HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.42 i ~ ,/,-, ?~, :::P~~ ' ;, " " :t 'I, ~ '" ~~:.\K" '~ " , 4).- ~ Bl!lS.0LUTION" DE'J!EBMllUNG Tlm m:FEDIgCIY ~,;NIi:cms5I['Y OF C01IDEMNINGPRIVA'rE FBOHlRTY F,OR PllBLrC USE OUTSIDE 'i'RJI; OORPORATE., LJ.:MI~' OF THE GIn OF 'WEST Ul'fIVlJIRSln PU,C:E, TEXAS, IN HARRIS , OOUNTY, FQRTHE C.ONSTRUCTI0NOF A s'1',ORM SEWER' OR DRAINAGE DITCH. At a regular meei;ing of the CityC<mmaiuioiil sf' theClty efINeat UnlveI'slty Place, Texas; duly called and held on the 26th aay of January, 1942,in the City' , RaIl, in the City ofWel;lt University Place, Texal;l, at 7:30 P. 14,., at which meeting the fo1lawing werepresant and participating: , F.M. Mainous Mayor Dr. J. A. Herschel Cenu:nlssioner A. ,L. Kerbow Co;mmisslonar J. M. Dmmingt on T. wesley Woodard the following resolution was adopted: Commissioner Commis-alonel? , RESOLUTION OR>>ERnm .AND PRQVIDING FQ~~Q ()ON~RUC'i'I()}T, OF A, s~t)llM ~R OR, , '~E DITCH ALONG ']HE~STSlDE 0F AND TO TgE STELu. liINE: ROAD, 'IN T. OOtim:JIY OF HARRIS AI>U') BEGINNING AT AP~IJiI[,Dr TQ SQmH"Ll:NE ",0F', BELJ;;A~ :BOU~~>> 'J41~_J:- , ~~~~Ia:i:;'~_1:~Oii': _", ' T~ ~l\T ~F_ CITytS E:.~ 't',~~:::\:=l:~~~E!~!~:DE ~U:t_; , 'ArID ntST'RUar.1N,/L_OITY AT'1'ORl(lilY IDO , -']E FOR ,', ' ,', , . EQti~iit~~f::CE I~~1ELY' FR13MAND 'AFTER 'IT$'P."GE A.ND A~~~0VAL~ ' BE IT _OLVlID :BY 'l'.:aRGITY G~~:$fLON OF THE aIn OF WE$:J? UNIVElt~~ FU;{}E7 TEJi:A;S: > r .1-~ ._--~-- l_, ] _ __J..llllJ:.all '~~~ 1& fil " ',~ }'" , ~, - ;:" ,', ~' i' r.." ~ [' ~ ' r ,.. i , \' l.:" ~~ ~ ' ~> t". t.., ! . ../"--, r"'" <iT"', ' n FIRST - The CUy Celillll'.l.issiGn of the 01 ty of' West University P3,-a.ce, Te.x~s, findsa.nd has determined the expedienc'y and necessity of cOJildemning private property to be used for tu ,eonstwction af Ii storm sewer or drain- ~ ~ ;;(;k.. Lu- ~ of ~ ~ ---- 'it;...t:N.. ~..e.,.:,.. ~ a.ge ditchA beginning at a point on the SQuth line of Bel1aire Boulevard, at a point approximately lQO feet east of the southern projection of Wealayn street, adjae,ent to theoerperate limits of said City, thence in a southerly di-rection to a point in the center of Bray's Bayou, in Harris County, Texas. SECOND The width of 'the necessary rigb.t-af-way required shall be 40 feet, and ,the lines, ~,t!ade, etc. f'Gr such tract as submitted by the City's Engineers is here adopted f'ora11 purposes., THIRj) The City .Attorney of the Cit,y of West University Place shall and is here,by instru.ctedan.d directed to acquire the necessary right-ef'-way fr0J:l1 the J. C. League Es'5:ate and all other persons who 1ll1gilt, ~ve an interest in said property, ~ negotiating with the J.' C. League Estate, or ,its agent, and all other persons owning an imerest i,n, said property; sh0CU1.d the aitYAtto~e'Y. be waa;ple to came to an agPeement as to t-he value of Buch ~d re,qu.ired f0T! such right-af-way, to institute and prosecute nece&S~ry condamna.- -, tion proceedings for aequiring the land neeaed. FOTffiTH The f'leld n0tes 'dueribing the traei; of land ~1P'r:: /'- /""" out of the J. C'. League Estate tract, the same being 40 teet Wide and 5008 feet kOlag, requ.ired for the cons.truction of' said storm sewer or drainage ditch, are as f'el,lows: FIFTH - This resolution $ball take ~f~ect ahd be in force immediately fl.'OBl on and after the da:te' of its passage and appreyaJ.. PASSED AND APPROVED THISSMDth DAY OF JANUARY, 4..>1);.. 1942. ~// ,,-AU'TEST : ~ ' ,,' ~ ,:1' '~a~~~:~~:':' .," I: I . :1:11 ---..l....-:.I..1LIlLIU. "]Im:" L Lr.. -, .:;" '. - 'I ,h /. .., .f." (u.. 1-2-- 1- A. US0LiUO!'l DEfEmUlI1ING 'fEIE BEST BID Al\lJ!) AWAllUUNG- aell1TRA0T ()F S.AL.E OF tiTi,.oe SANITARY SEWER 1301'198 Al\1]) t184.~eee iTeBM SEWEEi BONDS. , WHEREAS" bids havebeea received this day by the City Cem.- mission of the City ot West Ualversity Plaee for the sale af $275,080 Saaitary Sewer Eloads and $lS4,eeo Storm Sewer Boads ef said Clt1~ which said bids were made pursuant to the notice of sale heretofore given by mail and by publication in financial Journals of general cireulation In. the United States, and part1- 8lllarly im 'lIhe Stat e ot Texas; and EDEASt said bids have been tabulated and have been duly cCi)nsHiere(l by the CU1 CommissiGln and the Oi t1 C:ommissicm laas cietermimed tlaat 1ilae bU. hereinafter aescr1bel is the laighest and best b1a received fer said beRdsl therefore BE IT RES0LVEE bJ the i1ty Cemmlesion of tae Oity of West Wa1versity Place.. 'texas; I. That the bid ant proposal of Stlte~, Nioo1aus & Oa., Ine., f BtratlahaJ1.""Harrls & 00_, Ine.~ am.d Ii..f"- Christie & Oo.~ f'er the , i\ purchase of said $2?i~08G Sanitary ~~wer Bonds, bear1ng interest , as felleve: Bends Nes. 1 te 39, betla lneluslv$, llear1mg 1mt6rest at the rate of tbree(3%) percent per ann.wa and. Bonae Nos. t'Grty (40) to two ~nirea amd. seveaty-tive (2'5), beta inclusive, bear~ 1ni interest attae rate tilt teee and thPee.-feurtas (~i.l4,.%) per- cent per ann:wa; ana tae $lS4~QOt) Storm Sewer Bonds, bearing In... terest as follows: HeRa. Nos. 1 te 26f. beta 1nellliisi)'E':, bearing 1n- te~est at the rate of taree (3%) percent per annam and Bonds Nos. 2' to 184, both inclusive, bearimg iaterest at taa rate af three and three...toarths (3..13/4%) pereent per anRWlLj at a priee equal to par~ aee1'11led 1mter8st a.nd a premlW1 ".f'~, "<, ~, ("J IIJ. ~L---1L' L~iL lllJlJU '-~llffi'n- "I ~, " .; 101' Seven Hundred Eighty-Five and 20!lOO.....{$ 785.20 ) Dollars, be~ and the same is hereby, declared to be the highest and best bid ree,elved for said bonds. II. That saiel proposal and bid is hereby accepted and the Mayor and Oity Treasurer are hereby authorized and direoted to deliver said blOnds to the purohasers upon payment of the purchase: price, and to do any and all things neeessary and oonvenient in carrying out the plll.1'poses af this resolution. III. That the good faith cheeks of all other bidders be reM turned immediately to such bidders. PASSED, APPB.0VED and AUTHENTICATED this tne ~ F ebnary, 1942. day at tlci:~ Mayor Pro Tam, ej,ty of West University Place, Texas. ATTEST: . ~ " Oi ty lheretary. ~ --' .---- - -~-~~------~'---~--~.--------_----..-.'-......: r- r'~--Til : 111ifIiI"~~ ~ - -.---.tmrr-mTi'"' "I . ; '" "~r ~. .. 'I ,:::.\Jl, H ;~ \ .. ~ (" L' RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE EXPEDIENCY AND NECESSITY OF CONDEMNTNG FBIVATE ,PR6a1iRTY FOR PUBLIC USE IN THE CCRPORATE LDiUTS OF THE CITY OF WEST UlUVERSITY PIACE, TEXAS, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM OR LIFT PLANT. L/:Z:.-~ At a regular meeting of the City Cnmmission af the City of West University Place, Texas, duly called and held on the ,. C day of I~' 1942, in the City Hl?-ll, in the City of West University Flace, Texas, at 7:30 P. M., at which meeting the following were pres- ent and parti ci:pa.ting: F. M. lIIainous Mayor Dr. J. A. Herschel Commissioner A. L. Kerbow Commissioner J.M. Dunnington Commie s ione r T. Wes1.ey Woodard Commissioner the following resolution was adopted: f( RESOLUTION ORDERING AND PROVIDING FOR THE C@;NSTRUCnON OF A LIFT PI..A:NT OR PUMPING STATIeN FOR TB.lt-effyIS SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM OR ~R PUBLIC pmp@SES, ON LOT 14, BLK. 14, RI.CE COURT ADDITI'ON, CITY OF 'DST UNIVERSITY PIJ\.CE; 'uPR@VnrG OF THE CITY ENGI1!liER I S PLANS AND' ~.P.ECIFICATI OWS OF SUCH LIFT PLANT eJRFlJJlIIiING STATION; ORDERING .AND INSTRUCnNG THE aUY A'l'TmEEY TO NEGO- TIATE FeR THE PtlRCIit,ASE OF SAID LeT 14, BLIC. U, RiCE COURT ADDITION, .AN1> IF 9- SUCCESSFUL TO :BRING EECESSARY C6NDEMNATION PREJCEED:tllTGS TO ACQ,UIRE SAm: AND PROVIDING THAT THIS BESGLUTIONSHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE Im.mDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSA.GE A.Ni:l APPRI'JVAL. 'Ii BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY C0MMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PUCE, TEXAS: !mM'. The City Comm1ssien of the City of WeetUniver- sity Place, Texas, fiEds 'and has determined the expediency and necessity of condemning priva.te proJ;lerty to be used for the construction of a Lift'P~ant or Pumping Station for the City IS sanitary sewage system,' or other public purpcses, on Lot 14, :Bl:ock 1.4, Rice Co.urt Addition, an addition in the corporate limits of'sa,idCity. SE C Om> The size, height and construction of' said Lift :!'lant or Pumping Station, a.nd the plans and speci- fications thereof for such Lift P1~nt or Pumping Station as submitted by the City Engineers, is here adopted for ul~ purpo,ses. ~ The City Attorney of the City of West Bniversi- ty ~laeeshall and is hereby instructed and direoted to acquire said Lot 14, B~oek 14, Rice Court Addition, in the Co.rporate Limits of sa.id City, from Miss Catherine Zanante or any ether person o.r persons who might have an interest in said property, by negotia.t:tng with the said Miss Catherine Zanante, and aLL other persons owning an in- terest in said property; Should the City Attorney be un- able to. ceme to an agreement as to thE:! value of such lot required for such Idft Plant or Pumping Station, to insti- tute and prosecute necessary condemnation proceedings for acquiring such lot. FOURTH The description of the lot required is as fo1- lows: Lot Fourteen (14), :Block Fourteen (14)., Rice Court Addition, an addition in the Corporate Limits of the eJity of' West TIni- versity Place, Harris County, Texas. [" &1] . ....L L...:J~lll uum: n'''------m~.. :1 "v \ " l\ mlli This resolution shall take effect and be in passage and approval. force :immediately from on and after the date of it,s PASSED AND APPROVED THIS .:2,p- DAY -OF 7~ A. D. 1942. ATTEST: ~~/~ , i Y Sec~etary. L ,1 rl ~' r-~, ',/~' May 0 r. !lTl ~ J.:11 UIaI[ '1111['" ilL ,- c. ,..;-" /..........\ .,.",~~;~ ."" ,;A.."","... " '~.". ._, - .~" .,;' " . .. J ":'k ":" tf1.- -1 . ,W:ING AND ACeEPfING'.i'HE . "E:S-Y THE CfiTYTltEU- ~',~rORS~~=$~t~~ ~'(JFW1!:$T UNI.'J!! ]?t.ACE THmfi,",~x _ "~'TI,... ,.m0:a~';;'Ft.~ ,Gi.~$ ($$24.4:5) ~D 'AGIcN0WL:~aJ:!\TYf 'SAI;]l) , , i'~ASAJ:. ,U'wFm. DEm',t'oe Y"OF nSTUN1:V, .',' ,Y ?LiCE AND$RDmN~ .8AI~eLAm'!fa BE ,PAID '- DEBEA5.. the S011th. End Building ~terials C€lmpany, acting 11ly aa0. tlaroughits Presideat, L. F. Fuqua.. appeared. befG,re the City Commission of the City af WesttIniversity Plaoe with a ola.im against the Oity far the swn of !hirt.y,...si~ ROOred 'l'w~nty-fourDollar$ and Forty...five Gents C$3624.4a) f'or building materials ,furnished to the Clty'0f West University P1aeeby the South End Build.1ngJ&tterla1s Company for the follOWing purJlose's: Jlateria.l$ fu.rnished, fi'.om N;$vember 12, 1940, to J~ua;ry 8, 1941, 118 eO. by tJie City fE:l;t'tm.e 'tci:!1')p1ng otJ"ake Street 1n said. Sl.ty. . . . . . .. . . . . .$4.li1l.Ji1 Ma;terial,s farnJ.slile9- frem DeeetJl;ber '10 J 19'4el, .to,o'!'$l:uiliry8.. 1941,~ for the tOPFing,Q:f~a;@oH.s Stl'eet in said City. . . . .. '. .. . . . . .' . ., . ,., .$4':94.48 Buil,dlng ,m.!:l.t,er,ials furDishett ~1r.er. ,a perlog:~f:;fi~~lll: frem..~2~.~940 jt~; A~r;.1$.~t'I~~"~'~l.1!11~thev~tlO~s ,d~ pal1ill:l"f!fn' .$~':.;e ''3'itl'~'l'J;d'~'J1f3 ,amG ' ,,' ~~ , , ' ,,'.' ",..,' '. " ' , ""'" lDelng a :1(Q ,~'tdf al1ma:t':erial ' furnished tothe.v.ai>1e>u.s departmei'l'ts ' , . 0..;(,...".".,.. '.,'~ ,.~.c.~',<i,..- ., .~. . .$2S~~.46 Total. ... .:. .t~6'24~4~ and, ~, the OityCommlssiGt\ of the City of West' Uni versi tyPIM$~terred the abfi)vs elalm Blade by the South Enci~.1Id1J;g Mat'erials eOI,ll.pU'yta!ts dep8..rtment ':", , ... "Of;;' .. ... ,~, ~ ~<~....- I~ '...: ...28 of Fiaance and-requested 1;he (Jity Treasurer of the 0ity of West University Place to examiae the e1.a1m made by said C'ompanY-aR,d to, aUG.it the account of the City with " " "'- " "" . ,,' ,', " , , , ~d South Wnd, Building Matei'ials CompaIlT and to make his report to the Gity,Commiss1on as to the correctness of said claim made by the; ,South E:nd. Building Materials Gompany, and, WHEREAS, the,Oity TreasUrer has made his rapor1; to the Oity Commi.sslon in.re,ferenee to the claim or. the Sou.th End Building Materials 'Gompany of the Var- i011S ,materials furnished to arid reee~ved by the 01ty, said r,epo:pt of said Oi ty Treasurer being attaohed he~e- to, in whiehrepert the 'City Treasurer has stated that he has examined hisreeords as well as the,reeords, in- vOi,ces,' delivery slips and ather reoords' of the ~outh End Building Materials Company pertaining ,to its claim and has found the claim to be true and correct and a just claim by said Company against the City of West University :Place and has aPJ?roVied. s>aid G111"aim, aIld, WHEBEAS~' U'1s the. desire 'of' t'he Ci"ty GOI!l- misSion to recogaize sald cla1mas beblg a 1awf'ul, and just cla1m against the C1tyof West University Place and to reeQgn~~e its ~ndebtedaess to the Sowth End Build- iag ~ter1als eempaa~, as above set out, 1\0W, therefore, '., " BE Ii' nser.VED BY THE CJ;i'Y Oe;Ml!!~:ScSI0N OF THE: CITY SF JUil 'l.1NI,V~R!U'fY PLACE: Sl!:C,T-I6m 1: That the audit ~Gl;rep0rt made by the l1:ity TreasJ!1rer perta11Ung to t11e el.a1m~0f the South End Building :Ma:t,el'ials CetRpaay fer mater1al~ fur- nished by said GOJllpariy to the City at var.1ellil:S tflmes over .J<_ , . [ -I i1iCJ ~_~_:'Lllll.llJll[ ,11IIh[ ,1"lTIt . , --T (--.. 1 .;. _ "" -3- a period from May 2. 1940, to August 12, 1941, in the total amount of Thirty-six Hundred Twenty-four Dollars and Forty-five Cents ($3624.45). which report is at- ,tached hereto. be. and the same is hereby received by said City of West University Place. SEC~ION 2: That the City Commission of the City of West University Place, after examinlngthe claim . of the South End Building l1..aterials Company for the sum of Thirty-six Hundred Twenty-four Dollars and Forty-five Cents ($3624.45) for materials furnished to and received by the City of West Universtty Place, and after having examined the audit and report of the City Treasurer, does hereby find that said claim in the sum of'Thirty-six Hun- dred TwentY-four Dollars and Forty-five Cents ($3624.45) made by the South End Building Materla1s Company is a Just and lawfal olaim and does hereby approve said claim and aoknow1edges that the City of West University Place is justly and legally indebted to the South End Building }.iaterials Company 1n the sum .of Thirty-six Hundred Twen- ty-fourDo11ars and Forty-five Cents ($3624.45) and does hereby order said sum to be paid to said Company. PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day ef April; A. D., 1942.. Q,-'~ ~~""""'" ['GR ' , ATTEST; ~~ ,/ , , ~-'~_. ~----_--...........:.-'-'---- ~~~_. r [r~- It] .l ---11 _ _l l,(IIIllJ[ ~ ~ 'liiIir- n~lIT~ "~~i~ _1J<f14~ --~ . ".' ," . f :'~. .:;.,.~".,,;'~ \. RESOLUTION NO. i.jz--I'" / )..~2-l5- -+ '1------ BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of West university Place, Texas, tJaat Bernard Golding, an attorney at Law, be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to tlioroughly in- vestigate the rates being charged the citizens and businesses in the City ot West Universit:Y F1Etce, Texas, by Houston. Natural Gas Cempany alad liousten Lighting & Power Company, the same be:i,p.g, and it is hereby declared, a public emergency, at this time. He is authorized to employ a utility accountant and other assistance both legal and technical in his investi- gation. He is to proceed immediately with this investigation and to make his reports to the City Oouncil with reasonable dispatch. He is autlllorized to take such l.egal and other actions fQl" and in the name of the City of West University Place, Texas, as he may deem proper and necessary to the authorized investigatiola. 'l'Jae compensation to be paid by tJa.e City of West University Place, TeXQB,_ to Bernard Golding and the persons he is hereby authorized to empley shall be a reasonable com- pellsatiola f'or similar services. ""TInll by C_..lonor. q9.bcd~ above reselution be adoptedy tille City Council €If the. t the West IDliversity Place, Texas. -1- :1:I'""l, _~_1L- . !l,:lL~ UJI[m. 111. - i ':>.--. -,",.-.-~ . ' , ~\ BEOONDliiD by O","",,-ss.1oaer 4 ~ ~ ADOPTED this 'J,- I' day of: December, 942, by the f:ollow;t~g,,1i'ote: . 0:,;';.-. OOIlMISSIOIIER ~ OO_~_ Jt -- ==. ---- , OOIlMISSIOBER ~ ~~ ~ QOMMISSJ:0NER MAYOR , .. L r- ., r'l ~I"l '11111I11lr rr- "~nll1r~