HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 939 - Amending Code of ORD Section 6-41 Regulating the Height of Structure 140 OFmINANCE: NUM3E:H 939 A::'J ORDINANCF: AMLNDIN::: Tim CODE OF ORDINANCE3 OF THE CITY OF vffiST UNIVERSITY PL~CE BY AY~hmINC S38TION 6-41 (a); RECULA- TING TrtE Hl'IGHT OF ST5\UCTTJlmS IN Tfill AREA BET\^I"EEN TnE FRONT HA.LL OF A BUILDING AND THE FRONT PBOPFRTY LINE; RESTRICTINC SAID 0I-~\UCTURE TO 'l'BE CONFI:\l'S OF THE LOT; AIm PROVIDINJ A 'J FFFFCTIVI: DATE. BE IT ORDA.lIifED BY THE CITY COJVl\lISSION OF THE CITY OF ~h1EST UNIVroRSITY PLA.C:r', n'XAS: Section 1. Tnat Section ~-41 (a) of tte Code of Ordina~ces of the C of West Ull~versity Place is hereby amended so that hereafter said Sectio~ 6-41 fa) stall read as follows: 11 JectiOfl t:-41 (a): N.) fence, ws.l:'- or otter structure s' all be erected on any lot or private premises wtich said fence, wall or other structure shall extend beyond the main wall of the front of the ho~se located on said lot. the use the term wBin wall as used herein, it is intended to mean the front wall of the building exclusive of front porch or entranceway; provided, however, t1at a retaining w3.11 VI ose express purpose is to told in position earth or similar ~~terial, may be constructed in said front yard. The maxi- ~um r of tre wall cannot exceed t~e highest portion of elevation of tre front yard between the main wall of the dwelling anQ tre front property l~ne, ~~cluding eitrer side of the yard. SUCQ retaining wall, nor any portion thereof, shall :lOt be constructed beyond the property li'le. 11 Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after i~ts passage and approval as required by la1l1. PASSED A JD APPROV"D th~s day of June, 19rO. Commissioners Voting All Commiss~oYlers No: None ATTEST: