HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1974 fJ LJ t...... 00 In ~ ~ ~ o o I" ' , ,,'-" .'" 1 ~' REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JANUARY 14, 1974 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, January 14, 1974, 7: 30p .m., -with the following members present: Mayor Harris, presiding; Connnissioners Binig, Stanley, Underwood and Way. The City Attorney and City Mana - ' ger were also present. . The Invocation was pronounced by Connnissioner Stanley. Mr. Paul W. Wallin, 3311 Albans Road, advised the Connnission that it was his desire to review charges made for participation in the city's recreation program. Mr. Wallin reviewed the recently published Parks & Recreation DepartInent brochure stat- . ing that it was his belief that by cutting down on the fees paud to referees offi- ciating at volleyball and soft ball games; awarding smaller and less expensive trophys; and cutting the 'league into two' s-ections for a shorter season would all prove advant- ageous in lowering participant costs. Mr. Wallin further stated that it was his opinion that non-resident participation in the program should be limited. Mr. Mike Parks, Chairman of the Parks & Recreation Board, stated thatat the board's meeting all of Mr. Wallin's connnents would be carefully considered and costs of the program cut any place where possible without hurting the overall program. Connnissioner Stanley stated that it was his thought that costs of the 'recreation program should be cut where possible, but that it should be pointed out that this was the first time tIc city has had a full tiIne recreation program with a director, and that the program should be completely established prior to cost cutting. Mrs. Frances Bluntzer, Director of the Senior Citizen's Program, appeared before the Connnission to' review the activities of the Senior Citizens. Mrs. Bluntzer ad- vised that the group met each Monday from ten until two t generally brought a sack lunch; and played bridge and dominoes. Mrs. Bluntzer further stated that a trip to Austin had beeen planned for the group on February 14th with Representative Kay Bailey meeting the bus when it arrived in Austin and as a surprise for the group, Lady Bird Johnson would also meet the bus. Motion by Connnissioner Binig, seconded by Connnissioner Underwood, that the following be appointed as members of the Plumbmm Board of the city: Mr. Ronald L. Raylor, 3131 Tangley Mr. Roy P. Harper, Jr., 4038 Marquette Mr. Gerald Kerbow, 2630 University Mr. Sam Speich, 4021 Byron Mr. Peter D'Alessandro, Jr., 2704 Pittsburg Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Harris adnri.nistered the Oath of Office to each of the above as members of the Plumbing Board. Mayor Harris advised the Board that it :might be well for them to hold a short organizational meeting to elect a chairman and discuss future plans in their function' as a Plumbing Board. Mr. Ronald Shoup, a member of the Enviromnental Improvement Connni ttee advised the Connnission that a meeting had been held with Mr. Peter Papademetriou, Associate Pro- r-- "1 ~ -., " "r . I . . .. .-, .If "4< 1jl:.. .1:._ II, ------. ....J 11,1 i -c=rr - r ---" 1. : . ,:; _ _l_4-h,,&1!- fessar af RireUniversity Schaal af Arqutecture and an agreement reached wheregy Mr. James McDonald would do. the necessary feasibility research on the Independence Park praject. Resalution Number 7 4-1 was presented to. the Cannnissian and read in full: o WHEREAS, TI-IE City Cannnissian has autharized the Enviranmental Impravement Connnittee to. make certain investigatians cancerning the develapment af Paar Farm Ditch into. a develapment to. be knawn as Independence Park; and WHEREAs, the Cannnittee has cantacted the Harris Caunty Flaad Cantrol engineer seeking his advice as to. procedure; and WHEREAS, a report has been prepared and submitted by Attarneys William Galbreath and Haward Ayers cancerning legal awnership af praperty with respect to. easements and right-ai-ways; and WHEREAS, the City Cannnissian and the Cannnittee have heretafare discussed the de- sirability of abtaining prafessianal services cancerning the feasibility af the praject and the likelihaad of assigning a student prajectat he Schoal af Archi- tecture af Rice University; and WHEREAS, certain agreements and cannni tments have been made taward accomplishing the abave; and WHEREAS, Peter C. Papademetriau, Assaciate Prafessor, Rice Schaol af Architecture, hatsdbeten ca~taCtte~thbYt~eRi~amrruu't~ee aJ?-dt hsashagrleedf Arta hia~stignt and ~upervl ~se at. 0" s u en praJec Wl He ce nlversl y c 0.0. a c ec ure, mva vmg cer am research wark, as autlined in Letter Agreement dated January,4, 1974, between the City and Peter C. Papademetriau; and WHEREAS, research wark is to. be perfarmed by James McDonald, an Assistant af Peter C. Papademetriau; for which Mr. McDonald is to. receive $2,400.00 to. be paid in three equal payments af $800.00 cash in January, February and March 1974. NOW, nIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY nIE CITY COM.1ISSION OF TI-IE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the Mayor be, and he is hereby autharized to execute an Agree- ment_on behalf af the City to. implement the abave state purpases, as mare fully set farth in a Letter Agreement dated January 4, 1974, between the City af WEst University Place and Riee University Schaal af Architecture, a capy af which is made Exhibit A, attached hereto. and made a part hereaf far all purpases. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1974 Cannnissioners Vating Aye: Cannnissianers Vating No.: / s/ Dan E. Harris Mayar. All Nane ArrEST: /s/ Lee Lackard Assistant City Manager o Motian by Cannnissianer Way, secanded by Cannnissianer Binig, that Resalution Number o il' 74-1 authorizing Mayor Harris to execute a Letter Agreement with Rice University School of Architecture for research work to be performed by Mr. James McDonald under the supervision of Professor Peter C. Papademetriou, be approved as read. Voting A,ye:, All Voting No: None , . .~, . In accordance.withprevious action of the City Connnission bids'received for furnishing e1evEm automotive and truck units for use by various departments of the city were opened and results announced as follows: . \ i. \ . L.l '-~I:kn'/-," I,. IIi1 i"r:- Ilr .. m .~"._ ~ ...." . . '--""'T~;-":':~'l'n 1'~ 1, -.,... 16'1 111. . .1'.. 111--- ~-~~L ,~ ---.lJI.I r ~1 - I - III i 71 UNIT NO. COMPANY BASEBID* 'lB8J2Ii' IN NET PRICE 0 11 Joe Myers Ford 5,715.66 525..00 5,190.66 WATER Letson -Davis Chevrolet' 5,950.57, 405'.00 5,545,57 DEPT. Courtesy Chevrolet 5,537.34 '150.00 ' 5,587.34 Luke Johnson Ford 6,088.66 350.00 5,738.66 Jack Roach Ford 6,298.97 300.00 '5,998.97 '--, *Base Bid did not meet our specifications in all cases. t.... 'Xl lD '-::> ~ Q o a . ~"-'~-'-'.-. Motion by Comnissioner Underwood, ?econded'by Connnis$ioner, Binig, that'b;ids re- ceived for delivery of eleven automotive and truck units be referred to the City Manager and his staff for tabulation and reconnnendation for purchase be presented at the next regular meeting- of the City Comnission. . V9ting Aye: All Voting No: None The one bid received for furnishing. one new electric typewriter for use in the Admmistrative DePartment. was opened and results announced as follows: I.B.M. - One Selectric II Typewriter $567.00' Motion by Cominissioner Stanley, seconded by Connnissioner Way, that the bid of LB.M. for furnishing one Selectric II typewriter for a total bid price of $567.00 be accepted. Voting Aye: AJ,1 Voting No: ' None Bids received for furnishing one new street sweeper for use by the Street Depart... ment were opneed and results annount as follows: Base Bid Trade In .Net Price Plains. ' R. B. EVerett 19,650.00 19,215.00 4,522.00 3,500.00 15,128.00 15,715.00 Motiontby Comnissioner Way, seconded by Connnissioner Stanley, that the bids re- ceived fgr furnishing one.new street sweeper be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and a reconnnendation for purchase be presented to the City Connnission at the next regular meeting. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Bids received for furnishing four three-drawer Montisa side files with a top to cover all four, weE opened and results arinounced as follows: " L ,----", . " "It .,---'''- ~- -. - ... " ~T8"'L 11! ..~ L _ . 111---- , 1_.. ,,' ...--..l~ - ~'I , T 4 ,-, CABINETE;, 0, CABINET TOP BIDDER "EACH' , 'TOTAL' " , , , 'TOTAL' , , ''l'O'l'~'\.L 'BID :, Ii Litton Office Prod. $177.45 $709.80 . $ 79.20 $ 789'. '00 U Mayer Offic~ Furn. 210.00 840.00 . 18.48 -73..92 913,.72 Shaw-WaJ,ker ~40.61 962 ~ 44 .' 87.69 1050.13 Stationers, Inc. 205.50 822.00 84.60 )06.60 SW Stationers, Inc. 210.60 842.40 ' 68.50 ' 910.90 Wilson 310.80 ' 1243.20 115.83 1358.53 Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner'Binig~ that the low bid of $789.00 submitted by Litton Office Produ~ts Cent~rs,be accepte~s,ubj~ct to confirmation that'the bid meets city specifications. Voting Aye: All , , ' Vot;ing No: , ' No.ne In accordance with Article XXVI, Section 15 of the City Charter, the Commission was advised that it was necessary that an official newspaper be designated for publishing l~gal notices, ordinances an 9. other city notices~ A schedule show- ing comparativec~arges mad~ by the Houston, Chronicle,Ho~ston,Post, and ~outh-, western Argus for legal notice was presented t6'theCommisslon~ ' . '. " ' . , . , Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the Southwestern Argus andHoust9nChronicl~ be designated as official newspapers of the City of West Univ~r~ity Place for th~ fiscal year 1914. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o Mayor Harris thanked Southwestern Argus reporter Sara George for covering all meetings of the City Co~ission and reporting tO,West Univ~rsity residen~s. . ,'j. A list of agents who have requested that their names be certified as being eligible to participate in the premi~ distribution of insurance commissions paid by the' city during the year i973~ was presetited'for consideration. A letter dated January 11, 1974, from Comiskey Insurance Company stated that to date a total df$1,291.57 had been accumulated for distribution to eligible agents. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the follow- ing receive a pro-rata share of insurance co~i~sions paid by the city during the fiscal year 1973: ' ~ '.. Mr. Jom E. Boyd Mr. Charlie Brown Mr. Jobn Cornelius Mr. W:ynne Creekmore' Mr. Joe Eason Mr. Aubrey Frye Mr. T. P. Hewitt Mr. Fred E. Hughes Mr. J. A. Measom, Sr. Mr. Robert Overstreet Mr. S. W. Ramey Mr. Jack R. Rawson Mr. Fred Rhodes, Jr. Mr. Hollis Waldt rl U Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o l.... ~ ~ '-";) o Q o o II' 1" " " ~ The Commission was advised that the Investment Committee appointed by the 'City Commission' for the investment of current funds had invested the sum of $1'40 ;000 in the Southern National Bank on December 18, 1973, at.an interest rate of 9.375% for a period of 59 days, and on January 4, 1974, had investe-d $200.,000 in the Southern National Bank at an interest rate of 9.375% and $300~000 in the River Oaks Bank at an interest rate of 9.375%, both for a period of 59 days. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the Investment Committee appointed by the City Commission composed of Mayor Don Harris, Commissioner Peter Way, City -Manager Whitt Jolmson and City Treasurer William Di~tert, Jr., become a permanent committee to function uritilNovember, 1974. Motion amended by CommissibnerStanley, accepted by Commissioner Underwood ahd Commissioner Binig, that the Investment Committee submit a report to the Commis- sion following each investment made by the Committee at the next regular meeting. ,Voting Aye: All Voting No:' None The City'Manager was requested to adVise all members of the Commission of avail- able funds for investm~nt prior to action being taken by the Investment COimnitfee. Ascheduieof rates charged for general admission and season tickets to the West University swimming 'pool for the years 1956 through 1973 was presented to the Commission. ' Motion by Commissioner Binig,secondedby Commissioner Stanley, that rates charged for both general admission and season tickets for the 1974 swimming pool season reIilain,the same ,as those cha:rged in 1973'" Le.,-'single ticket,' $12.00; family of two " $17.,00; family' of three , $22. 00 ;., fa.Ii1ily 'of four or 'five,- $27.00; and Tairiily of six or more, $30.00. General admission fees will remain 35if; for children 5 through 15 with adult general admission being 75if;. Voting Aye: All VbtingNb: 'None The City Manager was requested to gather information in regard to a new chlorinator for the swimming pool and also investigate the possibility of the installation of heating equipment for the pool for presentation at the next regular meeting of the City Commission. ' . . Following,.a 'general discussion with regard to proposals made by Wilbur Smith & Associates and Traffic Engineers" Inc. to evaluate the effect of traffic circulat- ion in West University as a result of the Edloe overpass" the City Manager was instructed to discuss with representatives of each firm specific areas in an attempt to lower costs of the survey;' to obtain any related records already developed by Greenway Plaza; and to talk with people for whom the engineers had worked, especially: representatives of Hunters Creek Village and' include 'results of his investigation as an agenda 'item for, the next Commission meeting. A sketch prepared by Mr~ RoY- Harper, architect, as 'agent for the1West University Baptist Church was presented to the Committee~ The sketch of the parking lot plan proposed for construction on Lot' 6 and Vi '1/2 of Lot 7 ,Block 17, College View First Addition showed proposed parking spaces for 24-cars, screening and a 3r front set- back. ' 1,L I": ....J._ I It il'~~1 r--- . --Ill . .. -. r, ~. '" 1 Ii 11" 80 'L IJI ..,1'.., 11,-- L ..,_~,__ '____..'__'~-r_--, 1'1 ," ' Following a discussion with regard to the setback it was the decision of the 0' Commisslon'that the -sketch be returned,to' the architect with 'a request that" the parking ,spaces be- cut in siz.efrom 9' 3" to an even. 9' and that parking spaees, 1 and 13 be eliminated, thereby givinga15' front building line on the property. It was also requested that ,the architect 'provide drainage for the prope"rty, other than by meaI!s of the driveway, and resubmit to the City Commis-' sion for approval on January 28,1974. ,The City Manager advised that a seminar was to be held 'by the Texas Municipal League ,in Austin on Friday, Janu/3.ry 18th -with regard to a statewide program of wor:k:men 's'c~ompensation insurance. coverage. Mr. Johnson stated that participat- ion in such program coUld save the city a great deal of money and it was his des desire to attend the meeting and requested that City Attorney Charles Cockrell Accompany, him,. Assistant City Manager Dan Edwards advised the Commission that proper action had been taken at the meeting of the Safety and Accident Review Board a't its regular meeting on January 8, 1974, to request the City Commission to purchase a 16mm sound projector for use in showing safety films as well as many other training films in the ,Police and Fire Departments. Motion ,by Commissioner Underwood, 'seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the City Manager be 'authorized to advertise for bids for one 16mm projector with bids to be received by the City Uenmvtssion on Monday, February 11, 1974. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o FireCl1ief C. ~. ,Duffin advised the Commission 'that the new first aid unit now on~order would be painted white with a red cross and red stripe-and lettering would be the same as now used on other "Fire Department equipment. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on December 17, 1973, were presented to the Commission for their information. . The. minutes of the regular meeting of' the Safety and Accident Review Board on January 8, ;1,974, were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, December 17, 1973, were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by ,Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, December 17, 1973, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye :., All Voting" No: None Mr. Mike Parks, Chairman of the Parks and" Recreation Boa,rd, re-appeared at the meeting of the City Commission and advised that the Parks and Recreation Board had considered Mr. Wallin's suggestion to review charges made for participation in the city's recreation program and at the present time it was determined that the charges made would pay the approximate expense of each activity included in the program. Mr. Parks reviewed each of the Recreation Department activities" --I U o t)- oo In I"":) ~ Q o o {to',~", .1- J Ml itemizing charges made, expenditures and whether or not it was a profit or loss activity. Mr. Parks stated that profits of some activities were used to sub- sidize, other activities in order to provide a well rounded program. With no further business to come before the Commission at this :time, upop. . motion duly made, seconded and carried, the'meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. ATTEST: , ~- ,L~~ ASSiS~~ity Secretary , .!I' ~~. __1....1 --,'-:1 I It 1!11'1r-:----. tZ2~ rM.~~ , c , " or", ' "If . ......rl.. :lrl Ill.. ,..'.1' ]1;--- -----. J -II ,I ---c..'J . ill I .I,u REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMM:ISSION JANUARY 28. 1974 The City CO:rnInission convened in reguiar session at the City Hall January 28, 1974, 7: 30 P.M., with the following members present: , . ' pres idi:p.g;; Commis sioners Binig:, Stanley, Underwood and Way. The and City ,Manager were also present. . on Monday, Mayor Harris, City ,Attorney :J' I ' The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Underwood. Mr. Tim Erwin, 4039 Byron, advised the Commission that he had just obtained a permit for the. construction of a fence on his property and would like to ex- press his objection to Section 9 of Ordinance Number 896 regulating that all fence posts and the rough side of fence must face the inside of the lot on which it is constructed. Mr., Erwin stated that it- vras his belief that inas- much as it was a fence for which he was paying, that he should be permitted to construct the fence as he desired,especially if there were no objections from the adjoining property owners. Mayor Harris advised Mr. Erwin that this matter was on the, agenda for consider- ation by the Commission later in the evening. Mrs. Julia Carter, 2729 Warlien, stated that she was a member of the West Univ- ersity Civic Club and had been workinggvery hard to obtain material for a city directory for publication. Mrs. Carter further stated that much work had gone into the organization of the material, but that publication would be quite expensive and the Civic Club desired that the city assist them. o Mayor Harris advised Mrs. Carter to include all information regarding publica- tion of the directory in a letter to the City Manager for presentation to the Commission. A list of twenty-six (26) persons and firms that had been furnished copies of the invitation to bid on the removal or demolition of the six-room, two-story frame house at 3804 University Boulevard was presented to the Commission. It' was noted that no bids had been received. Mayor Harris made inquiry as to the possibility of the city paying the lowest bid received for removing or demolishing the house in order to have the pro- perty cleared for construction of a City Hall parking lot. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for the lowest bid the City would have to pay for the removal or demolishing of the six-room, two-story frame house on the property at 3804 University Boulevard, bids to be received by the City Commission at its regular meeting on February 25, 1974. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A letter dated January 25, 1974, from the City Manager, containing recommend- ations for the purchase of eleven (11) automotive and truck units for which 0 bids were received on January 14, 1974, was presented to the Commission as follows: o t"- oe lD ~ ~ o o . o ~~" "Bids received on January 14th for delivery of' eleven' (11) automotive and truck units were referred to me for study and recommendation. I have conferred with the Department Heads who were affected and have obtained their recommendations. After study and tabulation of the bids, the following is submitted for your- con- sideration: Unit 1 - Administrative Department - Luke Johnson Ford - Low Bid, $3,008.56. Unit 2 - Police Department - L~e Johnson Ford - Low Bid, $2;295.04. Unit 3,-' Police Department .- Luke Johnson Ford - Low Bid, $2;395.04.- Unit 4 - Police Department - Luke Johnson Fqrd - Bid, $3,120.04. Low bid of $2,989. 23 submitted by Jack Roach Ford not acceptable as dash mounted gauges not included 'and the engine is not acceptable. Unit 5 - Fire Department - River Oaks Chrysler-Plymouth '- Low Bid, $2,800.00. Unit 6 - Engineering Department -:- Letson-Davis Chevrolet - Bid, $2,701.'05.' Low bid of $2,677.47 submitted by Luke Johnson Ford includes 75-day delivery. Bid of $2;696.44 submitted by Courtesy Chevrolet includes 45-day delivery. Letson-Davis has 'a 3D-day delivery time, bid larger tires and a 61 amp alternator. Unit 7 - Street Department - Luke Johnson Ford - Bid, $5,031.41. Courtesy , Chevrolet submitted a low bid of $4,872.90, but substituted a smaller engine, brakes and wheels ,than wa;s specH'ied.' Joe ,Meyers Ford' 'also' substituted smaller brakes and wheels in their bid price of $4,949.40. Luke Johnson' Ford ,took no 'exceptions and bid the size truck'Specifie'd. Unit 8 - ,Street, Department -, Don McMillian Ford - Bid, $2,785.70'. Low bid sub;... mitted by Letson-Davis Chevrolet of $2,780.75 substituted passenger car tires for the truck tires specified. Unit 9 - Sanitation Department - Luke Johnson Ford - Low Bid, $4,750.79. Exception to C.A. dimension, however, after contacting this bidder by telephone he promised 'to deliver the necessary C.A. dimension for $41. 61'add::i-tional cost and is 'still low bidder on' this unit.', Total 'revised 'delivery' price, $4,792.40. . Unit 10 -' Sanitation Department - Joe Meyers Ford - Low Bid, $5,158.59. Bid on 'C.A. 'dimens'ion fell belbw"minimumrequirement.. After 'contacting 'this - bidder by telephone he promised'to deliver the necessary C.A. dimension for an additional $49.00. Total revised delivery price" $5,,20T.59. . Unit 11 - Water Department ,- Joe Meyers Ford-' Low Bid, $5,190.66." MotionlDy Co:m:m:issioner Way, seconded 'by Commissioner Underwood; that contract's be awarded on eleven' (11) automotive' and truck units 'based"on; the January '25-, 191"4, letter from the City Manager, with the addition of, air conditioning for Unit No.6 at a cost not to exceed $325.00 and power steering to be added to Unit No. 6 at a cost not to exceed $91.00. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ~ '. , 84;;" , " ".l.. :II. 1.--", ~ r :r . .~-~.,"" "" A tabulatiori'of the two bids received and a recommendation for purchase of one Wayne, Model 984 street sweeper from Plains Machinery Company on their low bid of $15,120.00 was presented to the Commission. o Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by' Commissioner Binig, that an' award for, the purchase of one Wayne Model 984 street sweeper be made to' Plains Machinery Company on their low bid of $15,120.00. Vo Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A certificate of completion issued by Bayshore Engineers for the construction, of a 30" storm sewer extension on Judson Street by Mc'Donald Construction Com- pany, to~ether with a request that the $1,693.40retainage on the project be rel'eased', :was presented to 't'he Commission., Motion by Commissioner Binig , seconded by Cominissioner Way, that McDonald Con- struction Company be paid the retainage of $1,693.40 for the construction of a 30" s'torm sewer extension on Judson Street. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None 'Mayor Harris extended appreciation on behalf of the Co:in:inission to Mr. A.L. Bearden, Street Superintendent, for the help and assistance' given by him to Bayshore Engineers in solving some of the problems involved in' getting better drainage to the College Court area of the city. In.accordance with instructions of the City Commission City Attorney Charles Cockrell read Ordinance Number 1012 in full. o "AN' ORDINANCE AMENbING THE 'CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS REGULATING FENCES AND WALLS BY INCREASING THE MAXIMUM EEIGHT AND THE METHOD, OF ,CONSTRUCTION 'OF FENCES, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE." Motion by Commis sioner Underwood, ,seconded- 'by CominissiC5ner' -Birri'g ,- -that Ordinance Number 1012 be approved as read. Commissioner Binig stated that she was in agreement with the ordinance, but believed it would be better if all recommended changes' were included in one 'ordinance rather than amending it several times. Mayor Harris stated that the other recommendation he had proposed was permission to allow parallel fences~provided they could be constructed 'completely flush, and following discussion with a number of people, was 'convinced that it woul~ be virtually impossible to construct and/or maintain a fence'. constructed flush with anothe-r 'fence. ' ' Following a lengthy disucssion with regard to the merits of making certain changes in the fence ordinance, participated in by members of the audiencet it was the de- cision of the City Commission t'hat' a meeting should be set up with members of the Environmental Improvement Cominittee in order to compl'etely resolve the fence ordinance prior to the next regular meeting. II U Motion by Commissioner Way, Seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that Ordinance Number 1012 be tabled until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Commission. r- oo ~ ~ ~ G:l o o iFi':2-C",- """",~''f',,"M'!fc~i'''T' .. ~a Voting Aye: All 'Vot~ng'No: None The City Manager was instructed to arrange a meeting with the Environmental Improvement Committee on Monday evening, February- 4, 1974. The City Commission was presented a letter from the City Manager datedJan~ uary 25, 1974, advising that after a number of years spent trying to improve the efficiency otl.the city's' radio commrmicationsystem, it was now possible to purchase the necessary equipment through the Houston-Galveston Area Council rmder a Regional Law EnforcementCommrmication System. Police Chief Richard Kesselus reviewed the need for additional radio equipment f'or the Police Department , stating that the present equipment is obsolete and has so much interference that at times it is most difficult for the dispatcher to hear the patrol rmits and vice-versa. Fire Cheif' C.E. Duf'f'in stated that Fire Department equipment is also being' , interfered with by the San Jacinto ambulance service and that the equipment, is in excess of fifteen to twenty years old. Mr. Duffin stated that approximate cost for the necessary equipment' fo:!:, the Fire Department radio commrmication equipment:would be! approximately $10,700-. Resolut ion ,Number '74-2 ,was, presented to ,the-- Commission. and, read in full. " I, ' WHEREAS, by Resolution Number 72-16 passed and approved the 30th day ~f Octobe~, 1972, the City Commission of' the City of' West University Place, Texas designated the sum of $2,650.00 as matching funds as its share of the amount necessary in purchasin.g radio communication equipment under an agreement with the Houston- Galves~onArea Council; and, WHEREAS, thereafter the City of West University Place entered into an agreement with said Houston-Galveston Are~ Cormcil designat'ing such Council as i ts'pur:chas- ing I3.gent,for ,equipment necessary for the installation of 'a Law En'forcement Radio Communicat,ion System for said city', and authorized said Council to take bids therefor; and WHE,REA8; the Houston-Galveston Area Council has taken such bids and have advised that ,the low, bid represents a substantial savings on all such equipment; and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the City Commission that additional equipment is needed in the Law Enforcement Radio Commrmication System fOJ:',sa:id. <::;lty_, 8.fld the purchase of said equipment through said Houston-Galveston Area Cormcilwould be in the best inte~est of' said City. NOW ,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF "WEST,UNIVER- SITY, BLACE, TEXAS: E::i.::C~C i,O~l Section ,1." That the Mayor .be" and he" is hereby, authorized and directed to enter into a purchase agreement with the Houston-Galveston Area' Council f'orthe'purchase and acquisition of the necessary equipment for use in and for the Law Enforcement Radio Commrmication System of' the city in accordance with the detailed list sub- mitted by the Chief of Police. LL.__.__I_ , '--r1'iii'i,jIUi it. 1,=:1 Tinl'rti~ --.--~ _....JII "6'<' , , II " Section 2. Fund to be ion of the That the sum of $15,452~t>O'is hereby appropriated from the, General expended during the fiscal year 1974 for the purchase and ac~uisit- aforesaid e~uipnie:t;lt. PASSED AND APPROVED this 28th day of January, 1974. CoIirmiss'i6ners Voting Aye: All C6Ii1m:ts'sioners Voting No: 'None /s/ Don E. Harris Mayor' ATTEST: /s/ Lee' Lpckard ' As~istant:City Secretary Motion by Commissioner ~inig, seconded by CommissionerWay~ tha:t'Resolution Number 74-2 authorizing Mayor Harris to enter into a purchase agreement with the Houston-Galveston Area Council for the purchase and ac~uisition of the necessary equipment for use in the Law Enforcement Radio Communication System and appropriating the sum of $15,452.00 ,for such purchase, be approved as read. \ Voting Aye: All Vot\irig No: None ': -1 The City'Managerwas :requested tci: determine whether-' or not matching fun:ds approved by the eity Commission 'on October 30, 1972, were. included in the total estimated cost of $15,452.00. Attention of the City Commission was directed to the necessity of selecting a firm'of Certified Public Accountants' to audit the cityts records, books and accounts fo':r' the fiscal year 1974, noting'all bfthe auditing 'firms ,that have performed this service since 1950. Following 'a discussion with regar,d to'the possible workload decrease after the installation of the new computer system, the City 'Manager was' requested to obtain proposals based on their scope .of work from ~he following firms,: Arthur Anderson Ernst "& 'Ernst' O'Connor, Lawson & McGee Melton & Melton Werner &'Arendale 'The Commission was advised that inasmuch as a possible shortage of chlorine, might develop it 'would be wise to advertise for bids even though' the present contract wit~ Dixie Che~ical Company for furnishing chlorine for use in the city's water system, swimming pool and sanitary sewer disposal system would ,not expire>untii, May 1',1974. . o o o ~ r.... 00 in I"";) ~ Q o t'~'R:~;;.'ti' !',t4;:o.1"~",':ll::MJi'tt;!;,'~ ~"I Motion ,by Commissioner Stanley,., seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the City .Manager be, authorized to advertis.ef'or bids for furnishing approximately' 40,000 pounds of chlorine in ton containers and approximately 13,500 pounds of chlorine in 150 pound cylinders, with bids to be received by the City Commission on February 25, 1974. Voting Aye: All , Voting No: None In accordancewitp..actionofthe City Commission on. January 14, 1974, a re:vised plat of the proposed parking lot being constructed by the West University Baptist Church at 3817-19 Amherst Street was presented to the Commission. It was noted that the front setback had been moved back fifteen (15' ) feet from the inside ed.ge of the sidew~lk, resulting in eleven parking spaces, each 9'.0''-, plus a, two (2' );:;etback a1;the r('la;r- of. tl1e prOPerty liIle. . It was further, noted that the. architect was unable to install the catch basin and connecting storm sewer drain pipe, as requested., , . because .,01' the lack of sufficie:p.t drop in grade. Following discussion with regard to the possible installation of a trench drain covered with" dri ve-over" gr,ille, the, City Manager was instructed to cons1D-t the architect to determine whether such installation would assist in the drainage of the parking lot. , " A lett!=:r::agre~mell-tfrom Mr. Matt ,Weeks" architect, setting, forth rates t-o be charged for profe;:;sional servi(2es, regarding the remodeling of the Community Building was presented for consideration. Motion by COnrm~ss.ioner, .W~y, seconded.'by' Commissioner, ,Underwood:, ' that Mayor. Harris be. authorized t,o execute, aL.etter, Agreement dated, January 14, 1974, for the em- ployment of'a.rchit;ect Matt'We~~s for. the d!=sign, specification, coordination, ad- ministration and construction supe,rvisionof all repair"remodeling"and, addition items proposed for the Community Building. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None , , ,City, Atto!ney,Charles Cockrell was requested to redraft, Resolution Number 73-6 appoin~ing ,members of the Saf,etyand Accident- Review Board in order that ,such appointments may , in the future" be !l).ade l:>Y the,Cit;Y"' Manager with ;the 'approval: of the City Commission. In"acco:r:9-ance,with,thep:r:ovisions,of,OrdinanceNumber995 permitti:p.g the City Commission to appoint a Chairman of the Parks and R~creation Board each ,year,' it was the desire of the Commission that Mr. Mike Parks remain as Chairman of - the Parks and, Recreation Board for,the,'year 1974, ,and that, a letter, signed' by Mayor Harris, be, dire~tedt0 Mr. Parks advising him ,of the.action of the: City Commis.sion. The Commission was presented a statement of current tax collections through December 3~, 1973, as prepared by Mr. William Dittert ,Jr.; T~Assessor/ Collector. The statement revealed, that a' tott;l.10f$707,30a. 65 had been'co11ec,ted, representing 95.47% of the total tax, levy; of $740,.870.40. AsecQndstatement from Mr. Dittert indicated that a total of $33,645.91 had been collected in de- linquent taxes ,during 1973.. Ih_~.1a' LLL~._J ;'I,)rl'."m~"'" .. . .....~::, r":iT'.;;JJllt '-_.'._',-:-.__~"I 'II Ii 88- ]1I,IL JII ". JIIIII. lli i I i r I i The C:1ty_ Manager 'was requested to. prepare a 'repart shaWingthe current' status Il af': delinqilent: taxes f'or presentation'to the Coininission at itstlext regUlar U meeting." j , A traf'fic study prepared by Traf'f'ic Engineers, Inc. af' the intersectian af' Memarial Drive and Vass Raad far Hunters Creek Village was presented to. the City Cammissian in re~ponse tutheir'request f'ar additianalinfarmation can- cerning the emplayment af' an engineering f'irm to. study the impact that the 'opening af' the Edlae averpass aver the SaJithwest Freeway might have' an the city."" Matian by Cammissioner Stanley, secandedby Cammissianer Way, that services af' Traf'fic Engineers'; 'Inc. be' engaged far' conducting 'a traff'icstudy 'f'o'r the' City af' West'Urli1Te:tsiiy Plac'e 'f~r the pUrPase of"making a'recoiDinendatian regarding' , c ant r'01" car the anticipated excessi vetr?-f'f'ic thraugh the city, in accardance ~ th ~he terms af t?;eir, pra?asal da~ed August 13, 1973. Voting Ay~: ' .All Vating No.: Nane General specif'icatians f'ar a wall maunted chlarinatar to. be inst'alled at the West University swimming paal were presented to. the Cammissian with a request that bids be received as, saan 'as possible in arder to. have the chlorinatar' in aperation prior to the opening~af' the pa~~, f'ar :he 1974 seasan. Matian by Cammissioner Binig, secanded by Cammissianer Underwaad, that the City 'Manager 'be autharized to. advertise f'ar' bids f'or the installatlon' af' ane 2bU-lb. per day, hand regulated, vacuutn operated' chlarinatar, with an al terriate bid to. be accepted 'far a'fully autamated chlorinator, such bid's to be received by the City Gammissian -onJMcinday,' Feb~-uary' 25,19'74'~ '" --I ' . "tl;'(-. o -', Vating Aye: All Vating No.: Nane The Cammissian was advised that a letter had been received f'ram State Represent- ative Kay:Bailey st:a.ting' that she' had"req,uested' thE; 'Journal for 'the 'Constitutian- al Canventian to. furnish capiesaf eachjaurnal fram the beginning af' the Canvent- ion "to City af'ficials and the West University library.' , Inf'armatian that Sauthwestern Bell Telephane Camp any planned the installatian af' undergraund cable' an Academy Street eliminating aver head wiring and pales was presented to. the' Cammissian~' '" , Cammissioner Stanley requested that the fallowing le~ter, dated December'13, 1973, addressed to. Chief' af' Palice'Richard Kesselus f'ram Mr. Thamas J. Jordan, Special Agent in Charge af' the Federal Bureau af' Investigation, be spread upan the' af'f'ic~~~min~t~saf.the City C?mmissian: "It has' been" hraught to. my atten:tian' by Special Agent Charles R. Steadmanaf this of'f'ice of"the excel~ent caaperatian furnished by yaurdepartment in the apprehensian af' an escaped f'ederal prisaner. Specif'ically, Lieutenant David A. Davey and Of'f'icers Lynn E . 'Parks "and Tam C. WI Lewis assisted in the apprehensian af' an escaped f'ederal prisaner and two. ather individuals an December 9, 1973. Each af' these criminals has an extensive arrest recard and was cansidered armed and dangeraus. > . . r. J. , -3_1 - 'J o ~ ~ lD 1-';) '~ o o [J'C~' t. (.. ;.. , , W'U 0'0 " I wish to commend, through :ybu; the men' of, your depaTtment for their valuable assistance in this matter." Mayor Harris read a letter received from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, 3119 P~ttsburg, expressing their appreciation for,the city'sfine staf~,and govern- ment.' " Minutes of the initial meeting of ,the Plum.ping,Board on Monday, January 14, 1974, were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on Monday, January 21, 1974, were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting o~ the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Thursday, January 17,1974, were presented to the Commission for their information. Min1J.tes of'the regular meeting of' the City 'Commission on ~onday, January 14"1974, were ,presented to the Cbmmiss"ion' and the' following action taken: Motion by Com- missioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner UnderWOOd, that'minute's of' ,the regular meeting ,of, the City Com:tnissiorlbnMonday, Jan1,lary14 ~ '1974, be approved as sub- mi tted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at,this time~ upon ,motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. .~r~ "~ ',';' ,';' ''',,'' , , , , , , " " Mayor .. '.. ' .. ATTEST: '"j' -)L!IL/'O<?~ ASSiS~ity Secretary )~ '(', I" , lil"1.r.:~f'r~~VJ';""r'1'" " .f~,' ~l". I I I I II , I n'llll II , ---0', ' IIf ,'" -1'1 ''In II o REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 11, 1974 The- City Commission' convened m regular' session at' the. City Hall on Monday, February 11, 1974, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present. Mayor Harris, presiding; Commissioners Binig, StanJey and Way. Th~ City Attorney and City Managerwerealsopresent~ Commissioner UnderWood was absent. The Invocation was promounced, by Mayo~Harris. Mayor Harris adminfstered the Oath of Office to ' Mrs. 'Charlene Kern as a new member of the Environmental Improvement Committee and expressed appreciation ,for her having agreed to serve in this capacity., Boy Scout Clark James, 6358 Mercer, presented the Commission a map showing the . results of his Service Pro"jec't which' consisted of checking all street lights , to determine where the' need might. exist. for additional lights and the' condi- .tion of. existin'g lights., Scout James ':r.ead his report which indicated a' number of burned out ,lights and a.ri extensive list' of lights that need tobe installed. Mayor ,Harris thanked Scout James, commending him on his excellent prdject and requested that a letter be directed to his Scoutmaster advising that the pro- ject' had been completed in an outstanding manner and would be of much value to the ci,ty. FaiJ:iliowJiingrthetlmaserlt~tdion olli"Eias:repoci e:ds.i;eg Re:br'Q:arY:iilil'i:;;1I:~n:lJ.i:nin'9-ic~td:ng.',ad fe~fu0wWpbh8.,:besponses to letters written by City Attorney Charles Cockrell to' de,linquE?h~--ta~'pl:!-ye:r-s, Mr~. Cockrell advised that City Treasurer Wm. Dittert had contacted the Houston Independent School District to request permission to join such District in suits to be filed for collection of delinquent taxes. Mr. Dittert will furnish the School District information necessary. In accordance with previous action of the City Commission', bids received 'f.pr delivery of one 16mm sound projector were opened and results announced as follows: Bidder Model P"';(,F' Audio Visual Educational System Bell & Howell #1550B $ 533.77 Audio Visual Educational System Graflex l120A 551. 84 Audio Visual Educational System Kodak AV-126-TR 567.97 Audio Visual Services, Inc. Bell & Howell #1540 540.00- Brown & Associates Graflex 1l5A 495.00 Texas Educational Aids Kodak AV-126-TR 609.00 Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Way, that the Assis- tant City Manager be authorized to purchase one Kodak AV-126-TR l6mm sound projector from Audio Visual Educational Systems, Inc. in accordance with their bid dated February 11, 1974, at a cost not to exceed $567.00. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None II : 1 U [J o n u ~ ~ to I"";) ~ o o o . ,F"""l,-.-r> " , ~l Mayor,Harris reported that the Investment' Committee appointed by the City Commission had authorized the investment of' $100,000.00 on February 5, 1974, in River Oaks Bank f'or a period of' 59 days at an interest rate of' 9 1/4%. In keeping with the decision of' the City Commission to conduct a citywide clean up campaign known as "Operation ,Spif'fy", on a- biennual basis "dates f'or the Program were discussed. It was the decisionof'the Commission that April 27, May 4, May 11 and May 18 would be the most advantageous dates, and that con- sideration should be given to including old tires in the items to be picked up. Members of' the City Connnission will f'urnish approxim:ately thirty (30) volunteers to assist in the program. Resolution Number 74-3 was presented to the Connnission and read in fulL WHEREAS, Mr. Ellery Gene Howard, employed as Po'lice Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of' the Municipal Court of' the City of' West University Place, Texas, has been re-assigned in his employment of' the city; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Marjorie Dell' Grant has been employed as Police Dispatcher, and is qualif'ied to assume the duties of' Deputy Clerk of' the Municipal Court. NOW, THEREFORE, ,BElT RESOLVED BY THE CIT"f COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; TEXAS:' Section 1:.. That Mrs.' Marjorie Dell Grant be,,- and she is hereby, appointed Deputy Clerk of' the Municipal Court of' the City of' West University Place, Texas. Section .2.. . Thatt-he apP0.intment ,of' Mrs. Ma:r:j'o-:rie Dell Grant, ,as": Dejluty G:le;rk of' the Municipal Court of' the City of, West University Place, Texas $h~~,be~: ef'f'ective with the passage of' this Resolutic-m, and- that she 'sha11-,ass'urne~ the assigned duties of' Deputy Clerk af'ter having been administered the proper Oath of' Of'fice. PASSED ,-AND APPROVED, THIS ,12th day of' February, 1974." Commissioners' Vot-ing 'Aye:, -All . Commissioners Voting No: None , / s/ Don E. Harris Mayor ATTEST: 7-,s} Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that Resolution Number 74-3 appointing Mrs. Marjorie Dell Grant as a Deputy Clerk of' the'Muni- cipal Court of' the City of' West University Place, beapprov.ed as read. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None l' LL._ '-_--.1. ,1Ir'fl!1~ .-, . .....["1 ~", Jllrr ,- .r. ' ,.--111 II Hll, i.l", JII L" il111111'II II II ,,'II "" ~, 9'2 , ~~solution Number 74-4 was presented to the Commission and read in full. WHEREAS; by Resolution Nmnber 72-4, dated January 24"1972, the City' Commission created a Safety and Accident Review Board; and WHEREAS, the persons originally appointed were to serve in such capacity during the years 1972 and 1973; and ~REAS; the City Commission desires t'o appoint three (3) citizens and, four (4) 'city employees to se'rve during theyear'1974'., NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 'Section,l.' That,the 'following persons be, and they are hereby ,.appointed ,to serve as'members of'the Safety and Accident Review>Board during the balance of the year 1974, as set forth hereinafter; ,Mr. Bill Dillard, 4146 Swarthmore Mr.R. J. Eubank~' 3729 Sunset Mr. Carlton Tibbitt, 6532 Weslayan Dan C. Edwards~ Asst'., City Manager Chief C. E. Duffin, Fire Chief Chief R. K. Ke~selus, Police Chief Mr. H.' L.,Vauglm" Water Superintendent Section 2. The City Manager is hereby given the authority to substitute other city employees for the ones hereinabove named, when in his judgment such substitution ~0uld be in the best interest of the city~ -Section 3., That the persons hereby appointed to this Board shall serve, without compensation. Section 4. That the persons hereby appointed to this Board shall serve for the period designated above, and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED'this'12thday of February, 1974. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commisqioners Voting No: None /s/ Don'E. Harris Mayor ATTEST: /s/'Lee Lockard Assistant -, City' Secretary , o o ~ o o r-- JO lD '"":> ~ o o o ~3: ,Motion byConnnissioner CBinig',secbnded by Connnissioner Way, that Resolution' Number 74-4 ,appointing membership to the Safety & Accident Review Board and' changing the method of appointment of employee members, be approved as read. Voting' Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 1012'was presented to the Connnission and read in ~ull. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES DF THE CIT"i OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS REGULATING FENCES AND WALLS BY INCREASING THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT AND THE MEI'HOD OF CONSTRUCTION OFFENCES, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.: ' , . .. ~ . -'," Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Connnissioner Stanl'ey, that Ordinance NUmber 1012 amending the Code of Ordinances to increase the maximum height of fences and the method of fence construction, be approved 'as read.- Discussion indicated that the Connnission desired written oplnlons from both the Fire Chief and Police Chief as to the affects of an eight foot fence, wood, masonry or' brick construction,' would have on their departlnental opera"';" tionsinsofar as ingress, egress ,fire: 'fighting~ detection and apprehension, of criminals. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, secondedb,y Connnissioner Way; that the City Manager be requested to obtain' from Police Chief Kesselus and Fire Chief Duffin their opinions with regard to masonry or brick walls or fences, and that action on the Ordinance be tabled until the next regular meeting o~ the Ci ty Commission. " - Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Harris read a letter from Dr. Earl Waddell submitting hls resignation' as a 'member' of the Parks and Recreation Board. Mayor Har:ris stated that he would write a letter to'Dr. Waddell expressing the city's appredation for his service. A,letter received from Mr. Lynn Stallings submitting his resignation as.,a member of the Solid Waste Disposal Study Cotnmittee ~ :inasmuch as he has been' transferred to another city, was presented to the City Connnission., Mayor Harris stated he would write a letter to Mr. Stallings expressing appreciation for the time and effort 'Mr. Stalling's had contributed to the work of th~Solid Waste Disposal Study Connnittee. The. 'City Manag~r read a letter"'d.ated February '5; 1974, from Danny D. 'Sullivan submitting his resignation as Assistant City Treasurer-Assistant Tax Asse~sor/ Collector' and' also advising that he had filed for the Democratic nomination as Treasurer of Harris County. '_Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Connnissioner Stanley, thattheresig- --nation of Danny Sullivan as 'Assistailt City'Treasurer-Assistant Tax Assessor/ Collector, be accepted with regrets. Voting kye: All Voting No:' None ~94 1I1!. '" JlJ"... m- _.-....!J 1.1l1!~ II I 1. 11 I 11. II.~ II The foliowing reconimendation was submitted by Chief' of Police Richard Kess,elus O! in order'to control traffic conditions'at the'intersection of' Auden and Milton Streets: ' Install two (2) "No Parking Here to' Corner" signs. The' first one' on 'the north side of Milton Street 20' west of the west curbline'of Auden. The second on the west.,side of, Auden Street', 20', north of the north curbline,: of Milton Street. In order to control parking along the 5300 block of Rutgers Street, Chief Kesselusrecommendedthe following: Install a, "No Parking Here to Corner" sign on the'west ,side of'Rutgers Street, 25' south of the south curblineof Bissonnet Street, controlling that 25' distaxfce; between Bissonnet and the ,sign. .. Install a "No Parking,Here to Corner" sign on the west, side of Rutgers Street, 15' North of the north curbline of Albans, controlling that 15' distance be- tween" Albans and the sign.' Install,four (4) "Restricted - 'Two Hbur'Parking"~signs"equally~spaceg. on the west',side Of Rut,gers street from: a point 15 r north of Albans 'to 'a point 25" south of Bissonnet. ',' Insta,11 a "No Parking Here to Corner" sign on the' east side' of' Rutgers, 20' south of the 'south curbline of Bissonnet, controlling that area between Bissonnetand the sign. o Install a "No Parking Here to Corner" sign on the east side of Rutgers, 15' north of the north curbline of Albans, controlling that area between Albans, and the sign. Install"five (5') "No:, Parking Anytime'" signs with a supplemental sign' "Except Sunday';' attached below' each -of the "No Parking Anytime" signs equally spaced bet~een, a',po;i,nt ' 100' northo.f the north curblin-e of _ Albans and' a, point 20' south of the south curbline of Bissonnet. Motion by Commissioner' Way,' seconded by' Commissioner Binig, that the recommenda- ti,on ,.o:f., the Chief of Police be accepted' and' the necessary traffic' control signs be erected. Vo;ting Aye:, All Voting ,No: None, The Commission was advised that Chief Kesselus had considered the traffic pro- blem at the intersection~of:AudenStreet and Bissonnet Street and that inas- , much a:;;, it had been deemed,necessary for professional' guidance Mr. John Hudson would be'requested to include this in his study of West University,traffic conditions. Info;rmation was prel;?entedtothe c Commission showing that ,Unit #203, an lImerican LaFran~e pumper, 'was' now twenty-seven' (27) years old and':rtLaii1tenance' costs' are quite high. It was noted that the unit could berepbwered and classified by the Fire Emergency Bureau for an additional five years of service, but would have to be replaced by 1977 it'], 'order to have the required number of in-service apparatus required by the Fire Insurance Committee. LJ o {'oe ::ao tn "":) ~ ~ o o ~:J; The Gity Manager was instructed to prepare, specifications for submission to the City Commission together withestimated'cost and d.elivery time of' one new diesel powered pumper. A letter from Mr. Harold E. McConnell, Consulting Engineer, was presented to the Commission. Mr. McConnell advised that he was, available immediately to start design, specifications and field engineering supervision for the pro- posed Recreation Department softballfie:ld lighting system. Estimated cost for these services would be approximately $1,.220.00., Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the City Manager be authorized to employ Mr.:, Harold E. McConnell to prepare, specifica- tions and contract documents for the construction of the proposed softball field lighting system. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The City Manager was requested to instruct Chief of Police Richard Kesselus to investigate,th~ Sunday p~rkingconditions on Wroxton Road inasmuch as it had been reported'that cars were parking on both sides of the street and it was difficult to drive down the street. The Commission was advised that officials at the Harris County Flood Control District had furnished a survey of Poor Farm Ditch showing right-of-way, easements, etc., which would be furnished to Mr. Jim McConnell to assist in his research for the proposed construction of Independence Park. Commissioner Binig stated that property owned by Lt. Jl:j.IIles Bryan~at .Albans__ and Academy was not used by the Recreation Department in it's program last summer, but that a number of residents had req,uested that the property be made available for children to play ball and that consideration should :be given to fen~ing the Academy side of the property. The City Manager was instructed to advise the Parks and Recreation Board of the request and recommendation of the City Commission that this property be used for College Court residents to play ball. Commissioner Stanley advised the Commission that he had studied the five blocks west of Buffalo Speedway with regard to the recommended planting and it was his belief that only trees should be planted in view'of the necessary care which would be required for other recommended plantiing. Commissioner Stanley stated that approximately twenty-one trees would be necessary and bids should be received as soon as possible in order that the trees be planted. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for three species of oak trees, one of which shall be live oak, in lots of up to ten, and lots of up to twenty, with bids to be received by the City Commission on March 11, 1974. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In response to a request by Commission~r Binig, the City Manager was instructed to -- employ the services of a groundkeeper to be rmder the jurisdiction of the Street Department to keep the city's parks and esplanades weeded and other maintenance not included in the regular parks mowing schedule. \. 1,L_ -I 1,---:1~_--------.J.:.lL --'~--'I _,..-.-II! ',,[,[ " Hi ~'G\ III IJ , I . d " III II ~Iillill' , I", 'I ,. " The COmni.is'si6n was,'advised that 'a represehtativeof Growth Systems ,thefirin guaranteeing the work'performed:by Valley Crest Landscape on Whitt Johnson Park, would meet with the City Manager with regard to replacing trees in the park,. , , Minutesofi'the'regular'meeting of the :City -C6Irimissfon on January 2l, 1974,' were 'presented to the Conmiission and thefo~iowin:g action taken: Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Way, that minutes of the re- gular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, 'January 21, 1974', be approved as submitted. Voting Aye:' All I 1'"' Voting No: None Wi th no further bus;$ness to come before the Commission at,this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9: 55 F.m... , .. /l, ,~// , ,.".~C~ Mayor .. ATTEST: ~ ..,0" A ' . ~~ , ' ," Assist~t City Secretary '.: " , , " I ,;c'i~,:, o o o o ("oe 'Y) ~ '-:> ~ ~ o o 9'': REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 25 , 1974: ' The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, February 25,1974,7:30 p.m., with the f'ollowing members pres,ent: Mayor Harris, presiding; Commissioners Stanley, Underwood and Way. The City At- torney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Binigwas absent. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Stanley. Mrs. Ann Wiegand was' int'roduced to members of' the City Comniis's'ion 'as a new reporter f'or the Southwestern Argus, who 'Would be covering meet'ings of' the City Commission. Miss. Terrilee Pettigrew, editor of' the Southwestern Argus, advised the Commission that she had resigned her position with the newspaper. Mayor Harris welcomed Mrs.'Wiegand and: thanked Miss' Pettigrew f'or 'a:t-tending the meeting~ anq. f'or her assistanc'e and cooperation during, the time 'she had been employecl"by the Southwestern Argus. In accordance with previous action of' 'the' City ~Commission advertising f'or bids f'or,' :furnishing approximately 40;, 000 pounds rof' liquid 'chlorine in one--ton containers and 13,500 pounds of' liquid chlorine' in 150-lb. cylinders, a letter was presented f'rom Diamond Shamrock Chemical Company, dated February 5, 1974, advising that they were not in a position to of'f'er a quotation. In ,one bid received f'or f'urnishing chlorine requirements was opened and results announced as f'ollows:' , ' Dixie Chemical Company - 'one ton containers 150-lb. cylinders - '$0. 0740 per lb. 0.1250 per 'lb. Motion by Corrnnissioner Underwood, seconded by,Corrnnissioner Way, that the bid received f'rom Dixie Chemical Company f'or furnishing approximately 40,000 pounds of liquid chlorine in one-ton containers for $0.0740 per pound and ap- proximately :13,5QOpounds of' liquid chlorine -'in 150-lb. ~cylinders 'for '$0.1250 per pound" be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Bids received f'or furnishing one wall ,mounted chlorinator f'orinstallation at the Swimndng Pool were opened and results announced as follows: Bidder Trade-In' Net Delivered Price Abbott Pools-Abbott Enterprises A. G. Bailey Company Wallace & Tiernan ioo.oo '50.:00 100.00' -$ 1,495.00 918.75 1,OfP7.00 Bids submitted for an alternate prop'o'sal to furnish ~all material, labor and equipment for the complete installation of a ,chlorinator were read as f'ollows: Abbott.Pools-Abbott Enterprises A. G. 'Bailey Company Wallace & Tiernan 100.00 $ 50.00 1,550.00 1,018.75 No Bid ...... ,__--=-.:1_~.. _----11.1: ". ..r..!.... '1In .I' 9:'8 llll','!T 11'- I, L-.i_ ~I:IU11;~. .,-- ,-_. ~il I i 110 lit, ;1',-~qA&bftlIi-'-" c~ 1". 1 Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Way, that bids re- cei ved for one wall mounted chlor'inator fOI'-installation at the Swimming Pool be referred to the City Manager for study, with a recommendation for purchase to be presented to the City Commission at its next regular meeting on Monday, March 11, 1974. o Voting Aye : All . 'Voting N'O: None Bids received for the removal 'or demolishing of a two-story, frame residence and two car garage located at 3804 University Boulevard were opened and results announced as follows: Donald Craig Manley, 5008 Chestnut Street, Bellaire Will purchase 'and remove .house and garage for the total sum of $1,500,.00. ' Wark Demolishing Company, 5714 Rutgers, Houston Will demolish house' and garage and remove all debris for the total sum of '$900.00. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the bid received from Donald Craig 'Manley'.for ,the purchase 'and removal ofa two.,.. story., frame residence and two-car garage loca-ced 'at '3804 University Boulevard, for the ~otal sum Df $1,500.0Q, be accepted. Voting' Aye: All. Voting No: 'None o Chief of Police Richard Kesselus introduced Mr. Charles T. Kelly, represen- tative,of CMI, Inc., distributors for the Speedgun-, a hand operated multi- directional digital radar unit. Mr. Kelly demonstrated the unit~pointing out its v:ersatili ty;' ,light weight;', lack of need for specialized training for efficient operation;' ability to be used as, a mounted unit in patrol car or hand held; and the' "ease 'of testing with a 50 MPH,tuning fork fu:tnished with each unit. Motion by Commissione:t Underwood; seconded by Cdmmis:sioner Way,. that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for two (2) hand operated radar units, with bids to be received by the City Commission at its regular meeting on Monday, March 25, 1974. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None. A request was presented to advertise for bids for the following Fire Depart- ment equipment for which funds were provided in the 1974 Budget: 1,000 feet 2 1/2"fire hose 300 feet 1 1/2"fire hose M~tralux Light 25 FiremenJs Bunker Coats 25 Firemen's Bunker'Pants 25 Firemen 's Helmets' . o o ~ JO tn ''''':j ~ o o o u<u '-:]' ,-" Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the City'Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for the requested Fire Department equipment, with bids ,to be received by,the' City Commission, on Monday, March 25, 1974. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 1012 'was presented to the Commission and read in full. , AN ORDINANCE 'AMENDING ,THE CODE ,OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY' OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXASREGWATING FENCES, AND WALts BY INCREASING THE:'MAXIMUM HEIGHT AND THE METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION OF FENCES, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 'Mot,ion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that 'Ordinance Number 1012 amending the Code of Ordinances to change the maximum height of fences and the method of fence construction, be approved as read. Letters were presented from Fire Chief C. E. Duffin and Police Chief Richard Kesselus setting forth their views With regard to extending the height of fence construction from six feet to eight feet and any difficulties their departments might encounter in pursuit 'of their duties. Voting Aye: All \Voting No: None An invoice in the amount of $532.68, representing membership dues in the Houston-Galveston Area Council for the period January 1, 1974 through Dec- ember 31, 1974, computed at $.04 per capita, was presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the-invoice in the amount of $532.68 for membership dues to the Houston-Galveston Area Council; 'be paid. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 74-5, providing for,the City Treasurer, Assistant City Treasurer and a cashier to sign water meter deposit refund checks was pre- sented toethe Commission'and'readc'in: full. ",' .-," i';' , , WHEREAS, Resolution No. 62~6, approved by the City Commission 'May 14, 1962, provides for the issuing of water meter deposit refunds and authorized three (3) appointed c:j.t'yofficials,to sign 'refund checks, being thoseof,the City ,Treasurer, City Comptroller or Ci tyManager; and, WHEREAS"there is no employee or provision for. designation of City Comptroller; and WHEREAS, the City Manager 'should'be relieved ,of the detail responsibility of sign- ing checks; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to expedite refunds to customers who discontinue service and desire an immediate refund; and " (0 ::". ; .. ~:. !' ~lOO ]]lL 1.11']".. JI'--- L - .._'_. _. - .~I.II j~ I ~ -r==1 ~J WHEREAS, the re-designation of the persons to sign such water meter depositre- fund checks would expedite the handling of the city',s'and the customer's business. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVER- SITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Section 1 of Resolution No., 62-6 be amended in 'part to read, "The present system of issuing water meter deposit refunds be changed in accord- ance with ,the, recommendation of the' 'City-Treasurer and that, a hew bank account in the maximum amourit"of' five hUndred' ($500~D'O) d611ars',titled CityPof'Wes-t- Univer- sity Place, Texas- 'Water 'Meter"Depos:it Fund, be created arid'that' the' City Treas- urer, Assistant City Treasurer and a Cashier in the Water Department, designated by the City Treasurer~be 'a:uthorized to sign refnnd checks drawn on: the Water Meter Deposit'Fund~" PASSED AND APPROVED this 25th day of February, 1974. Commissioners Voting .Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: 'None Is/ Don E. Harris Mayor ATTEST: / s / Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary' Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that Resolution Number 74-5 providing for the City Treasurer, Assistant City Treasurer and a Cashier to sign water meter deposit refnnd checks be approved nas read. Voting Aye : All Voting No:' None Resolution Number 74-6 providing for the ,City Treasurer, Assistant City Treasurer and a Cashier to sign checks drawn on the Bail Bond Fund was presented to the Commission and read in full. WHEREAS;'ResolutionNo.60-17~ approved by the City Commission'September 12, 1960, provides for the creation of a separate bank acconnt to receive and deposit fUnds held as Bail Bond to expedite auditing the transactions relating to posting of cash borids'and give 'a 'proper acconnting of' all money received related thereto; and WHEREAS , authority for deposit and withdrawal of "Bail Bond Fund" was vested in the ' City T,reasurer , City' Com:ptrollerand City Manager; and' WHEREAS, there is no employee or provision for designation of City Comptroller; and WHEREAS, the City Manager should be relieved of the detail responsibility of signing checks; and \ ';r;=-~~R~:~;:t.':. ~J WHEREAS, the re-designation of the persons to sign such bail bond fund checks would expedite the handling of the city's business ,j".l-' o o o o t"- oo lfj '-;;) ~ o lOf-- NOW, THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED BX THE CITY--COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WESTUNIVER- SITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Section 2 of Resolution No. 60-17 be amended in part to read, "Authority for deposit and withdrawal of "Bail Bond Fund" shall be vested in the City Treasurer, Assistant City Treasurer, and. a Cashier in the Water Depa:rtmenh designated by the City Treasurer. Checks for withdrawal of funds in this account may be sigIled:,by any two of three 'persons serving in the respective official eapa- city of City Treasurer, Assistant City' Treasurer or Cashier in the.Water Depart.,.. ment." PASSED AND APPROVED 'this 25th d~y' of Febru~ry, 1974. ' Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None /s/ Don E. Harris Mayor ATTEST: / s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Underwood that Resolution Nmnber 74-6 authorizing the City Treasurer, Assistant City Treasurer and a Cashier to sign checks drawn on the Bail Bond Fund, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that the Plmnbing Board was meeting to review the Plumbing Code and would give consideration to permitting the use of PVC pipe in the city. The City Manager advised that a report had not been received from, Mr. Jolm Hudson of Traffic Engineers, Inc. ,but that he would be contacted during the week to determine progress in his study of traffice:condi tions' in West University as re- lated to Edloe overpass. Following a discussion with regard to planting replacement trees in Whitt Jolmson Park the City Manager was instructed to follow the recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Board with regard to the trees, when it was received, and to pro- ceed to have the necessary trees planted. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on January 8, 1974, and a draft of the minutes of their meeting on February 12, 1974, were presented to the Commission for their information. 'c. it,,-o:, 0';'. -,r'~" ,~':Wt'!,+.",;~'" """1' 'l,'::~nh: LLL_:... _ ____.I IL~Jl. k'!tJ!H"--- " --,' ,~L,JI[ "':""1 '"H'm''' ~Lrlrl': ,,1m 'HI "j( .:.-' ~1<O<2 WI':,!T __ J1['--- L___,~_,___, __~---~ c..:..' "'T Minutes 'of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on February 18, 1974, were presented for their information. It was noted that Board members had requested adjustments in certain fees. Minutes' of 'the $afety and Accident Review Board on February 19,1974; were reviewed by Assistant City Manager Dan Edward's. . ,_ ~l'--:' ,:' L' Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment were pre- sented.'J to the' Commission:' for- their- ii:lformatiOll. Minutes of the regular meeting of the elity Connnission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m. e2z~ Mayor ATTEST: oev ~~ Assistant City Secretary , ; 'r:",';:1 ,.,.- '. .... -. ,'.)~: ~. ~ ~ " . :,', . "'{ i j ~-"...hL~l..;.."I.. --,_, 1 o D o I II ij. o REGULAR MEETINGOFCI~Y COMMISSION MARCH:ll....1974. The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, March 11, 1974. 7:30 p.m. ,with the follow:i,ng members present: . Commissioner Peter Way , acting Mayor in tpe absence of Mayor Harris and Mayor. Pr.o-Tem '. Underwood; Commissioners Binig .and Stanley. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The'Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Stanley., ,.' I:"- QO Mrs. Shirley Glash, 6712 Brompton Road,pr~sent~d members of the Commission ~ an .iny:i,tation to. attend the next, regular. m~eting' of the Civic' Club on, Tuesday, '-:) March 19, 1974, to hea.r Mr. Kenneth Schnitzer, developer of Greenway Plaza,. ~ speak on,~th,e'po'qsible' impac,t Greenway Plaza might have on the City of West' ~ University Place. Mr. E. Gene Hines. Chairman of the Zoning and Planning Commission, presented the Commission a report stating tpe Commission's findings and recommendations and 'proposing the rezoning of certain lots within the. city, following acompre- heIl,s,ive,study ar;td sel;':i,es of six public hearings. n tJ Commission~r~_Way officially. thanked Mr..: -Hines for the outst~ding report sub- mitted by the Zoning and Planning Commission, stating that he was aware of the many hours of time and study devoted to the project by Commissioners. Those in attendanc.e at the meeting were advised that -two' copies had been placed ,on file at thelib:rary for peru.sal.by. anyone interested,; that ,copies would be 'placed. in thE) Conference Room at the. CitYI"Ha-ll,; ar;tdc tb..a:1;; @ygP-e' so, .desiring could p:urchase copies in the, office' of the City Mana.ger -for $1. 00 each. The City Attorney outlined the options available to the City Commission with. re- gard to action to be taken on the report of the Zoning and Planning Commission, as follows:, ... " ., ,. o . , 1). C?-refully' study the entire report 2) . Confer with members of the-Zoning and Planning Commission in order to clarify any questions regarding the report .3) ,".After all neces,s!3.ry information has been obtained the .City Commission can--then ca.lla.:'publi.c'hea.ring.'. Mr..' Cockrell suggested that the: procedure be folldwed that', has been followed in the last two re-zoning hearings, that is. a joint .public--hearing by. the City"Commission . 'andZoni~g and Planning Commission. 4.) After all information has been obta.ined and everyone h~a,rd~ the City. Commission would then make a determina-- tion' as to whether it desires :.to follow the',l:lecommenda- tions and amend the Zoning Ordinance. ' ;If the CityCom- mission accepts the recommendations of the Zoning and Planning Commission it would.instruct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, such ordinance thereafter being passed at some future meeting of the City Commission. *~ " . '. .r.l :"'lrn ~I04 m: I'J', ]11-- L.._', ,.__ ~ -- r: " r] In response to a question as to whether or~not the report was the unanimous report of all members of. the Zoning and.Planning Commission on every issue, Mr. Hines advised that it was a report signed by each member of the Commis- sion. o In accordance with previous action of the City Commission referring, bids received, 'for f'uTnishing a wall moimted, solenoidregil1ated' chlo:dnator for , the swimming 'pool. to the City Manager and Sanitary' Engineer for study and recommendation, a recommendation was presented for purchase of the chlorin..; ator from the A. G. Bailey Company on .an installed basis for the net deliver- ed price of $1,018.75~ ' Motion', by C6:rim1i:ss ibner Stanley, seconded by Commiss ioner Binig, that the City Commission accept the proposal submitted by A. G. Bailey Company for furnish- ing a wall mounted, solenoid regulated chlorinator for the swimming pool on an installed basis for a net price not to exceed $1,018~75. Vot ing Aye: All Voting No: None The-Commission was advised that Fire Chief C. E. Duffin and four members of the Fire Department, had gone to.Dallasto accept delivery of the Fire Depart- ment ambulance/first-aid unit purchased by the City Commission. It was hoped that the men would arrive at the station prior to the end of the Commission meeting and members of the Commission and guests at the'meeting would be able to examine the unit.' , [J The Cbinmission was advised that dUring' previous years a -number of problems .had developed:at the' swimming pool as a result of the operation of the con- "cession; , due in' part to lack of adequate supervision and to the difficulties experienced in employing qualified personnel. Consideration should be given to closing off a portion of the building and the exclusive use of vending ,machines. ' Assistant City Manager Dan Edwards reported to the Commission that only Snappy Sanck Vending Company expressed an interest in?placing vending machines, at the pool on a short-term agreement inasmuch as they were in a position to u~e the same vending machines placed in schools during the balance of the year. Mr. Edwards stated that it was recommended that 'the following vending machines be placed at the pool: Drink machine , , chip' machine~' candy machine and ice cream machine. Sales over $200.00 would return 10% of the profit 'to the City and sales under $200.00 would return a 5% 'profit; Motion by Commissioner Binig~ seconded by CommisSioner 8tanely,' that the City Manager be authorized to contract with the Snappy Smi.ck Vending Company to install vending machines at the swimming pool as a'replacement for the ~~nces- sion lease agreement with Howard Concession, with Street'Superintendent A. L. Bearden and his crew remodeling the building' other than for the installation of the proposed overhanging door. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o rn u ~ ao ~ ""':> ~ o o Q' . ~t . ',; II' c I U:J: I The City Manager stated that one of the. responsibilities charged to the new Chief of Police was the supervision of the Department, and after careful study it was the Chief's recoIilmendation that the Department be reo:l:'ganized to have only two lieutenant's positions and increase the number of sergeants to three in order to provide each shift with: a supervisor. Ordinance Number 1013 was presented to' the ,Commission and' read, in, fulL . I " AN ORDINANCE AMENDING: THE CODE:OF.ORDINANCES'OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY AMENDING 'SECTION 19-1!TO' CHANGE THE NUMBER ,OF LIEUTENANTS IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT FROM THREE (3-) TO TWO (2), AND THE ,NUMBER OF SER- GEANTS IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT FROM TWO (2) TO THREE (3); AND PROVIDINGGAN EFFECTIVEDATE.. Motion'by Commissioner Stanley', secono.ed by Commissioner Binig, that Ordinance Number 10Q..3amendingthe Code of Ordinances to limit the number -of lieutenants in the, Police Departmeiltto two:' and increase the number of sergeants - in the. Police Department to three, be approved as read~ Voting"Aye:' , All , ' Voting No : None ''''' Motion by Commissioner, 'Binig, seconded-by Commissioner Stanley, that' David Harris. 6624 Vanderbilt, be appointed to serve the unexpired term of Dr. Earl Waddell as a member of ,the city'slParks and Recreation Board. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None City Attorney,: Charles Cockrell' requestedthat'members of the Commission replace page three of ,his letter cdated March' .8, 1974;' with one'Showing that^the City Commission should confer with the Zoning and Planning Commission to',determine a date for a joint hearing on the final report submitted by the Zoning and Planning Commiss.ion;, . ,.' , " " Mr','-Cockrell advised the Conimission that.,the ZCDning and Planning Commission, act- ing in its planning capacity, was 'obligated to"'pass upon the subdivision of lots. and approving the filing of plats. Several months ago an application was made to the Zoning and Planning Commission for the sub-division of a lot :onBuffalo Speedway. At the time the applicant had filed his application, and prior to act- ion' of the Gommission, more than. thirty days ' had paSSed. The' 'Charter and statutes dealing 'with"this subject makes provision-that in the.' event that more than thirty day.s elapse the application is automaticallJ' 'approved. , , 1-1",' - Mr. Cockrell stated that it was questionable as to whether or .notther'application could be held as actually having been filed with the Zoning and Planning Commis- sion pr:i,or to the hearing and..the.t upon' the refusal of the 'Zoning and Planning Commission to granttheapplieation,' an application for a' rehearing was filed. .. ':", Mr. Cockrell stated that he' had discussed :the matter.'with the attorney for the applicant and had been advised that in view of the fact that he had been denied a certificate certifying that the Zoning and Plamiing Commission failed:'t'o 'act on his applieati<:>ll within thirty days, he' ,would-file suit for declaratory judgment. Mr. Cockrell.'st,ated that he tho.ughtthe 'Commission should be cognizant 'of the fact that there was a distinct possibility that a suit would be filed and he would file an answer in behalf of the Zoning and Planning Coinmission and city if it was the desire~o:e_ the .Commissionthat ,he do"so. ' , 'I' , ..ht.-'1~"P.;~:r-. !," It" I' "'-'f" ......11rr I II F 1~1~1 r--- IIr .. ", I' ' I ~'06 HIIII ' jll IlL, ,.-JIJiI!1 ~...r :\" . I Motion by Commissioner Stanley; seconded by" Commissioner Binig, that the City Attorn'ey, be authorized t6file an' answer' in. behalf of the Zoning andPlaiining Commission and the: city- in the event a suit is filed~ o Voting Aye: All Voting'No: ' None The City Manager reviewed a: letter received from DeLange, Hudspeth, Pitman and Katz, law firm, regarding the des ire of Mr. Ronald Walker. 3804 Byron Street (Lot 9. Block 10,.CollegeView First Addition) to construct a garage and c'arport on an easement. obtained'bythe,city by prescription for the construction of a 54" : monolithic s~orni. sewer. '.' :. Mr. Cockrell advised that the request had originally been made approximately a year ago. and at that time Mr. Walker was requested to recognize the city's storm' sewer" and" agree to remove any improvements if and when it: became nec- essaryto' perform work on the easement. Mr. Cockrell fUrther advised that the city should attempt to secure a release for 'any possible damage'to the improvements in the event a building-pemit is' granted. Following a discussion it 'was the' deCision of the City Comniission that. they be furnished a list of permits that had been granted for construction over the existing storm, sewer ~ ' how many buildings have actually been' constructed over the storm. sewer; and the' city's legal,rights as to jeopardizing its right of prescription, with such information to be available'at the ne~t' regular meeting of the City Commission. D It was pointed out to the Commission that Houston Lighting and Power Company had a service, easement furnishing service to both'the Vorhees property and Norwood Property. purchased by: the 'city for parking areas, and'such service would no longer be required~ Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the City Manager and/or City Attorney be authorized to request that Houston Lighting and Power Company be requested to abandon the service easement on the Norwood and'Vorhees'property, which was. recently ac qui re"d by';the citJ. Voting Aye: All Voting No:, None Following a discussion with regard to the necessity of appointing an Associate Judge of the MUnicipal Court in order to,proc~edwith a matter' facing the city, it was the decision of theCommission'thattliey be furnished a list of nominees ,as Associate Judge and call a special"meeting of the City Commission to consider such appointment. ' The'Conimissionhadpreviously been provided copiesofoa'letter frbm Mr. Gus' Comiskey., Sr. 'of Comiskey InsUrance Agency, setting . forth cotJiparisons,of Work- men's Compensation Insurance as provided by the Traveler's ,Insurance Company arid that proposed as aCpool plan by the Texas 'Municipal League. Following a discussion it was the decision of the 'Commission that the matter be presented:to the city"sInsuranceCommittee With a request that they study both insUrance plans "prepare' a written ieport and present it 'to the City Commission. D The Commission was advised that Mr. Harold E. McConnell, p.e.. had been employed ~ t"- oo ~ ""':> Q o D o ~". J"~~'~ ~ , I U" 'i: to design a lighted softba~l field to be located on the school.grQ~d,and to commence preparation of plans and speci~icat~ons, dependent upon the ground lease approval of.theHouston . Independent. School District .and that, ~uch matter'was to'appear on the HISD agenda for March 11th. The Commission w!3-s also advised that Mr. Mike Parks" Chairman of the Parks, and Recreation Board, had been' advised of,Mr., McConnell(s employment. A st.at~ent of architectural services' rendered byarchiteet ,~tt Weeks on.' the. West University Community Building remodeling and'additions during the, month of February, 1974, in the amount of $817.29; was presented for consideration. MotionOy Commissioner ,Binig; seconded 'by, Commissioner .Stanley<, that ,the ste,te- ment in the amount of $817.29 submitted by.. Matt ' Weeks for architectural s.ervices on the Community Building be approved for payment. Voting,Aye: 'All Voting No :, None . , . . The Commission was presented.a.letter dated.March'5 ,.1974.from ,Radio" StSLtion" KCOH requesting that the City Commission designate one or more collection points within the city where contributions may be received for a radiothon benefitting the" Texas Association of Developing, Coll.eges and tl:1e United Negro, College. Fund, Inc... . , .~ .,~ It was ,the decision of the City Commission that the radio st,ation be advised. that_ the most advantageous locations would be at Kirby and University, Buffalo and Bellaireand Buffalo and Bissonnet." all.,being locate.d ;within tl1e, city,. lim:ltsof Houston, but ,that, if, they desired a location within the corpor,ate,. limits their re,quest..would be considered. " ,,1. A Telephone Rates in Texas Cities study prepared by the Texas Municipal League was sho:wI1.to th~, City Commission with.the,information that,'a similar study was being preparec;l with regard to gas "and.., electricity,. rates. - ,. A letter dated March 5, 1974, from ,Mr. John ,Hudson, of Traffic Engineers. Inc. was .presented to the. Conmt-ission." . Such"letter" indicated~ that.,.Mr. Hudson ha&,. ' reviewed t~e re,co;rnmendation,.9f Cb,ief, Kesselus- regarding the traffic . situation at Auden and Sunset and that, he', agreed' in':part w-ith the recommendation. Mr. Hudson further stated that his firm was in the process of making traffic counts to measure the amount of through traffic and would report further on his study next week.,; , In response to a' request. of the City Manager that, the bicycle' lane on' University Boulevard -from Auden to Kirby Drive be restriped and,lettered. the City,Commis- sion expressed a desire for additional recommendations from.the.Bicycle Sub- Committee for the elimination of the one two-way lane and the creation of a smaller lane- on either side of the street. and consideration of establishing bicycle lanes on one of the North-South streets. Motion by Ccimmis sioner' Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the Parks and Recreation Board be requested to instruct its Bicycle Sub-Committee to give the City Commission an evaluation of the bicycle lane on University Boulevard, including consideration of elimination of the, one large lane, and creation of a smaller lane on either side of the street, and consideration for making bicycle lanes on one of the North-South streets. ' Lil...- ~l ~_ ----1===:il 111!rl1'l~ .-. .1.Ill ",I 'lIH li" . .. '.- I ...JI[ . , I r08 It: II ' JI; .-.Jlj!11i II III':!! . ,~," ,"V;i^ ~j ~,,. Voting Aye: , All . c yotin g_ No: None, o Assistant City Manager Dan Edwards reported to the Commission; that during the eleven month period'from February, 1973,through January, 1974. approx- imately one million, five-hundred thousand pounds of recyclable m~terial, had been removed from the city rather' than place in the 'sanitary landfilL Mr. Edwards further rep~rted that by deducting only for the expense of haul- ingthe materi~l to the purchaser; the city ne~ted approximately $5,700.00 , during thi? eleven_month period. ' Commissioner Binigquestioned the feasibility of requesting that the Plumbing Board give immediate consideration' to' the use o'f PVC pipe within the City prior to proceeding with its study of the' PlUmbIng Code. Mr. stanley Martin. '2821 Bissonnet. advised the Commission that the Townhouse Association owned a community outside water line used primarily for laWn pur- poses, which had corrQg.ed and was in need of replacement; the use of PVC pipe wouid prevent'further corrosion and subs~quent replacement expense to'the owners. It was decided by the Commission that the Plumbing Board be requested to place consideration of the use of PVC pipe on the agenda for its next regular meet- ing; ~o, conside~.such ~onsideration a pri?rity matter and furnish the Commis- sion with~irit~r1m report~ ' Reporte~".Aim Weigand of the Southwestern Argus was requested to include a correction of the statement in the prior issue of the Argus that fence con- struction would be permitted in front' yards, in the current issue of the Argus. o Minutes of the regular meeting of ~he Plumbing Board on Monday, February ?2. 1974; were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regUlar meeting of the City Commission on Monday, February 25. 1974. were presented to the Commission and the' following action' taken:' Motion by Commissioner Binig. seconded by CommissIoner Stanley, that the minutes of the' regular meeting of the City Commission'on, Monday, February 25, 1974" be ap~roved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None , , 'With no further business duly made, seconded and Monday, March'18,:1974. to' come before the meeting at this 'time; upon motion carried, the mee1?ing, w~s rece;ssed, until 1':30 'p.m. . .~&/k... ," Mayor' ,'. , . ' ATTEST: , , , ~: ;;(/tP-di-~ Assistant City Secretary [J o r-- QO ~ ""':> ~ o o o 1U31 RECESSED MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION . , 'MARCH18.1974 The City Qommission convened i~ recessed session at the City Hall on Mond~. March 18. 1974, 7:30p.m., with the following members present: May~r Harris, presiding; Gommissioners Stanley and Way. The,City Manager was also present. Commissioners Underwood and Binig and City Attorney Cockrell were absent. Mr. Dayid Harris. 6624 Vanderbilt, was a&D.inistered the Oath of Office as a new member of the Parks and R~creation Board.by,MayorHarris.' Mayor"H~rris.;thank~d Mr~ Harris .for his interest.. in :the city and his accept:ing appointment on the Parks and Recreation Board. , The Commission was advised that Mr~Harold E. McConnell; electrical engineer; empl,oyed t~, prepare plans, specifications f:!Ild contract, documents, for the' con- st:ruction of a lighted softball field ,on ,the West University Elementary School grounds, ,had ,advised tha~, there might be some difficulty in, obtaining 'the eight (8) poles required for the lighting of the field and that bids should be recei ved. for the. poles as soon as PQssi ble., ',. ~otion' by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissio~E?<r Stanley, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received at the regular meet- ingof the Gity Commission on Monday, April 8, 1974. for delivery of,eight (8) treated'poles. four. (4) of which are to be sixty (60' )'feet long. and the .re- maining .four (4), pol~s to be seventy (70') feet long. Voting Aye: All Voting No: NonE;!:.. ,Commissioner Underwood ~rived at the meeting at thts time. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Way, that the City Man- ager be authorized to adverttse, for bids for a contract for constructiou'of a lighted softball field on the West Universi4y,ElementarySchool grounds; ,to be received by the city Commission at a recessed meeting on Monday, April 15,1974. Vot ing Aye: All / Voting No: None , Mayor Harris advised the Commission that he, had discus'sed the .ctty' s de:sire'to appoint a Associate Judge for the Municipal 'Court with four attorneys residing in the city and it was his bel':tef that Mr. Charles C. Orsburn, 5910 Fordhain~ was well qualified and had expressed a desire and willingness to assist in any way that, he could. 'Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Way, that Mr. Charles C. Orsburn, 5910 Fordh~. be appointed as Associate for the Municipal Court for a period of sixty (60) ,days in acco.rdance W,i th the provisions of the City Charter, and that Mr. OrsbUrn be paid the same r~te as the Judge of the Municipal Court on a pro-rata.basis when he conducted court sess~on~. Voting Aye: All Voting .No: None 1-] L-.:... 1.__Jl ___~ ,- J' .... '-.'-' --1lt . . .:ra-'j'J"]1H -110 L-- '_ ..~~'J", 'J .. - ,~~"'"'-, ., , The City Manager wasrequestedt? ,in~:te)4r.c Orsburn 'to attend the meeting of the City Commission on March 25, '1974. at which time he will be a&ninistered the Oath of Office by Mayor Harris. o Mayor Harris read a letter received from Mr. L.A. Patterson of SO'l!-the:r:n Pac- ificTranspdrtatfonCompanywherein he 'advised that a survey will be made by theirerigineering department 'to determin'e conditions of both the east and west right-of-way 'ditches north of Bissonnet Boulevard. In accordance 'with previous instructions of the City Commission a surve'y made by Street Superinterident' A. L. Bearden and Asst . City Mariager Dan Edwards was presented indicating that two houses. two garages and one, carport l?-ad '):>een con- structed over a'54" 'monolithic storm sewer abutting the City of'S6utliside Place, with no construction being made since 1941. Following a general discussion and review of a letter received from former city engineer R. B. Allen stating that 'he knew of no 'existingeasementcoveririg the storm 'sewer, it was the decision of the C6irmiissidJi'that Mr. RoJi'ald Waiker, 3804 Byron Street. be denied apermit'fortne construCtion of a carport dver the storm sewer unless he agreed to ~rarit tlie"city ari ea~~~ent "or release 'thecitY"frOm a~l,liabfl.ity., The Commission was advised that Mr. Robert Harper had 'assumed the position ,of Assistant City Treasurer-Assistant Tax Assessor/Collector and should be officially employed by the City Commission in order that the necessary bond could be acquired. -. , J . ~ . r,. . . . Motion by Commissioner' Way. s'e'conded by Commissioner U:qd,er-wood, that Mr.. Robert lJ Harper 'be 'employed as 'Assistaift City Treasurer"':AssiStarit TaX Assessor/Collector of the City of West University 'Place at a 'salary of $950.60 permdnth. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ," In accordance with 'previous direction of the City Commission a schedule of in- vestment was presented as follows: Maturity Investment River 'Dates ".'R~ 'I'p.rmR r. n # iJ",t:,::. F~in Oaks Cl3.omieal 3/29/74 9.385% 58 days 11680 1/30/74 111,600 l'\~f..~ 0'::' 4/ ~/74 9.250% 59 days 17367 100,000 5/11/74 8.625% 59 days 3999 3/13/74 100,000 5/11/7l:!: 8.625% 59 'days 4000 3/13/74 100.000 .6/ 9/74 ,8.375% 89 days " 3990 3/12/74 110.000 8/13/rr4 9~ 250%' '179 days . 17410 '2/15/74 390,000. 8/26/74 ' 8.250% 180 'days . 11843 2/27/74 200,000 9/ 2/74 8.000% 179 days 17549 3/ 8/74 190,000 5/ 6/74 7.400% 359 days 3989 3/12/74 200.000 311.6.00 ' 680.000 510,000 . . . " J;t',was, th"e decision .of members; of the Commission. that it should have a work session, on Wednesday. March 27th for the purpose of reviewing the report submitted by the Zoning and Planning Commission, prior to holding a meeting D with, such Commission, and in preparation of its decision on the procedure to be followed in connection with such report. ' Di I i I:"- 00 ~ '-:> ~ o o D it. 'f.1 lIlt Following a report by Assistant City Manager Dan Edwards with regard to the condition of the West Uni versi ty Ktementary School auditorium following use by the Recreation Department', the City Manager was instructed to advise Re- creation Director Sal Caruso that it is of utmost importance to the city and the recreation program that,a working relationship be maintained with. school.p~rsonnel and ,that ,care be, tak~n to resi;ore all , facilities to their, Origin~ condition. With no furth.er business to come before the Commission at this time. upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. &r~ Mayor ATTEST: .",~,~. Assi~tant City. Secret~ry ./ III ~ p .r: -"------_ _ ,-..-J, '1I]!lI1il~ -.-II! , .....dU:I:.J!rr ":i ~'112 ':jV';~", .,:&...,~ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MARCH 25; ::L974.. ' o The City Commission convened :tn regular session at the City Hall on Monday. March 25, 'i974; 7:30 p.ni., with the 'following members present: Mayor Harris, presiding; Commissioners Binig,Stanley, Underwood and Way. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Inv.ocation was pronounced 'by Commfssi6ne'r Underwood. Mayor Harris. introduce~ Mr. Charles C. Orsburn, 5910 Fordham, announcing that' Mr. Orsburn had been appointed by the City Commission to serve as Associate Judge of the West University Municipal Court. Mayor Harris administered the Oath of Office to Mr. O'rsburn. Mr. Mike Parks. Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board, appeared before the Commission to report on various activities of the Board. Mr. Parks in- troduced Mr. Al Farest. 5516 Anden. Chairman of the Tennis Association Execut- ive Committee, who in turn, introduced members of the Association in attendance at the meeting: Scott Blake, 4103 Byron; Bob Browning. 4102 Byron; David Harris, 6624 Vanderbilt; Shirlee Harris, 6624 Vanderpilt; Sue Horrigan. 2616 Pittsburg; Clark Madden. 3001 University; Peggy McGowen, 3126 Robinhood; Bernie Minard,' 2639 Pemberton; Lon Slatten, 4148 Ruskin; and Joe Williams, 3112 Lafayette. Mrs. Harris reviewed the Committee's plans for use of the city's tennis courts on a reservation basis. The program would permit residents to telephone the secretary of the Recreation Department any weekday between 10: 30 and 12: 30 p.m.. to reserve court time; after 12:30 p.m. on Monday and between 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 and 5:00 p.m., Tuesday through Friday, reservations may be made in person at the Recreation Department. Mrs. Harris' explained that inasmuch as any new system was more or less on a trial and error basis, it was the Committee's feeling that the system should be tried first only at Judson Park on a single court, with the addition of other courts if the sys- tem proved successful. o Mr. Browning gave a report on a sub-committee of the Tennis Association which included the condition of the city's tennis courts and suggested needed im- provements and needed equipment. Mr. Browning stated that Case Park was eli- minated from the report inasmuch as it was understood that plans were being made for the complete rehabilitation of this court. Architect Matt Weeks, who was in attendance at the meeting. was requested to take the available material on Case Park and make a recommendation for the rehabilitation of the tennis court. Mr. Parks presented a map of the city indicating proposed changes and additions to the bicycle lanes. Mr. Parks stated that in an attempt to link up the city's parks it was recommended that the double "two-way" lane on University Boulevard be changed to two 5f lanes located on either side of the street from Academy to Wakeforest; south on Wakeforest to Carnegie; east on Carnegie to Wakeforest; 0 north on Wakeforest to Nottingham; west on Nottingham to Belmont; south on ' Belmont to Tangley; west on Tangley to Edloe; south on Edloe to Plumb; west on Plumb to Auden; south on Auden to Coleridge; 'west on Coleridge to Community; north on Community to Judson Park and south on Community, thereby encircling the city with a bicycle lane. o l"'- 00 ~ ""';) ~ o m o 113,,1 Bids were opened and resuits'announced for furnishing the following Fire Depart- ment equipment: 25 firemen's bunker coats. 25 firemen's bunker pants, 25 fire- men's'helmets, 1.000feet'of 2-1/2" fire'hose, 300 feet of 1-1/2" fire hose and one high intensity light ,as' 'follows: ' BUNKER BUNKER :BUNKER HIGH INIDEN- 1-1/2" 2-1/2" BIDDER COATS PANTS HATS SITY LIGHTS HOSE HOSE TOTAL Houston'Fire -0"':' 0:.;;0- '-'0-',' -0"': $322.50 $1662.40 , $1984.90 Fire ,Fox $1051. 75' $ 842.50 $768.75 $578.-66 342.100 i620~ 00 5203~66 Modus Operandi 1375.'00 100Q.00 ' 825. 00 655.16 420.00 ',' 2139.00 6414.16 Claude Wright 1248.75 825. 00 625. 00 623.95.0 ' , 444.00 2090.00 5856.70 " - Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commis-s1.oner UnderWo6d~";'that 15ids'rE7c- ,eived for, furnishing Fire Departmemt equipment be referred to the City Manager and Fire Chd:ef for study and tabulation, and that a rec o:rDmendat ion for pur- ' chase be presented to the Commission at its next regular meeting on April 11. 1974. ' , , Voting Aye:" All '" Voting No: None Bids received for furnishing two hand operated radar units for use of the Police Department were opened and results announced as follows: BIDDER, UNIT PRICE TOTAL BID Bailey's House of Guns The Cake Company CMI, Inc. F-M Communications, Inc. Law Enfo!',cementEquipment Co. Magnum Supply Company Modus Operandi ' Uillimi tOed No Bid $ 997.50 1,010.00 1,195.00 972;00 938.50 . 938'~ 50 $1.995.00 2.020.00, 2,490.00 1.944: 00' 1,877.00 1,917 ~ 06, Motion by Commissioner 'Uriderwood, seconded 'by. Commissioner Way, that bids rec- eived, for ftirnishingtwo hand operated, radar' urifts, for the Police: Department be referred to ,the City, Manager and Police' Chief' for study and tabulation. and that a recommendation for purchase be presented at the next regular meeti~g of the Ci tyCommissidil. ' , Voting Aye: All 'Voting No: None Bids received for furnishing five crape myrtle trees to be planted in Whitt Johnson Park and twenty live oak trees to be planted in the Albans Esplanade were opened and results announced as follows: FIRM' CRAPE MYRTLE OAKR P'R~PA'RArrTnN Instant Shade Tree $ 825.00 $ 6,400.00 $ -0- Trees of Houston 300..00 " 6,600.00 145'.00 Bustoz Nursery '187.50 ,5,500.00 290.00 Bradsha.ws 126.00 3,753'.'00 1,168'.80 Landscapes Unlimited 175. 00 3,900. 00 875.00 Cornelius 200.00 3,000.00 320.00 Commercial Landscape 137.50 3,300.00 525.00 . rrO'PIIJ:, IUD , $7,225,.00 7,045.00 5,977.50 5,047~'80 4,950.00 4.576.00 4,487.25 4.447.80 * Bradshaws (Alternate Proposal) . H.' -"- ..------iL.... ,..""r--- . ------111 "::1:, ...,Jrrr '.1." Il~ f' 4: HIl I r 11' . 11,'T 1-_,: 'lj'IlJjj., -lf~ ~r r - -'--111. I.,' t . Motion by Commissioner,.S;ta~ley, ::;econdedby, Commissioner Way, that bids rec'" ,eived be referred to the City . Manager s landscape architect Danny Shilk and the appropriate'depar,tment heads, for study and tabulation , and that a re- commendation for purchase be presented. at :the next regular meeting of the City Commission. -, Voting Aye: All Voting 'No :' None' A request was presented to the Commission to advertise for bids for 'furnish- ing ~O,OOO gal~ons of colas~ 200 tonE; 'Grade'6PE 'asphalt coverstone and 200 ' tons ,of 'Grade 2 limestone coverstone ,for use of the Street Department '2nits street,r.epair program. Motic;m'byCommissioner Underwood; seconded -by Commissioner Binig . that the ,C3ity.Manager be authorized to advertise forbids on street department. materials with bids to be received by the City Commission on April 22, 1974: Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Following a discussion'with'regard'~o the necessity of employing an Assistant Prosecutor to handle special cases in the MUnicipal Court the following action . :was taken: Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Binig, 'that the Mayor be authorized to appoint an :Assistant Special Prosecutor with compensati'ori to be in accordance with the suggested rates set out in Mr. Fred Dailey's letter to the Mayor dated October 5. 1973. , V ot irig Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinanc'e'. Number 1014 was presented to the Commission and 'read in full. ANORDINANCli:: .AMENDING THE CQDEOF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY 'OF :WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. TExAs, BY ADOPTING THE SOUTHERN STANDARD PLUMBING CODE, 1971 EDITION .AND,. 197:3 REVISION, EXCEPT AS, TO CERTAIN PROVISIONS SPECIFICALLY DELETED, ,MODIFIED OR AMENDED; PROVIDING FOR THE FILING OF THREE COPIES THEREOF WITH THE, OFFICE. OF, THE CITY SECRETARY;.AND PROVIDING.AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that Ordin- ance Number 1014 adopting the 1971 Edition and 1973 revision of the Southern Standard Plumbing Code and providing for the use of plastic pipe in the city, be approved as read. Vpting Aye: All Voting No:'N one' Assistant Building Inspector Wayne Perry explained to the City Commission that the recommendation 'had been made by the Plumbing Board and that it was believed the Ordinance would cover the use of plastic pipe. Mr. Jeff' Corbin appeared beforetp.eCommission to advise that the original Volunteer Recycling' Group had been $900.00 and '$r~ooo. 00 remaining in . its treasury'aiJ.dwould like to use the funds for some worthwhile project for the city., Mr. Corbin presented a logo the group proposed to use on'riew city entrance signs . .. .. "nt."". i .' o o u D l'-- 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ o o ll~~" "; .J~' . Members' of the Commission were presented a coded .1lJ.ap 'for their use and .assist- ance in studying the report presented by ~heZoning and Planning Commission with regard to certain rezoning in the city. The Commission was advised,that the new chlorinator had been installed at ,the swimming pool and it was believed the pool would be ready for the 1974 season. The Commission was advised that Mr. John Hudson of Traffic Engineers had pre- sented a rough sketch of his study on traffic conditions and a completed report was expected soon. The Commission was presented a letter written by Mr. Dieter Ufer to Southern Pacific Railroad outlining the problems he had found when studying the College Court ;'drainagesystem and 'recommending to Southe:rn . Pacific Railroad m~thods by which the drainage'couldb~ fmproved. T:t;le, Commission ,was ,advised t:t;lat ra,\iio equipment for the :Law Enforcement--Radio System 'had been received and was being inventoried byHGAC and that it was hoped the installation would be complete by July. A request had been received from Mr. Don'Manley,'purchaser of the Norwood pro- perty due west of the City Hall that he be granted a one week extension of his time to have the house removed from the property inasmuch as he was experienc- ing difficulty getting his house mover on the job. ln response to a question by Dr. Stanley, City Attorney Charles Cockrell stated that he would have a report on the efforts to collect delinquent taxes by the next regular meeting of the Commission. The City Manager was instructed to obtain a copy of Highland Park's ordinance controlling the use of tennis cards and also to seekBassistance from the Texas Municipal Leag~e. " Action on the recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Boardresulted'in the City Commission requesting that the City Manager immediately take necessary steps to accomplish the following: Fill in constructional gap between back fence and tennis court at Weir Park, advising Mr. Parks time that the courts would be playable. Install winches on tennis net posts. Change signs posted at courts to limit time to maximum of 1-1/2 hrs. Request professional help from HL&P with regard to existing lighting at Weir Park and necessary changes needed. Purchase squeeges, trash cans and brooms for each court. .study recommendation for "call in" reservation system from operational point of view and report to the City Commission at its next regular meeting. , '}"16 mL' "1', JII~ L.......'.., .!WIIIII, L' - I ----" " fI Following a discussion Wtth regard to the watering and .. general care of the trees to beplanted'in the' Aibans Rdad'Esplanade, Commissioner Stanley was requested to direct a letter to each' of, the: residents living on Albans Esplana~e where the ~e~ trees are t.o be planted. advising that the trees will'be ,J?l~nted and requestin:g,cooperation in th~ eare,of th~ trees~ Minutes of the regular meeting of the Plumbing Board on March 4th. March 11th and March'18th were pres~nted to the Co:niinission for their information. Minutes of the meeting of the Safety and Accident Review Board on March 11. 1974 were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission'onMonday, March ll~ 1974, were presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded "by Commissioner Binig, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Mond{3.y, March 11, 1974, be,corrected to show the meeting recessed'until 7:30 ':p~ni. on March 18.1974, and approved as corrected. ' , With no further business to come before the meeting at this time. upon motion duly made, -seconded and carried the meeting adjourned: at 9:45 p.m. ' ~ ... - - . . . . ...........~~. .': ,,' ':, Mayor ' . ATTEST: . . ..~L~~ Assistant City Secretary , .. .J) [I] rn [] l"""''''~'''' l""_~'e~,""..,.,. """'1,'lrrr~"-,rl1j!]!" ~l fTl LJ I:"- QO lD '-:) ~ ~ n [l U 111: REGULAE MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION .APRIL 8. 1974, . " Th~City Commission qo:q.vened in regular sessfon a:t ',the City H~l on Monday, April 8, 1974~ [:30 p.m., with the follow:tng memberE!present: Mayor Harris, presiding;'Commis.sioners Binig" Stanley, Underwoqd.and''WaY',The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The, Invocation w:a.s prono~ced by Mayor Harris. Mr.. S1;;anSin;rm<;>ns,' 4225 Emory', a#d Mr~,'Robert Schtia~tz, 4244 Emory, appeared before the Commtssion expressing their coricern with regard 1;;0 the danger to , children in their neighborhood as a result of the lack of'traffic controls. Mr. Simmons stated that late afternoqns, and week-ends many .:people useq. the 4200 block of Emory and 'with excessive speed on such a narrow street there was considerabJ,.e danger to t1;te children,in the area, Mr. Simmons also requested that consiq.~ration be given to the ,installai;;ion of additi.onal street lighting inasmuch as the ' 4200 block of Emory is an extr'emely ,long block arid a light at each end ~dt;the center leaves many dark areas. In response to his request that "Children at Play" signs at either end of the block, Mr, Simmons wa~ advised that the City Commission had ~dopted a policy ,that when resideqts desired these signs instalil:.ed the residents of the' ar'ea paid for them, bpt that such signs had never been found to be successful in controlling speed. ' , Commis~ioner Way advised Mr. Simmons that it was the hope of the Com;rnission that use of two hand held radar units by the Police Department would enable such de- partment to control traffic within the interior of the city which had been almost impossible with the use of a radar,unit mounte~ ina patrol car~ , , ' . ., , . - . ~ , . . . . . ~ " MaY,dmaHa:r:&isci,'a.;~vd:s.ed Mr. Simmons t1;tat his.:riequest wo-uid be re,fer.'red' to the Police Chief for study and hi's ,reco:mn1enda;~ion ,with regard to, the, installation of fraffic controls. Mr. Simmons was further advised that' there were no additional funds in' the 1974 budget for the installation of street lights, but. that cOI).sideration would be gi yen"to his :reqtiest when,J'rmds 'were avafla151e., ' , . .. " , .' .. - "J" '. - Mr. Fred Tooley, '6031.Lacke fit;ree:t, had request~d permissi,on to appear before the Co~issiou'" with' other citiZen,S frQIJ,I.,the ar~a, to ,submit a r~portregarding their atti:tude concerning the propoSed rezoriingof prope~ty between Kirby,Drive.and Lake 'Street" Mr.' Rex Woolridge , 6135 Lake Street" -read the r.eport signed py twelve area residents and requested that ltbe given consideration as the City Commission and Zoning and Planning Commission studied proposed rezoning of peripheral pro~ perty ., " -,' Mr. Fred Ritodes , 'Chariin8'.r;, of the Insurance Co~itte~., advised the Commission that a meeting was held by the Committee on iI'uesday, March 26th, with Mr. Jim Speck, local manager for Texas Employers Insurance Association and Mr. Gus Comiskey to review the proposal of the Texas Municipal League for a pool type workmen's com- pensation plan. Mr. Rhodes stated that it was the opinion of the Committee, that the city retain its present insurance coverage until its expiration on April 15, 1975. At that time the success of the TML plan would be lmown and the city would not have to pay a penalty for cancellation of the present policy. _J II \'fniinHII 011' '.1 _In ~ ,~ I I ....llI.rll..JI[I l'tB 111l',r.l'1.., JI,- L , , ----.JlJTl1T!- r 'I '1 Ij Mr. Gus Comiskey of Comiskey Insurance ,fI.gency~, advised the Commission that his 0 agency had served as the policy writing agency for the city for twenty-five years. Mr. Comiskey pointed out to the Commission that at the present time the city ~ad no hUJ:'ricane: andwirJ,dstorm coverage ,on buildings,ownedby the..ci ty other than the library l;IDd city hall and no general,liability coverage on city streets'andbusiness operations~... He ,further stated that:the ,Insurance Committee had not recommended this additional coverage,and he, too. was of tpe ,opinion that such coverage was not~necessary. Motion by Commissioner Underwood,' seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the report ,of the InsuranceColllIl!-ittee be accepted and the City Manager authorized to noti:fytheT,exasMunic:tpal, League..,that the city,would,not : participate in, its pool,~lan at this time. " " VotiIlgAye: . All ' " ,Voting No: None In, a;co;daxlce ~ith previous action ,of'~the.City Commi'ssion. a tabulatfon, of bids received ;,on Ma,rch 25, 1974,- for delivery of two hand operated directional radar units'was presented for consideration.. BIDDER TINT", PRT~~ , rrnrr/lT, 'RTn Bailey's H01lE?e of duns The, Cake Company . ,I. . CMI. :tnc. ' F-M Communications, Inc. ~aw ~,forcement :E:Cluipment Co. Magnum Sup;ply Compa;ny Moq,us'Operahdi Unlinii ted No Bid' .... ' $, 997.50 1,010~00 1.195.00 '972.00 '9'38.,50 938.50 $i,995.00 2,020.00 2,490.00 ' 1,944.00 ' 1.877.00 1,977.00 [] Motion by Commissioner T/lay, seconded by Comrilissioner Underwood, that the bid of Mangum Supply Company, 12319 Kimberly. for deliyery of two hand operated multi- ,directionald'igita:i: radar units. complete with battery pack and cnarger, backdeck bracket and tuning fork, for ,the total bid price of $1.877.00. be acce~ted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The : Commission: was advised that a m,e~tiri~ hadbe~n held by ~s . Shirlee Harris and Mr. Joe Williams of the Tennis Association Executive Committee and the City Manager to di.scuss rule,S for use of' tennis courts, o;n a reserved., basis. As a result:of the meetlng it ,was recoriunehde-d' that teservations. be, extended only. to J'ud.son 'Park;> thai' reservations be 'ma.de through the' Recreat:ionsecretarY at the CoriunUhity ~uilding and that reservati'ons may: be made, o~ly by holders of valid ~e~nis car~s who are res:i,den~s of West University. ' Fdllowfng a discussion'with regard to p~ssage of. M ordinance to enforce the use of tennis cards by players on city courts" the City Manager was requested to seek sample ordinanees from tl1e .Texas Municipal League, , City of Highland Park and the City of University. Park. II o I:"- QO ~ """:> ~ o o o 11~J. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the City Commission endorse the plan' submitted by'the' Tennis Association Executive ' Committee for use of' the tennis court at Judson'Park on arese~ation system for a period of thirty days trial perio~. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with previous action of the City Commission a tabulation of bids received for furnishing the folloWing Fire Department equipment was presented with, a' recommendation that bids on all items be awarded to Fire Cox Company on their low bid of $5,130.00. BUNKER BUNKER BUNKER . HIGH INTEN- 1-1/2" 2-1/2'" BIDDER COATS PANTS HATS STTY T,TC1H'T'S " ..-HQSF. HOSF. 'T'O'T'AT. Houston' Fire Fire Fox Modus Operandi Claude Wright $ -0- 1051. 75 1375.00' 1248.75 '$-0- 578.66 655.16 623. 95 $ -0- 842 . 50 1000.00 825.00 ' $-0- 768.75 ' 825.00 625.00 $322.50$1662.40 342.00 1620.00 420. bO 2139.00' 444.00 2090.00 $1984.90 5203.66 6414.16 5856.70 Motion by,Commissioher Underwood,' seconded by Commissioner Way, that bids rec- eived on the following Fire Department equipment be awarded to Fire Fox Company on their total low bid of $5.130.00: 1.000 feet of 2-1/2" fire hose; 300' of 1-1/2" firehose; 25 firemen's ,bunker coats; 25 firemen's bunker pants; 25 Ml- mets and one high intensity light. ' Voting Aye: All Vot ing No: None" The C()IlIIpiss:j.o!l was'pres~nt&:!d' a' recommendation of Fire Chief' C. E~' Duffin and the City, Manager, that-an invoice submitted'by Calvin' Baxter Company in'theamount of $16',800.00 'repr,esenting, cost~ of 1974" Chevrolet C30 Modulance:be' paid ,inasmuch as the unit_ has, met ~:!-l spe,cifications-' and put into service. Motion by Commissioner'Stanley,seconded by Commissioner Way, 'that the City Com- . mission authorize payment to Calvin Baxter Company, a sum not to exceed $16,800.00 for 9ne 1974 Chevrolet C30 Modulance SA 138 ambulance. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The City Manager introduced a number of young people attending the meeting of the City Commission for the ,firstt:tme as new residents of the'city: Mr. '&'~Mrs. G. L. , Sewell, 6519 Sewanee; Mr. & Mrs. Larry-Turner; 4150 Swarthmore; Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hazelwood, 5916 Lake and Mrs,. .RichardMcCann, 6004 Lake. --..... , An,invoice was presented to the C:i,ty Commission from:the Houston-Galveston' Area Council for a balance due of $2,691. 66 for the fundable portion of the Law Enforce- ment Radio Communications System. The Commission was advised that the equipment had ,been :received'by HGAC and it was .hoped that the new 'system would be installed by July in~smuchas West University already had an adequate' antenna system installed. Motion by, Commissioner Underwoo,d;seconded by Commi-sS'ioner Binig, th'at :tbe invoice in the amount of $2~69L 66 ;submitt'ed by H-GAC for the balance due for the fundable portion of the Law Enforcement Radio Communications system be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ~, ..---::::::1. ....... -. - ---. 120 WI.C"ll.JlI' '" Jlr-- I II . 1-- iIIWJ~lhIJ. . r "I - . T II. ,I.. .,,';~<M-~;i.;iJ~< ,.: ' Or, \11 A tabuiation of' bids received for furnishing twenty (20) oak trees to be" planted in thelUbans'Road' esplanade and five (5) crape myrtle treesto'be 'planted in Whitt Johnson Park wasprese:hted to' the Commission, with a re- commendation that the alternate bid of' Bradshaw's, Inc. 'for furnishing the trees for a total bid price of $4,447.80 be accepted. u FIRM CRAPE M"'iRTLE OAKS PREPARATION TOTAL BID Instant Shade ~ree $ 825~00 $ 6,400~00 $ :"'0- $7,225.00 Trees of Houston '300~00 6,600.00 145.00 7.045.00 Bustoz Nursery 187.50 5 , 500 . 00 ' 290.00 5.977.50 Bradshaws \ 126.00 3,753.00 . 1,168.80 5,047.80 Landscapes Unlimited 175.00 3.900.00 875. 00 ' 4,950.00 Cornelius 200.00 3,000.00 320.00 4,576.00 Cbmmerc ial Landscape 137.50 3,300.00 525.00 4,487.25' *Bradshaws (Alternate Proposal) ~.447.80 Motion by Commissioner Underwood\ seconded by Commissioner Stanley. that the bid submitted by Bradshaw's, Inc~ for furnishing twenty (20) oak trees and five (5) crape myrtle trees be accepted. , , Motion ,amended by Commissioner Stanley; seconded by~Cbmmissioner Binig, that the twenty (20) oak trees to be furnished shall:be live 08.k. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None [J The ~ommission.was' presented a resume indicating that there are currently 5.,496 water meters-.inservice~'including 583 old train' gear type meters. Permission was requested to advertise forbids for 500 new water meters in order to continue the city's prograJIl of changing' out all old meters. . ' , Mtoion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by CommissionerWay~ that the City 'Managerb,e' authorized to advertise 'for bids for delivery of 500 new 3/4i' X water meters, with bids to be received by the City Commission on Monday, May 13, 1974. 5/8" Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Report s ' from : Architect Matt Weeks regarding needed repairs, maintenance and. remodeling 'at the West University Library and Cas~ Street Park were presented to the Commission. Action on the reports was deferred pending study by members of the Commission and a meeting with Mr. Weeks, tenatively s<;:heduled for Monday evening. April 15.1974. 7:30p.m. An'invoice from Mr;'Weeks, in'the amount of,$559.44. for architectural ser- vices, rendered during the month of March, 1974. on the West Universj,ty Com- m~ity Building was presented to the Commission for consideration. Mot,ion by COrilmissioner 'Way, seconded 1iy Commissioner Binig ~ that the invoice 0 from Architect Matt Weeks for architectural services -rendered on the Commun- ity Building remodeling and additions during the month of March, 1974. be ' approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ~'f'< f, - t~. rF .~, ,(. -: l.' ...... 00 ~ "'":> ~ o ~,::;'< """1' t> ., " .....'j ~"M ,~". -'i :{.:~:, :T,;1;f '. ". l~l: City Attorney Charles Cockrell' adyised the Commission that tl;le Railroad Com- mission had entered an order under which, the domestic gate rate of Houston. ' Pipe Line Company will be adjusted, but that no public hearing had been, announced at this time. 'Mr. Cockrell ~theradvi~ed that it was his opinion - - . . . that some of the larg~r. surrounding, cities wquld send representatives when a public hearing was called, but there was no action required by the City Com- mission at this time. Mr. Cockrell also advised the' Commission that he had discussed efforts to , '\ ~ . , collect delinquent taxes with, City Treasurer Wm. Dittert, Jr., and that Mr.' pittert ,stated hisof'ficewas. preparing a list of delinquent ac;coup.ts to be, forwarded to the Houston Independent School District where joint action will be fi::Led. The Commission was advised that in accordance with the recommendations of the Tennis Sub-Committee of, the Parks ,&ld Recreation' Board. the space between the fence a.:p.d. tennis court at -yle,ir Park was b~ing. filled with concrete necessitat- ing the c],osing of: the ,court. until Friday, .April 12th; wi!.lches had been in.... stalled on 1:i:tJ.e ~et posts ;8;nd that, an engineer from Houston Light and Power Company, had been requested to inspect the lighting system. , , . . . . . Recommendations for improving the tennis court lighting system would require the installation of one additional 35' pole,. a two-fixture cross arm andneces- ,sary fixtures, the cost of. which would ~e approximately $980.00.' It was es- ,timated that an addition~l $250.00 would be required for thepnnchase of con- crete and other materials necessary for the installation. Tbe,: .Comm;ission was advised that' upon, receipt ,of', colas on, which bids, will be received, on Ap:ril" 22nd" plan$' were being made to put anasphal. t overlay on tbe",3700 block, of Rice Boulevard, to eliminate holes. in the, street., - Estimated cost of the overlay is approximately $1.057.00. The City Manager advised ,the, Commission that inasmuch as,the construction of a lighted softball field on the West University Elementary School grounds had not been placed on the HISD'agenda no requests were distributed for bids to be received, on April 8tl;1 for furnishing necessary" poles, and ,fixtures; , however. he had. been advised that deli very of new poles in 60 and 70 foot lengths c~uld require from twelve to fifteen months. Delay in delivery of poles would pre- clude the construction of the softball field in the near future; therefore. in- vitations to bid on the construction were not requested for a special meeting of the Ci~Y:,So~ission on April 15th. The City Manager was instructed to request that the Parks & Recreation Board try to secure used poles from one of the utility companies and to request that the construction of the field be placed on the HISD agenda for its May meeting. This item will also be placed on the City Commission agenda for its regular meeting on April 22nd. The resignation of Mr. Sal Carupo as Director of the Parks and Recreation De- partment was presented to the Commissi~m for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the resignation of Mr. Sal Caruso as Director of the Parks and Recreation Department be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None f'1'r4Wl ~f.;~!it.~~'f'i;li ''f:Y;;' -oiUl<Hf'i I I I. II !';llli'lll~' -~ II. I IIr' "'il,II'1Iff ',1 ." l~ ~2-~i ]]J[[.!.1'I11....1. ...1.. 11, I I L - ~ II hllll II- .~ [~--rrrl:if .IL ..1 j ".1 Followlng;' a report' of: a ineetin~fheld by Mr. : Dieter Ufer of: Bay-shbre' Engine- 0 ers'~' two repre~entatives oi"the SbuthernPacific' Railroad and himself.' re-' garding'drainage :hi the C611ege Comt Kddition of the city, the City Manager was requested to contact 'Southern Pacific in approximately thirty to forty- five d~ys to' 'determine what aCtion ,-if' any:~ had be'en taken to 'Enu.vey the area. .j Minutes of the regular meeting of the Plumbing Board on April 1, 1974, were presented to the Cominission for their information. It was noted that follbw- ing' the Board's review, of the National Plumbing Code it might have some re- commEmdat~ons ,~or ,~ending the' Code recently adopted by the City Commission. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on March 21. 1974. were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Elect'dcal Board on March 25, 1974. were presented to the Commission for their information .It was noted that the Electrical Board recommended to the City Commission th~t the Electrical Code be amended to requIre 'that'ari eight' (8';) foot' solidground~'rbd be used on all new services. The' City Manager was requested'to check the' recoknendation and report to the City Comm~ssion~t its next regula~meetin~~ Minutes~f the Per s:onn el ' :'Board meeting' on March' '27, 1974. were pre'sented to the Co:rrmiissionfbr their information. Attentidnwas called to' progress being made by the Board in updating personnel information. o Minutes of the regular meetin~ of ~he City Commission on March 25. 1974, were presented' to the Commission fbrcbnsideratibn and the following ~ction' taken: Mot'ion' byComrnissioner' Binig, seconded by CO:lim1issioner Underwood. that mimites of the' regular meeting of' the' City Corninission on March 25, 1974, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: -All' Voting No :'. None With no further business to come bem'ore the CoIrn:i1ission at this time, upon 'motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned'at 9:45 p~m. s6J ~" '_~ _ ;;1{,,2 , Ma" r " ,,', ATTEST: " ~.~ .. ~"'U~ Assi s,tant City ecretary , ' LJ o I:"- 00 ~ "":) ~ Q o o I ~~3: RECID:IAR :MEETIN6 ,OF CITY ~roN APRIL 22, 1974' The City Conmission convened in regular s'ession at the City Hall on Monday , April 22, 1974, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Harris presiding; Conunissioners Binig,' Stanley, Underwood and Way,( The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The invocation was pronormced by Commissioner Stanley. Mr. Jim Hall, 2740 Cason, asked the Conunission what action had been taken in regard to a letter to the Editor of the Southwestern Argus on Wednesday April 17" 1974, by Mr. James H.Spratling concerning the conditions of a lot owned by Mr! Gerald Kerbow on Wakeforest Street. Mr. Hall was advised that this matter had peen refer:redto both ,the Building Inspector and the Police Chief for investigation and that in response to are.. quest by Mr. Kerbow forspeci:fic information regarding a violation. the City Attorney bad addressed a letter to him. Mrs. Susan Cole, 2715 'Eason, advised the Connnisslon that she had attended the public hearings held by tIle Zoning and P1lann.ing Connnission and it was her thought that if the City Commission planned to call a public hearing' that the public should be advised whentIie Iiearingis to -be held and what the hearing was to be about, thereBy possiBly elindnatingthe confusion that existed before. Mrs. Cole was advised that the current issue of City Currents directed the attention of residents to tIle availaBility of the report of the Zoning and Planning Commission and encouraged all interested parties to secure a copy of such report for study. Ms. Ann Wiegand, Southwestern Argus reported, stated that she would ,be happy to emphasize any public hearing called by the City Conunission on the front page of the appropriate issue of ,the paper. Assistant Building Inspector WayP.e Perry reported to the Commission that en- forcement of the Standard Housing Code had been well received' by residents,' most especially when they were advised of dangers resulting from :improperly vented hot water tanks, faulty electrical wifing and non-conforming hearing systesm. Mr. Perry stated that disconnection of utility service had been necessary in only eight to ten cases of the 210 houses inspected by him since the middle of December. ,.. \, ,,', ..,:r---': ,F The houses located at '6701 Brompton"and 4125 BI!on Street were discussed with regard to the depreciated condition and the City Manager was requested to ask that the city Health Officer and Fire Chief make inspections of these two properties in order to detennine further action that could be taken to restore or demolish the houses. State Representative Kay Bailey arrived at the meeting at this t,ime and was' introduced by Mayor Harris. Representative Bailey reviewed Constitutional' revisions covei:- ing, rmder the Finance Articel, a requirement whereby the cmmty would appraise all property and political sub~div:isions would be required to abide by such appraisal; mandatory $3,000 homestead exemption for property owners 65 years of age or older; and the right of taxpayers to go to court if they were dissatisfied ~, ''''M ---Ill .. ,.1 ,Ir',::":!rn r-}; 2 4 IJJll",I'!'I.. ,'.. III I I I.L'-T II"H 1111., v- I LJ ~", ,. '.. ,I with theb' tax evalnat:ton~ a.~ Well as. ap;rovt:S'mn ttr el5Jnmate the prohibition ?f,helping hospital districts. .., - ~ - -- [J Under the local Goverrnnent Article a maximum tax limit of $2.00 per $100 valuation for cities and WOuld permit cities with'a population of 1,500 to pass home rule charters. .. Mayor Harris thanked Representative Bailey for herinfonnation and invited her to visit the City Conunission anytime comrenient,l A letter from Chief Kesselus was read to the Conunission. Chief Kesselus re- quested that his department' be granted additional time in preparing a speed check fu the 4200 block of Emory- Street in order that recently purchased hand held radar mits might be utilized. ' A bid received from Wright Asphalt Produets Company for furnishing approximately 30,000 gallons of colas was opened and results announced as follows: Approximately 30,000 gallons CClLAS @ $.2650 t. o. b. refinery 8200 Market St. Road, Houston, Texas Freight will be prepaid and added to invoices along with copy of freight bill.' , Mation byComrnissionerUnderwood, seconded By ConnnissJ:oner Stanley, that the bid received from Wtight Aspf1alt Products Company for furnishing approximately 30,000 gallons colas De referred to theCity]funager and Street superintendent for review and reconunendation. Voting Aye: All 'Voting No: None o Bids received for furnishing 200 tons coverstone, limestone, Grade 2 and 200 tons precoated rock asphalt coverstone, Grade 6-PE were opened and results rol- nounced, as folloWs: Item Firm Price Per Ton Freight WeightsPer Per Ton Cu. Yd. 200 tons Cover- Semtex Materials 1. 80 . stone limestone Texas Crushed Stone 5.70 Grade 2 2.70 Incl. 2300 2300 Cost Per Cu Yd. 5.08 6.55 200 tons Pre- coated Rock Asphal,t":Cover-, , -:'--':None stone Grade 6-PE (Alt. Bid) Trap Rock White t s Mines 4.25 3.25 2800 8.63 Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconed by Connnissioner Way, that bids received for furnishing 200 tons of Grade 2 coverstone and 200 tons of Grade 6-PE coverstone be referred to the City Manager and Street Superintendent for review and recommendation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None lJ o r-.. 00 ~ ~ ~ CO o o i~ . 17J: :J, The Connnission was advised that it was, necessary that appointment be made of members to serve on the Tax Board of Equalization for the year 1974 and the Comnission was furnished a list of memaers serving for the year 1973. , . - Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Underw-ood,that the folloWling persons be re~appointed,to serve on the Tax Board of Equalization for the year 1974: Dale Heiskell, 3004 Rice Boulevard; W. J. Bierne, 2618 ' Cason; Charles A. Gillan, 3620 Georgetown; and Kimble McMann, 2617 Arbuckle, Alternate. . ( Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Comnission was advised tfuit it would be necessary to appoint a member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment to serve the remainder of the tenn of Mr. Richard Hilton. Motron by Crn.mnissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that Mike Cas,ey, 3115 -Duke, presently serving as, an alternate member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, De appointed to serve tne remainder of the tenn of Mr. Richard Hilton. , VotiIig Aye: All Voting No: None City Attorney Charles Cockrell stated that it would be necessary to check the Statutes in <?rder to detennine the necessity of appointing another alterna~e member of the Zoning: 1bard of Adjustment to replace Mr. Casey. - '. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the date of May 19, 1974, 6:00 p.m., De set for the official dedication of Whitt Jolmson Park located at the intersection of Wakeforest and Carnegie Streets. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Members of the Civis CLub in attendance at the meeting were requested to advise such club of the dedication ceremonies and. to invite all Civic Club members to attend. . An invoice in the amount of $690.00 submitted by Traffic Engineers, Inc. for the completion of a traffic engineering analysis for the city, was presented to the Connnission for consideration.' ' Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner. Way, that the invoice in the amount, of $690.00, submittedDY Traffic Engineers, Inc., for completion of a traffic, analysis be approved for payment. ' , . , Voting Ayel All Voting No: None City Attorney Charles Cockrell adviscbd' the, Commission that pursuant 'to their direction ordinances' governing the use iDf city tennis courts had been obtained. from a number of cities and inaSl1R1ch as' the , approach taken varied to such a great degree it was his recommendation that the ord:i.nances be, refe~ed to the Tennis Sub-Committee for study and their recommendation for appropriate provisions to be included in an ordinance for control of West, University tennis courts. The City Manager was instructed. to forward sample ordinances to the Tennis Sub-Committee. -f''''~' -: !:;:1! Ij~_LJ ~ 1-.LJl . j ~. , If IH 111111 1-:-1 ,t I ....JII J.l ,I ,.1][[1 r 1~2 6 Mr. Cockrell advised the Conunission that notice bad been received that the Railrod Connnission of Texas bad called a hearing at 9:,00 a.m., on the 9th 0 of May, 1974, for the purpose of reeeiving evidence regarding the application filed by Houston Pipe Line Company for an increase in the domestic gas gate rate. Mr. Cockrell further advised that he had called the Houston Utilities Division and bad been told that. the City of Houston would have a representative, attendingtlhe hearing, Out they did not know at that time whether or nor a protest Would be entered against the gate rate increase. Mr. Cockrell stated that if i:t,was the desire of the City Conunission to consider an amendment totthe basic Zoning Ordinance No. 111 to provide for a definition of a single family residence in accordance with,a recent U. S. Supreme Court deci.. sion, a letter should De ,addresSecl to ,the Zoning and Planning Connnission. requesintg a report from them on the matter. ' , . Motion by Conunissioner Way, seconded by Conunissioner Binig, that the City Attor~ ney be authorized tod,l:roct a, letter to the Zoning.and Planning Conunission, en- closing tbrein a definition of single family residence, as stated in the recent' U. S. Supreme Court opinion, stating tnat the City Conunission would like to have them review such definition with a view that we might want to amend our Zoruimg Ordinance to include such definition and would appreciate their response. Voting Aye: All Voting No: ,None ., City Attorney Charles Cockrell read a. Proclamation by Mayor Don E. Harris de~ signating April 27" May 4, May 11 and May 18, 1974 as Operation Spiffy ~ 1974, 0', and encouraging citizens to engage in activities wmch,will cause West University Place to spaTItle with neatness, cleanliness and beauty. The City Commission was advised tIiat the fiTst issue of Heity Currents" had been Bailed with all water bills in one cycle of tne billing system, together with an 'envelope to be used in returning the water bills with payments. A cost sched.u~e showing gasoline consumption.and prices for the period from Jlme 26, 1969 through April 8, 1974, was presented to the Crnmnission. The sche~ , dule indicated ahta gasoline prices had increased from .13830 per gallon to .23520 per gallon during this period. .' , The Conmission was presented a letter from Mr. Ronald Shoup, Jr. requesting authority to use funds not required for a metes and bOlmds survey for the Independence Park proj ect., to employ the ,services of Mr. Bill Bourneman to pre- pare a professional cost estimate. Mr. Shoup also requested authority to work with Mr . Colvin Reid in preparing the required draWing .of the proposed structure for use in the cost est:imatin~, stating 'that both the engineering and estimating should not cost in excess of $500.00. Motion by Conunissioner Way, 'seconded by Conunis-sioner Underwood, that Mr. Ronald Shoupg.,Jr. be authorized to employ Mr. Bill Bourneman to prepare a professional cost estimate, 90th a current estimate, plJ1s a percentage per year escalation. and to employ Mr. Colvin Reid to prepare the required drawing of the proposed Independence Park project. Voting Aye: All Voting No: < N6ne o o I:"- 00 ~ ""':> ~ ~ o o 11'1 1 :l'i Motion by Conimissioner Stanley, secoruieiby Commissioner Binig, 'that, the' City ijana.ger be authorized to. send the 'City of 'Houston a check in the amount of $3,500 to cover ambulance service in and out of the City of West University for a contract period of April, 1973 to April, 1974. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None, The Commission was advised,tnatthe second officially scheduled meeting for the month of May would fall on Memorial Day, oosenred as a holiday by the City of West University Place and an alternate date should be selected. Motion by Connnissioner Underwood, seconded by Connnissioner Stanley, that the second official meeting of the City Commission for the month of May be held on Tuesday, May 28ths rather thhn. Monday, May 27th, Memorial Day. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Commissioner Stanley advised the commission that Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ryan, had advised that the West University PTA had purchased playground equipment, for the school and such equipment will De placed in the southeast corner of the school grounds. Mayor Harris stated that inasmuch as a meeting had oeen held with members of the Zoning and. Planning Commission to Teview its recommendations with regard to re- zoning of certain properties in the city, a decision should be made on whether or not to call a puolic hearing. Motion by Connnissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the Zoning and Planning Commission be advised that the City Commission proposed to call a joint public hearing on May 20, 1974 at the COlllIIlUIlity Building. . Voting Ayel All Voting No: None Minutes of the meetings of the Plumbing Board on April 8th and April 15th were presented to the Commission for their infonnation. Minutes of the meeting of the Safety and ACcident Review Board on April 9th were presened to the Commission for their infonnation. Minutes of the meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on April 4th were pre- sented to the COImnission for their infonnation. Minutes of the meetingss of the Zoning and. Planning Commission on April 12th and April 19th were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, APril 8th were presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Connnissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, April 8th be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ':" 'I rI H':l'l'llrrt ~I , [ .:ll!.lLll 1 ' Jlr , l ,1')'28 JJJIll .11['1 I I Iii I! 1 111'lij!\ . II ! I 'I"'! With no ,further~business 'to come before the City Conunission at this time, upon motion duly ma~e, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. /22;:~ . " Mayor ' ATIEST~ $.fL~ ~J~~ / A5s'1:stant-City Secretary -'-~ ,;~, ~. " I o [l [l o r-- 00 ~ """:> ~ Q o o J -. r' " . _ -r"~'~""~' 12~ RE6I.JlAA' J;jEliTINf.1, 01 CJ:lY"C~aroN "< ' , " " , , , ~O'~';I;97 4, ",' , , , '- '-" ' ... "\ ~ .... "<<" ~ ~ ~ '." ~.. ~~ .'.'" "l. .. v The City' Cemmiss:te>n ceiWend in -regUlar sesSion at the City Hall on Monday, May 13, 1974, 7:30 p.m. with the following members pTesent: Mayor Harris, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Stanley and Underwood. The City Attomey and City Manager were also present. " .. '.' . The invo~atioIi was :pronounc~d by Commissioner Underwood. Mayor Harris administered the oath of office to :Mr. William J. Bierne and Mr. Charles A. Gillan as members of the Tax Board of Equalization to serve for 1974. Mr. Dail;e Heiskell was out of the city add the oath will be administered to him at a later date.' , .. The City Manager introduced Mr. Charles Cowan recently appointed as Recreation Director for the city. Mr. Cowan told the Commission he was glad to be here and looking forward to working with the officials and citizens of Wes't University , Place. He and his wife and small son have temporarily rented a house at 4235 Milton. Mr. B. F. Minard, Mr. David Harris, and Mr. Joe Williams of the Tennis Association Execut:ive Committee appeai'ed' Defore the Commission reporting on the success of the .30 day trial reservation system at Judson Park and a Tesu1t of an on the grotmd study by NC Systems, rnc and a repTeSEmtati\Te of Houston Lighting & Power Co. concerning the lighting of the tennis courts at all paTks. They requested the City Commission to allow the reservation system on a pennanent basis at Judson Park. The Mayor tI1anked the committee for the infonnation furnished and advised that an a.tchitect had been employed to study the comnnmity building and all parks and make recommendations for TepaiTs, maintenance, lighting and/or the building of new courts and tIlat the study fTom the Association concerning the lighting would be taken under consideration before any work was authorized. He also advised that the City Attomey was working on an ordinance to contain Tecommendations from the Tennis Association to provide definitions, use of tennis courts , and establish a process of obtaining West University Place tennis cards. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the prmanent reservation system at Judson Park be authorized in accoTdance to recommendations and rules as established by the Tennis Association Executive Committee submitted to the Commission previously when the 30 day t:da1 period was authorized. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None MY. Gerald Kerbow, 2630 University Boulevard, who had requested to appear before the City Comnission, passed at this time with a reserva.tion to speak later if necessary. Mr. Jim Hall, 2740 Cason, asked if the Kerbow issue would be brought up and was ad- vised that Mr. Kerbow had just passed his turn on the agenda. Mr. Hall inquired as to what would be done if future instances of this kind conceri:dmg the condition of vacant property and what :nas been done in this instance. The City Manager explained that Mr. Kerbow bad visited with him in his office and re- quested an interpretation of the ordinance governing the condition of vacant pro- ;1"1 I " , , ".";:rlll rllt! II ~JlJt.D111 l~~ ! J ,I[ 1"30 IJJr.r' , I'TJ:"J- I... JI-r-- I! . L ~c..., 'i ~ ~ l Il II ~, ~I l~J perties which was provided. He stated that Mr. Kerbow told him in good faith that he 'WOUld stack the lumDer' on stands so as to eliminate rat harborage and clear the ground of trash and debris and that pictures taken the afternoon of [IJ May 14th indicated that Mr. Kerbow had started this work but that he had re~ quested an extension of time because of the recent bad weather. Mr. Kerbow lDade a statement at this time that he would like to make clear that he had served in the past assa memeer of the Plumbing Board for the city and was at this time serving in that capacity but tbat he had never held an office in the city nor had any other contact with the City Commission members. He also stated that the gentlemen who originally lDade the complaint about his lot and wrote a letter fo the Editor of the Southwestern Argus, lives about ten (10) or twelve (12) blocks from the site of his lot and he thought it was a very 1ID~ healthy situation when someone has taken the position of a se1f~appointedvigi~ lante demanding certain action of the City Commission and stated that there were at least a dozen properties in the city in worse condition than his. , In accordance with previous action of the City Commission bids received for furnihsing 500 5/8H x3/4H water meters and 6 - 21t water meters for the city's water replacement program, were opened and read and the Assistant City Manager and Water Superintendent were asked to retire rrbIll the meeting andmakeaa tabula~ tion of the bids. The Mayor declared a five minute recess at this time. In accordance with instructions of the City Commission, a tabulation of bids re~ ceived for Street Department materials and a recommendation for purchase were pre- e sended to the Commission: ITEM 'FIRM PRICE ' FREIOO WEIGHT COST PER. TON PER TON PER CU YD PER CU YD Servtex Materials 1.80 2~70 2300 5.08 Texas Crushed Stone 200 Tons Austin No Bid Coverstone Limestone Texas Crushed Stone Grade 2 Houston 5.70 Incl. 2300 6.55 lhralde Rock Asphalt No Bid White's Mines No Bid *********************** Servtex Materials No Bid 200 Tons Texas Crushed Stone Precoated Austin No Bid Rock Asphalt Coverstone Texas Crushed Stone Grade 6-PE Houston No Bid Uva1de Rock Asphalt No Bid 0 (AI t Bid) Whi te' s Mines 4.25' 3.25 2800 8.63 Trap Rock o r-- 00 ~ ~ ~ o o o l'~" ~tt(\)n of COD)H};kssione:r 1Jnde:r'WooCl, seconded oy Commissioner Stanley, that bids for Street Depa'ttment -:materials De awarded' as Tec6mm.ended oy the City Maanger in his letter of May 13, 1974 as :follows~ 200 tons of Limestone cover material Grade 2 ~, Servtex, New Braunsfels, Texas, net cost per cooic yard, includ~ ing freight 200 tons Precoated Asphalt Tock Grade 6~PE ~ White's Mines, San Antonio, Texas, cost per cubic yard , 30,000 gallons ,of 'colas asphalt ~ WRight Asphalt Pro~' ducts Company, Houston, Texas.... f.o'-o.theiT Tefinery' 8200 Market StTeet Road' . , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None $ 5.08 . $ 8.63 '-26:-1/2 per gal. The AssistantaCity Manager and Water Su,p:erintendent remrned to the meeting at this time with the following taDu1ation fTOlD. bidders for 500 ~ 5/8" x 3/4" water meters and 6 .... 21'-1 water meters~ 5/8" X 3/4tl CCMPANY BID , TRADE~ IN ~adgerMeter , Inc. Carlton Meter Sales Co. l\ockwell International 16,685.00 16,650.00 18,2400.00 " 2; 000.00 , 1,750.00 3,240.00 2" Badger Meter, rnc. CaTltonMeter Sales, Inc. Rockwell International TOTAL Badger Meter, Inc. Carlton Meter Sales Co. Rockwell International NET . 14,685.00 14,900.00 15,000.00 1,380.00 1,242.00 1,454.88 16,065.00 16,142.00 16,454.88 MJtion by Connnissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the bids for 500 5/8" x 3/4" water meters and 6 - 2" water meters be referred to the City Manage for study and recommendation at the next regular meeting of the City Commis- sion. Voting Aye: All' Voting No: None In accordance with previous action of the City Commission bids received for furnishing 6,000 Armual Reports In accordance with the city's specifications were opened and the results announced as follows:, ., .-,,,, _ u' r I-I .JIJ11lllfull !II r~ -. .. ,r r . lltr I 132 IHI I II!' .. JII L. -.JYI w IJ i I LUMP; SUM BID o BIDDER Beasley Printing Company Gulf Printing Company, Waddell · s Lothographing Webb Printing Company Western Lithographing Company Wetmore and Company ':' 2,490.55 1,875.00 1,800.00 2,050.00 2,161.20 2,042.00 Motion by Commissioner., $tanley" . seconded, by" COIIJnti.ssioner Underwood that the low bid of $1,800.00 from Waddell LitflograpJrlng be accepted contingent upon satis- facotyr compliance to the specifications in regard to art work which was not specifically noted in their bid, and in the event this is not met that the bid be warded to the second low bidder, Gulf Printing Company, for their bid of $1,875.00. )" .' 'Voting Aye: All 'Voting No ~ None An invoice from Architect Matt Weeks, fOr services rendered in connection with remodeling and additions to West Un.hrersity Connmmity Building and Lilbrary, in the amount of $172.3!!} was presented' to the City Conunission for their consideration. ~otj.on by Connnissioner, Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that, invoice in the aIIl0UIlt of $772. 39 hrnn Architect Matt WeeRS ,for services rendered in comection [J with remodeling and additions to' the' Community Building and. Lierary be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The City Manager advised that Mr. Charles C. Orsburn, 5910 Fordham, had been appointed Associate Judge for Municipal Court on March 18, 1974~for a period of sixty (60) days and the City Crnmnission should give consideration to re-appointing Mr. Orsburn as several metters are still pending on which his services will be needed according to Chief of Police Kesselus. },btion by Connnissioner Binig, seconded by COIIDnissioner Underwood, that Mr. Charles C. Orsburn, 5910 Fordham, be re-appointed Associate Judge for Mimicipal Court for a period of sixty (60) days. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 1015 was presented to the Commission and read in full: .AN ORDINANCE CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:30 P~M. ON JUNE' 12, 1974, TO CON- SIDER A REPORT OF THE ZONING.AND PLANNING CCM4ISSION RECQM.ffiNDING .AN AMEND- MENT TO ORDINANCE' NUMBER 111 TO PERMIT THE USE--OF lOTS ,LOCATED IN .AN .AREA BOUNDED ON'THE~ NOR.1H-BY mRONro COURT AND CASON FOR PURPOSES IN ADDITION 10, OR OTHER mAN, SINGLE FAMILY RESIBENTIAL USE, AS IDRE FULLY SET FORTH IN SAID ORDINANCE: PROVIDING FOR A JotNr PUBLIC HEARING ON SAID DATE BY THE CI'N [J- m~ISSION .AND ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION: DIRECTING THAT IDTICE OF SAID HEARING BE GIVEN AS PROVIDED BY LAW: REQUIRING THAT A mpy OF THE RE- o I:"- 00 ~ ""';) ~ ~ o o 133; PORT BY THE ZONING AND PLANNINCi COMMISSION REMAIN ON FILE AND BE AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY' SECRETARY: AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. MOtion by Connnissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner 'Stanley; that Ordinance No. 1015 calling a Public Hearing for 7:30 p.m., June 12, 1974, in the Community Building located at 6104 Auden, to consider the report of 'the Zoning and'Planning Commission recommending that Zoning Ordinance No. ,111 of ,the city'be amended to permit the use of certain lots as described in said ordinance to be considered for rezoning as set forth in said final report, be approved. COlIBIlissioner Stanley connnented that the reason the Connnissioners had not responded in any manner to inquiry about possible rezoning is that the legal situationre- quires the Commissioners, to hear facts from a Public Hearing before expressing any opinions or decisions. Voting Aye: All 'Voting No: None Ordinance No. 1016 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE CALLING A PIm'LIC HEARING AT 7:30 P.M., ON JUNE 13, 1974, TO CONSIDER A :REPORT OF THE -ZONING AND PLANNING CQM.fiSSION 'RECOMdENDING AN .AMENIMENT TO OlIDINANCE NO. 111 TO PEWIT THE USE OF LOTS LOCATED IN AN .AREA BOUNDED ON THE NORm BY TANGLEY;ON THE EAST BY KIRBY DRIVE, ON 'mE SOUI'H BY '!HE SOUIH PROPERTY' tINE OF tars '5 AND 6, BLOCK 13, VIRGINIA COURT ADDITION TO THE crn OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS ORIGINALLY PLA'ITED, AND ON TfIE WEST BY' LAKE SI'REET: TRrANGuLAR 5HAPED AREA BOUNDED ' ON THE NOR1H BY BIDSSONNET, oN THE EAST BY THE EA5T PRoPERlY LINE OF BLOCK 1, COLLEGEVIEW 3lID ADDITION, AND ON THE SOIJTFI BY SUNSET: LOTS BOUNDED ON THE NOR1H BY BISSONNET, ON THE EAST BY THE EAST PlIDPERlY LINE OF LOT 4, BLOCK 4, COLLEGEVIEw 3RD ADDITION,. ON,THE SOU'lH BY THE. SOUTH pilOPERlY LINES OF LOTS ~, ~, 2, and 1 ,BLOCK 4; COLLEGEVIEW 3RD ADDITION; ':AND ON THE WEST BY WESLAYAN; Lars BOUNDED ON, THE NOR1H BY BISSONNET" ON THE EAST' BY WESLAYAN, ON THE soum BY BROWNING, AND ON THE WEST BY THE WEST PROPERlY, LINE OF LOTS 5 TIIROUGH 9, BLOCK 2, BISSONNET PLACE ADDITION TO THE CITY' OF WEST UNIVERSIlY PLACE, TEXAS; LOTS BOUNDED ON THE NORlH BY BROWNING, ON THE EAsT BY ,WESLAYAN, ON 1HE SOUTH BY 1HE SOUIH PROPERlY LINE OF' LOTS FACING NOR1H ON BROWNING, AND ON THE WEST BY ACADEMY STREET: AND LOTS BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY BISSONNET,ON THE EAST BY ACADEMY, AND ON 1iIE SOUTH BY THE, SOUTH. PROPERlY LINE OF LOTS 9 THROUGH, 12, BLOCK 18, COLONIAL TERRACE ADDITION, TO THE CIlY OF WEST UNIVERSIlY PLACE, TEXAS; FOR PURPOSES IN ADDITION TO, OR OTHER THAN, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL USE, AS MORE FULLY SET FORlli IN smD ORDINANCE, PROVIDING, FOR A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING ON SAID DATE BY THE crn C(M.IT5SIONAND ZONING AND PLANNING, COMMISSION: DIRECTING THAT NOTICE OF SAID HEARING BE GIVEN AS PROVIDED BY LAW: REQUIRING lHA.T A COPY OF mE REPORT BY mE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION REMAIN ON FILE AND BE AVAILABLE FOR IN5PECI'ION IN THE OFFICE'OF THE CIlY SECRETARY: .AND PROVIDING AN EFFECI'IVE DATE. Motion byConunissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that Ordinance No. 1016 calling a Public Hearing for 7:30 p.m., June 13, 1974, in the Community Building located at 6104 Auden, to consider the report of the Zoning and Planning COlIBIlission recommending that Zoning Ordinance No. 111 of the 'city be amended to per- mit the l3lse of certain lots as described in said 'ordinance ,to be considere,d for rezoning as set forth in said final report~ be approved. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None r~_ [I ,-::Jl __~~ -----ll[ "' .1 I .,',IUI '! ... , ". L 'l34 IJIIP Ill. [, JII L. , 'IITIII :: 1.1., .. I I i'J I!' ,I:', Mr. E. Gene Hines, Chaixman of the Zonin~ and Planning Commission, stated that he would like the minutes' to l"eflecttnat in Ordinarice No. 1015, Section 1, wherein ttFarIdng: was- included' for coilSideration tliat this' was not included in \11 the reconmendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission. LJ The City Attorney advised that it is not JIlaIldatoryto have another alternate to 'replace a deceased member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment but in view of the fact tbat certam actions of too Board requires a 4/Sths vote, it would be'better to have an alternate. ' Mayor Harris asked that memoers of the City Conmissiongive consideration to submitting names of qualified citizens to fillttbis vacancy. ? '~.' i' < ." -."': . :;.' ~ . :-. \ . : . : ~ '., An invoice in the amount of :$1,155.:00 from City Attorney Charles F. Cockrell, Jr., for legal services during tne months of January, Feoroary, March and April, 1974, over and above his regular duties- for the city was presented. for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Underwood,,' seconded by Conunissioner Binig, that invmice in the amount of $1,155.00 for legal services during the months of January, February, March and Aprile, ,1974, over and above his regtilarduties for the city be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: Nelne Mayor Harris amlOlIDCed that the official dedication of Whitt JoImson Park, at the corn~rof Wakeforest andCainegie,'would be,at 6~OO p.m., S1lllday, May 18,1974, and all citizens-were ,invited to attend. ' o The City Manager advised that the Swimming pool and batf1l1ouse were in good shape and ready for tlie first weekend opening on May 18, 1974. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Conmissioner Underwood, that a ticket reading tFREE FASS to West University SwinmiIlg 1'001, Admit 2 persons for 1 Day only, Good June 1 throUgh Jillle 30, 1974tt be enclosed with each water bill being mailed on May 20th, May 30th, and Jillle 10, 1974. Voting Aye: All Voting No:. None Mayor Harris signed,a proclamation declaring the week of May 12-18, 1974 as Police Week, and May 15, 1974 as Peac OFficers Memorial Day in honor of those peace officers who have been disabled or given their lives in tbe line of duty. Commissioner Stanley asked that the City Manager request from the Chief of Police a more detailed report' on how traffic counts are made and especially on the traffic count made in the 4200 block of Emory. Minutes of the meeting of'the Parks and Recreation Board on March 25, 1974, were presented to the Commission for their infonnation. Minutes of the meeting of the Plumbing Board on April 29, 1974 were presented to the' Commission for t~ir information. Minutes of the meeting of the Zoning and PlanningConunission on April 9, 1974 were presented to the Commission for theirmnfonnation. o o I:"- QO ~ ~ ~ o o o 13 :); Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, April 22, 1974 were presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded oy Commissioner Underwood, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Conunission on Monday, April 22, 1974 be approved as' suemitted. . With no further business to come before the City Commission "a,t this time, ,upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjoUrned at 9:45 p.m. 0~~~. Mayor ATTEST: r!1e/ KJ ~ -" / ~ Ass~ Citrsc:;~ T3'6' 1mI'. Llll~l .J . 11'- I I L-.:~' ~~~I 1 T --1 " , 1W.~,m:TIN6,;O>> Cm-C~SSWN , , ' , " , ' , , , , "MilV' "28" "l'M4" ,', . , ' , , , , , , , . . . . ' ',l'Jl'\.!..' , ~., ,':U .'," ""., , The City Connnission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Tuesday, May 28, 1974., J::3Q p~m., with. the following members present; Mayor Harris, presiding; CommissionerS- :Binig, Sbm.ley ana 'WaY'~ T!ie' City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Cormnissioner UnderWood was absent. The invocation was pronolinced by Mayor Ha:rris. Ordi.n.ance No. .1017 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CI1Y OF WEST UNIVER5ITY PLACE, TEXAS: PROVIDING DEFINITIONS: DESIGNATING USERS OF THE TENNIS COUltTS: ESTABLISHING THE PROCESS TO BECOME A BONA FIDE PERMIT HOLDER: PROVIDING FOR MUNICIPAL TENNIS COURT PERMITS: PRESCRIBING REGULAT~ IONS FOR THE USE OF TENNIS COURTS: DECLARING WILL'FUL DAM~ AGE OF TENNIS COURTS TO BE A VIOLATION: AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. _ ~ ..b < o Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded. by Ccmmissioner Binig, that Ordinance No. 1017 amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas, designating users of tne tenil.iscourts, process for pennit holders, pro- viding for court pennits, and regulating the Use of the tennis courts, be approved. as read with the substitution of HdaylightH for Hsunrise" on Page 2, 0 Subsection 4 (9). Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance No. 1018 was presented to the Commission and read. in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CI1Y OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BY ESTABLISHING A BICYCLE LANE: DES~ SCRIBING ITS BOUNDARIES: PRoHIBITING THE DRIVING OF VEHICLES ON OR ACROSS BICYCLE LANES .AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Conunissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that Ordinance NO. 1018 establishing a bicycle lane and describing boundaries of a bicycle lane be tabled until the next regular meeting of the City Commission at which time the City Manager would present a cost estimate of the striping of the streets for the designated bicycle lanes. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Ron Shoup briefly reviewed. the status of the Independence Park project as related to participating in the national Bi-Centennial celebration in 1976 and pointed. out the next step to be taken by city officials was the appointment of a Citizens. Committee to recommend a Bi-Centennial Committee which would start formulating plans for a project to be submitted to the state Bi-Centennial organi- zation organization. Mr. Shoup pointed. out that contimling to follow the guide... lines as set up by the state Bi ....Centennial organization did not necessarily mean the city would have to submit a project, but in the event itr was so decided, the o o I:"- QO 11j ~ ~ o o o it! 13": pre1:i:m:inaxies would alrea.dy be accOmplished, ana ne nrged Hfu11 speed aheadlll in tlUs direction. He also asked too City C01llI1liss-ion to consider a citywide ce1eoration for ..fuly 4, 1914 as a patriotic ooservance and possibly an initial HIdck....offt.t of the cityts participation in tIle Bi....Ceti:mmal celebration. Designationg t'VlrginiaStreetH (originally platted as a' street but never so, used or designated as astreetDY the city) as a park 'it' 'a July 4th celebration was disOlssed. It was pointed out DY the City Attorney that this'might make the city liable for injuries sustained on the property. The City AttTIiey was asked to research this aspect of the question. ' It was decided that a letter should De drafted wi thin the next ew days to the Harris County Flood Control District declaring the mtent of the city to actpire easements arolllld Poor Farm Ditch and asking for their reconnnendations in asking the Connnissioners Court to grant the, city what easements ,they own and permission to cover the ditch for a pennanent park site. ' It was the decision of the City Comm.ission that the chaiman of each active Board and Committee of the city be invited to form a Citizens' Committee to recommend persons for the Bi ....Centennia1 Connni tte to be composed of seven (7) members and three (3) a1 temates. This reconnnendation to be 1Ilade at the next megular meeting of the City Commission on June' 10, 1914. ' , . ' The City Manager was instructed to formulate plans for a city wide July 4th celebration relating to Independence Park. Mr. O. D. Gregg, Sanitation Superintendent, reported on Operation Spiffy, 1974, con- ducted on April 27, May 4, 11 and 18, and presented 'a cost breakdown showing total cost for the operation as $3,974.51. . Mr. Gregg stated that in his opinion this is a worthwhile proj ect to rid the city and the properties of citizens of unwanted and bard to get rid of oojects wflich are not included in tIle regular trash pickup. He also said tf1at over all it was a smooth operation with about 80% participation, and received good puo1icity; tf1at most people were aware of the operation and when their pick up day was schec1u1ed; and that he and . other sanitation department per- sOIUlel had received many complimentary remarks from citizens and especially hoping the project would continue. ,.' , Mayor Harris connnended Mr. Gregg aDd his department on the fine job they did on "Operation S~iffy, 1974". A lett'er dated May 28, 1974 from the City Manager containing reconmendations for purchase of 500 - 5/8H x 3/4" water meters and 6 - 2" water meters for which bids were received on May 13, 1974, was presented to the Commission as follows: May 28, 1974 Mayor and Members of the City Connnission City of West University Place', Texas Dear Commission Members: The bids received on May 13, 1974 for furnishing and deliverying 500' - 314ft X ' S/8H water meters and 6 - 2tt water meters were referred to me and Water Super- intendent H. L. Vaughn for study and recommendation. ' [._ Ll j _=:Jl .111111 ,.....II! , ,- ttlrilrLJ.lrrl .il....:.! T3'8~ j]][T'j" 11 !I~1 . 111--- II ~!:1 Illjl 11 I ! ~, ~ -1.-:] '~~T 11,11'- . , .1'.. ~> '. ."} 11~ Following is a tawlation a;f' fiJ:ds- recejjrea~ , --3!4M-:-y.' ~/8'''':wate<i:.ters- o COMPANY . BID PRrr.F. IThTl"T' PW'l"l"P ~ADE-IN. ~tt~~, miT Badger Meter;' rnc. Carlton Mtr~ Sales Rockwell rnnat'l. , 16,685.00 16,650.00' 18,240.00 33.31 33'.30 36.48 2" ~.'atel" 'Meters 230.00 207 ~'O(jV: 242.48 TalUS 2,000.00 1,750.00 3,240~00 14,685.00 14,900.00 15,000.00 1,380.00 1,242.00 1,454.88 16,065.00 16,142.00 ,16,454.88 Badger Meter Inc. CarltonMtr. Sales Rockwell International Badger Meter, Inc. Carlon Meter Sales Co. Rockwell International In all 'probability, the, city 'WOUld receive accurate measurements for either the Rockwell S'eal ' Register or the Badger Model SC~ER. meter. The question of service maintenance and repair is then the deciding factor. The Badger meter wouldre... quire shipment to Dallas, Texas. AI though the company would pay the freight charges for the first 10 years, tJie city of West University Place would have to bear the expense of man hours and lIlaterials- for crating ready for shipment. There would also be 2 or 3 weeks delay in receiving the repaired meters from Dallas. Neither of us are familiar with the Carlon meter and do not have any in service 0 'and would not reconmiend consideration of this meter. The Carlon meter would re. quire shipment to 'Grand Ffaven; 'Michigan for rePairs necessitating 'again crating and shipping. ,".. " ltockwell fMelt_eCompany"s shop is located at 5155 Blalock Drive and any meter re~ quiring repairs could De delivered within 30 m:i:nates to their shop. The lot bid of Rockwell Meter Company is $389.88 'higher tfum the low bidder, however, we be- lieve the city will save considerable over the next 10 year periodtIttoughuse of their local repair shop operated by Rockwell Meter Company at 5155 Blalock Drive. Therefore it is my recommendation and that of Water Superintendent H. L. Vauglm. that Rockwell Meter Company be awarded the contract for delivery, of 500 - 3/4" x 5/8tt 'water meters and 6 -' 2" water meters in accordance with their total bid price of $16,454.88. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Whitt Jolmson City Manager Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Way, that contract be ' awarded to Rockwell Manufacturing Company, Houston, Texas for 500 - 5/8" x 3/4" water meters and 2 - 6" water meters in accordance to recommendation of the City Manager and Water Superintendent not to exceed their bid price of $16,454.88 in accordance with their' bid dated May 8, 1974 and the city's specifications. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o o I:"- QO , ~ ""':> ~ ~ o o 13'9. The City Manager presented a traffic count at Bissonnet and Weslayan made by the Police Department on May 28, 1974 from 4,: 50 to 5: 50 p.m. as follows: South bound 588 North bound 355 Left turn count 73 This is the first count to ascertain traffic flow on Bissonnet and 'W.eslayan since the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Bissonnet and Edloe. Other counts will continue to be made until a complete picture is evolved. A report dated May 28, 1974 on the method used by the Police Department to deter- mine a traffic count in the 4200 block of Emory was presented to the City Connnis- sion for their information and at their request. Comnissioner Binig distributed information she had obtained from the Texas Parks and Wildlikfe Connnission concerning funding of parks, playgrounds, etc. She stated that funds are not available at this time, but that she was advised that application for funds filed by September 1, 1974 would be considered during the last quarter of this year. The Federal funds or grants, administered by the State Parks and Wildlife Comnrlssion are made on a 50% to 50% basis and are from the U. S. Department of the Interior. She said she would receive more material at a later date which she would give to the City Commission for study. Commissioner Binig brought to the attention of ,the City Connnission requests from citizens for a cul-de-sac at the intersection of Albans Rd. and Bissonnet. A petition was filed with the Zoning and Planning Connnission on September 5, 1972 and although the Zoning and Planning Connnission considered the request and made re- ference to the request in their report to the City Connnission dated March 11, 1974, no action by an official body has been' taken.' Commissioner Binig asked that. the City Connnission consider this request as the citizens had indicated to her that they would pay for the cost of the erection of the cul-de-sac if the city would furnish the labor. The City Commission was instructed to get a report from the Police and Fire Chiefs on their assessment of the feasibility of this cul-de-sac, including a traffic count, and prepare a cost estimate, all to be presented to the City Connnission at its regular meeting on June 10, 1974. Commissione,r,Stanley displayed a symbol designed by Mr. Jeffry Corbin, 3017 Bissonner, to be considered for adoption as the official symbol of the City of West University Place for use on vehicles, park signs, letterheads, etc. (The symbol can be said to depict the foundation of the city as a single family resi- dential city reflecting through the continual nature of the black line the fact that the city recycles and giving the feeling of :perpetuity" in its residential character. The symbol portrays two residences intertwined iI\ a continuous pattern.) Motion by Connnissioner Stanley, seconded by Connnissioner Ginig, that the symbol as presented and designed by JeffryCCorbin, be adopted as the official symbol of the City of West University Place. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None 1~40 Imr"!~jj!lJJ .J . Jlr-- L-rl ~-~''--- I~------r--r Il~li\ .,., I __,!tJ~c.. 1-t.'~.1 Mr. Corbin advised tIle City COIiunission that the'- iIJ.em.o.eXs et the original 'Volunteer recycling group f1ad voted, if approved' bY tlie City Commission, to use monies left from the volunteer program for ne ~'We1come: or entrance markers into the 0 city. They proposed to refinish the existing signs and have manufactured at least four more signs to be located at places agreed upon between the committee andtity officials. The signs would be blue' with white letters, display the official symbol, and read as follows: ''Welcome to WEST UNIVERSI1Y PLACE. Our City Recycleslt. " , MotionbyConmissioner Stanley, seconed by Conmissioner Binig, that the City Connnis- sion accept the offer of the volunteer recycling group to refinish existing "Welcome: signs and have manufactured and erected at least four (4) other signs to be , placed at 10cat4dns ggreed upon between the committee and city offlcials. These signs to be blue with white lettering and display the official symbol of the city and read: t'WELCOME to WEST UNIVERSIlY PLACE. Our City Recycles". Voting Aye: . All Voting No: 'None The City Attorney reported that litigation in which the Zoning and Planning Commission is iD.volved in a lawsuit concerning the denial of a subdiv:lsion of a lot owned by Mr. DayD. Myers at 6636 Buffalo Speedway, was heard in District Court on Thursday, May 23, 1974. A judgement was granted to the city. However, he advised that the p1afutiff had indicated that he Would appeal the decismon. Minutes of themeeting of the Electri<;:a1 Board on Wednesday, May 22, 1974 were presehted "to the Conmission for theirinfonnation. Minutes' or the minutes' or the Plum.bgiri Board on Mmday, May 6, 1974 were presented to' the Conuni ss ion for their information. I , , , , . , Minutes or the' regular meeting or the City Connnission onM6nday, May 13~ 1974 were presented ror consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Conmissioner Way, seconded by Connilissioner ' Stanley, tba t the mi.nUtes of the regular meeting of lihe City Connnission on Monday, May 13, 1974, be approved as submitted. With no further business to come berore the City Conmission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. .CZ2 ~4~ , Mayor ATTEST: ~~~ ASsis ant City Secretary , o ,0 ' I~; if' /' il I> f"e 00 ~ '"":'> o Q o o II ' 1,4,1:, REGULAR MEETING OF CIlY C(}.1MJSSION JUNE 10, 1974 The City Connnission convene~ in regular session at,the City Hall on Monday, Jlme 10, 1974, 7:30 p.m., with' the following members present: Mayor Harris, presiding; Connnissioners Biriig~ Stanley, Underwood and Way.' The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronolmced by Connnissioner Stanley., -. ,.. ,,". t, . - I Mrs. Ann Wallin, a member of the city's Parks and Recreation Board, arid Director of the ','Beemvett project approved. and endo;rse~ by the C;i.ty Conunission" for the education and development of pre-school age childreriiiil West University Pla~e" reported to the Connnission on the completion of the program for the year 1973- 1974. Mrs. Wallin stated that, the "Beehiv~H project had been able to ~eet the imple- mentation .schedule and guid~lines as contained in the orj,ginal' prqposal, for the project and that dUring,the year 52, 91ild-ren participated ;in the pro~am., Mrs. Wa1l,.in also stated tfult cooperation ,and assistance frOm the parents reSulted in not' only a very successful prograni, 'but the development of close friendships and camaraderie among city residents. ' . , " , . Mayor Harris thanked Mrs. Wallin for her report and expressed sincere apprecia- tion for the proj ect and its accomplishments. Mayor Harr~s stated that he had heard many citizen comments regarding the program and hel;JWas confident area children and parents had benefited a great deal from their participation. Mr. Jim Wilson, manager of the sw:imming pool, was introduced to members of the Conunission. Mr. Wilson reviewed the opening of the pool for the 1974 season, stating that membership had increa$ed and ,that ,it ~s his belief that.mor,e young adu~ts wereusing the' f~cility tImihad previOl,1sly. ',,~.Wilson, in. re$P,onsetto questions bY-members of'the Cominissi6n,listed,a number of items he thought neces- sary as added equipment or in need of maintenance to insure contiiroed good opera- tion ofthepool..- Mr. Wilson stated that' litter on the part of ,pool patrons presented qne of the ,major prpblems of his concern, and tfuit al+ residenct~should be consistently remirided.to not litter the grounds. ", Mr. Doug Toole, Jr., 3759 Albans Road, and Mr. Jo1m M. Hinrichs, 3742 Wroxton, Road, ,appeared before the C011Jift1ssion to present a proposal from residents in their area for'the construction:b{'-a' cul'-de-sac to close Albans Road at its intersection with Bissonnet. The'-ptbposal called for the construction of four pre-cast con- crete planters, 3' in height, 3'6" indiameten;; with a thickness of 4", to be pur- chase(L,bY~rea residents. ' . The Connnission was alsoprbvided letters from Chief of POlice Richard Kesselus and Fire Chief C. E. Duffin, setting forth their views with: regard ,to the closing of Albans. Road at Bissonnet by means of a cul-desac. Chief Kesselus noted in his letter the lact of heavy traffic using the intersection; possible enhancement of professional burglars working in the . area bY-the need of only one lookout and the limitation in the, response time of'police vehicles entering the area on an eme~ gency basis. Chief Duffin's letter expressed no objections to th~ construction of a cul-de-sac, but noted that it would be n:enessaryto move a fire hydrant at an approximate cost of $500.00. A cost analysis prepared by Street Superintendent A. L. Bearden indicated that the proposed construction, using city labor forces and equipment, would cost an estimated $1,148.00. . " ., . I I , 'Hi ~.-' IIr , ., 1"-,1'1111 1:.t2 [ # UJ[[T'TI[rll .J . ]11 I i 11 li,.I. ~~ ", ,:t"'-'--4.~;~.t.t..~.I'WI ~tion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Binig, tthat the Commission accept the building of, a barricade to' temporarily close Albans Road at Bissonnet Street, with details to' be Worked out by the City Mana- ger arid his various departrrient heads, with the total cost of the project to be borne by residents of the area; City Attorney Cockrell advised the Connnission that in the event the city decided after construction of the barricae, that the closing of the street was~ot in the best interest of the city and such barricade should be re- moved, residents of the area should be so advised. Mr. Cockrell also ad- viseq that by permitting. the construction the city would not be vacating or apandoning the street ~ ' . , Motion amended by Connnissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that residents in the area must be completely informed as to the proposed con- struction of the barricade and the' fact that the, barriaade can be removed at any timeat any time after, construction at city expemse, and that,all of th~ affeeted residents on ,the, str~ets closed must be notified of the pro-, , visions regarding.- the closing of, the street and proof of understanding must. be furnished to the city. o Veting on amendment to metion: Voting Aye: All 'VotiD.g No: None Voting on motion: 0 Voting Aye: All Voting No: None . , In 'accordance with previous action of the 'City Commission approving a re- comm.endation of the Volunteer Recycling Group to purchase additional street name 'signs, the following locations were presented ,for t:q.e installation of the additional signs:Kirby/Rice; at the point where Weslayan and Stella Link meet; along Bissonnet .west of COIIIIIlUIlity Drive (replacing the smaller c:ity limit' sign) reading to eastbound traffic; Bissonnet at Academy reading to. , westnound traffic; and the northeast corner of University and Auden Street across the street from City Hall. Suggested as an additional possible loca- tion was en the northwest corner of University and Edloe on the school grounds. After discussion with :regard to the replacement of the ,present signs to which new faces will be affixed, it was the decision of the City,Conunission to delete the installation of signs on the northeast corner of University 8n9.Auden' and . on the northwest corner of University and Edloe on the school grotmds, and otherwise approve the suggestions of the Volunteer Recycling group. The Conunission was advised that there was some question regarding an invoice submitted by Bradshawts Inc. for furnishing and planting 24 live oak trees . in the Albans Road esplanade and 5 crape myrtle' trees in Whitt Jolmson Park, and that consideration of the invoice shol!lld be delayed pending clarification. Mr. ThomasM. Weaver, architect for the Greek Orthodox Church, presented a proposal requesting pennission to provide head-in parking on Sewanee Street on city right-of-way adjacent to the church property, and to provide fer one driveway approach. II U o I:"- OCJ ~ """:J o ~ o o I,Ll _1:", Motion by Commissioner Unde:rwood, seconded by- Commissioner StanleYi that the request of the Greek Ortfiodox Cliurch for head....in parking and one drive~ approach on Sewanee Street on city right...of...way, De approved as stated by Mr. Weaver and as shown on Weaver and Dasek, architect, Project ft74~I, and further provided that memDers, of the Zoning and Planning Commission be 'advised of action taken by the City C~issi.on granting this reqUest~ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None It was noted at this time that members of the Zoning and Planning Commission should also be advised of action of the City Commission to permit the construc~ tion of a temporary barrier to close Albans Road at Bissonnet. The Commission was advised that SOuthwestern Bell Telephone Company is making preparations to request an increase in telephone rates for the Houston metro-' politan exchange, but that at this time no decision has been made by the City of Houston as to its method of handling such request. A representative of Southwestern Bell has advised that the compal).y, -in accordance with the' provi ... sions of Ordina:hce No 1002, will file' any proposed changes in rates in the. City of W~st UniveI:sity Place, with the city thirty (30) days prior to such rate change. The City Manager was requested to secure from the Texas Mmicipal League a list of Texas cities with which Southwestern Bell Telephone Company has current franchise agreements in excess of 2%. The City Attorney advised that Ordinance Number 1018 had been presented to the COImnission and read in full at its regular meeting on May 28th and a second reading was not necessary unless the Commission so desired. An estimated cost for painting bicycle lanes, as proposed by the Parks and Recreation Board, prepared by Street SUperintendent A. L. Bearden, indicated the original painting of the bicycle lanes would be approXimately $3, 025, and ' in all probability would have to be repeated within a^ two-year period. Meinbers of the cOinmission agreed that the cost' 'would be excessive and that there was no necessity for the extensive bicycle lanes as proposed by the Parks and Recreation Board. Motion by COIlDllissioner Binig~ seconded by Connnissioner Stanley, that the bicyle lane proposed by the Parks and Recreation Board be revised to include a north! south lane on Belmont, going east at Carnegie to include Whitt Johnson Park, and a north! south laIie on West Point to connect the YMCA and swimming pool, across Bissonnet to Judson Park, and. that the City Attorney be instructed to revise Ordinance Number 1018 to change the location of such bicycle lane. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The City Attorney advised the Commission that in accordance with their instruc- tions each had been furnished a copy of an opinion wherein it was stated that designation of the Poor Farm Ditch area asa park would be a possible liability to the city. Mayor' Harris stated that' a letter bad been forwarded to the Harris County Flood Control District requesting that such District make available to the city all , ~ ,~ "c I~ If II" 1'1 .- ,--'II r :~:I1I;:'1. J][il '..J' ~_1 . ~1:44 " I ]lJ[LllTI[JI]11 I . 11,: I I L "fl Iljlll lC..::' I I ,- J , I IJ ot tIle a;rea controlled' bY' the District for use as a park and for pennission to ccwer 'too' Poer ~al'J\} D;i:,tc1l. ' Motion oy Commissioner Stanley, se~<:mded by Commissioner lHnig, that the City Attorney be, requested to draft a Resolution reflecting that the City Commission, is at this t:bne, desirous. ofre"'designating the Virginia' Street right-of"'way as a park, provided sufficient fertile enviroIllllent comes to exist among residents, financing can be obtained and additional property can be obtained to make such a park feasible. Ii U Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Comnission was advised that a policy decision be made with regard to the.dest11lction pf trees on city property by motorist where such desctruc- tion was, covered by insurance of the property owner, but the trees not re- place in like manner. .... . . I . City Attorney Charles C()ckrel~ advise4, tMt tl1e citizens sp.ould be en-, courage to accept the responsibility Of trees on' their property. - " '.' -' . ." . The Commission was reminded that the Carol Turk case would be tried in Municipal Court on Thursday, JlIDe 20th. The Connnission was advised that in order to provide better control over dogs being turned loose in the late afternoon. and earl evening, . duty hours of the Humane Officer had been changed on Mondays and TImrsdays. The City Manager was instructed to confer with Mr. Ron Shoup concerning pte- [l parations for city"'wide"Fourth of July celebration and also to request that the Parks and Recreation Board handle arrangements for the celebration. The Commission was advised that permission had been received from the Houston Indipendent School District for the construction of a lighted softball field on the West University Elementary School grolIDds an,d plans for construction would be continued, An invoice from Mr. Harold E. McConnell, consulting engineer, for professional services rendered in the .construction of the soft- ball field, in the amount of, $671. 25, was presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Connnissioner Binig, seconded by Connnissioner Way, that the invoice received from Mr. HaroldE. McConnell in the amount of $671.25 :tor professional services rendered in connection with the construction of a lighted softball field on the West University Elementary School grolIDds be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Connnission was, advised that use of the recently adopted Standard Housing Code was enabling the Building Inspection Department to require a number of homes throughout the city to be repaired ,prior to occupancy. Connnissioner Stanley reported that he met with the Citizens' Connnittee to obtain nominees for membership on the city's Bi -Centennial Committee. , Attended by Mr. Fred Rhodes, chairman, Insurance Committee; Mr. Paul Wallin, chainnan, Solid Waste Study Connnittee; Mr. Carlton Tibbett, chainnan, Safety & Accident f 1 L-J o l"- ot) ~ ""':> Q ~ o o 14 5- Review Board; :Mr. Philip~~ c:nainnan~ Zoning Board of Mjustment and Mr. Chuck (jUlan, cflai:rman, Tax: Board of Equalization, The meeting resulted in ,a list of approximately thirty nominees; a recOmmendation that the Bi -Centennial COmmittee should oeconprised of fifteen (15) members~ with five (5) alternate members; and the entImsiasfic approval' and support of, those, attending. ' The City Manager was instrUcted to request that the CitiZens' COTImittee meet again for the purpose of nominating a Bi-Cetennial Committee composed of , fifteen (15) members with five (5) alternate members. Minutes oftthe regular meeting of the City COmmission on Tuesday, May 28,. 1974, were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion ,by' Connnissioner 'Way; seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that m,inutes of the regu:- lat meeting of 'the City Connnissionon Tuesday, May 28, 1974, 'be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None , With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly lDade, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.ni. U2~~ Mayor . A'ITEST: . ,~~ Assistant City SeCretary ~ : 11;4 ff .mOl lIJ'IIlJ' ..I." 111 I I . L.....:::f1 '~ ~~I .i'\~ ..11 !,<.;>:..,]_< ,-.,,>1 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY CCMnSSION , JUNE 24;: 1974' o The. City Connnission,convenoo in,regular- session, at, the City Hall 0n Monday, Jtme 24, 1974, 7:30p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Harris, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Stanley and Way. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present . Conunissioner Underwood was absent. The Invocation was pronoupced by Mayor Harris.' The, City Manager advised the City Commission that in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter, the budget for the fiscal year Januanr 1, 1975 to D~cember 31) 1975, mUst be apprGVe~ prior to the last day of August~ . 1974; that letters had been forwarded to all Department-Heads requesting estimates of expenditures to be included \in the budget; and that August ; 26, 1974, was the final regular meeting of the City Commission prioer to the end of August. Motion by Connnissj,oner Binig" seconded by Commissioner,; Way, that a public hearing be, called for Monday; ,August 26, 1974, for the purpose of considering a budget for the City of West University Place for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1975. , Yot~ Aye;: All Voting No: None Architect Matt Weeks, advised the Commission that plan and specifications for remodeling and additions to the Community Building and remodeling of the Library Building would be complete on Wednesday, June 26, 1974, and receiiing bids on July 22, 1974 would provide adequate time for all bidders. Motion by Connnissioner Stanley, seconded by Conunissioner Binig, that plans and specifications for remodeling and additions to the Conimunity Building and re- modeling of the Library, as prepared by Architect Matt Weeks, be approved and accepted by the City Commission. ,,-') U Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Conmissioner Stanley, that the C;i.ty Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received on Monday, July 22, 1974, for 'the remodeling and additions to the Community Building and removations of the Library Building. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None 1M accordance with previous action of the City Connnission an invoice submitted by Architect Matt Weeks for architectural services rendered on the Community Building and Library during the month of May, 1974, in the amotmt of $1,123.74, wasppresented for consideration. . Motion by Conunissioner Way, seconded by Conmissioner Binig, that the invoice submitted by ARchitect Matt Weeks for architectural services rendered on the D. 1 Community Building and Library during the month of May, 1974, in the amotmt of $1,123.74, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o I:"- 00 lD ~ ~ ~ o [J 14'f Mayor Hanj:,sadvised Jl}eI!lOel"S' Qt the Commission, tllat ~.J. D. Todd, 3326 Am1lerst, was an electrical engmeer' employed":in tl1e: SeiSmic InstTUmentation Division of Texas, me., and liad' agreed to sme as a member of, the city's Electrical' Board. ' . Motion by Conunissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Way, that'Mr. J. D~ Todd, 3326 Amherst, be appointed to serve as a member or the Electrical' Board with his term to ce>moitde,,~ with that of other members of the Board. Voting Aye: All, Voting No: None Mayor Harris administered the Oath of Office to Mr. J. D., Todd as a member of the Electrical Boaruor the' City or West University Place. Conunissioner Underwood arrived at the meeting at this time. Mr.Dieter Ufer, Bayshore Engineers, Inc. 'advised the Connnission that in a meeting with representatives of the Southern Pacific Railroad, he and City Manager Whitte Johnson had obtained permission from the railroad to construct a drainage culver-ton the west, side of the, railroad tracks crossing a spur line which was. to be abandoned. Mr~ Ufer expmained a proposal to construct a 30" drainage culvert going underneath Bissormet gn the west side of the' railroad to cormect into an existing 60" Harris County Flood -Control District storm sewer, and to construct a 2-4" culvert going -underneath'Bissormet on the east side of the railroad tracks. Motion by Conuniss-ioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the City Mana- ger be authorized to employ Bayshore Engineers, Inc. to prepare plans and specifications for the construction of a 3D" and 24" culvert underneath Bissonnet Street in order to drain water from the College Court area of the city. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In response to a question by Connnissioner Stanley, Mr. TIfer stated that it was his opinion that the flapper' valve installed on' Westpark Drive to prohibit water from the City of Houston flooding the College Court Addition was work- ing very well. The City ~e:i'aa.vised the Conunission that he understood that the Conunis-, sioners t COurt had removed Bissormet Street from the county road log and the city, therefore, would be faced with maintenance of, the street as well as any capital improvements that might become necessary. Mr. Johnson further stated that it was his opinion that a protest against this action should be filed with County Commissioner Tan Bass and County Engineer Richard Doss. The City Manager was instructed to obtain franthe Connnissioners' Court a' copy of the minutes of its meeting at which Bissormet- Street was removed from the County Road Log. Detailed suggestions prepared.,by Mr. Dieter Ufer and, Bayshore Engineers, II).c. for the best utilixation of Lots 9, 10 and 11, BLock 18, Collegeview First Addition, adjacent to the City Hall pl.ITchased lor use as a parking lot were presented to the Conunission. ~"I'''''f,'''f.~4'''ltm'''''f'J~;;'1 Y!I'l!' ~ [--..L~~ If:.f[lll . _D~' I I II -.... j"" "LllJ,:Ll.JUrr! . 'J'-1ij . !'l ;1~AI8 !ljlLlI !Il~ I J JII I: L, 1111 ~,.; :Mr. lifer pointed'out the i1ul!1o.ei....ofspaces- tIlat'WQul,roe lost and/OJ: re" ' tamed By' tlie'i>emOva,l e:r'Tetention' of tnree' exhting pecan trees' and on magtLolia tree'.' Fol1ow:I.I1g a disCussion with regard to the -purpose of the purchase of the property; the damage done to automobile finishes by pecan trees in the Mn"ing; aesthetic advantages of ret~ining the trees; and use of the additional space for parking at a later date in event of the :trees becoming'damaged or: dying, the' followfug , action was 'taken by the' Ci ty Com~ mission. ' o Motion by Commissioner 'Way~' seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the City Commission authorize Bayshore Engineers, Inc., to prepare plans and speci- fication's to construct aparI9:ng lot in accordance with the sketch ,pre~ sented to the Commission excePt the exclUsion of the northeast pecan tree and the magnolia tree., Commissioner Stanley C6mmissioner Underwood May?r ~is Motion by Cominissioner stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the City Commission authorize Eayshore Engineers, Inc. to prepare plans and specifi- cations to construct a, parking lot on Lpts 9, 10 and 11" BLock 18, College- view FirstAdditdion~ in accorda,nce'with, the'sketch presented to the City Commission except tfuLt the magnolia tree be incorPorated in an island and preserved. . Voting Aye:, Commissioner Way Voting No: 'cOmmissioner Binig , Motion amended by comiirlss~oner Billig and accepted by Cominissioner Stanley, that the lnagnolicf tree be removed. ".'" Voting on amendnient: 11 LJ Voting Aye: All. Voting No: None Voting on motion: Votip.g Aye: Commissioner Stanley CammissionerBinig Mayor Harris Voting No: 'Commissioner Way' Commissioner Under- wood Resolution Number 74'" 7 was presented to the Commission and read in full: . - . WHEREAS, Mr. William Bremer, employed a.s Police :Wispatcher, and ' appointed Deputy Clerk, of the' Municipal Court of the City of West lfu.iversity Place, Texas, has resigned from the employment of the city; and WHEREAS, Mr., Dwight Tiller, employed as Police Dispatcher and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has been re-cissigned in his emploYment of the city; ,and , WHEREAS, Miss Karen K. French, and Mrs. Christine E. Crump have been employed as Police Dispatchers, and are qualified to assume the duties tut of Deputy Clerk of the Municipa.1 Court. . NOW, lHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMtfiSSION OF THE CITY ~ ~ QO lQ ""':) ~ ~ n u o '.> l'4-~' OF wreT'11N~1T't ?IJ\CE.,' 'I'EXA3~ ' Section 1. Tlia,tMissKa:ren 'Ie.' :F:rendL imd Mrs. Cnr;i.st;ine E. Crump De, and theY aTe ner~By~, appoi1itecl DepUty Clerks- ,of the' M1micip~l' Court of the City of West University Place, TeXas. : ' Section 2. That the appointment of Miss KaTen K.. FTench and Mrs. Christine E. Crump, as DepUty Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that they shall assume the assigned duties of De- puty.Clerkafter baving'been admiiHstered the proper Oath of Office. PASSED AND APPROVED tIris 24th day of June, 1974. Conunissioners Voting Aye: All Connnissioners Voting No: None /s/ Don E. Harris Mayor " ATI'EST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by COIllIIli.ssioner'Way ,seconded by Connnissioner 3ianley, that Resolu- tion Number 74-7 appointing Miss KaTen K. French and Mrs. Christine E. Crump as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court, be approved as, read. , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Connnission was presented a release from Houston Lighting & Power Company of an unobstructed grmmd 'ea,sement ten feet wide from the ground upward and an unobstructed aerial easement five feet wide from a place thirty feet above the gromd, located east :6f, adjacent to and adjoining the west line of a 1. 62 acres tract of land nmning between University Boulevard and Am- herst Street,/ Motion by Conunissioner Binig, seconded by Conunissioner Stanley, that the release of an easement from Houston Lighting and Power Company be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None City Manager Whitt,Jolmson advised the Commission that Mr. Dieter ,Ufer of Bayshore Engineers had' stated that bids for the construction' of, the College Court drainage cUlverts ,could be received on Augusuz12, 1974, and bids for the construction of a parking lot adjacent to the City Hall could be re- ' ceived on August 26, 1974, thereby permitting adequate time for the prepa- ration of plans, specifications and biCld~g,docume~ts. Motion by Connnissioner Way, seconded byConnnissioner Binig,that the City ~ger be authorized to advertise for bids to be received on August 12, 1974, for the constructionoof the College Court drainage, culverts and bids to be received on August 26, 1974., for construction of a parking lot adjacent to the City Hall. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None \. L- .'1' L........... Ll ~-L.II[ I. ....LIl. ,Illtll, u~ 'I mo. r ":ml,rll ~1rrr . '.I....L :. III I! 1;50 " ", JIJU ~ IllillJ j .. ,1 111 LII IIIHili I I ilJ I !~!' ., ,:~,i,~.:',i~:!:~ .;i:11 The CQI!1IUis,sion was advtsedtIiat S01!le!ew years: ,~g('), in. qntie~ati(;)}l o! ,the reTl}oyal o! an ex!~t:i:ng 200',000 gallon groimd storage Tese:rvOlT and replace... \0. ment with a Teseuotro! a la:rgex cap~citY',n :r:egj:rtiations ~e oegup. with too HbustDll:Cqca:~,Cola ,Company- fOT the' purcnaSe of a .ten'.!oot strip of land., 'l'Ile.Coca' el!Jlaj~OmPahY~lla~nowjlgreed'. to:tiansfer',.title of, this ten foot strip of land to the City of West 11niversity Place at no cost other than for a lan4 boundary, sq.nrey and, 'megal, fee~.' , Motion by Commissioner Way"seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the city Manager be authorized to~acc~pt the transfer of ,a ten foot strip of land from HoustonCocaColaCbmpany to the City of: ,West University Place; that the invoice received from Douglas r. Lloyd' in ilie amount' of $125 ~ 00 for a land bmmdary survey lle apprmred for paymen1;.; and legal, fees estimated to be $150.00 for the transfer of deed, be apprOved for payment upon receipt. Voting Aye:~ AI:!. Voting No: None Letters from Street Superintendent A. L. Bearden and Chief of Police Kesse- Ius setting forth their finsmgs and reconnnendations with regard to the con'" struction of bicycle lanes proposed by the City Commission, were IJresen~~d' to the Commissdon. . , " , Ordinance Ntnnber 1018W~s .pr~sep.ted to the Connni?~ion and r~adin full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 1HE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF,1HE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIACE BY ESTABLISHING A BICYCLE LANE; DES- CRIBING ITS BOUNDARIES: PilOHIBITING 1HE DRIVING OF VEHICLES '- ." . . . j" > -, 1 ON OR ACROSS BICYCLE LANES .AND PROVIDING AN' EFFECTIVE DATE o Motion by Connnissioner Stanley,,' seconded by Connnissioner Binig, thp.t Ordi- nanve Ntnnber 1018 establishing bicycle lanes, describing the boundaries and prohibiting the' dr:j.virig of vehicles on or across ,the lanes, be approved as , r~. ' . " Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The CityMan~ger was instructed to investigate signs that coiHd be erected to warn motorists that driving in bicycle lanes was porhibited and to assist cyclists in better usage of the lanes. The City Connnission was advised 'that a meeting had been he1d,with,a rep're~- sentatiye of ,Bl"acThhawt,s ,,Inc. with, regard to ,theiI: invoice which had, been . suOmitted for landscaping ,of, AlbBf!.s Esplanade and Whitt Jolmson Park. A., total of $3,891. 95 :was agreed upon as the corre~t charge for t;he trees alid it was reconnnended that this ammmt be approved for payment, as follows: 5 crape myrtle trees 20 , l~y'e oak tress 3 ,live oak trees 1 live oak tree 126.00 3,15~. 00 , .471.95 140.00 Motion by Coimnissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that' Brad... 0 shawts Inc. be paid a total of $3,891.95 for planting trees on the Albans '" Road Esplanade and, in Whitt Jonnson Park. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None n LJ I:"- 00 In """:) Q o LJ o 1 ~,1,: ,-,. ...-t. ~eSQlutj:,(:)nNimjQe;r 7 4~8was; pxesentecl tatoo t:Qmmission and read in .full:, . ' WEiEREAs,tl'1e' CitiCmmnfssion o:! 'tne'City of Wes1;' 11nlyersity Place, Texas DaS initiated' a study to detennine "tliefeas-ioility of estaolishing a pan along and over Foe>?: 'Fa1'1llfIDitcfl from Bissonnet' 5treettto Bellaire Boulevard; and ' ' , , WHEREAS, a portion of the' area under' consideration lies in the dedicated, but unused, Virginia 5treet right...ofway; and WHEREAS, the City Cpmnission desires to incorporate such right... of way into the contemplated: parK upon satisj;actory detennination of its' availaoility forsucnuse as, to title and availaoilitr of farids. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY' C<J>>.1ISSION OF THE CIIT OF WEST UNIVERSITY'?LACE,TEXAS:' . Section 1. That the City Manager be, and he is hereby, autho... rized to conduct a study to dete~ine the availability for use as a park of the dedicated but unused, Virginia Street right....of...:WayfTom the south' ' right...of...way line of University Boulevard to the south right...of...way tine of Cason Street.' , , Section 2. Such study shall include a determination of the ti tel to such property and whether a use for a purpose other than a street ~ld give rise to any title problems. , , ' Section 3. ' Such study shall a:lsoinclude' a detenninationoof the source of funds to accomplish the development of the property for a park.. ' , , , " PASSED AND APPROVED this 24th day of Jtme, 1974. , " Commissioner-s Voting Aye; All Commissioners Votmg No: None /s Don E. HaTTis Mayor ATIEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Connnissioner'Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that Reso;' lution Number 74"'8,-, authorizing a study to determine the, ava'ilability of Virginia Street right...of-way' for. use as a park, ,he approved as read'- Voting Aye; All Voting No: None An up-dated report on respons~s to, letter mailed to. delinquent taxpayers by the City Attorney was presented 'to 'the Coinitission. The City Manager was re...quested to include as an agenda item for the July 8th meeting of the City Commission, a report on action taken by the Houston Inffependent School District to file suit against the delinquent taxpayers,' " , ... I. II IIf I ,----' . "1' .. .. )"' ITll:lrmn . I ". "ltl![",11 I -Ti . . 1~~!l2 A $chedu1e <;.l,f: unc~llecta,Qleacc@.lIlt$',,fQr wate;r~ ,se~' and ga;;r~agecbarges QYex> a pEU"tod ~' e:i:gItteen' yeaX5:; tn tfufamcront o,f' $1',468.Zg was presented tcr the CeJ1.lHJiss~n w:tt1ia'.f~est tfiat. s.ucn:accaunts-, De' cnargeCl off prior to too next- audit of too' c:ttY'~s-iecoTds-. ' , , Motion oy Commissioner' Way, seconded by Commissioner' Binig, that the City Treasurer De authorized to cT1a:rge off uncollectaDle utility accounts for the year 1956 through 1~13-, in too amount of $1,468.39. o Voting Aye: All Voting No~, None rn response to a prev.ious- request, the City Commission was presented a letter from the Texas Municipal League . listing Texas, c$ties tl'iat receive more' than 2% gross receipts tax frOlll Texas telephone companies ~ The City Manager was instructed to research the dollar difference in the 2% and 3%' received by the City of Houston and other information prior to the receiving of a re- quest from Southwestern Bell Telephone Company for a rate increase in the City of W~st University Place. Commissioner Binig'reporte4 ,tbat ameeting'had been held with representatives of the Civic,Cluoto formulate, plans forthe,pr,oposed citywide 4th of. July celebration' and that after a second meeting on Tuesday, Jl.nle 25th plans for the event should be complete. Commissioner Binig also urged all Commission members to attend the spaghetti supper sponsored, by the West University Swim Team on Tuesday, June 25th. ' , Commissioner Stanley stated that he was concerned about advanced training 0 for OOt s inasmuch as the course offered by Harris County was in great demand and it bad oeenTepbrtedsuchcourse c would De limited to those EMrts having the necessa-ry equipment.' Conunissioner Stanley requested that, equipment needs and costs for the City of West Univ$sity Place be investi- gated. Mayor Harris requested that the,Connnission be furnished with a reconmendation for either disposition or repair of the 1974 Ford Police Department patrol uni t that had been wrecked. The Commission requested that members,be furnished a list of all nominees for appointment as members of the city's Bi-CenteIUlial Committee. Commissioner Binig stated that she was concerned about the city's ability to provide assistance, to. aged people who where in need of medical attention, transportation and, the: reasSurance, program, and felt that the city should become involved in this. program. ,She then presented material. received from the Governor's COmmittee on .Aging to the Commission, together with a recom- mendation that a portion of Revenue Sharing Funds be expended to provide social services for the elderly people in West University. Discussion indicated a need for, infonnationregarding the htunber of elderly people. in the city; threneeds of such people with regard to possible implementation of a telephone reassurance program, transportation facilities and grocery shopping program; and possible, sources from which such infonnation could be obtained. The II City Manager was requested,to obtain additional information for presentation U', J to the Commission at its next meeting. o I:"- 00 l..i.l ~ ~ o o o . I 15'~ The" City Manager wasmstfUcted tq)TeqUest that }1r" 30nn I:fullson of TTaf~ic. Engmeer$~ !nc, oepl"esent at tIienextl',egulax:l!leeting of the City CommJ.ssJ.on to aJscuss tfie 17affic Sn:nrey prepaxed' oy IdS- companY'_ COOJIllissioner Stanley annmm~ed' tl1at the West 13njy~sit1 Little' League will be llosting the All..-5tar ToUrnament July lS~16 and JulY 18",19 and that .the Board of Directors expected some additional traffic, Durdens and bad -re- questing any assistance the city might De in a position to furnish. Minutes of the regular meetmg of the Parks' and 'Recreation Board on Monday, June 10, 1974, were presented to the Con,nnission for then info~tion. Min~tes of the regular meeting of ,tne Zoning ,and1P.l.ann:ini Coimnission' oil May 7, 1974, and a special meeting on May 28,1974, were presented to the Commission for their 'iJ?;Eonnation. Minutes of the regular me~ting of the~ Safety and Ae<;ident Revi~w Bo~d 01). , June 12, 1974, were presented to the Commission for their infonnation. ' Minutes of the joint Public Hearings held by the City Commission. and, Zoning and Planning' Commission on Jun~ 12th and June ,l~th were presented to ,the ' Conunission and' the :t;6i1owmg action taken: ' Motion'oy Commissioner Stanley, ' seconded DY Commissioner Underwood, tbat minutes of ,the joint public hearings held oy t4e. City Commission and Zoning and Planning Commission on June 12th and JlUle 13th, De approved ,as suDmitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the ,Plumbing' 'Board on M01).day, JUne ,17 ~ ' 1974, were presented to the Commission for their Wormatibn. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, JlUle 10, . 1974, were presented to the Conunission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that minutes, of the regular meeting of the City CommiSsioil on.l-funday, June 10, ,1974, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: Non~ With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. v2...~~ Mayor. , , . ATTEST: , . ~~ 4L~ Ass stant City Secretary , II I I I ,] II u:-l I .-Ill '1 " "I" ,I'll LC[jJtlI ..JLJII' . -{:5'4' _ ... ljlC'_"T'IUI~..J ... __."" I. . Jlr- c-=.rl II h 11 ~- -r-'------------rr, If, ,I 'I .:.:ch~""t6_< : ' :.,~ ~R~I1LM )JEliTlN~ e>l,CUt,C~!s:!ON , "" . , , , , , , , " ~.1l~ '8' . .l'.9~"A' , . , . , . , .. ~ ~.. ..... , .. ", .... : ~ ~ ~ ~~~' >. ',: .. ~ :':1. 'f.r' ..": . , . , . .. . , o The City GOIlJIDIE5:sion cemr.e:q.e<1 -in ~egUlaT sessmn at too City FraIl on Monday, July- 8, 191.4; 1~30:p.-:m.; w'itfl the !ollewmg'-:memOer5- pxesent. 'Mayor Harris, prestamg;Commiss-ieners- Binig, ,$tanlei,,1JnCl~oa and Way. The City Attorney and City Manager' were also pTe'sent.'. . " , The J:nvocation was pTon~ceCl oy Conunissioner Underwood. , - . . . , Mr. Pat Ifa.rris, 3030 Tangiey, wfio serired as Cfudnnanof the first annual 4th of July picnic, report~ to the Colnmission that the event was well re... ceiyed T>y'residents, . Xuwemg Jiadasmanyal?' 600 people on the grOlDlds at one t:tme, with approx:i::mately 1,000 attending during the 'afternoon. Mr.. Harris stated that it was believed that the large crowd could in part be contri- buted to the presence of.. Houston Post writer LyrmAshby, Channel Thirteen newscaster MArvin .Zindler; , and the water cannon' provided by the Fire De- partment. ' . -. . Mr.: Harris stated 1;bat.3/4 ton; or,l,500 senrings,of watennelonwas eaten during the picnic.. He then recognized the lllird work done by each of his fellow- conunittee persons, expressing appreciatton to ~ity employees that contrifmted to the actiyities and thanked Southwestern Argus report, Ms. Ann Weigand, for excellent newspaper cOV"erage of the picn.ic. Mr. Harris stated that he believed everyone had a good tme and appreciated the City Commission funding the event. Mayor Harris thanked Mr. Harris on behalf of the .city Commission ,and city residents and requested that appreciation be expressed to all those working to make the picnic the cussess tba tit was. o Mr. Archir Ryan and Mrs. Meg Caldwell, representing the West University , Parent....Teachers Association, appeareed oefore the Commission to present plans for the installation of playground equipment .on the ,West University Elemen- tary School campus.' TheypresenttEl sketched plans for a Three-Phase Develop- ment Plan and requested the support of the City Commission inttheir efforts. Contributions were requested for dirt, bricks, oil dnnns, treated poles, cement, grass, sand or most any rubbish that could be used in the, develop- ment. Mrs. Caldwell advised Commissioner Stanley that a list of persons to be contacted to ,make donations would b~ ,furnished the City COmmission. City Manager Whitt Jolmson was advi~ed that the master plan prepared by CRS under an earlier PTA ~~approved by the Houston Independent School District, was fOlmd to be much too expensive a project. It was also stated that this proposal had not been formally approved by HISD, but it was ex- pected to be approved this week and that plans were to be finalized by con- sul tants from Texas A&M and the construction of Phase I to be complete prior to the opening of school for the 1975-1975 session, with the school assuming responsibility for the maintenance. The Connnission was advised that the proposed development was to be located in front, of the Elementary School and thereby 'WOuld in no way interfere with either the Little League field 1\ or the proposed city softoall fieilid. U o r-- 00 l\.l I-;.> o Q o o 1:>:J ~YQ;r aa;rxts-adytsea'~, ~yn andl1:fs-.' Caldwell toot too' citrwoillc1be happy to cooperate idtlttlieb: project' ana tl'lat fie' Was- confident tnat Tesidents ana tlie newS 1l.lediawoUldalso " lend, tfieh> SUpp01't,.' . , . In the aosence 0:1: Mr. Mike ParKs, Cl'lainnan oftIie Parks- and 'Recreation Board, the Board's secretary, Mrs. Carolyn lteynolds, :repOrted tna t the Board was in' the process of getting 'Volunteers to assist in striping too newly created bicycle lanes, but that no decision 11ad Deen reached as to the color to be used. Mr. Jo1m Hudson, President, Traffic Engineers, Inc., reviewed a study pre~ pared by his firm to evaluate the effect that the opening of the new Edloe overpass would have upon the street system in West University. Following the review Mr. HUdson listed the following as recommendations' for improve- ments on major arterial streets to protect smaller resici.entail streets. (1) That Albans",WroxtoIi Road not De considered as an :important arterial street , and the construction of a cul...de~sac at this location would neither help nor hinder the flow of traffic in the area. (2) Consideration be given to widen- ing of Weslayan Street with designated rioo.ts"'of-way and pavement sections for a minimum of two tIrrtmgn lanes in each direction and left turn lanes at Rice, University, Bellaire and Bissonnet. Mr. Hudson stated that :funding for the' ' improvement of streets ,was provided for a three year period lIDder the Urban Systems program (70%)federal funds, 30% state funds), administered by the, State Hig~y Department, and that the city should immediately investigate its ability to participate in the program. (3) Improvement of signal lights along Buffalo Speedway to update them in accordance with the Manual of Uni- fonn Traffic Control arid to provide for a progr~ssive flow of traffic ' through the city. The program should be coordinated with City of Houst.on' s system and that funds were also available to provide assistance to the city in -this program. (4) Give consideration to the remova,or using as "flashing red" the traffic signals at Auden & University and edloe & University and replaceing them with four-way stop signs ratIurr than ,expendapproxinlately $15,000 to , make these lights' conform . with the requirements of the 'Manual on Unifonn Traffic Control devices. '.' , , , , Mr. Hudson answered question,s by members qf the Commission cov~ring such a~eas as the necessity of rematJ<ing all city streets in white in compliance with' new regulations, the location of drainage on Buffalo Sp,eedway causing diffi-., culty to drivers in the ol11tside lanes; the doubt that Buffalo Speedway would, ever be widened because trees in the area wou.ld"have to be removed, and ,the possibility of increased traffic on Weslayan Street in event it should be ' widened. -" ~ Mr. Hudson stated that he would be available to work with the city"iil making appld:cation for assistance lIDder the, Urban System Program and, the City Mana- ger was instructed toiinvestigate the program and ,work with Mr. Hudson.. The City Manager was further instructe,d to adviseMt. Mike Parks,Cbainnan of the Parks and Recreation Board, that bicycle lanes shouldb~ striped in white to comply with the new regulations and to request that the Chief of Police evaluate the traffic signal system. Reports on these items are to .be ?ncluded. in the City Commission agenda for its regular meeting on July 22nd. b ,', ,';..,",J~ ,..' I liS 6 ' .. lUl'lt::'J jnl~. .I. . II, I II I --T1 II ~'OI. Ii",,; I ,I> . . The ,CQJJlI!ltm~n wa~,awt~'tbatan execi1tetLLe~$rAs::teeij).ent had.beeil're... ' cawed' h~ . too' mmSt~n' btdepenaentS-cDQi;)l':Distxtct' g;fanting ;,perinissiou- to JlJaKe certain ~01t~~t~: and:J::l5e' ~ot'pa'l"kj?l.'tfP()se~ a,~~taj:'Il, portion " ot too lfest1JnhrersitY' Elementary- Sdj.ool' gTmmas, 'l:tn8. tfiat ~. IThXQla)Jc~ COIUlell woUld liaVe plans- and speci:fications f6r'ligliting of' too' softball field pTepaxed by the end of too' WeeK~' atwlUcn ,tilne' tIie-y woUld De for~ warded'to too l'arks ana 1tecr.eatien Board and L;tttle L~agne for~evieW,' Included ontIie' City- COmmisSion agenda for itS' July 22i1d'lrleeting will be a request to advertise for oidsfor tne construction of a lignted softball field on the West University School grounds I o . '. . ~ - . City Manager Whitt JoImson was instructed to telepoone too COnXQeCreosoting Company to make inquiry as- to tne availability ,of, poles' to De used in lighting the field~ , , , City Attorney Cockrell stated tTlat he could. see no 'Value to the city in having the Lease Agreement with the Houston Independent gchool, District recorded. . Following presentation of a Notice'of ~letio~ of Road or :&ridge from' the Harris County Cammissi0Ilers-' Court showing tIle deletion or Bissonnet Street., from the County road log, it was the decision or, the CClI11IIlission to meet with city officials of the City of Bellaire to jointly prepare for.a meet~ ing with the Connnissioners' Court. ' , , The CClI11IIlission was presented a report from City Treasurer Win. Dittert, Jr. advising that it was his judgment that .there ,is .,little possibility to get any action within the near future by suit, intervention with the School District or Harris County in collection of delinquent, taxes. City Attorney' Cockrell stated that if it was the desire of the City Conunission for him to do so, he would proceed iwth entering suits to' collect delinquent taxes. o . , - The €ity .Managerwas instructed to write' to ~th~Texas MUnicipal League to seek infonnation regarding the collection of delinquent taxes. ' An invoice in the ,amount' of $720.00 from the Texa~ Municipal League for~the tlty-!'s:ishane:r-of} tlie ~g.q?~t:)of'J~JeagUa :s.e:niiceslw~:S.0preseiited ,for considera tioD.. Motion by Connnissioner S-tan.;l€;y, seconded by Connnissioner Binig, that the in- voice from the Texas Mmiicipal League in theammuntof $720.00 for the city's share of the cost of League services be approved for payment . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A request from Rapid hansit Lines, Inc. to extend the Meyerland Slmttle Bus route northward from Bellaire Boulevard,and, stella -Link to thefG~eenway Plaza complex using Weslayan,-was presentedd to the CClI11IIlission, together With a . letter from Chief o!Police Richamd Kesselus :indicating a possible traffic tie Up if the Dus is permitted to stop on Weslayan. The City Manager was requested to direct a letter to Rapid Transit Lines, Inc.' requesting that a postcard survey De lIIade to detennine the approximate patrons of thelline; where to be located if any proposed stops are to be made n u ~ r-- 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ o o 15'1\ in the W'est Unbre:rsttr cttr ImtS'$ a,nd ~$$est tllat But~@.~o S-peedWaY De ;., constde:red as.:- an alte:rnate'J'Ol1te., '.. Upon oemg advIsed'tIiat tIle' cmTent shtroay appoirt1:Jl:lentQ.!'Mt:". Cl'1aTles OsOurn as Associate' Judge b.! tJie'-:Mmiicipa1 Court woi:11d ex:i?:tre on July 16th, too t'ollow:tng action was ~aKei1' oy' tfi.e' City COlllliJ.iss-ion~ Motion by Commissioner 11nderivood, secimded DY Commissioner Way, that Mr. Charles OrsInnn, 5910 F01."dl'iaIn, De -reappointed Associate Judge of the Munici- pal Court for a sixty day period. 'Voting Aye~ All 'Voting No~ None A letter frOJIl the City Manager advising that Attorney :PTed Dailey will be re... quested to successfully defEmd' the' appeal filed in Case No. l3l...D, Carol Turk vs. City of West University Place, and to TefTain fTom prosecuting the three other cases filed against her, was presented to the Commission. It was the decision of the City Commission to not include in the City Currents a request DY the Civic CluD for names of reliable -workmen and companies with whome home owners have had experience. The Commission was advised that Fire Chief C. E. Duffin would be requested to investigate additional EMf training and a report 'WOUld be presented to the Commission. A report filed by Mr. H. R. Duke, Sanitary Engineer, regarding the city's mosquito control program was presented to the Commission for their infonna- tion. City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that in the case Myers va. City of West University Zoning and Planning Commission, a motion had been filed for a new trial, thereby laying a predicate for appeal. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Phnnbing Board on June 24, 1974, were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on June 25, 1974, were presented to the Commission for their infonnation. It was called to the atten- tion of the City Commission that an inquiry' had been made by members of the Board as to action taken by the City Commission mn its recOIllIfteIl.dation to re- quire grounding on new electrical services. The City Manager was instructed to have an ordinance prepared amending the Code of Ordinances to comply with this request. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on June 27, 1974, were presented to the Commission for their iIffdfonnation. Minutes of the regulanTmeeting of the City Commission on June 25, 1974 and minutes of workshop meetings held on June 26, 1974 and July 1, 1974, were pre"" sented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Way, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on June 25, 1974, be approved as sUbmitted and minutes of :'1 L I I __LJ~ ; I -'II '~r:iI . . .. , ..... -r "nn"IlJilltl ' I i'l II :.1:58'~ I 1 I .J]]~rTTlm[J .I .... !I'-~ ~rl . r ~ 1.'Ill 11111.' , Ii' I I .11 .,l~".hi, t,~ ':'"t,.l.t.::~..il;.ili~' . ;#};F.tI the t~ WQ.l'I<s-Ilop J!leet~s snail tie', coilS:ide;red.' ;fol' alteratieAat the next' 1I}eetmg(;),ftIie 'Citr ~j,:e)n~' '". ',_ ' , , , , . " . [ Yoting Aye~' All' -Voting No?,' Nene ' With. no :further' rosinesS te> tGJiJ,e' l'le;f;are ' tfie' Cemmiss-ion 'at' tm'S,dme? : upon motion dnlymade,' sece,nded' and cmi:ea~ tlie'1I1eeting adjenti'ned at'9-:50 p.m. ATIEST : .c[lia~~ ~~~~ Assistant City 5ecreti:l.'l"y D.' , . . ' o o ...... oa lD ""';) ~ ~ o o 159~, RE6ULA~ :MEET !N~ OF C I:TY' C~!S5:r:ON , , , , , . ',lJlTTLV' 2'2' , '1'9'7"4' , , iJ U :.1. '.,.".. The City Commission comrened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, July 22, 1974, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Harris, pre'" siding; Commissioners Binig, Stanley, Underwood and Way. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Harris. In accordance with previous action of the City Commission bids received for remodeling the Connmmi ty Building and renovation of the Library were opened and results announced as follows: Certified Builders Delisle Construction H. F. Weaver B.D.&B Construction McCall & Sons Rovon Construction S & S Construction BASE BID 112,044.00 123,000.00 103,000.00 84,800.00 88,433.00 78,444.00 86,544.00 Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Conunissioner Binig, that bids received for remodeling the Connnunity'BUildingand 'renovating the Library be referred to architect Matt Weeks and the City Manager for tabUlation and recommendation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Plans and specifications prepared by Mr. Harold McConnell for the construction and installation of a lighted softball field to be located on the West univer- sity Elementary School grounds were presented to theConnnission. Mr. McConnell reviewed the plans for the Commission stating that it was his belief that lights from the softball field would, in no way, adversely affect the Little League field. Moti9n by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Connnissioner Binig, that the plans an~-specifications prepared by Mr. Harold McConnell for the construction and installation of a lighted softball field be accepted and the City Manager autho- rized to advertize for bids to be received on August 12, 1974. Voting Aye: All Voting No: , None The City Manager reported that Layne Texas Company had pulled the pump colunm and pump ITOIll Water Well # 5 and would now insert a camera into the well in an effort to detennine the cause for the apparent failure. He further reported that the pump would be taken for repairs if necessary, as well as cleaning, with regular reports being made to the Connnission on work as it progressed. Mr. Dieter lifer of: lAyshore Engineers presented plans and specifications for the construction of a 24" drainage culvert underneath Bissonnet on the west side of the Southern Pacific railroad tracks 'to connect into an existing 60" Harris County Flood Control District stonn sewer and a 24" culvert going under- neath Bissonnet on the east sider.tt the railroad tracks. Mr. Ufer explained to the Connnission reasons for deviation from their request that a 30" culvert ~I. I-I --;--:1. L j r "IT! r'.1JIi'I I ,r' --L~I., III It60'" !ll!!TTJIIIII1. 1 .. .. . ,11,--- ~"' III f I I be constmcted. and too appxoxmte c~s-t ot $20,000 !QT tll.e construction. Motion by Connnissioner Underworld, seconded by Commissioner Way, that the plans and specifications prepared by Mr. Ufer be accepted and the City Manager be authorized to amrertise for Dids for the constructiori of two 24" drainage culverts, to De 'received by the City Commission on August 12, 1974. ' [ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 74~10 was presented to the Connnission and read in full: WHEREAS, since the creation of the revolving :furid known as City of West University Place, texas - Water Meter Deposit Ftmd there has been a substan- tial increase in the amotmt of water meter deposit required; and WHEREAS, the City Treasurer has reconnnended that the revolving fund known as City of West University Place, Texas - Water Meter Deposit Fund heretofore created by Resolution 162-6 be increased from the amount of $500.00 ,to the amotmt of $1,000.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CQM.1ISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the revolving ftmd known as City of West University Place, Texas - Water Meter Deposit Fund be, and it is hereby, mcreased to a maximum of $1,000.00, and that two (2) of three (3) appointed and bonded city officials are hereby authorized to withdraw funds on said account and that refund checks be hand-written or typed as may be deemed advisable. Section 2. This Resoihiiltion shall become effective the date of its passage and approval as required by law. o PASSED AND APPROVED this 22nd day of July, 1974. Connnissioners Voting Aye: All Connnissioners Voting No: None /s/ Don E. Harris Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Connnissioner Stanley, seconded by Corrnnissioner Binig, that Resolu- tion Number 74-10 authorizing increasing funds in the Water Meter Deposit Ftmd from $500.00 to $1,000.00, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 74-11 was presented to the Commission and read in full. WHEREAS, the Chief of the Fire Department of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texa~, has recommended that a new position be created in the Fire Department with the person holding such position to be known as "Train- ing Officer", and o o ,.... 00 }fj ~ ~ Q o o IbJ! WHEREAS, such TTainmg Otticer' is necesSary- to',JJ).eet' the' ~iTemen ~5 ,Certi..- fication reqUiTements of' tIie State 5tatntes~ · NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY' COMMISSION OF 'mE CITY' OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: " , Section 1. There is hereby created in the Fire Department of the City the position of tlTraining Officertl. Section 2. That the person holding such position shall be designated. ' by the Chief of the Fiu-;e Departmen,t. Section 3. That the salary of the Training Officer shall be fifteen ($15.00) more than the monthly Tate set for Senior Drivers in the Fire Department, and such Training Officer shall be on a forty (40) hour work week. Section 4. It shall be the duty of such Training Officer to train ' and instruct all new personnel of the Fire Department to the end that such personnel shall receive certification by the State of Texas. In addition thereto such Training Officer shall hold drill for the on-Call personnel of the Fire Department. Section 5. The position of Training Officer created hereby shall not continue beyond December 31, 1974. PASSED AND APPROVED this 22nd day of July, 1974. Conmrlssioners Voting Aye: All Conunissioners Voting No: None /s/ Don E. Harris , Mayor ' Attest: I sl Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Conunissioner Binig, seconded. by Connnissioner Stanley, that Resolu- tion Number 74-11 creating a position of Training Officer in the Fire Depart- ment, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 74-12 was presented to the Connnission and read in full. WHEREAS, the City Conunission has decided that certam professional ser- vices would be of assistance to it in acting upon the reconnnendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission dated. March 11, 1974, and ' WHEREAS, after considerai:fon of infonnal proposals by various companies it was decided that a fonnal proposal should be submitted by Earle' Britton of the fim of The Urban Design Team for consideration by the City Connnission; and . "ir \-, Ul"IT"!:!" ..I ..', 11, ~rr II I,l ~c .........J...J '-J 162 WHEREAS, Mr. Ea-r1e B--ritton has; now presented a :.fo:nna1 pl"oposa1 to the. City, a copy of such proposal oeiilg attached' Iie:reto as an Exhioit. NOW, 'IH,EREFORE, BE IT ;RESOLVED BY 1HE CI'J;Y m:1MISSION OF 1HE, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, . TEXAS: " . Section 1. That the Mayor be, and he is hereby authorized, to enter into an agreement with Mr. Earle Britton of the finn of The Urban Design Team consistent with the tenns of the proposal attached hereto as an Ex- hibit. Section 2. That the sum to be expended for the work to be perfonned under such proposal shall not exceed the amount of $ 2,000. 00. PASSED .AND APPROVED this 22nd day of July, 1974. COJIDnissioners Voting Aye: All Conunissioners Voting No: None /s/ Don E. Harris Mayor ATI'EST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Connnissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that Re- solution Number 74-12 engaging the services of Mr. Earle Britton to assist the City Connnission and City Attorney in the preparation of an ordinance in comection with the filial report dated March 11, 1974 from the Zoning and Planning Conunission. Motion amended by Conunissioner Underwood, seconded by Connnissioner Binig, that Resolution Number 74-12 be re-written to clarify that Mr. Britton was being employed and not the finn of The Urban Design Team, and approved as changed. Voting en amendment Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Voting on motion Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with a request by the Electrical Board, Ordinance Number 1019 was presented to the Connnission and -read in full. , AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 1HE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF 1HE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY REQUIRING ADDITIONAL GROUNDING ELECI'RODE CONDUCTORS AND PROVIDING .AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Voting Aye: Ali Voting No,: None The Connnission was presented an i.r1voice from the Houston-Galveston Area Council in the amount of $16,110.00 representing the final amount due for both funded , I o D o o I ., ; . I:"- 00 In '"":) Q ~ D 1] 1 6 ':-f~ and non....;funded Law En!orcement ~dio Comnnmications equipment for the Police and Fire Departments. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner StaIl1ey, that. the, invoice fromH-GAC in the'ammmt of $16,110 for law enforcement radio conmnmi- cations equipment for the Police and Fire Departments, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was presented a recrniunendation from City Treasurer for a partial payment to Burroughs Corporation of $22,380.62 for the purchase and installation of a L-800 mini-computer. This amount would leave a retainage of $2,500 to insure delivery and installation of the tax ad valorem program and budgetary. accounting program. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Biilig, that Burroughs Corporation be paid the sum of $22,380.62 for the purchase and installation of a Burroughs.'L-8000 mini-computer and that the sum of $2,500 be retained to in- sure delivery and installation of the tax ad valorem program and budgetary ac- counting program. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A list of certified public accountants who had previously perfomed audits of the city's books, records and accounts, together with a list of charges made for such service, was presented to the Commission with proposals from the finns of Werner & .A:renda1e, Melton & Melton and 0' Connor; Lawson & McGee for perfbnn- ing an audit for the fiscal year 1974. M:>tion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the finn of Werner & Arenda1ebeemployed to audit the city's books, records and accounts for the fiscal year 1974 for a total sum not to exceed $4,000.00. Voting Aye:Comm.' Binig COrinn. Stanley Comm. Underwood Voting No: None Commissioner Way abstained from voting inasmuch ashe was acquainted with principles of two of the finns submitting proposals. City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that he had researched the question of the legality of "two-way" traffic on a single bicycle lane, and that Section 182, Article 670ld of the State Statutes provides, "ea) Every person operating a bicycle upon a roadway shall ride as near to the right side of the roadway as ppracticable, exercising due. care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction." Mr. Cockrell stated that in his opinion this would make it illegal to pennit "two-waytl traffic on a single bicycle lane and that he should be instructed by the City-Commission to pre- pare an ordinanee amending Ordinance No. 1018 which created the, bicycle lanes, to require that traffic on a bicycle lane be only ~ one direction. Mr. Mike Parks, Chairman of, the Parks and Recreation Board advised the Commis- sion that twenty-five people had volunteered to assist Board members in painting the bicycle lanes and such work would be delayed pending a meeting with the It '-1 .;".-"..1"-<-:>..<...., ";.1.1 I I I r'lll ii -. 'I . 'I . . .. r" II I,II I ~nr ';1i' 116;' 4~ . . l.lllLITJI IlI-', .J ]Ir---- L - P IIIII I II ------.-, . I'" City Commission' to resOlve the locationot 'lanes in 'View of the opinion of the City Attorney. It was agreedttbat members of the Parks. and Recreation Board would meeting with members of the City Connnission on Mmday, July 29th. , , Motion by Commissioner Way, ,seconded by Commissioner Billig, tbat the City Attorney be instrocted to amend the oicyc1e lane ordinance number 1018, so that it would confonn with the State Statutes governing traffic on bicycle lanes. Ylilting Aye: All Voting No: None City Attorney Cockre11:advised. the Conunision that in the case of Meyers vs. the City of West University Place Zoning & Planning Commission all necessary action had been taken to file for a new trial on August 3rd. The City Manager stated that he had met with Mr~ Jo1m Hudson of the finn of Traffic Engineers" Inc.' and had been advised to meet with Mr. Bill Ward, Engineer~Manager, Houston Urban Proj ect; Texas Highway Department, to deter- mine eligibility requirements for participation in the Urban System pro- gram and that such meeting had been arranged for Wednesday, July 24th at 10:00 a.m. The following schedule of certificates of deposit maturities, dated July 11, 1974, as prepared ,by City, TreaSUrer, MIl. Dittert,' Jr. was presented to the Conmission for their information:, Maturity Dates Rates 8-13-74 8~26~74 9-2~73 9-6-74 ll-26~74 12-7~74 3-6-75 9.250%' 8. 250%~ 8.D00%>.:.-11i 250% 10.500% 10.500% 7.500% Term 179 da.180 da. 179 cIa. 50 Cia. 179 da. 179 da. 359 da. C. D. It 17410 11843 17549 12905 17946 17997 3989 Invest. Date 2~15-74 2-27-74 3-7-74 7-10~74 5-31-74 6~11~74 5-12-74 Fannin Bank 200,00 100,000 Chemical Bank 200,000 River Oaks 390,000 190,000 11,600 Southern National Greenway Total $1,301,600 Connnissioner Stanley advised the Connnission that he'had attended a demonstration of a monitoring unit, to be used in conjunction with the First Aid Unit in order to project cost of such unit in event funds are available for purchase. . I.", ~.dr; .1. 1 Q o o o I:"- 00 lD ""'::l ~ o o D 16n\ In response to a questdion regarding the status of a request by Rapid Transit to use Wes1ayan Street to initiate bus seririce from the Meyerland area to Greenway Plaza the Commission was advised that representatives of RpFdid Transit were to discuss the JDatter with their supervisors and report back to the city. ~utes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and, Planning Connnission on June 12, 1974, were presented to the Commission for their infonnation. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Safety and Accident Review Board of July 9, 1974 were preseJlited to the Commission for theirinfonnation and a discussion held' regarding a recommendation that fire extinguishers be pur-' chased' and in~talled in all city vehicles. Minites of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on July 16, 1974, were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission onMonday,July 8, 1974 and the workshop minutes of the City Commission on July 15, 1974 were pre- sented to the Commission and the following, action taken: Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seoonded by Commissioner, Way that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Connnission on M!lnday~ July 8, 1974 be approved as submitted and the minutes of the workshop meeting on July 15, 1974, be held in abeyance with regard to approval until the neXt meeting of the City Conunissmon. . , Voting Aye: All '\toting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made,seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. vlc~ , :Mayor ' ATTEST: -y:::;j (/./ ,;t? ~ g A 1../' As~ant Cit~~etary -'- r="L---- :.:....a.. ::::~ ------lIt . 'j .'n .., 1....~ln ..::II:~rr'1 . Tr \- !]]!Il-11IlITr J II, L.~_T -11 i I ~~~l" )-, lJ66 EEWLAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION .AUGUST 12, 1914 o The City Commission conved in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, August 12, 1974, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: ~or pro- tem Underwood presiding in the absence of Mayor Harris; Commissioners Binig, Stanley and Way. The City Attorney oand City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by COIIDnissioner Stanley. Representative Kay Bailey appeared 'before the Commission to present a petition filed by State Senators and Representatives during the Congressional Conven- tion to be placed in the West University Library. Representative Kay Bailey stated that it was her desire to record this historic event insasmuch as it was her belief that another Constitutional Convention would not be held in the' State of Texas for many years, and even though the Convention failed to pro- dice a new Constitutional document, she was confident many benefits would be derived from its efforts. Mayor pro-tem Underwood thanked REpresentative Bailey on behalf of the West Universi ty Library, adding that West University had been especially fortunate in haveing Representative , Bailey\to represent its residents as she had been very consisten inkeeping the C01Illll~ssion advised of happenings in Austin. Mrs. Carolyn Allen, Director, Leam-to-Swim program, reported to the Connnission that d.uxing the three..year period she had served as director; 2100 children D had been taught to swim at the West. University Pool and that approximately 700 children had been enrolled in the 1974 classes. Mrs. Allen advised the Commission that the adult swim program had been so well received this year that a request had' been :made to repeat the program, both daytime and night lessens, in September. Mrs. Allen reqUested that the city give serious consideration to covering and heating the swiJrnning pool in order that a year-round program could be held. Mrs. Allen introduced Mrs. Paula Doughty, 3840 Byron, who will direct the pro- gram during the 1975 seaSon inasmuch as Mrs. Allen has moved out of the city. Mrs. Doughty stated that following the work done by Mrs. Allen would be diffi- cult but that she would do her best to insure a good LeaTIl-to-Swim program. Mayor Pro-tem UnderwP0Ch<7thanked Mrs. Allen and MIs. , Doughty for their reports to the Commission and expressed appreication for the leadership they had pro- vided the swimming program of the city. Mrs. Miriam S. Banks Israel, 5511 Cheltenham, appeared on the agenda in res- ponse to her request to protest action of the City Commission conceTIling its aecision on the recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission for re- zoning of Lot 10, Block 25, Collegeview 1st Addition, 4003 Ruskin St, located at the intersection of Weslayan and Ruskin. Mrs. Israel read a lengthy protest following advice from Mayor Pro-Tem Under- UI' wood that she would be pennitted to speak fifteem minutes inasmuch as the Commission had along agenda. Mrs, Israel stated that as owner of the property in wuestion she had protested the '0riginal "spot" zoning by the ~;,. ii.,.'. l-~ ~ QO ~ ~ o o D 01 . .1 i I !ll "j 1 6 Clr City Conunission to permit const-roction of a paTking lot oy Southwestern Bell and now protested.' the' j;rroposed' rezoning of two additional lots for Southwestern Bell' parking. Mrs. Israel stated that such action by the City Conunission would be unfair and discriminatory inasmuch as the smaller taxpayer should be treated. the same as the larger tax payer. Mayor Pro....TemlJ.p.derwood advIsed Mrs. Israel that in regard to her state.... ment regarding someone receiving preferentail treatment in exchange"for re. zoning property for the benefit of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company that he had never; in the'four years he had served as'a member of the City Commission, been approached by Southwestern' Bell Telephone Company represen-' tatives or anyone else with a request' to realone, property. 'Mr. Underwood further stated that he and. other members of the Commission had received many requests for relief .from the parking problems created by employees of the Southwestern Bell' Telephone Company. Mrs. Israel declined an invitation to place on file a copy of her report to' the City Gammission. . , Mr. , Joe ,Walkoviak, District Engineer for Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, presented plans and specifications for the "constTUction of a conduit along" Academy Street from the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company buildilng '~o ' BissoIlllet Street. Mr. Walkoviakreviewed the plans and 'specifications with members of the Commission and advised that he had complied with all requests' made by the City Manager with regard to repairs and replacement of any sewer lines t1lat might be damaged, necessary repairs to the streets 'after the cuts have been made and the CDllduit placed into position and an agreement whereby city persoIlllel will make any ~ecessaTY service Testoration of city owned uti- lities to be re:i:mbursed by the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. In response to a question regarding ingress.or egress'd)f resi-ents whose driveways might be affected during the proposed ,sixty day construction', period Mr. Walkoviak agreed tf1at all driveways' would be platted between the periods of 4:30 p.m. and 8:30 a.m. and that the contractor would so notify owners of abutting property. ' / ' _ Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by CommissiOner Binig, that the City Com- mission accept the plans submitted by the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company for the construction of a conduit along Academy Street and the City Manager ge authorized to sign such plans on behalf of, the City. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with previous ,action of: the City Commission, bids received for the construction of two 24" stonn sewers under BissoIlllet Street were opened and results announced as follows : . Bidder lump ~llm 'Rid r.rnn:plPT;n~ 1':iJne. Ben Felts Utility Contractor R. T. Bishop Construction Co. J. C. Construction Company , S & C Construction Company McDonald Construction 26,446.72 S-2~400.00 19,565.00 22,400.00 22,400.00 45 ~5 20 40 45 I I uI""l . .....:.. .... 'r LlllJii:LiilliJ 'mill" 1111111. ....JII' In 1:68 Illnmr.li [" , .1, 11I'-'-- LI II! I I, ' IJ "1 ;r.:-, I ., j Moti6Il11by Commissioner Way, seconded by Conunissioner S!imley, tbat the bids 0 submitted for construction of 24H stom 'sewers under BJ.ssormet Street be re~ ferred to Bayshore Engineers for tabulation and recOmmendation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None' Mr. Buster Ballard of Bayshore Engineers retired from the Cormcil Chamber. at this tme to tabulate the bids. ' , , In accordance with previous action of the City Cominission bids received for the construction ofa. lighted softball, field. on the West University,Elemen- tary School"grormds" wer~ opened. and results: announced as followssz' Name, of ' Company Powell & Stephenson Fisk Electric Co. Weido Electric Co. " , 'ftem':N(')~ l' <ttem''Neh 2' Ttem'No~ 3TCrrAL '" ' 900.00 No Bid .3,100.00 3,738.00 18,960.00 $22,960.00 $26,226.00 $20,835.00 Motio;n by C01IlIIlissioner, Stanley, seconedoy Commissioner Binig, that bids re- ceived for the construction of a lighted softDall field on the West University Elementary-- School grounds De 'Ieferred,to engineei:'Harold McConnel 'for tabUla- tion and a recommendation to,oe presented to the City'Commission at its 'next regular meeting on August 26, 1974. ,. Voting Aye: All VotingNo~, N5n.e [J Resolution Number 74..13 was pTesented to the Commission and read in full. WHEREAS, on June 9, 1974, it was determined by the Water Superintendent of the City of West University Place, Texas;' tIiat,'Water' Well' No. 5 had ceased its production of water, and thereafter ceased pumping; and WHEREAS, thereafter the Water Superintendent and the City Manager inme- ciately consulted with Singer, Company, Layne-Texas Division, the finn which had originally drilled said well on June 14, 1941, and requested their assis- tance in detennining the necessary action that could be taken, if any, to re" store such well to production; and . WHEREAS, on July 10, 1974, representatives of Singer Company, Layne- Texas Division, met with the City Commission and explained to the City Commis- sion what appeared to be several possible reasons for the cessation of water production from the well, and outlined various actions that could be taken to attempt to ascertain the exact cause of the well failure; and WHEREAS, the City Connnission, thereupon, authorized the Singer Company, Layne.Texas Divisdron, to bring a work rig to the site, attempt to remove the pump, and to thereafter advise the City Commission as to the wo:rk that would be required in, restoring the ,well to production; and ~ WHEREAS, by report dated July 30, 1974, the Singer Company, Layne-Texas II Division, has advised the City Connnission that there appears to be'a break or rupture in the twenty (20t') inch casing in the well at a depth of four lum~ dred (400 t) ft. to four Inmdred fifty (450 t) feet, and has recommended in said [] I:"- 00 ~ "":> ~ o o o I~ 1.69 report thep1"ocedure that should be used to repair such rupture or break, and I1as provided a cost esti:mate for the W'ellrepair of $30,000 to $35,000, plus an est:im.ate of $10,000, to. $12,000 for modification of, the pumping equipment. ' NOW, 'THEREFORE, BE IT RE50LVED BY lEE CIIT C<>>ITSSION OF 1HE CIIT OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' . Section 1. The City Commission hereby finds and determines the neces,,:, sity for attepq>ting to repair, the rupture or break in city Water Well No. 5 and if necessary the modifying of the present pumping equipment by using a smaller diameter pump bowl. , Section 2. The City ConmJission further finds and detennines that the procedure outlined in the report of July 30, 1974 from Singer Company, Layne- Texas Division, a copy of which is marked Exhibit "AU, attached hereto and made a part hereof, is the proper procedure tliat should be followed in attempting to repair the rupture or break in the casing of city Water Well' No.5. Section 3. It is hereby determined that the estimated cost of such work, if carried to campletionlshall be an amount of $47,000. It is re- cognized that the actual ampunt for completing the repairs ,cannot finally be determined lmtil the repairs nave been completed. , . Section 4. That Singer Company, Layne-Texas, Divison, a reputable firm, experienced in the Tepa1T and maintenance of water wells and pumps, is hereby engaged for the purpose of attempting to Tepair the break orlmpture in the casing of city Water Well No. . 5 in accordance with EXhi:mit "Aft attached hereto. Charges for said work shall be perfonned in accordance with Singer Company, Layne~Texas Division, Charge Basis Schedules CB 114A, Ill, #12 and 113, Zone 1, Class. R-l, exclusive ,of charges for parts and'materials re- quired for perfonning such work. Section 5. That it has been determined that' if ,repairs cannot be com-' pleted as outlined in proposal dated July 30, 1974, as attached, all opera~ tions shall cease at the city:s,option and the city shall be.liable fonly for charges to su,chdate of c~ssation of work. Section 6.. That all action of the Mayor, City Manager and Water Superintendent, hereto taken in attempting to ascertain ,the .reason of the failure of city Water Well No.5, and atteJ1lPts to repair said well, are hereby in all things expressly ratified and approved. , , PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of August, 1974., Conunissioners Voting Aye:, All Commissioners Voting No: None /5/ C. H. Underwood, Jr. , Mayor Pro':'tem ATIEST: /5/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary ~ -----1..U' I I r:~~ 'Illlf'" III .. r"' Illllrn mn 1 ---'LII , .n 1~70 Iljllllllllli,lJ II: L'~ I Ill' I IJ :~ [~~ '::~:'_::~~:l~~'~~ ~ :!(~ MJtion DY' Commissione:r Way" ~cc>nded oy Commissioner Binig, tllat Resolu... tion NumBer' 74...13 engaging the' Smger' Company, LaY'ne""TeXas- Division, to make necessary repairs to tneiupture Or break in Water Well No. 5 in an effort to resto~e the well, Be approved as read. lJ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ''''::L InvoiCeS submitted by E. M. Weeks, Jr.,Associate Architects for archi:- tectura1 services rendered' on the West University Community Building re... modeling and additions and the' West lJniversity Library renovations during the month of Jrme in the amormt of $489.10 and July in the amormt of ,$237.44, were presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Conmiissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that E. M. Weeks, Jr. Associates be reimbursed a total am01mt of $726.54 for archi... tectural services rendered on tne Community BUilding and Library during the months of June and July. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Ballard of Bayshore Engineers returned. to the Council Chamber at this time and recommended that a contract be awarded to J. C. Construction Com... panyon their low bid of $19,565.00. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that a . con... tTact for tIle construction of 24"" storm' sewer under Bissonnet Street be awarded to J. C. Construction, Company. on tnei-r low Did of $19,565. 00, with a twenty (20) working day tinte completion. o Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Connnission was presented an invoice in the amonnt of $15,128.00 for one new Wayne Model 1-984 street sweeper together with a reconunendation from the Street Superintendent and City Manager that the invoice be paid inasmuch as the sweeper is perfonning satisfactorily. Motion by Conunissioner Binig, seconded. by Commissioner Stanley, that payment be approved to Plains Machinery Company in the amount of $15,592~ 78 for one Wayne Model 1-984 street sweeper. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None An invoice dated July 28, 1974 in the am~t of $1,682.30 submitted by Bay- shore Engineers,Inc. for plans and, specifications for the Bissormet Street drainage proj ect was presented to the Conunission for consideration. Motion by Conunissioner Stanley, seconded by Conunissioner Way, that payment be !lPproved to Bayshore Engineers, Inc. in,the amount of $1,682.30 for the preparation of plans and specifications for the Bissonnet Street drainage project. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o The Commission was presented an invoice submitted by City Attorney Charles o ~ QO lD ~ ~ o o o It..-- I-r.! - III Cockrell for legal services Tendered ooing th .months of April, May and Jme, 1914, m'the amoU1lt of $1,282.50 ' ' , Motion oy Conmissioner Binig, seconded by Conunissioner Stanley, that City Attorney Charles Cockrell be paid the sum of $1,282.50 for legal services rendered during the months of April, May and Jme over and above his regu- lar monthly retainer. Voting Aye: All Voting No: .None The City Commission was advised, that no, subsequent acll;1ion had been taken in regard to the appointment of a Bi-Centennial Coimnitee following a vote by .. Commission members on nominees selected by a citizen's conmittee. Motion by Conmissioner Stanley, ,seconded by Comnissioner Binig, that the City commission meet, with proper notificatmon, 'prior to' the next scheduled meeting of the Conunission to select fifteen (15) members for a Bic~ntennial Committee, with seven (7) alternate members, to dete:rmine a Conmittee Chair- man, and to discuss the function and charge to, be given to the Conmi ttee and its Chainnan at the next regular meeting of the City Conmission. "Voting Aye: All. 'Voting ~o: None , ' . The Conunission was achrised tnat no additional infonnation had beelJ. received from the Rapid Transit Company with regard-to, tneii- desire to extend bus service fran Meyerland. to GTeenwa.y Plaza using Weslayan Street, but that am- as 1IRlch as the Company liad stated they planned a Septemoer 1st beginning date infonnation should be forthcoming. The Commission was adVised' that a request had been Teceived:.from Mr. Ferdie Reiger, 6416 Brompton Road, for the inS::f!a11ation of a city entrance sign at the intersection of Bellaire Bou1ev~d and Brompton Road in an effort to stop some of the through traffic using Brompton Road, and that consideration might De given to making Brompton Road a "one....way" street going south to deter use oy moving vans, trucks, etc. The City Manager was instructed to request that the Pa1ice Department make a speed analysis and traffic count on Brompton Road fur further consideration by the City Conmission at its next regular meeting. Ordinance Number 1020 was presented to the Commission and read in full: .AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE mDE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS BY ESTABLISHING A BICYCLE LANE; DESBRIBING ITS BOUNDARIES: PROHIBITING THE DRIVING OF VEHICLES ON OR ACROSS BICYLE LANES; EXPRESSLY RELEALING ORDINANCE NUMBER 1018: AND PROVIDING .AN EFFECTIVE DATE. City Attorney Charles Cockrell noted that the Ordinance should be corrected to show that Sections 23....181 through 23-182 were being added to the Cade of fu'dinances. Motion by Conunissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Way, that Ordinance Number 1020 be corrected in accordance 'with the instructions of the City . ":1 L_ LL-_ ___'__111 ],:m:;" . '1 , 1.11 LJ:r-=-::l.. , '[ , . [" rlllll':[jrnrD' .I.JJ-'~-"lI.I" j II, ~"'l-' .. 1.< , , 172 Attorney and apprOved to establish bicycle lanes on certain streets in the city. Voting Aye:" All Voting -No: None City Attorney Cockrell advised the Commission tnat a hearing had been held in the case of Meyers vs. Zoning and Planning Commission and it appeared that a new trial would be-granted in,the case. Minutes of,the regu1ar,meeting of the Plumbing Board on July 22, -1974 were presented to the Connnissdon for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on July 25, 1974 were presented,to the' Commission for their infoI'Illation and it 'was noted that no action bad been, taken by the City COmmission regarding the appoint- ment of an alternate' member of such Board to, replace Mr.p Mike Casey who was ' made an acting member' of the Board upon the death of Mr. Richard Hi! ton. The City Manager was requested. - to include tlrls as an agenda item for the regu~ 1aT meeting of the ,City Cominission on ,Monday, August 26, 1974. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on July 22, 1974 were presented to the Connnission and the following action taken: Mation by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Connnissioner Binig, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the-City,Connnission on July 22, 1974 be approved as sub- mitted. " Voting Aye: All Voting No~ None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and cauied, the meeting adjourned at 9~55p.m. ...~c~ Mayor AITEST: ~~~ Assl.stantl. ty' ecretary, , ' o o o o l'- 00 ~ I""':> ~ o o o 113~ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION AUGUST 26, 1974 The City Conunission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, August 12, 1974, 7:30 p.m~, with' the following members present:' Mayor Harris, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Stanley, Underwood and 'Way. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. ' The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner 'UnderWood. " Mrs. T. N. Lockridge, 4018 Byron, appeared before the' Commission to express her coricern about dogs in the' back' yard 'of the home behind her, stating that the smell and noise prohibited she and her husband from sitting in their back yard and that an air conditioner in her bedroom brought the odor into her home. Mrs. Lockridge stated that Sanitary Engineer H; R.DUke had visit- ed with her but was unable to see into the yard because of a bamboo fence and that she bad been unable to get in touch with 'the City Maruiger or his ' assistant. '. . , , City Manager Whitt Johri:son advised Mis. Lockridge that he' and Mr. Duke wotild visit her home on Tuesday morning at 9: 00 a.m. to discuss the situation with her and to workout a solution ~oher problem. " , ' , Mr. E. Gene Hines, 3748 Rice Boulevard, Chaiman of the Zoning and Planning Commission advised tne City Conunission that he was appearing before them ' in cOIUlection with a letter dated August 20, 1974, wherein the Conunission ' was advised that, an application had been received to rezone Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 4, Collegeview 3rd Addition, for townhouses and/or clusterhouses. In the recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission to the City Conunis- sion dated March 11, 1974, this property was reccmnnended 'for designation: as ' a visual park site and it was his belief that tne Zoning and PlarlningCom- mission had not rec-eived a precise recommendation from the City "Connnission. Mr. Hines stated that _the owner or the property had made an assestion that he would sell the property to the city at his cost and if this would affect the decision of the City Commission the' Zoning and Plamrlng Commission should be so advised prior to its next regular meeting on September 10th. Mayor Harris advised Mr. Hines that it was his intention to call,a meeting of the City Commission this week in order to discuss this and that the Zoning and Planning Commission would be advised prior to its'September 10th" meeting. In response to a question from Mr. Hines regarding the release of the Zoning and Planning Conunission from its reconunendation that the property be de- signated "as a visual park, Mayor Harris advised that a release or definite recommendation would be furnished the Zoning and Planning Conunission prior to its next regular meeting. Mr. Dieter Ufer, Baykhore Engineers, presented plans and specifications for the construction of a parking lot on the propertyiinnnediately west of the City Hall. Mr. TIfer stated that the plans call for angle parking on the two lots facing University Boulevard and straight parking on the lot facing L............ . I I lJJI II r [IIIII~I..m[r ':1'][" ,II ! 1III1 , ,.I~II. 1174 lIJ11llllllil,l[ III Lli 11'1': I I: I II I Iii:", : "!~<4'"";" ,:1 ",.'1 ". I, .~ J Amherst Street, with a total of tJii:rt~four (34) parking places and the retention of all pecan trees, shrubbery and fences. Mr. TIfer stated that there would be 1Uinorrepairsrequired to an existing -manhole for the best drainage of the parking lot, and that no :funds were to be included by the contractor for landscaping the property IDaSIIUlch as 'the' city could do 'such landscaping much less expensively. Motion by COIIII1lissioner ,Binig, seconded by ConmissionerWay, that the plans and specifications prepared by Bayshore Engineers, Inc. for the construction of aparking'lot'adjacent to the' City Hall be accepted, and the City Mana- ger authorized to advertise for bids to be recei-ved 'by'the City Conunission at its regular meeting on'5petmoer 23, 1~74. D Voting Aye: .All' Voting No: None The Conmission was advised that in, accordance with previous action' of the City Corrunission accepting the bid of J. C. Construction Company for the construction of two 24n stann sewers under Bissonnet Street and the re- ceipt of an agreement from SoutoornPacific TransportatiDn Company' per- mitting such construction'1inderi1.eath their tracks , a work order could now be issued to the contractor. It was the decision of, the Conmission that the City Manager and Engineer for the project issue the work order. An invoice in the amount of $2,325.68 submitted by Baysbore Engineers, 'Inc. for the preparation of plans and specifications for' the construction of the City Hall parking lot was pre5mlted to the Connnissionfor consideration. Motion by Conmissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that Bayshere Engineers, Inc. be :reimbursed in an'am01iIlt not to exceed $2,325.68 to represent full payment for services rendered in the 'preparationoc6fpp1ans and ,specifications for the' construction of the City Hall parking1iot. [J Voting Ayei All Voting No: None Mr. Harold McConnell enginerr for the construction of a lighted softball field on the REst Unive:Fsity Elementary'School grounds:advised the CbImnis- sion that Weddeo Electric Company, low bidder on the project for only the installation of the lights, had beenunable'to secure a,bid from a'fence contractor for removal 'and replacement of the backstop. Mr. McConnel ' also said there was Some concern over Mr. Weido' s ability to Secure a perfonnance bond for the project inasmuch as he bad never previously been bonded. Mr. McConnell stated that under these circumstances it would be his recommendation that a contract be awarded to .Powell 'and Se-~phenson, rnc. on their bid of $ 22,960. 00 for the complete installation of the . lighted softball field. in accordance with the city's plansandspecifi- cations. Motion by Conmissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that a contract be swarded to Powell and Stephenson for the construction of a lighted soft- ball field on the West University Elementary School 'grounds in the amOlmt of $22,960.00. ( o Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ~:"' '.Jt:" _ : ~~:~:.~' I:"- 00 ~ ""'=> o o ~':::::11 ". , ! Dr , I " I , I 115 The COIIIIllission was advised tliat conferences liad been held with representatives of the Little League -regarding location oftne softball field; that residents on Rice Boulevard alJutting tIle field had been visited. .ahd only one objection had been expressed ,to the constrnct4Dn; that delivery of the poles was ex. pected to take only two to four days; and that it!' was hoped to get a four week delivery on the floodlgghts. Following a discussion with regard to the bids received for the remodeling of the Conununity Building 'and rehabilitation of the Library, it was the decision of the City Connnission to employ another arcmtecttouse the existingpi.blans and re~Wl"ite specifications in an effort to obtain'lower bids for theproje'ct. Motion by Cannnissioner Way, seconded by Cannnissioner Stanley, that the City Conmission reject all bids received on July 22, 1974 for remodeling of the Community Building and rehabilitation of the Library. ' . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None An invoice submitted by Mr. Matt Weeks, architect, in the amount of $105.55, representing final payment of architectural services rendered on the COlllmun1ty Building and Library was presented to the Conunission for consideration., , Motion by Cannnissioner Binig,seconded by Cannnissioner Way, that the invoice in the amount of $105.55 subnitted by Matt Weeks as final payment for archi- tectural services rendered on the CommunityXBillildingand Library, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Connnissioner Underwood advised the Cannnission that he had. an appointment on, . Tuesday with neuhaus and Taylor and'WQuld like to discuss their taking over the Community Building and LibraTY'PJi1Toject if agreeable to other members of , , the Commission. Following the City Manager's discussion with regard to the need for a mecha. nical engineer to design the air conditioning system; the need. for anelectri. cal engineer todil.Ve,~t'igate the electrical system inasmuch as it was installed in 1942; the lack of succesS that had been previously experienced with the installation of a french drain system; and the future proposed use of the building; it was the decision of the City Commission that this be included as an agenda item for the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, September 9th. City Attorney Charles Cockrell explained to members of the Commission that the letter dated. July 26, 1974 received from the Houston Natl,lral Gas Corporation was advising thet City Commission ~t byihtrolocutory Order entered July 17, 1974, the RAilroad Commission had granted Houston Pipe Line a domestic gas rate of 66.14: per thousand cubic feet of gas pending a further or final order of the Commission and that such rate increase would be refundable, in event the Railroad Commission failed to grant the requested increase. - -'- _------...L 1 ,~ .L1:;----"1 . . 'I .,...". I'" LI::t..~r.~::n[,l" II:" ~':::r" 117ff .[!]nr]-rllr..p .L. .J . 111 ~l II! ~ LJ City Manager Whitt Johnson was instructed. to contact Mr. Toni Tyson, Director 01 of Public SerVice,' 9'00 Brazoa, HoUston, TeXas 71002; and Mr. Neel Richardson, City Attorney of the City of Baytown, to detrinine any 'advantages that might be realized by the City participating with 'the City of Houston and other ine- o:uporated cities iIi their rate case With Southwestern. Bell." ' The Connnission was advised that repairs were progressing on the restoration to serVice of water well 'number 5 and it was believed that the 'well will produce a :minimum of 1,0l30gpm,upon'completion of, the repairs. The City Manager was instructed to negotiate charges made by Layne-Texas for time re- quired to recoVer a ,plate tbatbad been dropped into the well by their' ' driller. Motion by Cominissioner Underwood, seconded by Conunission Stanley, that a public hearing called for, this, date arid hour to consider adoption of a bud- get for the city for the fiscal year January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1975, be opened. ," Voting Aye: ' All Voting No: None The City Manager: presented the 1975 proposed budget to the City Commission and those in attendance by means of visual aids consisting of an opaque proj ector and screen, showing operating expenses and capital expenditures in each of the city's departinents as well as expected incom for the year 1975. He also pre- sented recapitulatiOns of the Gelieral Fund, SWitmning . Pool Fund, Health Fund, Water-Sewer Fund, and Tax Revenue Fund, showing a total proposed budget fOrO l, the period beginning January 1, 1975 and ending December 31, 1975 of $1,884,341. ' , Motion by Connnissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the public hearing called for'the purpose of considering a budget for the year 1975 be closed. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 1021 was presented to the Conunission .and read in full: .AN ORDINANCE OF THE CIIT OF WEST UNIVERSIIT PLACE PROVIDING FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING .:mNUARY 1', 1975 AND END- , ING DECEMBER 31, 191'5' BY' APPROVING, THE BUDGET FOR SAID PERIOD .AND APPROPRIATING" THE, NEcESSARY FUNDS OUT OF . THE GENERAL AND OTHER REVENUES OF THE CITY OF WEST lJN:rvF.ISITY PLACE FOR SAID YEAR FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF THE VARIOUS DEPART- MENTS AND FOR VARIOUS ACTIVITIES .AND IMl'ROVEMENTS OF THE' CITY. Motion by Commissioner S'tanley,seconded by Commissioner Way, that Ordinance Number 1021 approving" the budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1975 and ending December 31, 1975, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o Ordinance Number 1022 was presented to the Commission and read in full: o I:"- 00 lD ""':> Q Q o o it' c 11fl AN OlWINANCE. LEVYING AND ASSESSING AN AD 'VALOREM TAX ON ALL . TAXABLE l'ROPER'IY 'w'rmIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CIIT OF WEST UNIVERSITY"PLACE, '1'EXAS,FOR THE YEAR :1974: PROVIDING ' THE BASI5 OF .ASsESSMENT OF APPRAISED VALlJE'AND ,PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF AT THE RATE OF $1. 50 ON THE ONE HUN- DRED ($100'.00) ASSESSED VALUATION. Motion by ConriIs;ioner' Biri~g ,,0 seeO:M.ed. "'BY~Cdmmissioriei-lfuderwo'od, .;'that Ordinance Number 1022 levying' and'~a'-ssessing' an ad valorem 'tax on all-taxable', property in the City of West University Place at the rate of $1.'50 on the one lumdred dollar assessed. valuation, be approved as read. ' Voting Aye: All Voting Noue None Mayor Harris ann01IDced that the following persons had been appointed by the City Commission to serve as members :and alternates of the city's BicenteIUlial' Committee: Mr. Ted Dye 6710 Belmont Mr. Raymond Garcia 3021 BissoIUlet Mr. Bernard Lakin 2721 University Mr. Jo1m Burns 3114 Quenby Mrs. Sharon Strang 3017 Albans Mrs. 1. C. Smyth 3713 Robinhood Mr. Jolms Whisenlnmt 2721 Cason Mr. Archie Ryan 2616 Pemberton . ALTERNATE MEMBERS Mr. Danny Sullivan 4231 Sunset Mr. Joe Eason 3733 Nottingham Mr. Charlie Moore 6424 Belmont Mr. Frederick Lee 3619 Georgetown Mr. Elvin Ainsworth 6319 Westchester Mr,. Harry Hedges 3602 Plumb Mr. Don Wilhelm 2708 Pemberton Mr. M. D. Wickerham 6503 Sewanee Mrs. Robert Hawkins 2735 Carolina Way Mr. Martin Rodriquez 3913 Oberlin Mrs. Iris Eaton 2711 Nottingham Mr. Hugh Mehine 2800 Bissonnet Mr. Don Reynolds 3001 Georgetown Mayor Harris stated that a meeting would be arranged with members of the Committee for the purpose d)f appointing a chainnan and charging the group with its function as a Bicentennial Committee. il 1 I r II ii-, III' . 'r" . ......-r..IITrIlIT mrr " iJf' . . 17"8 Mr. Cockrell advised the Commission that the Zoning Board or Adjustment has had a suit filed against it regarding action taken By the Board granting an application for a variance toper.mit construction of a house on a lot with less than a 50 ft. front on the dead-end of the 3600 block of kangley. Mr. Cockrell stated. tliat the Board would file with the court all papers regard- ing the application and if the case went co court he would represent the Board if the Commission so desired. o The Commission advised Mr; Cockrell that he *mldtake whatever action might be required :ti1 regard to the Case. ' Mayor Harris advised that he was still receiving calls with regard to a lot in the 6300 block of W'akeforest and that such lot slm1uld be checked for any violation to the city.s Health Ordinance. The City Manager- was instructed to contact representatiyes of the archi- tectural firm that designed the West University Baptist Church parking lot wi th regard to plans for the screening the lot. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Connnission on July 9th were presented to the Connnissionror their'infonnation. "The City Manager was instructed to forward to the COIIDnission a draft of future minutes in order that members could be better infonned on action taken by the Zoning and Planning Commission sooner. Minutes of the regulax meeting of the Zoning Boaxd of Adjustment on August 15th were presented to the Commission for their infonnation. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on August 19th were presented to the Connnission for their infonnation. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City COIIDnission on Monday, August 12, 1974, we~e presented to the Connnission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Underwood~ seconded by Commissioner Way, that minutes of the re- gular meeting of the City Cormnission ClnAugust 12, 1974, be approved as sub- mitted. o Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon =tion duly made, seconded ~ carried,~ting~O:55 p.m. . ~~ ' ATTEST: ~ ~&da4- AssJ.s ant City ecretary' , o u ~ 00 In ~ ~ o o o !I' RES1IM ~Tm~, O:f cm' C~groN SEPTEMBER' 9 ,1974 The City Commission convened in regular session at the. City Hall on Monday, September 9, 1974, 7: 30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Harris, presiding; Commissioners Stanley, Underwood and: Way. ' The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Harris. Mayor Harris announced that he was bery sad to announce the death on Saturday, September 7, 1974, of Mr. HerchelVaugllp.,Water 'Superintendent of the city. Mayor Harris requested that he be r~ded to'direct a letter to Mrs. Vauglm on behalf of the City Commission expressing their sorrow. City Manager Whitt Jolmson introduced Mr. Irving W. BroWIl, 3025 Tangley, a retired architect who contributed much to the design of the City Hall at the time it was constructed. ' At the last meeting of the City Commision On August 26, 1974" official action was taken to reject all bids received on July 22, 1974, .:for the remodeling of the COnnmIDity Building and rehaBilitation of the Library and the feasibility of employing another architectural fl.rmto re~design the plans. Mayor~Pro-Tem Underwood and Commissioner Way stated they, had: discussed the possi. bility of reactivating the project to remodel the Connmmity Building and Li- brary with Mr. GleIm House of the architectuTal fi~ of Langwith, Wilson, aifing and House, and that this firm was interested in being selected for this purpose. Commissioner Underwood stated that the firm was a r~cognized fi1"lIlddoing business in Houston and he llad personal ~bwledge of some of, their accomplishments. The question of a fee arrangement was discussed and the,' Comm~ss-ion was advised that Mr. House had stated their finn would perform all of the, architectural services required for design, preparation of plans and supervision' during construction on an hourly fee basis not to exceed $8,500.00. ' M:>tion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the City Commission retain the architectural finn of Langwith, Wilson', Kine and House, to take over the design of the Community Building at an hourly fee not to ex'" ceed $8,500.00. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None It was noted that a meeting should be scheduled with principals of the architec- tural finn as soon as possible to direct them in the design of the Conmnmity Build- ing because of an abbreviated deadline. A poll of the C9JIIIIlission indicated that a meeting coUld be scheduledfbr TImrsday, September 12, 1974; 7: 30 p.m. and notice of suchmeetmg posted. Representatives of the architectural finn were further' advised that the CitY Manager should provide any assistance they might require prior to such meeting, and that the City Manager would endeavor to secure unit prices from Rotan Gon-- struction Company, one of the bidders on the original plans and spec:ifications. The Commission was advised that the sixty (60) day appointment of Mr. Charles Orsburn, on July 8, 1974, had expired and if it was the desire of the City Com... " ~. . .... . "!""IJJ,II::Lllllril j III _~__LJ~ --111 }',9: 'l.llll .. l80 .!]]nrT1"lrr..P..J ,n ..:.J IIr- L rr, II., I I ,-,-------, ..,"" I : I mission to continue use of an Associate Judge, consideration should be given to ther re-appointment of 'Mr. Oi"stnrin. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Underwood,: that Mr. Charles Oi"s1mrn be re,.,appointed to serve as Associate Judge of the Mmicipal Court for a sixty (60) day period. D Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Connnission was presented a letter from Burroughs Corporation requesting' payment of $1,150.00 due on the programs received and installed on the.mini- computer, and that an additional invoice in the amount of $1,350.00 would be submitted upon completiofl of the installation of the budgetary accounting pro- gram. M::>tion by Connnissioner Stanley, seconded by Connnissioner Underwood, that ' Burroughs Corporation be paid the sum of $1,150.00 for the balance due for' programs received and installed on the mini ....computer . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Commissioner Binig arrived at the meeting at this time. The Connnission was' advised that a letter had been received from Mrs. William Henry Colbert, Constitution Week Chainnan, Lady Washington Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, requesting that the city proclaim the week of September 17....23, 1974 as Constitution Week. ' Mayor Harris read a Proclamation designating the week of September 17-23, 1974 as Constitution Week in the City ofWWest University Place and requested that a copy of such Proclamation be forwarded to Mrs. Colbert for display at the Seven Chapters Constitution DAy Luncheon to be held at the Houston Racquet Club on September 17, 1974. The Connnission was advised that it appeared that water well No. 5 had been salvaged and that a test pump would be installed on Tuesday, September 10th, to determine the gallons per minute production of the water well, and there was an indication that it would exceed 1,000 gallons per minute. The City Manager further advised that it was necessary to install a 16" steel casing as a liner in the present well, the cost of which was not originally antici- pated. It was further stated that the cost of repairs to the well and new pump would, in allprobability,'greatly exceed the $4,700.00 budgeted for an attempt to rehabilitate water well no. 5. . Following a discussion with regard to :future ability to purchase surface water the City Manager was instructed to contact representatives of the San Jacinto River AUthority for any infonnation that might be available for a report to the City Commission on this subject. . City Attorney Cockrell advised the Commission that he had received various papers and'notice that the case of Meyers vs. West University Zoning and Planning CommissiDn regarding the property located at Lot 2, Block 40, West University Place 1st Addition, would be appealed. [J o Fl U l"'- oa lD '-=> ~ ~ o o 18l , The City Manager presented' a repOrt on the inspection of the vacant property owned by Mr. Ge.ra:1d Kerbow in the, 6300 b1pck ofWakefprest 1Ilade by Assistant City Manager Dan Edwards advising: that he and, Sanitary Engineer H. R. Dulce had inspected the vacant lot and found no 'Violation of the city's ordinances. The report agreed that the appearance of the lot was lJIlsight1y, but not in violation of the Health Ordinance,. ' It was explained to Conunissioner Underwood that in order to be a,violation of the city's Health Ordinance property must have high grass and/or weeds at least six inches. in p.eight; ~e. standing water, that will possibly breed. mos- qui toes; or provide a harborage for rats. ' The City Manager advised the Connnission that he had an appointment on Tuesday with Mr. George Knight of the Houston Independence School District for final approval of p1ands and specifications for the construction of a lighted softball field on the West Uni'Vel\sity Elementary School grounds and subsequent to re- ceipt of such approval a work order would be issued to Powell & Stephenson, Inc. for the construction of the field. Following a discussion with regard to the drainage of the softball field the Comission was adirised that Mr. Dieter Ufer of Byashore Engineers was to survey thefie1d and submit a written report setting forth his reconunendations regarding the drainage. The Secretary was limstructed to post notice of a conference meeting of the City Commission on Monday, September 16th for the purpose of meeting with Mr. Earle Britton to discuss zoning chai1ges on phei'ipheral property and to discuss the function of the. Bicentennial Committee~' The Comiss.:i!on was briefed on the fonnation of the Harris County Organization for Crime and advised that Chief Kesselus and Lt. Davey would like to meet wi th the City Commission to discuss advantages of membership in the Organi- zation and also their proposed program of Crime Prevention. A letter received from Attorney Fred Daily regarding the Carol Turk case was reviewed by Mr. Cockrell and the City Connnission advised that additional charges pending against Mrs. Turk would be dropped upon payment of the fine imposed by her conviction in Municipal Court. A letter of resignation by Fire Chief C. E. Duffin was presented to the Com- mission. Regret was expressed by the Conunission at Chief Duffin's resigna- tion and the City Manager was requested to seek applicants to fill the posi- tion. Commissioner Binig presented copies of the agenda she received on Friday, September 6th when she attended a meeting of the Texas Municiapl League Com- mittee on Finance in Austin. Commissioner Binig stated that the meeting was most infonnative, and that final recommendations would be resolved at the Texas Municipal League's annual conference in Fort WIDltrth on October 28th. ... ..., ,- _.." I. "~"" 1[,[1 182 .[!]ll[T!I[Il. I II L.:rl II u,~. ! I-r-~':J II,: A rough draft of the minutes of the Zoning and Planning Connnission on August 13, 1974 were presented- to the Coinmission for their information. Minutes of the regular -ineetirig , or the City Connnission on Monday, August, 26th, Were presented to the' Connnission and the ro.~~owing action taken: M:>tion by Conunissioner Way, seconded by Connnissioner Stanley, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Connnission on Monday, August 26, 1974, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All 'Voting No~ None With no further business to cOme befOre the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9: 00 p.m. Attest: ~?~ AsS1S antaCi ty Secretary ~~~ Mayor ' '! Go Jj~;:;Uj'-d:Q!',... ~."...j-;lt~ o o [J o l'-- 00 ~ '-:) o ~ o o Il'l 183~ REGULAR. MEETING OF CIIT COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 23, 1974 The City Connnission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, September 23, 1974, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: 'In the absence of Mayor Harris, the meeting was opened by Connnissioner Binig with Connnissioner Underwood presiding; Connnissioners Stanley and Way. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The invocation was pronounced by Conunissioner Stanley. In accordance with previous action of the City Connnission bids received for the construction of an asphalt parking lot adjacent to the City Hall were opened and results announced as follows: Contractor Lump Sum Bid $34,630.00 Brown & Root Motion by Connnissioner Way, seconded by Connnissioner Stanley, that the bid received for construction of an asphalt parking lot be rejected and bids for the project re~advertised in six (6) months. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 7 4~ 14 was presented to the Comnission and read in full: WHEREAS, Miss Karen Frenc, employed as Police Dispatcher and appoint- ed Deputy Clerk of the Mtmicipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has resigned her position with the City; and WHEREAS, Mr. Joseph Michael Waite has been employed as Police Dis- patcher, and is qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the MUnicipal Court. NOW, lHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY lHE CIIT COMMISSION OF lHE CIIT OF WEST UNIVERSIIT PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Mr. Joseph Michael Waite be, and he is hereby, ap- pointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, TE:pCas. Section 2. That the appointment of Mr. Joseph Michael Waite as Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that he shall assume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerk after having been administered, the proper Oath of Office. PASSED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of September, 1974. Connnissioners Voting Aye: All Connnissioners Voting No: None '/s/ C. H. Underwood, Jr. Mayor Pro~tem ' ATIEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary ';1' I --, ; 'I . r" 1111 I -:rrr 1 iiT'" ill r I I I 1"11 184[ IJ]lI1rJ:II'CP j.. ,11'- . L-'Tl- - III j., I ~ ~ ~~ . !ll. . I _....~t::~I-r..,,:_ ;~,~ Motion by Conmissioner Stanley, seconded by Conmissioner Binig, that Resolu~ tion Number 74~14 appointing Joseph 'Michael Waite as Depu,ty Clerk of the Municipal Court, be approved as read. o Voting Aye:' All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 1023 was presented to the Conmission' and read in full: AN ORDINANCE CALLIN~ AN ELECI'ION WIlHIN THE CIIT OF WEST UNIVERSIIT Pr:A.CE, , TEXAS FOR THE FITH DAY OF NOVEMBER, :t~~~, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A MAYOR AND FOUR (4) CGMISSIONERS TO' SERVE FOR A TERM OF TWO (2) YEARS EACH: DESIGNATING THE POLLING PLACES: .APPONTING ELECTION OF- FICIAI.8 AND PROVIDING FOR lHEIR PAY; PROVIDING TIfAT ALL DULY QUALIFIED RESIDENT ELECTORS SHALL BE QUALIFIED TO VOTE; PRESCRIBING THE FORM OF BALLOT; PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF ELCI'ION; CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO SAID ELECTION: AND. PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITI. Motion by Conunissioner Binig, seconded by Conmissioner Way, that Ordinance Number 1023 calling a'General City Election on November 5, 1974, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four (4) members of the 'City Commission be approved as read. Voting Ayet All Voting NO~I None In connection with the decision of the City Commission to re-advertise for bids for the remodeling of the Conmnmity Building and rehabilitation of the Library, the City Conmission was presented Treastirer's Certification No. 1~74, executed by City Treasurer MIl. Dittert, Jr., certifying that the sum of $108,500.00 was available for expenditure for architectural fees and entering into a contract with a General Contractor for the project. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that Treasurer's Certificate No. 1-74, executed by City Treasurer MIl. Dittert, Jr., be accepted and the sum of $108,500.88 be encumbered for expenses incurred in the re- modeling of the Library and Conmnmi ty Building. D LJ Voting, Aye: All Voting No: None Motion .by Commissioner Way,- seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for the remodeling of the COlIIIIlUIlity Building and rehabilitation of the Library, with such bids being received by the City Commission on October 14, 1974. Voting Aye: All , Uoting No: None The City 'Manager advised the Conmission that problems had been encountered with an, abandoned sanitary sewer line on the north side of University Boulevard from Rutgers to 3620 University Boulevard. The sanitary sewer line on University Boulevard from the 3600 block to the 3200 block was abandoned after quicksand got into 'the line and all property owners abutting the sewer line were advised that they would be required to tie onto a new line constructed at the' rear of the property,! D iL,. . .._~J=''''' ". ,. ." '" 'C' o f:"- 00 U':l ~ o Q o 0: . . 111:li Recent heavy rains created'proo1ems for property owners' and' an investigation indicated that four....possiDly five, residences in the area',are still con.... nected to the abandoned line. To provide relief the line was unplugged and pumps used, however, it will De necessary that any residences connected to the abandoned line make necessary arrangements to connect into the sanitary sewer line located in the easment behind their residence. Motion by Connnissioner Way, seconded by Connnissioner Binig, that the city notify any residents whose sewer lines' are connected" into the abandoned line on University Boulevard that they must, within sixty (60) days, connect onto the sanitary sewer line located at the' rear "of their property, and, that appro.... priate records be kept. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Connnission was advised that the animal 'cage mounted on the automotive unit used by the city's Humane Officer was between ten and twelve years old, rusted and in need of replacement. The sum of $1,500 was included in the 1974 budget for the fabrication of a new cage. ' , Motion by Connnissioner Binig, seconded by Connnissioner Way,- that the City' Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for the fabrication of a new ' animal cage and that such bids be received by the City Connnission on October 14, 1974. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A Lease Agreement dated Octoberlli6, between the City and Jo1m L. Thoede Company, Inc. provides an option to renew'and extend the lease on property oWned by the city at 4213 Be11aire Boulevard, for an additional three (3) years follow"" ing the tennintation of the pr:hnary tenn on January 1, 1975. However, a letter from Mr. JOM L. Thoede, president, requests that the lease agreement be ex- tended an additional five (5) years following tennination of' the additional three (3) year extension and that his company no longer be required to pay for fire and extended insurance coverage on the building. ' Motion by Connnissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the city grant Jo1m L. Thoede Company,. 'Inc. 'a three (3) year extension on. his Lease Agreement with the city on property located at 4213 Bellair.e Boulevard. , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commissioner was presented a letter dated September 16, 1974, from Mr. Fred Dailey summarizing final events in the city's case against Mrs. Carol Turk, together with a statement for his services rendered in the case amOlmting to $997.50. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Connnissioner Binig, that the City Commissioner approve the statement for $997.50 submitted by Attorney Fred Dailey for services perfonned in the Garo1 Turk case and that he be written a letter of appreciation for his diligence, in this case. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None r--, Ilr .Lli.ilJ..' 'I': . r".J.I:I.IITI.JiJIrr Li~ ~1;'816 ,ilmJ:I:I"CI' . I, , , , ' Iii. L-Ili - 11.1l'];l.! . II, I I ,"~ Utk .::.,ll.. t'>1-;.i)b'I-,;,,;,&:~-t~:;{,li~~~ A letter of resignation as a member of the city~s Safety Committee received from Mr. William Rj Dillard, was presented. to the Commission. It was noted that Resolution Number 74...4 appointing :members of the Safety Connnittee per- mits the City Manager to appoint city employees to serve on the Connnittee, thereby allowing him to appoint replacements fOT Mr. Herchel Vauglm and Chief Duffin. Each member of the City Commission will submit names to be considered. for appointment' to: theSa:fety Cominittee. " The' City'Manager was requested. to have a Cert~ficate of .Appreciation prepared for Mr. Dillard. 0,1 \ ' \, In accordance with previous'instructions of the City Connnission, City Attorney Charles Cockrell presented a letter dated. September 23, 1974, setting forth circumstances regardirig' a letter received from attorneys representing' Mrs. Miriam Israel, concerning rezoning of Lots 5 through 10, Block 25, College- view 1st Mdition. Mr. Cockrell stated that inasmuch as a formal application had not been filed by the Telephone Company 1=equesting rezoning of Lots 5 and 6 for use by such company for parking, ,it was his reconnnendation that the City Commission accept the reconnnendation of the Zoning and Planning Connnis- sion and rezone the property for townhouses and/ OT clusterhouses. The City Commission instructed that Mr. Earle Britton be advised that' the recom- mendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission regarding Lots 5 through 10, Block 25, Collegeview 1st Addition 'WOuld be accepted and he should include such action in his report. The Connnission was presented a letter from City Tax Assessor/Collector William Dittert,=Jr. advising that four property owners owing delinquent t~es were 0 known to be age 65 or older. Mr. Cockrell advised that statutory' proi:isions ' :' would prohibit a tax sale of homesteads owned by citizens 65 years of age or more, but that, filing was possible if the Connnissioil' so desired. 'Members of the Commission instructed Mr. Cockrell to file suits against all delinquent tax accounts. In keeping with previous policy and instructions to the City Manager and City Treasurer the Connniss;ion was presented the following schedule of investments: SCHEDm.R OF MATimTTTF.S - rFR'1'T~TCA'tES OF DEPOSIT o o o 187 Amer. Savings Home Savings 11,962.90 9,294.52 So. National Bank Greenway Bank TOTAL $1,131,776.80 The City Manager was instructed to withdraw the sum of $3,671.38 deposited with Home Savings to be included with the next maturing Certificate of Deposit. Following a report that the installation of a flapper valve on an 18" culvert on Westpark and the 30" stonn sewer extension on Judson had greatly improved drain- age in the College Court area, Conunissioner Stanley requested that an effort be made to clean the culverts and ditches on the east-west streets inasmuch as he had observed ponding of water in yards in the area during recent heavy rains. For their infonnation, the City Connnission was presented a notice from Comiskey Insurance Agency announcing an increase of 5.8% in workmen t s compensation coverage effective September 8, 1974. The City Manager advised the Connnission that many requests had been received for a means by which residents could dispose of trash and debris not nonnally picked up .=-~ ".,- '1....... iI "I"" "'r'::~G::I::.c::n:r' III ,[1 UlLI. ~ L- II ~j 188 Up by the sanitation routes ana -:recyl:ing 1l)aterial that had not been put out for the regular pickup. It was believed tnat the placing of a 40 c.y. container on the lit,] Recycling Center property and six proper1y:marked 50 gallon containers at the Water Plant would provide this serVice. The Commission was enthusiastic in its approval of the plan and agreed that a 90 day trial period would indicate both usage by residents and any possible abuse of the service. As a metter of infonnation, the Commission was advised that a statement for pro.... fessiona1 services rendered in the amount of $2,011.98 had been received from Mr. Earle Britton in connection with the rezoning of peripheral property. Resolution Number 74...15 was presented to the Commission and read 'in full: WHEREAS, the City Comnission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has been advised of the 1Dltimely death of Herchel L. Vaughn, on September 7, 1974; and WHEREAS, Herche1 1. Vaughn, at the time of his death was employed by the City of West University Place as Water Superintendent and had been so employed since November 1, 1963; and WHEREAS, during his tenure with the City of West University Place, . the said Herchel L. Vaughn has perfonned all duties assigned to him efficiently and in such an exemp1C\.ry manner as to reflect credit upon the said City and various administrations 1Dlder which he had served, as well as upon himself; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place 'i] desires to express its appreciation f0r the faithful and competent service of Herchel L. Vaughn to the city, and to further express its sympathy to the widow and family of Herchel L. Vaughn; NOW, 1HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 1HE CI1Y COMMISSION OF 1HE CI1Y OF WEST UNIVERSI1Y PLACE, TEXAS; 1. That the citizens of West University Place, acting by and through the Mayor and City Commission of said city, here now record their expression of their high regard for the memory of Herchel L. Vaughn, and an appreciation for his faithful serviGes in behalf of said city during his employment. 2. That said city expresses its deepest sympathy to Mrs. Janic Vaughn and the other surviving members of the family of Herchel L. Vaughn in their bereavement. .' 3. That as further evidence of the sympathy expressed, the City Secretary is directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to Mrs. Janice Vaughn, widow of Herchel L. Vaughri. PASSED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of September" 1974 /s/ Don E. Harris, Mayor /s/ Mary Ann Binig, Commissioner Cl / sl R. F. Stanley, Jr., Connnissioner /s/ Charles Underwood, Jr. Commis- sioner /s/ Peter M. Way, Connnissioner 0l LJ I:"- QO )1j ~ ~ Q m' , . , : I :i ! ~ n U lM9, ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Binig~ seconded by Commissioner. Way, that Resolution Number 74-15 expressing sympathy of the City Commission upon the death of Water Superintendent Herchel L. Vaughn, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The eommission was requested to' select a time convenient for them to meet with Gaston Alciatore,engineer, Layne-Texas Company, to review invoices submitted in the approximate amount of $'85,000.00 for repairs to water well number 5. C01Illllissioner Binig advised that the West University Fire Department was workmg with the Houston Fire Department as a collecting point for donations to the Honduras hurricane victims. Commissioner Stanley reqUested. that a letter be addressed to the Fire Department :from the City Commission thanking them for their interest and effort in this' undertaking. Following a discussion regarding the advisability of charging the Bicentennial C01Illllittee with studying the feasibility and funding of Independence Part, it was the decision of the Commission to appoint a separate committee to work in close liason with the Bicentemlial Committee to swdy the proposed Independence Park project. The City Conimission will meet on Monday, September 30~ 1974, 7:30 p.m~ to submit names of prospective members' to be appointed to serve as an Independence Park C01Illllittee. Minutes of the meetings of the Zoning 'and Planning Commission, on September 10, 1974 and SEptember 16, 1974, were presented to the Comniission for their infonnation. . Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on SEptember 16, 1974, were presented to the Commission for their infonnation. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, September 9, 1974, were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Conmiis- sioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, September 9, 1974, be approved as stibniitted. . Voting Aye: ' All . Voting No: None With no further business to come before the COJIDnission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, ~~e meeting adjourned a:t 9: 55 p.m. · <L2~~ yor ATTEST: '" ~., , '7t../ ~ , . C~-" ~~, Asslstant Clty Secretary L _~---------1 I _--.-lII .'1" .l.lIJU .J. I II' LJ..L I . -1 ... .- . r' ~1:rli;:;:r:..Ju[[r , lJI[lL I 190 IJJII!IIIILII,1 III I III II ~;lIj''l,' Ii I I I 'I Ql '1r- "'.", HK~'~'~!i""', 1Y'l"'<l . ';i;;i!~'.~,;~: ,~~ltr~~;'~~;_..;;~;.i-!ij MGUI.AA eTI.NS, OF em c~roN 'OCTOBER 14; '1974' , ' ''- " lJ The City Conunission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, October 14, 1974, 7:30 p.m~, with the .followinginembers present: Mayor Harris, presiding:' Connnissioners' Binig; Stanley, Underwood and Way. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The invocation was pronounced by Connnissioner Underwood~ Mr. Ronald Ray Shoup, Jr., 3712 Rice Boulevard, presented members of the Commission a notebook that had been prepared for filing all inIonnationwith regard to the proposed development' of Independence Park. Mr. Shoup stated that the notebook had been divided into categories already covered in the pre~ limina:ry planning for the park, including' the initial proposal, the student project completed bu Rice University architectural students, feasibiility study, structural cost estimate, Bicentennial Committee registration; possible ftmding sources; general correspondence and space for additional notes. Mr. Shoup stated that the notebook, complete with all available information for each category, woudl provide members of the Independence Park Connnittee tangible evidence of work that had been c0mpleted'as they inVestigated'possiole means of funding the park development. Mr. Shoup requested that, the approximately $1;400.00 remaining from the funds originally appropriated for the park project be used to employ graphic artist to prepare a fold..,out of the park to be included as a 'visual portion of the park presentation. In accordance with previous action of the City Commission to employ an architec.... tural firm to, re...design , the remodeling of the' Connnunity Building and to re~adver~ tise for bids for such remodeling and the rehabilitation of the Library, bids received and results announced as follows: o Contractor Base Bid Calendar Days Total Bids McCall & Sons ' 75,228.00 90 ' 94,060.00 McCormick 82,000.00 100 104,488.00 Rovon Construction 71,971. 00 110 95,255.00 S & S Contracting 109,218.00 189 149,603.00 Superior Constructors 83,500.00 100 106.150.00 Vickery....Park, Inc. 63,714.00 90 88,387.00 Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Connnissioner Underwood, that bids received for remodeling the Comnnmity Building and rehabilitation of the Library be re~ ferred to architects Langwith, Wilson, King and House for tabulation and are.... commendation to bem9-de to the City Connnission at its next re;ular meeting on October 21, 1974. .,.;. ~','i..;. ,..,:, ,cc..,.::-....."..,. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None An invoice in the amount of $5,704.37 submitted py Langwith, Wilson, King and U, House for the preparation of plans, specifications and bidding documents for o r-. QO l1":l I-';) ~ Q o o 191~' ;for the remodeling of the Community Building, was presented to the Commission. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the invoice in the amount of $5,704.37 received from Langwith, Wilson,King and House, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ' Mr. House advised the Commission that the invoice submitted represented charges up to the tnne of receiving bids and additional billing would be submitted at a later date. ' In accordance with previous action of the City Commission, bids received for fabrication and mounting one animal cage were opened and results amlOlmced as follows: Bidder Economy Tin & Sheet Metal Spring Branch Sheet Metal , Vogler Sheet Metal Company Lump Sum Bid 1,700.00 , 1,-250.00 1,546.00 Delivery, Date 30 days (approx.)' November 12th November 15th Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that bids re- ceived for fabrication and mounting one animal, cage be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and a recommendation to be presented to the City COmmission at its regular meeting on October 21, 1974. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that in. accordance with the provisions of a contract awarded to J C Construction Company, two '24H stonn sewers had been, installed under Bissonnet Street and the contractor t s invoice in the amount of, $19,565. 00 had been received for payment. It was recommended that the sum of $500.00 be retained, to in- sure replacement of a manhole cover which did not fit correctly. The project engi- neet, Mr. Dieter Ufer, advised that he was, very pleased with the project in spite of the difficulties encountered by the contractor in boring under Bissonnet. Motion by Commissioner Way, , seconed by Commissioner Binig, that the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted, and J C Construction Company be paid the amount of $19,065.00, and the sum of $500.00 be retained pending completion of the man- hole cover. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None. The Commission had been preViously advised of vacancies ini:the membership of the Safety Conimittee and 1lllder the provision'of Resolution Nmnber-74-4 authorizing the City Manager to appoint city employee members of ,the Connnittee,the'fo11owingap- pointments were anno1lllced: Captain Ben Wilcher of the Fire Department to replace Chief C. E. Duffin upon his termination of employment with theccity, and Mr. Otis Gregg, Sanitation Superintendemrt as a replacement for Water Superintendent, de- ceased. .L~ -1-1.. .. -.Ul ~~ ~Ljl--' Jr:rr'" -.-.I Iii: . .". r' r 1J1:1iI.....L::'i!rrr ",lillIL I, 192 Ilj[Wlilil" J III Ll Ill} I I ! IJ ~~ ~ H' :; :~ ::~:l]f;!~m1:'-:>,-:::'- i t I~ The Commission was aClvisea tl'iat the Sw:bi1ming pooi had beencclosed prior to the anticipated 5eptemoeT 30th schedUled closing because of inclement weather and the, lact of interest aIJ-d participation oy residents. An invoice in the amount of $66,986.00 from Layne-Texas Company for repairs made to Water Well number 5 was p:t;'esented for consideration, noting that not included in the inv<iice were charges that would be made for the pump and its installation. o , - Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanely, that Layne- Texas Company be paid the sum of $66,986.04 as partial payment for repairs made to Water Well Number S. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None City Attorney Charles Cockrell reviewed the procedure that had been followed by the Southwestern Bell Telephone COmpany in its request filed with the City of Houston, stating that rates for West University and other cities in the Houston Metropolitan Area would be' the same as established by the passage by the City of Houston of' an ordinance pe-rmi tting the increase. The Commission was a4vised that under the auspices of the Texas Mmicipal League, a Texas Utility Mvisory Council had been organized and that subse- quent 'to the Leaguefs a:nn.ual conference on October 27-30 in Fort Worth, a re- port would be pr'esented to the Commission with regard to the city becbming , affiliated with such Council. o Following a review by Mr. Cockrell of plans of the Houston Pipe Line Company to file with the Railroad Commission an application seeking an adjustment in the' gate rate pallid by'Houston NatUral Gas Corporatlon, the City Manager was instructed to request that a representative of the Houston Natural Gas Corpo- ration appear before the City Commission at its October 21st meeting to explain theiincrease proposal ~ ' The City Manager advised that in following instructions of the City Commission he had proceeded with negotiations for the purchase of Lots 7 and 8, BLock 27, Colonial Terrace Addition, such property being east 0 and adjacent to the West University swimming pool, and that the owner of the property had signed an Earnest Mo~ey Contract 'which had been forwarded to the Title Company. Resolution Number 74-15 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City Commis'sion has heretofore detennined that additional real property is needed in connection with nnmicipal operations; and WHEREAS, the City has entered into' an Earnest Money Contract for the acquisition of Lots, 7 and 8, Block 27, Colonial Terrace Addition owned by Mr. C~esleyMcLarty. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY nrn' CI'IY COMMISSION OF nrn CI'IY OF \.1 l WEST UNIVERSITI PlACE, TEXAS:. . U o r-- 00 - >n '"":> ~ o o o I' ., 1~'3, Section 1. That the sum 0;1; $30,410.00 be appropriated from the General F1n1d "" Capital Iinpl'OVemEmt Fund fol' the acquisition 0;1;: ' Lots 7 and 8, Block 27 of Colonial Terrace Additi6n,an Addition in the City of West University Place, Harris C01n1ty, TeXas~ according' to tIleinap' or plat thereof, recorded in the plat records of Harris Cmmty, Texas ~ Section 2. That the action of the Mayor and City Manager in regard to the acqu.isltion,of the aforesaid property be, and they are hereby, ratified and approved, and that the Mayor' be, and he is hereby, authorized to execute final settlement of the tenns add provisions of an Earnest Money Contract dated October 9, 1974, resulting in the payment of the total sum of $30,410.00 for the purchase and acquisition of the above described property. ' Section 3. That the City Treasurer is authorized to pay all closing costs in connection with issuance of a title guaranty policy by Southern Titel Company, Inc., Houston, Texas, upon their agreement to issue such policy naming the City of West University Place, Texas as the beneficiary' and showing goo fee simple title to the above described property' in the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 4. That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to prepare and draw a warrant from the General Fund of the City of West University Place in the am01n1t of $30,000.00, plus closing c6sts,'as'final cash settlement of the agreed pul'cbase price of $30,000.00, which sum includes $2,500.00 placed in escrow with Southern Title Company, Inc. as part of the Earnest Money purchase contract. ' PASSED AND APPROVED this l4ths day of October, 1974. Connnissioners Voting Aye: All Conunissioners Voting" No: None /s/ Don E. Harris, Mayor '- ATIEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motmon by Cammissioner Binig, seconed by'Connnissiori.er Stanley that Resolution Number 74~15 appropriating the sum of $30,000.00 for the acquisition of Lots 7 and 8, Block 27, Colonial Terrace Addition, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Treasurer's Certificate Number 2~73 certified by Wn. Dittert, Jr., City Treasurer, was presented to the Cammission showing that the ammmt of $31,000.00 was on de~ posit in the General Fund to the credit of Reserve for Future Land Purchase and could be expended for purchase of Lots 7 & 8, Block 27, Colonial Terrace Addition. The' City Manager was instructed to advise both 'the Zoning and' 'Planning Conunission and the Parks and Recreation Board, in writ:ii1g, that Lots' 7 and 8, Block 27, II III 1 m'" lIT , '-, . . .".., "I "7 0'1-' I~nr ~l'94[ .m!!T'" II[ll. .1_ . II, Ll:J- II L I -. ' i-=:J---T I' ,'l'l.:i~~'~~"., ,"'--'*1 Coloni.al Terrace Add:ltton was' oemg acquired by the city for use in conjunction with its park program. '" ". ' Resolution Number 74...16 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, certain city officials holding' office in the Texas Municipal League and others involved in Committee assigmnents will be attending the 62nd Armual Conference in Fort Worth, Texas on October 28, 1974, to represent the City at such conference. NOW, 'I'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 1HE CITY C<l4MISSION OF 1HE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSTIY PLACE, TEXAS: " . Section 1. That the City Commission shall meet at its regular meeting place in recessed session on October 21, 1974, 7:30 p.m., which said meeting shall be in' lieu of the regular meeting on October 28, 1974. ,Section 2. The City Commission, shall meet at its regular meeting place on November 7, 1974, 7:,30 p~m., for the ,purpose of canvassing the votes cast at the General City Election held on November Sf 1974. Section 3. Proper notice of said meetings shall be given in the manner and for the date and time as required by law. IJ PASSED AND APPROVED this the 14th day of October, 1974. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None / s/ Don E. Harris, Mayor il LJ ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Connnissioner Underwood, that Reso... lution Number 74-16 be approved as read. Motion amended by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commission Underwood, that Resolution Number 74"'16, changing meeting dates of the City Commission, be amended to delete Section 2, establishing a meeting of the City Commission on November 4, 1974, inasmuch as such meeting will be a workshop session. Voting .on Amendment Voting Aye:" All Voting No: None Voting on Motion Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that following the preparation of a draft cf an ordi'" l'n nance amending Zoning Ordinance III in accordance with suggestions and recom- U o r:-.. 00 lD '""':> ~ Q c o II . 19:)' mendations ot the City Connnissio;n~ Zoning and Planning Commission and members of the I1:rban Design Teain~ a -meeting was held on hid.ay~ October 11, 1974, attend~ ed by CommIssIoners Binig and Stari1ey~ memDeTS of the Zoning and Planning Connnis- sion Hines, Bartholomew ~d Lipscomb, City Attorney, Charles Cockrell, City , TreaS11XeT Win. Dittert and City Manager Whitt Johnson to review the draft. Addi~ tions, changes, ,modifications and deletions were noted, and it was the decision of the City Commission to meet on 'I'Imrsday ,evening~ October 17, 1974, 7:30 p.m., to review the draft preparatory to the City AttoTIley completing the ordinance for presentation to the Commission. ' Minutes of the regular meeting of the Safety Connnittee on September 10, 1974, were presented to the Commission for their infonnation. Connnissioner Binig, asked Argus reporter .Ann Wiegand for a report on, the circula- tion of the Southwestern Argus since, the Civic Club had agreed to serve as block, captains to over- see distribution by the carriers. Ms. Wiegand reported tha the syste, was only in the fo:rma.tive stages, but it was hoped that circulation would improve. ' Commissioner Stanley'advised that he would favor using the,remaining $1,400.00 of funds appropriated for the study of Independence Park for the employment cf a graphic artist to prepare a fo1d"'out for inclusion in the Independence Park pre- sentation, in accordance with the request of Mr. Ronald Shoup. Following a discussion with 'regard to the possibility of using photographs made of the display compilleted by Rice University School of Architecture students, the City Manager was :iil.strilcted to contact Professor Peter Papademetriou with re- gard to the availability of such photographs. Minutes of a recessed. meetiilg of the Zoning and Planning Commission on September 30, 1974, a regular meeting on October 8, 1974 and a final report dated October 14, 1974 on approval of an application filed by Mr. Charles Atkins to rezone Lots 1 and 2, Block 93, West University Place 2nd Addition, were presented. to the Commis- sion for their infonnation. The City Manager was requested to include the Final Report of the Zoning and Plarming COmmission as an agenda item for the meeting of the City Commission on October 21st in order for the City Connnission to establish a date for calling a public hearing. " Minutes of the regular meeting of the City 'Commission on Monday~ September 23; 1974, were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Connnis- sion Binig, seconded by Commissioner Way, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, September 23, 1974, be approved as Submitted. , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Connnission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meetirig was recessed until 7:30: p.m., Mon- day, October 21, 1974. ATIESf: d(ch ~ t/bJ. Assistant CitySSecretary a~ Mayor I I _iJ~ I" ~1].Ll..rm:r lJli:il" , Ir.- 'II 196[ .I]II!-"T~II'[]Tr ..1 . Iii ~~'1- III I ~ I 1---' :REOOLAR JlmETING OF CrIT C()f..USSION , ''- ,'OCTOBER 2l~ 1974' , ,., , o The City Commission' comr~iiedilinregUlar'session at the 'City Hall on Monday, October 21, 1974, 7:30 p.m." w;ith the following members, present: Mayor Harris, presiding; COmmissioners Billig, Stanley, Underwood and Way. The' City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Harris. The City Manager advised that two e1nployees of the Police, Department,' Patrolme:p: Michael Biggs and Dwight Tiller, had been granted temporary time off to attend a"Basic,police. Certification school at the, College of the Mainland; Texas City, Texas; in order to became certified police officers, and that, this action was in keeping with the city. s policy of continuing education. for city employees. Chief Richard Kesselus introduced Officers Biggs and Tiller, stating that each had completed the Basic Certification Course with exceptionally high grade aver- ages, and that Officer Biggs completed the.cou:rse.with the highest grade average ever made at the school, an average of 99.97. . Mayor Harris congratulated both officers and complimented Chief Kesselus and his Department for the excellent manner in which the <:i ty was afforded police protection"as,wellas courteous,and friendly, service. In accordance with previous instructions of the City Connnission Mr. W. c. D Dahlman and Mr. Don Henderson' of Houston Natural Gas Corporation appeared be- , fore the Commission to review an application filed by the Houston Pipe Line Company with the 'Railroad Commission seeking an adjustment in the domestic city gate rate paid by Houston Natural flas Corporation. Mr. Dahlman explained to the Commission the unique position of Houston Natural Gas corporation in being the only gas supplier with adequate reserves to be able to supply all its consumers. Mr. Henderson advised the Commission that the last general rate increase received by Houston Natural Gas Corporation was on Jrme 24, 1968 and increases pennitted on March 1, 1970, February 1, 1971, December 17, 1973, July 1, 1974, and Septem- ber 1, 1974, were only increases pennitted by the Railroad Commission and a semi-annual basis equal to 65% of, the increase in the weighted average cost for gas from the supplier., , , Mr. Henderson reviewed his company's 7-1/2% rate of return, lease agreements with suppliers ,and the affect on such agreements by govermnent regulations and the fact, that Houston Natural Gas Corporation is at the present time paying 80.5 for gas at the well head, for which 1IDder the ruling of the Railroad Commission they may charge only 66.1. Mr. Henderson advised Commissioner Underwood that in event the City Connnission felt it necessary to reject the requested rate increase, an appeal 'WOuld be filed with the Railroad Commission and subsequently the courts would decide action to be taken. Members of the COImnission thanked Mr. Dalman and Mr. Henderson for appearing before them. [J o ['e QO In ~ Q Q o o 19'7' Mr, ~leIUl House ot the aTchitectwal tin!l Langwith, Wilson~ King and House ~ ady:tsed tIieC01Ilf!1:tssion tfiat his ftnIJ baa a:rialyzedtne oad<grorinds~ schedules of yali:1es and other' tiid data su15mitte<l15y' too' two low, bladers from remodeling the Comrmmity Building!LilJraTY, and it was the fiTm ~s TecOmmendationthat the contract De 5WaTded' to 'McCall and Sons ConstTtlction, Inc. Mr. House stated tbat the low 'Didder, Yick~Parker~ Inc. is a newly ~rganized construction firm without any completed proj ects on which performance could be judged and ' that the project will require considerable knowledge and experience in the field of remodeling buildings. Motion by Connnissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Binig" that the recOlIDRendation of Langwith, Wilson King and House, as contained in the follow... ing letter 'De accepted and the bid awarded to McCall and Sons Construction, Inc. on their bid of $94,415.00 ,including all five (5) alternate proposals. "Commissioners: The fipn of Langwith, Wilson, King and House has' spent the last week, since open- ing of the bids for the Alterations and Additions to the Community Center, analyzing the backgrounds, schedule of values and other bid data submitted by the two ' lowest bidders. The low bidder, Vickery-Larker, Inc., submitted a 'fuid of $89,222.00, including Alternates 1 thru 5. The second low bidder, McCall and Sons Construction, Inc., submitted a'bid of $94~4l5.00 including Alternates 1 thru 5. It is the opinion of this firm that the City of West University Place would best be served by accepting tl1.e second lowest bid submitted by McCall and Sons Construc- tion, Inc. Weare aware tbat they are $5,193.00 higher than the low bidder, how, ever, we believe' the. circunstances warrant' close consideration of their proposal. The firm of Vickery-Parker, Inc., is a newly organized .construction firm without a single completed project by which we can judge their performance. Thevery nature of the additions and alterations, to the community building will require' a group with considerable knowledge and experience in this specific area of con- struction. We have not found this kind of experience in Vickery-Parker, Inc. McCall and Sons Construction, .Inc., in contrast, specialize in connnercial'remodel- ing and have a substantial list of completed projects in this are of constmuction. Therefore, We respectfully reCOlIDRend that the City Connnissioners accept the ,bid of McCall and S~I.!~ Construction, , Inc. Very truly yoUrs, Langwith, Wilson, King & House." Voting Aye:" All Voting No: None It was determined that the architect would review the schedule of the, contractor' and a Work Order issued as soon as possible in order thatthepproject may be started, possibly as early, as November 6; 1974.', . - Members of the C.ommission express~d appreciation' to Mr. House and his finn for the splendid manner in which they expedited preparation of the plans and speci- fications and handled the bidding for the project. 11'9B" .IJI!l'~-lI"r:.ITr. j', . ,_' Jlr- L-.. l~- r II, I ~---"-r-I---------r Ii ~ ~..f ~' 'e A tabulatJ;.<:>n o;f bids. ~ecejjTed' ~oi the' taexi.catJ:.<;>n and 1UOUIlting o;f an animal 0 cage was ptes.entelr to, tlle', C_;iSs-i.onn<~t1ngtl'iat tlle'lfuinane,'0fficer had visited 'l:' the ;facilities of the low oiader', and:it was recOmmended' that the ,low bid of $1, 250~ 00 ~~tted By Spring Rl~anch 5heet''Metal CompanY,'be accepted. Motion by Commissioner'Underwood;, seconded by Commission Stanley, that the recommendation of the City Manager' be accepted~' arid the bid of Spring Branch Sheet Metal Company of $1,250.00 for fabricatinn and lllmmting of an animal cage be accepted. Voting Aye: All , Voting No-: None The Conmission was acKrised: tnat' City Attorney Cfuirles"Cockrell had prepared Ordinance Number 1025 iilcorpOrating all suggested changes, revisions and dele~ tions as a result of a meeting held on October 11, 1974, and such ordinance was not ready for a rinal review by members of the City Commission, Zoning and Planning Commission and City Attorney prior to being placed on the Agenda for the regular meeting of the City Commission on November 11, 1974. A poll of the Commission iildicated that alllllembers would' be available for a meeting on Wednesday evening, ,October 30, 1974, 7:30p.m. Mr. 'Gene Hines, Chainnan of the Zoning and Planning Conimission, requested that they be furnished. a copy of the proposed document more than twenty-fOur (24)'hours prior to ,the meeting. On October 14, 1974, the City Commission took official action to authorize payment to J C Construction Company the ' sum of $19,065.00 for the construction 0' of two 24H storm sewers uilder Bissonnet, withholding $500.00 to insure proper installation of a manhole cover~ The Commission 'Was advised that the manhole cover had now been completed and properly installed and J CConstruction Com- pany should be paid the additional $500~00due on their contract. Notion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the recormnendation of project engineer, Mr. Dieter Ufer, be accepted and J C Construction Company be paid the additional $500.00 due on their contract for the construction of two 24t' stonn, sewers under Bissonnet. ---- Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The fin.B.l report of the Zoning and Planning Commission recommending that the Zoning Ordinance be amended. by creating a TownhousejClusterhouse District embracing the following property: Lot 1, East 75 ft. x 125 ft. of Lot 2, WEst 75 feet x 125 ft. of Lot 2 and the South 125 ft. of Lot 2, Block 93, West University Place 2nd ADdition, was presented. for consideration. A review of the meeting schedule proposed by the City Connnission prior to the installation of tle new City Commission on October 18, 1974, indicated that there might possibly 'dvelop.a conflict ,if both the proposed ordinance amending the zoning ordinance for the peripheral,property and the final re- port of the Zoning and Planning Commission were considered by the City Connnission at the same m(geting. , It 'Was, therefore, the decision of the City Comnission that action on the finalrepol't be deferred until after the election of "a new I[J City Commission. ~ o l'" QO In I"":) ~ Q ~ o ~...,~,,~. . '!.J.~~'f"K"'''''''''' . l~~' Mr. David Outbred of the UrbanDesignTeWl}~ 1tr t Gene llines and:Mr. O. C. BartholOl!lew, o{ the Zoning and, l'lanning Comrnission,City Attorney Charles Cockrell, City Manager' Whitt, 3omSonand :members of the' City Commission re'" viewed Ordinance Nunioer' 102,5 proposed.: to amend Zoning' Ordinance 111 to re.... zone certain periphei"al property in acc,OrOance with'TecOmmendations of the Zoning and Planning Commission and the City CommissIon. Mr. Outbred was advised that. setBacks proposed for a number of the dwelling districts to be created: for the ,erection of toWnhouse/clusterhouse develop'" ment were found to be unrealistic and. would prohiBit development- of the property to be rezoned. ' Main topics discussed d:u1"ing the lengthy meeting were variations between existing three",foot side setbacks in single~{amilh dwelling districts and use of five",foot side-setbacks intownhouse/clusterhouse dwelling district. C01lllllissioner Way suggested that on property being developed adjacent to existing single...family resi dences that a five-foot side setback be used, but where development is adj acent to lmilllproved property that the townhouse/ clusterhouse be penni tted to buildin the property line. Minimum lot sizes andminimu building site sizes were also discussed. Mr. Roland DahlinZ. member of the Zoning and Planning Conmission, arrived at the meeting at this time. Each member present was requested to study the proposed ordinance prior to the' meeting planned for October 30th. Mr. Outhred was requested. to use suggestions of thos present in calculating new setback standards to be included in the ordinance and the City Attorney will re....draft the ordinance to include proposed changes. ' Mr. Dahlin was congratulated by members of the City Connnission on his recent appointment as Public Defender. City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Conunission that citations were being served in connection with delinquent tax suits that had been filed and that members of the Commission might receive telephone calls regarding the citations. A letter dated October 18, 1974, from Mr. Fred Rhodes submitting his resignation as a member of the city's Insurance Committee because of ill heath, was presented to the Connnissmnn. Motion by Conunissiorrer Binig, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that Mr. Rhodes resignation as a member of the City's Insurance Committee be accepted with re- luctance. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Commissioner Way requested that the Traffic Study perfonned by Jo1m Hudson be included as an agenda item for the regUlar meeting of the Ci ty Commission~~cp1'1;::::'-- November 11, 1974, together with a -repOrt showing confonnance with the mistel '" laneous suggestions made by Mr. Hudson for better traffic control. L ~~ 1 L ........cl .L~ ~II '""j"TIl.III.:l:...ITIIr ],JII 1 f,olll !.200~ J]II!TTiPI:I'T .I . Jlr---~-~~~r.l II!. I lfT--- - I---r--~ COI!JI!lissioner Way :'feqUested~ ,a l"eseai"ch. b:.f t~ records wherein Commission pennission bad oeengiYen fox too' const:ructi:on ota cul~e"'sac on Aloans Street. c Minutes of the i"egu1a:r :meeting of tne Plumoing Board on Monday, OctobeT 14, 1974 we:re presented to the Commission for thei:r infonnation., , Minutes ot'. the regul.ar meeting of the City Commission on Monday October 14, 1974, were presented to the Commission and the' following action taken: Motion by, Commissionet Way,' secbned oy Commissioner Stan1ey~ that JIlinutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on OctoDeT 14, 19'74, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Wi th no further business to come Defore the Commission at this time" upon motion duly made, seconded aild carried, the meeting adjourned, at 11:15 p.m~ ' ATIEST: ~~~ istant City 'ecretary ~/~ " , Mayor ' . .J o o o o I:"- 00 lD I'"';:) C:l Q o o 20r }1EliTlNG' OF crrr C<>>1ISSION , , " "NOYEMBlm"7' "1'974' . , , f '." " , , , , The City Commission convened at the City Hall on ThuTsday,November 7,1974, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Harris, presiding; Commissioners Billig, Stanley and Way. The City l4anager was also present. Commissioner Underwood was out of the city. REturns of the General City Election he:td on November 5, 1974, for the purpose of electing a.Mayor and four (4) Cammissioners, were can vassed and Resolution Number 74;"'17 was presented to the Cammission and read in full: , I WHEREAS, in accordance with the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas; the Texas Election Code and Ordinance Number 1023 of the City of West University Place, a general City Election was held on November 5, 1974, in the City of West University Place for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Commissioners for a tWo year tenn as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 8. 29a of the Election Code, the Judges of the election have made out, signed and de- livered in a sealed envelope, the returns of said election, together With the poll lists and tally lists, to the Mayor and City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commissioners of the CitX of West Univer- sity Place, Texas, in special session, ass~b.led on November 7, 1974, have opened and examined the election returns and mve canvassed the results thereof in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter and the Texas Election Code and as a result of such examination and canvass, said~yor and City Com~ missioners find that at such election the following votes were cast: . Name Candidate Precinct for 15 - Precinct Precinct Precinct 87 133 183 - Paul W. Wallin, 3r. R. Cate . " '. 68S? , J "~,<,:~775" ,,~;! ~m-. 977 Mayor , "'Mayor 574 J. B. Thompson Ronald Ray Shoup Jr. Michael T. Gallagher Mary .Ann Binig Mrs. Sharron Strang Phillip A. Dunn Rufus F. Stanley Cammissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner >,;;495 ';~'-;'>348":., 323""" '" , ....~~~_.'~ 599 325 523 543 575 326 331 698 307 571 630 376 358 324 457 339 363 399 705 440 395 808 413 726 741 WHEREAS, as a result of such.el~.ction, it was detemined that Paul W. W~llin, Jr., wi!h a !otal of 3014 votes'~:~:.f:.,~or him, was elected MAYOR of the CJ.ty of West UnJ.versJ.ty Place, Texas; 'and that J. B. Thompson, with a total of 2151 votes cast for him, and Mary .Ann Binig, with a total number of 2562 votes cast for her, and Philip A. Dunn,:wi:tJl..a total number of 2183 votes cast for him, and Rufus F. Stanley" 3r., witha-)Il9.'~al number of. 2313 . votes cast for him, have been elected COMMISSIONERS of the~'Jt'ty of West UniversJ.ty Place, Texas. ~_ L' i202 nm~''f"'!IIIII!f I..' I .,' "llr-~- -- ~~'r 'II: ~. LJ ~'l NOW, lHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY' THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI1Y PLACE, TEXAS: ." " f 1. That the official results of such election shall be, and they are . . hereby,. declared pursuant to canvass of the returns of .such election by the Mayor and City Commission toee that: Paul W. Wallin, Jr. was elected =Mayor J. B. Thompson was elected Commissioner Mary Ann Binig was elected Commissioner Philip A. Dunn 'was elected Commissioner Rufus F ~ Stanley, Jr. was elected Commissioner of the City. of West University Place, Texas for a two~year tenn as prescribed by the/City Charter ,at the said election." c\", ~; 2. That an executed copy of this Resolution shall be delivered to "each, Paul W. Wallin, Jr..,J. B. Thompson, Mary .Ann Binig, Philip A. Dunn and Rufus F. Stanley, Jr. ,.as his Certificate .of Election, and dui>licate copies hereof shall be delivered to the City Secretary of the City of West university Place, Texas.. PASSED .AND APPR0VED this the 7th day of November., 1974. Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: Is/'Don E. Harris, Mayor All None ~. ATTEST: Isl Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner-Way, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that"Resolution Number 74-1, canvassing the returns of the General City Election held on November 5, 1974; and declaring the results thereof be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: All". ~,>,2~~~'::>;-' Voting No: None With no further business t(i'~e before the Commission at this time, upon motion &lly made, seconded and caxried;;~Jr~a' ~~~ . ~yor ATTEST: $~h~. Assistant City Secretary ~-. . ...; .~.;:,:: " . . ~ . r># ," 't.j...~ "r '''- Il "--.J ~~I LJ D o l'- QO ~ 1"":> ~ o o o II ' 203' lW6I1lAA ~ING ,OF CI'lYC~roN, , " .. : .... ' ;l\Tmtn::MrD'C'J;) '11" '1'974" .. . ,- - " , , , "l'V'~ , , ' The City Commission comrened in regular session at tfie CitY' BaIlon Monday, November 11, 1974, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present; Mayor Harris, presiding; Commissioners, Binig, Stanley, 1JnderWood and Way. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Underwood. Mrs. Kathy Rhodes, Assistant Director of Public Relations for the American Automobile Association presented the Pedestrian Safety Inventory fust place award to Mayor Harris and Police Chief Richard Kesselus, stating that this was the third consecutive year this award had been received by West Univer~ sity. Mrs. Rhodes further stated that only the City of South Houston, Texas' City and West University were recipients of the award in the metropolitan are of Houston for the year 1974. Chief Kesselus and Mayor Harris thanked Mrs. Rhodes for the award, and Mayor Harris commended the fine work done by the West University Police Department, in not only..pedestriansafety, but all of its police work within the city. City Manager Whitt Johnson introduced Captain Ben Wilcher of the West' Univer-"' sityFire Department stating that in view of the resignation of Fire Chief Charles Duffin to accept. a position as ASsistant Chief of the Nacogdoches- :FIre Department, it was necessary for the City Commission to appoint a new ll'ire Chi.ef.Mr. JoImson also stated that Captain Wilcher had been recoIIll1lended by each member of both the paid and "on-calltt Fire Department, and added his recOllllIlendation that Captain Wilcher be appointed Fire Chief of the City of West University. Mayor Harris administered the Oath as Fire Chief and Fire Marshall to Captain Ben Wilcher, and congratulated him on his appointment. Fonner Westllniversity fireman Charles Wilson and-his wife, Judy, were intro., duced to members of the COIIll1lission and others in attendance. Ordinance Number 1025 was presented to the COIIll1lissio~ and read in full: .AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER III OF 1HE CITY OF ,WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, -1EXAS,.TO PERMIT 1HE ERECTION OF " TOWNHOUSES' OR CLUSTERHOUSE AS DEFINED HEREIN WI1HIN 1HE AREAS SPECIFIED; PROVIDING FOR REGULATIONS RELATIVE TO SETBACK AND LOT COVERAGE IN 1HE TOWNHoUSE/CLUSTERHOUSE DISTRICTS CREATED; REGULATING FENCES IN SAID DISTRICTS; PROVIDING FOR ON-PROPERTY PARKING SPACES, DRIVEWAYS AND ACCESS.ROADS; REQUIRING APPROVAL OF,1HE ZONING AND PLAN~ NING, CoMMrSSION IN SPECIFIED: INSTANCES; PROVIDING FOR AN- APPENDIX ILLUSTRATING, VARIOUS. REGULATIONS; CONtAINING A SEVEAABILITY CLAUSE; .AND' PROVIDING .AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by COIIll1lissioner Way, that Ordinance Number 1025 rezoning certain peripheral property be approved as read. -; '",", " Voting Aye: All '. J. .:. '.~ '. .Y~ Voting No: None I I r~ 11"1' I' ,,' III . r"T111 mrr II I '! II 204" ,IJ:lI!-"'-II.I:IIL I 11r--~ L....:T III], I ~-~r-------------. ,J.~ >l . .' ;'>_'li~J.i;;fuJ..<-~d_ . :..;. ',il lmroices- dated August 31, 1974, in the amount of $2,Oll.98, and September 30, 1914, in the amoUnt of $24.23,' SUDmitted b-y the Urban Design Team for profes- 0 sional services rendered in conjunction with the preparation of an Ordinance to rezone certain peripheral property, was presented.ror,consideration. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by COllDIlissioner Stanley, that in~ voices in the amount of $2,011.98 and $24.23 received from the Urban Design Team be approved for payment. - Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The 1974 Tax ~ll, as certified by Win. Dittert, Jr., Tax Assessor/Collector, and approved" by members of the Tax Board of Equalization, was presented for consideration, together with a comparison chart of 1973 and 1974 tax rolls. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the 1974 Tax Roll De accepted and approved. " Voting Aye: 1\11 Voting No: None City Attorney Charles CocIcreil reported that pursuant to instructions of the City Co~ssion suits had Deenfileddfor the collection of thirteen (13) delinquf#1,'t tax accounts and as a result of servicing such suits two ~ccotmts had D~nD'Paid fu full and a number of others had made arrangements with the Tax-AssesSor/Collector to retire the taxes on a regular basis. Only ,five of the delinquent taxpayers to wfiom citations were made have made no response. The Commission was advised that the sixty (60) day appointment of Mr. Charles Orsburn as an Associate Judge of the Municipal Court had expired on Novem~ ber 8, 1974, and tliat in order to facilitate the operation of the Court it was desirable tliat Mr. Orsburn be re-appointed iffor an additional sixty (60) day period. D Motion by Connnissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Way, that Mr. Charles Orsburn, 5910 Fordham, be re-appointed as Associate Judge of the Municipal Court for a period of sixty (60) days. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Conunission was advised that a work order had been issued to McCall & Sons, contractors for the remodeling of the Community Building and rehabilitation of the Library and that in order to expedite progress of the work, it would be desirable for the City Mmager to be authorized to make any necessary change orcers or decisions in comection With the project. Motion by COImnissioIler Binig, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the City Manager be authorized to act for the city in connection with work on the Community Building and Library involving change orders of $500.00 or less, with any change orders exceeding $500.00 to be brought to the attention of the City Commission, for necessary action. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o The Conunission Was advised that the sum of $5,400.00 had been approved in the 1975 budget for the purchase of a memory typewriter for use by the City o l'- QO ~ ''''':> ~ Q o o It. c, 2U:1 Manager ~ s office and in (!);:rae:r' t!'. expedite' aelb"er)r' ot ,such. typewxite:r the City Manager should De" authorized: to advertise' for aids. Motion by Connnissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the City Manager be authorizedfo advert~se for oidstooe receiYedon December 9, 1974, for delivery and installation of one memory typewriter. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A letter received from Mr. Philip A. Dunn submitted his resignation as a member and chainnan, of the Zoning ,Board of Adjustment, to become effective on November 15, .1974, wa~ presented for consideration. " Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Way, that the letter of resignation received from Mr. Philip A. ,Dunri, as ,a meriJ.ber arid chahman of the Zoning Board of Adjustment be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 1024 was presented to the Commission ,and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS;AOOPTING THE 1975 EDITION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE; PROVIDING FOR THREE- (3) , CERTIFIED C;OPI:E5 OF SAID CODE . TO. BE FILED IN ,lliE OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRET~Y; ANDPROVmING ~ EFFECTIVE DA~., 1t:>tion by_ COIJIIIlissioner Stanley, "secon4~:-:~Df ;.eifuiji~ssioner. Binig, , that . Ordinance NUmber 1024 adopting tile 1975 edition of'tne~National Electrical Code be approved as read. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 74-19 was presented to the Connnission and read in full: WHEREAS, .the City Commission appropriated in the 1974 Budget the Stnll of $5,000.00 from the General Fund for researcha nd investigation of the feasibility of Inde- pendence Park; and WHEREAS, the research and investigation has been completed and proper reports submitted and there remains $1,606.-63 as the unexpended balance of the origi- nal appropriation. NOW, lHEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVEl) BY 1HE CITY COMMISSION OF 1HE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, 'TEXAS: " Section 1.. That the $1,606.63 in the General'Fund be encumbered to be 'used for further research and investigation of the feasibility of Indepentience Park, such funds to be expended upon the issuance .of .proper purchase orders or written authority and upon final approval of the City Connnission. ! I -----'-'- -.--111 . "liIl"ll, " L_.L "'r'lllJ.ILuLiI!rr I r II 20lfI .11l!lI!'IIII]:Jl ..1..' 11r- L-rr II ~t I, I II" I~'- ..k~ ,..; .~ H"'~f'l~~..u. r _ >'. ~I...~ PASSED .ANn APmovED tJii::s the '11th 'day of NOvemBer, 1974. . Commissioners Votjng Aye: All , Commi~s~on,e:r:'~ Ycrtmg No: " Nqne . _ ~ )5/, ,~n E .Harr~s , Mayor", o ATTEST : Is/ Lee Lockard Assistant City $ecretary Motion by' Conimissioner Btnig, _seconded ~by taiDmissioner Way, 'that;' Resolu1:~on Number 74-19 providing that tne 'Scim'OI $1,606.63 remaining of the $5,000.00 appropriated by the City Commission for research and feasibility study of the proposed Independence Park project, J)e enc;umbered,for further re~earc:h and, _ study l6di the project~ De approved as read. " , " Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Following a discu,ssion with rega;r9" to the P9ssib~~ as,s;ls1;ance to be g~inedJ from utilization of a 'parkcconsultant, to obtain funds for Independence Park, the City Manager was instructed to arrange an appointment with Mr. Bill Schiebe, Park Con~t~t, todiscusssenrices" fees,~tG~ The COlIIIJli~?J9~ ~s advised' t~t ,~ ne~pump ~: 'been installed 'in Water Well No. S and the well had operated satisfactorily. Plans are to put ,the well into [] the water system on a fill-time basis. It was noted that the air line installed in the well, ,had been _"l>ro~en by_the cont,ractpr and wi tb,out tl1e install,aion o~ an electronic measuring _ deyice there, wou:i.dbe no, way of ,mea~ing ~e static or operating head of the" well. .An invoice from Layne-Texas Company in the amount of $1,812.20 for charges made to remove the pumping equipment from Water Well Number 5, was presented to the Conunission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Conunissioner Binig, that the City Manager be authorized to pay the invoice in the amotmt of $1,812.20 submitted by-Layne-Texas Company, upon completion of the installation of an electronic measuring device to give static and operating head of Water Well Number 5. Voting Aye: ~_ 'All." . .. .". -'I' Voting 'No: , Non~ Resolution Number 74-18 was presented to the Conunission and read ill full: WHEREAS, on August 12, 1974, the City COTIBnission passed and approved Resolution Number 74-13 employing Layne Texas Company to rehabilitate and repair water well number 5 in accordance with procedure outlined in" their report. to the City Cornmission dated July .30" .1974; and WHEREAS, it was deterinined that the estinlated: cost of such work, if carried to completion, shall be $47,000.00. It being recognized that the actual amount of completing the repairs could not finally be detennined until all repairs had been completed; and WHEREAS, the Layne Texas Company has submitted, and the City Commission has approved, invoice totaling $66,986.04 as a result of extra work and the n D o l'- ~ ~ ""':> Q Q ~ D 2U 1-.~ necessity of installing a 16 inch. steel casing as a liner; and WHEREAS, it is now estimated that the total cost of the work involved for the rehabilitation of wad3er well number 5, a ,new pump,labor,Tepairs and equipment will total $90,000.09. " NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE50LEVED BY 1HE CITY CDMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ", , Section 1. That Resolution Number 74-13 be amended to appropriate and addi~ tional $43,000.00 from the Water Fund as the stimated amount to pay the , necessary cost for rehabilitatmng the well, a new pump and repairs to city water well number' 5. " ." , ' PASSED.AND APPROVED this 11th day of November, 1974. 'Conunissioners Voting Aye: All Connnissioners Voting No: None I s/ Don E. Harris, Mayor ATTEST: Isl Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Connnissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that Resolution Number 74....18 amending Resolution Number 74....13 to appropriate'anadditional'- $43,OOCl.OO from the Water Fund as the stimated amount to pay additional charges for the rehabilitation of Water Well Number 5, be approved as read:' Voting Aye: Binig Stanley Way A statement dated October 21, 1974, submitted by Werner & Arendale, certified public accountants employed by the City Conunission to audit the city's records and accounts for the fiscal year 1974, in the amount of $1,100.'00 was presented for consideration. Voting No: Underwood Motion by Conunissioner Binig, seconded by Connnissioner Stanley, that the state- ment from Werner & Arendale for interim billing for interim audit, in the amoUnt of $1,1000.00 be approved fOr payment. Voting Aye: .All Voting No: None Statements dated November 6, 1974, in the amount of $2,795.63 for professional services rendered in preparation of plans, specifications and contract'documents for remodeling of the Conmunity Building and in the amount of $100.00 for carpet selection and specifications for the-Llbrary~ submitted by Langwith,Wilson~ King and House, were presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconed by Conunissioner Underwood, that invoices in the amomt -of $2,795.63 and $100.00 'submitted by Langwith, Wilson King &' ",2018 .IIII!-"T"'"II'I:.ITT .I... ,.... .Jlr--~~~ ~-~-l~' IIJ.. I ~. ~T~-------' .1' I" . ,'I,.,I~~f..-....ff'--'-. J ,j Elc>use, De approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o In acco:rdance with previous instructions of the City Connnission, the following schedule of maturities/certificates of deposits was presented to the Commission for thei-r .:information: SaIEDULE OF MATURITIES - CERTIFICAlES OF DEPOSIT Maturity: - 1-31-75 Dates 11-10-74 11-26-74 l2~7-74 2-28-75 3-6-75 3-22-75 Rates 12,000% 10.500% 10.500% 9.375% -5.25%, 7.500% 10..000% Tenn 89 days 179 days iIl~9 ~~s 88 days 6 mos. 359 days 149 days CD! 4236 17946 17997 13911 l6ll-0 3980 4404 Inv. Date 8-13-74 5-31-74 6~11-74 11~4-74 3~1~69 3-2-74 10-24-74 Fannin Bank 175,000 Chemical Bank 3009900. 200,000 160,000 River.Oaks 111,600 llO,QOO D Maturity Dates 3-22-75 9-30-75 l2-3l~75 Total Rates. 10.00% 6.00% 6~00P% Term 142 days 2 yrs. 2 yrs. CDD 4419 2220.5 2431-5 Inv. Date 10-3l~71 7-31-71 1-10~72 Fannin Bank 175,000.00 Chemical Bank 125,248 785,248.00 River Oaks 221,600.00 American Savings" . 12,142.97 '9;,43:.4~,9T;,~ 21,577.94 Home Savings 3,719.93 Mayor Ranis recessed the meeting for a fifteen (15) minute period. D The City Commission reconvened at 9: 45 p.m. ~ t..e X) In ""':> C:l o o o III . 2U~- The Commission was presented a reconunendation from City Treasurer MIl. Ditter, Jr., for tne invesbnent of $35,000..00 in a Certificate of Time Deposit with Chemical Bank for a period of 179 days at an interest rate of 9.75%. " Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded'by COIIDnissioner Stanley, that the sum of $21,577.94 on deposit with American Savings and Loan Association be with- drawn and the total amount ,of,ppproximately $372.0.000.00 be deposited with " Chemical Bank for a pe:f1od of 179 'days at an interest rate of 9.75%. " Voting Aye: All Voting No:' None City Attorney Charles Cockrell, reviewed a letter dated October 29, 1974, re- ceived from the Houston Natural Gas Corporation advising that the Railroad Commission had approved an adjustment in the gate rate of Houston Pipe Line Company. thereby,perinittmg Houston NatUral Gas Corporation to adjust rates to residential andcOImnercial customers by an amount equal to 65% of the adjustment. Mr. Cockrell, then presented the Commission with a statement for legal services rendered during the months of July , AugUst and September in the amount of $997.50. " ' Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner-Underwood, that the statement for legal services rendered by the City Attorney in the amount of $ 997 .50 for the months of July, AugUst and September, be approved for payment. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with previous instructions of the City Commission, the City Manager presented a progress report on the traffic engineering analysis made for the city by JoJim. Ffudson Traffic Engineers, Inc. ,Following a listing of , recommendations contained in the engineering analysis it was noted that meetings and telephone comrersations had been held with representatives of the Texas State Highway Department concerning the Federal Highway Act of 1973- Urban, and that an official application had been made to the State Highway Department for financial assistance in signal modernization, new pavement markings and new traffic signs to, meet the Unifonn' Traffic Code and turning , lanes at some locations. During the discussion with regard to the necessity of improving Weslayan Road to accommodate the increasing traffic it was noted that primary interest should be given to getting the street put back on the county road log. Motionbby Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that Jolm Hudson be employed to make the necessary study and fill out the necessary forms to obtain funding to proceed with finding a solution to traffic problems as con- tained in his report of April 5, 1974, including a study of the traffic flQ~ . within the residential areas, and not be restricted to items contained in the letter dated November 11, 1974, to the State Highway Department. " Voting Aye: Binig Way Stanley Voting No: Underwood '~n'l"'''''''' 'l'>.:-L.~ ~---'-'- 'mm" L . I III1 _L~ 'II . ... . r "~LIII.:;:_iilltI. I [[III 210 IlW 111'1 : I_ III L! II! II I: '- , j '. l~ . ! The Comm;tss'ion was presented a, letter ;from 1of+. Mike Parks; Cha;ixman o;f tJ:1e Parks and Recreation Depa:rtment,'rE*],Uestirtg tbat tIle' city pay- tf1e'ffouston Independent 0 School District tJie. $2&.00 peruse clia:'rge for an operator to lie on duty during I the hours volleyball is played in the school gym, totaling approximately $224.00 during the volleyball Beason. , , - M::>tion by Commissioner'11n.derWood, : seconded by'Commissioner ~Binig" that the city pay the Houston Independent School District the $28. 00 per use charge for an operator to be on duty during the. hours the school gym,is used for volleyball play by the Recreation Department. 'Voting Aye:. All 'Voting No: None The City Manager was requested to write the Houston Coca Cota Bottling Company with regard ,to the status of ten (lOt) feet of property adjacent to the cityts' water storage tank that the Coca Cola Company agreed to give to the city. Mayor Harris announced, that .the new City, Commission would take office on , Monday, November 18, 1974, and tfiat the Oath of Office would be administered By Phil Peden, Judge, 'First Court of Civil Appeals. Minutes of the regular meeting ,of. the Electrical Board on October 21, 1974, were presented to the Connnission for their information. . Minutes of the special meeting of the Zoning Board' of Adjustment on October 25, 1974, were presented to the Commission for their infonnation. Minutes of the City Commission,meeting on October 21, 1974 and Novemper 7, 1974, ,were presented for consideration_ and the following action taken: Motion by , Commi:;sioner Way, seconed by Commissioner Stanley, that ':minutes of the meetings of the City Commission on October 21, 1974 and November 7, ,1974, be approved as submitted. o Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no ,further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and, carried, the meeting adJourned at, 10: 55 p.m. ' ~IC~ Mayor ATTEST: ~[ ~}2QA,L/ . Assistant City Man,ager D 1:1 'll:',. "~~o'"~r~~~""ftl: m 1. ~'1 -II , o I.'- ~ tn 1"":> ~ o o D 211~ SPECIAL J\reETING OF cm C<M1ISSION NOVEMBER18~ '1'974 ' The City Commission convened in special session at the City Hall on Monday, NovemDer 18, 1974, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Harris, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Stanley and Underwood. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Way was out of the city on company Dus:i:ness. ' The Invocation was pronounced by Reverend Hoop Haygood, pastor of the West University United Methodist Church. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Connnission on November ll, 1974, were presented to the Commission. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Connnissioner Underwood, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on November 11, 1974~ De approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Harris announced that the meeting was being held for the purpose of administering the Oath of Office to the newly elected City COIIIIIlission, and expressed his pleasure in the privilege of introducing fODner West Univer- sity Mayors and Conunissioners that were present for the activities. Mayor Harris introduced members of the f>resent City Commission and newly elected officials, Mayor Paul W. Wallin, Jr., Commissimler Philip A. Dunn. and Commissioner J. B. Thompson. Mr. Phil Peden, Judge, First Court of Civil Appeals, administered the Oath of Office to Mayor Wallin. Mr. Peden then administered the Oath of Office to Commissioners Mary .Ann Binig, Philip A Dunn, Rufus F. Stanley, Jr., andJ. B. Thompson. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Wallin who announced that all speeches would be reserved until the reception to be held at the Connnuni ty Building inunediately following the meeting of the City Commission. The COIIIIllission was advised that on Monday, November 26, 1974, a Thanksgiving service would be held at the West University United Methodist Church with joint participation by the following faiths: Disciples of Christ, Jewish, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, and Roman Catholic. If it was the desire of the Commission to attend the service, the regular ,meeting of the City Commission on Monday, November 25, 1974, could be held on Tuesday, November 26, 1974. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the regularly scheduled meeting of the City Commission for November 25, 1974, be II ~ ill'] 1 .. --.1~1J --.. 'I "1 .. 1 1I11~~ rrr~r __ I Jill :212 I!mll'~lil__ I III held on November 26, 1974. Voting Aye:' All LI II Ii I Ii I I I I 1,1:: W-J I." Upon proper motion, duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned to the Conummity Building for a reception in honor of members of the City Commission. " ATTEST: .~~ Ass~stant c~ ty Secretary - Votirig No: None 42~~ Mayor - - , , ./' . ptl~~(.~~~'.. 'W o D D D ~ Xi Uj '''':} ~ o D D 'll ~-k ~ ~TmG OF. CI'lY C01f.nSSION , , ' , : "l\1'rvIVTmm-rm ; 2 5" '1974 . l'lV'U'IoD-l-'l'I- , ~ '. . . - . The City 6ammission comrened in regular session at the, City Hall on M:>nday, NovemDer 25, 1914, 1:30 p..m., witn the following members present. Mayor Wallin, presidmg; Commissioners Binig, Dunn and Thompson. Commissioner Stanley was absent. . TJi,e. City Attorney and City Manager were also pres'eiit.. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Dunn. Mr. Michael Johnson, 4023 Tennyson, presented the Commissi.on notebooks that had been prepared in conjunction with the proposed. IndepeI1:deI:l:ce J;>ark prpj ect. Mr. JoImson said the notebooks represented the balance that had been pre- pared for use by an TndependencePark Committee for prese~tation in its endeavor to secure, funding. for the proj ett. , . , . .' '" I Mr. and Mrs. Carl Waggoner, 3707 Albans Road; Mr. 'andMrs. Paul M. Black, 3731 Albans Road; and Mrs. W. H. Yancey, 3703 Wroxton Road, appeared before the Commission toprotest the closing of AlbansRoadat,Bissonnet, stating that many of the residents who signed the petition to have the street closed had since moved from the neighborhood;, that blocking of the street made it dif- fi.cult for residents to reach their homes; that it was not believed that the new sports stadi.um to be constructed in Greenway Plaza would affect the traffic in this area; that the concrete blocks were unsightly; and that the notice received from the city advising that the street would be closed stated that if not feasible the barricade would be removed. Mayor Wallin advised. those present that new members of the City Commission were not infomed with regard to the closing of the street and would need same tnne to failiarize themselves with the project. Mr. Chris Keefer, 3746 Arnold, requested that consideration be given to the construction of a sidewalk on Edloe for ,the benefit of school children using, the footbridge on Tangley across ,Poor Farm Ditch~to prevent them having,to use the roadway on their route to school. Mayor Wallin advised Mr. Keefer that West University had need for sidewalks in numerous areas, but that special consideration would be given to the need of school children. Resolution Number 74- 21 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, it is the duty mf the City Commission of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas, as soon as practical after the election of a new City Commission, to appoint a City Treasurer, Tax-Assessor/Collector; and Assistant, as may be necessary to transact the city's financial adffairs; ,and WHEREAS, the City Commission was elected at the last regular election held on the fifth day of November, 1974; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT, RESOLVED BY 1HE CITY ~SSION OF 1HE GITY OF WEST UNIVERSI1Y PEACE, TEXAS: .. IJI[ '2'14' m~ illll~li L III LI l II . l.' ,,~, :~.~ :~~~l, ~. '.t ;~L~ Section 1. TIie City- C<;!BJB)tssiQnhereoy IlaII.les~ and appoints William Di ttert, J1'., as> City T-reamer'and. Ta:i.'..".:Asse-s-So?!Col1ectbr of the City of West University Place, ' TeXas, and Tie is hereby invested with all of the duties and -respensio:t1ities as- set forth in the Charter .of said City and the Statutes of tIle State of Texas.. " . . ." '. Sectitm 2.. The City Commission Iiereby names andappointes Robert W. ". " Harper as Assistant City TreaSurer and Assistant Tax""'Assessor/Collector of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 3. That each official hereby appointed shall receive monthly com- pensation fOJ", the perfonnance of tl:leir duties, in accordance with the hereto""' fore adopted' salary, schedule.. Section 4. The persons appointed to the respectj.-ve offices shall serve until the next regular City General Election, and thereafter until the appointm~nt and qualification of their successors, unless discharged by the City Commission for just cause. . PASSED AND APPROVED this 25th day of November, 1974. Commissioners Moting Aye: All CommissionsVoting No: None ATTEST: Is/ Paul W. Wallin, Jr. Mayor Isl Lee Lockard_ ASsistant City Secretary M:>tion by Connnissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Dunn, that Resolu- tion Number 74""'21 appointing Mr.Mn. Dittert, Jr., as City Treasurer and Tax Assessor/Collector and Rooert W. Harper. as Assistant City Treasurer and Tax Assessor/Collector of the City of West University Place, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A letter dated November 2l, 1974, addressed to the City Connnission setting forth the procedure by which commissions on the city's inSurance premiums is distributed on,a pro-rata basis ,between resident recording agents.was reviewed for the Commission., , I . . Motion by .Conunissioner .ThOII!PSQA, seconed by. Connnissioner Binig, that the idstribution of the commissions paid on the city's insurance premiums continue to be distributed to resident recording agents on a pro~rata basis. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 74",22 was presented to the Commission and read in full: D c D o ("'II 'X) ll.l '''"':> ~ ~ o o 215~ WHEl'mAS, :Mr. 'Itias- ClarKe lias he:retofore been appointed Assistant City Attorney' and ProsecUtor. of the' City of West 11n:brers-ity Place for a temm expiTing on DecemBer 31, 1974'; and WBERE.AS, the City Commission desires to reappoint Mr. Thomas Clark to such position. NOW, 1HEREFORE, De it resolved by the CI1Y C(M.f.[SSION of the CITY OF WEST UNIYERSITY'. PLACE, TEXA5;' . , Section 1. .That Thomas ClaTke is hereby appointed Assistant City Attorney and Prosecutor in the M1micipal Court of tIle City of West University Place. Section 2. Said Thomas Clarke shall receive as compensation for his duties the amount heretofore provided for such position. Section 3. Thomas Clarke shall serve in such capacity lIDtil December 31, 1975, unless removed from said position during such period by the City Commission. ' PASSED .AND APPROVED this 25th day of November, 1974. Conmissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners 'Voting No: None / sl Paul W. Wallin, Jr. Mayor ATTEST: Isl Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconed by Commissioner Thompson, that Resolu- tion Number 72.22 re-appointing Mr. Thomas ClaTke as Assistant City Attorney. and Prosecutor in the Municipal Court, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Conmission that sometime ago a suit had been filed against the city's Zoning and Planning Commission as a result of that Commission's decision to not sub-divide a lot, and that after a decision in favor of the city, an appeal had been filed in the case.' Mr. Cockrell also advised that shortly he will file a. reply totthe brief in the case. The Commission was advised that members of the Police Department were attend- ing the meeting of the City Conunission in the interest of a salary increase. The City Manager reviewed requests made by the West University Police Associa... tion, in a meeting on September 13, 1974, including a request that members of the Police Department be granted a $125.00 per month increase. in salary. He further advised that considerable consideration had been given to salary increases during preparation of the 1975 Budget in July and August and 8.5% was the increase granted by the City Commission. Some of the requests made by the Police Association were to be presented to the Commission for conside- ration, while some were denied and others considered not to be in the realm of Police Association affaiTs. I I 1---' "'!tm' I . IIr "1' -.. "l"'r'.I~I- ["T'rT . .. _ _ 'I llilW 2"16 m~ i'ill~I,L I III 'j 11.::: I i Ii II -, 'il!l1!'] ::';, 'Hjiill~:~,! ""J'" , . . ",b;;<_L.h. .,~+.,~t..~ ,"~ ""''''"' ,.....~Q- "'.:.. !-'~ Patrolman Lynn PaTKs,:Pl'e:s'ident 'o:! --tn:~,' Wes:t','UIiiYe~l"sitr Police Association Was an affiliate'oftne' 'TeXas :Min:tcipal Poli..ce"Associatiori ,- which is an organization to help better municipal police Organizations ' throughout the state in regard to salary, education, etc. Patrqhnan Patks further stated that the West University Police Association sponsors ap. Explorer Scout Troop and was trying to maintain good relationships with the public. In response to questions by members of the Connnission, Patrobnan Parks stated that there were eighteen (18) commissioned officers on the West University Police force and. that the appearance before the news media was. a result of a motion approved by memoers of' 'the Association to call a- press -conference if no action had bee~ taken by their requests. It was pointed out to the Commission that the original request filed by the Association for a salary increase requested that such increase become ef- fective October lsf, and masmuch as action had been delayed due to the change in city administration, consideration should be given to making the increase, if approved by the City Commission, effective December 1, 1974~ The Commission was shown photographs of the city's Recyling Center located at Milford and Wakeforest Streets indicating the need for construction of a fence to prevent entry',oy non"'residents and vandalism. It was pointed out that apprOximately $1,400~00 would"be requested for construction of a six (6') foot fence with a barbed wire extension at the tope and that funds were avail- able from the sale of recyclable materials. Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Thnm, that the City Manager be authorized to have a fence constructed at the REcyclinK Center. o [] 'Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Assistant City Manager Dan Edwards reported 'that the twenty (20) cubic yard container placed at 'the Recycling Center for use by residents to dispose of discarded items not nonnally picked up by the Sanitation Deparbnent was being used by non-residents and that it was believed that'some contractors were using the facility. Plans are being made to move the container to the Water Plant for c~os~r superyision. - The Commission was presented' a letter from Mr. G. F. Graves, Property Commit- teeChairmaIl for St~ Andrew's Presbyterian Church, requesting removal of the "No Parking" 'signs on the west side of Buffalo SpeedWaY between BissOIUlet and Albans to permit parking between the house of 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on Sun- day only, and a letter from Chief of Police Kessulus concurring with the re- quest. Motion by Connnissioner Binig that the recoIIDnendation of the Chief of Pollce be accepted to pennit parking in front of St. Andrew" s Presbyterian Church between 8: 00 a.m. and 1: 00 p.m. _ on Sundays only.- Motion died for lack of-a second. u ~ l'- ';x') in '--::> ~ o c o ~-l'f The CQllJIIJission was advised'tthat an application had been filed with the Texas Wgnway Department for funds to :improve signalization and that Mr. John Hud- son of Traffic Engineers, Inc., who was working in an advisory capacity on the project, had recommended that Buffalo Speedway be included in ~he study. A final report of the Zoning and Planning Commission reconnnendmg the re- zoning of Lot 1, east 75. x l25t of Lot 2, west 75t x 125 t of Lot 2 and the south l25t of Lot 2, Block 93, West University Place 2nd ADdition to pennit the construction of townhouse/clusterhouses received by the previous City Conunission was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Connnissioner Dunn, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance for consideration of the City Connnission on December 9, 1974, calling a joint public hearing with the Zoning and PlaIUling Commission on January 14, 1974, for consideration of the final report and recommendation of the Zoning and PlaIUling Commission. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with the provisions of the City Charter, the Commission was advised of the necessity of electing a Mayor Pro~tem to perfonn the duties of the mayor in case of the absence or inability of the Mayor to perfonn the duties of his office. Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconded-by Commissioner, Thompson, that Connnis- sioner Mary Ann Binig be elected Mayor Pro-Tem by acclamation. Voting Aye~ All Voting No: None' Resoltuion'Number 74-20 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, a city election was held on the fifth day of November, 1974 in the' City of West University Place, Texas, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four members - of the 'City Commission; and WHEREAS, the votes cast at the elect:l.on held on November 5, 1974, were can- vassed by members of the City Commission on the date of November 7, 1974, and it was detennined that Mr. Paul W. Wallin, Jr. had been dUly elected Mayor and that CommissionersMary.Ann Binig and RufusF. Stanley, Jr. had been duly elected as Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, in special ceremonies of the City Connnission held at the City Hall on November 18, 1974, each of the above named persons were administered the Oak of Office and duly installed in their respective elected positions; and WHEREAS, upon proper motion and second, Commissioner Mary .Ann Binig was elected Mayor Pro~Tem of the City of West University Place, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COIvMrSSION'OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Mayor Paul W. Wallin, Jr. and Mayor Pro~TemMa.ry .Ann Binig be and they are hereby, designated and authorized to sign or countersign checks drawn on all banks or financial institutions serving as depository for funds of ,2:1'fj" ... mIIrl -";I:ll:I:I'T . .I.... .~.: .J. II, ~T, "':--11 E'~ Lj~ . -,- j" ,. 'tlie City of West Thiivel"sitY' Flace ~ ' TeXas, ' and all)" fiailRs- 0r ,fmancial institutions- wIUdi 1naY' Be' l'i.eTeiila.fter' designated' as- depository of city funds during the term of their office.' - Section 2. Be it further resolted that all provisions of such prior Resolutions as may conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed; and be it further resolved that the City Treasurer be, and he is hereby directed to furnish each depositOry bank, or financial institution With which the city _ has funds on deposit, or with which the citymay transact any banking busi- ness, a true and correct copy of this Resolution., , ' , PASSED AND APPROVED this 25th day of November, 1974. Commj,ssioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners 'Voting No: None Isl Paul W. Wallin, Jr. Mayor . ATTEST: I sl Lee Lockard Assistant €ity Secretary Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Dumi, that Resolu- tion Number 74-20 authorizing Mayor Paul Wallin and Mayor ProTem Mary Ann Binig to sign or countersign checks drawn on all banks or financial institu~ tions serving as depository for funds of the city, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Connnissioner Binig reported that a meeting with representatives of the Texas Water Quality Board in Austin resulting in the city being granted an exten- sion of its penilit for the operation of the sewage disposal plant until 197Q. Conmissioner Binig ady;ised the new members of the Commission of the need for their contributions for the publication monthly of City Currents. Mayor Wallin requested members of the Commission to consider interviewing prospective members for individual boards' and .committees or to interviewing a number of people asking where they would be interest in serving. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Safety Committee meetings on October 8, 1974 and November 12, 1974, were presented to the Commission for their infor- mation. Minutes of the special meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on November 4, 1974, were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the special meeting of the City Connnission on Monday, November 18, 1974; were presented and the following action taken: MJtion by Conmissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Dumi, that minutes of the special meeting of the City Commission on Monday, Novembe~ 18, 1974, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All , Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon ,. J.", l J:;.;J;,...U:::It. . 'll~ D D o o r-.. ao )Jj ""':> A Q n o 219' motion duly :made,' secended and canied~ theineetmg adj01lmed at lQ~lO p.m. ATTEST: ~ jfJ,d~ Assis ant .City Secretary , ' L -L.l ------......... . I I rr---:- l_~ Q,o,~~{O~ r . ____.111 .. ".. .:' ..:.. ... r '.1[J.II-,L~iIIlir ]riir' LJjJ[ 220 12UL1, LI II!'.' i , II 'Jli!tn;':~::ri;~t[~lf~~7c~ ~ mETING OF Crit C~Ss.rON , . . '... .-" . .. ]~ECmlIDUD" f.\-' : 1974:' : '-" . .u'W~ ;;1, o The City Commission convend in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, December 9, 1974, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Wallin, pres-iding; Commissioners B.inig, Thmn and Stanley. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Thompson was absent due to illness. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Stanley. Mr. Paul Black, 3731 Albans, appeared before the COIJUnission. requesting infonnation with regard to any consideration given by theConmission to a protest registered by some area residents concerning the erection of a cul- desac blocking Albans Road at Bissonnet. Mayor Wallin advised Mr. Black that no action had been taken by the Commission because of other business, but that a decision would be made prior to the January 13th meeting of the City Commission. Mr. Mike Hinrichs, 3742 Wroxton, Mr. Dan Jolmson, 3715 Wroxton Road, Mr. Doug Toole, 3759 Albans Road and Mr. David Bubier, 3712 Wroxton Road all spoke in behalf of the erection of the cul-de-sac, reviewing the two petitions that had been filed with the Commission by residents of the area; the contributions that had been made by the residents to defray the cost of construction; and letters written by the City Manager and Mr. Doug Toole advising residents of 0 the proposed construction. Mr. Carl Waggoner, 3707 Albans Road, stated that the Fire Chief and fonner Fire Marshall were opposed to the construction of the cul~de-sac because of the difficulty that might be encountered in getting to a fire in the area. Mr. Waggoner also stated that the construction of the cul-de~sac had closed one end of the street to traffic but was causing all of the traffic in the area to go in front of his home. Mayor Wallin advised all those interested in the cul-de-sac that consideration would be given to the matter and a decision would be announced at the January 13th meeting of the City Commission. .An announcement was made that the fOllowing persons had been appointed to serve as members of an Independence Park Committee to study the feasibility and funding of a proposed linear park on the right-of-way of Poor Fann Ditch to be known as Indepedence Park: Mr. Ron Shoup Mr. Barry M. Moore Mrs. Leslie Mtith Mr. Bill Bomar Mr. Jeffrey Corbin Mr. L. B. Bricker Mr. Moman Brady 3712 Rice Boulevard 3717 Robinhood 3522 Robinhood 2611 Carolina Way 3017 Bissonnet 3224 Sunset 2637 University Blvd. o o r-- 00 1n ~ o Q o o iL 22l~ Mr. Allen WeymoutI:L Mr. William ~alDreath Mr. Larry Kelly , Mr. Philip Lewis Mrs. Shirley Glash 6635 Belmont 3714 Robinhood ,6410 Mercer 3614 Tangley 6712 Brompton Following notice that Mr. L. B. Bricker had declined the appointment and Mr. Norman Brady would serve as a member of the Independence Park Committee, but was out of the city, Mayor Wallin requested that Mr. Ron SHoup serve as the Committee's chairman. Mr. Ron Shoup congratulated members of the City Commission on their recent election and advised that he would be unable to serve as eith~r Chairman or a member of the Independence Park Committee inasmuch as he was no longer a resident of the city. Mr. Shoup stated that he was appearing before the Connnission to make a pleas - for the idea of Independence Park, and with only seventeen. (17) months left prior to the 1976 Bi~Centennial celebration there was now needed a commit- ment from the city. Mr. Shoup requested that such,commitment be the dedication of property owner by the city for the park, and ,stated that funds could be raised by the addi~ tion of $1. 00 per month to. each .water bill in the city over a period of 20 years. Mr. Shoup also stat~d ,that the matter of a referendum election on the question of the Park woUld serve'as a guideline to the Commission as to the desire of the residents with regard to the construction. Mr. Shoup further re- quested that the Connnission auth0mize the. Independence Park Committee to in- vestigate the drawing of a fold~out of the proposed park to be included in the notebooks prepared for presentation by the Committee in its search for.ftmding of the park. Mayor Wallin thanked Mr. Shoup for _ his contribution to the park proj ect and the city, express;ing his regret that Mr. Shoup no longer lived in West University and apologizing for the delays that had been experienced in the development of the park idea. :, ' Members of the newly appointed Independence Park Committee adjourned to the conference room for their first meeting. Resolution Number 74~23 was'presented, to the Comm,ission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City Commission of the' City of West University Place, Texas, has heretofore employed Peter Papademetriou, Associate Professor, Rice School of Architecture, to make certain studies concerning the possible development of Poor Fam Ditch into an area to be known -as Independence Park; and WHEREAS, in accomplishing such purpose, Professor Papademetriou has conducted a project with the students of .Architecture 200 at Rice University, which has demonstrated throughthe.presentation of alternatives the range of possibility and direction that such a park may inevitably take; and WHEREAS, thisproy.:ect was presented to the City Connnission and residents of the City of West University Place, Texas, serving as a public forum for the dis... .,. <~ ..' .L._ ....L I . __.........L , r.- ._~~ lir:ilr-rL 'it . '1..' .....! '-lJr::J.,Lw..liIIlJ rn. 1J!II!f''1TCI'T" I. '"J Iii ~~-----r."'::'--l 1) 1 .1 222 cussion of snell a potential undertaIQ:ng; and WHEREAS, the City COlIlIIlissicn wishes to recogni.ze' and to express- i.ts appre~ ciation for the work done Dr ProfesSor Papademeti":tou, hiS- colleagues., and students. o NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS: ' .- Section 1. That the City Co.mmi:ssion hereby' expresses its appreciation , to Professor Peter C. Papademetriou, his colleagues Jom Casbarian and James McDonald, and their students, in connection with the study and report made to the City Commission. inc~nnec:tion with the possiole development of Poor Farm Ditch into' a. linear parK to -be known as Independence Park. Section 2. That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to deliver to Professor Peter C. Papademetriou, Dean David Crane and President Nonnan Hackennan, a true and correct copy of this Resolution duly signed by the Mayor and City Conmiission. PASSED .AND APPROVED this 9th day of December, 1974. I sl Paul W. Wallin, Jr. Mayor Isl Mary .Ann Binig, Mayor Pro-Tem Isl Philip A. Thmn. Conunissioner Is/ RUfus F. Stanley, Commissioner I sf J. B. Thompson, Conunissioner o ATTEST : /51 Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Conunissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that Resolu- tion Number 74-23 expressing appreciation to Professor Peter C. Papademetriou, his colleagues and .students of- Architecture 200 at Rice University for their study and report on the proposed Independence Park project, be approved as read. - Voting Aye: All Voting No:, -None Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Conunissioner Stanley, that City'Attor- ney Charles Cockrell be instructed to prepare a Resolution commending Mr. Ron Shoup for his work on the Independence Park project. Voting Aye:, All Voting No: None Mr. H. R. Duke, Sanitary Engineer, read a report of a meeting on November 22, 1974, with representatives of the Texas Water Quality Board in Austin to dis~ cuss the status of sewage treatment and plans for improvements to comply with established standards. Mr. Duke stated that the city's permit for operation of its sanitary sewage disposal plant had been extended until 1979, at which time the plant will have to comply with current requirements. The Commission was U advised that aI?Proximat~ly $25,000.00 will be.requi:-ed for.en~ineer~g services. . _ to study the Cl.ty's sanitary sewer problems, mcludmg an infl.ltratl.on plan, -:"_'>-=~ _ :::::-c::- \;_ analysis of the existing eight (8) pumping stations and to prepare design plans and cost estimates. o l'- 00 ~ 1"":> ~ Q o o 223'. The CClIlJlIJ.i..sston was presented a request for authority to advertise for the following eqii:tpm.ent autlioi:tzeCl' for purchase in the 1975.budget: Deoartment City Managerts Office Police Department Street Department Waste Collection Water Department Finance Department Police Department Recreation Department Item Budl!eted Cost 3,400.00 11,000.00 6,800.00 1?,500.00 6,200.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 1~1/~ ton pickup 4 Patrol Cars 1~24,OOO GVW cab & chassis 2~25,SOO G\1W cab & chassis 2~1/2 ton pi~kups . 1 Electric Typewriter 1 Electric Typewriter 1. Electric Typewriter <, Motion by C~issionerStan1ey, seconded by Commissioner Dtmn, that the City Manager be .authorized to advertize for bids to be received on January 13, 1974, for equipment approv:ed in the lQ75 budget. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The City Manager was instructed to give consideration: to putting steel belted radial tires on Police Department patrol cars. Ordinance Number 1026 Was presented to the Conmission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:30 P.M., TUESDAY JANUARY 4; 1974,TO CONSIDER A REPORT OF THE ZONING .AND - PLANNING COMMISSION REC<>>ffiNDING AN AMENIMENT TO ORDINANCE NUMBER III TO REZONE LOT 1, EAST 75' x 125' of LOT 2, WEST 7,5' x 125' of LOT 2, .AND THE SOlITH 125' of LOT 2, BLOCK 93, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE 2ND ADDITION, TO PERMIT CONS1RUCTION OF TOWNHOPSES/CLUSTERHOUSE; TO CONSIDER .AMENDING THE DEFINI~ TION OF ''FAMILYH; PROVIDING FOR A JOINT HEARING ON SAID BATE BY 'iRE CITY' CQ}.MISSaTmr.AND ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION; DIRECTING THAT NOTICE OF SAID HEARING BE GIVEN .AS PROVIDED BY LAW; REQUIRING THAT A COPY OF THE REPORT OF THE ZONING .AND PLANNING COMMISSION BE FILED IN 1HE OFFICE OF 1HE CITY SECRETARY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Connnission~r Binig, , seconded by Connnissioner Dtmn, that Ordinance Number 1026 calling a joint :public~ hearing of the City Commission and Zoning and Planning Conunission to consider a final report of the Zoning and Plann,ing Commission reconunending re~zoning' of Lot 1, east 75' x 125' of Lot 2, west' 75' x 125 t of Lot 2, south 125 t of Lot 2, Block 93, West University Place 2nd Addition to permit the construction of townhouses/clusterhouse, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All' Votfug No: None In accordance' wfth previous act.ie)I} or the C~ty~ Commission, bids received for delivery of one electric 1I1eme>rY typewriter wereopened and results announced as follows: "-rl" 1 II ~ r--j 224 Wang Laoora tories' Xerox Corporation , I $7;900.00 Dual Cassette u Rental,- six months agreement Single Tape p' $235 mo. Single Card $2l0.mo. Sperry Remington Single Magnetic Cassett~- 7,200.00 Annual Maintenance 468.00 . - 60 month lease Single cassette 194.20 IBM Corporation Memory Typewriter 5,400.00 Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that all bids received for delivery of one electric memory typewriter be rejected, and the City Manager authorized to re~advertise for bids to be received on January 13, 1974, for one memory typewriter on a lease basis, lease~purchase basis and purchase basis. Voting Aye : Al.1 Voting No: None The Commission was advised that the total current tax collections through 0 December 6, 1974, are $373,575.90 from a total tax levy of $758,261.55, such amount representaing 40.14% of the total levy and compares to 49.2% collected for the same period in 1973. Attention of the Commission was directed to the need to amend the 1974 budget to bring it. into bala:fu.ce prior to the end of the year. Ordinance Number 1027 ,was presented to the Conmission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING mE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF 1HE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY AMENDING SECTION l3-7(~) TO PROVIDE FOR A CHARGE OF $3.00; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that Ordinance Number 1027 amending the Code of Ordinances to, increase the fee for collecting and disposing of household garbage and refuse from' $2.00 to $3.00 per month for each residence, De approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 1028 was presented to the Commission and read in full: , AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF. THE CI'IY OF WEST UNI\T.ERSTIY PLACE, TEXAS,BY AMENDING. SECTION 24~67 (2) TO PROVIDE FOR A CHARcm OF $2. 00; .AND PROVIDE AN EFFECTIVE DATE. o W-l I, 1 I:"- ~ 'in 1"":> ~ o o 0: - - 22':Y Motion oy Commissioner Dmm, seconded by C~is:s-tone:r1UnigJ toot Ordinance Number 1028 amending too' Code of Ordinances to inerease tlie charge of $1. 00 per montn to $2.00 per montn fOT ead'l connection witn the'SanitaTY sewer of the city, be approved as read. - Voting Aye: All Voting No;' 'None A schedule showing the action of previous City, Connnisidmls with regard to charges made for mowing ceTtaJn vacant property withiil. the city was pre~ sentedto the Commission. Discussion by members of the Commission indicated a need for the City,AAttorney to investigate the possioility of charging interest on liens filed on property cleaned by the city and the $5.00 fee charged for filing a lien increased. Mr. Cockrell was instructed to report his findings to the City Commission at its next regular meeting on December 23rd. It was the decision of the City Commission tbat the previously established .cbarge. of $6.01 per square foot,with a min:i:mum charge of $60.00 on an annual basis, be charged for the year 1974. Resolution Number 74~24 was presented to th~ Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, upon recommendation of the Chief of the Fire Department and City Manager, a new postiion in the Fire Department was created with the person holding such position to be known as "Training Officer"; and WHEREAS, on the twenty~second day of July, 1974, the City'Connnission passed :Resolution Number 74-11 creating such position, defining duties and respon- sibilities, hours and, eJIIPloyment and compensation; and WHEREAS, the position of Training _Officer was created until the date of December 31, 1974; and WHEREAS, the Texas Commission on Fire Protection Personnel Standards and Education requires a minimum standard of fire training for Fire Department personnel; and " - WHEREAs, Chief Ben Wilcher now recOmmends, after a ,trial period, that the position of "Training Officer" be established on a pennanent basis and that he be assigned the rank of CAptain, and shall receive the same compen- sation as the three (3) present line officers of the Department. , , ' - - - NOW, 'IHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS: Section 1. There is hereby created in the Fire Department of the City of West University Place the position of, Training Officer with rank of CAptain. Section 2. That the person hQlding such position shall be designated by the Chief of the Fire Department, with~:~pproval of, the City Manager. . . 8.mttion 3. That the sslary of the Training Officer,with rank of Captain, shall be equal to that of line officer CAptain. ..",.- ~~-> ~ ...,...\-?i>......".,,"""''''=~ Il<\'n, ':;<h tll^ . \ I . r '~I' rr--....L ___ L:r--1 llill"T I~ ' !1.1r .....r '..lJCJjilJCIiiillI' '2'26 flj .I!!:JIl'. llTII!~rr"II"CI'fl . '" .. ]11 ----r---= r 11' ...--- ,T -~J A. 5Ui?erirision of trainig. B. Supervision of inspection (Incorporating inspections with training. ) C. Administrative assistance as assigned. !l U Section 4. 'That tB.e T'l"amb1g el;f;fice;r s-bal1l)a;ire the :responsibility of-; Section 5. That the 'fraining Officer will be a,vailable to fill in oil shifts during prolonged illness or to be available to prevent overtime payments as near as practicable. Section 6. That the Training' Officer will be available for special assign- ments at fires during the Oaytime. Section 7. It shall be the' duty of such Training Officer to drill and instruct- all new personnel in the Fire ,DeprtInent to the end that such per- sonnel shal,l'receive certification by the State of Texas. In addition thereto, such Training Officer shall hold drill for the "On Call" personnel of the Fire Department. Section 8. That the Training Officer shall be on a forty (40) hours work week, however ,being subject to call. Section ~. The provisions of this resol~tion shall' become effective January 1, 1975. PASSED .AND APPROVED this-9th day of December, 1974. Commissioners Voting' Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None '/sl Paul W. Wallin, Jr. o ATTEST: Is/ Lee Lockard , Assistant City SEcretary Motion by Connnissioner Binig, seconded by Connnissioner Stanley, that Resolution Number 74~24 creating in the Fire Department the position of Training Officer with rank of captain be approved as read. - Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 1029 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF OGlIDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS, BY AMENDING SECTION 11-12(2) ,TO PROVIDE FOR 'IHE CREATION. OF THE OFF.ICE OF "CAPTAIN" OF TIlE FIRE DEPARTMENT; AND PROVIDING .AN EFFECTIVE DATE. , , Motion by Commissioner stanley;. seconded by Connnissioner Dunn, that Ordinance Number 102~ amending the Code of Ordinances to provide for the creation of the -.0 office of HCaptain" ,in the.Fire Department, be, approved as read. o l'- QO In ""':l ~ Q o D 221- Voting Aye;' All 'Voting No; None Ordinance NumBer lO~O' ,was presented' to too Commission and. :read in full~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES- OF THE CITY' OF WEST UNIVERS:rTY' PLACE, TEXAS, BY.AMENDING SECTION 11...15 TO PROVIDE FOR Fomt (4] CAPTAINS OF THE FIRE DEPARTh1ENT; .AND PROVIDING .AN EFFECTrvE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Thmn, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that Ordinance Number 1030 amending the Code of Ordinances to provide for four (4) captains' in the Fire Department, De approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No:' None Resolution Number 74-25 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, during, the preparation of the 1975 budget consideration was given to an 8.5% salary and/ir wage increase for employees; and the'budget finally adopted to include such increase; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place has now determined that due to the current economic conditions, employees of the city are entitled to a salary and/or wage increase; and WHEREAS, it has been detennined that a 12% increase, on an adjusted basis, of the prsvialing $~74 salary and/or wage schedule would be just and equitable. . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ':BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: " , , Section 1. That salar1es and/orwages of city employees should be increased' by 12% on an adjusted basis of the prevailing 1974 salaries andlor wages arid that such sdjusted basis be made so as to equalize the increase heretofore received by some employees. . Section 2. That the effective date of the 12% and/or adjusted ,salaries and/or wages increase shall became effective December 1, 1974. Section 3. That it is understood that the respective budgets for the year 1974 and 1975 will be amended to provide funds for the salary and/or wage increas.es. PASSED AND APPROVED this 9th day of December, 1974. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioner Voting No: ' None Is Paul W.. Wallin, Jr. - :Mayor, ATTEST: Isl Lee Lockard , Assistant City Secretary ~rllll . :2'28 rj ,[!!lID!. !:!II!~1;>'lIr['1 ---I llr- L ~.,- .~~- r---- I -r -,. '. "-.' .,( . '.1 Motion oy C011lII.lissioner Th:mn,seconded' oy COlijIl}issioner Stanley, that Reso.. lution NcJm.oer 74~25 autOOfizing and approving 12% and adjusted salary in... crease for- city emPloyeeS-' effective 1>ecemoer 1, -,1974', Be' approved as read: o Voting Aye": All Voting No: None EstiJllate Number 1, in tIie amount of $14,201.44,submitted by McCall and Sons, Inc. and approved by the architectural fim of Langwith, Wilson, King and House, was presented to the Commission for consideration. , - - . ~ ,. . Motion' by comrilissioner Binig, Seconded- by Commissioner Stanley, that the City Manager De authorized to pay Estimate Number lin the amount of $14,201.44, SUDmitted by McCall and Sons, Inc., for work and materials under their con- tract to remodel the Conummity Building. ., , Votmg Aye: All . Voting No: None The Conunission.was' advised tllat a member of the- City" COimnission should be appointed as the city; s official representative to the ~ei1eral Membership Body of the Houston~Galveston Area Cormcil and anothermeinber of the Commission designated as Alternate. Motion' by Coimnissioner Stanley, . seconded by- Commiss~oner Dunn, that Mayor Pro~Tem Mary Ann Binig De designated as the cityts, r~reseritative to the General Member- ship Body of the Houston ..Galveston Area Council and Mayor Paul Wallin designated as Alternate. ' - Voting Aye: All Jloting No: None o Resolution Number 74....26 was presented to the ComriJ.ission and read in full: WHEREAS, City officials habe detennined that it is. to the best interest of the citizens of this city to continue its membership' in the Houston",Galveston Council; and'. . WHEREAS, the By~Laws od! the Houston-Galveston Area Council requires the appointment of a duly elected representative of each .or the governmental units for ,the year 1975. . - - , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNrvERSI'IY rIACE, 'TEXAS: - . ' Section 1. That Mayor Pro-Tem Mary Ann Binig be, and she is hereby designated as its representative to the General Membership Body or the Houston~Galveston Area Council for the year 1975.. Section 2. That the official A1 ternate authorized to serve as the voting dele~ gate should the hereinaoove named delegate become ineligible, or should she re- sign, is Mayor Paul W.' Wallin, Jr. Section 3. That the Executive Director of the Houston-Galveston .Area Council be o o l'- ~ In '""':l ~ o n u o i~ : ' '. t~.~ 1 . ,., - 22~l notified c:>~ tIle'designatt.on o{ the fi.ei>e:iilaooVe 'named delegate and alternate. PA55ED AND AP~ THIS 9th day of December, 1974. Commissioners <Voting Aye: All Commission,ers YotingNo: None " Is/ Paul W. Wallin, Jr. Mayor. ATTEST : Isl Lee Lockard Assistant City Manager Motion by Corinnissioner Dunn, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that Resolution Numoer 74..,26 designating Mayor Pro...Tem MarY 'Ami Binigas the city's representa- tive to the General MembersIup Body of the Houston ....Galveston Area COWlcil and ~ _~ designating Mayor Paul Wallin as Alternate, be approved as corrected. - -Voting Aye: ' All Voting No:, None . . The Commission was advised that remodeling of the Conmnmity Building was pro- gressing qUite well and that two change orders were proposed. One, to add glass to the door of the secretary's bfficein order that she can seethe lobby, and another to change' the' -sink' ii1 the photographic lab. ,- - It is estim;:lted that the change order will be less than $500.00. . In accordance with a previous decision of the City Connnission to not include carpet for the library with the general contract for the remodeling of the Comnnmity Building and rehabilitation of the Library, a request was presented to advertise for bids for delivery and installation of carpet for the Library Building. " Motion by ComiIlissioner Binig, seconded' by Connnissioner Stanley, that the City Manager be authorized to aavei-tise'for bids for 'delivery and installation of carpet in the Library Building, with bids to be received by the City Connnission on Janua!y 13, 1974~ Voting - Aye: All Voting No: None It was reported to the Conunission that poles and lights had been installed on the West University Elementary School grounds and work should be com- pleted in the near future. ' - Following a report on a request for co~strUction of a sidewalk along Tangley adjacent to Edloefor use by' students crossing Poor Fann Ditch, it was the decisions of the City Commission to view the site prior to taking action re.... garding the sidewalk constmction. City Attorney Charles cOckrell was requested to check the state statutes to determine if it would be possible to amend the Standard Housing Code to re.... quire new owners of property without sidewalks to construct such walks. ! I J '[: I! r 1 .JI[' "1 .. ". "' Tr1 f~~TrIr 11l1iiiJ"j I 230 i "]~ 1~~' '~:J4:~~,~ . The Cttr<C~tss:t0n wt11 Iiola..,ttS'.socond~,Becem~e;r':meeting on the regularly scIieaulea' date' of Decemoer' 23'," 1974'. '-, The Commission was advised that a meeting was held on November 27 with Mr. Oliver Stork, Director of the Houston...(:;alveston Regional Transportation Study concerning the city" s elig;tT51ltty l]l1der the 1973 Federal .Msistance Act .for improvement of. tra,ffic signals a~ 'certain intersections. The Commission was further advised that _Mr. Stork fuld Teported by telephone that Buffalo Speedway had been included in the Uroan Plan. The City Manager and Mayor Pro.,Tem will attend a lmceon meeting of the Houston-Galveston REgional Transportation Study group on Friday, December 13th. Commission Stanley requested that the minutes, reflect his absence from the November 25th. meeting .of the' City Commission was because of a priorconnnit.. ment to attend the Tflanksghring:seryices held at the West University Methodist Church. COIIlIIlissioner Stanley congratulat~d :!Ilembers of the Comnission on their election of Commissioner Mary .Ann Binig to serve as Mayor Pro-Tem and congratulated Commissioner Binig on:being selected. Commissioner, J)unn. reminc1~d._ the Comn,ission of vacancies on the Zoning Board of Adjustment and requested: .t~t appointment of this Board be made as. soon as possible. ' Minutes of, the regular meeting of the Plubing Board on December 2, 1974,. were presented to the Connnission for their information. Minutes of the regular ~eeting 9f the Electrical Board on November 18, 1974, were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regul~r meeting' o:f ~ the Zoning and PlaIUling Conunission on November 12, 1974,were presented ,to the Commission for their 'information. ' Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Conmission on Monday, November 25, '1974, were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconed by'commissioner Stanley, that minutes of the re- gular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, November 25, 1974, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further ,business 'to come before the Commission at this time, duly made, seconded and. carried,'the- meeting adjourneddat 10: 45 p.m. g~,woiL~ , Ma~~' f upon'motion ATTE5T: ~~~ Ass1stantaCity Secretary :;~",". ~. ~ ::1:'= ~ .;.-;!'~ ~ o \ - \ : o 2:11 0'~." ,. ". .i": REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION DECEMBER 23,. 19'74 The City Commission convenedd in regular sessmon at the City Hall on Monday, December 23, 1974, 7: 30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Wallin, presiding; Commissioners Dunn and Thompson. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. . The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Thompson. Resolutwon Number 74-27 was presented to the Commission and read in full: . l'- QO WHEREAS, certain interested citizens of the City of West University Place l.i.l upon learning of the prospective Bi-centennial celebration, conceived of the ~ possible creation of a linear park over and along Poor Fann Ditch; and ' ~ Q WHEREAS, Ron Shoup volunteered to provide certain leadership in connection... with the direction of ,such proj ect; and . WHEREAS, thereafter Ron Shoup cl.evoted an extensive amount of his time" efforts and talents in bringing thiis matter before the public; and WHEREAS, ,Ron Shoup advised ;and cooperated with Rice Architecture Class 200 .and Professor Peter C. Papademetriou of Rice University in that class: preparation of a report showing possible dev.elopment of PoorFann Ditch into an area to be known as Independence Park.' . . 0";" ~i'~ > {;Z"f ,,+ " NOW, lHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIIE CIlY COMMISSION OF lHE CIlY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' , Section 1. That the City Commission hereby expresses its appreciation to Ron Shoup in connection with his dilggent effort in the possible development of Poor Fam Ditch into a linear park to be known as Independence ParK. Section 2. That the Mayor be, and he is hereby,iaatharieed to deliver to Ron Shoup a true and correct copy of this Resolution duly signed by the Mayor and Ci ty Commission. ' ' PASSED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of December, 1974. Isl Paul W. Wallin, Jr., Mayor Isl Mary Ann Binig, Mayor Pro-Tem Isl Philip A. Dunn, Commissioner I sl R. F. STanley, Jr., Commissioner Isl J. B. Thompson, Commissioner ATTEST: Isl Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary f.ff} Motion by Commissioner Dunn, seconded by Commission Thompson, 'that Resolution ~ Number 74-27 commending Mr.: Ronald Shoup for his work and efforts in presenting ;ll'J-,,'..;n_ _ L~.L L~_ .__............... II -III ~ _L..L---:I ...-lII 'I... 'j .. "JJJDII1:iD:dlmr iIU.r IJ-" .~l .. I:!n:!: 2'32 IIII!~TII"r:F .JI, L-I-l~ ~. II... . ~-~~,I. " ',j ~"::"H"..f~' ,. '."':~ a concept for the construction of a linear park to be known as Independence Park over and along Poor Far, Ditch in conjunction with the 1976 Bi-centen~ :0 nial celebration, be approved as read. l Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resmlution Number 74-28 was presented to the Conmission and read in full: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and City Conmission of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas, acting jointly with other home role cities under 25,000 population according to the, 1970 census which are located within the area served by the Houston-Galveston Area Council, that Councilman Asa Yeamans and Councilman James Cook be, and they are hereby, designated as the representa- tive to the Exeeutive Committee of the Houston-Galveston Area Council for the year 1975. FURTIfER TIlAT, the official Alternates authorized to senre as our representa- tives to the Executive Committee should either or both of the hereinabove names representatives become ineligible or if either or both of such repre- sentatives resign are: Mayor B. S. Babovec as Alternate for Councilman Asa Yeamans and Mayor Alving l3aggett as Aleternate for Councilman James Cook. lliAT, the Executive Director of the Houston-Galveston Area COlIDCil be noti- fied of the designation of the hereinabove named delegates and alternates. PASSED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of December, 1974'0 Connnissioners Voting Aye: All Connnissioners Voting No: None Isl Paul W. Wallin, Jr. Mayor [J ATTEST: Isl Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Dtnm, seconed by Commissioner Thompson, that Resolution Number 74~28 designating COl.IDcilman Asa Yeamans and Councilman James Cook as representatives to the Executive Committee of the Houston-Galveston Area Council for the year 1975, be approved as read. Voting Aye: No' Voting No: None Corrnnissioner Stanley arrived at the meeting at this time. Resolution Number 74-29 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City has no defined policy for reimbursable expenditures and travel; and WHEREAS, IT IS IMPORTANT IN THE OPERATION OF THE CITY FOR ITS OFFICIALS AND llJ' employees to attend Conferences and seminars to gafu iDfonnation and knowledge ~.". f" l"- oa ~ 1"":> ~ o 0:'1 ! j ; I (11': , I';. :11: I' ,I,,,,,, ". ". ~'W,,"' '. " 23,3~ concerning operation of the city. NOW, 1HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 1HE CITY COMMISSION OF 1HE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: " , Section 1. That the City Connnission .establish a policy for reimbursable ex- penditures'and travel, on the following basis: . (a) This section will apply to all employees of the city, both , elected and appointed, and apply to all authorized travel on city business and all travel re-imbursements, subject to authorized budget appropriations and authenticated expenses. (b) Prior approval by the'. City Commission and/or City Manager is required for travel. (c) All personnel traveling for the city must leave word with their supervisor as to where they can be reached while out of the city. (d) For travel beyond a 250 mile radius of the city, only transpoEta- tion by air will be approved, except as provided below. It is the city's policy that air travel be used when it is to the best interest of the city. Cost of air travel will be compared against auto cost including. salaries for long driving period. (e) Advances may be drawn up to an amount that might be expected to be spent. Careful notations of the expenses as they occur will be of valuable assistance in preparing the final expense report. . (f) All expense reports must be filed with the City Manager within 15 days of return from traveL Non-complianc~ witlli subj ect the traveler to a payroll deduction for funds advanced. (g) The representative of the city traveling is responsible for justi- bying his expenses adequately and full to the satisfaction of the City Manager. (h) Air travel shall tourist class, cost will be the mexinuml allowed for all authorized air travel. . (i) When city vehicles are used, the city credit card shall be used, except those trips which are within the range of one tank of gas; ,"'.,., in these cases gas from city pumps 'shall be used. When the use of perso- , )nal vehicles i~ authrized, mileage at the rate of l2if: per mile will .c_~ be allowed. (j) Meal expenses shall be kept within reason and receipted~ (k) Reimbursement for room expenses for city personnel only shall be based upon the actual' receipts for payment~. (1) Registration reimbursement shall be based on the actual receipts for the registration payments. j I .-- JII I ,..., ''In,l~ IHIr TIi,Il" I ' . r...--. 1234 .... lIlI!""J-I"CIl!", . .JI L..Tl \-- !I ~~ ~I. I ~-----r-- I, 1,-.'\ ~ ,I' ;....;n.W"'.~ ~".~-' '_ ",-,,~ Cm) Telephone calls and telegrams will be reimbursed only when itemized by purpose. Cn) Vehicle mentals, taxis or limousines reimbursement will be based on receipts and signed statements showing necessity for such rentals. Expendi tures for taxi and limousine seIVices will be reimbursed as certified by the traveler. Cos.t of flight' "insurance up to a maximum" of One Hundred Thousand ($100,000. 00) per trip. . . (0) (P) Miscellaneous expenses. Items that are not listed in this ection shall be eXplained, on the: expense reimbursement fonn. Section 2. This policy for travel and reimbursable expenditures shall be- come, effective January 1, 1974. PASSED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of December, 1974. ; Commissioners: Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: Is/ Paul W. Wallin, Jr. 'Mayor . ,All None ATTES: 1;s7 Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Conmissioner Stanley, that Reso- lution Number 74-29 establishing a policy for reimbursable expenditures and travel, be amended to read, "Section E. Advances may be drawn up to an amolUlt that might be reasonably expected to be amended", and approved as amended. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Connnissioner Binig arrived at the meeting at this time. The Conunission was advised that remodeling of the Conmuni ty Building was pro- gressing rapidly and it was the belmef of the contractor. that the project would be complete by the middle of January. Pennission was requested to have a qualified person inspect the roof of the Conmnmity Building and Library in event the contractor does not have' on his staff a qualified person to inspect such roofs. Following a discussion with regard to use of the ConnnlUlity Building and'rates charged for such use, it was the decision of the City Commission to meet in January to consider ise of the ComnilUlity Building; policy regarding the schedul- inf of activities in the building and charges to be made for such use. Recrea- tion Director Charles Cowanwill'be requested to furnish a written outline of all Recreation Department activities planned' for the COIIDnlUlity.C itilding during the next year.. o c o 0,:. t' o o R " I ., ~"l' ,- . ;' The Commission was advised that the following three engineering finns had been selected for intewiews by the Commission with regard to making a study of the city's sanitary sewer collection system and disposal plant: Mr. Ed Mtmson of the finn of Munson and, Johrison; Mr. Dieter Ufer of Bayshore Engineers and Mr. Bill Davis of S & B Engineering Company. Each will be requested to meet with the City Conunission at 7: 00 p.m. on January 7, 1975, and Sanitary Engineer H. R. Duke will be requested to provide the Commission with applicaiThe questions to be presented to the engineers when they are interviewed. . Ordinance Number 1031 was presented to the COIllll1ission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 1021 WHIffiAPPROVED TIlE BUDGET OF TIlE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS FOR TIlE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1974, AND AOOPTED ON AUGUST 27, 1973. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, that Ordi- nance Number 1031 amending Ordinance Number 1021 which approved the budget of the City m6r the sical year beginning January 1, 1974 and adopted on August 27, 1973, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None It was the decision of the City Connnission to meet on Thursday, January 9, 1975, to consider previous Conunission action turning down the option, to grant a $3,000 homestead exemption to property owners 65 years of age or more. Tax Assessor/Collector MIl. Dittert, Jr. will be requested to furnish the Commis- sion with an approximate number of people in this age category with incomes of less than $7,500 per year. ' City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the COIllll1ission that the city has the authority to require construction of sidewalks by property owners, and if such sidewalks ar enot constructed the city may do so and charge the owner for the required labor. However, Mr. Cockrell further advised', liens for sidewalk construction cannot be filed against homestead property. Motion by Conmissioner Stanley, seconded by Conmission Thompson, that the City Manager be instructed to consult with owners of property where side- walks are needed to detennine their willingness to construct sidewalks on a percentage basis. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None City Attorney. Charles Cockrell advised the COIllll1ission that State Statutes provide for charging of interest at a rate of 10% 'on liens filed by the. city. Motion byCConnnission Thompson, seconed by Commissioner Binig,. that liens filed on all grass mowing accounts be charged 10% interest effective January 1, 1975. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None , I II :I( ,rll,.lIm I 9~(;,11 m'il' I . r---. T1l:"I' 'f..... r-~ .l\tr. Cockrell advised the Connnission iruit he had filed a brief in the case 0 of Doy C. Myers vs. City of West University Zoning and Planning Comnrlssion. The City Manager submitted a review of the case prepared by Attorney Fred Dailey in his representatio:n of the city in a suit filed against Mrs. Carol Turk, advising that Mr. Dailey had' spent ten (10) hours on the case prior to official notification by the Mayor to proceed With the case. The City Mana- get was instructed to advise Mr. Dailey to submit a bill to the city for an additional ten (10) hours and further consideration would be given to it. Members of the Commission were extended an invitation to attend the cere- monies to swear in newly elected County Judge Jon Lindsey on December 31st. It was reported that an inspection had been made of the lights i.n:s.talled on the West University Elementary School grotmds for a softball field and a complete report on the project would be presented at the next .regular meet- ing of the City Connnission. ' The contents of a written request\:;dated Novenber 22, 1974, made by the St. Andrew~s Presbyterian Church requesting 'pennission to park automobiles along the west side of Buffalo Speedway adjacent to their property on Stmday and certain occasions was again brought up for dmscussion by Commissioner Mary .Ann Binig. ' After briefly reviewing the matter a ,motion was made by Commission Binig that 0 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church be pennitted to park in front of its sanc- tuary on Buffalo Speedway as requested. Motion died for lack of a second. In response to his question regarding the ri.uinher of Police Department persormel making calls to the scene of an ac<tident, Commissioner Thompson was advised that this matter was being considered by the Fire Chief and Police Chief and it was believed a satisfacotyr arrangement would be made. Commissioner Stanley advised the Commission of the need for appropriate people to work out a program for the coordination of ambulance use in Harris COtmty. . , Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Plarm.ing Commission on December 10, 1974, were presented to the Commission for their infonnation with attention being directed to the fact that the present Commission planned to consider tabling action on an application filed'dby the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company pending appointment of a new Zoning and Planning Commission. Minutes .of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on December 16, 1974, were presented to the Commission for their infonnation. Minutes ,of the regular meeting of the City Commission on December 9, 1974, were presented and the following .action taken. MOtion' by Commission Binig, seconded by Commissioner Thompson that minues of the regular meeting of the City Commission on December 9, 1974, be approved as submitted. '::' t::.l c.., Ul ~ -.} o Voting Aye: All Voting No: None IC~Z l"- 00 t\") ""':) .-... I,...-~ Q :GJ~ Members of the City Connnission were reminded of the following meetings scheduled for the Commission: Tuesday, January 7, 1975, 7: 00 p.m., to discuss the study of the city's sanitary sewere collection system and disposal plant with representatives of three engineering finns. Discussion of policy and procedure to be followed in scheduling resenrations of the Community Building and rates to be charged. Thursday, January 9, 1975, to discuss prior action of the City Commission to not accept an option to grant a $3,000 homestead eXeJPPtion to residents 65 years of age and over. Construction of cul~de";'sacatAlbans and Bissonnet. Dis- cussion of re-evaluation program for all property located in the city. Monday, January 13, 1975, regular meeting of City Commission. Tuesday, January 14, 1975, joint public hearing of City Conunission and Zoning andPlarming Conunission. With no further business to come before the City Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m. ATTEST: QcUJ{!h ?/ug:.lf Mayor . / ~ pf~~ Ass1stant City Secretary ='='==::'.::,,'!:-..~""1____ - '_.'~~~~~~~:'~~~r---- ,r .I, U.l llillllJ,.L '" J L~.L.. , ~ cL1-.~~~J