HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1972 o D o 67 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JANUARY,lO, 1972 The City Commission convened in regular session at the C~ty Hall on Monday, January 10, 1972, 7:30 p.m~, with the following: members present: Mayor Neighbors, presiding;'Commissioners Harris, 'Hughes, UnderwoodandWallin~ The City Attorney and City Managerwerealso'preseni;;. ~' , The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner'Harris. , In accordance with Article XXVI, Sectlon 15, of the city Charter,considerat~on was given to the selection of"an.officiaJ, newspaper for the year 1972. A brief resume bf price rates and deadlines of the local newspapers waspresenteg and the following action taken: : ' Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded'byC9~ssio~er Hughes, that the South- western Argus be designated as the official newspaper of the City of West Uni- versity Place for the year 1972, and that the Houston Chronicle be used f0r notices to bidders or othe items re~uiring,a broader newspaper coverage. Voting Aye:, All Voting No: None In actordance with inst~ctions of the City Commission with the formation of the city; s Safety and Acc.ident Review Board, the following residents were named to serve on the Board: Mr. R. J. Eubanks, 3729 Sunset, and Mr. James K. Skipton, 3502 Rice Boulevard, together with the following department heads: Chief H. R. Shipp, Chief C. E. Duffin, A. L. Beardeni:", H. L. Vaughn, O. D~Gregg, and H. R. Duke, three of whom will serve during 1972 with the remaining ,thr.ee serving during 1973, with Assistant City Manager Denny Arnold serving as chair- man. Motion by Commissioner U~qerwood, seconqed by Commissioner Harris that Mr. R. J. Eubank, 3729 Sunset and Mr. James K. Skipton, 3502 Rice Boulevard, Chief U. E. Duffin, Mr. A. L. Bearden and Mr. O. D. Gregg be..appointed to serve with Asst. City Manager Denny L. Arnold on the c-Hy;,s Safety ,and Accident Review Board for 1972, with Mr. R. L. Vaugh, Mr. H. R. Duke, and Chief H. E. Shipp serving as members for 1973. It was furiher moved that the newly appointed 'Board be re- ~uested to review the safety manual prepared by Mr. Arnold and to report any changes and recommendation to the City Commission at its regular meeting on February 14, 1972. ' , , Voting Aye: All Voting'No: None Mr. W. C. Dahlman, Mr. Roy H' arper and Mr. Don Henderson of the Ho~ston Natural Gas Company appeared before the Commission to present information and a schedule of rates in support of their request for an increase',indomestic gas ,rates:for' residential and small business consumers. Mr. Henderson stated that Houston Natural ~as Co~pany was operating under the President;s phase II regulations and were re~uired to file with the Price Commission a resolution from the City of West University Place in order to place the rate increase into effect in the city. Mr. Henderson aiso stated that the incr?ase was based completely on cost to the company as a resUlt of the increase in'the:cJ..ty gate rate under the order of the Railroad Commiss~o~ of T~x~~ dated February 1, 1971. .1 Resolution Number 72-1, together with the attached schedule of rates, was presented to the Commission and read in full: Jli L -1 u 1 68 WHEREAS, Houston Natural Gas Corporation has established new and increased rates for residential and small 'conrmercial (ll'domesti'cJf) 'customers as reflected in the Rate Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, THECityConimission of the City of West University Place, Texas, after d\leconsideration, finds and determines that the increase in domestic rates reflected in the new rates. shown on Exhibit A is necessary in order for Houston Natural Gas Corporation to recover the increased costs incurred by said company resulting from the increase in the city gate rate under the order of the Railroad Commission of Texas 'dated February 1,' 1971, in Gas Utilities Docket No. 449, ,together with the gro~s receipt taxes applicable thereto; . , NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMM:ISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That the rates for gas service rendered by Houston Natural Gas Corporation to domestic customers set out in Ex~ibit A, attached hereto, ,be and ?he same are hereby approved. PASSED AND APPROVED this lOth day of January, 1972. Commissioners Voting Aye :All Commissioners Voting No: None Isl John N. Neighbors Mayor ATTEST: lal Le~ L~ckard Assistant City Secretary Exhibit A HOUSTON NATURAL GAS CORPORATION o 0 RESIDENTIAL, RATE' NO ~ 260 Winter Billing Period'(Nov. - April Rate .' First Next Next Next Over 400 cu~c feet or less 2,600 cubic feet 3,000 cubic feet 10,000 cubic feet 16,060 cubic feet Minimum Monthly Bill $ 2.00 12.3~ per 100 cubic feet 11.0~ per 100'cubic feet 9.0~~per 100,cubic~feet 5.5~ pe~ 100 cubic feet $ 2.00 Summer Billing Period (Mav,- Oct.) First ' ,400 less $ , ' cubic feet or 2.00 Next :2;600 cubic feet 12.3~ per 100' cubic feet Next 3,000 cubic feet 11. O~ per'lOO cubic feet Over 6,000 cubic feet 4.2~' per 100 cubic feet Minimum Monthly Bill $ 2.00 COMMERCIAL RATE NO. 261 :, .~ Cl .. o &'g' , , , ' : 1. [] First 400 cubic feet or less $ 2.25 Next 8,600 cubic feet 13.3~ per 100 cubic feet Next 11,000 cubic feet 11.Ocp per 100 cubi~ feet Next 10,000 cubic feet 7.5cp per 100 cubic feet ,Over, 30,000 cubic feet 6.ocp per 100 cubic feet Minimum Monthly Bill $ 2.25 . ' I') CD a-;; w ~ Q o .: c Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Resolution Number 72-1 and the attached schedule of rates, approving the rates for gas service rendered by Houston Natural Gas Corporation to domestic customers, be approved as read. ' Voting Aye: All , c" Voting No:, None Resolution Number 72-2 designation Police Dispatcher Jo-Egray Sheffiedl and Cashier Gloria Anderson as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court to replace Harrington Wallace whos was promoted to a patrolman and Joyce Keefe who resigned from the service of the city, was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, Mr. Harrington Wallace, employed as.Police Dispatcher and appointed Delputy Clerk of the, Municipal Court of the City of West. University Place, 'I'exas, has been reassigned to the Police Department; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Joyce Keefe', employed, as Ca:shier and ap;pointedD~puty Clerk of r the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place, TExas, has r~~tgnefr'frDm the employment of the city; and WHEREAS, the reassignment of Mr. Harrington Wallace.and.the. resignat:1-.on_,of Mrs. Joyce Keefe creates the necessity of appointing other employee,p, to serve as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Jo-Egray Sheffield has been employed as Police Dispatcher and Mrs. Glorai Anderson has been employed as Cashier, anCLthese" employees are qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COlYIMISSION, OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Mrs. Jo-Egra~ Sheffield and Mrs. Gloria Anderson be, and they are hereby, appointed Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West University Place,- Texas. Section-2.-~That ,the,appoiritrrient ,of Mr. Jo-Egray Sheffied and Mrs. Gloria Anderson, as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas, shall be efective with the passage of this Resolution ,and that they shall assume the assigned duties of Depu~y_Cler.~after.having been administered the proper oath of office. PASSED AND APPROVED this lOth day of January,' 1972. " Commiss.ioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: /s/ John N. Neighbors Mayor All ,None, ~ 1t:J: '" '~ __-----!ll:" ,JIT"""---'" L J-' l.ll .l "1"6' :.~. . J' " ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Reso- lution Nlimber72-2 designating Police Dispatcher Jo~EgraySheffied and Cashier Gloria Anderson as Deputy Clerks of the municipal Court be approved as read. . Voting,Aye:, All Votir;1g No: "Wone ' , In accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws of the Houston-Ga~vest~n , Area Council, Resolution Number 72-3, designating Mayor John N. ,Neighbors, , as the city's representative to the General Bod of the Houston=Galveston Area Council for the:year 1972 and Commissioner Paul W. Wal~in as alternate representative, was presented to the Commission and read in fUll: , , WHEREAS, City officials have determined that it is to the best interest of the citizens of this city to continue its membership in the Houston-Galveston Area Council;and WHEREAS, the by-laws of the Houston-Galveston Area Council requires ~he app~intment ofa duly'elected representative of each of the governmental units for the year 1972. NOW, THEREFORE, BE, IT ,RESOLVED BY THE' CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY, Of WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS,: . ' , Section 1. That Mayor John N. Neighbors be, and he is hereby designated as its representative to the General Body of the Houston-Galveston Area Council forthe'year 1972. Section 2. That our official Alternate authorized to serve as our voting delegate should the one hereinabove named becpme ineligible or ifh~ resigns, is Commissioner Paul W. Wallin. Section 3. That the Executive Director of the 'Houston-Galveston Area Council be notified of Mayor John N. 'Neighbors' ~des;ignationby_ cert:i:f~ed copY~:f,this Resolution. PASSED AND APPROVED this lOth day of January, 1972. Commissione!s_V~~in~~y~: Commissioners Voting No: /s/ JohnN. Neighbors Mayor , All None ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary II I ' . I I J ~ u Motion by Commissioner Harris,s:econded. by, C::::ommissioner ;Hughes., tha.t Resolu-. tion Number 72-3 designating Mayor John N. Neighbors as the city's representa- '~ tive to the General Body of the Houston-Galveston Area Council for the year 1972 I and Commissioner, Paul 'W.'Wallin as 'alternate representative, be approved as read. .~ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None , [ [ o Ordinance Number 973 enabling the city to remove junked and/or abandoned vehicles. under the provisions of the Texas Abando~ed Motor Vehicle Act was presented to .the Commission and read in full: . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY DECLARING JUNKED VEHICLES OR PARTS THEREOF TO, BEA , PUBLIC NUISANCE, WHICH ARE LOCATED WHERE THEY ARE VISIBLE FROM A PUBLIC PLACE, OR ,RIGHT :OF ,WAY IN THE .CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS TENDING TO REDUCE. THE VALUE OF PROPERTY; IN- VITE VANDALISM; CREATE . FIRE HAZARDS" :AND AS CONSTITUTING AN ATTRACTIVE NUISANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE REMOVAL OF JUNKED VEHICLES OR PARTS, THEREOF FORM PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PROPERTY; PROVIDING FOR 10 DAYS' ,NOTICE. TO REMOVE AND, ABANDON ,SUCH NUISANCES,: ,PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE, THE" CITY MANAGER,' WHEN REQUESTED;' ,PROVIDING FOR NOTICE TO THE TEXAS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT AS TO THE REMOVAL OR: SUCH' VEHICLE OR, PARTS; PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS FOR THE VEHICLES OR PARTS. WHICH ARE COMPLETELY ENCLOSED IN SUCH MANNER AS NOT TO BE VISIBLE OR PARTS STORED IN A LAWFUL MANNER ON PRIVATE PROPERTY OF A LICENSED VEHICLE DEALER OR JUNKYARD; PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE ORDI- NANCE BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVER- SITY PLACE: PROVIDING FOR THE DISPOSAL OF JUNKED VEHICLES OR PARTS: PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUsE'; , AND . PROVIDING A PENALTY BY A FINE OF UP TO $200.00 FOR EACH DAY'S VIOLATION. . , Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that Ord~n~nce Number 972 enabling the city to remove junked or abandoned vehicles ~~~!<~he provisions of the Texas Abandoned Motor Vehicie'Act'~ be'approved-as read. V oting Aye: All Voting No: None An Application and Certificate #1, prepared by architects Wahlberg and Morales, on the City Hall remodeling project for payment to Paramount Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $13,075.00 for work completed for the period November 29, 1971, through December 31, 1971, was presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the Application and Certificate #1, prepared by architects Wahlberg & Morales on the City Hall remodeling project for payment to Paramount Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $13,075.00 for work completed for the period November 29, 1971, through December 31, 1971, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All V oting No: None , The Commission was advised that the City Engineer has prepared a map showing the location and authority for installation of all signs in the city. A field survey indicated that a number of signs had been authorized but were not in place; some installed for which no authority could be found and a number were believed to be no longer needed or effective in their present location. After being reviewed by all departmenmand members of the City Commission the in- formation will be given to the City Attorney for an all-inclusive ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances. I '%';1; -~_. .. -----n- \" ---'1 , In response to a question by Commissioner Hughes, the Commission was advised that books had been secured with the funds donated to the Humane Department 01, and would be placed in the Library after final selectiori by the Humane Officer. Commissioner Wallin presented the City Manager a copY-of an ordinance passed by the City Council 'of' the. City of'Hciliston,on December 15th, 1971, requiring a permit tci operate an incinerator 'arid prescribing certai'n rUle's and regulations for obtaining sucnpermit and operation ofan'incinerator~ Mr. Wallin stated that it was his opini:on that,consi.derat'iori ,shoUld be' given,: to the passage of a similiar'ordinance in order t6requireincinera~ors located in the city to operate in: compliance with the Texas CIEian. AiT Act. ::, "l Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission::on December 27, 1971, were presented to ,the Commis's.ion 'and the followi'ng,actiQh,taken: Motion by Commissioner: Hughes;' s,econded by .co.rbfuissioner Har.ris" that minutes of the regular. 'meeting of:.the C:i;ty ,.commission, on Monday, DEicembe.r 27, L971, be approved as submitted.. " " , '.., c;,', ' With no furth~r business:~ocome before the Commission upon motion duly made, seconded and car:ded the me'eting adjourned at8:30Pp.m., " . I j.,' ATTEST: o ~~~ Assistant City Secretary , , o o tT1 e.D C'J tr.1 o ':: I" 'ft', '. ';,..!". . ~.s: .. [ .:a (Q ~ t.;LJ Q Q c c 't'! REGULAR MEETING OY CITY COMMISSION JANURY 24. 1972 The City Cdmmission' convened :in regular sessio'ri ,at the City mill January 24, 1972, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Neighbors, presiding; Commissioners Hughes, Underwoqd ~nd W~llin. Attorney and City Manager were aisopresent., Commissioner Harris on Monday, Mayor The City was ill. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Hughes. , ',',' .. i' , Mr. C. R.Mattei, 3523 Tangley, appear~d before the dommi~sionstating that he was unhappy with his clirrent water bill;, was ,confident ,that there was, ,no leak to cauSe the increased usage; and desired that someone check the meter for malfunction or replace it with a'new meter. Mr. Mattei was adv'id~d tliat'Wi:tter Superintendent H'~ L.' Vaughn ~~uld be avail- able on Wednesday, J13.nuary 25,~1972", at 10:00, a.m. for the purpose of ,removing the meter and running' a test providea Mr. Mattelwould'witness such test.~ After some discussion Mr. Mattei stated that he would watch the test when conducted. Mr. Warner Strange; Director of the West University Recycling Center,preserited and reviewed a progress report covering .the sixteen weeks that the ,Center has . . , L J -. l _ ,__ __ . been'in operation,' ': Mr. Strange stated that" the Center,c:was in operation from 9:00a.ni.: until 5:00 'p.m. on Saturdays', 'sta'ff-ed by vo.llinteers working in f'our hour'shifts. It is, anticipated that the Center will 'run an operating surplus of $1.50'to $200 p~r'rno];lth, such funds from the City and then'for park andl;Lbrary purposes. .j' ' , . In response to Mr. Strang's observation that additional advertising is needed Mayor Neighbors advised that the Cit;r:iyould be availab~e for assis,ti'l-nce in any area the Center may require. In accordance with previous action of the c~ty Commiss~:on, bids received were, opened and results announced as follows: 1 IfScotchlite" Brand Lamp Vacuum Applicator Minnesota Mining and Mfg. Co. $1,055.77 j.HT'l'nMA'T'Tr' Tr'R M4 ~ V. J~ Ferrugia Lane Equipment Co. MaChine Ice Co. - 1 yr. war. Machine Ice Co. - 90 da. war. The Pappas Company Scotsman-Norwood Co. Belco, Inc. 2,104.82 No Bid 1,568.00' , 1,478.00 '" No Bid 1,246.00 No Bid Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commission~rHughes, that ,the, bi~ for furnishing one sign applicator for use of the Street, Department be aWi'l-rded to Minnesota-Mining and Manufacturing Company on their bid of $1,055.77. V oting Aye: All VotiJ:l.g No: l'i!:one r _u iD -----.r:::: ..~ 1[- " pt, :tf" . ,~~ ":t ~ ; ,"---------' Bids received for furnishing one ice machine for use by various departments of the 'city'weJ:'e~perred 'and resuitsannCiunc\:id as above: ;---..-J . . _ !' . !' " . ~ " '. I _ Mr. Ken Huffmaster of Machine Ice Company wa;s tpe only bidder present arid ex- plained to the CoInmission va):;:tous as};5ects of an'ice machihe that should be checked prior to awarding a bid. ~ " .- Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissi9nerHughes, that bids re- ceived for furnishirigone ice 'inachinebe refe:rred to' ~he City Manager ,f9r' tabu'- lation and study with a :recomlnendation~'for' purchase' 'to b~ made to the C6inmission at its next regular meeting on February 14th. Voting Aye: All Voting No~:, None ." , .' ;...1 . - -, :. Bids for furnishing autorilbti ve equipmeht were' Opened and 're'sul ts 'announced, as follows:' " ", .' ' " Company Unit No. Luke Johnson Ford I , Luke Johnson' Ford LX Luke 'Johnson Ford III Luke, Johnson Ford IV Luke Johnson ,Ford, V Luke Johnson Ford VI Luke Johnson Ford VII Luke Johnson Ford VIII Luke--Johnson Ford IX Mike Persia Chev. I Mike Persia Chev. II Mike Persia Chev. III Mike Persia Chev. IV Mike Persia Chev. V Mike Persia Chev. ' VI Mike Persia Chev. VII Mike Persia Chev. VIII Mike Persia Chev. IX Jack Roach Ford I Jack Roach Ford' ", II Jack Roach Ford ' III Ja'rlli Roa:ch Ford IV Jack Roach Ford V '."" Jack~,ach Ford VI Jack R0'ach Ford VII .~, . Jack Roach Ford' VII Jack Roach Ford IX Jimmie GreenChev. I Jimmie Green Chev. II Jimmie Green Chev. III Jimmie Green Chev. IV Item Department Bid Price ; ) , , 4 dr., S'e,dan 4 Dr.:, Sedan 4 Dr. :SedEl.ll 4'Dr:~S~da:@ .,', Cab & Chass'is Cab & Chassis Cab & Chassis " Cab & Chassis Pickup truck' ,- -. ~, 722..83 , , 2,175~5l, 2',3'OO.:5l 2,,'375.51 5',317.87 5',392.87 6,192.87 ' 5,304.99 2,341.31 i I u Adtn. PoliC:e Polic'e Police Sanitation Sanitation Sanitation Street Water ,~ i ~ 4 d+. sedan Adm. 2,884.82 ' 4 dJ:'. sedan Police Z,026.17 4 dr. sedan' , ' Police 2,026.17 4 dr. sedan Police 2,576.17 Cab & Chassis Sanita~ion 5,443.08 Cab & Chassis Sanitation 5,643.08 Cab & Chal3sis Sanitation 5,903.08 Cab & Chassis' Street 5,227.57 Pickup truck Water 2,409.97 4 dr. sedan Adrn~ 3,127.80 4 dr; sedan' Police 2,418.07 4 dr. sedan Police 2,318.07 4 dr. sedan Police' 2,818A07 Cab & ChassiS ,Sanitation 5,287.40 Cab & Chassis Sanitation 5,629.92 Cab & Chassis Sanitation 6,179.92 'Cab & Chassis ' Street 5,527~76 Pickup truck Water 2,241.33 4 dr. sedan Adm. 2,869.80 ] 4 dr. sedan Police 2,471. 55 4 dr. sedan Police 2,521. 55 4 dr. sedan Police 2,971. 55 c Cf') Ct) O"J U;.J ~ Q c o ~ ~I 7;~ Companv Unit No. Item Department Bid Price Jimmie Green Chev. V" Cab, & Chassis Sanitation 4,973.00 Jimmie Green Chev. VI Cab ,&"Ch,assis Sanitation 5,123.97 Jimmie Greep. Chev. VII Cab 'Sr.'Chassis n Sanitation 5,398.97 Jimmie Green Chev. VIII Cab & Chassis street 4,842.02 Jimmie Green Chev. IX Pickup truck Water 2,338.23 Joe Myers Ford, I 4 'cir~ sedan' Adm. 3,051.74 Joe Myers Ford II 4 dr. sedan Police 2,657.40 Joe MyersFord III 4 dr. sedan Police 2,657.42 Joe Myers Ford "IV 4 dr. sedan Police 3,157.40 Joe Myers Ford V Cab & Chassis Sanitation 4,409.65 Joe Myers Ford VI Cab & Chassis Sanitation ~ 4,459.65 Joe Myers Ford VII Cab & Chassis Sanitation 5,009.65 Joe Myers Ford IX Pickup truck Water 2,250.02 In order to facilitate an,earlier delivery date bids on three police patrol units were referred to Chief Harold Shipp and Assistant City Manager Denny Arnold for tabulation and recommendation. A comparison of rates, and receipts for the 1970 and 1971 swimming ,pool season were presented to the Commission with a request,that action be taken to ser rates the same as used during 1971; open the swimming pool for the 1972 season on May 20, 1972, provided adequate personnel can be, obtained; and sell season tickets on',an installment plan to be paid in equal payments on monthly water bills. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, ,seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the rates charged for season tickets and' individual swims for the 1972 'swimming pool season remain 'unchanged as follows: Single 'ticket for adult or child Family of two participating members Family of three participating members Family of d~Our or five participaing members Family of six or more participating members $ 12.00 17.00 22.00 27.00 30.00 that charges for indicidual swims remain 35~for children and 75~ for adults; that residents be permitted to purchase season tickets in equal installments on monthly water bills; oand that the pool open for the 1972 season on Satur- day, May 20, 1972, provided adequate personnel to operate the pool has been employed. Voti~g Aye:' All Voting No: None It was the decision of the Commissi0n that work shouldusoon be started on - promotional literature for the pool:to insure adequate time for pr{nting and distribution, a~d that arrangements should be made for bicycle parking at the pool site. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on Monday, January 17, 1972, were presented to the Commission for ~heir consideration with special note being taken of a request for better cooperation from the Police Depart- ment for the enfercement of un~licensed electricians working from unmarked vehicles. l~ ~' ..l-LJJ: .- .., JI; .J L..I .._ J .~.: ,~ q- Mr. Ar.nold and Chief 'Shipp returned to the :m~eting: at, this time with a tabulation and recommendation for purchase of three police patro~ units. The tab~lation indicated that Mike Persia was low bidder on Unit III with a quotation of $2,026.'17, with Mike Persia low on Unit III ~ith a p~'i;e of $2','026.i7 and Luke Johnson Ford low bidder on Unit IViVith l3.'prlCe of ,$.?,'375.51. ' ,.-, , L-J Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that Mike Persia be awarded the bid on Units II and III on thei~_low bid of $2,026.17 for each unit, and: that Luke Johnson be awarded the Q~9- on Unit IT on his low bid: of $2,375.51:.' " " .).. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Chief of Police Harold Shipp reported that approxim~i~iy 1400 bicycle~ had been inspected and registered in accordance with the:provisions of Ordinance Number 969 passed by the City Commission on November 8.1971. Chief Shipp: stated that the metal tags used for licensing purposes were not as easily attached or serviceable as it had been believed, and that he had received samples and price quotations on a pressure ,sensitive tag that he believed would be much better. Chief Shipp also stated that a tag to serve as a type citation had been devised which would be hung on bicycle handlebars to remind owners to register bicycles; and that a brochure was being prepared to be dis- tributed to all residences advising the requirements of the ordinance. Chief Shipp stated that subsequent to the resignation of Officer Tom Casey, he had appointed Officer Pat O'Shaughnessy to work with West University Elementary school officials and students. Work has been started on lesson Hlans and the program should soon be underway. It was Chief Shipp's recom- mendation that the deadline for registration be extended until April 1st. that the license tags be changed from a metal plate 'to a pressure sensitive tag and that a brochure be prepared for city-wide distribution. .---; , LJ Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the recommendation'of the Chief of Police be accepted and the deadline for registration of bicycles be postponed until March 1st; that the metal plate be exchanged for pressure sensitive tags and that a brochure be prepared for city wide distribution. V oting Aye: All V oting No: , None Ordinance Number 974 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETEBMINING THE NECESSITY FOR LOWERING THE FuMPING' COLUMN AND PUMP IN WAT;ERWE:tL NOS. 3 AND 5 AND THE PURCHASE OF A NEW ~ FOR WATER WELL NO. 6 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; DETEBMINING THAT THE WORK OF LOWERING THE PUMPING, COLUMN, REWORKING OF PUMPS AND THE PURCHASE OF A NEW PUMP CAN BE ACCOMP- LISHED EFFICIENTLY AND ECONOMICALLY ON A FORCE ACCOUNT BASIS; SELECTING THE FIRM OF LAYNE TEXAS COMPANY, INC., HOUSTON, TEXAS, TO PERFORM SAID WORK BY FURNISHING THE NECESSARY DISCHARGE COLUMN, PUMP SHAFING AND ONE .STAGE AND AN ADDITIONAL NEW PUMP AND FURNISHING THEIR SERVICES AS AN INDEPENDENT CONTRACOTR; AND FINDING AND DECLARING THE EMERGENCY OF SUCH WORK. :-l I U Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that Ordinance o ~ r.J:) ~ tJ;J Q o c o 1\'1:'j Number 974 authorizing the employment of L~yne Texas Company ,to perform such work as is necessary for lowering the pumping column and pump in Water Well Nos. 3 and 5, and the purchase and installation og a new pump'for Water Well No. 6 on a force account basis, be approved as read. 0 Voting Aye: All V oting No: None An Ordinance present to authorize the employment of Houston Armature Works to rewind the 200 h.p. elect'iic motor on Water Well No. 5 to, increase the horsepoer to 300 was deferred with instructions to the City Manager to cheGk competitive prices with at least two other'firms doing the same work. Resolution Number 72-4 creating a Safety and Accident Review Board and designating membership for'the years'1972 and 1973 was presented to the Com- mission and read in full: WHEREAS, it is the obligation,of the City Commission, pursuant to provisions of the Charter of the city of West University Place, Texas, and ordinances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission to create a Safety and Accident Review Board; and WHEREAS, the Safety and Accident Review Board shall serve as, an advisory committee to the City Commission on all general'aspects of the city's s~fety program, ~ncluding creating a ~nu~l,o~ safety procedures for city employees, and a periodic review of'unpa:fe working conditions and vehicular accidents involving city forces; and' ' , , . ' WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the GityCo:mirlission have resolved to appoint both citizens and city employees to this'Board; and' WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of this Board~ .., r., . _ _ ,.,. . . NOW, THEREFIRE, BE IT RESOLy:ED BY THE CITY ,cO:MMISSIONOF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY' P:Lf\CE, TElCAS: " Section 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Safety and Accident Review BoardCduring the years as set forth herein- after: 1972 Mr. R. J. Eubank, 3729 Sunset Mr. James K. Skipton, 3502 Rice Boulevard Mr. DennyL.'.A,rnold, Assistant City Manager Chief Charles E. Duffin, Fire Chief Mr. A. L. Bearden, Street Superintendent Mr. O. D. Gregg, Sanitation Superintendent 1973 Mr. R. J. Eubank, 3729 Sunset Mr. James K. Skipton, 3502 Rice Boulevard Mr. Denny L. Arnold, Assistant City Manager r iI::l r __~_j~--=ur- . 1... ~~' r~4f, ItQ --.:=.-.. '~ ITI Ch:j..ef HSJ,rold, Shipp, Police Chief Mr. H. L. Vaughn, Water S:U:R~_;,intendent Mr.H~ R. Duke, Sanitary Engineer Section 2. That the per?ons hereby appointed to this Board shall serve without compensation. . Section 3. That the persons hereby appointed to this Board shall serve for the periods designated above, and thereafter, until the appointment' and qualification of their successors. PASSED AND APPROVED this 24th day of January, 1972, A. D. ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard~-~ Assistant City Manager Commissioners Voting'Aye: Commissioners Voting No: /8/ ~nnn N' Np;gnnnT~ ' Mayor All None _.d : Motion by Commissioner, Wallin~' seconded" by' Commisfri'oner Underwood, thi;l.t Resolution Number 72-4 creating a Safety and Accident Review Board and the designationof'thefollowing' members'for1972:~Mr. R. J.'Eubank, 3729, Sunset, Mr. .. James K. Skipton, 3502 Rice' BoUlevard, 'Mr. Denny Arnold~ Mr. Charles Duffin, Mr. A. L. Bearden and Mr. O. D. Gregg and the following mem- bers for the year 1972: Mr. R. J. Eubank, Mr. James K. Skipton, Mr. Denny L. Arnold, Mr. Harold Snipp, Mr~ H. L. Vaughn, and Mr. H. R. Duke, be approved' as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, Jan~ary 10, 1972, were pres-ent'ed to the "Comhd:sslon' and 'the f61lowing" act'ion taken: D![otioI;l by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, January 10, 1972, be approved as submitted. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. ATTEST: Y)iJ-I ~~L34~, Assistant City Secretary f\ i I LJ .---., , i I , L-J 'I i i LJ o t') CD en ~ ~ Q n ~ [ f;9 REGULAR:MEETINGOF CITY COMM:ISSION FEBRUARY 14, 1972 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, February 14, 1972, 7:30 p.m. with the following members prsent: Mayor Neighbors, presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes, Underwood and Wallin. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The invocation was pronounc~d by Commissioner Underwood. Mr. Ronny Shoup, 3712 Rice Boulevard, advised the Commission that he had three main points that he would like to present, 1) increase:the fees'" charged for adult swimming hours at the pool to maximize use of the pool and increare revenue rather than sp'end funds.f'orexcessive advertising; 2): provide an item at the end of ,the Commission agenda for discussion by visitors of action taken during the meeting; 3) improvement of existing parks and give consideration to an increase in utility x~tes or taxes to provide :f'unds for purchase of addi- tionalpark property. Mr. Pat Johnson, representing University Savings Association and Mr. Bill Pollard, representing:the, 'owner of Lot 5, Block 5 , Preston Place , appear:ed before the Commission requesting permission. to make a curb .cuton Plumb Street for egress from a drive-in facility planned for construction on this property..ij:r.Johnson stated that there would be no peak hours of operation to create a traffic,:pro,~. blem on residential street, with only approximately ten cars per hour leaving the premises. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Pollarewere advis'ed'that similiar requests had been denied and that no precedent had been established for curb cuts on residential streets for use in connection with any business located on Kirby Drive, and that the matter would be given:additional consideration. ' The Commission was presented Certificate for Payment No. 2 in connection with the City Hall remodeling project as prepared by the architect in the amount of $9,574.00 ~or payment to Paramount Contracting,~nc., representing payment for' work completed for the period January 1, 1972 to February 1, 1972. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Certi- ficate. Number 2 in the amount of $9, 574, submitted by the architect for :I'und- ing to Paramount Contracting, Inc. be approved. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with action of the City Commission on January 24, 1972, the City Manager presented a tabulation of bids received for furnishing truck and auto- motive equipment for the year: 1972, together with his recommendation for purchase as follows: February 11, 1972 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission City of West University Place __:___it:l ,,____....:.:l.l::_,_________ ,,--.II ;81 ,~'--'~ ~ -" r- nl~ . _,_-I Gentlemen: Bids received on January 4, 1972, for "nine- (9) -vehicl~~ consisting of three police patrol units, one four door sedan, four cab and chassis units and one pickup truck, were referred to me for tabulation and recommendationo !~-l I J L--1 A tabulation of bids received and an analysis is attached hereto. Unit I Luke Johnson Ford submitted the low bid of $2,722.83 on this unit. Unit II, III, and IV Mike Persia submitted low bids of $2,026.17 on Unit II, $2,026.17 on Unit III, and Luke Johnson .For.d submitted a low bid on $2,373.51 on Unit IV. These bids were reviewed by Chie of Police Harold Shipp and Asst. City Manager Denny Arnold and an award made by the City Commission on January 24th. (' Unit V, VI, VII and VIII Joe Meyers Ford submitted low bids on Units V, VI, VII, VII as follows: Uriit V, $4,409.65, Unit YI, $4,459.65, Unit VII, $5,009.65, Unit VIII, $4,323.03. Unit IX Jack Roach Ford submitted the low bid of $2,241.33. This bid, however, did not meet specifications with regard to engine size. It is, therefore, recommended I that the next low b,id of $2,250.02 submitted by Joe Meyers Ford be accepted. - U All department heads have reviewed the bids and it is our recommendation that low bids be accepted on all units with the exception of Unit IX. Yours very truly, /s/ Whitt Johnson City Manager Unit No. Department Name of Bidder Amount. I V VI VII VIII IX Administration Sanitation Sanitation Sanitation Street Water Luke Johnson Ford Joe Meyers Ford Joe Meyers Ford Joe Meyers Ford Joe Meyers Ford Joe Meyers Ford $ 2,722.83 4,409.65 4,459.65 5,009.65 4,323.03 2,250.02 V ot ing Aye: All Voting No: None The City Commission requested that the Chief of Police keep maintenance and operating records of the new police patrol units in order that a comparison might be made between the Ford and Chevrolet units prior to preparation of the 1973 budget. ~ -l U A tabulation of bids received for furnishing one ice machine for use of the personnel in the service departments was presented to the Commission, together with a recommendation for purchase. Scotsman-Norwood Company submitted a low o t') CD (J) t.LJ ~ Q o l: Q[.:~ e;)j bid of, $1,246.00 but did not meet spec~fications in that their" bid was for a flake ice machine rather than fbr a diced ice machine. Machine Ice Company submitted the low bid of$1,47S.00 wh?-ch met 'all specifications. Motion by, Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner fIarris, that the bid of Machine Ice Company for furnishing one York Ice Maker Model AD60R-IC with a Follett Model K600DS storage bin and a ninety day labor warranty be accepted at their bid price of $1,47S.00. ' " , "~"',~ ! V oting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning'Commission on January 12, 1972, noted that they acknowledged receipt of the completed study prepqr~d by, :Caudill'q Rowlett, an9-., Scoi;;t an9- r,ecommended ,that final"" payment of $500.00 b~:ma,c1e for services:~endered. :A;fter E/omedi13cussion, it wa~, t:pe ~E:lcisi9I1 of;theGity Commissi{)n:thatpaym~rlt '1;;0 Caud:ilJ-, E.owlei;;t ,and " Scott of the final $506.00 due for the preparation of their Land,JJse,andC:ircu- lation Plan be tabled pending receipt from the Zoning and Planning Commission of a letter advising their satisfaction with the completeness and accuracy of the material in accordance with the provisions of the contract. , ~ I, , , " , " ' , ; " ,''-'" , ., .. In accordance with previous action, and new rules of procedure est~Qlished by City Commission, a list of insurance agents eligible for participation in the distribution of commissions. paid on the city's ins\lrance premiums, on a^ pro-rata basis, was presented. It was noted that, each of the participants. had pre- senteq. do(;umentation that they met all provisions of eligibility. Motion l;>y, Commi;ss::i,.on~r Hllgh,es" s~cop.ded byj5o,rnm.issioner B:~rrif?, that; tp.e following insurance agents be approved a? eligible to participate in the distribution of premiums paid on the city's insurance in accordance with the rules of procedur'e requ:i,.ring documentation of their eligibility. John E. Boyd Wynne L. Creekmore Joe C. Eason Aubrey Frye T. P. Hewitt J. A. Meason, Sr. Ro~ert ~. ~~rstreet S. W. Rarney Jack Rawson Fred A. Rhodes Hollis Waldt C ~ D .Wha tley Voting Aye: All Voting No: j, None The Commission was advised that preliminary specifications had been prepared to advertise for bids for a recording agent for the, city's' insurance needs for the year 1972 and would be submitted to the Commission for st-udY.1 Minutes of the meetings of the Zoning,and Plan~ing Commission held on January 4th & 12th and February 1st, were presented tofue Commission and the following action taken: .-.----,~_.'!::2:::: -~._____~. ~_. -.-- lJ:" ~_. L- .: ._:_.._.::r- lJl I~al: Matianby Cammissiane~ Harris, secanded by Cammi~sianer Wallin, that minutes af the Zaning and Planning'Cammissian meetings held an January 4th, January 12th and February 1st, be appraved as submitted. Vating Aye: All Vating No: None City Attarney Charles Cackrell advise(f'the Cammissian that Senat,e Bill 233 enables cities "he> niak,e,...availa~le to. ather municipalities persannel in times af emergency situatians ar disasters upan request by the praper afficialaf anath municipality. In respanse to. a questian as to. whether ar nat the actian wauld be discretianary, Mr. Cackrell advised that he wauld study the pravisians af the Bill and repart to. the Cammissian at its'nedt regular meeting. A letter fTam'the .Texas Saciety 1'ar Preventian af Blindness, requesting appraval' of a s'creening project'. to. detect'glaucama" being .sponsared. by the Saciety and' Lion's Club, was. refeTred, to the Ci ty--Sanitary Engineer, MY'. H. R. Duke far necessaryactian~ ' The Cammissianwas advised that Mr. Narman Mahan had been elected Chairman af the city's Parks and Recreatian Baard and had submitted a list af passible candidates as directar af the Summer Recreatian Pragram far cansideratian by the Cammission. " ' ' The prapasal fram L. D. Brinkman and Campany to. furnish necessary carpet for the City Hall remadeling project at a price af$7.94 per yard installed was with a pravisian that payment be made ~thin ten days after delivery of the carpet. Matian by Cammissianer Wallin, secanded by Cammissianer Underwaad, that the City Manager be authorized to. pay'L. D. Brinkman and 'Company ,with- in ten days after receipt af'the carpe~~' Vating Aye: .All ' Vating No.: Nane The City Manager was requested to. make a feasibility study af the need far a canapy over the doar to the rear of the building adjacent to the newly canstructed canference raam. Cammissioner Wallin requested infarmation as to. actian ~aken taward prepara- tian af an ardinance gaverning the canstructian af incineratars, stating that it was his apinian that such ardinance shauld be given priarity cansi- deratian. Cammissianer Underwaad asked it any wark had been started taward preparatian af lieterature to. be distributed to. residents in cannectian with the opening af the swimming paal and if cansideratianhad been given to. the can,structian af facilities far bicycle parking. Minutes af the regUlar meeting af the City Cammissian an Manday, January 24, 1972, were presented to. the Cammissian far cansideratianand the fallowing actian taken: Matian by Cammissianer Underwaod, secanded by Cammissianer Harris, that minutes af the regular meetingaf the City Cammissian an Manday, January 24, 1972, be appraved as submitted. n LJ ,~ I I LJ l~ o (I) CD ~ ~ Q Q o [ gO 9,0' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, themeeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. ATTEST: ;0v~ Assistant City Secretary .---' r ~- _.-lIT L, [::I [l .... . 18,41 n- L_ __ ,_, ,.. []----" -- , ,..-- " I I', I' ] [J o P:3 CJ:i (j; tJ;J Q Q [I o ala I REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 28, 1972 The City Commission convened in regular session at'the City Hall on,Monday, February 28, 1972, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: ,Mayor Neaghbors, presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes, Underwood and Wallin. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Neighbors. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board held on Monday, Feb- ruary 21, 1972, were presented to the Commission for their information with notice being taken that such Board was giving consideration to ways and means to enforce the City of West University Place ordinance requiring that vehicles of contractors working within the City be marked with the name and address of the business. After some consideration it was the decision of the Commission that the City Manager and City Attorney be instructed to investigate the possi- bility of amending the city's ordinance to require that additional information be marked on vehicles of contractors working in the city. A resume of the 1970 clean-up campaign and cost estimates for conducting such campaign in 1972 were presented to the Commission. Cost estimates indicated allexpenses involved would be approximately $3,500.00 for which no allocation was made in the 1972 Budget. The need for guidelines to be followed in the type items to be picked up was established with building materials left by contractor's working in the city being listed as one' of the major exclusions. Motion by Commissio~er Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the City Commission approve a 1972 clean-up campaign to be funded from the city's Gen- eral Fund; members of the City Commission to select a Chairman and establish dates for such campaign; and the City Manager and his staff to set up guide- lines to be followed for pick~up procedures during the campaign. Voting Ay~: Voting No: Commissioners Harr'is, Underwood and Wallin Commissioner Hughes A report showing that a total of 1,858 bicycles had been registered at a total cost of approximately $l,229.57, under the provisions of Ordinance Number 969 passed and approved by the City Commission on November 8, 1971, was presented to the Commission. Motion by Commissioner UnderWood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that being cognizant of the tact that the original deadline of January 15, 1972 had been extended until March 1, 1972~ and that brochures listing the requirements had been delivered to each residence within the city, that the Chief of Police be advised that enforcement of the ordinance should begin on March 1, 1972. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None City Engineer Tom Jones advised the Commlssion that difficulty had been experienced in plans to rewind a city .owned 200 hp, 1200rpm, 2!+D~amp motor taken from Water Well No.5 to be replaced in Water Well No.6. Mr. Jones stated that a number of alternative solutions had been investigated and the lowest estimated cost for purchase of a second -hand motor to be re"Wlound to :r=------ --------------- ~ _--I!c-' "'" , \ 'S"f) r' -6i, ,..... :' . . ~~ ,_-:m-"~~~--------r, -'--' [] - __1 300 hp, 1750 rpm was approximately $6,900.00 and that a new motor could be purchased for $6,000.00. ,Mr. Jones further stated that he and-Water Super- intendent H. L. Vaughn concurred in their recQmmengat:j.oJ;l that a new 300 h.p. 1750 rpm,motor be purchased for installation in ,Water Well No.6. . ~ L........J ( " Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the City Manager be instructed to prepare,th~:Q.ecessary_specifications to include an " alternate bid for trade-in of the 200 hp, 1200 rpm motor, for the purchase of one 300 hp, 1750rpm motor with bids to be received at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 18, 1972. , Voting_Aye;, _ All Voting No: None Resolution Number; 72-:-5 was pr~sented ,to the Commission and read ,in fulL WHEREAS, the Lesgislature of the State of Texas had duly enacte,d Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, Article 999b, providing that any County or Municipaiity by Resolution or order of its governing body to make provision for, or au- thorize its Mayor or Chief'Administrativec Officer, Chief of Police, or Mar- shall to make, provision for,,'its regularly employed law ~nforcement orfic,ers to assistany:other County, or. Municipaloty, when in the, opinion of the Mayor, or other officer authorized to declare a state of emergency, in such other County or Municipalitym:there'exists in, such other County or Municipality a need-for services,of'additianal law, enforcement officers to protect the health, life and property of such other County or Municipality, its inhabi- tants and visitors thereto, by reason of riot, unlawful assembly characterized by the, use' of force ,and violence,: or threat thereto by three (3) or more, per- sons acting together or without lawful autho~ity, or during ,such time of natu- ral disaster or man...made calamity; and ~ t I , LJ " WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place acting as a Lesgislative Body, is of the opinion that a Resolution shopld be adopted by such governing body to make provisions for or authorize the C~tyManage of the City of West University Place to direct the Chief of Police of said City of West University Place to detail regularly employed officers of the Police Department of the City of West University Place to, apsis~ any other County'or Municipality when in the opinion of the ' Mayor or. other officer authorized to declare a state of civil emergency in such other County or Mhnic~pality, there exists in such other County or Municipaltty the need for the services of addi- tional law enforcement officers to protect the health, life and property of such other County or Muncipality, its inhabitants and the visitors thereto by reason of riot, unlawful as,s~mbly, and characterizeq-, ,,!:,y the use of force or vio- lenceor,threat within the meaning of said Article 99b, which is now in full , force and effect, ,and ,a ,r.equest for additi<:ma1 ,:Law enforcement officers is made to the Mayor of the City of West University Place by such Mayor or officer auth- orized to declare a stat,e_ of emergency in such other County or Municipality; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT'RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMTSSION' OF THE CrTY" OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,. _TEXAS: Section 1. That the City, Manager be ,and he is :hereby authorized to direct the Chief of Police of the City,pf Wes~ University Place to detail regularly employed law enforcement officers of the City of West University Place Police II I I , ~ o l':a CD aJ ~ ~ Q [1 8V\;;'1 Department to assist any other County or Municipality, when in the oplnlon of the Mayor, or other officer authorized to declare a state of civilemer- gency in such other County or Municipality, there exists in such County"or Municipality a need for the services of additional law enforcement officers to protect the health, life and'property'of'suchrotherCounty:or M{IDiCipality, its inhabitants, and the visitors thereto, by reason of riot, unlawful assembly characterized by the use of force and violence, or threat thereof by three (3) ormore persons acting together o~ without lawful authority, or during the time of natural disaster orman~made calamity, and a request for additional law enforcement officers lS made to the Mayor of the City of West University Place by such Mayor or officer authorized to declare a state of emergency in such : other County or Municipality. PASSED AND APPROVED this 28th day of February, 1972, A., D. . \ , . Commissioners Voting A,ye: , . . - - . Commissioners Voting No: /s/ .'tohn N. Neighbors Mayor All 'None' ATTEST: Ls/ LEE LOCKARD Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that Resolu- tion Number 72-5 auth~rizing the, City ~anager to qirect the Chief Of Police to detail regularly employed law enforcement officers of the City of West University Place Police Department to assist any other County ,orMunicipali~y in a declared state of civil emergency under the provisions of Article 999b of Vernon~s Texas Civil Statutes, be, approved as corr.ected., , ' V oting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 72-6 was presented to the Commission and read in full: ' WHEREAS, the City Commissionrpassed:and approved Resol~tion Number 7~-14 on December 13, 1971, authorizing and directing the City TrEla Surer ,to invest; $100,000.00 for a period of ninety (90) days in Certificate of Time Deposit in the Surety Savings As?oCiation, Houston, Texas, at, a rate of .6%; and , ' WHEREAS, the Resolution was adopted on the basis of a quotation from Surety Savings Association which stated the interest rates on ninety (90) day Certificates of Time Deposit were based on t4e maximum rate,~ermitted by State and Federalre~lat~ons which could possibly be as much ,as 6%, but. could possibly var.y from day to day; and i, , , ' '," , I WHEREAS, when th~ dep~sitof $100,000.00 ~~s made with Surety Saving~ Asso- ciation, the maximum legal rate for ninety 990) days deposit was 5 1/4%. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO:MM:ISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: o That Resolution Number7l-~4 be, ,amended to read that the City Treasurer is ..JI[""'----~-~ !. ~' EI ,1 '(a:':O €:J~~Q hereby authorized and directed to invest $100,000.00 for a period of ninety (90) days in Certificate of Time Deposit in the Surety Savings Association at an interest rate of 5 1/4%. PASSED AND APPROVED this 28th day of February, 1972. 'I , , I , i ~ Commissioners Voting Aye: ,Commissioners Voting No: Is/ John N. Neighbors Mayor All None ATTEST: Isl Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner UnderWood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Resolu-- tion NUmber 72-6 amending Resolution Number 71-14 to authorize and direct the City Treasurer to invest $100;000 for a period of ninety (90) days in Certificate of Time Deposit tn the .Surety Savings Association at an interest rate of 5 1/4% be approved as read. . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 72-7 was presented tothe Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the untimely death of Mr. William J. Marter, 5127 Belmont-, employed as Dispatcher in the Police Department, has caused sadness among his friends, associates- and..family; and, I I I I , I ~ WHEREAS, the death of Mr.- Marter creates the necessity of appointing another employee to serve as Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court; and WHEREAS, Mr. Ellery Gene Howard has been employed as Police Dispatcher and is qualified to assume the duties, of Deputy Clerk o~the Municipal-Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE 'CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS;: '; , , Section 1. That ,Mr. Ellery Gene Howard be,. and, he is hereby appointed Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of West Univer~ity Place, Texas. Section 2. That the appointment of Mr.-Ellery Gene Howard as Deputy Clerk. of the Municipal Court of the City. of WestUniverslty Place, Texas, shall,be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that he shall assume the ~, assisgned duties of Deputy Clerk after having been administered the proper oath of office. PASSED AND APPROVED, this 28th, day of, February, 1972. Commissioners :Voting Aye.: Commissioners Voting No: I fJ.i John lla.. Neighbors Mayor All None :l I ' , I I I LJ ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary c If:) CD ~ t.Ll ~ Q r L, 'I I I I ! ~ 8.9, -; r . _. " . Motion by Commissioner Harris, ~eco~ded by Cqmm.issiqner Hughes, that Resolu- tion Number 72-7 appointing Mr. Ellery Gene Howard as Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court, be approved as read. Voting Aye: :All Voting No: None . A proposal for writing and servicing various property, casualty and group insurance was presented to the Commission and reviewed, directing the atten- tion of the Commission to the requirements and specifications contained therein. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for writing and servicing the city's insurance requirements with bids to be received by theCityCpmmission at 7:30 p.m. on Monday~ March 27, 1972. Voting Aye: All Voting No : None Mayor Neighbors stated that within the next few years improvements.wpuld be required in a number of areas, including solid waste disposal, storm sewer construction, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, andso'rne paving and funds would, be needed to pay for such improvements. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the City Manager be requested to prepare a resume of long range improvements for the City of WestUniversity~lace,and means of long term financing of such im- provements, and submit his rec<,O:ll!mendations to the City Commission by the end of March. V oting Aye: All , Voting No: ,None, Commissioner Wallin requested that the Building Inspector review the possi- bility of using plastic pipe in sewer lines in We~t University Place as re- commended by the Southern,Building Code in view of the cost factor and labor factor requiredforcastcLron :lines.' Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, February 14, 1972, were presented to the Commission and the ,following. action taRen: 'Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, February 14, 1972, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All .' Vot ing No: None With no further business to corne before the_Commission duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjo ned ,this ,time, upon motion 8:30 p.m. ATTEST: s Lee Lockar Assistant City rn '~ IIr ~"9:9;' "~, __.~r. L. T =-rr--~ .L.~l_~ _I REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MARCH 13. 1972 ,i The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, March 13, 1972, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: ; Mayor Neighbors, pre- siding; Commissioners Harris Hughes, Underwood and Wallin, The City Attor- ney and City Manager were also present. , , ,~ The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Harris. Mr. Frank Billings, 2707 Quenby, appeared before the Commission to seek re- lief from the provisions of Ordinance Number 792 requiring that any ve- hicle parked on a residential, lot must be on an improved driveway or in a garage. Mr. Billings stated he had a small sailing boat and did not consider it to be a violation. City Attorney Charles Cockrell definded ,a vehic~e as any motor vehicle subject to registration pursuant to the Texas Certi- ficate of Title Act, and inasmuch as the trailed used with the boat fell in- to this category, the parking of the boar and trailer was in violation of the Ordinance. Mayor Neighborsadvi~ed Mr. Billings that the City Manager ,and GityA~t~r~ey would research the question to determine if ,anything, could be done, put ,w:as, confident the best solution would be paving of the area where the boat is parked. , , A safety Manual prepared by members of the Safety and Accident Review Board appointed by ,the, City ,Co~isosion by Resolution Nu,ber ,72-44'0 pa,ss.e,d and, 0, approved on January 24, 1972, was presented tothe Commission for their ~e~ view. It was noted that members of the Board would appear at the next regular meeting of the Commission-on March 27th to reque~t tormal adoption of the manual as an official document to be followed in all safety teachings and procedures. ! i '----' The Commission was advised that consideration should be given to the selection of an auditor for the fiscal year 1972, in accordance with ,provisions of the City Charter." . ~ .., ~ ; '. ~ Motion by :Commissio'ner 1]nderwoQd, ,seconded by Commissioner Har~is:,- tpat the City Manager be authorized to invite the firm of O'Connor, Lawson and McGee to submit a proposal to audit the books;recbrds and accounts of the city for the fiscal year 1972. Voting Aye: .A:ll Voting No: .None Permission w:.asrequestEid to.'advertise for ,bids for 40,000 pounds of liquid chlorine in ton containers and 13,500 pounds of liquid chlorine in 150~ pound cylinders for use by the Water Department, Sewage Disposal Plant and Swimming Pool, inasmuch as the current contract will soon expire and bids are rece~ved o~,ar~nnu~~ b~s~s.' Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that ~he City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids .f?r 40,000 pounds of liquid chlorine in ton:. containers and 13,500 pounds of liquid chlor.ine ih 150-pound cyclinders, to be delivered f.o.b. the City of West University Place, and bids to, be received on April 10, 1972. u o 4f3 <D ~ t.:l ~ Q I' I I : l...-! I~ I I ! '-- 91:.,1 Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on March 7,1972, ,together with a-letter directed' to; the City Commission concerning the study prepared by Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, were presented to the Commission. Special attention was directed to the recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission that Caudill, Rowlett and Scott be paid the full amount d~tailed in their December 30,"1971, statement conditioned first upon the insertion of a specified errata and addenda sheet, and second upon the substitution of corrected maps in place of those now found on pages 9 and 35; the errata' and addend~.sheets and the maps bound into the report. It was further noted that the Zoning and Planning Commission set forth that the planning study was prepared 'for "use as an aid to the Zoning and Planning Commission 'and: was not intended t~ be and has'not been adopted as a city plan. Motion by Commissioner Underwood,..seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that, the City Manager be instructed to inform the Zoning and Planning Commission that such Commissioner, should advise Caudill, Rowlett and Scott_ that final payment in the amount of $500.00 will be made upon receipt by the City Commission of a. ,final, cor-rected report' 'including the insertion of speci- fied: errata,and'addenda'sheets arid corrected maps. " Voting Aye:, ,AJ.l Voting No: None, J, , The .Commission was' advised that :Ln order to'meet the requirements of the City Charter it was necessary that members be appointed to serve on the Tax Board of Equalization for the year-_1972. ~ . ; Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that Mr. W. J. Bierne,2618 Cason, Mr. Charles Gillan, 3620 Georgetown', ,and Mr.' J. M. Davis, 3739 Albans, be appointed to serve as members of the Tax Board of Equalization during the 1972 session and that Mr. Dale HeiSkell, 3004 Rice Boulevard,: be appointed to serve as an alternate,member~. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The following recommendations were made by the City Manager and the Park and Recreat-ionBoard ,for, the' improvement'of exis:t'ing parks' and the deve;J.:op- ment of ,the newly purchased park site 'at the 'intersection of Wakeforest' and Carnegie Streets: Employment of Mike'Ilse of,Vernon, Henry 'Planning Consultants to supplement his original park plau'for Judson Pa'rk with a layout and recommendation for planting shrubbery around the perimeter of'thepark. 'Use of shrubbery, hedge and flowers' for decoration and esthetics. Removal of part of the chain link fence and the use of berm in lieu of the chain link fence. ' Employment of Mike IIse to prepare a plan for complete and permanent improvements to, Carnegie-Wakeforest park. Advertise for bids for standard lighting system for Carnegie-Wakeforest park; construct:off-street parking on Wakeforest and on . Carnegie; grade and level the Carnegie-Wakeforest parksite; and obtain recommendation of the Park and Recreationa::" Board 19! _._~-r--~~ ~l _1_ :.1----=.1"""'------ - IU _, :,1 for playground equipment layout. Approval of planS, .and. sp.ecific,ations for one new tenni!3 court at Wier Park and the repla:cement of, the' existing tennis coW't at Judson Park with a new tennis court. -I , , , , '---.! After general discussion by members of the City Commission with regard to the need to, proc.ee,d on work necessary in all: parks, ',the following' actions was taken:, " . Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris,_, that the City Manager'be instructed to employ Vernon Henry Planning Consul~~ntR'- at regular landscape architedural 'rates.to'be"neg<;>tiated'bythe City Manager, to replace approximately 25 to 30% of the' fence-in; Judson Parkw:i,th. berm and other border material, and recommend a planting plan; such plans, specifica- tions and approximate cost figures to be presented to the Commission at its next regular" meeting on March 27, 1972.., '. . Voting Aye: All, Voi;:i,p.g ,No: None Motion by Commissioner Wallin" 'seconded'by 'Commissioner Hughes ,tb,9.tt.he _ , City Manager be directed to employ Vernon -Henry' Pla-nni'ng Consultants;" at - regular landscape architectural rates, to prove recommendations and plant- ing plans, with speci;fications for planting plan for theCar:q.egie-Wakeforest park. Such recommendations and specifications should be presented to the City Commission 'at' its regular meet:r.ng'.on April 10,1972 through.tb,e: ctty1s Park and Recreation, Board. , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ~ : '.:," . ~ '.I ~: Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded~y'CommissionerWallin, tha~th~ Park Board be instructed by the City Manager to study~ by seeking outsi~e pro- fessional assistance, the placmentand,need, quantity and quality, of play- ground eexuipment for Judson Park and 'Carnegie-Makeforestpark and to report back to the City Commission on April 10, 1972, with complete recommendation. Voting Aye: All V oting No: None Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by 'Commissioner :Underwood, that the City Manager be' instruct'edto' advertise for bids to be received on Aptil 10, 1972, for construction of two new concrete tennis courts, c.omplete with necessary lights, nets and backstops, one for installation in Wier Park and the other to replace theexd:sting asphalt court ,in Judson Park, and that an alternate bid:be taken for Lay-Kold courts. Voting Aye:' . All' , Voting ,No: ,None Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the City Manager be instructed to grade and level the Carnegie-WakefQrest park- site, construct off-street parking and Wakeforest 'and on Carnegie Streets, and receive bids on April 10, 1972 for furnishing necessary lightiIlg for the park. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None i LJ n L: I') CD a-; ~ ~ Q ~ I I L: ~ I ' i , I , L III 1 The Commission was advised that Mr. Odis Gregg, Sanitation Superintendent, had canvassed employees in his department and was assured he would,have sufficient staff to conduct the spring clean-up, program..on April 15th, 22nd, 29th and May 6th. ' . Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the dates of April 15th, 22nd,29th and May 6th be set as official dates for the 'West 'University Spring' Clean-Up program. Voting 'Aye;: ' All ' " Voting No: None Mayor Neighbors advised that he would verify acceptance of two, ,residents to serve as co-chairmen of the clean-up program:a;rid th~t a 'number Of,-Ifc5iU:ri- teers had agreed to assist. Commissioner Underwood accepted the responsib- lityof seeing that the program had adequate publicity. ' The 1972 Budget included an appropriation of $14,.000 for the_replacement of a Michigan front end l()ader purchased'in 1962' a i a' cost of' $9,000 and a request was made to ;adver~i~e for bids. "., Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the City Manager be instructed to advertise for bids to 'be received on April 10, 1972, for furnishing Slne front' ,end loader. Voting Aye:.' Al:);. Voting No: "None Resoiution- Number 72-8 was pre~ente(l~othe CoiriIDissi~ri ~nd r~ad' 11:.\ fUll: WHEREAS, the caretaker's house located on property owned by'the City and used as a sanitar,r.landfill site, 9610 Ruffino Road, wasdest~oyed by fire on July 4, 1971; and ' . ", " : " ..' WHEREAS, such property was insured against fire loss in .theamountof" $10,000; and ' ", ,WHEREAS, the company carrying the city's insurance indemnified the city against sich loss in the'amountof$lO,OOO; and WHEREAS, the Qi ty' COrmP.ission ele~tecl,to purchas~'a,-rn?b~ie~ome't0re'place the caretaker's residence which was destroyed by f~re,~s.aid'mobilehome' and location costs amounting to $6,801.69;' and WHEREAS, there remains a balance of $3,19.8.31 in General Fund Account 1-402, Escrow for~ire Loss; and WHEREAS, it is the 'de~ire of the City Commission that thisosaidbalance be made available for use in the city's park improvement program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAC~J TEXAS: ;, -'. Section 1., ,That the ctty Treasurer be"and he is h~reby, authorized to transfer the $3,198.31 in the Escrow Fire Loss account to,the General Fund Park Department improvement program. '---- ~,. 1-"'_ .. ....j . "....ill[ ---------'-LJ. ' .__~r.~-- L 1 ...,-------- 1II ...... I "flf' Section 2. That slad sum.. shall be used in the city's park iIllIJrovern~nt" program Cluring the' yea;:rf 1972. ' .., , '" , ,-, PASSED AND APPROVED this 13th day of March, 1972, A. D. '- ) Co~iss~dners:Votihg Aye: , "CotrttnisSioners Votlng:No:' /s/ John N. Np.ignho~g Mayor "All None ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant city Secretary ,. ,. ,. l ,. :' j ,- _.. ';",] ',,:' l' '" Motion by Commissioner Hughes, ,seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Re- solution Number 72-8 authorizing the transfer to the General Fund Park Department improvement program, $3,198.31" iit'the Escrow: Fire :Boss-account', , as a result of insurance'funds collecting subse~uent'to the destruction by fire of the caretaker's residence located on~the"city's:'saiiitary land- fUl property at 9610 Ruffino Road_and the purchase and installation of a mobile home,' as 'a 'r~p:i~c~inen:t'." ,",' , " ;, J,_ , , ': V oting Aye: All Voting No: None In response to a question by Commissioner Hughes, the Commission'was ad- vised that delivery was expected of the new fire truck sometime ~n August or September , at whlch time the old :truck w01.ild', be "offered for s'ale by' competitive bids. ,., A letter addressed to all owners of undeveloped property in the"Townhouse' District was reviewed for the Commission, noting that procedures"had been set forth to be followed to permit ingress onto Bissonnet and possible de- viation of the rear building line. : It was' fUrther :noted"tha:t-no: applica- tions had been filed with the Zoning Board of Adjustment requesting a rear building line deyiation. In accordance with instructions 'of" the' City'Commission, a. 'proposal from United Displays, Inc., ~ated March 10, 1972, to refurbish the existing identification, sigri on'-che MuniCipal Etlilding, 'was:presehted to the Com- ' mission for consideration. ' I~ Motion by Commissioner Underwood, secon~ed by Commissioner Harris, that the proposal from United Displays, Inc.; dated March'lO, 1972, to remove' the existing cast aluminum panel for a total'cost of $433.00, be approved. Voting Aye: Ali -Voting'No:' None The status of, an application for gra~t funds to rebuild the Weslayan Lift Statiorl showing that the application had been completely processed by the TWQB and forwarded to the regional office of the Environmental Protection Agency, was reviewed for the Commission. It was the decision of the Com- mission that letter contact should be addressed to Mr. Nicholas W. -Classen, Municipal Services Director. , , ~ The Commission was advised that Bernard Johnson, Inc. has been informed that appropriate funds for participation by the City of West University in the [-' ~' ., CD en ~ ,~ Q 11 I , I I L-! 1-: I i L_, 98. TOPICS project have been included in the request by the District Office of the Texas Highway Depar.tment and ,that additional..information could be secured from Mr. Dingwall of the Highway Department. As a result of an accident involving the pickup truck driven by the city's Humane Officer and a school bus a request was made for the Houston. Inde~ pendent School District tof:urnish the city' with: a Certificate' of Insu- rance. Such certificate indicates that all owned, non-owned and hired auto- mobiles operated by the ,School District have adequate-ihsurance coverage. , , ~ . " \. ., -.. A letter of appreciation from the Houston Bicycle Club for the city's c6- operation in preparing a film on' bicy~ling"safety waspresehted to the, Comm:i'ssion. Following a discussion with regard to iheovergrowth of shrubbery at 3704 ,. Tangley insofar as the ordin~nce provisions preclude removal from private property the City-Manager was instructed ,to ,compare intersection, control of We~t Univ~rsity with, that of Houston and Bellaire and to request assistance from the Texas Municipal League and the International City Manager's Asso- ciation. " Bicycle parking facilities to be constructed at the Swimming Pool were dis- cussed and the City Manager was requested to give considera-tionto using available automobile parking area in. front of the building as a possible location site. ,Minutes of the regular meeting ofthe'C:Lty Commission. on Monday, February 28; 1972, were presented to the Commiss:ionandthe following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, February 28, 1972, be 'approved as submitted. ' V 9ting Aye: All VotingNo~ None With no further business to come before the motion duly made, seconded and carried, the p.m., Thursday, March 16, 1972. ATTEST: upon 7:30 ~~/ ~k-z. Assistant City Secretary" ,,-- I:_=~---=---:::-=-:=:--==t:l::l- - ~-::: _~=::~.:.:.:.........t:::::.::::-::':::---:-":'::--:::::-::-:-~,:~=::L-~~~::':""'-----=::"":""';~.~-:-- , , . 9'e ..,JII L-' ---' HI RECESSED :ME:ETING OF CITY., COMM:ISSION MARCH 16. 1972 , i LJ The City:Commis,sion convened in recessed session at th.e City Hall on Thursday,: March,16, 1972, 8:125 p.m."wit.h-t'he r'olloJfing m.embers pr,esent: MaY9rPro-Tem.Walli:o,- presiding; Commiss~ioners, Harrls, and Underwoo,d. The' City Manager was alsa present. Mayor N~1-ghbors al'ld.Commissioner Hughes were out of the City. City Attorney Charles Cockrell was absent. " j-. - . In accordance w:ith.previous, ,action of, the: City Comm:L,ssion,bids ,received for furnishing 302 lineal feet of fence, 8' in height, either redwood .or western cedar, for installation at the city's Wakeforest-Carnegie park site, were openedan~ results announced,as follows: Bidder, ~ ~ , , ,Type Fence Price Per Foot . Total Bid Price ,:t Allied Fence of Houston Astro Fen~e Com~~ny Houston Fence Company' I" \ Redwood Western Cedar Redwood : Western Cedar RedWood Western Cedar $ , 8.82 4.75 9.50 , 4.20, 10.'80 4.40 \ $ 2,663.64 1,~34.,50 .' '~t; 869 .00 1,268,.40 '3,261.60 1,328.80 Hous -:-Tex Fep.ee Company" Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner UnderWood; that bids received, f9r, fur.ni:;;l}ing, 3Q21in,~al ,:t:eet .of fence, 8', in :q.~ight" for. installa- tion at the city's' Wa~eforest-Carnegiepark site, be r'eferredto the city ManagerfQI:. tabulation ,?-nd recommendation. , ~' , ~ Yot ing Aye: All " Vq'jJing l\Tq,:None In accordance wi~h p~~vio~~ ~c~ion of the City Co~iss~OI;l bi4s received for furnishing one 300 h.p. vertical hollow shaft, 446'volt, 1750 RPM electric motor for, i~stallation in Water. Well Nq. ,6, were opened and results announced as fol;t.ows: . " ,. Bidder Layne-Texas Company SanfordE~uipment & Supply Lump Sum Bid 4,290.00 3,960.00 + $377.00 for high potential test 7, 611. 00 5,918.00 Westinghouse Electric Alternate Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Und~rwood;that the bid for furnishing one new 300 h.p. vertical hollowshaft~ ~40 volt, 1750 RPM electric motor for installation in Water Well No.6, be awarded to Layne Texas Company for the sum of $4,290.00 inasmuch as delivery time is criti- cal and the Allis Chambers motor could not be delivered for twelve to four- teen weeks. ; ~ 'I Voting Aye: All Voting No: None '~J r~1 u ., CD r:; t'.LJ ~ o I) I ''--..-J I' I ' i ,--: 9.~,,'~, . - ;. :~., , "t--oS" .. ~ . , Application and Certficate of P~ymentNum1:;e~r 3~ prepared by architects Wahlberg and Moral~s; .''J:ti'''the 'aine:m:iit""6f'''$'8;;362;-OO 'fef!' work completed for the period February 1, 1972, to March 1, 1972, was presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Comit'd..s,si;nertJnder-wooci, ,,'. 'seconde<;l, by Commissioner Harris, tl1at Application and Certifiea:iJ.e" for, Payment NurnbeJ:' 3 in .thea.mount of$$,362.,pO prepared by Wahlberg and Morales for funding to Paramount Contracting, Inc. for work completed remodeling th~ Cit~ Hall during the period Februar~l, 1972 to March 1, 1972, "be approved as submitted. ., ." " , . , V o:J:;ing Aye:~ 'Ail. .L: Voting No: None With no further buslness to come Defore the Co~:ission at this time, upon motion dUly maae,'seconded and carried, the meeting 'adjourned at 8:55 p:m. ATTEST: ~,..~" ,'" ' '. '..' , . .,'" ", ',' Assistant Ci,ty S,ecretary , ," .~. )" ,', I" T'- r::1---~ 1 r------- .j:.:........J.lC- ~--.- JII' l. ['I ,1 I ~9S REGULAR :MEETING, OF CITY COMMISSION MARClf 27., 1~72 rj , u The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, March 27, 1972, ,7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Neighbbrs,- presiding; 'Commissioners Harris, Hughes ; 'Underwood and Wallin. Th~:City' Attorney' and: City Manager were also present.' The'-Invo'cation wa:!,;' 'pronounced' by Cornmi?si~mer Wallin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worley, 2735 Talbot, appeared before the Commission to ascertain information with regard to plans for the Carnegie-Wakeforest park site. Mr. Worley stated that as nearby residents and prospective users of the p~rk, it was his belief th~ta pUbli6 meeting should be held in order=that residents might have an opportunity to express their desires with regard to the facilities to be placed in the park. Mayor Neighbors explained to Mr. Worley that there was no legal compulsion to call a public meeting, but he was confident that members of the Parks and Recreaticin,Board"who were charged with the responsibility of equipping the park, would welcome any thoughts and ideas he would care to present to them. Mr. Worley further requested the Commission to investigate the usage of property across Bellaire Boulevard by motorcyclists, stating that the in- creased noise was a nuisance. Mayor Neighbors stated ,that, "inasmuGh "as ,the property was located in the City of Houston there was little that could' be done other than request the Police Department to notify the proper '~ Houston officials; and owners of the property that the property was being sued by motorcyclists and that thought and study be given to the noise level maximum permitted. In accordance with previous action of the City Commission proposals for servicing the city's insurance programfor the fiscal year 1972 were opened and results announced as follows: Wayland- Hancock Insurance Agency J. H. Blades & Company Comiskey Insurance Agency Retainage 60% Retainage 50% Retainage 75% Ret~inage 50% Distribution 40% Distribution 50% Distribution 25% (Property and Casual]l;y) Distribution 50% (Group Life Coverage) Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that pro- posals received for serv~Qing the city's insurance program f~r the fiscal year 1972 be referred to the City Manager for review, tab~1ation and re- commendation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advxsed that a proposal had been received from the firm of O'Connor, Lawson and McGee to make an audit of all revenues and expenditures of all funds of the city for the year ending December 31, 1972, and to pre- 'I I , i ~ r: I ' Li ., CD a;; C.tJ ~ Q c I' LI nsr ~,I u~. I pare a written report fora sum not to exceed $2,900.00, be accepted. V o'tirig Aye: All Voting No: None A safety manuaJ, for th~ City: ofWe:;;t .Udiver,si.ty P;ta.~,e ,prepa:~~d by members of the Safety .andi\.ccide.nt E.eyi~w B().9-rd wa~:; dis:cussed with merpbers, Mr. James Skipton,: 3502.. R.i.c~ ":!30weva;rd, 'a.nd Mr~, ;R..'J~ Euball;k,,: 3729. Sunset, ad- vising that con~i~~ration'h~q.~~en glvento,all phases of, safety and accident prevention~Mr~ Skipton and Mr. 'Eubank stated that the participation, cooperation and attitude of the Department Heads serving wittrthem on the Board, con~ributed,greatly t9 the preparation of t~e manual. Assistant , City Manager 'Denny' Ari:1ol.d' answered q~estioris, bY'm~mbers of the Commission on various changes'that were proposed in conformance with the manual and listed 'equipment' to be purchased for use in this c9nnection., Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that~the Safety Manual, prepar~d by the Safety and Accident Review Board, be accepted and for.mallyadopted;as an official document of the city. " .. J ' Voting Aye: All , , Voting 'No: None Mayor Neighbors tliank~d Mr. Skipton and, Mr..E:ubank for ''th~,.cantr;i.bution of their time, ~alent, experience andene:r:g;i,es pn the compilation of the manual and stated that this program ~hould add much to the safety of city employees. " ,i,' . ,. "'1 ,"I .' .:" '. . ". " Mr. Mi~e Ilse 'of the ~i~ofVernon Henry & Associates; Planning Consultants presented a lay-out of Judson Park showing proposed location of walks, fences, plantings and equipment. After general discussion. with regard to use of a' her.in in lieu of the' 'existing chain, link fence in all areas " other than th~ ~mall children's play'area, size'and type'of 'trees pro- posed for planting and the walk consti'uction,the' Corrmiission requested Mr. Ilse to appear before the next regUlar meeting on April lOth to present specific cost estimates as well as dait;es for' receiving bids'. The Commission was advised that Mr. Ilse had also been employed to prepare plans for the development of the Wakeforst-Carnegie Park and would present theseplans,o~ Ap!illOth.. . 'f . ~ Final action on the seleCtion of a site and the construction of as'econd tennis cou.r.t .at Wier Park was deferred until the next meeting of the Commis- sion. :. j Ordinance ~umber975'was presen~~ato the Cbmmissionandread in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF wEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS BY SUBSTITUTING A PERIOD OF FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS FOR SEVENTY-TWO '(72) HOURS IN DEFINING A NUISANCE BY LEAVING A VEHICLE UPON A STREET AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.' Motion by Commissioner Harris, , seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that Ordi- nance Numb~r 975 amenqingt~e Code 9f Ordinances by substituting a period of 48 hours for 7~ 'hours'in defining a nuisance by leaving a vehicle upon a street, be approved as read. 1':':1 '1' 11[" ,JII L,__~,,_,___ "..__J HI _ 1 lllO , Voting Aye: All - ':',' . Voting, No: None -----, Ordinance Number 97? was, pre8ented to the Commission and read in full: I l-----.....J AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ,TEE CODE, OJ!' ORDINANCES. OF THE CI;rY "OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS BY ADDING TO THE REQ,u::t:RE1v:lENT,S, RELA.T):VE TO THE' IDBNTI"FICATION:' OF TRAbE$- MEN'S VEHICLES' 'BY' REQUIRING 'THE' 'KtNt) OF, BUStNESS AND' TEL,EPHOl\lli ,NUMBER BE' SB;OWN ANIi PROVIDING' AJf EFFECTIVE' DATE~"" ",., " : Motion by CQmmissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Unq~rwood, that Ordinance Number 976 amendingxhe Code of Ordinancesbyadqing to the requirements relative. to. the :identification of tradesmen's vehicles by requiring the kind or' business 'and felephone :nu:mber be shown'; be approv'ed as read. Voting Ay~:; ,All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 97'Jwas pre,sented to the Commission an.d read in full: AN ORDIl\lANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS", TO EXECUTE A .GENERAL WARRANTY ,DEED CONVEYING TO A. G. HAJOVSKY, AND WIFE" BARBARA SUE" TWO (2') FEET OF LAND OFF OF A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED AT , CARNEGIE AND WAKEFORST STREETS AND PJi{OVIDING AN; EFF:E:C-, TIV:E;' DATE ~ ~1 Motion, by Commissioner ,Harris,s~condedby Commissioner Underwo.od, ~hat, Ordinance Number 977 authorizing the.Mayor.to e.xecute,a general,warranty deed conveying to A. G. Hajovsky and wife, .Barbara Sue, ,two. (2') feet of land off a. tract. of land locatedatCarnegie,and~Wakeforest ,Street, be approved as read. \..........J Voting Aye: All Voting No: None At its regular meeting on February 14, 1972, the City Commission deferred action on a request of Mr. Pat Johnson of University Savings Association to make a curb cut on Plumb Street for egress from a.d,riye-i,n fac,ility planned ,for construction on Lot 5, Block 5, Preston Place. Following a discussion with regard to the inadvisability of setting such a precedent for curb cuts on residential streets, the following action was taken: Motion by Commis- sioner, Harris, seconded by Commissioner, Wallin, that the request by Mr., Pat Johnson for a curb cut on Plumb Street be officially denied. Voting Aye: All Voting ,No: None ' A request was yresented,to the Commission forper.mission todispose of all surplus items in connection with the remodeling of the City Hall. Mo.tion by Commissioner Hughes, , seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise a public auction for the dispo~i- tion of surplus material in connection with the City Hall remodeling project; 'l , , , , '-.....J t"{}"l" " l; 'I:J J' . . ... [ such public auction to be heldon the gro').illds of' the, newly acquired property located at 2701 Milford Street. . ~ .- .' ,., ' .. -, Voting Aye: ,All _ Voting No: None Two ,estimates for furnishing an 81,x 131 a;Luminum: cover ,:for th~ r.ear'door of the City Hall adjacnet to,the 'newly constructed ,conference room, wereJ?re-:- sented to the Commission, for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the pro-posal submitted by Air-Vent Awning Company for the :installation of an 81 x 1~1 Reynolds baked enamel on aluminum cover, 024 thickness for a total sum of $194.80~ be approved~ ", (/j ~ ~ ~ Q Voting Aye: Harris, Hughes, Underwood, Voting ~o: Wallin , Mayor John Neighbors read a .'proclamation declaring the month of May as Hiking and Bicycling month in the City of West University Place, Texas. Motion by Commissioner Harris, se,conded by Commi.ssioner Hughes,' that the, proclamation declaring the month of Mayas Hiking and Bicycling ,month in the City of West University Place, Texas, be approved. Voting 'Aye:, 'All' , Vo:ting :No;:, Npne r-- LI Sanitary Engineer,H. R~;" Duke advised the, Commis,sion ,tha;t $2., 750.00 had been appropriated in'the 1972 Budget 'for the purchase of a new <;lust;il1,g machine and bids shoUld be received as soon as possible in ,order to make prepa- rations for the oncoming season. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the City Manager ,be 'authorized to ,prepare, specifications and advertise for bids to be received oll'April 24, 1972, for thepurcha'se, of .one dusting' machine for use by the Health Department in its spraying program. , " Voting Aye: ' All , Voting No: None The Commission was aqvised that consideration should be given to in- creasing the rates charged for use of city facilities ,for holding other than city elections. A comparison of rates indicated that the city had charged a; fee that was not adequate to defray expenses incurred for jani- torial services ,and electrical'bills. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the rates charged for use of city facilities for holding elections be increased to $25.pO,for each such !acility used~, Voting Aye: Wallin, Underwood, Neighbors Voting No: Harris, ;Hughes r-l L! An invitation for all city officials to attend the 1972 Institute for Mayors, Councilmen and Commissioners to be held May 14-16 in Santonio was presented to the Commission. ' " d=nr". _ll!-T-~ L_l__-=-- ~ [J_, .,...__ __I ,t,()2 Estimates received f'or repairs necessary to the pickup truck.used,bythe Humane Officer, as a result of an accident on, March, 1, '1972, were pre- , sented to the Commission. After discussion with regard to the extensive damage and high cost 'of repairs , the following action was taken: :' "-' , i ~ Motion by COnl1l1issioner Wall.in'- secon'ded by' COInmis'sioner. Harris, ,that'the City'Manager be instructed to :prepare spec'ificatibns: ahd advertis,e' for, bids to be received on April 24, ,l972~for a~new;pick1ip t'ruck for use by the, Humane ~fficer in the performance of his duties. 'Yoting A':r.e: All" -Voting No: None , . ~. ./ . - ~. The Commission was advised that the Zoning and Planning ,CornmiRsi.on had contacted Caudill, Rowlett and Scott with regard to necessary corrections to be made in tneir Land uUse 'Survey'" Mr. Don' Graui, 312:5'Wroxtdti'.:Road,> hasheen',appointed.as ,Chairman o--f t'he city's clean-ilp'program.and ~is-iri,:the"processof securing necessary, volunteers to work on the program. ,Listed among the items not to be removed during the clean-up will be garbage, autom6 bile i tire's,; paper_,-' building ,demolition materials and boats . ",. . " " Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on March 13, 1972, were presented to the COmnlissionuand the following action taken: , , ' Motion by CommissionerWa1.1in; seconded. by 'Commiss,ioner .Har.r.is:, that the minute:s of the regUlar ''meeting c):f. the City Co'mmission on ,March 13,,1972 be approved as submitted. ,--,\ L-,' V oting; Aye: All Voting No: None J: ;." Mihutesbf the l'ecessed:meeting of ,the' City Commission on,Marich,~6., :,1972, were preserited:to .the GoIntnission and the' followirig action taken: Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the minutes of the ,recessed meeting of the City Commission:on March 16, 1972, be approved as submitted. J:" .. Voting A:ye: Ali Voting,.No: 'None With no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting .adjournedat',lO:OO p.m. .~..~ Assistant City Secretary ATTEST: il I LJ r ~ 1'2 (Q (J"; ~ -~ ~ c c t'.O"'..,3"~ '." . .. . ,', " .. to' ,'- REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION APRIL 10, 1972 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Mon- day, April 10, 1972, 7:30 p~m.,with,the-following members present: Mayor, Pro-Tem:Paul Wallin, -presiding; Commissioners Harxis, Hughes andUnde~- wood. The City Attorney arid City Mariager were also present~ Mayor Neighbors was out of the city on company business. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Underwood. ~ , .' . 1 .'"_ In accordance with, previous action of the City Commission bids received for furnishing the city "s: 'chlorine requirements for the' year 1972, were opened and results announced as follows: Diamond Shamrock 40,000 Ibs. in ton containers $104.00@ton + $25.00 delivery fee $11.00 cwt 5.60~.per lb. 10.60$ per lb. , "13, 500 Ibs. in 1501b._ ,containers Dixie Chemical Co.:' 40 ,OOOlbs. in ton containers 13,500 Ibs. an 150-lb. containers Thompson-Hayward 40;000 'lbs. in ton containers 13,500 Ibs. in 150-lb. containers No Bid .1120 per lb. Motion by. "C,ommissiouer ~Underwood, seconded by,:Corrmiissioner Harris that bids received for furnishing the cit~'s chlorine requirements for theyear 1972 be r~ferred to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation. + .. . ,., ... ~ . ~. .. .' . - ~. -" ... .. ~ Voting Aye:. All Voting No: None Bids for furnishing lighting 'fixtures and poles for' installat,iou:in the c~ty's parks were op~nedand results announced as follows: 35' 400 Watt 1000 Watt: Total Pole 30' Pole Fixtures Fixtures Bid Price , ,Each ,Each, ' , ,Total' Each Total Each , Total Consolidated 260.00 188.60 1,508.80 158.80 635.00 205.30 1;0650.40 4,054.40 Gene,ral Electric 235.40 l71. 38 " 1:,371. 04 136.28 545.12 183.54 1,468.32 3,619~88 Graybar Electric 236.15 171. 95 1,375.60 122.72 490.88 197.20 1,577.60 3,680.23 SUlIllllers EIectric 289.45 173.68' 1,389.44 131. 93 527.72 '235.33 1,882.64" 3,089.25 Westinghouse 317.00 274.00 ' 2,192.00 ,139.45 557.80 230.60 1,844.88 4,911.68 WholesaleElec. 219.39 159.26 1,274.08 132.31 529.24 199.14 1,593.12 3,615.83 Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that ,bids received for furnishing lighting fixtures and poles for installation in the city's parks: be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendatio~.' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None" Only one bid was received for all labor, materials, equipment, implements, parts and supplies necessary for the construction of one tennis court to be located in Judson Park and one tennis court to be located in Wier Park, and it ~----'~'T Ir-- --=_ J ..=wr'"~ ,~' ,-- ~-- n:r==:::::-- r':0'4 was opened and results announced asfollows~ '~ I . ' . Robert W. Kurtz & Company""" 'J\idson'Park'C~urt"--Laykold Court $5,929.00 Wier Park Court Laykold Court $5,240.00 -------J .- 1-.- _.- Motion by Commissioner Hughes, Robert, W. ''Kurtz 'and- COlI!-pany',be laykold tenni's cdurts on'their April 10, 1972. . ' seconded, byCommissiQner H~rris, that: . awarded'thebid'for construction of two, total 'bid pride of $11,169.00, dated' ..f, Motion 8.1llended by' Commis,sioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner 'Harris~: that the bid of Robert W. Kurtz and Company to construct two laykold tennis courts for ,a total: ~priceof' $11,169.00 'be accepted, and the 'existing' court in Sunset Park striped at-the:'time of the riewconstruction~ Amended motion withdrawn by Commissioner Hughes. Motion 'by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the bid of Kurtz' and.Company for the construction of two laykold tennis courts for a total bid price of $11,169.00 be accepted and the City Manager autho- rized .to have' the third court. re...striped iri the.'event Kurtz ~and-Company does not include re-stripingin their bid price. Voting Aye: All .Voting No: None, Bids received for furnishing one front end loader in accordance with pre- viousactiori by the.,City.,Commissi6n were opened' arid 'results announced as follows: ' ," '. ' ' "'-i Bid Price- ~rade-In Allowance Total Bid G Browning-Ferris" ' Cochran Eq,uipment GaedckeEq,ulpffierit Mustang Tractor South Texas Eq,uip. Waukesha-Pearce ' '19,005.00 20,350.00 21,269.00 21,020.00 19,510.00 14,955.00 13~000oOO 16,327.00 17,520.00 13,510.00 Motion by. ~C?T!lllli.~.~~()ne:r:, Unc:'l:E;,I\'{ooci, ,~econ.a.~d ,b'y. COrrun~ssi()p.,er Harris, that bids received for furnishing one new and curEent model,rubber~ired front end 'ioader 'bereferred "to"'the'city Manager for tabulation and recommendation. Voting' Ay.e:. ':. All Voting. N.o: None In a,ccordance, ,with ,instructions of ,the City Commi.ssion,. Mr. Mike Ilse of the firm Vernon Henry & Associates, appeared before. the Commission with completed plans, specifications. and cost estimates for landscaping of Judson Park. Mr. Ilse reviewed his park lay-out explaining reasons for choices made in trees, plants, vi~es, groundcovers and grass. Motion by CommissioherUnderwcfod, seconded'by Commissioner Harris, that the p+ans and specifications presented by Mr. Ilse be accepted, and the City 1"1 Manager authorized to: advertise for bids to be received' on May 10,1972, for ! J '~ c ~ CJ:) 0') ~ Q 01 1"', \ ' I 1 , LI (I L ~ )875 all necessary plant materials and construction items. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Norman Mahan, Chairman of the city;s Parks and Recreation Board, advised the Go~iss~on i;hat,\his, J?oardha,dw~rked.Glosely, wit4 Mr. ;I;lse .on plans ,for Judson PCJ.rk and they were pleased 'with his :r.ecommenda~iQns., The City.Manager presented a proposal by Mr. Mike 11se of Vernon Henry & Associates for l~~dscape a~chitectural ser~ices fo~,the landscape develop- ment. of. th~Ca,rn~g;i,e.7Wakefores~ pa:r~~, Inc:Luq~d in the contract was a sGope of services, list of items to be furnished by the city, fee schedule for services performed" provJsJons for, change qrd~rs, termination procedure . and qonsultant's credit., The, City, Manager recommended that the City.Commis- sion approve the proposaL in"order that, work could commence in ,this newly ~cquired park as r~pi~y as possible. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner H~ghes, that the pro-posal of Vernon Henry & Associates, dated March 22, 1972, be accepted and the mayor~utllOrize?- to execute ap Agreementwith'Mr. Mike Ilse-forland- scape architecturai s,e~vices for ~he.l:ands~ape development ,of the Carnegie- Wakefo~est city park. : " Voting Aye : All : ' "- >.. Voting No.: None The Commission was advised that in furtherance of plans for ~.major p~b~~c works program, Bernard Johnson Incorporated had been requested to submit a proposal regarding pr~fes~ipnalengineering services for theprov~sion of drainage improvements. - " Motion by ,Commissioner Hughes"seconded by Commissioner Harris, that,the propos~l submitte<l1JY Bernard John,son Incorporat,ed'be 'accept;ed and the Mayor authorized to execute.aGo~tract with Be'rn~ra: Jo;hnson Incorporated for .pro- fessional services. Voting Aye:, All Voting No: None In accordance with previous action of the City Commission a tabulation of proposal submitted for wr:i,ting and'servicing the city's:insurance requirements for the year 1972 wer presented to the Commission with a recommendation that the proposal submitted by Comiske~ Insurance Agency be accept~d ,on the basis of previous performance and service. Motion by Commiss,ioner I:Iarri,s ,::;;eco!-1de,d by Comm;Lssioner Hughes, that tb,e , proposa],. su,'!?n4tteq,by the Comiskey ,Insurance Agency :for writing and ser-:- vicing the city's insurance requirements for the year 1972" be accepted. Voting Aye: ' All V oting No: None A progress report on repa:i,rs being made on city water well nos.- 3,' 5 and 6 by Layne Texas Company under the provisions of a contract dated January 31, 1972, was presented to the Commission~ It was noted that most repairs were proceeding with very little difficulty encountered other than the discovery. of a pump bowl located on well no. 5 being work beyond economical repair. This bowl was replaced by an 8-stage pump bowl and a cost of $3,640.00 will be added to the contract price when the project is completed. [ -- ~ ...1-----" ,....1J[ I:i:I" o1,.~B..o. ,J:W*U , '.,.. Mr. Don Graul, 3125 WroxtoIlcRoa.d', ad'v1sed':the Collrrnissiori that as Chalrman of Operation Sptffy, he has secure~ twenty volunteers and will assig~ each volunteer to a specific truck for one of the four Saturdays and is confident the entire operation will be a suacess. ~ I j LJ ',::- The Commission was advised,'that.Mrs. VirginfaP8:rks; member of the city"s Zoning Board of Adjustme:nt;'hadiiotified'city'officials that she will be moving to Seattle, Washington on June 1st and would submit her resigna~ion as a member of the board:prior tGthat date. Inasmuch as Mr. Jim Eubank had previously been transferred' a:hd:)J1i,oved out of the city, there will now be two vacancies on this board :that consideratioh should be' given to' refiliing. ' In accordance with i':hstrnctions of the City Commission; the Chief of Police contacted owners of property 'on Buffalo and Bellaire-Boulevard, in the city of Houston;. and requested that action be taken to stop the use of motorcycles on the property. eJwners of the property, Wesley West 'Interest, advised they were working on control of the premises and would be hapPY,to.answer any further complaints., ,,:' In response .todiscussion'with.regard to the1i.se of ajanitor:Lal service firm for the necessary cleaning and maintenance of the City Hall following the remodeling project, the following action was taken: 0 Motion by Commis- sioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that thte City Manager be instructed to make -'inquiries as to availabe janitorial service for the City Hall and present his recommendationcto the City Commission at its next regular meeting.' ::" ',' ' r' ' ,....." I . .".! Voting Aye:, All Voting ,No: Norie L.J The Commission was advised that consideration shouldbe given to furniture items that would be required ,for the Conference Room, CityManager's'offi~er and'secretarial uffice foliowihg'compie~ion'ot the remodelingproject~ Motion by Cori1inissi6rter Har:ds; seconded "by Cdinniissiom:ir' Hughes, that 'the City Manager be authorized to secure informational literature on furniture items to be considered and to prepare specifications and advertise for bids to be received on May 8th:for necessary filing cabinets for the secretarial office. 'Voting Aye: 'All, Voting No: ' None The completed Audi't' Report::for. the':fis'cat year ,1971' were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of ' the regular':riJ.eeting of the City Commission on March 27, 1972, were pres ented to the' Commis s'ioh and, the follmnng action taken: Motion by Commis- sioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the minutes of the regu- larmeeting of the City Commission on Monday, March 27, 1972, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All V oting No: None J-) " i I ~ '--'\ I \ U l') CD ~ C.I.J ~ o r-- I ' u [ With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded' and,"ca:&ried,-the:meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. ATTEST: - .;tj ~.. ~ Assistant ?i ty'Secretary ,_ 'I', , ! .... : ...,' "';. -' ". 'I ,-', , , 1::~^\'TP.i I ~!4':~: '\ IJ!~' . __~r'----~ -~ _1 :::r-~ IIL ..1 :',1 ;'.: ....' ,REGULAR :MEETING, OF,C-ITY COMMISSION" , ,APRIL. 24.,.~ 1972 , ' ,~, I The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, April 24, 1972, 7:30 p.m., with the followong members present: Mayor Pro-Tem L-J Paul Wallin, presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes and Underwood. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Mayor Neighbors was out of the cit'y oncomP8:'~y,-,-b.iIs:Die'ss'-' - The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Wallin. Ih accordance with a request of local Boy and Girl Scout Troops a Proclama- tion declaring Saturday, April 29, 1972 a's "J'Ke-e-p ':American Beautiful, Dayll noting that Project SOAR (Save our American Resources) is to be 'a'12Omonthproject sponsored by the Boy Scouts of America, when Scouts allover the United States will be working together to make our country a more beautiful place in which to live. Mrs. Joyce Stillman, 4107 Coleridge, Mrs. Gayle Mick, 3763 Rice Boulevard, Mrs. Marvel Frieberg, 3765 Nottingham, Mr. George Faison, 3726 Nottingham and Mr. Glen Graves, 3726 Drake, were present repre- senting Scout leadership and Danny Stillman, Jeff Bartz, and Raul Aranda of Cub Pack 266 represented Scouts. This group advised the Commission of plans of local groups as part of their participation in "Keep American Beautiful Day". In accordance with previous action of the City Commission, bids received for furnishing onepickup truck to replace the unit driven by the city's Humane Officer that was damaged beyond reasonable repair' in an accident, were open- '1 ed and results announced as follows: Firm Base Bid Trade-In Net Delivered Price' Chuck Davis Chevrolet 3,096.90 850.00 2,246.90 Jimmie Green Chevrolet 3,190.74 -0- 3,190.74 Luke Johnson Ford 3,223.07 -0- 3,223.07 Katy Road Plymouth No Bid MCMahon Chevrolet 3,028.70 800.00 2,228.70 Joe MyersFord 3,032.40 602.40 2,430.00 Mike Persia Chevrolet 3,601. 79 805.00 2,796.79 Jack Roach Ford 3,171.66 200.00 2,971.66 ~ Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that bids received for furnishing one pickup truck for use of the Humane Officer be re- ferred to the Assistant City Manager and Sanitary Engineer for tabulation and recommendation prior to the end of the meeting. V oting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with previous action of the City Commission only one bid was received for furnishing one agricultural insecticide dispensing unit and gasoline power unit, such bid was opened and read as follows: Company Total Bid Price r ' I Public Health Equipment & Supply Co. $ 3,300.00 L.J r I I '--- ~ CD ~ UJ Q Q (""" ) ) I---.J I: Li 1'-0" "i'9'-;;: . .,~ ""' . :-'. ~.; ;J Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the bid received for furnishing one agricultural insecticide dispensing unit and gasoline power unit be referred to the City Manager for study and recommendation. ' Voting Aye: All , , Voting No: None A tabulation of bids received on April 10, 1972 for chldrine requirements for the ensuing year was presented to th~ Commission together with a recommenda- tion that the low bid of Dixie Chemical Company for furnishing ton containers at 5.60~ per pound,andl50-pounqcyclinders at lo.60~ per pound, f.o.b. City of west University Piace, te.accepted. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the recommendation of the City ~anager be accepted, and an award be made to Dixie Chemical Company on their low bid for furnishing ton cont~iners at 5.60cp ,per pound and 150-pound cyclinders at 10.60~ per pound; a'total bid price of $3,731.00 f.o.b~ City of West University Place for chlorine re- quirements for the year 1972. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A recommendation for purchase of one front e~d loader for which bids ere received on April 10, 1972'was presented, to the Commission, together with a list of considerations and comparisons between the two low bid machines., Based on past experience with Michigan equipment, a visual inspection of the equipment made by Commissioner Paul Wal~in, City Manager Whitt Johnson and Street Superintendent A. L. Bearden, probably maintenance cost and ' future trade-in allowance, a recommendation was made for the purchase of one Michigan 35AWS from Waukesha-Pearce Industries, Inc. on their bid of $13,510.00. ' Motion by Commissioner ~ughes, seconded by Commissioner Harris; that the recommendation of the City Manager and Street quperintendet be accepted and the bid of Waukesha-Pea~ce,Industries, Inc. for furnishing one Michigan 35AWS front end loader ror $13,510.00 be accepted. . , Voting Aye: 'All Voting No: None A tabulation of bids received on April 10, 1972~ for furnishing one 35' . square tapered pole, eight 30' 'square tapered poles, four 400 watt mercury vapor fixtures, and a recommendation, for purchase from Wholesale Electric Supply Company on their low bid of $3,615.83, was presented to the Commis- sion for their consideration. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the recommendation of the City Manager ,be accepted and the bid of Wholesale Electric Supply Company for $3,615.83 for furnishing one 35' square tapered pole, eight 30' square tapered poles, four 400 watt mercury vapor fixtures and eight 1000 watt mercury vapor fixtures be approved. Voting Aye: All Voting No: JlllTone Mr. Norman Mahan, Chairman of the city's Parks and Recreation Board, advised the Commission that the Board met on April 17, 1972, with Mr. Marvin Reichle of the University of Houston Recreation Department for the purpose of obtaining ideas for their proposed outdoor summer recreation program. Mr. Mahan stated that the outdoor program would be completely separate from the in- door program and cost for a director and necessary equipment would be III --.J---' .J..::JJr -~~.- },.ii:O" . I~ . . \ ~ " appraximat~lY $1,/00.00. ----, , , ' Matian by Cqmmissianer Underwaad;. se~6nded by sum .of $1,800 be apprapriated for the autdaar with the $300 reserve ta be available far use after the pragram was .und~~ay:.,. , , , , COInmfssianer Harris, that the sUmmer recreatian program in the event if was required I -------.) VatingAy.:e: , All, . , .Vating N:a: ,None, 17. " ~ . . . , . .. . After general discussian it.was the decisian .of the Commissian that the f)irectC?r ,employedta,supervise the'- Qutdoa:r. f.ecre,g. tion, :pragramwauld be under the direct 'jurisdiction of the City Manager with an overview ,by members .of the Parks and Recreatian Baard. " A camparisan of Operatian Spiffy, to the 1970 Special Clean-Up Pragram indicated that there were less loads beingre~aved this year; with casts incr.e~sed., It w~s,n9tedthat every'ather year, was sufficient time ta can- duct the campaign ta r~maveitemsfr6m the city'that are nat usually picked up an the weekly trash .'remavel schedule. ' . , A pragress repart an repairs made ,an water well nas. 3,.5 and 6by Layne Texas Campany was presented tathe Commissian far theirinformatian. Well #3 was lawered,301 fram360' ta 390'. Anew 8-stagepump was installed in Well #5 and the,well lawered 40' from 400', ta 440'. A new 6:"stage pump was installed in, Well #6 ,and. the pumpiowered 40' fram 420' ta 460'. ," ,..... '. . . . .... Q.i:1tJtatians fr,'()li)1 :faur janitaf:l..aLserv,ice, cam~anies ,were presented: in, accardance with instructiansof the CityComIDiss~an. ,Far furnishing all labar, services, materials, machin~ryandappiiances ,~ecessary:ta clean the City Hall prem~s~s an a five, times' per week ,schedUle the fallowing charges were quated: L.......,; Alvarez Janitarial Service Actian Building Maintenance Smith Pratection & Janitarial Inc. White Glave Building Maintenance 415.00 250~00 S~rvices " , , 249.00 395.00 Matian byCommissianer Harris, secanded by Cammissioner:Hughes, that the City ~anager be instructed ta enter into a cantract with Smith Protectian and Janitarial Services, Inc. far a periad .of que year to pravide necessary labar and materials ta clean the City Hall buiiding an a five times per week schedule far a price .of $249.00 permonth, and to include a pravisian far washing all windows .once each six manths at an additional fee. Vating Aye: All Vating Na: Nane Minutes .of the regular meeting .of theZaning Baardof'ADjustment an April 13, 1972, were presented ta the Commissian far their infarmatian. Minutes .of the regular meeting .of the Electrical Baard an April 17, 1972 were reviewed, nating actian taken by such Baard that recammendatians be made ta the City Cammission far the adaption .of the 197i Electrical Cade retaining the standard pravisians .of the present Electrical Ordinance. ~ r~ ., LJ o t'2 ~ a; c.1.J ~ o I~ L! [: I I 1,' ~'~ i) it. / ~.~ ~s. D~ ,- The City Attorne~was instructed to prepare an amendment to the Code of Ordinances ~to include the~1971Electrical Code. . .. -. . Application and Certifica;te ~~f Eayme:q.t Number 4,--prepared by-architects Wahlberg and Morales, in the- amount of $9;822.00:for work completed for the period March 1, 1972 'to April 1, 1972, waB presenteu to the Commission together with a Certificate of Substantial Completion and a pre-final punch list containing all items requiring completion..' Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that c Application and Certificate for Payment Number 4in ,the -amount of $9,822.00, prepared by Wahlberg and Morales for funding to Paramount Contracting, Inc. for work completed o~ the City Hall remoeeling for the period March 1, 1972 to April 1, 1972 be approved for payment. V oting Aye: All Voting No: None A statement in the amount of $932.00 for legal services for the months 'o~ January, February, and March, submitted by City Attorney Cha~les 'Cockrell was presented tothe Commission for co~sideration. It was stated that such fees were in connection with a suit filed against the city by Fidelity Land and Trust Company in regard to use of the city's sanitary sewage disposal plant. Motion by Commissioner Harris, .seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the statement dated April 11, 1972 by City Attorney Charles Cockrell for legal services rendered in the months of January, February and March on behalf of the City of West University Poace, in the amount of $932.00 be approved as submitted. V oting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 979 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDTITANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 (s) AND SEQTION '3 (b) OF ORDINANCE :NUMBER 959 REGULATING THE DISCHARGE OF INDUSTRIAL WASTES, INTQ THE PUBLIC SEWERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; PROMULGATING REGULATIONS AND ESTABLISHING CHARGES FOR SERVICES RENDERED, ADOPTED ON JUNE 14, 1971; BY CHANGTITG THE UNIT OF MEASUREMENT TIT SECTION 1 (s); AND CHANGTITG THE UNIT OF .MEASUREMENT AND REDUCING THE MINIMUM REQ,UIRED IN CERTATIT SUB-SECTIONS OF SECTION 3 (b) , , Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that Ordinance Number 979 amending Ordinance Number 959regulattng the discharge of industrial wastes into the public sewers of the City of West University Place, be approved as reaa. V oting Aye: All, Voting No: None Ordinance Number 978 was presented to the Commission and read in f~l: AN ORDINACE AUTHORIlCING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY SECRETARY TO ATTEST ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF WEST .............--. ~..=nr-- 'f:~~' ~2.-' . ,..-~ ~ 'f ''0\. , JIj""'" 1. ~:........:::r- ~ ~ ~ UNIVERSITY PLACE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF HOUSTON AND THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAQE FOR FROVIDING EMER- GENCY.AMBULANCE SERVICE TO WEST UNIVERSITY' PLACE; STATING THE MATERIAL TERMS OF SUCH CONTRACT; CONTAINING CERTAIN FINDINGS BY THE CITY COMMISSIONERS; FINDING THAT' CURRENT REVENUES ARE AVAILABLE FOR 'THE PAYMENT OF THE FEE OR CHARGE AS PROVIDED BY SAID CONTRACT; APPROVING THE FORM AND 'SUBSTANCE OF THE ATTACHED CONTRACT; 'AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY.. -----, ! ~ Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that Ordinance Number 978 authoriZing the Mayor to execute a contract with the City of Houston for providing emergency service to the City of West University Place be approved as read. V oting Aye: All V oting No: None Assistant City Manager Denny Arnold was requested to report on his tabulation of bids received for furnishing one pickup, truck for use by the city's Humane Officer. . A tabulation of' bids received indicated that the bid sub- mitted by MCMahon Chevr61et of $2,228.70 was low and met the city's speci- fications. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the low bid of $2,228.70 submitted by MCMahon Chevrolet Company for furnish- ing one pickup truck for use of the city;s Humane 'Officer be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ,~~\ The formal resignation of Mrs. Virginia Parks as a member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment cue to her move to Seattle, Washington, was presented to the Commissioner for their consideration. LJ Motion by Commissioner UnderWood, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the resignation of Mrs. Virginia,Parks as a member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment be accepted~ Votin~::Aye: All, Voting No: None The Cormnission was advised that United Displays,::Inc. had completed re- furbishing ~h~ identif~cation cutout letter sign on the City Hall build- ing, but it had been scr~tched during erection. ,Company officials have ad- vised that all scratches will be removed 'after which. the total price of $433.00 will be paid. The following recommendations dated April 21, 1972, submitted by Chief of Police Harold Shipp were presented to the Commission: Due to the increased parking problem since the opening of the Little LeagUe baseball season, I recommend that the north side of University Blvd. be made a "No Parking from 5;00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. zone from a point 20 feet east of the back City Hall property line to College Street. I also recommend the 3800 block of Amherst Street be made a One-Way street east bound, and the 3800 block of Milton Street be made a One-Way street west bound on a permanent basis. 11 L-J We have, also, had a number of bad collisions at the intersection of Robinhood and Westchester Street and I would recommend Stop Signs be erected on Westchester controlling north and south traffic. o C':t CD aJ UJ ~ Q II U o 1): :E"t'"li1'" , '!'\ ' i, ,], .~_ toOL". Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the re- commendation of Chief of Police Harold Ship dated April 21, 1971, be accepted _ and the necessary action taken for implementation of the recommendation. Voting Aye: ,All ,Voting No: None In futherance of a previous conversation of the Commission with regard to cost ~or moving~ees donated by the developers of Greenway Plaza, they were advised that such trees could be moved f.or a cost of $125.00 each, but there were no trees available at this time. The Commissioner was advised that Mr. Mike Ilse of the firm Vernon Henry & Associates would prepsent plans for the landscape development of Wake forest- Carnegie Park at the next regular meeting of the, City Commission and that the Park Board had prepared playground equipment recommendati.ons for their study. Commissioner, Underwood requested that the City Managerprepar.e a report, on bicycle registration and enforcement as well as a progress report on the West University Recycling Center for the next Commission meeting. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on April 10, 1972 were presented to the Commission for consideration" and the following action.taken: Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded,by Commissioner Harris, that the minutes of the regular meeting of. the City Commiss:ion on April 10, 1972 be approved as submitted~ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no furthEr business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried"the meeting adjourned at 9:30p.m. ATTEST: " ' , , ~"~' . '. "..-: " ,'" "';., "', '. Assistant City' Secretary 1\ . ~ " ,11' r- " 'IIr- -1"~ 1~,.Jt!', ". .~.~~W ;m-' L 1 ~ rc _ "J ---------, REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MAY 8,' 1972 " (';- -n {'" ~ J I , _ ,f/" " J, , c..-.....J The City Commission convend in regular session at the City Hall on Monday May 8, 1972, 7:30; p.m., with the following members present: iMayor3Neighbors, presiding; Commissioners Hughes and Underwood. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioners Harris and Wallin were absent. The. invocation was prenounced by CommissionerUnderwoo.d.'" Mr. Frank Worley, 2735 Talbot, appeared before the Commission expressing his displeasure with regard to the inability of citizens to express' them- sBlves during a Commission meeting on items being considered; his belief that the Commissioner agenda should be 'published in a local news mediUm prior to each meeting; and the, difficulty .he had encountered in trying to appear before the Parks and Recreation Board to express his opinions on the development of the Wakeforest-Carnegie park site. Mr. Norman Mahan, Chair- man Qfthe.P.arksandRe~reationBoard, advisedtheC0mmission and Mr. Wor- ley that the next regular meeting of such Board would be on Monday,night, May 15th, arid members would be pleased for Mr.<Worley and any others interest- ed in the city's parks and recreation program to attend. " Mayor. Neighbors ,spent considerable time explaining to,' Mr .', Warley, the pro- cedure followed by the City Commission in conducting each of its meetings; the inadvisibility:of,agenda preparation in sufficient time,for,publication and that all actions and decisions made by the Commission. must be made for the best interest of the majority of the cit~zens. .,.. ~- , , i I LJ In accordance with previous action of the City Commission proposals to per- form the required work for the landscape development of Judson Park were opened and r.esults ,announced as . follows: I' Companv PronosaJ Trees of Houston -.. -. -~. ~-. Urban Space, Inc. Valley Crest Landscape 5,384.55 9,424.66 11,200.00 Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Hughes,that pro- posals received to perform the required work for the landscape development of Judson Park be referred to Mr. Mike Ilse, landscape architect, for exami- - .-.... - - " .- -. nation and to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendatio~. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Carroll Kell of the firm Vernon, Henry & Associates reviewed a layout prepared for the landscape development of the Wakeforest-Carnegie park. Mr. Kell pointed out that plans included the division of the park into areas for all ages and types of activities with trees, groundcover, hedges, and earth berms used as area divisions. 1\ LJ rl LJ tr.3 CJJ OJ t.1J ~ Q II Li [1 :'t...'1~5 , '. '". Jf~... .k Mr. Norman Mahan, 'Chairman of the 'Parksand,'Recreation Board, stated that the ;andscape architects had met with such Board and presented their lay- out and plans for the park's develbpment.'Mr. 'Mahan,furth~r stated that the Park Board was most' impressed with the layour and approved plans pre- pared by the architects. '<c. '~l '; Commissioner Harris arrived at the meeting at this time. After discussion with regard to the need for additional study before a final decision was made' as t6'th~ park development, the City COillmissionaccepted the report of the Park 'Board and the landscape architect. Mr. Ilse was re- quested to secure a price quotation on three6"'caliper trees together with: an estimate:d co'st for- mCrving to the- park, planting and gilaranteedgrbwth for a, period' of one, y,ear. ,,_ , In accordance with pri=vious81ctiori '6ftheCityCo:Ill11lission bias received for furnishing file cabinets and'overheadstorage'units'for use 'in theoffiee of , the City Manager were opened and results announced as follows: ,,;"---.-! . Firni' Total Bfd PRic'e' Business Furrilshings Finger Furniture Fulton' ' , M~yer , Shaw-Walker' Sky-Co 'Stationers Suniland Wilson 1,180.40 1,381.20 1,381.20' 1,381.80 1,480.50 1,352.00 1,114.00 1,381..00 1,618.50 Motion by Co:ininissiOller Hughes, seconded byCornInissloner Harris, that bids received for furnishing fburBrown-Morris file ,cabinets with matching overhead storage units be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation. Following a discussion regarding the~eight to twelve weeks required for delivery of the 'file units the motion by Co:minissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner ~arris, was withdrawn and action tabled until later in the meeting. n., " ;'1 ": ',' Upon invitation, Mr.-'W:arner Strang presented ,a, comprehensive second progress report on the operat'{on 0f the West UniversltyRecyclingCenter.' Complete with graphs'shdwin'g the cuni:uiative 'Part:lcipa'.nts hyweeks,and strirrrnary of collection by weeks, the report indicated that'12.2%of'thefamilypopula- tioD of the city were participating in the program. Mr. Strang stated that plans were being made for another door to ,door advertising program and a pilot curbsidepicKu program. ' The Commission was advised that Operation Spiffy had been a successful project eliminta:r.ntg fromUthe city a total of 71 loads:ofmaterial not usually picked up in the city's regular trash pcik-up operation. A com- parison of cost of Operation Spiffy with the Special Clean-Up campaign con- ducted in 1970 indicated that less loads were removed during Operation Spiffy and at an increased cost due to higher labor costs and dumping fees. r:-------.:'__:::..._________-=~::J:. __ ___----------...:._~,____________:~_1 .l.l..:...Jill.t:" ,:m-c ':-~ c-:: _,.___ ~1 "::~1l\D- .Ii.' .It ~~ A recommendatio:o. 4at.~d M~y 4, ,1972 from the,; Chief ,of Police for the rection of llStop Signsll on Talbot at Annapolis St:reet,. to control ea.st and west 90und traffic was presented to the Commission for' consideration. " ' ' Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissio~er Unde~ood, that the recommendation of the Chief of Police dated May 4, 1972 for the erection of llStop Signsll on Talbot at Annapolis to control east and west bound traffic be approved. ,--, i I I l ~ " . Voting Aye: Al.l '.,\" , Voting Np: None .;, .. I ..' , . c; In a letter dated May 8, 1972 ChiefofP'~lice HaroldShipp advised the~ Commi'ssion that numerous~ complaints had, been received from members, of, the, West University Baptist Church as a result of the ip.stallation of ll,One-Wayll. signs erected on Amherst and Milton Streets in the 3800 block. Chief Shipp req,uested that the Cotnmission consider reversing therdirectionofthese 1l0ne-Way" ,Ettreers, ,as '~pproved on, April 14, ,1972. ~ ~ J' . . . - I , ',' Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner UnderWood, that the recommendation of ' the Chief, of-Police dated May 8, 1972, be accepted and Amherst Street in the 3800 block be made a. '!One-Wayll street going west and the 3800 block of Milton Street be made 1l0ne-Wayll going east. Voting Aye::., All Voting No: None, A lease Agreement Co~tr~ct'between the City of West University Place and Howard's Concessions for the operation of the concession area at the swimming pool for the 1972 season was presented to the Commission for their considera- tion. ~, L-J Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the Mayor" cbe authori,zed to.enter into ',a lease contract with How~rd',s Concessions for the operation of the concession at the swimming pool for a period of one year in accordance with the terms of the contract. Voting Aye: All V oting No: None Ordinance Number..9E39was, pres,enteQ. to t4e Comrni~sion and read in full: : :". AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; ADOPrING THE 1971 EDITION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL,CODE; ~ROVID- ING FOR'THREE (3) CERTIFIEJ) COPIES OF SAID ,CODE TO BE FILED IN THE, OFF,ICE OF 'THE ,CITY :SECRE'rARY;4\NDPRQVID- ING AN EFFECTIVE ,:QATE. . . Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood that Ordinance Number 980 amending Code of Ordinanc~s to adopt the 1971 edition of~the National'Electrical Code be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ii , i , ' L-i o ~ CD a-; t.lJ ~ Q r: r L: o Mayor Neighbors read a Proclamati~n designating the month of May, 1972 as Senior Citizen Month in honor of all residents of the City of West University Place Who have reached,a status of seniority andrespeGt. ro-,' Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded pyCommissioner Hughes, that the Mayor's Proclamation be accepteu:and the month of May designated as Senior Citizen's Month. [ '~ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was . advised that the sign:'machine-purehased onJ~nUairY 24, 1972 from 3-M Company: had. been extensively used ,in making'alltype:~:L of:, st'reet; signs bothfornewinstallations:and.replacements~~'J The Comm.is:sJon was also advised that :the ice: machine purchasedi onJanlla:ry..~4" 1972 was ", functioning quite well and with the advent of hot weather was still p~o~, ducing adequate ice for water used by the service crews. Procedure ,followed by memb.ers ofl,thePolice,LDepartml8nt:,:'fo:r:the enforce- ,ment of the bicycler,egistration ordinanc.e Was, o~tlined for the, Commission inaletter dated May 5, 1972. Assistant City Manager Denny Arnold reported to the Commission that a tabulation o'f the bids: received for furnishing file. "cab;inets.apd:overhead storage units for 'use in the office of, the City Manager showed that Stationers, Inc. was low bidder with a total price ,of $1,114.00. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the bid of Stationers, Inc. for furnishing file cabinets and Qverheadstorage units forus€ in the City,Manager's .officefor:a total'pricgof $:1,1140.00 be accepted., ,c.' . :.:}', Voting Aye: All Voting NO:l'iJone, Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, April 24, 1972 were presented to the Commission andthefollowing,act.ion taken: Motion by Commissione'r UnderWood, seconded by Commissioner ,Harris, tlH,:\,t minutes of ther~gu:larmeeting of the City Commission on Monday, April 24, 1972 be approved as ,submitted. Voting Aye: " All: Vot'ing' No: None --.. . With no further business to come before the Commiss.ion 'at this time; upOJ;l motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. ATTEST: k' (?il~"~ Assistant City Secretary 1"1]' "'1'" " ;", " ,;~' ,,:{Ii: J.. '\.J l . J '?1""1' i t ,t:;. 3t . . ,- ..:~ l. ~. REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MAY 22, 1972 1',.. , . .. . ,~ I 1 L-J " I The City. Commissiol'lconvened in regular, session,at the"City Hall, on Monday, May 8, 1972, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Neighbors, presiding; Commissioners Harri(3, Hughes, UJ?derwood an.d Wallin. The City Attorney:: and City Manager were also present.,!: The invocatton was pronounced by Commissioner Harris, Mr. Jimmy Abell, Chairman of the Volunteer Fire Department, appeared before the Commission :to 1:'eque-st'tha:t members':of' the :Department'c be, granted' season tockers:; to the munic:i.pal' swi:rnm-ing 'poul, f.or themRelves' and,members of,' their families 'on 'a :rro' cost. basis" , Mr. ~AbeJ:l ci t.ed~ :servi.cesrendered by the. De- partme'Iita:nd' Ej.dded ~tha:t ,the tickets :coul:d:b.e' considered as- a:token' of: appre- ciation. After consideration, including reference to the inactive members of the Depar~- mentas 'we1-l, aSI, non-reside'ntmembers;' and any:. d:tstin:etion that should be made witb .regar-d, to' other ,departmentfs of'- the, city ,the' :following: -action was taken: Motion by C9mmissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner, Wallin, that action on the request The deferred for additional study and information. 1'-. - - '- ':.: I..'~-, Voting Aye:: Comissionerc Hughes,;, Vo.ting :No:,' Commissioner Harris : Commis.s ioner ' Wallin :' :,:J Commrs sioner Underwood Mayor Neighbors -\ I Mr. Norman Mahan~ Chairman of the Park~ and Recreation Board, reported to the ~ Commission that aBoard meeting attended by approximately twenty residents living in ,the vicinity of: ,theCarnegie:-Wakef.ores-t Park had resulted in :in- structions to landscape architect Mike Ilse to make another plan, for, thee layout of the park reflecting the desires of the residents. Mr. Mahan further reported that efforts are still being made to obtain. the services of a qualified director for the outdoor summer recreation program. In accordance with instructions of the Ci~y'~o~ission on,kpril 24, 1972, when bids were .;received' for furnishing ,onelnew, dusting ma.chine_,,'for use, in, the, city's insectiCide: control program"'a tabuTatioriand recommendation for pur- chase were presented to the Commission. Inasmuch ,as the bid from Public Health Service Company of San Antonio to furnish the dusting machine for a price of $3,300.00 was the only 'bid received a recommendation fox ~urcnase and re- tention of the present machine to be used for replacement parts was pre- santed to tne Co:inini,ssion. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that Public Health Service Company of San Antonio be awarded the bid for furnishing one dusting machine fqr~heir bid price of $3,.300.00~ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on May 15, 1972 were presented to the Commission for their information. In response to a ques- tion by Commissioner Underwood with regard to the minutes of the meeting on April 17, 1972, the Commission was advised that clarification would be ob- tained from the Board. It was also noted that the Board had been advised of i-j I LJ o t'2 CD ~ UJ Q Q [ [1 ~ li',;.:h' II' :'. ..."':' :'; , .... ." I, ..... .'. ,/ . the, pas,sage .of, an Ordinance adopting the1971,e<lit:i,ori of. the National' ''-:, Electric,al Code ,arid that three copies . were on: file in ',the, office of the,' City Secretary for reference. The Commission was advised that the motor purchased for Water Well No. 5 hadbeen received, :ninstalled and the well put .back':j.mto operation. The repo.r,t submitted ',showed :that the :well is now 'producing 2-;169 gpm as com-, pared with 1,520 gpm produced ub 1971. ' Application andCertific1ttefor 'Payment Number 5, in the amount of $3,.097.14 prepared by archite'cts Wahlberg and,Morales for payment to Paramount Contract- ing Inc. for ,the work"done during the period ApriL 1st to May 1st on the City Hall remodeling project, were presented to the Commission'for:cc:5n-' sideratio.n. -:~ \ Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the Application and Certificate sybmit.ted by.Wahlbergand'Morales in ,the 'amount of $3,097.14 ,for payment' to"Faramo1int Con'tractirig, 'Inc. be approved for pay- ment;, . Voting 'Aye:' All' Voting 'No: None An invoice in the amount of $500.00 representing final payment to Caudill, Rowlett and Scott for the preparation 'of a planning 'report, was presented to the Commission for consideration. The Commission was advised that the Zoning and Planning Commission had recommended payment of the invoice upon receipt of corrected maps, errata and addenda which have now been included in the planning report. Motion by ,'Commissioner' Harris, seconded by 'Commissioner, Hughes, that the invoice in:the'amount of $500~OOto .Caudil:t, Rowlett ,and SCbtt, be approved for payment in accordance with the recommendation of the City's Zoning and Planning ,Commission and ,City ,Manager. Voting Aye: .. A~l V oting No: None Following a discussion with regard to use, distribution and cost of the report it was the'decis.i6'n of'the Co_ss'ion to :starrip all copies with' i the statement 'prepared by, the Zoning and Planning Commission as follows: "This study was authorized by the City Commission at the reg,uest of the Zoning and Planning Commission and was prepared for use as an aid to the Zoning and Planning Commission., "The :study was'not intended to be' and has not been adopted as a city plan." The Commission furtherdecidEfithat a joint meeting be hel<ii wi th,.the members of the !loning:aild'Planning', Commission for the purpose of establishing procedures for the public distri- bution and charges for copies of the report. l' ~ . .~ In accordance with previous authority granted by the Co:m.nfi'ssic5n for the City Attorney to engage the services of an assistant in the preparation of trial documents for ,the, case of Fidelity Land and Trust Company vs. City , of West University Place"an invoice in the amount of. $603'.15-, submitted by Kelley, Ryan and Merrill was presented to the Commission for approval. , ! i ---------'-' :L............. -' -.-1[" :. ::t:I JII L " 1.L: __,_____1 1;}:'1lfO' J1.6.t:~U. Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the invoice ,in the,..amount, ,of' ~$603.15 -submitted, by, the firm 'of'Kelley, ~Ryan: and Merrill for services "render-ed,to the, Oi ty ,Att'orney -be':approved fOT ,=payment. Ii Voting Aye: All Voting No: None u .,', A letter dated May 19,1972, from City Attorney Charles :Cockrell wherein he advised ,the Commission ,of "his, :willingness .torepIlesent' :the' City in the City of Houston vs. City of West UniversitY.Place suit in-regard to,theco:Q.demna- tion of property on Ed.loe Street on a non-contingency basis for a fee of $4,,000.00 was "presented to the Commission for'considerati6n~ I The City Attorney was instructed .-to prepaIlea ,Re'solution ,engaging'his :ser- ,; , vices,on,anc5n:-,contingencybas,is:for a;f'ee ,of $4,000,.00 to, represent :the City in the Edloe property condemnation suit with the City of Houston,' for presentation to the Commission at its next regular meeting June 12, 1972. The Commiss:ion was advised tha,tKurtz Cons,tru-e,tion ,Company would begin excavation i'or ,the construction of the Weiit' and Judson Park tennis ,courts on Tuesday, May 23rd, inasmuch as the ground was now dry enough to do so. Following a discussion with regard to the need for 'the erection of chain link fences around the tennis courts, motion by Commissioner Wallin, se- conded by Commissioner Underwood, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise fO,r bids on the necessary fence and ga.tes 'to be 'erected around ' each,of the new 'tennis courts. Voting Aye: All ~ Voting No: None The Commission was advised that members of the Police Department would commenCe inspectihgbicycles 'andissuing licenses 'on Saturdays beginning May 27th from 10:00 a.m. until '12:00 p.m. and 'from 1:00 'p.m. to 3:00 p~I]i. u J.. i__. ., :'.t t A resume of the educational program for _the Polic~"Departme.ritw.as,pre8ent- ed to the Commission for their information, together with a letter from Sgt. Davey expressing his appreciation for being able to attend, a course on Police Administration and Management at Texas A&M University. A letter dated May, 18, 1972 'from.City,:Engineer TomJ6nes ,submitted, his" resignation ,from the service of the cityef'fective Juhe15, 1972 was presented 'to the Commission. In accordance .with;prev.ious action o,f the ',City.; ,Commission a tabulation of bids received.:for.the .tedevelopmentof' ,Judson. Park;:Lnd a recommendation from landscape architect Mike 1lse .wa:s ,pre,sented to the 'OoIrimission for,considera- tion: Firm Total Bid Price Trees of Houston Urbap Spce, Inc. ValleyCres,t ,Landscape 5,384.55 9,294.66 11,632.00 . I. il I I LJ Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the recommendation of landscape architect Mike 1lse be accepted and Mayor o tf2 CD ~ UJ ~ Q [ [I ~ ,1;2:11 Neighbors authorized to enter into a contract with Trees of Houston to redevelop Judson Park'at their bid. price of $5,384.55 and that action on the procurement of a dead tree and larger shade trees be deferred pending further study. Voting Aye: All' Voting No: None A request was made to rent a Grade-All to roggh grade the earth berms at Judson Park after all the dirt received from the storm sewer construction on Newcastle has been delivered. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the City Manager be authorized to rent a Grade-All at an approximate cost of , $200.00 per day for the purpose of rough grading the earth berms to be located in Judson Park. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Neighbors advised the Commission that Mrs. Lee Lockard had completed a four-year certification program for city clerks and secretaries and had received her Certificate of Graduation designating her as a R~gistered Professional Clerk in the State of Texas in exercised held in Denton, Texas on April 20, 1972. Upon the suggestion of Commissioner Don Harris, Mr. Norman Mahan, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board was instructed to have the Board consider and submit suggestions to the City Commission for an official name for the new Carnegie-Wakeforest'Park. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, May 8, '1972 were presented to the Commission and the following action.taken: Motion by Commissioner Hughes,'seconded by Commissioner Ha.rris, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, May 8, 1972, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion 'duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:58',' p.m. ATTEST: , Xlv, ;4J~ Assistant City Secretary ~-- j -- r ~-~'----_. j-----' ,,-=m::: -w: 'I:"'~:" 2~ ,~ ,- ,~ . REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION ," JUNE: 12,' 1972~'" ' " !j , , , The City Commission conv~ned'~in:r~gUl~rs'ession':a't th~ City Hall on Monday, June 12, 1972, 7:30 p.m, with the following members present: Mayor pro-tern Wallin, presiding,;, ..Commissioners Harris and Underwood. The ,qity A~torney and City Manager were also present. ' i -4 LJ '., . l .. I' .' . ',' . . . ~. ., ~. The Inv?cation was p~onouriged by Mayor pr~-tem Wall~n. Mr. Jimmy Abell, Chairman of the Volunteer Fire :De:partrrie'nt,ap~eared 'before'the Commission to answer q,uestipns raised, by membe~s of the ,C,ommiss~on at its regular meeting on: May 22nd wJienaction was de,ferred ,on,!3, :r'e(i'uest: j~hat: rriemb.er's of the West Univer~ity Fir~Departmerit be 'provided w;i~h s"easo):l t'i,c){ei;;'s :to' the Mhhicipal Swimming Pool on a no-charge basis. Mr. Abell stated that ,this, was the first request of this na~~re made by members of the Department in ten years; that the granting of the requestcbu1d be con- sidered ,,8;, tolfan of appreciation for the exc,e~ent .service rendered by the De- partmen~'; ::tha;t other, Cl tydep,artments,do not, serve on. a ,,~w.enty-four hour' on-call basis; andaiso,p~~s~nte~ a ,schedule showingtheDepar~ment's, point system to indicate.the activity. of all ~empers of the Department. After discussion with regard to the request made by members of.the Volunteer' Fire Department fpr, free swi~~n.g po~l fle~~oni;;t~~~ts and, the establishment of a precedent" tl;te, following 'a.ct;ion was taken by :the C:i;1;;yCornrn;ission : . . . -- ~ ., . j ", . . . ! , , , Motion by Commissioner Underwood, as the request was a deviation of all people of tpe,c.it.y" tl;tat ,~ucl: , Voting Aye: ,All, , ~ Mr. Frank Billings; 2707'Quenby, served as spokesman for a group' of ,residents to request action be taken to prohbit residents from paving the 'entire front yard area of th~ir pro~~rty for use as legal parking space ~or,vehicles. City Attorney Chrles Cockrell stated that present provisions state that no vehicle may be parked oI,l.any ,lot""zoI:1;ed fQ;r.,resic;l,en,ti8:-+ u~e ~nthe city , except on the improved driveway onsa~d,lot' or :i,n tI.J.Ei :,gar1jl.ge, loc~ t.ed' <?rlsuch lot and' that study' should be given to changing the provisions'. ,,' , , Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the City Manager pedirected, to ,consult with the City Attorney and Zoning and, Planning Commission'to"pre,pare"a recommendation for changllng the Zoning Ordi- nance with regard to parking vehicles beyond the front building line of resi- " , dences, for submission to the City Commission at its regular meeting on July'lOth. V oting Aye: All Voting No: None It was further decided that any persons seeking a permit for such paving be advised that even though the permit is granted there is a possibility that such paved area may not be used for the purposes intended inasmuch as the matter is now under study for prohibition of such use. ;'J , I , I \ I '--------' o ~ CD ~ UJ Q Q o D In accordance with previoup action of the Ci~YCommission bids received for furnishirigfencing requirements for the tennis courts Ipcated at Judson and Weir Parks were opened. and results announced I,lS follows: Bidder Judson Park Weir Park Allied Fence Company 1,696.00 1,382.00 Cyclone Fence Company 1,840.00 1,260.00 Houston Fence Company 2,520.00 850.00 HurricaneFence Company 1,886.00 1,104.00 Southwestern Fence Company 2,328.00 1,830.00 ~";A' ;l1S1. <i i ~ . ...; " '". ... <;" ::<'~ Total 3,078.00 3,100.00 3,370.00 2,990.00 4,158.00 Action to award bids on the tennis court fences was deferred until later in the meeting. In accordance with bids received on March 16, 1972:~ for furnishing 300' of red- wood or western cedar fence for erection on the east and north sides of Carnegie- Wakeforest park, a recommendation was made that a contract be awarded to Hous-Texa Fence Company on their low bid of $1,328.00 for furnishing western cedar because of cost and maintenance factors. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissjoner Harris, that the low bid of Hous-Texas Fence Company be accepted provided that the fence bid does not contain knots and the company will furnish a one yearguarantee~ Motion amended by Commissioner Underwood to instruct the City Manager that if he cannot obtain a firm committment from Hous-Tex,Fence Company for a one year guarantee and a: fence 'free. :bf knots that he get the. best price to provide a high quality fence free of knots with a one year guara~tee, and that such price be limited to the high bid received of $1,434.00. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Norman Mahan, Chairman of the ?arks and Recreation Board, advised the Com- , ~ . . mission that Mr. Mike Ilse, landscape architect, had revised the layout for Carnegie-Wakeforest Park and such plans would be presented tothePa~k Board and any interested citizens at their regular meeting on Monday , June 19th. Mr. Mahan also advised the Commission that members of the Board werEil}eonsidering appropriate .names for the Carnegie-Wakeforest Park and that plans 'plans for an outdoor summer recreation program had been abandoned inasmuch as the, Board had been unsuccessful in its attempts to employ a director. The Commission was advised that the south side of the tennis court at Sup.set Park had been determined to be the best location for the construction of a half-size basketball court and that minimum standards and cost estim~tes would be secured for presentation to the Commission. Resolution Number 72-9 was presented to the Commission and read in full: r- ,t ] 11.-'--' :,', :1:~2: \4" . -.~ ,;~ . :.-- . '- . . ...: " WHEREAS, in the year 1970 the City of 'Houston commenced negotiations with the City of West University Place for the acquisition of 0.9603 acres of land out of Lot 1 of the A. T. Morris Subdivision, A. C. Reynolds Survey, Abstract 61, Harris County, Texas; and n u WHEREAS, the amount offered by the City of Houston as payment for such land was found to be grossly inadequate by the City of West Univer- sity Place, and it was determined to be in the best 'interest of the city and its residents that the, offer of the City of Houston be re- fused; and WHEREAS, thereafter in March, 1971, the City of Houston caused an emi- nent domain proceeding to be filed in the County Civil Court at Law #2, Harris County, Texas, seeking to condemn said property for use for highway purposes; and WHEREAS, said matter is a contested action now appearing as Cause #191196 in the County Civil Court at Law #2, Harris County, Texas and Charles F. Cockrell, Jr. has filed the necessary pleadings to 'preserve the rights of the City of West University Place in such pro- ceedings; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place recognizes that the time and effort needed to be spent in represent- ing the city in this legal proceeding is over and beyond the normal duties of the office of City Attorney; and ] WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to employ Charles F. Cockrell, Jr. to represent the city in said proceeding and to compensate him for such representation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; Section 1. That Charles F. Cockrell, Jr. is hereby employed and authorized to represent the: City of West University Pla~e, Texas in Cause #191196, City of Houston vs City of West University Place, County Civil Court at Law #2, Harris County, Texas. Section 2. That said Charles F. Cockrell, Jr. shall be paid in , accordance with the minimum fee schedule of the State Bar of Texas, the amount of $4,000.00. Section 3. That said sum shall be compensation to said attorney for services rendered heretofore in this matter and for services to be hereafter rendered up to and including a final judgement in the trial court. ' Section 4. Payment of the amount herein specified shall be made from the Water-Sewer Fund wherein the proceeds received from the City of Houston in connection with said property have been heretofore de- posited. o t\"1l'fZ'J, .-'~{~t.J,~}~ PASSED AND APPROVED this 13th day of' June, 1972, A. D. r Co~issioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: /s/ Paul W.Wallin Jr. Mayor Pro-Tem All None ATTEST: ','/s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary ~ ~, '0: ~ A {i::.l MOTION'BY Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, thatt Resolution Number 72-9 employing City Attorney Charles Cockrell to re- present the City of West University Place in its suit with the City of Houston with regard to the condemnation of 0.9603 acres of land on Edloe, be approved as read, withth~ addition thereto that the $4,000.00 fee shall be paid from the Water-Sewer Fund wherein the proceeds received from the City of Houston in connection with such property have been deposited. Voting Aye: 'All Voting No: None A proposal from Carter Rochell Asso,Ciates for the preparation of an Annual Report for the city consisting of twelve 8 1/2 x.ll pages with approximately sixteen photographs in two colors, at an estimated cost of $1,200.00 for printing and $1,500.00 for all other services,. was pre- sented to the Commission for consideration. I ~ .' ,- Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the proposal submitted by Carter Rochelle Associates fo~ preparation of' an Annual Report be approved. . ' , , , Voting Aye: All Voting No': None The Commission was advised that a request had peen received fO:r the lease of the one story wood frame building at the corner of the city's Wakeforest-Milford Street property for a fee of $100.00 per month for the storage of electrical parts. and ma,terials. Motion by Commissioner Harris, second~d by C~mmissismer Underwood, that the City Manager be directed to prepare a lease for the property on Wakefore~ and Milford S.treetswi t:tJ. Read Elect,ric Company on the basis of $100.00 per month rental on a Inpnth-to,~month bas is, with a thirty day cancellation provision and that the Mayor be authorized to execute such lease on behalf of. the city provided Read Electric Company can fur- nish evidence of insurance coverage satisfacto:Jyto the city attorney and that exces_sive vehicle parking be prohibited. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A recommenda;tiorl:ror the purchase o,f 400 I of 4" fire hose for which there is available the' sum' of $1,0'50.'00' in the 1972' budget, was presented to the Commission for consideration. 1-' I i i I , I Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the recommendation of' the City Manager for the purchase of' 400' of' 4Jl ~~---- I~~_----':=---__._____JII _ _ -:,--'::~~~,__________~_j---' :j~J.JC::-. >l"~!'C (} , 'c}; ,~ r;,\. -: ~ . .~ . . fire hose be approved and bids received on July 10, 1972. 'I Voting Aye: All Voting No: None An invoice in the amount of $897.30 submitted by Bernard Johnson, Inc. for services performed in connection with the city's proposed storm sewer improvements was submitted to the Commission with,arecommendation that it be paid and that action on the $363.78 balance shown on the Weslayan Sewer project be withheld pending further clarification. '~ Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted for payment of $852.75 to Bernard Johnson~ Inc. for engineering services in connection with storm sewer improvements and the invoice be paid, and that pay- ment of $363.78 for engineering services, on the Weslayan Sewer pro- ject be withheld. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Assistant City Manager Denny Arnold presented brochures showing possible selections of additional furniture requirements for use in the City Hall together with sample chairs for possible use in the Council Chamber. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the City Manager be instructed to prepare specifications for addi- tional furniture for use, in the City Hall and advertize for bids to be received on July 10, 1972. -I ~ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised by the City Manager that Southwestern Bell Telephone Company is in the process of remodeling their building and were desirous of having the 6700 block of Academy closed during con- struction for easier operation of construction equipment as well as safety for both employees' and residents. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commiss'ionerUnderwood, that the 6700 block of Academy Street be closed for a period of July 1, 1972 until October 3i, 1972, for constrUction purposes and that the necessary barricades and 'safety devices be erected. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A recommendation dated June 12,1972 from the Chief of Police re- commending that the south side of Cason Street ,from Fairhaven Street to West Point Street and the west side of West Point Street from Ruskin Street to Bellaire Boulevard be made a "No Parking - 8:00 a.m. to 4:30,p.m." zone due ,to the tr:affic hazard caused by Southwestern Bell Telephoneerripioyees. Mo~ion'by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the recommendation of the Chief of Police be accepted and that the south side of Cason Street from Fairhaven Street to West Point and the 'I I \~ it.' :~:~ . /!?IJ. .~,~ [J west side of West Point Street from Ruskin Street to Bellaire Boule- vard be made a "No Parking - 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.1t zone and the necessary signs be erected. Voting Aye: All V oting No: None A review of the bids received for furnishing necessary chain link fence for in-stallatipn around the Judson and Weir Park tennis courts indicated that Allied Fence Company had submitted the low bid of $1,696.00 for the Judson Park fence and Houston Fence Company submitted the low bid of $850.00 for the Weir Park fence, and that Hurricane Fence Company submitted a low combined bid of ~2,900.00. cr; ~ 0:. t.LJ ~ o Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the low bid of $1,696.00 submitted by Allied Fence Company be accepted for the Judson Park fence and the $850.00 bid of Houston Fence Company on the Weir Park fence be accepted, but in the event that the bids do not meet specifications; or are in error;., or will,llot be acCepted on a per park basis;' that the bid be awarded to HurricaneFenceCompany on their low combined bid price of $2,990.00 Voting Aye: All Voting No: None r ! Commissioner Harris requested the City Manager to take necessary action to have the 2800 block of Carnegie cleaned up and the high weeds and grass cut. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, May 22, 1972 were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, May 22, 1972 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further action to come before the Commission at this time, upon action duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. ~.'X2~ Assistant City Secretary ATTEST: n I~ t';:t8' REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JUNE 26, 1972 The City Commission convened in regular session at' the City Hall on Monday, June 26, 1972, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Neigh- bors, presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes, Underwood and Wallin. The City Attorney and, City Manager were also present. [: I U The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Underwood. I ' , ,I Mr. John Whisenhunt, 2721 Cason, appeared::,before the Commission to state his opposition to 'the creation of earth berms in the proposed layout of Carnegie-Wakeforest Park' Mr. Whisenhunt stated that it was, in .his opinion, an extrvagant use of valuable property and if the berm was desired it should be placed at the north end of the park adJacent to the tot lot portion of the park. Mrs. Linda Blanton advised the Commission that 'she was 'quite concerned about the lack of a fence around the park. Mrs. Blanton stated that she and others in the area, were fearful that children would run into the street with nothing to stop them. She further stated that stop ,signs or other traffic controls should be erected at the park site. It was further stated by Mrs. Blanton that if possible, a stop sign'should be erected at Arbuckle as.wellas Carnegie and W keforest be~ause of the fast, heavy traffic, or as an alternate erect 15 MPH signs and Children at Play signs. Mrs. Blanton was advised that her recommendation would be passed on to the Chief of Police who is charged with the responsibility of recommending all traffic, controls: in the, ci ty. ' :' ,--------' , I I~ Mr. Carroll Kell of Vernon Henry and Associates, presented a layout showing the landscape development proposal of Carnegie-Wakeforest park explaining all of the changes that had been made in the original layout in compliance with' the requests received from citizens in the area and members of the Parks and Recreation Board. Mr. Norm~n Mahan, Chairman of theParks'and Recreation Boad, stated that it was thought by members of the Board that the layout was very good and that most of the suggestions of the residents were included without making any big sacrifices. Mr. Kell stated that plans had not progressed to the point where plans and speci'fica-tions" with specific recommendations for planting, had been pre- pared, but would commence after approval of the basic layout for the park. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the re- commendation of the Park Board be accepted and the landscape development plans submitted by Vernon Henry and Associates be accepte,d with the addition of the recommended fence. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None' , ' Mr. 'N'0Tman'Mahan, 'Gha-lillma:n C<D1f -!.Bhe }Parks 'and Recrea-tt.f1'iDn :B.0.a1t'((iJ." ~tr';eis:ent'a0.=" -the Co.rnm.i'ssion ~ii:th: ~a '1'e1tlt-~::; advisci-Bg- that it' wa'sthe ,Board t s recommendat-ioB that ~w0Tone-half~~zesili~~ket~al~ ~ourts ~~ constructed at the southwest cornet of Weir Park. !I l~ ~ f': C& c: w ~ 'c:. Ci [ L IJ;~' fI' -'.. ~i'~~{Jtx. Mo~ionbyCommissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Board be accepted and two one- h~lf 'siz~ Cbasketball courts be constructed in the southwest corner of Weir Park. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A second~ l~tter from the Park Board presented by Mr. Mahan stated that plans for an outdoor recreation program,had beencanc~lled,for the 1972 season; that budget recommendations and organizational recommendations would be sub- mitted to the Commission on July 14th and that plans for the 1973 recreation program should be made in January, 1973. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on June 19, 1972, were presented to the Commission for their information. Mayor Neighbors stated that he would like to ~all a special workshop meeting of the City Commission for Monday, July 17, 1972 for the purpose of interviewing prospective members to serve on the Zoning Board of Adjustment, and the city's "Plumbing Board. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment were pre- sented to the Commission for their :information. It was noted that t~e appli- cations considered by such board was a request to enclose an existing 21' x 7' front porch. Following a discussion with regard to what constitutes a fully enclosed porch, the following action was taken by the City Commission: Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the City Manager, City Attorney, Building Inspector and Zoning and Planning Commissioner prepare a recommendation for an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance with regard to a definition of an enclosed front porch. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None An invoice in the amount of $6,030.00 from Robert W. Kurtz Company, Inc, re- presenting billing for 60% completion of construction of tennis courts in the Judson and Weir Parks, was presented to the Commission for consi~eration. It was noted ~hat the total amount of the contract was $11,169.00, leaving a bal- ance of $5,139.00 to be paid upon final completion of the project. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the re- commendation of :the City Manager be accepted and the invoice for $6,030.00 sub- mitted by Robert W. Kurtz and Company, Inc. for 60% completion of the con- struction of the laycoldtennis courts at Judson and Weir parks be approved for payment. Vot ing Aye: All Voting No: None An invoice from the Garner Company in the amount of $845.00 representing costs of drapes installed in the City Hall was presented to the Commission for their consideration. It was noted that this amount had been deducted from the con- tract with Paramount Contracting Company for their remodeling project in order that delivery of the drapes could be expedited. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner:Harris, that the r_ ~~r----:~ J.:=...:.:~~~----------,__J~ ~r "'t"'!""() .-- - ~. - -. .:. ;.:. ':~ ~ ,; invoice in the amount of $845.00 submitted by the Garner Company for furnish- ing drapes used in the City Hall be approved for payment. V oting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 72-10 was presented to the Commission and:read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has funds invested in three (3) Certificates of Time Deposit with the University State Bank, Houston, Texas, maturing as follows: Certifieate~:c#4~4g~.L$:hlS39000608 bcJV1aturtng~J:111y ,2; ,:>'lg72 Certificate #4306 - $117,360.00 - Maturing July 7, 1972 Certificate $4350 - $123,327.50 - Maturing July 24, 1972 WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to invest the city's funds to earn additional income, and it is therefore determined prudent to authorize re- investment of these certain sums of money. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVER- SITY PLACE~ TEXAS: That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to invest available funds not needed for current operation, said funds to be invested in Certificates of Time Deposit, University State Bank and a Savings and Loan Association, in the amount and period of time as 'set forth below: $100,00.00 for a period of one year at an interest rate of. 6% annum. $147,000.00 for a period of one year at an interest rate of , 6% per annum. $90,000.00 for a period of ninety (90) days at an interest rate of 5.25% per annum in a Savinggand Loan Association. PASSED AND APPROVED this 26th day of June, 1972, A. D. Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: /g/ ~ohn N NpighhOTg Mayor All None ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Resolution Number 72-10 be approved with the amendment that the $90,000.00 available for investment for a ninety (90) day period be placed with a Savings and Loan Association at a interest rate of 5.25%. V oting Aye: All Voting No: None ~ I j i i '------.J 1.;: I I ~ ---\ i i , ; '----" [' cr: c& a: w ~~ Q Ii I ' U " ri i I i I '---.J ,'f\~ T '~ i ,lrd)'A In reply to a question with"regard__tothe status of the suit filed against the City of Houston in connection with the condemnation of property located on Edloe Street, the City Attorney advised that it should be set for the fall term. A letter received from-the Houston-Galveston Area Council expressing its pleasure with the City of West University ~astewater treatment facility grant in the amount of $56,420 was presented to the Commission for their information.' In response to a question with regard to the status of the annual report the Commission was advised that two conferences had been held with representatives of Carter Rochelle Company and plans had been made to take pictures later in the week. Inasmuch as the use of PVCpipe in certain applications comes under the juris- diction of the Plumbing Board and action on such use was postponed pending the appointment of a full Plumbing Board. - Mayor Neighbors announced that Mrs. Gertrude Ramsey, wife of former Mayor Homer L. Ramsey had passed away on Friday, June 23, 1972 and that a Memorial Service was to be held at St. Andrew1s Presbyterian Church at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 27th. The City Manager advised the Commission that he had discussed the $850.00 <bid of Houston Fence Company for the installation of the fence around the tennis court at Weir Park and had ,been assured by company representatives that the fence could be erected and would meet all specifications. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Ci tyCornrnission .' on Monday, June 12, 1972 were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Wallin; seconded by COmmissioner Harris, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, June 12,1972, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to 'come' befo-re the Commission at' this time,' upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. ATTEST: ~ ~&J/~ Assistant City Secretary 1. ....- ,,;....: r -~_._.., :~----'.l!l__ ~~ g~o~ L.a. A , REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JULY, 10. 1972. ---.., The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, July 10, 1972, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Neigh- bors, presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes and Underwood. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Wallin was absent. i I LJ The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Neighbors. ,J" Mr. Don Myers, 2619 Robinhood,appeared before the Commission with a number of area residents to again protest the actions of owners of the property at 2711 ~uenby.in paving their front yard for parking of vehicles and to advise that such owner had moved one side of the fence on his property. Mr. Myers was advised that the Zoning and Planning Commission, City Attorney and City Commission were giving consideration to methods of controlling the parking of vehicles in front of property building lines and that fences may be erected on property ,lines ,if in compliance w~th the -regulations governing constr,uction and erection of fences. , , Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on , June 27th were presented to the Commission. Mr. Gene Hines, Chairman, re- viewed the ~ecommendations of the Commission with regard to circular drive- ways, and the use of hard surfaced material for covering front yards. Mr. Hines stated that an ordinance, could ,be enacted controlling the radius of circular driveways, driveway width and the distance between curb cuts in order to preclude construction of circular driveways on minimum size lots. Mr. Hines further stated' that problems could occur even though vehicles were excluded from parking beyond the front building line 'inasmuch as driveways were permitted on the property l:ime with, the ,adjacent residence a minimum of three feet from such-prqperty line, thereby blocking the free distribution of air and the creation of a possible fire hazard. ,'------' i I I L......J Mr. Hines was advised that members of the City Commission ~ould give consi- deration to all phases of the problem as well as to the recommendations of the Zoning and Planning Commission prior to, instructing the C,ity Attorney to pre- pare an ordinance.. ,,' I In accordance with previous action ,of the City furnishing 400' '~=\, ~", ~:t~el '~ose y~s'. opened and , I \ -' \ . - Feet Commission bids received for results announced as follows: Bidder Brand Name Price per Ft. Total Bid Price Claude Wright & Assoc. 400 Houston Fire & Safety Co. 400 Fabri-S.pu~ , Snap-Tit,e:' , 3, '~'45 I , f . . 1,380.00 1,160.00 Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that bids received for furnishing 400' of 4" fire hose be referred to the City Manager and Fire Chief for tabulation and recommendation. , . ,- Voting Aye: All Voting No: None (1 I ( I i i L.., The Commission was advised by the City Manager that excellent fire hose re- cords are maintained by members of the Fire Department and would be ayailable for inspection if so desired. [' r; <J: ~ t.L! C::4 Q [ [J 1: .t~~: tIi , .n>~t1 Motion by Commissioner Underwood, secbndedby CbmmissionerHUghes, that bids received for furnishing miscellaneous' furniture items for use'in the City Hall be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A breakdown of in:voices received froin Layne' Texas Company for repairs made to" Water Well Nos. 3, 5 and 6, was presented to the Commission witha,recommendation that the $4,560.62 charged for a new pump and $1~514~74 charges over the amount of ordinance appropriation be withheld pending clarification of freight charges and crew standby time~ 0 ' ' Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that Layne Texas Company be paid a total of $17,102.00 for-repairs made to Water Well Nos. 3, 5 and 6, with the additional charges of $4,560.62 for a new 8-stage pump and $1,514.74 over the appropriated'amountbe'withh~ld for'further clari- fication. I ' , Following a discussion with regard to the necessity of appropriating additional funds to :complete payment to Layne Texas Company'upon clarlficatlon of the charges, Commissioner Harris amended his motiori, seconded by Commissioner Hughs, that Layne Texas Company be paid the $16,500 provided for repairs to wells and motors in the 1972 Budget, and the entire balance be paid after all charges have been clarified. ' ' 'Votin'g Aye:' All' . ' Voting Wo: None An invoice in the amount of $624.00' representing the City of' West University's share of the cost for services by the Texas Munfcipal League was presented to the Commiss'ion. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the in- voice from the Texas Municipal League in the amount of $624.00' for the city's share of the cost for services be approved. Voting Aye: All . Voting No: None Ordinance Number 981 was presented to the Commission and read in full. "~T,ioE_ l:y CoI!1A1NSGImBANCE!~~G~;THEJ.\1iE€.ESSITt OFfC,Q,U:;Q:{j;[\fG;,;G;EE.;r~~':i1aJ:lce =~i,nlber 98l LAND BY THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY 'PlACE; TEXAS: 'AUTHORIZING THE. DISBURSAL OF THE' SUMOF'$6,500.00AS CONSIDERATION FOR PURCHASE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 36, COLONIAL TERRACE ADDITION; AUTHORIZING THE DISBu;RSAL OF SUCH FUNDS AS ARE NECESSARY TO COVER CLOSING COS1'S_.IJ,\T SUCH PURCHASE; ASSUMING RESPON- .SIBILITY FOR PAYMENT OF 1972 An VALOREM TAXES; CONFIRMING AND RATIFYING THE ACTION ,OF THE MAYOR IN THE EXECUTION OF AN EARNEST MONEY CONTRACT'IN THE ACQ,UISITION OF SUCH PRO- PERTY AND PROVISING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissionenr Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that Ordinance Number 981 authoriszing the purchase of Lot 1, Block 36, Colonial Terrace Addn. for a consideration of $6,500.00 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ,"" :j............... ..l=nr-: . i r- ~:t;;3;4 City Attorney Charles. Cockrell advised. ,the Commissionthat..Mr. Robert Hewlett of the Bunny Show Club had made application for a city secretary's certifica- tion of his late hours permit and subsequent to his failure to secure such certification had filed an application for a mandamus requiring the certifi- cation. Mr. Cockrell stated that the order of the court required that the certification include that the City of West University,Place's ordinance pro- hibi ts the consumption of alcoholic beverage" between the hours of 12: 00 mid - ' night and 2:00 a.m. and he was confident that the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission woUld not issue a license under s'lichcircumstance,/o I , I :-.-J The Commission was advised that in accordance with previous i~structions an auction had been held on Saturday, July 8th with very little results. After general discussionfuj;; 7was th~eGlecd,si0n+o:f:::..tp-~ Commission to hold another auction later in the year when more bicycles would,be available. Mayor Neighbors advised the Commission that he had contacted Mr. Roger Wright, Mr. Everett Furley, and Mr. Claude Morton and all had agreed to serve as m~mbers of the city's Personnel Board. Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Mr. Roger Wright, 2805 Georgetown, Mr. W. E. Furley, 4102 Milton,. and Mr. Claude Morton, 3103 Georgetown, be appointed to serve on the city's Personnel Boad. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Neighbors advised the CiL ty Manager, ,Mr. Whitt I Johnson, that it was his pleasure on behalf of all former City Commissions and citizens of the City of West University Place to offer congratulations, on the completion of his twenty five years service with the City and, announced that a reception would be 'held in his honor at the Community Building on Sunday afternoon, July 16th at 4:00 p.m. ~l I i ! , , ~ Minutes of the regular ~eeting of the City Commission on Monday, June 24, 1972, were presented to the Commission and the, following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on June 24, 1972, be approved with the correction of PVC pipe. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None .. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and 'carried, the meeting adjourned at_ 8:43p.m. ; ATTEST: ~.;Z];~~/OA~ Assistant City Secretary ( I i \ \~ [l Cl?' W (j; t:r-1 ::.::. 0. o I' ! i L L_, 1Z"5 ,. \,,:. '~'.'.' .-.. ,:J _ " '_'..~ . . . . . , , REGULAR MEETING-OF CITY COMMISSION , juLY ,24,1972 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, July 24, 1972, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Neigh- bors, presiding; Commissioners 'Harris, Hughes, Underwood and Walliri~ The City Manager was also present. The City Attorney was out of the city on vacation. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Harris. Mr. Robert Sprague of Bernard Jo~nson Incorporated, advised the Commission that plans and specifications for reconstruction dfthe sanitary sewer fad... lities, including the replace/~~n~pproximately 650 feet of 10-inch gravity line, a lift station, and approximately 750 feet of 10-inch force man, had been approved by the Texas Water Quality Board and the Environmental Protec- tion Agency with no exceptions. The Commission was advised that the City should be prepared to fund approximately 50% of the $100,000 project on the, basis of 25%,' 50% and 75% completion until proceeds' from the grant offer are received. Mr. Sprague advised that the project should be completed in approximately five months and bids should be received as soon as possible. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the City Manager ,be authorized to advertise for 'bids t'6be rece'ived at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 17, 1972, for furnishing all labor, materials and equip- ment and performing all work required for the construction of sanitary sewer +ines, a lift station and relat'ed equipment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Carroll Kell of Vernon Henry & Associates and Mr. Norman Mahan, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board, presented the final plans for the landscape , development of Carnegie-Wake forest Park to the City Commission for their study and consideration. The Commission was advised that a desirable location had been found at Weir Park for the construction of a 1/2 size basketball court and that necessary materials for such construction would cost approximately $1,600.00, the most expensive item being necessary concrete. ,:" I Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the City Manager be instructed to advertise for bids to be received on Monday, August 14, 1972, 7:30p.m., for delivery of 75. cubic yards of 4-1/2 sack concrete for the construction of al/2,sizebaSk:etball court at Weir Park. V ot ing Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with previous instructions of the City Commission and bids re- ceived on July 10, 1972, Assistant City Manager Denny Arnold presented a tabulation of bids received and a recommendation for purchase of the follow- ing furniture items for use in the City Hall: Item Stationers Each Total Sky-Co Each Total Fingers Each Total Mayer Each Total t _ _cLt- 1__ -_---_:__-.:__ _--J~lr ~~~] . trIll ,_:!IT:""" ,..-- ~~ ~ ........ ~ ITEM: Sta ti~n~:r~.~ ",.:, " SkYIY9 "" '>,.:, ,Fingers :Mayer Each ," Total ,Each Total Each Total Each Total ,-~ Executive Desk City Mgrs. Of~iGe) 360. Executive Credenza (City Mgrs. 'Office) , 300., 1 . \. Executive Chair (City Mgrs. Office) Alternate 159. Guest Chafrs(4) "104.' 416. (City Mgrs. Office) Bookcase (City Mgrs. Office) 150. . End Table . (Ci ty Mgrs. 'Ofr'ice) 65. Conference Table (Conference Room) 300. Conf. Table Chairs 139. .1,390. (Conference Room-10)" Mobile Se'rving Ca;t N.B (Conference Room) Lounge Chair/Table (Waitil1g Are,a) 226. Conference Table , (Council Room) 220. Stacking Chairs (60) 22. (Council Room) 1,320. Bookcase (Secretarial Office) Utility Cabinet ' 65 ~' (Secretarial Office) SUNILAND Guest Ch~irs (4) 116.10 464.40 (City Mgrs. Office 150. End Table (City Mgrs. Office) Stacking Chairs' (60) 21. 1,260. (Council Room) BEST RENTALS Stacking Chairs (60) (Council Room) 22.95 1,377. 53.33 321. 402. 311.85 ' 293. ' 297. ' 297.99 178. 120. 366. "63~,, .2 5,2 . 120. '.\ 480. 60. , i 102. N.B. 106.93 240. 112.20 :5,3., . .' 51. 50.40 250. 335. ,272. , 108..25. 1~082.50, ,67. 670. ' 88.83 888.30 ~ i I , ,N..B. ' N .B. I I ~ N.B. 124.95 300. 174.90 , ,75..' 324.75 183., 24.50 1,470. 36. 2,160. 20.95 1,260.00 , : .192~ N.B., 50.40 90. N.B. 52.20 BUSINESS FURNISHINGS Stacking Chairs (60)- (Council Room) 18.52 1,111.20 '~l I I ~ 11 ~ ~ a: t.I.l ~ Q 1\ Ll r~'\ '. '------' "I~!X~ ~1;t:)P &\t Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seeondedbY.Commissioner Harris; that the recommendation of the Assistant City Manager be accepted and the following items purchased: Bookcase for City Manager's Officep Stationers, Inc. 150.00' Mobile Serving Cart-Conference Room Sky-Co 75.00 Conference Table for the Conference Hm. Stationers, Inc. gOO.OO Conference Table chairs (10) Stationers, Inc. 1,390.00 Conference Table for Council Room Stationers, Inc. 220.00 Stacking. Chairs (60) Suniland 21.00 ea. 1,260.00 Bookcase-Secretqrial Office Stationers, Inc. 150.00 utility Cabinet-Secretarial Area Stationers, Inc. 65.00 The Commission was advised that in accordance with the provlslons of the City Charter, the budget for the fisc~l:year January 1, 1972 to December 31, 1973, must be approved before the last day of August, 1972; that letters had been forwarded to all Department Heads as well as the Parks and Recrea- tion Board, Library, Zoning and Planning Commission and Corporation Court Judge, requesting preliminary estimates of expenditures to be included in the bud- get; and that August 28,1972, was the final regular, meeting of the City Commis- sion prior to the ,end of August. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that a public hearing be called for Monday, August 28,1972,7:30 p.m., for the purpose of considering adoption of the budget for the City of West University Place for the fiscal year1973~ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None , , . Application and .Certificate for faymentNo,. 6, in tb,e amount of $3,112.00 prepared by architects Wahlberg and Mo;r-ales for payment to Paramounr Con- tracting, Inc. for work done during the period May 1, 197fQto June 30, 1972, on the City Hall remodeling project and a letter itemizing extras in the amount of $205.00, were presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that Application and Certificate for Payment No. 6 in the amount of $3,112.00 and the extra items in the amount of $205.00 be approved for payment to Paramount Contracting, Inc. as final payment for the remodeling of the City Hall. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None '",fl' ~,"3; 8" , .i. .~ .' ~;. . "~.' " . . - ~'" . I _:m-' -- -~- L. l' A final statement in the . amount of $662.00 submitted by architects Wahlberg and Morales for.architectural services rendered f.rom June 1,1972 to July 1,1972, was presented to the Commission for consideration. , .~ Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by C6mri1issibnerHarris, that the final invoice from Wahlberg and Morales in the amount of $662'.00' for archi- tectural services in connection with the City Hall remodeling project be approved as submitted. r .. Voting Aye: All Vot~ng No: None In accordanee with the recommendation of the City Manager: on July 10,1972, a schedule showing estimated costs, invoice a~justments and the total cost of repairing water well nos. 3, 5 and 6, including the purchase of a new pump and motor, were ,presented to the Commission. Follo~ingaeletionof the $16,500.00 paid previously from the 1972 Budget appropriation, and adjustments totaling $679.63, the total balance due Layne Texas Compan,y is $5,997.73. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Layne Texas Company be paid a balance of 445, 997.73 for repairs .made. ,to water well nos. 3, 5 and 6. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A letter from Mr. Gene Hines, chairman of the city's Zoning and Planning Commission, setting forth a definition of an "enclosedporch" as defined by members of such board in a called meeting on July 18, ~972~ was presented to the Commission for their information. After discussion it was the decision of the Commission that no action be taken pending receipt of an official recommenda- tion from the Zoning and'Planning Commission. ~ Minutes 'of the regular meeting of. the Electrical Board on Monday, July 17, 1972 were presented to the Commission for their information.' A letter dated July 19, 1972 from Chief of Police Harold Shipp wherein he stated the feasibility of purchasing a new radar unit was presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the City Manager and Chief . 'of' 'Police be :ins~tructedto. prepare 'specifications and ad- vertise for bids to be received on Monday, August 14, 1972, 7:30 p~m. for one new digital mobile radar unit. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that Ordi- nance Number. 982 authorizing the disbursal of $500.00 as total consideration for the purchase of a tract of land measuring 26:6' north and south and 100' east and west and adjoining on the south and adjacent to Lot 1, Block 36, Colonial Terrace Addition, be approved as read. V oting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 72-11 was read in full by Mayor Neighbors in the absence of the City Attorney: . I ! -----.J I' Li "~' <<; c: tLJ, ~ Q [; I' Li t'J"{I' .'i-, .' ~~ ': ", t, _~_ ~'" , ?: " '. ," '" WHEREAS, on July 15, ,1947Whi tt F. Johnson was "appointed City Secretary of the City of West University.Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, said Whitt F. Johnson was appointed City Manager of said City on October 10, 1955, he being the first and only person to hold such position with the City of West ,University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, Whitt F. Johnson, from said date 'of July 15,1947 to the present, has not only faithfully and ably performed 'all duties required of him by the Charter and Ordinances of said city, but has also cheerfully, without thought'of self" given Ur,tstintinglyof b,is time and energy in doing all things possible to make the City of West University Place, Texas a better place to live for each of its citizens; and WHEREAS, the able manner in which Whitt F.Johnsonhas conducted the busine~s of the city for this twenty-five year period is well recognized not qnly by his fellow citizens, but by several state-wide municipal organizations; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to recognize the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversaryof'h~s service to the, city!, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ,OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' Section 1. That the City Commission, in recognition of the twenty-five years of Whitt F. Johnson's exemplary and dedicated service to the City of West University Place, Texas, does hereby express to him in behalf of all of his fellow citizens and neighbors, their appreciation for the outstanding leadership he has furnished to the city as City Secretary and City Manager. Section 2. That this.' Resoll;ltion be spread on the minutes Qf the. next official meeting of the City Commission and that a copy thereof signed by the Mayor and each of the City Commissioners be delivered,.toWhi tt F . Johnson as a tribute to his servtce andas'a memento of thistwenty-fifth.,anniversary:. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 24th day of July, A.D., 1972. /s/ John N. Neighbors, Mayor Is/ Paul W. Wallin, Mayor Pro-Tem Isl D onE. Harris, Commissioner /s/ FredE. Hughes, Commissioner.",. /s/ Charles H.Underwood, Commissioner ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Underwood that Re- solution Number 72-11 recognizing the occasion of the twenty-fifth.anniversary of City Manager Whitt F. Johnson be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None - - - - r , J __:JJJr:-- ___" r r"~"-:--L_ -.l_r 1i~4:"O' ~ ::. 'I" _:. ..JII L ..I -l l.L' ....l Mr. Jo'hnson thanked' members 'of theCcimrriiss'idn 'for 'the Resolutioti and for the reception held in his honor at the West University Community Building on Sunday, July 16, 1972. I i I .------.-1 A letter from American LaFrance advising that there would be a six weeks 'delay in delivery of one new 1000'gpm:pumper :due to floor conditions at their factory was read to the Commission. An invoic'e in theamo1int of $1; 328 ~ 00, submitted'byHous -Tex Fence and Home Improvement Company for the erection of'300' of western cedar fence at Wakeforest'::'Carrtegie park was presented to the Commission for consideration.-- Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the in- voice from Hous-Texas Fence and Home Improvement Company in the amount of $1,328.80 for the erection of 300' of West Cedar fence at Carnegie-Wakeforest park be approved. ' ' I ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Commissioner Underwood read a letter dated June 26, 1972 "ffom Mrs. Harland Doak, 3315 Pittsburg Street, expressing her gratitude to the City Commission, Mayor and City'Manager, for having:the~ pro'perty' next door to her home' cleaned. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, July 10, 1972, were present~d to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that minutes of the regular meeting' of the City ColilmisSion on Monday, July 10, 1972, be approved as submitted. ~ Voting Aye: All Voting No: . None ' With no further business to come before the'Comrriission atJthistiIne"upon motion duly made, seconded and carried; the:meeting adjourned at 9:00p.m. ATTEST: ;e~ ;{Z~/~ Assistant City Secretary I, \ ~ II \~ ~ ((') c: tLl ~ ~ ii I I ~ ~.:.....__: ..~ /I ''Q J/'.t.~. REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COM:M:ISSION AUGUST 14, 1972 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, August 14, 1972, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present. Mayor Neigh- bors, presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes and Underwood. The City Attor- ney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Wallin was absent. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Hughes. Mrs. John Lomax, 6428 Vanderbilt, appeared before the Commission to present a letter re~uesting an increase, in the,Rolice Department budget in order to provide additiona.l personnel arid patrol cars. Mrs. Elaine Wolda, who is building a new residence at 6646 Rutgers, appeared before the Commission to,'re~uest that she not be re~uired to construct, a sidewalk on the Cason.8treet side ,of her home inasmuch as there are no existing sidewalks in the area. Mayor Neighbors advised Mrs. Wolda that members of the Commission would give consideration to her re~uest and that she would be ad- vised. Mr. Kelly Morgan, 3027 Carnegie, appeared before the Commission seeking informa- tion with regard to a decision by the C{ty Commission with' regard to the con~ struction of circular driveways. Mr. Morgan stated that it was his intention, at the time of construc~ion, to use a circular driveway, but his disagreement with the contractor over the design, led him to wait until later. Mr. Morgan further stated that the neces'sary,excavation had been made for the driveway and' he would like very much to have it constructed. Mayor Neighbors advised Mr. Morgan that consideration would be given to his re~uest and he would be advised of their decision, possibly within a week. Commissioner Wallin arrived at the meeting at this time. Mrs. Mary Jo Day, coach of the West University Swim Team, was introduced to members of the Commission. Mrs. Day praised the team and explained the various aspects of participation in the National Junior Olympic meets. Mrs., Day was most complimentary in her remarks about Julie Arbuthnot, winner of the 11~12 year old girl's breatstroke championship in Region IX. Resolution Number 72-12 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, Julie Arbuthnot, age 12 , daughter of Mr. and Mrs'. R. B. Arbuthnot, 2644 University Boulevard, City of West University Place, is herewith honored for her athletic achievement and national recognition as winner ef ~he Gulf AAU District Meet by winning the Regional Championship in the 11-12 Girls 100 ,eter breaststroke in a time of 1:28.0; and WHEREAS, Julie became on of the select national ~ualifiers proving to be the best in the three states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Texa~, which comprise Region IX of the National Junior Olympics; and WHEREAS, such high honorillerits further consideration due to the National Junior Olympics comprises most of the sports in the Olympic Games and that all of the members of the U. S. Olympic Swim Team are products of the age- group swimming program comparable to the team sponsored by the City of West .. ,., "-'- t'::::==~~...JlT,_,:_:,~,-__ m ____'Lm=__'~______~____"Ll]j[ - ~4"2: 'L. ",. -----, University Place; and WHEREAS, Julie has received the distinction and honor of participating in the National Junlor Olympics in Spokane, Washington on August 15-17; and i ..........J WHEREAS, such accomplishment and achievement is an inspiration to Julie's, friends and team mates and such accomplishment will inspire others to dedicate themselves to improve their own activities; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas extends its personal congratulations and wishes that Julie will achieve a higher award while attending the National Junio Olympics in Spokane, Washington. That the citizens of the City of West University Place recognize the distinction, honor and fulfillment of pride that Julie has brought to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Arbuthnot. PASSED AND APPROVED this 14th day of August, 1972, A. D. /s/ Don E. Harris, Commissioner /s/ Fred E. Hughes, Commissioner /s/ Charles Underwood, Commissioner Is/PaUl W. Wallin, Commissioner /s/ John N. Neighbors, Mayor ~-'" , I ~ ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that Resolu- tion Number 72-11 honoring ,Julie Arbuthnot for her at41etic,achievement and wishes for success when she competes in the National Junior Olympics in Spokane, Washi~gton on August 15-17, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Neighbors presented Resolution Number 72-12 to Julie and congratulated she and her parents, Mr. and Mrs~ ~. B. Arbuthnot, 2644 University Boulevard. In accordance with previous action of the' Commission, bids received for furnish- ing one traffic radar system unit were opened and results announced as follows: Bidder Bid, Price Trade In Betts & Majors Police Supply 1,400 200 Kuston Signals, Inc. 1,785 125 James M. Sims, Jr. 1,785 150 Law Enforcement E~uip. Co. 1,400 95 Betts & Majors (Alternate) 1,750 300 Net Price 1,200 1,660 1,635 1,305 1,450 , -I ~ Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Hughes~ that bids n U f'j tJ) 0: t;LJ ~ ~ II i J LJ r-~ [ ! i : LJ /1:4ta, received for furnishing one traffic radar system be referred to the Chief of Police and City Manager for tabulation and that a recommendation be brought to the City Commission at its recessed meeting on August 17th. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Bids received for furnishing 75 cubic yards of 2 1/2 sack concrete for the con- struction of a basketball court at Weir Park were opened and results announced as follows: , , Bidder , Unit Price .. 'T'nt.R 1 'Ai ,r'! Texas Industries Lone Star Cement Builders Supply Company 18.30 18.30 18.30 1,345.05 1,372.50 1,372.50 Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the bid for furnishing 75 cubic yards of 4 1/2 sack concrete be awarded to Texas In- dustries, Inc. on their bid of $18.30 per cubic yard, less a 2% discount, with a total bid price of $1,345.05. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Following the award of the bid for concrete there was general .discussion with regard to the proposed location of the basketball court, construction and the time schedule of city employees that would be used to construct the court. Commissioner Underwood advised the Commission that a meeting with Park Board Chairman Norman~Mahan, City Manager Whitt Johnson and himself had resolved a suitable location for the court and with the removal of the Nottingham Street sidewalk and relocation of the fence would reclaim much park area. Motion by Commission Wallln, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the fence on the Nottingham Street side of Weir Park be moved within 18-24 inches of the curb, with this additional area, approximately 180' x 12" to be taken into the, Weir Park, tract as additional ground for park purposes, and the area between the curb and the relocated fence be' paved. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 72-13 was::.presented to the Commission and read in full: A resolution authorizing the Tax Assessor of the City of West University Place, Texas, to increase the ratio of assessment of the appraised values on all taxable property, both real and personal, within the~corporate limits of the City of West University Place, for the year 1972, from the present basis of 40% to 50%. WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the City Cominission that property values in the City of West University have considerably enhanced in value during the past five (5) years; and WHEREAS, a more realistic approach to tax equalization would be provided if the tax base is increased; and 1:,4:4 WHEREAS, higher assessed values are looked upon more favorably by financial institutions, than higher tax rates; and ......, i WHEREAS, the increase of 50% woul~ provide a more uniform basis of assessment: I I '-----..J NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CO:M:MISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That the Tax Assessor be, and he is hereby instructed, to assess all taxable property in the corporate limits of the'City of West University Place, Texas, both real and personal, for the year 1972, on the basis of 50% of appraised value. PASSED AND APPROVED this 14th day of August, 1972. Commissioners Voting Aye: A~~ Commissioners Voting No: None /8/ John N. Neighbors Mayor Attest: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Harris,secbnded by Commissioner Wallin, that Resolu- tion Number 72-13 authorizing the Tax Assessor to increase the ratio of assessment of the appraised value on all taXable property for the year 1972, from 40% to 50%, be approved as read. ---, i i I I L.-i Voting Aye: ,All Voting No: None In accordance with instructions of the Commission a letter dated August 11, 1972 fron Fire Chief C. E. Duffin was presented. Chief Duffin recommended that the bid received from Fabric Fire Hose Company for furnishing 400' of 4" fire hose be accepted on the basis of' abrasive resistance and weight. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the re- commendation of the Fire Chief be accepted and the bid for furnishing 400' of 4" fire hose be awarded to Fabric Fire Hose Company on their bid of $3.45 per foor for a total bid price of $1,380.00. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on August 1, 1972 were presented to the Commission for their information. A review of the minutes indicated such Commission had defined an "enclosed porch" in accordance with a request from the City Commission. City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised such definition would provide a basis for inclusion in an ordinance amending the zoning ordinance. that An invoice in the amount of $3,300.00 received from Public Health Equipment Company, San Antonio, Texas for the purchase of one Buffalo Turbine Duster for use by the Health Department in its insect control program, was presented to the Commission for their consideration. 1 I LJ Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that payment of o ~ (J; cr; t:LJ c::. o n i I L, n I ' ,~ !,...4,51i , '.... " ., ~', ., .. ", .j,.;. .;< $3,300.00 be authorized to Public Healt Equipment Company, San Antonio, Texas for one Buffalo Turbine Dister. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A request from Houston Power and Light Company for a construction easement on city property located at 2801 ,N.Braeswood adjacent. to the. Sewage ,Disposal Plant to erect a down guy and guy wires, was presented ~o the Commission. , Motion by Commissioner Ha~ris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that Houston Lighting and Power be granted a construction easement for the construction of a down guy and guy wires on city property adjacent to the Sewage Disposal Plant. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that determinationoti first phase basis should be given to engineering and construction of water well no. 7 and appurtenances, and a proposal from Bernard Johnson Incorporated for professional engineering services was presented for consideration. ~ Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded'::by Commissioner Harris, that Bernard Johnson Incorporated be retained for professional engineering services for Phase I ,and Phase II of wa terwell no.' 7, in accordance with ,theScop:; of ' Service as contained in their proposal dated January 24, 1972. Voting Aye:, All Voting No: None Ordinance number 983 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 974 TO APPROPRIATE AN ADDITIONAL SUM OF $5,997.73 TO PAY THE COST OF PURCHASING ANEW 300 H.P. ELECTRIC MOTOR AND APPURTENANCES FOR INSTAL- LATION' ON WATER WELL #6; AND FOR COST OF A NEW 8-STAGE PUMP AND FITTINGS INSTALLED ,IN WATER, WELL, #5; FINDING AND DETER- MINING THAT THE FINAL COST FOR' SUCH, ELECTRIC, MOTOR, NEW ,PUMP AND ADDITIONAL WORK AMOUNTS TO $ 5,997.73 MORE THAN ORIGINALLY APPROPRIATED: AND PROVI:DING AN EFFECTIVE DATE ~ Motion by Commissioner Underwood; seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Ordi- nanceNumber-983 amending Or,dinance No. 974 toappropr,iate an additional, sum of %5,997.73 to pay the additional charges for reworking water well nos. 3, 5 and 6, and the purchase of anew 8-stage pump for installation on water well no. 5 and a new 300 hp electric motor for installation in water well no. 6, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A notice of hearing filed by Houston Pipeline Company with the Ra:i,.lroad" Commissioner of Texas requesting an increase in the gate rates was reviewed. It was the opinion of the Commission that they should be:kept informed as to action planned and taken by the City of Houston. Motio~ by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Mayor Neighbors be instructed to prepare a letter to the Railroad Commission entering a formal protest to the increase in gate rates requested by Houston Pipeline Company. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None - :"r,. .-- I.r 1- '11r--" --, ~?:i::s, 'A: l! ..t~'.y , m--'-- IT____ __~,___l L-:::.__--.--:=-......r- Invoices from Houston fence Compan~in the amount of $925.00, represent~ng their bid for the erection of fencing around the t.ennis courts at Weir Park and $120.00 for the installation of 220' of center rail, were presented tb the Commission for their consideration. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that invoices in the amount of $925.00 and $160.00from.Houston,Fence Company for the, erection of fencing at the Weir Park tennis courts be paiq. , . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Neighbors reQuested that the City Manager investigate the possibility of securing additional waiting benches to be placed at the Weir Park tennis courts. The Commission was ,advised that some reQuests had been .received to keep' t.he.. municipal swimming pool open for week-ends only throughout the month of September. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the swimming pool remain open for week-ends of September 9-10, September 16-17, and September 23-24 at no additional charge to holders of season tickers and the individual swim charges remain 75cp for, adults .and 35cp fb'rchildren. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None City Manager Whitt Johnson.advised.the Commission .that a 6" waterline located at Westchester and Bissonnet had broken for the fourth time and that it was his belief that the line shoilid be replaced and re-routed at an approximate cost of from $1,200.00 to $1,500.00. Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner WalJ-in"that the City Manager be instructed.:to: proceed o.n an emergency:, ba,si$ to :repla.ce the 6" water line on Westchester at Bissonnet.., Voting Aye: All 'Voting No: None Following a discussion with regard to an appli cation filed by Southwestern Bell Telephone.Company for a rate ,increase the CityMa~ag~~ was instructed to contact the Public Services Department and the Legal Department of the City of Houston and make an offer to contribute our assistance in any way possible. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, July 24, 1972, were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, .that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, July 24, 1972, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None -------, ------, i 1 ~ .f ] ( l LJ 'f,.!r.l" " ..r.,,' ,~ .i ~~~.e~A Ii U With. no further business to come before the meeting at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting recessed until 7:30 p.m., Thursday, August 17, 1972. ,,- I.. ATTEST: ~ ~ v:J (J; '~, rr::::..~'_/ 83 ASSlS ant Clty Secretary A Cl r-i \'--' I: u f48 "..lII,T ------r.= L '-- :~--~~ n::: ~ ...1 With no further business to come before the meeiingat-this :time,ttpon moti6n duly made" seconded and carried, the meeting recessed until 7:30 p.m., Thursday, August 17, 1972'0. ATTEST: ~ d!L~.. Assistant City Secretary ./ ~ ~ u ... 'l ~ 1'1 I i I I L-J fl ~ f.& C; W ~ Q [1 [ ...~~ Jl ~ I ].1')' a, RECESSED MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION AUGUST 17. 1972 The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Thursday, August 17, 1972, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Neighbors" presiding; Commissioners Harris and Hughes.' The City Attorney and City'Malla,ger were also present. Commissioners Underwood and Wallin were absent. ' \ 1 ~' In accordance with previous action of the City Commission bids received for the construct1on of sanitary sewer lines and lift station were opened and results announced as follows: Elder Construction, Inc. Len Construction Company San Jacinto Equipment 183,510.00 121,91&.00 168,138.00 ,') ,,''>, ., Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that bids received for the construction of sewer lines and lift station be referred to the City Manager and consulting engineer, Bernard Johnson Incorporated, for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A tabulation of bids received for furnishing one electronic digital radar unit, together with a letter of recommendation for purchase from Chief Harold Shipp, dated August 15, 1972, were presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the recommendation of the Chief of Police be accepted and the bid for furnish- ing on electronic digital radar unit be awarded to J. H. Sims, Houston, Texas, on his bid to furnish one Kuston Signals Model TR6 for $1,785.00, less $150.00 as trade-in allowance for the old unit. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A photograph layout prepared by Carter Rochelle & Associates for inclusion in the cityls annual report was reviewed by the City Commission. Selections were made from the numerous photographs submitted and suggestions made for additional photographs. Mayor Neighbors requested that necessary action be taken to return all proofs and layout to Carter Rochell as soon as possible. Commissioner Underwood arrived at the meeting at this time. A review and detailed discussion of the proposed 1973 budget was made by members of the City Commission and suggestions for inclusion and exclusion of various items were offered and the City Manager instructed to incorporate them into the budget documents. A discussion was held with regard to improvement plans for Carnegie-Wakeforest Park. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. ... ._n_ T ,j~IIL If _e_____[ .., -~1'1 ~1';':5:8 ATTEST: :K~ ~ClA-L-/ Assistant City-Becre~ary ':'1 -----, ~.-f ~1 I ~ r-i . , J I L-J o ~ (,C' 0: W A o r~ ,----' 'f,t,'"f1'.,\.,],":, \. ..... :' , .... REGULAR :MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION AUGUST 28, 1972 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, August 28, 1972, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Neighbors, presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes, Underwood and Wallin, The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Underwood. Mr. Norman Mahan, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board, appeared before the Commission with a re~uest that such Board be placed on the Com- " mission agenda ata later date to consider a basic concep'b" of park planning which has been prepared by a citizen's group., Parking on Fairhaven and Cason by employees of the Telephone Company was brought to the attention of the Commission. Mayor Neighbors stated that both the Chief of Police and officials of Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. are aware of the conditions and investigation is being made into possible solutions. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the regular meeting of the City Commission be recessed. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Neighbors announced that the Pub~icHearing called for this date for consider~tionof a budget for: the City of'West- UniversitrPlace" for the fiscal year January 1; 1973 to December 31, 1973 was now called to order. Mayor Neighbors stated that efforts would be made to inform the approximately seventy-five res~dents in ~ttendanceat the meeting of the needsand plans of the city which were used as a basis for the preparation of the proposed 1973 budget. Using a projector and s,lides Mayor Neighbors'showedmany areas where plans are being made for repairs and/or replacements as well as accom- plishments that have been made recently. Included in the needed areas slides were shown of the swimming pool indicating the need for major repairs to the bathhouse, pumps and chlorination e~uipment; antiquated traffic controls showing the need for accessory e~uipment, traffic signs and engineering costs; the need for improvements in'the collection and disposition of garbage and trash;' park sites were shown with Mr. Neighbors explaining the portions completed and other areas' still inITeed of improvement; and plans for the' city to take over complete operation of its library system; as well as storm sewer construction. To illustrate-the accomplishments made recently'by the city in its progres- sive plans for continuous improvement Mayor Neighbors showed ,slides of the old fire truck for which a,replacement has been purchased; the property re- cently acquired for construction"' of a city park 'and for the location of a new water well; the new street name signs; recent remodeling of the City Hall including a new radio antenna tower and municipal building sign; and" the construction of a new tennis court, rehabilitation of two others, each with necessary fencing. - r:.~- ~ .J..::.::u.r.:::" -----, - "==::::%: 152 Following Mayor Neighbors presentation he stated that to provide the neces- sary funds for the budget it was necessary t~ authorize, the Tax Assessor to increase the appraised,value of property from 40% tq'50% of assessment, resul'ting in a 17.2% tax increase .,Cit:i,~ens ~erEl i:r;tvi tedto question , members of the City Commission regarding the budget and the necessity for a tax increase; proposed use of additional funds; participation in Federal Grant programs for major works project; and future plans for the growth and development. of the city., ~ I I L-J , ' " City Manager Whitt Johnson reviewed to illustrate individual increases; 1973 was less than the 1972 budget; of the pr,oposed budget. the proposed tax increase citing examples stated thafj the overall city budget for and briefly reviewed all of the highlights " " Motion by Commissioner Hughes, se~onded by Co~issioner Harris, that the Publ,ic Hearing called for consideration of the 1973 Budget for the City of West University Place for the period'of January 1, 1973 to December 31, 1973, be closed. . I. . Voting Aye: 1Ul Voting',No: None Ordinance Number 984 was p~esentedto the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE PROVIDING FUND? ,F9R T~ F~q3CAL.YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1973 AND , ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1973 BY,APPROVING THE BUDGET FOR SAID PERIOD AND APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDS our OF THE GENERAL AND OTHER REVENUES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITr FOR SAID YEAR FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTlYIENTS AND FOR VARIOUS ACTIVITIES, AND IM- PROVEMENTS OF'TIIEi CITY"' " " , ", ~--.. I , L-.J Motion by Commissioner' Harris, seconded by Corn.ffiissioner Underwood, that Ordinance Number '984, approving a budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1,1973 and ending" December 31,1972, be approved as read. V.oting Aye: All ; yotingNo: , None " , Ordinance ~umb~r 985 was prese~tedto the,Commissio~ and Tead in full: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AN AD VA~OREM TAX ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CIry- OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS FOR THE YEAR 1972: PROVIDING THE BASIS OF ASSESSlYIENT OF APPRAISED VALUE AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF AT THE RATE OF $1.50 on the, one hundred _ ($100) ASSESSED. VALUATION ' , - Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Hugh~s, that Ordinance Number 985. levying and a~sessing an ad valorem tax fo! the year 1972 and providing for the basis of assessment and collection, be approved as read. i\ I , i L-J [ f'; f:C; a: w c.~ C: [ D l~S:J Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that an ordinance had been prepared relative to the requirements for sdiewalks alongside streets for their consideration. After discussion it,was the decision of the c"orn.rnission to' table any further action o~ such ord~nance,penping f~r.th,er, study by the Commission. . - -.. - . - . The Commission was advised that the low bidder on theWeslayanSanitary Sewer project was a new contractor and had no past performance on which to base judgement and that it was doubtful that he would be able to secure the necessary performance bond. It was stated ~hat it woUld be In the city's best intere~t t~ awa:rda contract t:o Lem Const,ruction Company; let him for- feit his bid bond; request that Bernard Johnson Incorporated re-aesign the system and readvertise for bids. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by \;ommissioner Wallin, that Lem Construction Company, as low bidder on the -(;te::;layan Sanitary Sewer 'project _ . .... ..- I be requested to furnish the city a letter showing his intent and ability to furnish the required bid bond. " u Voting Aye: All VotiI?-g No : 'None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Gity.Comrn{ssion on August 14,1972 and the recessed meeting ,on August 17, 1972, were presented to the Commis- sionand the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes ",thai?minLl;te~,of the regular meeting of the City Commission, on Augu,s,t .:1..4, 19,72, and of the recessed nieetingon August 17, ,be,approv~Q. assupmitted. '.,' V ot ing Aye: All Voting No: None With no further,business to come befor~ the Co~issi~n'at this 'time the , _ _I r . . meeting was recessed until 4:00 p.m. ',uWednesday, August 30,_ 1972. ATTEST: ~ ~~/~ - Assistant City Secretary I~.;' :" " -1:5' A, '~~:l~' '. '. t;t ,~r _ .1 L. -~_ - ::r--~ r:::. RECESSED MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION AUGUST 30, 1972 The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Wednesday, August 30, 1972, 4:30 p.m.~ with the following'members pre- sent: Mayor N~ighbors, 'presiding; Commissioners Hughes, Underwood and Wallin. The City Attorney and City ,Manager we~e also pr~sent. Commis- sioner Harris was out of the city. Mayor Neighbors stated that the purpose of the meeting was to consider bids received' on August ,17, 1972, for, the construction of theWeslayah Sanitary Sewer Lift Plant and ,related lines. The Commission was presented a tabulation of bids' received Elder Construction, ~nc~, Lem Const~ctionCompany San Jacinto Equipment 183,510.00 121,916.00 168,138.00 Also presented was a lett~rfrom Mr. L. W. Laird, president, Lem Con- struction Company, low bidder on the project. Mr. Laird's letter, 'dated August 21, 1972, requested that he be allowed to withdraw his bid without' penaltJ inasmuch as he made errors in submi~ting his bid and that he had greatly underestimated the co~t of the line construction. Mr. Laid was advised that if he d~not wantt~e job, the City did not . want to award him a contract, but his refusal ,t~ accept a contract would mean considerable expense and loss of time "to the city inasmuch as the project would have to be readvertised and bids received for a second time. Following ,a discussion with regard to Mr. Laird's ability to furnish the required'performance bond; he stated ,that he would accept a contract if awarded, endeavor to secure the performance bond, :and construct theproject to the best of his ability. Resolution Number 72-14 was presented to the Commission: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, Texas employed Bernard Johnson Incorporated, registered professional engineers, to design a system for: improvement of the municipal sanitary sewage syste; and WHEREAS, the project has been designed and captione~ "Weslayan Sanitary Sewer Lift Station, 10" Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer Line Connecting from Academy Street along Swarthmore to the Weslayan Sanitary Sewer Lift Station"; and WHEREAS, in'response to advertisements for bids duly published in a local newspaper for construction of "Weslayan Sanitary Sewer Lift Station, 10" Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer Line Connecting from Academy Street along Swarth- more to the Weslayan Sanitary Sewer Lift Station", bids were received o~ August 17, 1972; and 'i , I ~ ..;. i ~ '. <: 'I I I LJ r-l ~, ~ ($) a: ~ ~ ~ r- [i 16.0,....'11 ., '.', J' I'; ..- ..:-' }; I .., '>, WHEREAS, upon being reviewed and examined it was determined by the con- sulting engineers that the Lem Construction Company, 10619 Offer Street, Houston, Texas, was low bidder in the amount of $121,916.00; and RWEREAS, Bernard Johnson 'Incorporated, cbnsultingenginetlrs for the city, recommends thatLem ConstrUction Company'be awarded the contract on their low bid. NOW ,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY; PLACE, TEXAS: Sectj,o,n ,l.. 'That the Lem Construction Company' be awarded a contract to construct the above caption:ed sanitary sewer improvements for a lump sum contract price of $121,916.00, subject to approval of the Texas Water Quality Board and the Environmental Protection Agency. Section 2. That ,the Lem Constructinn Company be re~uired to execute per-'" formance, bond and contract documents within ten (10) days of the date of the passage of this Resolution. PASSED AND APPROVED this 30th day of August, 1972 Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: /s/ John N. Neighbors Mayor All None ATTEST; /s/ Lee Lockard' Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner'Hughes, that Resolution Number 72-14'be approved and LemConstructionCompany be awarded a lump sum contract price of $121,916~00,subject tOE:!xecution'of the necessary performance bond and contract documents, with~n ten days and approval of the Texas Water Quality Board and the Environmental Protection Agency. ' .. .. ;,/. Voting Aye: Commissioner ,Wallin Commission Hughes Mayor Neighbors Voting No: Commissioner Underwood With ho further business to come before the Commissibn-atthis time upon motion duly made, seconded ~rid carried, the meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m. ATTEST: f:/ ;;&~'~k6~ As s i-s L;"'u ~ ei L,y,',c'u. C'<:".~ " Y.' 1'T~ :r- I :lIr --- I '", .. 1-5.6 , ,:m-r---~~~ ~ -- =::r:-- IT -::1 ~ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 11, 1972 ,~ , The City Commission cQnvened in regular session at the, City Hall on Monday, , September 11, 1972, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Neighbors, presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes,Uhderwood and Wallin. The City Attorney, and City Manager were also present. Lj The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Wallin. ..r The Commission was advised that Mr. Larry La{d/ pres~dent 'ofLem Construc- tion Company, had not presented a performance bond as requ:tfed "fdr' the con- structionof the Weslayan Sanitary Sewer Lift 'Station and lines, within the ten day period specified by action of the City Commission on August 30, 1972, when the cont~act was awanded. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that if a contract has n~t been entered into ,between the city and Lem Construction Company by 5:00p.m: on:TUesday, September 12, 1972, the City Manager be instructed to re-advertise for bids separately on the lift station and the lines, with an alternate bid to be received on cason type construction. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance N~ber 986 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE ,AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY AMENDING ARTICLE III, SEC- TION 20-35 THEREOF RELATIVE TO THE REQUIREMENTS FOR SIDE-' WALKS ALONG SIDE STREETS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~ ~ Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner 'Harris, that Ordinance Number 986 amending the Code of Ordinances relative to the requirements for sidewalks along side streets'be approved as'rea(l. Voting Aye: None Voting No': All, An invoice, in the amount of $1,728.00 from Allied Fence Company for the erec- tion of 356 lineal feet of:10' chain link fence around the -pe:rlmeter: of the Judson Park tennis court was presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the invoice from Allied Fence Company, in'the :'amount'of $1,728.00 'for the erection' of 356' ,of 10' chain link fence aI'ound the ,perimeter of the Judson Park tennis court, in accordance with bids received on June 12, 1972, be approved as sub- mi tted. Voting Aye: All' Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning'Commission on Tuesday, September 5, 1972, were presented to the Commission for their information noting that applications had been filed for rezoning certain areas on Bellaire Boulevard for the location of a financial institution . and a medical office building, as well as a petitio~ filed for the construction of a cul-de-sac closing Albans Road at its intersection with Bissonnet. I I , I I ' LJ o t"j ,c..c c: W C;4 o [ [ 4~, r::,~:'" rt,', jid.~ Following a general discussion with regard to the possible traffic impact on the city after complet~on of the Edloe overpass the City Manager was instructed to make a study with regard to the location of additional fire hydrants in the area; re~ue.st 'closeobservationof traffic 'patterns on Mercer" Wes:t,chest~r, "Sewan,ee andWake;forest, and investigate a. blind corner at Wroxton and Bissonnet created by automobile parking. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the City Manager be authorized to secure information with regard to the ;feasib- ility of buying, ~orrow~ng, o~ renting traffic counters and report back to the City Commis.sion., ' !', .. , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that the latest availabe information indicated that the new fire truck would be delivered around October 1,1972. , '..-' Mayor Neighbors read a Proclamation designating the,week of S~ptembe~ ~7~23 as Constitution Week in the City of West University Place,' at the re~uest of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the Proclamation designating the week of September 17-23 as Constitution Week in the City of West University Place, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Commissioner Underwood,was advised that as soon as' the weather is dry the existing tennis court at Sunset Park will be resurfaced and re-striped, and that the Park Board is currently working onaprogram to control play- ing time at each of the city's tennis courts. The Commission was advised that Chief Shipp had visited with the construction crew at Southwestern Bell Telephone and that the project should be com- pleted during the latter part of October, at which time the street will be re-opened. f . Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that,the City Manager be instructed to prepare specifications for a new chlorinator and housing at the Wakeforest water plant location. Motion amended by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the City Manager be instructed to prepare specifications for a new chlorinator and housing at the Wakeforest water plant location and to seek the services of a consulting engineer for the project.- Voting Aye; All Voting No:, Nope " :' Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on August 28, 1972. and the recessed meeting of August 30, 1972, were presented to the Commission ~or their consideration. Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commis- sioner Wallin, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Com- mission".on August 28,1972, and the minutes of the recessed meeting of the City Commission on August 30, 1972, be approved as submitted. ";t,i M, 0 ~ll- U <;J -=mr-r Voting Aye: " All '~ rr:==_,___:l ~ Voting No: None I~ , i I , ! I LJ With no further busillness to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded arid-carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. , . ~,. ATTEST: , , X~ ~~~ / Assistant~1.City Secret,a'ry , : , ~ I I I -.-J LJ [ ftj (t; cr: t.'U ~ o [ l ilt'xtr,: " iL'Uu REGULAR :MEETING OF CITY COMMTSSION SEPTEMBER 25. 1972 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, September 25, 1972, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Pro-Tem Wallin, presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes, and Underwood. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Mayor Neighbors was out of the city on business. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rogers, 2823 Plumb, advised the Commission that they were interested in the affairs of the city and were visiting the meeting. In accordance with instructions of the City Commission Ordinance Number 987 was presented tOl:theCommission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE CALLING AN ELECTION WITHIN THE CITY OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS FOR THE SEVENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1972, FOR THE PURPOSE-OF ELECTING A. MAYOR AND FOUR (4) COMMISSIONERS TO SERVE FOR A TERM OF TWO (2) YEARS EACH; DESIGNATING THE POLLING PLACES; APPOINT- ING ELECTION OFFICIALS AND PROVIDING FOR THEIR PAY; PROVIDING THAT ALL DULY QUALIFIED RESIDENT ELECTORS -SHALkBE QUALIF:EED TO VOTE; PRESCRIBING THE FORM OF BAL- LOT; PRQVIDING FOR NOTICE OF ELECTION; CONTAIN]l\TG OTHER PIWVISIONS RELATING TO SAID ELECTION AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Ordi- nance Number 987 calling an election for the.7th,day of November, ;L972 for the purpose of electing a mayor and four commissioners, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of a special meet~ng of the Zoning and Planning Commission held on September;19, 1972, were presented to the Commission for their information, with special note of applications received by such Commission for considera- tion of re-zoning a portion ~f Bellaire Boulevar4. Minutes of the J:'eg1J.1ar meeting of the Ele:ctrical Board on September 18, 1972 were present~d to the Commis:sion for their information. The City Manager was instructed to request that the Building Inspector include the time of ad- journment on future board minutes. Ordinance Number 988 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINAN9E AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY AMENDING ARTICLE III, SECTION 20-35 THEREOF RELATIVE TO THE REQUIREMENTS FOR SIDEWALKS ALONG, SIDE STREETS: AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that Ordi- nance Number 988 amending the Code of Ordinances relative to requirements for the construction of sidewalks along side streets be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None , I r ___-::,_____~_J~ .L..,L.JIL: " "1".'- I.,'" ' f&O Jill '- J I.L ' l'J City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that he had reviewed information prepared by a number of people for the'adopti0ri of an incinerator Code and'it was his belief that upon satisfactory completion the Code should be adopted by ordinance and three copies filed in the office of the City Secretary. Mr. Cockrell further stated that additional. study should be given the proposed Code in order to determine whether or not it contained provisions in conflict with provisions in the Building Code previously adopted-by the City Commission. Following a discussion with regard to distributing copies of the proposed Code to incinerator operators within the city; inviting owners to appear before the Commissio~ if they so desired; and the cost and nature of changes that would be required upon passage of the Code,: it was the:'decision of the Commission to have this matter placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the City Commission on October 9, 1972, with a final draft of the proposed Codeto be presented"for consideration.' Ordinance Number 989 was pre~ented:~o the Commi'ssion and:-read in full: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR; AND GRANTING, ltSPECIAL PRIOR SERVICE CREDIT" UNDER THE TEXAS MuNICIPAL: RETIRE.ME:NT SYSTEM: , TO QUALIFYING EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF WEST ~IvERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. Motion by Eommissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Ordinance .,J Number 989 providing for and granting special prior service credit under the Texas Municipal Retirement System to qualifying employees; be approved as read. ' Voting Aye: All V oting No: None Ordinance Number 990 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR, AND GRANTING, "ANTECEDENT SERVICE CREDIT" UNDER THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM AT THE RATES HEREIN PRESECRIBED, TO QUALIFYING EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF ymST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that Ordinance Number 990 granting antecedent service credit under the Texas Municipal Re- tirement System to qualifying employees, be approved as read. VotirJ.g Aye:: All Voti?g No: ,None The Commissiqn was advise~ ~hatthe hearing of Houston Pipe Line Company before the Railroad Commission of Texas had beenre-scheduled for Septem- ber 26, 1972, 10:00 a.m. in Commission Hearing Room No. 509, Austin, Texas. The City Manager was requested to contact Mr. Mike Ilse, landscape architect, to secure an approximate date for completion of the plans for development of ',~ the Wakefore-Carnegie park site. ~ D ~ to 0: ~ ~ o i-I LI i-I i~1 r' l6--' t""~ _ ~:, i;, ",8 ._,. . "0- ~,- Attention was directed to the.conditionsbehind businesses located in the 6100 and 6200 blocks of Edloe Street with trash and debris piled next to the fence surro~nding Poor Farm Ditch. City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that a representative of the Attorney General's office had contact him with regard to the appli- cation filed by the Bunny Show Club for a late hours permit; stating that Mr. Hewitt of the Bunny Show Club had filed a mandamus against the Texas. Alcoholic Commission to show cause why they should not 'issue such club a late hours permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages~ The Commission was advised that a ~eport would be made on the quadrant pickup program" conducted by the Recycling Center as .soon as such report had been compiled and completed. ' Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, September 11, 1972, were presented to the COnimission, 'and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Harris that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on September 11, 1972, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no furtJ1er business to come before the Gommissiorr at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. ATTEST: .~~~~ Assis ant City Secretary " , - r"-- -- --j -1 ._J=nr.:::: ---IT , r >;j,,' :: ' 1.6,:2 .._~r----~ I _ :, .., .,r--- II :::I -~ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER ,9. 1972 The City Commission convened in regular ~~~s;i1m at i:;he City II8:11~nM()nday, October 9, 1972, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor pro..,~em Wall;tn, ,.presiding: : C~:)!nIllissi.(:mers Harris 8:ndUnde:r;wood. The City Attorney a:i:l<:f City Manag~r .:vere a+so i>r~sent., ,~ay6r, Neigh~ors was '()ut of the City and C()~is!3ioner Hughes was absent due to illness~" The Invocation w~s pronounced by ~ayor pro-tem Wallin. '!. \."\ . ' '.' .". ,'.,.. . Ii I ! LJ The City Commission was presented a recapitulation of the 1972 Tax Roll which haC!; b~en cE!rt~fieq. by WW' Dittert,. Jr., Ta:l{ As,sess()r/Collector and . approved, and signed by members of the Tax Bo~rd of E~ualization. Such tax roll; aillo~nting to the total assessed valuation of $48,353,300 on the basis of a 50% assessed valuation, reflected a total tax levy of $598,826.96. Mr. ,Dittert preseqted a statementshowinga.potential increas~ of $126,469.54 in collectib~e taxes ove,r that for the tax year ~971. ,Each me~ber of the City Commission was presented a ,state~ent sJ:lOwing8; comparison~ith 1971 values and the tax levy and how a 95% collection of the current tax levy will relate to the proposed 1973 budget. " : t Motion by Commissioner, Harris, seconded by Commiss,ione,r Underwood, that the 1972 Tax Roll, as certified by Wm. Dittert, Jr., Tax Assessor/Collector and approved by members of ~re Tax B?ar?, of Equ~lizat;i~n be ~pprqveq.. Voting Aye: All 'Voting No: None Plans and specifications prepared by Vernon Henry and Associates for the landscape development of Carnegie-Wakeforest Park were submitted to the Commission for approval, noting that all changes requested by Commission members had been made and that 'bids should be received at the earliest date possible in order to expedite development of the park site. ........., r I I~ Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that, plans and specifications for the landscape development of Carnegie-Wakeforest park, prepared by Vernon Henry & Associates, be approved, and the City Manager authorized to advertise for bids to be received on October 30, 1972. Voting Aye: All Voting No: . None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on October 3, 1972, were presented to the Commission for their information. Attention of the Commission was directed to action taken by the Zoning and Planning Commission in its study of the city's peripheral property and that an over-all recommendation should be forthcoming. The Commission was advised that Mr. Larry Laird, President of LEM Construction Company, had provided the necessary performance bond and certificate of in- surance as required by his bid on the construction of the Weslayan sani~ary sewer lift station and related lines.. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the minutes of the City Commission reflect that a contract had been entered into by and between officials of the City of West University Place and Mr.' 1 ,J : LJ o '11 U rl ,,--I L 163 , I Larry Laird, President of LEM Construction Companu, pursuant to the dead- line of 4;00 p.m., Friday, September 29, 1972, set out by the City Commission and that necessary bonds and contract documents have been approved by the City Attorney. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The City Manager advised the Commission that it was with regret that he announced that Assistant City Manager Denny Arnold had submitted his re- signation as an employee of the City of West University Place, effective October 19, 1972. Mr. ARnold has accepted the position of City Manager of the City of Schertz, Texas. Mr. Arnold introduced his wife, Marilyn and daughter, Christina, to members of the Commission, thanked them for an opportunity to observe citizens and elected officials serving municipal government with a dedication not often seen, and paid a special tribute to the teaching 'and training of City Manager, Whitt Johnson. Members of the Commission expressed their regrets to Mr. Arnold that he was leaving and wished him success in his new endeavor. An invoice in the amount of $1,500.00 from Carter Rochelle Associates, Inc for the preparation of the 1971 Annual Report was presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the invoice in the amount of $1. 500.00 received from Carter Rochelle Associates, for the preparation of the 1971 Annual Report in accordance with their pro- posal of June 5, 1972:, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All ..' ~ \ .r ,Voting NQ':. None' :!/, : Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, September 25, 1972, were presented to the Commission and, the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, September 25,,1972, be approved as submitted. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. ATTEST: ~ ~!/~ Assis ant City Secretary JI I .-.JI ,~l~ 164 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER 23, 1972 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall October 23, 1972, 7:30 p.m., with the following me~bers present: Neighbors, presiding; Commissioners Harris, Underwood and Wallin. Attorney .and City Manager were ,also present. Commissioner Hughes d~e t,o illness. on Monday, Mayor The City was absent ''I , I U The invocation was pronounced by Mayor Neighbors. Mr. A. G. Hajovsky, 6536 Wakeforest, whose home is located adjacent to the Carnegie-Wakeforest park, advised the Commission that the fence at the part had been constructed parallel to his driveway and he was encountering some difficulty and possible danger when backing out because park patrons were going around the fence. Mr. Hajovsky re~uested that the Commission give some consideration to dead ending the sidewalk or relocating it to eliminate the possibility of someone getting hit by his automobile. Mayor Neighbors advised Mr. Hajovksy that the problem would be considered and all possible done to insure safety for both he and persons using the park. Mr. Dan Edwards, recently employed as Assistant City Manager, was introduced to members of the Commission. The Commission was advised that Mr. Edwards was a na*ive of Baytown, had graduated from Robert E. Lee High School and Stephen F. Austin University; had recently completed serving four years in the U. S. Navy; was married and had a four year old son. Members of the r-I Commission welcomed Mr. Edwards and wished him much success as a m~mber of I I the West University staff. ~ Mr. Warner strange, 3017 Albans Road, originator and direct of the West Uni- versity Recycling Center, presented the Commission a report on an experimental program of curbside pickup of recyclable materials and a proposal for a city- wide progra, of curbside pickup. Mr. Strang reviewed the report citing ad- vantages of a citywide program in lieu of theclirrent volunteer program; savings in sanitary land fill space, increases in public awareness of the ecological crises; and monetary benefits to be derived'from such program. Mr. Strang presented a check to the city in the amount of $500.00 represent- ing repayment of the city's. original funding of the West University Recycling Center. ' Mr. Ron Shoup, and his son Mark, presented each member of the Commission, the City Attorney an~ c~ty Manager, with aluminum ingots recyc~ed from eight beer cans each. The ingots wer~engraved with each name and the date, December 4, 1971, the official opening date of the West University Recycling Center. Mayor Neighbors thanked Mr. Strang for providing the initial i~petus in start- ing the West University Recycling Center and stated that consideration will be given to the proposal for a city sponsored citywide program for the pickup of recyclable materials. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the check for $500.00 be divided, $250.00 for playground e~uipment and $250.00 fo~ the library, in accordance with the original allocation of funds received from the operation of the West University Recycling Center. n I I \----, Ii f I I ' ! i L! 165 V oting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Bob Sprague, consulting engineer representing Bernard Johnsorl, Inc., and Mr. Larry Laird, president of:Lem Construction Company, the contractor for the construction of the WeslayanSanitary Sewer Lift Station and related lines appear"ed before the Commission requesting that a change order be issued to construct the lift station as a caisson lnaccordance with drawings 'prepared by Bernard Johnson, Inc., in lie of the specified sheet piling method of con- struction. Mr. Laird stated that it was his understanding in a previous con- ference with Commission members that a credit of $2,000 to the City for this change would be acceptable. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded,"by Commissioner 'Wallin, that the method of construction' for the Weslayan sanitary sewer ],.iftplant be changed from the specified'sheet,piling method to caisson construction in accordance. with Drawing 8A prepared by Mr. Bob Sprague of Bernard Johnson, Inc. subject to approval by the Environmental ProteCtiohAgency andWaterQ,ug,lity Board, and Lem Construction Company paying all costs involved: in the preparation of the necessary drawings for the change, and that Change Order No. 1 be issued. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motionby,Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that sub- sequent to the approval of the Change Order for the change in construction method of the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift plant LEM Construction Company will allow the City of West University a 'cred~tof two thousand ($2:;000) dollars as set forth in their letter of October 5, 1972. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None An invoice in the amount of $5,139.00, dated Sep~~mber 5, 1~72, f;rom Robert Kurtz & Company, Inc. was presented to the CommiBsion for consideration. This invoice r'epresents the balance due on the city's contract dated April 19; .. 1972, with Kurtz Company for the construction of two tennis courts, one located at JU:dson'Park and o fie at Weir Park. The Commission was g,dvised that both courts had been completed in accordance'with plans, specifications and the 'recommendations of tennis consultant, Mr. John Kamrath. , ' Motion"by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the in- voice, dated September 5, 1972, in the amount of $5,139.00, from Robert W. Kurtz and Company for the balance dU:eon the contract for the construction of two tennis courts, be paid. , .r V oting Aye: All Voting No,: .. ! ; J,'ifoh~" An invoice dated September 19, 1972 in the amount of $910.00 from Bernard Johnson, Inc. for engineering services in connection with the construction of the Weslayansani tary sewer lift plant and related lines , was presented to the Commission.' Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the n invoice dated September 19, 1972, in the amount of $910.00 from Bernard Johnson, I I Inc. for engineering services as set forth in a letter from Mr. Arthur Storey, Jr. Ii" Municipal Development Manager with Bernard Johnson, Inc., be paid. Lf V ot ing Aye: All Voting No: None. r- . ~....J]' ... ' __~,____.., 'I L1I[ il ..J1l ...ll, . 166 Resolution Number 72-15 amending the city's Personnel Policies and Procedures to establish qualiftcationsfor payment of unused sick leave to city employ~es was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS,.the Personnel Board, upon request of the City Commission has studied and reviewed the present Personnel Policies and Procedures covering payment of sick leave to qualified employees, and have madecerta~n recommended changes for amendments to the Polcy covering eligibility, method of payment, proportional payment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to make the necessary amendments and changes in the 'city's Personnel Policies and Procedures adopted by the City Commission on March 28, 1966, in order to clearly establish qualifications for payment of unused sick leave to any of the city's employees. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE' CITY COMM:ISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ,TEXAS: Section 1. That the paragraphs of Section II dealing with "Attendance RecordsY and "Sick Leave" of the Personnel', Policies and Procedures of the City of West University Place, Texas, approved by the City Commission on March 28, 1966, are hereby modified and amendedso'that thereafter such paragraphs of Section II shall read as follows: "II. . Attendance and Leave Attendance Records All departments shall maintain daily attendance records of all employees and shall furnish; such periodic reports to the City Manager as he shall request. Sick Leave Sick leave, as hereinafter defined, sball be considered as having commenced for qualified personnel from and after the 28th day of April, 1958, being the date the City Commi~sion adopted and approved personnel regulations pertaining to accumulated sick leave. Sick leave is considered to be any absence caused by non- occupational illness or disability of the employee which might prevent him from reporting for work or handling his job in a satisfactory manner. (A medical certificate may be required.) Regular Employees. Regular~ full time, employees are entitled to one day of sick leave with pay for each month of service. Any employee who shall resign his employement and who shall not have made application for re-~mployment by the city and shall not have been re-employed within a six (6) month period afterh~~ resig~ation shall have been officially accepted, shall be consid~red as hav- ing forfeited all the rights, privileges and benefjts accruing from any former tenue of employemnt and is not eligible for accumulated sick leave for the former 'I j , i L.J I~ I ' I i I I i-----.J n I I : I U n l : 167 period of employment. Employees will be paid for the~unusedsickleave'Which accrued during employment, upon retiring from the city under the following conditions: 1. Having attained ;the age of sixty (6) y~arsand' having completed'at least fifteen'years of credi- table service; or 2. Having completed twenty-eight (28) years of credi- table service, regardless of age. Employees will' also be paid for unused sick leave . which accrued during employment, , upon retiring because of disability in accordance with the provisions as de- fined by the Texas Municipal Retirement System Act. The amount of sick leave to pe paid shall be determined as follows: 1. The employee's base rate only, excluding premium : pay which includes longevity, holiday'pay, over- time and court time, shall be used in computing the employee's hourly rate. 2. For the purpose of computing sick leave 2080 an- nual hours shall be used. 3. The employees average hourly rate will be deter- mined by using the previous thirty-six (36) full months base pay. 4. The average'hourly rate so determined will be mul- tiplied by the number of hours of unused sick leave accrued by the enployee. 5. Eight (8) hours shall be considered'a normal work day ~0r all employees except firemen whose normal work day shall consist of twelve (12) hours. . ProDortionate,Pavment. Employees who have attained the age of sixty (60) years or more, but who have not served the required fifteen (15) years will be piad on a f~actional basis with the number of years served being the numerator and fifteen (15) being the denominator. Section 2. Sub-pa!agrpahs entitled '''Hourly Empl'oyees" and "All Employees" shall remain the'same. / Section 3; That-- this Re'solll.tion shall be in force and effect from and after . . .' \ . '" November 1,:1.972., ...,.'.,' PASSED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of October, 1972. Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: Isl John N. Neighbors Mayor All None ,.____ L__,___-----'-~====n, -, .L_liL Iii '10... '" Jill --'I ll: _1 , 168 Attest: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary II Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that Reso- lution Number 72-15 amending" the city:' s ;E'ersc;mnel Polici~s and Procedures to establish qualifications for p~yment of unused. sick leave to city employees be approved as read. u .::"-:t.-~{.:\.'t:: 1 Voting Aye: All.. Voting No: None The Commission was advised that Fire Chief C. E. Duffin and Captain Een Wilcher had flown to ~l$ir~" N~w York totakedelivery~f ~he, ne~.American LaFrance 1000 gpm pUIDper, and, tl1at consideration should be given to the sale of the 1952 InternatiQnal. 500gpm pumper that will no longer be required for fire apparatus. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the City, Manager be authorized to, advertise for, bids,to be received on November 27, 1972, for the sale of a 1952 International 500 (?;pm fire truck on a "as is" cash basis. Voting Aye: AlL Vptipg No: None Motion by Commissioner Wal~in, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the recom- mendation of the Chief pf Police dated October 20, 1972, be approved and stop signs erected on Emory Street and Lehigh Street at Fairmount; on College at Oberlin; and on Swarthmore, ~ase, Byron, Villanova, Marquette and Southwestern Streets at their intersection with College Street. :l ~ Voting ,Aye:, All Voting No: None The Commission reguested that the Chief of Police be requested to investigate the,. traffic: condit:i.ons.on, College Street upon c()mpletion. of the Weslayan sani- tary sewer;liftpiant and lines, and prepare;a report for consideration by the Commission in approximately ninety (90)' days~. The Commission further requested that the Chief be requested to observe previously authorized stop signs for closer enforcement. I. c.._ Minutes of the re.gular meeting of, the City,Commisslqn on Monday, October 9, 1972, were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Com- missioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on . Monday , October 9, 1972, be approved as sub- mitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to,come before ~he Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:10 p. m. ATTEST: f ,~ , , I i I i -----.J ~K~~. Assistant City Secretary' . .' D [ r: '--- SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER 30. 1972 The City Commission convened in special session at the City Hall on Monday, October 30, 1972, 7:30 p.m., with the. fOllowing members present-:. Mayor Neighbors, presiding; Commissioners Harris and Underwood. The City Attor- ney and City Manager were also. -pr,esent. Commissioner Hughes was absent due' to illness and Commissioner Wallin was absent due to a business commitment. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Harris. In accordance with previous action of the City Commission, bids received for the landscape developemnt of Carnegie-Wakeforest park were opened and the" results announced as follows: Valley Crest of'Texas.,Inc. Planting ,Cons truct.ion-- Irrigation Total , 2,431.43 '18,252.06 4.217.00. $ 24,900.49 Paul Bustoz Nurserv Motion by, Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissione~ Underwood, that bi-ds received for the landscape developmen~ of Carnegie-Wakeforest p~rk be re-. ferred to the City Manager,-Park Board and. landscape architect ~ike ~lse for review and recommendation. ' V ot ing Aye: All Voting No:, None Resolution Number 72-16 designating $2,650.00 as the amount of,m~tchi.ng funds to be used by the Police Department as its share in purchasing radio equip- ment under H-GAC Region's Lg,wEnforcement"Radio Communications Plan was.pre- sented t9 the Commission and read" in full-:, WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, desires it~ Police Department to participate in the Law, EnforcemE?nt Radio Communications Plan in the H-GAC Region; and . , WHEREAS, it is the,understnding of the City Commission,thatH-GAC Executive Committee will request Criminal Justice Council funds to be used on a match- ing basis for each law ,enforcement agency who wishes: to participate in.the. purchase Qf radio communication equipment. NOW, THEREFORE" BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERS:j:TY ^ PLAC~, ,TEXAS,:, " , " . Section '1. That the sum of $2,650~00 iSherebf designat~d as the amount of matching funds required by the Police Department of the City of West University Place to be used as its share in,purchasing radio co~unication equipment unde+ the plan approved by the H-GAC,Region. 169 Section 2. That the sum of $2,650~00 i's:hereby appropriated from the General Fund to be expended 'du.ringthe fiscal year 1973, for matching fund whepo~Emmina~onnsttreenCwmbhiLh~unaw En~o~afufuablRadmom~IDmfuutifueatiID~ssPrands herewith appropriated. n I U PASSED AND APPROVED thsi 30th day of o ct'ober , 1972. ." Commissioners Voting Aye: "Commissio'ns. Voting No-: Isl John N. Neighbors , Mayor . All , ,:None ATTEST: Is/Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary. . ~-- :-) Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded' byComm.issioner Harris, that Resolution Number 72-16 he approved as read, and $2,650 be designated as the amount of matching funds to be 'used by the Police Department as its share in purchasing radio communication equipment under the H-GAC Region's Law Enforcement Radio Communications Plan. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that the City Manager and landscape architect Mike'Ilse had met with Mr. George 'Thomas, Vice President of Trees,'Inc. with regard to the progress being made in the lands~ape development of Judson Park; Mr. Thomas stat'ed that' in'clementweather, slow delivery of materials and personnel changes had been respons~ble for the incompletion of the project which was not two-thirds, or approximately $4,019.00, com- plete. A letter dated October 38, 1972, fromMr. Thomas~ in which he stated that Trees, Inc. would complete the project within ten days, was presented to the Commission. !-----""i i I L~ Comrni'ssioner Underwood' stated that in response to publicity and letters" written, the following donations had been';received for the "Grow a Tree: project to place large shade trees in Judson and Carnegie-Wakeforest parks. Mr. Elvin 'D. Ainsworth, 6319 Westchester Mrs. K. W. Strasse, 3320 Rice, West University Garden Club Trees of Houston One 5"Water 300.00 3.00 50.00 Oak Tree Minutes of the regularmeeting of the City Commission' on Monday, October 23,' 1972, were presented to the Commission'and the following acation taken: Motion by Commissioner Underwo()d" seconded by Commissioner Harris, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, October 23, 1972, be approved subj ect il;) changing the 'name of Mr. Shoup to 'Mr. Strang.' Votinh Aye: All Voting No: None With no futher business to come before the.Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded'and carried, the meeting recessed at 8:10p.m. until 6:30 p.m., Thursday, November 9, 1972 n l..J ATTEST: .~ ~~~ / ~ Assistant ,City Secretary (J:) ~ tJ;.J ~ Q l I: I . I I I I L! 1- '"l.....~ ,~Jl!~ J;,AJJIL 1$ ".>:il-. 169-A -,- .J.:..:..:J.ll' r', 17,{J l RECESSED MEETING OF CI1Y CCM4ISSION NOVEMBER 9, 1972 The City Connnission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Thurs- day November 9, 1972, 6:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Neighbors, presiding; Connnissioners Harris and Wallin. The City Manager was also presnet. Conunissioner Hughes was absent due to illness and Connnission Underwood was absent due to business reasons. I ) Returns of the General City Election helf on Novebmer 7, 1972 for the purpose of election a Mayor and four Connnissioners, were canvassed and Resolution Number 72-17, as follows, was presented to the Connnission and read in full: WHEREAS, in accordance with the Charter of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas; the Texas Election Code and Ordinance Number 987 of the City of West University Place, a general City Election was held on November 7, 1972, in the City of West University Place for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Connnissioners for a two year term as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 8. 29a of the Election Code, the Judges of the election have made out, signed and delivered in a sealed envelope, to the Mayor and City Commission of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Connnissioners of the City of West Univer- si ty Place, Texas, in recessed session, assembled on November 9, 1972, have opened and examined the election returns and have canvassed the results thereof in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter and the Texas Election Code and as a result of such examination and canvass, said Mayor and City Com= missioners find that at such election, the following votes were cast: 1 I ~J Name Candidate Precinct Precinct Precinct Princinct for 15 87 Ul l.B..l Don E. Harris Wm.A.Wheatley(write in vote) Mayor Mayor 1139 1187 950 1002 1 1068 805 836 1126 845 896;, 1027 770 . 821 660 612 691 859 569 669 1 Rufus F. Stanley Chas. H. Underwood, Jr. Mary .Arm Binig Jerry Deutsch Peter M. Way Peterson (wri te in vote) Connnissioner 1021 Connnissionersl06l Connnissioner 948 Connnissioner 612 Connnissioner 909 Connnissioner WHEREAS, AS as result of such election, it is determined that Don E. Harris, with a total of 4278 votes cast for him, was election MAYOR of the City of West University Place, Texa; and that Rufus F. Stanley, with atoml number of 3730. votes cast for him, and Charles H. Underwood, Jr., with a total number of 3927 votes cast for him. and Mary .Arm Binig, with a total number of 3566 votes cast for her, and Peter M. Way, with a total number of 3006 votes cast for him, have been elect- ed C(].1MISSIONERS of the City of West Uni versi ty Place, Texas. 1. That the official results of such election shall be, and they are hereby, declared pursuant to canvas s af the returns of such election by the I I I i ----.J NOW, 1HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CI1Y C(].1MISSION OF 1HE CI1Y OF WEST UNIVER- SI1Y PlACE, lEXAS: ' [1 If? (&;i 0: ~ Q Q [ (-------' L' J'Jl'7J"" I ~ f; ~~ t .~~ ..'t:;", ":~ , .. Mayor and City Commission to be that: Don E. Harris 'was 'elected Mayor Rufus F. Stanley was elected Commissioner. Charles H. Underwood, Jr. was elected .Commissioner Mary .Arm Binig was elected Commissioner Peter M. Way was elected CollDIlission of the City of West University Place, Texas .:for a two year tenn as prescribed by the Ci tyCharter, at the .said election. 2. That an executed copy of .this Resolution shall be delivered to, each, Don E. Harris, RufusF. Stanley, Charles. H . Underwood ,Jr., Mary Arm Binig and Peter M. Way, as his CErtificate of Election, and duplicate copies hereof ' , shall be delivered to the City Secretary of the City of West ,University Place, Texas. PASSED .AND APPROVED this the 9th day of November, 1972. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None I sl John N. Neighbors Mayor ATIEST: 1~f.itee,t:il:iOCkard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Walllin, that Resolution Number 72-17, canvassing the retlin'hs ,of the General City Election held on November 7, 1972, and declaring the results thereof be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No : None Wi th no further business to corne before. the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 7 :15 p.m. ~P:/k Mayor . ATTEST; .~~ Assistant CJ. ty ecretary '->, l"m'~' , -.~ , .' . -. ; t-. .t ~ ;: 'j ~. ",,: '~r ~-- '~ r::;, : _ ~, [ ~ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY CCMvllSSION NOVEMBER 13, 19.72 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, November 13, 1972, 7: 30 p.m., with the foll0Wing members present: Mayor Neighbors, presiding: Connnissioners Harris, Underwood, Wallin and Hughes. ThefG..ty Attorney and City Manager were also present . :~ I I :~ The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Wallin. The City Manager introduced Mrs. Herbert Kontz,chainnan .ofthe Children and Youth Program, American Legion Auxiliary Unit #77 ,,5505 Kelvin, ,who in turn introduced Mrs. Myra J. Hester, p:resident, American Legion Auxiliary Unit #77. Mrs. Kontz briefly stated that the , American Legion Auxiliary is a patriotic service organi- zation primarily interested in children and the preservation of veterans and their families, and that when they read in the newspaper .of ,the City of West University Place! 5 $campaign for trees or funds for trees for a park, they:felt this was a worthwhile conununity project in which they would like to participate. Mrs. Kontz and Mrs. Hester presented the city with a check for $50.00 towards the "Grow a Tree" Fund. j Mayour Neighbors thanked Mesdames Kontz and Hester and accepted the check on be- half of the city. A proposal from Bayshore Engineers, In<;:., Consulting Engineers, Deer Park, Texa~, for engineering services for the new control and chlorination building at the Wakeforest Water Plant was presented to the Commission for the!ir consideration. ! The services to be provided include preparation of plans and specifications for the new building including relocation of existing electrmcal equipment, new ~ chlorinator equipment and provide. drainage' for master flow meter ,box. Their fee for this service will range from $2,300 to a maximum of $2,800.00. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Conunissioner Hughes, that the City Commission accept Bayshore Engineers, lnc., proposaldated.October 3, 1972 for engineering services for the proposed equipment and chlorination building at the Wakefbrest Water Plant for a fee in the range 'of $2,300.00 to a maximum of $2,800.00. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Conunissioner Hughes, that the City Commission accept Bayshore Engineers, "Inc., proposal dated October 3, 1972 for engineering services for,the proposed equipment and chlorination building at the Wakeforest Water Plant for a fee in the range of $2,300.00 to a maximum of $2,800.00. . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A tabulation cf bids received for landscape site development and construction im- provement at the Carnegie-Wakeforest Park, together wifua letter of reconunendation from Mike lIse, Landscape Architect for Vernon G. Henry Associates, and City Mana- ger Whitt Johnson was presented to the Commission for their consideration: Bustoz Nursery Valley Crest Landscape $4,559.00 - Landscape Only 2,431.43 - Planting 18,252.06 - Construction 4,7.]Z no - Irrigation $ 24,900.49 ! i I ',------" \ o ~ ~ c;:, tJ;..J A Q c [' LJ l"m liiir- !1I'1 : ~-;",;~,' ,'", ~", , O!. " I Mike Ilse pointed out ,that the bid on the entire job, exceeded the, am01.mt of money ($18,000.00) allocated forthis park and that deletions had been made to the original bid so that the improvements could be made within this figure .He ' pointed out on the sitep],qn items which had been delete,d, including a perimeter walk, boat,d,ead tree, some play equipment for small' children, and some plimtings. Conunissioner Underwood was of the opinion that in removing the play equipment the purpose of the park would be defeated.Connnissioner Wallin concurrred in this opinion. Motion by Conunissioner Underwood, seC:9nded by Conunissioner Hughes, that the City Manager instruct Vernon G'. Henry Associates to redesign the park based upon the bid items from Valley Crest of Texa,s, Inc., and within the budgeted price of $18,000.00 and that the bid from Valley Crest of Texas, Inc. received October 30, 1972 be rejected. Voting Aye: Conunissioner Underwood Conunissioner Hughes Voting No: ,C:onunissioner ,Harris Commissioner Wallin Mayor Neighbors Whereupon the Mayor declared that the motion from .Conunissioner Underwood failed. Several alternate plans were disCussed, including' eliminating the sprinkler sysi:e~, lUltil a later date, or deletion of, some items .of construction which could be per- formed by city employees. However, it was pointed out that this cpnstruction could probably not be done by city employees any cheaper than the bid price. Conunissioner Wallin was of the opinion some plan should be implemente,dwi thout further delay ,or the park would not be ready forlJSe by summer of 1973. It was asc.ertained from Mike Ilseandthe City Mapager tha,tit :would be agreeable with Valley Crest of Texas, Inc. if deletions were made in the specifications, and from their bid. Landscape ARchitect Mike Ilse was directed to retire from the Council Chamber and revise the plans to retain the essential items ,for th,etQt lot and,small children equipment and present another tabulation, J:o detemine if, the costs ~arewi thin the budget limitations. Mr. Ilse returned with a revised estimate which indicates the followed: Bid Price 24,900.49 Deletions: Court Paving Line Pa,inting . Basketball Goals Perimeter Walk Dead Tree Old Boat 2 Picnic Tables 3,555.20 266.00 237.60 1,909.60 594.00 132.00 , 240.00 6,934.40 6,934.40 L__,~____-----'il ::::::,_~___, ',J~~ rt;'Q"'iI'" ' "'. . fl +.~. ~~f~ . '\ .~,. ~. _JII'" ~ L- 1.~,." . .__ .._ _ ~..l " Total After Deletions $17,966.09 Motion by Connnissioner Wallin, secondedbyConnnissioner Harris, to accept the bid, of Valley Crest of Texas, Inc., with the following deletions: ' court paving, line painting, basketball goals,. perimeter walk, deadttee, old boat, 2 picnic tables, making the total bid price $17,966.09. . Voting Aye: ' Mayor Neighbors Connniss ioner Harris Conunissioner Hughes Connnissioner Wallin Voting No: Connnissioner Underwood. Mr. Mike Ilse reported the (. Ci ty Connnission was aware of the difficulties being ex- perienced with the contractor for Judson Park, but that he talked with the contractor today and that he agreededto be on the job Tuesday morning and would substantially complete the tot lot and start corrections of items previously discussed. The only delay he can foresee at this time is in obtaining the water fountain, but an early delivery of the water fountain from, ;the -supplier is--expected. Mayor Neighbors instructed Mr. Ilse to advise the City Manager Tuesday if the con- tractor was on the job and the progress made. - City Attorney Charles Cockrell asked for instructions as to how to proceed re: Cause #191r.96, City of Houston vs.- City of West University Place, County Civil Court at Law, # 2, Harris County, Texas as outlined in his letter tothe City Conunission dated November., 2, 1972., ' Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that City Attorney Charles Cockrell proceed as outlined ,in his letter of November 2, 1972 for the final negotiations with the City of Houston in Cause #191196, City of Houston vs. City of West University Place, County Civil Court at Law #2, Harris County, Texas. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The City Manager reported that according to instructions from the City Cornmision, the city has retained Bernard Johnson, Inc. for professional engineering services for Phase I of water well No.7, and that he has an appointment for Thursday,. November 16th, to go over preliminary work with Bryan Sparks of that Company. The City Manager also reported that the basketball court construction at Weir Park is underway, and that the tennis courts at both Weir Park and Judson Park are com- pleted with stripeing and windscreens, and many compliments have been received from players about the courts. \ The City Manager asked for authorization to obtain a cost e:;timate for extending the tennis court at Colonial Park, construction of a Lay-Koat surface over the existing concrete court, and enclose it with a chain link fence. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Conunissioner Harris, that the City Manager be authorized to obtain the full cost of refurbishing the tennis court at Colonial Park and report his findings to the City Cornmission at its next regular 1 I _..1 ~I I ~ 1 i I \ ,-----.J 11 ~ (f,j (J:. r.:rJ ~ o c I: Li ~ l~~' '<~~~<7' ( ~.-/" ~~ : .ij- .. . ,~~.. ?~~ ~'. meeting on November 27th.., such report to include reconnnendation for funding. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A statement in the alIlOUIitof'$728.18 for legal services for the 'months 'of July, August, and September, 1972, submitted by City Attorney Charles Cockrell'waspre- sented to the COIIDnission for consideration. It was stated 'that such fees were in cOIUlection with Cause No. 911,094, Robert Hewlett vs. City of West University Place, Cause No. 919,737, Hewlett vs. Texas Alcoholic Beverage, Conunission; contro- versy involving Mrs. CArol Truk; purchase of Tyiliaska ' lot; Thomas Wiley,condemna'-' tion of houses; briefing on procedures for abandonment of cemetery; opinion on election procedures; cantractdocuments with LEMConstruction Company and review of proposed incineratorCbde. Motion byCOIIDnissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Hughes ,thatthestatement dated October 13, 1972 from City Attorney Charles Cockrell for legal services ren- dered in the months of July, August and$eptember, 1972, in the amount of $'728~15' be approved as submitted. ' Voting Aye: All. Voting No: Nene Mayor Neighbors welcomed Conunissioner Hughes who had been absent for several weeks due to illness 'and presented him with ana,lUlI1inum ingot recycled from eight beer cans and engraved with his name and the ~te;December 4, 1971, the officialopEm- ing date of the West University Recycling Center . Duplicate ingots had 'been pre... sented to the" other members of theCOIIDnission on October 23, 1972 by the Recycling Center personnel. ' On behalf of all the members of the City Conunission, Mayor Neighbors expressed his appreciation to all ci tyemployees for their help during the Conunission t s tenn of office, with speciall appreciation to City Manager Whitt Johnson and City Secretary Lee Lockard for their help,guida'nceandcontribution to this Connnission in serving the best interests of thecitizen.$ of West University Place; 'and instructed that this appreciation be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and become a part thereof. The City Manager thanked theCoIlliIlission and expressed his pleasure and happiness , and that of other city employees, in working with the entire group during the past two years. Minutes of the Special Meeting of the City Connnission on Monday, October 30, 1972 and the Recessed meeting on Thursday , November 9, 1972, were presented to the CoIlliIlis- sion and the followiIig action taken: Motion by CoIlliIlissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that minutes of the Special Meeting of the City CoIlliIlissionon Monday; October 20, 1972 and the Recessed-Meeting on Thursday, November' 9, 1972, be approved 'as submitted. Voting Aye : All Voting No: None. With no further business to come before the Commission at this timeZion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:22 p.m. ATIrST: 42 C~ . ~ ' Mayor /-;" v ~~~ Ass1stantC1ty Secretary . ltc~ ~ ~ :-'~_. -~ "~j!" ~w,' ~\.i "~"-- '~-~- IT :,1 ---------, REGUlAR MEETING OF CITY COMvITSSION NQVEMBER27 , , 1972 ! The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, November 27, 1972; 7:3Q p.m., with the following inembers present: Mayor Don Harris, presiding; ConimissionersBinig, Stanley; Underwood and Way. The City Attorney ,and Ci;ty Manager were also present. , , I I I ~ The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Harris.. In response to a question by Mr. C. J. Wark,6 714 Rutgers, with regard to the development of Judson Park, elimination of open areas previously used for base..; ball and football activities and the cost of the project, Mayor Harris stated that the pr0j"ect ,wa5.-=-accombination of efforts by the city's Parks and Recreation Board, City Corranission and the landscape 'architects. Mr. Wark was also advised' that cOnSideratiqn was given to results,of a postcard survey made of the area wherein residents expressed their desire for "certain improvements with some type shelter and rehabilitation of the termis court being requested most often. Mr. Wark was further advised that the overall park cost was approximately $14,000, including the reconstruction of the termis court, fence' and landscaping. In accordance with the provisions of the City Charter requiring that a Mayor Pro-Tern be elected at the first 'Iileetihgo;f the City Commission to perfonn the duties of Mayor in cq.se of the absence ot inability of the Mayor to scl" do, motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by CoIimiission Birtig~ that Commissioner Charles H. Underwood, Jr. be elected MayorPro-Tem of the City of WestUniver- sity Place. Voting Aye: All "Voting No!:.';: . None " , ! i I LJ Bids received for the sale of one-1952 International Fire Truck in accordanGe with action taken by the City Corranission on October 23, 1972, were opened and resul ts announced as follows: Volunteer Fire Department City of Onalaska 751.00 825.00 Les-ter M. Ricks, Jr. Volunteer Fire Department City. of Chireno , 3, 311 i'Z~L Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the recommendation of the City Manager arid Fire Chief be accepted, and the 1952 Interhational 500 gpm fire truck be 'sold to the Volunteer Fire Department of the City of Chireno for $3,311. 79 in accordance with their bid dated Novem- ber 15, 1972. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Mike Ilse,.Iandscape architect with Vernon G. Henry & Associates, reviewed the development of progress of Judson Park and stated that there was till a number of incomplete items and that he had notified Trees of Houston, Inc., the contractor, to make the necessary corrections. , , \ , '-~ Ii Li ~ u; CJ., ~ A o I' I i L Ii I . L-' IH~1il In compliance with action of the City Commission on November 13, 1972, Mr. Ilse presented a contract with VCilleyCre$t Landscape" Inc. of Texas for landscaping development and improvement of the Carnegie~Wakeforest Park, with the following i terns deleted from the original plans and specifications and from the J:roposa1 of Valley Crest Landscape, Jn~. of Texas dated October 30, 1972 : Basketball/volleyball paving, line painting, goals. and tennis backboard Two wood benches adjcentto the basketball/volley ball.area , Four (4 ') foot wide perimeter walk on, the south and east sides of park Dead tree play sculpture ii:n' the totl lot ' Old boat in. the tot l()t., Two picnic tables (ones without chess square~) ,,' , Eleven (11) viburnum suspensum and tintlS' five (5) gallon size Forty (40') feet of 2" x 4" redwoo header board Three htmdredthirty-fiv~. (335).potentilla verna plants Three htmdred fifty (350) verbenaperuviana Seven (7) 1-1/2" calipher quercus phe1los Mr. Ilse stated that the deletion of these items sufflciently lowered the con- tract price to permit addition of the following items to the or~ginal plans and specifications and remain within the $18,000 allocation for the park development. Automatic control system for the sprinkler system , One Htmdredfifty-four (1~4)trachelosp~rmum asiaticum one gallon cans spaced 18" On center '" Seven (7) quercus phellos 2-3/4" caliper Following a general dsicussionwi:thr~gard touse of ftmds and trees donated by ci tizens for the park; ove;J:'a11affect qn aesthetic appearance of such use; lack of guarantee for such trees'.:and provis.ions included in the plans and specifications for later addition to the parl< of all deleted' items, the following action was taken by the City Commission: ' ' Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Conunissioner Stalney, that the Mayor be authorized to enter into a contract with Valley Crest Landscape, Inc., of Texas for the landscape development of Carnegie-Wakeforest park for a total cost of $17,907.98. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Plarm.ing Commission on Novem- ber 14, 1972, were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Baord on November 20, 1972, were presented to the Commission for their information with notice being taken of applications received by such Board for master, journeyman and apprentice electri- cian's licenses. Resolution Number 72-18 designating and authorizing Mayor Don Harris and Mayor Pro-Tern Charles Underwood to sign or countersign checks drawn on all banks or Savings and Loan Associationsserbing as depository for ftmd.s of the city, was presented to the Conunission and read in full: 'l"'l1'B <__~: . ~....' 'l. I ~'.".~ WHEREAS, a city election, was .held-on.,the seventh, day of. November, 1972 in the City, of West University, Texas, for, the purpose of electing, a Mayor and four members of the City Conunission;' and WHEREAS, the' votes cast at the election held on November 7, 1972, were canvassed by members of the City Connnission on the date of November 9, 1972, and it was detennined that Commissioner Don E. Harris had been duly elected Mayor and that Corrmissioner Charles H. Underwood, Jr. had been, duly. re-elected Connnis- sioner, and that ~ry .Ann Binig, Rufus.F . Stanley, Jr., and Peter M. Way had been duly elected as ComIidssioners of the City of West University PIce, Texas; and WHEREAS, in special ceremonies of the City Connnission held at the City Hall on November 20, 1972, each of the above named pe~soris were administered the Oath of Office and duly installed in their respective elected positions; and WHEREAS, upon porper motion 'and second, Commissioner Charles H. Under.,.. wood, Jr. was elected Mayor Pro-Tern of the City of West.UniversityPlace, Texas. NOW, 1HEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY TIffi CITY COMMISSION OF THE CI'IY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS: Section l.,1hat Mayor Don E~ Harris and Mayor Pro-Tem Charles H. Underwood, Jr. be and they are hereby, designated and authorized to sign or countersign checks drawn on all banks or Savings and Loan Associations serving as depository for funds of the City of West miversityPlace, Texas, and any banks or Savings and Loan Association which may be hereinafter designated as depository of city funds during the tern of their office. ' Section 2. ' BE it further resolved tha.t. all provisions of such prior ' Resolutions as may conflict herewith are hereby expressly. repealed; and be it further resolved that the City -Treasurer be, and' heHis hereby directed, to furnish each depository bank, or Sagins & Loan Association with which the city has funds on deposit, or with which the city may transact any banking business, a true and C01Tect copy of this Resolution. PASSED AND :APPROVED this 27th day of November, 1972. Connnissioners Voting Aye: All Conunissioners Voting No: None ATTEST: ~~s/ Don E. Harris , Mayor I sl Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary : I ----....J ! ~-~ I ~ ! i ! c........J [ ~ (f;) a: t.IJ c::. Q r~ L, o ,t.~9~1 Motion by Col1DI1issioner Undetwood,sec6nde(f--by Cowssione:p'.Way, th.at:'R~sollit-'i0n Number 72-18 designating and authoriz!,ih.g Mayor Don Harris aild Mayor Pro-Tern Charles Underwood to sign OI'.}:countersign checsk drawn on all banks or Savings and Loan Associations serving as depository for funds of the city, be approved as read. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 72-19 appointing Mr. WIn. Dittert, Jr. as City Treasurer and Tax-Assessor Collector, and Mr. Danny D . Sullivan as Assis tant City Treasurer and Tax Assessor/Collector, was present~d to the Connnission and read in full: WHEREAS, it is the duty of the City Connnission of the City of West University Place, Texal?-,a~ sponas practical after the election of a new City Connnission, to appoint a City Treasurer, Tax-Assessor/Collector; and Assistant as may be necessary to transact the city's financial affairs; and WHEREAS, the City Commission was lected at the last rebular election held on the seventh day of November, 1972: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THECIlY COMMISSION OF THE CIlY OF WEST UNIVERSITY ,PLACE, 'IEXAS: ,. Section 1. The City Commission hereby names and appoints William Dittert, Jr. as City .Treasurer and Tax ~sessor-Co11ector of the City of WEst. University Place, Texas, and he is hereby invested will all of the duties and re?ponsibilities as set forth in the Charter of said City and the Statutes of the State of Texas. Section 2. '!he City Connnission hereby names and appoints Danny D. Sullivan as Assistant City Treasurer and Tax Assessor/Collector of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 3. That each official hereby appointed shall receive monthly compensation for the perfonnance of their duties, in accordance with the here- tofore adopted salary schedule. ' Section 4. The persons appointed to the respective offices shall serve until the next regular City General Election, and thereafter until the ,€1ppointment and qualification of their successors, unless discharged by the City Commission for just cause. PASSED AND .APPROVED this 27th day of November, 1972. AITEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City SEcretary . 1M -~.l''' _._".~ t --: :~ Connnissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting Nor", None 1S1 Don E. Harris Mayor _-....JIL- I v1"t['fi. I ' 'ill :~,-" .- .., - ~ ~ JII .........J ll_ Motion' by Conunissioner Stanley, secbndedby"GoiIBniss::loner -Binig, that Resolution Number 72-19 appointing Mr. WIn. Dittert, Jr. as City Treasurer and Tax Assessor/Collector and Mr. Danny D. Sullivan as AssiStant City Treasurer and Tax Assessor/Collector, be approved as 'read. ----, I ----J Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Conunission was advised thatThomas E. Richards, III, a member of the West University Fire Department,. had completed all of the ,requirements for certi- , fication as a law enforcement officer and as Suchwotild be CJUalified to serve' the city as a Conunissioned Arson Investigator iIi, event Such need should arise. Motion by Conunissioner Underwood, seconded by Conunissioner Way, that Thomas E. Richards III, a member of the West UniverSity Fire Department, be conunissioned, as an Arson Investigator as reconunended by the Fire Chief and City Manager. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None An invoice dated November 17,1972, in theamOlmt of $1,125.00 from Vernon G. Henry & Associates for the completion and acceptance of the Master,-,.plan and completion of all construction documents and specifications for the landscape development of Carnegie-Wakeforest park as per their contract with the city dated April 10, 1972, was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner:Binig, that the invoice dateq November 17; 1972, from VernonG.Henry & Associates in the amotmt of $1,125.00, such amotmtbeing one-half of the 12.5% -fee for the completion and acceptance ofa 11 construction documents and specifications for the landscape development of Carnegie-Wakeforest park and including the $750.00 initial fee for the preparation of the Master Plan, be approved as submitted. J i I ~ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised: the CoIlDllission that the city's suit by Fidely Land and Trust Company has been set for trial the week of December 4th and he was confident it would be reached at that time. Estimate Number 1, dated November 3, 1972, prepared by Bernard Johnson, Inc. for payment to LEM Construction Company, in the amotmtof$5,563.2l for work com- pleted and materials supplied during the period October 1, 1972 through October 31, 1972, was presented to the Conunisson fo~ \their consideration. Motion by Conunissioner, Underwood, seconded by, Commissioner Way, that Estimate Number 1, prepared by Bernard Johnson, Inc. for payment to LEMConstruction Company in the amOlmt of $5,563.21 for work completed and materials supplied on the Weslayan sanitary sewer proj ect during the period October 1, 1972 through October 31, 1972, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 72-20 was presented to the Conunission and read in full: ;l ~ n Li of ~Cl "'I;c;o i..~}~li_ WHEREAS, the City of West Uni versi ty Place has cash available, in the Tax. Collector's Fund as a result of 1972 current tax collection~, which will not be required for current operating expenses; and , WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Conunission to keep all of the city's money~invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize, investm~nt of these certain sums of money. eO, NOW, lHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITYCOMMISSION OF mE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS: . . ' That the City Treasurer is herby authorized and directed to invest funds in the amount of ~ $ 137,500.00 cr; W In a one year Certificate of Deposit with San Jacinto Savings and ~ Loan at an interest rate of seven (7%) percent. Q I' LJ o PASSED AN APPROVED tlris 27th day of November, 1972. ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary CoIIDilissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None /s/ Don E. Harris Mayor Motion by Conunissioner Way, seconded by Conunissioner Underwood, that Resolution Number 72-20 authorizing the investment of $137,500.00 in a one year Certifi- cate of Deposit with San Jacinto Savings and Loan Association at an interest rate of seven (7%) per cent be approved. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Harris advised the Conunission that he had talked with the District Manager of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company t s Mohawk Exchange after receiving calls wi th regard to parking by the companys' employees. Motion by Conunissioner Underwood, seconded by Conmissioner Way, that the Mayor and City Manager meet with the new District Man;;!ger of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company t s Mohawk EXchange for the purpese of letting the Telephone Company know that the City of West University Place wants to take some positive steps in the next sixty days to eliminate parking in the residential area by South- western Bell Telephone Company employees and their contractors, and report back to the City Conunission at the December 11th meeting. At that meeting it would be helpful if we could get the number of existing parking spaces and current number of employees. Motion amended by Conunissioner Underwood, seconded by Conunissioner Way, that the purpose of this meeting is to seek a temporary solution, but with the idea of find- ing a pennanent soul tion wi thin sixty days. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None L:.=: ~-' ~ _.........::.IlL. _-::::1 1~"":0""" . '>" ~ ~ '~ ...~ .~ In response to comments from Commissioner Underwood with regard to the city~s inability to compel owenrs of the property in the 3600 block of University Boulevard"n~ to remove trash arid debris from such location, City Attorney Cockrell was re- quested to ,visit the si.te with the Gity Manager and Assistant City Manager and ~-.J take such action as necessary to obtidn compliance With existing ordinances re- quiring remove1 of trash and debris. Iri're's]?0nSe to'-qtiesti0.Il:s: by': Commissioner Binig-wit:h~ regard ~to - the rehabi1i ta tion~ of the termis 'court laca:ted at Case- Park:, ,'theCi ~ :Manager JV.as . instructed, t<?-pre.::."_ pare ~for presenj:ation~:tQ: the:Connnission at, the next 'regular meeting on December 11th, a report on the approximate cost of the project and how funding would be made. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Conunission on November 13, 1972, were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on November 13, 1972, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Wi th no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Q(~ YOI' '\ I I I ----.J ATIEST: /~~~ AsS:Lstant CJ. ty,~: 'ecretary , . -1 ! I I I LJ n I . Li ~ c..o a; t.LJ ~ Q I-i u [j ,tala I REGUIAR MEETING OF CI'IY COMMISSION December II, 1972 The City Coonnission convened in rsgular session at the City Hall on Monday, December 11, 1972, 7:30 p,.m., with the following members present: Mayor Harris, presiding; ConunissionersBinig, Stanley , Underwood and Way.. The "City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Underwood. The Commission was advised that the 1973 Budget included necessary ftmds for the pur- chase of replacement automotive equipment and that bids sould be received during the month of January in order to expedite delivery and secure participation by as many bidders as possible. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Conunission Stanley, tha tthe City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received by the City Commission at 7:30 p.m., Monday, January 22, 1973, for the following automotive equipment: Iepartment, Police Fire Item Budgeted Cost 7,500.00 10,000.00 2,500.00 6,500.00 7,500.00 2,600.00 Street Sanitation Sewage Treatment 3 patrol cars First aid unit 1 pickup truck 1 - 24,000 GVW cab & chassus 1 - 25,500 GVW diesel truck 1 automobile Voting Aye: All Voting No: Nonr A reconmenda tion was presented to the Commission for the installation of 34 , additional 3300 lumen street lights erected on existing wood po~es and 36 additional 3300 lumen streetlights erected on ornamental steel standards at a cost of $1,668annuall:Y:-I It was noted that the 1973 budget had included funds for the installation of these addi tional street lights. Moti'On by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Way, that the re- commendation of the City Manager be accepted for the installation of 70 additional lumen street lights in accordance with themap-dated December 8,1972, showing pro- posed locations. Voting Aye: All Voting' No : None A schedule was presented to the Commission showing that in comliance with action of the City Conunission on :pecember 27, 1971, a charge of $0.30 per 100 square feet, with a mini.nn>>rlcharge of $25.00, on an annual basis, is made for mowing vacant lots within the city. The procedure followed in the lot mowing program was outlined for the Commission. Motion by Commissiion Way, seconded by Conmissioner Binig, that Ordinalrce Number 972 be amended and, a charge made of 1 ~ per square foot, wi th a minimum charge of $60.00, and that the ordinance also apply to the lots that are o ccupied *1?l'- non-occupied homes. r'" -n- IIr" I r -.. t~ft~. .11!:::-'~ =1 L~ ,.1 IT Wi th pennission of Commissioner Binig, Commissioner Way withdrew his motion and the City :Manager was instructed to research the ordinance applicable and bring his report to the next meeting of the City Commission on Monday, December 18th. , . The Conunission was advised that City Treasure Wm. Dittert, Jr.,had made a study to determine the loss of tax revenue that would res:ult by virtue of the Consti- tutional Amendment pr""iding a $3,000.00 assessed homestead exemption to property owners 65 years of age and over. Such study indicated that there were approxi- mately 1283 such owners in the City of West University Place and the exemption would represent ,08% of the 1972 tax levy, or $3,866,668 of the total tax roll ,value' and a, tax revenue loss of $57.735.00. . , ~ I~ I I I , ~--.J Discussion by the City Conunission on the effect such exemption would have on the financial structure of the city included the observation that bond rating companies look at the valuation rather than the, tax rate when rating bonds; possible alternative measures that ndght be permitted under the enSb.ling legislation; the fact the 70% of the votes cast in the last general election were in favor of passagepassage of the amendment pennitting the ex~tion; and the fact that a l3~ increase in the tax rate would be required to make up the revenue lost if the exemption be- came effective. . Deviating from the usual connnission procedure, Mayor Harris requested opinions from Mr. Harry McCleary, 3123 Rice Boulevard, and Mr. Carl Werner, 6445 Belmont, who were in the audience and both of whom' are over 65 years of age. Motion by Conunissioner Stanley, seconded by Connnission Way, that the ,City Conmis- sion effect the $3,000 reduction in assessed valuation for homestead exemption as provided in State Constitutional' Amendment No.6, and as unfortunately passed overwhelmingly on election day. Voting Aye: Conunissioner Stanley \foting No: . Conmissioner:,Binig Commissioner Way Conunissioner Underwood Mayor Harris Following failure of the motinn to carry, City Attorney Charles Cockrell was asked by Mayor Don Harris what redress the citizens had in event they disagreed with action of the City Connnission. Mr. Cockrell stated that if desired, the citi- zens could file the required petition and bring the matter to a referendum vote. Mr. W. C. Dahlman, Houston District Manager, Houston Natural Gas Corporation, appeared before the Conunission to answer questions and provide infonnation in regard to that company's desire to adjust its domestic rates by passing on to its conunercial and residential consumers a 2.4~ per MCF increase granted by the Rail- road Conunission of'Texas to Houston Pipe Line, and. costs related thereto, resulting in a 2~~ increased cost for gas supplied to the consumers in the City of West Univer- sity Place. In response to questions from members of the City Commission, Mr. Dahlman reviewed the production for Houston Natural, stating that he could see no gas shortage for the Houston area in the foreseeable future; the cost of being' competitive in the procurement of gas; existing long term contracts with major gas consumers that permit lower prices than on the current market, stating that these contracts were subject to renegotiation upon renewal; and the procedure to be ~' , i I I L-J ~ -l I I I I '---..J [ ~ <r; 0: W ~ Q [ l~1 j i 'f)"jJlk'g '~~~~;1 followed for future rate adjustments. Following a determination by the Commission that the City of Houston has not approved, disapproved or taken final action on the reqtiest before it by Houston Natural Gas Corporationl it was the decision of the Commission to table any furtherc:;p1'l.sd::deration of the r~quest imtilil the next meeting of the City Commission-on December 18th. A letter dated December 11, 1972, :from the City Manager outlining the city's insurance program was presented to the Commission. Attention was di1Cected,to the distribution of premiums pa~d on insurance poli- cies to eligible agents residing in the city and the established procedure for filing to receive a pro-rata share of such premiums. Motion'by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Binig,' that the City Manager be authorized to insert legal notices in the Houston Post, Houston Chronicle and Southwestern Argus to advise qualified agents of their responsibility for filing in order to receive apro~rata share of the city's insurance premiums. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Estimate No.2, prepared and filed by Bernard Johnson, Inc. in the amount of $20,4-39.59 for payment to Lem Construction Company for work performed and materials supplied ontthe,Weslayan sanitary sewer lift station and lines, for the period November 1, 1972 to November 30, 1972, was presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that payment be authorized for Estimate No.2, in the amount of $20,439.59, pre- pared by Bernard Johnson, Inc. for funding to Lem Construction Com- for work performed and materials supplied on the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift station for the period November 1, 1972 to November 30, 1972. Voting Aye : All Voting No: None An invoice in the amount of $801.85 for engineering services per~ formed by Bernard Johnson, Inc. for the period September 25 through November 5, 1972, on the Weslayan sanital'Y lift plant and lines, was presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the invoice in the amount of $807.85 for eggineering services 'on the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift plant and lines, for the period September 25 through November 5, 1972 ,be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All' Voting No: None Mayor Don Harris stated that.the City Commission had met with Mr. Warner Strang, Mr.' Steve Flowers and 'other members of the'Executive Committee of the West University Recycling Center and had determined that the city should become wholly involve~ in a city-wide recycling program on designated days for curbside pickup. ~-,.- ..l~.". "8'" '1' ',: '6~:. ",' . r: .... '. . ~f' ..:m-r- -~ 1:- ~~ -- II '] ~ Mayor Harris further stated that rpospective purchasers of re- cyclable materials had been contacted. and that the city was assured of a reasonable market and outlet, however, there was need for an effective educational program and publicity to involve city employees and residents in participation; and that Mr. Warner Strang and his Executive Committee had agreed to assume the responsibility of the education and publicity programs& ' , ' It was the decision of the City Commission that present plans are for curbside pickup recycling program to be placed into effect on February 26th. A letter from Chief of Police Harold Shipp dated December 7, 1972, was presented to the}:Commission. Chief Shipp requested that Sgt. Patrick O'Shaughnessy be authorized to attend a l2~week Supervisory and Managerment course at the Southwestern Law Enforcement Insti- tute at Southern Methodist University for the period January 3, 1973 through March 20, 19,73. The course~is to be funded through an $800 scholarship and a $300 subsistence allowance provided by the Texas Criminal Justice Council and will require a subsidy from the city not to exceed $500 for additional expenses. ' Motion by Commissioner Binig, seconded by Commissioner Way, that the recommendation of Chief Shipp be accepted and Sgt. Patrick O'Shaugh- nessy be authorized to attend the Southwest Law Enforcement Institute from January 3, 1973 through March 20, 1973, while remaining on the payroll of the Pol~ce Department and providing necessary funds~ not to exceed $500.00 for additional expenses incurred. I~ ~ , '\ , , I L..J Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconed by Commissioner Way, that the second meeting of the City Commission for the month of December, 1972 be changedffrom December ~25th to December 18th under the provisions of Ordinance no. 725; Voting Aye: All Voting No: None City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that the suit filed against the city by Fidelity Land & Trust Company of Texas had been assigedn trial on December 5th and that the city had been granted a Summary Judgment by the trial judge. . ' , Resolution Number 72-21 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREA~, Mr~. Jo-Egray Sheffie~d and Mr. WoodrowKi~g,. Jr., ~m~loyed as Pol~ce D~$patchers and appo~nted Deputy Clerks of the Mun~c~pal Court, have resigned from the employment of the city; and WHEREAS, the resignation of Mrs. Jo-Egray Sheffield and Mr. Woodrow King, Jr. creates the necessity of appointing other employees to ~~ serve as Deputy Clerks of ' the Municipal Court; and U WHEREAS, Mr. Bill Bremer and Mr. Dwight Tiller have been employed as Police Dispatchers and are 'qualified to. assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court. o ~ (/:,i 0: W ~ Q o o 1, ,"tj""l"" ~. . ~'.:.'". :: .' I;.t :i..; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS:' ' Section 1. That Mr. Bill Bremer and Mr. Dwight Tiller be, and they are hereby appointed Deputy Clerks of the Municipal CoUrt of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 2. That the appointment o~ Mr. Bill Bremer and Mr. Dwight Tiller, as Deputy Clerks of the Municipal Court of the Ci ty of Wes t University Place, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resoltuion and that they shall assume the assigned dUties of Deputy Clerk after having .been administered the proper oath of office. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of December, 1972'. Commissione~s Voting Aye: Commission-ers Voting No: All None /s/ Don E. Harris Mayor ATTEST: Is/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion:bY Gommissi,oner Way, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that Resolution Number 72..-21 appointing Police Dispathcers Bill Bremer and Dwight Tiller as deputy clerks of the Municipal Court, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No:!:, All The Commission was advised that tennis consultant Jack Kamrath had been invited to visit the Case Park tenn-is c-ourtand to,' submitc a proposal for its rehabilitation. The Commission was ftirtheradVised that upon receipt of the amendddobudget they would find the funds necessary for funding the project. A letter dated December 8, 1972, from Mr. John J. Dobler was pre- sented to the Commission. Mr. Dobler requested permission for re- presentatives of :Gulf Coast-Bellare Cable Television to appear before the Commission to discuss a franchise application. Ma~or Harris instructed the City Manager to advise Mr. Dobler that any meeting would have to be after the firstof the year. , Inasmuch as there has been a change in city administration subse- quent to the original filinf for a federal grant on the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift plant and lines, it was pointed out to theCommis- sion that Mayor Don Harris should be authorized to sign all documents to be filed in this connection. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by CommissionerBinig, that Mayor Don E. Harris be named as the designated authority in connec- , tion with the federal grant application for the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift plant and lines. Voting Aye: All Voting No: All . -~--r r, '.1 !I~. I Ilr- , '1; 0'8 ",,< :,:.- I".--~O; ... ~ ,'~. ~ ::J~- ------------.: ~__. ._:.J d , 11 I~ T In response to an tnquj,ry made by the City Manager, the City Attor- Oil," ney stated that he had not written the owner's 'of property in the 6100 block of Edloe requesting that such property be cleaned up. Minutes of the regular meeting of the 'Zoning Board'of AdJustment on Thursday, November 2"8, 1972,' were 'pres'ented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on Thursday, December 5, 1972; were presented to the Commission for their information. Minutes of the tegularmeetIng 'of the' Ci ty'~Commission on Monday, , November 27, 1973, were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, Novembet'lT,19'72, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at~nO: 25 p.m. u2~ i~-l u ATTEST: AS~~/ u o ~ r.&i a: w o Q o o lrHl)' . <0"1 .r.; 'P"_; " /);: . ,,',',':.,~: '10' \... . - ~~- ....... I I REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION December 18, Ifi72 The City Commissi~n convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, December 18, 1972, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Harris, presiding; CommissionersBinigt Stanley, Underwood and Way. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Stanley. Mr. Forest Daniel, 3611 Sunset, advised the Commission that he wished for them a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and would like to ex- press his, appreciation for good representation, a good city staff and good firemen andpolicement. Mr ..Daniel also advised that he would :. like' to put the Commission on notice that considerable traffic pro- blems would be experienced as a result of the proposed construction of a sports arena in the Greenway Plaza area. Mayor Harris thanked Mr. Daniel and assured him that city officials were keeping well informed on all developments in surrounding areas that could ,affect West University. Mr. Jerry Deutsch, 6437 Mercer, appeared before the Commission stating that it was his opinion that the City Commission rushed into action to disapprove Constitutional Amendment No.6 allowing a $3,000 home- stead exemption of all property owners age 65 or over. Mr. Deutsch inquired as to the possibility of opening the question for another vote; his desire to help the people of West University by further discussion on the issue; and the filing of a petition to call a referendum election. Mayor Harris advised Mr. Deutsch that the City Commission had not rushed into a decision, but had carefully considered all phases of the issue and had no justification for further action. Mayor Harris also advised Mr. Deutsch that if ,it was the desire of the voter's a petition calling for a referendun could be filed. In regular sessmon,onDecember 11, 1972, the City Commission deferred action on an application filed by the ,Houston Natural Gas Corporation for a 2~q: rate increase to its residential and small conunercial con- sumers in the City of West University Place. Mr. W.C. Dahlman, Houston District Manager, Houston 'Natural Gas Corporation again appear- before the Commission. Mr. Dahlman present~d the Commission an ordi- nance for consideration, advising theft Cityr\,Attorney Charles Cockrell had revjJe..Wi.e!il~ithe ordinance. Mr.Cockrell advised the Commission that the rate increase would not become effective in West University until also effective in Houston and surrounding areas. Ordinance Number 991 was presented to the Conunission and read in full: -~~ -:-_-~- _-.......-l1L:. IT ,..,.,r': _=-- l\:{n:>;n~<\ .{ ,~~~~"'i\ t, ,-- AN ORDINANCE PRESCRI~INGRATES TO BE CHARGED FOR DISTRIBUTION AND SALE OF NATURAL GAS WITH~ IN 'THE CITY, AND REJ?EALING ALL OTHER RESOLUTIONS OR ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOf IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. il u Motion by Commissioner Underwood that the City Commission vote no on Ordinance Number 991. The motion died for lack of a second. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Way, that Ordinance Number 991 prescribing rates to be charged for the distri- bution and sale of natural gas in West University, be approved as read. ' Commissioner Binig Voting No: Commissioner Commissioner Stanley Underwood Commissioner Way In compliance with a request of the City Commission at its meeting on December 11, 1972, City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised that under the provisions of Ordinance Number 778 and Article 782, Section 2, of the Penal Code, it was permis-sable for the city to go onto property with improvements, but no occupied, to remove unsanitary conditions. Voting Aye: The following action ~as taken by the City Commission with regard to the mowing of vac~n.tlot~. wi thin the city subsequent to a general discussion of cost~ involved, number of times mowed and the desire of the Commission to assess .the responsibility for keeping the pnoperty mowed to the owners. Motion by Commissioner Way, seconded by Commissioner Undepw0d, that the City Attorney be directed to amend Ordinance Number 972, Section 2, to read as follows: "Section 2. That the following charges be placed into effect for mowing and cleaning of vacant lots in the City of West University Place: $0.01 per square foot with a minimum charge of $60.00, on an annual basi~. il U and that there be levied a $5.00 fee for the f~ling of a lien where the property owner refused to clean the prop- er~or pay for same and the city is required to perform this service with its employees and equipment, and that there will be an additional $5.00 fee for the release of said lien." Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 72-22 authorizing payment of $1,220.00 to Mr. lJ William J. Merrill of the law firm of Kelley, Ryan and Merrill for legal services as co-counsel with City Attorney Charles Cockrell to represent the city in a lawsuit filed~ Fidelity Land & Trust Company of Texas,was presented to the Commission and read in full: o cr:; c.o (J: ~ ~ Q o o '1 'lOp');;> j- .: . ~~t~f'; '. ~;j1.. . WHEREAS, the City Conunission of the City of West University Place, Texas hereto;!;oreauthotized the employment of 'William J. Merrill of the law, firm of Kelley, Ryan & Merrill as co ""couseT with the City Attorney to represent the city in that certa.im lawsuit styled No. 821,483, Fidelity Land & Trust Co. of Texas, Trustee v. The City of West Unive~sity Place, l27th District Court, Harris County, Texas; and WHEREAS, said case was set for trial for the week of December 4, 1972; and WHEREA~, on December 5, 1972 a motion for summary judgment was, filed ~n behalf of The City of. West University Place and argu- ments were presented by the Plaintiff and Defendant to the Court; and WHEREAS, thereafter on December 7, 1972 judgment 'fas rendered in behalf of The City of West University Place that the Plaintiff take nothing by its suit; add WHEREAS, William J.Merrill has now submitted, a statement for services rendered in. connection, with the aforesaid litigation in the amount of $1,220.00 and the City Attorney has reconunended payment of such statement: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE .CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: . 1. That the City Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to issue , a voucher payable to the firm of Kelley, Ryan & Merrill in the amount of $1,220,.00 representing payment in full for, the services rendered in accordance with the statement dated December 7, 1972 submitted to the city by said firm. 2. That said sum of $1,220.00 be,paid from and charged to the Water-Sewer Fund of the city. PASSED AND APPROVED this 18th day ,of December, 1972. Conunissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: All None /s/ Don E. Harris Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Ass~stant C1ty Secretary Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Way, that Resolution Number 72-22 authorizing.payment of $1,220.00 to Mr. William J. Merrill for legal services in a lawsuit filed by Fidelity and Trust Company, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None I~ ... _i~i .11,.---- ~ --------.. .:~-Il - '-I Resolution Number 7Z.~23 authQrizip.g payment .of$ Z ,500 .00 to City Attorney'Cl:larles Cockrell fot services. reIidet,edto. the' City of West Univ.ersity Place in its suit 'against the City of HoustoIiin regard to the condemnation proceedings of Edloe property, was pre- sented to the Commiss'ion and read in, full: :l LJ WHEREAS, an agreement has been reached with the City of Houston in that certain action styled No. 191,196, City of Houston vs. City of West Qni ver~i ty Place, County Civil Court at Law No,. 2, Harris co~~ty, Texas; and WHEREAS, a final judgment,wil1 be.rendered in said suit providing for compensation to the City of West UniYersi~y Place in the sum of $220,000.00 for the taking of 41,831 square feet described in said judgment; and WHEREAS, the City Attonney Cl:1arles F. Cockrell, Jr., has represented the City of West University Place in said matter from its inception to the entry of final judgment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has heretofore agreed to pay to Charles F. ,Cockrell, Jr. the .sum of $ Z, 500.00 ,for services rendered in said condemnation proceedings; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place: 1. That the City Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to. issue a voucher in the amount .of $2,500.00 pauable to Charles f. Cockrell, Jr., for services rendered in the City of West ,Univ~rsity Place in Cause No. 191,196,. City of Houston vs. City of West University Place, County Civil Court at Law No.2, Harris County, Texas. [J 2,. Said sum shall be payable out of the compensation paid by the City of Houston to the City of West University Place. PASSED AND APPROVED this 18th day of December, 1972. ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Asslstant Cltv Secretary Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None Is/ Don E. Harris Mayor Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that Resolution Number 72-23 authorizing payment of $2,500.00 to City Attorney Charles Cockrell for legal services in connection with the condemnation proceedings filed by the City of Houston be approved IjllU as. read. . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o C'j (f) a: ~ ~ o o o :'li-ar~"~,~ ~l~V.~ Mot~on by C01lUnissiqner Way, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that appraiser Haynes Hurlock be. paid a ;f;ee 'not to exceed $ 200.00 for services rendered in Connection with thecondenination proceedings filed oy theCCity of Houston. Voting Aye: 'All ~ Voting No: None Ordinance Numbe~ 992 amending. Ordi~ance Number 966, which apj}roved the budget of the C~ty of West Un~versity Place, Texas for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1972, and adopted on August 30, 1971, was presented to the Commission and"read in full: AN ORDINANCE'AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 9G6WIICH APPROVED THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF WEST .UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JAN- UARY,l, 1972, AND ADOPTED ON AUGUST 30, 1971. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconed by Commissioner Binig, that Ordinance Number 992 amending the budget of the City of West Univer- sity Place for the fiscal year, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The City Manager was advised that if future budgets required amend- ing it would be helpful to the Commission if all budget items were shown indicating accounts un.derspent as well as those over expended. Resolution Number 72-24 authorizing the investment of $200,908.68 was presented to' th/e:;ConuiJ.ission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in. the following furids from the following sources: 197Z Current Tax Collections Tax Collector's Fund $100,000.00 Savings Certificate fro~ San Jacinto Savings Association Water-Sewer Fund 76,598.68 Federal Revenue Sharing Fund General Fund 24,310.00 $ 200,908.68 which funds will not be required for current operating expenses; and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city'i ~oney invested to earn additional income and it is ne- cessary and prudent to authorize investment and re-investment of these certain sums of money; and WHEREAS, funds now on dep?sit in the San Jacinto Savings Association, amounting to $76,598.68, ~n a savings certificate at the rate of 5~%, will mature December 31, 1972. r I ',- II r H r'-'-~' " r , '-' 'f:'" -"A~' '~.."W. NOW, THEREFORE, I3E IT RESOLVED ,I3Y' ,THE CrTY ,COMMlSSION OF THE Cl.TY " OF "WEST UNIVERSITY ,PLACE, , TEXAS :" o Section 1. That theCi ty Treasurer ishe"rebi directed to withdraw funds :from the San Jacinto Savings Association in the amount of $76,598.68, plus accrued interest, when said savings certificate matures December 31, 1972. ' Section 2. That "the City Treasurer is further di,rected to invest and re--invest" all of - the above mentioned funds totaling $200, 908 ~'68, plus accrued interest, 'at the best availab!Le rate in two (2) of the following: Houston First Savings Association; University Savings & Loan Association; American Savings and Loan Association; pI' Liberty Savings Association~" , PASSED AND APPROVED this' 18th day of" December, 1972. , Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None "/ Don E. Harri~" , Mayor ATTEST: isl Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Way, that Ui Resolution Number 72-24, as amended in Section 2, read as follows: \ "That the City Treasurer ~s further directed to invest ,the $200,908.68 at the best available rate in tw~ (2) of the following: Houston First Savings Association; University Savings and Loan Association; American Savings and Loan Association; or Liberty Savings Association." Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A letter dated December 14, 1972, from Valley'Crest Landscape, Inc. of Texas, landscape contractors for the development of Carnegie~Wake- forest Park, was presented to the Commission for their information. The Commission was advised that the existing tennis court at Weir Park had beeen resurfaced with laykold and the striping should be com- plete in a few days. The City Manager was requested to 'check on water standing on this court in a number of places. , , Following a discussion by the Commission with regard to protection of the city's tennis courts it was the decision to refer the need for a resident ,tennis study committee to the Park Board for considera- tion. Mayor Harris advised the City Manager that it would be helpful to the Commission in its study of uses :for" funds received by vurtueof the Revenue Sharing Act, to have a list of general categories in,which IlU funds can be used. " D ~ (J;) a: w c) o D D Ii"9'1 I I I City Attorney Charles Cockrell ~dvised the Commission. that inas- much as Asst. City Manager Dan 'Edwards had reported that the prop;' erty in the6100blokk of Edloe still had not nb~5tncn(fLeaned of trash and debirs that he would write letters to property owners request- ing immediate action to clean the property. ' Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Binig, that the City Manager be directed to inspe~t, with the appropriate people, property located at 6330 Wakeforest, 6618 Sewanee and 6321 Sew-anee, for the purpose of determining if there is anything that can be done to get those properties cleaned up and report back to the City Commission at its next regular meeting. Voting Aye: All Voting Nb: None Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Stanley, that the City Manager be directed to get two or three ideas, for submission to the City Commission, to expend the $500.00 returned to the city by the West University Recycling Center; $250.00 of which was designated to be spent on library bookssand the other $250.00 for playground equipment. With permission of Commissioner Underwood and Commissioner Stanley, Commissioner Binig amended the motioned to use the $250.00 available for purchase of playground equipment for Carnegie-Wakeforest Park. Voting Aye: All Voting No:, None Following a general discussion with regard to names of the city's park the matter will be referred to the Park & Recreation Board for consideration. In response to a question by Commissioner Stanley, the Commission was advised that a representative of the Harris County Flood Control District and advised Asst. City Manager Dan Edwards that repair to the fence at the Poor Farm Ditch was the responsibility of the city rather than the Flood Control District. The City Manager was in- structed to officially contact the Harris County Flood Control District in an attempt to have them repair the fehue~. The City Manager was directed to write a letter to each resident in the 4000 and 4100 block of Ruskin and advise them that he and the Mayor had met with a representative of the Southwestern Bell Company with regard to parking employees' cars on residential streets, and that plans are being made for a permanent solution to the problem. The Commission was advised that Mike lIse, landscape architect for the Judson Park development, was not ready to accept the landscape development of the Park as performed'by Trees; Inc. and would make a final inspection of the p~~ject. Action on the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on December 11, 1972, was deferred until the next regular meeting of the City Commission on January 8, 1972, inasmuch as Commission members had not had an opportunity to review such minutes. r .' '}H-:g"O < . , '< ".. .;. '.',-\;,:. ,31r- L______ __ : ,.:p---- - I2. I Witn. no. ;further busi.ness to, comeb,e;foretheCommlsston at this ti.me~1.il?on motion duly ma.de,' seconded and carried,the'meeting adjourned at '10 flS"'p. :m. . Qr[4~ ATTEST: ~" J'1lJuOA A Ass~stant c~ t~cretary ./ ..I D [] [J