HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1966 Ov REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JANUARY 10, 1966 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, January 10, 1966 at 7:30 p.m., with the following members pres- ent: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Ayres was absent. The Invocation was Pronounced by Mayor Holman. c.o ~ tr.:l ~ U U In accordance with action of the City Commission on December 13, 1965, and Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper'of the city, bids received for furnishing truck and automotive equipment and one truck dump body approved in the 1966 Budget, were opened and results announced. Bids were received from the following firms: Luke Johnson Ford Don McMillian Ford Jack Roach Ford Russell-Smith Ford Knapp Chevrolet MacRobert Chevrolet River Oaks Chrysler-Plymouth The City Commission was advised that it is important to receive earliest possible delivery on the three Police Department units, and that it was recommended that consideration be given to awarding bids on these three units, as it was ~uite evident that Russell-Smith Ford Agency had sub- mitted the lowest bid. Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the bids for Units 1, 2 and 3 for the Police Department, be awarded to the low bidder, Russell-Smith Ford, on their low bids of $1,079.90 for Unit 1, $1,579.00 for Unit 2, and $1,129.95 for Unit 3; and that the remaning bids be referred to the City Manager for tabulation, verification and recommendation at the next regular meeting of the Commission on January 24, 1966. . Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None Bids received for dump body for the Street Department were opened and read aloud, as follows: Base Bid Alternate Lowe E~uipment Company -$725.00 Motor Truck E~uip. Co. - 1,185.00 Pick-Up Equipment Co. 907.18 $200.00 50.00 -0- 'fu.tal. $525.00 1,135.00 907.18 Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the bids received for the truck dump body for the Street Department be referr~d to the City Manager for tabulation, verification and recom- mendation at the next regular meeting of the Commission on January 24, 1966. ' Voting .Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None r~n . ... , 'n i!i!lIr , 1 -~-~-_._"'~~'~=r;~_._- - n . --~:T CYLJ: The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on December 20, 1965 were presented to the Commission for their information. In accordance with Article XXVI, Section 15, of the City Charter, consideration was given to the selection of an official newspaper of the city for the year 1966. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the Houston Chronicle and/or the Southwest Peach Section of the Houston Chronicle be selected as the official newspaper of the city for the year 1966. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None Attorney Stanley B. Binion of the firm of Bracewell, Reynolds and Patterson which represents the city in a tax suit against Corrigan Properties, appeared before the Commission to advise the status of this suit. He advised the Commission that the case had been set for hear hearing during the week of February 7, if this was satisfactory with the Commission. He stated that the attorney for Corrigan Properties had advised that they would file an identical suit for the year 1965 to those which were filed in prior years. Mr. Binion recommended that the City Commission approve service of the lawsuit to their law firm for the city, in order to expedite matters. Motion by Commissi ner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the firm of Bracewell, Reynolds and Patterson, representing the city in the tax suit against Corrigan Properties, be authorized to accept service on a similar suit, if filed, for the year 1965, in the name of the City of West University Place. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None Mr. Binion asked that he be given a few days to give consideration to filing a cross-action against Corrigan Properties for collection of taxes) and if he feels this would be the proper course to follow, he would go ahead and file same. The City Attorney discussed the creation of a second Corporation Court and stated that it was his opinion that an opinion should be obtained from the Attorney General, as to .whether our city could legally establish such a Court, inasmuch as all other courts similar to this had been established by permissive legislation. There was also some discussion concerning the appointment of a Substitute Judge of the Corporation Court, to act in the absence of Judge Reese. The City Attorney presented Resolution number 66-2, as follows, and read in full: r=. "11 i!:lllT" "-"~~'~. '''1 .-------------------- - '-'""i'''-.r'I~i:1rr.' - ."ni o aJ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That Stanley B. Binion be, and he is hereby, appointed Substitute Judge of the Corporation Court, City of West University Place, Texas. Said Stanley B. Binion shall serve as Judge of the Corporation Court in the absence or inabili~ of the Judge of the Corporation Court. c.o Uj l.1.l ~ U U 2. In the absence of the regular Judge of the CorporatiJn Court, or his inability to perform the duties of such office for any reason, Stanley B. Binion, upon the request of the Mayor or the regular Judge of the CJrporation Court, shall perform all the duties of Judge of the Corpora- tion CJurt, and shall have all the power and authority as granted by State Law, the Charter of the City of West University Place, and the Ordinances of such City. f 3. This appoilintme1f1t shall be effective for a period of sixty (60) days from and after January 1, 1966 and such Substitute Judge shall receive as compensation the sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars during the sixty (60) day period. Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Reso- lution number 66-2, appointing Stanley B. Bini6n,'as Substitute Judge of the Corporation Court to act in the absencecof Judge Reese, effec- tive January 1, 1966 at a salary of $50 for the60-day period. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None Mr. Stanley B. Binion came forward at this time and was administered the Oath of Office by :Mayor Holman. :Mayor Holman announced that Mr. E. Gene Hines, who had been appointed as a member of the Zoning and Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Edmunds Travis who resigned, was present at this meeting, and asked that Mr. Hines come forward at this time and be administered the Oath of Office. Mayor Holman administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Hines as a member of the Zoning and Planning Commission. Resolution number 66-1, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City Commission has bemadvised by the City Manager and Water Superintendent that a breakdown has occurred in the piping arrangement of the Sanitary Sewer Lift Station located near the northwest corner of the intersection of Bissonnetand Academy Street; and WHEREAS, the Water Superintendent has made a conscientious effort to repair the breakdown but has only made temporary repairs due to the lack of e~uip- ment, personnel and tools; and r- II " '''lInu'r''''''''''''O, , , 1 I' ----,--,------,-'-,--o-'-~-:r.TIdiirr='- "111 au WHEREAS~ it is imperative that this vital facility of the Sanitary Sewer System be kept in operation at &11 times; and WHEREAS, due to the emergency of the situation, it.is impractical to prepare specifications for the purpose of taking bids, as the extent of repairs re~uired is unkno~ and the cost of the needed repairs is an indeterminable amount; and WHEREAS, contractors specializing in this type of work have been con- tacted regarding said emergency, and it appears that Othel C. Couch, owner of Couch Construction Company, 14335 Carolcrest, Houston, Texas 77024, is a ~ualified contractor, available to make such repairs; and WHEREAS, the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Mary~and has been contacted regarding Mr. Othel C. Couchrs performance and his reputation, and said company has stated that his performance has been successful and satisfactory and has conding limitation to the extent of one-half million dollars; and WHEREAS, it is not intended that a bond be re~uired for said emergency work, as the services of said contractor have been engaged on a force- account basis; and WHEREAS, Mr. Othel C. Couch has agreed to furnish e~uipment, tools and labor on the following basis: 1. 3/4 cubic yard Link Belt dragline, fully opera- tional,including fuel and operator, with attach- ments, at $15 per hour while in use, in addition to a move-in/move-out charge~ not to exceed $50.00 per way. 2. Necessary tools and two-inch water pump, at a rate of $4 per working hour. 3. Use of a 3/4 ton pickup, at $10 per day for 10-hour working day. 4. Labor, at $1.75 per hour, plus 25% increase to cover insurance, taxes, overhead and profit. 5. Services of a superintendent chargeable only during his working time on the job. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That for the preservation of the public health and welfare, the repair of the Sanitary Sewer Lift Station at the intersection of Bissonnet and Academy Street is deemed to be of an emergency nature. In '.'"11 !!I!(-:~ ., .. -- -"Ti'''''Ti'iirr'''' _n -:if CoO l.n lD ~ U U o. 2. That in view of the existing emergency condition, Othel C. Couch, owner of Couch Construction Company, be employed on a force-account basis in accordance with his schedule or charges, to make necessary repairs to the said Sanitary Sewer Lift Station. 3. That the necessary expense for services rendered and e~uipment fur- nished by Couch Construction Company to repair said Sanitary Sewer Lift Station, be charged to the Unappropriated Surplus of the Water-Sewer Operating Fund for the Budget year 1966. 4. That the action of the Mayor and City Manager, engaging the services and e~uipment of the Couch Construction Company on a force-account basis to perform needed ,repairs to the said Sanitary Sewer Lift station, is hereby approved and confirmed. l " Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Resolution number 66-1, authorizing emergency repairs to the Sanitary Sewer Lift Station at Bissonnet and Academy by Couch Construction Company on a force-account basis, be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting N:J: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None An invoice in the amount of $200 was presented to the Commission for dues to the Harris County Mayors' and Councilmen's Association for the year 1966, and the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the invoice from Harris County Mayors' and Councilmen's Association in the amount of $200 for dues for the year 1966, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None The City Manager advised the Commission that plans were being prepared for purchase of new water meters to replace outdated meters now in service. The Commission was advised of the hearing held by the City of Houston in . connection with the paving of Kirby Drive, Section 1, and it was stated that no West University resident.property owners were present at the hearing to express approval or disapproval of the paving. A letter received from Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam concerning the progress they are making on the city's storm sewer project and paving project, was presented to the Commission for their information. The minutes of me regular meeting of the Commission on December 27, 1965 were presented to the Commission for consideration and the follow- ing action taken: T....' "~..c~~~,~~ 'J '-'" - -- "'-'''"':'o;:mn" .. i'Tli , "iii r,...-_n<",--- " ~., . ., "'-' ~ (~) Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by CommissiDner Wright, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on December 27, 1965 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting NJ: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill) Vest and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. jJJwp/lkwM// MAYOR ATTEST: ~,~lthv s . an" 1 t. era ary ..~, JI ",__.._~r -," -- -..-----~~.~".;:.;:."..I.J.1J[J;';".--------- - '-TIi o';:} REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JANUARY 24, 1966 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, January 24, 1966 at 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Ayres. c..o 11j lQ ~ U U In accordance with action of the City Commission on January 10, 1966, the City Manager presented a tabulation of bids received for one,utility dump body, together with his recommendation that the bid be awarded to Lowe E~uipment Company on their low bid of $725, and alternate bid of $200 for the used body on trade-in. Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted, and that the bid be awarded to Lowe E~uipment Company on their low bid of $725 for furnish- ing a truck dump body to be mounted on cityiruck, and their alternate bid of $200 trade-in allowance for the used dump body. Voting Aye; Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None In accordance with action of the City Commission on January 10, 1966, the City Manager presented a tabulation of bids received for furnish- ing truck and automotive e~uipment for the year 1966, together with his recommendation for awarding of the bids as follows: "Bids received on January 10, 1966 for automotivere~uirements for the City of West University Place were referred to me for tabulation and recommendation. Herewith is a tabulation of the bids received: Unit No. 1 - Police Dept. Unit No.2 - Police Dept. Unit No. 3 - Police Dept. Base Bid $2,479.90 2,479.95 2,479.95 Trade-In 1,,400.00 900.00 1,350.00 Net Delivered $1,,079.90 1,579.95 1,,129.95 Due to the urgency in obtaining delivery on automobiles for the Police Department, the City Commission took action to accept the low bid sub- mitted by Russell-Smith Ford at their last regular meeting on January 10, 1966. Unit No.4 - Administrative Base Bid $2,545.35 Trade-In 1,450.00 Net Delivered $1,095.35 It is recommended that the low bid submitted by Russell-Smith Ford be accepted. r ,~,~."'C,'" i1 , ,Hlllf'~' 1 ,- "'":":"mrr' ":11 ~u Base Bid Trade-In Net Delivered Unit No. 5 - Street Dept. $3,517.00 225.00 $3,292.00 It is recommended that the low bid of Jack Roach Ford Motor Company be accepted. Base Bid Trade-In Net Delivered Unit No. 6 - Garbage Dept. Knapp Chevrolet $3,l60.52 110.00 $3,050.52 MacRobert Chevrolet 4,176.83 892.42 8,284.41 Knapp Chevrolet inadvertently left out two items, consisting of six tires and tubes and two wheels totaling $503.16. A letter from Mr. Bob Frazier, Fleet Manager of Knapp Chevrolet, re<luests that the above amount be added to their bid or withdraw their proposal. In view of the error made by Knapp Chevrolet in preparing their bid, it is recom- mended that they be released from their offer and that the bid of MacRobert Chevrolet in the amountcf $3,284.41 be accepted. Unit No. 7 - Health Dept. Base Bid $l, 594 .19 Trade-In 600.00 Net Delivered $ 994.19 It is recommended that the law bid submitted by Russell-Smith Ford be accepted. II Motion by Commission Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted, and that the bids for furnishing truck and automotive e~uipment for the year 1966 be awarded as follows: Unit 1 - Russell-Smith Ford Unit 2 - Russell-Smith Ford Unit 3 - Russell-Smith Ford Unit 4 ~ Russell-Smith Ford Unit 5 - Jack Roach Ford Unit 6 - MacRobertChevrolet Unit 7 - Russell-Smith Ford Net Delivered Price $1,079.90 1,579.95 1,129.95 1,095.35 3,292.00 3,284.41 994.19 Voting Aye: V oting No: r Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gfll,Vestand'Wright None Authority was re<luested to advertise for bids for chlorine re~uirements and street material re~~irements for the ensuing year. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for furnishing the follow- ing street material re<luirements for the ensuing year: 800 tons limestone aggregate, Grade 2, f.o.b. Bidder's Plant 700 tons pre coated limestone aggregate, Grade 6p 2,000 tons crushed limestone base material, Grade 1 80,000 gallons lIColasll asphalt emulsion ,-.,/", " :~ll CoO li.l l..Q ~ U U ~l and the following chlorine re~uirements for the ensuing year: 40,000 Ibs. li~uid chlorine in one-ton containers, city will pick up 13,500 pounds in l50-pound containers, delivered bids to be received until 7:30 p.m. February 28, 1966. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on January 13, 1966 were presented to the Commission for their informa- tion. The Commission was advised that the Code of Ordinances should be amended to include the adoption of the 1965 Edition of the National Electrical Code inasmuch as the Code of Ordinances adopted the 1962 Edition and this edition has since been published. It was decided that this matter Ehould be referred to the Electrical Board for their recom- mendation to the Commission. Resolution number 66-3, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the Harris County Government has proposed certain Bond Issues to be submitted to the voters of Harris County on January 29, 1966; and WHEREAS, said Bond Issues totaling $60,800,000 include funds for con- struction of roads, funds for purchase of right-of-way, funds for improvements to the Burnett-Bayland Home for Dependent and Neglected Children and the Juvenile Detention Ward, funds for Family Law Center Building and construction of a building to house four courts of Domestic Relations, the Juvenile Court and Office of Counseling Services; and WHEREAS, by voting for these Bond Issues, Harris County citizens can further develop and make safe their freeways, streets and thoroughfare qystem, modernize anti~uated facilities for the care of dependent children, and provide much needed Court Building. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the citizens of this city are urged to study all of the bond issues proposed by Harris County officials, in order to intelligently vote their convictions; 2. That the City Commission of the City of West University Place sup- ports and urges all citizens to support, the Bond Issues proposed by Harris County officials to be voted on January 29, 1966, in order to provide needed funds for worthwhile improvements. ! . _,----~m ,- ':11' ,-- - oo.:c ___~::::a ","'il1'["" . 1--- =~'~~ :.LJAJ Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that Resolution number 66-3, endorsing the Bond Issues proposed by the Harris County Government being voted on January 29, 1966, and urging support of the Bond Issues, be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The City Attorney presented information he had received in connection with the establishment of a second Corporation Court. He advised the Commission that he had written to the Legal Counsel for the Texas Municipal League, after being advised that the Attorney General was not allowed to give this sort of opinion to a municipality due, to the provisions of Article 4399, Revised Civil Statutes. He stated that he had been advised by the Legal Counsel fot the Texas Municipal League that it would not be legal for this city to establish a second Corporation Court, inasmuch as a city of its size is not covered under any of the Enabling Acts which authorize the establishments of such courts. The minutes of the regular rreeting of the Commission on January .10; 1966 were presented to the Commission for their consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill that the minutes of the regular meeting of theCommission on January 10, 1966 be approved as corrected. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners AYres, Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:06 p.m. ~JJ~,,~ ATTEST: ----r'~"" ~"--,~".. ,.... .."",~ rWr" --~--~- -l-,-,C-"-.-,"':;....-""ij;1rn'~' 'iii ~3 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 14, 1966 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, February 14, 1966, with the following members present: Mayor Holman, pre- siding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Gill. c.o ~ ~ Cl U U Present at the meeting were Bruce Barnes andCharles Baldwin, college students who came to observe the proceedings of the meeting in the interest of their courses of study; and Messrs. Noel Proctor and Hal Biggers, residents. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on Thursday, February 10, 1966 were presented to the Commission for their information. An invoice from Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam for engineering services through December 31, 1965 in connection with preparation of contract plans and speci- ficationsfor the Paving Project, was presented to the Commission for con- sideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wright that the invoice from Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam in the amount of $1,038.58 for engineering services, be paid. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners AYres, Gill, Vest and Wright None A letter which was received from Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, showing estimates of cost for the storm sewer relief system in the Judson~Community area north of Bissonnet, as $53,900 for this portion of the project, was presented to the Commission. City Engineer Tom J nes estimated that the field work and drafting work cost should not exceed $3,500 for this part of the project. It was suggested that a resolution be drawn to employ Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam to perform necessary engineering services, and appropriating funds for payment. Motion by Commissioner AYres, seconded by Commissioner Gill that the engi- neering firm of Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam be employed to perform necessary engineering services in connection withthe paving project, and that the City Attorney draft a resolution to this effect for passage at the next regular meeting of the Commission. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners AYres, Gill, Vest and Wright None ~4 The City Attorney advised the Commission that the appointment of Mr. Stanley Binion as Substitute Judge of the Corporation Court would expire at the end of sixty days, which would be the end of February, and advised that Mr. Binion be reappointed at the next meeting of the Commission if they desired that he remain in the position of Substitute .Judge. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance or reso- lution for this action at the next regular meeting. The City Manager presented information concerning a proposed retirement of Swimming Pool Revenue Bonds issued in 1948. He advised that the city is the owner of these bonds, and that if the bonds were redeemed on the next principal payment date of March 1, 1966, the sum of $4,544.50 now being held by First City National Bank as Trustee would be released to the city and available for investment, rather than remaining dormant. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commisssioner Ayres that the City Attorney be instructed to draft an ordinance to payoff the Swimming Pool Revenue Bonds, Series 1948, as outlined in the letter of February 14, from the City Manager. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The Commission was advised that Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam had informed the City Engineer that the plans and specifications for the paving project under consideration, would be ready about April 1,1966. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on January 24, 1966 were presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Vest that the min- utes of the regular meeting of the Commission on January 24, 1966 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. A~~a./ MAYOR ATTEST: ,) .~''::J. .~~__~r. - ._~ ----_._---~._.--. _r-------'<<-- ,-, , :"::"~:'m~'"' ~';r'll ~5 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 28, 1966 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, February 28, 1966, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Vest. c..o LI"j lJ':J Cl U U In accordance with action of the City Commission on January 24, 1966, and Notice to Bidders duly pUblished, bids received for furnishing street department material re~uirements for the ensuing year were opened and results announced." Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest that the bids received for furnishing Street Department material requirements for the year 1966 be referred to the City Manager and Street Superintendent for tabulation, verification and recommendation at the next regular meeting of the Commission. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None In accordance with action of the City Commission on January 24, 1966 and Notice to Bidders duly puplished, bids received for furnishing chlorine requirements for the city for the year 1966 were opened and results announced. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the bids received for furnishing chlorine re~uirementsfor. the city fo!! the ensuing year be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation at the next regular meeting of the Commission. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. None The minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on February 21, 1966 were "presented to the Commission for their consideration. Authority was re~uested to advertise for bids for approximately 500 water meters, 5/8" X 3/4", for which $16,500 was budgeted in 1966. The Com- mission was advised that it was desirable to replace all of the old meters which were the first meters installed in the city (WatChdog meters), and of which there are approximately 1,800 now in service. It was recommended that 500 of these meters be removed and advertised for sale, and that the city advertise for bids for 500 new meters for replacement. , . ".~,~,~,.....",.. ~ 'Jl , ",;,..1l:lllif - ..- L_.._ =r-~----" , -1''' "":"':::"';m~" -jIli ~ti Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Vest that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for approximately 500 water meters, 5/8 X 3/4" size. Voting Aye:-: Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright, Mayor Holman Voting No: None Ordinance number 865, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commis- sion and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CALL AND REDEMPTION OF OUT- STANDING SWIMMING POOL FIRST MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1948, AS AUTHORIZED BY ORDINANCE NUMBER 366, DATED MARCH 17, 1948; PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF $9,21.2.50 FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO THE FIRST CITY NATIONAL BANK, TRUSTEE; PROVIDING FOR THE CANCELLATION AND DESTRUCTION OF SAID BONDS UPON REDEMPTION; AND PROVIDING .AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that Ordi- nance number 865, authorizing the call and redemption of outstanding Swimming Pool First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 1948, providing for payment of $9,21.2.50 from the General Fund to the First City National Bank, and providing for the cancellation and destruction of said bonds, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The City Manager advised the Commission that the operation of the Burroughs Posting Machin€!, which is used for posting credits to water ledgers and is approximately 15 yeaxs old, is becoming too expensive because of numerous repairs. He recommended that bids be received for purchasing ~ew machihe to replace this machine. After some discussion the following action was taken. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill that the City Manager be instructed to investigate the possibility of purchasing a more versatile machine which could also handle some of the other work as well as posting, by contacting some of the office machine manufacturers and obtaining their ad;J:ice;and that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for the type machine determined most desirable. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The matter of establishing building and setback lines for the property on Stella Link Road between Bellaire Boulevard and the intersection of Stella Link and Weslayan, was discussed. The Commission was advised that the Cellar Door Restaurant was in the process of purchasing this property for I ::"..., ...., - ,:::,Jl~, .,....:._:1J1:1' .. , "~I .J .1"""7':'i:rnm"'''--' .~T::TI 9 7 a new restaurant site, and as the report made by Ralph Ellifrit concerning the widening of Stella Link at this location recommended the taking of' additional 20 f'eet of right-of-way fromthis.property, some.decision should be made in regard to setback lines for any building to be constructed on the property. After discussion, the City Attorney was instructed to inves- tig~te this matter and advise the Commission what action should be taken, and whether action should be. taken by the City Commission, or through the Zoning and Planning Commission and the City Commission. Resolution number 66-4, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West UniversftyPlace has on deposit with the University State Bank, Houston, Texas, thesUlIlof'$59,000 in Certificates of Time Deposit, as evidenced by the bank's certif'icate number,4l6, maturing on February 26, 1966, bearing interest at the rate of 41/'210 per annum; .and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep a reasonable amount of the city's money which is not re~uired for current expenses, . invested in order to earn additional income; and~ WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City Commission to authorize investment or reinvestment of' these sums of' money; Sld WHEREAS, the University State Bank has expressed its intention to pay 4.8% interest per annum for funds deposited in its bank for a period of from ' ninety-one (91) to one-hundred-eighty (180) days. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to reinvest $50,000 from Current Tax Collections now on deposit with the University State Bank, Houston, Texas in Certificates of TmeDepositfer a period of nine'6y-one (91) days, to bear interest at the rate of 4.81> per annum. 2. That the said $50,000 shall be invested in Certif'icatesof Time Deposit with the University State Bank, Houston, Texas, in denominations of $10,000.00 each. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that; Resolu- tion number 66-4, authorizing investment of $50,000 in Certificates of Time Deposit with the University State Bank for a period of 91 days at an interest rate of 4.81> per annum, be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None Resolution number 66-5, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: nff! 98 WHEREAS, the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund of' the City of' West University Place will receive the sum of $9,000 through redemption of' First Mortgage Swimming Pool Rev/enue Bonds, Series 1948, bQnds numbered thirty-one (31) through forty (40), as the result of a financial transaction authorized by Ordinance..number 865, dated February 28, 1966; and --~! I I ! WHEREAS,,- the Trust Agency Fund of' the City of West University Place will receive the sum of $2,000 from maturities of' City of' West University Place Bonds, Series 1952, which fund has accumulated $700 from Customer Water Meter Deposits in excess of refunds; and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to invest fUnds from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund and the Trust Agency Fund, for which there is no immediate demand, in interest-bearing investments; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City Commission to authorize investment of these certain sums of money; and WHEREAS, the University State Bank has expressed its intention to pay interest at the rate of 4.8% per annum for fUnds deposited in its bank for a period of from ninety-one (91) to one-hundred-eighty (180) da.ys. NOW, 'nIEREFOBE, ~ IT RESOINED, BY T~ CITY C01v1MISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS 1. ~a.t the City Wreasureris. hereby authorized and. directed to invest the sum of $9,000 from th~ Tax Revenue Sinking Fund and the sum of $2,700 from the Trust Agency Furid with the University State Bahk in a Certificate of Time Deposit totaling $11,700, . for the period of ninety-one (91) days, to bear interest at the rate of 4.8% per annum. r~l I ' I Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that Reso- lution number 66-5, authorizing investment of $9,000 from the Tax Reve- nue Sinking F~d to -be obtained from redemption of Swimming Pool First Mortg~ge Revenue B9nds, and $2,700 from the Trust Agency Fund, in Certificates of Time Deposit with the University Stat~ Bank'for a period of 91 days at an interest rate of 4.8rj" be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest _ and Wri$ht None Resolution number 66-6, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF-WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS : Section 1. That Stanley B. Binion be, and he is hereby, appointed sub- stitute Judge of the Corporation Court, City of West University Place, Texas. Said Stanley B. Binion shall serve as Judge of the Corporation Court in the absence or inability of the Judge of the Corporation Court. r ' "---'- ------, -~"":::l ~~--------L.ll.r- " "':;:':~llf ~J~ Section 2. That in the absence of the regular Judge of the Corporation Court, or inability to perform the duties of such office for any reason, Stanley B. Binion, upon the re~uest of the Mayor or the regular Judge of the Corporation Court, shall perform all the duties of Judge of the Cor- poration Court and shall have all the power and authority as granted by State Law, the Charter of the City of West University Place and the Ordi- nances of such City. co l1.) U') o u u Section 3. This appointment shall be effective for a period of sixty (60) days from and after March 1, 1966, and such Substitute Judge sp.all receive as compensation the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) during the siocty-day (60-day) period. Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Vest that Reso- lution number 66-6, reappointing Mr. Stanley B. Binion as Substitute Judge of the Corporation Court for a period of 60 days, be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None Ordinance number 866, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 10-115 OF THE CODE OF ORDI- NANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY SUBSTITUTING THE WORDS "THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 1965 EDITION" FOR THE WORDS "THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 1962 EDITION" ~ AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that Ordinance number 866, amending Section 10-115 of the Code of Ordinances, adopting the 1965 edition of the National Electrical Code, be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayrerp, Gill, Vest and Wright None A letter was presented from IDckwood,. Andrews and Newnam concerning storm sewer and paving project, advising that the City Commission contact Mr. Kyle Chapman, Harris County Commissioner seeking the cooperation of Harris County in the storm sewers for the Bissonnet area from Academy to the railroad. There was considerable discussion, and it was decided that the City Manager should contact the proper person at Harris County, to re~uest their cooperation in this project. It was also decided that the other. work should proceed on the paving and storm sewers, and not wait until this matter is settled. The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission 01;1 February 14, 1966 were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: r'~" ~~'_",-C-.'T "'"'3 ! ....__ "l....<...liltf' ," ...c.C"C'~"T"'L, I -T C"IT:-::TIT~' iii . \1U Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on February l.4, l.966 be approved as submitted. voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:l.0p.:t!i. ATrEST: ~il ~dpJ/&'V . . 's~t. Secret= "~~=~~~~~."'11 . 1.11W Jk/w-U/4~ MAYOR I" '""~Tn:nl-' ''Iii "'''~'''l 1U] REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MARCH 14, 1966 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, March 14, 1966, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Wright. c.o ~ li.l ~ U U In accordance with action of the Commission on February 28, 1966, a tabu- lation of bids received for furnishing Street Department Material re~uire- ments for the ensuing year, was presented to the Commission. The Com- mission was advised that due to the difference in weights of material on which bids were submitted, further study of the bids would be necessary before a recommendation could be' made. There was discussion concerning the awarding of a bid for furnishing chlorine re~uirements for the city for this year. It was decided that no decision could be made until further information was received con- cerning the cost of' transporting the chlorine,3by city trucks from the Diamond Alkali Plant in Deer Park, Texas. The revised Personnel Rules and Regulations were presnted to the Com- mission for consideration. After considerable discussion, certain changes were agreed upon by the Commission, and it was decided that Commissioner Wright would incorporate these changes into the Revised Personnel Rules and Regulations, and further consideration would be given at the next regular meeting of the Comm:is sion. The minutes of the Zoning and Planning Commission on Thursday, March 10, 1966 were presented to the Commission for their information. No action was re~uired. The City Attorney presented information concerning building and setback lines for the property on Stella Link and Bellaire on the east side of Stella Link. He advised the Commission that the City Commission does have the authority to establish building and setback lines for the property, but that inasmuch as the Zoning ordinance provides a 3O-foot setback in retail business districts, and inasmuch as only 20 feet of right;~of -way would be required in the widening of Stella Link, leaving a lO-foot setback if this were taken, he recommended that no action be taken at this time, but that the prospective purchaser of the property be advised that it was possible that Stella Link would be widened in the future, and that if Lit is widened, it would be necessary to take 20 feet right-of-way from this property. The Commission was requested to give consideration to the appointment of a Tax Board of Equalization, so that this could be done before June 1. .U~ Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest that the resignation of Mr. Curtis E. Posey as City Sanitarian, be accepted with regrets. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on February 28, 1966 were presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded bY Commissioner Wright that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on February 28, 1966 be approved as submitted. ~ Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made,seconded and carried, the meeting was adjommed at 9:15 p.m. j}~~ MAYOR ATTEST: ~. ~fuJ .. ~, / '1 fstan'f: c . retary · r'=~"--"'~-=-"-~:C--;-;;.'-':-'-.---.-~"':::::tl._~~r ---...----- '1 -. ,."':' ~'[~rcm" T~li lOJ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MARCH 28, 1966 The City Commission of the City of West University Place convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, March 28, 1966, 7: 30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Gill and Wright. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Ayres was absent, attending a company meeting, and Commis- sioner Vest wasil!. c.o in l1? o U U The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Holman. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on March 21, 1966 were presented to the Commission. The Commission was advised that the Zoning Board of Adjustment would hold a Public Hearing on April 4, 1966 at 7:30p.m. to consider an application for a variance of front setback re~uirement for the Cellar Door Restaurant, 6732 Stella Link. They re~uested permission to extend their present building by 15 feet into the front setback, which would leave a l5-foot front setback from the property line. City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the Commission that a written appli- cation signed by Horace M. Mann, Optionee, and Mr. A. Ross Williams, owner of Lot 15, Block 2, Monticello Addition, re~uesting rezoning from single- family dwellings to townhouse development of Lots 1-16, Block 2, Monticello Addition. Mr. Cockrell advised that h~ had met with the Zoning and Plan- ning Commission at their ergular meeting on March lOth, to advise the Zoning Commission concerning the application. He presented following written instruments in connection with the townhouse application: Minutes of the Zoning and Planning Commission on March 10, 1966 . and the recessed meeting on March 17 at which they considered rezoning of Lots 1-15, Block 1 and Lots 1-16, Block 2,'- Monticello Addition for townhouse development; Preliminary report of the Zoning and Planning Commission filed with the City Secretary on March 23, 1966 recommended rezoning for town- house development of Lots 1-16, Block 1 and Lots 1-15, Block 2, Monticello Addition; Notice of public hearing called for April 14, 1966 at 8 p.m. at the Community Building, 6104 Auden, published in the regular section of the Houston Chronicle on Sunday, March 27 and mailed to all property owners within 200 feet according to the city's tax roll, on Friday, March 25, 1966. The City Commission took recognition of the application and the informa- tion presented by the City Attorney. )':" ',~'Jl ~,____J..mr . '1" _I '---~-,--- ---"'-'1---' :"::':Jill!r~ .... - U~"1i- _U4 The rev.,ised'Tpersonnel rules and regulations dated April 1, 1966 were presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken. Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the Personnel Rules and Regulations as printed and distributed to the Commission, be adopted, effective April 1, 1966. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill and Wright None In accordance with action of the City Commission on February 28, 1966, the City Manager presented a recommendation for the purchase of li~uid chlorine re~uirements for the ensuing year. Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted, that the bid for furnishing li~uid chlorine in ton containers be awarded to Dixie Chemical Company on their bid of $5.25/cwt, f.o.b. West University Place, and the bid for furnishing chlorine in 150-pound cylinders be awarded to Diamond Alkali Company on their bid of $ll/Cwt, f.o.b. West University Place. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill and Wright None In accordance with action of the City Commission on February 28, 1966 the City Manager presented a recommendation for purchase of street material re~uirements for the ensuing year. ,Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the recommendation of the City Manager and Street Superintendent be accepted, and that the ~ids for purchase of street material r~uirements for the ensuing year be awarded as follows: Item 1: 800 tons Grade 2 Limestone Aggregate: Servtex Materials on their bid of $1.15 per ton, freight $1.77, total bid $3.36/ton. Item 2: 700 tons Grade 6PE Limestone Aggregate: Uvalde Rock Asphalt on their bid of $1.98/ton, freight $2.39, total bid $4.59/ton. Item 3: 2,000 tons Crushed Limestone Base Material, Grade 1: Texas Crushed Stone Company on their bid of $0.60/ton, freight $1.84, total bid $3.l7/tou. Item 4: 80,000 gallons "colas" - Wright Asphalt Company on their bid of $.1116/gallon. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill and Wr ight None The City Attorney advised the Commission that he had been re~uested by the attorney for the prospective purchaser, to confer with the City Commission in connection with the possibility of waiving a portion of the amount due on a paving lien assessed against the property of f'- 11 :!jtf" " f--'-....___..n'---T-'~T;:Tllfl1~~' -,"11 1 U~ Mrs. Helen G. Douglas - GeorgeW. Norsworthy, being the 14 feet of Lot 4, all of Lot 5, Block 23, Colonial Terrace Addition. After discussion, it was decided that there was no justification for granting this request. Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Wright that the re~uest in regard to the HelenG. Douglas - George W. Norsworthy property, being 14' of Lot 4, all of Lot 5, Block 23, Colonial Terrace Addition for reduction of accrued interest on the paving lien assessed against the property, be denied. ~ Uj !D ~ U U Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman~ Commissioners Gill and Wright None There was discussion concerning the new State Statutes in regard to the increased number of re~uests for jury trial in the city's Corporation Court. It was the opinion of' the City Attorney that the number of requests for jury trial was not a'result of the Statute revision, except perhaps indirectly, in that more people are employing counsel who in turn re~uest jury trials. It was decided that Judge Reese should be asked for an opinion in this matter also. The Commission was advised that the Insurance Committee would have a meeting on March 29, 1966 to consider the workmen's compensation policy of the city, inasmuch as there have been an unusually large number of workmen's compensation claims during the past year. The Commission was advised that letters had been mailed to all property owners who had not previously signed a petition in connection with the proposed paving project, re~uesting that they return an enclosed agree- ment form if interested in the paving. The preliminary plans of LOCkwood, Andrews and Newnam were presented to the Commissionby the City Engineer who advised that he and the Water Superintendent and Street Superintendent had revised the plans and made their recommendations for corrections, and that Commissioners Ayres and Gill had also reviewed the plans. There was discussion concerning the design of the bus turn-around at Uhiversity Boulevard and Community Drive. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on March 14, 1966 were presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Gill that the minates of the regular meeting of the Commission on March 14, 1966 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at tb;is time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. ATTEST: .~/1!1: /1 ,/l if fl ,., /' 1\.},A,.4,4 vx.{J../ 1 'rfttI!YJt--tJ,~rV MAYOR _UO REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMM:ISSION APRIL 11, i966 The City Commission of the City of West University Place convened in regular session at the City Hall on M?nday, April 11, 1966, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Com- missioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Ayres. In accordance with action of the City Commission on March:14, 1966, bids received for furnishing 500 - 5/8X 3/411 water meters were opened and results announced as follows: Neptune Meter Co - $32 each, f.o.b. WUP, total $16,000.00 Rockwell Meter Co - 30.70 each, f.o.b. WUP, total $15,350.00. Both cqmpanies ~uoted a total trade-in allowance of $875 for a maximum of 250 old meters to be traded in on the purchase of 500 new meters. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright that if the meters offered by the low bidder meet all specifications) that the City Manager be authorized to purchase the 500 - 5/811 X 3/411 water meters from Rockwell Meter Company on their bid of $30.70 each, with allow- ance of $875 total for trade-in meters. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None :Mr. Gus Comiskey, agent for the city's insurance policy; and :Mr. Fred Rhodes, Chairman of the Insurance Committee, appeared before the Com- mission to advise them concerning the fact that the loss ratio on the city's workmen's compensation policy during the past five-year period has been 124%, which is Cluite bad. The automobile policy has a 43% loss ratio and the comprehensive general liability a 1% loss ratio:, which is very good. :Mr. Fred Rhodes advised the Commission that it was the recommendation of the Insurance Committee that the city accept Travelers' proposal made through Comiskey Insurance Agency to continue the workmen's compensation policy on a retrospective-J rating plan for a period of three years, and the other policies the same as they now exist. Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Wright that the recommendation of the Insurance Committee that the city accept the pro- posal by Comiskey Insurance Agency, that the workmen's compensation policy be written on a Retrospective-J rating plan for a period of three years, and continue the comprehensive and automobile liability as they now stand, be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting no: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None l"~' - ..~-~:::l _ . _~c- 10. .. ..~"EITllr-' c.o l.(j Lf.:) o u u 1:':-:'il:,~f'4~'--- lU'4 There was discussion concerning the appointment of a Tax E~ualization Board for the year 1966. Mayor Holman recommended that Mr. Charles A. Gillan, 3620 Georgetown, be appointed as an Alternate Member of this board. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Tax E~ualiza- tion Board for the year 1966: Mr. W. J. Beirne, chairman, 2618 Cason; Mr. Noel B. Proctor, 4102 Case; Mr. James K. Hilliard, 4002 Case; and Mr. Charles A. Gillan, 3620 Georgetown as an Alternate Member. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners AYres, Gill, Vest and Wright None There was discussion concerning the rates to be charged for the swimming pool season tickets and general admission for the 1966 season and the . following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the following rates which have been in effect in prior years, be approved fer the 1966 season: Season Tickets Family of four or more participating members $18 Family of three participating members 16 Family of two participating members 14 Single ticket for adult or child 10 General Admission Adults - persons over J5; years of age 65~ Children - persons 15 years of age and under 35~ Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The City Manager was instructed to ascertain whether Mr. J. R. Howard, Howard Concessions, waS interested in operating the concession at the pool for the 1966 season, and if so, to recommend;to the Commission that the contract be awarded. Resolution number 66-7, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has on deposit in the University State Bank, Houston, Texas, the sum of $60,000 in the form of Certificates of Time Deposit, bearing interest at the rate of 4 1/2% per annum; and r='~"~.~-~~-"Jl,~ ....'...lJ:IILr "Ii I_ r "";~m~" va WHEREAS, the said Certificates of Time Deposit have matured and said funds should be reinvested to earn interest, in keeping with the policy here tofore adopted by the City Commission; and WHEREAS, said $60,000 represents funds received from Current Tax Col- lections which have not been allocated to the General Fund, the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund or the Health Fund, and are considered surplus funds not re~uired for the operation of the city or retirement of debt during the next twelve months. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to reinvest the heretofore described $60,000 in Certificates of Time Deposit with the University state Bank, maturing one year from their expiration date, March 18,1966 at an agreed interest rate of 4~9% per annum. Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Vest that Resolution number 66-7, authorizing reinvestment of $60,000 ilJ. Certi- ficates of Time Deposit in University state Bank at an interest rate of 4.9% per annum, be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HOl.rru3.n, CommissiolJ.ers Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None A recommendation was presented from Chief of Police H. E. Shipp, recommending that II stop II signs be placed on .Arbuckle Street at Annapolis due to the large number of accidents which have occurred at this intersection. There was considerable discussion concerning the possibility of finding some other means of controlling the traffic at this intersection, and on these streets, inasmuch as there are already a number of signs on Annapolis Street, and Arbuckle Street is only two blocks long. It was decided that the Police Department should try using the radar unit on these streets during the peak traffic hours for a few days, to see if this will help to slow traffic on the streets. The City Manager advised the Commission that the final plans for the paving and storm sewer project had been received from Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, but that the City Engineer had not yet had time to review the plans. He recommended that the Commission review the plans, as well as the City Engineer, prior to taking any action for acceptance of the plarts~ The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on March 28, 1966 were presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action was taken. I , iI 'II"r. . 1 ,---- , . n_H_'Hrnn~i"jl;r;N'",.--'-_-n_H "11. c.o Ltj lQ ~ U U I I I .lV~ Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on March 28, 1966 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners AYres, Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission a~ this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. ~.JvUb~ MAYOR ATTEST: Hi!:""4~!'!"Bit...""., r'~C"CC~O~'"~C~O~", , "'UH!' "C"~"'O"'''~''l - ='--"'~rrTTImr-" . JLV REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION APRIL 25, 1966 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, April 25 , 1966, T: 30 p.m., with. the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Manager was also present. Commissioner Ayres was absent on com- pany business. The City Attorney was not present, and the Commission was advised that word had been received of the death of Mr. Cockrelll s father the previous night. The Invocation was pronounfed by Commissioner Gill. The minutes of" the regular m:eeting of the Zoning and Planning Commis- sion on April 14,1966 were presented to the Commission. At this meeting, a public hearing was held to give consideration to rezoning of Lots 1 - 16, Block 1 and Lots 1 - 15, Block 2, Monticello Addi- . tion for townhouse development. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on April 18, 1966 were presented to the Commission for their iQformation. Consideration was given to the purchase of a machine to replace the Burroughs Posting Machine used by the Water Billing Department, which had become too expensive to operate due to its age and excessive repairs necessary for operation. Mr. William Dittert, City Treas- urer, appeared before the Commission to advise them concerning the information he had obtained in connection with the functions of two machines on which he had received ~uotations. There was discussion concerning the desirability of purchasing a more versatile machine which would be used to perform the same operations now performed by the NCR Electronic machine, thus leaving the electronic machine free for the purposes to which it is the most adaptable, such as elec- tronic accounting, payroll preparation, billing, etc., The City Manager and City Treasurer were instructed to further investigate the proposals andc~o make their recommendation to the Commission, as to which would be the most desirable purchase. The City Manager presented a recommendation for awarding of the contract for operation of the Swimming Pool Concession for the 1966 season to Howard Concession, who have operated the concession for the past several years in a satisfactory manner, and they are interested in operating it thi s year. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the lease agreement for operation of the Swimming Pool Concession for the 1966 season be awarded to Howard Concessions, and that Mayor Holman be authorized to execute the agreement. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None r~c..' r, '.~"T~~ 11 , 'II' r' 1 r'- . "':i~mm'" "'f c.o Uj in Cl u u 1. 1. J The Commission was advised that Mr. H. R. Duke had been employed as Sanitarian on April 11, 1966 to replace Mr. Curtis E. Posey who ~d resigned, and the Commission was re~uested to confirm the appointment. Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Mr. H. R. Duke be appointed as City Sanitarian, effective April 11, 1966. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None An easement received from Humble Pipeline Company was presented to the Commission. The Commission was advised that the easement was in con- nection with the proposed storm sewer project, as it would be necessary to cross the 40-foot easement owned by Humble Pipeline at two points in the construction of the proposed stor!l1, se,w;e:r:,~ It,.wap,n,qtlep",~hEJ.t the easement had been reviewed by the City Attorney and approved. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright that the easement received from Humble Pipeline Company be accepted with appre- ciation, and that the easement be recorded in the County Clerk's Office on an appropriate date. Voting Aye: Voting No: . ".1 Mayor'HoJinari, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None There was discussion concerning the fencing of public utility easements by property owners) and the placing of water meters in an accessible place so that the meter readers can reach them easily. A letter advising of the resignation of Mr. Thayer Lanford as Tax Appraiser was presented to the Commission. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on April 11, 1966 were presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on April 11, 1966 be approved as corrected. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Vest, Gill and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made) seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. JLt..lv/~ MAYOR ATTESI' : r " ' n IT"'7":rrl1fl:rr"' "'liU '"'~'=n , "lif' . '..n1 J...{.,J REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MAY 9, 1966 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, May 9, 1966, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Vest. The City Manager advised the Commission that the first item on the agenda was the presentation of the Final Report of the Zoning and Planning Commission in connection with rezoning of Lots 1 through 16, Block 1 and Lots 1 through 15, Block 2, Monticello Addition for townhouse development. He stated that this Final Report had been filed in the Office of the City Secretary on May 6, 1966 by Chairman Han nah, and had been signed by all members of the Zoning and Planning Commis- sion. City Attorney Cockrell read the Final Report, as follows: FINAL REPORT OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, CONCERNING PROPOSED REZONING OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 16, BLOCK 1 AND LOTS 1 THROUGH 15, BLOCK 2, MONTICELLO ADDITION, FOR TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: This is the final report and recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, following a hearing and study. Your Zoning and Planning Commission, by unanimous vote, has approved and recommends that you amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of West University Place, Texas, by creating a residential townhouse district embracing the following: Lots 1 thrrugh 16, Block 1, Monticello Addition, and Lots 1 through 15, Block 2, Monticello Addition. The following regulations, in addition to any the City Commission may desire to prescribe, are recommended: 1. Open Space. There shall be 40% open space; that is, no more than 60% of the total area shall be covered by all principal and accessory structures. 2 . Density. Minimum 1800 s~uare feet ground area per townhou se . r"~~~C"" "m, --'''- .,~ )11' r <<"'0'"" ,..- ... uu I ""~'"Ti"liITW "iI ll;j 3. Minimum S~uare Feet. Each townhouse shall have aminimum total of living area of no less than 1100 s~uare feet. 4. Parking. Minimum of two on property parking spaces for each townhouse. 5. Setbacks. 5 foot front setback 10 foot side street setback 20 feet from rear property line to any living area 5 feet from rear property line to any structure 5 feet side setbaCk from property line on inside 10 feet open space between any two buildings on same lot. lots CoO l(J ).1") Cl U o 6. Screening Device. A six-foot high masonry fence that is at least 75% opaque, to be erected along rear lot line. 7. Height. Maximum height for townhouses to be two and one-half stories, total height not to exceed 35 feet. 8. Existing Codes and Ordinances of the City of West University Place to apply wherever applicable. 9. Signs. In a townhouse district, wall signs attached to front of the building or erected in the front yard area behind the building line to not exceed six s~uare feet in area, shall be permitted. 10. Driveway. Minimum of 10 feet wide for access to vehicle parking on property. 11. Entrance. The main entrance of any townhouse shall face a street or a courtyard area, and not a rear yard area. For the purpose of this recommendation, a townhouse shall mean a structure which is one of a series of dwelling units designed for single-family occupancy (ground to sky), which dwelling units are structural~ connected or immediate~ adjacent to each other. Respectfully submitted, ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION . CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS (signed by) David Hannah, Chairman L. B. Bricker, Secretary Richard C. Hilton E. Gene Hines H. Edgar Lotj:; r-~':-'--_,,'--". - -- - - .,.,."....:..:1 .__~__ _ --------'1-7-.'...-'"'"":"F~'..,!!IT.~..,,',-----------'-- 1,4 He then advised the Commission that they give consideration to the Final Report of the Zoning and Planning Commission at this time. Mayor Holman advised those persons present that this meeting was not a public hearing, but that they would try to answer any ~uestions in c am~ction with the Final Report read. He stated that if the Com- mission decided to take any further affirmative action on the report, a public hearing would be called at which time all persons would be given an opportunity to present any informati~n they sho~ddesire. The following persons asked ~uestioIE in connection with the Final Report and the possibility of rezoning the subject property for townhouse development: Mr. Rodney Quinby, whose parents reside at 2826 Wroxton, asked that the Commission give careful consideration to the parking problem; Mr. R. E. Dillon, 2704 Nottingham, asked the City Attorney to outline the steps which had been taken up to this point in the rezoning procedure; Mr. Allen Weatherby, 2808 Wroxton, asked what action would be taken at this point by citizens who were dissatisfied, should the Commission decide to rezone the property; Mr. Roy Pickering, 3021 Wroxton, asked what was involved in connection with the possible presentation of a petition signed by 20% of the residents in the "area": Mr. O. H. Moore, 2910 Wrox- ton, asked whether another petition would be re~uired besides the. written petition presented to the Zoning and Planning Commission; Mr. Sam Tigner asked ~uestions concerning the construction of the townhouses; Mr. John Neighbors, 2809 Wroxton, asked at what point: a petition should be submitted to the City Commission; Mrs. M. A. Dreyfus, 3004 Wroxton, asked when further action would be taken on this matter; Mrs. Leslie Ribbeck, 2917 Wroxton, asked whether the Final Report was based on the application and plans which were con- sidered at the public hearing of' the Zoninguiand Planning. Commis- sion; Mr. Weatherby asked whether it would be possible for the Commissionto overrule a petition submitted by the residents; Mr. John Neighbors asked whether the Final Report .had to be accepted as it is, or whether alterations could be made by the City Commis- sion; Mr. Andrew Cipriani, 2815 Wroxton, asked that the word "townhouse" be well defined. With no fur't7her ~uestions, the following action was taken by the Commission: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the Final Report of the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University ?lace concerning rezoning of Lots 1 through 16, Block 1, and Lots 1 tb.:r.1ough 15, Block 2, Monticello Addition for townhouse development, be acknowledged as having been received by the City Commission. Voting Aye: Voting No:,. Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that a public hearing be called to give further consideration to the Final Report of the Zoning and Planning Commission with reference to the r=OO".o."~,.o, . , .. :'_UJl.._., " ,c--'..ill.f ""'''L, _r"--- ' ., 'U'I "~~:'"i:'jJilln'" "'ii 11,;] proposed rezoning of Lots 1 through 16, Block 1 and Lots 1 through l5, Block 2, Monticello Addition for townhouse development, on the date of June 2, 1966 at 7:30 p.m. at the Community Building, 6104 Aude~. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None t:.O ~ in o U U Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commission Gill, that the City Secretary be authorized and instructed to give proper legal notice of the public hearing to be held on June 2, 1966, by publication in the official newspaper of the city at least 15 days prior to the hearing, and by the mailing of notices to all property owners within 200 feet of the property under consideration, at least15 days prior to the public hea ring. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None There was discussion concerning an invitation received from the Regional Planning Commission in Pasadena, re~uesting the City of West University Place to participate in a meeting on May 12,;1966. After discussion, Mayor Holman asked Commissioners Ayres and Wright to represent the city at this meeting. The minutes of the regular meeting of. the Commission on April 25,1966 were presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on April 25, 1966 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: V oting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8 :40 p.m. jJJ\/LLU~an// MAYOR ATTEST: ~~. f"'" ""it 'il. r " .. "1 '" r n<'~m: ;:i'I1ITn' . T , ,1. \J RIDULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MAY 23, 1966 The City Commission conveneg'in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, May 23, 1966, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Wright. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commis- sion on May 12, 1966 were review~d by the City Commission. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Elect:dcal Board on May 16, 1966 were reviewed by the City Commission. The City Engineer presented plans and specifications for paving, which had been prepared by Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Consulting Engineers, to the Commission. The Commission was advised that all corrections suggested by Commissioners Ayres and Gill, as well as those of the City Engineer and, Street Superintendent had been made on the plans. The City Manager advised the Commission that the plans and specifica- tions for the storm sewers had not been received, but should be ready within the next week with the re-designed relief storm sewer on Rus- kin and route through the Y .M. C .A. property shown in the plans. A schedule of dates on which certain action should be taken by the City Commission in connection with the proposed project was presented. It was decided that the ordinance initiating the project and approv- ing the plans and specifications should be considered at the regular meeting on June 13th. Resolution number 66-8, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has on deposit in the University State Bank, Houston, Texas, the sum of $50,000 in the form of Certificates of Time Deposit, bearing interest at the rate of 4.8% per annum; and WHEREAS, the said Certificates of Time Deposit have matured and said fund a, should...be ,reinvested to earn interest, in keeping with the policy heretofore adopted by the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the said $50,000 consists of funds in the amount of $20,000 to the credit of the General Fund Reserve Account for the purchase of a tractor for use at the Sanitary Land Fill, and $30,000 of Current Tax Collections which will become a part Qftne city's General Fund Cash Balance December 31, 1966, and such funds are considered ' surplus and not immediately re~uired for the opera,tion of the city. '-~".'1;~~""" r .. " 'f!ii [' '"'''' ''''1 ,,- T..' """;;:TllITrr" --il ll'd NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERillY PLACE, TEX4S: 1. That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to reinvest the heretofore described $50,000 in Certificates of Time Deposit with the University State Bank, maturing one year from the date of their deposit, at an agreed interest rate of 5% per annum. co li.l tQ Cl U U Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by C.ommissioner Gill, that Reso- lution number66-8, authorizing investment of $50,000 in Certificates of Time Deposit in the University State Bank, be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The City Engineer presented a summary of action taken at the Public Hearing held on May 18, 1966 by the City of Houston in connection with the paving of Kirby Drive. He stated that there was a difference in the assessment rate proposed from Rice to University Boulevard, as the rate given at the January 5, 1966 hearing was $2.44 per foot, and at the May 18th hearing it was given as "not more than $4 per fo,ot. II He stated that the assessment rate did include the sidewalk in this section, and that sidewalk had been deleted from University Boulevard to Bellaire Boulevard on West University side. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on May 9, 1966 were presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright that the minutes bf the regular meeting of the Commission on May 9, 1966 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. jJ.a/vuv~ MAYOR ATTEST: -r:_O"'~~"''''''",==-'''=-'--='--===-'--''--''-'-.''~'-::a ____~..._ _,-.~r'=-'-OC--~"~'=~ -"'1 -- - - ----- --I----c,,--,.":J~~-~]~r;r'" _ItS PUBLIC BEARING OF CITY COMMISSION J1JlTI: 2, 1966 The City Commission of the City of West University Place convened at 7:30 p.m. at the Community Building, 6104 Auden, for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing called for this date, with the following members present: Mayor Holman, prescLd:i;ng; Commissioners AYres, Gill and Vest. The City Manager, City Attorney and Attorney Paul Strong were also present. Commissioner Wright was out of the city on vacation. Mayor Holman announced that an application had been received by the Zoning and Planning Commission on March 10, 1966 from Mr. Horace M. Mann, optionee, re~uesting rezoning for townhouse development of Lots 1 through 15, Block 1, Monticello Addition, and that the Zoning and Planning Commission had held a Public Hearing in connection with the application on April 14, 1966, at which time they also gave considera- tion to rezoning of Lots 1 through 16, Block 2, Monticello Addition for townhouse development. He stated that the Zoning and Planning . Commission had filed their Preliminary Report with the City Commission on March 23, 1966 and their Final Report on May 6, 1966, in which they recommen~ed rezoning of the subject property for townhouse development. He stated that the Final Report of the Zoning and Planning Commission was received by the City Commission on May 9, 1966 at their regular meeting, at which time a public hearing was called for 7:30 p.m. June 2, 1966, and that notices were mailed to all property owners within 200 feet of the property on May 11, 1966 and notice published in the regular Houston Chronicle on May 13, 1966 and in the South- west Peach Section of theHouston Chronicle on:May 18, 1966. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner AYres that the Public Hearing be opened. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners AYres, Gill and Vest None Mayor Holman then read the procedure to be following in conducting the hearing, and asked that those wishing to be heard please comply with this procedure. He then turned the hearing over to the City Attorney for presiding over. the hearing. The City Attorney asked the applicant Mr. Mann; and his associate Mr. Clifford Parks, Designer, to present their ap'Pli~ation and any pertinent information in connection therewith. Mr. Mann presented his application and explained that the project would consist of 48 units with 97 parking spaces which would e~ualtwo for one, plus one. He stated that the construction would be wood frame and brick veneer, there would be central air conditioning and heating and each townhouse would have its own controls. Each unit would have approximately 1,200 s~uare feet of living area with all-electric kitchens, carpeting, drapes, 2 1/2baths, each to have separate entrance from a closed courtyard. He also stated that the pool area , rC~~~~'~~_C~:iI ~:..._~r. '---"-~~-===-"-=--'-l_._ -~~_.. .. - ----j -" ~ , --mil .1 ,1 ;::J would be completely enclosed for safety, and would be closely watched. The area would be landscaped and maintained. The proposed rental range would be from $175 to $185 per month, and the architectural design would be by a registered architect. The City Attorney read a letter from the Wroxton Road Committee, dated June 1, 1966, as follows: c.o Uj in (~ U U "The Wroxton Road residents, in recognization of the City Commissioners' and the Zoning and Planning Commission's desire to re-zone the vacant peripheral area of West University Place to a more realistic use and to the best interest of the City of West University Place, respectfully recommend that consideration be given to re-zoning of: Lots 1 through 16, Block 1, and Lots 1 through 15, Block 2, Monticello Addition as follows: The following regulations, in addition to any the City CommissiDn may desire to prescribe, are recommended: 1. OPEN SPACE. There shall be a minimum of 50% open space; that is, no more than 50% of the total area shall be covered by all principal and accessory structures. 2. DENSITY. Minimum of 2,000 s~uare feet g~ound area per residential unit. 3. MINIMUM SQUARE FEET. Each residential unit shall have a minimum total living area of not less than 1,300 s~uare feet. 4. PARKING. There shall be a minimum of two parking spaces per each residential unit, which shall be on-property parking. 5. SETBACKS. 15 feet setback from any front or side property line 20 feet setback from rear property line to any living area 8 feet setback from rear property line to any structure. 6.~ SCREENING DEVICE. A screening wall to be built between the proposed residential property and the existing Single-Family dwellings. That said screening walls be built of solid masonry construction, a minimum height of six feet above natural grade. That. the sc~eening wall be located five feet within the proposed re~zoned'property; five feet from the center of the utility easement. 7. BUILDING HEIGHT: Maximum height for each residential unit shall be not to exceed two and one-half stories, total height not to exeed 35 feet. 8. BUILDING LOCATION. Each residential unit shall face the front of the property, and each unit shall be connected to the adjoining unit by a common wall. No unit shall face any side street or rear lot. " "'"-"~,,,, ., , ,.". '11 nlir "'''''1 !""-" j._-;-"'-'nr''TTiI'ITI"W '''on L;U 9. SIGNS. Two wall signs) not to exceed six s~uare feet in area, shall be permitted in each Block. No signs ofa "neon" or self -lighting nature shall be permitted. 10. Existing Codes and Ordinances of the City of West University Place to apply wherever applicable. 11. DRIVEWAYS. Minimum of 10 feet wide for access to vehicle parking on property. 12. ENTRANCES. Each residential unit shall have an entrance facing the front. of the property which shall be. the main entrance. A ground-level exit shall be permitted in the rear. 13. RESIDENTIAL UNIT. For -the purposes of this recommendat ion, a Residential Unit shall mean a structure which is one of a series of dwelling units designed for Single-Family occupancy, ground, to sky, and which shall have separate utility connections. Should this proposal covering Residential property not meet your approval, we submit an alternate proposal covering Business and Professional Office District." The Committee submitting this letter cQnsisted of: Messrs. H. Allen Weatherby, 2808 Wroxton; o. H. Moore, 2910 Wroxton; Randolph Burch, 2830 Wroxton; Andrew H. Cipriani, 2815 Wroxton; C. B. B~own, 3035. Wroxton; and John N. Neighbors, 2809 Wroxton. The portion of the recommendation pertainingto an office district was not read in full, as the consideration was for townhouse development. He then asked that anyone who had Cluestions they wished .to direct .to the appliCant, do so at tb.is time. Mrs. Harold Wey, 2920 Wroxton Road, asked whether there were investors yet for the project. She asked Mr~ Mann who the investors in the project would be. Mr. Parks stated that there were several investors. Mr. Mann advised that there would be no federal funds involved, but that the financing would be through an insurance company and himself. He stated the approximate cost would be $700;000. Mr. Rodney Quinby, representing his parents who reside at 2826 Wroxton, asked why rezoning is being considered. . Mayor Holman advised Mr. Quinby that an application had been made under the due processes of the zoning ordinance and the state Statutes. As any other matter that is duly and constitutionally presented, the applicationis being con- sidered. Mr. Quinby asked what the benefits are to West University Place. Mayor Holman stated that this is th~urpose of the hearing to determine. l~l Mrs. M. L. Woodfin, 3506 Robinhood, sell the project once it is built. intention to sell the project; that asked whether there was intention to Mr. Mann stated that there was no he intended to keep and maintain it. CoO tij H'j Cl U U Mr. George Heit, 3515 Robinhood, asked what would guarantee West Univer- sity Place will not be over=run with traffic, garbage, etc. due to the persons residing in the project. Mr. Mann stated that a lease arrange- ment on a three-year minimum would be sought. He stated that the cost of the project, and also the fact that a base monthly rental of $175, the terms of the lease and re~uirements and cost of the lease would, by any analysis, suggest that the Cluality of the occupants would be above average, and that he would have a great deal topr6tect of his own, and in so doing would protect the property occupied. Mr. Jim Cole, 3523 Robinhood, asked whether the townhouses proposed would have utility connections or a central unit. Mr. Parks stated that it would be off a central unit. Mr. Cole asked if this would not be an apartment unit complex rather than a townhouse development. Mr. Mann explained that the term "townhouse" is a design concept, and that it may mean different things to different people. Mr. Tom Browder, 6352 Buffalo Speedway, aSs. ed Mr. Maim whether he is the builder, developer, owner, and asked whether Mr. Mann would be willing to put the fact in writing that he would not sell the property for a, 20- or 30-year period. Mr. Mann stated that he would be the builder, developer, and part-owner, and that if he were willing to sign such an agreement, the insurance company would have approximately 60% of the investment and would not agree to such a document. Mr. John Granville, 3029 Sunset, stated he wculd not understand the answer to this ~uestion. He stated that he did not understand why any lender would object to the agreement and asked whether Mr. Mann would be willing to post bond for a 20- or 30-year period of ownership if it were legally possible. Mr. Mann stated that the. clear purpose and inten- tion is that this project would be managed and owned by himself, and he stated that he had no intention of' selling the property, but had not control over the future circumstances and would not so obligate his family by such an agreement. However, he stated that he would be willing, if the lending agency would entertain such an agreement, but that he would not be legally empowered to enter such an agreem.ent. Mr. John Huff, owner of 3011 Bissonnet, asked how many lots are involved . in the building of the project. Mr. Parks advised that there were 15. Mr. Jack Irving, 2631 Pittsburgh, asked whether a condiminium type of structure had been considered fcrthis property. Mr. Mann stated that when he found that ~he property was zoned for single-family residences, he talked to several lending agencies in regard to financing a condiminium .....,._=~',---,---,..-cc~--"'''.:::l ._-~[.'"'-~ "1.__i _~--------'-------~-"-",'~:"':r:l~r1!mC""- ~ ".1. ~Admd type structure. He stated that they were told by Prudent~alJ Metro- politan New England Mutual, that they would not finance the condimin- ium tlfPe of structure in this area. Mrs. J. W. Smith, 3026 Sunset, asked for a definition of the term "townhousell and a definition of "apartment". Mr. Mann agair;lstated that the term "townhouse" is an external design concept. He stated that a townhouse by definition is a design concept by exterior 'appearance. City Attorney Cockrell read the definition of a "town_ house" as given in the Final Report of the Zoning and Planning Com- mission as follows: "For the purpose of this recommendation a town- house shall mean a structure which is one of a series of dwelling units designed for single-'family occupancy (ground to sky), which' dwelling units are structurally connected or immediately adjacent to each other." Mrs. Vincent Fromen', 6624 Brompton Road, asked that Mr. Mann be directed to answer the ~uestions asked him. City Attorney Cockrell stated that the commission had no authority to direct him to answer the ~uestionsand that if he did not answer the~uestions satisfactorily, this could be taken into consideration by the Com- mission in their consideration. Mrs. J. W. Smith, 3026 Sunset, asked what would be the revenue to the city of West University Place from the project in BloCk 1, Monticello Addition, and what would be the additional cost to the city as a result. of the project in fire protection, police protec- tion, garbage collection, etc. City Manager Whitt Johnson advised Mrs. Smith that the tax rate is based on 32% valuation and $1.78 per $100 assessed valuation. On a $700,000 investment, this would be about $3,500 tax revenue per year. He stated that there would be about $3,500 revenue and that there would be no problem of over- load to furnish water, fire and police protection, etc. if the project were built. Mrs. Jim Cole, 3523 Robinhood, asked what would keep a person from leasing one of the units and then haVing several of his friends live with him to share the rental cost. Mr. Mann stated that the lease covenants re~uirements would have "house.rules", keeping in mind that there is ~uitea bit to protect anQ to keep upgraded, and that they would be most demanding of an occupant as to the habits they maintained, with this much of an investment. Mr. O. H. Moore, 2910 Wroxton Road, asked ~. Parks to explain the tern "rear of property" used in. describing the placement of a solid fence along the "rear of the property". Mr. Parks stated that the fence would go in the center of the easement. L_--"-_ ~-r'~'.'~"""...'~C""'C'~T~-~ 1r~ ," :=I'" - 1"':':J:'Tlmo' "'Ii J... /..J ... ~ Mrs. Harold Wey, 2920 Wroxton Road, asked the City Manager whether he recalled telling her on the telephone that the police department would have to be increased if apartments were constructed. Mr. Johnson stated that he had told Mr~. Wey that if apartments such as those on Buffalo Speedway behind Jack Roach Ford were built, that this would be necessary, but that he certainly hoped that t~ese units would not be like those. Mr. Johnson then stated that this was his own personal feeling, and had nothing to do with the Commission I s opinion. . ' ~ ~ l1":) o U Q Mr. George Heit, 3515 Robinhood, asked what the cost would be to him as a property owner, inasmuch as when any building is done, the city has to follow up and repair streets, etc. and this was done with his tax money. He asked whether this project would fit into the plan made by Caudill, Rowlett and Scott. Mr. Mann stated he had not seen the plan made by Caudill, Rowlett and Scott and did not know whether it would fit into it. Mr. Bill Ferguson, 2906 Ncittingham, asked what benefit would accrue to him as a result of this construction if the application were granted, and if not to him, to whom it would accrue'. Mr. Mann stated that nothing would be lost, by the property owners in West University Place. He stated that this would be a stable, well-appointed project and would certainly be no detriment visually or operationally from the welfare of the citizens of the city. Mr. John Neighbors, 2809 Wroxton Road, asked for the professional back- ground of Mr~ Mann in the. field of apartment management. Mr. Mann stated that he is a management consultant, and that he had directly or indirectly managed many business'es or caused them to be managed. He stated that he would not plan to live on the premises, but would have a resident manager and would operate what he thought to be effective systems of control. Mr. Tom Browder asked Mr. Mann whether he owned or had 'option of the property in <;tuestion. Mr. Mann stated that he had an option. He then asked whether he had paid the taxes on this property. Mr. Mann stated that he had not. He then asked Mr. ManIJlhow much taxes are on the block now, and how much it would be increased when the new tax ratio goes into effect. Mr. Mann stated he did not know how much the tax would be, but that :whate1{e;l?it was it:would be paid by him. Mr. Andrew Cipriani, 2815 Wroxton Road, asked Mr. Mann whether some other type project could be presented by him, something in line with the pro- posal submitted by the Wroxton Committee. Mr. Mann stat ed that they did not know whether the property could economically accommodate an office building or medical center, but that he is prepared, after long study, to construct and to operate a townhouse project and had given no considera- tion to any other type of project. Mrs. Charles Knapp, 3831 Case, asked what would be acceptable to the Wroxton Road residents for the peripheral property. She was advised that they had filed a letter which she might read, stating their recommendations. I" ""~~..,,,~ if "I '"TTI;nTr"~-- "'Ii' .~4 Mr.R. R. Davila., 6636 Brompton Road, asked Mr. Mann whether he had built any other projects in this area of Houston, and whether if he had, the property owners in the area wer~ pleased with them. Mr. Mann stated he had not built any apartment or townhouse projects in Houston or in Harris County. With no further ~uestions, the City Attorney asked that those per- sons de,siring to make a statement in opposition to .the application be heard at this time. (~uestionper.iod 'ended at 9 p.m.) , Mr. H. Allen Weatherby, 2,808 Wroxton Road, read a statement in oppo- sition to the proposed townhouse development and submitted a pe~i- tion which had been signed by more i;hau 20% of the Wroxton Road residents in opposition to the'rezoning for townhouses. Mr. O. H. Moore, 2910 Wroxton Road, also made a statement in oppo- sition to the proposed townhouse development. The following persons made statements expressing opposition to the proposed rezoning: Mrs. Harold Wey, Mr. Jim Cole, 3523 Robinhood; Mr. John y.ranville, 3029 Sunset; Mr. Rodney Quinby, Mrs. Estelle DeAlcala, 3035 Lafayette. With no further persons desiring to make statements, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Ayres that the Public Hearing be closed and the meeting adjourned., Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayre@, Gill and Vest None Mayor Holman advised' Mr. Allen Weatherby, Chairman of the Wroxton Road Committee, that he would be notified as, soon as any action is taken on the proposal. The meeti:b.g was adjourned at 9: 50 p.m. JJd2;ullk d~L! MAYOR ATTEST: . r-'-.-------...-...""~"-""""==o-- ..~ l.~',,;: REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JUNE l3, 1966 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, June 13, 1966, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Vest and Wright. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Holman. to )J'j tn C':l U U The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on Thursday, June 9, 1966 were presented to the Commission for considera- tion. The minutes included a letter of recommendation for adoption of proposed off-street parking regulations. After discussion, it was decided that this matter should be held pending further study and consideration for action at a later meeting. The City Manager re~uestedauthority to advertise for sale 500 discarded water meters, 5/8 X 3/4" size, which have been removed from service. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for sale the 500 - 5/8 X 3/4" water meters which have been removed from service, and to determine the most advantageous date for receiving of bids according to publication dates of the periodicals in which they are to be advertised for sale. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None Authority was re~uested to advertise for several items which were provided in the 1966 budget, but which had not yet been purchased. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for the following: 2 Scott Air Packs for Fire Department 400 feet of 2 1/2" hose for Fire Department Brush Chipper for the Garbage Department, bids to be received until July 25, 1966, 7:30p.m. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None I I I I I I II ! A letter received from the Houston Lighting and Power Company dated June 9, 1966 extending to West University Place the same rate reduction already approved by the City of Houston, was presented to the Commission. It was decided that the letter received from Houston Lighting and Power Company be acknowledged as having been received. -r",...,.""---..:,----....;~::-,""'~"'"-'----.. -.--.:1l ____ _.._~r .'. - - .-~,.,---...,'''.-~=""1.. _r------- ----- --r-'-"'-'''~]T:T]:TI:rIOT' '''II ,'~.t) Resolution number 66-9, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Stanley B.Binion be, and he is hereby appointed as Substitute Judge of the Corporation Court, City of West University Place, Texas. Said Stanley B. Binion shall serve as Judge of the Corporation Court in, the absence or inability of the Judge of the Corporation Court. Section 2. In the absence of the regular Judge of the Corporation Court, or his inability to perform the duties of such office tor any reason, Stanley B. Binion, upon the re~uest of the Mayor or the regu- lar Judge of the Corporation Court, shall perform all the duties of Judge of the Corporation Court and sp.all have all the power and authority as granted by State Law, the Charter of the City of West University Place and the ordinances of such City. Section 3. This appointment shall be effective for a period of sixty (60) days from and after June 6, 1966, and such Substitute Judge shall receive as compensation the sum of fifty dollars ($50) during the sixty day (60-day) period. Motion. by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Vest that Resolution number 66-9, appointing Stanley B. Binion as Substitute Judge of the Corporation Court for a period of 60 days from June 6, 1966, be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HoJinan, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None An agreement from Southern Pacific Railway Company for installation of a 24-inch and an l8-inch storm sewer pipe under their railroad tracks in connection with the proposed storm sewer project, was presented to the Commission for consideration. A $50 cash considera- tion was re~uired by Southern Pacific. The Egreement had been approved as to form by the City Attorney and recommended for approval by the City Engine~r.' Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest that the license agreement submitted by the Southern Pacific Railroad Co~pany in connection with the storm sewer project, be acknowledged by the Commission, and that Mayor HoJinan be authorized to execute the agreement and authorize the payment of the sum of $50 in considera- tion for the agreement. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HoJinan, Commissioners AYres, Gill, Vest and Wright None r . ']l _.__:"~:::iT. 1 .J "<<--"'1 .. "~'jiTIITI'n"'---'-'~-~1f l:l '. A calendar and schedule of action to be tak en by the City Commission to activate the street paving and storm sewer project was presented to the Commission. The City Manager presented pertinent information in connec- tion with the program and advised that a petition had been received from:Mr. R. P. Dillon, 4228 Albans, which had been signed by 17 of the 28 property owners in the block, re<1uesting paving of their block in this project. After considerable discussion, it was decided that this petition should be held until a later date, and that Mr. Dillon should be advised that it would not be possible because of the time element involved, to include the 4200 block of Albans in this project, inasmuch as all documents had already been prepared, but that it would be considered for inclusion in a later project. The City Attorney advised the Commission that the schedule of dates met all legal re~uire- ments in connection with publication dates, etc. to L'j. lJ:j c::':l U U Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the following schedule of action to be taken by the City Commission to activate the street paving and storm sewer project be approved: June 13, 1966 - Plans and specifications for paving certain streets are to be approved and accepted. Initiation ordinance number 867 determining the necessity for paving certain streets is to be adopted. (Ordinance number 867 ini- tiates the paving program by adoption of plans and speci- fications, directing the City Engineer to prepare estimate of the cost of the improvements; directing the City Secretary to file Notice of this ordinance with the County Clerk of Harris County; and to advertise for bids to be filed by Thursday, July 7th.) June 15, 1966 June 22, 1966 July 7, 1966 July 11, 1966 July 13, 1966 July 20, 1966 July 27, 1966 Notice to bidders published in the Houston Chronicle Notice to bidders published in Southwest Peach Section of the Houston Chronicle. Receive bids Award contract Publish Notice of Hearing Publish Notice of Hearing Publish Notice of Hearing August 1; 1966 Public Hearing August 17, 1966 End of Protest Period, 15 days later August 19, 1966 Work Order to be issued Sept. 1, 1966 r~co'~~cccc~ """11.' Contractor should be granted a mlllJ.mum of two weeks to obtain signatures on Mechanic1s Lien Contracts Work should commence on approximately this date. . _~f'-'.-- -- - <--c-=~c==-~-'- 1. -, 1-~:iTIill1IT"'- '"Ii --~:rn" ",-, ,:l~ Voting Aye: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright Voting No: None City Engineer Tom Jones presented the final plans and specifications received from Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam. He advised the Commis- sion that the plans were in order, and that all items had been added as re~uested by the city. It was noted that the type of storm sewer pipe re~uired by the railroad for use under their tracks would have to be an addendum to the plans and specifications. TheCi ty Engi- neer recommended that the final plans and specifications be approved and adopted. The City Manager advised the Commission that ordinance number 867, covered only the street paving portion of the project and did not include the storm sewers, as they would not be assessed against the proper~y owners as would the street paving costs. Drdinance number 867, captioned as follows, was presented to the Com- mission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING THAT CERTAIN PORTIONS OF: SUNSET STREET IN THE 4100 AND 4200 BLOCKS THEREOF; NORTHWESTERN STREET IN THE 3800 BLOCK THEREOF; BROWNING STREET IN THE 3900 BLOCK THEREOF; COMMUNITY DRIVE IN THE 5900 THROUGH 6700 BLOCKS THEREOF; MILTON STREET. IN THE~20b BLOCK THEREOF; COLLEGE AVE:NUE IN THE 6100 BLOCK THEREOF; BYRON STREET IN THE 3900 BLOCK. THEREOF; OBERLIN STREET IN THE 4000 BLOCK THEREOF; RILEY STREET" IN THE 4100 BLOCK THEREOF; RUSKIN STREET IN THE 4000, 4100 A;ND 4200 BLOCKS THEREOF; CASON STREEI' IN THE 4100 BLOCK THEREOF, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ,TEXAS, SHALL BE IMPROVED~ APPROVING AND ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUCH IMPROVE- MENTS; PROVIDING FOR SEGRIDATION OF PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS INTO SEPARATE SECTIONS, EACH OF WHICH SECTION SHALL BE TREATED AS A SEPARATE AND COMPLETE UNIT; DIRECTING AND REQUIRING THE ENGINEER FOR THE CITY TO PREPARE AN ESTIMATE FOR THE COST OF SUCH Th1PROVEMENTS AND A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE NAMES OF THE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON EACH PORTION OF EACH STREET TO BE Th1PROVED, TOGETHER WITH A DESCRIPTION OF THE RESPECTIVE PROPER- TIES; PROVIDING THAT A PART OF THE COST OF THE SAID IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PAID AND ASSESSED AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE OWNERS THEREOF, AND FOR INCIDENTAL MATTERS; DECLARING THAT THIS ORDINANCE AND ALL FURTHER PROCEEDINGS RELATING TO SUCH IMPROVE- MENTS ARE AND SHALL BE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF ARTICLE 1105-B OF THE REVISED STATUTES OF TEXAS; DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF THIS ORDINANCE WITH THE COUNTY CLERK OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, AS PROVIDED BY LAW AND TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS TO BE RECEIVED AND FILED WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. I ___ -10=~=~=-=c:.-c:--",==~",,,':!r' _ _ 1 :l..}: Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Ayres that Ordinance number 867 be approved as amended to show exclusion of street intersections. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners AYres, Gill, Vest and Wright None c.o )Jj lJ';;l o u u Motion by Commissioner AYres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the plans and specifications, job number prepared by Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc. for storm sewer project, be approved as sub- mitted and that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids io be received Thursday, July 7, 1966 as a joint project with the pav- ing program under proposal number 1 and alternate proposal number 2, as prepared by the Consulting Engineers. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners ~es, Gill, Vest and Wright None A letter from Sanitarian H. R. Duke concerning the results of the fogging program for mos~uito control was presented to the Commission for their information. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on May 23, 1966 and the Public Hearing on June 2, 1966 were presented to the Commis- sion for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commmissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on May 23, 1966 and the Public Hearing on June 2, 1966 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners AYres, Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9: 15 p.m. .fJdlMUAw MAYOR ATTEST ~l4fe ~4M 'sistan J.. ecre ary II ! , r~-~ " ,," '~~"::1l ___ _..~.~r - - . 1 _r--- - '.-l---'--"---,,'~:~~'~:J:TI:m""-- ."0U REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JUNE 27, 1966 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, June 27, 1966 at 7: 30 p.m., with the following members pre- sent: Mayor pro teni Leys E. Vest, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Wright. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Mayor Holman was out of the city on company business. The Invocation wl3.s pronounced by Commissioner Ayres. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical BoarQ. on Monday, June 20, were presented to the Commission. The Electrical Board re~uested legal advice in connection with completion of work begun by a Master Electrician whose death caused the work to stop, and whether the work could be completed by an apprentice electrician in the same company. There was disc~ssion concerning the f'act that if' a job required a Master Electrician when it was begun, it should also re~uire a Master Electrician i'or. completion. There was also discussion as to whether the city should consider Houston's policy of allowing the company to complete projects underway, but not allowing any new permits to be obtained. The City Attorney advised that the Electrical Board should consider each such case and make a decision according to the facts and circumstances involved in each. It was de.cided that the City Manager should contact the members of the El~ctrical Board and obtain their thoughts on the particular mattef in question, and that at its next regular meeting, the Electrical Board should make some recommendation to the City Com- mission for setting a policy in matters of tb,is nature. It was suggested that when a policy is set it should cover al], of the trades, such as building contractors, plumbers, etc. Information was presented by t~e City Treasurer in connection with the possible purchase of a cash posting machine for use in the Water Billing Department.. It was his recommendation that the city purchase a fully programmed machine comparable to the NCR-3200 or the Burroughs F1443-ClO, as these machines could handle any work now done by the NCR Computronic and would eliminate the problem of the machin~ being needed for two dif- ferent functions, such as water bill preparation and payroll preparation, at the same time. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids on a fUlly programmed cash posting machine comparable to the NCR-3200, bids to be received until July 25, 1966. . Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor pro tem Vest, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Wright None The City Manager presented invoices received from Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, consulting engineers, for services performed in connection with the paving and storm sewer project now underway. The Commission was advised that the invoices had been held since February in order to pay all of them after the plans and specifications had been approved. -~T""C'~'" '~"c~,....~ dL'.... ." ......~.~"".'''....1 r"- . I" . ~'~;::~ '1;n:~o" '''n .1 d J Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the invoices received from Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc. in the amount of $12,069.69 be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor pro tem Vest, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Wright None A report was presented on the progress of the storm sewer and paving project, advising that the following firms had taken out plans and specifications at this time. c.o ~ l.i.l Cl U U The fOllowing firms have taken out plans and sp~cifications to bid on the proposed storm sewer and paving project at this time: Russ Mitchell Construction Company L. Vernon Miller Ie Son Gulf Bitulithic Company Walter Mischer Company Brown and Root Gaylord Construction Company The Commission was advised of the final assessment rates proposed by the City of Houston for the paving of Kirby Drive, and were also advised that no action was re~uired by the Commission. The assessment rates are as follows: KIRBY DRIVE ASSESSMENT. RATES Recommended Rate at Hearing Business Residential Rate adopted by Houston Council Business Residential Bissonnet to Rice $17.00 Short side - $4 $17.00 Short side - $4 Long side 2 Long side 2 Rice to University 7.42 2.44 5.82 4.00* University to Werlein 17.00 4.00 17.00 2.00 Werlein to Bellaire 17.00 4.00 17.00 2.00** .g(, This rate was recommended to be $2.44 at the January 5, 1966 hearing. There was a conflict in the. appraiser I s testimony, as $4 was recommended at May 18th hearing. Rates include sidewalks where they are to be constructed. ** Two parcels of land assessed against City of Houston. c-..-::-,.,._.,~...-:==-:-__~ '---11 '[if ...------, 1 - .. - --------- -I .. .. "','111Tn . ~ 0~ There was discussion concerning amendment of ordinance number 759 regulating the erection of fences and walls on private property. It was suggested that a provision be made as to how the height of a fence should be measured, such as "--measured from the contours of the natural ground". There was also discussion of dual. fences along the side line of a lot. It was decided that the City Manager and City Attorney should confer on the matter and arrive at a suit- able recommendation for the Commission's consideration at a later meeting. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on June 13, 1966 were presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill that the minutes of the rl;gular meeting of the City Commission on June 13, 1966 be approved as corrected. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor pro tern Vest, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Wright None Mayor pro tem Vest brought up the matter of the purchase of a new curtain for the Community BUilding, for which funds were budgeted in 1966. The City Manager was instructed to obtain information con- cerning the cost of the replacement curtain at the Community Building for consid~ration at the next regular meeting. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed at 8:35 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. July 7, 1966. J~~ MAYOR ATTEST: r~'CU" "'CC'_'''''C''''~ ...:11 ' CT- I'~~milla' -"jJ IJ~ RECESSED MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION , JULY 7, 1966 The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Thursday, July 7, 1966, 7:30 p.m~, with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Manager was also present. In accordance with action of the City Commission on June 27,1966, bids received for storm sewer and paving project were opened and results announced as follows: c.o }1j ~ o u u Proposal Number 1 Brown and Root Walter Mischer Co. total amount of bid total amount of bid $351,753.79 349,755.07 Proposal Number 2 Brown and Root Walter Mischer Co. total amount of bid total amount of bid $367,128.74- 361,527.03 Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Vest that the bids received be referred to the City Manager and City Engineer for tabulation and recommendation. . Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. )J~~ MAYOR ATrEST: ~ ~ ' . . . ~~, '/A/m n - i ~ Cit- -sec~ary ~I"- - I ._~ 'dU' . ."i ""1 n Ii:" I lIilliPI --=li- _ ~.1 -:x REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JULY 11, 1966 The City Cemmissien cenvened in regular sessien at the City Hall en Menday, July 11, 1966, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayer Helman, presiding; Cemmissieners Ayres, Gill, 'Vest and Wright. The City Atterney and City Manager were alsO' present. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wilsen, 3801 Villanova, appeared befere the Com- missien in regard to' a preblem of sewer steppage in their neighborhoed which backs up intO' a clean-eut which they ip,stalled in their back yard. They requested that;the c;j.ty remove all ef the treesfrem the easement frem which reets might cause this steppage. The City Manager advised the Commissien that he had persenally inspected the preblem, along with Sewer Supt. H. L. Vaughn, and that it was his epinien that there was ene large hackberry tree which was causing the treuble. Mrs. W1Uen stated that she weuld ebtain, in writing, permission from the property owner Qn whose preperty the tree is lecated, to' remeve the tree. Mayer Holman advised Mrs. Wilson that the city would remove this tree, after she eb- tained thepermissicn of the owner, and see if this would eliminate the preblem. Mrs. Geerge Turk, 4112 Ruskin, appeared befere the Cemmissien to' ask why the Cemmission was censidering paving ef Ruskin Street in the 4100 bleck. Mayor Holman advised Mrs. Turk that this matter would be discussed later in the agenda. In accerdance with instructiens of the Cemmissien en July 7, 1966, the City Manager presented a tabulation of bids received for the sterm sewer and paving prcject, tegether with his recemmendatien and that ef the City Engineer. It was recemmended that the Cemmissien give further.con- sideration to' the preject, inasmuch as the bids received were is.eme $70,000 in excess cf' the engineers' estimates. The fcllowing lett~r was read to' the Commission: Gentlemen: Bids received on July 7, 1966 fer sterm sewer constructien and the paving cf 28 blccks of residential streets with reinferced concrete, were referred to' the City Engineer and me for study and reccmmenda- tion. Follcwing is a tabulation of' the two bids submitted: Proposal }~e9F 1 Brown and Root Walter Mischer Co. (total amount of bid) (total amount 0'1' bid) $351,753.79 349,755.07 "P,..ovn~~ 1 l\T"wber 2 Brewn and Roet Walter Mischer CO'. (Tetal amount ef bid) (Tetal ameunt 0'1' bid) $367,128.74 361,527.03 "."j-",-",<-,! r~ II lilT --1 ~-- . 'I" -~~ii"TIm:W" -1;- c.o L,-, t~ Cl U U :'0"':(~1;o),t"", l,,-)~ The lowest bid submitted was that of Walter Mischer Company for the total sum of $349,755.07 on Proposal Number 1, using reinforced concrete pipe instead of monolithic concrete for the Ruskin relief storm sewer. The lowest bid received exceeded the engineer's esti- mate by $70,000. An analysis is being made of the bids to getermine whether it is feasible to continue with the street paving program on streets where substantially all of the property owners have indicated a desire to pay the cost of the paving improvements . It appears that the cost for building the 48-inch and the 54-inch stOrm sewer relief system along Ruskin and West Point would not be to the city's advantage at this time, because of' cost exceeding estimates. A further study of the entire project by the City Commission is recommended. It was decided that the City Manager and City Engineer would be given additional time to consider and make recommendation to the Commission as to any future action. The Commission was advised that in accordance' with provisions of the City Charter, it is necessary that a public hearing be called to consider ad- option of the budget for the fiscal year 1967. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that a public hearing be called for August 29, 1966, 7:30 p.m., for the purpose of considerdng adoption of the budget for the city for the year 1967. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The City Manager advised the Commission that consideration should be given to selection of anaudi~orfort}1e year, 1966. He stated that the: audit report for the year 1965 had been completed, and that the work performed by the f'irm of 0' Connor, Lawson and McGee had been very satisfactory. The City Manager was instructed to contact this firm and see whether they were interested in renewing their contract for the audit work for 1966, and to make a recommendation to the Commission at its next regular meeting. An invoice was presented to the Commission which was received from the Texas Municipal League for the city's share of League services for the year ending June 30, 1967. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill that the in- voice received from the Texas Municipal League in the amount of $520 for League services through June 30, 1967 be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None r~'~:'.' 11 ':lrr. '1 r'~"1j"'~il;n:A"" --"rrjT .V'J The Commission was advised that information had been received that a suit would be filed against the city in connecti~n with an accident involving a Street Department truck and a l5-yeair old girl whose automobile struck the city vehicle. The girl haq. no driver's l.icense and l.eft the scene of the accident. The Commission was advised that the accident had been thoroughly investigated and that ,the city's driver was not at fault. The City Attorney stat$d that it was his opinion that the insurance company should not pay this claim, but shouldggo to court if necessary, based on the information he had been provided in connection with the case. The City ~anager was instructed to contact the city's insurance company and advifi;e them that the city does not want to pay the claim for damages, but ~hat the case should be taken to court, if necessary. There was some discussion of repairs which had b~en made to the sewage disposal plant. It was stated that a report wo4d be presented later by Mr. H. R. Duke, Superintendent. The minutes of the regular meeting of' the Commis$ion on June 27th and the recessed meeting on July 7th were presented to the Commission for , .. I consideration and the following action taken: M~tion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the' minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on June 27, 1966 and t~e recessed meeting on July 7, 1960 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. 4d~/~ ! MAYOR ATTEST: . I" I> ,.~ !Ii[ . ~--- "._~~;i'""i1;J'm,~-~~---~. c.o Uj u:J o u u ''''->~''-'~-l'-; 1~'4 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JULY 25, 1966 ' , The City Commissioneonvened in regular session ~t the City Hall on Monday, July 25, 1966, 7:30 p.m. with the f'ollowtng members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres and! Wright. Attorney Edgar Townes was also present. The following were out of' the city on vacation. Commissioners Gill and Vest, City *anager and City Attorney. The Invocation was pronounced by CommisSioner Wright. In accordance with action of' the City Commissionion June 27, 1966, bids received for a brush chipper for the Garbage Department were opened and results announced as f'ollows: ! Utility Koenig BroWning Magline Mitts Ie F.qnip_ T-rOT\ TJlrC! 1i'~"'~";C! 1R~ H8Ppg1.1 Total Amount of' Bid 4,103.00 3,862.75 4,156.00 3,494.00 4,058.00 ! Less Trade-In Allowance 500.00 -0- 781.00 -0- 460 .00 Net Delivered Price 3,603.00 3,862.75 3, ~75.00 3,494.00 3,598.00 Delivery Time 30-45 da 30da 3+4-wks 15 da 3-4 wks Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commi*sioner Ayres, that the bids received for furnishing a new brush chipper.for ~he Garbage Department be re- ferred to the City Manager. for review and recomm$ndation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres ~d Wright None I In accordance with action of' the City Commission!on June 27, 1966, bids received for f'urnishing a new aecounting machine:for the Water Billing Department were opened and results announced as rollows: Burroughs Corporation - $5,158.40 N C R 5,970.00 trade i~ $600 - net $4,558.40 trade i~. $100 - net 5,870.00. , Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commi~sioner Ayres, that the h ! . ~ bids received for fUrnis ing a new accounting mach1ne for the Water Bill- ing Department be ref'erred to the City Manager a~d City Treasurer f'or review and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HOlman, Commissiore rs Ayres artd Wright None In accordance with action of the City Commission:on June 27,1966, bids received for furnishing 400 f'eet of' 2 1/2" f'ire liose were opened and results I announced as follows: / J"".=~"."~:-''':il : _J...llLf -~'"'""'--'-'~~"~--1 _I - --,- 'I -, -".~ -'~"~~:~~::J~[lf"""-- L U'U . American LaFrance Guardian Safety Equip. Seagrave $1. 39 ft. $1.9:> ft. $1.55 ft. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commisioner Wright, that the bids received for furnishing 4o0,feet of 2 1/2" fire hose be referred to the City Manager and Fire Chief for review and recommenda- tion. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres and Wright None In accordance with action of the City Commission on June 27, '1966, bids received for furnishing two Scott Air Packs for the Fire Department were opened and results announced: Onq one bid was receive<1,that being from Guardian Safety Equipment Company in the amount of $295 each, for a total of $59:>. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the bid received for,furnishing..two Scott ,Air Packs for the Fire Department be referred to the City Manager and Fire Chief for recommendation. Voting Aye: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres and Wright Voting No: None Mayor Holman introduced Mr. Edgar Townes, Attorney, and stated that Mr. Townes had prepared the ordinances for consideration in connection with the paving project of the city, and asked Mr. Townes to present the in- formation on this matter. Mr. Townes gave a summary of the action taken up to this point, and pre... sented an outline of the necessary or recommended action to be taken by the Commission at this time. Ordinance Number 868, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission arid read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: "ORDINANCE NUMBER, 427" II AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,. TEXAS, SANITARY SEWER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND; DESIGNATING THE SOURCES FROM WHICH SAID FUND SHALL DERIVE AND LIMIT- ING THE EXPENDITURE OF MONIES FROM SAID roND." PASSED AND APPROVED NOVEMBER 8, L948, BY AMENDING SECTION 3 THEREOF, TO AUTHORIZE TRANSFER TO THE GENERAL FUND OF THE CITY OF ANY PORTION OR PORTIONS O:F THE MONIES IN SAID CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS SANITARY SEWER. CAPITAL. . . IMPROVEMENT FUND FOUND TO BE SURPI1JS RECEIPTS AND. REVENUES IN EXCESS OF THE REASONABLE REQUIREMENTS AND PURPOSES FOR WHICH SAID FUND WAS ESTABLISHED, AT THE TIME OR TIMES OF SUCH TRANSFER OR TRANSFERS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. I"" . ..T"~~'~'1r Ii n"_T~~~'~' .., 1 r - ~---_.,- -;r-,------,--,.n'-;-m1TIiI=-- ''j: -- . Jt~j~: Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commis.sioner Ayres, that Ordinance 868, amending ordinance 427,. to allow transfer' of funds from the Sanitary Sewer Capi tal Improve~nt Fund to the General Fund, be passed and approved as read. - Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres and Wright None A letter dated July 25, 1966 signed by City Treasurer Wm. Dittert, was presented to the Commission and read, as follows: Gentlemen: <:0 lfJ li.l o U U Pursuant to your request for information concerning the existence of excess monies, if any, in the below listed Funds which might be subject to transfer to the General Fund for other purposes, I 00 HEREBY CERTIFY that the following sums are in the Treasury of the City of West University Place to the credit of the respective funds, each in excess of budgeted items and in excess of reasonably anticipated requirements and needs in the reasonably foreseeable future, and in excess of sums otherwise re~uired to be maintained in said respective funds, and therefore which are avail- ble for transfer to the General Fund of the City. 1. Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund (being sunplus receipts and revenues in excess of the reasoBable requirements and purposes for which said fund was established), and which excess is on deposit. to the credit of said fund, the sum of in the American Savings and Loan Association and University Savings and Loan Association. $60,000.00 2. Water-Sewer Fund, excess being on deposit in the Houston First Savings Association, the sum of and in Liberty Savings and Loan, the sum of 35,000.00 48,000.00 3. Insurance Reserve Fund, excess being on deposit in the Houston First Savings Association, <sum of and in American Savings and Loan, the sum of and in American Savings and Loan, the sum of 4,800.00 3,1<<>0.00 3,800.00 4. Charter Amendment Reserve' Water Fund, in excess of required $15,000, being on deposit with the " University Savings and Loan Association, the sum of- 8,200.00 5. Sanitary Sewer Charter Amendment Reserve Fund, in excess of re~uired $10,000, on deposit with Ameri-, can Savings and Loan Association,' the. sum of 6,200.00 FOR A TOTAL PRESENTLY AVAILABLE FROM SAID FUNDS IN THE .AMOUNT OF $ 169,1<<>0.00 I 00 FURTHER CERTIFY that none of said sums heretofore listed as excess to the respective funds have been appropriated for any other p:urpose, and each of said sums of money is now therefore available for transfer to the General Fund of the City. 1 -j '-.,.3-<'t, )" ~o---.-_--"'C-l,.__. it I !-ti' r'~~=--'- -". >c- ---="'--=-o~'~'c-l r- . I' -"""~n"J'l'rI'- l4U Ordinance number 869, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE TRANSFERRING EXCESS MONIES NOW STANDING TO THE CREDIT OF THE FOLWWING FUNDS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNLVERSITY . PLACE, TEXAS: SANITARY SEWER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 'WATER~SEWER FtJND INSURANCE RESERVE FUND $60,000.00 10,000.00 12,000.00 AN DECLARING AN EMERGENCY Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seeondedby Commissioner Wright, that ordinance 869, transferring funds from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund in the amount of $60,000 to the General Fund of the City, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HOlman, Commissioners Ayres and Wright None A report and letter .of. recommenddation from'tthe City Engineer, dated July 25, 1966, was presented to the Commission, and read as follows: Gentlemen: Pursuant to the suggestion of the ,Commission for further study of the project concerning storm sewer construction and the paving of 28 blocks of residential streets with reinforced concrete, on which bids were reee3lved July 1, 1966, I wish to submit the following information: L The following..is the aggregate tabulation of. the two <bids: PxoPQsal :NQ_ OR8 pp~asa1.Ne. '!\we Brown and. Root Walter M. Mischer Co. $351,153.19 349,155.01 $361,128.14 361,527.03 2. The lowest bid submitted was that of Walter M. Mischer Company for the total sum of $349,755.01 on Proposal Number One, using rein- forced concrete pipe instead of monolithic concrete for the Ruskin relief storm sewer. The lowest bi,d . received exceeded the Engineer's estimate by $70,000.00 3. The breakdown of the Walter M. Mischer Company low bid of $349,755.07 is as follows: Total reinforced concrete paving improvements - $195,924.99 Total storm sewer construction 153,830.08 4. Walter M. Mischer COInJ?a.By bid in reference to storm sewer con- struction includes earlier proposed storm sewer relief system along portions of the following streets, and at the costs stated: 1_ . -"""'--'<-"--="='='''''''::'''-:''-~._~~I! -~'c-".,..-~-c",---,----,,,-,.,..,.-,~:..... 141 a. 48-inch storm sewer along Ruskin b. 54-inch storm sewer along West Point Total $31,217.41 80,683.07 $1ll, 900.48 It appears that the cost of building this storm sewer relief system on the streets stated would not be to the city's advantage at this time, as the relief system is not presently required and thecost'substantially exceeds the estimates. co lij li.l o U U 5. It is my firm understanding that the vast majority of the property abutting the 4100 block of Ruskin Street (being designated as Section 15 and Section 16 in ordinance number 867,' determining the necessity for and ordering the improvement of different portions of several streets) and the 4100 block of Cason. Street (designated as Section 18 in said ordinance number 867) are homesteads, and that none of the property owners in the 4100 block. of Cason Street have signed a petition for the paving or have otherwise indicated any co- operation or willingness to execute necessary mechanic's lien con- tracts; and that only four (4) of said abutting property owners of the 4100 block of Ruskin Street of a total of twen.ty (20) have signed a petition for the paving of the 4100 block of Ruskin Street, or have otherwise indicated any willingness to cooperate or execute mechanic's lien contracts which will be.. mandatory. Therefore, it appears c that it is not practical to proceed with the im- provement of those portions of Ruskin Street and Cason Street constitu- ting Sections 15, 16 and,18, asset forth in ordinance number 867. 6. In su:mma.ry, I recommend: A. That the contract be awarded to Walter M. Mischel" Company whose bid is the lowest secure bid received. B. That the storm sewer relief system alO,ng Ruskin Street and West Point Street be deleted, as it is not practical to proceed with said portion of said storm sewer. This deletion will reduce the aggregate amount of the contract by $1ll,900.48. C. That the street paving of the 4100 block of Ruskin Street and the 4100 block of Cason Street (Sections 15, 16 and 18) be deleted, as it is not pra~tical to proceed with the improvement of said portions . of said streets, as heretofore proposed. This deletion will redUce the aggregate amount of the contract by $16, 684.0~. 7. Walter M. Mischel" Company agreed to the deletions recommended, and to the amendment of and addenda to the contract documents, and a copy of their letter evidencing their agreement is attached. Treasurer's Certificate dated July 25, 1966, as follows, was presented to the COImnission and read in full: '-1-1'---; , r _^__"".."_~.",~,~.=_,,..=--o -'::n .'-.:~["" - - ~_~.,.,-.~C- 1. ,I "--"''''l~l-'1~~'''-- L ':,11.: Ld TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION. OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: In accordance with the provisions of the: City Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas, I do hereby certify that there is in the treasury of the City of West University Place to the credit of the 1948 Street Improvement Bond Fund the sum of $23,000.00; and to the Sanitary SewerCaplltaJ. Improvement Fund the sum of $&>,000.00; and to the General Fund the sum of $15,000.00; and to the Water-Sewer Fund the sum of $38,000.00; and to the Insurance Reserve Fund the sum of $12,000.00, which sums total $148,000.00 which money may be used to defray the cost . of construction of concrete paving, storni sewers and related appur- tenance.s on the following: (a.) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (1) Community: alley south of. Ruskin to Bissonnet Sunset : Community. to Academy Northwestern: College east to dead-end Browning: Wes1ayan to College College: 'Milton to Rice Milton: Community to West Point Byron :Weslayanto College Oberlin: Academy to.Wes1ayan Riley: West Point to Academy Ruskin: Academy tOoWeslayan, and West Point to Community Byron: Relief storm sewer from Community west to existing structure in G.R. Ie. S.A. R.R. right~of-way Amherst: Relief storm sewer from Community west to existing structure in G.R. Ie S.A. R.R.right-oi'-way" and for payment of engineering fees to Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc. , for services rendered in connection with the preparation of plans, speci- fications and contra.ct documents on i?he rela.ted project. I do further certify that sail sum has not been appropriated for any other purpose, and that the said sum of $148,000.00 is now available for appro- priationby the City Commission for the purp0se herein stated. Ordinance number 870, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE i\PPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $23,000.00 OUT OF THE FlOO). TO THE CREDIT OF STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1948 IN THE CITY IDRE,ASURY TO ,PAY A PORTION OF THE CITY'S PART OF THE COST OF PAVING AND DD?ROVING PORTIONS. OF: SUNSET STREET IN THE 4100 AND 4200 BIOCKS.. THEREOF; NOR~STERN.. STREET IN THE 3800 BLOCK ~OF; . BROwNING STREET IN. THE 3500 BroCK, THEREOF; COMMUNITY DRIVE IN.THE 5900 THROUGR 6700 BIOClCS THEREOF; MILTON STREET IN THE 4200 BWCK THEREOF; COI.r.IEGE AVENUE IN THE 6100. BIOCK THEREOF; BYRON STREET IN THE 3900 BIOCK THEREOF: OBERLIN STREET IN THE lJooo BIOCK THEREOF; RIIEY STREET IN THE 4100 BIOCK THEREOF; . RUSKIN STREET IN THE lJooo AND 4200 BIDCKS THEREOF: AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. 1.~=~'~~"C'.~'i1 !'1I".'~".'" "'" ',. , 1 1_ .. -, _en -', IT:''';nl;rnw'' I 4,,:{ ,. ."!, ..;:t.. _..... '4....t Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by. Commissioner Wright that ordinance number 870, appropriating funds in the amount of $23,000 from the Street Improvement Bond Fund, series 1948, to pay a portion of the city's cost of paving and improving the following streets be passed and approved as read: Voting Aye: Mayor Hol.man, Commissioners Ayres and Wright Voting No: None Ordinance number 871, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in,;full: ~ ~ l.t:l o U t..;> .AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1.42,ooq OUT OF THE FUND TO THE CREDIT OF THE GENERAL FUND OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS IN THE CITY TREAStJRY TO PAY THE COST OF STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION ON PORTIONS OF: COMMUNITY DRIVE SUNSET STREET BYRON STREET .AMHERST STREET AND A PORTION OF THE CITY'S PART OF THE COST OF PAVING AND IMPROVING: . SUNSET STREET IN THE 4ioo AND 4200 BIDCKS THEREOF: NORTHWESTERN STREET. IN THE 3800 BIDCK THEREOF; BROWNING STREET IN THE. 3900 BooOK THEREOF; COMMUNITY DRIVE IN THE 5900 TIffiOUGH 6700 BIDCKS THEREOF; MILTON STREET IN THE 4200 HOOCK THEREOF; COLLEGE AVENUE IN THE 6100 HOOCK THEREOF; BYRON STREET IN THE 3900 BIDCK THEREOF; OBERLIN STREET IN THE 4000 HOOCK THEREOF; RILEY STREET IN THE 4100 BIDCK THEREOF; .RUSKIN STREET IN THE 4000 AND 4200 BIDCKS THEREOF: AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that ordinance number 871., appropr.aating funds in the amount of' $1.42?OOO from the General Fund to pay the cost of' storm sewer construction on the above listed streets and a portion of' the city's part of the cost of paving the above listed streets be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres and Wright Voting No: None The Contract, documents, together with amendments and addenda thereto, were presented to, and. reviewed by the City Commission. The Bonds neces- sary were also reviewed by the Commission. Ordinance number 872, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: . 1- 1l ,.:.:1.1 '1 :T-~-~'-' , -"T'rTT~~C' -- ----:Ti- L44 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT ALL RPOCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS OOm:' PREREQUISITE TO THE EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWERS ON PORTIONS OF COMMUlfiTY DRIVE, SUNSET STREET, RUSKIN STREET, WEST POINT AVENUE, BELLAIRE BOUIEVARD, BYRON AND AMHERST STREETS, AND FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF: SUNSET STREET IN THE 4100 AND 4200 BU>CKS THEREOF; NORTHWESTERN STREET IN THE 3800 BWCK THEREOF; BROWNING STREET IN THE 3900 BWCK THEREOF: COMMUNITY DRIVE IN THE 5900 THROUGH 6700 BIDCKS THEREOF; MILTON STREET IN THE 4200 BIDCKTHEREOF; COLLEGE AVENUE IN THE 6100 BroCK THEREOF; BYRON STREET IN THE 3900 BIDCK THEREOF; OBERLIN STREET IN THE looO BIDCK ',['HEREOF; RlIEY STREET IN THE 4100 BroCK THEREOF; RUSKIN STREET IN THE lJooo, 4100 AND 4200 BIDeKS THEREOF; CASON STREET IN THE 4100 BIDCK THEREOF; APPROVING AND AOOPTING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ENGINEER ON BIDS RECEIVED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWERS AND THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS; ACCEPTING THE BID. OF WALTER M. MISCHER COMPANY AS THE IDWEST SECURE BID OF THE IDWEST RESPONSIBIEBIDDER; FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT IT IS NOT PRAC- TICAL TO PROCEED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE. STORM SEWER RELIEF SYSTEM ON RUSKING STREET, WEST POINT AVENUE AND BELLAIRE BOULEVARD, AND THAT IT IS NOT PaACTICAL TO PROCEED WITH THE IMPROVEMENTS IN THE 4100 BrooKS OF RPSKINAND CASON STREETS, CONSTITUTING SEC- TIONS 15,16 and 17 AS ~TOFORE PROVIDED FOR, AND AUTHORIZING AN APPROVING CHANGES IN THE PLANS, METHODS AND CONTRACT OOCUMENTS DEIETING AND ABANOONING SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STORM SEWER RELIEF . .. SYSTEM AND STREET PA~G IMPROVEMENTS WITH THE CONSENT AND APPROVAL OF SAID WALTER M. MISCHER COMPANY; AND AWARDING TO IT. THE CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE REMAINDER OF SAID STO:BM SEWERS AND FOR PAVING AND IMPROVING OF. THE REMAINING PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS; APPROVING AND ACCEPTING AND AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL AND ACCEP- TANCEXOF THE PERFORMANCE BOND AND MAINTENANCE BOND IN CONNECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENTS; FINDING THAT SAID CONTRACTOR HAS PROPERLY EXECUTED A CONTRACT FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS ORDERED, AND AMENDMENTS AND ADDENDA THERETO; APPROVING SAID CONTRACT AS SO AMENDED, AND ,AUTHORIZING. AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION. THEREOF BY THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion byCormnissioner Ayres, seconded by Cormnissioner Wright, that ordinance number 872, authorizing the execution of a contract between Walter M.Mischer Company and the City of West University Place for paving and improving of certain streets and for construction of certain storm sewers be passed and approved as read and amended. Voting Aye: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres and Wright Voting No: None - F=-:::;:.="',"-.---','''"ooc.cc""''cc:-- 14tl Ordinance number 873, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS AND THE VARIOUS PORTIONS OF THE COST OF THE PAVING AND THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT OF: Section 1. Sunset Street from the east line of Community Drive to the west line of Academy Street. c.o )Jj In Cl U t.,.;) Section 2. Northwestern Street from the east line of College Avenue east 467.2 feet to the dead end, and Browning Street from the east line of' Weslayan Avenue to the east line of College Avenue. Section 3. West one-half' of Community Drive from the south line of Bissonnet Avenue to thei'i\north line of Amherst Street. Section 4. East one-half of Community Drive from the south line of Bissonnet Avenue to the north line of' Amherst Street. Section 5. West one-half of' Community Dr.ive from the north line of Amherst Street to the north line of.B,yron Street. Section 6. East one-half of Community Drive from the north line of Amherst Street.to the north line of B,yron Street. Section 7. West one-half of Community Drive from the north line of Byron Street to the north line of Marquette Street. Section 8. East one-ha.lf' of Community Drive from the"north line of B,yron Street to the north line of' Mar~uette Street. Section 9. West one';'half' of Community Drive from the north line of Marquette Street to the north line of the 2O-foot reserve strip which adjoins the Y.M.C.A. property along its north property line. 'Section 10. East one-half of . Community Drive from the north line of Marquette Street to the north line of the 2O-foot reserve strip which adjoins the Y.M.C.A. property along its north property line. Section 11. Milton Street from the east line of Community Drive to the east line of West Point Avenue. Section ]2. College Avenue from the north line of Milton Street to the south line of Rice Boulevard. Section 13. Byron Street from the east line of WeslayanAvenue to the east line of College Avenue, and Oberlin Street from the east line of Academy Street to the west line of Weslayan Avenue, and Riley Street from the west line of West Point Avenue to the west line of Academy Street. ,_..i...'..-..'{..,....""'-"'-~='l..- r'~- - _._--""-~'C=-",,="'O"'''''.c'--. Jl .:;_.---...!...J::llr-' .O--C- ='~""'---",,- - --0...----:-1:..____ __I ---- --------,---c----------- "~:']: ;~:rm:liWn. ":iI1 ~4o Section 14. Ruskin Street from the east line of Community Drive to the west line of Weslayan Avenue. Section 17. Ruskin Street from the east line of Academy Street to the west line of Weslayan Avenue. TOGETHER WITH INTERVENING INTERSECTIONS IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER FOR THE CITY, PURSUANT TO LAW, AND AS REQUIRED BY EARLIER ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND DECLARING THE INTENTION OF ASSESSING PART OF THE COST OF SUCH IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS AND THE OWNERS THEREOF IN THE AMOUNTS AS SET FORTH IN SAID ESTIMATE; PROVIDING FOR AND ORDERING THAT A HEARING BE HELD AND GIVEN TO ALL OWNING OR CLADi- ING ANY SUCH ABUTTING PROPERTY OR 'ANY INTEREST THEREIN, AS TO SUCH PRO- POSED ASSESSMENTS AND PROCEEDINGS AND' AS TO OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO SUCH IMPROVEMENT; SETTING AND FIXING THE TDlE AND.PLACE OF SUCH HEARING; DIRECTING THAT THE CITY SECRETARY GIVE NOTICE THEREOF AS REQUIRED BY LAW, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. . Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wright that ordinance number 873, approving and adopting estimates of cost prepared by City Engineer Tom Jones, and calling a public hearing for the date of August 15, 1966, 7:30 p.m. be passed and approved as read, together with re-arrangements discussed. Voting Aye: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres and Wright Voting No: None Ordinance number 874, captioned as follows, was presented to the Com- mission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE. OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE CONCERNING 'THE IMPROVEMENT OF KIRBY, DRIVE BETWEEN BISSONNET AVENUE AND WEST HOLCOMBE BOULEVARD; MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND APPROVING AND RATIFYING THE ASSEIOSMENTS IEVIED AGAINST PROPERTY IN WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOUSTON Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that ordinance number 874, submitted by the City of Houston, approving and adopting assessment rates set by the City of Houston for paving of Kirby Drive,whicl:1 rates are to be assessed against West University properties abutting on Kirby Drive, be passed and approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Mayor Holman, Commissione:s Ayres and Wright Voting No: None The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on Thursday, July 14, 1966 were presented to the Commission. The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on July ll, 1966 were presented. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the minutes be approved as submitted. 1: ,ooa IWl'" ." , " "" , }, ..J ,~~~mrrr" o' ---~[-~ 11. '-::l" ~ There being no further business to come before the Commission a.t this time, upon motion dUly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 11 p.m. ~d;_u/~ MAYOR i..O t1.l In ~ U U ATTEST: ~~~~ A$ staat - 1 . ecre~ -."! - I '~=O~'~~~~~~'''I1 , i'll' [" oo~~~~'''~"''"~ 1 I -"]noi'"'"l1nmll" 'Ii' l4~ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION AtJGUST 8, 1966 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, August 8, 1966, with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Vest. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Mattei, 3523 Tangley, were present, but stated that they had nothing to discuss with the Commission at this time. In accordance with action of the City Commission on J~ 25, 1966, jfue City Commission was advised that inasmuch as only one bid had been re- ceived for furnishing two Scott Air Packs for the Fire Department, it was the recommendation of the Fire Chief that this bid of Guardian Safety Equipment Company be accepted. Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Vest that the bid received :from Guardian Safety E~uipment Company for furnishing two Scott Air Packs for $295 each, be accepted, as recommended by the City Manager and Fire Chief. Voting Aye: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright Voting No: None In accordance with action of the City Commission on July 25th, a tabula- tion of bids received for :f'urnishing one trailer-mounted brush chipper for the Garbage Department, was presented to the COmmission"together with a recommendation that the bid of Utili ty E~uipment Company in the amount of $3,603f'or an Asplundh model. JEI-l.6 chipper, be accepted, inasmuch as parts are available locally, and due to the fact that the lowest bid submitt.ed by Browning-Ferris Machinery Company did not comply with the specifications in all respects. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the bid submitted by Utility E~uipment Company for an Asplundh. model. JEI-16 brush chipper, in the amount of $3,603, net delivered price, be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holma.n, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The Commission was advised that a recommendation on the purchase of 400 feet of 2 1/2 inch fire hose, and on a billing machine for the Water Department, was not ready at this time, but would be available at the next meeting .of the Conunission. A letter :seceived :from Mr. F. G. O'Connor of the accounting firm of O'Connor, Lawson and McGee, was presented to the Commission. He stated that his firm would be willing to again perform an audit of the city's _.."--:=lC7".~~.=,-~.,,~:_~ _.,~____..'-.. .. r- _:c.-~.=_~~~.,.,-... 14~ records for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1966, for a fee not to exceed #1,800. The Commission was advised that this. firm had done the audit work for the previous year, and that the workwas satisfactory. Motion by Commissioner,Vest, seconded by Commissioner Ayres that the accounting firm of 0' Connor, Lawson and M,cGee be employed to perform an audit of the city's records for the fiscal year 'ending December 3~, ~966 in accordance with the scope and procedure followed last year., for a fee not to exceed $~,800. Voting Aye : Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissiore rs Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None c.o }Jj In ~ U U Resolution number 66-10, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST' UNIVERSITY " PLACE, TEXAS: SectiontI. That Stan~ey B. Binion be, and he is hereby, appointed subs~itute Judge of'the Corporation Court, City of' West University Place, Texas. Said Stan~ey B. Binion shall serve as Judge of the Corporation Court in the absence or inability of the Judge of the Corporation Court. Section II. In the absence of the regular Judge of the Corporation Court, or his inabi~ity toperf'orm the duties of such office for any reason, Stanley B. Binion, upon the re~uest of the Mayor or "the regular Judge of' the Corporation Court, shall perform, all the duties of Judge of the Corpora- tion Court and shall have all the power and authority as granted by State ~aw, the Charter of the City of West University Place, and the Ordinances of such City. Section III. This appointment shall be effective for a period of' . sixty (60) days from and after August 8, 1966, and such substitute Judge shall receive as compensation the sum of Fifty ($50.00) dollars during the sixty (60) day period. PASSED AND APPROVED this 8th day of August, ~966. Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Vest that Reso~ution number 66-10, reappointing Stanley B. Binion as Substitute Judge of the Corporation Court for a period of 60 days, be :p.assed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The City }.1a.nager advised that bids had not yet been received on the 500 used water meters .which the City will offer for sa~e, due to publication dates of the journa~s in which the notiee'~to bidders would be pub~ished. It was decided that bids would be received at the ~ast meeting in OctOber, being October 24th, for the sale of' the 500 discarded water meters. The Commission was asked to confirm the employment of Mr. Victor Daily, an Appraiser, to assist in the public hearing on pav:ing benefits. The City Commission was advised that the reliability of Mr. Victor Daily, 1-=:=<.'-"':::'''";'-''''''-=--''''''''-O'-"=",C-:.- -.'." :.:rr __~r';:==-""'=-,._"":O'-"~'-~=._u L_ ,r" nu,,,_nn__'" "."" r-"n~:Erm:lIlr"" 'TIJ ~U' ,L 3633 Allen Parkway, to present testimony at the pub~ic hearing had been investigated, and it was determined that the City of Houston uses Mr. Daily in their paving hearings, and that Mr. Edgar Townes, the attorney who prepared the ordinances in connection with the paving project, had ful~ know~edge of Mr. ,Daily's experience and recommended him. highly. Mr. Daily requested a fee of $225 for preparation of a written report, a personal survey of the pro- perties to be assessed, conferences with the City Engineer and City Attorney, and appearance at the pub~ic hearing on August 15th. City Commission approved emp~oyment of Mr. Victor Daily to present testimony and assist in the public hearing on paving benefits on the date of August 15th for a fee of $225. Information received from the City of Houston Planning Department in connection with the formation of a Houston-Galveston RegionaJ.;'P~anning Commission was presented to the Commission. It was decided that the material. shou1.d be reviewed by th~ City Attorney, and that he shou1.d keep the Commission advised as to any action necessary or recommended. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on July 25, 1966 were presented to the Commission and the following action taken. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill that the minutes. of the regular meeting of the Commission on July 25, ~966 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed unti~ 7::P p.m. August ~5, ~966. ~~l~W~ MAYOR ATTEST: . - ~".~"<:j.' rC='~'~,'.,=~=,.,..~ .._, LJ.llILC'~' ';'''~-''~''''''''l.., r "["'!i:'T'lrrnlr" 'ii' JI.. 'Lil J.1. RECESSED MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION AUGUST 15, 1966 The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, August 15, 1966 at 7: 30 p. m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presidingj Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Vest., The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Vest. c..o }Jj l1:> Cl U U Mayor Holman announced that the meeting had been called in accordance with action of the City Commission on July 25th, at which time this public hearing was called to determine the rates to be assessed against abutting property. owners in connection with the proposed paving project. Mayor Holman stated that written notice was mailed to each prolE rty owner of' abutting property, advising <i>it'. the date and time of' the hearing. Mayor Holman asked that those wishing to be heard or to offer testimony at this .public hearing, please arise and take the, Oath. All desiring to be heard were sworn at this time. The meeting was then turned over to City Attorney Charles Cockrell to con- duct the public hearing. The City Manager testified that notice of the public hearing was published in the regular Section of the Houston Chronicle on July 29, 1966 and in the Young World edition (Southwest) of the Houston Chronicle on August 3, 1966 and on August 10, 1966. ,He also testified that notice was mailed to each owner of abutting property, according to the city's tax rolls, and that all legal requirements for the holding of this hearing had been met. The City Attorney questioned City Engineer Tom Jones"who stated he had been employed as City Engineer; since 1961, and was a graduate of A " M College as a Civil Engineer ,and [that he is a Registered Professional Engineer. He stated that he had been :i!n the engineering field since 1928. Mr. Jones stated that he had inspected the plans and specifications for the street improvement program which is the basis for the holding of the public hearing. Commissioner Wright arrived at the meeting at this time. Mr. Jones stated that th~ pavement 'Would be a 6-inch reinforced concrete slab with curbs and gutters. He stated that the following streets were under consideration for paving: 4100 and 4200 blocks of Sunset Street 3800 block of Northwestern Street 3900 block ob ~rowningStreet 4200 block of Milton Street 6100 block of College Avenue 3900 block of :Byron Street 4000 block of Qberlin Street 4100 block of Riley Street . 4000 and b200 blocks of Ruskin Street Community Drive from Bissonnet south to Y.M.C.A. property ",~~',,,",, "'11 it!' r- ,,', '" """ "1 , -, IT" ,WT'liilIIT"" ~'rr L~~ and that storm sewers were to be installed as follows: Adequate storm sewers will be installed to provide drainage where the above locations are being paved. To release storm water and standing water on Community Drive~ two connections will be made with the Harris County Flood Control Ditch on the west side of the S.A.P.P. Railroad Track. A 24-inch pipe will be connected at Amherst Street and an 18-inch pipe con- nected at B,yron Street. Storm sewer will be installed in the 4200 block of Sunset and connected into an existing system. He stated that he had examined plans and specifications and had made a wpitten recommendation tothe City Commission at their regular meeting on July 25,1966. The following persons asked questions of the City Engineer in connection with the paving and storm sewer project: Mrs. Floyd Gehrett, 6456 Community Drive~ asked whether there would be two outlets for Community Drive on the storm sewer po-:vtion. Mr. Jones stated that these would be in addition to what we already have, and that this would take care of the water from Communi ty Drive. Mr. J. A. Prine, 6702 Community Drive, asked a question concerning water around Ruskin and Community Drive which drains from the Y.M.C.A. property. Mr. Jones stated that the water should drain to Bellaire Boulevard, and that east of the railread right-of-way there would be two surface-type inlets which would care for some of the water coming along the ditch on the east side of the railroad track alldtake it to the Flood Control storm sewer. Mr. Joseph S. Watson, 4116 Sunset~ asked whether a storm sewer would be installed in the 4100 block of Sunset. Mr. Jones stated that there would no,t bea new storm sewer installed~ but that the water would drain to Aca- demy, as this is a short block. Mr. H. F. Hausmann, 6522 Community Drive~ asked whether sanitary sewers would be taken care of imthisproject. He was advised that this project only included storm sewers, and not sanitary sewers. Mr. Hausmann stated that he had a sanitary sewer problem each time it rained and would like to have something done about it. Mr. D, C. Ble ike , 4221 Ruskin, asked which two blocks would be paved on Ruskin, and which cwould not be paved. Mr. Jones stated that the block from Weslayan to Academy, or the 4000 block, would be paved, and the 41.00 block would not be paved, and the 4200 block would be paved. Mr. Bleike asked how this block was excluded from the project. Mr. Jones stated that this was because of the cost of the proposed storm sewer to be constructed in the 4100 block being far in excess of the estimated cost, and that it would be better to wait until such time that the storm sewer could be in- stalled at the same time the paving was done, rather than to. pave the street now and then have to go back and tear. out the paving to construct the storm sewer at a later time. 1"::':" .-":':11 __~I'O-.-=-=,,=-,===-=-,,- --"--1..._ r~-- - __n --_.._,---,--- I ~-'-:~~'T'JITI:rr"''-- "II' lbj Mr. Glen Mautz, 3928 Byron, asked whether asphalt was considered for this project. Mr. Jones stated that reinforced concrete was all that was con- sidered for this paving'projec::t. Mr. C. D. Campbell,4235 Case, asked why it would not be better to go ahead and blacktop the street, since concrete would carack in ten years or so'. Mr. Jones stated that concrete would last longer than blacktop, as black- topping is only considered a temporary pavement. He also stated that the maintenance of concrete pavement is much less expensive than asphalt pave- ment. c.o ti.l If:) ~ U U Mrs. E. V. Alskes, 4212 Milton, asked a ~uestion concerning the h;tgb. cost of the paving, and concerning the method of financing of pavement. Mayor Holman stated that competitive bids had been taken on the project, and that the cost of labor and materials had recently increased the cost of paving streets. Mayor Holman also advised Mrs. Elskes of the procedurefior financing the cost of the paving. Mrs. Ben Worrell, 4236 Milton, asked why, if only two people of sixteen property owners in the 4200 block of Milton had signed the petition re- questing paving, that this block was being paved. Mr. Jones advised that five owners had signed up for paving, and that there were five non-homestead properties in this block. Mr. Milton Webb, 4203 Milton, asked to have his name removed from the petition in the 4200 block of Milton. Mr. E. C. Hallmark, 4265 Milton, asked to hear the n~es who had signed the petition requesting paving of the 4200 block of Milton. The names were read. The City Attorney advised that ~uestions should be directed to the City Engineer at this time, and that all statements for or against the project would be heard later .in the meeting. Mr. D. C. Bleike, 4220 Ruskin, asked whether it would be less expensive to do the improvements in some other manner than concrete' paving; ,for in- stance, asphalt pavement. Mr. Jones stated that he did not know, as he had only made estimates for concrete paving in this project. Mrs. Stanley Dolch, 4234 Marquette, asked who paid for the paving of Academy and West Point. The City Manager advised that Academy Street was paid for by abutting property owners, and that West Point was only a temporary paving of' asphalt and was not permanently improved, because it is not a through street and has less traffic, and that it was paid for by the city when it was topped. There being no further ~uestions for the City Engineer, the City Attorney stated that the proposed rates of assessment were $8.52 per foot for front abutting property and $4.26 per foot for side abutting. , r~" .oil ,,,~r ~~,-.-....,," ..1 _r '~l'"nmi[l-'----'- - - -----=rr:-- " !., /~ l ,) ':t Mr. Cockrell called Mr. Victor Daily at this time. Mr. Dailey stated that he is a Real Estate Appraiser and has been in this business since 1938. He stated that he belongs to the Houston Board of Realtors, State Association of Real Estate Boards and National Association of Real Estate Boards. He stated that he had done appraisal work for the City of._Houston, Harris County and on Interstate programs for the Texas Highway Department . Mr. Cockrell asked whether he had done appraisal work for other than paving. Mr. Daily stated he appraised for banks, life insurance companies, savings and loan companies and various attorneys and individuals. Mr. Cockrell asked whether he had inspected the streets and properties under consideration in this program. Mr. Daily stated then that he had done so, several times. Mr. Cockrell asked whether he had an opinion as to the benefits to the properties if paved. Mr. l;>aily stated that it was his opinion that the properties would benefit at least in the amounts of the proposed assessments. He stated that it was his opihion that they would benefit at least in these amounts, in each and e.very instance with the exception of two properties which would not receive as much benefit as others in connection with the size of' the property invo~ved. He 'stated that 3828 Northwestern has ~63 feet frontage, but that it was his opinion that the assessment should be only for 65 feet of the 163 feet frontage, in that the land in the triangle shaped property is such an odd shape that it is not particularly useab1e, and that only the frontage which is use able for home in this particular instance, should be assessed. The other property which he felt would not receive as much benefit for the paving, was the southwest corner of Bissonnet and Community Drive, which is an irit'egular shaped lot which has a total frontage of 123 feet on CommunityD.tive, but only 67.1 feet is rectangular and the rest in the form of a tri~gle, due to the angle of Bissonnet. He stated that the 55.9 feet should be assessed at one-half of the proposed rate. Mr. Daily then stated that if a property is appraised without paving, and later is appraised with paving, for the VA or FHA, it would probably in- crease in value" from $~O to $12 per front foot. Commissioner Vest asked whether Mr. Daily concurred that the permanent type paving would be the best. Mr. Daily stated that this would make the dif-' ference of $4 to $5 per front foot over the asphalt type paving. Mr. Milton Webb, 4203 Milton, asked how the paving would help the value of his oWIl house. Mr. Baily stated that the before and after value would be after the property is placed in salable condition. Mr. Daily stated that the .benefit is to the property as a whole, and not just the house. Mr. Joseph S. Watson, 4116 Sunset, asked whether the paving improvement would raise his taxes if it increased the value of the property. City Manager Whitt Johnson sated that property taxes had never been increased and that property had never been re-evaluated because of paving improvements. Mr. Willis, 4221 Coleridge, asked what benefit to the individual who plans to live in his home for the rest of his life would be. Mr. Daily stated that Coleridge had been withdrawn from the paving project. Mr. Daily was asked what his fee for this job was. He stated that it was $225.00. [-.. ,~,., "']1 ~l-- r 'I ::il'jIITiIl" 'Ii: 1~:J Mrs. Jane JOhnson, 3828 Northwestern, stated that the pavement on the 3800 block of Northwestern would not join into any paving, that she had not used Northwestern Street since she had lived at this address, and that it would not increase the value of her property to pave Northwestern. Mr. A. J. Prine, 6702 Community Drive, asked whether a person with inside piece of property should pay a full amount, and a person on the corner would only pay half. aSi much. Mayor Holman stated that this is generally a matter of policy of a city, that they feel there is greater benefit to the property which has the paving in front than to side abutting property. The City Attorney askedwhet4er anyone had ~uestions to the Commission or wished to make statements at this time. CoO Uj l1':l o U U A ~uestion was asked whether the program had already been approved. Mayor Holman stated that this hearing is to determine the rate of assessment. Mr. D. C. B~eike, 422~ Ruskin, asked whether they would get paving whether they signed or not. Mayor Holman advised that there would be no skips in this paving program. Mrs. J. W. haynes, 3907 Browning, presented.a petition signed by fourteen property owners in the 3900 b~ock of Browning, re~uesting that this block be omitted from the paving program. Mayor Holman read the petition aloud. Mr. W. C. Rash, 423~ Milton, stated that he wanted to go on record as oppos- ing the paving of his block. Mrs. Jane Johnson, 3828 Northwestern, asked whether it was possible that the paving cquld be omitted from the 3800 block of Northwestern if they submitted a petition re~uesting that it be omitted. She stated that it is a dead-end street and that they fee~ there is no benefit from the paving. Mr. Miles Washburn, 65~0 Community Drive, . stated that he has two lots front- ing 90 feet on Community, but only one house, and does not feel that he will receive twice as much benefit as others fronting on Community with only 50 foot lots. Mr. Daily stated than an exception could be made in this case if the Commission desired, but that he felt that the man might possibly recieve this much benefit from the paving. A property owner in the 3900 block.of Byron asked whether the estimated cost could go up. Mayor Holman stated that it would not go up, because a firm price and commitment had been signed by Walter M. Mischer Company for the project. Mr. Charles McMurrey, 4235 Byron, asked whether there would be a new storm sewer on Community Drive. This was pointed out to him on the map. A question was asked whether if a mechanic's lien contract is not signed, and a person cannot affor.d the paving,. what would happen to them. City Attorney Cockrell advised that the debt would be in existence, but would not be enforceable as long as the property is occupied as a homestead, and that interest would accumulate on the unpaid balance during this time. I i---p, .:!-- ~ .,yO, Mr. J. C. George, 6646 Community Drive, asked whether the city woUJ.d pay for the cost of paving intersections. He stated that his property fronted on an intersection. It was explained to Mr. George that the intersection only existed on the east one-half portion of Community Drive and not on the west one-half portion. A question was asked whether there is additional ,assessment for driveways. It was stated that the procedure is to pave and assess the front foot cost of the street, and if driveways are desired, arrangements can be made with the contractor, and that a driveway would be an additional cost and separa- tely negotiated with the contractor. Mr. C. B. McCurry, 4124 Sunset, asked whether they would be denied the use of their driveways during the paving, and where would they park their cars. The City Manager advised that there would be a great deal of inconvenience during the (p:vobably) three weeks time that the paving work was being done, but that wherever they arranged to park their cars, the Police Department would be instructed to check on them regularly. A ~uestion was asked concerning reinforcing and type of pavement. The City Engineer advised the type spcified in the plans and specifications. ~ ' The City Attorney asked whether there were others desiring to ask ~uestions of anyone or to make statements . There being none, Mayor Holman announced that the meeting would recess at this time (9 p.m.) for fifteen minutes. At 9:15 p.m., the City Commission reconvened and the meeting resumed. .Mayor Holman announced that all of the testimony had been presented and all per- sons present had been given an opportunity to speak concerning the proposed paving assessment benefits, and asked the pleasure of the City Commission concerning a decision to be reached on the proposed assessments. Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the Public Hearing now be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None Mayor Holman asked City Attorney Charles Cockrell to present an ordinance which determines the special benefits to accrue to the property owners, and which establishes the front foot assessment rate. City Attorney Cockrell presented ordinance number 875, captioned as follows, and read in full: AN ORDINANCE CIDSING THE HEARING GIVEN TO THE REALXJAND TRUE OWNERS OF CERTAIN PROPERTY ABUTTING ON: SUNSET STREET IN THE 4100 AND 4200 BIDCKS THEREOF; NORTHWESTERN STREET IN THE 3800 BILlCK THEREOF; BROWNING STREET IN THE 3900 BILlCK THEREOF; COMMUNITY DRIVE IN THE 5900 THROUGH 6700 BILlCKS THEREOF; MILTON STREET IN THE 4200 BILlCK. THEREOF;. COLLEGE AVENUE IN THE 6100 BILlCKTHEREOF; :::-r='~':'" . .. .~ . _...:.....:.J.Ll .--''1.. __I . - 'r ~7" ":~-~r1mln="--------- - ,,-- ~'II~-"" ,--, j,J'~ BYRON STREET IN THE 3900 HOOCK TBEREOF; OBERLIN STREET IN THE lK>00 BIDCK THEREoF; RILEY STREET IN THE 4100 BLOCK THEREOF; RUSKIN STREET IN THE lK>00 AND 4200 BIDCKS THEREOF; ~ ~ In Cl U U AND TO ALL OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES, AS TO SPECIAL BENEFITS TO ACCRUE TO SAID PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF BY VIRTUE OF THE IMPROVEMENTS, AND AS TO THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS THEREFOR, AND AS TO THE ACCURACY, SUFFICIENCY, REGULARITY AND VALIDITY OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND ,CONTRACT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS, AND ANY MATTER OR THING CONNECTED THEREWITH: FINDING AND DETERMINING THE REGULARITY OF ALL PROCEEDINGS AND THE PERFORMING OF ALL PREREQUISITES TO FIXING AND LEVYING THE ASSESS- MENT LIENS AND THE PERSONAL LIABILITY OF PROPERTY OWNERS; OVER- RULING AND DENYING ALL PROTESTS AND OBJECTIONS OFFERED, EXCEPT AS TO PARTICULAR CASES:;'MENTIONED; FINDING AND DETERMINING' SPECIAL BENEFITS TO EACH PARCEL OF PROPERTY AND THE OWNERS THEREOF BY REASON OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT OF THE RES- PECTIVE ASSESSMENTS AGAINST SAME; LEVYING ASSESSMENTS; FIXING A CHARGE AND LIEN AGAINST THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON THOSE PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS TO BE IMPROVED AND AGAINST' THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF FOR THE PAYMENT OF PART OF THE COST OF THE IMPROVE- MENTS WITHIN THE LIMITS DESCRIBED; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES AND THE MANNER OF THEIR COLLECTION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that ordinance number 875, establishing the front foot assessment rate and determining the special benefits to accure to property owners, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill,. Vest and Wright Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. /Jk/~ MAYOR ATTEST: ~~J~~ .. -stant it;)' .Sec. .~n if r~""O"~~"C~-~'~C''''O'"ir' ''II' ,"',~~..,,,.... '", 1 r 'I ~mm'rIITllr" "ill ~ \lJ lJ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION AUG'tJST 22, 1966 The City Commission convened in regular sess~on at the City Hall on Monday, August 22, 1966, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Vest. Commissioner Wright was absent. The City Manager and City Attorney were present. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Holman. In accordance with action of the City Commission on July 25th, a tabulation of bids received for 400 feet of 2 1/2 inch fire hose was presented to the Commission, together with the recommendation of the Fire 6h.ief and City Manager that the bid of Bilateral Fire Hose Company of $L 55 per foot, be accepted. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the recommendation of the Fire Chief and City Manager be accepted, and that the bid of Bilateral Fire Hose Company for furnishing 400 feet of 2 1/2 inch fire hose at $1.55 per foot, f.o.b. West University Place, be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Vest. None The minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on AugUst 1:5, 1966 were presented to the Commission. There was discussion concerning the request of the Electrical Board for legal advice concerning policy in a case where the Master Electrician dies while a jOb is in progress. The City Attorney advised that it was his opinion that each case should be decided separately on the circumstances invoved, by the Electrical Board, inasmuch as this would be a rare occurrence. In this respect the City Commission took the following action: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the regu- lations requiring a Master Electrician for supervision of electrical work, may not be waived; that is, if a Master Electric:B. n is required ona job at the beginning, there must also be a Master Electrician for completion of the job. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissiorers Ayres, Gill and Vest None The Commission was advised that the Zon;tngand Planning Commission met in regular session on Thursday, August 11th, but as they had no applications or business for consideration, they only held an informal discussion period. A letter of request from the Houston Natural Gas Company for permission to relocate a gas regulator s~ation adjacent to the Greek Orthodox Church in the utility easement, which is presently located underground. After dis- cussion, the following action was taken: 1""..'.c....,~.~~'~~'T \ r '" "~...~--~-~~" 1 I UU I ":ii'i'lmlll"' . . n _ "II, . .1 J,v Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Ayres that the 'Houston Natural Gas Company be permitted to install an above-ground gas re'"" gulator station in a metal container, in the utility easement east of Mercer and south of Bissonnet Street, in a convenient location to be agreed upon by the City Manager and the Gas Company, as requested in their letter of August 9th accompanied by a print of their drawing number Nc6l44. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Vest None CoO Uj l.Q ~ U ~ There was discussion concerning the Regional Planning Commission organiza- tion, and whether or not the City of West University Place desired to join this group. City Attorney Cockrell ad.vised that' he had talked with Judge Elliott t s office who told him that the following had already adopted the by-laws of the Regional Planning Commission and become members: Brazoria County, Galveston County, City of Houston, City of Galveston, City of South Houston, Fort Bend County, and that the City of' Pasadena was f'avorable toward joining the Commission. The City Attorney was instructed to pre- pare a Resolution to be submitted to the City Commission, adopting the By-Laws of the Regional Planning Commission and appointing a representative to the Commission from the City of West University Place. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on August 8th and the:", recessed meeting of. the Commission on August 15, 1966, were presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Vest, se.conded by CommissioIEr Ayres, that thecminutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on August 8, 1966 and the recessed meeting of the Commission on August 15, 1966, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Vest None With no further business to come before the Commission at ~his ~ime, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed at 8:.30 p.m. until August 29, 1966 at 7:.30 p.m. j}.uI\AU//~ MAYOR ATrEST: r'~~~'c",",u<' "~ "iT' ': I" "-1 r" I . '''icTIITIilr,n 'Ii' L UV RECESSED MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION AUGUST 29, 1966 The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall Monday, August 29, 1966, 7:30 p.m., with the following members pre Mayor Holma.n, presiding; Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright. Co sioner Ayres was on vacation. The City Manager and City Attorney also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Gill. The Public Hearing called for 7:30 this date was called to order b Holma.n. It was stated that in compliance with the City Charter re ments and previously published legal notice, the hearing would be to consider adoption of the Budget for the fiscal year January 1, to December 31, 1967. Mr. William A. Hamlett, 3827 Southwestern, spoke in appreciation 0 the employees and services of the city of West University Place. Mr. 8.mJ.ett stated that even though it might be necessary to raise taxes it wahis opinion that merit raises should be provided for city employees. ayor Holma.n expressed his appreciation for Mr. Hamlett's remakrs and in ormed him that the proposed budget provides ff1/o for employee benefits inc uding wage increase, increased city cost for contribution to the Texas M icip~l Retirement System and for Social Security. Mr. Noel Proctor, 4102 Case, spoke regarding tax equalization and whether or not the city would have a,deficit after the taxes are e Mayor Holman explained that the tax re-evaluation program was for tion and not to bring in additional tax revenue . C6mmiss,ioner Ves explained that the past two years were, not normal due to such capital expend tures as library and drainage systems. The City Manager reviewed the Budget, explaining the income and e tures proposed by the various departments. He also stated that th posed budget had been referred to the Finance Committee for study recommendation. After reviewing the Budget on August 16, 1966 the Committee agreed to recommend its adoption. Ordinance No. 876, captioned as follows, was presented to the Comm ssion for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AN AD VAIDREM TAX ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1966, AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF. Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that 0 dinance number 876, levying and assessing an ad valorem tax for the year 166,'be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None o. .-'r -,,' _m_._~_, , f __ _ _ U_ -'n _ ,-- --,- 1- .. 'T:0i'IITIllr' "II' ..1 U Jl Ordinance No. 877, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR A TWELVE-MONTH PERIOD BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1967 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1967, PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIATION OF PUBLIC FUNDS OF THE CITY FOR USE AND EXPENDITURES. Motion by Commissioner Wright, second~d by Commissioner Gill, that'ordinance number 877, approving a budget for the City of West University Place for the fiscal year January 1, 1967 to December 31, 1967, be approved as read. c.o Uj lJ') o u u Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the public hearing called f'or the purpose of' adopting a budget f'or the f'iscal year January 1, 1967 to December 31, 1967, be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None Wi th no further business to come before the "Commd:ssion at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. ~dvuV/~J MAYOR ATTEST: r--- '''''IT , r --~--------- 1 r-------~------~-I---~"nlIT1W-- "If' LU&:.J REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 12, 1966 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, September 12,1966, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Ayres was absent. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Vest. The Commission was advised that the Zoning and PlanningCommissio~ did not hold its regular meeting on September 8th, due to lack of a quorum. Mayor Holman discussed a meeting of the Houston-Galveston Area Council at the City Hall in Friendswood, Texas which he and the City Manager had attended. It was his recommendation that the city join the Houston-Galves- t on Area Council, as membership could be terminated at any time, if' desired" Resolution number 66-11" was ,presented ,to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place has been advised that a Regional Planning Commission has been created, known as the Houston-G~lveston Area Council, which is a voluntary association of local governmental units located within the counties of Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberj;;;r, Montgomery and Waller, in the State of Texas, and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place approves of the objectives stated in the By-Laws of said As'sociation, to wit: "To encourage and permit local units of government to join and cooperate with one another to improve the health, safety and general we1fare of their citizens, and to plan for the future development of the r~gion .or area embraced by the agreement and the communiti~s within that region"; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place is of the opinion that it would be to the best, interests of said city to join and associate itself with other co~unities in the aforesaid Objectives of the Houston-Galveston Area Council: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the Articles of Agreement and the By-Laws creating the Houston- Galveston Area Council, are hereby approved and adopted by the City of West University :Place, Texas, and that said city shall become a member of the Houston-Galveston Area Council upon adoption of this Resolution. 2. That Mayor DuPree Ho1ma.n be, and he is hereby, designated as the city's representative on said Houston-Galveston Area Council. 3. That there is hereby approprillated and approved for payment the sum of one cent (l~) per capita of the City of West University Place as annual dues for the period ending July 1, 1967, and that said sum, equal to one r~-"~'"oc-~~""'-~"-'''~ -a 'Ii' r'~~"-~~-"--" '''' rm " --1-nn;;TIITIIIl"" "lIr 0 1 tj;:S year's dues, shall be paid to the Secretary~Treasurer of the Houston- Galveston Area Council within thirty (30) days from date of adoption of this Resolution. 4. That the proper official of the Houston-Galveston Area Council be notified by certified copy of this Resolution, of the city's adoption of the Artic::les of Agreement and By-Laws, and its decision to join such Association. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that Resolution number 66-11, authorizing membership in the Houston-Galveston Area Council and approving payment of 1~ per capita of the City of West University Place as the first year I s membership dues, be approved as read. c.o Uj lJ') Cl U U Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gi11, Vest and Wright None The City ~anager advised the Commission that it had been recommended by Corporation Court Judge Gale Reese that additional persons be appointed as Deputy Clerks of the Corpor~tion Court, to serve,~tter regular working hours 01' city employees. Resolution number 66-12, as follows,. was pre- sented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, it has become expedient to have available persons to perform the duties of' Deputy Clerk of'the Corporation Court of the City of' West University Place, after regular working hours of city personnel; and WHEREAS, Corporation Court Judge Gale Reese has recommended the appoint- ment of addi"tional Deputy Court Clerks to perform duties of the Clerk of the Corporation Court after regular hours; and WHEREAS, F~a.nk B. May and George A. Donaldson, presently employed a.s Radio Dispatchers, are avai~able af'ter regular working hours, and have time to perform the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Corporation C9urt; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That Frank B. May and George A. Donaldson be, and they are hereby appointed Deputy Clerks of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, and they shall perform any and all duties of Deputy Clerks of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, as r~quired. 2. Said appointments shall become effective upon passage of this Resolution,and after said Frank B. May and George A. Donaldson have been administered the proper Oath of Office. Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that Resolution number 66-12, appointing Frank B. May and George A. Donaldson, Radio Dispatchers for the Police Department, as Deputy Clerks of the Corporation Court,be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holma.n, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None '. h,'.Ai..' : U oSt There was discussion concerning arrangements for Judges to hold the city election on November 8th. The City Manager was instructed to contact the Commissioners I Cour,t and give them a recommendation for a person to serve as Judge of Precinct 87, where there was difficulty in securing a Judge. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on August 22, and the recessed meeting on August 29, 1966 were presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Vest that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on August 22, and the recessed meeting on August 29,1966 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright. None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly .m~de, seconded and carried, the meeting was ,adjourned at 8:00 p.m. JJ.ur0ti/ ~~ MAYOR ATTEST: 1I--.L __~r.- 1:.. I -, .":::'T'lITIltl"'----.--- ":n:-T Iti;~ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 26, 1966 The City Commi sion convened in regular session at the City HaIl on Monday, September 26, 11966, 7:30p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, preSid~ng; Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Ayres. c.o ~ lJ') Cl U U The City Manager advised that the first matter for consideration would be an ordinance amending ordinance number lll,creating a Townhouse Dwelling Dis- trict on Lots II - 16, Block 1, and IDts 1 - 15, Block 2, Monticello Addition. I , , City Attorney Charles Cockrell presented and read the proposed ordinance. Motion by commtsioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest that ordinance number 878, cr~ating a Townhouse Dwelling District,on..Lots,,~... ~6,Block 1, and Lots 1 - 15, Block 2, Monticello Addition, be passed and approved as read;' Mayor Holman alked for any discussion of the ordinance., ' Mr. O. H. Moorl, 2910 Wroxton Road, requested that the COIllIllission defer voting on the ordinande until the Wroxtonresidents had more time to study and review the ordinance ~roposed. He stated that he had not had sufficient time to notify all of"tihe residents and they had not had time to understand its con- tents. I'. ' Mrs. Byrnice :DJ1eyfus, 3004 Wroxton Road, also stated that she did not feel that they had liad enough time to notif'ya number of the Wroxton residents ~hO wOU1~ havelwanted to attend the meeting when.the ordinance was considered. Mayor Holman s"tiated that the Commission felt that it had been a rather long time in the corlsideration of this matter. He stated that the ordiilance had . .' I only been compteted during the day of this meeting, and that as soon as it was completed, IMr. O. H. Moore and Mr. Allen Weatherby had been notified that it would be considered at this meeting. After several lther persons made statements, Mayor Holma.n advised that their opportunity to Ibe heard was at the public hearing olf the Zoning and Planning Commission and the public hearing of the City Commission, and that this meet- ing was not a public hearing. The question wls asked as to whom the persons were who had filed the applica- tion and plannJd to construct the townhouses. Mayor Holman, stated that an I application had been duly and properly filed with the Zoning and Planning Commission undJr due processes of Law, by Mr. Horace M. Mann as optionee on Block 2, Montidello Addition, Lots 1 through 15, requesting rezoning of the I property for t~ouse development. , Mr. B. B. Moore, 2908 Wroxton, stated that the Wroxton property owners had met and agreedlthat something must be done for the property owners on Bissonnet, and that they nad submitted a plan for consideration by the City Commission. He asked that J.ction on this ordinance be deferred. Mayor Holman stated that the plan of which Mr. Moore had spo}ten had been given a great deal of consideration, after it was submitted to the Commission at the public hearing Ion June 2nd, and that the Commission felt that the ordinance under conSiderjtion was very much the same as had been recommended by the :"'1:?~,'f',~:e-<'~""~. r -,.",.,,~_ .U .___ .. : flIT ' ..... "1, J ------~-,------. 'l-c:'iIT:r:[m~r"'-- :1[1 . LUU Wroxton residents. He stated that the Commission realizes that there is a problem as to what should be done with this property, and that the Commission believes this to be the best solution. Mr. Carrol B. Brown, 3035 Wroxton,smated that he was unable to determine at the public hearing held by the City Commission, just "\>bat the residents on Wroxton really wanted. He stated that it was his opinion that there might be a change of their feelings, from what they had thought in 1963 concerning professional office buildings, and he asked that a po11 be made of the Wroxton residents to see whether they preferred office buildings or tOwnhousesdevelopment on the Bissonnet property. He stated that he felt more residents would be in favor of the office buildings now. Mr. Robert Harding,aWroxtonresident, asked whether the Commission had every considered buying the property and using it for recreational pur- poses, such as parks, etc. Mayor Holman advised that this had been given consideration at several different times, and that the concensus was that the shallow .,depth of' the lots . and. their location, made them undesirabl.e for this purpose. Mr. H. Allan Weatherby, 2808 Wroxton~: stated that he felt that if the owners of the Bissonnet property would accept residential property rates for the lots, they would be easily sold, and that he felt they would be used for the construction of residential single-family dwellings. Mrs. Harold Weyand Mr. Sam Tigner asked whether any,(member of ,the Commission owned or had a financial interest in any of the property under discussion. Th~ Mayor and each City Commissioner stated separately and indiVidually, that to the best of his knowledge and belief, neither he nor any person related to him by blood or marriage had any direct or indirect financial interest in the property under consideration for inclusion in the proposed Townhouse District. At this time, Mayor Holman asked for a 15-minute recess of the meeting. At 8:50 p.m:., the meeting was reconvened. Commissioner Ayres stated that with the permission of his second to the motion, he would like to withdraw his motion for approval of ordinance number 878, and request that the ordi- nance be placed on the agenda for consideration at the regular meeting of the Commission on October 10, 1966. Commissioner Vest, who seconded the motion, agreed. Mayor Holma.n stated that this would end the discussion of this ordinance at this time. There was discussion concerning the replacement of the curtain on the stage at the Community Building. It was stated that the curtain which is now in the building had been placed there as a gift of the West University Garden Club when the building was built in 1941. It was also noted that money had been appropriated for this purpose in the 1966 budget. The City Manager asked for authority to advertise for bids for a new ,curtain for the stage at the Community Building. r .' . ".11 i:r --I r- I---Inlmllr'~-----' --------m" 15" j Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids, to be received until 7:30 p.m. October 21}., 1966, for a new curtain for the stage at the Community Building. Voting Aye: Ma.yor Holma.n, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright Voting No: None The minutes of the Electrical Board Meeting on September 13, 1966, were presented to the Commission for their information. (Inasmuch as the previous ordinance, number 878, was not passed, this number is a~signed to the following ordinance.) c.o l1J in Cl u U Ordtnance number 818, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE CALLING AN ELECTION WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS FOR THE 8TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1966. FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A MAYOR AND FOUR COMMISSIONERS TO SERVE FOR A TERM OF TWO YEARS EACH; AND APPOINTING THE ELECTION OFFICERS FOR EACH POLLING PLACE. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that ordinance number 818, calling an election for November 8, 1966 for the purpose of ~1.ecting a Mayor and four members of the City Commission, to serve a full two-year term each, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on September 12, 1966 were presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on September 12, 1966, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m. jJL~~ MAYOR ATTEST: ~~/~j/A;J~ .', stant City Secretary b t'J' i , "il .... -.. REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER 10, 1966 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, October 10, 1966 at 7: 30 p.m., with the following members present: Ma.yor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill, vest and Wright. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Gill. Mrs. Estelle DeAlcala, 3035 Lafayette, expressed her interest in seeing the city rid of excessive trash pil,ed on the curbs, which is unsightly. The City Manager advised her that ,the matter would be investigated. The City Manager advised those present of the action which had been taken previously on the application for rezoning of, Lots 1-15, Block 2, Monti- cello Addition, f'or townhouse development. It wt;l.s stated that after the application for rezoning of this property was received and considered by the Zoning and Planning Commission, the lots fronting on Bissonnet mn Block 1, Monticello Addition, were a~so recommended for rezoning for townhouse development, inasmuch as no development had taken place in either block for more than. 25 years. City Attorney Charles Cockrell presented Ordinance number 879, and read in full: .AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS TO PERMIT THE ERECTION OF TOWNHOUSES AS DEFINED HEREIN :WITHIN THE AREA SPECIFIED; PROVIDING FOR ,REGULATIONS~ RELATIVE TO. SETBACK AND LOT COVERAGE IN SAID TOWNHOUSE DISTRICT; CONTAINING A SEVER- ABILITY CLAlJSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that ordinance number 879, creating a Townhouse Dwelling District on Lots 1 - 16, Block 1, and Lots 1 through 15, Block 2, Monticello Addition, and establishing re- gulations for the District, be passed and approved as read. Mayor Holma.n adivsed those present that there were a few changes made in the ordinance presented, from that read at the meeting on September 26th of the Commission. He advised that the width ot' each individual townhouse was changed from 17.5 feet, as 'previously required, to 16 feet, with the same 1,200 square feet floor space requirement. He also advised that the ordinance now requires the townhouses to face Bissonnet, and not a court- yard area as previously stated. TQ.e ordinance ""as presented previously, required a masonry partition or wall 12 inches thick, between adjoining townhouses. He stated that this would limit the use of progressive materials, as well as handicapping builders, and the intention was to provide fire protection between units, so this requirement was changed to read as the National Building Code reads, to provide a four-hour fire protection. Mayor Holman then stated that the Townhouse Dwelling District covers only those lots facing Bissonnet Street between Wakeforest and ' <-I l"-'--"~=C"""-;'''-=='''_.- .--- -- - ---., -:.1 :_--..:.J.l.LC~-- " _I - - - .--"1 .,.~. ;':~'Ej~11I11W""---------- C~I [j 1~1 r _h i Buffalo Speedway, and that the passage of this ordinance would 'not change any other restrictions in the zoning ordinance as they apply to any other property in the city. He stated that there would be restrictions the same as they now are on all other property throughout the, city, and that the passage of this ordinance would not affect any property other than that under considerationuat this time. He stated that none, of the Commissioners had any financial interest in the property under consideration, nor did their relatives. He stated that none of them had been promised any financial reward for a vote on this matter. He then asked for questions from those present, concerning the ordinance. Mr. John Neighbors, 2809 Wroxton Road, asked City Attorney Charle,s Cockrell why no specific material or type o:f construction w,as required in the ordinance. The City Attorney stated that the passage of a subsequent ordinance, de- claring the area a Fire Limit Zone,' would prohibit w90den construction. Mr. Neighbors then asked whether Section, l-F of the ordinance was worded to include carports, utility rooms, etc., in ,the 1,.200 square feet of floor space required. The City Attorney stated, that these things WOlUd be ex- cluded from the l;,?OO square feet of floor space. Mr. Neighbors stated that he felt the ordinance should require 1;200, square fe,et of "living area", rather than "floor space". Mr.. Rod.n~y Quenby, whose parents reside at 2826 W:J;.o,xton Road, asked what the cost would be to the city, as pertains to utility connections, garbage service, fire and police protection. MayorHolma.n stated that utilities were more or less self-supporting, and that he did not know that there would be additional cost for fire and police. protection, nor was it per- tinent ,in consideration of the zoning ordinanCe. Mr. Quenby asked why;{ the Commission wants to change the, zoning on this property. Mayor Holma.n advised that an application for rezoning had been duly and legally filed and considered by the Zoning and Planning Commission; that the Zoning and Planning Commission had subsequently held a public hearing and recommended , that.. the property be rezoned f'or townhouse, development,af'ter which time the City Commission called and held a publiC hearing on the matter when all interested persons were heard in connection with the change. He stated that their decision, if reached, would speak for itse1f as to the reason for the change. He stated that the Commission's decision was not based on emotion or on hysteria, but that it was felt that this was the best thing, for the city. Mr. R. E. Dillon, 2704 Nottingham, asked what the criteria was for the decision that this was "best for the city". Mayor Holman stated that he had already answered this question to the best of his ability. Mr. H. Allen Weatherby, 2808 Wroxton Road, stated that several of the Wroxton residents had worked with the Commission on thi,s matter, and that the Commission must reach some decision,' and,tbat from what had been said, their decision would be based on what they feel is best for the residents of the city. He stated that perhaps they would disagree individually or collectively on the basis of reaching their decision, but that they could take certain action if they choose. He stated that they had presented their feelings to the Commission, unless they had new and additional evidence to present concerning the health, morals r -' ~,~~, '~ '''''J: --------.Ll I ~"=HIII[" 'II' /70 and welfare of West University Place. He also stated that he felt. the zoning ordinance amendment proposed was considerably better than origi- nally recommended by the Zoning and Planning Commission, and stated that he did not feel that the evidence which had already beenpre~ented to the Commission would change their thinking at this time, and unless they had new information to present, that they should perhaps say nothing else at this time. -.---.., f i I I ! Commissioner Vest asked whether Section I-F included the term "Living Area" in the 1,200 square feet requirement, the way it is worded. The City Attorney stated that inasmuch as it is tied into the ordinance (111), it would be covered under this ordinance. Commissioner Vest asked that he review the original zoning ordinance, to be sure this was included. Mr. O. H. Moore, 2910 Wroxton Road, pointed out that the ordinance had been changed in many respects as the Wroxton residents had requested, but asked that Section l-I! be changed to read "Eachtownhouse.~.", rathernthan "Any townhouse....". Mr. John Daniel, 2630 Centenary, stated that he had lived on a block abutting city boundaries for 26 years, and had heard this fringe area property question brought up a number of times and that it has, always been a problem and will coritinueto be until dispesed of through orderly processes of the city. He stated that he values highly the services of his fellow-townsmen on the Planning and recommending Committees of' the city, and stated that he felt that the Gommissionserved in one of the most unbiased ways possible. He also stated thatthei actiOn had not been taken on short initiative, and asked that the Commission settle the ques- tion Once and. for all, thro~ their powers within our government,. by our government, to protect o~ zoning. Mr. Larry Dunn, 2621 Cason, asked if he was to understand that these are townhouses and not apartments. Mayor Holma.nstated that this is correct. Mr. Dunn ,asked. that some member of the Commission briefly explain the difference between a townhouse . and an apartment. Mayor Ho1ma.n read the definition of a tOwnhousecontained:in'ordinance number 879. Mr. Neighbors asked a question concerning Section l-F, and asked that the words "living area" be inserted in this section requiring 1,200 square feet of "floor space". Mr. Carrol Brown, 3035 Wroxton, stated that he does not believe the pro- perty facing Bissonnet is :fit for single-family use. He stated that the best use of the property would be for office bUildings, as suggested by the Wroxton residents' letter in June, 1966, to the Commission, and in the Caudill, Rowlett." Scott planning study. He requested that the Com- mission deny this application and take under consideration a professional and townhouse district. He stated that he had polled the residents of Wroxton, and presented this poll to the Commission for their information. He asked that the Commission listen to the residents and hear their wishes. Mrs. Harold Adam, 2911 Wroxton Road, asked that the Commission not change the zoning out of fear that something worse would happen, and asked that their judgment lean in favor of the Wroxton residents and that they vote against the proposed ordinance. I - ....,"'..,~.__.=~'Jl _.'ltc'-- '.,~ -- ... 1 . T- 'IT"';iCTJITllIr- "Ir 171 Mr. T. P. Camp, 6352 Sewanee, stated that he feels th;ts is setting a bad precedent if the ordinance is passed, in that it is letting the way open for other petitions on oth~r property. c.o in ~ Cl U U Mr. Steve Davis, 3733 Sunset, asked Commissioner Wright to give his reasons for being in favor of this ordinance. Commissioner Wright stated that it was not a simple question and has not been simple, be- cause the Commission has studied this question for many months. He stated that he had lived here for 13 years, and realizes that the peripheral area around West University Place, continues to be a problem. He feels a wise disposition of how this property should be used, before the city does lose control and something less desirable than townhouses come into the picture; that the city should retain control and make this decision, regardless of whether it is P9Pular, but that it is a decision the Com- mission was elected to make, as they make other decisions and do it in the best interest of the city, as to what is right and fair. Mr. Davis then asked Commissioner Vest the same quest;i.on. Commissioner Vest stated that he had been on either the Zoning Board of the city, or the Commission for the past seven and one-half years, and that this ques- tion had been discussed week after week for all of this time. He stated that professional help was obtained in the planning study made by Caudell, Rowlett and Scott. He stated that his reason for voting for this ordinance was to protect the zoning ordinance by choosing something that is perhaps not be best, that will p+otect what we have however. Commissioner Gill replied to the question> that his experience with the problem was longer than Commissioner Vest, as he had come on the Zoning Board in 1957, and he stated the:t:e had been many applications from people who wanted to come and talk about commercializing the property on Bissonnet. He stated that many times the city had been threatened with lawsuits on the property. He also stated that he' would like very much t.o see residences built there, but had reservations about thinking that there would ever be residences built there, such as he would like to see built on the property. He stated that he feels that the control of the zoning in this city is in- vested in the City Commission. He st"ated that he is for the protection of the zoning 1a.w, and that this is strengthening the zoning law and not break- ing it, because studies are made on each application, and this is the strength of the zoning ordinance--periodical study and keeping up with what is going on. Commissioner Ayres stated that the other Commissioners had stated many of the reasons that he had for wanting to take action on this p~ticular property. He stated that the best legal advice had been obtained, perhaps the best legal advice on zoning in the state, and that it was their recommendation that the zoning ordinance be periodica1ly reviewed and adjusted to bring it up to date. He stated that times have changed in the City of Houston in the past years, and that each time a comme:rcial building goes up across the street from our peripheral property, it weakens the chance of maintain- ing zoning for single-family residences. He stated that he felt the Com- mission should take action to protect the zoning ordinance. Mr. Carrol Brown asked the Ci tyAttorney if' this is the only way to change the zoning ordinance, by request of a citizen or property owner, F=~==---=C-:-==";:"'CC:=::-;~ .____._ _..~~_""'_7_="="=C-_"=_""",_--"'-_'=_........ 'j ~ City Attorney Cockrell stated that this was the normal procedure, but that the Zoning and Planning Commission could make a recommendation to the City Commission af'ter gQing through the legal procedures. He stated that the Commission is not legally bound to accept the recommendation of the Zoning Commission, but cannot amend the Zoning Ordinance without a recommendation from the Zoning and Planning Commissionofirst. Mr. John Elvig, 2631 Pittsburg,asked whether the Commission has been advised by legal counsel that if the ordinance was not amended that there would be legal action against it. Mayor Holma.n stated that there always is this hazard, if the property owner does not get some relief where he feels he is not being permitted to utilize his property inti..a manner in keeping with the neighborhood, and that we do not know how a court would rule. He stated that the advice of at~orney is that if we do not make periodic reviews and changes in the ordinance, there is the possibility that it will go to court and that the court would then write the rule, and not the City Commission. Mr. Tommy Browder asked whether the property owners, or Horace Mann were pushing for the change of the ordinance. Mayor Holma.n advised that as the optionee on the property, Mr. Mann speaks for the property owners. The City Attorney was asked concerning the two changes suggescted in the proposed ordinance. He stated that the words "living area" could be inserted, so that Section l-~ would read as follows: "The dimensions of any townhouse erected shall be such as to provide not less than 1,200 square feet of floor space (living area), and shall be not less than 16 feet in width, measured to include outside walls and one-ha1f of common wall between townhouses." He also stated tha.t Section l-H could be changed to read "Each townhouse or residence shall be constructed fronting upon Bissonnet Street~, if' the Commission desired to make the'se changes. Commissioner Ayres, who made the motion to approve ordinance number 879, asked that his motion be amended to accept the wording outlined above by the City Attorney. Commissioner Vest, who seconded the motion, agreed to the changes. Mayor Holman asked for a vote on approval of ordinance number 879, as pre- sented and read by City Attorney Charles Cockrell, with the two changes indicated in the foregoing paragraphs. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The City Manager stated that the next matter for consideration was ordinance number 880, establishing a fire zone limit on this particular area. Ordi-, nance number 880, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full by; the City Attorney. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS BY THE ADDITION THERETO OF SECTION 6-9; DECLARING AND DELINEATING FIRE ZONE 7 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN CONSTRUCTION PROCESSES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE 1"- "~C'_~~"- "'"'31' _~r '-~ -, - c .----'1: -, u_,_ IC"-'~:~'T-:mw" "111 /73 Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commiss:tQn~r Wright, that ordinance number 880, establishing a fire zone limit 7, be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission 9n September 26,1966 were presented for consideration and the fo11owing action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gil,l, .,. th,at ,the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on September 26, 1966 be approved as submitted~ Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business t.o come before the Commission at ,this t~e, upon'motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:go p.m. jJd1w~/ MAYOR ATTEST: ] ,- ':i! !i-r","=_7"'.'._- ..I . r'~:'iITTlmllr~- 0'11" / 71 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER 24, 1966 I~I l~i The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, October 24, 1966, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Attorney and CityMana~erwere also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Holma.n. In accordance with action of the City Commission, bids received for the sale of 500 Watchdog water meters, size 5/8 x 3/4", were opened, and results announced as follows: Lone Star Meter Company, Houston, Texas - $2,625 for 500 meters ($5.25 each) Da.vis Meter Company, Thomasville, Georgia -'$2.00 each for the 500 meters Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the high bid submitted by Lone Star Meter Service Company of $2,625 or $5.25 each for the 500 Watchdog water meters,size 5/8 x 3/4", be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright NOne The minutes of' the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on October 17, 1966 were presented to the Commission. i'="1 i I The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission ! on October 13, 1966, were presented to the COmmi13$i9n: It was stated that the Zoning and Planning Commission had received'anapp~ication from'.the West University Baptist Church requesting rezoning of Lot 6, Block 19, Collegeview 1st Addition, and Lots 11, 13, 14 and 15, Block 15, Collegeview 3rd Addition for church use. It was also stated that a public hearing had been called by the Zoning and Planning Commission for 7:30 p.m. November 10, 1966 to hear any persons in connection with the application. A Proclamation designating the period 'of November 11 through December, 1966 as TB Christmas,Seal Season, was presented and read in full. , . Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Wright that the Pro- clamation designating mB Christmas Seal Season be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gil~ Vest and Wright None Ordinance number 881, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 858, WHICH APPROVED THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1966 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1966 ;-"""-""'-'-, I I r~~o~-- ,.'.'~, "TI t, r ,. ' .""1 'I "":i,mlll''' --:11i l'{:J Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that ordinance number 881, amending Budget ordinance number 858 to provide for additional expenditures of $7,500 for repairs and equipment for the Sewage Disposal Plant, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill,Vest and Wright. None The 1966 Tax Roll of the City of West University Place, as certified by the Tax-Assessor-Collector and approved by members of the Tax Board of Equalization, was presented to the Commission for approval. c.o t(j lJ') C4 U U Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the Tax Roll for the City of West University Place for the tax year 1966 in the total valuation of $26,343,904, be approved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The Commission gave consideration to a request from Texa~ Industries, Inc. for a lease agreement on 3.02 acres of the 6.5~ acres of land on Alief Road owned by the City. It was stated that Texas Industries desires to pay the city $950 per month rental for the 3.02 acres for a primary term of four years, four months, ending March. 31, 1971. A letter was also presented requesting permission to sub~lease a portion, the south 120 f'eet of the 6.51 acre tract. ' Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the Mayor be, authorized to execute the lease agreement with Texas Industries Inc. for a primary term of four years, four months, ending March 31, 1971, and that the letter agreeing to sub-lease of the south 120 feet of the property to the Vantage Company, be signed by the Mayor evidencing the city's approval of this request. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holma.n, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on October lQ, 1966 were presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on October 10, 1966 be approved as corrected. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and WJ:'ight None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed until 9:00 a.m., November 12, 1966, at which time the Commission will meet to canvass the returns of the General City Election to be held on November 8,1966. Jiul!~_a/dirn~J . MAYOR ATTEST: (Jtbi4 I ~~lt;dvv . s . stan "'"C1. y Secretary l--"C" .rj 0 RECESSED MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 12, 1966 The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Saturday, November 12, 1966, 9 a.m., with the following members present: Mayor HoJ.ma.n, presiding; Commissioners Gill and Wright. Commissioners Ayres and Vest were absent. The City Manager was present. The purpose of the recessed meeting was to canvass the returns of the City General Election held on November 8, 1966 for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four members of the City Commission. Resolution number 66-13, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in fulL WHEREAS, in accordance with the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas, the Texas Election Code and ordinance number 846 of the City of West University Place, a General City E~ection was he~d on November 8, 1966 in the City of West University Place for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Commissioners; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 8.29a of the Texas Election Code, the Judges of the election have made out, signed and delivered in a sealed envelope, the returns of said election, together with the p&ll lists and ta~J.y lists, to the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of.West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas, in recessed session, assembled on November 12, 1966, have opened and examined the election returns and have canvassed the results thereof in accordance with provisions of the City Charter and the Texas Election Code, and as a result of such examination and canvass, said Mayor and City Commissioners find that at such election, the f'ollowing votes were cast: Name Candidate for No. 15 No~ 87 No. 133 No. 183 o. P. Gill Mayor 833 862 693 845 Pat Glass Mayor 16 16 6 Jack Hardy Mayor 1 Joe Blow Mayor 1 Allen Weatherby Mayor 3 John Kennedy Commissioner 377 410 364 368 Edward J. Kuebler Commissioner 384 414 360 370 George Dickinson Commissioner 892 852 652 783 W. J. "Bill " Rogde Commissioner 854 790 641 762 Homer L. Ramsey Commissioner 797 798 633 728 Roger R. Wright, Sr. Commissioner 775 755 592 703 Vic Carter Commissioner 1 wren VanStone Commissioner 1 Pat Glass Commissioner 1 5 " Allen Weatherby Commissioner 2 O. H. Moore Commissioner 3 V. V. Wolf'hagen Commissioner 1 B. Wolf'hagen Commissioner 1 Harold J. Adam Commissioner 3 a.nd, I" '--- :J. _---..i...!.Ll .. --- __I --. ----....TT.':::;::r1IT1lle..-- --~Il c.o Uj lJ') ~ u u 171 WHEREAS, as a result of such election, it appears that O. P. Gill with a total of 3,233 votes cast for him, was elected MAYOR of the City of West University Place, Texas; and that GEORGE DICKINSON, with a total number of 3,179 votes cast for him, and W. J. "Bill" ROGDE, with a total number of 3,047 votes cast for him, and HOMER L. RAMSEY, with a total number of 2,956 votes cast for him,; and ROGER R. WRIGHT, SR., with a total number of 2,825 votes cast for him, have been elected Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas. NOW, < THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the official results of such election shall be, and they are hereby declared, Plll'suant to canvass of the returns of such election by the Mayor and City Commission to be that: O. P. Gill was elected Mayor George Dickinson was elected Commissioner W. J. 1Bi11" Rogde was elected Commissioner Homer L. Ramsey was elected Commissioner Roger R. Wright, Sr. was elected Commissioner of the City of West University Place, Texas at the said election. 2. That an executed copy of this Reso~ution shall be delivered to each O. P. Gill, George Dickinson, W. J. "Bill" Rogde, Homer L. Ramsey, and Roger R. Wright, Sr., as.his Certificate of Election, and duplicate copies hereof shall be delivered to the City Secretary of the City of West Univer- s i ty, Place, Texas, and the County Judge of Harris County, Texas Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that Reso- lution number 66-13, canvassing the returns of the General. City Election held on November f3, 1966 anddeclaring the results thereof', be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayop Holman, Commissioners Gill and Wright None There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed until 7:30 p.m. Monday, November 14, 1966. ILL/k~v/- MAYOR ATTEST: r-'-~-~"--" , ]___. ,c,..Jl!!Lf' [~_________n 'l.r~T[]]IJIII' '~m HI. L ~ v REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 14, 1966 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, November 14, 1966, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gil, Vest and Wright. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Elect George Dickinson was out of the city on company business. The Invocation was pronounced by Rev. Lewis McAdow, Minister of the Bethany Christian Church. Mayor Holman welcomed those present, and stated that there would be a short business session. He then asked the City Manager to present the items to be considered by the Commission. The City Secretary advised that a petition had been received in his office on November 8, 1966, signed by numerous electors requesting that ordinance number 879, creating a Townhouse Dwelling Dist~ict on lots fronting Bis- sonnet Street in Blocks 1 and 2, Monticello Addition, be either repealed or submitted to a vote of the electors. He stated that the City Charter relluires that the referendum petition be signed by at least 10% of the number of electors who voted at the last General City Election, and he stated that some 3,075 persons voted at the election held November 3, 1964, which would require 308 signatures of qualified electors. He certified to the Commission that the petition had been checked against the poll and exemption lists, and that it did in fact contain more than the r~quired 308 signatures of qualified electors. Mayor Holman asked that the record show that the petition had been received by the CityCommissfon in regular session, and that it would be given consideration by. the inCOming City Com- mission and action would be taken at a future meeting. The minutes of' the regular meeting of' the Commission on October 24, 1966, and the recessed meeting on November 12, 1966 were presented to the Com- mission for consideration and the following action taken. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on October 24, 1966 and the recessed meeting on November 12, 1966 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None Mayor Holman t~en introduced former city officials present at the meeting, former Mayors C.P. Lanmon, Ed Morris and Stuart La.mkin, and former Com- missioners Horace A. Rice and William Hamlett. He then introduced Mayor pro tem Loys E. Vest. Mr. Vest expressed his appreciation to all those whO had encouraged him to become a part of the city goverrunerit, and his appreciation for the opportunity to have served in this capacity. He then wished the new Commission success. I --~~.~ a ", r 1 ,--- .n '-In, ''"iirnmrn~ ':rr 17~ Mayor Holma.n introduced Commissioner Richard Ayres. Mr. Ayres also expressed appreciation for having had the opportunity to serve in this position. He expressed appreciation to the other members of the Commission who had assisted him. He asked that the citizens see that the affairs of the city be carried on by capable, conscientious persons to keep the city the same fine place. to live that it now is. . c.o Uj lJ') o u u Mayor Holman introduced Mayor Elect o. P. GilL Mr. Gill thanked the West University citizens for their work and efforts in selecting persons to serve in elected positions and expressed'his gratitude for the privilege of serving as a Commissioner and his coming term as Mayor, in which- he pledged to do his best for the good of the City. He stated that he had been honored to have served on the Commission for the past two years, and would always be indebted to the other members of the Commission for their ability and leadership and those who were before the present Commission. He stated that there were more than 20 years of Commission and Zoning Board experience represented on the present Commission, and stated that it would be he osjective to continue the sort of' government West University, Place has had in the past. Mayor Holma.n introduced Commissioner Roger R. Wright, Sr., who also is Commissioner Elect. Mr. Wright stated then that he had never worked with a group of men whose courage and convictions he had ammired more than the men on the Commission. He stated that in spite of the problems that are.before the new Commission,he is 10.oking forward to serving and thanked the citizens for returning him to the Commission for another term. He stated that he is looking forward to working with the new Commission for the best interests of the city. Mayor Holman stated that 'Commissioner Elect George Dickinson had been unable to attend this meeting because of company business. Mayor Holma.n then, introduced Commissioner Elect Homer L. Ramsey. Mr. Ramsey stated that when he and his wife ht;!.d moved to Houston, he had given her a choice of where she wanted to live, as "any street in West University Place". He thanked the citizens for their confidence in him in electing him to the office of Commissioner, ,and stated that he would do his best to make a good Commissioner and try to uphold the fine traditions 'of West University Place. ' Mayor Holman introduced Commissioner elect w. J. "Bill" Rogde. Mr. Rogde also stated that he wished to thank the citizens who elected him and stated that the incoming Commission would do their best to keep this city the way the Commissioners and Mayors in the past had tried to do. At this time, Mr. Horace A. Rice, an attorney, administered the Oath of Office to Mayor elect O. P. Gill and then to Commissioners elect Homer L. Ramsey, W. J. "Bill" Rogde, and Roger R. Wright, Sr. Former Commissioners Ayres and Vest retired from the conference table at this time, along with former Mayor Holman. '''Ill l (j U Mayor Gill introduced City Manager Whitt Johnson, who presented all of thec:ity's department heads and Corporation Court Judge Gale Rees, and City Attorney Charles Cockrell. Mayor Gill then stated that the first order of business would be to elect a Mayor pro tem. Motion by Commissioner Rogde, seconded by Commissioner Ramsey, that Commissioner Roger R. Wright, Sr. be electedMayor pro tem for the ensuing term of office. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gill, Commissioners Ramsey, Rogde and Wright None Resolution number 66-14, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, a city election was held on the eighth day of November, 1966, in the City of West University Place, Texas, for the purpose of electing a Mayor a.nd f'our members of' the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the votes cast at the election held on November 8, 1966, were canvassed by members of the City Commission on the date of November 12, 1966 and it was determined that Commissioner o. P. Gill had been duly elected Mayor, and that Commissioner Roger R. Wright, Sr. had been duly re-elected Commissioner, and that George Dickinson, Homer L. Ramsey and W. J. "Bill" Rogde had been duly elected as Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, in regular session of the City Commission held on November 14, 1966, each of the above-named persons were administered the Oath of Office a nd duly installed in their respective elected positipns; and WHEREAS, upon proper motion and second, Commissioner Roger R. Wright, Sr. was elected Mayor pro tem of the City of West University Place, Texas: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That Mayor O. P. Gill and Mayor pro tem Roger R. Wright, Sr., be, and they are hereby designated and authorized to sign or countersign checks drawn oO"all banks serving as depository for funds of the City of West University Place,Texas, and any banks which may be hereinafter designated as depository of city funds during the term of their office. 2. Be it further resolved that all provisions of such prior Resolutions. as may conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed; and be it further resolved that the City Treasurer be, and he is hereby directed, to furnish each depository bank with which the city has funds on deposit, or with which the city transacts any banking business, a true and correct copy of this Resolution. Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Rogde, that ResQlu- tion number 66-14, designating and authorizing Mayor Gill and Mayor pro tem r-~o~-~o~-c -~~- --3 _" __.............Ll.I- . ----- ---- .. 1. ~~--=r--~__n- - -,-- --.--'1---'-' -;T:~:i~''T:1m]tI'n ":m' 1.bj'...1 Wright to sign and countersign checks drawn on ,banks serving as depositories for city funds, be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gill, Commissioners Ramsey, Rogde and Wright None Mayor Gill then invited everyone present) to attend the Reception to be held immediately following the meeting, at the Community Building. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. c.o :t.i.) lJ') Cl U U ~~--~// <:.- MAYOR ATTEST: Assistant City Secretary ,---~"'-'="""=- -.-- ._- II jli:r-oc=--;O-~'", ---'1 -----------"""'--'I.--...T.;c"l~ "iii l Q 'J;;j REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 28, 1966 The City Commission convened in regular ~ession at the City Hall on Monday, November 28, 1966, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present; Mayor Gill, presiding; Commissioners Dickinson, Ramsey, Rogde and Wright. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Wright. The first item on the agenda was the administering of the Oath of Office to Commissioner George Dickinson, inasmuch as Commissioner Dickinson was not present at the meeting on November 14,1966 at which time the other Commis- sioners were administered the Oath of Office. The Oath of' Office was administered ~o Commissioner Dickinson at this time by Mr. Horace A. Rice, attorney. Mr. Dick Atkins, 3617 Bissonnet, appeared before the Commission to request permission to fence vacant property which he owns. Mr. Atkins stated that his property faces commercial property on Bissonnet Street and acess to and from his present driveway is almost completely obstructed. He proposes to construct a new driveway and its entrance on Mercer Street, and the fence to afford privacy and protection for his family. Mr. Atkins presented a sketch and photographs to the Commission, showing the existing f'ence and shrubbery, as well as plans for the new construction. After considerable discussion the following action was taken. Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Rogde, that due to the particular and peculiar circumstances with regard to the location of the pro- perty, that the applicarit, Mr. Dick Atkins, be granted a permit to build a fence as outlined on the sketch presented to the City Commission, and that the Building Inspector be instructed to grant a permit for said fence, pro- vided that Mr. Atkins give the city a written statement that no improvements will be made on the lot while the fence stands as permitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gill, Commissioners Dickinson, Ramsey, Rogde and Wright None Mr. and Mrs. Oren E. Jacobs, Jr., appeared before the Commission to request that a letter be written to the Federal Housing Authority stating that the garage apartment owned by Mrs. Jacobs, located at 6417 Mercer Street, was not constructed in violation of the city's zoning ordinance. The City Manager stated that the city had no record of a permit for the construction of this garage apartment and had no knowledge that it was in fact constructed prior to the passage of the Zon$p;g Ordinance. The City Manager stated that, in his opinion, the garage apartment located at 6417 Mercer Street had been constructed and occupied in violation of the city's zoning ordinance number 111, and that he preferred not to sign a letter of statement to the Federal Housing Authority that the garage apartment complied with zoning regulations. Mayor Gill instructed r'~'~'=~~- -C'," --'~''ir , r _, n ncc.- I '..";ilHl1Ill~' ':Ili c.o Uj lJ') o u u .lOu the City Attorney to write a letter to the Federal Housing Authority stating only the date of the passage of the city's zoning ordinance., and advised Mr. Jacobs that he would have to prove by independent means the actual construction date of the garage apartment. In accordance with action of the City Commission, bids received for the replace- ment of the stage curtain at the Community Building were opened, and results a nnounced as follows: MontgomelY Ward Alternate Suniland Furniture Company Evans-Monical, Inc. Halpern's Fabrics, Inc. (1) $400.50 352.50 294.76 535.00 545.00 Motion by Commissioner Dickinson, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that bids received for the rep1acement of' the stage curtain at the Community Building be ref'erred to the City Manager, Mrs. Estelle deAlcala, and Commissioner W. J. "Bill" Rogde, for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gill, Commissioners Dickinson, Ramsey, Rogde and Wright None Mayor Gill stated that a petition had been received by the former Commission requesting that ordinance number 879, creating a Townhouse Dwelling District on lots fronting B~ssonnet Street in Blocks 1 and 2, Monticello Addition, be either repealed or submitted to a vote of the electors. The City Secretary certified to the Commission that the requirement that at least 10% of the number of electors who voted in the last election sign the petition, had been met and that the petition was in order. The Mayor stated that a petition had been received by the Commission, signed by six owners of Lots 1 through 15, Block 2, Monticello Addition, being the o\vners of all of these lots, request- ing that the petition requesting a repeal or referendum vote be disregarded. Upon a request from Mayor Gill as to the procedure to be followed, the City Attorney advised that at the next meeting, or a later meeting, the Commission should reach a decision as to whether the ordinance should be r~pealed or re- ferred to the voters. Should the decision be to refer the ordinance to the voters, an election should be called thirty days after such decision. The City Attorney suggested that any further action on the petitions be postponed until the new members of the City Commission had an opportunity to study the ordinance as passed on October 10, 1966. Mayor Gill stated that further action would be postponed until the next retsular meeting of the Commission on December 12, 1966, at which time the Commission will endeavor to reach a decision that will be in the best interest of the citizens. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on November 10, 1966 were presented to the Commission for consideration, together with the Preliminary and Final Reports of the Zoning Commission, concerning the application of the West University Baptist Church for rezoning of property for church use. I .--~-~rc~-";i,i'lmlll~r-- -----rm '" '~ ", r L.V--':''l: Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Ragde, that inasmuch as the second regularly scheduled meeting in December of the Commission will be on December 26, 1966, which is a holiday, that the meeting date be changed to December 19, 1966 and that a public hearing be called by the City Commission for that date for the purpose of hearing all interested parties in connection with the application of the West University Baptist Church filed on September 29, 1966, and that proper legal notice be given. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gill, Commissioners Dickinson, Ramsey, Rogde and Wright None A letter was presented to the<Commission from the Texas State Board of Health, requesting that a City Health Officer be appointed by the Commission, inasmuch as the term of Dr. Howard L. Evans expired on November 23, 1966. Motion by Commissioner Dickinson, seconded by Commissioner Ramsey, that inasmuch as Dr. Howard L. Evans had served very eff'iciently as City Health Officer, and had expressed a willingness to continue, that he be reappointed as City Health Officer for the City of West University Place for a two-year term, expiring on November 28, 1968. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gill, Commissioners Dickinson, Ramsey, Ragde and Wright None Resolution number 66-15, as follow~was presented to the Commission and read in full. WHEREAS, the City of West University Place determined that it would be to the best interest to join and associate itself with other communities in the objec- tives of the Houston-Galveston Area Council, and adopted the by-laws and joined such association by the passage and adoption of Resolution 66-11, and WHEREAS, DuPree Holman, Mayor of the City of West University Place, was designated as the city's representative on said Houston-Galveston Area Council, and WHEREAS, the term of Mayor DuPree Holma.n has expired necessitates the appointment of another representative on said Area Council, and WHEREAS, O.P. Gill was duly elected Mayor of the City of West University Place on November 8, 1966: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That Mayor Q.P. Gill be, and he is hereby, designated as the city's repres~n- tative on the Houston-Galveston Area Council. 2. That the Director of the Houston-Galveston Area Council be notified of Mayor O. P. Gill's designation as the city's representative by certified copy of this Resolution. r~>c~~ -11 ur r -' -"'"-~''''~-=-''--='="'''==-=-1 I '"IITllfllIr'" "n[" CJ:) ~ lJ') ~ u u ..LOU Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Dickinson, that Resolution number 66-15, designating Mayor O. P. Gill as the city representative on the Houston-Galveston Area Council, be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gill, Commissioners Dickinson, Ramsey, Rogde and Wright None The City Manager informed the Commission that additional funds were included in the 1967 Budget f'or increasing the number of street lights in the city, and he stated that the next regular meeting of the Commission on December 12th he would present complete plans for installation and cost of the proposed street lighting program. Due to the length of time required to advertise for bids and 'secure delivery, the City Manager requested permission to present specifications for a new street sweeper, included in the 1967 budget, at the next regular meeting of the Commis- sion on December 12, 1966. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on November 14, 1966 were presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, seconded by Commissioner Rogde, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on November 14, 1966 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gill, Commissioners Dickinson, Ramsey, Rogde and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. ATTEST: Assistant City Secretary I' ~'l T~CC'~~~C_'C~ " n 'ii'r d~~/ MAYOR IC'"i[TltIllll" ":111 C LOU REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION DECEMBER 12, 1966 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, December 12, 1966, with the following members present: Mayor Gi11, presiding; Commissioners Dickinson, Ramsey, Rogde and Wright. The City Atto1'D.ey and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Gill. A re~uest was present which was received from Mr. Paul Canto, 3303 Sunset, for permission to ~aive the four-foot sidewalk requirement at two new residences he is constructing at 6517 and 6519 Westchester. He desires to construct a three- foot widewalk to conform with the existing walks in this block. There was con- siderable discussion concerning the request, and it was decided that if the city is to standardize on sidewalk width it should do so in all cases. Motion by Com- missioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Ramsey, that the request of Paul Canto for permission to construct a three-foot sidewalk at 6517 and 6519 Westchester rather than the four-foot required by the city's Code, be denied, inasmuch as the City Commission believes this decision to be f'or the betterment of' the city and its improved appearance that the four-foot sidewalk width requirement be adhered to. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gill, Commissioners Dickinson, Ramsey, Rogde and Wright None Commissioner Wright stated that he felt consideration should be given to remov- ing this provision from the Code of Ordinances and making this decision one of the Building Inspector. The City Manager was instructed to make a study on this matter and make a recommendation to the Commission for the best solution to the problem. Mayor Gill stated that the two petitions received concerning ordinance number 879, commonly known as the "Townhouse Ordinance" should be considered and action taken. Mayor Gill asked the City Attorney to read the caption of the petition submitted requesting repeal of the ordinance or calling of a referendum election. Mayor Gill then asked the City Attorney to read Ordinance number 879, so that those persons present might know the provisions of the ordinance under considera- tion. Mayor Gill then asked the Commission whether they had any questions con- cerning the petitions or the ordinance.~ He stated that the first matter for consideration would be whether to repeal the ordinance, as requested by the pe- tition read, or not to repeal the ordinance, in which case an election for a vote as to whether the electors of the city are "for" or "against" the ordinance as written, would be called. Mayor Gill also advised that this ordinance had been~accompanied by another ordinance making the property involved a Fire Limit Zone, which is the most restricted area in the entire city. The City Attorney also read a petition signed by all property owners in Block 1, Monticello Addition, requesting that the petition previously submitted be disregarded, and that ordi- nance number 879 be allowed to remain in effect as written and approved. Com- missioner Wright asked whether it was possible that the owners of the property under consideration might file legal action to block a referendum vote if called. The City Attorney advised that the courts might hold that this is not the type of ordinance subject to referendum election. 11 IIr 111'11111I11'" "':IIIT- c.o Uj lJ') Cl U c..;> 1 ,Q:'Y1 .p___ (_.1" ~f Mayor Gill asked the Commission whether they desired to repeal ordinance number 879 as requested by the petition submitted on November 9, 1966. . Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, seconded by Commissioner Dickinson, that ordinance number 879 not be repealed as requested in the petition submitted to the Commission by Mr. H. Allen Weatherby on November 9, 1966. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gill, Commissioners Ramsey, Rogde, Dickinson and Wright None Mayor Gill then entertained a motion for calling a referendum election as requested in the aforementioned petition. The City Attorney presented ordi- nance number 882, captioned as follows, and read in full: AN ORDINANCE CALLING AN ELECTION WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS FOR THE 28TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1967 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PERMITTING THE ELECTORS OF SAID CITY TO VOTE FOR OR AGAINST ORDI- NANCE NUMBER 879, COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS "THE TOWNH0.USE ORDINANCE"; DESIGNATING THE POLLING PLACES PRESCRIBING THE FORM, DATES AND HOURS FOR ABSENTEE BALIDTING; NAMING THE> ELECTION JUDGES AND CLERKS; AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF ELECTION Motion by Commissioner Rogde, seconded by Commissiore r Wright, that ordinance number 882, calling a referendum election on the 28th of' January, 1967, to allow the electors of the city to vote "for" or "against" ordinance number 879, com- monly referred to as the "townhouse. ordinance'~ designating the polling places for said election; naming the election officials; providing for the method and time for absentee voting; and providing for notice of election, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gill, Commissioners Dickin~on, Ramsey, Rogde and Wright None Mr. R. J. Waldt appeared before the Commission and stated that a committee composed of Messrs. Bill Frank, 6505 'Rutgers; John Neighbors, 2809 Wroxtonj- Noel Proctor, 4102 Case; Wilbur Scott, 4010 Milton; and Hollis Waldt, 5932 Auden, desired to offer their services as a study group to make recommenda- tions on various subjects to the different'Boardsand Committees of the city. Mayor Gill commended the men for their interest in the city and stated that they would be happy to accept their offer of' service. The City Manager presented a map and report showing recommended new. street' lights to be installed in,1967.' The report showed the number of existing lights and the costs to the city for the proposed 135 additonal 3300 lumen, mercury vapor lights. He stated that the budget provided funds for additional street lights, but that this recommendation might require an additional appro- priation of some $500 in excess of the budgeted amount. After discussion the following action was taken by the Commission: Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Rogde that the re- commendation of the City Manager concerning installation of 135 new 3300 lumen mercury vapor street lights for the year 1967, be approved, and that the recommended additional lights be installed. ~ _ T'.=".~~=;;;":--'-=70-o=:c-r:.'=.. "'::I c~m " _F --- - '-"~ ':::;~lf'irr.llrr=" , It) ~i1 ,""<; _ V \...)1 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gill, Commissioners Dickinson, Ramsey, Rogde, and Wright None In accordance with action of the City Commission on November 28, 1966, a re- commendation for purchase of a new curtain at the Community Building was presented to the Commission for consideration. The following letter of re- commendation was read to the Commission: Gentlemen: In accordance with action of the City Commission, herewith is a tabu1ation of the bids received on November 28, 1966 for fabrication and insta11ation of a stage curtain at the Community Building: Firm Number, Yards Material Bid' Price Montgomery Ward Montgomery Ward Suniland Furniture Company Evans-Monical, Inc. Halpern's Fabrics, Inc. 48 (1) (2) $400 . 50 352.50 294.76 535.00 545.00 32 48 40 After reviewing the bids received and the quality and quantity of the materials involved, it is the recommendation of the Committee, composed of Mrs. Estelle DeAlcala, 3035 Laf'ayette; Commissioner W. J. Rogde and City Manager Whitt JOhnson, that the proposal submitted by Evans-Monical, Inc. be accepted. Their proposal is in the amount of $587.70, using 48 yards of their pattern number 28421, Symphony Velour, 'color special red, 100% cotton, at a quoted price of $8.60 per yard for 54...inch materiaL You will note that the bid quotation was $535; however, this consisted of a quality material we did not consider adequate, listed at $7 per yard. The material selected by the Committee is $52.80 in excess of the quoted price. It is our opinion that this additional cost is justifiable, as the material will, in all probability, last many years longer. Motion by Commissioner Dickinson, seconded by Commissioner Ramsey, that the recommendation of the Committee be accepted, and that the firm of Evans-Monical, Inc., be employed to fabricate a new stage curtain for the Community Building in accordance with their proposal for a total sum of $587.80, as outlined in the foregoing letter. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gill, Commissioners Dickinson, Ramsey, Rogde and Wright None Mayor Gill requested that the Committee continue to see that this curtain is installed in accordance with the plans and specifications, and to the satis- faction of the Committee before approval for payment. The City Manager advised the Commission that $12,000.00 had been appropriated for purchase of a new street sweeper and requested authority to advertise for bids for this purchase at any early date, so that the sweeper could be placed into operation as soon as possible after the first of the year. Motion by' r"~~~-"~'-'''~O~~.,~ .:Jl ,._.Jltr--~".'~."~.'""~-_.~ ---=.- - '-'~::-Tlml[IH rill' _t ()~j Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Dickinson that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for a new street sweeper, to be received until 7:30 p.m. January 23, 1967. (Mayor Gill expressed the hope that the purchase could be made f'or the $12,000 appropriated in the 1967 budget for this purpose.) Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gill, Commissioners Dickinson, Ramsey, Rogde and Wright None There was some discussion concerning purchase of automobile and truck ~equire- ments for the city for 1967 for which funds have been appropriated in the 1967 budget. The City Manager requested authority to advertise for bids as soon as practical after January 1st, in order that the new automobiles might be c.o placed into service before additional repairs are necessary to the automobiles Uj now in use. Motion by Commissione.rRogde, . seconded by Commissioner Ramsey that lJ') the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 7;3Qp.m. t3 on January 9, 1967 for three new police cars and one dump truck for the Street U Department. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gill, Commissioners Dickinson, Ramsey, Rogde and Wright None Invoices totaling $860.21 from Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc. for engineer- ing services rendered, were presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner R~sey, that the invoices from Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc. for' engineering services rendered, total- ing $860 21 be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gill, Commissioners Dickinson, Ramsey, Rogde and Wright None A report on current tax collections was presented to the Commission. The Com- mission was advised that the collections were some .84% behind this time last year, but that the payments f'rom the utility companies had not yet been re- ceived, so that actually the collections are better than last year's. Resolutionuumber 66-16, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the Tax Collector of the City of West University Place anticipates re- ceiving cash totaling $120,000 prior to January 1,1967 from current tax collec- tions; and WHEREAS, said funds collected will be deposited in the account of the Tax Collector's Fund and held during the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967, and then disbursed in accordance with budget' appropriations; and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to invest the city's money not required for current operations as deemed advisable, and therefore it is necessary to direct investment of the af'oresaid $120,000.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: r~oo,~,O_O'~' "'0.0"." 'lir". I . '"",irT1U11I1' '1:11I" ~~} v Section 1. That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to invest $120,00 from current tax collections. Section 2. That said sum of' money be invested in savings and loan associations in Houstpn, Texas, at the stipulated interest rate of five per cent (5%). Section 3. That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to withdraw, as needed for operation of the city, cash from current tax collections deposited in the various savings and loans associations, Houston, Texas, said withdrawals to be accomplished by execution of Trustee Agreement Resolutions signed by the Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas. Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, seconded by Commissioner Rogde, that Resolution number 66-16, authorizing investment of $120,000 from current tax co11ections in savings and loan associations at an interest rate of 5%, be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gi11, Commissioners Dickinson, Ramsey, Rogde anq. W:J:.:ight None Commissioner Wright advised the Commission that he had received a telephone call from a lady, expressing her desire to see a piano purchased for the Community Building., City Manager advis~d that this would be considered at the meeting on December 19th, and that ~unds were appropriated for this purpose in the 1966 budget. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on November 28, 1966 were presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Com- missioner Rogde, seconded by Commissioner Dickinson, that the minutes of the regular meeting of' the Commission on November 28, 1966 be approved as corrected. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gill, Commissioners Dickinson, Ramsey, Rogde and Wright . None With no further business to come before the Commission at this ttme, Mayor Gill reminded the Commission that the regularly scheduled meeting for December 26th had been set for December 19th, 'inasmuch as December 26th is a legal holiday this year, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. ~~1 C'~/,~ MAYOR Attest.: Assistant City Secretary I =-~~-, -'11 ",r =~=-==,===- =='1 ,= =1=n,rr'rn1[r' ',:iII .. ]". q-n _ 'V' _It REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION DECEMBER 19, 1966 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, December 19, 1966, 7 :30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Gill, presiding; Commissioners Dickinson, Ramsey, Rogde and Wright. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. (This meeting was held on the third Monday by Commission action, inasmuch as December 26th, the regular meeting date, is a legal holiday). The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Dickinson. CoO l\.l lJ') Cl U U Mayor Gill announced that the public hearing called for 7:30 p.m. was in session. He asked that those present desiring to be heard come forward to be sworn at this time. Mr. Loys E. Vest and City Manager Whitt Johnson were sworn by Mayor Gill at this time. The City Manager testified that an appli- cation had been filed on September 29, 1966 by the West University Baptist Church, requesting rezoning for church use of Lots 11, 13, 14 and 15, Block 15, Collegeview Third Addition and Lot 6, Block 19, Collegeview First Addition. He stated that the application had been received by the Zoning and Planning Commission in regular session on October 13, 1966, a pre- liminary report filed by the Zoning and Planning Commission on October 14, 1966, and a public hearing called by the Zoning and Planning Commission for November 10, 1966. He stated that the proper legal notices were mailed to property owners within 200 feet of the property under consideration, and that the public hearing notice was published in the Houston Chronicle. The public hearing of the Zoning and Planning Commission was held on Nov- ember 10, 1966 and the final report of the Zoning and Planning Commission to the City Commission was filed on November 11, 1966. The reports were received by the City Commission in regular session on November 28, 1966, at which time this public hearing was called, and he testified that proper legal notice of this hearing had been given as required. Mr. Loys E. Vest Chairman of the church committee for rezoning, appeared before the Commis- sion and explained the proposed plans of the church. He stated that if this property is rezoned, a new educational building would be constructed and that three old houses would be torn down and removed from the property. He stated that they felt this would definitely be an asset and improvement to the city, and would add greatly to the appearance of the block. He stated that Lots 13, 14 and 15 had been used as parking area by the church and by the city for a number of years, but that the church desired to have them rezoned, in order to fully comply with all regulations of the city. He stated that the need for parking facilities would be no greater, as there would be no change of activities. Mayor Gill asked whether the church is prepared to begin construction in the immediate future. Mr. Vest stated that they hope to have construction underway in the latter part of 1967, as soon as funds are available. There being no further questions, the City Attorney asked if there were any persons present in opposition to the appli- cation. There being no further persons to be heard, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Ramsey, that the public hearing be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gill, Commissioners Dickinson, Ramsey, Rogde and Wright None u _~ ~.} _ v kJ Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, seconded by Commissioner Rogde, that the application of the 'West University Baptist Church requesting rezoning of Lots 11, 13, 14 and 15, Block 15, Collegeview Third Addition and Lot, 6, Block 19, Collegeview First Addition be approved in accordance with plans submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gill, Commissioners Dickinson, Ramsey, Rogde and Wright None The City Manager asked that Street Superintendent A. L. Beard~n present information in connection with purchase of two new engines for use by the Street Department in 1967. Mr. Bearden advised that two new engines would be needed for which funds had been appropriated in the 1967 budget, but that each would exceed $500 in cost, thus requiring that bids be re- ceived for the items. He stated that one of the engines would be used on the leaf truck and the other on the asphalt truck. Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Dickinson that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 p.m. January 9, 1967 for one new VF4 Wisconsin engine complete with l2-volt ignition system for the asphalt distributor truck and one new Ford 330 cu. inch V8 engine complete with clutch and clutch housing for leaf truck. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gill, Commissioners Dickinson, Ramsey, Rogde and Wright None A letter was presented to the Commission showing insurance agents eligible to receive a pro rata share of the city's insurance premium commissions for the year 1966~ Commissioner Ramsey left the meeting at this time, due to a prior commit- ment. Motion by Commissioner Rogde, seconded by Commissioner Dickinson that the following list of insurance agents be approved to receive a pro rata share of the city's insurance commissions for 1966: Agents !:!Ell John E. Boyd, Jr. 2723 Robinhood John E. Boyd and Company 1704 Westheimer Wynne L. Creekmore 3759 Tangley Creekmore and Jacobs 1112 Prospect Ed J. Curry 2709 Albans Edward J. Curry Insurance 2302 Fannin Mrs. Edith J. Dannenbaum 5916 Charlotte Bahm, Bergus, French and Paddadas 2500 Dunstan Joe O. Eason 3773 Nottingham Joe C. Eason and Company 2115 Kingston LL__ _ _ F~-~~ ::J ~ t.l:Lr-',,"-CCO-'--'-'-=OC-"7--CO=-'-'-- "-- .'~.-~."1 r ~ --, 1'~'~:;'T'IITillr" '1:111 ' .l 0' .Q Agents Firm Aubrey Frye 3008 Rice Boulevard Aubrey Frye Insurance Agency 1108 Waugh Drive Wayland Hancock 3746 Tangley Wayland Hancock Insurance Agency 1927 Richmond Avenue T. P. Hewitt, Jr. 3755 Tahgley L. G. Butler and Company 528 Bankers Mortgage Building c.o Uj lJ') o u u R. B. Overstreet 3113 Pittsburg Robert B. Overstreet Insurance 2727 Allen Parkway Seth W. Ramey 3409 Rice Boulevard John L. Wortham and Son 2727 Allen Parkway Jack Rawson 2737 Amherst Jack Rawson Agency 1853 Lexington Fred A. Rhodes, Jr. 6633 Vanderbilt Julius Levi and Company Bankers Mortgage Building Sam W. Rogers, Sr. 2730 Sunset Sam Rogers Insurance Agency 817 Westheimer W. B. Ruth 3516 Nottingham W. B. Ruth and Company 3270 West Main John R. Sawyer 3514 Georgetown Sawyer Insurance Agency 6001 Gulf Freeway Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gill, Commissioners Dickinson, Rogde and Wright None The Commission was advised that the Fire Department would serve to register voters, in accordance with a request received from Carl Smith, Tax Assessor- Collector for Harris County, that the various Fire Departments handle this matter. The Commission was advised that the paving project was making slow progress, and that by the first meeting in January, the city should be able to issue a work order for the 4100 and 4200 blocks of Sunset, 3900 block of Browning, 3900 block of Byron and Community Drive. The Commission was advised that Mr. W. E. Ewing, presiding judge of Precinct 133 had passed away, and that Mr. Sidney Yoder, 4017 Amherst, had been ap- pointed to fill this vacancy by the Commissioners' Court of Harris County. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on December 12, 1966 were presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Dickinson that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on December 12, 1966, be approved as corrected. r-- ro~ . '~ In '~~-'--C-"~I-T~'iil'nITllrr~'- ---rm ~.,. -, Lj. tI . ..JL Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Gill, Commissioners Dickinson, Rogde and Wright None There being no flurther matters to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. ATTEST: ~q MAYOR Assistant City Secretary