HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 946 - Amending the Code of ORD Section 11-2a Authorizing Chief/Marshall of Fire Dept 153 ORDINANCE 1~~ffiER 946 AN ORDINANCE AMEI\ilJING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF vJEST UNlITERSITY PLACE, TEXAS BY JmDING THERETO SECTION 11-2a AUTHORIZING THE CHIEF OF T}~ FIP~ DEPART- MENT AND/OR FIRE TO ESTABLISH OCCUPANCY LOADS IN CERTAIN PUBLIC BUILDINGS; PROVIDING FOR POSJ'ING OF OCCUPANCY LOAD EI~O\{GRING THE FIRE CHIEF Ah~/OR FIRE MARSHALL TO HAVE SAID PREMISES VACATED AND ESTAB- LISHING EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF\VEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, ':I:'}i;XAS: Section 1. That the Code of Ordinances of the C of vJest Uni versi ty Place is hereby amended by adding thereto a new section to be numbered as Sec- tion 11-2a) which shall read as follows) to-wit: "Section 11-20.: ( In all city owned buildings having an assembly room) auditorium or room used for a similar purpose) the Chief of the Fire Department and/or the Fire Marshall) or their duly authorized representatives) shall establish or modify such oc:cupant load in acc:ordance with the applicable provisions of the Building Code. (2) In addition to the occupancy load sign required by the Building Code) the Chief of the Fire Department) and/or the Fire Marshall) or their duly authorized re- presentatives shall determine the number of occupancy load signs which shall be posted in such assembly rooms) auditoriums or rooms used for a similar purpose. The sign required by this section shall not be less than 12-by-18 inches in size and shall have a white background with red letters not less than one inch in height and shall be conspicuously located in the area regulated. Such sign shall read as follows: "WARNING: MORE TIffiN PERSONS WITHIN THIS AREA IS UNSAFE AND PROHIBITED BY Ll\\1 /s/ Fire Chief City West University Place (3) If any suc:h pJace or room is occupied by more people than the established occupancy load) the Fire Chief and/or the Fire Marshall or their duly authorized representatives are hereby empowered to order all persons to vacate said premises and the failure or refusal of any person or per- sons to so vacate the building shall constitute an offense." 154 Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force im- mediately from and after its p~ssage as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 28th day of September, 1970. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Co~missioners Voting No: No ATTEST: