HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 190 - street improvements7 ORDINANCE NO. 190 AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING THE 1MTPROVEME?NY' OF CERTAIN STREETS , BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDE4'YALKS ON SAID STREETS.. IN FRONT OF, OR ADJACENT TO, ALL ABUTTING PROP-. - ERTY ON EACH SIDE OF EACH STREET, 'J'U ERE THERE IS NO SIDEVIALK, o}1I THIN TIM, FOLLO VV ING AR EA: BEGINNING at. a point in the north line of Bell- aire Boulevard at the intersection of the west line of City of South Side Place; THCNGE westwakdly with the north line of Bellaire Boulevard to its intersection with the east right of way line of the Humble Pipe Line Company right of way for corner; THENICE northwardly with the east right of way to its intersection with the south right of way line of Richmond Road for corner; THENCE in a north northeasterly direction, with the south right of way line of Richmond Road to its intersection with the east boundary line of College View Third Addition for corner; THENCE in a southerly direction with the east line of College View Third, Second and First Additions and continuing with the south- erly projectionoof said line to the `place of BEGINNING, and including Lots l to 31 inclusive, Cambridge Place, all of F&irhaven Addition:, Colonial Terrace Addition, College View First, Second and Third Additions and two acreage tracts be- longing to Mrs. J. W. Cunningham. IN THE CITY OF yEST UNIVLRSITY PLACE, TEXAS; REQUIRING THE ENGINEER FOR THE CITY TO PREPARE AND FILE COT<<PLETE SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PRO- POSED IM-PR OVE12 NTS TO GO ':,ITH A. STATEt ENT S.Ei CTf- ING EACH STREET INCLUDED WITHIN THE =MITS DE- FINED AND THE PROPERTY ABUTTING THEREON; DIRECT- ING THE _7TIGINEER FOR TIE CITY TO PREPARE AN ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF SUCH IMPROVEMENTS ON EACH STREET `:WITHIN SAID LIMITS, AND DECLAR ING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the City of 4est Li University Place, Texas, has decided to initiate the improvement of certain streets by the construction of sidewalks on said streets in front of, or adjacent to, all abutting property on each side of each street, where there is no sidewalk, within the following area: BEGINNING at a point in the north line of Bell- aire Boulevard at the intersection of the west line of City of South Side Place; 'THENCE westwardly: with the north line of Bellaire Boulevard to its intersection with the east tight of way line of the Humble Pipe Line Company right of way for corner; THENCE northwardly with the east right of way to its intersection with the south right of way line of Richmond Road for corner; THENCE in a north northeasterly direction with the south right of way line of Richmond Road to its intersection with the east boundary line of College View Third Addition for corner; THENCE in a southerly direction with the east line of College View Third, Second and First Additions and continuing with the southerly projection of said line to the place of BEGINi`tiING, and including Lots 1 to 31 includive, Cambridge Place, all of Fairhaven Addition, Colonial Terrace Addition, College View First, Second and Third Additions and two acreage tracts belonging to Mrs. J. 4. Ounningham, in the City of West University Place, Texas; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY TIE BOARD OF C011!ISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1: That the Board of Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas, does hereby determine that it is necessary to improve certain streets, by the construction of sidewalks on said streets, in front of, or adjacent to, all abutting property on each side of each street, where there is no sidewalk, within the following area: BEGINNING at a point in the north fine of Bell- aire Boulevard at the intersection of the west line of City of South Side Place; THENCE westwardly with the north line of Bellaire Boulevard tQ the intersection with the east right of way line of the Humble Pipe Line_ Company right of way for corner; NCI; northwardly with the east right of way to its intersection with the south right of way line of Richmond Road for corner; �1 95 THENCE in a north northeasterly direction with the south right of way- line of Richmond Road to its intersection with the east boundary line of College View Third Addition for corner; i THENCE in a southerly direction with the east line of College View Third, Second and first Additions and continuing with the southerly projection of said line to the place of BEGII\?Ia G, and including Lots 1 to 31 inclusive, Uambridge Place, all of Fairhaven Addition, Colonial Terrace Addition, College View First, Second and Third Ad- ditions and two acreage tracts belonging to I-rs. J. W. Cunningham, in the City of vTest Univer- sity Place, T e x a s, and does hereby order that each of said streets within said limits be improved by the placing of sidewalks thereon in the manner and with such kinds of sidewalks and material or materials as may be adopted by the Board of Commissioners to be used in the construc- tion of said improvements; that the width of the sidewalks shall be four (41) feet; that said portion to be improved be brought to necessary grade by grading, raising or filling the same; that said sidewalks be constructed of such of the following materi.a� or ma- terials as the Board of Uommissioners may select, adopt or pro- vide of the thickness or consistency and quality or shall be specified by the Engineer for the City, to be of such material not less than the thickness on that portion of said streets upon which sidewalks shall be constructed: Four (4t) feet wide and four (411) inches thick, made with shell concrete base containing not less than five (5) sacks of cement per cubic yard, topped monolithic with not less than one - fourth (1/411) inches of dry sand and cement topping con- taining not less than nine (9) sacks of cement per cubic yard. That the maximum cost at wh ch the sr,rork of constructing said side- walks shall not exceed $0.60 per front foot, including grading, foundation and top surface of that pDrtion of said streets within said limits to be improved; all in the manner as provided by Acts 1927, 40th Legislature of the State of Texas, First Called Session, page 489, Chapter 106, said act being commonly known as Article 1105 -b, Revised Civil Statutes of the Mate of Texas, 1925, and relaing to street improvements and assessments therefor, and as adopted by the City of 'Olest University rlace. (a) The Owners of the property abutting on said streets withI�a- 'the---= limits above set out shall pay all of the cost of constructing said sidewalks, and said property owners shall have assessed against them and their property said costs of such improve- - meats in the manner provided by the acts of the 40th legislature of the State of Texas, 1927, First Called Session, relating to street improvements and assessments therefor, and being chapter 106 of the General and Special Laws of said session, said act being commonly known as Article 1105 -b, Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, 1925, and as adopted by the City of �Iest University Place. .r (b) That said amounts payable by the property owners shall be paid in five (5 ) equal installments, one installment thirty (30) days after the completion of said improvements and the aceeptance thereof by the City of West University Place; one installment in three.(3) months from the date of acceptance; one installment six (6) .months from the date of acceptance; one in- stallment in nine (9) months from the date of acceptance; and one installment twelve (12) months from said date of acceptance; with interest thereon from said date of acceptance at the rate of seven (71 -) per cent per annum; but said property owners shall have the privilege of paying any of said installments before their maturity by payment of principal and interest thereon;. providing, however, that no amount shall be assessed against any property in the enhanced value therefor by reason of said improvements. M. The Engineer for the City is hereby directed to prepare forthwith and file with the Board of Commissioners com- plete specifications for the proposed sidewalks, upon each of the various kinds of materials hereinabove set forth so as to enable bids to be secured separately upon each of said kinds of sidewalks, and said specifications to be arranged so that the City shall be enabled to obtain bids for doing portions of said:work separately _ from the other portions, if desired by the Board of Commissioners, together with a written statement which shall contain the name of each street included within the limits defined and the property. abutting'th ereon; and the Engineer for the City is further direct ed to prepare an estimate of the cost of such improvements. Section 4: There exists a public emergency requiring that this ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after the date of its passage and approval.i. PASSED AND APPROVED this the ; day of A.D. 1940. 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