HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 974 - Finding & Determining the Necessity for Lowering Pumping Column 218 ORDINANCE NUMBER 974 Al'J ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETEFMINING THE NECESSITY FOR LDW"ERING THE PUMPING COLUMN AND PUMP IN \iJATER \1JELL NOS. 3 AND 5 AND THE PURaJ:1\SE OF A NEW PUMP FOR WATER WELL NO. 6 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; DETEFMINING THAT 1HE WORK OF LOWERING THE PlJJV:lPING COLUMN, REWORKli"JG OF PUMPS AND THE PURCHASE OF A NEW PlJJV:lP CAN BE ACCOMP- LISHED EFFICIENTLY AND ECONOMICAlJ...Y ON A FORCE ACCOUNT BASIS; SELECTING THE FIRM or LAYNE TEXAS COMPANY, INC., HOUSTON, TEXAS, 'ID PERFORM SAlD WORK BY rURNTSHING THE NECESSARY DISrnARGE COLUMN, PUMP SHAITING AND ONE STAGE AND Al'J ADDITIONAL NDtJ PUMP AND rURi'HSHING THEIR SERVICES AS AN INDEPENTIENT CONTRACTOR; AND FINDING AND DEClARING THE EMERGENCY or SUCH HORK. WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of West Uni versi ty Place, Texas has brought to the attention of the City Corrmission, the necessity and desirability of lowering the pump in Water \Vells No.3, 5 and 6 of -the City of West Uni versi ty Place by extending the discharge colW11'1 and pump shafting 30 I in Water Well No. 3 and extending the discharge columan and purrp shafting 40 I in Water Hell No. 5 and the adding of one bowl and im- peller to the pump and adding 40' of discharge column and pump shafting and replacing the present pump bowl with a new 14" six stage bowl in Water \tJell No.6; and WHEREAS, upon study and examination by the City Corrnnission of the recoros maintained on the repair and operation of Water Wells Nos. 3, 5 and 6, it was determined that the last work performed on Well Nos. 3 and 6 was February, 1969 and Well No. 5 was April, 1964; and WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the City Cormnission that the summer season is approaching, during which time excessive demands are made on \vater Well Nos. 3, 5 and 6 to produce an additional quantity of water for use and consumption by residents. NOW, 'IHEREFORE, BE IT ORDAll-IED BY THE CITY COMMISSION or THE CITY or \1JEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Corrmission of the City of West University Place hereby finds and determines the necessity for reworking and lowering the pump 30' in vJater Well No.3, and reworking the pump, lowering it 40' and adding one stage to the pump in Water Hell No.5, and lowering the pump 40' in \vell No. 6 and replacing the present pump bowl with one new 14" six stage pump bowl. Section 2. It is hereby determined that the estimated cost of such work amounts to approximately $13,500, based on an estimate obtained frDJIl Layne Texas Company, Inc. during August, 1971. That the sum of $16,500 has been budgeted for the purpose of reworking the pumps and motors in the water wells. However, it is recognized that the estimated quotation for furnishing discharge column, pump shafting, new pump parts and new pump bowl may exceed the estimate and such actual prices carmot be determined until the work has been completed. 219 Section 3. That Layne Texas Company, Inc., Houston, Texas, a reputable firm experienced in repair and JIB.intenance of water wells, and pwrrps, is hereby engaged for the purpose of lcwering the pwrrps, columns and shafting in Well No. 3 and lowering the pwnp column and shafting in Well No. 5 and the addition of one stage to the pwrrp, and the lowering of the pwrrp column and shafting in Well No. 6 and the replaceillent of the pwrrp bcwl with a new one. Charges for said work to be performed in accordance with Layne Texas Company Standard Service Contract C.B. #5, Class R, exclusive of charges for parts and material required for the lowering of the pwrrp in said water wells. Section 4. Layne Texas Company, Inc., Houston, Texas, is further authorized to procure the necessary column, pwnp shafting and new pwrrp, and such other parts and material as is required in lowering the pwrrp column and shafting and reworking the pwrrps in Water Well Nos. 3, 5 and 6. Section 5. The Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a written contract with Layne Texas Company, Inc. setting forth the scope of work to be performed on Water Well Nos. 3, 5 and 6; the keeping of daily records on work accomplished; and materials, parts and equipment used; and prescribing the method of payment for such work which is performed in lcwering the pwrrp 30 I feet in Well No. 3 and 40 I feet in Wells 5 and 6 in order that same will operate in a satisfactory and efficient manner. Section 6. That because of an impending threat to, and the pos- sibili ty of, Well No.3, 5 and 6 failing to deliver the required aJIDunt of water, an emergency is now deterrrrined to exist, and therefore, this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval by the City Comnission. PASSED .AND APPROVED this 21+th day of January, 1972, A.D. Comnissioners Voting Aye: All ATTEST: None