councilman Weatherlys that brdinance Number 1233 be approved as read. Voting Aye: Forristall Jac kson Pol ichino Weatherly AIR STRUCTURE: An invoice in the amount of $57s947.00 submitted by Air Tech Industries for del ivery and installation of a new air,: supported structure was presented for consideration. Voting No: Lenhart Motion by Councilman Jacksons seconded, by Councilman Polichino, that the City Council approve payment to,Air TechnIndustries in the amount of $57s947.00. Voting Aye: ,All Voting No:, None STORAGE BOX FOR,AIR SUPPORTED STRUCTURE:, A request was presented to advertise forbids for the purchase of a storage box for the air supported structure at Colonial Park. . ..' Motion by Councilman Jacksons ,seconded by Councilman,Polichinos that , the Ci ty Manager be authori zed to adverti se for bi ds for the purchase of a storage box for the air supported structure when it is removed. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ORGANIZATION. CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STIIDY' An invoice in the amount of $7,500.00 submitted by Touche Ross and Company for work cOlj1pletedtodate on the preparation of an organization, classifi- cation and compensation study was presented for consideration., Motion by.Councilman Jacksons seconded by Councilman Polichinosthat the City Council approve payment to Touche .Ross & Company . in the amount of $7,500.00 ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None !'... "1-.I,!!..IItU..."rnnn......,.' . :." ,,~ ""n..' ,., l8G COUNCIL COMMENTS: Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that the City Attorney be appointed Sergeant of Arms and Parlimentarian for the City Council. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ~', I ~ Mayor Fordstal1 presented the foll owing 1 etter from City Attorney David Allums to the City Secretary to be ,included in the official minu.tes 'of the City Councn meeti,ng: In the latter par,t of 1982, I notified the Mayor and Council" of my negotiation's to purchase an office parkin the City, known as West Univeristy/N6rth, located at Wakeforest and Bisso~net. 'In January, 1983, I notified the Mayor and Council by 1 etter that" the purchase and sale was completed and I was one of three general partners of 9.- limited partnership that purchased the property. Aft,er discussions regarding the purchases, the Council had no objections and found noconflictt of interest in my participation in the projett.lt.wa~agreed that in the event a legal opinion or legal action was required while I owned an interest in the project, that Council would obtain outside counsel, at my expense, and, I would. excuse myself on', that issue.' ' Since the purchase in January, 1983, no matters regarding the project have been presented to Council, the Zoning or Planning Commission or to me, as City Attorney, that required any legal action or legal opinion. ' To continue my full disclosure to my Council, please be advised that I am no longer associated with West University/ North, Ltd. in any form or fashion. ' I have no ownershi p interest, actual, or benefidal, 'in West University/North project" as of November 5, 1984. ' u Please notify those concerned and include this letter in the minutes of the next regular. Council meeting so that this disclosure becomes a part of the public record. Mayor Forristall advised those in attendance that the first Public Hearing onth~~roposed 1985 budget would be held immediately upon adjournement of this Council meeting and the second hearing would be held on Monday, December 3, 1984, 7:30.p.m. STAFF REPORT: City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh stated that he had no further items for co~sideration by the Council at this time. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council on Monday, November 12, 1984, were presented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Lenhart, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council on Monday, November 12, 1984, be approved as submitted. ' u Voting Aye: All Voting No: None D . , ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the,~eeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. ' ATTEST: . 'JJfod41 I,udJP Marla Forristall, Mayor " ' .~~~.~~ Lee Lockard, City Secretary o n ,,_.,.. . It .,j .1 Jr1l!llutDnIlJDlDll]JJ:I. 187 111r.1" .r j "' r,UIII ,v.nalllllJlIDDIIIlllt! "l~,j' ,;"" 'j " '.11 -r--'Tl'l""'""f'fT'rl "-TT~''''''''''''---'~--' ~ , ~"""~-." . ""'.... 188 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 26, 1984 8:30 p.m. The City Council convened in special session at the City Hall on Monday, November 26, 1984., 8:30p.m., wi.th,the following members present: Mayor Forristall, presiding';.qouhcilinen .,Jackson, Lenhart, Polichino and Weatherly. Al so' preselJtwere the ,City Attorney, Ci ty Manager, City Secretary, Di rector of Administration and Director of Public Safety. Mayor Forristall advised those in attendance that this meeting would be the first of two public hearings on the proposed 1985 budget and read a letter of transmittal from the City Council, as follows: The City Council presents for your consideration the proposed 1985 budget for the City of West University Place. This budget is balanced and requires no tax increase and a decrease in the effective tax rate from 33.5t per $100 to 30.9t per $100 of evaluation. However, because of the increased evaluation of property in West University during 1984 many property owners willsee an increase in their actual tax dollars paid to the City. The City Council has attempted to mitigate thiS evaluation increasing by lowering the tax rate. <>_'~L" "',,<<~ u The City Council began deliberations on this budget in early October when we ~eceived a partially certified tax roll from the Harris County Appraisal Dfstrict. To this date, we have only an 80% roll 0 and are therefore having to estimate our total tax revenues. For two consecutive years now the Appraisal District has been unable to deliver to us a tax roll by July as required and therefore we have had to delay our budget and the delivery of tax bills to our residents. It is our hope to have your tax bills to you by mid- December. Mayor Forristall called attention to a letter included with the budget summary from the City Manager highlighting major areas in the budget where there have been changes or expenditures where we are hiring extra personnel and the capital projects planned for 1985. Mayor Forristall directed attention to an increase in revenue expected from the issuance of building, electrical, and other permit fees as a result of building activity in the city. Attention was also called to an increase in providing ambulance service in order that those using such service would pay for it. It was noted that the total budget was $4,848,450. In response to a question, Mayor Forristall explained that budget copies provided were a summary and the full computer print-out of the proposed 1985 budget was available for review by anyone desiring to do so. Mayor Forristall completed her review of the summary budget noting that the total budget for the cityls General Fund was $4,848,450 with a tax rate of 30.9t per $100 of evaluation. [ u With no further comments, questions Qr suggesttons on the proposed 1985 budget Mayor Forristall declared- the publ ic heari.ng adjourned at ~ :.55 p.m~ /i1w~ 7~ad' Marla Forrista",' Mayor ATTEST:. az:AL.$---'~ Lee Lockard, City Secretary D n , ' . , . [. 11111 I' I ~.1I"'. . 1-: .. . lr1l1l11rnmrnl1liUJ I I.'l'tll' 189 11111, I -.:==__u___ ___~ _._. _ ..... ........, .-- ~- 190 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 3, 1984 7:30 p.m.- u The CityCouncicJ,convenedin spec:jal session at the City Hall on t40nday, December 3, 198.4,'i,\T:30: p:m~,iMith, the following members present: Mayor Forri stall, presiding; Councilmen Lenhart, Pol ichino and Weatherly . Al so present were the City Attorney, City Manager, City Secretary and Director of Administration. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: There were no residents in attendance at the meeting desiring to bring any matter to the attention of the City Council at this time. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED 1985 BUDGET= Ordinance Number 1232 was presented to the. Council and the caption read as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, PROVIDING FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1985 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1985 BY APPROVING THE BUDGET FOR SAID PERIOD AND APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY 'FUNDS OUT,OF THE GENERAL AND OTHER REVENUES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FOR SAID YEAR FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS AND FOR VARIOUS ACTIVITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS OF THE CITY t40tion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that Ordinance Number 1232 be approved as presented on second reading. Councilman Lenhart stated that it was his desire to reiterate his opposition to the budget as currently designed overall. He thanked the staff for its diligence in preparing the recommendations and their efforts and stated that his remarks and position were not directed to them. Mr. Lenhart then stated his reasons for opposing the budget,including the lack of inclusion of constraints; no plan or objective of the Council in what is going to happen in future years; the impact on the individual taxpayer; the fact that priorities are not geared to what the budget should accomplish; consideration had not been given to the granting of an overall homestead exemption and that a. time when other cities are cutting back the city is increasing its spending by more than 7%. Ms. Joan McCay, 3029 Carnegie, was advised that she will be furnished specific information within two weeks about the amount of money spent for surveys, consul tants, etc. Mr. James Teeter, 3716 Wroxton, was advised that only eighty (80%) percent of the tax roll had been certified by the Harris County Appraisal District, with twenty (20%) percent of the tax roll being under protest. It was further stated that the city had been advised by HCAD to use 80% of the taxable value of the 20% being protested in computing the budget. Mayor Forristall explained to Mr. Jim Tyler, 3421 Plumb, that the increase from $38,550 to $133,050 in the Personnel Services category of the Legislative/Pol icy budget included $67,000 for a study of the cityls 191 n pay plan and job classifications to determine if pay for those classifi- cations is comparable to the current market place, and the retirement of the City Secretary and the hiring of another person to serve with the City Secretary u':l~il, her retirement. Councilman Polichino stated it had taken him four years to understand the meaning of unreserved fund balance, and that this Council has debated long and hard about what should be done the the city.s unreserved fund, balance. Councilman Po1ichino -further stated that personally he preferred to raise taxes every year rather than" being on a roller-coaster like previous years when there was no increase in taxes one year then followed by a big tax increase the following year. Councilman Weatherly 'stated'tHat th~ cityls tax rate was striking with is approximate 31i tax rate, Houston has 50i, Pasadena has $1.20, Bellaire has 60 or 70 cents. Councilman Weatherly further stated that the taxes in the city may seem high but they are not as high as they are other places and there is better government in West University because of the Police and Fire Departments. Mayor Forristall expressed appreciation to staff members for the preparation of the budget with the preliminary presentation being made to the Council on October 2nd and the Council has been working on the proposed budget for two months. [ Mayor Forristall continued noting that the budget presented to the Council by staff on October 2nd had been balanced and requi red a zero tax increase, and that during Council's deliberation of the budget some changes had been made, including Councilman Lenhart.s recommendation that computer equipment be purchased in 1985 rather than the previously scheduled 1986 by the use of unreserved fund balance. Suggestions were also made for changes in personnel because 70% of the cityls budget is for personnel costs. ' Real izing that a 7% budget increase was large, Mayor Forristall noted that some years it had been bigger and other years it had been smaller. Mayor Forristall stated she would rather see a growth in the budget with the stabil i zation of employees and a continuation of the high level of services while trying to keep the tax rate as low as possible. Mayor Forristall reviewed responses she had gotten from persons with whom the granting of a homestead exemption had been discussed rather than the continuation of the_granting exemptions to residents 65 years of age and over and the reasons for the decision of the Council to not grant a ITomestead exemption overall. Voting Aye: Forristall Pol ichino Weatherly Voting No: \Lenhart Ordinance Number 1233 was presented to the Council and the caption read as follows: n AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AN AD VALOREM TAX ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1984; PROVIDING THE BASIS OF ASSESSMENT OF APPRAISED VALUE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF AT THE RATE OF $0.309 ON THE ONE HUNDRED ($100) DOLLAR ASSESSED VALUATION II."' .. r-lf-1I11111I1nllrDlIlIrT' 1"I,r]" ." 1'- j "!.JIll .B1IIBDIJlllIIlJlIlilllll'. '....1 . : .Il~' ~~- -.- T--rrfl"""'l"TTTl - - - .~.. I' )111 I I. T""'T1"l---.----,-.........-----,------.~~ 192 Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Weatherly, that Ordinance Number 1233 be approved as presented on second reading. Voting Aye: Forristall Polichino Weatherly Voting No: Lenhart Wit~ no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried;cthe meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. ATTEST: . ;;t}, &~AA.,L ~ ~kard, ity Secretary , V1\ Wo., ~J1) \ ' Marla Forristall, Mayor I, _-'l-"J~'_~""~~ Il L.-J o u [l lJ m m 193 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 10, 1984 7:30 p.m. The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, December 10, 1984, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Forristall, presiding; Councilmen Jackson, Polichino and Weatherly. Al so present were the City Attorney, City Manager, City Secretary, Director of Administration and Director of Public Safety. HEARING OF RESIDENTS:Ther~ were no residents in attendance at the meeting desiring to bring .an item before the City Council. CITIZEN RESPONSE TO AGENDA ITEMS: There were no residents in attendance at the meeting desiring to speak to an item included on the agenda for the meeting. LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums nor City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh had any legal matters to br"ing before the Council at this time. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED FROM.CONSENT AGENDA: ,Mayor Forristall requested that Item #12, payment for the completed codification of ordinances be removed from the Consent Agenda. 'CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Pol ichino, that all items included on the Consent Agenda with the exception of payment for, the codification of ordinances be approved in accordancae with staff recommendations. Voting Aye: ,All Voting No: None RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR CITY COUNCIL: Ordinance #1231 was presented and the caption read as follows: AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RULES OF PROCEDURE PURSUANT TO SECTION 2.10 OF THE CITY CHARTER, AND AN ORDER OF BUSI- NESS FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that Ordinance #1231 be approved as read. Motion amended by Councilman Weatherly, accepted by Councilmen Polichino and Jackson, that the word,lIwillll included in the Agenda portion of the Ordincince be changed to IImayll. Voting on motion to approve Ordinance #1231, as amended, on second reading. Voting Aye: All 'Voting No: None . _I ~ l;;J"LI .UIIIUlIIII:IIIIIIIIIlJJIL H.!... '~.l . '....,''''' ' ~~~:r:::!IJ:!] - " 1"':1~11 II '.' " I d."~...-~" ," '" 194 FEES TO BE CHARGED FOR PERMITS ISSUED"BY INSPECTION DEPARTMENT: Ordinance #1234 was presented and the caption read as follows: AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE AMOUNTS OF FEES TO BE CHARGED BY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, REMODEL- ING OR REPAIRS, INSTALLATION OF HEATING AND COOLING EQUIP- MENT~ CONSTRUCTION OF-SWIMMING POOLS~ DRIVEWAYS, .ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING AND VARIOUS OTHER IMPROVEMENTS; AND PROVIDING AN " EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Councilman .Jackson, seconded by Councilman Polichino, that Ordinance Ntimber 1234 be approved as ~ead on first reading. Motion amended by Councilman Pol ichino, accepted .bye Counci.lman Jackson, that Ordinance Number 1234 be amended to provide for a fee of $10.00 per 100 square feet for all new construction permits. Voting on Ordinance Number 1234, as amended, on first reading. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None AMBULANCE SERVICE FEES: Prior to the presentation of Ordinance Number 1235, the Ci,tyManager corrected the fee schedule to require a fee of $85.00 for all ,cities other than West University for ambulance service. As corrected, Ordinance Number 1235.presented and the caption read as follows for the first reading. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE AMOUNT OF FEES TO BE CHARGED BY THE CITY FOR AMBULANCE FEES; AND PROVID- ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman Jackson, that Ordinance Number 1235 be approved as corrected. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None CODIFICATION OF ORDINANCES: " Ordinance Number 1236 presented and the caption read as follows: AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AND ENACTING A NEW CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; ESTABLISHING THE SAME; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES-NOT INCLUDED THEREIN" PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; PRO... VIDING FOR THE MANNER OF AMENDING SUCH CODE; AND PROVIDING WHEN SUCH CODE AND THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE Motion by Councilman Polichino, seconded by Councilman, Jackson, that Ordinance Number 1236 be approved as read on first reading. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None I l u u r--' I I '---.J 195 n ELEVATED WATER STORAGE. RESERVOIR: An.invoice from Don Reichle for ,engineering services for the rehabil itation of,two elevated water storage reservoirs in the amount of $3,375 was presented for consideration. Motion-by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Polichino~ that the City Council approve payment to Don Reichle,in the amount of $3,375. ,- Voting Aye: All Voti ng No: None WATER WELL, #7: A request was presented for approval of the final payment", in theam6unt of $73,558.48 to Texas Commerce Bank-Chemical for water well #7. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman, Pol ichino, that the City ,Council approve payment to Texas Commerce Bank~Chemcioal in the amount of $73,558.48. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None CODIFICATION OF ORDINANCES: An invoice in';the amount.of $2,409.11 submitted by Municipal Code~Corporation,for delivery of~thecompleted Code of Ordinances was presented for consideration. Motion 'made by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Pol ichino, that the City Council approve payment to Municipal ,Code Corporation in the amount of $2,409.11. o Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded. by Councilman Polichino, , that consideration of an invoice submitted. by Municipal Code Corpor- ation be teniporarily tabled pending a d~termination of the complete cost of the codification. SAN1TARY LANDFILL STUDY: An invoice in the amount of $5,800, submitted by Resource Engineering for engineering services in October and November in connection with the preparation ofa study of the sanitary landfiil was presented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Polichino, that the City Council approve payment to Resource Engineering in the.amount of $5,800. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None WATER LINE AND FIRE HYDRANT REPLACEMENT: A request was presented for authorization to advertise for bids for the installation of a 6" water line and fire hydrants on Arnold and Coleridge between Weslayan and College. n "--' Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Polichino, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for the installation of a 6" water ,line and fire hydrants. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ,., ,", om. ~ , ...,. d, ~ .1'11"-,' 1",.:' 'or"lr11nllllnmr.nrIlU1 111rT J I _I. ." .I:JI ~l I:nID!IJD]UlIlDlrnL 11.1". ~~: :1 . '.:.lll'1lll'''ft< I -.----r=:JI1Tf""""1TTT'1"- 1'11',.1.1 II I l' I I I IiI ..........~....k~~__.~_ ,. 196 NEW POLICE FACILITY: ,Estimate #7 S' in the amount of $40s524, submitted by Mandecon, Inc. for work completed to date on the construction of new police facilities was presented for consideration. Motion: by,CouncilmanJacksons seconded by qCouncilman Polichino, that the City Council approve payment to Mandecon, Inc. in the amount of $40,524. :-1 ~ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None WATER WELL NO.9 :A request for an extension of time for drill ing water well No.9 by Layne Texas Company was presented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Jacksons seconded by Councilman Polichino, that , a.request from Layne Texas Company for an extension of time for drilling water well#9sbe approved by the City Council. Voting Aye: All ,Voting No:. None CODIFICATION OF ORDINANCES: Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Polichinos that ,payment of,an invoice submitted by Munici- pal Code Corporation in, the amount of $2s409.11 for del ivery of a new Code of Ordinances, be removed from the table and approved by the Council for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None POLICE FACILITY EQUIPMENT: Subsequent to an announcement by Mayor Forristall that the opening of bids for equipment for. the new police facil ity had been omitted from., the agenda but had been posted, as an emergency addendums bids were opened and results announced as follows: 'l I J '---..! Bidder Detention Equipment Net Bid Integrated Detention Systems Texas Department of Corrections $ 16s063.00 9s957.21 Genera tor Fisk Electric Company Electro-Motion Traco $ 16,150.00, 14s300.00 13s744.00 Fu rn i tu re Desk & Furnishings Commercial Robert Weisz Furniture Carroll's Discount Furniture Business Interiors $ 13s889.00 36,788.86 30,821.36 25s730.00, No Bi d Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Polichino, that I(~I' bids received for delivery of equipment for-the police facility be referred to staff for review and authorization approved for the acceptance of the lowest responsible bid. '~ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None " r '''"''! ..LJ( HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT: Mayor Forristall advised that an invoice in the amount of $6,411 had been received from the Harris County Appraisal District for the first quarter of 1985, and that inasmuch as this was the final meeting' of the Council for 1984, consideration should be given to,payment. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Polichino, that an invoice from the Harris County Appraisal District in the amount of $6,411 ~e approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilman Weatherly was advised that recommendations from the Zoning and Planning Commission for amendments to the zoning ordinance had been forwarded to the City Attorney for pre~ paration of an ordinance for Council consideration. ' Mayor Forristall noted that this was the final meeting of the Council in 1984 and wished all members of Council and Staff a Merry Christmas and an invitation to attend the staff's luncheon on Friday, December 21st at 11:30 a.m. " STAFF REPORT: City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh stated that he had no further items for consideration by the Council at this time. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council on November 26, 1984, special meeting on November 26, 1984 and a special meeting on December 3,1984; were presented for consideration. Motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilman Pol ichino, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council and special meetings, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8;15 p.m. ' vrrlQJ}tt MJoJP Marla Forristall, Mayor ATTEST: 4 ~..l4-t1- Lee Lockard, City Secretary 1--- r'~~'~""~'~~~~'~=F'~~I"'C"'C"-- '''O'T'ff''''1~'l _--'_ _ ---.111' :11',:mlllllmrrnllll'l' 11":' ~ i'