HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 949 - ORD Amending Section 23-104 Streets to be Located in an Urban District 159 ORDINA~C~ NUJ\Ii3Fi\ 949 A:'J O,DIN!\NC" ANENDINJ SECTION 10J+(a \ OF THE com' OF OSDINANCES O~ T:lli CITY OF iiTLST UNIVERSITY PLACF) Tyx,o,J TO D;,CLARt ALJ SlH.EE'lS IN 1M CITY TO :3E LOCATED IN A~J u~BAN DIS~rtICT; AND P30VIDIN8 A~ EFFECIIVE DATE. BE II O:s.DAIN~~ ~Y T~~ CITY CO]\GITSSIOX OF IDE CITY OF vffiST UNIVERSITY PLACE) TEXAS: Se~tion 1. Tnat Setion 23-104(a) of t~e Code of Ordinances of the City of "\\-est Vl~versitf Place) T'exas ~s amended so t-ca t said Section sLall nereafter read as follows: !!~ectiun 23-1J4. JV1s.xirrmm lioi ts - Cenerally. (a) No person shall operate or drive al1Y vehicle 0'1 any street w~thin the c at a greater speed than (30) miles per 1 oDr) l2nless signs are erected desigilating anoc;l_er speed in accordance with this article. All streets w~thin tLe corporatf> limits of the ciG~f shall be deemed to be located iY1) and a part of) an urban district.!! Sec+ion 2. Tl1is ordinance snaIl take effect and be ~n forc2 irrrnediately from and after its passage as required by law. PAS8~D AND A?PROVED this 26th daJ of 0 +ober) 1970. Corrrmissioners Vo-:il1g All ATTEST: COD issiOl1ers Voting lio: None ;~ Ii 11?( q/j--_ I JVJayor Pro-Tern -~~/ Assistant k~~ /~~~ ------ City Secretary