HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1971 o to -t ....-l P--4 U U I: Li [ 26'5:' REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JANUARY 11, 1971 The City Commission' convened in regular session at the City Hall' on Monday; . January 11, 1971, 7:30 p.m., with the following members pr~sent: . Mayor Neighbors presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes, Underwood and Wallin. The City Attorney and City Manager were also presen~. The invocation,was pronounce~.by Co~ssioner Underwood. Mr. St~bbs Brown, 6544 Brompton,Road, appeared before the Commissio~ and ,stated that he believes 'the new street name signs are'most' attractive ai:J.dadd much to the 'general appearance of the ~ntire'9ity. In accordance with action of the City Commission, biqs ~ec~ived fo~ the following automotive equipment :were opened' and results' announced as follows:" Company Item' :Qepartme;p.t Bid ,Price Jack Roach Ford 4 dr. Sedan Police 2,201.28 Jack Roach Ford 4 dr. Sedan Police 2,251.28, Jack Roach Ford 4 dr. Sedan .. Police 2, 30J:. 28 , ' , MacRobert Chevrolet StatioJ:? Wagon -Fire 2,595.41 Jack Roach Ford* Cab & Chassis Street 4,507.49 Fatjo Chevrolet** Cab & Chassis Street 4,985.20 Fatjo Chevrolet Pickup Truck - Sanitation 1,850.00 Fatjo Chevrolet ,Pi~~up Truck Sanitation 1,850.00 . ,.. , Fatjo Chev.rolet Cab & Chassis Sanitation 4,585.70 . * Fatjo Chevrolet's low bid of$4,400~00 did not include $385.20 charged for 427 c.i. engine with 300 HP; thus making Jack Roach low bidder. **Low bids include additional charge of $385.20 for larger engines. Motion by CommissionerWallip.,"seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the bids received for f'urnishingautomotive equipment be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation~ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None City Manager Whitt Johnson introduced members of the Commission to Mr. Denny L. Arnold wh~ has. b_ee~, employed as Assistant City Manager. A brief resume of Mr. Arnold's educational and business background was presented ,and the Commission. was advised that many duties, including a safety program, personnel procedures, interviews and recruitment, preliminary budget preparation, inventory of physical property, work with Houston-Galveston Area Council, preparation of Annual Report, etc. woul,d be turned over to Mr. Arnold.' " , ", "".;1.., . Mayor Neighbors welcomBd'Mr.'Arhbld to the city and wished him a happy association with the city in his new position. In accordance with the provisions of Article XXVi, Section 15, of the City Charter the City Commission was advised of theneqessitY,ro designate an official newspaper for the year 1971. After general conversation concerning the definition of a news- paper, and the fact that the Southwestern ARgus is now entered as second-class postal matter and meets all other requirements Tor designation as an official news- paper, the following action was taken: fI r- I" ,llr ..I".....nnrnoll -.illf .. _Lilt. jjJJ.MlJULI........J.l.. Jilt ...JI, II "'1 9'C~6'" " C; ...,} . Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the South- western Argus be" designated, as, the. official neWSpaper, for, the City" of Wel:?t Uni- versi ty Place f<;:>x the Year,1971, and" that the B:oustQri~'Chronicle, be used for notices to bidders or other items requiring a broader newspaper coverage~ 0... . I~ i iJ Voting Aye: All Voting No: ' None Mayor Neighbors stated that'interviews had'been held with a nUmber of" residents for consideration as members of the city's Zoning and Planning Commission and final consideration should be given to Mr.:E.. Gene HInes? Mr. L. B. Bricker, Mr.' M. C. Caldwell, Mr. H. Allen Weatherby, and. Mr. RGlandE. Dahlin. OrdinanGe,np. 952 was presented to the Commission and read in fUll: AN ORDINANCE ApPOINTING L.B.BRICKER, M. C. CALDWELL, . . .1 . ....~ ... .._ . ROLANB E.DAHLIN, E. GENE HINES, AND H. ALLEN WEATHERBY AS MEMB~RS .OF THE ,ZONING ~ND P~ING COMMISSION, OF THE _-oCITY_OF.:WEST ~UNIVERSITY"PIACE; "'TEXAS. . '., ;-. .. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commisiioner"Harris, that Mr. E. Gener Hines, L. B. Bricker, M. C. Caldwell, H. Allen Weatherby, and Roland E. Dahlin be appointed~embers of the Zoning .and Planning Commission of the City of West University, Place, and that Ordinance Number ,952 be 'approved as read. Voting Aye: All , Voting No: None A letter received from Mr. James H.Byrd"representing Kenneth Schnitzer was presented to the 'Commlssion, requesting an extension from December 31,1970, to March 31, 1971, for a construction easement along the easterly ,ten feet of city owned property located at the corner of Edloe Street and ~he Southwest Freeway. ,~ I J Motion by. Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that Kenneth Schnitzer be granted an exteI,lsion, fromDec~mbe~, 31" 1970 until March 31, ..1971, on a construction 'easement along the easterly ten feet pf'city owned proPerty located at the corner of Edloe Street and the Southwest Freeway. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance wi i;;h prey-ious action, and, ,n~W;r'U.les of procedue established by 'the City Commission, Ii iist of :i,..nsurance' ag~ht's eligiblefbr parti,cipation in the distribution of' commissions Paid on the' c:i,..:ty' s- insuranc,e premiums", on a pro-rata basis, wa,s present~d. . .. Motion'by Commi'ssioner Wallin, secondedby'Commissioner'Harris, that the follow- ing insurance agents be approved a eligible ~6partfcipate in the distribution ' of p'remi~s pa~d pn the city's insurance and that the new rules of procedure where- by" agents must make annual application to the c:i,..ty for participation" be continued: Aubrey ~rye, 3008 Rice Boulevard Jack Rawson, 2737 Amherst' Joe c. Eason, 3773 Nottingha:rp. C. D. Whatley, 6602,Buffa16 T. P~ Hewitt, Jr., 3755 Tangley S. W~ Ramey, 3409 Rice Boulevard Hollis Waldt, 5932 Auden' . J. A. Measom, Sr., 3129 Robinhood Cj ! ~ b'J,ij&J-;Y,e' ~ ~o,~, <,,j' '! " [I Wynne L. Creekmore, 3759,~angley John E. Boyd, 2723 Robinhood ROQert B.Overstreet, 3113 Pittsburg Fred A. Rhodes, Jr., 2929 Bissonnet Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Pa1ll JoplilJ"Muni,cipalCPnsultant for the Houston Lighting and Power Company, present~d a request for an easement for the placement of a street light on city owned property located 'at the city~sdsewagedisposal plant on North Braes- wood Boulevard. LQ ,...-t ,....\ .,..... U U Motion by Commission~rUnderwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Houston Lighting and ~Power Company-be granted an easement for the placement of a street light on city owned property located at the city's disposal plant on North Braes- wood BotLlevard. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. John Foster, Sup~rvisor of Division Activities, and Mr. Paul Joplin, Municipal Consultant, for Houston Lighting and Power Company, appeared before the Commission in connection with a letter dated Decemberr30, 1971, presented to the City on the same date, regarding Houston Lighting and Power Company's request that the City Comm~ssion accept the rate increase ofa minimum monthly charge from $1.20 to $1.90'for residences and small businesses, as approved by the City of Houston on December 22, 1970. Mr .,Foster advised that .this was the<first increase req,uested by Houston Lighting and PowerComp;3.ny since 1962; was necessitated by the increased cost of,money and the need for expansiqn of facilities; and would become effective with the first billing cycle after their l~tter of intent had been filed. In answer to questions ~y members of the Commission, Mr. Foster stated that Houston Lighting and Power Company's application to the City of Houston had been made on May 6,1970, with plans to submit the appli,cation to smaller muni- cipalities after action had been taken by the City of Houston. 'Inasmuch as the. City of Houston failed to act until December 22, 1970, there had been a delay in presenting the application to the City of West University. Mr. Foster stated that there was no way he could specifically state what had been done to improve service in West University and ~hat no action was necessary on the part of the city to approve the rate increase. Mayor Neighbors thanked Mr. Foster and Mr. Joplin for appearing before the Com- mission and expressed ~ppreciation~~for. their discussion on the proposed rate increase Motion by CommissioJ1,erWallin that the rate increase not be approved and a public" hearing called. Mqtion died for J,.ack of a second. Motion by Commissione:r' Hughes that the Commission ascertain from the Houston Lighting and Power CompE!.ny the reason why they think the rates should be in." creased and then move forward establishing information on which the Commission could base a decis.ion as to whether the, evidence bore out the necessityfor.an increase. Motion died for lack of a second. [I ---",-,,,-.-',-..:',-'-""',. Motion by Commissioner Underwood that the City Commission reject the rateii-.rigj:.~~Fe< ontthe basis that it is to the best interest of the citizens of West University Place, until such time as Houston L~ghting, and Power Company will make a concerted ,'T'1I :::J _ 1._ --"II :".-::O[OJITLi'1 :mr:t L.U"_ I 11.U,1IJU. _..1 _. J I IYI~lj.ll i I ,I,. 1!IU. 'i~.J~~_ ''}:~8' ~ \Ult ~ effort to justify their reasons for a rate ,increase. Seconded by Commissioner Wallin. Voting Aye: Commissioner,_Underwood Commissioner Wallin Commissioner Harris ,Voting No: Commissioner Hughes Mayor Neighbors When asked by Mayor Neighbors what action should now be taken, City Attorney Cockrell stated that it would. appear that there would probably be three alterna- ti ves : The Company, merely by the' fci2l'fng of the rate s ch~dule, may contend that the disapproval by the City 'Commission is not .effective to prevent. the increased rate, and that would take no action except to send out bills in the regular course of business; on the other hand, if the company should consider that the Commission's disapproval of the rates might effect their legality~ they might give consideration to seeking an injunction of some character against the city's action. If the Com- panyattempts to enforce the new schedue of rates without ,making any further appear- ance before the Commission, and if the Commission desires to prevent the collection ,under the new rate schedule, it would be necessary for the Commission to seek an injunction against the Company. Mayor Neighbors then instructed the City Manager to telephone Mr. Foster and advlse him of the action taken by the City Commission. Resolution Number 71-1 appointing a City Attorney, Municipal Court Judge, City Treasurer, Tax-Assessor-Collector and Assistant, was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Wallin; that Resolution Number 71~1 appointing Charles F. Cockrell, City Attorney; Cahrles Duhn, Municipal Court Judge; Wm. Dittert, Jr., Treasurer, Tax Assessor-Collector; and Danny D. Sullivan as Assistant, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting no: None Resolution Number 71-2 appointing DennyL. Arnold as Assistant City Manager was presented to ~he Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, it has heretofore been determined by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, that the duties and responsibilities of the City Manager have become so diverse, numerous and time consuming, it is felt necessary and proper to employ an individual to assist ,in the performance of such duties; such person to be known as Assistant City Manager. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY, COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; Section 1. The City Commission hereby names and appoints Denny L. Arnold as Assistant City Manager of the City of West University Place, Te'xas. Section 2. The duties and responsibilities of the Assistant City Manager shall be those assigned from time to time by the City Manager. Section 3. That Denny L. Arnold, as Assistant City.Manager, shall receive monthly compensation for the performance of his duties a salary of Eight Hundred Fifty and NO/lOa ($850.00) Dollars per month for the fiscal year of 1971. PASSED AND APPROVED this lith day of January 1971. ~,;,t '"iei!~ D ~ o n'6,w'9' '" -,~ ". ; .... ,,"'rI, -, ' ~ Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: All No /s/ John N. Neighbors Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretar,r LQ -ot ~ ....... U U t ' , . Motion by Commissioner Underwood,q s.ec.ondec;l by Commi,S.sioner fl:a~ris, ,tha,t Resolution Number 71-2 appointing Denny L~ Arnold,as.Assistan,t'CityMSlriager l?e'approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 71-3 designating Mayoi-: John N. Neighbo~s ~s representa~ive of the City of West University Place on the Houston-Galveston Area Council and Commis- sioner Paul Wallin as A~ternate was presented to the Commission. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Cqmmissioner H~gh.~s, that Resolution Number 71-3 designating Mayor John Neighbors as representative and Commissioner Paul Wallin as Alternate on the Houston-Galveston Area Council; be approved as read. W,:I', .;. r "'! . i Voting 'Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that,the street name signs purchased from Lyle Sign Company, Minneapolis, Minn. in accordance with previous action of the City Commis- sion had been received and installation was now in progress~ The Commission was further advised that a number of errors had been discovered, such as 'wrong block numbers, misspelled street names, etc., and it was suggested that of the total purchase price of $8,964.22, only $6,500.00 b~ paid at~his,time, and the re- maining $2,464~22 be paid upon receipt of all corrected name signs. , , Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded'by Commissioner Harris, that Lyle Sign Company, Minneapolis; Minn. be paid $6,500.00 at this time, and a retain~g~ 9f $2,464.22 be held pending receipt of all corrected street name signs. " Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised ihat there were approximately 350 old street signs that had been removed and for which a number of requests had been received. Motion by COrrrrD.issioner Wallin~ seconded by CommiSsioner Harris, that the old street name signs be sold to anyone wishing to purchase same for a price of $5.00 per sign. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None rITl l1J Mayor Neighbors suggested that all funds derived from the sale of the old street name signs be ,placed in the Library Fund fOI,"the purchase qf books, supplies, etc. needed at the West University Library. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that all funds derived from the sale of old street name signs be placed in the Library FUnd. II &:fd.J i .,1 ., ![ i 2ll~ti) Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advsied that in January, 1954, an ordinance was passed by the City Commission authorizing the sale of $250,000 in bonds for the purpose of building and furnishing the City Hall. The last payment on these 2 1/2% interest bearing 'bonds will be made on January 15, 1971, thereby leaving the City Hall free of al encumberances. . , In accordance with previous instructions of the City Commission City Attorney Charles Cockrell presented Ordinance Number 953 establishing rates for mowing and cleaning vacant lots within the city. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RATES FOR MOWING AND CLEANING VACANT LOTS: PROVIDING A FEE FOR FILING AND RELEASE OF LIENS~ AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE~' . Motion by Commissiqner Harris, seconded by Commissioner.Hughes, that Ordinance Number 953 establishing a rate of 25~ per 100 square feet with a $25.00 mini- mum charge, on an annual basis, for mowi~g and cleaning vacant property within the city be approved as' read." ." ' '" , : Voting Aye: All Voting No:' None, A schedule 'and recommendation for investment'were ,presented to the Commis.sion for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that availaole funds be invested ~n accordance with the following schequle: Fund Amount Financial Insti tllti on Te.r:m. RR+,P of' Tn+,P'Y'P!'d~ Wate~ 80,000.00 Home Savings and Loan 1 year 7 1/2% Tax ColleCtor '20,600.00 'Home Savings and Loan' 1 year 7 '1/2% $106 ;000. 00 to be invested for maximum period of 'one (1) year Tax Collector 75,000.00, First City Nat'l. Bank 90 days 5 % Tax Collector 100,000.00' San Jacinto Sabings Assoc. 6 mos. 7 %' $175,000.00 to be invested for period of six (6) months or less. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with 'previ~us instructions 6f'theCity Commission they were advised that Mr. Russell Frame, Chief Engineer with Southern Pacific Railraod Company; would be available during the week for aaPinspect:lon of their property to determine what action could be taken to relieve flooding conditions in the College Court Addition. , , The Commission was advised that certain remodeling was necessary to the City Hall in order to provide better lighting, sound control, etc. Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the City Manager be authorized to employ someone to prepare,p;Lans and spcifications for needed remodeling to the City Hall and to proceed with the 'necessary work. "r.'~~8",..~ [l lU m W rn m LQ ,..... ,...-4 P-4 U U lJ r "",' . . l't";j"I" C} I"!'~ic 1:1'" ,r'.l" Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on December 28, 1970 were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on December 28, 1970, were pre- sented to the Commission and the following actiontake.n: Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the minutes of the regular meet- ing of the City Commission on December 28; 1970, be approved a~ submitted. ' '- Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion duly",;: made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourn at 10:10 p.m. ATTEST: ~ ~')(~ Assistant City Secretary ./ 1-.' -r 11m wmrr-, Ilf "'!';,"'-lmrn!;,II',1 'ijin _. lJll. IlJH..UJ!LJ,. _. ..1.._.. -- , l, . JI ...J....JI,I J '. ):~. '. . 11' , J ] D o I..Q ,...j ~ ,..... u u IJ o 2,7';-5" REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JAl'WARY 25, 1971 The City Commission convened in regular ~ession at the City Hall January 25, 1971, 7:30 p.m., with the f'ollowing members present: presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes, Underwood and Wallin. and City Manager were also present. on Monday Mayor Neighbors The City Attorney The Invocation was pronounceclby Commissioner Wallin. A group of' residents living on Brompton Road, including Mr. and Mrs. ,John Glash, Mr. John Morawletz,Mr. Pete Minton, Mr. Bill Dwyer and Mr. Dan Harimer, appeared bef'orethe Connnission requesting that the suf'f'ix llRoadll be added to the new Bromp- ton street name signs. Mr. Dan Hammer, speaking f'or the group, stated that area residents are concerned _ about" the om:lss~on of' the llRoadlldesignation on the signs inasmuch as all legal papers show their addresses to be Brompton Road and guests are directed to Brompton Road. Mr. John Glash, 6712 Brompton, stated that much of the confusion that has occurred as a re.sult of llRoadll not appearing on the signs is due to the extension, by the City of Houston, of Brompton Road across Bellaire Boulevard with the name designa- tion of Brompton Boulevard. The Connnission and residents were advised that there were a number of' streets within the city wi'thllRoadll or other suf'f'ix that were eliminated f'rom the street signs f'or economymeasures, to provide for the addition of' the hundred block on the f'ace of the signs; because of' the design and color of' the signs, and to provide as much space as possible f'or larger letters. It was also pointed out that the suf'f'ix could be added to the sigsn easily f'or an approximate cost of' ~1.30 per side. Motion by Connnissioner Underwood, seconded by Connnissioner Wallin, that the suf'f'ix IlRoadll be added to the Brompton street name signs, at city expense, in view of' the unique problem of this particular street in having an extension with a simiiiar name in the City of' Houston. Vb'bing Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Harold Ramsey, 3751 Rice Boulevard, stated that he would like to thank members of' the Connnission and their predecessors f'or the installatio~ of' additional street lights in the city. Mr. Ramsey continued to state that this primary purpose in appearing before the Connnission was regarding the proposition for an increase in electric rates proposed by Houston Lighting and Power Company. Mr. Ramsey stated that it was his belief' that the Company had committed and unwise breach of' public relations in their presentation regarding the increase, but that a check of' her personal records indicated that the requested increase was f'or approximately 4 1/2%, which he believed to be a f'air proposition, particularly due to the f'act that the city has assurance of' an adequate supply. Mayor Neighbors thanked Mr. Ramsey f'or appearing bef'ore the Commission and extended and invitation to him to again visit the Connnission. Mayor Neighbors then stated that in view of' the action taken by the Connnission with regard to the rate increase proposed by Houston Lighting and Power Company, he had been f'urnished additional inf'ormation, including a copy of' Gas Utilities Docket No. 416 of the Railroad Commission of' Texas, a copy of' a letter addressed to Mayor Louie Welch of the City of' Houston with regard to the rate increase application, and a letter f'rom Mr. Frank M. Austin, Senior Vice-President of Houston Lighting 1:: ~-'-.1.........c ..:_ L~Cl ~ . -.-'.'J:j'::':.:I.D,[lJ :,111'1 ~Jtt:r on';J ( Mi ~ e~-~ .J.W;_ I J"_U..lJUl.. _. ,.1._ . J' 1_-1 I _J and Power Company~ wherein a reQue~t was made for favorable consideration of the ~~. application submi~ted. ~ Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the City accept the rate increase requested by Houston Lighting and Power in their letter of December 30, 1970. Voting Aye:' All Vo~ing No: None ...l In accordance with action of the City Commission on January 11, 1971, the City Manage~presented a tabulation of bids recei~ed for furnishing truck and automotive equ~pment for the year ,1971, together with his re'coinmenaatici'ii for purchase 'as fol- lows: ' " J J [] LJ LQ ~ ~ /~ U U D LJ ''If''"!'- Ai.[f, After consideration and discussion with regard to the repair cost experienced with the police patrol units, the following action was taken~ Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that bids for furnished truck and auto- motive equipment for the year 1971 be awarded as follows: Unit No. Department Name of Bidder; 1 Police 2 Police 3 Police 4 Fire 5 Street 6 Street 7 Sanitation 8 Sanitation 9 Sanitation Voting Aye: All MacRobert Chevrolet MacRobert Chevrolet MacRobert'Cevrolet MacRobert Chevrolet Jack Roach Ford Reject all bids Fatjo Chevrolet Fatjo Chevrolet Fatjo Chevrolet Voting No: None Net Bid Price 2,205.37 2,405.37 2,505.37 2,595.41 4,507.49 1,850.00 1,850.00 4,200.00 A resume of the rates charged for swimming pool season tickers, and general ad- mission was presented to the;Commission with the notation that;these prices had been in effect for the past two seasons. Gneral discussion developed that both the cost of maintenance and operation, as well as personnel necessary, would in- crease operating costs, and an increase in feews would help in defraying a portion of such costs. It was revealed that the swimming pool has operated on a deficit for thepastten years and that it was been necessary to transfer funds from the General Fund to offset the anticipated deficit. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the following rates for season tickers and general admission ~ees be adopted for the 1971 season of the swimming pool: Single ticker for adult or child Family of two participating members Family of three participating members Family of four or five participating members Family of six or more participating members General admission charges to remain 35~ for children, 75~ for adults, and 25~ for non- swimmers who want to enter the pool area. Voting Aye: All 12.00 17;00 22.00 27.00 30.00 Voting No: None The Commission was advised that the 1971 Budget includes $2,300.00 for new lights for Case Park and $1,500.00 for one light pole and fixture repairs at the Swimming, Pool. An investigation of the present lighting system at both locations indicates that the best mthod of providing good lighting'for the park area, tennis court and swimming pool, woild be to change the lights currently located at the tennis L_..__~ _...., _ n CLlll , .. ._.-1:.Ll _ L ..~.L ~__~----1[ '''Ir: ::iUllDJilll!1 :HI . . UIL_ 11l'1.~UJj!..I.. _ ..1.,_. J I .....Iii ILL. '. O'f"1:,:f12;, I,j.l; ~t'J' court to the swimming pool and add new lighting for the,tennis court and park area. 0 Estimated cost of all flood lights, one pole and necessary fixtures would be approximately $2,300.00. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the City Manager be authorized to proceed with the lighting necessary for the swimming pool and Case Park in accordance with the provisions contained in his letter to the City Commission dated January 25, 1971. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The following recommendation, dated Janury 8, 1971, from the Chief of POlice was presented to the Commission: "Since the opening of two new businesses at the corner of "Kirby and Tangley, there has been an excessive amount of parking on Tangley c:r:eating a traffic hazard. Therefore, I recommend "No Parking Anytine" signs be erected on both sides of Tangley from the west curbline of Kirby Drive to the east curbline of Lake Street". ' Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by. ,Commissioner Hughes, that action of the City Commission on March 23, 1970, authorizing the installation of "No Parking Any tine" signs placed on Tangley Avenue from Kirby Drive to a point fifty feet west, on the south side of the street, be rescinded and the recommendation of the Chief of Police dated January 8, 1971, authorizing the installation of "No parking Anytine: signs on qoth sides of Tangley from the west curbline of Kirby Drive to the east curbline of Lake Street, be approved. . Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o Minutes of the {rebular meeting of the Electrical Board on January 18, 1971, were presented to the Commission noting that in response to a previous question re- garding oral examinations given master electricians, a check with the secretary of the Board indicated that rather than an oral examination an inquiry is made to ascertain that the",a.pplicant. for master electrician's license holds a valid license with the City of Houston. Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by CommissionerHarris, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on January 18, 1971, be accepted as presented. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None .. , The Commission was advtsed that consideration should be given to the selection of an auditor for the fiscal year 1971, in accordance with Charter provisions. Motion by Commissioner,Harris, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the City Manager be authorized to invite the firm of O'Connor, Lawson and McGee to submit a proposal to audit the books, records and accounts of the City for the fiscal year 1971. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Commissioner Paul Wallin reported to the Commission that he had accompanied the City Manager, City Engineer and Mr. Russell Frame, Chief Engineer with Southern 0 Pacific Railroad, on an inspection , tour of Southern Pacific right-of-way from Westpark to Bissonnet in an effort to ascertain the drainage problems in the College Court Addition of the city. Mr. Wallin st~ted that upon inspection the group. had discovered a drainage culvert completely stopped up which prevented the water emp~ying into a ditch leading into Westpark, thus causing the water to run south to the Community Drive area in West University. He also stated that an in- D LQ ~ 1'"""1 ~ Co) ~ n u o L_ ____~~ . n F'fF" ~ 4' spection determined that the West Union lines had been abandoned and the poles along the right-of-way were no longer in service. The Southern Paci- fic Engineering Departmen~ had previously objected to cutting a drainage ditch along Souther.n Pacific right-of-way as it would inundate the Western Union poles. Mr. Wallin further stated that Mr. Frame agreed to make a survey to determine the action necess~ry to be taken by that company, ~nd that the City Manager should follow up the meeting with a letter to Southern Pacific confirming their findings. A letter from Mr. Norman ~. Ufer, Space Management Grou~ Incorporated, setting forth a proposal for remodeling City Hall offices, was presented to the Commission. After general dicussion with regard to the scope of work planned and the ability toter.minate the contract, the following action was taken: Motion byCommissioner Harris, seconded by COIpffiissioner Wallin, that the City_ Manager be, authorized to enter into a contract withSpce Management Group Incorporated, for preliminary p:j,.anning.to remodel City Hall offices. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A request dated January 21, 1971, from City Treasurer Wm. Dittert, Jr. re- questing permission to officially destroy certain cancelled bonds a~d coupons was presented to the Commission: ,"January 21, 1971 TO; Mr. Whitt Johnson City Manager SUBJECT: Burning of paid and cancelled bonds and coupons of various issues as listed below. To conserve vault space and eliminate ~nnecessary records, permission is requested to officiall~ burn the follow.ing cancelled b~nds and cou- pons. BONDS AND COUPONS REDEEMED IN 1970 SERIES " BOND NO. COUPON NO. City of West Univer,sityPl1:l.ce Refunding Bond, Series 193~ #762 thru 790 #801 thru 809 No. ,66 805 No. 67762-790 801-809 No. 36 294-324 337-394 No. 37 355-394 No. 48 4-7 No. 47 4-7 No. 47 No. 48 City of West University Place Refunding Bond, Series 1952 #294 thru 354 City of West University Place Fire Fighting Equip. Series 1946 #4 City of West University Place storm Sewer, Series 1946 #10 thru 15 10-32 10-32 City of West University Place Public Park Bond, Series 1946 " #$ thru 11, No. 47 e~~9 No. 48" 8-29 City of West University Place City Hall Bonds, Series 1954 . , , #221 thru 235 221-250 235-250 No. 31 No. 32 11 _ ! _.:iJ11 -. ~_'j!1 ....'J:.....'rI!ltrn_,fll ~1Lj If J~.:I " I .JIU~UJJ11.1 . ~....I .._. . JII 1...1 I IJ-!. I. l ~l . 2'~{~" , . l"),. ~ . ;r January 14, 1971 /s/ Wm. Dittert, Jr. Clty Treasurer" D Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the City Treasurer be granted permission to officially destroy certain cancelled bonds and coupons. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Neighbors advised the Commission that on January 21st newly appointed members 'ofthe Zoning and Planning Commission were administered the Oath of Office, instructed by City Attorney Charles Cockrell concerning the legal. , side of the zoning'and planning activities and an outline of the City'Charter and Code of Ordinances under which they will operate, advised of administra- tive methods and techniques by City Manager and that he talked with the new board regarding the history of the organization as well as immediate and far reaching problems now facing the city. Mr. Neighbors also stated that an organizational meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment.will beheld on January 27th. The City Manager briefly outlined the activities of the Texas Municipal League in its program to assist cities. He further stated that the first Legisla- tive Breakfast, designed to provid~ city officials information on all bills bearing on city government and:operations and an opportunity to become better acquainted with their legislators, will be held on Monday, February 8th. D Mayor"Neighbors stated that in accordance with the By-Laws of the Houston- Galveston Area Council one member of the Executive Committee represents Home Rule cities under 25,000 population and that a Resolution, should be passed designating Mayor Jack'Reed of Lake Jackson as representative of Home Rule cities under 25,000 population on the Executive Committee of the Houston- Galveston Area Council. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the followfug Resolution endorsing Mayor John Reed of Lake Jackson as:del.~gate and ---:.Ma-Y~TJ-Bhn -Nei~-of Wes t Uni versi ty ....a.s......aJt.e;.m"a te repres enta ti ve on t)le Exec~t:i;ve CfllIIlIIitt_~:r 'tille' Houten-G8il.ves'ton Are~::J~fl1tmel.:i tit ~Ji(!W:e c'ties ,unde.r-2'1'ooo popul.-loo, be aJtP1'0ved as pre8ell.~~. \ "' ... .,. ~-..--~ 1 ~ '. . .' -. ' ~.. ... ... ___ _ .--.:;_ ~~ IT RESQ~j. by the City of West Univ~i..sity Place,' Texas that ' Jack Reid be, and he is hereby, designated'as its representative on the Executive Committee, Houston-Galveston Area Council for the year 1971. THAT, the Executive Director of the Houston-Galveston Area Council be notified of Jack Reid's designation by certified copy of this Resolution. Passed and Approved this 25th day of January, 1971. /s/ John N. Neighbors lVlayor o ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary" n LJ tQ \"""'! ,-l 'r-4 U U ')7",n" 'AA, ;J Voting Aye: All yoting No: None A review of th~ grades receive,d' by certain members of tpe Police Department in classes they are attending in Basic Law Enforcement Certification Course at the College of the Mainland Branch in Rosenberg, were presented to the Commission. Minutes of the regular me~ting of the City Commission o:t1Monday, January 11, 1971, were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the minutes.of the r~gular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, January 11, 1971, be approved as submitted. , , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Wi th no further business to come before the COmInissio:n, upon' motion duly made, seconded and carried,.themeeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. ATTEST: n ~~~ I! Assistant City Secretary U n u ., ~~. ~J:::-,_._ __l~ 1.1: """I: :::""I:I:CI"l:I::n::..' :-L.t . r"" 11"1::' 2'f~JO REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 8. 1971 The City Commission convened in regular sesslon at the City Hall on Mon- day February 8, 1971, 9:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Neighbors, p~esiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes, Underwood and Wallin. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronqunced by Mayor Neighbors. Mrs. M. DeBerardino, 3122 Georgetown, appeared before the Commission re- questing that consideration be given to opening the municipal gwimming pool after school and on wee-ends during the months of May'andSeptember. Mayor Neighbors advised Mrs. peBerardino that he request would be taken under consideration'and theClty'Managerdinstructed to make a recommenda- tion to the Commission if such is 'possible within the operational proce- dure of the pool. A letter dated February 4, 1971 ,from Mrs. John F. Waldron, Corresponding Secretary of the ,West-,University Elementary School P.T.A., was read to the Commission, requesting that the West University Police Department conduct a bicycle safety class for school children. The letter stated that a large number of the 1250 students enrolled in West University Elementary School use bicycles as their means of transportation and there is a great need for these children to be taught bicycle s~fety. Mayor Neighbors requested that the City Manager explore with' the Chi'ef of Police the possibilities of this type program and make a report to the City Commission at its next regular meeting. In accordance with previous action of the City Commission, a letter re- ceived from O'Connor, Lawson and McGee, certified public accountants, pro- posing to make an audti of revenues and expenditures of all city funds for the fis cal year 1971, for a fee not to exceed $2,900.00, was presented to the Commission. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the proposal received from O'Connor, Lawson and McGee to audit the city's re- cords, accounts and books for the fiscal year 1971 be tabled. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that a study had been made of the existing street lighting system and it was indicated that funds provided in the 1971 bud- get for the installation of additional lights should be used for twenty- three (23) lights located at or near the dead-end of all streets in the city where none exist. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Ha~ris, that the City Manager be authorized to proceed with the installation of twenty-three (23) additional street lights to be located at the following dead-end streets, and that discretion be given as to the location, taking into con- sideration obstruction by trees. o o o [J ...Q ,-l ,...; r-t U U [J o OC"\'1' '.G cr' 3800 Northwestern 3800 Sunset 3800 Arnold 3800 Swarthmore a800Case 3800 Byron 3800 Oberlin 3800 Villanova 3800 Marquette 380Q,Southwestern 3800 Riley 3600 Albans 3600 Nottingham 3600 Robinhood 3600 Tangley 3600 Plumb 3600 Georgetown 3600 Amherst 3600 Duke 3600 Pittsburg 3600 Carnegie 3600 Cason 3600 Corondo The City Manager advfsed'theGommlssionthat he had visited with Mr. Norman Ufer of Space Management Group ~'. lnc. concerning plans, to remodel' certain clerical and administrative offices of the City Ha.ll, 'and. it'wa'shis ,thought. that advice and guidance .should'be se'curedfrom anothe'rarchitect inasmucllas the need's. for the ci ty hall, include m?re ..than the' interior decorating services provided by this firm. He further stated that 'consideration should be given to making:an addition to the building to provide space for additional offices and~a place for ,meetings held by the city I S boards and committees, juries and department, 'heads. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by CommisSioner Underwood, that the City Manager be authorized to contact another person or firm to investigate thecity1s needs for expansion and/or remodeling. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 71-4 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City,Commission,pursuarit to provisions ciI"theCity Charter and ordinances,heretoI'ore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and in- vestigated numberous qualified citizens to serve on the Health Board and as Hea.lth Officer of the City of West, University, Texas; arid, Wl~REAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to serve as members of the Health Board and Dr. Howard L. Evans has indicated a desire and willingness to serve as Health Officer of the City of WEst University Place, Texas: NOW ,THEREFORE, BE IT 'RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMM:ISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: " ' 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Health Board: Dr. N. C.' Windrow Dr. Alan Alexander Mr. Frank Stewart and that Dr. Howard L. Evans be appointed as Health Officer of the City of West University Place, Texas. 2. That the persons hereb appointed to the Health Board and as Health Officer shall serve without compensation. 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Health Board a.nd as Health. Officer shall serve' for a period of two years from the date of this Re- solution, and thereafter until the appoJ..ntment and qualification of their successors. 'PASSE]) AND APPROVED this 18th day of ' February, 1971. Commissioners Voting Aye: A+l Commissioners Voting No: None /s/ John N. Neighbors, Mayor 1m fin '1i,,1 Ilf TTI'I"IIIr;,rl,' . J' ~,J _ JI"U JI'I.' :. .1 JII ___LJI II I 282 ATTEST; /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary" o Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner H~~ris, that Re- solution Number 71-4 appointing Dr. N. C. Windrow, Dr. Alan Alexander and Mr Frank Stewart as members of the city's Health Board, and Dr. Howard L. Evans as City Health Officer, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No. ,None Ordinance Number 954 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES QF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXA9, BY THE ADDITION THERETO : ,OF SECTION 6-21:.1; PROVIDING FOR ,THE GREATION OF, A HEA~-: , ' ING, AIR-CONDITIONING AND REJ!'RIGERATIOIq' ~OARD ~ THE CITY CONSISTING OF SEVEN (7) MEMBERS: SETTING, FORTH THE Q,UALI- FICATIONS FOR, :MEMBERSHIP ON SUCH BOARD; AND PROVID ING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that Ordinance Number 954 providing for the creation of a Heating, Air-Conditioning and Re- frigeration Board for organizational purposes, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o In accordance with previous action of the City Commission and bids received on August 24, 1970, an invoice in the amount of $5,018.00 from Pyramid Roofing Company covering labor and material to apply a built-up gravel surfaced roof at the city's, garbage ,truck storagebuilding'and a ten (10) year inspection and service contract fur.nished by Carey Corporation, were presented to the Commis~ sion for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that payment in the amount of $ 5,018.00, be '. made to Pyramid'Roofing Company in accordance with the provisions contained in their bid of August 24, ,1970. Voting Aye: All Voting No None The Commission was.advised -,that,all par'tsnecessary for rel:milding the rotary distributor at the city's sewage treatment plant had been shipped and were ex- pected in approximately one week, at which time the contractor will be notif~ed to commence work. Following completion of items contained on the .agenda, Mayor Neighbors invited those present in the interest of opening the swimmi~g pool during the months of May and S~ptember to participate in an open discussion. ,Some of the points dis- cussed included involvement of all other city dep~rtments. in the operation of the swimming pool, additional cost for personnel, insurance, supplies, etc. and obtaining qualified personnel to oper~te the pool for this additional two month period. Those participating in the discussion stated that the increased cost in the purchase of season tickets could be more easily justified by the addition of additional swimming time, ,even on an,after-school and week-end basis, and it, was thheir belief that many familites would take advantage of the longer season. ,At the conclusion of the discussion Mayor Neighbors stated that the Commission would o lJ LO M ~ ~ U ~ n U o 2$~1" give full consideration to all oftne problems and advantages of opening the swimming pool for an addit~onaltwo month period. The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on January 25,1971, were presented to the Commission, anCi the following actiontaken~ Motionby Commissioner Ha:rris,seconded by Commiss-ionerWalllin, that the minutes of the regular meeting of , the City Commission on January 25,1971, be approved as:sub- mitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no, further bu,siness to come before the Commission at this time, upon mdtion duly made, seconded and carried,:the ,meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. ATTEST: ~ }(l~ Assistant City Secretary - I -----------'-.1...~_~L_L____. :1::J[ ____ _.I.. ~j[ .-. 1::.::1:: l]iiICD.ili['- !.:':L_ _lJl_UJ!~l.' I. .1.._ .Jlll -11.1, II I I, I 2'8<~4 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY CO:M:M:ISSION FEBRUARY 22, 1971 o The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, February 22, 1971"with the following members present: Mayor Neighbors';' pre- siding; Commissioners Har.ris, Hughes, Underwood, and Wallin. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Harris. ,'i,' , Mrs. Jim Shephard" 4121 Ruskin, appe'ared befor.e the Commission requesting that a lIStop" sign be ,erected on Ruskin. at Fairhaven inasmuch as a number of acci- dents had occurred at this location and the residents were quire concerned. Mrs. Shephard was adviseq th~t a recommendation had been received from the Chief of Police with regard to thi's problem and would be presented later on the Commission agenda. In accordance with previous action of the City Commission bids received for furnishing the necessary pole and fixtures for additional lighting at the swimming pool and Case Street park were opened.:'cand results announced as follows: Company :-15' Tapered Pole 400 Watt Fixtllres 1000 Wat,t, 'li'i XT.; 1'l" F> S To.t..a.l Consolidated Electric 278.95 421.00 728.40 1,428.35 Graybar Elec. 169.35 621.60 885.00 1,675.95 Nunn Electric 174.90 503.20 866.40 1,544.50' 0 Summers Electric 230.00 494.76 847.40 1,572.16 Warren Elctric 239.25 712.00 682.00 1,633.25 Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that bids received for furnishing the necessary pole and fixtures for additional lighting at the swimming pool and Case Street park be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In response to a request from the City Commission, a recommendation was made that the municipal pool open on May 15,1971, for week-ends only, conditioned by the 0bility to employ competent, trained personnel with previous experience in pool management and experienced lifeguards. Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the swimming pool be opened on Saturday, May 8, 1971, from 10:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. and on Sunday, May 9, from 2:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m., following ~he same schedule on week-ends until school is closed, provided trained experienced personnel is available for pool operation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the Ci~y Manager be instructed to prepare a promotional brochure for submission to the City Commission prior to April 1, 1971, for mailing to all residents advising of the additional opening time of the swimming pool and all other summer-time acti- vities of the city. Il U [J ...0 ,-..l ...-I ....... U U n ~ n LJ I! no"'"" oGQ) ~., Voting Aye:' All Voting No; None The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission held on Tuesday, February 9, 1971, were presented to the Commission with attention directed to the length of the agenda. City Attorney Charles, Cockrell advised the Commission that he had forwarded the Temporary Chairman of the Zoning and planning Commission an opinion with regard to the integration of a phar- macy into a proposed office building to be constructed in the Professional and Business Office Bui1dingDistrict lodated on BellaireBoulevard. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on Feb:rraa:ry- 15, 1971 were presented to the Commission forthei:binformation. A letter from the Chief of Police dated February 12,1971, was presented to the Commission wherein a recommendation was made for the installation of stop ,signs on Ruskin Street at Fairhaven Street arid on F,airhaven Street at Cason Street due to a number of collisions that have occurred at these intersections. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the recommendation of the Chief of Police dated February 12, 1971, be approved,and "Stop" signs.:erected on Ruskin Street at Fairhaven Street and on, Fairhaven Street at Cason. Street. ,~':" } i . ,_, ~,.r Voting Aye;:, All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that the City of Houston had passed an ordinance making it unlawful to transport on streets or alleys loose materials which mayor do fall, spill, or blowout of such vehicles unless covered with a tarpaulin or other simi1iar covering, and that consideration should be given to both the effects this ordinance would have on city vehicles traveling on Houston streets and the possibility of the City of West University Place pass- ing a similiar ordinance. It was also noted that the State Legislature is considerling pimiliar legislation and than any action should be deferred unil disposition has been made of the State legislation. In accordance with instructions of the City Commission the City Manager stat~ed that Chief of Police Harold Shipp had begun work on a program of bicycle safety as requested by the West University Elementary School PrA. copies of programs inaugurated by other cities had been received from the Texas Municipal League to be used as guide lines. The City Manager was instructed to furnish the Com- mission with an outline of the completeprogram as planned together with a specifica date for implementation at its next regular meeting. The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on February 8, 1971, were presented to the Commission, and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on February 8, 1971, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m. ATTEST :, . /s/ Lee ,Lockard Assistant City Secretary /s/ John N. Neighbors Mayor c..~,___._" ,...J...IT1 n ,_ .............Lel .l..~L____..L....~L-llI( 'r::i1lll[Dlilli :lil.l[ J~I :1 . _ I" U ILI.1 .. .1 . JI -11 11 I , I 28\6 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MARCH 8. 1971' ri The City Commission,conv.ened in, regular session at the City Hall on Monday, ~ March 8,1971,7:30 p.m., with the followirrgmembers present: 'Mayor Neighbors presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes, and Wallih. The City Manager and C'i ty Attorney' were also present . Commissioner Underwood was absent. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Hughes. ' Mr. John Burns, President 'of the West University Elementary PTAa.ppeared before the Commission with regard to the bicycle safety program scheduled for three consecutive Saturdays commencing on Saturday, Marchl13th. Mr. Burns stated that his primary concern was that the 'Wes't University Police Department be known as sponsors of the program inasmuch as exposure to members of the Police Department by the studentswas'avery important feature of the program. Mayor Neighbors thanked Mr. Burns and requested that the City Manager discuss plans for the programwith'the Chief of Police and arange for a meeting between Mr. Burns and the Chief'of Police in order that all details of the program may be completed. Permission was requested to advertise for bids for 40,000 pounds of liquid chlorine in, ton containers and 13,500 pounds of liquid chlorine in 150-pound cylinders for use by the Water Department, Sewage Disposal Plant and Swimming Pool, inasmuch as the current contract with Hayward-Thompson will soon expire and bids are received on an annual basis. o Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Hughes; that the City Manager be'authorized'to advertise forbids for 40,000 pounds of liquid chlorine in ton containers and 13,500 pounds of liquid'chlorine in 150-pound cylinders for use by the Water Department, Sewage Disposal'Plant and Swimming Pool. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with previous action of the City Commission and bids received .. February 22, 1971, a recommendation was made for thepurchase of four 400 watt mercury vapor fixtures, four ,1000 watt mercury vapor fixtures and one 35' square tapered pole for proposed lighting changes at the swimming pool and Case parl. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that Summers Electric Company be awarded the btd for furnishing/four 400 watt mercury vapor fixtures and four 1000 mercury vapor fixtures for a total bid price of $1,342'.16 arrd Nunn ElectricCbmpany be requested to furnish,one 35' square tapered pole for $225.00, all'in'accordance with recommendations from the City Manager dated March 8, 1971. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Commissioner Underwood arrived at the meeting; at this time. Invoices in the' amount of $8,899'~00; 'representing the contract price and 0 ' $251.26 for extra:work performed by Rice Engineering and Construction Company in rebuilding the rotary distributor at the Sewage Disposal Plant, were presented to the Commissiorr~ togetherw.ith a letter from Sanitary Engineer H. R.:Dukestating o aD ~ M ;-1 U U o o that all work had been completed in accordanc~ with specifications and should be accepted. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded byCo:rqmissioner Underwood, that in- voices in the total amount of $9,150.,2.5 from Rj,ce Engineering and Construction Company for rebuilding the rotary dis~ributor qt. the Sewage Plant, be approved ;for payment. Voting Ay;e: All' Voting No: None Resolution Number 71-5 was present~d to the COmmission and read in full. ') ,{/Jf'1", , ",();"" "WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission; pursuant to provisions of the City:Ch?-rter and'ordip.ances heretofore adopted, to appoint members to various Boards;' and' .. . - . WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the~City Commission have contacted and interviewed numberousg,ualified cit;iz~nq to serve on the Parks and Recreation Board of the, City o:f:West, University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated,a desire and willingness to serve as memberspf the Parks and Recreation Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITYOOF WEST UNIVERSITY. PLACE, TEx;AS: 1. That the following persons be appointed' to serve as members of the Parks and Recreation Boarg.:.. Mrs. MichaelL. Patton Mrs., William Bomar Mr. Norman R.Mahan Mr. David C. Bullen Mr. Steve E. Kane , - 2. That the persons hereby appointed tp the Parks and Recreation Board shall serve without compensation. 3. That the persons hereby appointed. to the Parks and Recreation Board shall serve until the next re~argener~~.City, ~le~tioIl of the City Commission, and thereafter until the appointment and quali- fication of their successors. ' ' , ,. PASSED AND APPROVED thos 8th day of March, 1971 Commissioners V9ting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: /s/ JohnN. Nei~bors Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary" All None Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner ,Hughes, that the following be appointed members of the city's Parks and Recreation Board, and Resolution III ,~ 0..8 Q~ Number 71-5 be approved as read: Mrs. Michael L. Patton 'Mrs. William Bomar "Mr. Norman R.- Mahan Mr. David C. Bullen ' Mr. Steve E. Kane II , I \ I U Voting :Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Nurriber955 was'p'resented to t'he Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO' ENTER INTOAN , EARNEST MONEY CONTRACT FORTHE 'ACQ.UISITION OF CER."':. TAIN PROPERTY AS DESCRIBED; AuTHORIZING THE CITY , MANAGER TOHAVE A SURVEY MADE; PROVIDING FOR THE PAY- MENT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE, UPON THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF PRESCRIBED INSTRUMENTS OF TITLE TO THE CITY;' PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ' ********~*************** THIS CONTRACT OF SALE made this 12th day of February, 1971 by and between Ralph N. Galli, Seller, and City' of West University Place, Texas, Buyer. WITNESSETH;' That Seller ,has :this da~V received from said Buyer the sum of $10,000.00, and deposited same in escrow with Commercial Title Company, the receipt of which earnest money is hereby acknowledged as part of the purchase money, on the following described. property: A tract of land out of two certain tracts of land in the A. C.:Reynolds Survey, Abstract 61, Harris County, Texas, conveyed to D. J. Dincans by deed dated May 1, 1945, recorded in Volume 1380, page'll8, Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a t inch iron pipe at the intersection of the South line of Milford Street based on a 60 foot right of'way'and:::;theEast line of Wakeforest Street; Thence North 85 deg. 09 min. 35 sec. East-along the South line of Milford Street a distance of 280.34 feet to a point for the Northeast corner, of this tract, in the interior corner'of the turnqin Milford Street; Thence South 00 deg. 05 min, 54 sec West 134.00-feet to a t inch 'iron pipe for the Southeast corner of this tract; Thence S?uth 89,deg. 55 min. 45 sec. West 279.12 feet to the East line of ' Wake forest Street for the Southwest corner of this tract; Thence north along the Ea~t line of Wakeforest St. a dis- tance'of 110 feet to'Place of Begirining, and being the same property de- scribed in deed dated April 24, 1964, from Co L. St. Clair to Ralph Gallis, recorded in Volume 4774, Page 549, Deed Records, Harris County, Texas, together with all improvements therein, which?propertySeller has this day sold to Buyer for the ,total consideration of $60,000.00 on the following terms, to-wit: ALL CASH, and the balance as follows': This contract must be cORsumated on or before April 30, 1971. It is understood and agreed subject property is, free and clear of restrictions, covenants, and reserva- tions, however, it is subject to the following: lIRight-of-way and Easement for a railroad spur track to the T & N 0 RR Co., dated September 2, 1952, recorded in Volume 2520, Page 214 of the Deed Records, of Harris County, Texas. " ' o Upon payment of the cash part of purchase moneYj. including the amount herei~ receipted for, Seller agrees to convey, 'or cause to be conveyed, said property o fJ LQ ,...j ~ ,.... u t;,..) o o 289> to Buye~, by good and sufficient general warranty deed. Seller shall fOlrthwithfurnish owner" s.titl~ :policy issued bY. C'6mmercial Ti tal Comany ,andshal.l, fu:rp;ishfrom:. the .tax' coll'ectors', , certificates showing all taxe-s' to be paid"and: -s1)alldeiiver"ljbSSessioti()fsaid property not later than date of:closirrg. Taxes 'for the current :ye-ar ana. rents, if any, shall be prorated 1:j;S of date o:fpclosing. Seller sfuall have 10 days from date hereof within which to have said title company investigate the title to said property. Said title company shallre- port in writing all title defects: or. objections, if any, to Seller's title, and Seller shall have 10 days thereafter within which to have same cured or removed. If Seller is unable, ,within".sai<i, t;i.me,' :to, remove such defects or objections to the satisfaction 'of"safd"tJ.tlecolnpany, and said title company by reason of such defects or obj~ctions refuses to guarantee saidtitl.e to ' Buyer, then the earnest money hereih receiptedfbr shall:beretur.nedto Buyer, and this contract shall thereupon terminate and all parties hereto shall be fully released hereform. If,. how~ver "sai'd title, compp.ny is ready and' willing to guarantee said titLLeto Buyer, and Buyer fails,' refuseS 0r is unable for anyreasoJ:'l tocor:i.summate this contrg,ct ,in accordance ,with the,t.ermshereof, within a period, ofJ,ten (10) "daysfrom n,o,ticetha,t SE),id, tital ,company is ready to guarantee said title;then.the earnest money herein receipted for shall be forfeited to S,eller, as agreed liquidated damages, and. this' contract, shall thereupon terminate and all parties shall thereupon be fully released herefrom. In the event title ,to, s33,id, p.r9perty i,sdef.ective, Seller herebyboinds himself to use his best efforts to ,perf.ect samean,d. :r:emove the objections pointed out. Buyer;may, at his option, wp.ive, such,de,fectsand accept title subject thereto. Buyer acknowledges he has b.eenadvised,py the A,gent that he should have the Abstract covering, theaboveprope,rtyexamin~d by an ,attorney of his own selec- tion, or that he should obtain a 'policy of title, insurance in his name. Executed in triplicate, originals this date above written. /s/Ralph,N', Galli, Seller, City of West University Place, Texas BUy~,r , By / s/ JohnN. Neighbors, Mayor Recei;vedon this 3-9-71"check for the earnest money receipted for in forego,ingcontract, to be held under the terms stipulated. Earnest moneywiJ,.l be disbursed only upon joint order of Seller an,d Buyer. /s/ J. H. Goodnight Escrow Agent ***************** Motiqn by ComrnissionerHughes, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that Ordinance Number 955 authorizing Mayor Neighbors, to enter into an earnest money contract with Ralph N. Galli for the acquisition of certain property be approved as read: Voting Aye: All Voting No: None -'--~! JrE!l: ..mrrIJJ!!m :...:1.._ ~ L:.._I -1 1..::J~- ~ '29i,O Ordinance Number 956 was presented to the Commission and read in full:~ AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE 'MAYOR TO ENTER INTO AN EARNEST, MONEY CONTRACT FORTHK ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY AS DESCRIBED; 'AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO HAVE, A ' SURVEY . MADE; PROVIDING FOR ~HE PAYMENT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE UPON ':llHE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF PRE- SCRIBED INSTRUMENTS OF TITLE TO THE CITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. :* :* * ,* * '* * * * * ':*" * * * '*"'** * ,* ,* EARNESTMONRV ~O~~A~~ , ; ',1 THE ,STATE OF TEX:ASn' COUNTY OF HARRIS ~ , ' BY THIS AGREEMENT I:' Westheimer Transfer and Stora'ge: Company, Incorporated and Westneimer~' Rigging and Heavy Hauling Company, In~orporated (hereinafter called Seller) hereby agrees to sell and convey by General Warranty Deed unto City of West University Place, Texa:s, a Municipal Corporation (hereinafiter called PUr- chaser) and 'Purchaser' agre'estobuy upon' the "terms and conditions herein contained, the fOllowing ,described property with all improvements thereon: All that certain tract and parcel of land in the A. C. Reynolds Survey, Abstract 61; in Harris County, Texas, as described 'in'deed from D~ J. nfrtGans to Westheimer Transfer and-Storage Company; Inc. dated September 24, 1963, recorded in Vol. 5270, Page 558 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, save and except that ,portion thereof containing 70,180 sq. ft." more or le8"S,' previously con- veyed to Houston Coca-Cola Bottling Company as shown in deed dated September 22, 1970, recorded in Vol. , Page of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. The consideration for ~he sale and conveyance of said property is $1.85 per square foot payable in cash at time of ,closing. Upon acceptance of this contract by seller, Purchaser will deliver to American Title Company as earnest money, a check in the amount of Ten Thousand (10,000.00) Dollars which check shall not 'be 'negotiated"bllt shall be 'held by such Company, subject to the provisions below: The closing of this transaction shall take place at the office of Ame'rican ' Title Company at 10:00 a.m. on August 2, 1971, provided, however, Purchaser at its option, upon ten (10) days prior written notice"to Seiler, may elect to close at any earlier date. On August 2, 1971, or at such earlier closing date as may have been elected'by Purchaser,'AinericariTitle shall be authorized to negotiate the $10,000 earnest money check and to h~ld the proceeds therefrom for application to the purchase price or other disposition of earnest money as provided by the terms of this agreement. Seller and Purchaser agree, subject to the completion of a survey on the: ground by a locensed land surveyor, that for the purpose of determining the I'll o [J o w LQ ,..-! T'-I \1-4 U U n ,---' o 291' purchase price, the total square footage of the land to be conveyed is 46,805 square feet, and that the total consideration, based on such square footage shall be $86,589.25.Purcli:aser shall have the right pr,ior to closing to have the land surveyed; at its own expense and the'firralp~rchaseprice shall be ' determined' at the rate of $1.85 per swuare foot of the net square footage shgwn by such survey; 'i t 'being unders'tood and agreed' tn8: ~ the square footage lying wi thin the railroad easement crossing such property shall be dedticted from the total square footage. The property covered hereby has previously been surveyed by Edminister Hinshaw & Associates, Houston, Texas, and it is agreed that a copy of such surveyor the survey which purchaser may elect to have prepared will be submitted to American Title Guaranty <Companyw:tth the reque'stthat the standard exception as to areas and boundaries be deleted from the owners title policy to be issued in favor of Purchaser'. ' A1Fc'ost a.hdexpenseconnectedtherewith, including , ,any additional premium due to the title company by reason of making such deletion, shall be paid by Purchaser. In consideration of which at time.of'closing, Seller agrees to execute and de- liver Q,eneral Warranty Deed:to PUrchaser conveying said property free and clear of all encumbrances exce'pt.,those:named herein, at which time Purchaser agrees to pay said consideration in the' manne:r:above provided. Seller agrees to,furnish:with-in,rli'teen(15) days from Acceptance of this Contract by Seller, a.,coImnittment, of owner's title policy from American Title Company. ' '" If said title company's attorney'mak.es' objections to said title, then Seller shall have a reasonable time not to exceed thirty (30) days from the date such objections are' made:known::to Seller, in writing in which to cure such objections as will show good title' in-Seller, but: Seller shall be under no obligation to cure said defects. "In th~ event of failure to furnish gO?d title, the Earnest Money hereinafter meriticiriedandhereby receipted for is'to be returned to Pur- chaser upon the cancellation andreturD; of this Contract; or Purchaser may waive stated objections, if any,'and' enforce specific performance Qf same, and the owner's _ title policy- in such case' may make 'exception to any such Objections. ' It is agreed that.prbperty'is, tci'beconveyd subject'to e;icisting railroad ease- ments and same shall not constitute on objection to title and'is further sub- ject to lease with Custom AutomotIve Gargge dated January 6, 1971. It is understood and agreed that the herein described property is free and clear of any CO"iTenant.s, restrictions ," zoning ordinances,. easements, or reservations that would in any way limit orrestrict'the:use of said property. An Earnest Money purchaser has this day. placed its'check in the amount of $10,000.00, together with a copy of this4agreement in escrow with the American Title Company. Should the terms of this agreement be carried out within the time specified, said sum shall be applied to the cashconsid~ration for the conveyance of the above property ~n accordance with the terms hereof, but should Purchaser fail to consummate this agreement within, the time,specified herein, for any reason except title defects as would show title in Seller not to be goog,Seller shall have the right to said sum as liquidated damages. All parties hereto agree that Seller's actual damages, in the event of default by Purchaser, would be very difficult of definite ascertainment because of the uncertainties of the real estate market and fluctuating property values between the timebf con- tract and date of breach; and differences of opinion with reference to such matters; L..__,~~___ __.J..llI. ._.~__----'..ULi :I :=L_~_~__ ____~~....:Jl[ , ['I'IIII[[]11: :lijil JI!lI_ _ lit. IJJ11 Li .. I .. JII ...J I, .IL.!... 2~2 and the parties have thus agreed upon the liquidated damages as provided herein. Seller agrees'to pay to Perlmutter, Kastleman and Joubert, R~altors, Agent, a commissio,n of.' five (5%) percent forr the s,a,le ~f the, above property at closing. Unless other.wisespecifiedh~rei.n p()$s~s,l?iono:f ~sJ~,id property shall be de- livered to Purchas,er ;upon ,final closing., Seller shall furnish proper evidence of payment of all taxes to and including the preceding year and taxes for the ,current year, :and current r,ents, insurance and interest (if any) are to be prora~ed to .date of: ,closing:. '. J ;' Executed in quadruplicate ,this 9tp qay o,f Ma.rch, 197~. .1- . This contract subject to acc~ptance by Seller evidenced ,bySeller{:ssignature hereto. SELLER: , " WESTBEll4ER 'l'-RANSFER. AND STORAGE, , "COMP.A.:NY', INC ~ . By: /~I Julian Hurwitz, Pres. ,WESTBEIME~ RIGGING &, HEAVY HAULING COMPANY, INC. By: /s/ Julian Hurwitx, Pres. , PURCHASER: , CITY: OF" WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS By:: /s/ John N. Neighbors,,' Mayor ' * *,* ~ * * * * * ** * * t *.* * * *.** Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that Ordinance Numb\fr .956: auth<;>rizing Mayor" Neighbors to enter, into an earnest money contract withWestheim~r Tra?sfer Company for the acquisition of certain property be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None -\ '. A tabul~t:ion showing,compp,rativEi! be~efits 'under grouj:) , insurance proposals submitted by ~ankersl Life Insurance ~o~pany; New England Life Insurance Company and Tennessee Life Insurance Company, was presented to the Commission, with an explanation of each.company's proposal. After consideration'of the cost and benefits provided by each proposal, motio~ by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the proposal sub- mitted by Bankers' Life Insurance Company be:accepted for furnishing hospitalization surgical benefits, life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment benefits to ci~y employees under theprovisiQns of,the1971, budget. Voting Aye: All Votiag No:, None A Proclamation designating the week of March 23rd through March 30th, 1971, as Distributive Education Week was presented to the Commission and read in full. , 'I o o o [l LQ 'I"-l ,.-l .,-. o t..) o o li) 9'. ":- '" ,z;",iS _. .-' The Commission was advised that increased rates contained in the proposal of the firm of 0' ConnOi','LEt'wsOn 'arid McGee 'to audit 'revenues and expenditures of all funds of the city for the fiscal yar 1971 had been discussed with members of the firm, and.ith,ad been agreed, that t.he city.would be bil1ed,ac:cording to the number of employees, number of trips required and, tpe n~ber of cQpies of the completed audit to pe fMrniR~ed. . ' , Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the City Manager be author~zed ,to engage the services of the firm of O'Connor; Lawson and McGee to audit the city's records, books and accounts for the fiscal yea}:' 1971. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None - . ' Minutes of the regular meeting of th~City Commission on February 22, 1971, were presented to the Commission a~d the following action tak~n: Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the minutes of the regular meetin.:g of the Ci~y Comm~ssion on February 22, 1971, be approved as, submitted. ' Voting Aye: All V oting No: None ; ..1 Motion by Comm~ssioner Und~rwood, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that a short recess be held. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None After a fifteenminute"recess,M.El.yor Neighbors announced ther:e was business to come before the'Y()mmission" and upon motion duly made, carried, the meeting adjourne~ at 9:15 p.m. ATTEST: ~>f~ Assistant City Secretary L...,..._._________~L-...~.......L....ll.L:..:.....:~_~-::L___,_~__ .. ___ _t__ ~j[ no further seconded and - r...>'-lilllJltr!.ill[- :liJ:r. .. JIIIL. _ .JIIILlJJIl!llj .... .1 ~ . JI~' .1'- I I 1.1.,' 111 I 294 REGULAR MEETmG OF CITY COMMISSION MARCH 22', 197J: - , The City Cornmissionconvened in' regular.ses's"itlIi' a~the City Hall on 'Monday, March 22, 1971; 7:30 p.m., with the'follciwing members present.: Mayor Neighbors presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes anQUnderWood~ The City Attbrneyand City Manager were also present. Commiss~oner Wallin was out of the city. The Invocation was pronounced by Cornmission~r Underwood. ' .. , . Mr. William A. Dwyer, 6647 Brompton Road, appeared before the Commission to memorialize Pat Morris Neff, who was Governor of the State of Texas at the time the City of West University Place was incorporated:.' Mr!::.nwyer stated that 1971 is the one hundredth anniversayr year of the' birth of Dr. Neff and " enumerated numeroiis' accompli"snmenh:\ of Dr'~ ~e:ff du;r:ing hi~ lil'etime, i!lcluding in addition to: serving as Governor of the State of Texas from 1921 until 1925, the presidency of Baylor University from 1932 unt'il'1947; Mr: Dwyer also stated that he had recently preserite'dour'hist6ri'cal" docuInents to Bayior University among which were a Mexican newspaper printed in 1827 and a Republic of Texas a;rm;v. ~ischarg( s:~gp.~d~gy:, Sam"Houston in July, 1836. ., Mayor Neighbors thanked Mr. Dwyer for appearing before the Commission and for his interest in the state and the City of West University Place. The minutes of the regular meeting of the :Zoning and Planning Commission on March 9, 1971, were: presented to the Commission and reviewed. Minutes of the regular meeting of'the'Elect'rical Board on March 15,1971, were presented to the Commission for their'information: The Commission was advised that each year approximately 50,000 gallons of as phal t emuls ion "cola.s~' are us ed by the Street Department in resurfacing, and it was necessary to advertise for bids for delivery during the current fiscal year. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids on 50,000 gallons of asphalt emul- sion lIcolasll for use by the Street Department. Voting Aye: All VotJeng No.: . None In accordance with action taken by the City Commission on January 11, 1971, authorizing that $2,464.22 be withheld from the contract price of $8,964.22 submitted by Lyle Sign Company for furnishing new reflectorized street name signs, pending receipt of all corrected signs, the Commission was advised that the corrected signs had all been received and installed. Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the $2,464.22 retained pending receipt of corrected name signs be authorized for payment to Lyle Sign Company. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A request from City Treasurer Wm. Dittert, Jr., for the purchase of two full printing calculators for use in the Finance Department, was presented to the o o o n LQ ,....j ~ ...... ~ to.) [J o 2 9 ~)~ Commission.' Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the City Manager be authorized to, advertise for bids for two full printing cal- culators. _ ' , Voting Aye: AI1\!' .-";... Voting No: None The Commission was presented a request to advertis,~ for bids for 300' of 2-!" fire hose and 300' of l-!" fire hose, as well as one tractor with rotary mower attachment, for which appropriations were included in the 1971 budget. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the City Manager be authorized tb advertise for bids for delivery of 300' of 2!" fire hose, 300' of l!~ fire hose and on tractor with rotary mower attachment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Fire Chief C. E. Duffin advised the Commission that emergency repairs had been, necessary to Unit 207, Seagrave Pumper purchased in March, 1963, byWaukesha- Pearce Industries at a cost of $1,316.51. He further stated that Unit 203, American LaFrance fire truck, purchased in February, ,,1948~: ':fequired major r~- pairs. Chief Duffin stated that there was a possibility of having ~o replacB the engine in this truck and quotations had been received for replacment with a gasoline engine at a cost of $4,400.00 and a diesel engine at an approximate cost of $5,457.00. Mr. Duffin then explained to the Commission that after , consultation with Street Superintendent A. L. Beardenit was their decision to request H & B Tractor Company representatives to look at the truck. After in- spection, H. & B Tractor Company submitted a proposal to perform necessary re- pairs to the engine for approximately $800.00. ~tion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that charges from Waukesha-Pearce Industries of $1,316.51 for 'emergency repairs to Unit 207, be approved; and that H & B Tractor Company be employed to perform neces- sary repairs to Unit 205 at an estimated cost of $800-.0'0. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The results of employee enrollment in a new hospitalization insurance program showing that a total of 116 employees had been provided coverage and 45% of such employees had elected to purchase hospitalization coverage for their .. "j ..,,,.r,o ,.,,' . dependents were presenteo to the Commlssion. A report from Chief of Police H. E. Shipp indicated that 48 students of West University Elementary School attended the first class on bicycle safety held on Saturday, March 13, 1971, and a total of 34 attended the second class on Satur- day, March 20th. ' An invoice in the amount of $750.00 from Hurlock-Polansky & Associates for appraisal of city owned property located at Edloe Street and the Southwest Freeway to determine the fair market value of such property to be acquired by the City of Houston for use as a terminal point in the elevated street over the Southwest Freeway connecting Edloe from Westheimer onto Bissonnet. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the invoice for $750.00 from Hurlock-Polansky & Associates for appraisal services of city owned property be approved. Voting Aye': All Voting No: None . . J.1.'I_ 296 . 11 'IJJ 'I~I" . .. ,I.. _ JII"" I_..J I 'f! _I Minutes of the regular meeting of. the City Commission on March 8, 1971, were 0 presented to the Commis,sion and the, following action taken: Motion by Com- j missioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood that minutes ofothere-, gular meeting of the City Commission on March 8, 1971, be approved as sub- mitted. , . Voting Aye: ' All. Woting No: None With no further business.to come before the Commission upon motion duly made seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. ,ATTEST: ~..uJ ~ Assistant ' City Secretary, ,I, [j tt o o [J t.Q ,.-.l ~ .... o c [] o 2,', .9';'{.,',' .. ;~,.. ... .. - .: ,"" 'w '. REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION APRIL 12, 1971 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, April 12, 1971, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: .. Mayor Neigh- bors" presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes and Underwood. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present: Commissioner Wallin was 'absent. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Harris. In accordance with previous action of the City Commission bids received for delivery of two full printing calculators for use by the Finance Department were opened and results announced as follows: W. H. Davis Compap.y, Inc. MonroeCalculat;or Company Olivetti ,Corporation'of American Singer, FridenDivision, 1,350.00 1,058.00 1,390.00 992.76 Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Underwqod, that bids received for delivery of two full printing calculators be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None , .. Bids received for furnishing 40,000 pounds of liquid chlorine in ton containers and 13,500 pounds of liquid 'chlorine in 150-pound cycl:inders were opened and re- sults announced as fQllows: Thompson-Hayward Chemical Company 5.85 cwt - ton conta.iners 11. 40 cwt 1501b. cyltinders Dixie Chemical,Company 5.75 cwt' - ton containers 11.00 cwt - 150-lb. cylinders Diamond Shamrock Chemical Company 104.00 ton - containers -., 11.00,cwt 150-lb.cylinders Motion by. Commissioner:Harris; , seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that bids received for furnishing 40,000 pounds of liquid chlorine in ton containers and 13,500 pounds of liquid chlorine in 150-pound cylinders be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: 'All Voting No: None Bids received for delivery of approximately 50,000 gallons of asphalt emulsion "colas" were openmand results announced as follows: Wright Asphalt Products Company .1375 per gallon Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the bid for furnishing approximately 50,000 gallons o;f. asphalt emulsion "colas" to be used by the Street Department be awarded to Wright Asphalt Products Company, Dallas, Texas, on their bid of $0.1375 per gallon. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No : None I Ii 2'9i8 Bids received for fu:r:nishing 300' of 2~" fire hose' and' 300" 'of I!',' fire hose were opened and results, - annQuncedas follows: -. f: Bi-LateralFire Hose Company 21..11 ,hose 'II'; hose 1.15 ,per foot 1.69 per foot 1.36 per foot .91. per foot Arthur Dooley & Son 21..11 hose II" hose Houston Fire & Safety Equipment Co~2t" hose 1'2" hose 1:315 per foot, .95 per foot Motion by Commissioner.Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that bods received for furnishing 3(j0' of 2!" fire hose' and 3c50,' , of l!" fire hose be referred to the City Manager for tabulation,and recommendation. Voting Aye: All, Voting ,No: None Bids received for delivery of one tractor with rotary mower attacbment were' opened and results announced as follows: Cross County Equipment Sales Houston Power Equipment'Company Stafford International Lans,downe ~Moody Company, lnc. 2,870.00 2,660.87 2,688.56 3,1~8.75 (diesel) 2,948.50 (gasoline) Motion by CommissioRer Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that bids received for delivery of one tractor with rotary mower attacbment be referred to the City Manager, for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None . The Conunission'was advised that the addressing equipment used by the city had been purchased in 1955 and was in need of replacement with new modern equipment. , Used by' the Water~' Sewer, :F'inance; and Tax' Departments on a regular basis and for bulk mailings of swimming pool literature and the city's annual report, new machinery would expedite these functions. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the City Manager be authorized to: advertise for bids for addres,sing equipment to replace the 1955 model machine now in service for an approximate cost of $1,100.00. Voting Aye: : All Voting No: None Resolution Number 71-6 appointing membe-rs of the, city's, ,insurance Committee was presented to the Commission and read in full. "WHEREAS, 'it is the obligation of the' CityComrriission, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter and ordinances heretofore adopted to appoint members to various Boards and Committees; 'and WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City Commission have contacted and interviewed numerous qualified citizens to serve on the Insurance Committee of the City of West University Place, Texas; and o LJ o o LQ \-l ,...; ........ u ~ o rn 'l9ft WHEREAS, certain persons have indicated a desire and willingness to Serve as members of the Insurance Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVli;D BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY, OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS: 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Insurance Committee: Fred Rhodes C. V. Bersen Robert Overstreet John Boyd WYJilJ;l;e L. Creekmore 2. That the persons hereby appointed to the Insurance Committee shall serve without compensation. 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the Insurance Committee shall serve until the next regular General City Election of the City Commission, ~nd thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successo~s. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of April, 1971. Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: All No /s/ John N. Neighbors Mayor ATTEST: IS/Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A Lease Contract between the City of West University Place and Howard's Con- cessions, Houston, Texas, for operation of the concession at the city's muni- cipal swimming pool, was presented ~o the Commission for _their consideration. Questions were raised concerning !rices to be charged by the operators as com- pared with prices charged at similiar operations. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the lease contract for operation of the concession at the city's swimming pool be awarded to Howard Concessions, subject to term approved by the City Manager setting final prices to be charged. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None City Attorney Charles Cockrell reviewed the purchase of 34,144:57 square feet of land located at. Wakeforest.. and Milfqrq. ,Street ,from Tr.iple X Bri,ck Company (RalphN., Galli) ,;stating tha~ therGener.al Warranty Deed and Title Insurance Policy had been received and that title was good in the City of West University Place. It was noted that field notes giving the description of the property L~~____________._ __---'=:II. _~. ____~__~~C:L_._ , _ _I ___' --'--~~ . ....... .1::-:::':'T"...~t..l1:1t.". ~ .1:1.[ J:.:t; . 11:1.1:,,:11"'...;1 _ . ,r- Till '~ Cj 8(~(l T ' had been used in the Deed as a rider. Upon recommendation by Mr. Cockrell the City Commission accepted the Deed and Title Policy as final instruments required to complete the purchase of tb.'e property." ' ,. o The Commission was presented a letter dated April 12, 1971, signed by Mr. Stephen E. Kane, Chairman of the Parks and Receration Board, advising that the Board favors the proposed park site at Carnegie and Wakeforest and urges the City Commission to proceed to acwuire the site. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commiss~bner Underwood, that the City Manager be instructed to immedi1:.l.tely take steps to acquire the property at Wakeforest and Carnegie as the site of a small neighborhood park. The City Manager was further instructed to advise ,the Zoning and Planning Commission that the Parks and Recreation Board had recommended purchase of the property and such recommendation had been ratified by the City Commission. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A report from Fire Chief Duffin with regard to the repairs that had been made on fire truck Unit 203 was reviewed showing that a tital of $787.08 had been expended replacing necessary parts and making repairs on this truck. ? After reviewing the OrientatIon Program held on April 3, 1971, for members of the City Commission, Mayor Neighbors requested'that each Commissioner pre- pare a list of capital improvement projects that should be considered by the Commission, including projects that can be accomplished this year; that need :J [I to be accomplished,this year; that can be started this year and finished next year; and projects that should be planned now' for completion within three to five years. Commissioner Underwood requested information as to a publicity campaign for the opening of the swimming pool and was advised that preliminary action had been taken and the material should soon be completed. The Commission was advised that an application had been filed with the Harris County Health Unit for renewal of the city's permit to operate a sanitary land fill and that recent legislation required that an application also be filed with the Texas State Department of Health. All requested material, together with both application have been filed. City Attorney Charles Cockrell reviewed the sequence of event arising as a result of Police Officer Jimmy Elliott attempting to stop law offenders on Bellaire Boulevardandsusequently, with the assistance of Lr. Wayne Blalock and Officer Jimmy Kinser, aiding Southside Police in the apprehension of Jim Little and John Lowe. Invoices in the amount of $647.03 from Jerivon Reporting Company for depositions taken from all of the principals involved and from M. I. Mondshine in the amount of $50.00 for medical records were presented to the Commission. ) . A. Motion by Commissioner Underwood', seconded by Cominissioner Harris ,that in- 0 voices in the amount of $647.03 from Jerivon Reporting Company and M. 1. Mondshine ! in the amount of $50.00 be paid. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None rn o o i .-,' 301 PUBLIC HEARING CITY COMMISSION AND ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 31, ,1969 The City Commission of the City of West University Place and the Zoning and. Planning Commission of the City of West University Place convened at 7:00 p.m., March 31, 1969 at the City Hall for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing called for this date, with the following members present: :M3.yor Homer Ramsey, presiding; Commissioners Neighbors, Proctor, Scott and Wallin, Zoning and Planning Commission members, David Hannah,Chairman, presiding; Members Hilton, Hines and Lott. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. M3.yor Ramsey stated that this Public Hearing.was being held jointly and simul- taneou$ly by th~City Commission and Zoning,and Planning' Commission for the pur- pose of givingSconsideration to rezoning the following property: Lot 5; Block 5, Preston Place Addition" Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Scott, that the Public Hearing called by the City Commission be opened. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Mr. Lott, seconded by Mr. Hilton, that the Public Hearing called by the Zoning and Planning Commission be openea~, Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Ramsey requested that Zoning and Planning Chairman David Hannah e)Cpla.in the action taken by that Commission on the original application. Chairman Hannah stated that on January 9, 1969 an application for rezoning Lot 5, Block 5, Preston Place Addition, was received by the. Zoning and Planning Commission from Robert H. Ray...and Jack C. Pollard. On January 10, 1969 the Zoning and Planning Commission filed its preliminary report with the City Commission; notice of the Public Hearing called for 7:30 p.m., ; Thursday, February 13, 1969, was mailed to 'all prope:rtyowners with a 200' radius of the property on January 14, 1969; proper legal notice was published in the Newslife Section of the Houston Chronicle on January 22, 1969; and final report was sub- mitted to the City Commission on February 20, 1969. M3.yorRamsey requeqted that City Attorney Cha-rlesF. Cockrell determine that all legal requirements ,in ,connection with the Public Hear~ng.had been fulfilled. Mr. Cockrell was advised by'Assistani;;City Secretary, Mrs. Lee Lockard, that proper legal notice had been published in the Houston Poston M:l.rch 13, 1969, and that notices of the public hea.ri:q.g had been mailed: i;;o all pro:p~rtyowners, , as. deter- mined by the current tax records of the city, within a 200' ~adius of the property in question, on M:l.rch 11, ~969. JII. , JUl.! L~I p ,I " JII, l....-J ,J I Il!J,_,_ 302 I I 'I Mr. Cockrell aq,vised those inattnedance that if they wished to be heard, either for or against the proposed rezoning, '. they should come forward and take the Oath as administered by M3.yor Ramsey. ~yor Ramse~then administered the Oath to the following persons: o David Dubose W. G. Pollard Whitt Johnson' Mr. Dubose, attorney representing the applicants, JackC. Pollard and Robert H. Ray, owners of Lot 5, Block 5, Preston Place Addition; spoke on behalf of the application for rezoning. Mr. DuBose stated that this lot is located on the north end of Block 5, fronting on Kirby Drive, and siding on Plumb street! The entire block with, the exception of this lot, was zoned for retail business at 1 the time the Zoning Ordinance for the City of West University Place was adopted in 1937. This lot was not included in the retail business district at that time inasmuch as it had a residence located on it. :Mr. DuBose stated that Plumb Street would form a natural boundary for this block, arid therefore, the applicants re~uest that the retail business district be extended to include~Lot. 5. :Mr. DuBose presented a sketch of the block and an architect's sketch showing the pro~ posed building his clients plan to erect on this lot if the area is rezoned. Mr;Bricker, member of the Zoning and Planning Commission, arrived at the Public Hearing at this time. Mr. W. G. Pollard, agent for the owners, stated that the proposed building would have 2, 700 s~uare feet. :Mr. Pollard advised that including parking area in 0 the rear of the building, there would be seventeen parking spaces available. Mr. Johnson, City M3.nager, stated that Ordinance Number 897 regulating the , parking area within the City required one parking space for each 200' of building space, which in this instance would be a minimum ,of fourteen parking spaces. Mrs. Alex Sachs, 5902 Lake, who had not been administered the Oath, stated her main concern was parking on Plumb Street. :Mr. Pollard advised :Mrs. Sachs that ,the off-street parking spaces on the Plumb Street side of the planned construction would be used primarily for employee parking with a minimum of daily in-and-out parking . Two ladies arrived late ,at the meeting, gave no names or addresses, but stated that, Plumb Street was ~uite narrow and they were concerned only with parking problems that might develop as a result of the proposed rezoning. (These ladie,s were later identified as :Mrs. Richard McCann, 6004 Lake and :Mrs. S. J. Davis, 5907 Lake). Mrs. Sachs stated that no one in their neighborhood was opposed to either the pro- posed rezoning or construction; they would much prefer a nice building to the old ramshackled,house now located on the property. Mro CoCkrell stated that inasmuch as there were no further ~uestions or state- ments the Public Hearing could be closed and that the City Commission and Zoning anq, Planning Commission, if they felt they had sufficient information, could take necessary action at::this time, or postpone action for further study. [1 Motion by Commissioner Neighbors, seconded by Commissioner Proctor, that the Public Hearing called by the City Commission be closed. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None 303 o Motion byIYJr. Hines, seconded by IYJr. Hilton, that the Public Hearing called by the Zoning and Planning Commission be closed. V oting Aye: All V oting No: None Motion by IYJr. Hines, seconded by IYJr. Lott, that the Zoning and Planning Commission reaffirm the recommendation contained in their report filed with the City Commission on February 20, 1969, that the Zoning Ordinance of the City of West University Place be amended to extend the retail business district to embrace Lot 5, Block 5, Preston Place Addition. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Proctor, that the recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission be accepted and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of West University Place to extend the retail business district to embrace Lot 5, Block 5, Preston Place Addition. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, by the City Commission and the Zoning and Planning Commission, the meeting was adjgurned at 7:30 p.m. ~ U ATTEST: ~ ~ ~~~A-/ Asslstant City. Secretary o .L ~_..LiIl ___ _,~_,".u'r---; . . .L___ ________...Jl[ , 'LdllliiIlT llil "" , Ill. JIU:U. Im,l ' JII, , I ___~_, J 1 (.,,',,: ...:-...' ILI_ ' ........l .... . o o o [J c ., o I 305 PUBLIC HEARING OF CITY COMMISSION AND ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST'5, 196t$ -~" The City Commission of the City of West University Place and the Zoning and Plan- ning Commission of the City of West University Place convened at 7:00 p.m., at, the City Hall, for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing called for this date, with the following members prf.'sent: :Mayor Gill, presiding; Cornrriissioners Frank, Ramsey and Wright; Zoning and Planning Commission members, David Hannah, Chair- man; presiding; members Bricke~, Hilton an~ Hines. The City Attorney andoCity :Manager were also present. Commissioner,Rogde and Zoning Commission member Lott were absent. ,,:Mayor Gill stat~d that, this public hearing was b~ing held jointly and simultan- 'eously by the City Commission and Zoning and Planning Commission for the purpose of giving consideration to rezoning all of the twelve (12) lots facing so~th on Bellaire Boulevard from the YMCA property east to Academy Street (Lot 2, Block 2, Loty2;. Block 35, Colonial Terrace Addition and Lots 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, t$, 9, and 10, Fairhaven Addition) for professional or business office buildings and parking of vehicles for the use of businepseslocated in the immediate area in We~t Uni- versity Place. Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Ramsey, that the public hearing called by the City Commission be openedo V oting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Mr. Bricker, seconded by Mr. Hilton, that the public hearing called by the Zoning and Planning Commission b~ opened. Voting Aye: All Voting N6: None :Mayor Gill re~uested that City Attorney Charles F. Cockrell, Jr. determine that all legal requirements i~ connection with ~he public hearing had been fulfilled. Mr. Cockrell was advised'by Commission'Secretary, Mrs. Lee Lock8rd, that proper legal notice had been published in the Houston Chronicle on July 17, 1968 and that notices o~ the public hearing had been mailed to all property owners within a 200' radius of the property in question on July 15, 1968. Mayor Gill requested that Chairman David Hannah relate the action taken by the Zoning and Planning Commission prior to this date. Chairman Hannah stated that on :May 28, 1968 a letter of formal request for re- zoning of' Lots 6 and 7, Fairhaven Addition, wasrece~ved by the Zoning an~ Plan- ning Commission from Mr. MiltonScpwartz, attorney representing Mr. David Feldman. In an official meeting of the' Zoning and Planning Commission on April 18, 1968 consideration was given to the application filed by Mr. Feldman with the decision that consideration of only two lots wou,ld constitute "spot zoning" and in order to assure sound land use as well as to protect the residential nature of the city, consideration should be given to rezo~ing all twelve lots and accordingly a public hearing was called for :May 16, 1968. On April 22, 1968 the Zoning and Planning Commission filed its preliminary report with the City Commission; notice of the PUblic hearing was mailed to all property owners within a 200' radius of the prope3>'ty on April 26, 196t$, and proper legal notice was published in the regular section of the Houston Chronicle on April 29, 1968. L......~ L IJIJTI' lIlI J .:H _ .........-ltc. r _..JII II Lll Ill: ' JI I, , _I ..JLl_ 306 I I I A public hearing was held by the Zoning and Planning Commission on May 16, 1968 after which meetings were held on June 13, 1968 and June 20, 1966 for further consideration of the application and study of setback requirements, screening IIJ devices, etc., and the Final Report of the Zoning and Planning Commission was submitted to the City Commission on June 27, 1968. Mayor Gill then read the procedure to be followed in conducting this public hearing, requested that those wishing to be heard please comply with this pro- cedure and at this time rise and take the' Oath. Mr. Milton Schwartz, attorney representing Mr. David Feldman, stated that at the time the original application was filed with the Zoning and Planning Commission plans were submitted for the construction of a medical clinic and office building. He further stated that there had been no deviation in these plans and construction on the property owned by Mr. Feldman would be in accordance with these plans. Mr. Feldman directed attention to theiegal description of Lot 2, Block 35, Colonial Terrace Addition stating that this lot was 140' x ~2.61, being the only odd size lot in this block. Mr. Robert Greenwell, representative of Mr. Bob Turrentine, owner of Lot 3, Fairhaven Addition, stated that Mr. Turrentine was out of the city and wished that the City Commission and Zoning and Planning Commission be advised that he had owned this property prior to the first time it was zoned and since that time' he had been denied use of the property inasmuch as it was unsuited for single- family residences; had continuously been assessed taxes on the property; had received no compensation for use of the property; and'would like to urge that the property be rezoned for business use, townhouses or apartment. Zoning and Planning Commission member H. E.Lott arrived at the meeting at this time. J Mr. O. C. Bartholomew, 361~Corondo Court, stated that he was not opposed to this application and was not opposed'to zoning in general, but he was, however, quite , concerned about the way the city was being rezoned. He further stated that it was in his opinion, quite simple for anyone to get property rezoned and that he would like some assurance that the city would not gradually be rezoned block by, block, ' by adding some restrictions to the Zoning Ordinance prohibiting further zoning fora certain period of time after any area has been rezoned. Mr. Hannah explained to Mr. Bartholomew that every effort was being made to retain the residential nature of the entire City of West University~Place from a legal standpoint and tha~ developments over a period of years make it neces- sary to consider the possibility of making some changes. Mr. Cockrell advised Mr. Bartholomew that the zoning ordinance could be changed , as to general plan, but that it was his doubt that i,t would be possible to in- corporate into an ordinance any specific time limit for rezoning any property for a particular purpose since it would preclude a particular area being rezoned as a result of a change of condition after it had'been rezoned. Mayor Gill advised Mr. Bartholomew that the City must, by law, process all appli- cations that are received for rezoning and that the'ZoningOrdinance of the City of West University is maintained and subtained by continuous study by the Zoning and Planning Commission. D o .~ o 307 Mr. Bricker advised Mr. Bartholomew that the twelve lot area under consideration did not constitute "spot zoning" and was considered for rezoning primarily for the reason that this area is adjoined by the YMCA property on one side and the telephone company building on the other. Mr. Schwartz pointed out to :Mr'. Bartholomew that only outside lots were being considered for rezoning and it was his opinion.that a request to change the zoning of inside lots would never be approved by this or any Zoning and Planning Commission of the Ci~y of West University Place. Mr. Hannah advised Mr. Bartholomew that a planning study of the entire city had bee~ ,ma.de in February, 1963, by the firm of ,Caudill, Rowlett and Scott. It was his suggestion that Mr. Bartholomew borrow a copy from the office of the City Manager in order to better understand the overall plans for the furture develop- ment of the city. :Mrs. Pauline Kline, 4136 Cason, stated that she would like to concur with all of the remarks made by :Mr. Bartholomew. Mrs~ Arthur Schadel, 4104 Bellaire Boulevard, after having been adiliinistered the Oath by Mayor Gill, advised the Commissions that they had owned Lots 8, 9, and 10, Fairhaven Addition, since 1937 and that their home was situated on Lot 10, opposite the telephone building. Mrs. Schadel stated that she was in favor of rezoning this area. Mayor Gill stated that inasmuch as there were no further questions or statements he would like for the record to show that the City Commission had received ~wo letters with regard to the proposed rezoning. A letter from :Mrs. Pauline Kline, 4136 Cason, stated that she would like clarification of where the proposed zon- ing will stop and assurance that it will not include her property. A letter from:Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Sommer, Roswell, New Mexico, and owners of 4204 Cason requested that the proposed rezoning include property owned by them. " Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, seconded by Commissioner Frank, that the Public Hearing, called by the City Commission be closed. ',Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Chairman Hannah stated that prior to receiving a motion to close the Public Hearing he would like to advise that the Zoning and Planning Commission had also re'ceived a letter from ~s~P.auline Kline, 4136 Cason, stating that she would like clarification of where the proposed zoning will stop and assurance that it will not include her property. Motion by Mr. Hines, seconded by Mr. Hilton, that the Public Hearing called by the Zoning and Planning Gommission be closed. V ot ing .Aye: Al,l Voting No: None Mayor Gill stated that the Public Hearing was officially closed and that he would like to thank all those attending for their appearance, interest and concern. He then turned the meeting over to Zoning and Planning Commission Chairman, David Hannah, for approp~iate action. , ; Of ~,----1J.['1 "II L, _L~~__~ -'......'Jl[ , 'I. ' IJ,:Jl.l II 1.'I..,ll.l JII L -I, ,,_J ,.IL.. _ _I -30& After establishment of the legal description of 'Lot 2, Block 35, Colonial Terrace Addition, owned by Mr. David Feldman, as being 1201 x 82.6' the 0 following action was taken by the Zoningartd Planning Commission. , Motion by Mr. Hines, seconded by Mr. Lott, that the Zoning and Planning Commission reaffirms 'its position in line with the ,final report submitted to the City Commission on June 27, 1968. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried by the C:i:ty Commission and the Zoning and Planning Commission, the' meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.,. " , ATTEST: :] ~il~ 'As,si'Stant Ci t,y Secretary o o C'j (J:) 0'; tJ;J ~ Q o o I CITY COMMISSION MINUTES-APRIL 12, 1971 A map showing all of the townhouse district, both developed and undeveloped, was presented to the Commission in order that they could realize the need for the dedication by owners of a20' easement at the rear of the propertyfor ingress and egress., It was pointed out that the City of Houston had advised they would permit no further curb cuts on Bissonnet for the construction of driveways on the front of the properties. ,Further conversation developed that the city could condemn the property in question; could amend the town- house ordinance to require the easement; or could notify the owners of the need for the easement and request that they grant easements. Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded, by Commissioner Underwood, that the City Manager direct lettersto~ach of the property owners advising them of the decision by the City of Houston and, requesting that they grant to the City of West University Place a 20' easement on the rear of the property for ingress and egress and that failure to do so W'oul~result in the issuing of no further building permits. City Attorney Charles Cockrell was also requested to research the question of amending the townhouse ordinance to require the dedication of the easement. Voti,ng Aye: All Voting, No: , None The Commission was advised that a major line breakage during the week-end demonstrated the need for a 4" portable water pump inasmuch as the small pumps are not sufficient. A4" pump 'would be of service and value to the Water Depart- ment, Sewer Department and Street Department and would also be used a~ the Swimm- ing Pool when required. Estimated cost of a new'4" portable water pUIhp is $1,200,.00. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Cdmmissioner Harris, that the City, Manager be authorized to advetise for bids for the purchase of a4" portable water pump. Voting Aye:' All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the 'City Commission on March 22, 1971, were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by CommiSSioner :tj:arris,that the minutes of the, regular meet- ing of the City Commission on March 22, ~971, be aPRToved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at lO:OOp. . ATTEST: ~..;(Id~ Assistant City Secretary , .-/ . ~- "" , ,.,.~" ,.",.",g ~{ '''t~ L .::.: ~ '~"... , - r )r--~-~ "]; ,_ 1 ,-]~~ 1I.::I" , .:.~^. REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COM:M:ISSION APRIL 26, 1971 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, April 26, 1971, 7:30 p.m., with the f9110wing members present:' Mayor Neighbors presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes and, Underwood. , The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Wallin was absent. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Hughes. Thomas Lytle, 6025 Fordham and John Layne, 4114 Underwood, presented street li~ht surveys they had completed in commection with merit badges required to become Eagle scouts. Each of the young men reviewed their activities while making the surveys, pointing out the lack of adequate stre~t lighting in some areas, obstructions they found that prevented the best illumination from existing lights and certain repairs that should be made. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Mayor Neighbors write letters of commendation to each of the boys commending them for their outstanding reports and i~structir.gthe City Manager to forward both reports to the City Engineer for his review and recommendation that could be incorporated into projections for future improvements. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Commissioner Wallin arrived at the meeting at this time. Mr. Fred Rhodes, Chairman of the City's Insurance Committee, introduced Mr. Wynne Creekmore, newly appointed member of the Committee, and Mr. Gus Comiskey of the Comiskey Insurance Agency. Mr. Rhodes reviewed a recent ruling of the Attorney General stating that insurance companies who habe sold property damage insurance to governmental units in Texas must give the premiums back. Mr. Rhodes stated that the implication of this ruling is that the purchase of property damage insurance by governmental units would be illegal. Mr. Rhodes and Mr. Comiskey explained the position of the city under this ruling and stated that even though the Attorney General's ruling would make it appear illegal, it was ,the recommendation of the city's Insurance Committee that the City of West University Place continue to carry prope-rty damage insurance on ,all ca,rs and'trucks, with the exception of fire trucks, in the same manner such coverage had been carried prior to the passage of the Texas Tort Claims Act. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the re- commendation of the city's'insurance Committee be accepted, until a more definite ruling has been received, and that the City Manager be instructed to proceed with the City's insurance program. in accordance with the recommendations of the Insu- rance Committee. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None [1 ~] Mr. Dean 0 Benignus of Signal Engineering Company presented the Commission a pro- posed phasing system for the intersection of Buffalo Speedway and Sunset Boulevard together with a description of the necessary changes. In response to a number of I~ questions regarding difficulties encountered by residents of other east-west streets getting into the flow of traffic on Buffalo Speedway, Mr. Benignus explained that the new controller could be set on a timed basis during peak hours to make some break in o (Vj c.c c:J: UJ ~ o o o I, 3, the traffic on Buffalo Speedway, but that best results could be obtained by programming the controller inte) the Houston traffic pattern on Bissonnet. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Co~issIoner Harris, that' the City , Manager be authorized to prepare specifications and advertise for bids for anew controller with necessary appurtenances, for the signal light at Buffa~o Speed- way and Suns~~BOulevard. ' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner: Harris, that the City Manager contact the Traffic Department of the City o~ Houston with regard to alle- viating traffic congestion between Bissonnet and the Southwest Freeway. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with previous action of the City Commission a tabulation and re- commendation for the purchase of two full printing calculators from Monroe Cal- culating Company on their bid of $1',058.00, was presented to the Commission. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, secondedbyCommi13sioner Wallin, that the bid of $1,058.00 submitted by Monroe Calculator Company for furnishing two full printing calculators be accepted. Voting Aye: Mayor Neighbors Voting No; Comm. Hughes Commission.er Harris Commissioner UnderWood Commissioner Wallin A tabulation of bids received on April 12, 1971, for supplying 40,000 Ibs. of liquid chlorine in one-ton containers and 13,500 Ibs. of l:tquid chlorine in 150- pouridcylinders was'presented to the Commission with a recommendation that the bid be awarded to Dixie Chemical Company on their. ,low' bid of $5: 75 per cwt for ton containers and $11.00 per cwt for 150-pound cyclinders. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Comniissioner Wallin, that the bid for furnishing 40,000 pounds of liquid chlorine in one~ton containers and l3;500 pounds of liquid chlorine in 150-pound cylinders be awarded to Dixie Chemical Company on their 'low bidofi$3, 1'85. 00 Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A tabulation of bids received on April 12, 1971 for supplying 309' of 1 1/2fl fire hose and 300 I ,of 2 l/2" fire hose was presented to the Comriiiss~dn 'wi'i;;h a reCOminen- dation that the bid of Bi-Lateral Fire Hose Company of $1.)5' per foo-y for 1 1/211 hose and $1.69 per foot for 2 1/2" hose be accepted on the basis of previous ex- perience with this hose as compared with lack of knowledge of the other hose bid. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the bid of Bi-Lateral Hose Company for furnishing 3001 of 11/2" fire hose and 300/ of 2 1/2" fire hose at a bid. price of $852 . 00 be 'accepted., ' Voting Aye: Mayor Neighbors Voting No: Comm. Harris Commissioner Hughes Commissioner Underwood Commissioner Wallin j""CTJ ]'1 r-~! ~.~ --.'I.j 1- , 1 lir 1.:.....1,::.1. .'T " . I JI I. _ I~_J Ill~. _ J 'I , ~"f -~-:-- .i"' In accordance with preyious action of the City Commission a tabulation of bids received for furnishing one tractor with rotary mower attachment was presented l] to the Commission with a recommendation that the bid submitted by Houston Power I' Equipment Company for an International Model 140 tractor with Engler, Model TK5FNC-A rotary mower for $2,660.87 be accepted. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the bid of Houston Power Equipment Company of $2,660.87 for furnishing one International Model 140 tractor with Engler, Model TK5FNC-A rotary mower be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoping and Planning Commission on Tuesday, April 13, 1971, were presented to the Commission for their information. Mayor John Neighbors read a policy statement of the City Commission with regard to ambuiance service for citizens of the City of West University Place: POLICY STATEMENT OF THE CITY COMMISSION The City Commission has determined that it is to the ,best interest to its citizens to permit Belfort Ambulance Service to provide ambulanc~ service to the citizens of this City. We do not believe it economically feasible at this time to establish a Fire Department operated amublance service due to ,the limited number of calls or demands made for this type service. Belfort Ambulance Service has three (3) ambulances, staffed with competent, trained personnel and has a permit and license to operate within the City of Houston and Harris County. Belfort Ambulance Service likewise has liability insurance and properly equipped and inspected vehicles meeting City of Houston requirements. J , If Belfort Ambulance Service does not provide adequate service as determined by the Chief of Police, Fire Chief or City Manager, it shall be properly re- ported to the City Commission. The City Commis~ion hereby requests and encourages the Fire Department, both paid and volunteer, to continue their efforts to maintain the present ef- ficient first aid operation and that such first aid ~ervice shall be operated in conjunction with the service rendered by Belfort Ambulance Service. This policy does not prohibit or preclude residents from calling any other ambulance company of their choice. ' j:j /s/ /s/ /s/ John N. Neighbors, Mayor Paul W. Wallin, Jr. Commissioner Fred E. Hughes, Commissioner Don E. Harris, Commissioner C. H. Underwood, Jr., Commissioner J 4-26-72 o ~ Cl) Cj;; ~ ~ Q [J o 3, Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the statement on ambulance service f'or citi~ens of' the City_of' West University Place be made a matter of' city policy. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The f'ollowing recommendation dated April 26, 1971, f'romChief' of' Police Harold Shipp was read to the Commissibn:"Due toa number of' collisions in this area, and com- plaints f'rom a number of' citizens, I recommend "Stop" signs be erected on Fairmount Street at its intersection with Sunset 'Boulevard and Albans Road". , Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the recommenda- tion dated April 26, 1971, f'rom the Chief' of Police be accepted and Stop signs erected on Fairmount Street with its intersection with Suriset' Boulevard and AlbansRpad. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Commissioner Underwood directed attention ,to' thef'ollowing statement contained in the Health Department report 'f'or the month of' March: "An inspection was made <of the Southern Pacif'ic right-of'-way and the Humble Pipeline right-of'-way at there- quest of' a citizen who lives adjacent an area where drainage is poor. Since the city cannot work in these right-of'-ways, and railroad personnel have f'ailed to improve conditions as requested, the person making the compl~int stated a petition would be prepared f'or presentation tothe railroad requesting the <necessary improvements. No action has been taken to date, however, toward improving drainage." Af'ter some discussion of' previous ef'f'orts to work with Southern Pacif'ic right~of'-way personnel the City Manager was instructed to again contact the Chief' Engineer of' Southern Pacif'ic and request a report as to what action had been taken by the company to correct drainage problems in the College Court area. Minutes of' the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, April 12, 1971, were presented to the Commission and the f'ollowing action taken: Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commis~ioner Underwood, that the minutes of' the regular meeting of' the City Commission on Monday, April 12, 1971, be approved a s' submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no f'urther business to come bef'ore the Commission upon motion duly rnade, seconded,. and carried the meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. ATTEST: ~/;f~ Assistant City Secretary . , ~~ ~-._..~. ~.t:r -~ .--....:.Iit 1:' .-::'r. r- 6"'- '< REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MAY 10, 1971 J The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, May 10, 1971, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Neighbors presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes, Underwood and Wallin. The 6ity Attorney and City Manager we:re also present" The invocation was prenounced by Commissioner Underwood. In accordance with' ,previous ,action of the City Commission bids received for furnishing addressing equipment were opened and results announced as follows: A. L. C. 'Addressing Machine Elliott Addressing Ma,chines Addressograph Corporation 2,051.95 1,131. 20 3,254.20 Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that bids re- ceived for furnishing addressing equipment be referre_d to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: All Voting No:, None In accordance with action of the City Commission bids, received for furnishing one four (411) portable water pump were opened and results announced as follows: Hi-Way Equipment Company E. L. Lester & Company Bob Schmidt; Inc. R. B. Everett & Company Boehck ~quipment Sales Wogle Equlpment Company F. W. Gartner Company 2,008.00 1,690.00 1,568.75 1,952.00 1,497.00 2,188.25 1,575.02 ~ Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that bids received for furnishing one four (411) inch portable water pump be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the recessed meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission held on Wednesday, May 5, 1971, were presented to the Commission for their information with attention being directed to the decision of the Zoning Commission that a car wash operation to be constructed in the 2600 block of Bissonnet is aduly qualified retail business under the Zoning Ordinance of the City of West Univer- sity Place. An Ordinance amending Ordinance Number 957 changing membership requirements for membership on the city's Plumbing Board was presented to the Commission and read in full. After discussion with regard to the city Plumb gin Inspector being a member of the Board without voting power and requiring that only three of the remaining positions on the board be filled by registered professional engineers, filling the fourth position with a member associated with the plumbing business, the Ordinance was referred back to the City Attorney for further consideration prior J o ~ CD (7; u.:J Cl Q o o 1:\ to the next regular meetin.g of' the City Commission. The Commission was advised that all information and necessary forms, including a free swim ticket, concerning the opening of the swimming pool had been mailed to all residents and all preparations had been completed for opening. The Com- mission, was ~lsQad..yis~9-, t:bat,a fl<;:h~g,1Jle had been wgrked out permitting the West University Sw;im Team to UI3~ tlt-e pOO,l ;fo;t:',pra<:;ti(;e priprto fu:U-tiri1e 9peration. . -, '.'. ' ~, .- '. - The Commission was advised that the City Engineer had contacted the Southerh Pacific Railroad with regard to permission to install agate across their spur when fencing the recently purchased property on Wakeforest and Milfor. Southern Pacific engineers will advise their decision after a survey of the property in question. It,w~s further stated..,tnat SQutpern P~ctf~c h~d c~~aned,out_~hedrain- age ditch in the College Court addition, but, the West Union poles had not ,been removed. After: further discus'sion wj,tJ:1 i"egard to the difficulties encountered in working with Southern Pacific the City Manager was instructed to follow-up to find out from Southern Pacific_what step~ shou+d be ,taken next. , - ) ..' . '., .. - . Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, April 26, 1971, were presented to the Commission,an,d tne,fo4.-10wing action taken: ,Motion by CommissionerWalJ,in, seconde.d,by~Commissi.oner Harri~, that' the minutes of the re- gular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, April 26, '1971, be appr<;)ved as submitted. Mayor Neighbors read a letter from Miss Dorothy Byrd, Director~ Joint University Center for Community Services, advising that Mrs. Lee Lockard had successfully completed Course III for State Certification. City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that an objection to the award of a Special Commission had been filed in regard to the City's Edlo propertyby reason that the sum offerred was not in keeping with the actual value of the property. A report was made on the visit to West Univ~rsity,City~all by twenty-four mayors of various French cities while, on tour in the ,united States. Mayor Nieghbors hosted the group answering many questions regarding methods of financing, budgets, bond ratings and state a:p.q, federal controls. With no further business to come before the COmmission upon motion duly TIlade, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. ATTEST: ~,,~,., Assistant City Secretary Ji l... ~ I ,...1 .. ....I S"'" . t; .' .~ .. , REGULAR'MEETJ1'ifG OF CITY COMMISSION MAY 24, 1971, -, I The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, May 24, 1971, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: ' May,ar Neighbors, presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes, Underwood and Wallin. The City' ' Attorney and City Man~ger were also present. I ----..J The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Wallin. In accordance with previous action of the City Commission a tabulation,of bids received and recommehaation for purchase of one 4" portable water pump from E,. L. Lester and Company in accordance with their bid prcie of $1,400 was presented, to theCommis,sion. It was further recommended that 25' of 411 suction hose and 50' of 411 discharge hose be purchased on the open market in order to obtain a new type plastic hose rather than the hard, black rubber hose offered by bidders. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissoner Underwood, that the bid of $1,400 submitted by'E. L. Lester and Company for furnishing one Gorman-Fupp Model 84B2-VH4d portabel 411 water pump, be accepted and necessary suction and dis- charge hose be purchased on the open market in accordance with the recommendations of the City Manager. '.- .-:.- Voting Aye: All Voting No: ' Non~ A tabulation of bids received and recommendation for purchase of addressing equipment from Elliott Business Machines in accordance with their bid price of $1,231.20 was present. I ~ Motion by Commissioner Hughes"seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the bid dated May 4, 1971, submitted by Elliott Business Machines for furnishing ad- dressing equipment at a cost of $1,231.20 be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 71:"7 was presented to'the COrnIniss'ion and read in full: WHEREAS, Mr. Gus C. Cox, Thirty seven fifty seven Plumb, is retiring as principal of the West University Elementary School after long and disting- uished service, and vrnEREAS, during his forty-four years of association with the Houston Inde- pendent School District he served his fellow citizens well and ably in many ways, including that as principal of West University Elementary School; and WHEREAS, as principal of West University Elementary School he gave to the councils of the Parent-Teacher Association and to the teachers serving under him, the wisdom distilled by a high intellect drawn from his experience as an able educator and successfull administrato of the Houston Independent School District: and I L.J WHEREAS, his courteous manner and his consideration for the opinion of others, whether or not they differed from his own, smoothed the path of de- liberation and made always pleasant the tasks of the teachers and patrons of West University Elementary School; and o ~ C.D cr; UJ ~ Q o o '9.\ WHEREAS, Gus C. Cox brought into the deliberations of the school administration a quiet gentleness, customarily giving qthersthe opportunity to speak first and giving theirviews'the 'clos~stattenti~n; and in turn he present his own views and by his own convictions was able to bring unanimity of thought on the de~isibn to be made; and. WHEREAS, Gus C. Cox has contributed, tohis 'church and to his community; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City'of West University Place, Texas wishes to express the appreciation of itscitizens.~to Mr. Gus C. .Cox for his, unselfish devotion to the education of numerous children and for his long and distinguished service as principal of West University Elementary School. NOW, THEREFORE" BE IT ,RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION, OF THE CITY OF WEST 'UNIVERSITY PLACE; TEXAS; Section 1. That the City of West University Place, Texas, acting by ahd through its City Commission, hereby recognizes the loyalty and devotion to duty exhibited by Mr. Gus C. Cox during his forty four year tenure with Houston Inde- pendent School District and formally expresses its appreciation for such loyalty and devotion. Section 2. That this Resolution shall be spread upon the permanent minutes of the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 3. That a copy of this Resolution, duly signed by the Mayor and each member of the City Commission and authenticated by the City Se,cretary, be pre- sented to Mr. Gus C. Cox. PASSED AND APPROVED this 24th day of May, 1971. s/ John Neighbors, Mayor s/ Commissioner Don E. Harris sf Commissioner Fred E. Hughes s/ Commissioner C. H. Underwood s/ Commissioner Paul W. Wallin Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that Resolution Number 71-7 recognizing Mr. Gus C. Cox for his forty-four years of service with the Houston Independent School District and his retirem~nt as principal of West University Elementary School, be approved as' read. J" , ;,. , ' J.' V oting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 957 was presented to the Commission and read in full. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 18-14 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PROVIDE TEAT THE EX:AMIIifING- AND SUPERVISING BOARD OF- PLUMBERS SHALL CONSIST OF FIVE :MEMBERS: PROVIDING THAT THE CITY PLUMBING INSPECTOR SHALL SERVE AS AN EX: OFFICIO :MEMBERW,ITHOUR VOTING; SETTING FORTH INDIVIDUAL QUALIFICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP ON SUCH BOARD: CONTAINING A REPEALING CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that Ordinance Number 957 amending the Code of Ordinances to change membership requirements -r-- ~~"l'r' '.1 r--: --I '--' .......-11-;-";" lit I .,1 JII IJ, !, '1~,,;A'-, -~~u " ,. for the city's plumb~ng board be approved as read, with the amendment to Section 102.1.2 that members ~shall serve on sach'board without compensation. V oting Aye: All Voting No: None '-1 LJ Minutes of the regUlar meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on ' May 11,' 1971'- were' pres en ted to the Commission for their information. It was noted that the application filed by Dr. Edward C. M. Chen for subdivision of Lot 1, Block 57, West' tJni vers i ty Place 2nd Addition, into, three lot[3, one 50 x 150' fronting on'Westchester and two 50 x 100' fro~ting on Georgetown, was rejected by the Zoning Commission. Resolution NumbeJ':' 7;1.-8 was p,resented to, the Commission and read in full, after which Mr.' Arthur-Storey, Jr~, 'engin~er fiwth Bernard Jolihson Engineers, Inc: re- viewed the process by which grant applications may be filed; the position of Bernard Johnson Engineers, Inc, with regard to filing the application and the steps that should be taken toward the ultimate goal of rehabilitating the Weslayan sanitary sewer lift plant and replacing a lOll' vitrified clay pipe sewer iine on Swarthmore. Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Resolution Number 71-8 be approved as read, thereby employing Bernard Johnson Engineers, , Inc. 'forpreparatiori and processing of an application under Public ,Law 660 and Water Pollution 'Control Pact for funds to finance the rehabilitation of the Wes- layan Sanitary Sewer Lift Station and replacing a 10" vitrified clay pipe sewer line on Swarthmore Street for an estimated expense not to exceed $1,060; and to perform necessary engineering services in connection with the design, ,plans , \i',JJ~1 specifications and contract documents for the Weslayan Sanitary Sewer Lift Sta- tion and 10" sewer line in accordance with the provisions contained in thede~ign phase of the project prepared by Bernard Johnson Engineers, Inc and accepted by the City Commission on AUgUst 6, 1970. "WBEREAS, the City Commission, on June 8, 1970, authorized Be:r;:nard ,Johnson Engineers, Inc. to prepare the design phase of a project for rehabilitation of the Weslayan Sanitary Sewer Lift Station and replacing a 10" vitrified clay pipe sewer line connecting from Academy Street along SwarthIDore to the Weslayan Lift Station; and WHEREAS, the design phase prepared'by Bernard 'Johnson Errgoineers; Inc., was presented to and accepted by the City Commission on 'AugUsto 6; '1970; arid WHEREAS, the City Commission has now given this project a first priority and desires to proceed with preparation of final plans and specifications; and WHEREAS, funds are not availaale in the Sanitary Sewer Fund for funding the entire project es~imated at $75,000.00.00; and WHEREAS, there is m9ney available under Public Law 660 under direction of the Federal Water QualitY'Administration on a participating basis with muni- cipalities. Funds for such'projectsare provided'directly to'the Sta-teof Texas and administered by the':Texas Water Quality Board. ,A.dditional funds are avail- able through the Water :Poilu.tionC~ntrol Pact' Autho:tity:to be reimbursed as a 'I,' l result of provisionsin'State Con~ti'tutional Am~ndment #4; and' ~ WHEREAS, a grant application is complicated and normally handled by the engineering firm which designs such project. Q ., CD ~ ~ ~ Q o o J"'Jk ',;~., " '.... ;.... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Manager be, and he is hereby, authorized to pro- ceed with filing an application for funds under Public Law 660 and the Water Pollution Control Pact, to finance the heretofore described Weslayan Sanitary Sewer Lift Station and 10" sanitary sewer line connecting Academy Street. Section 2. The City Commission hereby a~thorizes the employment of Bernard Johnson Engineers, Inc., Houston, Texas, for an estimated expense not, to ex- ceed $1,000.00, for the purpose of processing the herein mentioned appli- cation to receive funds under Public Law 660 and the Water Pollution Control Pact. Section 3. The Mayor~s hereby authorized to enter i~to an engineering service agreement with Bernard Johnson Engineers, Inc. to complete plans, specifications and contract documents for rehabilitation of the Weslayan Sani- tary Sewer Lift Station and replacing the 10"; sanitary sewer line connecting from Academy Street. Section 4. Funds for payment of engineering ,services to Bernard Johnson Engineers, Inc for preparation and processing of the application under Public Law 660 and Water Pollution Control Pact, and engineering services in connection with the design, plans, specifications and contract documents for the Weslayan Lift Station and connecting 10" sewer line, is herewith appropriated from avail- able funds in the Sanitary Sewer Fund of the City of West University Place. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 24th day of May, 1971. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None /s/ John N. Neighbors, Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant CitY,Secretary Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that there were no provisions contained in the Code of Ordinances to regula:t~the,height of advertising signs and recently two had been constructed of unusual height. After general discussion of the appearance of such signs the City Manager was instructed to give thought and study to the problem and make a recommendation to the City Commission. Mayor Neighbors stated that members should be appointed to Serve on the city's Tax Board of Equalization and that nominees would be presentedatthenext,re- gular meeting of the Commission. A report on the week-ends only operation of the swimming pool showed that a total of 286 family memberships, representing 259 adult tickets and 487 children's tickets, had been sold for a total of $5,480.78 and $219.04 collected for in- dividual swim sessions. The Commission:was advised that there had been some vandalism with "One-Way" street signs being removed and other signs in the area damage d. ~...-. ...- 1:2;'" 1 . II :\ 11..-- ~I l ' An adhesive backed sign stating that a $50.00 reward would be offered for in- formation leading to the apprehension and conviction of persons willfully damaging street signs was shown to the Commission, followed by general> discus- sion with regard to the advantages of posting such signs. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance for the ,posting of pressure sensitive signs announcing award of $50.00 reward for the apprehension' and con- viction of persons damaging xtreet signs and $100 reward for'the apprehension and conviction of persons damaging park equipment, and that the City Commission go on record as aetively, enforcing the ordinance by declaration against van- dalism. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Following a general discussion with regard to the damage daused residents by an excessive number of squirrels the City Manager was instructed to check with Harris County, the City of Bellaire, Texas Municipal Leage, International City Manager's Association, Southwestern Bell Telephone Company and Houston Lighting and Power Company to see what they rec0mmend as the best deterent or r?pellent for these rodents. The City Manager was instructed to investigate the possibility and cost of adding another tennis court at Sunset Park by changing the location of the basketball backstop and to request that the Park Board look at College Court park to determine what steps can be taken to improve the ~ppearance of the area. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, May 10, 1971, were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded':by COmnlissioner Hughes, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on May 10, 1971, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission upon motion duly made, seconded and carrried, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. ATTEST: ;;f~ ;;f~~ Assistant City Secretary -1 J i I , I I ' '---../ . :l I L--' o o ~ CD a; t.JJ Q Q o o Jl~a:"1 'j REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JUNE 14, 1971 "I " ;-.' I The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, June 14, 1971, 7:30p.m., with the following,m.embe:,rspresent:, Mayor J;'ro-Tem Wallin presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes ~nd Underwood. The City At- torney and City Manager were also present. Mayor Neighbors was ill. The Invocation was prqnouncedby Commissioner Wallin." Former Mayor Homer L.Ramsey and Miss Sarah Powers of Chicago, Illinois, guest of Miss Carolyn Cronin, Southwestern Argus reporter, were welcomed to the meet- ing. The Commissioll'was advised that. in order to meet the requirements, of ,'the ,City Charter it was necessary that members be appointed."to serve on the Tax Board of Equalization for the year 1971. Membership requirements, including resident tax-payers, were reviewed and the Commission further advised that Mayor John Neighbors, had contacted members serving on,ttJ,is Boarddu;r:ing-1970 and ~ach was willing to serve again. Motion by Commissioner Hughes, se,conded by Commissioner, Underwood, thl1;t, Mr.. , Bill Bierne,Mr. Charles.Gillian and Mr. ~ichael Davis be app!"in.~ed to'-'ser:ire as members of the "1'axBoard 0f'Equa,lization during the 1971 ses.;;ion i1irl that appointment of an alternate member be postponed until a late~ date. ' " Voting Aye: All Voting ~o: None The appointment of membership to the city's,PlumhingBo,ardwas discussed-and inasmuch as only Commissioner Underwood had contacted a resident Mas,ter Plumber as a~tential member, further action was deferred. A recommendation date~~une7, 1971 from the Chie~'ofPolice recommending the installation :of"'NbParking ~ytime" signs on Weslay~nufrom Bissonnet to Riley on the west side of the :street;, and from Biss,onnet to Stella Link on the east side of the street was discussed.' It was noted that installation of these signs would require approximately 76 signs at an estimated cost of $500.00. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the re- commendation of the Chief of Police dated June 7, 1971, be approved and 'iNO Parking Anytime" signs be erected on Weslayan Street from Bissonnet to Riley on the west side of the street and from Bissonnet to Stella Link on the east side of the street. V oting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the City Manager be instructed to study sign placement on Weslayan Road and report back to the Commission at its next rebular meeting a recommendation for the size and frequency of placement of the signs. V ot ing Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on May 24,1971 were pre- sented to the Commission for their information. ---,-- ~~rr 11 r--r---- t -- i Ilr . . .. r ... II';"" ,.,.. r '}' : oj' , " . ..:1' \. ,. '.' , '. JII I J I 11',_1___ ___...___.~l Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on May 27, 1971, were presented to the Commission for their information. It was also called to the attention of the Commission that a letter had been received from Mr. Milton Schwartz, attorney, in conjunction with a pharmacy to be operated in the C~inic Office Building now under construction in the Professional and Office Building Distrlct frontln on BellaireBoulevardiand that an:application to this Board wouldbe forthcom~ng. . ., , rl , I i ! , I U Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on June 1, 1971, were presented to the Commission' for their' information. " In accordance with'previous action of the City Commission a letter from Mr. Robert W. Jurtz, together with a schematic drawing of tennis court construction and a plat of Weir Park showing proposed location of an additional tennis court and re-location of a 1/2 basketball court, were presented to the Commission. It was. pointed out that this information would be' used in conjunction with pre- paration of the 1972 budget' inasmuch as the necessary $10,000 for construction was not available in the 1971 budget. Motion by Commissioner UnderWood; seconded by-Commissioner Hughes, that the letter from Mr~ Kurtz, schematic drawing of proposed construction and plat of the Weir Pa!k sit~ be, forwarded to the Parks and Recreation Board together with a request that they study them and report to the Commlssion theiT'Tecom~ mendations prior to July, 15,1971, and also determine as best as' possibletthe reasons why the park and facilities at Judson Park are not being utilized to its full potential. ," J' Voting kye: All Voting No: None" ----------..\ I , I '--..J Ordinance Number 958,captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDTIJG THE CODE OF ORDTIJANCES OF THE CITY OF ,WEST' UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS BY TEE ADDITION OF A SECTION PROVIDTIJG FOR A REWARD OF $50.00 FOR DESTROYING OR DEFACTIJG TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES: PROVIDTIJG FOR A RE- WARD OF $100.00 FOR TEE DESTRUCTION OR REMOVAL OF PARK PROPERTY; PROVIDING FOR THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH SUCH REWARD IS PAYABLE AND PROVIDTIJG AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commis s loner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Ordinance Number 958 amending the Code of Ordinances to provide for a reward of $50.00 for destroying or defacing traffic control devices and a reward of $100.00 for the destruction or removal of park property, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 71-9 was presented to the Commission and read in full: ,WEEREAS, it is contemplated that the City of West University Place, Texas will reconstruct certain wastewater collection facilities; and it is deemed necessary and proper to apply for a federal grant under the Federal Water Pollution Controi Act, Public Law 660, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED Thy the' above named Applicant that John Neighbors, Mayor of the City of West University Place or his successor, (i I I I ! , I LJ [J o [] is hereby authorized and directed to make application for a federal grant under Public Law 668, as amended, and to sign the Acceptance of the Offer, when made, and any other necessary documents required to complete the project on behalf of the above named applicant. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above name Applicant will: 1. Provide the site of the project to which applicant ,has the fee simplet title and will acquire ,the necessary easements and rights-of-way' as to assure undistrubed use:and possession; and that ih ~he event such, title; estate, Orinterestinsueh site, easemer:lts-or rights-of-way may in the future be contested, the above named applicant will defend and maintain its title in such site and hold the United State Government blameless in such action; and that before any federl payment is reG},uested pursuant to a grant, the above name Applicant will provide certification as to the suffi- ciency of such estate or interest. 2." Provide an operation and maintenance manual for the, facilities which is acceptable to the State Water Pollution Control Agency and the Federal Water Quality Administration and will fulfill the tasks described therein. ., ' 3. Provide the necessary funds which are estimated to be approximately $1,000.00 per'annum'for the proper operation and maintenance of,the facilities. 4. Employ qualified personnel in accordance with the recommendations or requirements of the State Water Pollution Control Agency to operate the wastewater collection facilities; and will require its consulting engineer or agent to provide certain on-the~job training for employees during start-up of the facilities. PASSED AND APPROVED this 14th day of June, 1971. Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: /s/ Paul W. Wallin, Jr. Mayor Pro-Tem All None ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that Reso- lution Number 71-9, authorizing Mayor John N. Neighbors to make application for a Federal grant under Public Law 660 for the replacement of approximately 650' of 10-inch gravity line and approximately 750' of 10-inch force main and the reconstruction of a lift station, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 959 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE DISCHARGE OF INDUSTRIAL WASTES INTO PUBLIC SEWERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, PROMULGATING REGULATIONS AND ESTABLISHING CHARGES FOR SERVICES RENDERED, PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($00) FOR EACH OFFENSE. L_=-____...:____ .._=on .. ,,_,--....-1:.LI.., . _ _ _I... ---'1[[ I:' ILl" J 15 i_1 I, I !.II ,I, JI' UJ IlLL i6 Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Ordi- nance Number 959 regulating the discharge of industrial :wastes into the public sewers of the C:i.ty of West University Place, ,~e approved as r~ad. " . , A Resolution was presented to the Commission and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that a reso- lution authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Memorandum of Ag!eement with, the Gulf Waste Disposal Authority to, receive a50-55 percent federal grant for the construction of a 10" vitrified clay,pip~ sewer line,~onnecting'fromAca~~my' Street along Swarthmore to the Weslayan Sanitary Sewer lift station be ,approved as read. Voting Aye: All V()tingN(): None Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Co~ission on May 24, 1971, were presented to the Commission and the following action taken. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwogd, tha~, the.~inu~es of the r~gularme~ting of the City Commission on May 24, 1971, be approved, as .submitted. V oting Aye: All . , " Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjo~rned,at 9:25,p.m. . ATTEST: ~~, Assistant City Secretary o o o o o M CD en t.zJ A Q o o J;i!il ,: r REGULAR :MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION' JUNE 28, 1971 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, June 28, 1971, 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Mayor Neigh- bors, presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes, Underwood and Wall~n: The City Attorney and 'City Mariager'were also present,' The invocation was pronounced by Co~issioner Harris. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on Monday, June 21, 1971 were presented to the Commission for their information, noting that an applica- tion had been received artd approved by the Board for the issuance of a Master Electrician t slicense' to Mr. Alan 'T. Cooke, Jr. City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that on Monday, June 21~ 1971, he met with the members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment to review with them procedures to be followed in conducting apublic hearing' inasmuch as an application had been received from Dr. Morris E. Lepow requesting a hearing for the purpose of granting a variance to permit the "operation of a 'pha:i-iriacy in the Clinic Office Building now 'being constructed'inthe iPrbfessibna:I and Office' Build- ing District on BellaireBoulevard.' ' The Commission was presented a letter ,dated June 16, 1971, from Hurlock, Polansky and Associates, Realtors; setting forth dates, time expended and other actions taken in connection with an appraisal made of property owned by the City of West University Place on EdloeS'treet and concemned by the City of Houston.' . " ' , , " '.". ; '. Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that' the letter from Mr. Haynes Hurlook,dated June 16, 1971, be accepted as showing correct ,expenses and thatthe'$7QO.00'fee be approved for payment. , , , , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Neighbors advised the Commission that"he had not had an opportunity to give consideratiento.the appointment of:an alternate member to serve on the Tax Board of Equalization and would have a rec?mmendation for consideration at the next regular meeting of the Commission. Commissioner Underwood stated that he had contaete'd' Mr~' L~ Banks) Hotman, 2715 Pemberton, who is a Master Plumber, with regard to membershop'on the city's Plumbing Board and Mr., Hotmann was willing to serve. Other members of the Com- missioner were not ready to make final recommendations but would contact prospective members prior to the next Commission meeting. Resolution Number 17-10 wa-s pre'sented'to'the' CO:mnlission and read in full: WHEREAS the City of West University Place has cash available in the Water-Sewer Fund in the amount of $75,000; in the General Fund in the amount of $27,500; in the Insurance Reserve Fund in the amount of $10,000, and in the Trust Agency Fund in the amount of $2,500, totaling $115,000, which will not be required for current operating expenses; and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money. . r=--__.__._~.._:.. _...J:::Il' ._;.~...........:J.:.i "nnn... .~t ...., ~[ r:-:-j In::l::i::-:::r :-:."i: 1:1:8 ..'. j' J' -11 JJ:,_ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAqK;:,T~S:, '" " That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to invest funds in the amount of: I ~ . $115,000.00, ' , ,. '. .,.. in the University State Bank in Certificate of ~imeDepQsit for a period 0 one year at the interest rate of 5 3)4%: ' PASSED AND APPROVED this 28th day of June, 1971. Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No:, /s/ Jopn,N. Neighbors Mayor All None ATTEST: /s/ LeeHLQckard Assistant City, S~cretary, '" I , , Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commis.siorrer Underwood, that Resolu- tion Number 71-10 aut,horiz,ing ,the ,inve~tm~ntof $115,000.00 in Cert~ficate of Time Deposit with University State Bank for a period of ,one yea~ at ,the interest rate of 5 3/4% be approved as read. " Voting AYfF: All , Voting No : ,None, ~ 'j I ; U Mayor Neighbors advised the Commission that as'a continuation of their efforts to provide better police protection and security for residents Ordinance Number 960 had been prepared, creating two positions, of Sergeant in the Poli.ce Department to provide for superviosry personnel to be on duty twenty-four hours per day, in- cluding week-endS, holid~ys and vacation periods when t4e Chief of Police or a Lieutenant are not available. Ordinance Number 960 was -'presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINA.NCE AMENDING THE,CODE OF ORD~ANCE$OF THE CITY O;F WEST UNIVEI\SI,TY PLACE, TEXA.S;.AMENDING SECTION ,19,.1 OF THE. CODE OF ORDINANCES OF SAID CUTY; PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF THE POSITION OF SERGEANT OF THE POLICE DEPART- :MENT OF SAID CITY IN ADDITION TO OTHER CLASSIFICATIONS HERE,TOFORE A-DOPI'ED;, AUTHORIZING, PAY DIFFERENTIAL; AND , PROVIDING AN ,EFFEpTIVE J?ATE. Motion by Commissioner Harris" seconded by, Commissioner Wallin, that Ordinance Number 960 creating two positions as ~ergeant in the Police Department be approved with the amendment to Section "ell that such officer shall be responsible to the Chief of Police ~hrou,gh the a-q,thority of ,a Lieutenant, and in all cases shall report to the next highest ranking officer on duty. Voting Aye: ,All Voting No: None After passage of Ordinance Number 960 wherein personnel in the Police Department was shown to tptal twenty~two persons, one chief, three lieutenants, two sergeants, four patrolmen Class II, six patrolmen, four radio dispatchers and two school patrolmen, questions,~ere raiseq as to how the City of West UniversitY,Place com- pared with other cities of comparable size in regard to personnel. ( j , I LJ o ~ u; a-; W A Q o o 1- "I:,~ 0: ,Jj~, Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Gommissioner Hughes, that the City Manager be authorized to reg,uest the Chief of ' Police to furnish any information availabe fromiother municipallties. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 961 was presented to the Commission and read in fUll: AN ORDINANCE J\MENDING SECTION 6-5 OF THE qODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS BY ADDING ADDI- TIONALPROPERTY TO ZONE FIVE (5) OF THE FIRE LIMITS OF SAID CITY; AND 'PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion 'by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that Ordinance Number 961 adding additional property to Zone Five of the city's fire limts be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No:' None City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that he had been provided with model sign ordinances to be studied in accordance with the Commission's desire to secure information regarding the control of height of signs located, within the City. After discussion the City Manager wasreg,uested eta secure in- formation from neighboring cities as to the controls, if any, they had with re- gard to sign heights. In accordance wi thprevious instructions from the Commission a r,ecommendation was presented for the installation of- "No Parking Anhtime" signs on Weslayan, placed 200' to 300' on either side of the street nearest the center of the block, as permitted by obstructions. This installation would reg,uirethe purchase of 39 signs and posts at an approximate cost of $300.00. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the recom- mendation for the installation of "No Parking Anytini.e~' signs on Weslayan be ac- cepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A report on current swimming pool operations was presented showing that thus far a total of 570 family memberships had been sold thisseason. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, June 14,1971, were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motionby Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the minutes of the regular meeting 'of 'the City Commission on Monday, June 14, ,1971; be approved as corrected. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourne upon motion A'l'!rE~T : " " ~JZ~ Assist nt City Secretary m-r ---'-.1.:......-- ~~_L__ . . r:: il:t::C: :l _._1.:' ---11[ 'g,(t" . '-' ' . , , .....J' ..,' JI L---._l 111 U:,_ J I 'REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JULY ~12,'1971 :', -I \ The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, July 12, 1971, 7:30 p.m.; with the following members present: Mayor Neigh- bors, presiding; Commissioners Hughes, Underwood and Wallin. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner 'Harris was ill. o The Invocation was 'pronounced by Commissioner Hughes. - I ~ ' ". l : i I"~, ~ "'I . .. '0 ' Mr. Ronaid Shoup, 3712 Rice Boulevard,'advised theCommissidn that he had heard from fellow architectural student~ at Rice University problems encountered in obtaining restrictions and guidelines for remodeling projects within the City. Mr. Shoup statetha~ it' was his opinion that a lIRemodeling Packagell containing' applicable' ordinances',- restrictions" and specifications, would be of great value to any home owner planning to remodel. ' . , Mayor Neighbors thanked Mr. Shoup'for coming before the 'Commission and advised him that information applicable to all building areas could be obtained from the Building Inspect'or;' City Engineer' or GityManager 'at any' time. An invoice in the 'amouutof '$624.00 from the Texas Municipal League'f6rthe city's share of the' cost' of League services' for the year ending 'June 30, 1972, was present'ed to the Commission: ' Motion by Commi ssioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the invoice in the amount of$624~o6 from Texas Municipal League for the city's share of the cost of League services for the year ending June 30, 1972, be ap- proved for payment. r- ''\ i I I I U V oting Aye: All, Voting No: None Minutes of the regu1ar:meeting6f the Zoning 'and Planning Commission on Tuesday, July 6, 1971, were presented to the CoWillission for their information, noting the action taken with regard to sub-division of lots, future rezoning of the peripheral property and their proposed action to update land use and zoning plan of the City. Mayor Neighbors advised the Commission that Mr. Dave Heiskell of the Industrial Division of Pritchard & Abbott,' valuation enegi:heers, had been contacted with re- gard to serving as an alternate member of the Tax Board of Equalization and was willing to serve in that capacity. Mr. Neighbors stated that Mr. Heiskell re- sided at 3004 Rice Boulevard and as a profes'sibnal' 'appraiser was well wualified to serve. ' it , Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded byCo:rb.inissioner Hughes, that Mr. Dale Heisekell, 3004 Rice Boulevard, be appointed to serve as an alternate member of the Tax Board of Equalization. , {, .1 Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mayor Neighbors stated: that he had not yet o:impleted recommendations for member- ship to the City's Plumbing Board and would defer action until next meeting of the Commission. . ' r -I I i~ Mayor Neighbors read a report submitted by the Parks and Recreation Board setting forth the results of a questionnaire survey made by the Board with regard to the o ,., CD aJ t.1.J Q Q o o f1t~ l';;~ ...~, usage and needs of Judson Park. Board Chairman Steve K0ne advised the Commission that it was the opinion of the Parks & Recreation Board that shade trees and/or shelters of some type were the most urgent need of Judson Park and that following completion of the l!ehabilitation and improvement, of this park the Board strongly favored the construction of another. tennis court at Wier Park. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the City Manager be instructed to advertise for bids for shade trees and shelters for Judson Park, such bids to be received at the earliest possible date. Substitute motion offeredby,Commission~r Underwood, with the consent of Commis- sioner Wallin and Commissioner Hughes: That we authorize the Park Board to employ a landscape architect to give them a:~pla which would encompass landscaping and/or structures (shelters, b~nches, etc,.) which would be priced out and that the land- scape architect be instructe\d that the cost was not to exceed $5,000, and be brought back to report to the City Commission in two weeks. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the previous motion be rescinded. Voting Aye: All Voting No:' None Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the City Manager be instructed to employ the services of a landscape architect and instruct this landscape architect when he employs him, that the city will not spend more than $350.00 to study the need for landscape planning, trees, park benches, shelters, etc. and to work in conjunction with the Park Board and that this landscape architect be instructed that he be guided by a maximum price of $5,000 for all of the planning, and that this plan be brought back to the City Commission and presented to the, within two weeks. Voting Aye::J All Voting No: None Mayor Neighbors thanked Mr. Kane for coming to the meeting and complimented the work done by the Parks and Recreation Board, stating that the information pre- sented would assistin the preparation of the 1972 Budget for the city. Mayor Neighbors further instructed the City Manager to discuss with the landscape architect developmental plans for the new park site currently in the process of acquisition by the city. . Ordinance Number 962 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF TEE UNUSED PORTION OF VACATION AND ACCUMULATED SICK 'LEAVE IN ACCORDANCE WITH PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNI- VERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF SUCH FUNDS AND PAYMENT TO ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE r Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, th~~ Ordi- nance Number 962 authorizing payment of the unused portion of vacation and accu- J mulated ninety days sick leave to eligible permanent employees be approved with the deletion of the phrase, "for the entire calendar year 1972? and necessary cost changes. .--, _-_...l'",'~ II>,".... ..~ ,r ",~,Q '4i',~. ... ..J' .,' JII L ,I__J I ll!! V6tingAy~: All :Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, June 28,1971 were presented to the Commission'andthe following action taken: Motionby Commissioner Hughes, 'seconded by Commissioner 'Wallin, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, June 28, 1971, be approved as submitted. , Voting 'Aye : All "'Vb-tingNo: None With no further business to come before 'the Commission, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the "meeting adjourned at 8:3'7 p.m. ' ATTEST: ~:f~ Assistant City Secretary J ", I. I ~ r- I J ~ r-l t I : I LJ n '--' C") ,CD (J";; t.I.J ~ Q o o M';}' REGULAR MEETING OF CITY CP~IS$ION JULY 26, 1971 The City Commission convened in regularses;:;ion at th~ City Hall, Mon,d~*, , July 26, 1971, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Neigh- bors, presiding: Commissioners Hughes, Underwood-, Wallin. The City Manager was also present. Commissioner Harris and the City Attorney were out Of the city on vacat ion. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Underwood. , - Mr. A. G. Hajovsky, 6526 Wakeforest !'lond Mr", J"qck,H!'loyden, ,6430Wakeforest, appeared before the Commission in opposition to the proposed park ere !'lot ion at Wakeforest and Carnegie. ,Mr,., Hajovsky presented and reviewed a report setting forth the characteristics of West University's population; unfavorable local characteristi<;:s,w1.lf'chdetract .fromtb;e'wh01esome.atmosphere of a small residentail park in Wei:?,t University; residents of the, southeast section of West University opinions regarding the planned park at the corner of Wakeforest and Carnegie; and a request for positive action by the City Commission which responds to population trends in West University. Mayor, Neighbors.; thanked Mr. Hajov;3kyfor his ,report ,and stated that it would be accepted by the City Commission in the spirit in which it was ,presented and after studying the report the Commission would take whatever action was ' deemed best for the entire city. In response to a request from Mr. Hayden to ,speak on the proposed park Mayor Neighbors advised that a public hearing would be the time and place for any additional conversation on the subject. Mrs. C. Kent, 724 International Boulevard, and her daughter, Sandy, A Memorial High School senior, and former residetns, of, the ,city, attended the meeting to obtain information in conjunction with a government class project. Minutes of the regularrrieeting of theZo.ning :Board of Adjustment on July 15, 1971, were presented to the Commission,notin.g action taken by the Board on an application filed by Mr. Milton ,S,chwartz on behalf of Dr; Morris Lepow for the operation of a pharmacy in the new dlinic b~ilding being constructed in the Professional and Office Building District on Bellaire Boulevard. The Commission was advised that in accordance with provisions of the City Charter it was necessary that a public hearing be called to consider adoption of the budget for the fiscal year 1972. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that a public hearing be called for Monday, August 30, 1971, .7:30 p.m. for the purpose of considering adoption of the budget for the City of West University Place fo the fiscal year 1972. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None T--~ '1'Ir"', fir j'" .W":'j.:' T ", :rr 12:~' . .Il ..' ,_ -I JI J I IL , Mr. Dave Bullen of the Parks and Recreation Board,appeared before the Commission stating that members, of the Board h~d discussed the proposed improvements at Judson Park with a number of landscape architects, all of whom suggested that a master plan should be developed. Mr. ,Bullen advised the ,Commission that, it was the opinion of the'Board that ,the $350.00 fee ,approved. for the employment of a landscape architect, should be increased to $700.00. Mr. Bullen stated that the Board was'interested in the beauty,' safety and proper environment for both children and adults, in their plans for further development of the park and that the most immediate need was for shade trees and some type of shelter. A recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Board with regard to a fall recreation. program was, also presented, to the .commission, showing that :plans in-, eluded activities for adults and children, on a self sustaining basis, w;ith ex- ception of a $400.00 fee, to be paid to the director, of the program. Mayor Neighbors' advised that consideration would be given to the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Board and that the City Manager would coordinate- all activities. Attention of the Commission was directed to the fact that there had been a number of major water line breaks due to the hot, dry weather. It was pointed out that in anticipatibn of such trouble adequate repair supplies were, on hand and all breaks had been repaired. The Commission was advised that Mr. Joe Harper of the Houston Natural Gas Company had visited the City Hall for the purpose of advising that a request for a rate increase ,would be presented to the City within a short time. As a result of a direct hit of lightning the 200 hp motor on Water well #4 has been repaired by Houston Armature Works at a cost of $3,228.00. Mayor Neighbors stated,that-the City Attorney would be instructed to prepar.e an ordinance authorizing payment of $3,228.00' to Houston Armature Works for emergency repairs to the 200 hp motor on Water Well #4.:" Minutes of the regular'meeting of the City: Commission on July 12, 1971, were presented to ,the Commission and the following action taken:, Motion by Commissioner Underwood, se'conded by Commissioner ,Wallin, that the minutes, of the regular meeting of the City Commission on July 12, 1971, be approved as submitted. V oting Aye: All Voting No: N,one With no further business to come before the meeting motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting ATTEST: upon proper 8:10p.m. ~;f~" Assistant City Secretary I[ i ) i I , LJ Ii : I I ) LJ '1 : I LJ o er:>> ~ a-; ~ Q Q o o ~___':":n . 2,!)~1 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMM:ISSION '. AUGUST 9. 1971 The City Commission convend in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, August 9, 1971, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor pro-tem Wallin, presiding; Commissioners Harris and Hughes. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Mayor Neighbors and Commissioner Underwood were out of the city on vacation. The Invocat:Lonwas pronounced by Mayor pro-tem Wallin. Minutes of the' special meeting on July 27, 1971, and the regular meeting on August 3, 1971, of theZ<;ming andPlannfung Commission were presented to the Commission with the action taken being reviewed. Chairman E. Gene Hines and members L. B. Bricker, Roland Dahlin and Mack Caldwell were present. Mr. Hines stated their purpose in appearing before the Commission was to determine if funds were availabel for thei:r use in emplgying::a plann;i.ng c:onsultant to up- date the land use portion of the planning program"prepared by Calldill, Rowlett and Scott in 1963, inasmuch as many changes outside the city affected the city's pheripheral property. Mr. Hines stated that work on th:is::program was begin rr:n April and had progressed as far as feasible until funds were available. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the, Zon- ing and Planning Commission be authorized to proceed with negotiations for up-dating the land use portion'of the 1963 Caudill, Rowlett and Scott report, and that a maximum of $5,000 be appropriated for such study. V oting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that a letter dated July 28, 1971 had been received' from Houston Natural Gas Corporation requesting an increase in rates effective September 1, 1971, due to an order by the Railroad Commission increasing the rate for wholesale sales to Houston Natural. The letter further stated that the company would be pleased to have a representative appear before the Commis- sion to explain the request and answer any questions members of the Commission or citizens might have. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the City ~aaager be directed to contact Houston Natural Gas Company and request that a representative of Houston Natural Gas Company appear before the Commission at its next regular meeting to explain to the Commission and any residents who might be interested why they believe a rate increase is justified. Voting Aye: All Voting No : None Ci ty Attorney Charles. Cockrell briefly reviewed Senate Bill No. 841 which creates a Criminal Justice Planning Fund requiring that the sUrnof $2.50 shall be' taxed as cost of court, in addition to other court costs for all moving traffic violations. Such funds shall be collected by the city and held in a special account to be transmitted to the State Comptroller on a quarterly basis with the city withholding 5%. Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that City Attorney Charles Cockrell be instructed to notify, by letter, all interested city officials of the provisions of Senate Bill No. 841. -r:-m _C'tj["'l , , r:" 11,;'1"...... r-1 ---.:..llr '2:~ l... ..11 ..: . J] L-__J_______. _,1_11 IJ-~..! ___..____._._1 Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ij i I U Ordinance Number 963 was presented to the Commission and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that Ordinance Number 963 amending the Code of Ordinances of the City'o~'West University Place to provide for a maximum height of signs, be' approved as read. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY, PLACE, TEXAS, TO PROVIDE FOR A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF SIGNS: AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Voting Aye:' All Voting No: None Ordinance-Number 964 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, CHANGING THE NAME OF 'CORPORATION COURT" TO " MUNICIPAL COURT"; ,AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Ordinance Number 964 amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place to change the name of "Corporation Court" to ':'Municipal Courtl1l be ap- proved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None 'I U Resolution Number 71-11-was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, on July 3, 1971, a 200 HP motor located on Water Well Number 4 was struck by lightning and damaged to the extent that it needed immediate repairs to place such motor in operable condition; and WHEREAS, the Mayor was notified by the City Manager of the break down qf said motor; and WHEREAS, the City didi not have adequate facilities to repair the motor and it was necessary to engage a company specializing in this type of repairs; and WHEREAS, it was determined that the cost of a new motor would be approximately Seven Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($7,300.00) and it was deemed advisable to expedite the repairs to the damaged motor; and WHEREAS, due, to the urgency of the situation, it was impractical to prepare, specifications for the proper' taking of bids as to the extent and cost of the repairs; and WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has in the past engaged ')' l the services of Houston Armature Works, Inc. to perform similiar work and has found their work and services to be reasonable and adequate; therefore it was determined that Houston Armature Works, Inc. should be engaged to per~ L-J o fP) CD 0) t.IJ ~ o o o form the necessary repairs on an emergency basis to the motor. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' Section l. That the action of the Mayor and City Manager in securing the services of Houst.on ArmatureWQrks, Ine. to make the necessary repairs to a 200 HP motor on Water Well Number 4, are hereby in all things ratified and confirmed, and all funds expended, or agreed to be expended, shall be held as if duly authorized by formal action of the City Commission. Section 2. That funds from current revenue of the water system be appropriated for payment of this $3,228.28; there being no appropriation in the current budget for such purpose. PASSED AND APPROVED this 9th day of August, 1971 Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioners Voting No: /s/ Paul W. Wallin, Jr. Mayor pro-tem ATTEST: / s / Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Resolu- tion Number 71-11 authorizing payment of $3,228.28 to Houston Armature Works, Inc for emergency repairs to a 200 HP motor located on Water Well No. 4 which was damaged by lightning, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ':1~" Al:!. None Plans for a fall activities program at the Community Building for both adults and children were presented to the Commission. Beginning on September 13th and ending Movember 5th the program is planned on a self-sustaining basis with the city paying $400.00 for the services of the program director. Mrs. Lel Red Duffin, director of the summer recreation program, has agreed to serve as'director of the fall program. Members of the City Commission were advised an invitation had been extended to them to attend the dedication of the new, City Hall at Alvin on Monday, August 16th at 11:00 a.m. The Commission was advised that George Faison, Jr., 3726 Nottingham, has chosen as his community project for the Eagle Scout award a survey of the traffic signs within the city. A comprehensive report was made of all the signs, their con- dition and locations and used as a guideline for Street Department personnel in their maintenance program. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on July 26, 1971 were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Com- missioner Hughes, seconded by ,Commissioner Harris, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on JUly 26, 1971, be approved as sub- mitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None -;it '!:S; I.;.; .-l' :;, . ]....- --~_.__I _. ___~,__,._~- ~ n:..::r:__-..--:.___._____==_I With no further business to come beofre the meeting at this time, upon proper motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adj,ourned at 8:22 p.m. ATTEST: L~ Assistant City Secretary ,: I, lIi, ,:,> Ii i i i J L..J f'\ i I , I l.-J il I i , I L.J ( ] c: ] r' \ ~,n: I'~'~ ! REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION AUGUST 23. 1971 o The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, August 23, 1971, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Neigh- bors; pre-siding;ComtIJ.T~sioners -Harris, Hughes, Underwood and Wallin. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Neighbors. Mr. A. G. Hajovsky, 6526 Wakeforest, appeared before the Commission in behalf of his protest to the creation of a neighborhood park at Wakeforest and Carnegie. Mr. Hajovsky stated that on August 11, 1971, he forwardedtoth~, City Commiss,ion I " ,,' a letter setting forth the comparison of West University's population by age category for the period 1960-1970, as supporti~g evidence for the lack of need for the park. A letter dated August 19, 1971, from Mr. Robert R. Herring, President, Houston Natural Gas Company, was presented to the Commission. The letter stat~d that in view of the price ceiling established by the President of the United States Houston Natural Gas Company's intention to effect a rate increas on September 1, 1971, was being withdrawn. The letter further stated that it would be, appro- priate for the Commission to proceed with a public hearing inasmuch as plans were being made to proceed with the rate increase request upon expiration of the price ceiling. o Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that no action be taken to hold a public hearing inasmuch as it cannot be held until a specific date is established for the proposed rate increase and that the City Commission continue to follow the guidelines of the Presidential order. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Dated August 17, 1971, the following recommendation was received from the Chief of POlice: "I recommend that through trucks not be alio-w.ed on ':the following: Auden Street from Sunset Boulevard to Rice Boulevard;' Edi'oe" StX:eet 'from Sunset Boulevard to Georgetown Street; and the 3700 block of Georgetown Street, Plumb Street, Tangley Road, Arnold Street, Robinhood Street and Nottingham Street. I also recommend "No Parking Anytime: on Auden Street from Tennyson Street to Rice Boulevard on the west side of the street, and from Georgetown Street to Rice Boulevard on the east side of the street." Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the recommendation of the Chief of Police that through trucks not be allowed on certain streets and "No Parking Anytime" signs be erected at certain locations be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The following recommendation, dated August 17, 1971, from Chief of Police Harold \jl\ Shipp was presented to the Commission: "I recommend the "No Parking 7-9 AM and llJ 4-7 PM" on Buffalo Speedwaynot be enforced on Saturday and Sunday. The traffic rn I") tD Cj; UJ C:l Q fTl ----J ~ L_. S," ",','1:',::' ,l\ ' ," '<.- " is not as heavy on these days, and I think it will help the citizens on this street. This extends frqm Sunset Boul;evardto 9-eorgetown Street, and from a point 200 feet south of University Boulevard to Cason street on both sides of Buffalo Speedway.ll Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the recommendation of the Chief of Police dated August 1.7., 1971"p.ot .en;fprcip,g, tge, llNo Parking 7-9- AM and 4-7 PMII regulations on Buffalo Speedway be approved as submi tted. Voting Aye: Harrls, Wallin, Underwood Voting No: Hughes Dated August 17, 1971, the following rec,ommendationwaspresented to the Commis- sion from the Chief of Police: llDue to a number of, collisions, a'b, these, inter- sections, I recommend "Stop"signs be placed on College Street at Milton Street; on Carnegie Street at Belmont Street; and on Brompton Road at Carnegie Street: Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the recommendations of the Chief of Police, datedAugUst .7, 1971, for the erection of IIStop" signs be approved as submitted. ' , Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The closing schedule for' the 1971 season at the swimming pool was presented to the Commission noting that adequate personnel had been obtained to continue operation of the pool on a limited basis until Labor Day. Minutes of the Electrical Board meeting held on August 16, 1971, were, presented to the Commission with special attention directed to action of the Board to review the requirements for the grounding of swimming pools as set forth in the 1968 National Electrical' Code. ' " , Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on August 19, 1971, were presented to the Commission. It was noted that a request filed by Mr. Milton Schwar~z for ~ re-hearing for the purpose of granting'a variance to permit the opyratlon of a pharmacy in the Clinic Office Building under construc- tion on Bel~aireBoulevard had been denied by the Board. . . - , Mr. E. Gene Hines, Chairman of the Zoning and Planning Commission, reviewed the minutes of a special meeting held August~19, 1971, for the purpose of meeting' with Mr. Ed Finley and Mr. Alf'Davey, representatives of Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, to discuss their proposal to update the land ,use study of the City pre- pared by CaudilJ-, Rowlett and Scott in 1963. Mr.'Hiries stated 'that the proposal had been accepted by the ZoninganCl Planning Commission and it was their desire that the City Commission take necessary 2aetion to enter into a contract with Caudill, Rowlett and Scott. Mr. Hines reviewed the proposal submitted by CRS listing information and services to be furnished by the City, time element involved and proposed cost for addi- tional services, if necessary. After general discussion, it was decided that there were a number of areas that needed clarification between the City and CRS prior to entering into a contract agreement; namely, if the information available from;the city with regard to base maps, zoning map, traffic volumes, property values and property taxes will serve their purposes and fit into their time . schedule; the cost factor of additional services, if required; ne~d for more r-c_ ,.,---------'--J::~ J .~~I[ .. _ ~~~~~=_~.........-l:.....::...::..:'--..i..iil , t:.... I:::::t :~:'::l ia',2~ 1.- .,. JII L-. _J' LL .J than fifty copies of the final report furnished by CRS and the differentiation of a formal'and informal report. Mr. Hines was instructed to meet with the City Manager to write a letter to CRS requesting that a meeting, at a mutually agree- able time, be arranged between their representatives, members of the Zoning and Planning Commission, City Manager and Mayor Neighbors. I , , '~ The question of the advisability of amending the city' s'garage -sale ord,inance- to preclude all night sales was referred to the City Attorney fbrstudy and recommendation at the next regular meeting of the City Commission. The Commission was advised that consideration should be given to the preparation of specifications and advertising for bids for a new fire truck for which ap- proximately $35,000 had been appropriated, of which $10,000 is included in the 1972 'budget." City Attorney Ch~rle Cockrell stated that there was no violation . insofar as there was"no expenditure of funds prior to the effective date of' the 1972 budget. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner' Harris; that the City Manager be instructed to contact Fire Cpief C. E. Duffin and the State Fire Insurance Board to establish necessary'specifications for a new fire truck to be presented to the Commission at the regular meeting on September 13, 1971. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on August 9, 1971 were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Com- missioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the minutes of the re- gular meeting of the City Commission on August 9, 1971 he approved as submitted. ~'\ , I I , I U V oting Aye: All Voting lifo: None With no further business to come before the meeting at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting recessed until Monday, August 30, 1971 at 7:30 p.m. ATTEST: ~~~ Assistant City Secretary ./' ---, ( I , ( ~ o I') t.D en ~ ~ Q II '--.-! o ,i., ,3,'" .. . ..,. ," RECESSED MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION AUGUST 30, 1971 The City Commission convened in recessed session ate the City Hall on Monday, August 30, 1971, 7:30 p.m. ,with the following members present. ' Mayor Neigh- bors, presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes, Underwood and Wallin.' The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Harris. The Public Hearing called for 7:30 p.m. this date was called to order by , Mayor Neighbors. It was stated that in compliance with the City Charter re- quirements and previously published legal notice, the hearing would be held to conside,r adoption of a Budget for the fiscal year Janury 1, 1972 to Dec- ember 31, 1972. The City Manage reviewed the Budget, explaining the income and expenditures proposed for various departments.' rmprovements including rehabilitation of the Weslayan Lift Plant at a cost of $50,000; drilling of a new water well with pumps and related equipment, at a cost of $130,000; purchase of 500 new water meters for continu.ation of the meter replacementnprogram;and a contin- gency fund of $53,304 in compliance,with the Presidential policy on wages and prices, were listed as major'expenditures included in the 1972 Budget. Capital expenditures for purchase of three police cars; the final appropria- tion for the purchase of a new fire truck; trucks for u.se~oftheStreet arid Sanitation Department, a new front end loader and tennis court lights at Weir Park were also reviewed. The Commission was advised that funds appro- p:r'iated in the 1971 budget for the purchase of a park site and to remodel the City Hall could be encumbered for use during 1972 in the event the projects were not completed during the fiscal year 1971. Ordinance Number 965 was presented to the'Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AN AD VALOREM TAX ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS FOR THE YEAR 1971; PROVIDING 'TIm :MSIS OF ASSESSMENT OF MARKET OR ACTUAL VALUE AND PROVID- ING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF AT THE RATE OF $1.60 ON THE ONE HUNDRED ($100) DOLLAR ASSESSED VALUATION. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that Ordinance Number 965 levying and assessing an ad valorem tax for the City of West Uni- versity Place for the year 1971 be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number 966 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A BUDGET FOR' TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI,TY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR A TWELVE-MONTH PERIOD BEGINNING JANUA1!Y 1, 1972, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1972; ESTABLISHING CONTINGENCY' AMOUNTS FOR EACHDEl'ARTMENTTO i'l " r'1 ....:..., '.1::':1. :lIf . . iT"":-lnrr-'--:! I ~!I' " ;<;"~: _r'~. 1....1.1..... Ii I . J I Ll. ,PAY FOR PER~ONA,L SERVICES, INCLUDING' STATUTORY AND' OTHER BENEFITS, AT SUCH TIME AS MAY BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY NOT TO BE INCONSISTENT WITH THE PRESIDENT I S POLICY OF WAGE AND PRICE RESTRICTIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIA- TION OF PUBLIC FUN:DS OF THE, CITY FOR USE AND EXPENDITURES .-..., I I ~ Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that Ordinance Number 966 approving a budget for the City of West University Place for a twelve- month period beginning January 1, 1972 and ending December 31, 1972, be approved 'ail read. Voting Aye: All Voting No:, None Mayor Neighbors congratulated:~he City Manager on the preparation and present- tation of an excellent budget for use during the fiscal year 1972. Ordinance Number 967 was presented to the Commission and read in full following an explanation by City Attorney Charles 'Cocl\"rell of the, prov'isions of Senate Bill 612, Acts 197~ of the p~gular session ,o'f tlie 62nd Legislature AN, ORDINANCE AMENDING THE' CODE OF' ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS BY THE ADDITION THERETO OF SECTION 11-13; ~ROHIBITINq. MQBILE SERVICE UNITS AND THE OPERATION THEREOF; ADOPTING AUTHORITY' GRANTED BY SENATE BILL 612, ACTS 1971, 62ND LEGISLATURE REGULAR SESSION; AMENDING ARTICLE llllc-l, PENAL CODE; DEFINING MOBILE SERVICE UNITS AND PROVIDING AN EFJi'ECTIVE DATE. ,~ Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that Ordi- nance Number 967 amending the Code of O~dinances of the City of West U~iver- sity Place to prohibit the operation of mobile service units within the corporate limits of the city be approved as read. I L-) V ot ing Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that there were a number of questions that should be resolved with regard to an effective bicycle registration program, in- cluding whether the program should be compulsory or ,voluntary; should a com- plete inspection program be included for safety factors; and should the program be done only one time or an annual basis. It was further stated that all of the surrounding cities were experiencing similiar problems with stolen and lost bicycles and were working ou' the problem. Motion by Commissioner UnderWood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the Chief of Police be instructed to work with the cities of Bellaire and South- side Place to study the licensing, inspection and identification marking of bicycles and report at the next regular meeting of the City Commission on September 13th. Voting Aye: All .. Voting' No: None ,""""'" : I , I, I i L...J A brief resume of the meeting of the CityM~nager and members of the Zoning and Planning Commission with regard to the employment' of Caudill, 'Rowlett and Scott to up-date the land use provisions of the city's zoning was pre- sented to the Commission. n LJ ., c.D ~ tJ:J ~ Q I J '[I , I I ~ I '.:,1\ ~'h.' t7~ Minutes of the regu~ar meeting of the City Commission on August 23, 1971, were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on August 23, 1971, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. ATTEST: L/~ Assistant City Secretary """"--"'71 - illl .j:."! . .i::n'-:~:! Li' , -I ---- .3' ': ,. , ',~'I, 1_ _ I"..' 11 L-____~_I__..J l"_____~_._ I REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 13, 1971 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City,Hall on Monday, Septebmer 15, 1971, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor- pro-tem Wallain, presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes and Underwood. The City Attorney and City Manager w~re also present. Mayor Neighbors was out of the city on business for his company. ,.--., i I , I , I L......-J The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thompson, 2819 University Boulevard, appeared before the Commis- sion. Mrs. Thompson stated that it was the desire of the approximately thirty families in the neighborhood to have an old fashioned IIGet Acq,uaintedll block party and closing the 6300 block of Brompton Road would be necessary for the safety and protection of some fifty children that would attend. Chief of Police Harold Shipp stated that he knew of no reason persomission could not be granted for blocking the street during the time of the party but did not feel that he had the authority to do so. Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that Brompton Road, from University to Duke, be closed during the hours of 7:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. on Friday, September 24, 1971, for a neighborhood block party. V ot ing Aye: All Voting No: None r-1 ~ Mr. Allen Rider, 2918 Sunset, advised the Commission that his only purpose in attending the meeting was to observe the operation of'\ city government. Mr. and Mrs. Warner Strang, 5913 Annapolis, appeared at the meeting after being advised by letter that they were not scheduled to appear before the Commission to present their plans and ideas for a community recycling center until a commit- tee had been appointed to study the city's solid waste program. Mr. A. G. Hajovsky, 6536 Wakeforest, again appeared before the Commission to express his displeasure with the considerations of the location of a small neigh- borhood part at Wakeforest and Carnegie. Mr. Hajovsky was advised by members of the Commission that no action had been taken, nor could be taken until the property was acq,uired by the city, and that all residents of the city would be given an opportunity to express their feelings prior to final action by the city. Chief of Police Harold Shipp presented his plans for a registration and safety inspection program for bicycles in the city. Chief Shipp reviewed registration, showing the type forms planned for use, licensing, fees to be charged, type of inspection proposed, participation by the West University Elementary School and neighboring citites, and the regulations that should be contained in the ordinance prepared to cove bicycles. Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that plans for a bicycle inspection and registration program be returned to Chief Shipp for further study and another report made to the Commission at its next regular meeting on September 27, 1971. :- l i I , I ~ fi LJ Ii) tD CP ~ o Q n \J o !J\;,:~, v "'! 'Ji' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The City Manager advised that plans and speci:fications :for additions and re- modelingo:f the City Hall, as authorized by the City Commission, were ready :for :final consideration. Mr. Peter Patciany"representing the architectural :firm o:f Wahlberg & Morales, presented the completed plans and speci:fications, and gave a general outline o:f the'work involved, including the addition o:f a 17' x 22' con:ference room to the existing building. Mr. Parciany was as~ed to review each o:fthe proposed altern~tes. sion discussed the advisibility o:f dividing the con:ference room so utility o:f the room could be made :for meetings, and requested that nate be prepared to divide the con:ference room bymeansJoT'the yse partition. ' , TheCommis- that better a :fi:fth alter- o:f an accordion Motion by CommissionercHughes, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the plans and speci:fications :for additions and remodelling o:f the City Hall as prepared by the architectural :firm o:f Wahlberg and Morales be accepted and that bids be received :for this work on Monday, October 11, 1971. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None It was determined advisable to h~ve s9meone represent the city on all matters pertaining to this project and motion by Commissioner Hughes; seconded by Commis- sioner Underwood, that the City Manager be desigantedas the city's authorized representative withauthoTlty to execute necessary change orders. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with previous direction o:f the City Commission plans and speci:fica- tions :for purchase 9:f a new 1,000 gpm pumper, with diesel engine, was presented. Fire Chie:f C; E. Du:f:fin was asked to review the speci:fications and to explain the type o:f apparatus proposed to be purchased. A:fter review o:f the speci:fications by Chie:f Du:f:fin and lengthy discussion by the City Commission the :following action was taken: " Moti9n by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the speci- :fications :for the purchase o:f a new 1,000 gpm, Class A, red, pumper with diesel engine be accepted and that bids be received on October 11, 1971. Voting Aye:, All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that consideration had been given to the purchase o:f a mobile home to be placed on the property at the sanitary land:fill as a home- site :for a caretakero:fthe property to replace the dwelling destroyed by :fire on August 21, 1971. It was stated that a check in the amount o:f $10,000 wQuld be received representing insurance coverage on the destroyed house and that this sum could be used to de:fray cost o:f the mobile home. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that speci:fi- cations be prepared :for the purchase o:f a 14' x 64', three bedroom, 13/4 baths, with :furniture, mobile home, to be located at the sanitary land:fill, with bids to be received on October 11, 1971. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None i!c":_ :~::J: '-_'1.-...- .. ..I::.::I'.:'! .il r:' -.'-'1 - I <'3' 'I' '~~' , , , !&' ',,0.." L, .1.11..1....1 . JII; L-. ' ,u ..I _..-1 lJ .J The Commissioner was advised that due to the construction of a conference room at the rear of the City Hall building it would be necessary to re-locate the communi- cations tower and that funds were available in the 1971 Budget for the purchase of a new self-supporting antenna pole. . '.' i ,~ , I I ~ Motidn by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that specifi- cations lie prepared for the purchase of a self-supporting antenna pole, 100' &n length, 16.21t bottom diameter, prime coated for painting,"for-erection at the City Hall, with bids to be received on October 11, 1971. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None City Attorney Charles Cockrell read a draft of an ordinance amending the city's garage sale ordinance to preclude all night sales, stating that further considera- tion should be given to other type sales prior to the preparation of an'amending ordinance. The City Manager advised that the need for revising the present cumbersome purchas- ing order system had been considered for some time and that he had requested City Treasurer Wm. Dittert, Jr and Assistant 'City Manager Denny Arnold to study other recommended systems and devise a new purchase order system to more adequately fit the city's needs. Assistant City Manager Denny Arnold presented a comprehensive review of proposed changes to the city's purchasing system from a requisition- purchase order system to a one form system. Mr. Arnold stated that the new $ystem would eliminate ,considerable time, confusion and duplication of effort, and should make purchaseing a 'simplified process for all department heads. ,'-, Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the recom- mended purchasing system as explained by Assistant City Manager Denny Arnold be accepted and placed in operation as soon as feasible. I LJ Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the recessed meeting of the City Commission on August 30, 1971, were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commis:ioner Harris, that the minutes of the recessed meet- ing of the City Commission on August 30, 1971, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting ?~ xz~<'.. ~ this time, upon motion 10:50 p.m. ATTEST: Assistant City Secretary D o C') <D en t.IJ Q ~ o o ~~-_.. ~"'1 i REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 27. 1971 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, Septemher27, 1971, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Neighbors, presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes, Underwood and Wallin. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Underwood. Mr. Robert Emrich, 3618 University Boulevard, advised the Commission that he was in attendance only to observe the city conduct its business. Mr. A. G. Hajovsky, 6536 Wakeforest, advised the Commission that this was his final appearance before the Commission in behalf of his request for reconsi- deration of the location of a neighborhood park at Wakeforest and Carnegie. Mr. Hajovsky presented. further documents to substantiate his' contention that a park was neither necessary nor needed at this located. Mayor Neighbors advised Mr. Hajovsky that the Commission would accept his addi- tional information and at an appropriate time all available information would be considered by the Commission. Mr. Frank ~udg y, 2803 Carnegie, stated that his primary concern was the type park that would be located on the property; what would constitute justification for calling the police after the park was in operation; and what would happen to the property if the Coinmission, after purchase, decided against park usage. Mayor Neighbors advised0Mr. Tudgay that the Parks and Recreation Board was charged with the responsibilty of park creation and usage and the Commission could fur- nish no specific information at this time. Mayor Neighbors presented the following names to the Commission for consideration for member shop to the city's Plumbing Board: Mr. Ronald L. Taylor, 3131 Tangley Mr. George A. Milne, 3112 Wroxton Mr. Allen McGinty, 2916 Plumb Mr. Gerald Kerbow, 2630 University Mr. Leslie Hotmann, 2715 Pemberton Mr. Tom Jones, City Engineer Mr. J. D. Allstott, City Building Inspector Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that Messrs. Taylor, Milne, M~GJJity, .Kerbow a,nd Ho'tmahnbe appointed as members of the Plumb;i;ng Board and that Mr .jou"es and ..Mr. Allstott serve as ex-officio members. Voting Aye: All .Voting No: None Mayor Neighbors announced that consideration was being given to membership to the city's Solid Waste Study Committee and that appointments would be forthcoming. Mr. and Mrs. Warner Strang, 5913 Annapolis, presented the Commission a proposal for the recycling of tin, bi-metal, aluminum, glas.s and paper, in the city. Mr. Strange reviewed the proposal stating that by the effort of people willing to work a little at least forty (40%) percent of the collected waste material could be re-cycled. Mr. Strang listed as needs to get the project started a l.____ __ _ ___ __ _,n'. ""~ ::----:=L_----.:.:~___~~__~jr UF':i i;]j"l::::l ~" t...... ~/ ..~ ~ if: ~ ~ . - 1.- ._. I.~'".: . . " l . ..1 I:. -~ j collection and storage area, small machinery, containers, transportation and labor, and a small amount of capital for initial operating expenses. '\ I i --.J . . Mayor Neighbors thanked Mr. and Mrs. Strang for one of the mos.t .concise and well written reports ever presented to the Commission and stated that each pound of material that could'. be recycled would not go' 'into the city' s ~anitary landfill, resulting in a large saving to the ci~y. Motion by Commissioner Walli,n, se,conded by Commissioner ;Harris, that .:the proposal submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Warner Strang for a community recycling center be accepted and that the city furnish a warehouse located on its property on Milford Street as a storage and collectio~' area and appropriate $500.00 for initial operat~ng expenses. Voting Aye: All - Voting No: None Mrs. Lee Rol:Jerts, 2627 Nottingham, stated that she was delighted with the proposal and that anumber of residents in her area had been collecting these materials on a small scale and would be happy to partocipate in a community recycling center. In accordance with previous instr~ctions of the. City Commission Chief 9f ~olice Harold Shipp presented a revised bicycle registration and inspection program. Afer considerable discussion it was agreed that the Ci~y Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance incorporating the following points: Regis.tration - all bicycles should be required to be registered within sixty (60) days after purchase or moving into city. ~I f I i LJ License - all bicycles to be presented with a license upon registration as a means of identification. Dates - annual licensing program to be for a period of sixty (60) days during.the months of September and October. Fees - a fee of $1.00 should be charged for regiptration and license with a charge of $0.50 for duplicates. The Police Department will maintain all records and make an inspection for safety of the bicycle prior to registration. The City Tr~asurer's office will collect all fees. City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that he ~ill prepare an ordinance for submission and review at the next regular meeting of the Commis- sion, and would further study the question of disposition of lost or stolen bicycles recovered by the Police Department. Mayor Neighbors advised the Commission that he and the City Manager met with representatives of Caudill, Rowlett and Scott and reviewed their proposal to update the land use provisions of the study prepared by their firm in 1964. Mayor Neighbors stated that after all points in question had been dis~ussed he was in agreement with the contract presented by Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, and members of the Zoning and Planning Commission had recommended acceptance of the contract. " '1 i I ! 1 i I L-J Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that Mayor Neighbors be authorized to sign a contract with Caudill, Rowlett and Scott tji,..)* "". ....'..' , .. ~'., o covering the scope of the proje:ct; serv;ices of. the planner; :information and services to be furnished by,the ci ty;, time;. compensation for planning services; and additional services if required. Voting Aye: Commissioner Wallin, Commissioner Harris Commissioner Hughes Voting No: Comm. Underwood At the request of Commissione:r Underwood, Mayor Neighbors stated that he would call a special meeting of the Parks and Recereation Board to meet with the Zoning and Planning Commission and representatives of Caudill, Rowlett and Scott for disciJ.ssion on lap.d use plans fo+, the city. ~ The Commission was presented the 1971 Tax Roll for the City of West University CO Place which had been certified by Wm. Dittert, Jr., Tax Assessor-Collector, en and approved by the Tax Board of Equalization, amounting to total assessed W valuation of $37,450,130.00 and a tax levy of $599,202.08. This reflects an C>l increase of $57,196.77 tax increase over that for 1970.. Q ,Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harrts, that the 1971 Tax Roll amounting to total assessed valuation of $37,450,130.00 and taxes receivable' of $599,202.08, certfifie.d by Wm. Ditter.t, Jr., Tax Assessor-Collector, and approved by the Tax Board of Equalization, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None o The Commission was advised,that the NCRModel 32 Bookkeeping Machine donated to the city by Mr. Joe Eason had been inspected by NCR and the cost of re- programming the machine to be used with the city's accounting system would be prohibitive. It was, therefore, suggested that the machine be offered for' sale by competitive bids on a "where-is", "as-is" basis. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the NCR Model 32 Bookkeeping Machine donated to the City by Mr. Joe Eason be offered for sale by competitive bids to be received on October 25;1971, on a "where- is", "as-is" basis! Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board held on September 20th were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on September 20th be accepted as presented. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Ordinance Number ~68 amending the Code of Ordinances to provide certain hours during which a garage sale may be held was presented to the Commission and . read in full: o AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY ~~::.:..:.::.= r-_ .rr - ___....J.J::.r::- --' _-------=_----.ilif , [':'.'inrC::1 T'j" 1._._..1 [i,.! . JI L L ...1 1 L! ""4~ ~ . s ~ ~ , ,~ . ...., OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY ADDING A SECTION SETTING FORTH THE HOURS DURING WHICH- A GARAGE SALE MAY BE HELD; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. " Motion by Commissioner;Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Ordi- nance Number 968 providing that no garage sale may be held'between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 ~.m. of the following morning be approved as read. Voting Aye:, All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that the annual meeting of the Texas Municipal League would be held at the Shamrock-Hilton Hotel on October 3-5 and all members could attend as many of the sessions as they desired. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on September 13, 1971, were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission onSeptember-13,1971, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business-to come before the Commission at this time, upon-motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:18p.m. ATTEST: . ~ ;;f~, . - Asslstant City Secretary ~ Ii. ,I ~ . I I LJ .,'i 'I I I I LJ :l I \ L....L o ~ f..D en t.z.J A Q o o .1,:0, I ,.U~' ,-.I REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER 11. 1971 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, October 11, 1971, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Neighbors, presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes, Underwood and Wallin. The City Attorney and City Manager were ~lso present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Harris. The City Attorney advised the Commission that it was his oplnlon that bids de- layed by mail serviGe, occ~sioneq. by the official Co.J,-qmbus Day holiday should not be considere,d inasmuch as the ~ity's official invitation to'bid states'that bids are to be received untii 7:30 p~m. on 'Monday, October 11,1971. In accQrdancewith preyious,action of the City Commission bids received for furnish- ing oJ;1y 1972 Model Mobile Home to be delivered and, set up on the city's sanitary landfill site, 9612 Ruffino Road, ~ere opened and results announced as follows: Company Bid Price Alternate Bid Delivery Archer Mobile Home Eddie's Mobile Homes Hi-Neighbor Mobile Homes Nelson Mobile Homes 6,895.00 6,985:00 6,338:00 6,2i2:7b 6,995.00 No Bid' No Bid' l'tro Bid 3 weeks 3 weeks 3 weeks 3' weeks Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that blds re- ceived for furnishing one 1972 model mobile home to be delivered and set up on the city's sanitary ia~dfilJ,' srte, be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation. ," Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with previQus action of the City Commission bids received for the construction and deliverY-of one 1,000 gpmtriple combination pumper were opened and results announced as follows: Company Lump sUm Bid Delivery American LeFrance Mack Fire Apparatus Ward LaFrance 35, 995,~ 00 '45,900.09 , 38,988.00 140 working days 175 working days l80~working days Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that bids re- ceived for the co.nstruction and del:i,.very of one 1,000 gpmtriple combination pumer be referred to the City Manager and 'Fire Chief for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with action self-supporting, monotube as follows: I .!.." . of the City Commission bids received'for furnishing one steel antenna pole were opened and results announced 4-4 1._.__1."..: . ' " L _ _......J I 1:. _ _ _____.__J Company Pole Accessories Shipping Total Bid II i I Consolidated Electric 980.50 305.80 254.98 1. 541.28 ~ 533.36 1,768.84 Graybar Electric 979.00 532.85 242.15 1,754.00 Union Metal 1,035.00 322.80 242.15 L 599.95 562.80 1,839.95 ordering In order to expedite/one self-supporting,monotube steel antenna pole so that it might be received and installed 'prior to remod~ling of the City Hall bids were referred to Assistant City Manager Denny Arnold for tabulation at this time. In accordance with previous action of the City Commission bids received 'for re- modeling and additions to the City Hall were opened and results announced as follows: Company' Dynamic 59,990.00 100.00 4,000.00 150.00 750.00 550.00 125 LaMan 59,550.00 200.00 2,400:00 100.00 250.00 600.00 100 Marxen & Son 58,400.00 1,300.00 5,600.00 140.00 1,200.00 1,400.00 180 Paisan Constr. 57,600.00 860.00 1,550;00 250.00 450.00 760.00 100 Paramount 58.,700.00 890.00 8,370.00 250.00 500.00 765.00 120 Taylor Constr. 65,784.00 136.00 3,780.00 166.00 486.00 680.00 100 days days days days days ,--.., days: I ~, Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that bids received for remodeling and additions to the City Hall be referred to the architects, Wahl- berg and Morales, the City ~anager and City Commission for tabulation and study prior to making any decision. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on Tuesday, October 5, 1971, were presented to the Commission for their information. In accordance with instructions from the City Commission, City Attorney Charles Cockrell presented and read in full an ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances requiring the licensing, inspection and registration of all bicycles, including keeping of all records, dates for'annual inspection and registration and fees to be charged. After general discussion and agreement that, the period of January 1st until February 15th would be the most advantageous time for the annual registration and licensing, and that the City Attorney should investigate the proper terminology to include three-wheeled vehicles, it was the decision of' the Commission to await further action pending receipt of a copy of Houston's ordinance regulating and controlling bicycles. ',' The Commission was presented a letter from Mr. Steve Kan,e Chairman, Parks and Recreation Board, recommending that Mr. Mike Ilse be contracted to make a study and recommendation of the needs and requirements for shelter and landscaping at Judson Park. n I I I [ I . LJ , Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the City Com- o &W) .r.D <S:i tLJ ~ Q D o L~_ 4~5; mission accept the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Board and that Mr. Mike Ilse be employed to make a study of Judson Park with regard to shelter and landscaping at a.fee of $350.0P. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Assistant City Manager Denny Arnold returned to the meeting with a tabulation showing that Consolidated Electric Company was low bidder for furnishing one self-supporting, monotube steel antenna pole at a total bid price of $1,641.28 using their alternate bid to supply adjustable side arms in lieu of the retractable side arms. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the alternate bid submitted by Consolidated Electric Company for furnishing one self-supporting monotube steel antenna pole for a total bid price of $1,541.28 be accepted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that in response to their request he had checked the State Statutes to determine a means by which lost or stolen bicycles recoevered by the Police Department could be disposed. Mr. Cockrell stated that Article 18.30 of the Code of Criminal Procedures provided for dfsposition of such articles after having been on hand for a period of six months and proper advertisement. Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Wallin~ that the City Manager be instructed to hold an auction sale of lost and stoleribicycles recovered by the Police Department in accordance with the provisions of Article 18.30. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A request was presented to the Commission from the city's Tax Department to correct an erroneous assessment against the office and market of the Southland Corporation. As approved by the City Commission on September 25, 1971, the 1971 Tax Eoll showed land,$11,117,960 and improvements of $26,332,170 for a total of $37,450,130 and taxes of $599,202.08. The corrected Tax Roll would show land $11,117.960 and improvements $26,308.850 for a total of $47,426,810 with a tax of $598,828.96. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the 1971 Tax Roll be corrected to show land value of $11,117,960 and improvements of $26,308,850 for a total assessment of $37,426,810 and taxes of $598,828.96 in accordance with the request of the city's Tax Department. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on September 27, 1971, were presented to the Commission and the following action taken. Motion by Commis- sioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the minutes of the . regular. meeting-of the City Commission on September 27, 1971, be approved as submitted. l'~ ~__ _- ---~~ .'.i;]i:I:::::l _ .L.-------.:______~_~._~_...........:.lIf _ :i.~l '/~O, ~u~ 1_._.1."..' . I J', L-___I_~..........J I 1!,__~~___ ~. r Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commissi0n,at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. (I ! I , i LJ ATTEST: '4X~ Assistant City Secretary l j. ;. , ' 'r:. ,< n u [J o &') ~ (J'; t.IJ ~ Q o o 11~. REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER 25, 1971 The City Commission conven!=d in- regula.x se_ssionat the City Hall.on :Monday, October 25, 1971, 7:~0 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Neighbors, presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes and Wallin. The City Attorney and City Manager w!=re alBO present. Commissioner Underwood was absent. , The Invocation was .pronounced by Commissioner Hughes. In accordance with previous action of the City, Commission it was announced that all requirements had been met to receive bids for the sale of one used NCR Model 32 Bookkeeping machine, but that no bids had been received. It was also noted that a letter had been forwarded to the editor of the Texas Twon and City Magazine, a monthly publ~cation by the Texas Municipal League, requesting an advertisement be inserted in their next publication if distributed prior to the bid opening date. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the bid date for the sale of one used NCR Model, 32 Bookkeeping Machine be extended to December 13, 1971, and than an advertisement be inserted in the next regular issue of Texas Town and City Magazine. Votin'g Aye: All Voting No: None In accordance with his r~quest, Mr. Ronny Shoup, 3712 Rice Boulevard, had been placed on the agenda to discuss the proposed bicycle ordinance which was pre- sented to the Commission at its regular meeting on October 11, 1971. Mr. Shoup stated that he was gratified that the Commission was interested in the passage of an ordinance regulating the use of bicycles and encourage by the use of bicycles within the city. Mr. Shoup also stated that he was concerned that the enforcement of some portions of the bicycle, ordinance might tend to blemish the image of the policeman in the eyes of children, especially with regard to the provision prohi~iting riding of bicycles on sidewalks. Mayor Neighbors thanked ~r. Shoup for appearing before the Commission and advised him that his comments would be considered before final passage of an ordinance regulating bicycles. In accordance with previous action of the, City Co:rpm.iss;ion a tabulation of bids received for furnishing one 1,000 gpm pumper for" the Fire Dep?-rtment. was pre- sented to the Commission together with a recommendation from the City Manager and Fire Chief that a contract!: be awarded to American LaFrance on their low bid of $35,995~00,with a promised delive~date of 140 working days. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the bid of American LaFrance to furnish one 1,000 gpm pumped in accordance with the specifi- cations of the city for $35,995.00 be accepted. Voting Aye: All ,Voting No: None Assistant City Manager Denny Arnold advised the Commission that all bids received for furnishing one 14' c 64' mobile home to be placed on the sanitary landfill site had been carefully reviewed ,and that personal inspection trips had beeumade =:_'Z --------~ _:------- 11: . . ~ ::': :,:"'-: ::1.:-1 ~_ _ _ L &,:&i,a. ':I~.{..? I.".:: 1'--- ---. ~ r:, ~-! ~~ to the two low bidders, Nelson Mobile Homes, bidding $6,212.70 and Hi-Neighbor ~' Mobile Homes, wi'th a bid' of $6',338.00:., Mr. Arnold further stated that' it was his opinion that none of the bids would completely meet the specifications as written, and it was' his recommendation ~hat the bid submitted ,by Nelson Mobile Homes forfurhishing a three-bedroom,' two-bath, 14' x 64' mobile home ata bid price of $6,212.70 be accepted. Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the bid_ price of $6,212.70 submitted bY-Nelson Mobile HOlnes for furnishing :a'three-bed- room, two-bath, 14' x 64' mobile home, be accepted on the final product meeting specifications. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on October 18" 1971, were presented to the Commission for their information, noting that a request that each member be. furnished a copy of the 1971 National Electrical Code for study and ,recommendation had already been handled. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the minutes of the regular meetinf of the Electrical Board on October 18, 1971, be accepted as submitted. " - .-- Voting Aye: All 'Voting No::' None A recommendation from Chief of Police Harold Shipp requesting that Wakeforest, ' Sdtretet bthetwheenbPlumt b kantd Bfifs~onnet btedmad~nla "TbhrOtuhghcTruckcslPrcohibi ted" street 'J:-! ,ue '0 -e ea y rue 'ra' lC ere a e mal y y e oca- 0 a ompany was pre- sented to the Commissioner for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Wakeforest Street between Plumb and Bissonnet be made a :Through Trucks ProhibitedY street in accordance with the recommendation of the Chief of Police dated October 15, 1971. Voting Aye: All Voting No : None City Attorney Charles Cockrell stated that he had prepared another ordinance requiring the registration, licensing and inspection of bicycles, but had not received a copy of the ordinance to be enf:orcedby the City of Houston and re- commended that the reading of the ordinance be deferred until the nextregu- lar meeting of the City Commission. Mayor Neighbors read a letter- addressed to the' Fire Chief and Police Chief ad;" vising that arrangements had been made with the City of Houston Ambulance Service to provide emergency ambulance service within the City of West University Place. In response to a request from Mr. Jimmy Abel, Chairman of the Volunteer Fire Department, a letter endorsing the Fire Department's annual Halloween carnival to be held on Saturda-y, October 30th rather than on Halloween Day, October 31st, was presented to the Commission. n LJ Motion by Commlssioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the City Commission endorse and. support the Fire Department's annual Hallowe,en carnival o &':I CD CP W ~ Q o o A ;;;I.!lI. ~~tl1:: to be held on Saturday, October 30th in order to provide additional time for preparation by the Fire Department and also not to conflict with Sunday church activities. It was poin.tedout that by, custom and tradition Halloween is ob- served on October 31st and endorsement of the carnival.by the City Commission in no way changed the date of Halloween. ,. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, October 11, 1971, werepresen,ted to the Commission.andthe following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the minutes of the regular meeting on October 11, 1971, be approved as corrected to show that bids receiveq for remodeling and additions to the City Hall were referred to the City Manager, Architects Wahlberg & Morales, and the City Commission, for tabulation and study prior to any decision. Voting }l"ye: All lloting No: None With no further business tQ come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m. ATTEST: ~h'Xi' //,/;. " ~--- Assistant CitySecr.etary -r 'rt 1"1--11 .----" :ir" . .. j'"" . inrr-.":il fl:I...:1 ,---- '!s f1 REGULA~ MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 8, 1971 \ ,.' n The Ci~y Commission con~ened ~n regular, session at the City Hall on Monday, November, ,8, ~971, 7:30 P~IIl' ,w:j.:t;,l). the following member present: Mayor . Neighbors, presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes, Underwood and ,Wallin; The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Underwood. In accordance<withpr~~ious action of the City Commission the City Attorney advised that he had beE?n una1;>le,ttosecure a,copy of the ordinance proposed' by the City of Houston, but had prepared Ordinance Number 969 requiring the licensing, inspect,ion and registriation of bicyCles within the corporate limits of the City of West University Place. After some discussion by memebers of the Commission with regard to the provi- sion for riding bicycles pn sidew~lks, action on Ordinance Number 969 was deferred until later in the meeting in order that the City Commission might give consideration to proposed changes in this Section. Resolution Number 71-12 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City Commission approved in the 1971 Budget a certain sum of money for the acquisition of land for use in conjunction with the city's operation; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined that the certain tract of land as hereinafter described is available for purchase at a price of $18,500, considered to be reasonable and equitable. o NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the sum of $18,500 be a portion of an amount approved in the 1971 Budget for acquisition of land and is hereby appropriated for the purchase of: The east one-half (E.l/2) of Lot One (1) and the adjoining east one-half (E. 1/2) of the south one-half (S. 1/2) of Lot Two (2) in Block Eighteen (18) of West University First an addition in Harris Co~nty, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 444 at Page 560 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. Section 2. That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to affect final settlement of the terms and provisions of an Earnest Money Contract dated August 12, 1971, resulting in the payment of the total sum of $18,500 as a total consideration for the purchase and acquisition of the heretofore described property. Section 3. That Southern Title Company, Inc. shall deliver, at the time of settlement, a titla guaranty insurance policy, to the City of West University Place, Texas, hwerein said City of West University Place, Texas, is named as the beneficiary showing good fee simple title to the heretofore described [] o ~ ~ cr; (.J;.J ~ o o o It,," ~.,~, -: , I ",1~ . property in the City of West University Place, Texas. Section 4. That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to prepare and draw a warrant from the General Fund of the City of West Univer~ity Place in the amount of $17,900 as final cabs set-:tlementof the agreed 'purchase price of $18,500, which sum 'includes '$600~00placed in escrow with Southern Title Company, Inc. as part of the Earnest Money purchas~ agreement. Section 5. That Southern Title Company, after recordation in the office of the County Clerk in Harris County, Texa~, shall return to the City the Genera~ Warranty Deed conveying title to the city inaccordance with terms of the here- tofore mentioned Earnes't Money'contraCt. PASSED AND APPROVED this 8th day of l\Tovember, 1971. Commis~i6neTs Voti~g Aye: Commissioners Voti~g No: /s/ John N. Neighbors Mayor All None ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary' Motion by Commissioner Wallin, . seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Resolu- tion Number 71-12 authorizing the purChase of the east one-hal of Lot One and the adjoining east one-half of the south onE~-half of Lot Two ih Block 18, west University First Addition for use in conjunction with the city's operation, for a total consideration of $18,500, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Commissioner Harris stated'that it was his opinio.n that a public meeting should be called, at a time convenient to all members of the Commission, to per- mit any residents to express their opinion with regard to using the property acquired under the provisions of Resolution'Number 7~-12 as a park. After dis- cussion it was the decision of the Commission to call 'a public meeting on Thursday, November 18, 1971 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall for this purpose and that an official notice be placed in the Southwest Argus on the dates of Wednesday, November 10, 1971 and Wednesday, November 17, 1971. Mr. Pete Patciany, representing the architectural firm of Wahlberg and Morale?, and Mr. Jerry Brown and Mr. Saul Friedman, owners and officers of the Paramount Constracting, Inc.," were presented in the interest of signing a contract betwwen the firm and the City of West University for remodeling and additions to the Municipal Building. Mr.Parcinay presented revied plans and specifications in accordance with instructions given to'his firm by the City Commission and re- viewed them in detail. The question was asked as to the number of working days required to completed the project. Mr. Brown stated that the cDntract called for 120 working days and that heantic'ipatedthework could be completed within that time after receipt of a working order. The City Attorney stated upon questioning by the Mayor that the contract document, performance bond andinsu- ranee certificate were in 'proper form and in order for execution by the City. I: 1]"" - ~._~~:_' - "Ll :-. .-_;--. ~L~___~____~~__~ll: . . i::::::'i::liT~:i! 1_.-.1.'1..' JI J I _J I 1.: ,11 A brief review was given by the_City Maqager concerning the amount of funds required to finanGethe project and,the neces~ary' ap'propriation. After~ thorough study by ,the c~ty 'Comnlissionand' aRproval of ,th~Ci ty',Attorriey and agreement of '!the 'cQntractprov,isi,ons 'by lli.Jerry Brown and,Mr. Saul 'F~iedman, the following ac tion was'taken: -, ' [l Ordinance Number 970 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING, AND DETERMINING TMT ALL PROCEEDINq-S HAVE HERETOFORE 'BEEN 'COMPLETED AND ALLTHINGS'DONE',EEtE- . REQUISITE TO EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT' FOR ADbITIONS AND REMODELING TO THE MUNIqIPAL BUILDING; AND FOR PURCHASE AND ERECTION' OF A FREE STANDING COMMtiNrCATIONS TOWER; RECITING THE DATE TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR ADDITIONS AND REMODELING TO THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING AND DELIVERY OF A FREE STANDING COM- MUNICATIONSTOWER; REFERRING SAID BIDS SO THA.T THEY MAY BE STUDIED BY THE .CITY COMMISSION, CITY MANAGER AND ARCHITECT - AND FOR RECOMMENDATION; APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDS FOR ADDITIONS AND REMODELING TO THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING: APPROVING AND ACCEPTING THE CONTRACT, BOND AND INSURANCE IN CONNECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENT; AWARDING A CONTRACT TO PARAMOUNT CONTRACTING, INC., HOUSTON, TEXAS; AND AUTHORIZ- ING EXECUTION THEREOF BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNI- VERSUTY PLACE, TEXAS. Motion by Commissioner,Harris, seconded by Coinmissioner Hughes, that Ordinance Number 970 authorizirigthe Mayor toexecute'a contract'fo:r: a~ditions and remodeling 10, to the municlpal building with Paramount Contract, Inc~, Houston, Texas in the amount of $43,519.00 and appropriating' $53,000.00 for ,the total project, including delivery and erection of a free standing communications tower and architectural fees, be approved as ;rea~.<: Vot~ng Aye: All Voting No: None , , ' Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on November 2, 1971, were presented'to the ,Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Harris~ seconded by Commissionef,Underwood that minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on November 2, 1971, be ap~roved as submitted. ' , , I . , , The City Manager advised that in accordance with instructions, a bicycle auction was held on November 4, 1971. A total of, twenty bicycles were sold for a total of $153.00., It was stated that the ~uct~on was a complE;!te success and should' , be repeated as of tern as necessary to dispose of accUmulated bicycles retrieved by the Police Depart~ent. . , Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by ,Commissioner Underwood, that all funds received from the auction of bicycles qe used ,to ~urchase park equipment was withdrawn after t1).e questions was,raised'as to wl;1ether or not these funds had previously been designated for use in the Library Fund. A letter dated October 27, 197+, from Mr,. E. B. Cape, Director, ,Department of Public Works of the ,City of Hous~on, was p~esented to, the Commission., The letter stated that a request had been received for sanitary sewer service for D ; :{ o l') CD en 'u:J Q Q o o ~'~, ~,(~, the proposed construction of an 1800 unit apartment complex on a 50 acres tract of land owned by the J. J. Sweeney Estate, located at Kirby Drive and north of North Braeswood and the City of Houston would service the new construction as well as the 590 units now served-by the West University Plap.t, if released, pro- vided the West University Sewage Treatment Plant was not adequate to provide service for the proposed apartment units. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the City of West University could, not permit the new construction of 1800 apartment units to connect into its sanitary sewer system because of the limited capacity of its treatment plant. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the 9ity of Houston be released from the terms of the Braeswood and Barclay Apartment Addition agreement whereby the City of West University is furnishing sanitary sewer services to 50 connections. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that De. Lepow, builder of a Professional Building at Bellaire and Westpoint Streets in the Professional and Business Office Building District had filed for a temporary injunction against the city in ,order to incorporate an apothecary in his building. District Judge George Miller denied the request for a temporary injunction. Mr. Cockrell stated that it was his understanding that an appeal would be filed by Dr. Lepow's attorney and that he would keep the Commission advised of any future develop- ments. Ordinance Number 969 relating to bicycle regulations, registration and safety, previously deferred, was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES REQUIRING THE LICENSING, INSPECTION AND REGISTRATION OF BICYCLES; PROVID- ING FOR PROPER RECORDS; SETTING A DATE FOR L~CENSES AND FEES FOR SAME; VARIOUS REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE OPERATION OF, BICYCLES AND CERTAIN TRICYCLES SUBJECT TO STATE LAWS AND CITY ORDINANCES; DEFININF BICYCLES AND CERTAIN TRICYCLES; PROVID- 'ING A PENALTY; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that Ordinance Number 969 be approved with the following change in Section 23-177: "Any per- son riding a bocycle on any sidewalk shall do so in a safe and reasonable manner and shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian". Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that the cooler weather would cause leaves to fall from the many trees in the city and that they might expect many calls with regard to the operation of the city's leaf removal service. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on October 25, 1971 were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commis- .. .~ ,-.~ ],;r-_U I t .. I"" .". :~',~'r-'~: -:---- ..,. ;:t ':-'1"-- r 7'5' :l,.' ,. ~. 1.-._..11.1... ,I " L. ' I I ,J 11, sioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the regular meeting of the City Commission on October 25, 1971, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon proper motion duly made and seconded the meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. ATTEST: ?<- 'I U .J Ll o o o 55 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 22, 1971 TQe City Commission convened in regular session at the City HaJ,l Or]. Mond,ay, N~vember 22, 1971, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Neighbors, presidin,g; Commissi,oners Harris, Hughes, UnderwQod and Wa,J,.lin. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Hughes. A number of wisitors who had attended the public meeting on Thursday, November 18, 1971, were present in the interest of Commission action with regard to usage of the property located at the intersection of Wakeforest and Carnegie Streets .-, " ' . Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on Monday, November 15, 1971, were prese:nted to the C,ommission for their information. The public meeting held on Thursday,- Nqve;mber 18, 1971 for the purpose of hearing citizens in connection with the Commission's consideration of estab- lishing a public park on the east one-half of Lot One and the adjoining east one-half of the south one-half of Lot Two in Block 18, West. U:niversity Fir,st Addition was breifly reviewed. Resolution Number 71-13 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, a previous City Commission requested the Park and Recreation Board to investigate the feasibility of locating a park in the south- east area of the city; and WHEBEA~, such Park and, Recreatton Board, after prQpe~ investigation and due study, in a letter dated April 23;,1970, recommeIldedtothe City Commission that the city acquire the vacant property at the cor- ner of Wakeforest and Carnegie Streets for ,use as a public park; and WHEREAS, the current Park and Recreation Board has similarly studied the need for a park in the southea,st area of the city and ha~s, by letter dated April 12, 1971, reaffirmed the action of the previous Park and Recreation Board and strongly favored the proposed park site for the property at the corner of Wakeforest and Carnegie, and urged the City Commission to proceed with haste to acquire said site; and WHEREAS, the Zoning and Planning Commission has approved the said recommendation of the Park and Recreation Boards and took appro- priate action to indicate its approval in the minutes of April 13, 1971; and WHEREAS, the City Manager was instructed to proceed with the pur- chase of the East one-half of Lot One and the East one-half of the south one-half of Lot Two in Block Eighteen, West University First Addition, a 22,500 square foot vacant tract of land located at the corner of Wakeforest and Carnegie Streets for the sum of $18,500.00 cash; and WHEREAS, there was appropriated,in the 1971 Budget the sum of $35,000.00 for the purpose of acquiring a park site; enclosing same with a chain link fence; planning; installation of proper facilities; L_______ _IT ,________l1[L~ _ IT_ I :-l _...J[[ , i' iun:::!1 and equipping same ,for use as apublic park; and o WHEREAS, the City 'Manager 'reported to the City Commission that the property had been negotiated for subject to final approval by the City Commission; and WHEREAS, by Resolution Number 71-12 dated November 8, 1971, Mayor John Neighbors was authorized to make payment and acquire property through Southern Title Company; and WHEREAS, the said East one-half of Lot One and the East one-half o~ the South one-half of Lot Two in Block Eighteen, West University First Addition was acquired from Thomas E. Smith, Yukon, Oklahoma, as evi- denced by General Warranty Deed from Thomas E. Smith to the City of West University Place, such being filed of record in the Deed Records of Harris County Courthouse, File No. 136-36-2324 dated November 18, 1971; and ' WHEREAS, a public meeting was held at the City Hall on the date of Thursday, November 18, 1971, for all inte:restedpersons to present their viewpoints as opponents or proponents for establishment. of a park on sa:id site; and WHEREAS, seventy (70) persons appeared at the meeting and presented their viewpoints with a preponderance of those present strongly favoring r-1 the establishment of a public park at the site in question. I I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF U WEST, UNIVERSITY' PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Commission hereby determines that all things have been done prerequisite to acquiring the park site. Section 2. That the Ast one-half of Lot One and the East one-half of the South one-half of Lot Two in Blo'ck Eighteen, West University First Addition, be and it is hereby, designated as a public park and shall be placed under and operated by, the park system of the City of West Univer- sity Place, to be used by the public under such rules and regulations as provided in the Code of Ordinances or which may be promulgated by the City Commission hereafter. Section 3. That the City Commission shall give consideration to an offi- cial name for said park an ddedication at the appropriate time. PASSED AND APPROVED this 22nd day of November, 1971 Commissioners Voting Aye: Commissioner's Voting No::, Isl .Jonn N. Nei.cihbo1"R Mayor All None ATTEST: Is/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary o Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that Resolu- tion Number 71-13 designating the East one-half of Lot One and the East one- o 1'2 CD ~ t.;l.J ~ Q [ o ti(7.~' "-.! If- half of the south one-half of Lot Two in Block Eighteen, West University First Addition, a 22,500'square foot vacant tract of land located at the,corner of Wakeforest and Carnegie Streets, as a public park, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All V oting No: None A letter received from Mr. Tracey Word, 6627 Buffalo Speedway, was read to the Commission. Mr. Word expressed his appreciation for action taken by the city to remove enforcement of the "No Parking 7-9 AM and 4-7 PMIl traffic signs on Buffalo SpeefJ:way on Saturday and Sunday, statirigthat it was most beneficial to the residents of the area and their house ,guests. The City Manager gave a brief resume of the civil suit filed by Jim D. Little v James C. Elliott,Ji:mm:y; Kinset and Wayne Blalock, individually and as Police officers. It was noted that the City of West University Place employed the law firm of Vincent, Elkins, Searls and Smith to represent the officers and the case had been settl,ed,favorabley to the City. An invoice in the amount of $6,683.20 from Vincent, Elkins, Searls and Smith was presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the invoice received from Vincent, Eikins, Searls and Smith in the amount of $6,683.20 for services rendered be apprbved ~orpayment. The Commission was advised that the mobile home purchased from Nelson Trai~er Sales, Inc on November 4, 1971, had been moved to the sanitary landfill site, anchored and necessary utilities provided. The invoice will be paid upon final approval of the mobile home. Mayor Nieghbors reviewed the handout information sheet distributed throughout the city by volunteers ~orthe West University Recycling Center. Directions for the separation of materials for recycling, hours for operation of the center, and a request for additional volunteers were included in the handout. ' The Commission was advised that the communications tower purchased from Consoli- dated Electric Company on October 11, 1971, had been received, the foundation had been poured and it was hoped that the pole would be erected this week in order that the contractor for the addition and remodeling of the City Hall could be provided with a work order to cmrnence on Monday, November 29th. Following a discussion with regard to fundS, a total of $153.00, received from the auction of bicycles recovered by the Police Department the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the $153~00;;; received from the auction of bicycles held by the Police Department be deposited in the Library Fund for the purchase of books. V oting Aye: All Voting No: None Commissioner Wallin requested information on the second traffic count made.;,on Bufflo Speedway following the opening of the fall semester of schools and was advised that a complete report would be presented at the next regular meeting of the Commission. __ CJ.~ -I" I --~ Jr. ?5a T.~ lu ..11',.' . , . " I I _,..1 I U.~ Aft~ a general discussion with regard to employee work loads, illness, etc. motion -by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the- City Manager be directed to provide the Commission with a schedule of the-, work to ' be done on the new park site, such as utilities, grading and fencing, prior to the scheduled meeting of; the c~ty Commission and the Parks and Recreation Board on December 6th. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on November 8, 1971, were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Walling, that the minutes' of the regular meeting of the City Commission on November 8, 1971, be approved as submitted. ,Voting Aye: All ,Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon' motion duky made, seconded and carried, the, meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m. ATTEST: ~ ;;f~ ( Assistant City Secretary , ( () II I , LJ :l LJ J o ,If) tC ~ I:LJ ~ o o [ ifSJ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION DECEMBER 13, 1971 ,.;. The City Commission convened in regular session at>the City Hall on Monday, December 13, 1971, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present. Mayor Neighbors, presiding; Commissioners Harris, Hughes, Underwood and Wallin. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Underwood. Mr. Mike Ilse of Vernon Henry & Associates appeared before the Commission to present his proposal for improvements to College Court Park! Mr. Ilse pre- sented a lay-out showing proposed location for the construction of shelters, placement of playground equipment and planting,recommendations. Mr. steve Kane, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board, advised the Commis- sion that the Board had carefully reviewed Mr. Ilse's layout and recommended that the Commission approve it. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that the City Commi~sion accept the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Board and the' City Manager be instructed to proceed with the improvements to College Court Park, requesting that Mr. rIse prepare plans and specifications and necessary contract documents to secure bidS. The Parks and Recereation Board was re- quested to give additional study to thepheripheral property, tennis court and lighting that was needed for the park, and to report back to the Commission in four weeks, or at its regular meeting on January 10, 1972~? Voting Aye: All Voting Iifo:None Mr. M. G. Glasscock,:372l Tangley, appeared before the Commission to express his objection to the passage of Ordinancec.969 requiring the inspection and licensing of all bicycles in the city. Mr. Glasscock stated that he could see no purpose to be achieved by an annual registration and did not believe that passage of the ordinances was in the best interest of the city: Mayor Neighbors advised Mr. Glasscock that the ordinance was intended to serve a number of purposes. Includ- ing means of identification should a bicycle become lost or stolen, a deterrent to the numberous thefts of bicycles and as a part of the program to teach children responsibility and safety. The Commission was advised that in accordance with previous instructions legal notice had been published in the Southwestern Argus; a "For Sale" item had been published in the Texas ~own & City Magazine, and numerous letters written to prospective purchasers; but no bids had been received for the sale of one NCR Model 32 Bookkeeping machine. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that any deci- sion on the disposition of one NCR Model 32 Bookkeeping Machine be deferred until the next regular meeting of the City Commission at which time the City Manager sho~d present a positive recommendation that the machine be scrapped, given to some non-profit organization or otherwise disposed of. Voting Aye,: All Voting No: None ,,:.~;~ .-",c.-'. ',C'". ..:....n~_~_ . _ _ LI ~I :_.~lr , i:' :iiJIT::JI .1'..' 1: L._. _.J 11,_~___ _.~ _ ______._ : (6", 0~' " 1., ; .P Mr. Arthur Storey, Bernard Johnson, Inc., appeared before the Commission and reviewed the plans an specifications for the reconstruction 'of the Weslayan Street sanitary sewer lift station; the replacement of a sewer line on Swarth- more; and various other line,replacements and alterations, all of which are a part of a Public Law 660 grant application project being undetaken by the City. Mr. Storey explained the changes and additions in the plans from the original proposal to account for approximately $20,000 extra in the latest engineer's estimate. Mr. Storey reported that the plans, specifications, and grant appli- cation had been approved by the Texas Water ~uality Board and that the next step would be approval by the EvironIDental Protection Agency. He further stated that once the EPA approved the application the next step would be a grant offer to the city from the Texas Water ~uality Board. Mr. Storey was of the opinion that a grant offer would not'be made until at least the second quarter of 1972 due to a backlog of more urgent applications on file with the Texas Water Quality Board. lJ " '" Mr. Storey completed his presentation by assuring the Commission that Bernard Johnson representatives would supervise on-the-job inspection during the con- struction phase of the project if So desired by the City. " Motion by Commissioner Hughes, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that the plans and specifications prepared by Bernard Johnson,.Inc. for the reconstruction of the Weslayan Street sanitary sewer lift plant and the replacement of trunk lines on Swarthmore between Academy and Weslayan and certain University Boulevard'lines, their JO 70051, dated October, 1971, be approved as submit~ed. Voting Aye: All Voting No: ,None ~l , I LJ An invoice in the amount of $7,823.00 from Bernard-Johnson'- Inc.' for engineer- ing services for the Weslayan Sanitary Sewer lift station and sanitary sewer lines, through Noverilber21, 1971, 'was pr'e'sented'to the Commission for'conside- ration. After discussion with Mr. Storey as to services included in the invoice, Mr. Storey stated that there would be no additional charges for design of the project inasmuch as .this"phase of the work had'been completed; Motion by Commissioner Wallin, se~bnded by Commissioner Underwood, that the invoice from Bernard Johnson, Inc. for engineering services for the Weslayn lift station and sanitary sewer lines in the amount of $7,823.00 be approved for payment. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The Commission was advised that an investigation had,been made into the possibi- lity of securing Texas Highway Department assistance through the Transportation Operations Program to increase Capacity and Safety (TOPICS')'for improving the flow of traffic on the major arterial streets of West University. Mr. Arthur,/ Storey of Bernard Jonnson, Inc. explained to the Commission the operation and advantages of the TOPICS program and the procedure to be followed if the city' was interested in participation in the program. ':, l Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the City Manager be instructed to write a letter to Mr. W. E. Carmichael stating the city's interest in TOPICS assistance and include all pertinent information in ~ the original letter of interest. c I') CD en w ~ ~ o o L : . 8'1) : ,,' ," ''it ,- .. ",". Voting Aye: All Voting No: None A statement from Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, dated October 29, 1971, in the amount of' $2,500.00 for planning 'services for a land use st'udy was presented to the,Commission fo-:t consideration. ' Motion by Commissioner Underwood; seconded ~yC6mmissioner Hughes, that the statement from Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, dated October 29, 1971, in the amount of $2,500.00 be 'approved for payment. ,"! 1 ' Voting Aye: All" . Voting No : None Ordinance Number 971 amendihgthe city" s budget for -the' fiscal year beginning' January 1, 1971, and ending'December'31, 1971, was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER' 943 WinCH APPROVED THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXA.S FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUAYR 1, 1971, AND ADOPTED ON THE 25th DAY OF AUGUST, 1970. Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Wallln, that Ordinance Number 971 amending the city's budget for the fiscal year 1971 be approved as ,.. . _I read. I' I' Voting Aye: All ' 'Voting No: 'None The Commissioner was presented a compr~hensive report on the city's vacant lot mowing program showing that a total of fifty lots were being mowed from six to eight"times annually for a fee of $0.25 per 100 square feet with a minimum of $25.00 on an annual basis under the provisions of Ordinance Number 953. A breakdown of expenditures incurred by the city for maintenance, fuel, labor, and supervision as we Ii as amortization of a tractor and mower, indicated that the city's cost for mowing vacant lots was $0.39 per 100 square feet. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Wallin, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance ~ending Ordinance Number 953 to increase the rate charged for mowing vacaht lots', to $Og30 with a $~5.00 minimum, on an annual'basis. The Commission was advised that numroues requests had been received from owners of undeveloped property in the townhouse district for an arrangement by which they could secure ingress and egress from the property inasmuch as the 'City of Houston had indicated they would not permit further curb cuts for traffic to back into Bissonnet. An easement executed by Mr. JeffreyL. Corbin, owner of the east- erly portion of Lot Twelve restricting the use of a portion of his ,lot extending along the front property iine -and eighteen feet into the depth of the lot; and measuring seventeen feet six inches from the west property line towards the east for the pruposes of backing and maneuvering automobiles eith~r for himself or the owner of,the lot direCtly adjoining his lot, was pres'ented to the d6mmission 'as a possible solution to the situation. The City Attorney stated that he saw no violation of the terms of the o~~i~ances as long as the area would be to the rear of the front -bui,ldinglines., and that inasmuch as the Zoning arid Planning Commission originated the townhouse ordinance they should be made aware of 'any n . 1J11 . 1'...irtiT....1 ----, Ir 1- :111.:1..:.1. J y---'~ L-- ....:_____._I._~___..J I 1~_ -~ ~'G.;.B'; ~ .: ~r . . f' action taken by the City Commission. It was decided that the City Manager :'ill] should advtse the,Zon~ng a~d ~lanningCommission, and~ending their c0ncurrence, write letters to each of the owners of the undeveloped:property in the townhouse district requesting that they attend a meeting at the City Hallin order for the City Attorney to explain, the~itu.ation.Mr. Underwood suggested that the letter also advise the property owners that the value of their property could decrease if the garages were located on the front of the building. The Commission wa~ pr~s~nted~ list of insurance agents participatin~in the dis- tribution of insurance premiums paid on the city's insurance for the year 1970, noting that a, n~w ,pro~~dur~ w~s, adopted .at that time whereby each agent would be required to make written appl;i.c'a,tion in the future, without, any further notice" from the city. ~ l ~ Motion by Commis,sioner Wallin,,; seconded by ,Commissioner, Harris ; that a notice be inserted in the Southwestern Argus notifying 'insurance agents residing in the city of the policy adopted with regard to the distribution of premiums paid on the city's insurance. ' , , Voting Aye: All Voting ~o: None Capital outlay items approved for purchase in the 1972 Budget including one automobile, three patrol cars, four cabs and chassis, one pickup truck, an ice machine, and sign applicator, were presented to the.Cpmmission with a request to advertise for bids to'be received as soon as possible. Il LJ Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received on January 24, 1972, for the following items approved for,purchase in the 1972 Budget: Amin~strative Department Police Department Sanitation Department Street Department Water 'Department Water Department Street Department one automobile ,three patrol cars three cab & chassis one cab & chassis , one pickup truck ice,inachine sign applicator $2,000.00 Replacement 7,500.00 Replacement 15,300.00 Replacement 5,000.00 Replacement, 2,000.00 Replacement I; 500,. 00, New' Eg,uipment 1,0()0~06 New Equipment Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Resolution Number 71-14 w~s presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of ,We,st ,:University Place has cash available in the_"Tax Collector's Fund in the amount of $200;000.00 received from current collection of 1971 taxes, which will not be required for current operating expenses; and WHEREAS, it ip tbe objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional ,income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of mquey. NOW, THEREFORE -' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSIOWOF -, THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' I \ U That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to invest funds in ,the amount of: $100,000,.00 for a period of one year in Certificate of Time o 'fI:a co a; tJ:J Q Q o o e.g, ,~ U;(J':i Deposit in the Surety Saving Association at the interest rate of 7 1/2% $100,000.00 for a period of ninety days 'in Certificate of Time Deposit in the Surety Saving Association ,at the interest rate of 6%. ' PASSED AND APPROVED this +3th day of December, 1971 Commissioners Voting Aye: ' Commissioners Voting No: )s John N. Neighbors IVlayor All None ATTEST: /s/ Lee Lockard Assistant City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Hughes, that Resolution Number 71-14 authorizing the investment of $100,00 for a period of one year in Certificate of ~Deposit in the-Surety Saving Association at the interest rate of 71/2% arid $100,000 for a 'period 'Of "ninety days in Certificate of Deposit in the Surety Saving Association at the interest rate of 6%, be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None By-Laws of the West University Recycling Center were reviewed by the City Attorney and presented to the Commission. It was noted that the-r~gistered office of the corporation was shown as 3711 Nottingham, such being the home address of Warner Strang, the initial registered agent. The City Attorney was advised to secure a letter from Mr. Strang setting forth that this address was included in the By-Laws only as a place and means of receiving mail inasmuch as there are no mail facilities at the Center located at 2701 Milford Street. Arrangements have been made through the city's insurance carrier, Comiskey In~ surance Agency, to provide comprehensive general liability coverage with limits of $250,000/$500,000 for bodily injury ana. $100,000 for property damage at an annual cost of $64.00, and for an automobile non-ownership liability- police for the same limits at an annual cost of $23.00. Premiums due on these insurance coverages will be paid by the West University Recycling Center from operating revenue. The City Attorney was instructed to secure from the West University Recycling Center a hold harmless release in favor of the city. The Commission was advised that the provisions of the Texas Abandoned Motor Vehicle Act enact~a~ by the last Legislature would provide a means by which the West University Police Department could remove from the streets, and/or private property, inoperable abandoned automobiles considered t02be a nuisance To take advantag~ of the provisions of this Act it will be necessary for the city to pass an ordinance. Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the City Attorney, with the assistance of the City Manager, prepare an ordinance covering the State Statute to provide for coverage of junked and abandoned automobiles. Voting Aye: All Voting No: No 1,:_,1 [T,:! .' : Jlr----.~~-_______________ : ._~___l.___~~ 11:___ ---. '8'" r ; ,A'(;ir ...'!Ij)' The City Manager advised the Commission that progress was being made on the City Hall remodeling and with good weather the contractor should be able to proceed wit'h all :construction. rl U The Commission decided that inasmuch as there was not a long agenda planned they would hold their regular meeting on Monday, December 27th. Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on November 22, 1971, were presented ,to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the minutes of the, ~egular meeting of ,the City Commission be approved as submitted. V oting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission upon motion duly made and seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m. ATTEST: 4~ Assistant City Secretary ./ o u rn ~ f.D' en. ~ Q Q o o f!t!;. REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION December 27. 1971 The City Commi~sion convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday " , December 27, 197~,7:30 p.m., with the following members present. Maygr Neigh- bors, presiding: Commissioners Harris, Hughes and Underwood. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present.' COriimissioner Wallin was absent. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Neighbors. In accordance with instructions of the City Commission subsequent to efforts to'dispose of one ModeJ.: 32'NCB.bookKeepingmachine by sale, a. review was m1ide of calls to non-profit organi'zations for the purpose of giving the nlachine away. The Salvatiori Army, United Fund, Y.M.C.A,and GoodwilLIndust:des were all con- tacted with Goodwill Industries being lnteresued in securing the .machine. Motion by Commissioner' Harris,secorided by Conuni'ssioner Hughes, that' one NCR' Model 32 bookkeeping machine be given to Goodwill Industries and that the records of the city reflect such action. Voting Aye: All.' Voting No: None A check in the 'amount of $25.00 received by the Humane Department froniMrs.H. E. Vaughn, 4032 Rice Boulevard, 'was presented to the Commissibnwi th a request that a recommendation be made for its disposition. The Commission instruCted the City Manager to write a letter to Mrs. Vaughan advising that it was their recommenda- tion that the $25.00 be used to purchase animal books to be donated to the library in her name and requesting her persomission to dot so. The CommissiOner was advised that in conjunction with the safety program and manual developed by Assistant City Manager Denny Arnold, an Accident Review Board or Safety Committee should be established. Membership should comprise two department heads, three citizens with experience; time and interest to participate and Mr; Denny Arnold as chairman'. The board, when ereated,would,review each accident with re- gard to fault, use of safety equipment and emphasis on the safety program, but would have no authority to mete out punishment. Motion by Commissioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that the City Commission establish an Accident Review Board to review all accidents involving city vehicles andins.truct the City Manager to present a list of nominees for membership to sucp Board at the next regular meeting of the City Commission on January lOth. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of ,the Electrical Board on Monday, December 20, 1971, were presented to the Commission for their information. Ordinance Number 972 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NUMBER 953; CHANGING THE RATES FOR MOWING VACANT LOTS; PROVIDING A BEGINNING DATE OF FEBRUARYl FOR NEW RATES; AND PROVIDING AN EF- FECTIVE DATE r ~6-"~Q' , " ~ . ,,- :,-.:;. ': ....., "J ," .,?J '_..1:,' __.. I L J I 1,:, Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Underwood, that Ordinance Number 972 changing the rates for mowing vacant lots from $0.25 to $0.30 per 100 Ur-l square feet be approved as read. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that he had given some consideration to an ordinance covering the State Statute to provide for coverage of junked and abandoned automobil~s, but w~s not prepared to present an ord~nance at this time. The City Attorney advised the' Commissionthatprovisipns had been made for the use ,of a certificate of'occupancy to be-issued by the building inspector setting forth the purpose for which the building may' Qe used, but such Certificate had not beeq in use. Mr. Cockrell further -stated that it was his recommendation that the City Manager and Building Ins.,pector issue a certificate of occupancy anytime there is new construction or:a building in structurallY altered after the owner has filed the, necessary 'application Showing no violations of the city's Code of Ordinances. The Commission was advised that 100 copies of the Land Use and Circulation Plan prepared by Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, had been received and consideration should .be ,giv:en to the distribution of copies'with-'regard t.othose whoshould receive copies, and rates 'to be charged. After ,general discussion; it was the decision of the' Commission to defer any deciaion:untilafter a conference with CRS repre- sentative to determine costs for additional copies as well as the feasibility of the city reproducing copies. An invoice from Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, in the amount of $2,000.00 to cover November charges for their land use survey, was presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by: Commissioner Underwood, secon'ded by Commissioner Hughes , that the in- voice in the 8.JIlount of $2',000.00 from Caudill, Rowlett and Sco:tt, be approved for payment,. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The City Manager advised the City Commission that remodeling on the City Hall was progressin well and that a conference would beheld early in the week with the architect to decide on colors and carpet for the conference roo~. Minutes.of the regular meeting of the Commission on Monday, December 10, 1971, were presented to the Commission and the following .action taken: Motion by Com- missioner Underwood, seconded by Commissioner Harris, that minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on Monday, December lO, 1971, be approved aB submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and' carried the mee~ing adjDurned at a:3D p.m. ATTEST: Jf~ ~~, A,::,::i'::+~n+ ('i+1T ~_r>'V''''+<>'V''r D u