HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 947 - Authorizing the Abandonmnet of an Easement 155 ORDINANCE NuMBER AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF vlEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS AUTHORIZING THE ABANDONMENT OF AN EASEJVlENT SIX (6') FEET IN WIDTH ACQUIRED FROMW~ST SECw\ITIES COMPANY AND RECORDED IN VOLUME 3251, PAGE 312 OF flA.i~J:US COUNTY DEED RECORDS AND ACCEPTING AN ALTERNATE EASEMENT TEN (10') FEET IN vJIDTH IN THE SAME SUBDIVISION AT A LOCATION AS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED; PROVIDING FOR AN AGREE~~NT BETW~EN SAID CITY AND BROMPTON ASSOCIATES FOR RELOCATION A~m CONSTRUCTION OF 630' OF SANI- TARY SEliliR LINE AND !vlAJ\JlJ:OLES; PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF ONE- tu\LF COST OF SUCH RELOCATION; AUTHORIZING THE lvlAYOR TO EXECUTE QUITCLAIM OF AN EASEMENT SIX (6') FEET IN WID'rH; A~m PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. by virtue of a certain instrument dated July 1, 1942 executed by West Securities Company and recorded in Volume 3251, Page 312 of the Deed Re- cords of Harris County, Texas, the Cit,y of Vlest University Place acquired an ease- ment six (61) feet in width, for a sanitary sev-rer on the property described in such easement; and vniEREAS, a por~lon of the property across which such easement runs has been acquired by Brompton Associates, a Joint Venture composed of Jenard M. Gross and American General Realty Company; and Brompton Associates has requested that a certain portion of the aforesaid easement be abandoned in exchange for an alternate easement ten (10') feet in vridth, a copy of said easement being made a part of tr"e minutes of this the City of West University Place and Brompton Associates have jointly agreed to share equally the cost of relocation of 630' of 36" concrete sanitary sewer line and necessary manholes in a common undertaking, to abandon and exchange an easement six (6') feet in width for another easement ten (101) feet in width; and Calvin J. Morgan & Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers, 450T San Jacinto Street, Houston, Texas, have certified on the date of September 23, 1970, that 6301 of 36" sanitary sewer line and necessary m.anholes have been re- loeated in accordance with plans and specifications for a contract priee of $14,,682.00; and the City Engineer has certified that the 630' of 36" sanitary sevrer line and manholes have been constructed in accordance wi th plans and speci- fications prepared by Calvin J. Morgan & Associates, Inc., and approved by the Sanitary Sewer Division of the City of Houston. NOW, THEREFO~, BE IT ORDAIN~D BY THE CITY CO!vIDITSSION OF THE CITY OF vlEST UNIVERSITY Phl'1CE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City of West University Place hereby abandons and relinquishes any an all rights in and to the following described property: Being a portion of an easement, six (6') feet in width, conveyed by Hest Securities Company to the City of \\Test University Place by deed recorded in Volume 3251, Page 312 of the Harris County Deed Records, the centerline of which is more particularly described as follows: · ,... 6.~ ~\l !'\\ .. .1. " BEGINNING at a point in the centerline of said six-foot wide easem.ent located s.63053'E. 8 feet from the east line of Brompton Road} 100 feet in 1I1idth; THENCE s.63053'E. 175.59 feet along the centerline of said six-foot wide easement to an angle point; THENCE S.530061E 260.73 feet along the ce~terline of said six-foot wide easement to the end of the portion to be vacated. Section 2. That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to issue and deliver to Brompton Associates a check in the amount of $7}341.00 which amo'J.nt represents one-half of the construction costs for the thirty-six ( fl) reinforced concrete pipe} sanitary sewer line and five (5) manholes, the plans and specifications for which were prepared by Calvin Morgan} Re- gistered Professional Engineer and approved by the Sanitary Sewer Division of the City of Houston. Section 3. That the Mayor be} and he is hereby} authorized to execute in behalf of Brorr~ton Associates, an instrument of relinquishment and quitclaim covering the property described in Section 1 hereof. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force imnediately upon its passage and approval as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of October} 1970. Comrrlissior:e rs Voting Aye: All AT;rEST: