HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1965 , I , M :;:;0 00 d CQ :Q 1 1. f i '----- ' / '---- ']1 n r.. ..s'd ;:l t1 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY ,COMMISSION JANUARY 11, 1965 The C:Lty Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, Jam.1.ar.y 11, 1965, 7: 30 p. m., with the f'ollowing members present: Mayor Holma.n, pres:i.di:Qg; Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Vest. Commissioner Wright was absent. The City Manager and City Attorney were present. Mr. Flfeq.Wilson, 4103 Milton, appeared before the Commission in regard to a problem which he has encountered; name1y, a sani tarysewer which backs ut into his back yard and overflows, creating a bad odor and an unsanitary condition when this occurs. He asked the'Commission if there were not some permanent solution to this problem. The City Manager advised Mr. Wilson that the Water:-Sewer Department is now in the process of making a permanent repair to this line, and that this should take care of the condition existing at this time. Mr. Alvin S. Beyer, 2636 University Boulevard, appeared be1'ore the Commission in reference to the paving lien which was f'iled against his property in 19$4. He stated that he is retired. and his income is not enough to pay his living expenses and also this paving lien. He also expressed the opinion that the ,paving was not beneficial to him or to his property, and that he did not feel that he spould have to pay the lien. He suggested that a compromise settle- ment might be made, in which he proposed to pay $350.00 of the t(i)tal due if the city would. accept this amount as a 1'inal settlement. Mayor Holman'~explained to Mr. Beyer that it would not be possible to accept this amount as a final settle,me.Il~' an<l advised Mr. Beyer that due to the circumstances surrounding his particular case, it would be best if he just allowed the lien to remain on the property until such tilDe as the property changed hands, and at that time there would be money available to payoff the lien and would work no hardship on him.Ml;',. Beyer stated that he wanted to settle the matter now, and that he, di(i ,not. ,want to allow the lien to remain on the property. The Commission suggested to Mr. Beyer that he make a wr,itten statement to the, advising what amount he could pay, and that they would then consider his written offer. The COmmission was advised that in accordance with Article XXVI, Section 15, of the City Charter, it is necessary that an official newspaper be selected 1'01'. the year 1965, for all official publications. Motionl::>Y Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the Houston Chronicle and/or the Southwest Peach Edition of the Houston Chronicle be selected as the official newspaper for the city for the year 1965. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Vest None The City Manager advised the ,Commission that Mr. Steve Shevack, who holds a lease on the property owned by the City at 4213 Bellaire BOulevard, desires to cancel the lease which ha,s one year remaining in the original . lease , with an option for an additional five-year lease. Mr. Shevack is willing to for- feit all improvements he has placed on the property; namely, a large metal shed. The Commission instructed the City Manager to ascertain whether or not there is any type of lien against the improvements, to request Mr. Shevack to make a written request to the Commission for cancellation of the lease, explaining exactly what he wishes to do, and that the Commission will then take official action on hIs request for cancellation of the agreement. . - --i ____UH . -.-.- "11 I r ';l ~J () A letter was presented from Mr. T. J. Compton. of the Department of Public Welfare, in connection with coverage of Firemen and Policemen under Social Security. Mr. Compton advised that it would not be necessary that the City Commission pass an ordinance authorizing the City Manager and City Treasurer to enter into all necessary agreements and make necessary payments to the State Department of Public Welfare to provide coverage for eliLgible policemen and firemen, and setting an effective date. Ordinance number 851, captioned as follows, was presented to the Comm~ssion and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACT ON BEHALF OF, THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE AND TO EXECUTE ALL INSTRU- MENTS NECESSARY TO EXTEND SOCIAL SECURITY COVERAGE FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS WHO VOTED FOR COVERAGE IN THE REFERENDUM DATED DECEMBER 15, 1964 AND ALL POLICEMEN AND FIREMEN ENTERING EMPIDYMENT SUBSEQUENT TO THE REFERENDUM, PURSUANT TO AGREEMENTS WITH THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE FOR FEDERAL OLD-AGE AND SURVIVORS INSURANCE BENEFITS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF APPLICABLE STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS; DIRECTING THE CITY 'l!REASURER TO MAKE SUCH ADDITIONAL OR SUPPLEMENTARY ASSESSMENTS, COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROVIDE COVERAGE FOR POLICEMEN AND FIREMEN; AND ORDER:j:NGC;THE ALIDCATION ANDSE';l'TING ASIDE IN THE REGULAR CITY DEPOSITORY IN THE FUND KNOWN AS THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. SOCIAL SECURITY FUNIY:OF SUCH ADDITIONAL MONEY FROM AVAILABLE FUNDS AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROVIDE SOCIAL SECURITY COVERAGE FOR ELIGIBLE POLICEMEN AND FIREMEN OF THE CITY OF, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by COmmissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that' Ordinance number 851, prov.iding Social Security coverage for eligible fireman and~elice- men, be passed and approved as read. ' Voting Aye: Mayor Holma.n, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Vest Voting No: None The Commission was advised that in order to keep the Water Department equipment in good operating condition, it is advisable to have the pumps and motors in we11s 3 and 4 removed, inspected and repaired. It was stated tl:e.t the sum of $4,300 was appropriated in the 1965 Budget for this purpose. Ordinance number 852, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THE NOOESSITY OF MAKING NECESSARY REPAIRS 'ON. WATER WELIB 3 AND 4 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BY REMOVING THE PUMPS, DISCHARGE COLUMNS; PUMP SHAFTING AND ELECTRIC MOTORS FOR INSPECTION AND REPAIR,. DE- TERMINING THAT SUFFICIENT FUNDS HAVE BEEN APPROPRIATED IN THE 1965 BUDGET TO DEFRAY THE,EXPENSES OF MAKING SUCH REPAIRS; DETERMINING THAT THE INSPECTION AND WORK OF REMOVING SAID PUMPS AND ELECTRIC MOTORS CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED EFFICIENTLY AND ECONOMICALLY ON A FORCE ACCOUNT BASIS; SELECTING THE FIRM OF LAYNE-TEXAS COMPANY, INC., AND THE FIRM OF HOUSTON ARMATURE WORKS, TO PROVIDE SAID INSPECTION AND WORK BY FURNISHING THEIR SERVICES AS INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS; AND FINDING AND DECLARING THE URGENCY OF THE WORK. i I , ~---' M 00 CC ~ CQ CO' , r--l I, LJ i I I ,---;l ~QO LJ'iJ '.t.}1 Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that ordinance 852, authorizing necessary repairs to pumps and motors in wells 3 and 4 by Layne- Texas Company and Houston Armature Works) be passed and approved as . read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Vest None The City Attorney presented and read in full Ordinance 853, concerning flashing red and ye110w lights, and various other traffice regulating devices, which he had been requested by the Commission to prepare, at a previous meeting. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR OFFICIAL TRAFFIC}; CONTROL DEVICES AT DESIGNATED INTERSECTIONS; REGULATING TRAFFIC MOVEMENT WHEN FACED WITH VARIOUS SIGNAL LIGHTS OR ARROWS; ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES WHEN FACED WITH FLASHING SIGNAIS: PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND A SAVINGS CLAUSE Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that ordinance number 853, providing for official traffic control devices at designated inter- sections, establishing procedures when faced with flashing signals, and pro- viding a penalty for violation, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Ho1man~ Commissioners Gill, Ayres and Vest None The Commission was advised that two cases involving our ordinance 255, which covers disturbing of the peace by barking dogs, woUld be heard within the next week in County Court. The first is the case of Mrs. Carol Turk, and will be heard Wednesday, January 13th at 9 a.m. The other is the case of Mr. Edward C. Mainous, which will be heard at 9 a.m. .on Monday, January Ie. The City Attorney advised the Commission that the eleven petitions for col- lection of outstanding paving liens filed in 1962, had been filed. . , There was discussion concerning the possibility of a bill being brought before the Texas Legislature which would allow the State to license all electricians, rather than the City. The Commission eXpressed the opinion that the power to license electricians should remain in the hands of the cities, rather than the State, and asked that additional information be obtained from the Texas Municipal League on this matter. Mayor Holman advised the Commission, that due to the death of J. S. Waters, who was a member of the Electrical Board, it woUld be necessary to appoint someone to fill the vacancy. He asked the Commission to consider this matter and present the names of any Electrical Engineers residing in the city, at the next meeting for consideration. The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, December 28, 1964, were presented to the Commission for their consideration and the follow- ing action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on December 28, 1964, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, None Gill and Vest "'} i) c\ .;) 'L t. With no f'urtherbusiness to come before the Comm.ission at this time, uponlP,Q~:tQn'; duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. 1Ja/uu/ I~~ MAYOR.. " r~l I ! --' n u i'~'-l ~J T'_O".."CCC.- --'" -T=-T~~'---"=--> ",.-o.",,,,.o~ _.-,_C , , .___--------1 II U c.o L~ lJ') ~ U U fl LJ , I , I, LJ 1 REGULAR MEETING 0F CITY COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1965 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, January 25, 1965, 7:?fj p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holm.a.n, presiding: Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright. Commissioner Ayres was absent. The City Attorney and City Manager were present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Gill. In accordance with action taken by the City Commission on December 28,1964 and Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for delivery of ten automative and truck units were opened and the results announced. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the bids received 'iJor delivery of ten automotive and truck units be referred to the City Manager for verification, and after disuussion with the appropriate department heads, a tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on Thursday, January 14, 1965, were presented to the Commission f'or their consideration. The Commission was advised that the Zoning and Planning Commission had met with the City Attorney for a discussion period, and he answered some of the members questions with regard to the functions of their Board. The Commission was advised that the Zoning Board of Adjustment had not met at its regular meeting time, as no business was docketed ten days prior to the regular meeting date, as required by the Rules. of' Procedure of the Board. Authority was requested to advertise for bids for two ?fj-watt mobile radio units f'or the Fire Department, one 2-sack concrete mixer and one 5 cubic yard q.umpbody for the Street Department, the funds having been appropr;ta.ted in the 1965 Budget for these items. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise 1'0+ bids for delivery of two 3O-watt mobile radio units for the Fire Department, one 2"';sack concrete mixer and one 5 cubic yard dump body for the Stxeet Department, bids to be received until 7:30 p.m. on February 22, 1965. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None .. The City Manager advised the Commission of the status of the paving liens which he had been instructed to file on for collection. He stated that he had been contacted by some of the persons involved, who stated that they were elderly and had no income to pay the liens. - .. There was considerable discussion concerning the letter received from the MUnicipal Code Corporation,' addressed to City Attorney Cockrell, requesting information on adoption of the Building Code, Electrical and Plumbing Coaes, 1-"" .--"'~~"""""""".-1 I r" , , " 2 and a uniform traffic code. The City Attorney was instructed to write to the Municipal Code Corpor at ion and request codes or ordinances from other cities on these matters, for consideration by the Commission. It was decided that the Plumbing Board should be consulted as to their recommendations on the adoption of a Plumbing Code. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on Monday, January 11, 1965, were presented to the Commission for their consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Comqlissioner Wright, that the min- utes of the regular meeting of the Commission on Monday, January 11, 1965, be approved as corrected. , .. I ^ ' , ' , Voting Aye: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gilt, Vest and Wright. With no further business to come before the Gommis s ion at this t;iun.e, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the feeting was adjourned at 9:15 :p.m. I C I ;OJcMV~ I MAYOR_ I ATTEST: ] I I U 1 :--, : I . . I ( I I I \---1 c.o Uj lJ') o u u LI , . i I I I , I Li II L____ 3 REGULAR MEETING OF QITY COMMISSION . FEBRUARY 8, 1965 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, February 8, 1965, 7:30 p.m., with the following members pre~ent: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Attorney and City Manager.were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Vest. Mr. Curtis E. Posey, Sanitarian, appeared before the Commission and presented a report on the Mental Retardation Program of which he ,is l()(;lal representative. He reported on the conference which he attended in Austin, Texas, February 1st and 2nd on the subject, arid expJ,ained how it is to be operated, and other details. Mr. Posey stated that his recommendation as to the part our city should play in the program, would be that we cooperate with the City of Houston rather than hf),ving a separate program, inasmuch as we have no facilities such as hospitals, homes'or school for the, mentally retarded, and our report would have to be marely a <luplication of the Houston metropolitan area report. He also stated that S:0me of' the volunteer workers in the Houston pr0gram are resi- dents of West University Place, and that he felt our rep0rt shou1d be included with Houston. Mayor Holman agreed that this would be the proper approach to the prOblem. It was suggested that Mr. Posey contact the churches in our city, and schools, to obtain volunteer workers to aid in preparation of the program. The matter of appointment of a member to fill the vacancy created on the Electrical Board by the death of Mr. J. S. Waters, was discussed. The ,Commission was advised that one of the members of the Board had recommended Mr. Robert O. Randle, 4204 Byron, and that Mr. Randle had been contacted and was willing to serve as a member. It was also stated that Mr. Randle is an Electrical Engineer, and that this is the capacity in which Mr. Waters had served on the Board. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that Mr. Robert O. Randle, 4204 Byron, be appointed as a member of' the Electrical Board, to f'ill the vacancy created by the death of Mr. J. S. Waters. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None In accordance with aetwon of the City Commission ()n January 25, 1965, the City Manager presented'a tabulation and recommendation for the purchase of ten auto- motive and truck units for the city. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the recom- mendation of the City Manager, that the following low bids received for delivery of ten automotive and truck units~be ace~pted: Unit 1. Unit 2. Unit 3. Unit 4. Unit 5. Unit 6. Unit 7.,. Unit 8. Unit 9. Unit 10. Voting Aye: Voting No: Police Dept. - Don McMillan Ford $ 790.00 Police Dept. - Don McMillan Ford 790.00 Police Dept. - Don McMilla.n Ford 790.00 Health Dept. - Richardson Chevrolet 1,779.59 Inspection Dept. - Jacobe-Pearson Ford 1,399.68 Engr. Dept. - Don McMillan Ford :.1:,471.20 Water Dept. - Richardson Chevrolet 2,435.22 Street Dept. - Richardson Chevrolet 2,986.21 Garbage Dept. - MacRobert Chevrolet 2, 772.21 Garbage Dept. - MacRobert Chevrolet 2,772.21 Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None I' "0:;]. _---.l_[" _ ___~_-------....e.l' ---------------,-,,--,- ,"1.. L__________ ~r A letter was presented to the Commission which was received from an attorney representing Mr. Steve Shevack, requesting permission to sublease the property owned by the city, located at 4213 Bellaire Boulevard, and leased by Wizard of Cars. Mr. Shevack desires to sublease the property to "Two Brothers' Gar~e" operated by J. W. and Larry Kendrick. i i I i LJ Motion by Commissioner V~st, sec0nded by Commissioner Gill, that Mr. Steve Shevack, Lessee of the clty-oWIled prop~rty at 4213 Bellaire Boulevard, be granted permission to sublease the property to "Two Brothers ' Garage" and that the Mayor be. authorized to execute such instruments as are necessary to this ,agreement under the'terms of the present Lease Agreement between the city and Mr. Steve Shevack. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, .Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and 'Wrj,ghh None A letter was presented to the Commission from Mr. A1vin S. Beyer, 2636 University Bo~evard, requesting a compromise settlement on the paving lien against his property. He offered to pay the city>$40o.oo as a settlement. The City Manager recommended that the Connnission off'er Mr. Beyer a counter- proposal in which he would pay $400.00 now, plus $104 (interest computed at &/0) over a period of one year, with the understanding that he would be charged no furitherinterest after March 1, 1965. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the Commission offer Mr., Alvin S. Beyer"a counter-proposal, allowing him to pay $1,00.00 now, and $104.00,which represents interest'computed at &/0, over a period of one year, withthe-tinderstanding that he would be charged no further interest after March 1,1965. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holma.n, CQmmission'ers Gill, Vest and Wright Commissioner 'Ayres 1 , I 1--1 The Commission was advised 0,1' the Texas Municipal League Legislative Breakfast to be heldinAustin on Monday, February 15th. 'The Commission asked the City Manager to attend, 'as none'of,the Commission would be able to attend. The City Manager presented a report on repairs to phe pumps in water wells 3 and 4. He stated that work had been completed on pump in well number 3, and work should be completed on the pump in well number 4 by the following Thursday . A report was presented on the rental of the Community Building for the year 1964. The Commission was advised that $746.50 was received from the rental of the building for the year. A letter was presented from the Rebeckah Lodge, requesting a reduction in the rate charged them for use of the Co~uni ty 'Building. They stated that they had been using ,the building for almost a year, and that theywere'well pleased with it; however, they stated that they very seldom used the kitchen facilities when they used the small meeting room, and therefore, desired a $5.00 per month rate reduction which would make their rent $25.00 per month rather than $30.00. Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Ayres,- that the Reb eckah Lodge be given a $5.00 per month reduction in charge for rental of the Com- munity BUilding, inasmuch as they do not use the kitchen facilities for which ' the extra $5.00 was charge.d. \_1 r~~~--~"'~'''Il rF-- -, '-"i u u , I Ll Voting'Aye: Voting No: 5 Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The Commission was advised that Mr. Harvey B. Richards, 3402 University Blvd. had sold the property, and that the delinquent taxes since 1951 had been paid. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor' Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motiouduly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. ATTEST: . ~d:'L///~ . MAYOR 6 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 22, 1965 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City HaIl on Monday February 22, 1965, with the following members present: Mayor Holman, pre- siding; Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wright. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. i -' The Invocation was pronounced by 'Commissioner Wright. Before those bids already received were opened, it was agreed that inasmuch as Washington's birthday is customarily observed a's, a holiday by the Postal Department, any bids received within a reasonable time which were postmarked prior to February 22, 1965 and would have been received otherwise, would be considered. In accordance with action of' the City CO!(ml.ission on Monday, January 25, 1965, bids'received for delivery of one 2-sack concrete mixer were opened and the results announced as, follows: R. B. Everett & Company , J. W. Chumley Machinery Co. Bid price $768.00 Bid price $805.00, less 5% cash discount or $764.75 Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that all bids received for delivery of one 2-sack concrete mixer for the Street Department be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and review, and after con- ferring with the Street Superintendent, a recommendation at the next regul.a.r meeting of the Commission 0:0. March 8th. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wright None I J Bids were received for delivery of' two mobile radio units for the Fire Department opened and results announced as follows: Bidder ~ Radio Corporation of America 30 watt Motorola Communications lto watt General Electric 30 watt Bid Trade-In $1,550.00 ~200.00 i,158.00 None 1,122.00 75.00 ~.' livery Price 1,350.00 1,158.00 1,047.00 Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the bids received for delivery of two mobile radio units for the Fire Department, and any other bids which might be received postmarked prior to February 22nd, be referred to the City Manager and Fire Chief for tabulation and recommenda- tion at the next regular meeting of the Commission on February 8th. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wright None Bids received for delivery of one 5-cubic yard dump body for the Street Depart- ment were opened and results announced as follows: I ~" c.o Uj 11':l ~ U U I L 1 Name of Firm Make of Body Bid Price Delivery Date Motor Truck" Equip. Co. Houston Truck Equip. Co. Lowe Equipment ComplmY $863.18 761.00 761.00 Galion Model 730 Garwood Heil 21 ~s 45 days 3 days Motion by Cominissioner Vest, seconaedby Commissioner Wright, that the bids received for delivery of one 5-cubic yard dump body for the Street Department be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and review, and after con- ferring with the Street Superintendent, recommendation at the next regular meeting of the Commission on March 8th. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HOlman, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wright None The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Monday,' February 15, 1965, were presented to the Commission for their infor- mation. There was discussion concerning whether or not the Zoning Board of Adjust~ ment is required to hold a Public Hearing, giving necessary notice, on every case brought before theIGBoard. Ci -by Attorney Cockrell stated that the State Statutes require a public hearing be called in all instances where there is an appeal to the Board. There was also discussion,as to whether or not a fee should be set for the calling of each public hearing to defray the expenses involved in the calling of the hearing. The City Manager was instructed to obtain further information en this matter and report to the Commission at the nex~ regular meeting. A letter of resignation addressed to Mayor Holman from James W. Hammond as a member of the Health Board, was presented to the Commission at this time. He stated that he is moving from the city, and is thus resigning from the Health Board. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright that the resig- nation of Mr. James W. Hammond as a member of the city's Health Board, be accepted with regrets, and that the City Manager so advise Mr. Hammond. Voting Aye~ Voting No: ' Mayor Holma.n, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wright None The City Manager requested authority to advertise for bids for the chlorine requirements for the city for the ensuing year, and for one radar unit for the Police'Department, and for necessary Street Department materia1s for the year. He stated that the Street Superintendent had recommended that the city not take bids for the crushed limestone rock, as he can obtain a better price year round by buying the material on an open purchase order. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 p.m. March 22, 1965, for the following materials and equipment: Chlorine require- ments for the ensuing year; one radar unit for Police Department; and Street Department material requirements for the ensuing year, with the exception of crushed limestone rock, as Street Superintendent feels he can obtain a better price ~nopen purchase order for this material. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wright None -""'~:r _--,--c'---' ., ~~-,~" 1 _ ______J--- tj Resolution number 65-1, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, heretofore a Committee was appointed by Mayor DuPree Holman, consist- ing of Commissioner Richard Ayres, City Manager Whitt Johnson and Tax Assessor~ Collector Wm. Dittert, Jr., to analyze the city's tax assessment procedure for residential property, and after'considerable study, this Committee prellented a written report to the City Commission dated June 27, 1963; and i i I I !-.-J WHEREAs, after reviewing said report, the Tax Assessor-Collector was authorized and instructed to prepare:i:and recommend a formula to be adopted for use in appraising and assessing ad valorem taxes on residential property in the City of West University Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, such report was prepared by the Tax Assessor-Collector, and reviewed by the City Commission on January 27, 1965; and WHEREAS, after reviewing said report, it was presented to, and discussed with, members of the city's Finance Committee on the date of February 16, 1965; and WHEREAS, both the Committee appointed by the Mayor and the Finance Committee have considered the formula and recommendation prepared by the Tax Assessor- Collector and have recommended to the City Commission that a Real Estate Appraisal Program for residential property be instituted at the earliest practical date; and WHEREAS, the true purpose and intent of the Red Estate Appraisal Program is . to equalize the ad valorem tax liability of every property owner on a proportionate ..J. basis; and , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the recommendation of the Finance Committee and the TaX Study Committee, relative to a Real Estate' Appraisal Program prepared by the Tax Assessor-Collector, be approved and placed in effect at the earliest practical date. 2. That it is recognized that the Real Estate Appraisal Program for residential property and improvements will require at least two years for completion, and that additional personnel will be needed and certain supplies and equipment will be necessary for operation of the program. 3. That it is anticipated that the sum of $18,400 will be required for the two-year program, and that the sum of $9,200 is hereby appropriated from Available Cash in the General Fund of the city to defray expenses of the said program for the remainder of the present fiscal year, and that the remaining $9,200 be appropriated in the 1966 Budget to defray expenses for the completion of the program. 4. That the Tax Assessor-Collector for the said city is hereby authorized and directed to take action necessary to employ personnel required, and to purchase supplies and equipment needed for use in the program. 5. That the rate tables, formula and supporting schedules dated JanlE.ry 27, 1965, prepared and recommended by the Tax Assessor-Collector now on file in the office of the City Secretary and incorporated herein by reference is hereby ; l..-J ~ Uj lJ') o u u 9 approved and adopted and said Tax Assessor-Collector or his designated dupties are authorized to make assessments and enter upon the Tax Rolls all land and improvements on residential property as appraised under such formula. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Conunissioner Wright, that Resolution number 65-1, adopting a Real Estate Appraisal Program of Tax Equalization for the City, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wright None Mayor Holman presented a proposed agreement which had been sent to him by the Texas Highway Department, which would give the Department permission to make a traf'fic survey for urban planning transportation study in order that we might qualifjT for future aid under the Highway Act. The City Attorney stated that he :had stud1.ea. the proposed agreement and that everything' was in order. He presented Resolution 65-2 at this time and read it in full: WHEREAs, 'the State Highway Commission of' the State of' Texas has hereto- fore entered into an agreement with the Cities of HOlil.Ston and Pasadena. relative to the development of a comprehensive and co-operative Urban Transportation Plan f'or a part of Harris County, a copy of such agreement being attached hereto for 'reference and.uanarked Exhibit itA"; and, WHEREAS, the State Highway Commission by and through. its Urban Planning Engineer has requested that the City of West University Place evidence its approval and endorsement of the sl1udy to be made as contemplated in the aforesaid agreement: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section L The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute and the City Secretary to attest on behalf of the City of' West University Place an agreement between the City and the State of Texas, acting by and throygb. its Highway Engineer, providing for participation in the comprehensive and continuing Urban Transporation Plan as provided in the Federal Highway Act of 1962. Section 2. A copy of the agreement to be executed by the said parties is attached hereto for reference and marked Exhibit ItB". Section 3. This resolution shall take effect 1mmediately upon its passage and approval. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Ayres that Resolution number 65-2, authorizing the Mayor to s/tgn and execute the agreement p.ro- posed by the State Highway Department allowing them to make traffic surveys in connection with the UF-ban Planning Transportation Study of the Highway Department, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wright None Commissioner Gill arrived at the meeting at this time. 1U The City Manager explained to the Commission that the reason the sub-lease agreement between the City and Mr. Steve Shevack had not been prepared, was that some matters need to be taken care of by Mr.Shevack with regard to placing the property in satisf'actory cO'ndition. He stated that as soO'n as these things are taken care of, the agreement can be prepared. A report on repairs to the pumps in water we11s 3 and 4 was presented by the City Manager. 'He stated that all work had been completed and that no major difficulties were encountered. He also stated that he felt sure the total amount of repairs would not exceed that appropriated in Ordinance 853, although the city had not yet been invoiced :for the work. . The City Manager stated that he had.talked with representatives of Lockwood Andrews and Newnam, in connection with their proposal to furnish engineering services for the proposed water line improvements project. He stated tlB t they had advised him that there was more engineering work reqUired on this project than on the storm sewer project, and that they would do all of the work on a per diem basis of 2.2 X actual salary cost, not to exceed $5,250 total for the. entire project. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the city enter intO' an agreement with Lockwood, Andit'ews and Newnam, in connectiO'n with providing engineering services for the proposed water line in,Limprovem.ent proj- ect, the total. amount of their fee not to exceed $5,250. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Ho.I.ma.n, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on February 8, 1965, were presented to the Commission for their consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that themin- utes of the regular meeting of the Commission on Febiruary 8, 1965 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: . Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None A letter was presented to the Commission from Mr. Alvin S. Beyer, 2636 University Boulevard; stating that he would not accept the city's counter- proposal that he pay the principal amount due on the paving lien against his property, plus 6% interest. He agreed to pay the principal amount due, which was $317.50, plus interest at 4% on the balance, which woud be $127 interest, or a total of $444.50, if the Commission would accept this amount as full settlement of the lien against his property. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill that the Commission accept Mr. A1vin Beyer's counter-plt'pposal to pay the prilicipal amount due on the paving lien against his property at 2636 University Boulevard, pIus interest on the balance due at 4% for a total payment of $444.50 as full settlement of the lien. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holma.n, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None '=-:-r,e err - ,....~_..'-~ _ _.......1..;....{:'... .-;-.-'1_________ _ --' 11 i I L: With no further business to come before theCOommission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting ag.j9urned at 10 p.m. J}.d1/;/~~ Mayor co Uj lJ'j Cl U U oAmST: \ ~~~ ~ddl4) As stant i ty ecretary . ---..Cjr----- l~ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION ,MARCH 8, 1965 The City Commission convened in regu1ar session at the City Hall on Monday, March 8, 1965, with the following members present: Mayor HOlman, presiding: Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright. Commissioner Ayres was absent. The City Attorney and City Manager were present. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Holman. An invoice in the amount of $2,638.32 from Layne-Texas Company for reparis to pumps and motors in water wells 3 and 4, was presented to the Commission for their consideration. The Commission was advised that the City Manager and Water Superintendent were not in agreement with Layne-Texas Company as to the amount charged for a stand-by crew and equipment on one day when it rained and no work was performed. There was also an item for some mater- ials which it was felt should not have been included in this invoice. The City Manager recommended that the amount of $~,540.62 be approved for pay- ment, and that he be allowed to confer further with representatives of Layne-Texas Company for settling the remairider of the invoice. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissiore r Gill, that the City Manager be authorized to pay $2,540.62 to Layne-Texas Company for work per- formed in c.onnection w1threpairs to, water wells 3' and 4, and that the City Manager confer with Layne-Texas Company on payment of the remaining $97.70 ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None In accordance with action of the City Commission on February 22, 1965, the City Manager presented a tabulation of bids received for delivery of one 2-sack concrete mixer for the Street Department, as follows: R. B. Everett & Company J. W. Chumley Machinery Co. - Bid price $768.00 Bid price $805.00, less 5% cash discount, or $764.75 He stated that it was his recommendation and that of Street Superintendent A. L. Bearden, that the bid be awarded to J. W. Chumley Machinery Company on their bid of $805 less 5% cash discount, or a delivered price of $764.75. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the recom- mendation of the City Manager and Street Superintendent be accepted, and that the bid for delivery djlf one 2-sack concrete mixer for the Street Depart- ment be awarded to J. W. Chumley Machinery Company on their low bid of $764.75. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman,' Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None ;";.t,_ ." ;'~.. ._--"_.--/ ' u -"'-;~ir"---'-----r-r------"'~ ~'-' .I. 13' -', I In accordance with action of the Commis.sion on February ,22, 1965, the City Manager presented a tabulation of bids received for delivery of two mobi1e radio units for the Fire Department, as follows: Bidder Model Bid Trade-In Delivery Price Radio Corporation of America 30 watt $1,550.00 $200.00 $1,350.00 Motorola Communications ijo watt 1,158.00 None 1,158.00 General Electric 30 watt 1,122.00 75.00 1,047.00 c.o lD l.~ ~ U U The City Manager advised the Commission that he had made no firm recommenda- tion as to which bid should be accepted, inasmuch as Fire Chief C. E. Duffin had recommended acceptance of the bid of Motorola-for their "Motrack" units which bid amounted to $1,158. and, was. a higher bid than that of General Electric Company. The Motorola bid was on a ijo-watt unit rransistorized, and the G. E. bid was on a 3O-watt unit, and amounted to $1,047. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by COmmisSinerWright; that the bid of General Electric Company be acc~pted, inasmuch asthe,~bj;d"is low, and the city has received good service from General Electric units in the past. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None In accordance with action of' the,.:Gity','Commission on February 22, 1965, the City Manager preseIlted a. tabulation, of bids received for delivery of one . 5 cubic yard dump body for the Street Department. He stated that it was his and the Street Superintendent's recommendation that the bid of Lowe Equipment Company in the amount of $761, with deliveryin three days, be accepted, inasmuch as the city has used Heil truck bodies which they are bidding, and have found them satisfactory and that this bid meets the specifications in all respects. Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Wright that the recommendation of' the City Manager and Street Superintendent "be .accepted, and that the bid for delivery of one 5 cubic yard dump body for the Street Department be awarded Lowe Equipment Company on their bid of $761 for one Hell truck body. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None A recommendation from Chief of Police H. E. Shipp was presented to the Com- mission, concerning installation of' "Stop" signs' at Marquette and Riley on Fairhaven Street; a't Fairhaven on Southwestern Street; at R:utgers, West- chester and Sewanee on Duke Street,.all to govern traffic in bothdirec- tions. After discussion, it was decided that this reoommendation should be referred back to the Chief of PoI ice for further information as to the reasons for installation of the signs. L-- The City Manager was 'instructed to write a letter to Mr. Steve Shevack, advising him that all of the matters required to be taken care of by him should be done at an early date, in connection with the property owned by the city at 4213 Bellaire Boulevard and leased by him, inasmuch as he has already moved someone in to sub-lease the building. T"'=-~C-"-T -- -- ''''''---''~:.9r 14 Resolution number 65-3, as follows) was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cas available in the ,Trust Agency Fund which will not be required for current oper.ating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the<objective of the City Commission to keep all <of the city~s<money invested to earn additional income and it is neces- sary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sUms of money. ,NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount of: $2,000.OO-Ti'ust Agency Fund with the Universit1 Savings and Loan Association, at their prevailing d'ividend rate of 4~. " , Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that Resolution number 65-3,autliorizing investment of $2,000 from the Trust Agency Fund in University Savings and Loan Association at the prevailing divident rate of 4~, be approved as read. ' , Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None The Commission was advised that Mr. A1vin S. Beyer, 2636 University BOulevard, has made payment in accordance with the amount approved. by the City COIQIIlis- sion at their last meeting, and that a release of paving lien has been pre- pared, thus closing the-matter. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on Monday, February 22, were presented to the Commission for their consideration and thefoi!owing action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the min- utes of the regular meeting of the Commission on February 22, 1965, be approved as corrected. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and. carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. J~/~ :MAYOr{ , ATTEST: ~,~fuJ,Iu) .Astant C~ y Secretary r~-~'"-"-'!~--~'ir' I r . 1 ,I' -.-----T -~"'~I"~ .- o r LJ o 15 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MARCH 22, 1965 Tp.e City Commission convened in regular session at the City hall on Monday, ' March g2, ,1965, 7:30 p.in., with the following mem"?erspresent:Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, G-ill, Vest and Wright. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. " . , The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner AYres. In accordance with action of the City Commission on Februa.,ry 22, 1965, bids received for delivery of one radar unit, for t~ePolice Department were opened and results announced as follows: ' Company Unit Price Texas Police Supply Company Smith Municipal Supplies Kar-Trol Art Simon Company $895.00 748.00 736.00 900.00 Stephenson Speedalyzer Model l20b ( 65) M<;>del S-5 American Radar Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the bids rece~ved for delivery of one radar unit for the Police Department be referred to the City Manager an~ Chiefc,pf Police" for tabU1a.t.ion and .re'commendation at the next regular meeting of the Commission. v:gting,A-ye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, dill, Vest and Wright None In accordance with adtion of the Commission on February 22, 1965, bids received f'or furnisbing chlorine, requirements; for.- the city f'or the ensuing year were opened and results announced as follows: Bidding Firm Ton Containers FOB, Seller's Plant 150# Cw1inders FOB West Uni v. Ton '. Contai;ners Fo.B West Univ. Diamond Alkali Co. Dixie Chemical Co. 3.90/100# -0- -0- 5.20/cwt i1.oo/~oO#' _ 11. 00/ cwt ~otionby Commissioner Vest, seconded 'by Commissioner Ayres that the bids received for furnishing chlorine requirelD,f:lnts for the city of the' ensuing year be " referred to the City Manager for tabUlation, and to seewbich bid is actually lower, as one firm bid 1'.0. b. West uni versitYa.nd the' other 1'..0. b. Deer Park Plant, and for his recommendat:ton at the next regular meeting" Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holmari, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None In accordance with action of the City Commission on February 22, 1965"bids received for. furnishing Street Department material requirements for the ensuing year were opened and results announced as follows: r~" -~'-: ..-.- . u-;-m"'[," r--- ~-,--~~--- 1 16 Item Description and Amount Company Low Bid Il .~ :L 2 3 4 5 6 Grade 2 Limestone Aggregate Grade 6p Limestone Aggregate Colas - 80,000 gallons 18" Reinf'. cont:. pipe, 300' 15" Concrete pipe, 350' 12ft Concrete pipe, 100' Texas Crushed Stone Whites Uvalde Mines Wright Asphalt Prod. Johnson Concrete Pipe Johnson Concrete Pipe Johnson Concrete Pipe LlO - .10~ per ton 2.16 per ton 0.1116 per gaL 1.98, ft. 1.62 ft. L 39ft. Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the bids received for furnishing Street Department material requirements for the ensu- ing, year 'be;~reiB~!lmed tod.the::;City Manager and Street Superintendent for tabulation and study, and a recommendation at the next regular meeting of the Commission. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HOlman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None t A Lease Agreement with Texas Industries, Inc., was presented to the Commission and explained by the City Attorney and City Manager. After discussion, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the Lease Agreement with Texas Industries,' Inc., w:hich eow.ers 3.49 acres of land out of the 6.51 acres of' land owned by the City on Alief' Road, be approved for a six-year term from April 1, 1965 to March 31, 1971, at the rate of $608 per month, with a renewal option for an additional six years, and that the Mayor be authorized to sign the Lease Agreement in behalf of the City of West University Place, in accordance with the terms of the Lease Agreement presented. rl l_i Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners ~yres, Gill, Vest and Wr;f;ght None A letter from Chief of Police H. E.Shipp was presented to the Commission in connection with his recommendation for installation of "Stop" signs at Va.riOUfF-, locations. After discussion, the follOWing action was taken: 'Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the recom- mendation of the Chief of Police be accepted, and that "Stop" signs be irs talled at the fOllowing locations: On Fairhaven Street at Marquette and Riley, to govern both north and south-bound traffic; on Southwestern Street at Fairhaven to govern both east and west~boundtraffic; on Duke at Rutgers, Westchester and Sewanee to govern both east and west-bound traffic. Voting Aye: Mayor Ho:I.m.a.p., Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wr~t Voting No: None There was some discussion of minutes pfprevious meetings of the Electrical Board, and that the members of the Electrical. Board desired that the City Attorney present an ordinance establishing:that a person who has taken an examination and obtained a Master Electrician's license in the City of Houston J' -~ only, may be issued a license in West University Place without having to take an additional examination; and also that a "Stand-by" fee be set up, whereby a Master Electrician could maintain his license at a set fee, shou1d he not 1 .. --~ -----~T-- - f ' Li c.o Uj lJj Cl U U I i L l'~' use his license within a year's time, so that he would not be required to take the examination to renew his license. The City Attorney stated that he would prepare this ordinance as soon as he receives a letter from the Elec- trical Board stating exactly what they desire in the ordinance. The Commission was advised that a letter had been received from the Municipal Code Corporation stating that they were ready to meet with the City Attorney and other officials necessary, for a preliminary reading of the city's codi- fication, on March 29th, 30th and 31st. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on March 8, 1965, were presented to the Commission f'or their consideration and following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on March 8, 1965, be approved as sub- mitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business to comebef'ore the Commission at this time, upon motion dQ!.ymade, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10 :05 p.m. /J~J~/ MAYOR ATTEST: .. ---. 1'~ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION ------- APRIL 12, 1965 ------- I , I i.-l The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, April 12, 1995, 7: 30 p.m. , with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Wright. Commissioner Vest was absent. The eity Attorney and City ~nager were also present. The minutes of the special meeting of the Zoning and'Planning Commission on Monday, March 22nd and the regular meeting on April 8, 1965, were presented to the Commission for their consideration. The City Manager stated that the Swimming Pool will be opened on Saturday, May 29, 1965 with the same personnel that worked last season. After dis- cussion with regard to admission charges to the pool on both individual ticket purchases and season ticket purchases, the following action was taken: M8tion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the Swim- ming Pool be opened the last week of May, and that the adm~ssion charges remain the same as last year. ., ',. , ..' . Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Wright None In accordance v/ith :instruc'tions' of the City Commission on March 22, 1965, the City Manager presented a tabulation of the bids received for the pur- chase of one racI8.r'unit 'for the Police Department. Mr. Robert .spangler, representative of Texas Police Supply Company and Mr. Arthur Simon, rep- resentative of American Radar Corporation, appeared before the Commission to answer ~uestions with regard to their respective radar units. It was recommended by the Chief of Police, Harold Shipp, and the City Manager that Texas Police Supply Company be awarded the,bid for one radar unit, as they had the lowest bid meeting specifications. Motion by Comrriissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissione,r ,Wr:tgh~', thai:{ Texas Police Supply Company of Dallas be awarded the bid for the purchase of a ' Stevenson Speedalyzer Radar Unit, in the amount of $995, for the Police Department in accordance with the recommendation of the Chief of Police and the City Manager. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Wright None In accordance with instructions of the City Commission on March 22, 1965, a tabulation of the bids received for the purchase of chlorine re~uirements for the ensuing year, together with a recommendation that the bid of Diamond Alkali Company be accepted, inasmuch as they were the low bidder and it is more advantageous to do business directly with the manufacturer. _J "- -. 1 . ----' 'T':::" 1~ I 1- Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Wright that Diamond Alkali Company be awarded the bid for the chlorine re<luirements f'or the city for the ensuing year on their low bid 'of $3.90/100# in ton contain- ers, and $11/100# in 150 lb. cylinders, in accordance with the recommen- dation of the City Manager. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Wright None c.o lQ lJ') Cl U U In accordance with instructions of the City Commission on March 22, 1965, a tabulation of bids received for purchase of street Department material re<luirements was submitted and the fOllowing action taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by CommisSioner Gill that the bids for delivery of street Department material re<luirements for the ensuing year be awarded to the following low bidders in accordance with the recom- mendation of the Street Department Superintendent and the City Manager: Item Description and Amount Company Low Bid 1 Grade 2 Limestone Aggregate 2 Grade 6p Limestone Aggregate 3 Colas - 80,000 gallons 4. 18" reinf'. conc. pipe - 300' 5 15" concrete pipe, 350' 6 12" concrete pipe, 100' Texas Crushed stone White's Uvalde Mines Wright Asphalt Johnsen Concrete Pipe Johnsen Concrete pipe' Johnsen Concrete Bipe 1.10-10~/ton 2.16/ton 0.1116/gal. 1. 98/ft. 1.62!ft. 1.39!ft. Vot in@; , !rYe: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioner Ayres, Gtl~ and Wright None ' " "' ',.',J. I.:.... ' The City Attorney reported that the Editorial Conference between Mr. Ronald K. McLaughlin, representative of the Municipal Code Corporation, and city department heads had been very successful and that the codi- fication program was progressing very satisfactorily. It was recommended that the Thnvoice from the Municipal Code Corporation for services rendered at theEdito~ial Conference, in the amount of $1,733.33, be paid, inasmuch as' it had alreadybee~ approved as a part of the original agreement with the Municipal Code Corporation. The City Manager was re<luested to write the Municipal Code Corporation for further information regarding the Traffic Ordinance. The City Attorney presented a ~ook prepared by the Institute on Planning and Zoning held at Southern Methodist University with the recommendation that the book be purchased and put in our Library for use by the Zoning Board of Adjustment and the Zoning and Planning Commission. Payment of the charge for the book was authorized by the Mayor. The City Manager reported that the project on Residential Rejuvenation had been very successful thus far and even better results are hoped for dur- ing the remaining two Saturdays in Phase One of the project. He reported ,-- ""'T'-~~m"., r -..--. .. ,- --..--- --. --:.~..-. -'!~~ , .. --- -y-' "';1' --- kJV that Phase Two is still in the process of organization and statistical recording, and asked guidance and help from the members of the City Com- mission to enable completion of the project. I _I The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on March 22, 1965 were presented to the Commission for their consideration and the follow- ing action taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on March 22, 1965 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. j}dfAP//~~ MAYOR ATTEST: , I C~l ---. \--' CoO ~ lJ') Cl U U _I 21 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION APRIL 26, 1965 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, April 26, 1965, 7: 30 p. m. , with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Vest. Commissioner Wright was on vacation. The City Manager and City Attorney were present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Vest. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Monday, April 19, 1965, were presented to the Commission for their information. The lease agreement for the operation of the Swimming Pool Concession for the 1965 season was presented to the Commission for their consideration and the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Ayres that the Lease Agreement for operation, of the Swimming Poo~ Concession for the 1965 season be awarded to Mr. J. R. Howard of Howard Concessions, inasmuch as he has operated the concession in the past in a satisfactory Ilia.ntler, and is interested in operating it again this year. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holma.n, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Vest None The City Manager presented plans and specifications which had been prepared by Lockwood, Andrews and' Newnam, Inc., Consulting Engineers, for the proposed water line improvements. He stated that the p1ans had been reviewed by Commissioners Ayres and Gill and Street SuPerintendent A. L. Bearden" Water Superintendent H. L. Vaughn and Fire Chi.,ef C. E. Duffin, and that each one had made some exception to the plans as they are. He advised the Commission, however, that the preparation of the plans and specifications is progressing very well, and that they will be completed in the near futti:ee. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance appropriating funds for the project, authorizing the project and accepting the plans and specifications. An invoice was presented from Lockwood, Andrews and :N:ewnam, Inc., for engineering services pref'ormed in connection with preparation of plans and specifications for the water line improvement project, and the following action was. taken: Motion by CommissioneryAyres, seconded by Commissioner Gill that the invoic e received from Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc., for engineering services performed during the first stage of preparation of plans and specifications for the proposed water lline improvements, in the amount of $1,623.39, be paid. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Vest None The Commission was advised that they should give consideration to the appoint- ment of a Tax Board of Equalization for the year 1965. They were advised that Mr. Thomas A. Lee who served as chairman of the Board last year, was =--r-: ~ '~:3 _----.......L...r _---1 --.----------~----- :l~' requesting that he be relieved of this duty. Three other names were presented for consideration and it was decied that the Board wou1d be appointed at the next meeting of the Commission after they had time to contact these three persons. The City Attorney stated that he had been contacted by Mr. Robert O. Randle of the city's Electrical Board, with reference to preparation of '. an ordinance concerning additional authorization for the Electrical. Board, but that after ta1king with him, it was decided that the Board would forward him a letter outlining what they desire in this ordinance. There was discussion concerning the cofification of ordinances. The Commission was advised that the codification is progressing very wen, and that the galley proofs should be received for editing in the near future. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare a Resolution commemorating the services of former Mayor H. E. Terry who p?-ssed away on Saturday April 24th. The minutes of' the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, April 12, 1965 were presented to the Commission for their consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Menday, April 12, 1965 be approved as submitted. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Ma~or Holma.n, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Vest None With no f'urther business to c.Gll1le before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. /)~~vuVkP0t/ MAYOR ATTEST: cJ;~~bA) stant cf i-Secretary. . , r--~~c" -",._;",nnjr" J~rC.-~__~~ "..~ - __ -.--1,- --- - -:,-.-" - :1'::::-' 23 r I L-' REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMM:ISSION MAY 10, 1965 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, May 10, 1965, with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Vest. Commissioner Wright was on vacation. The City Attorney and City Manager were present. c.o ~ In ~ U U The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Holman. J Mr. Lester W. Voorhees, 3833 Rice BOulevard, appeared before the Com- mission to express interest in having the city operate a local ambu- lance service to be used exclusively for the City of West University. He proposed that the city obtainethe most up-to-date e~uipment pos- sible for operation of such a service, and suggested that.it might be financed by either tax assessment or by citizen contributions. He stated that he had talked with many people who were interested in such a service, and that he felt almost all citizens would be glad to contribute to such. He also suggested that the city be responsible for the emergency room use for persons taken to the hospitals by the proposed city ambulance, so that there would be no delay in getting into the emerge;1iIcy room. Mayor Holman advised Mr. Voorhees that the Commis- sion was appreciative of' his suggestion, and that it would be ref'erred to the Health Board, which is composed primarily of doctors, for study, and also the legal aspects of the proposal would be studied by the ,City Attorney. Mrs. Irene Schramm, Director of the Senior Citizens' Program, appeared before the Commission to explain the program which is being carried on for the Senior Citizen's Group. This was more or less a ~uestion and answer session, in order that the CommissiON might better understand the program. Resolution number 65~4, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: WREBEAS, Hal E. Terry, a resident of the City of West University Place, Texas, for more than twenty years, died on Saturday, April 24, 1965; and WHEREAS, Mr. Terry served as Mayor of the City of West University Place during the years of 1951 and 1952,and as a member of the City Com- mission during the years 1949 and 1950; and WHEREAS, Mr. Terry served on various Boards and Committees of the City, serving said city and its residents in an efficient and exemplary manner during the time that he held such offices in the city; and _u '_'_~"]__ ..,Lf' -~~-C-'.L., _....J . .-- - _____r___m 24 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place desires to give recognition to the many and lengthycivicacti- vities of Mr. Terry, and especially for service to the community as Mayor: _i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. The Citizens of West University Place, by and through their City Commission express their sincere appreciation for the many years of service that Hal E. Terry devoted to said City. 2. The City Commission expresses its sincere sympathy to Mrs. Dor.bthy Terry, his widow, and to his children. 3. The City Secretary is hereby directed to cause this Reso- lution to be spread upon the minutes of the City Commission of' the City of West University Place, and to deliver to Mrs. Dorothy Terry, a true and correct copy of such Resolution, signed by the Mayor and members of the City Commission Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Reso- lution number 65-4 commemorating the services of the late H. E. Terry, former Mayor of the City of West University Place, be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Vest None I I : Appointment of members of the Tax Board of E'lualization for the year 1965 was discussed. Mayor Holman advised the Commission that he had contacted those persons who had served on the Board for the previous year, and that all except Mr. Thomas Lee were willing to serve again this year. He sgggested that Mr. Noel B. Proctor, 4102 Case, be ' appdlllinted to serve as Alternate Member to fill this vacancy. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the following persons be appointed to serve as merribers of the Tax Board of E'lualization for the year 1965: Mr. P. D. Phillips, Chairman; Mr. W. J. Beirne, Mr. JamesK. Hilliard and Mr. Noel B. Proctor, Alternate Member. Voting. Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and vest None The water line improvement project was discussed. The City Manager pre- sented the revised pans and specifications as prepared by Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc., and advised the Commission that the revised plans had been inspected by City Engineer Tom Jones and Water Superin- tendent Herchel Vaughn, and that they had met with their approval. He. also stated that the easement re'luired from the City of Houston had not yet been obtained, but that it had been prepared and would be sub- mitted to the City of Houston for approval, and that he felt that it would be approved. 1- ~5 I L Ordinance number 854, captioned as follows, was presented to the Com- mission and read in full: c.o ~ lJ') ~ u u AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF WATER MAINS, FIRE HYDRANTS AND APPURTENANCES AT CERTAIN LOCATIONS; APPROVING AND ADOPTING PLANS .AND SPECIFICATIONS OF CONSULTING ENGINEERS AS HERETOFORE AUTHORIZED; APPRO- PRIATING THE SUM OF $72,500 OUT OF THE WATER-SEWER OPERATING FUND OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO DEFRAY THE' COST OF SAID PROJECT; AND ORDERING PUBLICATION OF LEGAL NOTICE .AND REQUESTING BIDS THEREON. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that ordinance number 854, determining the necessity for construction of water mains, approving and adopting plans and specifications, appro- priating funds for payment of construction, and ordering publication of legal notice to bidders, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HOlman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Vest None It was decided that the Commission would receive bids until 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June 7, 1965, and would award the contract on June 14, 1965. ; !~ The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, April 26, 1965, were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, and seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the minutes of' the regular meeting of the Commission on Monday, April 26 1965, be passed and approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioner Ayres, Gill and Vest None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m:. 1J~VU1/~ . MAYOR ATTEST: ,--, '-'-"-'-1 _ _____---'..J 2ti, REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MAY 24, 1965 . The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, May 24, 1965, 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Ayres. The City Manager advised the Commission that it had been necessary to make repairs to the TD 18 Tractor used at the Sanitary Fill for the purpose of burying garbage and refuse. He advised the Commission that prices for making the repairs had been obtained from three firms experienced in making this sort of repairs, and that the most advan- tageous price submitted by Browning Ferris Machinery Company had been accepted. Resolution number 65-5, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, it was brought to the attention of the City Commission that the International Harvester TD-18 tractpr, year Model 1954, used in the burying of garbage, trash and refuse at the Sanitary Land Fill site was in need of emergency.repairs as a result of a breakdown; and WHEREAS, it is imperative that this vital piece of equipment be kept in operating condition at all times; and ~ WHEREAS, it is impractical to prepare specifications for the purpose of taking bids as the extent and cost of repairs which may be required is unknown; and WHEREAS, various qualified firms were called to make inspec- tion of the tractor and prepare an<estimate of the cost of labor, parts and equipment required, and written estimates were accordingly received from the following firms: Mountjoy Parts Company of Houston, 1504 St. Emanuel $1,450.00 Pearce Equipment Co., 12338 Main Street 1,285.00 Browning Ferris Machinery Co., 2619 Texas 1,050.00 l'ilOW J-iTIlEEEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TElCAS: 1. That in view of an emergency wh:i'.ch'Ms'ariS'l3u:re<1uir:Lng repairs to the, crawler tractor used at the Sanitary Land Fill site, Browning-Ferris Machinery Company was engaged to make the necessary repairs based on their estimate of $1,050.00. . ~~C~.~~"":1 c_ [ ,-,.. 1 . ___J --'~--'_.-"~'~---- c.o U':l lJ') C4 U U '-- :/.: . 2. That the necessary repairs, including labor, parts and equipment, were made by the Browning Ferris Machinery Company amounting to $1,230.48. 3. That the 1965 Budget provided a total of $5,000 foresti- mated repairs to the crawler tractor and that the said $1,230.48 expended for repairs is within the budget lim~ts. 4. That the action of the :Mayor and City :Manager engaging the services and equipment of the Browning-Ferris Machinery Company on an emergency basis to perform needeq repairs to the said tractor in the amount of $1,230.48 is hereby ratified and confirmed. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that Resolution number 65-5, authorizing repairs on an emergency basis to the TD 18 tractor used at the Sanitary landFill site, by Browning~ Ferris :Machinery Company" such repairs amounting to a total of $1,230.48, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: :Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The City Attorney advised the Commission that he had received. a letter from the Municipal Code Corporation stating that they were sending four sets of galley proofs to be examined and approved by the Commis- sion. He also stated that he had received a title page, copyright page" a list of city officials at the time of the .codification, and a preface to the Code which tells how it is setup, what it is composed of" etc. They asked that these pages be approved and returned to the Municipal Code Corporation. Mr. Cockrell stated that these pages are fairly standard procedure, but that he felt the Commission should take no ac-:tion until they had~ad time to review the material. The Code Corporation also advised'that tl:\e. city could obtain reprints of any portion of the code if desiI:ed;and suggested that these. repr:ints be l"' ).... ordered at the time tqe tyPe was already set up for printing. There was some discussion concerning a quit-claim deed which had been obtained from the Commissioners' Court some years ago, but was not in our files. The Commission was advised that a certified copy of the minutes of the Commissioner's Court on October 23, 1961 which showed that this deed had been executed; however, the city h~s no record of having received it. The City Attorney was instructed to write to the Commissioners' Court" calling their attention to these minutes and ask them to forward to the city a copy of the executed quit-claim d,e!=o. to, ~b~,J;ldpned: port.io:t;l.s of Old Alief Road, as described in the minutes showing that the quit-claim deed had been accepted by the ci t,Y . ---'''--1 ,,~, -', C'~':""""iT F:r'~,-' ~ -- -~--- I r""-~ c,~- ~"~'I I ,r ~~ The City Attorney advised the Commission that the city had now received an executed easement from the City of Houston granting the City of West University Place permission to lay the pipe on Kirby Drive Motion by Commissioner Gill, 'seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that it . be spread upon the minutes of the City Corpmission that the license and permission to lay, operate, maintain, replace and service a water line into the tracts of land as described in the license agreement, was received from the City of Houston, and that the City Commission accept such instrument in accordance with its terms and provisions in behalf of the City of West University Place. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None Mr. Victor Kimmel, 6531 Rutgers, appeared before the Commission at this time, expressing his interest in seeing the mosquito fogging program begun. The City Manager advised Mr. Kimmel that the city has a systematic program for mosquito control, and that as soon as our City Sanitarian and Health Board feel it is the best time to begin fogging, this will be dOne. . The City Manager advised the Commission that the Police Department radar unit had been received and is having very good results. The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, May 10, 1965 were presented to the Commission for their considera- tion and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the minutes of the meeting of the Commission on May 10, 1965 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed until 7:30 p.m., June 7, 1965. jJafvW/~~ MAYO ATTEST: ~<~~ ssis an ~ y secre ry 29 RECESSED MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JUNE 7, 1965 The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, June 7, 1965, 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Mayor HOlman, presiding; Commissioners Gill and Wright. c.o .}jj lJ') Cl U U In accordance with action of the City Commission on May 10, 1965, and Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for furnishing all materials and labor for installation of water mains at the following locations, were opened and results announced: 8" main on University Boulevard -Annapolis to Kirby Drive 8" main on Kirby Drive - University to Tangley 8" main on Kirby Drive - Nottingham to Albans 6" main on Tangley - Mercer to Buffalo Speedway 6" main on Pittsburgh - Mercer to Wakeforest 6" main on Rice Boulevard - Academy to College 6" main on Community Drive - Case to South Judson. Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the bids received for the water main project be referred to the City Mana- ger for tabulation and recommendation at the next regular meeting of the Commission on June 14, 1965, together w.ith the recommendation of the City Engineer'and Consulting Engineers Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman; Commissioners Gill and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. IJdMgk~ . MAYOR. ..' ATTEST: ._-~~'C.-:-:-~.'-.- c=-,,~-.-. .- ..,.,-.-,---,-,-c-":-'::I. alJ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION- June 14, 1965 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, June 14, 1965, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding;' Commissioners Gill and Wright. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Commissioners Vest and Ayres were absent. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Gill. Mr. Curtis E. Posey, Sanitarian, reported to the Commission that the Health Department of our city has completed its work in connection with the study of mental retardation, and has combined its activity with the City of Houston Commission program. He then introduced Mrs. Bill Williams, Chairman of the City of Houston Commission On the Study of Mental Retar- dation. Mrs. Williams presented the finai report of this Commission, and expressed the recommendations made for aiding the mentally retarded and the findings of the Commission. Then she expressed the appreciation of her Commission for the assistance given them in this study by the City of' West University Place through Mr. Posey's work, and presented a copy of the final report to Mayor Holman to be placed in the city library. The City Manager presented a tabulation of bids received for the water main project, as follows: Contractor Total Biq. . ~ Work; ng nl'lY~ Price-Null and. Compariy.j a:nc. Walter Mischer Company English Construction Company Britt Construction Company Buddy Warren Company K.S.C. Construction Rental E~uip. Co. Brayton~onstruction Company Jobn G: Hollana. 'Construction Co. $67,174.75 6~,g59.T5 90,475.50 93,451.00 96,858.35 106,860.40 110,791. 20 130,084.25 75 120 100 150 180 120 120 150 A written recommendation from Lockwood, Andrews and Newnq~,-Inc., Consulting Engineers on the project, and also a letter signed by City Engineer Tom Jones, was presented to t h~ Commission. It was the recommendation of the consulting engineers tbat the low bid received from Price-Null and Company, Inc., in the amount of $67,174.75, be accepted. A.letterfrom,thePrice- Null Company, outlining the jobs they had done during the past year was also presented. The Commission was advised that Mr. Bob Parker of Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc. had talked with officials of the City of Houston in cbarge of inspection of' work performed, and that he had been advised that all work performed on City of Houston projects by Price-Null and Company, Inc. bad been completed satisfactorily. r-- ---] " ;:~=::r---'=::r ... -".~-~____~T,_ _____f ---- T~:: -~ITT'- - 31 Ordinance number 855, captioned as fOllows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION OF WATER MAINS, .FIRE HYDRANTS AND APPURTENANCES AT CWRTAIN LOCATIONS; ACCEPTING THE BID AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH PRICE- NULL AND COMPANY, INC., HOUSTON, TEXAS, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SUCH IMPROVEMENTS. ~ Uj lJ') Cl U U Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that ordinance number 855, ordering construction of water mains, fire hydrants and appur- tenances at certain locations, accepting the low bid of Price-Null and Company, Inc., and awarding the contract, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioner-e .(4iila... ~ng.: w.+.;Lgllt,,. None There was discussion concerning the type of contract to be used on this project. The City Attorney was instructed to talk with the attorney for Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc~ regarding the type of contract.recom- mended by them, and concerning the possibility of providing a penalty for overrun of more than 20% or 15 days, over the agreed 75 dayd in the proposal; also for providing a bonus for early completion of' the work. An invoice frOIlt LocklilOq!;l", Andrews, and Newnam, Inc._ was presented to the Commission for .their consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the invoice received from Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc. in the amount of $1,652.62 for engineering services pe;r-formed April 1 - April 30, 1965 in connection with preparation of plans and specifications for the water main project, be approved for payment. V oting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, COl1lmissione-r:s .G:'tltl ;and.:Wr;ig'nt:.:, None Pursuant to instructions of the City Commissi.oh, the- City ~ruiger: presented information which had been developed concerning'a' propbsal . submitted by Mr. Lester W. Voorhees, 3833 nice Boulevard, for the city to provideambu- lance service and guarantee payment of emergency hospital room facilities for citizens. Recommendations and letters were presented from the follow~ ing: Fire Chief C. E. Duffi!l, Police Chief H. E. Shipp, Dr.N..C. Windrow, Chairman of the Health Board; G. T. Hutcherson, First Aid Captain; W. R. Ellington, Chairman of t1ieVolunteer Fire Department. A summary of the information presented indicated that the proposal would not be feasible for the following reasons: The accessibility of the city to the Texas Medical Enter; The City of Houston had passed an ambulance regulatory ordinance, which has greatly improved ambulance service and reduced the time reQuired for an ambulance to make a call from the usual 35 minutes, to 14 to r-- I .. 1 -' -------7-,--,---,~-~"'""'" , .1.[ --'Ti 0.:& 18 minutes, and the city could not improve upon this time factor sufficiently to make such service mare desirable; Dr. N.C. Windrow, Chairman of the Health Board, proposed to provide the names of six doctors to be subject to call to assist the present First Aid Unit; the estimated cost of $58,000, including capital expenditure, was considered unusually high for services which could be rendered; the City Attorney's opinion that the city could not operate ambulance service, as such, as it would leave the city open to a question of liability in case of accident or injury, and that the operation of this type service was proprietory rather than governmental and the city could not lend its faith~al)d credit in guaJ;'anteeing payment for a hospital emergen-cy room. In view of' the inf'ormation and recommendations submitted, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Gill, secondefrby Commissioner Wright, that the city reject the proposal to provide ambulance service and guarantee payment for use of a hospital emergency room for citizens of West Uni- versity Place, in view of the foregoing recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HoJJnan, Cornmiss ionersf}i1.1; and' Wright~. None A letter dated June 4, 1965 from the Houston Lighting & Power Company was presented to the Commission regarding a change in rates with respect to small commercial rates as outlined in their M.G.S. schedule which becomes effective June 24, 1965. It also stated that the street lights would be changed from 2500 lumen and 6000numen incandescent lights, to 3300 lumen and 7500 lumen mercury vapor street lights, which will increase the light O'!".t the street about one-third. It stated that the program will take five years. to complete, and the lights will be replaced as they deteriorate. The City Attorney advised the Commission that he had met with all of the department heads and reviewed .their suggestions for change'S or additions to the galley proofs received from the Municipal Code Corporation. He advised the Commission that the adopting ordinance should be passed at the next' regular meeting of the Commission. He stated that he felt the' "copyright page" should be omitted. . The City Attorney was requested to provide the Commission with a list of all proposed changes prior to the next regular meeting, so that they might have an opportunity to review them prior to passage of the ordinance. The City Manager advised theCommission that the committee appointed to recommend an auditor for the city's records for the year 1965 had met and interviewed the firm of O'Connor, Lawson and McGee, and that this firm had submitted an estimate not to exceed $1,800 for auditing the ---~-.---=-1-':-'--'-- 3:3'. city's records f'or tre fiscal year 1965. The Commission was advised that the Auditing Committee, composed of Commissioners Vest and Gill and City Manager Whitt Johnson, recommends that this firm be employed to perform the audit of the city's records and accounts for the fiscal year 1965. Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner 'Wright, that the accounting firm of O'Connor, Lawson and McGee, certified public accountants, be employed to perform the audit of the city's records and accounts for the fiscal year 1965, for a fee not to exceed $1,800. C.D Uj lJ') Cl U U Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill and Wright. None The minutes of the regular meeting of the Corninission on Monday, May 24, and the recessed meeting on Monday, June 7, 1965, were presented to the Commission for their consideration and the f'ollowing action taken; Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on May 24, and the recessed meeting on June 7,1965 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: 'Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill and Wright Voting No: None '---- With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion du~ made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. .4~~/~~ MAYOR ATTEST: ~~<i2 ... ""is~ nt Ci y eo e ary ,'-:c:,''''T "_.::1 .----L....:c:'H . -'~'-:l.____.._ ---' '--"--:e:~" --'T:" 04 REGULAR MEETIIiG OF CITY COMMISSION JUNE 28,1965 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City H~ll on Monday, June 28, 1965, 7: 30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman; presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Attorney and City Man~ger were also present. The Invocatio~ was pronounced by Commissioner Vest. Messrs. Bert P. Fisher, 6528 Rutgers; Victor Kimmel, 6531 Rutgers; Lester Voorhees, 3833 Rice Boulevard; Ed Averdieck, 4005 Rice Boulevard; Harry K. Searle, 6541 Rutgers, appeared before the Commission to re~uest that the Commission reconsider' the proposal to provide a~ulance service for West University citizens. They expressed the desire that the Commission give further consideration to the matter, and develop further information relative the cost of operating such a service; also, to determine whether other cities in Texas had successfully provided this type of service.. Mayor Holman thanked those who had spoken for their interest, and for their thoughts on the matter, and advised them that the Commission would develop more information, and would give further consideration to the proposal. Mr. Herbert J. Wisenberg, who has constructed a new residence a;t 6502 Buffalo Speedway, appeared before the Commission re~uestingthat the sidewalk re~uirement be waived on the north (Pittsburgh) side of this proper~y, as there are no sidewalks on Pittsburgh for at least two blocks, a~d thus.a side~alk on his property would serve no purpose. ~e stat~~-that ~e would. be glad to construct a sidewalk, should other , ..." \. . \., '." . . .' . ,." ~. ~ . . sidewalks ever be built which would connect to it. Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, thatthe sidewalk re~uirement be waived on the pittsburgh side of the east 100 feet of Lot 6, Block 31, West University Place F:i;rst Addit~;:m, ~eing 6502 Buffalo Speedway, and that Mr. Wisenberg be allowed'to'construct a side- walk along the front of his property only, as he re~uested. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. None The City Manager presented a letter which had beeen received from the Sunset Terrace Garden Club concerning the project which they had main- tained for a number of years, beautification of the Edloe Parkway. They stated in the letter that they were now turning the project back to the city, due to lack of funds to continue the project. Mayor Holman advised the Commission that he had written a letter to the Garden Club, expres- sing the appreciation of the city for the contributions that they had made to the beauty of our city in this and other projects. L..._,. r~~~~ "-JI _LC "} . - - ----' - - ---------------,--,----"'j--. "~Ti:: . c.o Uj lJ') Cl U U L__ ~5 The minutes of' the regular meeting of' the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Monday, June 17, 1965 were presented to the Commission for their infor- mation. An invoice from consulting engineers Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc. was presented to the Commissionfbr their consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner .Ayres, that the invoice from Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc. in the amount 01'$278.27 f'or engineering services performed in connection with changes made in our plans and specifications for the water main project for the month of May, 1965, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hoiman; Cornni.issioners Ayres, GIll, Vest and Wright None Mr. A. B. Fisk, Chairman of' the Electrical Board, and Mr. Robert Randle, member of' the Electrical Board, appeared before the Commission to discuss certain changes which theYr Board recommended be made in the Electrical Code before the codification of ordinances is approved. The recommended changes are as f'ollows: (1) That an annual fee of $10 be charged for an inactive license, and if the person holding such license desired to return to an active status dur- ing the year, a $25 fee would be charged (2) That the Electrical Board issue master electrician's lieenseonevidenceof a City of Houston license and not re<luire the applicant to take another examination to obtain a lic- ensein West University inasm.uch as the examinations given are essentially the same (3) Recommend that all meter loop service be 1 1/4" conduit at lease (4) Recommend 100 amp main disconnect aI\d'switch installed in a weather proof box (5) That unprotected conduits 6r~ires."shou:id'riot be run through spaces in hollow walls or through attic spaces. Commissioner Wright left the meeting at this time. (6) To change-qUaliflcattons for a member of the Electrical Board, position 4, to rea'd "either by a licensed master electrician or person trained in electrical work who has had at least ten years experience in the construc- tion, operation, maintenance of electrical equipment and facilities, and at least one year of the re<luired experience must have been spent in a position of responsibility on such work." Motion by Commissi9ner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the recommendations for changes presented by the Electrical Board be included in the Codification of Ordinances now under consideration, in accordance with the recommendations of the minutes of the EleGtrical Board on June 21 and the City Manager's letter of June 25) 1965. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None ---T~' -""C_~~-'-~":'~''1-'-~-- .., 1 . - -----=r 00 The City Manager presented a report compiled showing the street lighting system which the~'ci ty now has, and the proposed street lighting changes in connection with the Houston Lighting and Power Company's plan to modernize the street lighting system and install mercury vapor 3BOO lumen or 7500 ,lumen lights throughout the city wherever possible. Mr. Johnson's report showed the cost for such improvements, as follows: (1) Convert all present 2500 lumen incandescent lights to 3300 lumen mercury vapo~ lamps (mounted on wood poles, with ornamental brackets) without increased cost to the city. , (2) Convert 38 lights - 2500 lumen incand~scent on,wood poles, to 3300 lumen mercury vapo~ with underground service, mounted on.ornam~ntal steel poles. Through this conversion, 47 wood poles with overhead service can be eliminated. Increased annual cost -$456.00. (3) University Bqulevard - Install additional lights Sewanee to Kirby Drive, with underground service, 7500 lumen mercury vapor lamps mounted on ornamental standards at $39 each. Approximately 26 addi tionallights at an estimated cost of' $1,014 annually. (4)Weslayan street - Convert and install additional lights Bissonnet to BellaireBoillevard, eighteen lights, 7500 lumen mercury vapor on wood poles at $39 each. Annual cost $486.00. (5) Seventy six intersections - Install 76 additional lights, underground service, $30 per year - $2,280.00. (6) We presently have 25 River Oaks Standard Lights which are height, mounted on steel fluted poles with white glass bowls. lights may be converted to 3300 lumen mercury vapor ornamental on wood poles with no increase in cost. The proposed street light improvements program, as outlined in (1) through (6) above, would cost annually $4,002..00. 8 feet in The standard i ,---' Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the Com- ~issiQn approve modernization of the street lighting system, at th~ esti~ mated additional cost of $4,002 per year, as outlined in .thereport and recommendation of the City Manager. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The City Engineer pr~senteda report on, the progress being IDEl.de on the water main construction by frice-Null and Gom,pany,:[:nc., con,t:factors. He stated that all contract documents had beenex~cuted, an,d all insu- rance and performance bond re~uirements met. The cr,ew moved their e~uipment in and began work on the 23rd of June, and the work is pro- gressing satisfactori~. The City Attorney presented a summary of changes to be made in the galley proofs of the Code. Ordinance number 856, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: ;)1' AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AND ENACTING A NEW CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; ESTABLISHING THE SAME; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES NOT INCLUDED THEREIN, EXCEPT AS HEREIN EXPRESSLY PROVIDED; PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SUCH CODE AND A PENALTY FO~ T,HE VIOLATION THEREOF; PROVIDING.,FOR THE.MANNER OF AMENDING SUCH CODE; AND PROVIDING WllEN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. ~ Uj lJ') Cl U U Motion by Commissioner Ay~es, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Ordinance number 856, adopting and enacting a new code of ordinances of the City of West University Place, be passed and approved, with the effective date of the ordinance cha~ged to September 1, 1965. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on June 14 were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commission.er Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the min- utes of the regular meeting of the Commission on June 14, 1965, be approved as subrili tted . Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this t.ime" upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at II p.m. ,/J~~vlkv~ MAYOR ATTEST: ~-- -~r --,.c,,~~_---== - - --,-.-'------.--.,-c,'-_--'_-_-~~~------:~- . r:::~ ,- ~~ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JULY 12, 1965 The City Commission convened in regular session at. the City Hall on Monday, July 12, 1965,7:30 p.m., with the following members present: May:or Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Wright,. ,. "ColIll'llis's'ioner Vest was out .01' .the city on vacation~ ' The City Manager was present. The City Attorney was our of the city on vacation. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Wright. The minutes of the regular meetirig of the Zoning and Plann.ing Commission on Thursday, July 8, 1965 were presented to the Commission for their information. Engineer's estimate number 1 on the water main construction project was pre- sented to the Commission for their consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the City. Engineer's estirnEite number 1. in the amount 'of'. $9,969.61 for work perf'ormed on the water main project by Price-Null and Company, Thc~ ,for the period from June 23 to June 30, 1965, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and 'Wright None Mr. C. E.' Posey, Sanitarian, appeared before the Commission to pTesent information he had obtained while attending a three-day training school sponsored by the Harris County Mos~uito Control District through the Com- municable Disease Center in Atlanta, Georgia. The school was held at Rice University July 7, 8 and 9, and was concerned in control of communi- cable diseases, specifically those carried by the mos~uito.He stated that this school was designed primarily for identification of mos~uito larvae and adults, and the methods of surveying a community for their breeding places. He stated that after identification had been made, to determine the types of mos~uitoes in a community, then it couldbe deter- mined the best means of controlling them. An invoice was presented to the Commissionfrom~the~~exas~~i~ipal Leag~e, and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the invoice received from the Texas Municipal League for the city's part in league ser- vices, in the amount of $520 for the year ending June 30, 1966, be approved for payment. , Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Wright None r~: - ,'...'~.~..~.;C'_,""il , r'- , ---~-- '1 -~ , ,[:;i'-- a~ c.o l.n lJ') Cl U U The City Manager advised the Commission that a recommendation had been received from Chief of Police H. E. Shipp in connection with raising the speed limit on Buffalo Speedway from 30, to 35 miles per hour, due to the fact that the speed limit is 35 miles per hour on either sideof,our city on this street. However, Chief Shipp felt that ,this action might cause drivers to travel at an even greater. speed'.--' cI,t.was also reported that Corporation Court Judge Gale Reese felt that it would be better to leave the speed limit at 30 miles per hour and to post additional signs along Buffalo Speedway showing the speed limit, and to leave the speed limit as it is for the present time. After discussion, the Commission instructed the City Manager to place addi- tional signs indicating the speed limit on Buffalo Speedway at 30 miles per hour. i i~J The Commission was advised that a letter had been received from the Municipal Code Corporation advising that they had received our galley proofs, and had made all corrections indicated and would begin printing the Code. The City Manager advised the Commission that an ordinance concerning the moving of buildings into the city, which had been inadvertantly omitted from the Code, had been included as an amendment to the Building Code. He stated that this ordinance was necessary to prevent buildings being moved into the city that would not conform to our Building Code and standards. The City Manager presented a report on the progress of the water main project. He advised that work had now been completed on Kirby Drive Mr. A. G. Billingsley, 3830 Tennyson, appeared before the Commission and expressed his desire to see some solution to the problem of cars being parked along the streets. He felt that this constituted a traffic hazard, because of being unable to see children who might be playing along the driveways. He also stated that they felt a "stop," sign should he placed at Tennyson and College to discourage speeding. " , . . ,.- !.-' (. :' , The City Manager advised th~ Commission that consideration should be given to setting a date for public hearing to adopt the Budget for the fiscal year 1966. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that a Public Hearing be called for 7:30 p.m. August 23, 1965, to consider adoption of the budget for' the year 1966" -and :that proper legal notice of hearing be pub- lished iri the official newspaper of the city on July 21, 1965. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Wright None The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on June 28, 1965 were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the mirutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on June 28, 1965 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners, Ayres, Gill, and Wright None ,., .'1 u -----, -T'ii"" 4U With no f'urther business to come bef'ore the Commission at this time, upon motion du~ made, seconded and c~rried, the mee~ing was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. ~k~ MAYOR ATTEST: , --""l'~"--~-~-----'--r , - T' , '-T:,' ql' il -', i i.\ ! ','1 i: I! I' I.....L---~ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JULY 26 , 1965 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on~ Monday, July 26, 1965, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Vest and Wright. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioners Ay~es and Gill were out of the city. c.o l.Q lJ') ~ U U The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Vest. Mr. David Dean, 6527 Sewanee, appeared before the Commission, ~xpressing his appreciation and that of many others with whom he had spoken, for the passage of' the ordinance pertaining to distribution of handbills and circulars, which was included in the codification of ordinances to become effective Septerriber 1, 1965. r ' , j i i L.J The minutes of the regular meeting of' the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Monday, July 19th, were presented to the Commission for their infor- mation. It was sta"ted that the Zoning Board of Adjustment had made three amendments to its Rules of Procedure, had held a Public Hearing on July 19th for the purpose of hearing any interested parties in this connection, and had taken the proper legal action for amending their rule s . The City Attorney advised the Commission that there were eleven suits filed on paving liens in the 1962 paving project on which no payment had ever been made. He stated that of these eleve~, seven had been served and the others had not been located. He advised the Commission that Citation by Publication would be given on the suits where the owners were not found. The City Man ageradvised the Commission that he had written a letter to the Municipal Code Corporation asking them to make the folloWing changes or additions to the Code: (1) Section 18-34(d) Should read "If the Inspector is called back, after correction of defects noted, an addi- tional fee of $1.50 shall be made f'or each such return inspection. (2) Delete Section 23~139, Parkin~~ith lights extinguished at night pro- hibited, in its entirety. (3) Section 6-21, Air Conditioning, Heating Code Adopted. The following should be added immediately after this section: Permit fees -Minimum permit fee $3, which shall include cen- tral units, . floor furnaces and all types of vented heating, $3 per unit for air conditioners, except window units which are covered by Electrical Code, $3 per unit for air handlers, when installed with new work, the fee shall be $1 per unit, $.50 per unit for convectors and radiators when installed with new work. When air conditioners, convectors or rad- iators are installed with existing installations, the minimum fee shall apply." The City Manager advised the Commission that he had rec~ived a reply from the Code Corporation st.ating tbat they would not be able to make any further changes in the Code without action of the City Commission, passage of amending ordinances. The City Attorney was : ' 11 r '1 ------~-~.---'c-""IT-r- - -'I:' iJ:,~' instructed to prepare ordinances on the desired changes for the next meeting of the Commission. The Commission was advised of an alleged zoning violation at 2616 Nottingham. It was stated that the Building Inspector had been requested to make an inspection for installation of air conditioning units at this vacant residence, which is adjacent to and owned by Triangle Refineries. It was also stated that it had been suspected for some time that this residence is being used in conjuntion with the business ope~&tions of Triangle Refineries. . Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the City Attorney investiagethe axleged violation at 2616 Nottingham, and take whatever action necessary to correct it. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Vest and Wright None The City Manager advised the Commission of a violation of ordinance number 759, which prohibits a fence being extended past the front building line of a residence. He stated that the Building Inspector had ta~ed with the owner of 3823 Swarthmore and advised him that this was a violation, and that the owner refused to comply with the ordinance by removing the fence. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright that the alleged violation of ordinance number 759, at 3823 Swarthmore, be referred to the City Manager and City Attorney for corrective action or recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Vest and Wright None The City Manager presented a report on the progress of public work proj- ects under construction. He stated that all of the water lines and the fire hydrants had been installed on certain sections of Kirby Drive and Pittsburgh, and that the work has now begun on t:re 3600 block of Tangley. The Commission was also advised of the work done by the Street Depart- ment this year, through July 12th, and the materials Used. There was discu8sion concerning repair of the 2600 and 3700 blocks of' Sunset, and it was stated that approximately $7,500 remains in the budget for street repair purposes. Swimming Pool receipts for the year, as compared with the past five years were also reviewed. The minutes of the regular meeting ~f the Commission on July 12, 1965, were presented to the City Commission for their consideration, and the following action was taken: I.~, r- ,'--""'I---,~" - '..'------------' , 1 , -,.-,c'-l~';i; r'~i ,_I ~"-I Li [I 4 3 Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on July 12, 1965 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: May.or Holman, Commissioners Vest and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. ATTEST: r"'--~~--~- i-~' AfALV ~/AJ . 'MAYOR r-.'-'-r.c''''''~r~-'r - -~F- 4 4 SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION AUGUST 2, 1965 The City Commission of the City of West University Place convened in special session on Monday, August 2, 1965, 7:30 p.m., with the follow- ing members present: Mayor HOlman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Manager was also present. Mayor Holman presented the following waiver which was signed by the members of the Commission: The Mayor and each of the undersigned Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas, hereby expressly waive the giving of twenty- f'our hours notice of the special meeting of the City Commission held on the second day of August~ 1965~ held for the purpose of' appointing a third member to the Board of Tax Equalization of the City of West University Place, Texas, and appointing a Chairman thereof~ due to the resignation of Mr. Preston D. Phillips, former Chairman. This waiver shall be entered and made a part of th~ minutes of such special meeting. ,,' " Signed this 2nd day of August, 1965. (s) Mayor DuPree Holman Commissioner Richard Ayres Commissioner O. P. Gill Commissioner Loys E. Vest Commissioner Roger R. Wright, Sr. The mayor stated that the special meeting was called as a result of the resignation of Mr. Preston D. Phillips as Chairman of' the Board of Tax Equalization for the year 1965, due to his illness. Mayor Holman. stated that it would be necessary to appoint a third member of the Board of Tax Equalization, and to also designate a Chairman of such Board. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the resign,ation of Mr. Preston D. Phillips as Chairman of the Board of Tax E~ualization of the city be accepted, and that Mr. William J. Beirne be appointed as Chairman, and Mr. Noel B. Proctor be awmnted to serve with Mr. Beirne and Mr. James K. Hilliard, who were previously appointed as members. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None Motion made by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Wright, and un animously carried, that the meeting be adjourned. ' j}ufj~p~ MAYOR ATTEST: L_____. -~O:::::-"'''=_"..:~.-m-m--'''-'--:c-o~~=~~=,--- ____n_ "1._ ---1'------- ,~ , f ! , I l~, n 1_, n 45 1'1 U REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION AUGUST 9, 1965 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, August 9, 1965, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Ayres pronounced the Invocation. c.o Uj lJ') ~ U U Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Adam, 2911 Wroxton, were present at the meeting. Mr. Adam. was congratulate'd by the Mayor and Commissioners for having won the Valley Forge Freedom Award for teaching Americanism in the public schools. It was noted that Mr. Adam would receive a scholarship to attend a three-week seminar at the Valley Forge Foundation next year to study Americanism, and about Communism. The Commission was advised that the auditing f'irm employed to make an audit of the city's records and accounts for the year 1965, O'Connor, Lawson and McGhee, had now commenced work on the audit. , r.. ..,.'1.,' . ! , , ~i Engineer's estimate number 2 was presented to the Commission for their consideration, and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that Engi~ neer's estimate number 2, for work performed on the water main construction project through July 31, 1965, in the amount of $25,682~74, payable to Price-Null and Company, Inc., be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None Resolution number 65-6, as follows, was presented to the Commission for consideration, and read in full: A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING A MINIMUM' FINE .IN .AN AMOUNT THOUGHT TO BE JUST .AND REASONABLE FOR TRAFFIC VIOLATION IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, IN ORDER THAT PERSONS DESIRING TO, PLEAD GUILTY TO THE VIOLATION CHARGED MAY KNOW THE AMOUNT OF FINE THAT WILL BE 'ASSESSED WITHOUT APPEARING BEFORE THE CORPORATION COURT OF SAID CITY. WHEREAS, an investigation has been made as to the fines now being assessed . by th~ City of West UniverSIty Place and various other municipalities located in Harris County, Texas, for violation of the traffic laws; and 1 I I \..__1 L~ -j_'"".' --O::"-",,",=_-.'--"-_O""=-_C:'''."",",:~_:':~~.7_'.~-----~ ---,.."~ - ~ - .,--c: t~_:~: '-:1-:-:- qO WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable by the City Commission to bring the schedule of fines in the City of West University Place more closely in accord with the fines being assessed by neighboring municipali- ties; and i !-.-J WHEREAS, the City Commission wishes to recommend and establish a mlnl- mum fine for various traffic violations in an amount thought to be just and reasonable for the convenience of those persons desiring to plead guilty to the violation charged without personally appearing before the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That from and after the effective date hereof, the Clerk of' the Corporation Court of West University Place, Texas, is autho- rized to accept as full payment the amounts shown below for each of , the listed offenses where the person desires to plead guilty as charged and the offense charged is the first offense. SCHEDULE OF MINIMUM FINES - FIRST OFFENSE Speeding School zone - first 10 miles over limit . . Speeding - for first 10 miles over legal speed limit . . . . $ 25.00 . 15.00 ($3 per mile in excess of 10 miles over legal limit) Running red light . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Running "stop" sign . . . . . . . . . Illegal turns . . . . Driving on wrong side of street . . . . . Wrong Way on One-Way street . . . . . . . Failure to Yield Right-of-Way . . . .. .... Cutting Funeral Procession Running over Fire Hose Illegal Parking other than Fire Zone Blocking Fire Plug or parking in Fire Zone Blocking Pedestrian Lane Defective Brakes . . . . . . . . Defective Lights . . . . . . . . No muffler, defective or illegal muffler No Operator's License. . . . . . . . . No State Inspection Sticker .......... No vehicle license, or illegal license Pedestrian crossing between intersections or.... walking against red light Operating truck where prohibited . Failure 'to appear for triai" 15.00 15.00 10.00 15.00 5.00 25.00 10.00 25.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 25.00 5.00 5.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 . ,'.,..,' ,>. :... - 5..00 5.00 25.00 Section 2. That when a person charged with a traffic violation appears before tpe Corpo~ation Court of West University Place, either to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty, if the Court finds such person to be guilty, a fine shall be assessed as the Court shall determine, and in accordance with the applicable statute and/or ordinance. T 1 '1 'fT rr q~ f \ I 1- Motion by Commissioner Vest~ seconded by Commissioner Gill, that Reso- lution number 65-6, recommending minimum traffic fines for first offenses, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, vest and Wright None c.o ~ lJ') ~ U U The City Attorney reported on the alleged violation of ordinance number 759 at 3823 Swarthmore, where a fence was constructed past the front building line to the sidewaTh. He stated that l::e had written a letter to the owner advising him of the necessity to correct the violation, and that he had inspected the property with City Manager Whitt Johnson, and had found that the fence had been removed except for a portion which has been cut down to approximately 18 inches in height with crossbars joining the posts, and this portion extends from the front building line along a f'lower bed. The City Attorney was instructed to follow through to whatever extent necessary to correct this viola- tion complete~. L The City Attorney also reported on the alleged violation of zoning ordi- nance number 111, at 2616 Nottingham, which was reporj;ed by the Building Inspector. He stated that he had talked with officials of Triangle Refineries, owner, of this property, and that they had then written him a letter advising him of their intentions in connection with the use of this residence. They stated that they are in the process of remodeling the residence for use as a combination sleeping quarters and sick room for their employees. They stated that they had originally intended to rent the property as living quarters, but that its close proximity to Triangle Refineries and the type of activity which goes on in the area is not desirable for full-time fami~ occupancy. The City Attorney was instructed to write a letter to Triangle Refineries advising them what is necessary to correct this violation, and to follow through to see that it is corrected. The City Manager presented a report from the Tax Assessor-Collector, outlining the meetings of the Board of Tax Equalization for the year 1965. The Tax Assessor-Collector reported that 138 notices were sent out to property owners advising them of increases in taxes due to additions to or improvements they had made to their property. He stated that of this number, only five had appeared before the Board of Equalization to protest. One of these appe~ring was Corrigan Properties, who have appeared regularly for the past three years, protesting the amount assessed against their property. The report advised that the Tax Board of Equalization would meet 'one more time, to decide what action should betaken in connection with these delinqu~nt taxes qf Corrigan Properties. It was reported to the Commission that a question had arisen in regard to an easement granted on Lot 5, Block 89, West University Place Second Addition, in that the property was subdivided in November, 1947, and the ,.' .., ,~~-- -'~~~"T c ''71 '1 -; -.,----"-'-"'"-T'l'i!~"T-----~--- 4ti portion cut off from the rear of the lot contained the easement dedicated in +926 of'f' of' alrLof the lots in the West University Second Addition. It was stated that should a house be constructed on the north 67 X 100 feet of the lot, there would be no easement for the 100 X 100 foot portion fronting on Albans. I I I '-' A letter was presented to the Commission from theC:j..vil Defense Office of the City of Houston, requesting permission or approval of use of fre- quency 155.28 for their radio frequency, which is adjacent to the city's police department frequency, 155.25. It was decided that the City man- ager should talk to someone in their office and obtain additional information, then write a letter to the FCC granting permission, but protesting the use of frequencies so close to the city's frequency as to create interference, particularly in case of emergency. A request was received from the Boy Scout Roundtable Leaders, Southwest District, for use of the Community Building for a regular meeting place each second Tuesday, year round. They stated that they did not have funds available for the purpose. It was decided that it would not be possible for them to use the building without charge, and the only way such a request for regular use of the building could be made would be to make each month's reservation separately and pay for the use of the building at that time, inasmuch as the cost involved f'or setting up the building and air conditioning cost, w~uld be too great to allow any reduction in rental rate. ' The minutes o~ the regular meeting of the Commission on July 26, 1965 and the special meeting on August 2, 1965, were presented to the Com- mission and the following action taken: ' . 1 ,J Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on July 26, 1965 be approved as submitted, and the minutes of the special meeting of August 2, 1965, be approved as corrected. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8: 50 p.m. /J.Jvw/J~ MAYOR' , ATTEST: ~~) s S J.s am:; J. y e e~a;)?Y , _ --r~':E..-::7_-CC~---:CC--:~TC:-l _ .~ c.o L~ lJ') Cl U U L......'~_'n ,4.tJ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION AUGUST 23, 1965 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, August 23, 1965, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Wright. Co,m"';- missioner Vest was out of' the city on business. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Gill. J The Public Hearing called for 7:30 p.m. this date was called to order by Mayor Holman. It was stated that in compliance with the City Charter requirements and previously published legal notice, the hearing would be held to consider adoption of the Budget for the fiscal year January 1, ,1966 to December 31, 1966. Mayor Holman asJ5;ed City Manager Whitt Johnson to explain the Budget for the benefit of the citizens present. The City Manager reviewed the Budget, explaining the income and expenditures proposed by the various departments. He also stated that the City Com- mission bad met several times to review and discuss the proposed budget and that it had been ref'erred to the Finance Committee for study and recommendation. After reviewing the Budget on August 16, 1965, the Finance Committee agreed to recommend its adoption. Ordinance number 857; captioned as follows, was presented to the Commis- sion for consideration and read in full: .AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AN AD VALOREM TAX ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1965; AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF. . Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that ordinance number 857, levying and assessing an ad valorem tax for the year 1965,'be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: :r9Jayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Wright and Gill None Ordinance number 858, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commis- sion for consideration and read in full: .AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A BUDJET FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR A TWELVE-MONTH PERIOD BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1966 AND ENDJl'iJG DECEMBER 31, 1966; PROVIDING THE APPROPRIATIONS OF PUBLIC FUNDS OF THE BITY FOR USE AND EXPENDITURES. r~T~Tn~ eLf .. 1__ _....f ----.- ~:n' ----------- 5U Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that ordinance number 858, approving a budget for the City of West Univer- sity Place for the fiscal year January 1, 1966 to December 31, 1966 be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Wright None ~e minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commis- sion on August 12, 1965, were presented to the Commission for con- sideration. There was some discussion concerning the application of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church for permission to use Lots lA and lB, Block. 89 , West University Place Second Addition for church pur- poses, and also requesting a variance of setback requirements. The City Attorney was requested to submit an opinion as to whether the Zoning and Planning Commission in the public hearing called for September 9, 1965, could consider both of these requests, without the necessity of the Zoning Board of Adjustment considering the variance of setback r~quirements. . The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on August 16, 1965, were presented to the Commission at this time. The Zoning Board of' Adjustment met to consider a request made by the City Manager concerning construction of a circular driyeway at the new residence at the corner of Rutgers and Amherst. It was the con- census of the Board that this was not a matter to be handled by their Board, but that it should be ref'erred to the Zoning and Plan- ning Commission for their recommendation. .':'-~ Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the recommendation of' the Zoning Board of Adjustment relating to circular driveway construction, be referred to the Zoning and Plan- ning Commission for, study and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Wright None Commissioner Wright left the meeting at this time. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board ~ere pre- sented to the Commission for their information. It was stated that Mayor Holman had received a letter from the NSDAR requesting that the week of September 17-23, 1965, be proclaimed as Constitution Week in the City of West University Place. The Procla- mation, as follows, was read:'by the City Attorney and signed by Mayor Holman: L..__ r~~---- '" ,- :-:-"r.--------:.rr~~ -- ~---r ~-~------ - -'O-iGil.'--' - ':1::- 51 r I I PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, September 17,1965 is notable as'marking the one-hundred- seventy-eight~ anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the United States of Amerca by the Constitutiona~ Convention; and WHEREAS, To accord official recognition to this memorable anniversary, and tothe patriotic exercise which will ,form a noteworthy feature of . the oCGasion, seems fitting and proper; and c:.o ~ lJ') ~ U U WHEREAS, In accordance with Public Law Number 915, the President of the United States has issued a Proclamation designating the week of September 17 through 23, 1965, as : CONSTITUTION WEEK: NOW, THEREFORE, I DuPree Holman, Mayor of the City of West University Place, by virtue of the authority vested in ,me as Mayor of this city, in the State of Texas, do hereby proclaim tb,e week of September 17 _ 23, 1965 as CONSTITUTION wEEK in the City of West University Place and urge all our citizens to pay special attention during that week to our Federal Constit~tion and the advantages of American Citizenship. ! In witness, Thereof', I have her;euntq set illy hand and ca~sed the, Seal of' the City of West University Place to be affixed, this 23rd ,day of August, 1965, the ye;:ir .01' our Lord, and the one hundred eighty-ninth year of the independence of the United States of' America. (s) DuPree HoJ.rn.&n, Mayor A petition signed by residents of the 2600 block of Fenwood Road was presented to the Commission at this time. The petition requ~$ted that the one-way traffic signs be again placed on Fenwood at ~irbYDrive to prevent traffic entering Fenwood from Kirby Drive. A recommendation , f'rom Chief' of Police H. E. Shipp was also presented, in which he stated that he felt this block :shQuld be made a one-way street going east, on a permanent basis. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the recommendation of the Chief' of Police be accepted, and that lIOne Way Trafficll signs be placed on Fenwood at Kirby Drive, permanently,making Fenwood Road a one-way street going east. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres and Gill None The City Manpger advised the Gommission that the, Codification of Ord- nances had been completed and that 25 bound and 75 unbound copies of the Code had been received from the Municipal Code Corporation, in accordance with their contract. The City Manager and City Attorney expressed appreciation to the Commission for making the codification of all city ordinances possible, and stated that they felt this weuld be a great help in enforcement and administration. T~= '-'--"!-~"'~-,'-"!'C-'~_~_ _ _.~I<'C--- b:& Ati~invoice was presented f'rom the Municipal Code Corporation in the amount of $7,367.20, plus $16.47 for freight, less $3,466.66 previous payments, for a total due of' $3,917.01, for one hundred copies of the Code of Ordinances, City of West University Place, in accordance with the contract with Municipal Code Corporation. It was explained that the additional cost exceeded the original estimate by $2,100 because of a decision made at a later date to embody in the Code of Ordinances, the adoption of the following technical codes: U.S. Public Health ServiceFood Service Sanitation Manual, U. S. Public Health Service Milk Ordinance, National Electrical Code, Southern Standard Gas Code, Southern Standard Building Code, Part III, Plumbing; Fire Preven- tion Code, National Building Code, National Fire/Protection Association Pamphlet 90A and 90B (Heating and Air Conditioning Code). Also, various amendments to the Original Zoning Ordinance were included. The City Commission approved and accepted the Code of Ordinances, and took the following action: Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the Code of Ordinances be officially accepted, and that the total completed price of $7,367.20, plus freight charges of $16.47, be approved for payment, and that an additional sum. of $3,917.01 be appropriated for payment of the balance due on this service, noting the $3,466.66 pre- vious payments. Voting .Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, and Wright None The City Attorney reported on the zoning violation at 2616 Nottingham. He stat~d that he had talked with officials of Triangle Refineries, owner of the residence, and that they had been advised that their pro- posed use of the residence for storage of records and sleeping ~uarters or sick room for employees was not in accordance with the city's zoning ordinance. He stated that they had advised him that they had obtained another building on Sunset to which they would transfer all of the records now kept in this residence, and that they re~uested 30 days time in which to accomplish the transfer of records. The~' City Attorney advised. Triangle Refineries that any use of this residence for other than single family dwelling would be in violation of the city's zoning ordinance. The City Attorney was instructed to write a letter to Triangle Refineries confirming this conversation, and allowing the re~uestedthirty days to remove their records from the residence at 2616 No~tingham. The City Attorney reported that no further action had been taken in con- nection with the alleged violation of ordinance 759 at 3823 Swarthmore. ,~~ ~~--:' -.---0:-:1'- ___t~ ,-~ "7""",~ ___::1'-- ----- '~;-~Il~--- 53 The City Manager reported on the water main construction project. He stated that the contractor is doing satisfactory work, but that he is progressing very slowly on the clean-up work. He stated that the City Engineer is keeping a close watch on the project, to assure satisfac- tory completion. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on August 9, 1965 were presented to the Commission for their consideration and the fol- lowing action taken: c.o Uj l1':l o U U Motion by CommisSioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on August 9, 1965, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres and Gill None With no further busirlessto come bef'ore the Cohlmission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:;15 p.m. .tJJ~~ MAYOR ATTES~ ~~IM'4~ , .is an - y ecretary -- "'Te~:[:--'- -"~Ir- ~4 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 13. 1965 'I I I \ j The City Commission convened in regular session at the City HaIl on Monday, September 13, 1965, 7::1) p.m., with the following ;members present: Mayor Holman presiding, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. The City,Manager and City Attorney were aJ.So present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Vest. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commis- sion on Thursday, September 9, 1965 were pre~ented to the Commission for their information. Engineer's Estimate number 3 for the water main construction project was presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that Engineer's estimate number 3 in the amount of $7,715. 71, payab~e to Price-Null and Company, Inc. for work performed on the water main (:onstruction project August 1, 1965 to August 31, 1965, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: .' Ma.yor Holma.n, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The Commission was advised that most of''bhe work on the water main pro- ject has been completed, and that the contractor is in the process of cleaning up and completing work on Community Drive. It was also stated that the work is under the close supervi~i()n o.fth~ City.Engineer,to see that it is properly done. . I A statement for services of the City Attorney in connection with the Codification of Ordinances was. presented to the Commission for their consideration and the 'f'ollowing action taken: Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Vest that the statement from City Attorney Charles Cockrell in the amount of $560.00 for legal work performed in connection with codification of ordinances, be approved for payment. Voting Aye:' Mayor Holma.n, Commissioners !Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright Voting No: None A report was presented on the swimming pool activity for the past year. It was stated that the pool e~sed on September 6th, Labor Day, and that a total of $15,565.00 was received in income for the year. A report was also presented showing the total income of each year for the past fi va years as compared with this year's total. --T~'~~'~" .... "~~--I' .., "'"'1- . r ' '1 ir'irT-'-- C'IT . a~ The Commission was advised that two-thirds of all the tax statements had been mailed to property owners and that it was expected that $100,000 wou1d be received before the end of the year. Resolution number 65-7, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University P1ace anticipates collect- ing cash in the amount of $100,000.00 prior to January 1,1966 from current tax collections; and WHEREAS, said funds collected will be deposited to the account of the Tax Collector's F'und and held until the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966, and then used in accordance with budget appropriations; and c.o )Jj lJ') ~ U U WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all . of the city's money invested to earn additional income, and it is necessary to authorize investment of these certain sums of money. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the City Treasurer is he~eby authorized and directed to invest various sums of money at different times, aggregating ,$100,000.00 from current tax collections. 2. That said sum of money be invested in certificates of time deposit with the University State Bank, Houston, Texas, at the agreed in- terest rate of 4 1/'2!{o per annum. 3. That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to withdraw, as needed, Current Tax Collections deposited in the University State Bank in Certificates of Time Deposit, in various amounts not exceeding $ 100,000.00, said withdrawals to be accomplished by checks properly signed by the Mayor, the City Manager and the City Treasurer of the City of West University Place. ' Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that Resolu- tion number 65-7, authorizing the City Treasurer to invest money from the current tax collections in Certificates of Time Deposit in the University State Bank at 4~ interest per year, be approved as read. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holma.n, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The City Manager advised the Commission that Mr. O. D. Gregg, Superintendent of Sanitation, had been involved in an automobile accident on August 23, 1965, while driving his city-owned pickup. In this accident, the 1961 pickup driven by Mr. Gregg was totally da.ma.ged. Aetna Insurance Company, who carries the insurance for the other party involved, has admitted lia- bility and agreed to reimburse the city for damages. The Commission was also advised that it had been determined that a 1966 Ford ~ ton pickup cou1d be purchased from Jack Roa.ch Motor Company at $1,549, and that after the settlement agreeddupon between the city and the insurance company had been received, this would resu1t in a total cost to the city of less than $500.00 for the new pickup. --ij"ii'.' ;)0 Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest that the damaged unit driven by Mr. O. D. Gregg be replaced with a 1966 Ford ' ! ton pickup from Jack Roach Motor Company for a sum not to exceed $500.00 as agreed with Aetna Insurance Company, considering the trade- in value of the 1961 pickup totally d.ama.ged. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holma.n, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None Ordinance Number 859, captioned as follows, was presented to the Com- mission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 18-34 (d) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO PROVIDE FOR A FEE OF $1. 50 FOR CERTAIN INSPECTIONS, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wright that Ordinance number 859, amending section 18-34 (d) of the Code of' Ordinances be approved as read. Ordinance Number 860, captioned as fOllows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION 23-139 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Ayres that ordinance number 860, repealing section 23-139 of the Code of Ordinances be approved as read. , ~} Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The City Attorney presented a report on the zoning violation at 2616 Nottingham. He stated that he had talked with officials of Triangle Refineries, owner of the property, and that they haa. advised him that the violation would be corpected by the end of this week; that is, the records would be removed from this residence, and it would be re~urned to single-family dwelling'"usuage, as specified in the zoning ordinance. The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on August 23, 1965, were presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on August 23, 1965 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None L-___ ~~c-~- .:J. ---.:__1 ""1___ ~ :'"":rr.-- With no further business to come before the Conunission at this tdune, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. ATTEST: c.o Uj lJ') Cl U U c;;/;#/ciJ/~~&-A/ . iatant ,y Secretory P jJk~/ MAYOR 57 - TTr-:--- r \..l. ;)l.J REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 27, 1965 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, September 27, 1965, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holma.n, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The invocation was pronounced by Mayor Holman. The tax roll for the year 1965 for the City of West University Place was presented to the Commission f'or their consideration, and the f'ollowing action taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the Tax Roll for the City of West University Place for the .year 1965 in the amount of $26,269,412, as prepared by the Tax Assessor and approved by the Tax Boaltd of Equalization, be approved by the City Commission. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The Commission was advised that a written statement dated September 13, 1965 signed by Mr. Steve Shevack, President of' Steve's Wizard of Cars, and Mr. Don Nottebart, Secretary, had. been received, which advised that they were exercising their option to renew the Lease Agreement on the property owned by the city at 4213 Be1laire Boulevard, for a period of' f'ive years at the present monthly rental rate of' $300 in accordance with. the terms of the Lease Agreement. After reviewing the request, it was the opinion of the City Attorney the written notice of intention to renew the lease of the property at 4213 Bellaire Boulevard was in proper order and in accordance with the terms of the Lease Agreement. The written notice was ordered placedclon file, extending the lease agreement for a period of' five years beginning January 1, 1966. There was discussion concerning the desirability of renting equipment to remove leaves f'rom the city's streets during the peak season. The City Manager was instructed to obtain further information and report to the Commission at its next meeting. The Commission was advised that the final connection on the water main project had been completed and that testing and chlorination of the remaining lines should be completed during the coming week. Clean-up work should be completedin six to eight working days, and the next estimate on the cost should be f'inal. It was reported to the Commission that engigeers for the Houston Lighting and Power Company are in the process of determining locations for the proposed street light additions and replacements. It is believed that the entire project should be completed by January 1, 1966. "---,11''' L c.o l1':l t.n ~ U U r-- ~) ~. A letter, dated September 23, 1965, from the City of Houston addressed to Mayor Holma.n was presented ~o the Commission. The provisions of the letter in regard to the proposed paving of Kirby Drive between Bissonnet and Bellaire Boulevard were reviewed and discussed. After reviewing the proposal, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Vest that the City Manager be authorized to inform the City of Houston that the City Commis- sion of the City of West University Place approves the provisions of the following letter dated September 23, 1965 in principle, and that the City Attorney be hereby authorized and directed, to cooperate with the City Attorney for the City of Houston in the preparation of an appropriate contract between the two cities for the paving of Kirby Drive between Bellaire Boulevard and Bissonnet Street. Dear Mayor Holman: This has ref'erence to your letter of September 14, 1965, addressed to Mayor Louie Welch, pertaining to the proposed improvement of Kirby Drive south of Bissonnet Avenue. The letter has been referred to me for reply. Since receipt of the letter I have further reviewed the matter and have conferred with officials of your city. The proposed improvement consists of the construction of two roadways 24 feet wide of reinforced concrete pavement 7 inches in thickness, separated by esplanades, except that between UniTersity Boulevard and Rice Boulevard the existing street will just be widened and resurfaced. Also, the plans will provide, fer construction of concrete sidewalks where this is deemed warranted. Likewise included, of course, wil~ be the installation of any additional drainage facilities that might be needed to drain the street. I 8JIl prepared to recommend to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Houston that the City of Houston proceed with the project immediately after there shall have been executed a contract between the City of Houston and the City of West University Place making ap~ropriate provision for the 1'01- J,.owing items: (1) The total cash contribution to the project to be made by the City of West University Place will be $26,000, payable at the time of the execution of the contract. (2) 'The City of Houston will acquire and pay for all necessary right-of- way including any that may be required on the west side of Kirby Drive. The City of West University Place will adopt appropriate ordinances, if necessary, to designate the location of the' street right-of-way to the extent that any ?f it may lie within the lim~ts of West University Place. (3) The City of Houston will, under the State Paving Law, institute and . conduct proceedings lOOking toward the assessment by the City of Houston 'of the abutting'property on both sides ,of Kirby Drive for a part of the cost of the improvement, such assessments to be consistent with the following: .'~r "'-""1' r~ . ., bU'. (a) Property zoned or restricted to use for single ~amily or two- family residential purposes will be assessed to the extent of the enhancement in va1ue of the property by the proposed im- provement, but not to exceed $8.00 per linear foot if the property has its short dimension along Kirby' Drive, and not to. exceed $4.00 per linear foot if the property has its long dimension along Kirby Drive. (4) . (b) Property other than that zoned or restricted for single family Or two-family residential purposes will be assessed to the ex- tent of the enhancement in value, as determined at the hearing on benefits, in accordance w1ththe wual allocation of cost to abutting property, the estimated amount of such assessments being between $16.00 and $17.00 per linear foot, except that the pro- posed assessment between University Boulevard and Rice Boulevard, where only widening and resurfacing are to be done, will be con- siderably less. As authorized by the provisions of .subsection (b) of Article 1105b, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, the City of West University Place will adopt an appropriate ordinance or.resolution ratifying such assessments as may be levied by the City Council of the City of Houston in accordance with the procedure mentioned above. (5) To the extent that it may be necessary under the terms of the con- struction contract to "take overll from the. contractor any assessments against property which is exempt by reason of being homestead property, and as to which the owners have refused to sign a mechanic's and 'materialman's lien contract, such taking over will be done and paid for by the CitY.of Houston without regard to whether the property in question lies in Houston or in West University Place. (6) OfficiaJ.s and employees of West University Place will work co- operatively with the City of Houston and with the construction con- tractor to facilitate the construction of the improvements, and will provide such assistance as may be needed in obtaining temporary con- struction permits from owners of property on the west. side of Kirby ~~. ' (7) Representatives of the City Attorney of the City of Houston willco- operate with and assist the City Attorney Of West University Place in satisfying the various legal requirements affecting West'University Place and will provide any necessary legal forms for that purpose. It will be appreciated if you will submit this letter to your City Council and, upon their approval. of it, I will make the same recommendation to the City Council of the City of Houston. After both councils have approved the agreement in principle, the City Attorney of the City of Houston will work with the City Attorney of West University Place to prepare an appro- priate formal contract embodying the terms of the agreement. In the mean- time, the City of Houston will advertise forbids so as to be ready to commence construction as soon as possible. Is/ E. B. Cape, Director Department of Public Works ---"'-=~--=----- .~-"-:~;~:f:" " 61- ( I i ! i~_ Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayers, Gill, Vest and Wright None Ordinance number 861, captioned as follows, was presented to the Comis- sion and read in full: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR INCREASED MUNICIPAL CONTRIBUTIONS FOR CURRENT SERVICE ANNUITY OF EMPlOYEES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS PARTIClIlPATING IN THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIRBMENT. SYSTEM AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE c.o lJj .~ .~ U U Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that ordinance number 861, providlhng for increased municipal. contribution to the Current Service Annuity of employees of the city, participatiIigin the Texas Municipal. Retirement System, be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayers, Gill, Vest and Wright None The City Attorney advised the Commission that he is in the process of obtaining additional information before re-writing the ordinance establish- ing fees for heating and air conditioning permits under the Code of Ordi- nances. I , i_____i The. Commission was advised that the proposed amublance service for the city was being studied by a Committee appointed to obtain additional information, and that a report would be made at a later date. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on September 13, 1965 were presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest that the minutesblf' the regular meeting of the Commission on September 13,1965 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. )}JViP-/~ MAYOR ATTEST: , Lj =-~=-T'-- ~-':J. _c~l. ----------~.. 1 _ ----:-=r - '--~-,-c-"Tc:jr;--'- - - - - -]1: bZ REGULAR MEETJl'ifG OF CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER 11,1965 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, October 11, 1965, at 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor HOlman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill~ Vest and Wright. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Ayres. The City Manager advised the Commission of the status of the water main construction project. He presented a statement from Water Superinten- dent Herchel Vaughn stating that the final portion of the water mains had been put into service on October 7th. The City Engineer stated that the clean-up work should be completed during the next week, and that the project could then be finaled out. It was also brought to the attention of the Commission that the contractor had estimated 75 "...H working days to complete the project and that he had used 74 working days. The City Manager stated that the project would probably run three or four days over the estimated 75 working days before it it completed. Engineer's estimate number 4, amounting to $19,825.27 was presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest that the Engineer's estimate number 4 , in the amount of $19,825.27 payable to Price-Null and Company, Inc., for work performed on the water main project September 1 through September 30, 1965, be approved for payment. , __J Voting Aye: Voting N8: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None An Agreement received from the City of Houston concerning the improve- ment of Kirby Drive between Bissonnet Street and Bella~re Boulev~rd was presented to the Commission for consideration, as follows: "Following is a memorandum of an agreement between the City of Houston, Texas (Houston) and the City of West University Place, Texas (West University Place), both municipal corporations: 1. Between Bissonnet and West Holcombe Boulevard, Kirby Drive is a boundary street between Houston and West University Place, the west right-of-way lineQf Kirby Drive constitut2ng both the westerly city J,imit IfnEf_,qf Houston,and\ the easterly city limit line of West Uni verst ty Place.. The improvement of Kirby. Drive will be to the mutual advantage of the two cities, and the purpose of this agree- ment is to set forth the basis on':which such improvement will be accomplished. , J .~_~---' r=-.--.~-~~ - i --r _~C - - ------ -- .-r:-:-_ _ u..-l - iL '-'~~lGl['" 63 2. Houston will let two separate construction contracts which will provide for the improvement of Kirby Drive, at least to the extent of the limits above stated, in accordance with plans and specifications for such improvement, copies of which have been furnished to West University Place by Houston. 3. The total cash contribution to the project to be made by the City of West University Place will be $26,000 payable to Houston at the time of the execution and delivery of this agreement. c.o lJj ~ ~ U {;.,) 4. The City of Houston will ac~uire and pay for a necessary right~of-way including any that may be re'luired on the west side of' Kirby Drive. The City of West University Place will adopt appropriate ordinances, if necessary, to designate the location of the street right-of-way to the extent that any of it may lie within the limits of West University Place. (b) Property other than that zoned or restricted for single family or two-family residential purposes will be assessed to the extent of the enhancement in value, as determined at the hearing on benefits, in accordance with the usual allocation of cost to abutting property, the estimated amount of such assessments being hetween $16 and 1$17 per linear foot, except that tpe proposed asse~sment betweBn University Boulevard and Rice Bbulevard, where only widening and resurfacing are to be done, will be considerably less. 6. As authorized by the provisions of subsection (b) article 11050., Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, the City of West University Place will adopt an appropriate ordinance or resolution ratifying such assessments as may be levied by the City Council of the City of' Houston in accordance with the procedure mentioned above. 7. To the extent that it may be necessary under the terms of the construction contract to "take over" from the contractor any assess- ments against property which is exempt by reason of being homestead r~~~-- ""']"------rr'~~-~~.--"-Mn .1 -----::r . -~"'-lr;'lI"7Cr Oq property; and as to which the owners have refused to sign a mechanic's lien and materialman's lien contract, such taking over will be done and paid for by the City of Houston without regard to whether the property in question,; lies in Houston or in West UniversityPJace. 8. Officials and employees of West University Place will work coop- eratively with the City of Houston and with the construction con- tractor to facilitate the construction of the improvements, and wrll provide such assistance as may be needed in obtaining temporary con- struction permits from owners of property on the west side of Kirby Drive. 9. Representatives of the City Attorney of the City of Houston will cooperate with and assist the City Attorney of West University Place in satisfying the various legal re~uirements affecting West University Place and will provide any necessary legal forms for that purpose. IN TESTIMOIiJY OF WHICH, pursuant to ordinances so authorizing by their respective governing bodies, this agreement has been executed on behalf of the City of Houston by its Mayor, on the day of , A. D. 1965, and has been executed on behalf of the City of West University Place by its Mayor on the 11th day of October, 1965; A.D., and attested by their City Secretaries reS- pectively , in duplicate originals, both of equal force." After discussion concerning the proposed agreement, Ordinance number 862, captioned as follows was presented to the Commission and read in full: \_J AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, DETERMJl'ifJl'ifG THE NECESSITY FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF KIRBY DRIVE BETWEEN BISSONNET AVENUE AND WEST HOLCOMBE BOULEVARD AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF HOUSTON TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH IMPROVR1ENT. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that Ordinance number 862, approving and authorizing execution of a con- tract between the City of Houston and the City of West University Place for improvement of Kirby Drive, in accordance with the Agreement submitted, be approved. Vat ing Aye: Voting No: Mayor HOlman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None A report was presented to the Commission which had been prepared by the Engineering Department of the Houston Lighting and Power Company, showing locations for proposed street lights with ornamental standards and underground wiring service. After discussion, the following action was taken: .---' l-.-~~~'C'~~'.~.~._,~'!T- , r.- --------- '1 "."ij"'W.-"CCI--- r !- c.o -lJj ~ o u u t)-n Motion by Commissioner Ayres~ seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the street lighting plan for underground service and ornamental poles, presented to the Commission, be approved as submitted by Houston Lighting and,Power Company. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on September 27, 1965, were presented to the Commission for consideration and the follow- ing action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded.by-Commissioner Gill that the- minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on September 27, 1965 be approved as corrected. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at-8:45 p.m. ~L~ MAYOR ATTEST: --------J I "-~--~---- - -- - __coco, '1 1- iiiii ot), REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER 25, 1965 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, October 25, 1965, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Wright. Commissioner Vest was absent. The City Manager and City Attorney were present. The Invocation-was pronounced by Commissi,oner GilL The Following residents appeared before the Commission to discuss the pos- sibility of paving Community Drive: Mesrs. Bill Gaskins, 6404 Community; J. C. George, 6646 Community; J. A.Smith, 6236 Community; and J. T. Hood, 6320 Community. They presented a petition to the Commission on which they had obtained 36 signatures of the 63 resident homeowners on Community Drive, or 57%. They advised the Commission that there are 92 homes and 2 vacant lots on Community. They also stated that there were still some who had not been contacted, and that some who had been contacted and had not signed the petition have since expressed a desire to sign the petition. It waS also stated that some who would not sign the petition, still expressed a willingness to pay for the paving and were not opposed to the paving of Community Drive. Each of the men gave a surnrnary of their.efforts, as follows: Mr. Hood stated that there -had only been two homeowners who refused to sign the p.etlLtion,:but ,that,they had agreed that if assessed, they would pay for the paving, and felt that the paving was needed. He stated that from Bissonnet to Villanova, there were 43 homesteads, and of these, 32 owners had signed the petition. He also stated that they.had--not contac- ted the non-resident owners as yet. . . _ _ ,~_~>v." ,-- i-.-1 Mr. Smith advised the Commission that all whom he had approached on the subject felt that the paving was definitely needed, and thought that they would be willing to sign the petition. Mr. Gaskins stated that the two owners siding on Community Drive whom he had talked with, stated that they wished to be assured that a storm sewer drain would be placed on Oberlin at Community, also desired more infor- mation as to total cost, etc. Mr. George stated that the one non-resident owner he had contacted was in favor of the paving, and agreed that he would sign the petition, although he had not signed the petition at this, date. Mayor Holman commended the residents for their efforts, and asked that they continue to try to interest other property owners in signing the petition. He then asked the City Manager to explain the process involved for such a paving project. The City Manager explained the procedure for such a project, and advised that this would take several months for the pre- liminary work. There was discussion concerning the drainage problem, which it was decided should be solved prior to any paving work. -------~T _. 1 r i,11 --"Ir-- 0" . There was further discussion concerning the other unpaved blocks on which houses front, in the west section of the city, which consisted of the following: c.o lJj ~ ~ u u 4000 block of Oberlin 4100 block of Cason 4000, 4100 and 4200 blocks of Ruskin 4100 blocR of Riley 4200 block of Milton 4200 blo ck of Coleridge 3800 block of Sunset 3900 block of Browning 3800 block of Northwestern 3800 block of Case 3900 block of Byron. ,__I It was stated that these blocks had been skipped in previous paving proj- ects, for one reason or another, and that since they were the only unpaved blocks where residences front on the streets in what is termed the west section of the city, it would be much more desirable to proceed with the paving of these b:1ocks at the same time of the paving of Community Drive. It would be difficult and more expensive to come back and pave these blocks. It was also pointed out that a larger project would be more likely to attract a larger number of ~ualified bidders, and thus obtain a lower bid price and good ~uality of work. This would also involve the paving of eleven intersections which are unpaved and cOIDlected with these blocks. The estimated total cost of this. .entire projact.woulril.' be- approximately $225,000.00. After further discussion; the following action was taken by the Commission: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wright that the engineering firm of Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam be employed to prepare a preliminary study and survey for paving and drainage of the Community Drive area and the other unpaved blocks on which houses front west of Auden. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Wright None The City Manager advised the Commission that the bids had been received and opened by the City of Houston for the Kirby Drive paving project on the first section from South Boulevard to Carolina Way, and that Brown and Root was the low bidder. There was some discussion concerning circular driveways. The City Engineer presented scale drawings showing the turning radius possible with minimum setback re~uirements on lots of 75 foot frontage. The Engineer was instructed to prepare additional drawings for consideration at the next meeting of the Commission. 1---- --- T ;' ~-""1 - - ~I '1,ml 'I" t) tf The Commission studied drawings presented by the City Engineer showing a possible means of making a left-turn lane onto Kirby Drive from Rice Boulevard, University Boulevard and Sunset. There was discussion con- cerning submitting some plans to the City of Houston to include in the Kirby Drive plans, as these streets would be bringing traffic onto Kirby Drive. A report on current tax collections as of October 18th, as compared with the same period last year, was presented to the Commission. The Commission was advised of the progress being made on the street lighting project. The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on October 11, 1965 were presented to the Commission for consideration and the follow- ing action taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on October 11, 1965 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor H8lman~ Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25p.m. ;JJvw/~ MAYOR -. \ I I j i i--.-J ATTEST: '~:Il' ti1f ! i , i L REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 8, 1965 The City Commission convened.inregular session at the City Hall on Monday, November 8, 1965, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Vest. c.o lJj ~ ~ U U The City Manager introduced six boys from Explorer Scout Troop 213, who were present to observe the Commission.meeting. Fire Chief C. E. Duffin appeared before the Commission to give a resume of the results of the efforts of the Fire Department in providing entertain- ment for children of the West University area on Hallo'ween evening. He stated that before the program was gegun in 1962, it had been necessary to have all police cars in service, with extra pOlicemen, and to even use extra cars to patrol the city on Hallo'ween evening, but that since this program had been undertaken, the police receive only one or two calls in the entire evening. He stated that the party this year had been the most successful, in that there were children and parents totaling approximately 750 present. The Commission commended Chief Duffin for the efforts of his department in this report. Mr. A. G. Green, 3836 Case, appeared before the Commission rqquesting addiuonal information concerning the possible.paving of the 3800 block of Case Street. Mayor H lman advised Mr. Green that the project is merely in the planning stage at the present time, but that it is hoped that the paving can actually be accomplished. He stated that it would be sometime during the spring before any concrete plans are made. The City Engineer's final estimate on the water main construction project was presented to the Commission for consideration. Also letters from the contractor, E. R. Null of price-Null and Company Inc., certifying that the work had been completed, that all monies due sub-contractors, laborers, materialmen and furnishers of machinery, e<luipment and sup- plies had been ~aid in full, and guaranteeing the work for a period of one year. A letter from the City Engineer recommending acceptance of the project was also presented. It was_stated that the amount of the, original contract had been estimated at $67,174.75 and that the total amouiItof the _,:work completed had amounted to $70,214.80. The Commission was advised that the difference of $3,040.06 was for extra boring under streets and driveways, for removing concrete walk along the east boundary of Kirby Drive between Rice Boulevard and Amherst Street, for extra flexible couplings used, and for extra materials necessary which had not been estimated in the original contract. Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded, by Commissioner Gill, that the waterIIl9.;i,J;l,ettensmo!l project completed byPrirce-Null and COl)lpany, Inc., be acce,pted-yand thEi'fihal estimate in the amount' of $7,021~48 be paid " -1 r - - -- 1 J -------'-,-i~---,o-,--,-,-.'-~r- :-IT~ iU to Price-Null and Company, Inc., as recommended by the 'City Engineer and the City Manager. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None An estimate of the fee for preparation of plans and specifications for storm sewer work and paving was submitted by consulting engineers, Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc. It was estimated that their fee would not exceed $12,550 for all work necessary to prepare plans and specifi- cations, including necessary bidding documents, to provide necessary design studies for relief storm sewer from the existing 72" in Academy to the Harris County Flood Control System, to prepare plans and speci- fications for this storm sewer and others where re~uired for paving, to accomplish all necessary survey work required for that portion of Community Drive from Case to Ruskin and for Coleridge from Bissonnet to West Point, with the understanding "that the city will furnish all background information and design work accomplished by the City Engineer, and plans for paving of the following blocks: 4000 block o'f Oberlin 4100 block of Cason 4000, 4100 and 4200 blocks of Ruskin 4100 block of Riley 4200 block of Milton 4200 block of Coleridge 3800 block of. Sunset 3900 block of Browning 3800 block of Northwestern 3800 block of Case 3900 block of Byron. i i I ,_i The Commission was advised that the City Engineer had prepared an estimate of the fee which should be charged for a project of this amount, in accord- ance with the schedule of fees established by the Texas Society of Pro- fessional Engineers, which showed the fee should be 6% of the total amoUnt of the contract. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the Mayor be authorized to execute an agreement with Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc., to furnish engineering services in eonnection with preparation of plans and specifications for necessary storm sewer work and paving, in accordance with the proposal submitted by Lockwood, Andrews and Newn8lll, Inc., dated November 3, 1965, with the maximum amount for inspection servi- ces to be performed at the city's option, and total aggregate of the two amounts to not exceed 6%01' the total cost for the project, or. total amount of the contract. :Voting Aye:: .. ..Ma.yo-r:.,HQ>~;t 90nun5,15\Js.WDe;rj:l G:;L11L)E ;V~$,'lv.jr aRI(j..L:W:ri~t~, the Voting.;.No'~~',. NQne~::~:-.~:(-;:~~i~i_tC:: E:.n. d_5~TeeIn211t ..~.:;~Lt}'l ~L:"(;.::',,-'..,~T:).:)~j.;< .Anc'!.revls c~lrid 11t?:.rne:D..~ ~t -~-:~~'::er':.:;.\~:; ;;:;c~~;::"',,:-_~;.C:f"~3 j.:t~t c:~...:'n:.'.lE-;cti.-:)lJ. \.,:'i'~,l.i. pTep8.rp.ti~"'j:;.1 ::;1 The.c...City c. Attorney cc,waf3':"ins'\Yru.c:t-~d::, !to.-' :r5~v,iew.;.';anQ;:::--a;Pjpn))Y~. t-bie:: c~t~-asr:j; ~(j)cu- ments.. wtthLockwQod 'c-An9-rews atn'd:Newnam..('. Inc .:.f-0r' ~oJ:lsult ing)eng!:\:ne,er ing services, before they are submitted for signature. r::= --------- r- - - - -. - ,- I ,,"Jr------:-rr- L _---1 - ----------------. "[- m"Tr:.jl~cccr---- ,:lr 11 Drawings were presented which had been prepared by the City Engineer, showing the turning radius possible on a 50-foot front lot with minimum setback re~uirements of 25 feet, for a circular driveway. There was some discussion concerning the' matter, and the City Attorney was instructed to determine whether this matter would be handled by the City Commission or one of the Zoning Boards, and to so advise the Commission. Resolution number 65-8, as fOllows, was presented to the Commission for their consideration and read in full: c.o lJj ~ ~ U U WHEREAS. on the 23rd day ~, August, 1965, city vehicle unit 601, a19~1 Ford pickup, driven by Superintendent O. D. Gregg was involved in a col- lision in the 4600 block of Bissonnet Street , with a 1965 Oldsmobile driven by Mrs. Helen F. Hays, H8uston, Texas, resulting inc considerable damage to said city vehicle~ and rendering it inoperable and damaged to the extent that its useful value was considered as salvage; and . WHEREAS, the loss of said city vehicle, in the opinion of the City Manager and C;i.ty Commission, created an emergency, in that Superintendent O. D. Gregg was .unable to efficiently perform his duties without the use of said vehicle; and WHEREAS, it was determined by the City Commission that the damaged vehicle Should be replaced by a new one of comparable specifications~ for effi- cient operation of a vital department of the city, and that such immediate replacement created an emergency; and WHEREAS, the City Manager .was instructed to obtain estimate.s for a new vehicle of comparable specifications; and WHEREAS, the Aetna Insurance ,Company, representing Mrs. Helen F. Hays, has acknowledged responsibility and has indicated a desire to make a satis- factory settlement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY. THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That an emergency was determined to exist relative to the replacement of city vehicle unit 601 which was involved in a collision on the 23rd day of August, 1965. 2. That the City Manager, acting upon the authority and instructions of the City Commission, obtained three estimates for replacing said unit 601 with a 1966 model pickup of comparable specifications, that the best ~uo- tation was submitted by Jack Roach Ford in the amount of $1,549.00. 3. That the settlement offered .by Aetna Insurance Company, insurance carrier for Mrs. Helen F. Hays, amounting to $804.00 cash and $250.00 as salvage value of the damaged vehicle, aggregating $1,059.00, be and it is hereby accepted. -'r~,,,-,,,.-:__.'~='--'~=.C.~-F"~',,,~ ., ~ 4. That all action taken by the City Manager in pursuance of replace- . ment of aforementioned city vehicle unit 601 is hereby ratified and confirmed, and authority granted for the emergency purchase of a new 1966 Ford 1/2 ton pickup from Jack Roach Ford on their quotation of $1,549.00. 5. That the final transaction with regard to replacement of the damaged city vehicle amounted to a net outlay of $495.00, cash. Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that Resolution number 65-8, confirming action taken in connection with (replacement of city vehicle unit 601 which was demolished in a col- lision on August 23, 1965,-bepassed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor H8lman, Commissioners Gill"Vest and Wright None There was considerable discussion concerning needed repairs to the water circulating system at the Swimming Pool. The City Manager advised that Commissioner Righard Ayres and Superintendent A. L. Bearden had reviewed and studied the condition at the SWimming Pool, and recommended that the repairs be made by the use of city labor and equipment, and the purchase of necessary materials, con- sisting primarily of 4-inch cast iron pipe and copper tubing and fittings, be made after receiving of bids. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for materials necessary for repairs to the Swimming Pool circulating system, and that city labor and equipment be used to make the repairs. i . Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None The Commission was advised that the contract for paving of Section 1 of Kirby Drive, from South Boulevard to Carolina Way, has been awarded to Brown and Root, and that this work s bould commence during the month of January, 1966. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on October 25, 1965, were presented to the Commission for consideration and the follow- ing action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on October 25, 1965, be approved as corrected. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None \ :":::3C-~".'-'-"'-~-:-===r r. ~ '-~I ~~ 73 It With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made~ seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. .JJduu~J MAYOR c.o lJj ~ ~ U U ATTEST: . i I~_C'C ,,- - -----~--T -n.'if-- r -- .1 J" -----------------------,-'i,- '''''-''"ll::'it' '1.4 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION NOVEM;BER 22, 1965 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, November 22, 1965, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presid~ng; Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Manager and City ~~torney were a,lso present. . _ ."'.' :'":."-J :~.:.J' . '~_1~l ~ [:. :....- ,. " The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Wright. A letter of explanation dated November 19,1965, concerning the agreement with Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam to provide engineering services in con- nection with the proposed paving project, was presented to the Commission. The City Attorney advised the Commission that it was his opinion that the agreement was in proper form, and that the 'agreement to provide engineer- ing services for a total fee not to exceed $12,550 as outlined in the letter dated November 19th, could now be executed by Mayor Holman. The letter of November 19th also outlined a fee on a per diem basis, esti- mated at $7,050 for a nine-m6nth period of ,construction, for inspection services if needed. A report on current tax collections as compared with the same period last year was presented to the Commission which revealed that 35% had been collected this year as compared to 26% for the same period last year. The City Attorney presented a summary of the recent amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure, particularly those affecting the city's corporation court and police department, which become. effective on January 1, 1966. The City Attorney was instructed to further investi- gate these amendments, with regard to what changes would be necessary in the procedure of the city, and to make his recommendations to the Commission at its next regular meeting. A license to locate a four-inch sanitary sewer line within the existing right-of-way of Rutgers Street by st. Andrew's Presbyterian Church was presented by the City Attorney, as he had been instructed to prepare this instrument at the previous meeting of the Commission. There was discussion concerning circular driveways. The City Engineer presented recommendations, as follows: "I have made sketches and studies of circular driveways for setbacks of 20',25' and 30' on 50-foot, 60-foot and 75-foot front lots with the outside of the drive- way a minimum of 5' from the setback line. :MY findings, to park at least three cars, are as follows: 20-foot setback: 50', 60' or 75' front lot will not accommodate 3 cars. 25-foot setback: 50' front lot will not park three cars 60' front lot will allow three cars to park if bumpers touch 75' front or wider, will accommodate 3 cars. 30-foot setback: 50' front lot will not park three cars. ~'-"C~':"'-'"'~''~-=-O-T-C''''' """-jr : r -- -1 J - ,-c-;r'ir' 1 ---- i-~I LJ ~l I 7 5 601 front lot will accommodate 3 cars 75' and larger front lots will also park 3 cars 100' lot or larger will park 4 cars. I would recommend that circul~.rdriveways be prohibited on any size lot with a 20-foot setback. Also, circular drives be prohibited on 50-foot, and ~O- foot front lots with a 25-foot setback, but allow circulaF drives on 75-foot or wider lots, with a 25-foot setback. Prohib~t circula,r drives on _504..foot front lots with a 30-foot setback, but aliow circular drives on 60-foot front lots or wider, with a 30-foot setback. III my study of circular driveways, I took the largest Buick and Chrysler as a modeL The probability is very small that three of these large cars would be parked on any one driveway, but the ather shorter length cars of various makes are not any great deal shorter, and would not make too much difference in fhe amount of space relluired~ ,so my recommendations as stated above would also apply to the shorter cars. ' /s/ Tom Jones, City Engineer" The~cCi tyAttorney advised the Commission that he had been unable to find any regulations concerning circular driveways in other cities' regulations, and did not feel that such a regulation should be made at this time. It was decided that this matter should be handled on an individual basis by the City Engineer and City Manager, with consideration given to the size of the lot in question and the distance of the front setback. There was discussion concerning requests for street lights being left, where they are in the easement on the side street and new lights are to be installed at the intersections. It was decided that if such requests were made, and the majority of the adjacent property owners were agreeable, and one par- ticular person would be responsible for the payment Df the charge one year in advance, that the existing street light would be converted to a 3300 lumen mercury vapor lamp, and remain at the present location. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on November 8, 1965 were . presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Com- missioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the minutesof the regular meeting of the Commission on November 8, 1965 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this t{me,' upon motron duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. ATTEST: IJ~/~ MAY;R 7 6 REGULAR :MEETJl'ifG OF CITY COMMISSION DECEMBER 13, 1965 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, December 13,1965,7:30 p.m., with the following members preseI?-t: Mayor H8lman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Gill. In accordance with action of the City Commission on November 8, 1965 and Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for furnishing materials for repairs to the city's swimming pool water circuaating system, were opened and results announced as follows: Mabry Foundry & Machine Company - $1-,084.23 Municipal Pipe and Fabricating Company - $1,023.75 utility Supply Company - $958.35. Motion by Commissioner Vest-, seconded by Commissioner Wright-, that the low bid submitted by utility Supply Company in the amount of $958.35, be accepted, for furnishing materials for repairs to the city's swimming pool water circulating system. Voting .Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None A letter of regignation addressed to Mayor Holman from Mr. Edmunds Travis as a inember of the Zoning and Planning Cornniission, was presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the resignation of Mr. Edmunds Travis as a member of the city's Zoning and Planning Commission be accepted with regrets, effective December 31, 1965. Voting Aye: Vo;ting N8: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None Mayor H8lrnan advised the Commission that he had talked with Mr. David Hannah, Chairman of the Zoning and Planning Commission, and that he had recommended Mr. E. G. Hines, 3748 Rice BOUlevard, who is an architect and has expressed an interest in serving, be appointed to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Edmunds Travis who was transferred out of the city by his employers. Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that Mr. E. G. Hines, 3748 Riee'~9ulevard, be appointed as a member of the Zoning and . , . \ .. ., Planning ComrilisSion to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Edmunds Travis who resigned, effective December 31, 1965. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commmissioners Ayres, Gill-,Vest and Wright. None L.....~_ ~~~-~-c~.,_-:. .::l _~__r l..__ -----' ______________..___._~__ M___'."""'''~________ f ! , I ------'" '1 ; J I ~ I l~ ----':'-~------ 7 7 1.._, J The City Manager presented a 1964 approved list of insurance agents eligible to receive a pro rata share of the city's insurance premium commissions paiQ during the year. He advised the Commission that this. list was being pre- pared and had been presented to them so that they might consider it and determine whether any names had been omitted which should have been included. Mayor Holman suggested that'~ the Commission review the list and give final approval at the Decembe~ 27th meeting. Mr. William Dittert, City Treasurer and Tax Assessor-Collector, appeared before the Commission and advised that current tax collections, through' December 10, 1965, amounted to $237,140~83, cUmulative total, as compared to $231,601.01 for the same period last year. He stated that this is 50.75% collections for this year, as compared to 49.63% last year for the same period. Mr. Dittert then introduced Mr. Reuben J. Danchak, Jr. who had been selected as Assistant City Treasurer/Tax Assessor-Collector to replace Mr. Richard A. Reynolds who resigned, and recommended to the Commission that Mr. Danchak be officially appointed to tl1is position. [1 Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that Mr. Re.uben J. Danchak, Jr. be appointed as Assistant City Treasurer/Tax Assessor-- 'Collector, to replace Mr. Richard A. Reynolds who resigned, and that this appointment be effective December 1, 1965, at a salary not to exceed the amount budgeted for this position in the 1966 budget. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None At this time, Mayor Holman administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Danchak. The City Attorney presented Resolution number 65-9, as follows, and read in full: WHEREAS, Mr. Richard A. Reynold~~ .emp;Loyed as Assistant City Treasurer and appointed Deputy Clerk of, the Corporation Court of the City of West Univer- si ty Place J Texas, q.as resi~Il;ed from the employment of. 'the city; arid ". '.- WHEREAS, Mrs. Lola Glick, a cashier who was previously appointed as Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court, has been assigned other duties which relieve her of the responsibilities of Deputy Clerk of the Court; and WHEREAS, the resignation of Mr. Richard A. Reynolds and the reassignment of Mrs. ,Lola Glick create the necessity of other employees to serve as. Deputy Clerks of the Corporation Court; and [I WHEREAS, ~. Reuben J. Danchak, Jr., has been appointed as Assistant City Treasurer and Mrs. Joyce A. Keefe has been employed as Cashier, and these employees are qualified to assume the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Cor- poration Court; and I i i 1_- I :.-...,".'~i'~~":I _.___1 __n _--.Ll "--''"'''TI=rr~~- 7 8 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSIO~ OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: n 1. That Mr. Reuben J. Danchak, Jr. and Mrs. J8yce A. Keefe, be and they are hereby appointed Deputy Clerks of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, replacing said Richar~ A. Reynolds and Mrs. Lo.la Glick. . 2. That the appointment of Mr. Reuben J. Danchak, Jr. and Mrs. Joyce, A. Keefe as Deputy Clerks of the Corporation Court of the City of West University P lace, Texas, shall be effective with the passage of this Resolution and that they shall ~ssume the assigned duties of Deputy Clerks after having been administered the proper Oath of Office. Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Resolution 65-9, appointing Mr. Reuben J. Danchak, Jr. as Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court, replacing Mr. Richard A. Reynolds, and . appointing Mrs. JoyceA. Keefe as Deputy Clerk to replace Mrs. Lola Glick who has been assigned to other duties, be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None At this time, the City. Atto:rney presented a summary of his findings in the new Code of Criminai Procedure as it affects our Corporation Court and Police Department. He presented ordinance number 863, captioned as follows, to the Commission and read in full': iT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 8-8 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO JNCREASE THE RATING FOR LABOR OR IMPRISONMENT FROM THE SUM OF THREE. ($3.00) DOLLARS PER DAY, TO THE SUM OF FIVE ($5.00) DOLLARS PER DAYi- AND PROVIDJNG AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that ordi- nance number 863, amending Section 8-8 Of the Co~e'of Ordinan~es IDf the City of West University Place, to increase the rate for labor or imprisonment from the sum of $3 per day to the sum of $5 per day, be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None - . The City Attorney stated that it is not clear as to exactly which costs are involved in the new Code of Criminal Procedure which would affect the city, and that he will further study the matter and make his recom- mendation to the Commission at a later,date after d~scussion of the matter with the Corporation Court Judge and ot~er City Attorneys. The City Attorney advised the Commission that he had spoken with Mr. Lawrence Cook, First Assistant City Attorney for the City of Houston, concerning legal re~uirements of our cit~ in connection with the paving of Kirby Drive. rl --r-~~~~--- T .-." :i:Ti~'CC' -~-------- -, ( I I , I i I I ----J c.o lJj ~ ~ U U - r \~ l 7'~ The City Manager advised that the City of Houston had received bids for paving of Section 2 of Kirby Drive on December 8th, and that Brown and Root had been the low bidder on this section? as well as on Section 1, their bid on Section 2 being $242,624.00. There was some discussion concerning the sale of swimming pool tickets on the installment plan; that is, allowing citizens to purchase their family season tickets by paying one-third of the cost on each water bill, beginning wi th the February water bill, prior to the beginning of the Swimming Pool season. It was decided that this method would be satisfactory. The City Manager requested authority to advertise for bids for automotive requirements and one dump truck body, as approved in the 1966 budget, in order to get early delivery. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for automotive requirements of the city for the year 1966, bids ,to be received on January 10, 1966 at the regular meeting of the Commission. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wr,ight None The Commission minutes of the regular meeting on November 22, 1965 were presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on November 22? 1965 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None Wi th no further business to come before the Commission at this time, llPQh motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. /JJ~.~a-J. MAYOR ATTEST: ~_.-. ~tr REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION DECEMBER 27, 1965 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, December 27, 1965, with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Wright. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Wright. A list of insurance agents who reside in the City of West University Place and are eligible to receive a pro rata share of the city's insurance premium commissions for the year 1965, was presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the list of insurance agents, as amended to delete the name of C. D. Whatley listed as an agent. doing business at 6602 Buffalo Speedway, be approved) and that the agents on this list receive a pro rata share of the city's insurance premium commissions for the year 1965: AGENT COMPANY 1. John E. Boyd, Jr. 2723 Robinlibod John E. Boyd & Company 1704 Westheimer 2. Wynne L. Creekmore 3759 Tangley Creekmore & Jacobs 1112 Prospect 3. Robert F. Hughes 4204 Amherst RobertF. Hughes 6129 Edloe 4. R. B. Overstreet 3113 Pittsburgh Broadfoot & Overstreet 45c6 Montrose 5. Seth~W. Ramey ~ 3409 Rice Blvd. C. Van Berson 2729 Centenary John L. Wortham & Son 2727 Allen Parkway 6. Fred A. Rhodes, Jr. 6633 Vanderbilt Julius Levi & Company Bankers Mortgage Building 7. W. B. Ruth 3516 Nottingham W. B. Ruth & Company 3270 West Main 8. T. P. Hewitt, Jr. 3755 Tangley L. G. Butler & Company 528 Bankers Mortgage Building 9. Joe O. Eason 3773 Nottingham Joe C. Eason & Company 2115 Kingston ._~ =----- r~:""-,--~=c,-:~C07='"'""""--'=~r:-=:"-~=~~"--~- '--~l_r ~l. AGENTS COMPANY 10. J. P. Huff 3406 Albans Houston Security Insurance Agency Houston - 2411 Times 11. Wayland Hancock 3746 Tangley Wayland Hancock Insurance Agency 1927 Richmond Avenue 12 . Aubrey Frye 3008 Rice Aubrey Frye Insurance Agency 1108 Waugh Drive c.o lJj ~ ~ U U Voting .Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Wright None The minutes of the regular meeting of the Electrical Board on December 22, 1965 were presented to the Commission for consideration, and no excep- tion was taken. Commissioner Wright presented a review of proposed amendments to the Personnel Policy of the city. After hearing the review, Mayor Holman re~uested that the proposed changes be submitted to the Personnel Board for their study and recommendation, with the re~uest that the Board take action and submit their recommendation prior to the Commission meeting on January 24, 1966. Resolution number 65-10, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place anticipates recelvlng cash in the amount of $60,000 prior to January 1, 1966, from current tax collec- tions; and WHEREAS, said funds collected will be deposited in the account of the Tax Collector's Fund and held until the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and then used in accordance with budget appropriations; and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commissio:r;J,ct.o keep all of the city's money invested in order to earn additional income and-therefore it is necessary to authorize investment of these certain sums of money. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to invest $60,000 from Current Tax Collectm6ns. 2. That said sum of money be invested in Certificates of Time Deposit with the University State Bank, Houston, Texas, at the agreed interest rate of 4 1/2% per ,.annum. L__ --r---~r_c'ccc------r~~'J[C. __ r - . :L ..--1 - --------'---T'r' iL.Ull ~~. 3. That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to withdraw, as needed; cash from Current Tax Collections deposited in the University State Bank in Certificates of Time Deposit in various amounts, not exceeding $60,000, said withdrawals to be accomplished by checks properly signed by the Mayor, City Manager and Ci~ Treasurer of the City of West University Place, Texas. 'I ! ~~ Moti6nlby Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that Resolution number 65-10, authorizing investment of funds in Certi- ficates of Time Deposit in the University state Bank, be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Wright None A Proclamation naming the month of February, 1966, as Heart Month and urging citizens to support the Houston Heart Fund, was read at this time and signed by Mayor Holman. The City Attorney presented and reviewed Ordinance number 864, cap- tioned as follows, and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE PROCUREMENT OF A SEAL FOR THE CORPORATION COURT. Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that ordinance number 864, authorizing the Mayor to procure a seal for the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, and describing same, be approved as read. ~-j Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman; Commissioners Ayres; Gill and Wright None The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on December 13, 1965 were presented to the Commission for consideration and the follow- ing action taken: Motion by Commissioner AYres, seconded by CommissiJner Gill that the minutes of the regular meetin g of the Commission on December 13, 196 be approved as corrected. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HJlman, Commissioners AyIe~ Gill; and Wright None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. ATTEST: .4afYvuV~ MAYOR 1~--'- T ---, r--="'~ -, , .. ,-. ''''r' 'r~