HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1576 - garbage and trash ~ I!> Ordinance No. 1576 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO GARBAGE AND TRASH; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. Chapter 11 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas is hereby amended to read in its entirety as set out in Appendix A, which is attached and made a part of this ordinance. Section 2. This ordinance applies from and after its effective date. Any violations committed before the effective date are governed by the ordinances in effect before the effective date, and they are continued in effect for this purpose. Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 4. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, neither the remainder of this ordinance, nor the applicati0n of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance to any other persons or circumstances, shall be affected thereby. Section 5. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof Section 6. This ordinance shall become effective on March 1, 1998. ~ PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING, this 1e7"':fay of ~9~ Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: ~ FPAS. SED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING, this ~ day of , 1998 Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: Mayor Attest: (Seal) ~~~ --..... j~ City Attorney ~ b37:\54ogarbl 1> Appendix A Chapter 11 GARBAGE AND TRASH SubcJs.aptcr A. In General. Sec. 11.001. Defmitions. Sec. 11.002. Deputy director. Sec. 11.003. Littering pivhihitcd Sec, 11.004. Vacated premises to be cleaned. Subchapter B. City Collection System. Sec. 11,0 10-. ~ioos-ys'.em e,,-tablishoo; application. Sec. 11.011. Preparation; placement of containers. Sec. 11.012. Fees. Sec. 11.013. Accumulation of garbage and lrdSb. Sec. 11.014. Heavy trash; maximum bag weight. Sec. 11. u15. Piacing garbage or trash in street a...rea. Sec. 11.016. Programs to encourage recycling, etc. Siiln:J:-rlipter C. Pm-ateHaulers. Sec. 11.021. When permit required. Sec. 11.022. Application; public convenience, ~- ~-. Sec.. 11.023. Issuance of pennit; duration. Sec. 11.024. Revocation; appeal, SdC: 11.025, Comntcrcial oolle.:;-tiolls; containers. Sec. 11.026. Private collection of garbage and irash. Subchapter A. In General Sec. 11.00-1. Definitions. Unless the context requires a different meaning, the following terms, when used in this chapter, have the meanings indicated below: (1) Alley shall mean a paved asphalt or concrete drive of sufficient width to provide easy access for collection equipment. (2) Approved bag shal! meap. a bag meeting the most recently published specifications for the type of garbage or trash it contains. The deputy director shall establish the specifications within these standards: (i) the specified bags must be readily available in the area, at a reasonable cost, (ii) the bags must allow efficient collection and handling, (iii) there may be different types of bags for different types of garbage or trash, and (iv) there maybe distinctive tags or markings required for bags containing certain types of garbage or trash. The deputy director is specifically authorized to specifY recyclable bags for yard waste or other materials. The specifications do not take effect until published in the Cn,'s newslettcr or in crt) utility bills. (3) Curbside shall mean that the area between the sidewalk and the roadwavDortion of a street or alley, or, ifthere is no sidewal~ the area within ten feet of the roadwav. . immediately adjacent to the madwav line illd Gotb line. (4) Dwelling shall mean a Ihnng unit such asa builcfmg or any part thereof used exclusively as living quarters for any number of individuals living together as a single housekeeping unit, including apartments, duplexes and multi-apartments. (5) Garbage shall mean solid waste consisting of animal and vegetable waste materials resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of food. (6) Trash shall mean solid waste consisting of newspapers, mixed paper, glass, cartons, yard cleaning and any other material commonly understood to be trash APPENDIX A Page A-I .,.,....---------O--~lf".'--r"CT.~" ,,-.---,----------,--,----.---- --,--- r an~ibl~ for disoosal at ~ ord!naIX municiDallandfill. The term '1rash" shall also include items subject to the City's recycling program (cans, bottles, newspapers, etc.) See. 1 U}02. Deputy ~ ~.! director. To the extent provided in this chapter, the deputy director of the public works department or other person designated by the City Manager (referred to in this chapter as the "deputy director") shall have jurisdiction over garbage and trash accumulated in the City, including collection, conveyance and disposal. The dire~or shall establish re~ations consistent with this Code establishin2: th~ schedules for re2:Ular collections. soecifvin2: the ttR,es of recvclin2: materials. soecifvim! aooroved bat!s and. other container~ and ll.rovidint! other~l!U~mns for p!!a2aration'and olacementHoweve[.. no chanlle in such remIlations takes effect until oublished in the City's newsletter or utility bills. Sec. 11.003. Litte. ing ~ert8;,iil deDosit~ probibited~ (a)ln gq:1er.a1. It shall be unlawful for any person to: (i) scatter, throw or deposit any Qap~I,' peelinA5, ~ garbage, trash, bottl~5,(,an5 or otherrubbisb, refuse or litter upon any street area or all~ or (ii) place, sweep, deposit or throw garbage, trash or other rubbish. refuse or litter within the City in such a manner that it may be carried or deposited by the elements upon or into any street area or any other premises different from the premises where it is placed, swept, deposited or thrown. J!:xceptio!!: This sub_section does !lot ~~ to garbag~ or trash Erepar:ed and nlaced as reauired for basic collection ~ the City. at a dwellin2: for which fees under this Chanter are non-delinouent. (b) ResDonsibilitvf1Lowner. etc. When orohibited material is found in a str~et area. it shall be the d1!1Y of each oerson who owns or controls adjacent nremises to re1l!~ve it. if the Derson knows that the material is present. In this subsection. "orohibited material" means material orohibitedto be placed inthe-street area'!1Y subsection(al It isan affinllative defense to JID.>secutions unde~ this subsection that the material: (i) did not orimnate on the ~gmcent oremises and (ii) was olaced in the street area without the consent of anv oerson in control of the adiacent orennse~ {c) Affirmative defenses. The followin2: are affirmative defenses to nrosecutions under this section: ill (2) ill ill Because of hurricane or other calamitv~ it was not nracticable 11'lremove the material or to store it somewhere else. The time and manner of ola~emen1Jithe material was soecifically directed bv an ,~l;lthorized reoresentativ~ of !he City. T~ere was a nenmt in effect for a maior dey~looment or maio!: remodelin2: of the affected oremises.and the premises are in full comoliance wi!h aonlicab!~ re.&.,ulations for work site conditions and clean-uD (see. e. [roo Section 6.407 of this Code). The material was eligible for City collection under this Chapter. it was intended to beCoiieciea-JiXiheCItVasa soecial service. andl! was in fact coIiected-6Yfiie-cIiY and oaid for as a soeci-al -servi.ce, APPENDIX A Page A-2 ~ Sec. 11.004. Vacated premises to be cleaned. It shall be unlawful for any person who owns, occupies or controls premises which are yacated, or from which the occupant moves: (i) to fail or refuse to remove all garbage, trash and other rubbish from such premises or (ii) to fail or refuse to place the premises in a thoroughly sanitary condition within 24 hours after the premises are vacated or moved from. Subchapter B. City Collection System Sec. 11.010. Collection system established; application. A City system of collecting garbage and trash t \"Vice weeldy at curbside or in' alleys is hereby established, City collection applies to all dwellings but does not apply to schools, churches, business establishments, commercial, industrial or other premises used for business or non-dwellint! purposes. Sec. 11.011. Preparation, placement of containel S, etc.; basic and snecial services. (W Basic Collections. The basic fee covers basic collection ofQ:arballeand trash prepared and olaced as follows: ~ Recycling materials designated by the director Tree and hedge trimmings and limbs two to four feet long and not more than three inches in diameter. Leaves, grass clippings, and small tree and hedge trimmings (up to two feet long and up to in diameter) Preparation Placement (location) Sorted by type, in Curbside paper bags or other containers designated by the director, not to exceed 40 pounds per bag. Untied bundles or Curbside stacked. adjacent to the dwelling unit of onglO In approved Curbside bags, not to exceed adjacent to 40 pounds per bag. the Note: The director dwelling may reqUire unit of recyclable bags. onglO Placement (time) Not sooner than 6:00 PM on the day before a regular collection day for this type of material, nor later than the actual time of collection, (Normally one day per week.) Not sooner than before a regular collection day for this type of material, nor later than the actual time of collection (Normally one day per week.) Not sooner than 6:00 PM on the day before a regular collection day for this type of material, nor later than the actual time of collection. (Normally two days per week.) APPENDIX A Page A-3 All other garbage and trash. In closed and secured approved bags, not to exceed 40 pounds per bag. Curbside adjacent to the dwelling unit of . origin Not sooner than 6:00 PM on the day before a regular collection day for this type of material, nor later than the actual time of collection. (Normally two days per week.) (P) Special services. The director may collect garbage. trash or other material not covered l2Y the basic fee. but shall charge special services fees as established bv the City Council. A oerson desiring any such soecial service may notify the director. and the director may make reasonable efforts to orovide the service' within the limits of available resources. If garbage or trash is found at curbside. but not prepared or not placed as required for basic collection. the director may collect it and charge a special service fee to the occupant and oerson in control of the adjacent dwelling:. A oerson desiring that material be collected or hauled l2x i! non-City oerson must olace it outside the street area. (c) Other materials. Other materials. includinll oaint. insecticides. chemicals. etc. mav be collected under soecial ormrrams established bv the director from time to time. These mav be handled as an adjunct to rellUlar collections or as a special service. An ~aTba:A~ and tIa,sh shaH. be pla:{,ed within aPlno'Ved baAS. except for se~eAat~d batches of items snbject to the City's recycling proglam (which shall be bagg~d, bundled 01 otherwise oleoared fOI collection as prescribed bv the deoun director :!ion} time to timet Each approved ba~ shaH be closed and secured and Dlaced within two feet of the ed~ of the cttrb 01 Dll'\ied roadway in :!iont mthe oroDem. ot within two feet from the edAe mthe paved aIle'\' inthe leal of the propeIry. No othet type of c01rtail1et shail be placed at curbside (except as allowed by the City's recycling progtam). Sec. 11.012. Fees. (a) Established. A basic fee rot ooHection anddisposaI of AMbaAe and trash sh~ be charged each month for each dwelling to cover basic collections. Additional fees are charged for special services. The fee basic fees and soecial services fees shall be established from time to time by the City CounciL The occuoant of i! dwelling and any other oerson who controls that dwelling are jointlv resoonsible for the basic fees and any other fees for collection of llarballe or trash from curbside adjacent to that dwelling. (b) Delinquent accounts. All delinquent accounts are subject to suspension of garbage and trash collection. Service shall be resumed after suspension only on payment of accumulated fees for the period of collection and the period of non-collection. (k) Disoutes: waivers The director is authorized to investillate any disouted fee and 1Q make corrections. The director is authorized to waive a soecial services fee if: (i) the circumstances causin~ the fee were not under the control of!!w oerson charged or 2f anv occuoant or oerson in control of the dwelling: in Question. or (in other good cause shown. However. no waiver is effective unless described in a written memorandum from the director to the finance director. The memorandum must identify the account name. account address. amount APPENDIX A Page A-4 waived and reason. Sec. 11.013. Accumulation of garbage and trash. Any unauthorized accumulation of rubbish. refus~, garbage or trash on any premises is hereby declared to be a nuisance and is prohibited. A person in control of the premises shall be given adequate warning to dispose of such accumulation, after which the City may cause the removal of the accumulation at the expense of the property owner. Sec. 11.814. Heavy bash, maximum bag weight. (a) JJeavy trash. Tree tIi11:lmil1~s. limbs and hed~ cuttinp;s that exceed two feet in len~tll. but me no Mme than four feet in le~th or tll1ee inches in diameter me to be Dlaced in untied bundles or stacked at curbside. This trash shall be colleGted once weeklJ with a speGia! coHeGtioll '\lehide. AM Othel hash must be in apploved bags. (b).t'v!aximtnJl bag weight. An apt"Jloved bag which weighs mote thal1 fOlty pounds when set out w in not be collected. Sec. 11.815. Placing gal bage 01 tI ash in stl cd al ea. (a) When piacement is plOJribited. It shall be unlal'ribl f01 auy person to place ga1bage 01 bash in a street .tIe<!- as follows. Tinle when piacen1ent is prohibited :Either. (1) before noon 011 the day befol e a sdteduled City collection day, for that dwel~, or (2) after the actual time of coHeGtion for that dweHing. At .:my timc sOO1lCr than 12 houIS befole the time the gmbage 01 trash is hauled awaY. (b) Responsibility of o'Wtlet, etc. When prohibited gat:bage or hash is round in a street area, it shall be the duty of each person who owns 01 c01lttols adjacent premises to remove it, if ~SOl1 knows that the ~arba~e or trash is present. In this subsectiOIl. "mohibited ~arba~e Of trash" mcans garbage or trash prohibited to be placed in the. street area bJ subsection (a). It is an affirmatne defense to pIOsecutiollS under this subsection that the ~arbaAe or trash. (i) did not oliginate on the adjacent pIemises and Oi) WaS placed in the street area without the consent of anyone. who owns 01 controls the, adjacent prcmisGs. (c) Afftnnatitte tkftll;Jes. The following me c1ffunlative defenses to prosecutions undet this section. . (1) TJ' pe of gat: bage or tr ash Eligible Pm City Collection. Ga1bage 01 tlash that is. (1) flom a dwelling, (2) placed in the adjacent street mea and (J) bagged, buncHed and pI epal ed as requit ed rol City coHection. Oillel Gal bage 01 n ash. AM OthCI bagged, bundled 01 stacked garbage or trash. (2) Dccausc oflmnicatlG or OtllGl calanlity, it is not pHlctiGablc to rCIDO'\lC thc gatbagc. 01 trash or to-store it somewhere else. The tinle and manner of placement of the garbage or traMl is specifically diI eeted bJ' an authoriLed repIesentatn.e of the City. There is a permit in e:ff'cct fur a major de'\iclopment or major remodeling of the affected premises, and the pIennses cue ill full conlpliance with applicable (J) APPENDIX A Page A-5 ~._~,';'"'_.- ~latiol1s fur work site conditions and clean-up (see. e.~.. Section 6.407 oftbis Code). Sec. 11.016. Programs to encourage recycling, etc. From time to time, the City Council, by motion or resolution, may approve special programs to encourage recycling, mulching, composting and similar techniques to reduce the waste that the City must handle conventionally. A program may be in effect indefinitely or only for a limited time. As part of a program, the City Council may: (i) grant a credit against the City's solid waste fee for a user who participates in the program, which shall be an exception to the generally-applicable fee schedule and (ii) make available devices and equipment to users of the City's waste collection system, at a reduced cost or no cost. In each case, the benefits of the program to the City must be designed to equal or exceed the costs borne by the City, including both expenditures and fee credits Subchapter C. Private Haulers Sec. 11.021. When permit required. It shall be unlawful for any person, other than duly authorized employees and representatives of the City, to collect garbage or trash at curbside from any dwelling unit within the City, unless authorized to do so by a current and valid private hauler permit. It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this section that the owner or person in control of the dwelling unit in question made a contract or other special arrangement forthe collection of the garbage or trash in question. Sec. 11.022. Application; public convenience, etc. A person desiring a private hauler permit must apply in writing to the deputy-director and pay the prescribed fee. The deputy director shall investigate each application and determine if the public convenience and necessity require the issuance of the permit, taking into account the existing services, the proposed service, the needs of the public, the costs of service and other related matters. Sec. 11.023. Issuance of permit; duration. If the deputy director determines that public convenience and necessity require the issuance of a permit, the deputy director shall issue the applicant the appropriate permit. No permit shall be transferable, and each permit shall expire at midnight on the second day of May following the date on which the penmt was issued. Sec. 11.024. Revocation; appeal. Any permit issued under this chapter may be revoked or suspended by written notice from the deputy director for any violation of this Code, other ordinance of the City, traffic law or state law, by the permittee or the operator of any vehicle of such permittee. Before issuing such a notice, the deputy director shall make a reasonable attempt to contact the permittee and provide an opportunity for the permittee to respond to the allegations. Within five days after receiving APPENDIX A Page A-6 , "It r- - -. __.__________,_._____u_ ." ----,.---".-,;-m"fl""'~-=-----,----------.-~-------------- such a notice, an appeal may be made to the City Council for reinstatement. The City Council shall give the appellant a hearing, and after the hearing, the City Council may reverse, affirm or modifY the action taken. Sec. 11.025. Commercial collections; containers. Commercial collection rules shall apply to any school, church, business establishment, commercial, industrial or other premises used for business purposes. The City will not provide commercial collection of garbage or trash. Collection of commercial garbage and trash is the responsibility of the property owner, who must provide adequate collection to prevent the unauthorized accumulation of garbage and trash. Commercial containers must be at least five feet back from the property line, or where directed by the zoning ordinance or the deputy director. Sec. 11.026. Private collection of garbage and trash. Private collection of garbage and trash may take place only between the hours of 7 :00 AM and 7:00 PM. APPENDIX A Page A-7 _ _.._____~_. ,.., ,.u~--~ ------c--.----------..------:--.,-- .----,~.,""'!"-1'~-.,--,7-- ---