HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1582 - re-initiating a review of zoning ~en~ oy: Cole & Dougnerty 713-880-1417 01/23/98 14:53 Job 434 Page 1/3 ORDINANCE No. 1582 AN ORDINANCE RE-INITIA TING A REVIEW OF THE ZONING REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE WESLA Y AN TOWNHOUSE P.D.D. (PDD-TH4); REFERRING THE l\'IA TTER TO THE ZONING & PLANNING COMMISSION; PROVIDING FOR A TEMPORARY LIMITATION ON CERTAIN PERMITS; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the City Council believes that the basic intent of the Weslayan Townhouse Planned Development District (PDD-TH4) is to foster a unified and coordinated development; and WHEREAS, the City Council is concemed that piecemeal development of PDD- TH4 could frustrate the intent of the District, and might create the very problems the District was desif:,'lled to prevent; and WHEREAS" the City Council believes that a review of the regulations applicable in PDD- TH4 is necessary to detennine ifpiecemeaJ or uncoordinated development is possible, and" if so, whether the reh'ltlations should be amended; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. The City Council hereby re-initiates a review of the zoning regulations applicable within PDD- TH4 and fonnally refers this matter to the Zoning & Planning Commission. The City COlUlciJrespectfully requests that the Z&PC report back to the City Council no later than March 23, 1997. The City COlmcil requests that the report include: (I) an analysis of whether piecemeal or uncoordinated development of PDD- TH4 is possible under existing regulations, and (2) recommendations for changes to the regulations in PDD-TH4, if appropriate, and (3) recommendations as to the applicability of '<'garden-style~' single-family detached regulations similar to those recently proposed for the Bellaire ~ent oy: GOle & Dougnerty 713-680-141' 01/23/98 14:54 Job 434 Page 2/3 Boulevard Townhouse POD. . Section 2. Pending the outcome of this proceeding, a limitation of piecemeal development shaH be in effect within PDD-TH4. No pennit shall be issued for any new construction or remodeling for a building site smaller than one acre. This limitation does not apply to the following: (I.> Site clearing or grading, or street or utility construction. (2) Permits for development of a building site that is part of a replat of five or more separate but contiguous lots, which reptat is approved and recorded after the date of this ordinance. (3) Pennits for a single-family (detached) dwelling constructed in accordance with paragraph (a)(3) of Schedule PDD-TH4, if the building official determines that the dwelling will not adversely affect a coordinated and unified development of the remainder of PDD-TH4. (4) Permits issued in response to completed applications for building permits (including all fees) physically filed before the adoption of this ordinance. This limitation expires automatically on the earlier of the following: (i) the 951h day following adoption of this ordinance, (ii) the effective date of an ordinance amending Schedule PDD- TH4. Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 4. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, neither the remainder of this ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance to any other person's or circumstances, shall be affected thereby. Section 5. The City Council ofllcially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the mamler required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City COWlci) ratifies, approves and confinns such notices and the contents and posting thereof. Sertt by: Cole & Dougherty 713-880-1417 01/23/98 14:55 Job 434 Page 3/3 Section 6. The public importance of this measure and the requirements of the law create an emergency and an urgent public necessity requiring that this Ordinance be passed and take effect as an emergency measure~ and a state of emergency is hereby declared. This Ordinance is accordingly passed as an emergency measure and shall take effect immediately upon adoption and signature as required by the City Charter. PASSED AND APPROVED 011 ~<,~,~_ x.. , ' 1998. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: Mayor Attest: (Seal) ~~b~ _ -~elary t7 R~ City Attomey v.lK;.j411\\-l$la J ~--"-----------'-'-'---C---'--7'-.-C--'""",~~"--'T..=>~;~-r-----