HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1975 ~cl)OJ REGULAA MEETING OF crIT C(].MJ.SSION JANUARY 13 "'191'5' , - , The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, January 13, 1975, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Wallin, presiding; Connnissioners Binig, Dunn, Stanley and Thompson. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pron01..mced by Mayor Wallin. In accordance with previous action of the City Commission, bids received for furnishing ten (10) automotive units for use of various city departments, for which funds were appropriated in the 1975 budget, were opened and the results announced as follows: POI TCF nFPARTMFNT BIDDER UN IT I UN IT 2 UN IT 3 UN IT 4 A. J. Foyt Base Bid 4,733.86 4,050.66 4 , 733 . 86 4,733.86 Chevrolet Trade-In 1,475.00 1,475.00 1,475.00 1,325.00 Del. Price 3,258.86 2,575.86 3,258.86 3,408.86 Luke Johnson Base Bid 4,879.05 4,319.64 4,879.05 4,879.05 Ford Trade-In 2,200.00 2,100.00 2,150.00 1,400.00 Del. Price 2,679.05 2,219.64 2,729.05 3,479.05 Knapp Base Bi d 4,626.69 4,199.76 4,626.69 4,626.69 Chevrolet Trade-In 1,100.00 1,000.00 900.00 800.00 Del. Price 3,526.69 3,199.76 3,726.69 3,826.69 McMahon Base Bid 4,709.49 4,200.00 4,709.49 4,709.49 Chevrolet Trade-In 1,900.00 1,925.00 2,000.00 2,050.00 Del. Price 2,809.49 2,275.40 2,709.49 2,659.49 Don McMi 11 i an Base Bid 4,753.26 4,512.58 4,753.26 4,753.26 Ford Trade-In 1,500.00 1,400.00 1,500.00 1,100.00 Del. Price 3,253.26 3,112.58 3,253.26 3,653.26 Bud Moore Base Bid 4,823.22 4,238.22 4,823.22 4,823.22 Chevrolet Trade-In 650.00 550.00 650.00 600.00 Del. Price 4,173.22 3,688.22 4,173.22 4,223.22 Mosehart & Keller Base Bid 4,791.70 4,419.90 4,738.58 4,791. 76 Ford Trade-In 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,500.00 Del. Price 2,991.70 2,619.90 2,938.58 3,291. 76 Joe Myers Base Bid 4,629.83 4,399.20 4,629.83 4,629.83 Ford Trade-In 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1 , 350 . 00 Del. Price 2,629.83 2,399.20 2,629.83 3,279.83 Ii ' T,n,ccccrTC" "'C_C1~" r"- -, c- ,_._u ,- -,',' Ilr - -- :r,,,-,nT'-"-'''~T'r~'',,~;rrT --- .... g: _~L._ . ...,;.,,1 ..- - L..:...~....... ....r-- t: 1-1..- ~1:'Il;/"'.-t!I"'>~9Y" W~:q;{'" 11 -i-Y 'I Flf"' I cL I I -1_:=1 Z39' I I ~. !Ill II-~, , .' --';'-:.', II r,'; , '11 '''. n,II'il:Ilrr[ ,. TIl]", L'" o r-- 00 In '-:> ~ Q o 241 STREET DEPARTMENT (CONT.) BIDDER UNIT 6 UN IT 7 UN IT 8 Don McMill i an Base Bid 5,268.48 Ford Trade-In 200.00 >~' De 1 ., Pri ce 5,068.48 Bud Moore Base Bid 5,173.67 Chevrolet Trade-In 200.00 Del. Pri ce 4,973.67 Mosehart & Keller Base Bid 5,453.62 '. : Ford , Trade-In 300.00 -, ~' Del. Price 5,153.62 Joe Myers Base Bid 5,041.94 9,744.61 '9 , 744 . 61 Ford' Trade-In 125.00 1~150.00 500.00 Del. Price 4,916.94 8,594.61 9,244.61 Port City Base Bid, 5,409.43 10,491.21 10,491.21 Ford, Trade-In 1 00 . 00 500.00 400.00 Del. Price 5,309.43 9,991 .21 10,091.21 Russell & Smith Base Bid, 5,384.51 12,676.10 12,675.80 Ford Trade-In 150.00 800.00 400.00 Del. Price 5,234.51 11 ,876.10 12,275.80 " , Tommie Vaughn Base Bid 6 , 186 . 00 8,598.00 8,598.00 Chevrolet Trade-In 100.00 350.00 200.00 Del. Price 6,086.00 8,248.00 8,398.00 Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissione~ Dunn, that bids rec- eived for furnishin9ten'(l0):autom6tive:~unts~bereferred to the City Manager for tabulation and a recommendation for purchase to' be furni'shed at the next regular meeting of'the City Commission~ . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with previous action of the City Commission, bids received for carpeting for the West University Library and loggia area of the West University Community Building were opened. and results announced as follows: LIBRARY BIDDER # SQ. YDS. @ PER SQ. Y;D. TOTAL Comoro Carpets 534 12.50 $ 6,675.00 Gulf Coast Carpets, Inc. 522.21 9.5Q 4,961.00 0 Ross, Inc. 515 6.10 3, 141 . 50 Sears, Roebuck Contract 508 7.10 3,606.80 United Carpet Dist. 508 . 77 8.25 4,197.35 I , F._"~~9':;,<9~""~'t-. ,,'\1 L_ ~.l--1 ._lL~~ j ,---r::J--:-"l I -------------.JI[ , ':r,nJu::ti::rmtl 1 ,'" , '.uliJ' ,_ 'R4'-"~ ,t{J, AM Jl!l!['1I"1II[1- , , " . "I, j ]1, L-T"1- -- '1 '--'I - r-' U ---1 " ...i-"l:M';', , J Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that bids received for furnishing and: installing carpet in the West University Lib~ary and'loggia area of theWest:UniversityJ Community Building' be' referred to the Ci ty Ma,nager for: tabul ati on and a reconimendation for an' award of a contract to be presented to the City Commission at its next regular meeting on January 27, 1975. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None - , Commissioner Binig and Commissioner Stanley were appointed as a Committee to assist the City Manager in the selection of the carpet to be used and a de- cision as to the color selection. In accordance with previous action of the City Commission, bids received for furnishing three (3) electric typewriters, for use in the Finance, Police and Recreation Oepartments, were opened, together with bids submitted for one (1) electronic typing system, and results announced as follows: THREE (3) ELECTRIC TYPEWRITERS BIDDER EACH TOTAL B'ID PRICE IBM $ 625.50 o $ 1,876.50 o Motion by Commissioner Binig" seconded by Commissioner, Stanley, that IBM Corporation's bid for furnishing three (3) electrlc typewriters at a bid price of $625.50 each, be accepted and bids received for,one (1) electronic typing system be referred to the City Manager' with a recommendati on to be ' furnished the City Commission at its next regular .meeting. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None. In accordance with Article XXVI, Secti.on 15 of the City Charter, the Commission was advised that it was necessary that an official newspaper be designated for publishing legal notices, ordinances and other city notices. A schedule showing comparative charges made by the Houston Chronicle, Houston Post and Southwestern Argus for legal notices was presented to the Commission. ' Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the Southwestern Argus and Houston Chroni cl e be desi gnated' as offi ci al news'papers of the Ci ty oJ West Uni vers,i ty Pl ace. for the fi sca 1 year: 1975. Voting Aye:' Binig Dunn Stanley Thompson Voting No: Wa 11 in "',.,[!""', 1!!IIl::J:"'l'II.-', llr--- ---~'."'1 'I II v-- --I~-I- I' I 244 A schedule of rates charged for general admission and season tickets to the n West University swimming pool for the years 1972, 1973 and 1974, was pre- U sented to the'Commission with a request that rates be established for the 1975 season in order to provide residents an opportunity to purchase season tickets on an installment plan wit~ their monthly water bill. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that rates charged for both general admission and season tickets for the 1975 season of the swimming pool remain the same as those' charged in 1974, i. e., single ticket, $12.00; family of two, $17.00; family of three, $22.00; family of four or five, $27.00; and family of six or more, $30.00. General admission fees will remain 35q; for children five (5) through fifteen (15), adult gen- eral admission being' 75q; and children under five (5) will be admitted free' of charge. Voting Aye: All Voting No:' None Following a decision of the City Commission, to hold public dedication of the new lighted softball field'on theHISD school grounds following com- pletion, plans'were presented for proposed drainage and grading of the field as a joint venture with the Houston Independent School District at ah est- mated cost of $5,000. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by COlJ1missioner Dunn, that the City of We'st University Place, enter into a joint, venture with the Houston Indepen- 0' dent School District- for correction and improvement of drainage of the softball fi e 1 d and if agreeabl e with HISD, the 'Ci ty wi 11 adverti se for bi ds with a maximum expenditure of $2,500 each. Voting Aye: All Voting No: , None./ Estimate Number 2 in the amount of $36,59,3.27, certified by Langwith, Wi.lson, Ki ng and House, architects for remodel i ng of the Community B,uil ding, for pay- ment to McCall Construction Company for materials and work performed to date, was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that the recommendation of the City Manager for payment of $36,593.27 to McCall Con- struction,Company for work completed on the remodeling of the Community Building be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: ' None Reso 1 uti on Number 75-1 was presented to. the Commi ss i on and read in full: , , WHEREAS;' in order to best serve the citl zenry, Muni cipa 1 Government must be operated with efficiency and in an orderly fashion; and WHEREAS, the efficiency and order with which Government carries out its public functions could not exist without records and procedures; and WHEREAS, the keepers of the records are those who work with these procedures each day, the Municipal Clerks of our cities, towns and villages; and II o l:'- 00 l.Q """:> ~ o 0, , ,1 ~ -: o I 1;<"1' 245:.t WHEREAS, they strive constantly to improve the administration of affairs of the office consistent with applicable law$" and through sound management practi ces to{proceduce conti nued progre'sSf~'and. so ful fi 11 thei r responsibilities to the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: THAT we, as Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas, do hereby appeal to Senator John Tower and to Senator Lloyd Bentson and to Congressman Bill 'Archer to assist us in express- ing our appreciation to all Municipal Clerks in this Congressional District by working with Senator Russell Long in the United States Senate; and Con- gressman M. Caldwell Butler and G. Whitehurst in the House of' Representatives to have the President of the United States sign a Resolution observing the Second Week in Mayas Municipal Clerk's Week in the presence of Mr. Kenneth Lybolt, President of the International Institute of Municipal Clerks and James R. Mienvenue, International Chairman of the Municipal Clerk's Week Committee. PASSED AND: APPROVED THIS 13th day of January, 1975. Is/ Paul W. Wallin, Jr. Mayor Mary Ann Binig, Pro-Tem Phi'lip A. Dunn, Commissioner Rufus F. Stanley, Jr., Commissioner J. B. Thompson, Commissioner ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard AssL, City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that<Resolution Number 75-1 encouraging President Ford to designate the second week in May as Municipal Clerk's Week be approved as read. ' 1 'Voting Aye: All Vot.i ng No: None Reso 1 uti on Number 75-2 was presented to the Comm; ss'i on and read in full:' WHEREAS, Mrs. Juani ta Mill er, employed as a Cashi er and appoj nted: Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, has resigned from. the emp10yment of the city; and ' WHEREAS, Mrs. Dell Grant and Mr. Charles Lang, employed as Police Dispatchers, and appointed Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place" Texas, have resigned their positions with the city; and . WHEREAS, Mrs.: Kathleen S. Walker has been employed as a Cashier, and is qualified to assuine the duties,ofDeputy Clerk of the Municipal Court; and WHEREAS, Mr. Edward E. Roberts and Mr. Maurice P. Anderson have been employed as Police Dispatchers, and are qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court. ':1"1.. II J~ _l_JI ....Jll , 'II I.. I'..' _I.IliillliTIJ:iIill "..!" 'J...[] "IL ' , , il~J [2'41} U!J~II~11 III Ll II: I I I IJ t ~,~ :'; ,i~~~~t' ',';~:':,;j NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE& BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF' WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: , (Section 1. 'That Mrs. Kathleen S. ,Walker, Mr. EdwardE. Roberts and Mr. Maurice P. Anderson be, and they are hereby, appointed Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. That the appointment of Mrs. Kathleen S. Walker, Mr. Edward E. Roberts and Mr. Maurice P. Anderson, as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West UniverSity Place, Texas, shall be effective ,wi th the passage of this Reso 1 uti on and that. they sha 11 assume the assi gned t1uti es of Deputy Clerk after havi ng been admi ni stered the proper, ' Oath of Offi ceo ". " PASSED AND APPROVED this 13th day of January, 1975. , CommissionersV6ting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None Is/ Paul W.Wallin, Jr. Mayor ATTEST: , /s/- Lee: Loekard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that Resolu- tion Number 75-2 designating Mrs. Kathleen S. Walker, Mr. Edward E. Roberts and Mr. Maurice P. Anderson as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court, be a~proved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No:' None The Commission was advised that subsequent to a breakdown of the air condit- ioning system at the West University Library during September, the firm of Kerbow;..Simmons Service, Inc:~was employed to replace .the system compressor and that materials cost had been corrected and the sum of $1,522.32 was now in 1 inefor approval for payment. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that Kerbow~ Simmons Service, Inc. be paid $1,522.32 for repairs made to the West University Library air conditioning system. Voting Aye,: All Voting No: None ill U o Attention of the City Commission was directed to the expiration of the sixty (60) day appointment of Mr. :Charles Orsburn as Associate Ju'dge of the Munici- pal Court and>re-appointment would be necessary"to provi'de for an Associate' 0 Judge to preside over the Municipal Court in the absence of Judge Bob Dunn. n lJ l"- 00 l.!':J """:) ~ Q m LJ m . , +m <~' ~ 't' ~".. '241'f Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that Mr. Charles Orsburn be re-appointed Associate Judge of the .Municipal Court of the City of West; University Place for a period of siXt.y (.60) days. ' Voting Aye~~,. All Voti ng N(ilJ.. None The Commission was advised that Mr. Paul Black, 3731 Albans Raod, who had filed a verbal protest against, the cul-de-sac constructed to close Albans and Wroxton,at the' 3700 block of,Bissonnet,had requested-that the discussion and decision ,to be made by the City, Commission at this regular meeting be delayed. ' Pursuant to a number of interviews and discussions by the City Commission in publi.c meetings with representatives of .engineering firms with regard to making a study of the city's sanitary sewer collection system and sewage disposal plant, the following action was taken by the, City Commission:, Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the Ci ty Manager and Ci ty Attorney be authori zed to negoti ate an" agreement wi th Bayshore Engineering Company, 2318 Center Street, Deer Park, Texas~ for pro- fessional engineering services and a fee schedule for an analysis,of the city's sanitary sewer collection system and investigation, of the condition of the sewage treatment plant for the purpose of preparing a cost estimate of any required rehabilitation. All phases of the study and analysis to meet requirements of the Texas Water Quality Board and Environmental Protec- tion Agen.cy of,theFederal Government. Such agreement and fee;schedule to be approved by the Mayor upon execution of a formal 'written agreement. Votin~ Aye: All .Voting No: None In response to a report setting forth the need for a ~idingmower for .use in the city's parks, the City Manager was instructed to prepare specifica- tions for a riding mower and advertise for bids to be received on February 10, 1975. The CHyCommiss,ion was advised that all bicycle lanes were in need ,of re- painting and proper. signs ,designating .such lanes for use of bicyc1es. " Motion by Commissioner Stanley~ seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the City Manager be author,ized to re-paint all bicycle lanes., Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The City Manager was requested to furnish the City Commission a complete map showing the number of signs and the bicycle lanes to be re-painted.. ' In response to a request that the city explore the use of, federal funds for employment of people' to work in its health program, ,park program, proposed sidewalk rehabilitation program, etc., the City Manager was instructed to investigate reql,lirements for use of such funds. and make a,complete report to the City Commission at its ,next regular, meeting. ' The Commission was advised that the Harris County Commissioners' Court was now in the process of preparing its 1975 budget and that a request should be made for st.reet repairs to Weslayan and Bissonnet from Academy to the railroad tracks on the west. L...:',-__...~~_J ~ rr--,j , ... -=- __............JI[ 1'11: 'jj" , _iTIlliiiTI::m:m I" I'" 'l.JiiJ "Ik .. i UI ,248 ~ IHIUIIIII, I' Iii L. ~' ! I II Iii' I" " };':h~~4~ '", -'-'oj '- Motion ,by Commissioner Stanley, s~corided' by Commissioner Binig, that a Resolution be draWn urging the Harris County Commissioners' Court to return Weslayan Street and Bissonnet from Academy to the railroad tracks to the Harris County Road Log. (~ ! , LJ Voting Aye: All Voti ng No,: None Pursuant to:'bEling advised' th~t the 1975 budget includes $5,000' for tennis court lights at Weir Park; $2,500 for Judson Park tennis court lighting and $600 for lignting the voihwball court at Whitt Johnson Park, the City Commission requested that it be furnished copies of all recommenda- tions.received by the previous Commission from the Tennis Association and Parks'and Recreation Board with regard to lights for tennis courts, at its next reguiarmeeting.' ; , , ",' ,." The Commission was"advised that during the past year- two members of the City Gommission, served with. the City Manager and City Treasurer as members of an. Investment Committee in order. to facilitate investment of the city's funds as Cer'tificates ,of Deposit matured. ' '. , ,.:.' ":, ' , , Mayor Wallin appointed Commissioner Thompson and himself to serve with the City Manager and City Treasurer as an Investment Committee. .i ' . ., The City Manager was instructed to.seek applications for the psoitions of Manager andAssi~tant City Manager for the West University swimming pool for the 1975 season 'and report, to the City Commission at its next regular meeting. ,;,' ,,;' '\" '" Mayor Wallin reported that the City of West University had received designa- tion as a Bi-Centennial City and that the Bi-Centennial Committee was now in the prncess;of selecting suitable. projects. Commissioner Dunn; requested inform'ation with regard to approval by the pre- vious Commission for rebuilding of the swimming pool park, and was advised that p.lans had been suspended pending purchase of additional property adjacent to the pool, and that plans might. now be reinstjtuted for such improvements. The Commission requested that it be furnished a resume' of' the recommenda- tions made by t~e. architect.that had been e~ployed to study the park. , i' ' o Commissioner Stanley reported on'me~tings he had attended regarding the city's ambulance unit, stating that he, the City Manager and Fire Chief had reviewed the contractura 1 agreement between the City of Houston and the City of Be 11 a ire. Commissioner Stanley, further stated that ,a meeting had been arranged with Chief L. O. Martin of the City of Houston to get his feelings and recommendations re- garding the City of West University. . Mayor Wallin reported on a seminar.he attended sponsored by County Commissioner Bob Echbls. . " " Minutes of the regular meeting of the Safety and Acddent Review Board on December 10, 1974 were presented to the Commissionfor'their information. [] o l"- 00 In "'":> Q Q o '0 ' , 24~r Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, December 23, 1974, were presented and the fOllowing action taken: Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson" that minutes,of the regular meeting of the City Comrn}ssion on Monday, December ?"~",1974, be corrected to showthatCommissiohers\'~m.m and'Thompson were in atfe'ndance' when the meeting was called to order, and approved'as'corrected. Voting Aye: All None Voting No: With no further business. to tome befor~theCommissionat this t~me, ,upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meet1ng adjourned at 11:00 p.m. q~QwU\~h_ Mayor- I ATTEST: ~.~~~ Assi tant City Secretary I I IIf ',11"..' -r----, , 1" h " TT !,r-n:nr ' I , ,~1 ,[]''11, 250 l!rlIE~nll!II-': , . . 1)' 11,-----.- -----c...-.., ..,...--' 1 - I r --, III ,*.,;,~-, "REGULARMEETINGOFCITY COMMISSION: JANUARY'27,~1975 ' o The City Commission convened lnregularsession at the City Hall on, Monday, January 27,1975,7:30 p.m., with the folloWi'ng'members present. Mayor Wallin, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Dunn, Stanley and Thompson. The City AttorneY'and City'Manager'were also present. The" Invocation was pronounce.dby Commis,s~~ner Binig.- In accordance with previous action of the. City Commission, a tabulation of bids received for delivery of ten (10) automotive and truck units for use by various departments of the city, was presented with the following recommend- ations for purchase: UNIT DEPARTMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 COMPANY NET DELIVERED PRICE $ 2,210.80 2,100.95 2,110.80 2,460.80 3,967.48 4,9'16.94 8,594.61 9,244.61 2,872.04 2,922.04 o Police River Oaks Crysler-Plymouth Police River Oaks Crysler-Plymouth Police River Oaks Crysler-Plymouth Police River Oaks Crysler-Plymouth Administrative Letson-Davis Chevrolet Street Joe Myers Ford Sanitation Joe Myers Ford Sanitation Joe Myers Ford Water McMahon Chevrolet Water McMahon Chevrolet It was noted that $39,900.00 had been provided in the 1975 budget for the purchase of automotive equipment and the total net delivered bid price for all units was $41,401.07. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, 'seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that the recommendation of the City Manager in his letter dated January 27, 1975, be accepted and bids be awarded accordingly. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that.Commissioner Binig and Commissioner Stanley, appointed as a Committee to assist the City Manager in the selection of carpet for the West University Library and loggia area of the Community Building, had reviewed bids received on January 13, 1975, and had examined samples submitted, but would like to defer making a recommendation for purchase of the carpet until the next regular meeting of the City Commission on February 10, 1975. A review of the bids received for furnishing an electronic typing system was presented to the Commission. It was noted that either the IBM Mag Card II or the Xerox single tape system could be easily adapted to the city's needs, however, the IBM system could be obtained only on a twenty-four (24) month 1 ease agreement at a cost of $275.00 per month, whereas the Xerox system 0: could be obtained on a twelve-month (12) lease agreement at a cost of $220.00 per month, with no charge being made for maintenance of the equipment. It was also noted that the Xerox included many features not included in the IBM equipment and would provide more flexible operation. ,," ! o {'w 00 l1':l ~ Q Q o o ~"i'>""~'" .,,,. _ ,,"' 251' Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that the City Manager be authorized to lease the Xerox electronic typing system for a periOd of twelve (12) months at a cost of $220.00. per, month. , Voting Aye: Voting fll'&:' None All The Commission was presented a,list of firms which have performed audits on the city's books, records and accounts since 1950, and a request that consid- eration be given to the selection of an auditing" firm for the year 1975,. The Commission was advised that the firm of Arendale and Werner were now i.n the process of completing an audit for the ye,ar 1974', and that it would pOSSibly be some time before the completed audH was: available for review. It was the decision of the Commission to discuss the work of the firm of Arendale and Werner with City Treasurer Wm. Dittert, Jr., and to defer the selection of an auditing firm until a later: date~ ' Mr. Jim Hicks waS' introdl!ced' to members of the City Commission as the newly employed Superintendent of the city's Water-Sewer Department. Mr. Hicks was formerly employed as Water and Wastewater Sup~rintendent of the city of Kingsville and also had worked with water'systems in Lubbock and Oklahoma City. Mr. Hicks advised the Commission that he was pleased to become associated with the city and looked forward to working with members of the Water-Sewer Department'in making necessary changes and improvements in the Department. , ~ . . ~ , - , Authorization was requested to advertise for bids for annual chlorine require'- ments for the water system, swimming pool and sanitary sewer disposal plant, noting that approximately. 40,000 lbs. of chlorine in ton containers and ap- proximately 13,500 lbs. of chlorine in 150-lb. cylinders are required annually for the city's operation. ' ' " Motion by Co-missioner Stanley., seconded by CommiSsioner'Binig, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise'for bids for delivery of 40,000 lbs. of chlorine in ton containers and 13,500 Ibs. of chlorine in lSD-lb. cylinders with bids to be received by the City Commission on February 24, 1975. Voting Aye: All Voting No~None City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that the Agreement for Engineering Services to be considered by the Commission was not the ,standard form of agreement used by the city, but had been used by the engineering firm in other agreements with municipalities'and had been approved by the Environ- mental Improvement Agency. Mr. Cockrell read the project and compensation categories of the Agreement. Motion by Comrilissioner, Stanley"seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the Agree- ment for Engineering Services between the City of West University Place'and Bayshore Engineers, Inc. be approved with corrections as noted. Voti ng Aye : All Voting' No: None In accordance with a request of the City Commission recommendations made by the Tennis Association for improvement of lights on the city.s tennis courts were presented. Following discussion with regard to a number of methods -by which the lighting could be improved, the City Commission requested that the City Manager obtain a copy of specifications used by the City of Houston for lighting on its tennis courts, and report back to the City Commission. J.. I I :-:-=L:l.---' III 'Ii ,. I ' :"'::lI!jIIJI::nm 'il.,iIl" II , ,."I...!]I:! .ImT.:JI"TIIITI-' , ,!l,.l ll'- --~-'-'- --, .. l' II, I r- r I r "'l ,252 , ,,,..It.,t~,;- , 1 ,.1 lie Commission was advised tnat,the previous City Commission-had appropriated the sum of $90,OOO~00-' for anticipated charges made by, Layne Texas Company for 11 necessary repairs to Water' Well #5~ ' All ,wo-rk has now: been 'compl eted with ex- iU ception of the installation of an electronic measuring device and the balance due for the entire project is:'$28,061.95, inasmuch as previous payment in the amount of $66,986.00 has been made. Moti:om ,by Commi'ssioner Thompson, ,s,econded<by Commi ssioner Bi ni g, that an addi- ti ona 1, $5,047.99 be appropriate& to' defray additi ona 1 charges by Layne-Texas Company for repairs to Water Well #5; that: Layne-Texas Company be paid the sum of' $26,561.95 at this time; and that. the sum of $1 ,500~00nbe retained from the final payment due to, insure installation of an electronic water level indicator. ",' , Voting Aye: All Voting No: : None Ordinance Numb.er>^1032'was presented to,the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING-ORDINANCE NUMBER 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE" TEXAS" BY AMENDING SECTION 2(9) TO AMEND THE DEFINITION OF "FAMIL Y"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC- : TIVE DATE.. Motion by Commission er Binig, seconded by'Commissioner Dunn, that Ordinance Number 1032 amending Zoning Ordinance Number 111 to re-define "Family" be appro-vedas read. Voting Aye: All , Voting No: None Ordinance Number 1033 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANC[,AMENDING ORDINANCE. NUMBER'lll OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; TEXAS , TO PERMIT THE ERECTION OF TOWNHOUSES AND/ORCLUSTERHOUSES, AS DEFINED HEREIN, ON ' ,LOTS ONE (n AND'TWO .(2),' BLOCK93~ WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE 2ND ADDITION; PROVIDING FOR REGULATIONS RELATIVE TO SET- BACK AND LOT COVERAGE IN THE TOWNHOUSE/CLUSTERHOUSE DIS- TRICT CREATED; REGULATING FENCES IN SAID DISTRICT; PROVID- . ING FOR ON-PROPERTY PARKING SPACES'; DRIVEWAYS AND ACCESS ROADS; REQUIRING APPROVAL OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING' COM- - MISSION OF A' DEVELOPMENT PLAN ENCOMPASSING ALL OF SAID AREA;, CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY,CLAUSE AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion ,by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that Ordinance Number: 1033 be approved as read with corrections, to create a Townhouse/ Clusterhouse District on Lots 1 and 2, Block 93, West University Place 2nd Addition. ' Motion amended by Commissioner Thompson, accepted by Commissioner Dunn, that Section I of Ordinance Number 1025 be added to Ordinance Number 1033. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o o o {'-e 00 >n ~ ~ Q o 0, [, I! 25.:l City Attorney Charles Cockrell was requested, to have the netessaryFire: Limit ordi nances requi red by",,~he creati on, of TownhouseICll;t~,~<er.hoiJse Di stri cts pre- pared for the, City Commi ss i on · s revi ew on Apri] 28tl1 ~ '..., ' " ' The Commission was read a notice received from Ms. Katherine Skinner Brown, Director of the Harris County Public Library,:advising that smoking will not be allowed"in' the public areas of a~y Harris County Public Library branch.' Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commis$ioner Dunn, that smoking be prohibited at the West, University Library. Voting Aye:' All Voting, No: None' The Commission was advlsed that a check had been received from Comiskey In- surance Company in the: amount of $8,518.00 as 11 premiuinadjustmenton the city's workmen's compensation..lnsurance,noting that work by thecity's'Safety Committee was in great part responsible for the adjustment through it's, efforts to reduce accidents in various departments. Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that the City Treasurer be authorized to deposit the sum of $8~518.00, received as a premium adjustment on the city' sworkmen:' s compensation i.nsurance, to ,the account of the Insurance Reserve Fund: - Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Wallin stated that he would' direct a letter to members of the Safety Committee commending their work in r~ducing accidents in varii'ous departments. Inspection of the remodeling project at the Community Building indicated that additional storage space could be added by the installation of a pull-down stairway and flooring attic 'space.: " Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that the City Manager be 'authorized to negotiate 'a change order for the Comm'unityBui 1 ding remodeling for a pull-down stairway and flooring .attic: space, such change order not to exceed the sum of $1,800.00.. Voting Aye: All Voting, No: None The City Manager stated that he and Commi.ssioner' Binig,had metwith.representa- ti yes of the Texas' State Hi ghway Department and that progress was: bei ng;made in securing funds for traffic improvements on Buffalo Speedway. It was further stated that Mr. R. T. Breidenbach of the Highway Department had been assigned' to work with the city in making improvements. '" Motion, by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that .the City Manager be authorized to contact Mr. John ~udson and Mr. R. T. Breidenbach of the -State Highway Department to go forward with signalization, channeliza- tion, pavement markings:, signin:gand other improvements to Buffalo Speedway. , , Voting Aye: All Voti ng No: ' None ,..""I.,,C!IT, 254 J!IJII!!lTllIlJI!-: _ ,'.1,1,1., 11'- L.:......l._' ~--..!I ; ~"I I r -I I . [--Y- IT ~111 jl'~ "l;l:h'JJ.~~'''- - 1-:";'A-':U..~"7:;I Commissioner Binig,reportedthat.she, Mayor Wall, Commissioner Dunn an,d the City Manager had.met with: representatives: of local, churches and civ'ic groups to. organize a Council for the Aging and that a meeting of a Steering Committee would be held on Friday, January 31,1975, to plan a program of work. Il LJ ! ~ In response to' Commissioner Dunn'squestionregarding action taken to request the COUAty Court to; return~Weslayan Street to the county road log, the City Attorney was requested to have a Resolution prepared for consideration by the City.Commission,at its next' regular meeting. .. " ~ . . The City Manager was requested to ,research any ordi nances that woul d requi re residents to have street addresses posted on their homes.' Commissioner Stanley. -reportedori a,meeting held by Chi~f L.. O. Martin of the Houston 'Ambulance Division, Fire:Chief Ben Wilcher, City Manager Whitt Johnson andhims,elf, regarding use.of the city'sambulance unit. : Mr. Charles Cowan, Recreation Director, reported that sjx:activities had been cancelled from the Fall Recreation Program because of lack of participation, but all other classes and activities were well ,attended. Mayor Wallin requested ,that: 0 &:'OConstr.uction Compa.ny be advised, in writing, of repairs that are to be made in connection with.woY'kperformed,by SUG.h company for Southwestern Bell Telephone Company on Academy Street. After bei ng presented a schedul e of investment maturi ti es, Mayor Wa 11 in and 0..., Comini ssi oner Thompson, as members of, the' ci ty' s ,Investment. CQmmi t;tee advised that the Certificates, of Deposit maturing on January 31,1975,. should ,bere- invested in Fannin State Bank for a period of 180 days at an interest rate of 7 3/4%. ". . Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zonin.g and Planning Commiss,ion on J.anuary l~:, 1975, were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Safety"eommittee on January 14, 1975, were presented to,the Commission fo:rtheir information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on January 29, 1975, were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on January 16, 1975, were presented tOI the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting ,of the Bicentennial Committee on January 21, 1975, were presented to the Commission' for their information. Minutes of the joint public hearing held by theG:ity Commission and the Zoning and Planning Commissjon on Jan.uary 14, 1975, were presented to the Commission and the fo 11 owlhgacti 0:0' tak'en: Motion byCommiss i oner Thompson, seconded by ,Commis.sioner Stanley, that 'minutes: of the-joint p'ubllc hearing held by the City Commission and the Zoning and Planning Commission on January 14, 1975, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Oi Ii " o ~ QO tn '""::> ~ o o o Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, January 13, 1975, were presented to the Commission and the following action take.n: Motion by . Commi ss i oner Dunn, seconded by Commi s s i oner' B i n.i g; tha,t mi nu~es of the regular meeting. of the City Commiss.fon on Monday, January 13, 1975, be approved as submitted. . "c_:_ Voting Aye:; All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commis,sion at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. ~.Q.LJ).u)n.Q~ ~ . Mayor' . . ( . ATTEST: ~ ;fJ~~ Assistant City Secretary . ,. . -~: ; . ~"!! 'ii't' ,,~ '"",~llijm"'1111.1'~, 11 I j !I "i.:1 _~----.l I _ J :..:..==i._L-......L.-...._. . j . _L:r--t ,1" I' ._hllllwrmrm III 255' "IilD' i~ ':256 :rm:ITJI"II n. -. . T ]11 L-:':L-' T _-11 I - 1=-'.: 1 I] --, ,..l REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 10, 1975 .. .011' The City-Commission convened inregula'r session at the City Hall' on Monday; February 10, 1975, 7:30 p.m. ,with the following members' present: Mayor Wallin, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Dunn, Stanley and Thompson. The City Attorney was also present. The City Manager was out of the city and Assistant City Manager Dan Edwards presented the agenda in his absBBce. The-InVocation was pronounced by Commissioner Dunn. Street Superintendent A. L. Bearden reported to the Commission that he had visited the Houston Southwest Tennis Center to inspect lighting used on the tennis courts similiar to the double court located at Weir Park. Mr. Bearden reported that by doubling the fixtures and repositioning of four poles much better lighting could be obtained than that at the Southwest Tennis Center, adding that any amount of light desi'red could be obtained provided a decision was reached as to whether it.was. the intention to provide "court" lighting or "tournament" lighting> Upon being advised that the 1975 budget included $5,000 for lights at Weir Park and $2,500 for Judson Park, Mr. Bearden was instructed to break down costs involved showing manpower hours cost for Street Department personnel, fixture7!costs, equipment rental costs, and cost for the services of an elec- trician, in order that the City Commission would be better apprised in order to reach a decision as to the lighting that could be provided, with such report to be presented to the City Commission at its next regular meeting on February 24th. The Commission was presented an invoice in the amount of $22,960.00 sub...: mitted by Powell & Stephenson, Inc. for the constructi on of a 1 i ghted soft- ball fi e 1 d 1 oca ted' on the West Uni vers ity El ementa ry Schoo 1 Grounds , in accordance.with their contract for the project, together with a certifica- tion of the project engineer, Mr. Harol~ E. McConnell. Street Superintendent A. L. Bearden advised the Commission that in his opinion the lights were not aimed properly so as to not interfere with play on the Little League field; that one light should be replaced; and it was his recom- mendation that a retainage be made on the contract until necessary adjustments have been completed. o Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the firm of Powell & Stephenson, Inc, be paid $22,'960.00 less 10%, to be retained pending final adjustment being made on the lights. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None An invoice was presented to the Commission from Mr. Harold E. McConnell for professional services rendered in the completion of the construction of the lighted softball field. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that Mr. O' Harold E. McConnell be paid the sum of $399.57 for engineering services in connection with the construction of a lighted softball field on the West University Elementary School grounds. o ~ 00 tn '""::> o o o 0., 0' .~ 25fl" Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Commissioner Stanley, as a member of a Committee appointed by the City Comis- sion to assist the City Manager in the selection of carpet for the West University Library and loggia area of the Community Building, reported that they had inspected all samples submi tted, had consulted a number of persons knowledgeable of carpets and had also consulted a representative of the ar~hitectural firm of Langwith, Wilson, King and House. 'f'. : Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the firm of Ross, Inc. be awar.ded the bid for carpet at tneWest University Library and loggia area of the Community Building, on the:ir low bid of $3,708.81, dated January 13, 1975. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with previous action of the City COmmission: bids received for furnishing one {l} riding tractor mower for use in the city's parks were opened and results announced as follows: Goldthwaite's ~f Houston International Harvester Lansdowne-Moody Company 1,277 .50 1,950.00 1,381 ;00 Motion by Commissioner Bin.ig, seconded by Commissioner ThompsOn, that bids received for. furnishing one c(l} riding tractor mower for use in, the city's: parks be referred to the City Manager and Street Superintenaent for tabulation with a recommendation for purchase to be presented to the Commission at its next regular meeting on February 24, 1975. Voting Aye: All Voting ND:, None An invoice in the amount of $532.68 representing membership dues in the. Houston-Galveston Area Council for the period January 1,1975 through Decem- ber 31,: 1975, was presented to the Commission for consideration. . - Motion b#~ G9mmissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that annual membersnip dues: in the Houston-Galveston- Area: Council in'the amount of $532.68 be approved for payment. Voting Aye : All Voting No: None Reso 1 uti on Number 75-3 was presented to the Commi ssi on and read in full: WHEREAS, on August 12, 1974, the City Commission pass:ed and approved Resolution Number 74-13, employing Layne-Texas Company to restore and repair water well #5, in accordance with their proposal outlined to the City Commission; . and . WHEREAS ,the Layne- Texa:s Company has submitted for p'ayment .i ts . final statement for repairs to water #5, in the amount of $5,047.99; and . WHEREAS, .it has been determined that all repa.irs ,have been made as contemplated and that Layne-Texas Company is entitled to 'be'paid in a,ccordance with its statement; and ~ --::---'" " -, _~~.I~.= .."]...Oj~. _I.. .. 1258 JJlm"IT]I.!I~. .._: ._~ 1:1:.1.. 111,-,--- --r.... ' :........' _, ~-- .,---" - I 1 "''I' ---, WHEREAS, it has been necessary to amend 'Resolution Number 74-13 to appropriate an additional $43,000, for the reasons as specified in Resolution Number 74-18, and it is now necessary to appropriate the additional sum; of $5,047.99, to pay the' final ,statement as submitted. . I . ~:. , NOW,. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY-THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UN I VmS!TY' PLACE, , TEXAS: Section 1. That Resolution Number 74-13, as amended by Resolution Number 74~18, be further' amended to appropriate an additional $5,047.99, from the Water Fund, a's the amount necessary to pay the fina'l statement of Layne- Texas Comapny for all'repairs to city water well #5. . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 10th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioner Voting No: None Isl Paul W. Wallin, Jr. Mayor ATTEST: Isl Lee Lockard Asst. City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Bin:ig, that Re.solu- tion Number 75-3 amending Reso] ution Numbe:r 74-13, as amended by Resolution Number 74-18, to appropriate, an additional $5,047:.99 from, the'Water Fund as the amount necessarY to pay the final statement recei ved from Layne-Texas Company for repairs made to water well #5, be approved as read. " Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 75;.;4 was presented to the"Commission and read in full: WHEREAs" he.retofore the' City of West University Place obtained right-of-way easements along and over Weslayan Street; and WHEREAS, thereafter Harris, County Texas, at its s'ole expense, improved such ri ght-of-way by pavi ng and curbi ng such street;, and' WHEREAS, Harris County and the City of West University Place for many years have made minor repairs to said street; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place has been advised that Weslayan Street has been removed from the Harris County 'Road' Log; and' D o WHEREAS, Weslayan Street has become a major thoroughfare by virtue of connection into South Loop #610, Stella Link Road and Weslayan Street to the north ,into City of Houston Streets., primarily San Felipe, Westheimer and Richmond Road; and ' , ", - WHEREAS,' there i,s an increased amount of traffi c due to the construc- D'. ' ti on of Greenway Pl aZa; a'nd ' o ~ QO tn '""::> ~ o o o 259 WHEREAS, the vehicular traffic using Weslayan Street is essentially traffic that is generated outside of the City of West University Place~ Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WESt UNIVERSITY. PLACE~ iEXAS:' Section 1. That the City Commission desires and requests that the Commissioners' Court of Harris County, Texas, take s.uc,h action as is necessary to return Weslayan Street to the Harri's County Road Log.and to thereafter con- tinue it asa part of the County Road System. ., Section 2. That a copy of this Resolution signed by the Mayor and members of the City Commission be forwarded to the Commissioners' Court of Harris County, Texas, to evidence such desire and request. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 10th DAY OF FEBRUARY ~ 1975. ' IsI paul W. Wallin~ Jr:, Mayor Mary Ann Binig, Mayor Pr,o-Tem Philip, A. Dunn, 'Commissioner Rufus F. ,Stanley, Jr. ,Commissioner J. B. Thompson, Commissioner ATTEST: Is/ Lee Lockard' Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that Resolution Number 75-4 requesting Harris County Commissioners' Court to return Weslayan Street to the County Road Log, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 75-5 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City Commission has been advised by the City Manager that an apparent breakdown has occurred ,in the piping arrangement of the sanitary sewer lift station located at the intersection of Duke ,and Vanderbilt Streets; and WHEREAS~ the city,does not have the facilities,-equipment and personnel to make major repa'irs of this contemplated nature; and WHEREAS, it is imperative that this vital facility of the sanitary sewer system be kept in operation at all times; and WHEREAS, it is impractical to prepare spec.ificationsfor the purpose of taking bids as the extent of repairs that may be required is un- known and the cost of needed repairs ,is an indeterminable'amdunt; and- WHEREAS, Mr. J.C. Childs of J C Construction Company, 5615 Corl, Houston, Texas 77017 has been recommended as acapab 1 e ~ontractor to make such repairs; and WHEREAS, Mr. J.C. Childs has agreed to furnish equipment, tools and labor to make repairs to said sanitary sewer lift plant. I I j' ---. IIf ~I"I, .' . "nill"rnrn 'i'i1"' I ...,Jl' ,Il!!:!!. ..1 rn:mI"'!:"[[m= ~:,L 'II"J~ 2GO III L rJ'--" I" III I ~- r -,--r--T ll'lln~' ~.U....j,Jy,.I~~1ta,..d"-;w..;m~ NOW, THEREFORf"BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' , . i i '. Secti6nl. That, for the'preservati'on of the public health and welfare, the repairs of the sanitary sewer lift station at the intersection of Duke an~ Vanderbilt Streets is deemed to be of an emergency nature. Section 2~::LThat in view,of the ,existing emergency condition, Mr..!J;C: Chi.lds ofJ'SC Construction Coinp'any, be and he is hereby, :employed ' on a force-account basis in accordance with h,is schedule'of charges, to make necessary repairs to the said sanitary sewer lift station. Section 3.: That the neces'sary 'expense' for services rendered and equipment furnished by JC Construction, Company to repair said sanitary' sewer lift station be charged to the unappropriated surplus of the Water-Sewer Operating Fund, for, the budget year19!75., Section'4. That the action of the Mayor and City Manager., engag- ing the services' and equipment of J C Construction Company on a force-account basis to perform needed: repairs to the said sanitary sewer lift station, be and it is hereby confirmed, ratified and approved. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 10th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye:, All Commissioners Voting No: None Isl Paul'W~l]in, Jr. Mayor ATTEST Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that Reso- lution Number 75-5 employing J C, Construction Company on a force-account basis to perfor.m'needed repairs tb the sanitary sewer Lift station located at the intersection of Duke and Vanderbilt Streets, be approved' as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 1034 was presented to:' the- Commi'ssi,on' and read in full: " AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,. TEXAS" BYAMENDJNG' SECTlON 23-137 TO PROVIDE FOR THE IMPOUNDMENT OF A MOTOR VEHICLE UPON THE IN- CARCERATION OF lIS OPERATOR; TO PROV:r DE, FOR A STORAGE FEE; . PROViIDING FOR THE DISPOSITION 'OF ABANDONED VEHICLES IN, AC- CORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 6687-9, V.R.C,.S.; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. o o D o ~ 00 l1:l '""::> ~ Q o D r.. ',"" .~ ,". ~. . -:' .. 261.: Moti on by Commi ss i oner Thompson, s'econded by Commiss i oner Dunn, tha tOrdi nance Number 1034 amending the Code of Ordinances to provide for the impoundment of a motor vehicle upon: the incarceration of',its ,operator, providing'for a storage fee and providing for the disposition of abandoned vehicles, be approved as read .~,: , , ,;.~ < , Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that action with regard to Ordinance Number 1034 be tabled until the next regular meeting of the City Commission. ' Voting Aye: Binig Dunn , Th~mpson Members of the City Commission requested that they be furnished information re- gardi ng the foll owi n9 pri or to further consi derati on of Ordinance' Number 1034: Voting No: Stanley 1. The manner in which abandoned vehicles are now removed from City property. 2. The length 'of time automobiles are held under the provisions of State Statutes, prior to beln'g, auctioned.. 3. What do neighboring cities (Bellaire, Southside, etc.) do with respect to the same situation. ' , : 4. What do we do with abandoned automobiles at the present time. 5.' Do we lncur any liability by making charges for storage,.' Commissioner Binig reported on the organization of..a~Jest UniversityCounc.il on Aging and the results of meetings that have been held, stating that par- ticipation, interest and publicity had exceeded expectations. Commissioner Binig further; s.tatedthat information questionnaires are' being included with water bills that are being mailed and,'whenreturned'will, be' tabulated and a better idea gained as to the number of residents age 55 and QldeY' who reside in the City. Commissioner Stanley commended Commissioner -Binig, Commissloner Dunn and Mayor Wallin on the work they have contributed to the Council On Aging.' Application for Payment #3 executed by McCall and Sons, Constructqon, Inc. for work completed on the Community Building remodeling as approved by Langwith, Wilsori, King and'House, in the amount of $24,854.05, was presented to the Commission for consideration~ ' ", Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that McCall & Sons Construction, Inc. be paid the sum of $24;854.05 for Application for Payment #3 as approved by L~ngwith, Wil son, King and House,. Voti ng Aye:, All Votlng No: None ~II"I~~J .11 " . II' I ' .- '.'3JI:ilill.mrn!: '~~.j .~_Ll I --.lll I'" '1Lllr II ,. . ..."J .C!..'2. . .1 mmrr'l':IIT- Jlr- I L-:l II I II ~. r -r-r-- -~-T ,I;~ .j1'; ".~,.",.llIl:r,,~.l>f.-'..' 2-' H 262 City .Attomey C,harlesCpckrell advised the Commission that oral arguments in the case pf .Doy Meyer:; vs City of We:;t Universi ty Zoni ng and Pl anni,ng Commission'would be;at ,9:00 a.m., February 13th: andinvite~members to attend if they so desired. o The Commission was provided copies of action taken by the previous City Commis~ion on September 23', 1974, regar,ding the n~c!=!ssity of all property owners abutting an abandoned sewer'line .from the 3600 block to the 3200 block of University to tie onto a line constructed at,the rear of the property. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that the motion of the City Commission on September 23, 1974 requiring that the City notify any residents whose sewer lines are connected into the abandoned line on, University Houlevard that they must, within'sixty (60) days, connect into the sa,n ita ry sewer 1 i nel ocated at the rea rof' their property, and that appropriate records be kept, be rescinded. .' ~ ( Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by COO1m;.s:sionerStanley; seconde(:f: by,Commi.ssioner Thompson" th~t the City Manager be authori~edto a~vertjse for,bi,ds for the cost of obtaining proper connections onto the existing sewer, line on the rear easement, requesting'cost for concrete pipe and an alternate'cost for cast iron pipe, with bids to be received by the City CO{T1missi-on' on Monday, March 10, 1975. ,Voting Aye: All Voting No:' None o The Commission was,advise(jthat, the City'Manager !1ad,an .appointment on Wednesday with a representative of the Houston Metropolitan Archives and Research Center: andadditionalinfofmation would be provided at a later date. " , . , , A tabulat:ion:of' partsrequiredtp place the sewer:rodder unit into proper operating condition, at. an estimated cost of $1,186.23; was presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the Water-Sewer Superintendent be authorized' to expend up to $1,500 for parts requi red' to make: necessaryrepai rs to ,the sewer rodder unit,. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission wa~ advised that the proposed grading and drainage of the newly constructed softball fiel d was to appear on: the agenda of the' Houston Indepen- dent School Board meeting on Monday evening, February 10th, and it was believed that .the projectwould'be apf:lroved on a 50/50% basis between the. HISD and the city. . , Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binin, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for the grading ,and necessary D drainage for the newly constructed softball field, contingent upon acceptance by the Houston Independent School District of a 50/50 financial arrangement, with bids to be'received by the City Commission on March 10, 1975. Voting Aye: All Voting No~ None o {'oe QO If:l '""::> o o D o 263,: " The Commission was advised that under the Public Serv,;ce Employment program the CHyof,West Univer.sity had been determined eligible for the sum of $22,806.00 for employm~./;1t of persons' meeting eligibj,Jj.ty:requirements,of the program to fill new positions in the:city.' , Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the City Manager be authorized to proceed with the necessary steps to implement the Public Service Employment program to obtain available funds. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Members of the Commission' requested that copies of the overall Public,Service Employment program be furnished to them and discussion of this matter to be included as an agenda item for the Conference Meeting of the City Commission on Tuesday, February 18th. The Commission was advised that if the city planned to send eligible firemen topara.,.medic training school, arrangements would be necessary within the De- partment to schedule vacations., Commissioner Stanley, advised that prior to making a recommendation to the Commission he was waiting for a report from the City'Manager and Fire Chief as to the cost requirements to send personnel to para-medic school, and would like this included as an agenda item for the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, February 24,1975. Commissioner Stanley requested that the Commission be furnished with a cost analysis of, the amount required for the city to enter into a full scale program of emergency care at the para-medic level, such report to include the amount necessary to add any additional personnel that would be required and to embody the feasibility of using personnel from other departments as drivers, etc. Minutes of the regular meeting, of the Plumbing Board on February 3, 1975, , were presented to the Commission for the information, and Mr. Cockrell instructed to look at recommendati ons made by the Board for proposed addi ti ons, revi si,ons and deletions to the 1973 Gas Code. Minutes of the special meeting of. the Zoning Board of Adjustment on January 30, 1975, were presented to the Commission for their information. City Commission minutes of January 24, 1975, were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: ' Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on January 24, 1975, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None, Commissioner Binig reported to the Commission on a meeting held with Mr. Charles Trost of the, Houston-Gal veston Area Council regardi ng di screti onarygrants, stating that Mr. Trost had furnished the city with necessary application forms which must be filed by April 16th, noting that the City of. Bellaire had em- ployed a young man who will handle community development grants, and that it was her thought ,that a meeting should be arranged with the City of Bellaire officials to discuss mutual problems. ' Commission members were reminded that a conference meeting 'had been scheduled . 'f.. "~Hn-ll__=t" , '1 .IIIJL ., ,I ,264. '1!lIlJ"1'11i.n::..-:- . _.' I)' III L- r"' . II 11.:1{ ~ r -, -r----""'T 11. I II for 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 11, 1975: With no further business:to come before the Commission at this time, ,upon motion duly made, seconded and,carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. , J GZ,.QW'W~_ Mayor ' , , , , ATTEST: , , 4.~~ Assistant CitySecretaty:, ' "l-;-l;:....'ru:..~t '" o o o 26~' o REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 24, 1975 o The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, February 24, 1975, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Wallin, presiding; Commissioners Binig,Dunn, Stanley and Thompson. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. ' The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Stanley. Mr. Jeffry Corbin, Chairman, Independence Park Committee, present~d an Interim Report of the Committee relating activities and recommendations for action neces- sary to the continuation of the effort to create Independence Park. Mr. Corbin reviewed the scope of the program which includes short-range goal of using the Virginia Street right-of-way from University Boulevard to Corondo Court as a bicycle trail which would not require costly concrete covering of Poor Farm Ditch, and could very easily fit the guidelines ,for a grant under the Community Block Program. Long range,plans would cover the completion of the park ,in its entirety from Bellaire Boulevard to Bissonnet Street. ' Mr. Corbin stated that the Committee had met with Mr. Bi~l Schiebe, formerly Parks and Recreation Director for the City of Houston, and now an independent consultant to discuss possible funding of the project, both for the short- range and long-range plans. Following Mr. Corbin's presentation, it was the decision of the City Commission to request a meeting with Mr. Schiebe, representatives of the Independence Park Committee and representatives of the Bicentennial Committee for 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 4, 1975. Mayor Wa'llin,thanked,Mr,.Corbin for his report, stating that the Committee had accomplished a great deal in a very short time. In accprdance with previous ,action of the, City Commission the following tabula- tion of bids received for furnishing one (1) four cycle lawn, and garden riding tractor were presented: ~ QO ~ ""':> o o FIRM TRACTOR-MOWER PRICE $ 1,277.50 1 ,381.00 1,950.00 Goldthwaites of Houston Lansdowne-Moody International Harvester Bolens G-14 Ford 120 1. H. 1250 Mr,. A. L. ,Bearden, Street Superintendent, advised the Commission that the two low bids submitted d.id not meet the hydraulic lift specification, but that the tractor-mower bid by Gol~thwaites 'of 'Houston had a manual lift that was so con- structed'as to be easily operated,and he would recommend that their,proposal to furnish one four cycle tractor-mower for a low bid of $1,277.50-be accepted. o , . '.' , The City Commi ssi ondi scussed the j usti'fi cati on of awarding a contract for de- l i very of the Bo 1 in G-14 tractor to Godthwai tes of Houston, as all bi dders di d not submit a price on the hydraulic lift specified, and it would be an unfair L'-"f '.1 t - ~F?,,}''''''. ' "I, .1 I I " I I ~ II -iil 111 7"IT'i11 nn Till 'ii ' ,ii, Wi 1266 I J!llilllllllll"..i, ,II i III LI Illll I, I I I I : I II!!!!!I::! T-:!";;~~it'i~!~\c:1J:n~ bidding arrangement. Based upon this discussion the following action was taken. Motion by Cammi ssioner Thompson,. seconded pY: Commissioner Stanl ey,that the bids received for furnishing one four cycle, tractor~mower be rejected and the City Manager be authorized to advertise!'for bids for a tractor-mower with a hydraulic lift and' providing for an alternate bid for a tractor- mower with a manual lift, such bids to be received by the City Commission on Monday, March 24, 1975. " Voting Aye: All Voting No: ' None Bids received for furnishing approximptely 40,000 pounds of liquid chlorine in ton containers and 13,500 pounds of 1 iqu'idchlorine' in 150-pound cyl inders were o,pened and results annouriced, 'as follows: " COMPANY, Dixie Chemical Company Jones Chemicals, Inc.' TON CONTAINERS $ 0 .120 lb. 0.120 lb. 150-POUND CYL1NDERS $ O. 1 67 1 b . 0.22 lb. 'Motion by Commissioner' Thompson, 'seconded by Commissioner Binig, 'that the, bid submitted byDixie Chemical Company to, furnish ,approximately 40,000 pounds of liquid chlorine in ton containers for $0.120 lbs. and furn'ishing approximately 13,500 pounds of liquid chlorine in 150-lb. cylinders for $0.167 per pound, be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with previous instructions of the City Commission, Street Super- intendent A. L. Bearden presented the following cost estimates for improving the tennis court lighting at W,eir Park to provi,dealmost IIclubll lights: , Labor . Equi pment rental & contractura 1 se.rvi,ces, Material ' ' Supervisory salary City owned tools & equipment rental 10% contingency $ 1,624.00 450.00, 4,611.50 600.00 400.00 540.00 $ 8,225.50 Following a discussion regarding ,the la'rge expenditure of funds that would be required .tocompletely revise the ligh~ing system, the City Manager was instructed 'to .contact Houston Light, & Power Company engineers, and re- quest that they loak at the tenni s' court 1 i ghts at both Wei r Park and Judson Park and make a report to the City Commission at its next regular meeting on March 10, 1975, and to advise the Parks Board of action of the Commission. Ordinance Number ,1034, which.was ,tablecl by the City ,Commission at its meeting,on'FebruarylO,.1975, pending receipt of additional information was again presented for consicleration. The following answers were provided for questions asked by members of the City Commission: o o o o ~ QO In '""::> o o o o I,. "r;!,"'-,,~ 2 61~~ The manner in which abandoned vehicles are now removed from city property. Abandoned vehicles are removed by wrecker service, and are stored by the removing wrecker service. ~~- ~.": ~ The length of tinle~automobiles are held under'the provisions of State Statutes, prior to being auctioned. City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised that after a caris taken i'nto custody by the Police Department, the owner of such car must be so notified within ten days;' subsequent to notification the owner has twenty days to retrieve the car; An auction of the car may be held at any time after the expiration of thirty days. Proceeds from such auction to be used fbrPolice Department expenses, with the balance of such proceeds going to the lien holder. What do neighboring cities (Bellaire, Southside, etc.) do with, respect to the same situation? Bellaire and Southside are all in the Same situation as ~Jest University. The City of Bellaire is currentlyworkihg on an ordinance which may cover this situation. What do we do with abandoned automobiles at the present time? Abandoned vehicles are stored by the removing wrecker service. Do we incur any liability by: making: charges for storage? Mr. Cockrell advised that he knew of no liability that would be incurred. City Attorney Charles CoCkrell was instructed to re-draw Ordinance Number 1034 to provide ,that no: charge may be made for storage of ancautotnobile for the first forty-eight hours that a'vehicleremains in custody of the Police Depart- ment.' " , , , Commissioner Stanley recommended that the City Commission consider the implemen- tation' of'complete ambulance and first~aidservice' for residents by its own per- sonnel'and training of already qualified emergency medical technicians to the Paramedic level. Commissioner Stanley reviewed the operation of the first aid/ ambulance service from the time of the acquisition of the Modulanceambulance, citing costs necessary to equip the unit for full ambulance service; additional personnel that would be required in the Fire Department to provide. two trained Paramedic technicians per shift, as wel'l as sufficient number of fire suppres- sion per~onnel; the economics involved in providing such service; and various means by which such service could be funded. Following Commissioner Stanley's report, members of the City Commission dis- cussed ways ,and means by which a determination could be made as to the desires of residents with regard to having the service provided, as well as willingness to pay for such service. It was the decision of the Commission that a questionnaire be mailed to all re- sidents inquiring 1) Do you want only first aid' service;' 2) Do you want first aid service with conveyance provided by Houston',s ambulance"service; and 3) Do you want full sophisticated ambulance service~ It was also the decision of the Commission to devote a full issue of the City Currents to information regarding ambulance service. ' t. II' I__---------L-J ---.l ~_-.....JL , ,--'II '. ". _-J1IriL.JcmIilli n I .. ".LID" 'le . I I II L.., _:I "jj "tlU ,1, ":2'6R Uljlllijll'I,_ [II JII LI HI'!' I: I I I I ' I :Ii>:; ::il'":"~f:'ti::1;':, :j r)U A schedule of rates to be charged for use of the Community~ Buil ding, together 0 with'rules governing the use of the building, were' presented for considera- tion. ' , The West University Community Bui~ldlng is,avai]able for use bY " residents and the' West University Recreation Department. Re- s i dents are encouraged to use the buildi ng for s i ngl e orregul a r meetings; however, there'will be no closet or storage'space available on a temporary or permanent basis. The building shall , "not be iJsed for'commercial or private enterprise purposes~' ". l' - ". . . . Use of the building will be subject to the following regulations: 1. Use will be restricted to groups of which in excess of 50% shall be residents of WestUniv~rsit.y Place. 2. !Reservations may be ma'de, by contactin.g the West University 'Pl ace Recreati on Di rector at the Communi ty Buil di ng. 3. 'The rental agreement shall be s'igned or co,..sigtied by a' citizen of West University Place who 'shall be held respon- sible for any damages to the building or properties which may occur during the time assi~ned fo~ octupation of a porti on of the premi ses. ' , r 4. Rental fees must be paid at the time the reservation is made. In the event of cancellation~ refunds-will bemade if cancel- lation is prior totwo(::n days before the reserved date; if cancellation is within two' (2) days oftherese,rveddate"re- funds will be given only if reservations are made by others prior to ~he reserved date. 5. A $5.00 deposit must be made at the time of reservation if keys : to the building are to be given to applicant. This deposit shall be refunded upon return of the keys: to the Community Building; . , 6. The following rental fee? shall be charged: A. Civic and Educational groups such' as Garden Clubs, PTA1s, Service Clubs and Churches, other than Sunday services, etc. : o MEETING ROOMS & lOGGIA AllnnORTlIM , , Day Night (after 6:00 p.m.) No Charge ' $ 5.00 $ 10.00 $ 20.00 B. Sod a 1 ' groups such as teenage groups ,adul t dance groups, clubs and other organizations: o Day, . Night (after 6:00 p.m.) . $' 10: 00 $ 15.00 $ 25.00: $ 40. 00 ' rl U o o 269 C. Boy and/or Girl Scout Organizations , No Charge DO: All groups. Saturday and Sunday,: or city:holidays'. Auditoriym and 10~gia $2G.00 per hour~ ~itha minimum:idta,rge of $40.00, plus $lO.mPfor use of kitchen. ' , " The rental fee for the auditorium' incl udes use of the kitchen for 'coff~e and refreshm~nt :;ervice only.' ' , . The kitchen may be used for preparation Of food for serving dinners, banquets, etc. for an additional $10.00 fee. , Decorations may be used,' but they may not be used on the walls or light fixtures. Nails, screws~ masking tape or other' materials which WOU19 deface the building may not be used. The use of hay" untreated crepe paper or any other flammable decoration or material is prohibited. All decorations: must be removed, general order restored and the building vacated, by the exp.iratiori of the,designated reservation period. If janitorial services are desired after regular hours, previous arrangements must be made with the Buil~ing Custodian. ",,11 '. 'No' a:l cohol ic or: 1 ntoxi cati'ng beVerages may be' served' or con- sumed On the premi ses. ' 12: The piano in the building is available for use. Users must furnish their own public address system or other musical instruments. ; 13. Chairs and: other equipment shall not be loaned 'for private use away from the premises. Motion' by Commissioner B'in-ig, seconded by CommiSsion'er Stan,ley, that the rules and sc~edule of rates to be charged for use of the Community Building be adopted , as submitted. ' Voting Aye: All V.oting No: None The Commissionwas advised that a 24" sewer line at the' city's sewage disposal plant was in, need of repairs that would cost approxim~tely $1,000 to $1,500~ Motion by;Comm'issionerThomp'son, seconded by' Commissioner Binig, that necessary repairs be made to a 2411 sewer line at the sewage disposal plant on a force acco,unt bas is. Voti ngAye: All , :VotingNo: ; None The Commi ssi on was advi sed that specifi cati ons for the purchase' of a' new 1250 , gpm fir.e truck had been prepared and the sum of $3,2 ,5.00 had been appropri ated in previous budgets. The estimat,ed,'additio,nal sum of $17-,500' could be appro- priated ln the 1976 budget inasmuch as 'it was expected to take between twelve to eighteen months to receive delivery of the apparatus. 1l1?W'Y' .11_":,,'iliiIm~~~-!P'~'1 , : ':"' .!lt L___ _1 I . .1 _-----1 I 1-:.1"11 .._.l.~ 'II' "'~', I" "j --. ".IJIIJI3Lrnr:rn .. "1" 'rr::i[i ll." J mil 1270 liJIll'II[IJIII ,JII L11 II!! Ii I I II I 1\,1." , " ! d't~~ ;~::~~~rt <to ::~t~11 Motion by Commissioner Thompson,: seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for delivery of one 1250 gpm pumper"in,~ccordance with city spedfi.cations, with bids to be rec- eived by the CityGommissionon Monday, ,March 24, 1975. -,' o Voting Aye: All Voting No: , , None. - An invoice d~ted'February,l9,: 1975, in the amount of $2,000 submitted by Bayshore Engi neers, Inc. . ,in ,ac~9rdance" with their c,Ontract for an i nvesti - gation of the wastewater treatment facility and the sanitary sewer collect- ion system was presented for consi~~rati on,., Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded'by Commissioner Stanley, that the invoice submitted by Bayshore Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $2,000 be authorizeq, for,payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A request for permission to advertise for bids for the following Police Department -uni'forms was presented for consideration.' 40 pairs of pants, 40 longsleeve;$pecial dl)ty tr9pic,al style shirts,,50short sleeve special duty tropica:l style shirts and 17 be:lt. sets to include Sam Browne handcuff and cartridge cases and ~6,bu11~t ~ro6f vests~" " Motion by ,Commissioner Stanley, secondedby:C~mmissioner Bjnig~ that' the City Manager b~authori zed 'to;adv~rt,i s,e ,.for, bi ds:.for; 40, paJr, of, pants, 40, long sleeve shirts, 50 short sleeve shirts, 17 belt sets andi6 bullet proof vests for the Police Department, with bids to be received on March 24, 1975. o Voti ng Aye: All, Voting No: None A statement for legal services for the months of October, November and December was sUQmitted ,for consideration by City Attorney Charles Cocj<rell in the amount of $2,506.50. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Comm,issioner Dunn, that Mr. Charles Cockrelil'si statem~ntin the~mount of $2,506.60 for legal serv.ices rendered during the months of October, November and December, be approved for payment. . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolutjon Numbe:r 75-6 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, William Dittert, Jr. has submitted his resignation as City Treasurer an;d Tax, Asses-sor/Collectorof the ,City of West University Place, Texas; '~Jld WHEREAS, upon the recommendation of the City Manager,'the City Com- mission desire to retain the services of the said Wi,11iam Dittert, Jr. for reason of his knowl~dge, ability and conscientiousness of the city's operation 'and financial records; and ". . ,', WHEREAS,; Wil:liam Dittert:, Jr. has ,agreed to serve as a,consultant to ~ . , .. ~, assist personn~l in -the financialop~rations of the, Finance and Tax Departments; and ' o o {'w QO tn '""::> C;j o o o p- [~~...~-~ ~"". 2ril " , WHEREAS, Mr. Dittertwi]l continue as Treasurer of the City of.West Univ~rsityPlace Employe'es Credit,Union; and ' WHER~AS, iti~ determined advisable to provide an 'office in the City Hall, separate and ap,art.,from the Finance Office,saH:l::office to be located on the second floor and shared with the Assistant Building Inspector; and WHEREAS, William Dittert, Jr. has agreed to serve in a limited capacity for a monthly retainer of $110.00 permont~ as a consultant with per- sonnel of the Finance and Tax Departments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY, PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. The Mayor and City Manager be, and they are hereby author- i zed to enter into an agreement with Will i am Dittert, Jr. emp 1 oyi ng Mr. Di ttert as consultant with city personnel in the Finance and Tax Departments. , Section 2. That Mr. Dittert shall becomper:lsated,for this services as consultant for'each month that he serves as such consultant by the sum of $110.00. Section 3. The Agreement shall be"effective March 1,1975 and shall be terminable upon thirty (30) days written notice by the city or William Dittert, Jr. PASSED AND APPROVED this'24th day of February, 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None /s/ Paul W. Wallin~ Jr. Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that Resolu- tion Number 75-6 authorizing an agreement with Wm. Dittert", Jr. for his employ- ment as consultant to personnel of the Finance and Tax Depattments~ be approved as read. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None An agreement with Mr. Wm. Dittert, Jr., who is retiring as City Treasurer and Tax Assessor/Collector, to employ Mr. Dittert as a consultant to personnel of the Finance and Tax Departments was presented for consideration. .,..! "I L____ J. _L L .J _. .....il. ..__l~ -------111 'j'. i' OJ'' - :.:mll:iirm[i[! , "I iOil": Le, , 1I"Tt'll. "21'2 ImII' 1i111.I1[T"[. "d' '],. ]1" --c:..n - r" , ~ 1 -rTi--" ..i.. ;1 Motion by 'Commissioner Stanley; seconded byComrnissioner Thompson, that the 0 Agreement between the City of West UniversityPlaceand'Wm. Dittert, Jr., be approved as read. Voting Aye : All Voting No:'~one The Commission was, advised that the re~ignation,of Mr. Wm. Dittert, Jr. as City Treasurer and Tax Assessor/Collector would create a vacancy in th~ posi- tion of Clerk of the MunicipalCourt'and ,that' Mr. Robert Harper, Assistant City Treasurer and Tax Assessor/Collector was qualified for appointment to such position. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig,that Mr. Robert Harper, Assistant City Treasurer and Tax Assessor/Collector be appointed Clerk of the Municipal Court. Voting Aye: , All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that remodeling of the Community Building could not be completed until a decision was made regarding color of the paint .tobe used ,on the exterior of the building. Motion by Commissioner Binig~ seconded' by Commissioner:Thompson, that the color of paint selected by the architect to match the color of the Library be used on the exterior of theCornmunity Building., Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Subsequ~nt to being advised that a sample ordinance had been received providing that each residence be required to post a house number on such residence, the City Manager was instructed to prepare an ordinance for consideration by the Ci ty Commi ssi on. ' In response to a question regarding ,the Commission's interest in endorsing the creation of a State Utility Commission, the City Manager was requested ,to furnish Commission members with information on the subject received from the Texas Muni- cipal League. It was suggested that the newly constructed lighted softball field be officially dedi cated duri ng the week of the openi ng of the softball season. Recreati on Department Director Charles Cowan will be requested to furnish a suitable date for such dedication. Following'9 disc,ussion with regard to necessary equipment to be placed in the darkroom at the Community Building, the following action was taken by the City Commission. Motion by Commissioner Stanley,secon ded by Commissioner Binig, that the City Manager, or hi s. designee" be authori zed to purchase equi pment, for the darkroom located at the Community Building, at a cos,t not to exceed $400..00. VbtingAye: All' Voting No: None o [J o t"- oe tn '""::> o Q o o 27'30 I The Commission was advised tha:t prog'rams offered by the Recreation Department would include a girls' spftbaJlleague', consisting ofa two-part league, junior girls age 8 through 1 i ,an(l senior girls age 12 througH'15. ' Members of the Commis,sionwere reminded o,f a meeting posted for :Wednesday night, February 26th for i ntervi ews andrecommendati ons :for ,appointment to certain boards and committees. ' , Minutes of the regular meeting of the Bicentennial Committee meeting on Feb- ruary 4, 1975, were presented to 'the 'Commission for their informafion. Minutes' of the recessed meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Monday, February 10, 1975, were presented to the Commission for their information. Mi'nu'tesof'the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning :Commission on Feb- ruary 11, 1975, were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the reg'ula'r meetin:g of the Electrical Board on February 17, 1975, were presented to the' Gommissionfor their i.nform,ation. . Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, February 10, 1975, were 'presented for consideration andthefollowfngaction taken: Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that minutes of the " regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday., February 10, 1975, be approved as changed to 'show' that AssiStant' City Manager Dan Edwards pres;ented' the Agenda in the absence of the City Manager at the regular meetingof'theCjtyCommission on February 10th. Voting Aye: All Voti ng, No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the..meetingadjourned at 11 :10 p.m. .~.u>.l.J~~ , Mayor, , { ATTEST: . .~ ~~/~ Ass s ant City Se retary , . ..i ... '11 .E:!!I-r. .... '.] l!!IlmH"!flI!::!... .r....' ]Ir-- ;i214 I ---r ,...-1-.: II! I' ~ ~-,--r--T 1'.1_ "!H4."lt.1ffi!:a~~r ,;,.ll REGULAR'MEEJfNG OF CITY COMMISSION' , MARCH 10, 1975 The City Commission convened in regu~lar ses:sion at the 'City Hall on Monday, March 10, 1975, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Wallin, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Stanley, Dunn and Thompson. The City Attor- ney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by :ColTimissionerThompson~ Resolution Number 75-7 was presented to the Commi~sion and read in full: WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission, pursuant to provi s ions 'o'fthe Ci ty 'ChaTter and' o:rdinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to va ri ous B:oa rds; and' . WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and interview.ed numerous ,q:ualified: citizens to serve on the Parks and Recreation Board of the City of West University Place, Texas; and " , WHEREAS,- certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Parks and' Recreation Board. NOW" THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY' THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY'PLACE, TEXAS:, Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as mem- bers of the Parks and Recreation Board: Mr. Larry'Aillet , Mrs. Sue Cole Mrs. Mary Lou Farrar Mrs. Peggy Martin Mr. Mike Parks Mr. Jerry Parish Mr. Joe Williams Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Parks and Recrea- tion Board shall serve without compensation~ Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Parks and Recrea- tion Board shall serve until the next regular general City Election of the City Commission, and thereafter ,until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED this 10th day of March, 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None Is/ Paul W. Wallin, Jr. Mayor ATTEST: Isl Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary o o o o f"* 00 tn '""::> Q o o o 2fr:J' Motion by Commissioner'B'inig, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that Resolution Number 75-7 appointing members of the Parks and Recreation Board, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All' Voting No: None Mayor Wallin then administered the Oath to the following as members of the Parks and Recreation Board of the City of West University Place: Mr. Larry Ail let,. 4221 Sunset: Mrs. Sue Cole, 3523 Robinhood Mrs. Mary Lou Farrar, 4124 Marquette ~1rs. Peggy Martin, 4037 Arnold Mr. Mike Parks~ 6427 Buffalo , Mr'; Jerry Pari sh, 4007 Browni ng" , Mr.' Joe Will i ams; 3112 Lafayette Resolution Number 75-8 was presented to the Commission and read in full: , WHEREAS, it is the obli,gat,iO,n'of;the City Commission, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards; and ' WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and interviewed numerous qualified citizens to serve on the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certafn persons have ii1dicateda de'sire and willingness to serve as members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Secti on 1. That the foll owing persons be appointed to serve' as mem- bers of the Zoning Board of Adjustmenv: Mr. John Ayres' Mr. Frank Billings Mr. Mike Casey' Mr. Bob R. Johnson Mr. Richard Wilkins Mr. Frank Burge" Alternate Mr. Dan Doughty, Alternate Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Zoning Board of 'Adjustment shall serve without compensation;.: , . . , Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall serve until the next regular general City Election of the City Commission, and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED,THIS 10th DAY OF MARCH, 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None II ----, .. 1f11'7 rnr' I' . . "1 'I i1 IIr ',2761 .1 .l~rrjlJl-'._. .~. 1 ]11 L- -1- II I: r--' I 1.:::1 r---r I , : /s/P,aul W~\Wallin, Jr. Mayo r ' ATTEST: Lee Lockard Assis'tant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that Reso- lution Number 75-8 appointing members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, be approved as read. " Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Wallin then adminfstered the Oath to the following as members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of West University Place: Mr. 00hi1Ayres, 2727 Amherst Mr. Frank Billings, 3123 Sunset Mr.' Mi ke Casey, 3115 Duke Mr. Bob Johnson~ 3514 AlbansRoad Mr. Richard Wilkins, 3305 Amherst Mr. Frank Burge, 6345 Brompton (Alternate) Mr. 'Dan Doughty" 3840 Byron (Al ternate) Reso 1 uti on Number 75-9 was presented to: the Commi ssi on and read' in full: ',' WHEREAS, it is the obligati'on of the City Commission, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint' members to various Boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and interviewed numerous qualified citizens to serve on the Personnel Board of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Personnel Board. , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS : Section 1. That the following p~rsons be appointed to serve as mem- bers of the Personnel Board: Mr.: Joe Bracewell Mr. Harry Bristol Mr. H. L. Britton Section 2 .: That the persons hereby app:otnted to the Personnel Board shall se~vewithout ~6mpensation. ' Section 3. That the persons, hereby appointed to the Personnel Board shall serve until the next regular general City Election of the City Commission, "'&......J,w,. F .IJ I~l U o [J ~}. I," ,t, I ....... 00 in l""':) o 0, o o I 21"~ ' and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APpROVED THIS 10th DAYOFMARC;~,,;,1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None /s! Paul Wallin, Jr. Mayor ATTEST: Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that Resolution Number 75-9 appointing mefube~s of ~he Personnel Board, be approved as read~ Voting Aye: All Voti ng No: -None Mayor Wallin then administered the Oath to the following as members of the Personnel Board of the City of West University Place: Mr. Joe Bracewell, 3609 Plumb Mr. Harry Bristol, 2801 Nottingham Mr. H. L. Britton, 3609 Albans Mr.' Dieter Ufer, Bayshore Engineers~ Inc., presented an interim repor:ton the infiltration/inflow analysis of the city's sanitary sewer collection system and their i,nvestigation of the existing wastewater treatment facility.' Mr. Ufer stated that the sewer disposal plant completed in 1947 was in bad, conditi'on"as were all of the'city's lift 'stations with exception'of the: newly constructed lift station on Weslayan. Mr. Ufer stated that most of the monitoring of the lines had been completed and that another report would be presented to the Commission in a month. Mayor Wa 11 in ,thanked Mr. Ufer for hi s report and expressed the Commi ssi on's appreciation for the work being done. In accordance with previous action of the City Commission, bids received for drainage and gradin.gof the newly constructed softball fi.eld :located on Houston Indepe"ndent School Di'str:i ct prop'erty, were opened and results an- nounced as follows: Duty Construction Ben Fel ts : : Hustl er Con'structi on K & C Utility McDonald Construction J. C. Construction Precision ,Grading 14,07-0.25 , 6,907.57 '8,419.00 12,554.50 9,474.50 7, 03S .00 , ' 9,899.00 ---J.JI: 11 I'l~ _" ".rm::mrmrrrr r " rilL! [,: '" 2'i-sL I I . .. .J !!l!lm1f"Jrm:=r:']' , ]1,' - - -~--L-!.L- II t. I Ii 1- ri---r--T ,1:1/,(1" l' ,~;<, .~".-",,~"'bJ.~'i: I....,\- '~dlof4>\l Moti on by 'Coniniiss.;orte'r' Stanl ey, seconded by Corhmi ssioner Thompson, that bi ds received for drainage and grading of the softball field be referred to the I] City Manager for study and tabulation with a recommendation to be made to I I the City Commission at its next regular meeting on March 24, 1975. ~ ~\ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 1034 was presented to the Commission and read in full: , , AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY AMENDING SECTION 23-137 TO PROVIDE FOR THE IMPOUNDMENT OF A MOTOR VEHICLE UPON THE IN- , CARCERATION' Of' ITS OPERATOR; liD'PROVIDE-FOR,ASTORAGE FEE; PROVIDING FOR THE DISPOSITION OF ABANDONED VEHICLES IN AC- ' CORDANCEWITH ARTICLE 6687-9, V.R.C.S.; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ' Motion by CommJssionerThompson,seconded by Commissioner Dunh, that Ordinance Number 1034 providing for the impoundment of motor vehicles upon the Incar- ceration of its operator and providing for a storage fee, be approved as read. Voting Aye: Commissfoner Binig Commissioner Dunn Commissioner Thompson It was the decision ofth~ Commission that a policy. be established whereby 0 I all persons incarcerated in the city's jail be advised that following a forty- eight hour period a storage fee would be charged on any vehicle left on city property~ '., Voting No: Commissioner Stanley Resolution Number 75-10 was 'presented to the- Commission ahd read in fun: WHEREAS, Mr. Michael Wa,ite, employed as Pol ice Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Muni ci pa r Court oftheCi ty of West University Place, Texas, has resi.gned his, employment with the city; and WHEREAS, Mrs. RebeccaAnz has been employed as Police Dispatcher, and is qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: . Sect'i on 1'. That Mrs. Rebecca, Anz be, and she 'i s' hereby, appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal:Court'of the Cftyo'fWest University Place, Texas. Section 2. That the appointment of Mrs. RebeccaAnz as Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of' the, City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the .passage of this Resolution ,and that she shall assume the assigned duties of.De.puty Clerk after 'having' been administered the proper Oath of Office. - , , , PASSED -AND APPROVED THIS '10th DAY OF MARCH, 1975. o 0'. , , ........ 00 tn ""':> o o o o 219 Commissioners Voting Aye: ' All Commissioners Voting No: ,None /5/ Paul, W~Wal1in. Jr. Mayor'''''" ATTEST: ' Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Binig'~: seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that Resolution Number 75-10 appointing Po1.ice Dispatcher: Rebecca Atlz as Deputy Clerk of the Numicipal Court, be approved: as read. Voting Aye:' All Voting No': None The Commi ssi on was advi sed that the current appoi ntment of: Mr.', Charl es Orsburn as Assistant Judge of the Municipal Court would expire on March 13, 1975, and consideration should be given to re-appointment if it was the desire of the City Commission to retain such position. Motion by Commissioner Thompson~ seconded by Commissioner Binig!t that. Mr. Charles Orsbu.rnbe re-appointed Assistant Judge of the Municipal Court for a period of sixty (60) days beginning March 13; 1975. Voting Aye: All Voting No:,' None The Commission was advi.sed that $2,500,had been appropriated 'in the 1975 budget for publication of an annual report, for the year 1974, and that consideration shoul dbe gi yen to the format to be used,. c010rs ,for both the print and: paper" and information to be contained in the report. ' , Motion by Commissioner Stanley, s.econded by Commissioner; Binig, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received on April 14, 1975, for pub1ication of an annual report u~ing two or three colOrs. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None It was the decision of'the City Commission that further discussion regarding the annual':report. could be held at a Commission workshop meeting to be held' on Monday ,March 17, 1975. ' , , The Commission wasadvi sed: that newly employed Water Superi'ntendent ,Jim Hicks had made an investigation of" the control equipment used in the city's water system and new equipment would be necessary for the modification and updating of the pump control equi pmen't. ' Motion by Comffiissi oner Bi nJg, se:condedby, :Commi ss,i oner: Stanl ey, .thatth~ City Manager be authori zed to advert; se for bi ds to be receiveq on Apri 114, 1975, for the necessary equipment 'for modification and updating of pump control equipment located at the Water Plant. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None 11 IJ!I;L . .1 !lIT[[!lCmn.: 1"1. ]11 L..ll I" I I I I I ..',,1 ,,_ ,280 Mr. Mike Parks of the Parks and Recreation Board presented an estimate pre- pared by Valmic Electric Company to relocate poles and lights at the Weir Park tennis courts for a total sum of $2,510.00. Mr. Parks stated that his 0 only purpose in obtaining the estimate was to compare current prices with those recommended by the Board at the time the City Commission was consider- , ing the 1975 budget. A report from Mr. A. L. Bearden, Street Superintendent, was presented listing charges of approximately $4,041.00 for upgrading the Weir Park tennis court lights in accordance with recommendations received from Houston Lighting and Power Company. Following a general discussion regarding ,the desirability of obtaining the best lighting fo~ the tennis court with the least expenditur~ of funds, the City Manager was instructed to prepare specifications for the lighting. Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconded by Commissioner Binig" that the City Manager be instructed to proceed with upgrading the lighting of the Judson Park tennis:court1ights in accordance with" previous deds:ions as to method and co~t.'" , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that there were 522 junk water meters located at the Water Plant that had"accumulatedover a period of years and were not suitable for trade-,;n on the purchase'of new meters. It was pointed out that the best means of disposition of the meters would be sale, on a competitve bid basis, to scrap metal dealers. Voting Aye: All Votihg No: None' n Attention of' the Commi ssion wasdi rected:,to the fact that during the process of cleaning the swimming pool it was discovered that the pool was in need'of r.esurfacing, especially the bottom of the pool. An information quotation had been receive? for" replasterin9 the po~l at an approximate cost of $6,700.00. Members of the Commission were agreed that resurfacing of the poolwo:uld en- hance its appearance and the comfort of its patrons, but in view of the ex- cessive estimate for such repairs, it was their decision to delay the project unti 1 1976. Bids receivedbi the CityConimfsslon'on September 23, 1974, for the construc- tion of a parking lot adjacent to the City Hall were rejected because of the cost involved. The Commission was advised that it was now deemed feasible to re-advertise for bids with the suggestion that bids be requested for con-' crete constructi on with an alternate bid' for' aspha lt constructi on'. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received on April 14, 1975, for ,the construction of a concrete parking lot, with an 'alternate bid for asphalt constructio,n; " ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o n u ['ot 'JO tn '""::> o o 0,. " o F-u 2~l' The Ci ty Manager was:" -1 nstructed to engage theservi ces of Mr-. Di eter Ufer of Bayshore Engineers in the preparation of an alternate bid. Upon being advised that shades, venetian blinds or other type covering is needed for the windows at the Community Building, and, that the estimated cost would be approximately $2,000, the City Commission took the following action :,-,., , ";fif' Motion by Commissioner. Stanley, seconded 'by Commissioner Binig, that the: City Manager be requested to prepare, specifications for coverings' for all exterior windows at the Community Building using modern type venetian blinds, , roll up shades, etc. Voti ng, Aye: - All Voting No: None In connection with Item 17 on the agenda, re-evaluation program, Mayor Wallin asked the City Manager to' present' information concerning this subject. The following information was presented. The City Charter pe:rmH:s a maximum tax rate of $1.85 perone hundred dollar valuation, ten 'cents of which could, be allocated to the Health Fund and the ba.l ance to the Genera:l Fund. If it was the decision of the Commission to have a complete re-evaluation of all taxable property, personal and real, a professional firm could, be employed to perform such re-evaluation or it could be performed bY staff personnel. The following 1974-1975 compari.sons oJ tax assessment and collection was pre- sented to the Commission: 1974 Tax Assessment and Collection $ 50~491,000 x $1.5Q tax rate = $ 757,365.00 Collection, based on 95% - 95 x '$757,365.00.= ' $ 719,496.00 receivable 1975 Tax Assessment and Collection {Anticipated) $ 50,491,000 plus 5% inc'rease over year 1974 $ 53,000,000 x $1.75 tax rate = ' $927,500.00 $927,506 x 95% ~ollection = $881,125.00 1975 receivable = $881,125.00 1974 receivable = $719,496.00 Anticipated increase = $161,629.00 The,City Manager was instructed to request a professional,in the field of tax ,appraisal to meet with members 6fthe Ci tyCommi ss.ion i ri~'worksh6p , sesslon on Monday, March 17, 1975, to fUY'ther,consider:a're:O:appraisal program. . A review of the meeting helqb.}:' the City Com":,issioner Thompson, that the In-, dependence Park Committee by authorized to proceed with its effort to make the park a reality by deterfrfi,h:tD9,:tbe' Pnastng=-Jor~:.the:~n:tlre,~~paTk;defining the scope and expense of Phase 1; reviewing plans with residents adjoining the Virginia Street right-of-way and the employment of Mr. Bill Schiebe as a ...".. ~~ .L._ ~ L...l _ J~ L:~ II til 111' " " DIDlmmm ' I.... 'lull Il ", j I I 't ., ~. I . 1282 '. ] nmrrTrmn:-r.. ... .:. I .. ]11 ,- r'] ['--" r-I -r-r-r--j consultant, at a fee not to exceed $750,.00, subject to revi ew by the City Commission before' formal acti'on is taken and approval by the Zoning and Plan- ning Commission. 'Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised memoers of the Commission that he had obtained a copy of the opinion in the case Doy D. Myers vs Zoning and Planning Commission of the: City of West University Place and copies could be obtained from the office of the City Manager. -, , . : Mayor Wallin advised the Commission that a letter h,ad been received from County Commissioner Tom Bass acknowledging receipt of a Resolution request- ing the return of Weslayan Street to the County Road Log. Mayor Wallin referred the corresponsde,nce to City Attorney,Charles'Cockrell 'for~review. In response toa request: of the', City Comnii,ssion for informal quotations to connect three University Boulevard residences to existing ,sanit~ry sewer 1 i nes.l ocated in the rear from connecti on into an abandoned sewer 1 i ne, the followi~g quotations were presented. Ray Hughes Plumbing Company Layne'Plumbing,Company A; l.Partatn Plumbing, Inc. Jeanes Plumbing 3,500.00 3,194.00 2,478.00 1,934.50 The quotations were for the in.s.tallation of PVC pipe; use of concrete pipe would increase each quotation by approximately $500.00. The City Manager was authorized to negotiate with each of the residents involved regarding participation in ,the work on a 50/50% basis with the city and report to the City ,Commission at its next regular meeting on March 24th. Commissioner Stanley was advised that included on the city's work order was the regular spring maintenance of the trees and plants located in the city's parks, and that Bradshaw's Nursery had been requested to replant one tree and fertilize others included under their contract. ' o The City Manager was instructed to prepare a signing program for use in con- junction with the city's bicycle lanes for presentation to the City Commission. Commissioner Binig was requested to delay consideration of ,granting a $3,000 homestead exemption to property owners sixty-five years of age and more until a decision had been reached regarding a proposed property re-evaluation pro- gram. The City Commission instructed that the Bicentennial Committee be advised of the desire of the Commission to. me,et with the Committee :atits next meeting to discuss financial assistance that may be required and to explore ideas for the design of a "West University" f.lag. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Bicentennial Committee on February 18, 1975, were presented 'to the Commission for their information. o o l..... Xl tn '""::> o o o o 2830 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on Feb- ruary 25, 1975, were presented to the Commis'sion for their information. Minutes of the regular me~ting of the City Commission/~;,o}1. Monday, February 24, 1975, were presented for, consideration and the followl'ng action taken: Motion by Commi ssfoner Thompson ,'.'seconded by Commi ssi oner Dunn" that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commi"sslonon Monday, February 24, 1975, be ap- proved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission 'at this; time, upon motion duly ~ade, seconded and carriBd;themeeting adjourned at 11:OQ p.m. f?~w. W~ ~ . , , Mayor " , ( ATTEST: ,oeu"/~ Assistant City Secretary . "2'~i4 ~ 'Il!!lmTE!1DIO:.'.: II". ]1"' I ~:.J" 1::::::J ,1' -" REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION Ma,rch' 24, 1975 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, March 24,,1975', 7:30 p.m., with the: following membe'rs present: Mayor Wallin, presiding; Commissioners'Binig, Dunn, Stanley, and Thompson. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocati on was pronounced by Mayor Wall in. In accordance; with previous action of the City Commission, bids received for del i very of one 1250 gpm 'pumper were opened and results announced as follows: Mack Trucks, Inc. J. W. Thompson Ward LaFrance $ 66,830.00 No Bid 61,466.00 180-220 working days 18 mos. delivery Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that bids received for delivery,of one 1250 gpm pumper be referred to the City Manager and Fire Chief for analysis, study and tabulation, with a recommendation to be presented to the City Commission at its next regular meeting on April 14th. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with previous action of the City Commission, bids received for delivery of Police Department uniforms were opened and results announced as follows: BInDER ITEM Special Duty Trousers Short Sleeve Shirts Long Sleeve Shirts TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL ~RIGE BID PRICE $ 1,763.50 Burke Uniform~ Inc. $ 13.95 558.00 12.95 647.50 13.95 558.00 13.25 662.50 14.20 568.00 14.25 598.00 $ 1,828.50 FACTORY SALES COMPANY Short Sleeve Shirts Long Sleeve Shirts Special Duty Trousers Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that bids re- ceived for furnishing 40 pair of special duty trousers, 50 special duty short sleeve shirts and 40 special duty long sleeve shirts, as Police Department uniforms, be referred to the City Manager for study and tabulation, with a recommendation to be presented to the City Commission at its next regular meeting on April 14th. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with previous action of the City Commission, bids received for delivery of sixteen (16) armor bullet protection front vests were opened and results announced as follows: o [J o 285~ 0 BIDDER UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE Modus Operandi 49.00 784.00 J. W. Thompson 47.50 760.00 Winston Products 5n~ 00 800.00 Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that bids received for delivery of sixteen (16) armor bullet protection vests be referred to the City Manager for study, tabulation and recommendation to the City Com- mission. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ...... ac tn '""::> ~ o In accordance with previous action of the City Commission, bids received for delivery of one tractor mower for use in the city's parks, were opened and results announced as follows: MANUAL MEETS HYDRAULIC MEET BIDDER MAKE BID SPECS. BiEI SPECS. Goldthwaites of Houston Bolen 1,435~OO Yes 1,627.50 Yes Craig Tractor Company Int Il. Harvester 1,454.61 Yes 1,746.37 Yes Plains Machinery Company Int Il. Harvester 1,520.00 Yes 1,660.00 No Fairbanks Tractor & I nt 1 1 . Harvester 1,588.00 Yes 1 ,926.10 Yes Implement Company o Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that,bids received for one tractor mower be referred to the City Manager for review and tabulation, with a recommendation to be presented at the next regular meeting of the City Commission. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that Mr. Bob Johnson, ;3514 Albans Road, recently appointed to serve asa member. of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, was out of the city on business. Mr~Johnson will be administered the Oath upon his return. Mayor Wallin administered the Oath to Mr. Joe Bracewell, 3609 Plumb, recently appointed member of the Personnel Board~ inasmuch as Mr. Bracewell was unable to attend the meeting at which other members of the Board were administered the Oath. o The Commission was presented Estimate Number 4, in the amount of $10,087.94, submitted by McCall & Son 'Construction and certified by Langwith,Wilson, King and House, architects, for work completed to date.on remodeling the Community Bui 1 di ng.' , . " Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commi.ssioner'Thompson, that Estimate Number 4, in the amount of $10~087.94, submitted by McCall 'and Son Construction and certified by Langwith~ WilSon, King and House, :architects, for work completed on the remodeling of the Community Building, be'approved for payment. ' , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None " , I I r -, llr , 1 - ""1 un I lifT! I' 'l.lir f," ,11, UIIL 286 l~llillll[Jlll ! I, JII LJ I I I II , ]1-. :11 The Commission was advised that additional information had not been prepared regarding the $3,000 homestead' exemption for persons age sixty-five and older because the extent of discussion and information desired was unknown. o Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, 'that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the proper ordfnance for passage at the next regular meeting of the City Commission, granting a $3,000 homestead tax 'exemption to property owners age sixty-five and: over. ' . , Motion amended by Commissioner Thompson, accepted by Commissioner Binig, that an ordinance be prepared for consideration by the City Commission, rather than for passage, at the next regular meeting. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The City Manager was instructed to request that the Tax Department analyze the city's tax roll in order to provide the Commission a realistic cost esti- mate to grant a$3~000 homestead exemption to property owners age sixty-five and over. In ,accordance with the provisions of Ordinance Number 995, the Commission was advised that a Chairman should be appointed to serve for a period of one year on the Parks and,Recreation Board. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that Mr. Mike Parks be appointed Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board for the year 1975. Voting Aye: All Voti'ng No: None, o The Commission reviewed specifications submitted by the Parks and Recreation Board for changes to th~ tennis court lights at Weir Park. It wa~ noted that changes recommended were quite similar to those made by Street Superintendent A. L. Bearden previously. Motionby,Commissioner Dunn~ seconded by:Commissioner Thompson, that specifi- cations be prepared and the City Manager authorized to advertise for bids for improvement of the tennis court lights at Weir Park, such specifications to include an alternatebid:forthe removal of the existing light pole foundations two (2) feet below grade level, with:bids to be received by the City Commission on April 28, 1975. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that in order to comply with the request of the Independence Park Committee, to engage the services of Mr. Bill Schiebe, park consultant, in the preparation of a grant request under the Community, Block Program, it would be necessary for the City Commission to authorize employment of Mr. Schiebe.' Motion by Commissioner Du~n,se~onded by Commissioner Thompson, that Mr. Bill 0 Schiebe, parkconsLiltant,'be employed to prepare an application for grant funds under the Community Block Program, at a fee not to exceed $750.00' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o l~ 00 tn I""::> ~ o ~" ! l. I, o ~ , ,I" . 281l' I May<;>r Wallin requested all members to attend a meeting to be held or March 25, 1975, 9:00 a.m. in the Conference Room 4100A, 4th floor, Houston Ci1ty Hall Annex, Bagby at Walker Streets'~ of local officia'ls wish-ing to join ithe City of Houston in preparation of a case opposing a rate increase propso~d by Houston Natural GasComp'ahy~' ' , ><"'i. I , ! ' The Commission was advised ,that Mr. Ben Felts of Ben Felts Utility ;Contract-, ing Company had submitted a low bid of $6,907.57 for drainage and grading of the softball field located on ,the West University Elementary School] campus and had been highly recommended by the cities of Livingston, Deer P~rk and S b k' " I ea r,oo .' , , : i Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, tha:t Ben Felts Utility Contracting Company be officially awarded a contract ~or drain- age and grading of the softball field in accordance with city speci~ications in an amount not to exceed $6.907.57. i I Voting Aye: All Voting No: None~ The Commission was advised that inasmuch as the quantity of fi,ll di~tto.,be used in the project was an estimated amount; the speci,fications inciluded a provision for the city to pay on actual cubic yards delivered, the~efore" . there was a possibility that the total cubic yards would exceed thel estima- ted amount of $1,000 cubic yards, resulting in a higher fee for thel project. Reso 1 ut ion .Number t5~lU, was /pl"esented:to::: the:Coli1mi ss jorLand;H~ead tn! 'full :" I WHEREAS, Charles E. Duffin was heretofore employed by the! City of West University Place, Texas, as Chief of the Fire Department of salid ci,ty for. a period of seventeen (17) years; and ' I , "',,. I, , WHEREAS, Charles E. Duffin's employment by said city ter~inated €In , I December 1,1974; and! i WHEREAS, during the time that said Charles E. Duffin ser~ed as Chief of the Fire Department of said city his compensation did not incluc\e any amount for length of service; and I WHEREAS, said Charles E. Duffin, has asserted a claim for additonal compensation from said city in the nature of additi6nal~ sums ,for 'length of service; and ! i WHEREAS, an agreement has been reached between Charles E.! Duffi nand the City of West University Place, Texas, to compromise and settle I'the contro~ versy existing between them by the payment of the sum of ,$1,766.00 to said CharlesE. Duffin in full satisfaction of any and all claims by Charles E.- , Duffin against said ,city. , , i ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISS'ION OF ITHE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' .', ' , I ' , I Section 1. Tha tthe Mayor be, and he i-s hereby auth€lri zdd to pay to Charles E. Duffin the sum of $1,766.00 in full satisfaction and se~tlement of any and all claims by said Charles E. Duffin against said city. " I , I L.---------1........l.-1 .II . r II .. j _ .:-=-c--J , .....JII' i:ill , :- "rr:n111.1lIililli I' mil' 'it' ,J,~lll, ,288 , , .J IlJlliltIU~'H"" I I. III i LI II f' I , I IJI 'jliei' ~11'lt~.,tl.~~J<. , I .,.' <,' --;~~, ~ ; ~ Cl Section 2. That prior to the payment of said sum of $1,766.00 to- said Charles E. Duffin, a properly executed release of all claims against the 0 city shall be, duly executed by said CharlesE. Duffin and delivered to the city. Section 3. That all acts of the Mayor and City Manager:in connection with the negotiation an.d settlement of this claim be, and they are hereby, ratif;edandconfirmed~ <" PASSED AND APPR9VED THI'S 24th DAY OF f4ARCH, :191'5. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None ./s/ Paul W. l~a 11 in, Jr. Mayor ATTEST: '~s/Lee".Lo~cka'rd Assi stant C,ity Secretary Motion by 'Commissioner Blnig, seconded by Cominiss,ioner Dunn, that Resolution Number 75~11 authorizing: payment, of the sum of $1,766~OO to former Fire Chief C. E. Duffin in full satisfaction and settlement of any and all claims ~gainst the city, be approved as read.' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 75-12 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, a claim has been asserted by Assistant Chief of Police Harold E. Shipp (former Chief of Pol ice) for additional amounts as part of the compensatipn due to hi~ during the time of his employment as Chief of Police and as Assis.tant Chief of Police; and . ' ,', , WHEREAS, said claim is based upon amounts due for length of service, rank pay, i ntenti ve pay: and pay increases as fallows: ' Longevity Payments (197301974) Rank Pay (1974) Incentive Pay (1974) Difference in' Salar-y of 6% and 7-1-1/2% (1944) $ 1,950.00 300.00 180.00 195.84 and WHEREAS, the claim of Assistant Chief of Poli,ce Harold E.; SMpp for additional payment for length of service is not admitted, but is expressly denied, but the City Commission of the City of West University Place, in an effort tp compromise and settle the claim being asserted, has agreed to offer to pay the sum of $ 2,625.84 in full settlement of all claims by Assistant Chief Harold E. Shipp against said city. , NOW,>tHEREFORE, BE, IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ' WEST UNIVERSITYPLACE~ TEXAS: o o @"" ~'j , ,~ :~ :'i',' t..... X> tn '""::> Q o '~I: j: I ,. Di' i' . I. i. . f) y \l,,~- ~O~. Section 1. That the Mayor' be, and he is hereby, -authorized to pay to Assistant Chief HaroldE. Shipp the ~um of $2~625.84 in full settlement of all claims asserted by said Assistant Chief Harold E. Shipp arising out of, or because of his employment by the city in any capacitY,and specifically for any length of service pay, and70r' any other sums as provtaed for in Resolution No. 73-18, passed August 13, 1973. Section 2. That prior to the payment of said sum of $2,625.84 to said Harold, E. Shipp, a properly executed release of all claims against the city sha 11 be duly executed by said Harold E. Shi pp and deli vered to the city. . Section 3. It is hereby determined that Assistant, Chief of Police Harold E. Shipp is entitled to the following pay arrangements, retroactive to January 1, 1975~ in addition to his regular salary as Assistant Chief of Police: . . Longevity Payment - $ Incentive Pay Rank Pay Salary Difference 100.00 per month 15.00 per month 25.00 per month 16.32 per month These sums shall be paid to Harold E. Shipp monthly until the termina- tion of his services on June 1, 1975. These payments do not include accrued sick leave or vacation, which will become due and payable upon his retirement. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 24th day of MARCH, 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: : No Isl Paul W. Wallin, Jr~, Mayor ATTEST: Lee Lockard Assl,stant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissi.oner Dunn, that Resolu- tion Number 75-12 authorizing payment to Assistant Chief of. Police Harold E. Shipp of certain sums for length of service pay, rank pay, incentive pay and difference in salary of 6% and 7~1/2%, in accordance with the provisions of Resolution Number 73-18, in the total amount of $2,625.84, be approved as read. ' Voting, Aye: All Voting No: None , . Resolution Number 75-13 was presented to the Commission ,ana read in full: WHEREAS, Chief of the Fire Department Ben Wilcher and Chief of the Police Department Richard Kesselus have requested that 'they be granted addi- tional compensation for length of service; and '- "' L ; ---.Jlr 1.li 'lTUrhirmmil ro" "Ju[J" "ir" . j LLLII -r-.-----I I l. I '.. ,11, UUL 290' , , J IIJIllIIIIIlIIIll II III IILI I I II I Ii': I;I:':!~~" I : ;:Jj WHEREAS, members of the Fire Department and Police Department of of the City of West University Place, other than the aforesaid heads of such Departments, have been receiving additional compensation for length of s'ervice; and " - , , WHEREAS~ the City Commission has determined that it desires to include the Chiefs of the Fire Department and the Police Department among those persons entitled to additional compensation for length of servi ce pay.' , , NOW, THEREFORE'" BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO~1MISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the Chief of the Fire Department and the Chief of the Police Department shall be entitled to receive length of service pay, in addition to other compensation, in the amounts: and for the periods specified in the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas. Sect ion 2. Such 1 ength' of servi ce payments shall be effective as January 1, 1975, and the Ci ty 'Tr-easurer is hereby authori zed to pay to Chief of the Fire Department Ben Wilcher and Chief of the- Police Department Richard Kesselus any monthly sums which have accrued since that date. ' PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 24th day of March, 1975. ATTEST: Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None Isl Paul W. WalJin Jr. Mayor Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commis-sioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that Re'so- lution Number 75-13 authorizing payment of longevity to Chiefs of the Fire and Police Departments, effective January';l;,Jg:z~ be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A Fi na 1 Report from the Zooi ng and Pl ani ng Commi ss~onrr:eoommeria;j!gg-~tbaLtbe city's Zoning Ordinance Number 111 be amended by the creation ot' a Townhouse! Clusterhouse, District embracing Lots 9, 7,8, 9 and the east 10' of Lot 10, Block 1, Kent Place Addition, was presented to the Commission for their consi dera ti on.' Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that the Final Report of the Zoning and Planning Commission, dated March 24, 1975, recom- mending an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to create.a,TownoouselClusterbouse Districtembracing,Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and the eas.tlO' of Lot 10, Block 1, Kent Place Addition, be accepted~ ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o f1 LJ rl LJ o l.... 00 tn '""::> o o rn rn t.", I I -t>.,. 291 A Final Report of the Zoning and Planning Commission recommending an, amendment to the city's Zoning Ordinance Number 111 to permit the additional use for vehicle parking on Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10~ Block '2,~"" Collegeview 1st Addi- tion, was presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the Final Report of the Zoning and Planning Commission dated March 24, 1975, recommend- ing an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to permit parking on Lots' 5,'6, T, 8, 9 and 10, Block 25, Collegeview 1st Addition, be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 1035 was presented to the Commission and read in full AN ORDINANCE CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:30 P. M. TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1975. TO CONSIDER A REPORT OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING COM- MISSION RECOMMENDING AN'AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NUMBER 111 TO REZONE LOTS 6, 7, 8, 9 AND THE EAST 10 FEET OF LOT 10, BLOCK 1, KENT PLACEADDITION~ TO PERMIT CON- STRUCTION ,OF TOWNHOUSES/CLUSTERHOUSES; AND TO REZONE LOTS 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 AND 10~ BLOCK 25; COLLEGEVIEW 1St ADDITION TO PERMIT THE ADDITIONAL USE fOR VEHICLE PARKING; PROVIDING FOR A JOINT HEARING ON SAID DATE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND ZONING AND PLANNING COMMIS- SION; DIRECTING THAT NOTICE OF SAID HEARING BE GIVEN AS PROVIDED BY LAW; REQUIRING THAT A COpy OF THE REPORT , OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION BE FILED IN THE, OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY; AND' PROVIDING AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that Ordinance Number 1035 calling for a joint public hearing by the City COmmission and Zoning and Planning Commission on April 22,1975, 7:30 p.m'., to consider the Final Reports of the Zoning and Planning Commission, be approved asc,read~ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None City Attorney Charles Cockrel,l advised the Commission that' in the case Doy Myers vs City of West University ,Place Zoning and Planning Commission, an, application had again been submitted to the Court of Civil Appeals. Members of the Commission were advised that the Bicentennial Committee would meet on Tuesday, April 1st, 7:30 p.m., and they were requ,ested to attend in order to review projects planned by the Committee; determine funding that would be necessary for the Bicentennial projects; and reach a decision as to plans for a 4th of July celebration honoring the 50th anrdversary of the City of West University Place. Members of the Commission were requested to suggest names of, candidates to be interviewed for membership on the Plumbing and, Electrical Boards. The Commission was advised by the City Manager that Police Chief Richard 'Kes- selus had been extended an invitation to attend the F.B.I. Academy for a three- , 1'1 I I I . , .lIr' .. tT ~. ... i.i1nr ITmrIIT . '1' . '1,1fT" ,t ii . I 'II ," !]i1E . . .J l!l'l!!I1rT1IJn"T1..._._ _ 11' . ]11-- L..:"] !~!.I: ,-- r I-T" --::I ,,' i ".U <or' -I '292 month peri od and wi 11 1 ~a ve for Quanti co" Vi rgi ni a on Apr,i 16th. The sum of $500.00 was provided in the 1975 )budget, for this training. ' Funds provided by I!] the U. S. Department of Justice will defray costs involved in training, food and lodging. The City Commission agreed that advance training of this nature for the Chief of Police would be a decided advantage to the city, and concur- red in the arr,angementS made by the Cit.y Manager in this respect. The Commi ssion was advi sed that Street Superi'ntendent A. L. Bearden had pl aced an order for the paint necessary for re-stripihg the bicycle lanes. Members of the Commission requested that the Police Department consider holding a class at the West University Elementary School on riding bicycles in designated bicycle lanes. The Commission requested that members of the Police Department be requested to make necessary arrangments with the West University Elementary School for a presentation on riding in bicycle lanes. The City Manager was instructed to put the selection of'a depository for city funds on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the City Commission. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on March 11, 1975, were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on March 17, 1975, were presented to the Commission for their information. ' Minutes of the regular meeting of the Accident and Safety Review Committee of March 11, 1975, were presented to the Commission for the informatioh. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and .Planning Commission on March 18, 1975, were presented to the Commission for their information. o Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, March 10, 1975; were presented to the Commission and the following action' taken: Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded: by Commissioner Dunn" that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, March 10, 1975, be approved as submitted. " Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the: Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. {%...rUV{IJdL, ~ MAYOR ATTEST: ~~~~ ASS STANT IT SECRETARY , o o t....... ~ lD '""::> o Q o o 293 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION April'14,1975i The City Commission convened: in regular session at th,e City, Hall; on Monday, April 14, 1975, 7:30 p.in::~:With the fol'lowing members~c'present: Mayor Wallin, preSiding; Commissioners Binig, Dunn', Stanley and Thompson. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Dunn. Misses Terry Sehested, Martha Binig, Jayne Amann, Catherine Bernhard and Susa Peterman, representatives of Girls' Scout Troop 819, appeared before the City Commission advising that window decals commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the City of West University Place, in order to raise funds to attend a Girls' Scout camp in Mexico during the summer, wou'ld be offered for sale to the public. Commissioner Binig, Scout Leader of Girl's Scout Troop 819, who had returned from a Girl Scout camp in Zilcher Park, Austin, Texas, and a visit at a session of the State Legislature, immediately prior to the beginning of the City Com- mission meeting stated that she needed to take the girls to'herhome where their parents would pick them up and visit with her family momentarily. Mr. Bob Johnsbn~ 3514 Albans Road, was introduced asa member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment and administered the Oath by Mayor. Wallin inasmuch as he was' not able to attend the meeting of the City Commission at which other Board members were administered the Oath. ' Members of the Commission expressed their appreciation to Mr. Johnson for accept- ing appointment as a member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment: Resolution Number 75-14 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission, pursant to provi s ions of the Ci tyCharter and ordi n:ances 'heretofor'e adopted, to appoi nt members to various Boards and Committees; and, WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and interviewed numerous qualified citizens to serve on the Insurance Committee of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the lnsurance Committee.. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: -Section 1. ' That the following perso,ns be appointed to serve as members of the Insurance Committee: Mr. Jim Cornel ius, 3117 Georgetown Mr. Wynne Creekmore, 3759 Tangley Mr. Seth Ramey, 3409 Rice Boulevard Mr. Hollis Waldt, 5932 Auden Mr. Frank Wetzel, Jr., 6314 Brompton L:_ _,1 . ,[I ~"'" ..~ :Ir!.~I!J:l:IlCI r" . '~k,:n 'L ~ .r;-, -'-_--::I..........- ----1.11- ...:.; r::!!:,t . J .ImI!!':!l[Ul''"r. .I" ]Ir--------L-::.L-; r . r - L.:J: ----,. I"" j. ".~l -,_~,' ., '1-' "-I 294 Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Insurance Com- mittee shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby, appbintedtothe' Insurance Committee shall serve until the next regular General City Election of the City Commission, and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. n PASSED AND APPROVED this 14th day of April, 1975. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None Isl Paul W.:Wallin, Jr.~1ayor ATTEST: Lee Lockard Assi stant Ci'ty Secretary' Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that the fol- lowing be appointed as members of thecity's Insurance' Committee. Mr. Jim Cornelius, 6430 Buffalo 0 Mr. Wynne Creekmore, 3759 Tangley Mr. Seth Ramey , 3409 Rice " Mr. HollisWaldt, 5932 Auden Mr. Frank Wetzel~ Jr., 6314 Brompton Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In 'accordance with action of the previous, City Commission on September 23, 1974, when only one bid submitted by Brown-Root Construction Company ';.n'the amount of $34,630.00 was rejected, bids received for the construction of a parking lot adj- acent t0the City Hall were 'opened and results announced as follows: Brown-Root Fraps Enter. G. H.Hart, Inc., Hustler Constr. Richmond Road Const. $ 32,'310~00 39,980.00 26,046."00 34,000.00 28,884.75 Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that the con- tract for the construction of a City Hall parking lot be awarded to G.H. Hart, Inc. on their low bid of $26,046.00 after the City Manager determines the company's capabilities and financial status to complete the contract. Voti ng Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with previous action of the City ,Commission, bids received for D printing and binding 6,000 copies of an annual report for the year 1974, were f- , I 295 opened and results announced as follows: a Beasley Company Gulf Printing WaddeJl' s Lithographing Wehlf';Printi ng' Western Lithograph Wetmore'& Company $ 2,517.90 2,574.00 4,,;)20.00 2','1 33.00 : 2,672.00 2,976'.00 l.... ~ ~ !"':) Cl o Motion by Commissioner Thompsoh,seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the low bid,of $2,120.00 for printing and binding 6,000 coples of an annual report for the year 1974" submitted by Waddell,Lithographing, be accepted provided the City Manager determines that the 'company can furnish the required materials:and'per- form the work: in a satisfactory manner. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Commissioner Binig returned to the meeting at this time. Bids received for delivery of certain equipment to make,necessary repairs to the Water Plant control, system were opened and'results announced as follows: Bristbl Divi~ion of Acco Fischer-Porter Foxboro Honeywell , $ 2,259.30 No bid No bid No bid o Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Stanley', that the bid by Bristol Division of Acco, in the amount of, $2,259.30, be accepted for Water Plant control equipment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Bids received for the sale of junked, unuseable water meters were opened and results announced as follows: Beaumont Iron - 35.11ct per pound Bodner Metal - 30ct per pound Proler Ind. - 36.65 per cwt, or $3.10'each Texas,Star - $4.10 each ',' Moti on by Commi ssi oner Thompson, seconded by Commi ss:i oner Bi ni g, that the junked unuseable water meters located at the Water Plant be sold to Texas Star on their high bid of $4.10 each. ' , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that in compliance with its request, specifications ,for the purchase of one 1250 'gpm pumper had, been revised'deleting equipment that can be pur'chased at a later date and making other revisions in an attempt to, se- cure a lower bid price. mil lJj Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that bids received r.F:5<l;rhr:,.o '" jr~1ffiiSffgw.H"'" 11. I ~~ ~d' I' , I I .1 i rl.~ rr-- 1--' "11(' .., r' '-"lillr1I'1Tmrn '1iin'"'i," ... J' ' J!l!!.lE. 296 IEmlYTIOD:n:...:" [ JJI' : ]1'" L.....:::~T~- .,. 'Ill: i I r-'-r -, "r ....---,. on March 24, 1975, for delivery of one 1250 gpm pumper be rejected. Voting Aye: All 'Voting No: None o Following a discussion regarding the practice' of: the Houston Fire Department to rebuild pumps and engines in equipment in--the Department rather than purchase new equipment, the City Manager was instructed to request a written opinion from the State Insurance Commission as to whether the pumper considered for replacement could be rebuilta.nd use continued, and to furnish the City Commission a report at its regular meeting on April 28th. ., ;;.. ',' ". . Bids received on March 24th for one riding 'tractor mower for use of the Park De- partment were rejected inasmuch as all bidders did not meet specifications. Bids received requesting quotations on mowers with both, manual and hydraulic lifts were opened and results announced as follows: Go 1 dthwa i te' s or Houston, Houston, Texas Craig Tractor Co., Houston, Texas Plains Machinery Co., Houston, Texas Fairbanks Tractor Co., Houston, Texas 1,435.00' 1,454.61 1,520.00 1,588.00 1,627.50 1,746.37 1,660.00 1 ,926. 1 0 ., Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded bY: Commissioner Dunn, that 'the bid of Goldthwaites of Houston for a Bolin H-14 model riding tractor mower on their low $1,627.00 be accepted, in accordance with recommendations of City Manager Whitt Johnson and Street Superintendent A. L. Bearden. Voting, Aye:Al' , , Voti ng No: None D Assistant Chief of": Po 1 ice Har.ol do Shi pp'c revi ewed oids, recei \led, on March:24 ,1975, for del'ivery of sixteen (16) armor bullet protection vests, stating that he agreed with Chief RiChard Kesselus in his recommendation that an award be made to Modus Operandi, Inc. inasmuch as their bid of $784.00 included prepaid freight and a 2% discount for 30 'day payment. 'It was further pointed out that Modus Operandi, Inc. quoted a total price of only $960.00, less that 2% for both front and back vests being a unit cost of $60.00 per set. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that both front and back armor~ullet protection vests (16) be purchased from Modus Operandi, Inc. on their bid of $960.00, less 2% discount. for 30 day payment, with prepaid freight. Voti ng Aye: Bi n'i g , Dunn Thompson Bids received for' Polic'e Department uniforms on March 24, 1975, were referred to the City Manager and a tabulation of bids received was presented to the Commission. Voting No: Stanley Motion by'Comm;:ssioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that the Police Department uniforms be p:urchased from: Burke Uni form Company at a pri ce not to ex- ceed $1,603.50. o o t."- 'X) t.r.) !"":> o ~ o o 291 Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mrs. Edna Bergen~ 4248 Sunset~and Mr. Joe Eason,: 3773 Nottingham~ appeared before the Commission to request that the classification of the Nekoosa Dancers be changed from a social group witbregard to use of the Communi,ty Building, without payment of a fee., Mrs. Bergen and';Mr. Eason reviewed the ac€i\dties of the group stating that the primary function of the organization was the study of indian folklore. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the normal, fee wh;~h would be charged the Nekoosa Dancers under the revised Community Build- ing fee schedule be waived and that the Nekoosa Dancers be included in the classi~ fication which uses the Community, Building without fee payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None, The Commission was advised that City Attorney Charles Cockrell had: furnished an opinion regarding the necessary procedure' to b,e followed in designating deposi- tories for city funds. Mr. Cockrell stated that notice should be published ad- vising that the city will receive proposals to serve as depository and to advise any banks deemed suitable for such designation. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that the City Manager be authorized to publish notice that the city is accepting proposals to serve as depositories for city funds, such proposals to be submitted to the City Commission at its regular meeting on May 12, 1975. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with a request of the City Commission, Ordinance Number 1036 was pre- sented to the Commi ss i on and, read in full : AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY' ADDING A SECTION TO BE NUMBER 22-3; PROVIDING THAT IF THE TAXPAYER FILES A SWORN APPLICATION WITH THE TAX ASSESSOR DURING THE TAX YEAR ESTABLISHINGTHAT'HIS PROPERTY IS A RESIDENCE'HOME- STEAD AND IS OWNED AND OCCUPIED BY PERSONS'65 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER THAT THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($3,000.00) OF THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF SUCH HOMESTEAD SHALL BE EXEMPT FROM TAXATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion byComrnissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that Ordinance Number 1036 providing for a three thousand ($3,000) dollar homestead exemption for pro- perty owners age sixty-fi ve and 01 der', be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was presented a statement from Ben Felts Utility Contracting Com- pany, in the amount of $.7,957.78, for work, performed on: the H ghted softball fi e 1 d located on the Houston Independent School District property in the 3700 block of University Boulevard. It was explained that 142 l;:upic yards of sand was authorized to be spread over the dirt to facilitate the growing of grass, resulting in an ad- ditional charge of $1,050.21, over the contract amount of $6,907.57. II I' ,11 J_~ n-- - ---r-----. .J II[ ., r '~li11rJriirmrnl! r: .. ']riiir.lI . ..1!. JIDE . .. J ImI!!.I:!IOnIr.:_' II~r. Jl1lrT --r.:.. - 1:-' .~--- -.r---- [ II l'-~' 298 Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the City Manager be authorized to pay the statement from Ben Felts Utility Contracting Company in the amount of $7,957.78 and in turn obtain 50% reimbursement for the HISD. Voting Aye:, All Votin~ No: None A letter from the Texas State Department 'of Health advising that the appointment of Dr. Howard Evans as City Health Officer terminates on April 23, 1975, was pre- sented to the, Commission. ' , , , Motion'by;Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that Dr. Howard Evans be re-appointed as City Health Officer. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commi ssi on was presented a request from the Tax Department for authority to cancel an amount of $123.00 from delinquent taxes receivable as an erroneous as- sessment.' , , Motion, by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that the amount of $123.00 be cancelled from delinquent taxes receivable since it is an erroneous assessment for. Charley Brown's C~ffee Shop. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that the Court of Civil Appeals had over-ruled a motion for appeal in the case of Doy Myers vs City of West University PlaceZoning and Planning Commission. A letter from Mrs. Virginia Hood of the Tax Department was presented to the City Commi ssi on. The letter advi sed that i nqui r,i es had been made by interested per- sons in unimproved property in the 4100 block of Ruskin Street and that the Tax Department had been unsuccessful in attempts to locate owners of the property. Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that the City Attorney be authorized to take appropriate action to collect delinquent taxes on Lot 44, Fairhaven Addition in the 4100 block of Ruskin Street. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In response to his inquiry regarding a decision of the City Commission to request that the Chairman of one of the city's Boards and Committees visit with the Com- mission, the City Manager was requested to invite members of the Safety Committee to the next regular meeting of the Commis'sion. The Commission was advised that April 22nd was the deadline for filing any infor- mation to be included in the next issue of the City Currents. Members of the Commission were advised that Mr. Gus Comiskey, Sr., of the Comiskey Insurance Agency, passed away on Sunday, April 13th and that services would be held on Wednesday, 10:OG ~.m. at'George H.Lewis on Sage Road. Commissioner Dunn reportedon'a meeting with the Bicentennial Committee and Parks and Recreation Board stating that plans were being made for a 4th of July cele- I o o o o l"<ll Xi tD '-:> ~ ~ o D 299 bration commemorating the 50th anniversary of the city and as the kick-off for the Bicentennial celebration. ' Commissioner Binig reminded members of the Commission that a priority list was to be prepared for the Parks,arrdRecreation Board and i~vited members to attend a breakfast to be held at 9:00 a.m~, Saturday, April 19th at the Community Building for volunteer survey workers on the Co(.tnci l,for Agi rlg. Mayor Wallin advised the Commission that' he was in receipt of a Jetter from the Rebekkah Lodge requesting permission to have storage space tonstructedin the Community Building, and that he would advise the Lodge that this was' not in keep- ing with the policies established for use of the building. It was also the de- 'Cisio'r) 'of the Commission that the Lodge be requested to remove a piano from the bui1d'ing ifit was no longer'to be used fO'Y're'gular meetings.. ' ; Minutes of the regular meetings of the Safety Committee on March 25th, April 1st and April 8th were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on March 25th were presented to the Commission for their, information. Minutes of the meeting of the Bicentennial Committee on April 1st were presented to the Commi ssi on for thei r i nformati on. Mayor Wall instated that he had re- ceived a request from the Committee to replace inactive members and that members of the Commission should suggesfany names' they might have for 'new members. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, March 24th were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday , March 24th be approved as submitted. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: Nbne, With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 ~.m. ~w.w~~ , ' MAYOR', I ATTEST: ..~ ~cu.t- ASSIS ANT C!TY ECREARY , \:.'30~O . .' J r.mm'mIDl!!L. ::.._.r .11'" Jlr:r- ~.1"~' ~-- r--r --, -r--, \... PUBLIC HEARING CITY COMMISSION AND ZONING AND PLANNING tOMMISSION APRIL 22, 1975 The City Commission of the City of West University Place and the Zoning and Planning Commission of the'City of West-University: Place convened at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall, for the purpose of hol ding a Publ i c Heari ng called for thi s date, with the following, members'present: Mayor Wall in, presiding; Commis- sioners Binig, Dunn, Stanley and Thompson; Zoning and Planning Commission members, E. G,. Hines, Ch'airmail, presiding; meinbersDahlin, Bartholomew and Weatherby. The' City Attorney' and City Manager were also present.. ' Zoni ng and Planni ngr-Commi ss i on member W. P. Li pscomb was absent. MayorWalliil stated that' this public heafing was being held jointly and simul- taneously by the City: Commission 'and-Zoning ,and Planning tommission for the purpose of giving consideration to the recommendation of the Zoning and Plan- ningCommi:ssion to r.ezone the following -described property for townhouses and/orclusterhouses: . Lots 6,7,:8, 9 and East 10 ft'. of 10, Block 1, Kent Plate Addition~ 3600 block of Bellaire Boulevard Motion by Commissioner Stanley,' seconded by CommissiOner Thompson, that the, public hearing to consider the proposition recommended by the Zoning and Planningtommi"ssion to rezone certain properties contained 'in legal notice published in the Southwestern Argus on January 22, 1975, be opened Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner, Weatherby, seconded by Commissioner Bartholomew, that the Public Hearing to consider the proposition recommended by the Zoning and Planning Commission to rezone certain properties as contained in the Final Report of the Zoning and Planning Commission dated March 24, 1975, be opened. Voting Aye: ' All : "Voting No: "None, Mayor Wallin ascertained from the secretary that notice of public hearing was published in the Southwestern Argus on Wednesday, April 2, 1975, and notice to individual property owners within a 220' radius of the property being con- sideredwere mailed on April 2, 1975, thereby fulfilling legal requirements for the Public Hearing. Mayor Wallin requested Mr. E. G. Hines, Chairman, Zoning and Planning Commis- sion, to review the activity sequence of such Commission during consideration of the recommended change. ----, o u Mr. Hines stated that the applications filed by Messrs. R. B. and E. A. Mayor and Mrs. Paul S. Watts were received by the Zoning and Planning Commission on January 14, 1975; Preliminary Report was filed with the City Commission on January 17, 1975; notice was published in the Southwestern Argus on January 22, 1975 and notice to all property owners within a 200' radius of the property on January 22, 1975. The Public Hearing by the Zoning and Planning Commission 0 was held on February 11, 1975 and the Final Report filed with the City Comis- sion on March 24, 1975. o C1j ~ ~ """:> co CQ o o . . ,,', ".. ~. .'. , 301, In response to Mayor Wallin's question'regarding fulfillment of all legal requirments for the Public Hearing, City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised that Ordinance Number 1035 calling a joint public hearing was passed and ap- proved by the City Commission on March 24, 1975, and that the secretary had testified that the required legal notice had been published and, notice had been ma i 1 ed to all property owners .'; Mayor Wallin announced that in order to expedite the public hearing, the follow- ing regulations for procedure would be followed: a. Those addressing the Commissions to give their name, address and street address of the property they own in West University. b. The applicant and others who may support the application would be given an opportunity to present any relevant information in connection with the application. ' Members of both Commissions may elict such additional information as they feel proper, by questioning the applicants. Questions may then be directed to the applicants from the floor. c. Those wishing to present pertinent information in opposition to the application may do so. Again, questions may be asked by members of both Commissions, followed by questions from the floor. Mayor Wa,llin administered the Oath to Mr,. Richard Mayor, 226' Pine Hollow, Houston, one of the applicants for rezoning o~ the property being considered. Mr. Mayor stated that it was his belief that the reasons for the request for rezoning were amply set out in the report and recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission. Mr. Mayor then reviewed for the Mayor and City Commission the recommendation of the. Zoning and Plann,ing Commission of March J1, 1974" wherein the property being considered for rezoning for the construction of townhouses, and/or clusterhouses, was ~ecommended as a visual park site, and this tract of land waS the only vacant property deleted from the recommenda- tion of the Zoning and Planning Commission for construction of townhouses and/or clusterhouses. Mr. Mayor advised the Commissions that he was aware of the city's ability, to acquire the property for a park site by means of condemnation, but to .. do so would be the acquisition of property without due process of law and his right to equal protection under the law. Mr. Mayor then requested that the City Commission follow the recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission and grant the application. Members of the Commissions and those in attendance at the Public Hear,ing had no questions for, Mr. Mayor. Motion by Mr. Weatherby, seconded by Mr. Bartholomew, that, the public hearing be closed. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None I" ., !If , '1, ..,-.., "llilrlll TinT!' lI::tr" "j(' ...I....,!m:Jt .ll!lmJ.1rnJIIIL......_.L .11:.:.. ,]11 L' -.l~ :J .- ' - T-. .-] -'.' -;:- "' , 3d2.~' Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that public hearing be closed. '- Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that the Final Report and recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission, to rezone Lots 6,7,,8,9 and east 10' of 10, Block 1, Kent Place Addition, 3600 block of Bellaire Boulevard for the construction of townhouses and/or clusterhouses be accepted. Motion amended, by Commissioner Thompson, accepted by Commissioner Stanley, to instruct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance for the rezoning. Voting on the amendement. Voting.Aye: ,All Voting No: None Voting on the motion. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Wallin recessed the meeting'for five minutes prior to calling the second public hearing to order. Mayor Wallin announced that a joint public hearing was being held by the City Commission and Zoning and Planning Commission and would be opened to con- 0 sider the Final Report and recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Com- mission- to rezone the following described,property for vehicular parking: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10~ Block 25 Collegeview 1st Addition 4000 block of Ruskin Motion bY Commissioner Thompson~ secQnded by Commissioner Binig, that the public hearing to consider the proposition recommended by the Zoning and Planning Commission ,to rezone certain properties for vehicular parking, be opened. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Mr. Weatherby, seconded by Mr. Dahlin, that the public hearing to consider the rezoning of certain properties for vehicular parking, be opened. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Wallin ascertained from the secretary that notice of public hearing was publlshed in the Southwestern Argus on April 2,1975, and notice to individual property owner.s within a 20Q'radius of the property being con- s i dered were mail ed on April 2, 1975, thereby ful fill i ng 1 ega 1 requi rements for the public hearing: o o ,~ ~ O':l ~ CQ CQ o o , ~03 Mayor Wallin requested Mr.E. G. Hines, Chairman, to review the activity' sequence of the Zoning and Planning Commission during consideration of the recommended change. Mr. Hines stated that an applicati'on had been filed by Southwestern Bell Telephone Company to rez0ne',Lots 5 and 6, Block 25,C611egeview'lst Addi- tion and the -Zoning and Planning Commission had added Lots 7, '8, 9 and 10, Block 25, Collegeview 1st Addition, as part of the property to be rezoned for vehicular parking. The application by Southwestern Bell Telephone Com- pany was received on December 10, 1974, and further considered by the Zoning and Planning Commission on January 14, 1975. A Preliminary Report was filed with the City Commission on January 17, 1975; notice of Public Hearing was published in the Southwestern Argus on January 22, 1975; and notice of public hearing was mailed to all property owners on January 22, 1975. A public hearing was held by the Zoning and Planning Commission on February 11, 1975, and Final Report filed with the City Commission on March 24, 1.975. In response to'Mayor Wallin's question regarding fulfillment of all legal requirements for the Public Hearing, City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised that Ordinance Number 1035 calling a joint public hearing was passed and approved by the City Commission on March 24, 1975, and that the secretary had testified that the required legal notice had been published and notice had been mailed to all property owners. ' Mayor Wallin again reviewed the procedure, to be followed in holding the public hea.ring. Mayor 'Wallin administered the Oath to Mr. Bill Knight, Mrs. Miriam Israel, Mr. Wm. Patrrctge and Mr. Arthur Goldman. Mr. Knight, District Manager, Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, whose, home address is 6214 Rutherglen, advised the Commission that adequate park- ing spaces for employees of Southwestern Bell 'nag been a long standing pro- blem for the company, the city, Police Department and residents of the area. Mr. Knight stated they now have sixty (60) parking spaces on their existing lot, twenty-five (25) spaces in front of the bui,lding, twenty (20) spaces on the west side of~"AcadeIlJy~nd~tliat:.the neW lo,t ,construction will provide an additional thirty-flve (35) spaces. Mr. Knight further stated that a survey of employees indicated there~ere 185 of whom drove automobiles to work. The proposed parking lot would be re-vamped to in- clude the existing lot, with new lighting, re-sttiped and have a curb cut onto Ruskin Street. Mr. Knight advised the Commission that all recommendations by th~ Fire Chief and Police Chief had been considered in the preparation of plans for the parking lot in hopes that many of the problems encountered in the past might be eliminated. Mrs. Miriam Israel, 5511 Cheltenharri, stated that she owned the property at 4003 Ruskin, and that she was in' favor of the recommendation, however, she felt some changes should be made in the construction of the proposed parking ::I:' ..... -----:= ].:'1........' ~:'---'.~' .- ~.t:. -~ ----llf 1 . '[ J ~... . ~l~..rl.:.,_J::l:l:I:I:l. r ,l....lIur 1f.!Il!;'mDn:L.........II..:.. ' ]Ir-- --':""'-:J 1 , r: , --_I :--< , 3d~ lot, inasmtich as she thought permitting traffic from the lot onto Ruskin would be dangerous since it ,w.as a narr:ow street, and it was her belief that all traffic should be onto Academy. " - o , Mrs. Israel stated that she agreed with Commi'ssioner Thompson in that the construction of tHe new parking lot would not be an'answer to the problem of adequate parking for Southwestern Bell employees and that a personal survey indicated employees were parking on Ruskin, Cason and Fairhaven. r~rs. Israel 'further stated that she had not been permitted to construct a carport at her home because of the,location of a utility easement, however, it appeared that Southwestern Bell had paved over the same " was her feeling that this should be investigated prior to the proposed new construction. In'response toa question by th~ City Commission, Mr. 'Knight stated that in response to a request of the Chief of Police, the parking lot wDuldbe constructed in a horseshoe shape'with 45 cars exiting onto Ruskin and 45 exiting onto Academy during peak ho~rs. Mr. Arthur Goldman, 4032 Ruskin, stated that the existing parking lot was virtually empty between four and five o'clock each afternoon and it was his belief that an additional 35 cars exiting onto Academy would ~e ~o pro- blem and that a curb cut on Ruskin would not be necessary. ,,' Mr. Goldman stated that he was heartily in favor of the rezoning of Lots 5 and 6 for vehicular parking use by Southwestern Bell, but was very opposed to rezoning of Lots 7,8, 9 and 10, inasmuch,as two of the lots were owned :0 by Corri gan Interests and specul ati on was a proposed use as ,a 1 oadi ng dock. Mr. W. L. Partridge, 4040 Ruskin, stated that he was very much in favor of rezoning the property for use by Southwestern Bell. In response to a qu.estion regarding possible purchase by Southwestern Bell of Lot 7, Mr. Knight stated that it was entirely an economical situation inasmuch as owners of Lot 7 wanted too much money for the lot. In response to questions regarding the city's ability to include certain use restri cti on's into an Ordi nance rezoni ng the .property, City Attorney Charles Cockrell stated that such provisions could be encorporated into the ordinance and"it would ~e enforceable based on the ordinance, and such restrictions could limit the character and size of a fence across the rear easement. Motion by Mr. Dahlin, seconded by Mr. Barthplomew, that the public hearing be closed. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconded by Commissi.oner Stanley, that the public hearing be closed. Voting Aye: All' Voting No: None o II M '~ OJ -=> CQ CQ [] o ,'305 : I Following a general discussion with regard to further consideration to the application, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the meeting of the City Commission be recessed until 7:00 p.m., Monday, May 5, 1975. , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None / --1'._,.., , -H' '!lilrtll'Tilrrr 1,lii-- !If ......r!.J[ 1IIJIl' rlDll~L.... ." !I..: , ]11 -r....:,J.' ___'_, ,_] .- ..L~-:-1 .--.,-- o LJ o u ~ C\} c.c r.= - ....... :I: o n 1, REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION April' 28, 1975 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday~ April 28, 1975, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Wallin, presi di ng; -Comini ssi oners Dunn. :Stanl ey and Thompson. The City Attorney and City Manag~r were also present. The Invocation wa? pronounced by Commissioner Stanley. Ms. Steffanie Ball was introduced to members of the City Commission as Assis- tant toMs. Ann Weigand, Southwestern Argus Editor, who will now be covering meetings Df'the'City C0mmission. ' Members of the Safety and Accident Review Board W. J. Eubanks and Carlton' Tibbett were present at the meeting in response to an invitation by the City Commission. Mr.' Ti:bbett reviewed inspections made by members of the Board at the Swimming Pool; City Hall; Water, Sanitation and Street Depart- ments; Library and CommunitY Building; Recycling Cente'r 'and Disposa'l Plant. Mr. Ti bbett stated' that conditi 6ns throughout, the 'ci ty were much better than" a year ago when similar inspections were made. In response to a request by Mayor Wallin, Mr. Tibbett advised thatmemb.ers of the Board would make a second inspection of the Swimming' Pool on May 12th. Mr. Tippett stated that it would 'be' benefiCial' to' Boar'd members if they were advised of action taken on recomri1endatio~sthey made. Commissioner Birfig arrfved atth.emeeting 'at this'time.~ Members of the Boardwerecomplimentedfo.r the work they had:performed and it was a:lso noted th-at much 'had been accomplts:hed" in the;area,of 'safety' prevention, especially in the service departments of the city. .. , " ;:: , , , v' .".' .' In accordance~with previous ,action of the'Commission,bids received forin-, stal1ation of additions and relocation of lighting fixtures and standards, at Weir Park tennis courts, were opened and ,results~announced as follows: A/C Systems, Inc. 1223 Waugh Drive Powell & Stephenson Post Office Box 18487 $ 5,260.00 7,100.00 Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the City l~anag~rbe:instructed to determine that the low:bid,of $5',260,00 submitted by Ale Systems,.Inc; meets' an specifications 'and if 'so a'coritractbe awarded to the low bidder. ' ,.,; Votin'g Aye: Dunn, Binib ,.:' Thompson Voting No: Stanley L._~ . .J~ I ----1-_~L__E l [_~ ~~ _~_ ~__............ll[ lLlii' , 11.,[ ':'" ',LuOlli<',IIiJ]( , ",JUl 2 ,umIIIIU~"",.,II,I, JII L ,.I. j 1:1 :1 In accordance with previous actioniof the City Commission authorizing the in- stallation of additional lights on the,Judsbn Park tennis courts, the City U Manager was advised to employ the low bidder for such installation during the time work was being done at Weir Park in order to prevent another charge for rental and move;:'in time for a. pole truck.,' , , : , " ,,', .', ' , , Ordinance Number 1037 was presented to the, Commission and read" in full:' AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING ROLAND E. DAHLIN, O. C. BARTHOLOMEW, H. ALLEN WEATHERBY, HARDY LA COOK' AND JAMES; :NORTON AS, MEMBERS, OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST , UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS~ Motion by Commissioner Thomp~on', secon'ded" by Commissioner :Binig, that Ordina,nce Number 1037 appointing members to serve on the Zoning and Planning Commission be approve-d a's read. Vot'ing Aye : All Voti ng,'No: None' Mayor Wallin then administered the 'Oath to the' following ''as members ofc the Zonin'gand' Planning Commission of the CHy of ~est Un,ivers,ity.Place: O.C. Bartholomew, 3618, Corondo :- Rol and E. Dahlin, 33.10 Suns'et ': Hardy LaCook, 3804 Swarthmore J. L Norton-, :3312 Uni vers ity H. A 1.1 en Weatherby, 2808 Wroxton The Commission was advi.sedthalaletter had been received from ,the, Bicentennial Committee setting forth names of members appointed to the Committee that had not attended any meetings and had'made' no'contri,bulion to the work of the Committee, with a request that the Commission remove such members from the, Committee. , " o , .. Motion by ,Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the following pe"op"le be remov.edas 'members ,.of ,the, :Bicenten"n5al Gommitt~~,; Don Wilhelm; 2708 Pemberton Harry Hedges, 3602 Plumb Don Reynolds, 3001 Georgetown ,MaY'ti n Rodri quez, 3913 Oberli n Danny Sullivan, 4231 Sunset Iris Eaton, 2711 Nottingham Voting Aye:. All Voting No: None Fo 11 owi rig the removal of the above persons as 'member$ of' the Bi centenni a,l Com- mittee, the Commission was 'advised of the :need for appointment of additional members in order that work of the Committee may progress. ' Motion by Commissioner 'Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Bicentennial Commit- tee: u n C": C\l cc c.= - ....... :r:: o u ~ a Virginia'Leidler, 2632 Carolina Way Doug Toole, Jr., 3759 Albans:Road: Peggy<~kGoWeli, '3126 Robirihood SheldQn Miller, 3835 University;'? Robert ,Kendr:i ck, , 3127 Amherst Paul Joplin, 3412 Plumb:,' Voti l1,g' Aye: All Votiri~ No: Nbne Commissioner Binig' advised the Commission that: :she had discussed the', Bicenten- nial celebration with a representative of the Bicentennial Committee,"of the City of Bellaire and had learned that funds for their proposed participation had been provided by interested merchants 'and'citizens,:'and no funds were'available from the city budget. Motion by Commissioner Thompson; second'ed'by Commissioner Dunn, that the follow- ing persons bea:ppolnted to' serve on theci'ty's Plumbing Board during the admin- istration of the present C0mmission: ~ :. . . Roy P. Harper, 4038 Marquette Ronald L. Taylor, 3131 Tangley J. M. Hinrichs, 3742 Wroxton Scott Cameron, 5716 Buffalo Gerald Kerbow, 2630 University J. D. Allstott',BuHding Inspecfor' Wayne Perry, Ass:i stant Bld 1 din'g ,Inspector: . i " Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Dunn,:' :seconded by Co'mmfssioner Bini'g, that the following persons be appoi nted to ser.v~:~s,members of 'the:' Independence Park Comm'ittee: Burt Ballanfant, 4001 Case , 'David Sanger, 3417 Georgetown Votfng 'No:" , None Voti ng Aye: "All " Resolution Number 75..:.15 'waspresent,ed' 'to the Commissi on.and '-read' i nful1: WHEREAS, it is the obligation of' the 'City Comrriiss'ion~ ': pursuant to the provisions of the City Charter and ordinance heretofore adopted, to appoint'members to :Various Boards', and: : " ' , " WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the 'City Commi ssion have contacted and' investi'gated numerous qualified citizens to ,serve on the" Health Board and as Hea.lth 0fficer of the City of West University Place, Texas; and" ., , WHEREAS, certain p~rsons have indicated a desire and willingness to s.erve as members of the Health Board,. ',' ,'" " , " NOW, ,THEREFORE, 'BE .IT RESOLVED 'BY THE CITY COMMISSION O'FTHE' CITY OF" WEST UNIVERSITY 'PLACE, TEXAS:' , , ,. . - , ' Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Health Board: r-~---r Dr. Howard Evans, 6428 Belmont Dr. Temple Williams, 3766 Nottingham "1 III' 1'11' "'llmlllilE~m 11,1....' r--- , -- T j' ,JU[ tl IUmll[!I~lliLJ],,1 r U,' r .-[ il I.... In T , Dr. N.C., Windr9~'r, 6'3?,8 W~stche,ster , Mr. Frank ,Sj:,eW&lrt; 29.16, Un.;versi ty Section 2. That the peTs0ns':b~reby,appoi:ntedtGl the Health Board shall serve without compensation. Secti'on 3~' That the persons hereby appoi nted ,to the Health Board shall serve for a period of two years from the date of this Reso 1 uti on; and ,thereafter unti 1 the :a:p:pofntment and qu~l i.fi c9.ti on of ' their succes~ors. ' PASSED; AND APPROVED this 28th day of April, 1975. >, ,," Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commi ssi:oners Voti ng:' No: None Is/ Paul, W .Wa 11 in, 'Jr .t4ayor ATTEST: Assistant City Secretary " '. . '. ~ '..' . Motion by Commissioner' Stanley, secon~ed byCommiss.ion,er Thompson, that Resolu- ti on Number 75- l5"appointi n'g .the; foUQw:i.ng as,:members, ,of the city IS Health Board, be approved as read: Dr. Howard Evans, 6428 Belmont Dr., ,Tel1}pl~'Williams', 3799-Nottingham, Dr. N. C.Windrow,6328 Westchester, Mr. Frank Stewart, 2916 University l .: ~ :... '\: Voting Aye: All " : Vot-i ng No: None The Commission was: a~vtsed' that at the time the property at 4124 Byron Street was purchased by the city for an addition to Case Park, an agreement was made with the -own'erfor him to remove the house, but he had b,een unable to mak;e such arrangements and consideration should be given to advertising for bids for the removal and/or demolition of the residence. , , '" , " " , !' '.- " Motion by Commissioner Binig;'seq:mdeo Qy:~Co!1Jmissioner' Stanl~,.",that the,'. ' City Manager be authorized to prepare the necessary specifications and ad- vertise forbids for 'the demolition'and/or: removal ,of the residence located at 4127 Bryon, such ',bids to, b,e 'received-:by th~:'City'Coml1)iss.ionon Nay 26" 1975. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None' '" . ,;r- The Commiss'i'on was advised that'the number of ,'llllail-outs" being handled by city personnel had incre.asedcon;stderably,and :that the sum of, $1 ,600 was in- cluded in the 1975 budget for the purchase of an envelope stuffing machine and permlssion was requested to advertise for bids. " ~ . ~ i \ ' 1:,1:.. - ----'-1 u D lJ n C": C\l l;,C t..? = =:t:: o n 6 Motion by Commissioner Binig., seconded byCommiss~oner Dunn, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for the purchase of an envelope stuffing machine, such,b,i~s to be received by ~he.Gi~tCommission on May 26th. . ~ .\ : voting Aye: Ail , Vat i!1g No: : ,Non~ , In accordance wjth previous a~tion of the City Commission when bids were re- jected Tor the purchase:' of' a new 1250' gpm fi re' truck, rev; sed specifi cati ons wer.e: presented el1rninating appro'ximate,ly $7~000 from the bid price received ' previously.-" The Commission' was :also presented: 1:1 letter 'from Mr. Hugh Heflln of the State Board of Insurance advising that the 1947 American LaFrance pumper now in service would not be creditable after 1977 even though the engine might be replaced \~lth a diesel engine'; The 'City. Manager was requested to furnish the Commission, in wrlting, guidelines itidic'ating any beneflts to' be gained: in the city's insurance key rate by re-conditioning of fire trucks along the lines followed by the City of Houston. ' Motion 'oy Commiss'ioher Dunn, seconded,by' Commissioner Thomps~n,that the City r~anager be' instructed to prepa're ne\~ speci fi cations and advert; se for bi ds for the purchase of a 'new fire trucl<,s'uch bid:sto be 'received by the City Conimls- sion on May 26, 1975. Voting Aye: All , Voti~g N6: None Commissioner Binig reported to the Commission that approximately two-thirds of the sur'vey' by the Council' on Aging"had been completed and that results were quite rewarding~ with most interviewers reporting pleasure from their contacts with the residents interviewed. Mrs. Binig further stated that aside from the questi ons ansvJered on' the questi onna ire, resi dents had found the City Currents most, informative an(that t~'e City ofWestolJnivers';ty Place hiida Isuper"'City Manager. . \ : " I'" Commissioner Binig requested that'theSoutliwestern Argus publish an articleadvis- ing any residents that had not been included in the survey to call the City Hall to rec~l ve<;me' of the'g:~estiOrinai ~e~,~" :. " " ,:." " ~ " ~ } .. , , , A Proclamation designatitig,the 'vleek 'of May 18:'to 24; as Foster Children Week was presented to the.Com~is~ion ~nd read 1n full: .. ':: WI-lEREAS, ,the week of May 18to:24 has been proclaimed:National ActiQn for Foster Chi 1 dren Week to ca 11attenti on to the vital needs of foster 'chfl dr-en; and W~EREAS,it isackno~ledged thata:fainily environment with 10vlng and caring par~nts 'is the ideal situatton:fQrchildren,; and ,0' ' WHEREAS, in this area there are hundreds of foster children who through' no' fault of thei r,own hav~ been "depr; ved, of thiS ncirma 1 home re 1 ati on:" ship involVing iove, shelter~and other: needs that are the basic rights of' all children; and " ,:'. ,,) , ~Ji~ERE.L\S, social agencies~ both public andprivate, 'and dedicated. foster, parerits:.are' attempting,~to provide these children with, a temporaryand I I "1 "1 JI[ 11.ii ' , II ".. 'l,ii11I'llbTIilf[1 ,J11 Jl 6' ,IUllil,IIIIIIIIJ,..,. !Ii'i, JII l_.L, " "., J L' 1_1 1 perma,!1ent ,;E!nvi.ronment that wi 11: hel p them,become: the respon$i bl~ citi,zens of tomo.r:r;'ow;,pnd:; , '.'" l_1 j - :' .. WHEREAS, they are finding it increasingly difficult to continue to provide the basic needs~~f these children, such as medical and denta1 care, education, food, clothing, skilled social work; and WHEREAS, these ends(;;an~e met only by increased, funding and concerted public:effort--on the part qf.,'an cit,izen.s, gpvernment,and private agencies, 1 egi sl ators, and othf;!rs responsi bl~ and. concerned for: the future,' of. tnese chi 1- , dre[l,. :',' , : ': ' " , " , NOW, THE~EFORE, I, Paul, W., kJ~l1 in, Jr,.,. Mayor. or-the City of West Unive.rsi,ty Plq.ce,: Texas, do heY:'~by,; procl a~im:' t~e:week of: May 18 to 24 as ACTION FOR FOSTER CHILDREN WEE~ in West University Place, Texas,: and call upon all citizen~ to volunteer their taclentsand energies to support the v;italrol,e played by foster parents ,in en... ab)ing these children to, develop into'mature, responsib'le; productive q.du1ts. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have caused the Official Seal of the City of West University Place to be affixed this 28th day of April, A.D., 1975. , I /s/cpaul W.:Wallin, Jr.Mayor City of West Uni versity Pl ace o , , , , ",... i . . The Commis.s1Qn, was presented a statement,; :i,n ,the amount of, $1:60.00"dated' April 21, 1975, ; submitted by Mr. cBill'Scheibe,-Park Consu1tant"for meetings held on January 27, 1975 and March 5, 1975, regarding employment by the City Commission to assist the Independence Park Committee in the preparation of a grant application for funds under:, the Community Block Program:," The City Manager was instructed to consult w,ithMr: Jeffry, Corbin, Chairman of the Independence Park Committee, regarding any obligation the city might , have to pay for_ the initial meeting with' Mr~ Soheibe on January 27~ 1975. A letter received from Chief of Police Richard Kesselus, who is attending the F;.B,I. ACpdemy in Quantico, Virginia was presented to the Commission for their - information. '; The Commission was advised that two members of the Fire Department would manage the swimming pool;for the 1975:season an!1 that preparati0ns:were being mad~ to have the pool ready to be opened on Saturday, May 17th,'with Adult Learn-to~Swim classes beginning the second week of May. It was noted,that'plans'for' the retirement of,Assistant Chi'ef of Pdlice H. E. Shipp,had been set:for June Js 1975, and such, notice 'would be included in the next issue of City Currents. Commissioner Dunn stated'that he, and Commissioner Thompson agreed with the need :J- for window coverings at the Community Building and that specifications should n C': c\l c.c c= - ,...... ::r: o n ; be prepared in order to advertise for,bids"and that samples should be provided for members of the City Commission at its recessed meeting to be held on May 5th. Commissioner Thompson requested 'that Department Heads/report, in writing, action taken to correct items included in Inspection Reports of the Safety and Accident Revi ew Board. "', , . I;. .,1." .> FollO\'1ing'Commissioner 9tanley's request that the'City Commission schedule some work sessions within the next six weeks to study the, city's, traffic' problems,,: Mayor Wallin advised that a meeting was held in Austin on Monday, April 28th with representatives'of the State Highway Department 'where it"was learned that consideration :to the:'city's: re:quest"for .funds for the signalization of Buffalo Speedway woblcl be included inithe:June me'eting:'of the State Highway Commission and favorable results ,were expeCted. ' . The City Manager was instructed to advise the Zoning and Planning Commission of action by, the:City Commission .to, improve; traf:Fic conditions on Buffalo Speedway. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on April 17, 1974 were"pre'Sen~ed to'the Cominission':For th'eir iiiformati,on:>, , ,-,. " . Minutes of the: joint 'F>'tlblit: hearing 'held by the City Commissi'on:,and Zoning and planning Commission on April 22, 1975, were presented to the Commission for - their information. " , ' Minutes of 'the regular meeting.. of the City Commission on ~,10nday, April 14', 1975, were presented for consideration and the: following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that minutes of the regulacr, meeti'ng,:of,fhe, ,l!:fty'Comrni ssi on:' om Monday; April; :14, :1975, ,be 'approved as: submitted~' ' , ,", ",', " , : l' '._ ".' I" ',- Voti'n~r Aye:' ,JU1 " Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly. ma.de,: seconded and ,carr'i ed, the meeti ng adjourned 'at' 9': 15- P; ffi. ,,:, , , . t' ~~ . .~ ~.' , ' ' . ~ ! . ..~/~~~g'~<<; ,,', f:4AYOR' ;,./: . i. '- . -f ; ATTEST: ~~ ~sslstant.City: Secretary ~ . ! ~ . ~. \ . .~: . r:::==--------1-=-~_ -. ~-=.1 _ __ ---.....-.......~ . -, .. i',ll j....~...Lri(lIi1ll:llIJil J[JUj":' . -1...1':_ 1--~~~~---11[' ..,JUt 8 IU~:I,lllIIIIIJ, ". 111,1 JII LJ i,I_J f ......i . , RECESSED : MEETING ,OF CITy CO~M(SSION . , . . ....'./. . . r . , .. MAY 5, 1975 I, , , . ~, '} r " The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday; May 5, 1975, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Wal1in~ presiding;Commissione.rs' Binig,:Dunn, Stanley and Thompson. 'The City Attorney and City "Mani:iget'[were also pres~nt:; , ' ~ . " .' , . .! .. . I. . .,. . 1 Mayor. Wa 1] in advised. that thi.s was,: a conti nuatj.on.. of amee:t.i ng of, th.e C~ity , .. Commission on April 22', 1975,-,a't which time a pub1ichear.ing was held to , consider a recommendation and final report of the Zoning, and Planni,ngCommis- sion to rezone Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Blgck~25, Co]JegeYi2w l~t:Addition ' for vehicular parking. ;--.1. . The Commission was advised that. a motion did: not have to be on the floor in order to discuss the recommendation. , ." .'! .:,. .:;, ":1 II , : City Attorney Charles Cockre,Badv.ised..the C.ominissionthp,-t the r,ecommendation. could be accepted as contained in the Final Report of the Zoning and Planning Gommi.ssi.o'n; : amended if destred ,by the :City Commis,si on;' or additipn,sa,nd changes made.' ,..' " :,:;' , .1 ! I I I The fact that only Southwestern Bell Telephone Company had filed a formal application.'re.questingthat Lots 5 and 6 owned byt,hem be!,reZ;OY;le,d for,p,arking purpos'es;was di's,cus,sed by the,Commi:ssi.o.n., " r., ,'. .' i II , , Plans; for the construction of the parking 10t'planne,d'bySouthwesternBell Telephone Company were reviewed by the Commission with considerable:cdi:scussion regarding the proposed curb cuts onto Ruskin Street. Some members of the Com- mission were opposed to the curb cuts inasmuch as there was a possibility of adding additional traffic onto a residential street. , " .. Discussion concerningr~mors that owners of .Lots land 8 proposed to use such property for a loading dock concluded that the provisions of an ordinance could preclude such usage. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that the Final Report including all of the nine (9) points of the Zoning and Planning Commission dated March 24, 1975, recommending that Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 25, Co11egeview 1st Addition be rezoned for the purpose of parkingno/1- commercial passenger vehicles be accepted. Voting Aye: Binig Thompson Wa 11 in Voting No: Dunn' Sta,nl ey With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. E?(U. ~,(>>. ~aPLrf - MAYO A~~ A"i,tnnt rTtv~pr~ptn~V ~ ~ ,~ u u J II C': C\l c.c e - - == o n ~':\- ,~t,; REGULAR'MEETING OF CITY ,CO~1r~ISSION MAY 12, 1975 The City Commission co~vened in regular session at the City Hall,on Monday, May 12, 1975, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Wallin, presiding;Commis'sioners 'Dunn; Stanley and Thompson. The City Attorney and Ci ty Man'ager were also' present. " , .. " " . , The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Thompson.. - ,,' , ., . Mr. John Schmidt, 3302;,Robfnhood, advised the Comm'ission ,that he would 'like to protest the construC'tion of.an eight (8') foot fence and swimming pool adjoining- his:proper'ty; to the west.,' Nr. Schmidt stated that the fence was in violation of his air rights and it was' his belief that the 'swimmin.gpool ;' had not beenc!Jnstructed in compliance with the building code. Mayor Wallin requested that the Building Inspectorbeinstrutted to check the construction an~ advise Mr. Schmidt, in writing, of his findings. . 1. : . Mr. Burt Ballanfant; 4001' Case, asked if consideration 'had been given 'to screeni ng :a'nd l~andscaping :in connection \",i th the proposed ref-zoning of the;' 4000 block of Ruskin Street. ~. ;> '"f' Mayor Wallin, advised Mr'~ Ballanfant t'hata draft of an o"rdinance.had been,' pre- pared for consideration by the City Commission, and such .ordin'ance'wouldc:re':" quire prQper screening and landscaping should the property be developed as a parkinglo't,~ ,.:,..,,' ',,' . 'r Mayor Wallina,dministered 'the Oath: of Office to the following 'p:erson' as members of the .city" s Plumbing Board: . , , Roy P. Harper, 4038 Marquette Ronald LTaylor,3131' Tangley J. M. Hinrichs, 3742Wroxton ' Scott Camero'n" 57:l6::Buffalo J. D. Al 1 stott,: Building Inspector Wayne Perry,' Asst. Buil ding Inspector Members of the Commission thanked members of the Plumbing Board for accepting such a~POi:h't~.e-l1t." ,,, ~"~~""';"I' ":,,, ",,-: Mayor Wallin administered ,the: Oath of Office to the fo'llowing :persons as members of the ci'tY's,llealth Board. ,,:' , , Dr. Howard Evans, 6428 Belmont , Dr. ' Temple' Will tams,' :3766 Notti h'gham Dr. N. C. Windrow, 6328 Westchester Mr. Frank Stewart, 2916 University Members of the Commission' thanked members of the Health Board for accepting such appointment and expressed their appreciation for the work done by such Board. .".,,", . ':'. ; , ...... II."""............. , Jill Jill ,mJIIIIIIILL_q, 11,1 Jli L_.L ' J Ij I Resolution Number 75~16was,pr~seilted to the 'Commission ahd read in full: WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Harper, Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City U, of West University Place, Texas, has been reassigned duties as Assistant City Treasur.er; 'a,nd:'.':!", . : ':"! ,~:;' ',' '; ~ ;' :.." "."" .' :!(' ; , ..". ,,", ., '..' , WHEREAS,' the reassignment of ~1r. Robert Harper creat~s,the necessity of appoi nti ng anothe r qua 1 i fi ed person to serve 'as Clerk. of-; the; fy1unj c'i pa 1 Court; and ~. , .: ,"{. ..../";. ',: :. -, ~: : 1 ~-; ~ . ~ WHEREAS, Mr. Richard Putney has been employed by the city and is qualified to assume the dut;ies of Clerk bf the MuniCipal'Court; 'and , , : I. ~ ~: ~.. , . '- \, :;..' ~" ,-t.JMEREAS", it is ,necessarY, to appoint 'other quali.fied'employee~ ;to"serve as Deputy,: Clerks ,of the Munidpal ,Court: , ", , I. .. . ..J t <."'. ...... ,.; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE , TEXAS: <c . , '"', . ;" Section 1. That Mr. Robert Harper, Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City ;of,'Wes't University Place, :Texas,be: and'he is hereby; re;li~ved ,of the duti:es of the: Clerk of said Court effecti.ve with th'e passage of thi,s Resolution. ....... ';. Ii', ," ; , Section 2. That Mr. Richard Putney, be and he is hereby, appointed as Cler.k,' of bhe,Municipal Cour,Lof the CHY,Qf West University Plac;e,-, ,Texas, replacing: the: said Mr. .Robert :Harp'er:. ", , ' ',,', , . ,,- . . ..._ I '.. o Section 3. That the following qualified employees be appointed as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, :the'csaid De'putys to assist Mt; Richard 'Putney in' performing the duties of the Clerk of the Municipal Court, as prescribed by the State Statutes and the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas. Maurice Anderson Rebecca Anz. q;' '~' , Cl1ri stine Crump, Tola :Pickul : .Eddi.e .Roberts Kathleen Walker J I '~,' C' Section 4. The date of appointments of the 'said Ric~rdPlltn~yas Clerk of the Municipal Court and Maurice Anderson, Rebecca An~~ Christine Crump, Iola Pickul;"Eddie'Robertsand Kathleen, Walker as DeputyClerkso'f the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, to become effective with , the passage of this Resolution. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th ,day dfMay, 1975. Gl'l? ~#i- ...... ........~/ ~MaY('" ...; .... I J ATTEST: c4,v Jf~cLJ Asslstant City Secretary u C': C\I c.c C - ,........ :t: fJ n lJ ~ it~,.l ',;,L,:, " Motion by Commissioner StanleY:~'secondedby C0IninissionerThompson;that Resolu- tion Number. 75-16 appointing the following Clerks of the Municipal Court be approved as";re~d:.. '" ","" "",:',., ,: ,'f /) " : " ' Richard Putney, Court, Clerk Maurice Anderson, Deputy Clerk Rebecca' Anz ~ :Deputy Cl erk , ",tiChristine Crump, 'Deputy Clerk ", ' I 0 1 a Pi cku,l ;, Deputy ,Cl erk ' Eddie Roberts, Deputy Clerk Kathleen Walker, Deputy Clerk iF . .f Voting Aye: All Voting No: None r ~ . : ' ." !", ~'l ~ Mayor Wallin then administered, the bath ,to::r4r.' Richard'Putney as Clerk oJ the Muni~ipal Court ~f the City ~f ~est University Place. " ;", ~. . ,e.: ~.:" .' ,... , . , . .' ,. .- Mr.' Gerald;' Kerbow~ prev.ious'ly ~a:ppointe'd a' member 'of the Plumbing Board, who had arrived at the me'eting 's:ubsequent to the administration ,of the Oath to other: board members" wasadmi ni stered the Oath' a,tthi s time ,bY Mayor :Wa'l i~. The Commi ssion was advi sed, that a statement'ih:the 'amount' of'$3,96:3.51 ,ha:dbeen received from Ross, Inc. for the installation of carpet in the Library and Com- munity Building, such fnvoice including $30.50 addition error in the proposal submitted by Ross, Inc. . ".', . 1 Moti on' by' Cbmmi S5 i oner Thompso:h, secoride~ by Comm;:ss'foner, Stan 1 ey; that Ross, Inc. be p'aid a totat':5'um' of$3,933.0'2~: in; accordance"with,' the,o,r;gimil bid,'; for the,installat;on 'of carpet in the 'Library and Community Build;ng~ " Voting Aye(' A11 , Vot;.ng No: None' nie Commi:ssion was 'aavised that em.ergency'<re-pai rs had been: necessary to :Unit : 207 when the transmiisslonfailed:,and:a;,;statement in ,the a:mollnt,bf $1; llO'.47 : submitted by International Harvester Company was now recommended for payment; Moti,onby :Commissi oiier Thompson, s'econded"by Commi ss;:one.r Dunn,- that the s'tate- "ment' submitted 'by International Harvester': Company for repairs'to Unit 207, in the amount of $1,110.47, be approved for payment. " :VOti ng Aye : All :: , , VotfngNo : 'None", . \ . ; I ~ . . . \- ," . : . ; ~ .' l' i . : A certificate of completion prepared by Mr. Harold E. McConnell, consulting, engineer, on the construction of a lighted softball field on the Houston In- dependent School grounds was presented' to' the: Commtssfon together with a req'uest that the ,$2,296.00 retained of the contfaat price of $22,960.00 from Powell and Stephensdh El ectri ca 1 Contractors, be- pai d'. i ":c' :;;'. <,,' , , 1 ,I,.:" ,-.' , . Mot.i on -by ;,Commi s;s i one,r Durin';, seconded: by . Commiss'i oner Th0mpso,T:l,,: that \ ttiEFi nvdi ce in the amount of $2~296. do submitted by 'Powell and :Stepherison 'for. the balance due on the constructiori of a lighted softball field bepaid. ~oting Aye: ...: ~ . i . ..i.' All Voting No: None . :; f: 11- III 1'11' ""I"lIIl1l1ilmr 11'11.-' ""JII.JI ~- C) 1... rulliJlll~III;;L . ,11111 III LJ-- j,l _____,.1.. d J ',1 1 , ':dOc!' Commissioner Binig arrived, at the meeting'~tthis :time. In accordance with previous dis~ussidn by' the CityCommissi~n regarding the I'~'I ' need for window coverings at the Community Building, the following action \11 was taken by the City Commission.-: . :: : . -, ;...~ - ? . - i Motion by Commissioner Thompson, secon~ed by; Commissioner Stanley, that the City Manager be authorized, tb ad.vertis,e,'fio-r'bi'ds,toc,Over the windows at the Community Building, with such'bjds.to. b,e r,ece:ived by,the City Commission on Monday, June 9, 1975. ., Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ": 'f ; f _ ~ .' ! Proposals received from eligible banking institutions to serve as a depository fur C:ity,'funas wer:e ,opened andi results 'reviewed. 'I '.. , Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that proposals recei vedto serv:e as a depository for ci,ty :funds received ,from Fannin Bank, :River Oaks Bank, Western B~nk, 'Gu;lfCQast Jtan.k,' Coloni:aLSavj:ngs, West Loop National Bank, a'nd Chemical Bank, be r'eferred ,to the Fin~nce' Committee and City Manager for study with a recommendation to be presented to the City Com- mission at its nex~ regular meeting on May 26, 1975. :,:" ; f ".1 '"Ii .: Voting Aye,:' . All : '. -Voting Np:: None Mrs. John Berti ni, 2829 Wroxton Road, and ~4r. John Mi tc'he 11, 2908 Wroxton' Road, appeared before the Commiiss;:<min behalf of petitions 'filed by residents of 0 the 2800/2900 block ofWroxton:Road re:questing a speed limit of ,20 miles per hour in an effort'tO' deter excessive "cut'":through'!, traffic using the, street. Mrs. Bertini. ,and Mr. Mitchell stated that the traffic volulIJeand.speed has con- tinued to increase and they had worked for many months trying to find a permanent solution to..the, problem and it,:was their, belief that red,uc-ingthe'speed.'1imit to 15~mil~s ~er. hQu~ might se~ve' as a deterent, even though it would not be a per- maneAt method of contro 1-. ..', ': ;;;' . I . Motion"byGommi.ssi oner Bi'ni g, seconded,:.by' Commi ssioner Stanley,: that the.spe~d limit i.n the 2800/2900 block of,Wroxton,Road be reduced, to 15-miles\ per hour as soon as possible. Motion alJ1ended by Commissioner Stanley, accepted by Commiss-ioney!;Binig, that the speed limit in the 2800/2900 block of Wroxton Road be reduced to 20-miles per hour~l~ 'j- .. , Motion seconded bY.Commi'ssi'oner Stanley. ", \. : ~ :. l;..:, i . ; ; ,,' ~" . . Motion amended by Commissioner Thompson~ accep~ed by: Commis~ioners Binig and Stanley, that the speed limit in the 2600 through 3100 blocks of WroxtonRoad .inclusive, be reduced to'20-miles per hour, on a trial basis untila,full 'writ- ten'orecommendationisreceived from"the Chief:ofPoliGe. , " r.-' Voting Aye: All . - i ;. : :: ." (. . 'r IJ Voting No: None , The City Manager was requested to instruct that records be kept during the next n C': C\} c.c ~' - ~' :r: o n .~,~ thirty ,days to determine what effect,: if any,' the 'lower speed 'limit 'had,on' traf- fic inthe,area,aswell':asthe number,of~arning'~nd'dtatiOriscissued; '''- Mr. Mike Parks, Chairman, Parks and Recreation Board,' appeared before the'City Commission to present the fee schedule for the summer recreation program of the Recreation Department. Mr. Parks stated:that his purpose in presenting the fee schedule was to avoid a~y mix~up in the program: of collection of ~fees and th~t everyone would be advised of the proposed fees:' , , Mr. Parks stated that the primary change planned for thissummer was an inc~ease in family memberships'from $5.00to'$10.00 and the del~tion'of separate activity fees. "Family ,memberSh'ip fees :for, non-resident participants. in the :recreation program will be increased from $10.00 to $15.00: ' Mayor:,Wallin thanked My:< Parks and expressed 'the Commission's appreciation for the work done by the Parks' and Recr.eati on 'Board. '!.e.,,:' , In accordance with the provisions of Resolution Number 75-5 authbrizingthe employment of J C Construction'Companyto'make'certaiYr'repairs to the sanitary sewer lift station at the intersection of Duke and Vanderbilt Streets in West University on the basis of cost, plus 20%, an invoice in the amount, of $3,:38L60 was presented for consideration. ."! ':' Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the City: ' Commission authorize for payment an invoice in the amount of $3,381.60 for work performed in making repairs to the sanitary sewer lift station at the' intersectio~ o'fDuke, and Vanderbilt :S~re'ets' i n,We'st Uliiversi ty,. ", " , .,' ~ i - . . ~' ~. [ l _. (', :" / <'.' -... ,. ,'" ~" . . '. I il1Voting, Aye: , Voting: No:~~; None', '" ~ An \~. . ! '. : ,: ; ~ .; . " . J: J... The Commission was advised that the current appointment of Mr. Charles Orsburn , as Ass'odate Judge of the', MunicipaT'Court 'would ,'expire on ,May '12, 1975,; and if it. Was the aesire, of the'City Commissi6nto retain ~1r.. Q.rsburn 'as 'an'Associate 'Judge in the absence ofliJugge Bob Dunn!; consideration shoul d}i begi ven,to :re-';:- appointment,~.: ' ' ", ;::;.i" '; :' , ' . :, .,; . rvJbt1'on by CommissionerStanlei~; secori'ded by,Commissioner Thompson, that Mr.' " Charles Orsburn be'>reappoi'nt'ed;,AssociateJudgeof the {'1unicdpal Court for a peri 0'9, or sixty ,days.' ". ' ,,', ;.., ',\' "',', Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ". 'if .~. -1 ~.':' j ."'. ;;' -.,' ~':r; t. _,'. . 1:'1 ~ .......- A statement in the amount of $12,850.00';~mbmit<ted:by Bays'hore~Ehg:ii1eers, Inc.:, for engineering services completed to date in accordance with the provisions o,f thei r contract: with the Cit.Y~ dated-: Ja,nuary :27",,1975;, for-an" investi gati'on and recommendati on of exi sti n:g' wa:stewa:ter: treatment' fad ~ ity and,the prepara'ti on of an infiltratio~/inflow analysis of ~xisti~g sanitary sewer collection system. Motion,'by 'Commissi'oner Thompso.n~:<seccinded;byCommissioner Stanley"that the' , invoice in'the amount of$12,B50.-00 submftted by 'Bayshore"Enginee.r.s be author- fzed for payment. ' , , ' "' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None r, , -= _ '1"_=-:--:1..,. I .ill 'J. . -J..L.lIlIlIIILJiIDrr ll.!Ili . -.1...........-. . --.-11[' " ....!I'll ,m"IlUIll'L..-' r 111'1 lll'-----..L,-J~ .-:....y--r- - r' , y =-:':1 ft4 " C;tyAttorney tCf:iat~es: Cockrel] :advi sed''''the'GQmmi ssi on that"'he:,:had: preparecl'an a~swer in the;~Jr.j,t:'of Errbr.,.in !the~'u'i~ o:f;:Doy D.:}1yers'ys."CitYQf ~e~t: ~niver- 1-) Slty Place Zon1ng and Plann1ng Com~~sslon and such answer ~ould be f11ed 1n the nearl future.,:",' , ,: ;":',"",, " ' ,- ,.. " , , "',' , iU ' , .. ',: I',:, ',,',,:.., .. ^' , ' ,-,',:.. " , f' ".,' '",'." , \ ' ".' '- '. l. l., . ~ : ." ,..; ;. - "" . !',' ....:. ...: . - . : . ",. ':'.1 .' . ; .' .' =-.: !,: Commissi'oner.,Binig reported that results. ~f ;the' Council on; Agjng: Sljrvey..were bei ng organi zed"and" that ,the"'city ,was most fortunate in ..that ,the Houston-Gal veston Area Council had agreed to use its staff and Rice University C9JTlputpr service for tabulation of the survey. I', '::)' I '.. , Mayor,Wa]l;n compliment~d Commissi!9.J,!.er,Binig and,Commis'sioner; Dunn on' the, Counc:H on Aging ,survey resultsand~xpressed'sincer'e appreciation for all the work that had been accomplished: , " . , ,- ; L Commi,ssi oiJer-;Dunn" repoded thatl,pl ans'-we,r,e bei ng formulated for, the 4th of/',': July celebration and that the Commi.ssion would be kept advised as p,lans progressed. ~.', Following, a, discussion regarding funds.requested:bythe B;<;:entenniaJ,ConJ!TI,itte~, for,their prop.esed activities,: it was the ,decision of the.Commission to being' work"with the' Committee to obtain as much money as possib.le from sources other than city funds... ' Mr. Cockrell reviewed a letter from Houston Natural Gas Company advising of their new;:rates;, ; ',' .. .' ; " ' It was, the dedsion of the CityCoITImission .to meet on Tue,sday,:May '20th, 7:30 p.m., to discuss the major works proposal: prepared by Bayshore Engineers, Inc.,fur~ 0 ther consideration of an ordinance rezoning the 4000 block of 'Ruskin Street for the additional use of parking; traffic conditions within the city; and work of the Bicentennial Committee. ~. .. ',', l The ,Commission: reviewed the draft of a'f)" ordinance, prepp.red py Mr.-,Coekrell for thei'rezening of Lots 5, 6;' 7;: 8,,;9 and :JO; :B-1Qek25:;Colle"geview' First Additipn in, accordance, wi th recommendati ons, contai ned in the '~Fi nal Report o,f' :the Zoni ng and Planning Commission and previous requests of the City Commissio,n. Follow- ing a lengthy discussion the City Attorney was instructed to prepare a draft for study ,by the City Commissjon:at'a w,o'rks~ssion. on TU8sday,May 20th, elimina- tingacurbicut:.onto: Ruskin from Lots 5.ahd,6, and requiri'ng.:that li,ze and,loca- tion of a curb cuts for tthe other lots be reviewed by the City Commission when property developed as a parking lot. Minutes of the Bicentennial Committee meeting on April 29, 1975, were presented to the Commission for their information. ". t (- . , ... ;.. ::;; I.., ,. . ". ". ." , ,I ~ ',. . ;"_ "=: ." " ,<', ..f-'. :.: '" """, I '..;' . ; Mi.nutes of" the:-meeting of the ParKs .and Recreation Board on Apri,l 22" 19.75, were pre'sente~ to> the Commission for. their,Jnformation.. " , Minutes of the special meeting of the Electrical Board on April 28, 1975, were presente,d to the Commission, foY\!their infor.mation. The City, Manager was instructed to,adv.ise Mr.. ,Ben Frieler, SupL !of;,:West:,University,.Eleme,ntary Schoo:l, w1ith'a co,PY of such letter to be forwarded to the President of the West Universi;tySchpol PTA, action taken by the West University Electrical Board. ;, u u Ct': C\l C.C c ::: ::r: o [J ~ ,~'~i Mi nutes of the regul ar meeting on April 28th and the recessed meeti ng on t4ay 5th of the City Commission, were presented and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that minutes of the regular meeting Qf the City Commission on. April 28th and the,recessed me~ting on, May 5th, be approVed "as, $ubnii'tted;. h. " ,'; ;',:, " ,.'" " "', " 1,,' . ,"j ; '. Voting Aye,:,"'An 'I Voting No: None With no further business to come before,the Commission at this tim~, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the ine~tlrigC adjourned 'at lO:45p.ni. . :.. ~ ",I:. :: I r:" " ' , G..~q~~~ ',' MIIIYOR'" " , , . , . ~ . ~. . , , . . '. . . ': , f ; ~ .# ;- ", ATTEST: ,\ \: ~ ~~L2A..i JS.ss stant City Secretary . " ,. -- . ~ : I .. ~ : .: "~ . .. " ; .", ',' ~.:: :-:: J'J" . --I ,', ..: ..~::. I"'. . . ' " __ ~ ~ I.,' . . ~ . I .' J' ; , :~. ~ ' :;".!" I, " . "t ", . . ~ ! : .... , ' 'I, " :1 . .:', . r- I~' - T-, 'II "1.1111111I J~m 1lll.- ' 'II ~JU I, , I 1i~ i 4:1: U , ,llli~UIIIIIIIII;I, ,~,III' I J1LJ u, 1_1 ~-U REGULAR MEETING DF CITY COMMISSION " 'MA'(26',1975', t ~. ~., . if, r .~. ~ \. - .. , , , . . [".' ... J . ;: '.' . , [" , ! ': , ' " " f .. -. ~ ~ . The 'City C'6mmi"ssion convened in regular session at the'City Hall on Monday, May 26,1975,7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Wallin, presiding; Commiss.ioners Sinig, Dunn, Stanley and Tho!l1Pson~, The, City Attorney . and City Manager were also present. ' .' I;.. :/:' .:-.:, i ::,~' f ,::~;,.., . ':'~';":.:;.:";: ': ,,/~ """1.: '. The Invocati9n w,as pronoun;eq~y Maior~allin: " '''f :." t ~ ~ '. Mr. Burt Ballanfant, 4001 Case Street, stated that he was present at the meet- ing to compliment personnel of the swimming pool for the speed and efficient manner in \'/hich they pulled his, young daughter from the pool. u '--1 Mr ~ .;John 'Burns,Co-Chaj rm(in,of "th~ city' s Bicentennial Committee, stated that r, he would defer to:tbe other Co-Chairman, Mrs. Betty Sellers, for presentation' of projects selected to denote phases of the National Bicentennial Observation in order for the city to be designated as a Bicentennial City. Mrs. Sellers listed the following projects, each falling in one of the three phases of the observance, Heritage, Festival and Horizon: 1. Avenue of Flags 2. Mosaic Garden 3. Playground ',\ 4. Lighted Softball Field 5. City Marquee 6. 4th of July celebrations 7. Independence Park , Mrs. Sellers reviewed plans for each of the projects stating that some of the , activities planned would celebrate the city's 50th Anniversary, while others would be part of the national Bicentennial celebration. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that the i seven (7) Bicentennial projects recommended by the Bicentennial Committee , be approved for the purpose of the Bicentennial Committee applying for designa- tion of the City of West University Place as a Bicentennial City. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Following a general discussion regarding the proposed construction of amosiac garden on city owned property at College and Northwestern Streets, and the erec- tion of a city marquee, it was the decision of the Commission to meet with members of the Bicentennial Committee to review these plans. Mrs. Shirley Glash,6712 Brompton Road, representing residents in the 6700 block of Brompton and surrounding neighbors, presented a petition requesting the City Commission to authorize the installation of a cul-de-sac at the intersection of Brompton Road and Holcombe Boulevard. The following were listed by Mrs. Glash as reasons for the request: 1) A great increase in traffic on Brompton Road since the apartments have been built on Brompton on the Houston side of Holcombe Blvd. o u r-! I , L,.,J I' 5) c: C\) c.c ~ 6) :C:' 1 == 7) ~., "1 "f.-j;'I' ,2)- liitter,which is thrown in yards by through. traffic from beyond Holcombe ,Boulevard. 3), The traffic on Holcombe 'Boulevard, beingexceptionally'heavy makes crossing or en te'ri'ng, Holcombe BoulevardextreinelYdangerbus. ' The history of accidents at Holcombe Boulevard and Brompton Road assures the ,val idi'ty of this statement~ ' 4) We feel the recent rash of burglaries and attempted burglaries of- ' homes on Brompton Road is largely due to this traffic from the City of Houston. ' We also feel the citizens of West University Place\villbe taxed continually to replace or repair worn out paving which will be a result of this "heavy traffic load. ' : ""(. , ' The fact that Brompton' 'Road 'is cipenedand a throughstree't also 'en- ,tour-ages the us'e:' 'of our al ready:overc:roWded :parks qby -re'sidents, of the City of Houston. It is our understanding that a prior feasibility study recommended such' acul-de~siac at the intersec'tton of 'Brompton Road, and, Hol combe Boulevard in anticipation of -an, i"ncrease in ,traffic when the: above , mentioned apartments and other developments were still in the planning stage. ' , Mrs. Dorothy Rei ger; 6515 Brompton Road; Mr. Don Herrin, 6711 Brompton Road; Mr. Gerald Rulfs,,> 6538 Brompton Road; Mr. Raymond Daniel, 6644 Brompton Road; and r~rs. Mabel Ja,ckson, 6404 Brompton Road wer.e all :inattendance at the meet- ing in support of the petition for the construction of ,a cul-de-sac at the inter- secUon' o'f Brompton Road 'and Holcombe Boulevard. : "" o " f . ;.;,! )/ The petitioners were'~dvised that reports would be requested' from theP01ice,and Fire Departments regarding the construction, and that the petition would be re- ferred to the Zoni ng and Pl anni ng Commi ssi on for thei r' recommenda:t~ On. Mr,.George, Spence, 6645 Vanderbilt, ad'vi sed tlieCommi ssi on that' residents of the "'6700blocko,fVanderbilt were also' concerned about the traffic ion their street and would like the Commission to consider the construction of a cul-de-sac at the i ntersecti on of Vanderbi 1 t and Holcombe Boul evard. Mr'.: Spence further stated that most of the traffic on Vanderbilt was ,lIshort cutll traffic and the situation wasy!ot as serious as that which existed at Brompton Road and Holcombe. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that the request 'arid 'petiti,on :.filed' by' resi'dents!orf'the :,.6700: block "ofVanderb-i:lt and the~6700 "brock of Brompton Road for the :constructioriofcul-de-sacs,be 'accepted and tile recommendation be presented to~the Zontng arid Planning Commission for their 'reGcimmendation~ " . ',:,.' " - Motion amended by Commissioner Thompson, accepted by Commissioner Binig, that "recommendation" be changed to read "request". n }! ~ ., ,Voting Aye: All ': Voting N6: None . ill l'I:" l.Il,' ,..: ,,!lI'][ 1]]l![1I[mIIEL:~, 1[" , .111- - -- -- --- --1-"::::1 ~ ' I -- L,"': ...:...:c I 1'0 . . cJ It was established by, the City Commission ,that: requesting: re,~pml)lenda,tions from the Chief of Police, Fire Chief and Zoning and PlannJng;C.omm-i$sion-regarding the construction of cul-de-sacs at the intersection of Vanderbilt and Holcombe Boul evard and Brompton Road ,and Hol combe, -Boul,evardwoul d not precl ud~ further study by the:C.ityCommission of general 'traffic condittonsthroughput'~ the city. [J ~ . i, 1 ' In accordance with previ ous acti on of the: City' Commi"ssion ~'bids: re.ce'i vep for delivery of one new 1,000 g.p.m. pumper were opened and results announced as fo 11 owS: ': "; ,', : " , : .: ij American LaFrance Mack Trucks Wa:rd LaFrance;;: ':'; . ! $ 55,469.00 50,270.00 ,'r 51 ~606,.,OO : '" l I 280-320 day delivery 18 month delivery ,240,:day' del ivery Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by :Commissioner ThompS,,'On,;'that bids submitted for delivery of one new 1,000 g.p.m. pumper be referred to the City Manager and' F-ir.e Chief, for. analysis 'and st:udy, with a :recommendation to be pre- sentedto..the 'City 'Commission at: U'S' Jlext' regular meeting on:Monday, June 9th. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None 'f ,," ,Bids ,received for the removaljdemolfti.on:'of a: frame residence and, garage located at 4124"Byron S,treet 'were, opened and',r,esult:s ann:ounced-::as fo:11ows:..~,' , i. ~ ; < ; : '.. ~ I . '. ,"' t.... ", .. ., .... r ., .. Houston Haulting and Contracting Company - Charge $ 1,500.00 Olshan Demolishing Company, Inc. - Charge 975.00 Stevenson-Daril~k, In~~ Charge 600.00 ,WarkDemolishing Charge 9,00.00' : ',U.' S. :W~lli~,ms:'Demoli shi ngCo~ " ,-:PaY.rl ,.~50 .,00 : o Motion by Commissioner Thompso.n; seconded byG,ommiss'ioner Binig, that the:.bid submitted by U. S. Williams Demolishing Company to pay the sum of $1,150.00 t,o demo~ i,:~ ;(~;e,( frame~"'f;'esidenee~ ~O~~~~,?,::\~~.~;,zn24:::.BYf.'OriSSteeeLbe.:,a;ce~Pted. . -VdthlgAye: All Voting No.: ' None In,'accor,danc:e with previous action of ' the City Commission,: bids received 'for, delivery of one automa ti c :e 1 ectri c inserter were opene:d :and resul t:s;announced as fo11 ows : '- . ' 'Bell &: Howe 1.1 North Freeway Bapt'ist:Chunch Pitney: Bowes . Singer , $' 3,994.35 '-2,500.00, ',,2 ,{)36; 00 (No Bid) .. Mot:i on by. Commissioner Stanl ey,seconded. by' Commi,ss ione,r,Tholllpson , that bids re- ceived .for de.Uvery-ofone autori1atic,:electric~inserter be referred,to'the City 'iManager for, study and :tabulation with a :recommendati.on to be presented to the City Commission at its next regular meeting on June 9th, if a recommendation could not be made later in this meeting. Voting Aye: All Voti',ng No : None, u Ordinance Number 1038 was presented to the Commission ,for consideration, Following [1 C':' ,C\) c.c 't;' - ..... a:: o u i$ generaldfscussion with regard to recommendations made by the Zoning and Planning Commission in their final report, City Attorney Charles Cockrell. was instructed to clarify the recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission and return an ordi- nance for:'ftirther consi'dera.ti'on by the City Commis'sidh"atits :regular meeting on June 9,'1'975. ' " , Ordinance Number 1039 was, presented to the Commission and re~d in full. . . :.... " AN: ORDINANCE 'AMENDING' ORDINANCE 'NUMBER 111 OF THE:CITY,OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY PERMITTING LOTS 5, 6, 7" 8, 9 AND 10,BLOCK 25, COLLEGEVIEW FIRST ADDITION, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO BE USED FOR PARKING' PURPOSES SUBJECT TO VARIOUS RESTRICTIONS: AND PROVIDING ,'AN ,EFFB€TIVE DATE.' , , ' Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconde:dby 'Coinmissioner Starrley., that the gross vehicular weight be changed from 8,000 pounds to 6,000 pounds, and Ordinance Number l039<rezonln.g"Lots 5,: 6, 7, 8~'9'and In,; Block 25,Colle'geview First 'Addition for ,parking,pur~oses~~be approved 'as, read.'" ' ,,' " ; i Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commiss:ion was advised that when Layne-Texas Company made repairs to Water Well Number 5 the sum of $1,500.00 had been retained to insure the installation of a water:, leveld'nstrumerit so that thedepthopera.tion' water level could be continuously monitored.;' , Engineers. for Layne:..Texas ,Coinpani,,'as 'Well. as' r~r,:{.Owen F ~ Jensen, Jr., Consulting' CivN Engineer, have advised that it was not feasible to install such an instrument would require much additional expense and would still be doubtful. In a " etter dated Apri 1, 2, '197~', Layne-Texas Company agreed to a deduction of; $1 50,00 from'the'fina,l amount due for {Gost of'materlals and, labor for an airline'; '~ ! '. . :...- Motion by C,ommissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the sum of $150~00 be deducted from the final invoice from Layne':"TexasCompany and the amount of $1,350.00 be authorized for payment to Layne-Texas Company as final payment for 'repairs made to Water We 11 Number ,'5 ;' ' , i". ,,'\ ~:.' Vot~ng Aye: All Voting No: None The Commi ss i orl' was:' advi-sed that the Inves tmentCommittee: had. :revi'ewed all proposal s submitted to serve as. a' depository,for.the,citY: and it was be'lieved that the pro- posal submitted by Fannin Bank would be most advantageous for the city inasmuch as in additio~ to supplyin~ printed checks for daily banking needs, Fannin Bank will furnish a monthly account analyses which will indicate excessive demand balances that:may lJe 'available for investment. ' , if '. ,.'), , , '. , .' , , , .. ' , Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commi.ssionerStanley, that Fannin Bank, Chemical Bank and University State Bank be named depository banks for the city's ' -River OilksBankand' Tr.ust, West ,loop National 'Hank" andWe'stern'Bank be designated , as' 'depository. banks foriiwestment,:of ,funds.. " .' ' , J;: _;.::' ". " Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Commis,si oner ;Phil:i p' Dunn reported, tha t ,plans" were progressinfJ' we 11 :for. the: 4th of ",,: ':'n:J[ ,Il!IEIlIlTIlllII:!I :',,: ,HI' , ]1,- - C"U :. '...::Ji- - r :, ..--:._r:....=,1 , I 20 : JulycelebratiQn,..andactiviti:es:"wer,e,beJng'!planned that Woul!d be'of:inte-rest to all res i dents. I . ::; ., , ;, . ,,' . " ' ,-f AI statement :in."the amount i:>:f<,: $757. 5t:t TorJ:ega 1 ;servi ces!' rendered 'duri'ng' the months of~anuary, February and March, 1975, submitted by City Attorney Charles Cockrell was presented for consideration. - '. . . n U , ~ ii',. - ,1 j' . , ; r \' , Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that the invoice in the amount of $757.50 subIi1,i ttedby CityAttortleyCha,rles Cockrell be authorized for payment.,-" Vo~ing Aye: All Voting No: None' , .. ' Invoi ces in the amount of $197.83 and $80.00 submittedby'Peterson ;El ectri ca 1 ' " Contractors for emergency repairs made to the electrical panel at the water plant were presented to the Commissioh for consideration.: .~' , . ~ : I . , " ": ;'1,' ,< .. -, '" . ,-. , Motiionby :Commissioner. Binig",SeC0l:tdedbv J;;ommissioner Binig;;::that:invoice:s in the amount of $797.83 and $80.00 received from,Peterson Illectrical COl'iltractors for emergency repairs made to the electrical paDel at the water plant be approved for payment. ;, . . , ':, ,.: ' .voting': Aye: ,.All , , " i; ,', '" ' Vot':ihg No::':' Nome,: : " . . .' '.' . t .. <. :. .,' The Commission waspresei1ted a: statement in the amount of $500.00 submitted by Bayshore Engineers, Inc. 'forengi'neering servicesrendere.dqin preparation of cost , 'estimate for. various water :Hnes:, ,storm 'sewer and street, :improvement::'. . ~ ~ < . , , . J..: ." .' J 'I ~ . ", o , , Motion by Commissioner Stanley; seconded byCommissi.oner Thompson, that the state- ment in the amount of $500.00 subm:itted by Bayshore Engineers, Inc." for engineering services, be approved for payment. .r:'. . . ~ . Voting Aye: All Voting No': None " '..l .j . Permission was requested to auction off bicycles,thathad'been Il'icked up by the Police Department and unclaimed as part of the 4th of July celebration. Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconded by Commissioner, that the City Manager be authorjzedto:advertiseforauctionbicyc~les in the possession of the' Police Departmentat/a:time to be designated:on'the'4th: of July. , Not i n g,: Aye : A~ 1. "Voting N.o:., None ,: In response to a request by the City Manager., ,:Mrs: Lee LockaTd'reported' on her recent trip to Denver, Colorado to attend the annual meeting of the International Institute of 'Municipal Clerks,. , ' , Ci:ty:,Manager,i.Jhitt Johnson repo~rted that the Steering Committ~eappointedto assist with arrangements for a public rece'ption :honor.ing Chief'Har.old Shi'fIlp'syears of service had worked very hard and it was believed that the reception would be a success. " , ' Motion by Conlli1.issioner ''Stanley, ,seconded by Commissioner Bin:ig, that an appropriate L1 ~1 Resolution be prepared honoring Chief Shipp and commemorating his years of service. ~I Voting Aye:, All Voting No: None The Commiss'"on was advised that Chiefof Police Richard Kesselus had returned home from the F.B.I. Academy for the long Memorial Day week-end and had reported the school was providing excellent training and that he looked forward to completion of the course and returning to work. Members of the Commission were reminded that a workshop meeting had been posted for 7:30 p.m., :Tuesday, May 27, 1975, to discuss operation of the Library, traffic problems in general and finances and taxes in regard to a, proposed bond issue. ~ The City Manager was instructed to arrange a meeting with'membens,of the City Com- {C' mission and members of the Parks and Recreation Boardaswe<11 as memb.ers:of the t:' Zoning and Planning Commission to review plans for the proposed improvements to =: be made at Case Park, and to furnish Chairmen of each group with a copy of the = plans. .', ....:. J .' . : o Minutes of the regular meeting of the Plumbing Board on May 12, 1975 were presented to the Commission for their information. It was noted that the Board recommended certain additions to the Plumbing Ordinance. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the City At- torney be instructed to add to the Plumbing Ordinance Section 18-13.1 and a new section as recommended by the Plumbing Board such ordinance to be presented to the City Commission at its regular meeting on June 9th. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on May 19, 1975, were pre- sented to the Commission for their information. The City Manager was instructed to advise West University Elementary School principal, Ben Freiler and the presi- dent of the West University P. T.A. that Mr. B. M. Bl ack of the Houston Independent School District had renewed his master electrician's license with the City of West University Place. Minutes of the Safety and Accident Review Board on May 13, 1975, were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on May 13, 1975, were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, May 12, 1975, were presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, May 12, 1975, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None u With no further business to come before the Commission at this time upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. ~ r -"I" '1 Jlf II "..j,'IIIIII11I[mlU I lllnk' , .. ,]ll'l[ 122 IIIlITljllmm'l." '1[',1 JII-- -~l:, ~.___ J 1-: ~Ir--:::L ~..;: . ~ : qo.u(2w~l};roP!-l ' ., ATTEST: ; "" ':' -; ~'- :" , i " ; .. ~"",~.":,..":,,,,.:, Y' . '. . . - ,.; . . ,', '. -. .. ... ;:; .;', "" Ass-;jstant.',6ity:Secretary, .. '''.' "::' , " - . ,f: .; , / . .. t. ,i' i, ',.,. ; "-.:; - I: ;'}':.' , . ~ , , . ~ i .. :,' :: !~:: : .). . , , . .J. , j .. ;',,' :;, "il .. ..~,.d~\o,.,-.L,._ I it \ I......-l o u [ ~ C\l (C ~ ...... ...... :z:: o i: l_ ~ 'O~ ~-~. :" REGULAR MEETIN&OF CITY COMMISSION ': JUNE 9,>1975 The C'ity: Co-mmission ceonvened in regular session at the CityHHall on ~10nday, June ~~ 197-5,.'7:30'p'.m.~ with the following members present:' ~,1ayor Wallin, presiding;'iCommissi:oners Binig;, Dunn, Stanley' and Thompson. ' The ,City At- torney and Ci ty Manager were also present. '. ' The [nv0catien'was proMunced, byComri1issionerDunn-~ i' Mr. John Sthmidt,,3302'Robinhood, stated 'that he had' previously appeared be- fore the City Commission to complain about 'an, eight (81) foot fence and swim-,~ ming pool that had been constructed adjacent to his residence and had subse- quently been,;advised that all of the construction was w'ithiilthe pr.ovision's of the ci ty IS bui1 ding and fence codes. Mr. Schmi dt advi sed that' he would like to request that the City Commission give consideration to permitting con- struction that would adversly affect adjoining neighbors. Mr..Schmidt invited members of the Commission to visit his home and witness the noise created by the swimming'pool pump and filter in order to better understandsltuations that had already been created, and could well be continued, by permitting erection of eight (8') foot fences. : Mayor Pault4allin, Jr. read the following letter recieved by Governor Dolph Brisco: I I '1 liThe Honorable, 0 Paul- ~J. . Wa 1:1 fri, J.r.' . ." ~l Mayor, City of West, tlniversity Place, 3311 Albans Road ' - Houston, Texas 77005 . . 'Y Dear,Mayor Wallin: ' As Governor of Texas, it is,a pleasure forme to take this opportunity to extend,:coTrgratulations to' ,the: citizens 'o'f the City of West UniversitY: Place on the lQttas~'bn. 'of the;'Ci.ty' s Fifti e,th, Ann,;,versary. The gr.owth: of your City' is ev.i'dence a..fits attractiveness as 'a pla~e;_ to reside.: . .' ~ " Our many fine Texas communities and cities such as yours truly'reflects our' great Texas heritage and I am sure that each and every citizen of West Uni- vers,i tyPlace ,fee 1 s a deep sense of"persona 1 pride i nthei'r City and their State.I":: ' " I know your Fiftieth Anniversary celebration will be a most eventful 'one, and' I extend my sin~ere best wishes for a successful observance. ! '. Since'rely, - Is! Dolph Briscoe" ;', ' , ,': Mayor Wallin stated that, he 'had, received'a simila:r congratulatory letter from State Representative Kay Bailey and she had accepted an invitation to be pre- sent at: the ce,lebration. ,- '", r ~I: f -, '1 .. 'II[ 11111. , "11 'H' 1,t1I1UITIIr1iilll' ~Jlli]1 2:4 1IlLJ: Iii 'U, ~J~T-'l' 'L_J .~ I Mr. Robert Kendri-ck, a member of, the" Bi centenni al, Comm.ittee, appeared before the Commission to present a drawing ,showing the' concept that is to be developed 1'1--1 as a Mosiac Park on the vacant property located at College and Northwestern Streets. Mr. Kendrick stated that it was so near the 4th of July that time would precl ude anything bei ng developed, or planted ,at ,the park at; that' t'ime, UJ however, a symbolic ceremony ,could be: planned, at which.t:ime improvements ' planned for, the park coul dbe ,exi'bHed, and: residents advi:$ed of permanent improvements proposed for the park. \/" : Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconaed>byCommissioner -Dunn, that ,the City Manager be authorized to engage the services of a D-4 dozer with operator fo,r the ,purpose of reshaping the :bermatthe Mosiac: Park in aC,corda:nce,with a pllan preseflted by Mr'. Robert' Kendrick., - , ". '-' "" , Motj on: amended, by Cbmm'i ss'i oner Thompson:,': seconded, by Mr.' Dunn,\; that - the' area be grassed by; vol unteer 1 abor.. ~' . Vot:ing: on, Amendent. , ; 'Vot;;ngAye: All" i Voti ng ~No:, None ,,' Voting on Motion: 'V0ting , Aye: A 11: .... Voting-No: None Mr. Allen Weymouth, member of the Independence Park Committee, reviewed a report of the Independence Park Committee dated June 2, 1975, requesting that the City Commission pass a resolution encompassing certainrecommenda~ ti ons in order for the Independence Park Committee' tO~bmplete an' app1 i ca-,' tion for funds for the construction of the park, such application to be com~ pleted by July 10th. n U r4r. Cl ifford Potter, 3622 Duke, advi sed the Commi ss i on that he' had filed a letter on June 2, 1975, setting forth questions that he felt should be investi- gated ,prior to, any ty'pe of development: on: Independence' Park,. 'Mr. PoJ:,ter stated that, residents on the ,dead end~ streets wou.l d:bedj sJ'upted ,ri1oJ'oe~_th~n:.()th~Y;$._j i1f:? asmudlas their peace and quiet would interrupted: bicycles, 'noise, trash' and debri s 1 eft by people vi s i ti ng: the a rear, and wo:u ld' ,1 Oseuse of the Flo,od , Control Easement they had beautified and maintained over the years as a por- tionofthej~,yard. - Mr. Philip ,Lewis', member of the Independence Park Committee, requested that the City Commission invite Mr. Potter to serve as a member of such Committee inasmuch as he lived adjacent to the proposed park site and would be able to provide valLiable'input to the Committee; " - Mr. Potter stated that even though he was retired he had certain commitments that required him to be out of the, city a great deal and would be unable to accept such an appointment. Mr. Weymouth reviewed the proposed Phasing of the project in response to a re~Liest by those concerned with the p,ark.si development. . . ~ . I I LJ Resolution Number 75-15 was presented to the Commission and ,read in ,full: cr; C\l ~ '~ ,..,... ....... ::r:: o [: "- ,o~ ~~. , ' , I WHEREAS, heretofore the'CityCommission of the ,City of West University Place, Texas, has appointed a Committee known as the Independence ParkCommit'- tee for the purpose of exploring the possibility of using such areas in and along Poor Farm Ditch as' a possible park; and ~ - WHEREAS,'said Independence Park Committee, after numerolls meetings~ has recommended"'asPhase I of' the ,improvements of sai d park the deve 1 opmetlt of a hike and bike trail along the thirty (30) foot wide Virginia Street right- of-way ,from Bellaire Boulevard to University-Boulevard; and, WHEREAS, the use of the area for park purposes has been approved by the Zoning and Planning Commission and the Parks and Recreation .Board,jof the city.' , , NOW; THEREFORE~, BE IT RESOLVED; BY THE CITY'COM~lISSION OF"THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS:' ,',' Section 1. That it is the intention~of the City Commission to de- vote to park purposes certain spaces adjacent to and above Poor Farm Ditch extending from BiSsonnet to Bella,ire Boulevard, such area to, be called,Inde-d , pendence Park..' < ' , , , Section 2. As evidence of this intent, the City Commission hereby gives -its permission. for the area designated as Virginia Street right-of-way , , on the official map of the city to be used for park purposes as designed in Phase I of a report 'of the Independence Park Committee, at such time as funding is receivedin'such amount for the necessary development o.fthe area; Section 3. That it is the desire of the City Commission that other ag~ncies, both private and public,be encouraged 'and requested to make funds available for the completion of Phase I of Independence Park by July 4, 1976, , as part of nur national bicentennial celebration. ,', Section 4. The City Commission hereby designates the Independence Park GommHtee'as its representati ve to engage in confer.eiltes and negoti ations 'witn other parties in furtherance of Phase I in order to thereafter recommend to the' CHy :Commission' such actions: a's 'are felt ,to be necessary. , , .' '". Section 5. This Resolution shall take effect and 'oein fprceimmecliately from and after its approval as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this , ,. day 0 f , 1975. , , Motion by'Commissioner Binig, seconaed by' Commissioner Durin; that Resolution No. 19-1'5 be approved as read.' ' ' , , Motion amended by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, ,that Reso- lution Number 19-15 be amended to include "and upon approval of the project by the City Commissionllatthe end of'Section 2. ' Voting 8ye: All Voting No: None , i I I' Motion further amended by Commissioner Thompson that Section I of Resolution No. -I, r-' .- ['I I [ 'j.III~mlliil[[[ 1l,ITI JI[ ,.. j~ill r- 1~~IJlI~~11U _.. '. III ~ JII u- __.1 Il~ i) 6' ,~~ " 19.,"'5','be 'amended,to , del ete "devote~ to park purposes II ,and a 11 "consi d~r devoti ng for' park ;purposes-".; ',-, Motion died for lack of a second. i ' I I I \ L-.-1 Motion ,amended ; by' Commis'sionerThompson', ,seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that Secti.on ,4 of Reso,l uti on Number 19:.:.15 ,be de hi!ted in'; ts~,enti rety. .. <" ,;.' .:' ':. ; " r. ,', " Voting Aye: ,Commissioner 'Stanley , ' Commissioner Dunn i : Commi s's.i oner ' Thompson " Voting No:; Commissioner Binig Mayor Wallin , ~. j ~ ."'." ' ... . Voting on motion to approve Resolution Number 19-15 as amended. Vcitfng Aye:,' CommiSs i oner.j'Bi ni g " Commissioner Dunn Commissioner Stanley " ~1ayor Wa'11 in' Voting ~No:Commissioner Thompson ';< 'C'" . -~ -'.. ""'J , . In accordance, with ,previous'actionof'the City Commisston" bids received for de- livery and installation of blinds for the Community Building were opened and re- sults announced as follows: House of: Shades , , Propbsal:Numbe~1 1 Pr,o po sa,l:N umbe r,:2 Proposal Number 1 Proposal Number 2 $ 944.09 Not avail abl e Alshade'Company I, .,! , ,'. i ! House of Shades '(Al ternate) The Shade Shop $ SOO.OO 975.00 , $1,275.00 o .1\" , ProposaJ ,Numberl Proposal Number 2 - j , . j , . ~roposalNumber 1 885.00 940.00 714.20 ! .; 'Venetian Blind Shop . . ~ ;'. i . ~ '.' I ,.' ~ : Motion by Commissioner Dunn thatbidsy,received',f0r furnisMng:'blinds for the Com- munity Building be rejected and the City Manager authorized to advertise for only veneti anbl i nds:' for all windows.",' ,i ' Motion withdrawn by Commissioner Dunn. ;' , , Motion by Commissioner Stanley~ seconded by Commissioner Binig, that bids received . for furnishing blinds for the C"ommuni:ty Bliilding be: referred: to', the:, City Manager and the Community Building Blind Committee (Commissioners [)unn'pnd .Thompsonl.for study and a recommendation made to the City Commission at its next regular meet- ingon June: 23.~ 1975.: ' ' Mr. Robbie Barnett was introduced as the newly employed City Treasurer and Tax Assessor/Collector for the city. ~'. 'I. i Resolution Number 75-16 was presented to the Commission and read in full: o j, n C":' C\) tC C;, - ~ :t: o ~i ~' 0':1 ftJ~ WHEREAS, Mr. Wl11iam Dittert, Jr., employed as City Treasurer and Tax Assessor/Collector, has retired from active duty with the City of West Universit~~:place; Tex;as; and,' " WHEREAS', Mr:~ Robbi eRe Barn'ett 'has been empl Qyed to serve 'as City Treasurer and Tax Assessor/Collector. " ,',' , ' NOW, THEREFORE, BEijRESOLV~D. BY THE CITY COMMISSlorf OF THE 'CITY OF WEST UN DJ~RS ITY 'PLACE, rEXAS: " ", , ., '. ' " , Section, 1. The Ci ty Commi ss';on 'hereby names and appoints. RobbieR. Barnett as City Treasurer and Tax Assessor/Coll e~torof the; C,ity of West Uni- versity Place, Texas, and he is hereby vested with:all of the duties and 'res- ponsibilities as set forth i.n the, Charter of said City and th~ Statutes of the State of 'Texas'. ", , ,;' '. " ," , Sectio,n 2. That Robb'ie R. Barnet't shall receive annu~lcompe.!Jsatl(),nj in'the amount of $17 ,000.00 payabh~":inequal monthly payments, for-the perfor- mance of duties, in accordance with the heretofore adopted salary schedule for the fiscal year 1975. ., , Sed:i 011 3., .Th.~ .effectiv,e date of such. appoi n-tment, shall be retroacti ve to June 2,1'975. ' , , PASSED AND APPROVED this , 1975. day of Mot'i on b/ Commi ss i oner ,~punn,secon:ded' by ,Comrn:i.ss,i oner Bi ni g, '~h'at ;Re~o:l utihn Number 75.16 ,apPo,intin'g Robbie: R. ,Barnett to s,e,rveas Gfty Treas,urefand Tax Assessor/Collector of the City of WesfUniversfty Place, be approved'as re,'ad. Voting Aye: All Voting No,: ~ '.' " None Mayo~W~llinadmiriistered the Oath 'to'~obbie R. Barnett at thJ,$ time! :.1: City Manager Whitt Johnson reviewed the city's fire insurance key rate in' ac- cordance with a previous request of the City Commission listing charges as well as credlts as promulgated by the State Board of Insurance: letters tr<1m :Ffre ,Chtef Ben Wi 1 cJler and the City M<\nager ,recommendi ng :the ' acceptanc'e 'o:fa proposal submitted biMack Ffre' Apparatus t6 fabricate and - deliver one Mack #MB611F(l0) 1,000 g.p.m. pumpert.with a Thermodine diesel engine for, the total sum, of $,54,303.,00" ,were presented to the Commi,ssi,on for thei,r con- sideration. " ' " " Ch'i ef Wi'l ch~r' cidvi sed 'the "Comhdssion: that he had,tal ked \~fth a representative of the McAllen Fire Department and was advised that they were so ,pleased with thei r Mack ~:p'um'per they"hadpl aced an order for a second uni t. Chi ef Wi 1 cher ,also,advised that availabi.lity of.parts ,and service, locally made the .purchase of the': Mack truck much more feas'ible. :,' , " '" ',:" ,- , , - } . .' . .".' "., ,'. . ~ . ',Motion by Commi ss50ner Thompson, seconded by .Commi ssi oner Stanl ey; that the C;'ty" Commlssion aothor.ize'the' purchase of Ii 'Ma'ck ';#MB611F(1 0) '1 ;OOOg'..p .m~ pumper on ~1ack' F'ireApparatus' alterhate bid 'forthe total sum' of $54,303.00. ' r--,;- -------LL , "1'11 " ;:' :WlllUllillJiililll' 1L.ILii": . >II " , :!~I Jl 28 Inmjll~~III';L "" ',11,1 i III LU.- _' j L ~ :J _J :Y<?t'i n g : Ay~ :; All Veting Nq :.~ N~n~ ' : ., '. ~ .;' , . . ~~ r. . '. . :*" ,r. - ,.. .-\" . - '" -~ . . . , . . , , ". . The Commis'sio'n was advised that ii' recommendation for the:.p)Jrch.a~:eof.ana,utomatic electric inserting machine in accordance with bids received and instruttinns of the City Commi~si on on May 26, J ~75" ,would be presented at the next regular meet- ing of the Commission. ".., , I I U The City Manager advised the Commiss'ionthat an ~rror h,ad,beer;t,made ,by U.S. Will iams bemol is'hing Company' when' submitting their bid, 'for' the' pemo'l ition of the house and garage located at 4124 Byron Street. Mr. Williams had intended that his bid reflect his desire to. charge" the city the sum of $1,150.00 for th~' demolition -, work, however, th~l'b.i.d form w,as completed to' show: that he would pay ,the; su!'l pf $1,1-50.00' for the ho~se, anq:...~arage.', " , " " , . '. . ~ Negotiations with Mr. Williams resuited in his agreement to forfeitthe'$200.,OO included with his proposal to insure removal of all debris from'the property fol- lowing the demolition; paytng the city an additional $20Q.00; ,and ,his agreement tq i r~.rJ1ov~ th~ rouse fou'ndati;on 9-ndi qriv~way ?:' leavi ng ~he property ~r~l;!, of a 11; impr.ov~Q1~nts., " ,', ',' ',' '. ' :- i ',.., , S;~';~ ..t .-~ .A. ~. ,",:".~: ;..~ . , , Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that action of the Ci,'4y,Mqnager to renegotiate a,de:molitiolJ <:ontr:actfor the house an~ garage located at 4124 Byron Street with U. S. Williams Demolishing Company be approved. Votin~ A~e: All Vot i ng No: None.,- An:invqice in the amount of $-3,375.00 ,submitted by G. H., Hart Company, Inc. for work performed:in theconstruct,ion of the.City Hall parkio,9 lp.'J:' was presented 0 t,othe Commi~sion for consideration,. noting th'at Bayshbre' Engineers had approved Estimate Number 1. ' ", , ,',' I. " , , . Motion by Commissioner 'niompson, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that Estimate Number 1, in the, amount of,$3,375.00, submitted by G. H. Hart Compa,ny, Inc. for work performed 'in the constructi on of the Ci ty Hall parki ng lot be approved for payment. , . , , , "V'o'ting Aye: "All "Votin~'No: None An invoice :in the, amount of $1~25g,99 submitted,by Ben Felts Utility Contracting Company for,:comp'leted repair on a discharge line at .the sewage ,disposal plant was pres~ntedi'forconsideratjon., ,,' '..',,' , , " " ' Modon by Commis'sioner Stanley, seconded by'Commissioner Thompson, 'that Ben Felts Utility Contracting Company be paid the sum of $1,259.99, representing full paymentt;or repairs ,made to a,discharge,l ine at ,the sewage di spQsal ,pl ant. . . , ',' ~ . , ...., '. . . ' Voting Ay~: All " Voting No~ None The Commission was advised that Lang~ith,' 'Wilson, King 'and House had :'recommen'ded payment of the final sum of $10,636.30 due McCall & Sons Construction Company for remodeling of the Community Building" however, a leak had developed in the loggi,a, area a,nd other minor repai rs had been requested. Jstimate,number 5 wi 11 be presented to the Corimlissi,o.nfor consideration upon final,'complet,;,on of all repairs. ' , , jl U n C": C'J c.c C; ....... ....... == [' n L! 29 A request was presented to the Commission to advertise for bids for the following material stobe, useaby" the Street Department :ii1 ',its 'regular street maintenance program: 2,000 tons crushed limestone'base material; BOO tons Grade 6, Type 'PB c<Jver's-ton'e.and 30,000 ga'llons colas. ','" ' " . , . _ 8 ~ " " 'r . . .. ,.-.' . - "r.'"" ; Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that the City Mimager 'beautno'rfzed '-to advertiSe for bids to be received'on July 14, 1975, for delivery of the following street materials':2,000:tons crushed lime- stone base material, 800 tons Grade 6, Type PB coverstone; 30,000 gallons of colas',.ana:to;'re'quest thafbi.dClers; furrrlsh'an,alterriate bid for 800 tons of black'slirgl ',"'.r,:' ".: :", ',',: " ;"',;' ,"'..,' - .. .. ,Vcfting Aye:c All , .. Voting No: Non~ Ordinance Number 1038 was presented to the Commission and read in full, with Mr: Cockrel Pnoti ns('that slich orainanc~ contained the' recommendation' of the Zonlng and;:Plann:ing Commlssion:regarditig ,access roads: ;',": ' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 1025 OF THE 'CITY 'OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY INCLUDING WITHIN THE' PRO- . VISIONS THEREOF LOTS 6, 7, 8, 9 AND EAST 10 FEET 'OF'LOl' lO'~ BLOCK 1, KENT PLACE ADDITION, AND ti!AKING SUCH LOTS SUBJECT, TO THE PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 1025~AND :PROMIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. I Moti~n by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that Ordinance Numberl038 rezoning Lets 6;7,'a;:,9;and''the :east 10 feet of Lot 10, be ap- proved aSre'ad. ,: .., ., ',' ' , , Voting Aye: All : Vdti ng No: 'No'ne' ~, ,1",' The Commission was advised that ft 'had: be'en determined that necessary material required to improve the Judson Park'ten'nis court lighting would costin excess of the $500.00 provided by the City Charter and bids should be 'received for such materials. Motion,by d>ri1missioner D'unn,seconded' by Commissioner Bfni'g; 'that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received on July 14, 1975, for :deli'very of four (4) 1,000 watt metal halide fixtures; four (4) 2-fixture cross arms; and four (4) 1,000 watt metal halide lamps, for improvements 'to the Judson Park tennis court. "" Voting Aye: All Voting No:. None ~esol~u~~9n N~iin,~er, 75.:.:nwaS,{ presente'd:'to ,'thee Commission and: read tn, :ful,l: - . .' . -." . .., . .", , ., . . . . ,,;. " WHEREAS, the Gi ty ConilTii SS ion considered it advi sabl e' to accept pro- posals from' banking institutio'ns to serve a's'deposito'ry forc:ity. funds;' and I I I rl I ,', .! :,' , , WHEREAS, on the twelfth day of May, 1975, after proper notice, pro- posal swere :recei vedan'dreferred 't't)f'an rnvest'mentCoinmittee con's'isting of Ma'yor Paul 'w:.' Wan in, Jr., Cbmmfs:si oner 'J .'8:' 'Thomp-S'bn' 'and C'fty 'Manager ,Whitt Johnson ~ :fo'r study cindrecommerida tton,,;f and : :' ;': '. " ,. ':" ,:,' , " ~, I r~. , '11.':-: .~ntlllllla:ItI:LI lr.re" . ..1..:::-:-::1...... II:" u , , i~jl ,-- ; 30 Illl!IJII~~lln"",JII JII L, U ________ .1 1 I ! I J ~~-~~-~ WHEREAS, after revi ewi i1g .sa id"proposa 1 s,- the CommUtee madej ts 're,:" commendation'tothe City Cominission" that Ghemital Ba.nk~ F,annin Bank, Gulf COjist National Bank, River Oaks Bank and Trust, West lo.op; National BanJ<,and Western: Bank be designated as depositories for the city's funds. I]: , I . ! I ! .. ') I : . ,.} .,:' "_ . r:. '{~" . , ,NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT: RESOLVED ,BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE ,CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY"PLACE, TEXAS:' '.'. . , Sect.ion 1. . The following banking instit1Jtions located, in HO,uston,' Texas are hereby designated to be and serve as official depository for' all funds of the city until such bank depository is renamed or reassigned: Chemical Bank, Fannin' Bank, G1Jlf:Coast National Bank, River Oak$,Bank and,Jrust, West Loop National Bank and Western Bank. " . f" r' . J . .~ : ! . Section 2. That the City Treasur~r: js herepy Qi:rect~,d to ~,s,tablish accounts wi th Fanni n Bank, and to ,ke~p therei n the -to l}owi ng aG,C;:,ounts, to ,wit: '" ,~ . r-. -/ ,~ :,"'"; ..c:~ . . ---': Payrdll' Fund Gen,era 1. Fund' Water-Sewer Fund Tax Coll~ct6r'sFund Cash,Bail Bond Fund, Health Fund Tax Revenue Sinking Fund ~...: ,-,'~-:'. " Section' 3. That the ,CJty"Treasurer is herebydjrected to establ ish accounts with Chemical Bank and to keep therein the following accounts, to wit: Sanitary Sewer :Capital Improvements Fund Insurance Reserve Fund Charter, Amendment 'Reserve Water Fund' : Charter: :Amendment Reserve Sewer ,Fund' Revenue,Sharing Fund, c Section 4. That the City Treasurer is hereby directed to establish ,accounts with Univer'sity 'State Bank and to. keep ther~in the fonowing accounts; to wi t:: " . ,. J ,~ Trust~gencyFund Water-Sewer Fund Swimming Pool Fund Water Meter Deposit Fund '" 'Sec.ti on5. , That the City Treasurer ,is 'her,eby 'di re~ted to establ,i sh accounts with Chemical Bank, Fannin Bank, Gulf Coast National Bank, River Oaks Bankf:andTr.ust, West Loop National Bank and' We:stern Bank, and to deposit there- in such funds; at such times , for investment purposes: as he shall be di rected by the City Commission. . . , . ~ , ,:Section 6. That the City'TY'easurer be"authorized to' close Qut FundE now on 'deposit with University:'St.ate 'Bank.which has b,een an inactjveaccount -for more than one (1) year, and that the balance of said account be'transferred'to 'I~', the General Fund. ~ o u Il LJ 31 Section 7; ,That .theCity'Treasurer.Assistant City Treasurer, ~'ayor, Mayor Pro-Tern and City Manager are hereby directed to sign or countersign the necessary signature cards to establish the necessary bank accounts with the said Chemical Bank~ Fannin Bank and University State'Bank df ~ouston, Texas. Section 8. The said depositories shall be notified of their designa- tion as official depository of the City of West University Place. Texas, and shall in accordance with Article 25-59 through 25-66a of Vernon's Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, provide the proper securities for the purpose of secur- ing said city funds in an amount equal to the amount of said city funds on de- posit in said depository bank or banks. Section 9. All Res61utions relating to the deposit of funds or designation of banks to serve as depositories in conflict with this Resolution are hereby repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS day.of ' ., '" , .' - . , " " ~. . '-. ,1975. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that Resolution No. 75-17 designating certain banking institutions to serve as depository for city funds. be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No! None Resolution No. 75-18 was presented to the Commission and read in full ~ \~HEREAS, Harold E. Shi pp has served as Chi ef of Pol ice of the City of West University Place from March 11. 1947 until October 29, 1973; and WHEREAS, thereafter to the present date, Haro~d E. Shipp, at his request, served as Assistant Chief of Police of sa,id city; and WHEREAS, during all of such service Chief Shipp performed his duties in such manner as to reflect credit upon himself, his family and the city; and WHEREAS, Harold E. Shipp shall retire effective July 1,. 1975~ and WHEREAS, the City Commission wishes to recognize Harold E. Shipp's long and faithful service to the citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City of West University Place, Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized City Commission, hereby commends Harold E. Shipp for his unquestionable professional integrity during the many years of service to the citizens and to the city. Section 2. That in appreciation for his unselfish devotion to the duties of his. office and to honor Harold E. Shipp for the manner in which he so faithfully performed his service to the city, the City Commission hereby names and designates said Harold E. Shipp as Chief Emeritus of the Police De- partment of the city. [.~ ~ _1 _ _......:.......[-':.. T- 1 ~~~ _~, _illl! III " ., ]JillI~m]1JillliI Il:1!i 1~:ll Ill!~j~l: ]Ii lJ - ,- ] J_~ L " I, J J 32 , Section 3. That this Resplution be spread in full upon th~ minutes of the Ci ty Commi ssi on and that the Mayor b~, ,and he is, hereby, authori ied to :001 deliver toHarold E. Shipp, Chief Emerit\.ls, a, true copy her~of, signed by each member of the City Commission. ' " PA~SED AND'APPROVEO this qay of , , 1975. " . Motion by Commissioner Binig,. seconded by COlOmissjoner Dunn, that Resolution No. 75-18 designiitingHarold E. Shipp as Chief Emeritus of the po1ic~ Department of the city, be approved as read. Voting Ay~: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 1040 was presented to the Commission and read, in full! AN ORDINANCE AMENDIN~ SECTION 19-1 (0) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. TEXAS. BY CHANGING THE COMPLEMENT OF PERSONNEL OF THE POLICE, DEPARTMENT BE ELIMINATlNG THE POSITION,OF,ASSISTANT CHIEF OF POLICE; CHANGING THE NUMBER OF PATROLMEN, IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT FROM SIX (6) TO 'SEVEN UhAND PROVIDING AN ~FFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commis~ioner Thompspn~, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that Ordinance No. 1040 changing ,the complement of personnel of the Police Department. be ap- prove<:i as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ] . - , '. ' In accordance wi t,h previ pus iicti on of, the Ci ty Commi ss i on the fo 11 owi ng schedu 1 e of maturities was presented to the Commission for their information. Maturi ty. , Invest. Dates Rates Term C.D.# ' Date Chemical '-Rive'Y" -Oaks -Fann'l n - , ' , ~~ 6-22-75 7 . 125% 90 da 4703 3-22-75 100,000 7-20-75 7.375% 180 14720 1-31-75 150,000 7-20-75 ,7.375% 180 14721 1-31-75 150,000 7-20-75 7.375% 180 14722 1-31-75 185,000 8-7-75 7.125% 90 4914 S-7.;.75 1 00 ,000 9-2-75 7.75% 180 4648' 3-6-7.5 100~000 2-24~76 7..50% 1 , yr 46,10 2-,24-75 161,,600 3-22-76 7.,50%. 1 yr 4704 3-22-75 1 00 ,000 5-7-76 7.50% 1 yr 4919 5-7-75 212,915.43 ~85'OO~.OO J ' .... . ~, ,. .... " """ ~~--. $774,515.43 $ -0- u (1':, C\l t.C c= - .......' ::r:, o [-1 33 In accordance with action of the City Commission at its regular meeting on May 12. 1975, 20-mile per hour speed limit signs have been erected by the Street Depart" ment for the 2600 throu~t 3100, blocks of Wroxton Road},:, -.., ~.~ i The followtng meetin@dateswe're established by the Commission! Tuesday, June 10 - 5~30 p.m. ... Review public works projects~ storm sewer, paving, etc. Trip to view the proposed project site~. Finance. Recreation. Personnel Thursday, June 12 - 7:30 p.m. - Joint meeting with Parks and Recreation Board to discuss various projects Wednesday - June 18 ... 7130 p.m. ... Study'public'works projects~ Decision on city marquee. Financial matters. Traffic p'roblems Monday - June 16 - Meeting of Texas State Highway Department Mayor Wallin advised the, Commission that he had been requested by the Bicentennial Committee to appoint Mrs. George (Marla) Forristal as a member of such Committee. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that Mrs. George (Marla) be appointed to serve as a member of the Bicentennial Committee. Voting Aye: Commissioner Dunn Commissioner Stanley Commissioner Thompson Mayor Wall in Voting No: Commissioner Binig In response to questions from Commissioner Dunn~ tbe Commissiqn was advised that arrangements could be made at the Swimming Pool for diving instructions as a part of the city's recreation program. In response to a general discussion regarding the establishment of a liason by the City Commission with members of various city boards and committees, the Commission was advised that consideration would continue to be given extending an invitation to Chairmen of various boards and committees to appear before the Commission. ~ Minutes of meetings of the Bicentennial Committee on May 20 and May 27 were pre- sented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, May 26, 1975 were presented to the Commission and the following action taken I Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that minutes of the re- gular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, May 26, 1975, be approved as read. Voting Aye' All Voting No~ None With no further business to come before the Commis~ion at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,~the meeting adjourned at 12.15 p.m, r _ .-\. ~r , L.III1 ..[,':..L- -----11(" . i"Il"'J,'i-: ":TIiIlIUITI![]lillI' _1 ..~u h,d O~ 1~lftjll~~III~L, . 111,1 Jli L,.II _ J I I I 'J / ... Jif~~;};!~h ATTEST~ ~ . ... t.fLL/. , ",,,' A-'-- t C'~~ SSl stan ~ ' lty eCretary " " -, .... " ,'1 f ,- J >:~"';~ :'j~~' . ~~ ' .;..-;,1 -'" ~.' _",,;'i: _..:"., ",_..Jil . .~ .... o i-I l~! [l C': c-J er; ~ - ...... ::r: o [] ~~ Od REGULAR MEETING OF CITYCGMMISSION June23~ 1975 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on'~ Monday, June 23, '1'975, 7:'30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Wallin, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Stanley and Thompsorl. The City Manager was also present. Commissi.oner Dunn and the City' Attorney were absent. ' The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Stanley. In accotdance with pt~vious iction of the City Commission on June 9, 1975, wh~n bids r~c~ived for 'delivery rifan electric inserter ~ere referred for tabulation and recommendation, Assistant City' Manager Dan EdwatdS mad~ th~folldwing 'r~c~mm~ndatf6n:' Honorable Mayor and City Commission City of West Unive~sf~y, Place - " 'D~ar Mayor and Coimissioners~ We, the undersigned wo~ld ,like to recommend that the City Commission accept the proposal submitted by'Pitney"Bowes for del ivery of one ins e r tin g m a chi n e for a tot a l' "b i d P r ice 0 f $ 2 , 03 6 ~ 00 . ' " The following is a tabulation of bids received: 'North Freeway Bell & Howell Pitney Bowes Si~ger ' Baptist Church $ 2;500.00', , , 3,994.35 2,036.00 No Bid " , The machine bid by Pitney, Bowes has been demonstrated to city employees and will ~i~form't~~ ta~k'req~i~ed 'by the city~ Th~ machine will be located in the tax office aajacent to the'offset press and' foldlng machine. We re~ommend a~ceptance of the low bid ?f Pitney Bo~es. , . ',/sl WhittJohnson~City-Man~ger Robbie Barnett, City Treasurer I Dan Edwards, Assistant City Manage~ , I , ~M6tionby Commis~ionerStanley; seconded by Commissioner Binig, that 'thecity'purch-ase fr'om,' P'itney'Bowes an electric inserting machine at . a'pri~e not to exceed $2;036:00. ' v 0 tin g Aye : All Voting No: None City'Atto~ney Charles Co~krell~a~rived at'themeeting a~ this time. " ' Members of the Commission wer~ introduced to Mr. JamesE. Townes~ a , ,~Il 36 1~11~11~IIIIIIII' ,1111 II, LJI ] : L I ',I.,-J ' , "'1,',1 ~-<ldl._=: former employee of the city as' amel11ber'of th~~ Water Department for over forty years." Mr. TO'wnes has re,cently retired and it was the desire of th~ Commission to commend hl~ for his many years of service. , ' Resoluti'on Number 75~19 was presented to the CQmmissionand read in'full: u I ' ~ .. WHEREAS, James E. Townes was employed by the City of West University Place on June 1, 1934, as a member of the Water De- partment; and, WHEREAS, thereafter James L Townes' was promoted ,to the posi,tion' of foreman of the' Water Department maintenance cr~w; and, .i":-", , . , : 'I...... WHEREAS, said James E.Townes has ,continued to serve in that capacity until the present time; and ~ ,-.- .\' .; ~.i , , WHEREAS, James E. Townes has been called upon to ~erform' various duties, from those of manual labor digging water and se~er line trenches for the city, to the maintenance'of water water meters and pumps; and " . ... . WHEREAS, James E. TowneS has responded to emergency calls working under;adverse weather'cbnditions at nlght and, week-ends as his services were needed; and ' , WHEREAS, said James E. Townes has the longest tenure of I~ service.of'any employee of thec'ity, working forty (40),,'years, ten U (10) months and twenty-nine (29) days; and 'WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to give, recognition to James E. Townes for his long tenure of service to the city. - , . NOW, THEREFORE~ BE-'IT RESOLVED BY:THE CITY COMM{SSION OF THE CITY' OF WESf-UNIVERSITY' PLACE, TEXAS: Sectdon~l. That the City of West University Place, Texas, acting by and through its' d~lyauthorized City Commission hereby commends JamesqE. Townes, formerly of the Water Department, for his dist'inguished service to the' citizens and to the city for the forty , (40) ye~rs,ten'(lO)'months and twenty-nine (29) days he served as an employee. . . See t i on 2 : That the C i t yc Com m i s si on , on: be h a 1 f of the' c i t i zen s who'knew James E.'Townes"expresses its,gratef'Ul appreciation to him for his unselfish devotion to his duties and for the manner in which he faithfully perf?rmed his responsibilities. , , Section 3. That this Resolution be spread in full upon the mihutesbf theCityCorilmission"iHld that..the Mayor be, an-dhe is hereby, authorized to deliver to James E. Townes a true copy hereof, lJ h .. 'ilL signed by each memb~~ of t e Comml~slon. n ~ C\), c.c ~ :r:, :r: o n 3,:L PA:SSEO- ~AND 'J\P,PROV'ED thls'"'- .. .- . . . ',' ,:day of .197 5 . Mot ion bj:Cdmm'tssi one:t? ~In n i g, sec'onded; by ',C.omro'ig;s i o'n'~:r Thompson, ,t,ha t Resolution Num'bEH: 75-19 :coni'me'ndfng ,James'E'.: Townes for hi'S many years of faithfulse.rvic,e to the'City of:'Wers,f Uni'v,ersity Place be a,pp-roved as read. ' .' ' ..", ,. , v 0 t i ng, Aye: A 11 Voting No: None In ' accordance with personnel reg'ulatfons heretofore adopted ali;thoY;'i zi ng the payment for all accuJl1Ulated and unused sick,leave to retiring 'city employees, Mayor Wallin presented ,Mr. Townes with a check in the amount f $1: '1'33 78" " " '".. .. .. , .. ' , ,,0 , ~ " : " ,:',' , : ' " , .' , ,'" Mr. 'ro~nes i:wife,'t~uise;hismother, Minervia;'daughters Betty'Jean and Audrey; sons Harold and Charles;'as well as nume'ro'usotherre-' latives and fr.iends were in attendance at the meeting to help honor him. " " , '," , Me,nibers 'of, theconll~i,ssi:on expre~se'd theirappreci',ation :fo'r'the .work done by,M~. Townes and thanked members of ,his family fortaking~the time'fo:~fte~dthe meetfng.' '" '.' , City Manager Whitt.Johnson introduced Mr. Willie Stewa~t, another 10ng-tf~eemp10yee 'of the city's Water Department,~stattn~ that he was confident that Willie Stewart an4 James Townes had visited ,more West University Place back yards' than had anj othet city emp-loyees~, M~. J 0 h n son a 1 so s tat e d t hat in a s m u c has a v e r y goo d f r i end b f ' M r ~ " T ow n e s I was the owner of a ~oatr the two plann~d,m~ny fishing trips. . . ,..... - . . " - -' Wa ter-Sewer.. S uperin t,enden t :J ~mes :.H i c ks s. ta t,edtha t 'Mr ~Td\'o'n es would be missed.as an,em~loyee:of his department. . - . - " ... .' . . . Bids received on June 9, 1975, fordeliV~rY:and ihs~all~tion of blinds for the Community Building were referred 'for 't~commendation~ and in accordance therewith, the following recommendation was presented to the Com m i s s ion. '. " " ' " , The the Honorable Mayor and,Membersof the City Commission " City of West University Place, Texas Dear Commission Membe~S~ Bids received on June 9, 1975'for constr~ction a~d..installationof blinds for the Community Building wererefe~red for ~ahulationCand recommendation. , , " ,I. Attached is a tabulation ofthe..b~dsreceived. '..: The bids were discussed with the: three low bidders, however,'I w~s 'unable to' get any exact information, from the Venetian,Blind Shop -: ' L __ _....::h _ ---.l ~.~ . I'illl"~, ' C1iil11nmllJlIllll' l.I[j" ,d..~~ -----111' ,-- , ,:: ,::11!1 \ Il!IlI!llmUIII!![ J. " IIY,' III --c:::nln. _ ~ . :r--:-~-'- 1-: ' :-r- --1 I '~8 u . as th.. owner, Mr. J. R. Corlass, wa,s, ill and o,u.t of h.is o.f,fice. . I The low bid of $714.20 submitted by 'the Verietian B1'ind 'Shoip was on MARK II,' which I -understand h~s, q.n in,fe,rio,rwa;,nd .,whi.ch, is used to open, an.d, cJose the, blinds and >,ha.s ,a.smallhe,ad.ra:il. I ,was unable. to 're,e'eive f,iY.'m ,i-nformatie;n concerning thei,r,pri'ce for 'in,.. stalling the additional eighteen (18) 'blinds in the loggia area in- stead of the Temlite, Loom Wood roll-up shades. , , . Mr. Mike Crossman, owner of House of Shades; agreed to install all 'metal blinds Bali Archite'ct ma,ke, in all forty-thnee (43) openings for ,thesullJ,of ,$1 ,275.'00, ,1 essl 0% in ,di scount.' ' , " From the information I have received'over the 'telephone', I,recomme,nd t hat the pro p 0 s a 1 sub m i t t e d by H 0 use 0 f S had e s for fu r n is h i ri g for fy - " three, {43},- 1" metal :b1.inds, Bali Architect, fo,r the sum of $.1 ,275.00, ~;i 1 es,sl 0% di:sco,unt" be accepted. ',' ',: Motion by Commissioner Thompsori, ~e~ond~d b~ ~ommi~sion~r~Sta~ley, that action of the City Commission to award a contract for the 'de~ liver~ and-fnstal}ati,onof.the Community,Buil~i.ng blinds,be tabled until ::nierribers of.the ,Commissio,nhave a,n opportunfty to exami,ne the blinds and offer other bidderi an opportunttyto bid on '~lindsfQr all windows. ' v 0 tin 9 , Aye : All VotirigNo: None Resolution Number .75...20 ,was presented to the Commission and rea,d 0 inf u 11 : ',' !,.' ~;.J A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE~ TEXAS TO ,PREPARE,AN APPLICATION ,FOR GRANT FUNDS 'UNDER TITLE I OF' HOUSING AND COMMUN~TY DEVEL- OPMENT ~CT OF 1974, AND APPOINTING THE'CITY'MANAGER ,AS TEMPORARY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TO PRE- R~RE'SUCH APPLICATION. ' " WHEREAS, The Federal Government has made available grant funds through Title I of the Housing and Community Develo~ment Act of 1974;,and,' WHEREAS, such grant funds may be used for a'variety of Community Development activities and purposes. , , NOW;,THEREFORE; BE,IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ~EST UNJVERSIT~-PLAcE ,TEXAS:,' ." "'. , . ., - , S ec t ion 1. prepare a Community partment of Housing funds. That the City of West University Place, Texas Development program and application to the De- ~ndOrban De~elopmentfor such abovementioned Section 2. That the City Man~ger be the C1ty's temporar~ IJ [-I :;>'0 O~ Community Development Direct6r to ~repare such application and per- form such other duties as required bY such Act and regulations per- taining ,thereto. ~ i' , " PASSED.ANDAPPROVEDthts day of' . 1975. "'Motion by tommissioner Thnmps6n, setonded by Com~is~ioner Stanley; that Resolution Number 75-20 authorizing the City of West University Plac~ to prepare ~n appli~ationfcir ~rant f~nds under:Title I of Housinga~d'Community Developmerit Act'of 1974,'beap~r6ved ~s 'read. v 0 tin g Aye : All Voting No: None ~ Members 9f tije Commission requested that consideration of Ordinance c.c Nuniberl041 amending the Plumbing Code De :withhelduntil theytlcid an t.= 'opportunity to study the'fee'schedule conbiinedtherein., It was re- :C. quested that suchcorlsideration be included'as an Agenda'item for 0: the next meeting of the City Commission and that the Chairman6f the Plumbing Board be requested to attend the meeting. ' Mr. Richard Putney~'recently appointed as MLinicipal' Court 'Clerk advised the Commission that filing and storage space was limited in the clerk's office because Complaints' on 'which disposition had been made by;the C6urt wer~ retainedind~finitely~" Mr: Putnej stated that Judge.Dunn had advised th~t a three-year period'wassufficienttime for these Complaint~ to'be ~etainedin his office. ' , , Resolu~ion N~mb~,:, 75-21 was 'presented tothe:Commissi'on',and-rea'd 'in full. o n WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has reported to the City Commission that inactfve'ffleshav~'been-unduly.accumLilatin~',in the Clerk's office; and' , " " " , . WHEREAS, it has been determined,thatit has been ,the practice to reta'in'Com'plidnts in the;filesfo'r"an iridefinite:period, after such Complaintshavebe~n ac~ed upon;:and,,' : " ", " , , , , WHEREAS, it has been determined, that simil~r~ecords are re- tained by state ~gencie~ for,a peri~d of three (3) years; and WHEREAS, it will' be' in the best,interestof.:the,city,and'to conserve office and' filing'cabinet'spate to retain Comp]airit~ for a peribdof'three (3) years only-from and after the date<that said Complaint has been acted upon. ' '" NOW , THEREFORE , BE' IT 'RESOLVED . B Y THE CITY" COM MIS S ION < OF THE CITY OF WEST'UNIVER$ITY'PLACE~ TEXAS: Section-,l'~ That-the 'Cle'rk"of the Munic'ipaLCourt of the' City of West University Place, Texas, is hereby directed and, authorized to remoVe and destroy all Complaints of the Municipal Court upon which ,'::11"_ t' :.:l:=J1Inl!ll!::!l.ttltl t:ln::" , : : ,:1'"[ llJlII!l[mHII~L J ~, II,'! ! 11,'- - --;-- -'L' -:I~ ~~J c=:~ -If -~ ." ~" .. I 40 j'udgmenthasbs~nenteredand'final disposition made prtortoJune, 1-972. u Section 2. That the Clerk of the Municipal Court is here- by author i zed and d i rec ted to hereafter 're'ta in: the ,Comp la in ts in the files for a period of three (3) years after the date of entry of judgment and final disposition, and-to r'emove and destroy all: others. s , . ~.. ~ Sectio'n 3. This Resolution,shall "take effect and be in forceimmediatelyfrom'and'after its paSsage and approval by the Mayor. . I ~ '. .~ PASSED AND APPROVED this day 0 f , 1975. Motion by Commissfoner'Binig, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that 'Resolution Number'75~21 authorizing the Clerk of the Municipal Court to'remove and destroy all Complaints QPon which final dis- pos}tion has been made after a peribd of'three (3) years, be ap- prov'ed as read. "' ;:" ..J:,.~ ...:.....;J"_ V 0 tin g Aye:." A 11 , , Voting No: None, A report was presented'o~-a m~eting held with property owners of 3618 and 3620 University; Boulevard ~oncetning'the necessity of'~dis- connectin"g sanitary'sewer~service'from,an abandoned,line"located in fro~t of such ~esidences and.cbnnecting'tothe city's main located at the rear of such property. The residence at 3614 is for sale 0 and the realtOr handling the property has -been advised. Owners of I the property are to contact plumbers of their choice for price quotati6ns. Th~ Commission was advis~d,that,Mr. Ed Rea of the architectural firm of Langwith, Wilsan, King and House had made an inspection of the' Community Building remodeling project and recommended that final payment in the amount of$10~636~30 not be made to McCall & Sons Conttactors'until :certain corr~ctions'are made; TheCity:Manager was instructed to contact Honeywell concerning locking covers 'for the air conditioning units to avoid tampering by children"and others using the building. It was ~eported to the Commission that an inspection had been maae of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company construction on Academy Str'e'et with the project engineer anti 'needed,correctio'ns were to be mad e ~ S t r e e t Sup t. A,. L'. Be a r den 'i s w 0 r kin g 0 nth ere s tor at ion, 0 f the street barricade planting. Commissioner Stanley advised the Commission that he understood members of the Zoning and PlanningCommissiDn~hadreviewed the request for construction of a cul-de-sac at Brompton Road and Bellaire Boule- vard, and requested that the Chief 6f Police be requested to 'make a tra ffd ccoun t. u [I C"':' N CC C;' ::::;, :: D [ a1~ { I I The Commission was advised that 'the contractor had removed the residence located at 4124 Byron Street and it was hoped the found- ation would be rem'oved and the ent~ir,e'prQperty cleared' by July 12th. , . . , .. . Mi nu tes 'of ther regu-l at 'meet ing'o'f the:, Safety ,~Y)d Acc i,d ent Rev i ew Board on June 10. 1975, were presented to th~'Commission for their information. Minutes of the ,regular meeting of the City Commi~sion on June 9, 1975,were',presented 'for consideration'a'nd t'he following a'ction ta ken: 'Mo,ti on, by,' Commi s si on er', Thomps on; s e'c onded ,by Commi ss ion er Stanley, that ,thee'word' IIloose" in, the"seco,nd paragraph of Page Two be'corrected't,o 1l10sell and' the minute,s approved as'corrected. Vo,ting Aye: : All Vo,tirig No:, None With no further business to-c-ome,'beforeth'e Comm'ission-atthis ,time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried~ the meetlng adjourned a t 9: 1 5 p' . m . ~9~ .JLi M;}& " ATTEST: ~~ A S-STS1:"arrt--C-rty-S e1:-,..e-t a t ,y . r , r liij," TI ill .',11' " 1l.1II111I11f,lllfI' , :: : ,:111 Il!IIl[JlmUIII!![ :', T 111'1 III I --r.:::..::r - I ,--: ' , 11--1 42 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION "'JULY 2,L 1975' I ' I ' The Ci ty Commi ss i on convened i n reg(fl~ar session lat the' Gi ty Hall on Monday July 21, 1975,7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Wallin, presldin~t; Comrnlssioners Binig, Dunn', StanleY:- arid Thompsoyr. The City Manager and-City Attorney were also present. i ,: (, The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner THompson. ,~ , " ': :, " '" , "I . .. The, c~~m;.~sion:was '~presented ~ketche; of 'th'e tw~ te~nis courts 'located' at Weir Park where. re€:ent additions and c;hanges \.^Jere' maqe' on the lighting, system. .. Each sketch indicated" light meter readings srowing~iniprovements that had been made. An Invoice daledJtine 12, 1'975, submitted byA/O Systems, Inc. in the amount of $5,460.00 was pres~nted for consideration. It w~s noted that the invoice in- cluded$5,460.00', the amount of the contract for! additions'and"changes at the Weir I:'ark tennis,c~urt ~ights; $1.90..00. fer cuttilng dowY) a small tree in the area; and $lQO.OOfo.r repalntlng four llght standards.i ' ',' , .. , , " , I , , Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by COll1ll1issioner Thompson, that,A/C ' Systems, Inc. be paid a total sum of $5,460.00 ~or improvements made to the Weir Park tennis court lights. .. Voti ng Aye: All Voting No: None Mrs. Jackie Patteson, president, West Universit~ Civic Club, presented members of the Cemmiss,iQn copies of the City Directory df West University Place compiled by club members. : Mrs. Patteson also presented a request on behal~ of the Civic Club for considera- tion by the City COlTinission for a new ordinance Iconcerning off-street parking. Following a discussion by Commission members, i~ was decided that in view of a lengthy agenda the request of the Civic Club ~ould be put on the agenda of a later meeting of the Commission. In accordance with previous action of the City Qommission, bids received for additi ons to the Judson Park tenni s 'court 1 i ghtsi were opened and results an- nounced as follows: A/C Systems, Inc. Valmic Electric Co. $ , 21~297-. 00 . 2:,875.00.. ,,: . .. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Contnissioner Stan,ley, that the bid submitted for additions to the Judson Park ~ennis court lights by A/C Systems, Inc. in the amount of $2,297.00, be acclepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with previous action of the City C:ommission, bids received for furni shi ng Street Department materi a 1 s were open~ed and results announced as follows: ' o .~\~~ r.{-" .' r,:; ~, .~ -t..:.' .." ~;: -~../ ..;.-;~; ~:.,''::'" o u n C"': eN e.c e -, ...... :c: o ~ 'Li'9 ~~ 30,000 gallons colas' -' 'Wri ght Aspha 1 t .- Producs - .3000 per :ga 11 on " '3.40 + 3.7% surcharge, freight 2,000 tons ,crushed limestore... TexasCr,ushed '-1..20per,tpn bas-e material, Grade 1 Stone Company 3.60, includes 3.3 surcharge freight 800 tons THD Item 304 -Wh i te · sM i nes' Coverstone' 4.75 per ton 4.03 per ton freight 800 tons Grade 6 Traprock - White's Mines - 4.50 per ton 3.88 per ton freight 7.00, per tOri 3.60 per ton freight 800 tons THD Item 304 -' Servtex Matepials ' Coverstone ,Motion by Commissioner ,Thompso'n, seconded 'by Commissioner Binig~thtltbids received for furnishing Street Department materials be referred to the City Manager for tabulation'and a recommendation for purchase presented to the City Commission at its regular meeting on July 28, 1975. , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The 'Commission was adviSed that Mr. Ron Tayler; Chairman~ Plumbing Board~ was not available to attend the meeting and present the Board's'recommendations,to amend the city's Plumbing Code" and would not be in a position to attend a meet- Tnguntilthe latter part'of:August. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissiener Thompson, that con- sideration of Ordinance Number 1041 amending the Plumbing Code be deferred until the meeting of-the City"Commission on August 11, 1975, and a des';gnee of the Plumbing Board be invited to attend the meeting. V6tingAye: 'All Voting No: None- An invoice'd~ted June'23~'1975; in the am6untof$6~750.00 for engineering , . services by"Bayshore Engiheers, 'Inc~in actordance with the provisionsof,'a-: contract to investigate and present recommendations for the existing wastewater treatment facilities andan'infiltratibn/inflow anlaysis of , existing sanitary sewer c~llectionsystem, was 'presented to' th~'Commissio~ for consideration.. Moti on by Commi ss i oner Thompson; seconded by ,Commiss i,oner 'Dunn, that Bayshore Engineers, Inc. be paid the sum of $6~750.00 for engineering services in pre- paration of a study,oLthe existing wastewater treatment,facilities q.nd'the preparation of an infiltration/inflow analysis of existing sanitary sewer col- lection system. Voting Aye: All" ~ Voting No: , None The Commission was presented an,invoice in the amount of $866.00 submitted by Bayshore Engineers, Inc. 'for various' engineering' services,:performed, including ',inspection of parking lot construction; preparation of a cost estimate for 'pro- posed bond .i sslie'; preparati on of' EPA' quarter~'y report; parki ng 'lot constructi on staking; and layout of existing parRs. ' Attention of the 'Commissionwas~directed to the carge for parking lot construction staking, noting that a second staking was necessary inasmuch as the contractor's crew destroyeqthe first $take. ---..oL_~:--.:' ~.l: ---, ,':111'_ 'CO .:l::JlllllIllIrntIiIiI rill.:- ----11[ , .. , ,! ~Il .J 4' f:t' I~~~nll@ 111111, , " III III u____..'__j L I ~-1,_1 Motion by'Cc>imnissioner :thompsori, 'secorrded bY ,Commissiorfer ,Binfg, 'submitted'byBays,hore Engineers, Inc., in the amount of $866.00, engineering services be approved for payment following deduction $286.00 for constr.uction staking of the City Hall Parking Lot., that~he invoice for various of the sum of Voting Aye: :All Voting No: None It was the decision of ' the Commission ,that the sum of $286;'QO,for construction staking :of'theCity HaH parking lot a second time should be deducted' from the contract amount due G. H. Hart, Inc. and subsequently paid to Bayshore Engineers, Inc. ' , n U An invoice in the amount of $720.00 received from the Texas Municipal League for the city's sh're of the cost of 'L'eag.ue :'serv'i ces was pres'ented for. cons i derati on. .'.lir Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that an invoice in the'amount of $120.00' from the Texas Municipal League be approved for paym~nt. Voting Aye: All" , Voti rig No : None The Commission was presented Estimate Number 5, submitted by McCall & Sons, and approved by Langwith, Wilson, King and House, for the:final'amoutit of $10,636.30 due for the remodeling of the West University Community Building. The' Cqmmi ss i on was" advi sed 'that':a :1 eak had ,deve 1 opediri' the roof of the Li brary, but had been rep~i'ired and t~atsuch' roof 'had 'a fifteen " (l5)year guarantee. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that McCall & Son be paid the sum of $10,636.00 as final payment for remodeling of the , Communi ty Buil di ng. .. , Voting Aye: All .. VottngNo:None The Commission was presented an inventory of all fire hose that the Fire De- partment has on hand~broken into groups showing hose on 'each ofthe:fire trucks, as well as the hose maintained in storage. It was pointed out to the Commi'ss'ionthat'Nation Fi:re Protection As'sociation .requires suffiCient' hose, on hand to' reP1ace all hose c~rried on eachpie~e of :fire apparatus. Motion by-C6mmissioner:Thompson, seconded bji'ComrilissionerDunn,'that,the City Manager be authorized to 'advertise for bids for. 1;OOOfeetof2~"fire hose and 300 feet of 1~1I fire hose, with such bids to be received by the City Com- m'ssibn at its regular m~ettng on~Augu~t"ll, 1975. Voting Ay,e: ' All Voting No: None I' I Attention of the Commission was directed to the fact that the City Charter 'requires adoption of a budget on or before August 31st of each year and it would be, necessary to call a public hearing for consideration and adopti'on of the 1976 budget. Motion by Commissioner thompson~ :seconded'by'CornmissiQner Dunn, that a public hearing be called for'August:25, 1975,7:,30 p.ril.; for the purpose of tonsidera- t,i on and 'adopti on: of a budget' for 'the CHy :of' West :Untvers ity: Pl ace for the fiscal year January' 1, 1976 to:Decerilber.31;'1976: ::' " , Voting' Aye: All Voting No: ' None j ~. ;. it: . ~ ,; -', --<:_'~/ ....,;.,;;.1 . ~'I~ o u n C"':' C\l ~ c. = =~ o n L 4~ Permi SS i on was requested to'adverti se. ,for ,bids for ,the 'purchase of >,one traffi'c line striping machine for which the sumof"$l,200.c:l0 was appropriated.in the, 1975 budget. ' . Motion by,Commissionerli:j'liig; seconded by Commiss;-oflerStanley, that the,City Manager be auth6ri2ed to 'advertise for bids 'for"the-purchase of, one, traffic line striping machine with such bids to be received by the City Commission on August 11,1975. Voting Aye: All . Voting No: None Ordinance Number 1042 was presented to the Commi ss,ionand' read in full: , , " , AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE: CITY,OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY AMENDING SECTION 6-1; ADD:'" INGCERTAIN PROPERTY TO ZONE 1 OF,' THE FIRE LIMITS; AND PRO- VIDING'.AN.EFFECIIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the, City Attorney be instructed to prepare Ordinance Number 1042 to include a provision, excluding existing structures from the Fire Zone created by the' Ordimmce,and, present such"Ordinanceat"the next regular, meeting of the City. Commission on July 28, 1975, for,further consideration; , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 1043 was presented,to the Commission and read in full: , ' , , AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF ,THE' ClTY"OF WEST:,' UNIVERSITY' PLACE, 'TEXAS, BY. THE ApDITION, THERETO PF' SECTION (5-6'.4; DECLARING AND DELINEATING fIRE ZONE 9, OFTHE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND PROVIDING. AN' EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Stan,ley, .secon,ded,byCommi,ssioner Dlmn"that\theCity Attorney be instructed to redraw'Ordina:nce Number 1043 to exclude present'.exist- ing dwell ins from Fire Zone 9. . 'Voting Aye: All", Voting' No: None The Commission was advised that Mr. W. J. Bierne, Mr. Charles A. Gillan and Mr. Dale Heiskell had 'been contacted with regard to ~erving .as members ,of the , Tax Board of Equalization and. each had 'expressed a willingness to serve the city in such capacity 'for the year 1975. ' Motion: by Commiss'ioner, Dunn', seconded, by. Commissioner Bir.lig, that, Mr. W." J.. Bierne, Mr. Charles.A.-Gillan,and Mrr' Dale Heiskell be appointed to serve ' as members of the Tax Board of Equal i zati on for the year 1975., ' , , Voting Aye: 'All , , . ,,' Vat i,ng No: None' .. .... Mot'i on~ by: Commissi oner' -Thompson ,,~econde(by, Commissi.oner, Stanl ey,' ,~hat Mr-.- Charl es- A.' Gi 1-1 an beappoi nted to:serye as-Cha-i rman of the T;ax Board- of Equal i- zation for the year 1975. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None r:: .::==J. I ,_,~ _ _el[ ....JI[ i IIIl '.. ~ ]iI!U nWirnlllI Iii[;' ..'IW I 46 mlllll~III~I" I IIIII Iii: L_,II 1 : ;1 The ne<;:essity of:changingthe',assessed ~value :of all, taxable property and;the work invo1ved':in"so 'doing in preparation of a proposed-bond i'ssue, : arid therefore, the need to establish a ratio of assessment was pointed out to the Commission. Motion by Commissioner Staniey~ secohdedby'Commissioner Thompson, that tile City Treasurer b~ author; zed to change the city":s'ratib of assessment from 50% to 70%.' " , Voting Aye: All V ot i,r~g No: None A letter from,Arendale, Young & Searcy setting forth a proposal to perform audit services for the year 1975, waspresEmted to the Commission. Such ' proposal estimat~d_feesnot to exceed $5,500.00, plus direct expenses foi pos- tage , reproduction, , etc: , ,,' ,', , ~, , City Treasurer Robbie Barnett advised the Commission that it is generally accepted that an auditing firm looses money the.first'year an audit is per- formedinasmucb as the firm is not familiar with the books, records and ac- counts anq more time"is required., ' , Motj on byCommi ~si oner Thompson, seconded byt' Coinm'i ssi oner Dunn, that the pro- posed of Arenda 1 e" Yoimg and Searcy to aud:it the: city" s records, boo'ks and accounts for the year 1975 at a:'feenot to 'exceed $5,500.00 as set forth'in their letter dated J\Jly8, 1975, be accepted. Voti ng AYfj::, All Voting No: None lJ :~...,> , .'f~~ ./ ~.: ,:1-:1 ...7 Mr. Mike Parks, Ch~irman. of the Parks and Recreation Board, appeared before the D! Commi ss i on to present the B()ard 1 s' recomm(:!ndati on for capita 1 improvements in Phase I of the ~olonial Park Deve'19Pll1ent~ Such recommendation: includes the construction of an outdoor 25 meter swimming 'pool;lo<i:ker and health'facilities; four lighted tennis courts; and three handball/racquet ball courts. Mr. Parks pointed out that the Board's recommendation is based on the income produced by user fees and that the combiDation of the facilities would have the widest base of community suppOrt and have'the best c~ance of paSsage in: the proposed bond issue."':,: , :" ,":",":':: ,,' , Mr. Parks further asked that the Commission consider giving special recognition to the volunteer instructors in the Recreation Departmentis Chinese cooking class and All About Wines class. The Commission was advis~d:that Mr< Bill'Perlmutter,hadsubmi,tted'plans and' specificafions for the construction of to~nhousesonBella:ire Boulevard between Vanderbilt and Buffalo Speedway and that theconcept:of such plans had been ap- proved by the Z9ning ~nd Planni,ng Commission, however, there needs to be some clarification'b~tween the City ,Corilmiss,ion an~ Zoning'. and Plann'ing Commission as to the provi sions' of the, ordi nances .rezo!li ngp~ri,phera 1- property~ City Engineer Monard, Kinman advised the Commission that development of townhouses on Bellaire Boulevard would create a need for the installation ofa8" sanitary sewer line. Mr. Kinman poi,nted out that the installation of a line on Cason betwe~nBronipton~nd: Vqnderbil,t: could be:done by: augeringat an appr0xi:ma'te' 'il], , total cost' of $2l,650'.00:'wh'ereas an' open: cut':method: could be done at anapproxi- mate cost of $10,000.00, which the developer had agreed to:pay. ' u c: t\l, c.c ~', :::r: n u r~ L ~', ~~-;;.,_. ~i Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that Mr. Bill Perlmutter employ an engineering firm to prepare :plans and specifications for the,construction of the necessary santtary sewer line; perform the necessary survey; award a contract for the construction and:paythe:full cost of such construction. The City of West University Place wHlprovide construction" supervision and inspection~ and set up means by which a pro-rata share of the cost wi 11 ~be assessed'to other':developers and reimbursement made to Mr. Perl- mutter.' ", ',1. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The following recommendation was made: by the Committee appointed to make'a recommendation for the purchase of bl indsfo~ the Community Building. Dear Mayor and Commissioners: The Committee appointed to study proposals received for furoishingand installing window and door'blihdsfor the Corill'nunity'Bui1djng has visited tne shops bfthe three (3) ,lowest bidders: and inspected the various'makes of bli nds prop'osed"for- i nsta,ll at; on: The Committee asked the three low bidders to submit a written proposal for furnishing and instalU,ng Levolor IIRiviera" l~" metal blinds, and an alter- nate bi d of anothermai1ufacture; , The', fo 11 owi n9 proposals have: been recei ved: Shade ShopHou~e'of Shades Venetian Blind Shop Proposal #1 43 Levolor "Riviera" blinds 1,375.00 , 1 ;648:.00 1,191.47 Proposal #2 , 43 Temlite blinds 43 Bali or Mark II blinds, 43 Alcan Mark II 2,139.25 1 , 147 . 50, 1,258.65 After inspecting the various types of"blinds proposed for installation it is the re'commendatioriof the Committee:thilt the proposal of the Shade Shop, Inc.,' 4015 Richmond Avenue, to furnish and install forty.-three (43), Levo1or "Ri vi era II bl i nds 'for the total amount" of $1 ,191 .47 ,-be' accepted. It is the opinion of the Committee that these blinds are Superior to'the other venetian blinds in construction, appearance and there is a'fifteen (15) year guarante'e, notwithstanding the fact that they are $43'.97 higher than the low bid of $1,147.50 submitted by House of Shades, 2406 Bissonnet on Bali or Mark II. RespectfullY submi~ted,. Philip A. ,Dunn, Commissioner J. B. Thompson, Commissioner Whitt Johnson, City Manager Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the recom- mendation:'of the'Committee be accepted and:'forty-three (43) Levolor "Riviera" blinds be pu,rchas'edfromthe Shade:-Shop'ata cost not to exceed"$l-,191.47~' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None L -,..'T: ..:=1 _", _------1: . - ' : 1111',1 :JbllIllllllliiIII!IiI urn: ' ~L,='-::L......__~....JI[ " mil 48 mlllll~III~U '[111]1 III LI' , i ];: I 'ii I - , Resolution Number'75,..22 was :presented _ to the Commission, and readi n' :fuH: ' - , . WHEREAS,.tlieCityCCommission contemplates an' election to authorize the issuance' of $1 ,700~000.00'of GeneraL ObHgati'ori'Bdnds .of-,the;~ity; and, ,'; 'WHEREAS, the City Commission has:heretofore confeY'r~d-with various financial and legal advisors relative to the issuance and sale of said,bonds; and , ' WHEREAS, it has been getermined that a proposal submitted by Greer Moreland Fosdick,-Inc~ ls'tne most advantageous'to'the cityin'rega-rd..to,the"services to be rendered: aria' the, fee to be 'paid therefor. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION; OF 1-HE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY ~LACE, TEXAS: , , , , Section L . That the 'City of West Un:iversityhereby'engages'GreerMoreland Fosdick Inc'. to assist and advise the dty 'atidthe city offiCials-, ,in all matters in connection: with an election authorizirig:th~-issuarice of'$1~70D,000.00 General Obligation Bonds of the city and the, issuance and sale of such ~onds. Section 2. "'The rights~ dutiesandobligations:'of the' c,ityand:Greer More- land Fosdick" Inc.' shall be:'as'-provided in'thellFinan-cia'lAdvisory Contract II dated June 25, 1975, by and between the parties, a copy of which contract is :~ttached heret~_asExhibit A. . Section 3. That the Mayor be and he is hereby, authorized to execute such contract in behalf of the city. " PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of , 1975. Motion by Commissioner: Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig; that Resolution Number 75-22 be approved as read. 'Motion amended by Commiss'ionerBinig~ seconded by Commissioner Stanley, to in- cl ude the ' provision; IIfor ,submission tband ap,jJrova 1 by the governi ng -bodyll , in Section. IIffl' o'f' the FinanC:lalAdvisory Contractsubinitted: by Greer Moreland Fosdick Inc. and'included'as. Exh'ibitA of Resolution:Number 75-22~ Votin!;} on'amendment: Vot:j,ng Aye: ' All Voting on motion: Voti ng AYe: . All Voting No:' None Voting No: None Resoluti~n ~umber 75~23,was: presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City Commission contemplates an election to authorize the issuance of $1,:700,000.00 0:F G~neral Obligation Bo~ds of th~ city; and . WHEREAS, the City Commis'sion has heretofore conferred wi,th various finan- cial and legal advisors relative to the issuance arid sale of said bonds; and i _~~~.::'. IJ '.:~.~ j'~/~j. """. o lJ w .~ C\l ~ c:.= :0 :r:: n u n LJ A"A' ~r:~. WHEREAS; i'Lha-s,'been ;determined tba:t:it~would be in the best interest of the city to empl:oy"the firm of Vinson, Elkins;-Searles, Connally and Smith and Frank ~McCrear.y: to advi sethe: cityon"l ega 1 matter.s' in':,connecti on with sai d'bond election and theissuanc€ and sale of said bonds. . NOW;THEREFORE~','BE lTRESOlVED .BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS:' ' Section'l. 'That the fkm of Vinson, Elkins, Seatls,Connally and Smith be, and it is hereby, retained to provide alllegaVserv;-ces arising ,out C!>f . and pertaining to a bond electiC!>n authC!>rizing the issuance of $1,700,000.00 of Gen~~alObligationBonds, the issuancean~'s~leoF'suchbondsand'including~con- sulting with and advisingthe"firm of'GreerMorelandFosdick Inc. in connection with all of such matters. Section'2. That Vinson, Elkihs,'Searls; Connally and Smith and Frank McCreary, jointly, shall be compensated for their services in accordance with the usual ,'and customary charges made for 'such 'leaglservites in the community, but such compensation shall .in:rioevent exceed '$2,800.00. PASSED AND APPROVEDtnis day of ' , 1975. " Motion by Commiss i oner Stanl ey ,:: secondedby;Comlili ss i oner Thompson., , that Resol u- tion NumberZ5~23 retai'ning the fi.rm~ofVinson, Elkins"Searls,:Conna-llY and Smith and Frank McCreary to provide legal servi€es for a bond election authoriz- ing the issuance of $1,700,000.00 General Obligation Bonds, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No~ None City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that he had received notice from the Supreme Court that the application for Writ of Error filed by Mr. Doy Meyers in the case of Doy Meyers vs City of West University Place Zoning and Planning Commission had been denied. The Commi ss i on. was advi sed that the -1975 budget i ncl uded the sum .of ,$1.,000.00 for development of the ~9minUAi,tyPark located,on the West University Elementary School' gr.ounds, and invoices had been received from Earl Kettle Lumber Company, Inc. in the amount of $1~052.19 and from Seidel Company in the amount of $45.16 for treated lumber used in the Park development. " Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that the ,City pay the total amount of each i nvoi ce, a total of $1,097.35,. for 1 umber. uS,ed, in the development of the Community Park. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with the provisions of Resolution Number 75-21, the City Commis- sion was advised that all complaints upon which the Municipal Court has made fi na 1 entry and di spos i ti on prior to June, 1972, have been destroyed. Commissioner Binig presented members of the Commission results of the survey made by the Council on Aging as tabulated by the Houston-Galveston Area Council. .. I _I'II"~ .' '::I;:JI!l:tllIllItErJ:! 1111 . ''-',lml 50; MIJUIIII~III~L:; ,1111 ! III LJl r,ur, l__i ~ L -1 -~~ ;_.__!~. ,'l The City Mami:ger was requested"to';-nClude,cas ian<agenda item for the next meeting of the Commissi'onthe traffic:count 'lriadeby,the- Police Departnient with regard to a'request for the, constructi'on:~6f'a :'cul":de-sac iat' Brompton Road and Bell aire Boulevard ' , Commi ss ionerStanl ey compHmented the' West Urliversi ty Ci'vi c Cl ubupon the pre- paration of its City Directory. Minutes of va\d ousmeettngs of the Parks and Recr.eatidn Board were presented to the Commission' for' 'thei r ,i'nforrriati on. , , Minutes of'the regular meeting 'of~the--Zoning:Boardof'Adjustmentori June 19, ;975, were'presentedto'the Conmission for their inforli1ati-on. ' Minutes of meetings of the Zoning and Planning Commission on May 20th, June 17th, an~ 'July 8th were-presented 'to the Commission 'for their information; Minutes of theregul ar"meetingof~:the',El ectrical"Board'onJune'23, '1975, were presented to the Commission for their information. ' . Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission oriJune 23, 1975 were pre- sented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by"'ConIilissioner' Binig~' that miriutes of- the regular meeting of the City ~ommission on MOIlday, :,June"23, 1975, be approved as submitted. . Vot;-ng Aye: ' All Voting 'No: None u :..~::t ;;'.~: /-" ~ .:;:;. -.1; _"""~ "'1 .:u..i ~...~. -.". _'?l "':':-t"j With no further business to come before the Commission at this time,:'upon motion 0 duly m~de, seconded and carried"the meeting adjourned at 11:45 p.m. .. G,,~~(~ )~I)L ..~ " , . ' . : "Mayor " J ,{ " ATTEST: n n ,C'; C\l c.c ~ - -' :c: o [' iI, REGULAR MEETINGOF,CITY COMMISSION JULY 28;'.,1975' The City Commission convened in ~r~gular session atth€City.Hall on Monday, July 28, 1975, 7:30 p.m., with the following member,s present: Mayor Pro- Tem Binig, presiding; Commissioners Dunn and Tnompson. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. .Mayor Wall in was out of the city on business and Commissioner Stanley was ill~ The InvocatJon waspronounc~d by Commissioner,Dunn. Mr. David Healey, 2903,)Nottingham,-'wa~ introduced as a new West,Univ.ersity resident who was int~res~ed in the city's affairs. - ' Pol ice Chi ef Ri chard Kessel us presented,'sli des and a report on hi s attendance at the F. B.I. Academy. Chief Kesselus stat.ed that the, Ac-ademy was operat.ed on the. Universitypri!1icipal inasmuch as students are permitted to choose the' specific 'cu,rrfculum that wills'erve .the-ir 'individual needs,.. Chief Kesselus. listed hi scourse choi ce's'as Management for law EnfQrcement',. Advanced Budget,.. ing for Law Enforcement, Criminal Law, Police Problems in Urban Environment;, Forensic Sciences in Law Enforcement and Education and Training in Law'Enforce- ment. Chief Kesselus advised the Commission that it was his. belief that he gained bene- fici al training ,and educati on ,at' the Academy'and was confident he would be abl e to better serve the city as a result of it. Mayor Pro-Tem Binig thanked Chief Kesselus for being such a good representative of the City Of West Universi.ty Place and expressed the Comm,issjon's apprecia- ti on for hi S' attendance ~t the F;l3. I. AcademY., ' , The question regarding ,construction of a cul-de-sac on Brompton Road, had been referred to the Zoning and Planning Commission who requested a 'traffic count and that any cU,l-de-sac or .other method ofcJ os i ng the street be done on a ,tempora,rypasis (time'andstu~i).. ,',' ,'.'", ' , , ' Chi ef Kessel us reported tha:t niechahi caT- diffi culties.had been experi enced' with the traffic counters and' they were 'now in place' and a ful} report would, be, made upon completion of the traffic study, which would include an actual speed count as well as car count., It ,was the' decision, of the CityComml-ssion that' any ty:pe ~~nstructton ,used, , should be temporary, in nature,' ea'~llY~ 'removahl,eand'not da,ngeraus, ,and that residents of the area should be consulted with'regard' to their preference in location - Cason and Brompton;. Brol)lpton and Bellaire; or intbe middle of, t,ne blrick. ' ' Motion by Commissioner Thompson, second,ed by Commissioner, Dunn,that,the City Manager take steps to deter.mi De'the, possibl e.p.reference ofresi dents. ,i nthe 6700 block of Brompton Road with ,regard to the', location of a cul:..de-sac, re- questing a response within seven'(7) days, and' if possible locate the cul-de- sac in accordance with citizen responses on a temporary'basis for the purpose of an additional traffic study. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None 1. .~_.J, , ::I __ ~~--,~, -----'I:I:'::-:J.~___ _______________II f If I I ' 11 r: JiillI llIllfrnrnI rim;' ~ 52 Immjllll~lll~h .! ,',Ill JII u,. '--...'1 : L,' '!I_J In re~pons~ to ci~~zen ~ei~:~iya(~o)r,~~,~~~~,~~~~.~~~ ~;e:~el~~~{ ;~~~~~si~: ~~1- i~:~~~n~e~o~m:~~~t~~~ ~as received from Police Chief Richard Kesselus: IIReference:20 mi i e .per hour speed ,iohe,~ L~roxtonRoad2600, '2700,;2:800 s: 2900, 3000, 31DO blocks. It is my recommendation to make theab~ve numbered blecks"'of L~roxton Road a 20-mile per hour maximum speed zone. It appears that there has been a 'substan~ialincr:ase,"i~,'tr~!fiC~~hW~~~ton Road in the .las:ttwelve(12)months~ ,Thl~ fact, ~nc:n~unc lon,wl , number of children in the ar~a. pr.ompts my recomm~ndat~o,~.", , ' . ke clear however that this recommendation i'n no way' is to be I wlsh to ma, , ,', ' 'd 'tC'f' 't'" 't (20) mile per hour speed construed to ,be ,used as, a prece en. or, wen y., '" ,.' liniits'in West University Place. " ".. ''.' :d'" I do have som~' concern a~ to 'th'e. effect ,of 'thi'~ ~i.jeniY .(iyo\~~1'e~~~~,.~~~r h~~~ed limit resulting in a chaln, reactlon. of requests ~r wen ' ' .speeD .1 imits. II , Ordinance Number 1044 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN, ORDINANCE AMENDING.THE. CODE ,OF ORDINANCES OFTHE CITY or W:EST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY AMEND,iNG,SECTION ,23~'l05 TO-INCLUDE A, MAXIMUM SPEED ON CERTAIN PORTIONS OF WROXTON ROAD; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner, Dunn, seconded byCorninissioner Thompson, th'at Ordinance Number 1044 be approved as read. ,e, Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that it was necessary.. for the c-aption of ,the Ordinance to be published in the official City newspaper arid that enforcement of violations wQuld beg.in ten (10) days subsequent to the p,ubl ication. ,. It was suggested:, that the PoT; ce' Department, make a. traffi c ,count s.uhsequerit to enforcement of ,the. .twenty-ini 1 e-per-hour speed., limit. ' , . ' Mr. Gha:rles Gillan and Mr. Dale Heiskell, recently appointed members to serve on -the Tax Board of Equalization .were"scheduled to have been' administered the Oath of Offic.e, by the Mayor~ butinasmuch'as.both,:were outof"the city, all members of the Board will ,receive. the .oath at a:later'meeting of the Commiss,ion. Ordinance Nuniber 1042, as amended by request of the City Commission, was pre- sented to the Commission and read in full: AN. ORDINANCE AM'ENDING, ,THE .CODE OF, ORDINANCES OF, THE CITY .oF ,. WEST UNIVE.RSITYPLACE, TEXAS,' BY AMENDING. SECTION 6-1 ; ADDING . CERTAIN PROpERTY TO' ZONE~ 1 OF THE ~ FIRE' LIMITS ; AND:, PROVIDI NG ' AN EFFECTIVE. DATE.,. ., Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that Ordinance Number 1042 be approve~as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None u ):;~ :./~:. , , .:..::. . :~ ~.:'d; t::'~~4':. o J [ C": C\l c.c C -, ..... :r: o r1 ( I L_, :tin lJ~ Ordinance "Nuniberl043: was ,,presented. to' the Commi'ssion,and ,read :in>full. : '~, .... '"', ' . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF':ORIUNANGES ;:OF THE GlTY,OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY THE ADDITION THERETO OF SECTION-' 6...;6;4; DECLARING AND DELINEATING FIRE ZON'E'9cOF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ' '. - ., . . .--! .'- .. . . f Motion by' Commissioner :Dunn,seconded by:C-ommissioi)er Thompson" that Ord'inance Number 1043 be approved as read. ' -'. ..,. Voting Aye: All Voting NQ: ~on~ The' fo 11 owingrecommendation'was presented ,to-the :,Comm;,ss i on for the purchase of Street Department. ma ter i a Is : ' " "Bide received on July 21st for.matertals to'be'us~dby the. Street Department in the mairitenance andretonstruction'of streets were referred for recommendation. . ",",', . Bids were received on the following items; Item,l - 30~OOO gallons asphalt emulsionllcolasll. Wrjght, Aspha}t,:Products Com- pany submitted a bid of $0.30per"'gal,lon,"plus '$0..014'per"gallon freight.' This bid is in line with last year1s bid. . -- ' Item 2 ... 2,000 tons trushed:"limestone'base:'material. ':Texas ~rushed Stone:C!)mpany submitted the only bid on this material. Their bid of $1.20 per ton~ plus $3.60 per ton freight represents:no:tncrease',inmaterials cost;:other than the'freight rate. ' " , . , . Item 3;;. 800 tons Grade.6'coverstone." ,Twlr firms, submittedbjds on three: different materials. Inasmuch as the materials vary in weight, it is necessary to' convert to the price per' cubic yard to arrive at a-true cost of the materiaL The follow- ing is a tabulation of the bids received~ - . Bi dder GRADE 6 ~.- PREeOATED ROCK ASPHALT Materials Cost Freight Weight Per Cost Per Per Toh, Per Ton Cubi c Y'ard Cubic Yard " 4.'75' 4.03 2100# 9.22 GRADE 6 -TRAP ROCK 4.50 3.88 2700# 11..,31 ", ~ '..-.. GRADE 6 PRECOATED LIMESTONE- 7.00 3.60 2400# 12.72 Whi te I s M'i nes . White1s Mines Servtex Materials Street Superintendent A. L.Bearden was consulted concerning materials bid and it is our recommendation that the low bid of White1s Mines on precoated rock asphalt be accepted. L~__~l:_ _.J. ~............-l-U:--;---:. _ ---LiC--' ',"h.ll" jl"j;" 'rrmmllillllDIllllI 'Iirr:; , 'II' :: ..:nr:I Il!11I!JJIIUnm'[' :!. :",11.'1: III L.. J] , -, -: :r--:-- r--- ' -==r::::::----==-l ~4 ;j,. Moti on -by: COmnli ssioner Thoni'pson, . secorided l5y :Comm;;ssi oner Dunn,. that the City Manager be authorized to purchase street materials in accordance with the re- commendation contained in hislE!Uer'ofJuly 28,'l975~", Voting, Aye: All Voting Nb:None u City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that the city~sCode of Ordinances presently prohibits overnight parking for storage on any paved street during 'the hours fromsuriset :to :'sunr; Se and enforcement would : meet the request made by the West University Civic Club in a pr.evious meeting of the City Com- mission. Mrs. Jackie Patteso~, President of the Civic Club, stated that such organiza- tion had been 'advised that its:'requestwould be considered by the ,Commission at a later date and they were not prepared for this'meeting. Members of the:Commission notedthat'themonthof August would primarily be devoted to stLidy'and adoption of the 1976 Dudget'and'advisedMrs.'Patteson that the request of the Civic Club would be considered at the first meeting of the City Commi ssi on in September. : .' . Commissioner Dunn'suggested that:aportiori of the next; issue of City Currents be devoted to the 'question of parkingon'st~eets. Mayor Pro-Tem Binig invited members of the Commission and,any others interested to attend a meetingofthe'West:Univer~i~r'Counc~l ori:Aging ,on Friday. Minutes of the :regular meetlng 'of the:CitJ Commission on Monday, Ju'ly 21~ '1975, 0 were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion,by Commissioner Dunn, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that minutes of the regular meeting of the thy CO~lIi1ission on MondaY':,July '21 ,:~1975,--be approved as read~ . .~> ~ ' ;.. -.,~~~ Voting Aye: All 'Voting No,:~ :None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded andcar.ried~ 'the meeting adjourned at 9:09 p.m. 9~w:v~fL. ~ .' Mayor ( ATTEST: ~of-~~ Assistant Clty Secretary l_ [J cr: C\l, c.c t.:i :r: :r:: o II I ' _..I at i): ,:REffiULAR MEETHlG.-:OF :,CITYCOMMIS$ION , " ' AUGUST ,ll, 1~75', The City Commission, convened in, regular session'at :thEteity'Hall on Monday, August 11, 1975, 7:3Q p.m'~, with the fonowing:memp~rs present:" Mayor Wallin, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Dunn, Stanley and Thompson. ' The City Manager ,was also present. ThecCity Attorney was out of the city on business. , , The,: Invocation was pronounced by Mayor'Wa 11 i n~ Mayor Wallin introduced 'Mr.~ Dean Gorham"Director., Texas Municipal Retir.ement System, who had come from Austin to attend the meeting for a special presenta- tion. ' Mr. Gorham advised the Commission that his presentation had'been planned for a June'meeting, however, he had become ill :and was unable to be present. Mr. Gorham stated..that C~ty Manager ~Whitt Johnson~' had, ,set a record' as"Chai.rman of the Board of Trustees of:the Texas, Munici pal:Retireinent System, having served in such capaci ty duri ng the years 1953, 1958, 1970 ,and 1974. " Mr,. Gorham briefly reviewed the progress made by the Texas Municipa,l Ret,reme,nt System during 'these years, noting ,that ,in1953,th~ membership,-was'8,OOO as compared: toa. cu,:,re~~ membership of 43,000. ',Hef~rther noted that'assetswer.~ $2',750;000 as compared to the present $170,000,000"with a growth.' of 20% during the year 1974. . - , . . . ,. . . , , Mr. Gorham preseoted:Mr. Johnson:with a'b~autifuL plaqueupon'which,wer.emounted the gavel used by Mr. Johnson as Chairman of the Board of Trustees and a pl ate i,ndi cati ng~''the'years during;whi Qh"he.-'served 'i n'5ucn capacity'.', ' Mr. Johnson thanked Mr. Gorham and.'stated that employees of the City: of West:,Uni- versity Place, both those that bad previ,ously retired and those retiring in the future, would'benefit from decisi-ons'ma'deby the City Cdmniission toparticipa'te in the Texas Municipal Retirement 'System. " ',' Mr. R. 1. 'Butcher, ,2830 Bellaire :Boul:evard,appeared before the Commis,sion .to express his opposition to the proposed closing of Brompton Road on either a temporary or permanent basis,. Mr. 'Butcher 'stated that there were seventy-one ,houses on Brompton and a traffic count of '300 to 400 cars was very 'small 'as c.om- pared to 22000 cars on, Bellaire boulevard during a twenty-four' (24), hour traffic count. Mayor Wallin advised Mr. Butcher that the purpose of the proposal to erect a temporary barr,icadeor .cul-de-sac,'was in 'response, to 'a petitionpres'ented to the Commission by residents of BromptQn,Road and to make 'an additional traffic count to determine it there was a need for a permanent installation to close the street. The Commi ssi on was ,advised that. a, sev.en ", (7) 'day traffic ~ol:lnt, prepared by 'the Police Department indicated that during peak hour'traffic; -morniRgs'between; 6:00 a.m. and 10:OO'a.m., therewas"an'averageof,98 ears'each period and evening traffic between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. averaged 122 cars for each period. ' ~J ': , _DlIJ 1 " I ?"'6 a. 1l!IlI!]IIIIUmmL :! T II,!I : ]1,- - --L -':12 ..] Ii r , T:"":':J Mr. Darrell Donaldson, 6417 Bel~ont~ stated~ihat torisideratfon should be given to satell ite streets of .Annapol j'5, 'Belmont ,and Vanderbilt if Brompton Road was to be closed. Mrs. Jan Fry, 6431 Belmont, state<;l that it was her opinion that there was a,need for police,enf6rcemerit rather than closing of the stre~t. . Mr. Jeff'Warn~r~6421B~lmont, stated that f~sidentsCon ~~lm0nt wefe fearf~l of increased traffic on their street, in the event Brompton was close<;l. He further stated that a bicycle lane located on Belmont' Street:would.be quite dangerous if the trafficusjn9 Brompton were re~routeq to Belmont Street. Mr. Warner asked ifany,timescnedule had '/;>een established:for ~losing of Brompton' Road was to be closed~ .;' , . , ~ 1\ U Mr. Warner.was advised that all the requested ~at~rial was avajlable in the office of the Cit~ Manager'and~could be studied ,by anyone so desiring." . Mrs'. ;Na~cy 'Ti.!cker', 2903 Ui1'iv~rsity, ~t~tE~((that there were forty -'40;) childr.en in"ihe b16~k, and that she thoi.!ghtthat' BrQrnpton shbuld be clos~d inasmuch as . traffic' control had 'to~tartso~ewhere. '.' , ' ' Mr.: M~ C. Caidwell, 6434 Belmont', . stated that he was concerned about'the'density and speed of traffi c on, Vanderbilt~ .'Belmont and Brompton- and fearful, of ,the, re- sults of , cloSing one street and not' closing others. Mr. Caldwell also stated that he would like to formally request that the City Commission close Brompton, Belmont 'and Vanderbilt and madei'a study ~f"all'three streets. ". .' ~' , Mr. Sidney Ramsey~6533 Belmont, : stated 'thatit' 75% of the^,residerits on 'Belmcmt [I had signed a petition requesting that the street be closed why were they not pre- U . sen~ at the meeti ng to defe~d thei.r request. ' . __ I . ",;',,:\. , i" ~. ..t."" Mrs. 'Shirley Glash~ 6719 Brompton, stated that she had not originally started the petitiQn to close Brompton, but had worked very had on it.: . . Mr. Alex Wong, 3'001 Carnegie, asked if"ariy time 'schedule had"beeri set up. .. Mr.'Frank Burge, 6345 'Brompton, 'stated that ,the r.equest'to close Brompton was not somethi ng that' came up the' past two or three weeks. ' Res identshad been concerned since'tonstructi'on'was "begunon:an'apartmentcomplex 'on Brompton south of Bellaire Boulevard, and inasmuch as residents of Brompton had filed a petition with the City Commission, consideration should be given to their requ~st. Dr. Roy Harris, 2922 BellaireBoulevard,wanted to know about fire and police . protectlonl n'e\lentBt:'ompton was closed ~': ' " .' Commissloner Binig advised those in attendance that,reports had been received from both the Chief of Police and Fire Chief that adequate safety measures could be enforced if ~r~inp,td,ri Road were qlosed ,cmd that, it was hoped by the City Commi~sien':that:work'withthe State/Department bf ;Hi'ghways fbr funds for signalizatibn,6n~Buffald.Sp~edway'would :provide'a better- traffi~:flow. Mr. Val Carl son, 6344 Brompton, stated that he 1 ived on the corner of Duke'and I,ll Brompton and had a personal feeling about Brompton Road and that they had taken I the initiative in requesting action by the City Commission. L I J [I) I I cr.; c-J <C e ::t: :::x::' o n u B:Z Mr. George Faison, 3726 Nottingham, stated that he was opposed to blocking any street. Commissioner Thompson advised that the City Cemmission, at its regular meeting on July 28th, had taken official action to erect a temporary barricade on Brompton for the purpose 'of mcik-ingan a:dditionaltra:ff'fcc0unt., ' Mr. Butcher stated that Mrs. Applebaum and,Mrs. DeVallewere opposed to the closing of Brompton, but would not be able to respond to a letter from the City Manager, requesting a reply within~severi (7) aays expressing an opinion with,regard to where the temporary barricade,should be erected. Mr. T.E. Stubblefield, 660~ Belmont, requested that consideration be given to additional law enforcement on Belmont and Vanderbilt Streets. Mrs. Annis ,Jolly, 6415 Belmont, stated that ,police didnot p'atr'ol the area"'as frequently as they shou'ld and Ot~at additional' ~ffort should' be'made. ' 'Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconded by Commissiorler'Binig, that the City Com- mission defer any action to erect a barrica.deor cul~ae-sac until such time as additional traffic counts ~re made on all streets and given further considera- tion. ' Motion amended by Commissioner Stanley, accepted by Commissioner Dunn" that the traffic count be started this wee~ and provide that direction, nor.th and south and the number of cars might be determined, and that consideration be given by the City Commission' immediately following thecontlusion of the traf- fic count for a meeting with Mr. John'Hudson', traffic engineer, to further analyze the results of the traffic count and to secure his recommendation as . to the erection of a temporarybar,ricade. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with previous action of the'City Commission, bids received for furnishing 1,000 feet of 2-:-1/211 fite hose and 3001 of 1-1/2I1fire'hosewere opened and results announced a? follows: Fire Fox Corporation, 1,0001 - 2-1/2" hose - $1.89 per foot = $1~890.00 3,001-, 1-,lj2li hose - ':1. 26 per foot = 378.'00 Fabric Fir~ Hose Company 1,000 - 2-,1/211, hose - $1.79 per foot = $1.,790.00 300 - 1-1/211 hose - 1.17 per foot = 351.00 Claude Wright & Assoc~a~es '1,,000. - 2-1/211 hose -$L84' pe"r:foot =$1;840.00 "3qO I -, 1 ~ 1/2" hos:e- ~ ,1;'.31"' per foot = '. '393 ~ ao Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson,- that bids.- received for furnishing 1,0001 of 2..,1/211 fire hose and 300. of 1-1/211 fire hose, - be referred to the "oi tY Manag"er for tabuTati on and' arecommenda'ti on be presented to the City Commiss;lon~__a:tits n,ext' regLllar~eetin'g on' Aug'u,s't 25, ,1975. . Voting Aye: All Votlng. No: None J:_ --'- ~~ ~ ".1::..""1....... __ ....J11 ';'1111", T ,Jiillllli11liJIIIlr till:: __, ,:i'I ,IlIIllllIIIIITIIII![ ;,:r 11'1 ' ]Ir- L:'rr " --'-.-1, , t: 8" J Bids received for furnishing one new self-propelled paint striping machine wereopenea and re'sults announced as' follows: A.. Aaeron - Joe Bryant Equipment Company Model 3-11$ 1~066.00 Model 5-11 1,375~OO . (plus estimatedfreight'of $50.00) Smith Municipal Supplies, Inc. $ 1,435.00 ,,(F.O~B. We'st'Uni-versity Place) Motion by COminissionerThompson"secondedby Commissioner'Binig, that, bids re- ceived for, furnishing one newself-prop:elled paint striping mac-hinebe referred to the City Manager for tabulation and conformity to the city's specifications, . and a 'recommendation" for 'purchase to be presented to"the' City' Commiss,ion, at its next regular meeting on :August25,1975. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resol uti on 'Number 75-24 was presented to the Commi ss:ion and read in full: . WHEREAS, Mrs. Rebecca Anz; employed as Pol ice Di,s patcher andappoi nted Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the'City 'Of Wes.t, Univers:ity Place, Texas, has resi gnedher emp'loymentwi th the city; and WHEREAS, Mr. Andrew Thomas Walters has been employed as Police Dis- patcher, and is qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court. " . . , NOW, THEREFORE, 'BE. IT 'RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSIo.N OF THE CITY OF WEST. UNIVERSITY-PLACE, TEXAS: ~" Section 1. That Mr. Andrew Thomas Walters be, and he is hereby, ap- pointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the'City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. That the app.ointment of Mr~ Andrew Thomas Walters as Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resol~tion and: that he shall assume the as- signed duties of Deputy Clerk after having been administered the proper Oath of Office. . PASSED AND APPROVED this day of ,1975. The Commission was advised that the appointment of Mr. Charles Orsburn as Associate Judge of' the,Munieipal C.o,urt expired 'on August 9,' 1975, and if it was the desir.e, of the City Commiss.ion .tocontinue to provide an Associate Judge for the Municipal Court consideration should be given to re-appointing Mr. 'Orsburn. Motion by Commissioner, Stanley, seconded by Commissioner' :Binig, that,Mr~ Charles Orsburn be re-appointed'as Ass'ociate: Judge' of theMuni-ci,p,~'lCourt for, a period of sixty (60) days in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None '-..-..-( u :~>~.; ~>~~ ;;:L" .::.\::.:..~~ ";"-,:F.- ~~,,~ 1\ U u ~j cr: C'J tC C; - - :::r.: o rl Ll fi9 A statement submitted by City Atterney Charles,F. Cockrell in the amount of $995.44~ for legal services rendered during the months of April, May and JURe, 1975,incll..lding iilcidental' printing charges', Was" presented to the Commission' for consideration. ' Motion by Commissioner"Binig, seconded by Commissioner "Dunn, that the statement submitted'by City Attorney Charles Cockrell~ in the" amount of $995.44, for 1 ega 1 servi ces rendered duri ng the months of Apri'l ~ "May and June , "1'975, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A letter dated July 29, 1975, from Bayshore Engineers, Inc. setting forth an explanation of charges of $28'6.00 "by' tli'at firm for'construction staking of the CityHal1 parkin'g'lot, was'presented "~o the Cominlssio~. ' , ... - . ". . Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that the firm of- Bayshoi:e' Engineers', Inc." be"paid th'e s'um;of $'286~00 for construction staking of the City Hall parking lot. Voting Aye: All Voting No: " None An invoice in the amount of $900.00, as the balance due under a contract be- tween the cityand'BayshoreEngineers for the preparetionof ,an investigation and recommendations for the existingwas:tewater 'treatmeiltplant facitilie's, was presented for considerati~n., .' ' Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded byCommissioner.Binig, that the in- voicern the' amount of"$900.00for':the'preparatfon 'of anirivestigat,ion and re- commendations forth"e exi:stingwastewatertreatment plant fa'cilities, by Bay- shore Engineers, be approved for payment. ' Voting Aye: All"-- Voting No: None Action by the City Commission to establish IINo Parking Anytime" zones at the fo 11 owi ng 1 oca t ions was revi ewed: ' , , On Sunset Boul evard" from the"' west curb 1 ine on Be lmcint Street, west to the alley on the south side of the street. ' On Unive"rsity Boulevardfroiri 'the east curb line of Wesla~an Road to" a' point 55"feetea:ston both' sides 'of the street. On Browning Street from the west curb line of Weslayan Road to a point fifty (~O). feet west on th.e nO!'th side .of :thestreet. On the east side of the Fed::"Mart buildingllTrucks on'ly - 1 hour Hinit". The" review 'indicated:that action'was taken by the Comm'issiononMay 14~ '1973, to establish the UNo Parking Zones",.for'a trial per1od'ofsi;)( (6) months:; 'subsequent to such action , the Commission 'requested"another 'recollimendatien from the Ch'i,e'f of Police and took action to make the IINo Parking Zones" permanent. However, the City Attorney was not instructed to prepare an ordinanee pro\;iding for the enforcement of such action. ;'..'[1 '..:'::' J:nrnllIlmmm' L,n:" :: ..rfi!I J:JlIIII]ml~lIl!!~ '11'.:11.'1' .II' L.'::I.~ _, 1 60 Moti-on by Commissi'oner--Thompson, seconded ,by'Commissiorier; Stan]ey,that the Ci.ty Attorneyoeinstructed ,to prepare"an ordinance cteating~i'No Parki ng'~ areas in 'accordance with the recommendation of'Chief'Richa:rd KesselLis dated November 26, 1973. Mot i on amended by Commi s's i oner ;Bi ni g, accepted by Commi ss i orier :Thomps-on ,that the,off-str:eet area on the east :side of:the:Fed....MartBui,ldfng be designated as IINo Parking During Delivery Hours 9.;4, Week-Daysll~ . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Reso.lution Number 75-26 was presented to the Commission and read in full: . . WHEREAS" the City ofWes't University ,Place-has requestedassistanc.e for the des i gn and. install ationof 'S i goaH zat'i on on Buffa 10 Speedway at :i nter- sections of Uni versity Boul evard, Rice Avenue and Sunset Bou'l evard; and WHEREAS, BLlffalo'$peedwayhas been included ,in 'the Urban System of the State Department of Highways; and WHEREAS, it i sthe desire of the State Depa:rtment of Highways to assist the City of West University Place in such work; and WHEREAS, the 'State Department of- Hi 9hways has, subject to the avai 1- . ability 'of Urban System aid-funds, agreed to: 1. Prepare construction plans and specifications. 2. ,;Provide for 'installation oLtraffic signals at an estimated cast of $133 ,400 as authori zed, in the 1975-1976 Urban :System Program. NOW, -THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION "OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That the City of ~Jest University Place, Texas, hereby agr,ees to: . 1., .Maintain and 'operatethe installationuponcompleti(m in a manner satisfact.ory to the State Department of Highways. " 2. . Adopt and: enforce such ,ordi'nances 'and reg.ulati ons as, may be necessary for 'p'roper'; operati on of "the i hsta 11 ati on. PASSED AND APPROVED. this day of . , ,1975. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that Rice Ave. be'changed: to 'Ri ce Bouleyard 'and:--Reso 1 ution Number 75-25 be approved as changed. , M()ti on amended by Commi ss ioner, Stan 1 ey, _~:ac-cepted: by Commi s'sione'r Bi nig:,' that ; ,the provision: that th~ City of-'Wes:t Univers;-ty Placeres~rves therig,ht:to reg,ulate speed in:the area be added,to the ;provisibns:'of the Resolution. Voting Aye: All , Voti ng No: None The Commission was advised that a call had been received from Mrs. Robert Bunch, 4120 University Boulevard, requesting permission for the Gaslight Garden Club to landscape the newly constructed City Hall parking lot with particular emphasis on the University Boulevard entrance and screening for the adjoining residential fences. ., '''''''''..~~'''' n ,.:::-.~~ ~. 1....1J. ~/~~ ..:~ -.."; ~c<-' .......'.--.. ~"" --.: ",:=-~.:.. ~ o o n (I': C\l c.c ~ - ....... :::r: o r U It was ,the dec'isiqn of the City Commission that members of the 'Gaslight Garden Club submit a sketch' of, the'ir plarmed landscaping to'the City Commission" for its approval. .:' " ., ., " '" , ' The City Commission wa:s cbminended fo:r'itsprior'action~ in. amending the city's Zoni.ng Ordinance No. l;i to include a definiti'c;jn of "familyll as handed d0wri,'~by the Supreme Court, noting that enforcement of the provi si on had 'elimi'r'lat'ed some of the problems previously encountered. Attention of ~the Commission was directed to a letter received from former City Treasurer Wm. Dittert, Jr:, advising that he and Mrs. Dittert had placed their West University home on the marKet 'and plahried to move to Fort W6rthupdn'cem- pletion of a sale, and would terminate his position'as a'consultant to the City. The Commiss'ion'was 'advised that numerous citizens had requested perrilissionfrom the Fire Chief as'wen as'tne'CityManagerto paint the city's'fire hydrants'as a part of the national Bi~Centennial celebration. The City Commission directed that all requests to paint fire hydrants be directed to the Bi-Centennial Cam- mi ttee and the Fire Chi ef. " . . " An invoice in the amount of $22,671.00 for completion of a contract for the con- struction df the City Hall 'parking lot has been -received from G.H. ,Hart 'Com- pany, Inc., however~ no request will be submitted for payment until it has been determined that the parking lot has been constructed' in accordance with plans and specifications. ' " '" . A letter dated July 22, 1975, receiv~d from Joe Myers' Ford, Inc. requesting an additiohal cost of$160.49'for a~t6motiveunit~6~ 7 arid 8 inasmuch as the ,Ford Motor Cbrilpari,yhas' discontif)ued prlce:pr0tection on ordered units, result- ingin additional cost to ,Joe MYe.rs"Ford~was pr~sented for consideration. Motion by Commis~ioner Thompson, seconded by Commis,sioner Stanley, that the City Manager be instructed to reply to ,the letter dated July 22, 1975, from J<;>e Myers' Ford, t<;> the effect that the City Commission accepted a firm bid on each of the three units, wi thno provi s fon for esca 1 ati on; and, therefore, coul d not. ccms i der an increase in the amount theY: agreed' to pay. ' ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Following a discussion with rega~d to time schedules planned by the Bi-Centennial Committee; fer projects des.,i.gnated as Bi -Centennial projects, the City Manager was' instructed to request that co-chairmen of the Committee be requested to appear at the next meeting of the City Commission. Commissioner Binig stated on a recent trip to Austin she noticed all of that city's signs prohibiting right turns on red lights were II No Right Turn om Redll whereas those used'i n West University stated IIRi'ght-,Turn' on RedProhibited". Commissioner Binig expressed concern with the number of ,violations she had witnessed. The City Manager advised that he had directed a letter to Street Superintendent A. L.Bearden to make preparations to change the signs and had requested from City Attorney Charles Cockrell the correct wording for the signs in accordance with the provisions of State Statutes. Commissioner Binig reviewed the minutes of the Council on Aging on August 1, 1975, noting that only seven (7)'names had been received for nominees as members of a permanent Council on Aging. 1 r-, ~I'I , I , 1111' i' IJill1llm11 [l'IIill &~~ 'LinJ~ ,,:, ,,::1]1': mIlI!JJIIT[Jnrn[I~, '; II:'!' ]Ir- L_:rr==: ~.__11 I 'r- J 62 Commissi'onerStanleystatedthat he ha;d.become,aware,that the City. Secretary had recently been 'awardedthedesi,gnat-.ionef'Ass0c'iateCerti'fiedMunicipal, nerk by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks. tl Motion by Commissioner Stanley~ s'econaed"by Commissioner Binig, ,that the City i\,j 'Attorney' be 'i nstructed to prepare 'a :resolution' commending the City Secretary _ on;thts:h6n~r. . ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor l~a 1 r; n reqLies ted that each member .'of, the' Commi, s,s i on complete a form pre- viously furniShed-them showing recommendations of persons to assist- in pub- licizing the proposed 'bond issue. Members- ,'of 'the Commi'ss ton were reminded of a- workshop meeti ng to be held on Wednesday evening, August 13th, 7:00 p.m. for :'additionalwork on the city's 1976 '-budget. .' :~..~ ~ .r- '~-;" :t,,: - " ,,'';-' I ' , Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board'on July 21~ 1975, were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes oLthe regular meeting of the Safety & Accident Review Board on July 18, 1975~were'presented'to. the Commission fortheir,inf~rmation'.' Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adju~tment'on July 31, ,1975, were presented to the Commissi'on for their information. , , Minutes of the regularmeetin9 of the City Commission,on Monday, 'July 28', 1975, l-J were presented to the Commission and the following action :taken: 'Motion by Commissioner ,Dunn; secorided ,by CommiSsioner, Stanley,' that minutes of'the"regtllar meeting of the City Commission on Monday, July 28, 1975, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All "Voting No: None With no furth~r action to 'come before"the ComllJission'at.thistime, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned 'at 10:45 p.m. (9~.lv, .~lJ,- ',' Mayor. ' ',' ATTEST: ...~ .~tU+L Ass, stant City Secr'etary , , Il U n C": ~ ~ t:> - ....... == [] u 63 REGULAR MEETlNG:OF CITY COMMISSION ~AUGUST 25~c1975 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall 'on Monday, August 25, 1975, 7:30 p.m., with thefol1awing niembers present: Mayor Wall in, ,presiding; Commissioners Binig, Dunn, Thampson.and Stanley. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Dunn. Mr~ Jeff Warner; ,6421 Belmont,.expressedhis;jnterest in learning~there~ults of traffic surveys that were being conducted on Belmont, Brompton and Vander- bilt Streets, and that he would like to urge that the ,City Commission not be hasty in its decision to close streets. ' City'Manager Whitt Johnson introduced Miss IrisSullard as'a new member of the Southwestern Argus staff who will cover meetings,of the 'City eommission.Mr~ Johnson noted that Miss Bullard'was~a native of --the City,of Bellaire. Mayor Wallin administered the Oath of Office to Mr. W. J. Bierne and Mr. Charles Gillan as members of the Tax Board of Equalization for the ,year 1975. Mr. Dale Heiskell was attending another meeting and will be administered the Oath at'a later date. . 'In accordance with previous acti0n of..the City ,Commission the following recom- mendation was presented for de'liyeryof 1,000 feet of 2.,.1/211 fire'hoseand'300 feet of 1-1/211 fire' hose. ' 1I0ear Mayor and Comm,issioners: . ' , , , ' ' , ' ., Bids ' received -for delivery of 1-;000 fee-t.0f 2..1/2!1 fire ~ose and 300 'feet of 1-1/211 fire hose were referred to me and Chief Ben Wilcher. Attached hereto is a tabulation of the bids'received. Chief Wilcher has made: an investig~tion of the proposals and has' conferred with representatives of the bidding firms.'~' Chief Wilcher advises me that the fire hose manufactured by the Bi-lateralFire Hose Company ,(Akron Double Jaok~t', Fire Hose) is a better hose by reason tt:lat the threads are woven'more closely-'and appear to "be a more coarse thread, and is heavier than the otherho.se;'i,n excess of,two (2)'pounds per fifty (501) foot length, y~t is just as easy to.' hand1e and i's' pliable. . . , , . ' The -Akron hose ,is dis,'tr-i!;>uted by a, local representative: and ,is stocked locally. In event of a warranty replacement the problem of adjl.Jstment could oehandled immediately. If the Akron hose is accepted the city would be paying,' $50,.;00 additional'ly for the 1,000' of 2-1/211 hose and $42.00 additionally for the 1:"1/211 hose. We have i nthe. past'. purchased, Akron Bi ..Lateral fi re hose and. have' obtai ned, good results. For the ad,9i,tjonal $~2.00, ,or 4% of t~e, total bid price, ,I believe we are justified in purchasing the hose we consider better grade and construction." ..........J. I , r: . - L.r_:.-=-L...- -----Ill" '1'11'11 ,I':: IJilltlJIIlln:JlllD' JIlL __ , I~ll! 1-' I 64 1l1111111111~Liil.l111.l III ! LJ_ I ~ 'I J I The following is a tabulation of blds received for delivery of 1,000 feet of 2-1/211 fire hose and 300 .feet ofl';'112~i fire nose: Bidder 1,000' - 2-1/211 Fir~ hose 300' - 1-1/2" Fire. Hose Per Foot . Fotal . --" ,:Per Foot 'Total $"1.89 $ 1;890.00 $ 1.26 $ 378.00 "1:79 '1";790.00 1.17 351.00 1 ~84 1~B40:.00 ' 1.30 393:00 Fire Fox Corporation w. H. lumpkinAssoc~ Claud Wright ~ Assoc. . Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the City Commissi9n ~ccept the recommendatlonof the City Manager and Fire Chief and that 1 ,000fe~t of 2-1/211 firehose and 300 feet of r:..'l/211 fire hose be pur- chased from Claude Wrignt & Associates for' a' totaFbid price of $2~233.00. . Voting Aye:: Binig . Dunn Thompson Wa 11 in Thefollo~ling recom!TIendatio~ for the,pur'chase: ~nd de,ll'iiery or one se:lf-propelled paint stripin~j'machine was presented for consideration., . , ' Voting No: 'Stanley IIDear Mayor and Commissioners: ,Bids received on August 11th fgr one self propelled paint striping machine were referred to me and A. L"Bearden, -Str'eef'Super~n't~ndent', 'for evaluation and're- commenda t ion. " '" ..,., Attached is a tabulation'of'th~ bids~~ece1~ed. . - . .... u ......,~ .~' (.i' ;",(, ~'l ~. ....... ";- --.....:." .~.:-:", I". ." ~. o Of the two bids received the Kelly-Cresswell'pafnt: striping machine,. Model C (self propelled) meets all of the city's. speCifications.' ". . Of the four model s of M8 machi nes, offered: by A Aa.eron-Joe Bryant: Equ:i pment " Company, all lack some of the features s'pecified:" Tne-'MB 5--11 offered at an ,estimated delivered price of $1 ,'425~00 ine~ts'a'll::specifications,with the ex- ceptionof two: The most imp~>rtan:t bmfs:sjon'is, thegu;-de plates. The'se are necessary to prevent wi nd dri ft of, the' pai nt' at ,the' gun head' when ,wind v'e loc,i ty exceeds eight (8) to ten (10) m.p.n. As the wind speed is normally at or above these speeds, in 'this locality, guide plates are 'ne~'essoarito obtain stripes " with well defined edges. ,. .' ., , , For an additional $10.00 :the guide plates which'Mr. Bearden attaches great . significance ca,n, be obtained. ' " . It is our recommendation tha:t the City Commission accept the bid submitted by n Smith Municipal Supplies, Inc. fora Kelly-Cresswell Model C (self propelled) paint striping'machine~f.o!b~West University, for ,the:'sum of $'1 ~~3.5,.00~ l n ~ C'-J cC ~ -, ........ :r: o ~ (__I 65 Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson" that the, city purchase from Smith Municipal Supplies, Inc. a Kelly-Cresswell ModelC self-propelled paint striping machine ata cost not to exceed $1,435.00, f.o.b. the City of West Univers~ty Place. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 1047 was presente{:!to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING PARKING AT ANY TIME AT CERTAIN SPECIFIED LOCATIONS;UMITING PARKING AS TO TIME AND' TYPE OF VEHICLE IN TH~ AREA'OFI THE, FED-MART BUILDING;' PROVIDING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ' , ' BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY: OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ; Section 1. That parking of any vehicle at any time is hereby pro- hibited at'the following locations: . , . On Sunset Boulevard from the west curb line on Belmont, Street, west to the alley on the south side of the street. " ~, . , ' . On University Boulevard'from the east curb line of Weslayan Road to a point 55 feet east on both sides of the street. On Browning Street fr6mth~westcurb line of Weslayan Road to a point fifty '(50;): feet' west on~ the' north' side of the street. Section 2. That parking in the off-street parking area on the east side of: the Fed.,..Mart Building,:on Weslayan Street is hereby limited to tr:l:.lCks only and fora period not in excess of one (1) hour, during the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of each week.: 'At all other times and on all other days parking of any ,vehicle shall be permitted. Section 3. The Chief of Police is authorized and d.irected to provide appropri~te sign~ or markings at the above stated locations clearly indicating the parki~g prohibitions; , . , Section 4'. Any violation of the provisions of this ordiriahce shall be punishable in the manner as provided in the Code of Ordinances of the City of Wes,t University Place, Texas'; - Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immed- iately from and after its passage as required by law. , ' . PASSED AND: APPROVED,-this : , 1975. day of" : ' Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that Ordinance Numberl04T limiting parking in certaihar~as, be approved',as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None --1 Lf i - -- 'T' -, -"II IIII r " I 'a;nIIl~lIIliiIIin J~J , ,u. rulll,. 66 ,lnllll~lll~ll..l :1.11111 JIll LJI I I,] Ordi Qance ~umberl 048:wcls; presented -<~O' the:C6mml' ss iOi{':a~d'read:' i'n ful1: , ., . . .. ", . , .' . ~ f . . ," : . '.. - ......:. -: AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING A RIGHT: TURN ON:A:RED SIGNAL AT'- CERTAIN INTERSECTIONS; DIRECTING THE" iNSTAlLATION OF SIGNS' . READING uNO RIGHT TURN ON REDII; PROVIDING A PENAL TV; AND PROVIDING'AN EFFECTIVE DATE. . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE. CITY COMMISSION' OF 'THE CITY 'OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS:. Section L . :that it shall be unlawful for"any person operating a vehicle tb fuake a right iurn at an intir~ectio~ whe~~fa~ed~with i traffic control device exhibiting a red 'signal at the"followoing intersections: University Boulevard and Auden Street University Boulevard and Edloe Street Edlo~ Street and Rice,Boulevard Section 2. That the Chief of Police'iS a~tho~ized ~nd directed~tb erect, at the aforesaid intersections, appropriate signs providing IINo Right Turn On Red II .' , ' ' Section 3. Any violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall be puni shab 1 e: in the manner as provi ded 'tn', the Code of' Ordi nances of the City of West UnlversityPlace, Texas.' " Sectlon'4. Thisorctinance-shall take effect and: be in force immed- iately from and: after its passage as'requlredbj law~ ' PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1975. Moti'on by' Commit ssi oner" Bini 9 ,seconded' by' Commi ssiO'ner Dunn, that Ordinance' Number 1048 be approved as 'read~ ' , ' Voti'ng Aye: All' Voting No: None' The Commission was advised that a meeting would be held at the City Auditorium, 311:Pennsylv'an'ia'Avenue, Webster,: Texas 'on the 10th of , September, 1975, at 3:30 p.m'.for ,the purpos'e of considering information "concerning:' the deter.;. mination by the Board of the rate of a permit fee for-the removal of'surface water from water wells, and that members of the Commission should plan to attendwith:staffi'menibers'~ : ", " - ',' , It was the decision of the Commission that th:isitembe induded on the City Commission agenda for September 8th with as much information as was available on the subJecL " " ';', ' ' ,. , Action on a status report of the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority concern- ing a proposed sanitary landff11 area i'n the;'E-11ington Air Force Base vicinity was deferred pending receipt of additlonal information. , , Resolution. Number 75-26';was presented to',the~ Commission and: ,read, in full. , : Jl "~';~ :'~<~1 ':';} .. ~; -:.~ ....:..\,-:;.1. o u n v; C\l c.C e - ...... :::t: Q u 6~f."[ f~ , WHEREAS~the Clty'C'ommiss:iQn has beenadvised,'that Mts~ tee loc~ard, Ass i stant Ci ty S~cretarY of ' the ci ty, has been: awarded' the'des'i gnation of 'Asso- ciate Certified"Municipal Clerk ,by the Inter,natiQnal rInstitllte,'of Municipal' Clerks by virtue of her meeting the s'tandards'of educaticinal experience and service requiremE;!nts established by said Institute; ai'id WHEREAS, Mrs. Lockard has long been active in the Association of City Clerks and 'Secretaries of Texas,'and has .'served in, several'offi'cial'capatities in said or'ganization; and ' WHEREA$; ~rs. tockard is currently Vice...:Presideht of the-cTexas City Cler~s ~nd Secretaries Association and:'will assume 'the leadership ,'of this ,Asso- ciation as' its: President during the year '1976; and>' WHEREAS, Mrs. Lockard i's,the::fWst Texas'Associate City Secretary'to hold the designation of Ass~ciat~ Certified Municipal Clerk; and ' , "', . . -. . ~ , . ~- . - . . . ,. . . & . , WHEREA;>; herpersoniil action reveals' a dedicationto':her profession in 'that she 'piJrsue~' to' a successful conClusion duties,"and ;reSponsibil-ities'.as- signed to her; a~d " . ' , " . - , 'WHEREAS, her warm 'and personable attitude toward het-fellow' being has bas brought many friends'into'h'er pathway' of life and :these'frHmds' will: embellish her :withnmuch kindness and thahksg'iving f'or ~ heraccol'npl i shmentsi n her chosen professional career. 'NOW,' THEREFORE~: BE IT' RESOLVED:BY':THEeITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. The City Cammission hereby commends~Mrs.lee'Lockard for her achievement, i~obtai~ing th~designation of Associate Certified Municipal Cl erk. and :for, her activ,iti es Hi, the va'rinus' muni'ci pal' clerk'ls:: ergani\zati onS, in which she has so ably served: " " " ' ", , " Section 2. That the City Commission expresses' its appreci,at;liIrl ta Mrs. Lee Lockard for talking such active interest and service in the afaresaid organizil't1'oris: and ins'o ably representing ,theC'icty of'lQest Un;ver,sity Pla:ce:,in such activities. Sec,tion3. Th~t 'this"Resolution, shall' be"spread upo'n :the official minutes of 'the City Commis's-i'on and- that: a: true' and' correct' copy, of ' this Resalu- tion, s'igned by the ,Mayor, 'each rn'ember' of-' theCfty' Comnifssttfn'\:and ",the City Manager shall be presentedta Mrs~. Lee Locktlrd. " , "" ' PASSED AND APPROVED this ,_ d~j' of , 1975. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that. Resolu- ti an, Numbe,r, 75-26 be app~o.ved ,~~rea~., . , , Voting Aye: ,All ,,' Votin~'No:', NQh~ Moti anoi Comini ssi onerr-Stanl:ey ,.se.conded:;by~;Gommi ss'ioner Th.ampson ,:,that the regular meeting .of the City Commission be recessed for the purp,ose :bfholdih'g a public hearing on the City of West University Place's budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1976, and ending on December 31, 1976. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None L ----=::::L. ~ ~ . --------...-I. r:-;-:-. ------111. TILlILiIlJ'lJiilIlMlIllimIiI ',LllIk ' ::;L::--::-1 -- '~I!I ~ 6& ~IUIM~WII III u ,-----___] L~ L__ J "" 'j Moti'on.by Commi:ssioner'Thompson" seconded :by :Commissioner 'Bini-g,-- that the . Pub 11 c Hea-ri ng . ca 11 ed in accordance wi th the provi si ons' of ,the Ci ty Charter. for tile :purpos e,of adopti nga:budget :for theCi'ty :'of ,'Hest ; Uni vers ity ,Place for the: fiS ca Lyear 1975,' be called to order. ' ... Voting Aye: All Voting No: None n The City,'Mariager presented' the 1-97'6 proposed ,budget to the City ,Commission and those in attendance by means of visual aids consisting of an opaque projector and screen, showing operating expenses and capital expenditures in each of the cit.y'sdepartments~asrwell"as ~xpeGged.in<;:ome for the year 1976. He alsopreseilted recapitulations of:,therGeneral 'Fund, Swimming Pool Fund" Health Fund, Water-Sewer Fund, RevenueShariRgFund' and Tax Revenue Sinking'. Fund, showing a total proposed budget for the period beginning January 1, 1976 and, endi ng December 31, 1976, of'$2:;4~5,B50. 00. .-(~ ;:~.~ Mayor Wallin, members of the Commission and the City Manager answered questions posed by members ofthe"audience. rega'rding possible sale of city owned pro- perty to assist' inprojects'to be:intluded--in a proposed: bond ,issue; salaries included in the 1976 budget for Police Department personnel'; reasons for the proposed elimination of the Patrolman II classification within the Police De- partment; use of Revenue Sharing"funds received by the city; possible dangers involved in providing 'onlY:'$83,245.00'in'funds available for appropriation; , and funds Y'equired~'f0rpayment:of pr'incipal-,and interest on a' proposed' $1 ,700,000 city bond issue. . " ' Moti on by Commiss,i o'ner Stanl ey, seconded' by' Commi ss i oner Thompson, that the public hearing be closed. .!..: 1~ ~-.,,:..' :......-:.. Vet i n9 ' Aye: .A 11 Voting No: None u ,Motion" by' ,Commi ssi oner Thompso.n;, -- secohd~cl PY' ComlT\-;tss:i oner Bi ni g, ,-that. the., regular meeting of the City Commission be re-conyened."., Voting Aye:' AH Voting~o: None Ordinance Number'l045 was. presented to:' the Commission and read in,full:' AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AN AD VALOREM TAX ON ALL' , , TAXABLE PROPERTY, WITHIN' THE~ CO,RPQRATE', UMITS OF, THE CITY OF . WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,' TEXAS, FOR :THE YEAR, 1976;' PROVIDING THE BASIS OF ASSESSMENT OF ,APPRAISED'VALUE, AND PROVlDINGFOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF AT THE 'RATE OF $1 .~6,' ON THE ONE HUN- DRED ($100.00) ASSESSED VALUATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. ~hat there is hereby levied and assessed against all taxable propertY, both real and personal, within the corporate limits: of-the City of West University Place, Texas, and there shall be collected by such city, a,tax of$1.46ontne 'one-hundred ('$lOO.OO)'as,sessed,'tax,valua,tjon 'for the year 1975. ' " ~l LJ n Ct: tN to ~ :r.:: ::r: o nl ----l S~ction 2.' Su€h:ta~ is 'hereby levi.edand.assessed in accordance with the 'terms ~nd, provi'~ions of Section 1 of'A~ti'cle:-XXl of the City of'West Un,..; versitj' Place City Eharter and the applicable Statutes €If the State of:Texas, such 1 evy ~nd assessmeirt );IS ,made f9r the :'followi ng po~p<?ses, tm-wi t: . , ' : (A) Forth~ upkeep arid"maintenance of the Department of Health atidSanitation' , '. , ~a i I I 1 $ 0'.-04 (B) For current expenses and operation.ofthe Gen- eral Fund ~nd its va'rious departments , . ..' $ 1.13 , (C) . For ,Tax Revenue Sinki rig FunEl' to "pay the' princi~al, inter~st and fi~~al' a~ent's ~ees on apto~osed $1,700,obo~oo bohdisi~e of the Ci ty " .. " ' , '"" .,.'. : $ 0.29 Total Tax Rate $ 1.46 Section'3.That:'the Tax'Asse'ssor and"Collector for:the City of." West'University Place,Texasishereb.Vdirected to assess.and collect ' taxes on all of the property, both real and personal, within the'corporate .. , Jimit~ of t,he City of'West University Place, Texas on the basis of 70% of , !"--assessed valuation asherein provided~,', '. ,.',., .:' ' PASSED AND APPROVED this day ,of , 1975. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that Ordinance Number 1045 he approved as read. ..,....., Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 1046 was presented to,th.eComm.lssion and read in full: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS PROVIDING FUNDS FOR THE FIscAL'YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1976, AND ENDING DECEMBER ,31, 1976, BY APPROVING THE BUDGET FOR SAID PERIOD AND -APPROPRIATING. THE NECESSARY, FUNDS OUT OF THE GENERAL AND OTHER REVENUES OF THE CITY OF WEST,UNI- VERSITY PLACE FOR SAID YEAR FOR THE ,MAINTENANGE AND OPERA- TION OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS AND 'FOR VARIOUS ACTIVITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS OF THE CITY. WHEREAS,'asr~quired by the City Charter, the budget has been pre- pared and submitted to the City Commission with estimatesof:expenditures and revenues'of all city departments and activities for the year--beginning 'January 1, 1976 and ending December 31, 1976. ., , WHEREAS,'notice of a public hearing upon said budget has been duly and legallY pUblished; and C ,', , WHEREAS,-, said publ ic hearing has been h'eld and' ,full n and final consi- deration given'said budget. ' ' , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMtSSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITX PLACE, TEXAS: . .< _l::::;:-:"""W ~_----11[' 'lh:II"'li'jl'iJiil.UDIIIlIiIiITIiIJ' ," IU ~ . H" !~II ,,- I, mlll[WII~ll.:,t,11111 Iii L~.I1 ~- ] 1_: '!I 1'"0 , Section 1; That' for' the purpos'e of' providing the funds ,necessary and proposed to:'be expendedin:the.,budget for said cityfo\7"the ftscalyear beginning January 1 ,. 1976~and ending ',December 31, 1976, the budget 'was pre- pared and ,stlbmitted' to the City Commission for: its consideration and apJi>roval. and that said budget in the total ameunt of $2,435~850.nO be, and the same is hereby, approved and the availableresources'and revenues of said city are hereby appropriated for the maintenance and operation Of the' various depart- ments of~the government of the city and the various activities and improvements as set forth in said budget. . , Section 2. That the said budget of the City of West University Place, Texas, for the fiscal year beginning January',l , 1976 and ending December 31, 1976, an exact copy of which is marked IIExhibit A":'andmade:a part hereof for all purposes the same' as i f it were copi ed in fullherei,n, is ,hereby approved and adopted by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, as the bUdget for the city for the fiscal year 1976. . Section 3. This ordinance approving and adopting a budget for the twelve month period hereinabove specified is made.' in,all things in 'accordance with the terms, and provisions of the'City Charter of the, City of'West:Univer- sity Place, ,Texas.' . . , Section 4. This ordinance sh9-'ll take effect and be'inforce immediately from and after its passage and approval as required bylaw. PASSED AND APPROVED this , 1975. day of "EXHIBIT All CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITy'PLACE BUDGET FOR TWELVE-MONTH PERIOD BEGINNING ,JANUARY 1 ,1976 ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1976 ITEM I' R'E V E N U E ANTICIPATED INCOME AND AVAILABLE CASH' General Fund Current Taxes' Delinquent'Taxes " City Sales Tax " Mixed Beverage Tax Franchise & Gross Receipts Tax Licenses & Permits' Municipal Court Fines Revenue from Property Garbage Collection Fees Recycling Bicycle ,Registration . Vacant Lot Mowing' Recreation Program Miscellaneous Income $ 750,992.00 28,500.00 . 90,000.00 3,500.00 95,000.00 18,800.00 64,000.00' , 66,550.00 '185,000.00 12t500:00 1,000.00 2,000.00 30,000.00 3,850.00 $ 1,351,692.00 -r '''''t, I . :--4..; ~"~ IU1 .__,..1 .~~..~~~ ," < "/./ .1.'1..' :.;): ..t,.... ..,..... ~t:. :';;.." ~.~..,;, To ~ I ' U \] Available Cash 1;-1-76 n Total Available for Appropriation Less Tran?f~r to Swimming Pool Fund' Total General Fund and Transfers Health Fund ~ C\l c.c ~ - --- == Taxes and Miscellaneous Swimming Pool Fund Admission Charges and Other Income Transfer from General Fund Water-Sewer Fund Water Sales Sewer Charges, Interest & Miscellaneous o Water-Sewer Fund - Available Cash 1-1-76 Total Water-Sewer Fund Revenue Sharing Fund Re~e~pts and Interest Sinking Fund Current Taxes TOTAL INCOME AND TRANSFERS ITEM II E X PEN S ~ n Operating Expenses General FundD~partments City Commission City Manager1s Office Municipal Court r- 1'------. 11 $ 248,000.00 " ;$"l~599,692_00 ' . . 10,461.00 $ 1,589,231.00 ' $ 30,385.00 $ 18,200.00 -' 10,461.00 $ 28,661.00 $ 245,000.00 128,000.00 11,000.00 $ 384,000.00 150,000'.00 $ 534,000.00 $ 60,850.00 $ 192,723.00 $ 2~435,850.00 $ 19 ,300.'00 72 , 140 .00 , T4 ~244.00 III TIIW'j" i:lilllrmlllrNIllT U' , " I~l ~lilllllll~III~[I,,:I',,1111 II, L~J I h'Q 4 ~ Finance Tax Legal Zoning and Planning Zoning'Board of Adjustment Police Fire Inspection Engineeri ng Street Waste Collection Waste Disposal & Sanitary Landfill Recycling City Hall Community Building Parks Recreati on ' Street Li ghti ng Library Capital Outlay , Transfer to Swimming Pool Health Fund Operating Expenses Swimming Pool Fund Operating Expenses Water-Sewer Fund Water>'" - Sewer COlrecti on Sewage Treatment Capital Outlay Revenue SharinQ Fund Police Department Fire Department Recreation Program Sinking Fund, Bond and 'Interest TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES J: L: ~II _J $.' - 40,175.00 33,053.00 10,834.00 '2,970.00 650.QO 310,480.00 265,816.00 34,192.00 14,249.00 , 155,547.00 304,953.00 '40,752.00 12,500.00 16,353.00 7,732.00 18,2?3.00 . -7'7,232.00, 20,900.00 7,532.00 107,687.00 10;461.00' $ 1,598',005,,00 $ 30,385.00 $ 18,200.00 I ; I I ." ~;.."... u ~;',?: "J-:t ~. ~~ ...;.~.F'. <"::~C'l ...;..;0.....:; J i:i j Available from General Fund Available from Water-Sewer Fund $ 1~687.00" 81~558;00 [J TOTAL ,INCOME TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES' $":' 83,245.00 $ 2,435,850.00 2,352,605.00 TOTAL AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION $ "83,245.00 cr:, c\J CC C' == :r: Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that OrdinanC~Number 1046 be approved a~ r~ad. -" Voting Aye: All Voting No::- None o Members of the City Commission were reminded that a conference meeting had been schedulea for \~ednesday, August 27, 1975, 7:30 p.m., The Commission was advised that some difficulty hild, been experienced in placement of traffic flow counters, but necessary counters had been borrowed from the City '0fHouston and the State Dep'artment'of Highways and were now' in pl ace. A meeting ha's been arrangedC wi th Mr. 'John' Hudson' "on- Tuesday, September 2nd, 9:00 a.'in. for review of the traffic'survey and hisrecommen- dation regarding the ere~tion of :cul-de-sacs.' " , Following arequest:thatcharges'be established for use ofcJty water by the City of Southside Place, the City Manager was instructed to determi'ne, charges made by such city for residential and commercialusers. The Coinini'ssion was: adv,ised that'prans'had been'made"toclose the swimm;ing'" pool on Labor Day and to keep it open for week-ends on a week to week basis thereafter as, d"emand 'and aaequate" pers'onnel di ctated. In response to a request that the City Commission study the National Building Code which haa heretofore been adopted by the city inasmueh as many of its provisions were not adequate and the Code itself had not been updated in some time~ "It was noted: that mos'tTexas~ cities now use:,theS.outliern Bu'i:ld-ing Code and considerati on."s,houl a" be "given to itsadQption. ' It was the dec;-sion of the City Commission that a three-man committee be app<:>'inted,to review: the, provisions of the Southern Building Code and make a recommendation to the City Commission. ., " , " n A 1 etter; from' Mr:.' Mi:ke Parks ,Cha; rmaR of the' Parks and Re:Creati on , Board, was presented to the Commission. Mr. Park's letter, dated August, 19; 1975;, requested that the Commission appropriate between $250.00 and $300.00 for the 'employment of 'the 'Recreatfon~'Director 'ofth'e Oity of; New Hope, Minnesota to consult with the, city IS R'ecreation D;ire:ctor and the city on improvements to the parks and recreation program. P " ',r:+ ,,- .~ -'-------------L. .-:;-:__. -,L::-.:::1.......... ...JI[ IILlL':JII;j]JJ]U]J]lIlli1ll1D ull1 ' , __ .,;~ [I 74' !, ,llillll~III~U J II 1II1I1 JII l.UJ ,.......: r I_I 'L Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconded by Col'nmissi'oner Thompson; that the City Manager be authoriied to make an expenditure: of.not more than' $300.00 for the employment of the Recreation Director of the City of New Hope, Minnesota. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None It was requested by the Commission that upon completi'on' of his inspections of city facilities and conferences that the Recreation Director of the City of New Hope be requested to furnish a written report of his findings and any re- commendations ,he might ,have. The Commission was advised that official action should,be:taken to accept or reject the recommendation of the Bi-Centennial Committee for the erection of a marquee on the City Hall lawn. . . ". Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Thompson'; that on the basis of position that the City Commission reject the recommendation of the Bi-Centennial Commi'ttee and that a marquee be excluded from the city.s Bi- Centennial projects at this time. Voting Aye:, Binig Thompson Wa 11 in , Vati ng. No: Dunn. Stanley u ~/c~ A letter 'from the' 'West University Baptist Church requesting, use of the Community Building on Sundays from'9:1S"until 10:4.5 for use of a Sunday School class was presented to the Commission.. It was the,concenslis of. the Comm'issi'0n that under the regulations established by. the'CityCorrimissibn' on February 24, -1975:, the lJ Community Building could be so used and that the City Manager should study charges for use to establish a fee'to-be'paid by the West University Baptist Church. ' , . , Commissioner'Binig stated that she continued to receive requests from residents w~nt:;ng: to paint fire hydrants as part-of'the B-i-Cente'nnial celebration. Motion by Commissioner. Dunn, seconded 'by Commissioner Thompson, that a}l re- Cjuests for painting fire hydran~s be referred to the Bi-C~ntennial Committee. Voti ng Aye: All. , V ot i ngNo :, None CbmmissionerStailley reviewed -results of a survey form that hadbee'n included with water bills regarding'the establishmentbf full'ambulances.erVice and training of para;..medlcs. ' Mayor Wallin advised members of the Commission that a meeting would'be' arranged with representatives of Bayshore Engineers, Inc. the second or thir week of September to review the results"bf thei r 'studyof the c:i ty! s wastewater treat- ment faci 1 ity.' " , , " l Minutes of the regLilar'in'eeti:ng 'of 'the' Electrical Board. on Monday, August 18, 1975,-were presented to' the' Cominiss:ionfor theirinfb'rmati:bn. r " " , Minutes of meetings of the Parks and Recreation Board on July 28, 1975 and August 11, 1975, were presented to the Commission for their information. J II ~ (\J ~ ~ ~, - 0: o n 85 Minutes of the regular meeting- of the ,City' Commission on Monday, August 11, 1975, were presented to the Commissiot:land thefQllowing action taken: Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Rinig, that the minutes be corrected to show 22000 cars daily on Bellaire Boulevard, and approved as corrected." . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and ~arried, the meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. @h.Q (p.W~O Mayor 'I' ATTEST: ~R~ ss . stant City Secretary " ~ ~\ ~.- ~ ,-. I "II"'" .. r.l-IUUll.t=.EJ<I;I' t1t:::" _", !liD, EIIIll!!IIl!urrnnrn Ii ,If ,'11II1. 11'---- --L__::T' . :r-;- ,- r- , - Ir-. ,---- J .14 ~..... 6' 'j REGULAR:MEETING'OP'CITI COMMISSION . 'SEPTEMBER'S,' .1975'. n The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, September S, 1975, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: .Mayor Wallin, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Dunn and Stanley. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. , C~mmissioner Thompson was out of the city. . - . .~.. ~ . . 0" _ .. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Stanley; Police Chief Richard Kesselus and City Engineer Monard Kinman reviewed traffic counts that had been made on Brompton, Belmont and Vanderbilt at their inter- sections with Bellaire Boulevard and University Boulevard during the past two wee~pe~iodduring .the hours of 6:30 a.m. until S:OO p.m. each day. Using a schedule drawn ona blackborad the number of cars crossing the traffic counters each hour, at each location was pointed out to members of the Coinmis- sion, noting that much of the traffic was generated within the c~ty. The Com- mission was advised that copies of the schedule would be fur~~shed members for additional study and comparison. ~ ~ Mr. Ron Taylor, Chairman, Plumbing Board, was requested to review Ordinance Number 1041 in order to determine that all changes desired in the city's Plumb- ing Code had been included. Mr. Taylor reviewed Ordinance Number 1041 pointing out a number of recommenda- tions made by the Plumbing Board that were not included in the ordinance. Fol- ['J lowing a general <iiscussion, it was the decision of the City Commission that City Attorney Charles Cockrell and Mr. Taylor work together on completing changes to be made to the Ordinance. The Commission was advised that in compliance with House Bill 552 passed by the State Legislature it would be necessary for the city to obtain a permit from th~ Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District for the withdrawal of water from city water wells. Members of the Commission were requested to at- tend a meeting of the District to be held in Webster on Wednesday, September 10th 3:3Q p.m., at which time the rate of a permit fee will be established. A delinquent tax statement received from the City of Houston and the Houston Independent School District was presented to the Commission. It was noted that the City Treasurer inadvertently failed to pay taxes in ApriI, 1971, when a tract of land was purchased by the city from Mr. Ralph N, Galli. A breakdown of the taxes showed City of Houston taxes due in the amount of $124.20, with a penalty and interest charge of $43.16, and Houston Independent School taxes of $140.76, with penalty and interest charges of $48.92. A total of $357.04 being due for taxes on the property located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Wakeforest and Milford Street. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay delinquent taxes in the amount of $357.04 to the City of Houston and the Houston Independent School District. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Q n ~ C\l t.O ~' :::t::' ::r:: o n ~ il A request was presented to lease a'Burroughs-Mini-Computer L~900b for a period of one year. Arrangmentshave been made for a lease arrangement for $736.00 for the computer an~,$60.00 f~r a stacker-fe~deron a monthly basis. Resolution, Number. 75-27"w~s preseI:1ted to th~ conin'iission' and : read in full: ( ; . " .' WHEREAS,' the City Treasurer 'has' d'eterni.ined 'that the present Burraughs mini-computer L-80QOdoes not have the capab~lity of producing. all of the city's desired accounting prog!amS; and WHEREAS, . c,omplications have aris'~n relating to the ci ~y-' 5 change in ,prop'erty tax evaluation an.d then~ed for prod'llcing taX statements before Novem- ber 1, 1975. , , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESGLVED,BY' THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSJTY PLACE, TEXAS~ Section 1. That a Burroughs L-9000 mini~eomputermachinebeleased for a period of one year, effective September 10, 1975, for the sum of $736.00 for such'mini-computer and $60.00 for a stacker-feeder on a monthly basis. . ' Section 2. There, is herepy apprpP!iate~ ,from the General Fund $3,184'.Oq .to defrayexp~nse__ of said computer and stacker.-feeder' for the t-emain- ing four (4) months of th~ fiscal,yeari975,' and $6,368.00, which has hereto~ fore been budgeted fore the f:1.scal year ~9i6. ' PASSE-DAND APPROVED this , , day of , 19.75. Motion by Commissioner St,anl.ey, ,seconded by Connnissioner Bi.nig" that Reso.lu- tion Numbe;r 75-27. au;thor.iz.ing the lea~ingof aB:u.rrougp.s L-9000 mini,..coinputer and stacker-feeder for a: period of 'one year be-",appraved as: read. " Voting Aye: ,All Voting No: None Resolution Number 75-28 ~a~ presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, ~heCity of We~t Uniyersity flace, Texas has in its employ more ,than one hundred (100) va:lu~d emplayees; ~nd WHEREAS, said employees are and will be rendering 'valuable serVlces to ,the City of West University Plqce; and WHEREAS, the City of West Unive~sity Plac~ has consid~red t:he estab- lishment of a Deferred Compensation plan for the said employees made available to the City of West University Place and to said employees by'the'Interna-tional City Mana~ement Association Retirement Corporat~on; and ,WHEREAS, said employees are unqble to ~cqu~re ,a defe~red'annuity agreement under other existing and available retirement plans; and WHEREAS, the City ;eceives ben~fits under 'said plans by being able to aSSUre reasonqble retirementse~ur~ty to s~id employees, by being mare able 'to attract competent persQnnel.toit~ service" ~nd by,increa~ing its flexibility in personnel management through eliminatIon of the'n'eed for continued employ- ment for the sole purpose of allowingancoemployee to qualify for retirement benefits. ' r --=---_ ""::IL . ....J.~~[; , L:_ ""'L ~I[ 111IIJli ]]J]Ullillllliilllll ulIi __ , !liD ..J I '78' JIIlll!lJllnnnJJll],,[! 1[[1[11]1. Iii --r' :- C_ - , '::;rr--- ,- ,- -,\,=-:::] , ,NOW; THEREFORE, BE'IT RESOLVED ,BY..THE~,CITY"COMMISSIONOF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAGEj~ TEXAS: Section 1. That the City of West University Place establi~h said " I Deferred Compensation Plan, for ,said employees "and hereby authorizes its Mayor to execute the Deferred Compensation Plan with the International City Manage- mentAssociation RetirelIlent Co;rp0ratio~, ,.attached her~to as Append.ix A. -, -", .' Section 2. That the City Manager may., onb:el1,a.1f of, th,e City, ,execute all Joinder Agreements with said employees and other eligible officials and officers, which are necessary: for said.. p,ersonspartic~pati0n in,\:he plan, an example of which appears at Appendix ,B,. except that any Joinder, AgreemeIlt for said designated official shall be executed by the Mayor. PASSED: AND APPR0VEDthis' " day of- . ,1975. ,"'-': ~~ ;./'.~ Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that Resolution Number 75-28' be approved.as;read. J; -: :i: ..~. .~ Voting Aye: All ' Yo-:tingNo,: ,None A recommendation was presented, to the ,City ,Commission, for the acceptance of the, installation of four (4) 'additional ,lights, with ne~essary brakets, at the ,Judson Park teIlni:; court, and approval- of ,an, invoice, received frQm AIC Systems, Inc. in the amount of $2,452~08. :Theoriginal,~ontract was. for $2,297.00, with additional charges of $lOO~OO for repainting five (5) poles and $.5'5.08 for the repair of a, ballast on one of 'the floodlights being added under a separate agreement. o ,Motion. by Commissioner Stanley, second:ed.hy Commls.si-oner Dunn, th~t the City Commission ac.cept the installation of, four (4) additional lights at the Judson Park tennis courts and authorize payment of $2,452.08 to AIC Systems, Inc. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 75-29 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, by appropriate, acti.on.of the ,City Commission, a committee of interested persons was appointed to consider the needs and the area in which the,City could' administer~to the 'Senior Citizens of West University Place; and WHEREAS, after careful deliberation and forethought, an appropriately worded questionnaire was distributed ,to approximately 5,000 homes in the City of West University Place, with an estimated return of the questionnaire from 1,000 senior citizens; and WHEREAS, an analysis was made of the results of the information ob- tained through the questionnaire by the Houston-Galveston Area Council, which revealed statistics indicating,the interests and:needsof such citizens; and WHEREAS, the City'Commission has, considered it desirable to appoint a certain number of persons to serve on a 'Council' on Aging, whose. re~ponsibility . it will be to 'considerand. determine ,the ,logica,l assistance ,which the City, n through its -resources couldadminis.er.o -itsagingci tizens - U I u C"': C\l c.c ~' ::t: :r:: o u i~9 .. . - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. BY THE CITY COMMISSION" OF' THE CITY OF WEST UNIYERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. There is hereby created and established 'a' Council on Aging of the City of West University Place, Texas, which Council shall eonsist of seven (7) members; who shall be app0inted by the. City Commissian. Section 2.' The Council shall have the authority and responsibility and shall be required to: a} Advlse the City Commission on matters relating" to' 'the coU:~ci1 on Aging'. b) Make studies and investigation and recommend to the City Commission,p1ans for implementing such. c) Supervlse a person whose title shall be Director' of the Cou~ci1 on Agin~. Determine the area and extent to which the services of the city at~ to be made avat1ab1e to such group of persons. e) Perform stich duties.and'respoilsibilities not inconsistent' with this resolution, as the City'Comndssion may from time to ~ime r~q~ire. " d) Section 3. "Members of the Council' on Aging shall be qualified e1ectros of the city and shall serve without comp'ensation. Section 4." 'The members or'the CoUncil oil Aging; shall serve until' their successors, ate appointed'and qua1ifi~d~ Section 5. All personnel in the service of the city shall furnish the Council on Aging information required by'it in the performance' of" its 'duties. Section 6. The following named persons are hereby appointed as the ini tia1 members of such Counci 1. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Section 8. The: creation ofa Council, on Aging and all provisions' of this resolution shall t"akeeffectand he in'force from and' after its passage and approva1. PASSED AND APPROVED ,this day of , 1975. To11owing a discussion regarding funds for the employment of a Director; persons to be appointed as members of such Council; and length of such "appointment; it was the decision of the City Commission to defer a,ction on ,Resolution, Number 75-29 until the next regular meeting of the City Commission on "September 22nd; : l:~--" 'ItI;:111"::";~'1.llllIIIlllllnmnnr ',alII ---Ill '''' "JlU, IlIIfiIIIII!rrn:nIl![)I.lf[llll. III --c..:::r -- i J, I .-- - -11--1 . ;-,~ l- '~'d 1 80 '<" A letter received frolIi;Mr~Sigvard 'B.N'e,lson;Jr.; 6504 Vanderbilt, was pre- sented to the Commission. Mr. Nelson's letter set 'forth 'a proposal whereby he would coordinate all 'West University garage sales at one location at the Recycling Center site~ u No action. was ,taken 'on Mr. Nelson"s;request, however, the"Ci'tY Manl;lger., was in- structed to include a review of the provisions of an ordinance regulating garage sales in the next issue' of Currentsc an.d, that signs. pos,ted, ,on utility poles and street easments be removed. The City Commission' was 'advised ,that a, letter had been received f~om Mrs. Conrad Smith, Constitution Week Chairman, Daughte+s'of,the Ameri~an Revoiution, wherein she requested that Mayor Wallin sign a Proclamation designating the week of Sep- tember 17-23 as Constitution Week. ' .~'\....~ ":J' L City Attorney Charles Cockrell read a Proclamation declaring the week of Sep- tember 17-23 asConstitution'Week in"the' City of- West Uniyersity P,lace. Commissioner Binig advised other members of the Commission of her concern with regard' to the Bicentennial, Celebration; Commis'sioner ,Binig, was advised that the Bicentennial Committee had been: advised ,by letter'thatthe,C0mmission had re- jected plans for the erection of a marquee on the City Hall lawn as a part of the Bicenteimial Celebration. and that 'shaping of ,the ,mosi~c 'park would be done as soon as the berm had' sufficiently dried. ,,"~-' ...! -::". ; It was decided by the Commi~&i~~~ the Bicentennial Committee be requested to determine the 'procedure' by which the flag 'could be flown at'~ight as part of the planned Avenue of Flags.- o Minutes of the regular: meeting' of ,the Zoning 'Board :of Adjustment, on August 21, 1975, were presented to the Commission for their information.' Minutes of the 'Safety & Accident Review Boa.rdwere presentedto,the Commission : for their information and' the City Manager 'adviSed "to request reports ,:from ' all departments regarding compliance with recommendations of such board. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning' Commission on August 12, 1975, were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, August 25, 1975, were presented and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, August 25, 1975, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No:' None With ilo;-further business' to' come before 'the Commi-s'sion' at, this' time, upon motion' duly' made, seconded and carried; the meeting adjourned at'9 :35 p.m. '. ATTEST: :'~'c6~r:L: A33J..-3tAut 'erty 3t\...u:::La..LY- ~w~ft May()r . ." '. . lJ - ------------- o ~ C\l c.C ~ ::c: :::r:: o n 8.1" I , I , REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 22, 1975 The City Commission convened in regu~ar session at the"City Hall' on'Monday~ September 22, 1975, 1':30 p.m.-, 'with the following members present: Mayor Wallin, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Dunn, Stanley and Thompson. The City Attorney and City Manager *ere, also present. : . , ' The Invocation was pronounced by"C;ommissioner Thompson. Mrs. Janet Messer, 3508Corondo Court, advised the Commission that she had re- ceived the following, suggestlons from the membership of the West University Civic Club: 1. Shrubbery in the 3700 block of Robinhood at Auden should be trimmed. 2. Installation of a refl~ctor light at West Point and Bissonnet. City Manager Whitt Johnson presented Mayor 'W'allin: and members of the Commission', as well as the citizens present, to Mr. Johnnie Priee, a long time city employee who has recently retired from active duty. ' ' Reso 1 uti on Number 7 5;-30 was pres ~nted~to 'the Cbmmi s storti-and _ read 1. n "fil 11: . ~HEREAS'; John price; was'-born October 12,19'06 at Stockdale; Texas; and . 0 ~ _ . . . . WHEREAS, John Price was employed by the City of West University Place on November 28,1942 as meter reader:at:theprevaili'ng wage scale of $170.00 per month; and ' , WHEREAS, John Price 'was called 'upon: to:'perform~various duties from f those of manual 1 abor, di ggi ngof 'water:': ana . s'ewer 1'1 rie' trenches for the ci ty, to the maintenance of water. meters and pumps; and WHEREAS, John Price was promoted to pumper and continued to serve in that capacity until his retirement; and ,WHEREAS~ 'John Price has, responded: to' emergency. calls, working 'under adver.se weather conditions at night and at any time his services were needed; and . '.' , L1HEREAS, John Price has been for many years affectionately known by , his fellow employees and many citizens as Johnnie; and 'WHEREAS, in de1iberationcoricerning his duties with the city, Johnnie gran-tadothers the opportunity' to, speak :fi'rst, he 1 istenei:l calinlya'nd courteously to the vi ew of others' before express'i.ng: hi.s own"; and " , . . WHEREAS, Johnnie Price: h'as. served the: City of: West University Place asa loyal and faithful employee for th-irty-two(32) years, eight (8) months and four (4)' days; and . . WHEREAS, the City Commiss10n desires to give recognition to Johnnie Price' for hi's long tenure' of, se'rvfceto the; cfty .'U __'"lH, 1!I1IlIElJllII[l]I!ID:U:..lf'lll 11'--- - ---- -1' :''1' r=--_ : ~-:~J 82: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section,l. That the City of West University Place, Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized City Commission hereby commends Johnnie Price for his distinguished' service to the:..citizens,andto the'c-ity for the thirty- two (32) years, eight (8) months, and four (4}'days.he served as an,employee. , , --, Section 2. That the City Commission;, on behaJf'of.,thecitizens who knew Johnnie Price, expresses its grateful appreciation to him for his unselfish devotion to his duties and for the manner in which he faithfully performed his responsibilities. , "-') S'ettion 3. That this'Resolution be spread in fuJl upon the minutes' of the City Commission and that the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to deliver to Johnnie Price a true copy hereof, signed by each member of the City Commission and the City Manager: PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 1975. Motion by Comm~ssioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that Re- sol~tibn Number75~30 be approved as read~ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor,Wallin presented Mr. Price-the original copy,of Resolution-, Number 75-30 which had been beautifully framed fer the.occasi on.' Mayor ~Jall in expressed appreciation to Mr. Price for his long years of excellent service on behalf of both the City of West University and himself. Mr. Johnson pres~nted Mr. Price a check'in'th~ amount of $1,548.47 represent- ing payment for his unused vaction time and accrued sick leave. M~. Price thanked the City Commission for the opportunity of having worked for the city and expressed his appreciation for the resolution and c.heck. Resolution Number 75-29 was presented to the Commission and read in full. WHEREAS, by appropriate action of the City' Commission a committee of interested persons was appointed to consider the needs and the area in which the City could administer to ,the:Senior Citizens of West University Place; and WHEREAS, after careful deliberation and forethought, an appropriately worded questionnaire was distributed to approximately 5,000 homes in the City of West University Place, with an estimated return of the questionnaire from 1,600 senior citizens; and WHEREAS, an'analysis was made of the results of the information obtained through the questionnai-rre by'the HoustOn-Galveston Area Council, which re'lealed statistics indicating the interests and need~ of such:citizens; and WHEREAS, the Cfty Commission 'has'considered it desirable to appoint a certain number of persons to serve on a Counci 1 on Aging, 'whose responsibil ity it will be to consider and determine the logical assistance wh,ich the City, through its resources could administer to its aging citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT.RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ,. I ,~!-, " J ~~'-~ .r.::i -,,jd ,," o n n ~ N c:.O ~ ::r::, :r: o rl lJ i31 Section 1. There is hereby created'and established a Council on Aging of the City of West University Place, Texas, which council shall consist of '. seven (7) members appointed by the City Commission. One of the persons appointed shall be designated Chairman; , , , Sectioti2:, TheOotJricil'shall have theauth0rity and responsibility and shall :ber~quired to: a) Advise the City Commission 'on matters relating to the'Council on Aging. "0) Make studies and investigation 'and recommend to the City Com- mission plans ,for implementing such. c) Determine the area and extent to which the services of the city are to be made available to such group 'of persons . . d) Perform such duties and responsibilities'not inconsistent with this resolution as the City Commission may from time to time require. e) Advise and consult with the Director of the Council on Aging. Section 3. . Memb,ers of the Council on Aging shall be qualified electors of the city and shall serve without compensation. Section 4. The members of the Council on Aging shall serve until their successors'are appointedandqualified~ Section 5.. All personnel in the service of the city shall furnish the Council on Aging information required by it'inpthe'performance ,of its duties. Section 6. ThefQllowing named persons are hereby appointed as the initial members ,of such council: t ' , a) Reverend Albert Walling' b) Mr. Allen t4cGinty" 'c) Mrs. Lorene Loftus, d) , Mr. Clarence- M. . Kapp , e) Mr~ David Allums " 'f) ,Mrs. Pat' Raulston' g) Mrs. Merl'Howell' Section 7. The creation of a Counci1 on'Aging and all provisions, of this resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROV'ED' thts . . day' of' , 1975 . Commissioner Binig'introduced Mrs. Howell, Mrs. Raulston, Mrs. Loftus, Mr. Kemp Mr. McGinty and Mr. Allums~ stating that Reverend Walling was unable to attend the meeting'. . ,,'.. . t ..r . t ~ .... Motion by: Commi'ssioner Binig; seconded by CommBsdon,er Dunn, that Resoluti,on Number 75-2,9' be apprpved as read,., ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None r~ ......J. ___=-----------.r:; ',ull1 .:;r::~',---------_~__------1lr 'l'h:iIlJi"ji"D1ilIl]U,llliIlIID ~.rnD 184 1IIDII1!1IIIJlJIII!!)1.lr-:[![J1 111 L'--r ~__r..:::J, I. I -,Jr - - T <I.' I. ",""", Members 0'( the' Counc i 1 ,qriAging' ~dj ourried~to th'e Con-ferenae Roomr,to :'make plans for ameeti'ng 'schedul e. . , . , ",,'; ", ' In accordance with previous action of the City Commission, Mrs:' JacKie; Patteson, In I, ,President, West University Civic Club, advised the Commission that she would present as li d~ demonstration to show''members 'of ;-the Commiss i onpr.obh~ms that were created by the parking of vehicles on various streets in West'University~ ' Mr. Pat Harris"Vice-President, West Univer.sity CiviC :'Club, enumerated the following as principal reasons that cars should not be par,ked dn city streets: looks; danger to persons using the bicycle lanes; security; and emergency situa- tions. Mr.- Harris gave dimensions 'ofsome;'streets' to point 'out :the difficulty encountered driving when cars are:parkedon ~tther ~ide,6f the street. Mrs'.,, Patteson"sslide presentation' was, made ona ~Sunday morning. at seven a. m. and showed numerQus automobiles parked on a 'number ofstreets~Mrs. Patteson pOinted out that in a number of instances the cars would be parked on the street in front of a residence with' an:empty garage and driveway. Following: her pre- sentation; Mrs. pattesonrequestea thattne Cori'missi0l1consider'some solution whereby residents would be required to park cars on their drives or in garages and voluDteeredthe services of the Civic Club. .~"'~~ ,/J :;.~ ~,' ....;.\;.;:.r "" -::.' City Attorn~y ,Charles.Cockrell advised the Commission that Section 23-131 of the Code of Ordinances prohibited,overDight parking for storage on any paved street in the city and that State Statutes provided that nO vehicle 'could be' parked at' night without ,the,~~hibition of '19hts. The City Manager was instructed to put this'matter on',the'CityCommiss;-orY'agenda for its regular meeting on October 27th, for further consideration. It was sug- 0 gested:by,'the,'Commi~sionthaf a' samplingof:public opinlon on the: subject might be of 'Denefitas 'well 'a's'!ah 'article:in"the, City'Cuyirents~ ;., ,: ',.' , The Commission: was 'advised that during a meeting wlth Mr. John Hudson, traffic engineer, a suggestion was made that a license platesUfi'vey'be Iilade:in ani effort to determine the origin and destination of traffic on Belmont, Brompton, and Van- derbilt Streets. Results of a two day survey:tliathad been tabulated'were pre- sented to the Commission. Following a general discussion regarding the survey it was the decision of the City Commission to wait until entireresu1ts of the survey had been tabulated before arranging a,meeting with Mr~ Hudson~ Representatives of four (4) architectural firms had:been interviewed'by the City Commission regarding the preparation ,of a schematic~drawing or proposed improve- ments to be made at ,Colonial Park,. Subsequently Mr. JQhn..~itchell and Mr. Jerry Parish had bee!l requested to submitpr~posals for the,proje~t. ., ::-'.~ ':"- ~ '.: -:.:'~." ." .' ,.~.~ '~': .-' -;-. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the City Commission employ Mr. John Mitchell, architect, to Rrepare a schematic layout of,the proposed improvements't6~be made toColbriial Park. . Voting ,Aye: An : "; Votin~ No: None The City Manager was instructed to address a letter to Mr. Mitchell stating that he had been employed to prepare a schematic layout of Colonial Park and lJ' requesting that he meet with: the City Commission: on Thursday' evening, Septem- ber 25th. It was further deci ded by the Commi ss'i on' that Mr. Mi ke Parks, Chai r- man of, the Parks a~~ ~ecreation Board be invited to attend t~e meeting. n C": C'J cc t:' - .......' :t: [] u 85 The Commission was 'presented a request from':Chief of'PolicE:i'-Richard Kes~elus that the Code of Ordinances be ,amended to change, the time covered for a twenty (20) mile per hour speed around West Universi'ty Elementary School in keeping , with the change of school hours by the Houston ,Independent School District. Ordinance Number 1049 was presented to the Commission~and'read 'in:fuTl: ' ANORDINANC~AME~DING SECnON:23~106,OF t~E G0DE OF ORDINANCES OF 'THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; TEXAS; ;PROVIDING FOR A SPEED OF NOT MORE THAN TWENT (20) MILES PER HOUR IN A SCHOOL ZONE DURING THE HOURS FROM 7:30 A.M. TO 9:15 A.~. AND FROM 1 :45 P.' M. TO:3 :30 P.M . ON' SCHOOL 'DAYS; AND PROVIDING 'AN EF- FECTIVE DATE. ' " , ' ' , Motion by Commission~r Thompson, se~onded by Commissioner Binig, that Ordinance Number 1049 be apprbv~d as read. ; Voting Aye~All . ! ~ . :Voting No: None" 'The Commission was presented a recommendation from the ~hief'of Police for the installation of a "Yield Right of Way'! sign at Westchester at Georgetown to control the east-west traffic flow on Georgetow~. Motion by Commissioner Stanley,'secende'd 5y:Commissioney.:Thompson,' tliat a'lIYield Right of Way" sign be installed at Westchester and Georgetown to control the east-west traffi c flow on Georgetown' in aq:or~ance with the request contai ned in a letter from Chief of Police Richard KesselLis dated September 18, 1975. ,Voting Aye: . Stanley Thompson! . Wa 11 in: yotingNo: Binig Dunn The Commission was advised that the swimming pool had been closed on September 21st for the 1975 season inasmuch as very few people were using the pooJ. . '; -, I' It was the decision, of the City, Commission that consideration of persons to beap- pointed to serve on' a thteemember comlJ1ittee to stu9Y the Southern Build,in'g CQde and made a recommendation to the City Commission would be included on the agenda for a workshop meeting scheduled for Thursday evening, September 25th. Results of a meeting of the Harri,s-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District in Webster on September lOth were reviewed for the Commission. After a lengthy discussion concerning'possible costs to the City of West University for a permit to operate its water, wells; budget forrthe' Subsidence District; and subs,idence in general, the City Manager was instructed to arrange a meeting, with the General Manager and/or Chai'rman of the Board. Members of the City Commission agreed to prepare questions that they desire answered at such meeting. A letter dated September 12, 1975, from Mr. Ben D. Freiler, Principal, West Univer- sity Elementary School, requesting a crossing guradat, the cO,rner of: Weslayan and University Boulevard, was presented to the Commission. The Commission was advised that the Chief of Police would be requested to furnish a recommendation on this request. A rough sketch prepared by the Gaslight Garden Club for lanGscaping the area sur- rounding the parking lot adjacent to the City Hall was presented to the Commission, followed by a request for a better drawing and itemized list of plants to be used. C, .'-~-L' ,- ,- - -- ::I _~[ . ,- J:": ,1 ....JII 1 Iii II 1;'.: :illiIllIlIIlllliIlIiIl 11111 ' "mill 8,6 11I~llllm[~II.lIIIIIII, Jr 'r iJI , nrT' m~ I, I , II ' J n II . ! "I._~:.;:t:1:: j: tl;l Commissioner Binig'.advised,the Commission that~.she ,had'ill)et with ,Dr.",\lictor. Brando, 4115 Lehigh, who was, helping promote :the~U~;S.,;Women'sV.oiJeyball,T~am'. 'Pr.., ' , Brando: requested ',that the 'city "do,an,:ithlf!gposs{b'le, ,to ~he] p, the team. , ' , The co~ission wa~ advised that a grade:"all would' b~'secured to shap'the berm for 'Ill the mosiac :'park, andthe~ area sodded, i,n, rye, grass.".", 't:' . . ,-- " U Commissioner Stanley advised the' Commissionnthat :the following, results had been received from a survey questionnaire, incluiiled,with water Qillsregardtng the city furnishing full .-ambulance service. " 176 -_contract:"wittvEity of-Houstqn'foram~u1anGe~ser,vice.,' " " 148 - furni~h city service and contract with Houston.f0r back-up' service 1333 - city should go ahead with its own para-medic program ',1' t~.t'i .... '~,-.- " ,,-,' .~.:~: ;"'l~;".. , The City Manager was instructed to request Fire Chiief Ben;,W,ilcher to make appli- cation for members of the Fire Department to begin training as para-medics 'in preparation for tl:1e~citylsstart of a full scale ambulance program., ' ", .::.....::;. .~ 'J ~;,.;} Minutes of the, regular'meet,ing ,pf the:,Electrical,Board,on September, 15,'1975, were ;',~j presented to the Commission for their information. ' " ~~:~ .....' ," ,.i';; ... "':..i i.:':::/i , , Minutes of meetings of the Plumbing Board on September 8th and September 15th were presented to tbe.,Commi ss"ion, for.~ their.;,infor;-mat-ion! < 0 ,', , '",:,' ,.... "J , " t.' .: -', '." ";". Minutes of the regu,lar meeting ,of the,'Zoningand ,Planning Commission,on'Septem:". ber 9th were presented to the Commission for:-thei,r: information. ' Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Corrmission on r~onday, September,8, n 1975, were presented for consideration and the following"Jacti~m taken: 'M'otion U by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Dunn,. that ,minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, September 8, 1975, be approved as, submitted,. ~.' ,pi' '" ,h :"',: :-\1' ;'j" "-,r? :'" ',', Voting Aye: All Voting No: 'None ; . " .... With no' further- bu,s,i ness to come before,--the Commi ssi,on ,at thi s time, upon motion duly made, sec'onded, and ca'rried, the. meeting', adjourned at. 9:45 p.m. 'Of '",'f', . ~ .. <i " ,\ ' @~wz;V# ' " ' " .,',' Mayo,l; ., ' " ' ,p. ~ '! I', ATTEST: ~;f~ ' " , ~ ' " ' " ' . As,sistaht City S~cretary . ", u . '-' . n ~ C\) ~ b - '- ::r:: o o ~:1 ,REGULAR MEETING OF, CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER 13>> 1975 The City Commission convened in regular session at'the City Hall oh'Monday, OC,tober13, 1975, .7:30 p.m. ,with the following members ,present: Mayor Wallin, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Dunn, Stanley ana ,Thompson. The City Attorney and City Manager were'also preserit. " . The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Wallin~ Mr. David Allums, previQusly , appointed ,by the City Commission to serve as the Chairman of the'West University Council on ,Aging, presented an evaluation and recommendations to the Ci'ty Commission. . Mr. Allums reviewed reeommendations ' including the employment of a Director of Aging responsibl,e for preparation of 'a $7,680.00 budget ~stimate; 'd~finition:of priorities based on'responses from the citiz,~ns; serving as _~entral clearing ho~se for'specifi'c requests for' assistance; coordi.nation ,of $ervices; ditectar' of 'any activities that may be : established;availability;ona daily basis to provide requested assistance; and to secure volunteer services to assist in the program. ' , Mr. Allums answered questions posed by members of the Commission concerning per- sons being considered for the position of Director of Aging; salary that will be available for such position; ,~ndthe"d~veloPl!1ent <;>f the' program as specifiC needs and requests are made known to the Counci 1 on Aging. .' ~. , . Mayor Wallin expressed the Commission's appreciation to Mr. Allums for the work done by members of the Council on Aging and pledged assistance from the: Commission. Mr. JoeBracew~ll" 3609Pluinb, appear~d before th~'CoiTImission to'discuss;'plans ' for the First National Bank of W~st Utliversity currently being constructed at:' the corner of Rlce and' Edloe~: .' , " ..' , , '." " , " ,',': Mr. Bracewell stated that West Univ~Y'sity was the largest incorporated city' in the State of Texa's without a bankw'ithin 'its c'orpora'telimits. A group of men; six of whom are resident~ of We~t ~niversity" filed an application to establish the bank anc;l weregrantea~a':~harter. ,Mr'~ Bracewell stated'that theprimary-objec- tives for the bank were a'ttractiye appea,rance ,that w~uld' fit into the area;" a . functional building thatwouldserve'~thE:! neighborhood; and that if was hoped" . that the bank would be owned and operated bY West UrYiversi ty residents. ' , Mayor Wallin thanked Mr. Bracewell for appearing before the'Commission and wished success for the bank. A Certificate ,of Completjon:re~ehied {rom Mr~C. Dieter Ufer, cansultingengineer, was' presented to the Comtni,ssiori,advising "that theCity'Hall parking lot had been completecLand that the ~oi1trac'tor', G. H~ Hart Company, Inc. should be' paid the final sum: of $22~602'.41 forsuchcons:truction. :' ' , . . - -.".~ .-, . . ~. .. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the re;.. commendation of the consulting engineer be accepted and G.' H. Hart 'Company, Inc. be paid the, sum of $22,602.41 for ,cons~ru,cti6n.of the Citj' Hall park,ing lot. Voting Aye: All Voting No :'None' . I _ -------=..tJ .....L L,:::--::-L...... ,_~Ir I li'll]',i""ii"I.11i1ttnthIIDllin 'IInlt- ".. "" .. rulli, 88 ~llUlllWIII[U ,Ii 111111 III l~11 ~~_~ : il Resolution Number 75-31 was presented '(to -the Commiss'idn: and read in full: WHEREAS, Mr. Andrew Thomas Walters, employed as Police Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has resign~d' hi s ;employment wtththec.ity~; and u , ' WHEREAS, Mr~ Michael Wai,te has--been employed as, Police Dispatcher -and. is qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerk~of, the M,u~icipal ,Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: . .' I - 'Section 1. That,Mr. Michael Wai,te, be, ~nd-he,i-s hereby, appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the Gity of West University, Place, Texas. Sectio.n 2 . That :the appoi ntment ',ofcMr .Micha~l Wai te as Deputy Clerk: of the,Municipal,CoQrt:of,the'City",of WestUniver-sity Placei,Texas, shall beef- " fective'withthepassage:of,this Resolution andithat he~hall assum~ the aS7' signed duties of Deputy Clerk'after having been ,administered the proper Oath. of Office. ,~':....:. <. r. :j;~ ">.,. ~ ..jJ.~! " .....;.,. ..'t"': :PASSED, AND APPROVED th,is day, ,of , 1975. Motion-by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner'Dunn; that Resolution, Number 75-31 appointing Police Dispatcher Michae,l Waite as a Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court be approved as read. .' Voting Aye:' All Voting No: ,None In accordance'with' the provi sions of an 'agreement dated ,September 25, .1975" be- 0 tween the CitYQf West 'Univers-ity Place and JohnM'itche]l & Associates, Inc.. __,,-- for professional services for the preparation of schematic--design, programde-, finition and description of facilities for improvements to Case Park, the COminiss'ion was, :presented, a -statement"i n ,the;amount of $719.25 received ,from John Mitchell & Associates ,for work performed through September 30,1975. Motion by' Commissioner Dunn, seconded by--Commi.ss,ioner, Binig, that the City Commission authorize payment of the :sum,of,$719-.25 to'John,Mitchell & Assoc'- iates for professional' services"rendered through ,September 30, 1975" in the development' of; improvements to Case Park., : Voting Aye': All Voting No:"None Payment for professional services for development of improvements to Case . Park prompted a general'discussipn regardi'ng the designation of "Casell Park or "Co 1 oni alII Park as' bei.ng' the proper name' ,for the' park 1 oca ted in thesout- west quadrant'bfthe city. ,The,City: Cpmmi,~sion,was advis~d that city records contained no information as to, th'e' official name ,of such park. Furtherconsi- deration will be given by the City Commission for offic'ial names to this park area as well as that located in the 'northwest quadrant of the city generally known as IIJudsonll Park. ' The Commission was advised that the original agreement for codification of City JliU Ordinances into a Code of Ordinances was made on April 13,1964, at whtch time I supplements were prepared for the sum of $9.50 per page. On May 19, 1970, sup- plements were prepared for $10.00 per page with another printing cost increase [ ~ N c:..o ~ - ......' :::r:: o n I : lJ to $10.50 per page on November 1,1973. An invoice in the amount of $950.23 for printing 100 copies of Supplement Number 13, at a cost of $11.00 per page was presented for consideration. 8,9 Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that the Municipal Code Corporation be paid the sum of $950.23 for preparation of Sup- plement Number 13 to the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University. , ' Voting Aye: All , Voti ng' No: None General discussion regarding increasing cost for updating the Code and any pos- sible alternative measures, resultedin'City Attorney Charles Cockrell IS sugges- tion that the local Alpha'Law Brief Company be contacted with regard to their publJ shi ng subsequent supplements. . ' . The Commission was presented a letter received from Mr. Robert E. Hannegan, Executive Vice-Presiderit and General Manager of the Houston Coca-Cola Bottling Company, enclosing a Deed of Gift from such,company to the City of West Univer- sity covering a ten foot wide strip of land adjoining the city"s water well and reservoir site. '. ' Resolution Number 75-32 was presented to the Commission and read in full. WHEREAS, the City of West University Place owns and operates a water well and r~servoir adjacent to property ?wned.by Houston Coca-Cola Bottling Company; and WHEREAS, it has heretofore been determined by city officials that it would be advantageous to acquire additional property contiguous to' the, present 'site; and WHEREAS, after discussion of the matter with the Houston Coca-Cola Bottling .Company, said Company has generously agreed to give to the city a ten (10') foot wide strip of land adjoining the City's water well and reservoir site; and WHEREAS, Houston Coca-Cola Bottling Company has now delivered to the city a Deed of Gift toa tract Of land approximately ten (10') feet wide and one- hundred twenty-nine (129') feet in length, containing ,0296 acres (1291 square feet) . . " , ' , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City of West Universi,ty' Place accept the Deed of Gift conferring a ten (10') foot' wide strip of land as more particularly described in the Deed dated June, 1974, from Houston Coca-Cola Bottling Company for what- ever use and purpose the city may use such property in the future. Section 2. That the City Commission hereby expresses its gratitude and appreciation to Houston Coca-Cola Bottling Company for the donation of the af~resaid property. " PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1975. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that subject to the additfon of the date of the Deed of Gift~, that Resolut'ion Number 75-32 be approved as read. ' . , # r=--- -.~. , --:::I ._[--'-~-~~~-~[ IIll1 Ih:lIJ'.I'j, IIllill.lllhtmIIIII . r . --. " jI~III, 30 ~1ill1WJ1llll , III l~J~ ~J \\1 JI ,_-1 I j ......... Votirg Aye: All Voting No: None' It was the decision of the City Commission that'consideration of a contractural agreement: with Houstono Coca;"Cola Bottling Company for painting the cUy's , 250,000 gallon elevated storage reservoir on Wakeforest in exchange for use of such reservoir for company advertising would be included as an agentlaitem for the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, October 27, 1975. , " u In accordaflte:'Withinstructions o,f the'City Commission'letters of'invitation to 'serve as membersofa Committee to'study the'provisionsoftheSouthern Building Code which is believed to be more applicable to construction in th, City of West University were mailed to the following: Mr. Robert Musemach, 2803 University Bou-levard;cMr. William Burwell, 6101 Lake Street; Mr'. Jerry Hazelwood, 5916 lake Street; and Mr. Ted Currier, 3524'AmherstStreet: Motioriby Commissi-oner Thompson~ seconded by Commissibner.B"inig, that' Mr~ Robert Musemach, Mr. Jerry Hazelwood and Mr. Ted Currier be appointed as' a Committee to study the provisions of the Southern Building Code for pos- sible adoption' by the City COlTlli1ission.' .~-~. ~'. ~. ~u:i. , .,.~.;: .~ -i.-:f" . :~~;:~ -::.-..;",~ 'i.;:~-::': <'~"_-:oli Voting Aye: ' All Voting No: None A letter dated September 12,1975, received from Mr. Ben D. Freiler, Principal, West University Elementary School, together with a petition signed by parents of students 'of the ~choolhad'previously been referred to the Chief of Police for his recommendation with regard to the need for a School Crossing Guard at Weslayan and University Boulevard, , , Chief Kessel us I recommendation that there was no necessity for a School Cross- ing Guard' at' this locatiori was based on the following"survey made by members of the Police Department: o September 24, 1975 2:20 - 2:40 p.m. 2:50 - 3:15 p.m, o walking 13 walking o Ridin'g Bikes '6 September 25, 1975 7:30 a.m.- 8:15 a.m. 3_ walking" 2:30 p~m. - 2:40 p.m'. '1 walking 2:50 p.m.' -3:15 p.m'- 16 walking 6 ~2* Riding Bikes , "0 ' , Riding Bik~s 2 & 2* Riding Bikes * Riding bikes to Pershing Junior High School " , Attention of the Commission 'was directed'to the possible use of t1School Crossing Signs" and pavement markings denoting the crosswalk in accordance with the-pro- visions of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that the City Manager be'i'nstructed to haVe the proper signs posted and pavement markings de- OJ notingqcrosswal ks 'installed at Rice' arfd WeslayarY, 'Weslayan and University; and University,Buffalo Speedway, and that the Chief of Police be instructed to meet , , , with representatives of the school arid the parents signing the petition to ex- plain action of the City Commission. [1 OJ C\l cc ~ - -' 0:: o Fl I ( I i : l,.-! 9~:11 I Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that consideration should be given'to providing some' type entertainment in addition to the Fire Department's usual Halloween program on the West 'Uni versity' El ememtarySchool ~ Grounds in anattempt'to~'''aVoi d tragedies whi ch have occurr'ed' in p'revious' years from :youngsters going from house to house IItrick or trea:ting". .,.'" " . '. '"." < A number of ideas:to'besponsored by the Recreation Department were discussed, including'cartoons'for the yo~nger children~ a spook house, dunkin~tank to be located on the city's'softball'field, and carnival type games. , , Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the City Commission encourage partiCipation by the young people of West University by , their attendance at the 'Official firemen's functionon'Halloween evening and with regard toyounger'ch;-ldren encourage their participation in the Recreation Department aCtivities at. the softball field and Community Building and that door to door trick or treating be de-emphasized. Motion amended by Coinmissioner'Thompson, accepted by Commissioner Stanley, that the reference to trick'or treating be deleted. Voting on amendment: . Voting Aye': All Voting No: ' None Voting on motion: Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was adv'ised that a container'had been placed at the Wat~r Plant. site for use by residents for the'dispositionbf trash and other items not," normally picked up by the Sanitation Department. A procedure for payment b'y means of color coded card system has been established using the following as guidelines for determining charges to be made. ' O"range Card Yellow Card Blue Card Green Card Pink Card $3.aO'permit fee 5.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 Automobile Load Pick-up Load Pick-up (with sideboards) Four-Wheel Trailer All Others An evaluation of the system will be made after use to determine 'equity of charges being madEr; adaptabil ity of using '30 cubfc yard container; and degree of useo'f the facility by resi'dents.: The City Manager stated that as requested by the City Commission, he had con- tacted Mr. Kirby of'the East Texas Seed Company, who had recommended that the Mosiac Park be sodded with fifty (50) pounds of unhulled bermuda seed; one- hundred (100) pounds o'f red fescue (fi ne leaf grass ' seed);' and one-hundred (100) pounds 'perennial rye seed, costingappro'ximately $147.50, and__ that an .' ,. ,additional $50.00 wo~ld be-,required, for: the purchase of 'loam and fertili'zer.. . The Commisslo'n wasadvi sed that reports' were now ready on the traffi c survey made on Belmont, Brompton 'and Vanderbilt 'Streets 'a'nd that a meeting would be arranged as soon as Traffic Engineer' Jo~n Hudson was available. It was sug- gested that Mr. Dieter Ufer of Bayshore Engineering Company report on his I~ T- ~l ~_-----L-..L: ,-- ,~ IIllill:, ' Ililil'll'~I,.]IilUIlIIIUilllIIilI 'II' Illlill. f 92 Ilfljlllillllillll1JillL1 JII I J I ,~ JJ 'L .J findings regarding the city's wastewater treatment facility at the same meet~ ing of the' Commission.' u , I twas' reportedd to: the Commi ss i on' that" sewer connecti on' changes 'had . been' made at the residence of Mrs'; , Joe' Swart~burg ,--'2620 University. Boulevard and of Mr,' Michael Schneider, 3618 University Boulevard. Difficulty has been encountered with the residence of Mr. Clinto Miller, 3614 University Boulevard, inasmuch as Mr. ~1i'ller'plans'to'sellhis residence and states 'that he'is not financially able to pay hi,s" one-half,share,or $401.34';Mr~ Mil'ler.~hoWever; is willing to sign a note to the city,' or' to permit the"'tity to' fi Ie' 'a 1 i en against hi s property to insure future payment of his share of the cost. . ,. . . . , , City Attorney Gharl es Cockrell stated that only certaih things can be used' to place a"va'lid Hen against homestead property~ hoWever, inasmuch as the relocation of'the' sewer line to the rear easement of the, property could be 'considered animprovement~ it was his thought tnat.a valid 'lien could be placed against the property. .~~~ .~,l:~l ",".;,/ . ~il ,,~:. ....-::t.. ~~ _ ..J;.::. Motion 'by' Comini'ssioher" Thompson, seconded by Commissioher' Binig, that the city take a mechanic's lien on the property located at 3614 University Boulevard to cover' the pr.eperty owner~~s: share of relocating the sewer 1 ine to the rear easement of the property. ' Voting Aye': 'All Voting No:' None A notice received from the Houston Contractors Association advisinfj that the' Commissioners Court had acted to authorize payment to contractors for 100% of the cost of supplies was presented to the Commission. In accordance with previous instructions" of the City Comm'ission ask"etch of the proposed landscaping' of the "GityHall' pa'rking lot was presented to the Commi ssi on.' . o Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by'Commissioner Stanley, that the tity Commission accept the offer of the Gaslight Garden Club to landscape the City Hall parKing lot with' the city providing 'labor and funds for fertilizer and peat moss. Voting Aye: All Voting -No: None Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that the recommenda- tion'of Mr. 'David Allums, Chairman, Council on Agi'ng, be accepted and,that'a Director of Aging be employed by the city to implement.' a prog'ram for all of the' city's aging citizens in accordance with the guidelines as set forth in the ' Evaluation and Recommendations of the Council on Aging dated October 13, 1975,' .. . . Voting Aye: 'All Voting No: ,None Attention of the Commission was directed to a letter received from Mr. O. G. Bartholomew recommending that Ordinance Number'1025 be amended to require " that.th~ waiv~rs specified irrS~b-Section' F-2be'recorded in the office of' the County Clerk. Mr. Cockrell stated that it was his belief that amending l,I;U the Zoning Ordinance was' not the'properway' to 'handle 'the request i.nasmuch as it would be 'an administrative function 'and the waivers could be 'recorded by the Zoning and Planning Commission if they so' desired. Mr. Cockrell was . - n ~ C\l to e,:,' ...... ....... :t; o n -:->.;'Y '~~.~~ :~'~~i?i~j;:~; .\,.~ .",..." ~:..~".. ~.-J.'/""-;-"("'1- >>'3 , ., ,; ~ , ^ instructed to address a letter to members of the Zoning and Planning Commission setting forth his opinion. In response to questions regarding correspondence received from Mr. Frank McCleary and City-Attorney' Charles Cockre,ll with regard .to the Vot~ng Rights Act, 1975,. the Commission .wasadvised that Mr'~ 'McCleary was, to furnish an estimate o.f the ;t,ime and:. q,Qst:.involved, in" fi 1 ing an., appli.eati onfctr approval of the Justice Department to hold, a ptoposedbond ele,ction on November 18th. Commissioner Stanley advised the.Co.mmission that he would meet with the City Manager concerning training of Fire Department personnel to the para~medic level ",back LIP service for ouram~ulance l,ln:it and, boundary lines to be fol.,. lowed .in p,roviding.ambulance, service. . '.' ... ~ . . ,.. .. . . . .' . . ." Commissioner Stanley stated'that Dr.O'scarMaldon.ado would like to use the ba 11 fi e 1 d north of the fenced Little 'League, fiel d, fOr a,soccer program, and if the Commission felt this undesirable could he discuss with Recreation Director Charles Cowan, working_in a soccer program as part of the dver-all "recreation p'rogram. ..:rbe commission suggested that the ,program .be discussed . with the Recreatton Director andal so that Dr~Ma 1 donadoirivestigate"the poss i M 1 ity .,of using the soccer ,fi e ldat the Y. Mayor Wallin advised the Commission that the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence . District had,set a fixed fee of 1.2 cents, per 1,000 gallons for,w,jthdrawal of underground water, and also that a letter had be~n received from Representative Kay Bailey stating that there was a possibility that the bill creating the Dis- trict should: be amended by the Legislature. .. " , Minutes of meetings of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on September 18th and ' September ,29th were presented to the Commission for, their, information... .... . . Minutes of the meeting of the Bicentennial Committee on September 29th were "presented to the Commission for their information. ' . . . . Minutes of ther.egular meeting of the Plumbing Board on September 29th we,r'e presented to the. Commission for their ,information and;the Commission ,advis,ed , tha.t a meeting ,had been arranged between Mr. Cockrel'- and Board ,Chairman Rqn Taylor on Friday, October 17th for further work o~ the Pluinbing Ordinance;,' Minutes, of the Safety and Accident Review Board meeting on September 9th were presented to the Commission for their informatHm. " Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, September 22nd were presented for consideration, and the following action taken: 'Motion by Commi ssioner-Thompson ,seconded by Commi ssi oner Dunn" that, minutes of the regu] ar meeting of the, City Commiss.jon on Monday, September 22nd be approved as, submitted. , . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None , ,.With no further bus,ines-s ,to come, before the, Comm,issi on at this time, upon mqfion , duly made, secondect' ,and carried, ,the meeting adjourned at ,10:30 .p.m. r _ _ .--::::=1 ---.-:....L---..L....L..J: ; - Lr::--1 I h'JiI"J.I-'i~"!il:illlinlIHlllmnm ',IIDIl L...--.......-----..JIl" , ,__11I1111. 9,4: ,lllIllllllllllllli J 11111111, III L~II , I " r! ' II ....,..:J>1. ~~. REGULAR'MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER 27, 1975 ['f The City Commi,ssion, conve,ned in regular' sesston,at th~' ~it'y: Hall on Monday, October 27, 1975,7:30 p.m., with thefo]lowingm~mb~rs present: Mayor Wallin, presiding; Commissioners. Binig, Ounn~ Stanley and Thomp,so'n, The City .Manager was also present. The City Attorney was not present. The Invocatio.o was pronouncE;!d, by COinJnis,,~ioner ,Stanley. u . , Mr. Jeff Miller, Automobile Associatio'n 'Of Amer;<;:a, presented the Pedestrian Safety'Citation award.,to Mayor Wallin and Police ChiefRich~rd Kesselus. stating that this is, the fourth COns,E;!cutiveyear this . award has been received by. West University Place and that not only had there been no fatalities, but nopedes-"," trian :injuries in, the city during the past,year. ....\ . ,-, __,E'''' : ~ ,-.l .;..~.'J , . " - . < CbjH~f Kesselus accepted, the ,award for ,the city stating' that the fir.st 'credit goes:~~,: .",~;jty:'the citizens of West University Place,for being good drivers,and'good pedestrians and that'the city's enforcement system. keeps people driving through the. city aware of traffic'safety. He thanked the AAA fo.r the award and for'its efforts in ped- estri an, safety. ' , :::~ . ". . Commissioner Binig,suggestedthat the citizens be informed of the award and thanked for. thei r ef.forts vi a, ~'Ci tyCurret;ltstl", ' Commissioner Stanley thanked Mr. Miller and acknowledged his appreciation- to him for not routing traffic through the ci.ty's residential streets on his radio, pr,ogram, Mayor Wallin thanked Mr. Miller and stated that with the continued efforts of the citizens and the Police Department, he hoped to ,tlseenim aga.in next yeartl, lJ ~ <., , Robbie Barnett, Tax Assessor/Collector, presented the 1975 Tax Roll, certified by himself and approved by, members of the Tax Board of Equalization. together with a compClri-son cha.rtof.1974 and 1975, 'tax rol.l~., He stated this was the tax roll at . the time of mai 1 in9, and due, to the fact that some of the property o.ymers over 65 had not as yet, filed for the,ir Homestead, Exemption, the total tax r,e'~eipts might be slightly lower than presented, . Motion.by Commissioner Stanley, s,econ<:ied hyCommissioner Dunn, that the 1975 Tax Roll be accepted and approved as presented. Voting Aye: ,All Voting No: None . - - . . , , , A letter from ,Houston Lighting and Power. Compa'ny dat:ed ,October 17, 1915 signed by Leroy,.Gardner, 'Manager Central Division, and'filed with the City Secretary on October 17, 1975, along with a Schedule of fees increasing residential and commercial gas rates in the city effective November 17, 1975 was presented to the Commission for their. informati.on. ThiS notification.is in compliance with the, City of West University,Place Ordinance No,. 1.002 requiring, that ,notificat10n of increased utility rates must be filed with the city 30 days hefore the effective date of the increase. Commissioner Stanley requested that the City Manager follow up on efforts of Harris County Mayor's and Councilman's Association on behalf of member communities in taking a decisive stand on utility increases and other issues of importance as suggested in letter dated September 19, 1975 from Mayor E.P. r1arx, City of Hedwig Village. Il U n ~ N (C ~ :t: ::c: o n ( I \- _: ~s A contract from Bayshore Engineers dated October 20, 1975 to complete the requirements of the Wastewater Treatmerit'Facility Plan, cinc'ludlngthe Environmental Assessment in accordance wlth all .Fede!"al regulations pertaining'thereto for. the additional following amounts:' ' ' " , " "'1' '" ~' ' . . ".(".. 1. 'Prepare Environment~l 'Assessment to comply ,~ith: EPA--req~irenients and reguJatlons. ' 2. Complete remainder of Facility Plan to comply wit~, EPA requirements and regu~ations was presented to the Com~isslon for c~nsideration. Motion' by Commissioner Thompson,'secondedbyCommlssioner Binig, that the city employ , Bayshore Engineers, Inc;, and enter into a' contraCt with them to perform the necessary Facil ityPlan and Environrnerital Assessment in accordance with all Federal regulations pertaining thereto'as outlined in their letter-contract dated'October 20, 1975 for a total amount of $4,000.00. $2,500.00 $1,500.00 Voting Aye: All Voting,No:, None The Commission was advised that a meeting between Mayor Wallin, Co-Chi:1irmen of the B1Centennl'al Committee, John Burns and Betty Sellers, 1;lnd the city' Manager was held la~t week to discussallocati6n of funds for BiCentennial ~rojetts. Mr. Burns and 'Mr.'s. Sellers 'advised that only' two projectsremain,;.the Avenue of Flags'and the'Mosaic "'Park at College and Blssonnet, With permission from Houston Lighting and Power Company, the Committee plans to mount flags on existing HL&P light poles and after an on the site inspection by Mr. Burns and the City Manager to ascertain where trees need to be trimmed 'awai' to a 11 ow for proper' show of the fl ags, to also prevail upon HL&P to do the actual trimming of the trees', ' , Mr ~ Burns also' stated that Mr'. Robert Kendri ck" Landscape Archi tect, and member' of the BiCEmtennialCommittee had' offered his services insofar as draw,ing pla!1s for the park' are cqncerned:, ' .. The Comm'i~;sioh was ad'vised that there is' allocated' in the 1976 Budget $5,000.,00 for ,BiCentennial projects. Mo'tion by Commissioner Dunn', s'econded by Commissioner,Thompson', that the Bic'entennial Committee be instructed to present plans for the Mosaic Park,in'cluding estimate of co'sts' and'contract sp'ecificati'ons. · ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Stanley that the Chairman of the BiCentennial Committee be ,authorized to expend funds for misce'llaneous purposes, in 'the amount of $500.00 or , under, 'uptO~ the budget am,ount ($5 ,()OO~ 00) with th'e approval of the' City Manager. Motio'n died for lack of a second.' Mr. Frank McCreary, of Vli<nson, Elkins, Sea'rls, Conn'ally & Smith,. FinanCial Advisor , t~ the Commission conce~ning a pr~posed bond election, reviewed steps taken to comply 'wjth the 'Voting Rights Act as it is applicable to the State of Texas. He advised that ;-:'a'll bond eleCtions must be approved by the'CivilRights Commiss,ion of ttie Justice , h'Department 'where chcfnges ,had been madein'the elec.tionlaws since November, 1972, i.e., ....-: _h ~_l:_=---::L....- II 'nn':r I: lrr:nllfnIlillIJIlliI lllllll : ..,: :',: 11m II' 1lIIIiIII'lITIilll!LJL!Lll!L1 111 I L.. I:.L , --=---'J c: : - J=:-:::l , I 96 voting age' changedfrom20,to 18y~ars ,permanent ,voter registration, precinct, changes'; polling ~la--cech-anges', etc, ,He stated that City Attorney Charles, 1'1'_1 Cockrell is presently in Washington, D.C. with application for the City of West University to hold a bond election. It was his opinion that the application would not receive an immediate,response,asthe,Act is ,so new that,the Civil Rights Commission will proceed slowly in order to be sure that requirements are met, inasmuch as we are one of the first local governments to make application under the Voting Rights Act, Mr. McCreary also reviewed a proposed ordinance calling a bond election. . ~.. The Commission was presented a sketch showing proposed location of lighting standard in the City"Hall parkinglotand--also indicatin'g 'existing conduit and proposedconduit'for installation of same,' C,itY'Engineer Mtmard Kinman descrlbed a-type of standard suggested for the'area'as being five globes arms and one globe 'i n the center mounted on a concrete base.' ,'{']I r.~ r",;' :.,i:i . -'0) .~ ~:~ The City Manager was instructed to present a cost estimate to the Commission for consideration. .'- -. _,b_;' Mayor ~~anin advised that'he meet Mr. Kamrath of the'Texas',Air Control" Board at" the Texas Muni'cipa l' League meeting on Monday, October 27th ,and he advisec\ that the city's letter conc'erning ~lir control 'had been received and that a--letter to the citY' s'tating it would 'be under speci alconsi deration because of' our unique position of"being predominately residential,: no' industries ,and public transportation operat- ed-- by theCi ty of Houston. 0,-- It wassuggested,thatthe proposed Plumbing Ordinance be tabled until further study il of permit fees could be completed and included in the ord;-nance'; U , ft was recommended ,by the City Managerthat.Southsi,de Place be charged 45~ per, 1 ;000' ,ga 11 ons 'for''', 162 ,400' g'a 11 ons of water' furnished them duri ng toe time th~y were painting their elevated water reservoir. It was submitted that SouthsidePlace ,water ,charges are50~ per 1,000 for first 8,000 gallons, and it was felt that the ~rateof 45~' per'l,OOOwould allow them some margin of 'profit on the first 8,000 gallon charge of $4.00. ' Motion by Commissioner Thompson'-, seconded' by Commi'ssionerStan'ley, that the City of West University Place charge the 'city of Souths ide Place 45~ perl ,000 gallons for 1,161,400 gallons of water furnished them dur;-ngthe'timethey w~re painting their elevated water reservoir, Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The City Manager submitted th-atdue to the'increased cost 'of publication 'of legal notices; a'dministrative 'handling co'st," etG. that the $25.00 fee charged for appli- cations to the Zoning Board of Adjustment and the Zoning and Planning Commission did not cover costs by the city. He was instructed to request recommendations from the Zoning Board of Adjustment and the Zoning and Planning Commission for fee to be charged "for a'ppl ic'ationsto" these bO,dies. C6mmiss~oner Birii9noted that the, Gener-alBusi'nes'sSession of the Texas ~1unicipal. I" j league lS schedl1led'for 3:00 :p.m.'~Tuesday', October 28th and that several Resolutlons would be on the Ag'enda for vote of members. _ The reso 1 uti ons were briefly reviewed \ by the City Commission. . ~ n ~ N c;.c Ci =:: :c: rl lLJ ~,~ Commissioner Thompson stated that in his oplnlOn the city employees were not doing a good job of picking up recycling material. That too much "picking overt! of papers and glass and leaving them at curbside for little or no reason was being done. The City Manager said that he, would meet with the Department Superintendent con- cerning the recycling pickap,'ahddetermine the necessary'actionto'take for a more effective program. Commissioner Stanley inquired concerning Houston Coca~Cola painting the city's reservoir at Wakeforest. The City Manager stated he had contacted the contractor who last painted the other reservoirs and requested he give a quotation directly to Coca-Cola. After this is done, he was advised by Coca-Cola officials that they would determine whether they would contract dir~ctly with the contractor or let the city include the painting of tflis reservoir in its contract for painting, the other re- servoirs owned by the city, ' Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on October 14, 1975 were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on October 16, 1975 and the special meeting on October 23, 1975 were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Safety and Accident Review Board on October 14, 1975 were presented to the Commission for'their ;-nformation. Commissioner Stanley noted that this was the third time in which the mi~ute~ had reflected that the chipper operator was not wearing a hard hat and safety goggles while'operating the chipper. Commissioner Stanley' stated that if this appeared again, he would instruct the City Manager to terminate the employee not abiding by these safety' procedures. It was also noted that a chlorine safety film was presented to all employees handling chlorine, firerilenand'policemen in the Fire Department on October 23rd. .Water Supe~lntendent Jim Hicks reported the film obtained dealt with loading and unloading of chlorine tank cars, but that he felt some value was received by those who saw it. Efforts are being made to obtain another film applicable to domestic water supply chlorine problems. Minutes ~f the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on October 20, 1975 were presented to the Commission for their information. ' Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on October 13, 1975 were presented to the Commission' for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that minutes of the reg- ular meeting of the City Commission,on Monday, October 13~ 1975 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. m · 9()>>Q fJ;.Jj}~ f-- ATTEST: .~ .~ ---..,(~, Ass; tant c;t~retarY r'---------..-lL.......---.-.._______________ l'IDilll'jj"[j[nmlllliiiIlill r ____ __ ___ ----.eJ1:-:-l Ill' llllllll" .. (-~] ____-C~ [ J f~~\~ il'.~i'~.;~; ~~~"': -~~:;. ~~~.,~ n C': eN cc c.b' ~ -' ::r:- n u ,n I I l J '99' l ' ~ ' ,); REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION November' 10,'1'975" ~ '------- . ~~....'" .... ~ ... ~. .... .... The City Commission convened in regular.session at the~City Hall on'Monday,. November 10,1975,7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Wallin, presiding; Commissioners Stanley and Thompson. The City ,Attorney ~nd City Mana- ger were also present. Commissioners Binig and Dunn were out of the city. The Invocation was pronounced by Cornmi~sjoner.Thompson. : , " Mayor Wallin introduced Mr. Bill Frank, former Mayor of the City of West Uni- versity Place who had been transferred to New Orleans by Shell Oil Company. Mr. Frank stated that it was his pleasure to visit with ,the Commission and he and members of his family wished they still ,lived in West University, ' In accordance with previous action of the City Commission and traffic surveys made by members of thed Po 1:i ce, .Department, Engi neeri ng Department and other city employees, an analysis of ttie find.ings prepared bYqTraffic Engineers~ Inc. was presented to .the Commission. '. ' A review was made of studies made at Brompton, Bella,ire and, Vanderbilt, both by traffic flow counters and a license plate survey made by means of tape'record- ers by personnel located at eaGh location. The.Commissionwas.advised that, , within theclty there are four majQr tr,affic problems be:ing Weslayan"Bellaire, Bissonnet and interior traffic. The Commission was further advised. that by" 1978 all of the city's traffic signs must be replaced to 'conform with new standards; street marking signs must be upgraded and traffic signals. replaced. It was the decision of the City Commission that the City Manager investigate the possible, availability of funds Jrom"theTexas Traffic Safety Committee, for . part of the cost involved in,this project. Motion by Commissioner Thomp'son, seco'nded bY Commissioner Stanley, that based on the results of traffic surveys there is no justification for closing Brompton Road at th.is time and that all signers of the petition request.ing s,uch closur,e be furni.shed a copy of the report by Mr. john Hudson of Traffic .Engi,neers, Inc. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Wallin stated. that he would like to express'appreciation' to members of the Pol i ce'Department, Ci ty. Engi:neer, Monard,Ki nman ,and ,other. ci ty employees for an excellent job done making the traffic surveys. , . Mayor Wallin read a letter he had addressed to Mr. Robert Kendrick regarding his offer to prepar.epla,ns,specjficat,io,ns a,nd,cost,estimat,es for the.Mosiac Park located at College and Bissonnet,.butstated that he .had not been in fur": ther contact, with Mr.,. Kendrick. . It Was suggested that plans be made for c,ity employees. to, cut the rye grass that had been sowed on the park. An invoice r,eceiNed from The Shade Shop, Inc, for furnishing and ins:~alla1:;ion ' of forty-five (45) Rivi.era blinds at. the Comm(mi-ty Buildi.ng was presented for.' consideration. Attention ,of theCommissio.n wa-s ,directed to the fact that at the time windows were counted two doors off the loggia area h~dn6t been in- cluded and blinds for the doors resulted in a $57.48 increase in the bid' quotation of $1,191.47. ~.- I:M-~ ----III- '111::1 iCt."l[llITlllllilllillllliI' 'lllillll" " '-- 11m "' r-:=~ ! 100 lIIllI'IIDJlIIIJ!LJJJ!JLIL1 11'--- LI: -, ---i II I 1 :-r---' - - L' ,- ] Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the City Commission authorize payment to the.Shaoe ~hope, Inf. the S!1m. of $41,248.95 for,instcrllati6nof blinos at the Cpmmun,ityBuilging. . Voting, Aye: ,All, ,Voting No: None Following a review of the f~e sched(Jle n~c9mm~nded by m~mbers of the. Plumbing Board and establishing fees to be included'inan ordinance proposed to amend the city's Code ,Of. Ordinances " Ordinance Number 1 050 w~s presented, to. the Com-. miss10n and:read in full,. . " . " . ~ AN ORDI8ANCE AMENDINGcS~CjION18~]3:0FTHECOQ~ OF ORD1NANCES, OF THE crtY OF WESTUNIVERSIT'f PLACE, TEXAS,' BY CHANGING THE . SCHEDU-LE"OF PERMIT FEES: REQUiRING .A. LICENSE FOR. A LANDSCAPE IRRIGATOR: CHANGING' PROCEDURE FOR TESTING OF WATER SUPPLY , SYSTEM':' CI:IANGING,,-THE ,PENALTY PRovisIONS': ,PROHIRITING BITUMIN- IZE6 PIP~ AND FITTI~GS: 'PROHIBlttNG T'fPEM COPPER AND LEAD WATER TUBING IN WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: CHANGING DESIGNATION OF CERJAINOFFICIALS:MAKING SUCH. ,OTHER CHANGES AS NOTED THEREIN: AND PROV~DING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ' . Moti on by COIilITii ssioner Stanl ey, secondedpy .Cotnmi s,si oner Thompson, that Ord,i- nance Number 105Qamenoin,g the Code, of. Ordinance tp.,prpvide certain changes' in the Plumbing Code, be approved ,as read~ . ' . , . ' , Voti,ng" Ay~ ; All Voting No: None The Ci ty Manager' was requested to put thi s. 'ordinance on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the City Commission and to request members of the \ Plumbing Board and/or ~uild-i.ng, Inspector to attend such meeting to answer any qtiestions. . . The Comini ssi on was.pr~sented an i nvoi ce il): 'the ~mou~J of $700,00 submi tted by Turner, Moore, Cummins, Zimmerman for surveying and drafting services of the Case Park area. . Motion by Commis,sioner Thompson, seconded py, Commissioner Stanley, that the City Manager be"authdrized to pay Turner, Mo.ore"Cummings, Zimmerman the sum of $700.00 for services rendereq in sur.veyand drafting Of the Case Park area. Voting Aye: . All Voting N~: None , _~~....l.=~1 I u ..0.-..... , 'f''./. ~~<;; ,,~. " .......~~ "';"".: o Members of the Commission were advised that no information had been received , from the Department of JuStice relative tothecity's application for permis,:", sion to hold a bond election. Following a general discussion, it was the de- cision of the Commission t~at the City Manager attempt to contact Representa- tive Bill Archer to solicit his assistance, and tQ,ascertainfrom officials of Texas City results that had been received on such city's application. ,The, Commission, was advi:sed, that; ,plans were being p.repar:e.d for lighting' of'the newly constructed parking 101;, ,adjacent to the City Hall a,nd would soon be U ready -to adverti se for hi ds,. It is estimated that cost f'or the project wi.ll be between $1,500 and $2,000. [l CI? C\l ",.,.. ~ ~ == :::t: n u n I I ! : lJ "-' l!I~ - ,~~~~.:! "'::, ~fi 1. I ltv'~ I "-" {.- .;; '..- After being advised that the large pecan tree on th~ ,front of the lot was in need of topping on order that it may possibly be saved, the City Commission instructed that a person knowledgeable on the subject be contacted prior to trimming by City personnel. - The' Commission was ad.vise,Q,Jha~ memb~rs, of the 'Gasl ight,GardenClub had made plans for landscaping the parkirl'g'lot.'this week and that members of, the Street Depart- ment were preparing the necessary flower beds, etc., ' Mayor Wallin stated that plans for Halloween activities to ,discourage "Trick or Treatll by neighborhood children had been most successful and it was his desire' to commend. Recreation Director Charles Cowan, Assistant C.ityManager Dan Edwards, Police Lt., David Davey, members of the Fire Department and all those,who had spent many hours making ar,rangementsfor the festiviti,es. ' . Commissioner,Stanley direCted attention of Commission, members to,a letter addressed to Mr. DickPutney, Municipal Court Clerk; frOlrt'Judge Charles R.. Dunncompli- ' menting the manner in whfch Mr. Putney has handled the activities o"f the Muni- cipal Court and expressing his personal appreciation' for work which had. been done. ' Minutes of the special meeting of the Plumbing- Board on,October' 27,1975, were presented to ,the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regul ar meeting of the City Gommi ssi on on, Monday" October 27 , 1975 were presented and the following action taken: ,Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Comrnissioner Stanley,,!:hat minutes of,the regular meeting of the Ci ty Commi ss i on, on Monday-, Oc~ober 27" 1975., .beapproved as., submi tted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: Non~' With no further business to come before, the ,Commissio,n ,act this time, upon, motion duly',made, seconded'andcarried~ ,the m'eeting adjourned at 8,:45 p.m., . 0J1~-EG~~-i , ". ;" May r " ' ,,' f ATTEST: ~ ~~~"d Assistant City Secretary ,u, ' I ... ~ II mIl" r : ~. ~_~-:-O ,.I:" I"Wn".,'"l:" m:nlUDlI,tml:IIIltl ,', --lImm II1Q2 , IlIIDI!IIm~llIIIJlIlj'li ,[lJLI. ]1, -~ II, 1 I) , I o " , ,REGU~AR. MEETING CifttTy'tOMMISSI()N" C , "NOVEMBER, 24'. 197'5"" "'; . " .... - . "'" I. The City Commission convened, in regular session at the, City Hall on ~10noay, , Nbvember24", "975, l:30p.m, ~'with:th~fol1owjn9 member's;pr~sent: Mayor Wallin;, presiding; Comrriissioners Binig,Dun!l,.-'StCinl.ey and Thonipsori~ ' The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. " ' , , . . ... . . '.~ . The. Invocation'was, pronounced by ComrrJissioner 'Qunn. , , " . . ...... - ~. Inacc:ordance with previ ousacti on of ,the CitfCom~i ss i'on , M.r ~ Mi ke" Hi nri chs appeared before the Commissjon,to ,explain the r'eason the Pluinbing Board re- commended the incl usion of the fon owing Section iti b'rdinance Number 1050 amending the,Plumbi~g Code, "(~). Se,ct.ion 923.Z, (Table). ,There is hereby added to Footnote ,10 to said tablet.he following, "a washing machine connection is not requ ired in a s i ngl e fami lY'dwe J 1'1 ng, but is hi gh ly recommended. II . ~.. . .. .. Mr. Hinrichs stated 'that this Section had not been aiscussedbythe current board membership, but was included in recommendations made by a previous board. Mr,Hinrichs further stated that,in hi~ opinion it w~s included inas- much as ,Table 923~2 required 'washJng machJne, drains unless. central washing' facilities were provided and that'since there was no connection between provld~ ing waShing machi,ne drains and the health, welfare.and safety of the community there was, no. reason to actually requir~ such installation. " , , u ,....4!' >;. ;<..'<> .,::;-d;: .-~. }:.;~~- ~,..'" ~..:.'~- ; Members of the,tomlT!i~sion tha~ked,Mr.Hi~richs' for' ap,pearing,before ~hem and 0 could see no reason for any changes to be made in Ordinance Number 1050 at ' this time. City Engineer Monard, Kinman rev.iewed the requirements for participation in the Governorls Office of'Traffic Safety for-funding an engineering study to " evaluate requirements of the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic. Mr. Ki'nman stated that included in an engineering study would be an inventory of all re- gulatory traffic control devices including IIStop", "Yield", "Do Not Enter"', "Left Turn", "No Right Turnll, etc. utilizing a file index card system which could be updated with no difficulty and wo~ld also be more useful to the man i,nstallingthe signs,.', Mr. Kinman advised that according to Mr. John Hudson of Traffi'c''- Engineer'ing, Inc, the program would cost between $8,000 to $12,000 and if funded on a 90/10 basis would cost the city between $800 and $1,200. Resolution Number 75~33 was presented to the Commission and read in full. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING WHITT JOHNSON, CITY MANAGER, TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY APPLICATION INSTRUMENTS TO-APPLY TO THE GOVER-, NORIS OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY AND ANY OTHER AGENCY FOR GRANT FUNDS TO FUND A TRAFFIC ENGINEERING STUDY FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; EMPLOYING THE SERVICES OF TRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC., 3200 SUL ROSS, HOUSTON, TEXAS, TO PREPARE A TRAFFIC ENGINEERING STUDY FOR SAID CITY, u n ~ C\l ,ct:; t.:' :r:: :r: [J n, l: ii J,t 1:\ ..-..Ui~ I WHEREAS, Federal funds have been made available through the State of Texas for Traffic Engineering Studies aimed at the problems defined in the 1966 Nati ona'l Highway Safety Act; and ',' ' ~ :1".;' - ,- -.:. .." \l;t< . WHEREAS, The City6f West University Place desires 'to apply for a grant' for a Traffic Engineering Study to identify the problems, needs and counter- measurers for improving traffic safety; and' ' ,,', , ' , , ' . . . . WHEREAS, the City of West University Place plans to implement the re- commendations of this Traffic Engineering Study, insofar as feasible, for'im- provement to', traffic safety." ' , ", , NOW, 'THEREFORE, 'BE iT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UN~VERSITY pLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Whitt Johnson, City Manager, be and he is hereby, authorized to execute the necessary 'application instruments to' apply to the" Governorts'Office'of Traffic Safety and any other 'agency for grant funds to fund a Traffic Engineering Study for the City of West University Place. ' ' Section '2. That Traffic Engineering, Inc., 3200 Sul Ross, Houston. Texas, be employed on agreed contractural basis to prepare a Traffic Engineering Study for" the City of West University Place.' " Section 3. This Resolution 'shall take effect arid be 'in force immed- iatelY f'rom and after fts passage an'd 'appro'val' by the Mayor. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1975. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, second'ed by COnimissioner Dunn, that Resolution Number 75-33 authorizing the execution of the necessary application to apply' ,~octhe G~vernorts Office of, Traffic Saf~ty for gran~ funds necessary to fund a traffic engineering study,'be approved as read. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commisslon was 'adv;'sedthat Street Superintendent A. L~ Bearden had prepared an estimate indicating that it, would cost app'roximately"$2;000 for lighting'the City Hall Parking Lot and that Mr. John Watson had prepared a landscape illumina- t-ion studY', but that ther'e'wereno speCifications available at th'is' time. This i tern wi 11 'bei nc 1 uded on 'the' agenda for: 'the next regul a'r 'meet i rig of the Ci tyCom- mi ss i on on Monday, December 8th. . .' , A letter was presented to the Commission tha't 'had' been received from Mr. E. Boone Coy, D'lrector, Community Development Agency, advising that 'under the 1974 Housing Act the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) was directed to fund Community Block Grants, and that through a provision known as an "Inter- governmental AgreementU the City of West Universfty' Place could join with Harris Cqunty for participation in t~e ~unding. Motion by Commlssioner Thompson, seconded 'by Commissioner 'Dunn;- that the City Manager be instructed to advise'Mr. Coy' by letter that the Cityfsinte'rested in discussin the Inter-governmental Agreement and will participate in the group meeting when city officials are notified. r I I "11 II II[] It:11lilllll[illIllliiIIill ,lIillll' T 1 , limn', IllID!!IIIUll mum!] .ILlL!l1. ]11 ---C ---I":" ,~ C_,' 'I]'--J 11:04 I - Voting Aye: All -- Voting No: ' 'None The City Manager was instructed to advise members of the Independence'Park Cem- mittee that the city would be investigating the "Inter...governmental Agreement" insofar as receiving Community Block- Grants'wasconcerned';- In accordance with membership requirements'of- the Houston-Ga'lvestonArea,Council the Commission was advised that it was necessary to designate a representative and a'lternate to -- the General Membershi p- 'eody. ' Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thomps'on; that Mayor Pro-Tem Mary Ann Binig be designated as the city's representative to the General Membership Body of the Houston';Galveston Area'Collncil for the year 1976; Voting Aye: All Voting No: None , J u Jr".,." ',h --./',1.' ~'i;.~) . ':~..} . Motion by Commissioner Thompson', seconded'byCommis'sioner Stanley, that Commissioner '.,r Durin be des;-gnated as the city"s alternate repre--sentative'to the Generai Member- ship Body of the Houston-Galveston Area 'Council for the year '1976. Voting Aye: 'All Voting No: None Resolution Number 75-34 was presented to' ,the Commi'ssion and read' in full:' l4HEREAS, C'ity Officials have determined'that it is to the b:est interest of the citizens of this city to continue its membership in ,the Houston-Galveston Area Council; and WHEREAS, the By-Laws of the Houston-Galveston Area Council requires the appo'intment of a' duly elected representa1;iveof each of the governmental' units for ,the year 1976, , . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY ,THE CITY' COMMISSION' OF THE CITY'OF WrST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That, Mayor Pro-Tem Mary Ann Binigbeand she is hereby, designated as its representative to' the Genera,l Membership Body of the 'Houston"'- Galveston'Area Gouncil for-the year'1976. Se'cti'O'Y1'2. " That the official 'Alternate authorized to serve as the voting delegate should the hereinabove named delegate become ineligible, 'or should she resign, is Commissioner Philip A. Dunn. ' Section 3. --That' the Executive Dir'ector of the Houston-Galveston Area Coun'til'be notifi-ed of ,the designation of the'here'i'nabove named delegate and alternate. PASSED -AND'APPROVED' thfs .day' of' , 1975. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that Resolution Number 75-34 designating representatives to-the Gener.al 'Membership Body' of the Houston-Ga 1 veston Area Council; be approved as' read-;. Voting Aye:, All "'Voting No: None o ~_J li v: , (\J. .c.t: ~ - ....... ::r: [l lJ .. '~(1'.\~. b.()!j The Commission was advised that on June 1, 1950, the City Commission had elected to participate in the Texas Municipal Retirement System and that at the present time there are 288 cities participating with a 'total'of 43,884 employees and ' that assets were in excess of $150,000,OOO~ Under the provisions 'of Legis,lative Action in 1975 each member of the TMRS who has current service credit or prior service credit in the system is allowed updated service credit. At the time Of the prep~ration of the 197fr budget and th~ sum of $6,000 was budgeted to permit all eligible employees to receive updated service credit. Such $6,000 was budgeted n~ the basis .of 1.5% increase above th~ 1974 rate, hbwever~ after an actuarial study it was determined that th'e increase would be 1.80% over the previous year's rate, such amount being less than $200.00. Ordfnance Number 10'51 was 'presented to the Commiss'ion and read -in full: AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING TO GRANT, PROVIDING FOR AND ALLOWING, UNDER THE ACT GOVERNING THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL ,RETIREMENT SYSTEM, lIUPDATED SERVICE CREDIT" IN SAID SYSTEM -FOR SERVICE PERFORMED BY QUALIFYING MEMBERS OF SUCH SYSTEM IN THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNI- VERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ELECTING ,AND PRESCRIBING THE ' EFFECTIVE DATE OF SUCH UPDATED' SERVICE CREDITS. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commlssioner Dunn, that ,Ordinance Number 1051 providing for Updated_Service Credit in the Texas Municipal Re- tirement System be approved as read. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A statement in the amount Of $150'.00 was presented to the Commission from City Attorney Charles Cockrell for legal services rendered during the months of July, August and September. ' Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconded bY,Commissioner Thompson, that the City Commission approve payment of the sum of $150.00 to City Attorney Charles Cockrell for legal services during the months of July, August and September. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Cockrell advised the Commission that he had received a telephone call from Mr. Gross of the Department of Justice who advised that iH view of.the city's need to find out something as soon as possible he was making a suggestion for a possible solution. Mr. Gross advised that basically the application could be looked upon in two parts, those that dealt with preCinct and polling place changes and those that dealt with numerous legislative acts~ It was the opinion of Mr. Goss that he could get approval of the two local matters wi,th a relative short time, however, the investigation into the legislative acts could take a much longer period of time. Mr. Cockrell stated that it would be his advice to the City Commission that they wait until after the expiration of the sixty day period prior to call- ing a bond election, Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on November L' . ~ 'l:~ 'I'll: i1 11::tl~m:mlImlilmmli[r i!lliIl . . W;' ,[ Ililllll, It06 I ' IIilllmlillTI J] 1111,1 111 L2IC~ _,1' 1'1 ~-T' '~ !.~ ------- . CJ 11, 1975, were'presented to the Commis~ion for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Safety & Accident Rev'iew Board on Novem- beer n,. 1975, were' presented to the Commiss'ion for their information. MYinutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on November 17, 1975" were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on November 20, 1975 were presented to the Commission for their information, u Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, November 10, 1975, were presented 'for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, November 10, 1975, be approved ;~,{,;;,',:)" as submitted. ' ~~. -II , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None .~...::'!: ".;';...:."1:; With no further business to come before the 'Commission at this timeY, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting 'adjourned at 8:45 p.m. GC1/.~~W~!) liJ ' ayor p , ATTEST: ~Q"~'~ Assistant Cit~ Se~retary u [ ~ C\l .ct Cl == ::t:: lJ u 1'0'1' ., f - '"', ;, . ~.' ~ ... REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION DECEMBER 8, 1975 ", The City Commission conven~d ln' regular session at the City Hall on Monday, December' 8~'1975, 7:30 p.m..with the following members present: Mayor l~alli'n, presiding; Commissioners' Binig, Dunn, Stanley and Thompson. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Inyocation was pronounced b~ Commissioner Stanley. Mr. John Burns, Chairman, Bicentennial Committee, appeared before the Commission to outline the proposed "Avenue of Flags" and IIColonial Road" displays planned by the Committee as part of the city's participation in the Bicentennial celebration during 1976. Mr. Burns stated that the theme of the display would be "1~est Uni- versity Place, The City of One Hundred Flags"; > ,. Mr. Burns advised the Commi'ssion that the Comm'ittee proposed to request that re- sidents purchase flags of their choice, but such request could not be'made until af'ter the holidays and the flags shauldbe ordered during 'the month of December to insure delivery prior to April 1st when plans called for; their'mounti'ng on light standards throughout the 'city. Mr. Burns stated "that by placing an order with Capital Flag Company, a local flag supplier, for the fifty (50) state flags and with a Chica'go fi rm for the Benni ngton Fl ags, total cost of the fl ags shoul d be approximately $2,400.00. ;J;~_ Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the Bicen- tennial Committe~ be authorized to order one hundred (100)" flags for the Bi- centennial celebration at a cost not to exceed $2,400, and that the city under- write" the cost of the flags. ' ': " t ' Motion amended by Commissioner Thompson, accepted by Commisser Stanley, that the city will guarantee 'purchase of the flags. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Bill Perlmutter, 3111 Bissonnet, appeared before the Commission to request., permission for the construction of a fence at 31'09 Bissonnet to pr'event persons waiting at a bus stop from trampling flower beds, prevent cut-through of a vacant ldt to resi~ences onWrbxton Rciad, and to ~revent the blowirig of trash in the front yards of townhouses located in the area. . . , ' Following 'a general discus'sian regarding the 'h'eed to view the area where the fence is proposed for constru'ction and the surrounding fenc'e location, it was the decision of the City Commission to give further consideration to Mr. Perlmutter's request at the next regular meeting of the, ,City Commission on December 22, 1975. City Tax Assessor/Collector Robbie R. Barnett presented the Commission a report "indicating that current tax' collections through December 5, 1975 are $416,232.62 . representingAl.42% 'o'f 'the 1975 tax levy of $1,015;434.91, less Old Age exemptions deducted at the time! 'of payment of'$10,468.20 and' coiTIpares to $364.200.90 or 48.03% collected, fO'r'the same period 'in 1974. . , " Mr. Barnett 'also presen'ted a sChedule listing each subdivisiori sliowingthe riumber of certifications for exemption of those property owners age 65 or over to be 1,118. 1 " ,I. ~ ,--::-:-:1 ~~ ~ -.--- , ::iL,:::--::L.~~_L___,-----.UI[ III'],) Jl::ljlililllllllllilliilllllIi .llllill : I IIWJL i t~ i/a 8 I ..I'~ ' JlllllWJlmlWlllllllll1 III IL II ;J: II _.J Commi ssioner Thompson advi sed" the Comnii ss i on that the sum of $375 ,000 had been placed in Fann;n Bank ;n a Certificate of Time Depos;t eVen though the interest rate quoted was not as high as thatquot'ed by'Chemical ,Bank inasmuch as all of the city's other Certificates are on deposit with Chemical Bank. The Commission was 'advised that, the current appointment, of ,Associate Municipal Court'Judge CHarles Orsburn had expired and in a.ccordancewith the provisions of the City Charterre-appointment was necessary in order for him to be qualified' to relieve Municipal Court Judge Robert Dunn. ' . Motion by Commissioner Thompson; seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that Ass'Ociate Municipal Court Judge Charles Orsburn be re-appointed for an additional sixty (60) day'term. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was presented an invoice in the'amount 'of $2',241.68, dated October 31,1975, from Mitchell, Carlson and Associates, Inc. for professional services rendered on pla'ns for the'recreat'ional development of, Case Park. Motion by 'Commissioner Thompson,-seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that the invoice submitteCl by Mitchell, 'Carl son & Associ atesin the amount' of $2,24'1. 68 for re- creational developm~nt of Case Park be approved' for payment. Voting Aye: . All 'Votin~No: None An evaluation of the city's park and recreation facilities prepared by Mr. Ronald Lehman was presented to ,the Comtni ssi on together with a statement 'Of ,expenses' i n- curred by Mr ~Lehmali i i1 the amount of $268'.84. ' " Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconded by Commissioner Stanley; that, the state'-' ment of expenses submitted by Mr. Ronald Lehman in the amount of $268.84 be ap- proved for payment~ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The City Manager was instructed to request that members of the Parks and Recrea- tion!DepartmentreviewMr. Lehmants report and present th'eir recommendations to the eityCommission about the middle of February. Following 'a review of rates charged for mowing of certain vacant lots', and a re- commendation that the current rateof'$O.Ol '~er square foot with a minimum charge of $60.00 on an annual basis be increased to $O,Ol~ per square foot with a minimum charge of $75.00: onanan'nua'l basis, ,it wais ,the 'dec;-sionof the' City Commission 'that they; 'be 'furnished copies 'of the current ordinance with recommended changes for furtherc'onsi dera t i on by the Commi ssi on. ' The Commission was~advised that for many years it had been the city's policy to distribute premiums paid on insurance pol ic;-es to insurance agents l-i'ving in the city and owni'ng property, provided they met 'certain requi.rements for parti c;-pation fn the program'. In 1971, the City Commission took action "to publish legal notice in the Southwestern Argus stating that all interested insurance agents meeting the required criteria should apply in writing annually to participate. Motion by Commissioner'Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that notice be I 1: _ [J .:?";;. .j'-{- ~.~) " , ~" ," v..~~ ':-;;'..,; o o n C": N ~ t.:r =- ::r:, o [l VQ.,gl published in the Southwestern Argus and-City Currents advising eligible agents to apply in writing for participation in the distribution of insurance premiums and that this 1tem be included on the regular City Commission agenda on January 26th. Voting Aye: A11 Voting No: None Attention of the Commission was called to fees charge for licenses, daily board and impoundment of animals, noting that'such,feeshad not been increased for a" number of years, ,and that costs to the city hadri sen. It was recommended that the daily board charge be increased from:$0.15 to $1.00; that the fee for an annual license tag be increased from $2.00 to $5.00; and that the impoundment fee be increased from $5.00 to $10.00 in,an effort to deter residents from turning dogs loose after regular working hours for the Humane Officers. Motion by Commissioner Thompson,secpndedby Commissioner Stanley, that the fee for daily board be increased to $1.00; that the annual license fee remain $2.00; and that a charge of $5.00, be made to: retrieve an animal from the pound with each additional offense within- a thirty (30). day period costing $10.00. . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that in an effort to secure delivery of two truck units ordered from Joe Myers Ford based on bids received, by the City Commission on . January 13, 1975,--JoeMyers Ford had proposed that'the price increase affected by Ford MotorCompanyon-'each of these units, as well as a truck which had been de- liveredin June, be added to,the bid, price of the 1976 model truck, such increase being approximately $-1,500.00 more than the bid price on the three, units. Motion by Commissioner Dunn, that a check be sent by r'~gistered mail to Joe Myers Ford, Inc. in ,the amount of the prices bid on the three (g) units, with a request ,for immediate delivery of the -remaining, two units. Motion died for lack of a second. Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, ,that a 'check ,be sent by registered mail to Joe Myers Ford, Inc. for the bid price of the unit on which de 1 i very had, been -recei ved. . Voting Aye: All Voting No. None Motion 'by, Gommi ssioner Thompson, seconded-by ,Commiss'ioner Stanl ey, that a check be sent by registered mail to Joe Myers Ford, Inc. for the amount oLthebid pri-ce, on ,the two units not delivered requesting immediate delivery,. Voting Aye: None Voting No: All r' Motion by Commissioner T-hompson, seconded by,Gommissioner Stanley, that the City Manager ,be instructed to' write ,a letter, to 'Joe, Myers Ford, ..Inc. and demand that- they del iver the other two truck uni tsforwhi ch their bid was accepted wi-thin ten (10) days. Voting Aye: Dunn -Stanley ", Thompson . Wallin. ,Voting No: Binig. l' I _f ' TII] ]j]'["m;llIlimlllllilllm I I Irmll ["-----' -.JII ",11illJ11 , '1110' ! - < JllUlIIIHlml[IJ 11111.1. II; tIll -,-m :1 i 1.1; Ii I I ii, I,' l:'...!::t1~! j, I A request wa~ presented to the'tity Commi'ssion for auth6rlza:ti'On toadyerti se Tor bid"s' for the-fo'llowing equipment. app'roved in",the": 197.6 'b'udaet, . \ . . . . ........ , L",' '!o:o' Department Ci1y Manager's, Office. Police Department F;re--Department ' Inspection Department Street' Department . Sanitation 'Department __ Item Automobile Replacement F6~r (4) Patrol Cars ' : . TeJ e-Care U'nit " Service Body for Plckup Automobile. Replacement' 24,000 G-VW, Cab & Chassis 25,500 GVW Cab & Chassis Pick~p Truck Re~lacement Packer Body . Two Pl ckup Truck' Repl~cenien'ts Water Department' Budgeted Cost..!, u . 3,000. 00 ,1 2 ,000. 00 ,5,000,00' ' 1,100.00 , 3 ~ 500 . 00 , 8,200.00" 16,000.00 4,000:00 7,000.00 . 6,,400.00 . :. ....~ ~. ~ ,;';; ',;I}" :,:,i1. ~~~ ....~.,,~' , , , , Motion by Commissioner Thompson" seconded, by Commissioner, B.inig,that the .Ci,ty Manager be authorized to advertise' for bids to' De received on January 26thf'or the equipment as, set out on the December 8th City Commission agenda. Voting Aye: All '....;.:."1 Voting No: None City Attorney Char.1 e's ,Cockrell advised the Commi ssion that HO,use Bi JT '275 pro": vided for uriifo,rm eleCtlon dates; hdwever, an interpretation of how the Bill relate.d to the, West Uriiversity municipal elec,tion was difficult and ",su'b,sequent, 'to corresp.ondetice with- the Secretary of State's office ,the Texas L,egi sl at;ve" . Counci 1 and the Offi ce of the Attorney General, he was advi sed that the next ' Oil regular meeting of a Mayor and City Commission for West University should be held in January, ,1977. The Commission was presented lett'ers from Fire Chlef Ben Wilcher to the Chief of Police and from the Fire Department on-duty personnel on Saturday, December ,6, 1975, when a fire was reported at 3505 Sunset Boulevard. Both letters ~raised quick action of Police Officer~. C. Wallace and R. B. Cahill for the rescue of a victim in the resldence.', - , Mayor Wallin stated that he would direct letters of commendation from the City Commission to each of the officers. Assistant City Manager Dan .Edwards reported to the Commission tha,t the total cost for.the operation of the thirty-yard bin located at the Water Pl~ntfor disposi- tion by residents ,of items not ,normally picked up by the Sanitation'Departmen,t, had been $543.00, with a total of $278.00 collected through the sale of permits for use of the container. .~ayor Wallin advi.sed members of the Commission that he had receiv,ed notice from the Texas Water Quality Board advisi.ng of a publ ic heari'ng notice .on December 18, 1975, :and that consulti.ng engineer. Dieter Ufer had made arrangements for city officials to inspect reports and analysls of the' Texas Water Quality Board in Austin on Friday, December 12th at 10:00 a.m. The City Manager 'was requested to instruct, Mr. John Hudson of Traffi c Engineers, IIJ Inc. to prepare an agreement for consideration by theCommjssion for preparation of a proposed traffic study. It was suggested that Mr.. Hudson be further requested to st4dy any projections concerning increased traffic that may have been prepared lJ ~ N , to. ~ - -' 0::' o [ i: ;f~- ..~ __/.u.)i by Rice University or Greenway Plaza, Commissio.ner Stanley requested that co.nsideration be given to preparing future Commissio.n agendas to. include nCo.ncerns of the City Commission!' earl ier in each meeting. ' It was the decision of the Commission to. meet. at 6:30, p.m. on Thursday, December 11th to. consider an ordinance regarding,ambulance,and first aid service. Commissioner Binig advised members of the Commission that she had attended meetings of the Houston-Galveston Area Counci,l'where.new ,regulations for community develop- ment block grants to discretionary applicants had been discussed and where repre- sentatives to the Executive Committee' had been elected. . . ,',' ," Commissioner::Binig requested that the City Co.mmission"consider the .ordi.nance per- mitting the construction of an:,eight (81~) foot fence at, eithe'r its regular meet- ing on December 22nd or the,-first meeting :in, January., Commissioner Binig adv.ised the Commiss'i,on. that plans had ,been made for a city..,wide Christmas party on December 23rd which :would begin with caroling at 6:30 and culminate at the Community BuHding.: Minutes of theregul-ar meeting of. the Cft:y:-> ,Commission ,an. Novemb~r 24th were pre- sented and the followinga.ction taken,: Mation' by Comniissioner,.Thompsan, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commis- s i on ,on November 24, 1975, -be approved as s,ubmi tted. . "Voting Aye:, All Vottng No: None With no. further business to come before the Cammissian at this time, upan motian duly made, secandedand carried, the meeting adjaurned at 10:35 p.m.~ .Q~dQ {J)(~)otfL./l fV1ayor ' / ATTEST: ~K~~... Ass is tant Ci'tj-S--ecretary ~~ o.-i ,-", l"~'.'r_ =.m~n"."""""""" Ill~jL , ' If 112 ~~IIIII~Jlmml 1111111111. II: LJ~_ i IWlLLLJ, :1 _J REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION DECEMBER 22. 1975 ", ' The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, December 22, 1975,6:30 p.m., with the following, members present:, Mayor Wallin, presiding;.Commis,sioners Binig, Dunn,'and Thompson. The City At- torney and City Manager were also present. 'Commissioner Stanley was out of the city. " ~ . . The ~nvocation was pronounced by May~r:Wallin. , , In accordance with action of the City Commission on December 8, 1975, Mr. Bill Perlmutter, 3111 Bissonnet" appeared before the Commission in behalf of his request for permiS'sion to,' constr,uct a fence at 3109, Bissonnet to prevent persons waiting at a'- b'us stop, from trampling flower beds and blow- ing trash from littering frorit yards in th~ towhhouse are~. ' . ~ - . . . . . . ~ - . By means of photog,raphs a'nd, an~ opaq'ue, projector, t.he Commission was shownth,e' proposed location ofCthe fence with regard to 'an existing 'fence inthe area, and the property lines. Mr. Perlmutter again assured the Cpmmission that t~e proposed fence would be removed at the time a to.wnhouse was ,constructed on the, adjacent, lot,t,iting the riecessity for such .removal inasmuch asa new townhousewoul d us,e,~ cqmlJlon qri veway wi ththe existing townhouse,. , ' . . . . . . , . Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded b.YCommissioner Dunn, that 'Mr. Bill Perlmutter be permitted to construct a temporary fence in accordance, with hi s plans for such fence, such fence to be removed at the req'uest of the City Commission. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was presented a letter received from Mr. David Allums, Chairman, Council on Aging, setting forth results of interviews held by the Council for the position of Director of the program. It was the Council IS recommendation that Mrs. Marilyn Paxton, 3838 Durness, be employed as Director of the program at a sa~ary of'$450.00 per month for a thirty-hour, six hour per day working schedule. ' , Resolution Number 75-34 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, by Resolution Number 75-29 the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, established a Council on Aging; and WHEREAS, the Council on Aging desires the city to employ an indivi- dual to serve as Administrator of the program designed ~y, the CO,uncilon Aging; and WHEREAS, after interviewing various individuals, said Council on Aging has recommended the employment of Mrs. Marilynpaxton to serve in the capacity of Director. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: . ~ .~.2::2i, u <_~'t" ,,' ~~~ .."l~ ':. .~..f:....J " '. <:~>J- <~~ o n n M ~ c.c ~ - -' :c:: o II --------- l.'1f ~ I .I,~~~~ I Section 1. That there is hereby established and created the position of Director of the Council on Aging of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2.. That- the ~,ndi'v,;-dual appointed'to suc::h positiorr shall re- port to the City Manager, and sha 11 have' such: dufi es and responsibi'l iti es as ' assigned by the City ~ommissi~n and Cou~cil on Agi~g. PASSED AND APPROVED this 'day'of , 1975. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that Resolution Number 75-34 creating the position of Director of the Council on Aging be ap- proved as read. Voting Aye: All, . Voting No: . None Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that Mrs. Marilyn Paxton, 3838 Durness Way~ be employed as Director of the:Counc'il 'on Aging as recommended by the City Manager and Council on Aging, in accordance with the provisions contained in a letter dated December 11, 1975~ from Mr. David Allums, Chairman, Council on Aging. Voting Aye: All 'Voting No: None Ordinance Number 1052 was presented,to the Commission and read in, full: AN ORDINANCE ELECTING A SINGLE COMPOSITE PARTICIPATION DATE FOR ,ALL DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY'OFI~EST' UNIVERSITY. PARTICIPATING IN THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM TO BE USED FOR CALCULATON OF NORMAL AND PRIOR 'SERVICE CONTRIBUTION RATES AND FOR DETERMINATION OF FUNDING PERIODS OF CERTAIN OBLIGATIONS TO THE TEXAS 'MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM. Motion by Commissi'oner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that Ordinance Number 1052 be approved as read~ Voting Aye: All ; Voting No:, None Ordinance, Number 1053 w~s,presented to the Commission and read in flill: AN ORDINANCE.AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 1021 WHICH APPROVED ' THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1975, AND ADOPTED ON AUGUST 26~ 1974. . . " : ' Motion by 'Commissioner Thompson, 'seconded by Commissioner ,Dunn, 'thatOrdiriance Number 1053' be approved as read. Voting Aye: All', , . 'Voting No: None Resolution Number 75-35 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City Commi ssi on has through the bU,dget proc~ss and r I. :i, I r! I ilL dlul]]!:]] IIIlllllJ1ll11IilIIIII ~-- 11[11I11, ' __ ....J!~ ,__ IlilllL '~ 1-14 ,~lIlllllillJlmlW ,1.1[ 1!III,ll Iii I L 1 I ~~ ' 1" 'L I L~l appropriate aCJion, designated'certain proJects and'program$ which have, not been', accompli shed,. 'nor funds expended; and WHEREAS,- it is the desi re of the CityCommi ssion to encumber certain funds' for these specific projects'and programs; and WHEREAS, it will provide accounting guidelines, which the City Treasurer may establish to properly eRcumber said funds for future expendi- ture. ' NOW; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ,BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WESTiUNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section". 'That funds for the following projects and programs be encum?ered for future expenditure as deemed advisable by the City Commission: T. Col on'i a 1 Park $ 35.630.22 2. ' Future Land Purchase 12,013.78 3. Traffic Controls, Signs, Equipment 24.900.00 and 'Engineering 4. Reserve for Replacement of City Hall 10,000.00 Air Conditioning System 5. ReserVe Fund' fbrFire Truck Replacement 32,500.00 6. Counci 1 on Ag'i ng 3,210.00 7. Tele~CareUnit' for Fire Department 7,500.00 Ambulance . Section 2. This Res'oTution'shall take effect and be i'n force immed..: iately from and after 'its passage and approval by the Mayor'. PASSED AND APPROVED this , 1975. day of The Commission was advised that 'memoers' had previously been furnished a copy' of a letter dated December 11, 1975, received from Chief Richard Kesselus submitting hisresignatiori as ChiefofPoliceuof the City of t4est University Place. " i 'Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner ,Binig, that the written resignation of Chief Richard Kesselus, dated December 11, 1975, as Chief of Police of the City of11estUniversity Plac~; be accepted with regret; that he be paid his authorized salary for the month of January, 1976, which will include payment for all vacation, longevity and other benefits earned; and that Chief Kesselus be relieved of duty effective ,5:00 p.m., Monday, January 5, 1976. Voting Aye; All Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that the City i, ] .....'"{. .~~:. :~-~. : ~~~ .-."",:. c u n Cj N IW e - -' :c o n ,,-.,..,. Jj~l51 Attorney be authorized'to prepare a Resolution commendihg'Chief Richard Kesselus for his outstanditlg 'serVice and tenure as Chief of' Pol ice of the City of' West UniversityP'~ace. ' Voting Aye: All :" 'Votin:g No~ None' Motion by Commissioner Thompson, se"conded by Commiss"ioner 'Binig" that 'the City' Manager be authorized to recommend for appointment a,qualified individual to' serve as interim Chief of Police until the selection and appointment of a Chief of Pol ice. ,.' . ," Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Following a general discussion with' regard to qualifications' to the individual to be appointed as interim Police Chief; candidates available within the De- partment;an'd" the need for confinuity within tne'Department~ it was' the de- . cision 'of.the City Commission to have a "personnel m'eetingon Thursday, January 8, 1975, 7:30 p.m. ' In accordance with a previous request of the City Commission copies of Ordi- nance Number 993 establishing rates to be charged for mowing of certain vacant lots were presented together with copies of ' an ordinance'inc'orporating changes that arebelievea will be beneficial in' adm;':nistering 'the program. . Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that Ordinance Number 1054 establishing rates to be charged for mowing vacant lots be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None . A report:w~s':;~ppesented to ,the Commission on the Publ ic Hearing held by the Texas Water Quality Board on' Thursday, December 19th. Included was a review of recommendations made by TWQB; a letter received from the City of Houston stating that 300,000 gallons of Houston sewage effluent now going into the city's plant will be diverted in February upon completion of Houston's southwest plant; and the differing opinions regarding the expiration date of the city's Permit for the discharge of effluent into Braes Bayou. It was noted that the Hearing Examiner requested an additional fourteen (14) days before making a decision in the case. . Minutes of the regul ar meeting Qf the Safety & Ac~-'den't': R~vi ew Board On Decem..; ber 8, 1975, were presented to the Commission for their information. Following comments regarding accidents involving garbage trucks being driven by other than licensed, assigned drivers it was suggested that the city reinstitute a previous program of assistance ,to personnel of the Sanitation Department in obtaining driver's licenses," City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that he had a conference with Mr. Frank McCreary and was advised that if no objections were received from the Justice Department prior to December 28th, plans should be made to call and hold the proposed bond issue electinn; , Mr. Cockrell further stated that Mr. McCreary would forward a letter to the Commission setting forth such procedure. . ,.,.".,..-. , ...., f ~mc' . 1~'l'!iH '"'I"Ur?"1'l!IIlilW1 rr-:-::-.J. . --.....er::J.-' jI . II '1",[,111 Jnr:rililllII:DllillUlllrr I" ItlIIIII "1(: , IIU il t~"t6 I '.' UllliWlWl.lUllU, II , 'L1L ~J.'t j i>~I=-:=J A review of the 1976 winterrecreatfon'jJrogram classes and fe'es planned by the 'Recreatio'n Department., to' oegin on January' 19,-1976;--indicated that some U members of the Commission believe some fees to be excessive. The City , Manager was requested to ask the Recreation Department for a complete break- down'of costs inVolved in the various classes and reasons for high charges. Minutes of the reg'ul'ar 'meeting>' of the Electrical Board on Deceinbe'r 15.1975; werepresen'ted t'o :the 'Commission for their informati.on~ . "., . , . , " Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on December 9, 1975, were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on December 8, 1975, were presented and the 'following action taken: " . .:::....":t .; .-;- '~l:; " , ~,10tion by Commissi'oner Dunn, seconded by Commiss'ioner Binig, that minutes of, the regular meeting of the City Commission on December 8, 1975. 'be approved' as submitted. .J.";1 ~J '1.~ <:1J>'" ::,..,:;:';j ..... .."'~. .;"..r::', _-~-_i Voting Aye! All" Vot;-ng No: None With no further' business to c'ome before the Commfssion at this tame; upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the me'eting adjourned at 8:'05 p.m. . QadwwJLJ ' 'Mayor' , , . . . . . o ATTEST: ~u~ Assistant City Secretary . !, u