HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 1949-09 ~ \. ., 'L I I I I t i I i I I I I I I I I 'VmE~,"th.e '61tYCommi:ssion 01' the City 01' West Univer- I I I i :aEBOLUTION ~,'_OLUTI,@N AInH~iNG- THE TRANSFER OF THE SUM . 'H',' 'fag';'Q~,t1a~M:~:Q,~ENEBAL,FUND~OFmE,CITY OF ,iJNli'lt8fl~1:1t~:~~:g~'~S"l TQ THE~HEA1TH.F.UNP_ . CA~i. . .,~ _ J~ WlViFOlUUcr~ tOAN .AND AUTHORIZI;NG !t', -~'XHE BSTWN.OF $4I:o $l,O(JG~:OO1!Rb~t .. .~0,~t1iE_AI/.FU1ID WH]]ij'A SUFFI- - . .3)F XU :1~49 CDRtmNT TAXESliA,ltE. BEEN ATD!@THE: HEALTH FUND. . ~ity Place, Texas, is desirous 01' making ~vailable to the Health Fund ot said City on a temporary basis the sum 01' One Thous and ($1 ,000 ~ 00) Dollars, and in ~, there is available/the general fund a sut. tieieht I amoun:e ot' mQney to insure 'that purpos e" , NQW, THEl'liWORE, B'E IT RESOLVED that the Ma.Y0r 01' the Cityj ot West University' Place, Texas, be, and he is hereby autherize, to trans tel' trom the general fund ot the City oi'West University I . I Place, Texas, to the healthi'und ot the City 01' West, University I .1'1aceITexas, the sum ot $1,000.00 until su€htime as a sut1'i- ~ient; amount ot ~949 e~renttaxes have been collected and all01 ..."'. .t. tbl>h""lth fund t. permit said sum of money ."'be re- j .. :=:::::::::~::=~:r:f::;; ~~::o:::::~ :~ th~re isa~ufi'ieient ameunt at current 1949 taxes gllac~t~a tol the' haaJ.;'tu j;"tmG tt> permit suchre-transter,. . .~.. PAS$Eb ,AN:i.lAflPlfJYiiJ):'th:1s g:Y-day of! @~. 1949, by a vote ot .:.r ATT~T : ~ , City l$ee;i>etar)' L _ . ::::Ill .r:: ----::r~_~_~----1LJJ.L---'.1.lllJ1lL _L._.~T .,';