HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1979 122 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION January 8, 1979 The CttyCommission convened in regular session at the January 8, 1979, 7 :)0 p. m., with the following members presiding, Commissioners Greene, Sellers and Thompson. and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Parks Ci ty Hall on Monday, present: Mayor Dunn, The City Attorney was out of the city. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Sellers. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Farmer City Manager Whitt Johnson appeared before the Commi- stating that his appearance was for two purposes. First, to give a report on the activities of the Long Range Planning Committee which he would defer to Com- mittee Chairman John Neighbors who was in attendance. Mr. Johnson stated that the City Commission had been presented many new ideas that had been tried by other cities and that it was his hope that the report of the Long Range Planning Committee would contain many innovative ideas. Mr. Johnson noted that there was soon to be an election in West University and that his request would be that it not become a Bellaire fiasco. Mr. Johnson advised the Commission that he would respectfully disagree with action of the Commission in the creation of an auxilliary police department; the creation of a study committee to study the feasibility of an Independent School District; and with the working on the ballots for the Charter Amendments, noting that passage of the amendments would preclude Charter amendment consi- deration fora period of two years. In response to a question from Mr. Sonny Ahrens, 3729 Nottingham, regarding publication of the 1977 Annual Report, Mayor Dunn stated that it was hoped that the report. would be printed and distributed within the next two weeks. Mr. Lloyd Flint was advised that the city had been going through necessary steps to obtain federal funding for the construction of a new wastewater treat- ment facility for a number of years, and that such funding would provide 75% of the required funds and that the city would have to provide the additional 25%. It was noted that Step I of the application had been completed, Step II was now underway and that Step III would be the actual construction of the new facility, and that the total expected cost of the new facility would be approxi- mately, $3,000,000. Mrs. Val Rosenbaum, 4028 Marlowe, was advised that two applications had been received for the position as Director of the Service to Aging since the resig- nation of Mrs. Marilyn Paxton and that the position would be advertised in order to try to obtain the services of a local person. Mrs. Rosenbaum was also advised that the program was under the Director of Community Services Bob Gurley and that assistance was being provided by Mrs. Margie Clark who had previously worked with the program. VAN FOR USE AS BACKUP AMBULANCE UNIT: In accordance with previous action of the City Commission, bids received for delivery of a one-half ton van for use as a back- up unit for the ambulance, were opened and results announced as follows: 1!""''''","==--o=nr-'''=-7''''''''~'!=<'"'=~-=' )-, "--ri,:r "!IIi :Til"TTnrllllmll1lilllll1i' "Hun" [j o to ~ W '<:( c:::c 123 Chuck Davis Chevrolet Jimmie Greene Chevrolet Bob Robertson Chevrolet Jack Roach Ford Alternate (138" wheelbase) + $6,344.00 6,167.32 6,169.49 6,.079.42 130.42 Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Greene, that bids received for delivery of a one-half ton van be referred .to the City. Manager . for evaluation and recommendation. Voting Ay.e: All Voting No: None STEEP ASPHALT: Bids received for delivery of 20,000 pounds steep asphalt for use in the city's street repair pr,ogram were opened and results announced as follows: Builders Products, Inc. $1, LOO~OO (+$8.00 per ton after 1~12) RailtonMfg. , .Inc. ' $1 ,.170~00 (+$8.00 per ton after 1-15) Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Greene, that bids received for delivery of 20,000 poundsd steep asphalt be referred to Director of Public Works David Steitleand Street Superintendent A. L. Bearden for final analysis and recommendation at the next regular meeting of the City Commission. Motion amended by Commissioner Thompson,acc.epted by Commi.ssioner Greene, that bids received for delivery of 20,000 pounds steep asphalt be referred to David Steitle andA.L. Bearden and that they be authorized to accept the low bid and place an order'before the effective date of the price increase. Voting' Aye: All Voting No: None OFFICE EQUIPMENT: A request was presented to advertise for two electric typewriters for the Finanace Department, one electric typewriter for the Municipal Court and a cash register for the Finance Department, all of which were included in the 1979 budget. Motion by Commissioner Sellers, secondedbyConnnissionerThompson, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for. bids' for delivery of three electric typewriters and ad cash register., as included in the 1979 budget, with bids to be received by the City Commission on February 12, 1979. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ELECTRONIC SIRENS: A request was presented to advertise for bids for delivery of two electronic sirens to replace two oldun:its. Motion by Commissioner Thompson. seconded by Comfuissioner Greene, that the City Manager be .authorizedto advertise forbids for.two.electronic sirens . to be mounted on policepatroLunits, with bids ,to be received by the City Commission on February 12, 1979. ,. .'-_,.r- .. -'''J '.. 1. ' l~iJ. .. II, I ~"111' 'l:m1:I~ElIlrrIl'IRIIm11'lI '. . I.'~ - ,1TIn- . UIlI' .1 .,' ,G~aIIlIlUllnll~LI.. III ~ I U.. 1111' . I I I 'L ..,I... JlIlbJt.ULJijll..J~11 I II '.~ '""~?! ..) .~I -1.i:I1>!t -H"~';""'''~>>'''''''';f ~:.L '., .~ 124 DESIGNATION OF,OFFTc'T AT. NEWSPAPER' In accordance with the provlslons of Article r--) XXVI of the City Charter, the Commission was advised that it was necessary LJ that an official newspaper should be designated for the year 1979 for publica- tion of notice to bidders, legal notices,'etc. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by ComIilissioner Sellers, that the Southwestern Argus and/or the Houston Chronicle and/or the Houston Post be ,designated as official newspapers for the City of West University Place for the year 1979. .,Voting Aye: All Voting No: None LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums advised the Commission that he was working on lawsuits pending against the city and that he had also been working on a ~umber of tax matters that had resulted from the last session of the ~egislature, especially the truth in .taxation law. Mr. Allums noted that he would be working closely with the city's State Representative and others involved in the State Legislature to learn of any new legislation that might affect the city. C,TTY MANA~ER'S RF.PORTj City Manager Jim Brown advised that a letter had been re- ceived frcm Entex, Inc., dated December 29, 1979, requesting a rate increase which had been approved by the City of Houston; now being considered by the City of Bellait.e; received by the City of Bay town some' three months ago and became effective when it was not opposed; and had not yet been received by the City of Pearland. This matter is to be placed on the agenda for the regular,meeting of the City Commission on January 22, 1979, in order that members of the Commission may have sufficient time to review the request. (J Mr. Brown advised the Commission that he was meeting with Mr. Hyman Grossman of Standard & Poors Rating Service on Thursday to discuss the affect passage of the proposed tax amendments would have on the city's bond rating, and he would report the results of such meeting to the City Commission at its regular meeting on January 22nd. Mr. Brown also noted that passage of the Charter .amendments would preclude anotheramendment~o the Charter for a period of two years. Mr. Brown advised that a meeting had been held with Mr. John Mithcell, architect for the construction of the Colonial Park Recreation Complex regarding action that should be taken to correct deficiencies in the handball courts, and that Mr. Mitchell had stated that his position was that his firm had conducted a final inspection of the facility and their involvement was completed with the project unless the city wished to employ him as a consultant. The City Manager was instructed to contact Rayko Construction Company and request that all of their communications be directed to the city and not to Mr. Mitchell. LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE: Mr. John Neighbors, Chairman of the Long Range Plan- ,~! ing ,Committee appeared before the Commission in response toa request that a }U report on the activities of the Committee be made available. l Mr. Neighbors stated that the first .two meetings of the Committee had been devoted to establishing a list of areas to be considered by the Committee and developing a priority sequence as follows: n o LD ~ W <C <( o n 125 1) 2) 3), 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) ll) Tax Base Public Capital Facilities CitYG4~rter and Amendments City Services Land Zoning and Utilization Land Values Demographic Changes . Mobility of, Vehicles and People Inter-Community Relationships City Administration Commercial Development Mr. Neighbors advised that the first report of the Committee would address only the first three categories. Mr. Neighbors stated that all members of the Committee had reviewed a draft of the report at their meeting on November 22ndand unanimously agreed to the con- tent; that the report had' been prepared during. the holiday season; and was not being circulated among Committee members, but inasmuch as each member of the Committee,had not had an opportunity to review the report he would prefer to present such report to the City Commission in workshop session on Monday, January 15 , 1979. Mr. Neighbors also stated that; he would be happy to attend the January 22nd meeting of the Commission to answer any question that might be asked. Mayor Dunn expressed the appreciation of the Commission to Mr. Nieghbors and the Committee noting that,they looked forward to receiving. the report. CONCERNS OF THE CITY COMMISSION: Membe~s of the Commission agreed to hold a workshop session on Thursday, January 11th for the purpose, of reviewing the proposed personnel manual for city employees. It was agreed that a workshop would be held on Monday, January 15th.for the purpose of receiving the report of the Long Range Planning Committee. The City 'Manager was.instructed ,t,o dete~mine the current status of the city's application' for grant funds for the. construction of a new wastewater treatment facility. . CITY COMMISSION MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on December 27, 1978, were presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Sellers, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on December 27, 1978 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no Iurther business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made; seconded and carried,. the. meeting .adJourned at. 8: 35 p. m. ... /J . . . .i!!/a.~ . ' . Mayor ' ATTEST: ~ 4~/o~ Assistant ctty Secretary 0'", ., . Y"-'-'.' r- '!' ~ "'I. '''1.1" "" II I 1 I"Il ""l~dllnIllllDID.:I...:ID j". r ", mll:r- ~ ....--_....-.lD.. ""1". .- -. . I .";;1 I I - I L: L _L:' ___-- ~.L._ .. I . II ._ ...........a. ... -. "-J 126 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION January 22, 1979" The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall January 22, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: presiding, Commissioners Greene, Sellers and Thompson. The City City Manager were also present. Commissioner Parks was absent. on Monday, Mayor Dunn, Attorney and ,----., I LJ The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Thompson. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mrs. Alyne Gouge, 4131 Dartmo~th, was advised that no architect had been employed for the proposed remodelin'g of the second floor of the City Hall. Mayor-Elect Jim Cole requested that the incoming City Commission be given consideration in the discussion of Agenda items 8,9, 10, 15, 16 and 17, and was advised by Mayor Dunn that each item had been worked on by the present' City Commission for sometime and that action necessary would be taken. Mr. Robert Kendrick, 3127 Amherst, asked why the westerly tennis courts , at Wier Park were being dest'royed. Mayor Dtinn advised Mr. Kendrick that plans had been on the drawing board for over two years to separate the two tennis courts, installation of a temporary fence between the courts durting construction, eliminating line stabilization, placing the new slab atop the retaining wall, altering net post to eliminate 1-' the 'need for drilling and other minor revisions to make play On the courts safer. It was noted that rehabilitatloh to the courts had been recommended l_J by members of the Parks and Recreation Board and would be accomplished with city labor forces. Mr. Lloyd Flint, 3606 Rice Boulevard, was advised that it was estimated that rehabilitation of the Wier Park tennis courts-:would cost approximately $15,000~ Numberous other citizens in attendance at the meeting discussed recent television appearances byCityManagerJiIIi Brown, street repairs, dis- tribution of the 1977 'annual report and the date for the installation of the new City Commission. RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-1: Resolution Number 79-1 waspresen ted ,to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, Charles Robert Dunn was appointed Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas on December 23, 1968; and ,WHEREAS, Charles Robert Dunn is occupying the office of President-Elect of the Houston Bar Association and soon will assume the o~fice of President, of the Houston Bar Association; and wHEREAS, Judge Dunn has submitted his resignation as Judge of the Municipal Court, which resignation has been accepted by the City Commission with reluctance and regret; and LJ 127 n WHEREAS, the City Commission is aware that, Judge Dunn has conducted the Muriicipal Court with dignity, integrity and im- partiality; and WHEREAS, the manner in which Judge Dunn has pre~ided over the affairs of the Court has caused such Court to be respected and admired by all persons coming in con~act th~rewith; and o to ~ W <:( <( WHEREAS, Judge Dunn has not only faithfully and ably performed all duties required of him as Judge of the Municipal Court, but has also cheerfully, without thought of self, given unstintingly of his time and energy in doing all things possible to make the Muni- cipal Court of the City of West University Place one of the most outstanding in the State of Texas; and WHEREAS; the City Commission desires to expresp.its appreciation to Judge Dunn for his distinguished service to the city. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE~OLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. .That the citizens of the City of West University place ,Texas, acting' by and 'through their duly elected Mayor and City Commissioners, do hereby express their sincere appreciation to Judge Charles Robert Dunn f6rhis many years' of distinguished service .to the. City as Judge. of the Municipal Court. o Section 2. That this Resolution be spread upon the official minutes of the City Commission and that a true and correct copy of this Resolution, signed by the Mayor andCommissioners\" and certified by the City Secretary, be delivered to Judge Dunn. Section 3. This Resolution shall take ef'fect immediately upon its passage and approval; PASSED AND APPROVED this 22nd day of January, 1979. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by, Commissioner Sellers, that, with a great deal of pleasure, Resolution Number 79-1 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE: . .. . . . .. . Resolution Number 79-4 was presented to the Commission and read in full: n WHEREAS, the Honorabie Charles Robert Dunn has submi,tted his resignation as Judge of the MunicipaTCourt' due to a reorganization . of his personal business affairs; ,and WHEREAS, Judge Dunn's: res,ign:at1.on: creates. a necessity for the City Commission to appoint: a ,qualified attorney to serve as Judge of the Municipal Court:; and' l._~,,. , r--r1 II WfI" II' I !"Wf\"Jllr . ."1'.... , I 1; ". 'I lnl" .. n : I 111 'rl,lnmUMII..n' , 'I" . ',ll1m .IUIlL', 128 _ ..J .,,1 ",UIDU.BLllIII_~IIIJlW,... .11,1 U I II" III! I :'1 i II I L.. I.. ....JJ~.II..~H"UJ.hIIGlb LL' l.l_1 'I .1 [i-".:t;~~h .JI,f.'lIJ!,' "f<.,~' ^ " .! j WHEREAS~ the City, C~mmission has discussed w~th Charles Orsburn, a qualified attorney, . the responsibilities and duties of the Municipal Court, and he is willing to assume such responsibilities. l LJ NOW, THEREFORE, BE I~ RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Commission hereby names and apoints Charles Orsburn, a pulylieensed and practicing attorney, Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of We.st University Place, Texas, and he, is hereby inv~sted with all the p9w'ers and duties as set forth in the Charter of said City and the Statutes of the State . of Texas, and he shall enter upon and assume his duties as Judge of the Municipal Court on January 23, 1979. , Section 2. That the compensatio~ to be paid to the Judge of the Municipal Court shall be in accordance with the heretofore adopted saalary schedule. Section 3. Th~t Charles Orsburn shall serve as Judge of the Municipal Court until the next regular City General Election, and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of his successor, unless discharged by the City Commission for just cause. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Sellers, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that Resolution Number 79-4 be approved as read. o Voting Aye: All . Voting No: None Mayor Dunn administered the Oath to Mr. Orsburn as Judge of the Municipal Court and congratulated him. It was noted that Mr. Orsburn had served as an Associate Judge of the Municipal Court for sometime. Judge Orsburn expressed his appr~ciationfor being appointed Municipal Court Judge and pledged his best to serve the court. CANVASS RESULTS OF 1979 GENERAL ELECTION: Resolution Number 79-2 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, in accordance with the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas; the Texas Election Code and Ordinance Nurnb.er 1125 of the City of West University Place, a general City Election was held on Januaiy 20, 1979 ,in the City of West University Place for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Commissioners for a two year term as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 8.29a .of the Election Code, the Judges of the election have made out"signed and delivered in a. 'sealed envelope, the returns of UI\~ said election, together with the poll lists anp tally lists, to the Mayor and City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas; and o WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas, in regula,r session, assembled on January 22, 1979, have opened and examined the election returns and have canvassed the results thereof in accordance with the provisions"of the City Charter and the Texas<Election Code and as a result'of such examina- tion and canvass, said Mayor and City Commissioners find that at such election the following votes were cast: Name Candidate Precicnt Precicnt Precinct for 15 87 133 Mary Ann Binig Mayor 392 482 240 0 . James M. (Jim) Cole Mayor 417 447 486 LD Arnold (Sonny) Ahrens Commissioner 497 510 508 ~ James W. (Jim) Cummings ' 'Commissioner 361 469 249 W Val Rosenbaum Commissioner 396 431 463 <X: John L Maneval Commissioner 393 424 471 <t Andy Horne Commissioner 412 ,457 462 Ernest N. Hensen Commissioner 337 460 224 Ron ':]:'aylor ' Commissioner 368 458 239 Betty Sellers Commissioner 373 439 234 129 Precinct 183 430 648 707 437 598 610 644 403 435 419 WHEREAS, as ,a result of suc:h election, it was determined that James M. (Jim) Cole, with a total of 1998 votes cast for him was elected MAYOR of the City of West University Place, Texas; and that Arnold (Sonny) Ahrens, with a total number of 2222 votes cast for him, and Andy Horne, with a total number of 1975 votes cast, for him, and John L. Maneval, with a total number of 1898 votes cast for him; and Val Rosenbaum, w;ith a total number of 1888 votes cast for her, have been elected Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas. o NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the official results of such election shall be, and they are hereby, declared pursuant to canvass of the returns of such election by the Mayor and City Commission to be tha,t; James M. (Jim) Cole was elected Mayor Arnold (Sonny) Ahrens was elected Commissioner Andy Horne was elected Commissioner John L. Maneval was elected Commissioner Val Rosenbaum was elected Commissioner of the City of West University Place, Texas at said election and shall serve in such capacity until the next regular election of a Mayor and City Commissioners as prescribed by the City Charter. n Section 2. That an,exeeuted copy of this Resolution shall be delivered to each, J~mes M. ,(J.im) Cole, Arnold (Sonny) Ahrens, Andy Horne, John L. Maneval, and Val Rosenbaum, as his Certificate of Election, and duplicate copies, hereof shall be delivered to th~ City Secretary of the City of West University Place, Texas. -~'-Vi.j~~!t 1 W'1'I,- ~~!J IL---------.LJI II n!lfr111.'1l,!I'I!t.:1fii1illr.. 1;"1' i':LL 1 I' I iiiI' II : 1 11) TI1IRIIIIIIII_n I '1'- ,-, ,--,.., 1 ]lIm , .WIlL'. ~ ..I .,1 . U.~8III1I"'~llIllW,.,..1l1 U I II.. Illil .1,.1 I ,L ;, ,I.. -' JIILa6.1b.j.Jk"J1~ LLI' IJ_1 I Y _.,..\-~lU-1 'tlt.H-.b-,,'~ "'...-..F'''.......,.. . ". ' ., I - 130 PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 1979. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Greene, that with a great deal of reluctance that Resolution Number 79-3 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None INSTALLATION OF NEW CITY COMMISSION: Ordinance Number 1129 was presented to the Commission arid read in full: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT THE OFFICIALS ELECTED AT THE GENERAL CITY ELECTION HELD ON JANURY 20, 1979, SHALL TAKE OFFICE ON THE TWENTY-NINTH (29th) DAY OF JANUARY, 1979; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, by virtue of the provisions of Article 201.b of the Texas Election Code, th~ City of West University Place 'was prohibited from holding its regular city~lection on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November, 1979; and WHEREAS, the city was required by said Article to hold its regular city election on January 20, 1979; and , , WHEREAS, the City Commission desires a fix a time for the officials election to take office. , NOW, THEREFORE" BE ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNlVERS ITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the Mayor and City Commissioners elected at the city election on January 20, 1979, shall enter upon their duties of office on the twenty-ninth (29th) day of January, 1979. Section 2. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after its approval and passage as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 'day of , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by 'Commissioner Greene, that Ordinance Number 1129 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ,It was the decision of the City Commission that the special meeting of the City Commission on Monday, January 29, 1979, be held at the Community Building at 7 : 30 p. m. REPORT OF LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE: Tpe Commission was,advised that it was necessary that the report of the Long Ran~e,PlanningCommittee which had' been presented, in workshop session on January 19 , '1?79, be officially accepted. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Sellers, that the report of the Long Range Planning Committee be accepted by the Commission and that the Committee be thanked for preparation of the report. u o u <L~~""" ,~" ,I JlJ n o to .n w <( <:( o n 131 . . Vot1ng Aye: All Voting No: None STREET REPAIR MATERIAL: An invoice in the amount of $1,100 received from Builders Products , Inc. for delivery of 20,000 pounds of steep asphalt for use in the city's street repair program waspresent~d for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, "secoIided by Commissioner Sellers ,that an invoice in the amount of $1,100 submitted by Builders Products, Inc. for delivery of 20,000 pounds of steep asphalt be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS: Ordinance Number 1130 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE ADDING ARTICLE IV, SECTIONS 18-40 THROUGH 18-46 TO THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNI- VERSITYPLACE, TEXAS, BY ADOPTING A SOLAR ENERGY CODE TO PROVIDE MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR THE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, USE, LOCATION AND MAINTENANCE OF ALL DIRECT SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS; AND ~ROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Discussion of Ordinance No. 1130 resulted in changes to be made as follows: Section 18-41. Active System to be capitalized and included with other definitions in the section. 'Section 18-42. Phrase, "use of energy of heat water" to be changed to read "use of energy to heat water". Section 18-46(2) The word chapter to be changed to ordinance. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Co.mmissioner Greene that Ordinance , Number 1130 be approved subject to corrections requested by the Commission. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None VAN FOR USE AS BACKUP AMBULANCE UNIT: The following recommendation was presented from Chief Ben Wilcher for the purchase of a one-half ton van to be used by the Fire Department as a backup , , unit for'the ambulance. In accordance with your instructions the following is a tabulation of bids received for delivery of a one-half ton 'yan to he used by the' Fire Department as a backup ambulance unit: ' Chuck Davis Chevrolet Jimmie Greene Chevrolet Bob Robertson Jack Roach Ford (Alternate Bid - 138" wheelbase) $ 6,344.00 6,167.32 6,169.49 6,079~42 + 130.42 II. _ J--::J] "11i Illltl ~:!lIr "[", 'L~...JL' Ii " ' I IiiI' 'U : I i:II '[]lln_IIII.U" ," I Lilll~:' '" .. , , Willi ..I ..UBlIIIIIIIIIIJU L.. II, ~I ' ,111'1 i I L ,," L " JJIL.L.lblLIlJ..wu LI II 1.]_.1 II~.~ 1,.1.4,. l<d<:Ir ';;r~"-.( I - 132 It would be my recommendation that we accept the bid of' Jack Roach Ford for a one-half ton van, with 138" wheelbase, for their bid price of $6,209.84. The longer wheelbase will provide additional room in the rear of the van which will better accomodate stretchers, radio equipment, etc. that will be necessary for use as an ambulance uni t. Motion by Commissioner Greene; Seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that the recommendati(;m of the Fire Chief be accepted and the bid be awarded to Jack Roach ',Ford Company for delivery of a one-half ton van with 138" wheelbase for a net delivered price of $6,209.84. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None It was noted that funds for the purchase of the van were included in the 1978 budget but not expended. FENCE ORDINANCE: Ordinance Number 1131 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6-42 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS BY CHANGING THE PERMIT FEE PROVISIONS: AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Section 6-42 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 6-42. Permit - Required; fee. &) Before any fence or wall shall be constructed hereinafter on any lot, the owner of said lot shall apply to the Building Inspector for a permit for the erection of said fence or wall, and the cost of said permit shall be $25.00. b) In event construction of a fence or wall is commenced prior to the issuance of ap~rmit for such construction, a permit fee of $50.00 shall be charged. c) The Building Inspector is hereby authorized to file a complaint in the Municipal Court against contractors constructing a fence or wall prior to the issuance of a permit for such construction. d) A permit issued for the construction of any fence or wall shall be valid for a period of (1) year from date of issuance. Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective and be in force immediately from and after its passage and approval as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Il u o I~ U D o If) " w <:( <( o n l, Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Sellers, that Ordinance Number 1131 be approved as read. 133 Voting Aye: All Voting No: None LEGAL SERVICES: An invoice in the amount of $2,103.90 received from City Attorney David Allums for legal services rendered during the months of October" November, and Decem- ber was presented for consideration. Motion by CoIIUiJissioner Thompson, ,seconded by Commissioner Greene, that the invoice,in the amount of $2,103.90 submitted by City Attorney David AllUIIiS be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ENTEX REQUEST FOR RATE INCREASE: In accordance with previous ,instructions of the City Commission a request from Entex, Inc. for a rate increase was included on the agenda. City Manager Jim Brown ,advised that the increase had been approved by the Rail- road Commission and that Entex had been advised by certified~mail that the provisions regarding payment included on their rate sheet for residential service would have to comply with the provislons included the ordinance determining and fixing shcedules of rates'. WATER WELL NO.7: An invoice in the ,amount of $6,384.26 received from Langford Engineering, Inc. for professional services rendered in the design of water well no. 7anda 12 inch water transmission line was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Sellers, that the invoice in the amount of $6,384.26 stiblnitted by: Langford Engineers, Inc. be approved for payment'. ' Voting Aye : All ' 'Voting No:" None 1978 ANNUAL AUDIT REPORT: An invoice in the amount of $1,500 received from Coopers ,& Lybrand as a progress billing for services rendered in preparation of the 1978 audit was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Greene, that an invoice received from Coopers & Lybrand in the amount"of $1,500 be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None REMODELING CITY'HALL OFFICES: In accordance with previous action of the City Cornmisslon, bids received for installation of carpet in offices on the second floor of the City Hall were opened and res'tllts announced as follows: ,','!1~__ 'l1JmjrH~11 II I II "'fI!!IIl!1I~ntml_lr 'i'I" .. I I" I' " I I lill Ii : I ill TUTIRIIIIII1I_n" r I flliffi' -I ... -.-. ..... ..... .... ... L L _LL ... --- ......_ .. I. .. '.. - 134 Carpet World - Milliken Wal-Con Super Antron Woodmore $1,665.00 1,421. 00 1,638.00 Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Greene, that based on Mr. Brown's knowledge of carp~t that the bid of Carpet World be accepted for installation of 133-1/3 square yards of Miliken Skyline III carpet with 290 lineal feet of 4" brown cove base. Commissioner Sellers, stated that a dec~sion, regarding re-location of offices would be~t, be left to th~ incoming"City Co~ission inasmuch as bids had not yet been received for the installation of security, doors. Voting Aye::, Dunn, Greene, Thompson Voting No: Sellers REORGANIZATION OF SEVERAL SINGLE FUNCTION DEPARTMENTS INTO SIX MULTI-FUNCTION DEPART- MENTS: Ordinance Numberl~32 was presented to the Commission and read in full: ANORDlNANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY ,OF WEST UNlVERSITYPLACE, TEXAS; BY THE ADDITION THERETO OF A SECTlON. TO BE NUMBER 2_32 ; PROVIDING FOR THERE- ORGANIZATION OF SEVERAL SINGLE FUNCTION DEPARTMENTS INTO SIX MULTI-FUNCTION DEPARTMENTS; CREATING APPROPRIATE DE- PARTMENT HEADS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, there exists in the City of West University Place an urgent need "to re-organ;i,z~ some several single function departments into six (6) multi-funct,iondepartments by the scopes of service performed by each department; and WHEREAS, these six (6) ~ulti~fun~tion departments shall be adminis- tered by department heads and shali be identifie~bythe following titles: Director of Public Works, Director of Community Services, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Director of Housing and Community Developme~t and Director of Finance and Operations; and WHEREAS, the reorganization requires an organizational plan desig- natingthe chain of command, and the same is attached hereto and made a part he:reof; and WHEREAS, this ordinance shall supersede and take precedence over conflicts with prior ordinances~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the Code of Ordinances of the City of West Uni- versity Place, Texas is amended by the addition thereto of a Section to be numbered Section 2-32 and hereafter said Section 2-32 shall read as follows: / "Section 2-32. That several, single function departments shall be reorganized into six (6) multi-function departments. -..- [1 LJ r lLJ n o o to 'rI W <( <C o u 135 That these departments shall be identified as the Department of Public Works" Dep,artment of Community Seryices, Police Department, Fire Department, Department of Housing and Com- munity Development and Department of Finance and Operations., : . ,\ ~:____ .:1 _' . .... That each of the six, (6) departments shall be adminis~ered by'a department head and shall be titled Director of Public Works, Director of Community Services, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Director of Housing and Community Development and Direc- tor of Finance and Operations. Section, 2. " That there be an organization plan and/or chart designating the chain of command and the same be attached hereto and made a part of such re-organization. Section 3. That all such previous department designations by ordinance are hereby declared void. SectiQn4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after January 22, 1979. PASSED AND APPROVED this , 1979. day of , ' Motion'by'ComRdssioner Sellers, seconded by Commissioner Greene, that Ordinance Number 1132 be approved as read. Voting kye: All Voting Nq: None PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: Ordinance Number 1133 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A PERSONNEL POLICES AND PROCEDURES MANU1\L FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; PRO~ VIDING FOR AMENDMENTS THERETO; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, it has been determined that a Personnel Policies and Procedure Manual is necessary for the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, a proposed Personnel Policies and Procedures Man~al h~s been submitted to the City Commission for review; and , ' , ,WHEREAS, theC~ty Commission is of the opinion that said Personnel Policies and Procedure Manual will provide administrative personnel of the city with guidelines and procedures; and WHEREAS, said Policies and Procedure Manual will require amendments and modifications, thereto from time to time,_in order to comply with local, state and, federal statute changes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ' WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the Personnel Policies and Procedure Manual of the City of West, University Place, Texas, is hereby adopted, in its entirety. .,,,-;1 ~ , II ~ _,. ., I . . . "r' '''"L , .lIler .. 11 I 1 I:!I" ....t::lttllln....mmlllllElD... , . 1"'--' _..........".~,,'-,....._~ "'11' . ..~llll" .1_,1 ."U~IIlIIIIIIIIUIIIJLJ....1l1 U II ll.. .'.1:11 i .1 I 'L.. L I ..J IWJi...Ii.w~UI l~. LL-I lJ_1 I ~ h,f}.d. il~L;;l>t.;"1~=<-=>-.H.; " - 136 Section 2. That the administrative staff of the City of West Uni- versity Place is hereby authorized to make required amendments and/or n modifications to said Personnel Policies and Procedure Manual as required by law, with approval of the City Commission. , Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect anq be in force im- mediately' from and after its passage. ' PASSED AND APPRDVED this day of ' 1979. Motion bY' Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Greene, that "with the concurrence of the City Commission"be added to Chapter II-B-6 and approved as corrected~ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM AT WEST UNIVERSITY LIBRARY: The Commission was advised that the compressor on the air conditioning system at the Library had failed and that two proposals had been'received for neces- sary repairs. Bellaire Heating and Air C9nditioning Company had quoted $3,352.84 for repairs to the' air conditioning system using a rebuilt compres- sor and Air Temperature~ Inc. had quoted $1,902.00 for the installation of a new Carrier compressor and a four-year wa~ranty for an additional $405.00. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Greene, that the City Manager be authorized to employ Air Temperature, Inc. for installation [ of a new Carrier compressor with a four-year warranty. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums had no matters that required attention of the City Commis s ion. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: City Manager Jim Brown advised the Commission that he had spoken with Mr. Benjamin Phil~ips of Moody.'s , and that representatives of that firm desired to meet with a delegation from the cityfn New York in early February to discuss how the city will develop alternate financial generating items to offset revenues restricted by the pass?geof the Charter amendments. Mr. Brown stated that he had requested Mr.' Phillips to delay rating of the city until' another portfolio can be prepared. City Attorney David Allums stated that he had ~poken with ,Mr. Dick Larsen of Standl:trds and Poor's and had also requested that they' delay rating the city Until an opinion can be prepared as to the legal effects of the amendments, especially since they were planning to give the city the lowest possible rating. W ' Ii Mr. Brown advised that the University of Texas will again provide certain nurs- :: ing students to work with the city's Service-to-Aging program. Attention of the City Commission was directed to a donation of $500.00 that had been made to the West University Employee's Association by Pilgrim Enter- prises in recognition of good service. D o LO ~ W <:C c:::c []i,i il nl,.,1 il I '137 CONCERNS OF, THE CITY COMMISSION: Commissioner Sellers suggested that the City Manager advise the incoming City Commission that Board and Committee appointments were made to provide con- tinuing service until ne~;~r~ointments are made. Mayor Dunn"recommended that the incoming City Commission be given an oppor- tunity to attend the H-GAC annual banquet to be held on Friday, January 26, 1979, if they desire. Mayor Dunn presented the following letter; To the Employees of the City of West University Place Dear Friends: It would be inappropriate for me to complete this term of office without officially and formally extending to you, the employees of the City of West University Place, both past and present, my heartfelt appreciation for the manner in which you have conducted yourselves and performed your duties during the time I have had the privilege to work with,you. You have shown me the utmost respect under all circum- stances, particularly during my tenure as Mayor and I am indeed proud to have been associated with you for these brief years. We have joined together to participate in many activities which have contributed to the growth of the City of West University PLace and your steadfast dedication has been a great inspiration. My very best wishes are extended to you as individuals and asa group as you continue your work under the leadership of the new City Commission. ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on January 9, 1979, were presented to the Commission for their information. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on January 17, 1979, were presented to the Commission for their information. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on January 8, 1979, were presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commis- sioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Sellers, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on January 8, 1979, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None r> ' }~.~jt""mf~~')t~~ '.~1j',' '.jH 01 II II 'i'(,Wnll'llT!!II.' 'I'" ., III'" 'Ii Ii I ill' 'I nrlllllllll1l_n" r' r' Ilmlt.- .. i. . , _.~ .; 1lJ.IlU:L - 138 ..1...1 . U..tiIIl_~I!JW,"...1l11l II 11. Illil I.i.j 'I, Ii 1'1 I I L :..,.1..: ,L_ .'.. .,_-1I~II:.Jj'Ui,IIl'Wi~' LL..:I' II '11I~'iil~11Wit-i ;W'.4.('.~] With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at io:oo p;m. d4l~ ATTEST: ~ cfJ~n~ / Assistant City Secreta~y D ~ tJ U' I, I Ui... ! " I o LO oM W <C <t: ~...... I, Ii , ! Wi.....', , ! 'i. ! 139 SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING ,January 29, ,1979 The City Commission convened in special session at the West University Community Building oil. Monday, January 29; 1979, with the following members present: Mayor Dunn, presiding; Commissioners Green~,'Parks, Sellers and Thompson. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. , , .r The Invocation was pronounced by Dr. Le Ray Fowler, Pastor, West University Baptist Church. MinUt,es of :the regular meeting of the City Commission on January' 22, 1979; were presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action,taken: Motion~ by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Sellers, that minutes of the regular meeting of the CIty Coillmission on January 22, 1979, be approved as submitted. ' , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor DunnW'elcomed those in attendance and announced that the purpose of, the meeting was for administering the Oath of Office and installatton of the City Commission elect, noting that for many years the citizens of West University had been fortunate to have shared the benefits of a city government administered in what had been considred to be an ~dealenvironment, free of political motiva- tion and personal ambition on the part of its elected officials. Mayor Dunn stated that he wanted to publicly express his appr~ciation to the present City Commission for the'cooperativespirit which had prevailed and for the'courage they repeatedly demonstrated in making decisions ,which were felt to be in the best interest of the'cityand its 'future. Mayor Pro-Tem J. B. Thompson was introduced by Mayor Dunn. After introduction by Mayor Dunn, Commissioner Sellers expressed her appreciation for having been elected to serve as a member of the City Commission, noting that members of the Commission had a variety of backgrounds and points of view~ and that dis~greements led to the exploration of all points of an issue. Mrs. Sellers advised members of the Comm.ission-elect that difficult decisions were ahead for them and that they wo~id'find tl:1e city's'staff very dedicated and competent. Mrs. Sellers noted that there were many citizens'who contributed their services as members of volunteer boards and committees. Mayor Dunn introduced Commissioner Ben Greene who exPressed his congratulations to the new City Commission and wished them well in all their endeavors. Mayor Dunn introduced Commissioner Michael Parks who stated-,thaLthe ,chall~nge had now been laid out and expressed his'wishes for success of, the new Connnission. Mayor Dunn introduced Mayor-Elect James M. Cole'and Coinlnissioners-Elect Sonny Ahrens, Andy Horne" John Maneval and Val Rosenbaum. ~~.. ..~t,. ..1A-'~.I~ II J Il ~u..1lLl.:..lilLr .. n Ii 1111' 'IJltlnlRlHIII_n' " r I mOl II , "I" '1 11111'. . . lUllU ~ ...U~"..II"'~I!IJllftJ.. .III II Ill.. .11:'1 I I 'L ,I,: ..J'IIIl.lii&I~W.WU.ilU~. II 'I ' 1.J '11..~r.~'I:"~' *J.1. ~~ 140 Following the introductions, Mayor Dunn advised the Commission-elect that as members of the City Commission they had been elected at a time when public reaction against government had sought relief at the lowest level of govern- ment and that the difficulties of performing the duties of the Commission were great under normal circumstances, but ,that the new Commission will be faced with the prospect of continuation of the emotional sentiment expressed during the election. ' , u Mayor Dunn noted that it had been stated and~pliedthat West University is is standing still and has no ,room for growth so that the demands for financial support should not be increasing, but that the new Commission would, find ,that the city is growing, if not in numbers, in problems and needs. Mayor Dunn stated that a resume had been prepared of a number ,of projects in process and many open items to be considered. Mayor Dunn further ,stated that the City of West University Place had been labeled a City of Pride and well it should be; elected officials, citizens and perhaps the city's greatest asset, its,employees, have worked for years to earn its present reputation and the label should be prominently displayed and stubbornley protected. Mayor Dunn invited Mayor-Elect Jim Cole and Commissioners-Elect Sonny Ahrens, Andy Horne, John Maneval, and Val Rosenbaum to come ,forward to receive the Oath of Office to be administered by the Honorable Phil Peden, Judge, First Court of Civil Appeals, State of Texas. The Oath of Office as Mayor of the City of West U~iversity Place was administered to Mr. James M. Cole by the Honorable Phil Peden, Associate Justice, 'First Court of Civil Appeals of the State of Texas. o The Oath of Office as Commissioners of the City of West University Place was ,ad- ministered to, Sonny Ahrens, Andy Horne, John Maneval and ,Val ,Rosenbaum by the Honorable Phil Peden, Associate Justice, First Court of Civil Appeals of the State of Texas. Mayor Dunn, Commissioners Greene, Parks, Sellers and Thompson retired from the Council table at this time. Mayor Cole welcomed those in attendanceand,thanked the outgoing Mayor'and City Commission for their kind words. Mayor Cole noted that the new City Commission did have problems that'would have to befa<::ed and that they would be, looking for some help from those that had ' served before inasmuch as the new, Commission did not have the benefit of the experience others had gained. Mayor Cole stated that he had no prepared speech developed for the program, but would like to make a, few comments which came, :from his heart. He, noted that the vote in the election on January 20, 1979, indicated the need for. change in West University and his belief that the new Commission could provide the stabiliza- tiouneeded to keep West , University a city of fine homes and single family dwell- ings. Mayor Cole' requested that all'members,of current boards and commit~ees continue to serve in their present positions inasmuch as the new Commission had less than eight days for a period of transition. Commissioner Ahrens stated that he had attended a number of me'etings of the City U Commission had had disagreed with actions taken and decisions made, but that he , had grown to respect the integrity of persons serving on the Commission and , would like to express his appreciation to each of them. o o o l;;'~-l_' '0' r ~ . 141 Mayor Cole advised that in accordance with the prOV1S1ons of the City Charter it was necessary that a Mayor Pro~Tem be elected. Commissioner Horne nominated Commissioner Ahrens to serve as MayorPro-Tem inasmuch as he received more votes in the rec~nt election than',any other single candidate, with a total of 2222, indicating a desire on the part of citizens from both parties to have Sonny Ahrens serve as'a member of the Commission. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that nominations for the offi~e of Mayor Pro-Tem cease. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 79-5 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, a d.tyelection was held on the twentieth day of January, 1979, ,in the City of West University Place, Texas, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four members of the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the votes cast at the election on January 20; 1979, were canvassed by members of the City Commission on the date of January 22, 1979, and it was determined that Mi:'. Jim Cole had been duly elected Mayor and that Sonny Ahrens".Andy Horne, JohIiManeval and'ValRosenbaum had been duly elected as Commissioners of the , City of West Uni.vetsity, Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, in special ceremonies of the City Commission held at the West University Community Building on January 29, 1979, each of the ,above named persons were administered the'Oath of Office and duly in- stalled in their respective elected'positions; and WHEREAS, upon proper motion and second, Commissioner Sonny Ahrens was elected Mayor Pro-Tem of the' ,Ci~YAjf West Uriiversity Place, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST ,UNlVERS ITY PLACE, '" TEXAS: Section 1. That Mayor Jim Cole and Mayor Pro"":Tem Sonny Ahrens be and they are hereby, designated and authorized to sign or countersign checks drawn on all banks or financial, institutions serving as depository for funds of the City of West University Place, Texas, and any ,banks or finailcialinstitutions which may be hereinafter designated as depository of city funds during the term of their'office. , Section 2. Be it further resolved that all prOV1S10ns of such prior Resolutions, as may conflict'herewith are hereby~expressly repealed; and be it further resolved that the City Treasurer be, and he is her~by directed, to furnish each depository bank, or financial institution with which the ci.tyhas funds on deposit, or withwhich,the city may transact any banking business, a. true'and correct 'Copy' of this Resolution. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. ':w.'if;:tTiV~~lll ....J. Ll ----------.l II Im,OI!,lltJ]-II:-tilIllr--'.i'" iU.., ! .. n 1 ] 1])' ".OIrlRllllEm_" I' "I" I 1, I II I I " I. i.1 1.111"~ 'inllllr,"" m, ,.1111111. , J LUIUIU,IIUIIJILL,II.lII 1 II.., .IiI 1'1 i i L "'," L "I, n-l-Ii!II1bI~:,11 I, II i I 21!1lfJJt;1:::1il1!ll~- 142 Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded,byCommissioner Horne, that Resolution Number 79-5 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No:,' None Resolution Number 79~6 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, Mr. David G. Allums has heretofore been appotnted City Attorney of the City of West University Place, Texas;'and WHEREAS, Mr. Charles Orsburn has heretofore been appointed Judge of the Municipal Court of theCity of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, Mr. Thomas Clarke has heretofore been appointed Assistant City Attorney and Prosecutor of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS~ Mr. Terry Collins and Mr. 'Michael Schneider have heretofore been appointed Associate Judges of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas; and, WHEREAS, Ms. Betsy Coleman and Mr. Thomas Taylor have heretofore been appointed Associate Prosecutors of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas;,' and WHEREAS, each of these,persons is duly licensed and a practicing attorney; and .'WHEREAS,theCityCommissiondesires to re-appoint said David Allums, Charles Orsburn, Thomas Clarke, Terry Collins, Michaelli Schneider, Betsy Coleman 'and Thomas Taylor to the aforementioned positions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That David G. Allums is hereby appointed City Attorney of the City of West University Place. Section 2; That Charles Orsburn is hereby, appointed Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place. Section 3., That Thomas Clarke is hereby 'appointed Assistant City Attorney and ,Prosecutor of theCity of: West University'Place. Section 4.,' That Terry: Collins and Michael Schneider are hereby appointed Associate Judges of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place. Section 5~ That Betsy Coleman and Mr. Thomas Taylor are hereby appointed Associate Prosecutors of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place. Section 6. That each of these persons is hereby vested with all the powers and duties as set forth in the Charter of the City of West University Place and the Statutues of the State of Texas pertaining to their official appointment. "ti;, ,;;;;~ o o o D o to " W <( c::::( rn m:.~" !,.. I ' i ' I ~;JP.H' ~'l;'U,,~ 113 Section 7. Said David Allums, Charles Orsburn, Thomqs Clarke, Terry Collins, Michael Schneider; Betsy Coleman and Thomas Taylor shall receive as compensation for their duties the amount heretofore provided for such' position. , , Section 8. That the terms of Terry Collins ,Michael Schneider, Betsy Coleman and Thomas Taylor be for a period of sixty (60) days and that such sixty (60) day appoiritment ruri coric~rrentli with-a previous appoint"': ment which expries February 9;'1979. Section 9. David G. Allums, Charles Orsburn and Thomas Clarke shall serve in such cap aci'tf,e s wit;Ll the next regular 'City General Election, and thereafter until the appointment andqualffication'of their successors, unless ~emoved 'from 'said p~sition 'during Slrch period by the Ci ty Co:mriJ.ission. PASSED AND APPROVED this' day of , '1979. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that Resolution Number 79-6 be approved as read . Voting Aye:. All ., Voting No: None Resolution Number 79-7 was presented to the Comffiission' and re'ad in 'full:' WHEREAS~, it is the duty' of t~e CityComri1i~sion ,of the City of West University Place, Texas, as sOQn as pia~tical after the election of a new City Co:mriJ.isslon, to appoint a City Treasurer, Tax-Assessor/Collector; and Assistant, as may be necessary to transact the city's financial affairs; and ," , WHEREAs~ the City Commission was elected: at: the last regular election held on the,twentieth day of January 1979. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED' BY THE CITY COMMISSIOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE~,' TEXAS:' Section 1. The City Commission' hereby names ,arid appoint~ Robbie R:. Barnett as City Treasurer and Tax-Assessor/Collector of the City of West University Place, Tex~s, and he is hereby invested,with all the duties and responsibilities as set forth in the Charter of said City and the Statutes of the State of Texas. Section 2. The' City Conmiission' hereby names and appoints Virginia Hood as Assistant City Treasurer and'AssistantTax'ASs'essor/Collector of the City of WeEit: UniversityPlace~ Texas~ > Section 3. That each official hereby ap~oi~ted shall receive monthly compensation for the perforinance:oftheir du€ies;'iri'ilccordance with the heretofore adopted salary schedule. Section 4. The persons appointed, to >,the re'spective offices: shall serve until the next regular City General Election, and thereafter until the'appointment and qualificatfon'oftheir'successors, unless discharged by the City Commission for just cause. j;"~"'~1i'"hc~!lI::' III l;::-n IJ II ~1:l'1W!rr.rm:mlll'!ImI1lr .il' r :1.1,,'1.'1 ~ I li'I~!i.]1 1..1..1 lillr "llHm" II I I ur: IJIlIRIIII mmu' [' [H lUll' , ._ ..1..1 .,1l1ll.......IIDDUIllJIW....Il,: I Ill., ..'11', I , L ~.J IUllJlitjk~I~,jl.....u..llh lLI. l~i_1 p II ,i'rOA P <1..'#If.:".1 144 PASSED AND APPRO\mn 1-1,; '" day of. , 1979. Motion by GommissionerAhrens, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that Resolution Number 79-7 be approved as read. ,voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Cole announced that the next item to be addressed by the City Commission were the proposed Charter amendments as approved at a special elec~ion held on January 20, 1979. Commissioner Horne stated that the smoothness of the form of the Commission was not as important as, the quality of its action and thought:fulness put into such action.ConUnissioner Horne continued that the rhetoric of the election campaign was now at an end and that it was time to take action to examine the issues openly and with sobriety and a great deal of thoroughness. Mr. Horne noted that during the campaign many questions were posed to all candidates regarding the legality and constitutionality of the proposed amendments. .\ ~ j LJ Mr. Horne stated that he would request and recommend ,to the Commission that the City Attorney submit a written opinion regarding the constitutionality and legality of Propositions 1 and 2 as passed by the voters on January 20, 1978, and that he would further recommend that the City Attorney take the steps necessary to seek through the procedures that are provided, an opinion from the Attorney General concerning these precise Propositions and that consideration of the amendments be tabled until such opinions are, available. Mr. Horne stated that there was 0 a great deal of legal talent in the community and that the Commission would ' welcome any insight that would help in making the right decision. Commissioner Ahrens stated that the Oath of Office taken by each member of the City Commission stated that they would "uphold the Constitution of Texas" and that it was his belief that it was incumbent upon the Commission to first determine the constitutionality of the amendments. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that the City Commission instruct the City Attorney to prepare a written legal opinion con- cerning the constitutionality and legality of the proposed charter amendments and to take the necessary steps to obtain an opinion from the Attorney General of the State of Texas in Austin. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Cole advised those in attendance that he had been advised by City Attorney David Allums that representatives of, the bond 'rating firms had stated that the city's bond rating would remain the same A, plus i twas prior to the, election. Mr. Allums is to keep the rating compan~es advised regarding determination of the legality of Proposition 1 and 2. Mayor Cole expressed appr~ciation for the attendance at the meeting of some 100 to 150 residents. Members of the City Commission introduced their families. Upon motion duly, made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8 :00 p.m. LJ n o U1 ~ W <C <:( o n ~ ". Attest: ,~.~~~ Assistant City Secretary -'''''''' '.'.~_, '"'-, . . ' "",,,,, 'ft".,.........." r- J --:, ...-. ',' -, .rl 145 ~/J1..~ J'1ayor ' LlLlll..~II' .11 I ]llr....r::::n~.UIlllllJ:IIm~lJ 1'.1.'--.. -- --_.~ ",llIlll!:- '.Illlll.'._ ..I .1 ;,lI...au"III1.~IJlUJ., .Il! .1 I II. .II\'I II L. ',"u. ".. JII~.vt"llli I H,lt.. II 1L-;r "U, .I",;,\i,. ~;'~Ij.>.jtl:l.o;;<L""~Ot~.\I"",.. - 146 REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING Febrtiary12;1978' The City Commission convened in regular s~ssion at the City Hall on Monday, February 12, 1979, with the .following members present: Mayor Cole, presiding; Commissioners Ahrens, Horne, Maneval and Rosenbaum. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Cole. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES: Mayor Cole asked those in attendance at the meeting whether they desired that minutes 'of a speciat'meeting of the City Com- mission on January 29,1979, be read. In response to a request that only highlights'of' the meeting be reviewed, Commissioner Ahrens briefly out- lined minutes of the meeting. ' Commissioner Ahrens requested tha "1978" referred to in theminutes'regard- ing previous minutes of the City Commission be corrected to reflect "1979" and Commissioner Horne requested that ,the name "Charles Collins" referred to in Section '9 of Resolution Number 79~fj be corrected to show correct name as "Charles Orsburn". Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that minutes of the special meeting of the City Commission on January 29, 1979, be approved as corrected. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mr. Frank Scheicher, 6105 Fordham, advised the Commission that last summer he had taken some questionnaires and that he had found approximately ten (10) people who were willing to help the city and ways in which they could help. Mr. Schleicher presented the completed questionnaires to members of the Commission. Mrs. Margaret Hollowell, 4016 Swarthmore, requested that the Commission give consideration to construction'of a bus shelter in the city for the con- venience of those residents riding buses. .Mayor Cole advised' 'Mrs. Hollowell that in view of the resignation of the small cities'representativetothe Metropoli tan Transi t ' Authority he would be working with., other area mayors to select a replacement and that a meeting would be held at' the West Uni- versity City Hall on Wednesday, February 14th by the representatives of the Citizens Advisory Board of.the MTA. Mr. Jerry Kerbow, 2630 University Boulevard, asked for the deadline for ren- dering taxes, noting that it was important enough" that it should be well publicized. Mr. Kerbow also asked that if.it was unlikely that an opinion would be received from the Attorney General regarding the Charter amendments approved in a city election on January 20, 1979, should all citizens render their property. City Attorney 'David Allums advised Mr. Kerbow,that all citizens have the opportunity to render their property at what they consider to be a fair market value each year, and that 'the law' required that all property be assed at a fair market value; Mr. Allums noted that he did not think the fair market value of 1977 would be the 'same as 1979. Mayor Cole advised Mr. Kerbow that after a statement has been received determining the constitutionality of the amendments there were still steps that would have to be taken prior to the amendments becoming effective. City Attorney n o u n o Lf) ~ W <C c:::c o n ~-",' f " ~r47 Allums reviewed the ,taxing ,system whereby the Tax Board of Bqualiz,atlbn re- solves problems created by a difference in taxes as rendered 'by the property and assessed by the Tax Assess,o:riCollector. " '. _ :"':-J~ . Mr. Allt1IIls stated that 'he would. fti:rrtishthe COnllrtission-his opinion nO'later than the next regular meeting. MayotC;oleadvised'thosein attendance the Commission would hold a public meeting to discuss'further plans. Commissioner Horne stated that inasmuch as the present Corinnics~ion had' no input' in the pre- paration" of the current budget theCommissicinwouldreview the budget oria as requested basis. ' ' Mr. Allums briefly reviewed the provisions of the Faar Taxation law which became effective January 1, 1979. , , In response to a question from Mr. FerdReiger, 6516 Brompton Road~ regarding his request to the Attorney General, Mr. Allums advised thathehadno~requested an opinion because cities werenoi included in the statute'prescribing f0r whom the Attorney General may render opinions, but that he was attempting toabtain such opinion by other means. Mr. Joseph Watson, 4116 Sunset, requested that the City Commission make funds available for all firemen to attend paramedic school. Mrs. Nancy Tucker; 2903 University, appeared before the Commission regarding the improvements being made at the Wier Park tennis courts, noting that con- struction of :theimprovements were in process and that she would like for the Commission to stop work until the location of the seam be discussed with the Parks Board in view of the recommendation of the 'TennisCorinnittee that such seaJ,D. be located outside the' 'doubles playing area.' Mrs. Tucker noted that the cost of the project would be greater as now planned inasmuch as the light standards would have to :be re-locatedand that plans calle'dfor theinstalla- tion of two separate locations for net posts. It was the decision of the City Commission that the matter, berefer!ed to the City Manager in order that he and his staff could meet with Mrs. Tucker to discuss the economics of each pro- posal. Mr. Philip Feser, 3324 Robinhood, advised the Commission that the previous Com- mission wanted to separate the two tennis courts because of the possibility of Someone getting hurt; stating further that people running,over the seam 'could fall and if it leg were broken' the,Ci ty would have, a prohlem~ FENCE ORDINANCE PROVISIONS' ' Mayor Cole advised those in attendance that as the City Commission proceeded with the rest of" the agenda',:;'he wOllld welcome statements of facts on agenda items but did not want per~onal oPinions. Mr. James Jones, 3916Ar~old, advised the Commission that he had replaced an existing brick fence with a cedar fence and had:beenadvised,by the Building Inspectorthatdhe'had not obtained a permit for the' fence construction and that the eight (8') foot fence was in violation of the fence ordinance which provides for the construction of six (6') foot fences. Mr. Jones stated that he did not see why the cltywantedto charge him $50.00 for tearing down an old fence and putting up a new fence. Mr. Jones 'noted that.the ordinances regarding fence construction showed that the height requirement had been six I~I. . q,~~i1J L ::--n J:-TI """""'"11ft ~M'tnllIlHHJIItt- r .., .... '1!IIlI'!.. ...1" I .II.1_.U.I_~IJlW. .JIlI I In., .11111 I I I L .,. ...._.... ~-JIIC~i-II-lII~,1I W. .. I; ']( lll'>-l'~}' ,,,.~ ., 148 (6') feet, increased to eight, (8') feet and returned to six (6') feet. Mr. Jones asked what he could do to have the eight (8') foot fence provision re- turned inasmuch as he did not want to cut his fence off. [ City Manager Jim Brown advised the Commission that there were currently a number of fences, in the city in viola.tion of the ordinance and that there werE~ instances where a six (6') foot fence constructed at a house located on pier and beams dld not provide the desired privacy. and where an eight (8') foot fence constructed next to a, house built on a ,slab cut off light and air. Mr. Brown also noted that earth contpurs varied within the city affecting the height of some fences. Mr. Brown stated that the previous City Commission had given consideration to a reco~endation to permit erection of eight (8') foot fences where consent was obtained from the adjoining property owners. Following a discussion regarding the need for study of the provisions of the ,fence ordinance; it not being included ip.provisions of the city's zoning ordinance; 8ndthe inability of the ,Commission to ,grant a variance to an ,ordinance, Mayor Cole asked if Mr. Jones would be willing to serve, as a member of a committee to study the fence ordinance. Mr~ Larry Smith, 2823 Bissonnet, stated that other prov~s~ons of the fence ardinance n~eded to be looked at and also agreed to serve on the committee. City Attorney David Allums responded to Mr. Woodson's reference to the previous Commission's action by noting that during the time the 1979 budget was being considered it had been recommended that fees be increased in order to relieve the tax burden, and that Mr. Perry had recommended increasing fees in the In- spection Department. Mrs. Dorothy Clary, 4131 Ruskin, advised.Mr.Woodson and others that permits are required for the benefit of property owners to insure work ,being done by competent people and in compliance with applicable state laws. RESOLUTlON HONORING "POLICEMAN" OF THE YEAR: Resolution Number 79-8 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, Chief of Police William Norman, Jr. has heretofore been requested to submit the name of a police officer to the 100 Club of Houston to be designated by the Club as West University Police Depart- ment "Officer of the Year"; and ' 'WHEREAS, Chief Norman has examined the records and activities of the Police Department for the year 1978; and u m o LD 'r"'I W <:C <( [] u .., ~~~ "J":'Ikl";'l"""'" 149 WHEREAS, it was determined that the record of service of Officer James Bryant was of 'suelt'.exemplary nature that his, nariie~ should be submitted to the 100 Club of Houston as "Officer of the Year"; and , ' WHEREAS, the 100 Club of Houston has selected James Bryant as "Officer of the Year". for ,the City of West'Uniy~:tsity Place and the award for such honor was presented on January 30, 1979;~nd , " ". .. . . - . . wHEREAS, the City Commission wishes to express it's congratulations to Officer James Bryant for his exemplary service during ,the year 1978 and for his selection as "Officer' of the Y~ar". ' ' NOW, THEREFORE~ BElT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, 'TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Commission he~ebyexpresses its apprecia- tion to Officer James Bryant of the City of West University Place Police Departme~t f9r his exemplary service to the city >~nd the citiz~ns thereof. Section 2.' The City Commission offers its sincere congratulations to Officer James Bryant for his selection by the 100 Club of Houston as "Officer,of the Year" for the City of West University~Place. Section 3., That this Resolution shall be spread upon the minutes of the City Commission ,and a copy hereof signed by the Mayor and City Com- missioners shall be pres~nted to Of~icer Jame~'Br~ant. ' PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day' of February, 1979. Motion by Commissioner ,Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that Resolution Number 79~8 be approved as read~ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor.Cole congratulated Officer, Bryant and those in attendance at the Commission meeting gave him a standing ovation. ' HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL; The Commission w~s advised that a delegate and alternate should be designated to serve as the city's representative to the Houstqn- Galveston Area Council and that such a delegate would be a part of an application review committee which screened applications filed by all area cities for federal funding. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner' Ahrens, "that Commissioner Rosenbaum be d~signated as th~, deJ,egate for th,.e City of West University Place to the Houston-GalvestonAre~Council and that Commissioner Maneval be designated . - <.. - as the Alternate Delegate. Voting Aye: AlL,' Voting No:.' None Resolution Number 79-9 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, City Officials have determined that it is to the best interest of the citizens of this city to continue its membership in the Houston-Glaveston Area Council; and ,:1' !'. ftL !~[j .i..J=:Il. .r II III, r.liur. "I ''l, Lli... '~lr 1 ] 1.11 "IJ1[1nJ111111D1il i [' "IIIIJr ..< _.. ..JlHlL;., ~.. _.1.1 "U_.aU.III1lIlUJlLJ...Il' I I II.. 1111\ .1. 1 'L _ ___ " I .JJWi;k.jll;.l1LIl~.. LL-' lJ~1 p~ Illll.jjd I ',i, ....-I......$,;(~_-'i;Uik., 150 WHEREAS, the By-Laws of the Houston-Galveston Area Council re- quires the appointment of a duly elected representative of each of the governmental units for the year 1979. NOW, THEREFORE, BELT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: lJ Section 1. T4at, Commissioner Rosenbaum be and she is hereby, de- signated.as :!,:t:srepresentative to the General Membership Body of the Houston-Galveston Area C()uncil for the year 1979~ SectiQn 2. That the official Alternate authorized to serve as the'votii.lg delegate should the hereinbefore named delegate become in- eligible' or should she resign, is Commissioner Maneval. Section 3. That the Executive Director of the Houston-Galveston Area Council be notified of the designation of the hereinabove named delegate and alternate. PASSED ~D APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that the word "absent" be after "ineligible" in Section 2 and Resolution Number 79-9 be,approved'as amended. Voting Aye: All Voting'No: None DEPUTY CLERKS OF THE MUNICIPAL COURT: Resolution Number 79-10 was presented to the Commissi~n and read in,flill subsequ~ntto an explanat~onthat Police U Department dispatchers also serve as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court and are not compensated for such additional service. , WHEREAS, Elaine Schultz and Leah Walters, employed as Police Dispatchers and appointed Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, have resigned their positions with the city; and WHEREAS, Lana,Sadler and Robil1 Rothrock,have been,employed,as Police Dispatchers, and are qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court. NOW" TlIElillFOR$, :!3E IT. RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: . - . .. .. Section 1. That Lana Sadler and Robin Rothrock be, and they are hereby, appointed Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. That the appointment ot Sana Salder and Robin Rothrock as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that they ,shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerk after having been adIDtnistered the proper Oath of Office. PASSED AND APPROVED this day 0 f , 1979. u n o LD ~ W <:C <( o n IJ~ ,"I!~I~I'\'15'~' 151 Motion by Commissioner Rosenbaum, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that Resolu- tion Number,79~10'be approved as read. Voting Aye:' A~l' ,Vot{ng No: None REPAIRS TO PUMP UNIT ON HIGH PRESSmm SEWER TRUCK: An invoice in the amount of $3,373.67 received from Naylor Supply Company was presented together with an explanation that pump damage had occurred during recent freezing weather and that repairs were an emergency in order to return the unit to service. ' It was noted that the sum of $l~.OOO was provided in the 1919 budget for repairs and maintenance :of' equipment in the Sewage Treatment Div{sion.' The City Manager recommended payment of the invoice and Public Works Director David Steitle stated that the operator of the equipment had been instructed in the proper winterization process 'of the equipment'and there was now some external heat which could be applied to the unit in severe weather. Commissioner Ahrens directed attention to the fact that the invoice total was $3,373.67, while a total of the materials used and freight on the pump from the factory totaled only $2,977.67 leaving a discreparicy of $396.00. Motion by Commissioner Horne, ~econdedby Commissioner Rosenbaum, that the invoice' be returned to Naylor' Supply Company- with a request' 'that it be" clarified. Voting Aye:' All Voting, No: None AUTOMOTIVE REQUIREMENTS: Following a discussion by members of the Commission regard- ing the advisability of holding bids on a four--;doorsedan'foruse of. the Adminis~ trative Department and four police patrol units for furth~r study, Chief of ~olice Bill Norman' advis~d that his recommendation would be that the J;>oliceDepartment continue, totise the units now in service and: replace: such' 'un'its ,on an as needed, basis. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that bids re~ ce~ved for delivery of a four-door sedan and four police patrQl units be re~ turned to the bidders unopened. , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Bids received for delivery ofa cab and chassis for use by the Street and Sani~ tation Departments were opened' and results announced as follows: BIDDER SANITATION DEPARTMENT STREET DEPARTMENT "David Truck' & Equipment AstroTrucks 'Net Bid Base Bid" "Trade-In' ' Net ,Bid , Base Bid Trade-In Net Bid Base Bid Trade-In Net Bid 16, ~20,.00 . -0- , 17 ,6,13. 00 1,400.00 16,213.00 14,504.10 800.00 13,704.00 14,527.39 1,250.00 13,277.39 South Loop Ford 15,363.91 1,500.00 13,863.91 15,034.04 2,425.00 12,607.04 Trucks of Texas Jll...J..... II :-';fJlII\.III,H.nll~', J:, L '.1 --:-' I 1 -1.L : I HilI . 11 1 I I 1:lI.n:nIlIlHI:IIJ:_IL 1 r .'1 llllIrr , _JllIl!:'.. ___..___~. _.1.1 ,,11_-.nIJIIIIIIIIID1!D.:..If,I I II lL.. "I'~~-::r:-r--~L ..., _.....I .'... .J~lI&iWbiiHlli-I,I~i.lL.'" .1J ~., - . -<-~. '" .1 152 ~rf "I.'.A.~1:,;..,:.t.d.'I'~ _; Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that bids received for delivery of two cabs and chassis be referred to the Public Works U Director, Sanitation Superintendent and Street Superintendent to determine that ,- bids meet the city's specifications with a recommendation'to be presented to the City Commission at its next regular meeting on February 26, 1979. Voting Aye: All VotiIlg No: None Commissioner Ahrens requested that other dealers be contacted in an effort to determin~ what is necessary to attract more than two or three bids on equipment. AMBULANCE, RENOVATION:,' Bids received for, the renovation of, the city's ambulance were opened and results announced as follows: Bidder ~odular Ambulance Corp. Net Bid 'Superior Southwest, Inc. Net Bid $11,286.00 11 , 700 . 00 Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that bids received for'delivery of a cab and chassis ,for the, ambulance unit be referred to Chief Wilcher for analysis and a report concerning possible resale of the used cab and chassis in order to stay within the budgeted amount, with'a recommendation to be ,presented to the Commission at its next regular meeting on February 26, 1979. Voting Aye: All Voting No: ,None c SANITATION DEPARTMENT PACKER BODY: ,Bids received for delivery of one packer body for use by the Sanitation Department were opened and results announced as follows: Bidder Davis Truck & Equipment Base Bid Trade-In Net Bid Base Bid Trade- In' Net Bid Base Bid Trade-In Net Price Astro Truck Ambassador Equipment $10,645.00 2,500.00 8,145.00 9,830.00 2,100.00 7 , 730 . 00 ' 10,395.00 (Alternat~) 2,555.00 8,020.00 10,395.00 2,555.00 7,840.00 Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum that bids received for delivery of a packer body be referred to the Public Works De- partment for tabulation with a recommendation to be presented to the City Commission at its next regular meeting on February 26, 1979. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None n n o LO " W "<( c::( n Q' .r. . :' ~ ,i. . 153 OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Bids received for delivery of three electric typewriters were opened and results announced as follows: Bidder Price Each Total nid Priee IBM Royal Business Machines $ 810.00 750.00 $,2,430.00 2,250.00, The Commission was ,advised that the sum of $1,000 had been included in the 1979 Municipal Court budget for the purchase of a typewriter, and $900 in- cluded in the Finance Department budget for 1979 with additional funds neces- sary for purchase being obtained from sums encumbered:frompreviousFinance Department budgets for, capital purchases. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that bids received for delivery of three electric typewriters be referred to the-~Finafice Department for analysis with a recommendation to be presented to the Commis- sion at its next regular meeting on February 26, 1979. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None FINANCE DEPARTMENT CASH REGISTER: The single bid received for delivery of a cash register for use of the Finance Department was presented to the Commission. The Commission reviewed proposed changes 'to be made ,in the Finance Depart- ment operation and determined it best to postpone receipt,of bids for pur- chase of a cash register. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded'by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that the bid,received for delivery of a cash ,register be returned ' unopened and ap- preciation expressed to the ,bidder for his submission. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None POLICE DEPARTMENT ELECTRONIC SIRENS: Bids opened for delivery of two electronic sirens to be mounted on police patrol units were opened and results announced as follows: Bidder Price Each Total Bid Price Kenzack Communications M-S Sales Modus Operandi 346.00 422.40 392.00 692.00 844.80 784.98 Chief Norman advised the Commission that the electronic sirens were replace- ment units for units now in service that did not meet requirements. Motion by Commissioner Maneval; seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that,bids 'received for delivery of two (2) electronic':sirens be referred to Police Chief Bill Norman for tabulation with a recommendation to'be presented to the City Commission at its next regular meeting on February 26, 1979. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ~""l~"'.'~ '"-'JlIJLJL .I-I.. _L J-=-n !I~t II .1 I.I!;I IH-till r' II I 1 1 II UIJI[JInJllllJ:DlIUII I 1m -- 'iamT, ' ':1 l..L ,....L L..,~ '.i'll' ..Il:IIU;.. .. .. ,J ,1I111_.UII_~aJJL;J...u' II II., Ilil :1 I L . .,. _'_:,., '. .----llllliUlieW;IJ!JUII~ rl I' II . 11,.:;IJOC~'L~;;..R~i:li:!fu---';' -.J- --: ,r",_~ 154 DESIGNATION OF BANK DEPOSITORIES: The Commission was advised that it was necessary each year for the designation:of banking institutions to 'serve as depositories for city funds. Motion by Connnissioner Horne" seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that pursuant to Article 2559, Texas Civil Statutes, the City Manager and his staff be auth- orized to prepare the necessary notice for publication in the proper newspaper of general circulation requesting applications frombanking'instftutions. I L Voting Aye:, All Voting No:, None BELLAlRE BOULEVARD WATER T.TNF.' ,Bids received Jor the installation of. approximately 1900 ,linear' feet of ten' (l0") inch ductile iron water pipe and appurtenances were opened and results announced as follows: ' Bidder T ;1mr . ~l1m R;~ Brown &, Root Whitelak Marathon B & T Construction Redico Construction $ 67,150.00 85;250.00 85,906.00 97,758~10 67,676.00 In response to a question' by Comrilissioner Ahrens, regarding source of, revenue for paYment of, the project, the City Manager advised, that funds were avail- able in the Water Reserve Fund. Motion by Connnissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that bids re- ceived for the construction of 1900. linear feet of water line on Bellaire Boulevard be referred to the Public Works Director for study and to the Finance Department for details on financing, with such reports to be avail- able for consideration of the City Commission in workshop session on Monday, February 19, 1979. \/ U Voting Aye:' 'All Voting No: None LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums advised the Commission that he had no matters for their consideration at this time. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: City Manager Jim Brown advised that he had no report for the meeting. CONCERNS OF THE CITY COMMISSION: In response to a question from Mayor Cole regard- ing delivery of forms to be used to record citizen complaints, Mr. Brown stated such forms would be delivered on Friday, February 16, 1979~ and the program implemented on Monday, February 19th. ' Mayor Cole advised that Mr. Donald H. Fidler, representative of area cities on the Metropolitan Transit Authority had submitted his resignation and any reconnnendations for a replacement should be submitted. () Mr. Tom Kelley, 3511 Corondo Court, was advised that discussion of the Police IJ' Reserve Unit was not in order inasmuch as it was not on the posted agenda, however, members of the Commission agreed to discuss the matter subsequent to adjournment. n o 1.0 ~ W <:( <C o n '155 Mayor Cole thanked ,those.citizens in attendailce at ,:the meeting., Commissioner Horne thanked the group for attending, noting that their attendance was requested at the meeting on February 26th and each regular meetIng of the City Commission to provide their comments and advice. Mr. Faulkner, 5820 Annapolis, reviewed action in ,the City of Bellaire regard- ing erection of street barricades, tax measures ,in the State of California, seeking of publicity by the newly elected Commission, and requested that that the City Commission take a good look before they jump. ELECTRICAL BOARD ,MINUTES AND PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES: Motion by Commis- sioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on January 22, 1979 and that minutes of the meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board oIiJanuary 30, 1979, be accepted by the City Commission. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ADJOURNMENT: Wit~ no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. ~/?1~ ,', Mayor ' ATTEST: ~',c?~ Assistant City Secretary "'-..tt"" " -'r ~ , " J 1.. d. IlJIlIIr ;-. " ,~'H-I?tll~ <, RV~lt r-- C1 l~lJ' . 11 1 I I ,II" ;-C1lIllDII8ID8:_lI' I I" ... . _ . Wll~l.. n_ P'_ ..1 .1 .1l._.U,."~IJICJ.' .II' I I I II. .lli.l :. I. !i L~ . ,., ... .. . ...J llaLdMHi.Uii.iU~" tL.....:1' IJ"'-:' II ;jJj,fJ\.;.,,1 ., +Ji.!..,;..' 156 REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING February 26, 1979 The City Commission convened 'in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, February 16, 1979, 7: 30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Cole, presiding;Commiss-ioners Ahrens; Hor.ne, Maneval and Rosenbi'lUm. The City Attorney and City Manager were also'present. The Invoication was pronounced byComIDissioner Ahrens: CITY COMMISSION MINUTES: 'Minutes ,of: the regular meeting of the City Commission on February 12,1979, were presented for consideration. Motion by ComIDissionerManeval, s'econded,by Commissioner Rosenb'aum, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission'on February 12, 1979, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None HEARING OF,RESTl1EN'T'S' ,Patrolman Maurice Anderson, West University Police Depart- ment presented the following letter to members of the City Commission: On February 24, 1979, the West University Place Police Officer's Association met in emergency session to discuss the charges of police misconduct that appeared in an article printed in the February 21, 1979 issue of the Southwestern Argus. This statement is issued with the unanimous consent of the West University Place Police Officer's Association. The article states, in part, "West University Commissioners and residents have labeled the city's police reserve force a device to enable regular policemen to work outside the city at private security jobs while on duty....." This state is'erroneolls and without foundation. There is no evidence to our knowledge, that supports such a statement. Such conduct, on any officer's part would constitute a criminal offense. If any person has knowledge of such conduct, we demand that they come forward and air it publicly. If there are facts to support such an extreme allega- tion of misconduct then the individuals with the information have a moral obligation to present them to the District Attorney's Office for prosecution. If in the event that no evidence exists to support such an allegation, we ask the responsible individuals to recognize it as slander and make an immediate retraction and a formal apology to the members of the West University Place Police Department. Respectfully submitted WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION -i-- . '"",':1 u Cl U \1 U 157 [l Mr. John Bartholomew, 3324Pittsburg, advised the Commission that he had two matters he would like to present for consideration, the first being bicycle lanes that. had been marked on some of the citys~r.eets to pro- vide a place not oilly Jor' riding bikes, but also for' jogg:lng, etc.. and to call attention of motorists that there were bicycle ~ridersin the area. Mr. Bartholomew noted that motorists were driving in the bicycle lanes and it was his belief that the program should either be enforced or abandoned because it gives children a sense of false security, and he urged that the Commission do something one way or the other. o LD " W <t c:::c Mr. Bartholomew's second request was for consideration of reinstatement of an eight (8' ) foot fence height :limit that was previously 'in force for a short period of time. Mr. Bartholomew stated that a fence eight (8') foot in height would provide privacy and security inasmuch as it would be a deterrent to would-be burglers, and would stop people from moving up and down between houses. o Mr. Bruce White, 4012 Swarthmore; advised that in October, 1978, he wrote to Building Inspector Wayne Perry ,regarding a zoning violation in 'his neighborhood and in November, 1978, he wrote a second letter requesting a reply to his first letter ahdto date had received no responsecto either of his requests . Mr. White further stated that in October, ^1979. he appeared before the Tax Board of Equalization to advise that he disagreed with their property evaluation. Mr. White stated that he had been advised by Mr. Chuck Gillan, Chairman of the:Tax Board of Equalization, that he would receive either written or'oral response and neither had ever been received, noting, however; that he had :received a,call from Mr. Don T;:tllent in' October. 'Mr. Whitereit:erated his request that he be provided answers to his questions. Mr,. White was assured that: his correspondence would be researched : and proper response made to all' of "this questions'. Mr. Charles Evans, 6131 Lake Street, requested that the Commissilon give consideration to his request for an exception to the requirement that two (2) -parking spaces per dwelling unit must be provided for ,'all dwell- ing units. Mr. Evans stated that his garage was not usable as a garage and he would like to convert it to another:use, but was advised by the Inspection Department that he could not convert the,garage inasmuch as there would not be enough remaining area in',his driveway for parking two vehicles. The City Manager was instructed to research Mr. Evans' problem and report back to the CityConnnission ^andto Mr. EVans. Mr. W. L. Partridge, 4040 Ruskin, stated that there were too many dogs running around the neighborhood ,and that there were also too many cats in the area. u Mrs. Dorothy Clarey" 4131 Ruskin stated~that',there were numerous instances of Junkca:tsl~ftinfrontyardSOrithe,grass~ : Specifically mentioned were<cars located at the corner of' Weslayan:and:Rice." Mr.' Lloyd Flint, 3606 Rice, asked if it was true that the Police'Chief had abandoned and disbanded the police reserve. City Manager Jim Brown responded that as of last week the Chief of Police had advised that the status of the . ~... I IUll~ll __ - _.1 ! 'U._.UI_~IJIL:J:.JI~ .1 II II.. ,11!!l I I L_ I I I . ! ..JIlIl'..IJil.,IIl.U'ILlU~.LL'1 I II IlhA.41JkJ-k:,.'\, ~U" ~...",J""-J;,~:Bj{j - 158 status of the reserve ,unit was inactive and that the city's insurance carrier U--J had been so notified. Mr. Brown stated that the ordin'ance creating the reserve " unit could not be abandoned, but that ,the unit was inactive and all badges and identification would be returned. Mr. Brown advised that the primary reason for the inactive status of the reserve unit was the fact that it h~d created a situation in the community that had resulted~in hardship for the full~time patrol- men. Mr. Bud Conely, 4148 Oberlin, asked what :had happened toa program whereby the ci~y picked up large items such as old refrigerators, that had previously been provided for residents. In response to a question regarding passage of an ordinanCe controlling rent property, City Attorney David Allums advised that there were no provisions to provide for control of rent property other than health and safety factors. In response to a remark by Mrs. Dorothy Clarey regarding notification of new residents regarding rules and regulations in effect within the city, the City Managetwas instructed to provide members of the Commission with copies of a brochure of regulations furnished to new residents. Mr. Philip Feser, 3324 Robinhood, was advised that discussion of the rehabilita- tion of the tennis' courts at Wier, Park:was to ,be dis'cussed later on the agenda. BIDS NOT OPENED IN REGULAR SESSION ON MONDAY. FEBRUARY. 12.1979: Attention of the Commission was directed to, the fact that bids submitted on automotive equipment by Chuck Davis Chevrolet and Jimmie Greene' Chevrolet had also contained bids on n Units 117 and Unit 118; cab chassis'units, for the :Street and Sanitation De- U' partments which should be opened and considered with other bids received on, February 12th. Bids submitted by Chuck Davis Chevroletahd Jimmie Greene Chevrolet ~ordelivery of two cab and chassis units were opened and:results announced as follows: Bidder Unitf17 Unit :/18 Chuck Davis Chevrolet Base Bid Trade....in Net Price Jimmie Green Chevrolet: 'Base Bid Trade.,..in, Net Price 14,378.18 800.00. , 13,578.18 13,607.41 , 1,000.00 12,607.41 15,569.56 2,000.00 13 ,569.00 19,621. 70 3,000.00 16,621. 70 The City Commission"instructed that'consideration of 'bids received for delivery of cab and chassis units for the Street and Sanitation Departments be put on the agenda for a recessed meeting of the City Commission on Tuesday, February 27, 1979. WATER WELL NUMBER 7: The City Commission was requested to move consideration of this agenda item to the recessed meeting. In response to a question regarding the percentage of the project costrepresentiIig erigine~eting fees, those in attendance u.:,.,.' at the meeting: were' advised that such percentage wouldbe'apprQximately 8% to 9%, , and the estimated total cost of the project washetween"$225,000/$250 ,000. n LJ o U1 " W <:( <:( U"" -,I. ,', R LJ ~~,. "':ilf"~ 15'9 THREE (3) ELECTRIC TYPEWltITERS: A recommendation was presented to the City Commission from. Director of Finance Robbie Barnett for the purchase of three (3) IBM elect'r4.c, typewriters for use in the Finance"'Department, and Municipal Court~ It was noted that nine persons on staff had used'the Royal, typewriter that had been furnised as a demonstration unit and each had expressed 'a preference 'for the IBM typewriters. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, s,econded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that the proposal from IBM be accepted for delivery of three (3) electric typewriters for a total bid price of $2430.00. Voting;Aye: All , Voting' No: None SEWER JET REPAIRS: In accordance with instructions of the City Commission a corrected invoice from Naylor Supply Company, in the amount of $3,373.67 for repairs 'made to the sewer jet machine pump waS presented for considera- tion with ,an explanation that the discrepancies resulted from an ommission of labor charges in the amount of $396.00 on the previous invoice. Motion by Commissioner Horne, corrected involcefrom Naylor be approved for' payment. seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that the Supply Company in the amount of $3,373.67 Voting Aye:, All Voting No: None TWO (2) ELECTRONIC SIRENS: A recormi1endation'fromChief of Police William Norman was presented for purchase of two (2) electronic sirens from Modus Operandi fora net delivered price of $784.98, inasmuch as the low bid submitted by Kenzac Communications for'delivery of two (2) North American model sirens did not meet spedfication's~ Motion, by,' Commissioner bid submitted by Modus sirens for a total bid Rosenbaum~ 'seconded by Commissioner Horne, that the Operandi for delivery of two '(2) Federal electronic price of $784.98 be accepted. ' Voting Aye: ,All" Voting No:, None AMBULANCE UNIT CAB AND CHASSIS: ' The Commission was presented a recommendation from Fire Chief Ben Wilcher for the purchase of a new cab and chassis for use with the city's ambulance uilit from Modular Ambulance Corporation on their low bid of$~O~286.00. Motion'by'Commissioner Horne, seconded,by COIll1Ilissioner Maneval, that 'the bid submitt'ed by Modlihlr Ambulance': Corporation be "acaepted for ; deli very of a cab and chassis for the total delivered 'price of $10 ,286.00; Vating Aye : All, Voting No: None WATER SYSTEM VALVES: City'EngineerDavidSteitle advised the Commission that in accordance with, their, instructions; at' 'the p,resentation' by Fire Chief" Ben Wilcher, Finance Director Robbie Barnett and Director of ~ublic Works David Steitle, concerning the installation of a ten (10") inch water line on Bellaire Boulevard, a study had been made on the availability of water to particular areas of the city. ~~~~1I1 II I I II _rnttOlJ,nU'ftIJIIlr----.,' - r '-'1--"-., 'J ..n 11 1"111" Ii1IrIR.....in I.-I'- 'Ilnnnr ..' I II . ~ Ii . ' 'I I 11111.' .u.UlI:: ..' .1 ..IIlI_.U._~.JItlJ. .Ill.1 II ll. .lll.! I I 'L .JIlt.-i.l--,_:l.JI.,II,l.fl;j...I- II I I lJ-:1 IY ~-iW,-,'.'~,"':;fu"'-1>.-~.;;Jy'~'~~"~, ~,-kd 160 Mr. Steitle noted that an investigation had been made with the help of the Water Department and' FirE~ Department, in' the are,a of primary conc~rn, College Court Addition, north of ~issonnet. Mr. Steitle report~d that fire flow in u~ the area in May of 1978 ranged from 410 gpmto 530 gpm, whereas Chief Wilcher's records indicated that the fire, flow for the same'area ranged between 750 gpm to 860 gpm on February 24, 1977, thus leading him to believe there were some suspect valves in the area. A further investigation indicated closed valves at Judson and Community, South Judson and Fairmont and Coleridge at Westpoint, and that there were some other valveprobl~ms which when corrected will bring the flow back. ' In reply to a question regarding a search for valves in the southeast quadrant of the city where the proposed ten (10") inch water line is to be located, Mr. Steitle indicated that there were had not been sufficient time to complete the the investigation. In response to a question regarding removal of an existing four (4") inch line from Brompton to, Buffalo or replacing the line with a s'ix (6") inch line, Mr. Steitle replied that on a per foor basis it would ,be more expensive because of a conflict with existing utilities. It was the decision of, the City Commission that further dis~cussion on this item be included on the agenda fora workshop session on Tuesday, February 27th. LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums advised the Commission that the city had been threatened with a 400 million dollar suit as a result of an arrest the Police made of an intoxicated driver. Mr~ Allums stated that he had received a call from former City Attorney Charles Cockrell requesting that he take, over a suit filed against the city by former members of the Police and Fire Departments for collection of sick leave benefits they believed due upon the termination of their employment, which had been set for trial on April 9th. Mr. Allums noted that the previous City Commission had made arrangements with, Mr. Cockrell for the prosecution of the'suit and he had spent thirteen (13) hours on preparation of the suit payable at'$60.00 per hour. o The Commission instructed Mr. Allums to assume the prosecution in the case of Ash vs City of West University Place from former City Attorney Charles Cockrell and to advise Mr. Cockrell to submit an invoice for his services to the Commission. Attention of,;:the Commission was directed to -the' fact that a resident on Ruskin Street was in the process of pouring a concrete curb and gutter in open defiance of the need for a permit for such construction as well as the instructions of the Building Inspector and Director of Public Works. ,Mr. 'Allums stated that he had been requested to seek a restraining order, to stop further construction. It was pointed out to the Commission that' such construction ,oIl. a street without curbs and gutters would create problems for adjacent property owners. The Commission instructed Mr. Allums to proceed as necessary to stop the construction. Mr. Allums advised that some tax suits had also be held by Mr. Cockrell and that he would investigate the current status'of such suits. 11 \ ) L u o LO oM W <C <( o 0', , ' ~: ..j ~- 161 Mr. Allums presented each member of the Commission a copy-of his opinion on the two charter ~endments approved by voters in the gen~,Ial city election on January 20, 1979,~stating,that his opinion th~t theamend~ents are inconsistent with state statutes has not changed and could be interpreted a number of dif- ferent ways. Mr. Allums noted that the two amendments would have the effect of alteration or elimination of the assessment and equalization function., Mr. Allums recommended that members of the Commission explore'other means available to carry out the intent of the amendments to limit spending. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT:' 'City Manager Jim Brown advised the Commission that in response to their request for additional information regarding'the rehabilitation of the Wier Park tennis courts,_he had requested that Mr. Joe Williams, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board, appear before :the Cominission. " Mr. Williams stated that it was the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Board that the courts be Placed eight (8') feet apart with the seam located two (2") inches outside the doubles lin~. Location of separat~ dead man posts twelve (12') feet apart will permit the desired twelve (12') foot separation at a later _' date if the sea,m is a good_ one. Mr. Williams stated ,that it was his recommen4ation that the courts be resurfaced at this time. Mr. BroWn advised that he had attended a Regi~n? meeting of the Texas City Management ASsociation in Bay toWn and that a represe~tative of the Texas Muni- cipal League had appeared before the group to report on several bills that have been introduced to the Texas Legislature with which the League is 'concerned. , , . . .. Mr. Brown enume;rated the _ following,bills:: ,Collec1t:i. ve bargaining for ~ll city employees; r~moving jurisdiction ,from 'cities over utilities; extending police probation period from six to twelve month~; allowing chief of pol{ceandfire departments to hire their oWn assistants in or outside departments; requirement that cities must pay interest,oA,uti~ity dep?sits; requiring plaintiff to pay court costs; Speedy Trial Actextend~d fr.om thirty days to sixty days. , , , , , It was the decision of the Comniissionthatas elected officials they need to make a stand and take a position and the City Manager was requested to furnish the Commission with Legislative Committees, bill sponsors, names of members of Committees and their districts. Mr. Brown advised the Commission that Mr. Gary Caparechi of the auditing firm of Coopers & Lybrand would ,like to meet with them prior to beginning work on the audit of the city's books, ~ac,cotiri.ts and' records. CONCERNS OF THE, CIty COMMISS IO.~:Members 'of the CotnIllission ele,cted to hold a work- shop sess:lon on Monday, March 5th forthep:urpos'~ ':of meeting ,members of boards and committees not met previously and ariotherworkshopon March 7th to further discuss the Police Reserve Unit, to include a report from Mayor Cole, City Manager Jim Brown, Chief Bill Norman and activities of other cities regarding police ,reserve units. City Manager Jim Brown read' the following statement. In reference to my response on January 21, 1979 Channel 11 newscast regarding Don Quarller's question, "What is, the worst thing ,that could happen to West Uni- . "' ,,~_. r:----=---, ,. . ,-----;:L ,.. " , , " ......m r- ',,11mI'". .. - . .'--:1.__ .L__L-------1...l.IJ:' 11 I I ] Jr -r::nr:aIllllllUl:Em._U' . ..,_ _....I.HlIl'. __ ..I ,U._.I.II_~.JIf.:.l.. .ILl I I Ill., Jllll Ii I III ,I'I I I L. 1'1 I JJlIIUl:.llbJlUU11W1d1.k II 'I' 11---'-:' I II -f~illl--.dll.~t-~~~.--<-". 162 versity from the tax amendeIIlIlt?" "We could find ourselves in a comparable situation to what happened in the Height,s during the '50s and '60s. On that particular date I had no int~nt ~o make any statement~ha~would be degrading or derogatory to West Univers,ity Place' anq. its ,citiznes. I made a statement based, ,on an observation not with intent oLhurting, anyone, though my statement was taken by some as degrading to \tJ'~stUniversity. I offer that not as an excuse but as an explanation andapologiz~ for any inconvenience' but not for the statement." Mr. Brown advised the Commission that the 1977 Annual Report was now ready for mailing as soon as manpower was available to label, the envelopes and ~tuff-the reports.' . " . . . . . . . ". Commissioner Ahrens sta~ed that, he would like tor every citizen, city employee and members of all volUnteer boards and committees to kilOW that he and other members of the Commis~ion,:were available to discuss any problems and that the time for not allowing: communication has,ended and should have ended sometime ago. Mr.' Brown responded that the EEOC had guidelines that must be followed by city employees~ BOARD AND COMMISSION MINUTES: Minute~, of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment' on February 21st, the' Elect~ical: Bo~i-d on Febrtrkry 19th and a regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on F~bruaryl3th and a special meeting on February 21st were accepted by the Commission as presented for their information.', ' AMENDED AGENDA ITEM: The Commission was advised that consideration should be given to Resolution Number 79-11 setting forth a project schedule for the c~nstruction of a new wastewater treatment fa:cili,tyin,accordance withr~quirementsof the Environmental, Protection AgencY: 'and Texas: Department ,of Water Resources. Resolution Number 79-11 was presented to the Commission and rea~ in full: WHEREAS, the City of, ,Wes't Un;i.yersitY Place, Texas has'made appli- cation to the Texas Department of' Water Resources and the Environmental Protection Agency for a Federal grant pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act"Amendments of 1971, Public Law' 91-500, and the rules and regulations thereto; , ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That, tne application for which Federal grant assis- tance has been requested pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1971, Public Law 92-500, will be constructed to completion in accordan~e with the laws"rules, and regulations and with the following project schedule. 'General InfonUation, Date applicant's share of project cost will be available N/A Current Upon sale of unvoted bonds. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Date site(s) for project facilities' will be available. Current -. k.~ ~I ~J,:.41 w ~l n E l U ~ o LO ~ W <C <t [1] m i I, i' ~~l ~ ' _,f,.;.; .1'T.~I-"'~""< ~ ""fl 1'\ I E"J Pro;ect Schedule STEP 1 A. Infiltration/Inflow Analysis (with Evaluation Survey Plan of Study if required) completed & submitted to State after' Step' 1 grant B. Infiltration/Inflow Evaluation Sutvey'(if required), completed & submitted to State after grant amendment for Survey C. Application for Waste Control Permit (if required) made no later than after Public Hearing notice for Facility Plan is issued. D. Final Environmental Assessment and Facility Plan (including time for draft reports, advertisement & hearing) completed and submitted to the State after Step 1 grant award. STEP 2 A.'User Charge System and Industrial Cost Recovery System (if required) developed and submitted to the State after Step 2 grant award. B. Preliminary Plan of Operation (if required) completed and submitted to the State after Step 2 grant award. C. Final Plans and Specifications, completed and submitted to State after Step 2 grant award. STEP 3 A. Advertise for Construction Bids within after authorization to advertise for bids has been issued. B. Submit Bid Opening Documents within after authorization to award the contract has been issued. C. Award"Construction Contract within after authorization to award the contract has been issued. l:-iT. I (11 'J~!!,Ffl'~WlI'1I""Jt.-'T ---T '~:I-r;' ,'.!..-:l....1..- I I :11 ~!I. 163 Cci:t~~dar Days N/A N/A N/A N/A 150 150 270 30 30 30 days days, days days days days days days days days , II 11 1 IJl: "'[jJl[lumIlIIIDlI, 1 I ..Jillllli.... , \lUlUl. ..1 .1 .1l1ll_.UIl.....~aJ~....Il.1 I II II.. IIII I:, I 'I 1 , L .-1 ~~J.nh~. l.' I' 1..J....---1 :..lj.A-l~g~~>l:i::.... .JIalli!ti 164 ~ Calendar Days D. Initiation of Construction within 30 days ,after award of the contract. \ E. Complete Construction within '365, days after initiation of' construction. Section 2. Be it further resolved, that the City of West University Place understands that the above project schedule must be approved by the Texas Department, of Water Resources'and the Environmental Protection Agency, and that once a project schedule has been, approved,' nO changes will be authorized without first receiving approval of the change from the Texas'Department of Water Resources and the Environmental Protection Agency. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 26th'dayof February, 1979. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that Resolution Number 79-11 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was.recessed at 10:30 p.m~' until 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, February 27, 1979. ATTEST: ~7lL~ ' , , . . '. .. . . " . ~"". ,Mayor ,', " .t:.u ~ Assistant City Secretary ~ .'. . i1 u [J u ~ o Ii) ~ W <C <C n..' u W,. .'f ,. j;.' :1' j: 165 CITY COMMISSION RECESSED MEETING , , February 27, 1979 The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Tuesday, February 27, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Cole, presiding; Commissioners Ahrens, Horne, Maneval and ,Rosenbaum. TheCityMana- ger was also present. Mayor Cole called the meeting to order announcing that the purpose of the meet- ,ing was for consideration of items on the agenda posted for February 26, 1979, which had not been considered by the City Commission at that time. The Commission was advised,thatthe invoice from Langford Engineering, Inc. for engineering services rendered on water well #7:was not in house, and would be included on the agenda for consideration at the next regular meeting of the City Commission on'March 12, 1979. In accordance with instructions of the ,City Commission, City Manager Jim Brc>Wll presented the following recommendation from Director of Public Works David Steitle for purchase of two cab and chassis units and a packer body. I have reviewed the bidder's proposals for cab and chassis units and a packer body for the Public Works Department. The following are recommended low bid purchases of equipment that meet minimum bid requirements: 1. New 1979 Model Sanitation Truck from South Loop Ford Truck Sales, Inc. .......;.$15,363.91 base bid 2. New Packer Garbage Body , from Astro Truck Sales........................~.$7,730.00net bid 3. New 1979 Model Street Truck from Trucks of Texas, Inc.......................$13,277.29 net bid I trust this information will be of assistance. I Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that the base bid of $15,363.91 submitted by South Loop Ford Truck Sales, Inc. for de- livery of a 1979 Ford cab and chassis for the Sanitation Department be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Discussion of the recommendation for purchase of a new GMC cab and chassis for the Street Department on their low bid of $13,277.39 submitted by Trucks of Texas, Inc. indicated that a bid on such unit wa~nQt, read at the meeting of the City Commission on February 12, 1979, when bids were opened and read aloud. Such bid, however, was included in the tabulation in the minutes of the meet- ing inasmuch as tabulations for inclusion in minutes are made from the bids rather than from tabulations made at the bid opening. Additionaldiscussion covered the legality of awarding a contract for a bid not read at an open meet- ing of the Commission, legal position of the bidder inasmuch as the bid had been received and an oversight resulted in its not being read, and the cost dif- ference between the next bid and the low bid submitted by Trucks of Texas, Inc. ~?,~..""w . 'r "1','1 II ~Ll .luum,.... ,. I ~"'1IIl.1rl.~.J~;Jl1I c- j . .,",.... .' I I I .11 I 1!1[1 '1l111IJ[:'r:::iImDllllJ[~lIjl'I"' . .... .,. ..ulll~ l . ,.1 .1 1I11_.U._~aJJL:.l ..11.' I II II.. 1111 I., I I I L. . .~,. .... ~ .' J,~lJiW-~.h.lli.&WlL II I. IJ----l1 II A~~Ji!$,~u,~- - 166 Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded of Trucks of Texas, Inc. be accepted for on their low bid of $13,277.29 by Commissioner Horne, that the bid delivery of a new GMC cab and chassis Voting Aye: Cole Horne ; Maneval , Voting No: Ahrens Rosenbaum Members of the City Commission recommended that consideration be given to the preparation of a more useful, bid tabulation form, that all bids received for delivery of any equipment be double checked to insure proper reading of bids, and that all bidders since ; February 1, 1979, be thanked for submitting a' bid and advised that bidding procedures will, be changed in 'the future. .' Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that the low bid of $7,730.00 submitted by Astro'Truck Sales for delivery of aPak-Mor packer body for use in the Sanitation Department be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. ~7l/M , ' , , 'Mayor ' , ' ATTEST: , ;e\LL ~~ Assistant City Secretary ":'~J;:;'~~ u o n u 167 o REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING March 12, 1979 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, March 12, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Cole, presiding; Commissioners Ahrens,: Horne, Maneval and Rosenbaum. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner' 'Horne. o 1.0 " W <( c:::( CITY COMMISSION MINUTES:. Minutes of'the regular meeting of the City Commission on ,February 26, 1979, and a recessed meeting on February 27 , 1979, were presented to the Cotrim:is'i:don 'for their consideration. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on'February 27, 1979, were presented to the Commission for their consideration. Motion by, Commissioner Maneval~ seconded by Commissioner Horne, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on February 26, 1979, be approved as corrected to show the date Mr. Bruce White appeared before the Tax Board of Equalization as October, 1978, and that minutes of the recessed meeting of the City Commission on February 27, 1979~ be approved as submitted. o Voting Aye: All' Voting No: None HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mr. Vince Hurley, 2804 University, requested that a review be made of the city's health in,8urance by him inasmuch as he had thirty years ex- perience in the field. Mr~ Hurley further requested that the City Manager furnish the necessary data. " Mrs. Lexis Hazlett', 6420 Sewanee, advised the Commission that she had' gotten a permit'for the enclosure of a porch and that a hollow core door had been installed rather than' a solid core door and that only a bath- room type lock had been installed. Mrs. Hazlett also noted that an eight (8') foot fence, had been constructed only a yard f~om her home with an adjacent swim-" I mingpool agairisther living room windows permitting all of the resultant noises from use of the pool to penetrate he:t home. Mr. Jim Cummings,' 3820 BroWning, urequested information regarding plans of the City Commission regarding the tax referendum. Mr. Cummings expressed his concern with a reported pay as you go plan for the construction of a new wastewater treatment facility by a monthly assessment of $5.00 on each,r~sidentialwater'billandexpressed, a'desire'that such plan be Closely compared with a twerity'(20) year bond issue. o Mr. Jerry Kerbow, 2630 Urii versJ:ty Boulevard ; noted that a resident paying a monthly fee would receive no' credit' on his taxes whereas payment of taxes is deductible from income taxes. Mr. ,M. P. Sims, 6632 Mercer; stated 'that he had not received information regarding the status of Amendment :land Amendment 2 which had been approved by voters and what had been done. .."""'...-........-..... . lUlU: ___.. ___ .. .1.1 ,lll._aUmIlllUUJIU ..lI! I II II. .,Ilil :1,. I 'I I: L . -.JJIWJllll-l L.JL,~I.;' ILl IJ y l.rJA-M.<., .<b,d~."'"''>"'''.''''''''''~ '_I ~ .j 168 . In response to a request by Mayor Cole, City Attorney David Allums reviewed the contents of'his opinion previously furnished the City Commission that the two ame~dments were in conflict with state statutes and that passage of an enabling ordinance by the City Commission would not be legal. Mr. Allums stated that he was in the process of re- searching alternatives that could he 'used by the Commission. Mr. Charles Evans, 6131 Lake, advised the Commission that he had not received a response, regarding his previous appearance before the Commission to request a variance from requirements that each single- family dwelling be required to have two (2) off-street parking spaces. City Manag~r Jim Brown advised Mr. Evans that a field visit had been made to his residence and that,he would, be advised regarding his re- quest as soon as background information could be developed. In response~to a qtiest;lon by Mr.~Tom Browder, 6352 Buffalo Speedway, City Attorney David Allums advised that he was currently documenting with legal cases the tax amendment question for the City Commission and that such, documentation should be complete within the next few .weeks. Mr. W. L. Partridge, 4040 Ruskin, asked whether or not motorcycles were permitted to drive on sidewalks, noting ,that: some drivers were using driveways and sidewalks to get around the cul-de~saclocated at Academy and Ruskin. Mayor Cole instructed that the Police Department be instructed to investigate the situation. Mr. Partridge again advised the Commission that there were too ~any loose dogs running around. Mayor Cole advised that in response to' the, concern of Mr. Cummings re- garding adding a monthly fee of $5.00 to each water bill to generate funds prior to the construction of uhenew wastewater treatment facility that such thought was to accumlate funds that would be available at the time "they would be, required, but that it was on1.Y one thought for financ- ing the plant. Mr. Cummings agreed to provide the Conuni,ssion with costs for financing of the plant construction with bond funds. REQUEST FOR THE, CHANGE OF SECTION 15-2 (g) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES; Mr. Mike Lee, 4104 Cason;hp.d,requeste9. permission to appear before the Commission to present a reques~ Tor the change of Section 15-2(g) of,the Code of Ordinances which provides that the erection, demolition, alteration or repair of any, building be performed only, ,between the hours of 7: 00 a. m. and 6:00,p.m. on any day other than Sunday, which is excluded in its entirety., Mr. Lee noted that this particular provision of the Code of Ordinances had been violated ,many ' times over ~ very long period of. ,time, by other residents who worked full-time and warttedto make repairs, additions, etc. to their homes during ,the hours ,that were available to them. Attention to the Com- : mission, was directed to a provision in the, Code that prohibited loud noise only between the hours of 11 :00 p.m. and 7,: 00 a.m. Mayor Cole, noted that many of the pers.ons" in attendance at the meeting were in support of Mr. Lee's request :and requested that, such persons ,respond to u ,0 [j 169 n the question. Discussion developed many who were concerned with lack of adequate inspection of work performed during non-working hours of members of thelnspectiori~~p~~tment;violations that had occurre4rover the years that were, not stopped 'because no complaints had been registered; the prohibi- tion of painting~ correcting water/sewer related:problems and none noise pro- ducing activities only because they related to building repair, remodeling, etc. o Ln " W <C <( The City Manager was instructed to secure from affected city department heads their recommendations and/or objections to an amendment to 'the Code and pre- sent such information to the Commission:by Friday; March 16th 'for further study at a workshop session on Monday, March 19th. Mayor Cole invited all those in attendance to attend the workshop session. ENGINEERING SERVICES, WATER WELL NO.7: The Commission was presented an invoice in the amount of $1,422.43 submitted by Langford Engineering; Inc. for pro- fessional serVices' rendered on the"design of : water well /17 and the design of the twelve (12") inch water transmission: line. ' 'In response to a question by Commissioner Ahrens regarding whether or not the plans for the proposed water well would be'just as valuahle, and pertinent two or'three years from now, City Engineer David Steitle responded that it was his belief' that they would be valid for two or three years at the most. o Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by ConnnissionerAhrens, that the invoice submitted by Langford Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $1,422.43 be approved for payment. Voting ,-Aye: All' ,Voting No: ,None 12" WATER LINE REPAIRS: An invoice in the amount of $12,069.12 submitted by Brown & Root, Inc. ,:for repairs made to a twelve (12")" inch water'line at Shell Development Company which is the site of one of the city's elevated water towers" was" presented to the,' Commission for consideration; It was noted that a rupture had occurred in the line resulting in considerable damage to surrounding Shell Development Company property. An agreement was entered into with Brown & Root on an emergency basis for repairs on a cost plus basis. In response to ,a-question regarding receipt aLa letter from Shell Development Compariy that they are satisfied with the repairs~ Mayor Cole was advised that a verbal assurance had been received that they were satis- fied with the work~ but not with the interruption to their operation. Motion by Commissioner Horne" se,conded by Commissioner, Maneval, that an invoice submitted:by"Brown &, Root" Inc~ for -repair~ made to a 12" water line be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting NQ: None n WATER TREATMENT FACILITY REPAIRS: Invoices received from A. 'n T. Armature Works total'$1~600 for repairs to a 10h:p. ,lift station, motor at the College Court lift plant and a 50 h.p. booster pump at, the Milton Street Water Plant were presented for consideration. n:ft~"llf~...,!~' t1Wtl n " I. ' 1F1l:ft!1\I1I ~n namUlIIll [" ., I I' 'II I! I ):1(" ,. nIl I ill.. l'11IDlillllBll1..IITi' I -T , .!rrnrr .. ..lUlllll .J . I 1I1"1~..UlIIIIII!IUj ILl. . II: I Ill., . Jill! I I I L JHWJ.1. illl.1I .., 11 I I,J u ..,.... _' ~ .....,.___I~~..J...-+.. 170 Motion by Commissioner Maneval,secoridedby Commissioner Horne, that invoices totaling $1,600 submitted, by A.'n T. Armature Works for re- pairs to a lift station motor and' booster pump be approved, for pay-:- men t . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None SANITARY LANDFILL SOIL BORINGS AND~LABORATORY'TESTS: ,Ariinvoicein the amount or $4 ~ 694.59 submitted by NationaLSoil Services, Inc. for soil borings and laboratory tests. at the sanitary landfill in accordance with re- quirements of the Texas Department of Health was, presented for considera- tion. Discussionbymembers'of the Commission indicated that charges for travel were reasonable and that the contract with National Soil Services, Inc. was approximately fifty percent complete. Motion by CommissionerAhrens~'Becondedby Commissioner Maneval, that the invoice from National Soil Services, Inc~,in'the amount of $4,694.59, be approved for payment. Voting' Aye:H All Voting No: None n DESIGNATION OF BANKING INSTITUTIONS AS DEPOSITORY ,FOR CITY FUNDS: 'City Manager Jim Brown requested that this ltem be deferred until the regular Commission Dr meeting on March 26th and he be authorized tore-advertise for proposals from local banking institutions for designation as bank depositories. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that , the City' Manager be authorized to advertise for proposals ,from local banking institutions for designation as bank depositories, with such proposals to be received by the City Manager on March 26, 1979. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None WEST UNIVERSITY POLICE RESERVE UNIT: Commissioner Horne advised those in atten- dance that the current'Police Reserve Unit came into existence by amotiqn by the previous City Commission, on November 13, 1978. Motion by Commissioner Horne~ seconded by, Commissioner Rosenbaum, that the Police Reserve Unit as established by the City Commission on November 13, 1978, be dissolved' effective on March' 12, 1979', and that all matters relat- into to the Police Reserve Unit, including the return of all equipment; name of the Reserve Unit be relinquished through the office of the Secretary of State; and any other items regarding the Police Reserve be dissolved. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None DEPUTY CLERK OF THE MUNICIPAL COURT: Resolution Number 79-12 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, Sharon Whanger, employed as Assistant Municipal Court Clerk, and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has resigned her position with the city; and n n o IS) oM W <.( <( o n 171 WHEREAS, Rhonda Grichuk has b~en employed as Assistant Munici- pal Court Cle~ls."and is qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BEIT,RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF: WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That RhondaGrichuk be, and she is hereby appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, , Texas. Section 2. That the appointment of Rhonda Grichuk as Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that she shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerk after having been administered the' proper Oath of Office. PASSED AND APPROVED this , 1979. day of Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that Resolu- tion Number 79~12 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ASPHALT EMULSION FOR STREET REPAIRS: Director of Public Works David Steitle pre- sented a request for authorization to advertise for bids for delivery of 50,000 gallons of asphalt emulsion to be used: by the Street 'Department in its street repair program. Motion by Cotiunissioner,Ahrens, seconded by,ConnnissionerHorne, that the City Manager be authorized to' adver,tise for bids for deliv~ry of 50,000 tons of asphalt emulsion, with bids to be received by the City Commission on April 9, 1979. Voting Aye: All Voting No:, None BELLAlRE BOULEVARD WATER LINE: Further consideration of the construction of a 10" water line on BellaireB:oulevard'included discussion. regarding ,the increase in water availability by thelo'cation and opening oJ valves, found in various areas of the city; the requirements of the State Board of Insurance and State Depart- ment of Health that a miliimumo'f1500 gall'ons of water be delivered through a water line for fire service; the lack of value by the construction of Phase I of the p':toJe,ct without: a 'commitment for construction of Phase II; the thirty (30) day limit on the low bid submitted by Brown & Root, Inc.'; and the advis- ability of declining the bid,S and readvertise the project at a later date. Motion by ,Commissioner RosenbauIil" seconded 'by Commissioner Horne, that all bids received for the construction of a ten (l0") inch water line on Bellaire Boule- vard rejected. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The City Manager was instructed to correspond ,with each of' the bidders to ex- press appreciation for their :bid and request that tneybid again .when the pro- ject is re-advertised. ~ "..,,\-,,I-l'.~' II... J-----'-' <'~III~~rtl!ll1~lr'- '., .. II ] I I .I~[ _ '[J[ID~"""II' I' I.' . ilillllll",i'h .:;'1:'-.,' ~ I 'I' 11111 . I I 1,111 u J1.m~' "UIl_au.UlUDJItlJ.....I1 IJ II . 111"1 I I L .,..,..... I ~ IJhUr.ii...IJ~"JJ~ LLI' 1.J_! '.y"":,,,-.j', ~h~-l"'->-li"'--"~-'f'... . j - 172 LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums advised the Commission that he was work- ing on the two suits turned over to him by former City Attorney Charles Cock- rell and that there-were a number of bills pending before the Legislature 'that affected cities. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: City Manager Jim Brown advised the Commission that the air conditioning sys'tein at the Library had malfunctioned because of several leaks in the coil of the condensor unit and that proposals for repair or replacement had been received from Bellaire Air Condition- ing Company and Air Temp, Inc. as follows:, Bellaire Air Conditioning Repair 950.00 Replace 2,100.00 Air Temp, Inc.. Repair. 950.00 Replace 1" 788.00 Motion' bY' ,Commissioner 'Maneval, seconded by, .Cbmmis.sioner,Horne,. that the City Manager be authorized to request additional quotations for replace- ment of the condensor unit on the Library air conditioning system and to accept the low bid not to exceed the currently received low bid of $1,788.00. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None CONCERNS OF THE CiTY COMMISSION: Commissioner Maneval requested information regarding receipt of an information brochure that the City Manager stated would be made'available to the CoriunissioIi. 'Commissioner Ahrens was advised, that resumption of an annual pickup of heavy items not included in those picked up regularly by the Sanitation Department was difficult because of the lack of proper equipment and · personnel. The City Manager suggested that he' con,tact the County Com- missioner to'cletermine the availability:nf large, trucks for such use. Commissioner Ahrens announced that the annual West University Elementary School PTA Home Tour would be held on April 29th and that he would ad- vise tihe addresses of the homes on the tour inasmuch as some were on narrow streets and might require traffic control by the Police Department. Mayor Cole announced up-coming riLee,tingsof the 'Zoning and Planning Commis- sion and worksho~sessions to be helQ'by the City Commission. . Mayor Cole presented the following Proclamation: WHEREAS" our nation's greatest asset is the welfare and health of its people; and WHEREAS, cancer is a family of diseases characterized by ab- normal growth and spread of cells; and WHEREAS, cancer can strike anyone at any age, ,and millions of Americans now living will eventually have cancer; and WHEREAS, new findings by cancer research teams under grants from the AInerican Cancer Society are reporting progress in'i,-reaching their goals of finding what causes cancer; new ways to cure it; means to prevent it; and alleviate pain and suffering; and u [] lJ n o LD ~ W <:C <( o n .' WHEREAS, in recognition of the fight against cancer which has been made in research laboratory, hospital, doctor's office and public attitude. L' 'i 17'3 NOW, THEREFORE, I, James M. Cole, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of West University Place, in the State of Texas, do hereby proclaim the week of March 25 through March 31, 1979, as NATIONAL CANCER WEEK in the City of West University Place, Texas, and urge all citizens to join in the fight to cure cancer. IN, WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of West University Place, Texas, to be affixed at West University this 12th day of March, 1979. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. :a~~~~~??r' &tR, _ ~ Mayor ' ATTEST: ~p~ Assis arit City Secretary l"& ~<l,"'l . <r ~i" III II ,----n ~iBUlLr' 'r- -1 "II 11 111....[j][lllIIIIIIm.11I i I ".., "'I J Ii I II n. I' Jl r IIlIlIB ' .... .IUULI.. ..1..1 ,.11____IUIIUUJ!l:.:.l ..111 I II II , Ill" I, I 'I i L,.. _,,., .-1IIW-i.dJ."U,Il!~, II IJ_I I.Y ~..; l:1~)";"l\l'.~ '~~.~. 174 REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING March 26, 1979 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, March 26, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Cole, presiding: Com- missioners Ahrens, Horne, Maneval and Rosenbaum. The ,City Attorney and City Manager were also present~ ' The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Maneval. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on March 12, 1979, were presented to the Commission for their consideration. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by, Commissioner Rosenbaum, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on March 12, 1979, be corrected to show the correct spelling for the-word Society and approved as corrected. Voting Aye: ' All Voting No: None HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mrs. Margaret Holloweii, 4016:Swarthmore, advised the Commis- sion that there were no basketball playing facilities at Colonial Park; that, there was a need for safe playground equipment especially for toddlers; that benches were needed to provide seating space for adults who bring children to the park; and that a low fence was needed around the play area to prevent small children from going into the street. Mrs. Dorothy Rieger, 6516 Brompton, requested that a regular schedule be worked out for trash pickup inasmuch as limbs, etc. sometime remain on the curb for a while before being picked up. City Manager Jim Brown responded that with only one chipper, one truck and one employee it was difficult to keep up with the citizen request during this particular time of year, but that an attempt would be made to advise residents of the approximate time that would be required to fulfill their request. Mr. John Janes, 6110 Annapolis, asked if it was customary for employees of the Sanitation Department to try to collect garbage privately if a resident will pay for such service. In response to Mr. Janes, City Manager Jim Brown, ad- vised that he would like to have any person receiving such solicitation to call him. In response to Mr. Ferd Rieger's question regarding changes in the pickup sche- dule for recyclable material, Commissioner Horne asked if the next issue of the City Currents could include an article on recycling. Mayor Cole noted that a news release published in the Argus and Chronicle could include an article on recycling. Mrs. Alyne Gouge, 4131 Darthmouth, noted that it was disheartening to residents who went to the trouble to correctly prepare material to be recycled and then to watch the employees of the Sanitation Department pitc9 it in the trucks with wet garbage. Mr. Charles Evans, 6131 Lake, advised the Commission that he would like to again inquire about the status of his request of February 26th regarding each residence being required to have two off-street parking spaces. The City Manager advised that he had dictated a memorandum to members of the ,Commission on this request, and that no precedent had been found where such a request had u [ u o o to ~ W <( <t o o IH '175 ever been granted. It was the decision of the City Commission that Mr. Evan's re- quest be considered at a City Commission workshop session on Wednesday, March 28th. Mayor Cole asked the City Manager when members of the Commission would be furnished nice colored zoning maps they were to receive. Mayor Cole also requested that Building InspedorWayne, Perry 'be requested to attend the meet- ing on Wednesday. It was noted that City Attorney David Allums and Mr. Evans would not be 'available for the meeting. Mr. J. D. Woodson, 3025' Tennyson, advised the Commission that two things he personally wanted were 1) a progress report and 2) a position report. Mr. Woodson stated that he would speak only ingEmeralities, but he" wanted to know what the Commission had done and what ,their posit'ion is for the next twenty-two months. ' Mr. Woodson noted that each week ,he hears o'fthings happening at the City Hall arid wo~dered if such things are a result.of,what the Commission is doing, is not doing, or a conspiracy of other people, such things including resignations, changes in attilitudes and precarious pos~tion of city employees. Mr. Woodson referred numerous times to the election of' the City Commission by members of the Property Owners' Association and cross-over members of the West University Party.,. Mr. Woodson specifically asked ,if the Commission intended to follow the tenets established by those persons electing them as members of the City Commission. ,Mayor Cole responded to Mr. Woodson by pointing out that no member of the .com- mission had previously been affiliated with city government and that there were many pressing problems that faced the, Commission; that ,the Commission was trying to figure out if city employees'werequalified' for the, positions they are in; trying to find out where they are and where they are going;,' and that they had spent a lot of time trying to chase down rumors and insinuations to determine if they were true or false. Mayor Cole then requested and passed out to those in attendance copies of the last issue of the' City Currents'noting accomplishments of the City Commission since takingoffice~,on Jamiary29, 1979,. Mayor Cole announced that City Engineer David Steitle had resigned as Director of Public Works to take a posi tionwith WalterP. Moore: & Associates as, ,the assistant to Jerry King, traffic consultant, who was also a good friend. Mayor Cole noted that this was a pr'omotion for Mr. Steitle and a ,position he would probably have accepted had there been no change in administration. In response to Mr.. Woodson's comment regarding the police Department being a political football, Mayor Cole stated that Ordinance Number 1132 providing for the re-organization of the city's staff, and Ordinance Number 1133 adopting a Personnel Policies and Procedure Manual were approved by the previous City Com- mission. Mrs. Alyne Gouge, 4131 Darthmouth, expressed her appreciation to the Commission for theLr ability to make their own decisions, adding that no one could be guaranteed a high morale. Mr. Jim Cummings, 3820 Browning, advised the Commission that he had prepared some figures indicating that financing of the construction of a new wastewater treatment facility with bond funds would cost each residence $1.79 per month s compared to the proposed $6.50 per month "pay back" plan. Mr. Cummings ,~",... ,,,-,-,,,. 1_- II. 1~1 "~_I"'~f~_I_If-r- ~ ~!LlJ' ". .Li.......L-..LiJ... ..11 ] I I ,11" '!:]I[8Ii1111Ji[IIII..:IIII . ,." . .., _._n .'n . tiWlI: "1.. . _.. .' 111111:. ~_ ._ .... ...1. I I 1111I__.. UIBIIaJIl!.:J. ...11.:1 I I I II.. ,1111! 1,1, ..111: i 11'1 1 [L ' "I I JJlI\IIllWliWllilL~. III I' II 11"."".."<>......."''';'.-<''"''' 176 ~'t;.l!.~~ stated that the new plant would benefit residents for many years and it was his belief that: it would be fair for those using the facilities to pay for them over U a twenty-year period rather than R'pay-back plan oL three (3) years. Mayor Cole noted cost differential in interest and premium if the plant were paid for in three years. Mr. Jerry Kerbow, 2630: University, referred to his previous appearance before the Commission to discuss construction of a ten (10") inch_water line on Bellaire Boulevard, stating that it was ,his understanding that three methods of financing construction had been presented to the Commission in workshop session. Mayor' Cole: stated that the project could be fUrided with funds set aside for drilling of water well, fl7'which had,tobe dotie;'use of Charter Funds which would have to be paid'bRckduritigthe next budget year; or the use of funds set aside for'emergency repairs. In response to a question by Mr. John Janes regarding the possibility of the city getting lower fireirisurarrce rates inasmuch as those in the City of Houston were to be lowered, Mayor Cole: stated that the City of West University Place now had the lowest fire rate allowed by the' State Board of Insurance. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS .TO SERVE ON,: THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD: missio'ner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum~ that the on the Amended Agend',a or, the City Cominission be considered at Motion by Com-' item appearing this time.,' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 79""'"13 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, it ,is the obligation of the City Commission, pursuant to provisions of the City 'Charter and Ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members :to various boards'; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and ,members of the City 'Commission have con- tactedand interviewed numerous qualified citizens to serve on the Parks and Recreation Board of the City of West University Place; and WHEREAS, certainp:ersonshaveiindicateda desire and willingness to Serve as members of the 'Parks and Recreation Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY'PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the following persons be appoii:1tedto serve as members of the Parks and Recreation Board: AlexPancheri, 6601 Westchester, Chairman Susan Christ, 4102 Southwestern, Vice-Chairman James B. Council, 6.327 Belmont Audrey Langley, 4226 Oberlin ThomasM. Thompson, Jr. 2729 Centenary Nancy Tucker, 2903 University Mary Wilkinson, 2710 Sunset o u 177 D 2. That the persons hereby , Board shall .serve until'thenext COmmlssion, and thereafter until successors. app'ointed to the Parks and, Re;creation regular general City Election of the City the appointment. and qualificationbf their ; ; PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by-Commissioner 'Horne, that Resolution Nutpber 79-13 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o in ~ W <C <:( Mayor Cole administered the Oath of'Office to each of 'those persons appointed members of the Parks and REcreation Board. DESIGNATION OF OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES: In accordance with previous action of the City Commission proposals for designation as depositories of city funds were read from the following hankiriginstitut:ions:, o Chemical Bank Fannin Bank First National Bank of"Wes't University Houston Southwest Mercantile Bank Texas Commerce Medical Center Bank University State Bank: Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that this item be deferred until the recessed meeting. .oL the City Commission on Wednesday, March 28, 1979, in order to receive a report of staff members. Voting Aye: All Voting No :" None REOUEST FOR CHANGE OF SECTION 15 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES: Mayor Cole ascertained that each person in the audience had a copy of a draft ordinance prepared by City Attorney David Allums for amendment" of Section 15 of the Code of Ordinance regulating noise within the city. A considerable ,length of tiinewasspen,t,,bymembers of the City Commission and those in attendance at the meeting reviewing Section 15,.;..1 and 15-2 of the draft. Subsequent to numerous requests from those in the audience for the addition, de- letion, and changes to certain words and phrases in the draft, Mayor Cole stated that the city would never have a Code of Ordinances that would satisfy every citizen in the city. o Mr. G. J. Volcklandt, 4119 Ruskin, stated that his only interest in the draft was Section (g) regarding construction inasmuch as he had filed a complaint against Mr. Mike Lee, 4104 Cason, and it was his belief that residents should not have to listen to construction noise after six p.m. and' certainly not at all on Sunday. 'Mayor Cole responded'thatthe'compalint filed by Mr. Volcklandt was the first ,filed in the city for ten (10) years even through most residents had been guilty of vi olati rig provisions of the ordinance. ~ ;.Illlli:,. .. _ ..1 I ;JJ---:-:DIID~:J['J..'.lr.i .1 I 1 ll.. J!I.I I I 1.1111 I. I II L.:_ .;..1..1. J---"'U LL-'--'-- 11 r'~w.~>~"""""_1 ..}",~I~J'll 178 Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that further consideration ,of Item 4 on the City Commission agenda regarding amendment of the Codeof'Ordinances to 'change the noise regulations in the 'city, be deferred until there'cessed meeting of the City .commission on Wednesday,' March 28th. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None [J , " SUPPLEMENT TO CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE CODE OF ORDINANCES: The Commission was pre'sented an invoice in'the' amount of $578 .33,. submitted by the Municipal Code Corporation for the preparation of Supplement No. 16 to the city's Code of Ordinances. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that the in- voice in the 'amount of $578.33, subnUt'ted by Municipal 'Code Gorporation be approved for payment. Voting Aye: ."All Voting No: None APPOINTMENT OF MUNICIPAL COURT CLERK: Resolution'Number }9-14 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, Pamela Carroll, employed as a Police Dispatcher and appointed as a Deputy Clerk o:f.;the: Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has resigned her position with the city; and WHEREAS, Pat Kerekeshhas begnemploy~d as a Police Dispatcher and is qualified to assume the duties of'DgputyGlerk of the Municipal Court. o NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED':BYTHE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS:,' SectionL That Pat Kerekesh be, and she is hereby, appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, , ,Texas. Section 2. That ,the appointment of 'Pat Kerekesh as Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that she shall assume ,the'assigned duties of'Deputy'Clerkafterhaving been administered the proper Oath of Office. PASSED AND APPROVED this ',day of , ' , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that Resolu- tion Number 79-14 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: ,None MUNICIPAL COURT ASSOCIATE JUDGES AND PROSECUTORS : ,: :l'he current appointment. of ,.Asse- ciate Judges Micha:l Schneideran~Terry Collins and AssociatePros:cu~ors Thomau~ TaylorandBetsyR~ce Colemanexp~re on March 26, 1979 and the Comm~ss~on was advised that in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter re-appoint- ments were required each sixty-day period. , u o U1 '\-I W <( <:( o ~ l, 179 Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum that Associate Judges Michael Sch~ei~er an~Terry Collins andAssociat~fFosecutors Thomas Taylor and Betsy Rice Coleman be re-appointed to serve the Municipal Court for an additional sixty-day pe:dod;and that sometime within the next thirty days the Municipal Court Judge be invited to meet with the City Commission in workshop session to report on changes he: has made in the Court, the affect of the Speedy Trial Act being changed from thirty days to sixty days, and his continued need 'of Associate Judges and Prosecutors. Voting Aye : All Voting' No: None VAN FOR USE AS BACKUP AMBULANCE: The COIIlIllission was advised that members of the Fire Department had completedinstallation oIail' equipment in the new van for use'as an ambulance and that an invoice in-the amount of $6,209.84 had been received from Jack Roacli Ford for: delivery" of the unit.' Mayor Cole ad- vised each member of the Commission'to stop by the Department ami inspect the completedtinit; noting that an outstanding job had be'en done by the Department. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissloner Rosenbaum, that subject to the Fire Chief's initials on the invoice, that' the invoice received from Jack Roach Ford in theainount of $6;209.84 be approved"for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None LEGAL SERVICES RENDERED BY FORMER CITY ATTORNEY CHARLES COCKRELL: TheCommission was pres,ented an invoice in the amount of $750.0.0- submitted by former City Attorney Charles Cockrell for legal services rendered in 1978 on a case which , had subsequently been turned over to City Attorney David -Allums'. Motion by Commissioner Rosenbaum, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that an in- void~ in the amount of $750.00 receivedfroni former: City'Attorney Charles Cock- rell be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All 'Voting No: None "WALK FOR ISRAEL DAY": Mayor Cole presented the following Proclamation: WHEREAS, April 8;1979, is the day of the Third Annual "Walk for Israel"; and WHEREAS, hundredsof walkers 'involved will be covering a course which measures approximately twenty (20) miles; and WHEREAS, the walkers who wish will be securing sponsors who will be donating to the Israel'Emergency Fund of the United States Jewish Cam- J?aign based upon how many miles the walker completed; and WHEREAS, all funds raised by the Israel Emergency Fund help support humanitarian programs in Israel which meet needs for better health care, improved housing.and strenghtened educational programs; and WHEREAS~ the entire walk is being planned by teen-agers who have been selected from twenty-two youth groups in the Houston Area. ,-~. ..~---r'~::! II_LL__[;:-::-:~I. ,LJ=---n .If.IIMlll:il,;llllr- .'[ j' ;'-j I ~-L........L_~...L.~_--------LI" , II I 1 I III :ulilUm--.l[ I I' ':i1IIllI:, .....;.Ullll;. .1 n'U.........I..UDDJ11UJ .. .'ILI .1 I 1 ll.. ,III'[ I I I';, I. I l~' 'I 1 L .1. ,_. -1~IHJ.WlllIilII~ Ii 'I I I '--':1 'II ~Aw.:.,lii~_""..AtiU'.i.~"""'''- 180 NOW, THEREFORE, I, James M. Cole, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of West UniversH:y Place, in the State of Texas" do hereby proclaim the" date of-April 8; 1979,: as WALK: FOR, ISRAEL DAY in the City of West University Place, Texas,"and-urge all citizens to support this program.' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of West University Place, Texas to be affixed at West University this 26th day of March, 1979. LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney'David Al1:ums requ,estedthat a notice be included in the next issue of the CityCJ.lrr~nts and-in awe~kly-news release advising. citizens that their taxes may: be render,ed tl1rougl1 April 30th. Mr. Allums< noted that in- : eluded should be ,a request' that: the: taxpayer present a property description, " owner of the property and the value to be placed: on the property., CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: City Manager Jim Brown adyisedthe city's application'to the Texas Water Resources for funding 'of ,a watewater treatment facility should go to the Environmental Protection Agency for certification, subsequent to which the engineer will begin design for the construction phase of the project. Mr. Brown advised the Commission that a sewer line had collapsed between Fairmont and Judson and that it had been necessary to lease a by~pass pump to move the sewage a block to the lift station. Mr. Brown reviewed a bill proposed by S~nator Bill Meir of Euless whereby the 1~ sales tax would be divided by municipalities on a per capita basis rather than where ,the' tax was generated. Mr. Brown noted losses by major cities and gains that would be 'realized by smaller municipalities in event such legislation should pass. CONCERNS OF THE CITY COMMISSION: Member of the City Commission did not have an;y concerns at this time. ZONING & PLANNING COMMISSION MTmTTRS: Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning & Planning Commission on March 13, 1979, were presented to the Connnission for their information. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on March 21, 1979, were presented to the Commission for their information. With no further business to come before the Commission -at this time, upon motion duly ,made, seconded and carried the meeting was recessed until 7:30 p.m. on Wednes- day, March 28, 1979. .~. ~ ' '?It' ':' ' ,I" , ' ' ' , "Mayor ' ATTEST: ,;e~ azf&Jv~ Assistant City' Secretary """, ~.1::J u o n n o LD ~ W <( <::( o n 181 RECESSED CITY COMMISSION MEETING March 28, 1979 The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Wednesday, March 28, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Cole, presiding; Commissioners Ahrens, Horne" Maneval' and Rosenbaum. ' The City Mana,ger was also present. Mayor, Cole announced that, the purpose of the meet:i.p.g was for the consideration of Items 113 and 114 from the posted,(lgenda for the regular meeting of the City Commission on March 26, 1979., City Manager Jim Brown advised the Commission that, the two banks determined to, have submitted the most advantageous proposals to serv~ as city depository had been Chemical Bank Cindthe First Na,tional'Bank of West~ University Place, with Chemical Bank quoting the best rates on short term loans.' The City Treasurer RobbieBar~ett, in response to a question by Commissioner Ahrens, gave the following reasons for elimination,of the other banks. Fannin Bank - Did not submit a proposal Houston Southwest Bank - Interest on Certificates of Depos~ts was less than o:t;:hertwobanks, and interest quotedon.lo:a.ns was higher Mercantile Bank of Houston - Will charge the city for necessary checks Texas Commerce Medical Bank - Interest rate of 8% and 8.5% below other two banks Universi~y State Bank - Provided for no short term: Certificates of Deposit , investment, Mr. Barnett explained that th~ proposal from Chemical Bank iIldicat~da illlnlmum interest rate on Certificates of Deposit over $100',000 as 9'.17% with First National of West University Place quoting a rate of 9.1725% andeach'bank quoted 5% interest on savings. Subsequent to noting that each bank had submitted equal proposals, other than interest charges on short-term loans, Mr. Barnett listed the following proposals: Interest ,First National Chemical $50,000 for 30 days $100,000 for 30 days $ $ , 333.33 764.17 208.20 764.38 Loans $500,000 for,3 years $1;000,000 for 5 years 86 , ~50. 00 287',500.0,0 50,897.22 150,258.33 Mr. Bill Githins .of First National Bank of W~stU~iversity Place and Mr. Fred Allen of Chemical Bank each reviewed proposals submitted by their banks. Motion, by Connnissioner Ahrens, seconded by Conunissioner Horne, that the City Commission accept the proposal submitte4~y Chemical Bank to serVe as depository for city funds. Jr,_ r.---.,. ,..~ .......~" '" ,,,,,,,,rvoo. r--. . .. 11 1 ,:I:I.l: .-rnnrn_____rr: I ',T.llun" ... ----:L..~ -L------.l..........:....lLll_ "LI. I "U._....-'OUJIIt.:.l.'.JI;I.1 I Ill. IIII I L .,._...._ ..~, ..... .-J JlUlti:,;J,;'IH,ill';'..l1ia... L' I..!---:J 'I II., ;W":',P;''':,h Idl{;.~i--'-- -.......--i;".'-L. "':'...,.A:.,J 182 Voting Aye: All Voting No: None u Prior to consideration of changes-desired in the prOV1Slons of the Code of Ordi- nances regulating noise within the city, Commissioner Horne:requested that citizens keep their comments brief and as,non-connnittal as possible. Mrs. AlyneGouge, 4131 Dartmouth, stated that it appear~d, that the question that brought the subject to the attention of the Commission was a request that consideration he given to the hours for construction. Items discussed, included the pra:ctice ,of- residents to violate provisions of the present' regulations; problems that might he created; possible incltlsions of a distance or decible provision; and enforcement provisions. Mayor Cole,pointed o:ut, that S~ction (g) proh,ibited the act, rather than therioise generated by such a,ct and recommended that such Section be .changed to read, "The creation of a loudaud excessive noise in corinectio~ with the erection (including excavation), etc." ' Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that, the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance amending Section 15-2 of the Code of O~dinances to read as follows: (g) The creation of a lo:ud ande){cessive noi~ in connection with th~ erectio~(including e){cavatlon), deinolition,alteration or repair of any building in a residentiaL or busin~,ss district other than between the hours of 7:00a.m. and 9:00 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, . W,ednes4ay, ,Thursday, Friday~d Saturday, and froin ' 12:00 noon and 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, except in case of ur,gent necessity in the interest of public safety, and then only with a permit from the City Commission, which permit may, be renewed fora period of three (3) days or less while the ~mergency continues: ' o Section' 15.7 Violp.tioIl - A Misdemeanor Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdeme~or and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in an amount not exceeing $200.00. Each day such violation is committed or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such hereunder. Section 15.8. Manner of Enforcement Violations of this ordinance shall be prosecuted in the same manner as other misdemeanor violations of the City's code; provided, however, that in the event of violation of this Chapter, a written notice of intention to pros~cu~ewill be given the alleged violator not less than (3) calendar days prior to the, issuance of a misdemeanor complaint. No complaint shall be issued in the event the cause of the violp.tion i~ re~oved, the condition abated or fully corrected within su'ch thr~e (3) day period. In the event the alleged violator cannot be located in order to serve the notice of intention to prose- u n o LD -n W <:C c:::c o n ~w,. ":!' :~ '. 183 cute, the notice as required herein shall be deemed to be given upon mailing such notice by registered or certified mail to the alleged violator at his last known address or at the place where the violation occurred, in which event the three (3)"day period shall:,aommence at the date of the day following the mailing of such notice. Section 15-9. Additional Remedy - Injunction As an additional remedy, the operation or maintenance of any activity, device, instrument, vehicle or machinery in violation of any provision hereof and which causes discomfort or annoyance to reasonable persons of normal sensitiveness or which endangers thecomfo,rt,repose, health .or peace of residents in the area shall be de~med; and is declared 'to be a public nuisance and may be subject to abatement summarily'by a re- straining order or injunction issued by a court of competent jurisdiction. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. ~~:>>t~.~ , , 'Mayor" , , .. . - . .' ATTEST: Ascti:n{ L~ie~~ ~ _.;;r;""1mf ,': }"I\:!J.' ('"II I l-n IHmrl iHI.HIrmmn.- .. ,III I I III ,I . 11 1 1 I 111' .. rTillrHIIIIII._.rr I 'ilmn',' .;,Il111l1 :,jj.-----llJlIliL! 'ill!l l!l. 111;l I I ,I I I L_ .:.. ..:LL._ .t ~..J.~LUU.1LiWtit...1 l!_J I' I. ! I JI ~1.~H1;:;;,,~ ',~.ilko" A-P ~.i-....!~~ 184 REGULAR CITY COMMISSTONMEETING April 9,"1979' lJ The City Commission convened in regular sessionilt the City Hall on Monday, April 9, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Cole, presiding, Com- missioners Ahrens, Horne, Maneval and Roseilbaum. The City Attorney and City Mana- ger were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by ConnnissionerRosenbaum. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES: Minutes 'Of the regular meeting of the City Connnission on March 26, 1979 ~ and a recessed meeting 'On March'2R; 19.79 ; were presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Rosenbaum, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that action on minutes of the regular meeting of the City Conmiission on Match 26, 1979, and a recessed meeting on March 28, 1979, be delayed until later in the meeting. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mr. V. J. Lobue, 3928 Coleridge, stated that there seemed to be a lot of harassment and not much decorum at the meetings of the City Commis- sion by persons who are professional harassment people and that it was his be- lief that questions should be limited to three, and not more than five minutes7 and that people not be permit~ed to hold private meetings just outside the Com- mission Chamber when a meeting is being held. Mr. Lobue also stated that he had received a complaint from Mrs. Rosemary Minard, 2639 Pemberton, regarding recycling material that was not being collected and that she had been advised that the Sanitation Department was operating with one less truck and six man crew, therefore, they were unable to collect every- thing that was put out by residents. o Mayor Cole explained to Mr. Lobue that as a result of pretty weather most resi- dents were doing a lot of work in their yards and there was no way the city could keep up with the current demand. PETITION AGAINST CHANC::F. OF ~F.C:'T'TON 1 'i, r.onF. OF ORnTNANr.F.~" The City Connnission was presented the following petition: We the undersigned property owners and residents of West University Place in the immediate vicinity of 4104 Cason Street, which residence is in the process of being rebuilt, hereby voice our objection to the change of Section 15 of the Code of Ordinances, Paragraph G. Since said ordinance af- fects &ll-residents of WUP 1, and since no emergency exists necessitating the rebuilding of 4104 Cason Street, we expect the six-day construction rule to stay in effect in order to enj oy a peaceful Sunday, contrary to Proposed Ordinance 1134, Section I. u However, as to the proposed amendment to Section 15, No. I, extending working hours from 6:00 p.m. to sundown, Houston solar time six days, we have no objection. o o LD " W <:C <t o [J '185 Respectfully submitted for your consideration, or reconsidera- taion. Mr. & Mrs. G.J. Vblcklandt, 4119 Ruskin, 664-0245 Ms. H. A. Prentiss, 4120 Cason, 661-7451 J. K. McCarty, 4115 Ruskin, 664-4348 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent DeFoy, 4120 Ruskin, 664-0273 Dan Mowger, 4107 Ruskin, 668-7001 Dennis J. McKeon, 4111.' Ruskin: William L. Partridge, 4040 Ruskin, 664-1843 Mrs. B. Kohn,4036 Ruskin Mrs. Lena Ferro, 401.6 Ruskin,'665-6064 Mr. & Mrs. Joe Vavazos, Jr. 4108 Ruskin, 665-'-6064 Deborah Chiasson, 4116 Ruskin, 666-9745 Mayor Cole nOted that' a total of fourteen (14) people had signed the petition. Mr. G. J. Volcklandt, 4119 Ruskin, advised the Commission that he would like to speak in behalf of the petition and had some questions he would like to ad- dress to the Commission. 1) Was the vote of the City Commission on Wednesday unanimous on amending Section 15 of the Code? 2) Was, the: list of names on the petition presented to the Commission? 3) Was the Commission aware before they voted that the petition had been given to the City Manager? Mayor Cole stated that the Commission had been furnished a copy of the petition, duly marked with the date received by the City Manager and that no consideration ,had been given to amending Section i5 of the Code of Ordinances at the workshop session of the CityComission on Wednesday, April 4th. 4) Mr. Volcldandt stated that members of the Commission 'could see that he was not the only person who objected to Mr. Lee's working on Sunday and that some 'people in his neighborhood: had been work- ing on remodeling projects for over a year. 5) What is the difference between remodeling and rebuilding? Mayor Cole requested that a definition be furnished Mr. Volcklandt. ACCEPT RESIGNATION OFWILLIAML. NORMAN, JR. POLlCE CHIEF: Motion by Commission Horne.; seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that Items 1 and 2 on the Amended Agenda be' considered at this time in order to permit personnel from the Police Department to return to duty. Voting Aye: All Vot;lng No: None Mayor Cole presented the following letter of resignation received from William L. Norman, Jr. Dear Mr. Br@wn: Please accept this as my resignation effecti ve4-20":]9. I have enjoyed working with you the few short months that yoU: have been here. My de- cision to resign comes after much sould searching. I feel that I can no longer be effective in administering this Police Department. You under- standing of the police problems' are, excellent and I wish you much success in your selection, of a: new chief. - Mayor Cole presented the following directed to William L. Norman, Jr., by City Manager Jim Brown: .-'t'Itt-~.....n-Il->;t"'IIl..L... r;:-:--::] .--1jlll}:'tlll'lml"lUi!r~lfillttWtlr ... --j'--:-,.C.'.,'. I IJ-,l.JL_~,1 1; l' : .II;. - m!lrDanIII.......{['. ..,llUln,;" . ..1 .1 "u.............uaJ'~.; .11.1 l I l II.. Ili't 1,1 I L --...J iUM:l11 ,I- Ij~. JJ~,ti,b., l...!..- I. IJ--:! 'II .......,jj{tl:>i&';;{;- ~H:::' 186 Dear Mr. Norman: We regretfully accept your resignation dated April 4, 1979. I have discussed this matter with Mayor Cole and the city has agreed to the following: 1) We will purchase ten (10) days vacation time. 2) You will receive your normal salary compensation through April 20, 1979. 3) The city accepts your offer to vacate the office of Chief of Police at 5: 00 p .m.'on April 5, 1979.' Subsequent to an inspection by me, I acknowledge that you have surrendered all property of 'the City of West University Place that was placed in your care and custody during your employinen t with the ci ty . I wish the best of luck in your new endeavors and hope success is in the immediate future. ACCEPTED: /s/ William L. Norman, Jr. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that the City , Commisslon accept the resignation of William L. Norman, Jr. , as Chief of Police of the City of West University Place. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Cole advised the Commission that he would direct a letter to Mr. Norman -advising him that the City Commission had accepted his resignation.' APPOINTMENT OF WILLIAM S.(SONNY) FENWICK AS ACTING CHIEF, OF POLTCE: Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbamrr; that Captain William S. Fenwick be appointed acting Chief of Police. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Cole administered the Oath of Office to Captain Fenwick as Acting Chief of Police of the City of West University Place. ORDINANCE NUMBER 1134: Ordinance Number 1134 amending the Code of Ordinances to change the, hours and days'const.ruction noise is permitted was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, 'BY AMENDING SECTION 15 TO CHANGE THE HOURS AND DAYS, CONSTRUCTION NOISE IS PERMITTED; TO PROVIDE FOR A VIOLATION; SETTING FORTH THE MANNER OF EN- FORCEMENT;' SETTING FORTH REQUIREMENTS FOR . ADDITIONAL REMEDY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY ! ',I . ~1 lJ o u '187 PLACE, TEXAS: u , , ' . - - . Section L ';"That:. ParagraPl1:(g) 0:1;, Sect;i,on, 15:-2, of. the Code of Ordi- nances of the City of,WestUiliversity PI!'lce, Texas is hereby amended so that, said paragraph shall hereaf terread as' follows: "Section 15-2. Enumeration of specific noises. o LD oM W c.t <t , , . . .. . - . (g) The creation of a loue} and e~cessive noise in conn?ction with the erection (inc+udlng excavation), demolition, alteration or repairnof.any building in a resfdentialor business 9istrict~other than between the hours of 7: 00. a.m. ' and' 9: 00 p ~m., l1onday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday aJ:!.d Saturday, ,and from 12:00 noon and 6:00 p.m. OIl Sund~y, except incase of urgent necessity in the ineterest'of public safety, and then Qnly with a permit from tne City Commission, which permit maybe renewed forapE}1'io~d of.three (3) days or less while themergency continues." Section 2. That the Code of Ordinances of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas, is hereby amended by the addition thereto of a section to be number 15-7, which said section shall read as follows: "Section 15.7. Violation - A Misdemeanor. m Any person violating any of the provisionsoi; this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be, finedi~ an amount not exceeding $200.00. Each day such violation is committed orperIDitteq to continue shall constitute a separate 'offense and shall 1:>e punishable as such hereunder. II Section 3. 1;'hat the Code of Ordinances of the City of West. Univer- sityPlace, Texas is hereby, amended by the addition thereto, of a section to be number 15-8, which said section' shall read as follows: "Section 15.8. Manner'of Enforcement. ~ tJ Violation of this ordinance shall be prosecuted in the same manner as other,misdeanor violationE; of the City's code~ provided, 'however, ,that in the event of violation of, this . . ~ -. . ( .... . ' Chapter, a written not.ice of intentionto.prosecute will be given the alleged violator no,t less than three (3) calen'dar-: days prior to the issuance of a misdemeanor complaint. No complaint shall be issued in the event ,the cause of the violation is rem~ved, the ,condition abated or fully corrected within such three (3) day period.' In,theE:!verit the alleged 'violator cannot be located in ,order to serve the notice of intention to prosecute, the,notice as required herein shall be deemed to be given upon maili~g such not~~~by registered or certified mail to the alleged vidlator'-at his last known address or at the place where the violation occurred, in which event the three (3) day period shall ,commence at the date of the day following the mailing of such notice." . '.ullIn' I ..Jl.....IIIIL....DJIJUl.' .1[1.[ l!l Il~, I 1~~~..!.....~..l_...L 1~..~_-1~UD.U~ LL.:f'T' I, rr- lTI ~,..Nt..f.-.~~~.~~_T_,,<... ,_, 188 Section 4. That the Code of Ordinances Dfthe City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas is hereby-ameIlded 'by the, addition thereto of a section to be number 15-9, which said sectioii shall read as follows: "Section 15.9. Addit~onalRemedy - Injunction. As. an ad4itional ~emedy, the operation or maintenance of any activity, device, instrument, yehic:)..e orHmachinery in violation of any provision hereof and which causes discomfort or annoyance to' reasonable pe~s()J?s' ,of normal ,sensitiveness' or which endangers the comfort, repose, health or peace of residents in the area 'shall be deemed, ~rid is decla~,ed' to be, a public nuisance and may be subject to abatement summarily by a restraining order or injunction issued by' a court of competent jurisdiction." , , , . ... . Section 5. This ordinance shall become effective and be in force from and after is approval by the City Commission. PASSED AND APPROVED this day 0 f ,1979. Voting Aye : All Voting No: None I Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that Ordinance Number 1134 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None It was suggested that,inasmuch as consideration of the provisions of the Code of Ordinance controlling noise had caused a controversy within the city, that a section be added to the next issue of the City Currents requesting citizen input on the provisions of the ordinance. , , , - ' RESOLUT'(ON NUMBER 79-15: Resolution Number 79':"1,5 designating Chemical Bank as de- pository for city funds was presented to theComm~ssion and read in full: WHEREAS, the City Commission, on March 12, 1979, ordered proposals forwarded to certain banking institutions to serve as depository for the city funds; and WHEREAS, on the 26th day of March, 1979, after proper notice, pro- posals for serving as depository for city funds were received from the fol- lowing banking institutions: Chemical Bank Faimin Bank First National Bank of West University Place Houston ,Southwest Bank Mercantile Bank of Houston Texas Commerce Medical Bank University State Bank u J [ ) LJ J 18'9 W1 I 'I r 1 i WHEREAS, proposals were opened by the City Commission and subse- quently reviewed by the City Treasurer Robbie Barnett and the City Manager Jim Brown, such review being made for the purposeof"submitting a written analysis and recommendation to the City Commission at a Recessed Meeting on March 28, 1979; and WHEREAS, The City Commission reviewed such proposals and considered the recommendations of the City Treasurer and City Manager. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSrbN OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: o to " W <t <t Section 1. That Chemical Bank located in Houston, Texas, is hereby designated, to be and serve as official depository for the deposit of demand funds and the City Treasurer is hereby directed to establish accounts for such funds. Section 2. The following banking institutions located in Houston and West University Place, Texas, are hereby designated to be and serve as official depositories for the investment of funds in Certificates of Time Depoist and the City Treasurer is' hereby directed'to establish accounts for such investment of funds at such times ashe shall be directed by the City Commission: m Chemical Bank Fannin Bank First National Bank of West University Place Houston Southwest Bank Mercantile Bank of Houston Texas Commerce Medical Bank University State Bank Section 3. The City Treasurer: is hereby directed to withdraw all of the funds in accounts hereto~ore ke:pton deposit: with First National Bank of West University Place and establish 'the required accounts with Chemical Bank: City of West University Place - Sanitary S.ewerCapital .Investment Fund - Charter Amendment Reserve Water Fund - Charter Amendment Reserve Sanitary Sewer Fund - Tr~stAgency Fund - Water Sewer Fund - Water Meter Deposit Fund S:wilDilling Poal Fund' mr. .r .: j f : Section 4. That the City Treasurer, Assistant City Treasurer, Mayor, Mayor Pro-Tem and City Manager are pe:teby directed to sign or countersign the necessary signature cards to establish the required bank accounts with Chemical Bank. Section 5. That said Chemical Bank shall be notified of designation as official depository of~the City of West University Place, Texas, and shall in accordance with Article 25-59 through 2S-66a of Vernon's Revised Civil ~,:-w.l"'-r!:Y.'W~1 --"IV,n:I~l~vl-l-I?-~ III~~LL ...J J II 'jmll'n~I"!l'ii1!IIfIl.r ...~ --T '-:i~Ul-.I"1 I I .1" i I .1 I lilll. , II I 1:1JU ,'11111[1........([, I .J!.IllmIJ' : I ..U.---'..-:Ii~llUl.' ILI,.1 I I II . II11 L~ .,._....._. . .L_... --Illllllia,;lt;lMU.~LI II II 'III,U:~"/:'!.ill'diaw~ <4-"~ 1.J,.':"~ - 190 Statutes of Texas, provide the proper securities for the purpose of se- curing said city funds in an amount equal to the amount of said city funds on deposit in said depository bank or banks. u Section 6. All Resolutions relating to the deposit of funds or de- signation of banks to serve as depositories in conflict with this Resolu- tion are hereby repealed. Section 7. This Resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Commission of the City of West University Place. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 1979. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, secon4edby Commissionr Rosenbaum, that Resolu~ tion Number 79-15 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ASPHALT EMULSION REQUIREMENTS: In accordance with, previous action of the City Commis- sion,bids received for delivery of 50",000 gallons of asphalt emulsion were opened and results announced as follows: Gulf States Asphalt Company $0.3600 F.O.B. So. Houston Plant 0.0210 Freight Per Gallon 0.0025 Pump Off & Unload- \ l $O~~~j5 Total Price ~ Wright Asphalt Products Co. $0. 3754jGallon It was noted that the Gulf States, bid was subject to change with the price on date of delivery to apply and price changes would be supported by documents on increases in manufacturing costs due to the, uncertainty of petroleum prices. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the proposal submitted by Wright Asphalt Products Company for delivery of 50,000 gallons of asphalt emulsion at $0.3754 per gallon be accepted. Voting Aye:' All Voting No: None MOWING OF VACANT LOTS: The Commission was advised that for many years the city had assumed the reponsibility. for mowing vacant property within the city and had negotiated with Mr. Joel Berry an agreement for mowing such property. It was pointed out that owners 'who did not want the city to render such service were notified by certified mail when necessary and failure to clean the property within ten, (10) days resulted in employment of Mr. Berry and the filing of a lien against the property. " Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that the City U Manager be instructed that as a matter of policy all costs incurred in collec- tion of vacant lot mowing charges, including certified mailings and legal fees as a result of preparation of, liens, be assessed against the property owner and the owner advised of potentiaL ,charges if the mowing fee is not paid within a specific period of time. n u o LO ~ W <:C <t n lJ I. -.-.-..."'..m;-.'i'l"!....J'~ . 191 Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by,Connnissioner Maneval, that the city enter an agreement with Mr. Joel Berry, for mowing of vacant property within the city for the ~ollowing rates for the year 1979: 100' x 200' - $20.00 per mowing 50' x 100' - $10.00 per mowing Two or more adjoining 50' x 100' lots -$8.00 each per mowing. All other lots ~0()15c;:'per square foot per mowing. Voting Aye: All Voting No: 'None PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER WELL 117: Ail invoice in the amount of $5,067.17 received from Langford Engineering, Inc. for services rendered in the prepara- tion of plans and specifications for drill~ng water well #7 and construction of a 12" transmission line was presentedforc0l1sideration. Following a discussion by the City..Commissionregardingan update on estimated cost of the project and a payment schedule ofc,harges by Langford Engineering, Inc. it was the decision of the Commission that further discussion on this item be included on the agenda for a recessed me'7ting on April 11th. STREET REPAIR MATERIALS: A request was presented'to the Commissio~ to advertise for bids for delivery of 800 tons of Grade 6 ,pre-coated rock asphalt for use in the city's street maintenance program. Motion by Commissioner Horne, secondedpy Gommissioner Maneval, ,that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for delivery of 800 tons of Grade 6 pre-coated rock asph81t"with bids to be, received by the City Commission on May 14, 1979. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None LEGAL FEES: An invoice in the amoUnt of $3,608.20 submitted by City Attorney David Allums for legal services rendered during the months of January, February and March was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that City Attorney David Allums' invoice in the amoUnt of $3,608.20 be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None LEGAL MATTERS: City Attor~ey DavidA~lums briefly reviewed action of the State Legislature, noting that a full report will be made,on actions that might affect the city after the Legislature adjourns. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: City Manager Jim Brown reported that a number of appli- cations had been received for the position of Water/Sewer Superintendent and that a choice would be made between the three persons most qualified. Mr. Brown also reported that according to a chart received from the office of Senator Bill Meier the city would receive 11.4% of its current budget in event his proposed legislation for per-capita distribution of sales tax is passed. llJ.L.... [L. _1_ .I..J:::::J... II II r WHlr- . I j' '-Un-.I ~ I I ..11] II IJII .L-rmrBlIIID --.{['I I J.lum"Jj ~ I' Ifill. ....'.IUUli" .JJ_"'__lIImDaJ'ILlI. . 'J~I : I ,I Il . 11,'l I t I.. ,I I I L_......~_;. I ....._._-.JJliJJ&..If.."IJ,lhlU.,.ll;ll...,LI II '111 .~ll!-<-j<'~< ",'(<<"..~Iill."""""'="'" t ,.~-<J - 192 CONCERNS OF THE CITY COMMISSION: Commissioner Ahrens stateq that he had received a liU' - number of calls regardingreIhoval, of the exercise mats'from the Community Build- ing and that exercise class participants would'like'to,have the old'mats re- turned if there were no plans to replace them. The City Manager reported that Bob Gurley, Director of Community Services had planned to return the mats the previous Friday. " Commissioner Horne ~xp:r:essed,appreciation for 'Mr. L()bue's remarks; that not including the current meeting of the Commission a total of 115 hours had been spent by the new City Commission since shortly after election day; that not action by the'City Commission is based on race or skin color; and that he would be the Easter Bunny at ,the Easter Egg Hunt sponsor~d by the Parks and Recreation Department ~ ' Mayor Cole requested that a ~raftcopy of the next issue of City Currents be presented to the Commission at its'meeting on Wednesday, April 11th. ELECTRICAL, BOARD MINUTES: '}1.inutes'of'the regular meeting of the Electrical Board onMarch 19, ,1979, were pi;"esented to the Commission for their information. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board on,March 26, 1979, were presented to the Commission for , their informati9n~ ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR INVESTIGATION AND RECOMMENDATION OF OPERATION OF POLICE DE- PARTMENT: Mayor Cole advised the Commission that the International Police Chiefs' U'~' Association had a program whereby they would make a complete investigation of the. city' sPolice Department, and m~ke recb~endations for operation of the De- partment. Mayor Cole stated that the Association would send a representative to meet with the Commission to determine the scope of the investigation and that the city would have to pay his expenses, including plane fare, per diem, etc. Following a determination of the depth of the study a team would be brought in and a recommendation made, together with a total cost for such a study. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that the City Commission authorize an expenditure not exceeding $1,000 for services of a representative of the International Police Chiefs' Assocation to make a visit to the city. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ADJOURNMENT: Wity no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried" the mee ting recess ed until 7: 30 p.m., Wednesday, April 11, 1979. ~.' ,'?H~ ,',' '~' ", Mayor r ", lJ ATTEST: ~~ Assistant City Secretary u o to '\I W c::t <:( o 193 CITY COMMISSION RECESSED MEETING April 11, 1979 ....' ': . The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Wednesday, April 11, 1979, 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Mayor Cole, presiding; Commissioner Ahrens, Horne, Maneval and Rosenbaum. The City Manager was also present. Mayor Cole announced that the purpose of the recessed session was to consider Items 1 and 8 from the agendR' of the regular 'Commissiorinieeting on April 9, 1979. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on March'.'26 ,1979, and a recessed meeting on March 28, 1979, were presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that minutes of the recessed meeting on March 28,1979; be corrected to indicate the correct spelling of Mr. Alyne Gouge's name and approved as ' corrected, 'and: that minutes of of the regular meeting on March 26, 1979, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with instructions of the City Commission, City Manager Jim Brown presented the following schedule listing fees to Langford Engineering, Inc. for services rendered in the preparation of plans and specifications for drilling water well #7 and construction of the required transmission line. PAID INVOICES NUMBER AMOUNT DATE 1378 (Original Study) 1684 (Contract) Well Transmission Line 1;350.00 6,384.26 6"':15-78 1-26-79 1,255.50 5,128.76 1730 1,422.43 3-15-79 Well Transmission Line 201. 61 1,220.80 UNPAID INVOICES 1709 5,067.17 2-2-79 Well 1,925. 1ft. T-ransmission Line 3,142.03 1795 3,356.66 4-5-79 Well 1,284.01 Transmission Line 2,072.65 n TOTAL BILLED TO DATE Well 4,666.27 Transmission Line 11,564.25 16,230.00 k. i.. _'-"""""".Ff~J .. J LJL. [;--l I Ll=:Ll :~-11 ft III ;t.';llllr- :..; . " --1 Lf ,-.i'::1..L.. I II . I I i 1~!1.. , II I illll, ,'ITinfl__..[, I' 'IlLIIIIII:,,'; ._. ':".llllllll I ;JJ......._alll!ll. llll'.l Ul ,. IIII 1:1. .1. 1 I L I I .1___ , .,._ Jj~k,liihlLa.4i1lk.:. t, I I' 'ItI;f.-l.-"~~';":'itl~'=<'-'" 194 TOTAL UNPAID TO DATE Well Transmission Line 3,209.15 5,214.68 CURRENT CONSTRUCTION COST PROJECTION Well Transmission Line $330,000.00 60,000.00 Motion by: Connnissioner Horne, .seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that Invoice Number 1709 be approved ,for payment in the amount of $5,067.17, and Invoice No. Number 1795 be included on the agenda for the regular meeting of the City Com- mission on April 23, 1979. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. ~JJ1~ , , ' ,MaYOr, " , , ATTEST: ~oe~ Assistant City Secretary 'r-->:i '-.-.~1'U:J w o u o LO \"-I W <( <( ~ ~ 195 REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING April 23, 1979 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, April 23, 1979, 7: 30 p.m. , with the following members present: Mayor Cole ,presiding; Commis- sioners Ahrens, Horne, Maneval and Rosenbaum. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present: The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Col~. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on April 9, 1979, and a recessed meeting on April 11, 1979~-were presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on April 9, 1979, and a 'recessed meeting on April 11, 1979, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: Resolution Number 79-16 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretof(iJre adopted, to appoint members to various Boards; and WHEREAS~. the Mayor' and members, of the Ci ty Commission have con- tacted and interviewed qualified citizens to serve on the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of West University Place, Texas ; and ' : WHEREAS~ certain'persons have indicated. a desire and willingness 'to serve as members of the Zoning'Board of Adjustment'. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Zoning Board of Adjtistment:- Frank Billings 'Morris Commander - Dan Doughty Billie M. Fougerat Stanley McCandless Jim Cummings (Alternate) Dorothy Rieger (Alternate) . Section 2 . That the persons lier~byappointed to :the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall serve'~without compensation. i:.;;.:" b,w-kr . .r'~H -~ \><ifl ....;..",-,,"f!J; II ~lL...... L..LJIil. JllIlRlI!',ntl!t.frUJIII.-- ":.1 .. -r"~ -u"','.,""--:l...L I I 'Ii I :lll!,.'lnnrr__..[, I II)). ,ILllllll,i, . . _.'-;1111111:: JJ..........JIl!.U; 'Ill 'I I II . .111'1 ; ! I I I L_.l.,;..~_.....! __.., ~UitU,;l.llnlJi...;w. II Ll---1...~J 'III .",<i~l",j..~j...f>:'l,~W- ,1 ",,~.q&l 196 Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall serve until the next regular general City Election of the City Commission, and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. Ui- I' I, i I , PASSED AND APPROVED this day of ':, 1979. Motion by Commissione:nManeval, seconded by Commissioner HODne, that Resolution Number 79-16 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Cole administered the Oath of Office to the following members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment: Morris Commander Dan Doughty Billie M. Fougerat Stanley McCandless Jim Cummings (Alternate) Dorothy Rieger (Alternate) TAX BOARD OF EQUALIZATION: Action on this item was deferred until later in the meet- ing. PERSONNEL BOARD: Resolution Number 79~18was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and'ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards; arid WHEREAS, the Mayor and members oftheCity Commission have con- tacted and interviewed qualified~'citizens to serve on the Personnel Board of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Personnel Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Personnel Board: Bert Ballanfa:Ii.t Harry Bristol H. ' L; Britton Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the' Personnel Board shall serve until the next regular general-City Election of the City Commission, and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. W'-i i: I. ! ' day of , 1979. PASSED AND APPROVED this w o LD oM W <:( <( m o 197 Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, 'seconded by Connnissioner Rosenbaum, that Resolu- tion Number 79-18 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All , Voting No: None . " ~ Inasmuch as members of the Personnel Board were not in attendance at the meeting Mayor Pro-Tem Ahrens will administer the Oath to members on Wednesday, April 25, 1979. HEALTH BOARD: Resolution Number 79~19 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission, pursuant to provlslons of the City Charter and ordinances ,heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have con- tactedand interviewed'qualified citizens to serve on the Health Board of the City of West University'Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Health Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS:' Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Health Board: Perry Laas Dr. Howard Evans Dr. Larry Pickering Dr: N. C. Windrow Section 2. That the persons hereby 'appointed to the Health Board shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Health Board, shall serve until. the next regtilargeneralCi ty EleCtion of the City Commis- sion, and 'thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED this , 1979. 'day of Motion by Commissioner-Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that Resolution Number 79-19 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Cole administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Perry Laas and Dr. Howard Evans as members of the Health Board. ,,-, ,....,_.. . : _ :'UJUr]f'. . .1 .Jj.--'....lJuluL" 1m]! I Jl .. .1111' ; I I I -. lL. ..!:..:..J~.._....l ~ ~'.:_ ~--.J Jlm...lt-I~IU 11.,_1. II.::-LL.:--l' '11' --rri ,~,,-.;; ..,4----',;..,~~;,"'..~' ~~'",.d :":'J--"i",j 198 TAX BOARD OF EQUALIZATION~ Resolution Number 79-17 was presented to the Commission arid read in full: WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the, City Commission, pursuant to provlslons of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have con- tacted and interviewed qualified citizens to serve on the Tax Board of Equalization of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Tax Board of Equalization. , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section L That the following persons'beappointedto serve as members of the Tax Board of Equali-zation:' Charles Gillan Pete.r Taafe Donald R. Young Section 2. That the persons he~eby appointed to the Tax Board of Equalization shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Tax Board of Equalization shall serve until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVES this day of , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that Resolu- tion Number 79-17 be" approved as read; Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayan Coleadminis~ered the Oath of Office to Mr. Charles Gillan, Mr. Peter Taafe and Mr. DonaldR. Young as members of the Tax Board ,of Equalization. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mr. C.P. Endress, 3750 Georgetown, advised the Commission -'that he was disturbed ,by a report in the' Southwestern Argus that complaints filed "in Municipal Court against Peter Lorre, Jr. had been dismissed. Dis- cussion on the jubjett' included a question by Mr. Endress regarding'dropping of charges filed against residents; cO!lllIlent by City,Attorney David Allums' the the city's Judiciary system was valid; the fact that Mr. Lorre had filed law suits against the City of Bellaire and the City of Austin; and that there was a decided separation between the legislative body of the city and the judi- cial systems. Mr. Charles McMurrey, 4235 Byron, advised the Commission that he was concerned over the position of Chief of Police and that he believed that the turn-over to be excessive and a result of the Department being used as a political football. Mr. McMurrey requested that the City Commission give careful consideration to its selection of a new Chief of Police. iJ I \ ~ U'i , I, i o o o ~J";'tJ.iF 199 In response to a question by Mr. Jim Cummings; 3820 BroWning, regarding the . status of employment of a new Police Chief, Mayor Cole staten that at this time interviews were not being held and that Captain Sonny Fenwick was serv- ing as Acting Chief of Police. CITY ORDINANCES REGULATING ANIMAL CONTROL: Mr. Edward Ites, 4115 Law, advised the 'Commission that he had requested permission to,address the Commission about large dogs running loose in his area of the city. Mr. Ites stated that each of his children had been bitten by dogs and another child had been bitten while playing in his yard. It was noted that the:dogs belonged to residents living on the north side of Law Street which is in the City of Houston. City Manager Jim Brown stated that the Humane Officer,had spent a lot of time in that area and had been working with Harris County to resolve Mr. Ites' pro- blem. The Commission requested that the City Manager and City Attorney work with Mr. Ites to determine the appropriate complaint to be filed either in the city's ,Municipal Court or the Justice of the Peace Court. ' ELEVATED WATER STORAGE RESERVOIR ON WAKEFOREST: The Commission was advised that the city had an agreement with Ho:uston Coca Cola Bottling Company whereby Coke paid for painting of the Wakeforest elevated water storage reservoir at five (5) year intervals in exchange for permission to place "Coke" and "Spri te" advertising on the tank. ' It was noted that ice storms produced condensation which weighted the bottom of the tank causing 'flaking of the paint and that spot cleaning, priming and touch-up painting was necessary. A supplemental agreement has been received from Coke that they will pay one- half of the estimated $2,485.00 quoted by Water Tank Service Company for the necessary tank repairs provided the city will clean up the yard under the tank. Motion by Commissioner Horne', seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the City Commission accept the proposal submitted by Houston Coca Cola Bottling Company to split the cost of approximately $2,485.00 to spot paint the elevated water storage reservoir on Wakeforest. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None CITY HALL AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM: The Commission was presented a request to ad- vertise for bids for replacement of the cooIing,tower for the: City Hall air conditioning system for which $0,000 had been included ih the 1979 budget. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Connnissioner Ahrens, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids replacement of the cooling tower on the City Hall Air Conditioning system, with bids to be received by the City Commission on May 28, 1979. Voting Aye:' All Voting'No: None WATER WELL NUMBER 7: The Commission was presented an invoice in the amount of $3,356.66 received from Langf~rd Engineering, Inc. for services rendered to date on the preparation 'of plans arid specifications' for water well no. 7. I.t was noted that Mr. Matt Cannon of Langford Engineering, Inc. had de Ii vered plans and specifications and subsequent to approval of the State Department of Health the project would be ready to advertise for bids. '-'1L~ IlL.. LL.clJ II :JJiIlIIillJllum_. ~'-r-TiT.T-:l I, 1;1: I Ii Iii I 1'1 !'III' 'jjlimTI'~ :'" I 'dill, 11[IU~[IIIIIIIB_[iT ,.." _U,llILI!, .. , 1 J'...'II.I1I11I1- ijllll I II", ,lliIi II! 'I, Ii I I LL..LLJ -111r,H:~11 [II'~: II II' I III ,~'1" ,:..<;'::lJl:~ Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that the City Commission approve payment of $3,356.66 to Langford Engineering, Int. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None SALES TAX ON RESIDENTIAL UTILITIES: ' Ordinance Number 1135 was presented to the Com- mission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST ~NIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS RETAINING THE TAXES IMPOSED BY THE LOCAL SALES AND USE'TAX (ARTICLE 1066c, VERNON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES) ON THE SALE AND DISTRIBUTION OF GAS AND ELECTRICITY FOR RESIDENTIAL USE IN SAID CITY. WHEREAS, the State Legislature enacted a bill which exempted resi- dential use from the 4% State sales tax, the bill being effective October I, 1978; and WHEREAS, said bill provided that unless an ordinance retaining the tax is approved by the City prior to May I, 1979, the 1% City sales tax on residential use of gas and electricity will be automatically abo- lished effective October 1, 1979; WHEREAS, the' best interest of the City would be served by re- taining the City's 1% sales tax as provided by Article 1066c, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BElT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE', TEXAS: THAT the City of West University Place, Texas, by majority vote of its governing body, hereby votes to retain the taxes authorized by the Local Sales' and Use Tax Act (Article 1066c, Vernon's Texas Civil 'Statutes) on the receipts from the sale ,production, distributi'onc, lease or rental of, and the use" storage; or other consumption of gas and electriCity for residential use, as authorized by Section 6 of House Bill No. I, Acts 1978, 65th Legislature, Second Called Session. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. The Commission was advised that during the year 1977 Houston Lighting and Power Company paid to the State for the city a total of $28,380.44 and::that Entex paid $15,422.43. For information purpose the 'combined incoine received fr'om sales tax on resi- dential use of gas' and 'electricity o'f $43,802.87 was compa'red to the follow- ing departmental budgets: Service-to-Aging - $20,740; Recycling - $16,096; Legal - $20,175; Municipal Court - $45,141; Engineering - $33,006; and Sanitary Landfill- $41,450. It was noted that the combined income was 1.7% of the total General Fund budget. . , City Attorney David Allums explained that ,the bill that was passed by the .State Legislature gave cities the option 'of passing an ordiriance retaining the tax, otherwise the tax would be automatically aholished on October I, 1979. , ",jl 11 LJ o o n o LD ~ W cd: c::( D ~ '201 Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that Ordinance Number 1135 be ' approved a:si'ead~ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None SANITARY LANDFILL SITE: Invoices in the amount of $2,500.00 for a topography survey of the sanitary landfill'site and $2;669.65 for the techinical report on the sanitary landfill site received frbmNeillEngineerihg CQrporation were presented for consideration. M0tion, by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Maheval; that invoices in the amount of $2,500 and $2,:669.65 received from-Neill Engineering Corpora- tion be approved for payment. Voting, Aye: All Voting No: "N0ne VARIOUS FORMS REQUEST: $1,447.71 received dog fine books and 'The C0mmissionwas presented an invoice in the amount of from Formcraft, Inc'. for printing 'of service request -forms, time sheets. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that the invoice in the amount 0f $1,447.71 received from Formcraft, Inc. be approved for payment.' Voting Aye: All Voting N0': None LEGAL'MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums 'stated that: he had no matters for,consi- deration by the City Cominis'sion at 'this time and would make' a full report on current legislation after the final session. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: City Manager Jim Brown reported that he had received a re- quest from Fire Chief Ben Wilcher for the purchase of 500 feet of 2!z" fire hose and 300 feet of l!z" fire hose for which funds were included in the 1979 budget. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for purchase of 500 feet of 2!z" fire hose and 30b feet of 1!z" fire hose, with bids to be received by the City Commission on May 28, 1979. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Brown advised the Commission that Mr. Bob Rogers of NCR had made arrange- ments for a demonstration of his company's elecrtronic data processing equip- ment on Tuesday, April 24, 1979, 1:00 p.m. Attention of the Commission was directed to a :need for material to be included in the next issue of City Currents which must go to press immediately in order to be included with the next water bills that are mailed. Mr. Brown stated that the city's wastewater treatment plant construction grant had been, certified by the Texas Water Resources Board and that a grant offer should'be received within the next few days. Mr. Brown further stated that the Commission should consider a) development of a sewer ,rate ordinance based on water usage, and b) how the city will finance its share of construction ~ "~" ". 1 ---L-'-~ ~ I:-::---:--.J. ,1 ,;:-:-'I ,."1 " " , ,. ,.,H.", r- .. ..,.IDI. '.W"--'-~I I "1.1' .1ll1,.rIllI:IIaIIIIIIl~rr-1 .11.111." ..--1I''''Il''lII.''~.LlILIl. l 11Ul " ~l .. .,Jlll! i I; I I I L.. .~. 'N _ _ .. ;. .------.J-llWJJI;:.,IIi-I~ U. lL,dHJJ, L.L....!I I ' . I II '" J" '. 'l "" , ,~-hl ~.""'''~''''''~.~ "'c_ ,~< 1 202 cost which must be determined before the plans and specifications will be ac- cepted for the construction phase of the project. u Mr. Brown reported that the city's operation 'during the rainstorm and sub- sequent flooding on Thursday night April 19, 1979, had been very well handled. It was also reported that there had been numerous reports of flooding of resi- dences in the city and the city staff would critique damages on Tuesday. Mr. Brown", reqtlestedthat the City Commission" consider the proposed -reorganiza- tion of the Finance: DepartiI).ent in the near future. . CONCERNS TO THE CITY COMMISSION: Commissioner Ahrens was advised that the City Sec- 'retary could' adniinister the' required Oath of Office toinembers of various Boards and Coimnittees who"were 'Unable to attend the Commission meeting. Commissioner Maneval was advised that at, this time there were two patrolmen vacancies who were Unable to attend the Commission meeting. Commissioner Rosenbaum recommended that sihce'there are a'number of personnel vacancies on "the city staff requiring much'overtimeon the part of other employees that she would like to recommend that the salaries of Virginia Hood" and Sonny Fenwick be subsidized $500.00 per month. Further discussion on this matter will be on the agenda for a workshop session on Monday.. Apri I 30th. MINUTES OF ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION: Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on April 10, 1979, were presented to the City Commission for their information. o ELECTRICAL BOARD MINUTES: Minutes of ~the regtilar"'meeting of the Electrical Board on April 16, 1979, were presented to the Commission for their information. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Commission at this time, uponm6tion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. .~ ?11M- ,",Mayor'., ATTEST: ~./ ~L~ Asslstant Clty ecretary u n u o to orI, W <t c:::c o u l, . ..~"fP-~""."'." 2'03 REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING May 14, 1979 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, May 14, 1979,7:30 p.m."withthe,following members present: Mayor Cole, presiding; Commis- sioners Ahrens, Horne and Maneval. The City Attorney ,and City Manager were also pre- sent. Commissioner Rosenbaum was out of the city. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Ahrens. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on April 23, 1979, were presented. for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that minutes of the ,regular meeting of the'City Commission on Monday, April 23, 1979; be approved assubmi tted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION: Resolution Number 79~20 was presented to the Commis- sion and read in full: WHEREAS, it,is the obligation of the City Commission, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and'ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to.various Boards; and , WHEREAS, the Mayor and members .of, the City Commission have contacted and intervlewed qualified citizens to serve on the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certian p,ersons have indicated a desire and willing- ness to serve as members of the ~Zoning and Planning Commission: NOW, THEREFORE, BE .IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' " Section 1. That-the following persons be appointed ,to serve as members of the Zoning aIld Planning Commission:" Jim Abell Michael Casey John Farrell Hardy LaCook J. E. Norton Section 2. That the persons hereby, appointed to the Zoning and Planning Commission shall serve without compe~sation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Zoning and . .. . . Planning Commission shall serve until the next regular general City Elec- tion of the City Commission and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. III I I I 1-0') I' Ii 'II I ,II ninll.' , (' I T -, .. 1 , i If 'i1JllllnOIIi...llr I Illffi'il ' I 11111' IJ.IU" r. ,-IJI"'D"III."~.J 1&111 _ JJ I 'I. 111'i I I I L. ,. .. ~_" . .I . ., ._...-J j~Jk~IIRi Hi".iliid,.., L[ 'I I , I II "..I> ~<a'~ ;;.., ~ir.r' ~O~ ~. -.... ".~~ ./-11 204 Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that Resolution Number 79-20 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No:. None u Mayor Cole admini~tered the Oath of Office to the following as members of the Zoning and Planning Commission:' Jim Abell 'Michael' Casey John Farrell Hardy LaCook J. E~ Norton ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT:' Mayor Cole ~dmi:histered the Oath of Office to Mr. Frank Billings as a member of the ~oning Board of Adjustment inasmuch as Mr. Billings was unable to attend the meeting of the Commission on April 23, 1979, when such board was officially apP9in~ed. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mr. Chris Pappas, .3826 Southwestern, appe~red before the City Commission to register a complaint regarding the recent, flooding in the city. Mr. Pappas noted that water had gotten into his home damaging wood floors, fur- niture and carpet for the first time in the f9ur,years he has lived in his home, Mr. Pappas also stated that he was advised by. the real estat~ agent handling the purchase of his home that i twas not necessary. to consider purchase of flood insurance inasmuch as there was no danger 'of flooding in West University, Mr. 00- Pappas ask~d if the city had a flood control plan; what type schedule was main- tained for cleaning of st<;>rm' sew~rs; and what plans were being made to prevent similar flooding i~ event of another severe ~alnstorm. Mrs. Margetta Ayres, 3803 Southwestern, stated that she did not get water in her Qome inasmucQ as her house is constructed on,pier and beams, but that her auto- mobile flooded while parked on the highest part of the driveway. City Manager Jim Brown advised that hehad been in the area of Marquette, South- western and Riley on the night of ,the storm and that the problem had been created when Poor Farm Ditch and Braes Bayou could no longer contain water from the city~s storm sewer. collector system and the water went to the lower areas of the city. Mr. Brown also advised,that plans were being made to work with the Harris County Flood Control District to get recommendations for flood control. ",/ Mr. Bill Champion, 3832 Southwestern, stated that his garage had flooded three times since moving to West UIliversity and it was his belief that much of the' water in that area was coming from Southside Place. Mr. H. E. Emmerton, 3822 Southwestern,'stated that he believed the city to be negligent in not ~eeping the storm sewers cleaned out~ noting that there were large concr~te blocks removed from the storm,sewer along with all types and kinds of debris. Mr. Brown responded that the city had a crew on a rotating basis five days each week cleaning storm sewe:rs and that much of the trouble III was caused by large leaf trees in the area. ' LJ n o LO " W <:C <t o n - 'T'" 7 :' ,205 In response to a question by Mr. Charles Welch, 4115 Emory, Mayor Cole advised that the City of West University Place would be required to go to surface water in twelve to fifteen years. a;!ldthat subsidence was' nota,PJoblem at this time. ; ; _;:. ~ ~ 7: _. :_ .' ',< Additional discussion regarding the flooding included the'need for ditches in the southwest quadrant of the city to be cleaned, the poor condition of College Street and plans for city staff review of the conditions the night of the flood- ing in order to formulate plans should we experience a future similar condition. Mr. Gerald Kerbow, 2630 University Boulevard, requested information regarding the actual .legal status of the tax referendum approved'by voters in the last city election. Commissioner Hoxneadvised Mr. Kerbow that the City Commission had not taken action to adopt an enabling ordinance inasmuch as the City at- torney had advised that the amendments as approved we~e not legal and that it was the intent of the Commission to effect certain budget reductions in order to accomplish the intent of the amendments. City Attorney David Allums stated that the amendments were inconsistent with the state constitution and state statutes and the City Commission has the option of passing an enabling ordinance or not passing .such ordinance. BISSONNET/MERCER TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT: Miss Peggy Pepper of Evergreen Development Corporation appeared before the Commission in behalf of a request to erect a sign ,on the'property to be developed for townhouse construction at Bissonnetl Mercer during the construction phaseof,the project. Miss Pepper stated that the sign would include the name of the project"the price range of the units, the name of the person to be contacted for information and the name of the pro- ject developer. Miss Pepper stated that the sign would be erected on top of the existing wood fence on the property with a wrap-around design facing both Bissonnet and Mercer, would be 4' x 9', and remain in place for ,approximately eight months. Motion by Commissioner Horne~ seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the request of Evergreen Development Corporation to e~ec:t a'sign on'the existing fence at the Bissonnet/Mercer townhouse site be approved with a condition that"the sign be removed within one (1) year from the date of its erection unless granted an extension by the City Commission. Voting Aye: ' All , Voting No: None FIRE LIMITS: Ordinance Number 1136 was presented to the Commission and read in full: -' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF 'ORDINANCES OF THE CITY , OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ,BY AMENDING SECTION 6-6.1.1 TO DELETE CERTAIN PROPERTY IN FIRE ZONE 10, TRACT 6; AND PROVIDING AN ,EFFECTIV.E DATE.' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: .LLL ~ I I I-a II' II 11.1 tl ,1110U.- . .j J: :~.. LL.':~ I I ,1[1'. iII.illlll__1f .ll:i:m.l[. ... . ..1 :.IU':'~ , 206 .JJ_D.lII.II~D.I~tlll:.. 111. .~ .. Ill!! I., I I I L......;..".!._l. ..1__ ; .---'llJIU.i,-jI",IJU,lJ;..JHill. II 'i I! II I .. ,> c.'>:; 1 ,~,.....- --,,-~y ... -~ . '-. .-J Section 1. That the Code of Ordinances of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas, is hereby amended by the amending of Section 6-6.2.2, Tract 6, which said section shall: read as follows: "Section 6-6.2.2 :. Same - Zone 10 Tract 6 Lots 1 and 2, Block 92, West Universtiy Place Second Addition Lots 1 and 2, Block 91; West University Place Second Addition' Lot 2, Block 90, West University Place Second Addition Lots 1 and 2, Block 89, West University' Place Second Addition" Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately from and afteri is passage' and approval by the Mayor. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that Ordinance Number 1136 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None PRECOATED NATURAL ,LIMESTONE ROCK ASPHALT. In accordance with 'previous action of , Ci tyCommission; bids. received for delivery of 800 tons of precoated natural limestone rock asphal~ were opened and results announced as follows: Bidder Materials Cost Per Ton Freight Per Ton Weight Per ClIh i c: Y:;rril Cost Per Cnhi c: Y::Iril the MUNICIPAL COURT DEPUTY CLERK' Resolution Number 79-21 was presented to the Commis- sion and read in full: Whi te 's Mines Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that this item be recessed UIitilWednesday, May 16, 1979, pending' receipt of a report from Street, Superintendent A. L. Bearden. regarding previous suppliers, costs, etc. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None WHEREAS, Robin Rothrock, employed as a Police Dispatcher and appointed as Deputy Clerk of the MUnicipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has resigned her position with the city; and WHEREAS, Marjorie J . Higgins has been employed as a Police Dispatcher and is qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: u o [j n o LD ~ W <C <( o n I '207 ,Section 1. That Matjorie J . Higgins he., arid she is hereby, appointed Deputy; Clerk .of J:he Municipal Court of. the City of. West, Uni- versity Place, Texas.. Section 2. That the appointment of MarjorieJ. Higgins as DepVty Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that she shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy qerk (lfter being administered the proper Oath of Office. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by Comini.ssioner Ahrens,sycondedby Commissioner, Maneval, that Resolution Number 79-21 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None 1978 AUDIT OF CITY'S RECORDS AND. ACCOUNTS: The Commission was presented a second progress billing for services rendered by Coopers & Lybrarid,Certified P~blic Accountants, in the preparation of the 1978 audit report in the amount of $3,000.00. ' ' Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that Invoice Number 509 in the amount of $3,000.00 submit~~d byCoop,ers. & Lybrand, be ap- proved ,for payment.' Voting Aye: All . Voting No:, None WATER WELL NO.7: An invoice in the amount of $ 745.4.0 submitted by Langord Engi- neering Company for contract services on the design of water. well no. 7 and ,a 12-inch water. transmission line was present~d for consideration. , ' Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, second~d by Commissioner Horne, that the invoice in the amount of $745.40 submitted by Langford Engineering, Inc. be approved for payment. Voting Aye: ,All Voting No: None SANITARY SEWER LIFT STATION.REPAIRS: An invoice in the amount of $7,,174.42 submitted by Naylor- Industries for emergency repairs~ade ,on a sanitary sewer line in College Court that collapsed was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens".seconded,by Commissioner Ho:r:ne, that the invoice submitted by Naylor ,Industires ,in the am<:>pnt of $7 ,174. 42 ,be' :;tpproyedfor pay- ment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None .. "'""L _I~ . J ,1_'~ "~....." J~"..__'r-- ""_: "'--:1 :I::':"-~-:-O ,. I II' _ IU1lDIIiIIIIIIII--....J[(". I ',<em"ll. "'LI' .. 1, ..II.m . ; ~'. .1I~ID1IImImll~ III , !I. Ill. ! I I. I. I --------ru_, ...JT._t ..! r -.-JjlllUiL.lll.J.U].I~ L!...-!IT"'~ 'I TTII,.kll\.,-'i;.~~~ar",,~M .""_k1 208 WASTEWATER TREAT~ffiNT FACILITY: City Manager Jim Brown advised the Commission that U it had been hop~d that the <;:ity,'s grant appl~cation would have been received, but consu1tingengin~er Dieter Ufer of Bayshore Engineer's had advised that it is with fifty others in Dallas waiting to b-e typed a.,nd, distributed., It was also noted that in some instances Congressional representatives were advised of the grant, approval in order that they may in turn advise the cities in their district. ' CIVIL DEFENSE: City Mapager Jim Brown advised tluit. a meeting had been held with employees involved in city operations the night of the flooding in the area to critique flood operations and that a draft had been prepared on an emergency needs assessment. Following review by all, employees concerned, a procedure will be developed as a guideline in event we again encounter severe rainstorms. PERSONNEL POLICY AND PROCEDURES MANUAL: Assistant Gity Manager Dick Rockenbaugh ad- vised the Commission that a draft of changes 1::0 be )nade in the Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual would be available' for review by the City Commission in workshop session on Wednesday, May 23rd. SANITARY LANDFILL TRENCHING: The Commission was advised that it would be necessary to advertise forbids for tenching at the sanitary land~ill site, and that it would also be nece~sary to employeean engineer on a consultant basis to prepare the necessary specifications. City Manager Jim 'Brown noted that he had discussed this matter with former City Engineer David Steitle, and that he had indicated that he would be,interesteq in p~eparingthe, specifications. . -. . . Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that former City Engineer David Steitle be put on a retainer for the preparation 'of speci- fications for sanitary landfill trenching, and the City Manager authorized to advertise for bids for such trenching. o Voting Aye: AIr Voting No: None LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums advised the Commission that the suit filed by former Police Officer Sill Ballard had been referred to the city's, insurance carrier. Mr. Allums further advised that he planned to have lunch with the attorney involved in the suit filed by Mr. McDonald ,and that he was continuing work on cases referred to him by former City Attorney Charles Cockrell. CITY MANAGER'S 'REPORT: City MaIiagerJim Brown ascertained that all members of the City Commission planned to attend a tour ,sponsored by Houston Lighting and Power Company to their new South Texas nuclear energy plant on Friday, May 18th. Mr. Brown advised that nineteen (19) applications had been received for the position of Chief of -Police, seven (7) for theposi tion of Finance Director and three (3) for the position of Tax Assessor/Collector, noting that advertise- ments had been placed in both the Houston Post and Hou~ton Chronicle on Sunday, May 13th. Mr. Brown stated that Mr. Marvin Sekula had been employed as Water/ Sewer Superintendent and would report for duty on May 21st. Mr. Brown requested that members of the City Commission who planned to attend the Institute for Mayors, Councilmembers and Commissioners in San Angelo during n o o LD ~ W cd: <( o n t ,-,' ': "" 209 JUne 9/12 advise the Texas Municipal League office. Mr. Brown noted that Mayor Cole had been requested to participate on a'panel during the institute. CONCERNS OF THE CITY COMMISSION: Mr. BroWn responded to a question by Commissioner Horne indicating that the amb~lance was expected to be returned on Friday with the new cab and chassis; "that: amendment to the city' s nois~ ordinance had not creating any problems; that all accounts had'been transferred from other banks to Chemical Bank as the city's depository; and that consideration was being given to the purchase of a tranquilizer gun for use in the animal control pro- gram. Commissioner Ahrens presented each member of the Commission a letter from the West University Elementary School PTA requested re-designation of bicycle lanes and jogging track. This will be considered at a workshop meeting on May 23rd. ' Mr. Ahrens requested information regarding publicity being given to the eye screening program conducted by the Service-to-Aging Department inasmuch as it was an excellent program. Mayor Cole stated that it was doubtful that he would be able t,o attend the Institute for Mayors and Councilmembers to'beheld in San Angelo'on June 10/12 and'that he would like for Mayor Pro~Tem Sonny Ahrens to represent the city on a panel discussion. Commissioner Maneval was advised that at the present time two members of the Police Department were"on suspension waiting for hearings. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that during the tenure of Captain Fenwick as Acting Police'Chief that he be paid all of the pay allowances of the position of' Chief of Police back to the date he as- sumed such role in addition to' the gratitude of' the City Commission. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ZONING AND PLANN1NG COMMISSION MINUTES': Commiss;ioher Horne briefly reviewed minutes of the special meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on April 2, 1979, noting'that new sanitary sewer lines will be constructed to serve the project, plans for adequate storm sewer service, ahd the opinion of the Chairman of the Commission that in his opinion this was the, best-project presented to such Com- mission in line with the desires for construction when the townhouse district was created. ADJOURNMENT: Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting recessed until 7:30p.m., Wednesday, May 16, 1979. ~~~-/!1 tPL Mayor ' ATTEST: ~ 6b~.4A.,( / ASSl tant City Secretary --" ~ .~~m~ :r~..,..;:.i{"11i':' I II I I I~ I'~nl H!lnnnl1fl!r.- .... r. .-.r.--........, I :1 'I I; 1.11 'i If "lllllllrtnn.a..lfr I , I '.1"IR',1 .I.l.W' F. ...I11_1I.1I11111~.JI~11 ~. JII Ilr( 1 'I I L. _. ,.L . . .! _._,._ _--'I~1iL.t!III.IL...lI, L!-..:L I' ill "P". -"";f~~."'-'~L.I.. j, ,'J 210 CITY COMMISSION 'RECESSED MEETING , May 16, 1979 The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Wednesday, May 16, 1979, with the following members present: Mayor Cole, presiding; Com- missioners Ahrens, Horne and Maneval. The City Manager was also present. Com- missioner" Rosenbaum was out of the city. Mayor Cole stated that the purpose of the recessed meeting was to give further consideration to a bid received from White's Mines for delivery of 800 tons of rock asphalt for coverstone for use' by the Street Department. City Manager Jim Brown presented the following report from Street Superintendent A.L. Bearden: There are only two vendorsfor'this material mined from a natural de- posit near Uvalde, Texas. These are Uvalde Rock-Asphalt Company and White's Mines. Uvalde Rock Asphalt Company has shown little or no interest in_,supplying our requirements for the' past several years. , " White's Mines have always bid using rail' freight' delivery.~'Tp:is'year White's Mines bid using truck delivery at twerity~one dollars and ninety three cents per ton. Rail freight would have been approximately four dollars and fifty cents per ton. Our present budget was computed using rail freight. The use uf truck freight would cause substantial over expenditures. I have made contact ~ith White's Mines'local representative and am awaiting their explanation'of the'reason fOT'switching to truck 'de- livery and any possible 'alternative to" this method of delivery. The bid price of the'material F.O.B. plant is slightly lower than was anti- cipated and would be well within our 1979 budget should we be able to use rail freight for delivery. Following a discussion regarding alternative construction materials that might be considered and methods or delivery, it was the decision of the Commission that this item be deferred until the next regular meeting of the Commission at which time a report from the local representative of White'~ Mines should be available fOT consideration. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. k ATTEST: ~eiitlDJ- [ D [ o o o ~.''''':;~I 211 REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING:. May 28, 1979 The City Commission convened in regular session at the. City Hall on Monday, May 28, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Colejpresiding; Commis- sioners Ahrens, Maneval and Rosenbaum. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Horne, CITY COMMISSION MINUTES: Minutes'of' the regular meeting of the City Commission on May 14, 1979, and a recessed meeting on May 16, 1979, were presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on May 14, 1979; and a recessed meeting on May 16, 1979, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None APPOINTMENT OF AMBULANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Resolution Number 79-22 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission, pursuant to proVlslons of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards and Committees; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and interviewed qualified citizens to serve on the Ambulance Advisory Com- mittee; and' WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as,' members of the Ambulance Advisory Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as mem- bers of the Ambulance Advisory Committee: Connie Boynton Dr. Randy Bailey Dr. Paul Handel Archie Ryan Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Ambulance Advisory Committee shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons her~by appointed shall serve until the appointment and qualification of their successors. ,,,,,,'&'j;"ilJl""'-IL, ,J JL, ,U~II ':T.!lm1'UHflIlDlIir-"i"-'-rTT"; :-"-::LL I I JIIII' , 'II l'iJ[';"iJ]]i_U_['I' ':Ii:mTI" " ", I .j .1 Ii' ...., UJIL,.Il', I..JII.IIIIIUIIlIlIII!IL"JlLL II " JIUI ,I I I i L ..."...,U, [" J .. ,:.. _"...] Im,IL ILL r II LU I [I I ~ : ~. . '~.:,;:;r";T.-7~;.;~.. ~ XJ '-, 212 PASSED AND,APPROVED this, day of , 1979. o Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that Resolution Number 79-22 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Cole administered the Oath of Office to the following members of the Ambulance Advisory Committee; Connie Boynton Dr, Paul Handel Archie Ryan APPOINTMENT OF ELECTRICAL BOARD: Resolution Number 79-23 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, it is the obligation of theCity,Cornmission,pursuant to pro- visions of the 'Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas and ordi- nances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and interviewed qualified citizens to serve on the various Boards; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Electrical Board. o NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST .UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Electrical Board: A. B. Fisk Oscar Johnson James Todd Jayne Davis Bill Clowe Section 2. That persons hereby appointed to the Electrical Board shall serve withour compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Electrical Board shall serve for a period of two years from the date of this Resolution, and there- after until the appointment and qualification 'of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that Resolution Number 79-23 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ~ o o n 213 , Mayor Cole administered the Oath of Office to the following as members of the Electrical Board: Oscar Johnson James Todd Jayne Davis APPOINTMENT OF PLIIMRTNC; ROARTY' Resolution Number 79-23 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS;itis;~theobli:gationof,the City Commission, pursuant to pro- V1Slons of the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of ,the .City Commission have contacted and interviewed qualified citizens to serve on the various Boards; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Plumbing Board, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1, That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Plumbing Board: Scott Cameron Roy Harper T. O. Sword Carolyn Sparks Ron Taylor Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Plumbing Board shall serve without compensation. Section 3, That the persons hereby appointed to the Plumbing Board shall serve for a period of two years from the date of this Resolution and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of_ , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Rosebaum,seconded by Commissioner Horne, that Resolution Number 79-24 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Cole administered the Oath of Office to~,the following as members of the Plumbing Board: Scott Cameron Carolyn Sparks -t,' !,..:-=~; ~'~'I 'i"!''!':' II n I 111~WJillDr'iT' r 'Ti;"r-llIJ.J1 ' Hli II l]iUI I ' - 1I1111'IIml1ffilnnnllllllIr '''''-'1n'!lrfliT '" J .JJlLUL ..I ..JJI....UUDllllllUJL, JilL" II ' IllH II, I I L ,..,..,ll 1_...1 I _-JilIWI11UI:I n 11:1_ j I' I I' I' q 'I II :::,:;.;r;;:I_D:"f~T""""""""'ii\j,lc,l';;:Wl 214 HEARING QF RESIDENTS': Mayor Cole advised those persons in attendance that following the previous meeting of the City Commission attended by numerous residents living on Southwestern who expressed concern with recent flooding that he had visited the area and that consideration would be given to a solution to the problem. ~ Mr. Vince Lobue~ 3928 Coleridge, requested information regarding the handling of complaints that are made by residents. to which City Manager Jim Brown ex- plained staff use of Request for Service forms. Mrs. Dorothy Rieger. 6516 Brompton, was advised that the city wide mosquito con- trol programhadbeguri and would be in her area of the city in the near future. Mr. John Jaynes, 6110 Annapolis. requested that residents in the 6100 block of Annapolis be advised that the city does not remove the discarded lawn mowers and that there w~s:,a number of places where trash and limbs had not been removed for over three weeks. In response to a question from Commissioner Horne regarding the current chipper operation schedule, Mr. Brown stated ,thaLthecschedule 'was:!.now approximately weeks subsequent to receiving a call. Commissioner Horne recommended that a check be made of an agreement with Trees of Houston for limb removal in event an over- loading problem was again encountered and a report presented at the next meeting of the City Commission. ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT: In response to an invitation by the Commission 0 _, ::"M:r. "Bob:, Rogers 9lldMs. ,Lou Scroggins of;!'I~R appeared, to discuss electronic data ,processing equipment. Each member of the Commission was presented a rent/cost analysis showing charges for each electronic data processing model under consideration including the IBM Model 32, NCR Model 8231 and NCR Model 8271. Discussion regarding advantages of a lease/purchase agreement and/or a rental agreement included cost comparison for each; availability of service for the equipment; penalty costs in event the entire contract period was not fulfilled; and priority functions to be performed by the equipment. Commissioner Rosenbaum noted that major expenses facing the city in the near future included water well no. 7, new s'ewer lines and the, construction of a new waste water treatment facility and that it was her belief that the city did not have a need for electronic data processing equipment. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that the regular meeting of the City Commission be recessed for a period of ten (10) minutes. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None lJ o o 0,' " ~~~ 215 Discussion of electronic data processing equipment resumed following the recess with members of the Commission reviewing the penalty provisions of the NCR proposal; need for the equipment in order for the Commission to have current financial information prior to making decisions for expenditure of funds and the maintenance of the best investment program'for city funds; and the flex- ibility of each system proposed. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the City Commission accept the proposal submitted by NCR for delivery and installation of the NCRMode1 1831 on a lease/purchase basis for a period of sixty (60) months. Voting Aye: Commissioner Horne Commissioner Maneval Voting No: Mayor Cole Commissioner Ahrens Commissioner Rosenbaum Motion by CPmInissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that the City Commission accept the proposal submitted by NCR for delivery and installation of the NCR Model 1831 on a rental basis for a period of one year. Voting Aye: Commissioner Ahrens Commissioner Horne Commissioner Maneval Voting No: Mayor Cole Commissioner Rosenbaum City Manager Jim Brown requested that he be authorized to employ Mr. Thomas L. Tarrillion of San Antonio to prepare the tax program for use with the NCR equip- ment inasmuch as he had developed a program used by most municipalities very successfully and would prepare such program fora fee of $4,500.00. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that the City Manager be authorized to employ Mr. Thomas L. Tarrillion at a fee of $4,500.00 for the preparation of a tax program for the City of West University Place. Voting Aye: Commissioner Ahrens Commissioner Horne Commissioner Maneval Mayor Cole Voting No: Commissioner Rosen- baum CASH REGISTER COMPATIBLE TO ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT: The Commission was presented a request to advertise for bids for purchase and delivery of a cash register that would be compatible to the NCR electronic data processing equipment. Motion by Mayor Cole, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for delivery of a cash register, with bids to be received by the City Commission on Monday, June 25, 1979. Voting Aye: All Voting 'No: None OPERATION OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT: The City Manager presented a recommended change in the operation of the Finance Department whereby the functions of the finance operation and the tax operation would be separated with each function being headed by a qualified employee. Duties of the Finance Director and the Tax Assessor/ Collector were reviewed by the City Commission. -'-~fJ!Bl: 11 I, i I I I Jr]E1liIUm_r 'i~-rTiT --I I, _ j j~ : i L, L I Jill " 1I'llilnnUliDlIIIlm[: I: .., ru.:rl""'" ,.. , ULUL " ..I ..,JJI....nUllliEIIITJL, J I.. II, .II.' I: 1 1 I L.. ...,11 L ..,L ..J. ,......]'I_,ILII1IIHitlll'J.: LU I I' Ilg .~m{f,4t':~.~.W;~t~L:..' 0..-"1 216 Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that reorgani- zation of the' Finance Department be implemented in accordance with the out- U-- line presented in a proposal from the City Manager dated May 28, 1979. , Voting Aye: Commissioner Maneval Commissioner Horne Commissioner Rosenbaum Mayor Cole MUNICIPAL COURT PERSONNEL: The Commission was advised that in accordance with the provlslons of the City Charter it would be necessary to re-appoint the persons serving as Associates to the Municipal Court Judge and Prosecutor. Voting No: Commissioner Ahrens Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that Michael Schneider and Terry Collins be re-appointed as Associate Judges of the Munici- Court and that:Thomas,Taylor.and Betsy Rice Coleman be re-appointed Associate Prosecutors of the Municipal Court for a period of sixty (60) days. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None BIDS FOR DELIVERY OF FIRE HOSE: In accordance with previous action of the City Com- mission, bids received for delivery of fire hose were opened and results an- nounced as follows: Bidder Feet Brand Name Size Em-Quip, Inc. 500 National 2~" 300 1~" Fire Fox 500 National 2~" 300 1~" Claude Wright 500 2~" 300 1~" 1.89 1.45 Total Bid Price 945~OO 0 435'.00 1,-380: Per Ft. Price 850.00 345.00 1,195.00 1.68 1.17 840.00 351. 00 1,191. 00 Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that bids received for delivery of fire hose be referred by Fire Chief Ben Wilcher for review and tabulation and that the low bid meeting specifications be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None CITY HALL COOLING TOWER INSTALLATION: The Commission was advised that specifications distributed to receive bids for delivery of a cooling tower had been in accord- ance with the existing cooling 'tower which was no longer manufactured, thereby requiring preparation of new bids and moving the date to receive bids until June 11, 1979. SANITARY LANDFILL PERMIT APPLICATION: The Commission was presented an invoice in the amount of $739.93 received from Neill Engineering Corporation for the prepara- tion of a technical report on the sanitary landfill permit requirements, noting that Mr. Neill had submitted the permit application for approval of the State 0 Health Department. u o LD .n W <C c:::c o n :,~"""..-,...- '217 Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that the invoice in the amount of $739.93 received from Neill Engineering C~rporation be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None REPAIRS TO SANTATION DEPARTMENT UNIT 607: Invoices in the amount of $348.86 and $526.78 received from South Loop Ford for repairs made to Unit #607 used by the Sanitation Department were presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that invoices in the amount of $348.86 and $526.78 submitted by South Loop Ford be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None REPAIRS TO SANITATION DEPARTMENT PACKER BODY: Invoices in the amount of $729.00 and $118.60 submitted by the Truck Shop for repairs made to a packer body made neces- sary by a limb being caught between the blades was presented for payment. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that invoices in the amount of $729.00 and $118.60 submitted by the Truck shop be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None WEST UNIVERSITY SOFTBALL LEAGUE: The Commission was advised that invoices in the amount of $424.05 and $177.50 for practice shirts and balls used by the soft- ball league was a pass through situation inasmuch as tuition fees were used to defray league expenses. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that invoices in the amount of $424.05 and $177.50 for softball practice shirts and balls be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None REPAIRS TO TD15B TRACTOR USED AT SANITARY LANDFILL SITE: Invoices in the amount of ,$451.80 and: $612. 35~' submitted; 'by Plains Machinery Company for repairs to the TD15B tractor used at the sanitary landfill site were presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, the invoices in the amount of $451.80 and $612.35 submitted by Plains Machinery Company be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums repprted that this was the final day of the current session of the legislature and he would make a report at the next meeting of the Commission. LLl_. tL r:--;-:r:::r~ t. " II I"'l~r"'ur---:-,-: I:.' u. J. .' '<lll' ..1, 'll~",I"DI1~1III!IlII:1 'Iu ,!- . . Irr.1 .1 . :nrllllll1IIDIIlIllll9lUtr.l1.. "~\ . \1 .. 'I\~--'- , L-.. ..;.., ~._.._. ... 218 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: City Manager J;imBrown reported that he ha.d discussed ti'eIlching at the sanitary landfill site with former City Engineer David Steitle who had recommended that Mr. Dave Neill of Neill Engineering Corporation be employed to prepare plans and specifications for the trenching at an approximate $300.00 cost., It was the decision of the Commission that this item be discussed at a workshop session, l LJ Mr. Brown~ reported that arrangements ",had ,ae:en:::co~p];et(M-for the' re~stripingQf bicycle lanes on Saturday, June 2nd, CONCERNS OF THE CITY,COMMISSION: Commissioner Rosenbaum was advised that an investi~ gation would be made into a complaint she had received that children were asked to vacate the swimming pool in favor the swim team. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board on April 3, 1979, were presented to the Commission for their information and it was noted that 'requests of such Board would be considered by the Commission at a workshop meeting. ELECTRICAL BOARD MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on May 21, 1979, were presented to the Commission for their information. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. o ~o?n IK ATTEST: ~~~ City Secretary , ' n " '~'~~P:"=-.' ~ ". ,. rL_ n o LO ~ W <:( c::( o n '219 REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 11, 1979 The City Commission covened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, June 11, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Cole, presiding; Commis- sioners Maneval and Rosenbaum. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioners Ahrens and Horne were absent. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Maneval. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, May 28, 1979, were presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on May 28, 1979, be corrected to indicate that Commissioner Ahrens voted against the re-organization of the Finance Department and approved as corrected. Voting Aye; All Voting No; None ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: Mr. Bob Dunn appeared before the Commission on behalf of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church to request permission to move an existing building from one lot to another for use by the church as a scout hut. Mr. Dunn stated that the building was now located on a main portion of the church property and it was desired to move it across the street to a site in a grove of trees to provide a play area in addition to the scout hut. Mr. Dunn also stated that the building would be kept the approximate same distance from Bissonnet as it is at the present time andthat siding, probably abestos, would be replaced on thebuilding~ Mr. Dunn presented members of'the Commission with a site map indicating the present location of the building as well as the proposed new site. Commissioner Maneval recommended that inasmuch as Commissioners Horne and Ahrens were not in attendance at the meeting that this should be discussed at a work- shop meeting of the City Commission. Motion by Commissioner Rosenbaum, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that this item be included on the City Commission workshop agenda for Wednesday, Jun~ 13, 1979, and that representatives of the church be requested to appear before the Zoning and Planning Commission on Tuesday, June 12, 1979, and an opinion be re- quested from the Zoning & Planning Commission prior to the workshop meeting. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None STREET TOPPING PROGRAM: The Commission was advised that Mrs. Kathy Ballanfant, 3123 Amherst, had a conflict and would not appear before the Commission to express her concern with the policy of topping street without proper residential noti- fication. ] 11-';-:-) "'~'1I1111"11""Hmllr-"-, r" .1J:C -~_~I I III: iL """,l'iiIlillIIIIIUmm' I 1.1 'lr~ II I 1 ,JJIIIIIII..l1IDIIIIlIIU'IIl.II.. I".., il. 111'1 I i I I L"_..~.....L. l._.'..; .._.... ..-.-JIWllM:I".JtmU,U~I,L, L' II I I I 'I I .~."",;!":-.)i;:r.tiHt"t..~~ I_:......~.. .1i~ ~'f\1 220 HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Ms. Jayne Davis, 4120 Southwestern, presented a request to J a~l West U~i~ersitfY re:didents tOd protest the high cost offf.g~SOline, ndoti~g " t at a petltlon 0 reSl ents an appeal to government 0 lClals woul brlng attention to the city, especially if all residents agreed to not drive their automobiles on June' 23rd and planned to enjoy various activities and facilities within the city. Mrs. Doris Parks, 3836 Villanova, requested that a survey be made of College Street from University to the dead-end to determine if topping the street would help drainage and that a survey also be made of Poor Farm Ditch from the Galleria 'area,' through West University to Braes Bayou to see if possible cleaning out would help the drainiage problem. Mr. Brown advised that Mr. J. D. Greene with the Harris County Flood Control District was working with the city to clean Poor Farm Ditch. In response to a question by Mr. Gerald Kerbow, 2630 UniveIsi,ty, regarding the current status of the chipper operation, Mr. '~rown responded that consideration was being given to working on Saturday to attempt to clean the entire city at one time and then to establish a regular schedule for the chipper to follow. Mrs. Ross, 3304 Albans, advised the Commission that she had no obj ections ,to plans of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church to move a building to be used as a scout hut, but that she did object to the warehouse building erected for a gym by the church and.the back Ya~d flooding caused by such construction, and that she also obj ected to the use "of asbestos siding on the scout hut. Mr. W. L. Partridge, 4040 Ruskin, was advised that the Finance Department was re-organized by the separation of the Tax Department and Finance Department in order to provide up-to~date financial informa~ion and for better organization. c APPOINTMENT OF CITY TREASURY.; Resolution Number 79-25 was presented to the Commis- sion and read ihfull: WHEREAS, Mr. Robbie R. Barnett,. employed as City Treasurer has resigned his employment with the City of West University Place, Texas; and 'WHEREAS, Mr. Patrick 'O'Conner has been employed to serve as City Treasurer. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. O'Conner as City and he is hereby set forth in the Texas. The City Commission hereby names and appoints Patrick Treasurer of the City of West University Place, Texas, vested with all 'of the duties and responsibilities as Charter of said City and the Statutes of the State of active Section 2. The effective date of such appointment shall be retro~ n to JUne 5, 1979. , PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by' Commissioner Rosenbaum,,, .secuI).decLb}l:.€iomin:;tssioner. . Man eval:,;. t:hat; Resolution Number 79-25 be approved as read. (221 Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Cole administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Patrick O'iConnor as City Treasurer of the City of West University Place. APPOINTMENT OF TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR: Resolution Number 79-26 was presented to the Commission and read in full. " o LD " W c:c c::( WHEREAS, Mr. Robbie R. Barnett, employed a's Tax Assessor/Collector has resigned his employment with the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS"Mr.Joseph Harris has been employed to serve as Tax Assessor/ Collector. NOW, THEREFORE, BE ITRESOLVED'BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ~ , Section 1. The City Commission hereby names and appoints Joseph Harris as Tax Assessor/Collector of the City of West University Place, Texas, and he is hereby vested with all of the duties and responsibilities as set forth in the Charter ~f said City and the Statutes of the State of Texas. Section 2. The effective date of such appointment shall be retroactive to June 4, 1979. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by'Commissioner Maneval, seconded by COmlnissioner Rosenbaum, that Resolu- tion Number 79...:26 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Coleadmlnis'tered the Oath of Office to Mr. Joseph Harris as Tax Assessor/ Collector of the City of West University Place. AIR CONDITIONING TOWER BIDS: In accorda~ce with previous action of the City Commission, bids received for delivery and installation of an'alr conditioning cooling tower , were' opened and results announ,ced as follows: Coastal Mechanical Servall Mechanical Way Engineering 4,350.00 '4,265.00 3.293.44 '~otionby Commissioner Maneval; seconded byCommission'er Rosenbaum, that this item be recessed until Wednesday, JUne 13; 1979, in order that bids received might be analyzed and a recommehdationfor purchase presented to the Commission. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ~'I-"'" ,,- - ":ry".~-=",,}.~"t""''',p.r~:'r_'-::','f-W-' ".Ll .... _ Ii. L._..........J L.1Jr---TJ "-:'."",e;>'lln'I'w;tI;'mlnlfl~:":, ,-I L'., ,1....;:]':.:17":1.. _ ~1....:..L.L. : ~., 'L.L [illl: . .. 11 ~""L" II:UmIliIlIDDlIl..IIIIIlI1lI" 1 :L~r.lf"~ _ jj ~ll J JllllW..USIIWllHlI..ll." ~i . ;'110 Iii, I 'I ,I L ......._~,:L, L_:~! L_..:._.,--I.lIJt\J,,i,it;i ~,Ilt..l....! l...!........!LI-l-1 '~J ..,[.-J.J<I-j..hh~Ur,Z .>~.~..,. ,""~ ".~~, ,~: ;....'i:"..j 222 STREET DEPARTMENT MATERIALS: In accordance with a request by the Commission for ad- ditional information regarding the bid of White's Mines for delivery of rock asphalt for coverstone, the following information was presented: I appreciate your discussion with our George Sutherland regarding our recent bid to the City of West University Place. u The current railroad freight rate to your area (Houston, Texas) is $,?i:73:per ton~' This would make' the total bid on rail delivery $13.73 per ton. This discount as shown on the bid will remain the same. Since the supply of railroad cars is so limited we cannot make any prediction as to the amount of delivery time that will be required but every effort will be made to expedite your shipments promptly. Also, the railroads have requested a freight rate increase, now before the Texas Railroad Commission, and should this increase be granted, we will be forced to increase the freight cost to the City as well as any other increase the railroads may be granted. We certainly appreciate the business you have given us in the past and hope t6be of service to you with rail delivery. 1. Truck Delivery. This method would assure us of delivery, but would cause an expenditure of twelve thousand dollars more than was authorized in our 1979 budget. ,: 2. Rail Delivery. This method would be approximately,fifteen dollars per ton cheaper and would be within the amount approved in our 1979 budget, but 'delivery of the full amount of material required would be uncertain. I have 'inventoried our present supply of coverstone and find that this material, plus the amount that could reasonably be expected from rail shipment, would be enough to maintain those streets that are most in need of preventative maintenance, but would probably not be enough to complete our entire 1979 resurfacing program. 'In view of the above' cons.iderations, I would suggest that we accept rail delivery for this coverstone, use it as far as it will go and divert any excess manpower to other improvements such' as numerous base repairs that are needed and could be made with.material obtained locally. Motion by Coinmissiorier .Maneval, setonded,,;byCoi'nmiss:i:o.tler:~ ,Rosenhaum:..,~ that the, U City Commission accept the proposal submitted by White's Mines for delivery of 800 tons of precoated natural limestone rock asphalt by rail from Uvalde, Texas for $13.73 per ton. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None u o to .n w <( <( o n 223 IBM SELECTRIC TYPEWRITERS: An invoice in the, amount of $810.00 for purchase of a IBM Selectric typewriter for the Municipal Court and an invoice in the amount of $1,620.00 for the purchase of two IBM Selectric typewriters for the Finance Department were presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Maneval,' seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that payment be made to IBM in the total amount of $2,430.00 for delivery of three IBM Selec- tric typewriters. , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None , STREET DEPARTMENT MATERIALS: An invoice in the amount of $2,658.43 from Wright Asphalt Company for delievery of 6,300 gallons of colas for the street maintenance program was 'presented for consideration~ Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that the 'invoice submitted by Wright Asphal t Company be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None PLUMBING BOARD: Mayor Cole administered the Oath of Office to Ron Taylor as a mem- ber of the Plumbing Board inasmuch as Mr. Taylor was unable to attend the meet- ing of the City Commission on May 28th when other board members took the Oath. LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums adivsed the'Commission that he would like to discuss the recent session of the State Legislature in more detail early in July and that it was his opinion that the Legislature had treated cities kindly. CITYMANAGERIS REPORT: City Manager Jim Brown reported that some problems had been encountered with the trash bin located at the water plant for use by residents, inasmuch as residents were purchasing permits, employing someone to haul their trash to the site and then discovering that the bin was full. Suggested solu- tions included that permits not be sold for Mondays in order for the bin to be emptied by the contractor. Mr. Brown stated that plans were being made for payment of overtime on Saturday to permit employees of the Sanitation and Street Departments to make a concen- trated effort to get all trash hauled out of the city in an effort to let the chipper operate on a regular basis. ' Mayor Cole agreed to write a letter to State Representative Brad Wright for his support of legislation to permit cities to retain original jurisdiction over utility rates. Mr.' Brown reported that both he and consulting engineer Dieter Ufer were having difficulty in communicating with persons in charge of the city's wastewater treat- ment plant grant offer_but efforts were continuing to get a status check. The Commission was advised that final payment of $31,770.60 of the city's grant for the construction of the Colonial Park Recreation facility had been received from the Texas Department of Parks and Recreation. .Ul'1 1 JIllUII..l1lBlIlll!ll!UIL.l'...I!. II . .,111'l1 I. I 1.1 j' 'I ! L-__:. I,.. L, 1_' .LL L:._ .._J,JUllilt.! i[i1,Ii.ll....Jl!; l..!-I!, I I , 111 1,lbU;, ,~Jt~"'" ~ ~ , ~T i! _., ,;l ::-%tJ~ 224 CITY COMMISSION CONCERNS: The Commissipn, was advised that work on Wier Park was al- ,most complete ,and shoul4 be ready for the installation of the fence in a couple of weeks. Members of the Commission decided to study, in workshop session, means by which joggers and bicycle riders could b~ required to wear lights or other reflective devices when out at night. U,,' , ' , ' , , ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES; Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on May 16, 1979, were presented to the Commission for their information. ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION: Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning and Plan- ning Commission on May 22, 1979, were presented to the Commission for their in- formation. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. ~J;t~ , "Mayor " D ATTEST: oe~~ ~~Jv~ e~~l:.lt:: LeU Y n LJ o.! , 1 , , , I f o LO ~ W <( <t: 0' l U' t " 225 REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 25; 1979 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, June 25, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present; Mayor Pro-Tem Ahrens, presid- ing in the absence of Mayor Cole; Commissioners Horne, Maneval and Rosenbaum. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Rosenbaum. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on June 11, 1979; were pres~nted to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commiss'ioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on June 11, 1979, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None PROVISIONS OF 'FENCE ORDINANCE: Mr. Richard P. Nethers, 2736 Bellaire Boulevard, who had requestedpermission'to express his concern with certain provisions of the fence ordinance presented the following letter to the Coinmission: We are here to discuss zoning and fence regulations for the perimeter block of West University and specifically concerning our property located at 2736 Bellaire.We've owned this property since 1971 and during recent years have watched Bellaire Blvd. turn into a freeway. That factor along with the new zoning'ordinance allowing construction of townhouses consti- tute our two main subjects. .. First, we would like to discuss the town house ordinance as it relates to bur property. Last y~ar,t'own houses were completed next door to us. Our problem is that they bought in additional fill such that their pro- perty is approximately one foot ,higher than ours and in doing so they filled dirt onto our property which they have thus far refused to remove, level, sod or in any manner bring to a condition such as it was previous to their construction. It now appearsas~ if we' will have to bring suit and I believe the city with proper rulin~s could .have circumvented the situation. Secondly, in the construction of their fence they left our side un- finished in appearance and with electrical conduit exposed while their side looks very nice. We understand they are within the city regulations and we firmly contend the code should be changed. It is unfair that they should be atlowed to detract from the appearance of our property in such a manner. ' , Our second point of discussion involves the fence ordinance concerning our property.' During the past year our home was burglarized solely due to,the fact that the thieves easily observed us packing our vehicle for a trip. In' additi.on, the 24 hour Safeway across Bellaire has increased the pedestrian traffic up and down the boulevard, causing us to feel un- safe. :}.'t""",,""'J l~ :;~ ~~""'~~ "-1;- >1P"f~", nttltrr"'-: r11 I 1 rlTl ~l'~It':n~l::lnnIlH!'-- I rr- nl'Tr -, I I i I I I )'111, il ",Innmmllliln.lllllllf. 1 ,111111 ~ II 1.:1 I JllIlIIII..l1ll1ll11!I1J'IU,I'. ~I'l.. II .. IIVl II, I I I 'j I L,_ )J, t L__'_: L ,:. -' 11~U1. !LI I ;1 LI II I I 1 i IJ ..1",,-," ,I .1.1' I ~,. h".:.... .J ,ll ~l 226 Our desire is to enclose our property with an 8 foot privacy fence. The reason for this are two fold and may be deduced from the previous comments. 'Obviously security as explained is a major reason. Another important factor is the noise pollution of Bellaire Blvd. Tractor, trailers, turbocharged buses, speeding automobiles, motorcycles and an abundance of ambulances all rO;lr up and down the street 24 hours a day. u The townhouses next door may build a fence out to the property line and we believe we should also have this privilege. One would hope the city could ensure that these fences are constructed in an aesthetic manner. Additionally we see high fences on Kirby along the sides of houses that face ~n 'interior stre~t. We know this is allowable under current code. However, the c6de does not allow us to construct a fence in front of our home so that we may feel safe and secure. We contend that Bellaire Blvd., has evolved to the point where a separate set of rules are in order. City Manager Jim Brown advised that he had visited with Mr. and Mrs. Nethers on two occassions regarding their problems and that the fence adJacent to their property had' been constructed acco'rding to provisions of the current fence ordinance. City Attorney David Allums offered the following solutions to problems r-'j confronted by Mr. and Mrs. Nethers. U 1. Bring suit against the owner or contractor of the townhouse project to have fill ,dirt, removed from his property. 2. Make an application for 'a fence permit to construct an abutting fence adjacent to his property which was permitted under the current fence ordinance S'O long as provisions are made for a clean-out space between the two fences. 3. Permission for the 'construction ofa fence could be permitted only with action by the City Commiss'ion to amend the current fence ordi- nance and it was suggested that this problem be presented to a com- mittee designated by the City Commission to study various codes and ordinances which had posed problems for various residents and make recommendations for changes and/or revisions. Mr. J. D. Woodsun, 3825 Tennyson, stated that careful consideration should be given to the fence ordinance inasmuch as it affects many residents and that consideration should also be given to fees charged for permits. Mr. Woodson expressed concern as to the interest of the Commission in pro- blems facing residents of the city. Ms. Jayne Davis, 4120 -Southwestern, stat'ed that it was her belief thatu i', '" I members of the Commission were very interested in solving problems l faced by residents and that asa member of the Electrical Board she was aware of problems Building Inspector Wayne Perry faced in working with various existing codes and ordinances. n o LD oM W <t <t o o .......""""...... ".. ~ '227 HEARINGS OF RESIDENTS: Mayor Pro-Tem Ahrens advised Mr. Gerald Kerbow, 2630 Univer- sity Boulevard, that he had previously been scheduled to present the City Com- mission a report on"theTML meeting held in San Angelo whi'ch he attended, but lack of time had precluded such presentation. Mr. Ahrens further stated he hoped to review the meeting at a workshop meeting of the City Commission on Wednesday, June, 27, 1979. Mr. Kerbow was also advised that with the employment of Mr. Frank Robinson as Chief of Police there was only a vacancy in the position of detective in the Police Department at the present time, Mrs. Dorothy Clary, 4131 Ruskin, was advised that plans and specifications are required by the Inspection Department prior to issuance of permits for new con- struction and remodeling. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD: In the absence of members of the Parks and Recreation Board, Mr. Ahrens reviewed minutes of a meeting of such Board on June 12, 1979, taking action to open the Community Building on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month for teen (13 to 17) activities from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. with the following rules to be followed: 1. Once ,a youth enters he/she may not leave and return. 2. No smoking allowed - Parents will be notified if caught. 3. No alcohol or drugs - Parents will be notified if caught. 4. Parents will be responsible for any damage caused by the child. 5. Stealing, fighting or using abusive language - Parents will be notified. Following a determination that comments had not been received from Community Services Director Bob Gurley on the request, it was the decision of the Com- mission that this item be deferred until the workshop session on Wednesday, June 27, 1979. ELECTRONIC REMITTANCE CONTROL DEVICE: In accordance with previous action of the City Commission, it was noted that 'invitations to bid on delivery of an electronic remittance control device had been mailed to the following firms: Victor Com- puter Corporation, 1. B.M." Malloy's Cash Register Company, Inc~ and N.C .R. , with only N,C.R. responding with a bid which was opened and results announced as follows: N.C.R. - $5,287.50 for a Model 250 delivered and installed forty-five (45) days after receipt of order. Members of the Commission discussed costs for a maintenance agreement to cover 'repairs on an 8: 00 a.m. to 5 :00 p.m. basis s'ix (6) days a week; supplies that would be required; training for city employees; and differences in the quoted Model 250 and the Model 280. . It was the decision of the Comrilissiori to 'accept the recommendation of Mr. Brown that a decision be delayed until specifications are checked with the bid to be sure they'agreeand this item recessed until Wednesday, June 27, 1979. .LL.L._ .IL ,1.l;::::::::J.. .", """""r--'" I.' 1 ::::.,.~._.... ':l..._l.. --...l!...--...l...-.........._' ., ""I.: . '~L' ,r'nUlIlIIIIDDIII...IIIIIIlIl: [.I.a lll'l 1 JJ~..IlIIlIllWIll'lIl.Il. .I'~ . ). ,11111 I:, .1 I , L_ ~,..IJ.L_l '.! J ~."_ -..J Ilill.JU il.U I', ~<L L-":l I I L--:l I J ,_. . . II i ~ ~HI4"-!"'"" , 228 COUNCIL ON AGING: Resolution Number 79~27 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, by Resolution Number 75-29 the City Commission of the City or West University Place, Texas, established a Council on Aging; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission to make certain changes in the Council on Aging to give a wider input of ideas and opinions and to strengthen the leadership role of the Council in ad- vising and guiding the Senior Services Department of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. The membership of the Council on Aging is hereby chang~d from seven (7) members toel~ven (11) members, including the Chairman of the Council on Aging. Section 2. That members of the Council on Aging shall serve for a period of two (2) years. Section 3. That all other provls10ns of Resolution Number 75-29 shall still be applicable to the Council on Aging. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that Resolu- tion Number 79-27 be approved as read. Vo'ting Aye: All Voting No: None SANITARY LANDFILL PERMIT: The Commission was advised that a Public Hearing will be held at the City Hall on Thrusday, July 19, 1979, 9:30 a.m. by the Texas Depart- ment of Public Health on the city's application for a permit for operation of the sanitary landfill and that final billing had been received from National Soil Services, Inc., in the amount of $2,870.14, for laboratory and geotech- nical studies made at the landfill. ' It was noted that the contract approved by the City Commission was not to ex- ceed $7,800.00; that the first billing approved by the Commission on March 12, 1979 was for $4,694.59 and the final billing of $2,870.14 would make the total contract amount $7,564.73. Commissioner Horne's checking of the invoice indicated a $60.00 error in the computation for Report Reproduction. Motion by Co~issioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that the invoice be returned to National Soil Services; 'Inc. for correction and payment in the amount of $2,930.14 be approved. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ::;.1 II U "-'I LJ u n o LD " W <:( <( o n ,229 LATERAL MONTISSA FILE CABINETS: City Manager Jim Brown requested that consideration of this item be recessed unti,l Wednesday, June 27, 19.19. CITY T~ASURER: Mr. Ahrens introduced City Treasurer Patrick O'Conner to those in attendance at the meeting. Following a report by: City Attorney~DavidAllUms.~bf~"an.::;inc.idenLin:v:olllingeff2rtsby = Policemen Peter Heckler and Rick Roper and Firemen Steve Salyer and Mark 'Stemmer in freeing a dog from the driver's seat of an automobile, the City Manager was requested to express appreciation to 'each of the officers involved. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES; During a 'review of minutes of the Parks and Re... creation Board on May' 8th, May 22nd and June 12th,Ms, Susan Christ, a member of the Parks and Recreation Board, arrived at the meeting to discuss the pro- posed Teen Center operation. Ms. Christ stated that the Center would be operated by parents serving on a vol- unteer basis inasmuch as Community Services Director had advised that there were no funds provided in the budget for staff services for such operation. Ms. Christ also stated that there would be ping pong available and music provided for dancing if desired' and that the Center would be operated very similar to pool parties that had proven successful during the winter months. When advised that members of the Police Department had expressed a desire to work with a Teen program,:Ms. Christ stated she would contact Sgt. Peter Heckler of the Police Department. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the Parks and Recreation Board be given permission to operate a Teen Center at the Cornmu- nityBuilding on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month for teen (13 to 17) activities from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. according to rules proposed by such Board in its minutes of June '12, 1979, and report to the Commission the success of such ,operation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ELECTRICAL BOARD MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on June 18, 1979, were presented to the Commission for their information. ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION: Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning COInmission on June 14, 1979:were 'presented to the Commission for their information. The Report of the Zoning and Planning Commission was noted by the CityCommis- and will be scheduled for review at a workshop session in the near future. HEALTH BOARD MINUTES: Minutes of the 'regular meeting of the Health Board on May 29, 1979, were presented ,tb"the 'City Comission for their information. Members of the City Commission instructed that the agenda for the regular meet- ing of the City Commission on July 9, 1979, include an item regarding the long service rendered by Dr. Howard L. Evans ,as City Health Officer. - "~'l$~~f."'" ", ",.! Ll1_~ _I, ~ I. _IIJc:::::i11v"1r1lrlfl'lllfHftll"-- "-J'j.-r[--i--.lJ,[jll--~.l.........-11 I r I I I 1!111. 'iL ':JrlDfilIllilIIIID.BIIIIII[ r IIJ:llI .1111 I. ,JJ'III&I..llaIlIlIllIllUlI.ll.. I" Ilf: I L. ,*:'J,,;L-_l_ .; 1_, ;.:,.. ---1'lllliJli, lIJI,~; U~~~ l1.. II I 1 , IJ ,. _..... <l _.,~""", ~-~ I ,1 230 LEGAL ,MATTERS: City Attorney Davitl Allums reported that he would be in San Antonio on Tuesday and Wednesday to attend a meeting of the City Attorneys being held in conjunction with the Annual Bar Association meeting. .. r-l lJ Mr. Allums stated that it was his belief that he would be able to resolve the suit filed by former police officer William Ballard and that he also believed that a suit filed hy former police and fire personnel for collection of unused sick leave that had been turned over to him by former City Attorney Charles Cockrell would be dismissed later this year for lack of prosecution. Mr. Allums stated that he did hot plan to take any action on a suit filed by Mr. Paul McDonald until a report had been received from the committee appointed by the Commission to study existing codes and ordinances. Commissioner Horne advised Mr. Allums of a letter received from Mr. F. Michael Pickel requesting permission to use the City of West University Place in a new games that he was developing. Mr. Allums stated that he would consult other at- torneys at the meeting in San Antonio to see if a similar request had been re- ceived by other cities. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: City Manager reported that necessary repairs had been made to the front door of the City Hall by Houston Door Check Company and an invoice in the amount of $632.00 had been received. Motio-n by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that an invoice in the amount of $632.00 received-from Houston Door Check Company for repairs to the City Hall front door be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None u Mr. Brown reported that Sanitation Department employees had worked on Saturday and that the southeast quadrant of the city had been cleaned of trash with ex- ception of a couple of areas and some that was put out after the truck went by. In response to a question regarding the cleaning of Poor Farm Ditch, Mr. Brown responded that this was not a high priority item with the Harris County Flood Control District. It was the decision of the Commission to discuss this item at a workshop meeting in two weeks. CONCERNS OF THE CITY COMMISSION: In response to a question from Commissioner Horne regarding deadlines for material-to be included in the City Currents on a re- gular basis, Mr. Brown advised that in order to maintain a workable schedule material for the Currents should be considered by the Commission at its last Wednesday workshop of each month. This item will be included on the workshop agenda for Wednesday, June 27th. Mrs. Rosenbaum ,advised that it was the desire of Mayor Cole to have a reception for new city employees and their families and that such reception would be held on Sunday, July 22, 1979, from three until five. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come 'before the City Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned until 7:00 p.m.; Wednesday, June 27, 1979. ATTEST: ~ . t1 --., ~ '/~ 't~y Seer ary ~o(n ~ n n o LO ~ W c:( <:( o n . "I :231 CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING June 27, 1979 The City Commissi~n convened in recessed session on Wednesday, June 27, 1979, 7:00 p.m., with the following members present: MaY-Qr Pro-Tern Ahrens, presiding in the absence of Mayor Cole who was out of the city; Commissioners Horne, Maneval and Rosenbaum. The City: Manager was also present. Mr. ,Ahrens announced that the purpose of the meeting was to consider items not covered on the regular Commission agenda, on June 25, 1979. ELECTRONIC REMITTANCE CONTROL DEVICE: CitYcManagerJim Brown presented the fol- lowing recommEmdationfoT delivery of ,an electronic remittance' control de- vice on which bids were received by the City Commission on June 25, 1979. The budget line item in the Finance Department for the subject item (900.5) is $3,000. The lowest bid by NCR is $5,287.50, which ex- ceeds the budget, line item by $2,287.50. We have discussed the feasibility of paying for the subject item out of Account No. 60, General Revenue Sharing Funds that were earmarked for a 4-door~sedan in the budgeted amqunt of $7,500 for the following reasons; , 1. The fund must be, encumbered within two ,;.(2).,years , from receipt or returned tp the federal government. 2. 'The subject item is in one of the five (5) categorical areas approved by the .federal regulatipns(Financial Operations). 3, The original .purchase has been deferred indefinitely by the City Commission, A copy of the basic specifications for the subject equipment is attached. The ninety keys ,will be programmed for our use at in.., stallation. Discussion by the Commission covered the 'feasibility of transferring the entire amount of $7,500 in Revenue Sharing Funds to the General Fund to defray cost of monthly rental of theNCR data processing equipment and purchase of the NCR electronic remittance control device; the desire of the Commission to know that the City Treas~rer has been consulted in such matters; andcatergories for which Revenue Sharing funds may be used. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the City Commission approve purchase of the NCR electronic remittance control device and approve the .method of p:ayment as set'forth in memorandum from the City Manager dated June 27, 1979. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None _..-'~~t~.,...- _ I>~'" .J...LL....-, 11~ .....L.- LCT:-::J . '1J1I1.I.tllllllll.~-:'; .-rl'-; :l J;"1I;"]--'-' I I I I ']] 11-.. I Hili" . 11 1 L . !l"DHiIillIllill..mUI:' I _111'1 I ...JU.....IlI1I1II1llIllII11,Jl... I, 11,1 '" I. I I L. _ ......!L t. ,_J....L_;_, ~ .llIlauifJi.WHttUiio&ll<L. 1I 'I 1 1 '1IJ..\(::':ik,.t.;;:.::r~&.Ii",.'~""-","", " ".",j 232 LATERAL MONTISSA FILE CABINETS: The Commission was advised that Mayor Cole had ::I'l requested that the invoice received from Vesco for delivery of two Lateral Montissa file cabinets be included on the agenda for the regular meeting of the City Commission on June 25, 1979. ~ . .' , Discussion by the Commission included the fact that the two cabinets were purchased on the same date and could appear thai~equired bidding procedure for purchases over $500.00 had been bypassed; that the files were purchased with funds budgeted in the Inspection Department and the Municipal Court; and the desire of the Commission to avoid any possibility of not being completely open with regard to any funds expended. ' Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissio~er Maneval, that the invoices in the amount of $900.00 received from Vesco for d~livery of two file cabinets be approved for payment. '" Voting Aye: All Voting No: None SOUTH LOOP FORD TRUCK SALES. INC. INVOICE: The Commission was advised that this item had been added to the agenda for the recessed meeting on an emergency basis, with properly posted amended agenda. The Commission was advised that on February 12, 1979, when bids were re- ceived for delivery of a cab and chassis as well as a packer body, they were awarded to, separate bidders~ The packer body bid aG:cepted was for a Pak-More built in San Antonio thereby requiring that the 'cab and chassis 0 be delivered to San Antonio for installation of the packer body resulting in an,additional,$24.00 freight charge ,inasmuch as the bid was f.o.b. Houston, South Loop Ford Truck Sales, Inc. requires payment for the cab and chassis prior to the installation of the packer body. An invoice ,in the amount of $15,387.91 received from South Loop Ford Sales, Inc. for delivery of a cab,Land chassis to the Pak-More plant in San Antonio was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that the City Commission approve payment of an invoice from South Loop Ford, Inc. in,the amount of $15,387.91 which includes $24.00 for additional freight which was included in the bid. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. ~Yo'(l1 Me ATTEST: ~ ~a,J- City Secretary u D o LO ~ W <( <:( o o 2,33 R~GULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING July 9, 1979 The City Commission convened in regular session at the ,City Hall on Monday, July 9, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present; Mayor Cole, presiding; Commissioners Ahrens, Horne, MaI1eval and Rosenbaum. The City Attorney and City Ma~ager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Cole, CITY COMMISSION MINuTES:' Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on June 25, 1979, and a recessed meeting on June 27,,1979, were presented for consider- ation. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on June 25, 1979, be approved as submitted and that minutes of the recessed meeting on June 27, 1979, be corrected to reflect 'that an additional $24.00 freight charge for delivery of a cab and chassis to San Antonio for installation of a packer body was not included in the original~id, and approved as corrected. Voting Aye; All Voting No; None HEARING OF RESIDENTS; Mrs. Margaret Hollowell, 4016 Swarthmore, appeared before the CoininiSsion to request assistance in installation of additional equipment and facilities at' Colonial Park: Mrs. Hollowell reviewed facilities at Wier Park, Judson Park, Whitt Johnson Park "and Colonial Park, noting that only Colonial Park provided no free equipment or fa~ilities and the lack of equipment for use by pre-school age children. Mrs . Hollowell presented Corinnissioner Rosenbaum with $100.'00 as her contribution for the facilities with q request that other residents be requested to establish a match prOgram .with the city as' had been undertaken by residents in the area of Wier Park for the purchase of equipment. Mrs. Hollowell presented brochures she had received from Miracle Playground Equipment Company with approximate costs for a slide fbr smqll children, swings for 3 and 4 year olds, more seat type swings, a run and play area and benches to be placed around the area. She also pointed out that many children were cutting across the railroad tracks to reach Mulberry Park in Bellairebecause of the lack of facilities at Colonial Park. Members of the Commission reque~ted that Mrs. Hollowell retain the $100.00 and forward it to the city with specific requests for equipment she would like to see placecl in the' park ~ Mr. JoeWil~iams? former Chairman of the P~rks and Recreation Board, noted the succes~ of the group of Citizens ,for Wie~Park and suggested that such a challenge be offered to residents in the vicinity of Lolonial Park to match funds they might raise for improvements to the park~ Mrs. Doris Parks, 3836 Villanova, advised the Commission that she was repeating an earlier request for a survey of College 'Street south of University to Bellaire to alleviate flooding of the area and would like to learn the current status of a report that Poor Farm Ditch would be cleaned. "-.>;;-- T'::>>~~"""",,~_~,,,",,'"f'.l!~I" J'f."'4;lr- 1..1..l.-..1......~1 I I~ <"!"If.:tll',n~IT[II'\fT!mlllr---'lj : III :1-Jl:rlJL~ 1 I 1 ': I i'l 1.111. ,L ;'lIl1nIlllllUDIUIIIIH 1 .I~j llIT'1 - . .. ~ I. III rr I ...1IrIDI"DllDllllmn,Il.. :1, '11\1 "TT- t~ ~I""l....... ..~.,,:!:-_L. J.J _~.._------1'llllU.ILlI.IJ.I~.IlWlo>J L!........:lrr~-"""';r--~""TlT ._,c.!I.:>-i,," 11-..-11-- ~. ~__!a..."",,,--. . _ _J 234 City Manager Jim Brown responded that the city does not have an up-to~date sche-~ matic showing drainage in the city and that inasmuch as Poor Farm Ditch is U under the j~risdiction of the ~arris Co~nty Flood Control District clean. I[ out sc~edullng would be at thelr convenlence. Mr. Brown noted that there lS currently no City Engineer/Public Works Director on the city's staff and that when such position is filled a study of streets and drainage facilities would be made. Mr. Ferd Reiger, 6516 Brompton, reported that the street sign had disappeared at the intersection of Brompton and Pittsburg and expressed his concern with the placing of shrubs and.trimmings in the street by some residents. Mr. Reiger also expressed concern with trash dropped by city employees when loading trucks. CITY HEALTH OFFICER: Resolution Number 79-28 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, Dr. Howard L, Evans has served the City of West Uni- versity Place, Texas in the capacity' of City Health Officer since the 10th day of April, 1961; and WHEREAS, the demand of his time and the increased activity of his profession has dictated the necessity of resigning to devote time to his personal business and family interests; and : ,WHEREAS ; during all of his ',service Howard L.Evans_performed rl his duty and responsibility in such manner as to reflect credit Ul upon 'himself, his 'family, his profession and the city; and WHEREAS, his attitude and attention to his responsibility as City Health Officer was received with respect and confidence and was given by him in a manner of personal worth and und~rstanding; and WHEREAS, the City Commission invites Dr. Evans to continue his interest in the city and to participate in its civic affairs; and WHEREAS, the City Commission wishes to recognize Dr. Howard L. Evans for his long and faithful service as City Health Officer. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Commission acting by and through its authority, hereby contends Howard Evans for his unquestionable pro- fessional integrity during the many years of service to the city. Section 2. That the City Commission individually expresses its grateful appreciat~on to:him for his unselfish devotion. Section 3. That this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of the City 'Commission, and the.Mayor-be, and he is hereby authorized to deliver to Dr. Howard L. Evans a true copy signed by each member of the City Commission and attested by the City Secretary. II U o o l!) '" W <:C rc::( o n I' '1Ii! 235 PASSED AND APPROVEP this 9th day of July, 1~79. , " Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that Resolution Number 79-28 be approved as read. Vo'ting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Cole presented Dr. Evans the original of Resolution Number 79-28 which had been beautifully framed for the occasion. CHIEF OF POLICE: Resolution Number 79~29 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission that new leader- ship for the direction and guidance of the Police Department of the City of West University Place be provided; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission of the City of West University Place to fill the vacancy of the position of Chief of Police heretofore created. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. Section 1. That Frank W. Robinson be, and he is hereby, appointed Chief of Police of the city effective upon this date and the taking of the Oath of Office. Section 2. Chief of Police Frank W, Robinson shall rec~ive as renumeration for the performance of his duties the salary as recommended by the City Manager, approved by the City Commission and as stated in the 1979 Budget. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of, July" 1979. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that Resolution Number 79-29 be approved as read; Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Cole administered the Oath of Office 'to Chief Frank W. Robinson as Police Chief of the City of West University Place. INSURANCE COMMITTEE: Resolution Number 79-30 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, it is the obl~gationofthe City Commission, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ,ordinances heretofore adopted to appoint members to various Boards and Committees; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and interviewed qualified citizens to serve on the Insurance Committee of the City of West University Place; and ~;J:.: ':11'1"1" '1) rr, ", lJ~_ _ ,r;-:---]. I I .J -ll 1~1f""! I"Pil,111'~f'U .-.. .; -I (".'.J -.J:' .--:- L............. I I' I, ........L L....:... 'il. IL IWiliilllIlllllllmli![ 1 . [j II ..IIl.":1l I . .JIJ...IlUIUIIlIIIR.JJ.!.. ..l! . II 'IIII! I , , L,_...:":J.~:L_L I..J.J.~: .. .-1,UUlUlll.l ! II ~ _ l~LL! 'I ' IJ. ~,--,~....:.1... 236 WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Insurance Committee. u NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Insurance Committee: Seth Ramey, 3409 Rice Joe Williams, 3112 Lafayette Wayland Hancock, Jr., 3909 University Howard M. Marshall, 2931 Amherst Joe Eason, 3773 Nottingham Section 2. That the persons appointed to the Insurance Committee shall serve without compensation. " Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed shall serve until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Rosenbaum, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that Resolu- tion Number79~30 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None [] Mayor Cole administered the Oath of Office to Joe Williams, Wayland Hancock, Jr. and Howard M. Marshall as members of the city's Insurance Com:mittee. COUNCIL ON AGING: Resolution Number 79-31 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission pursuant to provisions of the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members of various Boards; and WHEREAS, the MayoTand members of the City Commission have con~ 'tactedand interviewed qualified citizens to serve on the various Boards; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Council on Aging. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as bers of the Council on Aging: Oscar Kotteman Bess Wendt Jerry White A. J. Greenway Horace Rice Robert Beck Lloyd Flynt Nancy Bringhurst Duke Landry mem- D Oi .r. , i f I o to -M W <( <:( o n ',2'37 Section 2. ,That the persons hereby appointed to the Council on Aging shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Council on Aging shall serve for a period of two years from the date of this Resolution. PASSED AND APPROVED this , 1979. day of Mayor Cole administered the Oath of Office to Oscar Kotteman, A. J. Greenway, Lloyd Flynt, Duke Landry and Nancy Bringhurst as members of the Council on Aging:;. FORMER CITY MANAGER: Former City Manager Whitt Johnson requested permission to speak to the Commission. He stated that he had attended the meeting to see the new Chief of Police sworn in and would like to congratulate the City Commission on its selection of a new Chief. Mr, Johnson also noted that Dr. Howard L, Evans had been honored by the Commission and he regretted that he did not know this item was on the agenda or he would have been present earlier to express his appre- ciation to Dr. Evans for the many years of dedicated service he had rendered to the City of West University Place, its citizens and employees. TREASURER'S REPORT: City Treasurer Patrick O'Connor had been requested to appear be- fore the Commission to present a report on the current status of the city's Finance Department. Mr. O'Connor reported that Mary Butler had resigned her, position as a bookkeeper inasmuch as she had moved out of the area and that E. C. (Kay) Underwood had been employed. Mr. O'Connor stated that the hardware fo~ the NCR8231 computer was scheduled to be installed and operational by July 30th; that tax records will be converted first and was scheduled for completion during August with tax billings' in Septem- ber and October to be performed by the NCR computer. The Water-Sewer Fund will be converted during September and all other funds and General Leger to be con- verted during October and November. Mr. O'Connor then presented the Commission, a detailed schedule of Certificates of Deposit as of July 9, 1979, totaling $3,295,000.00 Members of the Commission expressed appreciation to Mr. O'Connor for his re- port noting that this ,was the first financial report received by them since taking office. RATE INCREASE REQUESTED BY HOUSTON LIGHTING & POWER COMPANY: Resolution Number 79-32 was presented to the Commission and read in full:. WHEREAS, on July,2, 1979, the Houston ,Lighting & Power Company (HL&P) filed a Statement of Intent to change its rates for electric service within the City of West, Univeristy Place and has requested that said changes become effective on August 7, 1979; and WHEREAS, HL&P has filed revised Tariff Schedules together with statements specifying in detail each, proposed change, a rate filing package, and supporting testimony; and ~~"~~. L......._ .,~_ J. ,I-:IL::::"'I ~~t;'."..,,,,....,. ..'rr..,:I.-,",--' . ::U:' lrDUllIlIIIIiIII..u....m I ,1~"IlI' 1- '])' . .111I...1: 1 ..lllIUlII..UBIlIIll'1n Il . ~~~ . Ill1l I ';1 I 'I I L_~":!.~:Ll, ~_LJ _~.:. ---I,lllllJJ .1I.1dl 1l'1"~' l!....JI I I . i I I ,~ku.:n~~I-'",",k.bw~';'l:~.2.:..".o,,",,,,"J>''-'1-:.i1''.( '..\;"",.~ 238 WHEREAS, Section, 17 (a) of the Public Utility Regulatory Act, Article 1446c, Texas Revised Ci viI Statutes , gives the governing body of each D municipality exclusive original jur:l..sdication over electric rates within ~ ' its municipal bouridar,ie$; :and : , ", i . WHEREAS, Section 43(d) of the Public Utility Regulatory Act authorizes the goveTning body of any municipality acting as a Regulatory Authority to suspend the operation of any proposed change in rates for a period not to exceed 120 day~ beyond the date on ~hich the scheduled rates would otherwise go into effect, which period may be further extended for an additional 30 days; and WHEREAS, HL&P propose4 rate changes, and the detailed material sup- porting those changes require comprehensive evaluation and study; NOW, THEREFORE, BElT RESOLVED BX THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS:, , That the change in rates for electric service within the City of West University Place proposed by Houston Lighting & Power Company to become effective on August 7, 1979, should be, and are, hereby sus- pended for a period of 120 days beyond said proposed effective date, until December 5, 1979, subject'to anadditlonal suspension of up to 30 days beyond said date upon further resolution of this Commission. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of, , 1979. ~ Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that Resolution Number 79-32 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. LeRoy Gardner, Division Manager, Houston Lighting & Power Company advised the Commission that passage of the Resolution automatically suspends the rat~ increase for a,period of 120 days which would permit the city to learn action taken by the Public Utility Commission on the application. City Manager Jim Brown advised the Commission tha~ previous officials of the ci ty had elected to join' other ~mall - d ties in the emploY-J1rent 'of'-a rate con-s:ultant and'inasmuch as he had just returned'from vacation he had not had an opportunity to consult with others and would like to defer further discussion on this item until the workshop session on Wednesday evening, July 11th. RATE INCREASE REOUESTED BY SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE r.OMPANY: Mr. Brown advised the Commission that he ,would like to do ,some research on this request and report at the workshop session on Wednesday evening, July 11th. 1978 AUDIT REPORT: An invoice in the amo~nt of $1,500 representing final billing for preparation of the 1978 audit report'by Coopers & Lybrand, certified public accountants was pr~sented for considerC},tion. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the City Commission approve payment of an invoice in the amount of $1,500 submitted' by Coopers and Lybrand. rn u ~ ""1,;:a~~. _.,~~<, ~"'"1~'~'- ,~;r-"1"",v. I I 1 o o II) r-I W c:( <t o ~ '239 Voting Aye: All Voting No: None AMBULANCE CAB & CHASSIS: An invoice in the amount of $10,286.00 received 'from Modular Ambulance Corporation for delivery of anew cab and chassis for the city's ambu- lance was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that an invoice in the amount of$10~286.00receivedfrom Modular Ambulance Corporation for delivery ofa new cab and chassis be approved for payment. , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None LEGAL SERVICES: An invoice in the 'amount of $4,532.24 .submitted by City Attorney David Allums for legal services rendered during the months of April, May and June was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that the in- voice submitted by City Attorney David Allums in the amount of $4,532.24 be approved for payment. , Voting Aye: 'All' Voting No: None" LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney ,David Allums advised that he had responded to a request by Mr. Michael Pickel to use the city's name in a game that he 'was developing. 'Mr. Allums stated that his attendance at a meeting of City Attorneys in San Antonio had been both informative and pleasant and that he had learned a number of matters that faced cities that he had 'not been' aware of: Mr. Allums stated that he had discussed with Bellaire City Attorney Firmin Hickey the use of Southwestern Argus as the city's official newspaper and it was his recommendation that we continue to use the Argus because he believed notices were read by residents better than they would be in the Houston Post or Chronicle and because of the cost involved with the larger newspapers. In response to a question regarding the city's bond rating, Mr. Allums stated that he had been in contact~ith each of the rating companies each month and was of the opinion- that no action would be taken to change the rating; ;unless the city took action on the two tax amendments that had been approved by voters on January 20th. Mr. Allums requested that further discussion be delayed until the results of the passage of recent legislation had been reviewed and that a briefing be included on ,the City Commission agenda for July 23rd. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: City Manager Jim Brown advised the Commission that Fire Chief Ben Wilcher had made a visit to the State Board of Insurance in Austin and that it appeared some success had been reached in changing the city's population from the 17,000 estimate to 15,000. Mr Brown stated that some type device was needed in the Fire Department to re- cord telephone conversations and that Chief Wilcher had investigated cost of some equipment. The City Commission instructed that a report be obtained from Chief Robinson regarding his plans for use of all channels now available in the Police Department and check be made with Southwestern Bell Telephone Company to determine that might be available on a lease basis. 1 ; l-rl r11t1'~11'ntl1F1Hffl1!IIir---.. ri 11 .. ~, ! I I" llil' "11 """lI1UIiIIIIHBlll.nml1ff r I III .. 1 1lI!'1 I. J1IIUlIl.lllDlIIll1JilUIJ ,..l~i.. 1I... ;lltll j: i I I I I L--;~;,:I.. L .'..!--l__;~, _--"JlJtUJdlil Ul.ll ~iJ, LI 'W~l I LJ ",,,J. >'1':, ,I....\<.:. ~4'" ,~..wl&.-ot."""1" 240 CONCERNS OF THE CITY COMMISSION: Commissioner Horne distributed some suggestions for coverage of more items in workshop sessions, noting that further discus- sion would be held on Wednesday night. Each member of the Commission welcomed Chief Robinson pledging to support him. u Commissioner Ahrens was advised that he would be furnished information regarding completion of the Wier Park t'ennis courts at the workshop session on Wednesday night. Mayor Cole requested that Mr. Bob Gurley, Director of Community Services, and the Police Department do what was necessary to prevent drinking of alcoholic beverages on the school grounds. City, Attorney David Allums added that Mr. Ben Frieler, Superintendent of the Wes"t'University'Elementary School, had requested that adjacent neighbors try to keep persons from parking on the school grounds. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES: Minutes of ' the regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board on 'June 26, 1979, were presented to the Commission for their information. ZONING & PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on June 28, 1979, were presented to the Commission for their final information. Members of the Commission instructed that consideration of a final report submitted by ,the Zoning & Planning Commission for rezoning of Lot 1, Block 1, Collegeview 3rd Addition, located in the. 3800 block of Sunset 'Street, be placed on the agenda for consideration on July 23rd. o ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to comebefdrethe Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:33 p.m. ~JlI~ , Mayor , ATTEST: r%j~'~ ue~~ City Secretary c '241 fl LJ REGULAR CITY CO~~ISSION MEETING July 23, 1979 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, July 23, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Cole, presiding; Commis- sioners Ahrens, Maneval and Robinson. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Horne was out of the city. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Ahrens. <:> MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION MEETING;,' Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commis- LD sion on Monday, July 9, 1979" were presented for consideration. " Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that minutes lLJ of the regular meeting of the City Commission on July 9, 1979, be corrected to <c show that a motion was duly made, seconded and carried to approve Resolution <C Number 79-31 and approved as corrected. Voting Aye: All Voting No; None HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mr. Charles Robinson appeared before the Commission on behalf , of a request made by St. Andrews Presbyterian Church for permission to move an existing building from one lot to another across the street fOr use by the church as a scout hut. 0: '-1 'i , , Mr. Robinson noted that the original request had been made to the Commission on June 11~ 1979, and that the church was ready to move the building subsequent to approval by the Commission. Discussion on the request included an investigation made by the City Manager regarding restroom requirements for public meeting places; an opinion by the City Attorney that the only means by which the Commission could grant the re- quest would be by amendment to the Code; and the fact that an amendment to the Code might not be in the best interest of the city inasmuch as it would per- mit relocation of other buildings. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that the City Commission decline to approve the request by St. Andrews Church for relocation of a scout hut. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Jerome Burling, 2719 Pittsburg, requested information regarding the current status of proposed changes in the fence ordinance. rp UJ Mayor Cole advised that members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment and the Zoning and Planning Commission had been requested to study numerous city ordinances and codes and make recommendations to the Commission for changes they believed necessary, an'dthat such report should soon be complete. In response to a question by Mr. Burling regarding the possible elmination of backdoor grabage pickup service in the city, Mayor Cole explained that citizens would be requested to make the decision inasmuch as the service required expen- diture of general revenue funds on a continued basis or an increase in service fees. ',1.1 I. '"""""'~'1pn J-'''I~ ~O:-;r' .LIL_ I!, II J,"""T1 in II t liif It'JIlIIr--'~;.1 i .1 J.,..' -~ -L..........L .L.....~ ...J.......:...II ,lL'lI"DUillllllllllllllmli![ 1 .1,11I1, .. . ,lll";I, 1 .I.UIIIIII.llIDIIlIIlHlIll.. '1'1." il. ;11111 .1; 1'1 I , L _,.:;L. l' ._1 I ---'~~iwU.~Il.t,iwil.1.#1 l.!..........!1 I' '11,~~olIiIW-- '''"'t..I.!O..~.i1 242 Mr. David Rulfs, 3304 Albans, stated that he was very opposed to moving of a scout hut across the street by St. Andrews Church and he congratulated the Commission for its action in denying the request. D Mr. Marshall Graham, 3711 Ric~-Boulevard, stated that he was glad that West University had an excellent Police Department, but that he had some problems in some areas. Mr. Marshall noted that the playground at the West University Elementary School continued tu have automobiles driven on it, especially on weekends and at night, and that there were many broken beer and other bottles. Mr. Marshall stated that on t,wo occas'ions he called the Police Department and had no response to his complaint. Mr. Marshall also asked if there were any polic~ officers on the street, adding that he seldom saw a patrol car. Mr. Marshall pointed out the danger to children playing on the school grounds from a piece of abandoned pipe that was left in the grass after being cut from one of the back stops. WATER WELL NO 7: Mr. Matt Cannon of Langford. Engineedng, Inc. advised the Commis- sion that responses h~d been received from the state and insurance board on plans and specifications for water well no. 7 and the 12" water transmission line and that the project was ready to put out for bids when the Commission was ready to do so. In response to a question regarding inquiries made to determine the most econo- mical time to advertise for bids, Mr. Cannon stated that he was sure there would be numerous good bids received'on the transmission line, but that the firms drilling wells were very busy and that it would not be advantageous for the proj ect to be delayed. Mr. Cannon will appear before the City Commission at its ~next regular meeting on August 13, 1979, to present current estimated costs for the project. o Invoice No; 1861 in the amount of $561.00 for engineering services rendered by Langford Engineering, Inc. on the project was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that the City Commission approve payment of Invoice No. 1861 in the amount of $561.00 to Langford Engineering, Inc. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None FINAL REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF ZONING g. PLANNING r.OMMISSTON'Jt was the decision of the City Commission that this item be deferred until the workshop session on Wednesday, July 25, 1979, and requested that they be' ,furnished a copy of the plans approved by the Zoning & Planning Commission for study at that time. NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES MEMBERSHIP: The Commission was presented an invoice from the National League of Cities for membership dues for June 1, 1979 thru June 30, 1980, in the amount of-$468.00. The Commission was advised that the National League of Cities was the only voice cities had on,th~Congressional level and advised municipalities of all types OLD pending legislation that might be harmful. , " , , , Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that the CityCoIlllilission delay consideration of joining the National League of Cities until some year in 'the future. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None D o LO rI W <! <( o D ~~ 243 NCREOUIPMENT DISC CARTRIDGES: The Commission was presented an invoice in the amount of $1,612.84 received from STEP, Inc. for delivery of 20 memorex mark IIIT top loading disc cartridges. Discussion indicated that City Treasurer Patrick OlConnor had placed an order for the disc without benefit of 'the bid process in error. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that the City Commission approve payment invoice number 000020 from STEP, Inc. in the amount of $1,612.84 for discs to be used with the NCR computer equipment. Voting Aye~ Cole Maneval RosenbaUm Voting No: Ahrens EMPLOYMENT OF PAYROLL CLERK: An invoice in the amount' of $1,030.00 submitted by Superior Personnel Services, Inc. for employment fees of Kay Underwood as p~y- roll clerk was presented 'for consideration. Discussion indicated that it was the usual practice to use employme~t agencies in filling certain 'staff positions and that Ms. Underwood was employed prior to the termination of Ms. Mary Butler in order to provide some instruction time. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the City Commission approve payment of $1,030.00 to Superior Personnel Services, Inc. for employment fees of Kay Underwood. Voting Aye: All Voting No: , None REPAIRS TO GARBAGE TRUCK ANDCHrpPER: The Commission was presented invoices in the total amount of $1,064.38 received from Jack Roach Ford for repairs to one of the garbage trucks and chipper. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that Invoices #51686, #51560 and #51600 in the amount of $1,064.38 received from Jack Roach Ford be approved for payment. Voting Aye; , All Voting No; None FUEL REQUIREMENTS: Invoices received from Gulf Oil Company in the amount of $6,675.77 for delivery of unleaded gasoline and diesel fuel were presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner'Rosenbaum, that the City Commission 'approve payment of $6, 675.77 to Gulf Oil Company for gasoline and diesel fuel deliveries. Voting Aye: All Voting No; None POLICE DEPARTMENT CHAIRS: The COnlmission was presented a requesttopur~hase two (2) chairs for use in the Police Supervisor's office to replace those that were not repairable. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that the Police Department be authorized to purchase two (2) chairs for the Supervisor's office at an approximate cost of $350.00. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ..., L......,--'O , ., . K' ___ . '.. I ." --::1>"< . ~ "l" Il" ., r I ',m"'-"lllllIlIl!lUlI,lI.. '1~I.. 111.1 . I I I L ,,":l:;,:C,L.:,! 1:....:"'_...----'illIliUl'.llli.lu~"u~ L! !I"""T' I ,1 ~ r~.J ,-,I<l,,-.fl,'<t-->,.j,.jM.. ;'<,,,<1 244 FIRE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT: A request from Chief Ben Wilcher for purchase of miscel- laneous firefighting gear for members of the Fire Department was presented to the Commission. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that Chief Ben Wilcher be authorized to purchase miscellaneous firefighting gear from the low bidder, Fire Fox, Inc. at a cost of $985.00. u Voting Aye: Ahrens Maneval Ros enbaum Voting No: Cole STREET REPAIR MATERIALS: An invoice in the amount of $1,006.26 received from Texas Crushed Stone Company for delivery of limestone coverstone for use in the summer street repair program was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that the City Commission approve payment of an 'invoice in the amount of $1,006.26 from Texas Crushed Stone Company; Voting Aye: All Voting No: None STREET REPAIR MATERIALS: An invoice in the amount of $1,415.20 for delivery of cement and concrete for Wier Park tennis court improvements was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that an in~ 0 voice in the amount of $1,415.20 submitted by Lone Star Industries, Inc. be approved for paYment. Voting Aye:' All Voting No: None The City Manager was instructed to provide the Commission with a tabulation in- dicating the balance of $7,500 which had been appropriated for Wier Park tennis court improvements. MUNICIPAL COURT ASSOCIATES: The Commission was advised that sixty (60) day appoint- ments for Associate Municipal Court Judge Michael Schneider and Terry Collins and Associate Prosecutors Thomas Taylor and Betsy 'Rice Coleman would expire on July 27, 1979. Motion by Mayor Cole, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that ~1ichael Schneider and Terry Collins be re-appointed Associate Judges of the Municipal Court for a sixty (60) day period and that Thomas Taylor and Betsy Rice Coleman be re-appointed Associate Prosecutors of the Municipal Court for a sixty (60) day period. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums adv~ed the Commission that he had received a letter from Ms. Mae Nacol, attorney for William Ballard, in his suit against the City of West University Place stating her 'desire to take depositions from William Ballard and Casey Stevens. u n o LO ~ W <:( c:( o n 245 Mr. Allums reviewed some of the legislation passed at the recent session which relates to municipalities, including changes in the law regulating arson, Muni- cipal Court Bond Appeal payments made by mail, change in the election law to permit certain elections on the 1st Tuesday after the 1st Monday in November, county wide appraisals and the p'eveto Bill. ' ' Mr. Allums reported that the Tax Board of Equalization was now meeting and it was believed their meetings would be concluded by the end of August. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: City Manager Jim Brown stated that Assistant City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh had expressed concern with an article in the Houston Post on July 22nd which had quoted him erroneously. Mr. Brown presented a letter from the Texas Municipal League outlining plans for collective action to be taken by cities in connection with a request filed by Southwestern Bell with the Public Utilities Commission for a rate increase. It was noted that the firm of Touche Ross & Company would be employed to work as the cities' consultants with Don Butler of the TML staff as lead counsel for the sum of 2~ per capita from each city. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the City of West University join' other cities in the employment of the Texas Municipal League to represent and present evidence in the pending Southwestern Bell case, at the rate of 2~ per capita. Voting Aye: 'All Voting No: None CONCERNS OF THE CITY COMMISSION: Commissioner Rosenbaum expressed concern about the recycling program and her desire to see improvements in the program. ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on July 12, 1979 were presented to the Commission for their information. ELECTRICAL BOARD MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on July 16,' 1979 were presented to the Commission for their information. ADJOURNMENT; With no further business to come before the Comniission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. '~~ , Mayor'. ' - ATTEST: ~~~ City Secretary , I III -l.jf"i1I1III! ~fm!I,"""""--: '[ ".... T"" -, , I I, ,111,' tt~,".'~ ; :,' _/';~!mZ-Er.-'11""J t: .'.>>! ~~~ rll II .. ,1 'rrllllllllllDII.amm I' I 11': , .1.m,";I: I J1l1U1U.lllD.ll1Ilmll~Jl'. ,m . ,I . ,III' ,',1 'i ,[ I I I L.._.";,;I...L_L__! L :.~. ---..J[II_.R.U--.LliJ.uI~ lLJl I I < 111I1M1!mii'"""MWii~IIDt. t--<J'-i...-l..1&.t-ii!.1 246 REGULAR CITY' COMMlSSION 'MEETlNG" August' 13, 1979 u The City Commission convened in regu.lar session at the City Hall on Monday, August 13, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Cole, presiding; CbmmissionersAhrens> Horne, Maneval and Rosenbaum. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Horne. MINUTES OF COMMTSSTONMRRTTNr,. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on July 23, 1979, were presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Maneval~ seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on July 23~ 1979, be corrected to reflect that Mr. Matt Cannon, not Mr. Langford, stated that bids would be re- ceived on the water transmission line for water well number 7 and that payment be approved for discs for the computer 'equipment, and approved as corrected. Voting Aye: All Voting No; None HEARING OF RESIDENTS: MI'. Oscar Kotteman, 6355 Rutgers, appeared before the Commission as a member of the Council on Aging to present a request that more be done for the S~llior. 'Gi -UzeI).s_of the city. Mr, Kotteman reviewed the program UQw__being held at Faith Lutheran Church, noting that approximately seventy-five West Uni- D'i'i versity seniors participated in the program. Mr, Kotteman requested that money beset aside in the 1980 budget toward 'the eventual purchase of a permanent meeting place for senior citizens and that additional programs and services be instituted. ' To a question by Mrs. Doris Parks, 3836 Villanova, regarding the difference be- tween the Parks and Recreation Department and the Parks Department, City Manager Jim Brown responded that the Parks Department and the Recreation Department were entir~ly separate functions of the city. Mrs. Hugh Sterling, 3411 Nottingham, was advised that the mosquito program was in full operation, but that the machine would.be calibrated to make sure it was functioning properly. WATER WELL NO.,7; In accordance with instructions of the City Commission on Monday, July 23, 1979, an invoice in the amount of $1,087.61 submitted by Langford Engi- neering, Inc. for contract service rendered on the design of water well no. 7 and a 12-inch water transmission line was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the invoice in the amount of $1,087.61 submitted by Langford Engineering, Inc. be approved for payment. Voting Aye;, All Voting No: None u n o LO '"' W <( <t o n '247 ORDINANCE NUMBER 1137: Ordinance Number 1137 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:30 P.M. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1979, TO CONSIDER A REPORT OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NUMBER 111 TO REZONE LOT 1, BLOCK 1, COLLEGEVIEW 3RD ADDITION, FROM A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT TO A TWO FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR A JOINT HEARING ON SAID DATE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION; DIRECTING THAT NOTICE OF SAID HEARING BE GIVEN AS PROVIDED BY LAW; REQUIRING THAT A COpy OF THE REPORT OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION BE FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That a public hearing be held at 7:30 p.m., September 6, 1979, at the Community Building of the City of West University Place, Texas, located at 6104 Auden,to consider the report of the Zoning and Planning Commission recommending that Zoning Ordinance Number 111 of said City be amended to rezone Lot 1, Block 1, Collegeview 3rd Addition, from a Single Family Dwelling District to a Two Family Dwelling District in the Ci.ty of West University Place.' Section 2. That such hearing shall be a joint hearing before the City Commission and Zoning and Planning Commission of said City. Section 3. The City Secretary shall publish notice of such hearing in the official paper of the City of West University Place, Texas, at least fifteen (15) days before the date of such hearing and in addition thereto shall mail notice of such hearing to the owners of property lying within 200 feet of any point of the above described lots; such owners shall be determined according to the current tax roll of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas, and the mailing of such notice shall be made at least fifteen (15) days prior to the time set for the hearing. Section 4. A copy of the report of the Zoning and Planning Com- mission shall be filed in the office of the City Secretary and shall be avail- able for inspection by any interested party. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this , day of ,1979. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that Ordinance Number 1137 be approved as read. Voting Aye: Ahrens Cole Horne Maneval Voting No: Rosenbaum -,'~ ".- L~__ I.. _J ,L......LL""""'""1I'<MIIt,.,,'~,."""""''''.--...'.::I.-.--:l-J..'.:..'--:L.......L.... ..............L.........L....l.~...J ,1'.LiII"lJ L .- " . I, . ,~r:' !l'DnIlIIIIIDIII_mlJ1Il". I . 'Ill""j' I ,J.Il1U1U.1LUlllIllHlI.JI.. JLl . II . .;lllil "I .; i,': II L_.... :....~ Ll .! J ., '.. .-.JlIllIoI.t ilJ.lJU U~.J..L-.. l..L...!1 I I , 'I J J_;hj<-ok-%- ....l"'rr"l<'-'~. ~ -.;.' n ~.",,-~ 248 PURCHASE OJ STREET DEPARTMENT MATERIALS: An invoice in the amount of $2,020.32 submitted by Wright Asphalt Products Company 'for delivery of emulsified asphalt was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that Invoice Number 12147 received from Wright Asphalt Products Company for delivery of emulsified asphalt be approved for payment. u Voting Aye: All Voting No: None POLICE DEPARTMENT CHAIRS: In accordance with action of the City Commission on July 23, 1979, authorizing the purchase of two office chairs for use of the Police Depart- ment, an invoice in the amount of $169.00 submitted by Carroll's Discount Office Furniture was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissloner Horne, that an invoice in the amount of $169.00 submitted by Carroll's Discount Office Furniture be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None POLYGRAPH EXAMINATIONS: An invoice submitted by Polygraph Examiner Johnnie Wierner for examinations made during a Police Department investigation, in the amount of $500.00, was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that payment be approved to Polygraph Examiner Johnnie Wierner in the amount of $500.00. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o SANITARY LANDFILL PERMIT: The Commission was presented an invoice from Neill Engineer- ing Corporation in the amount of $1,566.80 for services rendered in connection with the city's application to the State Department of Health for operation of the sanitary landfill site. It was noted that payment had been made of $5,169.65 on April 26, 1979 and $739.93 on June 19, 1979. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that payment be approved to Neill Engineering Corporation in the amount of $1,566.80. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums advised the Commission that he had nothing to bring ,to their attention at this time. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: City Manager Jim Brown presented a request to advertise for bids for purchase of 100 5/8 x 3/4" water maters and 20 fire hydrants which were included in the 1979 budget. Mr. Brown reviewed information received from the Texas State Insurance Commission advising that update of the city's fire hydrant was necessary in order to preserve the city's current key rate standing, and that the water meters were to be used in the continuous replacement program of old water meters. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for purchase of 100 water meters and 20 fire hydrants, with bids to be received by the City Commission on September 10, 1979. u n o to " W re::( <:( o n I, ; :-~~~ ~249 Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Brown directed attention of the Commission to a request b Street Superin- tendent A. L. Bearden that a $12.00 deposit be charged for all block party re- quests for replacement of safety cones and lights that might be lost during use at such parties. Mr. Brown noted that the lights cost $4.00 taCh and that twenty had been lost since January 1st. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner HornL, that the City Commission authorize a $12.00 deposit for block parties, to br refunded when equipment is picked up with such procedure to be reviewed at romelater date. Voting Aye: Horne Voting No: Ahre s Maneval Colel Rosehbaum CONCERNS OF THE CITY COMMISSION: Commissioner Ahrens stated that le would like to take exception to a reference in the resignation of Community Services Director Bob Gurley regarding interference by members of the City Comm'ssion as being the reason for his resignation. Commissioner Ahrens further stat d that he would like to categorically deny having anything to do with any Dep rtment Head directly or indirectly. Commissioner Rosenbaum also stated that the only division of !he Community Services Department that she had been involved with was the S nior Services and that she had nothing to do with the resignation of Bob Gu ley. Commissioner Rosenbaum requested that an investigation be mad into a bad sewer smell on Academy Street from Marlowe to Rice and that bad sew r lines were her reason for being opposed to construction of any more townhous s until something is done about the problem. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before upon motion duly made, seconded and ca:ried, the Mayor Cole reminded those in attendance that the first public hearing on the pro- posed' 1980 budget would beheld at the West Univeristy Commun"ty Building on Monday, August 20, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES: Minutes of the regular'meeting Board of Adjustment on July 18, 1979,; were presented to the C their information. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES~ Minutes of meetings of the Par Board on June 24, 1979 and July 10, 1979, were presented to tl their information. and Recreation Commission for this time, at 8:00 p.m. ~.2?L , ,Mayor ATTEST: ~_~J~ City Secretary ~tl" tJ"r.'" .. III r"-in~ "'lIlrll D'I!!1illillfr .. 'I,'" n' ..,.." ',III , I .. 11 .. rrlllrmnml.nmllT' 1 . _, ,ill' I' 1 JJII"'U.llllll1ll:J~U'JJ ,. J~l .., I . Ill' . , I I I L- ~..,,:L t ....! L_;.:..----111lll.J;J.;.tLI1U;:n~L [L1I I' i I I ~hJ,.,...,':'i< "'t..iJ,...."......... - I..~ ~ ",;-l;."..:fJ 250 SPECIAL CITY CO~~ISSION MEETING August 20, 1979 u The City Commission convened in special session at the Community Building on Monday, August 20, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Cole, presiding; Commissioners Ahrens, Horne, Maneval and Rosenbaum. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation-was pronounced by Commissioner Maneval. Mayor Cole invited those in attendance at the first Public Hearing to consider a proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1980 and ending December 31, 1980, to obtain atopy of a supplement to the Southwestern Argus on Wednesday, August 15, 1979. City Treasurer Patrick O'Connor presented the following Treasurer's report; RIlVIWYIlS The 1979 Budget adopted a revenue plan to balance approved expenditures of $2,563,057 in the General Fund. Actual revenues have been realized at a somewhat higher rate than predicted by the 1979 budget process. We now expect that total revenues during 1979 will amount to $2,751,000, or $377,943 above the planned revenues of $2,373,057. (The budgeted :and projected amounts just cited are exclusive of the $190,000 bud- geted from prior years' surpluses.) [j Contributing factors to this substantial variance between budgeted and currently projected 1979 revenues are: A. Delinquent taxes collected should exceed the planned budget by over $70,000. B. Sales taxes are now projected to exceed the plan 'by about '$68,000. C. Franchise and other taxes will exceed the plan by $39,000. D. Interest revenue from investment of General Fund cash balances will exceed the budgeted figure by almost $125,000. E. Service revenues should exceed the plan by $35,000. F.' No grant revenue was anticipated in the 1979 Budget. In June of this year, we received the last installment on the Parks Grant (for Colonial Park), amounting to $32,000. The General Fund should experience an important drop in tax revenue for the 1980 budget year. Total current ad valorem tax revenues for the General Fund will be $1,085,151 for 1980 as compared with $1,227,876 this year. It represents a decrease of $142,725 in current ad valorem taxes and over $22,000 in delinquent taxes. As detailed on thefollowiri.g pages, assessed values will be $16,545,611 lower than last year. This assumes that the proposed increase in the Over-Sixty Five exemption is adopted in the 1980 Budget. ". The 1980 Budget proposal'predicts most other revenue categories at levels slightly higher than our 1979 projections. Notable exceptions are. u n o II) " w <:[ c:::t o u l" A. Interest on investments. This revenue is shown at:the same level ($165,000) as the 1979 anticipated receipts. The reasons for showing no growth in interest revenues relate to possible changes in short-term interest rates and possible decreases in average investable balances in the General Fund caused by planned capital item purchases. At this time, having further analyzed the revenue and expense patterns for 1979, I can predict that interest revenues will exceed $195,000 in 1980. '251 B. Services revenue (excluding recreation services). This category is shown at $28,000 in the 1980 budget proposal, $12,000 less than 1979 projections. In 1979 we received $9,000 in Mealsite reimbursement and $3,000 in S.T.E.P. support. ~oth programs have been terminated. TAX REVENUE ANALYSIS A. Market values, all taxable (ad valorem) property: 1978 1979 $417,721,140 $418,345,279 B. .Appraised values: $172,331,125 $167,338,110 C. Taxable values (70% of appraised values): $120,631,788 $117,136,677 D. Value of exemptions to Over-Sixty-Five $ 9,449,500 $ 22,500,000 E. Taxable value net exemptions: $111,182,288 $ ,94,636,677 F. Taxes available for following budget year. $ 1,578,788 $ 1,343,840 G. Genral Fund's share of collectable current ad valorem taxes: $ 1,227,876 $ 1,085,151 H. Comparison of 1979 actual tax receipts to 1979 budgeted receipts (General Fund): ~IilJW~~~ f.11.. I '1 'I' J' I iJ Jill '" "'lInllJllllilllllllm~[ 1 I I J---rI ~1ItJ1R!f'llllBltll'ff"!R!ll1!Ir---'- Ir- rl . -. '\ ""- ,I, ,III, 1 I.ll:.l'j' I .1lllWU.llIUIIU[JUU II... j~l . IIl<i : . II I L __' ';'.!,;L L J L ' .____.II!llJ,t ILl B. II..~/". l1........!U-!-1 II I l<~ :~_ ,[ ,l., J _- ," ~ l;~.:t{,i 252 1979 Budgeted Receipts Current $1,227,524 Delinquent 34,959 Sales 110,000 Franchise & 169,0,00 Misc. TOTAL $1,541,483 ,----, Actual Excess LJ Receipts (Deficiency) $1,227,876 $ 352 107~000 72,041 178,000 68,000 208,000 39,000 $1,720,876 $ 179,393 The 1979 Budget was quite accurate in its prediction of current ad valorem taxes. Delinquent taxes, however, are much higher than planned in the budget primarily because an abnormally low collection ratio was used in calculating expected re- ceipts. Normally, during the twelve months follwing a tax period, we can expect to collect 97.5% of taxes billed for the period in question. The 1979 Budget as- sumed a twelve month collection of only 91.5% of the taxes billed in late 1978. EXPENDITURES u The 1979 Budget approved the expenditure of $2,563,057 by the General Fund. On the following pages is a comparison between'budgeted and currently,projected 1979 expenditures. It will show that the General Fund will probably end the 1979 budget year having spent $2,409,300, which is $153,757 less than appropriated. Most of the savings will be the result of cancelled or deferred expenditures on non-payroll expense items. The payroll expense categories are projected to use all but 2.58% of the budgeted amounts, and, it can be assumed, would have used the full amount if several prolonged job vacancies had not existed during the first half of this year. The projections are based on empirical data obtained from Finance Department book- keeping records, unposted General Fund checks, and accrued expenses and accounts payable evidences by invoices and purchase orders, all as of August 10, 1979. The projections assume a straight-line relationship between actual expenditures of the first 32 weeks of this year and the predicted expenses for the last 20 weeks of 1979. The projections do not discriminate between recurring and non-recurring expenses, nor do they account for 'big-ticket' capital expenditures. The only exception to this caution regards payroll expense projections, which were weighted to reflect changes in the average rates of expenditure during this year. [ 253 n I. 1979 actual and ,proiected expenditures. Actual Projected Total 1979 expenditures expenditures projected '(32 weeks) (20 weeks) expenditures A. Payroll $1,000,703 $ 688,297 $1,689,000 expense B. Other ex- 443,261 277 , 039 720,300 penditures 0 to C. Total ex- ~ penditures $1,443,964 $ 965,336 $2,409,300 W <C II. 1979 budgeted and total projected expenditures. <( Payroll Other Total expense expenditures A. Budgeted expense $1,733,690 $ 829,367 $2,563,057 B. Projected expense 1,689,000 720,300 2,409,300 0 C. (Over) or Under $ 44,690 $ 109,067 $ 153,757 budgete~ expense D. Percent under 2.58% 13.15% 5.99% budgeted ,expense As noted; above, the total 1979 payroll cost to the Gene~al Fund should amount to $1,689,000. This sum, includes: $ 103,000 - Social Security 84,500 - Retirement Contributions 65,000 ~Workmen's Compensation Insurance 55,000 - Health Insurance 6,800 - Unemployment Insurance $ 314,300 '- totalbenefi ts costs $ 1,374,700 -gross salaries & wages n $ 1,689,000 - total salaries, wages & benefits I;~-~ '; , .~~~<:;t "~1"1 '''>' 1': [II, iT1 11 ~I ll.llLllJlillr' '-, '[ ,""' ii, '.. 1 I j IIII' 11' IrumlUIIIIII.nmlIr I .Ie ,III , l'II!;~ll . I .: lIlIlIIu.lwmIII!lUn II . rIm .., II . 'Jl1'1 " I ;1 I, I I ~.I~"C..l' I...LL' :' ---'1~IDUBll-IJjjfjIW", LL !rTI 'I ~J -*'"ijmtfi~'<t~l~u-.. --....,~j 254 Payroll expense for the last six months of 1979 will be significantly higher than it U' was for the first six months. Several job vacancies existed,during the early months of 1979, and most have been filled since June, In addition, scheduled merit reviews during July and August awarded, pay raises of between 2.5% and 5.0% to eligible employees. The average weekly payroll expense rate has~ therefore, increased from approximately $31,270 for the first seven months to $34,414 for the last five months of 1979. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the report of the City Treasurer be reproduced in sufficient quantity for distribution at the second public hearing on the budget to be held on Wednesday, August 22, 1979. Voting Aye: All Voting No; None Mayor Cole directed attention of those present to the supplement to the Southwestern A~gus which included audited 1977 and 1978 reports, the 1979 report which had been adjusted by the City Commission'5% across the board in order to cut current city costs and a proposed 1980 budget. Subsequent to a presentation by Mayor Cole showing costs for total salaries, wages and benefits for employees of the city for the years 1977, 1978, 1979 and proposed 1980 he was requested to list new employees that had commenced work for the city during the years 1977, 1978.and 1979, as well as new employees that were being con- sidered for fiscal year 1980. Following questions by those in attendance regarding the need in the Police Depart~ ment for an investigator, traffic officer and records clerk, Mayor Cole explained that the records clerk would be used to type reports, handle filing duties ~nd general clerical responsibilities of the Department; that it was believed that the traffic officer would pay his own way by tickets that would be written for traffic violations. il u In response to a question regarding the removal of a third building inspector position, Mayor Cole responded that the position had remained unfilled and it was felt that an additional inspector was not necessary at this time, In response to a question regarding savings that might be realized by discontinuing back-door garbage pickup, Mayor Cole responded that no consideration had been given to the subject inasmuch as it was believed that the majority of residents preferred the back-door pickup service. Mayor Cole advised Mr. Mike Parks and Mr. Gerald Kerbow that an attempt was being made to obtain an opinion from the Attorney General regarding the tax amendments that had been approved by voters in January inasmuch as the City Attorney had advised that it was his opinion that such amendments were in conflict with state law. Mayor Cole reviewed for Mrs. Margaret Hollowell action taken by the City Commission to retain a l% utility tax for the year inasmuch as such funds had been included in the 1979 budget, noting that the Commission could elect to abolish such tax prior to October 1, 1979. . ' u O. ,11. ,..',j " ~; -It i1 - ,I o (1) " W <:C c:::( O'\! .,.",<;1 .-..'~ ~1 n'" .1 :1(: o;a.:o''''' ....,,1'\ '255 Commissioner Ahrens advised those in attendance that Mayor Cole did not speak for all members of the City Commission and that as Mayor Cole reviewed departmental budgets he would add revisions that he and Commissioner Rosenbaum believed necessary to main- tain the current level of spending. Mrs. Sandy Moore was advised that the current salary for City Manager Jim Brown was $30,784 with an additional $2,160 housing allowance for a total of $32,944 with no increase proposed for the 1980 budget and that th~ current salary of Assista.nt City Manager Richard Rockenbaugh was $24,960 with a two-step increase proposed for 1980. Following Mayor Cole's review of the Finance Department proposed budget Commissioner Ahrens added that he and Commissioner Rosenbaum recommended that the computer rental rate remain at the 1979 level and that outside services be reduced, as'well as a re- duction to $1,500 for capital outlay items including filing cabinets, rolling stands, etc. Mayor Cole reviewed the proposed Police Department budget, noting the addition of a records clerk, an investigator and a traffic officer. The compliment of. the depart- ment now is a chief, one captain, three sergeants, eleven patrolmen and four dis- patchers. Mayor Cole stated that the traffic officer would be used for traffic con- trol to replace the S.T.E.P. program which will be discontinued in 1979, and that a new automobile requested would be used by such officer making a total of seven vehicles, one of which will be returned to the Director of Public Health but used by the Police Department on special investigations. Commissioner Ahrens advised that he and Commissioner Rosenbaum recommended that the three additional persons not be added to" the Polic~ Department. In response to a request by Mrs. Peter Elsas"Mayo:r Cole reviewed the Department of Community Services (Recreation) budget, advising Mrs. Elsas that funds had been in- cluded for the purchase of fifty (50) new mats for,use by ladi~s exercise class and that the existing mats would be recycled for use by other programs. Mrs. Hollowell was advised that $3,000 had been included for a chiidren'splay area at Judson Park and $3,000 for Colonial Park. By concensus of the audience and motion duly made and carried, the City Commission adjourned the Public Hearing at 10:30 p.m. ~?/t~ Mayor . ATTEST: ~~~ City Secre ary ,.., ".,.)1' ',)[:0 ..,. ~,... ~ ,- . I 1 , '1m; "II nnlilUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIII[: I JIIJ,IlLI -I -. ' II .. 1)1"11''1 1I1'tl't'ttlllt,'--- -jj .-ri-; ::rJ,J[L.L---:--1 I I '1'1 I I I I II 11\11, , : ,I II:~;.I" ., I J.Il11..U.llIllIIUl:llllllJ JLl, II, 1111 ., I I "j I I I L __..;_.".UJ~ _1 1__;",..--1wIIIII:uaUUJI-.1IIIIIIIiilj;I.;.lLJLl' W-~-.t~0$Jl 256 SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING August 22, 1979 u The City Commission convened in special session at the Community Building on Wed- nesday, August 2,2,1979,7:30 p.m., with the following members'present: Mayor Cole, presiding; Commissione.rs Ahrens, Horne and Rosenbaum. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Maneval was absent. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Rosenbaum. Mayor Cole announced 'that the purpose of the meeting was to continue a Public Hearing on the city.s proposed budget for 1980,and that copies of the supplement to the South- western Argus and the Treasurer's Report which had been presented at the Public Hear- ing on Monday were available. Mayor Cole stated, that an amended agenda had been posted to permit consideration of a resolution concerning the appointment of the Board of Directors of the Appraisal District of Harris County, Texas. ' Resolution Number 79-33 was presented to the Commission and read in full: A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE APPOINTMENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE APPRAISAL DISTRICT OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Texas passed and the Gove- Ii \ nor signed into Law Senate Bill 621 which relates to ad valor~ taxation; and ~ WHEREAS, said Senate Bill Number 621 provides for the creation of a central appraisal district within each County of the State; and said Bill furthermore provides that said central appraisal district be governed/admin- istered by a five (5) member, board who shall be elected by the qualified voting taxing units within the County by the following formula: u V = - X 1000 x 5 T V = The number of votes to which a taxing unit is entitled u = The am,ount of property taxes imposed by a taxing unit during the previous tax year T = The total amount of property taxes imposed by all taxing units within the appraisal district which are entitled to vote WHEREAS, Section 6.03(i) of Senate Bill 621 provides that a majority of three-:"'fourths- (3/4) of the,ql1alified'voUng rmitswHbjj!B the County may ex- pand the number of members of the board and alter the previous formula used for election of board members; and u n u o LD -rI W <( <:( 0, c' l D'~, , . ~ , , :257 WHEREAS, Harris County is a large IJrban area containing fifty (50) plus taxing units of which ninety-five (95%) percent are small in relation to the tax levies of a few larger units, thereby making the aforementioned size and formula for election of board members inequitable to the smaller taxing units. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That under the authority of that section, the City of West University Pl ace City Cammi ssion hereby affirms its support of the foll owing proposed modification in the board of directors. 1. That Section 6.03 (a) and 6.03 (g) of the Act be amended to in- crease the number of directors from five to nine. Those sec- tions, as they pertain to Harris County, shall now read as follows: Section 6.03 (a):' liThe appraisal district 'is governed by a board of nine directors'. To be eligible to serve on the board of directors, an individual must be a resident of the district and must have resided in the district for at least two years.1I Sect'ion 6.03 (g'):,'IIThe gove'rning body of such taxing unit entitled to vote shall determine its vote by resolution and submit it to the county clerk before November 15. The county , clerk shall count the votes, declare the nine candidates who receive the latgest cumulatiVe vote totals eletted, and submit the results before December 1 to the governing body of each tax- ing unit in the d'istrict and to the candidates.1I II. That Section 6.04,(a) be amended to increase the number of direc- tors necessary for a quorum from a majority to seven. That section, as it, pertains to Harris County, shall now read as follows: IISeven directors, shall constitute a quorum of the appraisal dis- trict board of directors. , At its first meeting each calendar year, the board shall elect from its members a chairman and a secretary. II III. That Section 6.03 (d) be amended to provide the determination of voting entitl ement by populati'on rather than property taxes im- posed. That section, as it pertains to Harris County, shall now read as follows: liThe voting entitlement of a taxing unit that is entitled to vote for directors is determined by population. The authority for determining the entitlement of cities and the county shall be the most current United States Bureau of Census population figures. The authority for determining the entitlement of school districts shall be the most current Gross Average Daily Attendance figures [~ J _1 _,,.--,, . " .,; , , "...""".- '-. -r ,'.'- 1 ,11' '; ---~ . ,m: . ll"DUWLlJI1DII1.......1ln' I '1.1: '_,U.! '.Ill' l " I .1I'ImU_lllllIIlII!JUUII... I~l" ,I, IIII1 III 1.1 1 .1 I L"~H~.~;L..J_'_LJ_!.;. ---..J~U,U-tl!llSlll.~. t..!........!1 I 1 I III r<~'q;b~~~~ ~...,~, .-'t~~ 258 'as published in the Texas Education Agency nirprtory of Tp)(i'lC:: Public Schools. ' The following scale shall apply: fl'l l J Taxi ng Unit , Popul ation City, County Votes School District Votes 1-5,000 5,000-15,000 15,001-30,000 30,001-50,000 50,001-75,000 75,001-105,000 105,001-140,000 140,001-180,000 180,001-225,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 4 6, 8 10 12 14 16 18 *Cities, county and school districts having populations over 225,000 shall accrue one additional vote for each 50,000 above 225,000. A taxing unit participating in two or more districts is entitled to vote in each district in which it participates, but only the population in a district is used to calculate the voting ~ntitle- ment in that district." lJ . PASSED AND APPROVED thi~ 22nd d~y of August, 1979. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commiss,ioner Ahrens, that Resolution Number 79~33 be approved as read. Voting Aye; All Voting No; None In accordance with instructions of the City Commission; quotations received for delivery of 15,000 five part tax forms were presented. It, was noted that the following prices had been quoted: Ni.C.R. Corporation, $909.00, plus delivery; Jiffy Blueprint Company, $1,039.35, plus delivery; and Form Craft, Inc., $1,235.85, pl us delivery. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that the City Com- mission a'pprove the quotation received from N.C.R. for delivery of 15,000 tax forms at a cost of $909.00, plus delivery. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Cole announced that Congressman Ron Paul will hold a Town Meeting at the West University Community Building on Saturday, August 25, 1979, from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon and invited all those interested to p,lan to attend. MayorCol e Conti nued with the review 'of the proposed budget for the fi sca 1 year 1980 U~( with the Fire Department. n o LD ~ W <:C <:( o o ~259 Mayor Cole stated that the Fire Department 'budget included, $5,000 for a reserve fund for the purchase of a new fire truck which would be requ'ired: in eight years and noted that a continued increasebf'the city'ls population could're~Uire the purchase of a ladder truck rather than a pumper. ' In response to a question by Ms. Joann McCay, Mayor'Co.leadvised that the total in- surance on value of rolling stock owned by the city was $440,000. Commissioner Ahrens stated that the Fire Department was the most efficient and best run department in the city, but that the minority report filed by he,and Commissioner Rosenbaum recommended'some minor decreases in the p'roposed budget. Mayor Cole reviewed the Inspection Department budget', noting that a previously budgeted third building ,inspection position had'been-deleted inasmuch as it had not been filled and was not believed" necessary at this time. The next proposed budget to be reviewed was the Department of Public Works and Engi- neering. Mayor Cole reported that this budget included the employment of a mechanic to work on thirty-four automobiles and pick-up truck units in view of the high cost of outside repairs. Commissioner Ahrens stated that the minority report recommended the purchase of an automobile for the Director of Public Works at a capital outlay cost of $4,500 rather than the proposed $6,000. In review of the Department of Public Works (Street) Department budget Mayor Cole advised those present that bond funds had been designated for certain streets; plans for five-year street rehabilitation program proposed by Street Superintendent A.L. Bearden; and that recent home flooding in the city had not been caused by a lack of storm sewers. Mayor Cole continued his department budget review including the Department of Public Works (Sanitation Collection) noting plans for employment of three additional laborers' in order to man all trucks when some of the present employees fail to report for work. Discussion on the proposed budget for the Department of Publicl~orks (Landfill) in- cluded a proposal that would be presented to the Commission on September 4th for: possible location of a compactor transfer station on property owned by the city and the City of Bellaire for landfill sites. ' Included in the discussion on the proposed budget for the Department of Public Works (Recycling) was a need for additional residents to participate in the program. Mayor Cole reviewed proposed budgets for Department of Community Services (Senior Services) by explaining to Mr. George Faison the operation and services provided by this department. Next to be reviewed by Mayor Cole were proposed budgets for the Department of Community Services (Community Facilities), Health Department, Interest & 'Sinking Fund, Depart- ment of Public Works (Water), Department of Public Works (Sewer Collection), Depart- ment of Public Works (Wastewater Treatment) and the Revenue Sharing Fund. Mr. Lloyd Flynt stated that he was in agreement with the minority report of Commis- sioners Ahrens and Rosenbaum and not in agreement with the proposed budget. "II'll '. J ,J.Il1U1U.lllllIIIlI:JUlI,I!... ;.11'1 . ,I, ,111\ : I ,I Ii' L.u _..: "",L, L. .J I ,: ..__..J :lllf.UJJJ.JJ~.l"U.wi.l..I~1 'E-.L~--1H--:1 'I U ~iWiH~,l,,)n~-" _.;- ,;."'~, 'iti....Ui.1 260 Fo 11 owi ng a 1 ength.}"'di scussi on by members of the Ci ty' Commi ss i on and those in atten- dance at the meeting regarding the proposea $15,000 exemption proposed for those. citizens over sixty~fiveyears of age which included both those in favor of the pro- posed increase, the present $6,000 exemption and an exemption between the two, Mayor Cole advised that a workshop session had been scheduled for Saturday afternoon for further discussion of items. to be included in the final budget and that any ,C budget approved would not meet approval of everyone but that efforts would be made to do what the majority of the citizens desi:ed. Commissioner Horne stated that he d'id not khow the origin of the terms majority and minority budgets, but that-he would like the usage thereof discootinued"in 'view of the fact that he was not a participant in any of the workshops to consider development of the-proposed budget, therefore, there could not'have been a majority. Commissioner Horne advised Mr. Flynt that he was disappointed in his opinion of'the proposed bud- get and that a sound system of cash management the expenditure of funds in the 1980 budget would be reviewed by the Commission and cuts made anytime it was deemed in the best interest of the ci ty. - 1'--1 \ C LJ With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m. ~ ?It.~ Mayor LJ ATTEST: ~ ~~tLAJ- City Secretary II U n :'261 REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING August 27, 1979 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, August 27,1979,7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Cole, presiding, Commissioners 'Ahrens, Horne, Maneval and Rosenbaum. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. ' The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Cole. MINUTES OF COMMISSION MEETINGS: Minutes of ' the regular meeting of the City Commission o on August 13, 1979 and Public Hearings held on August 20, 1979 and AugiJst 22, Lf) 1979, were presented for consideration. ~ Motion by Commissioner Rosenbaum, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that minutes W of the regular meeting of the' City"'Commission' on August 13, 1979~ and Public c:::( 'Hearings held on August 20,1979 and August 22,1979, be approved with the fol- c:c lowing corrections: Minutes of August 13, 1979, be corrected to show Polygraph Examiner's name as Johnnie Wiener and adjournment time as 8:10 p.m. o u l~r^I,~~ ~ Minutes of August 20, 1979, be corrected to show that the total amount proposed in the 1980 budget for childrens' play areas at Colonial Park and Judson Park is $3,000. Minutes of August 22, 1979, be corrected to show date and time of the meeting as Wednesday, August 22, 1979; th~t Resolution Number 79-33 was presented for consideration; the correct spell ing of the 'name of Mrs~ Joan McCay; and the correct spelling for lengthy. BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS: Members of various boards and committees who were not available when members were appointed to such boards ano'committees had been requested to attend the meeting to take the standard Oath of Office. Mayor Cole administered the Oath of Office to the following: Plumbing Board Roy Harper, 3048 Marquette T. O. Sword, 4025 University Dr. Randy Bailey, 6615 Brompton Horace Rice, 3712 Albans Ms. Jerry.White, 6711 Br,ompton Joe Eason, 3773 Nottingham Seth'Ramey, 3409 Rice A. B. Fisk, 2727 Barbara Lane Ambulance Advisory Committee Council on Aging Insurance Committee El ectri ca 1 Board HEARING OF RESIDENTS; Mr. Lloyd Flynt, 3606 Rice Boulevard, reviewed the Austin Re- port prepared and mailed by Representative Brad Wright~ which addressed the question of excessive spending by governmental 'units. ........~fJt:::Jt"';~~ II, 1 1-r1-, 'I:lBll !I11p.~~m r . . 1 ~ "-1 T -. -" I I I' I' II' .. 1 .. 11 no rrn~r.ll1l1l11ll.n_nr I . ",111" , ','llli.i.." .. I JllI_U.llIllIIlII:lUUIlI...JII, iI.., ;11\" I Ii, I I I L_I. ,'Ll_:J J ;. .--,'IliU.Ii...JJ..jU.!JiMlul.....- 11 II I' : I I ~"ik~~..d ;l~t;;::. l~ .-->....;.""'"~.....~ 262 Mr. Charles Gillan, 3620 Georgetown, requested that basic real estate values in the city be reviewed prior to increasing the $6,000 homestead exemption for resjdent age sixty-five or older to the proposed $15,000, noting that such exemptions would represent approximately 25% of the taxing units in the city. Mrs. Betsy Wi1]ougnby, 6417 Westchester, stated that she would like to repeat that she is not against senior citizens, but did not think that young families who bought homes in West University at very inflated prices in order to live in the city should have to pay for increased'benefits for senior citizens. I] LJ Mr. Tom Browder, 6362 Buffalo Speedway, was advised that a special meeting of the City Commission would be held on Tuesaay, August 28th for additional dis- cussion on the 1979 budget. - Mr. Oscar Kotteman~ 6355 Rutgers, stated that as a member of the Council on Aging he worked'veryc10,se1y with'the sentor citizens of the city and realized that they had-a very deep need for some help and that it was his belief that they deserved it. Mr. David Rulfs, 3304A1bans; stated that the assessment on his home had doubled and his taxes increased 35% and he thought he was entitled to a $15,000 exemption. Mrs. Lucille Ru1fs,~.3304 A1bans, stated that i;t':washer beliefe that the Mayor and CommiSsion had done an excellent job. Miss Nancy. Bringhurst, 3820 Swarthmore, stated that she thought the exemption u- for sendior'citizehsshou1d be increased to $15,000 because these were the people who built the character and reputation of the city thereby making it a desirable and beautiful place in which to' live. Ms. Joan McCay, 3029 Carnegie, stated that she had been advised at an earlier meeting of the Commission by Mayor Cole that the proposed budget had been pre- pared on the basis of a $15,000 exemption. Ms. McCay stated that the proposed budget included money for recreation needs of younger families and their children. Ms. McCay also stated that there were between 17% and 18% of the citizens of the city who were senior citizens rather thana reported 25% and that it was her be- lief that everything possible should be done for them. Mr. John Janes, 6110 Annapolis, stated that he had raised his children in West University and paid his taxes and now that he was sixty-five he believed that the $15,000 homestead exemption shouTd be approved. Mr. Ralph Berry, 3766 Arnold, commended the Mayor and members of the Commission on their preparation of the budget, adding that it was the first time since he had lived in West University that he felt that he knew where the money was going. Mr. Ferd Reiger, 6515 Brompton, stated that for some residents living on a very low, fixed income that the increased homestaed exemption would permit continued living in their homes. Mr. Reiger requested that a new sign be erected at the intersection of Brompton and Pittsburg showing the name of the street to be U Brompton Road 'rather than just Brompton. Mr~ Reiger also requested that young ,., children be taught how to correctly 'ride bicyc1es~ noting that institution of a training program would benefit all residents. o o LD ~ W <::[ c:::( o [J . ~.... '263 Mr. Dave Heiskell, 6615 Buffalo, was advised that,a total of 1,507 citizens had currently signed up for homestead exemption.' Further discussion regarding'a time limit for making application for the exemption developed that the law did not specify a limit and that West University residents were permitted to make such application during any time period. ' Mrs. Pauline Waters, 6351 Vanderbilt, stated that she had lived in West Univer- sity since 1928 and would appreciate anything that could be done by the Commis- sion to increase the homestead exemption for senior citizens. City Attorney David Allums advised those in attendance that the city administra- tion had always worked very hard to permit citizens to pay their taxes within their ability ana to his knowledge ,no citizen had ever had to sell their home to pay city taxes. DESIGNATION OF BICYCLE LANES: Resolution Number 79-34 was presented to the Commission and read in full: HHEREAS, the City Commiss,ion desires to establish bicycle lanes within the city; and WHEREAS, the City Commission further desires to establish penalties for driving and/or parking of vehicles on or acroSs bicycle lanes; and WHEREAS, the opinion of citizens is desired regarding the bicycle lanes. NOW,'THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE 'CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVE.RSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' Section 1. That a P~blicHearing shall be held at 7:30 p.m., September' 26, 1979, at the Community Building of the City of West Univer- sity Pl ace, Texas, 1 ocatedat 61 04n Auden, to consider' bicycl es 1 anes; the location thereof; and parking thereon. " . - , Section 2. The City Secretary shall publish notice of such hear- ing in the official paper of the City of West University Place, Texas at least fifteen (15) days before the" date of such hearing and in addition thereto shall deliver notice of such hearing to the owners of property abutting the' proposed bicycle lanes; such owners shall be determined according to the current tax roll of the City of West University Place, Texas, and the delivering of such notice shall be made at least fifteen (15) days prior to the time set for the hearing. Section 3. A copy of the prop'osedbicycle lanes s,hall be filed in the office" of the City Secretary and shall be available for inspection by an interested party. ' , - Section 4. Thfs Resoluti6n,sha'l1 take effect and be in force 'from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. ~'.~-- J _ t,~ J. LL_"',.......,.....~-....,......._-- -~', -r ." .1-:1...0:-' -., 'OF 'cI. lIC'llUn;;]lUIIDIII_IIII.IlJI' I 1,"",11.1. -. . . '. ,1'JlI ~"["I .1 , m"'-llllll1D1!!Un.II,:..:mJ[". ..1.., :Jl~H , 1 I . I I I I I L"".J,T.:n:_[~l..I L ;1, ----1llUU-tllJ.oIl ill ,,,,L, L..Jr::o~~ =-.Jr~;..f;wlli;h ,t.-, 264 Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded-by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that Resolu- ,tion'Number 79~34 be'approved as read. Moti on amended by Commi ssi onerAhrens" seconded by Commi ss i oner Rosenbaum, that "/safetyll be added to each reference to'bicycle lanes in the Resolution. Voting on amendment. Voting Aye: All' Voting No: 'None Voting on motion. Voting Aye: All Voting No~ None DEPUTY CLERK OF MUNICIPAL COURT: Resolution Number 79-35 was presented to the Commis- sion and read in full: WHEREAS, Mrs. Marjorie Higgins, an employee of the City, was appointed DeputyClerk of'theMunii:ipal Court of the City of WestUni- versity Place, Texas on May 14, 1979; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Marjorle Higgins has now changed her legal name to J. Lovell. . , NOW, THEREFORE, BE~IT RESOLVED'BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That J~ Lovell is hereby appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West UniversityPlace~ Texas. Section 2; ThatJ. Lovell shall perform any and all duties of 'Deputy Clerk of the Munic'ipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, asrequired'after having been administered the proper Oath of Office. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective upon passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED thi s day of , 1979. Motion byCorrimissioner Horne~ seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that Resolution Number 79~35 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None CITY ATTORNEY: City'Attorney David Allums 'requested permission to report on a brief he had received from the Texas Department of Health regarding the city's appli- cation for a permit to continue operation of the sanitary landfill site. Mr. Allums stated that the application had been approved by the Department engineer with lo~d plaudits 'for operation of ~he landfill for whith Mr. Odis Gregg as Superintendent of the Sanitation Department was due credit and deserved a com- mendation from the city. CITY HALL COOLING TOWER: The Commission was advised that in accordance with the r.*,,~.,,~ II U o u n o LD " W <C <( o n I, '2:65 accepted ,bi d ,submi tted:Jby-Way Engi.neeti ng, Inc. ,the old Ci ty Ha 11 cool i ng, tower had been removed and a new one installed. An invoice in the amount of $3,533.34 submitted by Way Engineering, Inc: was submitted for consideration with a re- commendation by the City Manager that it be approved. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that Invoice Number 5360 submitted by Way Engineering, Inc. in the amount' of $3',533.34 be approved for payment. ' Voting Aye: All V6ting NQ: None WATER WELL NO.7: An i nvoi ce i nthe amount of $571.35 recei ved from Langford Engi- neering, Inc. for contract fees on water well no. 7 and water transmission line was presented for consideration together with a tabulation of fees that had been charged to the project. ' . Motion by Commissioner M~neval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that Invoice Number 1935, in the amount of $571.35, received from Langford Engineering, Inc. be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None INSTALLATION OF DOOR AND GLASS PARTITION ON CITY HALL'SECOND FLOOR: An invoice in the amount of $1,072.00 for the installation of a double acting door and glass partition at the head of the stairs on the 'second floor of the City Hall was submitted for consideration with a recommendation for the City Manager that it be approved for payment. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that an in- voice from Binswanger Glass Company in the amount of $1,072.00 be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None City Manager Jim Brown was requested to prepare an up-date on total costs of the relocation of City Hall office space. POLICE DEPARTMENT RECORDING TAPE: An invoice in the amount of $530.10 submitted by Dictaphone for delivery of thirty-one (31) recording tapes for use by the Police Department was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that Invoice Number A484805 submitted by Dictaphone, in the amount of $530.10, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None VISUAL REFERENCE STATION TABLES: The Commission was presented a request for the purchase of two CRT tables with quotations for delivery received from NCR, Data Systems Supply Company and Systems Manufacturing Corporation and a re- commendation that the quotation s'ubmitted by Systems Manufacturing Corpora- tion for delivery of the tables 'at a total price of $383.00. , , <~~!!,~'''''',.. . 1 <,I II , I . "WI "II ~ Illl 'ffml ~---- f ,'. " - '---, I 11, III I,ll' 11 ' I[ nnr.llllllllll.nmUrr' I ". 1.1II.,;',ll I ~~"''''llllllllllllunlll :" !llJ~ ,II. J I \~ ! I 'j I L-..J~.;lU_)_J.....l_ :.J.---IIIUWIIl-HIi.lJIII,I!:--.l;.lJJ Ll ]I' 1 I 1 i If. -,.d~'" ,-II :\,j,1,1',,";;l"-'~' ~. """',-J ~ "~,,,......;d 266 Voting' Aye~ All Voting No: None LEGAL MATTERS:' City Attorney David'Allumsadvised the 'Commission that he had no report at this time. CITY ~1ANAGER I S REPORT: City Manager Jim Brown presented ,three proposal s retei ved for delivery of a'Frederick air conditioner for installation in the office of the Director of Public Works with a recommendation that the unit be purchased from January.s, Inc. and Read Electric Company employed for installation of the necessary wall plug. Motion by Mayor Cole, seconded by Commissioner Horne', ,that a decision on pur- 'chase of an air'conditioning unit be delayed until such time as the City Com- mission is furnished'a complete cost of re-locationof office space. Voting Aye: All Votina No: None Following presentation by ~1r. Brown of an Invoice in the amount of $100.00 from Mr. Johnnie Wiener ,for a polygraph examination it was deemed by the Com- mission that no action was necessary. Mr. Brown presented the Commission a request from Chief of Police Frank Robinson for purchase of twelve (12) new tires for the Police Department patrol units, to- gether with quotations that had been received from Goodyear, Firestone and Good- rich. The attention of the Commission was directed to the fact that this was a regular maintenance item included in the 1979 budget. ' Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that the recom- mendation of the City Manager and Police Chief be accepted and the City Commis- sion authorize purchase of twelve (12):new tires from Firestone for $50.40 each with necessary balancing and mounting charges. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Brown presented the Commission an invoicein'the amount of $2,875.00 sub- mitted by Water Tank Service Company for exterior work that had been completed on the Wakeforest elevated water reservior, noting that Houston Coca Cola Com- pany had agreed to pay one-half of any charges necessary for restoring the re- servoir. " Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that the City Commission approve payment of $2,875.00 to Water Tank Service Company and for- ward an invoice for one-half that amount toC6ca Cola Company for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None I~' U [J CONCERNS OF THE CITY COMMISSION: Commissioners Ahrens and Maneval had no concerns at this time. Commissioner Rosenbaum requested that all mail directed to the City Commi ss i on' show a date. Cammi ss'i oner Horne noted that there were 28 res i- dents in attendance at the meeting, 12 of ' whom addressed the Commission. Com- U missioner Horne stated that remarks by 'residents contributed to his thinking and that he wanted to express his appreciation. Mayor Cole was advised that the Sanitation Department was apparently operating at near its normal level inasmuch as calls to the City Hall had dropped considerably. ~ o 1..0 " W <( <! o n (2,67 BOARD AND COMMITTEE MINUTES TO BE PRESENTED: Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on August 15th, the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on August 16th; the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on August 20th and the regular meeting of the Parks and Re- creation Board on August 14th were. presented to the Commission for their infor- ,mati on.' ' ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. ~~~&4~ ATTEST: cX1,' ;;f~aJ- City 5e(;n~Ldr'y ~,~ ,~.. ~ ,"<""1. J:J~_ I~ I 1'-,.... ,~"~l"n.i''''.'"''''',MI'..---_. "rr:--t-:J;-;- .~~~" j tlI .., m :',1..1 1 ~U"""llllllllllllllnlU.., :UIl, . .,1 . , 11\'l1 I 1 I: i jl 1 L .":.;!.L:l.._L: ..J-J__:.' nlllW.;.a..Jj'n~I~i..it.J,,,.,. LI ILI-!_l , ilj ...~~~fl,""'''''! -~ - . i_; .1"L..,I~'iiiil 268 SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 28,1979 ' u The City Commission convened in special session at the Community Building on Tuesday, August 28, 1979, with the following members present: Mayor Cole'; presiding'- Commis- sioners,Ahrens, Horne, Maneval and Rosenbaum., The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Ahrens. Mayor Cole advised that City Tax Assessor/Collector had prepared some statistics indi- cating the number of citizens that would be affected by the granting of a homestead ex- emption of $15,000. , 355 would pay no tax at all 86 would pay less than $10.00 94 would pay less than $20.00 106 would pay less than $30.00 93 would pay less than $40.00 90 woulcdpay less than $50.00 Using a tax exemption of $12,000 would result in the following changes: 83 would pay no tax at all 73 would pay less than $10.00 84 would pay less than $20.00 70 would pay less than $30.00 90 would pay less than $40.00 91 would pay less than $50.00 Mr. Charles Gill~n, 3620 Georgetown, stated that there were 5,322 pieces of real estate within the city and with a population of approximately 14,500 the per house- hold tax was $541.00. Mr. Gillan stated that he did not believe it equitable that 355 tax payers who would pay no tax at all under the provisions of a $15,000 tax exemption would receive $541.00 of city services. Mr. Gillan stated that comparison with Bellaire and Houston was not applicable inasmuch as West University did not have the tax base of the other ~ities. o In response to a question by Commissioner Horne regarding the deferring of taxes on homestead property by senior citizens unable to pay, City Attorney David Allums stated that any senior citizen unable to pay their taxes should go to thefr Tax Assessor/Collector and sign the required forms subsequent to which the taxes on the property would be assessed but instead of being leVied would be exempt and the taxes accrued until the property was sold. Ms. Joan McCay stated that when a tax lien is placed on a piece of property the owner no longer can do with that property as he sees fit. Mayor Cole reviewed changes that had been made in the proposed budget using a home- stead exemption of $12,000 rather than the original proposed $15,000, including the addition of three additional employees in the Police Department and three additional firemen. u o LO " W <( <:( o 269 Commissioner Horne reviewed action by the City Commission from its installation in office in its study of the Police Department and its activities. Mr. Duke Landry, 3756 Rice, stated that he was fearful of the Commission's use of reserve funds to finance the 1980 budget and that it'was his belief that the pain was ,only being delayed. Commissioner Maneval stated that the Commission had tried to make reasonably-astute judgments and decisions using the information that had b~en presented to them and that no one had the answer to running the' city, and that it was hoped that the judg- ments made would be proper and in the best interest of the ci ty. Commissioner Ahrens stated that tt was his opinion tha~ abudg~twas not an umbrella to cover all possibilities. Commissioner Ahrens further stated that each Department Head had suggested things that the city could use but as is true in family budgets some of them could not be afforded, and that the budget should be used as a guideline by each Department Head. Commi ssi oner Ahrens. added that he was ashamed of the budget and ashamed of the P.O.A.party for not taking the Commission to task for it. , Commissioner Rosenbaum stated that sooner or later inflation must be dealt with and it was her bel ief that there remained much fat tn the budget thatcou1 d be cut with- out affecting city services. Commissioner Rosenbaum added that as a housewife she had been required to budget in order to meet the needs of her family and that there were many things that were desired in the ,budget that could not be afforded. Commissioner Horne expressed a desire that, the entire budget process,be critiqued as soon as possible after ,its adoption in order to proVide a budget Process that would be useful in years to come, noting that members of the Commission could disagree and still proceed with the job of establishing a budget for all citizens of the city. Mr. Horne stated that review of errors made by the City Commi ssion and errors made by the administrative staff would assure that the next Commtssion not repeat those mi stakes.. Mayor Cole adivsed those in attendance that. the next consideration of the Commission on the 1980 budget would be at the City Hall at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 29th. F 0 11 owi ng compliments by many of those ;-n attendance to, members of the Commi ss i on City 'Attorney David All urns expressed appreci ationto staff members' that had worked many long hours in preparation' of,thebudget. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that new personnel in the Pol ice and Fire Departments included '.in the 1980 budget not be employed until the year in which it is budgeted and that not before the City Commission has inc1 uded such emp10yement onaregular' Commission agenda to review expenses that might occur during the balance of the current year. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commi'ssion at this time, upon motion duly made, secondedand:carried, the meeting adjourned at 11 :30 p.m. Mayor ,ATTEST: ~~ ;e~a City Secretary'!',~>.. -- .J ,.'_1 lII',l.ll ,. I. Jlill.....lllllll1llll~n lJ.: , :..ill . . I , JI1II :, I 1.1 I I I I 'L-..::ll.~lL-1_! Ll_;1 IJllllUi!tlliihlUd~~. LLJ! 1 I 'q 111"1,;;l~hruolt,..i'-~ 270 SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING August 29, 1979 The City Commission convened in special session at the City Hall on Wednesday, August 29,1979,7:00 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Cole, pre- siding; Commissioners Ahrens, Horne, Maneval and Rosenbaum. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. " , The Invocation was pr~nounced by Commissioner Horne~ Ordinance Number 1138 was presented to the Commis~ion and read in full: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AN AD VALOREM TAX ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE 'CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1979; PROVIDING THE BASIS OF ASSESSMENT OF APPRAISED" VALUE AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF AT THE RATE OF $1.42 ON THE ONE HUNDRED ($100.00) ASSESSED VALUATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY Cm1MISSION' OF: THE CITY OF' ~~EST UNIVERSITY PLACE TEXAS: ' -'l.--r-~ -j, I~""N u Section I. That there is hereby levied and assessed against all taxable property, both real and personal, within the corporate limits of the City of West University Place, Texas, and there shall be collected by such ur'~ city, a tax of $1.42 on the one-hundred {$100.00) dollar assessed tax valua- ti on for th,e year 1979. " Sectio'n 2. Such tax is hereby levied and assessed in accordance with the terms' and provisions of Section 1 of Article XXI of the City of West University Place City Charter and the applicable Statutes of the State of Texas, such levy and assessment is made for the following purposes to finance a certain portion of the 1980 bupget, to-wit: (A) For the upkeep and maintenance of the Department of Health and Sanitatfon ' .05 (B) For current expenses and operation of the Gen- eral Fund and its various departments For Tax Revenue Sinking Fund to pay the principal, interest and fiscal agent's fees on $1,500,000 bond, issue of the City Total Tax Rate . 16 1.42 1. 21 (G) Section 3. That the Tax Assessor and Collector for the City of West Universtty 'Place, Texas is hereby di'rected to assess and collect taxes on all of the property, both real and personal, within the corporate limits U of the Citybf ~Jest University Place, Texas on the basis of 70% of appraised , valuation as herein provided. n o Ln rI W <C <:( o u f11 j,~~'<"J! 271 PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that Ordinance Number 1138 be corrected to i ndi ?,?~,e 1979 as the year of passa~e, and ~I?-proved as corrected. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 1139 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING tHE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY, OF"WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY AMENDING SECTION 22-3;' PROVIDING THAI IF THE TAX PAYER FILES A SWORN APPLICATION' WITH THE TAX ASSESSOR DURING THE TAX YEAR ESTABLISHING THAT HIS PROPERTY IS A RESIDENCE HOMESTEAD AND IS OWNED AND OCCU- PIED BY PERSONS 65 YEARS, OF AGE OR OLDER THAT TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($12,000) OF THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF SUCH HOMESTEAD SHALL BE EXEMPT FROM TAXATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Section 22-3 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas is hereby amended so that hereafter said Section 22-3 shall rea'd as follows: ' IISection 22-3: That if a tax payer fi 1 es a sworn application for homestead exemption with the tax assessor at any time up to and including the last day of December of a taX year establishing that his property is a residence homestead owned and occupied by persons 65 years of age or older, twelve thousand dollars ($12,000) of the assessed value of such homestead shall be exempted from ad valorem taxes as assessed and levied for that year. Application forms may be furnished by the Tax Assessor and'Collec'tor." . Section 2. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after its passage and approval as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that Ordinance Number 1139 be'approved as read. ' Voting No: Horne Voting Aye: Ahrens Cole Maneva 1 Rosenbaum Ordinance Number 1140 was presented to the Commission and read in full: II, 1 n 1-1 .</ "iI fl I'~f mmLr---' r r IT ~ ---., I , 'lIr 'nnlllilllllillllI111R.nr . I'll" IT III 11 I.' ._'_ll11'l..ll . ,,,,JIlI_U.lllIIlIlIl!Jilll.1l :.. ~Il ,I. 1111 I I I L_.: ;J...!L_1 '.,L..l. ;.1 .---1 JIWL,ll..J I!. 1L~i,;,.,. ':-!LLL-l .1 f lJ ,,,,...,!If,,1l>;t, llc;,l;;j!~ =..."" I.<...........n 272 AN ORDINANCE' OF THE CITY OF \~EST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS PROVIDING FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINN,ING JANUARY 1, 1980 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31~1980 BY APPROVING THE BUDGET FOR SAID PERIOD:AND APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDS OUT OF THE GENERAL AND OTHER REVENUES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNI- VERSITY PLACE FOR SAID YEAR FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND OPERA- TION OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS AND FOR VARIOUS ACTIVITIES AND' IMPROVEMENTS OF'THE-CITY n WHEREAS, as required by the City Charter; the budget has been prepared and submitted to the City Commission with'~stimates of expenditures and revenues of all city departments and activities, for the year beginning January 1,1980 and ending December'31, 1980. WHEREAS, notice of public hearings upon said budget has been duly and legally published; and WHEREAS, said three public hearings have been held and full and final consideration given said budget; and' WHEREAS, citizen participation, input and suggestions regarding the budget were cunsidered by the City Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY 'THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That for the purpose of providing the funds necessary 0 and proposed to be expended in the budget for said city for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1980 and ending December 31, 1980, the budget was pre- pared and submitted to the City Commissi'on for 'its consideration and approval, and that said budget in the total amount of $4,149;284.00 be, and the same is hereby, appropriated for the maintenance and operation of the various depart- ments of the government of the city and the various activities and improve- ments asset forth in said budget. Section 2. That the said budget of the: City of West University Place, Texas, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1980 and ending December 31, 1980, an exact copy of which 'is marked IJExhibit All and made a part hereof 'for all purposes the same as if 'it were copied in full herein, is hereby approved and adopted by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, as the budget for the city for the fiscal year 1980. Section 3. That this ordinance approving and adopting a budget for the twelve month period hereinabove specified is made in all things in accor- dance with the terms and provisions of the City Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after its passage and approval as required by law. day of , 1979. n PASSED AND APPROVED this [J o Ln '" W <C <t o [l IL",,, ., "EXHIBIT A" CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR TWELVE-MONTH PERIOD BEG:INNING'JANUARY 1 ~ 1980 ENDING DECEMBER 31,1980 ITEM I I N COM E , , , .. ANTICIPATED INCOME & FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION General Fund Taxes Licenses & Permits Fines Interest, Investments Rents Fees Recycling Services Recreation Grant Revenue Appropriation for Capital Outlay from Unappropriated Fund Balances Inter-Fund Transfer. (Water/Sewer Fund) Total Available Revenue - Ge~eral fOnd Health and Sanitation Fund Taxes Licenses Miscellaneous Total Avai1abeRevenue - Health & Sanitation Fund Water/Sewer Fund Water Sales Sewer Charges Interest & Miscellaneous Total Available Revenue - Water/Sewer Fund """"-,.....""...""""".. L........... -' L__l_..}~' ..-,..~""'....,-" r--'.. r--t", .1-:::J,.- "---". L "II 273 $ 1,601,058 75,000 120,000 , 195,000 75,000 258,000 16,000 28,000 175,000 80 , 71 5 217,905 125,891 $ 2,967,569 $ 54,102 2,900 7,000 $ 62,002' $ 480,000 290,000 55,500 $ 825,500 -!l:r'""IlDnl:lllllIUIIII__IlIr'. . '" :. I 1I1~1. ~ I . . .J.llI"'U.llIIIIIIIIllIIU.Il.., .ull .. . .11 ., Jlr.t I L-,..,..!...;L_L .,!_.t_...._ ---' Il1llLlL li_ I I II~......, l1.....JU-'-l "1 . i I I .,k{ -&- ~ <Ii _'.ll"h,.~,M,'_u.~-.. I"';".;:-~ 274 Revenu~ Sharinct Fun..c! Receipts and Interest , Appropri ati on from Unexpended B.a 1 ances $ 57,251 67,764 $ 125,015 Total Available Revenue.- Revenue Sharing Fund Sinkinq Fund Taxes $ Interest on Investments in Securities 165,198 4,000 169,198 Total Available Revenue - Interest & Sinking Fund' $ ITEM II E X PEN S E OPERATING AND CAPITAL EXPENSES General Fund Legislative/Policy Administrative/Executive Municipal Court Finance Purchasing Legal Zoning (Planning & Adjustment) Police Fire Inspection Public Works, Engineering Public Works, Street Public Works, Sanitation-Collection Public Works, Sanitation-Sanitary Landfill Public Works, Sanitation-Recycling Community Facilities Community Services, Parks Community Services, Recreation Community Services, Senior Services .. $ 102,781 107,274 43,632 191 ,102 10,467 21,400 2,350 506,580 489,438 63,338 69,611 270,891 385,185 136,552 75,765 142,523 52,447 266,613 29,620 Total General Fund Expenditure $ 2,967,569 Health and Sanitation Fund Operating Expenses Capita 1 Outl ay $ 49,501 12,501 Total Health and Sanitation Fund Expenditures $ 62,417 u o u 275 0 Water/Sewer Fund Water $ 390,339 Inter-Fund Transfer (General Fund) " 125,891 Sewer 124,602 Sewage Treatment 115,455 Estimated Increase in Retained Earnings 69,213 Total Water/Sewer Fund Expenditure $ 825,500 and Retained Earnings 0 Revenue Sharinq Fund LO " Compactor Tractor (Encumbered in Prior Years) $ 80,715 W (2) Packer Units 44,300 <t <! Total Revenue Sharing Fund Expenditures $ 125,015 Interest & Sinkinq Fund Principal & Interest $ 162,975 0 Fiscal Agent's Fees 250 To Reserve for Interest & Sinking, Fund 5,973 Total Interest & Sinking Fund Expenditure $ 169, 198 TOTAL INCOME $ 4,149,284 TOTAL EXPENDITURE $ 4,149,284 Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that Ordinance Number 1140 be approved as read. Motion amended by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that Ordi- nance Number 1140 be approved with the substitution of an Amended Exhibit "N'. A MEN 0 E 0 "EXHIBIT A" ~ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR TWELVE-MONTH PERIOD BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1980 ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1980 ~~l'! ~I~J.- .........-::t'lIWHT':1!W 1.l1...L __l~. J' _cnn ',:IP.:ll1:UilJUJl:UOll''--'ll ,-rn .iJ1T'i-,--::1 I L:............--J 1:11" HIT "'II,DIUIIIIIIIIIIUIllIiI, ' [1],111.1", ' ." '.1 lIJl.LI , .JIlI.....UmlllllllllU.JJ~.. .J1l . . I . 111'1 I L..__,U",,~L_L ,_J..J~U I Jluw..ll..I,UILll..m..~~ 1l-L1-L-1 U .f"\""~i"~ ^,..I!.J.,.I~..l_u.;""'~L"''''''' "'" ~~l~t...'\d:l 276 ITEN I I N COM E ANTICIPATED INCOME & FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION n General Fund Taxes $ 1 ,601 ,058 Licenses & Permits 75,000 Fines 120,000 Interest, Investments 195,000 Rents 75,000 Fees 258,000 Recycling 16,000 Services 28,000 Recreation Services 175,000 Grant Revenue 76,531 Appropriation for Capital Outlay from Unappropriated Fund Balances -0- Inter-Fund Transfer (Water/Sewer Fund) , 122,550 Total Available ReVenue - General Fund $ 2,742,139 ~ Health and Sanitation Fund Taxes $ 52,102 Licenses 2,900 Miscellaneous 7,000 Total Available Revenue - Health & Sanitation Fund $ 62,002 Water/Sewer Fund Water Sales Sewer Charges Interest & Miscellaneous Total Available Revenue - Water/Sewer Fund $ 480,000 290,000 55,500 $ 825,500 n o Revenue Sharing Fund Receipts and Interest ' Appropriation from Unexpended Balances Total Available Revenue - Revenue Sharing Fund Sinkinq Fund Taxes Interest on Investments in Securities Total Available Funds - Sinking Fund ITEM I I EXPENSE OPERATING AND CAPITAL EXPENSES o General Fund Legislative/Policy Administrative/Executive Municipal Court Finance Purchasing Legal Zoning (Planning & Adjustment) Police Fire Inspection Public Works, Engineering Public Works, Street Public Works, Sanitation-Collection Public Works, Sanitation~SanitaryLandfill Public Works, Recycling Community Facilities Community Services, Parks Community Services, Recreation Community Services, Senior Services o Total General Fund Expenditure ,~"'! "h, 'i I I iT,', II If: "~'I: 'I i .. I , ! 277 $ 57,251 -0- $ 57,251 $ 165, 198 4,000 $ 169,198 $ 102,437 103,982 42,874 186,082 10,353 21 ,400 2,350 452,021 474,239 59,565 68,850 262,784 363,972 50,096 74,507 138,983 43,945 254,434 29,265 $2,742,139 , , I." , "i 278 Health and Sanitation Fund UJ Operating Expenses $ 49,916 I; ,j' Capita 1 Outl ay -0- t Total Health and Sanitation Fund Expenditure $ 49,916 WaterjSewerFund Water $ 390,339 Inter-fund Transfer (General Fund) 122,550 Sewer 124,602 Sewage Treatment 186,788 Total Water/Sewer F~nd Expenditure $ 824,279 Revenue Sharinq Fund Transfer to General Fund for Capital Expenditure $ 76,531 Total Revenue Sharing Fund Expenditure $ 76,531 0 Interest & Sinkina Fund Principal & Interest $ 162,975 Fiscal Agent1s Fees 250 Total Interest & Sinking Fund Expenditure $ 163,225 TOTAL INCOME TOTAL EXPENDITURE $ 3,856,090 $ 3,856,090 Voting on proposed amendment to motion to approve Ordinance Number 1140 as amended. Voting Aye: Ahrens Rosenbaum Voting No: Cole Maneval Horne Voting on motion to approve Ordinance Number 1140 as read. Voting Aye: Cole Horne Maneval Voting No: Ahrens Rosenbaum . U~" , ' 279 ~ . Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval that the special meeting of the City Commission on August 29, 1979, be adjourned at 7:46 p.m. Voting Aye: Cole Horne Maneval Voting No: Ahrens Rosenbaum h(!1~ -- o LD " W <C c::( ATTEST:' , jfJ~, rif~~ City Secretary' " , _ 'I,ll,';':: ,"'.JIlI......lllllllIllll,lllJl:.,.lJI. Iltol ; , I I' 'I I 1 L-...~~:l.~jL.-!._'"J-l":"'~!..---'ill~;II)f~ U" IltJt:i'J LLII I I oq "I'I...liii~iiC,:~WL.."" 280 REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING September 1 0, '1979 ' The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, September 10, 1979, 7: 30 p. m., with the fo 11 owi ng members present: Mayor Cole, presiding; Commissioners Ahrens, Maneval and Rosenbaum. The City Attorney was 'also present. Commissioner Horne and the City Manager were absent. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Rosenbaum. MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS: Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on August 27, 1979, were presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on August 27, 1979, be corrected to indicate the attendance of twenty-eight residents at the meeting, and approved as corrected. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the special meeting of the City Commission on August 28, 1979, were presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that minutes of the special meeting of the City Commission on August 28, 1979, be corrected to indicate the correct spelling of Mr. Charles Gillan1s name and his belief that it was not equitable that 355 tax payers would pay no tax at all, and approved as corrected. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mr'. Al Shire, 2615 Barbara Lane, was advised that a request had been made to Representative Brad Wright to seek an opinion from the office of the Attorney General regarding the constitutionality of two charter amendments approved by voters of the city in January inasmuch as the city cannot get such opinion. Mr. Ed Page, 3207 Cason, was advised that further consideration will be given to the city's fence ordinance subsequent to receipt of reports and recommendations from the Zoning and Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Adjustment. In response to a request from Mrs. Margaret Hollowell, 4016 Swarthmo~e, for permission to erect a sign in front of the City Hall advertising a garage sale of children's clothes and toys on September 29th to raise funds for playground equipment at Colonial Park, it was suggested that the sign be placed on the corner of the West University Elementary School grounds. Mayor Cole advised Mrs. Hollowell that there had been some confusion re- garding the location of a basketball court at Colonial Park and requested that Director of Public Works David Eby inspect the backboard at Whitt Johnson Park. "(~'"."...,",~ n Q, " i ..r. Gl ru '281 o LO ~ W <:C <J: ORDINANCE NUMBE~ 1141: Ordinance Nu~be~ 1141 was presented t9 th~ ~bmmission and read in full: Arf~;'ORDt-NANCE CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING 'AT'7):30 P.M., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10; 1979,'TO tONSIDER'A~ REPORT OF THE ZpNING AND PLANNING COMMISSION: RECOMMENDING AN AMf:NDMENTTO ORDINANCE NUMBER 111 TO REZONE LOT I, BLOCK 1, COLLEGEVIEW '3RD ADD1TION, FROM; A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT TO A TWO FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR A JOINT HEARING ON SAID DATE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND ZONING AND PLANNING COM- MISSION; DIRECTING THAT NOTICt,OF SAID HEARING BE GIVEN AS PROVIDED BY LAW; REQUIRING THAT A!COPY OF THE REPORT OF THEZONING'AND PLANNING COMMISSION BE FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAiNED BY THE CITY'COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That a public hearing shall be held at 7:30 p.m., , October 10, 1979, at the Community Building of the City or West University Place, Texas, located at 6104 Auden, to coniider the report 'of the Zoning and Planning Commission recommending that Zoning Ordinance Number 111 of said City be amended to rezone Lot 1, Blockl,CoJJegeview 3rd Addition from a Single Family Dwelling 'District to a Two FamilY Dwe11lirig District in the City of West University Place. ' " ' , Section 2. ~hat such hearing shall be a joint hearing before the City Commission and Zonin~and Planning Commissionbf said City. Section 3. The' City Sed-'etary sha'll publ ish notice of such hearing in the official paper of the City of, West University Place, Texas, at least fifteen (15) days before the date of such hearing and in addition thereto shall mail notice of such hearing 'to 'the owners of property lying within 200 feet 'of any point of the above des~~ibed.lots;' sOch'owners shall be determined according to the current tax roll of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas, and the mailing of such notice shall be made at least fi fteen (15) days prior to the time set for the hearing. Section 4. A copy of the report of the Zoning and Planning Commission shall be filed in the office of 'the City Secretary and shall be available for inspection by any interested party. 'SectionS. ,This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. n u fl U day of " , 1979. PASSED AND APPROVED this U' , I I Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner"Ahrens, that Ordinance Number 1141 be approved as read. ' ' Voting Aye: Ahrens Cole Maneval Voting No:, Rosenbaum ~.,;' 1 - .I....,.,....,~~I~~(.. ~ 1"':'! rl I I. r-rTI 1-' '~l' 11'WI jj 11 nllr- "I -rr-----r-\ -~ ,illl , . [" \ 'Ir'111RlrtnlllDlllDI_l1If' 11 11'1' 1.11.. I '. .19..1_111III11111111111'; .JI~ . I . Jill' I I III I I II I I I L-";';':';.~;L...l. :_J-l. :..;...---'.II.IIlltIl.;JLUU.a~... LI ILU_1 , 'II J>,lUmWli.f':;fllCl~...- k;;-_,.,~ 282 DELIVERY OF WATER METERS AND FIRE HYDRANTS: "The Commissi on was advi sed that Director of Public Works DavidEby had requested that this item, be deferred in order to permit preparation of specifications and bid documents. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded 'by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for purchase of one hundred (100) water meters and twenty (20) fire hydrants, with bids to be received by the Ci'ty Commission on' October 8, 1979. u Voting Aye: All' Voting No: None PURCHASE OF CHAIN' SAW' The Commission was presented a request from Fire Chief Ben Wilcher for',the purchase of a chain saw for 'use of the Fire Department when necessary after storms or severe weathe~. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that Fire Chief Ben Wilcher be authorized to purchase a chain saw from Southwest Hardware for the sum of $169.50. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None LEGAl MATTFRS' 'City Attorney David Allums requested permission to brief the Commission on a pending law suit following the regular meeting. , , CITY MANAGER"S REPORT: In the absence of City Manager Jim Brown, Assistant City Manager 'Richard Rockenbaugh'did not have any matters requiring the attention of the City Commission. CONCERNS OF 'THE CITY COMMISSION: Commissioner Rosenbaum stated that some months 'ago she' presented a letter from Mr. Arnold Smothers requesting the installa- tion of signs at his residence noting that his wife was handicapped and requested n~ parking in front of his home and to date no action had been taken on the request~ Members of the Commi.ssion discussed a news release issued by City Manager Jim Brown and City Treasurer Patrick O'Connor which appeared in the Surbura Reporter addressing the public hearings and 'adoption of the 1980 budget. Commissioner Ahrens requested that Mrs. Lockard be requested to contact all boards and committees that have not been heard from by the Commission to de- termine the chairperson of such group and to 'request that minutes of meetings be forwarded to the Ci ty COnimi ssi on. ' o Commissioner Ahrens stated that he had been advised that a serious problem is developing at the city's dog pound and that the City Manager's office be re- quested to bring the area up to standard. Director of Pu~lic Works David Eby stated that minor repairs were needed at the pound but it was not believed the problem to be of a serious nature. Commissioner ,Ahrens addressed the following as items that had been forwarded to the City Manager's office, but to ,which no response had been made. 1) 'Statusaf auction for di.sposal of surplus city equipment. u 283 n 2) the construction of a new wastewater Status of Phase Two of the grant for treatment facility. 3) Th ree-month ,w~'t'er u'sage i nforma t ion. 4) Action taken to correct procedures and controls addressed in the Management Letter received from Coopers & Lybrand following their" audit of city records and accounts for 1978. o 11) " W <C <t 5) Status of requests for utility rate increases filed by Southwestern Bell Telephone Company and Houston Lighting & Power Company. 6) Target date for completion of ~ier Park tenrits courts. 7) How much of the $20,000 set aside for Judson and Wier Parks has been used. 8) Establishment ofa trust for Parks Fund. ' ' o The City Commission instructed that members of the Municipal Court. Zoning and Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment be contacted in 'order to determine a,date planned for their reports to the City Commission. Commissioner Rosenbaum advised the C'ommission that Dr. Chamberlain had resigned as Chairman of the Council on Aging and that she would like to recommend that Mr. Lloyd Flynt be appointed Chairman., Motion by Commissioner Rosenbaum, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that Mr. Lloyd Flynt be appointed Chairman of the Council on Aging,. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Commissioner Ahrens stated that he was in disagreement with,a letter from Clty Manager Jim Brown to members of the city staff advising that all contact with members of the Commission be made through him. noting that it was his belief that members of the Commission should be available to members of the city staff and that staff members should be available to Commission members. PLUMBING BOARD MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the Plumbing Board on August 27, 1979, were presented to the Commission for their information. ADJOURMENT: With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, 'seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. ~l!f~ ATTEST: D cirX~et4~~~ .. -~ ~ J:.J ~ I L............-L......L...."'~ -"" ""~' .t""r----:;-: ',.'.: ,--:J,.;-;..----:L.....J...., ' '''Ie '~It:+:Il,lIlmDllDIIII~IlIr':.' I '.:-'m .1, . I~ ll. _ ' I . .1Il1..I.DIILIIIIllllIlIU,n:. ..JI , .1. .IIi" I I I I' ,\ L-.~~!~..JL.-..J~',LL_;'. J:~lMIJUI.~, LI ILl-' , 'IJ.N!~.,r=""'.~ 284 , ' REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING September 24, 1979 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, Septem- ber 24, 1979, 7:30 p.m., ,with the following members present; Mayor ,Cole, presiding, Commissioners ,Ahrens, Horne, Maneval and Rosenbaum. The City Attorney and City Manager were a 1 so present. " , " , " . The Invocation was, pronounced l?y Mayor Cole. " MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS: Minutes of a 'special meeting of the City Com- mission on August 29, J979, and a r:egular meeting on September 10, 19.79, were presented to theCommission for consideration. Commissioner Ah~ens requlred that minutes of a special meeting of the City Com- mission on August 29, 1979, be amended to reflect that his request for discus- sion of $12,000 included l:n the 1980 Budget for capital "improvements in the Health Fund had ,been overruled and that his proposal for ,two amendments had also been overruled. ' Motion by'Commissioners Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that minutes of a special meeting on August.29, 1979, be approved as amended and minutes of the regular meet; ng on September 10, 1979, be ap'proved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-36: Resolution Number 79-36 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, on July 24,1961, Odis D. Gregg was appointed Superin- tendent of the Sanitation Department of the City of West University Place,.Texas; and WHEREAS, Odis, Gregg has ,continued,to serve in that capacity until the present time; and WHEREAS, Odis Gregg has been call~d upon to perform various duties, from,th6se of maintenance of equipment~ labor shortages, citizen complaints, permit applications and requirements, operation of the city's sanitary landfill site, and routine day-to-::day operation of the department; and WHEREAS, as a direct result of his operation and maintenance of the sanitary landfill, the City of West University Place has received plaudits from the State Department of Public Health; and WHEREAS, during all of his service, Odis Gregg performed his duty and responsibility in such manner as to reflect credit upon himself, his family and the city; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to give recognition to Odis Gregg for his long and faithful service to the City. 'U>~~ u f~ u u n o If) -rI W <:( <:t o rn UJ 285 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UN IVERS/}:, P.l~A~E, 'T~XAS: " >,,:,e;, ' Section I. That the C'ityof West University Place, Texas, act- ing by and through its duly authorized City Commission hereby commends Od1s Gregg for his distinguished service to the citizens of the city. Section 2. .' That the City Commissfon, on behalf of the citizens who know Odis Gregg, expresses its grateful appreciation to him for his unselfish devotion to his duties arid for the manner in which b~ faithfully performs his responsibilities. Section 3. That this Resolution be spread in full upon the minutes of the City Commission 'and that the Mayor:,be, and he is here- by authorized to deliver to Odis Gregg a true copy hereof, signed by each member of the City Commission. ' PASSED AND APPROVED this , 1979. day of Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Co~missioner Rosenbaum, that Resolution Number 79-36 be approved as read. ' , ,', , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor C61e'presentedMr. Gregg-with the original of Resolution Number 79-36 which had been beautifully framed for the occasion. HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mr. Charles McMurray, 4235 Byron, advised the Commission that it was his desire to bring to attention a memorandum addressed to City Manager Jim Brown from Chief of Police Frank Robinson setting forth deficiencies in the city1s jail facilities. Mr. McMurray enumerated deficiencies in provisions for,sanitation and personal hygiene; dietary provisions for persons in~arcerated in the faci 1 ity; 1 ack of observati on of pri soners ~ because of plywood coveri ng over the cells; and the lack of medical facilities in event of a need. Mr. McMurray stated that it was his recommendation that charges be filed in the Justice of the Peace Court to permit incarceration in the county jail which was equipped to properly care for prisoners. City Manager Jim Brown stated that the question had been addressed by the City Commission during its consideration of the 1980 budget and that funds had been made available for necessary rehabilitation'of'the jail facility. Mr. DuPree Holman, 3220 Sunset, advised the Commission that he had recently re- ceived information that the house being constructed at 5502 Buffalo Speedway as a single family residence was to be used as headquarters for the Delphian Association for workshops, instruction, m~king items ,for sale and profit and wolild maintain a'staff. Mr. Holman stated that slich use should be stopped by the Commission. ' Ci ty Attorney Davi d All ums advised those in attendance that he had di rected a letter to Bratten Construction, Inc:~builders of the house, with a: copy set by certified mail to Dr. Mary Schlay~r who is the Director of the Delphian Asso- ciation and reported to be the prosp~ctive occupant of the house, that such use I'~' ~~~~""'~I'!I""rFJ""fI1 I.L..........L......... L __....L .IDC"l 1."l.II'lIl'll'>drmllll TJ:"""rrl ,nl~rr:---I.......L. I I I. I 1'111 ':tC:;'iI'mIIHIIDIII_1iII Il..l.-III,I' . . ,,JJ'...I...llIIIIlIlll.1.llI,U;. ,.JI~, . .01 , JI1"1 I l ".~ 'J; .L...._L-'~W. . '~----1 UlWJlk,IMI.lUHj.,,;~.i~ L' 'I I I , 1.1 h.t-';~,:.A...;;..~:b... .~ ~ . 286 ..;. --J;,-b:...liri ,. was not in accordance 'with the provisions of the city's zoning ordinance and UliJ would not be permitted. Mr. Allums further advised that such letter requested that Mr. Bratten and Dr. SChlayer meet with him to discuss proposed use of the house and that it'wa'shis hope that additional information would be available prior to the end 'of 'the wee~. Mr. Dan Taylor, 3215 Sunset, who stated that he lived next door to the house under construction, was advised by City, Attorney David Allums that the only option provided the city to prec'lude 'occupancy of the residence was that the ordinance ,was specific regarding use of property in a single family district and that the excepti ons to such use di d not 'i ncl ude use by ci vi c groups. In response toa question from Mrs. Connie Boynton, 3029 'Sunset, Mr. Allums stated 'that it is the burden of the city to 'prove non-compliance with provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and that relief could be sought by filing suit in District Court. ' In response to a question from Mrs. Jean Smith, 2719 Nottingham, regarding the status of garage apartments, Mr. All urns advised that the city was enforcing the prohibition of garage apartment occupancy with generally good response. Mr. Allums also noted that the Zoning and Planning Commission had scheduled a public hearing to provide residents an opportunity to express their views on garage apartments within the city. Mr. Gilmer Huston, 5512 Buffalo Speedway, stated that he concurred with Mr. Holman and Mr. Taylor and believed that the residence at 5502 Buffalo should not be occupied. Mr. Whitt Johnson, 3216 Nottingham, stated that the violation 'of the city's zon- ing ordinance was currently in effect at Carnegie and Buffalo and should be stopped ptior'to a move into the residence at 5502,Buffalo. Mr. Johnson further stated that the Building Inspector is 'charged with enforcement of the city's zoning ordinance. Mr. Johnson stated that 'failure to issue a Certification of Occupancy by the Building Inspector could prevent anyone from moving into the residence. Mr. Paul Wallin, 3311 Albans Road, stated that he'had only recently been advised of the proposed use of the dwelling at 5502 Buffalo Speedway; that he knew the owner of the property at 6546 Buffalo Speedway, who had requested that such pro- perty be vacated; and that he understood that parking was'a major problem when meetings were held at the residence; Mr. Wallin noted that the number of old automobiles stored on residential pro- perty was increasing calling special attention to the property at Sunset and Cason where he had observed eight cars. In response to a request by Mr. Whitt Johnson, Mayor Cole read the following letter addressed to Bratten Construction Company by City Attorney David Allums: lilt has 'come to my attention that a potential problem may exist re- garding the house you are building at the above address. As you are aware, the lot on which the construction is progressing is zoned for a single family dwelling and the permit from the City was issued only for that purpose. I]' I ! l. : u n o IS) '" w <( <C o n ,,- , '287 The City has been informed that the facility under constructi,on is to be used as an office for the Delphian organization. Assuming this to be true,<then thi;s use is ,prohil?ited 'by the City's zoningdordinance. '-:'-"q "..' ' As owner of the property, please be advised that this letter is your notice that such violation will not be permitted by the City and ap- propriate actions will be taken to prevent such unauthorized use. By copy of this letter, I am notifying the Regional Director of the Delphian organization, Dr. Mary Elizabeth Schlayer, of the City's concern. The City Manager, Building Inspector and I will be happy to meet with you next week to discuss the matter. Please contact me at 224~6574 to arrange a meeting.1I Following further 'conversation regarding the construction, Mayor Cole advised those in attendance that he would pursue the matter under any means available to the city and would be happy to further discuss the matter with anyone in- terested. Mrs. Joan McCay, 3029 Carnegie, that the Humane Officer is an employee of the Health Department, paid from the Health Department budget, but transferred to the Police Department. She noted that the Humane Officer was one of the better around, that he had done considerable' work building dogcagesr:and had now been disciplined according to Police Department rules, and that inasmuch as the Per- sonnel Policies and Procedure Manual had not been published and distributed to city employees 'she would like to see this employee reinstated. MR. & MRS. PHILIP GUY: Thi s i tern was deferred to an executi ve session fo 11 owi ng the regular meeting of the Commission subsequent to notice that such item possibly involved litigation. MUNICIPAL COURT ASSOCIATES: The Commission was advised that in accordance with the provision of the City Charter it was necessary that Associate Judges and Prose- cutors of the Municipal Court be considered for reappointment. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that Michael Schneider and Terry Collins be reappointed as Associate Municipal Court Judges and that Thomas Taylor and Betsy Rice Coleman be reappointed as Associate Prose- cutors of the Municipal Court for an additional sixty (60) day period. Voting Aye: All , Voting No: None WIER PARK TENNIS COURTS: The Commission was presented a request to advertise for bids for installation of approximately 135' of ten foot, nine gauge fence for the Wier Park tennis courts and the re~surfacing of such courts: Motion by Commissioner Maneval , seconded:by Commissioner Horne, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for installation of approximately 135' of ten foot fence and the re-surfacing of Wier Park tennis courts, with bids to be received by the City Commission on October '22, 1979. Voting Aye: ' All Voting No: None' "..,.,. .,,-,...... '''' r.L.. ~ _1._ J ,-r-:.n---:--. I ". It iltj'....""~"'.,. r: .n'-, :, ::J,',ji". ~...L...........--....L........' ' '.IC',lliDJllI1IlIDII~m"" '..1.,'11",1, 'I "".lJII_I"'llUIII1lIl,llIW':..lJ11, . .,1.,1 . "WI I, I 011 I I I 'I L-....;'l.'-L._l '....LL.'l. --'i.\lII!~.II"hl;ULLI_~ LWIII , 'I.J ...1:-k",J:~1.~1 .......~,' ,,~' ~"" 0 h- '" ~ J...,,-Il 288 RESOLUTION NUMBER 79~3i: Resolution Number 79-37 was ,presented to the Commission and read in full: < WHEREAS, Mr. David G. All urns has been appointed and is serving as City A.ttorney; and WHEREAS, bY'prior resolution, the City Commission established a monthly retainer of $200.00 per month as partial payment for services rendered; and, WHEREAS, after consideration by the City Commission" it is found that a more equitable retainer amount of $1,000.00 per month is appro- priate for such ,se~vices by the City ,At~orney. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' 1/ U Sectiori 1. 'That David G. Allums shall receiv~ as compensation for his duties as City Attorney a monthly retainer of $1,000.00 per month, and shall charge the city at the rate of $40.00 per hour for all chargeable time for performing legal services for the city. Said $1,000.00 monthly retainer fe~ is to be credited against the total time charged. Section 2. That the monthly retainer payment of $1,000 shall be effective October 1,1979, and each month thereafter. Said amount shall be paid directly in full' without 'withholding or FICA deductions by the city. ' Section '3. That effective January 1, 1980, said hour rate shall be increased to $50.00 per hour for all chargeable time for performing lega1 services for the city. ' o PASSED AND APPROVED thi s day of , 1979 ~ Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that Resolution Number 79-37 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None LEGAL MATTERS: In <'response to a question from Mr. Dan Doughty ,3840 Byron, regard- ing the status of a suit filed against the city by Paul McDonald, 5426 Buffalo Speedway, 'Mr. Allums stated that he and Attorney Wynne Campbell were both ready to go to trial but that he preferred to wait until the City Commission had studied recommendations to be received from the Zoning and Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment to determine if any changes are to be made that might aff~~t the suit., ' CITY MANAGER'S RFPORT' City Manager Jim Brown advised theCommission,that he had some material to be passed out but that to expedite the meeting he would do so during the executiY~'ses~ion scheduled' after. the regular meeting. CONCERN'S OF THE CITY COMMISSION' ' In response to a question from Commissioner Ahrens lit!!,'] regarding a request he had made at the previous'meeting of the Commission on the status of various projects, Mr. Brown advised that he was unprepared to ad- dress the questions at this time but would furnish the Commission a report prior to the end of the week. n o JJ) "\I W <( <:( o u 289 Mayor Cole advised the Commission that during attendance at a barbeque sponsored by the lo'cal association o'f the American WaterWorks Asso'cia- tion he had met three tontrac.tor:s: who advi s'ed that now was an ideal time to take bids for the drill;;ih.g-o,f.theproposed new water well~:. j" BOARD AND COMMITTEE MINUTES: Minutes of meetings of the following Boards and Com- mitteeswere presented to the Commission for their information: Parks and Recreation Board meeting on August 28, 1979; Zoning and Planning Commission' meetings on. September 13th and September 20th; and the Electrical Board meeting on September 17th. '. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Cole announced that a public hearing will be held to consider bicycle lanes on Wednesday, September 26th and that on Thursday, September 27th a joint meeting wi:ll be held with the Bellaire City Council to further discuss a proposed solid waste transfer station. ' ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the City Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:38 p;m. ~J1t~ 'Mayor'" ATTEST: ~ ~~~a,J-/ City Secretary , .,'~ . _ :'; ll_~' 1 . ,JD...-nmrIlIIIIlllIlIllIlII'::JI-. . .11 '11111 ~ '-I~~:~;U~l_LJ~l loIlUlJ.IO<.}t ~ tl~lIJ.-~~1 u::::Jr-rT---.....~r-'1r------,--TT ...1'1 ...r......;..., il<.,... ,~"" ~ ~ -"- ~.I ~"'"" ;tl 290 SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING September 26, 1979 The City Commission>convened in special session at the Community Bui:ldirig on Wednes- day, September 26, 1979, 7:30 p.m. ,with the following members present: Mayor Cole, presiding; Commissioners Ahrens, Horne and Rosenbaum. The City Manager was also present. Commissioner Maneval and,the City Attorney were absent. II U Mayor Cole announced to those in attendance that the purpose of the special meeting was to consider proposed bicycle/safety lanes to provide a safe place for use of bicycle riders and joggers with an attempt being made, with the assistance of a Bicycle Safety Committee at West University Elementary School, to correct an ordinane that had previously been amended three times. Mayor Cole noted that item number two on the agenda was for consideration of creating "no parking" zones along the des'ignatedbicycle lanes and setting of hours for such prohibition, with item number three being consideration of setting penalties or fines for violation of the parking prohibition. Commissioner Horne requested that consideration be given to each of the items as they appear on the agenda without regard one to the other, noting that the tenative outline of the proposed bicycle/safety lanes was designed to serve as a collection system north/south of University and east/west of Rice Boulevard. Commissioner Ahrens noted that the maps that had been prepared and distributed were in error in some areas and requested that corrections be made in order that consider- ation could be given to the proposal to provide safe routes for children to get back and forth to school. r~ Mrs. Thomas Lee, 3516 Rice Boulevard, stated that she was opposed to the location ~ of a bicycle lane in front of her residence because the street was too narrow for cars and a bicycle lane and that she was definitely opposed to any provision that would prevent her guests from parking in front of her home. Mr. Richard Ayres, 2723 University Boulevard, stated that bicycle lanes should benefit any person from six to sixty that ride bicycles and not be planned only as a means for children to get to arid from school. Mr. Ayres further stated that riders should be educated to obey traffic rules and that prohibition of parking in the bicycle lanes would deny property owners use of property on which they paid taxes, and that he would be opposed to any such prohibition. Mr. Glenn Vallance, 4105 University Boulevard, stated that he was not against bicycle lanes, but that it was hfs opinion that the lanes caused riders to disregard safety rules, suggesting that proper education would be helpful. Mr. Vallance stated that consideration of no parking in the bicycle lanes srould provide for specific hours during which such prohibition would be in effect. Mr. Patrick Rowles, 3512 Rice Boulevard, stated that Tangley Street could be substi- tuted for Rice Boulevard which was the second busiest street in the city and that with the installation of a traffic light at Tangley and Buffalo school children could cross Buffalo and proceed west to the foot bridge over Poor F.arm Ditch and down Edloe to Rice where there was a school crossing guard. Mr. N. C. Mattocks, 6612 Mercer, stated that he had counted only eight bicycles from Bellaire to University on Mercer Street and that inasmuch as Mercer was a race track most of the time he thought a bicycle lane on the west side would be dangerous, especially since children that rode bicycles did not always use lanes even when avail- able. l'~ ! : I : I , i n o In -rI W <C <( o D , f3~~;'-'"':':"'!", Mrs. R. M. Williams, 6622 Mercer, stated that children should be taught to obey traffic laws and that they should not be using bicycle lanes that were not de- signed with the flow of traffic. Mrs; Williams suggested that an article in the City Currents urging jogger~ t~ U$e leg lights in order that motorists could see them might be beneficial. 291 Dr. Peters, 6512 Vanderbilt, stated that he did not believe it necessary to des1g- nate bicycle lanes and prohibit parking in them inasmuch as most of the children used the middle of the street. Dr. Peters further stated that" residents should be" made more conscious of bicycle lanes if used and he believed parking prohibitions would lead to,dissention among residents. Mrs. Molly Gwinn, 3009 Rice Boulevard, President of the West Univetsity'Elementary School P.T.A., stated that the primary consideration in designating the lanes as proposed was to provide me~ns by which children-could get to and from school in safety. Mrs. Gwinn stated that University Boulevard was' chosen as location for a bicycle lane because'of its width and surface, noting that Rice was bumpy and narrow and that she thought Tangley a good alternate route. Mrs. Gwinn also stated that children need to be taught the rules of the road and how to ride their bicycles safely. Mr. R. A. Higley, 3004 Rice, stated that bicycle lanes would serve no purpose if riders had to dodge cars that were parked in them and that it was his belief that if lanes are designated parking restrictions should be imposed and that he, too, thought an alternate should be found to the use of Rice Boulevard. Mr. T. T. LaRue, 6537 Mercer, stated that creation of a bicycle lane on Mercer would do nothing to enhance the safety of children because the street was a race track and that he was opposed to the restrictions on ,parking'because he would not want to park in front of his neighbor's house nor would he want his neighbor parking in front of his house. Mr. Joel Collins, 6515 Mercer, stated that the emphasis was on protecting children going to and from school and that the condition of the 6500 and 6600 blocks of Mercer Street were, in his judgment, more than a child could handle. He also~ated that he Was concerned about the ability of children to ride bicycles on a street where speed1ng traffic was very bad. Mr. Mike Brown, 3124 Rice, stated that he was not oppo~ed to a bicycle lane'in front of his home, but'that he was very concerned about children crossing Buffalo Speedway at Rice Boulevard where there is a jog in"the street and if a lane is designated using that intersection consideration should be given to the installation of a "nO right turn on red" signal. Mr. Brown further stated that he was concerned about bicycle lanes giving children a false sense of security. Mr. John McKinney, 2707 University, stated:that he was opposed to not being able to park in front of his house and he does not feel there is that much bicycle traffic in the area. Mr. Thomas Wylie, 6338 Mercer, stated that he had no objections to the bicycle lanes if they were made workable and the only way he saw to accomplish that was to pro- vide no parking during certain periods of time in the morning and evening. Mr. Wylie requested that the City Commission give consideration to the installation of another stop light at University and Edloe since the blinking 1 ight does not stop traffic. Mr. Wylie requested that if bicycle lanes are approved with parking pro- hibitions the City Commission should give consideration to use of a side street with lanes going with the flow of traffic. .ffi~~Il!M~~~W' fT!-ri, I j I 1 ~nlllJJ..::nmn.c----" rLI III ~-'-' I HI' . Ir' III Dl I1DIIDlIIDI_ur' , 11'11 . I ' i' II ".1 . ,...lI~..I...lllllllllAllll'll.:. ;.JI~, . II .;llfil I L _....;~:!.!,;L._~; iJ-l._i-.l...---'IUIIIH II'.I I! II L' '1-1 i_' ',.1 1.._ ~,... ]r,,-,,j ~'-':'~_' _ Ci [l 292 Mrs. Edna Burgen, 6533 Mercer, stated that when her children were in school members of the Police Department'helped to see that they crossed streets safely at busy intersections. Mrs. Burgen further stated:that she was opposed to bicycle lanes [I only on one side of the street because it was difficult to teach ch'ildren to ride IIU~- one way in West University and another way somewhere else and that she was also opposed to prohibiting parking in the bicycle lanes because some residents had no other place to park as many automobiles as required by members of their family. Mrs. Burgen suggested thatsigns'be!plac~d at city ent~ances noting that it was a city of jogge'rs and bicycle::idersto'ii1akepeople,awC3re~ Mr. Scott Marks, 6424 Mercer, suggested that the creation of Independence Park be reactivated in order to provide a safe place for bicycle riders or if bicycle lanes were created on stteetsthat 'p~rking not be pr6hibited because there is very little parking permitted'on fifty foo't lots and'location of a fire plug on the property makes it ~ven less~' M~:Marksstated th~t consideratibn should be given to the installation of flexible pipe or som~'obs't~uction to keep motorists out of the bicycle lane at the intersection of University and Kirby to prevent automobiles driving in the lane. Mr. Robert Miller, 4207 University, stated that he was sure University Boulevard had been chosen for a bicycle lane because it was a wide street, but that careful consideration should be given to tne intersection of Academy and University and the blocks that were 'riarrow:~; Mr. Lloyd Flynt, 3606 Rice, called attention of the Commission to a prohibition in the City of Souths ide to prevent on~street parking between the hours of 2:00 a.m~ and 9:00 a.m.~suggesting that such a prohibition might solve some of the problems encountered with students on bicycles g0ing to school in the mornings. Mrs. Marlene Ghampi6n, 3832 Sputhwestern,noted that it was impossible tO'please everyone and suggested that the'no parking provisions be applied only around the school itself. To a suggestion that additional school crossing guards were needed Mrs. Champion stated tnat this could easily be handled by the PTA and VIPS on a volunteer basis if properly organized. Mayor Cole~ascertained that all those present had expressed their concerns and desires on the proposed bicycle lanes. With no. further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. ATTEST: ~Mf!j k u ~~ ' , , < ,j 0" ' 't:k...L~ Ci Y Secre, ry , n o U1 " W <X: <( o n 293 REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING October 8, 1979 The City Commission ~onvened in r~gular ~ession at the Ci~yHallon Monday, October 8, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Cole, presiding; Commis- sioners Ahrens, Horne, Maneval and Rosenbaum. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pr'bnounced by Commissioner Ahrens'. MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS: Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Com- mission on September 24, 1979, and a special meeting on September 26, 1979, were presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commis~ioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commis-sion on September 24, 1979, and a special meeting on September 26, 1979, be approveCIas submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None HEARING OFRESIDENT$: Mr. W. L. Partridge, 4040 Ruskin, ~tated, that he gathered re- cycling material from his neighborhood and thought 'the' program woul!d benefit from the appointment of "block" captains to work in each area of the city. Mr. Theodore Bezzerides, 3409 Georgetown, requested that the Commission give con- sideration to the installation of Ilstop') signs on Georgetown, between Buffalo Speedway and Poor Farm Ditch, noting that twenty-seven small children live in the area~with a number of them being 1 ittle boys learning"~o ride bicycles. Mr. Bezzerides stated that the street is, used a~ a ~ut-thro~gh so motorists don't have to stop and has now taken on an atmosphere of a thoroughfare. Mr. Bez- zerides presented Mayor Cole a petition signed by re~idents of the 3300, 3400, 3500 and 3600 blocks of Georgetown requesting installation of the stop signs. Mr. Larry Kelly, 3319 Georgetown, stated that he was in'agreemerit with Mr. Bez- zerides and wanted to urge consideration of .the installation of the stop signs. City Manager Jim Brown advised that there ';"'ould be a lot of work required prior to a response to the petition, including a letter to the Texas Department of High- ways for permission to amend the city's traffic plan inasmuch as the city is under the provisions of a uniform traffic code, but that the required work would begin immediately. Commissioner Horne requested that Centenary and Annapolis Streets be included in the study along with the north orie-halfof Belmont. ' In response to a request by Commissioner Rosenbaum that Mercer from University to Bellaire be included in the study, Mr. Brown responded that the Pol ice: Department had increased enforce- ment in that particular area.' Mr. Joe Spratlin, 2811 Cason~ stated that he had a very large yard surrounded by a six (61) foot chain link fence and that his large labrador retriever climbs up and jumps over the fence. Mr. Spratlin requested assistance from the Commission in adding a two (21) foot section to the top of his fence. Mayor Cole advised Mr. Spratlin that members of the Commissioh'werewaiting for recommendations from the Zoning and Planning Commission, one of which'was to be a study on fence con- struction and that he would be advised when such information was available. l' .~. II tl , . l11,J...,1 .,.~U..I...llllllIIJlJllIlJ' ;.II., II' I L ,__ .'1' 'L 1 '_J-l_ '1_ --.-J Uil:...lJ'. I!. 1,1' I, w_; 1 I I 1-1 n j , ...f.,j C'fH".....'" .-. .~, '11 294 Mr. J. D. Woodson, 3835 Tennyso~, requested that College Street be added tq the streets that were to be studied inamsuch as it is also use? as a sp~edway. Mrs. Margaret Hollowel'l, 4120 Swarthmore, advised the Commission that the garage sale held for purchase of playground equipment at Colonial Park had raised the sum of $125.00 which she delivered to the City Secretary. Mrs~ Hollowell requested information regarding the possible sale of Christmas ornaments door-to-door to raise additional funds and was advised that this was against the city's soliciting ordinance, but that ,chun::h bazaars would probably provide space for her use and that she might check with JMH stores as a possible: site for ~uch sales. I- I 1 ! I LJ Mr. Tom Browder, 6352 Buffalo Speedway, was'advised that no response had been received from the office of the Attorney General regarding the tax proposi- tions voted on by citizens.' Mr. A1 Shire ~tatedthat he waS advised in his first conversation with the Attorney General 'soffice that such request had been received from the City of Houston, but not from \.Jest University, however, he had been advised during his second call that it had been received but that the Attorney General had not seen it. City Attorney David Allums stated he had been advised that it would take from six to eight weeks to receive an opinion. Mr. Allums was instructed by the Commission to follow up on the status of such opinion with Representative Brad Wright. RESOLUTION NUMBER 79-38: Resolution Number 79-38 was presented to the Commission and read in full: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHIEF' OF POLICE TO ENTER INTO'AMUTUAL AID LAW ENFORCEMENT AGREEMENT WITH: OTHER MUN I CI PALlT I ES IN HARR I S COUNTY, TEXAS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 999b, V.T;C.S."AND MAKING CER- TAIN FINDINGS RELATED TO THAT SUBJECT o ...., WHEREAS, Article 999b, Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann., authorizes a county or municipality by resolution of its governing body to enter into an agreement with any neighboring municipality or contiguous county for the formation of a mutual aid law enforcement task force to cooperate 'in the investigation of criminal activity and enforcement of the laws of this State; and WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, Texas, has on occasion requested the assistance of various police departments in sister cities and the West University Place Police Department has similarly been requested 'by othe~po1ice departments for the purpose of assistance with apprehension, investigation and other'matters in police related functions; and WHEREASj it is the opinion of the City Commission of the City of West University Place that the best interests as well as the general safety and welfare of the residents of the City of West University Place will be 'served by the execution of such a mutual aid law enforcement agree- ment. NOW, THER~FORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF:WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: \/ U 295 u Section 1. That the Chief of Police is hereby authorized to enter into a mutual aid law enforcement ,agreement with other municipalities' police departments for the purpose of providing and receiving assistance when required pursuant to the terms and conditions of Article 999b, Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann. Section 2. That such mutual assistance may be furnished without undly impairing the capability of the West University Place Police Depart- ment to accomplish its usual and customary responsibilities within the City of West University Place. o LD " W <C <C Section 3. That the agreement authoriied by this resolution shall become effective when executed by the Police Chief in behalf of the city. day of , 1979. PASSED AND APPROVED this Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that Resolution Number 79-38 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None WATER METERS AND FIRE HYDRANTS BIDS: in accordance with previous instructions of the City Commission; bids received for delivery of 100 water meters and 20 fire hy- drants were opened and results announced as follows: Bidder Water Meters Fi're Hydrants 0 Rohan Company $ 34.49 each $ 431 .90 each Utility Supply 33.89 390.00 Western Pipe 35.00 (4.00 trade) 385.00 Rockewe 11 Meter 36.00 (4.00 trade) No'Bid Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that bids received for delivery of water~~ter~ and firehydrarits be referred t6:the rrirectorof Public Works for analysis and tabulation with a retommendation"fo'r purchase to be presented to the Commission in special session on Octob'erlO, 1979. Vot i ng Aye: All , Voting No: None LEGAL SERVICES: An invoice in the amount of $4,684.10 submitted by City Attorney David Allums for legal services rendered durin9 the months of July, August and September was: presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the City Commission approve p~ymerit to City Attorney, David Allums in the amount of $4,684.10 for legal services rendered dufing the months of July, August and September. Voting Aye: All Voting No~ None o APPOINTMENT OF C.P.A. F'lRM: 'The Commissioriwaspresenteda recommendation from City Treasurer Patrick O'Connor for employment:of:the firm,of .Coopers & Lybrand to audit the city's records; books and accounts 'for the fiscal year ending Decem- ner 31, 1979 based on sucn firm's:excellent past performance records and submis- sion of a complete Management Report. t1- -~",*",""~t">r'"" "'-~LI j I j j 11 ----.t!...J.LlIl.tJL.:ttillllJL rr III 'j ---, 1 ! : I -.LII' , [" .. Ie "ill BlllnIlDIIIIIII.nr' ",;,,", ['[[,111111" :'I"I1,lol'l . ., .lJ11..1_lllllIIJIlIlIllli:, ..JI~,_ ,II .. .JIll 1 II I Ii, I I i I L- ...:1.),;L.....1 .J....L 1~----.JiUlll.ilLlwhUJ.U"'ltliU I' II I I , 'I J . -,-,!.!:ill1JJ,'P.,):,,,,t4,W~ - H'~_~~", ..~ _ 'hL~ll 296 Motion by Commissioner Horne,. seconded by.Col11missioner'Maneval, that the firm of Coopers & Lybrand be employed as audjtorlof the city1s records and accounts for 1979 at theirquoted:price of $7,000. Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None u J ~ LEGAL MATTERS: .,City Attorney David Allums stated that the attorney i'n the suit styled Ash vsCity of West University Place which was scheduled 'for trial next week, had advisedthat'such,;suit ,was passed" a.nd ,that a ,suit filed by Bruce Dohendorf vs the city had been dismissed. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: City Manager Jim Brown presented the following invoices for cons i dera:t i'on ,by the ,Comm i 5S i-on: McKinnon Services - $1,366.00. This charge represents fees for pickup of re- cycl ing materials and trash removed by.McKi'nnon. Burroughs Corporation - $850.00 representing monthly rental on computer equipment. Dictaphone - $561.30 for purchase of recording tape used by the Police Department. ,Gulf Oil Corporation - $4,833.09 for pur~hase of 6,000 gallons of unleaded gas. NCR - $758.25 second month's rental on data processing equipment. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that invoices sub- mitted by the:-CityManager be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None 01, \ ' Mr. Brown advised the Commirssion that an application had been received for the position of , City Manager from a young man from Pennsylvania who read of the opening in the Houston Chronicle. CONCERNS OF:THE CITY COMMISSION: City Attorney David Allums .advisedCommissioner Horne that Mr. VernonG. Bratten, Jr. 'and Mrs. Mary El izabeth Schlayr Cardeza had ex- ecuted,an affidavit that tbe.new residence being constructed ,at. 5502 Buffalo Speed- way would be used only as a single family residence and in no way used by the Delphian Society, with such affidavit being filed of record in the Harris County Deed Records. Commissioner Maneval requested that Concerns of the City Commission be placed as Item #3 on the City:Comniission agenda in.orderlthatpersons in attendance might be aware of such concerns. CommissionerlAhrens advised ,that there was a penalty involved for failure to adhere to the' 760 thermostat setti'ng imposed by the federal government and was advised by the City Manager that a statement had been forwarded to all depart- ment heads regarding the regulation. Mr. Brown was requested to furnish members of the Commission copies of the statement. Commissioner Rosenbaum ,stated~that the'Mealsite Program wi 11 be continued at W the Faith LutheranChurth until the end"Qf November~ and that consideration , rt" of the Commission should be given to the possibility of paying some of the F utility bills in event another meeting place is located. D o LD " W c:( <:( rn ~ c-<~--n"'!r''''t_~,'_-g",. BOARD AND COMMITTEE MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on September 19, 1979 and the Ambulance Advisory Committee on September 24, 1979, were presented to the Commission for their information. 297 ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. ~zn 44- ATTEST: :e~ ~ ~La,,-4 City Secretary - -'- .1:..1 _ t, ; _ 1___ I_JJD1__:~lllE.!lill.Llit!DlIlL lj-rr-i. -I JiLl!;] ~T_,l_-'-__ .. dt: :,lIIDIilII}IIDIIIIIII_l1lT _X.l.,:'..!; 1:]'j J....111 r"dLlIIII'II!'I-- .' 'llU'111 298 ..,JlII"IBlllllIIJIl,llIlll" ~I . .1 ,,- :JIll ,I I I I :...J.....l~;-l---'-I1.ItWii.I!JIJ.U~IJ..,...u. I L'__r;I.L;L.....-L. .__ ~ 'I 0 I' Ll-l-I IJ .t I ~:i .~, 1 ,t ,,0;'- "" I ~~. j , ,) 11 U o u AAE150 ( - ) C' , l \~ . J c ) T SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING October 10, 1979 .~l, The City Commission convened in special session at the Community Building, 6104 .,1, Auden Street, on Wednesday, October 10, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the following mem- bers present: Mayor Cole, presiding; Commissioners Ahrens, Horne and Maneval. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Rosenbaum was absent. Mayor Cole advised those in attendance that there were two items of business that the Commission would consider prior to opening the public hearing which had been called for this date and hour to consider a recommendation of the Zon- ing and Planning Commission that Lot 1, Block 1, Co11egeview 3rd Addition be rezoned from a Single Family Dwelling District to a Two-Family Dwelling District. The Commission was presented the following tabulation of bids received for de- l ivery of 100 5/811 X 3/411 water meters and 20 fi re hydrants, together wi th a recommendation for purchase from Director of Public Works David Eby. The following is the bid tabulation for 100 water meters, size 5/811 x 3/411, in order of low to high bid: Utility Supply Rohan Supply Western Pipe & Supply Rockwe 11 I nternat i ona 1 $ 33.89 each 34.49 each 35.00 each 36.00 each [] The following is the bid tabulation for twenty (20) fire hydrants in order of low to high bid. Western Pipe & Supply Utility Supply Rohan Supply $385.00 each 390.00 each 431.90 each I am recommending that the Commission award the contract to Utility Supply for the water meters based on~'tbeir low bid price of $33.89 each. I do not wish to consider the trade-in price at this time as being pertinent to the bid price due to the possible escalation of the value of used meters. I further recommend that the Commission award the contract to Utility Supply for the fire hydrants at the bid price of $390.00 each. I am recommending this over the low bid price due to the fact that our repair parts and re- placement parts are all for Mueller fire hydrants and that is the only kind that have been installed for a number of years. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that the City Commission accept the recommendation of Director of Publfc Works David Eby, and 100 3/811 x 3/411 water meters and 20 fire hydrants be purchased from Utility Sup- ply Company. [J f . .~ '." " Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that consideration should be given to the nomination of members to serve on the Board of Directors of the newly created Harris County Tax Appraisal District inasmuch as such nominations must be filed with the County Clerk prior to October 15, 1979. 2 Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that consideration of nomination to the Board of Directors to the Harris County Tax Appraisal District be postponed until the conclusion of the public hearing which had been called at this time. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None u Mayor Cole introduced himself to those in attendance, giving his residence in the City as 3523 Robinhood, followed by each member of the City Commission. Mayor Cole introduced Zoning and Planning Commission Chairman Michael Casey and invited him to review the actions taken by and recommendation::for the rezoning of Lot 1, Block 1, Collegeview 3rd Addition. Mr. Casey introduced himself and identified his residence in the city as 3115 Duke, followed by members of the Zoning and Planning Commission in attendance, Mr. Abell and Mr. LaCook. Mr. Casey reviewed action taken by and recommendations of the Zoning and Planning Commission as follows: The Zoning and Planning Commission received an application from Leo J. Rubenstein, the owner of Lot 1, Block 1, Collegeview 3rd Addition, to rezone from a Single Family Dwelling District to a Townhouse District. Subsequent to a Public Hearing held on March 13, 1979, it appeared that the majority of property owners on Sunset were not opposed to a Townhouse Dwelling District on subject lot if they had the opportunity td also re- zone for townhouses. o A public hearing was held on April 10, 1979. At a special meeting on April 28, 1979, a Preliminary Report was prepared for submission to the City Commission recommending that the lot be rezoned as a Townhouse/ Clusterhouse/Patio Home Dwelling District or a Single Family Dwelling District with variances granted for minimum lot size and setbacks and that a maximum of two units be constructed in the District. Mr. Casey pointed out that a report of the Zoning and Planning Commission to the City Commission on March 11, 1974 recommended that this unique lot be purchased by the city and developed as a visual park, however, no action was taken by the city. Mr. Casey stated that it was the recommendation of the Zoning and Plan- ning Commission to the City Commission that Lot 1, Block r, Collegeview Third Addition be rezoned from a Single Family Dwelling District to a Two Family Dwelling District under all of the provisions contained in Ordinance Number 1025 which governs townhouse construction within the city. Following Mr. Casey's review, Mayor Cole stated that the Public Hearing would now be held for consideration of the recommendation and final report of the Zoning and Plan- ning Commission. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that the by the City Commission be opened. pub Ii c hear i ng fi1 UJ Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None ~ D ~'I .f; "lit , , 3 Motion by Mr. Abell, seconded by Mr. LaCook, that the pub~ic hearing by the Zoning and Planning Commission be opened. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Cole ascerta,ined from the secretary that legal notice of the pub11c hearing had been published in the Surburbia-Reporter on September 19, 1979, and that notices to all property owners within 200 feet of the property were dated on September 19, 1979. Mayor Cole requested that City Attorney ,David Allums determine that all legal re- quirements in connection w-i'th the publichearingr had been complied with. Mr. Allums reported that upon instruction of the City Commission Ordinance Number 1141 had been prepared calling the public hearing and subsequent to its approval by the' Commission and publication of required legal noti-ce all legal requirements had been complied with and the public hearing could proceed. Mr. Allums directed attention of the Commission to the fact that inasmuch as a report had been filed by the Zoning and Planning Commission and a protest petition had not been filed by twenty percent of adjacent property owners, that only a simple majority (3/5) of the Commission was required to either amend the ordinance or reject recommendations of the Zoning and Planning Commission. Mayor Cole administered the oath toall those persons in attendance desiring to speak during the public hearing. Mr. Jim Harris stated that he was trying to purchase the property that was in question and that it was his desire to answer any questions that anyone might care to direct to his attention. Mr. Leo Howard, 3782,Notti,ngham, stated that the letter he had received was not clear and that he did 'not bel ieve there was another area in the city where two families occupied the, same residence and that he was opposed to a two-family: district being created adjacent to his home. Mr. Howard also stated that at a pr:e~ious hear- ing held by the Zoning and Planning Commission he had addressed ,the question of adequate sewer facilities and had been advised that any up-sizing of the sewer would be the concern of the:builder. Following an explanation that the recommendation was for the construction of two homes on the property rather than occupancy of one dwelling by two families, Mr. Howard withdrew his objections. Mr. Ed Sutton, 5510 Auden, stated that he had lived in West University most of his life and that in~other areas he had seen multi-family dwellings deteriorate and lower adjacent property values. Mr. Casey stated that any construction on the property,cwbether rezoned or not, would have to conform to all codes, ordinances and regulations of the city and be approved by the Building Inspector. Mr. Casey pointed out that this particular lot is unique because of its size and location; that the zoning ordinance requires a 5,000 square foot building site within the city; that the original request was for the building of three townhouses on the site whereas the recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission was for only two; and that a city engineer had stated that sewer service to the site could be added without over-loading the- system or creating problems for adjacent property owners. 4 Mr. Sid Boynton, 5506 Auden, stated that he 'owned' a 162' X 60' lot adjacent to the property being considered and that the sewage and drainage in the area are not very good at the present time. In response to a concern by Mr. Boynton about fire hazard, Mr. Casey stated that townhouse construction required a 4-hour fire rating construction and Mr. LaCook stated that rezoning for a town- house d'istrict would put the proposed new construction in a special f'ire zone. Ms;.Joan McCay, 3029 Carnegie, stated that she was, opposed to the rezoning and construction of utilities at a cost to the city and taxpayers until the present lines are repaired. ; , Mr. C. H. Hatal~n, 3809Sunset,c~11ed attention to ~n article whith'appearedih the Suburbia-Reporter regarding Commissioner Rosenbaum being advised by the City Attorney not to attend the public hearing. Subsequent to being advised that Mrs. Rosenbaum was out of the city, Mr. Hotalen stated that he was opposed to rezoning of the property for th~ Sam~1 reason' as ev~ryohe else'waS. Mr. Hota}~h' asked if the city did not have the money to repair old sewer lines where were funds to tome from for the installation of new lines to the proposed project, and was advised that plans included rehabilitation of existing sewer lines. Responses to Commissioner Horne's question regarding attendance at the hearing being only eleven people included illness, church meetings and other activities. Mr. Howard added that the confusion of the letter mailed might have been responsible for non-attendance by~some residents. Mrs. H. E. Eubanks, 3815 Sunset, stated that all of the adjacent property owners were not opposed to the rezoning and that a number of the residents approved the plan that had been pres~hted for the construction of two units on'the property. Additional questions addressed by members of the City Commission and Zoning and Planning Commission included whether or not the property waS to be owner occupied; that any additional requests for r~zoning for townhouse' construction would have to be filed with the Zonihg and Planning Commission; plann~d usage of concrete in conjunction with the proposed constructi~n; possi.ble subsidence as a result of the proposed construction; th~ economic feasib'n"1ty of constructionbfonly a sihgle family dwelling on the property and locatiohof utility services to'the property. It was explained to those in attehdance that this particular piece of property is the only one in the city which has no utility service and'if developed it would be the'obligation of the city to furnish s~rvice~ It was noted, how~v~r, that the proposed builder had agreed to finance any up~sizing of water/sewer lines that might be required by the addition of a second unit on the site. Motion by Mr. Abell, seconded by Mr. LaCook,'that the Public Hearing of the Zoning and Planning Commission be closed. Voti ngAye:, "All' Voting No: Non~ Motion by' Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the Public Hearing by the City Commission be closed. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Cole advised those in attendance that the City Comm1ssion.would further dis- cuss the recommendation at its workshop session on Wednesday, October 11, 1979, and would announce its decision at the regular meeting of the City Commission on October 22, 1979. .. u ~' !f II " II " , Wi' , :1 " [ll.' l] a ~".f , I , , t I 5 Further discussion by members of 'the City;Commissionregarding the::need for nomi- nations for the Board of Directors of the Harris County Tax Appraisal District resulted in submission of the names of Charles Gillan, Joe Harris and Dale Heiskell as nominees for such positibn. With no further busihes~ to co~e b~fote the Comm1ssion at~thi's time, ,upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. ~~1V7Jt ~ , 'Mayo r , , ATTEST: -~ ~ ., ' City Secretary ._ .' .. ~,._~.._,__w_ () ,REGULAR C I TYCOMMI SS ION" MEET I NG < October 22, 1979 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall 'on Monday, October n",I,':: 22, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Cole, presiding; Commissioners'Ahrens~ Horne, Maneval and Rosenbaum; The CJty,Attorney and Assis- tant City Manager were also present. The City Manager was ill. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Horne. MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS: Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Com- mission on Monday, October 8, 1979, and a special meeting on October 10, 1979, were presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on October 8, 1979, and a special meeting on October 10, 1979, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mrs. A. P. McElreath, 3722 Robinhood, stated that she had lived in West Uhiversity since 1941, and that she had heard that a new residence constructed at Sunset and Buffalo was to be used as a club house for a women1s group and she wou 1 d 1 i ke to know 1) who owns the property, 2) i'f it is to be used as a club house; 3) if it is to be used as a club house, why was it built and approved as such; and 4) what is going to be done about it. Commissioner Horne responded that the property was owned by Bratten Construc- ~:!"i tion, Inc.; was not to be used as a club house; and that what was going to be done about the property had been done. Mr. Horne then reviewed action that had been taken by the City Attorney in response to a request of the Commission to assure that the property would not be used for anything other than a single family dwel1ine, noting that an affidavit had been executed by Mr. Bratten and Mrs. Elizabeth Schlayer Cardeza, resident of the property and representative of the Houston Delphian Scholarship Foundation, and filed of record in the Harris County Deed Records. Commissioner Ahrens stated that the City Commission did not want to over-respond and deny private citizens the right to hold meetings in their homes. Mr. Ron Waedeman, 2601 Arbuckle, advised the Commission that he had obtained a building permit for the construction of a new residence at 2601 Arbuckle and was advised to delay his request for a fence permit inasmuch as the current ordinance regulating fence construction would permit him to erect an eight (81) fence adjacent to Kirby Drive with the other fence permitted only to a height of six (61) feet. Mr. Waedeman was advised that a recommendation had been received from the Zoning and Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment Committee and would be placed on an upcoming City Commission workshop meeting for consideration and that he would be advised of such meeting proposed for Wednesday, October 31st. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that the order of the agenda be changed to permit consideration of Item 7 at this time. u Voting Aye: All Voting No: None fl1 U a nJ 'I , t '] I 7 POLICE OFFICER OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE:' Resolution' Number 79-39 was presented to the Commission an'd read: in full: A RESOLUTION COMMENDING OFFICER MATTHEW STANICH OF THE WEST,UNIVERSITY PLACE POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR OUTSTAND1NG PERFORMANCE IN THE LINE OF DUTY '. : . WHEREAS, Matthew Stanich has served the City of West University Place as a Police Officer since his appointment August 23, 1979; and WHEREAS, the professional training' he'received and his quickness to respond played an important role in his performance; and WHEREAS, he displayed courageous calm in the face of danger on 'October'lO, 1979, when he w~s shot once while attempting to discour~ge two flee1ng felons from entering the City ofWestUnive~sityPlace~ and WHEREAS, the City Commissibndesires to gtve recognition to Officer Matthew Stanich for his outstanding performance in the li'he of duty. Nbw, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERS1TY PLACE, TEXAS= Section 1. That the City of West University Place; Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized City Commission commends Officers Matthew ~tanich for his outstanding performance ln the line of duty. Section 2. That the City Commission, on behalf of all citizens of the City of West University Place, Texas, expresses its grateful appre- ci at i on to Off icer Matthew Stan i ch for hi 5 ded icat i on to the protect i on of lives and propertyin'the city. Section 3.' Tha~ this Resolution be spread in fulliupon the · minutes of ;the City Commission ahd that tlieMayor' be, aha he is hereby, authorized to deliver' to Matthew Stanich a true copy hereof,' sighed by each ~ember of the City Commission. PASSED AND APPROVED this 22nd day of October, 1979. Motion' by Commissioner Rosenbaum, seconded by Commissi'oner Horne, that Resolu- tion Number 79-39 be approved as read; Voting Aye: All Voting No: None CONCERNS OF THE CITY COMMISSION: Assistant City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh advised Com- missioner Ahreh's that 'Director of Public, Works David Eby was working ona request by a number of c'itizens to the Commission on October 8th for a study of certain streets within the city, but'that the: current status of the project'was not known. Commissioner Ahrens requested that consideration be given to the appointment of membership to the Parks Fund Board by the Commission inasmuch as a recommenda- ti,on had been received from the Parks and Recreatiori' Board. This item is to be i'ncluded oh,the City Commission workshop meeting 'oh October 29th. 8 Commissiener Ahrens requested that"Assistant C,ity Manager Dick Rockenbaugh see that members of the Cemmission are furnished copies of City Manager Jim Brown's statement regarding building temperature settings that had been premised en October 8th. Commissiener Resenbaum advised that preposals, for reloci3tion ef the Mealsite Program had not been made to other area churches. n Metien by Commissioner Ahren5, secended by Comm'issioner Horne, that the City Commissien officially accept the resignatien ef Jim Brown as City Manager of the City of West' Universi,ty Place effective October ;31, 1979. Vetlng Aye: All Veting No: Nene Cemmissioner Horne advised those in attendance that citizens sheuld, realize the .encroachmen't of 'cr ime into the city and, the need to, take eve,ry opportun i ty to support the Police Department. Cemmissioner Horne noted that merale within the department ha's improved and repr'esents one ef the br i ght spets seen th is yea r . Fellewing Cemmissioner Horne's remarks, Mr. J. D. Weodson, 3835 Tennyson, re- quested i'nformation'regardingestablishing a West University 100 Club to pro- vide assistance to the Police and Fire Departments' and that he be permitted to be the first contributer to such club. City Attorney David Allums was instructed to' determine the procedure for the establishment of such club. Mayor Cole advised these in attendance that to date a total of seventy:(70) applicatiens had been received for the postion of City Manager/Administrater. o VILLAGE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION: Mr. Michael Parks, Chairman of the Board of the Village Savings & Loan: Association appeared befere the Cemmission to,direct attentien to' plans for the location ef' the Asseciatien'sheadquarters build- ing at the corner ef Stella Lihk and Be11aire, noting that,adherence to the requirements that one parking space be prev:ided for each 200 hundred square feet of fleor -space wou 1 d, prec 1 ude any green area er 1 andscap i ng on the's i te wh i ch served as an entrance to the city. Following Mr. Parks' presentat,ion and general discussion cencerning alternative methods to' achieve beth desired landscaping and required parking, Mayor Cole expressed appreciation to Mr. Parks. SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION: Ms. Barbara Townsend, 3501 Cason, appeared before the Commis- 'siento request that: she not be required to' have a sidewalk in front of her resi- dence inasmuch as there was no other s i dewa 1 k adj acent to her property .:::Ms. Town- s~nd~p~ese~tea,~~sk~tch indicating the number of lets between;,ber preperty and the nearest ,sidewalk, noting that she knew this requirement ,had',been waived in the past under such conditions. ,Motion by Comm:is,sioner,Horne, secended by Commissiener Ahrens, that this' subject be deferred until the next regular meeting of the Commissron,te be resolved along with the request feceived from Mr. Michael Parks. Vot i ng Aye: All Veting No: Nene Metion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Cemmissioner, Rosenbaum, that the City Commissien suspend action by the Building InspectortofiJ.e charges in'Muni- cipal Court against Ms. Barbara Townsend until the next meeting ef the Commis- sion. u n- r ' I, r Q ~ 9 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD: Ms. Audrey Langley, Secretary of the Parks and Recreation Board requested that consideration of this item be delayed until later in the meeting to permit Chairman Alex Pancheri and opportunity to be present. Motion by Commissioner- Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that considera- tion of a report and recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Board be delayed to permit Mr. Pancheri to arrive. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None RECOMMENDATION OF ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION: Mayor Cole advised that the Zoning and Planning Commission had recommended that Lot 1, Block 1, Collegeview Third Addition be ~ezoned by a Single Family Dwelling District to a Two-Family Dwelling District, and that a joint public hearing had been held on the recom- mendation. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maoeval, that Lot 1, Block 1, Collegeview Third Addition remain a Single Family Dwelling District. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Terry Ayres advised the Commission that he represented Mr. Jim Harris, pros- pective purchaser of the property and that it was his intent to put the City Commission and the City Secretary on notice that a suit would be filed to change current regulations to alter the status to come up with a status which would per- mit construction of two or three dwelling units. TENNIS COURT FENCE: In accordance with previous actio~ of the City Commission, bids received for installation of approximately 1351 of 101 chain link fence at Wier Park were opened and results announced as follows: Western Fence Company Allied Supplier & Erection $1,261.00 1 , 158.00 (11 guage) 1,458.00 (9 guage) Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the bid submitted by Western Fence Company for installation of approximately 1351 of 10' chain link fence at a price of $1,261.00 be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None WIER PARK TENNIS COURT RESURFACiNG: Bids received for resurfacing tennis courts located at Wier Park were opened and results announced as follows: Tennis Everyone of Houston $7,945.00 Motion by Mayor ~ole, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that the~bid submitted by Tennis Everyone of Houston be rejected and that the tennis court at Judson Park be added to' the project and re-advertised for bids. Voting Aye: Horne, Cole, Rosenbaum Maneval Voting No: Ahrens MUNICIPAL COURT DEPUTY CLERKS: Resolution Number 79-40 was presented to the Commis- sion and read in full: " / . }"'~ . ~,- .... ,. ,,~.._._._-~, ,.,.., < ~. ~rH" .""-;. ~__. * ___ ....._~.....,~, ,.~.....' ___I 10 WHEREAS, J. Lovell, employed as Police Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, has resigned her position with the city; and WHEREAS, Lana Sadler, employed as PoliceL'Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has been re-assigned duties as a' Police Officer; and WHEREAS, Rebecca Young and John Johnson have been employed as Police Dispatchers and are qualified to serve as Deputy Clerks of the Mun i c i pa 1 Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION nF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS~ Section 1. That Rebecca Young and John Johnson be, and they are hereby, appointed Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas. 'Section 2. That the appointment of Rebecca Young and John Johnson as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that they shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerk after baving been adminis- ",::':0- tered the>proper Oath of Office. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. ~ Motion by Commissioner Ma,neval, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that Resolu- U 1III tion Number 79-40 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None APPOINTMENT OF CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER: The Commission was advised that the Code of Ordinances provides that the City Commission appoint the City Engineer, Chief of Police, or other qualified employee t.O serve as City Traffic Engineer. It was pointed out that City Engineer David Eby was knowledgeable with regard to trafftc control devices and other functions under the responsibility of the City Traffic Engineer and that it was the recommendation of the staff that he be appointed to serve in such capacity. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that the recom- mendation of the city's staff be accepted and City Engineer David Eby be appointed City Traffic Engineer. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR SOFTWARE SELECTION: City Treasurer Patrick O.Connor advised the Commission that he had previously submitted a memorandum regarding the need for consideration of consultant services for software selection and had dis- cussed the question at a recent workshop session and saw no need for further presentation on the question. Motion by Commissioner Rosenbaum, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that Item 13 and I tern 14 re 1 at,i ng to the reques t to. advert i se for bids for pu rchase of an air-lift for use of the Community Services Department be suspended until further considered at a workshop session of the Commission. Voting Aye: Ahrens, Cole, Rosenbaum Voting No: Horne, Maneval rr1 ~ n ~ ~ 11 LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums reported to the Commission that he had reviewed the recommendations received from the:'Zoning and Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Adjustment for revisions of the Zoning Ordinance and he would like for the entire ordinance to be studied thoroughly and carefully in order to assure that one section'would not be in conflict with another and that the result would be a legal, workable, enforceable document. Mr. Allums stated that it was his anticipation that the completed project should be pre- pared in the spring. , " CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: Assistant City Manager Dick Rocenbaugh stated that he did not have a report in Mr. Brown's absence. PARKSANDRECREAT!ON'BOARD: Aud~er Langley presented M~yor Cole a check in the amount 'of $1,7l6.66, ~epre$enting repayment of a $1,000 loan made to the Parks and Re- creation Board -for the annual Splash Bash program and a net profit of $716.66. Mrs. Langley reported that the affair was quite successful and she believed that this was the third year of such program and some citizens are still not aware of the activities. Mrs. Langley stated that the Board had voted to request that profits from the Splash Bashbe designated to purchase equipment and materials for the newly established "West University Teen-Program". Mr. Alex Pancheri, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board, presented the follow- ing request for construction of a mini-basketball court at Judson Park. Our recommendation for, the placement to be as follows: "The basketball mini~court be placed at the far east end of the park, and the playground equipment be removed to the far southwest corner of the park, with the large swing set now occupying this corner be placed in the vicinity of the mini-court", and "that we protect the southwest corner playground area with at least a 4 foot high chain link fence". (Motions passed at the September 25th meeting). We recommend that the basketball court be 40 feet by 60 feet with an apron approximately 5 feet placed at the east end of Judson Park, parallel to South Judson Street as far east as fenc- ing and trees will permit. This position was chosen because it allows maximum green space and will also separate the older children from the younger ones wnile using the park. We feel this position allows the use of the existing fencing on the point and there is a possibility of some lighting which could be directed from the existing light standards. The board considered the other options, (A) Partial closing of Simmons Street, we felt this would be more expensive, trees would have to be removed we also felt it would impese a hardship on the homeowners having to deal with loose balls in their yards, would not allow ,for any alleyway, and would need to be elevated for proper drainage. (B) The west end of the park at the southside of the tennis court was much too small an area to consider. (C) The east edge of the tennis court would ruin the land- scaping and eliminate the valued open space we have now. , Motlpn_by Mayot,.Cole 1 seconded by Commissioner Horne, that the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Board be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None 12 Members of ' the Co~ission,requested,thatia letter be ,directed to Mr. Nelson Thompson expressing appreciation for the work he had done on plans ,for the Judson Park mini-basketball court. Motion by Mayor Cole, seconded by, Commissioner Ahrens, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for the,Judson Park mini~basketball court. Voting Aye: All Voting'No: None BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the following board and committee meetings were presented to the Commission for their information: Parks and Recreation Board meetings on September II, September 25 and October 9 Zoning and Planning Commission meeting on October 4 Plumbing Board meeting on October 15 Electrical, Board meeting on October 15, Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting on October 17 ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. ~?!1tM ATTEST: ~ ~~44L/ City ecretary , ~; 'I Ii Ii rill [j "Ii :11 t I II n o ~ ,SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 5, 1979 13' The City Commission convened in special session at the City Hall on Monday, November 5, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Cole, presiding, Commissioners Ahrens, Horne and Maneval. The City Attorney and Assistant City Manager were also pre- sent. Commissioner Rosenbaum was out of the city. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Maneval. APPOINTMENT OF.ASSISTANT CITY TREASURER: Resolution Number 79-41 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, R~solution Number 79-7 was passed and approved by the City Commission on January 29, 1979; and WHEREAS, such Resolution Number 79-7 appointed Virginia Hood as Assistant City Treasurer of the City of West University Place; and WHEREAS, Virginia Hood has been re-assigned duties as Budgetary and General Accounting Supervisor; and WHEREAS, Joseph Harris, employed as Tax Assessor/Collector is qualified to serve as Assistant City Treasurer. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section I. That Joseph Harris be, and he is hereby, appointed Assistant City Treasurer of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. All other provisions of Resolution Number 79-7 shall remain in effect as approved on January 29, 1979. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that Resolution Number 79-41 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None AUTHORIZATION FOR ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER TO SIGN CHECKS: Resolution Number 79-42 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, Resolution Number 79-15 was passed and approved by the City Commission on April 9, 1979; and WHEREAS, such Resolution Number 79-15 designated certain bank- ing institutions to be and serve as official depositories of the city; and WHEREAS, such Resolution Number 79-15 authorized certain of- ficials and employees of the City of West University Place to sign or countersign the necessary signature cards with such banking institutions. 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLKCE, TEXAS: Section 1. sec,tion.4 of Resolution Number 79-15 is hereby amended ~~,fi,','-,,"'~. to read as follows: ~ "Section 4.- That the Mayor, Mayor Pro-Tem, City Treasurer, Assistant City Treasurer, City Manager and Assistant City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to sign or countersign the necessary signature cards to establish the required bank accounts with the said Chemical Bank, Fannin Bank, First National Bank of West University Place, Houston Southwest Bank, Mercantile Bank of Houston, Texas Com- merce Medical Bank, and University State Bank." Section 2. All other provisions of Resolution Number 79-15 shall remain in effect as approved on April 9, 1979. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that Re- solution Number 79-42 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None PERSONNEL BOARD RRCOMMRNDATTON' The City Commission was presented the following recommendation from the Personnel Board following a Public Hearing on the termination of Police Officer Christine Crump: The Personnel Board of the City of West University Place, Texas, after consideration of the testimony and exhibits presented to it, recoinmends to 'the City Commission that the findings of Chief Frank Robinson and Mayor James M. Cole be sustained. [lj" [j It was noted that the recommendation had been signed by R. Burton Ballanfant, Personnel Board Chairman and members Harry W. Bristol and H. L. Britton. Commissioner Ahrens stated that he thought it in the best interest of the city to request that the Personnel Board furnish the Commission with a list'of its findings, with a statement of disciplinary actions by the Chief of Police and Mayor that might have been pertinent to such findings. Commissioner Horne concurred with Commissioner Ahrens noting the members of the Commission had no findings of fact on which to base an opinion. City Attorney David Allums advised the Commis$ion that there were three options available: a) Accept the recommendation of the Personnel Beard. b) Overrule the recommendation of the Personnel Board. c) Act contrary to the recommendation of the Personnel Board. Mr. Allums was instructed to obtain findings of fact from the Personnel Board for_presentation to the City Commission at its regular meeting on November 12,1979. ~~I. ij; " n o r] lJ] 15 ESTABLISHMENT OF LINES OF AUTHORITY: Mayor Cole read the following job des- cription of the position of Assistant City Manager under Duties and Activities: Serves as personnel director for the city. Assists the City Manager in coordination and 9peration of city departmen~?~ Serves as chief administrative officer in absence of City Manager. Serves as insurance coordinator for the city which involves workman compen- sation, group health and vehicle coverage. Meets with the City Com- mission in workshop session and regular commission meetings. Meets with various advisory boards. Mayor Cole recommended th~t Assistant City Manager Richard Rockenbaugh act as the resource by which city Department Heads will report until such time as a City Manager reports for duty in accordance with the job title and duties. Commissioner Horne concurred with Mayor Cole's recommendation. POSITION OF CITY MANAGER: Mayor Cole advised that the Screening Committee for the position of City Manager had ceased taking applications for such position on Nov~mber lst and that the Committee would now start bringing, appl~cants in for interviews with such applicants coming from the State of Texas and adjacent states. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Speical Meeting of the City Commission adjourned at 8:00 p.m. 9w~ ?Jr~ Mayor ATTEST: ~~ClA./J City See etary 16 REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING Nov:ember 12, 197,9 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, Novem- ber 12, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Cole, presiding; Commissioners Ahrens, Horne, Maneval and Rosenbaum. The Ci t-y Attorney and Assis,tant City Manager were also present. The Invocation was 'pronounced 'by Commissioner Rosenbaum. MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS: Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, October 22,1979, and a special meeting on November 5, 1979, were ~resented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Com:missioner Rosenbaum, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on October 22, 1979, and a special meeting on November 5, 1979, ,be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mrs. Margaret Hollowell, 4016 Swarthmore, advised the Commission that she would soon be moving ,from the city and would like for the city to match the $225.00 that is currently in the Parks Fund to install a piece of playground equipment at Colonial Park before Christmas. Com- missionev Ahrens responded that members of the Parks and Recreation Board had presented the Commission recommendations for Judson Park and ,were to furnish recommendations for Colonial Park. Mrs. A. P. McElreath, 3722 Robinhood, directed attention to an article that appeared in the Houston Chronicle written by Reporter Ed Conaway regarding the West University Police Department, noting that it was stated that 12 of the department's staff had resigned or been fired during the past twelve months, and that salaries of the West University Police Department were much lower than surrounding areas. Mayor Cole stated that currently the Police Department had eleven (II) patrolmen, three (3) duty sergeants, five (5) dispatchers, one (I) captain and a chief. Mayor Cole also stated that salaries were based on merit and that the city had experienced no difficulty in the recruiting of personnel. u Mr. B. E. Thompson, 6422 Mercer, advised the Commission that he had a petition requesting that a street be opened adjacent to Poor Farm Ditch on the rear of Mercer, citing a number of reasons, i.e., more revenue for the city; improve- ment of mosquito abatement inasmuch as the area would be accessible; construc- tion of a bicycle path on the west side of the new street; and to provide parking for people who now park on Mercer Street. Mr. Alfred King, 3631 Duke, stated that he agreed with Mr. Thompson that there was a need for a street and that fifty (50) homes could be built on the vacant property in the area, Mr. Cliff Potter, 3622 Duke, stated that the west side of his home was adjacent to Poor Farm Ditch and inasmuch as he did not want automobiles using a street ~ next to his bedroom he would be opposed to a street. Mr. Potter also stated that he would like to address this question, but would defer until such time :, as he believed the Commission was giving serious consideration to a street u o -U ,17 adjacent to Poor Farm Ditch. Mr. Potter reminded the Commission that in 1976 a big effort was made to have a hike and blk~ trail constructed adjacent to Poor Farm Ditch with the use of HUD funds and that he would like to go on re- cord as being very much opposed to 20. to 30' of 'pavement in 1979. LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE: Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens that Item 7 on the regular City Commission agenda be presented at this time. Vot i ng Aye : All Voting No: None Resolution Number 79-44 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, it is the obligation of 'the City Commission pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted to appoint members to various ,Boards and Committees; and . WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have con- tacted and interviewed qualified citizens to serve on the Long Range Plan- ning Committee; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated 'a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Long Range Planni,ng Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF'THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Long Range ,Planning Committee: Bob Abel Richard Adkins Charles Baldwin Michael McEnany John Neighbors Janet Redeker Bart Busker Hardy LaCook Joan McCay Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Long Range Planning Committee shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed shall serve until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that Resolution Number 79-44 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No; None Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that Bob Abel be appointed temporary chairman of the Long Range 'Planning Committee for the purpose of calling the first meeting. Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Cole administered the Oath of Office to the following as members of the Long Range Planning Committee: 18 Richard Adkins Charles Baldwin Hardy LaCook Michael McEnany John Neighbors Janet Redeker OPENING OF VIRGINIA STREET: In response to a question by Mayor Cole regarding any additional information to be presented, Mr; B. E. Thompson stated that the only people who objected to putting a street adjacent to Poor Farm Ditch were those who did not have property there. In response to a question by Mayor Cole regarding legal ramifications of a street that is not there, City Attorney David Allums stated that a determi- nation would have to be made regarding ownership of the property where the proposed street would be located, and that he would make such determination if instructed by the Commission. In response to a question by Mr. Thompson regarding instructing the City At- torney to make a determination of ownership of the property, Mayor Cole re- sponded that the City Attorney would not be so instructed until research is made of material gathered in 1976 for the proposed hike and bike trail. CONCERNS OF THE CITY COMMISSION: Mayor Cole advised the Commission that he was in receipt of invoices in the amount of $878.07 received from South Loop Ford for vehicle 'repairs; VILLAGE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION HEADOIJARTFRS RIIII DING. Commissioner Horne noted that this item had been considered at a previous meeting of the City Commis- sion and at a workshop session. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that Village Savings and Loan be instructed to comply with the ordinance requiring an ap- propriate number of parking spaces based on the square footage of the building. Voting Aye: Horne Maneval R,osenbaum Cole Voting No: Ahrens REVIEW OF SECTION 20-~t; OF THF r.ODFOF OROINANr.FS RFQ.lIIRINr:: r.ONSTRIIr.T10NOI=' ~lnl='\.JAII<~. Resolution Number 79-43 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, heretofore under Resolution Number 76-5 a previous City Commission granted a limited exemption to the owner of a lot in the city and exemption for installation of a sidewalk where a new home was being constructed; and WHEREAS, that this City Commission is of the opinion that the requirement to install sidewalks where they previously existed or where new construction is contemplated should be uniformly enforced by the Building Inspector. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. Section 1. Resolution Number 76-5 is C ITV COHHI 55 I ON OF THE C ITV flf1 hereby rescinded. WlJ ~ a ~i : I I 19 Section 2. That installation of sidewalks where required by the city's Code should be enforced by the Building Inspection Department when applicable. Section 3. That the Building Inspector and the home owner should work jointly to resolve the placement of said sidewalks, taking into effect the natural 1 imits of the area where the sidewalk is to be installed in order to design an aesthetic, as well as safe, sidewalk for the citizens of West University Place. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 19l9. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that Resolution Number 79-43 be approved as read. Voting Aye: Ahrens Cole Horne Maneval Voting No: Rosenbaum Commissioner Horne stated that a request of Ms. Barbara Townsend, 3501 Cason, to not construct a sidewalk in front of her new house had been considered at a previous meeting of the City Commission and in workshop session, noting that the residence faces Sewanee rather than Cason and that the ordinance provides for the construction of sidewalks on any street on which the house fronts. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that Ms. Barbara Townsend be required to construct a sidewalk on Sewanee in ,compliance with the ordinance. Voting Aye: Ahrens Cole Horne Maneval Voting No: Rosenbaum Mr. Roger Poser requested permission to present a request from Mr. and Mrs. Sinnott for permission to not replace a deteriorated sidewalk at 6106 Fordham which he had removed when he owned the property. Mr. Poser stated that Ordinance Number 988 did not address itself to the repair or remodeling of residences, only to new construction and that he did not see why a sidewalk that came from nowhere and went nowhere should be required. Mr. Larry Doherty, 6035 Fordham, stated that by removal of the deteriorated sidewalk Mr. Poser had rid the city of a danger that could not be repaired. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that further consideration of this request be tabled until a later date and that any action that might be pending in the Municipal Couttbt Inspection Department be de- ferred until an appropriate decision is made by the City Commission. Voting Ay~: All Voting No: None WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE PARKS FUND: Ordinance Number 1142 was presented to the Commis- sion and read in full: 20 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 1114 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY AMENDING SECTION 2 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR TERMS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE PARKS FUND; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Section 2 of Ordinance Number 1114 is hereby amended so that said Section shall hereafter read as follows: "Section 2. The initial terms of the members of the Parks Fund shall be as follows: (a) One member shall be the Mayor or member of the City Commission whose terms shall run concurrently with his term of office. (b) One member. shall be a representative of the Parks and Recreation Board whose term shall run concurrently with his term as a member of such Board. (c) Positions three and four shall run for the remainder of the year 1979 and through December 31, 1980. (d) Positions five, six and seven shall run through Decem- ber 31, 1981.11 Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that Ordinance Number 1142 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 79-45 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission to submit names of qualified citizens to the Board of Directors of the West Univer- sity Place Parks Fund as nominees to such Board; and WHEREAS, such citizens have indicated a desire and willingness to serve in such capacity. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ~' il II,. I' ! : u Section 1. That the following citizens are hereby nominated for the position of Director of the West University Place Parks Fund, a ~i: non-profit corporation. . . , n ~ ~ r'f1A G (a) Comm.issioner Andy Horne as a representative of the City Commission for a term running concurrently with his term of office. (b) James Council as a representative of the Parks and Recrea- tion Board for a term running concurrently with his term as a member of such Board. (c) Marla Forrestall for a term ending December 31, 1980. (d) Brad Jackson for a term ending December 31, 1980. (e) Pat Moore for a term which shall run through December 31, 1981 . (f) Whitt Johnson for a term which shall run through Decem- ber 31, 1981. (g) Peter Taaffe for a term which shall run through December 31, 1981 . , : Section 2. The City Secretary is hereby instructed to deliver to ~he Board of Directors bf.said West Univer~ity Parks Fund, a non-profit corporation, . a copy ,ofth i s ..Reso 1 ut i on.' for, the i r consideration. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that Resolu- tion Number 77-45 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Vot i ng No: None City Attorney David Allums a~vised the Commission that he had received the necessary.forms to file for exemption with IRS for the West University Parks Fund which he would review with City Treasurer Patrick OIConnor for comple- tion. RECOMMENDATION OF PERSONNEL BOARD: . Commissioner Horne noted that this item had been on a previous City Commission :agenda at which time only.a recommendation had been presented without any findings of fact. Motion by'Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the City Commission accept the recommendation of the Personnel Board to sustain the actions of Police Chief Frank Robinson, with regard to dismissal of Chris Crump'.. I; ,. Voting Aye: Ahrens Voting No: Rosenbaum Cole Maneval Horne PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURE MANUAL:' Ordinance Number 1143 was presented to the Commission and read in full: ...,.,."'"i"....''''''~ 22 AN ORDINANCEAMENDI:NG. ORDINANCE NU.MBER 1133 BY AMEND I NG CERTM N SECTI:ONS OF THE' PERSONNEL POll C I ES AND PROCEDURE MANUAL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TO PROVIDE FOR CERTAIN CHANGES DESIRED BY THE CITY COMMISSION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~j WHEREAS, a Personnel Policies and Procedure Manual was heretofore adopted by the City Commission on January 22, 1979; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission to make certain changes in the hereinabove mentioned Personnel Pol icies and Procedure Manual. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Sect i on 1. That the attached "Exh i bit A" sett i ng forth changes desired in the previously adopted Personnel Policies and Procedure Manual'is made a part hereof for all purposes the same as if it were copied in full herein, is hereby approved and adopted by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. That.this ordJnanceshall take effect and be in force from ,and after its passage and' approval ias requi red by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Rosenbaum, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that Reso- milli lution Number 1143 be approved as read. ~ Votlng Aye: All Voting No: None FIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL: Chief Ben Wilcher advised the Commission that he would like to review applications he has on file and schedule some interviews to fill the three new positions included in the 1980 budget. Disc~ssion by members of the Commissi6n indicated that the positions were predicated on information received from the State Board of Insurance with regard to the city1s insurance key rate and that clarification should be obtained for the workshop session scheduled for Wednesday, November 14th. STREET DEPARTMENT CAB & CHASSIS: The Commission was. advised .that when Street Super- intendent A. L. Bearden checked this unit it was discovered to have a bent frame and delivery was refused. The unit has been returned to Trucks of Texas and payment wi 11 be put on a future' agenda when necessa,ry correct ions have been made. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None n".." ..:. f:-. . ~ ~ 23 SANITARY LANDFILL OPERATION: The Commission was advis'ed that specifications had been prepared for purchase of a used bulldozer for use at the sanitary land- fill site. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the city1s staff be authorized t6 advertise for bids for purchase of a used bulldozer for use at the sanitary landfill site. Voting Aye: All Vot i ng No: None PERSONNEL LIFT: The Commission was advised that specifications had been prepared for purchase of a personnel lift for use of the Public Works and Community Services Departments. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, secbnded by Commissioner Horne, that the city1s staff be authorized tO'advertise for bids for purchase of a personnel lift. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Commissionet Rosenbaurn'was advised that Community Services Director Tom Carson was working on plans.for' the Senior Services' office and they should be avail- able in the near future. Commissioner Rosenbaum expressed concern with the ex- penditure of available funds for other projects inasmuch as she requested con- sideration of the additional office space many months previous'ly. LOCKER ROOM HEATERS: Director of Public Works David Eby advised the Commission that heaters used in the Water/Sewer employees locker room and in the Sanita- tion Department employees locker room were both inoperable and consideration should'be given to immediate replacement in view of cold weather that was ex- pected. Mr. Eby stated that he had received three price quotations, McElwain, $960~OO; BellaiTe Heating & Air Conditioning, $1,20~ and McKinney Air Condition- i ng, $1, 120. Mayor Cole requested that Mr. Eby inspect the non-vented' heater blowers used at Matthews Motor Company which he believed much more suitable for the instal- lation. City Attorney David Allums advised the Commission cou'ld' authorize such expen- diture by the Director of Public Works not to exceed a certain amount on an emergency basis. Mot'ion by 'Cbmm-ission'er. Maneval',; 'seconded, by Commissioner Ahrens, that the City Commission author1te Mr. Eby to actept the bid, or alternate if he finds that more appropriate, not to exceed $1,200. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None SANITATION DEPARTMENT CAB & CHASSIS: The Commission was advised that specifications had been prepared for two cab and chassi.s imitsand two packer body units for purchase with Revenue Sharing Funds and that such purchase should great1y im- prove equipment in the Sanitation Department. Motion by Commissioner' Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the city.s staff be authorized to advertise for bids for purchase of two cab and chassis units and two packer body units. 24 Voting Aye: Horne , Maneva 1 Rosenbaum Cole Voting No: Ahrens POLICE PATROL UNITS: The Commission was requested for permission to advertise for bids for delivery of two mid-size'police patrol units to replace units 102 and 104. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the city1s staff be authorized to advertise for bids for delivery of two police patrol units.- ' Voting Aye: All Voting. No:' . None JAIL REHABILITATION: Police Chief Frank Robinson and Captain Ron Fraser reviewed plans that' had been prepared for remodeling of the Police Department and jail facilities. It was pointed out that new laws governing record storage made the remodeling necessary. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that the cityls staff be authorized to aavertisefo:r bids for remodeling of the Police Depart- ment and jail facilities. Vot i ng' Aye: A 1'1 Voti rlg No:' 'None STAFF REPORT: Assistant City Manager Dick Rbckenbal:Jgh reported the following items for consideration by the Commission: Letter from Police Chief Frank Robinson setting forth priorities on purchase requests. Report from Director of Public Works David Eby on the condition of the cityls sanitary sewer lift stations, together with a slide presentation. Report from Director of Public Works David Eby setting forth installation of traffic control signs. Letter received from Tom Terrillion and response by City Treasurer Patrick OIConnor regarding cancellation of NCR tax program. Proposals received for trenching at the sanitary landfill site by John Holland and the City of Be 11 a i re~' , , LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums reported that he had been advised by Mr. Robert Heath of the Attorney General IS office that inasmuch as a suit had been filed regari::!ing the tax amendments any'opinions'would have to await action on such suit: Mr. Allums'was instructed to follow the litigation. Mr. Allums reported that a suit filed Ash vs City of West University Place had been set for a hearing on December 3rd. ~ ~p'~."<i""""-"" ~j u Mr'. Allums also reported that he had not received a copy of a Lease from the attorney for the Delphian Society and that he would contact their attorney again. Mr. Allums stated that he had been requested by City Treasurer Patrick O.Connor ~.1 to look at thecity.s' contract with NCR for computer services and also into I the purchase of a cash register.j ~ If] u ~ 25 Mr. Allums expressed concern over the delay in getting tax bills mailed. BOARD AND COMMISSION MEETINGS: Minutes of the following Board and Commission meet- ings were presented to the Commission for their information. Parks ~nd Recreation Board,meeting on October 23,1979. . Zoning and Planning Commission- meeting on October 18, 1979 Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting on October 25, 1979 ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon mbtion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting wa~ adjourned at 10:20 p.m. ATTEST: ~J~_ /1l ~ . .' . .Mayor . ~~ City Secretary '... v".",.>-<~.'- .',,..,...., ,26 SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 14, 1979 The City Commission convened in special session at the City Hall on Wednesday, November 14, 1979, 1: 00 p.m.,' wi th the fo 11 owi ngpersons present: Mayor Cole, presiding; Commissioners Ahrens, Maneval and Rosenbaum.. The City Attorney and Assistant City Manager were also present. ' Mayor Cole ~tated that the purpose of the special meeting was to consider a Resolution casting a vote for the Directors of the Harris County Appraisal Dis- trict for a two-year term beginning January 1, 1980, and that such Resolution had to be filed with the County Clerk prior to November 15, 1979. Resolution Number 79-46 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, a vote is required for the Director of the Harris County Appraisal District for a two-year term beginning January 1, 1980, pursuant to Section 6.03 of the Property Tax Code, V. A. T . S . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That pursuant to the prOVISions of Section 6.03 of the Property Tax Code, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas has hereby completed its ballot for said directors and attach~s same hereto for all purposes and in- corporates the results therein as if included in its entirety in this Resolution. Section 2. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after November 14, 1979. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that Reso- lution Number 79-46 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The ballot attached to and made a part of Resolution Number 79-46 listed the following candidates and number of votes cast for each: Robert W. Carey 4 Jerry S. Dominy 4 Fred Hartman 4 Thomas W. Masterson 4 Elroy M. Satterlee 4 W. W. Thorne 4 George N. Wyche 3 With no further business to come before the Commission duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at this time, upon motion at 1:20 p.m. C)~7tf~ ATTEST: ~~ ~retarY "" ~~ 'i.~p~l ~ u u n ~ ~I I I i 27 REGULAR CI TY CO'MM ISS ION MEET I Nl:; November 26. lq7q The City Cominission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday,' November 26,1979,7:30 [:i.m., 'with 'thefol1owi'ng"menibers [:iresent: Mayor Cole, presiding; Commissioners Ahrens and Rosenbaum. The City Attorney and Agsistant City Manager were also present. Commissioners Horne and Maneval were absent. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Cole. MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS: Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission 'on November 12, 1979, and a specia;l meeting on November 14, 1979, were presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on November 12, 1979, and a special meeting on November 14, 1979, be approved as submitted.' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mrs. Dorothy Clary, 4131 Ruskin, was advised that the over s ixty-f ivetax exemption was i ncrease'd 'from $6 ,000 tc)' .$12,000 and such reduc- tion was 'refllected o'ntaxstatements recehtly mailed. Mr. W. L. Partridge, 4040 Ruskin, stated that he had been thinking of discon- tinuing his recycling efforts and asked if members of the Commission thought the project worthwhile. Mayor Cole responded that it was his intention to con- tinue recycling at his home and Commissioner Ahrens stated that he'had received a call from a resident requesting more publicity for the program. Commissioner Ahrens suggested' that the Long' Range' Pl ann i ng C6mmi'ttee be requested to address the problem and recommend new ideas for increased participation. Mr. Partri'dgeadvi'sed members of the Commission that'he had'raised sweet pota- toes in the cul-de-sac' located at Ruskin and' Academy and had brought'some for each. CONCERNS OF THE CITY COMMISSION: Commissioner Ahrens stated that he,had recently seen a newspaper article concerning efforts of the City of Davis, California which resulted in a 25% decrease in energy consumption and suggested that such efforts should be made by the Commission. '. ~ Commissioner Rosenbaum addressed a remark to Reporter Ed Conaway that she made her own decisions as a member of the City Commission. Commissioner Rosenbaum also expressed appreciation:for the weekly staff reports, noting that they were very helpful to her. Mayor Cole advised that a letter had been received from Mr. Jimmie Mormon of the Texas Municipal Retirement System expressing a~preciation fot being per- mitted to meet with the Commission. , . Mayor'Cole expressed concern with the continued absenteeism in the Sanitation Departments on Monday mornings and suggested that the Sanitation Superintendent, Public Works Director and Assistant City Manager give serious consideration to alternatives to Monday garbage pickup and tbe~collectionof recycling material on the same day. Mayor Cole further suggested that consideration be given to a program of cleaning curbs the first thing each Monday morning. ~- -~ -~~_. - - -.. l 28 Commissioner Maneval arrived ati the meeting at this time. TENNIS COURT COLOR COATING: The Commission was advised that a representative of Tennis Everyone of Houston had advised the Director of Community Services that they would bid on th.e, project, h.owever, no bid was received prior to the 7,:30 p.m.. tIme limitation. .,The only bid:' received, was opened and .results announced as fo 11 ows : .. Teni-Trak, Inc. $8,400.00 Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the pro- posal submitted by Teni-Trak, Inc. for color coating two (2) tennis courts at Wier Park and one (1) tennis court at Judson Parkbe,acc~pted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None , , MINI-BASKETBALL COURT CONSTRUCTION: . The Commission was advised that invitations to bid had been forwarded to three concrete contractors but that ,no bi~~ had been received. Discussion by members of the Commission indicated that perhaps some of the contractors doing concrete work in the city would be interested in the project and should be contacted. ," Motion by Commis'sioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that Item #5 on the agenda regardin'g cons'truction ofami,ni-basketbaU, cour,t at Judson Park be deferred until a workshop session on Wednesday, November 28th. [jl ,I , i Vot ing Aye: All:. Vot i n:g No: ,None. ~il FINAL REPORT OF ZON I NG & PLANN I NG ,COMM I SSJON: The,Comm i'ss i o,n w,aspresen,t,ed the f i na 1 i r report of the Zoning and Planning Commission recommending that no change be ,I made in the 'present single-family dw,e1:1ing zoning of Lots ,1, 2" 3, .4,5 and 6, Block 2; Collegeview 3rd Addition. Motionby,Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commi.ssi,oner Ros,enbaumJ, that the f,inal report. a.nd r:ecommendati.on of the :ZoningandPlanning CO,mmission for Lots 1,2,3,4, 5 and 6, Block 2, Collegeview 3rd Addition be accepted. Voting ,Aye: All Vot i'ng NO: None POLICE PATROL CAR CAGES: In accordance with previous instructions of the Commis- sion, a request was presented to advertise for bids for purchase of two pro- tective cages for installation in two new police patrol units. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that the citystaff,be authorized toadvert.ise for bids'for purchase of two police patrol unit cages, with bids to be received by the Commission ,on December 29, 1979. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None RECREATION DEPARTMENT EXERCISE MATS: The Commission was presented a request to purchase fifty (50) exercise mats for use 6f the Recreation Department for ,which the sum of $1;200 was included in the 1980 budget~ ' ~ : 1 : I ~ ~ 29 Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded' by Commissioner Ahrens, that the city staff be authorized to advertise for bids for purchase of fifty (SO) exercise mats, with bids to be received by the Commission ~n De~ember 29, 1979. Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None DATA PROCESSING CONSULTANT SERVICES: City Treasurer PatrickOIConnor reviewed the fo 11 owi ng proposa 1 rece i ved from Deci s i on Research, I nc. : This letter proposes the terms of our engagement for services to the City of West University Place. The following detail explains the nature of services to be performed for you per bur recent com- munications. " 1) We will work in a consulting capacity to evaluate the capa- bilities and limitations of your present data processing equip- ment. 2) We will assist in the evaluation of. software packages which may be acquired for use on your exi'stingequipment. 3) After evaluation of your specialized data processing require- ments, we will work with you in any manner you desire to implement the various systems. The work we will perform may include any of the following activities, depending on the decisions you make as to the approach which should be taken. * Evaluation of off-the-shelf packages * Installatlon of off~the-shelf packages * Design of special applications * Programming of the applications ~': Supervising the programming done by others ~':' Documenting these special' systems Our fees for services are based upon the time actually spent on a clientls work and are calculated at our regular hourly rates in effect plus direct out-of-pocket expenses. The hourly rat'e which we wi'll hi 11 our services will be $40.00 per hour'. ' Invoices will be rendered evety two weeks and are payable in ten days. The assiStance of you, (your outside auditors), and your (accounting) management in evaluating systems will minimize our fees. Should we encounter unexpected changes in system specifications or other 'problems that might result in increased fees, we wi 11 notify you immediately of the circumstances so that you may decide on a course of action. Your system and all prog.rams; including 'all future modifications made to it by us, are your property to hold, sell, publ ish, or deal with in any manner you desire. We retain the right to sell, lease, rent or otherwise furnish to third parties exact dupl icates or similar versions of the systems or programs which we may write for you. tNaturally, any of your data which we might possess or become aware of wi 11 be treated as strictly confidential. 30 This agreement may'be'terminat:ed by eiither pa'rtyupon thirty (30) days written ~Otite. . ~.,. ;<.,. I,', It was recommended by Mr. O'Connor that the service proposal be re-written to cover only consultant servfces and if it is later determined advanta- geousto employ Decision Research, Inc. for any program designQrcustomiz- ing that such employment be on a contractural basis. City Attorney David Allums was instructed to prepare a new proposal for the signature of Mayor Cole. COMMUNITY BUILDING REMODELING: Th~ Commission was advised that an inspection had been made at the Commun d:y Bu i1 ding' and that it had been dete,rm i ned that a door could be located from the entrance'lobby into the ,area to be converted into office space for the Senior Services Department. Discussion by members of the' Cominission indicated that the Activities Room would be a more suitable area for the Se'niorServicesDepartment; usage of such area; 'displeasure of the Director over the proposed office location; and need for additional space. Motion byComm i ss i on'er' Maneval ,seconded by COn1m is's i oner Rosenbaum, that the City Commission authdrize min'or remodeling' of the'Community Building to prov:iCle additional space for the Senior Services Department. (':.1 Vot i ngAye:: Rosenbauin Maneval Voting No: Ahrens Cole The Assistant' City Manager was advised ,to reschedule thi's Uem for further discussion at the next regular meeting of the City Commission on December 10th. IT;l LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums reported that he was in receipt of a letteU from Attorney Bob Devlin transmitting a copy of'an unexcuted Lease Agreement between 5502 Buffal Ltd. and Dr. Schlayer, noting that the Lease had not been executed because Dr., Schlayer had been out of town. Mr. Allums presented Resol~tion Nomber'79-47 and read it in full: WHEREAS, due to an'eme'rgency situation existing at the cityls . 1 ~lIidf ill '5 i te whereby add it i ona 1 space was needed for '. storag,e of refuse and trash, the City Commission felt it was in the best interest of the city to authorize the Acting City,Manager to proceed with,a contract with John G. Holland Construction Company, Inc. to perform immediate 'trench excavation at the landfi n site; and, WHEREAS, the Acting City Manager indicated that price compari- sons for' the' services to be 'rendered were, taken, and that John G . Holland Construttion'Company, Inc. was the low bidder. NOW:~ THEREFORE, BE I T RESOLVED: BY THE CI TY COMM I SS I ON OF THE CITY OF, WEST UN IVERS ITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the Acting City Manager was, and he is hereby, authori zed to enter into a contract wi th John G. Holl and Construct ion U Compa'ny, Inc.>to perfOrm the necessary tr'ench' excavation ,at the city's J landfi11site for the price and under the terms previously submitted q by the Acting City Manager to the City Commission. n ~I 1...1 JI' ::-! rn ." I.....' It i j: . ~r.' 31 Section 2. That said contract was authorized under the emer- gency provisions of the City Charter, and further that said contract was authorized for the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of West University Place, Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Rosenbaum, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that Resolu- tion Number 79-47 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Allums responded to a question by Commissioner Ahrens regarding the cityls liability for a dangerous sidewalk on the east of the bridge crossing Poor Farm Ditch on the south side of University that it was his opinion that the sidewalk was the responsibility of the city and that necessary repairs should be made. The Assistant City Manager was instructed to request that the Direc- tor of Public Works inspect the sidewalk and a report made to the Commission at its workshop session on Wednesday, November 28th. CITY STAFF REPORT: Assistant City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh advised the Commission that Mr. Tom TarrilJion had responded to Mr. OIConnorls letter requesting supporting documentation of charges for work done for the city and that a copy of such letter would be forwarded to the Commission. Mr. Rockenbaugh presented a report from the Fire Department indicating that no problems had been encountered by emergency vehicles driving down city streets which were congested with parked automobiles. The Commission was advised that arrangements were being made with the Univer- sity of Houston for the psychological testing of West University Police appli- cants at a cost of $50.00 per candidate evaluated. Attention of the Commission was directed to a draft of a proposed bid form for submission of bids for remodel ing the Police Department to determine acceptabi 1 ity. It was suggested that the 36" high .wood handrai 1 around an exposed area of the raised platform be increased to 4211 and the bid form forwarded to bidders. Commissioner Ahrens stated that a number of parents had requested that they be notified when another bicycle lane workshop is scheduled in order that they might attend. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. ~2ttaY~ ATTEST: ~~~ City Secretary -'-'... '~~~l"""'''_''.'''''''~ =~"",,--,"~ 32 REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING December 10, 1979 u The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, December 10, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor pro-tem Ahrens, presiding in the absence of Mayor Cole; Commissioners Horne, Maneval and Rosenbaum. The City Attorney and Acting Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Pro-Tem Ahrens. MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION MEETING: Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on November 26, 1979, were presented to the Commission for their consideration. Motion by Commissioner Rosenbaum, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on November 26, 1979, be approved as submitted. Vot ing Aye: All Voting No: None HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Mr. Ted Bezzerides, 3409 Georgetown, appeared before the Com- mission to express the appreciation of residentsoon Georgetown Street for the installation of a Stop Sign at Georgetown and Westchester in accordance with a request presented to the Commission at an earlier meeting. In response to a question by Commissioner Ahrens, Public Works Director David [J Eby noted that north/south traffic on College had been stopped by the in- ','. stallation of a Stop Sign at Marlowe; that a No-Through Trucks sign had been erected on'Wroxton; and that better Police patrol was resolving the problems on Mercer from University to Bellaire Boulevard. Mrs. Patrick Johnson, 3030 Amherst, requested a current status report of con- sideration of the city1s fence ordinance. Mrs. Johnson stated that she had discussed the erection of an eight {81) foot fence adjacent to her home and had been advised by the Building Inspector Wayne Perry that he had been advised to take no action on the fence ordinance pending a decision of the Commission. Commissioner Ahrens stated that the Commission was awaiting a report of the Zoning and Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment recommending a number of areas that needed revisions and clarifications. Commissioner Horne stated that during the period that eight (8~) foot fence construction was per- mitted there was no time limit set on permits that had been issued, therefore, there might be~'some such fences constructed under a permit issued during that period. Additional discussion by the Commission included a recommendation by the joint Zoning and Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment Committee that fence height remain six (61) feet; subsequent action by the City Commission to accept such proposal and notification of the Inspection Department. fl}l lliJ Acting City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh was instructed to determine the status of the recommendation and advise the Commission at its recessed meeting on Wednesday, December 12th. N...> ,.> .,' ~l 1 I IJ LJ 33 Mr. William Hurst, 6445 Brompton Road, appeared before the Commission to express his concern with the poor bus service provided by the Metropolitan Transit Authority within West University. Mr. Hurst stated that the Bellaire bus moves each twenty !TIin,utes whereas those riding the. Un.iversity bus gener- ally have a wait as long as 6ne and a half hours. Commissio~er Horne concur- red in Mr. Hurstls evaluation of the bus service and suggested that the MTA representative for this area be contacted (Mr. Louis Alexander), and that a litter be directed to the MTA. CONCERNS OF THE CITY COMMISSION: Commissioner Maneval was advised that Mr. Rock- enbaugh was to check the current status of the fence ordinance and advise the Commission. Commissioner Rosenbaum stated that suggestions had been made to mail Christ- mas cards to American hostages being held in Iran and that she would like to recommend that citizens also fly their flags in protest. WATER WELL NO.7: Bids received for drilling water well no. 7 were opened and results announced as follows: Layne Texas Company Layne-Western Company Alsay-Pippin 5% Bid Bond 5% Bid Bond No Bid Bond $352,111.00 318,675.00 180 calendar days 210 caldendar days City Attorney David Allums advised the Commission that the bid submitted by Alsay-Pippin could be considered contingent upon a Bid Bond being furnished. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that no bid not meeting specifications be considered. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Rosenbaum, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that further discussion of the bids received for drilling water well no. 7 be included on the agenda for a recessed meeting on Wednesday, December 12th, pending perusal and recommendation of Director of Public Works David Eby. Voting Aye: All Vot i ng No: None 1211 WATER TRANSMISSION LINE: Bids received for construction of a 12" water trans- m i s s ion line were opened and results announced as follows: Mainline Construction 5% Bid Bond $ 75,985.00 45 calendar days Jalco, Inc. 5% Bid Bond 74,655.00 45 calendar days S & C Construction 5% Bid Bond 152,664.00 45 calendar days B & T Contracting 5% Bid Bond 78,821.00 45 calendar days Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that bids received for construction of a 12" water transmission line be referred to Director of Public Works for evaluation and a recommendation to be presented on Wednesday, December 12th. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None POLICE PATROL UNITS: The only bid received from Bob Robertson Chevrolet Company for delivery of two police patrol units was opened and results announced after the Commission was advised that invitations to bid had been mailed to twenty-four automobile dealers in the area. 34 Unit 1 7,119.04 1 ,400.00 5,719.04 Bob Robertson Chevrolet Base Bid Trade In Net Bid ''''''''''''".;~ d"~"'~ Unit 2 7,119.04 1,400.00 5 , 719 . 04 n LJ Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the bid submitted by Bob Robertson Chevrolet be accepted at the pr~ce quoted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None SANITATION DEPARTMENT EOUIPMENT: Bids received for delivery of two cab and chassis units and two packer bodies were opened and results announced as follows: Bidder Trucks Onlv Packer Body Only Combined Unit Davis Truck 11,600.00 29,000.00 Ambassador Equipment 13,200.00 Dyna-Tran 13,200.00 Astro Trucks 10,820.00 29,646.76 Inltl Harverster 22,205.00 World-Wide Truck 21 ,389.00 South Loop Ford 17, 194. 82 Port City Sales 11,765.00 28,495.00 Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that bids received for delivery of two cab and chassis units and two packer body units be referred to Public Works Director David Eby for evaluation and a. recommen- dation to be presented to the Commission at a recessed meeting on Wednesday, rr-l December 12th. lliJ Vot i ng Aye : All Voting No: None USED BULLDOZER BIDS: Bids received for delivery of a used bulldozer for use at the city1s sanitary landfill site were opened and results announced as follows: Bidder Model - Year Mustang Tractor Catapillar - 1975 Plains Machinery International-1979 Alternate #1 International-1979 Alternate #2 International-1978 Alternate #3 International-1975 Base Bid 65,000.00 Trade-In 2,500.00 Net Bid 62,500.00 Base Bid 78,500.00 Trade-In 10,000.00 Net Bid 68,500.00 Base Bid 69,000.00 Trade-In 10,000.00 Base Bid 59,000.00 Base Bid 57,000.00 Trade-In 10,000.00 Net Bid 47,000.00 ~ Base Bid 53,000 '! 1.1 Trade-In 10,000.00 j ;. , " . Net Bid 43,000.00 35 Alternate #4 49,000.00 10,000.00 39.000.00 International-1975 Base Bid Trade-In Net Bid Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner' Rosenbaum, that bids received for delivery of a used bulldozer b~,referredto Director or Public Works David Eby for evaluation and a recommendation to be presented to the City Commission at a recessed meeting on Wednesday, December 12th. Vot ing Aye: All Voting No: None PERSONNEL LIFT BIDS: Bids received for delivery of a personnel lift for use by the Public Works and Community Services Departments were opened and results announced as follows: Lift It, Inc. $3,995.00 80.00 4,075.00 Freight Net Bid The Commission was advised that a second bidder had indicated a desire to bid on the lift, however, such bid had not been received. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the bid received from Lift It, Inc. for delivery of a personnel lift be referred to the Director ofiPub'l i'c Works and Community ServicesDi rector to determine that all provisions 'of the specificat:ioRs have been complied with,and a recommenda- tion for purchase made to the City Commission in recessed session on Wednes- day, December 12th. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None POLICE DEPARTMENT REMODELING: Bids received for minor remodeling in the Police Department dispatching and jail areas were opened and results announced as follows: Acme Safe & Lock Company F. McNier & Sbn Un t #1 . Un t #2 Un t #3 Un t #4 Un t #5 Un t #6 Un t #7 Un t #8 No Bid 600.00 +$900.00 500.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 250.00 200.00 350.00 Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that further discussion on minor remodeling in the Police Department be reces- sed until the meeting of the City Commission on Monday, December 17th for evaluation and recommendation by Police Chief Frank Robinson. 'Voting Aye: All Vot~ng No: None TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM UPDATED SERVICE CREDITS: Ordinance Number 1144 adoptiRg updatedservicectedits under the provisions of the Texas Municipal Retirement System was presented to the Commission and read in full: , L.--... -, M I.-J._-'.....l_... ..ll"'~"".'" I ""....'..'~ -_I..-l-I ' . ,~ "l'i"",~~~'.~"H "-~L'~"..._ I',~ 36 AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING TO GRANT"PROVIDING FOR AND ALLOWING, UNDER THE ACT GOVERNING THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM, "UPDATED SERVICE CREDIT" IN SAID SYSTEM FOR SERVICE PERFORMED BY QUALIFYING MEMBERS OF SUCH SYSTEM IN THE EMPLOY- MENT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, ELECTING, AND PRESCRIBING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SUCH UPDATED SERVICE CREDITS; AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR AL- LOWANCE OF INCREASE IN MONTHLY BENEFITS PAYABLE BY TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM TO RETIRED EMRLOYEES AND TO BENEFICIARIES OF DECEASED EMPLOYEES, AS CUR- RENT SERV I CE ANNU I TI ES AND PRIOR SERV I CE ANNU I TI ES ARISING FROM SERVICE OF SUCH EMPLOYEES TO THIS CITY. n NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. Revised Allowance of Updated Service Credits. On the terms and conditions set out in Section XVI I of Article 6243h Vernonls Texas'Civil Statutes, as amended, each member of Texas Municipal Retitement System who on'the 1st day of January, ,1980 has creditable service in said System arising out of employment with the City of West University Place prior to the first day of the year preced- ing the date last above mentioned shall be, and is hereby granted an IIUpdated Service Credit'l (as that term is defined in said Act) that is 100% of the'I1Base Updated ServiceCreditl'of the member, calculated as provided in said Act.' The Updated Service Credits herein granted shall be effective from and after January 1, 1980, and shall be in lieu of and in substi- tution for all prior service credits and/or updated service credits previously allowed such member. o Section 2. Revised Increases in Annuities in Effect. (a) Pursuant to Section XVI I I of Article 6243h, Vernon1s Texas Civil Statutes, as amended, the City of West University Place hereby elects to a 11 ow and to prov i de for payment of the' increases below specified in all monthly benefits payable by Texas Municipal Re- tirement System after the 1st day of January, 1980 to retired employees and to beneficiaries of deceased employees of this City under current service annuities and prior service annuities arising from service of such employees to this City, and i~effect prior to the date last above- mentioned. '1'.. (b) Each such monthly benefit for the month of January, 1980, and each month thereafter shall be increased by 30% above the amount of the regular benefit (as distinguished from any supplemental or dis- tributive benefit) in effect for the'month of December, 1979. Section 3. The granting of I1Updated Service Credits" as pro- vided in Section 1 above and the granting of increases in annurties in [J effect, as provided ln Section 2, above, shall be conditioned upon .~ and subject to approval by the Board of Trustees of Texas Municipal Re- tirement System as provided in the act governing said system. I n rv lj ~ 37 PASSED AND APPROVED thl~ day of ; 1980.' Motion by Commissioner Rosenbaum, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that Ordinance Number 1144 be approved as read. Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL: Resolution Number 79-48 designating the city.s delegate and alternate delegate to the Houston-Galveston Area Council was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, City Officials:have determined ,that it is in the best interest of the citizens of this city to contlnue its membership in the HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL; and WHEREAS, the By-Laws of the Houston-Galveston Area Council requires the appointment of a duly elected representative of each of the governmental units for the year 1980. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITYCOMM1SSfON OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: . Section 1. That CdmmissionerValRosenbaum be and'she is hefeby;"de~i~nated as )ts repre~~ntatlve to,the General Membe~ship Body of the Hbuston-GalVeston Area'C6uncil for' the year 1980. Section 2. That the official Alternate authorized to serve as the voting delegate should the hereinbefore'nsmed delegate become ineligible, absent, or should she resign, is Commissioner John Maneval. Section 3. That the Executive Director of the Houston-Galves- ton Area Council be notified of the designation of the'herei~above named delegate and alternate. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that Resolu- tion Number 79-48 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All' Voting No: None The Commission was presented an invoice in the amount of' $532.68 for the cityls membership dues in the Houston-Galveston Area Council fo'r'1980. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, second€d by Commissioner Horne, that an in- Voice in the amount of $532.68 for 1980 Houston-Galveston Area Councilmem- bership dues be approved forpaym~nt~ Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None COMPENSATION PLAN FOR 1980: A compensation plan for the fiscal year 1980 and a compensation plim for Public Safety employees were presehted to:th~ Commis- sion for consideration. , ',' l' Following the detection of an error in the computation of the proposed com- pensation plan for public safety employees, the city staff was instructed to make necessary corrections. "''''''' 38 Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that con- sideration of compensation plans for the fiscal year 1980 be recessed until the meeting of the City Commission on Monday, December. 17th at which time U remodeling of the Police Department dispatch and jail area will also be considered. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None STREET DEPARTMENT CAB & CHASSIS UNIT: The Commission was advised that a cab and chassis for use in the city.sStreet Department'which had previously been re- fused because of a frame problem had now been corrected and consideration should be given to the approval of an'invoice in the amount of $13,277.39 sub- mitted by Trucks'of Texas for delivery of the unit. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that an invoice in the amount of $13,277.39 submitted by Trucks of Texas for delivery of a cab and'chassis unit be approved for payment' in accordance with the re- commendation of Street Superintendent A. L. Bearden. . Vot i ng Aye : AlL Voting No: None CONSTRUCTION OF MINI-BASKETBALL COURT AT JUDSON PARK. In accordance with instruc- tions.oLthe City Commission at the.time no bids were, received for the con- structJon ofa mini-basketball court ~t Judson Park, addition~l concrete con- tractors had been contacted, and a request presented to're-advertise the pro- ject. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the city.s 0 staff be authorized to re-advertise for bids for the construction of a mini- basketball court at Judson Park. Voting Aye: All Voting No:, None ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT VEHICI F REOIIFST. The Commission was advised that the 1980 budget included $6,000 for the purchase of an automobile for use of the Engi- neering Department and a request presented to advertise for bids for delivery of such unit. Discussion by members of the Commission included the available of a vehicle for,use by the Director of Public Works at the present time; the previous assignment of such unit to the position of Health Agent which position is vacant at the present time; and the lack of necessity for purchase of another automobile at this time. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that ad- vertising for bids for purchase ofa vehicle for use of the Public Works Department be deferred pending employment of, an employee to fill the position of Health Agent. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None COMMUNITY BUILDING REMODELING: In accordance.with. instructions Of the City Com- C mission discussion of plans for remodeling at the Community Building to pro- vide additional space for use by the Senior Services Department was included on the agenda. D ~' ','1' I <, 't n1" l il l' I I' 39 Discussion included presentation of a letter by Commissioner Rosenbaum which had been received from Mr. Lloyd Flynt, Chairman of the Council on Aging, the possibility of Community Services Director Tom Carson moving his office to Colonial Park and the exchange of space used by the Recreation Department and Senior Services Department; and the possibility of using a residence owned by the West University Baptist Church for the Senior Services Depart- ment. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Horne', that Mr. Rockenbaugh obtain from the Director of Senior Services'Department her re- commendations in a form not subject toi:r:.g misunderstood accompanied by the proposal to be presented together with drawings; and this item rescheduled for the next regular meeting of,the Commission w,ith any interveing workshop se'ss ions that 'may b'e neces'sary. Voting Aye: Horne Maneval Rosenbaum Voting No: Ahrens BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES: The following minutes of Board and Committee -meetings were presented to the Commission fortheirinformation~ Meeting of Zoning Board of Adjustment on November 28, 1979 Meeting of Zoning and Planning Commission on November 8, 1979 Meeting of Elect.rical Board on November 19, 1979 LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums advised the Comm:ission'that 'the city had been named in a su i.t f i 1 ed by the' Ci ty of, Hbuston vs Ani ta Rhodeh,eaver, County C,lerk bf Harris County' involving the election of n~ne. members of. the Harris County Tax Appraisal District, noting that he would 'provide details of the suit at the regular meeting of the Commission on December 29th. STAFF REPORT: Mr. Rockenbaugh advised the Commission that he had no further items for their consideration at this time. ADJOURNMENT: W'ith no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed at 9:45 p.m. until 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, December 12, 1979. Cfm;'~7Jt~ . Mayor Pr,o-Tem' ATTEST: fG{ec~ fI1ll1~mn___IIl["'. . I 40 .' RECESSED CITY COMMISSION MEETING , December 12'l 1979',. n The City' Commission convened. in recessed session at the City Hall on Wednesday, December 12, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Pro-Tem Ahrens presiding in the absence of Mayor Cole; Commissioners Horne0and Rosen- baum.The Acting City Manager was,also present. Commissioner Maneval and the City Attorney were absent. Commissioner Ahrens called themeetiog to'order, stating that the purpose of the meeting was to consider items that had been recessed from,the regular meeting of the City Commission on 'M0nday';~Decerhber lQ" 19'79'.; '. (-=",di;;Y ,::;::;.::! :;" ;,"i';' COMPENSATIQN PLAN FOR 1980: Public Safety employees tions of the Commission employees. The Commission wa's presented a compensation plan for which had been corrected in accordance with instruc- and a compensation plan for the remaining municipal Motion by Cbmmissioner, Horne,: seconded by Commissioner, Rosenbaum, that the compensation plan for Public Safety employees dated January 1, 1980, be ap- proved as submitted. Voting Aye: All ,Voting No: None Motion by Comm'issioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that the City Commi ss i on adopt the compensat ion plan for the rema:i n ing mun i c i pa 1 0 employees as proposed by the administration, with the, understanding that . it be readJusted to reflect that Public Safety personnel is included else- where. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None WATER WELL NO.7: The Commission was presented the following recommendation from Langford, Engineering Company, regarding bids received foridrilling water well #7 with which Director of Public Works David Eby concurred: Bids for subject project were received at the City Commission meeting at 7:30 p.m., Monday, December 10, 1979 and subsequently read in public. Three bids were received, but the bid of Alsay-Pippin Corp. was rejected because a bid security was not submitted. The bids accepted, in order from low to high, with the total amount bid and the calendar days required for construction are as follows: Bidder Amount Bid Calendar Days Layne Western Co., Houston Layne-Texas Co., Houston Alsay-Pippin Corp., Houston $318,675.00 210 352, 111 .00 180 Rejected (No bid security) n The bid documents accompanying the low bid were examined and found to be in order. 41 ~.". .' ! Therefore, we recommend that the project entitled JlConstruction of Water Well No.7, Job. No. 119-01, Contract No. ]II be awarded to Layne-Western Company, Inc., 5931 Brittmoore Road, Houston, ~'.,:T~xa~177041~'on th~:ba~is,of their low bid in the amount of Three Hundred Eighteen Thousand, Six Hundred'and Seventy-Five Dollars ($317,675.00), with a completion time of two hundred and ten (210) calendar days. In response to a question regard:ing official action to award the bid to Layne-Western Company, Inc., for drilling water well no. 7, the Commission was advised that City Treasurer Patrick O'Connor would be required to pro- vide a Certification that funds'were'av~ilable for the' project. . Mr~ OIConnor presented the following report for consideration by the Commission: Water Well #7; budgetary authority and funding options A. Back~round: The City Commission has accepted bids and will consider awardingcontr~ct~ for Wat~r Well #7 and its trans- mission lines at a total approximate expense of $400,000.00. B. Bud~etary Authority: There is no allocation of funds in either the current operating 979 budget or in the approved 1980 budget 'for expenditure on Water Well #7 or Its trans- mission lines. nl~ , 'j l , j The sum of money required is so' large that it cannot be' allocated from unexpended allocations in the'current operating 1979 budget without exceeding the total authorized expenditure limitations of the 1979 budget ordinance as ii relates to the Water Sewer Fund expense departments. In short, I cannot certify that the funds are available in the operating budget of the Water Sewer Fund. I t appears, therefore~ that it will be necessary that the City Commission appropriate by ordi- nance the required money out of retained earnings and/or from proceeds 'of borrowed funds. C. Funding: 1. From retained earninqs: As of the end of 1978, the retained earnings of the Water Sewer Fund amounted to $340,000~ At the end of 1979, I project the retained earnings balance (which is a balance free of encumberances, reserves or appropriations) will exceed $400,000 by up to $25,000. If the Cbmmission wished it could appropriate those funds for the Water Well #7 and the transmission lines, leaving a very small balance in the retained earnings account at year end. Such an appropriation would be appropriate if theuommissionwished the City to use its cash to pay for the water w~ll ~nd transmi'ssion lthes. Q"~ :t" 1 2. From proceds of a loan from Chemical Bank: Under our agreement with Chemical Bank, we'can bor.row all or any part of the funds needed for this project at very low interest rates~ Chemical Bank will lend the City this money at 54% of the current rates in effect for U. S. Treasury Notes of the same maturity as' the proposed loan, for a period of between one and fifteen years. Based on today1s Treasury Notes rate quotations in the Wall Street Journal, the rate we would pay would be as follows: ,.-...~ ~.. , .,...~-~. ...............- ~- ~ ---. -_.._--~- 42 Period of Loan ' Interest Rate 3 years 5.59% 5 years 5.55% 10 years 5.64% 15 years 5.58% These rates compare very favorably with rates quoted for triple A rated tax free b.onds in the long-term bond market 'at ,6.4,% for 15 years.' I recommend that we not deplete the, retained earnings' account and our liquid assets to a v,ery small balance for two reasons: ' a) Our near-cash liquid assets are valuable in emergencies. b) Our near-cash assets are currently earning interest from certificates of deposit at over 12%. I recommend that we either borrow from Chemical Bank, or, at least, funds be borrowed and the balance earn i ngs. a 11 the r,equ i red funds for the proj ect a substantial portion of the required be funded with monies charged to retained Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commi ssioner ,Rosenbaum, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance for consideration by the Commission authorizing the borrowing of $350,000 from Chemical Bank at five years retirement for consideration at a recessed meeting of the Commission on Monday, December 17, 1979. Vot i ng Aye:' All ,Voting No: None the Commission was presented the following recommendation from Langford Engi- neering Company, regarding construction of a 12~' water transmission line with which Dtrector of Public Works.David Eby concurred., Bids for subject project were received at the City Commission meeting at 7:30 p.m., Monday, December 10, 1979 and subsequently read in public. Four bids were received on this project. The bids were checked for errors in arithmetic and those containing errors were corrected. The correction of errors did not change the order of the bidders. The bids, in order from low to high with corrected total amounts of bid are as follows: Bidder Amount Bid Ja 1co, I nc. Mainl ine Constr. Co." Inc. B & T Contracting, Inc; S & C Const~uction.Co. 74,160.00 75,960.00 78,821.00 152,664.00 Houston Spring Sugarland ,Houston The completion time for this project was specified as forty-five (45) calendar days. Thus time is not a ctinsideration in the award of this project. The,bid documents accompanying the low'bid'were examined and found to be in order. [:-1 LJ o u n o n lJ l 43 Therefore, 'we recommend that the project entitled, IIConstruction of 12" AC Water Transmission Line, Job. No. ,119-01, Contract No. 211 be awarded to Ja 1co, I nc., P.O. Box 27368,. Hous ton, Texas 77027, on the basis of their low bid in the amount of Seventy Four Thousand, One Hundred and Sixty Dollars ($74,160.00) with completion time of forty-five (45) calendar days. Motion by Commissioner Rosenbaum, seconded by Commissioner Horne, that agenda itesm 2 and 3 be recessed until Monday, December 17,,1979. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Tom Barnes, representative of Layne-Western Company, expressed the appreciation of his firm and stated that he looked forward to working with the C i tyComm i ss ion and wou 1 d be happy to exp 1 a i n the d rill i ng process to members of the Commission as it progressed. SANITATION DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT: The following tabulation of bids received for delivery of two cab and chassis units and, two packer body: units were pre- sented to the Commission together with a 'recommendation of Publ'ic Works Director for award of a contract for purchase of the units: Bidder Packer Body Cab & Chass is' , Complete Unit Dyna Tran' Davis Truck & Equipment Ambassador Equipment Astro Port City' World-Wide Trucks, Inc. International Harvester South Loop Ford , 13.; 200.00 11,600.00 13,200.00 10,820.00 ,11.,765.00 1 T, 380 .,00 29,000.00 17, 130.00 21,389.00 22,205.00 1.], 194.00 28,495.00 I have enclosed a tabulation of the bids as received Mohday night, December 10, 1979. I am recommending that we accept the bids as follows: Astro-Truck, Packer Body ; Port City. Ford' 10",820.00 17.1i'0.00 27,950.,00 Total This bid is for two units Tota 1 55,900.00 Motion by ,Commiss'ioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that the recommendation of Director of Public Works David Eby dated December 12, 1979, be approved and two cab and chassis units be purchased from Port City Ford at a net 'delivered'cost of $34,200.00 and two packer bodyunlts be pu~chased from AstroTrucksata net delivered cost of $21,640.00 Voting Aye: All Voting No: None USED BULLDOZER BIDS: The Commission was advised that Director of Public Works David Eby had requested that discussion on this item be recessed until Monday, December 17th in order that he might personally inspect each of the unHs bid. -,<--<.> ~ rJ~. I.. _r1-:lr:::::::L >~""'-~',n"''''r''''''_' J,.rr. .r-:J,~u..-:-:L........L. ~~~LI. .'Il! 1l1111",.mlllDl--.elr., I 1 !"'111., I 1 1" ~ _b'_~_~_ _ _~.~~,.~_, ~ 44 Motion by Commissioner: Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that consideration of bids, submitted for delivery: of a used bulldozer be recessed until Monday, December 17th. Vot ing Aye: All Voting No: None PERSONNEL LIFT: The Commission was advised that the bid submitted by Lift It, Inc. had been rev'iewedand the following recommendation received from Director of Commun:i ty Serv ices. Tom Ca rson:: I have reviewed the model which was bid by Lift-a, Inc., and have concluded, after careful consideration, that this model meets all the requirements we included 'in our specifications. Therefore, I am recommending to the City Commission that the bid submitted by Lift-It, be accepted. Motion by Commissioner Horne~ th~t the personnel lift bid as submitted by Lift-It", Inc. for the sum of $4,075.00 as recomm~nded by' Director of Commuhity Services Tom Carson and Director, of Public Works D'avid Eby be accepted. Commissioner Ahrens passed the Chair to Commissioner Rosenbaum and seconded the motion, adding an amendment that cost of the personnel lift be funded 50% each by the Community Services Departm~nt and the Public Works Department, and that the phys ica l ma i ntenance and cane of the: personnel 1 i ft' be under the jurisdiction of the Street Department. Commissioner Ahrens resumed the Chair and requested a vote on the amendment to the motion. Voting Aye: An Voting No: None Voting on the motion as amended. Voting Aye: Ahrens , Horne Voting No: Rosenbaum FENCE ORDINANCE: Tl:i,e Commission was advised that the recommendation of the joint Zoning and Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustmen,t Ad Hoc Committee's recommendation regarding fence height had been discussed a number of times at various workshop sessions of the City Commission but no official action had been take~. A report submitted by Building Inspector Wayne Perry indicated that two eight (81) foot fences had been constructed without a permit; that four residents had obtained fence permits which had been violated by the con- struction of eight (81) foot fences; and that there were five residents await- ing a' decision by theCi,ty Commissi.on prior to, making appl icationsfor the con- struction of fences. Motion by Commiss~bner Horne~ seconded bytommissioner Rosenbaum, that the re- commendation of the Ad Hoc Committee be accepted and fence heights within the city remain at the current six (61) foot level. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None n '~ U ~j , I , 'i i ti R.' . '-:J~ t'~i~ "_~T , , U'.,' '. '. , , ~J 'J - .~~ ",>10. ~ ",:1;' 45 CITY COMMISSION CONCERNS: Commissioner Ahrens noted that items 2, 3 and 5 included on the .:tgendahad been recessed until Monday, December 17th as well as consideration of bids received for remodeling in the dispatch and jail areas of the Police Department which had been previously recessed. STAFF REPORT: Acting City Manager Dick Rockenbaugh reported that he had no matters for cons'ideration by the Commission at this time. RECESS: With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting recessed at 9:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m., Monday, December 17, 1979. , /7"... /1 k' /7 P' -.... ..~'.. - , ')1~~&r. Pro-Tem ATTEST: .Cit~ ",.lI...........___u..... I _" ---.. ....._.iH"""""...........~. ---"-"1->-1 .,~"""~",,, 46 CJTY,COMMI$S~O~,,~ECESSED,MEET~NG . . . 'December' 17; , 1979 The City Commission convened i~ recessed, session at the Clty Hall on Monday, December 17, 1979,7:30 p.m., with the following members present:, Mayor Cole, presiding; Commissioners Ahrens, Horne and Rosenbaum. The City Attorney and Acting City Mpnagerwere;also pres~nL Commi,ssionerMalleval ,was absent. , , , Mayor Cole called the meeting to order and announced that the.r:-ecessed meeting was to consider itms that had been recessed from the regular meeting of the City Com- mission on December 10, 1979, and a recessed meeting on December 12, 1979. City Attorney David Allums advised the Commission that he had been instructed to prepare an ordinance whereby a contract could be awarded for the drilling of water well #7 and the construction ofa '1211 water transmission 1 ine with the sum of $350,000 borrowed from Chemical Bank for a period of five (5) years with the balance being paid from retained earnings. Mr. Allums stated that he had en- countered some problems which he had not resolved at this time regarding the establishment of a reserve fund for repayment of the proposed loan and the probable necessity of amending the budget for 1980. Mr. Allums apologized to members of the Commission and bidders on the two projects, requesting that further consideration be recessed until the next regular meeting of the Commission scheduled ,for ,Decem- ber 29, 1979. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None "'.,.,.........,..".0><__ I~ LJ Motioii':by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that further consi- [] deration of bids received for the construction of a 1211 water transmission line !i, I be recessed until the next regular meeting of the City Commission on December 29, 1979. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was presented the following recommendation from Director of Public Works David Eby for purchase of a used bulldozer for use at the city.s sanitary landfill site: I am recommending the purchase of one 1975 Internationa TD15 bulldozer, serial number 2480 @ $39,000.00 including trade-in of one International TD15C 1967 model. This was the bid as submitted by Plains Machinery, Inc. Clarification of the recommendation indicated that Plains Machinery, Inc. had submitted a bid on a total of five (5) units and the recommendation was for de- livery of Alternate #4, a used International TD15C Crawler Dozer; 1975 model, serial number 15470; 525 hours on hour meter. It is working and believe this to be correct. Gross bid price is $49,000, with a $10,000 trade-in for a net de- livered price of $39,000. Motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that the recom- mendation of the Director of Public Works be accepted and the City Commission authorize purchase of a 1975 model International TD15C Crawler Dozer from Plains Machinery, Inc. for a total delivered price of $39,000. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None U:i , i l' . .: , i 0" .. , (, .; o n 47 Mrs. Nancy Thompson, 4103 University B6ulevard, advised the Commission that there was too much traffic through her front yard. Mrs. Thompson reported numerous in- stances where motorists had gone through her front yard subsequent to the removal of a barrier that had been located in the parkway at the side of her residence at Academy and University wher~ there is an off-set in the street right-of-way. Discussion by members of the Commission included the feasibility of signing to direct attention of motorists to the off-set, the installation of another barrier, and the desirability of referring the request to the Chief of Police and Traffic Engineer for a recommendation. Chief of Police Frank Robinson reviewed the only bid received for proposed renova- tions and additions to the Police Station, noting that the only bid received in the amount of $4,600, which included all alternate proposals, was less than had been estimated for the project. Chief Robinson directed attention to the sLfbstitution of a H,II plexiglass rather than a 3/411 lexan and to the proposed locatibn of the four (4) intercom remote stations. Motion by Commissioner Horne, that-the City Commission accept the proposal from Forest W. McNeir & Son for renovations and additions to the Police Station at a total bid price of $4,500.00. Motion seconded by Commissioner Ahrens with an amend- m~nt that item 3 (Furnish material and construct raised platform approximately 63 x 9b x Hi. high. 5/8" plywood deck to be covered with asphalt tile to match existing floor. Platform to be designed to support 40 lbs/sq. ft. live load and item 8 . (Alternate #2 - Provj:ded 42" high wood handrail around exposed areas of raised plat- form, bid Item #3, allowing a 31-0" walkway on west side) be deleted. Amendment to the motion died for lack of a second. Voting Aye: Cole Horne Rosenbaum Voting No: Ahrens In accordance with instructions of the City Commission, CitY'lTreasurer Patrick O.Connor presented each member of the Commission a status and histo.ry report on General Revenue Sharing Funds for the period 1974 to 1979.' Mr. O'Connor also presented members of the Commission with the first version of a weekly report to be submitted by Mr:Dan L. Fickes, Vice-Pres1dent, Decision Research, Inc., which firm had been engaged by the Commission for data processing consultation services. It was noted that further discussion of this item will be included on the agenda fora workshop session of the Commission on Wednesday, December 19, 1979. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time,:upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recessed meeting of the City Commission on December 17, 1979, adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Following the meeting of the Commission a general discussion regarding rabies con- trol in the greater Houston Area resulted in Chief Robinson being instructed to pre- pare for presentation to the Commission'a program he desires be implemented. ATTEST: ~ rXt.1rLA1 / City Secretary r/J? t%- . Mayor . 48 REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING December 29, 1979 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Saturday, December 29, 1979,9:30 a.m., with the following members present: Mayor:Cole, presiding; Commissioners Ahrens, Maneval and Rosenbaum. The City Attorney was also present. Commissioner Horne and Acting City Manager Rockenbaugh were out of the city. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Maneval. MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION MFFTINGS. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on December 10, 1979, and recessed meetings on December 12, 1979 -,", and December 17, 1979, were presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that minutes 9f the regular meeting of the City Commission on December 10, 1979, and recessed meetings on December 12, 1979 and December 17, 1979, be ap- proved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Ms. Joan McCay, 3029 Carnegie, advised the Commission that she had recently had some work done at her home and that a city Building In- spector came into the house without ringfng the doorbell. Ms. McCay pro- , tested a practice of the Inspector not determining if the home owner is on the premises and announcing himself, noting that as owner of the property she should know who is on the premises at all times. Ms. McCay stated that work was performed by Co-Temp Contractors the week prior to Chrrstmas. CONCERNS OF THE CITY COMMISSION: Commissioner Ahrens recommended that by January 31st, the city either return or dissolve its membership in the Briar Club. Mayor Cole stated that the only method available for disposing of the member- ship was to offer it for sale to someone else and that monthly dues would have to be paid until the membership had been sold. City Attorney David Allums was instructed to investigate methods by which the city could retain the membership on a limited, non-use basis or to dispose of such membership. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that the city dissolve or return its membership in the Briar Club by January 31, 1980, and discontinue payment of a monthly membership fee. Voting Aye: Ahrens Rosenbaum Voting No: Maneval Cole HOUSTON LIGHTING & POWER COMPANY RATE INCRFASF RFQIIFST. The Commission was advised that Mr. LeRoy Gardner, District Manager, HL&P, was on vacation and would not be present to discuss such company's request for a rate increase which had been filed with the Public Utilities Commission. EXERCISE MATS: In accordance with previous action of the City Commission, bids re- ceived for delivery of fifty (50) exercise mats were opened and results an- nounced as follows: ...><....-."l.~_ u 0' in lJ n o II 49 ashman Athletic Goods Pasadena Sporting Goods Persenaire P&R Products $34.37 each 23.00 each 23.00 each Motion by Commissibner Maneval ,seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that bids received for delivery of fifty (50) exercise mats be referred to Community Services Director Tom Carson for evaluation and recommendation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: ' None POLICE PATROL UNIT PROTECTIVE CAGES: Bids received for de"l ivery of two (2) pro- tective cages for installation in police patrol units were opened and results announced as follows: M-S Sales Modus Operandi 269.00 each 246.75 each Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that bids received for delivery of two protective police patrol unit cages be referred to Chief Robinson for his evaluation and recommendation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None CONSTRUCT ION OF JUDSON PARK M I N I ",:,BASKETBALL COURT: I n accordance wi th i nstruct ions of the City Commission additional bidders had been solicited for the construc- tion of a mini-basketball court at Judson Park, however, only one (1) bid had been received which was opened and results announced as follows: Clyde Beason $10;500.00 Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that the bid received for construction of a mini-basketball court at Judson Park be re- ferred to Director of Community Services Tom Carson for evaluation and re- commendation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None TAX ROLL CERTIFICATION: The Commission was advised that City Tax Assessor/Collector Joe Harris had been unable to secure signatures of members of the Tax Board of Equalization on the Tax Roll and this item will be included on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the Commission. WATER WELL NO.7 AND 1211 WATER TRANSMISSION LINE: Ordinance Number 1145 was pre- sented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 1140 WHICH APPROVED THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANURY 1, 1980, AND ADOPTED ON AUGUST 29, 1979. WHEREAS, 'the City Commission of the City of West University Place, has on certain dates and occasions found it necessary, worthwhile and expedient to ~xpend fuhds of the city for the best interest and welfare of its citizens for items which were not included in the original budget; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission to increase various items of income and expenditure known to be in excess of the 50 amount provided for in the original budget, so that the amount of additional expenditure may be offset 'by a like amount of additional income. NOW, THEREFORE,. BE IT ORDA I NED BY THE CITY COMM I SS I ON OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: u Section 1. That the Budget of the City of West University Place for the 12-month period beginning January 1, 1980 and ending December 31, 1980, as heretofore adopted be, and it is hereby, amended ':'::; .~ :-to ~ prov,iJ(!le::JfdrtaddH i 0n~bexpend<i:tures ratld::r;evenues,,' fhom' 'tberWat'er;fSewer Fund as shown by' the following schedule: Additional Expenditures - Water/Sewer Fund Water Department , , . Water Well #7 Water Transm i ss ion' Une 318,675.00 74,655.00 Section 2. ADDITIONAL INCOME. The City Commission hereby determines, it advisable to. revise and alter the items of the budget to increase the total expenditure and also reallocate the total anticipated , ,i ncoine so that the tota,l means of f i hanc i ng the Budget sha 11 equa 1 in amount thi aggregate pioposed expenditures. Section 3. The additional income required for reVISions of the budget is hereby appropriated and approved by allocation of retained ~ earnings in the Water/Sewer Fund. U Section 4. This ordinance shall become effective immediately from and after -its passage and ~pproval, and the 1980 budget amended accordingly. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that OidihanceNo. 1145 b~ approv~d as read~. Vot i ng Aye: ' All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 1146 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FIN~ING THAT THE CITY TREASURER HAS CERTIFIED THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS IN THE WATER/SEWER FUND, RETAINED EARNINGS ACCOUNT, TO PROCEED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF WATER WELL #7 AND RELATED WATER TRANSMISSION LINE; APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $393,300.00 FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF PAYING FOR WATER WELL #7 AND RELATED WATER TRANSMISSION LINE; AUTHORIZ- ING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE IN BEHALF OF THE CITY A PROMISORY NOTE WITH ONE OF THE ClTy.IS DEPOSITORY BANKS FOR A PORTION OF 'SAID $393,300.00; PROVIDING FOR THE REPAYMENT OF SUCH Ui.,'. AMOUNT SO BORROWED; AND PROVIDING THAT NO 'TAX BE LEVIED SfNCE FUNDS HAVE BEEN PROPERLY APPROPRIATED AND DESIGNATED FOR THE REPAYMENT OF SUCH DEBT AUTHORIZED HEREIN TO BE CREATED. 51 n WHEREAS, the City Commission has heretofore determined that certain improvements, including a new water well and a 12" water trans- mission line, are required to assure an adequate water supply system for 'the CHy..of West University Place; and WHEREAS" bids have been received from qual ified bidders for said projects and have been reviewed by the City Commission; and WHEREAS, he'city must provide for funding of said projects prior to the award of the contracts for such projects; and WHEREAS, Article 23, Section 1 of the Home Rule Charter of the City of West University Place specifically permits and authorizes the issuance of promisory notes for the purpose of borrowing money on the credit of the city for permanent public improvements; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has considered funding the pro- ject partly in cash and partly from borrowed funds from one of the city's banklng depositories. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: o Section 1. That the City Treasurer has certified the avail- ability of funds in the Water/Sewer Fund, Retained .Earnings Account, suf- ficient to fund both the wate well #7 and the related water transmission 1i ne proj ects. Section 2. That the sum of $393,300 is hereby appropriated for the sole and exclusive purpose of paying for said projects, or in the alternative for repayment of any indebtedness created by the city for funds used in the direct payment of the two contract amounts. Section 3. That the city has determined that it will be advanta- geous to borrow from one of its depositories a portion of the $393,300 to pay for the direct construction costs of the. two projects, and should said loan be determined to be in the city.s best interest said loan shall be negotiated on terms most advantageous to the city. Section 4. That James M. Cole, Mayor of the City of West Uni- versity Place, Texas, be, and he is hereby, authorized to execute a promis- ory note on behalf of the city, on or after the date this ordinance is approved, payable to Chemical Bank of Houston or any other city deposi- tory, in the principal amount'not to exceed $350,000 at the interest rate most favorable to the city in accordance with depository bank bids and witha maturity date of December'31, 1980. n Section 5. The amount so borrowed that is secured by the city.s promisory npte, together with the additional funds totaling the amount of the tWCL cont racts. s:ha 1 Lbe depos i ted in an account des i gnated as Water Well'#7Construction Fund of the qty of West University Place, Texas, and said amounts deposited at the'lending depository bank and said funds used'for the direct 'payment of the construction contacts. Section 6. ' That repayment of any sum so borrowed and any accrued interest thereon shall be made from the Water/Sewer Fund, Re- tained Earnings Account, which has heretofore been appropriated and 52 designated for the sole purpose of paying for the construction of water well #7 and the related transmission line project. Section 7. That in view of adequate :monies having been ap- U propriated for repayment of any debt authorized to be created herein, no additional tax need be levied for repayment of the proposed in- debtedness. Section 8. That this ordinance sball take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the City Commission. day of , 1979. PASSED AND APPROVED this Ordinance Number 1.147 waspreserited to the Commi.ssion and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT ALL PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN COMPLETED AND ALL THINGS DONE PRE- REQUI.SITE ,TO EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR DRILLING OF A . WATER WELL AND CONSTRUCT! ON OF A 12" WATER TRANSM I SS ION LINE; AUTHORIZING THE EMPLOYMENT OF LANGFORD ENGINEERING INC. TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE DRILLING OF A WATER WELL AND CONSTRUCTION OF A 1211 WATER TRANSMISSION LINE; REFERRING BIDS TO LANGFORD ENGINEERING, INC: AND THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR TABULATION AND RECOMMENDATION APPROPRIATINGTH~ NECESSARY FUNDS IN ORDER TO AWARD A CON- TRACT; APPROVE AND ACCEPT THE CONTRACT, PERFORMANCE BOND AND INSURANCE IN CONNECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENTS; AWARD A CONTRACT TO LAYNE-WESTERN COMPANY, P. O. BOX 79060, HOUSTON, TEXAS FOR DRILLING SAID WELL; AWARD A CONTRACT TO JALCO, 0 INC., 3233 WESLAYAN, HOUSTON, TEXAS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SA I D 12" WATER TRANSM I SS I ON LI NE; AND AUTHOR I ZING EXECUTI ON THEREOF BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. WHEREAS, the City Commission has heretofore determined that certain iniprovements, including a new water well and 12" water transmission line, are required to assure an adequate water supply system for the City of West University Place; and WHEREAS, on October 23, 1978, the City Commission of the City of West University Place "employed Langford Engineering, Inc. to prepare plans and specifications for drilling a water well and construction of a 12" water transmission 1 ine; and WHEREAS, plans and specifications prepared by such project by Langford Engineering, Inc. were accepted and subsequently bids received from three (3) bidders on December 10, 1979, with one bid being rejected for failure to conform to the requirements set f~rth in the Technical Specifications for drill ing of a water well; and WHEREAS, bids were received on December 10, 1979, from,four (4) bidders for construction of a 12" water transmission line; and 'WHEREAS, bids on each proj ect were referred to the proj ect en- U gineer, Mr. Matt Cannon, Langford Engineering, Inc. andJtheDirector of Public Works for tabulation and recommendation. n' - I o n ~.., " . ~ . '__ r. 53 NOW, THEREFORE, BElT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Commission does hereby find and de- termine that each of the proceedings herein outlined have been duly and legally performed. Section 2. That the City Commission hereby accepts the written recommendation of Mr. Matt Cannon, project engineer, Langford Engineering, Inc. and the Director of Public Works, that the contract for drilling a water well be awarded to layne-Western Company on their,low bid of $318,675.00 and that the contract for construction of a 1211 water transmission 1 ine be awarded to Ja1co, Inc. on their low bid of $74,655.00. Section 3. That the City Commissiqn does hereby determ,ine that the sum of $393,300.00 is required to finance the drilling of a water well and construction of a 12" water transmission line. Section 4. That $393,300.00 is hereby appropriated from the Water/Sewer Fund Retained Earnings Account, which funds have not been appropriated for any other purpose, to satisfy the heretofore contract awards. Section 5. That Layne,,:,WesternCompany and Ja1co, Inc. shall submit Certificates of Insurance acceptable to the city which shall meet the minimum insurance requirements as follows: A. Workmenls Compensation and Employerls Liability Insurance B. Comp.rehensive General,Liabili,ty with limits not less than Bodily Injury Liability 100,000/person 300,000/aggregate Property Damage Liabi~ity 50,000/accident 100,000 aggregate This policy must provide contractural liability coverage for all liability assumed by the Contractor, for himself or his sub- contractors under th is Contract.' C. Comprehensive Automobile Liability with limits not less than Bodily Injury Liability 100,000/person - ~300"OOO/accident Property Damage 35 "OOO/acc i dent Section 6. That Layne-Western Company and Jalco, Inc. shall submit to the city acceptable performance bond and payment bond in the amount of 100% of the contract price, which. bonds must be approved by the City Attorney prior to the execution of the contract. Section 1. That the'Mayor is hereby authorized to approve and sign said contracts between the City of West University Place and Layne-Western Company and Jalco, Inc. for the improvement projects as hereinabove described. , " ~ -"""""1ll.'L1~~ ~- -r-r--,.......,------.L _ .K_ _~ 54 PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Ahrens, that Ordinance Number 1147 be approved 'as read. Voting Aye: All Vot~ngNo: None PROPOSED COMMUN ITY BLJ ILD I NG RFM'OOFI I Nr::. Mr. Tom Carson, D'i'rector of Commun i ty Services appeared before the Commission to present plans force,rtain re- modeling at the Community Buildin~ iri 6rde~ to provide additional office space for the offices of the Senior Services Department. Mr. Carson IS -presentat ion i nc 1 udeda sketch showing square footage located in each area of the Community Building; sketches showing proposed remodeling to utilize apbrtion of the existing loggia area for office space, with appro- propriate doors, windows~ etc.; and an approximate project cost of $1,245.00. Commissioner Ahrens stated that he was concerned with problems encountered with moving of personnel and the addition of new personnel, and offered the following six (6) part motion: 1) That the one-half time clerk in the Senior Services Department be moved to the front office space now occupied by the Community Building Supervisor ~nd a part~t~me clerk. 2) That the Director ~f Seni~r Servites be moved to the front private office now used by the Director of Community Services. 3) That the Community Building Supervisor and part-time clerk be moved to the office currently used by the Director of Senior Services. 4) That the space at days off' 5) That the Colonial Director of Community Services be moved to available Colonial Park, assuming responsibility and duties on the of the Colonial Park Manager. position held by Elizabeth Furler be re-designated as Park Manager with appropriate salary. 6) That the City Commission dissblve the one (1) full-time position and two (2) half-time positions recommended in the 1980 budget. , . The motion died for lack of a second. Motion by Commissioner Maneval, seconded by Commissioner Rosenbaum, that the City Commission authorize remodel in9 of the Community Building in accordance with plans presented by Community Services Director Tom Carson, at a cost not to exceed $2,500.00 Voting Aye: Maneval R6senbaum Cole Voting No: Ahrens Commissioner Ro'senbaum requested that as Director of Community Services Tom Carson be reque~ted to become more active in the affairs of the Senior Ser- vices Depa rtmen t.' n o [ r t" LhJ APPOINTMENT OF MUNICIPA COURT ASSOCIATE JUDGES AND 'PROSECUTORS: The Commission was advised that in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter it was nec- essary that Associate Judges and Prosecutors of the Municipal Court be re-appointed. Motion by Commissioner Ahrens, seconded by Commissioner Maneval, that Michael Schneider and Terry Collins be re-appointed Associate Judges of the Municipal Court and that Thomas Taylor be re-appointed as Associate Prosecutor. Vot i ng Aye : All Voting No: None LEGAL MATTERS: City Attorney David Allums reviewed a suit which had been filed against County Clerk Anita Rhodeheaver by the City of Houston, in which all taxing jurisdictions that had voted to increase the membership of the Board of Directors of the Harris County Tax Appraisal District had been named. Mr. Allums stated that an injunction wHich had_been soughtat,ahearing on December 20th had been denied and another hearing would probably be held in early January. Mr. Allums also stated that he would monitor the case as it progressed and keep the Commission advised. CITY MANAGER I SREPORT: I n the absence of the Act i ng City Manager there was no re- port for consideration by the Commission. BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the following Board and Committee meetings were presented to the Commission for their information. a) Parks and Recreation Board meeting on November 27, 1979 b) Zoning & Planning Commission meeting on December 13, 1979 c) Electrical Board meeting on December 18, 1979 d) Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting on December 19, 1979 ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 11 :30 a.m. ~?J1Uj Mayor- ATTEST: Ci~a~~ '"-'-n""'~="-~___-,_.~._____._______._..._._ _ _ ___.________i.--- - -- --w--'---,----''r.:E''''~lmr~lI9l11l11l1D1Dllflllll''''-'' I . i'''T~n~':':rT