HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1963 107 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JANUARY 14, 1963 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, January 14, 1963; 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Comm. Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Manager and City Attor- ney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by, Comm. Ayres. M 00 00 o CO CO Mrs. C. E. Duffin and Mrs.C. C. McKelvey, representing the Camp Fire Girls' organization in this area, appeared before the Commission protesting the $20.00 fee quoted for use of the Community Building for a Father-Daughter banquet. It was explained that the Commission had set a ratesehedule for use of the Community Building which was considered economical and fair to all citizens and which would partially cover the cost of janitor service, lights, gas, air- conditieuing, etc., and even though the problems of non-profit organizations are recognized it is not considered feasible to reduce the feeS at this time. Minutes of the Zoning & Planning Board meeting on January 10, 1963, were pre- sented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Comm.. Ayres, seconded. by Comm. Rice, that Mr. Chas. D. Watson, 6336 Rutgers, be permitted to construct an ~ X 18 ft. greenhouse behind his exist- ing garage, as recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board, subject to his executing an affidavit that the structure would not be used for commercial purposes. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None Motion by Conm. Vest, Seconded by Comm. Wall, that the West University Metho- dist Church be permitted to provide an exit through Lot 4A onto Mercer Street to be used during a two hour weriod on Sunday mornings inasmuch as it is the City Attorney's opinion that due to the limited use of the proposed exit there would be no objection even though the use would be of non-residential character. Veting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Motion py Cemm. Ayres, seconded by Comm. Wall, that action on the request of Mr. W. N. McCollum to move the existing house on the W~ of Lots 1 and 2, Block 20, WUP 1st Addn. onto the N 57~ ft. portion of' the wi of Lot 2, be deferred until such time Mr. McCollum might appear before the Commission with sufficient supporting information to indicate the present and future description of prop- erty improvements. Voting Aye: Voting No: M!;Lyor Holman, Commissioners AyreS, Rice, Vest and Wa.ll. None. The City Manager advised the Commission that approximately 40,000 Ibs. of chlo- rine in 1 ton containers and approximately 13,)00 Ibs. in 150 lb. cylinders is required annually for use by the Water & Sewer Departments and at the Swimming Pool:. Authority was requested to advertise for bids to be received for chlorine I '-..1 'I , "iI'lIflf-"j--' ... '11 lq~ t \., '-.J requirements for the ensuing year. Motion by Comm. Rice, seconded by Connn.. Ayres, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M., February 11, 1963, for furnishing chlorine requirements for the ensuing year. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners AyreS, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. In compliance with Charter requirements to designate an official newspaper for the city, the following action was taken:, Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the Houston Chron1aae and/or the Southwest Peach (a section of the Houston Chronicle) be designated the official newspaper of the city during the enSUing year. Voting Aye: Votdmg No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, vest and WalL None. Estimate No. 1 in the amount of $5,199.30 for work completed on construction of the library bUilding by the Rovon Construction Company, Inc., was presented for consideration together with a certification frem Architects Pierce & Pierce. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Estimate No.1, in the amount of $5,199.30 for work completed by Rovon Construction Company, Inc., during the period of December 3, 1962, through January 1, 1963, on the Library Building for the City of West University Place, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, vest and WalL None. The matter of furnishings for the library including shelving, chairs, tables, desks and general library furniture as well as floor covering and interior decorations was discussed. The Commission was advised that Mr. Jack Evans, Ar~hitect and Decorator had expressed a desire to assist the city in pre- paring plans and specifications for library furnishings. The City Manager was instruci.-;ed to confer with Mr. Evans and to formulate plans for library furniture and floor coverings to be submitted to the Commission for review. Minutes of the meeting on December 27, 1962, were approved as read. With no further business to come before the Commission at_this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. ~/~ Mayor A'J.WrEST: t'? l ,I"--".~l '. ;' c.rl' . , 1,:;r1 ,-,' f..,-:"b)~--'--~~ . "/5 ..;J!.----<::-'2/ Aset. Secretary , f-;C-C:-===-=c"1"---'==11-~rn '-:'IUII -r~-="'='-:~r-=,~";",,-,,,,"~-"T."T"l , . 1 .(\ ,r" " ~ 0;; <0QJ . REGm.AR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JANUARY 28, 1963 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, January 28, 1963, 7:00 P.M. at the City Hall, with the following members present: Mayor HOlman, presiding; Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Manager and City AttorneY'VTere also present. Commissioner Ayres 'was out of the City on company business. Cr'j 00 r:xJ ~ CO CO The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Holman. Mayor Holman annoUnced that in compliance with action taken by the City Com- mission and notice duly published in the official newspaper of the city, a Public Hearing called for 7:00 P.M. to consider a request from the Continental Oil ComJilany to amend the city's zoning ordinance to permit a variance of set- back requirements on the 130 X 130 foot tract of land at the southwest corner of Bissennet street and Kirby Drive, was now in order. City Manager Whitt Johnson, having been duly sworn by Mayor Holman, testified in answer to questions by the City Attorney that all requirements of the city's zoning ordinance to call a public hearing had been complied with and in his opinion the hearing was in order. Mr. Dale Mathis, and Mr. D.M. Pate, re,presenting the Continental Oil ComPDY, after being duly sworn by the Mayor, stated that their company had revised plans for the proJilosed Service station at the corner of Kirby Drive and Bissonnet street after their previous request for a setback variance and they were now asking for permission to construct the Service station with the edge of the pump island projecting 8 feet and the canopy to have an overhead pro- jection of 13 feet into the 30 foot setback on Kirby Drive; the edge of the pump island to project 14 feet with the canopy to have an overhead projec- tion of 18 feet into the 30 foot setback on Bissonnet Street. Mr. Mathis stated that the proposed service station was designed to appeal to traffic on both streets by giving the appearance of fronting on both streets and for maximum safety and visibility, along with conventional ingress and egress. With no other persons present desiring to be heard on this matter, the follow- ing action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice that the hearing called to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit a variance in setback requirements for a proposed service station at the corner of Bissonnet and Kirby Drive, be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Ordinance 817 passed and approved on November 12, 1962, permitting an extension of improve- ments into the setback lines established for Bissonnet Street and Kirby Drive - l:.:'~_~ _-~.~ _ ::~*.. ~_~~ ':"~.~-~L= _---'---~ :--.'-T'"-T:C=--- -<i " 1 ; I. ~ i \... be rescinded and the City Attorney instructed to prepare an: ordinance amending Ordinance No. 111 to permit a variance of setback requirements in order that a pump island might project 8 ft. into the 30 foot setback and the canopy to have an overhead projection of 13 feet into the set- back on Kirby Drive, and the canopy on Bissonnet to have an overhead projection of 18 feet with the pump island to project 14 feet into the 30 foot setback on Bissonnet, as requested by the Continental Oil Company and recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall. None. In accordance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official news- paper of the city, bids received for delivery of the following were opened and results announced: (a) (b) ( c) (d) 3 Patrol cars for Police Department and 1 pickup truck for Water Department. ~ tractor with mower attachment. 3 two-way mobile radio units for Police Department. 400 feet 2iu fire hose and 200 feet lift rire hOSe. Bids received for delivery of 3 patrol cars for the Po~ice Department and one Pickup truck for the Water Department were opened and read aloud. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that bids re- ceived for delivery of three 2-door sedans for the Police Department and one Pickup truck for the Water Department be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Bids received for de~ivery of one tractor with mower attachment and one mower attachment to be mounted on a city owned tractor were opened and re- sults announced. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that bids received for delivery of one tractor with mower attachment and a mower attachment to be mounted on a city owned tractor be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Bids received for delivery of three two-way mobile radio units were opened, read aloud, and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that bids re- ceived for delivery of three two-way mobile radio units be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: V.oting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall. None. , I ~-~~ '---...--=""fPrr---cr::rr....:'l .dL-....1 1 .1 11"1 ~ __.'L 1 Bids received for delivery of 400 feet 2i" fire hose and 200 feet li" fire hose were opened and results announced. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that bids re- ceived for 400 feet 2t" and 200 feet It'' fire hose, be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Votin~ No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest, and Wall. None. Ctj 00 ~ c;.:, CO c:o Mr. George Housen, 6324 Mercer street, and Mr.J. H. Stonis, 6330 Mercer Street appeared before the Commission protesting use of Lot llA, Block 25, West University Place 1st Addition as a parking area by the West University Methodist Church. Messrs. Housen and Stonis related to the Commission that it was their opinion that the value of their property, which is adjacent to the church's property, would be decreased if this use is permitted. Mayor Holman stated that he would advise the officials of the church of the protest and request them to look into the possibility of making other park- ing arrangements. Mr. W. N. McCollum, owner of' the wi of Lots 1 and 2, Block 20, West Univer- sity Place 1st Addition, appeared before the Commission with reference to his request presented to 'the Zoning & Planning Board on January 10,_ 1963, for permission to move the existing house on the said lots onto the N 57t feet portion of the wi- of Lot 2. Mr. McCollum stated to the Commission that it was his intention to use the remaining-142i feet portion of the wi of Lots 1 and 2 as an additional building site. The Commission explained to Mr. Mccollum that the lots had never been officially subg.ivided and in order that abuilding be constructed on the remaining portion of the wi of Lot 2 and a part of Lot 1 it would be necessary for him to submit a request to the Zoning & Planning Board asking official subdivision of the lots. The City Manager requested authority to adVertise for bids 10 be received for two new diving standards and accessories for the swimming pool inasmuch as the present standards and boards need replacing. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the City Manager be authorized to adVertise f'or bids to be received until 7:30 P.M., February 25, 1963, for two new diving standards and accessories for the swimming pool. Voting A.ye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, vest and Wall. None. City Manggel" Whitt Johnson advised that the previous CommiSSion had executed a Lease Agreement with Hi-Way E~u:i:pment, Inc. for lease of an Austin-Western MotorSweepe:r, Serial No. 8-1374 for the period beginning June 1, and end- ing Deeember 31, 1962, for the sum of $900.00, with an option to purchase the equipment for total consideration of $2,850.00 with the $900 rental to be applied against the p~rchase price. Mr. Johnson stated that theequip~ ment, in his opinion, would save the city considerable expense in trying to keep the streets in a clean condition and it was his recommendation that the city exercise its option to purchase the sweeper. L:."'~~CC~"'=lCCI ,. ,___.....c'lIill' I f'~._',. . "I L___._.___'_'_ "n . ..____...........:.1' .r. -~ ')' It .ft. ~ Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the city exercise its option to purchase the Austin-Western Motor Sweeper, Serial No. S-1374 from the Hi-Way E~uipment Company, Inc., for a total consider- ation of $2,850.00 with the $900.00 rental paid during the year 1962 to be applied against the purchase price. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Resolution 63-1 as follows, was presented to the Commission for considera- tion and read in full. WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the street Improvement Bonds, 1948 Fund and Sanitary Sewer Capital ImprOVement Fund, which will not be required for current operating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent ~o au~horize inve5~ment of ~hese certain sums of money. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY FLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed'to invest funds in the amount of: $1,300.00 - street Improvement Bonds, 1948 Fund, and $3,700.00 - Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, to be invested with Houston First Federal Savings & Loan Association at their prevailing ~ate of dividend of 4~. Motion by Commissioner Vest, Seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Resolu- tion 63-1 directing the City Treasurer to inVest funds in the amount of $1~300.00 from the Street Improvement Bonds, 1948 fund, and $3,700.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund with the Houston First Federal Savings & Loan Association at their prevailing rate of dividend of 4~ be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holm.an, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall. None. The Commission was advised that the present patrol cars should be re- placed as soon as possible because of increaang cost of repairs due to usage and that apparently there was no exception as to the low bid on the three patrol cars. The City Manager advised that he and the Chief of Police had reviewed the bids submitted and it was obvious that the Jack Roach Company had submitted the lowest bid and it was the recommendation of the City Manager that the bid of Jack Roach Company on Units 1, 2 and 3 be accepted. Motion by CommiSSioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the low bid submitted by Jack Roach Company for the net amout of $600.00 each for three patrol cars be accepted and the City Manager be authorized to issue purchase orders for Units 1, 2 and 3 to Jack Roach Company. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Minutes of the Commission meeting on January 14, 1963, were presented and the following action taken: A' ... 3 1.. 1 _ Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that minutes of the Commission meeting on January l4, 1963, be approved as corrected. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, vest and Wall. None. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 PM. CV,J 00 Q') C,!;; CO CO jJ~vUV~ Mayor ATTEST: -..,.,.... , ..;~.~.~ ..-/"" '"/" '--'012'- . -~ '" i _~....-,~..".;t..~.-' Asst. Secretary -"~'1 ~' J , ~ ' //~ / L-a./ l:~ :~----.. ____:.::::::::.J..:__~~~~";'T--.. - .. - L~L....---,~....:..........~_~__._._.__" ----1-c,,-~-~ 114 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 11, 1963 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, February 11, 1963, 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Rice, vest and Wall. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Wall pronounced the Invocation. In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official news- paper of the City, bids,received for delivery of approximately 40,000 Ibs. li~uid chlorine in 1 ton containers and approximately 13,500 Ibs. in 150 lb. cylinders, were opened and results announced. Motion by Commissioner vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that bids re- ceived for delivery of chlorine re~uirements for 1963 for use at the Water Plant, Swimming Pool and Sewage Disposal Plant be referred to the City Manager Whitt Johnson for study and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Mayor Holman presented Captain J. D. Allstott, of the Fire Department, with a 20 year service pin. Words of commendation were extended to Captain Allstott from City Manager Whitt Johnson, Fire Chief C. E. Duffin, and C. V. Reynolds, Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department, for his serviceS with the city since February 1" 1943. Mrs. J. D. Allstott was present for the occasion. A report was made to the oi ty Commission by City Manager Whitt Johnson and Fire Chief Duffin on arrival of the new fire truck from the Seagrave Corp. in Columbus, Ohio. It was reported that Captain G. E. King, Volunteer Fire- man Charles K. Glasse" and William Ellington accompanied Chief Duffin to ColumbUS and the truck was driven back to West University with no difficul- ties being encountered. Mr. Henry Ginn, Service Engineer of the Seagrave Corporation, was present at the meeting and stated that he was in the pro- Cess of mounting various accessories and would check the truck thoroughly and have it ready for tests as required by the state Board of Insurance. City Manager Whitt Johnson stated that arrangements had been made with Mr. George HaWley" Chief Engineer for the state Board of Insuranee, for per- sonnel of the City of Houston Fire Department to conduct the necessary per- formance tests re~uired by the State which are to be made on Wednesday, February 13, 1963. In compliance with action taken by the City Commission on January 28th, the City Manager presented a tabulation of bids received on that date for one i ton pickup truck for the Water Department, 3 mobile radio units for the Police Department, 400 feet of 2i" and 200 feet of lilt fire hose" and a tractor and mower for the Street Department, and the fo~lowing action was taken: [ '--: -_"~ ~ _:-_'-:-~~~iL:'[} ~..:.~'1 '."-'1:1, _-..:I 1 -~ 5 JL _', It. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the bid of Bi-Lateral Fire Hose Company for 400 feet of 2~" f.ire hose, all dacron, at $L68 per foot and 200 feet of' 1~1l fire hose, all dacron, at $L18 per foot, be accepted as recommended by the City Manager and Fire Chief. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commisioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and WalL None. M 00 00 ~ CO CO Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the low bid of Houston Power Equipment Company in the amount of $2,380.41 for a new International 140 Tractor with No. 23 h'ighway mower, and $260.00 for a new "Pico" rotary type mower to be mounted on a city owned International Super "A" tractor, De accepted as recommended by the City Manager. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor H01man, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the low bid of General Electric Company in the amount of $462.00 each for three Model MT33N Mobile radio units complete with antenna and all accessories for trunk mounting be accepted subject to written confirmation from the General Electric Company that they will install the units in the three police auto- mobiles for the amount of $20.00 each as verbally stated (no trade-in of used equipment to be accepted). ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HOlman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and WalL None. Resolution 63-2, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the street ImprOVement Bond Fund, Series 1948, which will not be required for current operating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to in- vest funds in the amount of: $5,700.00 from the Street Improvement Bond Fund - Series 1948, in the Center Saving and Loan Association, 6606 Fannin Street, Houston, Texas, at the prevailing rate of dividend of 4+ffi per annum. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Resolution 63-2 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds in the amount of $5,700.00 from the Street Improvement Bond Fund, Series 1948, in the Center Saving and Loan Association at the prevailing dividend rate of 4!% per annum, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. The Commission discussed the advisability of rev1s1ng charges made to resi- dent civic and educational groups for use of the Community BUilding inasmu~h r=- _ __ . _ ~-:1Ui1 ,mIl! 'I~~~- " -- -I'I_~___ __, _I " i h 12.. \J as a number of the organizations such as the Camp Fire Girls, Little League parents' groups and others, are non-profit organizations and do not have budgeted funds to pay the scheduled fees for a meeting place. A review of the rate schedule indicated that present rates adopted by the City Com- mission on December 10, 1962, for use of the meeting room are $7.50 for day meetings and $10.00 for night meetings; for use of the Auditorium - $10.00 for day meetings and $20.00 for night meetings. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by corrnnissioner Wall, that rates for rental of the Community Building by civic and educational of the city be reduced to $5.00 for use of the meeting room either day or night and to $7.50 for use of the Auditorium in the daytime and to $15.00 for use of the Auditorium at night. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Estimate No. 2 in the amount of $6,003.00 from Rovon Construction Company for materials and labor used in construction of the new library building was submitted f0r consideration. A certificate from Pierce & Pierce, ad- vising that payment of Estimate No. 2 is in order was presented. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Estimate No.2, from Rovon Construction Company in the amount of $6,003.00 for materials furnished and work performed on construction of the library building, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and wall. None. The Commission was advised that a representative from the Boy Scouts of America organization had re~uested Mayor Holman to proclaim the w.eek of February 7 to 13 as Scout Week in the City of West University Placewbich Was done in accordance with a Proclamation presented for the records. Minutes of the meeting on January 28, 1963, were approved as read. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. klJt-Q/ /JtrvvfiYf/ Mayor ATTEST: /' .~./" / /'J "'if I ,.', y~' J . '-.~/ ,~. .' 1:, ,. ~ __4/ (, ././j~,~, " /". J.-i;. Assistant Secre ary IT"'~-~'- ,. -~iIIr] !!j~,f!r-' ._'T-~~i==rl r .. 1 1 r1 A _ ~ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 25, 1963 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, February 25, 1963, 7: 30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Man- ager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Rice. M GO CO C.!;l ~ O:J In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official news- paper of the City, bids received for delivery of two one-meter diving stan- dards for installatiou'at the swimming pool were opened and the following results announced: Abernathy Company Howard Pool Company Tropical. Pool. Company $672.00 522.00 552.00 Motion by Commissioner'Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that bids re- ceived for delivery of two one-meter diving standards for installation at the swimming pool be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and rec- ommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hol.man, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, vest and WalL None. -! Mr. Doug Byrne, Engineer and owner of the Signal Engineering Corporation, appeared before the Commission upon invitation to present a plan for instal- lation of traffic signal controls at the intersections of UniVersity Blvd. at Weslayan Avenue and Rice Boulevard at Weslayan Avenue, and also recom- mend synchronization of traffic signals on Buffalo Speedway at the inter- sections of University and Rice Boulevard. The Commission authorized Mr. Byrne to prepare plans and specifications for traffic signals to be installed at the, intersections of University Boulevard at WeslayanAvenue and Rice Boulevard at Weslayan Avenue and also for a control panel for synchronizing the lights on Buffalo Speedway at" University Boulevard and Rice Boulevard. Mr. Charles D. Watson, 6336 Rutgers, requested approval to construct a 1) X 18 foot greenhouse in back of his existing garage instead of 8! X 18 foot as, approved by the Zoning Board on January 10, and the City Commission on January 14, 1963. Mr. Watson expl.ained that he had not realized that it would be necessary for his car to protrude approximately 26" into the 8t foot greenhouse area and that the industrial type windows he is using will cause a 16~ lost space across the rear wall; therefore, making the usable space considerably less than he orig~nally anticipated. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Mr. Charles D. Watson, 6336 Rutgers, be permitted to construct a 15 X 18 foot greenhouse in backcf his existing garage instead of ~ X 18 foot as originally approved; subject to the structure not being used commercially but only as a hobby. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Connilissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. r ~,~ - , ,-- - -, ,I n 'nr""~"'" ""1'1 , -11 0 '~ l (:; Ii. Minutes of the rggular meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board on February 14, 1963, were submitted to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, s~conded by Commissioner Wall, that the re- ~uest of Mr. Jim Glass to const~uct a residence'on Lots 3 & 4, Block 15, West University Place 1st Addition approximately 39'2" back of the front property line in lieu of the 30 foot setback as specified in the Zoning Ordinance be approved in view of the apparent lack of established building lines in this area and the custom design of the proposed residence having no tendency to detract from surrounding property. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that a Public Hearing be called for March 25, 1963, 7:30 P.M. to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision of the W~ of Lots 1 & 2, Block 20, West UniverSity Place 1st Addition into two lots, one 57! X 150 feet and one 142~ X 150 feet as requested by Mr. W. N. McCollum and recoJl- mended by the Zoning & Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall: None. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the re- ~uest of Mr. Hilding Ahlstone, 3318 Georgetown, to erect a carport in front of his existing garage with the front supporting post on the east to be located onl7 li feet from the east property line, be denied as recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner vest that the re- ~uest of Houston Poster Advertising Company for permission to erect two poster panel structures on property fronting Kirby Drive between Wroxton and Albans be denied as recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. The request of Miss Alice Bor~ue, 6127 Wakeforest, for permission to re- place an existing garage with a 22 X 24 foot garage with a second story to be used as a studio or hobby room was considered. During the discus- sion Miss Borque stated that she preferred having an additional room added to her house rather than constructing it oVer the garage if this could be accomplished as economically, and if the back yard setback re- quirements could be'met. No action was taken at this time in order that Miss Borque might have an opportunity to look into the feasibility of adding an extra room onto her house. In compliance with action taken by the Corrnnission on February 11, 1963, the City Manager submitted a tabulation on bids received for furnishing chlo- rine for the ensuing year with a recommendation that the law bid of Diamond ,'. ,.~~~~~~, ! 'l"<'!1 - r'~....~ -; ._-....... 1'1 l1Q L'LJ' Alkali Company be accepted. The tabulation submitted indicated the following: Diamond Alkali Ton Containers, f.o.b. Seller's plant - per 100# 3.90 Ton Containers, f.o.b. West University- per 100# ).64 150/1 Cylinders, f .0. b. west University- per 100# 11.00 Dixie Chemical 5.00 6.00 11.00 Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the low bid of Diamond Alkali Company for furnishing liquid chlorine for the city's re~uirements during the ensuing year be accepted as recommended by the City Manager. Cl'j 00 Qj ~ ~ c.:o Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman; Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. The City Manager presented a written report to the Commission advising that the new fire truck manufactured by the Seagrave Corporation, Columbus, Ohio, Serial No. N-4230, had successfully passed all of the performance tests re- quired by the state Fire Insurance Board, and recommended acceptance of the apparauus and approval for payment of the invoice f'rom':the Seagrave Corp. in the amount of $25,150.00. Motiopby Commissioner vest, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the new fire truck, Moliel 800'-KB-1000 Gallon Triple Combination pumper, Serial No. N-4230, manufactu.red by the Seagrave Corporation, Columbus, Ohio, in accordance with ,West University specifications and contract dated June 11, 1962, be accep- ted, andpthe invoice submitted by the Seagrave Corporation in the amount of $25,l50.QO be approved for payment. I I 1,,_ Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. The City Attorney advised that Mr. Andrew C. Buckner, one of the owners of a parcel of land adjacent to the city's 75 acre tract on Ruffino Road had asked that the Mayor execute an agreement on behalf of the city in regard to the boundary line established by a survey in 1956 and a verbal agree- ment in 1960 whe.n a new fence was erected. The established boundary line agreed upon is described as follows: r' BEGINNING at a 4 inch iron pipe in the North line of Ruffino Road, said pipe marking the Southeast corner of the City of West University Place 75 acre tract of land and also marking the Southwest corner of the Larry W. Morris and Andrew C. Buckner 54.5012 acre tract of land and being 2703.65 feet Westerly from a 3/4 inch sucker rod marking a point in the East line of Section 5 in Block 10 ibf the H.T. & B. R.R. Survey, Abstract No. 397, in Harris County, Texas, said rod being recognized by many surveyors as being on the East line of said survey, and said rod being ~6.6 feet West of a fence corner, and said beginning corner also being South 89043'56"Wes,t a distance of 10ll.26 feet from a '5/8 inch iron rod in the North line of Ruffino Road marking the Southeast corner of the Morris-Buckner tract as agreed upon by instrument dated October 14,1962, recorded in Volume 4962 Page 271, Deed Records of Harris county, Texas. r <~,~~=~- ----' llim i.::i'!~fI r'"--=-'-'Y''''~.~'''''''='ll~--==Il 1\ !I In .l'. .'ci \Y THENCE North H0059 , 52-" Jlest along a fence line a distance of 2362.67 :feet to a 4 inch pipe marking the Northwest corner of the Morris-Buckner tract. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Mayor Holman be authorized to execute the instrument desired by Messrs. Larry W. Morris and Andrew C. Buckner, owners of the tract of land east of the city's 75 acre tract of land on Ruffino Road agreeing to the division line between the two tracts as described in the instrument. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Ordinance No. 821, captioned as follows, was presented for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FnIDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS RAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOWING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT AN EXTENSION OF IMPROVEMENTS INTO THE SETBACK LIEES ESTABLISHED FOR BISSOImEl' STREET AND KIRBY DRIVE; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC BEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERINGlfAN~ AMElIIDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 111 H..l\S BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HEW APPROVING AND ADOPrING THE REPORTED RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. III BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SUCH EXTENSION: FIIIDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOULD BE SO AMENDED; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. III PERMITTING SUCH EXTENSION INTO SAID SETBACK LINES; REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 817; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that Ordi- nance No. 821, amending Ordinance No. 111 (and repealing Ord. No. 817) permitting a variance in setback re~uirements on the 130 X 130 foot tract of land at Kirby Drive and Bissonnet Street for construction of a service station by the Continental Oil Company, be passed andapproved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HOlman, CommiSSioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. A report from the Tax Assessor-Col1ector's office disclosed the fOllowing list of property owners who are delinquent in payment of advalorem taxes on their residential property in the city:' NAMES & ADDRESSES H.B. Richards, 3402 University Blvd. Mrs. Kirksey Young, 6001 Charlotte Mrs. P.C. Cronin, 2623 Amherst Mrs. Sarah M.Walker-Graham, 6335 Belmont R. D. Moncrief, 6012 Buffalo Speedwa:v YF:A RR nET.. 1951-62 1954-62 1955-62 1956-62 1957-62 AMmTl\'l'T' 1,922.17 480.05 365.97 547.81 1,269.76 " T -,-;. ~'~._... ~~Lt::I ~~. 1.'- 'r- ~-. -''-1' 1_____ 121 It was also noted that it had been determined that these persons were de- lin~uent in payment of their Oounty and Houston Independent School District taxes. The Commission asked the City Attorney to contact these two taxing units to determine what action, if any, they had taken to collect the de- lin~uent taxes and report back to the Commission for further consideration. Minutes of the meeting of February 11, 1963 were approved as read. With no further business to come be~ore the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 P.M. M ~ 00 ~ CC) CO J2Juu/~J Mayor ATl'EST: /7../ / ,. .r, <2:/1 .,' //~-?"--...,...~_/ '-/..... .../~_e~r,c::7 J Assistant Secretary . --lLLl _.~~--I.......J.r .-oj -"-.':-'1'--- -0-'11_ ---' .~ ,:>0 JL ,,~ 1..1 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MARCH 11, 1963 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, March 11, 1963, 7: 30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Vest pronounced the Invocation. Mr. John W. Lovett, 4039 Ruskin, presented a petition to the Commission, signed by approximately 35 property OiV'Uers in the immediate proximity of the Tel~phone Company on Academy, Cason and Ruskin Streets. The petition re~uested that the Commission investigate the serious traffic hazard in this area caused by telephone company employees parking thei~ automobiles on the street. Ml;ryor Holman assured Mr. Lovett that an investigation would be made of the condition referred to. A tabulation of bids received on FebrUary 25th for fUrnishing two one- meter diving standards was presented by the City Manager with a recommen- dation that the low bid from the Abernathy Company in the amount of $502.00 for the two standards with stationary fulcrum be accepted. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the low bid from the Abernathy Company in the amount of $502.00 for furnishing the two one-meter diving standards with stationary fulcrum be acaepted as recom- mended by the City Manager. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. An Invoice from Rulon Electric Company, Inc., in the amount of $97.70 for extra electrical work performed in connection with rehabilitation of the Community Building was presented for consideration with a written explana- tion from Architect E~ Kelly Gaffney that the work done by Rulon Electric Company, Inc., had been authorized as extra work but through error the amount was not included in the final settlement. Mr. Gaffney recommended payment of $97.70 to Rulon Electric Company, Inc. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that Rulon Electric Company, Inc., be paid $97.70 for extra work performed at the Com- munity Building as recommended by Architect E. Kelly Gaffney. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, vest and Wall. None. Invoice from the National Cash Register Company in the amount of $14,310.00 for the NCR Model 1443-1 Electric Compu-Tronic Accounting Machine delivered to the City on January 5, 1963, was submitted with a certification from Wm. Dittert, Jr., City Treasurer, that the machine has been properly programmed and is operating satisfactorily in accordance with the specifications and re~uirements . r'-' -II,!;I 'IiH!r~~T~C~~..'"'----.., "'''I'~ -. 123 Motiop by Commis~ioner Vest, seconded by Commissio~er Rice, that the Invoice from the Nationai Cash Register Company, in the amount of $14,310.00 for the Compu-Tronic accounting machine delivered on January 5, 1963, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Connnissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall . None An invoice from Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, in the amount of $3,800 as second payment for services in connection with preparation of a Comprehensive Plan for the city was ,presented and the following action taken: Motion by Corrnniss,ioner Ayres, seconded by Corrnnissioner Wall, that the invoice in the amount of $3,800 for second payment as per ~ection 4, Par.,. B (2) of contract datedA-qgust 13, 1962, between the City of West University Place and Caudill, Rowlett . and Scott, for preparation of a Comprehensive Plan, be ap- proved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Connnissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Estimate No~ 3, from Rovon Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of $7,369.20, for labor an~ materials furnished in connection with construction of the Library b~ilding for the city~ tQgether with a certification from Architects Pierce & Pi~rce, was presented and the following action taken: Motion by Corrnnisl';ionerAyres, seconded by Corrnnissioner Wall, that Estimate No.3 in the amount of ,$7,369.20 from Rovon Construction Company, be approved for pay- ment as recommended by Architects Pierce & Pierce. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall Non~ An invoice from the offiCe of George Pierce - Abel B. Pierc~, in the 'amount of $325.02 for I>rofessionalservices rendered in connection with construction of the new Library building was submitted. Motion by Connniaioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the invoice from the office of George Pierce - Abel B. Pierce, in the amount of 1325.02, be approved for payment. yoting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Connnissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None City Manager Whitt Johnson advised that Mr. Jack Evans, Architect and Designer, had specified different type tables and chairs for the mezzanine youth read- ing room, of the new Library building, as requested by the City Commission. He had also prepared specifications for furniture, e~uipment, floor covering and draperies. After reviewing the specifications the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the specifi- cations for Library furniture, e~uipment, floor covering and draperies as pre- sented by Mr. Jack Evans, Architect and Designer, be accepted. 124 Voting Aye: Mayor Holman, Connnissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall Voting No: None ---I Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the City Manager be instructed to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 28,1963, for furniture, equipment, floor covering and dr~peries, in accordance with specifications prepared by Mr. Jack Evans, Architect and Designer. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Mr. Eugene Maier, Director of Public Works of the City of Houston, appeared before the Commission upon invitation by Commissioner Ayres, and explained a study which had'been made in developing a 1980 transportation plan and how it would affect West University Place in the future. The Commission discussed appointment of a Library Committee, and it was decided that members of the Corrnnission should submit names for consideration at the next meeting. The City Attorney advised that in compliance with instructions from the Corrnnission on February 11, 1963, he had written letters to Mr. H. ,B. Richards and Mr., R. D. Moncrief and Mr. P. C. Cronin, on March 6, in relation to delinquent taxes. A letter from Tax Collector Wm. Dittert indicated that Mrs. P. C. Cronin had contacted his office by telephone and after advis:mg" of Mr. Cronin's death in January of this year, stated that she would make every effort to clear up the delinquent taXes on property at 2623 Amherst as soon as possible. The Connnission agreed that no further action should be taken by the City Attorney against Mrs. Cronin at thisttime. Minutes of the meeting of February 25, 1963, were approved as read. With no further business to come before the Corrnnission at this time, upon motion duly made,sec6nded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 p.m. . -J. ~/~ / -'j;L .~ . 4W MAYOR ATTEST: /",.r/<- '1;/" (~~'I ~,., ,/ '..L- Z-----:7----,#c~/ c-,;7 y!,<./U<2/ ASSISTANT SECRETARY _~__-=-_~r'-.- .U7~L~ --~ 1.1.__ .-:.1:- iC>1\p' Jl. e:; .) REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MARCH 25, 1963 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, March 25, 1963, 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Cfj ~ 00 c.;;; :0 CO The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Ayres. In compliance with Notice of Hearing duly published in the official news- paper of the City, Mayor Holman announced that the Hearing was now called to order to consider amending Zoning Ordinance No. 111 to permit subdivision of the West t of Lots 1 and 2, Block 20, west University Place 1st Addition, as requested by Mr. 'toT. N. McCollum andrecoImnended by the Zoning and Planning Board. In answer to ~uestions by the City Attorney, City Manager Whitt Johnson, having been duly sworn by Mayor Holman, stated that application had been made by Mr. McCollum to the Zoning and Planning Board for permission to sub- divide the said Lots and affirmative action was taken by the,Board on February 14, 1963. Subsequent action was taken by the City Commission on February 25, 1963, at W'hieh time a Hearing was called for 7:30 P.M., on March 25, 1963. Mr. Johnson also stated that notices had been mailed to all property owners ivithin a 200' radius of the W~ of Lots Land 2, Block 20, West University Place 1st Addition and in his opinion all prerequi~ites for calling a public hearing had been fulfilled. ~.I!". W. N. McCollum, after being duly sworn by Mayor Holman, stated that he desired to subdivide the wi of the two lots into a lot measuring 57t feet X 150 feet, and one 142t feet X 150 feet. Mr. McCollum also stated that he intends to construct improvements on the two lots and that he was aware of the fact that only one Single family residence could be constructed on each of the two lots. With no other property owners desiring to be heard the rollowing action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the Hearing called to consider amending Zoning Ordinance No. III to permit subdivision of' the wt of Lots L~nd 2, Block 20, West University Place 1st Addition, as requested by Mr. W. N. McCollum, be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Ordinance No. 111, be amended to permit subdivision of the wi of Lots land 2, Block 20, West University Place 1st Addition, into one lot with a 57! foot frontage X 150 foot depth and the second lot to have a frontage of 142t feet by 150 feet :t'or two building sites as requested by Mr. W. N. McCollum and recomm.ended by the Zoning and Planning Board. . r::':"-:'''~'P-~'o'''~'' .1L:::I : _~r-- _,...,,,-=,,,-...r."__~.. . -L 1__: ........I _f.: ('1. ti~. t F ~. ]L k<A Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and '\-Tall. None. The Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board on March 14, 1963, were presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the re- ~uest of Mr. R. W. Wilson, to repair and make useable a living room and bathroom attached to his garage be approved, subject to Mr. Wilson's exe- cution of an affidavit that the structure will not be used for rental and commercial purposes, but for family use only. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Action on the re~uest of Mrs. Ben L. Berry, 6546 Buffalo Speedway, for per- mission to change the electrical wiring in the existing living ~uarters above the garage was deferred pending Mrs. Berryt presence at a Commission meeting. Mr. JohnT. Roberts, 2916 Rice Boulevard, appeared before the Commission re~uesting permission to repair a room above his garage which was damaged by fire in January, 1963. Mr. Roberts ,stated that he desired to replace the sheetrock on the ceiling and walls, and make other minor repairs as needed. He also desired to replace electrical wiring, light fixtures aud base out- lets. No enlargement or expansion is proposed. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the re- quest of Mr. John T. Roberts, 2916 Rice Boulevar~, for permission.to repair his garage room which was damaged by fire, by replacing sheetrock on walls and ceiling, other minor repairs as needed, replace electrical wiring, light fixtures and base outlets, be approved, provided there is no enlargement or expansion and subject to Mr. Roberts executing'an affidavit that the struc- ture will be used for fami~~ use and not for rental or commercial purposes. Voting Aye: Voting No; Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, vest and Wall. None Mr. Paul Canto, 3303 Sunset Boulevard, asked the Commission to waive re~uire- ments for a sidewalk on the Rutgers Street side of a newly constructed house, as there are no other sidewalks in thisb.10ck on Rutgers Street and also there are five large trees which would have to be removed before a side- walk could be constructed. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Ordinance No. 313, re~uiring construction of sidewalks be waived with reference to the frontage on Rutgers Street, inasmuch as there are no other sidewalks in the biock on this street and also because of the trees which would have to be removed before a sidewalk could be constructed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HOlman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, vest and Wall. None. -"-----'--r....'.'-..-""".'"~"'. , '11-1'1 'I'"r-T"~", '''11 r-- 41 2' "'7 1 ,. ~ A report on a meeting of the Library Sponsors Committee consisting of Messrs. S.L. Lamkin~ Jim Glass; Ralph Runnels and W. T. Lutz, was given by City Man- ager Whitt Johnson. !~. Johnson reported that the group desired to sponsor a campaign to raise funds to pay a part of the cost of the I.u:rnishings for the new library building. An estimated $300 expenditure would be necessary to mail brochures to each resident in West University Place advising of the campaign. The City Commission 'WaS requested to authorize an expenditure of' $300.00 for this plmpose. CI'j 00 00 c..? CO CO Motion by Corrnnissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the Library Sponsors Committee be authorized to expend funds in the amount of $300.00 to provide for envelopes, postage and other expense necessary to mail brochures to residents of West University Place, advising of the campaign to raise funds to pay part of the cost of furnishings for the new library building. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. After discussing the short time that bidders on library furnishings would have in which to submit a bid by 7:30 P.M., March 28, 1963, due to the fact that specifications were released at a late date and also a library convention being held in ]Iallas, March 28-30 and most of the prospective ,bidders plan- ning to attend, it 'WaS decided that it would be to the City's advantage to extend the date for receiving bids until April 8, 1963, 7:30 P.M. Motion by Commissioner vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that prospective bidders on library furniture be notified that time for opening bids has been extended to April 8, 1963. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None The Commission reviewed specifications recommended by Mr. Doug Byrne, Engi- neer, Signal Engineering Corporation, for installation of traffic signals at Weslayan at the intersections of Rice Boulevard and University Boulevard. The City Manager was instructed to obtain an estimate from Mr. Byrne on in- stallation of poleS with overhead wiring. ~he City Manager advised that he had received several inquiries frum outdoor advertising companies regarding leasejof the City's 30 X 50 foot tract of land on Edloe Street at the Southwest Freeway and stated that the City could lease this tract of land for $60 - $65 per month on a three-year lease, sub- ject to cancellation by either ,party on a 60-day notice. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner AyreS, that the City Manager be authorized to negotiate for the best lease of the City's property located on Edloe street on the south side of the Southwest Freeway. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice" Vest and Wall. None. 1L ~l8; An estimated cost of rep~ac~ng the flood lights and rehabilitating th~ tennis court at Colonial Park "Tas presented to the Commission fur con- sideration. It was estimated that it would require approxi-mately $850.00 to rehabilitate the double tennis court and to reinstall flood lights. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by eommissioner Rice, that the double tennis court at Colonial Park be rehabilitated and flood lights reinstalled as outlined by the City Man~ger . Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commission~rs Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. Tax Assessor-Collector Wm. Dittert, advised that the following named prop- erty owners are also delinquent 5 years or mo~e, in payment of advalorem taxes on their property in West University Place, in addition to the list submitted on February 25~ 1963~ and should also be referred to the City Attorney for collection: Owner Property Description Years Delin~uent Amt. Due Francis W. Jones First Church of Christ Sc..ientist W. W. Fitzjarreld Lot 44, Fad.rhaven Addn. W 65' of Lot 1, Block 5, , West Univ. Place 1st Addn. Lot 14, Blk. 9, C V 3rd 1955-62 1957-62 1957-62 $144.83 317 -37 283.62 The City Attorney was instructed to proceed with collection of these addi- tional delinquent taxes. Ordinance No. 822, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PRO- CEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A1>1ENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO PERMIT THE USE OF Lar 1, BLOCK ~l, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SECOND ADDITION, FOR CHURCH PURPOSES; FUIDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. III HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING .AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. III BE AMENDED REZONING THE SAID LOT FOR CHURCH PURpOSES; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. III OF T.BE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS SHOULD BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SUCH USE OF THE SAID Lar; AMENDING ORDIN- ANCE NO. III REZONING Lar 1, BLOCK 91, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SECOND ADDITIOn, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Ordinance No. 822~ amending Ordinance No. 111, permitting use of Lot 1, Block 91, West University Place Sec~nd Addition for church purposes, be passed and. approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None. r~':."':-~:~=~~:~;'_'~""""":.-=::',,=~:~e~ _~~I:'-O ~-"--rc'~':'-"~''''"-:-'~~r--'l____-----,-_~_-,-,~~____:......~~_ _ _-----I 10Q . .f:-dV The Commission discussed a completed draft of the comprehensive plan which had been prepared by Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, covering Land Use Plan, Thoroughfare Plan, Water and Sewer Utility and storm Drainage. Suggestions by members of the Commission were noted for the purpose of submitting a list to the Planning firm for corrections to the first draft of the completed re- port. It was then decided to hold another conference with the planning firm in order for them to complete the narrative part of the report.~ Minutes of the meeting of March 11, 1963, were read and approved as submitted. M ;x) ct) c.;;, c::o 0= With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and passed, the meeting was adjourned at 12 midnight. MvuJf~~ MAYOR A'ITEST : ~- ""/ ,. /' ,~ /"A'" ',,,/,/ '-?/' ,,/ , /' L~->-~--4 / '~/L--<:..---L.L~-a/ ASSISTANT CITY SECRETARY r~'~~="~'''In __~1'" "~~T~""~'---T 1. '-=r -- "~i t"-{ f),) .n_ ....1 .... REGULAR MEErING OF CITY COMMISSION APRIL 8, 1963 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, April 8, 1963, 7:30 p.m., with the follmfing members present: Mayor DuPree Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Mana- ger was also present. TheCi ty Attorney was absent. Mayor Holman pronounced the Invocation. In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for furniture and equipment for the new library building were opened and results announced. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that bids received for furniture and equipment for the new library building be referred to the' City Manager and Mr. Jack Evans" Architect and DeSigner" for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Corrnnissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and WalL None Mr. Ben L. Berry, 6546 Buffalo Speedway, appeared before the Commission regard- ing his request for a change in electrical wiring in existing living quarters over his garage. He explained to the Commission that he had nine children and the facilities were used as an additional bedroom. His re~uest was for 220 service in order that an air conditioner might be installed in the room and also to accommodate a deep freeze and dryer located in the garage. Motion by Commissioner vest, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the request of Mr. and Mrs. Berry for permission to install 220 electrical wiring in the exisy. ing living quarters over their garage at 6546 Buffalo Speedway, be granted sub- ject to the execution of the usual affidavit that the facilities will be used by his immediate family only and not for rental or commercial purposes. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and WalL None Mrs. J. A. Dobsky and Mrs. Smith, representing the west University Garden ClUb, appeared before the Commission requesting that the club be permitted to use the Community Building for their monthly meetings at a lower fee than the $5.00 hertofore established for this type of p:se. The Mayor expla.ined to the repre- sentatives that this small charge only partially paid for the air conditioning and janitor services during the hours the Garden Club uses the building, and they did not feel that the charge could be lowered. The Commission discussed the progress of the report on the Comprehensive Plan being prepared by Caudill, Rowlett and Scott and it was determined that it would be to the city's advantage to purchase an additional 150 copies of the completed report at $1.00 each, in addition to the 100 which would be furnished ~nder the contract. T~~'~OO=""~"~""'irn _u.wr 'r"~' meT! I' M ~JO GO c.;;s ~ co i")~ 1..)1 Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that 150 copies of the Compl'ehensive Plan being prepared by Caudill, Rowlett and Scott be pur- chased at $1.00 each, in addition to the 100 copies to be furnished in accord- ancewith the contract between the city and the planning firm. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and WalJ_ None A report was given by the City Manager on the progress of the construction of the new Library building. During the discussion it "(-Tas decided that the Connhission would convene in recessed session on Monday, April 15, 1963, 7:30 p.m., to con- sider the tabulation and recommendation for the purchase of furniture and e~uip- ment for the Library Building. Ord.inance No. 823, captioned as follows, was presented. to the Commission fOr CQ1- sideration and read in full: IN" AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD MID ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO COl-rSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. :[.11 OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF THE WEST i OF LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 20, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FIRST ADDITION; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERlrnG AN AMEND- ME1~ TO ORDINANCE NO. 111 HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROV- ING .AND ADOPl'ING THE REPORTED RECOMMENDATION0F TEE ZONING AND PLANNING BoARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT $AID SUBDIVISION: FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOULD BE SO AMENDED; AMENDING ORDINfu~CE NO. 111 PERMITTING SUCH SUBDIVISION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by CommiSSioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Ordinance No. 823, amending Ordinance No. 111, granting pernrl.ssion for the subdivision of Lots 1 and 2, Block 20, West University Place 1st Addition, as re~uested by Mr. W. N. McCollum, be passed and approved as read. Vbti.ng Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres:1' Rice, Vest and Wall None It was brought to the Commission's attention that limbs grmying over streets are becoming hazards to traffic and interfering with services performed by the city's Garbage Department and Fire Department, etc., and to delivery men and service companies. The matter "(vas referred to Commissi.oner Rice and the City Attorney for study and reconwendation. ~J!j.mltes of the meeting of March 25, 1963, ,vere read and approved. With no further business to come before the Conmdssion at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried., the meeting ivas recessed at 10:30 p.m., until 7:30 p.m., Monday, April 15, 1963. --or ,,' ~Cj; I.,} .D The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, April15, 1963, 7:30 p.m., with the follovTing members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Vall. The City Manager was also present. The City Attorney was absent. The City Commission convened in recessed session for the purpose of consider- ing and reviewing bids received on April 8, 1963, for construction and delivery of library furniture and equipment. Pursuant to instructions of the City Commission, a letter setting forth a tab- ulation of bids received and a recommendation from Mr. Jack Evans, Architect and Designer, and the City Manager was presented. The Commission considered the following pertinent facts concerning the library equipment and furnishings: (a) (b) Cc) Cd) (~ ) The desirability of using wood in lieu of steel for construction of the shelving and book stacks. To, purchase only two card catalog units consisting of 80,000 capacity instead of four card catalog units as proposed. Use of oak or birch for eonstruction pf the shelving and book- stacks Erection and installation service and charges proposed by repre- sentatives of the bidding company The earliest date for construction and delivery of equipment Mr. Robert Sheppard, representing Bro;-Dart ;cndustries, and Mr. Peter Bisesi, representing Remington-Rand Corporation, were invited to present the special features of their e~uipment, along with an explanation of their proposal. . After conferring with Messrs. Sheppard and Bisesi, and discussing at length the need for ade~uate library~uipment and fUrnishings, the following ReSO- lution which appropriated the necessary funds, prior to entering into a con- tractural agreement for delivery of the library furnishings and e~uipment was presented and read in full. WBEREAS~ the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Te~as, has heretofore by Resolution No. 62-10 and No. 62-15, appropriated the sum of $82,416.07 for the construction of a library and payment of architectural fees; and WHEREAS, it was knolm at the time of' the appropriation of' the said $82,416.07 that an additional appropriation would be re~uired to provide funds for library furnishings and equipment after bids were received; and v~, on April 8, 1963, sealed competitive bids were received from recognized companies for manufactu:ring and furnishing equipment and furnishings for the library, and after said bids were reviewed it was determined that $20,000.00 would be required for furnishing and equipping the library; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST u'NIVER- SITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1: That there is hereby appropriated the sum of $20,000.00 from avail- able cash in the ~-1ater-Sewer Fund, in order that a contract can be awarded for the constructing and providing of equipment and furnishings for the library. 1- , .. i::Ll ~_-------.-:.1.l.."' r--'--=-==--<i r 1 ..1 I,. If) C'; ~ ,) ,) Section 2: The City Treasurer is hereby authorized to transfer from avail- able cash of the Water-Sewer Fund to the General'Fund, the sum of $20,000.00 for the purpose of fllrnishing ahd e~uipping the library building. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Resolution 63-3, appropriating the sum of $20,000.00 in ord.er that a contract might be awarded for constructing and providing equipment and furnishings for the library, be passed and approved as read. Votiqg Aye: Voting No: M :X) 00 c...? =0 CO Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the bid on library shelving and equipment submitted by Remington-Rand Corporation, w'ith the shelving and book stacks to be constructed of birch with walnut finish, totaling $11,140.36, for the following items: Item Quantity la 2a 3a 4a 5a 6 7a 8 9 9a 10 11 12 13 Voting Aye: Voting No,; Description Amount 1 3 1 1 1 2 5 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 Wall range of' wood book shelving Double faced ranges wood book shelving Periodical wood book shelving Wall range wood children's shelving Wall range wood book shelving Wall ranges steel shelving Double faced ranges wood book shelving Single Slope picture book tables Wood book trucks Steel book truck Shelf list unit Book display rack with bulletin board Card catalog units Charging desk $ 419.25 2,094.00 796.00 570.00 163.25 209.96 2,886.50 390.75 172.50 62.40 237.75 214.75 876.00 2,047.25 $11,149.36 Total ~~yor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the bid sub- mitted by Evans-Walsh, Inc., for furn:i.ture, draperies and matting, totaling $8,687.01, and consisting of the following items, be accepted; I FURNITURE AREA A. .AREA B. $1, 76li-.80 AREA C. AREA D. AREA E. A..-qEA F.. AREA G. ARE..l\ H. First floor main room. - chairs and tables Checkout desk and waiting area - bench, stool ana_ chair North Adult reading room - Tables and chairs Librarian's Off:i_ce - Desk and chairs Workroom - Cha:i.rs, table and d.esk Child.ren's Area - Table, chairs and seat pads Reading Room, Second Floor - tables and. chairs Music. Listening Room - Tables and chairs 203.00 421} .00 375.00 429.00 368.00 732.00 !.~lO.OO $)'~) 705 ..80 _::':'.-_'.:._...' "~. ,'L:w.._-'--'_,c____'.c_:ililllr' r---~"":I ,- ,.. L L,_,,_.. ...1 .~ 4'~ LL l...i ,;.. II DRAPERIES $1,206.16 III MATTING 2,101.30 673.75 $8,687.01 Labor for Matting TOTAL OF ITEMS I, II, III Voting Aye: Voting No: Iv.Ia.yor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None "lith no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 pm. MVLU/~ Mayor ATTEST: ,~/}i . ;A5-) ',/ i~.,k:"'''7'-;>'---ft--/ / .;/ /-~~..e..~c;~. Assistant City Secretary '~Tl I , 1,',[ 1,1 135 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION APRIL 22, 1963 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, April 22, 1963, 7: 30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor pro tern Rice, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wall. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Mayor Holman was absent due to illness. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Wall. M 00 00 c..';l ~ CO Minutes of the Zoning & Planning Board meeting of April 11, 1963, were pre- sented for consideration and foDowing action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that Mrs. Ralph A. Anderson, 3126 Robinhood, be permitted to install 220 volt electrical wir- ing in her garage apartment for air conditioning, as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board, inasmuch as the permit for the garage apartment was issued before passage of the zoning ordinance and it has ~een used for rental pur- poses continuously. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor pro tern Rice, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wall. None Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Mr. M. D. Hatfield, 2640 Pemberton, be permitted to install 220 volt electrical circuits for two window air conditioning units in the servant quarters located on his premises, being Lots 11, 12, 13, Block 4, Pemberton Addition, as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board; subject to an affidavit being executed by Mr. Hatfield that the structure wilL be used only by his immediate family and not for :rental or commercial purposes. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor pro tem Rice, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wall. None. The Commission considered a plan prepared by the City Engineer to widen the turning radius of the southeast corner of the intersection of Weslayan and Richmond Road, in order to relieve the traffic hazard caused by Weslayan being only 30 feet wide on the south side of Richmond Road and 60 feet wide on the north side. It WaS estimated that the cost of this work would be'approxi- mately $400 with the use of city labor. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the City Manager be authorized to proceed with the widening of the turning radius of the southeast corner of the intersection of Weslayan and Richmond Road at an estimated cost of $400. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor pro tern Rice, commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wall. None. Installation of a "STOP" sign for north-bound traffic on Weslayan at Stella Link and a "NO LEFT TURN" from Stella Link onto Weslayanms recommended by the Chief of Police. L .' ~LfuC _'----1TI:~~c~.c'T'.. "on , ,....J: . ,,-. 'w ,""" ~'lJ) ..J1. ({Y Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that a "STOP" sign for north-bound traffic be installed on Weslayan at Stella Link, and a "NO LEFT TURN" sign be installed on Stella Link at Weslayan for north- bound traffic as recommended by Chief of Police H. E. Shipp. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor pro tem Rice, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wall. None. Installation of a traffic signal control system on Weslayan Road at the intersections of University and Rice Boulevard was again discussed by the Commission. It was their decision to select the Mast Arm design for instal- lation at the two intersections, rather than the steel strain poles. Mr. Douglas B. Byrne, Engineer for the Signal Engineering Company had submitted a quotation of approximately $2,215 an intersection, including $700 labo~ estimate, for. the strain pole, and $2,420 including $770 for labor, with the mast arm installation. It was agreed that bids should be received on two proposals; Proposal No. 1 - E~uipment; and Proposal No. 2 - Labor for in- stallation, with the Contractor to furnish the wire, conduit and miscella- neous equipment necessary for installation. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the City Manager be instructed to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 p.m. Juue 10, 1963, for the following: PROPOSAL NO. 1 - Equipment for installation of traffic control~ers and signals at Weslayan and University Boulevard and Wesleyan and Rice Boulevard intersections. PROPOSAL NO. 2 - Labor to install traffic controllers and signals at Weslayan and University Boulevard and at Weslayan and Rice Boulevard intersections. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor pro tem Rice, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wall. None. It was reported by the City Attorney that in Cause No. 576 003 C, Richard Harrell et ux vs William Nacol, Sr., et al 157th District Court of Harris County, Texas, a hearing on motion for summary judgment was held on the 18th of March, 1963, and the Court entered judgment in behalf of the city for the amount of $474.76 with interest thereon until paid, at the rate of 8% per annum. Attorneys for the defendants have advised that they are ready to make payment upon delivery of a properly executed release of the lien to tllem. (This was an assessment placed on Lots 11 & 12, Block 11, Virginia Court, in 1954, at the time skips on University Boulevard were paved. ) Minutes of the meetings of April 8 and 15, 1963, were approved. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. ~ .-' , '. p~~ ATTEST: .-1 i.,/.'~ 'n_(/~(/T'''<- ,~'( , /".. ( ,', ( / Assistant C:tty Secretary t. 1~11' , v 4 fn i REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MAY 13, 1963 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, May 13, 1963, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor pro tem Rice, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wall. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Mayor Holman was absent due to illness. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor pro tern Rice. M X> ~ ~ CO CO Minutes of the Zoning Board meeting on May 9, 1963, were presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commis~ioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Mrs. Eula Bakker, 2717",Plll1!!:j), be permitted to install 220 volt wiring to service an air conditioner in the existing garage apartment on the premises and to replace other electrical wiring in the structure as necessary in order to reduce the potential fire hazard inasmuch as the apartment was constructed in 1931, predating the zoning ordinance. Voting Aye: Voting Wo: Mayor pro tern Rice, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wall. None. L,nJ A letter signed by Mr. Ralph S. Ellifrit, Director of City Planning for the City of Houston, requesting that the name of Richmond Road be changed to Bissonnet Street within the corporate limits of West University Place, was presented to the Commission. Mr. Ellifrit stated in his letter that the City of Houston had passed a motion approving the change within its corporate limits. After discussing the request it was considered advisable to defer action until all citizens affected have been contacted. City Manager Whitt Johnson advised the Commission that Mr. Harvey B. Richards, 3402 University Boulevard, had requested an extension of time for payment of delinquent taxes in connection with a pending suit which has been filed by the City Attorney upon instructions by the Commission. It was the opinion ,of the Commission that an extension of time should not be granted and the City Attor- ney was instructed to proceed with the suit. The Commission was also advised the Mr. W. W. Fitzjarrald, 3918 Coleridge, had submitted a check for $75 and has on deposit with the City Tax Collector $125 to apply on delin~uent taxes. After discussing the fact that several swimming pools had been constructed in West University the City Attorney was requested to review codes covering such construction for the purpose of incorporating requirements in the city's ordinances. The City Attorney advised that he had asked Mayor pro tem Rice to execute release of paving lien against Lots 11 & 12, Block 11, Virginia Court, for paving on University Boulevard, acknowledging receipt of $477.93 as payment in full. This was in connection with Cause No. 576,003, styled C. Richard Harrell, et ux vs. William Nacol, Sr., 157th District Court, Harris County. ; L r- '1m 'Ifl' r-'"""'~'-"~f~'~~'r I .J i ':~ ~5 .:L ,y C, Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that action taken by Mayor pro tem Rice in executing a release of paving lien against Lots 11 & 12, Block 11, Virginia Court, on University Boulevard and acknowledg- ing receipt of $477.93 as payment in full, be ratified. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor pro tern Rice, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wall. None. Appointment of a Library Committee was again discussed and Commissioner Vest reported that he contacted six qualified citizens of West University Place who had indicated their willingness to serve. It was decided that addi- tional names would be submitted to Commissioner Vest and all prospective members of the Committee would be invited to a meeting with the Commission for interview and discussion. Minutes of the regular meeting on April 22, 1963, were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. ATTEST: / "i;~"-K_.,./t-_A' .... '~10/)-c{(_'.<.t, Assistant City Se6retary .~) I"-"'''~~~'~~--~ ",:U1 _, nn'----2illlJ" , _u"'.'''r'.' "'-1 Lnn' :::r nn__ 139 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MAY 27, 1963 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall, Monday, May 27,1963,7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Ayres VTas absent. C"? JO 00 c;.:, CO CO Commissioner Vest pronounced the Invocation. Mr. R. W. Richter, 6416 Belmont, presented a petition signed by, 24 fami- lies living in the 6400 and 6500 blocks of Belmont Street calling atten- tion to the dangerous traffic situation existing on Belmont Street, and requesting that stop signs be erected on Belmont at the intersection with Pittsburg. Af'ter considering the req,uest the f'ollowing action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that action on the request for erection of stop signs on Belmont at Pittsburg, be referred to the Chief of Police for study and recommendation to the Com- mIDssion~ the next regular meeting. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall. None Mr. Kelly Gaffney and Mr. Oscar Mangum, representing the West University Baptist Church, appeared before the Commission, requesting pe~mission to erect a la-foot backstop around the 100 X 150 f'oot area in the 3800 block of Milton Street, owned by the church and presently being used by both the city and the church as a parking area. Mr. Gaffney explained it was the desre of the church to erect the back- stop and also some floodlights on the property in order that the area might be used in the evenings for recreational purposes, for the church youth group. Written consent had been obtained from property owners who will be directly affected: W. E. Howard, 3810 Milton, Wyatt Walker, 3815 Rice, Mrs. R. L. Smith, 3821 Rice, Mr. J. G. McGryon, 3817 Rice. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the request for permission to erect lights and backstops on Lots 13, 14, ~, Block 15, Collegeview 3rd Addition, for the West University Baptist Church, be approved in accordance with the plan presented. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest arid Wall. None I' An invoice from Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, for the balance due in the amount of $950 on the contract dated 13 August 1962, for the planning sur- vey for the total amount of $8,400 was presented for consideration. One hundred fifty dollars of this fee represented 150 extra copies of the Plan Report furnished at $1 each as per contract. (" l'--,,!-.,'~~:.'~'~C=:':----"==-",,:T;"""_-=J"~.= _~~t_,"'='=_-=-~_-'-'--=.=.~!=''=C'-''=.'_-''''_I~.,,- <~ An 1. -:~ \,} Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the final statement in the amount of $950 due Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, be paid. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall. None Minutes of the special meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board on May 23, 1963, were presented to the Commissioners and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that a public hearing be called for 7:30 p.m., June 24, 1963, to consider subdivision of Lot 1, Block 9, West University Place 1st Addition, into two lqts, one 100 X 112 feet to front on Brompton Road, and the other to be 88 X 100 feet to front on Carnegie Street. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall. None City Manager Whitt Johnson gave a progress report on the construction of thenew library building. He also stated that a letter had been received from Architects Pierce & Pierce advising that Rovmn Construction Company, Inc., was requesting a change order in the amount of $140 to cover the damp-proofing of the 12" exterior masonry walls. The kchitect recommended rejection of an extra charge of $78 for acousticaliile as requested by the Contractor. After the Commission considered the recommendations from the Architect and the circumstances involved, action was taken as follows: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that a change order in the amount of $140, to cover damp-proofing of the 12" exterior masonry walls be issued; and request for a payment of $78 for acoustical tile be rejected. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall None Resolution 63-4, as follows was presented to the Commissio~ and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash availaple in the Street Improvement Bonds, 1948 fund, $2,150 and Trust Agency Fund, $500, which will not be required for current operating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount of: Street Improvement Bonds, Series 1948 fund, $2,150 in Houston First Federal Savings and Loan Association to be added to our Account #130261, and Trust Agency Fund - $500, in University Savings and Loan Association to be added to our Account #2690, both at the prevailing rate of dividends at 4 1/2%. '''I- - l'~m~,~~'. . <" , iil . ilJJri r.==-'-C---'~--'" ~--~T'."-~ .-'. 1'-1 1 II '" JLLlI Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Resolution 63-4, directing investment of funds in the amount of $2,150 from the Street Improvement Bond Series 1948, in Houston First Feder~l Savings and Loan Association, and $500 from the Trust Agency Fund, in University Savings and Loan Association, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor,Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall None M ~ 00 c..';3 CO ::0 Resolution 63-5, as following, authorizing the name of Richmond Road between Academy Street and the railroad tracks be changed to Bissonnet Street, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Houston has informed the City Commission of the City of West UniversffiyPlace of its intention tochange the name of the portion of Richmond Road located within the aity limits of the City of Houston from "Richmond Road" to "Bissonnet Street"; and WHEREAS, a portion of:,said Richmond Road is located in the city limits of. the City of West University Place; and WHEREAS, the Gity Commission is of the opinion that it would be for the best interest of the City of West University place that ,the name of the portion of Richmond Road located within the city limits of said City be chapged to Bissonnet Street. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COW/lISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSTY PLACE TEXAS: 1. That the name. of the portion of Ric~ond Road located ip the city limits of the City of West University Place ,and between Academy Street on the east and the San Antonio and Aransas Pass Railroad tracks on the west be changed from "Richmond Road" to "Bissonnet Street". 2. That the City Manager is instruded and authorized to take such action as is necessary to implement, 'such change of name. 3. That notice of such change of name be given to each homeowner in the Cith that presently has a street address on Richmond Road. 4. That this Resolution will become effective from and after August 14, 1963. Motion by Commissioner W~ll, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Reso- lution 63-5, authorizing the name of Richmond Road between Academy Street god the Railroad tracks to be changed to Bissonnet Street, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall None .~ /1, ') .1 t..:~: ,_~~ Frl-' '-"~~f:~~tt,~:,;---, The City Manager advised the Commission that a notice had been recei ved from the Citizens State Bank that a cash balance in the amount of $49.01 had been dormant since 1941. The account was known as City of West University Place Charter Commission Fund, and was created during the study and presentation to the voters of the Home Rule Charter now in effect. Official action authorizing signing of signature cards and vTithdrawal of this account was requested. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the Mayor be authorized to execute signature cards in order to withdraw the balance in the dormant account known as "City of West University Place Charter Commission Fund" and place it in the General Fund of the City. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall. None The Commission again considered the traffic congestion and parking problem in the vicinity of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, and reviewed a recommendation submitted by Chief of Police H. E. Snipp. Action was deferred until the proper officials of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company could be advised that signs regulating traffic in the vicinity of the building must of necessity be installed. ---1 After discussing appointment of persons to serve as members Of a Library Committee, the fo1lowllipg action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Mmes J. R. McCarty,R. W. Turner, Jane Lapala, N. B. Proctor, John Wendell; Messrs Joe J. Mathis, R. M. Langley and Gus Cox, be appointed to serve as a Library Committee. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall None Minutes of the meeting of May 13, 1963, were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion du1ymade, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 p.m. A.J?MU lik~ t;ta:yur- ATTEST: (1?(~7~ ,'- <'" ;~)/J(-l->~_ Assistant City Secretary r~"-.' - r' ------------- L III '.-"T~< '-".-'nC;ilUfi I=-=-=-==-=C=C=\["--=-"'---==rl :!:;! "" JO 00 c..':l CO CO 1 dt ~ ..At .--'l ~!) REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JUNE 10, 1963 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, June 10, 1963, 7: 30 p. m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Rice and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Vest was absent, as he was on vacation. Commissioner Wall pronounced the Invocation. Nunn Electric Signal Engineering Warren Electric Powell & Stephenson B'sElectric III 959.00 959.00 959.00 1,060.00 2,460.00 2,950.00 IV 3,700.00 3,975.00 Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that bids re- ceived for traffic signals be referred to the City Manager and City Engineer for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice and Wall. None Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board, on June 6, were presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that action of the Zoning and Planning Board be confirmed and Mr. LeRoy B. Everett, 3130 Quenby, be permitted to install 220 v wiring in his existing garage apart- mentwhich was erected prior to passage of the Zoning Ordinance. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commmmssioners Ayres, Rice and Wall None Estimate No.4, in the amount of $24,827.30, for work completed by Rovon Construction Company, Inc., through June 1, 1963 on the new Library Building and certified by Architects Pierce & Pierce, was presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Estimate No.4, in the amount of $24,827.30, due Rovon Construction Company, Inc. for the period March 1 through June 1, 1963, for work completed on the Library building be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice and Wall None !","WO< "I 'r---- "-'.i~l iF!f . ~C~~-Tl ii ~ "1 -., ,1 fa Jt <-:.'t (:a:. Priority projects for the Water Department as outlined and recommended by the planning firm of Caudill, Rowlett and Scott and the Fire Pre- vention and Engineering Bureau of Dallas, were discussed by the Com- mission. The City Manager recommended that the first step in pursuing the priority projects be that of preparing maps showing location of distribution lines, va1v.es and fire hydrants, as recommended by the planning consultants. Motiog by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, -that the City Manager be authorized to proceed with plans to prepare maps showing location of distribution lines, valves and fire hydrants, as recommended by the planning consultants. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice and Wall Hone The City Manager also advised the Commission that a 2" water line in the!J200 block of Albans needed to be replaced. The Commission reques- tedthat aneslimate be presented at the next meeting of the cost of this improvement. Chief of Police H. E. Shipp submitted a recommendation for lISTOP' signs on Belmont Street at the intersection of Pittsburg Street, in compli- ance with action taken by the City Commission at the last meeting. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that rSTIDP' signs be placed on Belmont Street at the intersection of Pittsburg, making this a four-way stop intersection as recommended by the Chief of Police'. '1 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioner Ayres, Rice and Wall None A recommendation was also made by the Chief of Police for signs to be installed to prohibit parking at any time on the west side of Wake- forest Street, from the north curb line of University Boulevard to a point 164 feet north, and onthe east side of Wakeforest from a point 104 feet north of the north curb line of University Boulevard to a point 60 feet north. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that "NO PARKING AT ANY THJlE" signs be installed on the west side of Wakeforest Street from the north curb line of University Boulevard to a point 164 feet north, and on the east side of Wakeforest Street from a point 104 feet north of the north curb line of University Boulevard to a point 60 feet north, as recommended by the Chief of Police. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice and Wall None 1'1 I' - __H -- --, nn__ -- - 'I m ---___'~~IT !., 1/i5 / In regard to previou@ discussion and study of the traffic congestion caused by employees of the outhwestern Bell Telephone Company parking on streets in the vicinity of the company's building at"Bellaire and Academy, the Chief of Police reconnnended that "NO PARKING be permitted on the south side of the 4000 block of Riley Street; south side of Ruskin Street from W~ayan to Fairhaven Street; north side of Ruskin from the west line of Academy to a point 100 feet west; north side of Cason from the west curb line of Academy Street to a point 100 feet west; south side of Cason Street in the 4100 block from Fairhaven Street to West Point Street; east side of Fair- haven Street from Be11aire Boulevard to Ruskin Street. M XJ C() c..;;, CO =0 Motion by Connnissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that signs be installed as recommended by the Chief of Police prohibiting parking between the hours 01'8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on week-days. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice and Wall None After discussing employment of an auditor to examine the city's books and accounts for the year 1963, the following action was taken: Motion by Connnissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that EverettP. Green, Certified Public Accountant, be employed to examine the city's books and accounts for the year 1963, for a maximum fee of $1700, subject to written confirmation from Mr. Green. Voting Aye:' Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice and Wall Voting No: None City Manager Whitt Johnson advised that after interviewing a number of applicants for the position of Assistant Treasurer, Tax-Assessor-Collector, it was his opinion that Mr. Richard Charles Owings was well qualified for the position and was being employed effective June 15, 1963. Appointment of members to serve as a Board of Equalization for the 1963 term was discussed; however, action was deferred until the next regular meeting of the Commission in order that other prospective members might be contacted. It vIas brought to the attention of the City Commission that the program of dusting for control of insects had not been put into operation this year for reason there had been no real need and also the matter had become a controversial issue. It was the opinion that in view of the adverse pub- licity on control of insects, that the matter be referred to the Board of Health for consideration. Minutes of the meeting of May 27, 1963, were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at ll;30 p.m. ,,~ // /?:~~" __ /' / '/:)"'" "C '//7, (.......~~.~~~~..c.."t,- (.--\<_"'~-'~ Assistant City Secretary /2.uLu~ , MAYOR ATTEST: I' ' ,.----'..-"1 ""--~ nn'________ lr,m 'lI"'f" "-~Il r ' n, I: 4 l rl; 1 ,10 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JUNE 24, 1963 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, June 24, 1963, ':{: 30 p. m., with the fOllowing members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Vest. In compliance with Notice of Hearing duly published in the official news- paper of the city, Mayor Holman announced that the Hearing was now called to order to consider amending Zoning Ordinance No. 111 to permit subdivi- sion of Lot 1, Block 9, West University Place 1st Addition, as requested by Mr. W. S. Graves, 6544 Brompton, and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. In answer to questions by the City Attorney, City Manager Whitt Johnson, having been duly sworn by Mayor Holman, stated that gpp1ication had been made by Mr. Graves to the Zoning Board for permission to subdivide the said Lot and that affirmative action was tal).en by the Board on May 23, 1963. Subsequent action was taken by the City Commission on May 27, 1963, at which time a Hearing was called for 7: 30 p.m., June 24; 1963. Mr. Johnson also stated that notices had been mailed to all property owners within a 200' radius of Lot 1, Block 9, West University Place 1st Addition, and in his opinion all prerequisites for callbg a Public Hearing had been fulfilled. Mr. W. S. Graves, after being duly sworn by Mayor Holman, stated that he desir@d;'to subdivide Lot 1, Block 9, West University Place 1st Addition, into two lots, one 88' X 100' to front on Carnegie and one 100' X 112' to front on Brompton. Mr. Graves also stated that there are existing improvements including a residence and a garage apartment on the 100' X 112' tract and that he plans to construct a house on the 88' X 100' tract. He further stated that he is willing to grant a 5' easement and to construct a new sewer line according to the city's specifications. There was a question concerning the present garage structure being only 1'9" from the proposed rear property line of the 100' X 112' lot. A neighbor, Mrs. Charles Carter, stated that she approved of Mr. Graves' pro- posed subdiviSion of the lot. Another neighbor, Mr. C. M. Kunkel, stated that in his opinion Mr. Graves should be permitted to subdivide the lot as he wished to do in order to create an additional building site. Letters were read from three other property owners, to the same effect. The letters were from Mr. E. K. Douglas, 6530 Brompton; Mrs. R. W. Mogavero, 6605 Brompton; and Mrs. F. H. Silver, 2915 Carnegie. With no other property owners desiring to be heard, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconde~ by Commissioner Rice, that the Hearing called to consider amending Zoning Ordinance No. 111 to permit subdivision of Lot 1, Block 9, W U P 1st Addition, as requested by Mr. W. S. Graves, be closed. T~'~~~~-- "c, n'""'''TI'jr:r''' - '___'n-_____' ___'_, ___~____I"- '!,'''r-''-'"-~','n''',--,_-' '1 1,41 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None M JO :.n ~ ;c :Q Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Zoning Ordinance No. 111 be amended to permit subdivision of Lot.1) Block 9, West University Place 1st Addition, with the following restrictions: That Mr. Graves will grant a 5' easement for utilities in accordance with the dia- gram as discussed with him in the Hearing; that he will construct a 6" sewer line along this easement to serve the house on the 112' portion of the lot and deed it to the City of West University Place; that no struc- ture will be erected on the 88' X 100' lot within 5' of the east property line. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Mr. George Hawkins) Activities Chairman of the Boy Scouts, Southwest District, came before the Commission 'requesting permission to use the West University Swimming Pool on August 23rd or 24th, for a swim meet. He explained to the Commission that many of the boys in the Southwest District live in West University, that there would be 125-150 boys at the meet, that the meet had previously been held at Camp Hudson but that this pool would be used by the Cub Scouts this year and would not be available. He stated that the boys would be 11-15 years of age and that they would have their own life guards. Mayor Holman advised Mr. Hawkins that the Commission would discuss the matter further, and instructed the City Manager to check with the pool man- agement to determine if there were any conflicting events and asked Mr. Hawkins to determine whether the Scbut organization or if the individual parents would execute an agreement to relieve the city of any liability. The Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board on June 13, 1963) were presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Mr. A. C. Moss, appeared before the Commission, showing a sketch of an 8' X 20 I addition he plans to add to his present garage and hobby room. He stated that his lot is 75' X 150' and that he is well aware of all the zon- ing regulations and plans to abide by them. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the request of Mr. A. C. Moss, to erect an 8' X 20' addition to his present garage and hobby room to enlarge his hobby room, permitting space for a commode and small sink, and a storage room with only 110v electrical ;;dring, be granted subject to the executing of an affidavit by Mr. Moss that the structure will not be used as a living unit nor f9r commerCial purposes. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman) Commissioners Ayre~ Rice, Vest and Wall None i' No action can be taken on the request of Mr. Ray Pollard, desiring to demolish the residence on the N'w corner of Plumb and Kirby and surface the area for a parking lot area, until he has submitted a written request to the Zoning Board and action has been taken by them. r-"';::~""~-~-=~~~!!r _ ~____."~..__........j..I..:I..;'Lr-'''OC--=~ "'-00--;-"'-,'''''-.'-0-=0=''-.-=' A ') lL.1b The request of Mr. F. H. Weidman, 3836 Rice Boulevard, Ovlller of Lot 17 and 18, Block 14, College View 3rd Addition, to sell 55' of lot 17, and retain 2.2' of the 57.2' lot with his property, was discussed. It was detennined advi- sable that a motion be passed approving this action, so that there would be a record of the division. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the Comm:iS- sian approve the division of the lot by the owner of the E 55' of Lot 17, Block 14, College View 3rd Addition, for record purposes. Voting Aye: Voting No: MalfOr Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None In compliance with action taken by the Commission on June 10, 1963, the City Manager submitted a tabulation of bids received for traffic signal equip- ment and installation of signals on Wes1ayan at University and Rice and for the interconnecting of traffic signals on Buffalo at University and Rice. Th~ City Commission considered the desirability of accepting the bids for equipment only, as set forth in Proposals 1 and 3, and re-advertising for bids for labor and installation of equipment, as the bids received for these items were. 20% in excess of the EStimate. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that PDoposal No.1 in the amount of $3,Olfg and Proposal No. 3 in the amount of $959, sub- mitted by Signal Engineering Company, for furnishing traffic signal equip- ment for installation on Wes1ayan at University and Rice Boulevard be accepted, ahd that action on Proposals 2 and 4 be deferred until more exact costs for these items could be determined. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Vest, Rice and Wall None In compliance with action taken at the previous meeting of the Commission, City Manager \ihitt Johnson presented an estimate of the cost of materials required for installation of a 2-inch water line in the 4200 block of A1bans. The City Manager recommended that bids be received for supplying the pipe and other material and that the 2-inch line be installed by the city forces and equipment and the employment of a firm to dig the necessary trench be secured. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for 2-inch water line and other material for insta11aticn of the ,vater line in the 4200 block of Albans. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None The City Manager's recommendation for installation of the 2~inch water line with city forces and equipm~nt and employment of a firm to dothe trenching vlOrk, was approved. _ ________ _ --I;-",,"--=-_CO"~'=>CO-""<=>==-=-~"'"~LLI ~_~~_r- "'~"'L "" mnn ~' 149 The City Manager read a letter from Mr. Everett P. Green, confirming his appointment as auditor for the City of West University Place for the year 1963. His fee to be on the basis of $10 per hour, with a maximum of $1700. Special conferences or additional services would be billed at the regular hourly rate. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the Mayor be authorized to execute the agreement appointing ~tr. Everett P. Green as Auditor for the City of West University Place for the year 1963. M JO 00 ~ ::0 CO Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None City Manager Whitt Johnson advised that the Federal Communications Commis- sion had issued an order that all municipalities must change the use of low-band frequencies where various phases of the muniCipal service were operating on Police Department frequency. The City Manager expiLa.ined that there were two alternatives for correcting the situation and complying with the F C CIS ruling. (1) Retain the present Fire frequency for the Volunteer Fire Department, and the present frequency of 155.25 megacycles for the exclusive use ,-=01' the Police Department, and obtain a local government fre- quency for all other units, at an estimated cost of $4,000. (2) Retain the present frequency for the Volunteer Fire Department and obtain a Local Government Frequency for all other units, including 'the Police Department, at an estimated cost of $2,100. It was the opinion of the Commission that detailed proposals should be obtained and further consideration given to the matter. The Mayor presented suggested names for appointment to the Tax Equalization Board for the year 1963, as follows: Mr. Thomas Lee, 4040 Villanova, Mr. W. J. Bierne, 2618 Cason, Mr. James K. Hilliard, 4002 Case, and Mr. P. D. Phillips, Jr., 6524 Belmont. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Vest; that the follow- ing persons be appointed to the Tax Equalization Board for the year 1963: Mr. Thomas Lee (to serve as Chairman), Mr. W. J. Bierne, Mr. P. D. Phillips, Jr., and Mr. James K. Hilliard (to serve as Alternate member). Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Minutes of the meeting of June 10, 1963, were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 p.m. ATTEST: Jdw-w MAYOR ~:/c/") " ' /,;/' /']'''(. .(/,.",-(_.<:;:'?~ " Assistant City Secretary 'd~;'~"~?--,<,- r~""~__n'-- ,'----'~' '1',',,1 ii' r"'~~~~"--~-~' I -- ,~ l";,~) ! 'L3 ,__ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JULY 8, 1963 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, July 8, 1963, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Ayres pronounced the Invocation. Mr. George Hawkins, Activities Chairman of the Boy Scouts, Southwest District, again came before the Commission in regard to his request made on June 24th, for use of the West University Swimming Pool in August for a Swim Meet. Action on Mr. Hawkins request had been deferred in order to determine if there were. any conflicting events and to check the city's liability insurance. The City Manager advised that there were no conflicting events and it was also the opinion of the City Attorney, Commissioner Wall and Mr. Hawkins, after reviewing the city's comprehensive general liability insurance policy, that the city would not be liable for activities of this nature. It was deemed ad- visable to also secure a n opinion from the city's insurance company with regard to liability. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the Southwest District Boy Scouts be permitted to use the West University Swimming Pool beti\leen 8 p.m. and midnight on August 24, 1963, for a Southwest District Swim Meet as requested by Mr. George Hawkin$, Activities Chairman, with the cost to the Scouts to be only the amount for the additional insurance premium if any endorsement to the city's present insurance policy is necessary. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None An invoice from the Texas Municipal League for dues in the amount of $520, for .the year ending June, 1964, was submitted for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that dues to the Texas Municipal League in the amount of $520 for the year ending June, 1964, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HOlman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall .I.~ None Preparation of the Budget for the fiscal year 1964 was discussed and it was decided that the Commission would meet for a preliminary study of the proposed Budget on Monday, July 29, 1963. The following action was taken in regard to the Public Hearing to consider adoption of the Budget as required by the City Charter. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the City ~~ager be instructed to insert a Notice in the official newspaper of the city calling a Public Hearing on Monday, August 26, 1963, to consider adoption of the Budget for the fiscal year, 1964. CO~l T -Il r.'..1 1~ Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and ).-Ta11 None City Manager vlhitt Johnson reported that the Insurance Committee had met on July 3rd and elected Mr. Fred Rhodes as chairman and Mr. R. B. Overstreet as Secretary. The Committee also considered insurance necessary on the new Library Building and will be prepared to make a recommendation in the near future. M ;X; 00 o ..;0 CO Detailed proposals from Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc., and Cosco, Inc., for converting the city's communications system to comply with FCC regulations to become effective November 1, 1963, were submit-Ged to the Commission for consideration as requested at the June 24th meeting. The estimated amount for the two alternate proposals were as follows: ALTERNATE NO. 1 - Retain the present fire frequency for the Volunteer Fire Department and the present frequency of 155.25 mega~yc1es for exclusive use of the Police Department, and obtain a Local Government Frequency for all other units. Total estimated cost for all equipment necessary for modification of existing equipment and installation of new equipment - Motorola Communications & Electronics, Inc. -$1,987.40 Total estimated cost for labor necessary to modify existing equipment and install new equipment - Cosco, Inc. 1,590.10 ALTERNATE NO. 2 - Retain the present fire frequency for the Volunteer Fire Department and obtain a Local Government Radio Frequency for all other units including the Police Department. Total estimated cost for all equipment necessary for modification of existing equipment and installation of new equipment - Motorola Communications & Electronics, Inc.- $ 714.00 Total estimated cost for labor necessary to modify existing equipment and install new equipment - Cosco, Inc. - 1,590.00 It was the decision of the Commission that Alternate No. 1 would be more advan- tageous to the city. It was also their opinion that the quotations from Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc. and Cosco, Inc. were fair and reasonable and inasmuch as November 1, 1963 had been set by the FCC as a dead- line, it was decided that equipment necessary to comply with regulations should be ordered immediately in order to expedite delivery and assignment of new frequencies rather than advertising and receiving formal bids. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice that Alternate No. 1 in the amount of $3,577.50 total be accepted, and a purchase order be written for purchasing the necessary equipment from Mctoro1a Communications and Elec- tronics, Inc., in accordance with their quotation submitte~ in order to expe- dite delivery and avoid indefinite delay, and also to expedite assignment of new frequencies and comply with the FCC regulation to become effective on November 1, 1963. r'::'-''::='::~'''-~:- .- 152 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None The Commission further considered bids received for labor to install traffic signal equipment on Weslayan at University Boulevard and Rice Boulevard and for labor to install Master Control System to interconnect the existing sig- nals on BUffalo Speedway at University Boulevard and Rice Boulevard. It was determined that the low bid was submitted by Powell & Stephenson, Inc., in the amount of $6,160. It was the City Manager's recommendation that this low bid be accepted. .1.\ Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner ice, that a contract be awarded Powell & Stephenson, Inc. on their low bid of $3,700 for instal- lation of ~raffic signal equipment on Wes1ayan at University and Rice Boule- vard and $2,460 for installation of Master Control System to interconnect existing signals on BUffalo Speedway at University and Rice Boulevard as recommended by the City Manager. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Minutes of thecmeeting of June 24, 1963 I-i'ere read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.m. pJ~/~ Maym:r" ATTEST: //-- / 1-.. ... .- -,~.):,,--~, ~. 0,._..--".." "7 ).' )-".:' _" ~~ _ ~ r ~_--- " / ,I ".,//f:>c-y/ Assistant City Secretary r=~~.___-=:=~:~~~:-:-_-=_~:~_lLm: - ___..-_~. - ~.-=~.:~--1_~___~__. _ ______. : _-..ef-- ,un .'---.rn 153 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JULY 22, 1963 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, July 22, 1963, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. M 00 CC c...'=' CO CO The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Holman. In compliance with action taken by the Commission on June 24, 1963, and Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for materials necessary to replace a 2-inch cast iron water line in the 4200 block of Albans Road were opened and results announced as follows: Item Mabry Foundry & Municipal Pipe u. S. Pipe & Util'ity Machine COrrIPanv & Fabricatin~ Foundry (;0 RllI'I'l 'dT C:n 803 1m. ft. 211 Cast Iron pipe $602.25 $529.98 $586.19 $538.01 2 ea. 6" to 211 M.,J. Tees 52.00 46.00 60.56 48.00 2 ea. 6" Dresser Couplings 30.00 26.00 26.00 2 ea. 2" M.J. Valves 5'1.QO 5h 00 56 00 $739.25 $657.98 $668.01 Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the low bid submitted by Municipal Pipe and Fabricating Company in the amount of $657.98 for delivery of 803 linear feet of 2 inch cast iron pipe, 2 each 6" to 2" M.J. Tees, 2 each 6" Dresser Couplings, and 2 each 2" M.J. Valves, be accep- ted pending review by the City Manager and Water Superintendent, and deter- mining that their materials meet the city's speci~ications. Voti;n,g Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Minutes of the Zoning and Planning Board meeting on July 11, 1963, were reviewed and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the request of Mr. E. F. Thomas, 6510 Wakeforest, for permission to install, separate elec- trical and gas meters for the existing garage apartment at 6510 Wakeforest, be granted inasmuch as it is a legal non-conforming structure. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None 1 ,~ il. , ;)1.1 Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that permits be issued Mr. R. R. Davila, for necessary repairs to an existing living unit at the rear of 6341 Belmont as well as permission to install 220 volt wiring in the garage structure; subject to Mr. Davila~s execution of an affidavit that the structure will not be used as a separate rental unit, but oply by the tenants or, occupants of the main dwelling. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Action was deferred on the request of Mrs. R. B. Sanders for permission to install 220 volt electrical wiring in an existing g~rage apartment at 2730 University Boulevard, as the Zoning Board had recommended that the request be denied since the structure was erected in 1940 (after passage of the zoning ordinance) and no further request had been made by Mrs. Sanders. Mr. W. T. Weekley, representing Weekley and Valenti, an advertising firm, and Mr. Charles KellY, of the architectural firm, Goleman and ROlfe, pre- senteda perspective of an office building which had been submitted to the Zoning Board with a request that they recommend the rezoning of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 2, Monticello Addition, to permit them to be used for construc- tion of an office building. Action had been deferred by the Board pending consideration of all property fronting Bissonnet between Buffalo Speedway and Wakeforest Avenue. In view of the Zoning Board's recommendation that the City Commission consider amending the city's zoning ordinance in accordance with a proposed plan to create an office building district on Bissonnet between Buffalo Speedway and Wakeforest Avenue, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that a public hearing be called for 8 p.m., Thursday, August 8, 1963, to consider amend- ing the city's zoning ordinance to establish a new district to be known as "District 0-1" which district would cover Lots 1 through 16, Block 1, and Lots 1 through 15, Block 2, Monticello Addition, fronting on Bissonnet Street between Buffalo Speedwqy and Wakeforest Avenue, said lots to be used for single-family dwellings, duplexes and office buildings according to a pro- posed plan recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Estimate NO.5, in the amount of $11,346~30 for work completed and material furnished for the library building was submitted by Rovon Construction Co., Inc. Architects Pierce and Pierce had certified the estimate and recommended its payment. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Estimate No. 5, from Rovon Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of $11,346.30 for work completed and material furnished for the library building be approved for payment as recommended by Architects Pierce & Pierce. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None ... ...~..."'=.""=::1Il ~_,.~. .. 1. ..... ....... ..J ~T~---.. . 155 The Commission further considered permitting the Southwest District Boy Scouts to use the Swimming Pool on August 24th for a Swim Meet as reques- ted by Mr. George Hawkins, Activities Chairman. Action was deferred, pending further information on the insurance coverage ~uestion. Minutes of the meeting of July 8, 1963, were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed at 9:40 p.m. (Y) co co CJ ffi j)~~ . Mayor . ATTEST ,J// ''";2;;7 ,";/ , ' /L-<:'-7<.-'~_~/ / f <:j/L-c:Z/ Assistant City Secretary P====~~~---:"-":':'I::E:I- _...l..l.i..;..:r-. -.. 1. 156 RECESSED MEETmG OF CITY COMMISSION AUGUST 8, 1963 The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on August 8, +963, 8:00p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Mayor Holman announced that the meeting was for the purpose of a,P~blic Hearing to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to establish a new district to be known as "District 0_1" which would cover Lots 1 through 16, Block 1, and Lots 1 throught 15, Block 2, Monticello Addition, front- ing on'Bissonnet Street between Buffalo Speedway and Wakeforest Avenue, and p ermi t . rerection 'Of s irig:he". family dwellings, dup1exe s and offi ce buildings. Mayor Holmahalso announced that it had heen re~uested by opponents and agreed by proponents, that because some testimony to be presented required the use of slides and projectors, that the meeting be recessed and recon- vened in the Community Building where more space is available. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that this Hearing be recessed and re-convene in the Community Building where the Hearing will continue. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None The City Commission re-convened in recessed session at the Community Build~ ing at 8:10 p.m. with all members present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Vest. Mayor Holman explained to the group present that a Hearing had been called to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to create new restrictions and requirements for property fronting on Bissonnet between Buffalo Speed- way and Wakeforest Avenue. After explaining studies which had been made of fringe areas since 1952 by various committees and a planning firm, Mayor Holman stated that the Commission was offering for consideration, a proposal which would permit the use of the aforementioned property for single-family dwellings, duplexes or office buildings with certain restric- tions which had been recommended by the planning firm of Caudill, Rowlett and Scott and by the Zoning and Planning Board of West University Place. Mayor Holman asked that all persons desiring to be heard or give testi- mony during the Hearing rise and be duly sworn. He administered the oath to approximately 25 persons. City Manager Whitt Johnson, having been duly sworn by Mayor Holman, stated in answer to questions by the City Attorney that he was familiar with the facts relating to the calling of the Public Hearing, that the original proposal had been referred to the Zoning Board by the City Commission, and that after consideraple study by the Zoning Board, it receommended certain :~~O'~O~O'____~[1 ..~.,..,-----=r'~"' ".~~"oo~. "~l -' . " '" 'I: 157 ~ 00 00 ~ co co changes in its report to the City Commission on July 11, 1963. The Com- mission took action on the Zoning Board's recommendation on July 22, 1963, ordering a Public Hearing called for August 8, 1963. Mr. Johnson stated that notices were published in the regular section of the Houston Chronicle and in the Southwest Peach Edition of the Houston Chronicle, the official newspaper for the city, on July 24, 1963, and that notices were mailed to all owners of Property fronting on Bissonnet between Wakeforest Avenue and Buffalo Speedway and to all owners of property within 200 feet of the property included in the proposed "District 0-1" on July 24, 1963. Mr. Phil Williams, in answer to questions by the City Attorney, stated that he was with the planning and consulting firm of', Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, which performed architectural and 'Planning services, ,and is now working on comprehensive plans for 15 cities "in Texas. "He /statedthat his firm had been asked to make a long-range planning study for West University'Place which was started on the 13th day of August, 1962. The study was conducted over a period of 6 months and upon completion a sum- mary of all findings and recommendations was made to the City Commission of West University and was published. Mr. Milton SChwartz, Attorney, representing the residents on Wroxton Road adjoining the Bis~onnet property, questioned the validity of the Hearing now in session, stating that Article 101LF of the State Stututes requires that a Public Hearing be held b~ the Zoning and Planning Board before making a final report to the City Commission. In answer to a question by Mr. Schwartz, City Manager Whitt Johnson stated that the Zoning and Planning Board had made only one report to the Commission. In view of the large number of people who were present at the meeting, Mayor Holman suggested that the City Attorney proceed with the Hearing. Mr. Phil Williams, in answer to further C].uestions by Attorney Cockrell, stated that his firm had made land use recommendations in their compre- hensive study and indicated on slides the recommendations for various fringe areas of the city, including the area on Bissonnet under discus- sion. He Stated that his firm had recommended that the area on Bissonnet between Wakeforest and Buffalo Speedway be re-classified as special residential which would permit the property to be used for erection of duplexes, apartments or office buildings, as well as single- family dwelling units. After completing presentation of the slides and recommendations, Mr. Cockrell then asked for questions from those pres- ent desiring information from Mr. Williams. Persons asking questions of Mr. Williams and also protesting any change in the present zoning ordinance were: Mrs. Harold Wey, 2920 Wroxton; Richard M. Page, 2108 WrOxton; o. H. Moore, 2910 Wroxton; Sam W. Tigner, 2907 Wroxton; R. C. Peterson, 6420 Wakeforest; John C. Roberts, 3753 Sunset; Mrs. David G. Wynn, 3315 Wroxton; Doak Worley, 4208 Sunset; F. T. Zitzo, 3108 Wroxton; B. B. Moore, 2908 Wroxton; James R. Sims, 3121 Wroxton; Allen Weatherly, 2808 Wroxton; Carl Warner, 6345 Belmont; G. Reid Hodgson, 6720 Rutgers; Leonard Thompson of Bellaire, speaking on behalf of a sister and brother-in-law who live in West University Place; and A. E. Smith, 3752 Arnold. T~'''''''~'~'''''~~ 'FiT' ,'.'"~~="" 'n , '1 -. ' __,n, T"I: .) f'/ R 1. ~)-' Speaking in favor of the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance were: Messrs. Ross Williams, owner of Lot 15, Block 2, Monticello Addition; D. H. Guidry, owner of Lot 12, Block l, Monticello Addition; Robert A. Blome, 2830 Wroxton. Mr. o. H. Moore, Chairman of a group of Wroxton Road residents, showed colored slides of attractive homes on Wroxton Road, and as contrast he showed colored slides of business property within the city where undesi- rable conditions had been created by the accumulation of debris at the rear of certain establishments. Mr. Moore also presented a prepared state- ment signed by 125 persons residing in West University Place voicing pro- test and opposition to proposed zoning ordinance amendment. Letters of protest from the following property owners who could not be present at the meeting were presented to the Commission: H. Alvin Lott, 3502 Amherst; Mrs. Henry L. Humme5Lj 2926 Wroxton; Fredericl;c B. VanBrunt, 3118 Wroxton; Wendell B. Steward, 2923 Wroxton; Dave Ward, 3112 Wroxton. A letter from Mrs. John E. Huff, Jr., owner of Lot 14, Block 1, Monti- cello Addition who was in favor of re-zoning the area, was presented. Mr. Schwartz again stated that in his opinion the Hearing;as well as the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance was invalid. He quoted from the zoning ordinance, and noted various cases which had been upheld in the courts as substantiation for his opinion. He asked that the facts pre- sented questioning the validity of the Hearing be adequately checked. Mayor Holman :l1equested the city's attorney to investigate the matter thoroughly and submit a legal opinion to the Commission at a later time. After all property owners present had an opportunity to be heard, Mayor Holman stated that further action on the matter would be taken at a regu- lar meeting of the Commission. Commissioner Vest stated that he had served on the Zoning Board for two years and to his knowledge the proposal now being considered had been under study for about ten years and was not a quick decision. He further stated that ne~~her he nor any other member of the Commission had any financial interest in any property on the perimeter of the city. With no other persons desiring to be heard at this time, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that this Hearing, called to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to estab- lish a new district to be known as "District 0 -1" which would permit the erection of single-family dwe11ings,.duplexes and office buildings on Lots l through 16 r Block 1, and IDts 1 through 15, Block 2, Monticello Addition, fronting on Bissonnet Street between Buffalo Speedway and Wake- forest Avenue, be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. None r=~'== nn, ,nn . , "In '-m7/"""'" ....-1 f- 15H With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m. M J() 00 c.:;,. ;0 =0 ATTEST: /!/~V' . '72'7 ' "~71.';/ -u~-"--.<"<_/ / /. L_-r..L:.,C<..?:/ Assistant City$ecretary I ====:--r;~~~~:':'""~~'~::'::~~::_~I':!~- _______..___~~".-=c:o-~==-""---==-_.---.----=-,~.e:'!.-.1 ___._._~____._. . jJ~~ Mayor 4J r. ,-t 1 b!..J REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION AUGUST 12, 1963 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, August 12, 1963, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Rice was absent. Commissioner Wall pronounced the Invocation. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Buechel, Jr., 3911 Tennyson, appeared before theCommis- sion protesting a fine that was assessed against Mr. Buechel in December, 1962, by Corporation Court Judge Gale Reese in connection with two complaints filed against him by E. A~ Cowles, Police Officer for the State Department of Public Safety. One charge was for making a false statement as to his correct birthdate on an application to obtain duplicate motor vehicle opera- torrs license and the second charge for making an incorrect statement of his name. After Mr. Buechel related the facts to the Commission he stated that in his opinion Judge Reese should be asked to hear new evidence. In answer to a question by Mayor Holman, City Attorney Charles Cockrell stated that if Mr. Buechel had redress it would be through the County Court at Law. Mr. Buechel re(].uested that someone connected with the city forward him a statement on charges as filed against him in December, 1962, the action taken in Corporation Court, and also a statement of the amount of the recent tax increase on his property at 3911 Tennyson due to an addition made to his residence during 1962. ,The fo~lowing persons who were present at the meeting voiced opposition to any proposed amendment to the cityr s zoning ordinance which would permit the property betweenWakeforest and Buffalo Speedway on Bissonnet to be re-classified as District 0-1 which would permit the area to be used for single-family dwellings, duplexes or office buildings: B. B. Moore, 2908 Wroxton; :Mrs. Harold Wey, 2920 WI' oxton; :Mr. Bert McDaniel, 2733 Wer1ein,7 Mrs. Richard Dewitt, 2916 A1bans; Roy Pickering, 3021 Wroxton; George McGhee, 3614 Albans; Mrs. Byrneice G. Dreyfus, 3004 Wroxton; Mrs. Joseph H. Schnell, 2811 Wroxton; Mrs. Gus A. Schill, 6617 Buffalo Speedway; George Stauffer, 2703 Albans; Steve Davis, 3733 Sunset; Sam Tigner, 2907 Wroxton; Mrs. Lilliam Yeager VanOver, 2904 Wroxton; and Reid Hodgson, 6720 Rutgers. After all persons present were given an opportunity to voice their opin- ions, Mayor Holman explained that there was nothing on the agenda for any decision or any further discussion on the matter by the Commission for this meeting. :Mr. C. E. Posey, Sanitarian, presented details regarding use of an industrial odor counteractant in offset odor problem which occur infrequently at the city's sewage disposal plant. Mr. Posey stated that cost of necessary equipment for use of such a chemical had been estimated at approximately $396 and an average daily cost of 75~ for an Airkem product. ~T",'C~,-'~"",'"""'=-"~",= _._............:.Lr'-c---'------.,-,c':"=~:_~l_ ,= ,-, --- - 1, f.,b 11 01. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that equipment be purchased and installed at the city's sewage disposal plant in order to use an industrial odor counteractant as recommended by Sanitarian C. E. Posey. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Vest an~ Wall None Cr':) :;x) 00 c...? CO CO Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board on August 8, 1963, were presented to the Commission fQr consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that action on the request of Mr. Mike F. St. Amour, 5663 San Felipe,.representing the Mar{anne Flower Shops, for permission to install an aluminum overhead awning along the entire front of the eXisting building at 5408 Kirby Drive to extend to within 6 feet of the front property line on Kirby Drive be deferredvntil the City Manager might investigate plans for future building lines to be established due to the widening and paving of Kirby Drive. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wall None Action on the re'luest of Mr. J. D. Allstott, 4125 Marquette, for permission to construct a detached garage on the rear of his property to extend to within 3 feet of the rear property line, was also deferred for clarification of the proposed setback distance for the rear property line. Matters pertaining to completion of the Library building were discussed. Commissioners Ayres and Rice and the City Manager were appointed as a committee to review the contract for construction of the building, make an inspection of the building and to submit a recommendation regarding final acceptance. Commissioner Vest presented a recommendation from the Library Committee for an opening date and official dedication of the Library building to be held on Sunday, September 8, 1963, from 2 to 5 p.m., at which time all books and furniture would be in place. Motion qy Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that official dedication of the Library and an open house be held on Sunday, September 8, 1963, from 2 to 5 p.m. with a program to be developed by the Library Com- mittee, an~ m~mbers of the City Commission. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hol:nm.n, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and WiHl None Ordinance No. 824, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: ~=---=<-'="-._...- ".~..--==-=-~n I __'-=C-C==CC_= - -., "'.,,---,,-_._-- , _,,_",_n 11 ~'::p lL '\} ,{.j AN ORDlliANCE FINDlliGAND DETERMllilliG THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQ,UISITE TO THE HOLDlliG OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDmG OF ZONING ORDmANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF LOT 1, BLOCK 9, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FIRSrrADDITION; FINDmG THAT A PUBLIC HEARnTG FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT OF ORDI- NANCE NO. 111 HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORTED RECO;MMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLAN- NING BOARD TEAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SAID SUBDIVISION; FINDlliG THAT ORDlliANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOULD BE SO -AMENDED; AMENDING ORDI- NANCE NO. 111 PERMITTING SpCH SUBDIVISION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Ordtnance 824, amending Section 24, permitting subdivision of Lot 1, Block 9, West University Place First Addition,' into two lots as requested by Mr. W. S. Graves, be passed and approved ap read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wall None The 1963 Tax Roll, showing a totfl valuation ,of land and improvements in the City of West University Plac~ at $25,891,913, certified by the City Tax Assessor-Collector, was subm~tted for approval by the City Commission. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the Tax Roll for 1963, be approved as certified by the City Tax Assessor-Collector. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commi\3sioners Ayres, Vest and Wall None The Commissioncwas advised by th~ City Manager that the insurance coverage question on the use of the swimm~ng pool on August 24th beginning at 8 p.m. for a Swim Meet as requested by ryJr. George Hawkins, Activities Chairman, had been resolved by Travelers Ulsurance Company who had waived any addi- tional premium in this instance. After this information it was the Commis- sion's decision that the Southwe~t District Boy Scouts be permitted to use the pool for their Swim Meet beginning at 8 p.m. on August 24, 1963. A recommendation was presented from 'the City Manager concerning the painting of the city's water storage resetyoirs. He stated that Mr. W. M. Fink, of Water Tank Service Company, indicated that the condition of the reservoirs did not require immediate attention and the work could be safely performed during the next year. It was estimated that an approximate amount of $5,600 should be appropriated in the 1964 Budget for -this work. The Commission agreed to delay repainting and repair work on the reservoirs until next year and to appropriate the sum of $5,600 in the 1964 Budget for this purpose. Minutes of the meeting of July 22, 1963, were read and approved. i I -f1~of) luol} With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 11:10 p.m. CV'j ~ 00 ~ CQ CO ATTEST: ~ .~ / ~. ~_~__ ;.f .- ~, --- . .,-' _.....-4t.-<'_~.~-.__.- Assistant City l::::-.:-=-=:-::-:.:...--=-':~.:::-~=__ ~~f~"-7 '-;"_:' _:~,., -" / / :L~-'~"~-:<::? ..-/ Secretary )Jvue/;/lnwt~f~/ Mayor ~_'_;'_"-._'___""'~_'__~_ __'n _ ____------,-----------;:: J~ h'& JL ..~_; .K.. REGULAR MEETING OF CITY CO:MMISSION AUGUST 26, 1963 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, August 26, 1963, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioner.s Ayres, Rice and Wall. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Vest was out of the city on vacation. Commissioner Rice pronounced the Invocation. Mayor Holman stated that he felt the large number of persons present at the meeting indicated that they thought some action would be taken on the re- zoning of property fronting on Bissonnet between Wakeforest and Buffalo Speedway. He stated that there was nothing on the agenda concerning this proposal and asked if anyone had any other matter they wished to present to the Commission at this time. Mr. R. E. Dillon, 2704 Nottingham, stated that the residence next door to Triangle Refineries, 2600 Nottingham, is being used by the company as a warehouse or file storage and he believed this to be in violation of the zoning ordinance. City Manager Whitt Johnson stated that Triangle Refineries, Inc., bought a house next door to their office building to use as rental property and did not rent it, but used some of the space in the rear to put some of their records. He stated that, in his opinion, this is not being used as a commercial business since only papers are being stored at the residence, and recommended that the City Attorney submit an opinion concerning this alleged violation. -'\ i ! ,~,J Mr. R. C. Chambers, 2627 Nottingham, from Triangle Refineries, Inc., that before as a warehouse. He also said the block to use as rental property. plan of Triangle Refineries to build said that he lives across the street they were using the house mentioned that they had bought six houses in He mentioned that he had seen a a 7-story building there. The City Manager explained that application had been made to the zoning board for a 6 or 7 story building three or four years ago, to use as a tower, to be erected on the rear of their property on Kirby and Nottingham. The Zoning Board denied the application and the City Commission confirmed it. Triangle Refineries never applied for a permit or pursued the plans any further. Mrs. H. K. Milligan, 2600 Cason, presented a request to the Commission to build'a townhouse on the property next to hers due to the bad condition of the existing house and the traffic conditions on Kirby Drive. Mayor Holman explained to her that this was a matter that should be presented to the Zoning Board. =""'" M::': ',iLCl _~~r-' - ---..-'1___. . -I .-----' '----",-'-'---'--T, 165 Mr. Alton Moore, 6411 Rutgers, asked whether something could be done about the truck traffic on Wes1ayan and Buffalo Speedway. He stated that there is a tremendous amount of truck traffic and that it endangers their children. Mayor Holman explained that these two particular streets were thoroughfares and feeder streets to the Southwest Freeway and, that he did not believe anything could be done about the truck traffic on theqe t~o particular streets. CYj 00 00 ~ CO CO Mr. R. C. Chambers, 2627 Nottingham, stated that they have an asphalt shell street and that it is being badly broken up by truck traffic. City Manager Whitt Johnson told Mr. Chambers that he had received a com- plaint this date concerning this matter and had turned it over to the Chief of Police for investigation and recommendation. The following persons asked questions or made statements concerning the Bissonnet property re-zoning proposal: Mrs. Barbara Van Brunt, 3118 Wroxton, Mrs. John R. Mooney, 2915 Q,uenpy; Mr. Lee F. Roberts, 2711 Nottingham; Mr. Robert E. Dillon, 2704 Nottingham; Mr. Steve Davis, 3733 Sunset; Mr. Bert McDaniel, 2733 Werle in; Mrs. Ester Gill, 3524 Sewanee;Mrs. Harold Wey, 2920 Wroxton; Mr. John Stauffer, 2703 Albans; Mr. Wesley Brown, 3030 University Boulevard; Mr. Bert Fisher, 6528 Rutgers. Mr. Richard DeWitt, 2619 Albans, protested the existing zoning violation of building setback requirements at the rear of 5404 Kirby Drive. He also named the Muffler Shop and the United Rent-All on Bissonnet as creating an unsanitary condition at their places of business which was causing rats in the area. Mr. Wayne LeBlanc, 3912 Milton, re~uested permission of the Commission to fly his model airplanes, which is his hobby, within the City of West Uni- versity. It was explained to him that this would violate the city's ordinance concerning excessive noise, and that he was welcome to use the city's vacant 6-acre tract of land on Alief Road to fly them if he wished. City Manager Whitt Johnson presented an invoice in the amount of $1,800 from Powell and Stephenson, covering installation of cable, conduit, etc., to interlock traffic signals on Buffalo Speedway between University Boulevard, and Rice Boulevard. The total amount of the contract was $2,460 with work in the amount of $2,000 complete. Ten percent is being retained until final completion. , , Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the amount of, $1,800 due Powell & Stephenson for work completed on interlocking traffic signals on Buffalo Speedway between Rice and University Boulevard be paid. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman~ Commissioners Ayres, Rice and Wall. None T~- - . - ~'~~'~"-lIinI I" "IC'C~','c "'"'j ,/ _'__nn_ "'Ii in~ 1-0\) The City Manager presented a request for payment to Evans Monical, Inc., for delivery of Library furniture and i~sta11ation of 539 square yards of U. S. Rubber Airmaster Underlay, and 539 sQuare yards of Seymour PA-A Charcoal Sisal Matting, in the amount of $7,387.01 less retention of $738.70, with a total due 01'$6,648.31. ) Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the invoice from Evans Monical, Inc., in the amount of $6 ,648.31, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, R:i::ce' and Wall None The Zoning minutes of August 8, 1963, were presented for consideration as folJ:.ows: The City Manager stated tha't Mr. Mike F. St. Amour had indicated he would not pursue their applicatton at the present time, for installation of an awning which would extend beyond the minimum setback line, due to the likelihood of Kirby Drive being paved Within a year. No action was t~ken. The request of Mr. J. D. Allstott for permission to construct a detached garage on his property was deferred for action at the'September 9th meeting. A letter of recommendation from Pierce & Pierce, Architects, for the Library building was considered and payment to the contractor less reten-' tion of funds to assure correction of certain items listed by the Archi- tect after final inspection was presented by the City Manager. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wall) that the city accept the Library building subject to the contractor making additional changes and corrections as recommended. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice and Wall None Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the Architect's ,certificate in the amount of $17,731, excluding a 5% retention to assure completion of work and correction and changes of items listed by the Architect be paid Rovon Construction Company. V oting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice and Wall None The City Manager presented a reQuest for payment'of damages to George A. Smith and wife, as presented by Attorney Bennet Lay. The reCluest for pay- ment of damages arises out of a collision between one of the city's garbage trucks and a station wagon driven by Mrs. Smith on the date of July 10) 1963. . / 161 r Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, tha,t the claim filed by Attorney Bennett Lay on behalf of George A. Smith and wife, be turned over to City Attorney Charles Cockrell for study and that he be instructed to advise the City Commission as to whether or not requirements of the city's charter have been complied with in the filing of such instrument. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice and Wall None ~ ;x) CO ~ CO =0 Mayor Holman announced that a Public Hearing would be held at this time in compliance with city charter requirements and previously published legal notice, to consider adoption of a Budget for the fisca,l year January 1, 1964 to December 31, 1964. Mayor Holman asked City Manager Whitt Johnson to explain the Budget for the benefit of the citizens present. The City Manager reviewed the Budget, explaining the income and expenditures pro- posed by the various departments. He also stated that the City Commission had met several times to review and discuss the proposed Budget and it had been referred to t~e Finance Committee for study and recommendation. After reviewing the Budget on August 5, 1963, the Finance Committee agreed to recommend its adoption. Ordinance No. 825, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission for consideration and read in Full: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AN AD VALOREM TAX ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1963, AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF. ..----- Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Ordinance No. 825, levying and assessing an ad valorem tax on property within the city for the year 1963, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice and Wall None Ordinance No. 826, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR A TWELVE-MONTH PERIOD BEGINNING JAl\JUARY 1, 1964 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1964, PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIATION OF PUBLIC FUNDS OF THE CITY FOR USE AND EXPENDITURES. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Ordinance No. 826, approving and adopting a Budget for the city for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1964 and engingDecember 31, 1964, bepassed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: ~yor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice and Wall one r"'uu--""~'"",-- -- 11 n I 'I' --'--"~'~--'--'1 UT...,"'!', ' 1 t) 8 The minutes of the meetings of August 8 and l2, 1963, were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. ATTEST: " Assistant fl~vWY dtrw~ Mayor ..~.'.. )-;) /' P:/ ~~t.~~~-i--~~> ' City ( ecretary -1 '.C.T: -'I Ci? 00 00 ~ 0:) 0::) 16f-l REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION SEPTEJYJBER 9, 1963 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, September 9, 1963, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Attorney was also present. The City Manager was absent on vacation. Commissioner Ayres pronounced the Invocation. Mayor Holman recognized former Mayor Stuart Lamkin and asked whether he might have a few words to say. Mr. Lamkin expressed his appreciation and that of his wife, to the present Commission for the work done to bring about the completion of the new Library. He stated that he would like to bring to the attention of the Commission the contributions made by the Jack W. Evans family in our city, and especially in the bringing about of our new Library. He felt it desirable that the Commission consider the passing of a commendatory Resolution to the contri- bution that Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Evans have made in the progress of West University Place. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a Resolution expressing the appreciation of the city of the thoughtfulness and generosity of Mr. and Mrs. eIack W. Evans, for their assistance toward the construction of the new Library. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Mayor Holman stated that the first item on the agenda concerned the propo- sal of re-zoning the property on Bissonnet between Buffalo Speedway and Wakeforest Avenue as "District 0-1" to permit the e;r-ection of single-family dwelling, duplexes and office buildings. He recommended to the Commission that the proposal itself, as origana1ly submitted, be referred back to the Zoning and Planning Board for further study and review for the following reason~: (1) there had been R difference of opinion between attorneys as to the validity of the Public earing which was held on August 8, 1963, (2) the Commission felt that this proposal is of such importance that "whatever is best for the city should be done, and (3) in order to ascertain whether any further action should be taken and what type of action, if any. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the pro- posal to amend the city's zoning ordinance to establish a new district to be known as "District 0-1" which would cover lots fronting on Bissonnet between Buffalo Speedway and Wakeforest Avenue and permit erection of single- family dwellings, duplexes and office buildings, be referred back to the Zoning and Planning Board for further review and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None ---'-l""" "Ii - ,nm If' 170 Miss Johnnye Wade appeared before the Commission, re~uesting that the side- walk requirement be waived so that she would not have to put a sidewalk in front of her proposed residence on Lot 10, Block 3, Collegeview First Addition, the last lot on the dead-end of the 3800 block of Southwestern. She stated that since this is the last house on the block, there would be no pedestrian traffic and no need for a sidewalk in the front of her house since only she would use it. She plans to put a flagstone walk in front of the house, for effect. In a letter presented to the Commission) she stated that she would put in a sidewalk in event the street should ever be opened, or a need for the sidewalk should ever arise, or if the neighbors should complain. She also stated that she had questioned several of the neighbors as to whether or not they would object to her plan, and they had said that they would not. Mayor Holman cited a previous case where the sidewalk requirement had been waived in a similar situation. Motion by Commissioner Wall) seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the request of Miss Johnnye Wade that the sidewalk in front of her proposed home on Lot 10, Block 3, Collegeview First Addition, in the 3800 block of Southwestern, be waived. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Mr. J. D. Allstott,4125 Mar~uette, who had requested permission from the Zoning Board to construct a detached garage on the rear of his property to extend within 3 feet of the rear property line, was present for the meeting. He stated that the original easement was 3 feet and later he had, given the city 2 feet to make up the 5 foot easement, but some of the utilities for which the easement was granted were never placed there, but in front of his house. Only the gas and sewer line are in the 3 foot ease- ment behind his property and there is an existing manhole so that there would be no problem in getting into the sewer line if necessary. He also stated that the garage on the lot adjacent to his extends to within 3 feet of the rear property line, so that his proposed structure would line up with the existing structures. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the request of Mr. J. D. A11stott, for permission to erect a detached garage within 3 feet of the rear property line, be approved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Mayor Holman made an announcement concerning the recent death of Mr. W. T. Henderson, Jr., who was the city's Water Superintendent. He asked that those present stand for a moment of silent prayer. Mayor Holman proposed that the Commission consider a Resolution on the fine work Mr. Henderson had done for the city, that it be written and directed to his wife. 171 Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a Resolution commemorating W. T. Henderson, Jr., the city's former Water Superintendent, for passage at the next meeting. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None M X) 00 c..':J 00 CO A recommendation from the Chief of Police H. E. Shipp, for "Through Trucks Prohibited" signs to be installed on Wroxton, Albans, Nottingham, Robin- hood, and Tangley Streets at their intersection with ~irby Drive, due to the excessive truck traffic on these streets, was presented for consideration. In answer to a question by Commissioner Rice, City Attorney Cockrell stated that he believed the city does have an ordinance providing a penalty that might be assessed if the truck traffic, continued after the erection of the signs. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the recom- mendation of Chief of Police H. E. Shipp be followed and that "Through Trucks Prohibited" signs be erected at the Kirby Street intersection of Albans, Nottingham, Robinhood, Wroxton and Tangley Streets. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest arid Wall None The Assistant City Secretary presented an invoice from Attorney Paul Strong for services,rendered during.the month of August in connection with the proposed zoning change. ~ - ':" i Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the invoice from Paul Strong, Attorney, in the amount of $295) be paid. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Commissioner Vest asked the City Attorney to study the advisability of the City Commission making a mailing to the eitizens of West University Place for purely informational purposes in connection with the proposed zoning change. He felt that many citizens were misinformed and felt that this would help to clear the air. He asked the City Attorney to look into the matter and see whether the Commission could do such a thing without preju- dicing their position on the matter. The Assistant City Secretary presented a report which showed the amount of income and expenditures received from the Swimming Pool during the 1963 season. Mayor Holman explained that the statement compares the estimated income with the actual income and expenditures and that the actual income amounted to approximately $2,700 more than the anticipated income in the 1963 Budget, with expenditures amounting to approximately $1,200 more than anticipated, showing an indicated deficit in Swimming Pool operating funds of approximately $1,600. r~"':::::"-::=~_-=-____.:=-:::.~~Ern::____~__.~-,---,~r-: -.. ,-~~ "~~"""1"~=:=._'=~ '1. ----:= ~-, ;---iT"~'-"";r'-' 11'12 A letter from Mrs. Ross Biggers, Co-Chairman of the Constitution Week Com- mittee was presented to the Commission, requesting that the week of Sep- tember 17-23, 1963, be proclaimed as "Constitution Week" in the City of West University Place. A proclamation was read in full and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the Proc- lamation as read, designating the week of September17 -23, 1963, as "Consti"" tution Week~ in West University,Place, be passed and approved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None The minutes of the meeting of August 26, 1963 were approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission, at this time, Mayor Holman asked whether anyone present wished to make any statement or comment. Mr. Bert McDaniel, 2733 Werlein, stated that he was glad to see the Commis- sion refer:the proposed change of zoning back to the Zoning and Planning Board) and felt that this was the right thing to do and hoped that they would consider it very carefully and come up with a conclusion favorable to all West University citizens. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. JJJV2Lf/ IUyV~Y'./ Mayor ATTEST: /-- i~-?--? 'c,r.-,-/:;i?;:2L(~i~,- " AssistantCity;Secretary r::::=,:_::::=,,___~:":llLl,___,~r-~~c--~--'c 'n' , :" L_ " _--1-- - ,~-- 'T: " Ctj 'JO co ~ co ct.:) 17"3 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 23, 1963 The City Commission met in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, September 23, 1963, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presid- ing; Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present: Mayor DuPree Holman pronounced the Invocation. Minutes of the Zoning & Planning Board meeting of September 12, 1963, were reviewed and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the request of Mr. Law L. Lovelace, who owns the west 32 1/2 feet of the east one half of Lot 12, Block 9, West University Place First Addition, for permission to build a residence on this 32 1/2 feet portion, be denied as recommended by the Zon- ing and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: " Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Action on the request of Mr. R. K. Wark, Jr., 4024 Ella Lee Lane, Houston, Was deferred until later in the meeting, since Mr. Wark had stated he would be present and he had not arrived at this time. Minutes of the special meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board meeting of Sep- tember 21, 1963, were reviewed and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the recom- mendation of the Zoning Board to permit Mrs. R. T. Bennett, 3104 University Boulevard, to construct a residence 42 1/2 feet from the front property line on Lot 24, Block 13, Rice Court Addition, be approved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None The City Manager presented a progress report and information on the following matters: 1. The req,uest submitted by the city for a Local Government Frequency, to comply with the FCC regulation to become effective November 1, 1963 - He stated that a recommendation for assignment of 155.04 mega- cycles freq,uency has been received from the ~equency Coordinator and that proper application has been made to the FCC. 2. The traffic signal equipment for A part of the equipment has been Powell and Stephenson this week. yet been received. installation at University and Weslayan - received and should be installed by The remainder of the equipment has not 3. The AirKem system has been installed at our Sewage Disposal Plant. -''''--''_.-'' r -'~'-- , '1;',1 i I ~----- I .1 'I il .r'-l.~.~ :~ J1 ~, L1: An invoice from the Evans Monical Company for the balance due on the Library furniture and furnishings, in the amount of $1,300 which was contracted to be furnished by them, was presented for consideration. Also included in the total were accessories for decoration of the building, not originally inclu- ded in the bid price in the amount of $441.94, and retainage of 10% on pre- vious invoice approved by the City Commission for payment in the amount of $738.70. Motion by Commissioner Rice, Seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the final invoice from Evans Monical on our L~brary furnishings in the total amount of $2,480.64, be paid. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None A statement in the amount of $740.96, for professional services of the archi- tects for the Library, Pierce & Pierce, Architect's Certificate #6, was pre- sented for payment. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the amount of $740.96, payment due the architects und~r our contract, be paid. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Mr. R. K. Wark, Jr., arrived at the meeting at this time and consideration was given to his request for rezoning the east 38' portion of Lot 15, Block 2, Evanston Addition, for commercial purposes. He presented a plan showing a one-story office building and warehouse he planned to erect on Lot 16, and a portion of Lot 15. He stated that the adjacent property was used for com- mercial and a letter from the property owner directly behind the property, Richard C . DeWitt, 2716, Albans, was presented, which stated that he is in favor of this lot being rezoned for commercial purposes. He felt that the property would be kept in good condition and that Mr. Wark' s plan would be beneficial to everyone involved. It was determined after much consideration, that this matter be referred to the City Attorney for study to determine whether or not the request submitted by Mr. R. K. Wark, Jr. could be classified as spot zoning. City Manager Whitt ifohnson presented the matter of several additional items which were needed for the Library but were not included in the original plan until it was determined whether or not there would be funds available.. The items included a refrigerated drinking fountain, bicycle stand, book lift and book depository. After considerable discussion, the City Manager was instructed to purchase a drinking fountain and bicycle stand for the Library and to report to the City Commission at its next meeting a detailed list of funds available for further purchases and prices on a book lift and book depository. The City Attorney read aloud the following Resolution which he haq. been instructed to prepare; commending the work of former Water Superintendent W. T. Henderson, Jr. 11J5- Jl ~ . RESOLUTION No. 6'1-6 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has been advised of the untimely death of William T. Henderson, Jr., on August 31, 1963; and WHEREAS, William T. Henderson, Jr. , at the time of his death, was employed by the City of West University Place as Water Superintendent and had been so employed since October 1, 1958; and M -::0 C() ~ CO :0 WHEREAS, during his tenure with the City of West University Place, the said William T. Henderson, Jr., has performed all duties assigned to him effi- ciently and in such an exemplary manner as to reflect credit upon the said City and various administrations under which he had served as well as upon himself'; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place desired to express its appreciation for the faithful and competent service of William T. Henderson, Jr., to the City and to further express its sympathy to the widow and family of William T. Henderson, Jr.; NOW THEREFORE BE IT. RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMM:ISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the citizens of WestUniversity Place, Texas, acting by and through the Mayor and City Commission of said city, here now record their expres- sion of their high regard for the memory of William T. Henderson, Jr., and an appreciation for his faithful services in behalf of said City during his employment. 2. That said City expresses its deepest sympathy to Mrs. WilliamT. Henderson, Jr. and the other members of the family of William T. Henderson, Jr. in their bereavement. 3. That as further evidence of the sympathy expressed, the City Secretary is directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to Mrs. William T. Henderson, Jr., widow of William T. Henderson, Jr. PASSED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of SeptemBer, 1963. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest that the Resolution in honor of deceased William T. Henderson, Jr. be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None The City Attorney read aloud the following Resoltuion No. 63-7, which he had been instructed to prepare commending the work of Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Evans :in connection with the new Library. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has long been aware of the civic endeavors by Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Evm s, in behalf of the city of West University Place; and "e:c.,~::,. ,,_ ,n',_""ll:'iCl.,._,,.--=C'" '.:."...'.~.::l ---.l -- -- --------------- ----~-c'~'.~r'-'--,'~~c";::]~i 1 ~r 6 WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Evans have unselfishly devoted their time, energies and money in assisting young people in various ways in our commu- nity; and WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Jack'W. Evans more recently have contributed in many ways toward the erection and furnishing of the new Library building in said City; and WHEREAS, the City Commission is of the oplnlon that the past and present endeavors by Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Evans in behalf of the City of .West Uni- versity Place and its citizens merit public recognition; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the citizens of West University Place, acting by and through the Mayor and City Commission of said City, here now express their unqualified appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Evans of 3118 Georgetown Street, for their unstinted efforts inbehalf of said City and its citizens. 2. That this Resolution be spread upon the official minutes of the City and made a permanent part thereof. 3. That as further evidence of the Ci tY.J s appreciation, the City Secretary is directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Evans signed by the Mayor and City ~ommissioners. Motlon by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the Reso- lution honoring Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Evans, 3118 Georgetown Street, be passed and approved as read. _i Voting' Aye: Voting No: Mayor Ho~n, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None In answer to a question by Commissioner Vest concerning the advisability of the city's making an informative mailing to all citizens concerning re- zoning, the City Attorney stated that in most cities this was referred to a City Planning Board or Chamber of Commerce. He stated that if anything of this sort were done, we should be sure that it is strictly for general information purposes and not only to cover a specific area or small purpose in the city's business. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the minutes of the meeting of September 9, 1963, be approved as corrected. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall :None With no further business to come before motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Commission at this time, upon th~~eeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. /JJ/l.{~I.Jifl~~ Mayor ; -' ATTEST: -~::/ , I? _e~-~,~-......-.;..."cc~' //:;/~';;!.-,-~-t/L~';2" I" ' , ~ssistant City Secretary L_---------'--'---------1IJWl ---'---lli'i'L, !:==-=.~ - : _..J' ---~'-"--''''-j ----o-r.~~;1"r---------.- c,.., ::''0 CO c..':J co co .1 i'''i'., if ~1 n REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER 14, 1963-- The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, October 14, 1963, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor HOlman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wall. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Rice was absent. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Vest. Minutes of the Zoning & Planning Board meeting on October 10, 1963, were pre- sented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the request of Mr. Don Mathes, 3610 Nottingham, for permission to install an additional 110v electrical circuit in the existing gar~ge servant's room at the rear of the home, be approved as recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wall None ~ M'otionby Commissioner vest, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that Mr. Lawrence J. Lipkin be permitted to construct a residence on the south 1/2 of Lot 9, Block 6, West University Place 1st Addition, 38 feet from the front property line in order to save as'~ny of the existing trees as possible, recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wall None The property at the corner of Fairmount and Dartmouth Streets, being Lots 14 and 15, Block 8, College Court, which includes a garage apartment built in 1935, was discussed by the Commission. The City Attorney, in answer to a question by Mayor Holman, stated that it was his opinion that use of the gar- age apartment structUre as a rental unit is legal, inasmuch as it was erected prior to passage of the Zoning Ordinance and appears to be a legal non-conforming structure. Mayor Holman stated that no action was necessary by the Commission, in view of the City Attorney's opinion. Estimate No. 7 (Final) from Rovon Construction Company in the amount of $3,799~59, for work in connection with construction of the library building was presented to the Commission, with a certificate for payment from the archi- tects, Pierce & Pierce. Two copies of an Affidavit from Rovon Construction Company, Inc., certifying to payment of all bills for materials and payment of all subcontractors were also submitted. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the Estimate No.7 (Final) from Rovon ConstructionCoIDpany in the amount of $3,799.59, be paid, as recommended by the architects, Pierce & Pierce. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wall None -.-----r.~.'''''.--. ,,-,. 'clli'l , '1," t"""-'''~''~~'''e~''~''~'~l -:f' ' ", ", "T: <f' ~"". ..-,. ~li ~-l ~, 11. ~ U An invoice in the amount of $291.43, fro~ the Office of George Pierc~ - Abel Pierce, Architects, for professional services rendered at completion of the contract for the library building was presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the invoice from the Office of George Pierce - Abel Pierce, Arc-hi tects, in the amount of $291.43, representing a balance due on the basic contract for the library building plus fee for design and specification of work abandoned or omitted from the general contract, amounting to $30.78, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wall None Availabili ty of parking area around the library and community building was discussed. The City Manager was instructed to obtain quotations and a plan for additional parking area to be reviewed by the Commission. A letter from Mr. R. F. Bruce, 2917 Tangley~ advising that one of the city's garbage trucks had knocked a limb off of an oak tree in front of his home, was reviewed. Mr. Bruce asked the city to pay him $85 for damages to the tree. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the claim from Mr. R. F. Bruce for damages to a tree on the right-of-way in front of his home by a city garbage truck while picking up trash, be referred to the City Attorney for study and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wall None' Ordinance No. 827, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR PARTICIPATING IN THE SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS FUND OF THE ,TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM BY ALL DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT WHICH NOW PARTICIPATE IN THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM; AND PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF THE CITY'S CONTRIBUTIONS ON ACCOUNT OF SUCH PARTICIPATION. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Ordinance No. 827, providingfor participation in the supplemental benefits fund of the Texas Municipal Retirement System by employees of the participating depart- ments of West University Place, be p~psed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Vest and Wall None Commissioner Rice arrived at the meeting at this time. 179 The City Manager apprised the Commission that Wes1ayan Avenue was deterior- ating rapidly due to the excess amount of automobile and truck traffic since the opening of the Southwest Freeway. Commissioner Vest recommended that "Truck Prohibited" signs be erected on Weslayan inashmuch as the street was not designed to handle an'~xcessive amount of truck traffic and the Commis- sion,agre~d thqtit wo~l~ be,teasib1e to maintain the street by patching with asphalt to such extent as the city's budget would permit. C'I') ;;0 00 CJ.:; ':0 ;:;0 During the discussion by the Commission of future means of handling the increased amount of traffic on Weslayan it was brought out that there was a 55 foot right-of-way and the street could be widened another 12 feet to per- mit an additional lane for left turn, for passing, etc. It was not contemplated however, that the city would undertake such project, but such request be made of Harris County for their consideration. It was reported that a total of $51,346.43J had been collected to date on the 1963 taxes. This amount indicated 11.14% of the total amount levied. At the same period in 1962, 8.75% of the total amount of taxes levied had been collected. Resolutions 63-8, -9 and -10, were presented for consideration and read in full. , -- , Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Resolutions 63-8, directing investment of $50,000 from the Tax Collector's Fund, in the Southwestern Savings & Loan Association, and $50,000 from the Tax Collector's Fund in the Gibralter Savings & Loan Association; Resolution 63-9, directing investment of $310 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvements Fund in the Houston First Federal Savings & Loan Association; and Resoluation 63-10, directing investment of $670 from the Street Improvement Bonds Fund in the Center Savings & Loan Association, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioner Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None In compliance with the action taken by the Commission on September 23, 1963, the City Attorney submitted an opinion with reference to the request of Mr. R. K. Wark to use the east 38 foot portion of Lot 15, Block 2, Evanston Addi- tion) for commercial purposes in connection with the construction of an office building and warehouse. It was Mr. Cockrell's opinion that sub-paragraph 3 under Special Exceptions of Section 30 of the Zoning Ordinance which reads: "Permit the extension of a building or use into a more restricted district immediately adjacent thereto but not more than 50 feet beyond the boundary line of a district in which such building or use is authorized." would per- mit use of the property as requested by Mr.'W@,rk after public notice and hearing by the Board of Adjustment. He stated that "This would not consti- tute a re-zoning of the property, but is a permitted exceptional use of the property under the terms of the Ordinance and the discretion vested in the Board of Adjustment." Minutes of the meeting of September 23, 1963 were approved as read. r nn, -- '::-,:~::rIJCl _........:.....J.U:.J..lr .:"'='--"--=r-""""i-=='~'= '. 1 --1- --~-------_._.---- '-~i"'"-~-":'I"" <, {,I fl, It CJ '\J With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m. ATTEST: /-/-----_._- (:Z:'-'~"~'" Assistant JJalVLU/ :dhwaJ: MAYOR /' ..----.). .-- -'-;:;?i' J //L,>/'~(~, Ci ty Secretary 181 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER 28, 1963 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, October 28, 1963, at 7: 30 p.m., at the City Hall, with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Cf') ~.() CO ~ ::Q c.o . Commissioner Wall pronounced the Invocation. Mr. Jay Cran appeared before the Commission protesting action taken by the West University Police Department in arresting his estranged wife at h~r place of employment, after failure to pay a $25 fine for negligent collision. Mr. Cran explained that it was he who was in error for not mailing the check at the proper time. Representatives of the Southwest District Boy Scouts, Mike Hawkins, Ray Woodruff and John Paul Cossman, members of Posts 266, 125 and 266 respectively, and their leaders, Messrs. George Hawkins and Eddie Cossman, presented the Mayor and City Commission with a plaque signifying their appreciation for having been permit- ted to use the West University Swimming Pool on August 24, 1963 for a Swim Meet. City Manager Whitt Johnson advised that the old 1928 model Seagrave fire truck had been determined inoperable unless approximately $500 is expended for repairs. He stated that it was his opinion that the truck should bring $600 to $750 if sold on competitive bids. After discussing the matter it was determined that it would be to the city's advantage to sell the truck if an acceptable bid could be received. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received for sale of the 1928 model Seagrave fire truck. (Bids to be received November 25, 1963, 7:30 p.m.) Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman) Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None A recommendation from the city's Insurance Committee on insurance coverage for the library building was presented to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Ayres) that insurance coverage in the amount of $56,000 on the building and $10,000 on the contents, for a premium of $577.15 for three years, be accepted as recommended by the Insurance COnllnittee. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioner Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None The City Manager reported that he had received a quotation from Hunter-Hayes Elevator Company for installation of a book lift at the library building. The ~uotation amounted to $2,868 for an electric lift and $1,753 for a hand- power lift. The Commission was advised that the Librarian had stated it was r u, , 'nn___ 111m I 'r------ u . u, '1 U T';'-"-_''''I:' 1 H () l _.J &< her op~n~on a book lift was not needed at this time; therefore, it was decided to forego any action until such time as this facility is needed. City Attorney Charles Cockrell submitted a written outline for the procedure to be followed by persons desiring to make application for an exception to the cityfs Zoning Ordinance. The City Manager advised that after rece~v~ng a number of applications for the position of Water-sewer Superintendent and interviewing several of the applicants, it was his opinion that Mr. Herchel L. Vaughn was well quali- fied for the position and recommended his employment. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Mr. Herchel L. Vaughn be appointed Water-Sewer Superintendent for the City of West University Place effective November 1, 1963 at a salary of $560 per month. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None An invoice from Jack Carswell and Company, in the amount of $15 for ambulance service on July 31, 1959, was presented to the Commission for approval. It was explained that this service was rendered to former police officer Fred B. Peebles at the time he was involved in a three-way automobile collision at Post Oak and Richmond Avenue while on duty. The invoice addressed to the city was dated on October 16, 1963. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the invoice from Jack Carswell and Company, for services rendered to former police . officer Fred B. Peebles on July 31, 1959, in the amount of $15, be paid. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Minutes of the meeting of October 14, 1963, were approved as submitted. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. j}~vuu IkwvJ Mayor ATTEST: ./ , , 1/ . // (:- ..?- -;-~. '-c:;;( . v Assistant City Secretary ~ -.---1 // ---.~15~~) ",j~{'L.' ..-J .-_"'==,"",-c."",,,"' 183 REGULAR :MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER l~, 1963 iThe City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, November 1;:L, 1963,7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor DuPree Holman, presiding; Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Ayres was absent on com- pany business. M JO CO ~ :::0 CO Commissioner Rice pronounced the Invocation. Statements for material and labor furnished for installing traffic signal equipment on Weslayan at University and Rice Boulevard and the interconnect- ing of the signals on Buffalo Speedway at University and Rice Boulevard, were presented for consideration: Signal Engineering Company - Master controller and cabinets to interconnect signals on Buffalo Speedway Master controller, poles, signal head and other e~uipment installed on Weslayan at University & Rice Boulevard $ 959.00 3,040.00 $3,999.00 399.00 $3,600.00 Less 10% retainage Amount due Signal Engineering Company this payment Powell& Stephenson, Inc. - Materials and labor for installing traffic signals on Weslayan at Rice & University Boulevard Less 10% retainage Amount due Powell & Stephenson, Inc. this payment $3,700.00 - 170.00 $3,330.00 Powell & Stephenson, Inc. - Labor and materials to install controller on Buffalo at Rice & University Less previous payment 8-25-63 $2,460.00 - 1,800.00 $ 660.00 66.00 $ 594.00 Less 10% retainage Amount due Powell & Stephenson, Inc. this payment Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the amounts due under our contracts with Signal Engineering Company and Powell & Stephenson, Inc. for signal lights on Weslayan and Buffalo Speedway at University a.nd Rice Boulevard, be paid. Voting Aye: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall Voting No: None Commissioner Vest expressed concern over the rate of speed at which the traffic moves on Weslayan in order to get through both lights on green. It was the consensus of the Commission that this area should be carefully patrolled ih order to prevent excessive speed on this particular street. -~ kii 1 t,,_ ,- The City Manager presented the final report on the cost of construction, furniture and equipment for the new Library. He stated that the city has not yet been billed by Remington Rand, but that all of the furniture has been delivered and installed. The architectural fees and total amount due under the building contract have been paid. Citizens contributions through October 31, 1963, amounted to $3,553.40. The following Resolution was read, authorizing investment of funds, as accu- mulated in the Street Improvement Bond Fund Series 1948. Resolution No. 63-11 WHEREAS, the City Commission, through established policy, agreed to assume the payment of street paving costs involving homestead property in instances where paving contractors could not obtain the signature on Volunteer Mechanic Lien Contracts, and WHEREAS, the City paid paving costs, where homestead property was involved, from funds on hand in the STREET IMPROVEMENT BOND FUND SERIES 1948, and WHEREAS, said funds are not required for immediate use, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to invest the citys money to earn additional income; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to invest funds accumulated in the STREET IMPROVEMENT BOND FUND SERIES 1948, 'as it may be accumulated, said investment to be made in a Savings and Loan Association doing business in the City of Houston, Texas, at the prevailing dividend rate. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Resolution #63 -11 be passed and approved as read. Voting .Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall None City Manager Whitt Johnson recommended that the curb and gutter machine pur- chased in 1959 for $5,700 be disposed of. He stated that this machine had been used with success for the purpose for which it had been purchased, but that the concrete suppliers had stbpped making the special mixture which was needed for the machine. He also stated that the equipment had been well worth the money it cost, but that the city had no further use for it and asked authorization to dispose of it by public sale. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for sale of the Curb and Gutter Machine. Voting .Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall None I:' :" -'-':lIT . ~r ',.\ .J '1~-- iil 1 R,t; ---' ".,," It was reported that the City Attorney and Corporation Court Judge have done some research and determined that the city should look into the matter of pass- ing an Ordinance establishing court costs, issuance of warrants for arrest and jury fees, consistent with the State Statutes. City Attorney Cockrell stated, that he had written to other cities to obtain copies of their ordinances in regard to the matter, and would make a report to the Commission when he received replies from these cities. ~ ;:;;0 CO c..:; ~ CO Three proposals on the estimated cost for purchasing certain volumes of the Texas Revised Civil Statutes and Code of Criminal Procedure were presented, as submitted by Mr. Harry Converse, representative of West Publishing Company. It was decided that Commissioner Rice, City Attorney Cockrell and Judge Gale Reese should confer to decide which Volumes were necessary and should be purchased :for the city. City Attorney Cockrell presented a letter to the Commission in connection with a claim of Mr. R. F. Bruce, 2917 Tangley, for damages caused to one of the trees on the parkway in front of his residence by our garbage truck. It was his opinion that the city should deny the claim in its entirety. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the city reject the claim of Mr. R. F. Bruce, 2917 Tangley, for damages to a tree on the park- way in front of his home. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall None The City Manager was instructed to write Mr. Bruce informing him of this action. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the~nutes of the meeting of October 28, 1963, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Rice, Vest and Wall None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. J1J2~-</ I~ Mayor ATTEST: /~./'------ /<; // /';. " 1,'; ,/ "'7'" ' (/2"C"i' " ,'7, :}I" /_ ,/ /" Lo!!> 1.--.-.......,..,. . .........- {/....... '_'. _ Assistant City Secr~tary ~~_ 8 \f1 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 25, 1963 The City Commission of the City of West University Place convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, November 25, 1963, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Vest pronounced the Invocation. In compliance with action taken by the Commission on October 28, 1963, and Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for sale of the 1928 model Seagrave fire truck, unit 201, were opened and results announced as follows: Only one bid was received, which was from Mr. Cabooses Parties and Rides, Post Office Box 7882, Houston, Texas, in the amount of $500. However, due to the death of President Kennedy, no mail was delivered on this date. Because of these unusual circumstances, it was decided that the Commission should post- pone any action on accepting this bid until the mail is received Tuesday, November 26th, and if any bids are then received which are postmarked on or before 7:30 p.m., November 25th, they would be considered also. The City Manager was authorized to open and tabulate any such bids received and the City Commission will take action on this matter at its next meeting on Monday, December 9th. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the bids received for the sale of the 1928 model Seagrave fire truck be referred to the City Manager and Fire Chief for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board on November 14, 1963, were presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that a Public Hearing be called for December 23, 1963, 7:30 p.m., on the request of Mr. J. L. Graham, for subdivision of the N 100 X 118' of Lot 5, Block 41, WUP 1st Addi- tion into two lots, each 50,X 118' to front on Cason Street. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None A Resolution authorizing the investment of Current Tax Collections (1963) in the amount of $50,000 in the University Savings & Loan Association, 6135 K.irby Drive, at the prevailing rate of dividend of 4 1/2% per annum, was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that Resolution #63-12 be adopted as read. " -::~.~~-,-1:':::l _~__,_~.I:- "_.~-"'-"-"'.:-'-="'<=r=---=.~=''!'.~. ...1-- - '----,-.r;'~..1 '-: J: ~ 187 ! i i I Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Commissioner Rice, on behalf of the Committee appointed at the last meeting, consisting of City Attorney Cockrell, Judge Reese and himself, presented an itemized list of volumes of the Texas Revised Civil Statutes and Code of Criminal Procedures they felt that should be purchased by the city. Ct") X> CO ~ CO CQ Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the recom- mendation to purchase the following volumes from West Publishing Company be accepted: The Civil Statutes - Cities, towns & villages ~ Vols. Election Code - Vol. 9 Roads, bridges, etc. (Traffic) - Vol. 19 Taxation - Vol. 20 Penal Code - Vols. 1, LA, 2, 2A,3 Code of Criminal Procedure - Vols. 1, LA Pocket Parts for Vols. 2 and 3 Black's Law Dictionary 2A and2B @ $15 15 15 15 15 15 3 10 $30 15 15 15 75 30 6 10 $I9E) Voting Aye: Voting No: :Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None I~- The City :Manager announced that two of our city employees, Mr. George P. Corry, Controller, and Mrs. Pearl Reynolds, Tax Clerk, will be retiring December 31, 1963, and a reception honoring them will be held December 2, 1963 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Council Chamber. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the minutes of the meeting of November 11) 1963, be passed and approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: :Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None With no further business to come pefore the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m. /LJvud~. MAYOR ATTEST: // ~~ / / '2~;-''-'A/C(_ ", /;/;7 A _(~CC~, ' Assistant City Secretary I='~""::::==' .~1J:.CI _ .....:.........J.r..=--"'''co=''o;;''==-r'-~.c="'-,,:=--"''O'~---l -' ',-' ""1':- 1 /' ,') LM~ .it, " l' I I i "-,', -: .....:,.,,' --- REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION DECEMBER g. ~g6~ The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, December 9, 1963, 7: 30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Mayor Holman pronounced the Invocation. In compliance with action taken by the City Commission on Monday, November 25, 1963, the City Manager submitted a letter stating the bid received from Mr.' Frank Crawford, owner of Mr. Caboose's Parties and Rides, Houston, Texas, in the amount of $500 for the 1928 Seagrave Suburbanite fire truck and miscel- laneous equipment, was the only bid received. It was his recommendation and that of Fire Chief C. E. Duffin that the city sell the 1928 Seagrave fire truck to Mr. Frank Crawford on his qualified bid of $500. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Corrnnissioner Rice, that the 1928 Sea- grave fire truck and miscellaneous equipment be sold to Mr. Frank Crawford for $500 in accordance with his qualified bid received on November 25, 1963. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None After, discussing the advisability of creating a reserve fund to be allocated for purchase of a new fire truck in the future, the following action was taken: _i Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, thqt the $500 received from the sale of the 1928 Seagrave fire truck and miscellaneous'equip- ment be designated in the General Fund as a special reserve account to be allo- cated for the purchase of a new fire truck. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None The City Manager advised the Commission that all equipment for installation of traffic signals on Weslayan at the intersections of University Boulevard and Rice Boulevard and a controller to synchronize the signals on Buffalo Speedway at the intersections of University Boulevard and Rice BOUlevard, had been received from Signal Engineering Company and installed by Powell & Stephenson, Inc. and the equipment is working satisfactorily. He stated that in his opin- ion it was in order for the Commission to authorize final payment to these two companies which amounts to a balance of $399 due Signal Engineering Company and $436 due Powell & Stephenson. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that final payment be made to Signal Engineering Company and Powell & Stephenson, Inc. for traffic signal equipment and installation of same. Voting Aye: V oting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None r~-'--~'" , " '" -'-Hil I,l'~-"'~"'-"" ] I I' , U',"-~-'-T: ,189 V'" The Commission considered payment of approximately $1,249 in commissions earned on insurance premiums paid by the city during the year 1963 to various eligible agents. Action on approving the list of agents to receive a share of the com- missio~swas deferred until the next meeting of the Commission, in order that a further study might be made to determine that all eligible agents residing in the City of West University Place have been included. Resoltuion 63-13, as follows, was presented to the Commission for consideration and read in full: c"':) 00 WHEREAS, Mrs. Pearl Reynolds, Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West 00 University Place, Texas, has elected to retire from the employm~nt of the city, ~ said retirement to become effective December 31, 1963; and CO CO WHEREAS, the retirement of Mrs. Reynolds creates the necessity of appointment of another qualified city employee to serve as Clerk of the Corporation Court; and WHEREAS, Mr. Richard Owings, employed as Assistant City Treasurer, is qualified to assume the duties of Clerk of the Corporation Court; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to appoint or re-appoint other qualified persons to serve as Deputy Clerks of the Corporation Court; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas: 1. That Mrs. Pearl Reynolds, Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, be and she is hereby, relieved of the duties of the Clerk of said Court effective with the passage of this Resolution. 2. That Mr. Richard Owings be, and is hereby, appointed Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of' West Univers i ty Place, Texas, replacing the said Mrs. Pearl Reynolds. 3. That:Mrs. Lola Glick and Mrs. Virginia Hood be re-appointed Deputy Clerks of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, and that Messrs. Donald Mathes and Russell Kendrick, both being members of the Auxiliary Police Department, are hereby appointed Deputy Clerks of the City of West Uni- versity Place, ~exas, the said de~u~ies to assist Mr. Richard Owings in the duties of the Clerk of said Court, as prescribed by state Statutes and the Char- ter of the City of West University Place. The date of appointments to become effective with the passage of this Resolution. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that Resolution No. 63-13 appointing a clerk and deputy clerks of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, be approved as read Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None -~-r~-~"-""''''"''-'--'--''''1l'm---pr-'~~'-~--'-'-'' "" , 'I I - 'u_'T', TT_""Ti' ........ r' .. I ~ " ft 1 'l'j";:: ~ )1- QJ ...,~ Resolution No. 63-14 was presented and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has collected and anticipates col- lecting cash in the amount of $80,000 prior to January 1, 1964 from current tax collections and placing same in the Tax Collector's Fund, which will not be required for current operating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West Uni- versity Place, Texas, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount of: $50,000 in the San Jacinto Savings & Loan Association, Houston, Texas, and $30,000 in the American Savings & Loan Association, Houston, Texas at the pre- vailing dividend rate of 4 1/2%. . Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Resolution No. 63-14, directing investment of $50,000 from the Tax Collector's FUnd with the San Jacinto Savings & Loan Association, and $30,000 from the Tax Collector's Fund with the American Savings & Loan Association at the prevailing dividend rate of 4 1/2%~ be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Authority was re<luested by the City Manager to advertise for bids for truck and automotive e~uipment needed during the year 1964. He advised that the following equipment would be needed: One passenger car for the administra- tive department; four passenger cars for the Police Department; one first aid unit and one passenger car for the Fire Department; one 25,000 GVW truck cab anc chassis for the Street Department; and three dump bodies; three trucks for the Garbage Department; and one pickup for the Water Department. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received for delivery of truck and automotive equipment until 7: 30 p.m., January 27, 196Jf., as re<luested: Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Mr. Gale Reese, Judge of the Corporation Court, appeared before the Commission and suggested that ordinances be passed on the fallowing matters: (1) (2) (3) Chief's duties for holding prisoners Failure to "move on" in case of accidents in order to facilitate police investigations Prohibiting "s~uea1ing" of automobile tires upon leaving inter- sections r"~'~'" '1m; If'''' __ '.".-______n_~ ."1; 1 ~91 Commissioner .Ayres suggested that the Commission also consider passage of a "litterbug" ordinance. Commissioner Wall suggested that the city's patrolmen be authorized to wear flannel shirts as a part of their winter uniform instead of the light blue cotton shirts. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the minutes of the regular meeting of November 25, 1963, be approved. M 00 00 ~ CO ~ Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. j)~~ MAYOR ATTEST: ~~.. ..<X './ / L '. _'--"< /' /;;7 // ,/~ <""./ Assistant City Se'cretary' I "'_"h f~1 I --'-'r" --- hhh"'"T~~l _hI , -----~--,--"-....Ti'-- l' ~) ~ .......J id. REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION DECEMBER 23, 1963 The City Commission convened in regular session atthe City Hall on Monday, December 23, 1963, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Mayor Holman, presiding; Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall. The City Attor- ney and the City Manager were also present. Commissioner Ayres pronounced the Invocation. In compliance with Notice of Hearing duly published in the official news- paper of the city, Mayor Holman announced that the Hearing was now called to order to consider amending Zoning Ordinance No. 111 to permit subdivision of the N100 X 118' of Lot 5, Block 41, West University Place First Addition, as requested by the owner, Mr. J. L. Graham and recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. In answer to questions by the City Attorney, City Manager Whitt Johnson, hav- ing been duly ,sworn by Mayor Holman, stated that application had been made by Mr. Graham to the Zoning Board for permission to subdivide the said Lot and that affirmative action was taken by the Board on November 14, 1963. Subse~uent action was taken by the City Commission on November 18, 1963, at which time a Hearing was called for 7:30 p.m., December 23, 1963. Mr. Johnson also stated that notices had been mailed to all property owners within a 200' radius of the N 100 X 118' of Lot 5, Block 41, West University Place First Addition, and in his opinion all prere~uisites for calling a Public Hearing had been fulfilled. Mr. C. D.Whatley, representing Mr. J. L. Graham, after being dUly sworn by Mayor Holman, stated that Mr. Graham desired to subdivide the N 100 X 118' of Lot 5, Block 41, West University Place First Addition, into two lots each 50 X 118' to front on Cason Street. He also st~ted that there are exist- ing improvements on the east portion of the lot, such improvements being a house and a three-car garage, and on the west portion of the lot there is a garage apartment. Mr. Max D. Carlson, the party who intends to purchase the west portion of the lot if it is subdivided, stated to the Zoning Board that he is completely aware of all of the zoning requirements and he intends to abide by them. He stated that if necessary, he would remove the plumbing from the garage apartment, and that it would never be used as a living unit after the construction of his residence on this lot. (He intends to occupy the garage unit himself until the construction of the new house on this lot is completed, and then use the garage unit as a storage room.) r' There was no opposition to the proposed subdivision, either at the Hearing or received by mail. With no further property owners desiring to be heard, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest) that the Hearing called to consider amending Zoning Ordinance No. 111 to permit subdivision of the N 100 X 118' of Lot 5, Block 41, West University Place First Addition, as requested by Mr. J.L. Graham, be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayref3, Rice, Vest and Wall None '-r ,,'. .. '---,1111'- "1'" ,.." __ '0'] 'f" -------- , ~I r-.'---- 193 Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that Zoning Ordi- nance No. 111 be amended to permit subdivision of the N 100 X 118' of Lot 5, Block 41, West University Place First Addition into two lots, each 50 X 118' to front on Cason Street, provided that Mr. Graham or the new owner of the property will execute an affidavit that the garage apartment on the west 50 X 118' of the lot will never be rented or used as a second living unit on this lot. ~ JO ('.0 c...? .~ CO Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vc: st and Wall None The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board on December 9, 1963 were presented for consideration and the following action taken: Mr. H. S. Hatchl appeared before the Commission re~uesting permission to con- struct a residence 55' from the front property line, on Lot 3, Block 8, West University Place First Addition. He explained that the lot is 100 X 150' and the house would be in approximately the same position as the house he wishes to tear down in order that he may build the new house. Motion by Commissioner Ayres, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the re~uest of Mr. H. S. Hatchl to construct a residence 55' from the front property line on Lot 3, Block 8, West University Place First Addition, be approved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Mr. Charles W. Deiches, representing IYJr. T~ C. deGraffenreid, appeared before the Commission requesting subdivision of Lot 2, Block 7, West University Place First Addition into two 50 X 200' lots to front on Brompton Road. Mr. Deiches stated that the storage building on the lot would be removed to comply with zoning requirements. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that a Public Hearing on the re~uest of Mr. T. C. deGraffenreid for subdivision of Lot 2, Block 7, West University Place First Addition, be called for 7:30 p.m. on January 13, 1964. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None The Commission considered the request of Mr. Jam~s P. Markham, Jr., 6408 Wakeforest, to enclose an existing screened porch on the front of his home, and to build a bedroom out over the screened porch which would extend approxi- mately 10 feet into the front building line. Mr. Markham advised by letter dated December 12, 1963, that for the past few years he has had removable panels constructed of "wire cloth" placed against the sides of the screened porch, enclosing it, after a fashion. There was considerable discussion con- cerning the fact that the screened porch, if enclosed permanently, would be , '--'r'.'~..'-":l~~-' 1.0.1, . '1.1 .Jl.. ~ in violation of the Zoning Ordinance, which re~uires a 30-foot front building setback in this zoning district, and that the extension of the upstairs bedroom over this porch would constitute further violation. Motion by Commissioner Vest, se~onded by Commissioner Rice, that the request of Mr. James P. Markham, Jr. to enclose the screened front pOrch and build an extension above it which would extend 10' into the 30' setback require- ments, be deferred until the next regular meeting of the Commission on January 13, 1964. The Commission considered the request of Mrs. R. V. Forester for sub- division of Lot 7, Block 32, West University Place First Addition, into three lots; one 50 X 100' fronting on Pittsburgh and two 50 X 100' front- ing on Westchester. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Vest, that the request of Mrs. R. V. Forester for subdivision of Lot 7, Block 32, West Upiv:ersity Place First Addition, be deferred until such time as Mrs. Forester could be present. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None A list of fif'teen insurance agents eligible to receive a pro t,ata, share of commissions on insurance premiums paid by the city was presented for con- sideration. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the list of fifteen (15) names be approved to receive a pro rata share of commis- sions on insurance premiums pai,d by the city during the year, 1963. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None '- A letter was read from Mr. Pete Bisesi, representative of Remington Rand, outlining the amount due Remington Rand for library furniture and equip- ment furnished for the new Library at 6108, Auden. The amount due covers the following: Contract amount Credit on Item 5A in the amount of $10,375.05 75.00 $10,300.05 48.60 Addition charge of for items 9A ~ 13, based on a color schedule as submitted by Mr.. Jack Evans $10,348.65 Total Due It was recommended by the City Manager that the city pay Remington Rand the sum of $10,000, retaining $348.65, until completion of shelving in the children's room and refinishing of some of the shelving which was damaged in shipment. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that a p~y- ment of $10,000 be made at this time to Remington Rand on account, for Library furniture and equipment. , -~--~r ," '" 'nn--TT r I 'TIT" .--1~ M .~ co c;, co CQ ! 195 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Two invoices were presented for consideration in connection with the conver- sion of the city's two-way radio communications system to comply with the ruling of the FCC effective November 1, 1963: Motorola Communications & Electronics, for radio equipment furnished for the convers ion $1, 94l. 50 Cosco~ Inc., for labor and materials necessary to convert the two-way radio system 1,860.50 The City Manager stated that both firms have complied with signed contracts. He also stated that there would be two additional items; one for approximately $140' to raise and properly guy the existing tower, and the other for replace ment of coaxial cable which has deteriorated. These two items are not in the bid. He stated that the e(!uipment installed is working satisfactorily, and that the FCC has been notified that the equipment is now in operation. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the amount due Motorola Communications and Electronics, and Cosco, Inc., for the radio e(!uipment and labor to install new and convert existing equipment, be paid. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest ~nd Wall None Ordinance Woo $28, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 702, DATED MARCH 12, 1956, WHICH ORDINANCE WAS PASSED FOR THE PURPOSE OF CREATING A FUND TO BE KNOWN AS GARBAGE AND REFUSE SITES FUND, SAID J!UND NO LONGER REQUIRED; AUTHORIZING THE CLOSING OF THE SAID J!UND; AND THE TRANSFER OF $3,346.39, BEING THE FINAL BALANCE FROM THE GARBAGE AND REFUSE SITES FUND TO THE GENERAL FUND O'F THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAl? Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that Ordinance No. 828, repealing Ordinance No. 702, be passed and approved as read, inas- much as there is no further need for the Garbage and Refuse Sites Fund. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Ordinance No. 829, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 808, WHICH APPROVED THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1963, AND ADOPTED ON THE 26TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1962. '-'~-~r",,,,,,~~~o~r:r , ---'-,"O~C-'--Ti' r . '~T l ~_1 E~ Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Ordinance No. 829, amending the 1963 Budget, be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None Resolution 63-15, as follows, was presented to the Commission for considera- tioncarid read in full: WHEREAS, Ralph G. Hyett, a resident of the City of West Universi ty Place, Texas for thirty years, died on Sunday, November 24th, 1963; and WHEREAS, Mr. Hyett was Mayor of the City of West University Place, serving said City and its residents in an efficient and exemplary manner during two terms of office from 1933 to 1937, and WBEREAS, the City Commission of West University Place desires to give recog- nition to the many and lengthy civic activities of Mr. Hyett, and especially his service to this Community as Mayor: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. The citizens of West University Place, by and through their City Commis- sion, express their sincere appreciation for the many years of service that Ralph G. Hyett devoted to said City. 2. The City Commission expresses its sincere sympathy to Mrs. Molly Hyett, his widow, and to his children. 3. The City Secretary is hereby-directed to cause this Resolution to be spread upon the minutes of the City of West University Place and to deliver to Mrs. Molly Hyett a true and correct copy of such Resolution signed by the Mayor and City Commissioners. Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the Reso- lution in memory of former Mayor R. G. Hyett be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None There was discussion concerning the condition of Weslayan Street and repairs needed on the street. No action was taken by the Commission at this time. Mayor Holman presented to the Commission the matter of the Houston First Federal Savings & Loan Association converting into a permanent reserve fund stock savings and loan association, reminding that the city had on deposit approximately $100,000 in a savings account which would be affected by the conversion.. The Mayor further discussed the question of the city's proxies in the Houston First Federal Savings & Loan Association being voted by the Commission; these votes to be cast on December 27th, either for or against r"~"' '" -- -- ,a"'T,',,1 I" , H '''-''~~1 I' "~I: 107, ,j ~ the conversion of the Houston First Federal Savings and Loan Association from a federally chartered mutual .savings and loan association to a permanent reserve fund stock savings and loan association under the laws of the State of Texas. He e~lained that if the conversion is approved the city may accept its part of the distribution in one of three ways: (1) in cash added to its savings account on the sale of shares; (2) in cash paid to the city on the sale of its shares; or (3 ) in shares of permanent reserve fund stock in the amount specified. Also, if the conversion is approved, the city would be entitled to purchase additional stock if so desired. M :JO 00 c..;" CO CO Motion by Commissioner Vest, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that the Mayor be authorized to sign proxies as Trustee, in favor of the conversion plan pro- posed by the Houston First Federal Savings & Loan Association. Voting Aye: Voting No: ~yor Holman, Commissioners Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None The minutes of the meeting of December 9, 1963, were presented for considera- tion and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Ayres, that the minutes of the meeting of December 9,,1963, be approved as submitted. Vat ing Aye: Voting No: Mayor Holman, Commissioners.Ayres, Rice, Vest and Wall None " ! There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. jLf!uui~~ MAYOR ATTEST: /~ (7;( , ' d" / '/-'-O~,rJ.--L_~'E<{~::'(!_.__~_/; ( ..?G~~';"--::<-""_'~''-''__j Assistant City Secretary 'r~""_nn''''~_~~-~~'' "".-- (.___nn__, ,,",'.. I'"