HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 221 - setlement with Houstion natural gas 209 ORDINANCE NO. 221 r I I L AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR OF THE Crry OF WEST UNIVERSI TY PLACE OR THE MAYOR PRO TEM TO ENTER INTO AND EXECUTE AND DELIVER A CONrRACT OF SETTLE1-'IENT BETWEEN THE C rI'Y ,OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIACE AND THE HOUSTON NAWURAL GAS CORPORATION SETTLING THE CONTRO VERSY THAT EXISTS BETWEEN HOUSTON NATURAL GAS CORPORATION AND ITS PREDECESSOR, HOUSTON NATURAL GAS COMPANY, WITH THE CITY, FOR THE SUM OF $10,210.00, AND RELEASING ALL CLAIMS, EXCEPT AD VALOREM TAXES AND $IO.OO ANNUAL FRANCHISE FEE, AND AGREEING TO PASS ANOTHER ORDINA1';J"CE FIXING A TWO PER CENT GROSS RE'CEIPI'S CHARGE FOR A TEN "YEAR PERIOD, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. r- WHEREAS, the Houston Natural Gas Com:r:any and its successor, Houston Natural Gas Corporatbon, have been engaged in a controversy with the City of West niversity Plaoe con- cerning Ordinance No. 129, enacted Janury 4, 1938, providing for a rental' charge to be paid by gas companies and other public utilities to said City, based upon gross receipts, and, WHEREAS, said Houston Natural Gas Company filed suit to restrain the City from the enforoement of said Ordinance No. 129 about June IO, 1938, said suit being No. 248, .516 now pending in the District Court of Harris County, Texas, styled: Houston Natural Gas Comp3.ny VS. The City of West University Place, and, WHEREAS, said City and said Houston Natural Gas Company and its suocessor, Houston Natural Gas Corporation, wish to settle and compromise said litigation: I . . NOW, 'lliEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CO:MMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIWERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That t he Mayor of said Oi ty or its Mayor Pro Tam, joined with the Secretary or the Assistant Secretary of the Ci ty, be and they are hereby authorized and directed to settle and compromise said controversy and litigation bywritten agree- ment provid~~ for the payment of Ten Thousand, Two Hundred and Ten Dollars (110,210.00) to the Oity, the repea~ of said Ordinance No. 129+ and release of all claims against said com- panie s by the City, except ad valorem taxes and the annual fran- ehise fee of Ten Dollars ($IO.OO), and the release of all claims asserted by said companies against the City; said suit to be dis- missed at the Gas Company's expense, the City acknowledging that all rentals due the City Under Ordinance No. 129, or otherwise, have been r-aid up to and including July 31, 1941. Said contract ';1 I 1'1 :.=n:--:I I' -~' 210 and agreement shall likewise oontain such other prov~s~ons and _-----,~I terms as said officers deem necessary or advisable, and not 'contrary to the foregoing. Section 2. Coincident with the exeoution of said agreement and the p:l.ssage of this ordinance, an ordinance re- pealing Ordinance No. 129 shall be enacted, and likewise an ordinance passed which shall be referred to in said agreement providing for rental of two (210) per cent of the gross receipts received by any person, association, organization or corporation from the sale of gas to all consumers {except thos e using gas for industrial purposes} within the corporate limits of theCity; said rental to take effect on Augus~ 1, 1941, and to continue thereafter for a term of ten (IO) years from August 1,1941, and said ordinance shall likewise ~ovide for reports ~nd contain such other texws and provisions not inconsistent with the fore- going as are deemed necessary and proper. Section 3.' The fact that litigation and controversy has been carried on for more than two years with reference to Ordinance No. 129, and that the parties wish to settle same without further delay, creates an emergen.cy, and this ordinance shall take effect immediately, and be in. full force and effect from ahd after its passage, and it is so enacted. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ENACTED, this July, 1941. 28th day of -I ~~ ayor ATTEST: ~ Acti g ity secretary il