HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 232 Prescribing Compenstaiton and Duties for the Health Inspector ~,.:tI'iJF;r:. II ".' f:. J....~ ~ . ~_ _ ,~" .,... ~ ,~ ~... 7-..... >- "'1 234 ORDINANCE NO. 2?2 AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING CO~~ENSATION OF THE CITY HEALTH OFFICER AND PRESCEIBING THE DUTIES IN CONNECTION TBEREWITH; PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDINANCES IN CO NFLICT HEREVVITH ARE REPEALED; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT- AND BE IN FORCE TIvJlVIEDIATELY ]'ROM AND AFT~R THE DNfE OF ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL: BE IT ORDAIlIlED BY TIill CITY CONlMISSION OF THE CITY OF 'VVEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 The City Health Officer of the 0ity of West University Place, Texas, shall receive, as compensation for his services, a salary of $50.00 per month, payable in equal installments, semi-monthly. , BF.OrrTON TT The City Health Officer shall discharge ,the duties pres- cribed in Article ]cfII of the Home Rule Charter of the City of West University ~lace and shall discharge such other duties that may be prescribed by the City C&mmission or the Board of Health. Bw.orrTON TTT All ordinances or parts Df ordinances in conflict herewith, in so far as they conflict, or he~eby repealed. SF.CTTON TV If any section of this ordinance be, for any reason, de- clared unconstitutional or illegal the r~maining section or sections shall nevertheless rem.ain in full force and effect. SECTION V This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after January 1, 1942. PASSED .AND APPROVED this 30th_day of December, A.D. 1941. ~~ Mayor ATTEST: ~~ IJ ~I I il ,'---_J