HomeMy WebLinkAboutr.41 ,-:-~..,~' ,; I . ". '{I ,5<" '. " A" .~.. F I)IV~ ,*..,:,~ '0. V' /;" ,.-- ....,--;; j' A :i1ES-OLUTION ,ADOPTING A TEMPORARY :BUDGET FOR 'f HE FISCAL YJilAR 1941...1942' WHEREAS, heretafore the City of West University Place had n0 uniform syatem of Ii co euntitlg and it was diff'icul:t, in fact, pra.ctioallyimpassible to determine trGm the recQrds of' the City antioipated revenues fer the fiscal year 1941~1942. wHEBEAS,it was neeessary to install a complete new system of aec0unting and bookkeeping which has just been com- pleted., and. it will take some p1ixty (eo) days to prepare the budget lUld budget aGc:ument for the fisca.l yea.r 1941-1942, and W.lii5REAS, it appears tG the City Cemmis:sionthat it will be to the best interest of the City that a. tempora.ry bud- get be adepted, naw 'tEE.H.J.i:.Ij'ORE, HJ1: IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COBISSION OF l:HE1 eI'l'Y OF Wjj;S:f UNIVERSITY l'LACE, TEXAS: FIRaT :. That there be and there is hereby adopted a.nd ca.rried forwa.rd the 1940-1941 budget as a. temporary budget to be in force until the regular ]l,udge't and budget document tor thefia- eal year 1.941-1942 is prepared, presented and ap preyed by thet City eomm~ssion. PASSED and appreved this day Qf A.D. 1941. .yor A'I'TJil,ST t 01 ty Secretary --. r 1 I 1. 1 'III III.r ..,,1111 u_j /.. ~LUTION AU'l'HORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY Mnfl.M.Y SCRUGGS TO RENDER A JOINTOPIN- 1m; _m1!Tna l~O THE LEGALITY OF THREE CE'R'fAU 'OIIDlli:i.NCES DATED OCTOBER 1.3~t 1.941. AND AS TO THE SITFFICIENCY OF 'l'HE GROwDS A.I.Ll$'B'O I~ VARIOUS AFFIDAVI'l'S REQ,u.1!NG ~ lWfITIOIlS; SUCK OPIIUONS TO BE DN- D~ WI'fHOUT CHARGE TO THE CITY. W'HEREAS, e.B <>etol1>er 13th, 1941, three oertain cwdinanees ..-e ~ed a_ ~..t.d to th~ Comm.1ss1oJil by COI'mItisdo1'1er J. M. D~Jl8~_, .:ad, .'il~, .&JaEl qaes'tlen has arisen with reference to the ~t",~Glf ....1til ~~sed ePdinaaoes-'and the Cemm.bs1on :is de- ~. 9!" ~ a joQia't $pinl_ renciw&d,by A. J. Lamonte, e,.lL~" '~'.. by Se~s, said opinion to be rendered wi .,',~. 'te the C11;,.. fiW, ,~ORE, BE IT' RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISS,ION OF 'ME eIn- 9i' 1J'ila'-l' UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: '!'hat, A. J. L__te, City Attorney, and W.' Ray Se~gs be and they are ~by d~ee'te4 te;rrendi&r 'their joint oplm.ioB to 'tche C.emm!ss19B rl't1a. referenee to the l~Uty of tl!il.Peo ,certaiB ~~e-1t proposed ..a Q,u9mlt1ie4 to tJiM Gommlssln lil'y J. M. ~$-, Cmmnissi.er, en 'the l:5ta iay ef Oc"teeer, A. D~ 1~1.; &m.d tkat add j01a'tli)pinion be z>endereCl wl~ eh:arge to tke' C'itl". P.umD AlID APPROVED 'l'JiIS THE 2JJ DAY OF~ A.D. 1&41.. :&tAXtn'{' CITY OF WES'l' UNIVERSITY PLACE ATTEST: ~TMr- Gl."'T:tuv'f\l!:'raRY. r.".....-==~ r 1 I 1 I 1IIIIIIIII6r ----'--lflfl..-----roWT" .-. ...--, ~1 I I · ,..7....."."-. A RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO TEE ACCEPTANCE OF THE WATER WELL AJID THE PRODUC TI ON THERJ;!;J!'hOM: UNDER AGREEMENT BETWEElT TEE CITY OF WEST 1JNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS AND THE LANE-TEXAS COMPANY. WHEREAS, on the /10 day of ~~ City of We~t Univer- A.D. 1941, the Lane-Texa.s Company ;and the sity Place, Texas did enter into an agreement whereby the said company agreed to drill a water well in accordance with the pl",ns mld specifications set out in said agreement and to fur- nish the water therefrom to the City,of West University Place at a stipulated price per month until a certain sum of money W3,S pa.idto said company and at which time the said company shall convey to said City s:?uid water well, equipment and sup- plies, a,s well as the leasehold interest upon the land on which said well is situated, and 1iIlBEFEAS, the City Engineer of said City duly inspect- ed said well and r elturne d 8, written report on September 15, 1941, to- the City Commission that said well bas been completed in strict compliance with s9,id plans and s pi~cifications 8,no is new producin.g water in excess of the amount guaranteed, and recommended said well be accepted by said City. TF.EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BYTRl:TI CITY COlviMISSION OF THE C ITY OF WEST DRIVERS ITY PLACE, TEXAS: FIRST That the City of West University Place, Texas, hereGY finds that the water well contracted to be drilled by the Lane- ,. r 1 111 1111111.r .llIIi~I"""""'----; c, ~~,:. Texaa Company has been drilled and completed in full compliance with the plans and specifications therefor and that the said well i.. nQw producing wiaLterin excess of the amount guaranteed and does hereby accept the putput of said well under the terms and conditions set out in said agreement. SEe 01i"D The City Treasurer is hereby authorized and dire cted to purchase the output of said water well drilied by the ,Lalle- Texas.Company, and to pay such sums as may be necessary to so purchase said output of !;H,dd well .;.ud lea.sehold estate out of the revenues of the Water Department. PASSED AND APPROVED this The / h day of ~. A.D. 1941. va.t.~ .. aYr;;&,l Y 0 es, Inversny Uru~ ATTEST: ~ ' "City secretary' 1'- ' ,-, I I I liJ II ;;! ;,:1'11nl,lll& -~----~'I1i1rr'Tlil1~- ' - --1 ..---,~ -.... - . . -' '";;, . : II, ':, ' -;' ~, . ..." ,~..' - , , , . ";:',,: '. ~'9\.:- -. ;;~~.";"...."'..~r'''=..~~!l. ":.~'-'cr< ' ',' . .~.' . .-\ ~' "----.. "" , '. AND' .a,,' VALml.U TAXES, G.gy~ , t;he L..egl&latune of the st.te ot''l'~~s has . ~.. .~ . . ,'~.t$-Q lne"1~,.$""~~1~."~~~i.~~i~'" _. _ ~ . _ C'i '.' . . ~.~. ""';~.;ft~~~~~~1~1t':.t"_&r6'IellI~ inb1!':riliS'b aaa p:a1\~~~ties, l:'_;~~"t$ p;ay a1:'1 Elellnquent&d v-a.'l&r'em;-taJrJils due . ~..:.~.~?:~:.-,~:~;:~:<::"! -.; '. >'" (,.. " ";1-' a.ay~;~~i:fie piece of p~e'l;)'el"ty on .", -;..> " -'."-.. ", _,.-'-rl"<I'" .., . SECTION I: That, after due consideration of the faets e@nnected therewith, it appears affirmatively that un- usual and excessive default has occurred 1n payment of ad ~~0ve.,~axes due the City of West University Place, and that an'exteol:lie.nof time for the payment of such delinquent ad- v8;lorem taxes will promote and accelerate'the cGllection there- of. SEOTION 2: That said finding of facts be appropri- ately recorded, and that the City of West University Place adopt the provisions of said Act. SEP'l'ION 3: The fact that over Fifty Thousand ~t$.0,~$,O;~QO')"~el1ar8 Elel1nquent taxes are now due the City, . - .. :. .. '. . . .. .' "';'~~~~';'~l?<~~:i~~~t~~~he Oity by persons sho would meet said .,,'::J{ '~:$~~~,,"~~j~~'8avy costs, interest 'Udpenalties were ;?~~~~.':~.:il:_publie .~mergency requiring that this Re- ~:~j':.~~~~;;.i~~'effeet and be in.fore~lmm~diat-~iy from ;.,,~ _, :::Ii)f its pa,ssage and app roval. .' ".. .. _.' _f-S)j~:t_ APPROVED thi s the '7,;Jt' day of June, ;~~~l~t: O;~/~d ' / ...";"". ~ .-/ ,,:";:(';'; , Mayor, . ", ~;'. Oity of West University Place,Texas -,.j 'n.' >,'~.C"'--::~_~ r~'. .,.'~ ".,-)>.- I .. 2. r:- ,"" . , I .J:),. __ _> _....Il~ 11.1.&.1: --'~!" '\".e\, _i-. 1 , , ,"A '\ .:.~:. ~/ RESOLUTIOI C,Q)iOERNING ll~ICjl GJi' UARHl'C TO ~ ~QNTN:G tlRnmAl C.& WliEREAS. theei ty Commission of the ei ty of West Yniversity Place, ~exa6 submitted to the Plan COmmission of the City for recommendations and report, that Ordinance No. 111 commonly known and ,designated as the Zoning Ordinance, be amended, supplemented and changed in certain respects as here- inafter set forth,'an4, ~S, the PlaD Commission bas recommended to the City ~ommission that certain amendments, supplements and changes be made, ud WHEREAS, it is necessary that a public hearing be held and.. that notice be given by publishing Ol~e time in the offioial publio~tion efsaid City stating the date and place of' hearing. ~_, BE IT RES.OLVED BY THE CITY COmMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WESr UNI:vEliS:I'fY PLACE, TEXAS: Net1ce is hereby given that a hearing will be held befere the City Commission of the City of West University Place at the City Hall, in said City, on August 11, 1941, at '7:30 p.m. with respect to the following amendments, changes and supplements to said Zoning ordinance. FIRST: Thath the square foot dimensions of dwellings on that r' ~------"'-I -. .- -,- III 1"111I.llr -'-WiII" '0'11"''- _--.."J>!' , \ \ , . . \ \ . i~ ,..A<, v' i V in Suns~t Terraoe, facing east on Auden Street, be ohanged from ~square feet to~ sqUare feet. q()~ ,1\00 SECO!lD: ,~~ T,hat the Or~inance be amended so as to provide that in oomputingthe square 'foot dimensions of awellingsthat one- J \ half of the square. footag~~,screened porches shall becountted where the inclosed area, excluding such screened porches, is r 1100 square feet or over. THIRD : That theZoning Ordinance be amended so as to require j that garage!l1 on corner lots be pl.aced at a. proper set-back 60 a~ to eorif()rm with the' alignment of ,h,.ouses on lots in the rear thfl):teof.. FOURTH: That Section 33 of Zoning 6rdinance be amended. by S-1ibstituti~ "'Planningharlilt in the place of thellCity Flam e~l~sion., thus, tranferring the duti~s pr,esentlyprescribed for tl1e "'Plan Commission'. to the .Planning Board." and abol ishing the .Oity Pian c'emmission. It J PASSED AND A.PPROVED this the '1~...y .f~. A.D. 1941. ATn:S~~ City Secretary , i:aa'or, City of West University Place, Texas - . ---~~.~~ ~A...,.-_' ~, L/I_ If A.,,~Djl~JJTI0N, ElMP.LOYUJG W. RAY~ ~CRUGGS AS ADDITIONAL LEGAL .. ',JR., COUNSEL IN THE DEFEN$ OF CAUSE NO. E-276658, JOHN C.CALROmf;VS CITY OF WEST UNIVERS'Iy PLACE El' AL, Al'lD FIXHTG DE TERMS Ai~D CONDITIONS OF' SAID EMPLOYMENT. j BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CQM}fISSION OF TBE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Jr., Section 1. Whereas John C.Calhouty'has brought suit agah.st the City of West University Plaoe and oertain city officials thereo~ C. Jr., being Cause No.E-27665libembfr.U$l J(QhJj CalhounjVS City of West University Place et aI, pending in the District Court of Harris County, Texas, and whereas, it is deemed necessary and advisable to employ additional legal counsel under Article XII, Section 4 of the City Charter in the defense of said suit, and whereas, it is desired to employ W. Ray Scruggs, a p~acticimg attorney of the Harris County Bar, for the purpose aforesaid, and whereas, an agreement has been reaohed with the s,aid W.' Ray Soruggs as to his compensation, it is therefore ordered that the said W. Ray Soruggs be and he is hereby employed under Artiole XII, Section 4 of the City Charter as additional legal oounsel in the ~efense of the law suit afOresaid. Section 2. The oompensation of said W. Ray Soruggs is Seven Hundred and Fifty ($750.00) Dollars for his services ,fun[ the District Couri> proceedings and in the event an appeal is taken from the judgement of the District Court an additional fee of Two Hundred and Fifty ($250.00) Bollars shall be paid, which said additional fee shall inolude the Cour'tof;~ivil APpeals and shall also inolude the appeal, :til any, to the Supreme Court of Texas. Of the trial fee of Seven Hundred and Fifty (t750.00) Dollars" One half there\}~or Three Hundred and Seventy-Five ($375.00) Dollars4is payable instanter'and the City Treasur~r. Aoting City Secretary, and the Mayor Pro ;l?ttmr.l (the Mayor at this time being absent from the oity) are hereby instructed to issue check to the * , ~ ..- ~ ~ said W. Ray ScruGgs at' once, for said Three Hundred and Seventy-Five ($375.00) ,Dollars. The balance of the trial fee shall, be paid when '>-:;~t~_l~, th~ .~' is tried but in no event to be paid later than February 1, 1942. and the City Treasure~, Acting City Secretary, and the Mayor are instructed to issue said additional check when the sarne becomes due and pll.yable under the provisions of tlli:i$ resolution. The appellate fee of Two Hundred and Fifty ($250.00) Dollars shan be payable when the appeal is perfected in the Court of, Civil Appeals by any party to the suit arid thereupon the City Treasurer, Acting City Secretary, and the Mayor' areinstructed to issue chec~ to the said w. Ray Scruggs for such additional sum of Two Hundred and Fifty ($250.00) Dollars. Passed this 4th day of August, 1941. Approved this 4th day of August, 1941. ilt~~ . ' ATTEST: r ' -. I 1 II I~. r 'I n" ----r- '.,.. '11- / ~> A RESOLUTION EMPLOYING W. RAY SCRUC-GS P$ ADDITIONAL LEGAL C01JN3EL TO PROSErnITE SUIT AGAINST THE CITY OF HOUSTON IN G01'NECTION 1"IITH BOu:ND.ARY DISPUTE AND FIXING THE TERMS AL\fD CONDITIONS OF SAID EMPLOYMENT . '- BJjl IT IESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERS-ITY PLACE: Section 1. That whereas the City of Houston did pass an ordinance attempting to extend its boundaries, said ordinance passing its final reading January 15, 1941, and whereas, the City of'West University Plaoe has passed an ordinance extending its boundaries overlapping with and conflioting with the said ordinance of the City of Houston, and whereas, it is deemed, necessary to employ additional legal counsel in the pro$ecution of suit against the City of Houston arising out of said two conflicting ordinances, and whereas, the City CollWlission of the City of West University Place is desirous of employing W. Ray Scruggs, an attorney of the Harris County'Bar, as such additional legal counsel in tae dispute and controversy aforesaid, and whereas, an agreementhas been reached with tlie said W. Ray gcruggs for the employment of his services as such additional legal counsel in the prosecution and handling of said case against the City of Houston, the said W. Ray Scruggs is hereby so employed under Artiole XII, Section 4 of the 6he,rter.of the City of West University Place. Section 2. The compensation of said W. Ray Scrug~s is Seven Hundred and Fifty ($750.00) Dollars for his services ;;in;i the Distriot Court proceedings and in the event an appeal is taken from '-f-- the wudgement of the District Court an additional fee of Two Hundred 1."61 $,~---' , ' ~A"""";A.17 and Fifty ($250.00) Dollars shall be paid, whioh said additional fee '~J(I, q,~ /'C,.- shall include the Court of l:JIivil Appeals and shall also include the ~4".?vcV appeal, if any.. to the Supreme Court of Texas. Of the trial feecf Seven Hundred and Fifty ($750.00) 'Dollars, one half thereof, or Three nundred and Seventy-Five ($375.00) Dollars, is payable instanter and the elity 1:reasurer, Acting City ""l1..;;_. - -1 1-'--" 1 IIlf ',TT,..-----r.-;-TI-...------.- " --,~ --"I 2 Seereta,rir ,andthe Mayor Pro :I1I., (the Mayor at t his time being absent from the city) are hereby inst,ructed to issue check to the said W. Ray Scruggs at once for said Three Hundred and Seventy-Five ($375.00) Dollars. The balance of the trial fee shall be paid when the case is triied but in no event to be paid later than February 1, 1942, and the City Treasurer, Acting City Secretary, and the Mayor are instructei to issue said additional check when the same becomes due and payable under the provi!c!ions of this resolution. The appe1latefee of Two Hundred'and Fifty ($250.00) Dollars shall be payable whentne appeal is perfected in the'Court of Civil Appeals by any party to the suit and there upon the City Treasurer, Acting City Secretary, and the Mayor are instruc~ed to issue check to the said W. Ray Scruggs for such additional sum of Two Hundred and Fifty ($250.00) Dollars. The fees herein provided for are in addition to the fee of ene Hundred and Fifty (~~OO) D~r1ars fo~ briefing heretofore agreed to b~ paid the said W. Ray Scruggs. Passed this 4th day at August, 1941. Approved this 4th da.y of August, 1941-. ~K~ . >"', -- ATTEST; ~~ ""------'-------,-r .'1 r-----.nn~ff""-."'".'!''''' .u :".- .... :r. -.__ .~,: :EX4e~<:<f:roo. minutes - .(-,,,.:- Augus't26,~t of S~$ial lie-sting held Wed'nesd~y.o' '~, 1 itA ,.!f~$ made by Comm.ililsionel' Dunnington, whi~b. was seeonded by~$Slone~ Woodard adQjtlng a re$olutio~ ~~t~ri~ ing the ,pa.~llt;ortheCity of West Uni';'ers1tYPlaoepr,()'~ta share of th~<<04Jtof setting up and maintaing the fla..pri,s C,Qunty Health ~paJrtmefit. whim amount to be bOrne by the Q,i:ty is , $2.&4'.!~ being Caloulated on abasi$ of 3 cents pel' hundred of t4e 1940 assessed VeIuatio>>.' Voting A'}Je : Commissioners Dunnington. Woodard and :Mayor ,:Pro-tam Kerbow. VO'ting Noe: None n ~e aDO-Va andforego1ng is a true and exact coW ora portionot Ct. 'mtnutas Of the meeting held on the date apeeltied a.b6T-e. C<J.:'l'Y SE_AlY 11~ ]0.1. . ~_':',-:l.lll!.lll.B M_ - - r ~""lI'~ " " " '~-\, '~ A R'Ei8Jr'l'tON APPaOPUA'fiNG A CERTAIN SUM OF MONEY AS THE CI'i'Y'S PRO RA!'APAlI!f OF THE, OOST OF SETTIID UP AND OPERATlm A HARRIS C01J1ill'fY REALm DllPA~Nf. WHEREASj it. was propose4 that a eou.nty wide health department be set up and ~~~a.ted' u.nder the supervision o:t'the COU1l.ty Oommissioners COU)'1; or said ~llty, and . . -, .~' .' 'i'fBEREMt "each seplll.1"de BllUiieiP1llity, as well as the outlying ',-. eounty distrl.(tt~sb:all 4"'61 a direct benefit from the operation of' said Heal th ~paR.ment, a~ WBERnS; ~.be State of ~xa,s has. appropdatpd a oertain sum of' ,~' 1Il.Qney to be- use~ h the operation of said HealthDe~rtme:~:rt, and said :County has:a~ia*ed a eertain swi1 of' money to so be usred, which JllllOuuts aRe le..'I1'la:. the ameunt ~.g,)il.11'ed by the $tate before such state aid oan be p1'Oe<:lii.tr.edl !l nO: 1t a ppea.t1.ng t 0 the City Commission t ha tit will be to t~h.$. bestt~tel'est of, the (fity as .well as its at tiZ.EUIS to ~ontribute ,-' . ---, '"" a ceRtain. al&ft~ or Jioney to be llsed in t.he ,set'ting up an.~,opei?aiiing of said Harris CculltyHea1'th ~epar1;Jnen~ ~R1!iJ BE 1'1' RESOTJTED BY TEl!: CI'l'Y aOMMIS8IU!lfOF THE CI'l'Y OF WEST ~f!r J?LACE,TEXAS: :i ,,'<"Tb.a1;c'l,~eft be aPl'ZGpl'ia'tea and thelPs is hereby l'iPl'ropl'iated FIRS'!' -<.' ~.; r. by, the City Or-W&stUniverSity Place, Texas, the swn of' Two llhousand For'ty...su and '%t/l0Q (t2.,.()4.()..22) Dollars, as its pro ra_ ,ahare of' the 'co~t of' setti,ng, 1il;paJld eperating a eounty wide Health Department under the sup~'fldonOf' the CQmmissian Gourt. , 'IUOND That the Mayor and the GUy 1NaSlU"Sr be and they are hereby dire~ted tc ply'un'io ElaidHilrris OCl\(aty Health Depal'tmeJ$~ when directed ;1 ; . by the Oity C.snon, 'the swn of Two Thousan4 F0r'ty Si~: and 22/100 ,($2,046..22) Doll.al's,appropl"iated in Paragraph Fi1"8t abtr'll'e.. PA3SlltD .AJI1D AJ?PROVED THIS -the 20th day Gt August, A..D. J 1941. (~~~ ~' llayoz '" '''':t6Ji,' yor West Univer- $ity Place, Taxes A'l"I'ESTl , sil1:1led.) ~.~~ ~~J,~~ City Seo1"eta)ty " ~ abwe andf'oregotng is a true and exaot 00 tion adopted by the City CommissiOn in SpeOrial Session on August 20, 1941. of a reso1u- nesday, City Secre'tal'j" FT- 111 ~ c_ _.l.L _L.....;J 11.1JI:JH . r.~~ , '" -' ~~',o.:;.,i- .:.....~__. ~..~_.:w~> ,~'\c"', Gw: RAY SCRu,~A.:::~::~:'::~: :~:::,: :~H~::-' L: . ! ,QUESTIOlTS INVOLVED IN ANNEXATION DISPUTE WITH TEE CITY OF HOUSTON ArID I , FIXING THEIR C()',IJ[PE:!oTS.1\TI01{. I . '_" ~~. ________.__...J. BE IT REStlLVED BY THE CITY Ccm.WISSION OF THE CITY OF ViEST UN:E1I'ERis:!'fY"~,fr,""""'" ",c. ,,<;';,,,, _-""",'z. ':"1"'00 .\. S.ection 1. Wheraasthe City Commission did heretofore by motion vote to employ W. H. Hanson and W~ Ray Scruggs to brief the legal questions involved, in the annexation dispute with the Oi ty of Houston, said motion providing that each of them should be paid One Hundred and Fifty ($150.00) Dollars. and~ereas it is desired to confirm said ffinplo~r,ment by resolution, under the provisions of L~ticle XII, Section 4, of the City Charter, now this is therefore to confirm the agreement with said attorneys as represented by 'said motion, and the City Corr~lission does hereby deolare said attorneys duly empluyed as additional legal counsel in accordance with the tarms and :;:q:'cv;isinns of Article XII, , Section 4 of the 'City Charter aforesaid. Section 2. The Mayor, (and in his absence, the Mayor pro tam), the City Treasurer, and the actine City Secretary are each and all, hereby ordered, directed, and required to immediate,ly issue check to the said W. E. Hans'on in the sum of One hundred and PUt;y ('$150.00) Dollars and check to the said W. Ray ScruSgs in the su..m of One Eundred .j and Fifty ($150.00ID Dollars, said checks bei~ given to pay said attorneys for the services aforesaid. tf': Passed this~ day of August, 1941. Approved this U1J\ day of Au~ust, 1941. d:/~ Mayor-*Mayor Pro Tem~of the' City of West University Place. \ A Attest: \ \1 ~ ~'( :"\ " ~ ,M 'g icy eore' ary. . t .1 L, . . ,".'. <. ~J;~":'i.. 1 "';l.: " .. ..~ --"'.---- '~'.."'- // 4/1 I< LJ-l- ,r I A ~CLU1l'L0N FIXIllt&'l'HE CI'l'Y M-fmtBl~ 'SJ'EE rail !HE lIEF-BIBE OF G"_lIle.. :E,;.BV6G5~; J0~,.~. g~.liJ~L a;a. "v:s. eiTY!9,F UST ij'~~ilrY ~~, . .A1., AND , '".Tim 'f']1m ,~F PAYf3N'I' OF '..'I( , .'.-"', BIT .' tiI.k~. : ~ ,~1\E,~I:rY, Qtg;'~l~ION OF s't ,t1lU1:_BI~ PU(}E, TEXAS :', SEcn ON I 'lIh.ere'flsJ"illU (I.. Oalheu1il Jr. has instituted. suit &&al1il~t the eity of West Yalver~ity Pla~e and aertein M'f'hials thereef, e.elag caused No. 1&-276658 and styled 101m G,. OaJ,houn Jr. va. City of West University }lleee, E'l' AL, new pendiag ill.' the Di1!!triet'-eoUl't Q,f Harris OGliUlty" 'Nixas and 1 t being ne.adsary that the 01 ty de,f$1'lu s-ai;d suit, the City Attorae-y, A. J. L$lelltEl lil:aviag 11.eret0f0,~eb:ee.l!l inst'ne-ted t€l sQ\:a.den'li me City. SECTION I I The ~&Dl.'PelH!at~iltll of said City Atterae,y" A. J. ,Lamonte, is' t#l~ for hi-s ser,vieaa 1:11 tae D1's.tr1et C'0'1ll.rt Pro- ceedings ana ill tn.e eveRt all S<;Nl'sal is taken fram.. tne jllQgment &1' t-he :D1strh1:;Gell~t an afild..1ti:10Jial face sf $176. 00 slaallb~ paU ,wfi.le'h: $El;iaaaditlwalf ae sJas:l1 iaelude the a~p.e'e.l,. if aay, ~^~ .'tlb;e.$\\1,p:;r.eille'Ge,1ll!t':t o'.f Texas. &.,~7!</pt> ' Of t11.e trial f.e-e e'f .$j,_~;~, e....i.al.t there-af or N91::{: ," tW'T.5{i 1s n0W pa,abl$ 8J1uit ~, ea.-iilV' , 'r:e~u'P'e'r, Ac'&ing ei t'1 8l:ter.e:~py,,~.tb.~'Mal";Gr ~e~J.'l:l'by l_t~.e~~d.. to Lss~'6' eheek to A'* J. L8Jllante, ei.tiyAtt0nt~y, 1..&4il'a:~iiY: f~;I's.trl.d. 141',7'/ , $J;i'f.i'e'. Th.e, iml,$ju:e Elf tA:e tj:r$#l f.~ ,~j;.1 b,e paid when 'tliie' cas,e 18 tl-iaa, l>>itiD til:e&Vftfttblil' })8:1fi l'Wte.l' than ~.b:~ 1. 1{gJ4!2 li$1il taect-ty'frea:SliF6l',. A,e;;f;ii1i:g C i 1:;y Se~re~ary anQ t$e Ma~or a~ ins~~.~teQ te issue saii ~.. ('\ , '~'" .,;-/~\" e:ltiditf~I',B'~~}t,/:c~.en ,tne'5am<<;lbe:c~nne~.liiu:e.aE.d: payable :0-.. < ~ ": < " A ',: ':1l~~;k~~\a,~,;B~$)et '.tr'ffi.~~ ,.,s~];.t .~;Pi8~~b,le, when &~he,:tn>~t':1.a'~~l?'~$(t~' in-vlietloliJ>ct o'tCl1$1:,1 App;eals by , , aD,YCi).'!-the''FH~&S >t'Eltolles'liitanQt:k~'lZUll,~i1tJ:;re C-i ty , ' , , "ll.e~e;fl.PJ..Ai0~~~g(;:li\ir' Secret-:8:nycandt'h$, Mare-I' are 11'1.- ,;::~h:~~~'~';~i~e,;Alji~~IiS:V() ..~tle, .'&e;tl!f;:A~'\F.t61!l.bnte-, 01 ty "A1;t:$-,rniq,t'-ar, ~,ehe:Q'd'it'-i0nal SUIIl Qf$l'l5..0e. h;$ed. ,a~j',ap!lr..0""ed . ,tal s:' , ~ :A~ B. 1.-$41 die;y, of/ ~ ~,.','""l,~ /,' .". .' ." , " ' ' ,,6; l)r " ATTEST:' ;~". .; T"""----------" ] TJ ,IUL&J[ ":'] , _ \;,:~'" '\j' -, . ~ \.'\. ~ , \,; , - , \~\ ....~ , " 4/-/t A RESOLUYION APPROPRIATING A CERTAIN SUM OF MONEY AS THE CITY'S PRO RATA PART OF THE COST OF SETTING UP AND OPERATING A HARRIS COUNTY HEALTH DEPAR'l'M:!!lNT. WHERlAS, it was prop5sed that a county wide health department be set up and operated under the r.:lUperViOlion of the County Cammi$sioners Court of sai& County, and WilliREAS, each separate municipality, as well as the outlying county ciistrictiii" lilhall derive a direGt benefit from t he operat ion of said Health Department, and WHEREAS, th~ State of Texas has appropriated a cer- tain sum of money to be used i~~he operation .of said Heaith Depa.rtment, and said ceunty~: appropriated a certain sum of money to so be used, Which a.mounts are less than the a.mount required by the state before such state aid can oe procured; and it appea.ring to the City Commission that it will be to the be..t int eres,t of the City a.lil well as it.. citizens to contribute 'a a,ertain am0unt of money to be used in the setting up and operat.}ng ef sa.id Harris County Health Depa.rtment. THlllREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF 1'HE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. TEXAS: FIRST 'that there be appropriated a.nd. ther!i! 'is hereby ap- propriated by the City or West University Place, Texaa, the sum of TWEil ThouliIanQ Forty Six and 22/100 ($2., 046.,22) Doll...rs., as it's pro ra.ta share of the cost of setttng up and operating a 1'""' ~. s' ~ b. ~..... ~ " .... ceunty wille Kea1.thDe'partment under the supervision of the Cemmiasien Court. SECOJID That the Mayer and the City Treasurer be and they are hereby directed ta pay unto said Harris County Kealth De- partment, when directed by the City Commission, the sum of Two Thousand Forty Six and. 22/100 ($2,046,22) Dollars, appropriated in Paragraph First above. PASSED AlilD A:PPROVED THIS the 20 day of' 4~ A.D. 1941. .a~~ hY0r, 'City of' West University )?~~ Place, Texas "TR/Yl ATfEST: ~.e-<< , " Secretary ....;.--0, >. ' t. ~r-;" ~ ' " r "I 11 1...........- L-1L .L...lL LIIUI. 111m" II,. ....., ~...... -, :li!f~~;. , _~'O::.......... .'.....:. ~-\: -' II (:B /1 /'lb' J/-I-I" .l., ~!iliJ'II.&N DEftlRMINIliTG TO, AND I'~.II~, 'fHE, ~-.A:~'fQUE!i,TO, ~~t;E,SJH?:l'AGAHU~T'fHE CI'fY9F , ,.lN~€lTIOli, WITH B@{fflDlIRY AM-~ SE'!'TING TfIE F:EE OF SAID €Jl"fY A.1"1'0mmY. 1/ BE IT O:a~Al~l) BY THE CITY eOMMISs.rON OF ,THE Btff' . ,'WE8lf'l:fNH"ImSlTY PLACE, TEXAS: ~EGTIOM I ~ha~ wne~eaa the City at Haus~on did pass an or~H,.Jii8aee att'8mpting to exteli1d 1~s beunliaries, saia OraiDfmCe'passililg its final readlngJWluary 15, 1941, and whereas, the eity of West University ha.s , pas$ed an erd.la&ll.-ee 'extendin.g. i ts~;bQUIldar,hs over- 1aplag wHh ana een-f1Jeting wits. the beundaries in the said erliilnanee CJlf the eity of HausteR aaa where- as its c;leem-ed.ae'cessary tl:1a.t the 01 ty sf WestUni- ver-sUi.y Plaeet~ia'iely prosecute suit ra~inst tileei~y of Hout0t1:because of said conflicting oreiaaaces ane ii));e City At1;0rney, A. J. Lamonte, is herehy i.nstruued to prQsecute said suit against the City of H(!lusten,. to determine the legality of said ai ty of H0~st(11;i'tsa~t~Eln. SECTHlN II The eem}leJil-satiElJl of said 01 ty Athrnay, A. J. Lamente J .!iy.s> ' , is *.~~ fer his s,erviees in the District Court Pre- e~l'ng:s au4' 1m t'He event ao €l;Jpeal is te3,ten from the j~~~t,Iilit',~~:.l?~~1>, ~1i1rt aJl, a.fiidit,toJla1 fee of $200.00 shall be :paid wnt.e:lisaiEi E,ui4i ti€l1llal fe.esb.al1 iMlude the €leu.rt l!Jf'OtvH ~,eftl,s 'aJRd shall alsO' in~l:uci;e the app aa 1" if any, t,o tile$~:reme Gtil'lU:.fj;Qf 'f~xas. ,J~7,O ' ' ai':tim'e ttj,al ree Elf$~EHle-b.alftliere0'f or , f67;j,- " '" .#00, isp$~a~~__i.a.tely au'taa 01 ty 'l'i'-e8SUrer, , ,-,,,,",-_. [" [ 'J II ] _~_~:IlIIJ.U .-------.---Jmr-'''lt'i'...,-~ -- -1 , -~:_l:_ ,>, ~~'-, '_ ....I..t,) Acting CitySeeretary ana Mayor are hereby instrueted to issue cheek to the sai. City Attorney, A. J. Lamonte, I' g. 7,j/f at enee fer said $reo.co. The balance of the trial fee shall be paid when the case is tried, but in no event to be paid later than February 1, 1942 and the City Treasurer, Acting City secretary and the Mayor are instructed to issue said Eldditional check when the same becomes due amI payable under the terms of this resolution. .,.. The Appellate Fee of $200.00 shall be payable when the appeal Is perfeeted in the Court of Civil Appeals by any of the party to said suit and th~pGn nae City Treasurer, Acting City Secr-etary, and --the Mayor are in- structed to issue cheek 'to the said A. J. Lamonte., City Attorney, for such ad.ditional sum of $200.00. Passed and approved. this ~ dayaf ~ ~, , M or A. El. 1941 ATTEST: ~ar~ "--. J ,I -: ~;b~~ ' .... , -~ L/1-11 RESOLUT ION CONCEmnllrG lIrOTI€Ji: OF HEARING '1'0 ADJV' ZQNING ORDINANmi: WHiREAS, the City Cemmi$sion of the City of West . University Place, Texas submitted to the Planning Board of the Ci ty fer recommendations and */!lport, that Ordinance No. Ill, cemmonly knewn ana iesignated as the "Zoning Ordinance," be amended, ~upplemented and changed in certain respects as here- inafter set forth, and WRERmAS, the Planning Board has recemmended to the City Commission that certain amendments, supplements and changes be made, and 1JI.!HE&1US, it is nece5lsary that a public hearing be held ami that notice be given by publishing one time in the official publication of said City st~ting the date and place of hearing. TID1lBEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY 0F WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Notice is'hereby given that a hearing'will be held by and before the .city Csmmissi on of the City gf West 1lfni versity Place, at the e~ty Hall, in said City, eil- "oct'<;tb:eit 6, 1941, at 7 :30 p.m., w:i:th resp!u:t t e the fs llowing amendments, changes and. supplements to saim Zening Ordinanee. FIRST That Section I, Sup-paragraph (31), of Ordinance No. Ill, be ehangea and amend.ed to read as fellows:, c- , . rl Il] _ ~_J_'jlllt..al[ .........l11Ir"'~r"l""..,----........-----.- ---.~ , r ' -. , \ ~~'!, F~' < (31) BRICK., BRICK VE1\lEER OR STUCCO: By this term is meatlt & buildi~g, sf which 51% @r more of the exterior surfaces are censtructea @f brick veneer, solid brick, hollow tile, con- ~rete,marble, glass, asbeate.. shingles er asbestos siding or a combinatlonof' any of theiile materiallil; except that asbestos shingles orasbestofo> siding shall only be ufOed where clilntinuoUfil beam foundation, not piered, is used. SECOND That Section 23, of Ordinance N@. Ill, be changed and 2menaea tG rea~ as follows: F-RmITAGE OF :rn:PROV!1:MENTS: The main building shall be c:oE.struetea frenting en the street 'upon which the lot as origi- _nal1y dedicated fronts; e]Ccept em C0~ner lots the, main building shall be con- stru,ct8li frlllnting en the street upon which the consecutively numbered inside lets adjacent thereto front. mIED 'l'1J.at ,SectiS;JJi 33, Sub-paragraph. (4), be amendeli. to pr(i)- viae that changes er amendments to Qrdinance No. III shall nGt becomeeffectivel!txcept by 3/4 vote Gf the City CGmmissiG'n, as provided by Artic1e lOllE, 1925 Revi~ed Civil Statutes PASSED AND Al'PROVED this the~ay 0, A.D. 1941. lfayer, eity of West U'ni versity Place, Texas ATTEST t City Sttarl!ltary '. I '"1 .11.IJLr ~'fII''--':''''''-- .. ~-,_...., ...---' 11'11-- /'f" , A R,ESOhlJ'l'ION EMPliO!nNG 'fHE CITY m~&n,N~.MID; ,"V~:&T0R W~ ; , , I'N ''P~'_~EG~I;L''~~~e:~;lf)~:s.~g: 4Ita,!1:5.,:~(,):O,.OGl l~'AIm . ,,_'1tim!:,msT~ ,BErt'A!]) t. J; .LA1'vt$Nfl'.ElAr:mVI~OOVf~ BO;ITLDIN ',~_liltt' ' . _mRBAS 'an imp'(fra'ttve"~e'e'8:6'l'~y: ,e~,s:h f"o,r the e:e:Hi.n.g. of'a. bGilR<l,eiecet.1onemd the isSuance af'storm sewer :BoHS: lnthesttmoftJ.:&4~,a00..00 e.ndSanlt.a:ry Sewer Bonds lnthe sum.'Gr$e:f~,.090,..!Gt:)" and WHEtttis it i$n:e,eessary that the Oity Attorney , , and Vl-etoI'W.'B'ouldinprepare allnecessairy proceedings for -the' e-aHin:g Gfi$.tdbond election, procure legal opinion from some,H'fiticnal ReeGgnl~ed Bond Attorneys; procure the apPl'ovalof the Att19rney Gene-ralofthe StateQf Texas of all the pl'Oe,eedi,ng;ahaa in conn.ee,tion nth said bond eleetiontt:: ai.~l1;;~:a~;:P&!ht~m.g~atlf,b,ond.s '1asl1e-li- 'With.'1ihe state Com.p~rol tel' of the State of ''1'_a(l, all lnaceorde.nee wi tla t'ne GEmsirti;:u.,tiona'IidLaT/s ot' the state of Texas and the Home.B:ul.e,ahar-reTQf the C1:t3' of W~stUn'1vers'it,y Place ~ 'l\~asr, ',.now 'taa,J?;M'oTe, B~ ,t.'l',R~0LVEB,BY THE CIn GQMMitSS10N (IF THE ,CITY OF WB~ $J1tIll~'8~'I'Y'~L;A;(iE.., ~: FI~~ , 'rll'at, A. <J'..~1i!:0,n.t:e, 'e1tikt.t.oVlii~~han.:dWi:c1i;.cD'r W. ., . . di-rec.1red: 't:O'~;&:ritu>e ;&11 ,.~' t'1;re~<<."@e'6;e,Qj;:~~ ~,c:e:'Ss'En\ff01' the .Z~:;'~~:~~~=~ .'S6>lfei>:~Qa~,~b'! ~e~;o&~ (),i: ~;&;j;6~:e~:@@~<~~_~;E!:e"to/~$;a;pi~~'vta'l or'~~ClifP1h~e,~.~~~:>1llf:; :Vli~(J1t~.Oin~ieY,)i~~i~(1t t~~!aw,eo't: c~-=';~B.n(i;>'~'~1});r,.o;'~;ciiE:,B;"~:f'~~S,!ti~_'f~~~i;.~. ~;t:le'1"~' ~r " , , , otk~r, ,,~~Mf,:L~e:'~.\\l'~~p;ijf}1;i~ij~<i A~;o~~"i~ ,~;lf;e4':l'&:sre,g2 st er "1" .' ," - 1 -r I '-1 - --- -TI "'r ~ I "". - -' . . , , :~~...~;.=: as arasult of said election (lfT'e~e.'s:. .'~Ct~n , 'Ni:e~~~tt~:ntif,b'e>IrafdtJ[);e:sai4A. J . Lamonte, .~=':::~'::~t:=~.::::.b:n , , ' s::s::'o;l'~_::: x. a. ,>i',e'~ ailt~.a;i pr'G~'~&itlgs; incl1.1!'iing upayment to tl~t$&<la~}~'~fi1';'~~'Q~~~,~; pr.Dieurbrtgapprova1 of At,torneyGeneral ..::~~~~:t~::e:::~o:::::e::;:::r 4if~i_~,:S1ia~,~ .dr,iJ!;_$.:'~1ae-&e,$f"{.f'l of tilDe (1) p'e-r cent of the '. . t~~1.~am~ '<if,l[i:o~"Gi~iej!:a~:titiS.sU'&d. Said fee sheIl also , .' . . ~. . '.,: . - - . 1 _ .' , - ,.; - tfi:~l.':1l'i'lt,_e~m~Cl~',e~Piel1~s ineU:r,~ed by sl!t5\.d Attorneys - '~iL ' . , ~~J{i\\ ~~:;;~*~.~, '~~~~.a~' ~'~ge s,t~,s. _ :ftL.,.--- ~.:'~ ',.-"...\.O.--<!}->>-;"".......'" ",,~-~~... .....;.;-...~~..n-'l;.::)rW-::" ~.~ _._ ... - " . .', :..' ,:'-.~,c;-.,:-..,.,k;;...,,,o .:.-:~~,~:~~.<~j>;~> .,'- "..,'. ~., -. _ p,. _'tl14~1-:qXa;id.~~~1'iesubmf:t,'t'edto a vote of ~ . -" ',' - . . . -- . . . '.. -. th,~1$~l\'E/>s.\~ ~f132tl,tGe:~l:ri~i=,.t};}:en such $,ervices as shall have 'b:$.en<~.~:e,:li.e'(tl!ly' 53titi~~~'&'s.s.fuaH be 'w:1th:QM' Cfist t-o the C'[:t?-" ' ',~l'._'..~~~;,~4.<S I~ day. .. ~~;,J;~>~~~l. '; ~'" :":~~::~~?~\: ' -' --.: ~ - ~~~ ~-t ' ~~q'J~~~ '" ~.... (:~~ , , cA "f',-::,,"'j'.' ..,:,.":' o,"~ , ..,,'. ~ . ,,",,' :,-; ,(i~I~~~~.l;b~:V;~~~1tyP1~~:e) " cTe.JliEts . . ~, .t-,> ' '-'2," - r ] :. ] - - ~-'-'. ilLlIT