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WHEREAS, the Federal Communications Commission has issued rules pursuant
to the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act, Pub. L. No. 102 -385
(1992), implementing the regulation of cable television rates; and
WHEREAS, these rules allocate the regulation of rates for the basic service tier
and associated equipment rates to local franchising authorities and require local authorities
to become certified and adopt their own regulations governing the process of rate
regulation; and
WHEREAS, the City of West University Place ( "City ") franchises cable television
service for the benefit of the public, and
WHEREAS, the City has submitted its application for certification to the FCC, and
it is expedient to adopt the required regulations now,
. Sections 1. That the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place,
Texas, is hereby amended by adding a new Article V to Chapter 23 thereof, including
§§23 -131 through 23 -136, entitled "Cable Television Rates & Services," which new
Article is set out in Appendix A, which is attached to and made a part of this ordinance by
this reference for all purposes
Section 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby
repealed to the extent of the conflict only.
.Section 3. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other
part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall
ever be field to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction,
neither the remainder of this ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase, clause,
sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance to any other persons or
circumstances, shall be affected thereby.
Section 4. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a
sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which
this ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required
by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open
to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and
action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and
posting thereof.
Section j. The importance of this ordinance and the time deadlines imposed
by law create an emergency requiring that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of
its introduction, after only one reading, and a state of emergency is hereby declared
by the Council. This ordinance shall become effective on the tenth day following its
publication, as provided in the City Charter
Councilmembers Voting Aye:
Councilmembers Voting No:
Councilmembers Absent
Attest: (Seal)
Revi wed:
City Attorney
Signed: !,( L _
Bill Watson, Mayor
Appendix A
Sec. 23 -131. Definitions; General Provisions.
(a) Certain Terms. In this article:
Basic cable rates means the monthly charges for a subscription to the basic service tier
and the associated equipment.
Basic service tier means a separately available service tier to which subscription is
required for access to any other tier of service, including as a minimum, but not limited
to, all must -carry signals, all PEG channels, and all domestic television signals other
than superstations. The basic service tier includes all signals and programming within
the definition of "basic service" in Part 76 or otherwise required or allowed to be
provided in the basic service tier by the Cable Act of 1992.
Benchmark means a per channel rate of charge for cable service and associated
equipment which the FCC has determined is reasonable.
Cable Act (?1'1992 means the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition
Act of 1992, Public Law 102 -385 (1992), as amended from time to time.
Channel means a unit of cable service identified and selected by a channel number or
similar designation.
Cost of service showing means a filing in which the cable operator attempts to show
that the benchmark rate or the price cap is not sufficient to allow the cable operator to
fully recover the costs of providing the basic service tier and to continue to attract
capital, as contemplated by federal cable regulations.
FCC means the Federal Communications Commission.
Federal cable regulations includes: (1) Part 76 (defined below), (ii) the Cable Act of
1992 and other applicable federal statutes, as amended from time to time, and (iii) all
other federal decisions, laws, rules and regulations applicable to cable operators or
APPENDIX A (Cable Ordinance)
Page A -I
their rates, as adopted or amended from time to time.
Initial basic cable rates means the rates that the cable operator is charging for the
basic service tier, including charges for associated equipment, at the time the operator
receives notice of the City's qualification and intent to regulate basic cable rates, or, if
there is no such notice, at such other time that the City's rate regulation begins.
Mast -carry signal means the signal of any local broadcast station (except
superstations) which is required to be carried on the basic service tier.
Part 76 means 47 C.F.R Part 76, as amended from time to time. Part 76 contains
various sections of the Code of Federal Regulations adopted by the FCC regarding
cable television.
PLG channel means the channel capacity designated for public, educational, or
governmental use, and facilities and equipment for the use of that channel capacity.
Price cap means the ceiling set by the FCC on future increases in basic cable rates
regulated by the City, based on a formula using the GNP fixed weight price index,
reflecting general increases in the cost of doing business and changes in overall
inflation, or other factors prescribed by the FCC.
Reasotiable rata standard means a per channel rate that is at, or below, the benchmark
or price cap level
Regulatory gfficer means the Director of the Finance Department or such other person
as the City Manager may designate to perform the duties of the regulatory officer
under this article.
.Suj)erstation means any non -local broadcast signal secondarily transmitted by satellite.
(b) Word and phrases generally. All words and phrases defined or specially used in Part 76
(e.g., "cable operator ") or in the Cable Act of 1992 (e.g, "cable programming service ") shall be
construed to have the same meanings in this article whenever they are used in the same or a
similar context
(c) Federal cable regulations. This article is intended to comply with federal cable
regulations, and it shall be so construed and applied. To the extent of any conflict, inconsistency
or non - conformity between federal cable regulations and this article, the federal cable regulations
shall control and govern
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APPENDIX A (Cable Ordinance)
Page A -2
Sec. 23 -132. Initial Review of Basic Cable Rates.
(a) Notice. Upon the adoption of this article and the certification of the City by the FCC, the
finance officer shall immediately notify all cable operators in the City, by certified mail, return
receipt requested, that the City intends to regulate subscriber rates charged for the basic service
tier and associated equipment as authorized by the Cable Act of 1992.
(b) Cable operator response. Within 30 days of receiving notice from the City, each cable
operator shall file with the City its current rates for the basic service tier and associated equipment
and any supporting material concerning the reasonableness of its rates.
(c) Expedited determination and public hearing. (1) If the City Council is able to
expeditiously determine that the cable operator's rates for the basic service tier and associated
equipment are within the FCC's reasonable rate standard, as determined by the applicable
benchmark, the City council shall:
(i) hold a public hearing at which interested persons may express their views; and
(ii) act to approve the rates within 30 days from the date the cable operator filed
its basic cable rates with the City.
(2) If the City council takes no action within 30 days from the date the cable operator filed
its basic cable rates with the City, the proposed rates will continue in effect.
(d) Extet7ded review period (1) If the City Council is unable to determine whether the rates
in issue are within the FCC's reasonable rate standard based on the material before it, or if the
cable operator submits a cost -of- service showing, the City Council shall, within 30 days from the
date the cable operator filed its basic cable rates with the City (by motion, resolution or
ordinance) invoke the following additional periods of time, as applicable, to make a final
(i) 90 days if the City Council needs more time to ensure that a rate is within the
FCC's reasonable rate standard; or
(ii) 150 days if the cable operator has submitted a cost -of- service showing seeking
to justify a rate above the applicable benchmark.
(2) If the City Council has not made a decision within the 90 or 150 day period, the City
Council shall issue a brief written order at the end of the period requesting the cable operator to
keep accurate account of all amounts received by reason of the proposed rate and on whose
behalf the amounts are paid.
APPENDIX A (Cable Ordinance) Page A -3
V 1
(e) Public hearing. During the extended review period and before taking action on the
proposed rate, the City Council shall hold at least one public hearing at which interested persons
may express their views and record objections
(f) Objections. An interested person who wishes to make an objection to the proposed initial
basic rate may request the City Secretary to record the objection during the public hearing or may
submit the objection in writing anytime before the decision resolution is adopted. In order for an
objection to be made part of the record, the objector must provide the City Secretary with the
objector's name and address.
(g) Beiwhmark arxrlysi.y. If a cable operator submits its current basic cable rate schedule as
being in compliance with the FCC's reasonable rate standard, the City Council shall review the
rates using the benchmark analysis in accordance with the standard form authorized by the FCC.
Based on the City Council's findings, the initial basic cable rates shall be established in accordance
with federal cable regulations; see, e.g., §76 922(b)(1)(ii) of Part 76.
(h) Cost -of- service .showings. If a cable operator does not wish to reduce the rates to the
level established by the preceding subsection, the cable operator shall have the opportunity to
submit a cost -of- service showing in an attempt to justify initial basic cable rates above the FCC's
reasonable rate standard. The City Council will review a cost -of- service submission pursuant to
FCC standards for cost -of- service review. The City Council may approve initial basic cable rates
above the benchmark if the cable operator makes the necessary showing; however, a cost -of-
service determination resulting in rates below the benchmark or below the cable operator's
September 30, 1992 rates minus 10 percent (or below such other rate level as the FCC may set),
will prescribe the cable operator's new rates
(1) Decision. (1) After completion of its review of the cable operator's proposed rates, the
City Council shall adopt its decision by formal resolution. The decision shall include one of the
(i) If the proposal is within the FCC's reasonable rate standard or is justified by a
cost -of- service analysis, the City Council shall approve the initial basic cable
rates proposed by the cable operator; or
If the proposal is not within the FCC's reasonable rate standard and the cost -
of- service analysis, if any, does not justify the proposed rates, the City Council
shall establish initial basic cable rates that are within the FCC's reasonable rate
standard or that are justified by a cost -of- service analysis.
(2) If the City Council determines that the initial basic cable rates as submitted exceed the
reasonable rate standard or that the cable operator's cost -of- service showing justifies lower rates,
APPENDIX A (Cable Ordinance) Page A -4
the City Council may order the rates reduced in accordance with Paragraph (g) or (h) above, as
applicable. In addition, the City Council may order the cable operator to pay to subscribers,
refunds of the excessive portion of the rates with interest (computed at applicable rates published
by the Internal Revenue Service for tax refunds and additional tax payments), retroactive to
September 1, 1993. The method for paying any refund and the interest rate will be in accordance
with FCC regulations, as directed in the City Council's decision resolution.
(3) If rates proposed by a cable operator are disapproved in whole or in part, or if there
were objections made by other parties to the proposed rates, the resolution must state the reasons
for the decision and the City Council must give public notice of its decision. Public notice will be
given by: (i) advertisement once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, or (ii) an
appropriate insertion in the City's generally - circulated newsletter or water bills.
0) Appeal. The City Council's decision concerning rates for the basic service tier or
associated equipment, may be appealed to the FCC in accordance with applicable federal
Sec. 23 -133. Rate Increase Reviews.
(a) Notice. A cable operator in the City who wishes to increase the rates for the basic service
tier or associated equipment shall file a request with the City and notify all subscribers at least 30
days before the cable operator desires the increase to take effect. This notice may not be given
more often than annually and not until at least one year after the determination of the initial basic
cable rates.
(b) Expedited determination and pr.tblic hearing. (1) If the City Council is able to
expeditiously determine that the cable operator's rate increase request for basic cable service is
within the FCC's reasonable rate standard, as determined by the applicable price cap, the City
Council shall:
(1) hold a public hearing at which interested persons may express their views; and
(ii) act to approve the rate increase within 30 days from the date the cable operator
filed its request with the City.
(2) If the City Council takes no action within 30 days frorn the date the cable operator
filed its request with the City, the proposed rates will go into effect.
(c) Extended re0eii, period. (1) If the City Council is unable to determine whether the rate
increase is within the FCC's reasonable rate standard based on the material before it, or if the
cable operator submits a cost -of- service showing, the City Council shall (by motion, resolution or
APPENDIX A (Cable Ordinance) Page A -5
ordinance) invoke the following additional periods of time, as applicable, to make a final
(i) 90 days if the City Council needs more time to ensure that the requested
increase is within the FCC's reasonable rate standard as determined by the
applicable price cap; and
150 days if the cable operator has submitted a cost -of- service showing seeking
to justify a rate increase above the applicable price cap.
(2) The proposed rate increase is tolled during the extended review period.
(3) If the City Council has not made a decision within the 90 or 150 day period, the City
Council shall issue a brief written order at the end of the period requesting the cable operator to
keep accurate account of all amounts received by reason of the proposed rate increase and on
whose behalf the amounts are paid.
(d) Public hearing During the extended review period and before taking action on the
requested rate increase, the City Council shall hold at least one public hearing at which interested
persons may express their views and record objections.
(e) Objeclion.s;. An interested person who wishes to make an objection to the proposed rate
increase may request the City Secretary to record the objection during the public hearing or may
submit the objection in writing anytime before the decision resolution is adopted. In order for an
objection to be made part of the record, the objector must provide the City Secretary with the
objector's name and address.
(f) Delayed delermirialiorl If the City Council is unable to make a final determination
concerning a requested rate increase within the extended time period, the cable operator may put
the increase into effect, subject to subsequent refund if the City Council later issues a decision
disapproving any portion of the increase.
(g) Price cap analysis. If a cable operator presents its request for a rate increase as being in
compliance with the FCC's price cap, the City Council shall review the rate using the price cap
analysis in accordance with the standard form authorized by the FCC. Based on the City
Council's findings, the basic cable rates shall be established as follows:
(1) If the proposed basic cable rate increase is within the price cap established by the
FCC, the proposed rates shall become the new basic cable rates.
(2) If the proposed basic cable rate increase exceeds the price cap established by the
APPENDIX A (Cable Ordinance) Page A -6
FCC, the City Council shall disapprove the proposed rate increase and order an
increase that is in compliance with the price cap.
(h) If a cable operator submits a cost -of- service showing in an
attempt to justify a rate increase above the price cap, the City Council will review the submission
pursuant to the FCC standards for cost -of- service review. The City Council may approve a rate
increase above the price cap if the cable operator makes the necessary showing; however, a cost -
of- service determination resulting in a rate below the cable operator's then current rate will
prescribe the cable operator's new rate.
(i) Decision. The City Council's decision concerning the requested rate increase shall be
adopted by formal resolution. If a rate increase proposed by a cable operator is disapproved in
whole or in part, or if objections were made by other parties to the proposed rate increase, the
resolution must state the reasons for the decision. Objections may be made at the public hearing
by a person requesting the City Secretary to record the objection or may be submitted in writing
at any time before the decision resolution is adopted.
0) Refund.v. (1) The City Council may order refunds of subscribers' rate payments with
interest if:
(1) the City Council was unable to make a decision within the extended time
period as described in Paragraph (c) above, and
(ii) the cable operator implemented the rate increase at the end of the extended
review period, and
(iii) the City Council determines that the rate increase as submitted exceeds the
applicable price cap or that the cable operator failed to justify the rate increase
by a cost -of- service showing, and the City Council disapproves any portion of
the rate increase.
(2) The method for paying any refund and the interest rate will be in accordance with FCC
regulations as directed in the City Council's decision resolution.
(k) Appeal. the City Council's decision concerning rates for the basic service tier or
associated equipment, may be appealed to the FCC in accordance with applicable federal
See. 23 -134. Cable Operator Information.
(a) City naay require. The regulatory officer may require the cable operator to produce
APPENDIX A (Cable Ordinance) Page A -7
information in addition to that submitted, including proprietary information, if reasonably needed
to assist the City in making a rate determination.
(b) Requem for Cotifidetiliality. (1) A cable operator submitting information to the City
Council may request in writing that information it submits not be made routinely available for
public inspection. The request is effective only with respect to information to which it is
prominently and physically attached.
(2) If feasible, the information to which the request applies shall be physically separated
from any information to which the request does not apply. If this is not feasible, the portion of the
information to which the request applies shall be identified prominently
(3) Each request shall contain a statement of the reasons for withholding inspection and a
statement of the facts upon which those reasons are based
(4) Casual requests, overbroad requests or requests which do not comply with the
requirements of this subsection shall be ineffective
(c) City Council actiofl. Requests which comply with the requirements of Subsection (b), will
be acted upon by the City Council. The City Council will grant the request if the cable operator
presents by a preponderance of the evidence, a case for nondisclosure consistent with applicable
federal regulations and that withholding or returning the information would not be in violation of
applicable state laws, including by not limited to provisions of the Local Government Code and
Government Code relating to government records. If the request is granted, the City Council's
ruling will be placed in the regular rate files in lieu of the information withheld from regular public
inspection. If the request does not present a case for nondisclosure, and the City Council denies
the request, the City Council shall take one of the following actions:
(1) If the information has been submitted voluntarily without any direction from the City,
the cable operator may request the City return the information without considering it,
if allowed by applicable law.
(2) If the information was required to be submitted by the City Council, the information
will be made available for public inspection
(d) Appeal. If the City Council denies the request for confidentiality, the cable operator may
seek review of that decision from the FCC within five working days of the City Council's decision,
and the release of the information will be stayed pending review, if lawful.
See, 23 -135. Automatic Rate Adjustments.
APPENDIX A (Cable Ordinance)
Page A -8
(a) Annual inflation adjustment. In accordance with federal cable regulations, the cable
operator may adjust its capped base per channel rate for the basic service tier annually by the final
GNP -PI index, or other factor prescribed by the FCC.
(b) Other external costs. (1) Part 76 allows the cable operator to increase its rate for the
basic service tier automatically to reflect certain external cost factors to the extent that the
increase in cost of those factors exceeds the GNP -PI. These factors include retransmission
consent fees, programming costs, state and local taxes applicable to the provision of cable
television service, and costs of franchise requirements. To the extent allowed by the FCC, the
total cost of an increase in a franchise fee may be automatically added to the base per channel
rate, without regard to its relation to the GNP -PI.
(2) For all categories of external costs other than retransmission consent and franchise
fees, the starting date for measuring changes in external costs for which the basic service per
channel rate may be adjusted will be the date on which the basic service tier becomes a subject to
regulation, or February 28, 1994, whichever occurs first. The permitted per channel charge may
not be adjusted for costs of retransmission consent fees or changes in those fees incurred before
October 6, 1994.
(c) Notification and reWeiv. The cable operator shall notify the City at least 30 days in
advance of a rate increase based on automatic adjustment items. The regulatory officer shall
review the increase to determine whether the itern or items qualify as automatic adjustments. If
neither the regulatory officer nor the City Council makes an objection on behalf of the City within
30 days of receiving notice of the increase, the increase may go into effect.
Sec. 23 -136. Enforcement.
(a) Refimd,%% The City may order the cable operator to refund to subscribers a portion of
previously paid rates under either one of the following circumstances:
(1) A portion of the previously paid rates have been determined to be in excess of the
permitted tier charge or above the actual cost of equipment, or otherwise not allowed
by applicable laws, rules and regulations; or
(2) The cable operator has failed to comply with a valid rate order issued by the City.
(b) Penalty. It shall be unlawful for any cable operator providing service in the City, or any
person acting in concert with such a cable operator, to:
(1) fail or refuse to comply with a rate decision or refund order issued in compliance with
this article; or
APPENDIX A (Cable Ordinance) Page A -9
1 &
(2) violate any provision of this article.
(c) Other Remedies-. All other remedies available under the City's Charter, applicable
franchise ordinances, state law or federal cable regulations shall be available to the City, and no
prosecution for a violation shall be a bar to any such other remedy.
APPENDIX A (Cable Ordinance) Page A -10