HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 936 - Amending Section 4-2 Code of ORD Prohibiting Consumption of Alcohol 135 OnDI~ANCE ~LJ~BER 936 AN ORDINANCE Ar~NDING SECTION 4-2 OF TIill CODr: OF ORDIKANCES o:B 'IRE CITY OF w"EST DrJIVERSITY PLACE, TJ.i'XAS; PHOHIBITING TIIF CONSU~jpTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVI:RAGES BET"VJEEN CERTAIN H01J-:;'~S jillD Ar:L C:LR':lAm PLACES; PnOHIl3I':lIl~G 'II-ill ,Sfl.LL OF T;riliiE AIID/01 BE:t:- B"Er::'vlEEN CERTAIN HOURS; AND PROVIDING AN FFFFCTIVF DATE OF AUGUST 31, 1970. BE Ir:L ORDAINED BY THE CITY COYID~SSION OF THE CITY OF w~ST Ul\IVERSITY PLACE J T1i:YJiS: SECTION 1. That the City Commission has been ITRde aware of amend- kents to'Article 666-4 and Article 667-10, Vernon1s Texas Penal Code which extends the time for the lawful sale of alcoholic beverages until 2:00 a.m. under 2ertain conditions. SECTION 2. ThaT, tLe City Commission is aware that it has been given the authority by Section 667-10~ T,O regulate the hours of sale of beer and/or wine within the corporate limits of the cityo SECTIOK 3. Section Univers Place, Texas is read as follows: of t~c Codc of Ordinances of tre City of West amended so that hereafter said Section shall "Section 4-2. CLOSIKG HOURS FOR SALFS. (a) It shall be unlawful tetween the hours of 12:01 a.m. and 7: JO a.m. of any \\Teek day and between the hours of 12: 01 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on any Sunday for any person to consume anyalco- holic beverage, or for any person who ovms, operates J manages or is in charge of any place either personally or by agent, servant or employee, or for any agent, serlanT or employee of any such person to permit the consumption of any alcorolic beverage aG any of Ghe hereinafter designated places witrin the city, to-wit: (1) On the premises of any person roldinb or required to have a license under and by v~rtue of the Texas Liquor Control Act and/or the ordinances of the (2) restaurant, cafe or eating eS0ablishment. (3) public dance call. (4) public touse of amusement. (51 P~y public street, park, place or thoroughfare, railway, interurban or bus station, terminal or depoL (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell beer and/or wine or offer the same for sale witrin the corporate limits of the between the hours of 12:01 a.m. and {:OO a.li. of any week day and betvieen the hours of 12: 01 a. m. and 1: 00 p. m. on a-lY c'lunday." 136 SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after August 31, 1970. PASSED AND "APPROVED this 23rd day of February, 1970. Commissioners Voting All Corrunissioners Voting No: None