HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 226 - amending 111 [ I I l----, 217. ORDINANCE NO. 226 AN ORDINANCE .AlvIENDING ORDIN.4..NCE NO. 111, OF THE CITY OF WEST Ul\lIVEFSITY PLACE, TEXAS, COMMONLY KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS THE "ZONING ORDINACE fI , BY AMENDING SECTION 12 THEREOF, CONCERNING THE SQUARE FOOT DThIENSIONS OF DWELLINGS IN THE SEVENTH SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT; BY AMENDING SECTION "13 TmEREOF, OONCERNING THE SQ.UARE FOO'r DDJIENSIONS OFDWELL:tNGS IN THE EIGHTH SINGLE- FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT; BY AMENDING SECTION 1, SUB-PARAGRAPH ~ll), CONCERNING INC:j.;USION OF . SCREENED PORCHES IN GROSS FLOOR AREA mID SUB- PARAGRAPH UO) CONCERNING INCLUSION OF SCREENED PORCHES IN COMPUrING SQ.UARE FOOT DTMENSIONS; BY A1'IE1\'DING SEc'rION 33, SUB;"PARAGRAPH~2) AND OOB-PARAGRliPH (4), ELIMINATIl\1G THE CITY PLAN B0M11ISSION AND ADDING PLAl\TNING BOARD; BY ADDING AN EXCEPTION IN SUB-PARAGRAPH (3) SECTION 24, PROVIDDTG :B'OR SET-BACK DI STANCE OF GAR.~Gr~SON. CORNER LOTS; Al\TD PROVIDING THAT 'IRIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFJJ'ECT AND BE IN FORCE IMl\ffiDIATELY Fl10M ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. WHEREAS, by resolution of the City Commission of the City of- West University Place, Texas, adopted at a regular meeting of said Commission, June 9, 1941, it was determined, upon the recommendation of the Planning Board of the City, to hold a public hearing with reference to amending Ordinance No. 111, commonly known as the "Zoning Ordinance," and WHEREAS, notice of such hearing was duly publishad as re- quired by law and said Ordinance No. 111, and the .date of the hearing specif'ied therein as August 11, 1941, at 7:30 P. M., at the City Hall, within ~he City of West University Place, Texas, and WBERJ.j:AS, said heari ng was duly and seasonably heid on the date specified and the subject matter of this amendment discussed at length. THEREFORE, BE IT CR DAINBD HT T:HE CITY COWISSION OF THE GITYOF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: SECTI ON 1 That Section 12 of Ordinance No. 111 be changed and an:ended to read as follows: SQUARE FOOT DI1'IENSIuNS OF D\f.ELLINGBcIN SEVENTH SINGLE-FlUKILY DWELLING DISTRICT ~~- The dimensions of the main dwelling in the Seventh Single- .==.. Ii ~ " " F .; 11.. : 1: 218 Family dwelling District hereafter erected shall not be less than 1300 square feet; , except that the dimensions of the main qwelling in the . Seventh Single-Family ~velling District, in Sunset Terrace, fac1ng east on Auden Street shall not be less than 1100 square feet.. , " !~I ~) SECTI ON 2. That section 13 of Ordinance No. 111 be changed and amended to read as follows: SQ.UARE FOOT DIMENSIONS OF DWELLINGS IN EIGHTH SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT The dimensiqns of the main dwelling in the Eigh~h Single- Family Dwelling ~istrict hereafter erected shall not be less than 900 squsre feet;" except that the dimensions of the main dwelling in the Eighth $ingle-Faffiily Uwelling ~istrict in Sunset Terrace, facing east on \ Auden Street, shall not be less than 1100 square feet. SECTION 3 That Section 1, Sub-paragraph (11) of Ordinance No. 111 be changed and amended to read as follows: (11) GROSS FLOOR AREA: The gross floor area shall be measured by taking outside dimensions of the building at each floor level excluding, however, the floor area of attached garages, basements or att ics not used for'residence purposes and opened or screened porches," except where the gross floor areas of such main dwelling is 1100 square feet or over one-half of the square footage of such screened porches shall be used in comput- ing the gross floor area. ----, _ J SECTI ON 4 That Section 1, Sub-paragraph (30) of Ordinance No. 111 be changed and amended to read as follows: (30) SQUARE FOOT DI1~NSIONS: The outside width of a dwelling multiplied by the outside length of the dwelling, excluding at- tached garages, attics, basements, opened or screened porches, except in computing square foot dimensions when the square foot dimensions Df the main dwelling is 1100 square feet or over one- half of such screened porch shall be computed in arriving at the souare foot dimensions. If the dwelling be of two stories the '... .":""_J result should be multiplied by two, if of three stories the re- sult should be multiplied by three, etc. 219 SECTION .5 That Section 33, Sub-paragraph (2) of Ordinance No. III be changed and amended to read as follows: (2) Before takin~ action on any proposed amendment, sup- plement or change the Uity Commission shall submit the same to the Planning Board for its recommendation and report; SECTIO N 6 That Section 33, Sub-paragraph (4) of OrdinanceNo~ 111 be changed and amended to read as follows: (4) Unless such proposed amendment, supplement or change has been approved by the Planning Board, or if a protest against such proposed amendment, supplement, or change has been filed wi th the City Secretary, duly signed and acknmvledged by the owners of twenty (20~) per cent or more, either of the area of the lots, including in such proposed change or those immediate adjacent in t~e rear thereof extending 200 feet therefrom or of those directly opposite thereto extending 200 feet from the street frontage of such opposite lot; such amendment shall not become effective except by a two-third (2/3) vote of the City Commission. SECTION 7 That Section 2~, Sub-paragraph (3) of Ordinance No. 111 be changed and amended to read as follows: (3) DIST_ANCE FROM PROPERTY LINES: No building or structure of any kind shall be constructed o~ erected within 3 feet of the rear and inside property lines and within .5 feet from any street lot line, except garages must be placed not less than the set-back distance from any side street lines required for houses .on adjacent lots facing such side street line, if any; otherwise not less than 10 feet from a side street line and not less than 3 feet from any lot line. H~lever, this shall not apply to a concrete walk or a concrete driveway on side property lines, but shall appiby on the rear property lines. SECTION 8 All ordimnce and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith insofar as they conflict are herewith repealed. SECTION 9 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after its passage and approval. "11 ~ '''", " 220 '. ~ 1 ."ryr.;:;=. u, J:", , 11, ~; ; I 7~ , t, ~ 1941. PASSED AND APPROVED this 8th day of September A. D. ~ I I ~ ~~ Mayor ATTEST: ~ [I .' ~ ~ ~ 11