HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 146 - city electrical inspector [J [] 11 u 225 ORDINANCE NO. 146. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING MEASURES PERTAINING TO TEE INSTALLATION, INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF :ELEC- TRICAL APPARATUS, INTERIOR, AND EXTERIOR WIRING, FIXTURES, APPLIANCES, DEVICES, EQUIPMENT, OVER- HEAD AND UNDERGROUND WIRING SYSTEMS , WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; CREATING THE OFFICE OF CITY ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR; PROVID- ING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANTS BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS; PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF FEES FOR INSPECTION AND PERMIT; ADOPTING RULES AND REGULATIONS TO_ GOVERN ELECTRICAL WIRING; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT !lEm3:WITH; AND, PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IW~EDIATELY AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ARTIGLE 1. CITY ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR Section 1: Creation of the Offi~e and Q~a'ificati2ns- There is hereby created the office of City Electrical In- spector. The person chosen to fill this office shall be a competent electrician of good moral character, shall be well versed in the f~damentals of electricity and the application 'thereof. He shall be well versed in approved methods of elec- trical construction for safety to life and property, and sta- tutes of the State of Texas and the ordinances, rules and re- gulations of the City of West University Place relating to elec- trical work, the rules and regulations issued by the,Industrial Commission of the State of Texas, under authority of the sta- tutes, the,National Electrical Code, as approved by the American Standards Association, the National Electrical Safety Code, as approved by the American Standards Association,. and other in- , stallation and ~afety rules and standards approved by the Amer- ican Standards association. Section 2:: ~ppointment - Such City Electrical Inspector shall be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the consent of the Board of Commissioners, to hold office at the pleasure of such Board of Commissioners, but in no event for a longer term than the first Tuesday in April, 1939, and the first Tuesday in each and every second year thereafter and until his successor has been appointed and qualified, unless otherwise prOVided by IJ L 1, 226 the Board of Commissioners. Such Inspector shall, before en- tering upon the discharge of his duties, file a bond in the sum of $1,000.00 payable to the City of West University Place, this bond to be approved by the Board of Commissioners and conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties. Section 3: Compensation - 'he Inspector shall receive such compensation as shall be provided from time to time by the Board of Commissioners of the City of West University P lac e . 0, ,1 Section 4: Designation'- Whenever in this Ordinance the term II Inspector'l is used, it shall mean the City Electrical Inspector of the City of West University Place. A'RrrTCT.w. 2. ASSISTANT CITY ELECTRICAL INSPECTO~S Section 1: Creation and ualifications - There is hereby created two offices of Assistan City ectrical Inspectors, each of whom shall be a comp\etent electrieman of good moral charac- ter and shall be well versed in the fundamentals of electricity and the application thereof. And they shall each possess the other qualifications required by the City Electrical Inspecttor. Section 2: Appointment - Such Assistant City Elec~rical Inspectors shall be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the ' consent of the Board of Commissioners, to hold office at the pleasure of such Board of Commissioners, but in no event for a longer term than the first Tuesday in April 1939, and the first Tuesday in each and every second year thereafter and un- til their successors have been appointed and qualifie~ unless otherwise provided by the Board of Commissioners of the City. Each such Assistant, City Electrical Inspector shall, before enterin~ upon the discharge of his duties, file a bond in the sum of $1,000.00, payable to the City of West University Place, this bond to be approved by the Board of Commissioners and conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties. Section 3: Compensation~ Each such Assistant City Elec- trical Inspector shall receive a compensation decided upon from time to time by the Board of Commissioners. Section 4: Designation - Wherever the term "Assistant Inspector" is used in this Ordinance, it shall be deemed to mean an Assistant City Electrical Inspector of the City of West University Place. Section 5: Dut&ks - Such Assistant ~nspectors shall per- form such duties as shall be required by themtby the Board of Commissioners of the City and by t~e Inspector. [] o D [ o "..;.._.~ 227 .^..RTICL'E 3. REQ.UIREMENTS OF THE INSPECTOR~ Section 1: Duties - The Inspector shall approve p~~~___ and specifications covering all electrical work for the City of West University Place and this work shall be done in accordance with the ordinance of the City of West University Place. The Inspector shall have supervision to see and require that all installation and repair of electricalsystems for all departments of the City are performed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of West University Place. Section 2; M~mbership:th O:r-K..a_:q.il?i~:~Ao_I.1_s.., ":._ Tl1{:l_J;n.~Jl..eJ~jjo_:r~,__ or any Assfstant lnspector, may hold membership in the Interna- tional Association of J;!.lec,trical Inspectors or any other like organization and may serve on any cOlnmittee thereof to Which he may be appointed. Section 3: Prohibitions - It shall be unlawful for the Inppec'tor, or any of his assist-antS-;-to-be-enga-ged-:tn~the-busi- ness of the sale, installation~ or maintenance of ele~tric wir- illg, ~paratus~ .devices, a:Qpliances, fixturesorillUipIlJ.enta either dJ.rectly or inaJ.rectly, ana,they shall have no f'J.nancJ.aJ. ~nteres't in any concern engaged in such business in the City of West Uni- versity Place, at any time while holding such office as herein provided for. spec t~~~~~Il 4 ~m?t~~~-i;n_~~J~h_~mJ~itl~~;c:-~~~f'in~ !~~ In- electrical work for the~ty of West University Place and this work shall be done in accordance with the ordinances of the City of West University Place. The Inspector shall have super- vision to see and require that all installation and repair of ,electrical systems for all departments of the City are perform- ed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of West Uni- versi ty Place. ARTICLE 4. AUTHORITY OF INSPECOTR AND ASSISTANT INSPECTORS. S.ection 1:__ To enter an..:9.: BUildin,g or' Premises ~._J_t!~._ IIlJ!.:Q.~_~.::__ tor and any 01 his assistants shall have the right during reason- able hours to enter any building in the discharge of their offi- cial duties, or for the purpose of making any inspection, re- inspection, or test of the installation of electric wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures and electrical equip- ment contained therein, and shall have the authority to cause the turning off of all electrical currents and to cut or dis- connect in cases of emergency any wire where such electrical I ' 1 J1 , I ,'l~iJIl , 1.1 II 228 currents are dangerous to life or property, or where such wires may interfere with the work of the Fire ISepartment. ,:! n Section 2: Discontinuance of ElectricaJ RArv1cA - The Inspector and assistant inspectors are hereby empowered in emergencies to disconnect and to order the discontinaance of electrical ,service to any electric wiring, apparatus, device, appliance, fixture or equipment found to be unreasonably dan- gerous ~o life or property, or where they interfere with the work of the fire department, or because of being defectively installed, defective or otherwise not in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance, until such wiring, apparatus, de- vices, appliances, fixtures, and equipment and their installa- tion have been made safe as directed by such 1nspector or assistant inspector in conformity with this ordinance. Section 3: .toweR!3 of_ ~].).cem~n COJ1!_~~~:L- -The Inspector and assistant inspectors of the City shall have and are here- by given the powers and duties of policemen while in the actual discharge of their official duties; and, they are authorized to wear badges provided by the city. .^.RTICLE e. PERMIT n Section 1: Fermi t~ to hA i l'HmAc1 hy In ApAO+.or ~ No wiring, poles, duct lines, guy anchors, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipemtn for the transmission, distribution or utilization of electrical energy for any purpose shall be in- stalled within the City limits of the city of West University Place, nor shall any alteration or addition be made in any such existing wiring, pOles, duct lines, guy anchors, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment without first se- curing a permit therefor from the Inspector, except as stated in the following paragraphs numbered from 1 to 5 inclusive: (1) No permit shall be required for replacing of fuses or lamps or the connection of portable devices to suitable receptacles which have been permanently installed, or for repairs on port- able appliances. (2) No permit shall be required for minor repair work, such as repairing or replacing flush and snap switches, receptacles, lamp sockets, or minor repairs, on permanently connected elec- tric apparatus, appliances:, fixtures, or equip- ment and the installation of light globes. (3) No permit shall be required for the installa- tion of wiring apparatus, deVices, appliances or equipment for the operation of signals or the transmission of intelligence, where such wiring, devices, appliances or equipemtn oper~ u D [] [ 229 [... '~: - ;-~- '- ates at's: 'voltage ,not:E;xaee;1.ilhg'25 volts be- tween eoriductors and do not include generating or transforming equipment eapable of supply- ing more than 500 watts of energy, exeept that permits are required for the installation of poles and guy anchors. (4) No permit shall be required for the installa- tion, maintenance or alteration of electr,ic wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances or equipment to be installed by an eleetric pub- lic service eorporation for the use of such corporation in the generation, transmission, distribution, sale or utilization of electri- eal eBergy or for the use of such corporation for the operation of signals or the trans- mission of intelligence, if such company has a franchise therefor granted by the City of West University Place, but not otherwise, How- ever, an electric public EJervice corporation shall not do any w~ring ona eustomer's prem- ises, other than wiring, which is part of the company's distri- bution sys tem, nor shall any of its employ- ees do any work other than that done for the said company as hereinbefore provided for, by virtue of this exemption. (5) No permit shall be required for the installa- tion of temporary wiring, apparatus, deviees" appliances or equipment used by a recognized school in teaching eleetrieity. Sec~ion 2: ~ere no pern1~: ~eqlliT"A? WClT"~ mn~t: ~~f'I'1'l7'pt with ord1nance.- ere no perm1 s requ1red or he _ stallation or repair of wiring, apparatus, devices or equip- ment for the transmission, distribution or utilization of electrical energy for any purpose, the wiring, apparatus, devices, or equipment shall be installed or repaired in con- formity with the provisions of this ordinanee. Section, 3: Person or comuanv not having frAnnh:iRA mn!:ln first obtain grant for particular instalJation - No person, firm, corporation or public service company shall have the right to install any electrical donduit, wires, ducts, poles X or equipment o~fany character for the tr~nsmission, distri- bution, or utilization of electrical energy~ or for the operation of s;i.gnals or the transmission of intelligence on, over or under the public streets, alleys, highways, parks, etc. in the City of West University Place that does not operate under a franchise granted by the City of West Uni- ~ 1.1 ,"":::LI I.J l L 230 versity Place, without first obtaining from the Board of Commissioners of the City of West University Place, a franchise right or grant for the particular installa- tion so desired to be made and any such installation so made under such franchise or grant 'shall be in strict con- formity with all rules, regulation~ and ordinances of the City of West University Place. m $ection 4: Permit for excavations, etc., under streets - Any person, firm or corporation or public service company operating under such a franchise or grant, shall before placing any duct, conduit, or tubes under the public places, alleys and streets of the City of West University Place secure permission from the Cityfur such installation and shall submit to,the City's Engineer for approval a plot showing where such installations are to be made and the type and character of the work to be done. The approval of the City's Engineer shall be secured prior to submitting the plans to the, Board of Commissioners for the permit necessa~y to make such, installation. A copy of the approved plot, showing all details required by the City's Engineer, shall be kept in the fi~es of the City. Any installation of duct, tube, conduit or wires under the pUblic places, alleys and streets shall be in accordance with this ordinance and other City Urdinances covering the use of pUblic places, alleys and streets. .~ Section 5: ~isites of application for ~ermit - The applie-a-iae-ft--f-ar p t--s.:aa-1-1--Q&B 9ple.e-1;.he-we-pg........; Q-'9e-done and shall be mad~ In 'IuTlt"!ng. 'fh~ 1J~.n!l11., wh~.u l:':fsu'ffii-s1Iall be issued to such applicant to cover such work as des- cribed and detailed. Any changes or additions must be covered:~:by additional perml ts at the time changes are made. The application shall be accompanied by such plans, specifications and schedules as may be necessary to c;leter- mine whether ~he installation as described will be in con- formity with the requirements of this ordinance. If it shall be found that the installation as described will in general conform to the requirements of this ordinance and if the applicant has complied with all provisions of the ordinances of the City of West University Place, a permit for each installation shall be issued; provided, however, that the_issuance of a permit will not be taken as per- mission or as a license to violate any of the requirements of this or any other ordinance of the City of West University Place. On all new installations the permit for electrical work shall be displayed in a readily accessible location, as directed by the Inspector thDoughout the time such installation as is covered by the permit is being in- stalled. On all installations where wiring apparatus, de- vices, appliances, fixtures, or equipment are added to previous installations, or where changes are made on wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment, the permit for such installations or changes shall be deliver- m o 231 D ed to the person, ~irm or corporation for whom the installa- tion is to be made, or posted on the building or structure as directed by the Inspector before the installation or change is started. ,Provided, however, that the Inspector may issue and en~orce any rules or regulations he may deem, necessary covering the granting of emergency permits. where real emergencies exist. AR'rICLE 6, INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATES Se tion pletion of the wor wh ch has been author zed o~ a permit, it shall be a duty of the perenn installing and the person supervising the work to immediately notify the Inspector, who shall inspect such installation within 24 hours, exclusive, of Sundays, and holidays, of the time such notice is given. D Section 2: Final Certi~icate o~ Approval - I~ the work is found to be in compliance with the provismons of the ordinance of the City of West University Place, concerning , the work done, said Inspector shall issue a final certi~i- cate of approval, which certificate shall authorize com- nection o~ such approved work to the S01,lrce of energy o~ the electric service company, the turning on of current, and the use of the installation. The issuance of such certi- ficate or certificates of approval shall su~fice as proof of authorization for connection by the 'public utility cor- pDlZ'ation furnishing electrical service. No connection shall be made until such authorization is ~sued. [J Secti?p- 9.; TemporarYCerti;ricate - A certi~icate may be issued, authorizing the connection and use of temporary wor~, but such certificate shall be issued to expire at a definite time stated therein. Such temporary certificates may be removed by the Inspector at any time a hazard is being maintained by the in~tallation with which such ser- vice has been connected. In no instance shall a temporary permit be permitted to continue 90 days. At the ter- . mination of 90 days from the date of issuance of any such temporary permit, the Inspector may authorize anwther per- mit, allowing the connection with such temporary work to be continued, provided a fee ~or such additional tempo- rary permit is paid. A perliminary certificate may be x issued authorizing the connection and use of certain spe- cified portions of an incomplete installation, which cer- tificate may be revoked by the Inspector at any time it appears tha tthere" is a hazard created- by, such cormec tion. If, upon inspection, the installation is found not be be in compliance with the ordinances of the City of West >f 232 University Place, the Inspector shall at once give written notice in the person to whom the permit has been issued for, installing the electric wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures and any equipment. Such notices shall specifically point out the defects which have been found_to exist, and such defects shall be immediately remedied by complying with the ordinances of the City of West University Place. , Section 4: InSDectio~ of Hidden InstalJ2tjoTI - When any part of a wiring instal ationis 100 be hidden from view by the permanent placement of parts of a building, the per- son supervising and installing the wiring shall notify the Inspector and such parts of the wiring installation shall not be concealed until they have been inspected and approved by the Inspector, provided that on such installa- tion as the concealment of parts of the wiring must in the discretion of the Inspector necessarily proueed con- tinuously, the person supervising and installing the wir- ing shall give the Inspector due notice and inspection shall be made periodically during the progress of the work. Where, in the discretion of the Inspector, it is necess- ary, he or they shall post notice upon the premises stat- ing that work is approved and may be covered, or is not approved and may not be covered until such further in- spection as is necessary has been made. Any person re- moving, destroying, altering or defacing said notice with- out the consent of the InppectQr shall be deemed guilty of an offense under this ordinance, and any work describ- ed in said notice shall be stayed pending the further necessary inspection. D [I ~_~Q~j.on JiJ.. A.,~~jt~1J.:t---IruiRe~.:t1U~.fL.=_ Any of the duties hereinabove, in this article, provided to be performed by the Inspector may likewise be performed by any assistant Inspector acting under instructions from the Inspector. ..^"R'l'IOLE '7. FERS FOR INSP~TTONT ~ec~~~n_~;. Before a permit is issued on the installa- tion or alteration of electric wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment, there shall be collect- ed by the Inspector and paid into the City Treasury a fee in such amount as specified below: SERVICFR All Services.......................... All meter loops....................... .50 each .50 " n OlJTT.tiYP S First 4 lighting outlets are included 233 in service and meter loop fees. D Oyer, 4 to_ 25, _ inclusive..... ... .... ...... Allover 25.............................. .15 each .10, If All light, switch and receptacle open- ingsare classed as outlets, also bell ringing transformers. LIGHTING FIXTURES Fi~tures of 1 circuit or uijder and com- bi~at~on,ceiling fan and light........... 10 each Any current-consuming device permanent- ly^att~ched to an out1~t for illuminat- ing purposes shall be classed as a fix- ture. MOTORS f1 , ~ Up to aut not including 1/2 EP.......... 172 HP and less than 2 HP............... 2 HP and less than 10 lIB................ 10 HP and less th~n 25 lIP............... 25 HP and less than 100 EP.............. 100 HP and less than 150 HP.............. 150 lIP and over......................... .25 each 1.00 If 1.50 If 2.00 If 4.00 tt 5.00 " .04 per HP The fee of 4~ pr HP applies to indi- vidual motors rated 150 HP and over. Motor control equipment is included in motor fees. When future motor outlets are install- ed they shall be charged for at 1/2 the regular rates applying, the other 1/2 shall be p~id at the time the motors are installed.. MIBCELLANE01.IS o Motion picture machines................ 1.00 each SoUnd equipment, up to 10 watts output............................ 5.00 It Bound Equipment, 10 to 15 watts output............................ 7.50 11 Sound Equipment, over 15 watts output............................lO.OO It Electric Water Heaters................~ .50 fI X-ray Machines......................... 1.50 fI Incandescent electric signs............ 1.00 pr circuit Gas or vacuum tube signs - per transformer.. ....... ......... .'.... .1.00 ,II",", [ 234 ^ POles" anchors,and'guy stubs.......... .25 each D Permanently connected electric appliances and equipment of any na- ture not otherwise specified shall be charged for as follows: Up to 1 KW, Inclusive................ Allover 1 KW to 10 KW............... Allover 10 lGV to 50 KW.............. All'0ver,~0 KW to ~OO KW............. Allover 100 KW, 100 KW ~t 10~ excess KW at..................... .25 each .20 pr KW .15 11 It .10 n rt .02 rt n Temporary installations, such as wood' saws, floor surfacing machines, paint spraying appa- ratus, and the like, shall be charged for at the rate of One Dollar ($1.00) per installations, "plus, the regular service and meter loop charge. ,Temporary-lighting installations shall be charg- ,ed for at the rate of $1.00 per installation, -plus the-regular service and meter loop charge. -Adaitions-to old work'shall be charged for at the same rate as new work. D The minimum inspection fee shall be twenty-five cents (25~). A fee- equal to one-half of the original inspec- tion fee shall be charged for each trip to re- inspect fiefective work. No fee shall be charged for routine re-~nspection of electrical installations. AR'l'ICLE 8. HE-INSPECTION Section 1: Fault o~ Unsafe Instal tio The Inspector op.his assistants shall ma e, upon in ormation or belief that faulty conditions exist, a thorough re-inspec- tion of any "electric wiring, -apparatus, devices, appliances, fictures and equtpment now installed or that may hereafter be installed'withinthe City of West University Place and within the scope of this ordinance and when the installa- 0 tion of such'wiringimpparatus, devices, appliances, fix- 'I' tures and equipment is -found to be at variance with the ori- ginal permit issued, or to be in a dangerous or unsafe con- dition, or if the 'electrical measuring device shall be 235 [ found to have been tampered with so as to create a condi- tion dangerous to the continuity of the electrical service, or to "property, the person, firm or corporation own:mng, using or operating the same shall be notified in writing and shall make the necessary repairs or changes required to place such wiring, apparatus, devices and equipment in safe condition so as to entirely relieve the hazards created liJy such unauthorized conditions, and have such work completed within 15 days or any reasonably longer period specified by the Superintendent of Inspection in said notice. A Rl"(1Tr:T.'R, $. D Section 2: Unlawful to Connect Installation without Certificate of Approval - It shall be Unlawful for any per- son, firm or corporation to make connection from a source of electrical energy to any electric wiring, apparatus, de- vices, appliances, fixtures and equipment which has been disconnected by the Inspector ar the use of which has been ordered by the Inspector to be discontinued until a certi- ficate of ap,proval has been issued by him as herein pro- vided. ARTTCT,'R JO. INTERFERENCE WITH INSTALLATION o Section 1: Unlawful to Interfere with - It shall be unlawful for any person, in any,manner, to interfere with any electric wiring installed or being installed in or on, within or without any structure or building. If in the course of erection ofa building or structure the wiring is in osuch position as to interfere with the erection or completion of the building or structure as called for by the plans, notice shall immediately be given the person installing the wiring and the needed change shall be made by such person. "h If .,",]";'],".1" 236 ARTICLE II. REVIEW OF D~CISIONS Section 1: Appeals to Board of Commissioners :; Any person shall have the right to appeal to the Board of Commissioners of the City of West University Place from any action of .the Inspector within 5 days after the action appeal- ed from, and said appeal shall be perfected by a letter address- ed to the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of West Uni- versity Place, Texas, stating that an appeal from the ru~ing of the Inspector is desired, which letter must be delivered to the City Secretary of The City,- or.his assistant, within said- period of 5 days. Upon receiving such appeal, the Board of Commissioners shall Bet aam~ down for hearing, and the City Secretary shall motify the Inspector of the date of such hear- ing. The Inspector, as well as the appellant, 'shall have the' right to be heard by the Board of Commissioners~ The Board of Commissioners shal-l have the right either to sustain, modify or reverse the action of the Inspector complained of. The action of the Board of Commissioners shall be final. Until any action of the Inspector is modified or reversed by the Board of Commissioners, such action shall be in all things effective. A'RI"(1Tr!T.W. 1? TYFEOF WIRING APPROVED Section 1: The following type of wiring and none other shall be permitted within the City of West University Place: (1) All electrical wiring, connections, installa- tions, repairs, alterations, operation and maintenance of electric wiring apparatus or fixtures shall be in strict compliance with the code of National Underwriters unless other- wise specifically provided in this Ordinan~~. (2) Surface wooden 'raceways, non-metallic sheathe cables, armored type ~C or concentric wiring systems are not approved for use for wiring under any condition. (3) Open wiring is approved only for temporary work, and in central stations, sub-stations, transform- er vault~ and at switchboards. Elsewhere than in central stations and substations, all circuits operating at more than 600 volts shall enter buildings or structures in conduit run underground. Surface extentions or installations must have an approved metal enclosure and the metal enclosure shall not be used as one of the conductors of the cli3cul t. rn ..... o o [-]1., . I ' I U. . . I , , I lJ 237 (4) All sockets within reach of persons standing or dl1hher- wise touching the earth or grounded surfaces, such as floors or conducting material, bathroom fixtures, kit- chen sinks or other grounded surfaces, shall be con- trolled by'a wall switch or wall switches which shall be fully insulated from the operator. (5) All wires exposed to weather must be weatherproof type. All wires from one building or structure to another shall be attached thereto with screw knobs or, porcelain strain insulators. (6) All services and sub-feeders to distribution panels shall be installed in standard rigid conduit. Where conduit ~ittings are used ahead of meter cabinet same shall be sealable type. (7A) Entrance switches, except on switchboard in stalla- -tions; must be of the externally operable type and all distribution cabinets of more than four circuit in- stallations must be of the dead front type with wir- ing space. ' (7B) All entrance switches and distribution cabinets rated at thirty amperes or less, are to be equipped with automatic over current protective devices so de- signed that the rating of the protective element is definite and cannot readily be changed from one, rat- ing to another. t8) Where meters are installed in inaccessible places in houses or buildings and the electric public ser- vice company desires to relocate said meter loops for convenience in the rendering of its service, it may upon request to the superintendent of inspec- tion have the electrical contractor on the job re- install meter loops to a point where the same would be located if the house or buildings were having a new system of wiring installed, and all such work so done at the request of the electric public service company shall be performed without cost to the owner; unress said re-location is the result of said wiring having been condemned by the Superintendent of Inspec- tion'for practices in violation of the ordinances of the City of Houston, . (9) All meter loops for the installation of electric meters to measure the service rendered by theelec- tric pUblic service company shall be installed where readily accessible on the exterior of the building in fire-proof meter cabinets which shall be supplied by the electric pUblic service company and installed by the Electrician performing the work; said meter ] .'] 111','[ L , 238 cabinets to be located at points from 7 to 9 feet above the ground measured from the bottom of the box and to be readily accessible to the electric public service company's service. All meter loop locations for the installation of measuring devices shall be at points most accessible to the electric public service company's supply provided, however, the elec- tric service company shall never require the placing of meter on the front or street side of a building, without the written consent of the owner, and where not practical in the opinion of the Superintendent of Inspection to place metering devices on the exterior of the buildings, said loca- tionshall be at a point or points convenient to the electric public service company's service as determined by it. (10) All joints in or to branch lighting circuits shall have soldered connections. All ceiling outlets in buildings not of concrete or steel construction shall be provided with a wooden header 211 by 411 lum- ber securely fastened to studding with the 411 size at right angles to the place of the light opening. All lighting outlets shall be equipped with 3/8-inch fixDure studs except in closets, basements, garages and attic spaces. (11) In cold storage vaults, all wiring shall be lead cov- ered, encased in galvanized conduit. All lighting equipment shall be of the vapor proof type. Section 2: :No oertificate of approval shall be issued unless the installation is in strict conformity with the pro- visions of this ordinance, the statutes of the State of Texas, and the rules and regulations issued by the Industrial Com- mission of the State of Texas under authority of the State Sta tut-es. , ARTICLE 13. APPROVED MATERIAL~ Section 1: No electrical materials, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment shall be installed in the City of Houston hereafter unless they are in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance, the statutes of the State of Texas, the rules and regulations issued by the Industrial Com- mission of the state of Texas under autho~ity of the State statutes. The maker's name, trademark or other identification symbol shall be placed on all electrical materials, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures, and equipment used or installed under this ordinance. ...-J ,/ " 'nl , 'L_ [ IJ J I L~ rJ,' I. i rJ [J 239 ARTICLE 14. UNCONSTITUTIONALITY Section 1: If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity,of the remaining portions of this ordi- nance. The Board of Commissioners of the City of West Uni- versity Place.herebw declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section~ stib~section, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be de- clared unconstitutional. ARTICLE 15. LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES Section 1: This ordinance shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsitiQity o~ liability of any party owning, operating, or controlling any electric wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures, or eqump- ment fDr damages to person or property caused by any defect therein, nor shall the City be held as assuming by this or- dinance any such liability by reason of the inspection auth- orized herein, or the certificates of approval issued as herein provided, or otherwise. , ARTTr.T."R 1 fL REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES. Section 1: All ordinances or ,parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are repealed in so far as con- cerns such conflict. ARTICLE 17. EMERGENCY CLAUSE. Section 1: The fact that the present ordinance regula- ting electric wiring in the City of West University Place, Texas, is inadequate to afford a full measure of public safety, creates a public emergency requiring that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction, and shall take ~~fect &mmediately upon its passage and approval by the ~~~or. , , q..li 1:::eMf'Sl!'- R. if'- JAY Passed and approved this the -d ';J f, A. D., 1938. 11111'1 ~ !: ~ T------- I_J I 'CIJ ',::~ :I: