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MONDAY, MAY 12, 2008
Mayor Kelly, Council Members Cohen, Fry, Guffey and Talianchich
Citv Staff:
City Manager, City Attorney, Acting City Secretary, Finance Director,
Fire Chief, IT Manager, Parks and Recreation Director, and Police Chief
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Kelly called the Special Meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
1. Recreational Facilities
Matters related to the West U Recreation Center, Colonial Park and Community/Senior
Center presented by Russ Schulze, Parks & Recreation Board Chairman.
A presentation of the Parks and Recreation Board's Recommendation was given by Russ
Schulze. Parks Board members Janine Shuppert, Mardi Tumer and John Neighbors also
Citizen Comments:
I. Leah Ragiel- 2740 Centenary - Spoke of her surprise at the views being expressed.
Asked the Council to not let this process be derailed. She believes there is a lot of
support for the renovation or rebuilding of our parks.
2. Ian Ragiel- 2740 Centenary - Spoke in support of the plans to renovate the pool.
3. Frank Driskill- 3837 Coleridge - He commented that he does not see a rigorous
process being conducted as to what is the best choice on how to spend the money
being addressed. If we are using e-mails to hear what people want, we should
atmounce it and let people vote in an email because we are using it like a referendum.
He wants a new bubble and does not want to rebuild. He would like to assist in the
engineering survey to see what is wrong with the existing facilities.
4. Fran Oravetz - 4131 Oberlin - He commented that the Parks Board recommendation
does not do what residents ask for in the survey. He does not think the survey
recommendation is representative of how most residents feel. He asks Council to not
approve the Parks Board recommendation.
When asked by Mayor Kelly, he commented that he is in favor of one enlarged and
enhanced Colonial park Pool.
5. Susan Ohsfeldt - 4101 Tennyson - Spoke about the e-mails being received and does
not believe it is a way of getting the pulse of what is wanted. Most of us think we do
not need a year round pool.
City Council Meeting, May 12, 2008
6. Ramsey Elder - 2821 Tangley - He commented that he believes the Parks Board
recommendations are not based on the actual survey results. He said the Parks Board
has reversed engineered the results.
7. John Pedigo - 3831 Amold - He suggested that the survey is flawed in that the
questions posed led to desired answers in some areas. He wants to see a conservative
philosophy in regards to this issue. He does not see the need to spend a lot of money
on facilities that are used by a small number of people in our community.
8. Linda Driskill- 3837 Coleridge - Made 3 comments. She believes the parks are
important, statistics are needed to support the evidence, and a motivational way to
finance is needed.
9. Jennifer Long - 4029 Swarthmore - She wants a beautiful place to swim with her
children but feels that we are being rushed through this. She does not think the new
construction proposal accommodates every age group.
10, Cathy Wright - 3222 Georgetown - She is glad to see that due to concerns, some
revisions have been made since the Town Hall meeting but feels that the comments
made at that meeting were not counted.
Janine Shuppert responded to a question concerning the comments made at the Town
Hall meeting not being counted and she informed those present that her report did
account for the spoken and written comments
Mayor Kelly encouraged everyone to send emails with their questions and comments.
It was noted by Tim O'COlmor that an engineering study on the feasibility of the
buildings has been made and that report is in the process of being distributed.
Arrangements for an assessment of the pools are being pursued.
11. Steve Brown - 3305 Rice - Commented on his observations listing 7 items: (I) West
U is sUlTounded by a major city with recreation facilities abundant and nearby; (2) the
population will ebb and flow in age distribution but it will not grow; (3) our tax base
will continue to rise and residents will grow relatively wealthier; (4) West D's parks
are primarily for its residents; (5) West D's residents expect value for their tax
dollars; (6) use common sense to avoid 30-year mistakes; and (7) Parks, though
desirable and valuable, are amenities, not essential infrastructure.
12. Paul Holzhauer - 5724 Buffalo - He spoke that you cannot compare the infrastructure
with the pool issues. He believes there are other things we can do with the money.
He does not see how this is going to be funded.
Mayor Kelly Postponed the Special Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Mayor Kelly Reconvened the Special Meeting at 6:38 p.m.
The following citizen comments were made after the special meeting was reconvened:
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City Council Meeting, May 12,2008
1. Stan McCanless - 3712 Rice Blvd. - spoke in favor of a tax exemption for Senior
2. Hope Northrup - 4217 Ruskin- She spoke concerning the Recreation Center and its
proposed location.
Ms. Northrup was informed that the location she perceives has changed and is no longer
next to her property.
3, Katy Hwu - 3317 Plumb - spoke in support of Option C and commented that she is
speaking for many families with young children that cannot be at this meeting.
Mayor Kelly Adjourned the Special Meeting at 6:46 p.m.
Motion: To Adjourn the Special Meeting
Made by: Cohen
Seconded by: Guffey
Action: Passed 5-0
Voting Aye: Mayor Kelly, Council members Cohen, Guffey and Talianchich
Voting Nay: None
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Kelly called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:47 p.m. in the
Council Chambers.
Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilmember Fry.
Notice. The notice for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Texas Government Code,
Chapter 551, on the 9th of May 2008 at 4:00 p.m.
Citizens who wish to be heard and/or address agenda items
I. Robin McGowan - 2920 Carnegie - Spoke on the need for a new pool and feels the
cunent facilities do not reflect our community. She also spoke on the need to work
together to make this happen.
2. Cathy Wright - 3222 Georgetown - Commented that West D is a model community
within Harris County for and our Senior programs and services. She supports a raise in
the tax abatement for Seniors and wants West U to be a leader in Han'is County in our
treatment of our Seniors.
Item 3 Property Taxes for Citizens over age 65 (this item was moved UP in the
Matters related to tax abatements for Citizens that are 65 years of age or older presented
by Walter Thomas, Finance Director.
Councilmember Guffey presented a proposal for an increase from $110,000 to $185,000.
To Approve Ordinance 1874 on the first reading in the amount of
Made by:
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City Council Meeting, May 12,2008
Seconded by:
Voting Aye:
Voting Nay:
Passed 4-0
Mayor Kelly, Council members Cohen, Fry, Guffey and Talianchich
2. Rescheduling City Council Meeting
Matters related to rescheduling the City Council regular session meeting on May 26,
2008 requesting a change of date due to the Observance of Memorial Day.
Made by:
Seconded by:
Voting Aye:
Voting Nay:
To reschedule the May 26 meeting to May 21, 2008
Passed 5-0
Mayor Kelly, Council members Cohen, Fry, Guffey and Talianchich
4. Website Improvements to Enhance Transparency in City Government
Matters related for improvements to enhance transpat'ency in City government presented
by Council Member Michael Talianchich.
Councilmember Talianchich would like to have more transparency of the City
government made accessible on the City's web site. City Manager Michael Ross
presented the cost and the time involved. It was agreed that a demonstration of the audio
minutes from Council meetings will be exhibited on the City's web site for a determined
length of time and a monthly financial report will also be provided.
At this time, Council Member Guffey excused himself from the meeting to attend a prior
5. Friends of West University Place Parks Fund, Inc.
Matters related to the Friends of West University Place Parks Fund including Resolution
No. 2008-07 appointing a new Board Member presented by Friends Director Donna
Made by:
Seconded by:
Voting Aye:
Voting Nay:
To approve Resolution 2008-07 appointing Stephanie Roman to the
Friends Board
Passed 4-0
Mayor Kelly, Council members Cohen, Fry and Talianchich
6. City Council Minutes
Matters related to the minutes of the Town Hall Meeting on April 23 and the Regular and
Special Session conducted April 28, 2008. Recommended Action: Approval of minutes.
(Gayle Schultz, Acting City Secretary)
Made by:
To approve the minutes as presented
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City Council Meeting, May 12, 2008
Seconded by:
Voting Aye:
Voting Nay:
Passed 4-0
Mayor Kelly, Council members Cohen, Fry and Talianchich
Council Member Reports.
Mayor Kelly commented on the time Council has served in office is now approaching one year
and this Council has been a great Council and they have accomplished a lot.
City Manager Report.
City Manager Michael Ross repOlted on the investigation into the problems with the street
located at Weslayan and Swarthmore. He also reported that repairs have begun.
Made by:
Seconded by:
Voting Aye:
Voting Nay:
To Adjourn the meeting at 7:23 p.m.
Passed 4-0
Mayor Kelly, Council members Cohen, Fry and Talianchich
These minutes are excerpts from the Council proceedings, A recording of the meeting is on file
in the City Secretary's office.
Prepared by: Gayle Schultz, Acting City Secretary
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Date of Approval
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