HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 938 - Amending Code of ORD Section 16-17 Regulating Garage Sale 139 ORDINANCE NUMBER 938 All" ORDINAlliCE AME]\JDIll"G THF CODE OF OBD:-:NANCES OF TlI2.: CITY OF 1iJEST UNIVERSITY PL.I\CE, TEXAS, BY ADDING THERETO ,3PCTION NO. 16-17 REGULi\TING SAL~S"; REGULI\TING TRE TT}JES FOR T:h::E HOIJDING OF SUCH SALES; R'GULATINC THE ITEMS 'TO 5E SOLD; DEFINING SALES"; CONTAINING J~ SEVERJUjILI'IY . Arm ?ROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAI]\J~D BY T:h~ CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 1illiST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEJlA.S: Section 1. That the Code of Ordinances of the City of ('lest Univers Place is hereby amended by t~e addition of a section thereto, be a section +0 be known as "Section 16-17", w~ich section shall read as follovTS: "Section 16-17: A "garage sale" condu ted ~n tl>e City of West UCL:'vers' Place stall be conducted in accordance wi~t the terms of this section as follows: \a) Such sale shall not be conducted for a greater L of time than three (3) consecutive days. (b) No sale shall be conducted on Sundays or holidays. (c) No new merchandise or additional items shall be onto the premises from other sources for sale at such garage sales. (d) Only one (1) garage sale stall be conducted in any two (2) year period on a particular lot. Section 16-17a: the te.cm "garage sale", it is meant the ~nfreqLcent disposition by a home owner of surplus items of furniTure, appliances, toys, second hand clothing, tools, gardening equipment, household goods and other items normally found in the home. Section 16-lTb: In the event that there is any confl~ct between this Ordinance and Ordinance Number 111, known as the Ordinance of the city, the terms and provisions of Ordi.nance Number 111 m all prevail." Section 2. SEVERI\BILITY CLAUSE. If any sect suo-secti.on, sentence, clause, ptrase or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or un- constitutional any court of competent jurisdi.ction, such portion stall be deemed a separate, distinct and individual provision and such shall not effect tne validi of tne remaining provisions thereof. Section 3. This Ordinance snall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval as required by law. PASSED AND A?P~OVED t~~s 8th da~ of June, 1970. Commissioners Aye: All Commiszioners Voting No: None ATTES'I : It' I ---'-" Mayor ( ! If 1 / --r Assistant City secretary