HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 142 - licensing of electricians , ~ 2:1'4 ...' w' ORDINANCE NO. JAa. AN ORDINAN CE PROVIDING FOR THE LICENS.ING OF MAS- TER ELECTRICIANS AND CONTRACTING ELECTRICIANS WITHIN rrHE CITY OF VilEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; PROVLDING THE PROCEDURE WITH REFER~CE THERETO; PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR SUCH MASTER ELECTRI- CIANS AND CONCTRACTING ELECTRICIANS AND FORSUGH WORK; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE OR ANY OTHER ORDINANCE, RULE OR REGU- LATION OF THE CITY. OF WEST m~IVERSITY PLACE WITH REFERENCE THERETO; PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDINAN,CES-' OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH ARE REPEALED AND FOR THE SPECIFIC REPE..L\.L OF ORDINANCE NO. ~5; PROVIDING TF~T IF PART OF TrlIS ORDINANCE-' IS DECLARED UNCONSTITUTIONAL OR INVALID IT SHALL NOT AFFECT OTHER PARTS THEREOF; ANDj PR~~IDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECrl' AND BE IN FO RC E IMBED 1A TEL Y FRO IvI AND AFTER ITS P AS SA GE, APJIDVAL AND PUBLICATION AS REQUIRED BY LAW. ! J", , ' L , , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF WEST m~IVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section L. u It shall be unlawful for any master eleettD~ian or con- tracting electrician to engage in his said busin~ss or trade w~thin the corporate limits of the City of west University Place unless he has been duly licensed by the City and ~as complied with the provisions o~ this ordinance. Section 2. I It shall be~laWful for any person', firm or"corpora- tion holding a license hereunder to transfer the 'same or allow the use of same, directly or indirectly, by any other person, fi~m or corporation for the purpose of obtaining a permi t to do any electrical work or for the"purpose of doing any electrical work vdthinthe City of West University Place Section 3. It shall be unlawful for any master electrician or con- tracting electrician to do, or cause or permit to be done, any electric wiring, and the construction, installation, re- pair or alteration of electric wiring, work,' apparatus, and fixtures, without having at least one journeyman electrician on the job. However, if the master electrician is working on the job himself, the journeyman electrician is not re- I~l quired thereon. U ' l / :-1 - 1 ~ 215 Section 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporatiom to do, or cause or permit to be done, any interior or exterior wiring, repairing, or remodeling of any electric wiring, or to insta~l or replace any electric fixture within the city of vVest University Place intending to carry a voltage of twenty- five (25) volts or more, for light, heat or power, unless he be a duly licensed master electrician or a duly licensed con- tracting electrician. However, a helper may do electric wiring under the direct personal supervision of a journeyman elec- trician employed by a duly licensed ID2.ster electrician or con- tracting electrician. The supervision of a master electrician ? who is duly licensed by the City. Nothing herein shall excuse the obta~ing of a permit for such work. Section R. The installation of electric wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures and electrical equipment shall be in strict conformity with the ordinances, rules and regulations of the City of West University Place., Any person, firm or corporation violating any such ordinance, rule or regulation shall be deemed guilty of an offense under this ordinance and shall be punished as hereinafter provided. 8A~T.inn ~. ~ The City Secretary of the City of West University Place shall keep a substantially bound book in which shall be kept a register of the names and places of business of all persons, firms and corporations to whom master or contracting elec- tricians' licenses are issued by the City, and no license shall be issued for a longer period than one year, but may be re- newed from year to year upon Droper application. Each appli- cant for a master electrician1s license or a contracting elec- tricians license shall make application therefor to the Gity Secretary of the City of West University Place and before such license is granted shall pay to the City the sum of $35.00 for the first year vmich shall commence with January 1st and ter~ minate on December 31st. Each such license may be renewed each year thereafter upon application and upon payment to the City of the sum of *15.00 per year. Each master electrician or contracting electrician prior to the issuance of the license herein provided for, or any renewal thereof, shall deposit with the City Secretary, to be approved by him, a bond in the sum of $3000.00, signed by such master electrician or contracting electrician, as the case may be, as principal, with some ~od surety comp~y authorized to do business in the Stat~ of ~exas, as surety, payable to the order of the Mayor of the Gity of ~Jest University Place and his successors in office, conditioned for the faithful performance of all work entered upon or con- tracted to be done, for the strict compliance with ~ll ordi- nances, rules and requirements of the City of vVest University Place relating to the installation of eiliectric wiring, appa- ~~ 216. ~........~w,~:'l'_<!;'ry<~~~".>,..",,!,~~.~, .'~ ~~~ ,~. ):.-":' '--"'1":""""" .......,-.:0-.."."" ~~."...~~~~ ~L~, ~~ I <. ,'.....~~. '-"'"""-l'P'"O!~ ~.......". ~.~ J, a ~ ~.l~~ ~.';!.,..... ~,""il:t,~ ~ ~ r-I r-I al ",..c: rOm '~al H..c:r-1 <D m pomp! o ..-I .r! o 0 <D G-t ~ H o.r! <D H alHP-' <D r-1..c:rcl ,.-1 .p .r! .p m S.p m @+> rOom <DR~ +'ctl+> UJ ::l r-I '" m.-lH ..c:::lQ) l<:1:;-j..Q Q) +> Q)l1s ,.o+'G-l +' H rd Any master electrician or contracting electrician who g ~ @ shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with. this ordinance '~ or any ?ther. ordinance,. rule or regulation o~ the Ci ~ o'f f(~, 'b yVes t Unl verSl ty .Place Wl th reference to the lns talla tlon of ~f;'J electric wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures ~~\~~ and electrical equipment, shall forfeit his or its right to \sf' follow such business. ,or trade within the City of}vest Un~versity Place, and the City J:!jlectrical lnspector of the lIlty of West University Place shall have the right and it is hereby made his duty to cancel SUC4 license, first giving such master electrician or contracting electrician five (5) days' notice of his intention so to do if he does not show good cause why it should not be cari- celled./"Should said master electrician or contracting electrician desire a hearing before said inspector he or it shall so advise such inspector in writing within five (5) days from cancella- tion of license of said desire, and it shall be obligatory on the inspector to grant such hearing within five (5) days of receipt of said notice. Such ~lectrical Inspector iR case of such hear- ing shall have the right to swear and examine witnesses and to hear their testimony; and, if after such hearing, he finds that such person is guilty of any act authorizing the forfeiture of such license, it shall be so forfeited, and the City Secretary:. shall note in said register of licenses granted, opposite the place where granted, a cancellation of such license. However, if any such license is forfeited, such person may appeal to the Board of Commissioners of the City within five (5) days after such for- feiture and such appeal may be considered as perfected upon the delivery of a letter to the City Secretary of the lIity, or to an assistant, declaring his desiret6 appeal. ~vhereupon, the Doard of Commissioners shall set a date for such hearing and notify such master electrician or contracting electrician thereof. At such hearing the Board shall have the right to swear wit- nesses and examine them and hear their 'testimony; and, if ratus, devices, appliances, fixtures and electrical equip- ment, that such principal, his agents, servants, re~resenta- tives and employees shall protect the City of West niversity Place from all damage and liability, and conditioned fUrther. that said bond may be sued upon by any person, firm or cor- poration aggrieved or injured by such principal in the pro- secution and completion of such work or by anw agent, servant, employee or representative of any such principal, and that same shall/give a new bond whenever there is a recovery of as much as 25% of the old bond, or whenever the City may re- quire it. However, when the material furnished or work done or service performed shall have been inspected by the proper officer of the City of VVest University Place and a written or printed certificate of approval issued by such officer, then such master electrician or contracting electrician shall be considered as having fulfilled the requiremm ts of thi s or- dinance, and his responsibilities shall cease under such bond for the material furnished and work or service performed for that particular job. n t I SAct:ion 7. o c 217:, o after such hearing, it finds that such master electrician or contracting electrician, as the case may be, is guilty of suc h offense it shall declare the license forf'ei ted, and this action s hall be final. If such master electrician or con- tracting electrician fails to appear at ssuch hearing before the Electrical Inspector or before the Board of Commissioners the hearing may proceed in his absence. In addi tion to the i'orfeiture of such license such master electrician or contract- ing electrician shall be subject to the other penalties pro- vided in said ordinm ce. ~e('+:;nn R.a' o 'l'he V\Ords IImaster electricianll wherever used in this ordinance, shall be heid and cons trued to mean a qualified journeyman electrician exceeding ~lenty-one years of age, con- tracting for himself', or for a contracting slectrician, or an individual having had at least four years experience in elec- trical contracting or su~erintending electric work. The words "contracting electrician , wherever used in this ordinance, shall be held and contrued to mean any Rerson, f'irm or corpora- tion, (not com.ing under the meaning of master electricianll), conducting the business of wiring and the construction, install- ation, repair, alteration and maintenance of electric wiring, work, apparatus and fixtures. The words II journeyman electricianll, wherever used in this ordinance, shall be held and construed to mean an electrician, exceeding twenty-one years of age, who shall have had at least four years practical experience at'his trade. S~ctio:n Q. Each master electrician and contracting electric~an who now has a licnnse, or is authorized by the ordinance of the City of West University Place to do business therein shall not be required to procure a new license under this ordinance - until the expiration of such present license, and at such ex- piration date a new license shall be issued upon application and upon paymen t of the fee required by Section 6, of this ordinance for a renewal license. o Section 10. Any person, firm or copporation, or any agent, employee or representative of such person, f'irm or corporation, vio- lating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of an offense l3l?-d upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not to exceed $100.00. Each and every day that such viola tion shall be permitted to continue or shall con tiriue shall constitute a separate offense. Section 11. If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase ~ II 1'::1 :,;,,1 218;- of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The Board of Commiss- ioners of the City of West University Place hereby declares that it would have pa~sed this ordinance and each section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more sections, sub-sections, sen- tences, clauses, or phrases be decla~ed unconstitutional. , Section 12. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed; and, ordinance No. 95 is specifically de- clared to be repealed. Sp.~ t.; on 1 ~. _ This ordinance shall take effeet and be in force imraed- iately from and after the date of its passage, approval and publication as required by law. 1938. Passed and approved this the 1 ~~ _ y S ecre-t"'ary J [] lJ ,'\