HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 150 - closing amherst for HISD for $10. 23 OP~INANCE NO. 1.~ CLOSING THAT PART OF AMHERST STREET IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE~ TEXAS,' LYING BETWEEN TliE EAST LTI'JE OF AUDEN STREET AND THE WEST LINE OF EDLOE STREET ill SAID C rrry, AND AUTHORIZING Tb~ EXECUTION OF A QUITCU\IM DEED FROM THE CITY OF WEST 'UNIVERSITY PLACE TO HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THAT PORTION OF SUCH STREET SO CLOSED AND DE- CLARING AN HdERGENCY. I '-- WH1:!.REAS, Houston Independent School District, a body corporate ,created by special Act of the 38th Legislature of the State of Texas, approved March 20, 1923, has made knovm to the Board of Commic:sioners of the City of West University Place that it is purchasing a certain tract of 5.3 acres out of the Haden and Austin 103,41 acre tract in Harris County, Texas, and within "the corporate limits of the City of West University Place, to be used as a site for additional school grounds and schoollpurposes, and said School District as the owner of the property lying south of the portion of the street sought ,to be closed, and W. D. Haden and D. T. Austin as the owners of the property lying north of the street sought to be closed, and as the sellers of said 5.3 acre tra6t, more or less, to said nouston Independent School vistrict, have filed a petition with the Boa~d of Goillffiissioners of the City of West University Place, requesting that that portion of Amherst street lying between the east line of Auden street and the liVest line of Edloe Street within said City of West University Place be closed and quitclaimed to said .tlouston Independent School District, so that such portion of said street may be fttilized for its grounds. NOW, THEREFOFE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. That all that portion of Amherst Street in the City of West University Place lying between the East line of Auden Street and the West Line of Edloe Street within said city of West University Place be and the same is hereby vaca- ted and forever closed as a public street or highway. Sec tion 2. r~' -I ~ I I ~ The Mayor of the City of West University Place shall execute, acknowledge and deliver, and the City Secre- tary shall attest a quitclaim deed for a recited considera- tion of $10.00 to said Houston Independent School District of all that portion of said Amherst Street so closed by Section 1 of this ordinance; such deed, however, to contain the reser- vations and stipulations set forth in section ,3 hereof. ~ ~" ~ . , J .r J . '24 Sp.~r.;r\'n 3. It is distinctly stipula:iJed, however, that the City of West University Place, its servants, agents, employ- ees, successors and assigns shall reserve, retain and have an easement over, under and upon what constituted Amherst Street from and including its intersection with Edloe Street to an including its intersection with Auden street and the free and uninterrupted use, liberty and privilege of the same and ingress and egress to and from same to lay, maintain, re- pair and reconstruct sewer lines, water lines, gas line$, con- duits, pipes, wires, meters and all structures and things in connection therewith, it being further stipulated that no structure or building of any kind or character shall be placed over or upon the property hereinabove described. "., i ~ SA~t.i()Y1 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after its passage and approva~. PASSED AND APPROVED ber A. ~., 1938. ATTEST: ~ --,-' -,..~ I