HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 145 - vehicular and pedestrian traffic; intersections I.. I, L 222" \ ri\i r ')V \" \''> v ORnTNANn~ NO, 140. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC AT CERTAn~ STREET AND BOULEVARDINTERSEC- TIONS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; PROVIDING A,~ENALTY; AND, PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE, APPROVAL AND RUBLICATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS QF THE, C ITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: n Section lJ.. University Boulevard, within the corporate limits of the City of West UriiversityPlace, is hereby declared a through traffic highway, with the exception of the intersec- tion of said Boulevard with Edloe Street within the corpor- ate limits of the City, at which intersection there has been installed a traffic signal light.' At the intersection of any other street or highway with University Boulevard, within the corporate limits of the City, it shall be unlawful for any person to propel or operate, or attempt to propel or oper- ate, any vehicle into such intersection and into said univer- sity 'Boulevard without first causing said vehicle to come to a full and complete stop. Thereafter any such vehicle may proceed into or across said University Boule~ar~. Section 2. \ o At the intersection of Edloe Street and University BOUlevard, which is here declared to be within the corporate limits of the City of West University Place, and at which intersection there has been installed a traffic signal light, it shall be unlawful for any person to propel or operate, or attempt to propel or operate, any vehicle into said inter- section when the red or amber light is displayed facing such vehicle. It shall likewise be unlawfu 1 for any person to walk ac~oss or into said street intersection when the red or amber light is displayed facing such pedestrian. It shall be the duty of ,every person driving or operating a vehicle : upon approaching such street intersection, or when said ve- hicle is standing at or near said street intersection fOr the purpose of going across or into same, to promptly proceed into or across said street intersection upon the/appearance of the green light facing the vehicle. Pedestrians, li~ewise, are permitted to walk across such street intersect~on when the green light is displayed facing such pedestrian. However, it shall be unlawful for any pedestrian to walk diagonallyacros~ such street intersection. When any vehicle facing a green light enters the street intersection it may turn onto the IJ cross street facing the red or amber light. Likewise, vehic- les approaching such intersection desiring to turn right in- j to the eross street, if the red light is displayed facing it, such vehicle must first come to a full and complete stop and 'thereafter may proceed into such intersection and turn right c I, fJ "U~ , i , I I ~..-<.-~ ,-- ~.' 22,,3' into such cross street. I ______--.L~---"..-~4--- Section 3. R~ce Boulevard, within the corporate limits of the ~ity of West~p~versity ~lace, is hereby declared a through traffic highway, except that all vehicles traveling along said boule- vard and at its intersection with Buffalo Speedway, must come to a full and complete stop before entering such intersection and shall thereafter proceed into or across it. At the i~ter- section of any other street or highway with Rice Boulevard within the corporate limits of the City, it shall be unlawful for any person to propel or operate, or attempt to propel or operate, any vehicle into such intersection and into said Rice Boulevard without first causing said vehicle to come to a full and complete stop. Thereafter any such vehicle may proceed into or across saQd Rice Boulevard. "- Section 4 Sunset Boulevard, within the corporate limits of the City of west University',Place, is hereby declared a thro,ugh traffic highway, except that any and all vehicles of every character travelling along said boulevard and at its inters~c- t'ion with Buffalo Speedway, must come to a full and complete stop before entering such intersection and shall thereafter pro- ceed ineo or across it. Atly and all vehicles of every charac- ter traveling alqng any~other street or highway that inter- sects with said ~set boulevard, within the corporate limits of the Gity, and at any such intersection must come to a full and complete stop before entering such intersection and shall thereafter proceed into or across it. ~A~t:i()l1 fi. Buffalo Speedway, within the corporate limits of the ,City of west University Place, is hereby declared a through traffic highway, except that all vehicles traveling along sa~d speedway and at its intersection with University Voulevard, must come to a full and 'complete stop before entering such intersection and shall thereafter proceed into or across it. At the intersection of 'any other street or gfughway with Buffalo Speedway within the corporate limits of the City, it shall be unlawful for any person to propel or operate, or attempt to pro- pel or operate, any vehicle into such intersection and into said Buffalo 8peedway without first causing said vehicles to come to a full and complete stop. Thereafter, any such vehicle may proceed into or across said Buffalo bpeedway. section 6 Any person violating any of the provisions of this or- i' '~.-l ~ I ,[[' 224 '~~~.~ ' ':~'~~.;:. ' .I.:' .1 , I =. .. -'h "1- dinance shall, upon conviction, be fined in any sum of money not to exceed ~100.00. Section 7 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after the date of its passage, approv- al and publication as required by law. 1938. PASSED AND APPRO VED this the 30t day of I n ~ t; " D o