HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1964 1t. ;.-"} ',~J REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JANUARY 13, 1964 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, January January 13, 1964, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Wall pronounced the Invoc In compliance with Notice of Hearing d ly published in the official newspaper of the city, Mayor Holman announced that e Hearing was now called to order to con- sider amending the Zoning Ordinance No. Ill, to permit subdivision of Lot 2, Block 7, West University Place 1st Add. ion, into two lots 50 X 200' each to front on Brompton Road, as requested by the 0 er, Mr. T. C. deGraffenreid, and recom- mended by the Zoning and Planning Boar . In answer to questions by the City Atto ney , City Manager Whitt Johnson, having been duly sworn by Mayor Holman, state that application had been made to the Zoning Board by Mr. deGraffenreid for p rmission to subdivide the said lot and that affirmative action was taken by t e Zoning Board on December 12, 1963. Sub- sequent action was taken by the City Co ission on December 23, 1963, at which time a Hearing was called for 7:30 p.m., January 13, 1964. Mr. Johnson also stated that notices had been mailed to all pro erty owners within a 200' radius of Lot 2, Block 7, West University Place 1st Addi ion, and in his opinion all prerequisites for calling a Public Hearing had been Ifilled. Mr. T. C. deGraffenreid, owner of Lot 2, Block 7, West University Plage 1st Addition, after being duly sworn by Ma r HOlman, stated that he deisred to sub- divide Lot 2, Block 7, West University lace 1st Addition, into two lots each 50 X 200' to fronton Brompton Road. Commissioner Vest, that the Hearing called . III to permit subdivision of Lot 2, ion, as requested by Mr. T. C. deCraffen- There was no opposition to the proposed subdivision, either at the Hearing or received by mail. With no further pro erty owners desiring to be hea:rd, the following action then was taken: Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded to consider amending Zoning Ordinance Block 7, West University Place 1st Addi reid, be closed. Voting Aye Voting No: Mayor HOlman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded b Commis9ioner Ayres, that the city's zon- ing ordinance be amended to permit subd"vision of Lot 2, Block 7, West University Place 1st Addition into two lots, each 0 X 200' to front on Brompton Road. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None T"=<i=~~1 f'1 r-- -'I' OT"__ "1 199 i I 1~___1 In compliance with action taken by the Commission on November 11, 1963, and Notice .to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for sale of the Smith-Field Automatic Curb and Gutter Machine, were opened and results announced as follows: Only one bid was received, which was from Mr. A. A. Pruitt, Contractor, Texas City, Texas, in amount of $515.50. M ~ 00 c..;, CQ ~ Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the bid received on the. sale of the Smith~Field Automatic Curb and Gutter Machine be referred to the City Manager for review and recommendation. V ot ing Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vestahd Wall None It was 'explained that the Zoning Board had been unable to hold its regular monthly meeting on January 9th, as a'quorum was not availab1e. The Commission was advised of the letter of resignation of Zoning Board member, Mr. A. Gordon Jones, due to his increasing business responsibilities, and the following action was taken: "---1 i ' Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the resig- nation of Mr. A. Gordon Jones as a member of the' Zoning Board be accepted with regret, and that Mr. R. C. Hilton, Alternate Member of the Zoning & Planning Board, be appointed as a member of the Zoning Board to complete the unexpired term of Mr. A. Gordon Jones. L__i Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Mrs. R. V. Forester, 3617 Amherst, who owns property'at 3315'Pittsburgh, appeared before the Commission requesting permission to subdivide Lot 7, Block 32, West University Place 1st Addition intp three lots; one 50 X 100' to front on Pittsburgh where the existing house now stands, and two 50 X 100' to front on Westchester. After some discussion of the matter and the fact that the existing garage~woUld encroach on one of the new lots llif the lot were subdivided, it was decided that this request should be deferred until the next meeting of theCommission,Jor until such time as Mrs. Forester could resolve this problem. Mr. James P. Markham, Jr., 6408 Wakeforest, appeared before the Commission, requesting permission to permanently enclose the existing screened porch on his residence and to construct a room above the porch as an addition to the bed- room upstairs. The proposed construction would extend 10 feet into the front setback requirement. Mr. Markham stated that there is no house directly in front of his home, as Barbara Lane dead-ends into Wakeforest in front of his residence. It was also note~ that the setback distances for the other houses in this block are very irregular. ( '--1 Y."'-~:::'.",! .~:_-'__ ~_ :::-:._:_ -:~-.,. ,,-,--:- ~oo Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the request of Mr. James P. Markham, Jr., to improve a pre-existing violation by perman- ently enclosing the front screened porch and constructing a room above this porch (as an addition to the bedroom upstairs) which predated the zoning ordinance, be granted. .1 i j' ,.--J Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Mayor Holman administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Herchel L. Vaughn, Water Superintendent of the City. The matter of selecting an official newspaper for the City for the year 1964 was discussed and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the city select the Houston Chronicle and/or the Southwest Peach Edition of the Houston ChroniCle, as the official newspaper for the city for the year 1964. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice and Vest Bommissioner Wall The Commission gave consideration to the matter of selecting an attorney to handle'the tax assessment case on the Corrigan Properties, Inc. Commissioner Rice reported that he bad talked with membE;!:r:'s pf ;two.dif.ferent firms of attor- neys which specialize in ad valorem tax. cases, and had determined that rates for legal service to handle the case we~e uniform an~ s~andard, asset by the State Bar Association, and he stated that the firm of Bracewell, Reynmlds and Patterson had been recommended as competent in this particular field of the Legal profession. :.'.-, I \_~ After thoroughly discussing the matter, the following action was ta;ken: Motion by Co:rmnissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the city engage the services of Bracewell, Reynolds and Patterson, to defend the suit brought against the city by the Corrigan Properties, ;Inc. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None The Commission discussed the matter of employing an Auditor for the city for the year 1964. Mayor Holman appointed a Committee composed of Co~issioner Rice as chairman, Commissioner Vest and Commissioner Ayres, to interview those auditors interested and report back to the Commission. The City Manager presented a letter fromcthe West University Lions Club, request- ing permission to erect a sign near the intersection of Buffalo Speedway and BeJ.,laire Boulevard on the northeast corner. The sign would be approximately 30" in diameter and would be erected on a pole 6' in height. Motion by Commissioner Vest, Seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the request of the West University Lions Club to erect a sign which displays their emblem \---) T~:::L:~-=::~:--'~ ~______:___~L_ __~-:~'='"'=.-::-.~(:::-=~~-1________ _________--.....-:.1: L_J C":) 'Xj Qj ~ ::c co r i L_i \.m 201 and the times of their meetings, at the northeast corner of Buffalo,Speedway and Bellaire Boulevard, be approved. Voting Aye: Voting 'No: Mayor Holman, Commissiuners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None The question of whether the city should elect to receive cash or to exercise the stock option as offered by Houston First Savings Association was dis- cussed. The deadline for making this decision is January 20~ 1964. Motion by Commissioner Vest, secondeq. by Commissioner Rice, that the city elect to take cash, decline the offer to buy additional stock and to re-deposit, not to exceed $10,000 in the city's account with Houston First Savings Asso- ciation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None A Resolution authorizing signatures for handling transactions in and out of the Bail Bond Fund to the General Fund, was presented for consideration. . Resolution No. 64~1 WHEREAS, on the 12th day of September, 1960, by' Resolution Number 60-17, a pro- cedurewas established for the handling of BAIL BOND FUNDS, to account for sucbmonies deposited by persons placing money as Bail Bond with the city, in order to obtain release from custody; and WHEREAS, a separate fund known as City of West University Place BAIL BOND FUND was created for deposit in the University State Bank, Houston, Texas; and WHEREAS, authority for deposit and withdrawal of BAIL BOND FUND was vested in the City Treasurer, City Controller and City Manager, said authority allowing the withdrawal of funds in this account upon signatures of any two of the three persons serving the respective capacities of City Treasurer, City Con- troller and City Manager; and WHEREAS, Mr. G. P. Corry, City Controller, retired on December 31, 1963 and the titlebf 'City Controller is no longer being used; and WHEREAS, a person has been appointed as Assistant City Treasurer to perform certain ,specified duties and duties normally performed by the City Controller: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. That the authority for deposit and withdrawal of BAIL BOND FUND stall be vested in the City Treasurer, Assistant City Treasurer and City Manager. Check& for withdrawal of funds in this account may be signed by any tW0 of the three persons serving in the respective official capacities of City Treasurer, L~ ........1tn I e'''' '_'~T" ,.'1 ,______.J ~Ukt Assistant City Treasurer and City Manager. Said signatures of all three persons serving in thes~ capacitites shall be signed to signature cards as prescribed by the University State Bank, which bank is serving as deposi- tory of the BAIL BOND FUND. l.~ Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval by the City Commission and with the signatUre of the Mayor of'"thecCity of West University Place. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that Resolu- tion Number 64'';''1 be adopt.edas read. Voting Aye: Voting No: J1J.8.yor . HoJ..rnan,Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None A Resolution authorizing signatures for checks issued for refund of~Water Meter Deposit Funds, was presented for consideration. Resolution Number 64~2 WHEREAS, on the 14th day of May, 1962, by Resolution Number 62-6, a system for issuing Water Meter Deposit Refunds was established; and WHEREAS, a revolving fund in the amount of $500, to be known as City of West University Place, Texas WATER METER DEPOSIT FUND, was created for deposit in the University State Bank, Houston, Texas; and WHEREAS, authority, for withdrawal of funds from the WATER METER DEPOSIT. FUND was vested in the City Treasurer, City Controller and City Manager, said authority allowed withdrawal of funds in this account upon signatures of any two of the three persons serving in the respective officialaapa- cities of City Treasurer, City Controller and City Manager; and i~ WHEREAS, Mr. G. P. Corry, City Controller, retired on December 31, 1963, and the tit~e of City Controller is no longer being used; and WHEREAS, another person has been appointed as Assistant City Treasurer to perform certain specified duties and duties normally performed by the City Controller. NOW') THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section LThat the authority for withdrawal of monies ,from the WATER METER DEPOSIT FUND shall be vested in the City Treasurer, Assistant City Treasurer and City Manager. Checks for withdrawal of funds from this account may be signed by any two of the three persons serving in Ul.e res- pective capacities of City Treasurer, Assistant City Treasurer and City Manager., Said signatures of all three persons serving in these capacities shall be signed to signature cards as prescribed by the University State Bank, which bank is serving as depository for the WATER METER DEPOSIT FUND. Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval by the City Commission and with the signature of the Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas. ,--;. .........,.~~""~~.~.,I.n 'r ........'O~'.~i~~-~~..".T- r - ~ ~ 00 ~ CO CO l_ '-------, 203 -Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Resolution Number 64-2, be adopted as read. V ot ing Aye: Voting No: Mayor Ho:illJan, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None City Manager Whitt Johnson presented a report compiled by Travelers Insurance Company, who holds the city's Workmen's Compensation Insurance. This report showed the number of accidents occurring in each department, the largest number occurring in the Garbage Department. Mr. Johnson stated that it is planned to have a meeting with the department heads and a safety expert from the insurance company, to discuss ways. in which some of the accidents might be a:voided.Travelers will also send posters to be displayed with ideas concerning accident prevention. A report on current ad valorem tax collections was presented and it was noted that the city has received 95.65% of the total levy, and this percentage would have been over 97% had the Corrigan Property paid their tax ~or the year. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on December 23, 1963, were presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the minutes of the meeting of December 23, 1963, be approved as submitted. Voting.Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners .Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall <None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 plrn. ~JWLVj~ MAYOR . A=~~ ,f:Jy, ',#, j Lj-c..-?~-e':( ./'/J;./L~e..-C.~-d/ Assistant City Searetary 1:~=""l'======--~=rFFr.:'~____.:........:.:l1..:...L'':''':~~'=~-'_'''-''---'-~''~T-=O-.o.~7==C=-O-~~---:-~'--------- 204 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION J AlWARY' 27. 1964 ,----, i~. The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, January 27, 1964, 7:30 p.m., with'the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissio~ers Ayres, Vest and Wall. The City Manager was also present. Commissioner Rice ~d the City Attorney, were absent. In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official news- paper of the city, bids received for delivery of trucks and automotive equipment and three dump beds were opened and the results announced. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that bids received for trucks and automotive equipment'be referred to the City Mana- ger for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners .Ayres, Vest and Wall None Commissioner Rice arrived at this time. Bids for three new five cubic yard dump'bodies were opened and :r-esults announced as follows: Company .Childs Truck Equipment, Inc. Lowe Equipment Company Motor Truck Equipment Corporation Texas Truck Equipment,Inc. Net Delivered Price :PI, 907 .10 " 2086.67 2,316.00 2,349.50 Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the bids received for three new 5 cubic yard dump bodies be referred to the City Manager and Street Superintendent for tabulation and recommendation. ~t ;.~ k: " " Mayor Holman, Commissioners .Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Voting Aye: Voting No: The City Manager submitted a recommendation that the Curb and Gutter Ma.chine purchased by the city in 1959 be sold to Mr. A. A. Pruitt, Texas, City, Texas, for the amount of $515.50 in accordance with his bid submitted on January 13, 1964. Motion by Commissioner Ayre~, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the bid of Mr. A. A. Pruitt in the amount of' $515.50 for purchase of the Smith-Field Automatic Curb and Gutter Machine, be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayre'i?, Rice, Vest and Wall None -1- ------ T=":~-' .. ... .....~ IIn -'-.1' '~~"'i.""'''~ 1 '..-1 -' Ctj 00 00 C-" CQ CO "1 2'05 Mrs. R. V. Forester, 3617 Amherst, :presentedan'amended request for subdivision of Lot 7, Block32, West University Place 1st .Addition. She had originally re,!uested permission to subdivide the :property into three lots, but it was found that this was not feasible because of an encroachment by the existing garage. Mrs. Forester. was now requesting that the lot be subdivided into two .lots; o~e to ,be 66' X 100' to front Pittsgurgh, and one to be 84' X 100' to front Westchester. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that a Public Hearing be called for 7:30 p.m~, February 24, 1964, to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision bf Lot 7, Block 32, West Uni- versity Place 1st Addition into two lots as requested by Mrs. R. V. Forester. Voting .Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres; Rice, Vest and Wall None Ordinance No. 830, captioned as fOllows, was :presented to the Commission for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING .AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PRE':' REQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLICHEARlliG TO CONSIDER AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF WEST UNI- VERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF LOT TWO (2), BLOCK SEVEN (7), WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE 1ST ADbITION FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. lll, HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORTED' RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. III BE AMENDED TO PERMIT SAID SUBpIVISION; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. III OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOULD BE SO AMENDED; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. III PERMITTING. SUCH SUB- DIVISION; AND PROVIDIl'iG AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Ordinance No. 830, amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision 'of' Lot' 2, . . Block 7, West University Place 1st Addition into two lots 50 X 200' each to front on Brompton Road, as requested by Mr. T. C. deGraffenreid, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye:.' Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall Voting No: None Ordinance No. 831, captioned as follows, was submitted and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE. BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PRE- REQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER . AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF THE NORTH 100 X 118 FEET OF LOT FIVE (5), BLOCK FORTY- ONE (41), WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE 1ST ADDITION; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT !~=.:r:::-:~::=:'=-,:,-=.::j[JJ ___~L~ ',:l.. . ':-::-J ._n__ . ......1. 206 TO ORDINANCE NO. III HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORTED RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. III BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SAID SUBDIVISION; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOULD BE SO AMENDED; .AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1:1,.1 PERMITTING SUCH STiffiDIVISION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE. ... "1 Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commts(3ioner Ayres, that Ordi- nance NQ. 831, amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision of the North,lOO X ll8'of Lot 5, Block 41, West University Place 1st Addition, into two lots 50 X 118' each to front on Cason Street as requested by the owner, Mr. J. L. Graham. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Authority was requested to advertise for bids to be received for one new 30G-gallon capacity asphalt kettle, trailer-mounted, 'to be used by the Street Department. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded.by Commissioner Ayres, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received for one new 300-gallon aapacity asphalt kettle, trailer-mounted, for use in the Street Department. Voting Aye: Voting No: , ~~yor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall . None Painting of the city's two elevated and three ground storage wat~r reser- voirs was discussed. The City Manager was instructed to prepare specifi- cations for necessary repairs and painting of the water storage reservoirs and submit them to the Commission for consideration. A report on the use of the Community Building for the year 1963 WaS presented to the Commission. It was indicated that approximately $500 had been received for rental of the building ~nd,that some study was needed as to how the build- ing could be better utilized to the advantages of the citizens. The City Manager ,and Wate~ Superintendent were instructed to confer with representatives of local firms to obtain information and informal quotations for needed repairs to the city's water wells. The Commission was advised ~hatMrs. Verna Mills ]aas submitted her resignation as Assistant City Secretary effective March 1, 1964. The Mayor and City Man- ager expressed appreciation to Mrs. Mills for her sincere and dedicated ser- vice to the City of West University Place during her tenure of service and further expressed appreciation for th~ many friends that she had created for the city as a result of her sincere attitude. .. 1--:-" r,'[,'i ! : : i i ' "-_. I M 00 <.() c..? CO CO (,1','.\,,' I , , ' l I \ ! !,,"[: 'I ' Ul 20'1 Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the resig- nation of Mrs. Verna Mills as Assistant City Secretary, be accepted with regrets, effective March 1, 1964. Voting Aye: Voting' No: Mayor Holman, COmmissioners .Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Minutes of the regular meeting of January 13, 1964 were presented for consider- ation and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the minutes of themeeting of the City COmm.ission on January 13, 1964, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None With no further business to come before the Commmssion at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. ~~ MAYOR ATTEST: a/' , 1._, "'~:l -. " ~~-CL// r/2r;;/~/' Assistant City Se retary I .-.=c==~ rm ....___..........1.....:..l.Ll..:..:L: -::: :-r-"O=-~-=~:_.-::-l _r-- -- 208 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 10, 1964 _i The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, February 10, 1964, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commission~rs Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Ayres was out of the city on company business. The Invocation was pronoUnced by Commissioner Rice. Mr. Carl Arrington, 4218 Amherst, appeared before the Commission requesting an exception to Ordinance No. 759, which prohibits the construction of a fence in the front building line between his house and the property line. Mr. Arrington desired to build a chain link fence graduated from 2 feet at the sidewalk to a height of4 feet at the front of the house. It was exPlained to Mr. Arrington that the ordinance prohibited any fence to extend beyond the front building line and any exception might establish a precedent. Mr. Arrington expressed his desire t~comply with all ordinances and regulations of the city, ~rd :w.;i t~drew his reque st. Mrs. Lyle Sheppard, 6522 Mercer, and daughter, Mrs. M. C. Caldwell, 6434 Belmont, appeared before the Commission protesting delivery of CirCUlars, advertising matter and undesirable and unrequested handbills. The Commis- sion referred the matter to the City Attorney for study. \ .. i i The City Commission discussed the advisability of taking steps toward obtaining services for codification of the city's ordinances and prepara- tion of the City Code. , -' Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the City Manager be authorized to investiggtethe various firms to codi~y ordinances in order to develop estimates and proposals for codification of the city's ordinances. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall None Authority was requested to employ a draftsman to complete the water line and valve mapping program and to assist in the preparation of drawings, plans and specifications for storm sewer and water line projects. The City Manager estimated that this could be accomplished for approximately $4,500. Motion Oy Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the City Manager be authorized to employ personnel to complete the water line and valve mapping program, and to assist in the preparation of drawings, ,plans and specifications for storm sewer and water line projects. . . '. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall None T=', lI~m '!.'r~'~~~~~'~T'~' , 1 ,j----.-.--- m "" 00 CO c...? CQ Q:j If.. I I ! lL) If l-L 209 In accordance with action taken by the City Commission on January 27, 1964, a tabulation of bids received for three new dump bodies for the street Depart- ment was submitted with a recommendation that the low bid. from Childs Equipment Company, Inc. be accepted. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the low bid submi ttedby Childs Truck Equipment Company, Inc. in the amount of $1,907.10 for three new Model 803-5 Daybrook dump bodies for the street Department, be accepted. Voting Aye: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall Voting No: None A tabulation of bids received for twelve automotive and truck units was also . presented with a recommendation from the City Manager and respective depart- ment heads. It was recommended that the low bids be accepted as follows: Unit Unit. Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Police Dept. - Jack Roach Ford Police Dept. -Ivy-Russell Ford Police Dept. - Ivy-Russell Ford Police Dept. - Ivy-RusseJ,lFord" Adm. Dept. - Jimmie Gr~en Chevpolet,.' Fire Dept. - Jack Roach Ford Water Dept. - Republic Ford $ales 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 12.' $1,730.94 772:"14 747.14 772.14 1,369.16 , 1,741.64 . 966.64 Unit 7. Fire Dept. - It was recommended that the bid of Internatioml Harvester Company be accepted, inasmuch as the International Travelall ($i,914.p6) is more adaptable to first aid opera- tions than any other vehicle quoted. The difference in the two low bids was only $17.66. ' Units 8, 9, 10 - Garbage Dept. - It was recommended that ,the bid of MacRobert Chevrolet, Inc. in the amount of $8,022.00 for three 6 cylinder, 5-sp~ed transmission, Chevrolet trucks for the Garbage Department be accepted, as the bid was only $14.48 higher than theJow bid of Burkett Motors. It was the opinion of the City Manager and Street Superintendent that the difference would ~e more than offset because of the time lost, in awaiting delivery of parts for Dodge trucks. Unit 11. Street.Dept. - It was recommended that the bid of Jack Roach Ford in the amount of $2,995.82 for a 23,000 GVWtruck cab and chassis for the Street Department be accepted, inasmuch as the difference in the two low bids amounts to only $67.31, and because of interchangeability of parts and the drivers' being familiar with the same type oftrlicks. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the recommenda- tion of the City ~nager and department heads be accepted and trucks and auto- motive equi};lment be purchased accordingly. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall None L :~~~~u:'''Jrn uu_I' - ---'--1 '.:1 _....l 210 Selection of a'bank depository to handle the city's accounts was discussed. The Commission was advised by the City Attorney that selection had been made in compliance with State statutes and it was his opinion that no fur- ther action was necessary at this time. I I I \ 1 ,'~ Ordinance Number 832, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full. AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING' THE NECESSITY OF MAKING NECES~Y REPAIRS ON WATER WELLS NUMBER 5 AND 6 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BY REMOVING THE PUMPS, DISCHARGE COLUMNS AND PUMP SHAFTING; DETERMINING THAT THERE ARE SUFFICIENT UNAPPROPRIATED FUNDS IN THE WATER OPERATING FUND OF THE CITY AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION TO i .DEFRAY 'THE EXPENSE OF REMOVING THE PUMPS, DISCHARGE COLUMNS AND PUMP SHAFTING FROM THE WATER WELLS. 5 AND 6 AND MAKING NECESSARY REPAIRS; DETERMINING THAT THE' WORK OF REMOVING SAID PUMPS CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED EFFICIENTLY AND ECONOMICALLY ONA FORCE ACCOUNT BASIS; SELECTING THE FIRM OF LAYNE- TEXAS CQMPANY, ,INCi" HOUSTON, TEXAS,' 'ill PERFORM SAID WORK BY FURNISHING THEIR SERVICES AS AN INDE- PENDENT CONTRACTOR; AND FINDING AND DECLARING THE URGENCY OF THE WORK. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Ordinance Number 832, determining the necessity of-making necessary repairs on Water Wells Number 5 and 6, appropriating funds, and declaring the urgency of the work, be passed and approved' as read. i i-..-! Voting Aye: Voting N0: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall . None Minutes of the January 27, 1964 meeting were reviewed and the following I action taken: Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the min- utes of the meeting of January 27, 1964, be passed and approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ri~e; Vest and Wall None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the~eetingjwas adjourned at 9:30 p.m. IlJ~,I~ Mayor ATTEST: --....... I i ,~ f;-'-.'-~-'",:~7-:=-=-C'",",'~"""''''~C!F",,!:!r''~ ___ o C'fj 00 00 c..? CQ CO u i L.. 211 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 24, 1964 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, February 24, 1964, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Mayor Holman pronounced the Invocation. In compliance with Notice of Hearing duly published in the official newspaper of the city, Mayor Holman annoUnced that a Hearing was now called to order to considerHa request to subdivide Lot 7, Block 32, WUPlst Addition, into two lots, one to be 66 X 100 feet to front on Pittsburgh, and one to be 84 X 100 feet to front on Westchester, as requested by the owner, Mrs. R. V. Forester, and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. In answer to questions by the City Attorney, City Manager Whitt Johnson, hav- ing been duly sworn by Mayor Holman, stated that application had been made to the Zoning Board by Mrs. Forester for permission to subdivide the said lot and that affirmative action WaS taken by the Zoning Board on December 13, 1963. Subsequent action was taken by the City Commission on January 27, 1964, at which time a Hearing was called for 7:30 p.m., February 24, 1964. Mr. Johnson also stated that notices had been mailed to all property owners within a 200- foot radius of Lot 7, Block 32,WUP 1st Addition, and in his opinion all pre- requisites for calling a Public Hearing had been fulfilled. Mrs. R. V. Forester, owner of Lot 7, Block 32, WUP 1st Addition, after being . duly sworn by Mayor Holman, stated she desired to subdiv:id~ the lot into two lots, one 66 X 100 feet to front on Pittsburgh, and one 84 X 100 feet to front on Westchester. There was no opposition to the proposed subdivision, either at the Hearing or received by mai1. With no further property owners desiring to be heard, the fOllowing action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the Hearing called to consider amending' Zoning Ordinance No. III to permit subdivision of Lot 7, Block 32, WUP 1st Addition, as requested by Mrs. R. V. Forester, be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Motion b~ Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the city's zoning orainance no. III be amended to permit subdivision of Lot 7, Block 32, WuP 1st Addition, into two lots, one 66 X 100 feet to front on Pittsburgh, and one 84 X 100 feet to front on Westchester, subject to Mrs. Forester's submitting a properly executed instrument dedicating a 10-foot easement off the south portion of the lot. I'~:-:-I::-..:::::=':..""".-.=::::..l= __~r:':",_=_~ec--=,_-_-~;-'r_"'I-. ."-1_ . ________-------'.1" ~ 1'L: Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayre9, Rice, Vest and Wall None iJ In compliance with action taken by the Commission on January 27, 1964,and Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for one new 300-gallon capacity asphalt kettle, trailer- mountecl, to be used by the Street Department, were opened and the results announced. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that bids received for delivery of one new 300-gallon capacity asphalt kettle,~ailer- mounted, be referred to the City Manager and Street Superintendent for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board on February 13,1964, were presented for consideration and the following action taken: The request of Mrs. Nan Womack, 6128 Fordham, for permission to construct a 4-foot extension to the side of her existing garage in order that she might have space from the garage made into a 12 X 21-foot recreation room, was presented to the Commission for consideration. Mrs. Womack had stated to the Zoning Board that she did not plan to install any plumbing in the room. A sketch was also presented. After discussion, it was determined that this matter should be deferred until more accurate dimensions could'e:be furnished. u The request of C. W. BeVill, 6512 Rutgers, for permission to subdivide Lot 4, Block 32, WUP 1st Addition, into two lots 50 X 150 feet each to front on Rutgers Street, was presented to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that a Public Hearing be called for March 23, 1964, 7:30 p.m., to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision of Lot 4, Block 32, WUP 1st Addition, into two lots 50 X 150 each to front on Rutgers Street. V oting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Authority was requested to advertise for bids to be received for chlorine requirements for the city for the ensuing year. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 p.m., March 23, 1964, for chlorine requirements for the city fur the ensuing year. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice,' Vest and' Wall None ! ! I U Authority was requested to advertise for bids to be received for crushed limestone asphalt aggregate, colas and reinforced concrete pipe to be used in the Street Department work for the coming year. I-"T~~~--:=~~c~:'.:Jm _...l..'.[ ~~~~~~T~'C~-"-"'~'l ~...l . r L_. ~ I l-,- l . 2 1 3 Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received lintil 7: 30 p.m., March 23, 1964, for limestone asphalt aggregate, colas and reinforced concrete p~pe for the Street Department work for the ensuing year. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners AYrfE, Rice J,' Vest and Wall None A Proclamation designating the week of March 15-21, 1964, as Poison Preven- tion Week in the City of West University Place was approved by the Commission and signed by Mayor Holman.' OrdinartceNumber 833, captioned as follOWS, was presented to the Commission for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING COSTS TO BE TAXED BY THE. CORPORATION COURT OF THE' CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR FEES TO BE PAID TO CITY TREASURER; PROVIDING FOR WORK OR IMPRISONMENT IN LIEU ,OF FINE AND COSTS; PROVIDING THAT CODE ' OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE SHALL GOVERN WHERE. APPLICABLE AND PROVllilING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that Ordinance Number 833 ; establishing costs to be taxed by the Corporation Court, be passed and approved as read. voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None The minutes of the regular meeting of the Gity Commission on February 10, 1964, were presented for con sdierat ion and the following action takeri: Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the minutes of the meeting of February 10, 1964, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall Voting No: None With no furlther business to come before the Commissioll!;:at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. I4J<All//~ , , , MAYOR ATTEST: ) r~'~"C:~'~"~~~~'O;~iI'n 1'-- 1 '"'~'~'~~~'T~r~~~'~'""'" I 214 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MARCH 9, 1964 '1 , ~J Th~ City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, March 9,1964, ;r;:30 p.m., with the following members present: ~yor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Ayres was absent. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Vest. A letter of resignation of Mr. B. F. Kingman, Building Inspector, was pre- sented to the Commission, said resignation to become effective April 1, 1964. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the resig- nation of Mr. B. F. Kingman as Buildihg Inspector of the City of West Univers,ity, Place be accepted, with regrets. Voting .Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall None In accordance with action taken by the City Commission on February 24, 1964, a tabulation of bids received for purchase of an asphalt kettle for use by the Street Department, was submitted with a .recommendation that the low bid from R. B. Everett Company in the amount of $980, be,accepted, inasmuch as this kettle, Model Aeroil KE-B-330 gallon, does meet all of our specifi- cations. , ; , , >--,..-' Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the low bid in the amount of $9S0 submitted by R. B. Everett Company for one new asphalt kettle, Model Aeroil KE-B-330 gallon, be accepted. Voting .Aye:, Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall Voting No: None The CitY-Commission again gave consideration to the request of Mrs,. Nan Womack, 6128 Fordham, for permission to construct a 4-foot extension to the side of her existing garage, in order that she may have space from the garage made into a 12 X 21' recreation room. After discussion, it was determined ,that there would be no violation of our zoning ordinance if this construction is permitted.' Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the Com- mission approve the request of Mrs. Nan Womack for permission to erila:r;ge her garage by 4:feet, subject to her executing an affidavit that it will never be rented or used as living quarters or for commercial purposes. Voting .Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall None i ~ ~,.-., f' T-~l I ------r"'" . ...--,.,. ..,'" 11--'11 -'il;) '-'I ! ; The Commission was advised that all. work in connection with the Library furniture and equipment furnished by Remington Rand, has been completed and that it would be in order to i:na.ke final payment to Remington Rand. The final payment would consist of the $348.65 which was retained to insure com- pletion of c~rtain minor items,and an invoice received for $75.00 for instal- lation of the charge-out desk, which was in accordance'with the agreement. l,_j C1'; 00 00 c..;:, ::0 CO Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the final payment due Remington Rand of $348.65, which was retained to insure comple- tion of certain minor items, and $75.00 for inqtallation of the charge-out desk, be made. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall None Specifications for painting the city's water storage reservoirs were pre- sented to the Commission, and authority was requested to advertise for bids for the painting of the city's five water storage reservoirs. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the City Manager be .authorized to complete the specifications for painting of the city's five water storage reservoirs, and to solicit bids to be received until 7:30 p.m., Monday,' April 13, 1964, for labor, material andeq1;lipment necessary to paint these reservoirs. '-1 I : '_I Voting Aye: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Riee, Vest and Wall Voting No: None Ordinance Number 834, captioned as .follows, was read by the City Attorney and the following action,taken: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.' 241 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACEID PR0VIDETHE INCLUSION OF THE . PROHIBITION OF' SPINNING OR SQUEALING TIRES ID CREATE A LOUD OR lJNIiJECESS.ARY NOISE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded, by Commissioner Rice, that Ordinance Number 834, amending Ordinance No. 241 of the City of West University.Place, to provide the inclusion of the prohibiting of squealing ofautomobi-le tires to create unnecessary noise, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice and Vest ,. Commissioner Wall '- i (-) I I The Commission discussed the matter of excessive traffic and parking in areas adjacent to churches in the city. Chief H. E. Shipp>was instructed to make a survey of traffic and parking conditions adjacent to all churches.in the city and to have any recommendations availabiLe at the next meeting of the Commission. I I \. f"<>.:.'----'-~'----..-im r . ----. i~" --""~ '1.10 A request from the RebecCa Lodge humber 315 was presented, for permission to use the Community Building for their regular meetings, each first and third Wednesday evening, for the coming yetfi:; They have requested that they be guaranteed the use of the building for at least one year, and also have requested a small space for storage of some of their equipment. Li Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the request of the Rebecca Lodge number 315 for permission to use the Community Building each first and third Wednesday evening from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m., for the com- ing year, be granted, with the understanding that the city will in no way be responsible for any equipment stored in the Community Building, and that their use of either room would not interfere with any other group's use of the other room. Voting .Aye: Voting No: Mayor HoJman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall None, Resolution Number 64~3 was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the TRUST AGENCY :FUND which will not be required for current operating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective-of the City Commission, to keep all of the cityrs money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investIllent of these certain sums of money; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount of $2,400.00 - Trust Agency Fund - in Univer- sity Savings and Loan Association to be added to Account "Number 2690. I i__l Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Resolution Number 64-3 authorizing investment of $2,400 from the Trust ,Agency Funds in the University Savings and Loan Association, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall None The City Manager reported to the-Commissionona letter received from the Municipal Code Corporation regarding,the preparation of a City Code and the codification of. the cityrs ordinances, which stated that their representa- tive would not be in this area for perhaps another month, and stated that he would be happy to make a special trip for the purpose of discussion of this matter if the city considered it necessary. The City Manager was instruc- ted to write to the Municipal Code Corporation and inform them that it would not be necessary for a representative to make a special trip for this pur- pose, and that it could'be discussed when he is in this area for some other purpose. I I r . .-""li':n . 1 (--1 ~ 1 1. A report on monies accumulated in the street Improvement Fund was presented to the Commission, with a suggested program for paving of, five blocks in the city during the coming year. A total of $14,000 has been collected from previous paving programs and is available to begin on a new program. Commissioner Vest suggested that consideration also be given to the 3800 block of Milton Street when this program is begun. ! i L_~ The minutes of the meeting of February 24, 1964, were presented for con- sideration and the following action taken: Ctj 00 00 ~ .::Q eX) Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on February 24, 1964, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Comm:i:ssi:oners Rice, Vest and Wall None With no further business to come before the gommission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. i-I I ATTEST: L-.i :--1 , \.. "".'.1 T~~T~~e._, ..'..." iin . f' '~I' .. 1 j)~/~~ MAYeR ~18 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MARCH 23, 1964 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, March 23, 1964, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor HOlman, presiding; Commissioners A;fres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Rice. In compliance with Notice of Hearing duly published in the official newspaper of the city, Mayor Holman announced that a Hearing was now called to order to consider a request for subdivision of Lot 4, Block ,32, West University Place 1st Addition into two lots; each to be 50 X 150' to front on Rutgers Street, as requested by the owner, Mr. C. W. Bevill, and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Beard. In answer to questions by the City Attorney, City Manager Whitt JOhnson, hav- ing been duly sworn by Mayor Holman, stated that application had been made to the Zoning Board by Mr. Bevill for permission to subdivide the sqidlot and that affirmative action was taken by the Zoning Board on February 13, 1964. Subsequent action was taken by the City Commission on February 24, 1964, at ' which time a Hearing was called for 7:30 p.m., March 23, 1964. Mr. Johnson also statedthat'notices had :j;}een mailed to all property owners within a 200- foot radius of the"said' Lbt4, Block 32, West University Place 1st Addition, . and in his opinion all prerequisites for calling a Public Hearing had been fulfilled. (----: Mr. C. W. Bevill, owner of Lot 4, Block 32, West University Place 1st Addition, after being duly sworn by Mayor Holman, stated that he desired to subdivide Lot 4, Block 32, West University Place 1St Addition into t-wblbts; each 50 X 150 feet to front on Rutgers Street. He stated that there were no improv:ements on the south portion of the lot. The City Manager pointed out that there would be no question about the availability of utilities, as this is an almost completely built-up neighbor- , hood and all utilities are available. It was also determined that there would be no violation of the zoning' ordinance if this subdivision were permitted. Mr. Bert Fisher, who owns the property immediately adjacent to the south por- tion of the proposed subdivision, came to the City Hall this date and expressed his approval of the subdivision. There was no opposition to.the subdivision, either at the meeting or received by mail. There being no further property owners to be hear~, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the Public Hearing called to consider amending Zoning Ordinance number III to permit subdivision of Lot 4, Block 32, West University Place 1st Addition, 'as requested by Mr. C. W. Bevill, be closed. Voting .Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners .Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None !---' 1'--~~~~r~~=-:"""~~~'_:':.::::-:__~=:::::...-.:u:::;:I _______~~r:-:-~-'~ . -----. :--1--:-- . -, -.:-1 ....1 219 l.J Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the city's zoning ordinance number III be amended to permit subdivision of Lot 4, Blo~k32, West University Place 1st Addition, into two lots 50 X 150' each to front on Rutgers Street. V~ting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None "" 00 00 c;, ~ CO Mayor Holman announced tha~ he had received resignations from three members of the Zoning and Planning Board. The. re,signations effective March 20, 1964, were submitted by O. P. Gill, E. J. Haralson and J. C. Snyder. ~ ~ .. p Motion by Commissioner Wall" seconded by Commissioner Ay;res, that the resig- na i;,ions of Zoning Board members O. P. Gill, E. J. Haralson and J. C. ,Snyder, be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None (---\ . , Mayor Holman stated that the a~ce~tance of the reqig~ations of three-members from the Zoning and. Planning Board, leaves now only tw:o m,embers on this Board; these two members are H. Edgar Lott, 3509 Georgetown and R. C. Hilton, 5844 Auden. Mayor Holman recommended ~he appointment of three new members to fill the vacancies on this Zoning and Planning Board. ~e individuals recommended for appointment to the Boardwer,~: w;. W. Bo~:q.,...3715 )Uce; R~ W. GOff,'3415 Albans;David W. Hannah, 2636 Centenary. I I ~J Resolution Number 64-4 was presented to the Commission and read aloud: WHEREAS, 'three vacancies now exist on the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place and the City Commission desires to fill suet vacancies pursuant to the Char~er of the City: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas; 1. That w. W. Bowman, R. W. Goff and D. W. Hannah are hereby appointed as members of the Zoning and Planning Board of the City of West University Place. 2. That each member so appointed shall serve without compensation. 3. That the persons appointed hereby shall serve as members of said Zoning and Planning Commission from March 24, 1964, until November 10, 1964, and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of their successors. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Resolution 64-4 appointing three new members to the Zoning and Planning Commission, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None L' , ......T1ill ..~_r. , .:'1 .....J:.-- :tJkiU t- At this time, the members appointed to the_Zoning and Planning Commission came forward and were administered the;.:Oath of' Of'fice by Mayor Holman. , , ~J Mayor Holman announced that in order to relieve the Zoning and Planning Commission of some of its work load, and to permit a more orderly and expeditious administration of the Zoning Ordinance, he recommended the appointment of members to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. This Board should consist of five regular members and two alternate members who may be designated by the Mayor or City Manager, to sit in the absence of regu- lar members. .The individuals recommended ~or appointment to the Zoning Board of Adjustment were: O. P. Gill, 3524 Amherst; E. J. Haralson, 3217 Georgetown; Les G. Livermore, 4005 Tennyson; J. C. Snyder, 2912 Georgetown; W. B. ;whenthof'f, 2803 UniveI\sity Boul.eva,rd; Alternate Members Darrel L. Murff, 5904 Auden; and Le Roy Reinhart, 2915 Duke Street. Ordinance Number 835 was presented to the Commission and read in full: .AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING O. P. GILL, E. J. HARALSON, J. C. SNYDER, L.G. LIVERMORE .AND. W. B. WHENTHOFF AS MEMBERS, .AND D. L., MURFF AND LE ROY REINHART AS ALTERNATE MEMBERS OF THE ZONING BOARD OF. ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Ordinance Number 835, appointing members to the Zoning Board of Adjustment, to .serwe from March 24, 1964 to November 10, 1964, be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None t,--"i At this time, the members appointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment came forward and were administered the Oath of Office by Mayor Holman. Mayor Holman asked that each of the Boards retire at this time to separate \ rooms for the purpose of electing a chairman from amongst their appointive members, and also selecting a convenient time ~or. their meetings. In compliance with action taken by the Commission on February 24, 1964, and Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for Street Department materials for the ensuing year were opened and the results announced. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the bids received for street department materials for the coming year be referred to the City Manager and Street Superintendent for tabulation and recommen- dation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None , , -----' "T""""':~~~~~~O'I~rt " rn..,.e... " ~r~~'~~1 ~~1 (--'1 ! : In compliance with action taken by the Commission on February 24, 1964, 'and Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for chlorine requirements for the city for the ensuing year were opened and read aloud. There being only one bid received for chlorine requirements ,and this bid the same as last year IS, the following action was taken: !._--j CfJ 00 00 c.!;s .:Q CO Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the bid received from Diamond Alkali for the chlorine requirements of the city for the coming year, be accepted as it complies with all specifications ahd requirements and the bid is no. higher than the amount paid last year for chlorine. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest ana Wall Nene Commissioner Rice presented a report from the Committee which was appointed to investigate the matter of selecting an Auditor for the year 1964, and make recommendations to the Commission. The Committee recommended the firm of Sheffield, Garrett and Carter be selected to audit the records of the City of West University Place for the year 1964. Motion byComffiissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Vernon Sheffield and firm of Sheffield, Garrett and Carter, be selected to audit the records of the City of West University Place for the year 1964, at a fee not to exceed $1,500,: plus the cost of reproducing the report, in accord- ance with thei~ proposal, dated January 29, 1964. L..... Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None A recommendation from the Chief of Police that Amherst Street.be designated as a one-way street westbound from Auden to College, and that Milton Street be designated as one-way eastbound from College to Auden Street between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. on Sunday only, was presented to the Com- mission. This recommendation was made due to traffic congestion and park- ing problems during church services at the West University Baptist Church. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the 3800 block of Amherst and Milton streets be designated as one-way from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Sundays only, traffic on Amherst being westbound and traffic on Milton being eastbound. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HOlman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None The City Manager stated that he had received a letter from the Municipal Cbde Corporation advising that Mr. C. C. Crutchfield is now a member of their firm, and that Mr. Crutchfield and Mr. George R. Langford, President of the firm, would be in Houston during the week of March 30th, and would come by to discuss the codification of the city's ordinances and the preparation of a City Code. [-- .. -i!"i11 re... "" '.._, , -1'-'U""~"<1 J - 222 Minutes of the meeting of March 9,1964, were presented to the Commission for consideration and the fOllowing action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the minutes ,of' the meeting of :March 9, 1964, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Mr. O. P. Gill returned to the meeting at this time and presented the names of the chairman and vice-chairmen as selected by the Zoning and Planning Commission and the Zo:q'ing Board of Adjustment, and also the times elected for their meetings. :('Ie stated that the Zoning Board of Adjustment'ha.d selected O. P. Gill as chairman) and J. C. Snyder as vice-chairman, and had elected to meet on the third Monday night of each month at 7:30 p.m. He also stated that Mr. David Hannah had asked him to inform the Commission that the Zoning and PlE!.nning Commission had selected ])avid Hannah as chair- mandand R.W.; Goff as vice~chairman, and had chosen to meet on the same night as the Zoning' Board had previouslY-met, being the second Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. /JdJw.u/ ~ MAYOR i~ ATTEST: ,-j -1-~~==:~~-=~=er _~..L.:.:...r",,-."-- ".~----.""""~:'"'.r ____ ==:r:-~---- 223' r --I I I i,,_) REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION APRIL :1 ~'. 1964 TheCity.Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, April 13, i964, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor HOlman, presiding;, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. C'Ij 00 00 c..? ~ CO The Invocation was pronounced by Commi,ssionerJryres. In accordance with action taken by the City Commission on March 9, 1964, bids received for cleaning and painting of the city's five water storage reservoirs were e~ened and the results announced. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the bids received for cleaning and painting of the city's five water storage reser- voirs pe referred to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation. Voting .Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None It was decided that the Commission would meet in recessed session on Thursday, April 16, 7:30 p.m., for the purpose of consideration of the recommendation for awarding a contract on the bids received. I I '----' Mr. Pete Camp, who owns Lot 1, Block 24, West U~iversity Place 1st Addition, and is building a new residence on this lot, appeared before the Commission requesting that the sidewalk requirements at the side of his residence be w~~Yed, inasmuch as he felt that a sidewalk would detract from the appearance of the residence, and also due to the fact that there are no sidewalks on the Duke side of his prooperty, extending either east or west. The nearest sidewalk on the side property on Duke Street is two blocks away from his property. After considerable discussion, it was decided that the Commission would defer action on this request until the next meeting on April 27, at which time they would consider the possibility of amending the ordinance requiring a sidewalk on the s ide of corner lot s .' In accordance with action taken by the City Commission on March 23, 1964, bids received for Streec~Department material requirements for the coming year were tab:Ulate~ and a recommendation that the low bids received on each item be accepted as they meet specifications and requirements, was made. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the recom- mendation~f the City Manager and Street Superintendent for awarding the contracts on the purchase of Street Department materials required for the coming year to the following companies on their low bids, be acc?pted: r-, r-==r:=-::."",,:::=----=--..1crn: __.L.r:""':~--~'-~'~e~'"~-:---: '1 ==r -- - - 1224 Item Description and Amount Company Low Bid 1 Grade 2 Limestone - 1200 tons 2 Grade 6p Limestone - 800 tons 3 Limestone Base (244)-2000 tons 4 Colas - 80,000 gallons 5 18" reinf. conc. pipe - 300' 6 15" rein;t,'. conc. pipe - 350' 7 12" reirn;. cone. pipe 100' Zapp-Co. White's Mines Coastal Materials , Wright Asphalt So.Hous.Conc.PrDd. " " " " $1,::20 f. 0 . b. plant 2.18 f.o.b. plant 1.00 f.o.b. plant 0.1116 f.o.b. WUP 1.88/ft. f .o.b. WUP 1. 54/ft. f.o.b. WUP 1.24/ft. f.o.b. WUP Johnsen Cone. Pipe Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None It was announced that the Zoning and Planning Commission met in regular session on Thursday, April 9, 1964, but that no bus'iness was transacted, as they had no requests for their consideration. The Commission was advised of the resignation of Mr. Richard Owings as Assis- tant Treasurer, Tax Collector-Assessor, and also that applicants have been interviewed for the position. It was the recommendation of the City Manager and City Treasurer that Mr. Richard Allen Reynolds be appointed as Assistant City Treasurer, Tax Assessor-Collector, inasmuch as he is well-qualified for the position. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Richard Allen Reynolds be appointed as Assistant Treasurer, Tax Assessor-Collector, effective this date. ; ; '---../ Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None It was brought to the attention of the Commission that Mr. Richard Owings, who resigned, was also Clerk of the Corporation Court and that his resigna- tion makes it necessary to appoint another qualified person to serve in this capacity. It was also recommended that another person be appointed as Deputy Clerk of the Court to assist the Clerk in his duties. Resolution Number 64";5, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, Mr. Richard @:wings, Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has resigned from the employment of the city; and WHEREAS, the resignation of Mr. Richard Owings creates the necessity of appoint- ing another qualified city employee to serve as Clerk of the Corporation Court; and WHEREAS, Mr ~ William Di ttert;, Jr., employed as City Treasurer, is qualified to assume the duties of the Clerk of the Corporation Court; and .. , '-' r~~~"'~-:n1J f ,C~,- , ,I _u r i 1,- , CVj 00 00 c.,.r, ;:0 Ct:j l,___ 225 WHEREAS, it is necessary to appoint another qua~ified employee to serve as Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City CommisSion of the City of West University Place, Texas: 1. That Mr. Richard Owings, Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, be and he is hereby, ~relieved of the duties of Clerk of said Court effective~with the passage of this Resolution. 2. That Mr. William Dittert, Jr., be and he is hereby, appointed as Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, replacing the said Mr. Richard Owings. 3. That Mr. Richard Allen Reynolds, employed as Assistant City Treasurer, be appointed as Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Co~rt of the City of West University Place, Texas, the said Deputy to assist Mr. William Dittert, Jr., in performing the duties of the Clerk of said Court, as prescribed by the state Statutes and the Charter of the City. of West University Place, Texas. The date of appointments of the said William Dittert, Jr., as Cle:r:k of the Corporation Court and;Richard Allen Reynolds as Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, to become effective with the passage of this Resolution. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, tbatResolution number 64-5, appointing Mr. William Dittert, Jr., as Clerk of the Corpora- tion Court and Mr. Richard Allen Reynolds as Deputy Clerk, be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None It was the'recommendation of the City Manager that Mr. J. D. Allstott be appointed Building Inspector for the City of West University Place, replac- ing Mr. B. F. Kingman, who resigned, as Mr. Allstott has previously served in this capacity and is familiar with the work. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by'Commissioner Vest, that Mr. J. D. Allstott be appointed as Building Inspector for the City of West University Place, replacing Mr. B. F. Kingman, who resigned. V ot ing Aye: Votine;No: The City Manager recommended that Mrs. Sylvia Fulwiler be appointed as Assistant City Secretary, to replace Mrs. Verna Mills, who resigned, inas- much as it is necessary that another person be authorized to sign ordi- nances, minutes, etc. Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Motion by. Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that Mrs. Sylvia Fulwiler be appointed as Assistant City Secretary, replacing Mrs. Verna Mills, who resigned. , -----~'T"'~,.".~".~'.~H~',--.11,rr ,,-' I __-=-Y_""';''' cc,oc.O.'.'C:-O-""'l 226 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None ;-j I --....J Mayor Holman administered the Oath of Office at t.his time, to Mr. William Dittert, Jr., as Clerk of the Corporation Court; Mr. Richard RejYllolds as kSpistant Treasurer, Tax Assessor-Collector and Deputy Clerk of the Cor- poration Court; Mr. J. D. Allstott as Building Inspector.; and Mrs. Sylvia Fulwiler as Assistant City Secretary. It was brmght to the attention of the Commission that in preparation for the opening of the Swimming Pool for the year 1964, it was necessary that a Contract be awarded for the operation of the Concession Stand at the Pool. Mr. J. R. Howard, who operated the Concession in 1963,' is /:gain interested in being awarded the Contract for 1964. It was reported that Mr. Howard had. been very conscientious and had done a very good j ob with the concession stand for several years. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the Con- tract for lease of the Swimming Pool Concessmon for the year 1964, be awarded 'to Mr. J.R. Howard of Howard Concessions Company, and that'Mayor Holman, be authorized to execute the lease agreement. . V ot ing Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres,' Rice, vest and Wall' None There was discussion on the matter of the codification of the city's ordinances. The President of the Municipal Code Corporation of Talla- hassee, Florida has submitted a written proposal for this work. A Contract to be executed' by the City of West University Place was alsO submitted and thoroughly studied by the City Attorney. The City Attor- ney explained the Contract to the Commission, and read the R,<,sQl"tiQR #6)1 6 he had prepared lor the adoption of the Contract, as follows: ,~ WHEREAS, the present City Commission and prior Commissions have'been study- ing the necessity and feasibility of collecting all of the Ordinances of the City of West University Place in a formal Code; and WHEREAS, the City Commission is of the opinion that the codification of the city's ordinances is in the best interests of the city, at the earliest possible time; and WHEREAS, a proposal for the codification of ordinances has been submitted to the City Commission by the Municipal Code Corporation of Tallahassee, Florida, and the City Commission desires to enter into a Contract .with such Corporation for the codification of the city's ordinances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the Ci~y of West University Place, Texas: ,~ I::::.::.::::: :.::_.'::::'1I1 "___~ "I' .,1 ...l 221 r- 1. That the sum of $6,200.00 is hereby appropriated for the expense of codification of the ordinances of the city; said sum representing the total of $5,200.00 payable as the base cost to the Municipal Code Corporation of Tallahassee, Florida, and the sum. of $.1,000.00 representing incidental expenSes in connection with such codification. Cl'j 00 00 c;, .:0 CO 2. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a- Contract, in duplicate originals, in behalf of the City of West University Place, Texas, and to deliver/one executed original to the Municipal Code Corporation of Talla- hassee, Florida, and a copy of such Contract to be attached to the oridinal of this Resolution and made a part hereof. 3. That the Mayor and City Treasurer are hereby authorized to execute and delivery to' the Municipal Code Corporation of Tallahassee, Florida, a check in the amount of ,$1,733.33,uI>onthe signing and deliverY- of said Contract, ):Tepresenting one-third of the base cost of the services to be performed pursuant to said Contract~ Motion by Corrnnissioner Ayres, seconded by Corrnnissioner Wall, that Resolution number 64-6, adoI>ting the proI>osalof the Municipal Code Corporation of Tallahass~e, Florida, for codification of the city's ordinances and prepa- ration of a City Code, be approved as read. Ii 1 ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None The matter of engineering services re~uired for storm sewer projects, was ,brought before".the Corrnnission. It was stated that due to a severe opera- tion, which was undergone 'by the City Engineer, Tom Jcines, and in order to expedite the construction of storm sewers connecting the area around the Library, West University Baptist Church, City Hall and West University Elementary School into Poor Farm Ditch, and one block in the 3600 glock of Tangley and the 3600 block of Georgetown, extra engineering services are re~uired. The firm of Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Constultin Engi- neers, has been asked; to submit a proposal to provide engineering services on this project, and this proposal'was presented to the Co:rrttriission for consideration. They proposed to.do the necessary -Work for a total amount of under $4,000.00. Motion by Corrnnissioner Ayres, seconded by Corrnnissioner Wall, that the City retain the engineering firm of Lockwood, Andrews and NeWnam, to design specifications for the storm sewer project connecting the area around the Library, West University Baptist Church, City Hall and Elementary School into Poor Farm Ditch, the estimated total cost to be under $4,000.00. Vatting Aye: Voting No: Mayor'Holman,Corrnnissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Ordinance number 836, captioned as follows, was presented to the Corrnnission and read in full. P, ~_. '" -~--J~r:I _,~r~-~ - , ~- I ..J 228 AN ORDINANCE FINDING. AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND -ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDJNG@F A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVIqION OF LOT 7, BIDCK 32, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FIRST ADDITION; FINDING THAT KPUB- :tIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING .AN: AMEND- MENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 111 HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORTED RECOMMEN- DATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDmA.NCE :NUMBER 111 BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SAID SUBDIVI- SION; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NUMBER 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOULD BE SO AMENDED; AMENDING ORDINANCE :NUMBER 111 PERMITTING SUCH SUB- DIVISION.; AND PROVIDING ANEFFECTIV;E DATE. Motion by Corrnnissioner Ayres, seconded by Corrnnissioner Rice, that Ordinance Number 8.36, amending zoning ordinance number 111 to permit the subdivision of Lot 7, Block, 32, West University Place First Addition into two lots; one to be 66 X 100 feet to front on Pittsburgh, and the other to be 84 X 100 feet to front on Westchester, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayre s, Rice, vest and Wall None Ordinance Number 837, captioned as follows, was presented to the Corrnnis- sion and read in full. ,___J AN ORDINANCE FINDINGANJ) D:)!::TEBMININGTHAT EACH AND ALL CF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF' A PUBLIC HEARING TO CON- SIDER AMENDING: ZONING ORDJJiJ:MCE NUMBER 111 OF. THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY. PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF LOT 4 ,BLOCK 32, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FIR,ST. ADDITION; ,FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PuRPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT OF ORDINANCE :NUMBER 111 :EmS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND _ ADOPTING THE REPORTED RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE :NUMBER 111 BE AMENDED TO PERMIT SAID SUBDIVISION; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NUMBER 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIACE, TEXAS, SHOULD BE SO AMENDED; AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 111 PERMITTING SUCH SUBDIVISION; AND PROVIDlING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Corrnnissioner Wall, seconded by Corrnnissioner Ayres, that Ordinance Number 837, amending zoning ordinance number 111, to permit the, subdivision of Lot 4, Block 32, West University Place First Addition into two lots, each 50 X 150 feet to front on Rutgers Street, be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor :(Iolman, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None I -..-J [ , _,'_-~=m ,__~~c-- '---:.1 _ PU _....l L; 229 I , ,_-.1 The matter of re~uests being received from churches for permission to con- struct their buildings on vacant residential lots in the city was discussed. It was decided that this matter should be referred to the Zoning and Plan- ning Corrnnission for their consideration and recorrnnendation as to some regu- lations and rules on this subject and the parking re~uirements, etc., which would be necessary. Cl'j 00 00 ~ .:0 CO The City Manager reported that repairs were being made on water Well Number 6 and that there was very little work re~uired, considering the length of time since repairs were last made on this well. The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on March 23, 1964 were presented for consideration and the fOllowing action taken. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the min- utes of the meeting of March 23rd, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye:, Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None With no further business to come before the Corrnnission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was m~-c.es;sero at 10:15 p.m. ~4v~ MAYUtl ATTEST: ~. ~ki/uJ J( . stant ity ecretary I I 230 RECESSED MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION AJlRILJ.,6, .1964. The Qity Commisston conve~ed in ~~cessed session at the City Hall on Thursday, April 16, 1964, at 7:30 p.m., with the follQwing members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Corrnnissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and WalL The City Manager was also present. The City Attorney was absent. In accordance with action taken by the City Commission on April 13, 1964, the bids rec~ived forpaeaging and painting of the city's five water storage reservoirs, were tabulat~da$ follows: Trust ~ote, Inc., 2801 Patio Drive - $13,255.16 lump sum bid 100 hourS unskill~d labor '-' $325.00 , 50 hours skill~d labor 243.50 Water Tank$erviceQompany, 3523 Merrick Street - $17,187.00 lump sum 100 hours unskilled labor - no bid 50 hours skilled labor - $8.00 per hour . . . . . Gene :N"elson, Inc., Texas Ci,ty ~, $17,000.00 lump sum bid 100 hours unskilled labor - $400.00 50 hours skilled labor - $360.00 It was recorrnnend.ediby the'City Manager that the low bid submitted by Trust Kote, Inc.., 2801 Patio Drive, HoU'ston, _ Jack Robert~, President" be accepted, provided that he submit to the Corrnnission his insurane:e,' , certificate and performanc.e bond for 100% of the amount of the Contrac~i '-- Motion by Corrnnissioner Ayres, seconded by Corrnnissioner vest, that the low bid of Trust-Kote, Inc. 2801 Patio Drive, in the amountof $13,255.16, be acc:~pted, for the cleaning and painting of the city'sfivewa:t-er storage reservoirs, subject to the submission by Trust-Kote, Inc., of an insurance certificate and performance bond for 100% of the amount of the contract. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Rice, vest and Wall None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion dulY made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at_ 8:30 p.m. j}JvUV/~ MAYOR . .' ATTEST: , ~, I'-~~=:":=':~::-:~_::-::=--_-_=-__11::J:I .__~r~-~~ "_."._._~~. .-' 231' REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION APRIL 27, 1964 , The Ci"tyCommission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday April 27, 1964, 1: 30p .m. , with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Rice and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Vest 'Was out of the city. ~ 00 00 ~ .:0 CO The Invocation 'Was pronounced by Commissioner Wall. Mrs. Newton Bro'Wn, 2932 Carnegie, appeared before the Commission stating her desire to' see more projects for the women of West University. She stated that she and many other ladies of our city 'Would like to see programs set up for their participatioIl.' so that they 'Would not have to go else'Where for such. She int.roduced Mrs. .Anne LeDet, an instructress in the art of making flowers from metals and painting them with 0:;1. paints. Mrs. LeDet re,questeci per- mission to use the Community Bu.illiing for teaching this art to the women of West University. She stated that it would be necessary for her to charge $1.00 per hour, and that the classes would. meet for three hours each week for a period of six weeks. ' She also stated that she would prefer to limit her e~asses to about f'ifteenstudents each. r~ I After- di:scu$sion, the Commission advised Mrs. Brown and Mrs. LeDet that they should first ascertain the amount of interest which could be created in such c.lasses, and if there is enough interest, ,toJ~~poIjt" ba,c~,:1>o 1;lfe C~mm:!-ssion at a later date. . . " ' .' , I C_J The.'minutesof the Zoning, Board of Adjustment Meeting on April 20, 1964, were :presentedto the Commission for their information. The ma~ter of.appointing a BoWd of Tax Equalization to serve for the year 1964 was..discussed. MotiOn: by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the following persons be appointed to serve on the Board of ';Pax Equalization 'for the year 1964, inasmuch as they were interested in serving and had done a good job last year: Mr. Themas Lee, 401JG Villanova, Chairman; Mr. W. J. Beirne, 2618 Cason; Mr. P. D. Phillips, Jr., 6524 Belmont; and Mr. James K. Hilliard"4002 Case, alternatemeinber (to serve W'ithout authority). VotingAiye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, RiCe and Wall. None There was discussion concerning the matter of requiring construction of' a sidewalk on the side of corner building siteS when a residence is constructed. It was' pointed out thatther~ are 31 remaining corner building sites in the city- ana that'some or: 'these' Blight be connected to a side lot which does have a sidewalk constructed. Therefore, it was decided that it would be inad- visable to repeal or amend the ordinanCe requiring construction of a,sidewalk on the side of corner lots. \ . I~"C"O~~~~~cJm u_~--,-L~C~~~l~C~: 1 . u ,....J . 232 Mr. Pete Camp again appeared before the Commission requesting that the sidewalk requirement on the Duke side of his corner lot, being Lot l, Block 24, WUP lst Addition, be waived, inasmuch as he felt a sidewalk would aetract from the appearanee of the new residence he is building on this lot,and also due to the fact that there are no connecting aiele- walks Qn Duke' wi thin two' blocks of his property. He stateel, however, that should sidewalks be constructed in the future which would connect to his property, he, would be agreeable to the construction of a sidewalk on the side of his property. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the side- walk requirements for construction of a sidew~1k on the Duke Street side of Lot l, Block 24, WUP lst Addition, be waived at this time, inasmuch as there ,are no connecting sidewal$s on Duke Street within two bloc~s of this property. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor B;Ql.man, Co_issiol1ers Ayres, Rice and WalL None ~ The City Manager advised the Commis,siQnof a project being undertaken to have the dezer at. the Garpage Dump' repaired. He stated that there was $4,500.00 budgeted for this purpose. After considerable discussion as to the advisability of having the tractor repaired, or trading it in on another tractor for this use, the City Manager was instructed to obtain figures f'orrepair jJf, the dozer and also for its trade-in value and present these figures to the Commission at its next meeting. The matter of a change in uniforms for the Fire Department was presented to the Commission. It,was pointed out that the Fire Chief and City Manager feel that the change desired will be less costly in the long run, and a).SQ that the uniform proposed. will give the firemen a nicer appearance. It was decided that the new unif0rmbe purchased as requested. , ' '- The minutes of the regular meeting of' the Commission on April. l.3, 1964, and the recessed session on April. l6, 1964, were presented to the Commissi,pn for their eonsideu.tion. Motion by Commissioner Wal.l, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that-the minutes of the regul$I" meeting of the Commission on. April 13, 1964, anel the recessed. session on April l.6, 1964, be approved as submitted. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjQ];lrD.ed at 9: 30 p.m. /J~~~ MAYOR ATTEST: ~~) ia.!JIJt"fJ/i/ s stant Ci~Secretary _I L I~T'C""'~""~~"Jm ' , '____r-""'~~'"~!-~'c1 ._ ~,.....iIn- f'-I LI Cl'j 00 00 ~ .:0 CO r~ I I l_1 i i I I I i I I] I I I L 233 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MAY 11, 15)64 The City Commission convened. in regular session at the City Hall en Monday, May 11, 1964, 7:'!fl) p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Attorney was alsCi>present. The City Manaaer was in Dallas attending a meeting of the M.unicipal Finance Officers' Association, and also a meeting of the officers of Municip8J. Retirement Systems. Mayor Holman pronounced the Invocation. In accordance with instructions of the City Commission, an investigation was made as to whether it would be better to tracie in or repair the IfD lB tractor at the Sanitary Land. Fill. Mr. A. L. Beara.el!l, Street Superintel!l- . dent, presented the'f'indings of'"the investigation to 'the CWIBIlission. It was determined that the.best price for a used tractor comparable to the one the city nOw has, would De at least $12,000. Repairs on the presenttraetor w0UJ..d be approximately $4,O@O and this would put it in very- good shape for several. years. Mr. Bearden stated that as far as could be determined, the engine and transmission in this tractor are in good condition and should net need any major repairs. He also explained to th.e Commission that the TD 16 tra.tor nee-d$ rails androlJ.ers, which. is equivaJ.ent to putting new tires on an auto_oiJ.e, and with a few minor repairs, the tractor w0uld probably be in better condition than a used one purchased at this time. Afterciiiscussion, the Commission took the following action: Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the City Manager be instructed to soJ.icit bids on th.e repair werk necessary for the TD :1.8 tractor at the Suitary Land Fill. Voting Aye: . Mayor HoJ.ma.n, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. Voting. No: None It was announced that the swimming pool will be opened on. Friday, May 29th, at 3:00 p.m. for the 1964 season. It was also Drought to the attel!ltion ef the €oillmission that tn.e sunshade at the pool needs repair before the openfng"of thepooJ..Mr. Bearden showed tb.eCommission a samp1.e"of an aluminum canopy-type roof which coul.d be installeell. by Montgomery Ward.' s for $472, torepJ.ace the present ene which has rotteell.. Mr. Bearden statea that he had obtail!led several prices on the work but that this was the 'best price and he felt that this type of roof would be satisfactory. Atter discussion, the Commission instructed Mr. Bearden to advise Montgomery Ward's to proceed with the w0rk of installing the aJ.uminum canopy-type roof on the sunshad.eat the pool, inasmuch as he had a.1ready obtained several prices and he felt that this type of shade woul.d be satisfactory. '~-~-~r~~~- ~:jL[] . ----------=r:-"'~~~~T"'~~':: I ._,____.....iI .----~ _.n 234 Mr. Herohel Vaughn, Water Superintend.ent, appeared before the. Commission and presented. a report on the cleaning and. painting of the water storage reservoirs. He stated that Trust-Kote, Inc. is doing a satisfactory job and. that the work on the reservoirs should. be completed by May 2Gth. i_I The Commission had been re~uestedto reconsider the charge made to the West University Garden Club for use of the CODl1llU1i1ity Building meeting room. It Wa,s b~ough.t to the attention of the Commission that the GardeJ:1 Club had originally started. the c&lll.Paign te create interest in the con-- struction of the bUild.ing, and later had Aelpecl tG raise the funcis to furnish the building. Also, the Garden "Club, has, over the years, done a great d.ealof work te beautify the COD11llW1ity Bu.ilding greunds, as well as the entire city. Motion by eommissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the West Uaiversity Garden fUub be, allowed, to use the meeting room in the Co~ity Building without, charge for their meetings, in view Of their past service to the city; nameJ,.y, the instigation that led to thecen- struction of the COJlllllW1ity ~ilding, and later the raising of f'unds,to furnis:Jl the builciing;aJ.so, over the years, the ttine and cotitributionsmade toward beautif'ieat_ion Gf the COJllBlUl1ity BUilding grounds, as well as the entire city. Voting Aye: Voting No: - , MlILyor HolmaJil, CODDII.:i,.ssioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None The minutes of the regular meeting of' the Commission on April 27, ,15964, were presentecli. to the Commission for consideratiCiln and the following action taken: 1 i_l- Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconde4 by Commis's'ioner' will, tha1."the"" mim.utesofthe regular meeting $1' the Commission on April 27, 159-64, be approyeci as submi tteci. . Voting Aye: Vot~l1g No: Mayor Holman, Co~issioners Ayres, Riee, Vest and Wall. None With no further business toeome before theCommisiion at this time) upon motion 4uly made, secon4ed anti carried, the meeting was adjourned at $: 30 p.m. ~a/VlLVI~ MAYOR ATTEST: ~ftd/~hftlt4.) s stant eit Secretary 1-' , , I ' !~ I~~I=:=--=-=---:..-------==rm _ __...;.....;.T.__--. I - _~:1 __ ='~'-~'~---'---'----'C-:""_','C"::' 235 1_, REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MAY 25, 1964 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, May 25, 1964, at the City Hall, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Wall and Rice. Commissioners Vest and Ayres were absent. The City Attorney and City Manager were present. Cl'j 00 00 c...? CO CO The City Manager presented to the Commission a report on the progress of the storm sewer project. He stated that the engineering firm engaged, Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, has located the best route for the storm sewer to be extended from Coll~ge Street to Poor Farm Ditch, by following Milton Street and then across the school grounds north of the Amherst Street right-of-way. An additional easement will be re~uired from the Houston Independent School District and from the Seven-Eleven Grocery Store interest. The Corrnnission was advised that John Gorman has been hired as Manager of the Swimm:Lng Pool for the 1964 season. The Corrnnission was presented a list of rules for persons selling season tickets. These rules uefinethe eli- gibility of persons to whom season tickets may be sold. .r-1 I l Mayor Holman asked the City Attorney to give an opinion on the delin~uent tax notices filed, as to whether we should make a default judgment at this time. After discussion, the City Manager was instructed to prepare a list of delinCluent taxes for the next meeting of the Corrnnission. Mr. O. P. Gill, Chairman, and four members of the Zoning Board of Adjust- mentappeared before the Corrnnis-sion at this time, stating that it had not been made clear to them whether they or the City Commission should call a Public Hearing to adopt Rules of Procedure for the Board of Adjustment. The City Attorney advised the Board that since it would be the City Com- mission who would have to adopt the ordinance establishing Rules of Pro- cedure for the Board of Adjustment, it was his opinion that the Commission should also hold the Hearing. The Board of Adjustment retired to another room to arrive at proposed rules of procedure' to be submitted to the City Attorney for any necessary revisions or recommendations. The Commission was presented with a list of ordinances recommended for passage prior to the preparation of the codification of the city's ordi- nances. These recommendations were made by the various department heads, with regard to ordinances they felt should be passed to aid them in the operation of their respective departments. The Commission decided to take the list and study it and make any recommendations they might have, prior to the next meeting of the Commission. ) The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission OR Thursday, May 14, 1964, were presented to the Corrnnission for considera- tion. "l'O'~,'--:=-..'.",'=~'~"':JLi!J ._C.' uu--'r~'--"='l . -------------11 . 236 The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment were presented to the Commission for their information. I 1_' The City Manager advised the Commission that application had been made to two firms, Moody's and Standard & Poor's Investment, for considera- tion of improving the city's general obligation bond rating from "A" to "M" . The Audit report compiled by Everett P. Green, of the city's records, books and accounts for the year 1963, was presented to the Corrnnission. The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Corrnnission on Monday, May 11, 1964, were presented to the Commission for consideration and the follbwing action taken: Motion py Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the min- utes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on May 11, 1964, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HOlman, Commissioners Rice and Wall None With no further ,business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9: 15 p.m. 4J'-<<V 1~&rJ , ' ': MAYOR. ' , ATTEST: (. ':'\ .' L,::....::=:Jl~...JLiill. __L. . .! :,:1 lr -~,---c.."- le: ~() 'j. r--'I I ' : i~J REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JUNE 8, 1964 Cl'j ~ 00 c;, CO CO The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, June 8, 1964, at the City Hall, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor pro tem Rice, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Vest 'and Wall. The Mayor and City Attorney were absent, attending a meeting of the Houston Independent School District Board of Trustees regarding the re~uested easement for the proposed storm sewer project. The City Manager was in Odessa attending the meeting of the Texas City Managers' Association. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Vest. The minutes of the special meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Monday, May 25, 1964, were presented to the Commission for their informa- tion. A letter was received from Attorney Paul Strong with reference to the re~uest of City Attorney Charles Cockrell, for information as to ,whether the City Commission should call a Public Hearing in connection with the adoption of Rules of Procedure for the Zoning Board of Adjustment. It was the opinion of Mr. Strong that it would not be necessary for the Commission to call a Hearing. r-1 I I ! t_1 City Engineer Tom Jones gave a report on the progress of the proposed storm sewer project. He stated that Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Consulting Engineers for the project, had completed all the fieldwork and most of the design, but that the plans had not been completed to the extent that prints were available. Mr. Jones gave an explanation of the proposed project, using a large scale map which he had prepared, showing the proposed line and the '~existing lines 'i:md their sizes. A written report prepared by the City Manager was presented to the Commis- si'Jn concerning the granting of a "M" General Obligation Bond rating to the City of West University Place by Moody's Investors Service. It was stated that there are only four cities in the State of Texas who possess this rating. An invoice from Layne-Texas Company in the amount of $1,616.48, dated May 20, 1964, for repairs to the pum.p in water well num.ber 5 was presented to the Commi~sion for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the inv6icefrom Layne-Texas Company in the amount of $1,616.48 for necessary work and repairs to the pum.p in well num.ber 5 b~ pa,id. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor pro tem Rice, Commissioners Ayres, vest and Wall None ( I , L_l Another invoice from Layne-Texas Company for work on well number 6 was also received, but i't was noted that some difficulty is being experienced with I' ~- !filii " r'~oc'~~-~!~~~~' II J:;0U this pum.p. It was the decision of the Corrnnission that the invoice for work on well number 6 be deferred until present difficulties are corrected. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor pro tem Rice, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Vest and Wall None Resolution Number 64-7 was presented to the Commission and read in full: Motion by Commissioner Ayre~ seconded by Commissioner Wall that Resolution Num.ber 64-7, authorizing the Assistant City Treasurer to sign certain checks in the absence of the City Manager and City Treasurer, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor pro tem Rice, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wall None The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on May 25, 1964 were presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the minutes of the meeting of May 25, 1964 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor pro tem Rice, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wall None With no further business to come before the Corrnnission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. ATTEST: ~ r ~. I il'm r-' , '1 Ir----'-~'~n ,-1 , ~~ r~ iJ I' . I i ! i--.J --1 LJ Cfj 00 00 ~ co co r-1 j I , I L..~ ('-1 I . I l i_----1 ~..)~ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JUNE 22, 1964 The City CoIilmission convened in regular session on Monday, June 22, 1964, at the City Hall, 7:30 p.m.- with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Rice and Ayres. Commissioner Vest was absent. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Rice. The City Manager presented a list of non-existe~t delinquent taxes; i.e., companies who went out of business owing the City back taxes. Also, a;".list of insolvent delinquent taxes referred to in the Auditor's Report dated December 31, 1963, was presented. .After some discussion, action was deferred for further consideration. Plans and specifications prepared by'Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. covered in their Job No. 78.5-2 on the proposed storm sewer construction a.t the . following locations were presented to the City Commission for their approval. (a) Along Milton Street east from the intersection of College Street to Poor Farm Ditch (b) 3600 Amherst, intersection of Mercer Street west to Poor Farm Ditch, (c) 3600 Tangley, intersection of Mercer Street west to Poor Farm Ditch (d) Auden, intersection of Rice to intersection of Milton Street Motion by Corrnnissioner Ayres, seconded by Corrnnissioner Rice, that the paans and specifications provided by Lockwood, Andrews & Ne'WIlatn be accepted arid that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for the necessary "S work to be received until 7:30 p.m. July 20, 1964. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice and Ayres. None The City Manager advised the Corrnnission that he had sent an easement to ' Mr. Heady of the Eleven-Seven Realty Corp. in Dallas, Texas, for the sig- nature of its president, Mr. Thompson. The City Manager advised that the Street Department planned to complete the resurfacing of West Point Street from Riley south to Bellaire Boulevard and;,that it would be desirable to install a water line in this section while the work on West Point Street is in progress. He stated that the work could be done simultaneously with city equipment and personnel at a considerable savings; also this water line had been recommended for installation under the city's long range planning program. It is recommended that water pipe, fire hydrants and valves be purchased and installed with city forces. The estimated cost of materials involved is $7,000. I -- -'I!I r"-"" , .. ,-- --.. "I ,I i ".G4U Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that extensio~ of an 8" water line along West Point Street f'rom Riley to Bellaire Blvd. -'1 and a 10" water line along Bellaire from West Point to Academy Street with !~I the necessary f'ire hydrants and f'ittings be authorized and that the City Manager be instructed to advertise f'or material bids to be received Until 7:30 p.m. on July 20, 1964. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres and RiCe. None Ordinance No. 838, captioned as f'ollows, was presented to the Corrnnis$ion f'or consideration and read in ~ull. The City Manager stated that at a meeting of the Texas Municipal Retirement System in Austin, Texas, on June 20, 1964, the merger between the Firemen's Relief' and Retirement Fund and the Texas Municipal Retirement System was approved. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR PARTICIPATING IN THE TEXAS MUNI- CIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF ALL OF THE EMPIDYEES OF THE FIREr DEPARTMENT OF mE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAC;E, TEXAS, INCLUDING THOSE EMPIDYEES WHO ARE MEMBERS OF THE FIREMEN'S RELIEF AND RETIREMENT FUND OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; ACCEPTING ALL OF THE OBLIGATIONS AND BENEJrITS OF SAID SYSTEM AND PROVIDING FOR THE MERGER OF THE FIREMEN'S RELIEF AND RETIREMENT FUND OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI'rY PLACE WITH THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that Ordinance No. 838, merging the Firemen's Relief' and Retirement Fund with t];le.Texas Municipal Retirement System, be Jlllossed and approved as read. . , Lc,~ Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres and Rice None Resolution No. 64-8 was presented to the Corrnnission by the City Attorney and read in full. Motion by Corrnnissioner Rice, seconded by Corrnnissioner Ayres, that Resolution No. 64-8, corrnnending the services of' Corrnnissioner Charles L. Wall, Jr., whose death occurred on June 15,1964, be approved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor'i';Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres and Rice None The City Manager presented a list of' property consisting of' used vehicle engines and on e dragline bucket which had been acquired f'rom the Texas Surp~us Property Agency, stating the city had no further need for the property and recommended that it be disposed of'. _ Motion by Corrnnissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the City Manager be authorized to advertiSe f'or bids f'orthe sale of items listed as surplus property. Bids to be received until 7:30 p.m. on July 20, 1964. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres and Rice None < I I I ; U r~'~~~'~~~~'~,r:n"~ r "'C"'~"-'~'~CT"'~~"~I---'-------;r" -..---' ki'!l ('1 Mr. Harvey Richards, 3402 University Bo\Uevard, )a.ppeared before the Corrnnission to request an extension of time to pay deli~quent taxes against his home being the east 50' of Lot 6, Block 46, West University Place 2nd Addition. i,__ After considerable discussion and differences of opinion the City,Corrnnission granted Mr. Richards an additional six months from date to make satisfactory settlement of. the delinquent taxes accrued against his property. Cl'j 00 00 ~ .:0 cx::) The City Corrnnission instructed the City Attorney to prepare a draft of an ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 1.1.1. to prescribe, set forth and adopt rules and regulations of procedure for the Zoning Board of Adjustment. The document is to be presented to the City Commission at their next regular meeting. The City Attorney was also instructed to prepare notices to be published call1tng a public hearing on the subject. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on June 11., 1964; were presented to the Commission for their information. The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on June 1l, 1964, were presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Corrnnissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the minutes of the meeting of June 11.th be passed and approved as submitted. , (~ ! I Voting Aye: Voting No: ' Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres and Rice None With~no further business to come before the Corrnnission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed at ll:30 p.m. j}JvUV~~ MAYOR ATTEST: :i/ALi4 ~~i #,U Asils t City See e ary i . l._': r~'~:"'" "-~~'="-im .. "'~---'I---~-~~'--- I ?42 Ad . REGULAR MEETING, OF CITY COMMISSION JULY 13, 1964 :.-'1 '-.l The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, July 13, 1964, 7:30 p.lJl. "with the following members present: M?-yor Holu;lan, presiding; CorrnnissionersRice, Vest and Ayres. The City Attorney and,City Manager were also present. The City Manager introduced Mr. John Gorman.,. Swirrnning Pool Manager, .. to the membe;rs of the Corrnnission. He stated that Mr. Gorman is doigg a fine jQb at the pool, and that he feels perhaps. there has been increased partici- pation by persons of all ages because of .Mr. Gorman's personal interest. Ordinance Number 839 was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE DECLARING THAT A VACANCY EXISTS ON THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PUCE, TEXAS; APPOINTING O. .P. GILL TO FILL SUCH VACANCY. Motion by Corrnnissioner Rice, seconded by CoIIimissioner Vest) that Ordinance number 839, appointing Mr. o. P. Gill as Corrnnissioner to fill the vacancy created by the death of Commissioner Charles L. Wall, Jr., on June 15, 1964, whose term of office will expire November 3, 1964, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice and Vest None j r !-' The Oath of Office was administe:red to Mr. Gill 'by Mayor HoJJnan at this time. Corrnnissioner Gill then took his place at the conference table. Mayor Holman read a letter of resignation from Commissioner Gill as a mem- ber of t~e Zoning Board of Adjustment, in order that he might accept addi- tional respo~sibilities with the city. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the resig- nation of O. P. Gill as a member of the Zoning Board of' Adjustment, be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice and vest None Ordinance number 840, was presented to the Corrnnission and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Ordinance number 840, appointing Mr. Darrel L. Murff as a member, and Mr. Harold J. Adam as Alternate Member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, to fill the vacancies created by the resignation of Mr. Gill as a member and the appointment of Alternate Member Darrel L. Murff as a regular member of the Board, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest None , , i i-.l ~4j Caption of ordinance number 840 follows: L_ AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING DARREL L. MURFF/AS A MEMBER, AND HAROLD J. ADAM AS ALTERNATE MEMBER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. At this time the Oath of Office was administered to Mr. Harold J. Adam as an Alternate Member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment by Mayor Holman. M:i:'~ Darrel L. Murff was unable to be present at the meeting. Ct:l ~ 00 c.:;, .:0 :0 The Corrnnission gave consideration to the JLetter of re'luest received from Mrs. W. M. Lawrence, 3220 Bellaire Boulevard, for permission to install a 220 meter in the garage apartment at this "address, for use as a "guest house" for her family. '\ Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the re~uest of Mrs. W. M. Lawrence for permission to install an additional 220 meter in the garage apartment at 3220 Bellaire Boulevard, be granted, subject to the execution of an affidavit that the g~rage apartment will never be rented or used for any commercial purpose. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayre~, Gill, Rice and Vest None 1 , \_-' A letter of re~uest from Mr. John L. Leslie, who is the ggent for the prop- erty at 3833 Amherst, for permission to install 220 outlet in the garage apartment at this address, was presented to the Commission for considera- tion. Mr. Leslie appeared before the Commission in behalf of his re~uest, stating that he had been taking care of the property as a personal favor to a friend of his for several years, and that the property had always been maintained and kept in excellent condition. He also stated that he believed the garage unit was built prior to the zoning ordinance and that had been rented continuously since. .J ~"~ , After some discussion, the following action was taken: -Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the re~uest of Mr. John L. Leslie for permission to install a 220 outlet in the garage apartment at 3833 Amherst, be granted, as the apartment was built prior to the passage of the zoning ordinance and had been continuously rented and;.kep:t in good condition. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Rice Commissioner Vest The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Corrnnission on Thursday, July 9, 1964, were presented to the Commission. An invoice from Layne-Texas COinpany in the amount of $2,467.83, to the pump in well number 6, was presented to the Commission. stated that all difficulties had been corrected and the invoice for payment.= for repairs It was was in order r~c'-,c-, "..,.,.. . ,... --.....,171 r'~~ ~'-.T ---r' -~--- ., 244 Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the invoice from Layne-Texas Company in the amount of $2,467.83 for repairs to the pump in water well number 6~ be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and vest None An'invoice from Childs Truck E~uipment Company in the amount of$1,90T-.10, in payment for three dump bodies mounted on city trucks, was presented to the Commission for consideration. It was stated that these bodies were not satisfactorily installed at first, but that the work has now been correctly done and Mr. Bearden, Street Superintendent, recorrnne:hds'pay- ment of the invoice. Motion by Corrnnissioner Rice, seconded by Corrnnissioner Vest, that the invoice from Chi]';ds Truck E~uipment Company in the amount of $1,907.10, in payment for three dump bodies mounted on city trucks, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, CoInmissionersAyres, Gill, Rice and Vest None Resolutio!ll~nuillber 64-9 was presented to the Commission and read in full. Whereas, it was brought to the attention of the City Commission that the International Harvester TD-18 tractor, year model 1954, used in the bury- ing of garbage, trash and refuse at the Sanitary Land Fill site, was urgently in need of repairs; and , I i~i Whereas, it is imperative that this vital piece of e~uipment be kept in operating condition at all times; and Whereas, it is impractical to prepare specifications for the purpose of taking bids, as the extent of repairs re~uired is unknown and the exact cost of the needed repairsc' is an indeterminable amount; and Whe:t'eas, various firms were invited to make inspection of the e~uipment and to prepare an estimate of the cost, and formal written estimates were received from the foliowing firms who are experienced in making repairs to crawler-type tractors: . Browning Ferris Machinery Company Houston Welding & Press Company Texas Welding & Pr_~ss Company, Inc. $3,764.86 2,804.00 2,586.00; and Whereas, it has been determined by the superintendent of the Sanitation Department that estimated repairs to the tractor should not exceed $3,200.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CJTY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: i -"j I I .___J 245 (-\ I i i , L, 1. That for the preservation of the puliLic health by the daily burying of garbage; refuse and trash, repairs to the tractor are deemed to be of an emergency nature. 2. That in view of an emergency condition which has arisen re~ulrlng repairs to the crawler tractor used at the Sanitary Land Fill stie, that the lowest estimate submitted by Texas Welding and Press Company, Inc., in the amount of $2,586.00, be accepted, as they have been determined reliable and are e~uipped to make said needed repairs. Ctj 00 00 c;, CQ CO 3. That the 1964 Budget provided a total sum of $5,000.00 for estimated general repairs to the crawler tractor, and that the said estimated'expen- ditures of $3,200.00 now required is well within the Budget limits. 4. That the action of the 'Mayor and City Manage:i:' engaging the services and e~uipment of the Texas Welding and Press Company, Inc., to perform needed repairs to the said tractor, is hereby ratified and confirmed. Motion by Corrnnissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that Resolution number 6409, providing for emergency repair of the TD-18 tractor at the Sanitary Land Fill by Texas Welding and Press Company, Inc., inasmuch as t~ey submitted the lowest of three. estimates and are ~ualified to make these emergency repairs for the amount of $2,586.00, be approved as read. 11 , , ! ; I--.J Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holma~, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest None Pursuant to instructions of the City Commission, City Attorney Charles Cockrell presented a proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance which would allow the Zoning Board of Adjustment to adopt Rules of Procedure. The sub- stance of the outline presented by the City Attorney listing the necessary steps to be followed to allow the adoption of these rules is as follows: The proposed Rules of Procedure of the Zoning Board of Adjustment should be forwarded to the Zoning and Planning Commission for their study and recom- mendation to the City Corrnnission. The City Attorney stated that should the Zoning and Planning Commission take affirmative action on the rules, they would then call a Public Hearing, notice ofl such hearing to be pub- lished twice prior to the hearing. The Zoning and Planning Commission would then make their written report and recorrnnendation to the City Com- mission, after which the City Corrnnission would hold a hearing and take action on their report and recommendation. Motion by ConimissionerVest, seconded by Corrnnissioner Rice, that-'Hthe Com- mission refer to the Zoning and Planning Commission for their consideration and recorrnnendation, a pr.oposed ordinance amending the zoning ordinance to permit the Zonin& Board of Adjustment to adopt Rules of Procedure. Vo;t.ing Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest None [":~~~:~-=~~~~::=-~~~:"~:':1[::I:l . __~r:'~"""""-~- ---- '--'..1 ---' 246 It was also pointed out that the City Commission should hold a Public Hearing for the adoption of the Budget, wb.ich notice of hearing must be published 30 days prior to the heari~g, to consider the ~doptionof tb.e Budget for the fiscal year 1965. The Budget must be adopted by the 31st of August. i " I _1 " Motion by Corrnnissioner Vest, seconded by Corrnnissiop.(~R~_.RicE:l",~p-at ,W: .' Public Hearing be called for 7: 30 p.m., August 24, 1964, for adoP't'ion' of the Budget for the fiscal year 1965, notice of hearing to be published July 22, 1964. Voting Aye: Voting ,No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Rice, Gill and Vest, None Letters of appreciation to the Corrnnission from JOe L. Wall and Mrs. Frances L. Wall, were read. Mayor Holman announced that the Library had received as a gift, two copies of the book "Westward to the Round Top" written by Arving E. Morris, father of former Mayor Edwin W.. Morris. Mr. Edwin W. Morris contributed the copies of :the book to the Library. Mayor Holman read a letter which he had written to Mr. Arving E. Morris. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the letter from Mayor Holman to Mr. Arving E., Morris, be included as part of the regular minutes of this meeting. Voting .Aye: Voting_No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest None , I \--. The letter written by Mayor. Holman to Mr. Morris follows: "The members of the City Corrnnission of West University Place and I want to extend our sincere apprecia.tion for the recent gift, by your son, to -our City of two copies of yoUr new book "Westward to the Round Top" for our new library. We are especially grateful for this gift for two reasons: First, as an authentic wagon train account of the westward pioneer migration in the early 1800's, it is a valuable account of early Americana, reflect~g not only our religious he:dtage, but the spirit that best typifies our forebearers in building this country. Second, as you know, your son, Ed, was Mayor of our city from 1952 to 1956, and we therefore feel a special appropriateness about the gift of this book by him to our Library. We have had many pleasant associations together and appreciate this eXI'ression of continued interest to include other members of his family. L_ I ::'0: :.-".c':._-- . n-:jLD. __ _~:"'..:......c.:r:-__ --=-=c.-----::-~F ~-.~.:~-l _ ____ ____1: ~ iI''' ( ! We extend congratulations to you on the completion of this book requiring diligent research, as well as to your publisher and the local Baptist Book Store for their part in making this unique part of history available to us. Iam asking the City Secretary to record this acknowledgement of the gift in the'reghlar minutes' bf-the City Corrnnission at its next meeting on July -i3. 11 co 00 00 ~ CO CO A report on water p~page was presented by the City Manager. He stated that city wells are ~apable of producing up to 8 1/2 million gallons per day. Mr. John Elvig, 2631 Pittsburgh, appeared ,before the Commission expressing the opinion that the city should investigate the city's water supply to determine whether' or not it might be necessary that the city enter into some sort of agreement along with the City of Houston and the Trinity River Authority. It was explained to Mr. Elvig that the City of West University does not have the same proJ:>lem with water supply as Houston, inasmuch as Houston depends upon growth and industry for its future, and West University has no room for growth and no provision for industry; therefore, west University can fairly'well depend upon past water consump- tion to determine future needs. It was explained t.o Mr. Elvig that West University Place was neither asked nor invited to participate in the T~R.A! Project. However, the Corrnnission agreed to give the matter furth.er consideration. The matter of whether or not the city should rent separate voting machines for the city election in November WaS discussed. Motion by Corrnnissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the city obtain a separate voting machine for each precinct for the city election in November~ 1964. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and vest None An invoice from Texas Municipal League for annual dues for the year 1965 was presented for payment. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the invoice from Texas Municipal LeagUe in the amount of $520 for membership dues for the year 1965, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting -No: Mayor ;Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest ,None The minutes of the meetihg of June 22, 1964, were presented to the Com- mission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Riae, that the minutes of the regular meeting of June 22, 1964, be approved as submitted. Voting ,Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Comniissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest None r~~'F---"~- !rn [' . .,~--~.~ I [u 248 Witl1 no further business to, come before the Corrnni ssion at. this time , upon motiqn duly !l)ade, seconded a:Q.d carried, the meeting was recessed until 7: 3Qp.m., July 20 , 1964. ~.JtAU/ ~ JYDrrOR ATTEST: - - - - _. - - - - - - - -" - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " i RECESSED ~TING OF CITY COMMISSION . JULY 20, 1964 The City Corrnnission convened in recessed session at the City ,Hall on Monday, July 20, 1964, 7:30 p.m., wIth the following members present: Mayor Eolman, ,presiding; CommissiqnerSAyres, Gill, Rice and vest. The City Manager was.also present. i ~l In accordance with action of the City Commission on June ,22, 1964, bids received for the construction of storm sewers and related appur- tenances at the fOllowing locations were ope:n,ed and read aloud: Milton & Milton (extended): College to Poor Farm Ditch; Amherst: Mercer to Poor Farm Ditch; Tangley; Mercer to Poor Farm Ditch; and Auden: Milton to Rice. Motion by Corrnnissioner Ayres, seconded by Corrnnissioner Rice, that the eight bids received for the construction of storm sewers listed a,bove, be referred to the City Manager and Ci~y Eng:i,.neer, and consulting engi- neers Lockwood, Andr~ws and Newuqm, Inc., for tabulation and recom- mendatiD:tl. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest None In accordance with action of the City COrnmiss.ion, on June 22, 1964, bids received for water pipe, fire hydrants and fittings, were opened and read aloud. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the four bids received for f"qrnishing 680' of 10", 40' of 10" M.J., 880' of 8" and 90' of 6" cast iron pipe, Class 150; three 5 1/4" fire hydrants, valves and various miscellaneous fittings, be referred to the City Manager and Water Superintendent for tabulation and recommendation. 249 ,-__I V:.oting 1Iye;. Voting No: ,Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest None In accordance with action of the City Commission on June 22, 1964, bids received for the sale of surplus property listed belowvere opened and read aloud. One 4 cylinder engine, serial number 835196 $30.25 Cl'j One 6 cylinder engine, serial number 185881 76.76 00 One 6 cylinder engine, serial number 185833 81281 00 One 6 cylinder engine, serial number 185309 70.05 e,:, CO One 6 cylinder engine, serial number 6209E54037 35.35 CO One 6 cylinder engine, serial number 22R4469 80.40 One concrete machine, serialonumber 1201009 35.35 One welding machine, serial number 52388 27.50 One dragline bucket 75.25 Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the one bid received from Houston Truck E~uipment Company, listed above, be referred to the City Manager for verification and recommendation :Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres~ Gill~ Rice and Vest None (-) , I . I I I ; I 1 j A preliminary report from the Zoning and Planning Commission was received and read aloud by Mayor Holman. The report advised the Commission that a Public Hearing had been called for August 13, 1964, 7:30 p.m., by the Zoning and Planning Corrnnission to consider amending zoning ordinance number 111 to permit the Zoning Board of' Adjustment to adopt Rules of Procedure and to amend such rules, to allow interested parties to be heard in con- nectionwith the proposed amendment. It was stated that a final report from the Zoning and Planning Corrnnission would be forwarded to tlE City Corrnnissionafter the Public Hearing had been held. With no further business to come Defore the Corrnnission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. j)d~~ . MAYOR ATTEST: .. j ~ iIfJJ --- 1 .&~ e~e ,in c-. . _:1 -----' 250 ,REGULAR MEETING.OF CITY COMMISSION 'JUIiY~:_27., ;:1994. 1 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, July 27, 1964, at the City Hall, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Rice. Commissioner Vest was absent. The, City Manager and City Attorney were present. The Invocation w~s pronouneed by Commissioner Ayres. Mrs. Rebecca Pitner, 1920 Addison, who owns the property at 2913-15 Cason, appeared before the Corrnnission re~uesting permission to install 220 wiring in the garage ap~rtment at this, address. She st~ted that she had owned the property for,nine years, and had lived, across the street for three years prior to that" and that this property had been a duplex andgl3.rage aI>artment during all the time she had known of it. It was determined, from the type of construction, etc., that this structure had existed prior to the passage of zoning ordinance numb~r 111. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the re~uest of Mrs. Rebecca Pitner to install an additional circuit and 220 wiring in the garage apartment at 2913 Cason be granted, subject toa thorough inspection being made of the entire wiring system in the struc- ture to see that it is completely safe. ! --1 Voting Aye: ,> Mayor Holman, Corrnn:Lssion~rs Ayres, Gill and Rice Voting No: None In accordanc~ with instructions of the CityCorrnniSsion on July, 20, 196#" the City Managerpr~pented a tabulation of the bids received for the con- struction of storm sewer and appurtenances, and also a written recomm~nda- tion from Lockwood, Andrews and Ne~m, 'Inc., comrulting engineers on j;he p project, and the recorrnnendation of the City Manager and City Engineer. It was recommended that the low bid on proposal number two, submitted by John G. Holland Construction; Company, be. accepted. Ordinance number 84l was presented to the Commission at this time and read in full, capt:tqned as follows: ", \ I.,'." .',' . -. \ J _ " " AN 'O:RDINANCETRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM THE OPERATING FUND OF THE WATER-SEWER FUND TO THE GENERAL FUND; APPROPRIATING,THE SUM OF $92,500.00 OUT OF SAID GENERAL FUND TO PAY THE _COST OF CONSTRUCTION A STORM SEWER AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: (a) ALONG MILTON STREET EAST FROM THE INTERSECTION OF COLLEGE STREET TO POOR FARM DITCH, (b) 3600 AMHERS~ INTJi.lRSECTill(JN OF MERCER STREET WEST TO POOR FARM DITCH, (c) 360b TANGLBY, INTER- SECTION OF MERCER STREET WEST TO POOR FARM DITCH, (d) AUDEN, INTERSECTION OF RICE TO INTERSECTION OF MILTON STREET. , , , i ~ l""~'~~~-"~~Lr:I- . _,_~,r:~-~-'-------'-c~--: , I ----==-= ~51 [PI Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that Ordinance number 841, appropriating ~unds from the water-Sewer Fund in the amount of $92,500, allowing a 5% over-run for any difficulties which might be encoun- tered, be passed and approved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gilland Rice None C'l'j 00 00 c..:;, CO CO Ordinance number 842 was presented to'the Commission and read in full, captioned as follows: AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR, AND ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTiION OF, A STORM SEWER PROJECT AT THE FOLLOW- ING LOCATIONS: (a) AIDNG MILTON STREET EAST FROM THE - INTERSECTION OF COLLEGE STREET TO POOR FARM DITCH, (b) 3600 AMHERST, INTERSECTIOl'if OF MERCER STREET WEST TO P00R FARM DITCH, (c) 3600 TANGLEY, INTERSECTION OF MERCER STREET WEST TO POOR FARM DITCH, (d) AUDEN, INTERSECTION OF RICE TO INTERSECTION OF MILTON STREET; ..APPROVING AND ADOPTING PLANS OF JOHN G. HOLLAND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, LOW BIDDER, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SUCH IMPROVEMENTS . AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION THEREOF. (-. I I .I I '-) Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Ordi- nancenum.ber 842, agcepting the low bid of John G. Holland Construction Company, in the amount of' $87,933.00. on plroposal number two, monolithic construction, be passed and approved. Voting Aye: VOTING No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Rice None The City Attorney presented to the Corrnniss-ion an easement received from the Eleven-Seven Realty Corporation, which was executed with only minor changes; namely, providing for a q.eadline i :for, completion of the plr'oject of no later than December 31, 1965, providing that the city agrees to repair;and replace Grantor's driveway paving at the city's expense, and reserving the right to erect improvements on the area covered by the easement which they would lawfully be able to do if the easement were not granted. It was the recorrnnendation of the City Attorney that the city s~gn the letter accepting the easement as executed by the Eleven- Seven Realty Corporation and accept the easement in the form submitted to us. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the Mayor be authorized to accept the easement submitted by the Eleven- Seven Realty Corporation ~or the proposed storm sewer. V otmg Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Rice None -~~rmcT'-" - --. -'~=;m r"",cc~~~r--=-~'"''''U'T- ,[--- 252 In accordance with instrv.ctions of the City Corrnnission on July; 20, 1964, the City Manager presented a tabulation of bids received for water pipe, fire hydrants and miscellaneous fittings~ It was the recommendation of the City Manager that the bid of utility SUpply Company be accepted for the fire hycl,rants, inasmuch as they are bidding Mueller fire hydrants and the city has standardized on these fire hydrants; that the bid of Utility SUpply Company be accepted for the cast iron water pipe, inas- much as they arE:! only $47.90 higher th~n the low bidder, Lone Star Steel, and Utility Supply bidsf'.o.b. job site; that the bid of Mabry Foundry and Machine Company for fittings be accepted, as it is the low bid. -'1 [ i ,_J Motion by Corrnnis13ioner Ayres, $econded by Corrnnis13ioner Gill, that the following bids ~e ac~eptE:!a, for wate~system improvements, as recommended by the City ~nagE:!r1iIi the f'o::Uowing letter: " Cast Iron Water Pipe utility Supply Company Lone star Steel (City re~uired to ~load and de12ver to , . $4,911.00 fob job site 4,863.70 fob WUP team track job site) The city cannq1:; unload and deliver the pipe to the job site for $47.9Q, which is the differe~ce between the bids submitted byLone Star Steel and utility SUpply Company; therefore, w~ recorrnnend that. the contract be awarded to Utility Supply Company.for the delivery of cast iron pipe. , ~--,l Fire HYdrants and Valves Utility SUpply Company Mahxy '. Foundry & Machine Company $1,178.05 1,050.55 We recormnend awarding a contract to Utility Smipply,Company in the amount of $1,1'18.05, for delivery of three Mueller fire hydrants and valves, as the city adopted a policy of' s1:;andardizing on the Mueller fire hydrants and valves some 15 years ago, and our department heads are satisfied with the results attained. Mabry Foundry and Machine Company quotes on delivery of Darling Fire hydrants and valves. Fittings Utility SUpply Company Mabry Foundry and' Machine Company $ 754.45 726.10 It is recommended that a contract be awarded to Mabry Foundry and Machine Company on their low bid of $726.10 for the fittings.,lI Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Rice None "------' 253 r-n I U In accordance with instructions of the City Commission on July 20, 1964, the City Manager presented a recorrnnendation on the sale of certa:Ln. surplus equipment for which the city has no further use. It was recorrnnend.ed that the only bid received, from Houston Tru,ck E~uipment Company, in the amount of $512.72, be accepted. C'f:) 00 00 Co.? CO CO Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the only bid received for the sale of surplus equipment, in the amount of $512.72, submitted by Houston Truck Equipment Company ,be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres,.. Gill and Rice None The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Zoning Board of Adjustment were presented to the Commission for their information. The mirlUtes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on JUly 13, 1964, and the recessed meetingonJuly 20, 1964, were presented to the Commission for their consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner G:Ll~~ seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the min- utes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on July 13, 1964, and the recessed meeting on July 20, 1964, be approved as submitted. o Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnission~rs Ayre:" Gill and Rice None With no further business to come before the Corrnnission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting -Was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. j)~j~ Mayor . ATTEST: ~t'C'.~S' ~_.~ . A.., :LS .an J. ecr ary r 1 LI L-=- ...==T=.~ =~'n ___~c~~_~=--~===r---r:--''''.;: --~'",.=:.1 _,=u' 25-4 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION 'AtJGUST'lO~ 1964 , 1 U The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on August 10, 1964, at 7:30 plm., with the following members present: MayOr DuPree Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gilland Rice. Corrnnissioner Vest was absent. The City Attorney and City Manager were present. Ani~Y9~~~,!!'E!l!,,~:r::~~,'i?:,IfO,"ti~t,"!I.l,~,.' for painting of the city's five water storage reser\i6'irs, 'was presented to the Corrnnission. It was stated that the work had been completed in accordance with the job specifications, and that the invoice was in order for payment. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the invoice from Trust-Kote, Inc~, in the amount of $13,255.16 for cleaning and painting of the city's five water storage reservoirs, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Rice. None The City Manager stated that Coca-Cola Bottling Company would be invoiced for the amount due for painting the reseriToir at Wakeforest and Old Richmond Road, in accordance with a written agreement executed May 11, 1959. ' An invoice from Texas Welding Press Company for repairs to the tractor at the Sanitary Land Fill, was presented to the Corrnnission. It was stated that a Resolution had been passed in July, authorizing the work, and that the work had been satisfactorily cOm.Pleted~ 1 ;-1 ~tion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the invoice received from Texas Welding Press Company in the amount of $2,8.86.00 for repairs to the tractor at the Sanitary Land Fill, be approved,for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Rice. None The City Manager reported that all contracts had been signed, and a work order had been issued, and John G. Holland Construction Company is due to move their equipment in to corrnnence work on the storm sewer construction August 11th. The City Manager reported that the Swirrnning Pool was scheG1uled to close its regular operation on Tuesday night, September 1st, and would operate on a part- time sehedule until the evening of Labor Day September 7th, after which time the pool will be closed for the season. The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Corrnnission on July 27, 1964, were presented to the Corrnnission for consideration and the following action ~as taken: , i I~ r--' : I U Cl'j 00 00 c;, CJ::) CO n I I ,--' Ii ! I L 255 Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on July 27, 1964, be approved as corrected. Voting Ayt?: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Gill and Rice. None With no further business to come before the Corrnnission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. ATTEST: ~iLl .~Lt<.k/J1~ Assi . tCl.ty Secretary '~-r'" "~,,'-'''- '--~"'m::r r'-~""'" .....~~I J}~/~ MAYOR '------;r ') p'c.f. ~;)O REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION AUGUST 24, 1964 . \ L, The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, August 24,1964,7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Corrnnissioners Gill, Rice and Vest. Commissioner Ayres was absent.. The City Attorney and City Manager were present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Gill. Mr. C. E. Posey, City sanitarian, came before the Commission and presented a report on the activities of the Health Department in fogging and dusting the city .for',mosqu:ito_ control.,He stated that the entire city had been covered three times this year, and that it is now betng fogged and dusted again. He' advised the Commission that the City of Houston began giving away insecticide for the prevention of encephalitis through mos~uito control, and that We have started giving insecticide for our citizens to uSe in spraying around their own homes. He also stated that there had been no reported cases of e~cepha~ litis in West University Place, or in any of the areas which had a t'ogging program in operation prior to this outbreak of the ,disease. He told,the Commission that we have mowed all vacant lots and any high grass which might create a harborage for mos~uitoes, and would continue to inspect any reported stagnant water, etc. He also told the Commission that insecticide dust had been placed at all storm sewer catch basins. He stated that our city also fogs and dusts the City of Souths ide Place each time, for a regular charge, and that we had been re~uested to do this again this time. -.-I The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission, together with the final report of the Zoning and Planning Commission with regard to the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance to allow the Zoning Board of Adjustment to adopt and amend its own rules, was presented to the Commission. The Zoning and Planning Commission recommended that the pro- posed amendment be adopted. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Corrnnissioner Gill, that he Public Hearing be called for 7:30 p.m., September 14, 1964, at the City Hall, for the purpose of hearing any interested parties in connection with the amend- ment.of the zoning ordinance to permit the Zoning Board of Adjustment to adopt and amend their own Rules of Procedure, and that notice of the Public Hearing be published twice in the official newspaper of the city, once on August 26, 1964, and once on September 2, 1964. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Rice and Vest. None Mayor Holman announced that a Public Hearing had been called for the purpose of considering the adoption of the Budget for the City of West University Place for the fiscal year 1965, beginning January 1, 1965, and ending December 31, 1965. He re~uested the City Manager to present the resume' of the proposed Budget, and to point out the salient points with regard to ~ r'O, --mm._ ~[_ T" "':1 ....1 -. l:-~' r-~nl , , ! i LJ "'" 00 Q:') ~ CQ CO r-1 LJ '-1 ; i : I '-_n '251'" tax rate, bond payment re~uirements, additional personnel and salary increases to be approved by the Commission. After details of the Budget were presented, Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Adam, 2911 Wroxton, asked questions regarding the bond payment schedules, and proposed Social Security for Firemen and Policemen~.. Ordinance number 843, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING' AN AD VALOREM TAX ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1964, AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF. : Motion by CorrnnisSioner Rice, ,/3'econded by Co~i:ssiGJ!ier Vest,. that :ordinance . number 843, levying and assessing m.dvalorem tax for the year 1964 and pro- viding for the collection thereof, be passed and approved as read. VotingnAy'e:Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Rice and Vest. Voting No: None i Ordinance number 844, captioned as follows;. was presented to.the Corrnnission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR A TWELVE MONTH PERIOD BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1965, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1965, PROVIDING FOR THE APPRO- PRIATION OF PUBLIC FUNDS OF THE CITY FOR USE AND EXPENDITURES. MotionbyCorrnnissioner Vest, seconded by Corrnnissioner Gill, that ordinance number 844, approving and adopting the Budget for the City of West University Place for the fiscal year 1965, beginning January 1, 1965, and ending Decem- ber 31, 1965, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: VClting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Rice and Vest. None ~e City Manag~r read a letter receiVed from the State Department of Public Welfare regarding the coverage of firemen and/or policemen under Social Security, stating that a referendum must be conducted under each department where each_member of each department could state whether they were against or ,for the coverage. He stated that our firemen and policemen each executed aopet~tion stating that they desired coverage under Social Security. He further stated that the Commission needed to call a referendum and to appoint three persons fJJom the Fire and Police Departments to act as Agents for the Department of Public Welfare to hold the election. Resolution number 64-10, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, Section 218(p) of Title II of the Federal Social Security Act bas been amended to permit participation of policemen and firemen in positions covered by a retirement system; and I:::::-,:::~~:=-~-~-~'~=:~::~:_~''-~''-:c::=r=~ __~r:. - -==-"=--'.'9- - -.-. . u 1 ~ 25ti WHEREAS, membe:r:s of the Police Department and Fire Department of the City of West University Place, Texas, have through committee representation re~uested the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas to ask the Texas State Department of Public Welfare to hold an election by and for the members of the Police Department and Fire Department of the said City of West Univers ity Place" Texas, who are members of the Texas Municipal Retirement System, to determine whether or not they wish to have Federal Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance coverage in addition to the existing retirement system. -----I ! I u NOW, THEREFOEE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ,TEXAS: < In order to meet the re~uirementssof Section 218(p) of Titae II of the Federal Social Security Act, as amended, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, hereby re'luests the State Department of Public Welfare to hold as expeditiously as possible, a referendum of the members of the Police Department and Fire Department of said City of West University Place who are members of the T~xas Municipal Retirement System, as re~uired in said law and in House Bill 603, Acts of the 52ndLegislature of the State of Texas, 1951. PASSED AND APPROVED by unanimous vote of the City Commission of the City of west University Place, Texas, this 24th day of August,' 1964. Motion by-':Cdmmissioner Rice, seconded by Corrnnissioner Vest, that Chief of Police H.' E. Shipp, Fire ChiefC. E. Duffin, and Sargeant Wayne Blalock of the Police Department, be appointed as a committee to convass the Police and Fire Departments for the State Department of Public Welfare, and that Chief Duffin serve as Chairman of the Committee. !-'1 ! ! '~l Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Rice and Vest. None An invoic~ received from Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, in the amount of' $2,735.59 for services rendered in connection with the storm sewer project, was pre- sented to the Commission for consideration. A letter outlining the charges for any future servicesre~uired in connection with this project was also presented. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the statement received from Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc., in the amount of $2,735.59 for services rendered in connection with the storm sewer proje~t, be app~oved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Rice and Vest. None ! ! nT" r--l j L_I Cl'j 00 00 c.!:1 CO =0 r1l lLi 259 Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the Mayor be authorized to enter into an agreement with Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc., setting forth the charges of salary cost times two, and mileage at ten cents per mile, for any services in the future in connection with this storm sewer project. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Rice and vest. None The City Manager presented a report on the progress of the storm sewer project to date. He stated that 287 feet had been laid, as of 4:00 p.m. this date. 'He also stated that the hardest part of the project has been completed, and that the work should be finisehed through the school grounds by the lOth of September. A letter of appreciation was read, which was received from the Harris County TB Association, thanking the city for the help given in connection with the TB X-ray unit, and . breathing tests conducted at the Community Building. The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on August 10, 1964, were presented to the Commission for their consideration and the following action taken~' Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on August 10, 1964, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: V oting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Rice and Vest. None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, Up0n motion duly, made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.. j}Lv/~ MAYOR ATTEST: "~kA),~tIi;dl)j SSlS ant Clty re ary ltiU REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 14, 1964 :---1 i I L..; The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, September 14,1964,7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor ' Holman, presiding; Corrnnissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Mayor Holman announced that the public hearing called for the purpose of considering an amend!nent to zordng ordinance numb err:: 111 to allow the Zon- ing Board of'Adjustment to adopt and amend their own Rules of Procedure, was now in session. In answer to <].uestions by the City Attorney,the City Manager statedtb.8.t the Zoning Board of Adjustment had expressed a desire to adopt Rules of Procedure, and that they.had presented suggested Rules of Procedure, together with a proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance to allow them to adop their oWn Rules of Procedure, to the City Corrnnission. The City Commission subse~uently referred the matter to the Zoning and Planning Commission for their study and recorrnnendation. The Zoning and'Planning Commission, after deliberation, prepared and forwarded to the City Secre- tary and to the City Commission, a preliminary report compiled in their meeting on July 16, 1964. During said meeting, the Zoning and Planning Commission Called a public hearing for the date of August 13,1964, and. notice of said hearing was published twice'in the official newspaper of the city on July 22, and July 29, 1964. The Zoning and PlanningCorrnnis- sion held the public hearing on August 13, 1964, for the purpose of hear- ing any interested parties in connection with the proposed' amendment, after making their preliminary report to the City Commission. Following this hearing, the Zoning and Planning Commission presented their final report and :recommendation to the City Commission, recommending that the .proposed ordinance allowing the Zoning Board of Adjustment to adopt and amend their own Rules of Procedure, be passed and approved. The City Manager stated that subse~uent to this action, the City Corrnnission, in regular s~ssion on August 24th, called a public hearing for the purpose af.he~ring ~ny intereste~,parties in connection with the proposed amend- ment to the. zoning ordinance number 111, for the date of September 14, 1964 at 7:30 p.m. He also stated that notice of said hearing had been published twice in the official newspaper of the city on the dates of, August 26, and on September 2, 1964. The Mayor then asked whether there were any interested parties desiring to be heard in connection with the proposed amendment. The only persons present:were Mr.', & Mrs. Harqld J. Adam, 2911 Wroxton, and they had no <].uestions. There being no ~uestions or persons desiring to be heard, the following action was taken: ~---l , --.-! Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the public hearing called for the purpose of hearing any interested persons in connection with the proposed amendment to zoning ordinance,'nuniber 111, allowing the Zoning Board of Adjustment to adopt and amend their own Rules of Procedure, be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest None I ' I--.J F-=-:---::l=~-=--"'==:::':':_ :_ -~lL!:I _ _______~l""--.-"CO-:'J=-=-'----"~.:::~I ~ ---' 261 (-"1 ! j '-- Ordinance number 845, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: M 00 00 ~ CO :Q Cl AN ORDINANCE FINDING' AND :DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PRE- REQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NUMBER 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO, PERMIT THE ADOPTION OF RULES OF PROCEDURE BY THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT; FINDING THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CON- SIDERING SUCH AMENDMENT HAS BEE:N: DlJ.L,Y AND LEGALLY HELD BY ~ ZONING AND J?LANNING COMMISSION AND BY THE" CITY .COM- MISSION; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORTED RECOJl.1MENl)ATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION; FINDING THAT ORDI- NANCE :NUMBER 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOULD BE SO AMENDED; AMENDING ORDINANCE :NUMBER 111 PER- MITTING THE ADOPTION' OF SUCH RULES OF PROCEDURE;' AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE PATE. .' , . Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Corrnnissioner Ayres, that Ordinance number 845, amending zoning ordinance number ill to allow the Zoning Board of Adjustment to adopt and amend their own Rules of Procedure, be passed an~ approved as read. Voting Aye: Votin~ No,: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest None 11 1- The minutes of the Zoning and Planning Commis~ion regular meeting on Thursday, September 10, 1964, were presented tp .<the Corrnn:is!3ion for their consideration and the following, action ~akeri: ' " , ; Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the re~uest of Socony Mobil Oil Company for a hearing in connection with the rezoning of part of Lot 5, all'of Lot 6, Block 2, BissonnetPlace, to permit use as a.'service station, be referred back to the Zoning and Planning Commission with the req,uest that they inform Socony Mobil Oil Company of their next meeting date and allow them to appear before the Zoning and Planning Commission in connection with their re~uest. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres? Gill, Rice and Vest None A letter of resignation from M:r. W. W. Bowman as a member of the Zoning and Planning Commission was pre~entedto the Commission for their consideration and the. following action taken: Motion by Commissioner vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the resig- nation of Mr. W. W. Bowman as a member of the Zoning and Planning Corrnnission be accepted, with regrets. . 1'--1 Voting Aye: Voting No; mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest Nme I i '-- --' , , , [~~:~~~~:::-:-=.=.:~___=-~~m ____ . __~L~ "-':~'I ~..____._. __'u_~_~.:'..~.::...'::' "U.6d The minutes of the Zoning and Planning Corrnnission also reflected that they had once again given consider/3,tion toforrnulat,ion ,of regulations in connec- tion with construction of churches in the city, and they had agreed on several major points that should be considered; that each member would study these points and that their ideas would be combined at the next regular meeting for presentation to the City Attorney to determine if they were legally acceptable. ! i i ' --' A statement of the amount of work completed on the storm sewer project by the John G. Holland Construction Company was submitted under City Engi- neervTom Jones' estimate number one, in the amount of $20,881.80, and the following action taken by the Commission: Motion by CommisSbner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Engineer's Estimate Number 1, in the amount of $20,881.80 for work performed August 10 through August 31, 1964 by John G. Holland Construction Company on the , st,orm sewer project, be approved foro payment. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest None The City Corrnnission was advised of action that has been taken in conneC- tion with the providing of Social Security coverage for firemen and policemen now covered, by the Texas Municipal Retirement System. It -Was stated that the Committee had published notice on September 14, 1964, that the policemen and firemen would vote at a referendum to be held on December 15,1964, to determine whether or not the individual policemen and firemen desire coverage under Social Security. ,.-') , I The Mayor then stated that an ordinance should be passed calling an elec- tion for Mayor and four menibers of the City Commission, at least 30 days prior to the election to be held on November 3, 1964. He stated that this would be brought up at the next regular meeting of the Commission om) September 28, 1964, as this would still allow the 30-day notiCe of elec- tion required. The City Manager advised the Commission that an average demurrage agreement had been signed with Southern Pacific, which would result in a savings on demurrage costs to the city. A check in the amount of $5 was received from Mr. E. H. Horton, which he sent to be applied to the cost of the additional fogging and dusting operation of the city. Mayor Holman suggested that the City Manager write to Mr. Horton, ariknowledging receipt of the check, and advising Mr. Horton that money is already appropriated in the Health Fund for this purpose, but that if he has no objection, the check will be applied to something for the Library. The City Manager presented a list of paving liens against which no payments have been made. He asked the City Corrnnission for advise as to what action should be taken in regard to collection of these liens, as the date they r~~C~--"c,"O '-Tn r"'~~"""""~i-'~'~~'T-~-~-----:r ""U~ r-' I ! were filed was November, 1962, and something should be done before two years have elapsed. After discussing the most desirable method of col- lecting these outstanding liens, the City Commission instructed the City Manager to write to each of the property owner.s and advise them of the indebtedness, and request irrnnediate payment, and if satisfactory arrangements are not made, tbat the city has no other alternative than to file suit for collection. LJ Cl'j 00 00 c.!:S CO :.0 The Commission was informed that the Swirrnning Pool has now been;,closed for the 1964 season, that the pool had been operated in a satisfactory manner, and that the income from the pool was. $15,555 wh:i.ch was a larger amount than had been taken in during any of the past five years. The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on August 24, 1964 were presented to the Commission for their consideration and the following action taken: Motion~y Commissioner Vest, seconded by CommisSbner Rice, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Corrnnission on August 24, 1964, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HOlman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest None I '- With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, secon?-ed and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. 11d:uv~~ MAYOR ATTEST: ~L ~/aIrffiV J'rS:S:" . ant City re ary i i , I ,--i "r"~" .ml--------~_____;r- ~o.~ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 28, 1964 I i '-----" The City Corrnnission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday". September 28, 19?4, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Ho4ill1an;'-_~pres;i.dip:gj: Caj"mu;@spiCJners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Corrnnissioner Vest. Mr. Fritz Hold appeared before the Corrnnission in behalf of his father's re~uest.for permission to install 220 wiring and additional lighting fix- tures in the garage apartment at 4236 Riley-, for the use of his mother.' It was determined that the garage apartment was built in November 1937. ~ Motion by Corrnnissioner Vest, seconded by Corrnnissioner Gill, that the re~uest of Mr. Percy Holt for permission to install 220 wiring and additional light- ing fixtures in the garage apartment at 4236 Riley, be granted; s.ubject to Mr. Holt's executing an' affidavit that the apartment will never be rented, or used for commercial purposes. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest None The minutes of the regular",meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Monday, September 21, 1964, at which they adopted their Rules of Procedure, were presented to the Commission for their 'information. After reviewing the action of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, the Commission considered the Rules of Procedure as being officially adopted. L_l Due to the resignation of Mr. W. W. Bowman as a member of the Zoning and Planning Corrnnission,_ Mayor Holman recorrnnended that Mr. L. B. Bricker be appointed as a member of the Zoning and Planning Commission to complete the unexpired term of Mr. Bowman. Resolution number 64-11, as follows; was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, a vacancy now exists on the Zoning and Planning Corrnnission of the City 5l-ud the City Corrnnission desires to fill such vacancy pursuant to the charter of the City: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That L. B. Bricker is hereby appointed as a member of the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas. 2. That such member so appointed shall serve without compensation. 3. That the said L. B. Bricker shall serve as a member of said Zoning and Planning Commission from September 28, 1964, until November 10, i-----, 1964, and thereafter until the appointment and qualification of his suc- cessor. r . '"'~'" '---~~lIirT--r~-~' ',- ,I r ! I I I i : j '- C'f;) 00 C() ~ CO :.0 '.r: :&ti5 Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that Resolution number 64-11, appointment of Mr. L. B. Bricker as a member of the Zoning and Planning Corrnnission to replace Mr. W. W. Bowman who resigned, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest None At this time, Mayor Holman administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Bricker. The tax roll for the year 1964 for the City of West University Place was presented to the Commission for their consideration. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice that the tax rQl1 for the City of West Univer~ity Place for the year 1964, in the amount dr$26,212,055, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Vot,ing No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest None Commissioner Rice presented a list of personal property delin~uent taxes to the Commission, in accordance with the instructions of the Commission. A committee composed of Commissioner Rice, City Manager Whitt Johnsop and Tax Assessor-Collector Wm. Dittert, prepared the report and made recom- mendations for collections or action to be taken against each. Mr.. Dittert came Qefore the Corrnnission and gave the history.of each case. Motion'by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the recom- mendation of the committee for the disposition of delin~uent personal I>rop- erty taxes and report to the Commission be accepted, and the following list to be stricken from the delinquent tax rolls and be charged off: -Coin Operated Washateria Edloe Street 1960-1961 $ 87.58 Charge off; duplicate assessment. Sold to Pilgrim Laundries and both appeared on tax rolls Krenzler Radio Shop 2607 Bissonnet 1960 Charge off; duplicate assessment. Sold to Organo Radio Service and both appeared on tax rolls '. 21. 81 J. ,S. Brown, Dentist 1960 2613 Sunset Blvd. 35.60 Charge off. The pro- perties have either been moved from the limits of our city or sold, and whereabouts of previous owners are unknown or com- pletely out of business. West University P1. Bldg. & Realty 1959-1960 3202 University Blvd. 8.90 Same as abOve C-c .......... . (", :-" ;j. '.' .'----T"..~"'".....,..~-..~..'.,r7'1 -----;r r '1''''' ......r- ~~O Gerald J. Johnson, Service Station 1958-1960 . $128.16 Same as above 2735 Bissonnett M. J. Atlas, Attorney 5410 Kirby Drive 1957 B.L.M. Company 2609/Sunset Blvd. 1955 B & R Liquor Store 2709 Bissonnet 1955 Davis Fence Company 5324 Kirby Drive 1956-1957 Electro Oil Tool Sales 2609 Sunset Blvd. 1958 G & M Shoe Shop 3632 University Blvd. Tom J. Godfrey Suds-A-Mat 4036 Bellaire Blvd. 1959 1959 W. T., Jones, D.D.S. 6723 Weslayan 1959 Riddels Realty Company 2808 Sunset Blvd. 1955 Bess Shatto Liquor Store 4044 Bellaire Blvd. 1958 c. A. Shirley 4052 Bellaire Blvd. 1954 Stalls Hardware Company 3642 University Blvd. 1956 Texas Pla9tic Dev. Corp. 3638 University Blvd. 1955 Touch-Down Club 2715 Bissonnet 1953-1955 Village Outboard Motors 3622 University Blvd. 1956 Donald F. West 2609 Sunset Blvd. 1955-1956 J. Wren Beauty Salon ;;,6215 Edloe 1949-1951 Wesnech Shell Service Station 4000 Bellaire Blvd. 1952-1955 r'~'." -"" f,q r' "'--"','--'- ~ 6.46 8.90 62.30 107.81 28..04 21. 36 76.90 65.68 4.27 40 . 33 1.78 35 ~ 60 38.68 37.38 26.70 7.12 10.68 142.40 Same as above I--..J Same as above Same as above Same as above Same' as' above Same as above Same' as above Same as above Same as above .'-1 , ',----I Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as. above Same as above Same as above, Same as abOve Same as above ....I~. [I I I_J ~ ;:.() c.o c.~ CO .:0 r-1 L: (-"-1 ! ' i LaMonte Amoco Station 2735 Bissonnet University Muffler Service 5404 Kirby Fatjo Auto Service 2601 Bissonnet Village Lumber Company 5408 Kirby Drive Southwest Karts & Parts 2619 Bissonnet Jack & Kipp Hdw. Company 4008 Bellaire Blvd. Lilimax Food Market 3642 University Blvd. Tex-A-Way 2623 Bissonnet Finger's Furniture Company 3l3l Gulf Freeway Peebles Electric Company 362~ University Blvd. Jeffrey's Studio 2609 Sunset Geo. W. Broyles, Sinclair Station 2916 Bellaire Blvd. Mary Woods Glover, Realtor 2608 Svnset Blvd. -----r"'~"-'~='- '--.-'''''1171 ['" ""cr--~-'" -I 1963 1962 1962 1961-1962 1961-1962 1958-l959 1951 1958-l959 1958 1952-l959 1959 1951-1955 1955-195bj 1959-1960 9.61 40 . 41 31. 68 156.46 62.30 346.03 128.16 67.00 249.20 454.55 37.38 178.00 56.96 .I ..GO I Same as above Saine as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Charg~ off. The business went bankrupt and no as- sets left to recover the taxes due. Same as .above Same as above Charge off. Letter of ex- planation attached. No recorrnnendation. The City has a judgment agains this company for the amoun of delin~uent taxes shown. For information contact City Attorney. Recorrnnend Tax Dept. be granted authority to ad- just the levy as it has been established that the amount was too high. Cor- rect levy should be $8.90 with balance charged off. Further collection effortE by Tax Department Recorrnnend Tax Dept. be.. granted authority to ad- just this levy to $8.90 pE year, as it has been estal lished that levy for 1955 and 1956 of $19.58 was ex- cessive and the balance oj $21.36 be charged off. 268 Whitehead Plumbing Co. 6421 Brompton 1961 Realty Ranch 6218 Westheimer 1953-1959 Shell Pipe Line Company Bellaire Blvd. 1962-1963 Lloyd Surveying Company 5410 Kirby Drive 1960-1962 John K. Mooney 6219 Edloe 1961-1962 University Cleaners University Blvd. 1955-1956 1959-1960 dep 28.04 105.74 174.08 26. 70 22.08. 271. 26 Recommend that this ac- count be turned over to the City Attorney for, collection. Recorrnnend that this tax- payer be notified that unless payrm:mt is made on taxes due we will report this d~+inquency to Housto Re.alty Board. Erroneous assessment. Removed Corrosion Lab. equipment in 1961 and in- cluded remaining assets with e~uipment at She:ll Station. , Erroneous assessment - moved from limits of city in 1959. Erroneous assessment - located at address only one year for which taxes were paid. Recommend we refer City, Attorney for collection. to.'-l- Voting Aye: Voting No: 50.00 221. 26 Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice None and vest Ordinance number 846, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE CALLING AN ELECTION WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ON THE 3RD DAY OF NOV- EMBER, 1964, FOR THE ELECTION OF A MAYOR AND FOUR COMMISSIONERS FOR A TERM OF TWO YEARS AND APPOINT- INGELECTION OFFICERS FOR EACH PQLLING PLACE. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that, Ordi- nance number 846 calling an election for the date of November 3, 1964, for the election of a Mayor and four membersXto the City Commission, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest None Invoice from Utility Supply Company was presented to the Corrnnission for their consideration. 269 ( Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the in- voice from Utility Supply Company in the amount of $3,142.56, for pipe, valves and fittings and fire hydrants installed on Riley, West Point, and Bellaire Boulevard, be approved for payment. i i I ! '-.-.' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest None M 00 00 c.;;s c:Q ::0 The City Manager gave a report on the progress of the storm sewer project. He stated that the project is approximately 65% complete at this time, and'th 'at only one day has been lost because of rain. There was some discussion concerning the lease agreement between the City and Steve' s Wizard of Cars. The City Manager advised the Corrnnission that he had been requested by the Lessee for permission to change the lease ' agreement from the present five year lease, plus the year left on the first lease, to'two separate terms of three years each,. This would not change the1.ength of the lease, only the time limitation of the terms. Motion by3Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Mayor Holman be authorized to execute an amendment to the original lease agree- ment between the city and Steve's Wizard of Cars, changing the primary terni to "tnree-year terms, rather than the original five-year term, plus theone...year remaining on the original five-year lease. ,1-1 I I L....-' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, RiCe and Vest None The.minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Monday, September 14, 1964, were presented to the Commission for theirconsidera- tion and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the minutes of 'the regular meeting of the Corrnnission on September 24, 1964 be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnniss-ioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest None With,no further business to come bef'ore the Corrnnission at this time, upon m.otionduly made, seconded and carr-ied, the meeting was adjourned at 9: 35 p.m. ~Jvudikwa-/ MAYOR 'J. ATTEST: '~~/~difl.kltj) As ," t Ci y Secretary ~:--:,_;I:::I ..~-,--"-[': '-.-:-I:.----.-.---~=-:~ ,...l '-L-r'-'-- l'fU REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER 12, 1964 The City Corrnnission convened, in regular session at the City Hall on, Monday, October 12, 1964, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Vest. Commis- sioner Rice was absent. The City Manager and City Attorney were present. Mayor Holman pronounced "!;he Invocation. Mr. & Mrs. Paul T.Powell, 36<>1 Plumb,appeared before the Commission, requesting permission to build a fireplace on the west side of their house. They stated that there is a 5 t, ~etback and that the fireplace would extend into this setback. They stated that tp.e property is highly ter- raced (about two feet higher than the neighboring property). Mayor Holman advised Mr,. & Mrs. Powell that their request could not be . acted upon by the City Corrnnission" but that they should appear befqre the Zoning Board of Adjustment, if the proposed fireplace would extend more than 2~' into the setback requirements, or would leave less than 3' setback. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on Thursday, OctoJ:>er 8, 1964, were presented to'the City Commission for their consideration, as follows: Request of Mrs. Wilnia Whitaker, 6519 Buffalo Speedway, for sub9.ivision of Lot 9, Block 11., West University Place First Addition, being a lot 100' X 200', into two lots each 50 X 200 feet, fronting on Buffalo SpeedYiaY. The Zoning and Planning Commission recommended approval of this request. Re~uest of Mrs. Julia Bottler, 6J.jQ4 WestChester, for subdivision of Lot 6, Block 28, West University Place First Addition into two lots, each 50X 150 feet to front on ~estchester. Mrs. Bottler stated in her letter of request that the house presently stiuated on this lot would. either be moved to one of the lots, if subdivided" or torn down. Her actual request at this time was merely whether this lot could be subdivided if she moved the dwelling to comply with setback requi~ements. Request of Mr. J. F. Whittington, Socony Mobil Oil Company, forre-zolling of Lot 5 and 6, Block 2, BissonDet Place, for use as a service station.. The Zoning and Planning Commission recorrnnended that this request "be deIlied, inasmuch as it would be considered spot zoning. After considerable discussion as to what action should have been taken by the Zoning and Planning Commission on these requests, the following action was taken by the City Commission; Motion by Corrnnissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the min- utes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Corrnnission on Thursday, October 8.th, be referred to the City Attorney for an opinion as to what action should be, or should have been taken on these requests. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Gill and Vest None ;1' . :,;"'1:"" n I' r c:~r~'c--"~~~---''''-',;,>,<.; i.", :'.'--.lrT-'-'~--'l -r' ~71 Engineer's Estimate Number 2 was presented to the Commission for their con- sideration and the following action taken: I I I ; LI Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, * that Engineer's Estimate Number 2 for work performed by John G. Holland Construction Company On the storm sewer project September 1 - September 30, 1.964, in the amount of $34,424.73, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor ,Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill and Vest _None C'f:l 00 00 c.;, C!) ::Q C1. The City Manager advised the Commission that there were two extra ;ttemson the storm sewer project which would ~equire a change order before they are paid. It was decided that these items would be held until th~ final esti- mate is-prepared, and all change orders for the necessary items will be submitted to the City Commission for approval. A Proclamation declaring November 16 - December, 1964, as TB Christmas Seal. Season was presented for Mayor Holman's signature. Mayor Holman signed the proclamation at this time. Resolut~on Number 64-12, as follows, was presented to the Commission for their consideration and read in full: r--' ! t_, WHEREAS, ~;for the past several years, it has been the policy of the City Commission, of the City of West University to appropriate and budget the sum()f;!$~O.OO each year to the West University Reserve Police Department for the)~purpGse of paying for services to the Corporation Court provided by various individuals of the lteserVe Police Department as Deputy Clerks during ~egular sessions of the Corporation CoUrt; and 'WHEREAS, it has become increasingl3 difficult to obtain volunteer members for the Reserve Police; and WHEREASj,,-Mr. Donald Mathes, a member. of the West University Police Auxiliary, has been serving full time as Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court during its regular night sessions for the past year; and WHEREAS, 'Chief of Police H. E. Shipp has recommended that the individual. perform1i'1g the duties of Corporation Court Clerk be paid for his services, rather\than the sum being budgeted to the West University Reserve Police . Department. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That Mr. Donald Mathes be paid at the rate of $25 per month for perform- ingthe ,duties of Deputy Court Clerk during regu1.ar sessions of the Corpora- tioneourt of' the City of West University Place. I I Ll 2. That any other Deputy required to share. the duties of Deputy Clen: of the Corporation Court, be paid on a pro rata basis for the time served during the absence of Mr. Donald Mathes. 3. That the effective date of this Resolution be made retroactive to September 1, 1964. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 12th day of October, 1964. T ~~~ ~T r' ~..~1 I' 'I ' , A ,.{.J Motion by Corrnnissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that Resolution Number 64-12, appointing Mr. Donald Mathes, a member of the Auxiliary Police Department, as Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court at the rate of $25 per month, be approved as read. ' ; --I I i i i ,~I Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Gill and Vest None Commissioner Rice arrived at the meeting at this time. Resolution Number 64413, as follows, was presented to the Commission and readi.n full: WHEREAS, 'the City Commission of the CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,TEXA~ has heretofore requested the submission of a proposal to it in connection with Wesl.ayan Avenue; and . WHEREAS~ Ralph S. Ellifrit, Planning Consultant, has submitted:to the City Corrnnission a proposa:J,.dated September 2l, 1964, wherein Ralph S. Ellifrit proposes to make a study and anal~sis of traffic conditions and related matters as they now exist on said Weslayan Avenue, and as a result of such study and analysis to make certain suggestions and recommendations to the City Corrnnission; and WHEREAS, the recent increase in traffic on Wesla,yan Avenue hascre.ated several problems, the resolution of which, requires the deveJ.opmeI),tof p.ertinent facts and the anal.ysis of such facts byprofG!ssional. traffic engineers: ~ -r I I THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That the Mayor is authorized to employ Ralph S. Ellifrit for the purpose o~ making a traffic survey on Weslayan Avenue in keeping with the proposal of Ralph E1:lifri t. dated September 2l, 1964, a copy of . such proposal being ~ed Exhibit "A" and attached hereto. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Corrnnissioner Gill, that Resolution Number 64-l3, authorizing Mayor Holman to employ Ralph S. Ellifrit, Planning Consultant, for services in connection ,with recommendations for traffic on Wesla.yan Avenue, in accordance with his proposal dated September 2l, total. fee not to exceed $550, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: . Mayor Holman,\;;Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest None Mr. Mack Martin appeared before the Corrnnission in behalf of his request. for permission to sub-lease the property now occupied by Steve's Wizard of Cars on Bellaire Boulevard. He desires to operate a_muffler shop,andasked that he be given at least six years lease in order that he may have time to amortize his investment. Motion by Corrnnissioner Ayres, seconded by Corrnnissioner Gill, that the Mayor be authorized to enter into an agreement with the Lessee, Steve's Wizard ~ of Cars, to sub-lease the property he now occupies on Bellaire Boulevard for an additional five years. ~"""~:""~"'~""~~~lf:r-'---'-'-r-'" 'r~"~""""T------ I .- - ~'-'"'i o ~ 00 00 c;, CQ :Q o r 1 LI 273 Voting Aye: Voting'iNo: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest None The City Commission instructed the City Attorney to draft a letter to Steve Shevack, owner of Steve's Wizard of Cars, setting forth the terms agreed upon. The City Manager presented a list of paving liens where thetwo~year limi- tation is to expire in November, unless some action is taken. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by'Commissioner Gill, that the Com- mission instruct the City Attorney to take whatever act_ion is necessary to prpteci;.the city's interest in these paving liens, as listed below: Mrs. Ida Mae Alexander 4230 Mar~ette - Lot 5, Block 6 Colonial Terrace, $350.00 Mrs. Bessie E. Balderach qo20 Case Lot ~5, Bl.ock 33 C.V. - 4 ~ Lot 15, Block 3 C V. - 3 Lot 1, Block 31 c. V. - 4 $350.00 Mrs. R. D. Bearden . 3832 Browning , $~.OO MrS. Charles R. Dodd 40 39 Byron $350.00 Mr. J. N. King 4125 Byron Lot 20, Block 28 Colonial Terrace $qoo .00 Chester R. Kline 4136 Cal'lon Lot 23 Fairhaven $320.00 George W. Norsworthy 4134 Amherst 14' Lot 4, Lot 5 Block 23 Colonial Terrace $483.00 Mr. Leo E 0 'Neal 3820 Oberlin Lot 14, Block 10 C. V. - 1 $350.00 Mr. Joe L. Reed 4005 Case Lot 9, Block 32 C. V. - 4 $350.00 iirs. Loretta Taylor 4201 Oberlin . Lot 13, Bloek 7 Colonial Terrace $359.10 Mrs. J. G. Vest 4015 Case Lot 7, Block 32 C. V. - 4 $350.00 $4,062.50 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest None -=------- L.....,.~--~.~."---~.. ,'LLl __,___r.... ..--.--.I'--.~..-"~T~-----.----_________==r ---. ------- ~ A ''"j[ The City Manager stated that an arrangement had been made with an instructor from A & M University for the week of October 19-25, to conduct a safety and equipment maintenance course for a number of the city's employees at the Community Building. A report on the 1964 tax collections as compared with 1963 was presented to the Commission. , The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Corrnnission on Monday;,September ' 28, 1964, were presented to the Corrnnission for their consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the~minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on September 28., 1964, be approved as~submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres ,Gill, Rice and Vest None ! With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, sectonded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. .!2~vuU ~ MAYOR ATTEST: ~4,~klittv stant City ecretary . (! ' l----,...'~'=. Irn r i~~C--'<'--~ 1 T--i:-- I I , i i~. I' ! I I ~ ( i . I LJ 275 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER 26, 1964 u The City Corrnnission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, October 26, 1964, 7:?J) p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioru~rs Gill, Rice and Vest. Commissioner Ayres was absent. City Manager and City Attorney were present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Gill. M ~O 00 c..;, .:Q :'Q The City Manager introduced Mr. Ira Scott, Instructor in Police Training from the Engi-:meering Extension Service of A & M University. Mr. Soott advised the Commis~ionof the 2-weeks training school for our policemen and e~ressed his appreciation for the opportunity to work with the City's Police Department. The Commission was advised that the Zoning Board of Adjustment did not meet in its regtl1.8t1' session, due to the fact that no business had been docketed ten days priortQ -:the meeting date. -, A letter ~as, presented to the Commission from the City Treasurer, listing trust agency checks which have been returned because of lack of a forwarding address. These are checks which are written ,to refund the remaining deposit af'terfinal water bills are paid. The Treasurer requested authorization to clOse out the total amount of these checks and transfer ~this amount into the Water Revenue Fund. r--) I ' I !~l Motion'by Corrnnissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the City Treasurer .be authorized to transfer the total amount of $81.97, being the total of trust ~ency checks written and returned to the City of West University be- cause, ,oj( lack of a forwarding address through January 31, 1962, and to close out this amount. Voting Aye: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Rice and Vest. At this time, the City Attorney was asked to repo~t to the Commission on the matt~psref'erred to hiIOOat the last meeting, involving which Zoning Board shouJ.d handle]ot subdivisions. City Attorney Cockrell stated that the matter ot' sub- dividing lots wouJ.d be handled by the Zoning and Planning. Corrnnission, acting in itscap8.city as a Pla,nning Commission. In this procedure, when an application is J'iJ.;edwith the ,Zoning and Planning Corrnnission, the public nearing shouJ.d be called by the Zoning and Planning Commission, at which time an application shouJ.d be filed with the Planning Commission, containing a plat showing how the lot is to be subdivided, dimensions and any improvements located on it. Upon the fil- ing, a public hearing should be called, giving the notice that a hearitng will be called within 15 days of the meeting, and everyone within 200 feet of the affected property should be notified of the hearing. This wouJ.d meet the notice require- ,ments. Public hearing should be held and at that time, the Planning Commission should either approve or disapprove the subdivision of the lot. If they approve the s.ubdivision, they shouJ.d note their approval in writing on the plat. The purpose of this is meeting the requirements of Article 974a, requiring the approval of a subdivision before it couJ.d be filed in the records of the County Clerk. r i i '--- After approval or disapproval by the Zoning and Planning Commission acting in the capacity of a Planning Corrnnission, the matter is complete. No action is required by the City Corrnnission on these subdivisions of lots. Land owner shouJ.d file the subdivision in the County Clerk's office, because,the only record of the subdivision would be in the minutes of .the Zoninga.nd Planning Commission. --~-I'''-:::'",~-:;':',O::O,,-~'~~-_'-~c-_~JE'!'!r''~~]'T'~'--~~'-'c-=- '"'I '--~-"~.-...~.ncr-:- ~76 Mayor Holman asked the City Attorney what action should then be taken on the two particular cases which were referred to him at the last meeting. The City Attorney stated that in the-case where the encroachment exists on the line of the present lot, the subdivision could be made on s.'contin- gency basis, that it be made to meet the requirements of the district and that it comply with the setback requirements of the particular lot withiri2<; a reasonable period of time (a reasonable period of time being 6 months). If the conditions were -not met within this time, the subdivision would be void, and the owner would have to come back again for approval. 1 i :~ Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the request of Mrs. Wilma Whitaker, 6519 Buffalo Speedway, for subdivision of lot 9 Block 11, West University Place First Addition, being a lot 100 X 200 I, into two lots each' 50 X 200 I fronting on Buffalo Speedway, be referred back to the Zoning and Planning Commission, together with the information provided by the City Attorney as to the correct procedure to be followed; ,and that the request of Mrs. Julia Bottler, 6~4 Westchester, for subdivision of LOt 6, Block 28, West University PJ.a.ce First Addition, into two J.ots each 50 X 150 feet to front on Westchester, be referred back to the Zoning and, Planning Commission with the information supplied by the City Attorney as to what action should be taken by them. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Rice and Vest None The City Manager presented a report on the:~progress of the storm sewerproj- ect and stated that it should be completed in the next two weeks, provided. the rain stops. He stated that most of the work should be finaled out by the 5th of November; if not, it would be carried over to the ,23rd. ' A comparison of the 1963 and 1964 tax collections was presented to the Commission for their information. i -..-! The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on October 12, 1964 were presented to the Commission for their consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Commission on October 12, 1964, be:approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Rice" and Vest None' With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly ,made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjuourned at 8.: 50 p.m. ,(Ju/IALF~ MA"Yu!{ ATTEST: ~4-' gf-4Mfev istant Ci y Secretary . I i I-.-J --------y''--'--- = __I. .-r.o 1 -------' 217 RECESSED MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER' 5, 1964 11 LI The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Thursday, November 5, 1964, at 7::fJ p.m., with the .following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Gill, Rice and Vest. The City Manager was also present. Commissioner Ayres was absent. The City Attorney was absent. C'I'j 00 00 C..':1 00 CO / The meeting was held for the purpose of canvassing the returns of the GeneraLC<ity Election held on Tuesday, November 3, 1964. After the returns were canvassed, Resolution number 64-14. was presented to the CommissiOn and read in full: WHEREAS, in accordance with the Charter of the City of West UniVersity Place;. Texas, the General Election Laws and Ordinance number 84000f the Cityofl West Universflty Place, Texas, a general City Election, was held in the City of We'st University Place, Texas, on November 3, 1964, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four commissioners; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms and ,provisions of Atticle 8.29 of the Election Code (Actsl95l, 52nd Leg. P. 1097, Ch. 492, Article 111) the managers of the election have made out, sigried and delivered in a sealed envelope, the returns of said election together with the poll lists and tally list, to the Mayor and City Cominissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas; and II I ' < ! : I l_ WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas, in Recessed Session assembled on November 5, 1964, have opened ~dexamintld the election, returns and have canvassed the results thereof in accordance with Article 8.34, acts 1951, 52nd Leg., P. 1097, Ch. 492, Art. 116, and as a,result of such examination and canvass, said Mayor and City Commis- sioners find that at such election the following votes were cast: N a.me Candidate For No. 183 No. 15 No. 133 No. 87 DuPree Holman Mayor 804 809 644 818 Richard Ayres Commissioner 699 712 554 725 R9gerR. Wright, Sr. Commissioner 698 715 574 729 O.,P. Gill Commissioner 553 566 438 589 Ioys E. Vest Commissioner 5:fJ 5~4 421 553 WHEREAS, as a result of such el.ection, it appears that DU PREE HOIMAN with a toaal number of 3,075 votes cast for him, was elected Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas; and RICHARD AYRES, with a total of 2,691 votes cast for him, and ROGER R~ WRIGHT, SR., with a total number of 2,716 votes . cast for him, and O. P. GILL, with a total number of 2,146 votes cast for him, and IDYS ];. VEST, with a total number of 2,048 votes cast for him, have been elected Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TExAs: that, n i ! !_- 1. The official results of such election shall be, and they are hereby declared, pursuant to canvass of the returns of such election by the Mayor and City Commission to be that: .-. ,- - -~,. .-. ,-. ._.._~ -- ""IT"n' _.._~L:-__-'-- -- "'=-'1""" .., ,: I _______---...i.l ~'d ~ DUPree Holman was elected Mayor Richard Ayres was elected Commissioner Roger R. Wright, Sr., was elected Corrnnissioner o. P. Gill was elected Commissioner Loys E. Vest was elected Commissioner of' the City of' West University Place,Texas at the said election. 2. An executed copy of' this Resolution shall be delivered to each DuPree Holman, Richar.d Ayres, Roger Rf Wright, Sr., O. p.. Gilland Loys E. . Vest as his Certif'icate of' Election, and duplicate copies hereof' ' shall be delivered to the City Secretary of' the City of West Univers;ity Place,Texas, and the County Judge of' Harris County, Texas, as provided by Law. Motion by Corrnnissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Resolution number 64-14, canvassing the returns.of' the General City Election held. on November 3, 1964, be passed and' approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Gill, Rice and Vest. F,;ngineer's Estimate number 3,. in the amount of $18,043.30 for work performed on the storm sewer project October 1 - October 31, 1964, be approved,.f'or,' payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Gill, Rice and Vest None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. ~4/~~ MA OR ,....,.... ',', ATTEST: ~I~#~ sis~an . Cit - Secret~ ,- ~-T~~~' . --1 ~'------:r '--1 I_i r-l ~ ; LJ - ! 279, REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 9, 1964 r 1 I , i ! \._1 The City. Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, November 9, 1964, 7:30 p.m. for the installation of the newly elected City Corrnnission. The following meIilbers were present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Corrnnissioners Ayres, Gill, Rice and Vest. Corrnnissioner Elect Roger Ril Wright, Sr. was ,also present. The City Manager and City Attorney were present. The Invocation was pronounced by former Mayor Harold E. Terry. cYJ 00 CO c..':1 CO CO Mayo~ Holman introduced the following former City Officials who were present at; "the meeting; Former Mayors Stuart Lamkin, Cecil Lanmon, Hal Terry and Edwin Morris; Messrs. E. Allan Nisbet, former Corrnnissioner; Charlie Wilson, former Zoning Board member; Thomas Lee, Board of Tax Equalization Member; and the followlng persons who are presently members of city boards jmd committees, Messrs.. L. B. Bricker, Zoning and Planning Corrnnission; Harold Adam, Zoning Board of Adjustment; Geor'i!e Dic~inson, Health Board;, H. Edgar Lott, Zoning and Plan- ning Commission. . Commissioner and Mayor protem Horace A. Rice was introduced by Mayor HolmaJ'J.. Mr. Rice expressed his appreciation 1'01" having had the opportunity to serve in the c~paci ties in which he has served oVer the past years. He stated he would be happy to serV;e in any way in the future. r--I Mayor Holman introduced Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Gill, who each made a brief statement expressing their appreciation for the opportunity to serve as a member of the City Commission, and their desire and willingness to cooperate with citizes and city employees to provide outstanding services for the residents of the city. i L! Commissioner Elect Roger- R. Wright, Sr. was introduced by Mayor Holman, and he made a brief statement of appreciation for being given the privilege of serving as Commissioner, and expressed his desire to be of service to the city during his terinof office, in helping the city to go ahead with change and progress. At this time, Mr. E. Allan Nisbet administered the Oath of Office to DuPree Holman-as Mayor of the City of West University Place, and then asked the newly elected Commissioners to rise, whereupon he administered the Oath of Office to them. Former Commissioner Rice rettred from the Conference table at this time. Mayor Ho,1.man introduced City Manager Whitt Johnson, who presented all of the Department Heads of the city. Mayor Holman stated that the first order of business would be the election of a Mayor ,pro tem. , Motion by Corrnnissioner Ayres, seconded by Corrnnissioner Wright, that Corrnnissioner Loys E. Vest be elected Mayor pro tem for the ensuing term. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Wright and Vest None l80 Reso~ution number 64-15, as fo~ows, was presented to the Commission and read in fu~l: WHEREAs, a city e~ection was held on'the third day of November, 1964, in the City of West University Place, Texas, for the:::purpose of electing a Mayor and four members of the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the votes cast at the election held on November 3, 1964, were canvassed by members of the City Commission on the date of November 5, 1964 and it was determined that Mayor DuPree Holman had been duly re-elected Mayor, and that Commissioners Richard Ayres, o. P. Gill and Loys E. Vest had been duly re-elected Corrnnissioners, and that Roger R. Wright, Sr. had been duly elected as Corrnnissioner of the City of West University,f!l;J.ce Texas; and \_, WHEREAS, in regular session of the City COIIimission held on November' 9, 1964, Each of the above-named persons were administered the Oath of Office and duly installed in their respective elected positions; and WHEREAs, upon proper motion and second, Commissioner Loys E. Vest was elected . Mayor pro tem of the City of West University P~ace, Texas: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: L That Mayor DuPree Holman and Mayor pro tem Loys E. Vest be, and they are hereby, designated and authorized to sign or countersign checks drawn on a~ banks serving as depository for funds of the City of West University Place, Texas, and any banks which maybe hereinafter designated as depository for city funds during the term of their office. - i ; ~~ 2. Be it further reso~ved that all provisions of such prior Resolutions as may conflict h:erewithare hereby expressly repealed; and be itf"t:irther resolved that the City Treasurer be~' and he is hereby directed, to furnish each depository bank with which the- city has funds on deposit, or with which the city ;transacts any banking business, a true and correct copy of this Resolution. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that Resolution number 64-15, designating and authorizing Mayor Holman and Mayor pro tem Loys E. Vest, to sign and countersign a~ checks drawn on a~ banks serving as depositories for funds of the City of West University Place, Texas, be passed and approved as read. . Voting-Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Gill, Wright and Vest None Mr. E. Allan Nisbet, chairman of the West University Party, invited everyone present to attend the Reception to be held irrnnediately following this meeting at the Community Bui~ding. With no further business to come before the motion duly made, seconded and carried, the i i_) ATTEST: ~<*Jifm s istant Ci Secretary, I."'::::1==........=-----==---"E.." """"'~F~'~~"'I ------I-- 1 I i Li ~ GO CO c.;, ~ CO -1 ; I ,_I _1 l 28t REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 23, 1964 The City Commission convened in regular session at ithe City Hall on Monday, November 23, 19.64, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor HOlman, presiding; Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright. Commissioner Ayres was absent. TheCi~y Attorney, and City Manager were present. The Invoc~tion wa.s pronounced by Corrnnissioner Vest. Ordinance number 847, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING DAVID HANNAH, EDMUNDS TRAVIS, JR., H. EDGAR LOTT, L.,B;. BRICKER, AND R. C. HILTON AS MEMBERS OF THE ZONING .AND PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Ordinance number 847, appointing members to the Zoning and Planning Commisf;!ion, .be passed and approved as , read. V()ti~g Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioner's Gill" Vest and Wright' None At this time, Mayor Holman administered,the Oath of Office to Messrs. Ha.hb.ah~. Bricker, Hilton and Travis. He thens~gested that they retire to another office and elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman, so that they might advise the Commission of these Officers. Ordinance number 848, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission and read 1n;_f'Ull:, AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING J. C~ SNYDER, L. G. LIVERMORE, B. E.FMNK, W. B.WHENTHOFF, .AND D. L. MURFF_AS MEMBERS AND LE ROY REINHART AND HAROLD J. ADAM AS ALTERNATE MEMBERS 'OF THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. _ Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Corrnnissioner Wright, that Ordinance number 848, appointing members and alternate members to the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of West University Place, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners G~ll, Vest and Wright None .At 'this time, Messrs. Livermore, Frank, Murff and Whenthoff and Alternate Members Reinhart and Adam, came forward and were administered the Oath of Office by Mayor Holman. They also retired to another, office to elect a chairman and vice chairman. Resolution number 64-16, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: ~,it is the duty of the City Co~ission of the City of West University Place, Texas as soon as practicable after the election of a new City COmlnissionto appoint a Judge of the Corporation Court of said City; a City Attorney and Assistant City Attorney; a City Treasurer, Tax Assessor-Collector and Assistant, as may be necessary to transact the City's legal and financial affairs; and ~~'~'-'-,n:r r'- ~~'-"-'-'~'l ------------------ --- - - ;1 l,d V &"4 WHEREAS, the City Commission was elected at the last regular election held on the third day of Novemher, 1964; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEDBY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE OTY OF WESTUNIVERSIT~ PLACE, TEXAS: t~ 1. That the City Corrnnission of' the City of West University Place, Texas 'hereby names and appoints D. Gale Reese, a duly licensed and practicing attornye, Judge of' the Corporation, Court of'the City of' West University Place, TeXas and he is hereby invested with all powers and authority as set f'orth f'or a Corporation Court Judge in theCharter of said City and the Statutes of' the State of TeXas. 2. The: City Corrnnission hereby names and appoints Charles F. Cockrell, Jr., a duly licensed and practicing attorn~y, City Attorney of' the City of' West University Place, Texas,' and he is hereby invested with all-of' the powers and duties as set f'orth in the Charter of' said City and the Statutes of' the State of' ,Texas. 3. The CityCorrnnission hereby names and appoints O. Joseph Damiani, a duly licensed and practicing attorney, Assistant City AttOrney of the City of of' West University Place, Texas. 4. The City Corrnnission hereby names and appoints William Dittert, Jr., City Treasurer and Tax Assessor-Collector of' the City of' West University'Place, Texas, and he is hereby invested with all of' the dutires and responsibilities as set forth in the Charter of said City and the Statutes of the State of Texas. 5. .The City Corrnnission hereby names and appoints Richard A. Reynolds, Assistant City Treasurer and Tax Assessor-Collector of' the city of West University Place, Texas. . 6. That each of'f'icial hereby appointed shall receive monthly compensation for the perf'ormance of their duties in accordance with the heretof'ore adopted salary schedule. I : L-1 7. The persons appointed to the respective offices shall serve until the next regular City General Election, and thereaf'ter until the appointment and qualif'ica- tion of their successors unless discharged by the City Commission f'or just cause. PASSED AND APPROVED by unanimous vote of' the City Corrnnission of' the City of West University Place, Texas this 23rd day of' November, 1964. ' Motion by Corrnnissioner Wright, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Resolution number 64-16 appointing various of'f'icers necessary to transact the city's legal and f'inancial aff'airs, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None City Attorney'Charles F. Cockrell, Jr. was administered the Oath of Of'f'ice at this time by Mayor Holman. The members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment reported to the Corrnnission at this time, that they had elected Mr. J. C. Snyder as Chairman and Mr. L. G. Livermore r as Vice Chairman of their Board, and that meetings would be held on the third I Monday night of each month at 7: 30 p .m. ,~ --r~T~-~~~ ,- .' fin ~~,-~_coc-~"r~c"~~~"T------------------;r" ! ! i . , I L__J M 00 00 c.:;, CO :0 r--1 LI ( l_i 283' Resolution number ~4-17, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the City Commission, pursuant to provisions of the City Charter, to appoint members to various Boards; and, WHEREAS, .the Mayo:):" and members of the City Commission have. contacted and investigated numberous qualified citizens to serve on the various Boards; and WHEREAS, certain per sons have indicated a desire and willingn.ess to serve as members of the Boards as set forth herein; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PrACE, TEXAS: 1. That the following persons be appointed to serve as members of the Boards as set forth hereinbelow: Electrical Board A. L. Bodden, Jr. A. B. Fisk J. D. Allstott Health Board Dr. Howard L. Evans James R. Sims Dr. L. D. Farragut, Ex Officio Personnel Board J. Claude Morton Thad B. Sanders, Advisory Member Victor Grima, Advisory Member PlUmbing .Board (~. Tom I. Jones G. E. Smallwood Warren N. Richey B. B. :By.rne J. S. Waters Dr. N. C. Windrow, George Dickinson, Advisory Member W. E., Rurley Edwin- W. Morris J. D. Allstott Robert G. Wallace 2. 'That tne persons hereby appointed to the respective Boards shall serve without compensation. 3. That the persons hereby appointed to the respective Boards shall serve for a period,oftwo years from the date of this Resolution, and thereafter until the appointUlent and qUalification of their' s:ucc.essors. PASSED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of November, 1964. Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Vest that Resolution number . 64-17, appointing members to the Health Board, Electrical Board, Personnel Board and Plumbing Board, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright None ,.~,~-~.- --, 284 The following members of these Boards were present, and were administered the Oath of Office by Mayor Holman at this time: Messrs. A. L. Bodden, Jr., B.B. Byrne, J.D. Allstott, and A. B. Fisk of the Electrical Board; DoctorssHoward L. Evans, James R. Sims and N. C. Windrow of the Health Board; Messrs. Edwin W. Morris, w. E. Furley and J. Claude Morton of the Personnel Board; and Messrs. Warren N. Richey, Tom I. Jones and G. E. Smallwood of the Plumbing Board. !~J The Commission was advised that Mr. E'd'Win W. Morris had been, elected as Chairman of the Personnel.Board. The members of the Electrical Board and the Plumbing Board retired to elect Officers. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Corrnnission held on Thursda.y, November 12, 1964, were presented to the Commission for their consideration. The Zoning and Planning Corrnnission advised Mrs. Julia Bottler, 6404 Westchester, that they would call a public hearing to consider the subdivision of Lot 6, Block 28, West University Place First Addition, ~f she desires,. providing she submit a surveryor's plat .showing all. dimensions of the property and all structures located on the property, and that she pay the $25.00 fee for advertising expenses in connection with the calling of the public hearing. (This lot could be subdivided on a contingency basis, as outlined by the City Attorney in his le'tter to the City Corrnnission.) The Zoning and Planning Corrnnission has called a public hearing for' the date of December 10, 1964, 7:30 p.m., for the purpose of hearing any interested property I owners in connection with the subdivision of Lot 9, Block 11, West University Place First Addition into two lots each 50 X 200' to front on Buffalo Speedway, .~ as requested by the owner, Mits. C. w. Whitaker. Mr. David Hannah then came forward and advised the Commission that he had been re-elected chairman of the Zoning and Planning Corrnnission and that Mr. Richard Hilton had been elected Vice Chairman. Chairman Hannah then read a letter written to Mayor Ho+man, setting forth the recorrnnendations of the Zoning and Planning Commission with regard to -standards and regulations for construction of chUrch bUildings, as requested by Mayor Holman in May, 1964. After considerable discussion, the report of the Zoning an,d Planning Commission was accepted for study and consideration by the City Corrnnission. At this time, the members of the Plumbing Board and the Electrical Board reported to the Commission that they had elected their officers. The Plumbing Board set the first Monday of each month as their meeting date, but did not elect a Chairman. The Electrical Board elected Mr. A. B. Fisk as Chairman, and selected the third Monday of each month as their meeting date. A list of election expenses for the city election held on November 3, 1964 was presented to the Corrnnission for their information. The total amount of the expense involved was $480. Engineer's Estimate number 4 in the amount of $8,723.83, for work performed on the storm sewer project was presented to the Corrnnission for their consideration and the following action taken: f. r ~i I~"~-. j~~::~:-:.:'=-~~":"_~_~El::I- _. ._ ___~r.~ -" . --=r.-'-""'T"'''=-''''''~-O''-;''''''~:~ -' '-n: 285 r--1 LJ Motion by Corrnnissioner Vest, seconded by Corrnnissioner Gill, that Estimate number 4 in the amount of $8,723.83, to John G-. Holland Construction Company for work performed on the storm sewer project since November 1, 1964, be approved for -payment. Voting Aye; Mayor Holman, CoIllll1issioners Gil;L, Vest and Wright Voting No: None M 00 00 r-? CO CQ The CoIllll1iss-ion was advised that Mr. Mack Martin, who had appeared before the Commissfonat a previQus meeting requesting a sub-lease agreement on the property now occupied by Steve's Wizard of Cars, no longer wanted the City Attorney to draw up the agreement, due to financial difficulties Mr. Martin is having at the present time. The minutes of the Regular meeting of the Commission on October 26, 1964, the recessed meeting on November 5, 1964 and the regular meeting on November 9, 1964 were presented to the Commission for their consider~tion and the following action taken:' -~l MotiOD.'byCommissioner Vest, seconded by Corrnnissioner Wright that the minutes of the regular meeting of-the City Commission on October 26; 1964, the recessed mee~i..ngonNoVember 5, and the regular meeting on November 9,.1964, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Mayor Holman, CoIllll1issioners Gill, Vest and Wright Voting No: . None rl " With no further businesS. to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion I . dulyina.de, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed at 9:30 p.m. LJ /J~/~~ MAYOR ATTEST: ~#tN;O~~~U Ass~ ,... ., t City Se..' . . , ('- i 1 L; CO':,:"",,::,:,,:,::':: _~__~.dJ1 . ,~~L ~--~"'T'" ''''''':1 .....I' u; GOU r RECESSED MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION DECEMBER 11, 1964 The City Commission convened in recessed session on Friday, December 11, 1964, 8 a.m., at the City Hall, with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Gill, Vest and Wright. Commissioner Ayres was out of the city. The City Attorney and City Manager were present. Mayor Holman stated that the City Commission was convened in recessed session to consider a proposal for the submission of a joint bid with the City,Qf Bellaire to purchase Tract 15 of the_Blue Ridge Farm Prison being offered for sale by the_Texas Department of Corrections. The Mayor then asked City Manager Whitt Johnson to present a resume of the discussion and action taken by representatives of the City of West University Place and representatives of the City of Bellaire. The City Manager presented a summary of ,the action taken and also presented a written resume, which is as follows: "Monday, December 7th, City Manager Gary Summers and I made a visit to the Blue Ridge Farm System to agfiJ.in review its location, check roads, drainage, etc., with the thought of submitting certain information to the Bellai::r:'e City Council during a called meeting that evening. In the meantime, I checked with Corrnnissioner Gill and reviewed our meeting with Mayor Holman ,on Friday, December 4th. At the Mayor's request a meeting of the city's ;Finance Corrnn:i.ttee was held at 7:30 p.m. that evening, with all members present except Rolland Gray. After the propositionV!as, explained to them thoroughly, they enth:us- iastically urged that city officials make all efforts to acquire Tract 15, and one or two members even suggested that we consider a price far in excess of$600-perhaps even to $1,000 per acre, bid price. Upon invitation from ~he Mayor and City Manager of Bellaire, Commissioners Gill, Wright and Qity Attorney Charles F. Cockrell and I met with their Council at 8.:15 p.m. A copy of their minutes of this mee't:tng is attached. Tuesday, December 8tll, I visited Tract 15 with our City Engineer Tom Jones and Superintendent of Sanitation O.D. Gregg, to familiarize them with the location and layout, Later in the day, I conferred with Commissioner Gill and he suggested that We engage the services ofa qualified appraiser. I called City Attorney Cockrell 'and the Bellaire City Attorney, and talked oVer numelwus problems with them, and Charles Cockrell recorrnnended that we engage Mr. Duncan Allen of Allied Appraisers, Inc., to submit an appraisal report on Tract 15. Bellaire City officials agreed to this employment, and he was engaged to make a report on the basis of $150 per day. ' Mr. Allen started his investi- gation Thursday, December 10th, 10 a.m., and agreed to have the report in our hands by 5:30 p.m.of the same date. On Wednesday, December 9th ,and Thursday, December 10th, I attended the bid opening at the Rice Hotel, Colorado Room, 1:30 p.m. and made a tabulation of the bids opened and read at the p~blic meeting. Copies of the tabulations were sent to all Corrnnis- sioners and the Mayor. ~t was noted that bids were submitted on Tracts in the Blue Ridge Farm System, at Sale Number 1, and none were submitted at Sale Number 2. Thursday, December 10th, 9 a.m., I met with the Bellaire Mayor, Robert D. Watts, City Manager Gary Summers, Attorney Paul Strong and Councilman Bill Rauch, for almost an hour, at which time the mechanics of the'bidding weit"e worked out and it was decided that the bid would be submitted in the name of the City of Bellaire, in order to avoid complications and to comply with the State's bidding documents, and that we would present to the City of Bellaire a cashier's check in the amount of one half of 10% of the agreed bid price for Tract number 15, and that a letter shoulq. be executed in T-.---'". ----- im r- n--~~l ; , \-} .., \ i i i ; I '- ~~. '-il.---- 4.i08 favor of the City of Bellaire and signed by Mayor Holman, corrnnitting the City of West University Place to pay one half of the bull bid price for Tract 15 of the Blue Ridge Farm System in accordance with all of the terms and conditions 6f the "Invitation for Bids issued by the State Department of Corrections in connection with the sale of Tract number 15 at its sale number 3", provided that the City Corrnnission is in favor of submitting a bid on Tract 15." I i I i ~I The City Manager then stated that he had requested City Attorney Cockrell to investigate all legal aspects'of the sale to determine that the city could legally enter into an agreement with Bellaire, etc. Mr. _Cockrell stated that this agreement could be legally made, and that the city could legally submit a bid on Tract l5 of the Blue Ridge Farm in this [manner if the City Commission so desired. ~ 00 00 ~ c.Q ~ After considera~ilie discussion, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that -the City of W;est University Place agree to join with the City of Bellaire in submitting a bid of $350 per acre, as agreed upon by the Bellaire City Council in special session on'Thursday, December lOth, for Tract 15 of the Blue Ridge State Farm, and that Mayor Holman be authorized to sign a check in the amount of one half of 10'10 of the total bid price, payable to the University State .Bank to procure a cashier's check in this amount to be submitted to the City of Bellaire prior to bid opening at l:30 p.~lll., December ll, 1964, together with a letter signed by Mayor Holman, agreeing to pay one-half of the total bid price for Tract l5, if the bid is accepted. ---I Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissll>ners Gill, Vest and Wright None Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Corrnnissioner Gill that in the event that Bellaire is the successful. bidder in this joint bid,tla t it be recom- mended that the members of the City Corrnnission of the City of West ,University Place and the members of the City Council of the City of Bellaire, immediately bet/jinnegotiations on the division of this property with the hope that an ' amicable division can be made prior to the transfer of the title from the State to the City. Voting Aye: Voting No:' Mayor Holman, Commissioners' Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business to come before the Corrnnission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 a.m. ATTEST: , i '---- ' r '-<:"~O'~~"-O-'iriJ r-- '__~~'T__- IJdvW//~~ . MAYOR ' t.Joo REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION . DECEMBER 14, 1964 The City CoIllID.ission convened in regul.ar session on Monday, December,J.4, J.964, , i_j 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall, with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright. The City. Attorney and City Manager were also present. Former Commissioner Rice was present at the meeting and introduced his son, Ronnie, and another boy, Earl Freeman, who are Boy Scouts. Mr. & Mrs.. Harold J. Adam, 2911 Wroxton were present, but had no business to bring before the Corrnnission. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Corrnnission were presented to the Commission for their consideration. The Commission was advised that in regular session on Thursday, December 10, _1964, a public hear- ing was held by the Zoning and Planning Corrnnission to consider the subdivi~t@n of'_ Lot 9, Block 11, West University Place First Addition, into two lots each 50 X 200 feet to front on Buffalo Speedway, as requested by the owner Mrs. C. W. Whitaker, and that after holding' the hearing, the lot was subdivided as requested. The other matter of business acted upon by the Zoning and Plan- ning Commission was the election of'a Secretary f'rom among its members, and Mr. L. B. Bricker was elected secretary. The City Manager requested authority to advertise for bids for the purchase of automotive and truck equipment authorized in the 1965 budget. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for.bids for replacement of the ten auto- motive and truck units as authorized in the 1965 Budget, to be received until January 25, 1965, 7:30 p.m. I ,--.-J Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HolJna.n, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None A list of individuals selected to serve on various coIllID.ittees of the city was presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by CoIllID.issioner Gill that the individuals listed for appointment to the Corrosion Prevention Committee, Finance Committee, Insurance Committee and,Heating and Air Conditioning Committee, be appointed as memb~rs of these committees, as follows: Corrosion Prevention Committee Donald H. Bond RUSsell Brannon Lloyd B. Quinby C. H. Goodnight John Attwood Finance Committee o. O. Mitchell, K. D. Toft Beeler W. Myers, Jr. Walter E~ Davis Rolland A. Gray A. G. Green, Jr~ '-----, I" IITI r'''~'''~''-- ..I...'..'~~.I ,I --~---.._- Tn~- u 41' c; ~ Insurance Committee I , I LJ Fred A. Rhodes, Jr. C. V. (Van) Berson J. o. Eason John E. Boyd, Jr. R. B. Overstreet Heatin~ and Air Contionin~ Committee Cfj 00 en ~ ~ ~ J. E. Means Frank Pugsley Bert P. Fisher W. Ray Dadisman Tony Fenoglio John M. McKip,ney Frank Seymour Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The Commission was advised that the State Fire Insurance Commission had requested that tbeeity pass an ordinance increasing the reward for the arrest and con- victionof persons committing arson from $200 to $250. , Ordinance number 849, captioned as follows, was presented to the Corrnnission and rea.d iIif'ull : !~) . AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO OFFER FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, A STANDING REWARD OF ,$250.00 FOR THE ARREST AND CONVICTION OF ANY PERSON OR PERSONS FOUND GUILTY OF ARSON C~MMITTED WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ,'~' ", -;-;:rlt:!]EX,AS: REPEALING ALL PRIOR ORDINANCES WITH LIKE SUBJECT MATTER: AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Gill, Seconded by Commissioner Wright, that Ordinance number 849, increa'sing the amount of re~ard for arrest and 'conviction of arson, from $200 to ,$250, as requested by the St~te,Fire InsUrance Commission, be passedaxid approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright . None A list was presented ,to the Commission showing those insurance agents who received a. pro rata share of insurance premium commissions for the year 1963. Members of the Commission were asked to study the' list and advise the City Manager if they knew of any new names to be' added, or any who showld be removed from the list, for action at the next'meeting. Mayor Holman suggested that the Insurance Corrnni ttee review the list to see if -&hey kne of any name,s tO,be added, so that a list may be presented at the next regular meeting of the Commission for approval,<in order that premiums may be paid by the end of the year. Resolution number 64-18, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: I L WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the Tax Collector's Fund detrived from current ad valorem tax collections which will not be required for current operating expeB.ses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sumS of money. J'=- "T'\ I , 'I if ----.- . ---~,_. ..._---'..'--I~-'-- ~~u NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that .the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount o.f: , Approximately $200,000.00 in the following Savings and Loan, Associati.ons: American Savings & Loan Association, Houston First Savings & Loan Associa,tio.n, San Jacinto Savings & Loan Association, and Liberty Savings & L9an Association. -) Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner ~es, that Resolution number 64-18 authorizing investment of approximately $200,00.0 trom the current tax collections fund, in various savings and loan associations, be passed and approved as read and amended. ' Voting Aye: 'Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright Voting No: None A letter addressed to the Mayor and City Corrnnission from City Engineer Tom Jones, recommending acceptance of the work completed on the storms~werproject by John G.Holland Construction Company, was read to the CorrnnissioIl. A final estimate prepared by ,the City Engineer in the amount of $9,1~9. 30, thisJUlIount being the retainage on previous estimates, was also presented tot he Commission. A ~etter from Consult,ing Engineers Loc~wood, Andrews and Newman, Inc., recom- mending acceptance of the work performed, was presented, and a l,et,ter ofguar- antee from 'John G. Ho~land Construction Company, stating that all work had been cOmp~eted, and thatal~ materials used, work sub-contracted, had been paid in full. Ordinance number 850, captioned as follows, was pr~sented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT, THE CONSTRVGtrION OF A MONOLITIfICSTORl4SE.YmAT THE FOLWWING WCATIONS: ALONG MILTON STREET EAST FROM THE INTERSECTION OF COLLEGE TO POOR FARM. DIT.CH.: 3.600 BWCK OF TANQLEY'WEST FROM THE . .. .-.. . --. INTERSEGTION OFMERCER'I'O, POOR FARM DITCH: AND REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE FROM THE;. NORTH. SIDE OF THE ,INTERSECTION OF, RICE BOULEV:ARD SOUTH TO THE INTERSECTION. OF MILTON STREET: AND THE 3600 BWCK OF AMHERST WEST FROM THE INTERSECTION OF MERCER TO. POOR FARM DITCH IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS' As 'PROVlDED IN ORDINANCE NUMBER 8.42, AWARpnm A CONTRACT TO THE JOHNG. HOLLAND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: APRROVING THE CITY ENG:QiEER' S' FINAL ESTIMATE AND ACCEPTING A STATEMENT FROMCONSUL':J;INGENGINEERS, WCKWOOD, ANDREWS " AND NEWNAN, INC., THAT SAID STORM SEWER HAS BEEN BATn>",: FACTORILY COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLANS AND SPECIFI- . CATIONS AND. AUTHORIZING.. AND DIRECTING SETTL&MENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEIR RECOMMENDATIONS: AND AUTHORIZING A REMAINDER OF $1,307.04 '"RETuRNED TO THE GENERAL FUND, AS APPROPRIATED IN,ORDINANC]1 NUMBER 841. , Motion by Corrnnissioner kyres, seconded by Corrnnissioner Vest, that Ordinance number 850, accepting work performed on the storm sewer project by Jo~n G. Holland Construction Company, authorizing payment of the final estimate of $9, 1~9. 30 and returning unused funds in the amount of $~, 307.04 to the General Fund, be passed and approved as read. .~ Vottng Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None r~'~'."~'~''''-~ ;f~I'1--""'-"~~"-~~r" ,.. ----..,'.~l ,(" .. T o Cl'j 00 00 ~ CQ CQ o o 291 The City Attorney was asked to advise the Commission what action had been taken in regard to the collection of paving liens outstanding which were referred to him for action. He stated that he is in the process of preparing petitions to be filedbefor'e the en.dof the year, in the eleven cases where no payment has ever been made on the liens. The Commission was advised that the case of Mrs. Carol Turk versus the City of West University Place would be held in County Court number 4, January 13, 196;, 9 a.m. in Judge Guarino's court. There was discussion as to whether Assistant Attorney Joe Damiani might be needed in this case. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded py Corrnnissioner ~ill, that Mr. Joe Damiani be employed ata reasonable fee, if his services are needed in'the case of Mrs. Turk versus theCity of West University Place on January 13, 1965. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman,Corrnnissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None The Commission was advised that Mr. Harvey Richards, owner of the property at 3lK)2 University Boulevard, who appeared before the Commission in June, 1964, . requesting an extension of time on delinquent taxes, :aM sold this property ~d a tax statement had been requested. Therefore; it would not be necessary to file suit for collection of these delinquent taxes. The City Manager advised the Commission that the Fire and Police Department employees would vote in the Social Security Ref'erendum on December 15, 1964, to determine whether or not the individual employees desire to participate in the Social Security coverage. A report was presented on current ad valorem tax collections, f'or the Corrnnission's information. The City Manager presented a report on the city's eff'ort to purchase jointly with the City of Bella.Ji:re, Tract number 15 of' the BlUe Ridge State Prison Farm 'System. It was stated that Mr. Alvin Moody and Mr. W..K. King had submitted a higher bid on Friday, December 12th, at Sale number 3, for the entire farm system, than the total aggregate bids on the s~parate tracts within the Blue Ridge Farm System; therefore, it is assumed that Messrs. Moody and, King will be awara.ed the bid on Blue Ridge Farm System. There was discussion concerning the possibility of . negotiating with Mr. King and Moody, to obtain ownership of Tract 15. The City Manager was instructed to disonss this matter' with the City officials of Bellaire to determine if they desire to participate in the negotiations, and to report to the City Commission t~e results of his conf'erences. The City Manager was also instructed to determine from the Houston Lighting and Power Company the status of their right of way through Tract 15 of the Blue Ridge Farm S;ys tem. The minutes of' the regular meeting of the Commission on November 23, 1964, were presented to the Commission for their consideration and the following action taken: ~:::....___~-::..._.--.::"~_~_________~t::!::I ----"""1f:--=:--... 292 Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Gill, that the minutes of the regular meeting on November 23, 1964, be approved as corrected. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: o Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Gill, Vest and Wright None With no further business to come beiloJ;e the Corrnnission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. AJIAli/I~ MAYOR ATTEST: /~r4~I:"'tiIuJ As s ant Cit eretary I i lJ 1-1 I : IJ l':::::i====_'O:==%~.-:11TI 'T' .'__rcco"'o-"C""["'-,.-"~~ ...J. ,--I U Cl'j 00 00 c..':1 CQ CO '-, tJ r-l LI 293 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION DECEMBER 28, J.964 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, December 28, J.964, 7::P p. m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Gill and Wright. Commissioners Ayres and Vest were out of the city. The City Manager and City Attorney were present. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment were presented to the Commission for their information. There was some discussion concerning'the desirability of discouraging property owners from en,closing their "garage when it would leave no place for their car other than the street or 'driveway. A list of insurance agents eligible to receive a pro rata share of the city's insurance premium commissions, was presented to the Commission for consideration. .Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that the follow- ing list of insurance agents be approved and that each agent J.isted be paid an equal amount of the city's insurance premium commissions for the year 1964 by Comiskey Insurance Agency. , AGENT COMPANY al.. John E. Boyd, Jr. 2723 Robinb.ood John E. Boyd & Company 1704 Westheimer - 77006 2. Wynne L. Creekmore 3159 Tangley Creekmore & Jacobs Box 8445 - 17004 3. Robert F. Hughes 4204 Amherst Robert F. Hughes, Ins. 6129 Edloe - 11005 D,. R. B. Overstreet 3113 Pittsburg Broadfoot & Overstreet 4506 Montrose - 11006 5. Seth W. Ramey 3l409 Rice Blvd. 11005 I'; C. Van Berson 2129 Centenary 11005 John L. Wortham & Son 'Rusk Building 6. Fred A. Rhodes, Jr. 6633 Vanderbilt 7. W. B. Ruth 3516 Nottingham Julius Levi & Company Bankers Mortgage Bldg.17002 W. B. Ruth & Company Box 8192 - 11004 8. T.P.Hewitt, Jr. 3155 Tangley L. G. Butler & Company 538 Bankers Mortgage Bldg. 11002 9. C. D. Whatley 6602 Bu:rfalo Speedway C. D. Whatley Ins. Agency 6602 Buff'al.o Speedway 10. ' Joe O. Eason 3113 Nottingham ll. " J.P. Huff' 3l406 Albans Joe. O. Eason :Box 13242 - 17019 Houston Security Ins. Agency Box 6593 - 11005 '--~r~=~=~1LlT -----=::I [' -[ 'c ~'l ~";:J/:t 12 . Wayland Hancock 3746 Tangley Wayland Hancock Ins. Ap:ae;9" ,1927 Richmond Ave. - 77006 13. Aubrey Frye 3008 Rice Aubrey Frye Ins. Agency 1108. Waugh1?rive - 77019 '-1 I ' -------J Vo~ing Aye: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Gill and Wright Voting No: None The City Manager presented a report on the results of the referendwn held by the. Fire and Police Departments on December 15, 1964, to determine 'whether, , the 1ndi vidual members of these departments desireq. to participate' in. ~qciEIJ. security coverage. He stated that the following members of the Fir~~part-ui ment voted for coverage: . -, . . C . E. Duffin Charlie S. Wilson, Jr. B. F. Wilcher Marvin McElroy G. E. King Boyd Leon Rozell that the following members of the Fire Department voted agains coverage: Albert R. Allen Richard Farris that the fOllowing members of the Po1.ice Department voted for cove:#,ag~:) H. E. Shipp H. W. Blal.ock Robert K. Covington James L. Edwards W. D. Woodard I I U and the following members of the Police Department voted against coverage: James O. Bryant R. J. Bugg Howard G. Holmes ,H. D. Robertson FrankE. Walters J. C. White He stated that this wi1.1 prQvide coverage for. any persons who come.int.o the two departments in the future and for those in each department who voted for coverage. ThQse who voted a.pinst ~ove~age will be ineligible for co~erage aslo~g as they are emp1.Qyed by a municipality in the State Qf Texas Resolution number 64-1.9, as follOWS, was presented to 'the CommissiOn ~d.rea4in full: WHEREAS, The City Commissi~n ~f the City of West University Place, Texas ;bas .elected to invest the city's available cash in shares and savings accounts with recognized savings and loan associations cha,rtered in the State of Texas, and doing business in the City Qf HQuston, Texas, which is not required for current operatioIl o~ the var~ous municipal activities; and 1--1 I I I-.-J r- - ,---"---- , ~1~fJ- r.-.---.---~~---nl ~--~-' '1" 11 I ! U Cl'j 00 co C..';1 CQ CQ o [--I L.i 295 WHEREAS, it is necessary that certain elected and appointive officers of the City' of Wes:tUni versi ty Place , Texas, be designated to act for and on behalf of the City of West University Place, Texas, in connection with the deposit, withdrawal or exchange of funds, in said savings and loan associations; and , WHEREAS, fs'iighatures of designated officers are required and authority shall be inve'st.ed in three of the five such 'officers, one of whom shall be an elected city official, either Mayor Pro tem Loys E. Vest or Commissioner Rich~d Ayres, to,act for,fU1 on behalf of the City of West University Place, Texas, in connection with tll.~' :tl.n,dling of shares and savings in the savings and loan associations, as set forth ,herein; and WHEREAS" it is necessary to substitute the names of one of the ele.cted city offtcia1~ to ;serve in lieu of Mayor Pro Tem Horace A. Rice, whose term expired on November 9, 1964, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY .PLACE, TEXAS: 1. The herein designated officers are hereby authorized to open investment share accounts for the City of West University Place, Texas, and to invest its available funds from time to time with recognized savings and loan as- sociations chartered in the State of Texas, and doing business in the City of Houston, Texas, and that said associations are hereby' authorized to act without further inquiry in accordance with signature cards bearing the signatures of three of 'the five such officers, unless and until the as,sociations have ,been notified in wirting of any change of officers or further authorization for other individuals to so sign: j' . ;, ) ~ \ . Loys E. ,Vest - Mayor Pro Tem Richard Ayres - CoJDJilissioner Whitt Jobl1son- City Manager William Dittert, Jr. - City Treasurer R~chard A. ReyUolds - Assistant City Treasurer 2. Each of the five designated officers shall execute signature cards required by t:heassociation, with a specimen of their signature. 3. This Resolution shall supercede the authority contained in Resolution 62-17 applicable' to the said savings and loan associations, wherein Horace'A. Rice, Mayor pro tem, was designated as the elected officer of the City eligible to act on behaJ.f of the City of West University Place, Texas,~l The signature and authority of Horace A. Rice, is hereby removed inasmuch as his term as Mayor pro tem of the City of West University PJ.aee, Texas, expired on November 9,1964. 4. Be it further resolved that all proviiions of such prior Resolutions as may conf'lict herewith are hereby expressly repealed. Motion by Commissioner Wright, seconded by COmm1ssioner Gill, that Resolution 64-19, authorizing the signatures Qf Loys E. Vest, Mayor pro tem; Commissioner Richard Ayres; City Manager Whitt Johnson; City Treasurer William Dittert, Jr.; and Assistant City Treasurer Richard A. Reynolds, on savings and loan associa- tion accounts, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayo Holman, Commissioners Gill and Wright None 296 The City Attorney reported that petitions had been prepared for fi1iI1g, on the paving 1.iens on which the two-year 1imitation woul.d expire on December 28, 1964,_and_that they woul.d be fi1ed before the 3O-day 1imitation for filing had expired. The City Manager reported that a 1.etter had been received from theClIftlY9f Bellaire, stating that their bid on Tract 15 of the B1.ue Ridge Farm whiebwas. offered for sal.e by the TeXas Department of Correct10ns, had been reJected, and that they were retUrning the amount submitted to them by the City of Weact University Place to cover one ha1fthe bid deposit. A newspaper c1ipping,was shown which stated that Mr. A1.vin, !(oody had been awarded, the bid by the Texas Department of Oorrect:i.ons on the entire B1ue Ridge Farm System. The City Manager was instructed to conver with representatives of the City of Bellaire to determine whether they are still interested in negotiating for the purehase of Tract 1.5 of theB1.ue Ridge Farm System, and to report to the Commission ,at a 1ater date. o The minuted of the regu].ar meeting of the City Commission' on December 1.4, 1964 and of the recessed meeting on December 11, 1964, were presented to the Coni- mission.for their consideration and the fol.l.owing action taken: Motion by Commissioner Gill, seconded by Commissioner Wright, that theJllinutes of the regu.1.ar meeting of the'CollIDlission on December 1.4, 1.964 and the recessed meeting on December 11,1964, be approved as written and corrected. Voting Aye: Mayor ;Holman, COJDlllissioners Gill and Wright Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon r--i motion du1y made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:46 p.m. lJ .~d~/~~ MAYOR ., .... .... '...,. ATTEST: ' ' ~4(~jaJf/a) '. s ant Oi ty cretary 1'-'1 , I t~ '" 1:--' ~1::=1 1::-..... . .''1. -" . .. '''c.~-- .