HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 941 - Amending Sect 6-6.2 by Addition of Trace 3 Comprized of Property in Block 2 143 ORDINANCE :NUMBER 941 AN OBD~E AMENDING SECTION 6-6.2 OF THE CODE OF ORDmANCES OF THE CITY OF WEer UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY THE ADDITION OF TRACE 3 COMPRIZED OF PROPERTY IN BLOCK 2, CUNNINGHAM TER- RACE ADDITION; AND PROVID:rm .AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEer UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Section 6-6.2 ot the Code ot Ordinances ot the City ot West University Place, Teas is hereby amended by the addition ot a pal'8- graph entit~d Tract 3, wbich said paragraph sha~~ read as tol.l.ows: TRACT 3 BmINNING, at an iron pipe in the west r1ght-ot-way line ot Stella Link, said beginning p01nt being 390.65 ft. North ot the intersection of the north r1ght-ot-way ~ine ot Bellaire Boulevard and the west right-ot-way line ot Stella Link Road; 'J.'~'E, a~ong a curve to the ~eft being the west right- ot-way ot Ste~la Link, whose radius is 290.19 ft., a distance of 265.63 tt. to an iron pipe, in the west right-ot-way ~ine ot Stella Link Road and being also the point ot reverse curvaturej THENCE, along a curve to the right, being the west right-ot-way ~ine ot Stella Link Road, whose radius is 355.91 tt. a distance ot ll5.2B ft. to an iron pipe also, being on the east r1ght-ot-way line ot Weslayanj THENCE, east a~ong the said north line ot B~ock 6 and the south ~ine ot B~ock 2, CUnningham Terrace, a dis- tance ot 19l.5~ ft. to the place ot beginning, contain- ing 0.898 acres and being all ot Block 2, Cunningham Terrace. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in torce immediate~ trom and after its passage as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 13th day ot Ju4r, 1910. Commissioners Voting Aye: Al1 _XJL ~ Assistant City Secretary ATT.Em': ._-. .. . .-. ... r- . ,. I in