HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1854 - amending Budget <> . . ORDINANCE NO. 1854 AN ORDINANCE AlVIENDING THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE~ TEXAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2007 AND ENDING DECElVIBER 31, 2007; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN ElVIERGENCY WHEREAS, it is found and detelmined that changes in the current budget are necessary for municipal purposes and that amendments are necessary for emergel1cies of the kind COlltemplated by state law, and it is formally found, determined and declared that such emergencies exist; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the budget of the City of West University Place for the 12 month period beginning January 1, 2007, and ellding December 31, 2007 as heretofore adopted be, and it is .hereby, amended as shown in Exhibit A attached~ Section 2~ The City Council approves, adopts and ratifies the findings set out in the preamble hereof and directs that the City Secretary file a copy of this ordinance with the county clerk, in the same manner as original budgets are required to be filed. Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances ill conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only~ Section 4~ If any word, p:hrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, neither the remainder of this ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase, clause, selltence, paragraph, section, or other part of this ordinance to any other persolls or circumstances, shall be affected thereby~ Section 5. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficie:nt writtell ll.otice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at w.hich tllis ordinance was discussed, considered, or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Local Governmellt Code, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contel1ts and posting thereof. Section 6. The public importance of this measure and the requirem.ent of the law create an emergency and an urgent public necessity requiring that this ordinance be passed and take effect as an emergency measure, and a state of emergency is hereby declared. This ordinance is accordiIlgly passed as an emergency measure and shall take effect immediately upon adoption al1d signature. Section 7. This ordinance shall become effective upon adoption and signature. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON FIRST AND FINAL READING on the .;22.-~ day of ;r7'~ , 2007. - Councilmembers Voting Aye: Co.uncilmembers Voting No: Council members Absent: Signed: Secretary (Seal) Mayor Approved as to legal form: ~ ~ ~ City Attorney \ Exhibit'1A" Page 1 of 2 CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. TEXAS BUDGET AMENDMENT 2007 2007 Original Amcndnlcnt. Amendment Amcndm ent Anlcnded Budf{ct ~lay 3, 2007 July 23~ 2007 Oct 22, 2007 Budg-ct GENERAL FUND .i. .p:II REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes 6.159.5l0 6.159510 City Sales Tax 942~OOO 942~OOO Franch ise Fees 755~500 755,500 Liccm;es and Perm it~ 487 ~260 487 ~260 Fees for Services 393.700 41 ~OOO 434~ 700 Other Charges and Fees 209 ~800 209~800 Recreat ion Fees 643~ 190 643~ 190 Fines and COll rt Costs 256.450 256A50 Investment Earn iogs 152,000 55.000 207.000 Other Revenues 177 ~OOO 36.000 213.000 J nterfund Transfers 940,000 940.000 TOTAL REVENUES 11. l16.41 0 132.000 11.248.4] 0 Adm in i~tration 794,000 794,000 Finance 1.440,590 65,000 ( 15,000) 1 A90,590 Pol ice 2,803330 (25~OOO) 2~778,330 Fire 2.336~ 450 2336.450 Publ ic Works 2,062~ ] 40 (25.000) 2~037 .140 Parks and Recreation ] .612.390 65,000 l ~677 ,390 Transfer to Strectl ight Projecl Fund 211.000 21 LOaD Transfer to Transportation 1m provement Fund 1 ~850~OOO 1 ~850,OOO Transfer to ea pital 1m provemcnt Fund 264.000 264~OOO TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1 L3l2.900 65.000 21 J ,000 1 , 850~OOO 13A38~ 900 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES ( 196.490) 67,000 (211.000) ( 1 ~850~OOO) (2. 190A90) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 4~05 8.052 4.058~O52 ENDING FUND BALANCE 3.861.562 67.000 (2] l ~OOO) ( l ~850.000) 1. 86 7 ~562 El\iIPLQYEE BENEFIT FUND : REVENUES Transfers from other Funds 1,274.440 l ~27 4A40 Em ployee contrib\lt iom~ ] 87 ~200 (30~OOO) 157,200 Investment Earnings 10.000 10.000 TOTAL REVENUES 1 A7 ] .640 ( 30.000) EmpJoyee Benefits lA61~590 ( 30,000) ] .431590 TOTAL EXPENDlTURES 1.461.590 (30~OOO) NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES 10.050 1 O~O50 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE ] 4,503 14.503 ENDING FUND BALANCE 24553 24,553 STREELIGHT PROJECT FUND REVENUES Transfers from other Funds. 800,000 800~OOO EXPENDITURES Stfce] ight project expenditures 800.000 800.000 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES BEGINNING FUND BALANCE ENDING FUND BALANCE Exhibjt "A" eAPIT AL PROJECTS FUND REVENUES Proceeds from the sale of Bonds EXPENDITURES Acqu istion of Park Land NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES BEG(NNING FUND BALANCE ENDING FUND BALANCE CAI.)ITAL RESERVE FUND REVENUES Transfer from the GeneraJ Fund METRO Grant EXPENDITURES Transportation projects NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES BEGINNING FUND BALANCE CITY or WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE~ TEXAS BUDGET AMENOtvlENT 2007 Original B ud,get 4.333?OOO 4~232.540 100.460 (92.483 ) Amendment l\lay 3, 2007 Amendm ent July 23, 2007 2~OOO,OOO 2.000~OOO Amendment Oct 22, 2007 1 ~850?OOO 1 ~850?OOO 2007 Amended Budget 2~OOO.OOO 2~OOO?OOO ~A<I 1.850.000 4?333?OOO 6,082~540 ] OOA60 (92A83 ) ENDING FUND BALANCE 7,977 7.977