HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1973 o M (t:J C)., ~ ~ Q o o 1,97 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION January B,19i3' ' . ., The City Commission c~nvened in regular session atthe~City Hall on Monday, January 8; 1973, 7:30p.m'., with the following members pre- sent: Mayor Harris, presiding; CommissioneisBinig,' Stanley, Unde~~ wood and Way. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Binig. Mr. William Cole, 2715 Cason, appeared befor~ the C~mmission req~est- ing information with regard to the proposed rezOning of certain areas of the city. Mayor Harris advised Mt:'. Cole that .the City Commiss ion acts on recommendations presented,to it.by the Zoning and Planning Commission based on public hearings, "st~dies, etc. Mayor Harris further stated that the Zoning and Planning Commission had not offi~ cially submitted any recommendation to the City Commission for pro- posed rezoning. Mayor Harris explained to Mr.Cole the procedure followed by both the Zoning and Planning Commission and the City Commission prior to any rezoning wi-thin the city. Mayor Harris,sug- gested that Mr. Cole purchase acopy of the 1971 CRS Land Use Study in order to better understand the overall zoning proposals made by CRS for future development of the city and which is used by the Zoni~g and Planning Commission as a guide in its., planned recommendations. Mrs. Silja Moffatt, 4216 Tennysonl on behalf of the West University Swim Team, requested that consideration be given to the acquisition of the YMCA prope:t'ty on Bellaire Boulevard for use as a community center. Mrs. Moffatt stated that it was her understanding that the YMCA facilities were no longer adequate for their needs and that the property would be offered for sale. Mayor Harris advised Mr. Moffatt that the Parks and Recreation Board had given consideration"to the use of these facilities and if the property is put on the market it will be investigated. . . A letter dated January 3, 1973, from Davi'd M. Harris, Chairman, West University'VolunteerFire Department, and signed by Chief C. E. Duffin, was-presented to the Cominission, . It was, noted that subsequent to the retirement of Mr. G. T. Hutcherson, Di,rector and Captain of First Aid Services for West UniveFsity, the Department had elected Mr. W~ C. Buschardt, III, to fill the position. Mayor Harris requested that the minutes reflect thab;the minutes reflect that theCCi:ityCommission, pursuant to the recommendation of Chief Duffin and Mr. David Harrs, recognized the appointment of Mr. W. C. Buschardt. III, as director and captain of First Aid Services for West University Place Fire Department, effective January 8, 1973~ In accordance with the provisions of Article XXVI, Section 15, of the City Charter, requiring the designation of, a newspaper as the official newspaper for the city, a schedule of rates charged by the Houston Chronicle, Houston Post and Southwestern Argus,was pre- sented to the Commission. . Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the Southwestern Argus be designated as the official newspaper of the City of West University Place for the year 1973, and that ---. ., IIr : I , r' rl"BLS' ~ . '~-a:" ':....~.. ':; .. ~~ ..., €:~f ]Ir- '{. .J~ 1. I the Houston Ch.roniclebe used for noti.ce.to bidders or other items requiting' a broade,r news,paper cover~ge or whe'n necessary to meet legal time requirements. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None I LJ The Commissifon was presented a letter from Mr. Michael Ilse, land- scape architectfor'the firm of Vernon Henry & Associates, together with an invoice in the amount of $5,549.55 for landscape development of Judson Park in accordance with their contract, and the addition of berm reconstruction and drainage. In his letter, Mr. llse. stated that it was his suggestion that the sum of $55.00 be retained until. the remaining eucalyptus tree had been planted. The City Manager advised that he had inspected the Judson Park site improvements and was not satisfied with the final completion and the drainage plan. He further stated that it was ,his opinion that the contractor was responsbile for correcting the drainage problem and berm reconstruction, and that $500 to $600 should be withheld from, the contract price pending clarification of these items and final in- spection by Mike lIse, landscape architect with VErnon Henry & Asso- 'ciates. . Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the eity Commission postpone payment of' all or part of the invoice from Trees of Houston until the time of the next Commission meeting and a meeting between the City Manager and .landscape architect to reach an agreement on the work remaining to be completed. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None :-1 I , , LJ The Commission waS presented a materials list that would be required for the installation of a sprinkler syst~m in Judson Park using city forces. Commissioner Underwood stated that it was he belief that bids should be received for the complete design and installation of a sprinkler system for Judson Park to assure the best installation. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Way, that' the City Manager be instructed to advertise forbids for the design and installation of a sprinkler system for Judson Park, suc~ to be-received by the City Commission at its regular meeting on Monday, February 12th. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Membership dues assessment in the amount of $266.34 from the Houston- Galveston Area Council representing membership dues for the City of West University Place for the period January 1, 1973 through December 31, 1973, was presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Underwood~ seconded by Commissioner Binig, that membership dues in the amount of $266.34 to Houston-Galveston Area Council for the period January 1, 1973 through December 31, 1973, be approved for payment. . II i I i LJ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o c-- I'j (/) a;, w ~ ~ G o I l',.~,;u; .~d~.u' . .- F.stimate. Nl1mher13fforlservices rendered.and materials stWl?Jied on the.Wes1ayan S-aJ11t:ary !Sewer 1 t P ant: ana rel.atea rmes as preparea ny and Cerfi!1ed by Bernard Jolmson,Inc for payment to tern Construction Company, was presented to the Conmission. ' . Motion by Commissioner Way seconded by Ccmnissioner Un.derwood~ that Estimate Number 3 in the aII10unt of' $39,504.65, prepared and certified by Berna.rd Jolmson, Inc. for payIilent to Lem Construction Company for materialS and serVices dUring . the period December 1, 1972 to December 31, 1972, be approved for :payIilent~. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None. The City Manager advised that the Federal Government and. the office of the Enviromnenta1 Protection Agency had changed their policies whereby mwrici~ palities could receive additional grants up to 75% through the Texas Water Quali ty Board for - :iinprovenients of the Wes1a:yah sanitary sewer lift station and lines, and that proper application had been made and the city was now eligible to received $113,250.00 upon official acceptance by the. city. . , , , Motionuby Camnissioner Binig, seconded by Commissic,mer UndelWood, that the city accept the 75% grant offer ~ ail.d Mayor Harris be. authorized to;;;sign the necessary doctmlents in cormection therewith. Voting Aye}:,. All Voting No: None The Conunission was briefed on the progress of the Weslayari. project noting that the contractor had experienced some difficulty in the construction of the new lift plant because _ of quicksand and heavy rainfall~. An invoice in the amount of $1,132.36 from Bernard Jolmson, Inc. for engineering services ill cOIUlection with the Weslauan project for the period Noveri1Q.er 6~ 1972 through December 3, 1972, was presented to the Conunission for consideration. Motion by Conmissioner UndelWood, second~~ by Commissioner Stanley, that the in- voice in the amount of $1,132.36, from ,Bernard Johrtso:Q., Inc. for engineering. . services for the period November 6 through December 3, 1972, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None. A list of agents who have requested that their Ii.aJnes be certified as being eligible to participate in the premitml distribution of insurance conunissions paid by the city during the year 1972, was presented to the Cdiinnission. A letter dated Jariuary 5, 1972, from Comiskey Insurance Agency, In. stated that to date a total of $1,061.72 had been acclllllulatedfor distribution to eligible agents. Motion by COnDnission Underwood, seconded by C~onmissioner Way,' that the name ofMr: JO$ep1t-MeaS(jiil~j'~;Jr-. c &e _c1ele~.ea~ inasmuch'as -heclg>esll(l)t meet~:tlie~eligibility -re:: _ quirement of being a property owner in the city; that the Iianie of Mr. Fred lfughes be added to the list as he is no longer a member of the City Commission, and that the list be apprQved~ ' Voting Aye: All Voting No : None A contract with Smith Protection Services, Inc. for janitorial services at the the City Hall was presented to the Commission with a request that the contract be ~ ~ ~.. ..._~ ~~ ~ _----111 . "" "-iliQ~ . J!r-- --;J:' ...~ r::. . _ . ~ .1 cancelled. Retirement of the l;onner City Hall janitor leaves the buildi.ng wi th no one on duty d~ing working hours for j ani torial service and it is believed that a full tinie janitor will maintain the building in better condi- tion than now being provided by the j ani torial service. Motion by Conunissioner Stanley, seconed by Commissioner Binig, that the con- tract for janitorial services with Smith Protection Services, Inc. be CanCelled subsequent to thirty days written notice as pr0vided in the tennination portion of the contract. o Voting Aye: Conunissioner Binig Voting No: Commissioner Stanley Mayor Harris Ordinance Number 993 was presented to the Commission and read in full: Commissioner Underwood Conunissioner Way. AN. ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE' NUMBER 972; CHANGING 1HE'RATES FOR MOVING VACANT LOTS; PROVIDING A BEGINNING DATE OF FEBRUARY 1, 1973 FOR NEW RATES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE ~ . Motion by Conunissioner Underwood, seconded by Commission Way, that OrdiBance Number 993 chaning rates for mowing vacant lots be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None u Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on Monday, December 18, 1972, were presented to the Commission with. attention being directed to the failure of an applicant to pass the Master Electrician's examination and applications filed for journeyman and apprentice electrician's certificates. . - , .. " Minutes of. the regular meeting of the Zoning and . Planning Cornlni.ssion on 'fuesday, January 2, 1973, were presented to the Conmission with particular attention being called to a'decision:of the.Conmission to callth:ree public hearings on February 6th, February 13th, and. February 20th,to consider rezoning property located fD!!'lmPOOr Fann Ditch to Kirby Drive on Bellaire Blvd. . The Commission was advised that 95.15% of the 1972 taxes have been collected as compared to 95.42% for the preceeding year. Resolution Ntmiber. 73~1 was presented to the Conunission and read in full: WHEREAS,the City of West University Place has cash available in the Tax Collector's Fund in the amount of $L100,-000.00 as a result of 1972 current tax collections, and $23,378.00 of Revenue Sharing Funds received from the Federal Goverrunent on January 8, .1973, l'l~ich will not b~ r~wu.ir~q.f.for current operating. expenses'; and ...-. ",. . - .., '._. ...OL '. -. 1," ........ WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Conmission to keep all of tl:1ecity's meney invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to . authorize investment of these certain sums of money. NOW, lHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COl\t.1ISSION OF 1HE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIACE, 'IEXAS: . . lJ [J ZMJ' 1'1'. \ . ~, .. . ( . ~;..~! . " That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to invest flmds in the amOlmt of: $123,328.00 In a one year Certificate of Deposit with Liberty Savings and Loan ASsociatio:q,' Houston, Texas, for a period of one year at the rate of 7%. .' PASSED AND APPROVED this 8th day of January, 1973. Connnissioners Voting Aye: All Conimissioners Voting~:.,No: None Isl Don E. Harris . Mayor ATTEST: Isl Lee Lockard ~ Assistant City Secretary to ~ Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that Resolution f.1J Number 73-1 authorizing the, investment of $lOO~OOO from current tax collections and ~ $23,378 of Revenue Sharing Flmds, in a one year Certificate ,of Deposit with Liberty ~ Savings and Loan Association, be approved as read. [ "" n L! Voting Aye: All VotiIig .No: None The Comssion requested that the City Manager contact three or four other banks with regard to the possibility of chaning the' depository for city operating funds. City Attorney Charles Cockrell stated~. that he had been adVised that an appeal had been filed by Mr. Robert Hewli tt, dba Bunny Show CLub, with the Attorney General's office, for a license to serve alcoholic beverages between the hours of 12:00 and 2:00 a.m. Mr. Cockrell further stated that he hadtalked With Mr. Rick Stover of . the Attorney General;s office and had offered any assistance the city co~ld provide. . .-~. - A letter from Mr. John R. Kamrath of TemrisPlanning Consultants advised the COIIUIlis- sion that specifications for the rehabilitation of Case Park temris court would be prepared by January 15th. ' Following previous instructions of the City Commission, Assistant City Manager Dan Edwards advised that inspections had been made ofp'roperty located in the 6100 and 6200 block of Edloe; 6321 Sewanee; 6618 Sewanee; and 6330 Wakeforest. Mr. Ed- wards stated thatnoeof the property was in condition sufficient to clas'sify as health or fire hazards and, therefore, didnotcoIIie lmdet the prov1sionsof a: ' ci ty ordinance penni tting city employees to clean the property. Mr. Edwards was requested to visit the sites with the city's fire inspector and health officer' and report back to the City Commission. The Commission was advised that the basketball court at StmSet Park has been com- pleted and was being used by ~rea children. A sketch and recorrnnendation made by a representative of GAme Time, Tnc wasshoWIl too the Commission as apos'sible means of protecting small children in the Tot Lot play area from players using' the basket- ball court. Motion by Corrnnissioner Underwood, seconded by Conmissioner Stanley, that the City Manager' be instructed to request the Chief of Police for a recoIilmendations for the implementation of Operation Identification or his reaSon for not believing such operation feasible~ ., , ~~ --, r--' . -'''I '2':'~'.: .' .:~ ~ ~"" ~: - '. .., 1 '. , ;0 ;w-- ---.: - _.~- L....... ~ T Voting Aye: All Vot~ No: None In response to a question with regard to action taken by the City of Houston on fL.] the request for a rate increase filed by Houston 'Natural Gas Corporation, City Attorney Charles Cockrell stated that no action was taken by the City of Houston thereby granting the rate increase. A request from Mrs. Marily Yaple, Brach Librarian, for the purchase of a Remington Rand card catalog file unit with funds designated for Library use from the West University Recycting center, l\TaS presented to the Connnission. Motion by Conunissioner Underwood, seconed by Commissioner Binig, that the Librian's recoIIDnendation be accepted tp purchase a Remington Rand,card catalog file unit as long as such purchase does not exceed the $250.00'designated for l"ihrary use. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None. The City Manager was instructed to direct a letter to the Recycling Center CoIIlilit~ tee for clarification of ftmds to be used for the purpose of replacing benches in the garden betwee~ the' Library .and Connnuni ty Building. Are such funds the $250.00 designated for park use or additional funds to be provided by the REcycling Center? Mayor Harris made the following statement with regard- to the position taken by the City Commission on December 11,1973, to not effect the $3,000.00 reduction in assessed valuation for homestead exemption as provided in State Constitutional Amendment No.6: [J "I have this date furnished a copy of a statement to the citizens of West Univer- si ty on the City Connnis s ion 's view on the decision to rej ect the provisions for State Constitutional Amendment No.6, to'Miss pettigre of the Southwestern i\rgus. Copies will be made availabel for viewing by any interested ci tiz.en. The positmon of hte City Commission is the" 'same as the' date of its decision on the matter and there has never been any c:haQ.ge. The reason for the decision s:ated in thatstatement is that the City Commission, as a whole, would individually or collectively, like to be in a position ,of calling a vote of .the residents of the City of West University Place with regard to the matter, but we have been ad- vised by the City Attorney that we cannot legally do so. Therefore, it is incUR- bent upon 'interested citizens to comply with the alternative provisions set out in the Amendment. The steps of compliance will' befurIiished to anyone by the City Manager t s office Upon r~ques t. II STATEMENT ,10 1HE CITIZENS OF 1HE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE FROM MAYOR DON E. HARRIS: In view of the City ColTiIlissioner's decision to reject the provision of the State Constitutional Amendment No.6 giving a $3,000.00 ad valorem tax exemption to home owners 65'years of age and over, I feel you are entitled to an explanation of the City Commission's reason for making this decision. The teax reduction provided in State Constitutional Amendment No.5 giving dis- able war veterans a reduction in ad valorem, taxes will be honored after the State Legislature enacts the necessary enabling legislation to determine the terns and conditions tmderwhich the tax reduction is to be applied. ' '\ I I I I LJ n I : 'LJ ~ (J:) O":i tIJ ~ ~ n l.J r u '------- ~' ta'VI(";.4 ~~""". It' was the teeling of the majority that the voters in approving the Amendment, merely authorized this City C,onmi,ssion to take whateve:r Clction it felt was in the interest of ALL the residents of this city. . AS a110f you know, this is EXACTLY.. what the Amendment provided; l?LUS, the Amendment provided that upon receipt of a . petition signed by 20% of the voteres who voted in our city e1ection,we :would call a vote of all the citizens to detennine whether the exemption should be allowed. Now, if you are really interested or concerned, the pathway is clear. However, in order for you to be aware of the resulting circunstances, I invite you to read the remainder of this article. You should be infonned as to the loss of tax revenue had the City Commission voted to' pass on the tax reduction as prov:Lded m State Constitution Amendment No.6. The City of West University,Place has~1,283 home owners who would be eligible for this tax reduction. This number of persons was detennined by checking the voter registration list and the 1970 Federal Census Tract. A $3,000.00 homestead eXen11,>tion would amormt to $45.00 per person based on the present tax rate of $1.50 per $100.00 assessed valuation or an amount of loss of Lax revenue to our city of $57,735.00 for the year 1973. This loss of tax money would directly affect the amormt, ~Q:f ,Federal Revenue ~:paring the city would receive, as Revenue Sharing is' in part oased on the- amount o;t tax .. the city collects. . A $3,000.00 homestead tax exemptionfor 1,283 home owners would reduce the assessed valuation of the city tax roll by $3,800,000.00 and would adversely affect the C1ty on its bond rating. Municipal bond rating companies judge the city's economical standing and ability to pay its Bonded Indebtedness largelynon its assessed tax valuation. Therefore, with a reduced tax valuation, the city would pay more in- terest on ,sale of bonds. To regain the $57,735.00 annual loss in tax revenue, it would require a l3q: tax increase. We do not feel justified in increasing the taxes of all the other propert owners to benefit only 8% of the population wi thoU: a clear directive from all property'.)~wners. We further feel that an additiliom tax burden placed upon your " , children and other members of your family would be unfair. In many cases the home owners aged 65 or over in this community or on better financial condition to pay their present city taxes than are many younger persons who are buying their homes, starting a family, or attempting to establish theinsel ves in the business world. Net only do we feel this' reduction in tax revenue and Federal Revenue Sharing and a likely increase in the bond interest rate would impair the budget of the city and, if needed, a tax increase would be unfair to the majority of the people. We strongly feel that if West University Place is to remain a choice place to live and to rear our children, we must keep a reasonable tax valuation and rate to maintain excellent services which our citizens require. In view of these facts the City Connnission, by a majority vote, rejected the $3,000.00 homestead tax exemption for property owners 65 years of age and older. We invite your inquires as to any problems or interest in this tax matter which you may wish to present. Respectfully ,submitted, / s/ D. E. Harris, Mayor City of West University Place, Texas L . ~1 I _ ------..L..L~.. ; ._.~--- __II 2~'~ . ~ '-'~'''l . JI'--- - .. .-1"- '[: :. ~_ _"';-l Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Conunission on Monday, December 11, ':ilJ: 1972 and on Monday, December 18,1972,~ were presented to the Connnission and the following action taken: Motion by Conunissioner Way, seconded by Conunis-sioner Underw00d that Ininutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on December ll, 1972 and December 18, 1972, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: Nolie With no further business to come before the Commission at. this time , upon motion duly made, seconed and carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m. ATIEST: Qr~ ~yor . .~~~/ ASsistant ~ ty :Manager J ,~ I I u n LJ ~ (/:; en tJ;J Cl o [J [J {> 15\~Fi'F /.I1ItV,~ ~~ '-. '- . .' .~:: REGULAR MEETING OF GIIT CQMi1ISSION . January 22, 1973' The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall . on Monday, January 22, 1973, 7:30 p.m., with the fellowing members present; Mayor pre-:tem Underwood, presiding; Commisioners Binig and Stanley. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Mayor Harris was out of the city because of a death in. his family; Commissioner Way was out of the city on company business. The Invocation was pronotD1ced by Mayor pro-tem Underwood. Mr. Don Mathes, 3610 Nottingham, advised the Conmission that he wouldlike to congratulate them on the action taken with regard to not accepting the provisions for a $3,000 homestead exemption for those citizens 65 years of age or over. Mr. Larry Laird, President, Lem Construction Company, advised the Commission of the difficulties encotD1tered in the construction 0 the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift plant, most of which were unforeseen and unplanned. Mr. Laird stated that many of the problems were caused by the formation of the underground strata being sand on top of clay and water that came abo\ethe bottom of the station which could not be dried out by well points. Buried concrete and timber from the construc- tion of the old station also created problems. Mrs. Irene Sanchez, 4001 University, advi~ed theConmission that her primary con- cern was the operating'coridition of her w~.h~~ , dryer, lesnmower, edger,etc, .. after cOmpletion of the"Ptoject and rebui],ding of her garage. . ~ " .:} ':, , ; > Mr. Marvin Jetton, 4004 Swarthmore, stated the he had signed an agreement with Mr. Laird that his property would be restored .upon completion of the project but there 'was adisagreemeI).t ~s to the structtitaldarilage that had been done to the building itSelf as well~' as to the garage. slab~' . ' Mr. David Wisenberg, 4118 Swartlunore, stated that he had also signed an agree- ment with Mr. Laird to correct any damage done to his property, but was con- cerned with future sinking of the ground beyond the period of one year which would be guaranteed by Mr. Laird. Mr .Wisenberg also stated that he and his mortgage company were quite concerned about the height of the new station and it proximity to. this property. Mr. (]ilvin Isham, 4005 Ulu:versity Boulevard, stated that he did not understand WHY nus NEW STATION MUST BE NINE FEET IN HEIGfIT WHEN 1HE City of Houston had builitta number of such installations at a height of only four feet with a steel plate on the roof fer. removal when necessary to take out the pump and motor by use of a winch truck. Following a discussion hetween members of the City Commission, the City Manager, Mr. Laird and the property owners present, it was the decision of the Corranission that a meeting as soon as possible be arranged between the contractor, Mr. Larry Laird, the engineer, Bernrad Johnson, Inc., the City Manager, the City Commission and all area residents affected by the construction project. It appeared that Wednesday evening from 6: 30 tD1til 7: 30 p.m. would be an agreeable time for all concerned. ~M~ ..... "-' :111--....-- ~...!. .._...~- I.;C.., .~....I . -, -~ Mr. Jetton presented the COnmlssion with a petition signed by 48 area resi- dents protesting the planned construction .of the. above gTound lift station structure to ah~ight .of niIie :feet: ':', :'". ',' '. ' " " ,. In accordance with previous-actiori 'of the CitY'Conmissi6h~' bids received for' 'furnishing a first aid unit fOT usee of the 'Fire Department were opened and resul ts annotnlced. as follows: . . Savage Enterprises Modular. Ambulance Corporation . 16,460. 50 15,360.35 II U Motion by Connnissioiler Stanley, seconed by Conmission Binig, that considerable discussion needs to occur regarding the selection of this type of tnli t and that the choice on this matter be delayed tnltil a later meeeting. Voting Aye: AIl Voting No: None Bids received for furnishing other automotive equipment were opened and results annotnlced as follows: . Company A. .I.~-.EG.}tt--,,-Chev. Unit No. L II III IV VI YU VIII IV VI VII I II III IV VI.: , VII VIII. I II III IV VI VII VIII I II III .. .~ ~ ;., ...... Int'l. Harvester Luke Jolmson Ford McMahon Chev. Don McMillan Ford Item DepartInent 4 dr. sedan ~ dr. sedan: 4 dr. se<ilari ~ Pickup Truck Cab & cba.ssis . Cab ~ &~chaSsis 4 dr. sedan- PickUp Truck Cab & chassis Cab & Chassis ,. . Police Police P01,ice . Fire Street ~Satii'ta tion Sewage Trment., Fire Street Sanitation 4 dr. sedan . 4 dr. sedan 4 dr. sedan Pickup truck Cab & chassis Cab & chassis 4 dr. sedan Police Police Police Fire Street~ -~, . . Said ta tion . Sew. Tnnent. 4 dr. sedan 4 dr. sedan 4 dr. sedan PIc-up truck Cab & chassis Cab & chassis . 4 dr. sedan Police Police Police Fire Street Sanitation Sew. Trment. 4 "1cdr . sedan 4 dr. sedan 4 dr. sedan Police Police Police Bid Price . 3,,183.94 3,183.94 3,383.94 3,161.42 6,630.43 5~742-.98 3~038".87 o 2,978.50 6,020.44 5,619.41 2,802.35 2,852.35 3,327.35 ~,l63.l4 7 ,~G)06 . @3 . 7,020.67 3,093.25 2,477.71 2,627.71 2,977.71 2,839 A7 S-'~i946 .26 4,496.26 2,949~12 3,399.08 3,199.08 3,499.08 iJ n L-J C'4 to a: tJJ Q ~ n , I L.J Company Untt No. Item Pickup truck Cab & chassis Gab & chassis 4 dr. sedan Department Fire Street Sanitation Sew. Tnnent. .~A!.';"".'I. " {1i.f'W. tf\'i. Bid Price 3,190.81 7,943.02 7,658.18 3,020.84 2,911.64 2,611.64 3,011.64 3,197.17 3,073.12 3,000.00 6,419.64 6,359.42 6,529.48 6,444.62 2,876.01 ~,87(j).01 3,176.01 3,002.28 7,828.62 7,943.58 3,051.10 Motion by Conmissiqner ,B~ib, seconded by Comnissioner Stanley,that the City Mana- ger and Department Heads review and tabulate all bids received and make a recommenda- tion for purchase at the nextmeetihg'of the City Conmission. 4 dr. sedan 4 dr. sedan 4 dr. sedan P~ckl;P . tru~k_,,_ ,4c,.'.<d:r-.~sedi:m~~ Pickup truck Cab & chassis Cab & chassis Cab & chassis Cab & chassis ~olice Police Police Fire Sew~<1Tment . Fire Street Sanitation Street Sanitation Bud Moore Chev. IV · VI. VII VIII I II III IV VIII IV VI VII VI VII I)' II III IV Wi VII VIII . .:.~~dW'~Z~''-2-~~ .., .,.,-,.",~-"".,.. ...., ':::--:.~_"::-"-" ~ _:C.~Q,~.. . - - ,.. ,.~ 4dr~ sedan 4 dr. sedan PIckup Truck Cab & chassis Cab & chassis 4 dr'- sedan ' Police Police Police Fire Street Sanitation Sew. Tnnen t. Chief of Police Harold Shipp advised the Conunissionthat after one full year of bicycle registration that in his opinion. there were a few changes that should be made in the ordinance governing the registration of bicycles, Le. ) Excessive time is required of the patrolmen who are" called into the station to make bicycle inspections. Chief Shipp stated that the only inspection made is to the brakes on the bicycle and it was his belief that riders will insure themselves of having good brakes. 2) The license period could be extended for a period of two years rather than one. 3) A penalty should be prescribed for those who buy a license after the xpiration of the registration period. 4) New residents and new bicycle purchasers should be pennitted to register bicycles on a pro-rateddbasis for the remainder of the year. Chief Shipp also stated that only 300 bicycles had beeN registered thus far in 1973 as compared to almost 3,000 in 1972. Various means of encouraging participation in the bicycle registration program were discussed, inclucting requesting that the Park and Recreation Board accept the responsibility fortheJI"ogram. f1 Motion by Connnissioner Stanley, seconded by 'connnission Binig, that the' City Attorney I ! be requested to draft an ordinance amending ordinance 969, inESsence containing the l.-J following amendments: 1) The inspection of the bicycles be discontinued. 2) That the license be maete valid for a period of two (2) years and that the deadline be Joe Myers' Ford Port City Ford Jack Roach Ford Voting Aye: All Voting No: None . r- -~ ;.~ 'I Ifr :!tte";'~ . ,~. .~ ,~, '. ~ -...t. __.- 1..._.... Jlr--- ~_. .. -7~~-" r- . ~...I reset to coincide' with City of Houston bic1cle program~ 3) That a late registratin penal ty charge of twice the regularly prescribed. charge be made. , . .' ,I ' . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Chief Shipp advised the Commission that "Operation fdentirication'1 was begun. on September 15th and to date only 16 people .had requested use of the engraver to mark items of value in their homes. Chief Shipp stated tllat it was his belief that most West University residents felt safe; that there .was no need to insure identification of personal effects; and that 'many residents did not want to use the engraver 'on valuable cbj ects " ,I, Following a general discussion with regard to special emPhais that coule be placed on the program, publicity to sell operation ID to residents as a preventative measure and the possibility of requesting the West Umversity Police Officer's Associa- tion to handle the prograIil, the following action was taken: Motion by Conmissioner Stanley, seconed' by Conunissioner Binig, that the City Manager be requested, after consultation with appropriate people, includ4ilg:,; the Chief of Police, to review Operation Identification and bringto us a program for implementation of the program in a vi tal ari~ ongoing manrier. Voting Aye: All V otin.g No: None -~ 11 I , U '!he Commission was presented a schedule of rates charged :tor sw:irnming pool sea- son tickets'since 1956,season ticket sales for ,1971 as compared to 1972, and I,U':~ a request that rates beestablished on an installment purchase agreeDlBIlt to be paid on their monthly water bill. Motion by Commissioner Binig, secondel by Cori1missioner 5taI1ley, that season . ticket rates for the 1973 season of the swimming pool be the same as those charged in 1972 and that provisions be made for installment purchase of season ticke:ts to be placed on monthly water bills for collection. ' Voting Aye: All yoting No: None An invoice fwom Bernard Johilson, Inc., in the amotmt of $222.32, for engineeriDg services in cOIll1ectionwiththe Weslsyaiisanitary sewer lift station and lines for the period December 4 through December 31, 1972, was presented to the Comnission for consideration.. , ,.. Motion by Connnissioner Stanley, seconedby Commissioner Binig, that the invoice. from Bernard Johnson, Inc. in theamotmt of $ 222.32 for engineering services in cOIll1ection with the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift station and lines for 1:he period December 4 through December 31, 1972, be approved. . Voting Aye: .All Voting No': None An invoice from Bernard Johnson, Inc.:i1 the amotmt of $438.77, for engineering services perfonned through 'December '31, 1972, in the preparation of specifications for the drilling of Water Well NO.7, was presented to the, Conunission. The City i~ I , ( LJ n LJ ~ ~ c:n u.:l ~ C;l c c ~1f )}\''.iY I.ij\J~~~ Manager advised the Conmission, that. upon instructions of the previous Connnis~ sion nernard Johnson, Inc. was employed to perfonn '~ngineeri:ng services for the provision of this wateJ:' well and necessary appurtenances, such employment covering Phase I, to include plans and specifications as well as site location, fora cost not to exceed $1,500 and Phase II, to cover water system analysis, at a cost not to exceed $2,000.00. ' Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by.Conmri.ssioner Stanley, that the invoice from Bernard Johnson, Iric~; in the amount <of $483.77, for engineering services per~ fonned through December 31, 1972, in the preparation of specifications for the drilling of water well no. 7, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All. Voting No: NDne The Cominission was advised that landscape arcjritectMike Ilse had been out of town and it had not been possible to arrange a meeting with him for an inspection of the landscape development of Judson Park by Trees of Houston. The City Manager was instructed to obtain a cost estimate for sprigginger over seeding the winter rye grass that had beeni planted in the park for better grass covel"ageO" . The Connnission was advised that the booster pump and motor at water well no. 6 had been installed since 1952 without ever having been removed and it was now believed they should be removed fer necessary repair. 1he motor would be taken to a reliable contractor for necessary cleaning and repairs and the motor taken, . to Layne-Texas Company. The Connnission was further advised that the sum of $1,500 had been appropriated in the 1973 budget for this purposes. Motion by Connnissioner Stanley, seconded by Corranissioner Binig, that the City Manager be instructed to consult with a reliable contractor for the purpose ef making an estimate regarding the overhauling of the electric motor and Layne Texas Company for inspection and recommendation, for repairs to the pump in water' well no. 6. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A letter dated January 3, 1972, addressed to the Mayor and City Commission from Mr. O. Joseph Damiani submitting his resignation as AssistanV'='City Attorney and Prosecutor of the Mtmicipal Court of the City of West Uhiversity Place, effective. February 1, 1973, was }resented to the Corranission. Motion by Corranissioner Bi:nig, seconed by Connnissioner Stanley, that the resigna-. tion of Mr. O. Jpseph Damiami as Assistant City Attorney and Prosecutor of the Municipal Court be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: . None City Attonrye Charles Cockrell presented a letter dated January 22, 1973, in which he reconnnended that Mr. Thomas Clarke, 3111 Wroxton, be appointed by. theCi ty Conunission to serve as Assistant City attorney and Prosecutor of the Mtmicipal Court. Motion by Connnissioner Stanley, seconded by. Commissioner Binig, that Mr. Thomas Clarke ,3lll Wroxton, be appointed to serve as Assistant City Attorney tmtil December 31, 1973. ' r-~ ,1 ~r .. .-.~ _---111: 2>'1":"""" . . .. , ,. " -----.;,.. . ..~ .. ~_.l -- Voti?g Aye:. All Vo~ No: None" n ~ ' U Mayor pro~tem Underwood announced that because of the absence of both Mayor Harris and CommissiorterWay; action to appointniemberSGof the city's Zoning and Planning Commission would be del~yed UIitil a later meeting. ' Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on Monday, January 15, 1973, were presented to the Conunis s ion for their info,;:rmation. City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that he had again been con.;. tacted by the Office of the Attorney General in regard to the sui t filed by Mr. ' , / Robert Hewlett, dba Bunny Shew, CLub, against the Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a license to serve alcoholic beverages between the hours of 12:00 and 2:00 a.m., Mr. Cockrell stated that a copy of the city's ordinance prohibiting late hour sales had not been entered ,in the record of the District Court action and they were distrubed as to whether the judgement would be upheld in the Court of CiVil Appeals. Mr. Cockrell stated that he had been requested to file a brief in the Court of Civil Appeals whibh would require between 'ten (10) to twenty (20) hours legal time in research and preparation. After general discussion with regard to the case the City Attonrey was instructed to prepare a brief for filing in the Court of Civil Appeals provided an extension of time for filing was secured and to cOoperate as fully as possible with the office of the Attorney GeneraL . Following the discussion with regard to the suit filed by the BUIUlY Show CLub, 'J'~ the City Ccmmission requested that the city health officer be instructed to make a health inspection of such club and submit a written report to the Commis- sion at its next'regular meeting with ~ubsequent insepctions and reports filed on a regular monthly basis. A letter addressed tc;> the Mayor from Ryan Mortgage Company, Arlington, Texas, was presented to the Connnission and read in fulL lhe letter, dated January 19, 1973, requested that Ryan Mortgage Company not be compelled to pay penalties and inte- rest on a later tax payment, by virtue of the fact that their cO!IIPany moved loca- tions and the late payment was due to an oversight and hunan error. ' Motion by Commissioner Stanley, secondmbyCommissioner Binig,that the Tax Assessor-Collector be instructed to courtec:)1.'ls;L'Y advise Ryan Mortgage Company that it is not the city's policy to grant exceptions to late tax charges and their request for waiver of penalties is respectfully denied. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Connnissioner Stanley questioned whether or not clarification had been obtained as to the source of funds to be used for the replacement of concrete benches placed in the garden between the Library and Connnuni ty Building. Commissioner Stanley was advised that clarification had no't been secured but would be done in the near future. U 1-------' Commissioner Stanley further questioned the issuance of instructions that various groups using facilities at the Community Building were not permitted to use the lawn. lhe City Manager stated that he had issued no such orders but was confident '.;'.11-,' ;;".~\l>12..'7. ~ liMY.E. >>~.~ n i, I LJ the West Uni.versity Garden Club was concerned with possible damage that might be incurred by the plantmgs in ~garden., ' . ' , Assistant City Manager Dan. Edwards advised the Commission of inspections made by the Sanitary Fngineer, Fi:re-Inspecter and:himselfat 6618 Sewanee ,.6330 Wakeferest . and Edloe & University., After discussion with regard te the number efun.-marked trucks seen wi thin the city, the City Manager was requested to have the Chief ef Pelice make a. repert on the enforcement or the ordinance requiring identification on all trucks wi thin the city, including in such report his opinion with regard to, the enforceabili tyof the crdinance and any problems his department have enceuntered when enforcing the ordinance. . ~ (l) (j; ~ ~ o The Coounissien was advised that letters had been mailed to these residents con-- cerned with the parking on residential streets by employees of the Southwestern Bell Telephone. Company. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Cenunission on Monday, January 8, 1973., were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: M:>tion by Conunissioner Binig, seconded by Conmissioner Stanley, that, the minutes ofy;the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday ,January 8, 1973, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting- No: None, Wi th no further business to come before the Conmissien at this time, upon motion duly -, se~dandcarried, tlU_tIDgrZ211r~5 ... Mayor ATI'EST: y::}" /;(J~ ~ AsSJ.S~ty Secretary 1': l~! L__,. r____:=-______.~-:L '.'=::1 _ ___------.l...L" :.:::L.'----~_~__________1Jt 2; t.~'~i ..., J; !(t, J"-. ~-- ...~_R 1:"..: ...____ .:_"'..J- :RECESSED MEETXNG Of C~1Y COMMlSsrON . 'JANUARY 291973" , . , ' . . , ., , n i I I~ The City Conmission convened in recessed se'ssion at, the City Hall on Monday, January 29, 1973, 7: 30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Harris, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Underwood and Stanley. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Way was out of the city on busi~ ness. Mayor Harris presented a. letter dated January 26, 197,3, :l!romMr. M. C. Caldwell, 6434 Belmont, tendering his resigIlation as a meIJlher 0:1: the Zoning and Planning Commission, stating that business pressures compel his resignation. :Mayor Harris advised that Mr. Caldwell had earlier discussed this with him and requested that he not be considered ror re~appointment to the Zoning and Plamri.ng Conunission. , . Motion by Commissioner Underwood, secona<H by eoimnissioner Binig, that the re-, signation of Mr. M. C. Caldwell, as a member of the Zoning and Planning Commission, be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 994 appointing Roland E. Dahlin, E.. Gene Hines, O. C. Bartholomew, W. Peter Lipscomb, and H. Allen Weatherby, as members of the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place, was presented to the Commission and read in full: ----. ~.; AN ORDINANCE ~POINTING ROlAND E. rwn.IN, E.. GENE. HINES, O. C.. BARTIiOLOMEW, W. PE1ER LIPSCOMB, AND H. ALLEN WEATHERBY AS MEMBERS OFlliE. ZONING AND PLANNING C(}.1MISSION OF TIlE CITY OF ' .. ~ST~UNlYERSrTY J)LACE ~ TEXAS. Ii ~ Motion by Cornmissioner Binig, seconded by Conmissioner Underwood, that Ordinance Number 994 appointing Roland E. Dahling, E. Gene Hine.s-;'0_~~, C. Bartholomew, W. Peter Lipscomb, and H. Allen Weatherby as members of the Zoning and Planning Commission, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Vot~g No: NOlle The City Manager was instructed to advise all members appointed to serve on the Zoning and Planning Commission to be present at the City Hall on M:>nday night, February 1, 1973, 7:00 p.m. in order to be administered the Oath of Office as required of public officials. Motion by Comndssioner Underwood, seconed by Comndssioner Stanley, that the Mayor and City Conunission send Mr. M. C. Caldwell and Mr. L. B. Bricker a letter of conmendation for their service to the city, Mr. L. B. Bricker for a period of nine years and Mr. M. C. Caldwell for a peri,od of two years. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Cornmissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the City Manager be instructed to look into the possibility of having a certificate or plaque, properly in~cribed, which would be in the fom of a commendation to all ;1 J II l : _J C':) CD -~ t.I.3 C4 Q n I I 'L~ /I l~: ~~T~"_I ,S,j'. I".. ~~;~ . , I the outgoing, members, of boards and committees ,tha t , would be, presented. at an appropriate t;i:me, and that the City Manager report: to tlle:Ci.ty Commission his findings at the next regUlar meeti~ 0f the City ComIIiission on February 12th. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A tabulation of bids received on January 22, 1973, and a letter of recommendation for purchase of certain automotive and tl'1J,ck equipment was presented to the Commission for their consideration: "January. 26, J973 Mr. Whitt Johnson Ci ty Manager City of West University Place Dear Mr. Johnson: Submitted herewith are some considerations and comparisons of the bids submitted on the 1973 trucks for the Street and Sanitation Departments: 1. The apparent low bici was received from McMahon Chevrolet on units for both departments. '!he trucks offered are much smaller than were speci- fied. This resulted in a low price but does not offer us the size truck that our past experience dictates we use. The trucks are tmder our minimtun specifications in these instances: A. Engine. We specified a diesel engine of at least 160 HP and a d~splacement of at least 500 cubic inches., M~on,Chevrolet offers a G.M.C. DH~78 diesel V-6, having 150 HPc'and 47fl' qwic inch displacement.. Available to _them was a D53 Detroit deisel which would have met our. requirements. . , . B. Rear AXle. We sPed.fied rear ax:les of 18,500 lbd.for the Sanitation Department and 17,500 lbs. for the Street Department. In both;;: instances these were reduced to 17,000 lbs. axles. These being the largest axles supplied by the manufacturer in combination with the small engine offered. C. Wheels. 7.5 iRch rims were specified. 7.0 inch rims are offered, being the largest available with the small axle offerred. Parts and service should be adequate as they. WQuld be available fr.om one of several dealers in our area. In my opinion, the~e trucks. are too light for semce.in either department, and would require large maintenance expenditures. Also, our normal load would exceed their maximtun gross vehicle weight and this would endanger or possibly void their warranty. 2. International Harvester Company submitted the lowest bid that meets all specifications. They offer a Model IH 1750 truck with a DV550 Internati0nal VB diesel engine having 160 HI' and 550 cu. in. displacement and all other re- L-~ - ,- - ::.l ~---------L' . j II '2tl' .11-- L....: . ~~- c:- -:-_1 ~ requirements,. such. as . axles,. spr~ngs, 'wheels,.. et~. are--equaled or exceeded. ." Illl~l This include-s'- tnick.$d~or both:odepartments. 'Parts: andseririce for these trucks ' are of some 'concern. ,This 'one company is the' only 'source of Slipply for parts. . Our past experience has been that International truck parts are not readily available, and are considerably higher in cost than comparable parts for Ford or Chevrolet trucks. . 3. All Ford dealers offered the F7000 series truck with a V175 (Caterpillar 1145) engine. This 160. hp, 522 cu. in. displacement V8 diesel engine was designed by Caterpillar Co. expressly for the F7000 truck. Both the truck ~d engine meet or exceed our specifications. The cammihed engineering capabilities of the Ford Motor Company and the Holtz Caterpillar Co. have produced a truck that is superior in stamina, stability and applied power to load ratio. .. ,This has' also resulted in a higher cost. The Ford dealer submitting the lowest bid on this truck for both departments is Joe Meyer Ford. ' Service and parts are avai1abe from any of several suppliers in our immediate area. 4. The three trucks offered and the dealer submitting the low bid on each are: Make Dealer Net Delivered Price Sani t.ation St.reet McMahon Chevrolet 4,496.26 5,946.26 International Harvester 5,619.41 6,020.44 :] Joe Myers Ford 6,359.42 6,419.64 Chevrolet International Ford 5. The International Truck is the low bid truck meeting all specifications, and is probably an excellent truck. However; the Ford with its lower maintenance cost and probably longer service life might offset its higher initial cost to the extent that it would prove to be the most economical of the two. Respectfully submitted, ls/A. L. Bearden Superintendet Street Department" Motion by Conmissioner Underwood, seconded by Connnissioner Stanley that on the basis that the total of all the seven (7) units proposed for purchase by the City Manager and Department Heads is within the budgeted amount, that the reconmendations of the City Manager dated January 26, 1973, be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 73...2, appointing Mr. Th.omas Clarke; as Prosecutor and Assistant City attorney of the City of West University Place, was presented to the Connnission and read in full: '\ J Ii' 1"Il! \""'1 /-Mr,~~ , " WHEREAS, Mr. O. Joseph Dami..an~ bas resigned as ProsecUtor and Assistant City Attorney of the City of West Universi.ty- Place,' effective February 1, 1973; and " . n LJ WHEREAS, Mr. Thomas Clarke, a practicing attorney residing in the City of West University Place, has been recOmmended fOT Stich p(;)sition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CI1Y COM\1ISSION OF THE CI1Y OF WEST UNIVER- SI'IY PLACE, TEXAS: " , Section 1. That Thomas Clarke is hereby appointed Assistant: City Attorney and. Prosecutor in the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place. Section 2. Said Assistant City Attorney shall receive as compensation for his duties the amounts heretofore provided for such position. ~ Section 3. 'Thomas Clarke shall serve in such capacity until December 31, 1973, ~ unless removed from such position during such period of time without cause by W action of the City Commission. ~ Q PASSED AND APPROVED this 29th day of January, 1973. 'W Connnissioners Voting Aye: All Connnissioners Voting No: None IsI Don Harris Mayor I l_J ATTEST: Isl Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary" Motion by Connnissioner Stanley, seconed by Connnissioner Binig, that Resolution Ntunber 73- 2 appointing Mr. Thomas Clarke as Prosecutor and Assistant City Attor- ney until December 31, 1973 be approved as'read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None II J ! I . L! City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that Fidelity Land and Trust Company had filed an appeal bond and he would keep the Connnission advised on all future developments with regard to the filinf of an appeal. Mr. Cockrell also stated that he had talked with members of the Alcoholic Beverage Connnission with regard to the suit filed by the BuImy Show Club and was preparing a brief for the Attorney Generlts office. The City Connnission was advised that Sanitary Engineer H. R. Duke had been re- quested to make a monthly inspection of the BUIUlY Show CLub and submit a written report of his findings. With no further business to come before the Connnission at this time, upon'motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adj ourn t 8: 40 PJ:m.~' ~ Ma .r ATTEST: ~ ~....-<.. Assis t City' cretary 216:, < <.. ~~ . . ... ~".' . '1"-- ~-~- .. on .J~~ . r ~.J ~ JlliGULAR MEETING, OF CI.,TY('G~SSION ''CEnRl1ARY,1219.73>' ' ',-", '..' - ~.. ',. . -, . " o . . The City Conmission con vend in ~eg4lar session at the' City Hall on Monday, February 12, 1973, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Harris, presiding: Commissioners Binig, Stanley, Underwood. and Way. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Harris. Ordinance Number 99~ was presented to the Connnission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 889 CREATING., A PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD, BY INCREASING THE MEM- BERS TIiEREOF :PROV~DING FOR '!HE APPOIN1MENT OF A CHAIRMAN OF SUaIBOARD; REPEALING ANi. PROVISION OF ORDINANCE ID. 889 IN CONFLICT HEREWI1H; AND PROVID- AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Connnissioner Underwood, seconedby Conmissioner Way, that Ordinance Number 995 amending Ordinance Number 889 to increase -the membership of the Parks and Recreation Board and to appoint a chainnan of such Board each calendar year, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ,]: Motion by Connnissioner Uhderwood, seconded by Conunissioner Way, that the following be appointed as members of the Parks and Recreation Board: Larry Ailett, 4221 Sunset Ramona Bomar, 2611 Carolina Way Mike Parks, 6427 Buffalo Speedway Charles McCord, 2917 Wroxton Carolyn Reynolds, 3001 Georg~town Earl Waddell, 2733 Fenwood Ann Wallin, 3311 Albans Voting Aye: All Voting No: None . Motion by Conmissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that Mr. Michael Parks be appointed to serve as chainnan of the Parks and Recreation Board for the year 1973.. ~'~~ Voting - Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Harris administered the Oath of Office to the following newly appointed mem- bers of the Parks and Recreation Boad: Larry Aillet, Raymona Bomar, Mike Parks, Charles McCord, CaJ;olyn Reynolds and .Ann Wallin. Dr. Earl- Waddell was ill and will be administered the oath at a later date. - Motion by Commissioner Stanley; seconded by Conmiss1nner Binig, that the following be appointed to serve as members of the ZOning Board of Adjustment: [-1 LJ (I I I \ ' '-- ~ ., CD (S'; t.;tJ ~ Q G ) L-..J r: l_1 ~ rn'l'j.'''J4~ .~~~f ~_ .~~ PlllipA. Dunn, 3403 Nott~hain Richard ail ton, 5844 Atiden' Monroe Jahns; 63l9Vandetbilt Bob R. Jolmson, 3514 Albails Richard S. Wilkins, 2627 Talbot Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Harris administered the Oath of Office to the following .newly.appointed mem- bers of the Zoning Board of Adjustment: Philip A. Dunn, Monroe Jalms,BobR. Jolmson and Richard 5. Wilkins. Mr. Richard Hilton was Out of the city and will be administered the Oath at a later date. In accordance with previouS action of the City Connnission bids received for furnishing all labor, materials and equipment and perfonning 'all work for the construction and installatIon. of a sprinkler system in Judson Park were opened and results announced as follows: Landsc.~pe Sprinkler Systems, Inc. Conway Sprinkler Systems, Inc. 3,947.00 3,351.00 . ., ' Motion by Cornmissi~ner W~y, seconded by ~onnnissioner Bini~, that the bid sul;>mi~ted by Conway Hall Spr~nkler Company, Inc." m the amount of $3,351.00 for furmshing all labor, materials and equipinent and perfonning all work required for the con- struction and installation of a sprinkler system in Judson Park be accepted. Voting Aye: . All Voting No: None A letter dated January 30, 1973, from Mr. H. G. HOwze, Manager, Realty and Buildings, Houston Natural Gas Corporation, requesting that the City of West University Place grant a pennanent easement of ~ell 1St O'i of the western most dead end of Corondo Court where it ad,.ofus the eastern most' line of Harris County Flood Control District t sPoor FaDnDDi ti::h for' relocation of a district regulator station, was presented for consideration. ' , MOtion by Comnissioner Underwood, seconded by Connnissioner Binig, that the re- quest from Houston Natural Gas Corporation for a pennanent easement or sale of 15' 0" of the western most dead end of Corondo Court where it adjoins the eastern most line of Harris County Flood Control District's Poor Fann Ditch, be denied. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A llJ!lP prepared by Houston Lighting & Power Company showing the proposed lo~:tion for thirty-three (33) ornamental street lights in accordance with previoU5.v" action of the City Connnission, was presented for consideration. . Commissioner Underwood requested that the location of Light No. 553 shown on Pemberton be checked to dete,nninethat it is not too close to an existing light. Motion by Connnissioner Binig','seconed by Conmissioner Underwood, that the sketch prepared by Houston Light & :Power Company showing the location for thirty-three (33) ornamental street lighisin accordance with previous action of the City Commission, be approved. " . ., Voting Aye: All Voting No: None r':.... = -----------L' ., i"1-~_ _Ii >Zts" ~ ~ ," .~~. ~. . ~.- " , -.. ~ .... JI ~-- .: . .J b:-;"" -"-1 The COJIJIIdsston was advtsed, that. a .recoJIJIlendation ';!;orpurchas,e',o;f a First. Aid Unit mll be,'delayed until;furtnerinformation '1ms::oeen,ob,ta.tned to assure i?ur~ chase of the unit best suited' fo 'the needs' of the' City'. , .' Ii ~ Estimate No. 4 tn the amount of $17,047.60, prepared by' Berilard Johnson, Inc. for funding to Lem Construction COIIiJ?any, for work perfonned and materials supplii:ed on the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift station and lines for the period January 1, 1973 to January 31, 1973 was presented to the Connnission for consideration, to- . getherwith a schedUlesl10Wing that to date Lem Construction Company bad been paid a total of $65,507.45 with a retainage of $6,838.80, of the total contract prtce 'of $121,916.00. ' Motion by Conunission Way, seconded by Conunissioner Stanley, that Estimate No.4 in the amount of $17 ,Q47 .60 prepared by Bernard Jolmson, Inc.. for funding to Lem Construction Company,,' for work per. fomed and materials supplied on the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift station and lines for the period January 1, 1973 to January 31, 1973, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No:' None A letter dated February 12, 1973, from Mr. Michael L. Ilse, Landscape Architect on the Judson Park development, was presented to the Conunission. Mr. Ilse stated that tWo items remain to be corrected by Trees of Houston prioer to acceptance of the project. One, finish grading which should be completed within ten days and two, replacement of a tree at one corner of thetemrls court. :Mr. rIse re- commended payment to Trees of Houston the sum of $4,716.55, withholding 15% or 0 $833.00 pending CoiIIpletion of the two i terns. Mr. Ilse further reconunended that ~ all landscape development work should be completed prior to issuance of a work order for installation of a sprinkler system: .' .. Motion by Conmissioner Way, seconded by'Connnissioner Stanley, that the reconunenda- tion of Mr. Michael Ilse be accepted and Trees 'of Houston paid $4,716.55 with- . holding 15% or $833.00 pending completion of the project. Voting Aye: .All Voting No: None Motion by Comniissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the City . Manager be instructed 'to contact :Mr ~ . Ilse and if the work is 'not complete within ten days, under normal weather conditions, instruct Mr. Ilseto use the remaining 15% or $833.00 to employ another contract to complete the work pursuant to the provisions of the contract. / . ---. , Voting Aye: ' All Voting No:' None In accordance with previous instructions 0:( the City Conunission estimates for seeding areas of Judson Park to bennuda grass and spot sodding of St. Augustine grass wetepresented'. Bennuda: 'grass seeding would costa total of $258.00 as com- pared 'with a cost of $992.00 for spot sodding St. Augustine grasss~ Action on seeding or sodding Judson Park was deferred until the next regular meeting of the City Conmission on Monday , FEbruary 26th at which time i:t is hoped that the sprinkler' system installation will be complete. ' o (' I I L < j I') CJ) en t:L1 ~ Q r I "- ~ n u L.---. %."J'~"" ,w;" ';. ':, H . l I.' '-~i.. ; ~ Ordinance Number 995 was presented to the ,Co_ssi~n and read infu11. . .. .' . . ~tion by COll1Il\issione'r Way, 'seconded by Commissioner UnderWood, 'that action on, Ordinance No. 995 amending the city1sbicycle ordinance ,be, tabled tmtil the . next regular meeting of 'the' City Commission and the' fOllowing be researched prior to that time: " . , 1) Exactly what procedUre will be followed in licensing bicycles, i.e. affising 'license to bicycle ~ '., ' . ' 2) Suggest that licensing of bicycles could be a joint function of the Fire Department and Police Department. . 3) Ordinance as recommended, subject to approval, to include outline of procedural steps to be followed. 4) Bi-annual registration. S) 6) Have additional bicycle information leaflets printed. Prepare copies of original ordinance to be submitted with amending ordinance." ., " Voting Aye: All, ~ Voting No: None Minutes of . the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planrting Connnission on Tuesday, February 8, 1973, were presented to the Connnission for their infonnati0n. A letter dated February 12, 1973 from Chief of Police Harold Shipp advised the Conunission that all members of the Police Department are aware that service trucks operating within the city are required to have identification' and several have been told they cannot perfonn any work in the city without proper truck identi- fication. A letter dated February 9';'-1973, from Sanitary Engineer H. R. Duke stated that an inspection was made of the Bunnie Show Club on Thursday, February 8,1973, and that only one reconunendation was made following such inspection. The Conmis- sion was advised that similiar inspections had been made on January 15, 1973, September 1, 1972 and May 12, 1972, with all violations being corrected. The City Commission was advised that the first letter advising residents-that the city will begin its program of curbside pickup of recyclalbe materials had been mailed on February 9th, with the second letter to be mailed on February 16th, and the last letter to be mailed on February 22nd. A letter dated February 12, 1973 from City Manager Whitt Johnson advised the Commission of various methods to be used by members of the West University Police Association to advertise "Operation Identification" in order to obtain wider participation in the program by residents of the city. Connnissioner Underwood and Conunissioner Stanley commended the program planned for "Operation Identificationtf. .-;~ I :.- -- ---:1 If ru - j" .-1...... _ ~'tJ';' , ,,-:' . ," ~'1 - '-~ .... ."'." 11.---- L,_ .: oj... . _.....J The Comnission waS advised that Academy -5tl'eet at Bellai're Boulevard has now been opened and more par1<.i:ng spaces made available to employees ,of the South- western Bell Telephone Company. ' .' -. '- cOnmUssioner Underwood stated that he had made an inspection of the commercial property at Edloe and Univeristy and that in hlis opinion, much remains' to be done' in order for the property to be cleaned. It was s.uggested that the City ~ger Assistant City Manager and City Attorney'meet with the prope:rty owners and pre..; vail upon their sense of good judgment to keeping-the' property clean.. , . COnmUssioner Stanley: was advised thatn9, ';f-Ui-th~~- infonnation' had been secured from the Recy;cling Center volunteers wi th - regard- to providing funds for the' erection of new. c()ncrete benches in, the garde~.betWeen 'the 'Connnunity Bui.1di.ng and Library Building. " The Connnission was advised that the Fire Marshall had forwarded a second notice to the owner of the property located at 6618 Sewanee advising that legal action will be taken by the City unless the pretni~es are cleaned be;fore February 21, , 1973. ,. , .. , ." " Minutes of the. regular meeting on January' 22nd and the recessed me~ting on, Janu- ary 29 ~ 1973, of the City Connnission, were presented for consideration and the following action ~en: Moti()n by Comnissioner Way, seconded by Comniissioner Underwood, that mmutes'of the. regular meeting of the City COnmUssion on January 22, 1973 and the recessed meetmg on January.?,9; 1973, be a,pproved as submitted. Voting Aye: All ' Voting No: None With no further business to~ome befor~, the - CO!IDDis s ion , at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and catTl,ed, the meetirl.g adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Q~~ A'ITEST: ~~ Assl.s t City Secretary ;l u ~J J n L~ ~ (J:) a-; w o Q n l_i .. n ; I l__! r"'--'~ Ilk, I /j,ilM. ~ ~ MEETLNG Of CIIT ,CQ.1M!SSLON , 'FEl3RUARY26:' '1973," '- '.' , , ' Th.e ct ty Commisston convend in ~egU1a:r session at theCtty. Hall on Monday, Februa:ry 26, 1973, 7: 30 p.m., with the follo~ members present: Mayor Harris presiding; Commissioners Binig, Stanley' and Way. '!he' City Attorney and City ~gerwerealso present. Commissioner Und~rWobd was out of the city on busin~ ness. The Invocation was pronounced Iby Commissioner Stanley. Mayor Harris advised the residents inatten<ilance that the City Corranission would take no action with regard to any zoning or rezoning until the Zoning and Planning Commission had completed its public hearings and study, and then submitted to the City Commission its recommenda,tion regarding any changes in the present zoning of the city. ' . Mr. George Elwood, 2737 Cason, asked if the public hearings being held by 1heZoning and Planning Commission were over. Mayor Harris advised that the Zoning and ' Planning Corrimission had not suhmitted a report to the City Commission and that it was his belief that more public hearings would be held for consideration of other peripheral property and that the Zoning and Planning Commission would then submit a consolidated report. Mr. 1. W. Adams, 2725 Cason,asked if there were any laws 10 prohibit campers and mobile homes being parked in front of homes. Mr. Cockrell .advised that we have an ordinance which provide's that parking of mobile homes and capers is legal as long as they are parked on an improved driveway. Mr. Adams stated that it was his belief that they should not be penni tted in front of the front building lines. Mr. Tom Alston, 3402 Tang~ey, advised the Corranission that he was originally in favor of State Constitutional Amendment Noc. 6 pennitting cities to grant a $3,000.00 homestead exemption to citizens sixty-five years of age or over and had given consideration to securing signatures on a petition to call an election. Mr. Alston further stated that 'after learning that passage rf. such homestead exemption would increase all city taxes he was not in favor of the exemption. Mr. Alston, in answer to questions by Mayor Harris, stated that he was 76 years of age and had resided in West University for 37 years. Mayor Harris advised Mr. Alston that the City Corranission studied this question at some length before a decision was made and that the Commission had taken action it believed to be in the best interest of the entire city. Mr. Dieter Ufer, chief engineer, Bayshore Engineers, Inc. presented plans and specifications prepared by his finn for the rehabili ta.tion of the Wakeforest water plant. Mr. Ufer reviewed the existing equipment that would be re-installed upon completion of the new control housing and equipment that it would be necessary to replace. Following a discussion with regard to a timetable for the work to be performed, the Corranission was advised that tinless bids were received during the month of March any action should be deferred until fall in order for the well to be operational during peak production periods inasmuch as the Wakeforest system was used as a stand-by unit for the main city water plant. Motion by Corranissioner Binig, seconded by Corranissioner Stanley, that the City r --, ,-- j' ..-, Ilr ~'o _4L.~.. ~:. CoJllllli.ssi.-Cln accept Project No.031~(}1,..7Z,plans and specifications, for the rehabilitation of fue Wakeforest water plant as prepared and submitted by Eayshore Engineeripg, lnc.. ,. Voting Aye:' All I) , I '----.J Voting No: None Motion by Connnissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner. Way, that the City Manager be instructed ot advertise for bids for the rehabilitation of the Wake- forest water plant, withsucll. bids to be received by the City Connnission in a recessed meeting on March 19, 1973. ' Voting Aye1 All Voti.ng No: None In accordance with action taken by the City Conunission on November 13, 1972, approving a proposal for engineering services by BayshoreEngineers, Inc. in cOIUlection with the relJabilitation of the Wakeforest water plant, an invoice in . the amount of $2,120.00 was present~d.to the Commission. Motion by CoIIDnissioner Binig, seconded,by Connnissioner Stanley, that the invoice in the amount of $2,120.00 for engineering services'for the new control and chlorination building at the Wakeforest water plant by Bayshore Engineer~, Inc., be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None .An invoice in the amotmt of $87.50 for ythe balance of the fee to be paid Vernon :"'1 Henry & Associates for the landscape development QfJudson Park and an invoice I in the amount of $143.15 for reimbursable eXpenses for prints, reporductions and I mileage, at Carnegie-Wakeforest Park, were presented to the Connnission for considera- LJ tion. Motion by CoIIDnissioner Way, seconded ,by Cominissioner Binig, that invoices totaling $230.65, submitted by Vernon Henry & Associates in cOIUlection with the landscape development of Judson and Carnegie~Wakeforest parks, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Conmissioner Way, seconded by Connnissioner8Stanley, that the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the city's PersoIUlel Board: ' Mr. J. C. Morton, 3103 Georgetown Mr. Joseph Bracewell, 3609 Plumb Mr. H. L. Britton, 3609 Albans Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayer Harris administered the oath of Office to Mr. J. C. Morton, Mr. Joseph Bracewell and Mr. H. L. Britton as members of the city's Personnel BoCird. City Manager Whitt Johnson reported to the Commission that the first day's operation of the city's curbside pickup of recyclable materials had been well received by residents and had been covered by two local television stations as well as the Houston Post, HoUston Chromcle and the Southwestern Argus. o Ii I I 'L I .J ~ to en UJ ~ Q fI I . l_~ G I : L: :,,~.-. ....x. .':L-' ,i ~ .... .', " . . , . Minutes of tl:le publj.cn~a~~llg~neld .oy. the Zon~and rl~ng COnm.Ussion in recessed.'sesstons' on Febriw.'ry'.l3th.andFebrua:ry 20th~wei'e presented to the CQ1IJ11}is's!on' for.'their Wonnation~ .- - Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on Monday , February 19th were presented to the Comndss ion for ther.:~infonna tion.' . , . Resolution Number 73".,3 de~ignatingMr. Win. Dittert, Jr., City Treasurer, ,as the proper official to receive imd disburse funds received' from REvenue Sharing was presented to the Commission and read in full: . WHEREAS, it is necessary that the City of West University Place furnish to the Secretary of the Treasury certain assurances concerning Public Law 92-512 known . as Revenue Sharing; and . WHEREAS, such assurances are incorporated in From #3227, Office of the Secretary of the Treasury; and WHEREAS, it is required that Fonn3226, Office of the Secretary of the, Treasury, be executed by an official duly designated bylaw by the duly elected governing body of the City. . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CCM-ITSSION OF THE CIlY OF WEST UNIVER- SI1Y PIACE, TEXAS: " Section 1. That William Dittert, Jr., City Treasurer of the City of West Univer- . si ty Place, Texas, is hereby designated as the proper official to make the assurances required by the aforesaid Fonn #3227 to the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury in behalf of the City. Section 2. That said William Dittert, Jr. is authorized and directed to execute, in behalf of the City, Department of the. Treasury From #3226. PASSED AND APPROVED this 26th day of February, 1973. CommissiGners Voting Aye: . All Conmissioners votirig No: None Isl Don E. Harris Mayor ATTEST: Is/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Conmissioner Way, seconded by Conmissioner Binig, that Resolution Number 73-3 designating City Treasurer WIn. Dittert, Jr., as. the proper official to re- ceive and disburse funds received from Revenue Sharing, be approved as read. Ordinance Ntunber 996 amending the Code of Ordinances to provide a late registration fee for registration of bl,lcycles, repealing a provision requiring inspection of bicycles and increasing.~ licensing period for bicycles from one to two years, was presented to the Conmission for consideration: . ~~. -, 'r- -1- 2!1 ~-_..'. .__.._~ T~' "::...:::;...::I MQtionby Commissioner Stanley , seconded'"ot COJlJlllissioner - Way , ,that, - , Ordinance NUmbei', 990 Qe', amerlded' to': ~e 'the'reglstration,perio4 for bicycles, to, - n January 1st thro:ugh:Ma:rch. 31st and approved subject' to: the amendment., ' ' U FOllowing a 'general discussion with regard to'itemS not included in the crdi- Rance; 'the ':feasibility of reniOving 'the provisions for reqUiring inspection of bicycles; and coordination ofth'e Police and Fire Departments, the following action was . taken:' , Motion by Commissioner. Way, secbndedby Commissioner Binig, that further action on Ordinance NLunber 996 be tabled and the City Manager referred to the minutes of the City Commission meeting ofF.ebruary 12, 19-73; and submit a report to the City Commissioner'. prior to further. action with regard to the bicycle ordinance.' Voting Aye: Commissioner Way Voting No: Conmissioner Stanley Commissioner Binig The Commissioner was advised that a request had been received from Michael Wer- ner of Howard's Concession for a Lease Agreement for the operation of the swim- ming pool concession for ,the 1973- pool' season. City Attorney Charles Cockrell reviewed the agreement and stated that it was the same agreement used heretofore and was designed to protect the city. Motion by COJIlRissioner Way, secended by Commissioner ~ey, that the City Commission accept a contract with Howard Concessions for operation of the swimming pool concession for the 1973 swinnning pool season and the Mayor authorized to execute the Lease Agreement. Votin Aye: All Voting No: None ] Assistant City Manager Dan Edwards advised the Conunission that the property at 66l8SSewanee had been cleaned in compliance with a final notice by the Fire Department and was now in confonnance with city code requirements. The Conmission was advised that members of the Recycling Conuni ttee had ordered new concrete benches to be placed in the garden between the Library and Commu- ni ty Building and such benches would be paid for from funds received from the sale of recyclable materials. A sample of a certificate of appreciation to be used for presentation to for- mer board and conmittee members was presented to the Commission. All Commission members approved the sketch submitted and instructed the City Manager to order 200 certificates. Commissioner Binig requested that the Commission be furnished anticipated opening dates for the Swimming Pool at its next regular meeting. The Commission was advised that the 125 hp booster pump at the Wakeforest water plant had been taken to Layne Texas Company to be cleaned and checked and the electric motor had' been taken to an electrical contractor. A Resolution for the appropriation of budgeted funds will be presented' to, the Commission fot consideration subsequent to the receipt of invoices for the work perfol!llled. :l LJ if1 \ i 'l I c ) ~ ~ en ~ Q ~ I' '---- I' l~__' ''J., rJ"v.;,.~, /it,.., .t.J. ltA,,;, The Con:mi.SS!QU was adv!sed that . the. installation ,of street ~ights approved by. ~e ~i~,C~ssion was pTocee~'without pr~blems.'.. .- Tb..e Commission was advised' that work had been halted' on Garnegie-Wakeforest Park due t6 all the Tain, 'and that the Girl Scouts had agreed to seed Judson ~. ' Commissioner Stanley advised th.e Conunission that he' bad obtiljned infonnatlou unknown by City ~ager'-Whitt JohnSon and his staff, and he would like other members of the Commission to know 'that Mr . Johnson had been reappointed as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Texas Municipal Retirement System for a period of six years, such appointment being confinned by the Senate. First appointed as a member- of the 'IMRS' Board of Trustees on March 12, 1951 by Gov. Buford Jester t Mr. Johnson has been reappointed ror six year terms by Governor Allen Shivers, Governor Price Daniel, Governor John Cmll10lly and Governor Preston Smith. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Way, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare 'an appropriate Resolution-honoring€ity Manager Whitt JoImson for his service as a member of the Board of TRustees of the Texas Municipal REtirement System.' . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on M0nday, FEbruary 12, 197~, were presented to the Conmission -and the following action:-taken: ' Motion by Conunissioner Binig, seconed by Commissioner Way, that minutes of the regu- . lar meeting of the Ctiy Conmissioft on Joonday, February 12, 1973, be approved as submi tted. ,. Voting Aye: .All Voting No: None With no further business te come before the Commiss1.em at this time, upon motion, . duly made, seconded and carried, the meetin -- . ,urned at 9:l6-p.m. ATTEST: ilu~~ Asslstant Cl ty . ecretary . ;2ft .v ..- : ". . . \' .,~ 11- "I. .: ... ...:1....,--- t.. , ._ .~._ ,____ :. r REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COM4ISSION 'MARCfi 12, 1973' The City Commission convened in :r;:egularsession at the' City' Hali on Monday , March 12, 1973" 7:30- p.m., with the follo~memberspresent:. Mayor Harris, presiding; Commissioners Bipig, Stanley, UnderWobd and Way. The' City Attorney and City Manager were also present. . The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Underwood. The Commission was, advised that on February 12, 1973,' members had been appointed to serve on the Zoning Board of Adjustment, but noalterilate members were named. Motion by CoIIDnissioner Underwood, seconded by CoimnissionerBinig, that the follow- ing be appointed to serve as Alternate Members of the ZOning Board of Adjustment: r,: ... ': .'\ i I~ Mr. Mike Casey, 3115 Duke Mr. W. J. Wissel, 6412 Buffalo Voting Aye.: All Voting No: None Mayor Harris administered the Oath of Office to the following citizens appointed to serve on City Boards and Connnittees: Mr. Richard Hilton, 5844 Auden, Zoning Board of Adjustment Mr. Mike Casey, 3115 Duke, Zoning Board of ADj ustment (AI terna te) Mr. W. J. Wissel, 6412 13uffalo; Zoning Boardof ADjUStment (Alternate) Dr. Earl Waddell, 2733 Fenwood, Parks & Recreation Board ' Resolution Number 73-4 officially connnending City Manager Whitt Johnson for his more than twenty years leadership and faithful service to the Texas Muni- cipal REtirement Sustem was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West unviersity Place, Texas has been advised of the recent reappointment of City Manager Whitt F. Johnson to the ' . Board of Trustees of the Texas Municipar Retirement System; and ,-------- I I _J WHEREAS, Whitt F. Johnson has continuously served on such Board of Trustees since 1951~bY,v~:rctue'of successive-appointments by the last five (5) Governors of the State of Texas; and ' WHEREAS, in the. intervening twenty (20) years the System has brown from an institution whose principal assets were hopes and aspirations for service, to an organization now serving numberous Texas municipalities by providing re- tirement coverage for the more than forth thousand eIIg?loyee-members who work for thos municipalities; and having reserves and assets in excess of One Hundred Million Dollars dedicated to that purpose; and WHEREAS, the City Commission wishes to recognize the tmselfish service of Whitt F. Johnson to the Texas Municipal Retirement System since 1951. NOW, lHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CG1MISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: '. , , ' 'J Section 1 ~ Tha t City Manager whitt F. Johnson be, and he is hereby, officially . commended for his more than twenty (29) years leadership1 and faithful service to the Texas Municipal Retirement System and its employee-members. I: I l I ~ J ~ CD ~ t..t.J o Q II I I '--- . ~'~.Y' J-,_ 'M AJ~. e.,. Section 2 . That this commenda tiQn be spread- upon the ,Qf;ficial minutes of the Citr Commissiono! th.e' C~trofWest University Place,' and that a s,igned copy of - this - Resolution 'be delivered'~r the Maro~ to:Mr. Jonnsc>n as a tl'~bl!te tQ flisu'service, and a 'copy:be forwarded :to the D:lrector ,of the Texa:s MuniCl- . pal Retirement System. ' PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of March,. 1973,.' I sl Mary .A1m Binig, Commissioner I sl lillfus F. Stanley, Jr., COnunissioner , Isl Charles H. UnderWood, Conunissioner Isl Peter M. Way, Connnissioner IsI Don E. Harris, Mayor ATIEST: Isl Lee Lockard Assistant City' Secretary Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that Resolution Number 73-4 officially conunendiilg City Manager Whitt JoImson for' his more thaIi twenty years ..leadership and faithful servic:e to the Texas' Municipal Retirement System and congratulating3him upon his reappointment as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Texas Municipal Retirement System for a period of six years be approved as read. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Ntunber 73-5 authorizing payment, to Layne Texas Company in the amount of $375,93 for repairs made to the pump installed in water well nG>. 6, an<!l to Houston Annature Works, Inc. for repairs made to the 125 h.R. electric motor installed in water well no. 6, in the amount of $528.75, was presented to the, Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the booster pump and 125 h.p. electric -motor installed at the Wake- forest water plant have become worn and :iJ1-need of repair and maintenance; and WHEREAS, the City Comridssion approveda'reconunendation by the- Water Superinten- dent for removing the booster pump and 125 h.p. electric, motG>T ,-by..havin:g _them: i dismantled and repaired by Layne Texas Company and Houston Armature-Works, Inc; and WHEREAS, this work has been accomplished and. the . pump and electric motor, re- installed by city forces and are now operating 'in a satisfactory manner; and- WHEREAS, invoices have been received from Layne Texas Company il). the amount of $375.93 for charges of labor, equipment, and material necessary to repair the booster pump, and an invoice from Houston Annature Works, Inc. in: the amount of $528.74 for charges to furnish and instiHl bearings and four (4) heaters~clean,' varnish, bake and reassemble the 125 h.p.. electric motor ; said invoices total- ing $904.67; and I' WHEREAS, there was appropriated in the 1973 Budget from the Water Fund, $1,500.00 i to defray the expenses. for overhauling and reworking the booster pump and ' l ~I electric motor. ' r-' ~1 r I 1 'If ms"-".."-: , . :~. ~:: ~ .~ ..,! .~. ...... ~---.: -.._-~ 1:-: , . ::_..1 NOW, 'lliEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ,ay :roE C~1Y~OM4XSSrON O;F ,'Il:lE CJ;1Y 9F WEST UN1'17CDeT'TV DT A,CE 'T'C'VAll.'. "). - ~v~~,,~ fU"\ , .L~. \ ~I ~J That invoices', in the'amotint ,of $375,.93 payable'to:,~yne Texas Company and to the Houston ARmature Works, Inc. in the amount of $528'. 74:, be: approved for . payment. . PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of'March, 1973,.' Comnissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None I sl Don E. 'Harris ' Mayor ATTEST: I sl Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by CommissionerSStanley, that Resolution Number 73~5'authorizing payment of $375.93 to Layne Texas Company for repairs made to the pump installed in water' well no. 6 and to HOuston Annature Works, Inc, the sum of $528.74~ for repairs made to the 125 h.p. electric pump in- stalled in water well no. 6, be approved. . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Invoices submitted by Bernard Johnson, Inc, in the amount of $1,440.96 for e:g.gineering services on the Weslayan sanitary sewer project for the period December 4, through December 17, 1972 and in the amount of $325.67 'for engi- neering services on the waterworks project, were presEmted to the-Connnission for consideration.. . . ] Motion by Conunissioner Underwood, seconded by ConnnissionerStanley, that in- voices submitted by Bernard Jolmson, Inc. in theamOlmt of $1,440.9.6 for engi- neering services on. the Weslayan sanitary. sewer 'project for the period December, 4th through December 17, 1972 and in the amoUnt of $325.67 for engineering services on the waterworks improvement project for the period January 1 through January 28, 1973, ,be approved for payment. . . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None. An itemized statement in the amount of $1,274'.00 for legal serVices performed by City Attorney' Charles Cockrell during, the ,months of. October, November and December, was presented tothe Conunission for consideration. Motion by Connnissione:r -Binig, seconded by Connnissioner Way, that the statement in the amotmt of $1,274-.00, dated February 23, 1973; for legal services per- formed by 'City Attorney Charles Cockrell during the months' Cf October, November and December he approved for payment. . ' - Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ;1 U Authority was requestedfrOJn the City, Commission to advertise for bids for the annual chlorine requirements used at the water plant, swiimning pool and sanitary disposal plant. Motion by Connnissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Undenvood, that the Ii L J ~ t.J:) -0-; t:.I.J A Q (I I i L~ =1 q~~"'n"':~ MPM.Viid City Manager be, authoti~ed~, to ,adve'rtis~~ fo'll ,bids :eor the annual chlorine re~, _ quiremerits cons!stipg .of approximately 4Q,000 10s.:o;l; cblol'!ne in ton con..'-- tainersand 13,SClO Ibs>:of cb10rine in ISO Ib. :cylinders;<-~uch bids 'to be re~ ceived by the City Commission at its ~egii1ar_meeting on April 9, 1973,. Voting Aye: All Voting No:, None Authority was requested to advertise for annual street department materials for street repair, upkeep and lnaintenance estimated to, be' approximately 60,000 gallons of water soluble asphalt, 800. ,tons precoated rock asphalt coverstone, Grade 6~PE and 600 tons crushed limestone base materiaL Grade 2. The Conmis~ sion was advised that street department plans included. the complete resurfacing of the 4000 block ~f- Swarthmore which had been cut by the contractor installing, the Weslayan sanitary sewer lines.. In response to questions with regard to the one year guarantee by the project. contractor, in the event the city resurfaced the street, City Attorney Charles Cockrell stated that a release and acknowledgement~ signed by Lem Construction Company would be in order if such contractor would execute such doCtunent. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Connnissioner Stanley, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for 60,OOOga1lons water soluble asphalt, 800 tons precoated rock asphalt coverstone, Grade 6-PE, 600 tons crushed limestone bas material, Grade 2 andAOO' of 15" concrete pipe, with bids to be received by the City Commision at its regular meeting on Monday, April 9, 1973. Voting Aye: All Voting No:, None Specifications for a rotary lawn'mower for use at the sanitary.disposalplant,- for wh~ch $1,000.00 was appropriated in the 1973 budget, was presented, to the Conmission. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by,Conunissioner Binig, that the City . Manager; be authorized to advertize for bids. for _ a . Gravely, . or equal , riding lawn mower to be used for the express purpose of cutting grass at the sanitary disposal plant or other city property, with bids to be received at the April 9th meeting of the City Conmission. ' Motion J;>y Connnissioner Stanley, seconded by Connnissioner Binig, that inasmuch as there was some question with regard to, the ' feasibility of purchasing a lawn mower in the $1,000.00 price range, that further action be tabled until-the - next regular meeting of the City Comnission. . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None 'Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and' Planning Connnission on Tuesday, March 6, 1973, were presented to the Connnission for their infonnation. Connnissioner Underwood was advised that no infonnation had been received from the Houston Natural Gas Corporation with regard to the refusal of the City: Conmission to pennit erection of a gas regulator station on, city property at the dead end of Corondo Court. ' ',' . '~lJ"" . " :. - ~. !Ii >:< .... '. :)'I--r- - ~__.' .1 ,.:r-- r". ~ .~..._.__.___=_.l City. Attorney Charles'.-.Coc1<rell-advised the Commlssien that th..e , date. for fili.ng -------, a brief bY Fidelity'Land& Trust. Company hadbeeif extended: lIDtil March :27th 'and ,J' I that if a brief had not be'. filed', at that time he' -WOUld ,file a motion for'dis- missaL Mr. Cockrell further. advised that he' had prepared' and filed a brief in cOIUlection with the. suit filed by Robert Hewlett against the Texas Alcoholic Eeverag Connnission and such fil~ had been duly noted by the Texas CoUrt of Civil Appeals. . A letter dated March 12, 1973 from the City Manager was presented to the Connnis- sion outlining the actions taken by the Connnisslon at previous meetings with. regard to amending the city's bicycle ordinance as well as recommendations of the Chief of Police with regard to bicycle registration. In sunnnary, the follow- ing were submitted for amending "the original bicycle ordinance: 1) Delete the inspection of bicycles. 2) Change the date of licensing to read January 2nd through March 31st. 3) Biermial registration. 4) .An additional sum of $2.00 penalty for late registration after March 31st. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Conunissioner Binig, that the City Attorney draft an amendment to the existing bicycle ordinartce in accordance with the letter from the City Manager of Mirch 12, 1973. . Veting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 73-6 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, by Resolution 72-4, dated January 24, 1972, the City Commission created a Safety and Accident Review Board; and WHEREAS,: pursuant to its authority, the City Commission appointed two citizens to serve as members of the Board and city employees for the years 1972 and 1973; and '\ J WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Connnission to enlarge. the membership of the Safety and Accident Review Board by appointing three citizens and reappointing four city employees to serve during the year 1973; and WHEREAS, DeIUlY L.. Arnold, Assistant City Manager, did resign and Dan Edwards' was appointed Assistant City Manager. NOW, TIiEREFORE, BE IT. RESOLVED BY '!HE CI'lY COM>1ISSION OF 'llIE CITY OF WEST UNlVER- SI'lY PlACE, TEXAS; '. . Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Safety and Accident Review Board during the balance of the year 1973, as set forth hereinafter: Mr. R. J. Eubank, 3729 Sunset Mr. James K. Skipton, 3502 Rice Boulevard Mr. Carlton Tibbitt, 6532Weslayan Dan C., Edwards, Assistant City Manager ,-' ;,:- Chief Harold',E. ::-Shipp~,~Police:Chief Mr. H. L. Vauglm, Water Superintendent Mr. H. R. Duke, Sanitary Engineer 1 : I LJ [1 tn (J:) (]'; w ~ ~ Il I II 11 !..:l<I,<,;' fJj-!\:J-" .l:A: Section Z... ' That thepe~sons her~bY: appointed to, this Roa1.'d,sball,sey~. without, cOJJJpeitsatiori~ " .' " ' , , ' . '. . ",. Section 3. That the perstmS hereby appointed to this Board shall serVe for the period, des:lgnated aboVe, '. and thetejafteruntil th.e' appoiI1tm~nt and qualification of the~r successors. . , PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of March., 1973,. j , Conunissioners . Voting Aye: All Cbmmissioners Voting No: None Isl Don,E. ~rris ' Mayor ATIEST: I sf Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Voting Aye: . All I Voting No: None A Stmlll1ary of the first week of thel citywide curbside pi<:ku~ of recyclable materials' indicated that 35,356 pounds of paper had been picked up~as well as 4,000 pounds of tin and bi-metal; approximatel~ 4,000 ~ounds of clear glass~ app:oximately 3,500 pounds of colored glass; an~ approx:unately 100 pOlUlds of alununtnn. It was thec?ncne7us of the Commission thalt addi tio:nal public~ ~ in Qrder to renew "en - . thus~asm m the program wasmeded, and that such publlCl.ty be of such nature as to attract the attention ofdtizens. It was also suggested that members of the Recycling Connnittee be requested tp give a report on their~valuation of the. , citywide program, to the City Commission at its regular meeting on March 26th. The Connnission was advised that clre:i:1JtlY Houston Dispo~al Service, is being used, . t() provide containers and haulin~ services for recyclable materials at a cast of $35.00 rental per container ,aI.1d $6P,00 ~er haul W;th a minimum of two hauls p~r month, and that a representatl.ve ojf McKinnon. Servl.ces, Inc. ,haq. sta:ted that his company would perforlt the same seryicefor a container rental of $40.00 per month and $55.00 per haul charge, but woUld not reqmre a minimum number of hauls, thereby. saving the city money if only one or possibly no hauls were required during a one month .period. ' . _,' I Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seC0nded by Commissioner Binig,that the City Mana- be requested. to l}egotia te with. McK1i.nno:p Services" l:p.c. re11:ardiru! theirproposa.1 to furnish conta~ner:s and ba~l:mg :?e.rvl.ce-ror th.~.~l.tltS-:1'_~cy~lrng program. .~~"; -... . . -~ -. -:-. . ---. -- - -"---. . - - - _ 60 ""'- VotIng Aye: A; ; I Voting No: :, N~ne , Mayor Harris read a letter received_from the Texas.Soci~ty for the Prevention of Blindness, Inc., stating that Cl:1 glaucoma screenmg ~ll be hel~ on Mon~y, April 23, 1973, 7: 00 p.m'- to 9: 00 p.m. at the Burkett-Miller AmerJ.c~ Le~l.on Hall 5505 Kelvin Drive with the help and assistance of the West Universl.ty Lio~ Club. Mayor Harris stated that it was his opinion that this was a worth- while program and that iw ould be in order f~r the. Heal th Depa:tn).ent to look into it and if they felt the pr,o~rF approprl.ate tha~ theyadvJ.se the Texas Society for th.e Prevention of Bll.nClness, Inc. of thel.r approval. r---:-- --~"'1 ~Il __~r' - ...- ",--1 ~~ 'J ...... "'= ---s;: ... . .. ... .._.:::::r--- ~- .:; z Conmissicmer, aiD:ig was advised'. that ,~ffortswei'ebejpgmade to'employpersonnel ,--']. for the' Operation.of the' s~ pool'during the' 1973~season 'and subseqUeIitly opening dates' COuld be, announced. ' , Connnissioner UnderWood waS advised that a meeting had been' held' at Judson Park with Mr~ Jack 5waze of TTees, Inc., Mr. Mike Ilse:,' landscape architect with Vernon'Henry & Associates~Mr. Ii. L. Bearden, Street' Superintendent and the City Manager to review the remaining work to be performed' in the landscape develop- ment of the park and all items should be completed this week. ' COnuRissioner Underwood was also advised that Mr. Jack Kamrath of Termis Planning Consul tants had been requested to look at the tenirls courts in Sunset Park after flooding to detnnine if there are low places that should be corrected. Following a discussion with regard to accUllUllation of trash behind the businesses located in the 6200 block of Edloe, City Attorney Charles Cockrell was instructed to investigate the trash aspect of the city's garbage and trash ordinance no. 774, to detennine legal means ,by which tenants can be compelled to keep the area neat. Conunissioner Stanley was advised that CanaryMini~Cab does not have a franchise to operate on West University. . Conunissioner Binig was advised that the Girl Scouts will seed Judson Park upon completion of the installation of the sprinkler system. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City' COmniission -on-Monday, February 26, :J 1973, were presented to theConunission' for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Connnissioner Stanley, that minutes ef the regular meeting of the City Conunission on Monday , February 26, 1973 be approved as submitted. With ne further business to ,come before the Conunissionat this time, upon motion duly made,- seconded and carried the meeting adjourned until 7: 30 ,p .m., M:>nday, March 19th. ' ' (;1 ~' yor ',i1:., . ATTEST: As~~~ / J . . ~ 4~~i~;'~ . [i .'1, ',-!ii;' - > ..J.~.'~~ RECESSED MEETING OF CI'IY CQv1MISSION MARCH 19, 1973- ' 1he City, Conmission convened'in -recessed session at the' City.~ Hall on Monday, . March 19, ,1973" 7:'30. p.m. , ~th: the fOllowi:ng members present: ~ Mayor Harris, ..' presiding; Commissioners Bin:ig, Stanley, 'Underwood and Way. ,The' City Attorny and City Mariager wer~ also present.. '-.. . In accordance with previous action of the City Commission bids received for the rehabilitation of the Wakef9restwater. plant were opened and results amlounced- as follows: Contractor Base Bid Alternate Days Comex Corporation 19,900.00 1,300.00 80 Marxen & Son, Inc. 26,500.00 800.00 35 C') Nunn & Shumway Constr. 28,478.00 1,200.00 100 CD O'Meara Construction 45,990.00 1,000.00 98 cr;, t.IJ Paisan Construction 27,470.00 1,325.00 70 ~ G. G. Ross, Inc. 20,000.00 1,200.00 45 Q Lee Rowe Construction ' 26,963.00 1,586.00 100 Shennan -Stuart Corp. 19,879.00 1,397.00 100 ~ I I :,' t,: - . [1 :.':~.~;:r,.:, ... Motion by Commissioner Underweod,seconded by Commissioner Way. that the bids received for the rehabilitation of the Wakeforest water plant be referred to the City l\1anager and Dieter Ufer, Project Engineer, Bayshore Engineers, Inc., for. review and tabulation, and _that ~. investigation be J!l3.de regarding performance record ah(ifoonding ~abiJ.itY _of:: the~--<tliT:e:e;;;apparent low bidders ,with the recom-, mendation to be returned to the City Connnissionat its regular meeting on March 26, 1973. · Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Estimate ~per 5, pl'eparedby Bernard Johnson, Inc. for materials. supplied and work perfonned by Lem Construction Company on the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift plant for the period February 1, 1973 to February 28, 1973, in the amount of $2,637 .00, wa~ presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Connnissioner Sta;n1ey,. sec~:>n~d by Commissioner Binig, that EStimate Number 5, irl the amoUIit of $2,637.00, covering work perfonned and materials supplied for the period February 1, 1973 to February 28, 1973, as prepared by Bernrad Johnson, Inc. for funding to Lem Construction Company, be approved for payment. Motion amended by Connnissioner Underwood, seconeed by Connnissioner Stanley j that the City Manager b authorized to infonn Bernard Jolmson to check the provisions of the contract in relation to the totla number of unexpired days left on the con~ tract; estimated cost to complete the project, based upon the lIDcompleted portion; and submit such report to the City Commission at its next regular meeting on March 26, 197~~;. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of meetings held bY the Parks and Recreation Board were presented to the Conunission for their infonnation. ~ , . .~ '29"A-- -..' ~..~~~ '_';:\~Jt' . . JI.---- - --.: . I ..:7-- :I:"__._ _._ __._ ____-:-_:_"1 A rec<lllllllel1dation. was I're~ented~ t~ the C<lmni~sicm: ;(orMr. J.ji~l " . J :Use, 'landscape architect)., adrlsmg that he had lIJB.de ~ f;mal 51 te., mspectlLon . _ of the Judson Park landscape, develOpment andit was, his apinion'that the' project. should be accepted as complete and Tress of Houston, Inc.' be: paid the'remaining 15% or $833.00 due on their contract. . Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner UnderWood, that the reconimendation of Mr. Michael Ilse be accepted and that the <:i ty accept the park project as complete and approve for payment to Trees of Houston the remaining $833.00 due on the contract. . - Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Certificates of appreciation prepared in accqrdance with instructions of the City Commission were presented to the Comnission for consideration. Assistant City Manager Dan Edwards was complimented on theproject and requested to investigate the use of sui table instant lettering to be ised to insert recipien,' s . name on the certificate. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, March 12, 1973 were presented to the Conmdssion for their consideration. Motion by Connnissioner STanley, seconded by ConmdssionerWay, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday , March 12, 1973, be approved subject to correction showing that the invocation was pronolmcidby Conmissioner Underwood rather than Commissioner Stanley. . ~ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None I ~ . With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconde,d and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8: 25 p.m. ([Ar~ ATIEST: ~. ~OA-LJ Ass1.st t 1. ty ecretary . ---, I I : I L.-J [1 I') (J:) en ~ ~ ~ II r I '---- o REGULAR MEETING_OF CITY CCMMISSION MAROI 26, 1973 . lhe City Comnission convened in regular session at the City Hall oin M:>i'1day; March 26, 1973, 7:30 p.m~, with the-fOllowing members present: Mayor Harris; . presiding; COnDnissioners Binig, Stanley, Underwood and Way. lhe City Attor- I ney and City Manager were also present. lhe Invocation was prpnol.ll1ced by Mayor Harris. Mr. Dieter Ufer, Bayshore Engineers, Inc., proj ect engineer for the rehabili- tat ion of the Wakeforest water plant, presented his analysis of the three low bids received on March 19, 1973, together- with his reconunendation that the bid be awarded to G. G. Ross, Inc., on their bid of $20,000.00 for the construction of a new control and chlorination building, new electrical starter and rebuild:" ing of existing electrical equipment, with a total of 45 working days for com- pletion of the project. Mr. Ufer stated that he had disCussed the project with each of the three low bidders and only G. G. Ross, Inc stated that they did hot anticipate anY pro- blems with equipment delivery, with the exception of the new telenieterihg eq- uipment. G. G. Ross further stated if delivery of the eqlllpment presented a pro- blem he would install the existing telemetering equipment and reinoveit and in- stall the new equipment Upon arrival, at no extra cost- to the City. Ordinance: Ntmlber 996 was presented to the Conunission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING 1HAT ALL PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN COMPLETED AND ALL THINGS DONE PRE- REQUISITE TO EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR RRMODELING OF~"" THE WAKEFOREST WATER PLANT: AU1HORIZING 1-IE EMPLOYMENT OF BAYSHORE ENGINEERS, INC. 10 PREPARE PLAN.S AND SPECI ~ FICATIONS FOR THE REHABILITATION OF mE WAKEFOREST WATER PLANT; RECITINGlliE DATE TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR REHABILITA- TION OF. mE WAKEFOREST WATER PLANT; REFERRING BIDS RE- CEIVED 10 BAYSlDRE ENGINEERS, INC. AND, 1HE CITY MANAGER FOR TABUlATION AND RECCMMENDATION; APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDS IN ORDER 10 AWARD A CON'IRACT; APPROVE . AND ACCEPT 1HE CON1RACT, PERFORMANCE BOND .AND INSURANCE IN CONNECTION WIrn SAID IMPROVFMENTS; AWARD A CONTRACT 10 G. G. ROSS, 'INC., 96ll SPENCER HIGHWAY, PASADENA, TEXAS; AND AUTI-IORI ZING EXECUTION THEREOF BY. TIlE MAYOR - OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE" TEXAS. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Connnissioner Binig, that Ordinance Number,996 authorizing the emplo~ent of Bayshore Engineers, Inc. to prepare plans and specifications for the rel;1abilitcition Of the Wakeforest water plant, appropriating the necessary funds for the project and authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract with G. G. Ross, Inc., be approved as read. . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Chief of Police Harold Shipp appeared before the Connnission at the request of the City Manager and advised that he was concerned about the provision of rl' .~~{J~;... ,. .,,;\.. r.. ',~ t. " .J;.., ./" '~3~ " ~-~ _I _~ =, .....:::::.-7 , I Ordinance Number 973 which permitted. the removal of junked or abandoned vehicles from private property. Chief Shipp stated tha't it was his opinion that the city would be inviting problems by entering occupied premises for the purpose of re- moving a vehicle, but that thj.s provision of the ordinance worked quite well when the property was Vacant. ' n , I l~ Provisions of the ordinance covering the "notice to owner ", ''public hearing" and "penalty" were reviewed and Chief Shipp stated that it was his belief that the crdinance could be enforced withouT entering on occupied private property to remove a vehicle. It was the conclusion of the City Commission that if re- moving the vehicle was not-the best approach'in a certain circumstance the Police Department could enforce the ordinance by means of the provision declaring the violation of the ordinance to be a miscemeanore and' shll be liable to a fine of not more than: $200.00, upon conviction with each day's violation constituting a separate offense. A letter from City Manager Whitt Johnson, dated March 12, 1973, summarizing pre- . vious action of the City Conunission to amend the Bicycle Ordinance No. 969, to delete provisions for' bicycle inspectio; chaning the date of licensing to read January 2nd through March 31st; biennial registration,; anti! an additionalusum of $2.00 penalty for late registration after March 31st, -was reviewed and in accordance with previouse instructions of the City Commission, City Attorney Charles Cockrell presented Ordinance Number' 997 and read it in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF ARTICLE VII, CHAP'IER" 23, OF '!HE CODE OF ORDINANCES' OF THE CITI OF WEST UNIVERSIlY PLACE, TEXAS; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR lATE REGISTRATION; REPEALING PROVISION FOR INSPECTION; INCREASING LICENSING PERIOD FRa.1 ONE (1) TO '!WO (2) YEARS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE. II J Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that Ordinance Number 997 amending the Code of Ordinances to provide a penalty for late bicycle registration, replealing a provision for bicycle inspection and increasing the licensing period from one to two years, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Sgt. P. W. O'Shaughnessy was invited by the City Manager to appear at the meeting of the City Commission and review his twelve week attendance at the South- western Police Academy at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. Sgt. O'Shaugh- nessy stated that the faculty and general 'courses offered were outstanding and would be of great benefit to any supervisor attending. Mayor Harris congratulated Sgt. 0' Shaughnessy on his 98.7% average for the course and stated that on behalf of the ci tyand City CoIIDnission they were proud of his accomplishment. Following Sgt. 0' Shaugnessy' s presentation, the CoIIDnission discussed the program and the advisability of enrolling other interested Police Department personnel in the course each fall and winter and that persoIUlel should be advised through !I Chief 0f Police that the program will be available. ~ Resolution Number 73-7 was presented to the Commission for consideration. ./ ....-.'. D l') CD ~ ~ ~ ~ r I i '--- [ .. "" -;t', j;- '/ _f~t!P' ~~. WHEREAS, the PersoIUlel Board, upon the request of the City Connnission, has studied and reviewed the present Personnel Policies and Procedures covering payment of mused sick leave, and have deterinined' that Resolution Ntmlber 72~15 does not clearly define certain terms and is ambiguous in its content, and have reconnnended changes concerning the method of payment ,and _to establish a policy for city employees to be granted excused absence in lieu of cash payment. WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to adopt the recOIIDllendatiojs of the Per- sOIUlel Board to more clearly define payment of unused sick leave to qualified employees arid to establish a-policy for employees to be granted excused ab- sence in lieu of cash payment and find it necessary to repeal Resolution Number 72-15 heretofor adopted on this subject. ' NCM, 1HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY lHEcI1Y CCM4ISSION OF THE CI'IY OF WEST UNIVERSI'IY PALCE, TEXAS: . Section 1. That the paragraphs of SectioIl II dealing wi th "Attendance Records" and "Sick Leave" of the Personnel Policies and Procedures of the City of West Uni versi ty Place, Texas, approved by the City Commission on :March 28, 1966, are hereby amended and modified so that thereafter such paragr!lphs of Section II shall read as follows: . "II. Attendance and Leave ' A. Attendance Records: " All departmen~ shall maintain daily attendance records of all employees and sh.all furnish such periodic reports to the City Manager as he shall request. B. Sick Leave: Sick leave is considered to be any absence caused by non-occupational illness or disability of the employee which inight prevent him from reporting for work or handling his job in a satisfactory manner. (A medical certif~cate ~y be required.) The accumulation ,of unused 'sick leave days shall be con- . sidereed as haviilg conuneIlcedfor qualified persOImel from and after the 28th day of April, 1958, being the date the City ColIll1l:ission adopt~d and approved personnel regulations pertaining to accumulated sick leave. Regular Employees. REgular, full time, employees are enti tied to one day of sick leave with pay for each month of seIVice. Unused ?:L.ck leave days are ,acCUllRl- lated to a maxim~ of nine-ty (90) days. Any employee who shall resign his employment and who shall not have made application for reemployment by th~ .~i~Yc~4-,sha1l n0t have peen re~employed wi,thin six (6) month periodaf;ter his resignation shall haire been officially accepted, shall be considered as havi;p.g forfeited all the rights, privileges and ben~fits accruing from any fonner tenure of employment and is not eligible for aCCUllRllatedsick leave for the fonner period of employment. --, r-'-'-' 1 -- IIr !1m'. , .' ~ < . . .,;, 'io. ~ : ' "- . ~ ...... ':..::- JI~ -- ---L .1.. ~~'t:: ---":_--.--._-::....1 -~ Employees will be paid for the unused sick leave which accrued during employment,upon retiring from the city under the fotlowingcondi tions ~ ' - .1. . Having attained the age of sixty '(60) years and having completed at least fifteen (15) years of credi table service; or 2. Having completed twenty-eight (28) years of creditable service, regardless of age.. Employees will also be paid for unused sick leave When accrued during employment, upon retiring because of dis- abili ty in accordance with the, provisions as defined by the Texas Mlmicipal Retirement System Act. The amount to be paid for unused sick leave shall be . detennined as follows: 1. The humber of hours of unused sick leave shall be equal to the number of days of unused sick leave multi- plied by the number of hours in a normal work day. 2. Eight (8) hours shall be considered a normal work day for all employees except firemen, whose normal work day shall be based on the then current hourly working schedule. 1"-----' ( ~ F 3. The employees average hourly rate will be detennined by using the previous thirty-six (36) full months base pay. 4. The employees base- rate only s4all be. used in computing the employees hourly rate. Premitun pay, which includes .longevi ty, holiday pay, overtime and court time, shall not be used indetennining the hourly rate. 5. For the purpose of computing sick leave 2080 annual hours shall be used, except for firemen, whose annual hours shall be based on the then current hourly working schedule. . 6. The average hourly rate so detennined will then be nn.llti- plied by the number of hours. of unused sick leave accrued by the employee. The employee may elect to use all or part of his acc~ulated sick leave days, iI?- lieu of the ~qlU valent ~~~h-paYI!l~:fJ:'t; i as one continuous per~od of excused. absence mth. base pay, the last day of which shall coincide with his plarmed retirement date. Notice of such election must be given in ~iting to the City Manager no later than none (9) months prJ.or to the employee's normal retirement date. J 2.' 'ti, .~:~ : ': . .f:.,v, .:6.0; .,.. k' ~ . . . o Proportionate Payment. Employees wh.ohave attained the age of sixty (60) years or more,' but who have not served 'the required fifteen (15) years will be compensated as defined above on a proportionate basis which is equal to that proportion of the required 15 years which has been served. Section 2. Sub-paragraphs entitled "Hourly Employees" and "All Employees" shall remain the same. Section 3. That this Resolution shall be in force and effect retroactive to November 1, 1972. PASSED AND APPROVED this 9th day of April, 1973. C') CD (j;; ~ ~ ~ , . Connnissioners Voting Aye: All Coounissioners Voting No : None Is/Don R H~TT;~ ATIEST: ts/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Connnissioner Undwrwood, seconded by Connnissioner Way, that the City Manager and City Attorney be instructed to present a reconmendation at the next; regular meeting of the City Conmission based upon the finding of a depository for Eederal Revenue Sharing funds and a list of banks in this vicinity. , - c Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A letter dated March 26, 1973, from Bernard Johnson, Inc. advised that the origi- nal scheduled date of completion fGr the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift station was April 7,1973, but would probably have, to be. delayed due to.the delay in delivery of the pumps and motors.. . To date the City has been invoiced for $85 192.05 by Lem ConstructiGn Company, leaving a balance of the base contract of $34,723.95, to which should be added a total of $5,288.45 in change orders, making a total amount still to be paid by the city of $40,@12.40. Following a_discussion with regard to the proposals received for the construction changes planned in the building, it was suggested that a meeting be held with the engineers tG detennine the excessive cost of Cmlstructm:g. after obtaining price breakdowns 'from the contractor',s submitting proposals. An easement for the northerly three feet of Lot 11, Block 34, Collegeview 4th Addition, irem Mr.M. E. Jetton and wife, Kathryn Jetton, was-presented,to the Commission for consideration. D Motion by ConnnissionerWay, seconded by Connnissioner Stanley, that the city purchase an .easement 3' x 47.5' adjacent to the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift plant from Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Jetton on ,the basis of $3.00 per square foot. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised of the necessity of selecting a firm of Certified Public Accountants to audit the city's records, bO<llks and acceunts for the .. .- "'I I r-- - I' - , oil" 2}i~~ f:t~~. 11- -- ---~ ..~... .. u_..::r---- -r=:= :=::J. ---.:1 fiscal year 1973. Xt was notecl. that the finn of O'Connor, ,lawson::1and McGee have performed the audit each year since 1965; haire ,Worked cooperatively with the City Treasurer and other personnel; and each year submit a comprehensive audit. , ' , Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Conmissioner Stanly, that the City Manager be instructed to request a proposal from the finn of 0 'Connor, lawson and McGee to audit the city's beaks, records and accounts for the fiscal year 1973, contingent upon the fee for such audit not exceeding the sum of $2,700._00. J Voting, Aye: All Voting No: ,None Assistant City Manager Dan Edwards reported that the citywide pickup of re- cyclable materials is not as successful as had been hoped because of the lack of partiltipation by many West University residents. However, during the first month of operation the city sold approximately $770.IDO in materials picked up. This represents 109,330 les. of paper @ 3Q~ per 100l for a total of $327.00; l6,34() lbs. of galss @ .Olt per lb. for, a total of :j)163.00 and approximately 1,000 lb.s of aluminum @ $200.00 per ton, for a total of $100.00. Inasmuch as the only major expense to be charged to the program is a total of $465.00 for Clost of bins for storage and hauling charges, a total of $305.00 was realized during the first month. The COJIIJllission was advised that the voltmteer group that organized the city's recycling program had agreed to distribute acl.ditional material in an effort to obtain greater resident participation in the program. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical BOard onMJnday, March 19, 1973, were presented to the Connnission for their infonnation noting that a Master Electrician's license had been granted to Mr. Carl Anthony Robinson. Minutes of the orientatien meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Tues- day, March 20, 1973 were presented to the Commission for their infonnation. It was noted that in addition to all members of :the Board and two alternate mem- bers, the meeting was also attended by the City Attorney, City Manager and Commissioner Binig. J The Commission was presented a letter dated March 21, 1973, from Mrs. Joe T. Presswood, Jr., 6024 Buffalo Speedway, requesting special consideration. with regard to erecting a 6' cedar fence in place of the. present 3' cyclone fence. Such construction was denied by th~ Building Inspector inasmuch as it is in violation of Section 2(b) of the Fence Ordinance, which states, ''Where a cmr- ner bt has been sub-divided into two or more lots a fence may not be built to extend past the building line of the house en the l0t abutting the corner P.roperty; or past the side building line adjacent to the side street of the corner house, whichever extends the furtherest." Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Underwood,. that Mrs. Presswood's letter be considered as an ,agenda matter at the next regular meeting of the City. Commission on MJnday, April 9, 1973, to detennine whether it would be advisable or possible to detennine the mechanism of appeal that could me made available to residents. lJ ~ D ~ (J:) O"'J ~ ~ Q II LJ ] 2. 'fl" t..." o ~< ~, ......J. t' ...~ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that Mr. Radcliff, who for a numberof years has used his dragline and cut trench at the sanitary landfill, had been ill and there was a possibioity that emergency measUres would have' to be taken to have additional trench cut at a cost consdierably higher than the $1. 96 per foot __ paid Mr. Radcliff. . The Connnission was advised that the filter tanks at the swimming pool had not been cleaned and sand replaced since their installation and i twas believed t that such maintenance should be performed. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by co~ssioner Stanley, 'th8.t the City' Manager be authorized to contract With Patio Pools, Inc. to remove the filters of three tanks and replace sand as indicated, at a cost not to "exceed $330.00. per tank. Voting Aye: All - Veting No: Nerie' Minutes of the recessed meeting of the City Connnission on Monday, March' 19, 1973, .were presented to the Conmission for their consideration.:MQtion by . Connnissioner UndelWood, :seconded by Connnission~r Binig, that minutes of the recessed meeting of the City Conunissi9n on.M:>n.day, March 19, 1973, be approved. as submitted. Voting Aye: All , Vo~ing No: None With no further business to come before the Connnission at this time, upon motion duly made, secooded' and carried, the meeting adjournedat 9:45 p.m. .~rd~ .. _, yor. . . ATTEST: ~t~~/o;J. Ass~s t ~ ty ecretary _ . . --- ~Jt,.~.. ~~~.~- :]1-- ...-. _I ~._._~- r~~====-_---:::::r-- REGULAR MEETING OF CITY CCMiISSION APRIL 9, . 1973' L!,IJ '!he City Comnission convened in regular session at the City Hall on . Monday, April 9, 1973, 7:30Hp.1n., with the iellewing members present: Mayor Harris, presiding; Commissioners Binig , Stanley, UnderWood and Way. The City Atterney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Stanley. City Manager Whitt Johnson introduced Mr. M. E. Peters, a former City Superintendent of Souths ide Place who recently retired. Mr. Johnson stated that during the time Mr. Peters was Mayor of Southside Place and also while serving as that city's Superintendent, Mr. Peters contributed in many ways to help the - Ci ty of West University Place. Mayor Harris presented a . Certificate of Appreciation to Mr. Peters with the appreciation of the City of West University Place and its residents for his cooperation. Mr. - Peters expressed his appreciation to Mayor Harris and Mr. Johnson, stating that he had always received help from WEst University employees and was privileged to have worked with such people. Mr. Charles McCord,Vice-Chainnan of the Parks and Recreation Board, appeared before the City Commission to presentrecOIlllIlenGations on projects and prio- rities established. by the City Connnission for the Parks .and Recreation Board. Mr. McCord,introduced Mrs. Raymona Bomar, Mrs. Carolyn Reynolds, Mr. Larry Aillet, Dr. Earl Wa<ildell, members of the Parks and Recreation Board and Mr. Jess Brown, who is a member of the Tennis Sub-Conuni ttee. il Included< in Mr. McCord t s presentation was a recommendation that Mr. Sal ~J Caruso be employed as Director of the Summer Recreation program delaying a decision with regard to a fill-time, complete, year round activities program, with the enployment of a full time Director, until the success of the summer program can. be analyzed. .Mr. McCord listed the following three recommendations from which the City Connnission should select ene as the official name of the park located at Wakeforest and Carnegie: Whitt Johnson Park, Carnegie Park or Corner Park. Mr. McCord presented a report on the appointment of a Tennis Sub-Committee and such conmittee;s reconnnendations for use and care of;-the city's tennis courts, together with a study given to the appointment of a Bicycle Sub~ Committee and a Long-Range Study Committee, reports of whose activities will be presented at a later date. Mrs. Ramona Bomar stated that re:p>resentatives of the Parks and Recreation Board and found that the YMCA. had very little te offer other than its health program. Mayor Harris thanked Mr. McCord and Board members for their report and expressed the City Commission's appreciation for all the time, work and effort put forth by members of the Parks and Recreation Board. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Presswood, 6024 Buffalo Speedway, appeared before the City III Commission requesting that Section 2(b) of Fence Ordinance NUmber 896 be modi- ~ fied to pennit them to remove an existing four (4) foot chain link fence which [] C') co en w ~ Q II I LJ c ";:J[: -.,t T 'AJ.~"'i:h: was installed prior to the pass.age of the ordinance, and construct a new six (6) foot wooden fence 'in place thereof. :Mayor Harris advised Mr. and Mrs. . Presswood that this was an unique problem and under the provisions of the Ordinance the City Connnission has no authority to grant a variance even . though theywould like too. The City Commission has requested that one of the citY's committee's study this special problem, and will have some decision for Mr. and Mrs. Presswood no later than the May 28th meeting of the City Connnission. Mr. STeve Flowers, Chainnan of the Volunteer REcycling Connni ttee, presented a progress report on the recycling project since the city took over with its. curbside picku program on February 26, 1973. The report indicated that the program had not been as successful as proj ected as 'a result of the pilot pro- gram, but. that plans were being fonnulated for a three'-partpubJae}ty cam- paign to encourage more participation-and enthusiasm. The three part cam~ paign would include: 2) mail out to the entire city wfth,---:~pYsW~e'ing':'furnis:hed. by the Volunteer group; b) create some type of drop off notes to be left by pickup crews; and c) a "door knocking" team of voltmteers that will visit each home in one quadrant the week after Easter, fOllowing up with a check on the . target area to determine results of program and if successful include other quadrants in subsequent weeks. Commissioner Stanley stated that he was in favor of endorsing all recommenda- tions of the Volunteer group and that all details should be worked out to provide any assistance they might require. The City Manager was instructed tD'investigate feasibility and cost of paint- ing appropriate material on the Wakeforest elevated water storage tank to advertise the cityts recycling program. In accordance with previous action of the CityConnnission, bids received for furnishing chlorine requirements for the year 1973 wer~ opened-.and results announced as follows: . .~', ..... . _, ":. ~ .i>......' Diamond Shamrock Chemical Company $104.00 per ton, plus '$25.0Qper ton delivery $11. 00 per 100 lbs ~ in ISO lb. cyclinders Thompson -Hayward Chemical Company $121. OC! per ton delivered . $12.S0 per 100 lbs. in lSOlb. cylinders Dixie Checmical Company S.45~ per lb. in ton containers' 10.62~ per lb. in lSO-lb..cylinders Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the bid for chlorine requirements for the year 1973, be awarded -to Dixie Chemical Company on their low quotation of the 5.45~ per lb. for ton containers and 10.60~ per lb. for ISO-lb. cylinder. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Bids received for furnishing 60,-000 gallons of asphalt emulsion "Colas" were. opened and results announced as follows : Wright Asphalt Products Company $.1425 per gallon,f.o.b. West University storage tanks ~ ""I: .. ''I or r--' . 7J4 jf~ ~. ". ,*, JI- ""'t.. . ...1-- 't.. _, .. _ .' ...._. .,,_ _ ._:;. I Motion by Conuniss;ioner B~ig, seconded by Commiss.ioner Underwood, that the bid by Wright Asphalt Products Coinpany of $.'1425 pe~' gallon,f .o.b. WEst University storage tanks be accepted.. . ., Voting Aye::, All.. Voting No: . None o In accordance wiht previous action of the City Commission, bids received for furnishing streeet department materials were opened and results announced: Bidder Price Per Ton . Fgt. Per Ton Wgt. of Mat1. Net Cost Per Per Cu. Yd. Cu. Yd. Walde Company Texas Cr. Storie. Sertex MatIs. 2.60 Less 10% 2.90 155 2~57 Less .26 1.30 2.39 Less .15 2.05 2.90 ' 2100# 230Q# 230()# Whites Mines 2100# 5.67 4.44 4.07 5.20 Grade #6 PE 2.90 2100# 6.09 Whi tes Mines 3.00 Only bidder on this item. Texas Crushed Stone 0.90 Only bidder on this item. 242 Base Material 2.31 2800# 4.49 :J Motion by Conunissioner Stanley, seconded by Conunissioner Underwood; that bids received for furnishing street department materials be referred to the City Manager for tabulation with a reconnnendation for purchase to be submitted to the City Commission at its regUlar meeting on April 23, 1973. Voting Aye: All V0ting No: None Bids received for furnishing 4QO' of 15" reinforced concrete pipe were opened and results announced as follows: Gifford-Hill Pipe Company Hydro Conduit Corporation South Houston. Concrete Products $ 1~97 per lineal foot 2.00 per lineal foot 2.00 per lineal foot Motion by Conunissioner Way, seconded by Conunissioner Underwood, that the bid of Gifford-Hill Pipe Company for furnishing 400' of 15" reinforced concrete pipe for $1.97 per lineal foot be accepted. '. , Voting Aye:' All Voting No: None. The City Commission was advised that the city has approximately 1,072 old mechanical drive 3/4 x 5/8 water meters which have been in servie from twenty-six to twenty-seven years, and that is has been approximately twelve years since they were repaird. In keeping iwth the city's policy to replace J old water meter ~ authorization was requested to. advertise for bids for 500 replacement meters. [J er:3 CJ:) en ~ ~ Q I' \ i L /l L 2.'.''''' ~~ ';... .-.;- . ..,} ,": ; ..'~ Motion by ComiIdssioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the' City Manager be authorized to 'advertise for bids for 5QOnew 3/4 x 5/8 water meters, with bids toee received on May 14, 1973. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The commission was advised that prior to receivil]g bids on water meters, a repre- sentative of the meter companies would be requested to demonstrate a meter and its function to them. Resolution Ntnnber 73-7 was presented to the City Conunission and read in flil.l: See minutes of March 26, 1973 for complete text.) Motion by Conunissioner Underwood, seconded by Corinnissioner Way, that Resolution Number 73-7 amending the city's Persormel Policies and Procedures to pennit payment of accumulated sick leave under certain conditions to eligible em- ployees and to pennit the use of accUllRllated sick leave as one continuous period of excused absence in liew of cash payment, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 72':"8 was presented to the Connnission and read in full: WHEREAS, city employees have suggested they be given an extra holiday or free, holiday to be used ih. conjunction with the present five (5) holidays falling between January 2nd and December 1st; and , WHEREAS, city employees observe the following seven (7) holidays: New Years Day Good Friday Memorial Day Independence Day Lci.b0r Day . ThaJiksgiving Day Christmas Day which are less thanthose observed by the City of Houston, Harris County, State of Texas, and business concerns in general; and WHEREAS, tlle Pe,rsonnel Board his considered tli~ :a4vaIJ.tag~s Qf.' a free holiday and does recommend to the City--Comnission granting of an extra day to be ,used as a free hOliday. , .. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY lliE CITI Ca.1MISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVER- SITI PIACE, 1EXAS; " Section 1. That city employees be granted a Free Day in accordcm.ce with the following : FIRE AND POLICE DEPAR'lMENT Members of the Fire and Police Depar'bnents may ,take a ''Free'' day as an extra day off coupled with their vaction, or any day at the discretion of, the Chief of the Depar'bnent . -~.,.", " .($: .' ...;. . '. .. .. . . ," .~ . , This extra day off must be taken between January 2nd and December 1st each year; is not cumulative; and is. not to be considered' as an "extra pay" holiday. . ~ ..~ In the interest of orderlu operation of each department, the Chief of the Department shall establish a policy to resolve conflicting choices of the "Free" day. Such policy shall be communicated to personnel prior to each calendar year. ALL OlliER DEPAR'IMENTS . .. The''Pree'' Day, or extra day, for all othe Departments shall be applied as follows: It may be taken in conjtmction with a holiday, either succeeding or preceding one of the present approved five (5) holidlays falling between January 2nd and December 1st. . "Free" day may not be taken in conjtmction With vacation when the vacation is scheduled to precede or succeed one of the five (5) approved holidays betwean January 2nd and December 1st. Scheduling of the "Freen day shall beayiwtuten application to the Department Head. The same employee shall not have a "Free" day in conjunction with the same approved holiday two successive years. The :Free"day must be taken between January 2nd and December 1st each year. It is not cumulative. o 01 Section 2. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after its passage and, approval as required by law. PASSED .AND APPROVED this 9th day of April, 1973 Connnissioners Voting Aye: All Connnissioners VotiDg No: None Isl Don E. Harris Mayor ATIEST: 151 Lee Lockard Assistant City SEcretary Motion by ConmisSiQn~r Stanley,. seconded b.tA::lOlfuni:ssioiler Underwood, that Reso-...;:- lution Number--73-8 granting- ~ity employees a ."FreeH,:day in addition to the seven approved _-:holidays, be. approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In response to the Connnissionerts request that they be furnished additional infonnation with regard to designating another depository for- city funds, they were advised that Article 25-59 of the Texas Civil Statutes authorizes the City Commission to receive applications for the custody of city funds from any banking corporation desiring to be selected, subsequent to published notice that proposal will be received. o [J ", CD a-; t.IJ ~ Q n I I L-J [ ':! "'fJi:;J If; , i~~,,' '.';~ M>tion by Conuni.ssioner Underwood, seconded by Conunissioner Way, that the City Manager be, authorized. to advel'tizefor proposalS for handling any and all of the city's funds, and that the City Manager be authorized to write letters to the following bailks inviting them to submit propesals for serving as. a depository for city ftmds: . Fannin Banks University State Bank. Executive Bank River Oaks Bank. Medical Center Bank. Chemical Bank. South Main Bank Mercantile Bank. Greenway Bank. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Following a discussion with regard to the proposed orientation program being planned for the City Commission, it was decided that, the date of May 8th was acceptable to (111 members of the Commission. The City Manager stated that it was his thought..~~~'1?~~ps:;s.er;vice -pins' could be presented to a number of service personn,eV'op;~:~'S('0ccasio~. ~. .. " '_c _ .~. \:1~' . . . ,- The, C0IIlIl1i.ssion was advised that two ,pumps an4ametors have been set at the Weslayan lift station and a report is expected from Bernard Jolmson, Inc. to include a break-down of costs for the additions to be made to the building. The Commission was also advised that a check. had been received in the amount of $68,700.00 as partial payment of the grant on the Weslayan sewer lift plant, project. ' - The Commission was advised that provisions of the City Charter require the appointment of a Tax Baord of Equalization to serve fora period of one year prior to June 1, 1973. A list 'of members of such board since 1962 was pre- sented. Following a discussion with regard to the need for additional names for consideration and a possible conflict of interest of Mr. Dale Heiskell who is employed as a professi~l tax. appraiser , it, was the decision of the Commis- siC?n that this matter: be placed on the agenda for the meeting of April 23rd. City Manager Whitt Jolmson advised the Conmission. that an X~rated movie, "The , Last Tango in ParisH was scheduled for showing at the Bellaire Theatr the first part of May and that a number of calls had been received from citizens re- questing that the city take some action to prohibit the exhibition of such film. Motion by Conmissioner Stanley, seconded by ConmissionerBinig, that the City Attorney be - instructed to send;, a letter ,of . inquiry to the, people. responsbile ' for programning at the Bellaire Theatre to detennine if they plan to have- this type of :fJ.iJ.m shown regularly in the future and what other cities are trying to prevent the showing of "The Last Tango in ParisH. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 998 was presented to the Conmission. and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 1HE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF '!HE CIlY OF WEST UNIVERSIlY' PlACE, TEXAS, BY CHANllNG 1HE RESIDENCE REQUIREMENI'S OF A MEMBER OF '!HE ELECTRICAL BOARD FROM 1WO (2), YEARS 'IO SIX MON'lliS (6); AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. .. . . ~~8lA-. " ." ~.' 1 . ~..~ '.' II. -. -,~ Motion by Commissioner Way, ~e,conded byCConunissioner Stanley, that Ordinance Number 998amenciing the'Code,of'Ordinances tochailge the residence require- ments for members of the' Ele,ctrical noard from tWo (2). years to six. (6) J.IleBths be approved as read. ' o Voting Aye: All Voting No: None City Attomney Charles Cockrell stated~ that he had called the office of the Attorney General and had been advised that the decision of the District Court with regard to the application of the Bwmy Show Club and Mr. lewlett had been affirmed. The COlmnission was advised that addition.a1 street lights approved by the City Commission on December 11, 1973, had been installed and well!e in operation. In response to questions with regard to the proposed completion of the Carnegie~ Wakeforest Park by Valley Crest Landscape Company, the CollDDission was advised that with good weather the entire project should be completed shortly and be ready for resodding. Landscape Architect Milke, Ilse is ,to be requested to meet with the City Conmission on 'fuesday, April 10th to discuss the i temsremaining to be completed under the provisions of the Valley Crest contract. Connnissioner Binig requested that the City Manager direct a letter of congratu- lations to Fed-Mart on the rehabilitation of their building and improving the appearance of the property. The Comission was advised that Patio Pools, Inc. had completed their work in cleaning the filters at the Swimming Pool and they were in complete readi- ness for the 1973 season. J The Connnission was advised that ,Mr. Howard Burney" of the, Southwestern Bell Telephone Company desired to meet with the Connnissiorrto discuss plans by such company for additional employee parking. The City Manager was requested to contact Mr. Burney and arange a conference with the City Conunission for Monday, April 16th. Minutes of the regular. meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on March 29, 1973 were presented to the Commission for their consideration. Minutes of the special meeting on March 13, 1973 and the regular meeting on April 3, 1973, held by the Zoning and Planning Conmission were presented to the Conmission for their infonnation. Minutes of the March 19th and March 20th meetings of the Parks and Recreation Board were presented to the Commission for their infonnation. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City COIlDIlission on Monday, March 26, 1973 were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Connnissioner Underwood, seconded by Comndssioner'Stanley, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on March 26, 1973, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: NOne n u [J 2....'.4........9...... .. 'tl ,'. ",- :. ~~. ::....., '~ -0 . '_ With i1ofurther' ouSiness. to. come before the. Commission at this time, upon motion duly made,' seconded' and carried' the meeting adjourned at 11:30 p~m. ATIEST: ca 8~~~ . . ... . Mayor.. . . . .. .. . ..- ~ r>e-L/..~~~. / CD ASsistant City S"ecre'tary . a-; u.:J ~ Q n I i , I "----_---.-! /'. U ,'-'tftft';;. _ 'Z;~.: REGULAR MEETING OF CI'lYCa.1MISSION APRILZ3; 'i973:" , . o The City Connnission convened in :.egi.1lar session 'at the City Hall, on MJn~y! April 2~, 1973, 7:30 p.m., with the followmg members present: Mayor Harr~s, pres~ding; COllllIU.s~ sioners Binig, Stanley, Underwood and Way. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present.' , The Invocation was pronounced by Conimissioner lh1derwood. Resolution Number 73-9 creating a Beautification eommittee and appointing the initial members to serve thereon, was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Conunission to create a committee and appoint the members thereof to study the common and public area$ of the City of'West lh1iyersity . Place, and to, reconnnerld. to the City Commission ways arid methods of improviil.g and beautifying such areas, as well as ways to encourage the citizens to improve private premises. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY' CCMfiSSION OF THE CI'lY OF WEST UNIVERSI'lY ~,mw: " , Section 1. The(!e is hereby created and established a Connnittee to be known as the Beautification Connni ttee, which cinnni ttee shall consist of seven (7) members who shall be appointed by the City Connnission. , Section 2. The Committee shall be authorized and required to: (a) Advise the City Cornmission on ways and means to encourage citizens to improve and beautify their yards and residences. (b) Recommend to the City Connnission ways and means to beautify and improve common and public areas. (c) Perfonn such other duties with reference to matters specified above as the City Commission may' from time to time request. Section 3. The persons hereby appointed to serve on the Beautification Conuni ttee shall serve for a period of one year from the date of this Resolution, or until the appoint- ment and qualification of their successors. Section 4. Members of the Connni ttee shall serve without compensation. Section 5. The following named persoIlS are hereby appointed as the initial members of such Connni ttee : 1\ U Mr. Wayne Gillies, 4028 Arnold, Chainnan Mrs. Sue Kelley, 4220 Judson Mrs. Waynell Gregory, 3013 Bissonnet Mrs. Travis Long, 2319 McClendon Mr. William C. Sawyer, 2615 Fenwood Dr. Mino Badner, 2803 Pi ttsburg Mr. Ronald Shoup, Jr., 3712 Rice Blvd. J o ~ CD a-; t.I.J ~ o o o ~"tJ;\.'i"r':; ill4iJ.uj;~, Section 6. This Resolution shall be in force irranediately from and after its passage and approval~ PASSED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of April, 1973. Conunissioners,Voting Aye: Connnissione};s Voting No. /sl Don E. Harris Mayor All None ATlEST: I sl Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Conunissioner Way; seconded by Commissioner Hinig . that. Resolution NlUIiber 73-9 be approved as read~ Motion by Conunissioner Underwood, seconded by Conunissioner Stanley, that Reso- lution Number 73-9 be approved as amended ill Section 3 to read, "The Conuni ttee shall serve for a period of one year from, the date of this Resolution, or until the appointment and qualification of their s'uccessors." Voting No: Conunissioner Binig Conunissionel' Way Voting Aye: Connnissioner Underwood Connnissioner Stanley Mayor Harris. The following members of the newly Greated Beau~ification CoIIlllri.ttee were. ad- ministered the Oath of Office by Mayor Harris; , Wayne Gillies, 4028 Arnold, Chairman MIs. Sue Kelley, 4220 Judson MIs. Waynell Gregory" 3013 Bi,ssomet William Sawyer,2615 Fenwood~u Ronald Shoup, Jr., 3712 Ric~ Blvd. Members of the City Commission furnished a list of priorities established by them to the Conunittee with the request that it be studied in preparation of a meeting with the Connnission in the near future,., . ' Resolution NlUIiber 73-10 appointing members to serve on, the city's Health BOard for a period of two years, was presented to the Commission andread in full: WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Connnission, pursuant to the provisions of the City Charter and ordii1~Ges hereto:fqTe adopted, to. appoiIlt members, to various Boardsl and . . . ' WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Connnission have contacted and investi- ga ted numerous qualified citizens to serve, on the Health, :Board and as Health Officer of the City of West UniversityJ>lace, Texaslancl WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire arid willingness to serve as members of the Health Board. NOW lliEREEORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 1HE CI1Y CCM.1ISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITYPPLACE, 1EXAS: 2~- . .{:,~"..~ .." . ..- ~f :;" "> co. " ~-.:-..--~.: -~ ". ~-< Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Health Board: o Dr. Howard Evans, 6428 Belmont Dr. Temple Williams, 3766 Nottingham Dr. N. C. Wmdrow, 6328 Westchester Mr. Frank Stewart, 2916 University Section 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Health Board shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Health Board shall serve for a period of two years from the date of this Resolution, and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. PASSED.AND APPROVED 1HIS 23rd day of April, 1973. Conmissioners Voting Aye: All Conmissioner Voting No: None /s/ Don E. Harris Mayor A'ITEST: I s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Connnissioner Stanley, seconded by Connnissioner Way, that Resolliitiion lU'l . Number 73-10 be approved as read, and the following appointed to serve as members of the Health Board: Dr. Howard EVans, 6428 Belmont Dr. Temple Williams, 3766 Nottingham Dr. N. C. Windrow, 6328 Westchester Mr. Frank Stewart, 2916 University Voting Aye: All' Voting No: None Mayor Harris administered the Oath of Office to DRs. EVans, Williams and Windrow. Mr. STewart was out of the ctty and will be requested to appear before the Conunission at, its next regular meeting. Resolution Nwnber 73-11 was presented to the Conmission arid read in full: WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards and Conuni ttees; and WHEREAS, the mayor and members of the City Conmission have contacted and interviewed numerous qualified citizens' to .serve on the Insurance Committe of the City of West University Place, lExas; and WHEREAS, certain peWSOFlS have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Insurance ColIDIli ttee. o NOW, lliEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 1HE CIlY CCM\1ISSION OF '!HE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSIlY PLACE, TEXAS; " . f\ U ~ r.D c;; J:,z.:l ~ Q [~1 '-------J o ~--- Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Insurance Committee: Mr. Wynne Creekmore, 3759 Tangley Mr. Robert Overstreet, 3113 Pi ttsburg Mr. SEth Ramey, '3409 Ri<:e Blvd. Mr. Fred Rhodes, 2929 Bissormet ~ . Mr. Hollis Waldt, 5932 Auden. Section 2. That the persons hereby'appointedto the Insurance COIIBnittee shall serve without compensation. Section 3. That the persons hereby appoint~dto the Insurance Comnittee shall serve until the next regular General City Election of the City Commission, and thereafter until the appointment andqua:lification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of April, 1973. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Connnissioners Voting No:- None Isl Don E. Harris Mayor ATTEST: I s Lee LockCird .' Assistant .CI;tY:$e~retil:v~_, .i.__,..;. .~:.. ," l' ,; _ ' . '.~- -;. :', ' .... < f '_., '. Motionby:JComnussionerBinig, secondedbf(:dIIDDissioner tTnderwood,that'Re.: . solution Number 73-11 be approved as read, and the following members appoint-"- ed to serve on the city t s Insurance CoIIDDi ttee . Mr. WyrmeCreekmore, 3759 Tangley Mr. Robert Overstreet, 3113 Pittsburg- Mr. SEth Ramey, 3409 'Rice Blvd. Mr. Fred Rhodes, 2929 Bissormet Mr. Hollis Waldt, ' 5932 Auden Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Comnission was advised that Charter provisions require that consideration be given to appointing members to serve on the Tax Board of Equalization for the year 1973. Commissioner Underwood stated that he had contacted previous members of the Board and had been achriseddD~~1Mr. 'Michael Davis that he- would be unable to serve because of pressing business. Following discussion with regard to various candidates, their training, interest and available time to serve on the Board, the following action was taken. Mr. Charles A. Gillan Mr. Wil1iamJ. Beirne Mr . Dale Heiskell Mr. Kimball McMann, Alternate r=___ _CL ___ _..~r:-' "-:-~'--l - -j ':::':I:~.__1.__~~________~____~___-------1I[ "'.'1 '~~.-.'.! ~-;:w:.. ...' .~;~.~~ ., . ," .', : ~:.- ,-, '-.-' '-" .\. . 2:51(". ,. ~ ,,' -. - -~, ". J'~- ,___;, :.___l__.....__.~~~ -~----=..J: Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ColIllIlissi0ner Rufus Stanley introduced his wife, Mary .Ann and his two children, Chris and Beth, who were visiting the C_i ty Commission meeting. In accordance with instructions of the CitY Conunission a tabulation of bids received for Street Department materials and a reconunendation for purchase were presented to the Commission:.. . Bidder Price Per Ton Fgt. Pet Ton Wgt. of Mat1. Net Cost Per Per C':1l Yd Cu. Yd. Uvalde Company Tex. Cr. Stone Sertex MatIs. Whi tes Mines 2.60 less 10% 155 1.30 2.05 2.90 2.57 less.26 2.39 less .15.' 2.90 2100# 2300#. 2300# 2100# 5.67 4.44 4.07 5.20 Whites Mines 3.00 Only bidder on this item. Grade #6 PE 290 6.09 2100# Tex. Cr. Stone 0;90 Only bidder on thi,s item. i48 Base Materlal 2.31 2800# 4.49 , . Honorable Mayor and City -C0nunission City of ,West University Place_ April 23, 1973 ..:::~ " ,': Dear Commission Members: Bids received April 9th for street materials including Grade 2 coverstone, Grade PE asphalt rock and crushed limestone base material, were referred to me for tabulation and recomriJ.endation. . Attached is a tabulation of bids received. It is my recommendation and that of Street Superintendent A. L. Bearden, that the City Commission accept proposals on the following low bids. Grade # 2 Coverstone Grtie #6 PE Base Material - $4.07 net cost per cu. yd~ - $6.09 net cost per cu. yd. ':" $4.49 net cost per cu. yd. - SerVtex Materials - White t s Mines - Texas Cr.. Stone Yours very truly Is/Whitt Johnson. City Manager Motion by Cornmissioner Stanley, seconded' by Conunissioner Underwood, that bids for Street Department materials be awarded as recorilri1ended by the City Manager in his letter'of April 23,1973 as follows: . Grade #2 Coverstone - Servtex Materials - $4.07 per cu. yd. Grade #6 PE - White t s Mines - $6.09 per cu. yd. Base Material - Texas Crushed Stone - $4.49 per cu. yd. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None il U I~ . I J Il LJ I'l I ' I 1 u If') CD en ~ ~ Q r-, I I I " i l......! c 'J.'.~~.~ -. - '~;O~~ An invoice dated March 5, 1973,in the amount of $696.16, submitted by TeIUlis Plamring Consultants for the preparation oI'plans and specifications for the rehabilitation of Case Park Tennis Court'was presentedtothe Commis- sion for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by CO:nnDissioner Binig, that the invoice from TeIUlis PlarmiOO Consultants in, theam0unt of $696.16 for pre- paration of plans and specifications for the Case Park tennis court, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting N0: None Estimate Number 6 prepared by Bernard Jolmson, Inc.. for work perfonned by Lem Construction Company for the period March 1 through March 31, 1973, in the amount of $8,167.50, was pr~sented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Conunissioner Way, seconded by Connnissioner Stanley, that Estimate No.6, in the amoutitoI $8,167 :50 for work performed by Lem Construction Company on the Wesla.yan sanitary sewer lift plant for the period March 1 throp.gh March 31, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commis~;ion was advised-that barring unforeseen problems it was hoped that the lift station would be connected sometime the first week of May and that a request had been made' to Bernard Johnson, Inc. with regard to the shingles being used on the. mansard roof not being those specified by the city. The Commission was advised that- prop0sals had been received from Lesco Turf Distributor for solid sodding' Carnegie-Wakeforest Park with common bennuda grass at $1.05 per square yard, with an extra $.05 per square yard for providing fertilizer and a thirty- (30) day -gtiaranteeor sOlid'sodding with ST. Augustine grass for a tmtal cost of $2,073~75.;Using city-employees to drive to Bay City or Wharton to pick up the sod and planting would cost approximately $1,834~OO ,. " , -, Motion by Conmissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner -Binig:; that the City Manager be authorised to advertize for bids to solid sod Carnegie-Wake- forest Park with ST. Augustine grass with bids received by the City Commis- sion on Monday, May 14th. ' , Voting. Aye: All. Voting No: None The City Commission discussed the availability of funds to put back into the plans for Carnegie-Wakeforest Park items that were taken out when the origi- nal contract was awarded. Questions were directed to the City Manager con- cerning such funds and he stated that the City Sales Tax in excess of the 1973 budgetes'timate and -available cash as of'January 1, 1973 was in excess of the budgetedamoUIlt fo the extent thatftmds were available ,if the City Conmission desired to appropriate them for this purpose .' Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissi9ner Way, that inas- much as funds are available to make additional improvements in Camegie- Wakeforest Park that the Parks and Recreation Board be requested to review . .::!L ~.::~'-'.-'-"l'---""."~ " r~~:B, -il~U. )1-- ~-~--:...__r_.. __~.- - r-- __ -...1 the original plans and .make any reconmendationsandjor revisions that they think might be, necessary and present such infOImatiOIi to the City Commission at its regular meeting on May l4th._ Voting Aye: Commissioner Underwood Voting No: Commissioner . COl1IIIlissioner Way. " . Binig Commissioner Stanley City Attorney Charles Cockrell'advised' the Go~ssion_ ~t it was his belief that an Associate Judge should be appointed to act in the absence of the Judge. Mr. Cockrell stated that the City Charter makes a provision for an Associate Judge, but requires' that he be reappointed every sixty days. Mr. Cockrell was instructed to contact JUdge Phil Peden, 3727 Albans Road, for possible recom- mendations of qualified residents to be appointed to serve as an Associate Judge of the MUnicipal Court. . The Commission was advised that estimates h8.d been received from FGH In- sulation Company, Keene Insulation Contracting Division and Brand Insulations for furnishing. necessary labor, materials and supervi~ion for insulation work in three City Hall equipment rooms. Motion by Commission Way, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, --that the City Mana- ger be authorized to contact FGH Insulation Company to furnish necessary labor, materials and supervision for the insulation repair work in three City Hall equipment rooms on a time and material basis, with amaximtml cost of $400.00. iJ .voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Conunission was advised that a number of oldhomes were being moved out of the city; applications had been received for the subdivision of two lots; and one house was being demolished, thereby making available (;ldditional building sites in the city. . ..,. The City Manager advised the Comini~~5ion ~~ there was considerable trouble experienced with a sanitary sewer line on University ,Blvd. ~inthe 3000 and 3100 blocks and it was possible that' emergency authority would be required to make necessary repairs after the services of a 1V camera' crew had been engaged to determine the nature of the damage. The City Manager was instructed to make a telephone poll of COnDnission members subsequent to detnnination of the nature and extent of repairs that would be. required." . A letter dated April 2, 1973, from Mrs. 'Carolyn Allen was presented to. the Connnission. In her letter Mrs. Allen set forth a proposal for the 1973 Learn to Swim program to be held at the swinnning pool again this season. MIs. Allen stated that it was her suggestion that a learn-to-swim program be held again for mothers; that a water safety inst:ru~torts class be conducted; . that re- gistration be on June 4th for tl1~ first session and July 2nd for the second session; and the use of residents as volunteer instructors. The Commission was advised that Mr. Jiffi Taylor had presented the Texas Traffic Safety Plan, 1972-1977, 'It) the C:Lty Manager and Assistant Ci ty Manager , _ and it was believed that it would be of interest to the City Connnission and benefit to the City to participate in the plan. The City Manager wasinstructed to II arrange a meeting of the City Comnission and Mr. Taylor on Monday, April 30th, '1:'30 p.m. .. LJ I~ ~J ; Il L_.J ., CD en t.lJ ~ Q jl: 1 ' \..._J [J ""'~jh I~:~. ;...~~. Mayor Harris stated that the Parks and Recreation Board had been requested to study a munber of names submitted for Ga:rnegie-WakeforestPark and had submitted three names as their reconmendation to the City Connnission for final choice. The names submitted by the Parks and Recreation Board were: 1) Whitt Johnson Park 20 Carnegie Park,' and 3) Corner Park., Motion by Commission Way, seconded byConnnissioner Stanley, ,that the niuni- cipal park located at the intersection of ,Wakeforest and Carnegie streets in the City of West University Place be officially named the Whitt Johnson Park. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The City Manager was instructed to request that the Park,Board consider the best means of using the $403.00 .donated by residents for placing trees in Judson and Whitt Johnson Parks and the most suitable type amnemorative pla~ que to be used. ,- The Assistant City Manager was instructed to investigate various methods an~ costs of mounting or fram:i.!Jg the city t s Certificate of Appreciation. Motion by CoJIll1lissioner UndeJ;'Wood, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that on Thursday night, May 24th, a coffee be held at the Conummity Building for the purpose of honoring all residents serving on city boards and connni ttees during the past four years, who are no longer serving. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on APril 16th were presented to the Commission for their. information. Minutes of the regular':\imeeting of the Safety Connnittee on April 10, 1973,were presented tothe-Conunission for thei.r information., . Minutes of the regular meeting of the, City Comnissionon,Monday, April 9, 1973, were presented to the Connnission and the following action taken: Motion by Conmissioner Way., seconded by Commissioner Stanley, . that the minutes of the, regular meeting of the City Conunission on April 9th. be approved as ,submitted. Voting Aye: ,All Voting No: None With no further business to come before theConunission at this time, upon motion &lly made, seconded and carried, the ~ ;:2'~~ Mayor ATTEST: ./Ju //...~cuL-/ Ass~stant C~ty cretary f 3&C~_ ,~Q, :t' - ".__u.' . .-.-..-' -.:= :--::.1: REGUIAR MEETING CITY ,. _ __COMMISSION , , Ma: ,14.1973 , Y " .. o The City Commission convene.d in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, May 14, 1973, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Harris, presiding; Conmissioners Binig, Stanley, and. Way. The Ci ty:\Attorney and City Manager were also present. ,Commission~ Underwood, , was, out of the city oJ). busi- ness. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Harris. Mr. Jeff Corgin, 3017 Bissonnet, asked if the City of West University Place was considered to be part of Houston insofar_as increased rates by Southwestern Bell Telephone Company was- concerned. City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised Mr. Corbin that each municipality had its own franchise agreement'with various utility suppliers. Mr. Corbin also asked if the office of the newly, employed Rec:reati9n Director was to be a permanent office or only temporary arrangement inasmuch as it was a very small area in which to work. Mr. Corgin was advised that dUe to limit- ed office space this was to be a pennanent office lIDless, additional space could be arranged. .:"r , , Mr. Mike Mlrphy, 3706 Robinhodd, asked if there were any plans' for the extensipn of Edloe into West University Place. Mr. Murphy was advised that the developers of Greenway Plaza had stated that, they had no plans for the extension of Edloe; t that the City of Houston had no jurisdiction over that portion of the street within West University Place; and that to be made a part of the Texas High- way system was the only means by, which the. street could, be extended into West University Place. Mr. Charles Gillan, 3620 Georgetown, asked how, permission of the City of West Uni versi ty place would be obtained to place the street in the Texas Highway system. Mr. Gillan was advised that the Highway Department requests cpopera- tion of the entity through which they would be putting a, roadway and that it would be within the power of the city to agree to such request, but i'lt was doubful that such ,wo1llld be done. J The following members of certain boards and committees who were unable to attend the meeting at which such board or committee was appointed, were adminis- tered the Oath of Office by Mayor Harris. . _ : - _Mrs. Travis Long, Beautification Committee Dr. Millo Badner, BEautification Committee Mr. Frank, Stewart" Health Board The following members of the Tax Board of Equalization for the fiscal year 1973 were administered the Oath of Office by Mayor Harris: Mr. Charles Gillan Mr. William J. Beirne Mr. Dale Heiskell Il LJ Mrs. Estelle DeAlcala, 3035 Lafayette, appeared before the City Commission to n LJ C'7i CD ~ ~ ~ Q I' l ! ~..J [J '?I~ ~r.~ J llJlf6!; ".~_ protest a request that the West University Garden Club allow use of a closet in the Comnn.m.ity Building for storage of materials and supplies needed for the summer recreation program andthat 'they be charged a fee for using the' Community Building for their aimual flower show, annual and regular meetings". Mrs. DeAl- cala recalled for the benefit of the Conunissionthe fonnation of a Garden Club stating she was a charter member; the value of ' Garden Club material stored in the closet for both security and accessibility; the benefits rendered ,to the city by the Garden Club; and the fact that the Garden Club would not surrender use of the closet. Mrs. DeAlcala further stated that the Garden Club currently had 54 paid members, but that at its inception there were in excess of 237 members who were active in the Club and interested' in the welfare' of the' city and did much to make it a beautiful city. Mayor Harris thanked Mrs. DeAlcala for appearing before the Conunission and for the work that the Garden CLub has done. In accordance with previous action of the City Comnission bids received for solid sodding Whitt Johnson Park with St. Augustine grass werec:PPfmed and re- suI ts announced as' follows: ' Lesco Turf Distributors Southwest Gardens Teas Nursery R. M. Hardison $ ,1.05 sq. yd. 1.00 sq. yd. 1. 38 sq. yd. 1.25 sq. yd. $2,100.00 total'bid '2,000.00 total bid 2,760.00 total bid 2,500.00 total bid Motion by Commissioner Way; seconded by Conunissioner Stanley, that the bid sub- mitted by Southwest'Gardens for solid sodding'Whitt'Johnson Park 'with St~ Augus- tine grass, assuming that 'they will 'be willing'to sod the parkin increments 'to conincide with construction of a volleyball/basketball court and laying of side- walks, at a price not to exceed $1.00 per square yard. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: ' None In accordance withpreviousaction'of,the City Commission bids received for' furnishing approximately 500 5/8 x 3/4" water meters "for use in the city's meter replaeement program, 'were' opened' and 'resul ts ' announced, as follows: ' Badger Meter Company - $33.37 each - $16,685~00total bid Trade-In allowance of $5.00 each for old meters Neptune Meter Company -$32~40 each - $16,300 total bid Trade-In allowance of $4.50 each for old meters Rockwell Meter Company-$33.l7 each ... $16,585.00 total bid Trade-In allowance of $6.67 on oldRockwell meters ' $3.00 other brand'old meters Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by COImiissioner Way, that actiori. on bids received for furnishing approximately 500 5/8 x 3/4" water meters to be held in abeyance and referred tothe City Mariager pending a demonstration of materials operation, etc. allotting fifteeri minutes to each cOmpany representative and placed on the agenda in at least third position, for the meeting of the City com- mission on Monday, May 21st. p' , , , ' Voting Ayei All VotmgNo:' None r, -" ~ . . . I. . . - j ...t 1- ,t ~'e.' ],1"- _;....~_ .--1 ~ - -.:r A letter dated '.April 27~ 1973;f;om Mi< )u:diael L~,:.I~se ofl t;he firm of Vernon Henry &' ASsociates, landscape arcliitecfssfoi the Whitt Johnson" ParJ,<., was pre-j 'l sented to the Commission~ Mr. Ilse advised that all items required by' the con- tract with, Valley ,Crest LandscC!-pe, Inc,~ of Texas had been completed with ex- G ception of' the slide arid' trash' receptacle' and" it Was his'recommeridation that partial paymeIlt '9fthecontract be made t(,) Valley Crest,~: It was, noted ' that the priginal, ,cont:ract, sum: Was, $17;,907,. 98,; ,~t no' pa~eIl;ts'fuia been rilade,. to 'V~lley Crest~and"that'an estimate'in'the'amoUnt'of'$10~293~07'had~been ~ecerved: Motion by, Commissioner Binig, seconded by COimDissioner' Way, that: Valley Crest' Landscape, Inc.' of 'i'exas'bepaid the suin of $10,293.07 pursuant to the recom- mendation of Mr. Michael Use, landscape archifecL ' ' , Voting Aye: . AIi'" " ' , Voting' No: 'None , ~ '.' .... . . '-. .' .An invoice dated March 16, 1973 in. the amount of $215.00 for services during the period January 20th through',Pebruaiy 25th; an'invoice dated May 2, 1973 in the amount of $296.88 for services' during the period February ~6th :~i;>~gh March 25th; and a:final invoice dated May 10, 1973, in the amount of $50.55, re- ceived from Bernard Jolmson, Inc. for engineering services and preparation of plans and sp~cifica1;ions for ,the proposed water wy~l' no. 7, were presented to the Corrunission for Consideration. .., . ", " Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Conunission Way, that invoices totaling $561.43 submitted by Bernard Johnson, Inc. for completion of Phase I andPhase II of the proposed "water well no. 7 pI:oject be approved for payment and the contractwith':i3'ernard Jolmson, Inc. be "te'rnri.ruited. ' , Voting' Aye: All, , 'Vo,ting No: 'None , , o .An invoice dated March 15, 1973, in the amount of $635.96, submitted by Bernard Jolmson, Inc. for services rendered in cOIUlection with the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift station was presented toi:the Commission for consideration. Motion by Co~ssioner W~y, 'seconded by C6minissio~er B,inig, ,thai, the invoice dated March i5,1973~ in'the amount 'of '$635.96, submitted by 'Bernard JohnSon, Inc. for engineering services on the Weslayan sanitary sewer ,lift station be approved for payment.'" ,',' " . Voting Aye: All Voti~g No: ~one The Commission was advised that maintenance repairs were necessary to the 'iD15 International Harvester tractor used to C9ver trenches at the sanitary land fill and in anticipation of suCh repairs $5~200 was appropriated in the 1973 budget for this purpose. ' , Ordinance Number 999 was presented ,to 'thy Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DElERMINING' 'lliE NECESSITY FOR MAKING 'EMERGENCY REPAIRS 10, INTERNATIONAL HAR- VESTER 1D15BP CRAWLER TRAC10R USED. ATTIIE SANITARY IANDFILL; DETERMING 1HA.T MAKING 1HENECESSARY REPAIRS CAN BE ACC<M?LISHED EFFICIEN1LY AND ECON(}.1- . -::::=- o ~~ ;ti,r1k;~ , -..,...., ~.;. -<'.:, !; ."'~ .. :.;. n lJ ICALLY ON A FORCE ACCOUNT BASIS; SELECTING 1HE FIRM OF PIAINS MACHINEY CCMPANYOF HOUSlON, TEXAS TO MAKE SUCH REPAIRS As AN INDEPENDENT CON'IRAClOR; AND FINDING AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY FOR 1HE MAKING OF SUCH REPAIRS. ., Motion by Cl0lIJhr$'sioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that Ordinance Number 999 be' approved as read and Plains Machinery Co. engaged to make necessary repairs to the 1DlS International Harvester tractor for an estimated cost of $3,800.00. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised' tha t there was a need for repairs to approximately ~ 800' of sanitary sewer line on University Boulevard and the services of a con- eD suIting engineering finIi were needed for the preparation of specifications cov- a-,; ering the project. The Commission was also advised that Mr. Dieter Ufer of Bay- ~ shore Engineers, Inc. had agreed to perfo1m necessary engineering services for Q a fee of less than $500.00 and would handle contract negotiations if this was Q deemed more advisable than advertising for bids., , Motion by Commissioner War, seconded by Commissioner Stanley ,that Bayshore ' Engineering Company be employed to prepare specifications for the repair of' approximately 800' of sanitary sewer line ori University Boulevard and meet with the City COIIllIlission at its next regular meeting on Monday, May 21st. ~ l.D Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Proposals received from the following banking institutions to serve as deposi- tory for city funds were presented to the Commission for consideration: Chemical Bank Executive National Bank Famrin Bank Greeriway. Bank & . Trllst Medical Center Bank ' MercantileBank " ' River Oaks Bank & Trust Company University State Bank Motion by Commissioner StaBley, seconded by Conunissioner Way, that the City Manager, City treasurer and Mayor or his designee, be appointed as a conunittee to tabulate proposals from the various banking institutions and have a frim recOl1Dllenda don for' the City Conmission at:iits next regular meeting, on Monday, May 21st. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A letter dated May 7, 1973, from the'firm of'O'C;onnor, Lawson and McGee pro- posing to make ,an au:di t of revenue-and '~xperiditures of ,the regular funds of the City for the year ending December 31, 1,97~,for a fee not to exceed $3,000.00 [i, ,',Iy",r-"L' 1';i:,"1ir,' ",'re.s,ented to ~e COJDIIU.., " SS"ionfor, .cons"idera'",t" ion, . "I,twas. recommend,ed,.bY ",th,", e ","", I "-.{f,iJ- ty, Mro:ager and Cl ty Treasurer b~ acc~Pted lnasmuch. as this w~s the. flrstln- _! ;'C,1"~ase 1n fees requested by the f11m :Slnce 1968 and 1 twas the1r bel1ef that the '~rease of $300.00 was justified. c 2;S':2~ ~, ' . :6... ~ ~. ~.. ",. .~~~' ,.", . J'I. -----.:; .__1.... ~-- ~ -":::;--1 Motion by Conunissioner Binig, s~conded by COJIBIlissioner Way, that the recom- mendation of the City Manager and 'City Treasurer be accepted and the finli of 0 t COImor, Lawson and McGee be employed to audit the city's records, books, and accounts for the fiscal year 1973. :l L-J Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that $900.00 had been appropriated in the 1973 budget for the purchase of a3n pump to be used to dewater trenches at the sani tary landfill and that it woUld be necessary to prepare specifications and advertise for bids on this pump. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Way, that the City Mana- ger be authorized to advertise for bids on one 3" water pump to be used to de- water trenches at the sanitary landfill with bids to be received by the City Commission on Monday, JtU1e 11th. Voting Aye: ,All Voting No: None City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that during the time the , Legislature is in session there is published in Vernon's Texas Session Laws actual legislation that has been passed and these are reviewed by him as they are received to detennine any new legislation that affects municipalities. Resolution Number 73-lZ was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the city acquired certain property in the uear 1972, at the inter- section of Carnegie and Wakeforest Streets for use as a public park; and WHEREAS, the City Commission requested the Parks and Recreation Board to con- sider various names for such park submitted to them, and to recommend from such number three (3) names for a final choice by the City Commission; and WHEREAS, after consideration the Parks and Recreation Board submitted, as their recommendation, to the City Commission the following names, to-wit: Whitt Johnson Park Carnegie Park Corner Park J and WHEREAS, the City Conunission desires to name said park Whitt Johnson Park. NOW, 'lHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY Ca.1MISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, 'IEXAS. Section 1. That the east one-half (E.l/Z) of ,Lot One (1) and the adjoining . east one~half (E/1/Z) of the south one-half {S.l/Z} of Lot Two (2) in Block (18): ' of West University Place First, an addition in Harris County, Texas, according;,:i-':~~!(l ' to the map or ~lat thereof recorded in Volume 4~4 at Pag~ 560 of the '~eed.;!~~ '0 Recors of HarrJ.s County, Texas, located at theJ.D.tersectJ.on of Carneg1e and ^,":,.""C '';.''>1.1 "i Wake forest Streets be, and it is hereby, named and designated Whitt Johnson';..\':~J/"" : Park in honor of Whitt F. Johnson, City Manager of' the city.'-:.~,")::-;.. I n ~__-.J C') t:.D ~ ~ ~ Q II l..-! '\ ( ! LJ ~ 7.:'Ifi:",' >:t.~ JAjf'uf~ Section 2. That hereafter all official reference to, such park shall use the name Whitt Jolmson Park and anappropri~te . sign bearing such name shall be placed at the park. . ,. " " Section 3. That this REsolution shall be spread upon the official minutes of the City Connnission and a true copy thereof., signed by the Mayor and City Commission shall be presented toMr . Whitt F., Jolmson PASSED AND APPROVED nus 14th day of May, 1973. /s/ Don E.Harris, Mayor /s/ Charles H. Underwood, Jr., Conunissioner /5/ Mary Ann, Binig, Commissioner /5/ Rufus F. Stanley, Jr., Commissioner _,Is/Peter M. Way,_ Commis,sioner ATIEST: Is/Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary ."- >. Motion by Conunissioner Way, seconded by eoIIDiri.ssioner Binig, . that Resolution Ntunber 73-12 officially designating the park located at the intersection. of Carnegie and Wqkefor,est ,Streets as ,the Whitt .Johnson, Park be, approved as read. Voting Aye: All ;\l'oting ,Np:. None Mr. Cockrell reviewed previous action ,that had occured w.ith regard to the question ofpermi tting circular driveways to be constructed in the city. Ordi- nance Number 1000 was presented to the Commission and read in full. < ..... .,~.' ~ Motion by ,Commissioner Way "seconded by ,Commissioner Stanley, that action on Ordinance Number 1000 be delayed until the next ,regular meeting of the City Conmission, at which time the City Manager will have additioml infonnation from the Chief of Police and also make an investigation as to the turning radius ." ,__ Voting Aye: All v o'!:ing No : None - -~ ..' .... . -. - Members ,of the Commission 'requested that they, .be fqrrllshed with ,addresses where there are existing circular driveways they could looka:. Mr. Cockrell advised the .Commission that the case of Fidelty Land and Trust Company vs. City of West University Place had been argued but that he had not yet heard from the" Court. 'of Civil Appeals . Mr. Mike Parks,Chainnan of:the, Parks and Recreatirm Board appeared hefore the.-, Commission to report on a number of activities of that Board. It was the Boardl:s recommendation that funds received as donations to buy trees to be placed in the city parks be used f<br,planting' around, the curb. at. Whitt Jolmson Park. Mr. Parks stated ,that trees already planted :Ln,J:.hispark could bedesigna.tedas gifts pf the donors th~freeing ,the $3Q.OO in. conttibutions, tQ, purchC!-se addi-., tional planting. ' It was also the recommendationof,the Parks and Recreation Board.that the addi tional*funds available for developing the park be used to re ins ti tute the ,. ,~ 'Ir ,I , , 2ie~ :J'- ~ - ~-- -----------,::' . _::1....,.--.-.---. l:.; _:;:~.1" original plans for the park, with primary 'emphasis being given to the basket/ volleyball court, and sidewalks. ' , The Board reconmended that the rehabilitation of ,the Case Park temris court be delayed until fall and that an asphalt apron be built around the court; a new net installed and the basketball foal be removed and relocated south of the pool if possible, thereby keeping the court in use during the sumner recreation program. J Mr. Parks stated that the Bicycle Sub-Conmi ttee had met and was formulating plans for a bicycle rally on opening day of the recreation program, bicycle lanes, and bicycle maintenance. Mr. Parks further stated'that it was the reconmendation of the Board that the two lots located in the 4100 block of ALbans, 100' x 100' which had been offer- ed by the owner for use in the recreation progr.am, be accepted for use as volleyball courts, etc., and the city's $100.00 mowing fee be waived. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Conunissioner Way, that the rec- connnendation of the Parks and Recreation Board be accepted and an asphalt apron be constructed around the Case Park, tennis court;, that the basketball goal be removed and re-located, south of the ,pool, if possible; that the 100' x 100' lot in the 4100 block of Albans be accepted for use in the recreation program" and that the city's $100..00 mowing fee be waived. . Voting Aye : All Voting No: None Ii LJ , It was requested that the Parks and Recreation director coordinate with the Recreation Director as to the 'Use of the lots on Albans prior to establishing a need for a fence on the ,property, and that the property be included in the city's general liability insurance 'coverage. It was also requested that a letter be dlirected to the owner of the property thanking him for his contribution to the city's recreation program. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded ,by. Commissioner Stanley, that inasnn.tch as Monday, May 28th, is a regularly scheduled holiday for city employees and also a regular meeting date for the City Connnission, that the Conunission meet- ing be held on Monday, May 21st. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A letter from Mr. C. E. Lasater, Principal, E. O. Lovett Elementary School, thanking Judge C. R. Dunn, Officer Bernard Ash and Prosecuting Attorney Tom Clark, for the presentation of a Mock Trial at the school on Friday, May 4th, was presented to the Conunis s ion for their infonnation. A claim from Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Jetton for damages to the rear portion of Lot 11, BLock 34, College View 4th Addition, fence, garage,. including piping and wiring relating to washer and dryer in the garage and cleaning of carpet, in the amount of $375.00 was presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by COIIUIlissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that Mr. M. E. . o c C') eD ~ ~ ~ Q 1" I " L~ r L! 2" ',', ','tj, ',"'," . . "-'j .~ '. ~ 'f':~ \. :". Jetton be reimbursed by, th~ Ci.ty of West ~\Cersi ty Pl~ce in the amount, '" stated in his claim of APril 7, 1973, as payment in full for damages to his, property located at 4104 SWarthmore, subject to Jus execution of a fullre- lease by the City Attorney. Voting Aye: All Voting No:' None' A recommendation for the installation of additional, traffic signs, dated , May 10, 1973, submitted by Chief of Police Shipp, was presented to the Conunis- sion for consideration. Motion by Conunissioner Way, seconded by Conunissioner Stanley, that the following traffic signs be erected in accordance with the. recommendation of Chief Shipp. No Parking An)ttime signs to he erected at the following locations: On Sunset Boulevard from the west curb line on Belmont Street, west to the alley on the southside of the str~et. On University Boulevard from ,the east curb line of Weslayan Road to a point 55 feet east on both sides of the street., On Browning Street from the west curb line of Weslayan Road to a point fifty (50) ,feet:west on thenprth side of ,the ~treet., Also, make the off street parking area on the east side of the Fed- Mart building restricted to "Trucks only - 1 hour limit". Motion amendedby CoIIDD.i~~io;ner BiIlig" accepted by Cpnmissioner Way that the recommended traffic signs be erected {or a trial period of six (6) months. Voting Aye: . All , Voting No: , None A letter dated May 14, 1973, from Chief"of Police Shipp, advised the Conmission that joining the Gulf Coast Police Teletype Network would provide the following additions tQ, the Police De.pa;rtIilent:", 1) ,It'w:ill enable us to cheC,k r~cords without going through the Hous~on Poli<;e lJepartmeilt. We will not have to depend on someone to send and receive our messages. 2) It will enable us to know what is going on around us. 3) It will put us in contact with everyone we need tocQlllIJl,tID.ieatewitll. , :Ataco~t of approximately $204.00 .per month, plus thecostofpaperwithap.ins~11a;tio.nGostof$150 .00,. .C4ief Shipp re- commended that the West UniveJJ'sity I?Qlice Department join the Network. Motion by Conunissioner Sumley:, secondeq. byCorrunissioner Binig, ' that the recommendation of Chiei; Shipp be accepted and the equipment necessary to joini the Gulf Coast Police'J:'ele;11ype Network be installed. Voting Aye: All Voting No,: ,None The Comnission was advised that the Post Qffice Department plans to auction off ex-mail jeepsC!-t 302lWasniI1gton.AveI).qe o~SC!-turday,May.19th at '10:00 a.m., aI\d if possible to'purchase one, for le~s than $5QO.00'Jtcould be used by both the Recreation Director andAssistap.t.GityManageras.,needed for trans- portation. Members of the City Conmission agreed that this woUld be an inex- pensive manner of obtaining additional automotive equiPDient. Following additional discussion with'regard to the recommencIati.ons of the Tennis-Sub Conunittee of the Parks and Recreation Board and the need for inme- :::1. ___~~---... ..... ..-. ~__~__~~._~,t 2~S'>'i~(). :: .,~ 'i ;' .',0. J"'-~ ...-.. ._..~ ~ _.....::;~--:z diate implementation, of .theprogram',ootion by. Commissioner-Stanley, . seconded by Commissioner Binig,:that the'reconunendation of the Parks and Recreation Board be accepted arid the program of the Telinis-Sub Conilllitteebeapproved. Voting Aye: All I) :~ Voting No: None It was the decision of the City Commission that the Parks and Recreation. Board could make suggestions and offer ideas ,to the Director of the Sumner Recreation Program, but that direct line of connnandwould be under the juris- diction of the City Manager. Conunissioner Binig was advised that contact would be made with Mr. Steve. Flowers to ascertain the status of the second letter proposed for mailing with regard to the recycling program and the current status of their pbu- licity program. Assistant City Manager Dan Edwards stated that thev0lume of recyclable material aild stabilized and the only problem being experienced at this time is the dumping by unauthorized persons on week-ends 7 resulting in items being put into the wrong containers ." , , Minutes of the regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation ',Board ,on. Thursday, April 26, 1973, were presented to the Commission for their infonnation. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Connnission on May 1, 1973, were presented to the Connnission together with a preliminary report indicating that action was taken by such Commission in recessed session on May 9, 1973, to proceed to consider formulation of reconmendations for the land use of the City of West University Place7 by calling public hearings for the following areas, and dates: 'A. Lots bounded on the north by Tangley, on the East by Kirby Drive,cm the south. by the south property line of Lots 5 and 6, Block 13, Virginia Court Addition, as originally platted, and on the west by Lake Street. ' B. (1) Triangular shaped area bounded on the north by Bissonnet, on the east, by the east property line of Block 1,. College- view 3rd Addition, and on the south by Sunset. (2) On the, north by Bissonnet, on the east by the east property line of Lot 4, Block 4, Collegeview 3rd Addi- tion, on the south by the south property line of lots 4, 3, 2, and 1, Block 4, Collegeview 3rd Addition, and on the west by Weslayan. (3) On the north by Bissormet,. on the east by Weslayan, on the south'by Browning Street, andon 'the west Py the west property line of Lots 9, 8, 7, 6, and 5, Block 2, Bissonnet'Place.Addition. ;1 U (4) On the north by Browning Street, on the east by Weslayan on ~e south by the south property line of the lots facing north on Browning, and on the west by Academy Street; PLUS, lots bounded on the north by Bissonnet, on the east by J c ., CD a;; CzJ ~ Q [ n I ' Li Academy, and on the south ,by the south property line of Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12" Block 18, Colonial Terrace Addition. C. Lots bounded on the north by Ruskin Street, on the east by Weslayan, on:the south by' a reserve strip, (or alleyway) running parallel with,;the :south property line 'of said lots, and on the west by the east poperty line of Lot 4, Block 25 , Collegeview 1st Addition, , with hearings set for three consecutive weeks "the order to, be firs , that: area described in ItAIt above, Public Hearing set for area described in "AIt above at the Community Building, 6104 Auden.a t 7: 45 p.m. ; second, that area described as ItB: above, Public Hearing set for area described in ItBI! above at the Commu- nity Building, 6104 Auden,on:June 5, 1973' at 7 :45 p.m,~;:::;and third, that area described as ItCIt above, Public Hearing set for area described in, "Cltabove at the Connnuni;ty: Building, 6104 Auden, June 12, 1973 at 7:45 p.m. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on M:>nday, April 25, 1973, were presented to the Connnission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Stanley, s'econded by Commissioner Way, tha t the minutes of the regular, meeting of ,the City Conunission on Monday April 25, 19;13, be approved as submitted. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come, before. the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meetingadjoumed at ll:l5'p.m. al~~ ."., ,', '.,' ,Mayor. ,.' ATIEST: ~~! 4/~ Ass~stant C~ty ecretary ,.......... r - ~ . - -. - , " '''~':K'" ~' .. f iiJtu~ 1..:.1rf: ,[ ~e{(t}. > ~'l'€l . ,. """1:.-- :~ --~. ~ . ~- --::-..::-.:r REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION " May 21, 1973: ' The City Conmisson conven~d, in regular'session at the,City Hall on Monday, May 21, 1973,7: 30 _p,.m. ,,: with the: following members present: ' MaY0r Harris, presiding;"Conmissioners: Binig, Stanley and Way:. The.,City Attorney and Clilty Attorney were also present. Conmissioner Underwood was absent. 1\ ;J The Invocation was pronoLUlcecl.by.Conunissioner Stanley:. Mr. Chris Keefer ,37 46 Arnold, advised the Conunission that it was his under- standing, that there had been some discussion, with regard ,to the rate increase by Southwestern Bell Telephone Company and now it mayor may not apply to the City of West University Place. City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised that it was not necessary that the City Conunisson take any action, but that he was in receipt of a letter from telephone company officials which would be passed on to the City Commission for review.' Mr. Cockrell. also advised that it was the city's policy that any utility matters he passed on by the City Conmission and he saw no reason to assume that this would not be the same; and that the City Conunission had always advised residents of the reason for a particular rate increase. , . Conunissioner Stanley stated that in his opinion theCi ty Connnission would be , remiss in not asking. telephone company officials to appear before the Commis- sion and give some reason for the rate increase. The City Manager was request.- ed to ask Mr. Howard Burney, District Manager, of the Southwestern Bell Tele-O ;1 phone Company Mohawk Exchange, to appear before the City Commisson at its next regular meeting on June ,11th. Mr. and Mrs .._Joe. Presswood, 6024.Buffalo . Speedway , were advised that a report had not been received from the Beautification Coimnittee with regard to their request for permission to erect a 6' cedar fence on their property. Motion by Connnissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the chainnan of the Beautification Conmittee be requested to furnish a recoIIllllen- dation with regard to SEction 2b of Ordinance Number 896 which prohibits the erection of a fence on a corner lot that has been sub..,divided into two or more lots, on or before Thursday, May 24th. Voting Aye: ~l Voting No: None In accordance with previous action of the City Conunission, Mr. Jack Hair, Bad- ger Meter Company; Mr. Bud Britton, Neptune Meter Company and Mr. Joel Venable, Rockwell Meter Company, each presented an explanation of their water meters, their operation, construction, 'replacement agreement, special features and guarantees. It was the decision of the City Commission that additional conside- ration should be given bids received for furnishing approximately 500 5/8 x 3/4" water meters and a reconunendation for purchase be made at the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, June ,11th. In compliance with instructions for infonnation and specifica tiOBS for install-0 ! ing a 16" polyethylene liner in an 18" concrete force main on University Boule- l1 _J If) CD Cj;; ~ ~ Q [J fl Li ~,r,'~' :;'k, ~~lTlI;-W, .." /J;.J~~\JJ~ vard between Vanderbilt and Brompton, Mr. Buster Ballard, consulting engi- neer from Bayshore Engineering Company advised the City Commission that there were three methods '.available for the repair ,of approximately 800 ',of sani- tary sewer line on University Boulevard: replacing the existing pipe with con- crete pipe; replacing the existing pipe with cast iron pipe; or the use of a polyethylene liner in ,th~ existing pipe. Mr. Bllard stated that the use of the polyethylene liner would require approximately one-fifth the time neces- sary for either of the other methods of repair and as engineer for the project Bayshore Engineering Company recomended use .of the polyethylene liner. Motion by;.Conunissioner Way, seconded by COnnn1ssioner Stanley, that because, . of the emrgency natur~ .of the project, that the COnnn1sson: dispense ,with, for- mal bids and request that proposals for the ,repairs .tothe. Universi ty Boule- vard sanitary sewer force main by the u;e of polyethylene liner, be. made by 5: 00 p.m. on Friday, May 25th, with a suggested starting date of Wednesday, May 30th. 'Voting Aye: All.. Voting No: . ..None _ . . ~ ~.. . ." ~ ". _ ... { i -!. , Motion by GommissionerWay, seconded by Gommissioner StaiUey , that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a Resolution authorizing the expenditure of the estimated amount of money, not to exceed $12,000, on an emergency basis for repairs to the Uni versityl;Boulevard sanitary sewer force main. , . ' Voting Ayet. All : ~'. l .~ Voting No: None Estimate No.7, prepared and recommended by Bernard Johnson, Inc. for payment to Lem Construction Company in the amount of $11,793. 75.for work perfonned during the period April 1, 1973 to APril 30, 1973, in' cormection with the con- struction of the Weslayan sanitary sewer"lift-plant~' was,presented.toithe Conunission for consideration. - Mrs. Myrtis Isham and Mr. Calvin Isham, 4005 University Boulevard, requested that payment be withheld for the reason that the contract, Lem Construction. Company, had not made restitution for alleged damages to their property. City Attorney Charles Cockrell stated that inasmuch as there was a retainage on. the contract sum and that the contractor had been~,been bonded, it was his thought that the city .could not withhold payment of Estimate No.7. After consideration of.Mr . Isham 's request, and discussin the matter with the City Attorney, the Commission took the following action: " Motion by Conunissioner Way, seconded by Conunissioner Stanley, that the Connnission withhold action on payment to !.em Construction Company of Estimate Nq. 7 in the amount of $11,793.75, for work perfonned on the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift station, until such time as the City Attorney can advise of the ,city' srights and responsibilities with regard to the filing of a suit by private citizens against the contractor. Voting Aye: All Voting No:.,' 'None, In accordance.withprevio.us action of the City Commission, bids received for furnishing,100 cubic yards'ofA, 1/2 sack concrete for 'the construction of a basketball/volleyball.,court' at Whitt JOhnson,Park, were opened and results ~ r---'-'- ._..._u__, " 7t1;0\ H .-U. J",---- ~ ~ L ..1 announced, as follows: Builder!s SuPPly of Houston, Less Z% discount ' . '$19,.80, cubic 'yard ,._ . .,,1. Texas Industries, Inc '"' Less' 2% discount $19.80 cubic yard : " 1 ~ Lone Star Industries, Inc., $19.80 cubic yard ..-.-~ ~ ...:;....1 , $1,980.:00, total bid ,;,1 - , $1,980.00 total bid $1,980.00 total. bid Motion~by,Comnissioner- ,Way, seconded by Conunissioner Binig;, that the ,bid submitted by Texas ,Industries, Inc. for furnishing 100 cu. yatds of 4 1/2 sack concrete at $19.80 per cubic yard, or a total bid priceof,$L,980.00, with a 2% discount, be accepted. \ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o A letter dated May 21" 1973 from the City Manager and City Treasure1=:,,:Qutlining a comparison of the' services proposed by seven banking institutions to serve as a depository,for city,funds,and pr0vide additional banking services, was presented to theConunission for consideration. Motion by Commissoner Stanley, seconded by Conmrlssioner Binig, that the following accounts be transferred and deposited with Chemical Bank and Trust Company: Water-Sewer Fund General Fund ' Heal th Fund. Payroll Fund Insurance Reserve Fund Tax Collector's Fund Cash Bail Bond Fund Revenue Sharing Fund 75,768.83 62,116.45 2,592.19 6,603.78 7,266.35 30,738.46 1,930.00 -0- and that the following accounts be left on deposit at the University State Bank: Trus t Agency Fund Water Meter Deposit Fund Swimming Pool Fund Charter .Amendment , Reserve Water Fund Charter .Amendment Reserve. Sewer Fund Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund Voting Aye: All,. 817.73 500.00 3,078.71 21.53 31.33 42.47 Voting No: None Motion amended by Conmissigl'ler. StarJ.ey to include instructions to the Chemical Bank .and Trust ,Company that the above accounts would be trans- ferred subsequent to such bak having met the, requirements of puttipg up the necessary securities, etc. as required by State Statutes. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None J , L o l'2 c.D en ~ Q Q \ 1\ l~ n Lj '~, 'r"L"'It,' <C'Y.' /s..~.: Ii~ ~tJi;~ Conunissoner Stanley volunteered to obtain additional infonnationin order to resolve the question with regard to the construction of circular drive- ways within the city. . Resolution Number 73-13 was.presented to the Conmission and read in full: , WHEREAS;, the City,Connnissionhasheretofore detennined that additional real property is needed in conjunction with municipal operations:;- and WHEREAS, the City has entered into an Earnest Money Contract for theacquisi- tion of Lot 9, Block 18, College View 1st, owned.bythe estate of Mrs. Gar- land W. Vorhees, deceased. c," cc NOW, lliEREFORE ,BE, IT RESOLVED BY 1HE CI1Y C<M4ISSION OF 1HE CI1Y .oF WEST UNIVERSI1YPIACE, lEXAS: ' " , Section1. That Ue sumof,$20,OO.O.0.(i), be appropriated ,from the Genera Fund- Capi tal Inyestment Improvement Fwd for the acquisition of: Lot 9, Block 18, College View 1st, an addition to the Ci tyof West-University Place, Harris County ,Texas ,according to the map or plat ,. thereof recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Harris County, Texas, also !mown as 3811 Amherst Street. Section 2. That the Mayow be, and he is herby, authorized to effect final settlement of the tenns. arid provision of an Earnest Moneyeontract dated the 28th day of February, ' 1973 ,resulting, in the payment of, the total sum of $20,000.00 for the purchase and acquisition of the above described property. , Section 3. That SouthemTi tIe Company, Inc. ,Houston, Texas shall deliver, at seller's expense, a title guaranty insUrance, policy, to the City of West University Place, Texas,. wherein, said,Ci tyof West University: Place, Texas is named as the beneficiary showing good fee simple title to the heretofore described property in the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 4. That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to prepare and draw a warrant from the General Fund of the City of West University Place in the amount of $15,000.00, plus, purchaser' sportion,of the ,closing costs, as final cash settlement of the agreed purchase price of $20,000.00, which sum includes $5}000. 00 placed in escrow with Southern Title Company, Inc. as part of the earnest money pUrchase agreement. . . ~ASSED AND APPROVEDtthis 21st day of Mly, 1973. Connnissioners Voting Aye: All Connnissioners Voting No: None /a/ DonE. Harris Mayor, ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City, Secretary Motion by Comnissioner Binig, seconed by Commissioner Stanley"that Resolution Number 73-13 authorizing the acquisition by the City of Lot 9, BLock 18, College View 1st Addition, also known as 3811 Amherst Street, be approved as 2rlt ]1:--- .. ",_._ .-1 r.::==:::=: :--:-1 .. read. Voting Aye: All Vot~ng No: None ---.., I I ( ~J The Commission WC!-s advised that; in,response . to a, request by the Zoning and Planning Commission as to whether any action was required on their part as to the acquisition. of.Lot 9, Block l8,Collegeview 1st Addition, the City Attorney had furnished such Conunission a statement that no action was re-. quiredon its part. " - - Motion by Commissioner Way, . seconded by' Commissioner, Stanley, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for the removal. of the exis ting house on Lot 9, Block 18, College View 1st Addition, with bids to be received' on June 11" 1973; and, that the City Manager be further ,authorized to pave. said lot for parking with city forces and appropriate firsmbe contacted with regard to laying out parking and driveways in order that cars parking around the City Hall can be removed from' streets in the- s~ounding neighborhood. . ~. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None . .' '. . Mayor Harris stated, that ,he had beem requested by Mrs. ,Henry Strobel, 2706 Talbot, that such street be blocked off for a block party on May 28, 1973, from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. The Commisson was advised that Mayor Harris .had"been among those present in the Governorts office in Austin when the Mass Transit Bill was signed. The Connnission was advised that construction,would start in the near future on::the basketball/volleyball court at Whitt Johnson Park. In response to a question by Conunissioner Stanley, City Attorney Charles Cockrell stated that ,in his ,opinion it would be goo.d to request that Jed Shaw, Municipal Court Judge for the City of SOuthside' Place, be requested to serve as an Associate Judge ,for West UniveFsivPlace should the need arise. Commissioner Binig stated that she believed someone, should talk to the reporter for the Southwestern Argus, inasmuch as the report of the previQuse meeting of the City Connnisson indicated that ,much time was spent with the calling of public hearings by the 'Zoning and Planning Connniss:hmn,when in fact only the preliminary report was accepted and the minutes. presented., Minutes of the recessed, meeting of the Zoning and Planning, Connnission on . May 9, 1973, werepresented to the Connnission for their infonnation. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on May 17, 1973, were presented to the Conunisson for their infonnation. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Conunisson on Monday, May 14, 1973, were presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Conunission on Monday, May 14, , 1973, be approved subsequent to the inclusion that the property on Albans Road accepted for park purposes was to be for a trial period of one year. I) :J ~. ., o Voting Aye: All , Voting No: None Wi th no further business to come before the Commission a: this time; upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed until 5: 00 Ii I i LJ ~ CD a-; ~ ~ 'Q Ii U p.m., Saturday, May 26, 1973. ATTEST: ~~~. / AssJ.stant CJ.ty 'ecretary " .,' ---:--- ~7T~,"~ .{; 1~:@~! -.."- w.4x , ,',' 'Mayor.'," L~ _~ _=1: ___ __~_~____..._____r: ~_ ... ~_____.__~___:____~Ir ~T.iri " ~~~~~.. :11""'--- - . .-.--~..~ ~ - ~~ RECESSED MEETING OF CITY, CCM4ISSION May 26, 1973,'" The City Commis~i~~Fonvened in-recessed session at the City Hall on Saturday, May' 26, 1973, 5: 30-- p.m. ,., with the following members present: Mayor Pro~ Tem Underwood, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Stanley, and Way. The City Manager was also present. Mayor Don Harris was absent. In accordance with previous action taken by the c;tty CoJ!llllisson at its regu- lar meeting on May 26,1973, proposals received for the installation or approxi- mately 850 lineal feet of l6t1 plastic sewer lining and connection to an exist- ing lift station, were reviewed as follows: Naylor Pip~ Cleaning Company 10;489.00 pipe installation 290.00 lift station installation $ 10,779.00 total bid price 10,106.50 pip~ installa,ti0J):, _',_ 150.00 lift station installation $ 10,256.50 total bid price Motion by Connnissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the bid of Shur-Flo, Inc. for the installation of approximatley 850 lineal feet of 16" plastic sewer~lining and connection to an existing lift station for a total bid price of $10,256.50, be accepted. Shur-Flo, Inc. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None J J The City Commission considered its legal position in relation to the payment of Estimate No. 7 to Lem Construction Company in the amount of $11,793.75 for work perfonned during the period April 1, 1973 to APril 30, 1973 in connection wi th the construction of the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift plant, and reviewed the::..'following letter dated May 25, 1973 from City Attorney Charles Cockrell setting forth his opinion with regard to payment: "'Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Ci ty of West University Place, Texas 3800 University Boulevard Houston, Texas 77005 Dear-MemlJersc",ef:the?" City Commission: At the May 21, 1973 meeting of the City Commission, EStimate No. T covering the period April 1, 1973 to April 30, 1973 prepared and re- commended by Bernard Johnson Engineers, Inc., 5050 Westheimer, Houston, Texas 77027 and approved by L. W. Laird, Contractor, in the amount of $11,793.75, was presented for consideration of payment. Due to any objection raised by a property owner adjoining the Weslayan Sewer Lift Station, the City Commission instructed City Manager Whitt Jolmson to withhold payment of Estimate No.7 until the City Attorney 0:1 could advise the Commission about a claim being asserted by the property ~~. ' [1 ~ CD OJ ~ .~ Q [~ [J .""1^~""""'! ;\1.1- ~ Qi.; Pursuant to the request, I have examined the' contract documents, and have discussed the relevant provisions thereof with 'Mr. Bryant Sparks of Bernrad Jolmson., Inc. During the discUssion of with- . holding the., ',!>ayment , reference was nade. to Section 39' -wherein · the owner is permitted to withhold payment of any certificate on "claims filed or reasonable evidence indication probably filing claims". The last paragraph in, such section provides "when the above grolIDds are removed or the contractor provides a surety bond satisfactory to the 0wner which. will protect the owner in the amount withheld, payment shall be made for the amounf-Withheldbecause of time It . The contract document requitres. a minimu, of $50; 000 property damage liability insurance." . The cOhtract document also provides that the contractor will indenmify and hold the owner hannless from any claims for damages. On Tuesday, May 22nd, I had a call from the attorney representing Lem Construction Conipany'inquiFing abo!lt this matter. He indicated that failure to make it ,was working an extreme hardship upon Lem Construction Company. City Manager Whitt Jolmson has advised the Cit~ Conunissionthat even upon payment of the present amount claimed due a sum in excess of $20,000 will reIJ1ain. . .' Under the circtmlStances, it is my opinion that the amount of $11,793.75 certified and recommended for payment by Bernard Johnson, Inc., Consult- ing Engineers, be paid. Mr. Bryant Sparks, enginner with Bernard Johnson, Inc. concurs in this opinion." After considering the City Attorney's opinion in this regard, the following ac- tion was taken: Motion by Conmissioner Stanley, seconded by Comnissioner Binig, that the recommendation of the City Attorney in his letter of May 25, 1973, be accepted, and Estimate Number 7 in the amount of $11,793.75 for payment to Lem Construction Company be approved. Voting Aye: All @ Voting No: M)n.e A letter from the Beautificatiori. Committe, dated May 24, 1973, set forth the following alternatives in order to permit Mr. and Mrs. Joe Presswood;, 6024 Buffalo Speedway, to construct a wooden fence along the same' lines as the present fence on their property is constructed. 1) Abolislunent of the ordinance 2) Exception to the ordinance 3) Rewri ting of the ordinance '" The letter further requested that members of the Beautification Committee be permitted to appear before the City Commission to present their views with regard to revisions that should be made to Ordinance Number 896. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Conunissioner Way, that Section 2b of Ordinance Number 896 be amended to allow property owners on a corner sub- divided lot to build a fence like other property owners, with written consetn ~.... ~ ->---.........., ...1" de ~1~Qp " L-.-~.l...:_.,._....._~ -r---- -, of all preperty owners witltin 200 t of the fence in question, provided such construction is no nearer than 5 t of the, property line; tba t the City Attor- ney be instructed to prepare an amendatory ordinance; cmd that Mr. and Mrs. Presswood be advised of the action takell,: ] Voting Aye: All , Voting No: None . . .. . The City Manager was instructed,to publish notice, of public hearing to be, held on Monday, June 18, 1973, 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of consideration of expendi tures of Revenue. Sharing Funds. . With no further business to come bef0ret;l1e COIIIIl.1issiQn at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. CZ24~ , Mayor ATIEST: AsS~ty~ / J . ] [1 If) CD en UJ ~ Q !" I L~ [J : ,;~, ..t, "'~": '1M'" e;" ;g, J;, REGULAR MEETING ,OF CI1Y C<J.1MISSION June 11, 1973' The CityComnission convened in regular session..at ,the City Hall on M:>n~}':, June 11, 1973, 7:30 p.m., with the following-members present: Mayor Harris, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Stanley, Underwood and Way. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Conunissioner Underwood. ' '- ' Mr. Mike Daughtery, 4233 Swarthmore, appeared before the Commission to' protest the provision of Ordinance No. 896 requiring that the rough side of a fence, either wood, metal chain link, masonry, or ,fence of any kind or ; type, shall face, the inside of the lot or ,premises on, which said fence is ,to be built. Mr. Daugherty stated that his neighbors had no objection to the rough side of the fence being toward their property, and inasmuch as he was paying for the fence it was his belief that he should be able to face it as he desired. Mr. Daugherty was advised that considerable thought had gone into the inclu- sion of thiSjPtOvi'sion in-the fence ordinance considering accessibility for police and fJ:re depar1ment)!ersonnel, appearance, and that fact that the fence would be less likely to be used as a means of escape if the rough side faced inside. Mayor Harris advised Mr. Daugherty that additional consideration would be given to this provision of the fence ordinance and report made to him. Mr. Calvin Isham, 4005 University Boulevard, stated that his garage is flooded as a result of poor drainage following construction of the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift plant and that he had not heard results of a survey he had request- ed showing how much of the plant and lines were located on his property. Mr. Isham stated that he expected to be reimbursed by the city for use of his property and also for any items in his garage that_ might be water damaged. Mr. Isham also complained of odors emitting from the new construction whereas odors rarely were. detected from the old plant. Mr. Isham further advised the Connnis- sion that he had reached an agreement with Mr. Laird's insurance company and that a settlement had been made for damages to his property by Lem Construction Company. City .Manager Whitt Jolmson was requested to investigate the drainage problem and take necessary action to prevent flooding of the area. The Connnission was advised that McKnight Engineers had been requested to survey the area with re- gard to the, location of :the plant and lines, but their report had not yet been received. Mr. Bill Sawyer, Vice-Chainnan, Envirorunental Improvement Committee, reported that attention had been given to the priority projects provided by the City Commission and covered,;~ each of the five areas, listing his Committee's recom- mendation for each. Commissioner Stanley commended Mr. Sawyer and members of the Committee for the work they had accomplished and suggested that subsequent to a meeting with the Parks andl Recreation Board to determine what,if any, action had been taken with regard to beautification of Alb;ms, and report to the City Commission definite plans together with cost estimates for the beautification. . ...., .~~l " --'::.- .:.._--: ..._---~ ~ Mr . Sawyer was also requested to furnish the City Commission with the names of possible candidates to be employed to explore all phases of the implementation II of the ",Inde.p.endence; ParkPtoposal ,and a ,step b)li' step ,procedure to,oe followed , J int getting the project beyond the talking phase. . ~ Mr. Howard, Burney, District Manager, M>hawk Exchange, Southwestern Bell Tele- phone Company, appeared before the Conmissiml in response to a request for information regarding 'the , recently established rate increase imposed' by South-, western Bell. 1- _ l Mr. Burney stated that excluding the City of Houston, there were 34 municipali- ties included, in:'the Houston Metrolpolitan ,Plan. ' Mr..Burney:reviewed the ex- pansioIJ. :.of s~rvicesi provided by Soutbwe,stern, Bell, ,increased costs for: equip- ment and persoIUlel and ad valorem taxes paid to the City. of West University Place. ,> Mr. Burney further stated that the West University City Commission was advised that..a rate increase would be requested, but due to the lengthy, rate, study im- posed by the City of Houston no fOllow-up was made. Mr. BUrney waS requested to furnish the City Conunission a copy of the researchdone by the City of Hous- ton and City Attorney Charles Cockrell., was requested to furnish the Commission wi th a model ordinance in effect requiring utility companies to apply to the city fO,a rate increase. In accordance with previous action of the City Commission, bids re~eived for furnishing one new 3" x 3" centrifugal pump were opened and results announced as follows:, ] Company ~ Hose Tot.al Ri n~ R. Bruce Carter, Agent 659.00 85.00 ' 744.00 Gaedcke Equipment' Co. 672.00 120.00 792.00 Harleyilildustries. ,581.00 115.00 696.00 W. L. Sonmer Company 607.50 103.00 710 . 00 Southern Engine & Pump Co. 717.00 178.00 895.00 Motion by Commissioner Underwood,seconed by Commissioner Binig, that bids received for furnishing one new 3" x 3" centrifugal pump be referred to the City Manager and appropriate dept:irtment head for study and tabulation, with a recommendation for purchase, to be presented to the,City,ColID1ti.ssion'at its next regular meeting on June 25th. Voting Aye: All Voting No: NOne The Conuniss:ion was advised that only one.bid had been received in response to advertisement for bids to remove a 5 -room frame house from 3811 Amherst Street and such bidder had stated that he would submit a qualified bid re- questing additional time to get the heuse removed. MJtion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the specifications be changed to allow' thirty days for removal of the house, with a lilJ $25.00 per day penalty to be imposed for each additional day, and that the bid received be returned with suitable explanation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None n ~ CD dJ ~ ~ o il ~ [] ~"'i' J:' '-'II? ~ j;dl.i '''} _fi.!,.'#~ An invoice in the amount of $401. 53 for professional services by Bayshore Engi- neers in the preparation of plans and specifications for relining approximately, 800' of sanitary sewer force main with a 16" polyethyelene liner, was. presented to the Commission for consi.eration. Motion.~ by Conunissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the invoice submitted by':Bayshore Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $01.53 for engineering services on the 18" sanitary sewer force main on Uni versi ty Boulevard" be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Estimate Number 1 for work completed by G. G. Ross, Inc. on the rehabilitation of the Wakeforest water plant, as prepared and certified by Bayshore Engineers, Inc., in the amount of $13,566.00 was presented to the Commission for considera- tion. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that esti- mate No.1 in the amount of $13,566.00:, for work performed by G. G.Ross, Inc. on the rehabilitation of the Wakeforest water plant, be approved for payment. Voting Aye,:, All Voting No: None \ The Conunission was advised that Mr. Dieter Ufer, engineer with Bayshore Engi- neers,Inc. had reviewed preliminary studies prepared by another engineering firm, and had stated that his finn would prepare a complete study of the pro,., j ected construction of a stonn sewer in the College Court Addition, including some pr.eliminary drawings, location of the project parallel to BissoIUlet and drainage into the HarrisCounty Flood Control District t s stonn sewer, for a fee not to exceed $500.00. Motion by Conunissioner Underwood, seconded bYi,,:Commission Way, that Bayshore Engineers, Inc. be employed to submit a proposal for the construction of a., stonn sewer(: in the, College Court Addition for a fee not to exceed, $500 .00. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Ntunber 1000 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6-4l(b) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVER - , SITY PIACE, TEXAS PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN, EXCEP- TIoNs' FOR CONSTRUCTION OF FENCE ON CORNER LOTS AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Comnissioner Binig, seconded by Comnissioner Stanley, that Ordinance No. 1000, amending the Code of Ordinances to provide for the construction of fences on corner lots that have been subdivided, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A letter dated June 11, 1973, from the City Manager reconnnending that the bid for furnishing 500 5/8 x 3/4" water meters be awarded to Rockwell Meter Company ": ' ~~:i";t!'~ ' : . ".' ~ . .> U'; . .~. ,..- I ." " ~._.ln: '-.- -~ 1:.; . .__ .;.1 on their bid of $26'.50 per meter. net ,difference >based on their trade-in allow- ance of $6.67 for their Rockwell sealed, register meter" was presented to the Commission.'Th.e letter further stated that Rockwell meters had been used by the city since 1957; Rockwell has a local repair shop from which new meters can be received and repair service obtained; arid that their IS-year guarantee has been most advantageous to the city's meter replacement program. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded. by Commissioner Stanley, that the reconunen- dation of the City Manager and Water Superintendent be accepted and the city be authorized to purchase approximately 500 5/8 x 3/4" sealed type magnetic Rickwell water meters in accordance .with their bid dated May 11, 1973 for $33.17 per meter with a trade-in allowance of $6.67 for any meter traded in. ,~ , I I , I LJ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 73-14 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, ,the City Ccmmission considered it advisable to accept, proposals from banking institutions, to serve as depository for city funds; and WHEREAS, on May 14, 1973, proposals received were referred to the Mayor, City Treasurer and City Manager, for study and reconunendation to be submitted to the Ci ty Commission; and WHEREAS ,after reviewing the proposals submitted and the committee's recom- mendation, the City Connnission took the following action: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CI1Y COM.1ISSION OF 'lEE CI1Y OF WEST UNIVERSI1Y PIACE, 'TEXAS: '. . . fi ~J Section 1. The following banking institutions located in Houston, Texas, are hereby designated to be and serve as official depository for all funds of the city until such bank depository is renamed or reassigned: University State .Bank, Houston, Texas and Chemical Bank and Trust Company, Houston, Texas. Section 2. That the City Treasurer is hereby directed to establish accounts with Chemical Bank and Trust Company and to keep therein the following accounts, to wit: ' Water-Sewer F~d - -.:; ~ -1~-:;)~ . '-- -:General Fund Heal th Fund Payroll Fund Insurance Reserve Fund Tax Collector's Fund Cash Bail ,Bond Fund Revenue Sharing Fund Section 4. That the City Treasurer is hereby directed to establish accounts with University State Bank and to keep therein the following accounts, to wit: Trust Agency Fund Water Meter Deposit Fund Sw:imm:ing Pool. Fund IJ o o o 281 Charter Amendment Reserve Water Fund Charter .Amendment Reserve Sewer FUnd Fund E Section 5. Tha t the City Treasurer, Assis tant City Treasurer, Mayor, Mayor Pro-Tem and City Manager are hereby directed to sign or counter-sign the necessary signature cards' to establish the necessary bank accounts. with the , said Chemical Bank and Trust Company and the University State Bank of Houston, Texas. Section 6. The said depositories shall be, notified of their designation as official depository of the City of West Uni versi ty Place, Texas, and shall in accordance with Article 25-59 through 26-66a.of Vernon's Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, provide the proper securities for the purpose of securing said city funds in an amount equal to. the amaunt af said city ftmds an depasi t in said deposi tory bank or banks. Section 7. All Resolutionsrela ting to the depOsit of furids or designation of banks to serve as'depositories in conflict with this Resolution are hereby repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED this 11th day of June, 1973~ Commissionem Voting Aye: All Coinmissi6ners Voting NO: NOne , Is/ DOh E. Harris Mayor ATI'EST: ",' /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Conunissioner Stanley, seconed' by Comiiissioner Binig, thatR.esoli1ti6ri. Number 73-14 designating Unive~sity State Bank and Chemical Bankaiid mist. ' Company as depositories for city funds" be.approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: ' None Resolution Number 73-15 was presented to the.Co~ssion and mad in full: WHEREAS ,the Sewer Department. has encotmtered ~ considerable difficultY for several years in maintaining the 18" sailiti.ry sewer force 'main traversing' University Boulevard from Weslayan to Brompton Road; a section o.f such force main between Vanderbilt aIld Brompton being constructed of nonreinforced con- cre~e _p~pe~,and WHEREAS, considerable odor has been created in the past few weeks as a re- sult of frewuent breask in the 18" sanitary sewer force main; and WHEREAS, Bayshore Engineers, Inc., P. O. Box 627, Deer Park, Texas, was eni': ployed to advise the City Commission of the best and most expeditious method of making such repairs; and WHEREAS, because'::Q: the emergency nature of the project it was necessary to dispense with fonnal bids for such proj ect; and r:.:::-- ~] -~' .-- '1 __-..JI[ n I' I ,. JI .~ ____I .......--.J : J 1282 WHEREAS, BayShore Engineers,' Inc; has made,Writtenreconunendations to the Ci:ty Commission dated May 14, 1973,' that the best procedure for repairing 0 the l8t! sanitary sewer force main would be the installation of a polyethylene liner; and WHEREAS, the number of qualified persons, finns and corporations engaged in this type operation are limited; and ' , WHEREAS, upon specifications and proposals prepared by Bayshore Engineers, Inc., two finns, Naylor Pipe Cleaning Company and Shur-Flo, Inc. submitted proposals' for the installation of: approximately 800 lineal feet of l6t! plastic sewer liner and upon reconmendation of Mr. Dieter Ufer ,engineer, Bayshore Engineers, Inc., the low bid submitted by Shur-Flo, Inc., in the amount. of $10,256.50 was deemed the most acceptable bid submitted; and WHEREAS, the City Conmission in recessed s~ssion on May 26, 1973, accepted such low bid of Shur-Flo, In. in the amount of $10,256.50' and authorized issuance of a work order.. mw, lHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY lHE CI1Y C(}.M[SSON OF 1HE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIACE, 'IEXAS: " , Section 1. That the repairs and installation of a l6t! polyethylene liner in the .8t! sanitary sewer line on Urij.versity Boulevard between Vanderbilt and Brompton Road involves the public health and welfare of the citizens of the city and creates a public emergency and require.d that immediate action be taken to repair such line at the earliest possible time. Section 2. That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to enter int> a contract with Shur-Flo, Inc. for the installation of sa~d polyethylene liner in said sanitary'" sewer line. ' Section 3. That all ac!tlions heretofore'taken by the Mayor and City MaDager in connection with the repairs to said sanitary sewer line are herebyex- pressly ratified and confinned. Section 4. That the sum of'$ll,OOO.OO be, and it is hereby, authorized from the Water-Sewer Fund for satisfaction of the amount due to Shur-Flo, Inc. and Bayshore EngiI1e~rs, "Inc. for engineering services. PASSED AND APPROVED This 11th day of' June, ,1973. ATIEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Conunissi.oners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None / s/Don E. Harris Mayor o o ~1 L: ~ CD a;; ~ ~ Q [ o , \ -,. m~~~ !AJ''\!J;V~: Motion by Colnmissioner Way, seconded by Conunissioner Binig, that Resolution Number 73-15 authorizing repairs and installation of ,16H polythylene liner in the 18" sanitary sewer line on Uni versi ty Boulevard, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All , Voting No: None Permission was requested to advetise for bids for 60b' of 4" fire hose for which $2,000.00 was appropriated in the.1973 budget. ' Motion by Conmissioner Underwood"seconded by Connnissioner Stanley, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received on July 9, 1973, for furnishing 600' of 4" fire hose._ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Conunission that Robert Hewlett dba BUIUlie Show Chili, had filed an application for Writ-of Error in his suit against the Alcoholic Beverage Connnission 'and that he"had been furnished a copy of the brief prepared by the Attorney General. Mr. Cockrell also advised that Fidelity Land & Trust Company had filed a motion for rehearing, in the Court of Civil .Appeals in their suit against the City of West University Place. An irwoice in the amount of $417 .20 submitted by Kekkey, Ryan and Merrill for legal services rendered in connection' with Fideli ty Land & Trus t Company suit, was presented to, the Commission for consideration. ' Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Bi~g, that the invoice in the amount of $417.20 submitted by Kelley, Ryan and Merrill for legal services rendered in connection with the Fidelity Land & Trust Company suit be approved for payment~ . Voting Aye: All Voting No: ,None An. invoice dated May 23, 1973, in the amount of $1,253-;:60, submitted by City Attorney Charles Cockrell for legal services rendered during the months of January, February and March, 1973, was presented to the Commission for considera- tion. Mo:ti!on by Conunissioner Underwood; secnnded by Commissioner Binig, that the invoice dated May 23, 1973, in the amount of $1,253.60, submitted by City Attorney Charles Cockrell for legal services rendered during the months of January,February and March, 1973, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Cannnission was advised that a proposal had been received from the National Cash Register Company to overhaul the NCR Computronic used in the Water Billing and Accounting Departments for an approximate cost of from $2400 to $3400~. Following a discussion with regard to other equipment pointed out during the Orientation Day program as needing replacement, it was the decision of the City Conunission that they be furnished a 'complete list and cost breakdown of needed equipment including a comparison of lease-purchase and outright purchase of a new computerized accounting machine. r--' . . - ..- "' .7... --I 2t8~ Ci ty Attorney Charles Cockrell C!-cJ.vi$ed, the . COIllI1liss~ that Section 24 -46, of the Code of Ordinances' pT~bits any substance being deposited or thrown. into any sewer, catch basin, manhole or fl~h tank and .if ,properly enforced could, -: prevent the emptying of concrete trucks into citystonn sewers. The City Mana- ger was requested to .avise Street Superintendent A. L. Bearden and Orlef of ~- Police H. E. Shipp of this ~ode provision. The COnmUssion was advised that the Insurance, Connnittee should be requested to study the City!s insurance program to determine if additional coverage should be considered in view of the rise in construction and labor. costs. , , ' The City Manager was instructed to' request that' the Building Inspector furnish the City Commission he recommendation foruupdating the Code of Ordinances in- cluding any amendments ma,de to the National Building Code, such information to be presented at the next regular meeting of the City Conunission on June 25th. The City Manager was instructed to request that the City Treasurer furnish the Ci ty Comnission, on a continuing monthly basis, a list of all, bank accounts, bala:hce of each, funds invested with maturity dates and an accounting of all amounts expended from the unappropriated surplus. ~ The City Attorney was requested to furnish the City Commission a monthly report on all legislation affecting municipalities. Commissioner Stanley stated that he would like to remind the City Commission of the continued progress on the constructlion of the, Dloe overpass and that it was his thought that a study should be made now as to increased traffic on neighborhood streets, rather than after the project has been completed. J , ' Motion by Conunissioner Stanley, seconded by COnmUssioner Underwood, that Mr. Jim Taylor, Traffic Safety, Program Specialist, Texas, Department of Conmuni ty Affairs, be contacted with regard to engagiIg the services of an engineer to make a preliminary study to <htennine what can be done with regard 'to traffic in West Unive~sity as a result of the construction of the Edloe overpass. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In response to a question regarding the preparation of an ordinance regulating incinerators within the city, 1he Commission was advised that there are now only tow incinerators in ,the city, and that it was believed that the regulations imposed by the Texas Air Quality Board on January 1, 1974 will require compliance by all incinerator operators. Commissioner Binig was advised that it would be necessary to level the strip of land adj acent to Poor Fam Ditch in order for it to be used as a bicycle trail and such work would be done upon the return of the Street Department persormel from vacation. The City Manager was requested to furnish the City ConunissiOlan itemized list of all old equipment to be disposed of. The City Manager was instructed to request that the Chief of Police study the IJ Statute going into effect on September 1, 1973, permitting a right or left turn on a red light, and report to the City Conmission. ' [J I':>> CD ~ t.IJ Q Q [ D ~,~~",: j~"el.~ The City Manager was instructed to request that Recreation Director Sal CAruso make a report to the Commission 'on registration for the StmIIIler Recreation Pro- gram. Minutes of the regular meeting of 1:he Electrical Board on May 21, 1973, were pre,:: sented to the Commission for their infonna,tion. Minutes of the meetings of the Parks and Recreation Board on May 8th, May 14th and May 21st were presented to the Commission for their infonnation. . Minutes of the regular meeting of the Accident and Safety Conmi ttee on May 8th were presented to the, Commission for their information. ' Minutes of the Solid Waste Conunittee on May 8th and May 21st were presented to the Commission for their infonnation. Minutes of the special meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on Mly 29th were presented to the Connnission for'their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Mly 21st and the re- cessed meeting of may 26th were presented to the Commission and the following action taken. l\t:>tion by Connnissioner Way, seconded by Conunissioner Undel.'Wood, that minutes of the regular meet1ng on May 21st and the recessed meeting of May 26th be approved as submitted. . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Wi th no further business to come before the Comnission at. this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m. 41..~ , May6r ATI'EST : .' . ."' . . . . AsS1S~~ ----' J ... r-- ----: . .- --., ---.., i '1 '.,,' 2~;,~_.;6:';', , ]'I,.-----~ I.. __,_ :;:r-- r=:: _ -:::r . O-:,~:~,~>CI'IY COMa.SSION PUBLIC HEARING ,~ ..,';': 'JUNE18'~ 1973', ' The City Conmission convened at 7:30 p.m., Monday, June 18, 1973 at the City Hall for the purpose' of holding a Public. Hearing called' for this date, with the following members present:, ' Mayor- Harris, presiding; Comnissioners Binig, Stanley, Undewood and Way. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present~': '\ ": ,-'" ' ' , Mayor Harris advised tho~ present that this public hearing had been called to consider a budget and expenditures of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds received by the city of West University Place, also stating that federal regulations for revenue sharing funds do not require that a public hearing be called, but it was believed' to be'in the best interest of, West University citizens that a hear- ing be held in order that they might have an opportunity to know how the federal revenue sharing funds are to be expended. , : Mayor Harris called the Public Hearing' to oi'der at this time. ' Listed by Mayor Harris as broad categories for which revenUe sharing funds may be used were the following: , ' 1) Public Safety (Police and Fire Departments) 2) Enviromnental Protection 3) Public Transportation 4) Health' 5) Recreation 6) Libraries 7) Social Services 8) Financial Administration 9) Capi tal Improvements In response to a question as to whether subsequent to acceptance of Federal Re- venue Sharing Funds, the federal government can "tell us how to run our busi- ness~t, Mayor Harris advised that the city had been furnished broad guide lines to follow and woul be subject to strict accounting. , The City Manager advised that legal notice of the PUblic Hearing was published in the Southwestern Argus. The City Manager stated that the following reconunendations had been made by Department Heads as the best use for Federal Revenue Sharing Funds received by the city: 1) Fire Department - Employe four (4) additional personnel and and purchase an ambulance. 2) Police Department - Employ one (1) additional officer and purchase a patrol car equipped with radio. 3) Budget remaining funds for construction of stonn sewer in College Court Addition. IJ IJ [1 o ~ r.D en ~ ~ o n : I LJ o \ , f.~, " "', ",i "'''fY,'Jf /ii~.g$ ~; The Conunission was advised that Revenue Sharing Funds have been received as follows: ' December 12, 1972 24,3lQ.00 January 8, .1973 (for period July through December, 1973) , 2~ J ~2R Of) $ 47,638.00 First Quarter, 1973 Last three quarters entitlement 14,021.00 ,!2,063.00 $ , 56,084.00 $ 103,722.00 Allocation of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds were shown as follows: Fire 'Dept. Four '(4) 'additional personnel Purchase of ambulance (less 1973 ,budget appropriation) 40,316.00 17,500'.00 10,000.00 Police Dept. 7,500.00 j 47.816.00 , 10,869.00 4,000.00 950.00 800.00 $ '16 .619 . 00 $ 39.287.00 '.47 ,o:38'.OO~'''' '", 56,084.00 ' One'(l} additional officer Purchase of Patrol 'car Purchase of radio' Operating expense, tires, insurance College Court Storm Sewer Construction 1972 Federal Revenue Sharing Fun4;:; 1973 Federal Revenue Sharing Ft1I1.dS Fire Department, Police, Department College Court Stonn Sewer $ 103,722.00 47,816.00 16,619.00 39,287.00 $ 103,722.00 The Commission was advised that the city does not have a written contract or agreement with the City of Houston to furnish ambulance service to WEst Univer- city Place citizens and are not providing such service upon a verbal understanding with ,Houston city officials. Tel'IlJination of, ambulance service by the City of Houston would require purchase of an ambu;Lance:." employment and training of per- sOIll1el to provide ambulance .service for West University residents. I The Commission was further advised that as long as the City of Houston furnished ambulance service to West University residents the modular ambulance to be pur- 2&&"::' - ... '~'. ~~ .. ",. ]I'._--~ r:::::=::-_ ----::::--::I ~ ~ :J__._.' ___.: __--I chased woul,d be, used as a replacemept f9r.... the ,currt:?litly used FirstAid Unit. . . . . It was pointed out that an additional officer was needed for the Police Department to provide assistance with criminal investigation. At the pre- sent time, Lt. Blalock is assigned with t4e, responsih:i,.li ty of criminal investi:- gation as well as being in c~rge of a shrift and 'doing necessary administrative work. ' Recent rains resulted in flooding in College Court Addition and damage to a number of homes in the area. Cpnstruction of a stonn sewer ha,s been needed in the area for many years andim engineering firm has been employed to stUdy the problem." , .. " ' , Motion by-Commissioner Way, seconded by Conmissioner Stanley, that the City Connnission approve theexpendi ture of Federal REvenue Sharing FlIDds as indi- cated in the'report from the City Manager dated June 15, 1973, allocating $47,816.00 to the Fire Department, $16,610.00 to the Police Department and $39,287.00 going to construction of the College Cot1Tt Storm Sewer, for a total alloCation of $103,722.00 ,- , ' ,-,' - Voting Aye: All Voting No': None Resolution Number 73-16 was presented to the Conunission and read in full: WHEREAS, the Independent Auditor of the City of West University Place, Texas has reconnnended that a separate bank account be created for the deposit and disbursement of all revenue mring ftmds received from the United States Treasury. NOW, 1HEREF0RE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY C<M4ISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' , Section 1. That the iliemical Bank and Trust Company, Houston, Texas, is here- by designated as the depository for all Federal Revenue Sharing Funds received , from the United States Treasury. <6" . -- -:...., .. .: ,-- Section 2. That arl account entitled "City of West University Place, Texas Revenue Sharing Funds',' be established with such bank. Section 3. Revenue sharing funds received are to be deposited in such accolIDt and disbursed by the City Treasurer who has heretofore been designated by Resolution No. 73-3 as the official representative of the city to handle Revenue Sharing Funds, and all warrants drawn on saida::count nn.1St be signed by the City Treasurer, the Mayor, the City Manager and/or other properly de- signated officiaL,..' ' ' PASSED AND APPROVED this 18th day of .June, 1973. . ATIEST: /51 Lee Lockard , Assistant City Secretary ,'CoIIlIldssioners Voting Aye: All ,Commissioners Voting No: ,None /s/ Don, E. Harris' Mayor l ~ Il u J o I') CD (jJ ~ ~ o o [] '.1hf..~ !'SJ;: U>>~~ . I 'l' . . Motion by Commissioner BiD:ig, secondep.by Comni,..ssioner Way, that Resolution Nwnber 73..16 des.igIiating CheinicalBank and Trust Company as depository for Federal Revenue Sharing Ftmds be, approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No:. None M>tion by Conunissioner Way, seconded by Conunis~onerBinig, that the Public Hearing be closed. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further bUsiness to come before the COJIDDi.ssion at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting adjo1.l1Jled at zm. , ~~L_ H/:;J- yor ._ AITEST: ~~~~ ~ AssJ.stant CJ.ty Secretary , . " r--' . ,- - ~--.........,. '2~~(f " : ----' ~-_: REGULAR MEETING OFCI1Yif{)WSSION 'J1iIie2S~"1973,:" ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Presswood, 6024 Buffalo Speedway, appeared before the Conunission to protest an order by the Building Inspection-Department that fence posts be move.d a mininn.un of 5' from the side property line in confonnance wi th the provisions of Ordinance No. 1000. Mr. Presswood stated that when he applied for a penni t to construct his fence he was not made aware of the 5' setback provision of the ordinance and believed that the newly passed ordinance permitted him to locate the new fence along the same lines as the existing fence. Mr. Presswood stated that moving the fence 5' would result in unsightly, un- sodded ground where the old fence was located as well as uprooting shrubbery and the removal of a tree and the expense of having posts that were set in concrete moved. A lengthy discussion between members of the Conunission, Mr. and Mrs. Presswood and Building Inspector J. D. Allstott indicated a lack of adequate communication with regard to the provisions of Ordinance No. 1000 with regard to proper location of a fence on a sub-divided lot. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that an exception 1 be made in this case and Mr. arid Mrs. Presswood be permitted to construct their fence on the property line and Ordinance No. 1000 be left unchanged for future cases. o lJ o I':a CD ~ t.tJ ~ Q n LJ [J .,:) ~)r"l ~', !iJ'. ~ :r~. City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Conunission that they could grant an exception in this particular situation without affecting the legaltiy or enforceability of the Ordinance at a later date. ' , , Voting No: Underwood' Way' Binig Mr. Calvin Isham, 4005 University Boulevard, presented the Conunission a statement indicating damages to his property totaling $1,58~.80; due to lack of city supervision and planning of the construction of the Weslayan sani tary sewer lift statiori'.' ',' , Voting Aye: Stanley Harris Motion by C-onunissioner Way, seconded' by Commissioner Stanley ,that the City Manager be instructed to investigate reported odor emission from the lift plant and report to the City-Commission. .. -' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mrs. Jolm Glash, 6712 Brompton Road, advised the Commission that a civic club had been organized and as one of its first projects desired to' publish a city directory' for' which they were experiencirig difficulty in obtaining names of' West University residents~ Mts._Glash stated they had been advised it would cost approxiiriately$lOO.OOtc)obtain-'a'copy of the city's water billing list and as a newly' organized groUp ,they- did not have funds for this purpose. The, City Manager stated that the cost would include lcj: per plate for use of 5200 water Customer plates, 3" x5"~ cards to be used and overtime pay for a' machine operator. ' ' Motion by Comnissioner Stanley, seconded by Conmissioner Binig, that the lcj: per plate charge be waived and the civic club be furnished a list of water meter acco1JIl,ts for approximately $48.00 or 'the cost of overtime pay for an operator and necessary cards., ' , , ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: 'None Mr;. Mike Daugherty, 4233 Swarthmore, asked the Commission,if consideration ' had been given to his request that the fence ordinance be amended to not re- " quire that the rough side of a fence face inside. Mr. Daugherty was advised that a request would be made of the Envirorunental Improvement. Conuni ttee to study his request and make a reconunendation to the City Commission. .An invoice dated June 15, 1973, in the amount of $1,035'.-55, 'submitted by Bernard JolmsDn, Inc. for engineering servuces performed on the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift station for the period February 26, 1973 ~~oughJune 3, 1973', was presented to the Conunission for consideration. ' Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Way, that the City, Manager be isntructed to'advise Bernard Johnson, Inc. tPat the city desires ' full and complete information regarding 1he invoice submitted' for services' per-' formed during the period February 26, 1973 through June 3, 1973. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with previous action of the City COnmdSSllDIl a tabulation of , , 2'9.'...."2". - ~'. t , ,f '<, .. ~~_. bids received and a recommendation from Sanitation Superintendent O. D. Gregg', for the purchaSe of one 3" 'x :3"centrif.UgalpimIp, for use at the sanitary landfill Was presented' to 'the Conunission. Motion by Conmissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that pur- suant to the reconmlEmdation of Sariitation Superintendent b. D. Gregg, that the bid of W. L. Sonm.er Company, Inc to furnish one 3tt x 3" self -priming, centrifugal pump and 25 t of 3t1 suction hose for $ 710.50, be accepted. o Voti~ Aye: All, Voting.No: None A letter dated June 19, 1973 from landscape architect;Michael .Ilse reconmend- ing acceptance of the landscape development of Wlli tt Johnson Park and payment to Valley Crest Landscape Company of the balance of the contract, withholding $120.00 for a period'oIone year for three-water oak trees that are questionable and $45.0'0 for the waste container which has rieverbeen delivered, was pre- sented to the Conmission. .. " ,'. Motion by CommissiDner Way, seconded by Connnissioner Stanley, that payment be approved to Valley Crest Landscape Company in the amount of $7,349.91, ex- cluding '$120.00 for three Water oak trees, $45.00 for the waste container ana $100.00' to insure moving of one tree, fiom the balance due on the contract. . Motion amended by Conimissione:r Underilood,- seconded 'by Conmissione:r Binig, that an addtional $500.-00 be withheld from payment to Valley Crest Landscape Company until we have been able to determine to our satisfaction that all planS' and specif~cations have been followed and that the City Manager be instructed to write Mr.' Paul SolI of Valley Crest LandScape ComPany for clarification of 0 wha t they consider to' be proper plant maintenance. ' Voting Aye:, Al~ Voting No: None MOtion by Coimnissioner Stanley, seconded by Connnissioner Way,' that the City Manager be authorized to proceed to change the d.i.mensions of the volleyball/ basketball court at Whitt Johnson Park to an approximate dimension of 93~' x 41: in width and 3' closer to Carnegie Street, and that the termis backboard be of a material selected by the City Manager and Street Superintendent of a height of approximately 8" all in accordance with an on site inspection '!:?y the City Conmission on' Monday ,June 25; 1973. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The City Manager waS requested to advise the Parks and Recreation Board of changes to be made in Whitt Jolmson Park. .An invoice submitted by Southwest Gardens, Inc. for partial sodding of Whitt Jolmson Park, in the amount of $1,134.00 was presented to.the Commission for consideration. ,." Motion by Conunissioner Stanley, seconded by, Commissioner Binig, that Southwest Gardens, Inc. be paid $1',134.00 with a retainage of $126.00 for partial sodding of Whitt JobnsonPark. ",', Voting Aye: All VotingNo: None o EStimate Number Z, prepared and certified by Bayshore En~ineers, Inc. for fund- ing to G. G. Ross for wOrk completed in the rehabilitation of the Wakeforest [1 I':a co ~ ~ ~ o c [J '" ..~:> ..... water plant in the amount of $3, 391'.SQ was, submitted to the Comnission for consideration. ' , '" Motion by Conunissioner Underwood, seconed by Conunissione;r Stanley, that Estimate Number 2, prepared and certified by BayshoreEngineers for work per- formed by G. G. Ross in the rehabilitation of the Wakeforest water plant in the amount of $3,391.50 be approved for payment. ' ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with previous action of the City Commission in its adopt-ion of a Federal Revenue Sharing' Budget, permission 'WaS requested ,to advertise'\for. bids for one Fire Department ambulance, one Police Depar1Jnent patrol car\~done Police Depar1Jnent radio. Permission was also requested to advertise for D\ds for one flat bed truck for' use of the Water Department for which $5,000.00 \; was -appropriated in the 1973 budget." Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by CoIIUllissioner UndelWood, that the '\ City MaIiager be authorized to, advertise for bids for one ambulance, one patrol \ car, one radio and one flat bed truck, with bids to be received by the City , COlImission on Monday, July 23, 1973. Voting Aye: All Voting No : None City Attorney Charles Cockrell reviewed House Bill No. 106 which permits a' right or left turn on a red light. Mr. Cockrell presented a reconmendation from Chief of Police Harold Shipp advising that in his opinion Buffalo SpeedWay is the only 'street in West University on which he believes that a right or left turn on a red light shouldbepennitted,and that this may be forbidden by the installation of signs so stating. Motion by Comnissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Undenvood, that the city prohibi t making a right turn on red on any, of the intersections in the city controlled 4r traffic lights, except streets intersecting Buffalo Speedway, and penni t turns on Buffalo Speedway. Voting Aye: Way Undenvood Harris Voting No : Stanley, . Binig Mr. Cockrell advised the, Conunission that rerisions to the National Plumbgin Code had not been received and he was, therefore, unable to report on certain amendments to be made to the Code of Ordinances at this time. Mr. Cockrell stated that in response to a request by the City Comiri.ssion he had prepared on Ordinance penni tting the construction of circular driveways on lots 75' in width or greater, however, additional questions had arisen as to whether or not the ordinance as prepared is sufficient. I t was the decision of the City Comnission to hold the ordinance in abeyance until the next regu- lar meeting of the Gity Commission in order to better define types of drive- ways, radius, width and materials to be encircled by driveways end and attempt to prohibit complete resurfacing of yaa:ds:;. Mr. Cockrell advised the Commission that the Fidelity Land and Trust Company case is now in the stage where their motion for a re-hearing had been overruled . . ..-"'---- Z~~l , , 291" :J'~ ~_.. . _ .3-- r::~._ ._ _ _.._ ..~+ _..::;~ I and it is possible ,they. will file an applicati0n :eor Writ _' of Error in the Supreme Court which will have to biled by July '9th.,-' after which the city, will have 15 days in which to file a reply. Inasmuch as he will be on vacation during theperiodof ,JulY-, 7th, through July 14th, Mr. Cockrell requested that Mr." Bill Merrill be employed ,to continue assisting him'in this case in order that he may have part of the Work finished when Mr. Cockrell returns from vacation. The City Commission agreed tha tMr . Merrill, should continue to assist the City Attorney in the prosecution of the Fidelity Land and Trust Company case. The.CityManager-read a letter received from theXexasMunicipal League ad- vising of the organization 'of 'a Texas Utility Advisory Council as a self help organization to: 1) develop and distribute infonnation that will better equip, Texas cities to control bcalutlityrates and services, 2) provide city officials with the opportunity to gain greater expertise in using available utility in fonnation to the best advantage, 3) fonnulate guidelines for pro- cessing rate case, and 4) coordinate regulatory action among the cities. It was the decision of the Conmission to have the City: Attorney review the infonna- tionandmake a reconnnendation to the Commission as to the advantages .of participating or not participating in the organization. ' Commissioner Binig stated that she had attended a joint meeting of the Texas Municipal League, REgion 14, ,and the Harris County Mayors and Councilmen's Association, and believed that consideration should be given to again becoming active members of the organization. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Conunissi0ner Way, .that the Chief of Police be requested to make a study of the need for stop signs at all unguarded intersections with Buffalo Speedway and make a report, to the City Conunission at its next regular meeting. 11 LJ o Voting Aye: Binig Way Underwood Voting No: Stanley' Conmissioner Underwood requested that the Insurance Committee be requested to study the proposed rate' increase, for the cityrs group employee's medical and hospitalization plan and make a reconnnendation to the City Connnission. The City Manager was requested to meet with the Parks and Recreation Board to explain the details of putting comme:1D.orative, plaques on trees donated for city parks and report to the City Connnission at its next regular meeting on July 9, 1973. The Conmissioner was advised that each Department Head had ,been requested to furnish' alistof all equipment which should' be disposed of and plans would be complete in the near future for an auction or sale of ,the items. Minutes' of the Public Hearings held by the 'Zoning and Planning Commission on June 5th and June 12th were presented to the ,Commission for their infonnation. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Accident/Safety Com ttee on Tuesday, J Il U l'a CD aJ C.Ll ~ o [1 [ /~ 1:1'3; June 19th were presented to the Comnission for their ;infonnation. , , Minutes of the regUlar meeting ,of .the Zoning Board of Adjus1ment on Thursday, , June 21st were presented to 'theConmdssion for theiriilformation. " " .' Minutes of ..the regular meeting of the CityComnissionon M0nday, June 11th and minutes of the Public Hearing held on Monday ,.June '18th were presented to the Commission for their consideration. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Way, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Cenmissionon M0nday, June 11th, and of the Public Hearing on MOnday, June 18th be approvedassubmi tted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance wi threquest of the Ci tyCommission the City Manager advised that a preliminary public hearing on the 197 4 budget could be held on July 9th at which time resident property owners could present requests and ideas to be considered-by the City Commission and a final hearing for adoption of the budget could beheld on August 27th., Motion-by. Conmissioner Stanley, seconded by Conmissioner Bi~g, seconded by Conunissioner Binig, that a public hearing be called by the City Conmissien on Monday, July 9, 1973 for the purpose of hearing reconmendations of residents and a secend public hearing be called on Monday, August 27, 1973 for official adoption of the 1974 budget which becomes effective January 1, 1974. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Connnission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m~ c:l2~~ . Mayor ATTEST: AsS~~ty~~ ~ :.:...1 ~_..._~_.._..-...._, ,I 2~g6 , ..u ---x;_ .' ~.J-- 1::-_~ _ ---:.; 1: REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JULY 9, 1973 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, July 9, 1973, 7:30 p.m., 'with the, following members present: Mayor Harris, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Underwood, and Way. The City Manager was also present. The City Attorney was onv~cati(])n andCommiss~pner St~ley wa,s on vacation and CbrtJmi.ssion Stanley was absent. The Invocation was p:onounced by Commissioner Underwood. The City Manager 'intI'oduced P~ul A. Knudson, 4119 ,Byron, a member Of B~>y Scout Troop No. 125. The City Manag.er assigned Paul a proje~t to assist him in ob~ taining his:~rvice Badge. The' project consisted of a survey of sidewalks in the area from Edloe to Conununity and from Bellaire to Law Street to detennine infonnation needed in the city's proposed sidewalk rehabilitation program. He asked Scout Knudson to check the condition of the sidewalks that needed to be repaired or'replaced anciinake an accounting of those addresses where no side- walks exist. Paul advised the City Commission and tho,se present ~ the, au~ dience that he had sPent 36'hours and 5 minutes observing' al.1, si4ewalks in thQ , area and that'his report indicated a total of 846 feet of sid~walk that needed to be repaired and maintained; 3656 feet of sidewalk that needed to be torn out and replaced; and a total of 30,3,13 feet where there are no existing side\\Ta~s.. ,", " '. ..,' -, : , Mayor Harris thanked Paul for his report connnending him for th~' ()utstcmcij.Jlg job he had'done'. Mayor' Harris requested ,that he be furnished the name and address of Paul's' Scout Master in order that he could write a letter cf connnen- dation of Paul's efforts and accomplishments in his. Service Project. Mrs. Lee Shoup, 3712 Rice Boulevard, appeared before the Conunission with re- gard to the proposed item on the agenda to pennit construction of circular driveways only on lots" 75' or more in width. Mrs. Shoup stated that their lot was 65' wide with a set-back of 35' and she envisioned no problem constructing a circular driveway. Mrs. Shoup stated that inasmuch as the neighbors across the street were forbidden, to park in front of their own property they parked in front of her home and that many cars had been damaged while parked on the street. Mrs. Shoup further stated that inasmuch as the construction of circu- lar driveways had noting whatsoever to dowi..th the health, safety or welfare of residents and was legislative action on the part of the Commission, she would encourage them to give consideration to her request. n J Mayor Harris explained to Mrs. Shoup the possible traffic proplems aIlcl the overhang of automobiles oil sidewalks could cause children to walk into the street around a car, which could be quite hazardous. Mike Daugherty, 4233 Swarthmore, advised the Commission that he was still awaiting a decision on his request that consideration be given to the facing of the rough side of a fence on the outside. Mayor Harris advised Mr. Diugherty that his request had been referred to the Environmental Improvement Committee for a reconnnendation and such Committee had Ji, not yet responded. Mayor Harris advised Mr. Daughtery that he would personally call him as soon as a reconnnendation had been received from the Committee. n I'a CD CP C.:r.J Q Q [] D ~~'u'r, 'blor.e,... Mrs. M. Halporn, 3807 Northwestern, stated that since the "Dead End" sign had been changed to ''Not a Thru Streett! turn-around traffic had increased consider- ably. Mrs. Halporn also stated that she had heard that the scrap territory surrounded by College, Northwestern and Sunset' was being recommended for a park and it was her belief that this area was 'much too dangerous for us~ .~aS a~-.park.' Mrs. Halporn'further stated that there was'no green arrow to make. a turn east onto Bissonnet when headed south on Weslayan, but there was a green arrow to to turn west. Mrs. Halpornwas advised that if the majority of the residents in the 3800 block of Northwestern desired the "Dead End" sign returned it would be done; that the scrap territory she referred to was being considered only for a'landscaped type park; and that the traffic light on Bissonnet and Weslayan was maintained by the City of Houston. Mrs. Bob Johnson, 3514 Albans Road, advised the Commission that a number' of re- . sidents from her area had met earlier with' the Zoning and Planning Commission ' requesting that consideration be given to closing Mercer Street in order to pre-' vent traffic coming off the Mini-Freeway using residentail streets. Mrs. 'Jolm- son also asked the Commission if there was any way that Bekins Transfer and Storage Company could be persuaded' to not use Albans Rbad3as a' turn-around for their large trucks. . Mrs. Johnson was advised that consideration was beim given to the employment of a traffic safety engineer to study traffic conditions that;..might be created by the opening of the Mini-Freeway and that the Chief of Police had a recommen- dation for presentation to the Commission requesting-traffic control signs that it was believed would eliminate Bekins using residential streets. Mayor Harris advised Mrs. Johnson that if the traffic control signs were not effective he would meet with management personnel at Bekins and request that they not use city streets. Mr. Jim Hall, 2740 Cason, stated that it was his understanding that one of the red lights on the newly purchased .American LeFrance fire truck kept falling off after repeated replacement.. Mr. Hall stated that he would be happy to serve as a member of a citizens group knowledgeable about trucks and automotive equipment to" review city. specifica tions in order to' assure delivery' of g~od , equipment. ' ' , " , ' " .. " ' . .,. , Mr. Jim Abel, 4031 Rice, asked how many marked police cars were on city streets at one time and what were.the plans for the new patrol unit to'be purchased~ \ , Mr. Abel was. advised that there are two marked cats on the streets at all , times and that the new patrol car would be put to"the use detennined as best for the Police Department, but would possibly be used as a marked patrol car . Mr, John E. Applebee, 3802 Northwestern, stated that he too would like to pro- test the removal of the "Dead' End" sign for his block of Northwestern inasmuch ' as he had recently installed a new driveway and cars and trucks using it~as a turn-around were destroying it. Mayor Harris announced that in accordance with public notice the public hear- ing called for this date for the purpese' of permitting 'resident property owners' to submit infonna tion, ideas, or- suggestions which they consider desirable for · the City Commission to study and review for inclusion in' the 1974 city budget was now open. 2'9' :-"',8:;" ...,.... . ~ j ~.' 1'11---- ---r._...1 .' ... .._:r--- :r=...:_~_____--.-::;.. J: Mrs. Carolyn Allen, 4209 AMherst, stated that she had charge of the Learn-to- Swim program and would like'for the City Commission to give consideration to heating the swinuning pool at least 'part of the time. She further stated that especially the yoUnger Children get very cold and a heated pool would b.elp lessons in the early spring and late falL Mrs. Allen also requested that if ftmds were available consideration be given to a cover for the pool in order that it could be used year 'roUnd. ' Mrs. George Forristall, 3757 Arnold, suggested that consideration be given to the installation of a teniJis backboard on the basketball court at'Simset Park inasmuch as it was used as a basketball court only early in the morning and late in the evening and the installation of the tennis backboard would permit waiting players to practice while they waited. Mrs. Forristall was advised that such backboard was being installed at the Whitt Johnson Park and the_re Was a possibility that the Recycling Center would use their remaining funds for the installation of a backboard at Sun- set Park. ' . , o Mayor Harris. announced that the Public Hearing was now closed. Upon reconunendation of Fire Chief C. E. Duffin bids received for furnishing 600' of 4" fire hose were opened and results announced as follows: HouSton Fire Equipment - No Bid Claude Wright & Assoc. - $3.00 ft. - $1,800 total bid Arthur J);>oley & Son - No Bid Motion by Conunissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the bid re- , ceived for furnishing 600' of 4" fire hose be referred to the Fire Chief' for study with a reconunendation to be presented to the City CommissiDn at its next rebular meeting. o Voting Aye: All Voting No: None, Pursuant to a request of ' the City Commission Chief of Police H. E. Shipp pre- sented a report with regard to the desirability of installii1g "Stop" signs at all unguarded intersections with Buffalo Speedway. Chief Shipp presented a tabulation showing all accident reports of collisions occurring on Buffalo Speedway at intersecting streets for the past five and one-half years. Chief Shipp's report stated that inasinuch as Buffalo Speedway is a thoroughfare with the traffic on it having the right~of-way, he saw no reason for erecting "Stop" signs at each intersecting street. " ' Motion by Commissioner Way, Seconded by Connnissioner Binig, that the City Attor- ney be instructed to prepare an ordinance to place a "Stop" sign at the cor- ner of Carnegie and Pittsburg as they lead into Buffalo Speedway from both sides of the street. ' Voting Aye: , All Voting No: None The Connnission was advised that numerous complaints had been received with re- ga:r;d to Bekins Transfer' Company trucks continuously using the 5300 block of Mercer and Sewanee Streets for a parking place for their' trucks. Chief of Police reconnnendedthat "No Truck Parking at Anytime - Tow Away Zone" signs D I L C':I CD C'J"; ~ Q Q o [ f)~ (';1" U',c ;LJu';~ be erected on Mercer and Sewanee Streets between Bissorm~t Avenue and'Albans Road on the west side of the street. Chief Shipp further recommended that "Trucks Prohibited: signs be erected on the southeast and southwest corners of Mercer and Sewanee Streets at their interesect:j.ons with Bissonnet Avenue. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Comnissioner,Way, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance for the, installation of "No Truck Parking at AnJtime - Tow Away Zone" and "Trucks Prohibited: signs in accordance with the recommendation of Chief H. E. Shipp dated July 9, 1973. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Carmnission was presented the following documents in connection with the t final completion of the construction of the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift plant and related lines: Guarantee for a period of one year executed by Lem Constr. Co. Punch list inspectio:p. . Certification by Bernard jolmson, Inc. as to completion of project. Certification by Lem Co~tructionCompany that all, bills for labor materials and all sub-contractors paid. '.. "'-<:c;Releases signed by the four adj acent property owners, i.e. Mrs. Myrtis D. Isham, Mr. Alfonso Sanchez, Mr. David' Wisenberg and Mr. Marvin Jetton. Agreement by Lem Construction Company to withhold $300.00 from final payment for a period of sixty days tq insure correction of any minor problems which may arise. Estima te No.8, prepared and certifieq. by Bernard Jolmson, Inc. showing, a final payment die Lem Construction Company on their contract of $28, 133.20. , Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift station and related lines be accepted as a com- pleted project and Estimate Number 8, prepared and certified by Bernard Jolmson, INc. in the amount of $28, 133.20 be accepted and Lem Construction Company be paid the amount of Estimate Number 8, less the sum of $300.00, to be held for a period of sixty days to insure correction of any IIlinor problems : which might arise. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Final acceptance of the rehabilitation of the Wakeforest water plant was de- ferred until next regular meeting of the City Commission in order that verifi- cation of the 15% retainage byG. G. Ross to insure delivery and installation of telemetering equipment, could be obtained from Bayshore Engineers, Inc. An invoice from Shur-Flo, ,Inc. in the amount of $10,256.50, for work completed to sli-line approximately 850 linear feet of 18" sanitary sewer line 16" sche- dule 45 polyethylene pipe in accordance with their proposal dated May 25, 1973, was presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Connnissioner Way, seconded by Conmissioner Binig, that the City Conunission authorize payment of $10,256.50 to Shur-Flo, Inc. for labor and equipment to slip-line approximately 850 linear feet of 18" sanitary sewer line on University Boulevard sanitary sewer force main. ~'~-- 'o"v-'u~" :1'1 -,. - _._.1 _ _ _. ---=:r-- =-:- Voting Aye: All . Voting No: None, Mr. Calvin Isham, 4005 University Boulevard, appeared before the Commission in regard to his claim for damages as a result of the construction of the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift plant and related lines. Mr. Isham stated that he would like to be furnished a plat showing the location of the sewer line that was constructed on his property and the location of an easement that he had, been, requested to dedicate to Mr. and Mrs. AlfonseSanchez. ' Mr. Isham stated that- he was agreeable to dedication of the easement, but would like to have it re- written to show a 4" line and to state that no larger line would be laid in the future. Mr. Isham also stated that it was still hs belief that the City' should pay him $5.00 per square foot for the property which is bemg trespassed and that he would appreciate imnediate consideration of his request for reimbursement for tools damaged in his garage inasmuch as he needed to replace such tools. Mr. Isham was advised that when the City Cttorney returned, from his vacation the easement would be redrawn and submitted to him for his, approval. Mr. and Mrs. Alfonse Sanchez, appeared before the Connnission to advise that - they had not been reimbursed for trees removed from their property during Can- struction. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez be paid the sum of $375.00 for replacement cfa crepe myrtle tree, mimosa tree and other plants damaged during construction". Following a discussion with Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez with regard to damage done to the floors in their home by" the tracking of sand, gravel and debris and^ a re- quest that rental be paid for use of their property for the, time involved other than the minety day ,period covered by their agreement wi th the city, Commissioner Way withdrew his motion, and Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez, were requested to prepare an itemized list and cost of all damages for which they thought they should be reimbursed. The Commission was advised that an inventory had been prepared of all unusable, surplus equipment that should be disposed of and that it might be desirable to offer for sale by sealed competitive bids, two electric motors, one D4 cater- pillar dozer withliilch, 'and one dual drum sheepsfoot roller, and auction or send to Lawliss Associates, Inc. on a consignment basis the balance of the equipment. Following discussion of, possible means of sale, it was the decision of the City Commission that the two electric motors, caterpillar and sheepsfoot roller be sold on a-competitive bid basis; that the equipment be consigned to Lawliss Associates for sale and the miscellaneous items be sold at a garage sale to be held on the City Hall lawn,with the City Manager establishing prices tober charged."'" A letter dated July 2, 1973, from City Attorney Charles Cockrell, reconmending that the City participate in the Texas Utility Advisory Council was presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the City participate in the Texas Utility Advisory COtu1cil; that the Ci ty Manager be [J ". ; :-. '> o o o all, I, I: , I , , ~ l_ 301 authorized to forward to the Texas Municipal League office a check in the amount of $25.00 as the initial fee; and that the proper officials complete and return the requested survey ofinfonnation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 1001 amending the Code of Ordinances by restricting 'the nunber of curb cuts permitted on certain lots,. was preseIit-ed to the Commission and read in fulL Motion by Comnissioner Stanley, seconded by. Commissioner Binig, that Ordinance, Number 1.0.01 be tabled. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None" Motion by Conmissioner Way, seconded by Conunissioner Blnig , that theCi ty.Attor- ney be instructed to prepare an ordi.hance that will allow a curh cut a mini- mum of 12' , maximuIIlof 20' with at least a 20' island between and a minimum" of 2' off the property line for construction of circular 'driveways. ' Voting Aye: All Voting-No: None Ordinance Number 1002 amending the Code of Ordinances to provide for the filing of a rate schedule, by public utiitu companies, and provilding for the filing of any proposed changes in rates thirty days before such changes are effective, was presented to the Conunission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDINGlHE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF lHE: CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, 10 PROVIDE FOR THE FILING OF A RATE SCHEDULE BY PUBLIC UTILITY COM- PANIES;PROVIDING FOR 1HEFILINGOFANY- PROPOSED-cI,!ANGES IN SUCH RATES THIR1Y (30) DAYS BEFORE SUCH CHANGES.ARE EF- FECTIVE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Comnissioner Stanley, that Ordinance Num ber 1002 amending the Code of Ordinances to provide for the filing of any pro- posed changes in rates. thirty days before such changes are effective , be approved as read. ' Voting Aye: Bilig Stanley Underwood Way Voting No: Han:is In reviewing, a report from the Tennis Sub-C0IllIIlittee on improvements and' routine mainteIlBIlce as submitted to the Commission by the Parks and Recreation Board, the City CoIIllIti.$sion,requestedcthat, the City Manager review the report with Street Superintendent A. L. Bearden and direct a letter to the Parks and Recreation Board with copies to the Tennis Sbu-Conunittee and Recreation Director Sal Caruso, advising the action taken on the reconmenda tions . The Commission also requested that when a report from any Board or Sub-Conunittee is to appear on the agenda of a Commission meeting, that a tepresentatove pf suCh group be requested to appear at the Commission meeting. Motion by Ccmmissioner Stanley, seconded by Conunissioner Underwood, that the in- r -I ,[' " -i ..-r 'I! III l "I" j L.. ..1 302 voice franthe Texas Municipal League, inthe amount of $720.00, be au,tho- rized for pa~ent. , ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o Conunissioner Underwood advised the Comnission that he had taken the plans, specifications, list of .it~s deleted from :the contract and planting plan and made an inspection of Whitt.:bhriSori Park, andi:t was ]lis belief that the city did not get what it paid for.' Mr. Underwood further advised that inasnnlch as preparation of specifications, receiving of bids and other essentials to em- ploy a firm to maintain each of tl1e city's fo~parkswould be time consuming, that tJie 'Environmental Improvement Conmi ttee should be challenged to organize the residents in each quadrant where a city park is located to help clean and maintain the parks. Motion by Cq~ssioner Uncle:rwood, ,sec()nded by Comnissioner. Stanley, that the Ci ty ~ger be ~u~orizedto pr~pare. specifications and advertise for bids for par~ la~andl~dscape inaintenance with bids to be received by the City Conunission on August 13, ,1973. Voting Aye: All Voting No:" None The City Manager was requested to contact traffic safety engineers to deter- mine Who might be availa~l~. to make a study O:f theH~i ty' s traffic conditions and what services they cf>uld offer and submit a report to the City Conunission wi thin a' week to ten days. ' ' Minutes of the regular meeting of ~e, Zoni:i1g;;'and Planning Commission on 01 , Thursday, July 5, 1973, ~ere presented to the Commis~ion for their infonnation. - , Conunissioner Binig stated that it was her opinion that additional consideration should be given to the action of the: City CqimnissiononJune 25, 1973, whereby making a right turn on a red light was prohibited in all intersections with the exception of Buffalo Speedway. , , , Minutes ot the regular rneetJ.ng of ~e City Conunission on Monday, June 25, 1973, were presented for: consideration a:t1d the f()llowing action taken: Motion by Commissioner WaY, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the minutes of the re- gular meeting of the City Comnission on Monday, June 25, 1973, be approved as submitted. , , , I 1 Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Wi th no further business to come before the Connnission at this time, upQn mo- tion duly, made, seconded, and carried, the meet" urned at 11:35 ATI'EST: . "~..~ i[J" [ : I i 1 I [ 1 o REGUIAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JULY 23, 1973 The City Comnission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, July 23, 1973, 7: 30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor pro-tern Underwood, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Stanley and Way. The City Attorney , and City Manager were also present. Mayor H.a.rris was ill. The Invocation was pronounced by COJIIIIlissioner Stanley. Mrs. T. C. Carter, 2729 Werlein, advised the COJIIIIlission that the newly organized Civic CLub had encountered some problems in trying to use the Community Build- ing for their regular meetings arid inquired if the use of the building could be scheduled on a basis by which they could have' their meetings on the same date each month. f'.e 00 In '-:> Q Q MsiYor Underwood advised Mrs. Carter that she should contact the office of the City Manager and put the Civic CLub on the Conmuni ty Building use schedule. Mrs. Carter was also advised that- inasmuch as this is the first year'the City has enployed a Re~ation Director and had a full time, recI'Bation progr>am some problems had been ,encountered by those wishing to' use the Community Build~ ing faci1i ties. The City Manager introduced Mr. Donalrd GariJIan, Ceni:ral Division M3nager of Houston Lighting, and Power Company, who was visiting the meeting. In accordance with previous action of the City Commission, bids received for furnishing one new 1973 model four-door passenger sedan for' use as a police patrol car were opened and results armounced as follCMS: o Jinmie Green Chevrolet McMahon Chevrolet Bud Moore" Chevrolet Jakc Roach Ford $ 3,808.52 3,705.19 3,774.94 3,811.63 Motion by Camnissioner Stanley, seconded by Comrd.ssioner Way, that bids received for furnishing one new 1973 model four-door passenger sedan' for use as a police' patrol car, be referred to the City Manager or his designee for study with a re- commendation to be presented to the City Comnission at its next regular meeting on August 13, 1973. Voting Aye: ,All Voting No: None Bids received for furnishing one mobile radio unit to be trunk mounted in police patrol car wereoopened and I'Bsults armounced as follows: General Electric Motorola, Inc. RCA . $ 893.00 ,1,254.00 '1,039.00 Motion by Conunissioner Binig, seconded by Conmissioner Way, that ClUef of Police Harold Shipp be instructed to I'Btire from the Council Chamber with the bids for review and' recomnendation to the' Commission for purcllase. o Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ---------....-llr-- ~.L. _ .----1 I. ..-- 2 In accoroance with previous action of the City Conunission bids received for furnishing one ambulance unit' for use by'1:he Fire Department were Opened and results announc'ed' as follOws: ' e " BID PRICE TRADE-IN 591. 75 1,291.65 . 500.00 NET DELIVERED PRICE o BIDDER Gordon K. Allen Co. Calvin Baxter Co. Modular Ambulance Co. 18,591. 75 18,091.65 11',644.75 18,000.00 16,800.00 17 ;144~75 ' Motion by Ccmmissiooer Stanley, seconded' by Coinmissioner Binig, that bids received ' for fur.nishing one ambulance ' Unit for use of the Fire Depa:b1:Jrent, be' refer.red to the City Manager and Fire Chief for study with a recommendation to be made to the City Connnission at its next regu;Lar meeting on August 13, 1973. Voting Aye: All Votii1g No: None' The Comnission was advised that when bids were, received on JUly 9th for furnishing 600' of 4ft fire hose only one bid was received and it was' the recommendation of the Fire Chief that the bid be rejected and the city re-advertise for bids to be received on Monday, A~st 13, 1973. Motion by Conunissioner Way, secbnded' bY Commission Binig, that the bid received for furnishing 600' of 4" fire hose be rejected and the City Manager instructed to re-advern.se for bids. to. be, received On Monday, August 13,' 1973. ' , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None J Mayor pro-tem Underwood read a letter dated JUly 19, 1973, from members of the Environmental Improveinent 'Committee recommei1d:i.i1g 'the folloWing modification to Ordinance Number 896. ' "All fence posts dn, the rough side of fence, either wood, metal, chain link, mason:ry, 'or fence of apy kirid or type, shall face the inside' of the' lot, or premises' On which the fence is to be built, if the fence itself faces, dedicated public thoroughfare or. public property." ,. ' , , Following the advice of City Attorney Charles Cockrell that consideration should be given to all recommendations for changes::.m the fence ordinance to be nade by the Environmental Improvemmt Cornmi. ttee at one time, the . City Commission instructed the City Manager to write a letter to members of the Environmental Improvement Committee advising then that' the CitY Comnission desires their fUll' reooinnendation on the fence ordinance by their August' 13th meeting and would like one' or more representatives of the Committee to appear before the Commission at that time. Cheif Harold Shipp returned to the Comnission meeting' at this time with his re- commendation that the proposal of ~eral Electri:c COTI!>any to furnish one mobile police radio for mounting in a patrol car for $893.00 be, accepted. Motion by Ccmmissioner Way, seconded by Commission Binig,' that the proposal of General Electric Canpany for' furtrl.shing, one nobile p0lice radio for a total bid price of $893.00 be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o ~ r-- 00 ~ ""':> ~ Q o [] ~ The City Manage reviewed the contract with G.G. Ross, Inc. fot' the rehabilitation of the Wakeforest water> plant noting that the total contract picice was $19,950.00 of which $16,957.50 has been paid, leaving a 15% :retainage of $2,992.50 to assure delivery and installation of the new telemete:ring equipment. The Commission was advised that considet'ationshould be, given to the official appointment of citizens to set'Ve as members of ,the Solid Waste Study Committee. Motion by Commissionet' Stanley, seconded by Commission Way" that the following , per>sons be appointed as member's of the Solid Wast Study Committee until such time as the election of a new City Cornmission: Mr. F@.ul Wallin, 3311 Albaras Road, Chairman Mr. Don W. Graul, 3125 Wt'oxton Mr. Steven O. Jennings, 3323 Sunset Mr. Tom, Kelly, 3511 COI'Ondo Mr. Noel Proctot', 4102 Case Mr. LynnW. Stallings, 6527 Buffalo Mr. Warnet' Strange, 3017, AThans Road Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Am invoice in the amount of $723.59, fot' the balance of the fee due Ver>non ,Henry, & Associates fot' the landscape development of Whitt Jolmson' Park was presented to the Cornmission for consideration ~ Motion by Commissioner Way" seconded by Connnissioner Stanley, that, the invoice dated July 16, 1973, in the amount of $723.59 submitted by Vernon Henry & Assoc. for the balance due for professional services, in the landscape development, of Whitt Johnson Park be apPr'Ovedforpayment. Voting iWe: ,All Voting No: None A tabulation showing all invoices and payments made to Bernard Johnson, Inc. in connection with engineering ,services performed, on the ,Weslayan sanitary , sewer> lift st.ationand,lines~ .was p:resentedto the,Commission. It was noted that """, '"'h'=,.,,,tT,-' 'h"'..'I,z-l'.',,--'~"'..;;!-~"""'h, ~'h~....,"", th ..'1.._,4= th "00 F'-l-.. 26 ~--~5efF~LCl.u'::ge~~~~i~e~~~} ose \,Ul.Ci .L.or e perJ. c:.uruary, 1973 t:hrough July 3, 1973, in the amount of. $1,418.31., , " Motion by CommissionerSta:n.ley, seconded by CoJl1lllis$,io~ Binig, .that the invoice : in the amount of$1,4l~.4l f+'OID Bernard Johnson for all engmeer>ing services on the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift f'lant a:n.d lines for the periOd February 26, 1973 through July 8, 1973, be appI'Oved for payment. Voting !we:, All Voting No: None City Attorney Charles Co~lladvis~d the Cornmission t:hat it, was his opinion that an ordinance was not necessary fot' the et'ection of .traffic control signs as he " had been instructed by the City Comnission at its meeting on July 9th. The Commis':", sion was also advised that if the Corrmission desired signs erected, fot' which the Chief of Police had no recommendation, he would at that time prepare an ot'dinance. The City Manager> was instructed to request that the Cbief of Po1i~ prepare a reccmnendation fot' the :rection of "Stop" signs at Carnegie & Pi ttsburg at theit' inter>sections with Buffalo Speedway. 1::=________ _ ___.:.1___........li....._~_,_ _J_:.___. -, . uo,. I ....Ill 14'. ]Ir- rr- ---I Ordinance Nurnber,lOQl was presented to the C.onunission and read in full:, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 20-1 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES. OF THE CITY OF, WEST UNIVERSITY pLACE', ,TEXAS~ BY' RESTRICTINGf' THE NUMBER AND SIZE OF CURB CUTS PERMITTED ON CERTAIN, LOTS: AND,PRQVIDING,ANEFFECTIVE DATE. o Motion by Comnissioner> Stanley, seconded by Commissioner' Binig, that Ordinance Number 1001 be approved' as read. Motion amerided by Conmissioner Way to include sub-section (d) to read as foililows: "Both sides of said driveway shall be perpendicular from the curb line to the property line". Voting Aye: All , Voting No: None City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the ,Ccmni.ssion tl1at he had forwarded to all utility con:panies a copy of Ordinance Number ,1002 requiring the filing of a rate schedule and any proposed changes in rates with the city. '!he Commission was advised that the 1971 edition of the Pl1.D11birtg Code, together with the 1973 revisions, had been received, but it seemed advisable to not pass an ordinance adoptingi t, until the Building Inspector had an opportunity to re- view it and a Plumbing Board appointed to recommend adoption., Resolution Number 73-17 was presented to the Commission and read in full: "WHEREAS, the City of West, University Place has cash available in the arnount of $245',150.00, which will not be required for, current operating expenses; and WHEREAS , it is the objective of the City Conrnission to keep all of the ci. ty' s money invested to earn adrilitional income, and it is necessary and prudent to authoride investnent of these certain sums of money. WHEREAS, the University State Bank, Houston, Texas, has heretofore been de- signated as one oftheci ty I s depository banks. NOW" 'IHEREFORE, BE IT. RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVER- SITY PLACE, TEXAS.:" .. . ...". :. That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to invest funds in two (2), Certificates of Time Deposit in the University State Bank, Houston, Texas. One certificate in the arnouhf, of $137,150.00 and the other in the amount of $108,000.00, each rraturing 359 days after date of deposit in said bank and to bear interest at the highest-prevailing rate for a period of less than one year. PASSED AND APPROVED this 23m day of July, 1973. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None /s/ Charles H. Underwood . M3.yor PrD-Tem u , ATI'EST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City ,Secretary [J o I'- 00 In ~ Cl Q [ o 5 Motion by Con:missioner ,Stanley, seconded by Comnission Binig, that Resolution, N1.l1lIber 73-17 authorizing the investment of $137,150.00 in one certificate of time deposit, and $lOa,OOOin another certificate of time deposit with University , State Bank be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None City Attorney Charles Cock:relladvised the Comnission that inasmuch as they had followed the statutory provisions in designating deposi wries for city fund, it would be necessary to designate additional banks as depositories if it was the desire of the City, Comnissionto be able todeposi tfundsin the bank paying the, highest rate of interest., Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Way, that the City Manager be authorized to give due notice by publication that bids will be accepted by the City Comnission for the designation of additional depository banks. Voting Aye: All Voting No: ' None Resolution 73-17 was :reviewed a second time and the following action taken: Motion by Cornrrd.ssioner Vtanley, seconded by Comrnissioner Way, that Resolution 73-17 be amended so that the last line of said Resolution :read as follows: "Bear interest at the highest prevailing rate for a period of less than one year". voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Camnission was advised that the sum of $10,000 had been withheld from the final payment to American L3France for the fire truck toinsu:re correction of minor problems. All necessary repairs have now been corrpleted and it was :re- commended that the fina1$lO"OOO now be paid. Motion by Comnissioner Binig, seconded byCornrrd.ssioner Way, thatfinalpayrnen.t of $10,000 be made to Arrerican LaFrance for the fire truck. Voting Aye: All, Voting No: None City Attorney Cockr>ell advised the Commission that membership of the city's Plumbing Board oonsisted of 1) A person holding a master plumber's license; 2) Either a sanitary , civil or mechanical engineer;: 4 ) Either a sanitary ,civil or ' mechanical engineer; 5) A person associated with the plumbing business., " " The City Manager was instructed t6furnish . the, City Comnissionwi th a lsi t of .per- sons previously interviewed for membership on the Plumbing Board and also with a list of any engineers who had recently moVed into the city. The City Commission was advised that fo:rmar City Commissioner Wilbur Scott of the Wayland HancbckInSuraIice Agency would teach a Defensive Driving Course for city enployees and others mte:res:t€d. ' Cost of the course will be $ 8.00 per ' participant with specific dates beingarmounced later. - '!he Commission was advised th.at the first meeting of the Tax Board of Equalization ' will be held on August 16th and that it was ari:ti.cipated that two or th:reeneet- ings would, corrplete all business of the Board. r ~ .--....lIt .. -, ... 6 )1 L--: 1 ".1, r- ~ r-~~ , .>1 1he City Manager was requested to place an i temon the agenda for the City Com- mission on August 13th with :regard to the city's traffic .problems envisioned D~ with, the opening of the Southwest freeway's rnini..;.freeway and the possible em- ployment of a traffic engineer. Assistant City Manager Dan Edwards advised the Comnission that all surplus equip- ment had been accumulated and part would be sold by sealed bids to be opened on August 13, 1973, and the balance would be sold at a garage sale to be held behind the fire station on Amherst Street on July 31st and August 1st from 10 :00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. ' The Commission was advised that a contr>acthad been received fran the Houston Independent Schoold District for payment of janitorial services' for air condi- tioning of the West Uni versi ty School gym being used in the city's SUlIllIl.er recreation progrJam. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Connni.ssioner, Stanley, that the City Manager be authorized to execute an agreement with the Houston Independent School District to provide air conditioning at the West Uni versi ty Elem:mtar-y School gym fora cost not to exceed $400..00. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A proposal fran Carter Rochelle for the preparation of the 1972 Annual Report for $1,850, not inCluding printing costs, was presented to the Comnission. . I~ Motion by COlIlIIU.ssionerWay, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that Carter Rochelle Ul, Associates be engaged for the preparation of the 1972 Annual Report. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that Mr>.Paul Bustov had inspected Whitt Jolmson Park ' ' to determine plantings, trees, etc. that were called for on the plans and specifications but not included or were now dead. 1he City Manager was instructed to contact Mt:>. Paul Sanker of GrcMth. Systems, Inc. inasmuch as mscoII!Pany has guaranteed to Valley Crest landscape that theyw ill handle any problems in regard to the landscape development of the park. The City Attorney was instructed. to look into legal means of requ:iring non- residents to surrender use of termiscourts to waiting residents. " A break-do;vn showing a total of $4,555.36 as receipts ,for individual activities of the recreation program was presented to the Comnission. . Members of the Com- mission requested that, they be furnished with a coII!P:rehensivereport oil the pro- gram at this time. A letter from Mr. Mike' Parks, Chainnan of the Parks and Recreation Board, dated July 23, 1973, recommending bicycle lanes on the si:I'e;ets of the city, was pre~ sented to the Cornmision. ' After ~viewing Mt:>. Parks t le.tte;l;1, me.rnPer>s of the, Conmissian requested, that bicycle u--' lanes be included as an agenda item for the nest meeting of the City. Commission and :requested that the Chairman Or' other :representative of the Parks and Recreation 1 rn l3oar:'d be requested to appe~ before tb..e COIIDPis,sion, and that they be furnished with any canments Or' :recorranendations the Chief of Police might have with regard to bicycle lanes. ' Minutes of the regular ]Ileet;41g Qf the, Electrical Boc:ll'd, on July 17, 1,973;. were, p:tB- sented to the C<;mnission, for' their, information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Envirorunental Improvement Comni. ttee on June 19, 1973 were presented to the Comniss~on ,for' their info:r:m:i.tion. Minutes of the re~ meeting of the Zoning Board of Aojus~t on July 19,..1973, WeI'e presented to the Comnission for', their infonnati<?Il. l"- ac tn ~ ~ o . . . . Minutes of the r'egular lllEgeting of ,the. City Conunission on Monday, July 9, lS73, were, presented to the Cammi.ssion and the fOllOwing action taken: ,Motion by Corrnnissioner Way, seconded by Comnissianer Stanley, that minutes cf the, regular meeting of, the, City Ccmnission be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Veting No: None With no further' business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and ca:rr'ieo, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. o sa...... .. . .... cS~:J '. Mayor> ATI'EST: ~~~o-L- Assistan ~ ty Se<:!retary, ' ,', o lie- L- ~~. '~ ..- l ~-~, 8" REGUlAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION 'AlJGUST,13.1973 ' The City Comnission convened in regular session at the City Hall on MJnday, August 13,. 1973" 7: 30 p.m., with the following meinbe:r>s present: Mayor Ha:i:Tis, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Stanley and Way. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Underwood was on vacation. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Iia:r:'ris. Mr. Partridge requested penni.ssion to distribute 500 circulars armouncing an appearance by the Cathedral Quartet at Bellai:re ~High School on August 2Q, 21 and 22. Advised that religious 1lE.terial is exempt from the city's ordi- nance, regulating the distribution of flyers. and circulars~ Mr. Partridge, stated .that he would, see that, they, were either handed, to residents or, placed in locations to prevent li tteI". [J Mrs. Carey, 4131 Ruskin, appeared before the Commission with a request for penrdssion to construct, a, fence, complaints about handling of garbage by her next-door neighbor and dogs running at large. Mayor Ha:t:Tis advised Mrs. Carey' that each of her - cGmplain:ts should be taken up with the department head concerned with a particular problem. Mr. Ron Shoup, 3712 Rice Boulevard, requested information with regard to street signs designating Bellaix>e Boulevard as such as well as Holoombe Boulevard. }trI. Shoup Was advised that oonsideration had been given to changing "Bel1aire" to "Holcombe: but that a petition had been receivedt . from residents of the area requesting that it remain Bellaire Boulevard. Chief of Police Harold Shipp presented the' Carrmission his recommendation for the erection of "Stoplt signs on Pi ttsburg Street and Carnegie Street at t:hBir intersection with Buffalo Speedwayoontrolling east and west bound traffic due to the number cf collissions which have oCcu:r:Ted at these intersections. D Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Conunissioner Binig, that the reoo:rmnendation of the Police Chief be accepted and tlStoptl signed be erected on Pittsburg Street and Carnegie Street at their intersection with Buffalo Speedway controlling east and west bound traffic. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Board at its Bicycle Sub-Comm:i. ttee on establishing bicycle lanes on city streets were reviewed with an estinate prepared by Street Superintendent A. L. Bearden indicating an approximate oost of $1,200.00 for striping of the lanes, plus additional costs. that would IDe incu:r:Ted for> necessary signs, posts, bolts, etc. Chief Shipp advised the Comm:i.ssion it would be, in his opinion, hazardous to take 10 t off of busy streets such as Sunset and Wakeforest and that perhaps oonsideration should be given to using less traveled streets for bicycle lanes. ' [J] o r-- 00 In ~ ~ o o o 9 Mr. Mike Parks, Chainnan of the Pa:t"1Ks and Recreation Board, stated that it was the intent of the Bicycle Sub-Comni ttee' to link. eaCh of the parks with the others in their lay-out desigi:1 of the lane locations. ' , Following a discussion with regard to dangers involved if parking were per- rni tted in the bicycle landes, cost foI'signs and striping, and use of streets with heavy tr>ciffic during pei3k hoUI'S'" it was' the decision of the City Commis-" sion to request that 'the' Chai.r>rri3.n of the 'Parks arid RedrieationBoard ask mein~ hers of the Bicycle Sub-Colnmittee to meet With the' Chief of Police to go over the problems that could beencotinteried and inake a joint :recoJIDTieridatiori to the" Commission at its next regUlar meeting. ' ,,' " Bids received by the City Comnission on July 23, 1973, for the' purChase of a police patr:ol car were referred to the Chief of Police fOI'recorrmendation. Chief Shipp advised the Comnission' that" he cheCked with 'each of the bidders in his seardl for an available. white care inaSlIDJ.ch ap other police 1.IDi ts were white, and t:ha:tBud MorreChevrolet COII'!Pany had the only available 1.IDit. Mr. Shipp also advised that Bud M)ore ChevriOlet ColI!J?any had made an error in their original bid and with correction of the eWor submitted the low bid. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Comnission Stanley, that the recom- mendation of the Chief of Police be accepted and the police patrol car be purdlased from Bud Moore Chevrolet Company on their bid of $3,,679.79. ' Voting Aye~_ All , , Vo~ N0: None Mayor Iiar'!'is announced 'that Chief of Police Harold Shipp is looking' forward' ' to retirem:mt irisOIIi.e eighteen to tWenty nrinths' "andiis.ili.terested 1ri seeing " that the City of West University have t:i.rne toobta.iri'oomeone qualified arid' enable Chief Shipp tollave time to train and orientate a new chief, he has unselfishly decided to ocCUPY: theposi tion of Assistarit" 'Chief to lIEke' the position of Chief available. ' Resolutioh Nuniber 73--18' was, presented to the' CoiririissiOn arid read in: full: ' WHERFAS, Chief of Police Harold E. Shipp has indicated to the CitY Coimni.ssion' of the City of West University Place, Texas, his desire to take a less active part in the mmagerrent and leadership of the pelice Depart::ment of the city; and WHEREAS, Chief Shipp haS also indicated his desire to continue to serve in said Police Deparbnentin thecapaci ty as Assistant Chief of Police; arid WHEREAS, Cief Shipp has reque'stedthat an agreement be reached in regard' to such proposal and the Ci ty'COnimission is of the' opiniori 'that it Would 00 to the best interest of said City that Chief Shipp~s proposal be accepted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS: . , , Section 1. That the City Conmission accepts the proposal of Chief Harold E. Shipp that he be relieved of ' his duties as Chief of 'Police'of said City and he is hereby appointed Assistant Chief of Poliee' With the effective date OE said appoini:n1ent being the date upon which an indi. vidual is selected u --, IIr , 10 JI'--- L-~' 1 '~-- r- and quaLtfiedas Cbief of PoJ.;tce of said City. .' . ~ Section 2. In perforining his duties' as Assistant Chief of Police said ' Harold E. Shipp will be on duty f:rom8:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through , Friday and will not be in charge of a shift or have any supervisory duties. Sec~-3. '. Haro~d E. Shipp shall serv~ insr:ch capactiy until June 1,. . 1975, at which time hesball re'c.'edve' his reti.rem=nt :from the Texas MuniCJ.- pal REtirement System and Social Security. ' The conpensation to be paid to Harold E. Shipp while se:rvi.ng as Assistant Chief of Police shall be the same as' being paid presently for serving as Chief 'of Police, plus other in- creases, percentage or otherwise, which may'be' afforoed'to"persormel of the Police Department. ' PASSED AND APPROVED this 13th day of August, 1973. Comni:ssione:rs Voting Aye: All Comnissioners Voting No: None ls/'Don E. Harris . Mayor ATI'EST: I sl . lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary MOtion by Commissioner Stanley, 'seconded by Comnissioner' Way, that Reso- lution Number 73-18 setting forth the desire of all.ef of Police Harold Shipp to vacate the position of Chief of Police and become Assistant Chief of Police; be reluctantly accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Comnissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner -Way, that the City Commission direct the City Attorney to prepare a Resolution comnending Chief Shipp' for t:h.irty-one years 'of very devoted and unselfish service to the City of West University Place. Voting Aye: 'All Voting No: None Mayor Harris advised that Mr. Wayne Gillies of the Environmental ~rovement Cornmittee"had called stating that such COmmittee had. not had a meeting to complete reccmnendatians With regard to proposed' changes to be made in the " fence ordinance but plarmed a meeting on Wednesday, August 15th, at which time the fence ordinance would be considered. Mayor Harris apologized to Mr. Mike Daugherty for the lack of a recOJIllTeI'ldation with regard' to fenceconstructi..on. In accordance with previous action of the City Comnission, bids received for the renoval of a five-roan fram: house from: 3811 Anherst Street were opened and results armounced as follows: , J. C. Williams C. R~ Neatherlin 799.00 101. 00 Motion by Comnissioner Way,' seconded by Comnissioner Binig, that the pro- Ii LJ o - ~~ ~> [] o ~ QO lD ""':> ~ o o o 11 posal sUbmi. tted by J1rl. J. c. Williams of Williams House Moving Contractor's, Inc. for' $79!9. 00 foI' the removal of the five-roomf:reme houeie 'located at ' 3811 Amhe!lst S-t:.reetwi:t:bin' sixi:y (60) days, be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Bids rereived on July 23,1973 for' fllr'I'lishing one ambulance unit.were refer.red to the City Manager' and PireChief for study and tabulation. A tabulation of bids :received as follows: ' ' Bidder TIP. 1 of VF'''7 Bi n 'Pv;~. . - Ti'aQi In. . :cell \rorod Brice Goroon Allen Calvin Baxter' Modular> Ambulance 180 days 90-150 days 60 days after' receipt of ' chassis 18,591.75 ~,~~~l~~ 18,091.65 1,291.65 17,644.00 500.00 18,000.00 16,800.00 17,144.75 The Commission was advised that a letter> had been received from Calvin Bax- ' ter> COlI!Pany stating that the unit will be bull t by Modular> AlWulanre COrp0r'a- tion, will be mounted on a 1974 CheVI'Olet C"':30 Cheyenne cab and chassis and will meet all specifications with exreption of lower> rub rail molding which is not available. It was the recommendation of the City Manager and Fire Chief that the bid of $16,800.00 submitted by Calvin Baxter> Company be accepted. ' " Motion by Conmissioner' Stanley, seconded by Comnissioner' Vinig, that the bid on the ambuIan.re'made by Calvin Baxter COlI!Pany. 3909, East Overton ROad, Dallas, Texas, be accepted and' that the ambulance De' purchaSed fronl thiscoiIJpany at " a price not to exceed $16,800.00, to be delivered ho later> than 150 days. ' Voting /we: All Voting No: None In accor>dance with the desi..r>eof the City Comnission to dispose of 1.ll1usable electric motors re.noved form city installations,' one bias was reCeived as follows: ' '- .~ ~ Maintenance Service Company 25 hp rotor 200 hp motor $25.00 200.00 Motion by Cormd.ssioner> Way, seconded by Commissioner> Stariley, ,that the bid submitted by M.9intenance Service Company for the purchaSe of one 25 hp rotor for $25.00 and one 200 hp motor for $-200.00 be accepted. ,'.. , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ~.." .' . .Two bids received for the disposition of one D4 Caterpillar> Cable Dozer with Winch were opened and results armo1.ll1ced as follows: Luther A. Bell Tri-Bar Ranch 750.00 650.00 ',12 ]I~- -y " , I .",- Motion by' Comnissione.t' Way, secondedl:>y Conmi.ssionei;l ainig, that' the bid of MJ:l. Luther' A. Bell for' the purchase of one D'+ CaterpillaI"' Cable Dozer with Winch for the total sum of $750.00, be accepted.' Voting Aye: All Voting 'No: None Inasmuch as' no bids we:ve ' received' for the 'disposi non' of one dUal drum sheeps- foot rolle:v, the following action was taken bytheCityuComnission: M:>tion by Corranissione:v Way, seconded by Commission Binig, that the Ci tyManager be auth- orized to negotiate for the highest bid he can obtain from any scrap meterials dealer for the dual drum sheepsfoot roller~ Voting Aye: All' , Voting No: None In regulaI"' session on Monday, July 9th only one bid was ' received for furnish- ing600t of '+" fire hose, such bid being rejected and the City Manager ins1::ruct- ed to re-advertise for bids. Bids received werealpened and results announced as follows: Bidder Price Pe:vFoot " , Total Bid Price Claude Wright, Jr. Fire Fox Corp. National Fire Hose Corp. Snap-Ti te, Inc. 3.00- 1,800.00 1',908.66 328.00 each No Bid 6 - 100 t Lengths Motion by Comnissioner Way, seconded by Cotrmissioner Stanley, that the bid submitted by Claude' Wright" Jr. -to furnish 600t of ,+ft fire hose for-:frietotal bid price of $1,80Il.00 be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with instr:'Uctions of the City Comnission banks in Ha.rris County, Texas were instructed to' file writen proposals to serve as depository for city funds for investment of available funds'in CertifiCates of Time Deposit to ' draw interest in varying amounts for varying periods of time. A tabulation of .' proposals received follows: Bank $100 M Under $100 MOver Multiple Mat. 30-90 5% 30-59 9.5% 30-89 5% 90-36'+ 5.5% 60-89 9.5% 1 yr.-;-, 2 1/2' '6.0% 90-119 9~25% 90':"1 yr. 5.5% 2 1/2-'+6~5% 120-179 9.25% 180-269 8.5% 270-36'+ 8% 1 yr.- , More 8% Fannin [J Ui I ' [] o r-. QO ~ '"";) ~ o o ~ Bank ~enway Medical Center River Oaks Southern NatioruU $100. M Under 1~ $100. MOver Multiple Mat. 3D 90. 180. 1 yr. 9 1/2% 9 1/4% 9.125% 8 1/2% , ( 30.-89 5% 3D-MOre 7 1/2% 90.-364 5 1/2% 1 yr.~(', ,~ 2 1/2 6% 2 1/2-UP 6 1/2% 30.-89, 9D~1 yr .lyr- 2 1/2 2. 1/2- 4 4yr 5% 5.,5% 30-59 7.75% 6D~89 8.0.0.% 90.-179 8.25%, l80~269 8.50.% 270-359 8.5% ,360-365~ .8.5% .30.-59 . ,9..1/8% " 60.-89, 9 1/8%. . 90.-179 ,9 1/.4% , 180.-364 8 1/2% 365-Over8% MOtion by Comnissioner Way, seconded. by ConunissionerStanley, that the , following banks be declared depositories, for city fl:lI1dsfur investnent of~'.. available funds in Certificates of Time Deposit to draw interest in varying amounts for varying perio9-!:l of i::im!:!: Fannin Bank" ~enway Bank & Trust Company, Ri Vel:' Oaks Bank & Trust Company and Southern National Bank. 6.0.% 6.5% 8,0.% Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Conunissioner Way that Resolution. Number, 73-17 be, modified to re- place the name University State Bank with Fannin Bank/ ' ~ ' , Motion withdrawn. MOtion by Comnissioner Way, seconded by Carrnnissioner Binig, that Resolu- tion Number 73-17 rescinded. Voting Aye: . AU , Voting No,: None , ' Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Conmissioner Stanley, that Clll:'reIlt available funds, in the ~unt of $245,150..0.0., be. invested at any of the city's approved bank. depositories yielding the highest rate of int~st for a period of 180. days. Voting Aye: All' c. ----, , Voting No':. None lit 14 11 L- I .. ......1 ...I An invoice in the ar.oc>unt of $750.00 representing cha:r:ges for the balance of solid sodding of Whitt Jolmson Park was presented to the Commission for consideration" ' Motion by COIIIIIli.ssioner Binig, seconded by Comnissioner Way, that theiin- voice :in the amount of $750.00 submitted by Southwest Gardens, Inc. for the balance due on the sodding contract for Whitt Jolmson Park be approved for payment. W r.~ I I Voting Aye: All ,Voting No: None Mayor HarTis advised the Commission that in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance Number 1002, Houston Lighting and Power Company had filed with the City Secretary rate schedules prior to a pro- posed increase to be charged West Uni versi ty residents. Mayor HarTis further advised that such rete incm=ase was now before the Houston City Council and had passed the second reading. Ordinance NllJIlbe:r> 1003 was presented to the Commission and read in full: ANc-ORDINANeE" Al1ENIDlli@ SBeT.J:ONIO-40F THE CODE OF ORDINANCES . --- - 1.::;:- OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY CHANGING :-:-:cERmm=Qt1KGIFJ;Cl\TI.ONS:::::0F..~,'IHE ,MEMBERs.::e>F THE ELECTRICAL BOARD; PROVIDING FOR THE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR 'ill BE EX- OFFICIO MEMBER .OF THE, BOARD; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, :that Ordi- nance Nl..1JIIber>, 1003 amending the ,Code of Ordinances to change certain quali- fications of the members of the Electrical Bocm:l, be, approved as read. [] Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 1004 was submitted to the City Cammission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 102.1 of SECTION ~Z ::.'1'B:....13 OF 'mE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF 'mE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY CHANGING CER- TAIN QUAUFICATIONS OF THE MEMBERS OF SAID BOARD; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that Ordinance Number 1004 amending the Code of Ordinances to change certain qualifications of members of the Plumbing Board, be tabled until the next regula:r> meeting of the City Commission. Voting Aye: All. Voting No:' None City Attorney Char>les eock:rell advised the Commission that working with Mr. William Mer.r>ill he had filed an answer to the Plaintiff's application 111' Il for Writs of Error in the Fidelity, Land & Trust Co. case. Mr.. Cockrell also c?fdvised the Comnission that he had called the Attorney General \s office with ; I I o o o with. regard to the Bunny Club case, and had been advised, ,that appU,cation , for Wr'it of Error had been denied, but had not :received official notifi- . cation of the denial. Assistant City Manager Dan Edwards presented a report shewing that a total of $202.25 was realized from the Garage Sale held to diSpose of the un- usable equipment and material. It was the concensus of the City Conunission that the City Manager should be authorized to dispose of all unsold i terns in the manner in the est interest of the city, either by sale, donation to Goodwill, Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts. '!he City Manager advised the Comnission that in accordance with their in- structions he had oontacted Mr.John W. Hudson of Traffic Engineers, Inc. with regard to submitting a proposal to evaluate the 'e~fect of traffic' circulation in West University as a di.rect result of the Edloe overpass at the Southwest Freeway. Following a discussion with regard to the type survey desired~ the City Conunission it was their decision to request proposals from additional Traffic Engineering firms. Mayor H.arris stated that he had received a request from the West Univer- si ty Lions Club that they be permitted to erect their Club si.gn below the cityts entrance signs. Mayor Harris stated that he would ask the Presi- dent of the club to appear before the Coinmission at a subsequent meet- ing to present their ideas and a sanple sign. A schedule showing personnel available to work at the swimming pool in order to continue operation onf week-ends only until the end of Sep1!em- her was presented to the Conunission. 6: 00 pm - 9: 00 pm - Monday thru Friday - August 20-31 10: 00 am - 9: 00 pm - Saturday - August 25 - September 1 1: 00 pm - 9: 00 pm - Sunday - August 26 - September 2 Weekends only - September 8 - 15-22' Saturday only - September 29 The above schedule was approved by the City Cornmission with charges to :remrln the sam; as during the regular swimming pool season. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Conunission on Monday, August 6, 1973 were presented to the Commision for their infor.ma- ation. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Wednesday,August 8, 1973, were presented to the Comnission for their in- fonna.tion. Minutes ot the regular meeting of the City Comnission on Monday, July 23, 1973, were presented to the Commission and the follewing action taken:' Motion by Conunissioner Stanley, seconded by Carrmissioner Binig, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday July 23, 1973, be cOI"'rected to record the vote of the Comnission on the appointment of members of the Solid Waste Cornmittee, and approved. Voiing Aye: All Voting No: None ------ -~ -. 9J' -'-l _ - _ -, --11r- Jlr- L- J_ 1 I 1.1 ,--- With no further business to, come before the Conmission at this time, upon motion duly made, secOnded and carried the'meeting adjou:rn.ed at 9:56 p.m. ' A'ITEST: ~x~~ Ass~ tant C~ty ecretary , , t;l a~ c-~ , , '" Mayor " " -, o n U '==' t::1 ~ Ul 00 -.J [J o t"- oo ~ I"":) ~ Q o o 1" REGUlAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION AUGUST 27, 1973 The City Comnission convened in regular> session at, the City Hall on Monday, August 27,1973,7:30 p.m., with the following members present; Mayor Harris, presiding, COmmissioners Binig, Stanley and Underwood. The City Attorney and City Man~er were also present. Commissioner Way was absent due to being on vacittion. The invocation was prpnounced by Corrmi.ssioner Underwood. '!he Canmiseion was advised that the Parks and, Recreation Board, members of the Bicycle Sub-Comm. ttee, and the Chief of Police had arr>anged a meeting for '!hursday, Augul3t 30th, at which tilIle to discuss bicycle trails on city streets. ~ubsequent to such meeting a join recommendation will be presented to the City Conmission. Resolution Number 73-19 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, Harold E. Shipp was employed by the C~ty of West University Placem 1941 as a Patrolmen; and WHEREAS, thereafter Harold E. Shipp was promoted to the posi- tion of Chief of Police of said city on ,the 11th day of March, 1947; and WHEREAS, said Harold E. ,Shipp, has continued to serve in that capacity to the prese~ttime; and WHEREAS, during all of such service Chief Shipp performed his duties in such manner as to reflect credit upon himself, his family and the city ; land WHEREAS, Chief Shipp ,has re.questedthat a new Chief of Police be appointed and that,upon,suchappointment,he should serve as Assistant Chief of Police; and WHEREAS, the City Commission wishes to give recognition to Chief Shipp for his long service to the city. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAC~,.TEXAS: Section 1. That the Gity of West University P&ace, Texas acting by and thro~gh its duly authorized City Commission here- by commends Harold E. . Shipp" Chief of Police , for his dis- tinguished service to!the citizens and to, the city for the laslt thirty-one (31) years~ Section 2. That the City of West University Place expresses its grateful appreciation to Harold E. Shipp for his unselfish devotion to the duties of his office and for the manner in which said duties were so faithfUlly performed. r r IIr ,-'-' l 18 I.... J' L~" I "'-=-=----:' : I r-- ~----r . i Section 3. That Ws Resolution be spread, 'in full upon the minutes of the City Ccmni.ssion and that the Mayor be, and ,he is hereby authorized to deliver to Chief Ha.:rold E. Shipp a true copy hereof, signed by each mem- ber of the Commission. !I i I '-.-.J PASSED AND APPROVED this 27th day of August, 1973. I sl Mary Ann Binig, Commissioner I sl Rufus F. Stanley, Commissioner ,lslCharles H. UndeIWood, Commissioner I sl Peter, M. Way, Comnissioner I sl Don E. HarTis, Mayor Motion by CoIIllIlissioner Stanley, seconded by Canmissioner Underv.ood, that Resolution Number. 73-19 oonmending Harold E..Shipp, Chief of Police, for his distinguished service to, the citizen t s fpr the last th:irty-one years, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No:" None City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Comnission that ,in compliance with the provisions of Ordinance Number 1002, Houston Lighting and Power Company had filed with the City Secretary, on August 6, 1973, a revised rate schedule requesting an increase in rates qharged, residential and small comnercial customers. Mr>. ,Cockrell also advised that unless the Commission desired to contest the increase no further action was required. Following a discussion with regard to the full rate hearing held by the City of Houston on the :request for a rate increase by Houston Lighting and POwe:!:' COTIIpanypriorto its adoption; the fact :tbat,the granted in- crease by Houston was less than requested; and ,the process by ,which the City of West University Place could contest the increase, it was the de- cision of the Conmission to take no further action. J , , . Ordinance Number> 1004 was presented totfrle Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ,SECTION 102.1 OF SECTION 18-13, OF.THE CODE OF ,ORDINANCES OF THE CITY, OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS, BY CHANGlliG ,CER- TAIN QUALIFICATIONS OF THE MEMBERS OF SAID BOARD; AND PROVlDING AN EFFECTIVE MTE. Motion by CoIIllIlissioner Binig, seconded by Comnissioner UndeIWood, that Ordi- nance Num.ber lOOLj. amending 1he, ,Code of Ordinances by chaning certain quali-. fications of the members of the city's Plumbing Board, be approved as read: ,Voting Aye:, All , Voting No: None, Mr. Bill Sawyer, 2615 Fenwood, Vice-Cha.i.rman of ,the Envirorunental'Improve- ment Comnittee, appeared .before the Comnission to present a'ntm1ber of items. Mr. Sawyer reviewed a letter from the Comni ttee stating that. Mr>. Wayne "~ ~ l Gillies, Cha.i.rman of the Committee had submi. tted his' resignation and it was ' his reCOJIllIl61Qation, concur.r:>ed by other members of :the Committee, that Mrs. \J' Waynell Gregory pe appointed to serve, as Cha.i.nnan of the Corrani ttee and that consideration be given to the appointment of a Landscape Architect as o r-- ~ In '-:> ~ Q o m L____ ___ l~ a mew III.eTIlbev of the Caruni ttee. Reconmendations from 'the' Enviroi1mental ImprovementComnittee 'foI'lcel7tain changes in the city's fence o:r:d:inance were also presented by11r'. Sawyer> in accoroance with a request made by the City Commission. Finally, Mri. Sawyer' reported that the' meeting held with officials of the City of S0uthside Place with regard to the construction of Independence Park alongside and' on top ofdPooI'l FarrnDitchhad beenenthusiasticallY:(Ie- ,., cei ved by such officials and they had expressed an interest and desire in ow:rking with the City of West Univer>sity Place on a cornmi:bnent to the project. Mri. Sawyer> concluaed his report with 'a ,request that necessary action be taken by the City Commission prioI'l to Friday ,August 31, 1973,in oreer> that me.n:iber>s of the Committee could'cansider> such action. at its meeting of 'Ihu:t:'sday, SepternbeI'l 6th.' Motion by Commissioner> Stanley, seconded by CornmissioneI'l 'Underwood, that the regular :meeting of the' City Comnission 'be recessed. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None MayoI'lHarr>is announced that the, Public Hear>i.ng called for this datefoI'l the purpose of consided.ng a budgetfoI'lthe City of WEst Univer>sity Place foI'l theper'idc1 January 1', 1974 to 'DeceJllbei. 31, 1974, was now called to onier'. MayoI'l Harr>is stated that the City Commission had :met nLUIJer'OUS times to consider> the budget; that I'OI'l the fir>st time two public hear>ings had been called in oroer> that citizens might express' 'an interest in' i terns to be included in the budget; and that the balanced budget would be :met without any' increase' in taxes. ' , FoI'l the fir>st time in the p:resentationofa city. budget, theCity'Mana;'" geI'l used visual aids consisting of an opaque . projector and, screeii to show mernbeI'lS of the-Commission and residents in attendance at the neeting, opera;.. ting expenses and capital expenditures' of'each of the city's departJnen.ts. Reviewing each department t s budget, the City Manager> ];X)inted out cost increases,' pro];X)sed capital'iny;>rovement ];>u:t:'chases' and the desire of the City Commission, to provide the best possible services foI'l :residents of the city. Motion by Comnissioner' Underwood; seconded, by Commissioner> Stanley, that the Public Hear>ingcalled' fOI'lconsideI'lation of a budget for the City of West Univernity Place for the fiscal year 1974, be closed. ' , Voting Aye: . All Voting No: None OJ:'di.n.ance' Nuinber> 1005 was p:resentedtothe Commission and read in full: -. . .. . . AN ORDINANCE OF 'IHE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIACE PROVIDING FUNDS' FOR THE' FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1974 AND END- ING DECEMBER 31, 1974 BY APPROVING THE BUDGET FOR SAID PERIOD AND APPROPRIATING' THE NEcESSARY FUNDS OUT' OF THE GENERAL 'AND ' r d_ _-_l,_L~__I! ~ ill .....--...., I'.." .., 20' llr- L -:---1 - ~.~ 'j 1.1 It ---, - OTHER REVENUES OF WE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI'IY PLACE FOR SAID YEAR FOR TEE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF 'IRE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS AND FOR VARIOUS ACTIVITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS OF THE CITY. . 11 , { , i I I L-J Motion by ComnissionerStariley, secondea by Comnissioner Uridel:wood, that' Ordinance Num1:>er 1005 approving a budget for the City of West University Place for the fisCal year beginning JanUa:ryl, 1974- and ending Dec8rnber " , 21, 1974, cind appropriating the necessary funds for said budget, be approved as read; . ' , ' " , ' " , ' Voting /We: ' All , Voting No: None oroinance Number 1006 was Presented to the Comnission and read in full: AN OFDINANCE LEVYlNG .AND ASSESSING AN AD VAlDREM TAX ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST, UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1973; PROVIDING THE BASIS OF ASSESSMENT OF APPRAISED VALUE AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF AT THE RATE OF $1.50 ON THE ONE HUNDRED ($100.00) ASSESSED VAllJATION. Motion by Commi.ssidner UnderWood, seconded by Comriission Binig, that oroi- nance Number 1006 levying and assessing an ad valorem tax for the year 1973, providing for the basis of assessment of appraised value; and providing for the collection of taxes at the rate of $1.50 On the $100.00 assessed valuation, be approved as read. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: 'None ' , ' , f'-I U City Attorney Charles Cockrell stated'that the minutes Shoilild reflect that pursuant to the recomrrEIldation of the Chief of Police at the meeting of the City Commission on June 25, 1973, the City Comnission instructed the in- stallation of signs prohibiting right' turils on a :red signal except at streets intersecting BuffaJ.oSpeedway where traffic was controlled by traffic lights and that such signs have now been isntalled at all of the required intersections . ' , ' Ordinance Number 1007' was 'pres~ted to the Comnission ana read in full: AN ORDINANCE'AMENDING Slm-SECTION (d) OF SECTION 28-88' OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEsr UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS, BYPROVIDING FOR RIGHT 'IURN ON A READ SIGNAL UGHT UNLESS PROHIBITED BY EXHIBITED NOTICE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECl'IVE DATE. ' Motion by Corranissioner Underwood, seconded by Comnissioner Binig, that Ordinance Number 1007 amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place by providing for right, turn on a reEl signal light unless prohibited by an exhibited' notice, be' approved as read. Voting Aye: "All Voting No: None :--, U A statement fot> professional setivices rendered.by'City Attorney Charles o ~ 00 lD I"":) ~ o o o "/.J 1 : Cockrell for the pe.'t1iod April, May'and June, 1973, in the c3.TIDunt of $703.00, was presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by' Commissioner Stanley, that the' statement dated August 27, 1973, for professional services by the City Attorney for the pe:r>iod April, May and June, 1973 'in the amount of $703.00, be approved for payment. -: ' ' - - ,. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A certificate of completion' subrni tied by Bayshore Engineers " Inc. for the :rehabili tationcof ,the' Wakeforest water 'plant was presented to the Coimlission together with a:recamm.enda,tion that final paym6-lt of $2,992.50 be made to G. G. Ross~Tnc.on th~project~ ' ' Motion by Conmissioner Underwood, seconded byComnissioner Binig; that final payment in the:aiOOunt of $2;992.50 to G~ G~ Ross, Inc~ be approved in . , accordance wi thtile certificate of oompletion and recommendation of 'Bay.shdre Engineers, Inc. .' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the, regular neeting of the City Comnission 'on Monday,' AUgUSt 13, 1973, we:represented to the Commission and " the follCMingaction taken: ' . Motion by CoIiinissionerUnderwood, 'seconded-by Comnissioner Stanley ,that' . the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Comnission on Monday,- August ' 13, 1973, be approved as submitted. ,Voting Aye~ All, Voting No: None With no further, business ,'to cOrne before the Corrmission, at this tima, up6n notion duly made, seconded and carried, the nee' djourned at-l0:45 p.m. .r~ , Mcw6r ' ' A'ITEST: As~&t:j~~~~ 2'2 Jlr----------y:: "~~ r-- I ---r -, -: . FEGUlAA MEE'I'XNG OF CI'r,{ COMMJ:SSION SepteJnberllO, 1973 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Mon- day, September 10, 1973, 7:30 p.m., with the fOlloWirlg,mernbers present: Mayor Hc3i'Tis, presid.i.i1g;' Corranissioners Binig, Stanley, Underwood and Way. The City Attorney and'City Manager were also present. ' II : I '-.-..J The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor HarTis. Members of Scout Troop 266 and their Assistant Scoutmaster Mr. Charles , Burgan, we:re present to observe operation of the CitY Comni.ssion. , Scout PaUl Peterson, 4223 AIIDerst Street, advised the ComITd.ssion that he had · chosen as his C01IllIlUIlity Service project an inspection of all traffic signs in the city to determine that they were not obstructed by trees, hedges or shrubs; that they had not been defaced; and that they were easily visible to JIDtoiists~ Scout Bradley Burgan, 6533 Mercer, stated that he had. chosen as his life project the care of a triangular shaped piece of property located at Edloe and GeorgetOwn, raving JIDwed, edged and tri.rrmed the property all S1.lJIIIIleI'. All members of Boy Scout TrOOp 266 were comp1iniented for the service reldered to their corrmmityy and advised that the City would provide any aid and assistanCe they inight require. ' The Commission was advised that on JUly 9, 1973, at which time the con- tract With I:ein Cons1:J:1uction for the construction of the Weslayan Sani- , tary Sewer Lift Plant and :related. lines, was finaled out, a :retainage of $300.00 had been withheld for a period of sixty- (60) days to insure proper repa.i.rs to the roof and any other minor problems that might develop. It has now been determined that the roof has been adequately repa:ired, no minor problems have developed and the $300.00 retainage shoUld be returned to Mr. Lairo.' ' ' , , II \ i LJ Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Eommissioner Stanley, that the $300.00 :retainage withheld from final payment to Lem Construction Company for the construction of the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift plant and :related lines shoUld be returned to Mr. I..airo. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In :response to a question :regarding the odor cqnt:rDl problem encountered at the lift plant, the Commission was advised that the vent in the back of the plant had been closed and it was believed that this was eliminating the odor problems, but that if any more problems developed the vent on top of the plant woUld be closed. Resolution Ntunber 73-211 was p:resented to the Commission and :read in full: WHEREAS, Mrs. Gloria Anderson, employed as Cashier and appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has resigned from the employment of the city; and '-I I \ , U o r-.. 00 ~ """:> ~ Q o o ~3- WHEREAS, M[1s.Juan.ita Miller has been employed as Casmerand is quali- fied to. assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the ,Municipal Court. NOW, 'rnEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY l:'LACE, TEXAS:" , Section 1. That Mrs. Jauanita Miller be, and she is hereby appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. . That the appoin1Jnent 'of, Mm. JuanitaMLller as ,Deputy Clerk, of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of tbisResolution and that she shall assume, the assigned duties ,of ,Deputy ,Clerk after having been administered the proper oath of office. PASSED AND APPROVED this 10th day of September, 1973. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None IslDon E. ~is, Mayor A'ITEST: Is/ Lee Lockanl Assistant City Secretary Motion by Ccmni.ssioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that, Resolu- tion Number 73-20 appointfug Juanita Miller as Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, be approved,as read., Voting Aye: All" Voting No: None Resolution Number 73-21 was presented to the Ccmni.ssion and read in' full: WHEREAS, the City Commission has h~tofore determined that additional real. property is needed in conjunction with m..mici.paloperations; and ' WHEREAS ,the Ci tyhas entered into an Earnest Money: Contract ,fort:heac...; quisition of Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11) in Block Eighteen (18), COllegeview 1st Addition, owned by A.- J. Norwood and wife,. Mae S. Nor- wood. NOW, THEREFORE, BELT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF'lliE CI'IYOF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ,TEXAS:' . .- - . ~ Section 1. '!hat the Stml. of $35,OOe. 00 be appropriated .f:rom the General Fund-Capital Improvem=nt Fund for the acquisition of: Lots Ten ClO) and Eleven (11) in Block Eighteen ,(18) of Collegeview First (1st) Addition" an addition in ,1ial:Tis County" Texas, according to the map or plat thereof, recorded in Volume 6, Page 44, of the Map Records of Ha:rTis County. Section 2. That the Mayor be, and he is hereby., authorized to effect final ' , rr--;--:-;- "!r -......1'.. I . ----, 24 ]Ir-" L--.. 1 .. - 'I I, settlement of ,the tex!mS and provisions of an Earnest, Money, Contract dated the 22nd day of August, 1973, :resUlting in the payment~of the total sum of $35,000.00 for the purchase and acqUisition of the above described property . Il I I L.-1 Section 3. That Southe:m Title Company, Inc., Houston, Texas, shall deliver a title gua:t'anty :insurance policy, to the City of West University-~Place, Texas, is named as the beneficiary showing good fee,sinple title to the heretofore described property in the City of West Uni versi ty Place, Texas., Section 4. That the City ,Treasurer is hereby,authorized to prepa:re"and draw a Wa.r'I"ant from the General Fund of the ,City ,of ,West University Place in the c;urpunt of,$30,QOO.00,plus closing costs, as .finalcash settle- ment of the ag:reedpurchase price of $35,000.00, ,which sum includes $5,000.00 placed :in escrow with Southe:m Title Corrg;>any, Inc. as part of, the earnest money purdlase agreement. PASSED AND APPROVED this 10th day of September, 1973. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Comnissioners.Voting No: None / s/ Don E. Harris ' Mayor ArrEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Se~tary ( 'l Motion by .Commissioner Stanley" seconded 'by Commissioner Way, that Reso- U lution Number 73-21 authorizing the purchase of Lots 10 and 11 in Block 18, Collegeview First Acldition for the total purchase price of $35,000 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that partial use .ofthe property adjacent to the City Hall was to straighten the uni versi ty Boulevard curve in front of the City Hall and that an engineering firm shoUld be enployed to study the situation as well as ,subni t a parking lot design. '!he. City Manager was in- structed to request from Bayshore Engineers an approximate cost for ,the project, for submission to the City Commission. Mr>. Mike Parks, Cha:irman of the Parks and Recreation Board, appeared be... fore the Commission in response to a request for a join recormnendation from the 'Parks & Recreation Boanl, the Bicycle Sub-Committee and the Chief of Pol,ice for creation of bicycle lanes on city streets. Mr>. Parks stated that in compliance with the opinion of the Chief of Police that it would bedpngerous to have bicycle lanes on heavily traveled streets they had re-routed part of .the landsliUld recomnendedthat the City Corrunission authOrize the necess9.IY' funds for implementation of the pro- gram. 1l LJ Following a discussion with regard to the cost of the project; how ex- tensive use of the lanes, might be and by whom; traffic hazards that moght, be created l:y such bicycle lanes, and methods by which such lanes might be effectively marked to designate use as bicycle lanes , it was the deci- o t"- oo It:l '-:-> ~ Q o o Z5 "sion of the City Connliaaion tnat tl1.e Assistant City Man.ag~ oe requested to obtain an approximate ,copt to implement o~,tba.t;l?Oxrt;ton:o;l; ,tl1.e' ~ogram' out1i:ned for University Boulevard With the thought that a 8ma.1l segment of the program could lE :implemented on a trial basis. Mr'. Parks was complimented on the labor Day program sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Board and the Recreation, Depa.rrtment. '!he Comnission was referred to Ordinance Number 792 which declares the parking of motor vehicles on any residential lot except in specified places a nuisance as a possible means of controlling the parking of IIObile hones on city streets. Another possible means of control was by the provision in the Code of Ordinances forbidding overnight parking for storage on any paved street. After general discussion it was the decision of the City Comnission that the Police Depa.rrtment be instructed to enforce provisions of the Code on a ninety-day trial basis to see what could be accomplished,' ' and that members of that DepariJnent be cautioned to use tact, diplomacy and good manners when making a request that a :rrobile home be renoved from the street. Assistant City Manager Dan Edwards advised the Comnission that the Safety Committee meets once each month and reviews all accidents involving city employees and city vehicles. He :reviewed an inspection trip made with lW. Howard Downey, Safety Engineer, Travelers Insurence Company and plans to improve all safety conditions wi thin the city. '!he Camnission was advised that a second defensive driving course would be taught at the City Hall on September 11-13-18 and 20th and that IIEJI1bers of' the Comnission could attend if they so desired. A letter from lWs. Judy Sulak, 3731 Georgetown, requesting permission for :residents, in that area to be ~rmi tted to landscape the triangular area at Edloe and Georgetown, was :read to the Comnission. It was the decision of the Commission that inasmuch as the Environmental Improvement Comni ttee was charged Wi th :responsibility for this type pro- ject that such Comm:ittee be advised of the :request; its endorsem:nt by the City Canmi.ssion and a copy of the letter be forwarded to lWs. Sulak. Copi,es of the .Areaswide Topics Plan for Houston Urban Area for 1973 was presented to the Commission , with their attention being directed to a $50,000 plan for the rehabilitation 'ef West University signal lights included in, the Topics program. In response to a question by Commissioner Underwood as to plans for the collection of delinquent taxes, Mayor Harris advised that the City Attor- ney would p:repare letters to be forwarded to all delinquent tax payers and following results of the letter a further decision would be made as to the next step to be taken. Minutes of the :regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on August 16, 1973, were presented to the Corrmission for their infonnation. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Camnission on Monday August 27, 1973, were presented to the Connnission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Conmissioner Underwood, t:h.rt minutes ~~ ~ r-- -~ l.r 2'6 llr- ~ of 'the 'vegula:r;1 meetlng .OX the ctty CoJImissionon August 27, 1973, be approved as submitted. ' Voti.tJg Aye: All Voting No: None !l , I '--...i With no furthe:r: business to come before the Conunission at this time, upon notion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. A'ITEST: rX'..u- ~~~ Assistant City Secretary Q.~ ' , . ... .& ... ... , ., ,Mayor' . ' ' r --) I I LJ Cl \ j L.J ~ l"- ac tn ~ ~ Q o o 'l " REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION SEPI'EMBER24 ,1973 ' , , ~ The City Comnission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday ~ September 2~ 19,73~7:,30 p.m.~ with the: following, IreJribeJ:;>s present: MayorHcu:Ti.s, pre- siding; Comnissioners Binig, Stanley and Way.: The City. Attorney and City, Manager were also present. Corranissioner Uride:rwood was absent. The Invocation was prpnouncedby Commissioner Stanley. Mr. Dieter Ufer~design engineer, Byashore Engineers, presented a status report on the construction of 'drainage for the College Court ADdition, indicating that a 30tl line running- between Fainrount andAcadenw on, Judson would alleviate sone of the flood- ing in the area~ with an estimated project cost of $.24,000.00. Mr.Ufer stated that the only complete solution to the drainage problem would be,a JIDlti-million dollar system involving ,all parties. in the area. A proposal for Cleaning out the drainage ,di tchonthe east side of Community Drive; replacing existing concrete drainage pipe under drl. veways; and street cuts at anestilrated cost of $4,739.00 was presented to th,e. Corranission. TheCity"Mana- ger advised the Commission that it was:beieved that this, drainage ditch would aid uin m:>ving water out of the College Court area., It was decided,bythe Commission .that Bayshore Engineers should be requested to prepare a profile of the north portion of the College Court area to deter.mine where water in :the area was coming from. The City Manager was requested to a.r:t"ange a conference with the City Commission and Southern Pacific Railroad officials to discuss this IIlltual problem. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded byComm:i.ssioner Binig~ that Bayshore Engineers be 'authorized to proceed with the design ofa 30"- stonnsewer along..Judson;.pre-- pare a profile of the drainage ditch on Community Drive; and a miscellaneous profile in College Courrt,for a fee not to exceed $,2,000.00. Voting Aye: All Voting No:, ,None Mr. Sal CAruso, REc:reationDirector, reported to the Commission that there were a total of 206 youths and 489 adults participating in activities offered futhe Fall recreation program. Mr. Caruso also stated that it appeared at this tine that the program will be self-sustaining and with m:>re time for planning, securing of equip- ment and instructors, and the addition of a lighted ball fiedl, he feltnore parti- cipants'would'jointhe program for each session.. Commissioner Binig requested that members of the Commission be furnished informa- tion indicating the anount of subsidy required from the General Fund in the operation of the recreation program. In ,accordance with previous instructions of the City Commission a cost estinate for striping a double bicycle lane.on the south side of University. Boulevaro.from Auden to Kirby Drive was presented. It was estimated that a cost of $264; 32 will be re- quired for the striping, necessary stencils and Pa:lnt, using city labor for mark- ing the words llBike Lanell once each block. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Comnissioner Stanley, that the City Corranission authorise the striping of bicycle lanes along University Boulevard as a trial for r;-- - , ~--, i1r . .1 II ~-_. '~.II,. I I '2'8: . ... , .. .. addition bicycle landes with a total cost of materials not to exceed $265.00. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None II ! t I I '----..-/ The City Manager was instructed to write letters to all residents in the area, of the bicycle lanes advising them, that bicycle lanes are to be made and en- , couraging then to not park 'cars in the lanes. Ordinance Number 1008 was presented to the Commission and read in full:, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE~I'lY OF WEST UNIVERSITY. PLACE, TEAAS BY THE ADDITION THERETO OF ;;~-:.;c SECI'IONS 1l-:-14- ,THROUGH ll-18 PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF A REGUlAR PAID FIRE DEPAR'IMENT;PRovmmG FOR '!HE MEMBER- SHIP THEREOF: PROVIDmG FOR RULES AND REGUlATIONS, THERE OF; PERMITl'ING AMBUlANCE SERVICE:, PROHIBITllifG UNAU'IHORIZED PERSONS FROM HOLDING THEMSELVES OUT AS MEMBERS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT; AND PROVIDllifGAN EFFECTIVE DA'IE. Motion by Commissioner, Stanley, seconded by Corrunissioner, Binig, that Ordinance , N:umber 1008 amending the Code, of Ordinance :to provide for :the creation of a :regular paid fire department, be approved as read. Voting. Aye: All Voting No:, None, - . " . '. , Resolution Number 73-22 was, presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City Conmission of the City of WestlJniversity Place, Texas has heretofore, by o:romance,created a regular, paid Fire Deparbnent; and Ii LJ - . , . WHEREAS, it is desired to provide for, addition fireman on a part... time basis to assis thefull-time firemen, if and when necessary, in the prevent- ing and extinguishing of fires in, the city. , NOW, 'IHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVID BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF '!HE CITY OF WEST tJl\f,[VERSTI'Y PLACE, '!EXAS:, " Section 1. . The 0hi.ef of the Fire Department is hereby authorized to eJIq?loy such individuals as he shall deem necessaty on a part-tine basis to assist the full time firemen in the prevention and extinguishing of fires in the city. Section 2. Persons employed on,such-part-tirne basis shall, be designated non calln persormel. Section 3. Such lion call" persormel, shall be under the direction of, the Fire Chief and shall be subject to the operating rules and procedures of the Fire Department. ' Section 4-. Such lion call" persormel shall be paid on the basis of the rates prescribed as follows: A) $5.00 for each authorized training drill attended. B) $5.00 for the first hour of attendance at a general alarm fire, plus an additional $2.50 per hour for each hour worked. j-l \---1 o t"- oo U':l '-:> o Q o [] ,~~ C) Any ,amouij.tsdue to such lion call" pemormelpased an: the above prescrd.bed 'r>ates shall be paid on an annuaJ. basis at such tine as designated by the Fire , Chief, provided however>, that irithe event a member> of the "on call\' peI'sonnel terminates his, ,ser>vices , he shall be paid as" soon" as pr>actical thereafter>. D) The Fire Chief, or> senior> officer> on duty, shelll certi- fythe attendance of the "on ca.J.i" personnel at all , drills and fires and the number> of hours served. Section' 5. 'The tion call" peI'S()IUlel shall be i:h9se per:'8ons ,who ~~ selected ahd'requested by'the Fire Chi~f and approved by ~e Ci:ty Manager. PASSED AND APPROVED this 24th day of September', 1973. Commissioners Voting Aye: Camnissioners Voting Nq: I sl - DoIi. E.' Harris Mayor> All None A'ITEST: I sl Lee lockaro. ," Assistant City Secretary , Motion by Comnissioner Binig', seConded by Comriissioner Way, that Resolution Number> 73-22 providing for "On Call" peI'SoIl!lel_to assiqt,the regulaI' paid fire deparlJoont, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Vot:LrlgNo: None The Commissionewas presented a reoommendation from the Insuranc: Corrani ttee tl;1a.t", the City, grent Barikers' Life 'Irisurence Conq>any 'the requested '10% , increase it, bad, re- quested to be effective' Ocrto})€.i:. 1, 19 73 ~ with the und~r>standing that, if cla:4n eX~ per>ience remai.ris the sarre' as 'the previous five (5) mnths, the City will be able to participate in any profi t~ made by. Banker'S Life. Motion by Comnissioner> Way, seconded by Commissioner> Stanley, that the, recolIllIEllda-, tion of the Insur'c3nee Com ttee bE: accepted and Bank~ Life, Insurance Company, be g:rented a '10% ,incn:1e~e f<:>r. effip~Q:yee, g;roup ,llospi ta..:J-iza.tion qOY~r:'9ge.' , , , ," Votfug 'Aye:' All Voting No: None After> reviewing a model Housing Code it was the decision of the Gity Corranission that the Code-- should'be stUdieci',closely'by each member of ,the Corranission and ,in-", eluded as anagendaiteni at the next, regulaI'meeting. , , Ordinance NUJIibeI' 1009 waS' presentedtci the' Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEcrION 19-1 (d) Of '!HE CODE OF , ' OIilllliANCES OF 'lEE CITY OF ,WEST UNIVEESITY, PlACE, 'I:EXAS, " BY CHANGING WE COMPI.EME:l'-rt' OF' PBRSONNE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECI'IVEDATE.' ' - ~ ---ll[ . ':.-'r. ~-, ~ __. 1 30 , I ., ,JI,..-------- I -. ~~~ I' - - r Motion by Conmissione;o W~,' secc>ndedby ComnissioneI'lStanley, that OI'di- nance Number 1009 be approved asch.anged to addtt'and'such other persons as the City Comnission nay by Resolution from time to time'designatell. Voting Aye: ' All " Voting No: None I] L The Commission was presented a proposal received from Mr>. Noel Proctor, 4102 Case, for the purchase of one twin roller sheepsfoor packer for'the total sum of $60.00. Motion by" Comnissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Way, that the pro- posalby Mr. Noel Proctor, 4102 Case, fertile purchase of one twin.. roller sheepsfoot ~ -c::-'~':=;;2 packer fori the total sum' of $60.00 be accepted.' - Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission, was advised that infonnation regarding flood insurance had jus.t been received and would be- presented to' the Commission after investigation of all phases of the progr:>am. Authorization was requested to advertise for bids for the following items re...; quired in the proposed changes to be made in the water billing depart:m:mt: Desk Top Model Offset Press Conversion Unit, Platemake/Copier Folder Postage Mach:i.ne [J Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by ComnissionerWay, that the City Manager be-authorized-to'advertise for bids for the'equipment necessary to rrodernize gOVerIlll61tal operations and update the water bill:i.ng system, with' such bids being received by the City Comnission on October 22, 1973. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Conmissian was advised that Mr. Janes SKipton, 3502 Rice Blvd, had sub- mittedhis resignation as, a member of thecityts Safety 'and Accident Review Boaro and that Mr. William .R. Dillard,' 4146 Swart:hno:re, a member of the Browning-Ferris Safety & Loss Contrell staff, had indicated a willingness to serve on such Board. Motion by Commissioner Way, .seconded' by Commissioner 'Binig, 'that the resigna.;.. tion of MP. James Skipton, as a lreJIIber of the Safety and Accident Review Boa:ro., be accepted, and that Mr. William R. Dillard, 4146 Swart:hrrore, be appointed to serve on the Safety and Accident REview Board. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Harris was instructed to write .a letter expressing'the city's' gratitude for his having served as a member of the Safety & Accident'REview Boa:.ro. and to have a CErtificate of Appreciation prepared for him. COmmissioner Stanley reminded members of the Commission of the Mass Transit [J o t-e 00 1.Q ""':) Q Q o o iSl election to l:>e held. on OctoPer 6th and 'UI'ged. each one to H atrtend a neeting of the West University Civic CLub on Frfday, Sepi:e.rIlbeP 28th at which tiire the subject will be debated. . Minutes of the regular meeting of the Safety & Accident Review Board on Tuesday, Septeniber 11, 1973, were presented to the Commission for their information. ' Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on September 17, 197,3, were presented to the Corronission 'for their infornation. . ' Minutes of regular meeting of the ZoniIig and I'lanning Commission on SepteInber 11, 1973, were presented to the Commission for their information. ' Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of ADjus"brent on September 19, 1973, were presented to the Commission for their info:rnation. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission' on Monday, SepternberlO, 1973, were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner, v tanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that minutes of the regular> meeting of the City Commission on l-briday, September 10, 1973, be approved as sUbmi. tted. . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. .cZ2 C~ Mayor ' , ATl'EST: Assis~~ ' 32, II I -----y L ."..--1 '-..:.I T- REGUlAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER 8 1973 , , The City Commission convened' in regular 'session' at 'the CitY Hall on MJnday, , October 8, 1973, 7:30 'p.m;, with the following members present:' Mayor Harris, presiding; Connnissioners Binig, S:Eanley and Underwood. The Cii:y Attorney and and City Manager were also present. Corrnnissioner Way was out of the city. , . The Invocation was pronounced- by CO'nunissioner Uriderwood. Miss Martha Rider, 2918 Sunset Boulevard, requested that the City Conunission give consideration to removing' theltNo Dogs" provision posted at Sunset Park in 'order that she might train dogsirt the park. Miss Rider stated that the dogs were trained at night and usually only tennis players were present at that' time. ' ,'.., Mayor Harris advised Miss Rider that careful consideration had been given this problem before the signs were posted 'and it was the opinion of the City Conunissiondthat'to prohibit dogs'in the park was in the' , best interest of the health and welfare of the children playing in the. park. ' Mr. Wayne Perry, Assistant Building Inspector, appeared' before the Conunission to report' on' his successful completion' of an' examination to qualify as a Plumbing Inspector. Mr. Perry reviewed the exami- nation citing some of the hazardous conditions that a plumbing in- spector must look for. In response to questions from Commissioner Stanley with regard to Mr. Perry assisting the Fire Department in'its training program to recognize improper venting or hazardous conditions, Mr. Perry ad- vised that he would be happy to assist in any way possible. Mrs., Ann Wallin, member of the Parks and Recreation Board, and Director of the Beehive Program sponsored by the city through its Parks and Recreation Board, for pre-school children, reported to the Commission that the program was much more successful than had been anticip.ated. Mrs. Wallin stated that at the present time there were 46 children enrolled in the program and there was room for only 50. Mr. Bill Dillard, 4146 Swarthmore, a newly appointed member of the Safety Committee, was intorduced to members of the Commission. A report and profile prepared by Mr. Dieter Ufer, Bayshore Engineers, with regard to the drainage problem in College Court Addition, was presented to the Commission. Mr. Ufer recommended that permission be secured from the City of Houston for the installation of a flapper valve on the 18" culvert as it discharges into the Westpark ditch to keep flood waters from flowing backwards through the 18" pipe and into the City of West University. It was pointed out that bids will be re- ceived on October 22, 1973, for the installation of a 30" storm sewer on Judson fpom Fairmount to Academy, and that a meeting should be ar- ranged with representatives of the Southern Pacific Railromto,work I~ , j I ~ , ! '----1 [r--- -"" LJ ;l u o f"- oe In """:> ~ o o o 33: out means by which water can be eliminated from the area. Mayor Harris stated that he would contact Southern Pacific to see what could be done. In accordance with previous instructions of the City Commission the standard housing code was presented to, the Commission for discussion. Mr. Cockrell stated that there were a number of conflicts between the housing code and the previously adopted National Building Code and it was his recommendation that provisions be included to provide that the Housing Code would prevail in event of conflict and should there be conflicts between the Housing Code and the Zoning Ordinance that the Zoning Ordinance would prevail. Members of the Commission requested that a revised copy of the Housing Code be presented for consideration at the next regular meeting of the City Commission, including provisions for turning off utilities and penalties for failure to comply with the Code. The Commission was advised that the sum of $30,000 had been included in the 1974 Budget for the purchase of electronic data processing system for use in conjunction with utility hilling, payroll programs, budge;tary accounting and ad valorem tax billing. ' Inasmuch as de- livery will require approximately six months, permission. was re- quested to advertise forbids to be received on November 12, 1973. Motion by Commission Binig, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the City Manager be authorized to ,advertise for bids to be received on November 12, 1973, for the purchase of electronic data processing systemm Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Commissioner Binig and Commissioner Stanley reviewed a meeting held with members of the Environmental Improvement Committee at which time a letter of resignation~,from Mrs. Sue Kelley as, a member of the Board wa!3 received; a number cf names submittedto'be considered as Board members; a request made for members of the Commission to meet with the Board when it interviews Rice University personnel as a researcher for the Independence Park project; and plans dis- cussed for the landscape development of Albans Road esplanade. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commission Binig, that Mrs. Sue Kelley's resignation as a member of the Environmental Improvement Committee be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None It was the decision of the City Commission to interview prospective members to serve on the Environmental Improvement Committee on Tues- day evening, October 16, 1973, 7:00 p.m. Following a discussion with regard to communication between members of the City Commission and the appointed boards and committees, the City Manager was requested to have representatiu-es of the boards and committes present their minutes on a regular basis as a progress report on their activities. ~l~____--.i..l._ i'-'-!-~_j_ _______ :C_.r:~ I --111' ',':...... r~" 3'4. ~II L- _. _--1_. _ '--1 'i City Attorney Charles Cockrell stated that Pidelity Land and Trust Company had four days remaining in which to file for Writ of Error in their suit against the city. I~ f. j ~ Mayor Harris read a note' received fromMI'. J. W. Chandler, Jr., 2703 University Boulevard commending the City Commission for the establishment of, bicycle. lanes and a statement that West University is the best place in the world to live. In response to a question from Commissioner Binig regarding the removal of the old KG Drug sign on' the building on University and Edloe, the City Manager was instructed to give the owner thirty (30) days in which to have said sign removed. Commissioner Binig stated that the POlice Department had been doing well 'with their request that motor homes be moved off the streets, but that there was still on in the 6000 block of Rutgers. Commissioner Underwood advised that he had received a letter from Mr. Marvin Jetton regarding offensive odors emitting from the WEs- layan sanitary sewer lift plant and the fact that his driveway was cracking. Commission members were advised that a chemical was being used at the plant by a drip method and it was believed that this would eliminate odors. ~inutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, 10' September 24, 1973, were presented to the Commission and the follow- ing action taken: Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, September 24, 1973, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. CZ2.n ?#(~ Mayor ATTEST: ' ~I-J )ft.~~ Ass~stant C~ty Secretary u o D o 35 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER 22 ,', 1',973 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, October 22, 1973, 7:30 p.m., with the following'mem- bers present: Cpmmissioner Stanley, ,presiding; Commissioners Binig and Way. The City Attorney and City Manager were also pre- sent. Commissioner Stanley had been designated to serve as acting Mayor in the absence of Mayor Don Harris and Mayor Pro-Tem Charles Underwood. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Stanley. In accordance with previous action of the Cij::, Commission bids received for the construction of a 30" storm sewer on Judson Street from Fairmount to Academy were opened and results announced as fol- lows: Bidder Amount, of Bid Days Completion R. T. Bishop P. O. Box 961 Bay town, Texas 27,430.00 60 working days Hollico, Inc. 1234 Cloverleaf Houston, Texas 29,290.00 60 working days McDonald Cons,tr. Co. 2318 Center Deer Park, Texas 20~72.5~_OO 1+t: (lays 20,725.00 40 working <;lays G. G. Ross, Inc. 9611 Spencer Pasadena, Texas 23,195.00 20 working days S & C Construction Co. P. O. Box 9988 Houston, Texas 29,608.00 60 working days Stevenstonst~. Co. P. O. Box 610 Bellaire, Texas 25,208.00 60 working days At the request of the Commission, Mr. Dieter Ufer, project engineer, with Bayshore Engineers, retired from the Council Dhambe to afu.alyze the bids received in order that a recommendation might be ,made ,for awarding the contract., Bids'received for the following repr'oduction equipment were opened and results announced as follows: [__:~__]_n~_ :3 ~_[ - . ',", ~L_,~_~ ___._,[ , . "'[' POSTAGE METER Singer Pitney-Bowes 1093 1093 1250 Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that bids received for reproduction .equipment be referred to the City Manager for tabulation with ,~recommendation for purchase to ,be presented to the Commissiori'at its next regular meeting on Novem-' ber 12, 1973. / V oting Aye: All Voting No: None o o t"- oo In '-:> ~ Q o o . -, ~'l', Mr. Ufer returned to the meeting at this time and submitted a re- view of the tabulations which ~evealed that the McDonald Construction Company was the actual low bidder according to the proposal require- ments and recommended that a contract be awarded to McDonald Constru- tion Company, 2318 Center, Deer Park, Texas, on their low bid of $20,725.00 for construction of the 30tt storm sewer on Judson Street in the College Court Addition. Motion by Commissioner Binig" seconded by Commissioner Way, that a contract for the construction of a 30" storm sewer on Judson Street from Fairmfuunt to Academy be awarded to McDonald Construction Company on their low bids of $20,725.00, with the project to be completed in forty~I.J.O) working days from the date of the issuance of a work order. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Ufer advised the Commission that Ba~shore Engineers has com- pleted the necessary field surveys to prepare a Pla~ and Profile of the east ditch at CommunityvDrive as requested by the City Commission. Results of the field surveys indicated that yo deepen the ERSt ditch and place 18" culverts underneath all the cross streets would result in the ditch being 3 1/2 to I.J. feet deeper than the presE;nt ,ditch and would, be,unacceptable "inasmuch as tl1e.r~ VDlJ.ld 'be' no O'uffcilll for':storm wate:b 'o'nce it reached 'Bissonnet' Street ,Mr. Ufer stated that the only relief that could be accomplished in the area would be t9 clean out the existing ditch to free it from grass and debris in Order to less€n the ponding time in the ditch. In keeping with the decision of the City Commiss$on that chairmen of various boards and committees be requested to appear before the Commission to report on.the activities of their group, Mr. Philip Dunn, Chairman, Zoning Board of Adjustment, appeared before the Commission. Mr. Dunn stated that the Zoning Board of Adjustment decided at its first meeting in late March that the Rules of Procedure adopted by a previous Board should be studied in order for members to be- come familiar with activities and responsibilities of the Board. With assistance provided by City Attorney Charles Cockrell and Building Inspector J. D. Allstott, the Board has now completed its study and made some amendments to ,the Rules of Procedure. \Mr. Dunn also stated that dUEing the time the Board has been active it has received five (5) applications for public hearing~. Commissioner Stanley thanked Mr. Dunn for appearing before the Commission and commended work done by members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. A Standard Housing Codeffitablishing m1n1mum standards governing the use, occupancy and maintenance of dwellings, dwelling units and accessory structures and other essentials to make dwelllhgs safe, sanitary and fit for habitation, was presented to the Com- mission for consideration. Inasmuch as the Code is quite lengthy 1381 . .J.... JII --' ---LI ' .J it was the deciai~n Qfthe Commission to study it over a period of three meetingso! the City Commission covering Chapters 1 and 2 on October 22ria.,€hapter 3 'to Section 305 on November 12th and the remaining portion of the Code to be considered on November 26th. City Attorney Charles Cockrell reviewed Chapters 1 and 2, answering questions raised by members of the Commission, and advising that the,Building Inspector has the authority under provisions of the Plumbing Code and Electrical Code to disconnect utilities when unsafe conditions are present and it was, therefore, unnecessary to include that provismon in the Standard Housing Code. Resolution Number 73-23 was presented to the Commission and read in full: II \.......".j WHEREAS, by ,Federal authority, July 4, 1976 has been designated American Revolution Bicentennial; and WHEREAS, the cities and communities of all the United States have been requested topartocipate and to locally designate this date to improve their liveable atmosphere and influence on our 200 th birthday; and That the American Revolution Bicentennial concept be accepted and that city officials and citizens lend their support and efforts to see that our air, water and land be cleansed and that our natural resources be conserved through resource recovery and that the quality of life be improved for our citisens. ' That the City Commission hereby determines that a selected pro- ject will be compatible with the Texas them, "THE PROMISE OF AMERICAN PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE" and will further reflect the them, HORIZONS '76, to provide for the future. That a copy of this Resolution shall",be forwarded to the American Revolution Bicentennial Commission. PASSED AND APPROVED this 22nd day of October, 1973. ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: /s/ R. F. Stanley, Jr. Acting Mayor All None Il I LJ o r:-. 00 >n '-:> ~ o o o a;, Motion by CommisS';ton~ Way, seconded by CO:I'Ilmissiener Bini.g, 'thq.t Resolution Number 73":23 adopting the concept of. the American Re~ volution Bicentennial and pledging adoption of a selected project to reflect the them Horizons '76 to be compatible with the Texas theme The Promise of America, Past, Present and Future, be approved as read. V ot ing Aye: All , Voting No: None , J.. A recommendation from the' Environmental Improvement Committee that Mr. Ellis Glueck, Jr., Landscape Architect, be commissioned to prepare sketch plans, and specifications for planting Albans Esplanade with appropriate plant and tree materials for a fee of %50.00, was presented to the Commission. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissilloner Way, that the recommendation of the Environmental Improvement Committee be accepted and Mr. Ellis Glueck, Jr., commissioned, to prepare sketch plans and specifications for planting Albans esplanade. V oting Aye: All Voting No: None The City Commission was presented a recapitulation of the 1973 Tax Roll which had been certified by Wm. Dittert, Jr., Tax Assessor/ Collector and approved and signed by mem-ers of the Tax Board of Equalization. Such tax roll, amounting to the total assessed valuation of $49,391,360.00 on the basis of 50% assessed valuation reflected a total tax levy of $740,870.00. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the 1973 Tax Roll, as certified by members of the Tax Board of Equalization, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 73-24 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, certain areas of the City of West University Place are subject to periodic flooding from continuous heavy rains and over- flow of drainage ditches; and ' WHEREAS, relief is availabe in the from of Federally subsidized flood insurance as authorized by the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City Commission to require the recognition and evaluation of flood hazards in all official actions relating to land, use in the, flood plain areas having special flood hazards; and WHEREAS, this body has the legal authority to adopt land use and I ~-, ilr . L ,.I ' ]1'- L....:::....:.-.J "~~I ,.....--------, : I ~40 . control measures to reduce further flood losses pursuant t~ its City Charter. o , . , NOW, THEREFORE,_ . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE C~TY 'OF WEST UNDlER5ITY PLACE ,TEXAS: , ' Section 1. Assures the Federal Insurance Administration that it will enact as necessary, and maintain in force for those areas having flood haza~ds, adequa~e land use and control measures with effective enforcement provisions consistent with the Criteria set forth in Section 1910 of_ the National Flood Insurance Program regulations; and . . - Section 2. Ve~ts the Mayor and City Commission with the responsi- bility, authority, and means to: ' ' (a) , Delineate or assist the Administrator, at his request, in delineat~ng the limits of,the areas having special flood hazards on available local mapp of sufficient scale to identify the location of building sites. ' (b) Provide such information as the Administrator may request con- cerning present uses and occupancy of the flood plain. (c) 'Cooperate with' Federal, Mtate, ~nd local agencies and pri- vate firms which undertake to study, survey, map" and identify flood plain areas, and cooperate with neighborang communities with respect to management of adjoining floodplain areas in order to prevent aggravation of existing hazards. ~ I i U (d) . Submit on the ~nniversarydate of the community's initial eligibility an annual report to the Administrator on the progress made during the past year within the community in the development and implementation of flood plain management measures. .Section 3. Designates the office of the City Manager to maintain for public ,:inspection and to furnish upon request a record of eilievations (in relation to mean sea level) of the lowest floOd (including basement) of all new or substantially improved structures located in the .special flood hazard areas. If the lowest floor is below grade on one or more ,sides, the elevation of th floor imme- diately above must also be recorded. ' Section 4. Agrees to take such official action as may be reason~ ablynecessaryt;o carry out the objectives of the pr>ogram. PASSED AND APPROVED this 22nd day of October>, 1973. ATTEST: /sl Lee Lockar>d Assistant City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: /s/ R. F. Stanley, Jr. Acting Mayor All None -\ LJ City Attorney o r-- QO lD '""':) ~ Q o o 41 Motion by Commissione;rj Way, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that ~e5olution Numbev 7Z~24assu~ing the Tederal Insu~ance Administration that the city will enact as necessary, adequate land use and ,control measures for those 'areas having flood hazards, be approved as read. V oting Aye: All Voting No; None Resolution Number 73-25 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has adopted and is en- forcing the National Building Code and City of West University Place Zoning Ordinance No. 111; and WHEREAS, Section 102.1 of the National Building Code prohibits any person, firm or corporation from erecting, constructing, enlarging, altering, r~pairing, improving, moving or demolishing any building or structure without first obtaining a separate building permit for eac building or structure from the City. Building Inspector; and whereas, the Building Inspector must examine all plans and specifi- cations for the proposed construction when apllication is made to him for a building permit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ,BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; Section 1. That the Building Inspector shall review all building permit applications for new construction or substantial improve- ments to determine whether proposed building sites will be ~ea- sonably safe from f,looding. If a proposed building site, is in a: location that has a flood hazard, anYHproposed new construction or substantial ~mprovement must (i) be designed (or modified) and anchored to prevent flotation, collapse, or laterial movement of the structure, (ii) use construction materials and utility equip- ment that are resistant to flood damage, and ~iii) use construction methods and practices that will minimize flood damage; and Section 2. That the Building Inspector shall review subdivision pro- posals and other proposed new developments to assure that (i) all such proposals are consistent with the need to minmimiz'e flood damage, (ii) all public utilities and facilities, such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water systems are located, elevated and con- structed to minimize or eliminate flood damage, and (iii) adequate drainage is provided so as to avoid impairment of them or con- tamination from them during flooding. PASSED AND APPROVED this 22nd day of October, 1973. ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: /s/ R. F. Stanley, Jr. Acting Mayor All None City Attorney 4>2 -.:=... - ..lI I Motion hy Commissione~ Binig, seconded by Commissioner Way, that Resolution NumbeF ,1:3~25providing ;for' the review by the Building J ,Inspector of all building permit applications: for new construction ~I' or i!'!1provenierits to determine 'that stich sites will be reasonably safe from flooding, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None , ,> City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that the time for Fidelity Land and Trust Company to file a motion for re- hearing bef9re the Supreme Court, had expired. Mr. cockrell further advised that the application for Writ'20f error filed by the Bunnie Show Club had been denied. The Commission Was presented a report on the responses received from letters written by the City Attorney to delinquent taxpayers in the city. City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised that he ,was of the. opinion thc.tt those "taxpayers delinquent in excess of $700.00 or a period of thr~e years should be sued for payment by entering suit with the School District~or County. Motion by COmmissioner> Binig, seconded by Commissioner Way, that those persons who have not responded to tax notices, whose taxes are delinquent three or more years, action shall be taken against them, either in conjunction,with the School District of County, 'or if necessary, the city should initiate action. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None il U A report indicating that the total cost for striping and lettering the bicycle lanes on UniYe~sity Boulevard from Auden to Kirby Drive was $557.57, was presented to the Commission. The Commission was advised that letters had been addressed to all residents on the south side of University Boulevard and it was believed that residents were cooperating with ise of the bicycle lane s and that very little adverse criticism had been received. Commissioner Binig requested that cost of the project be forwarded to the Parks and Recreation Board and the chairman of the Bicycle Sub-Committee for their use in recommending additional bicycle lanes. The City Commission was advised that Delta Paper Company had increased their price for paper to be used for recycling and that all types of paper in addition to newsprint could be marketed and that the price quoted was $.50 per hundred pounds for newsprint and $.30 per hundre pounds for mixed paper. It was the decision of the City Commission to enlarge the recycling program to include all types of paper in accordance with an offer submitted by Delta Paper Company and that residents be notified that commencing on November 1st this type paper would be included in the recycling program and requesting participation by residents. LJ n '-.-1 l"- 00 In '-:> Cl o ~l' Ii ~ o 43 l1inutes of the regular meeting of the ElectX'ical Board on Monday October' 15, 197.3, weJiepl"es'en-ted to the Commission for their in.... !omat;ton. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on October 8, 1973, were presented to the Commission and the .following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by' Commissioner Binig, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, October 8, 1973, be approved as submitted.. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourn~d at 10;L5 'p.m~ . /'/ Qc~ ,~ayor . ' ATTEST: .~-U/~~ ASSI tant C~ty Secretary I ~ ~ III' )1 L-::...~ _' ----!J, . '44 mr\JmAL 11EEI'lNe, Qf em C~ION NQVEMBE:R' ':5", ',-!-9-7'3: ' ' The City Commission convened in informal session at the City Hall on Monday, November 5" 1973, with the following members present: Mayor Harris, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Stanley, Underwood and Way. Mr. Gene Hines, chairman and Mr. O. C. Bartholomew of the Zoning and Planning Commission; Mrs. Waynell Gregory, chairmand and Mr. Bill Sawyer of the Environmental Improvement Committee; Mr. Mike Parks, chairman of the Parks and Recreation Boad and the City Manager were also present. J Mayor,Harris thanked Committee members for attending the meetitg and stated ,that the purpose for the meeting was to help establish guide- lines for committee operations to avoid overlapping areas and to try to see if it could be determined what and how each board and committee and the City Commission could help each other and receive input by and between various committees. Commissioner Binig stated that the City of West University has so many talented and enthusiastic residents that efforts should be made to such efforts should be made to utilitzesuch efforts for the best in- terest of the city. Commissioner Stanley advised the Committee members that hope that all realized that the City Commission did not ite or pet committees or projects and was not trying to of the committees:. it was his have any favor- usurp perogatives r--l : ( U Mr. Hines stated that primary duties of the Zoning and Planning Commission are set by state statutes and that services of other groups had been utilized to the best advantage inasmuch as all groups are working toward the end result of what is best for the city. Mr. Hines further stated that he felt that in some areas there would always be a certain amount of overlapping ain any type committee work and things going on which were not intended to be secret, but just did not get spread around. Mr. Hines advised that when the Zoning and Planning Commission were gettinginto public hearings it requested a charge from the City Commission which was never received. Mr. Hines stated that a joint meet- ing had been held with the Environmental Improvement Committee which was of interest to both g:pcmps, and a meeting had been requested with the Long Range Planning Sub-Committee of the Parks and Recreation Board. Hr.'~e;.Ra~kS',_ol3tat;:.e:-d that generally the Parks and Recreation Board was interested in developing use of existing facilities; development of ,recreational facilities and planning for long range developments. He also stated that feedback from the Zoning and Planning Commission was necessary with regard to recommendations ir might be considering wffuh regard to park areas. Mr. Parks advised that the Long Range Planning Sub-Committee had held a couple of meetings, but that Mr. Britton was ~ery busy and meetings had to be scheduled when he was available. o 4:1 It was suggeted that a general roster of all boards, committees and sub-committees would be of assistance.' Commissioner ,Stanley stated 'that it was his belief thatthe.coordina- tion of committee activities was the responsibility of the City Commission, and that regular meetings-~hould be set up for status reports. Discussion indicated that each of the committees represented had an interest and involvement in the proposed INdependence Park project. It was suggested that the City Commission establish guidelines with regard to the legal, financial, promotion and Southside participation aspects of Independence Park prior to committee action on thepprojecotr. l"- 00 tD '-:> ~ Q In response to a request that Zoning and Planning Commission minutes not be received by the City Commission prior to approval, Mayor Harris advised that all board and committee minutes received ~ the Commission are presented for information only and do not become a part of the City Commission's permanent record. It was decided that reference made to such minutes should be as a ttdrafttt of the minutesof the Zoning and Planning Commission. Mr. Sawyer stated that the Environmental Improvement Committee had selected five (5) categor>ies of service it could perform which would be submitted to the City Commission for review. o Commissioner Stanley stated that it was his belief that the City Comis- sion should reduce to writing its general concepts and frame work for submission to each Committee. Mr. Sawyer stated that the lands.cape architect was ready to proceed with development of the Albans esplanade. Commissioner Binig stated that creation of the Environmental Improve~ ment Committee was primarily a search for a public relations committee to make West University a city in which everyone wanted to live. Mr. Sawyer stated that it was his belief that most committee members would resign if that committee were requested to work on such projects as "Operation Spiffy", yard beautification, etc. Mr. Parks requested that the Parks and Recreation Board be permitted to sit in on a meting to be held with Mr. Matt Weeks, architect employed by the City Commission for the rehabilitation of the Communi~y Building - and possibly later the Library and Case Park. Mayor Harris summed the meeting up with the following: An exchange of minutes between the City Commission, Environmental Improvement Committee, Parks and Recreational Board and Zoning and Planning Commission~ o City Commission to set our specific guidelines for the Environmental Improveme.nt Committee and the Parks and Re- creation Board. City Commission to fee back immediate reaction to pro- posals and suggestions by respective committees. If a matter L~_.:....ci.!.i.:....::_,-L_~L~_ .1:- d '- _c:lLULfi ~. ...... . ..JII '.'-'1"---; Tool."" '4"6 ]Ir- L ~: -r-- - ~- --, . . . -', of great importance set s()medeadlineS:~. If ot greatimpovtance to the committee so advise the City Commis:s;ton~ Refer to unapproved minutes of the Zoning and Planning Commission as ltdrafttt,f , !i ; I ~--.J Get input from current committees prior to writing guide- lines. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, the meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. ~&d~ Mayor ATTEST: ~~~ Ass1stant C1ty Secretary ~.\ I I ! I LJ D 41';' , , REGULAR MEETING OF CITY. COMMISSION '" NOYEl1BE1\' TZ,', 'l'9',:t3:'" " : ; : ~ The'City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, November 12, 1973, 7:30 p.m., with the following members pre- sent: Mayor Don'Harris, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Underwood, and Way. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commis- sioner STanley was absent to attend a Medical Convention. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Underwood. Mayor Harris welcomed the many guest present and thanked them for attending the meeting. City Manager Whitt Johnson introduced the following special guests: r-- QO an """:> Q Q D City Prosecutipg Attorney Tom Clarke Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kesselus, Bastrop, Texa~, parents of Richard Kesselus. Mrs. Richard Kesselus and sons, Darien and Kent. Mr. and Mrs. Dem Gorham, Austin, Texas, parents-in-law of Richard Kesselus. Former Mayor Homer L. Ramsey. Mrs. Whitt Johnson. Mrs. Jewell Shipp, wife of Chief Harold Shipp. Inspector Harry Caldwell, City of Houston Police Department. Chief John Wheatley, Chief of Police of the City of Bellaire. Chief Bill Clary, acting Chief of Police of the City'of Southside. Mr. Dick Atkins, City of Houston Police Department. Mr. Gene Hines, Chairman of the city 'us Zoning and Planning COmlIlission, and the many city Department Heads and employees in attendance. Resolution Number 73.,..26 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, Harold E. Shipp, Chief of Police of the City of West UniVersity Place, has after long and'faithful service requested that a new Chief of Police be appointed Assistant Chief of Police until his elected time of retirement; and WHEREAS, a new Chief of Police has been selected by the City Commission and the City Commission desires to make formal appointment of Harold E. Shipp as the Assistant Chief of Police. NOW, THEREFO,RE ,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Harold E. Shipp he, and he is hereby, appointed Assistant Chief of Police of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. That the City of West University Place again expresses its grateful appreciation to Harold E. Shipp for his thirty-one years of distinguished service to the city. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of November, 1973. D Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: /s/ Don E. Harris, Mayor All None ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard, Assistant City Secretary ,.,' '1 , :~l Jlr- L--_.'. II '.1.1 Motion by Commiss,ione)? Unde;l?wOQd ~ aecQnded by: Commis,s.ionev Binig, that Resolution Number 73~26 appoiting ffarold E. Shipp Assistant ChiEf of Police of the City of Wes;t University Place, be approved as read. o Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Harris administered the official Oath of Office to Assistant Chief of Police Harold Shipp. Mayor Harris advised thos present that the City Commission had heretofore honored Chief Shipp by the passage of Resolution Number 73-19 commending him for his long and distinguished service to the city. City Manager Whitt Johnson presented Chief Shipp with the~iginal Resolution Number 73-19 beautifully framed for the occasion. Inspectior Harry Caldwell, Staff Services of the City of Houston Police Department, stated that he had known and worked with Chief Shipp for more than twenty years and had benefited much from Chief Shipp's expertise in police work and that it would be his desire to "be just like, Chief Shipp when I grow up". Mayor Harris and City Manager Whitt 'Johnson stated that many appli- 0 cations for the position of Chief of Police had been considered and four outstanding prospective applicants were interviewed by the City Commission, including members of the present POlice Department and Richard K. Kesselus, Sergeant of the San Marcos Police Depart- ment possessed outstanding qualifications, both intellectual and law enforcement training, and after extensive investigation from the standpoint of secuirty and intelligence apptitudes, Mr. Kesselus was selected to serve as Chief of the Police Department. Resolution Number 73-27 was presented to the Commission and~read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has for several months been seeking a qualified individual to serve as Chief of Police of said city; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of said city considered the: qualifications of many applicants for said position and has determined that Richard K. Kesselus is qualified to serve in such position. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Richard K. Kesselus be, and he is hereby, appointed Chief of Police of the City of West University Place, Texas. u o l"- 00 In ~ Q o o o [, 4~ Section 2. That Richard K. Kesselus shall receive compensation as shall be determined by, the City Commission. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of November, 1973., Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: /s/ Don E. Harris Mayor All Nones ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Way,' seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that Resolution Number 73-27 appointing Richard K. Kesselus as Chief of Police of the City of WEst University Place, te approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Harris administered the official Oath of Office to Chief of Police Richard Kesselus. Chief Kesselus thanked the City Commission and City:~~a~~er~eF~~~' opportunity to serve West University as its Chief of ,Police and pledged his best knowledge and ability in such service. Chief Kesselusstated that ,c his new position would be'! 'much easier following the experience, leader- ship and guidance of Chief Shipp and the excellence of the Police D,epartment. Commissioner Binig congratulated Chief Kesselus upon his appointment; thanked Chief Shipp for his service to the city, and introduced her husband and daughters in attendance at the m.eeting. Commissioner Underwood congratulated Chief Kesselus stating that he looked forward to many years of good working relationships and commend- ed Chief Shipp for his service to the city. Commissioner Way extended a welcome to Chief Kesselus to the City of West University and thanked Chief Shipp for his many years of service to the city. Mayor Harris announced a ten minute recess at this time. Upon recomvening the City Commission opened bids submitted in accordance withprevious action for furnishing an electronic data processing ser- vice an and announced results as follows: National Cash Register - Model 399 - Net Bid, $27,769.12 Annual Maintenance Contract $1,065.00 Burroughs Corporation - Model L854l-l00 with Model A9362 Ledger Stacker, Net Bid $24,880.62 Pliil1Ips Business Systems, Inc. - Net Bid Price $26,735.00 Annual Maintenance Contract $1,400.00 Nixdorf Computer, Inc. - Net Bid $20,741.00 Annual ~aintenance Contract $1,100.00 "Ir ,! ." ." , ,r .. I.... , I 'II 50'!. lie-' --c..:..: 1-"'- , , l1ot:ton by Commissioner Underwood, s,econded by Commissione:r Way, that bids receihed for fUTnishing an electrorlic data p:vocessing I{U~ system be referred to the City ManageI' and City TreasureI' for analys~s and computation, with arecommendation'for purchase to be presented to the Commission at its next regular meeting on November 24, 1973. Voting Aye: All Voting no: None Resolution Number 73-28 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, City officials have determined that it is to the best interest of the citizens of this city to continue its memb~rship in the Houston- Galveston Area ,', Council; and WHEREAS, the by-laws of the Houston-Galveston Area Council requires the appointment of a duly elected representative of each of the governmental units for the yeam 1973 and 1974. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1.- That Mayor Don E. Harris be, and he is hereby, designated as its representative to the General Body of the Houston-Galveston Area Council for the years 1973 and 1974. Section 2. That our official Alternate authorized to serve as our voting delegate should the one hereinabove named become ineligible or if he resigns, is Commissioner M~ry Ann Binig. o Section 3. That the Executive Director of the Houston-Galveston Area Council be notified of Mayor Don E. Harris' designation by certi- fied copy of this Resolution. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of November, 1973. ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: /s/ Don E. Harris Mayor All None Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that Commissioner Mary Anny Binig be designated as official alternate to the Houston-Galveston Area Council in the absence of Mayor Harris, and Resolution Number 73-28 appointing Mayor Harris as the designated representative and Commissioner Binigasalternate representative be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o 51. Resolution Number 73-29~7was presented to the Commission and read in full: o WHEREAS, by 'Resolution Number 73-6, dated March 12, 1973, the City Commission appointed four (4) city employees to serve as members of the Safety and Accident Review Board for the year~1973; and WHEREAS, Harold E. Shipp has requested that he be relieved of this res- ponsibility; and WHEREAS, Richard K. Kesselus has been appointed Chief of POlice of said city. . f:'oe QO ~ "":J Q Q NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Chief Richard K. Kesselus ~e appointed to ,serve as a member of the Safety and Accident Review Board during the remainder of the year 1973, and that Harold E. Shipp be relieved of this res- ponsibility, effecti~e with the passag~of this Resolution. - Section 2. That Richard K. Kesselus be appointed to serve on this Board without compensation. o PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of November, 1973. V ot~ng Aye: , All Voting No: None /s/ Don E. Harris Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant 'City Secretary Motion by Commissione~ Binig, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that Resolution Number 73-29 appointing Chief of Police Richard Kesselus to serve as a member of the Safety and Accident Review Board be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o City Attorney Charles Cockrell reviewed a letter dated October 29, 1973, received from the Houston Natural Gas Corporation, wherein city officials were advised that HNG had established a 3.0? per M6f increase in its weighted average cost of gas. Effective with bill rendered on and after January 1, 1973 a rate increase from 41.8? per Mcf to 44.8? per Mcf will become effective. The Commission was advised that the 1974 Budget included the sum of $10,000 for the disposition of trash on a contractural basis and if bids were received at the regular meeting of the City Commission on December 10, 1974 such agreement could be entered into prior to dis- position of rubbish as'a result of the Christmas holidays, with the first billing to be received after January 1, 1974. ~ ~~ "'5'2~J ..,JI', .Jlr-.... L-.=:: - r .....,. II III. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Way, that the City Manager be authortzed to advertise for bids to be received on III December 10, 1973, for the disposition of trash on a contract ural basis. UJ V oting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with previous instructions of the City Commission a tabulation of bids received on October 22, 1973 for furnishing cer- tain items of reproduction equipment to update utility billing and mail- ing procedure of the city, was presented to the Commission. It was the recommendation of the City Manager and his staff that the following bids be accepted by the City Commission: Offset Press - A. B. Dick Model #326 Pla~emaker/Copier - A. B. Dick Model #675 Conversion Unit A. B. Dick Folding Machine .:. Pitney Bowes " Postage Meter '~ Pitney Bowes $ 1,783.51 1,314.28 197.00 5'+8~00 1,250.00 Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner W?y,that the City Commission pur9hase th~ equipment as recommended by the City Manager in his letter dated November 9, 1973, upon correction of the Model Number of the A. B. Dick Offset Press. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None When visited by Mayor Harris, ,Commission Stanley and City Manager Il Johnson, representatives of the State 'Insurance Commission advised LJ that a complete survey of all ,roofs within the city could provide a decrease in the city's insurance ley rate. The Commission was ad- vised that such survey had been completed; forwarded to the Insurance Commission; and subsequently the city had been granted an'.02C::re- duction in its key rate. Resolution Number 73-30 was presented 'to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West UNIVERSITY PLACE HAS CASH Available ,in the following funds: Tax Collectors Fund Insurance Reserve Fund 100,000.00 8,000.00 2,780.00 19,750.00 14,000.00 40,OQO.00 15,470.00 o , Tax Revenue Sinking Fund Charter Amendment Reserve Water Fund Charter Amendment Reserve Sewer Fund Water Sewer Fund Tax Collectors Fund which funds will not be required for current operating expenses; and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all the o o o 53 city's money invested to,earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money; and WHEREAS, the Chemical Bank and Trust Company has offered the most attractive rate of the banks designated to serve as depository for investment of city funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESQLVEDBY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Treasurer is hereby autho~ized and directed to invest the available funds in the Chemical Bank and Trust Company in the amount of $200,000.00 on the following basis: onecertificate in the amount of $100,000.00 for a period of 119 days to bear interest at the rate of, 8.625% and the other certificate for a p.eriod of 119 days also to bear interest at the rate of 8.625%. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of November, 1973. Commissioners Voting Aye: 2 Commissioners Voting No: 1 /s/ DonE. Harris Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secre~ary Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that Resolution Number 73-30 authorizing the investment of the sum:~of $200,000.00 in two certificates of time deposit ,with ~he Chemical Bank and Trust Company for a period of 90 to 119 days at an interest rate of 8.625%, be app:r:'oved as read.. Voting Aye: Commis~ioner Binig Commissioner Underwood Voting No. Commissioner Way City Attorney Charles Cockrell presented a: statement in the amount of $471.45 for legal services rendered by Kelley, Rayn and Merrill in connection with the Fidelity Land and Trust Company suit against the city and recommended that the City Commission place such statement in line for payment. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the statement in the amount of $471.45 submitted by Kelley, Ry~n and Merrill for~g~services in connection with the Fidelity Land and Trust Company suit be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was presented a statement in the amount of $962.50 from City Attorney Charles Cockrell for services rendered in the months of July,August and September. :r~ ~ ~.- ,- -~.::----. " .. . .J JI! L..I _,. .--.!l 54 Motion by Commi5sione~ Undevwood, seconded by CommiaaionerBinig, that Di the statement submitted by City- Attorney Charles' Cockrell in the' amount of $962.50 for se:i?vices: rendered during the period July, August and September be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Cockrell advised the COInmission that he had discussed the city's ::, delinquent taxes with City Treasurer Wm. Dittert, Jr., and had ascertained that the School District had offered to file suits in any instances where they had delinquent taxes and permit the city to join in each such 'suit. In keeping with the previous decision of the City Commission chapter III of the Standard Housing Code was reviewed by the City Attorney.: Followingihe review it was' the :decision of the Commission that the Code should be plaeed on the November 26th agenda for final consideration., Commissioner Binig advised the Commission that Parks and Recreation BoarddChairman Mike Parks desired to meet with the Commission to re- view work performed by attorneys Howard Ayers and William Galbreath in their research for the Independence ,Park project~ Copies of their report were submitted to each member of the Commission for review and study prior to a joint meeting to be held on Monday, November 19th. In response to a request from Commissioner Binig for a statement from the Commission supporting President Nixon's conservat,ion of energy , IJ Mayor Harr~s stated he had been advised that it was h~s understandi~g , that each federal district will be contaetim.g':;' allmunicipali ties L and it was his belief that something would be available prior to the next reguiar Co~ission meeting. ' , Commissioner Binig advised the Commission that six months previously Commissioner Way had accepted an amendment to his motion lor the insta- llation of "No Parking Anytime: signs on Sunset Boulevard from the west curb line on Belmont Street,-west to the alley on the south side of the street. On University Boulevard from the east curb line of Weslayan Road to a point 55 feet east on both sides of the street. On Browning Street ~r0m the west curb line of Weslayan Road to a point fifty' feet west on "the north,si~e of the st~eet, to require a trial periOd of"six' months. ,CoIIUIlissioner Bii1ig stated that the six months trial period had now ended and the Commission should now decide whether to make the signs, permanent or remove them. It was the decision of the Commis'sion that Chief of Police Kesselus should be requested to review each of the locations and appear before the City Commission at its next regular meeting ':onNovember 26,1973, to present his recommendations with regard to the signs. A letter dated November 8, 1973 from Dr. Richard A. Plessala of the Houston Pediatrict Associates' was prese'nted to the Commission.' Dr. n Plessalarequested permission for the placement of four mobile homes on , LJ m t"- oo ~ I"";) Q o o o 55 tWQ Iota jus.t ,eq.$:t 0% th.Ei new ,o%fice buildi!lg be4'J.g const:I'ucted at, 4110, Bella;ix'e '.Bollley:a,.~d ina,.amuclL'a,.s the 'p!t-ysici:.a,.ns JIlUst vacate their pre- sent location hi Decemne~ 1, 19.73 'and the new huilding will not be veady for occupancy until mid-~a~y, 1974. following a discussion, it was the decision of the Commission to permit Houston Pediatric Associates to move four mobile homes onto the two lots east of the new office building being constructed at 4110 Bellaire Boulevard for use as office space pending completion of the building, provided, however, they specify the numbe:I' of days the mobile homes will be in use'to be not more than sixty days and that a sign clearly~siblefrom the street be erected stated that mobile home use permitted under temporary permit. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Safety and Accident Review Board on October 8, 1973 were presented to the Commission for their'informa- tion. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Solid Wast Committee on September 20, 1973 were presented to the Commission for their informa- tion. Minutes of the meetings of the Environmental Improvement Committee on October 2nd and October 9th were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of theCCity Commission on October 22nd were presented to the Commission and the following action raken: Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded qr Commissioner Way, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, October 22, 1973, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time upon motion duly mad~, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. QcE~ MayOr ATI'EST: , ~ ,}(J~4A-/ - Assistant Crty SeCI'etary ,I "I .. ~l---:-:- =---' --...-Ill t'_". . _ 11 5'6 JL 'I. , I EEGULM 11EETING Of CITY ~OMMI.SSION ._ .:.:::.:-.:....:.=... .,:::.:::..~,N~~29.;:,1.9:7~;y~... ;:,.'~:.~... :-.::.:::::. " ", ".::= 1.-".':' ~.'". '.' ". '" .'", ...........~.:::. .,..... '..c.'':: I",..' .'. '.;'.' ....:;:,:~;. ;:,-;'.::...::.'/':-= c'; =::.::.. ~ - ~- ~... .. - .. . . -.. -.' ~. ::""T~ .: ~. .. ;.-: o ..... ~. '. . . " ;' ...:::;. . ~,"'.::. '.;:' .: 1': .., - . - '. . . ....-.,.. The City Comnission convened in :regular session at the City Hall on Monday, November 26, 1973" 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Don Harris, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Stanley,' Underwood and, Way. The City Attorney and City-Manager were also present. ThE!. Invocation was pronounced by Mayor . Harris . Mr. A. G. "Pete" Hinojosa, S. E. ,Regional Sales Manager of the American Auto- rrobile Association appeared before the Comnission to present a plaque to the city as a winning city in the 1973 AAA Nationai Pedestrian Safety Inventmry. Mr. Hinojosa stated that the award was presented because of West University's EXcel- lent pedestrian safety program' and resultant excellent pedestrian casualty re- cord. Mayor Harris accepted the plaque on behalf of the city and thanked Mr> .Hinoj osa and the American AutOIrobile Association. Chief of Police Rich.arU Kesselus and Patrolman Ber:na.rd Ash, president of the Police Association, expressed their appreciation of :receipt of the award and stated that it was received as a:result of cooperation of all West University residents in addition to efforts of the Police Department. Mayor. ~is advis~ all. bidders present in .the interest of an award of a con- D tract for furnishing an electronic date .processing system for use in the city's' accounting procequres,. .that such. award would be postponed until the next regu- .lar meeting of the City Commission on Monday, December 10th, prior to which time all members of the City Commission would visit each bidder and have a de- rronstration of the equipment quoted in their respective bid. Final consideration was given to the Standard Housing Code and Ordinance Number 1010 was presented and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS BY ADDITION THERETO OF SECTION 6-29; ADOPTING THE WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE STANDARD HOUSING CODE, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, ~, ESTABLISHING MINIMUM STANDARDS .:',,8~S GOVERNING THE USE, OCCUPANCY AND MAINTENANCE OF DWELLINGS, DWELLING UNITS AND ACCESSORY STRUCI'URES; ESTABLISHING MINIMUM STANDARDS GOVERNING SUPPLIED UTILITIES AND FACILITIES, AND arHER PHYSICAL THINGS AND CONDITIONS ESSENTIAL TO MAKE DWELLING SAFE, SANITARY, AND FIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION; ESTABLISHING MINIMUM STANDARDS GOVERNING THE CONDI- TION AND MAINTENANCE OF DWELLINGS AND ACCESSORY STRUCI'URES; FIXING CERTAIN RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES OF OWNERS AND OCCUPANTS; PRO- VIDING FOR APPEALS TO THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE CITY COMMISSION AND FIXING ITS DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES; AUTHORIZING THE INSPECTION OF DWELLINGS AND ACCESSORY STRUCTURES; PROVIDING FOR THE CONDEMNATION OF AIL BUILDINGS AND STRUCI'URES DEEMED UNFIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION AND USE; AND FIXING A PENALTY BY FINE OF Nor LESS THAN $1.00, NOR MORE THAN $200.00, FOR EACH DAY~S VIOLATION. o ~ . .' 'l} i!J' Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by ConmissioneI' Bini:g, that O;r>dinance Number 1010 adopting the West University Place Standard Housing Code, establishing mi.ninn.nn standards governing the use, occupancy and maintenance of dwellings, dwelling units and accesso:ry structures, be approved as read. o Voting Aye: All Voting No: None City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised that inasmuch as the Ordinance contained a penalty clause it would be necessary that the caption be printed and the effective date ten days after the published date. It was also decided that a copy. of the Standard Housing Code should be placed in the Library for the benefit of any residents wishing to examine it. t"- oo lD ,"'"':) Q o Mr. Dieter Ufer, project engineer, Bayshore Engineers, Inc. presented the Commis- sion with a report on the construction of the Judson Street 30" storm, sewer, advising that the pro~ect was 100% complete and only minor clean-up remained. Mr. Ufer presented Estimate Number 1 from McDonald Construction Company, in the amount of $15,24-0.00, represemting the complete contract price, less 10% retaihage, to be considered for payment. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that pursuant to the recommendation of Mr. Ufer and City Manager, that McDonald Construction Company's Estimate Number 1, in the amount of $15,24-0.00, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None D The Commission was presented an invoice in the amount of $1,734. 71 for engineering servicesperfonned by Byashore Engineers in the;ir p:reparation of plans and speci- fications for the Judson Street 30" storm sewer construction and the 'plan and profile of the area north of College Court in an effort to curb water drainage into the ' area. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by COJIDDissioner Stanley, that the invoice in the amount of $1,734.71 submitted by Bayshore Engineers, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None D On University Boulevard from the east curb line of Wes- layan Road to a point 55 feet east on both sides of the street. ......., lIr .... ~..~ . r . . 1'-1 58;' llr- L--_I .!J .------,------y On Browning Street from the west curb line of Weslayan Road to a point fifty fee west of the north side of the street. o Motion by Commissioenr Underwood, seconded by Co1Illlli.ssioner Way, that, the recommendation of Police Chief Richard Kesselus be accepted and permanent "No Parking Zones" be created at the above locations. Voting kJe: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 73-31 authorizing the inves1Jnentof'$200,000 in the Tax Collector's Fund was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the Tax Collector's Fund in the c3lIDunt of $200,000, which will not be required for current operatirigexpenses; and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Co1Illlli.ssion to keep all of the city's JIOney invested to earn additional income, and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of rroney. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY.THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY,)PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to invest the available funds in the Chemical Bank in the amount of $200,000 on the following basis: one certificate in the amount of $100,000 for a period of 89 days to bear interest at the rate of 9.000%, and the other certi- ficate for a period of 89 days also to bear interest at the rate of 9,000%. J PASSED AND APPROVED this 26th day of November, 1973. ATTEST: Isl Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Commissioners, Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None / sl Don E. Harris Mayor Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that Resolu- tion Number 73-31 be canpleted to authorize the investment of $200,000 from the Tax Collector's Fund in Chemical Bank in two certificates of time deposit each for a period of 89 days to bear interest at the rate of 9. 0%, and approved. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. William Galbreath reviewed a legal opinion prepared by he and Mr. Howard T. Ayers in connection with the proposed creation of Independence Park over Poor Farm Ditch. Mayor Harris thanked Mr. Galbreath and complimented the work and time spent by he and Mr. kJers in preparation of the report. Il LJ o t-- QO tn '-:> ~ o c o 5:~ A corrected copy of minutes of the, Parks. and Recreation Board on October 30, 1973, were presented to the Commission for their infor.ma.tion. ' City Attorney Charles CocJa"ell adVIsed tp.e CoJmrl.ssion that on January 29, 1973, attorney ThOm3.S Clarke was appointed by the, City- ~ormnission to ,serve as city pro- secutor until December 31, 1973. The Cornmission inStructed tl1e CityAttorney to prepare a resolution extending the appointment of Mr. Clarke for presentation to the City Commission at its next regular meeting on December 10, 1973. The City Commission was advised that a meeting had been held by all city department heads in order to resolve problems arising from the energy crisis. Many con- structive thoughts andr:i::deas were developed which are hope to conserve"" energy. Commissioner Binig suggested the use of a central posting. area to' be used by all employees planning trips to oth~ locations. Commissioner Stanley stated that it was his belief that Operation Identification should be reinstituted inasmuch as many residents would be turning off decorative lighting in view of the energy crisis. The Commission was advised that inasrrD.lch as the second regular meeting date for the rronth of December was on Christmas Eve an~ alternate date should be chosen for the meeting. Motion by Conunissioner Stanley, seconded by Commission Way, that inasrruch as the second regular meeting of the City Commission in the rronthof December would be on Christrras Eve such meeting should be held on the third Monday of December, December 17th. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was presented a list of autorrotive and office equipment previously approved for purchase in the 1974 budget for which bids should be received as early as possible due to lengthy delivery dates. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Conunissioner Underwood, that the City Manager be authorized to prepare specificationS and advertise for bids to be re- ceived on January 10, 1974, for the following: 3 patrol 2 autOIrobiles 3 patrol cars station wagon 1 24,000 gvw cab & chassis 2 25,500 gvw cab & chassis 1 flat bed truck 1 towing vehicle 1 street sweeper , electric typewriter office files Voting Aye:, All Voting No: None Commissioner Stanley requested that traffic study to be made of' the Edloe area with regard to the construction of the Southwest Freeway overpass be included as an agenda item at the next :regular meeting of the City Commission on December 10th. Ilr'. . "'or"r. 1 I' 60,-1 .11,' .]11--- L::::.---I .,- II I: r--~ ~ Approved minutes' of the regillw Jl)eetj:ng of. too Zorrti1g and ?iEuIDing Camm:tssion on October 9th were;II'~sented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the- Elect:Fical Board on November 19th were presented to the Commission for.their infonnation. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, November 12th were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commission Stanley, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Comnission on Monday; November 12th be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Cormirl.ssion at this time, upon notion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8: 50 p.m. CZ2~~ Mayor ATI'EST: ~J~ Ass~s ant City Secretary I~I U I [ [ I ! I U (I : ! i I L..J o ...... oe U':l '-:> o Q [] o b' l' u' " REGUlAR MEEl'ING OF CITY COMMISSION DECEMBER 10, 1973' The City Commission .convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, December 10,1973, 7:30 p.m., with the following mem- bers present: Mayor Harrds, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Stanley, Underwood and Way. The City Attorney and City Manager were.also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Stanley. In accordance with action taken by the City Commission in regular session on November 26, 1973, a tabulation of lids received for, programming, delivery and installation of an electronic data pro- cessingsystem to fulfill a minimum of four (4) accounting objec- tives, was presented to the Commission as follows: Natmonal Cash Register - Model 399 fJ Net Bid, $27,769.12 Annual Maintenance Contract $1,065.00 Burroughs Conrporation - Model L854l-100 with Model A9362 Ledger Stacker, Net Bid $24,880.62 Annual Maintenance Contract $1,116.00 Phillips Business Systems, Inc. ;.., Net Bid Price $26,735.00 Annual Maintenance Contract $1,400.00 Nixdorf Computer, Inc. - Net Bid Price $20,741.00 Annual Maintenance Contract $1,100.00 City Treasurer Wm. Dittert, Jr. reyiewed bids received from each manufacturer, listing the features of each system as it would be applicable to the city's operation. Mr. Dittertstated that it was his firm opinion that it is to the best advantage and benefit for the City to accept the bid made by Burroughs Corporation on their Model L 8541-100 Mini-Computer with Model A 9362 Magnetic Record Handler for their net delivered price of $24,880.62 with an annual maintenance contract- of $1,116.00. Mayor Harris stated that each member of the Commission had seen demonstrations of each of the systems bid and it was the desire of the Commission to purchase the system'best suited to the city's need:il. City Manager Whitt Johnson submitted a letter stating he concurred in the recommendation of the City Treasurer. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the recommendationsof the City Treasurer and City Manager be accepted and a contract bea.warded to Burroughs Corporation to program, deliver and install their Model L 8541-100 Mini-Computer and Model A 9362 Magnetic Record Handler for a net delivered price of $24,880.62 with such purchase price being paid from the previously approved 1974 Budget. ~-- . _.~.j ___,l~~ ---:11[" 6'Z,L Jlr- L-:-:-T .:J - r-- i---;----r- Voting Aye: All Voting No: None M~yor Harris commended Mr. Dittert for the extra time and effort he had put into study of the many systems bid, indicating the exemplary dedication of the city's department heads. D City Treasurer Wm. Dittert, Jr. advised the Commission that the 'total deposits of current tax collections through December 7, 1973 were $368,828.70, representing 49.8% of the total 1973 tax levy of $740,870.40. An agreement for the disposition of solid waste material received from International Disposal Corporation was presented to the Commission for consideration. It was pointed out that, the purpose of the agreement waS for the disposition of, trash picked up on Wednesday and Thursday as a means to conserve space in the city's sanitary landfill; was for a trial~period of one year with pro- visions for cancellation by either party upon sixty days written notice; that charges for such service $hall be $0.50 per cubic yard, but in no event shall be less than $670.00 per month; that the sum of $10,000 had been provided in the 1974 budget to pay the cost of disposal service; and it was hoped that the use of the disposal service would enable the city to pick up some miscellaneous items that heretofore have not been picked up. Mr. Roger McKillip of the International Disposal Corporation stated that the operation of a sanitary landfill was the corpora- II-~I tion's busines and that the city was not obligated to dump any specific amount of trash on a weekly or monthly basis. U Motion by'.:Commission Stanley,. seconded by Commission Underwood, that Mayor Harris be authorized to execute a contract according to the agreement for refuse disposal between the City of West University Place and International Disposal Corporation according to the terms contained therein. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was presented a list of insurance agents residing in the city; holders of Recording Agent's licenses and otherwise eligihle to participare in a pro-rata share of the commissions paid on insurance by the City during the calendar year 1973. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the City Manager be authorized to publish legal notice out- linig the qualifications for participation in a pro-rata share of the commissions paid on insurance premiums during the calendar year 1973, with such written applications to be received at the City Hall on or prior to ten days following date of publication. Voting Aye: All VO'iting No: None lJ Resolution Number 73-32 was presented to the Commission and read in full: [j l'- 00 l.Q I"';) Cl o o o ba WHEREAS, Mr. Thomas Clarke has heretofore been appointed Assistant City Attorney and Prosecutor of the City.of West University Place for a term expiring on December 3.1, 1973; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to reappoint Mr. Thomas Clarke to such position. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Thomas Clarke is hereby appointed Assistant City Attorney and Prosecutor in the Municipal Co~rt of the City of W,est University Place. Section 2. Said Thomas Clarke shall receive as compensation for his duties the amount heretofore provided for such position. Section 3. Thomas Clarke shall serv~ in such capacity until December 31, 1974, unless removed from said position during such period by the City Conimission. PASSED AND APPROVED this lIthe" day of December, 1973. ATTEST: Isl Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: Isl Don E.Harris Mayor All None Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that Resolution Number 73-32 reappointing Mr. Thomas Clarke as Assistant City Attorney and Prosecutor in the Municipal Court until Decem- ber 31, 1974, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Following a discussion with regard to the proposals received from Traffic Engineers, Inc. and Wilbur Smith and Associates to evaluate the effect of traffic circulation in W~st University as a direct result of the Edloe overpas..s at the Southwest Freeway , it was the decision of the City Commission to place this item on the Commis- sion agenda for its January 14, 1974 meeting for discussion with regard to arrangements for a meeting with the engineers submitting proposals. The Commission was advised that the following persons had pre- viously been interviewed for membership on the city's Plumbgin Board; Mr. Gerald Kerbow, 2630. University Boulevard; Mr. Ronald Taylor, 3131 Tangley; and Mr. Leslie Hotmann, 2715 Pemberton. , I -., ..'1"'" -r; ,I". ;1 ;::1 Ii "I ~6'"-1 , A\ ~" . ,1"-" ., lie- L .....-l -.lit I I- I I The following names were submitted to fill positions four and five: Mr. T. E. Parson, Jr., 6411 Vanderbilt and Mr. Peter D; Alessandro, Jr., 3704 Pittsburg. It was the decision of the City Commission to instruct the City Manager to arrange interviews with Mr., Parsons and Mr. D'Allessandro prior to the Commission meeting on Monday, December 17th and to administer the Oath of Office to members of the Plumbing Board at its regular meeting on January 14, 1973. Inasmuch as Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Norwood have vacated the premises at 3804 University Boulevard, purchased by the City for use as a municipal parking lot, authority was requested to advertise for bids for the removal of demolition of the six room, two-story residence located on such 'lot. o Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for the demolition or removal of the six room, two-story, frame resi- dence located at 3804 University Boulevard, with bids to be re- ceived by the City Commission on January 28, 1974. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A letter from Dr.W. LeRay Fowler as Moderaotr and Mr. James Hammond, Chairman of Deacons of the. West University Baptist Church [] was presented to the Commission. The church requests permission to use property it has purchased at 3819 Amherst Street as park- ing space for the church, and further requests that the city . grant the church permission to fill, level and pave city owned property consisting of one-half lot donated by Mr. Ben Taub ad- jacent to the church property. Mr. Baron Heathcott, representative of the church, stated that the contractor had already cleared the city property and such property would be restored to a better than before condition if permission were not granted for its use as parking space. Mr. Heathcott also stated that the city and church shared other parking areas and it was believed that this space could be used by the church during its normal functions and programs and by the city during other times. City Attorney Charles Cockrell stated that this type request had been received before and inasmuch as, a church cannot be denied use of property in a residential neighborhood, it was generally believed that church related uses should be permitted also. Mr. Cockrell also stated that generally a request of this nature was forwarded to the Zoning and~Planning Commission acting in its capacity as a Planning Commission, but that such Commis..,. sion had no authority to deny use of residential property for church use. o After being advised that the Zoning and Planning Commission would meet on Tuesday, December 11, 1973, it was the decision of the o t-e 00 tn "'":> Q o o o 0';)' Commission to delay further action on the i?equeato!, theWeS:t University Baptist Church until its: neXt ;meeting on December' l.7tb.., In keeping with the des:treof the'C:tty Co:m:m.is:sion,to dispos.e'of bicycles picked up by the Police Department an opinion issued by City Attorney Charles Cockrell was read as follows'~ UArticle 18.30 of the Code of Criminal Procedure s. of the' State Statutes provides for the disposition of such articles aft~r having been on hand for a period of six months and proper advertisement by an auction with funds received therefor to be placed in the Gen~ eral Fund. The Commission was advised that in 'order to finish the city's business for the year 1973, it would be necessary to amend the 1973 budget to balance accounts, and that such budget amendment would be presented for consideration at the meeting of the City Commission on December 17th. City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that an application was filed by a property owner for the sub-division of a lot on Buffalo Speedway and the applicant contended that inasmuch as the application was not heard within thirty days from the date the application was filed, it was therefore considered to be granted. Mr. Cockrell further stated that subsequently the owner filed an application for a re-hearing, such hearing being held by the Zoning and Planning Commission within a thirty day period. This information was presented to the Commission , only as a means of alerting them to the possibility of a lawsuit being filed in the case. A letter dated November 9, 1973, from Chief of Police Richard Kesselus with regard to a petition filed by Mr. G. E. Woodail, 6549 Westchester, Mr. Herbert J. Konze, 6546 Westchester, Mr. William C. Boykin, 6602 Westchester and Mr. Alex Pancheri, 6601 Westchester, requesting the installation of a stop sign at the location of Westchester and Carnegie, was presented to the Commission. Chief Kesselus' letter advised that an extensive radar speed evaluation had been made of this location and logs prepared indicated relatively light traffic and an average speed of 23 mph in a 30 mph zone, and in view of his findin~did not re- commend the installation of a stop sign at this time. The City Manager was requested to address letters to signers of the petition advising them of the action taken by the Chief of POlice. Commissioner Stanley stated that it was his desire to ]Oln other members of the City Commission in expressing congratulations to Commissioner Underwood uponms election as President of the Houston Contractors' Association. ~ 'I[ :1-'." &6"1. , r. JII L-::. ~ I 11111' I' following a diacvssion wit~regard to ambulance service provided fo~ West University residents by the City of Houston, the follow~ ing action was taken~ Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the City Manager be authorized to transmit to the City of Houston a. check in the amount of $3,500 representing payment for ambulance service for the City of WEst University Place for the year 1973-1974. I) I , U Questions were raised as to the proper period for which payment should be made at this time and Commissioner Stanley withdrew-, hismotion pending a search of previous records to determine the dates for which payment should be made. Such matter is to be included on the agenda for the December 17th meeting of the City Commission. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Safety and Accident Review Board on November 12, 1973, were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on December 6, 1973, were presented to the Commission for their . information. A draft of minutes of the meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on November 13, 1973, were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monqay, November 26, 1973 were presented to the Commission and the follbw- action taken: Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Way, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, November 26, 1973 be approved as submitted. \Il 1 I I L.J Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. QE4w Mayor ATTEST: ~-AL., ~~~~ Asslstant City Secretary u [ {'oe 00 lD '"":> '~ Q D u 0"'; RE&ULAR MEETtN~ Of CtT~,COMMtS!tON DECEMBER 17, 1973 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, December 17, 1973,' 7: 30 p.m. ,with, the following members present: Mayor , Harris, presiding; Commissioners Binig, Stanley and Way. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Underwood was ill. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Harris. Mayor Harris welcomed the visitors at the meeting encourage them.to attend all meetings in order to become mor eknowledgeable about the city's business.. Mayor Harris introduced State Representative Kay Bailey who expressed her plea- sure in being able to present to the City of West University Place a Texas flag which had flown over the Capitol of the State of Texas on July 4, 1973. Mayor Harris accepted the flag and certificate of certification o~ behalf of the city and thanked Representative Bailey for the gift. The Commission 'and guests were advised that Mrs. MaeBel1e Scarborough who , was employed by the city on May 26, 1952 ad PBX operator had elected to retire ~s of December 31, 1973. The City Manager reviewed Mrs. Scarborough's service career with the city, ctting appreciation for the' service she had rendered; the many friends she had made; and the .n,formation she had provided to residents of the city. Mayor Harris presented Mrs. Scarborough with a beautiful, engraved silver tray as a momento of her years as an employee of the City of West University Place. City Treasurer Wm. Di:ttert, Jr. presented Mrs. Scarbo'l'iough with a Certificate of Appreciation. Mrs. Scarborough expressed her appreciation for the many happy years she had worked for the city. . Mrs. Lilliam Erwin, 4234 Case, was invited to appear at the City C!)mmission meeting because of her dtl igent effort in payJng a 1966 paving lien assessed against he.r property which was in excess of $400.00 and paymentsteing made by her in the amount of $10.00 monthly for ret i rement of the _debt,. Mrs . Erwi n stated that she was 86 years of age and was pleased to be a resident of West Un iversi ty. Mayor tfaJ:'rjs. presented Mrs. ERwin with a Release of Paving Lien on her property and thanked her for appearing before the Commission. The Commission was presented a letter from Mr. E. Gene Hines, Chairman of the Zoning and Planning Commission, whereinsuch Commission recommended that if the West University Baptist Church were permitted to level, pave and use city owned property on Amherst Street as a parking lot, that thechueck be requested to provide appropriate screening; draJnage",landscaping and set-bakr~quirements. Resolution Number 73-33 was present to the Commission and read in full~ WHEREAS, The West University Baptist Chirch is contemplating the im- proving of Lot 6, Block 18, College View First Addition for parking purposes in conjunction with the operat ion of such church; and fta:I J' L- -r--- 111111.,. WHEREAS, the City of West University Place is the owner of the West 1/2 of Lot 7, Block 18, College View First Addition; and ,~ ; ! I I LJ WHEREAS, the West University Baptist Church has requested per~ mission to hard surface said West 1/2 of Lot 7, Block 18, College View First Addition and said West University Baptist Church agrees that all of such area that is the'cityts property and the churchts property will be available for the use of the city for parking purposes when such parking would not con- flict with church use. NOW, rHEREFORE, BE tT RESOLVED BY THE CtTY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAC;, TEXAS: Section 1, That West University Baptist Church be and is hereby granted permission to hard surface the 'We~t 1/2 of Lot 7, BLock 18, College View First Addition in accordance with city spectfications, including 'the necessary drainage and screening which is to be approved by the city. Section 2. The permission herei,n granted for the use of the West 1/2 of Lot 7, Block 18, College View First Addition is revocalbe by the city upon ninety (90) days written notice to the West University Baptist Church. PASSED AND APPROVED this 17th day, of December, 1973. Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: /s/ Don E. Harris Mayor All None ~ I (I I I ! I I I I < '----.J ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Way, that Resolution Number 73~33 granting West University Baptist Church permission to hard surface the West 1/2 of Lot 7, Block 18, College View First Addition and use such ci~y . owned property in addition to church owned property for parking a rea ,be approved as read. Motion amended by Commissioner Stanley to include that necessary screening be provided for the parking area by the church, and accepted by Commission Binig and Commission Way. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with the decision of the City Commission at its regular meeting on December 10, 1973, the City Manager was requested to ask that representative of Traffic Engineers, Inc. and Wilbur Smith and Associates be requested to meet! with the City Commission at 6:30 p.m., Monday, January 14, 1974 to discuss their proposals to evaluate the effect of traffic circulation in West University as a ;-l result of the Edloe overpass. I ( U o [] n L-' 69 Res.o 1 ut lonNullJoer ,73'<:\34 was presented to the Corom iss ton and read in fuLL WHEREAS, the City Commissio,n has heretofore,authorized the investment of ava i1 ab 1 e funds usua 11 y' in Cert if i cates o.f Time ,Depos i t in amount of $100,000.00, with fized interest rates for specifi~ periods of time; and WHEREAS, interest rates are now uncertain and careful consideration should be given to investment of city funds; and 1973; and WHEREAS, theJ"'e~are-Cert'ificates of Time Deposit maturing on. December2l, WHEREAS, the Ci,ty Commission does not meet 'in regular session until January 13, 1974. NOW, THEREFORE, BE. IT RESOLVED BY THEC ITY COHM 15S I ON OF THE CITY OF WEST UN IVERS ITY PLACE,TEXAS.; Section L That a.committee composed of elected and appointed city officials be designated to reinvest available furids between now and January 14, 1974. Section 2. That Mayor DonE.. Harris, Commissioner Peter Way, City Manager Whitt Johnson, and City Treasurer Wm. Dittert, Jr., be appointed as an Investment Committee to invest available funds not needed for current operation and that such Committee be required to report its action on the investment of funds to the City Commission at the next regular meeting to be held January 14, 1974. PASSED AND APPROVED thi s .17th day of December, 1973. Commi~siohers Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None /s/ DonE. Harris Mayor ATTEST: / s/ Lee Locka rd Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the name of Commissioner Peter Way be added, to serve on an Investment Committee otherwise composed of Mayor Harris, City..Manager Whitt Johhsonand city Treasurer Wm. Dittert, Jr., to invest available funds not needed for current operation and to report the Committee's action at the next regular meeting of the City Commission on January 14, 1974. Voting Aye: 'All' . Voti ng No:' None Resolution Number 73-35 was presented to the Commission and read in full: ' ['-' 1 T',' . _~ I; --'-1 'i[ , .....1.;. ...J 70 L", .J ,--.J, WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place made proper appl ication to receive federal funds ,under Publ ic Law 666 to share in the construction and rehabi1i.tation of the Weslayan Sanh tary Sewer Lift Plant and related lines; an~ WHEREAS, a ,grant of .75% of the totel1 ,engin~erls anticipated cost of the project was approved by the Environmental Protection Agency;, and WHEREAS, during the month of April, 1973, the city received its first allocati6n of $68,700~00;and WHEREAS, in Octobe,r, 1973, an additional $41,490.00 was received, making a total grant received from federal funds of $110,190.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Commission appropriates the said $11'0,190.00 to be applied against the total cos.t of the construction and rehabilitation of the Weslayan Sanitary Sewer Lift Plant and related lines. ; ^ < PASSED AND APPROVED this 17th day of December, 1973. Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissi.oners Voting No: , Is! Don E. Harris , Mayor A II Nones ATTEST: Isl Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that Resolution Number 73-35 authorizing, the ~ppropriation of $110,190.00 in Federal Grant monies to be applied against the, total cost of the construction and rehabilit- tat ion of the Weslayan San.itary Sewer' Lift Plant and related I ines, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordacnew with instructions of the City Commission Ordinance Number lOll was~'presented to the Commission: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDIANCE N,UMBER 984 WHICH APPROVED THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF WEST U,NIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY I, 1973, AND ADOPTED ON AUGUSt 2~;, 1972. ' Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that Ordinance Number lOll amending Ordinance ~umber 984 which approved the budget for the fiscal year beginning January I~' 1973 and ending December 31, 1973, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A letter dated December 14, 1973 from the City Manager advised the Commission that the contract and ordinance authorizing the Mayor to execute the contract were still in the hands of the City of Houston and no formal agreement had ] o o u t"- oo In 1""':) Cl o D [ 'fl eyer been reached for the ctty of Houston to provtdeambulance servtce to the City of West Universtty Place. After discussion with regard to thefor:mation of a committee to meet wtth C'ttyof Houston offtdals to attempt to work out details of a contract; tfte possi'bilit'yofimmediateterminatfon of services if brought to the attention of the Clty of Houston; and possible delivery date of a new ambulance unit purchased by the city, it was the decision of the City Commission to take n 0 action with regard to ambulance service provided by the City of Houston until delivery had been received on the cityls unit. A schedule showing charges mad;e for mowing vacant lots in the city was pre- sented to the Commission. Noting that fourteen owners had removed their names from the mowing list, it was the decision of the City Commission to continue the same charges made for 1973 as provided by Ordinance No. 993, passed by the City Commission on January 8, 1973, such charges being $0.01 per square foot with a mini- mum charge of $60.00 on an annual basis and a $5.00 fee for filing o:r: lien if necessary. The Commission was advised that the 3800 block of Byron Street flooded quite badly and was in need of repairs as a major maintenance item. At an estimated cost of $2,303, city forces could install 336' of 15'1 reinforced concrete pipe and asphalt overl ay. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Way, that the expenditure of approximately $2,303 be approved for the installation of 336' of 15" rein... forced concrete pipe and asphalt overlay in the 3800 block of Byron Street. Vot i ng Aye: All Voting No: None Following a lengtt'ty discussion with regard to a letter dated December 12, 1973 from Chief of pal ice Richard Kesselus setting forth information with regard to down time of police patrol units; cost of replacement parts, base prices of Ford, Chevrolet and Plymouth as compared to Dodge, Pontiac and Buick, the Commis- sion was advised that no performance figures on the larger cars were available. The City Manager was instructed to request Police Chief Kesselus to request per- formance figures from the Texas Police Officers' Association, the Texas Municipal League and comparable size cities for review by the City Commission when automo- tive bids are received on January 14, 1974, and to include all manufacturers of automotive units in the request for bids. Mrs. Binig stated, that ithad been reported to her that city trucks were not cutting their motors off when they reach a jobsite. Members of the Commission reviewed the suggestediitems for renovation, remodeling or addition to the Community Building as submitted by Mr. Matt Weeks, architect. It was the decision of the Commission that the Parks and REcreation Board be re- quested to review Mr. Weeks'suggestions, ma~e any suggested changes, additions, etc. that they thought would be beneficial; request Mr. Weeks' to meet with the Commis- sion on January 14, 1974 with preliminary ideas, cost estimates, etc; Approved minutesDof the Zoning and Planning Commission on November 13, 1973 were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, December 10, 1973 -----lIt:"" ::t,"_" " ~1;2~I .,. ,l: J' L..:' - - I ".-111!.., ...-~~~ 11 were presented tQ tOe cOJl1T!Jtsston,for consideration and the fellowing action taken: Motton ByConmitsStone.r Stanh~y, '-seconded byConim'tss:ioner Way, that the minutes be' corrected to shoW' the additt'on of tithe appl icant contended that tI i.n.. regard 'to 'an ,appl icaHon fUed for hearing by the Zoning and Planning Commission and approved as submitted.:' , Voting Aye: All, Vot ing No: : None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at, 9: 50 p.m. .Q'~~ Mayor ATTEST: ~~ ~~~ Assistant City Secret~ry ~ "'~~:- 0'-3. i_I- 1\ U i~1 I: U o