HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 933 - Repealing ORD 585 Dection 19-1 11'l9 l' ' ORDINANCE NillU3ER 933 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE -1JTJ1\1BER 'F r:'HE CITY OF \{EST UNDJERSITY PLACE, TEXAS (SECT''lN CODE OF ORDINAj\TCES OF THE CITY OF ~\TESI' illrnTKRSITY PLACE, TEYAS); T~~NDING SECTICN 19-1 or THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF' (vEST UNTVERSITY PL.A-CE, T~S; PRO'JI"I:0fG FC'R THE CREATJ:vJ.if ''? TES PCS:':TJ C~~3 OF "LIEUTE::-JANT" Al~D "PATROLMA~~ CLASSIFICATIOll IN AJDITION TO OTl1ER "ATROL.MEn" F SAID C:r_TY; AU- TH:JRIZIKG PAY DIFFERENTIAL; AND PROVIDn~G AIT EFFECTIVE JATE. ~\JHEREAS. it is the desire of the Citv CL'rmnission of "rT8 C ,f ;,Jes"~ e C Place, Texas to provide a means to di-ride leaiership in the Poli2e oy distribut in positions other than t~at of ~he Chief f Polo' cc: and vJ~~REAS, the Ci~y Co~ission finds tLat ~t is impossible for the Chief of Police to be on hand at all Lours of the and ~o wa~c deci- sions and j~rect the work if ~he members of the Police Department and the City ComrrTission further finds that it is advisable to have an administrative officer in charge of tLe Patrolmen 0n each of three (3) Tours of duty lTith authori tr make decisions and instructions and directions to :)-her members of ~he Police in the absence of the Chief of Police; and \iJL~:REAS, it is the desire of the C CormnissLm of the City of VTest Univers Place, Texas TO create three (3) new positions in the Police Depart- ment of said C and to differentiate betweeG the positions of "Pa-crolnan" and the off~ce cf the three (3) new posi-cions by the holders of such posi ~ ion the rany of "Lieutenan"", such nomenclature beine'; a useful choice tlpor the of t:1e Commission applicable to this Pc)licc Department, af d in no .-vays iYldicati, e of somparable authori , position. and s \)f the hIders of sl"ch pcsi tiOIl sucn name in larger pc lice departments; an 1 iJREREAS, it is further jeemed advisable ~o create f\iur (4) addi ti nal pcsi ~ icns, be -chat of "Patrolman Classificat" on T:Le persons app0inted to "rese pos'tions shall be thOSE:- HL are nOI'! melT-bel's of the P lice Department, cr srall hereafter be appointed. NOH, THEREFORE, 5E IT ORDAINED BY THE CY"Y C MMISS ION OF TEE CITY f\F \'TEST TJIliJTERSITY PlJ\CE, TEXAS SECTIC1lJ 1. That Ordinance Number 585 passed and approved on T.,he lOth of Dccember, 1951, and appearing as Section 19-1 of the Code of Ordinances of the C of Wes-c Univers Place, Texas, is Lereby repcaled and shall be of no further force and effect. SEC'1'ION 2. ~est University Place, shall read as follows: Sec-cion l~-l of -che Code of Ordinances of the Ci"y of Texas is l:.ereby amenied tha~ hereafter said Sect"on 10-1 -l!. ~. n lilu (a) !!Section 19-1. There is hereby created three (3) positions in the City of West University Place, Texas Police Department to be intermediary positions between the Chief of Police and the Patrolmen. The holder of each such position shall be known as !!Lieutenant!! of the Police Department. (b) Each lieutenant shall be designated such power and authority as the Chief of Police of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall see fit to delegate and each such officer shall be responsible directly to the Chief of Police of the City of West University Place, Texas. (c) Each of such positions shall carry an additional remuneration over and above the remuneration paid to Patrolmen and such additional remuneration shall be that which is reco~~ended by the Director of Personnel and the Chief of Police, and approved by the City Commission. (d) There is hereby created in addition to the position of Patrolman an additional classification to be called !!Patrolrnan Classifica- tion II!! of which there shall be a total of four (4). The desig- nation of the persons holding such positions shall be made the Chief of Police and shall carry a pay differential. Each position of !!Patrolman Classification II!! shall carry an addi- tional remuneration over and above the remuneration paid to !!Patrolmen!! and such additional remuneration shall be that which is reco~mended by the Director of Personnel and the Chief of Police, and approved by the City Commission. (e) Each !!Patrolman Classification II!! shall be designated such power and authority as the Chief of Police of the City of West University Place, Texas shall see fit to delegate and each such person shall be responsible to the Chief of Police through the authority of a Lieutenant of the Police Depart- ment of said City. (f) The total complement of personnel of the Police Department of the City of West University Place, Texas shall hereafter con- sist of the following personnel: Chief of three (3) Lieutenants, four (4) Patrolmen Classification II, seven (7) Patrolmen, four (4) Radio Dispatchers, and two (2) School Patrolmen, making a total of twenty-one (21) persons. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this aay of January, 1970, Commissioners Voting Aye: