HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 1949-08
WaEREA$, here~o~ore the, legal owners of Lot One (1) of
the Davis re-subdivisl@niiDfL0t Six (6), Block Eight (8), West Uni-
versity Place First Addition, an addition to th~ City of West Uni-
versity Place, Texas, have made appliqationtothe City paanning
an€!. Zonililg Boam and subsequently to the City COIlllllission o.~ the City
o~ West University Place, Texas, for the purpose o~ reducing the
minimum square fo@t area regulations and acc@mplishing the develop-
ment of said propertYj and
\'V.f1.gREAS, the City COIllllliss ion has declined to ac't in this
regard in anyman.ner other than by res~rt to the provisions of Section
14 of Article XXV of the City Charter of the City. of West University
Place, and the provisions of Section 00 of Ordinance III of the city
of West University Place, Texas, and
vrtiEREAS, it appears to the City Commission that the requested
action in lowering the square footage requirements is a matter within
the purview of the appliCable portions of .Section 30, of Ordinance III
of the City ef West University Place, Texas.
N0VV, TH1:llEEJ,1'ORE, be it resolved by the City Commission of
the City of West University Place, Te:x:as, that a public hearing will
be haa on the IS- aay Of'92#:?~ ' 1949, at the City
Elall of the City of West Univcersiiiy P.lace, fexasj at 7:.30 P.M. for
the purpose of deterrniningwhether or not an exception shall be
granted pursuant to the prOVisions of Section 30, sub-section 5 of
Ordinance III of the City of West University Place., Texas." in order
to perm:i)s' the development of Lat One (1) of the Davis re-subdivision
of Lot Six (6), BIQGk Eight (&), West Ua:lvel'Sity, Place First Addition,
l3.n aQ.dition to the City of West Un;l.versit;y Plaeej Texas'i in such
manner as to reduce the square foot building ~equirements ~rom 1350
sq~~e feet to a mi~~~ area of 1050 squ~re feet.
It is further resolved that notice of.this hearing shall
be given to the owners of pr$perty lying within 200 feet of any por-
tion af the above described property pursyant to and in accordance,
with the provisionp of sub-seetion 9 of Section 30 of Ordinance 111
of the City of West Unive;t:'sity Place t Texas.
PAS~ED Al'iID ~Pl\lOVJiU.) this /2t/~ay of tfJ~
1949 by a vote of ~
AW and 0
City Secretary