HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 169 - electrical; amended ord. 14269 ORDINANCE NO. 169 For Electrical Ordinance #169 refer to page 10$. i ORDINANCE N0. -i AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINAL E NO. 142; ADOPTING REGULATORY MEASURES-PERTAINING TO ELECTRICAL STORK IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; CREATING AN ELECTRICAL, BOARD; PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT, OF THE .EMBERS; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF LICENSES TO MASTER ELECTRICIANS AND TO MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIANS, AND FOR REGISTRATION CERTIFICATES TO TOURNEMEH N ELECTRICIANS AND APPRENTIMS; PRO- VIDING FOR FEES, BONDS, THE KEEPING OF RECORDS, THL REVOCATION OF LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES; PRO- VIDING FOR AN APPEAL FROM ACTIOIyS OF THE ELECTRICAL BOARD; CREATING OFFICES OF CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR AND ASSISTANT ELECTRICAL INSPECTORS, AND PROVIDING TILE }DUTIES OF SAID OFFICERS; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FOR ELECTRICAL '+STORK AND THE INSPECTION THEREOF; FIXING INSPECTION FEES; PROMULGATING RULES AND REGULATIONS TO ZUVERN AND BE OBSERVED IN ALL ELECTRICAL WIRING, CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, REPAIR, ALTERATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRICAL WIRING, APPARATUS, AND FIXTURES; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH.. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF CONIVIISSIONERS OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section l: ELECTRICAL BOARD - There is hereby created an Electridal Board which shall consist of five members. The Chief Electrical Inspector of the City shall be chairman thereof and shall be a member of such Electrical Board. The remaining four members of the Board shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Board of Commissioners. Each of said five positions shall be numbered. Each of them shall have bben_ residents of the City of vest University Place for the last two years immediately preceding said appointment. Position NumbQr One shall be filled by The Chief Elect - ribal Inspector of the ity of West University Place, Texas. Position Number Two, Three,and Four shall each be filled by a duly licensed master electrician, as that term is used herein. Position Number Five shall. be filled by an electrical engineer in the employ of some industrial concern,hotel or office building, or come recognized school teaching electrical engineer- ing, or a representative of the Board of Fire Underwriters, or Texas Inspection Bureau. 1O The first appointments to office created hereby shall be -- made immediately after the final passage hereof, and every such- person shall serve until December'31st, next, or until his suc- cessor has been appointed and qualified; and appointments there- after shall take effect on that date. All appointments except the first shall be for a term of one year, but each member of the Board shall serve until his successor has. been appointed and qualified. Any member of the Board shall be subject to removal at the will and pleasure of the Mayor or the City Council. Each member of the Board shall receive 1 1.50 for each meeting he attends, provided, however, he shall not be paid for more than two meetings in . any one month's period, said periods to commence on the date of the passage of this ordinance. Section 2. LICENSE REQUIRED - Except as hereinafter provided, from and after sixty days after the final passage of this amended ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person to do "electrical work " within the City of Iffest University Place unless such person is a master electrician licensed under the provisions of this ordinance, or unless such person does such electrical work under the supervision,'direction and control of a master electrician licensed under the provisions of this ordinance. By the term "electrical work ", as used in this section, is meant the installing, maintain- ing, altering, repairing or erecting any electrical wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures, or equipment for which a permit is required under the terms and provisions of this ordinance. Exception: Nothing herein shall be construed as requiring Master Electricians, who are now and have been duly licensed as such continuously for a period of two years prior to the effective date of this Ordinance,.to take the examination herein provided for. Section 3: APPLICATIONS FOR EYYU, INATION FOR Ia- STER ELECTRI- CIANS LICENSE - Application for license as a luster Electrician shall be made in writing to the Electrical Board, stating the name and address of the applicant and a statement as to the active and practical experience of the applicant and such other relevant in- formation as may be required by the Electrical Board. All appli- .cations shall be sworn to before an officer of the State, authorized to administer oaths, and officially certified to by such officer un- der his seal of office. Each applicant, before he shall be entitled to take the`.examination provided for herein, shall have had six years active and practical experience, during which six years period he shall have devoted not less than two - thirds of his time, exclusive of normal periods of rest and recreation to electrical work in general as the term electrical work is defined in Section 2 hereof. For the purpose of this requirement, a degree or a diploma from an accredited school of electrical engineering shall be considered as the equiva- lent of two years active and practical experience. An oral or written examination shall be given such applicant by the Electrical Board, in the discretion of the Board. Those applying f or'said license shall be given a reasonable examination as to their qualifications to install, repair,.alter and maintain electrical appliances, wiring, apparatus, devices, fixtures or equipment, for which a permit is required under the terms and conditions of this ordainance, and to their qualification 110- to plan changes, to prepare plans and specif ications, and to interpret plans and specifications, to plan installations of electrical wiring, and equipment; and to supervise various types of ^� electrical installations for which a permit is required in this 1 ordinance. Each applicant for such license shall give the bond hereinafter required. The Board shall grant licenses applied for and shall issue cer -tificates therefor to each applicant who shall make a grade of 70`0 or better on the examination given him; provided that in no case shall a license be granted until after payment by the applicant of the fee provided for in Section 16 of this ordinance and provided further that no license shall be issued to any applicant until the applicant has first deposited with the City Secretary and approved by him, a bond in the bum of Three Thousand ($3,000.00 Dollars, with two or more good and. sufficient sureties, or with any surety com -any, which is acceptable by the Federal Government, payable to the order of the Mayor of the City of West University Place, and his successors in office, conditioned for the faithful performance of all work entered upon or contracted to be done, for the strict compliance with the ordinances of the City.of Lest University Place relating to electric work, wiring, apparatus, or fixtures, that the licensee will indemnify and save harmless the City of 4�est University Place, and any person, firm or corporation who suffers damages due to faulty Wiring or violation hereof and that the same shall not be exhausted until a recovery for the full amount thereof is had, and it is hereby further provided, that said licensee shall give a new bond whenever there is a recovery of as much as 251. of the old bond, and that said bond shall be renewed annually whether reduced by recoveries or not, such renewal bond to be conditioned as and subject to all requirements of the original bond. Three members of the Board present at any..meeting shall constitute a quorum for the granting and revocation of licenses and three members of the Board present at any meeting shall con- stitute a quorum for the transaction of other business, and a mAjority vote conducted fairly and impartially. They shall be written or oral and a record of the grade for every examination given and the .result thereof shall be kept by the Board on file in a permanent record book. A complete record of the examination given, the applie cant's answers, the grading and the result thereof, shall be kept by the Electrical Board in its permanent record book for a period of not less than one year, and such records shall be open for inspection at any meeting of the_ Board-and under the supervision of the Board. Section 4: MASTER ELECTRICIANS - The holders of the licenses provided for in Sections 2 and 3 of this ordinance shall be known as blaster Electricians. Section 5: JOURNEYMN ELECTRICIANS - Except as other- wise provided herein, those persons undertaking the work of in- stalling, maintaining, and repairing electric wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures and equipment, for which a permit is required under the terms and conditions of this ordinance, under the supervision, direction and control of a blaster Electre- cian and who have been properly registered with the Electrical Board as hereinafter provided, shall be known as journeymen electricians. The terra "journeymen electrician" however, shall not include an "apprentice ", and nothing herein shall be con- strued as prohibiting an apprentice from doing electrical work under the direct, constant, personal supervision and control of either a master electrician or a journeyman electrician. . Section 6: JOURNEYI,�EN - REGISTRATION - No person shall undertake any work as a journeyman electrician, as that term has been defined in Section 5 hereof, unless such person shall have first been registered with the Electrical Board and received his certificate from said Board as a journeyman electrician. Appli- cations for such certificates shall be made in writing to the Electrical Board, stating the name and address of the applicant, a statement as to the active and practical experiences of the applicant, and such other relevant information as may be required by the Electrical Board. All applications shall be sworn to be- fore an officer of this State authorized to administer oaths, and officially certified to by such officer under his seal of office. Each person seeking such certificate shall furnish the Board two pictures of himself, one and one -half inches by two inches, and one of such pictures of the individual receiving the clortificate shall be placed on the certificate issued to him, and the other of such pictures shall be retained by the Board. Each certi- ficate issued to a journeyman electrician shall specify the name and address of the person to whom the certificate is issued, and the date of the issuance thereof. Each applicant, before he shall be entitled to registra- tion a nd the issuance of a certificate to him, shall have had four years active and practical experience during which four years period he shall have devoted not less than two - thirds of his time, exclusive of normal periods of rest and recreation to electrical work in general, as the term electrical work is de- fined in Section 2 hereof. For the purposes of this requirement a degree or diploma from an accredited school of electrical engineering shall be considered as the equivalent of two years active and practical experience. Every holder of such certificate shall wear his certifi- cate upon or about his person while performing the act which such certificate entitles him to perform. Be# -ore a registration certificate is granted to any applicant, and before any expiring registration certificate is renewed, the applicant shall pay to the Assessor and Collector of Taxes of the ''ity of "lest University Place, Texas, a fee of $1.00. Registration certificates shall expire on December 31st following the date of issuance. Such registration certificates shall be renewed by the Electrical Board, upon application and payment of the required fee. 112- The fee for the remainder of the year shall for all certificates be prorated for a fraction of the year, in such proportion as the period the certificate is to be in force — bears to the fee for the entire year, but the total fee shall never be less than one - quarter of the annual fee. Section 7: YAI1\1TET1ANCE ELECTRICIANS - Llectricians regularly employed on a permanent basis by any person, firm or corporation, and who perform work only in the confines of the building or buildings, or in or on the premises where he is regularly employed on a permanent basis, and who does "electrical maintenance work ", as hereinafter defined, shill be known as Y- Taintenance Elecliricians, Section 8: DEFINITION ELECTRICAL 1AINTENANCE WORK- "Electrical maintenance work" shall mean the keeping in safe re- pair any and all electrical installation, apparatus and equip- ment, and the keeping in safe repair or moving and relocating of electrical equipment with in a building or buildings, or in or on the premises where the maintenance electrician, as defined in Section 7 hereof, is regularly employed on a permanent basis, for which work a permit is required under the terms and provisions of t.Iis ordinance, but does not include the installation of new and additional electrical work, electrical equipment or electri- cal apparatus. Section 9: ,,UTOI =!- ".TIC ISSETM. ;CE OF LICENSE - Maintenance electricians who,are regularly employed on a permanent basis I^ at the time this ordinance becomes effective, and who have worked as maintenance electricians for a period of four years prior thereto, two- thirds of such time actively, shall be issued a license to do maintenance work upon the payment of a license fee of $5.00, without taking an examination. For the purpose of this requirement, a degree or diploma from an accredit- ed snhbol of- ,electrical engineering shall be considered as the equivalent of two years active and practical experience. Section 10: LICE' ''sES FOR 'ELE'CTRICAL IVI'AINTENANCE ;,YORK - From and after sixty (60) days after the final passage of this ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any person to do any electri- cal maintenance work as defined in Section 8 hereof within the City of West University Place, unless such person is a maintenance electrician licensed under the provisions of this ordinance; provided, however, that this Section shall not prohibit a journey- man- electrician employed not on a permanent basis, but temporarily, from doing such electrical maintenance work under the supervision, direction and control of a maintenance electrician licensed under the provisions of this ordinance, without said journeyman electrician having to obtain a license as a maintenance electri- cian; provided, further, however, that should the holder of a journeyman electriciants certificate, at any time, bring him- self within the - definition of a maintenance electrician by be- coming employed on a permanent basis and in general as provided j for in Section `] hereof, such journeyman electrician shall be required to obtain a license as a maintenance electrician, in -J addition to his journeyman electrician?s certificate. 113 Section 11: APPLICATION FOR EXAI;1INATI ON AND LICENSE - An application for a maintenance electrician's license shall be made in writing to the Electrical Board, stating the name and address of the applicant and a statement as to the active and practical experience of the applicant. 1-I11 applications shall be sworn to before an officer of the State, authorized to administer oaths, and officially certified to by such officer under his seal of office. Those applying for such licenses shall be given a reasonable examination as to their qualifications only to per- form maintenance work as defined in Section 8 hereof. The Board shall:grant licenses applied for and shall issue certificates therefore to each applicant who shall make a grade of 7070 or better on the examination given him; pro- vided that in no case shall a license be granted until after payment by the applicant of the fee provided for in Section 12 of this ordinance. A complete record of the examination given, the applicantts answers, the grade and the result th ereof, shall be kept by the `''lectrical .hoard in its permanent record book for a period of not less than one year, and such record shall be open for inspection at any meeting of the Board and under its supervision. Each person seeking such maintenance electriciants license shall furnish the Board two pictures of himself, one and one - half b ?; two inches, and one of such pictures of the individual receiving the license shall be placed on the license certificate issued to him, and the other such pictures shall be retained by the Board and each such certificate issued to a maintenance electri- cian shall specify the name and address of the person to whom the certificate is issued, the location 6f the premises in or on which the maintenance work is to be done, and the date of issuance - thereof . Every holder of a maintenance electriciants license shall notify the Chief Electrical Inspector immediately when such holder make any change in his employment, giving in such notice the name of his new employer, and the location of the premises in or on which he is to be employed to perform electrical maintenance work' Every holder of such maintenance electriciants license shall wear his certificate upon or about his person while performing the acts which such license entitles him to perform. Section 12: A=AL PEI1IIT - An annual permit shall, upon application therefor,' be issued to any person, firm or corporation employing a maintenance electrician, as that term is herein de- fined, for the keeping in safe repair any and all electrical in- stallAtion, apparatus and equiprrent S,Jithin the confines of the building fir buildings, or in, or on the premises where he is employed, The application for this annual permit shall be made in writing to the Chief Electrical Inspector and shall contain a description of the premises on which work is to be done on such premises under the permit and'inf ormation concerning the type of work to be done on such premises under such permit. 114 The fee for said annual permit shall be Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars and shall expire on December 31st of the year in which said permit is issued.;, and the fee for the remainder of the year shall be prorated in like manner as provided -for herein for license fees, On all moving and relocating of electrical equipment authorized to be done under the terms and conditions of this ordi- nance by a maintenance electrician, such - maintenance electrician shall be required to obtain a permit thereof in accordance with the other provisions of this ordinance pertaining to permits and in- spections. . Section 13: APPRENTICES - Except as other wise provided herein, those persons undertaking the work of installing, main - taining,.and repairing electric wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures and equipment, and electrical work in general for which a permit is required under the provisions of this ordinande, under the direct, constant,,personal supervision and control of either a master electrician or a journeyman electrician, and who have been properly registered with the Electrical Board, as hereinafter provided, shall be known as "apprentices ". Section 14: APPRENTICES, REGISTRATION - No person shall undertake any work as an "apprentice ", as that term has been de- fined in Section 9 hereof, unless such person shall have first registered with the .Electrical Board and recB-iVed from said Board as an "apprentice". Applications for' such certificates Shall be -- made in writing 'Go-the Electrical Board, stating the name and address of the applicant, and such other relevant information as may be required by the Electrical Board. Each person seeking such - a certificate shall furnish the Board two pictures of himself, one and one -half inches by two inches, and one of such pictures of the individual receiving the certificate shall be placed on the certi- ficate issued to him, and the other of such pictures shall be re- tained by the Board. Each certificate issued to an "apprentice" shall specify the name and address of the person to whom the certi- ficate is issued, and the date of the issuance thereof. Every holder of such apprenticets certificate shall year his certificate upon or about his person while performing the acts -which sudh certificate entitles him to perform. Before a registration certificate is granted to any applicant as an "apprentice ", and before any expiring registration_ certificate as an "Apprentice" is renewed, the applicant shall pay to the Assessor and Collector of Taxes of the City of illest University Place, Texas, a fee of fifty cents (._500). "Apprentice" registration certificate shall expire on December 31st, following the date of issuance. Such registration certificate will be renewed by the Electrical Board, upon appli- cation and payment of the required fee. Section 15: EiINATION FEE - An examination fee of $5.00 shall be charged each applicant taking an examination for a _ MasterElectriciants license, and any such fee shall be paid to the Assessor and Collector of Taxes at the time the application for the i5 license is made to the Electrical Board. Any applicant for a license failing on the first examination shall be prohibited from taking a further examination until the expiration of three months, and if he fails in the second examination, he shall not be eligible to take another examination until one year-has elapsed, and there shall be a lapse of one year between each succeeding examination given such failing applicant, and such applicant must pay the regular examination fee for such examination. Section 16: LICENSE FEE - Before a blaster Electriciants license is granted to any applicant, the applicant shall pay to the Assessor and Colle etor of Taxes - of the City of 4 est Universi ty Place, Texas, a fee of Thirty -Five (135.00) Dollars, and before any expiring license is renewed, the applicant shall pay to the Assessor and Collector of Taxes of the City of Vest University Place a fee in the amount of Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars. Before a Maintenance Electricians license is granted to any applicant, the applicant shall pay to the Assessor and Collector of Faxes a fee in the amount of $5.00 and before any such license is renewed, the applicant shall pay a renewal fee in the amount of $1.00. Master Electricians's licenses and Maint6nance Electriciants licenses shall expire on December 31st following the date of issuance. The fee for the remainder of a year for all licenses shall be prorated for a fraction of a year, in such proportion as the period of the license is to be enforced bears to the fee for the entire year, but the total fee shall never be less than one -forth of the annual fee. Master Electriciants licenses and Maintenance Electriciants licenses shall be renewed by the Electrical Board upon application and payment of the required fee; provided, however, that no license v&lich shall have elapsed for as much as six months shall be renewed except upon re- examination upon the same-terms and conditions as provided for herein in the case of original examinations, Section 17: BOARD-SHALL ISSUE LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES - When an applicant for a license or certificate has complied with the provisions of this ordinance, the Board shall issue a license or certificate to such applicant forthwith. Section 18; LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES NON - ASSIGNABLE - No Master Electriciants or Maintenance Electriciants license, or jour- neyman electrician's certificate or "apprentice" certificate issued in accordance with the provisions of.this ordinance shall be as- signable or transferable. Section 19: LICENSES REVOCABLE - Any license or certificate provided for in this ordinance may, after hearing by the Electrical Board, be by it suspended or revoked upon its finding that the person holding such license or certificate has wilfully, maliciously, or by reason of incompetence, viAalated on more than one occasion this ordinance or any amendment thereto. It shall be the duty of the Board to suspend any I'iaster Electriciants license at any time the bond of the holder thereof shall have been reduced by a recovery there -upon of as much as twenty -five percent of the penalty herein- above-provided for such bond, and such license shall continue sus- pended until a new bond has been given by the holder of the license in the amount and conditioned as her6inabove prescribed for such bond as prerequisite to original issuance of such license. 116 Section 20 :. APPEALS - Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Board shall have the right to appeal to the Board of Commissioners, of the City of 'Vest University Place, from any action of the Electrical Board within-ten days after the action appealed from, and. said appeal shall be perfected by a letter addressed to the Ylayor and Board of Commissioners of the City df ,West University Place, stating that an appeal from the ruling of the Electrical Board is desired. Upon receiving such appeal, the Board of Commissioners shall set same down for a hearing,.and the City Secretary shall notify the members of the Electrical Board of the date of the hearing. The Electrical Board, as well as the appellant, shall have the right to be heard by the Board of Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners shall have the right either to sustain, modify or reverse the action of the Electrical Board complained of. The action of the Board of Commizslbners shall be final. If no appeal is taken tith such ten day period the ruling of the Electrical Board shall be final. Until such action of the Electrical Board is reversed or modified-by the Board of Commissioners such action shall be in all things effective. Section 21: CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: QUALIFICATIONS AND APPOIN 27iNr - There is hereby created the office of Chief Electrical Inspector. The person chosen to fill the office of Chief ElectrizallInspector shall be a competent electrician of good moral character, shall be well versed in the fundamentals of electricity and the application thereof, and shall have had at least eight (8) years experience in the practive of his trade, or a diploma or degree from an accredited college or institution of electrical engineering, together with six (4) years practical experience, He shall be well versed in approved methods of electrical construction for safety, to life and property, and Statutes of the State of Texas, the ordinance, rules and regula- tions of the City of West University Place relating to the electri- cal work, the rules and regulations issued by the Industrial Com- mission,of the State of texas, under authority of the Statutes , the National Electrical Code, as approved by the American Standards Association, the National Electrical Safety Code and other in- stallation and safety rules and standards approved by the American Standards Association. There shall be such clerical assistants as may be deter- mined from time to time by the Board of Commissioners, and who shall perform such duties as may be assigned to them by the Chief Electrical Inspector, and who shall receive such salary as may be determined by the Board of Commissioners, and who shall be ap, pointed by the Hoard of Commissioners. Section 22: DUTIES OF CHIEF = 1LECTRICAL INSPECTOR - It shall be the duty of the Chief Electrical Inspector to see that the pro- visions of the electrical ordinances of the City of West University Place are enforced. He shall, upon application, cause to be issued permits for the installation and alteration of electric wiring, devices, appliances, fixtures, apparatus and equipment, and certificates of final approval therefor, and shall be responsible for I J I � U 117 inspection cif al. new e3 ectrdcaT Installations and re- inspections of all electric installations, all as provided in the ordinances of the City of West University Place. He shall keep complete records of all permits issued, inspections and re- inspections made and other official work performed in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. He shall also maintain up to date a file of inspected electrical appliance cards issued by or for Underwriters, Laboratories, Inc., which file shall be accessible for public reference during regular office hours. He may hold membership in the International issociation of Electrical Inspectors and may serve on any electrical committee of this association to which he may be appointed. It shall be unlawful for the Chief Electrical Inspector or any of his assistants-to engage in the business of the sale, in- stallation or maintenance of electric wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment, either directly or indirectly, and they shall have no financial interest in any concern engaged in such business in the City of West University Place, at any time while holding such office as is herein provided for. Section 23: nUTHCRITY GI;MIITED TO CHIEF MECTRIC4L INSPECTOR - The Chief Electrical Inspector and /or any of his assistants shall have the right from eight A. Y. to fine P. It. to enter any building in the discharge of their official duties or for the purpose of making any inspection, re- inspection or test of the installation of electric wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures, and electrical equipment contained therein, and shall have the authority to cause the turning off of all electrical currents and to cut or disconnect in cases of emergency any wire where such electrical currents are dangerous to life or property, or where such wires may interfere with the work of the Fire Department. The Chief Electri- cal Inspector is hereby empowered in emergencies to disconnect and to order the discontinuance of electrical service to any electric wiring, apparatus, device, appliance, fixture, or equipment found to be dangerous to life or property, because of its being defective or de= fectively installed or otherwise not in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance until such wiring, apparatus, device, appliance, fixtures and equipment and their installation have been made safe as directed by him in conformity with this ordinance. The Chief Electrical Inspector and all Electrical Inspectors of the City* of West University Place shall have and are hereby given the powers and duties of special policemen while in the actual dis- charge of their official duties; and shall be authorized to wear badges as special policemen; provided, however, that before being permitted to wear such badges, the said Chief Inspector and assist- ant Electrical Inspector shall apply to the Board of Commissioners for such badges, and shall make and have approved the bond required of all police officers of the City of Viest University Place, and said bond_ shall be paid by the City of Iffest University .glace. Section 24: PERM=S - No wiring, poles, duct lines, guy anchors, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment for the transmission, distribution or utilization of electrical energy it for any purpose shall be installed within the City Limits of the City.of West University Place, nor shall any alteration or ad- dition be made in any such existenc6 wiring, poles, duct lines, .guy anchors, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures, or equip- ment without first securing a permit therefor from the Chief Electrical Inspector, except as stated in the following para- graphs numbered from 1 to 5 inclusive. (1) No permit shall be required for replacing of fuses or lamps or the connection of portable devices to or.for repairs on portable appliances. (2) No permit shall be required for minor repair work, such as repairing or replacing flush and snap switches, receptacles, lamp sockets, or minor repairs on permanently connected electric apparatus, appliances, fixtures, or equipment, and the installation of light globes. (3) No permit shall be required for the installation, mainten- ance, or alteration of wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances or equipment for telegraph, telephone, signal service, or central sta- tion protective service used in conveying signals or intelligence, except where electrical work is done on the primary side of the source of power from the power company at a voltage over -fifty volts and which generates more than five hundred watts of energy. (4) No permit shall be required, except for poles and guy anchors, for the installation, maintenance or alteration of electric wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances or equipment to J be installed by an- electric public service corporation for the use of such corporation in the generation, transmission, dis- tribution, sale, or utilization of electrical energy. However, an electric.public service corporation shall not do any wiring on a customert s premises other than wiring, which is part of the companyts distribution system, nor shall any of its employees do any work other than that done for the said company as herein be- fore provided for, by virtue of this exemption. (5) No permit shall be required for the installation of temporary wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, or equipment used by a recognized school in teaching electricity. No permit shall be issued to any person who is not the holder of a Master Ele ctricianst s license or a Maintenance Electri- ciants license. 'There no permit is required for the installation der repair of wiring, apparatus, devices or equipment for the transmission, distribution or utilization of electrical energy for any purpose, the wiring, apparatus, devices or equipment shall be installed or repaired in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. The application for permit shall describe the work to be done and shall be made in writing by a person holding a Vaster Eledtriciants license, or a Maintenance Electriciants License. 119 The permit when issued shall be issued to such applicant to cover such work as described and detailed. Any changes or additions must be covered by additional permits at the time changes are made. The application shall be accompanied by such plans, specifications and schedules as may be necessary to determine whether the installation as described will be in conformity with the requirements of this ordinance. No such plans, specifications, and schedules shall be submitted, and no such plans, specifications and schedules, will be examined under the provisions of this ordianance, unless the same are submitted by the holder of a Master Electrieianst License. If it shall be found that the installation as described -will in general conform to the requirements of this ordinance, and if the applicant has complied with all provisions of the ordinance of the dity of West University Place, a permit for such installation shall be issued; provided, however, that the issuance of a permit will not be taken as permission or a license to violate any of the requirements of this or any other ordinance of the City of 11' est University Place. On all new installations the permit for electricia nts work shall be displayed in a readily accessible location, as directed by the Chief Electrical Inspector throughout the time such installation as is covered by the permit is being installed. On all installations vi =here wiring apparatus, devices, ap- pliances, fixtures or equipment are added to previous installations, or where changes are made on wiring apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment, the permit for such installations or changes shall be delivered to the person, firm or corporation for whom the installation is to be made, or posted on the building or structure as directed by the Chief Electrical Inspector before the installa- . Lion or change is started. Provided, however, that the Chief Elect- rical Inspector may issue and enf oreee any rules or regulations he may deem necessary covering and granting of emergency permits where real emergencies exist! Section :25: NO PERSON, FIRM, CORPORATION. OR PUBLIC SERVICE CO PNY shall have the right to install any electrical conduit, wires, ducts, poles or equipment of any character for the transmission, dis- tribution, or utilization of electrical energy, or for the operation of signals or the transmission of intelligence on, over or .under the public streets, alleys, highways, parks, etc., in the City of West University Place, that does not operate under a franchise granted by the City of* `vest University Place, without first obtaining from the Board of Commissioners of the City of ,Nest University Place a fran- chise right or grant for the particular installation so desired to be made and any such installation so made under such franchise or grant shall be in strict conformity with all rules, regulations and ordinances of the City of - -Vest University Place. Any installation of duct, tube, conduit or wires under the public places, alleys and streets shall be in accordance with this ordinance and other city ordinances covering the use of public pla- ces, alleys and streets. Section 26: INSPECTION -= CER`T'IFICt1.T',.S - Upon the completion of the work which has been authorited by issuance of a permit, it shall be the duty of the piaster Electrician or Maintenance Electrician to whom the permit has been issued to immediately notify the Chief Electrical Inspector, who shall inspect such installation within 120 twenty-four (24) hours, exclusive of Sundays and Holidays, of the time such notice is given. If the work is found to be in compliance with the pro- visions of this ordinance, said Chief Electrical Inspector, sub- ject to the other applicable provisions of this ordinance, shall' issue a final certificate of approval to the license holder to whom the periAit was issued, which certificate shall authorize connection of such approved work to the source or energy of the electric work, and turning on of current, and the use.of the in- stallation. The presentation of such certificate or certificates of approval to the public utility corporation furnishing the electric service, or the person, utility corporation furnishing the electric service, or the person, firra or corporation suppl -wing the energy, shall suffice as proof of authorization for such con - nection. No connection shall be made until such authorization is issued. ``hen any part of a wiring installation is to be hidden from view by the permanent placement of parts of a building, the 1,11aster Electrician or Laintenance Electrician to z..-Thom the permit has been issued shall notify the Chief Electrical Inspector and such parts of the ir-fi ring installation shall not be concealed until they have been inspected and approved by an Electrical Inspector, providing that on such installation as the conceal rnent of parts of the wiring must in the discretion of the Chief Electrical- Inspector, or his assistant electrical inspector, necessarily proceed contin- T uously, the 1."aster Electrician or Maintenance Electrician to whom the permit has been issued shall give the Chief Electrical Inspector due notice and inspection shall be made periodically during the progress of the work; and where, in the discretion of the Chief Electrical Inspector or his assistant electrical inspector, it is necessary, he or they shall post notice upon the premises stating that work is approved and may be covered, or is not approved and may not .he covered, until such further inspection as is necessary has been made. Any person removing, destroying, altering or defac- ing said notide without the consent of the Chief Electrical Inspec- tor, or his assistant electrical inspector, shall be deemed guilty of an offence under this ordinance, and any work described in said notice shall be stayed pending the further necessary inspection. Section 27: FEES FOR INSPECTION - The holder of the piaster Electricians s or Maintenance Electricians s License making ,or super- vising the installation or alteration of electric wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures, or equipment, shall pay to the city of West University Place a fee in such amount as specified below. SERVICES All services $0.50 each All meter loops .50 each OUTLETS First four (4) lighting outlets are included in service and meter loop fees. 121 Over four (4) to twenty - five, inc. $0.15 each All over twenty -five (25) .10 each All light, switch and receptacle openings are classed as outlets, also bell ringing transformers. LIGHTING FIXTURES Fixtures of one circuit or under and combination ceiling fan and light $0.10 each Each additional circuit, per fixture .25 each Any current - consuming device permanently attached to an outlet for illuminating purposes shall be classed as a fixture. MOTORS Up to but.not including 2 H.P. $0.25 each 2 H.P. and less than,2 H.P. 1.00 each 2 H.P. and less than 10 H.P. 1.50 each 10 H.P. and less than 25 H.P. 2.00 each 25 H.P. and less than 100 H.P. 4.00 each 100 H.P. and less than 150 H.P. 5.00 each 150 H.P. and over. .04 per H.P. The fee.of four cents (040) per horse -power applied to in- dividual motors rated 150 H.P. and over. Motor control equipment is included in motor fees. When future motor outlets are installed they shall be charged for at one -half the regular motor rates applying, the other one -half shall be paid at the time the motors are installed. MISCELIANEOUS Motion picture machines 1.00 each Sound equipment, up to 10 watts out- put 5.00 each Sound equipment 10 watts to 15 watts output 7.50 each Sound equipment, over 15,watts output 10.00 each Electric ranges not over 12,000 watts .50 each Electric Water Heaters .50 each X -Ray 11achines 1.50 each Incandescent electric signs 1.00 per cir. Gas or vacuum tube signs 1.00 per tran. Poles, anchors and guy stubs .25 each Permanently connected electric appli- ances and equipment of any nature not otherwise specified shall be charged for as follows Up to one K.W., inclusive 0.25 each All over 1 K.W. to 10 K.W. .20 per K.W. All over 10 K.W. to 50 K.W. .15 per K.W. All over 50 K.W. to 100 K. W. .10 per K.W. All over 100 K.W., to 100 K.W. at 10V excess K.W. at .02 per K.W. 122 Temporary installments, such as work saws, floor sur- facing machines, paint spraying apparatus and the like, shall be charged for a t the rate of One ($1.00 Dollar per installa- tion, plus the regular service and meter loop charge. Temporary lighting installations shall be charged for at the rate of $1.00 per installation, plus the regular service and meter loop charge. Additions to old work shall be dharged for at '-the same rate as new work. The minimum inspection fee shall be One ($1.00) Dollar. . On moving and re- locating of electrical equipment authorized to be done by a maintenance electrician and a master electrician for which a permit fee is not otherwise provided for in this section, the minimum inspection fee shall apply. No fee shall be charged for routine re- inspections of elec- trical installations. Section 28: FAILURE TO PAY FEES - Upon the failure of the holder of a Master Electrician's or Maintenance Electricians license within ten days after the final certificate of approval is granted on the installation or alteration:. -. of electric wiring, ap- paratus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment, to pay to the Oity of 'Jest University Place in full the fees provided for in Section 16, the license of such Master Electrician or Maintenance Electrician so failing, without action on the part of the Electrical Board, shall be automatically suspended and shall be of no force, and effect, and said license shall remain suspended and - nullified until such time as such fees are paid in full; provided, however, that no license which shall hive suspended under the terms and provisi6ns of this Section for as much as six monthst time shall be r0newed, except upon the examination or re- examination upon the same terms and conditions as provided to herein the case of original examination. Section 29: RE -INS ECTI ON - The Chief.Electrical Inspector or his assistant electrical inspectors, shall make , upon infor- mation or belief that faulty conditions exist, a thorough re- inspection of any electric wiring,.apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures and equipment now installed or that may hereafter be in- stalled within the scope of this ordinance and when installation of such wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures and equipment is found to be at variance with the original permit issued, or to be in a dangerous or unsafe condition, or if the electrical measuring device shall be found to have been tampered i°aith so as to create a condition dangerous to the continuity of the electrical service, or to property, the person, firm or corporation owning, using or operating the same shall be notified in writing and shall make the necessary repairs or changes required to place such wiring, apparatus, devices and equipment in safe condition so as to entirely relieve the hazards created by such unauthorized con- 12 ditions, and have such work completed within fifteen days or any reasonably longer_ period specified by the Electrical Inspector in said notice. Section 30: CONNECTION TO INSTALIATI ON - It shall be unlaw- ful for any person, firm or corporation to make connection from a source of electrical energy to any electrical wiring, apparatus, device, appliance, fixture and equipment for the installation of which a permit is required until it shall have received, as herein - before provided, and shall have retained, in its files available for inspection, a certificate of approval issued by the Chief Electrical Inspector authorizing such connection and the use of such wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures and equip- ment. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to make connection from a source of electrical energy to any electric wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures and equipment which has been disconnected.by an Electrical Inspector to be dis- continued until a certificate of approval has been issued by the Chief.Electrical Inspector as herein provided. Section 31: IN'T'ERFERENCE TTITH INSTnLLETION - It shall be un- lawful for any person, in any manner, to interfere with any electric wiring installed or installed in, or on, within or without any structure or building. If in the course of erection of a building or structure the wiring is in such position as to interfere with the erection or completion of the building or structure as called for by the plans, notice shall immediately be given the person installing the wiring and the needed change shall be made by such person. Section 32: REVIE' ,,d OF DECISIONS - any person aggrieved by any action of any Electrical Inspector may within two days after such action file a petition in writing for review of said action of-such Electrical Inspector with the Electrical Board by serving same upon the Chairman of the Electrical Board, or leaving same at his office, and thereupon the Electrical Board within fifteen days after the date of the filing of said petition, shall hear and de- termine said appeal. The Board shall have the right to sustain, modify or reverse the action of the Electrical Inspector; provided, that until such time as the Electrical Inspectorts action is reversed or modified by the Electrical Board, such action shall in all things be effective. The decision of the.Electrical Board shall be subject to review by the Board of Commissioners provided for- in Section 20 hereof, . Section 33: APPROVED 11ETHOD S - No certificate of approval shall be issued unless the installation is in strict conforraity with, the provisions of this ordinance, the Statutes of the State of Texas, and the rules and regulations issued by the Industrial Commission of the State of Texas under the authority of the State Statutes. All joints in or to branch lighting circuits shall have sol- dered connections. All ceiling outlets in building not of concrete or steel construction shall be provided with a wooden header two 12.4 inches by four inches lumber securely fastened to studding with the four inch size-at right angles to the place of the light opening. All lighting outlets shall be equipped with 318" inch fixture studs except in closets, basements, garages and attic spaces, in cold storage vaults, all wiring shall- be lead covered, encased in galvanized conduit. All lighting equipment shall be of the vapor proof type. Section 34: TYPE OF c'IIRING APPROVED - :WITHIN THE FOL- LOWING LI11ITS OF THE CITY OF 'NEST UlIVERSITIT PLACE: Within the area of the City of fdest University Place, Texas, knob and tube work shall not be used, except that it may be used within a building or structure of frame, or frame and veneer construc- tion were such building or structure is designed for occupancy exclu- sively as a dwelling for not more than two families, and of not over six circuits, on the services supplying the building or premises to be served; however, that eight circuits will be allowed if all branch circuits are not smaller than No. 12 wire. Any person who shall falsely or wilfully misrepresent the purpose for which any building or structure is designed for occupancy, shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this ordinance. Surface wooden raceways, and armored Type AC, are not approved for use for wiring under any conditions. Open wiring is approved only for temporary work, and in central stations, substations, transformer vaults and at switchboards. Elsewhere than in central stations and substations, all circuits operating at more than 600 volts shall enter buildings or structures in conduit run underground. Surfact extensions or installations must have an approved metal enclosure and the metal enclosure shall not be used as one of the conductors of the circuit. All sockets within reach of persons standing or otherwise touching the earth or grounded surfaces, such asefloors or conducting material, bathroom fixtures, kitchen sinks or other Bounded surfaces, shall be controlled by a wall switch or vTall switches which shall be fully insulated from -the operator. All wires exposed to weather must be weather proof type. Entrance switches, except on switchboard installations, must be of externally operable type, and on all distribution cabinets of more than four circuits installations must be of the dear front type with wiring space.. All entrance switches and distribution cabinets rated at thirty amperes or less, are to be equipped with automatic over current protective devices so designed that the rating of the pro- tective element is definite and cannot readily be changed from one rating to another. .`there meters are installed in inaccessible places in houses 125 or buildings and the electric public service company desires to re- locate said meter loops for convenience in the rendering of its service, it may, upon request to the Chief Electrical Inspector, have a master electrician re- install meter loops to a point where the same would be located if the house or building were having a new system of wiring installed, and all such work so done at the request of the electric public service company shall be performed without cost to owner; unless said relocation is the result of said wiring having been condemned by the Chief Electrical Inspector for practices in violation of the ordinances of the City of `lest University Place. All meter loops and service conduits for the supplying of service and the installation of electrical meters to measure the service rendered by the electric public service company to domestic establishments and buildings combining domestic establishments with commercial or industrial usage, shall be installed where readily accessible on the ext�erior of the building. Fire -proof meter cabinets shall be supplied by the electric service company and installed by the electrician performing the work, said meter cabinets to be located at points from five (5) feet to eight (8) feet above the ground, measured from the bottom of the box and to be readily accessible to the electric public service company. All service outlets shall be located so as to permit placing the electric public service companyts service wires without passing over any building or within four (4) feet of any door or window excluding the point of direct attachment and be on the wall of the building next to the supply. The electrid service company shall never require the placing of meter on the front of street side of a building, without the written consent of the Owner, and wh ere not practical in the opin- ion of the Chief Electrical Inspector to place metering devices on ,the exterior of the buildings said location shall be at a point or points convenient to the electric public service compa nyts service as determined by the Chief Electrical Inspector. Section 35- APPROVED lATERIALS - No electridal materials, ap- paratus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment shall be sold or installed in the City of West University Place hereafter unless they are in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance, the Statutes of the State of Texas, the rules and regulations issued by the Industrial Commission of the State of Texas under authority of the State Statutes. The makerts name, trade -mark or other identi- fication symbol shall be placed on all electrical materials, appara- tus, devices, appliances, fixtures and equipment used or installed under this ordinance. Section 36: The following rules and regulations are hereby adopted to govern and be observed and followed in all electrical wiring and construction, installation, repair, alteration, operation and maintenance of electrical wiring, apparatus, or fixtures. Such rules and regulations shall be known as "the Electrical Code.t, Should there be a conflict between any of the provisions of said 'gElectrical Code" and any other provisions of this ordinance, such other provisions of this ordinance shall govern. Each and every pro - vision of said Electrical Code is hereby adopted as an ordinance of the City of r'lest University Place, Texas, and is as follows: 126 - "National Electric Code" - Section 37: If any section, sub- section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any - reason held to be unconstitution- i al, such unconstitutionality shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council of the City of West University Place hereby declared that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, sub - section, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that one or more sections, sub- sections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared unconstitu- tional. Section 38: LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES - This ordinance shall not be construed to relieve from or lesson the responsibility or liability of any party owning, operating, or controlling any electric wiring, apparatus, devices -, appliances, fixtures or equipment for damages to person or property caused by any defect therein, nor shall the City be held as-assuming by this ordinance any such lia- bility by reason of the inspection authorized herein, or the certi- ficates of approval issued as herein provided, or otherwise. All ordinances in conflict herewith are here4,y repealed: 1940. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 18th day of A. D., Mayor ATTEST: / _I C/ City etary I�