HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 205 - extending city limits - . - ~ " 1-::- ._ r:1 : :IT I . r ".: : ..' 146 ORD INANCE . NO . 2Jl5 AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE CITY LIMITS OF THE OITY OF WEST UNIVERSJTY PLACE, TEXAS, BY ANNEXING TO THE CITY CERTAIN ADDIT! ONAL LAND AND TERRITORY; DESCRIBING TEE LAND AND TERRI- TORY SO ANNEXED; AND, PROVIDING WHEN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTI VE. , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSIOWOF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: SECTIOH I J That the boundary limits of the City of Wes~ University Place, Texas, are hereby extended so as to embract the following described area of land: A tract of land in Harris County, Texas, bounded on the North by Cambridge Place Addition and Bellaire Blvd., on the East by a line parallel to and 4~670 feet West of Kirby Drive, (or the southernly projection of the west line of Kirby Drive) measured along a line parallel to the North line of Bellaire Bl Vd., on the South by Brays Bayou and on the West by City of Bellaire, Texas, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point 545., feet south of the North line of Bellaire Blvd., measured along , a line parallel to and 4,670 feet west, of the ~Vest line of Kirby Drive, (or the s outhernly projection of the west line of Kirby Drive) measured along a line parallel to the North line of Bellaire Blvd., said point being also the intersection of the easterly projection of the South line of Cambridge Place Addition with the line parallel to and 4,6 70 feet West of the West line of Kirby Drive, (or the southernly projection of' the west line of Kirby Drive), said South line of Cambridge Place Addition being 20 feet south of and parallel to the south lines of the lots in said addition, said lots being numbers 47 to 8, inclusive; I --------.J THENCE westerly with the south line of Cambridge Place addition to the intersection of the southernly projection of the West line of lot 85; Cambridge Place Addition; THENCE northerly with the' west line of lot numeer 85 Cambridge Place Addition to the intersection of the northerly projection of said line with the North line of Bellaire Blvd., said north line of Bellaire Blvd.being also the South city limit line of theCity of West University Place, Texas; I] u l 147' THENCE westerly with the North line of Bellaire Blvd. and the South city limit of City of West Uni versi ty Place, Texas, to the intersection of the East city limit line of City of Bellaire, Texas; THENCE southernlywith the East city limit lihe of the City of Bellaire to the intersection with the left (or north) bank of Brays Bayou; THENCE easterly with the left (or north) bank of Brays Bayou to the intersection with a line parallel to and 4,670 feet wes.t of the West lint7 of Kirby Drive, (or the southernly pro- jection of the West line of Kirby Drive) measured along a line parallel to the North line of Bellaire BlVd.; THENCE northerly with a line parallel to and 4,670 feet West of the West line of Kirby Drive (or the southernly projection of the west line of Kirby Drive) measured along a line parallel to the North line of Ballaire Blvd. to the place of beginning. SECTION II That the boundary limits of the City of \lvest Univer- sity Plaoe are here declared to be extended by the annexation to the City of the hereinabove described land and territory. SECTION III That on and after January 2, 1941 the inhabitants of the territory hereby annexed shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of other citizens of the City of West University Place, and shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions and regulations of the said City of West University Place. SECTION IV Too t this ordinance is passed and approved subsequent to the passage and approval of an ordinance extending the city limits of the City of West University Place by annexing to the Ci ty: A tract of land in Harris County, Texas, bounded on the North by the North +ine of Bellaire Blvd., on the East by the West line of Kirb Drive (or the southernly projection of the west line of Kirby Drive), on the South by Brays Bayou, and on the West by a line parallel to and 4,670 feet West of Kirby Drive (or the southernly projection of the West line of Kirby Drive), and more partioularly . described in such ordinance, to which ,.,',...., -.. 1". T '~-. 1:48' ,- ~ 1; , .11 referenoe is here made. " And an ordinance thereafter passed and approved extending the City limits of the City of ~Yest University Place by annexing to the Oity: --l I ~J , A tract of land in Harris County, Texas, bound on the North by the north right of way line of the S. A. and A. P. R. R. Co.; on the East by the city limit line of the City of Houston, on the South by city limit line of the City of West University Place, and on the West by the West right of way line. of the T. & N. O. R.R. Cots Eureka- Stella Cut Off, and more particularly des- oribed in such orqinance, to which refereno~ . is here made. SECTION V That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after January 2nd, 1941. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 21st, day of De-oember, A. D., 1940. . -4f/;;;~-~~~ Mayor ----. \ I ..