HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 931 Calling to Public Hearing on Zonning and Planning Commission 126 ORDINANCE 1nJMBER 931 AN ORDINANCE CALLING A PUBLIC HEARTNG AT 7:30 P.M., TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1970, TO CONSIDER A REPORT OF TFE ZJNIUG ANJ:J PLA~rTING CO~fr1ISSION ~ECrn~1ENDING AN ~MSNIT,1ENT TO ORDINANCE IJ"O. III TO REZ"NE LOTS 1, 2, 3 AND l, BLOCK , C"LLEG:C::- V~N FIRST FOR PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES OvlliED BY THE SOUTHVTESTEllili BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY AND/OR ITS EMPLJY- EES: PROVIDING FOR A JOINT IIR!'cRING ON SAID DATE BY THE CITY CC'liJlvlISSION AND ZONING AND PLANNING CO]V]J\1ISSION; DIRECT- ING T;A.T NOTICE OF SAID HEARING BE GIVE:rif AS PROVIDED BY IA.~^T; RFQUIRING THAT A COpy or T1--IE REPORT OF THE ZONING ANl PLANNING COrv:MISSION BE F=LED IN TFE OFFICE OF TEE CIrY S:CRETARY AND PROVIJ:JING AN EFFLCT1VE DATF. BE IT _ RnA::rNED :SY THE CITY cnY1M.ISSIO.T OF TBE CITY ~'F :TEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TBXAS: Sec-cion 1. That a public hearing shall be held at 7:30 p.m., January 13, 1970, in the C Hall of the C' of Hest Univers Pla2e, Texas located aL 3KOO University Boulevard, to consider the report of the ~nd Planning Cow~ission re that Ordinance N,. 111 ~I sai1 C be amended to rezone Lets 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block , C011egev~ew Firs+ Add.t~on, in ~he of \^Test Ln~versity Place, for parkin~ of automobiles owned by the SouthvTestern Bell Telephone Company and or its employees. Section /. That such hearing shall be a jeint before +he CowJdss~on and the and Planning Commission ef said City. Section 3. The C Secretary 3tall publi3h notice of such hearing Ll. tre official paper of the C of ;'Test Place. Texas, at least fifteen (15) days before the date of such hearing and iL addition therete, shall mail notice of such 1~O Lho owners Gf property lying I'd -chin 200 feet of any point or' the above described lots: such ovmers sllall be determined ac to the current O-a:;.;: rcll of the C of T/Test UniversiLy Place, ':::'exas, and the mailin6 of suct notices sll~ll be made at least fifteen (15) prior to the time set for tte Section 4. A copy of tLn repor-c of the awl Plann:'..nf[ Commis- sion shall be filed in the office ef the C Secre+ary and shall be avail- able for inspection by any interested party. Section 5. This urdinance shall take effect and be in force from and after i-cs passage and approval. PASSED ANI APPROVED tllis 22nd of Decenber, 1969. Cow~iss:'..oners Voting Aye: All sioners "Ie - ~nl." No: None ATTEST: ~ ~ - ~~ I -\.ssistant Cit:r Secretary