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HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1531 - Alarm systems
WHEREAS, if such direct alarm calls are allowed, they must be regulated; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the public interest to
allow direct alarm calls, but only by means of "Type IT' systems regulated by "Type IT'
permits as provided in this ordinance;
Section 1. Subchapter G (entitled "Alarm Systems" and including Sections
8.371 through 8.396) of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West
University Place, Texas is hereby amended to read in its entirety as shown in {\.ppendix
A, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. The following
transitional rules shall apply, notwithstanding any contrary provision in Appendix A:
Type I Systems. Type I systems may continue to be operated under old
permits until renewal is required. The chief of police shall establish a
schedule requiring all old permits to be renewed within one year from the
adoption of this ordinance. The term of each renewal permit is limited as
provided in Appendix A (maximum term is one year). The chief shall
notify all old permit holders that renewal is required.
Type II Permits. No Type IT permit will be issued until .all of the
following conditions are satisfied:
(1) The chief of police has determined that all necessary equipment at
the City's central alarm installation has been acquired, installed,
tested and placed in service.
----- :
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I Section 2. This mdinance applies from and after its effective date. Any
violations committed before the effective date are governed by the ordinances in effect
before the effective date, and they are continued in effect for this purpose.
The chief of police has determined that necessary personnel are
available, ready, etc.
The chief of police has determined that any necessary permits and
other approvals have been obtained.
(4) The City Council has established appropriate fees.
(c) In station alarms. The chief of police shall notify the users of old "in station
alarms" that they must obtain either a Type I or Type IT permit. They may
continue to operate the old "in station alarms" under the old rules and
regulations until the 180th day following the issuance of the first Type IT
permit (see above).
Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are
I hereby repealed to the extent of the oonflict only.
Section 4. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other
part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever
be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, . neither
the remainder of this ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase, clause,
sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance to any other persons or
circumstances, shall not be affected thereby.
Section 5. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a
sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this
ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by
the. Open Meetings Act, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the
I public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action.
The City Council ratifies,. approves and confirms such notices and the contents and
posting thereof.
Section 6. This ordinance shall become effective on the tenth day following
its publication, as provided in the City Charter.
19~. P=r
Voting Aye:
Voting Nay:
'I -
~ ,19~~ .
Voting Aye:
Voting Nay:
~J u-a-~
Bill Watson
Kay y n Holloway
City Secretary
James L. Dougherty, Jr.
City Attorney
From: JAMES L DOUGHERTY, JR. To: Ms. Kay HollowaDate: 7/19/96 Time: 14:38:26
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Appendix A
Subchapter G. Alann Systems.
Sec. 8.371. Definitions.
Unless the context requires a different meaning, the following tenns, when used in this
subchapter, have th~ meanings indicated below:
(1) "Alarm site" means the premises where an alarm system is, or will be,
(2) "Alarm system" includes: (i) any device used to detect or prevent burglary,
theft, shoplifting, pilferage, fire, smoke, medical emergency or other
emergency situations, which, when activated, causes a notice. or signal to be
sent, directly or indirectly, to the City frre or police department or to any other
public safety emergency center (including the "911" center); and (ii) any
device or system designed primarily to give an audible or visual sign of such
an emergency, actual or possible. However, the following are excluded from
this defmition: (A) an alarm installed on a motor vehicle; and (B) an alarm
installed upon premises controlled by the United States Government, the state,
or any agency or political subdivision of either.
(3) "Alarm system business" means any person who installs, services or responds
to alarm systems for remuneration.
(4) "ANSf' means the American National Standards Institute.
(5) "Automatic dialing device" means any device connected to an alarm system
which automatically sends a prerecorded message to a predetennined location,
indicating the activation of the alarm system.
(6) "Burglar alarm" means any device intended to prevent or detect an
unauthorized entry into the alarm site.
(7) "Central station" means the part of an alarm system business which receives
signals indicating the activation of an alarm device. Usually, the information
is then relayed to the police department.
(8) "Chief of police" means the chief of police of the City, or the chief's designee.
The chief may designate one or more other persons to carry out functions of
the chief under this subchapter.
(9) "Fifteen-minute shut-off' means a feature which shuts off a local alarm within
15 minutes, so that the alarm becomes inaudible outside the alarm site.
(10) "Holdup alarm" means any device designed or intended to warn of a robbery
or attempted robbery at non-residential premises.
(11) "Local alarm" means any alarm which, when activated, emits audible or visual
signals at alarm site.
(12) "Non-valid alarm" means an alarm caused by mechanical or electronic failure
or malfunction, improper installation or negligent operation of an alarm
system. Exceptions.' The following are not non-valid alarms:
a. Alarms caused by the failure or malfunction of the City equipment or
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From: JAMES L DOUGHERTY, JR. To: Ms_ Kay Hollowa-Date: 7/19/96 Time: 14:40:45
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b. Alanns occurring repeatedly and without apparent cause, but, in the
judgment of the chief of police, effective and diligent efforts are being
made to correct the problem at the earliest practicable time.
c. Alamis caused by illegal entry, or attempted illegal entry, ifthere is
independent evidence of criminal activity.
d. Alanns intentionally activated by a person who reasonably believes
there is need to call for assistance.
e. Alanns followed by an immediate call to the police dispatcher
canceling the alarm.
f Alamis resulting from the servicing of an alarm system by an alarm
system business, if the police dispatcher is notified in advance that the
servicing might calise an alarm at that particular time and place.
(13) "Permit" means a valid, current permit under this subchapter issued by the
chief of police.
(14) "Permit holder" means the person to whom an alarm system permit is issued.
(15) "Responders" or "designatedresponders" means persons designated by a
permitholder who are able to, and have agreed to: (i) receive notice of an
alarm at any time; (ii) come to the alarm site within one-half hour after
receiving a request to do so from a City official; (Hi) provide access to the
alarm site, and (iv) deactivate the alarm system if such becomes necessary.
(16) "Telephone answering service" means any business, other than an alarm
system business, which intercepts signals indicating the activation of an alarm
system and which relays this information to the police department.
(17) "Type f' system includes all alarm systems other than Type II systems.
(18) "Type II" system means an alarm system designed and intended to call directly
to the City fIre or police department or to another public safety emergency
center (including the "911" center).
(19) "UL" means Underwriters Laboratories.
Sec. 8.372. In general; pennits.
(a) Operating permits, by type of system. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate,
cause to be operated or pennitthe operation of an alat:m system, unless the appropriate type of permit
for the system is in effect, as follows:
Type of system Appropriate type of permit
Type I (indirect can) Type I
Type n (direct can) Type n
(b) Live voice required, except Type II. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, cause
to be operated or permit the operation of any alarm system which oauses a notice or signal to be sent to
the City fIre or police department or to any other public safety emergency center (including the "911"
center), except by one of the following means:
(1) by live human voice, in accordance with this subchapter, or
(2) by a Type II system operated in compliance with a Type IIpennit.
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From: JAMES L DOUGHERTY, JR. To: Ms. Kay Hollowa'Date: 7/19/96 Time: 14:43:18
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(c) Separate permits. There must be a separate permit for each alarm system. One system
may have multiple functions such as burglary, frre, etc.
(d) Term of permits. Each permit has a term ending at the end of the eleventh month
following the month in which it is issued, unless a shorter term is prescribed by the chief of police.
(e) Alarm system businesses exempt. This section does not apply to an alann system business
which only installs or services the alarm system in question, upon property controlled by another.
(f) Law enforcement, etc. This subchapter does not apply to law enforcement agencies or
other public officers or employees acting with the scope of their public responsibilities,
(g) Defense for certain systems. In any proceeding to enforce this subchapter because an
alarm system is unpermitted, unlicensed or unlawful, it shall be an affirmative defense to prosecution
that all of the following circumstances are present:
(1) Before any alarm notice is given to the police department or to the public
(either directly or indirectly), a responsible person checks the alann site and
determines that there is physical evidence or other proof to indicate that the
alarm is valid.
(2) After notice of an alann is given, a responsible person remains at the site a
reasonable time to provide access,
Sec. 8.373. Permit application; issuance.
(a) Applicants, etc. An application for a permit must be made to the chief of police in writing,
on a form designated by the chief. The form may require:
(1) The name, address and telephone number of each person in control of the
alann site.
(2) The street address of the alann site.
(3) Any business name used at the alann site.
(4) Description of the. alann system, by type and function.
(5) The name, address, and telephone number of the person or alarm system
business who has installed, or will install, the alarm system, with copies of all
necessary state licenses and permits attached. Exception: The chief of police
may waive the need for attaching a copy of a license or permit already on file
with the department, if it is still in effect.
(6) The name(s) and telephone number(s) of either:
a. two responders; or
b. an alarm system business which is able to (and has agreed to) receive
calls at .any time and to give City officials the names and telephone
numbers of three responders.
(7) A certificate, signed on behalf of an alarm system business, to the effect that:
(i) the business has inspected and tested the system, (ii) the system works as
designed and is in good condition, and (iii) the system meets all applicable
requirements ofthis Code, state law and other applicable regulations. The
chief of police may waive this requirement for renewal applications.
(8) Other provisions prescribed by the chief, including acknowledgments,
disclaimers and explanations.
From: JAMES L DOUGHERTY, JR. To: Ms. Kay HollowaDate: 7/19/96 Time: 14:45:35
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(b) Signing. Applications must be signed by a person in control of the alarm site.
(c) Other requirements. Any application must demonstrate compliance with all provisions of
this Code. All applicable fees must be paid. An applicant must also obtain any additional permits re-
quired under this CQde.
(d) Issuance; issuing official. The chief of police shall issue a permit in accordance with the
same standards and procedures as are set out in this Code for building permits. The chief of police is
the "issuing official" and haS the same authority with respect to alarm permits as the building official
has with respect to building permits. The chief shall designate the form of permits, which may be
paper, stickers, decals or other media.
(e) Confidential. The City shall treat all information required to be submitted under this
subchapter as confiq.ential information, subject to the limitations of the open records laws; provided,
however, nothing in this subchapter shall prohibit the use of such information for legitimate purposes
relating to the health, safety and well-being of the community and for enforcement of the tenns and
provisions ofthis chapter.
Sec. 8.374. Substitute responders; infonnation.
If a responder is unable or unwilling to serve, the permit holder shall designate a substitute
responder by providing the necessary information, in writing, to the City or the alarm system business,
as the case may be. A permit holder is responsible for keeping the file information about the
responders current and accurate.
Sec. 8.375. No contracts, entitlements, etc.
Permits are not contracts. They create no obligations or duties for the City or any of its
officers, agents or employees. They neither create nor indicate any entitlements, or other rights, for
other persons. Neither this subohapter, nor any permit or action taken under this subchapter, shall ever
be construed as creating or indicating any such obligations, duties, entitlements or rights. No officer,
agent or employee of the City is authorized to create or indicate any such obligations, duties, rights or
Sec. 8.376. New permit required upon transfer of property.
Each alarm permit shall tenninate whenever control of the property is transferred from the
permit holder to someone else. Upon such transfer of control, a new permit must be obtained.
Sec. 8.377. Fee schedule; paym..,nt.
The City's fee schedule shall apply to fees and activities under this subchapter. Thefee
schedule may require a higher fee for Type II permits than for Type I, to reflect greater use of the
central alarm installation in the police department. The fee schedule may also include additional fees
for non-valid alarms. The basic fee for a permit must be paid before it is issued, unless the fee
schedule provides otherwise. Additional fees must be paid on or before the 30th day following the
date billed.
Sec. 8.378. Permit not transferable.
Each permit issued pursuant to this subchapter shall be personal to the permit holder and is not
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Sec. 8.379. Production of permit for inspection.
The pennit holder for an alarm system shall keep such pennit at the alarm site and shall
produce such permit for inspection upon the request of a City official.
Sec. 8.380. Duties of permit holdel', generally.
Each permit holder and each person in control of an alarm site shall:
(I) take responsibility for the proper operation of the alarm system;
(2) maintain the alarm system in good repair at all times in order to assure
reliability of operation;
(3) assure that all batteries utilized as standby power sources in the alarm system
are tested at least once annually and replaced when found to be defective, worn
out or not in compliance with applicable regulations; and
(4) train all persons who may have access to the alarm site so that they will know
how to operate the alarm system properly.
Sec. 8.381. Duty to repair or deactivate system.
If the chief of police notifies a pennit holder or another person in control of an alarm site, in
writing, that the alarm system is malfunctioning, the person shall:
(1) cause the system to be repaired within 72 hours; or
(2) deactivate the system and not reactivate it until it is repaired
Sec. 8.382. Duty to provide access to mann site.
If an alarm is activated, any person who has access to the alarm site shall provide reasonable
access and assistance, upon n:quest of a City official.
Sec. 8.383. Alarm system requirements.
(a) Basic requirements, allnew systems. No person shall install, cause to be installed or
permit to be installed any new alarm system unless the requirements of this section are met.
Any alarm system covering more than one type of emergency situation must
give a unique signal to designate activation as a result of each type.
A local alann system shall have a 15-minute shutoff and may not make a
sound similar to that of a siren, an emergency vehicle or a civil. defense
warning system.
No holdup alarm may include a money clip, pressure pad or similar device
which can cause activation inadvertently. Instead, every holdup alarm shall be
designed so that itmay be activated only by intentional and deliberate human
No holdup alann may activate a local alann.
No alarm system maybe equipped with any telephone, facsimile, radio or
other communication feature to contact directly the City fIre or police
department or any other public safety emergency center (including the "911"
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center). Exception: This does not apply to a Type II system operated in
accordance with a Type II permit.
(6) All alarm systems must have a standby power supply for the control panel and
attached equipment The system may not produce a non-valid alarm if the
main source of power fails, or if the standby power supply is activated. All
standby power supplies must be of the rechargeable type and must be capable
of operating the system for a minimum of four continuous hours.
(7) All alarm systems that use a telephone line to transmit a fITe alarm signal must
be equipped with a Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter (DACT) as
described in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 72).
(8) Alarm systems must be installed in such a manner that the protective circuits
indicate whether they are closed prior to being turned on.
(9) All triggering devices utilized in alarm systems must be adjusted, to the degree
reasonably possible, to suppress non valid indications caused by non-
emergency conditions, including. but not limited to, transient pressure changes
in water pipes, short flashes. of light, wind noise, pressure changes, rattling or
vibration of windows, sonic booms of vehicular noise.
(10) All alarm systems must be installed in a safe, reliable and professional manner.
(11) Alarm systems may only be installed by an alarm system business having all
required state licenses and permits and employing personnel who also have all
required state licenses and permits. The state licenses or permits must be
registered with the City as required by this subchapter.
(b) Additional requirements, new commercial systems. All new alarm systems installed in
commercial establishments must use equipment, components, and methods of installation equal to or
exceeding the following standards: UL or ANSI standards: UL 609 (ANSI SE2.1-1972) "Local
Burglar Alarm Units and Systems"; UL 636(ANSI SE2.7--1973) "Hold-up Alarm Units and
Systems"; UL 681 (ANSI SE2.3--1972) "Installation and Classification of Mercantile and Bank
Burglar Alarm Systems" and the National Fire Alarm Code (see the ftre code adopted in Chapt~ 9 of
this Code).
(c) Additional requirements, new residential systems. All new alarm systems installed in
residences must use equipment and components equal to or better than the following standards: UL
Standard 1023 (ANSI SE2.4-1972) "Household Burglar Alarm Systems Units" and the National Fire
Alarm Code (see the frre code a~pted in Chapter 9 of this Code).
(d) Non-standard equipment. If there is no UL or ANSI standard for any particular item of
equipment, or where new equipment is undergoing fteld testing, the chief of police may require that:
(i) the alarm system must be inspected at the expense of the. permittee by a registered professional
engineer,. and (ii) the engineer must certifY in writing that the alarm system is safe and reliable.
(e) Additional requirements, Type II systems. Type II systems, new or old, must meet the
following additional requirements:
(1) There must be a radio interconnection device specifically designed and
intended to transmit signals to the City's central alarm installation, meeting the
minimum specifications and recommendations prescribed by the
manufacturer(s) of the equipment installed at the central alarm installation.
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All such devices must be compatible with the City's equipment.
(2) In the fire alarm condition, local annunciation must be provided until
manually reset.
(3) In the burglar alarm condition, the system shall reset after 15 minutes in alarm
status, but shall retain an indication of the prior alarm status until the system is
manually disarmed.
(4) The systems must have a standby power supply for the control panel and
attached equipment. The system may not produce a non-valid alarm if the
main source of power fails, or if the standby power supply is aotivated. All
standby power supplies shall be of the rechargeable type and shall be capable
of operating the system for a minimum offour continuous hours.
(5) Signals transmitted to the City's central alarm installation must meet any
additional standards and procedures prescribed by the chief ofpoliee. Such
standards and procedures shall be set out in writing and made available to any
permit holder, alarm system business or telephone answering service
requesting them. In any event, automatic dialing devices may not be used in a
Type II system.
Sec. 8.384. Registration of alarm system business.
It shall be unlawful for any alarm system business to do business within the City, unless: (i)
the business has registered with the police department on a form designated by the chief of police, and
(ii) the registration information is current and correct. The form may require:
(1) The full and name and address of the alarm system business.
(2) The full name, business address and home address of the manager who is so
licensed by the state.
(3) A telephone number at which the City can notifY personnel of the business of a
need for assistance at any time.
(4) Copies of all state-issued licenses and permits of the business and its manager.
Sec. 8.385. Notification; duty of alann system business.
Each alarm system business shall notify the ohief of police in writing of any change in the
infonnation provided on the registration form, within 48 hours after the change occurs.
Sec. 8.386. Report of alann system installation required.
(a) Report. Any alarm system business which installs an alarm system within the City shall
notify the chief of police using a City form. The form may require:
(1) The address where the system is installed.
(2) The name and address of the person having control over the property.
(3) The type of alarm system.
(b) When to submit. The form must be submitted to the police department not earlier than 20
days before installation of the system and not later than 48 hours after installation.
Sec. 8.387. Service/repair duties of alarm system business.
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Whenever an alarm system business agrees to maintain or service an alarm system in the City,
the business shall perform these duties:
(1) The business shall provide effective assistance upon request of a City official.
(2) If the business has agreed to be a responder, it must perform all the duties of a
responder promptly. A capable represet,ltative of the business must arrive at
the alarm site within one~halfhour of a request from a City official.
(2) The business must respond to requests for service within 72 hours. This only
applies to requests from its customers or the chief of police.
(3) The business must keep a written record of each repair to an alann system,
including date, time and description. The business must maintain the records
for at least two years and must make them available for inspection and
duplication by the chief of police at an office of the alarm system business (in
the Houston area) during regular business hours.
Sec. 8.388. Notification; telephone answering.
(a) General requirements. Each alann system business which operates a central station and
each telephone answering service shall perform these duties:
(1) It must have sufficient personnel on duty to ensure that emergency messages
and alann signals are relayed promptly to the police department. The
personnel must be trained in the proper procedures for receiving and relaying
(2) It must notifY the person in control of the alann site each time an alann is
activated. Notice must be given within 24 hours, either by telephone or by
placing the notice in the mail, properly addressed.
(3) It must keep a written record of each alann. The record must include the date
and time of the alann and the date, time and method of notu)drig the person in
control of the alann site. Such records shall be maintained for at least two
years and shall be made available for inspection and duplication by the chief of
police at the office of the alann system business or telephone answering service
(in the Houston area) during regular business hours.
(4) It must test its equipment at least once each calendar year. The tests must
cover all equipment for receiving alanns or relaying notice to the police
department. If a test result is unsatisfactory, the firm must correct the problem
within seven days and retest the equipment.
(5) It must produce evidence of such test results,. upon request of the chief of
police, within one business day.
(6) A telephone answering service may not provide answering services for any
alarm system business which is not licensed by the state.
(b) Telephone standards. The chief of police may set reasonable standards and procedures
which shall be followed by any alarm system business or telephone answering service for
communicating with the police department. The standards and procedures shall be in writing and
made available to any alann system business or telephone answering service requesting them.
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Sec. 8.389. Intentional non-valid alanns.
It shall be unlawful fo.r any perso.n to. activate an alarmsystemintentio.nally, unless there is an
emergency, real o.r threatened, fo.r which the alarm system was designed. It shall be an affumative
defense to. pro.secutio.n under this sectio.n that: (i) the alarm system was activated so.lely fo.r the
o.ftesting the alarm and (ii) the perso.n who tested the alarm to.o.k reasonable precautions to avoid any
request being made to. the Po.lice department to. respond to. such alarm. This sectio.n no.t apply to.
co.nduct in vio.lation the Texas Penal Sectio.n 42.06.
Sec. 8.390. Certain state laws.
All perso.ns subject to. the pro.visio.ns o.fthe Private and Private Security Agencies
Act, art. 4413(29bb) TEX REV. CIV. STAT. ANN., and all perso.ns subject to' art. 5.43-2 o.fthe
Texas Insurance, are required to. Co.mply with all applicable pro.visio.ns statutes,
no.twithstanding any pro.visio.n o.fthis Code.
Sec. 8.391. [Reserved).
Sec. 8.392. Suspension, revocation, etc.
(a) Suspension and revocation. The chief o.f Po.lice may o.r suspend a permit under the
same rules, regulatio.ns and standards applicable to. building permits, except as pro.vided belo.w. For
this purpose, the chief of police is the "issuing officiaL"
(b) Special rules. The issuing official may no.t or suspend a permit for non-valid
alarms, except in the circumstances bySectio.n 3(c), art. 4413(29bb) TEX. REV. CIV. STAT.
ANN. (Verno.n's 1996). The issuing o.fficial may suspend, but may no.t, a pennit for no.n-
payment fees, buto.nly as follows:
(1) The fees must remain unpaid for at least 60 days after the date billed.
(2) The suspensio.nmay no.t take effect until the tenth day fo.llo.wing the date
no.tice is delivered to. the alarm site.
(3) Upo.n full payment o.f all o.utstanding fees, a suspended permit shall be
reinstated witho.ut further charge.
(c) Review of decisions. Revo.catio.ns, suspension and o.ther decisions o.ftheissuing o.fficial
are reviewable in the same manner as actions o.f the building o.fficial under Chapter 6 of this
Fo.r this, the BSC is the "hearing bo.ard,"
(d) Automatic stay. . An appeal timely filed fro.m a revo.cation o.rsuspensio.n o.f an alarm
system pennit shall auto.matically stay the revo.catio.n or suspensio.n until an o.rder o.fthe BSC to. the
co.ntrary is issued.
Sec. 8.393. Reinstatement of revoked pennit.
After a permit fo.r an alarm system is revo.ked, the person in contro.I o.fthe alarm site may
apply fo.r reinstatement. In additio.n to. the usual informatio.n required in any permit applicatio.n, an
applicatio.n fo.r reinstatement must also include an affidavit o.f an alarm inspecto.r emplo.yed by an
alarm system business registered with the City. The affidavit must certifY that the alarm system is
sound and free o.f defects which may tend to. pro.duce non-valid alarms.
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From: JAMES L DOUGHERTY, JR. To: Ms. Kay Hollowa'Oate: 7119/96 Time: 15:00:28
Sec. 8.394--396. [Reserved}
[End of Appendix A
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